#anyways <3 21 more to go lololol
the greatest - a close reading
AAAAFRGHGGHGH!!!!!! FAITH IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!! i just spent three days soaking up these lyrics, and i am just so fucking excited to finally get these analyses on paper and out into the world, black on white hehe. i’m so fucking blown away by the body of work louis’s put out, and the world he’s created, once again, with his lyrics. the unit these songs form is honestly incredible - with every song sounding so different, and telling its own story, while being so connected to each other? it’s a mosaic of a mind. and if you know me, you know i completely lose it over parallels, so you can imagine how this album has hit me ksjhfkjsrhf
if you’re reading this, thank you so much. it really means a lot <3 and keep an eye out for the others, bc they’re on their way!!
faith in the future, track 1
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Tell you I’m on my way Nothing could make me late Said I had a plan for us Time it came and changed it all
immediately: central themes on the album are introduced
louis is there for the ones he loves
time - change
"tell you": promise made - he's reliable, takes on the responsibilities that come with relationships
"plan" // "master plan", silver tongues // "25 and it's all planned", jly
We had to disappear Cos nothing gets through here Through that circle round my heart Where the best of me should start
we had to hide our true selves, we had to go in the closet
<> we had to disappear bc my heart hardened, bc of everything that happened i blocked us/love out
i know i'm at my best when i follow my heart - i know that now (lots of the content on walls) - hard on himself for being so guarded
I said you know me Alone we’re only Just as good as the rest
Together we’re the greatest We’ll never be that cold again No falling all to pieces We’re the greatest It’s you and me until the end Life for us is never over
when we come together, our love creates something that surpasses what anyone else is doing, and is better than what any of us might try alone. why should i close off my heart, when that destroys everything that’s great?
cold = alone // "when it gets cold", all this time = darkness = pain
"until the end" // silver tongues // end of the day
The way you know something Your face reminded me Of a love you cannot hide But don’t need to tell me why
when you know, you know
// “it was there i saw it in your eyes”, home
you can't hide your love, but you have to anyway > don't need to tell him why, he knows that story like none other
Back dancing in the dark Back to the very start Finding pieces that can fit Making up for what we missed
// "shadow dances", only the brave
no more falling to pieces, now we're focusing on rebuilding, finding a life that actually works - working to make the relationship as great as it is
"making up for what we missed" - lost time // "it’s not how you spend the time, it’s if you waste it", all this time // too young
I said you know me Alone we’re only Just as good as the rest
Together we’re the greatest We’ll never be that cold again No falling all to pieces We’re the greatest It’s you and me until the end Time for us is never over
letting go of that focus on lost time: looking forward, to all the time we still have left
With The Greatest, Louis has made his statement of intent (as he liked to say of Kill My Mind): we’re the fucking best, but only if we stick together. If we let down our walls and keep them down. He told us on his last album how he’s worked to let his walls crumble down, and on Faith in the Future it’s obvious he still actively has to keep it that way, and that it isn’t always easy. He’s also not always easy on himself - as he discusses in Holding on to Heartache - but with this opening track he wants to shout through those doubts and insecurities and make a stand. This is a fact, because I’ve spoken it into reality. I’ll keep reminding you just as I’ll keep reminding myself. (Which is a sentiment that forms a very thick, secure line through the album.)
Doubts and fears of Louis’s include time, lost time, and the changes that are a result of that. He definitely discusses the pain and loss that can come with change on the album, but here he shakes it off and focuses on what’s to come. We have faith in the future, and to really make that true, we need to believe we have time, a life ahead of us. No matter what happened in the past, including deep grief, like having to hide your love.
I think it’s incredibly powerful he has those lines in his opening track. A loud, clear mention of hidden love, of an unspoken secret kept between those who just know what this is about. Queer signalling at its finest.
The Greatest encompasses so many of the key themes on the album, making it the perfect introduction. Life and love is yours for the taking, but you need to put in the work. You can’t give up. We need to keep going. No matter how much pain there is, how much darkness. No matter how everything keeps changing, and you sometimes lose your way. We’ll use that change in our advantage, we’ll see time as time we still have, instead of something we’ve lost. It’s all about perspective. Oh, yeah, and perhaps the most important part: you can’t do it by yourself. It’s you and me until the end. We can fucking do this.
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thirstybtsthoughts · 2 years
Hi this is 💅🏽 anon
Not bts related which I’m so so sorry because my asks are more about my real life than bts these days😭😭😭. I don’t really have anyone to talk about sex advice so please bear with me. SUPER EXPLICIT SO NSFW WARNING lololol
I’m really REALLY inexperienced when it comes to certain things. I’m (21 F) still a virgin as in I never had Penis In Vagina sex. This my first relationship and he’s (25 M) taught me a lot. And I’m really grateful to have such a passionate, skilled and patient lover. Sometimes I don’t know if he’s saying things to 1) Get me to have real sex with him, 2) I don’t know if it’s because this is first real relationship in a while, and 3) I don’t know if I’m just that good as he says.
It’s almost six months with him. He’s taught me how to kiss and give blowjobs. He’s given me intense orgasms I never could give myself. I’ve grind against his thighs and chest, we would 69. He even fingered me, gone down on me and most recently we will experiment with anal.
I know he’s into light BDSM and he’s tried to not show it. But after a while I ask if we can try certain things he likes and he’s been slowly easing me into it.
He chokes me with just enough pressure. Slaps my face not to hard. Spanks me and bites my ass and gives me hickeys on my ass, chest and inner thighs. He likes bondage a lot but the most we’ve done is he’ll just hold my hands down since he’s considerably larger than me. He spits in my mouth and I swallow everything. Even when I give him blowjobs we discovered I barely even have a gag reflex.
He always compliments my thighs and how large my chest is. He always calls me Queen, Goddess and just compliments my body in general. Which leads me to my biggest insecurities.
I know he says all these things. He explains how hot I am. How I’m always dripping. How good I can take is cock. How good I smell and taste. And how I’m always squirting all over his tongue. I get nervous if he’s just saying these things to just have sex. Even though he tells me he’s SapioSexual and he’ll never have gone so far with me this fast but I was such a complex, intelligent person it really turns him on. He doesn’t do one night stands or anything.
Anyways, our last date we were doing a bit of anal because I want him to feel good even if I make him wait more for PIV sex. There was one position that was super intense and I kept holding his hand and running my hands all over his abs and chest. And he randomly says “Can I record you?” Which makes me hella confused. I might send him nudes but he never records himself which he made known several times. I say, “I thought you weren’t into recording yourself? Have you ever done this before.” And he tells me, “No, this is just so hot. I want this saved for me on my free time. I don’t want to forget. I want to always remember.”
Which made my heart go crazy for some odd reason. Especially since he’s been so busy with school and work both our schedules been so hectic. I ended up agreeing. But when sent me the video it ended up only being 2 secs long and he was only recording the seats😅😭. Which he felt bad for and he kept saying it felt too good.
I know this is supposed to make me feel like a sex goddess or whatever but it makes me super insecure. I know he can last for hours and multiple sessions while I can only do about 3 the most in one hour. I feel so inadequate about everything and sometimes I feel like he’s just has his on agenda so he’s saying and doing whatever to get his. I know it’s probably just my attachment and abandonment issues seeping in. And I constantly ask him what I can do better and he tells me I’m perfect. Which makes me think back to reason 3. And I tell him I feel so insecure about sex and he tells me he notices I bring up this question about every 2 weeks. He comforts me and reminds me he’s Sapio Sexual bordering asexual. He doesn’t care if we don’t have sex he can literally wait for me or just not even have it at all.
Idk sometimes I feel like I’m living that Y/N life but I get super insecure 😭😩😩
One thing I notice is that you’re very self aware and observant of your surroundings and the way people talk to/act with you. That’s a good thing 😊, though sometimes it can be a bitch, I know bc I’m the same😩. It’s great because you can recognise when a persons intentions might not be as they seem. On the other hand it can also end up with you feeling overly paranoid and therefore double guessing someone’s intentions even if they are genuine.
It sounds like he’s respectful of your needs and will only go as far as you want, or not do anything sexual if that’s what you want, which is exactly how a partner should be 😊. Don’t do anything you’re not okay with just to please him. He likes you just the way you are, please don’t push yourself to try and live up to being the goddess that you already are.
Your instinct is everything. If your mind is nagging at you that he has some agenda or something doesn’t feel right, trust it and question it. Question him. It’s good that you bring up your worries with him because it’s always important to talk about these things with a partner.
It’s great you’ve found someone who you are learning so much from in a safe way. It’s hard for me to gage much more from this situation and I don’t want to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. Hopefully he’s a good person outside the bedroom too and someone you get along with 😊. Wishing you all the best 💜
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mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
I fell asleep for a bit but I'm awake now, having dosed(???) five hours ago. Why can I feel my teeth!!!! I CAN FEEL THE NERVES IN MY TEETH. Ew. Also the inside of my nose is cold, and I am cold, but less cold than I was earlier (as well as marginally more clear-headed). I think I get what my QPP means when they say weed magnifies every sensation for them. See, I'm not too high to use active voice even when the subject is an inanimate object
OH MY GOD "Detention" by Melanie Martinez just came on and I FELT the start of the song move inside my brain, and in my nose and teeth. I love drugs. But actually, I think I still prefer DXM for music listening. I want my head to become a deep cave made of music and for me to dive into it and melt into the music and for my soul to float up through the music and into the stars. Y'know what I'm saying????
God, I sound like a fucking stoner. I'm not even. Today is the four-week anniversary of my t-break from dex. Hasn't even been hard--I think I'm through the worst of my DXM hyperfixation lololol. Instead my hyperfixation is my new story characters, who basically do a lot of drugs and have a lot of sex and make a lot of bad decisions and be really mencholly eel. Sooo in a way, I'm still hyperfixated on drugs, but only indirectly. You can't blame me, I'm 21 and only just going through my rebellious, bucking-the-severe-repression phase. And I made my characters in the Sims 4 and made a messy college house full of cups and cans and bottles for them and threw them a kegger, because I have the Discover University expansion pack and they are in college (even though I'm not, anymore). My teeth hurt.
Wait, was I hitting the Enter key three times last post? Or two? How much am I supposed to do it? Okay, I will just hit it once. Anyway, so like I was saying about the music cave earlier, I probably need a higher dose (a dose? A fucking dose? Is that what I'm supposed to say?) of weed. Next time I will take the whole edible all at once, I think. My teeth hurt. But at least on dex you can sort of hole...God, I wanna try ket so fucking bad. I want drug friends. By the way, my QPP is my drug friend because they gave me the edibles because...I kind of don't remember why, but love you, bestie!!!
You know text shadows in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint or whatever? That's what I'm seeing on my keyboard. Anyway, I need drug friends. I want acid and ket and shrooms and molly and kitty flipping and candy flipping and LSDXM...in Minecraft, of course. But I will pay money. In Minecraft. I won't say what other thing I'm thinking about doing because it doesn't matter and I can't do it unless maybe if I get a shitty old laptop from a pawn shop. Jk 😌 I wish I was rich. You know what I'd spend my money on, in Minecraft.
Anyway, my teeth hurt. I know this would synergize so well with DXM, just like all my besties in the dex subreddit say. I never get close-eyed visuals on DXM but I am getting some on this trip(??) because it's quite visual. And my hot pink fairy lights look so beautiful. Make DXM more visual?? Hell yeah.
With the dex, I so so so hope my tolerance break helps. I only did it four times in six weeks, and yeah I sort of broke the week per plat rule a bit, but how can I have already gotten desensitized to...what was the last dose I took...300 mg? 375? 390? It's not that high but I'm tiny, I only weigh like I don't know, maybe 110 lbs (that's a whole other herstory but I refuse to have an anorexic meltdown on weed ❤️).
And I kinda want RoboTabs but freebase hits faster and I love me a good long high. I don't know what dose I'll take next month (or whenever I'll do it again, idk and idrc). Maybe 450 mg? 15*3=45*10=30 gelcaps. Ughhh, the sorbitol would knock me on my ass. I would seriously throw up. Wish anticholinergics didn't give you dementia, it would be nice to have a little DPH with my dex...except I am really fucking sensitive to Benadryl, so maybe it wouldn't...oh wait, weed is an antiemetic!! That's partly why they say it works so well with DXM!! Yeah, maybe I do like 345 mg and an edible? Half an edible? Probably I should start low and experiment more before I go all in, but hey, I like astral projecting.
Oh my god, do you want to remember something scary I read about k-holing? I don't remember the exact source or exactly what it said, so take this with a shaker of salt, but I believe it said when you k-hole, your brain activity STOPS? Like being dead, but it doesn't cause brain damage because you're still breathing, your brain is still getting oxygen. Isn't that so terrifying? But I want it, I want to know. I've kind of dex-holed a little on low third plat, but definitely not like that.
The thing weed will not do is help with the histamine release you get with dex, which a first-generation antihistamine would, but it's so bad for you and a deliriant and DXM potentiates it. Wish the dex body load weren't so damn dirty. This body load is soooo much more manageable. But my teeth. Hurt >:(
Anyway, that's probably all I need to ramble. I forgot what else I was going to say. It was probably about dex I'm sure. Fun how I will not shut the fuck up about fucking cough medicine. God.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
nothing will beat the Alex and Casey eras having these men as ADAs isn’t cutting it
Don’t get me wrong, I do love Barba, and I much prefer Sonny as a detective, but it was in his character arc that he was gonna be a lawyer from his literal first episode.
But the older eras, the eps with Casey & Alex, Sonya/Gillian and the like were honestly better. Yes, there have been some really good eps in the newer seasons (I’m talking s14-21 here...22 has been basically all garbage). But I loved the eps where the ADA’s were more involved, where arraignment was the opening scene. Or like, the ep with Cassandra. It was all “oh hey, we got the perp. Just kidding, this kid recorded it. Just kidding, he accidentally murdered his bff. Oh wait...this girl slept with both of them while on a break from dating one of them...AND they just learnt about the way he killed him in science? DAMN. Okay, she’ll speak at the sentencing, oh fuck, she got hit by a car on the way here, WAIT?! SHE’S 28 NOT 16???” And then there’s like, 3 more twists in the episode?? Those were bomb
And I liked having the bigger casts, having Melinda and Huang being part of the main cast, and people like O’Halloran, Miles(? The taru guy), and having regular judges that we saw in and out of the courtroom. Having the bureau chief/executive Ada be more of a presence. ESPECIALLY with Carisi being *the* Ada. Like, Hadid should have been in on so many of his cases, if Donnelly was so heavily involved with Casey & Alex’s cases years after they’d been prosecutors, why the FUCK is sonny allowed to do this much on his own in his first two years being a lawyer??????? HELLO. Also in s11-13 can’t remember specifics, but Mike Cutter, he jumps in on Alex’s cases constantly, like, homegirls been doing this for ages at this point, she knows how to handle herself (even with the wpp stint)
I get that after 22 years Mariska’s salary is probably fucking huge (esp with her directing/producing now too) so the budget has to be able to afford that (and Ice’s) hell, Kelli’s already been there 9 years. But like, they need more people. They tried by making Garland a regular this season, an what? We’ve seen him in like 2 episodes. They need a new detective like, yesterday.
Anyways....I’m done ranting or I’ll go on forever. Lololol
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rayneul · 3 years
Ray Route Bad Ending 3 Guide
(donʼt/never answer messages it give good heart so i suggest dont answer it :))
Day 7 (100%)
00:58 – To become the child of darkness
Selection 1 Go to bed. It’s not good if you stay awake late… T_T
Selection 2 Zen, you’re practicing! (Nothing)
Selection 3 Yoosung, get a grip! And try again!!
Selection 4 Get a hold of yourself, Yoosung! (Yoosung)
Selection 5 ???
Selection 6 Yoosung….I’m sure this is your chance to grow. (Nothing)
Selection 7 Oh, are we getting started here? (Nothing)
Selection 8 What about White?
Selection 9 I think this hacker’s more good-looking. (Ray)
Selection 10 But lame man is my style!
Selection 11 Who said that? (Nothing)
Selection 12 Zen, you do realize we’re living in the 21st century, don’t you? (Nothing)
Selection 13 Not really interested.
Selection 14 I think this is takinf a direction just so weird.
Selection 15 Zen, try barking for me. (Nothing)
Selection 16 Great idea lolol
Selection 17 First, you gotta look like him. (Nothing)
Selection 18 You should give up your rehersal.
Selection 19 Your darkness within beckons you…. (Nothing)
Selection 20 I’ll be waiting…!!
Selection 21 I think this is all pointless.
Selection 22 Aren’t you excited? Lolol
Selection 23 I will in a few minutes! (Nothing)
03:01 – At This Night
Selection 1 It’s late. You didn’t log off? (Nothing)
Selection 2 Don’t worry. You’re not going to have another boss lololol (Jaehee)
Selection 3 For now, let’s trust him! (Yoosung)
Selection 4 When is your holiday?
Selection 5 It sounds like your office hour is 24/7…. Poor you. (Jaehee)
Selection 6 Anything new about the hacker?
Selection 7 I’m going to stay awake just a bit more. I don’t think I can sleep well tonight….
06:17 – Mr. Han
Selection 1 Did you eat something funny? (Nothing)
Selection 2 It suits him lololol
Selection 3 Mr. Kim! (Yoosung)
Selection 4 You should take a break from time to time – (Nothing)
Selection 5 Zen, show me what you can do! You’re a pro! (Zen)
Selection 6 That’s a great enlightenment! (Zen)
Selection 7 You should take at least 50000 won.
Selection 8 You should stay with him till the end if you’re there to help him – ! (Nothing)
Selection 9 Yes, sir. (Nothing)
Selection 10
It’s great that you’re enjoying your work…! I really hope that’s the case here as well…. (Ray)
Selection 11 Ok…
Selection 12 Good luck to everyone! (Ray)
08:43 – Continuously Thinking
Selection 1 Ray, did you have a good morning? (Ray)
Selection 2 About what happened back then… (Nothing)
Selection 3 That’s adorable! (Ray)
Selection 4 Remember that we kissed the other day? (Ray)
Selection 5 Of course I don’t hate you! I really like you! (Ray)
Selection 6 Who told you that? (Nothing)
Selection 7 I miss you. Are you busy?
Selection 8 First let’s try to spend more time together. (Ray)
Selection 9 Are you feeling alright? (Ray)
Selection 10 Please stay positive, even if you’re having a hard time! (Ray)
12:03 – Cooperation
Selection 1 …What about you?
Selection 2 Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Selection 3 Are you two together right now? (Nothing)
Selection 4 Any news from the hacker…?
Selection 5 Don’t you mean that the equipment is cool?
