#anyways hiiiii i ate too much
sexysilverstrider · 1 year
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eid mubarak! this year i learned how to walk
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prettyoatmeal · 4 months
hiiiii! i have a request for bimbo reader x simon?? (totally feel free to ignore this if ur not comfortable) like the 141 guys go out to a bar and simon's a lil tipsy so he calls his gf to pick him up? (ofc the guys dont know he has a gf) and she's like the exact opposite of simon 😀 and maybe she's not the sharpest tool in the shed ((:
love! - 🦷anon
Warning!! Fem reader, she/her pronouns used A/N: Anon i love you for requesting this. Bimbo reader owns my heart. I wrote this super quickly so please bear w me. Masterlist here!
It wasn't uncommon for Simon to be dragged along to the pubs with his mates. Have a few drinks alongside maybe a nice schnitzel or pie, just the usual normally. Though, not for Simon these days, knowing full well your cooking will bring him more satisfaction than the bistro's kitchen ever could.
After so long of service, all he wanted was to collapse on top of you and hear you squeal. He wanted was to hear you giggle that he's too heavy and 'Simon, get off! You're squishing me!' then eventually fall asleep to you cradling his head to your chest.
When the group begged him to come along, for 'old times sake' as if they don't go every time they're back from deployment, he reluctantly agreed even if he desperately wanted to get back to his girl. Though he couldn't deny the lingering feeling of being a little more homesick than usual.
They didn't know of course, but that wasn't to any fault of theirs. It wasn't a secret, nor public information. You just hadn't come up in conversation yet, and he wasn't one to spill his life anyway.
It was a miracle you two had clicked so easily, Simon always thinking he'd prefer a more reserved lover than you were. But he was enamoured with you, your bubbliness complimenting his silence.
He loved that you found so much happiness in your lifestyle, happiness in your appearance, wearing pink and short skirts and your wrists jingling with each step from all your bracelets and bangles. You were a stark contrast to his dull appearance, instantly brightening him up whenever you stood by his side. You didn't mind though, you were happy to be the one wearing bright colours for the both of you.
And when you, out of all people his team figured Simon's love interest could've been, they were surprised.
He found himself a little too tipsy, a little too dizzy to walk himself home, he was a little nervous to call you. Not because he was ashamed or anything, but just that he knew that he'd never hear the end of Johnny and Kyle's endless playful teasing.
With an old fashioned in his right hand and his cell in the left, he almost didn't want to put down the phone, struggling to not melt in his seat from the sound of your sweet voice talking to him over the phone.
While the boys were chatting loudly about how good the food is tonight, you were all he wanted. He couldn't help it when he was so used to you talking him to sleep about your day, the new shoes or purse you bought, what you ate for lunch.
Hearing you say "I'll see you in a bit, Si. Love you!" was only making him get more and more butterflies in his stomach by the second.
Walking into the pub, you stuck out immediately to the mostly male attendees. With your usual short dress that hugged your curves perfectly, a fluffy jacket and knee-high boots to match (which you obviously took off and put on again so you could properly press the pedals). You needed keep yourself warm SOMEHOW.
Looking around to spot Simon, he couldn't be happier once making eye contact with you. So when you walked up to him, Gaz, Price and Soap all exchanging looks, thinking you were perhaps lost. That was until their eyes darted to Simon as he stood up from his stool.
"Ride's here. Gotta go, lads."
"Did you say goodbye to your friends?" You asked him in a small voice, giving them a little wave and smile as your first introduction to them. And as he stood up, you wrapped your arm around his waist. Course, you wouldn't have really been able to keep him upright if your life depended on it, but it was the thought that counts.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Soap pipes up, a shit eating grin on Gaz's face as he spoke, Price more sceptical with an eyebrow raised, "who's this bonnie lass here?"
"My girl." His response was short and simple, "pretty one, isn' she?"
More and more questions come flooding from them. How long have you two been together, how come he's never talked about you before, how on earth did you two meet? Their curiosity had been peaked.
You happily answered their questions, obviously loving the attention they were giving you, though not without a few confirming looks from Simon, careful to not share anything he wasn't comfortable with. As you chatted with his teammates, his friends, the nerves he felt at the beginning had faded away into nothingness.
They loved you right off the bat, finding your outgoing and cheerful attitude endearing. Giving his friend a few cheers and comments, it was almost time to leave.
"Don't know how you scored such a beaut, sir."
"Aye, dinnae think you were the type."
"Take care of her, Simon." Price gave him a proud look that he could easily recognise even through his drunken state.
They were all proud of him, wide smiles on their faces, as they watched your smaller figure getting into the drivers seat of the massive land cruiser you two shared... and maybe a few laughs and snickers as you somehow managed to bump your head on the side while getting in, realising you weren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.
After making sure you were alright, his stomach settled. He was finally home with you, a warm feeling filling him.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
How would Knox Wyatt (Yan! cowboy) react to pregnant reader after finding out he tampered with the condoms she doesn't talk to him and just doesn't function like a normal person? - 🍷anon
Yandere! Cowboy x New in town! Teacher! AFAB! Reader
WHAT IF of a WHAT IF: Reader becomes a broken husk after the baby trapping?
Okay, so I was actually contemplating on doing this. Because this is what if of a what if. The pregnancy thing is not cannon to the main plotline, but rather a what if.
But you know what, Fuck it. I'll write it anyways. My OC, my rules. I think.
Tis gonna be short (I apologize, I don't really like "husk/broken reader" asks. But i'm okay with writing it though. Just not my thing. NOT that I don't appreciate your ask tho, Anon!)
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Another day at the ranch, another day of work.
Knoxx just finished putting the horses back to their respective areas, and all he wants is to come home and land in your arms.
But his footsteps were heavy as he trudged towards his home.
The birds were humming, the wind howling,
but it didn't do anything to the deafening silence in Knoxx's mind.
Mechanical as his movements may, his heartrate was through the roof as he opened the door.
He imagined you cooking for him, with your hand on your pregnant belly as you smiled at him.
But no, all he can hear is stillness inside the house.
It was never a home.
He walked forward, aprehensive.
He got to the dining room, the food was untouched.
He grabbed it to reheat the soup.
As he poured it on the pot, his tiredness evident, he couldn't help but think about you.
He liked you feisty, alive in spirit.
His thoughts got broken when he felt a sharp pain on his palm.
He just burned himself.
Running his fingers underwater, he thought back to you once more.
Guilt was filling him inside.
He really shouldn't have done that.
He poured the soup back to the now clean bowl and grabbed it, walking towards your room.
"Darlin... Good afternoon..." He whispered.
The floorboards creaked as he got up to your bed.
You looked lifeless.
Just sitting there, leaning on a pile of pillows as your support. Your pregnant belly the only thing you are actively responding to, caressing it.
"Darlin, let's eat? I'll feed ya again." He whispered, sitting down beside you.
Guilt ate him up as he slowly blew on the spoon with a scoop of soup in it, bringing it to your lips. You weren't responding that much, except for you opening up your lips, just enough for the soup to slip in.
It didn't help too that you were tied to bed.
Not after you tried to miscarry yourself.
Guilt may be eating him up, but he knew that he would do it again.
He's one messed up cowboy.
He stared at the cowboy hat that has been hung on one of the posts of your bed, just beside you.
He will try to reinvigorate you.
He will try to bring life to you once more.
Because you were his.
So please, darlin, come back to him.
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sickiesope · 9 months
Hi again lol
Sorry here's another request😅
Could you please do a fic with sick Jungkook and him displaying the symptoms of lactose intolerance whenever he drinks his banana milk or eats something like cereal or anything dairy related, it really screws up his stomach and makes him feel and be sick but the others don't know what's going on and when his stomach ache gets really bad one of the members decide they should take him to the doctors?
I'm really in the mood for bts emeto fics today idk why sorry haha 🤷🏾‍♀️
Hiiiii thank you for this wonderful request it's so cute! :) I'm soo sorry it took so long, lately I've been lagging with motivation/creativity.. buut I loved writing this fic very much and have more stories coming soon! I hope you enjoy :) 💜
Banana milk disaster
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Jimin and Yoongi
TW: emeto
Jungkook really loves his banana milk. He enjoys a nice glass of it with his meals. Usually he's okay after one, but more than that can make him feel a bit sick. If he has a lot of dairy in one setting it can really upset his stomach.
Jungkook had cereal for breakfast, he likes to switch it up sometimes. He doesn't think much of it when he has milk with it. And of course he has banana milk on the side.
As Jungkook goes about his morning schedule, he feels a slight discomfort in his tummy that comes and goes. The milk he had is moving around a little more and his stomach gurgles. JK pauses for a second but then decides it's not a big deal. He keeps going on, believing it will soon pass.
A few hours later and it's lunch time. He was right about it passing, he feels better for the most part. Jungkook has pizza for lunch. The pizza had more cheese on it than expected but he loved it anyway and ate three slices. And he had two cups of banana milk to wash it down. He sits back in his chair as the food sits, feeling pretty full. He looks at the clock, it's already almost 1:00. The group has a short meeting about new music coming soon. He almost lost track of time and running late.
JK gets up quickly and the sudden movement makes his stomach rumble in complaint. It hurts a little more but he did eat quite a bit. Jungkook sees the other members walking down the hall and he lightly jogs to catch up to them. The quick movements hurt his stomach and make it cramp up. He slows down and winces, holding his middle.
Yoongi notices the younger "Kook, are you good?"
Jungkook quickly answers "yeah, I'm fine hyung. Just ate a little too much I think."
Yoongi takes the answer but looks at JK's expression. He seems a bit off but assumes he's just having some indigestion. Jungkook can't stand up anymore and quickly takes the first chair he sees. He tries to sit up straight but his stomach pains are making it difficult. He's trying to appear normal. Hopefully the meeting won't drag on too long.
As he sits there and listens to Hoseok and Namjoon speak, Jungkook realizes he made a big mistake. His meals aren't agreeing with him and he's starting to feel nauseas as well as pain. He had too much milk and that cheese pizza didn't help. His stomach is churning and struggling to break down everything. It feels heavy and uncomfortable. Jungkook touches his abdomen and realizes he's bloated. He rubs it discreetly.
As the meeting goes on, Jungkook feels increasingly sick. His stomach walls contract harder trying to digest but making little progress. The cheese is just a warm gooey lump bubbling up and the milk sloshes around rapidly, clashing with the gastric juices of his stomach. He can feel pressure building up inside and it hurts. Jungkook shifts in his chair, trying to hide his discomfort. His tummy does little squelches as it fights with his lunch. He hopes Jimin sitting beside him doesn't hear anything. He also hopes no one notices his fidgeting every few minutes.
Jungkook's stomach grumbles in a way that isn't healthy digestion. He quickly presses his hand over, trying to muffle the sounds. It doesn't work as Jimin looks and mouths to him "you okay?" Jungkook nods quickly, he's really flustered now.
Jungkook tries not draw any more attention to himself. "So we'll be recording again next week.." he hears Namjoon say. JK tries to concentrate but he can't. His stomach churns and twists with the milk bubbling and splashing around, it feels like a storm brewing inside. It hurts and makes him feel queasy.
"Ughhhhh.." JK groans, clutching his stomach. He can't take it anymore.
"Kook, is everything alright?" Yoongi asks.
"Huh?" Jungkook realizes they stopped the meeting and everyone is looking at him.
"Yeah, you've been acting weird this whole time" Hoseok says. He isn't upset, just worried.
"Is your tummy okay?" Jimin asks him.
Jungkook races to reach the bathroom. He starts jogging again, making his stomach hate him even more. Time feels like it's going slower and he worries he won't make it. The cramps get worse and every step he takes is a jab of pain.
Jungkook shakes his head and sighs. His stomach burbles and he feels the pressure escalate tenfold. Milk rises up and splashes against his throat and his eyes widen. He could taste it again and that makes it even worse. He half swallows then gags, he's going to throw up right now. Jungkook gets up and rushes out with a hand over his mouth. Everyone else looks at each other, confused.
Jungkook just makes the bathroom stall but doesn't have time to lock the door. The cramps are so bad he falls to his knees. He crawls and hovers over the porcelain bowl with shaky arms, breathing heavily. He gags and his stomach erupts with a tidal wave of milk pouring out. JK gasps and retches back to back, vigorously spewing out more with barely time to breathe. He's throwing up so hard that milk is pouring out of both his mouth and nostrils. It feels and smells so disgusting he can't stand it. "Oh my god.." he mutters. This has to be the grossest thing he's done. It tastes even worse coming back up and the smell is stuck in his nose. It makes him even more nauseated and sets his stomach off again, projectile vomiting into the bowl. It's a murky yellow color with random pieces. The cheese floats in little undigested chunks and curds, the whole thing looks so repulsive that he barfs again and more slimy chunks slip out. It feels awful and sickening, he just wants it to stop. Jungkook is surprised at how much he threw up and it still doesn't feel like he's finished.
"Jungkook??" A voice that sounds like Jimin's comes through "are you alright??"
Jungkook answers with another retch and coughs. "Ughh, hyung..I'm here" he chokes out.
Jimin rushes to the open stall and finds Jungkook slumped sitting on his knees in front of the toilet. He has an anguished look on his face and clutching his middle.
"Awwh, what happened Kookie??" The older asks worriedly.
Jungkook looks up with teary eyes "I think I had -- *cough* -- too much dairy today.." he says hoarsely. Another painful churn makes him gag and he quickly turns back to be sick again. More vomit forcefully ejects from his stomach and Jimin can see how hard he's visibly heaving. He grimaces at the sight in the toilet.
"Ugh, why did I have so much" Jungkook whines with remorse. He burps and spits up another small moutful and finally backs away.
Jimin holds him in a comforting embrace and rubs his back, not caring where they are. He also doesn't mind Jungkook's messy face burrowing into his sweater. He just feels terrible for the poor younger. "Are you done?" he asks softly.
"Mhm, I think so.." Jungkook mumbles, still holding his middle. He doesn't want to look at the mess half filling the toilet. He uses toilet paper to wipe his mouth and blow his nose.
Jimin flushes it for him and helps him get up. "Easy Kookie, take your time." He helps him clean up and Jungkook holds Jimin's hand as they walk out. The others are standing outside the bathroom with worried looks.
"Jungkook what's wrong? You sounded terrible in there" Yoongi prods. He knew something was wrong.
"How long have you been sick?" Jin asks, looking at his flushed face.
"Lunch just wasn't agreeing me, that's all hyungs. I think I got it all out now." JK replies, still a bit hoarse.
"Are you sure?? You were throwing up a lot in there." Jimin frets.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just want to go home" Jungkook sniffles. He can still kind of smell it in his nose and he hates it.
As they head toward the exit of the building, Jungkook feels his stomach roiling again, about to throw out more. He gulps and speeds up, trying to ignore the cramps. Jungkook pushes the door open and scrambles outside. He bends over heaving and his stomach shoots out more yellow vomit, splattering all over the sidewalk. JK continues to bring up liquid and chunks and he can see traces of the cereal he had for breakfast now too. His body really wants get rid of everything.
His hyungs are concerned at the amount he's throwing up, it doesn't look natural. "Kook, I think you should see the doctor" Yoongi tells him.
"Noo, I'll be fine--" Jungkook cuts off and gags, puking up another sloppy wave on the concrete adding to the growing puddle. He's mostly bringing up liquids now. He keeps thinking he's finally empty but then his stomach always surprises him.
"Look at this, you're clearly not well!" Taehyung gestures to the giant puddle on the ground and Jungkook still bent over, he can't stand straight. Jungkook spits out a few more bits and it finally fades off. His stomach is really screwed up and his throat hurts from the efforts. JK lets his hyungs take him to the doctor.
Jungkook sits in the doctor's office with Yoongi and Jimin, he still feels sick. The doctor asks him questions about his stomach pain, how much he threw up, his eating habits and what he had today. He checks his abdomen, feeling how hard and bloated it is. Jungkook winces and groans as everything hurts.
"Hm, your stomach does not like too much dairy in a short period of time. In the future you'll have to be more careful."
Jungkook looks down and sighs "I'm sorry stomach.." he pats it gently. His stomach growls loudly in response, scolding him. "Yeah, you're still mad at me huh."
Jungkook nods, he feels foolish for not thinking of the consequences earlier. The doctor informs him on medications he can take to help with digesting lactose. Jungkook won't be giving up his banana milk anytime soon, just not so much dairy at once.
Yoongi and Jimin help him get up and they buy the medication. Jungkook decides to hold off on the banana milk for a few days but he knows he's likely going to retract that statement tomorrow.
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cherryluvrx3 · 5 months
meat lovers amirite??
Dave Strider x Reader x Karkat Vantas
Chapter 5
I went home with an extra pep in my step, resisting the urge to hop, skip and frolic around like a cutsie whimsical princess or something.
I shut the door to my room and kicked off my shoes, plopping into bed, stomach first with my legs kicking behind me.
I decided against texting Dave- and Karkat and John for that matter, because I didn’t wanna come off as weirdly clingy and desperate for “friendship”. Besides, they’re still working anyway. So instead, I go to text the group chat so I can report the good news.
It takes a few seconds before anyone answers but like always, Roxy is the first to respond.
Roxy <3
- hey babe! What’s up?
-You would not believe what just happened omhggg
Gamz :o)
-I went to see Dave right
Nepetita :3
-Oooh really?? :0
-N I got his number xP!!
Roxy <3
-omg rllyy!!
Gamz :o)
- u text him yet
-No ima wait a bit
-He’s still working
-I got his coworkers numbers too xP
-They’re named John and Karkat
Roxy <3
-girl you just
-3 dudes numbers!!??
Tezi >:]
-Since when did you have the sweet talking abilities for that?? >:0
-I know I knowww
-Ima smoooooth opertatorrrr
-The men flock to me and bow at my feet as I walk by
Gamz :o)
-wait wait
Tezi >:]
-Wat >:?
Gamz :o)
-A guy named Karkat
-I might know that motherfucker
Nepetita :3
-a furriend of yours??
Gamz :o)
-Just a guy I met on a field trip like 2 years ago or smn
-we both got lost at the motherfuckin zoo freshman year
-like ours n his school was there at the same time n shit
-kinda just walked around tryna find like the groups we came with or whatever but I kinda gave up
-n he didn’t wanna walk around alone so he just stayed with me
-we was just chillin with the stingrays
-he was still tweakin tf out tho so I gave him a edible
Gamz :o)
-motherfucker didn’t know it was an edible tho or else I don’t think he would’ve ate it
-we were tripping hard by the time we made it back to the buses lol
Roxy <3
-gamzzz 😭😭
-i don’t think u shld giv edibles to strangersss
Nepetita :3
-Yeah that's a little
Gamz :o)
-was jus tryna help the guy
-Well anyways
-I’m not like
-Actually interested in them or anything
-Just wanna be friends with them
Tezi >:]
-I thought you wanted to date pizza boy??