Selection 6 Well done, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Selection 7 Because the hacker is so good…? (Ray)
Selection 8 That would mean more work for the hacker… (Ray)
Selection 9 Ok! I’d like to meet this knight of the light. (Email from whitehacker)
Selection 10 Welcome, Mr. Kim! (Nothing)
Selection 11 <<It’s time to awaken your dark force!>>
Selection 12
Don’t tell me… Did you collect 1500 won? (Nothing)
Selection 13 Is it time for the game event…?
Selection 14 What about Zen…? (Nothing)
Selection 15 Great! You’re trying various methods! (Ray)
Selection 16 That’s a good idea. (Nothing)
Selection 17 Wow.
Selection 18 Have fun!
Selection 19 He’s pretty smart. (Nothing)
Selection 20 Let’s invite her for the love of the world! Love the world! (707 + Email from eyegglasses)
Selection 21
Selection 22 Enjoy your lunch, both of you. (Nothing)
Selection 23 Enjoy your lunch – (Nothing)
Selection 24 I’m fine… Sorry, I can’t tell you much. (Ray)
Selection 25 Thanks for your concern. (707)
14:44 – Art of Efficiency
Selection 1 Did you see how Yoosung imitated you?
Selection 2 Zen, is your sanity ok? (Zen)
Selection 3 Relax^^ I think he’s trying to tick you off on purpose. (Zen)
Selection 4 Do you think things would’ve turned out differently with definite strategy?
Selection 5 Oooh, please give me your know-how, Mr. Han! (Jumin)
Selection 6 Wow….you’ve come this far already? (Jumin)
Selection 7 Zen’s an actor. I think there’s a limit to the help he can get.
Selection 8 Who is the genius that calculated how much thread you’ll need for your stitching?
Selection 9 Now I’m starting to wonder why you won’t leave stitching part to someone else…
Selection 10 Wow! Why don’t we invite that person to the party? (Email from prorhythmist)
Selection 11 So your hobby is overall planning and stitching.
Selection 12 I do! The fundamental problem of your unsuccessful repetition of practice is none other than…. (Nothing)
Selection 13 I knew we’d need money from the very beginning.
Selection 14 So what matters is the courage to actually do it! (Ray + Jumin)
Selection 15 Can you invest in someone smart? (Ray)
Selection 16 But you can’t buy people’s hearts with money! What matters in acting is heart – (Zen)
Selection 17 Let’s not fight. (Nothing)
Selection 18 The balance of the world will stay only when you two look at the world in different views! (Nothing)
Selection 19 That’s right! That could be what gives birth to your artistic performance! You should carry on with your way! (Zen)
Selection 20 Calm down, Zen – !
Selection 21 …You should try performing White in your current state! (Nothing)
Selection 22 What are you doing right now?
Selection 23 Not at all –
Selection 24 I look forward to the completion. (Nothing)
16:27 – Power Save Mode Today
Selection 1 Welcome. (Nothing)
Selection 2 You don’t think there’s something wrong with the hacker, do you? (Ray)
Selection 3 That’s not true! That’s can’t happen…! (Ray)
Selection 4 …It’s his fate. It can’t be helped.
Selection 5 Seven, let’s talk more about the hacker. Have you picked up anything else? (Ray)
Selection 6 I think Jumin helped him enough… (Jumin)
Selection 7 That was a pretty scary joke…. (Nothing)
Selection 8 I can’t stop worrying about that hacker…. (Ray)
Selection 9 Seven, could you find out what happened to the hacker, whether something’s wrong with him…? (Ray)
Selection 10 …I hope you’d save the hacker if he surrenders. (Ray)
Selection 11 Maybe it was all misunderstanding that the hacker attacked us. We must find out what the truth is. (Ray)
Selection 12 ….He’s innocent. And good. I’ll leave it at that. (Ray)
Selection 13 I know. You have a good reason to suspect me. I’m trying to find peace in the middle…but it’s not easy. (Ray)
Selection 14 I’d have to make troulbe for V.
Selection 15 …I think V’s a good person. I think I can trust him. (V)
Selection 16 I wonder what this hacker is doing right now…. (Ray)
Selection 17 Go back before it’s too dark.
Selection 18 I know…. (Ray)
Selection 19 …I hope that never happens. (Ray)
Selection 20 I will…! Good luck! (707)
Selection 21 I will. Thank you. (Ray)
<V Calling>
- Are you nervous? Don’t tell me…are you scared of him?
- Mmm…yeah. Everything’s gonna be okay. Don’t give it too much thought.
 18:31 – The Roots of Pathetic
Selection 1 Jaehee, have you heard anything about the hacker? (Ray)
Selection 2 By results, do you also mean getting the hacker in your hands? (Nothing)
Selection 3 Welcome, Jumin. Are you done with your stitching?
Selection 4 What did you think of?
Selection 5 Exactly how would you apple your realization to business? (Nothing)
Selection 6 I want to know what it is.
Selection 7 But I don’t think you look bad the way you do now.
Selection 8 What about insecurity…? (Nothing)
Selection 9 Maybe it’s because of their personalities.
Selection 10 So you were basically running a business of yourself since childhood.
Selection 11 Nothing is truly wrong in this world… You actually understood that?
Selection 12 I think accepting even my imperfections is something really big. (Ray)
Selection 13 So that’s why people are tormented by their own inferiority and insecurity.
Selection 14 That’s because almost no one every criticizes you. you live an easy life full of respect.
Selection 15 I don’t think he flatters himself.
Selection 16 Then again, there’s really no need for him to confirm whether he’s good-looking or not…
Selection 17 Perhaps a sense of insecurity is no different from a struggle to hide one’s trauma. (Ray)
Selection 18 You’re right. Even if someone feels insecure, that sense of insecurity can actually drive a person to work much
Selection 19 I think it’d be good if I don’t have to be the best in my workplace. (Nothing)
Selection 20 I think that depends on your definition of accomplish… But whatever it is, the fact remains that no one is perfect, right? (Ray)
Selection 21 But maybe this world runs energetically because people want to win recognition.
Selection 22 So does this end with more work for you, Jaehee? (Nothing)
Selection 23 It was complicated, but thanks anyways. (Nothing)
Selection 24 I think he wants to make a team that does not drive people into competition but acknowledges each person as they acknowledges each person as they are. (Jumin)
Selection 25 I wish I could live in a world like that! (Nothing)
Selection 26 Please tell me if you pick up anything new about the hacker. Please. (Ray)
Story Mode – … Way to go, V and  well, that doesn’t sound good
Who is it? Yes, it’s mine. Wait a minute! Have you seen Ray?
Jumin Calling
- I  don’t think young Jumin Han would have been an ordinary six-year-old.
 20:06 – Window of Truth
Selection 1 There’s nothing wrong with him, is there? (Nothing)
Selection 2 Everything’s quiet here. But…I’m worried about the hacker…. (Ray)
Selection 3 Why would you find only troubles around you? (Nothing)
Selection 4 I’m sure it’s not entirely your fault. (Ray + V)
Selection 5 Perhaps we need his advice right now. (Jumin)
Selection 6 I know you’re worried about me but… I think it’s best to admit what you can’t do and ask for help. (Ray)
Selection 7 You should gaze at yourself, V. (Ray + V)
Selection 8 Maybe you should give a call to Jumin. (Nothing)
Selection 9 Nobody is perfect…. I think you need some time for yourself. (Ray)
Selection 10 Good luck… (Zen)
Selection 11 Good luck…(Nothing)
Ray Calling
- Ray, where are you? I’m coming for you right now!
- Ray , you’ve done nothing wrong…!
 21:43 – My True Identity Is
Selection 1 What’s wrong, Yoosung? (Nothing)
Selection 2 You’ll be an adult someday.
Selection 3 IS that you, Prince Seven…?
Selection 4 Why do you have no status? (Nothing)
Selection 5 An android…? (Nothing)
Selection 6 You sounds really serious.
Selection 7 Why do you think they’re running special inspections all of a sudden? (Nothing)
Selection 8 I don’t think you need to worry about that.
Selection 9 All of a sudden…? (Nothing)
Selection 10 …There’s no need for him to be concerned that much… (Ray)
Selection 11 No.
Selection 12 I’m concerned as well. I couldn’t see him all day long…. (Ray)
Selection 13 …Nothing.
Selection 14 But I’m suspicious about the prim minister’s purpose… (Ray)
Selection 15 Run along now.
23:59 – Strange
Selection 1 Have you hear nothing about the hacker yet? (Nothing)
Selection 2 Something’s not right about this.. We only had 2 parties so far. (Ray)
Selection 3 i know you’re hiding something. Can’t you slip it to me at the least?
Selection 4 Is he back!? (Ray)
Selection 5 Completely different person? Are you sure? (Nothing)
Selection 6 …The hacker is behaving like someone else…? (Nothing)
Selection 7 V…You’re coming, aren’t you? I have a bad feeling about this. (Nothing)
Selection 8 I’ll be waiting. (Ray)
Story Mode – No way… I didn’t see this coming at alllll….
- Who is it? - Ray…! I missed you so much! - Ray, you don’t sounds like you. - …This is not fair. Let go of me.
V Calling
- You’re nearby? Are you planning to sneak in?
- I figured.
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kyunsies · 3 years
hi mädch!! how are you? :)) the weather was a bit colder than usual so i was really happy about that,,, i cannot stand anything over 21°C,,, i don't like heat of any kind. there was a bit of a breeze so i opened a window. other than that i'm gonna hand in my last lab for chem today!! so close to done and glad i didn't succumb to senioritis a lot :'))
i understand what you mean abt bowling not being considered a sport just cause normally it's seen as something you casually do with a group of friends. i remember seeing competitive bowling before, so it isn't as foreign to me compared to others. that's really cool that you're able to represent your uni on a competitive level! (and be able to pay for tuition, always a perk) i wouldn't have thought it'd offered at unis though,, also v cool!! i've only done it once during an overnight field trip for school,, don't remember much but it was fun! would do again when it's safe to go out :')
for swimming i'm not entirely sure if i use the correct muscle groups half time 💀 i do it to survive and not compete so there's a difference right,, we paid less attention on how to do front crawl correctly and more abt "swim to victim, grab them, do proper treatment." anyways i hope your day/night is going well! - 🌱 anon
hi angel !!!!!!!!!! i'm doing okay my love my day was eh :/ the weather was definitely colder here for the past couple days and i hate it ;____; we're the complete opposite !!! my whole family and i love warm weather; i live in the u.s (in the midwest) and our winters are so long and miserable, i can't stand being cold :( i love hot weather we don't get enough of it so we cherish it while we can LKDFJSLFJ <3 anyways IM SO PROUD OF U for turning in ur last lab for chem !!!!!! chem is such a hard subject and i remember labs would take us soooooo long to get done, i'm glad u were able to get that off ur chest <3 well done !!!
and about the bowling thing yes lol it's so sad that ppl don't consider it to be a serious sport but i promise !!! once u see proper collegiate competition it would blow ur mind how competitive and high energy it is :') i hope one day ppl will take it seriously !! i always get so embarrassed when i tell ppl i work out with a team and have a rigorous athletic schedule at uni only for others to "look down" on it when i tell them it's bowling but like i said we work out travel (farther than most teams tbh) and practice just as hard as any other sport !!
ANYWAYS SLKDFJSLF i still give u props for it !!!! i'm sure u are lovely at swimming more than the average person bc u have to practice swimming with an extra body lololol
but !!!! that's all babe !!! i'm super proud of u for finishing up ur last chem report <3 is it ur last assignment? if u are sleeping now have a night full of peaceful dreams and rest well bubbie okay !!!! good job <3 goodnight !!!
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razberryyum · 5 years
A Gintama episode a day keeps the ending away…Episode 166 Part 1
Episode Title: Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One (the Sunrise staff really hammering it in with that title: we get it, Gintoki and Hijikata are better together than alone...no need to repeat the title twice. Lmao)
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MY 100 FAVORITE MOMENTS IN EPISODE 166 (no manga equivalent):
BLESS THE ANIME STAFF FOR THIS EPISODE!!!! Ok, this is the RIGHT way to go rogue from the manga! Omg, whoever thought of this episode and approved of it and created it, BLESS THEM, I want to kiss them, I love them forever. I didn’t quite have 100 fave moments, just like, close to HALF of that, so I had to split this episode into two posts. I know, I went overboard, I don’t care. I love this episode so much and since there was no manga equivalent, this is the only chance I’ll have to worship it. So if you’re not into Gintoki/Hijikata (or Hijikata/Gintoki) in the way that I am, I advise you to just skip this post and part 2 because you’re going to be very nauseated by my fangirling. You have been warned. Proceed at your own risk. 
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1) Things started out innocuous enough: just another stake-out ep involving Hijikata and Okita this time, with Sougo clearly hard at work.
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2) And then this happened and I probably screamed a little in excitement first time I watched this, but just a little only cuz I would’ve had no idea how glorious the episode would turn out to be.
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3) Gin-chan seemed like some angry wife trying to pick a fight with his husband.
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4) Of course I got a little more happy by this point at how Gintoki couldn’t seem to leave Toshi alone and even got a little handsy with him.
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5) Gintoki obviously just wanted to get like REALLY close to Hijikata.
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6) It is seriously a crime against humanity that they didn’t just kiss in this moment.
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7) Out of context, this was very suggestive.
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8) HIjikata slammed him against the wall. I’ve seen this scenario happen in GinHiji doujins...which usually ended in the same sexy way.
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9) At this point I just thought this development was rather amusing, no big deal, Gintoki was pretty much asking to be arrested anyway...
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10) ...and then THIS happened and I was like OMG NO FUCKING WAY cuz really, what is the LOGIC of Hijikata handcuffing himself to Gintoki?? I mean, in normal police situations, wouldn’t he be handcuffing BOTH of Gintoki’s OWN hands, or like handcuffing him to a nearby pipe or some other fixture? It made absolutely no sense that he would instead handcuff his suspect to himself but I LOVED IT SO DAMN MUCH THAT HE DID IT.
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11) I just about lost what little mind I had left right about here. 
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12) BLESS THIS MAN. I love Sougo SO MUCH. Obviously he ships GinHiji as much as I do.
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13) He even tripped the two of them so that they would land together all cute like on the ground.
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14) I absolutely believe Okita meant for Hijikata to use that as lube. NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.
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15) Look at them...anyone walking by at that moment would think the two of them were up to something kinky in the alley.
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16) I just like the fact that Hijikata thinks of Gintoki as master of anything of him.
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17) Wonder which particular throbby vein was he referring to on Hijikata? Lololol.
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18) They’re holding hands for the first time!
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19) Against, total crime that there was no kissing involved. 
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20) Hijikata’s doing a TOSSHI POSE!!!!
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21) Gintoki’s reaction to Hijikata asking for his help. Lmfao.
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22) Again, BLESS SOUGO.
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23) That was not suggestive AT ALL. 
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24) Ok, I’m actually amazed I noticed this since you’d think my attention would be totally focused on Gintoki and Hijikata but the anime staff weirdly reused some characters in the background as the two of them were walking down the street: the two whispering women, the bald old man, and then the couple. What’s even weirder is that they changed the clothing on the bald old man and the couple, but not whispering women. It’s like they purposefully looped the background but noticeably poorly just to see if we were paying attention.
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25) I probably had to be committed from all the squealing I did but obviously I have no memory of my time in the asylum cuz they lobotomized me to calm me down.
TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2....(already posted)
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
Four Letters: Ch 3
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Four Letters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ship: FWB!Jungkook | IceQueen!Reader | Yoongi Description: College!AU. Enemies to Lovers. Your icy exterior makes it seem as though you dislike everyone- which is partially true. But the one person you truly dislike is the cocky frat boy Jeon Jungkook. Warnings: Multiple Orgasms, Forced Orgasms, Fingering, Squirting, Overstimulation, Dirty Talk, Intercourse, Creampie, Gagging, Light Bondage, Dom!Jungkook, Degrading Names, Light Cumplay, D/S Themes, Hair Pulling Word Count: 10,008
You groaned, hearing the buzzing beside your bedside, which didn't stop. Dear God- what time was it? You rolled over, looking at your phone, multiple notifications popping up. It was probably from the group chat Jimin impulsively made recently- which you absolutely despised. You had tried to leave about ten times in the last two weeks since you were added, but it was pointless, seeing as they kept adding you back in. And it was only 9 AM!
You buried your face into the pillow, clawing at it as you heard more buzzing. You unplugged the phone from the chord, opening the group chat to what Jimin labeled as SQUAD.
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:12 AM
Guys, my parents are visiting. What color should I dye my hair?
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:12 AM
Why do you need to dye your hair?
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:13 AM
Can you tell them to pay off my student loans while they're here? ;)
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:13 AM
Literally fuck off Jimin
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:13 AM
Idiot 1 (Hobi) 9:14 AM
you're lucky i wasn't asleep at 9 am otherwise you'd be DEAD
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:14 AM
Don't you have History class right now?
Idiot 1 (Hobi) 9:14 AM
which is why i'm up
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:14 AM
Are you in class?
Idiot 1 (Hobi) 9:15 AM
i just woke up
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:15 AM
hoseok ur class is starting now... it probs already began
Idiot 1 (Hobi) 9:15 AM
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:15 AM
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:16 AM
poor hobi :(
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:16 AM
his fault for being a fucking idiot lmao
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:17 AM
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:17 AM
Geez and i thought i was the attention whore of this friend group
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:17 AM
You guys make me want to die.
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:17 AM
i would think ur parents wouldn't want u to dye ur hair jk
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:18 AM
they wouldn't
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:18 AM
??? am i not connecting the dots???
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:18 AM
when do u ever lololol
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:19 AM
You should try blue. That's pretty edgy.
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:19 AM
What would YOU know about being edgy?
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:19 AM
STFU or I'm not helping you on your next exam.
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:20 AM
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:20 AM
hey where's y/n anyway
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:21 AM
she's probably asleep
You 9:21 AM
i'm gonna fucking bash ur brains in you insufferable twat
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:21 AM
found her!
sorry for waking you baby ;)
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9: 22 AM
we're trying to find out a new hair color for jk
You 9:22 AM
why the fuck would i give a shit
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:22 AM
just say ur fav color or something
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:22 AM
it's probably black like her soul
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:22 AM
What is she, an edgy 14-year-old girl?
You 9:23 AM
it's magenta
can everyone please fuck off now i'm trying to get some sleep
Incompetent Twit (Jungkook) 9:23 AM
Magenta is the last thing i would've guessed to be ur fav color
You 9:23 AM
what part of fuck off do you not understand
Idiot 2 (Lisa) 9:23 AM
JK i think u would look great with magenta hair! it's like pink and red
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:23 AM
i would hope he knows what magenta is
Smartass (Xiyeon) 9:24 AM
Y/N, I thought you had to help teach your niece how to drive today?
You 9:24 AM
oh yeah
Shortcake (Jimin) 9:24 AM
i would've never pictured you as the family kinda gal
You 9:24 AM
i still have aunty duties
anyways i'm gonna go bye losers
With that, you click off, letting out a breath of relief as you put it on do not disturb. You must've forgotten to last night. But unfortunately, you only had an hour or so to sleep before you had to get up again to pick up your niece.