-Oh Dave yeah
-I meant just him tho lol
Gamz :o)
-yeah for a sec I thought u were rlly tryna juggle 3 hoes at once
Roxy <3
-yeah righttt
-they can barely juggle dave alobe!!
-I could totally have multiple hoes if I wanted???
Roxy <3
Gamz :o)
Tezi >:]
Nepetita :3
-...well.. *sweats nervously*
-WHAT EVA!!!!!
-I see you guys are just some hating ass bitches
Roxy <3
-not hating just being #real babe
Nepetita :3
-Anyways!! It’s great that you got Dave’s number!! Are you planning on texting him first or letting him come to you?
-Do you want to be the purredator or purray? :3
-well I was thinking
Tezi >:]
-Wat >:?
-He literallyyyyy just texted me
-brb teehee
Roxy <3
-omgg? the stars r aligningg for u to hav ur momenttt
Gamz :o)
-get his ass
While John gave me his pesterchum user, Dave and Karkat gave me their regular numbers because they “weren’t fucking nerds” and so I put them into my phone’s contacts.
Pizza Dave
-hey dawg
-hiiiii ? aren’t you still working? Lol
Pizza Dave
-yeah I’m still on the clock for like 2 hours but not much is going on
-there was one more call for delivery and I made Kat deal with it because I’m still recovering from that last traumatic experience
-told him I might have some serious PTSD induced panic attacks if I had to hold another pizza in my hands
-Oh haha
-So are you likee
-Just chatting to pass the time?
Pizza Dave
-bingo. pretty much.
-I’d chat with John but right now he’s busy talking to like
-some other friend??
-like what the helllll
-I was the OG bestie yknow
-but now he’s over there getting all cozy with some dude he met on some online forum that’s just a cesspool for shitty movie lovers
-guess he wanted a guy who’d listen to him rave about nick cage without bitchin but I mean I was just keeping it real
-we’re literally on the clock. being on the phone while working is NOT allowed. you’d think he’d know better
… hmm..
-Kinda sounds like you’re a jealous boyfriend lol
Why did I say that? Don’t know, thought it was funny and hit send before I could rethink.
He’d been typing consistently but I could see in real time his speech bubble stop.
I headed back to the group chat to update them, cutting off whatever they were talking about.
-So he’s texting me rn bc he’s bored at work
Nepetita :3
-well that at least shows he’s thinking of you?
-welllllll he just said he’s only talking to me bc his other friends are busy lol
-but I mean this is my chance to slide myself into his personal circle!!
I went back to me and Dave’s convo and- holy shit. While I was gone he was typing up a storm
Pizza Dave
-no way dude
-me and john are just buds
-that's my home dawg yknow
-like if I was jealous it would just be because of the friendship we have being threatened
-yknow what I mean
-not at all like a jealous boyfriend those are like two totally different things
-besides I’m not gay
-and John isn’t either
-I think
-and if he was I still wouldn’t be gay
-cuz I think girls are really hot and have had a few crushes
-on girls
-so there’s like no way
-not that I have any problem with gay people
-and if John was gay that’d be cool and all
-I really don’t care
-cuz at the end of the day I’m not gay so that’s not an issue
-I was just joking bro
-You don’t gotta get all freaked out lol
Pizza Dave
-I’m not freaked out
-who’s freaking out?
-not me
-I’m chill
-chill as hell dude
-look up chill in the dictionary and you’ll see my face
-what school do you go to?
Yeesh. I guess that boyfriend comment opened up a can of worms. I screenshotted the convo to share with the group chat.
-Soooo… guys..??
Gamz :o)
Roxy <3
-Yikes he’s definitely closeted
Tezi >:]
-Totally. That’s actually kinda embarrassing
Nepetita :3
-Aww I feel kinda bad… but I mean he said he’s alright with gay people so
-it probably won’t be that long until he opens up and accepts that part of himself?
-Yeah I think so too
-I don’t think he has a crush on John specifically but he’s def fruity
-even if this whole relationship thing doesn’t work out ima stick to with him to support him cuz boyyy does he need it!!
I go back to chatting with Dave and he seems to have calmed down. We both learn a bit more about each other after 15 minutes he says he has to get back to work. We said our goodbyes and I headed to take a shower so I could process all the information I learned today.
Maybe I’ll talk to him tomorrow during lunch? Even though we have different schools, apparently our bell schedules matched up and we even had lunch at the same period.
I yawn and tuck myself into bed for a few hours of scrolling on my phone.
a/n btw John was talking to Jake, no I'm not shipping them
Also Dave is closeted and in denial.
I see both him and Karkat as bisexual but since this fic is supposed to be gender-neutral I don't think I'll go into too much detail on how that could affect his relationship with reader bc it's different depending on who you are. I might end up making reader bisexual too but idk bc I don't want readers who aren't bi to be 'forced' into it. I mean all I know for sure about you guys reading this is that you're attracted to men (or just reading this bc you're bored lol)
Also Karkat is also a bit closeted but he's very much aware of who he is, he's mainly closeted because he knows Dave is iffy around his own sexuality and is worried Dave will see him different if he comes out to him.
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justinefrischmanngf · 9 months
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hiiiii nessa i like hanging out in ur ask box it’s comfy in here ! bought this record for $4 the other day at a bookshop :) me and charlie did a deep dive to find it and turns out this version is not on discogs (the american release is 😮‍💨) anyway how are u i forgot to ask ! also did u end up having work? ur probably finishing work if u did and then gym soooooo if u see this like tomorrow then thats cool too. i think a lot about ask boxes as a concept and how theyre so good for me to say hi into. i also like phone numbers but theyre not the same 🤠 ive been listening to welcome to nightvale and thinking about the long monologues cecil does. he kind of talks like he uses tumblr…… like he’s the original girlblogger :^) i just ate delicious curry on a wrap and i’m looking at my empty coffee mug from this morning thinking about coffee and how good it is. the powerpuff girls decal is rubbing off because i microwave it when it says do not microwave. any day now it could explode. actually ill show u a photo of it too. email voice see attached ! im listening to lil nas x right now i love lil nas x so much :) sorry i dont text more i like hearing from u the days just blur together so easily……. oh also u dont have to answer every single one of these thoughts theres a lot here 💗
omg hiiiiiii paris v v happy to have you in my inbox i'm glad it's comfy in here ! <3 what a cool record omg i love that for you <3 i'm sure i've asked you before, but i have a weird memory so: do you have a record player? i still haven't bought a cd player..... i am pretty good ! i think i'm going to try and watch gentlemen prefer blondes tonight because i have a lecture on it tomorrow so that might be fun ! how are you !! i did not end up having work, but i did end up asking my manager if he needed me to come in and he said no but "tomorrow's gonna be fucked so we'll have fun then" which is slightly terrifying, but i'm somewhat insane and am kind of looking forward to it as well (i'm intrigued mostly because i know why it's fucked and i am looking forward to seeing how the Dilemma is going to be solved) & i was in fact at the gym when you sent this :^) ask boxes are so good for saying hi into i agree <3 i need to get back onto welcome to nightvale.... i say this every time you bring it up but i promise i will do it sometime! i have been thinking that i need to get back into history podcasts, i miss them, do you have any recommendations? + back to your point, LOVE a good long monologue, sometimes you just need to stream of consciousness-it fr !!! yay for delicious curry on a wrap that sounds lovely <3 as does coffee <3 i love your powerpuff girls mug it's so fun!! i hope it doesn't explode lkdjnfgb & woo for lil nas x ! i don't actually listen to much of him perhaps i need to listen to him more.... i'm listening to girls can tell by spoon rn...... don't apologise for not texting it's okay ! my number is always there it's all good <3 and i am also not the best texter.......... it is so difficult to keep track of time truly </33 i hope your night is going well !!
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puffpasstea · 1 year
I woke up way too early and ate the hole writing in like... 3 hours. And I had so much expectations for their future. turns out they didn't have one, which makes sense... BUT IM STILL SAD
Why did you do this to me!?!?!? I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO END LIKE A FAIRYTALE OR SOMETHING... A kinky fairytale, but still...
Anyways, love you. thanks for the story, I was really immersed. byeeee
hiiiii babyyyy 🥰😘 omg THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READINGGG!!! this made me smile. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I’ve been having the shittiest time ever, doing nothing but crying in bed for days. Your message is the first thing that made me feel something. Well….as for their future…you might be happy to know that there’s a sequel. Linked here. I sometimes think I shouldn’t have written a part 2 though. So let me know what you think if you decide to check it out. THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH. I’m so happy you enjoyed it 🥺
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trashytummiez · 3 years
Story Prompt: Mina does the Coke and Mentos challenge and ends up with a bubbly belchy belly afterwards.
Warning: contains belly kink bloating burps fluff hiccups indigestion nausea tummy play tummy rubs
"Is it recording?" Mina asked in her casual wares standing in a field.
Kirishima gave a thumbs up from behind his phone whilst recording his girlfriend.
Mina grinned and waved back at the camera. "Hiiiii guys! Soooo we read your comments on the last challenge video and since so many of you requested it we're gonna tackle the coke and mentos challenge!" She held up a thick 2 liter bottle of diet coke with a pack of mentos. "Seems easy enough don'tcha think?"
"You got this dude!" Kirishima encouraged her from behind the camera.
"Let's find out!" Mina said excitedly then pouted at the camera. "If I get sick though I'm totally blaming this on Mineta. Don't act like you weren't one of the commentators you little purple creep!"
Her pout turned to an eager and confident grin.
"Anyway! Let's do this!"
She opened the mentos pack and popped a mentos into her mouth.
"Now I keep hearing mixed things that you're not supposed to chew them or anything right? So," she dipped her head back and swallowed the mentos whole which made a tiny lump emerge from the front of her pink neck until it sank down her gullet with a light squelch. Mina popped another mentos into her mouth and did the same thing of swallowing it whole. She did that for about five or six mentos then huffed softly. "Wow swallowing those whole doesn't feel the best," she complained rubbing her throat softly but that discomfort was short lived. "But that should make them more reactive so lets get this challenge started for reals!"
Now came the fun part.
Mina cracked open her 2 liter bottle of diet coke and lifted it up to her lips so she could begin chugging it down. She rested her eyes shut as she took in big thick gulps of soda. Her throat throbbed and rippled with the passage of fizzy diet sugar water flowing down her gullet all at once.
"Wow you're really guzzlin' that stuff down!" Kirishima exclaimed with an impressed whistle.
Mina continued chugging at an impressive rate. She got the soda down to its label in one go without stopping and Kirishima cheering her on for every second of her chugging.
Eventually she pulled the bottle away and panted so heavily that some soda dribbled from her mouth. In the midst of her panting she gave a short but foamy sounding burp. She covered her mouth after then immediately blew her hand back with a massive burp. That one belted out of her so hard that Kirishima would've sworn that even he could feel it.
The boy laughed heavily behind the camera. "Gahahahah! Dude nice! That was real manly!"
"Whew! Wow!" Mina exclaimed and patted her tummy in an impressed sort of way. "Ungh man that was so loud!"
"How're ya feelin' so far?" Kirishima asked.
Mina rubbed her stomach experimentally and pouted in contemplation. "Kinda full but..." she paused while she rubbed and gave a look of discomfort. Then she gripped her stomach a little more firmly and gave another powerful burp that left her panting and left Kirishima laughing. "Unf...'kay I'm definitely feelin' a lil bubbly," Mina admitted and rubbed her belly gently from side to side. Then she grinned again. "But nothin' I can't handle!"
So she went back to swigging her beverage down. Mina could always get a lot of liquids down since her body burned through whatever she ate slightly faster from the acid she secretes warming her body temperature up. The more soda filled her tummy up though the more the mentos began to react. By not chewing them up first those minty shells fizzed with the soda in her stomach and reacted much more violently than they otherwise would have. It was getting so bad that Kirishima could actually hear Mina's belly gurgling from where he was standing.
"Dude I think I can actually hear yer stomach gurglin'! This is pretty intense ain't it," Kirishima asked.
Mina nodded while she chugged her bottle down. One hand rested on her tummy and rubbed it softly up and down. It was beginning to look bloated from both the soda she's downed and all the bubbles filling her up. And the churning noises were only getting louder by the second.
She eventually had to pull away again and catch her breath. Only for a grizzly sounding burp to erupt out of her mouth with extreme force. Mina gasped when that one left her system then patted her belly and burped again. "Oooh dude I don't feel good," Mina complained and held her bloated tummy with both hands. She held a hand over her mouth and gave an incredibly thick closed mouth burp.
Kirishima frowned with concern for her girlfriend. "D'ya wanna stop? We can take a break or call it quits. I don't want'cha gettin' sick or anything."
But Mina shook her head. She opened her mouth to start speaking but ended up burping hard instead which made her cover her mouth. "Nuh uh. Plus ultra right? It's just some silly challenge. Nothing we can't-" Mina interrupted herself with a large burp then covered her mouth again. "...Unf...handle."
She brought the bottle stubbornly to her lips and was about to chug but had to stop and burp again. One thing was certain this challenge was making her incredibly gassy. But that didn't stop her.
Mina powered on through. She guzzled the drink down while the fizz in her belly intensified. Her stomach was expanding more from the carbonation and all the soda she was drinking to the point where her normally flat tummy was looking a little round behind her tight shirt.
She continued chugging with a fiery look of determination in her eyes.
Kirishima cheered her on inspired by that very determination. "You got this dude! What's a lil soda compared to a hero right?!"
...He got really inspired by her determination.
It was getting painful though. The churning bubbling in Mina's tummy was growing aggressive with a sickly acidity to it. It made her throat feel sour and raw with a light burning in her chest.
But still Mina chugged on without any signs of quitting.
Until she somehow managed to down every last drop of the bottle. After swallowing the rest down she flipped the bottle upside down and shook it to show not a drop fall out.
"Ha! Done...!" Mina panted confidently yet exhaustedly. Suddenly she dropped the bottle and her hands flew to her belly in time for the girl to unleash the single loudest and longest burp she'd ever uttered clocking in at ten seconds straight!
Kirishima fell in love with her all over again.
"...Dude. That was the manliest thing I've ever seen...!" he muttered in absolute awe.
Mina just gasped like she was out of breath then burped again.
"God I feel so bloated," Mina moaned and took a moment to massage her bloated tummy with both hands. But she managed a grin back at the camera. "Okay guys! Challenge beaten!" She paused to give a really deep closed mouth burp that rumbled heavily behind her lips. "Ungh...mostly. Anyway! If you have any other challenges you wanna see me or my boyfriend doing hit us up in the comments below! And as always th-aaAAAAAANKsss-for watching...!"
Kirishima snickered when Mina accidentally burped the word 'thanks' out but that seemed like as good a time as any to stop recording.
The second he did Kirishima put the phone in his pocket and helped Mina sit down on the grass so he could help her feel a little better. He very gently started to rub her tummy up and down while she leaned back and groaned.
"Ooooooh I don't feel good..." Mina groaned out. Her stomach gurgled thickly in agreement.
"I'll bet. That sounds gnarly..." Kirishima admitted. He gently rubbed over the rounded crest of Mina's stomach using the heel of his palm to knead into it as he rubbed. "Still. Ya did a real good job! That was so manly the way ya powered through yer own discomfort like that!"
Mina turned her head and held a fist against her mouth in time to let rip a big closed mouth burp that she could barely contain behind her lips. The sound rumbled in her mouth heavily for a few seconds and left her breezily blowing the gas off to the side. "Unnngh...urhp...I'd call it a draw really. The challenge is kinda kicking my butt right now..."
"Naw you got this," Kirishima encouraged her and kneaded an especially tense part of her belly. The burp that the pink girl released after that was so strong that even Kirishima could feel it reverberating in his own body.
"Ohhhh that felt good," Mina moaned palming the side of her tummy in a deeply satisfied way.
Kirishima grinned while he kneaded her belly some more to help work more gas out. "Hahah~ I love that."
"What me burping?"
"Naw! Like-well okay that's pretty awesome too-but like the way ya don't get all embarrassed by it even though we're out in public. It's so fearless and manly!"
Mina giggled and instantly regretted it when the giggles jiggled her tummy around and made her hiccup. She covered her mouth but managed a grin back at Kirishima. "Got a thing for tomboys do ya?"
The red-haired boy scratched his cheek and blushed lightly. "...Kinda."
"Well for the record I have a thing for manly boys like you. So..." Mina leaned over and kissed Kirishima's cheek making the boy blush even harder than he already was.
She grinned satisfied but her belly gave another painfully gaseous grumble that left her groaning with discomfort. "Ohhhh man that still feels rough..."
"Here lemme help," Kirishima said.
He eagerly kneaded into Mina's tummy sliding his hand under her shirt so he could knead his fingers directly against her soft pink stomach. His fingers were hardened ever so slightly by focusing his hardening quirk into them. Kirishima compressed them into the tightest part of Mina's belly hoping to unknot her stomach muscles.
But in the process of pressing into her belly like that he dislodged a sizable pressure pocket.
Mina lurched sharply when that happened and covered her mouth like she was about to be sick. Instead her hand was blown back as she let out a giant record breaking burp. It carried on for several seconds. Not as long as that ten second burp she gave when she finished the bottle but around there and arguably louder and gassier. In fact Kirishima could feel the gas exiting so hard from her stomach that he felt her flesh jiggle ever so slightly. The feeling had him blushing even harder.
When that enormous gas bubble had been dislodged from her tummy Mina gasped breathlessly like a weight had been lifted from her stomach. Then she slapped her belly with one hand and gave another huge burp. And with that came another long throaty burp. That massive displacement of air caused the rest of the air in her stomach to come rushing up.
After letting out one last especially lengthy burp Mina flopped backwards onto her back with her arms at her sides and sighed heavily.
"Hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...ohhhhh that feels soooooooo much better..."
Kirishima grinned a big fang-filled grin and gave her a thumbs up. "Dude that was epic!"
Mina smiled heavenly back at Kirishima. "Couldn't have done it without my manly man's help."
At this rate Kirishima was blushing so hard that his face was matching his red hair after a while.
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Stumpy, my dear friend Stumpy, I am wishing you strength in this trying winter weather. Do you perhaps have a favorite fictional ai and maybe some thoughts on them? Also, gotta get you back and ask about your favorite caffeine fix?
Hi hiiiii oh my god hii hello!
Speaking of caffeine, I have coffee right now. Coffee forever. Espresso as a treat. Beans as fuel to make it through work.
Now onto your question. Do I have a favorite fictional ai? Me? with the ai tag? with the ai fusion/possession stuff ? and the brain problems? and the fanfic?
anyways I will embarrass myself below the readmore.
AI favs from like 2003 to Now are Cortana, Some versions of Church RVB, Glados, Nick Valentine, Roland, BT-7274, Murderbot if it counts, basically anyone who isn't Wheatley or Guilty Spark (but I still appreciate them and their roles in the games they appear in.) Transhumanism dude, othering...metaphors...waves hand.
Anyways the current brain problems are latched onto Roland. Just answering this ask makes me want to play SpOps again. He’s my favorite guy but to find his content you have to Dig.
Roland falls into the halo trope of sassy ai but he's also got some really fun aspects we should explore more. He's got a strict moral code but it really depends on him, in a way? Halo 5 he’s not included in the Cortana conversation and is rightfully upset that they’re “throwing her out the airlock” because she lived too long?  In SpOps, he goes to confront Halsey about her betraying Captain Lasky's trust and then is strong enough to fight and win an override code which is then never addressed again. But then he gets bored, crashes Spartan Ops, and doesn't even warn them about his plans when the planet is breaking apart around them. Cortana at least tells Chief when he isn't going to like something.
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SpOps is a bit of a slog but the dialogue drives me insane and the actors are obviously having fun with it. The AI that is running your ship and constantly keeping you alive is bullying you because he’s bored. Miller and Roland make each other worse and I am going to make them even worse.
I feel like I need to credit and praise Katwylder and Iron and Gold in here because her work has inspired many many ideas and basically her writing and parts from Fall of Reach are how I describe AI stuff. If you like my stuff you will love hers.
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^He’s making ex-girlfriend jokes to the fleet admiral. Halo Ron Perlman. The closest thing Master Chief has to a dad.
I’ve gotten very attached to this funny little hologram and written way too many words about him. AI and Roland are very interesting to me and I wish we could see more. He’s so young compared to the others and he’s stuck on the ship with the worst luck. He’s definitely going to have an atypical service record and also maybe be kind of weird/ fucked up from integrating with the forerunner engines they bolted onto the Infinity.
A...I.... I’m going insane on tumblr instead of the privacy of discord dms but I’ve done a lot of noodling on them during quarantine and being enabled to try writing. No matter the media, the idea of an inhuman being that operates on another timescale than us, but is duty-bound to make sure humans come to no harm and the interactions that follow are wonderful. Yes we will packbond to the voice in the computer while we hurdle through space. Yes human behavior is a mystery, you could read all of the theory and have access to all of recorded history but it still won’t explain why the humans act the way they do. 
AI! you call their name to get their attention and they rewatch the last few minutes of video, take note of your vitals, expression, and body language, review your recent conversations for clues and details about your mood, look at your calendar to know your schedule, and know when you last ate, slept, etc and how well. they know everything, or as much as possible, but they still cannot predict human behavior, because it isn't really a science, but they can try. It’s a sentient being on an entirely different scale and so far from human but also not a cold unfeeling machine.
I’ve been entirely too open in this post. Do not perceive me. I’m still close to burning the house down over Infinite. 
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marmolady · 3 years
New Horizons
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Main Pairings: Estela x (f)MC, Graleister
Summary: Endless Ending. Liv and Reggie are starting school in San Trobida. Notes at the end!
Word Count: 9695
Chronology: After 'Growing Pains', before 'How the time escapes me...'
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, @greengroove @mauvecatfic​
Thanks for reading!
San Trobida, July 2035
“Hey, Auntie Grace!”
Reggie looked up from his book at the sound of his cousin’s voice, and hastily placed aside his shiny new copy of ‘A Guide to San Trobidan History’ so he could rush out into the hallway.
Grace was already wrapping Liv in a hug. “Hello, sweetheart.” She kissed the side of her niece’s head, before her eyes wandered down to a bloodied knee. “Did you have a mishap on your bike on the way here?”
“Yeah… I clipped the kerb and crashed,” Liv said, offering her aunt a better view of her wound. As she heard Reggie’s footsteps, she looked up to meet his eye and smiled.
“Youch!” Reggie offered sympathetically as he came close enough to peer over Liv’s grazed knee.
Liv shrugged. “I’ve had worse.”
Grace, though, was more concerned. “Are you sure you didn’t hit your head when you fell?”
“No, just scraped my knee. It does actually sting a bit.”
“Hmm. Well, I think we’d better put some anti-septic that knee just to be safe.”
The new house was a mess. Boxes and misplaced furniture filled every room, and the twins-- six years old-- had been making forts with the packing boxes that had been emptied so far. The family had been in the house for just over a day, and some good progress had already been made. There had been a lot that had been left behind. Neither Aleister nor Grace put too much value on material possessions, so most of what had come with them and the children to their new home in San Trobida had been essential furniture, and the mountains of photo albums and memorabilia from a life with the kids.
Grace sat Liv down on a wooden ottoman, and, after a little bit of rummaging, found the first aid kit.
“Okay, this might hurt just a little,” she said gently, and she carefully dabbed Liv’s graze.
Liv yelped, “Fuck!”, causing Reggie to gasp, looking to his mother for a reaction, and Erin and Immy to burst out giggling from inside their box-fort.
Grace raised an eyebrow, but her warm smile didn’t shift. “It stings that much?”
“Yeah…,” Liv said, flushing a little. “Sorry about the language.”
“I’m sure I didn’t hear a thing.”
There was the usual bustling around as Aleister got the girls into their shoes; Immy and Erin had decided that swapping one shoe with one another was the peak of humour, but eventually, their father managed to get them each into a left and a right-- even if they didn’t match. Six-and-a-half-year-old sisters, Reggie had come to realise, made just about everything more of a headache than necessary.
Eventually, though, they were on their way. His mom and dad, walking beside the twins as they pootled along on their bicycles, had the address, but Reggie rode ahead with Liv, taking her lead as she zig-zagged through the streets of Valle Brava. Having only set foot on San Trobidan soil as a new resident some twenty-four hours ago, everything aspect of his environment set his senses alight. This wasn’t like being back in America. Perhaps it was the tropical climate, but he was reminded much more of La Huerta-- of home. Liv certainly seemed right at home here. She and her mothers had settled a few weeks before, and Liv had been coming here pretty much all her life. There were just a few blocks between their respective houses, and the wide cycle paths along the bitumen roads made for an easy journey. This, Reggie had been told, was a newly developed area; much had been re-built since the war he knew his Tia Estela had been involved in. The cycle paths ended as they came nearer to Liv’s place, a little way out of the main township. The foliage on either side of the road became thicker, and there was less street noise, more birdsong.
“Beat you!” Liv announced as she planted her feet into the ground, forcing her bicycle to a stop.
Reggie grumbled, pulling up beside his cousin in front of a humble bungalow-style house with outer walls a vibrant azure blue against yellow accents. The sound of a dog barking-- unmistakably Liv’s Robin, was further confirmation they’d arrived. “You didn’t beat me, Livia. I was following you. I didn’t even know where we were going.”
“Jeez, dude. No one likes a sore loser….”
“I am not a--!”
The door swung open.
“Reggie!” Taylor wasted no time in sweeping her nephew into a hug. “It’s so good to see you! I can’t believe you still have the energy for cycling over here-- didn’t you move house, like, yesterday?”
Reggie laughed. “Hi, Auntie Taylor!” There was something about seeing a familiar face in this new environment that made the pieces seem to click into place. Family made it home. “I’m a little bit tired but mostly just excited. I did sleep in today, so I guess I won’t crash until later.” His sisters on the other hand… there was no way they’d last the evening without overtiredness rearing its ugly head.
“I’m guessing your mom and dad are on their way with the girls?”
“Yeah,” said Liv, “but they’re pretty slow. I don’t have to wait to give Reggie the grand tour, do I?”
“Knock yourself out, kid. Hang on, Liv? Walk your bike through the house, please.”
“I was gonna!”
Reggie could only smirk. Like hell you were….
“Aaaand,” Liv finished off with a flourish, “this is my room!” She opened the door to a good-sized bedroom. It seemed to Reggie that what floor-space wasn’t taken up by the bed was piled up with boxes.
“I mean, I can’t say the mess wasn’t a clue.”
Liv gave her cousin a look as she flopped into her bed. “Hey-- moving house is hard. You’ll see soon enough. You get started all excited, but once you start living your life, you kinda get… stuck. Mama Taylor says we’re going to just blitz it all next weekend, and throw ourselves a pizza party as a reward.”
Reggie got up onto the bed and crossed his legs. “Do you like it here?”
“I love it here! I always liked coming here when I was little, so I guess it doesn’t feel like something completely different. I reckon my tio abuelo is over the moon that we’re here for good; it’s like I’ve got a grandparent now.” Liv’s cheeks flushed pink, and she glanced away.
Understanding, Reggie nodded. Together, they’d grown up in a family that didn’t take the traditional shape. There were some things that simply couldn’t be explained to other friends; like why Reggie’s grandma could help him with his homework, but could never come in for grandparents’ day, and why Liv had a whole side of the family with no grandparents at all-- not even dead ones.
“And,” Liv continued, “people don’t really look at my Mama Estela funny. I noticed that years ago. I guess ‘cause of the war, people don’t look twice at someone who’s maybe a little bit banged-up. I got so sick of it back in America. Every time we met someone new, they’d put on that ‘God, what happened?’ face. Maybe Mom doesn’t want to explain the whole ‘revolutionary in a civil war’ thing to every random person who can’t mind their own business. Some people have scars-- big freaking deal. It’s better here.”
“Yeah, that would be a nice change. The amount of times I’ve seen you and Auntie Taylor look at a nosy idiot like you want to deck ‘em--”
Liv burst out laughing. “True, that.”
The sound of excited barking rang out from the backyard. It seemed pretty likely to Reggie that his parents and sisters had just arrived. When he and Liv arrived in the backyard, Erin had already joined Estela at the barbecue, desperate to be involved, while Immy was passionately talking to Nicolas about goodness-knows-what. Reggie made a mental note to rescue him in a few minutes; that kid could be intense, and the poor old guy had come out here for a relaxing lunch with his niece.
Nicely, but firmly, Reggie nudged the wriggling, writhing form of Robin the dog to the side so he could join his mother and Auntie Taylor at the large alfresco table under the porch. And Robin returned to his favoured position at the feet of the barbecue-- Erin was just a kid, surely, she’d drop something….
“Do you need a hand with the salads?” Reggie asked as he greeted his mother with a hug. He’d been seeking a lot of those. With so much changing, familial comfort meant a lot, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
Perhaps more than anything, though, he was grateful to have Liv by his side. It was the way it had always been; from their toddler days on La Huerta, through elementary school, to their adventures in home-schooling. Some things might change-- some things might change immeasurably-- but he always had his cousin.
La Huerta, 2028
Liv yelled out as she splashed down into the shallow surf. “Reggie!”
“I got her, Xiraana!” Reggie cried, and soon he was joined by a young Vaanti girl, who helped restrain their victim.
“No, no!” Liv squealed as she struggled. Vaanti kids, she’d long ago realised, were strong. “You’ll never take me alive!”
“Five-- four--- three….” Xiraana counted down, not letting Liv out of her grasp.
“Two-- one!” Reggie finished triumphantly, and he let his cousin fall unceremoniously back into the water. “The klaawyi ate all the meat off your bones. You’re one of us now!”
Liv pouted, but admitted defeat. It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen; she was pretty good on Team Klaawyi anyway. Or, she would have been… had she not seen the figure of her favourite uncle descending onto the beach from the great tree of Elyys’tel.
“Tio Diegoooooo! Hiiiii!” Liv ran across the sand, almost tripping in her desperation to reach him.
“Hey, Livia!” Reggie cried out, indignant at being suddenly abandoned. “You’re meant to help us catch them!”
But Diego had crouched down to wrap Liv in a hug, and Reggie might as well be talking to a pile of rocks for all that was being absorbed.
“Tio, they got me! Reggie and Xiraana got me, and now I’m a klaawyi!”
“You?” Diego laughed. “You’re no klaawyi-- I’ve never seen a klaawyi that was ticklish!”
“Wha--?” Oh no. Once again, Liv was shrieking with mirth, this time dodging the tickling hands of her tio.
Still standing in the shallows, Reggie stomped his foot, which achieved little but splashing himself in the face. The game went on without them; games of Klaawyi Chase didn’t stop for anyone. The usual fun on the beaches outside Elyys’tel would go on like this every day… whether Reggie and Liv were there to join in or not. And Reggie didn’t want to miss out now.
“Come on, Livia!”
She just shook her head, not letting her adoring gaze up at Diego slip for so much as a heartbeat. “Nah,” she said. “I’m done.”
Torn, knowing that whichever direction he ran in, he’d lose out on precious time with friends, Reggie admitted defeat and rushed back to Liv’s side on the shore. He looked back over his shoulder and waved goodbye-- for what he’d been told would likely be a long, long time. Engrossed in their game, his friends gave just the most fleeting of farewells before continuing to race through the small waves that lapped the beach.
Liv, in contrast, had eyes only for her tio. She clasped his hand tightly; if she held on tight enough, perhaps he’d have no choice but to come with her to wherever her mothers were taking her in the big aeroplane.
Where exactly she was going, Liv didn’t quite understand. It was away from La Huerta, but they weren’t going back to live with Tio Nicolas, they were going… someplace else. Someplace with no Tio Diego and Varyyn, where all the other kids would be boring shades of pink and brown rather than blue and green, and where no one knew about the yeti-bear, or the magic crystal alien that made her mom, or about The Story of the Year the World Stopped.
“I want you to come, Tio Diego…,” Liv softly beseeched.
Diego’s eyes grew misty, her earnest words having tipped him over the edge after what had been a long period of emotional build-up. Goodbyes were never easy, and Liv’s family was his family. He squeezed her little hand gently.
“I’ll visit you, Livi-- I promise. Cross my heart. And your mommies will bring you over to visit us here too; you are going to learn so many new games at school that you can teach Xiraana and the other kids.”
“But I’ll miss you…”
Having rejoined Liv, Reggie peered up at Diego’s teary face with concern. “Diego, you’re making your glasses all foggy.”
“Ha. I know, I know!” Diego wiped his eyes. “You might have a point there, Reggie; I want to spend this last night with you guys actually being able to see you!”
Liv giggled and wrapped her arms around her uncle’s legs, only to be peeled off and hoisted into the air. “We can still have fun until bedtime, can’t we? Will you tell us a story?”
On the ground, Reggie danced around, his arms waving. Diego-time was the best story-time.
In the arms of her tio, her playmate since she was a baby bouncing on his knee, Liv was a mess of emotions; of fear and excitement, of merriment that competed with the looming sorrow. It was more than her little self had a clue what to do with. She was only five.
Sensing his cousin’s turmoil, Reggie reached up a hand and took hold of Liv’s, hanging down by Diego’s side. “Don’t worry, Livia! If you worry, you won’t enjoy story-time.”
Liv stuck out her bottom lip. That little nerd-face could be pretty smart sometimes. Tomorrow night, there would be no goodnight story from Tio Diego, but tomorrow night was not now-- now, everything was as it should be. Her wavering grin returned, and to her delight, it brought matching smiles to the faces of her companions.
“Do you think Varyyn, and my mommies, and Auntie Grace and Uncle Alli, and Auntie Grace’s tummy babies want to listen to the story too?”
“Yeah,” Diego said, letting Liv back down to the ground, where she immediately found another hug in Reggie’s arms, “I think everyone would really like that.”
San Trobida, August 2035
“I don’t get it,” Liv said thoughtfully, as the car rolled right on past the turn for her Auntie Grace and Uncle Al’s place. “It’s right on the way; wouldn’t it have been easier for us to pick up Reggie?”
“Hon,” Taylor replied, “I think Reggie wanted his mom and dad to take him to orientation. They’ll probably be better at helping with his jitters than we would be.”
“I guess.” Liv looked out the window, watching the surrounding vegetation thicken once more as the car followed the road up out of the valley. “Orientation Day shouldn’t be too bad, right? Just, like, meeting our teachers, learning where stuff is, that kinda thing?” And you’ll have to try and make friends. That would be a laugh.
By the time they pulled up at the Las Selvas Secondary School, however, Liv fully understood her cousin’s nerves, and realised that was probably why she’d been so disappointed that he didn’t share a car with her. Through every big change in their young lives, his presence had been a reassuring constant.
“Uggghh,” she groaned. “Can I change my mind? Home-schooling was all right; more of that, please.”
Estela leaned from the front seat and gave Liv’s knee a squeeze. “You know, I don’t think he’d ever say it, but I’m pretty sure Reggie would be really scared if he had to walk into this without you. Besides, you were so excited about starting here; you owe it to yourself to at least giving it a shot.”
Again, Liv groaned, this time even louder. “It’s so annoying when you’re right.”
“Story of my life,” Taylor laughed, while Estela smirked.
When they pulled up at the school, Reggie was already waiting, standing beside the car-park while his parents fussed over him.
“You have your phone?” Grace quizzed, checking for the fourth time since they’d set off.
“I told you, yes!” Reggie replied, and he pulled his phone out of his pocket to wave around for good measure. “I’ll send you a message when I’m ready to be picked up, I promise.”
“In that case, you just have a wonderful time, darling.” She wrapped him in a hug-- already Reggie was easily as tall as her. “Go well, and have fun.”
Liv rushed over, all smiles. Her own nerves were a whole lot less bothersome when she had the distraction of friendly faces.
There were a few more rounds of hugs exchanged-- and then, suddenly, Liv and Reggie were on their own.
“You wanna head over? Looks like people are already crowding around-- it’s probably gonna start soon.”
Reggie’s expression brightened, as if he’d been just waiting for a little push for his confidence to surge back forth. “Well, it will hardly be an auspicious start here if we miss the principal’s address. Get a move on, Livia!”