Karin's hands are shaky on the wheel, her focus on the road. You had faith in her so far, though from what your eldest sister told you before, she had almost crashed into a pole her first time behind the wheel. Still, though her moves were a bit jerkish and she signaled far too early, you hadn't died yet, which was a plus in your book.
Unfortunately, you couldn't exactly be the frigid bitch your peers knew you to be, especially to your niece. But she was your favorite niece, and you were her favorite aunt, partially because you weren't that much older than her, as a result of being the youngest kid in your family. So you were still allowed to curse and give her life advice on sex and maturity and whatnot- and she'd promise not to tell her fretting mother.
The car comes to a sudden halt, resulting in you slamming into the dashboard and being snapped back into your seat by the seatbelt. You gawked, looking up as a car continued to go in from the left, bypassing the two of you. Karin's arms were shaking, and her eyes were wide with fright as they trailed after the car.
"Dude, what the fuck?!" you screeched.
"Sorry," Karin said, apologetically wincing to hear your scolding.
"No, not you-you're great, sweetheart. I mean that son of a bitch!" you said, pointing to the car as it sped off. "You totally had right of way. Does that guy not know the meaning of yielding to oncoming traffic? Who in their right mind gave him a liscense?"
"I'm sure it was an accident," Karin said, moving forward as she stepped on the pedal again, trying to get back to the speed limit.
"Don't become drivers like those," you said. "I'd never hear the end of it from your mom if she knew that I corrupted you into a bad driver."
"Despite the fact you corrupted me into other things?" Karin asked cheekily.
You rolled your eyes. "You simply asked questions and I answered. I wasn't going to be like your mom and try to convince you babies came from cranes when you were still in your double digits."
"Ugh- don't remind me," Karin says, rolling her eyes. "I have to pretend I don't even know what sex is when we watched a movie last night."
"I thought the two of you had already had the talk?" you questioned, waving your hand to the right as you signaled that she should do the same with her blinker.
"We did- but you know how she is. You're the one who actually explained what a vagina was and the meaning of consent," Karin said, pointing the blinker up with her left pinky.
"Well, she just doesn't want you to mature as fast as she did. Not that she regrets it, or that I think you will," you say.
Your sister had gotten pregnant by the age of 17 with her boyfriend. Just a year older than Karin herself. Luckily enough your parents hadn't kicked her out of the family, and the boyfriend stayed, but a lot of it hindered on her education. She had to go to a community college after Karin was old enough for daycare, and she ended up becoming a social worker. Which was fine, though your sister would admit she wondered what would've happened if things took a different course.
You remembered how puzzled you were that you were only 7 and already an aunt. The kids in your class said your sister was pure 'trailer trash' and that you were bound to follow her lead. You knew it was far worse for her, though, having to be judged for her round belly, listening to whispers about her in class, because apparently, every teen mom was a common slut. It was absolutely ridiculous, and to think they'd add more stress onto someone who was carrying a child. You knew even when you were young that it was despicable.
But your sister ended up giving birth fine anyway- a beautiful and healthy baby girl by the name of Karin. You remember how scared you were when you first held her, afraid you'd drop her. At the time you had a family cat, and you were worried that the instinct of just dropping the cat would kick in while you were holding the baby. Fortunately, that never came to be.
Once you were older, you were often babysitting the child while your sister was away- and your brother wanted nothing to do with having to babysit a kid. It was fine by you, as you thought of her as more of a younger sister than something as strange as a niece, and it was even comforting as you never had the chance to be the older sibling. Besides, being called aunt made you feel so old, from way back then to now. You cringed each time you heard it.
You were caught in your thoughts when your phone began to buzz. You look to Karin apologetically, but she simply assures you it's fine. "It's alright, you can answer it," she tells you.
You huff, slightly irritated that someone was interrupting your quality time with your niece, and to your surprise, the contact of "incompetent twit" is the first thing to pop up.
"Who is it?" Karin asks you, rolling to a stop at an intersection.
"An idiot," you huff, answering. Why the hell was Jungkook calling you? "What is it, nimrod? I told you I'd be teaching my niece how to drive."
"Y/N," he whines. "Can you pick me up at the salon?"
"Why? Can't you ask someone else?" you question.
"Jimin dropped me off but class started for him- and I know you don't have any classes today. Besides, I want you to be the first person to see it."
"Why would I care about your hair, Jeon?" you question.
Karin chuckles as she begins driving again, the light flashing green. "Are you usually this snippy with your boyfriends?"
"He's not my boyfriend. He's just an idiot," you sigh. "And trust me, he deserves my attitude."
"You know I love it, baby."
"Not in front of my niece, brat. She can hear you," you bite back. You really didn't want your sister's impressionable teen daughter to find out you were having rough, kinky sex with your mortal enemy.
"Alright, fine, fine. But c'mon, please? I'll pay for McDonald's."
Karin's eyes light up. "Did I hear McDonald's?"
You sigh, feeling defeated again. How could you deny her absolutely adorable smile? God, the boys were probably all over her at her high school- you wanted to bat them away with a stick. No one deserved precious little Karin- though if she knew you thought that she'd accuse you of being too similar to her mother.
"I'm still with my niece, Jungkook," you remind him.
"That's fine- just have her drive here. I'll pay for both of you."
"Ugh, fine," you huff.
"Thanks, babeeee," he cackles on the other line.
"Shut up," you bite back, hanging up on him. "You're gonna go straight for another few hundred yards and then make a left. We're already on our way there, luckily."
"You two seem cute," Karin grinned. "Like an OTP that constantly bicker with each other."
"I don't get your teen slang- it makes me feel old," you say, eyeing the speed limit she was going.
"Basically I think you two are cute. Does he have a girlfriend?" Karin questions, waggling her brows.
"He's what you kiddos call a fuckboy- so that's a no. And besides, I'd never date him in a million years. I thought I told you, you weren't getting a new uncle anytime soon?" you remind her.
"Ah, yes, your no dating rule after that ex of yours," she hums, executing her left turn shortly after signaling. "What happened between you two anyway? Mom said it really crushed you, but she keeps hush hush about it."
"Trust me, it's nothing," you lie. "It's just the usual. People... grow apart, I guess."
"Doesn't sound like that's the kind of dramatic breakup it seemed to be," Karin mused. "I remember because you ended up sleeping on our couch shortly after, y'know before you moved back into that sorority house."
"Don't remind me," you sigh, wondering to yourself how she remembered so much about the topic.
"So, what was it anyway?" Karin pried, nosy as ever.
"I'll tell you when you're a bit older. Not that I think you're not mature enough, but I think your mom would believe I'd ruin your chances at believing in men if I told you," you chuckled softly.
Karin gave you a sad glance. "You weren't cheated on, were you Aunt Y/N?"
"No- but honestly I think I would've taken that any day," you admit.
"Did he die?"
You laugh hard at that. "Sometimes I wish. But no- I'm not into that Romeo bullshit anyway. I don't know where he is now- he graduated a bit after the breakup since he was a few years older than me if you remember."
"Well, it's good that you don't have to see him again. I heard traumatizing stuff like that can trigger people. I remember one girl in my Chorus class had a panic attack when some guy sitting in front of her was playing a shooting game. It was pretty horrifying," Karin admitted. "The worst part was that the guy claimed she was just being too sensitive."
You pursed your lips, narrowing your eyes. "Now, don't tell your mom I'm condoning violence, and I don't know what she'd say- but let's just say if you punch an absolute asshole in the face, that I wouldn't be opposed."
Karin laughed. "Thanks for that. There better be a cake with my name on it."
"Here, pull in and try to park outside the salon. There you go, sharp left... now a right, now fix your wheel hard left, hard left, that's my girl!" you cheered. "Now park the car, and we'll go find my despicable douchebag so that he can pay for our food. I'm starving!"
She locks the car, swinging the door open as the two of you walk into the salon. Your eyes find themselves scanning the room for the familiar mop of dark hair, but to your surprise, the adorable bunny smile belongs to a man with magenta hair.
You gawk, eyes bugging out as Jungkook sweeps you up into his arms, planting a kiss on your lips. You shove him back, wiping your mouth. "Ew- not in front of my niece, creep," you say, used to him trying to kiss you whenever possible. He often said your lips were addicting, and it was rare enough he got to since most of the time the two of you were with your friends, who were still unaware of the fact the two of you were hooking up.
"I just didn't want your niece to think you were forever alone," Jungkook cackles, enjoying the annoyed look on your face. "So- what do you think?"
"Did you seriously dye your hair magenta just because it's my favorite color?" you deadpanned, quirking a brow as you crossed your arms.
"Maybe," Jungkook said, wiggling his brows. "Does it look good?"
"You never look good," you huff, lying through your teeth.
Jungkook ignores your comment, wrapping his arms around you in a back hug, placing his chin on your shoulder as he pouts to you. "C'mon- just admit you love it."
"Fine- you don't look ugly with pink hair. Happy?" you hiss, elbowing him in the rib to pry him off. You hated PDA.
"Very," Jungkook smirked, letting go of you. He turned to Karin, holding out his hand. "You must be Y/N's niece. You must've gotten the good genes from the family- in comparison to Y/N, of course."
You elbowed him in the rib again as the two snickered. Karin laughs, shaking his hand. "Yeah, I'm Karin. She's helping me learn how to drive."
"So I've heard," Jungkook smiles. "Tell me, Karin, do you like my hair?"
"You kind of look like a strawberry," Karin admitted.
Now it was your turn to snicker, and the three of you exit the salon to go to the car. Jungkook opens the car door for Karin, specifically picking the backseat. For a second you thought it'd be so that he'd have an excuse to sit in the front with you, but to your surprise he sits in the back with her, sticking you to act as their chauffeur. Scumbag.
You drive the three of you to McDonald's, and you saunter in, grinning widely to Jungkook. Without hesitance, he steps forward to the cash register, no line in sight, taking his order. For you, he picks a Big Mac with no cheese, fries, and a chocolate shake. He then turns to Karin and questions what she'd order.
It isn't until you get your food and sit down that you question him about it. You sit next to Karin and Jungkook sits in front of the two of you. "How'd you remember my order, anyway?"
"Despite what you think, I'm not nearly as big of an idiot as you think I am," Jungkook laughs. "Besides, you order the same thing every time."
"I'm just trying to get fat, thank you very much," you bite, taking a lot sip of your drink.
"So, how long have you two been friends?" Karin questions.
"We're not friends," you're quick to clarify, glowering at Jungkook as he wagged his brows at you.
"Fine- how long have you guys been hanging out then?" Karin restates, quirking a brow.
"Officially? A few years. Unofficially, about a month," Jungkook states. He quirks a brow to you, raising it precariously high you're afraid it'll blend into his hairline. "Actually- it's probably been over a month by now, hasn't it?"
"Don't ask me, I'm not sentimental like you, Jeon. Why would I care enough to remember the date?" you shrug. Yeah, it probably was a month since you and Jungkook started hooking up. And you did admittedly know the exact date- but you weren't foolish enough to insinuate to Jungkook of all people that you actually cared about anything. Caring just leads to hurting anyway, no matter what it's for.
Jungkook gives a sigh to Karin, shaking his head. "See what I have to put up with? Bet your family doesn't have it half as bad as I do."
"She's known as the cool one in our family- at least to me anyways. Mainly because she's got about half a dozen piercings in each ear," Karin replies.
Your hand brushes along them at the mention of that. "I'm really not. Jungkook's got a lot more than me, anyway. He used to have one in his eyebrow but he got it removed. And he's got more tattoos than I do."
"The eyebrow piercing was a mistake- I'm never piercing my face again," Jungkook grimaced. "And I thought you had more than me?"
"No, I've got only three, and you've got four," you remind him.
"Oh yeah- let's see, you have the lotus flower on your upper back, right beneath your neck, right? And you've got some sort of hummingbird behind your ear- I know that one because Lisa showed everyone when she went with you to the tattoo parlor. And... the third..." Jungkook trailed off, trying to wrack his memory.
"The third is the panda above the back of my elbow," you chastise. "I can't believe you couldn't get that one right, it's my favorite!"
"Well, you should try listing off all of my tattoos," Jungkook said. "I bet you can't."
"Easy. Bumblebee behind your ear- I remember because I yelled at you since you were trying to copy me, especially since it was the day after I got mine and you were trying to get back at me for messing up one of your hookups. There's the Hello Kitty on your ankle from when you lost that bet to Hoseok, and there's the geometric outline of a wolf on your bicep," you said, grinning smugly.
"And the fourth?" Jungkook questioned, raising his brows expectantly.
Your jaw opened and dropped. "I... um... It's-"
"Aha! You don't remember! For shame, Y/N," Jungkook teases, making your niece burst out with laughter.
"I listed three- you only listed two," you shoot back.
"It's the ladybug on my wrist," Jungkook laughs, prideful that he duped you.
"What made you decide to get a ladybug?" Karin questioned, looking down at the little red bug on his wrist.
"I like ladybugs," Jungkook shrugs. "The bumblebee was mainly because it was the mascot for the team I used to play on."
"Ladybugs are cute," Karin admitted. "Y'know- I think my mom would love to have you as a brother-in-law."
Jungkook looked up at you with wide eyes and a pleased grin, dimples showing as his eyes twinkled with absolute delight- and you knew you'd never hear the end of it. You glared at Karin, her own sly smirk on her face that she tried to conceal when she ate. Jungkook quickly went to the restroom, and you wrestled Karin into your arms, rubbing your knuckles against the top of her head playfully as you ruffled her hair. "What was that about, munchkin? You want that brat to become your uncle?"
"He's cute! And you two are adorable, I'd love to have him as an uncle," Karin laughed, trying to free herself from your grip. "Besides, I think everyone wants you to get back out there, especially since it's been years after that big bad breakup. Remember how disappointed mom was when you turned down that blind date?"
"I don't see why everyone has to meddle with my love life," you huff, freeing the wiggling brat from your grip.
"Kinda hard to request that when you don't have one," Karin pointed out.
You only rolled your eyes at that but wondered how much your family truly worried about you. Unlike Jungkook's well known conservative family, yours was fairly left wing. Despite that, however, there were still pressures for you to find someone. Perhaps a big part of that was from how cold and distant you had become after being left so traumatized. However, you definitely didn't want to disappoint your family, and let them give up all hope on you.
But your thoughts were interrupted when Jungkook slid back into the booth, making a witty remark that had Karin choking on her drink.
"I thought the thing with your teacher was a lost cause," Lisa said, pressing her chin against the arms that already rested on the table.
The six of you were in the library during a group study session. Xiyeon had her nose buried in a textbook, as usual, and you yourself were typing up an essay that was due tonight. Jimin was hastily making flashcards with Jungkook, as the class they were in had an upcoming test. Lisa was supposed to be looking up answers on Quizlet to an assignment that was due very soon. Hoseok tagged along, partially so that he wouldn't be excluded, and partially because he had news to share.
"She said if I could do extra credit, she'd notify me," Hoseok clarified.
"I thought all people were sarcastic when they directed you, Hobi," you murmured, fingers flying across the screen.
"The point is," Hoseok said, shooting a glare your way. "She said if I can write a twenty-page essay on the topic we're studying in class, she'll boost my grade up. The thing is, it's due tomorrow."
"How're you going to get all of that done in time?" Jungkook questioned, furrowing his brows.
As though on cue, all of you turned your heads to the girl whose nose was buried in a textbook, too engrossed in the fine print on the pages to pay attention to the conversation. As though she could sense all eyes were on her, she slowly raised her head up, a confused gaze befalling all of yours. "Uh-oh. What is it you want me to do now?"
"Can you pretty please help me write a twenty-page essay by tomorrow?" Hoseok pleaded, throwing his hands up and clasping them together in a begging motion.
"Is it for that teacher you screwed up with? She expects her essays to be impeccable- it'll be impossible!" Xiyeon gawked. "You know she expects only .5 spacing and the font size to be 6, right? It's pointless."
"Xiyeon, I'll literally owe you for the rest of my life," Hoseok said, eyes big and puppy like. "Please."
Xiyeon pursed her lips, as though unsure of what to do. Surprisingly, she turned to you. "Y/N, you're the biggest, most honest hardass I know. Should I do it?"
"Wow, I'm flattered," you say, rolling your eyes.
"Y/N- c'mon!" Hoseok said, raising his voice slightly in the quiet library.
You sighed, looking at his shaking fists and pouting lips. "He seems pretty desperate..." you muttered, throwing him a bone, letting it be known that observation alone would be the only leverage you'd offer.
Xiyeon sighed to herself, rubbing her temples. The rest of you looked at her expectantly, anticipating her answer. Finally, she let out an irritated, reluctant, "Fine."
"YES!" Hoseok hollered, jumping to his feet, causing a librarian to scurry over to your table to give him a quick scolding and threaten to kick all six of you out- perhaps even ban you for life from the solace behind the many shelves of books. You never heard someone project so well with a whisper, but be damned, this middle-aged woman did it.
It was when the six of you exited the library after you were done that Hoseok kissed both you and Xiyeon on the cheek. You wiped the pretend slobber off your cheek to swipe at the back of his head, but ultimately you knew he'd owe you as well for being able to subtly convince Xiyeon of anything.
"Y/N!" Jungkook shouted, entering your room.
"Woah, what the hell, how'd you get into the house?" you asked, frightened half to death as he barged in. "Have you never heard of knocking?"
"Lisa let me in after I called her- told her I needed to annoy you," Jungkook grinned.
"Oh my God, that son of a bitch," you hissed. "What the hell do you want, Jeon?"
"Our results came in," Jungkook exclaimed, reaching back into his back pocket to pull out a folded piece of paper. "I didn't check yours- don't worry. But I'm clean!"
It then clicked. A few days ago the two of you weren't able to hook up because apparently, he ran out of condoms. You didn't purchase any because before Jungkook you weren't exactly getting laid regularly, so it was evening when the two of you were shopping in a grocery store, and you were reaching into your purse and getting one of the water bottles from off the shelf. You screwed the lid off and popped the pill in.
"What's that?" Jungkook questioned, looking curiously to it.
"My birth control. We've been having sex regularly, you should expect me to have something to make sure I don't get pregnant, Jungkook," you say, furrowing your brows.
"Woah- wait, you've been on birth control this whole time?" Jungkook gawked.
"What, yeah? I've been on it since I was of legal age, what's the big deal?" you question.
"W-What's the big deal? You've got to be shitting me, woman!" Jungkook says, flabberghasted by your question.
"I can assure you I'm not," you assure him, holding up the Trojan. "These things can break, dumbass." You really didn't know why guys made such a big deal about condoms. Seriously, how much better could it even feel? The only thing that's different is a layer of rubber.
"Why don't we not use the condoms then?" Jungkook questioned.