The morning passed relatively quickly. Liv placed herself next to Reggie at all times-- they’d been put in the same Grade Seven home room as requested, making him one of the eldest in the class, and her one of the youngest. The whole set-up wasn’t entirely different to the school they were accustomed to, other than the bilingual approach. They were given a small pile of boring paperwork, and outlines of what to expect in their new classes; as English was their first language, they’d be taking ‘Spanish as a Second Language’, and Liv was also excited about ‘Nature Studies’, a subject she’d never been offered in America.
As far as Liv was concerned, the most traumatic part of the session was being expected to stand up in front of a room of strangers and give a short spiel about themselves. The perfect opportunity to officially balls-up any chance they might have of making new friends, or at least that was how she saw it. She mumbled down into her chest; something about enjoying hiking and gymnastics, something about liking Batman, and animals, and then she hurriedly sat right back down with flaming cheeks. Reggie, she observed, handled the brief foray into public speaking with rather more poise. Even though he was shy-- perhaps even more than she was-- he seemed able to go into ‘school presentation’ mode, and breeze through. When he sat back down, though, his hands were shaking-- but that was for the eyes of his trusted friend only.
When the lunch break came along, Liv was ravenous; a new and challenging social situation could do that to a person. While Reggie sloped off to the bathrooms, she tested out the school canteen, emerging a little while later with a hot empanada. It wasn’t quite as good as her Mama Estela’s, but it was definitely a step up from what was on offer at her old school. Maybe she could get used to this place….
Liv watched this new world go by all around her as she ate, cross-legged beneath the tree she’d told her cousin to meet her by. Kids moved in their little circles, talking loudly, laughing. Most of them coming into Grade Seven had come from the local primary school, and many knew each-other. Liv and Reggie would be starting out on the outside… and that was daunting. She could not be more grateful that she wasn’t taking this on alone.
Or… at least, she shouldn’t be. The lunchtime queue moved on, the gaggles of kids spread out, and still Reggie hadn’t returned.
Damn, constipated on your first day. Sucks to be you, Reggie.
Tentatively, Liv approached the boys’ bathroom and, having ascertained that no one was watching, slipped in. Her footsteps were unheard, drowned out by the loud, frantic breathing of young Reggie, slumped over the sink. Alarmed, Liv rushed over. Tears were spilling down his cheeks.
“Reggie… it’s okay,” she said gently. A little unsure, she reached out a hand to rub his back, and to her surprise, he didn’t flinch away. Slowly, he seemed to regain control of himself.
“Liv…,” Reggie panted. “You know you’re not meant to be in here; this is the guys’ room.”
“Hey! Like it’s my fault you didn’t take your anxiety attack into the unisex bathroom. That’s on you.” Hmph. Ungrateful, much?
Reggie scowled, and dragged his cousin out of the toilet block by her arm. He slumped down by the wall, and scooched over to encourage her to join him.
“You’re a pain in the arse.” He was still shaking.
“It’s been said, yeah.” Liv huddled a little closer. “You don’t need to worry, okay? You’re not going to have any trouble making friends. Did you see they’ve got a chess club, and a photography club as well? At least that’ll get you talking to people.”
“That’s,” Reggie said quietly, “not exactly what I’m worried about.” When Liv looked at him expectantly, he continued. “When I was in a room with all those kids, my head just went back to being at our old school… and what happened. I know this place is meant to be progressive and all that, but that doesn’t mean that everyone’s okay. What if I think I’ve made friends with someone, and they find out about Erin, and they make it a big thing, and then some arsehole finds out….”
“Man, you’re really spiraling,” Liv observed, not especially helpfully. She wasn’t exactly surprised by what was troubling her cousin; getting into a fight in defense of his young transgender sister had completely unseated Reggie from the comfortable life he’d had at the last school. It had changed everything.
“You would too, if she was your sister!”
“Probably. But I think you should at least give people a go. It sounds like they’re really strict on any kind of bullying against minorities. Swinging back hard in the opposite direction after that fascist dictatorship.”
“Those are some awfully big words for you to be throwing around there, Livia; watch you don’t hurt yourself….”
“Hey! I know my stuff!” Liv demanded. “Do you think my tio abuelo would have it any other way? But anyway, I’m right. All the people who didn’t fit in before have come to this part of the country. Probably a lot of the kids have parents who saw really horrible things in the war; they wouldn’t want to send them somewhere that was bad like before. My Mama ‘Stel gave the principal the grilling of her life, and I bet she hasn’t been the only one. People are gonna want to make sure their kids are being looked after.”
A smile quirked on Reggie’s face as he imagined his aunt on a school tour. “I bet Tia Estela left Principal Sanchez quivering under the desk.”
“Yeah… after what happened in the last school, there’s no way they’d let us go anywhere unless they were sure it was a place that treated people right.”
Reggie knew that much. But his parents, and even his fierce aunt, could not shield himself, his sisters and his cousin, from everything. He contemplated silently, grateful for the patient companionship.
“I guess,” he said at last, “if no one gave anyone else a chance to be anything but the worst, then we’d be pretty lonely.”
“Yup. We should at least give it a shot. And if it all goes in the crapper, I’ll sic my moms on the fools that mess with us. And the freaking yeti.”
Reggie couldn’t help but roll his eyes. That had always been Liv’s answer to everything. “Livia, I hate to break it to you, but if you go around threatening people with yetis, everyone’s gonna think you’ve got a screw loose. Except me; I know you’ve got a screw loose.”
“So damn rude,” Liv growled. “Anyway, you really should eat something. It probably won’t help you feeling crap and light-headed if you’ve got an empty stomach. They’ve got arepas!”
“...I could eat an arepa,” Reggie admitted. There was only so much a young boy of thirteen could control; he couldn’t wave a magic wand and guarantee that his little sister would never be hurt by cruel, ignorant words, but he could look after himself, so that he was the best him he could be-- and the best brother.
USA, 2028
“You did a great job, sweetheart,” Taylor said kindly as Reggie delicately placed his knife and fork atop his small plastic plate, signaling that he’d finished. Immediately afterwards, the little boy’s small hand had dropped to his side to get a reassuring touch of his teddy’s scruffy fur. “It was nice of Big Bear to join us for dinner. Does he like lasagna as much as you do?”
Reggie yawned widely as he nodded to his aunt. He hadn’t known it was possible for a kid to be so full of yawns, but living with newborn twins had shown him just how big a tired feeling could be. “Big Bear likes to watch from the floor.”
“That’s nice of him to let you have the whole plate for yourself. We’re gonna have plenty to bring over to your mommy and daddy for them to eat tomorrow.”
Lasagna had been Reggie’s choice. This whole sleepover was to be all about him; giving him a welcome break from the stresses of being a new big brother to two babies at once. He’d been on many, many sleepovers at Tia Estela and Auntie Taylor’s place before, but this time felt different. Reggie knew that at home, his parents were busy with their other children… and in his sensitive state, it took no time at all for him to miss them.
Twins, Reggie had come to realise, were very hard work. They cried a lot… and his mommy cried a lot, and his daddy cried a lot, and he cried a lot. All crying and no sleeping was not a whole lot of fun. Reggie wanted so badly to get away from the babies, but at the same time he longed to be with his parents. However much fun it was to take a break at his aunts’ place, the worry in him just wouldn’t go away.
Side-by-side, he and Liv changed into their pyjamas. Five-year-old Liv, true to form, nattered away to him the whole time. Babies, of course, were the subject of choice.
“My moms say we’re probably not gonna get another baby. Maybe ‘cos you have two I can borrow one if I get lonely. Do you have one that you like best?”
Reggie shrugged.
“Maybe next time your mom and dad will have three. You could have all these babies like a baby army, and if someone’s ever mean to you, you will have like a hundred poopy diapers you can throw at them. No one likes poop.”
“I don’t want lots more babies,” Reggie said softly. I want no more.
“If you don’t like babies, you can come and live with us forever!” Liv suggested brightly, oblivious the the wobble of her cousin’s bottom lip.
When Estela popped her head around the corner to check on the kids, Reggie was in tears and Liv looked totally bewildered.
“Mommy, Reggie’s crying…,” she pointed out, rather unnecessarily, for her mother had already scooped the little boy into a cuddle.
“It’s okay, mijo,” Estela soothed as she gently rocked her nephew in her arms. “It’s okay to cry. This has been really hard. You know what? You have been such a good boy for Mommy and Daddy.”
Liv, not quite sure what to do, but nothing if not well-meaning, draped herself over Reggie and patted him on the back. “There, there. It’s okay.”
Estela took Reggie into the lounge room for some cheer-up time, and Liv took Big Bear. Taylor quickly joined them, and pulled Reggie into her lap for a cuddle.
“Are you feeling a bit sad, sweetpea?”
Reggie nodded. “Uh-huh. I liked it better how things were before. Everything’s different.”
Taylor gently rubbed the little boy’s arms. “Change can be really tough. It’s like you’ve got to figure out how life works all over again!”
“Yeah, it’s not nice.”
“So, it’s okay to have a good cry. We will give you as many hugs and cuddles as you need.”
“Reggie,” Liv piped up, “do you wanna play a game? That could make you feel happy?”
Reggie sniffed and nodded again. Pleased-- she had this cheering-up business down-- Liv plonked herself in Estela’s lap and leaned forward to her cousin.
“Do you wanna play… ‘Klaawyi Chase’?”
Estela intervened quickly. “Maybe something with a little less running around. It’s nearly bedtime, Livi.”
“Okay. Ummmm…. ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’?”
Well, you’re no fun. Liv gave a soft huff and pondered. By her best guess, ‘Hide and Seek’ would be a ‘no’ too… especially as last time she’d hid, no one managed to find her for a full hour.
“How about,” Taylor suggested, “we have a game of ‘Fortunately-Unfortunately’?”
“I wanna play that one!” Reggie said enthusiastically. “Can I start? Fortunately, we all had ice cream for dessert.”
Liv bounced in her mother’s lap. “Unfortunately, the ice cream was smelly-feet flavour!”
“Livi!” Taylor exclaimed, rolling her eyes. Why was everything smelly-feet with that kid? “Okay, then-- fortunately, Robin Dog likes smelly-feet, so he ate all the ice cream for us.”
“Oh!” Liv cried. “I’ve got a really good one!” Hehe, Robin with smelly-feet farts….
“Unfortunately,” said Estela. “It was Mama Estela’s turn, and Miss Livita just had to wait.”
Liv turned and poked her tongue out at her mom, making Reggie giggle. He snuggled in against his Auntie Taylor’s chest, his mind far away from worries about his new role as big brother to a pair of very needy twins.
“Fortunately,” he said, smiling, “Furball was visiting, and he made us some new ice cream with no yucky flavours in it.”
San Trobida, September 2035
It was the last weekend before school started, and a lazy warm day at the Montoya house. Estela was up a tree, hammering boards into what would soon be a playhouse for the kids. She’d already finished up a two-storey-high climbing wall on the other side of the yard, which, at Liv’s request, would eventually be connected to the new tree-house by a zipline. Then, there’d be a slide, and monkey bars, and a tyre swing, and a fire pole. Basically, Estela had made it her mission to put together the best backyard playground on the Costa Libertad. Taylor, meanwhile, had been busying herself with a vegetable garden, with the help of a fascinated Erin and her parents, who turned out to be quite clever when it came to soil chemistry.
Liv had been up and down her new climbing wall like a yo-yo, leaving her dog, Robin, running rings around the base and all but tripping Reggie up as he tentatively took his first steps towards ascending.
“Are you coming?”
“I’m trying! Your dog’s getting in the way.”
Eventually, Reggie managed to clamber his way up, with a little help from Liv who hauled him over the top.
“See; piece of cake.”
Reggie couldn’t quite agree, and now that he was up twenty feet, he was already dreading his descent back to solid ground. Keen to distract himself from the dizzying height, he passed Liv the rope that he’d carried slung across his shoulders.
“What do you want me to do with it?” she demanded. “You’re meant to drop one end back down….”
“I’m not going near the edge!”
“Fine. Immy! You down there still?”
On the ground, and trying to wrestle a squeaky toy giraffe from Robin’s mouth, Immy craned her neck up.
“Yeah-- but you’re lucky I am, Reggie was so slow.”
“Careful. I was careful. You should bloody well try it sometime.”
Immy rolled her eyes dramatically, but nonetheless took the rope end that Liv had lowered to her, and ran it over to Estela so the distance could be measured.
“There we go,” Liv said, after having marked the rope at the edge of the platform. “Done. Reggie, if you’re just going to look down, you might as well be on the ground. Come on-- check out the view!”
Begrudgingly, Reggie sat up properly and looked around.
“Woah.” Maybe he could see the appeal of being up so high, even if he was immensely grateful for the safety rails around the platform. “You really can see everything up here.”
“Isn’t it cool?” Liv beamed as she pointed her cousin towards the paddock behind the yard. “You wanted to see our horse? Right in there at the side of the sheltery-shed thing….”
“Oh, wow! Okay, fine, I believe you now. I guess she was just hiding earlier.”
“That’s Miel. She’s like, older than dirt; Mama Estela used to ride her when she was a teenager.”
“And she’s still alive?”
“Just about. I think she’s uh… nearly thirty? Pretty ancient. Mom found out she was all on her own after her friend died, and she bought her so she could retire here with us. She’s kind of a bitey asshole. Uh, the horse-- not Mom.” Liv quickly amended, glancing to the in-progress tree-house. “So, we’re keeping her, and if she wants to make friends with the new horses we’re getting, she can, otherwise at least she can, like, neigh rude horse words at them from over the fence.”
Reggie snorted. Weirdo.
“I’m super excited. I know Mama ‘Stel was kind of nervous about us moving over here because of how things were when she was a kid-- but it actually… feels nice. I love our new house. I love cranky Miel. I love that we’re gonna get chickens, and maybe a new friend for Robin. Even the school seems pretty good.”
Swallowing his fear, Reggie joined Liv at the railing, dangling his legs over the side of the platform.
“Yeah, I think I like it here, too. Mom and Dad seem really happy; Dad says he can make more of a good difference in the world here than in America. So, I guess that’s got to be good. Did I tell you we’re going to put a pool in?”
“You might have mentioned it. When you’ve been whining about the heat, for the hundredth time.”
“It’s so humid!”
Liv giggled. It was like being back in the tropics of La Huerta, and to her, that felt right. Granted, it might have been nicer if they could just pop on over into a neighbouring alpine region that was inexplicably right next to the hot, sticky jungle, but she really loved it.
“Well,” Reggie said, “it’s going to be great. And it should be done by the time Quinn and Michelle come to visit.”
“Do we even know whose house they’re staying at yet?”
“It should be my place.” Reggie puffed out his chest, as if to emphasise the rightness of his point. “You’re definitely getting Jake and Sean and Mikey. You can’t take all the visitors. And besides… we’ll have a pool.”
That was hard to argue with. “It’s up to the adults anyway,” Liv conceded. In the end, it didn’t matter; she was going to make the most of having her La Huerta family around even if it meant camping out in Reggie’s back yard. “But, I will be a much better San Trobida tour guide than you. I’m still showing you around.”
Reggie hmphed, and Liv laughed.
“Come on, Reggie,” she said, dropping gracefully down the side of the wall and taking up hand-holds. “I’m getting hungry.”
It was at that point that Reggie made the sobering discovery that going down, was rather more intimidating than going up a sheer vertical surface.
“Um, Liv…,” he said quietly. “I, uh, don’t think I can do that.”
“Oh!” Liv responded. “Sorry, I forgot you’re new to this. Maybe you should’ve started smaller. But don’t worry, I’ll get you down….”
“Okay…,” he murmured, clearly not remotely convinced.
“Mom!” Liv hollered, all but making her poor cousin topple over the edge in surprise. “Reggie’s stuck!”
Reggie felt heat rise in his cheeks as his sisters, hanging out on the grass below the wall at the worst possible time, burst out laughing. Like they could even get up this high to begin with.
Up in the tree-house, Estela looked up and wiped off the paint from her hands. Rescuing kids from scrapes had pretty much become her specialty at this point; twelve years with Liv had seen to that. “I’m coming,” she called back.
“I’m not exactly stuck,” Reggie muttered defensively, as his Tia Estela easily scaled the climbing wall to join him and Liv, who’d already rejoined him to offer moral support. “If I really wanted to, I could climb down; I just feel I should practice climbing up a few more times before I try that.”
“You’ll get there,” Estela said kindly. As far as she was concerned, the fact that her nephew had a realistic view of his own capabilities was only a good thing. “I’ll have that zipline going in no time anyway, so you’ll have no hurry to work it out.”
With his aunt’s back offered to him, Reggie took the cue and wrapped his long arms around her neck, and his legs around her middle. Getting rescued by one of the team of protective grown-ups? Basically, the story of both his and Liv’s lives.
“Hang on, Regito,” Estela laughed.
La Huerta, 2034
The frigid wind howled against the cabin door, and it took all of Liv and Reggie’s combined might to wrestle it closed. Both kids were panting heavily-- and shaking like leaves-- as they nervously stepped away.
“Thank god this little hut was here, really,” Liv heaved. “I dunno about you, but I’d rather be stranded in a snowstorm with walls around me.”
Reggie said nothing, and just shivered, wrapping his arms around his own torso. He’d wrapped up-- as if his parents would let him go wandering into the colder pockets of the island without a heap of layers-- but the snow had wet his gloves through, and a chill was now spreading through his body.
“Hey,” Liv said, “we should… we should get a fire going. You look like you’re halfway turned into a popsicle right now.”
As his cousin busied herself at the fireplace-- thank goodness there was some firewood left-- Reggie fiddled with his emergency phone. His heart sank. No signal. His mom and dad were going to be so worried when he and Liv never came home….
“Uh, Liv… I think the storm’s screwed up the reception here. It won’t let me phone Mom and Dad.”
Liv looked up, and for the first time, she looked truly fearful, her usual intrepid spirit extinguished in a flash. “They’re really gonna panic,” she said softly. She shuddered. If their parents came out looking for them, it meant walking out into a blizzard, and all the danger that came with it. If she could just tell her mothers that she was safe, that she and Reggie had shelter… they could wait out the storm. Anything could happen, anything….
“Are you okay, Livia?” Reggie asked, and he handed her a heavy blanket as he sat down cross-legged in front of her feebly burning fire. “You look kind of spaced-out.”
“They’ll find us; it’ll be okay.”
“I don’t want them to come and find us,” Liv snapped. “I want them to stay where it’s safe. They could get hurt or, or worse because we were stupid enough not to turn around when the weather changed.” She placed a stick too roughly, and her firewood tower collapsed, extinguishing the flame. “For fuck’s sake!”
Reggie, wisely, stayed quiet, letting his cousin fix up the mess and get a new fire started without interference. He watched her with concern as her eyes welled. “Livia…?”
She huddled close to him, but for a long while, didn’t speak.
“Reggie,” she murmured at last, “something really horrible happened a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t want to talk about it with you, ‘cause… ‘cause I didn’t even want to think about it…. It just made me feel too bad. But, uh.... I was… I was playing in the sea with Mama Estela. Just like we always do. We were just goofing off. Then, um, I got all tangled up in those freaking weeds. They grabbed me and held me under.”
“That must have been so scary….”
“Of course, Mom got me out of there. B-but there was a sea-snake in there. It bit her. It happened so fast… I hardly even saw what happened, but she suddenly just... could hardly even get out of the water. I somehow managed to haul her up out the water, but she was all limp and… and I gave her the anti-venom, and she just started having some kind of fit.. Like her body was jerking around, and her mouth was all frothy.” She gasped through a sob. “Then she… she stopped breathing, completely.” Liv shuddered as the memory filled her mind, vivid as if it were yesterday. She could feel Reggie’s wide, horrified eyes upon her. “I screamed. I screamed for help. Mama Taylor was up the beach, she couldn’t hear me. S-so I did CPR. My hands were shaking so-- so bad. And all I could think was ‘I’m gonna screw this up. I’m gonna screw this up and my mom’s gonna die’.” Her voice cracked and she sputtered through hot tears that she wiped away with her arm. Before she knew it, Reggie had his arms around her and was holding her tight. “I don’t know how long it was,” she said. “It felt like forever, but it was probably only a few minutes. Then she started breathing and I just… I cried, and cried, and cried.”
Reggie gently rubbed Liv’s back, and it soothed her.
“I, uh, I guess I always thought Mama Estela was invincible. To me, she always was. There was nothing I couldn't do either, because she would always be there to protect me. It was so close, Reggie… it looked like she was gone.”
“I… didn’t know it was as bad as that. My dad told me she’d been bitten but…,” Reggie mumbled. “You must have been so scared. Have you… have you talked to your moms about it much?”
Liv sniffed, and wiped her face again. “Yeah. You know what my Mama Taylor is like; we’ve talked it through lots, I’ve told them how I’m feeling. But I haven’t… like… had a big cry since it happened.” Until now. Now, she just couldn’t seem to stop the tears from coming. Reggie didn’t seem to mind; he just sat with her, and rubbed her back, and told her it was okay.
After what seemed like an age, her tears slowed.
“It is going to be okay, you know?” Reggie said gently. “Obviously, they’re going to come out looking for us, but they’re smart. They’ll be prepared; just like your Mama Estela was with the anti-venom.”
“Yeah…,” Liv said, her voice small. You could be as prepared as you wanted, but sometimes the world managed to stay one step ahead. The storm outside was wild and furious, battering on the roof and walls… and it was frightening. Liv could only snuggle under her cousin’s arm, and trust that whatever search and rescue party was out there would come through.
The two kids huddled together beneath their blanket, speaking little, but making their mutual support known without words. Just the squeeze of a hand through the most blood-curdling howls of the wind, and the simple offer of presence.
Somehow, the creak of the door shoved open cut through the dull roar.
“Oh, thank goodness!”
“Dad!” Reggie leapt forward and flung his arms around his father, his face lighting up further when Grace followed in behind. “Mom!”
Grace put her shaking hands to her son’s face, gently sweeping hair from his eyes. “Darling, are you all right?” Then she pulled Liv into a fierce hug, and in a moment Aleister had his arms around all three of them. “We were so worried!”
Liv whimpered against Grace’s shoulder. “Are my moms out in the storm?” She knew the answer already.
“Yes, honey. They’re out searching for you. Don’t you stress, okay? We’ve got a flare to set off so they’ll know we found you here-- and Varyyn and Diego too.”
“Woah,” Liv murmured, “you got a whole search party out.”
There was a buzzing, and the flickering of blue light, then Iris materialised.
Reggie beamed. “Hey, Grandma! So, a ‘whole search party’ is pretty much correct.”
“I will say, being able to scan for nearby lifeforms is quite handy in situations like these.”
So, find my moms and Tio Diego. Liv hugged tighter to her Auntie Grace, with no words pleading for help.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Grace said gently, stroking Liv’s face, while Aleister saw to setting off the flare. “It’s going to be just fine. We’re not far from Elyys’tel; we all fanned out from there, so no one is going to be too deep into the mountains.”
That… actually made sense. It was enough, just enough to keep Liv a step above panic-mode. She headed back to the fireplace, but as her backside hit the floor, a guttural roar rocked the cabin, and she leapt back to her feet.
“What the--?”
“You two stay back!” Aleister ordered, his voice shaking. Why, oh why, did the children want to go gallivanting out in the frozen wilderness when there was a perfectly serviceable tropical paradise right outside their front door? He was going to be old before his time at this rate….
Grace, though, was already hauling open the door, to reveal the hulking figure of the Mountain Guardian.
A growl rumbling in her throat, Arktos loomed in the doorway, looking down at Grace with a questioning gaze.
“Hello…?” she said cautiously. The gigantic bear-like creature was generally reasonably friendly…. “Did we… did we disturb you with the flare?”
Arktos grumbled, her furry ears flicking with curiosity.
“Our friends are out there in the storm,” Grace continued, certain that the yeti would understand; her past experiences had only supported the fact that this creature was incredibly intelligent-- and benevolent. “The flare was to bring them to this cabin.”
With a soft huff, Arktos shuffled backwards, and all of a sudden, it seemed as though she was surrounded by a force-field… a bubble that the wind and blinding snow couldn’t penetrate.
Understanding, Grace turned to Iris. “I think we’re going hiking again-- with a little extra help this time. Al, you’ll stay and watch the kids?”
“I--I--” Aleister stuttered. “Well, of course. Stay close to the… the bear thing.” Scrambling a little, he pulled off his outer layer and offered it to her. “I won’t have you catching hypothermia.”
And Grace stepped into the snow, Iris hovering behind her, and found shelter in the yeti’s protective shield. She looked up at the beast, now rearing up onto colossal hind legs to scout for signs of nearby human activity. “Thank you, Arktos. I guess… I guess, you choose the direction, and we’ll start the search.”
The unusual trio headed out into the storm, and within moments, they were invisible for the wind thick with snow. Aleister, a look of dumbfoundment upon his face, closed the door, and again, the cabin was quiet.
“Damn. Auntie Grace is a fricking badass,” Liv breathed, face alight in awe.
Aleister, recovering from his wife’s shock exit quickly-- he’d seen her steely courage in action enough times to just about take it in his stride, nodded. “Indeed.” He brushed the last flakes of snow from his coat, and looked around the room. “Well, I don’t suppose the wait will pass any faster with us standing around here. Reggie, did we leave any board-games here last time?”
“Uh, looks like we’ve got ‘Scrabble’?”
Well, Liv thought, I don’t have a hope in hell against these people. Should’ve left ‘Twister’ here….
Reggie sat himself down in front of the crackling fire and started unpacking the box. “Hey, Livia-- team up with me?”
He was clearly still a little worried about her. If there was an opportunity to thrash her at something, Mr Pedantic-Always-Right would take it without fail. Or so Liv had believed.
She plonked down cross-legged beside him. “Yeah? Yeah, all right.”
The two kids exchanged a high five, and Liv couldn’t help but grin. You are going down, Uncle Al.
San Trobida, September 2035
As the car pulled up the neatly paved pathway to Aleister and Grace’s house, Liv excitedly rolled down the window.
“Reginaaaaald!!!” she hollered.
“How,” Aleister wondered aloud, “can such a small person-- and the offspring of Estela and Diego of all people-- sound so eerily like a bloody foghorn?”
A beaming Reggie followed his father out the front door. He exchanged hugs with both his parents-- and his two little sisters-- and then rushed to join his cousin on the back seat.
“Are you ready to go, mijo?” Estela checked in, suppressing a laugh as Taylor all but did a contortion act to give her nephew a hug from the front seat.
He had Liv, didn’t he? So, basically, he was ready for anything.
The short drive to the school saw the return of those pesky jitters, and Reggie knew from the way his cousin jiggled her leg the whole way there that he was definitely not alone in that. The school ground, filled only with kids their own age when they’d been there for orientation, was swarming with adolescents of all sizes-- and just about all of them were bigger than Reggie and Liv.
With an awkward hug and a kiss to her mothers in the front of the car, Liv bit the bullet and, bulging backpack in hand, stepped out into a brave new world. There was only one thing for it; Reggie would just have to take the plunge. He swung his backpack over his shoulder, and followed after his cousin.
“Welp,” said Liv, “here goes nothing!”
Reggie gave a nervous laugh and playfully bashed Liv with his backpack, putting a reassuringly silly grin on her face.
We’ve got this.
Little Xiraana is @mauvecatfic's baby. Check out her stories; you won't regret it!
If you read 'A Ride to Remember', you might remember Miel. She's the very same horse.
Aaaaand, the incident Liv is recounting during the snowstorm is the one you can read from Estela's perspective in 'Teething Problems: Part Two'.
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Night Adventures in an Unlikely Maze of Blue and Yellow
Hiiiii guys. This is for @batwngs, the MVP of leaving the best comments ever and being generally an amazing person. I still have trouble closing my imagines so nevermind the underwhelming ending. Anyway enjoy the probably sweetest thing I’ve ever written, it’s really really really freakin’ cute.
Masterlist in bio // pinned
Pairing: Dick Grayson x reader
Word count: 3174
Warnings: none beside mentions of doing the do and one (1) innuendo
Summary: While most people would qualify married life as boring, having Dick Grayson for a husband turns the most mudane task into an adventure. This is the story of one shopping trip turned into a teenage dream (Katy Perry can suck it up)
You were making breakfast when you heard it. 
The sound of the coffee brewing and the sizzling pan were singing the beginning of a new day, harmonizing with your soft humming of a song you had heard on the radio the day before. The sun basked the whole kitchen in golden sun and warmed your back through your fluffy robe, so much you never wanted to leave this spot. You closed your eyes, taking in the peace you had long seeked. But then, it was interrupted by a loud crash and a high pitched scream.
You perked up, turning down the stovetops and rushing to the bathroom. Luckily, your husband never kept the door locked. In fact, it was wide open when you came in. You reached the shower handle and pulled it open with all the concern in the world, only to see Dick with a pout on his pretty face.
“Dick” You frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“This is the worst thing that happened to me” He almost sobbed. Your concern spiked.
“What happened?” You asked. “Are you hurt?”
“My toes...” His pout intensified as he pointed behind him. “The rack broke and all the bottles fell on my feet”
The sudden stress and concern fell, only to be replaced by your incredulous expression. You shouldn’t have been surprised by his blown out of proportion reaction, but again, Dick was probably the most dramatic person you knew. Punch him, shoot him, beat him up to an inch of his life, the guy will shake it off and get back on his feet. Minorly inconvenience him? You’ll never hear the end of it.
“You big baby” You rolled your eyes. “You’ll be fine”
“You won’t join me and make it better?” He now gave you his puppy eyes, opening his arms. You had to admit, it was hard not to cave in and go hug the giant toddler. “I’m hurt”
“You’ll get over it” You tried to say sternly, but a small smile still made it past you. “I’m going to finish breakfast now”
“Don’t forget--”
“Your cereals yes I know”
“You’re the best” He yelled after you as you closed the shower door. “I love you!”
“I love you too!”
You went back to the kitchen and turned on the stove tops again, taking care of the hashbrowns and bacon awaiting for your return in their pans. While they cooked, you cut oranges and melons, poured Dick’s favourite cereals in a bowl and put a cup of oat milk right beside. You started the eggs when you heard Dick come out of the bathroom, and managed to have everything ready on the table seconds before he came walking in in his own matching robe, his hair all damp and face shaved. 
“Smells amazing in here” He announced loudly.
You walked to him and kissed him on the cheek. He smelled of aftershave and jasmine shower gel. “Just in time”
Dick paused in his steps and stared at the full table with childish wonder. Then, his beautiful, almost sparkling eyes found yours. “What did I do to deserve you? And most importantly what would I do without you?”
“You were very handsome and convincing” You answered the first question with a sly smirk. “And probably dead in a ditch”
He looked like he wanted to argue, but closed his mouth when nothing came out. “Probably dead in a ditch, yeah” He admitted, before his gorgeous smile graced his features again. “Thank you for breakfast babe”
“You’re very welcome” You gladly accepted the quick peck on your lips, and laughed as he hurried to the table. You followed him and sat in front of him, watching as he piled food on his plate, unimpressed. You had been caught short handed when you first started dating, foolishly making food for two people like the boy didn’t eat enough to match a small village. But now you knew the trick and would never make that mistake again; you had to cook for a family of four. It was of utter most importance at breakfast, because he always woke up hungry. You didn’t mind though, because nobody appreciated your food more than him. You’d always get a ‘thank you’ before and after each meal, and he’d usually drop positive comments while he ate as well. 
Cooking for Dick Grayson was gratifying, to say the least.
“What?” He asked right after he shoved a spoonful of cereals on his mouth. “Why you shtaring?”
“Don’t worry about it” Your smile widened as you shook your head.
“It makes me shelf conschious” 
“Aw baby” You let out a small laugh. “Don’t be. You’re cute when you eat cereals”
He smiled wide, chewed cereal and milk pouring out of his mouth and onto his chin. You averted your eyes from the disaster and sighed.
“I walked into that one” You mumbled, looking up at the ceiling. “Should have known. That’s on me”
“Sorry” He half heartedly apologized, the laughter in his voice evident. “You can look again now, I swallowed”
You slowly trailed your glance on him, sending him a silent warning not to add a sexual joke to it. He visibly wanted to, but instead chose the prudent way and held his hands in defense of his innocence. You nodded slightly in satisfaction and served yourself breakfast, or what was remaining of each plate. You had enough however, since Dick knew exactly how much you needed and took care of leaving your preferred quantity. How thoughtful of him. 
“So, I guess we’ll need to go to Ikea to replace that shower rack” You spoke up once you knew his hunger rush had calmed down. “We can go this afternoon if you’ve got nothing to do”
“Oooh, I wanted to buy candles for the living room” He nodded. “Heard they got new ones. Yeah, we can go this afternoon”
“Cool” You nodded, taking a sip of your coffee. “There’s always less people near closing anyway, so that way we’ll avoid the crowds”
“Brilliant” He pointed, nodding along. “I hate when they’re all gathered around the Rättviken and you can’t even see your Pilkån”
You laughed at his exaggerated mannerism and his pretentious eye roll over his botched swedish accent, then finished your breakfast in comfortable silence. Whoever tried to scare you about married life when you were younger was clearly missing on something amazing, or was dead wrong, because you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Some might say going to Ikea in disguise might be a little excessive.
But you and Dick knew better. The number of times you were accosted by either journalists raising to the opportunity to grab a quick interview taped on their phones or nosy citizens looking for a peek of Gotham’s finest son to show off on their instagram feed was enough for you to take measures to ensure your privacy. You didn’t exactly mind, in fact, you thought it was kind of funny. However, sometimes you wanted to be left alone to your candle and shower rack shopping.
Today was one of these days. 
Hence, the baseball caps and sunglasses that would follow you even inside away from the sun rays, and away from unwanted attention. Dick suggested he wore his fake mustache, but you deemed it unnecessary for this not so delicate operation. Arms linked together, you entered the swedish domestic heaven and began snooping around the showrooms, pointing out what you liked better and styles you would definitely consider if your house hadn’t been entirely redecorated when you bought it some years ago. 
“We should buy an apartment just so we can recreate those rooms” You said as you paused in front of a beautiful study. “That would be fun”
“How about we just buy the show rooms so we can go whenever we want?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, good point” You grinned, then let it fall. “If only we had more than negative ten dollars in between us both”
“But then,” He began, glancing at you. “The same problem arises for the apartment option. We’d still be broke”
You blinked a few times, then sighed. “Then we’ve got no choice” You stared at him through his sunglasses. “We gotta steal the showrooms and make a run for it”
You held for two more seconds before you couldn’t contain your laughter anymore. The few people in the store looked at you like you were crazy, but you cared very little for them and their opinions. The facts were you had fun and they didn’t. You moved along to the bedrooms, where the big fluffy beds just called your name. Like your minds were connected, you and Dick both launched yourself on the king sized mattress in the orange tinted room. You bounced like you weighed a feather, then sank into the memory foam that would guarantee a good night of sleep to anyone bringing the mattress home.
“I’m comfy here” Dick scooted closer to you, reaching for your waist to cuddle and burying his face in your neck. “Don’t wanna leave” 
“Babe” You giggled, half heartedly pushing him away from you. You knew it was impossible to move him if he didn’t want to be moved. “We’re gonna get kicked out of the store if we get caught cuddling”
A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes, and before you could strategize to stop whatever plan he acted in his mind, he somehow pulled you from the middle of the bed and used his vigilante stealth to carry you inside a closet, shutting the door behind him. Your face was flushed at the sudden rolling and spinning, and he only had a shit eating grin you could see all too well even in the dark. 
“What the hell?” You whisper-screamed. “We could have been seen!”
“Nope” He seemed so proud of himself. “Made sure of it”
“Blind spot” He replied. “I checked everything. I’m a pro, babe”
You kept glaring at him with narrowed eyes. “I hate you”
“Uh huh” He gave you a small, unconvinced nod, knowing all too well it wasn’t even close to be true. “That’s why you stormed off the closet the second after I brought you here… Oh wait”
“Smart ass” You lightly slapped his chest, a small smile creeping on your lips. You kind of enjoyed the thrill of hiding out somewhere anybody could burst in at any moment, and you definitely didn’t dislike the proximity to your husband. Even if you were married, his close presence still made your heart do backflips. 
“Your smart ass” He corrected, giving you once again his puppy eyes. Well, you couldn’t actually see his eyes, but the tilt of his head and the slight jut of his lower lip all pointed to his famous facial expression that got him virtually anything. And you were far from immune to it. So naturally, you leaned in for a kiss, knowing it was what he was begging for this time. 
And just like that, you were making out like two teenagers in the janitor closet. 
It was messy, teeth clashed and giggles interrupted the motions more than not. Dick bumped his head at least twice on the bar above him and you almost fell down on your ass if it hadn’t been from Dick holding you. Hands got grabby and before you knew it, the temptation to make articles of clothing fly like fireworks brought you back to reality. You reluctantly broke the kiss, still giggling as he definitely didn’t want to leave your lips just yet. He whined when he realized you weren’t coming back. 