"With your diseased ass? You've probably slept with half of the school campus- no way," you huff, knowing there was no way in hell you were going to let Jungkook give you the same thing Jimin had- or what half of the population on campus had.
"I'm clean. I always use a condom, and you're my most consistent hookup, why can't we?" Jungkook questions.
"I'll believe it when you get tested," you grumble, tossing the water bottle and Trojan packet onto the conveyor belt, watching it casually roll to the bored cashier.
"Fine- after this let's get tested. You and me," Jungkook said, no tone of sarcasm in his voice.
You look to him, quirking a brow as you hand the cashier your money. "Wait, what? You seriously want to get tested with me?"
"Sure- c'mon, Y/N, I'm begging for this," Jungkook pleaded. His lower lip puckers out in a pout, and he gives you the puppy eyes that no girl is able to resist.
"Can the two of you have this conversation elsewhere?" the cashier suggests, her eyes narrowed as she grimaced at the two of you. "Sex before marriage is a sin, anyway."
"Shh, I'm trying to convince a girl to let me cum inside of her," Jungkook says, taking the bag. He turns to you, "C'mon, can we go?"
"Fine, whatever," you say, rolling your eyes. You turn to the cashier. "And don't try to imply someone's going to hell- especially to customers. Gives you bad reviews, no?"
Your mind snaps back to the present. "Oh, yeah, that. Give me my results, I should see!"
Jungkook hands you the folded piece of paper, and you eagerly unfold it, checking to see if you were positive for anything. You let a smile grace your features to find everything negative. "I'm clean," you announced.
"High five!" Jungkook said, raising your elbow up to have you slap your hand against his. "Now I can fill you up like a sponge!"
"That is the least sexy thing I've ever heard in my life," you say, cringing at his words.
"I've got plenty of lines to make up for it," Jungkook cackled. "Besides, the look on your face was worth it."
"Oh my God, I regret sleeping with you," you huff, falling back onto your bed.
"Sure you do," Jungkook chuckles, crawling onto the bed with you.
You press your hand against his chest. "Not here. Anyone could hear and find out what we're up to. Maybe a later time, when we aren't in my sorority house, ok?"
"Yeah, that's fine," Jungkook says, falling beside you.
You look to him, noticing how he plays with his hair. You wonder if he regrets dying it. Truthfully, it grew on you.
As though sensing your thoughts, he looks to you. "My parents are gonna be visiting soon- they rain checked last time. If you're wondering."
Ok, so he didn't get what you were thinking at all. "Makes sense. Your parents are... busy."
His mouth goes small at that. "Yeah, they are."
"Well, for the record, the pink hair grew on me," you offered, a sinking feeling in your chest as you saw the lost puppy look in his eyes. "It... suits you, I guess. It looks nice in comparison to how buff you are."
Jungkook grins at that. "You really like it?"
"Sure," you say, wondering to yourself if you really should've let him know that.
"Y/N, I've got another track for you to listen to," Yoongi called, entering the studio.
"Oh, great! Namjoon, do you think you can't break something for about five minutes?" you say, turning to him. Truthfully, he had gotten better when it came to controlling his flailing limbs.
"Yeah, sure," he says, unfazed as he picks up the headphones to the side and puts them on. You take off your own, getting up from your chair to go to Yoongi.
"Oh, by the way, I know you don't exactly go to parties and all that, but there's one being thrown at Lambda or whatever tonight. A lot of your fraternity brothers are going, and I was just wondering if you'd be coming," you say casually, hooking the bulky headphones around your neck.
"Would you want me to go?" Yoongi questions, his question hesitant as he raises his brows.
You try to brace a warm smile. "I mean, yeah. I never see you at parties, I think it'd be cool. We could actually hang out outside the studio, I guess."
"Yeah... I'd like that," Yoongi says.
"So are you going?" you question, looking up to him.
Yoongi opens his mouth, but his face falls. "Can't. I have to help my friend with his podcast tonight since his partner is sick. I promise to go to the next one for you, though."
You find yourself smiling slightly, not missing how he specifically mentioned you. "That's fine- but remember, you promised."
"A promise is a promise," Yoongi chuckled, letting you place the headphones over your ears.
You're currently squinting your eyes, aiming your best in your hazy state to attempt to land the ping pong in the cup. You had no clue where everyone was. Hoseok and Lisa were probably already tearing each other's clothes off, and Jungkook and Jimin were probably acting as wingman for one or the other. Xiyeon, who had been dragged along, was probably just drinking and keeping along the wall, waiting for Jimin to call one of his usual games.
Or so you thought, because soon enough the familiar smell of alcohol from someone's hot breath fanned over you, and someone's small body was slamming into yours right as you throw your ball, making you miss your aim entirely.
"Dude, what the fuck?!" you say, turning towards the person in question.
Xiyeon must be drunk out of her mind. Her hair was a mess and mascara streaked down her cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her cup was still partially filled, though most of it probably splashed onto the floor. "Y/N, I need to talk to you."
"What? Dude, what happened-" Xiyeon doesn't let you finish, instead grabbing onto your wrist and dragging you along. She kicks open a bathroom door, where a couple was making out. She's bawling as she screams at them, "Get out!" This makes them scurry out, and she shoves you inside, locking the door behind her.
"Woah, are you going to murder or rape me or something?" you question, bug-eyed. Xiyeon had just pushed you into a dirty frat bathroom, going as far as to kick out the previous couple that was in here. You were beginning to fear she brought you here to bathe in your blood.
"No- Y/N, I did a horrible, horrible thing and you're the only person I can talk to," Xiyeon weeps, burying her face in her hands.
"Why can't you tell the others? Do you want me to get them-"
"No! You can't! Please, Y/N, swear to me you won't tell a soul," Xiyeon pleaded, grabbing onto your hands in desperation.
"I- Xiyeon, did you kill someone?" you ask, more afraid for her than ever.
"No! Just please, swear on the grave of your dead love life that you won't tell anyone," Xiyeon begs, sniffling.
"Wow, that hurt," you mutter. She squeezes your hand tighter, making you yelp in pain. "Ow! Ok, ok, I swear! I won't tell a soul. I swear on my dead love life or whatever- now tell me what's going on, you're scaring me to death."
Xiyeon sucks in a deep breath, shaky. "I slept with Hoseok."
"You what?!"
"It was an accident!" Xiyeon said, more tears spilling out as she admitted it.
"How? Did you slip and just land on a penis? Xiyeon, oh my God!" you exclaim, clasping your hands over your mouth.
"I didn't mean to, I swear," Xiyeon sobbed, a lump in her throat. "Do you remember how I had to help Hoseok write that essay?"
"Xiyeon, that was like two weeks ago," you deadpan.
"I know, I know, it's been eating me up on the inside. But I helped him- but oh my God, Y/N, he is so fucking stupid. I thought I was getting dumber with each word he said I didn't get it! I had to take a drink or two and finally, we finished it, and we celebrated with shots. One shot became two, and two shots became three, and the next thing I know I'm in bed naked with Jung Hoseok, a used condom on my chest and a soreness between my legs. I didn't even have any recollection of what happened."
"Jesus Christ," you say, running your hands through your hair. "Does Lisa know?"
"Hoseok said he'd be the one to tell her, but he hasn't yet. He keeps saying he will but he's stalling and-" Xiyeon choked up, lips trembling.
"Lisa's going to be crushed. She's practically in love with Hoseok," you whisper to yourself, thoughts spinning around your head.
"I know, I know. God, I feel so horrible. I feel like the worst person in the world," Xiyeon said, chest heaving as her body wracked with sobs.
"Hey, you're not. Ok? You made a mistake, we all do. Hoseok made the mistake, too," you tell her.
"I don't think he's going to tell her," Xiyeon mumbled. "He's such a coward."
"Ultimately he should be the one to tell her. But she should know- if I were her I'd want to know," you tell Xiyeon.
"You promised you wouldn't tell!" Xiyeon said.
"I won't- it's not my place to," you say, assuring her as she let out a breath of relief. "But maybe you should, Xiyeon. It was your mistake as well as his. If Hoseok won't tell, you'll have to."
"I don't think I can bring myself to do it," Xiyeon admits. "I came close several times but each time I felt like I was going to throw up."
"Well, you're drunk right now and verbally spilling your guts, so we need to get you sober so that you don't blab to her in the worst possible way," you huff. "C'mon, let's get out of here."
You open the door, where a guy who was tightly holding onto his crotch ran in. "Thank God! I needed to pee!"
"Sorry, we were hooking up. Have a nice one," you mumble, pulling Xiyeon along with you.
You eventually make your way to the kitchen, and you open the refrigerator to get a water bottle. You see Hoseok stride in, and one look at Xiyeon had him gawking. "Woah, what happened to her?" he questioned.
You glared at him, thrusting the water bottle into his chest. "You know exactly what happened to her."
Hoseok's eyes bugged out of his eyes, and he opened his mouth to speak. You interrupted before he could even get a sound out. "Yeah, I know. And you're a real fucking idiot, Hoseok. You better tell Lisa soon."
"I will, I just-"
"You're just a coward," you hissed. "I'll tell you what's going to happen. Xiyeon is drunk out of her mind, and if she gets around any of the others she'll probably tell everyone. You can text the others in the group chat to tell them you're driving her home. Got it?"
Hoseok gulped. "Yeah... got it."
"And Hoseok- I won't tell Lisa what happened, but I swear to God if you don't do it eventually, I'll make you regret it," you threatened, letting him grasp the water bottle you were still pressing into his chest. "You hurt her- and that's inexcusable. You might not be dating, but you had a deal. And I don't know if you're aware of what the rest of us know- but to put it lightly, it makes everything ten times worse. So congratulations- you're the dick of the week."
"I'm... I'm sorry," Hoseok said, shaky underneath your heated glare.
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to right now, am I?" you snap. "Where's Lisa anyway?"
"She's dancing. I came here to get a drink," Hoseok clarified.
"That girl is better than anything else you'll ever get, Hobi," you say, letting your eyes soften as you address him as a friend. "And I'd be very disappointed if you- or all of us- lost her because of your dumb actions."
With that, you spin away on your heel, huffing to yourself at the mess that had just transpired.
God, Lisa was going to be so heartbroken. Here she was, keeping up the charade of 'just friends' with the guy she was in love with, staying loyal to him, hoping he'd eventually see her as more, and he betrayed her trust. He broke the deal.
You swore to yourself you wouldn't end up like her.
"Hey, what's up? You look pretty shaken," a familiar voice says, draping an arm over your shoulder. You were too exasperated to knock it off and only look to Jungkook.
"Woah- that tie is stupid," you blurt, eyes darting down to the tie loosely hanging around his neck.
"Yeah, uh, some drunk girl gave it to me. She was wearing the outfit and kinda just gave it to me," Jungkook shrugged. "Drunk girls are weirder than drunk guys. The entire time she was telling me that I'm 'too beautiful for this world' and 'he isn't worth it sweetheart'."
"Drunk girls are like that. Drunk guys just want to fight," you say, running a hand through your hair as you let out an exasperated sigh.
"So what's up? You seem frustrated," he notes.
"Nothing, just need to let off some steam," you sigh, lying through your suggestion.
"I have a suggestion, but I have a feeling you don't need me to explain," Jungkook laughs.
"Let's go," you say, pointing up to where a lot of the bedrooms were, on the second level.
A surprised look slowly turned into a pleased grin, and Jungkook's eyes lit up with excitement. He takes your hand, and before long he's kicking the door to the bedroom back and locking the door, climbing above you.
His tongue dives into your mouth as he pins your arms against the bed. You moan into the kiss as he pulls away, pulling your top off, sliding it across your body before discarding it to the ground. "Y'know, I think this is the first time we've had sex on an actual bed," Jungkook chuckles.
You furrow your brows. "Wait- really?"
"Really," Jungkook laughs. "We just do it wherever's convenient."
"It's not just my fault we fuck like rabbits. It takes two to tango," you remind him, arching your back to unhook your bra, letting him pull the straps off your arms as he dives between your breasts, sending kisses between the valley of your breasts. His lips catch onto a nipple as he begins to unbutton your jeans, and it's only when you shimmy out of them that you look to him. "No fair- you need to undress, too," you say, motioning to his shirt.
He swipes your hand away, pulling back, grinning. "It's more fun like this, babygirl. I love seeing you so vulnerable for me."
Your cheeks flare, and you look to him in annoyance. You sit up to reach again for the hem of his shirt, and he grabs onto your wrists, forcing you to slam back against the mattress. You squirm beneath his tight grip, his jaw clenched as he glares at you angrily.
"You're not going to touch me, cockslut, understand?" Jungkook says, brows furrowed.
You nod meekly.
He lets go of your wrists, trusting you to keep them against the mattress. You're feeling too mischevious, however, and try once again to get his shirt off. He clasps both of your hands in his grip, tsking. "Someone wants to be a brat, huh?" he says, pulling the tie off of his neck. "Guess I'll have to make good use of this."
He ties your wrists together, and you wonder to yourself what girl would own such a god awful tie. Seriously- it was ugly. But it did the job, tying tightly enough to your wrists without cutting off any blood circulation.
Jungkook kept your bound hands above your head, pinning them there as his other hand traveled into your panties, diving into the wetness pooling beneath. You squirmed under his touch, gasping as he immediately spilled two fingers in, curling into your sweet spot. Jungkook smirked. "Someone's getting wet from just thinking of her punishment, hm? My fingers are soaked, cockslut."
"Jungkook," you gasp out, arching your back as he curls his fingers again. "Touch me."
"I am touching you, babygirl," Jungkook teases, enjoying seeing you squirm on his fingers. Still, he knew how greedy you were- you yearned for more. Infinitely more. And Jungkook never failed to deliver.
"Jungkook- fucking hell," you hissed through gritted teeth, getting agitated.
"Mm, such a greedy cockslut," Jungkook hummed, removing his fingers to pull your panties off your legs, placing them to the side. He removes his grip on your hands. "Why was I stuck with such a selfish brat?"
"Fuck y-" Your words are cut off when he pulls you to your side, hooking one of your legs above his shoulder, the knee over the broad area. You had to use your bound arms to support yourself, your other leg providing little balance as you were forced to spread your legs wide. Jungkook gripped the leg hitched over him tightly, grinning over you. You glared at him. "Jeon, what are you-"
Your words are interrupted when he thrusts his fingers inside of you again, reaching deeper than before, two fingers going curling into your g-spot as he rubs your clit with his tongue. Your eyes roll back and your body wracks, feeling his fingers go impossibly deep, tapping against your sweet spot in a way that had you shivering.
"Oh? What was that?" Jungkook cockily questions, delivering a harsh thrust with his fingers. "Were you going to say something?"
"F-F-Fuck," you stammer out, unable to do much more than take the abuse against your g-spot as he rammed his fingers into you perfectly. Damn him for learning your body so well already.  
"Mm, such a dirty mouth for a cockslut," Jungkook hums, thumb digging against your clit as he rubs it, enjoying the feeling of you clamping down on his fingers as you hissed. "I should wash that filthy mouth of yours with my fat cock, shouldn't I?"
"G-God, don't stop, please Jungkook," you whine, biting on your lower lip as you let out pathetic whines.
"You didn't answer my question, babygirl," Jungkook hummed, ceasing his moments just as you were beginning to reach your high.
"No! Jungkook, fucking- what the hell?" you hiss, turning back to him.
"Watch your tone, babygirl," he warned. "Or I'll be tempted to leave you here high and dry."
Your eyes widened at that. "No! Fuck, Jungkook, I'll let you do whatever you want to me. Just please, please let me cum! I'll blow you and let you cum down my slutty throat, fuck please let me! I want to gag on your big dick."
"Mm, tempting," he says, amused and satisfied with your begging as he continues his movements, having you shudder under his ministrations as he works faster to push you to your high. "But I plan to cum inside of you this time, cockslut. Fill you up with my load, nice and deep. I want you to feel me spill inside you, and you're gonna keep my cum in that slutty little pussy of yours all night. So if any other guy comes up to you and tries to get a feel, I want you to spread your legs and let him feel who's already inside you, so that they know you're already someone else's little cockslut."
His voice is raspy and deep, reveling in each moan you give as he swipes over your clit.
"Don't be so loud, babygirl. You don't everyone to know what a slut you are, do you? To know you're my pretty little cockslut, huh?" Jungkook questions, a smile in his voice as you screw your eyes shut, feeling your high nearing. "Open your mouth," he commands, and you're surprised with the faint taste of your own juices and the cotton of your panties as he shoves it into your mouth. You're gagged by it, and you know why because finally, he's using both hands, your leg pressing against his back to anchor him to you. He uses three fingers to stretch into you, feeling your walls spasming around the digits as his other hand rubs into you, thumb twirling the throbbing nub with fervor. A strange sensation that you're not familiar with washes over you right as you're about to climax.
Your eyes shoot open as you look down to your quivering legs, a muffled scream as you see liquids shoot out from your pussy, and soon enough you're drenching the sheets in your cum as you squirt everywhere.
Jungkook hisses in delight, continuing his ministrations, making you crumble beneath him. "Fuck, babygirl, give me that cum. Fucking drench yourself like a proper cockslut."
You convulse under him, feeling your energy drain as he milks you for all you're worth. It isn't until he's pushing your leg off his shoulder that you come down from your high, panting. Jungkook's hands are running over your thighs, bringing you back to reality.
"Shit, baby, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen," Jungkook grinned, eyes draping over your heaving form as he pulls the panties out of your mouth. His hand cups over your sex, making you shudder from the overstimulation as he continues to pet you. You don't complain, however, knowing how much he loved to see you grimace at overstimulation.
"I don't think I've ever squirted before," you admitted, voice breathy. His fingers travel through your folds, teasing the sensitive clit."Holy shit."
"I think you ruined the bed. Look at the mess you made," Jungkook said, enjoying the look on your face as you blushed from embarrassment. His hand was probably drenched now from being buried between your soaked thighs.
"Oh God, I should clean this up," you say, wrists twisting in their confinements as you try to sit up. Jungkook pushes you back down to the mattress, however, resulting in your body bouncing from the springs.
"No no no. We aren't done just yet," Jungkook says, eyes blown out like a cat's in the dark. "Y'know what I plan to do to you, babygirl?"
"What?" you question softly, squirming as you feel arousal flood back down, despite the fact you already orgasmed.
Jungkook shoves your knees apart, revealing your glistening heat to him, droplets of your orgasm still on your sweaty skin. "I plan to fuck you in your own cum," Jungkook growls, licking his lips at the sight, noticing how you automatically bucked your hips at the thought. "You'd like to get fucked in your own mess, wouldn't you cockslut?"
You nodded meekly, knowing you absolutely needed to get wrecked by him now. You desired the feeling of having him inside you. "Please, Jungkook. Fuck me. I want to feel you cum inside me," you say, wanting to touch him so badly. But because of your restraints, it would be difficult, and you knew if you attempted to get up under his grip he'd simply slap you back down to the ground.