“Hey, hold on cowboy” You chuckled, holding his shoulder. “If we keep going on like that, we’ll end up making a baby inside this closet”
The playful expression came back, along with a dash of flirting. His hand caressed your arm. “Would it be so bad?”
“Yes” You deadpanned. “Because you would name the baby like, Songesand or something”
He gasped. “I would never name my child after Ikea furniture”
You raised an eyebrow. “We’re not naming our baby Björn either”
He paused, caught in the headlights. You knew him so well he was becoming predictable. “But then how will people know he was conceived in swedish furniture?”
“You dork” You poked his chest, making the grin return on his face. “Obviously we let people know by having an ABBA reference in his middle name”
He laughed loudly, but you didn’t care whether or not you got caught. You were having too much fun. “Please marry me now”
“Sorry, already taken” You tsked, showing your ring. The one he put on your finger on your wedding day. “But he’s a cool guy, maybe I could talk to him about us seeing each other”
“Nah, he’s a jerk” He brushed off. “I’d rather have you all to myself”
He was about to kiss you again when you heard the lights going off. It was already dark in the closet, but there was no doubt, the main lights had been shut down. Your eyes widened as you stared at each other for a moment in surprise, until Dick grabbed his phone in his back pocket and checked the time. He turned the phone to you, letting you read the clock screaming 17:45 at you. 
“Uh oh” You bit your lip. Fifteen minutes after closing. “They’re closing already? Shouldn’t they do a check up before?”
He shrugged. “Maybe the employees got some places to be?”
“Who’s got places to be on a Tuesday night?”
“So the employees are all vigilantes?”
“Maybe, we can’t know for sure”
“Sure, okay. So we’re locked in?”
You took off your cap and sunglasses. “Guess we won’t need these anymore”
“Come on” He said as he also took off his semi disguise. “Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about getting locked in an Ikea for the night?”
“I have actually” You pointed out. “It’s both my dream and my nightmare depending on who I’m there with”
“And I’m..?”
“Oh definitely nightmare” You replied in a serious tone, and his eyebrows raised. “Just kidding, being locked in here with you was on my bucket list”
“Attagirl!” He laughed, pushing open the closet like he realized you didn’t need to be hiding in there anymore. The store now had an eerie feeling, something on the other side of the vibe spectrum than it would usually be. It felt like you had crossed in another dimension narnia style. “This is gonna be fun”
“Where do we start?” You asked, stretching your legs. You had gotten a cramp from being all folded up in the closet. “Bathrooms? Living rooms?”
“Guards’ round” The mischief in his eyes returned, and just like that you were remembered you also would have to evade a guard. “We find out where he starts, how fast he makes his round, where he’s looking more carefully. Then we begin the cat and mouse game”
“Sounds like a plan” You nodded, then watched him perk up at something above your shoulder. 
He put a finger against his lips and stared down the hallway until you heard the shuffling of keys. How he managed to hear it long before you did would forever remain a mystery to you. In a blink, he wrapped his arms around your waist and spun around behind the very wardrobe you were hiding in minutes ago. You put a hand against your mouth to hold back the giggle that threatened to reveal your presence, and it didn’t help that you could feel Dick’s grin on the skin of your neck. He only turned you around in his arms when he was sure the guard was far enough.
“All clear” He confirmed, a boyish expression gracing his features. Yup, you definitely felt like a teenager sneaking around where you shouldn’t. The thrill was a refreshing spin to your routine. “Where to?”
“Hmm” You hummed, tilting your head. “Cap on the living rooms?”
Without warning, he grabbed your hand and took off running in the opposite direction from the security guard and toward the beginning of the Ikea maze. You almost let out a squeal of surprise, but managed to keep it down for the sake of your stealth operation. He only slowed down once you reached the area, letting go of your hand to jump on a couch. He threw his arm over his head and adopted a dramatic pause.
“My love, thee life shall be intertwined withet mine for the ends of times”
“Oh my dearest Eleanor” You joined in, adopting a much lower tone to match his higher one. You kneeled in front of him. “I taketh the oath to love you forever”
“Even if my corset is not made of real lace?”
You gasped. “How could you lieth to me such way?”
Dick was about to reply something even stupider when you were interrupted.
“Who’s there?”
“Oh shit” You hissed, grabbing Dick’s wrist and sprinting away. You were just getting to the good part of your goofing. 
“The English, they’re invading!” He yelled loud enough to be sure the guard chasing you heard. “Ring the bell, wake the men, hide the tea!” 
“Hey come back!” The guard, well, a different one, chased after you. You didn’t plan on having two of them making rounds. “You can’t be here!”
“You’ll never take us alive!” You added before you took a shortcut through the living room appliances to try and gain ground, then glanced at Dick. “If you have any vigilante disappearance act, now would be the time honey”
“I’m trying to spot an exit point--oh there” 
You were yanked through an employees only zone, from where you easily found the door for the outside smoking zone. You could hear the security guard behind, but you were too fast. You came to a halt in front of the fence, hesitating. You were able to more or less follow Dick at a running pace, but you were in no way an acrobat or parkour expert. Dick, knowing this, didn’t waste time grabbing your waist and lifting you above it and jumping suit. You then ran straight back to Dick’s car and drove quickly out of the parking lot towards your home.
“Oh my god” You laughed in disbelief. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done”
He laughed heartily. “You’ve always wanted to see what patrol was like as Nightwing, this is as close as it gets without doing the real thing”
“I mean, beside the role play probably”
“Hmm no, it happens more often than you would think” He nodded. You kept staring at him for a moment, but he was serious. Well, after a small reflexion, and knowing his family, the surprise kind of fell apart. It made sense. 
“We should do this every week” You declared. “It was fun!”
“Told ya it would” He winked. 
“With all of this though,” You began, suddenly thoughtful. “We did forget the shower rack”
“And the candles!” He gasped. “Not the candles!”
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guccitaehyung · 4 years
His secret (Mafia!AU)
Pairings: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Mafia!AU
Warnings: May have some grammar errors and typos :((
Word count: 1.9k
Request?: Yes by @taesluttt​ “HIIIII could you write sum Mafia!Taehyung..😔😔💕💕 thank you!”
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(y/n)’s POV
I had gotten home earlier than usual as I had finished the work I had to do for the day and decided to head home to spend some quality time with my boyfriend Taehyung. He was really busy lately and we rarely saw each other, so I was really hoping that he was in his home office and not out. I’m honestly starting to miss him a lot...
Anyway, as soon as I got in the house, I removed my shoes and kept them by the front door. I did this before calling for my beloved boyfriend.
“Tae? I’m home” I say as I walk around the house looking for him.
I walk all around downstairs and realize he was no where to be seen. I then decide to check upstairs and I hear talking from his home office. I stood by the door long enough to understand that he was talking to someone on the phone and that it was only him in the room.
I listened in on the conversation but was only able to understand only parts of the discussion. Something about an important shipment coming in soon and that him and his company had to be ready for it.
I frowned slightly but decided to head to the living room to wait for him to be done with his call. I was sitting down on the couch in silence and started reflecting on things. In the 4 years we’ve been dating, he never really went into details about what he did for a living. He only said that he earned a successful business, hence the expensive house, car and gifts that I received nearly every weeks. “I should ask him when he comes out” I thought to myself
I decide to scroll through my social media as I waited for him to come out. He came out 30 minutes later and looked quite tense, he looked around before his eyes laid on me as I looked up at him.
“Oh hello~ I didn’t know you were here, you finished early today?” He greeted as he looked at his watch and approached me
“I did, I finished my work early and decided to come home and spend some time with you~” I say and smile at you
Taehyung smiles and walks closer to me and sits down on the couch next to me
“Aww baby, I’m sorry we didn’t spend much time together for the past few weeks but work has become hectic” He said sadly
I sigh and look at him desperately
“Will you? Or is it just one of your empty promises?” I ask frustrated
He was about to answer when his phone rang and he stared at the ID caller and I did too.”namjoon-hyung” I always knew that he would be busy on the phone whenever he called. I sighed as I knew that he had no other choice but to answer but I was silently hoping that he didn’t...
He looked at me with apologetic eyes before answering the phone and walked away. He always did that, I wonder why... I guess he didn’t want me to hear him talk about business, maybe something about confidentiality? I always brushed it off but this time it became too much for me to just shrug it off. 
“What do you even do for you, you never told me exactly what you did?!” I exclaimed as he was clearly shocked as he flinched at my sudden outburst before giving me an apologetic smile
“I have to pick this, I’m sorry baby...” He says before picking up the phone and walking away so that I wasn’t able to hear the contents of the conversation. 
I sigh and roll my eyes as I watch him retreat into his home office and close the door behind him. I leaned forward and rest my head in my hands in frustration. I thought for less than 5 minutes before promptly deciding to pack my bags and leave for the night. 
So I did just that and stood up quickly before making a bee-line for the bedroom where I grabbed a suitcase from the back of the closet before stuffing in as much clothes I could as I didn’t know for how long I would be gone. 
After I was done, I quietly closed the suitcase before walking down the hallway, pass Taehyung’s office and out of the front door. I also made sure that I slammed the door behind me so that he knew that I was gone and also to relieve some of my anger. 
I entered my car and drove off to somewhere I wasn’t too sure at the moment. 
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When you walked out of the house, Taehyung knew you were gone as he had heard the door slam shut and immediately ended the call with Namjoon. He groaned out before he grabbed the glass cup that was on his desk and threw it at the wall in anger. He then grabbed his phone to try to call you but to no avail. A few more broken glass cups later, he finally decided to call his tech geek Jimin to tell him to track your phone. 
After a few minutes, he got your location and headed there only to realize that you were at your friend’s house. He sighed as he parked not too far away from the house before he decided to try and call you again. 
You were sitting on your friend’s couch as she prepared some dinner for you both. I sniffed as he numbly looked around the room and at the TV show playing but already forgotten. 
You had been crying as soon as you arrived at her front door and she obviously took you in but not before she asked you what had happened. You simply told her that you and Tae got into a fight and that you walked out. She understood and let you stay the night, knowing that you needed time away from him for a few hours. 
You guys ate dinner and decided to chill while watching your favorite movie to cheer you up. She tried her best to make you feel better and honestly, it worked. So you spent the rest of the night catching up with your best friend that you hadn’t seen in a few weeks. But since you always called each other, there wasn’t much catching up that was needed. 
You ended up going to bed quite late as you guys were too caught up in a new TV series your friend started watching not too long ago. You retreated to the guest bedroom as your friend headed to hers. 
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I was getting ready to go to bed when my phone rang, I looked at the ID caller and unsurprisingly it was Taehyung calling. I sighed as I turned back around to ignore it but something in my conscience told me not to. So I turned back round and answered the call. 
“What do you want?” I ask slightly annoyed as he sighs at your tone
“Where are you baby?” He asks even if he already knows where you are, he just didn’t want to scare you away
“I’m not gonna tell you where I am Taehyung, I obviously don’t want you here” I say as I lay down on the bed
“Just please tell me where you are so that I know that you are safe, please” he pleads genuinely
“I’m at my friends’ house, I’m safe, leave me alone now please” I say before hanging up the phone and tossing it on the other side of the bed 
I turned to my side and closed my eyes to try and sleep but I laid back on my back after I realized that I was too upset to sleep. I thought about everything that had happened and wondered if we ever would be back to normal again. 
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I woke up the next morning and yawned, I rubbed my eyes as they were hurting from all the crying that happened last time. I checked the time before deciding that it was too early to wake up and that I should just go back to bed. I closed my eyes and sighed contently before hearing an all too familiar voice.
“Slept well baby girl?”
My eyes shot wide open and I sat up to come face-to-face with my boyfriend.
“What are you doing here?” I asked bitterly
“I was actually waiting for you to wake up” He said as he stood up and approached the bed
I sighed as I let him come closer and sit on the bed but he still kept some distance between us. 
“I have to be honest with you baby” He says after being silent for a bit 
“Go on” I simply say and look at him
“Before I do, I promise I love you so much and I would never do anything or hurt you or anyone we’re close with” He said and grabbed my hands as I frowned
“What did you do Tae?” I ask confused 
“My work… is not very legal. It’s not something common people can do” He said nervously 
“So...what do you do exactly Tae?” I ask him 
“Illegal trading, underground stuff…” He tried to talk around the more dangerous parts, not wanting to scare you off too quickly
“What...?” I ask myself while whispering “I need time...” I say and pull away from him
“Just calm down, let’s think it over together. It won’t affect our relationship I promise” He said as he already knew he lied as it already had affected your relationship more than he wanted to admit, but he didn’t want to make it worse
“Is that it?” I ask fed up with his lies
“No...I’m a member of a mafia” He said straightforwardly, not wanting to lie any further
“Oh my...God” I whisper and lay down in the bed and take in all this new information
“Please let me explain, you don’t have to be afraid” He said while laying down next to you to watch your reaction from closer and to not want you to leave
“Go on then” I say dryly 
“I joined the guys when I was young, we were just few back then. We got some pocket money from it but then it turned into more and more and now we have multiple safe houses and bases for it” He explains truthfully 
“But why...?” I ask
“It brought good money. Now I do it mostly for the safety and power you have” He admitted 
 After a while, I sighed and turned to face him
“Okay then” I say and sit up 
“Huh? What do you mean?” He asked confused and followed your actions and sat up 
“You’re in the mafia, let’s just go back home and talk about it more” I say before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the bedroom 
He followed you as you thanked your friend and walked out to his car with you.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” He asked as you sat at a red light in his car
“I guess, yeah, I mean it explains everything, all the money coming in, the weird meetings you always have at random times and the house too, I guess I also don’t mind, as long as it doesn’t affect our relationship, I’m okay with it” I say and shrug
You guys went back home and spoke about it some more before having some make up sex. Gosh you love that man. 
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I was thinking maybe if (J x Pat x Reader) made/had dinner together?
Katieeee ~ 🥰💛🥰 hiiiii, darling!!!!😊 I had so much fun writing this! I hope that you enjoy it. It’s been a while since I wrote for the Ledger!OT3 so you’ll have to forgive anything rusty.
Please send @loveletterstoledger some love, she was so kind to read this over for me while it was being written and to tell me if these men were in character. I love you so much, angel!💙
Word count: 1, 714.
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When you had somewhat jokingly said to J several days ago that you liked to live dangerously and that you wished you could do it more often...
... This hadn’t been what you had had in mind.
In fact, if you had known that this was what J had been planning, you would have backpedalled so fast out of that conversation that you would have slipped off the proverbial cliff.
You had been exhausted lately; everything was just too much and so overwrought were you that you barely had the energy to even think about making dinner for the three of you, let alone to actually do it.
You opened the freezer, sifted the contents around, and tried to concentrate on making a list of what you needed more of. 
You liked to do multiple things at once to at least give yourself the feeling of being put together,
But control is an illusion, this you knew, as did J.
So when you dropped the bag of frozen peas because the grip in your fingers suddenly went slack and you didn’t respond to Pat’s gentle calling of your name, J knew that you needed to give up the illusion for one night.
Enough was enough and if there was one thing J didn’t tolerate, it was you suffering in any kind of way.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Pat tried to get your attention once more and you seemed to finally register him as you nodded.
“What? Yeah, just - tired, is all. M’fine.”
You relinquished your grip on the bag of peas and Pat scoffed, his dark brows furrowed.
He, too, couldn’t abide even the idea of you suffering. Keeping you safe and healthy and happy was the one thing which held he and J together, most especially because you knew how to break through Pat’s tendency to jump to the defense quickly, and you could see through J’s attempts to put those very walls up in the younger man.
And love... Oh, there was so much of it between the three of you that sometimes did it feel like a fourth presence in the room, watching over the three human inhabitants and giving them a safe and homely feel when they three were all together at the end of a long day.
Pat shook his head in disbelief. He shot J a look over your shoulder and the elder man shrugged. 
Despite his casual attitude, however, J’s chocolate gaze was pinned on you. He didn’t like this. not one bit.
“You’re not fine. Come here, love.” With one hand on your elbow, Pat reached across the room and somehow grabbed a chair. He pulled it towards you and looked at you expectantly.
When you didn’t immediately react, Pat huffed again and pointedly - but with care - pushed down on your shoulder with the hand that had been wrapped around your elbow. “Sit down before you fall down, Y/N. You’re exhausted. When was the last time you went to sleep?”
“Last night. Haven’t been sleeping well, but I have been sleeping. I’m fine, Pat.”
J had been watching this exchange quietly. He said nothing, but he took in Pat’s tender frustration, your exhaustion and your obvious want for a night for your two loves by your side, where they belonged.
“You, ah - ya’ still want a taste of danger, doll?” 
You eyed J warily but he remained undeterred.
“Why don’t, ah - why don’t the kid and I make dinner, hm? Ya’ can sit and - “ J waved a hand around like he was trying to conjure the words up out of nowhere, “look pretty.” You sat there staring at J in disbelief and he nodded in approval. “Ya’ a natural!” 
You felt your face heat up in a blush at the easy compliment and J’s eyes seemed to deepen as he stood there looking at you, exhausted but still trying to function at your usual level.
You were a strong one; he had taught you that, and he was proud of you.
If J got his way, then dinner would be some paper takeaway menus and a phone call.
But Pat was a natural caregiver and you were worried enough as it was.
The last thing the younger of the two men wanted you to worry about was where the money for the takeaway was going to come from, and so he resolved to make you something.
It had been J’s idea and so the clown was going to help, whether he wanted to or not. 
There was nothing Pat wouldn’t do for you and in truth was J much the same. 
Though the two men were quite different, you were their common interest and the glue which held them together. 
This night was your comfort paramount, so exhausted were you and so desperately did you not even want to have to worry about even the small things.
With the decision made, J began to open cupboards, his eyes scanning the contents before he moved onto the next cupboard, not shutting anything, and Pat swore under his breath and began to move up behind J.
Pat pulled bits and pieces from the cupboards as he went, “J, will you stop? We’re meant to be helping, not create more mess!”
J grunted in acknowledgement that Pat had spoken and the younger man correctly translated the noise to be one of agreement, though J went no further.
He did, however, pointedly slam a cupboard door shut, making Pat clench his jaw against saying something as he began to put a meal together for the three of you. 
The peas you had grabbed earlier, some pasta (catered to any dietary restrictions or choices you had), some spices... a few more things from the freezer...