Jungkook reaches over, hands pulling at your hair as he forces your gaze to lock with his. God, how both of you loved having your hair pulled. "That's right? You're gonna be my bitch and take it, right? Let me fill up your cunt, right?"
"Please, cum inside me, Jeon," you say, bucking your hips up once again. "I want you to cum inside me, nice and deep. Fucking fill me up like your bitch."
That seems to do it for him because soon enough he's unzipping his pants and pooling them around his knees along with his boxers, letting his erection spring free. "Fuck- you fucking asked for it," he says, stroking himself eagerly. He reaches under your thighs, forcing your ass up as you press against your upper back, legs in the air as he scoots forward, aligning himself with your entrance.
He places your feet on his shoulders, pushing over you as he forces you to bend more, and you groan at the feeling of him entering you.
"Goddamn, no matter how hard I fuck you, you're so tight," he hisses, pushing into you. "God, you feel so much better without a condom. I could be inside of you for the rest of my life, shit babygirl." You find the burn of the initial stretch so addicting, and you know he's right. No matter how hard or how many times he fucks your cunt, you still can't get used to the feeling of him entering you.
He towers over you, squatting over you as he begins to pound into you, letting out grunts as the hollow sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room. You're moaning so loudly again as he hits you impossibly deep, his hands on either side of your head as he thrusts roughly into you. He has no choice but to get the panties back, stuffing them roughly into your mouth. The cotton helps to absorb your screams, but muffled moans still come out, low groans emitting from your throat.
Jungkook's hand is gripped on your chin, forcing you to stare up at him as he pounds into you. His golden skin glistens with sweat, his bangs clinging to his forehead as he plows into your wrecked form. You feel tears slip down the corners of your eyes and onto the bed, the pleasure overtaking you as you feel his cock go impossibly deep inside of you. Your feet dangle beside his head, and your ass hurts from how hard his hips slap against it, the hard defined bone of his hips slapping against the flesh of your ass instead of his muscular thighs.
Jungkook forces your head to the side, pressing your face to the mattress, your cheek squished beneath the palm of his hand as he licks away the salty tear.
"Are you gonna cum again?" he questions, rasping into your ear.  "Are you gonna whine and beg for another orgasm like the greedy cockslut you are?"
You're unable to do anything but whine a muffled answer through the panties gagging you.
His hand travels between your bodies, the other hand still pressed against your face now gripping your hair, forcing you to look at his hand rubbing you as he pressed harder against you. "Fucking watch yourself cum on my cock. Cum for me, dirty girl."
The sensations are too much. His calloused hand, veiny and big, rubbing against you with such intensity it had you rolling your eyes to the back of your head. The hand tightly gripping your hair, forcing you to stare at the cock that repeatedly plunged into you, bottoming into you. The way his balls would slap against your ass with each thrust, and the lewd sounds of your wetness filling the room. That accompanied with the sounds of the mattress squeaking behind you and the headboard repeatedly slamming against the wall- it was overwhelming.
You came again, letting out a low groan as you tilted your head back against Jungkook's grip, legs shaking as he forced you to cum again. He continued pumping himself into you, letting go of your hair to wrap both arms around your legs, entering you ass deeply as he could.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, you feel so good babygirl," Jungkook hissed, letting his thrusts get sloppy. "I'm gonna cum. Shit, I'll fill up this slutty pussy so good."
You're sobbing, feeling him roughly hammer into you until his cock twitches inside of you, and he buries himself at the hilt, trying to get the head of his dick as deep into your womb as possible. You feel the white ropes of cum paint your walls as he spills his seed into you, and you let out a muffled gasp at the feeling. Jungkook grinds his hips, as though feeling how his dick felt against the cum coated walls, the head still buried deep into your womb.
"Fuck, oh my God," he groans, heaving as he slips your legs off of him, his dick softening inside of you. "Holy shit."
He looks up at you, your wrecked form, still completely naked and vulnerable beneath his gaze, hands tightly bound and legs far apart. He pulls the panties out of your mouth once again, but before he lets you gasp a single word he puts his fingers into your mouth, and you instinctively wrap your tongue around it, twirling it around the digits until he pulls them out and puts them back on your heat.
You crumble, flinching at the feeling. "Jungkook, I-"
"Shh, babygirl. One more for me, ok? You look so hot when you cum. I want to see my pretty little cockslut cum again," Jungkook pleaded.
You didn't protest, letting your hips raise as he rubs you intensely, letting one last orgasm wash over you as he rubs against you. The orgasm isn't nearly as powerful as the first one- hell, especially the first, but you enjoy the feeling nonetheless.
Jungkook stops toying with your overly abused clit but scoops up some of the cum that had pushed out of your quivering entrance. It trickled down to the bedsheets, and he pushes it back into you, not letting a drop go to waste.
"You like being filled with my cum, baby?" Jungkook questions, a mischevious smirk plastered over his face as he makes sure all of it remains inside of you.
"Feels great," you laugh. "I feel so full."
Jungkook laughs at that, pulling his pants up along with his boxers to tidy up. It was harder for you, especially when you saw Jungkook give you a cheeky wink as he stuffed your panties into his back pocket, and you knew he wasn't going to give them back to you tonight. Besides that, you were completely naked, and he remained for the most part fully clothed. Though there was something oddly hot about the fact.
"I'm gonna get going, if people see us leave the bedroom together both looking fucked out, it won't look very non-suspicious," Jungkook said.
"That's fine, I need to tend to my wounds anyway," you huff, waving him away. You were definitely going to have bruises by morning. He quickly leaves, and you hear him greet someone outside.
"Hey, Jungkook! Man, you got lucky tonight. Who was the girl?"
"Just some chick- don't worry about it," Jungkook laughed back. "I think I'll head home, I'm done for the night."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. You sticking around?"
"Probably not. Hoseok had to drive Xiyeon home, and y'know Lisa, she isn't really in the mood to go to a party if she doesn't plan on dancing with anyone who she'll actually sleep with."
"Yeah, yeah, I get you."
"Have you seen Y/N, though? I can't seem to find her anywhere."
"Maybe she's finally getting laid," Jungkook laid. "Anyways, I'll see you later. G'night."
You hear the sound of footsteps leaving right as you finally slip your shirt back on, and you squeeze your thighs together, regrettably having to go camo with Jungkook's cum inside of you. You sigh, making your way to the door, figuring you can fix your fucked out look once you find a bathroom.
You walk right into Jimin, who gives you a shocked expression.
You're frozen, tense as he gives you a quick once over, analyzing your look as he processes the information. Your hand has a vice-like grip on the doorknob, and you feel like you're about to yank it off, prying it from the wooden door.
A slow grin stretches across Jimin's face as he looks to you, shifting his weight to one foot, his toothy smile cocky and smug as he folds his arms. "Just some chick, eh?"
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ptitdrogo · 5 years
In the mind of a “Top Tier” Protoss player
        Hey guys, PtitDrogo here, after reading a really amazing post tournament write up by one of my favorite Magic player ( https://twitter.com/lsv/status/1105124626429079552 , seriously, if you’re even slighty into magic go read this) I felt like it would be kind of cool to write down how the past month went for me in term of strategy preparation for the last few tournaments I played, mainly focusing on wesg and WCS ro8.
You win some you lose some
             To set the tone, before wesg I was of two minds about my play, I managed to qualify for the ro8 of WCS after beating Mana and Namshar, but I got seriously owned by Bly and Nerchio at IEM, not taking a single map and going home with 0 dollars.
            It’s still honestly a little bit confusing to me, the same confidence in my ability to play a defensive style against mana completely failed against bly, and my faith in my timings that worked great against namshar just got dismantled by nerchio. I could go on longer about this but sometimes you just don’t play well, and I’ve learned that dwelling on it is the worst thing you can do.
All eyes on Spaghetti boy
            Looking at the groups of WESG, a top 1 finish in my group would give me a good shot of having a “beatable” opponent in the bracket, and winning that match would mean winning 5k, so it was my objective coming into the event.
The man to beat being obviously reynor, who previously kind of walked on me in the last group stage of wcs, I had a couple of ideas in mind and also discovered some new cool stuff beforehand.
            I now knew that he actually really liked hydralisk midgame, and I actually really liked it, what was once the bane of my existense is now a pretty manageable opening in my opinion since the hydralisk got quite a bit weaker, you really don’t have to play scared and can even pressure yourself.
I was practicing some kind of 3 base high eco Chargelot archon pressure and having so-so success with it, I kind of wasn’t sure if I wanted to go for it, but without a better idea that’s what I was gonna go for.
“Wow, he actually does open hydralisk every game”.
            There’s a bit of a difference between telling yourself something and seeing it for yourself. After watching Probe vs Reynor It really hit my that reynor was playing hydralisks not only on big maps but on everymap, add to that a tendency to add some zerglings to deny the third, and 15 minutes before the start of my match I’m changing strategy without practicing it.
EDIT: Watching the vod of the Bo3, I actually was completely wrong, lol, I looked at the game at the only time he made some hydralisks, to secure a game already won by a roach nydus, and the other game was just a ling queen nydus, I guess I saw what I wanted to see !
“The Yoloswag build”
            It’s honestly such a terrible build, it’s not a particulary strong push, and it relies on your opponent not going roachs and REALLY thinking you’re going for a macro while also being a little bit of a bad player for not using your prism.
This is just an 8 gate that wants to cancel its third base in the first place to being able to afford 8 gateways production in the first place, the idea is you poke with 2 archon, run away from the queen, cancel your third because of the nasty zerglings, and while you pretend to being completely owned you warp more archons and zealot in a corner and you go kill the guy, a classic really, and I knew it would be very effective againt lings into hydras, sometimes last minute change of plans do work, color me surprised.
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“Oh no you canceled my third dang it”
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“Nothing going on over here”
“The 420 Blazing it DT drop”
            This one has kind of a funny backstory to it, I was practicing with a zerg for IEM, and he really wanted me to play DT drop because he thought his opponent would do it for sure.
“Alright, but I really think it’s shit” is what I said.
2 hours later and a LOT of wins later, I had to concede that it was pretty good, to quote my practice partner “your Dts being 7 seconds faster is actually a pretty big problem”.
            Sometimes you’re very wrong about what is good. Here’s the thing tho, I didn’t have time to check a vod to do the build, so I went by memory, old memories of 2017 in fact, and the way I remembered it you would have to cut a lot of workers and do a lot of little adjustements to get a very fast DT drop going even if it meant sacrificing some economy.
Turn out not a lot of protosses were doing it. The end result was 4 Dts being warped at 4:23, and most games they would just kill the third hatch. So I was feeling pretty confident it would work.
In my game against reynor I warped my Dts at 4:21.
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They killed the third hatch.
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            I was honestly so confused as to why or how I managed to have a better timing than in the game I was practicing against the ia, but hey I’m not complaining.
Later Reynor told me he didn’t know Dts could come this fast, and the 4:20 DT drop kind of became a meme among players for the rest of the tournament, I haven’t warped exactly 4 Dts at 4:20 yet, but hey maybe next wcs I’ll do it without meaning to !
So I ended up with a very pretty to look at 10-0 score, wasn’t easy of course, Iasonu and Probe were two players I was also scared of but I thought that playing standard was my best bet and indeed it was, also almost lost a game to PsiArc where I was very behind in economy but managed to attack right before his bunker finished, sometime lucky.
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There is no way the Germans can cross the Maginot Line
            My opponent for the ro16 was Lambo, not a bad draw but not the best, I was confident I could win tho, and the new variation I was trying out in practice were going great, I had a great plan for the best of 5 and a build for every single maps.
All of that preparation came crashing down with a pretty swift 3-0 LOL.
            Game 1 was death by 12 pool, Cuz here’s the thing, to get a 4:20 DT drop, you can’t probe scout, little guy needs to work overtime ! I actually was mainly hoping he wouldn’t have the balls to 12 pool game 1 and I was going to scout after core anyway, whats the worse that could happen?  
            Game 2 was a very good game until it all came crashing down, I actually very like this double stalker opening poke, I was practicing against a zerg and made 2 stalkers by mistake on this map, and the overlord that usually always manage to run away died this time, and the very confusing double stalker oracle move out forced quite a lot of lings. So I decided to run with it in the tournament
When I was trying to explain it to the other protoss as a “great opening that looks very confusing to the zerg but doesn’t actually do anything” they were unconvinced; Haters; when it becomes the norm in 2020 don’t forget about me.
In the actual game the 2 stalkers squad worked great, I actually even killed an overlord at his base ahahah. I was in a VERY strong position in the midgame, and thought there was no way I could lose.
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Well, nydus happened, no warpin available, no recall, an awkward attempt at a basetrade and a very long death animation trying to rebuild my templar tech to spend my gas bank later, It’s 2-0.
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“Money in the bank pimping ain’t easy” 
            Game 3 was just a standart 2 base nydus that if I was a few second faster to recall my oracle or if I wasn’t supply blocked on 53/54 to then warp one more stalker I would have won, oh well, sometime it’s just not going your way.
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“The correct play here is to go alt tab and go complain on Bnet forums” 
It was obviously very annoying to lose one step short of making 5k, but there was a silver lining to losing to hard and so quickly to cheese.
All of my preparation could still be used for WCS.
An FFA would pretty much have been the same right ?
            The big Round robin was here, and good god is it spooky. All of the players there are good and even if 6 players out 8 makes it it is very very scary.
My goal coming into the group was to barely make it, “maybe 2 wins is enough to squeeze in” is what I thought.
The first thing that is interesting to note is that I got pretty lucky in the order of my matchs, my 4 first matchs were all PvZ, then on day 2 I got the two PvP and the PvT.
That made practice fairly easy and nobody was able to prepare for me for day 2 as I didn’t have any of the same match-ups.
“You lose some…
            Against Serral, I had a pretty good first game to be honest, even tho I didn’t do flashy damage with the DT drop I still kept the pressure with the archons and was in what I thought a pretty good situation with the army I wanted.
Here’s the thing tho, Serral is annoying, like VERY annoying with his mutalisks, so before moving out for a strong attack I overmade defensive structures by quite a bit (3 canons in natural mineral line lololol) because I felt like I could afford it. So when I pushed, as you might expect it, broodlords were already out, and even if it might not be a well known fact in the community yet, Lategame PvZ is pretty unwinnable, at least against serral, gg.
            Game 2 was just an embarrassing game of me messing up my build order and losing my prism to 6 queens to then die to mutalisks and roachs. Not the most interesting of games and the kind of showing you really don’t wanna produce but it sadly happens too many times.
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“Queens defend everything reeeeeee” 
            Against Reynor I’m actually blaming the first game loss directly onto serral. I actually very efficiently dealt with the mutalisks while teching to storm extremely fast (more on that later) and was in a very decent position. But I subconsciously felt like I needed to attack much faster than I actually had to because of the previous game (Check the Hive Drogo !! Scouting is allowed reeee) And just made the game extremely easy to play for reynor with a reckless attack.
            The second game was just a meme, another case of 12 pool, but this time even tho I scout it very late I pull all of my probes and take a very efficient fight against the zerglings, and at this exact moment I am in a very good position.
The correct play was to make a stargate in the wall and just move out with the adept and leave the zealot home.
I didn’t finish the wall and moved out with 2 units, Reynor did a runby with some more lings and I had to go home.
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I then proceed to not finish the wall and moved out with 3 units, Reynor did a runby with some more lings and I had to go home.
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I then proceed to move out with 2 adepts leaving 2 at home, Reynor did a runby with some more lings and I had to recall home
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I then proceed to try to finish the wall but Reynor did a runby with a LOT of zerglings and I had to gg back to the lobby.
This is the kind of game where you just feel very stupid, I like to call these games failing an IQ test, because thats what they truly are.
… You win some”
            This is where I finally get the talk strategy, because there’s kind of of prerequisite to win games to be able to brag about how great of a strategical mastermind you are.
“The triple triple”
            After all the hype about the 420 DT drop, the first thing I obviously was looking for was a build that would look like a DT drop, but was actually a complete blind counter to the usual DT drop response from most zergs.
Thus came to life the triple triple, 3 gate, 3 oracles, warp twice (not 3 times rip symmetry ) and then you just go for it. The gas timing is very similar, only one adept and stalker are produced by the gateway, you have a proxy pylon from your main that can directly warp low ground so that the overlord at the natural cant see it, and the one adept boy can walk around to deny lonely lings from getting vision. All of that for an explosive cocktail that will kill a zerg making roachs expecting Dts, not having enough spores or queens to handle the triple triple squad.
Also, I’ve come to realize in practice that it’s not even that bad of a build in the first place even if scouted really early for some reason.
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“Sometimes it kills 10+ workers” 
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“Sometimes a lot more”
This amazing innovation of the PvZ metagame that I’m sure will be a staple in the metagame (it won’t) allowed me to take a map off Lambo and Elazer, for the other map I had to resort to the amazing build that comes next.
“This is totally an archon drop I swear you better make roachs”
            I really don’t know how to call this, You just go for the normal archon drop build except you mine more mineral and make an early forge, then take a third slightly faster than an archon drop timing and just make 4 templars super early so they can bank energy so you can do a +2 push with 8 storms extremely fast. While you’re doing the build you run around with your first few units to deny vision so the zerg gets scared and think he might have missed the prism.
Oh, and you also make a LOT of probes, I’m talking non stop, enough probes to fully saturate the third when its done.
“But Drogo, wouldn’t it be strictly better to just go storm drop? Zerg would actually see a prism and be scared and you would also do economic damage even if they make roachs !!”
And to that I say, I like to keep it simple ok, maybe next year when I actually get good at the game.
            Anyway, This build actually gives you a pretty powerful set-up in the midgame, I used it to kill the Hydra bane of Lambo and succesfully defend the nydus onslaught of Elazer (I didn’t strictly do this against elazer actually, I was pretty scared of a spooky all-in), which is usually not possible unless you were a greedy boy in the early game. So all of that gave me 2 points on the board.
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“4 templars just chilling at home, Safe working conditions are too rare in the Starcraft universe” 
When the Zerg is away the Toss will play.
            For the second day I had 2 PvP, a PvT, and a lot of times on my end to prepare. So I did, I watched a ton of rail footage, and observed that he wasn’t afraid to play his ladder builds in tournament, so I was feeling fairly confident I could just win by having stronger build orders.
Little did I know this would be the hardest series of the tournament by far.
The first game felt like a walk in the park at first, you’re going 3 phoenix against fast expand forge first? There is no way in hell I am losing this. I played it a little bit safer than I could have but I was very confident in my ability to hold his 2 base push.
Turn out, I was wrong, very wrong, Rail just made a bigger army and kept warping in, and eventually our armies got to a size where his two untouched immortal he had over me actually packed quite the punch and our upgrades were equal. So even with a third nexus mining for a while, I’m losing the game.