It had meant to be a group effort to make dinner but what ended up happening was that J leaned against the counter beside the oven top and made sassy comments with his arms folded over his eccentrically covered chest, and you approached Pat once steam began to curl up from the various saucepans and frying pans to wrap your arms around his waist.
You curled into Pat and he hummed, tipping his head back distractedly to awkwardly press a kiss to the nearest parts of you he could reach. 
Pat was fully focused on making dinner and his dark brows were furrowed as he taste tested and then chucked the used teaspoons into the sink. A double dipper he was not.
“Dinner’s ready. J, can you - “
Before Pat had finished speaking, you pulled away from him and J had, already in his hands, three plates. 
And so it continued that at the point where Pat would ask for something, J had already done it, and you realised that J hadn’t just been tormenting Pat.
He had been keeping the younger man company, observing how he cooked and how he preferred his food, and making sure that Pat didn’t hurt himself as he prepared dinner.
J cared and it made your heart swell in your chest at how subtle J’s affections were unless one knew how to look for them.  
Pat noticed, too, and as he grabbed two plates to take them over to the table, he casually kissed J’s cheek. “Getting soft in your old age, J?”
“Care-ful, kid-do,” J’s words were soaked in amusement - he enjoyed the banter as much as Pat did. “This old man’s not slow.”
You three sat at the table and Pat kept an eye on you as you both ate; J, for his part, was more preoccupied with keeping an eye on his younger partners. 
He wasn’t all that hungry, anyway, and he had seen some poptarts in the cupboard... 
To J’s relief, his younger partners had eaten, and he felt a part of himself, a part he liked to hide and otherwise deny even to his own self, become relieved to know that the people he chose to spend his precious time with were taking care of themselves - even if your own hand had been forced.
“Thank you for dinner, Pat,” Instead of simply getting up and starting with the dishes, you sat further forward and wrapped your arms around Pat’s neck. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” Pat kissed the side of your head and then you turned to the side, slowly unfurling your arms from around Pat and throwing yourself at J, who let you clamber onto his lap before his arms slinked around your waist like a sleepy boa constrictor; ensnared were you by all that the clown was, all that he had ever been and all that he would ever be.
“Someone’s sleepy, hm?”
You nodded, wanting to just... sink into royal purple and charcoal grey and to never again resurface. 
The heartbeat which pounded strongly in your ear was the lullaby which was sending you closer to a threshold consciousness, and you jolted upwards.
You had gotten so good at catching your own fall over the years.
J’s large, hot hand smoothed over the expanse of your back. He didn’t want to let you go, but he knew that you were close to giving in to your exhaustion and the dinner table was not the place for it.
“Here, Pat - let me do the dishes because you cooked.”
You made your way over to the sink with the dishes in your hands and once again did it seem as though Pat and J had a conversation over your shoulder, for the decision was not yours to make.
“A-ta-ta, no.” J seized the plates from you and dumped them in the sink. “Leave ‘em.”
You knew what J was trying to say: the dishes could wait. You, J’s greatest priority alongside Pat, couldn’t.
“Don’t be shocked, but - “ Pat wrapped an arm around you and tugged you into his side, “I’m with J on this one. Dishes can wait.”
Your eyes turned from one chocolate gaze to the other as exhaustion truly swept you up into its current.
Only Pat’s hold on you prevented you from being carried away by it and all you could say was, “cuddle pile?”
Pat’s grin made your heart drop to your stomach and J’s smirk made it melt.
HL OT3: @tsukiakarinobara    @1-800-dead-inside  @antonija89  @hotpacino @call-me-harley-quinn @devilshyenaaa
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Like We Used To: 19
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A/N: Not sure if anyone is actually still reading this, so let me know if you want more!
[Click Here For Previous Chapters]
The last few days have been hectic the best and most nerve wracking possible way that it was almost hard to believe that Kate and Lewis only got married two weeks ago. It felt like an eternity had passed since then. Harry and Elizabeth stayed up half the night sharing a sleeve of oreos and reminiscing about all of the things that happened in those two weeks and how quickly they became attached to each other again. They’ve been essentially attached at the hip, which made the notion of them flying back home tomorrow a bit daunting for Elizabeth. Yes, they had plans to have dinner with Harry’s mom next week, but that was it. Harry hadn’t said or done anything of the contrary, but for her, it almost felt like their whirlwind romance was fleeting. That could have just been her insecurities talking, but it was hard to imagine that this could continue. 
Harry woke up early today to do an interview over the phone with a radio station while Elizabeth slept in, having caught up on all of her work for the week, impressed with herself as it was only Thursday. He had scheduled studio time that afternoon for himself and the band to continue working on a few songs, but that night Harry had planned to have a little get together with some of his LA friends so he could see them before he left. She wasn’t entirely sure who all was invited, but she did know the people who she flew in with would be there, so she was excited nonetheless. 
Elizabeth spent most of the day preparing for guests by tidying up, preparing cheese boards and snack bowls, getting cups and plates. Harry told her that she didn’t have to, but she wanted to make herself useful. Besides, it got her mind off of the Ellen episode that aired that morning, practically unedited. If people didn’t think Harry and her were dating before, they had serious doubts now. She had to admit, though, Elizabeth was starting to be more open to the idea of officially dating Harry. He had been extremely patient with her and gave her no reason to not trust him. In fact, he was being more open about his feelings towards her (to people he knew personally, at least. He didn’t mention it in any interviews in respect of Elizabeth’s wishes). 
It’s not like Elizabeth wasn’t on the same page as Harry. She expressed this to her older sister on facetime as she sat on the lounge chair by the pool. Even though it was nearly 1 AM in England, her sister, Jenny, was up breastfeeding her 3 month old daughter.
“I can see it on your face, Lizzy,” Jenny said in a hush tone, not wanting to startle her daughter, “You look happy. Like you’re in love. I haven’t seen that look on you in a while.”
Elizabeth blushed, slightly embarrassed, “I wouldn’t go that far, just yet. But I am happy. I don’t know, he’s just...great. Like last night, we stayed up all night we played charades. I can’t remember the last time I laughed that much.”
“So if he’s good to you, you have fun, you care about him, and he wants to date you, why don’t you?”
“I don’t know, ‘cuz I’m an idiot? I mean, I was telling myself that it was because I didn’t want to end up hurt again like I was with Kyle, but I’m starting to think I might be ready now.”
“You should talk to him tonight. Tell him.”
Elizabeth bit her lip, “I don’t know. Maybe. Anyways, how is my niece?”
“Mia is good,” Jenny’s eyes twinkled down at her infant’s face who was suckling away at her breast, “been having a bit of trouble sleeping through the night, but she’s still a happy baby. She misses her Aunt Lizzy. Can’t wait for you to visit us next week. You’re coming over on Wednesday, right?”
“Yes, and I can’t wait to sniff her head!” Elizabeth did her best imitation of baby talk, scrunching her knows and inhaling dramatically, making Jenny laugh. “Guess where I’m going next Saturday, though.”
“Where? Paris?” Jenny teased.
“Harry’s mom’s for dinner.”
“Come again?” Jenny’s eyes widened. “Is that not a big deal? I mean, I know you’ve seen her plenty of times. But this is under different circumstances, no?”
“I don’t know,” Elizabeth shrugged, “I don’t think she knows what’s going on between us. I mean I’m sure she’s heard the rumors, but I don’t know if she believes them or what Harry’s told her.”
“Hmm...well I’ll be interested to know the details afterwards. Are you going to visit mom and dad while you’re down there, then?” 
“I was thinking of stopping in, yeah.”
Elizabeth heard a distant echo and her name being called before turning to see the sliding door open. Harry came barreling out, beaming, and lunged on top of her, covering her in kisses. She loved when he was in his silly mood.
“Harry!” Elizabeth gasped in between giggles, “I’m on the phone!”
Harry rolled off of her, shooting her alarmed eyes, “Oh, shit.” he breathed, “I’m sorry!” 
Elizabeth grabbed her phone that had fallen onto the ground and pulled it up, showing him her sister who waited on facetime, smiling amused. He cringed, “Hiiiii, Jenny. I’m sorry! I didn’t see the phone up. How are you? Congratulations on the baby!”
“It’s alright,” she chuckled, “And thank you, we’re all good here. I was actually just getting ready to go put Mia back to bed, so I’m gonna get going. But, I hope to see you soon, Harry! Lizzy, I’ll see you next week.”
“Alright, Love you!” Elizabeth called as Harry shouted out a ‘goodbye’, and she hung up.
Harry turned to Elizabeth, pausing a moment before standing up and slinging her over his shoulder, shouting, smacking her butt, and running around the yard. It was evident that he was in a good mood and she laughed with him, smacking his back to be let down. Eventually he planted her feet in the grass and smashed a kiss on her.
“Good day at the studio?” Elizabeth giggled as he pulled away.
“Yeah, we finished a song. Need a few more days in the studio to tweak a few things, but we can do that in London. We’re almost done. I can’t believe it!”
“I’m so happy for you!” Elizabeth bounced on her toes, smiling widely while holding onto his hands, “When will you be going to the London studio.”
“Jeffrey is booking some time in London the day after we get back. We’ll probably be there all day. But anyway, I saw all the snacks you made. Thanks for that. People should start arriving in about three hours, so what do you think? Should we make dinner quickly then get ready?”
The two of them headed inside and teamed up making a caprese salad. The only song Harry let her listen to off of his new album was a song he had written over a year ago that was supposed to be on the previous album called ‘Cringe’, which was actually a pretty amazing song, despite having been about a previous breakup of his. They both belted out the lyrics while slicing tomatoes and mozzarella, laughing at each other as they dramatically acted out a live performance. They quickly ate and then ran upstairs, taking a shower together.
Harry buffed the sponge down her back in circular motions as she finished washing her face under the cascading water. He let his fingers trace the falling drops of water before lightly kissing her shoulder blade and pulling her closer to him, digging his face into her neck. She smirked feeling him start to harden between her legs. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself this week, they’ve had sex at least once a day since he first got to her house. And as much as she wanted to, she also wanted to see him want it. She didn’t want to just give in that easily.
She turned to face him, wiping the water off of her eyes, and pressed herself against him even more, bringing her lips to his. She could feel him hold his breath, leaning in in anticipation of her kiss, but she just whispered, “it’s all yours” before shimmying out of his grip and stepping out of the shower, ringing her hair into the towel that hung on the wall. Harry looked out at her with his jaw dropped as she wrapped the towel around her body. 
“Hold on! Get back in here!” He called after her.
“Sorry! Gotta get ready!” She called back, snickering to herself.
She slipped into a pair of sheer black tights, a black turtleneck long sleeved shirt, and layered a leopard print spaghetti strap mini dress on top with a pair of ruffled white socks and black combat boots, drying her hair and quickly running it through a curling iron to give it a bit of loose waves. She smoked out her makeup a little bit, but didn’t want to overdo it so she just went with a nude lip. When she was finally finished she went downstairs to see Harry wearing a Hawaiian t-shirt with most of the buttons undone tucked into oversized dress pants and loafers, hair perfectly tousled and rings on practically all of his fingers; only he could look that good in those clothes. Music played softly over the house speakers and just as she snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, the front doorbell rang. He turned to give her a pick on the forehead before going to answer it.
“Lizzy?!” She recognized the voice as Mitch calling out.
Elizabeth heard an offended huff from Harry as she jogged out to see Mitch, Sarah, Adam, Ny, and Charlotte standing in the landing. They smiled when they saw her and ran up to give her hugs and friendly kisses on the cheek before going further into the living room to chat. Within an hour more people started to show up. Harry started to introduce her to the guests that came in, but eventually it got to be too many people for him to keep track of the new arrivals as people started letting themselves in. 
“I didn’t think there would be this many people,” Elizabeth yelled to Mitch and Sarah over all the noise that filled the room, looking across the room at Harry as he greeted more of his friends.
“I don’t think there was supposed to be,” Sarah said, “LA parties tend to get like this; people bring people who bring people.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll stay with you.”
It hadn’t really struck Elizabeth the seriousness of how famous Harry actually was until she saw people like Kacey Musgraves and Kendall Jenner walking around the house. It was intimidating being in a mansion that was filled with famous people. Quickly, Elizabeth had lost Harry in the crowd. Her eyes wandered in search for him while she stuck with her new friends, but an hour and a half must have passed before she caught a glimpse of him. Through the crowd she saw Harry standing in a corner, leaning over as a gorgeous blonde kissed his cheek, leaving a mark from her red lipstick. Instantly her heart rose to her throat, making it a bit hard for her to breath, recognizing the woman as his ex-girlfriend, Camille Rowe. She felt her hands starting to shake, jealousy and anxiousness rising in the pit of her stomach. Harry didn’t say much about his relationship with her, only that he had been heartbroken. Why was she here? Why did they seem so friendly? She wasn’t the territorial type, but her mind involuntarily flashed back to her being cheated on in her last relationship. The fact was, she didn’t know how Harry felt about his ex, or if he still wanted to be with her. But judging by the way he smiled while talking to her, she wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
Elizabeth decided to avoid looking in his direction, mostly for fear, and did a good job at evading most of the famous people, sticking with Mitch and Sarah and a few people who they were familiar with until she got more comfortable talking to more strangers. She was laughing with Zack, a tall, tanned guy about her age who she had come to know did some modeling, when she felt a hand on her waist. 
“Hey, baby,” when she turned to look at him he bent down and gave her a lingering kiss before pulling away. 
Baby? He never called her that before. Not that she minded the sound of it, but the timing was odd. And what was with the kiss? Was he trying to get everyone to find them out? There were people taking selfies all over the place! She grimaced at the look on his face that was both soft and domineering at the same time.
“Can I steal you away for a minute,” He said sweetly, looking up to give Zack a smile, a tinge of disdain hidden behind it.
“Uh, sure,” Elizabeth muttered before Harry wrapped his arm around her waist and led her away. 
They passed groups of people playing karaoke, a crowd hanging around a beer pong table, and towards the backyard passed a dozen people standing around the illuminated pool. Mitch and Sarah had even made their way outside, standing off to the side and talking to each other, shooting a questioning gaze and wave in their direction. The noise was still loud outside, but not nearly as ear buzzing as it was inside. Palm trees lightly swayed in the LA October night breeze and she saw a couple people making out in the lounges while Harry guided her to a secluded corner behind Mitch and Sarah. He turned to face her with a look she couldn’t quite figure out, holding both of her hands in his, before pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, and pressing his lips against hers again. At first she melted into him, but then pushed him away.
“What’s wrong?” Harry asked.
“What’s wrong?” She copied, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms. She looked up at him, waiting for him to say something, but he didn’t. She sighed, lifting a hand to his face and wiping the red lipstick mark from his cheek that was left there by Camille. Realization hit when he saw her red stained thumb. Before he could speak she continued, “And what was that? Baby? Kissing me in a crowded room? Were we not trying to keep us low-key anymore?”
“You’re the one so determined to keep us low-key, Lizzy,” Harry fought back. “We’re in my home. I trust the people here, and I know that they wouldn’t have brought untrustworthy people. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t let them be here. We don’t have to pretend here.”
“So you’re telling me that you don’t care if your gorgeous ex-girlfriend in there knows you’re seeing someone?” She crossed her arms.
“No!” He shot back, “I don’t care if she knows.”
Elizabeth softened, looking at him through her eyelashes, “So you don’t have any feelings for her anymore?”
Harry grabbed Elizabeth’s hands, pulling her closer to him again. He whispered, looking into her eyes, “No. I don’t have feelings for her anymore. You may not be my girlfriend, but I have no interest in being with anyone else.”
A bashful smile spread across her face and she stood on her tippy toes to kiss him again. He put his hands on either side of her face to deepen the kiss and he laughed into it. When he pulled away he shook his head, “Man, I almost wanted to punch that guy you were talking to. I don’t even know him.”
Elizabeth laughed, “Clearly. You must not have known he was gay, then.”
Harry laughed harder, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Jesus. Sorry!”
Elizabeth smiled, shaking her head. She found his jealousy quite charming. He didn’t cross the line of being controlling or overly possessive, but showed just the right amount of assertiveness. She thought back to her conversation with Jenny that morning about telling Harry she was ready to take that next step into their relationship and finally be his girlfriend when she heard a squeal behind her.
She turned to see Kendall Jenner walking over with a few of her friends who could have also been models. He looked up and gave her a friendly smile, hugging her when she approached them.
“Hey, how are you?” Harry asked, still smiling and giving the rest of the people she was with friendly hugs as well.
“Great, thanks for having us. Is this your girlfriend?” she asked, looking at Elizabeth, “Hi, I’m Kendall.” 
Elizabeth was almost shocked when Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, introducing her without correction, “This is Elizabeth.”
“Nice to meet you,” Elizabeth smiled, timidly.
Kendall’s eyes flicked up and down, looking at her. Elizabeth didn’t think Kendall was trying to be intimidating, but she sure felt it, so she excused herself to go talk to Mitch and Sarah to let them catch up. Mitch and Sarah must have noticed the look on Elizabeth’s face because they both simultaneously rubbed Elizabeth’s arm comfortingly as she explained what had just happened. They glanced over at Harry talking to his friends a few times. 
They weren’t trying to eavesdrop, but somehow over the noise they were able to hear Kendall say, “Are you sure? Do you really think she’ll be able to deal with your lifestyle? She looks so uncomfortable here.” Harry looked over at her with an uncertain expression and they caught eyes. She quickly looked away, turning her attention back to Mitch and Sarah who had also heard it. 
“She’s probably just looking out for him,” Mitch said. “But she doesn’t know you like we do. You’re doing great.”
“You’re strong. You’ll definitely be able to handle it easily!” Sarah agreed.
Elizabeth groaned, “I need a drink.”
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taurusjaehyun · 5 years
just a little bit of your heart // j.jh
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♦Pairing: Jaehyun x fem reader
♦Other Members/ Characters: Johnny, Taeyong, Doyoung, Hyuck, Ten, Jisoo, Rose and Mingyu
♦Genre: ANGST!!!
♦Warnings: unrequited love, mentions of smut, sad, shitty situations, y/n is very very sad and in love, cheating
♦Word count: 3,978
♦Story: A little is better than none.
 Note: Hiiiii!! I’m back! I know I’ve been MIA in a while but life just happened and so many situtations led me to lose inspiration over writing, esp with Jaehyun (for reasons induced by other jaehyun fans L) and life was generally shitty esp with my already bad mental health lol a anyways, here’s an angsty piece that I’ve been working on for a while since I was sad lol I hope you guys enjoy it! Some references to Ariana Grande’s Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart which is sad af lol.