            The second game I was sure of what he was going to do, some adepts with an expand and robo follow up, so my plan was pretty much to play with a lot of gates units and go Stargate to have good control of the game, simple plan, but effective.
The issue is, I forgot to prevent him from pylon blocking my wall, then I didn’t realise he let his pylon finish, I built my Stargate in vision of his pylon …
So yea I canceled that real fast and improvised a blink opening, a build I haven’t practiced in a really really long time, without any possibility of scouting, turned out I didn’t need to, since verdi went for his robo opening into constant presure with adepts sentry immortals, with me sitting and pure useless stalkers, down 1-0 and 30 supply, disruptor knocking at my front door, I didn’t like my odds one bit.
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Oh well, sometime lucky.
I’m sure the third game will be much smoother.
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Oh no (not pictured here, 3 sentries also died)
This has to be a record for the most amounts of units lost to the 2 initial adepts in a professional game
There’s almost something peaceful about being so far behind, you can just try out wacky stuff and see if it works.
Which is somehow did, after two pretty successful adept and a basetrade clearly going in my favor, I brought back an impossible game and was very happy with myself.
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If you’re wondering how on earth I managed to get surprised by 2 adepts, all I can say is that I was way too confident in my preparation, as I was so sure that he was going for his safe expand double probe scout strat, I didn’t have adepts on my mind until the last 3 seconds.
Overall I would say that my preparation for this serie was very bad, even tho I spent the most time on it, even if you can tell yourself beforehand to not mindgame yourself by thinking too hard, it can still very much happen.
So after that emotional roller coaster of a series, it was time to play a PvT against big Gabe, and I had quite the revolutionary strat prepared.
“The triple triple… Again...”
            Sometime you watch one series that makes you fall in love with a strat, for me it was Zest vs Innovation where Zest defended a marine drop with 2 oracle and a phoenix, warped more adepts across the map and immediately killed Innovation, I thought to myself “I can do that” as it didn’t look too hard.
I hate Stargate openings in PvT, I truly hate them, I’m always in a good position with them but I always lose anyway, but on the other hand, I’ve loved shading adepts and oracle at random times since LOTV beta, so I thought it was worth to give it a shot, especially because I thought Gabe wouldn’t expect me to play stargate.
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Worked just as planned, a refreshing turn of events after the last series.
            The second game (what game on kairos ? never happened Protoss doesn’t lose PvT remember) is what I like to call “New Year Zero, the movie”. I really think this map is incredibly protoss favored, it’s really not on everymap that starting 2 forges because you’re supply blocked and can’t start your first colossus ends up being a the best decision you could have made.
After killing the Raven and a decent chunk of bio in the middle of the map, I thought I had a real timing there, I had 5 seconds of hesitation after seeing so many liberators, but after sending an hallucination and seeing that Heromarine was Still 1/1, I decided to A move into him anyway, it was either gonna be a genius, killer instinct like move, or another brick to the monument that is the ThrowGo Legacy, a win win really.
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“Sir, this is Hallucinated phoenix speaking, Terran is 1:1 you’re clear to go”
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“Roger that” 
It went great and the twitch chat of that game had a very reasonable discussion about game design talking about how great it was that protoss could attack into this many liberators.
            I don’t have much to say about the last Serie vs Showtime really, I was already qualified so all the presure was off and I felt great, and I don’t think I could talk at length about great of a strategical mastermind I am for faking going phoenix and actually going Dark templars !
He didn’t exactly do what I expected to him to do so this was pretty much freestyle that worked in my favor and not anything prepared. 
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“Artosis favorite unit showing us what peak starcraft is all about”
The second game was a cheese that I had seen before, Double proxy gate zealot with canon rush, I was fairly confident that it was overall pretty bad, and this game didn’t change my mind.
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“The best unit against canons is actually the probe”
Amazing Gaming
            So overall it’s a 5-2 Score !! This wasn’t what I expected at all and I was obviously thrilled, too bad I failed so many IQ tests otherwise the first place would have been easily in my grasp.
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I have a lot of cool new strats with weird names prepared for LA, I hope I’ll win so I get to brag once again about how smart I am ! (not really).
Hope you guys enjoyed this blog, and I would like to dedicate this victory to this chinese Stuff bear, he kept his promise and without him I would never have survived those nyduses.
For more Yee https://twitter.com/PtitDrogo 
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giranswife · 6 years
Tagged - Q & A
Pick one of your muses. Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your muse in a new post. Tag five people to do this meme.
Tagged by @self-shipping-angel
Ooooo this is fun, I’m going to do Ash for this! Her attitude was just fun to write for these XD
1. What is your name?
Not going to just release my real name like that, but I go by Ash now. My full name is Ashley, but I dropped that a long time ago. But it’s the female werewolf as far as you’re concerned.
2. What is your real name?
Not using my real name, like I said. I’m a villain, not an idiot.
3. Do you know why you’re called that?
Not really. I never knew my parents, so I can’t tell yah why. Not that I care all too much considering they didn’t care enough about me so.
4. Are you single or taken?
Taken. Not that it’s any of your business anyway. I wouldn’t try anything, Gi.ran’s kinda not the kinda bitch to mess with. Neither am I though.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
I’m a werewolf. A scary one at that.
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Bitch. Go fuck yourself with a rake.
7. What’s your eye color?
Like a baby blue, I guess.
8. How about your hair color?
Blonde, but I died the tips of my hair purple. I’m thinking about going full purple eventually. Gi.ran seems to really want me to...
9. Have you got any family members?
Not anymore. Good riddance too.
10. Oh? What about pets?
Nope. Not really a pet person, though I don’t necessarily hate animals. I just can’t take care of them, plus Gi.ran would kill me if I brought one home. I do have pet pack wolves I can call very easily, if you ever wanna try something.
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
Annoying people. Well, that’s not true, because I hate people that think they’re above it all way more. But if we’re talking just something in general... I guess... stupid questionnaires. 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
Sleeping... and eating.
13. Ever hurt anybody before?
Oh yeah. I mean... I’m a villain... it’s what we do best.
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
Yep. Mostly not unless I have to, but if someone gets in my way I can’t make any promises. Unless you count my shitty abusive uncle.
15. What kind of animal are you?
......what part of werewolf do you not fucking understand.
16. Name your worst habits.
*narrows eyes* Why should I tell you that... well you said worst habits and not weaknesses so... I dunno I guess I’m a little emotional and loud. I tend to get really angry very easily. the wolf inside me gets super territorial, and it’s not so good. I cuss a lot, but I find that to be colorful speech if anything else. God damn t, I’m starting to sound like Gi.ran.
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Uh.... is myself an option? Nah, I’m fucking joking. Honestly... I look up to a few villains, but I won’t say names because then they’ll get cocky as all hell. We don’t need that. And I guess I kinda look up to Gi.ran in a way. Not like... fully because he’s got his own shit, but... I don’t know I always liked certain aspects of him that I don’t have. Like he’s actually pretty smart and savvy and I wish I was like that.
18. Gay, straight or bisexual?
Oh, I’m a flaming bisexual.
19. Do you go to school?
I dropped out of high school. Pretty much taught myself after that.
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Hell no. I mean... technically we’re married, but that was all after a drunken night. I’m still not sure if this is... whatever I didn’t plan for this. But kids, I definitely don’t want. I’d rather not bring kids into this life... I wouldn’t be a good mother anyway. Besides, have you seen the guy I’m with?
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
Pffttt. I’m sure there are fans for us villains, but I haven’t met any. I’ll let you know if I do, because that’d be hilarious.
22. What are you most afraid of?
Nothing. Alright, fine, I’ll humor you. I guess being forever alone. Contrary to my attitude, I actually don’t like being alone. At least not now that I’m used to having someone with me... ( cue her making sure Gi.ran isn’t leaving her XD)
23. What do you usually wear?
A crop top and ripped jeans. Sometimes I’ll wear a leather jacket or a plaid shirt. Gi.ran sometimes buys me fancy shit, but I don’t wear it unless I have too. Although, the fishnets are really cute. Sometimes he gets my style.
24. Do you love someone?
......I uh.. that’s a very personal question. But I mean, I wouldn’t have this ring on my finger, if I uh, didn’t.
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
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I’ll give you about ten second head start, then I’m shredding your clothes for that question.
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
Oh, great. I totally wanted to spend my afternoon answering stupid ass questions.
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
Well, I started off low class with little money to my name, but now that I’m living with Gi.ran I guess I’d consider middle to high. More high with how much fucking fancy shit I have around me a lot of the time. It’s more than I’m used to, but... oh well he’s paying.
28. How many friends do you have?
Not many. I mean, I don’t really consider a lot of the league friends. Except Dabi and Himiko. Though, I do have two friends named Sayeko ( @self-shipping-angel and Mai ( @wispy-selfship-eden ).
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
I’ve only had it once, but it was fucking delicious. Maybe I’ll have some tonight.
30. Favorite drink?
Tea. Oh, and coffee. I can’t go a morning without my fucking coffee. It’s like a drug to me and it’s what helps me wake up in the morning.
31. What’s your favorite place?
Home. It’s been a lot of different places these past few years, but... w Gi.ran it feels the most like home. Just don’t fucking tell him I said that. He’ll never leave me alone about it.
32. Are you interested in someone?
Uh,,,, yeah? Do you even listen.
33. What’s your cup size and/or how big is your willy?
PFFFTTTT. Bitch, you wish you knew, didn’t you?
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or ocean?
Ocean. Lake’s are usually kinda gross. I’d live by the ocean if I could.
35. What’s your type?
I don’t fucking know, really. It’s changed a lot over the years. Usually I like strong, sarcastic types. Apparently I’m into older men.
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
Wouldn’t you like to know? You know, if you’re not fucking me, I don’t see the reason to answer any of this.
38. Camping or indoors?
Both are good. I like indoors whenever it’s hot, but outdoors whenever its cold. Gi.ran has totally had to stop me on many occasions during the fall because I will want to sleep outside.
39. Are you wanting the quiz to end?
Yeah, I got better shit to be wasting my time with.
40. Now it’s over! Tag five people:
Sure, whatever. Least it’s over.
Not gonna be tagging anyone, just if you want to do it you can! lololol
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slyshyfoxy · 3 years
Ugh, I feel like a lot of things have been going on and it’s quite overwhelming right now :( I feel like I lost a friend again idk why, maybe like the feeling of like losing a friend plus someone I like as a crush I guess.
But without viewing things with rose coloured glasses, she was quite immature like she kept on picking a fight with me and said we were close and all but in the end it isn’t uh, I know Man, I mean jenny don’t u remember those times in poly where people told u this but does another thing, and honestly she might just be facing her own issues ( family ) and I asked if like she needed help and she said it’s okay and she doesn’t need any help, so I think that’s all bah, what a short lifted friendship Lololol.
Honestly, I’m not gonna wait for anyone to return from my past or whatever once I put it behind then it’ll be behind already, like probably I’ll be sad but it’s not wasted effort uh, sometimes just divine intervention I guess?
Ai think probably it’s for the best too? She was too alike like my ex and bringing some sort of bad memories back to my life like the vibes and things she do almost same but just a more immature version LOOOOL ! but friends come and go ah, I gotta accept that that’s why prioritising myself is important I guess lolol. Like back to poly days where I just focus on my studies and I don’t want to be so emotional alr tbh 👧 and I was kinda looking at her as just potential to be best friends heck!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I actually am damn sad about this and a lot of exams and all is actually piling up, like group projects also and idk what to do with it tbh, being alone is fine, is just the detaching moment is difficult 😞 and maybe the getting over period will probably take awhile for me. I probably have to close my heart back up I guess, I just dw to be hurt again tbh 😭 😿.
I dk manz, I don’t want to care too much w ppl or anybody from now on like this is too much 😡.
No club to escape to rip 🙄.. HAHAHAH let me cry bodoh LOLOL. Currently I am feeling a bit light headed probably due to like sleeping too much or smtg. Aiya jenny u enter university alone u can just survive being alone right? In a few year times things probably won’t even matter anyways. Got to stop worrying and like what u shd be doing now is to focus on ur grades tbh, grades are the ones that u can’t change in the future. Like it will stick with u so shd u try ur best to focus on the test tmr 🔥🔥🔥.
And for friends don’t worry so much, u still got a lot of friends what like Thomas, varoy, Marcus , kris and Joel, putri, u aren’t alone sister don’t worry so much, old people go new and better people can come in and now u got to do things that are gonna be helpful for ur future which is to study, probably just take a small break for tmr after class, like just go out have a good dinner 🥘 ask someone out eat bah 🥶, u are more blessed than u think , u always read news see so many things happening so what’s gg on with my life right now is quite small tbh. So just stay strong , be happy, put yourself first, sometimes u need to fill your own cup so u can fill the cup of others , Jiayous jenny 👍🔥👍 u can do it,
For now just go and drink more water, get ur dinner at 9pm and now focus on doing tut 2 n 3 asap finish it ! Then u can go do the things u like alr like watch the vivy show and all no worries ! 😎
- night of 14 oct 21
0 notes
jjkookiecrumbs · 6 years
All the numbers!
Oh wow thank you
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?I think so!
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?Age-wise, yes, since it is only one year older than I am now. I’m currently dating a 19 year old, though, which I’m totally and completely fine with the age difference.
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?That’s an interesting combination of emotions,, probably this weekend because my boyfriend always tries to aggravate me but it’s silly and I love him 
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?Yeah, but not a full, toothy smile
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?HAHA YEAH it’s funny because they’re literally controlling :)
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?Yes, I was listening to Bleachers today which always reminds me of my boyfriend
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?A t-shirt and shorts
8. How often do you listen to music?Multiple times a day
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?Jeans
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2019?Yes, starting college and moving out is a huge change and I really can’t wait.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?Depends on my mood, more social than not though, I think.
12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?Yes
13. What about ‘R’?Nope
14. Can you drive a stick shift?No, I’d like to learn how to though!
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?Kind of, I try to pretend like I don’t, but I really want to be a good person.
16. Are you going out of town soon?I don’t think so,,
17. When was the last time you cried?Today, about half an hour ago
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?My boyfriend and my ex (lololol) 
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?Maybe.. I kind of like my hazel eyes though
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?@jaxjpeg​
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.Uh, like most of it
22. Is it cute when people kiss you on your forehead?Yes!!
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?Yeah, I’m talking to him as I type all of this out.
24. What are you sitting on right now?My bed
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?Yes! My boyfriend and one of my best friends.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?Other than celebrities, only once. They don’t know who they are but they follow me on here, if they ever find out,,,, that’ll be interesting
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?Jax!
28. Do you get a lot of colds?Not really
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?@wickedclothes​
30. Does anyone hate you?Probably!
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?Not any empty ones!!
32. Do you like watching scary movies?I love them
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?No thanks
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?WOW THAT’S HARD I dont think I’d actually delete a whole year because I learned so much from the shit I went through and I wouldn’t be who I am today without those experiences.
35. Did you have a dream last night?Yeah it was wack, one of the gaybies at my school came to visit me at work on 4/13 (which is wild because I do work on 4/13 this year) and they were dressed as dave and like?? called me Rose and it was weird because 1) I was in my work uniform, not dressed as Rose, and 2) in the dream I knew that they had never spoken to me in real life.
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?Today
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?Hopefully!
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?Yes!! my boyf
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?Yeah, one I know of at least
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?Yeah, 
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?Yep!
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?Yeah, if spending time with friends at school counts
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?Yes
44. What’s the best part about school?Lunchtime and friends
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?A ton.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?I used to!
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?Constantly
48. Were you single over the last summer?Nope
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?Not at all
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?Homework!
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?Not at all
52. Are you nice to everyone?I try to be! If they cross me even slightly, though, they’re dead to me :)
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?Not really
54. Are you good at hiding your feelings?Not at all
55. Do you think you like someone?I know I like someone,, I know I love someone
56. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?Yes
57. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?Both wtf do people actually prefer this
58. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?Like,, all of them, not in real life, though
59. Do you hate anyone?Many people
60. How’s your heart?kinda fucked up
61. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?LOTS OF THINGS HAHAHA
62. Have you ever cried over a guy?Out of anger, yes
63. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?HAHAHA THIS GIRL i’m not friends with her any more but I work with her and she despises me now but :) 
64. Are your toenails painted pink?Nope
65. Will your next kiss be a mistake?Nope
66. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?I love seeing him being vulnerable with me, but seeing him cry always makes my heart ache
67. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?No, luckily!
68. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?Jax! And I’m still on the phone with him
69. How do you look right now?Probably bad because I cried, but somehow my makeup’s still intact, so not that bad I suppose
70. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?Jax!71. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?Jax!
72. Have you ever felt replaced?Yeah
73. Did you wake up cranky?Nope! Because I woke up next to my boy
74. Are you a jealous person?Certainly
75. Are relationships ever worth it?Definitley
76. Anyone you’re giving up on?Nah, I already cut all of the shitty people out of my life
77. Currently wanting to see anyone?Jax pleaseeee
78. Name something you have to do tomorrow?School
79. Last person you cried in front of?Jax
80. Is there someone you will never forget?There are many, most didn’t leave a positive effect on my life, though
81. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?Yes and I love it
82. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?Cuddling, I’d probably be crying
83. Are you over your past?No haha I have c-ptsd for a reason
84. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?Nope
85. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?@jaxjpeg, even though he makes fun of me for a lot of things.
86. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?I would accept the apology, but definitely wouldn’t get back together with her. I’d be up to being friends though
87. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?Definitely
88. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?Yeah lol, they’re not my friends anymore.
89. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?Yes, I know so
90. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?Multiple people
91. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?Nope
92. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?I hit a rough patch with my boyfriend so we broke up for a short while. It was probably the most terrible mistake I’ve ever made, and that says a lot. I would truly do anything for him and I love him more than anything in this universe.
93. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?Completely
94. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?No, it was my mom
95. Who do you have texts from?None unreadright now
96. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?UHHH I’ve dealt with that before lmaooooo anyways I get real jealous real fast
97. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?Yes, actually only people older than me
98. Who’s in your profile picture with you?It’s just me lmao
99. Ever kissed under fireworks?Yes! It’s a magical time
100. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?My boyfriend and the one who shall not be named because they follow me and have no idea.
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mtkthedreamer · 6 years
DL Character meme!
I got tagged by @mythicamagic, thank you!
Rules: List your top 10 favorite DL characters (it doesn’t just have to be the dateable guys, any characters are fair game) in order. And then answer the questions. Blank questions at the end.
1. Ruki 2. Laito 3. Carla 4. Shuu 5. Azusa 6. Yuuma 7. Yui 8. Kou 9. Kino 10. Subaru
(To be honest it was quite difficult... I mean, the order doesn’t really count from Shuu-san downwards... And Laito-kun is a particular case... whatever XD)
1. Number 5 (Azusa) has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
Yeee, shopping with Azusababy \(♥w♥)/ I guess I would recommend him to buy comfortable clothes, and possibly the cheaper ones... but paying attention to their quality too; this, in general. Then, I also think I would probably tell him that fair colors and blue tones suits him better... and I really like big-sized sweaters on him!
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 (Laito) standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
"LAITO, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU’RE A PERVERT, NOT A GROSS ONE- Ah, no, wait” *thinkings pose as Laito’s like “Aw, Bitch-chan, that’s mean, I was just teasing you D:”, feigning innocence ‘cause he’s a damn old fox*
3. Number 7 (Yui) has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
I guess I’d try to scare poor Yui-chan about how her teeth could deteriorate in the future because she neglected them by not going to the dentist to check on them. I’m cruel, I know. I’d be a good mother
4. You lose a bet with number 6 (Yuuma) and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
There’s a reason as to why I don’t make bets, and this is why lol; anyway, in this case, I’d just go through with it... I just hope Yuuma-kun wouldn’t make me do... strange things... He’s not Laito-kun, but...
5. Number 4 (Shuu) takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
Wait, how can Shuu-san get even scared, isn’t he just using it as an excuse to sleep? Likely.
6. Number 9 (Kino) surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
This is suspicious. There’s a trap, right? 
7. Number 8 (Kou) accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
YES Kou-kun is like a brother to me (not as much as Yuuma-kun), so I wouldn’t mind lending him my room... I can always sleep in the sitting room ;D lololol
8. Number 1 (Ruki) has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
It’s very unlikely that Ruki-san could do something like this (I mean play it at such a time), but in case... I guess I’d try to reason with him about this.
9. Number 10 (Subaru) recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
If Subaru-kun would really wear it in public, I think I would too. Two embarassed people at the same time; it’s better to share the embarassment, lol. It was a lost bet with Kou-kun or Ayato-kun/Laito-kun, right?
10. Number 4 (Shuu) is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 (Carla) confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
Carla-san knows magic, right? I would ask him if it was possible for him to cast some spell to resolve this, I guess? That’s not what magic is for MTK
12. Number 7 (Yui) decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
“OMG, Yui-chan, you should keep on drawing, so that you can improve your talent and become a great artist! ;D By the way, this isn’t me, lol”
13. Number 5 (Azusa) buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
Did he buy all the stuff necessary to keep this pet python?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 (Yuuma) but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
Probably panic because I’m somewhat scared of heigh places... or I would in this case, because we’re still. I’d try to keep calm, but... I’d eventually start crying and hyperventilating... I think Yuuma-kun wouldn’t really worry that much, haha.
15. Number 2 (Laito) proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
=_= I knew this was going to happen... I’d try and scold him, but Laito-kun is Laito-kun, I can’t really do mu- No, I’d try slapping him in his face, too.
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 (Carla) standing in it. How do you react?
"... did you find Narnia?” 
17. Number 1 (Ruki) manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
*screaming internally and then fainting*
(Ruki-san’s my love interest, you know)
Let’s be serious, he’d keep on teasing me because I would blush so much and get so embarassed about this... but eventually, since I think we’re both rational people, we would try and find together a way to get these handcuffs off.
18. Number 10 (Subaru) presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
“... sorry, let’s be friends? Thanks for the ros-” The roses would get destroyed and thrown away by him, since he got rejected... :( (and he’d be like “I was just joking, dumbass! Tch!” and leave while dying internally D: such a cruel fate...)
19. You go swimming with number 8 (Kou). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
"STAY THERE I’LL GET THEM FOR YOU” I’d lend him my towel in the meantime? 
20. Number 5 (Azusa) wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 (Kou) and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
Since Azusa-kun is his brother, I think Kou-kun would figure everything out and... either give it to me with a smirk on his face, teasing me about it, or... maybe go and tell Azusa-kun to write his name on it or whatever? Like, giving advice like a good brother?
21. Number 7 (Yui) gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 (Carla) a strip tease. What happens?
... If everyone’s there, I think Carla-san wouldn’t be happy about it at all, and with Reiji-san and Ruki-san he would stop her... while Kou-kun, Yuuma-kun, Laito-kun and maybe Ayato-kun would encourage her and tease her (Shuu-san would comment, too, like “Heh, I knew you were a lewd woman”), I guess.
Of course, I’d help the big brothers stopping her.
22. Number 6 (Yuuma) and number 2 (Laito) get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
I don’t know why, but I don’t think they would be that good at rapping... maybe Yuuma-kun would be a little better than Laito-kun. 
23. Number 1 (Ruki) accidentally ruins number 9’s (Kino) most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
Ah. You mean Kino-kun’s smartphone? Well... that’d be difficult to cover up. It’d be better and easier to buy him a new smartphone... in case it was completely broken. If it got just ruined, maybe we can substitute some parts? We’d ask someone related to this, probably. (Ruki-san begging, lol)
24. You wake up in between number 4 (Shuu) and number 10 (Subaru) with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
We just fell asleep after watching some movies. That’s all. Actually, Shuu-san slept from the very beginning, then I fell asleep towards the end of the movie and at last Subaru-kun, after turning off the TV/whatever. 
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (Kino), number 6 (Yuuma) and number 3 (Carla). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
Kino-kun would keep on complaining that there’s no Wi-Fi to play on his smartphone, Yuuma-kun would observe the nature and Carla-san... Would he even know what it means to camp? XD He’s a King, he can’t sleep on the ground! lololololol I guess I’d just enjoy this time with them and... panic at night because I don’t like sleeping where insects can easily reach you in your “bed”...
26. Number 9 (Kino) and number 4 (Shuu) have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
... Shuu-san wouldn’t really care? He’d just keep on sleeping... but it’d be difficult for him to sleep, because, if I’m not mistaken, the long exposure to displays can influence this, right? And since Kino-kun’s a lot on his smartphone...! Kino-kun would take it easy, too, at first. But eventually, we would ask Reiji-san to solve this.
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (Azusa), number 7 (Yui), and number 10 (Subaru). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
Please. Subaru-kun would destroy everything at the very beginning. I think either Yui-chan or Azusa-kun would be very good at Monopoly, anyway. 
28. You go on a hike with number 8 (Kou) and number 2 (Laito). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
Never trust Kou-kun, that’s for sure. GPS, anyone...? Or just teleport somewhere, for God’s sake.
29. Number 1 (Ruki) has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
What’s “banjo”- *googles it* oh, ok. Hm... I guess... “Ruki-san... you should ask a musician, music is not my cup of tea :D” Am I safe?
30. Number 1 (Ruki) and number 2 (Laito) get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
I tag: @newchica, @nevaeh-naeva and whoever is interested to do this~!
Blank questions:
1. Number 5 () has decided they want to completely change up their wardrobe and they take you shopping with them so you can give your opinions on what new outfits they should buy. What sort of clothes are you going to recommend?
2. You walk into your room one day to find number 2 () standing on your bed, dancing to your favourite song while wearing nothing but your favourite underwear. How do you react?
3. Number 7 () has to go to the dentist but they’re adamantly refusing. How would you persuade them to go?
4. You lose a bet with number 6 () and now have to be their personal maid for a day. Do you go through with it or do you try to get out of it?
5. Number 4 () takes you to see a horror movie however they end up getting absolutely terrified halfway through and bury their head into your shoulder. How do you react?
6. Number 9 () surprises you with a cake they’ve baked especially for you. Are you going to eat it?
7. Number 8 () accidentally manages to completely trash their room, to the point where it’s uninhabitable. They don’t have anywhere to stay while it’s being repaired and so they ask if they can room with you for the next couple of weeks. How do you respond?
8. Number 1 () has decided to learn how to play the trumpet. The downside to this is that, for some reason, they’ve taken to practicing right outside your room around the time you normally go to sleep. What are you going to do?
9. Number 10 () recently purchased a cat onesie and they’ve insisted on wearing it everywhere over the past few days. They’ve now purchased a matching onesie for you and they’re being very insistent that you wear it and go out in public together. What do you do?
10. Number 4 () is still scared after watching that horror film with you. It’s now late at night and they’re demanding that you let them sleep in your bed with you. What do you do?
11. Number 3 () confesses to you that they want to be an Olympic gymnast but struggle to even touch their toes. What sort of advice do you give to them?
12. Number 7 () decides they want to paint a picture of you. They make you sit still for hours while they work on it, only when they finally reveal it to you, the image bears absolutely no resemblance to you. They ask you for your opinion, what do you say?
13. Number 5 () buys a large pet python and they try to talk you into keeping it in your room. How do you respond?
14. You go on a Ferris wheel with number 6 () but when you reach the top, it stops moving and stays still for a long time. There seems to be some kind of fault, which means you’re trapped with number 6 till someone can get it working again. What do you do?
15. Number 2 () proposes you play a game of twister. Regardless of whether you want to or not, you get dragged into it. As you’re playing, you notice number 2 seems to be touching you a lot more than necessary. Do you call them out on it, or take some other course of action?
16. You’re getting changed in your room when you suddenly hear a noise from your wardrobe. You open the wardrobe to find number 3 () standing in it. How do you react?
17. Number 1 () manages to accidentally handcuff themselves to you. They don’t have a key and for some reason, no matter what either of you do, you can’t seem to get them off. What are you going to do?
18. Number 10 () presents you with a bouquet of roses and declares that they have feelings for you. How do you react?
19. You go swimming with number 8 (). You’re having a great time until they pull you aside and tell you that they’ve somehow lost their swimwear. Are you going to help them and if so how?
20. Number 5 () wrote a love letter to you and slipped it into what they believed to be your locker, however the locker actually belongs to number 8 () and they didn’t bother writing your name on the letter. How does number 8 react when they find it?
21. Number 7 () gets very very drunk and tries to give number 3 () a strip tease. What happens?
22. Number 6 () and number 2 () get into a rap battle and they want you to be the judge. Who do you think is going to win and why?
23. Number 1 () accidentally ruins number 9’s () most prized possession and begs for your help in covering it up. What do you do?
24. You wake up in between number 4 () and number 10 () with absolutely no memory of how you got there. Do you have any idea about what might have occurred and what are you going to do now?
25. You go on a camping trip with number 9 (), number 6 () and number 3 (). What sort of stuff do the four of you do together?
26. Number 9 () and number 4 () have somehow swapped bodies. How do they react and are you going to try to help them get back to normal?
27. You’re playing a game of Monopoly with number 5 (), number 7 (), and number 10 (). Who wins and who goes bankrupt and storms off in a rage?
28. You go on a hike with number 8 () and number 2 (). Number 8 is in charge of the map and they manage to get you completely lost in the middle of nowhere. What are you going to do?
29. Number 1 () has given up on learning the trumpet and has taken up the banjo instead. They write a song and play it for you but it sounds beyond terrible. How do you react?
30. Number 1 () and number 2 () get in a fight over you. Number 2 manages to win and asks you for your hand in marriage. How do you respond?
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unwrathful · 7 years
1 - 69 answer them all
hate you too. it’s past midnight. I can’t believe I’m doing this shit
loooooong post
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
bitch I’ve never smoked one. I wanna know what it’s like. so that’s a no
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?
heartbroken xanxus is fictional-
OKAY NO JKJKJKJK. I’m single & disgusted w/ human touch
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?
I’d call you a liar D:
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
getting some writing shit done.
7: Do you want to be single?
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?
stay in.
9: How late did you stay up last night?
up until abt 2am?
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?
no. not irl anyways
11: Last three things you had to drink?
juice, milk and a smoothie
12: Have you pretended to like someone?
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
no. no one’s even seen my flesh (aside from hands and face and neck) in like two years
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
what’s to get over.
16: Think back five months ago, were you single?
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?
uh. talking to ppl on discord
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
ew no
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
20: What would you name your future daughter?
hmm. Christine, maybe? Or. idk tbh
21: Do you miss anyone?
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
no? depends. if I’m angry then bitch you’ll know it
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
26: Who did you last see in person?
my father....?
27: Are you listening to music right now?
28: What is something you currently want right now?
to die.
29: What is the last thing you said out lot?
‘bitch you what’
30: How is your heart lately?
beating, unfortunately.
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?
when it rains yeah. or when I’m feeling like I want to lololol
32: Are you wearing socks?
33: What do people call you?
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
life in general
36: Who did you last share a bed with?
my younger sister when she had a nightmare
37: Did you do something bad today?
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
never...bitch hugging is gross
39: Do you get stressed out easily?
40: Will you sing today?
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?
44: What are you listening to right now?
my laptop’s fan
45: What is wrong with you right now?
depression, anxiety, laziness, bad grades, expectations, writer’s block, suicidal ideation,
46: What is on your wrists right now?
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wea
finish your sentence, you fool.
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
50: Are you a good artist?
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?
53: Ever been on a golf cart?
54: Do you have trust issues?
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?
wtf is hot topic
57: Do you use chap stick?
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?
59: Do you have a little sister?
60: Have you ever been to New York?
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?
writing, I think. or dying
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
hmm. maybe
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
alone...1) too hot :/ and 2) bitch you think I’m gonna share blankets?
69: Will next Friday be a good one?
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leorysxi · 7 years
(/ω\)゚.+(〃ノωノ)゚.+°50 More Interesting Questions
Tagged by the lovely @incorrectmidc, @theempresskaizer, and @spyrothetimelord~! ♡♡♡ Thanks!! :D
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
1. What kind of food can't you stand? Spicy food, food that has a really strong milk-taste, and any seafood or meat that are uncooked or not fully cooked.
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? Never having to check if there are any toilet paper left in the roll holder again. My sis likes to use it all up and freaking leave the cardboard tube on top of the tank lid when there are new ones literally three feet away ._.
3. Have you got any useless talents? Um I can use chopsticks with my left hand but it's useless since I usually use my right hand anyway lol
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be? Communication
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking I think a lot of people are very good-looking tho... I really don't know where to start ^^;
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? Reading books from libraries.
7. What is something you’re proud of? My dedication once I've put my mind to it.
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? Assuming things and arrogantly believe they are right (whether they are right or not, it's the attitude that irks me the most).
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? I'm more of a follower. But if the leader is not cooperative, motivated and/or decisive enough, I'd do a bit of nudging to get the team project in the right direction.
10. What kind of student are/were you? The average kind that does average work and gets average grades.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? Yes.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion High heights, like really high ones. It's not so much the height but the fear of falling that gets to me.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? Yep~
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? I've never drunk alcohol before lololol; it's a personal choice rather than a legal limitation. I'm the sort that sits in a corner and watches chaos unfold at parties :D
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? Not really, it's more like a premonition of love before I fall hard. And yes, it takes a very, very long time for me to trust anyone.
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? I'd rather have one close friend than have a hundred casual ones.
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? Uh, sorta both? I do organise my stuff neatly, having a place for every item to find them more easily. But I also have a bad habit of hoarding, which leads to a bit of mess in a corner of my room to clear up every once in a while ^^;
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy On my bed, furled beneath the blanket and hugging my pillows. Alternatively, sitting all curled up on my comfy mesh chair and having a towel or hoodie draped over my shoulders and legs like I’m doing now. I can get cosy anywhere that I feel safe at/with tho.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? No, and I don't see myself married anytime soon, much less have kids.
20. What was your favorite book as a child? The Secret Island by Enid Blyton, the Nancy Drew series, Harry Potter series, usually stories that are about solving mysteries or set in fantasies.
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about Fidget spinnersssss (?-?)
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated Manga series that are refreshingly original and good and has so much potential and tragically axed or at risk of it :'c (im5eversaltyaboutClassi9 TnT)
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? Eh no way, I prefer my privacy and being alone, so "noone" it is for me.
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? Visit other countries, to see and experience more of the world.
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? I prefer not to rock the boat. It's only when I feel it's necessary that I speak up.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? I don't know if it's a fad, but I really regret playing Clash Royale :/
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? I thought it was cool to have an attitude when I was a kid. Thinking about it now, it's just embarrassing.
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? Confidence
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) Not really.
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? Yep; English and Chinese (Mandarin & Hokkien). I'm also learning Japanese (self-taught) but progress is slow ^^;
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? In the city, just not the busiest part of it tho.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? I used to hate wearing closed-toe shoes but now I love 'em :’D
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? Spotlight on someone else pls
34. Favorite holiday? New year, for the festive end-of-year mood if nothing else.
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? I'm a go-with-the-flow type of person but I NEED to have things planned out to get them done lol
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) Nah, while nothing compares to that first experience, neither does the second or third rerun through nostalgia and familiar moments compare to anything else either. There's usually something new I'd discover in rereads too, whether it's something I missed the first time or how my thoughts have changed about certain moments or places.
37. What hobbies do you have? Reading, drawing, playing video games, writing, watching anime, looking at the sky, collecting stamps and old coins & foreign dollar notes and owl motifs, surfing the internet, archiving, and various other activities that hold my attention every once in a while (like folding origami, baking, voluntary work, DIY projects, etcetra).
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? Uhhh not having to trim my nails and toenails? idk, what exactly constitutes as a 'mildly useful' superpower~~??
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you That I'm older than I look ^^;
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out How the mask function works on Photoshop and PaintTool Sai orz
41. Worst injury you’ve had? Splinters in my fingers. I had this constant fear that smaller splinters were still stuck in my fingers 'cause it hurts whenever I press down on them and I couldn’t concentrate on doing work at all D: (I’m pretty lucky tho, never broke a bone or twisted anything in my life.)
42. Any morbid fascinations? Death and tragedies.
43. Describe your sense of humor Weird and poorly-timed.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? Modern Japan.
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at Time management o(-(
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through School
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) I'd rather have neither but that's not an answer is it? I'd rather have the ugly tattoo then, at least it can be hidden or removed by laser.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? I expect the worst and believe in the best, that every challenge has its share of difficulties and opportunities. I guess I'm something of an optimist who can be pessimistic, and vice-versa.
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? That I've made a positive influence in their life.
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you That I think I'm better or find them uninteresting or something awful when I just like to stay quiet and do a lot of thinking. They're right about me being weird tho ^^
Tagging: @astridapples @confused-tofu @countdowntocake @emigotchi @infinitycrayons @juzbijou @kakihoden (:3) @lustfullyleocrawford @midnightuglystepsister (hi!) @trixtzu and anyone else who wants to answer these~! >w<)/
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Thanks everyone for showing interest in how I got scammed SGD$1050 by my (no longer) close friend/enemy aka Chia Scammer Hean (@chiaheannn). You can contact her if you're feeling rich lately or want to have a first hand experience on how it feels like to get scammed. Due to popular demand, I've decided to write a detailed story about it.