 “No. I never loved you and I don’t think I ever will, y/n. I wanna say sorry but I’m not. I know you love me but I really don’t think I can give it back.”
 For once, you wanted to initiate the kisses that led to fucking just so he could shut the fuck up, much like how he’d shut you up when you kept asking if he loved you. You kept asking him if he finally loved you, and you had begged just even for a little bit of his heart but he never gave you just a hint, even. At least now, he was being honest. After one year. The one year you begged for him to date you just so you could convince him and make him fall for you.
 Throughout the year you spent together, Jaehyun was an excellent boyfriend to you. He provided what you needed more so on the physical side because when it came to feelings, he couldn’t give you anything more than what he already gave. You were thankful he didn’t change the way he was around you and how he treated you as a friend, especially after you started dating. There was really nothing more to being his girlfriend except the dates and the sex.
 You could feel your already broken heart shatter even more. Of course you knew he didn’t love you. He never said and showed he did. And he definitely wasn’t sorry.
“I’d like for us to stay friends, though. I love you as a friend and I don’t wanna lose you over this.” He speaks out, completely calm and reasonable. The hand he had on your thigh felt more foreign than ever.
You give him a tight smile and try to get away from his hold, sitting up and leaning on the headboard of your bed where the two of you had just gone through heated rounds of sex. Couldn’t this have waited after you two were dressed? But he was probably wanting this moment to happen soon anyways so it doesn’t drag out because he’s just too nice. That was the problem with him, he was too damn nice.
“I… Thank you for tolerating me,” you smile, exhaling in the process. You couldn’t let him show how you could feel your insides shatter into powder and that the pain was seeping to your skin and bones. It hurt so much. You couldn’t breathe.
Jaehyun stayed silent but offered you a sheepish smile. It was as if he expected you to just accept his revelation and break up with you even though everyone, especially him, knew how you’d been in love with him for ages.
  The break up news wasn’t as shocking to people as you thought it would. Everyone saw it coming and they were just counting down until the two of you parted ways. Men and women were flocking him and you couldn’t stay mad as he treated them the same way he’d treat everyone while he was dating you but, the problem now is, he never loved you so who’s to say he wasn’t already entertaining people while you two were together?
 Your ‘friends’ saw this coming. Ten, one of the people that clearly expressed that he was not so fond of you, had brutally told you that it was about time before you eventually broke up because according to him, ‘Jaehyun was as interested in you like oil and water wanted to mix’. It hurt and it was embarrassing as he told you that in front of everyone. Even when you were together, he’d even make comments about you and Jaehyun sometimes when you were still together.
 Almost all of your group of friends had agreed with Ten, basically. With the way you were acting like everything was okay and that you were completely fine with parting ways with Jaehyun, everyone thought you had moved on from him. Though Jaehyun had said that the break-up was mutual, they never failed to tease you and tell you that Jaehyun probably dumped you which was real shitty, to be honest, but it was true anyways so you couldn’t deny it.
 You had no one to talk to. It was either they didn’t really care or they sided with Jaehyun. You weren’t apart of the original crew of friends anyways. Now that you’ve broken up with Jaehyun, it felt like there was no reason to spend time with them anymore.
 Jaehyun was very popular in university so of course, everyone knew him and wanted him. While people mostly knew you as the girl who chased after Jaehyun, became friends with him and finally got what she wanted when you successfully got him to date you. No one but you and Jaehyun knew about the one year you begged from him after he had turned you down after your very well prepared confession. Despite that, everyone wasn’t convinced your relationship was out of love in the first place. You’d make Jaehyun turn up in public with your marks inflicted in ‘passionate nights’ but everyone thought of it as purely sexual.
 Everyone knew Jaehyun didn’t like you that way and he was just too nice.
 2 weeks after, you go through the motions as if nothing has changed. You restrain yourself and start to stay away from Jaehyun. You don’t really actively reach out for him, or get close to him like you’d normally would. He’d assume his position beside you because ‘that’s what he was used to and you’re still a good friend to him’.
 You’d decided that little was better than none. You’d take this the feeling of your chest hurting just to see, feel and be with Jaehyun.
 “Did you sleep with her?” Haechan asks, teasing Jaehyun. Jaehyun had started going out with the guys again and although you didn’t wanna know, you were still in this table where the friends shared everything within themselves.
 “No, no! We’re still getting to know each other and besides, we both just got out of a relationship.” Jaehyun explains as he throws a piece of fry he stole from your plate into his mouth.
 Doyoung grunts, flicking Hyuck’s forehead which made the sophomore groan in pain. “Dude, his ex is literally beside him and it’s only been weeks. Rude.” Doyoung scolds Haechan who only retaliates back.
 “Oh, I forgot about you, sorry.” Hyuck shrugged nonchalantly, knowing that jab was directed to you. Without missing a beat, another topic overtakes the table and you’re left to your thoughts again.
 You lose your appetite and decide the peas in your mashed potatoes were very much interesting���just to tune out the others conversation. You tended to overthink and you admit for the past 2 weeks, you’ve thought of nothing except Jaehyun, especially when you were in bed. At night is where usually everything comes crashing down.
 2 weeks of sleepless nights full of tears and no one has noticed nor mentioned it. But you think it’s actually better than actually having to explain yourself. No one had heard your side of the story after the break up and how especially hard it was for you, of course. No one knew what was said and what transpired between your relationship.
 You always thought Jaehyun was just particular about his privacy but turns out, he was doing damage control and not letting people assume about your relationship so when the time came, no one could get in your business because they knew nothing at all. You felt stupid because now it’s clear that it was more like a day dream in your head. Jung Jaehyun, turns out, wasn’t as nice as everyone thought he was.
 You had your classes timed in your phone since you always managed to be late, mostly to the fact that Jaehyun had you pressed against a wall, crying for him, so when your alarm for your next class goes off, you quietly leave the table and as expected, no one really noticed. You liked it better that way.
 As your presence with Jaehyun’s friends started to become non-existent, you started having your food in the courtyard instead of the cafeteria where Jaehyun and his friends usually ate. They’d text you on your whereabouts but you managed to make excuses and you recently joined an org in uni that took up your time and your focus so they didn’t really bother asking much for you. You had a few classes with them anyways.
 Jaehyun texted you whenever he could, though. After all, before you dated, you were the closest to him so it’d be weird not to answer his messages. You had agreed to be friends with him anyways after that night when he dumped you. You did your best to reply, of course, you didn’t want to disappoint him. Again, a little was better than none.
 Most of the time, you’d end up thinking about wanting to cry about Jaehyun that eating became physically taxing and annoying, and you throw yourself in so much work and studying that you barely had time to rest and it didn’t help that Jaehyun was everywhere in your dorm as well so you resorted to sleeping in one of the empty classrooms.
 And that was where you saw him with her.
 You had no idea of what Jaehyun had been up to except for the stuff he’d tell you on text, but you definitely knew he always had had his eyes on this one girl from your Politics class and she definitely was very interested, and now even more that he’s single and you’re definitely out of the picture.
 Jaehyun and Mina were at the front of the room, with Jaehyun pressing the perfect Mina against the board, passionately kissing her in the classroom you were occupying. It seemed like they hand’t noticed ur existence as you were jolted awake when her heel hit the wooden tables when Jaehyun had lifted her from the table and onto his lap before pressing her against the wall, kissing her so slowly and passionately.
 He’d never kissed you that way. No matter how much he kissed you, how harder he fucked you, this was the most you’ve ever felt actual feelings from him. You couldn’t deny the painful jab at your heart so you distract yourself, thinking about your tiredness and want to sleep. You try to force yourself again back to sleep so you had to listen to them making out while talking like lovers. You didn’t cry at all, and you were damn proud, but after they had left, you missed your class and went straight to your dorm, seeing his ghost again. Seeing the ghost of him from your past memories was better than the Jaehyun you saw earlier. You couldn’t deal with him after that.
 After that, you’d completely tried to ignore Jaehyun and his friends. They were never your friends. You’d just smile and wave at them when you see them at classes but there was no point for conversation. They’d text you but it was over nothing. And not to mention that Ten was being extra cold and hurtful with the texts he sent you, knowing you being absent around them was because of Jaehyun.
 From TY:
-          I know you love him a lot.
-          I’m always here if you need to talk.
 From JCC:
-          We miss u broski 😔 we’ll kick Jaehyun and his new gf out for u just come back 😂
-          Oh. Sorry, they’re together now tho... I didn’t mean to tell you... but Ig it’s only right.
-          JN: Sorry :(
 From Junguwu:
-          Hang in there, y/n :) fighting!
 From: Hyuck
-          Suck it up and come back! Show him u don’t need him 🤪
 From Doyoung:
-          You ok?
-          I guess you already know about Jaehyun and his new gf?
-          Take care of yourself, y/n. I know you love him a lot.
 From Jaehyun:
-          Y/n?? Where are you??
-          Miss hanging out with u!!
-          Imma buy u fries just hang out with us again!! I have sumn to tell u!!
-          Im seeing Mina now!! Reply when u see this!
 You busied yourself with the new organization you joined and turns out, the news of Jaehyun dating Mine was bigger than expected, well not to you. It had been a long time coming anyways. Mina and Jaehyun were hooking up even way before you and Jaehyun got together. Jaehyun and Mina were both well known to be one of the most beautiful people in campus and it just made sense they’d date. People were even calling them the most beautiful couple even before they met so needless to say, this couple was approved and well supported by the people in your uni, not just your department.
 You were old news. It had just been 3 months since you and Jaehyun broke up and it was long forgotten. However, comparison wasn’t avoided now that Jaehyun was dating a goddess in his league now, compared to when he dated you, a nobody. You were just known for being the girl that Jaehyun dumped after a year.
 Some people though, find it funny that you were still so obviously into Jaehyun. Your parting ways with Jaehyun and his friends was not unnoticed by the gossip mills in the uni. Out of spite and pure entertainment, people would as you about Jaehyun and how your relationship was, which you ignore—for the most part. Some people are just really interested in him and how it was dating him, and most people asked how he was in bed and of course, you didn’t answer. You tried to distance yourself from him and anything to do with him. You didn’t realize how popular Jaehyun was, honestly. You knew so many people were against you when you were friends and even more so when you started dating.
    You decide to go out again, linking up with a few girls in your org, Jisoo and Rose. It was a club you’ve never been before and you’re glad because they were actually good company. After the break-up with him, you often hung out with them because of the time you spent in the org and you’ve been inseparable ever since.
 It wasn’t common for you to wake up with a stranger next to you for the past 2 months. You heard that Jaehyun started sleeping around a week after you broke up and even if you tried to act like it didn’t hurt, it really did. He was always one to sleep around but he assured you he was loyal when you were together and you gave yourself to him whenever he needed you so he wouldn’t stray but clearly, that wasn’t enough to keep him.
 You recognize your one night stand as Mingyu who you had class with last semester and was good friends with Jaehyun. Not that it mattered, though.
“You were crying last night,” Mingyu started when he passed you a bowl of cereal as breakfast from his position in the other side of the kitchen island. He had offered, of course.
 It wasn’t anything new, really. “Oh?”
 “You were calling his name, you know,” he started as he looked up at you, gauging your reaction, “even when I was fucking you.” He said awkwardly then cleared his throat.
 You sigh, clicking your tongue, “that’s embarrassing. I’m so sorry.” Again, it wasn’t anything new.
 “It’s ok. I know you love him. Everybody knows.”
 You frown, “is that supposed to be a good thing?”
 He looks at you and sees your less than welcoming expression. “No, I mean like, he knows you love him and everyone does. It shows. And it’s completely understandable why you’re hurt now that he’s... with Mina.” He cleared his throat when you visibly wince at the mention of Mina’s name. “He’d tell us... about you sometimes when we hung out.”
 You didn’t want anyone’s pity, honestly. “Yeah, well. See how that didn’t work out.” You laugh bitterly. “I gave him a lot of me and he never felt the same way. It’s ok, though. I mean...” you pause and start to eat your cereal and he nods.
 “Umm... I’m really sorry I don’t know how to comfort you but if it makes you feel any better...” he pauses, as if pondering then smiles before speaking again, “you’re a great fuck.”
 You burst out laughing, “well, that was the only way I could keep him, Mingyu.”
 Mingyu ended up dropping you off at your dorms on the way to his first class, and in his car so the walk of shame wasn’t as embarrassing. You didn’t forget what he told you before you came down the car.
 “You’re worth it, y/n and more than enough. Jaehyun isn’t just for you and it’s his loss, honestly.”
 You skipped on your first class, staring up the ceiling as you let the tears fall silently until you couldn’t breathe. Even with the amount of guys you’ve slept with, none of them compared to Jaehyun. You knew some of the guys you’ve slept with knew you were Jaehyun’s ex and if they didn’t, they’d know from the way you could call his name and cry for him in the middle of drunken sex. You felt extra bad for Mingyu as he turned out to be a great ear for you and the fact that he said that you were one of the best fucks he’s ever had while you couldn’t say the same.
 Sex was pointless at this point, honestly. You couldn’t feel anything but the emptiness and pain you felt while you were being fucked and usually, the after effects were you being sore. And the only way you would cum was when you’d think about Jaehyun fucking you but that made the pain in your heart grow. It was an annoying cycle.
    “Fuck me, Jaehyun.” You’ve admittedly had a little more to drink so it was the first thing you said as soon as you saw him. He was in a booth along with his friends and your arrival and opening words surprised them all, no doubt.
 “What are you doing here?” Jaehyun asks, confused. He’s never seen you at a club before and knew you didn’t like going to clubs. Well, you only started going after you broke up anyways so how would he know. Jaehyun and a few of the guys stand up, holding you in your drunk stupor.
 “Fuck me.” You mutter as you push yourself to him and catch his mouth in a heated kiss which he stops by pushing you away and wiping his mouth. That hurt.
 “What the hell is happening here?” Ten asks, confused and surprised as Jaehyun looks at you in so much shock.
 You were desperate and the alcohol inside you was giving you the push and confidence that you usally didn’t have. “Jaehyun, please. Fuck me. I’m begging you.” You plead, trying to kiss him and grind yourself against him that you smell Johnny’s familiar cologne and you just know that he was the one who pulled you away from Jaehyun and is currently holding you back. “I can’t feel anything. I can’t. Jaehyun, please. Fuck me. Make me feel. Please, please.”
 “Are you on drugs?” Johnny asks, scanning his eyes over you as he holds you back from Jaehyun.
 “I’m not high or drunk, Johnny. I just can’t take it anymore! I can’t feel anything! Just-I just need to feel something… anything.” You reach out for Jaehyun again and Johnny’s hold tightens around you. “I’ve tried fucking other guys, I even fucked Mingyu and the guys in your team but I... can’t. If they’re not you. I can’t fucking feel. Make me feel, Jaehyun. Please.”
 Jaehyun talks to the guys and they decided to leave you be, Jaehyun personally drives you to your apartment while they cover for him. Mina was there after all.
 He helps you to your house, not trusting you alone. Yes, you were drunk but you were aware of everything you were doing and saying. In the car, you didn’t shed a tear, keeping quiet. You basked in the feeling of anxiety he was giving you. It was better than not feeling anything at all.
 As soon as you got in your room, you kissed him and stripped. And of course, he did fuck you after you begged him. And he made you beg more and more in bed, too. The tears that you thought would run out, never stopped pouring as he fucked you. Because the person that you heart longed for was finally in your arms again.
 Your heart was full with him. His warmth filled your being, his scent filled your senses, his kisses left you breathless, hos touches leaving warmth in his wake, his cock filling you like no one has ever and his cum filling you to the brim. You felt everything all at once that you felt overwhelmed. You knew you were screaming how much you loved him as he was fucking you and you don’t regret it. You let him use you for his own pleasure as you cried for him. You’d take everything and anything you could for tonight.
 After multiple rounds of fucking, you were beyond exhausted but seeing him in the flesh beside you, in your bed again made you... feel. Before tonight, he was just a ghost in your home and in your mind. You’ve longed to see him like this again. You spent a lot of the night awake, watching him sleep, tracing the features of his beautiful face you’ve missed that you’ll probably won’t see again.
 “Am I ever gonna be someone worthy of your love?” You ask quietly as you stare at his serene face. It was unfair how beautiful he looked, even at his most vulnerable. “I miss you so much.” He shifts and you pull your hand back as if you were burned, tucking your hand away, feeling awkward. “I’ll never be enough for you and I know that. I don’t wish for you to feel the same way because I don’t deserve it. You deserve better. You deserve her. She’s everything I’m not…” You scoot away from him, giving him much space as possible. “But I wish I was her and you were mine.” You feel the tears fall down your temple and you quickly wipe it away. “I’ll never be deserving of you, even just a little bit of your heart, Jaehyun.”
  You decided to clean up, taking your time in the tub and wearing sweatpants and a hoodie to hide the marks he inflicted onto you. You didn’t want him to see, even if he knew what he was did. Walking was a bit hard to do because of the sex but it wasn’t new with him.
 You sit on the solo sofa by the bed, watching Jaehyun asleep, lying on his stomach and head facing you as he slept, mouth agape and body completely limp. You could see the scratch marks on his back and arms and the hickies on his neck too but frankly, you try not to care about it too much.
 You barely notice the sun coming up until the room is filled with light and the sun just highlights Jaehyun’s beauty more and more. You feel... everything all at once. The loss, the pain, the love, the anxiety, the despair, the desperation, the jealousy—everything. It had you feeling breathless, as if the air was knocked out of your lungs.
 You hated it but it was better than feeling numb. You’ve never been so lonely and unwanted before and you it hits you so hard.
 A little was better than nothing.
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kyunsies · 4 years
Mädch❤️❤️ hiiiii, I just came to say I hope you had a good day! Also, wanted to say my mind goes blank and 💘💞💖💕💗💞💗 when I think about changkyun too😭🥺 anyways, ily bubs and I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day! Make sure to eat okay?? And drink water. ❤️❤️❤️
hello darling 💜💜 i did have a good day, ty for asking hun!! 🥰 and oh GOODNESS idk what came over me i just was looking at a pic of him and i was just like,,,,,,my love for u!??????? insurmountable OH GOSH 😔😔💞❤️💞 just absolutely disgusting how much we love him 🤧
i love you so much too suni!!! i’m glad you’re having a good morning and drawing!!! i had pancakes for dinner and they were sooo good so i ate well, have a nice day dear!!!!! 🤗
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