It all started when she called me out of the blue asking about my skin condition which she never did during the whole 5 years I knew her. She only did that when she joined a MLM company known as Elusyf. Well... before that I didn't know she joined one. One day, she suddenly called me to talk about Produce 101 ((HELLO THIS THING CAN DISCUSS OVER GROUP CHAT RIGHT? ITS NOT LIKE IM THE ONLY ONE IN THE CLIQUE WHO WATCHED IT)). Honestly I don't even talk to her on the phone unless I'm asking for her whereabouts during meetups. So for her to call me to talk about a fucking variety show was just damn weird and fishy. Then after a few minutes of conversation, it took her long enough to finally drift to her desired topic: my skin. Knn some people just couldn't get straight to the point 😒😒😒
During the phone call, she asked about my skin condition like she was so concerned LOL, I clearly told her that there was nothing serious about it and I didn't need any recommendations. MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS BITCH. YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL THAT I DIDN'T RECOMMEND YOU TO A PLASTIC SURGEON CUZ YOU'RE ONE UGLY FUCK. She was so persistent in making me head down to her friend's office to have a skin consultation by saying that a lot of her friends have seen improvements blah blah and how she also went down recently. LOL tbh I didn't even want to entertain her nonsense but since she was still a close friend that time, I 给她面子.
Initially I was so hesitant about going to their office since it was totally at the other end of sg??????? and I told her in advance that I had no intention in purchasing any products if her friend were to introduce me anything. This was what she told me: "Just to find out more about your skin lo". OK but then I had to pay $18 for the consultation. I agreed since she mentioned that it was cheaper than any dermatologist which was true. She always had to emphasize on the fact that there were limited slots and her friend was always busy. LMAO DID SHE EXPECT ME TO GO LIKE "WAAAA OMG SHE SO GOOD UH, OMG FASTER BOOK FOR ME. I MUST MEET HER" 😒 I told her it's fine if there weren't any slots since I was not desperate to attend the consultation ((at that time I also tried to siam a bit)) KNN TRAVEL SO FAR STILL NEED TO SPEND MONEY.
Idk why this bitch refused to tell me the company's exact address until I reached Eunos MRT on that day. Instead she gave me very vague information like "it's at Kaki Bukit" "Meet you at Koufu first". Her excuse was "I scared you lost ah. Later I cannot find bitchy le" ((sorry a lot of people gave me this nickname)) 臭三八, my camp was also in Kaki Bukit so you didn't need to worry about me getting lost and GPS existed for a reason.
Furthermore, she didn't even mention the company's name at all. Scared I do research beforehand sibo? Smart. If I actually knew the company's name and did research prior to the meeting, I could have avoided that mess since there were numerous articles and forums exposing the company's dirty tactics. From my knowledge, she was not a bright person to begin with. So someone must have taught her not to reveal the shady company's name when she joined them.
Fast forward to the day itself, I went down to her friend's office with her at 36 Kaki Bukit Place Level 5 (Take note). Please run for your life if you ever hear this address bc you're about to get scammed. The office was honestly dodgy looking with no company logo at all but then I didn't think much that time. There was this eye-catching red sofa which Scammer Hean mentioned that it was her favourite furniture there. okay LOL. Maybe she needed to scam me so she could afford to buy that red sofa? Possibility.
Both of us waited on the red sofa for her equally-scheming friend to appear. That's when she introduced me to her friend/accomplice, Lucia Mcdonalds (@luciamagdalene now @lucia.mlyy). Don't bother asking me whether they were pretty or not bc they were just ugly fucks. Scammers could never be pretty.
However, I was late for the consultation. #whatsnew right. The consultation had to be cancelled since I couldn't make it on time and they had to reschedule it LOLOLOL. Times like these I'm actually thankful for my punctuality issues if not I would have been scammed another $18 from the consultation as if $1050 wasn't enough for them.
Accomplice Lucia told me that she didn't want me to make a wasted trip so she made me fill up a survey on an iPad about my lifestyle and eating habits. Okay, I thought I could just go home after filling up the dumb survey, BUT NO, she straightaway got started on her MLM brainwashing. She kept promoting her products for a good one hour, I had to admit that she would make a perfect salesperson with the way she described everything but that didn't trigger my decision to get the products. LMAO I gave her an uninterested look throughout the whole time she was explaining the products. What's the point of having dermatologists in SG if her products were so good????? I was very skeptical about it.
In case y'all were wondering what Scammer Hean was doing while Lucia was talking, she basically sat there like a dumb fuck and witnessing how I got scammed. Or learning how to scam people in future like Lucia since she's working for that company too.
Well the products which she was trying to promote were pills that costed $350 per box. She suggested that I had to go through a therapy which needed me to purchase a set of 3 boxes = $1050. Wtf tho she pressurized me to make a decision on the spot, so I gave her a half-hearted "okay".
Part 3
Evil Lucia told me that her office didn't accept credit/debit cards as a form of payment and I had to pay everything in cash. WHO THE FUCK WOULD KEEP $1050 CASH IN THEIR WALLET ESP FOR MY YOUNG AGE. BTW 21 IS STILL YOUNG OKAY. It was my first time hearing that the office didn't accept cards, shouldn't they be a bit more technologically advanced? Even a kopitiam could accept cards. With the amount of money they had scammed from innocent people all these years, weren't those enough for them to at least purchase a NETS machine???
Anyway it was also a good opportunity for me to run away by telling her that I had no cash with me rn and I would come back another day (which I had 0 intention) to pay for it. She forcefully replied with "It's okay there's an ATM near our office building, it's just a 10-min walk". 10-min walk for an ATM?!??!?!?! THATS NOT EVEN NEAR. Not forgetting her iconic statement: "If I can walk for 10mins with these heels, then it shouldn't be a problem for you since you're a guy." Win liao lor then she went into a room which I assumed she took her wallet so she could keep the stack of cash later.
When she entered a room to retrieve her wallet, I secretly hissed ((i hissed cuz she's a snake)) at Scammer Hean and asked her if she also purchased the same $1050 package. Well, she visited the office 1 or 2 week(s) before me. Surprisingly she did and even mentioned that it was damn effective. Honestly I didn't see any difference other than her looking uglier than before. In my mind I was like "smlj this broke ass bitch got money to buy such things meh" LMAO this bitch always complained that she had no money every time our clique hanged out, I wondered where she got that large sum of money from.
But then again, for such a 穷光蛋 to spend $1050 on their products, it could mean something. With a bit of peer influence since she was a close friend (now she's not), that was when I made a final decision to purchase the products. I trusted her a lil too much. AND, I didn't buy bc they were pretty/I liked one of them. SCREW THAT SHIT. YUCKS. Tbh, if she said no, I wouldn't have purchased it. You could call me naive on that part.
Once Lucia was done taking her wallet which she bought with the money she earned from scamming people, we left the office building and headed towards another office building which had an ATM machine. I swear it wasn't just a 10-min walk. Must be the weight of guilty conscience on them which caused them to walk so fucking slow. While walking to the ATM, Lucia tried to be relatable and friendly by striking a conversation with us, which I killed it every single time LOL. The more she tried to talk, the more I killed the conversation. Eventually we reached the ATM.
Don't ask me why but I also had no idea how I withdrew the $1050 in stacks of $50 notes so easily. I didn't have any second thoughts before doing so too. The moment I withdrew it I passed the cash to Lucia instantly. And as usual, Scammer Hean was just a useless fuck who stood there like a fucking statue. As a close friend, she should have at least asked me to reconsider purchasing the products or withdraw the $1050 right???? Sadly she didn't. Her mind was probably thinking about the commission she was going to receive from the $1050. Greedy bitch.
Part 4A
Anyway now that we were back in the office, Scammer Hean and I waited on the red sofa while Lucia entered a room for god-knows-how-long ((probably to hide in a corner to count the cash)) I could totally imagine Lucia walking into the room like "WOOHOOOO I SUCCESSFULLY SCAMMED A VICTIM" then opened a bottle a champagne to celebrate her success. CB IF NOT WHY SHE TOOK SO LONG INSIDE.
The wait felt like years and it finally took her long enough to drag her fucking slow ass out of the room together with the 3 boxes of pills. I told her I was already in a rush to meet my friend for dinner so the fake doctor aka Lucia briefly told me how many pills to take a day and the side effects of the pills. Step professional only LOL. She also tried to settle on another consultation date which I missed on the day.
Before leaving, she had to take this really hideous photo of me which she said "a before picture" to compare next time. Basically a way for her to assure me that I could see the improvements in future. I stood DIRECTLY below the fluorescent lights for the photos but then the lighting and angles were so bad that even the most handsome person in the world would look like a toad. Knn the previous time I had taken such a fucking ugly photo was in the Korea customs. I felt like she purposely had to take an ugly photo so that I would feel the need to consume her pills in order to see improvements.
The first thing I did when I reached home was to do research on the brand of the overpriced pills which I just bought earlier in the day. Out of curiosity, I searched up the company's name on Google and a few articles of people getting scammed by Elusyf popped up on the first page of the search results. I could easily ignore it if it was just one bad article but honestly there were way too many for me to avoid. As I continued to dig even further by reading forums and Reddit, I obviously got more than what I wanted. Just like the saying goes "Curiosity kills the cat" I THINK I GOT KILLED FOR A MOMENT TOO.
I almost had a mental breakdown after realizing that I got scammed by my own friend. Of course the first thing I had to do was to get my money back, I knew it was impossible to get the full amount refunded but even if it was just 1/3 I would be contented. So I immediately gave Scammer Hean a call to tell her that I was left with only $200 in my bank account and I needed a refund asap by returning two boxes of pills first. I couldn't straightaway expose her as I didn't want to risk having 0 chances of negotiation. So in order not to make things suspicious, I told her that I would purchase the other two boxes when I had the money ((LOL BITCH NO))
She helped me to discuss the situation with Lucia but she needed to know when's the next time I could get the second box. Scammer Hean: "Eh should be next month right cause you got ns pay mah" THEN SHE GAVE ME THE CB 欠打 ACT CUTE "LOL" STICKER ON TELEGRAM WHICH REALLY MADE ME WANT TO SEND A FLYING SLAP TO HER FACE. DO YOU THINK I EARN A LOT FROM MY NS PAY?!?!?!??! I just told her that I should only be able to buy the second box on the following month. As usual, this nosey bitch asked why I needed that much money.
Part 4B
Wa kaypoh af. I had to come up with another convincing yet fake excuse to make it sound extremely urgent by mentioning that I was helping my friend with her mum's operation fees. This fugly bitch couldn't stop questioning me like what type of operation she was getting, etc. OK SHUT UP. THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I JUST WANT MY MONEY BACK. I swear she didn't need to know so much bc a dumb and useless bitch like her wouldn't be helpful in any way. Her only worth as a human being was to inform Lucia to contact me asap.
Lucia was SO FUCKING FAST in calling me back bc I waited 2hrs for her call 😒 I bet that she was planning on what to say before she called me. She sounded extremely hesitant as she spoke to me with lots of "ummm" and "ahhh" in between her sentences. I guess she had never encountered a customer who wanted a refund, so she didn't have a script to follow? She told me that a refund would be hard since the transaction had already been processed when I paid her just now, thus it would be troublesome for her to do the paperwork for refund.
However, the 假好心 Lucia could help me by keeping a box first and refund me with her own money but I needed to sign a document in her office which stated that I had to return her the $350 by next month. UH WHY THE FUCK WOULD I DO THAT. IN THE END I AM STILL LOSING THAT MONEY WHAT. But either way I agreed to it, what I thought of doing was to tear the documents in her face immediately after she handed me my $350. ((LOL xiao dramatic ymy)) I swear I had thoughts of slapping her ugly face and calling a police down to her office but thats too much drama for me to handle in a day. I didn't and would never tell my mum about the incident bc she was dealing with my problematic sister, so I didn't want her to worry even more. In the past my mum had always reminded me not to trust people too easily even for close friends, now I truly know why.
Did I get the refund from Lucia? NO. The initial plan was to meet her in the Kaki Bukit office at 8pm on Tuesday ((3 days after I got scammed)) but on the day itself, she gave me a text saying that she would only be free at 9pm. Smlj so last minute. Maybe her plan was to drag the timing till it was unfavourable for me and it worked. Since I was always released from the camp at 6pm and the office was just 15 mins away from my camp, no one in the right mind would wait for 3hrs. Moreover, my house is in Jurong. Don't bother asking me to go home and wait first. So I decided to cancel the meetup.
Trying to be (sym)pathetic, Ugly Scammer Hean also gave me a call by mentioning that she could help me keep a box first and pay her back when I got the money. I told her that I couldn't pay her back that soon but she said it was fine since the pills could be kept up to 3 years OKAY LOL THEN YOU SHALL KEEP THEM. My plan was to let her keep the pills and refuse to pay her back 💁💁💁💁💁💁 On the day when I was supposed to meet her ((JUST ONE DAY AFTER SHE CALLED ME)) to get my cash back, she suddenly told me that she didn't have the cash with her. HUH HELLO?!?!??!?!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IN ADVANCE. YOU THINK I WANT TO MEET YOU MEH? ITS ALL ABOUT $$$$$$$$$$$ FUCKER. KNN PLAN BACKFIRED, BITCH HAS NO MONEY NOW AND NEVER WILL. LOL.
                     Why didn't I call the police? I paid the full amount of $1050 in cash and no receipt was given. UGH THE AMOUNT OF STUPIDITY IN ONE SENTENCE. Since everything was paid in cash, there was no proof of transaction. I finally realised why the office didn't accept cards as a form of transaction. There was no receipt to prove that I purchase directly from them too. FUCK I AM SCREWED.
Here are some tips on how to avoid getting scammed by MLM companies:
1) Do not have friends. If you have no friends, no one will contact you right? Logic.
2) Friends/acquaintances (perfect example: your poly or secondary school classmates) whom you have not talked to for months/years and they suddenly contacted you asking about your well-being.
They prioritized calls rather than texts. Why? Speedy responses; a typical person doesn't need more than 2 mins to pick up a phone call, but he/she could take up to hours to reply a simple text message. So, if you're not interested they could quickly move on to the next target without wasting too much time on you. They just wanted to scam you asap. From what I have heard from a friend who used to work for the same company (Elusyf), the company actually made the scammers list out all of their contacts in an excel sheet ((probably easier for them to track those they have not called)).
Part 5
Notice how scammers were always using the same generic format like "Hey how are you doing? Long time no chat" Then they would talk to you about random stuff before getting to their main topic. Those people eventually tried to meet up with you individually for a "meal". ((LOL I'm sorry for those who genuinely want to catch up with you.)) That's when he/she would bring you to his/her office to meet the mentor. They were taught to do that btw.
It's easier for them to brainwash you when you're alone since you're more vulnerable. They might try and push you into making a decision very quickly without giving you a chance to think about it, claiming that you need to for you to get the “special price”.
Avoid meeting up at places like Eunos or Kaki Bukit. However, that is just for Elusyf's office. There are other more MLM companies located at different parts of SG too. Read up on MLM in Reddit (https://www.google.com.sg/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/5ss4k1/share_your_pleasantunpleasant_experiences_with/), you will realise how fucked up these compaines are.
Poly students and NSFs are the common targets. Especially NSFs who could be easily smitten by their female friend's sweet words and smiles that influence them to get the products OR join the company. No, you're not gonna get dat pu$$y by doing them a favour so dream on.
3) Anything that sounds too good to be true, trust your instincts. The reason why those scammers joined a MLM company bc they were promised to achieve results and fast profits within a short span of time. Sounds easier than a part time job right? However, they are just the downline of this pyramid scheme so nobody knows when they will actually start earning money. In short, they are just being greedy and unrealistic. Well.... either by joining the company or buying their products, you're still getting scammed. Just take up a legitimate part time job, will y'all???
I was left stranded with 3 boxes of ambiguous pills which I didn't know what to do with them. I really considered throwing all of them straight into the bin but my other friends suggested that I consume them since I've already paid for the products. I FORCED MYSELF TO CONSUME NOT BECAUSE I WANTED TO SEE (NON-EXISTENT) RESULTS BUT BC I PAID A HEFTY SUM FOR THEM. The recommended dosage was one pill a day but I decided to overdose by taking 2 so I could die faster and stop thinking about my money.
So y'all might be wondering why I am only exposing her rn since this incident happened a few months ago. Apparently after scamming the innocent boy (me) on 17 June 2017, I assumed that she would at least feel remorseful for doing so to a close friend but no. She still had the cheek to tell others that we were friends of 5 years. TSK. Sometime in July, she attempted to contact her poly friends for the same old shit. The people she contacted include some whom she wasn't even close to begin with. Well someone has to put a stop to this bitch so I am going to expose her nasty ass to everyone 🐍🐍🐍🐍 It angered me how she continued to scam people even after I exposed her to our clique. In Part 7, I will be talking about how she tried to defend herself on her actions.
Now that I am $1050 lesser, it is definitely a painful and expensive lesson for me. I learnt it the hard way by not trusting anyone too easily in future. Every time I checked my bank balance, there were so many "What ifs" going through my mind. I was hoping that everything was just a nightmare but it's not. I had sleepless nights since the day I got scammed, I swear it wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. It was so hard to get rid of the incident from my mind no matter how optimistic I tried to be. In a fit of anger, I made a decision to cut contacts with Scammer Hean; I blocked her everywhere— Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Whatsapp, Snapchat and even phone calls. NOTE: I didn't block her from my main Instagram account.
Part 6
Honestly, she fucked up as a person. Firstly she targeted my flaws and insecurities so that she could make money out of it. I am genuinely disappointed with how she sacrificed her close friends when it comes to making fast money ((she didn't earn any, from what I know)) despite the 5 years of friendship. Apparently she also brought another friend from the same clique to the office using the same method. Luckily the other friend was smart enough not to purchase the $1050 package but she got the $55 masks instead. It clearly showed that Scammer Hean didn't mind losing friends as long as she could earn her money. Moreover, it was so heartless of her to scam a NSF without batting an eye. HELLO, DO WE LOOK LIKE WE ARE EARNING AT LEAST $1K+++ MONTHLY????? In fact we only earned close to half of that.
Please don't get yourself involved in this MLM bullshit, people who joined the company would never experience any positive outcomes. The people benefitting from MLM are those at the top level of the pyramid scheme.
This shameless bitch had the audacity to tell others that I was interested in attending the consultation. Bruh you were so persistent in forcing me to go. Don't make me upload the screenshots of the chats. BUT IM STILL GOING TO UPLOAD IT ANYWAY SINCE SHE HATED IT. HAHAHAH BOOO LOSER.
For those ((esp guys)) who defended her by saying that she wasn't this type of person in sec sch/poly. Sorry to burst your bubble, people change anytime they want, so are their priorities. Well to Scammer Hean, money is more important than friendship now.
Sorry it's not worth keeping trash as a friend, at most I only have one less follower and like on my ig picture LOL. NO BIG DEAL. If you think what I did was asshole by making personal attacks, REMEMBER, she didn't lose any money from it, maybe her non-existent reputation only. I was extremely triggered by how she tried to defend herself by twisting the stories when she should be apologizing to me with $1050. Why would I bother spending so much time writing this if everything is untrue. RIGHT?
Time to stop scamming others, Lee Chia Hean
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