#anyway. ouch and fuck and argh
cosmictapestry · 1 year
C7 and B16? The Agonies spa service combo
C7. bathing together
B16. massage
enough sexiness. Horrors and Agonies ahoy. and some sexiness. and the single saddest most Unwell entity to have ever existed. amen
@pratchettfan87 says that there are hot springs outside the castle and i say hell yeah there are
prompt list + fills here
The pressures of Lord Morpheus's position are harder on him now than they were before his imprisonment.
At first Lucienne hoped he just needed to readjust to managing his storm and his realm all at once, and that once he did the vacant exhaustion in his eyes would become less common. This has not been the case. Instead he seems to grow wearier, more distant when he drifts.
He talks to her, at least. He holds her hand in quiet stolen moments, loves her well in their shared chambers, comes to her when her own dreamscape runs dark. She wants to think she's helping. But though he becomes softer with her, more honest and forthcoming, his wounded existence drains him, leaves him spread thin and so, so tired.
She finds him in his throne room, staring up at the shifting stained glass windows. They seem cloudy today, the shapes indistinct and the light dim. His upturned face is bathed in the opaque gold cast from the jagged image of a star who had gone mad. He turns his head to look at her, and he blinks several times before he recognizes her. "Lucienne."
Today Lucienne is lonely, and she is stressed from the noise and the bustle of her rebuilt realm, and she is tense in mind and body, and she trusts him when she trusts nothing else. He frowns and his eyes flicker over her face, and he doesn't move, but his focus sharpens. "How can I help?"
"I've not been to the hot springs since you rebuilt them," she says.
Lord Morpheus stands there awkwardly still, and he looks away from her. "You deserve to rest, Lucienne," he says softly. "You certainly don't need my permission."
Instead of answering, she holds her hand out to him from across the expanse of the throne room. He stares at it, and he appears conflicted, and sad, and scared, and like he is as close to collapsing as he is to accepting any offer to bridge the gap between himself and someone who loves him. She waits for him to make his choice.
Finally he takes a step that echoes through his great hall, and then another, approaching her with all the caution of some once-bitten prey animal. She has bitten him before, to be fair. He stops in front of her and he stares down at her hand, impassive marble expression running with fault lines. His hand shakes when he raises it to hers.
Lucienne clasps that shaking hand in both her own and watches his jaw shift and his eyes brim with tears. His shoulders shake, too, his black cloak shivering with the motion. "I apologize," he whispers. "You do not want my company today."
She dips her head, tries to catch his gaze as it drifts from her. "You've decided that, have you?" she teases, her thumb tracing the sharp ridges of his knuckles. "I don't get a say?"
He flinches. "I didn't say that," too quickly, breath rapid, shivering intensifying, his eyes snap to hers. "I did not—you misunderstand—"
"Dream," she interrupts, startled, squeezing that ice-cold hand. "A joke, my lord."
He does not respond, he just stares, wide-eyed and terrified of her, of harming her or being harmed by her or something he is seeing that is not her at all. "My lord," Lucienne whispers. "My lord, come with me. Rest with me. I want you to. I am asking you to."
She watches as this calms him, steadies him, and he breathes, and the panic slowly drains from him, leaves him bowed and yielding. She holds his hand until he nods his head almost imperceptibly.
She closes her eyes, and when she opens them they are no longer in the throne room—they are in a cavernous grotto, its granite walls silvery pink and sparkling by the light of the sun gleaming through the open roof of the cave. Mosses and flowers and ferns bloom over the cliff face and cascade down to obscure the edges of a clear blue pool.
Lucienne and her lord stand at the bank of the pool, soft sand sloping down to the water's edge. Sweet-smelling steam rises in curls from the pool and the flowers that take root around it bow inward and sway languidly in its swirling eddies.
He leans into her now, the privacy or the heat or her patience cutting through his resistance. His forehead bumps hers, his hand cradled close to her chest, his shivers palpable in her own bones. There's an undercurrent of desperation in this soft moment, his eager acceptance of distraction, her need to set aside the past hundred years like they never happened. "May I take your clothes?"
Lucienne raises one hand to his face, pets his cheek, and he leans into it. "You may." Her garments melt away into silky sand and then into nothing. His free hand spreads across her lower back, holding her close to him. "Will you be able to undress?"
He thinks about it, and she kisses him to tell him it's alright, that he doesn't have to answer or know or make a decision if he can't. "Not right now," he manages eventually, when her lips have left his red and slick. "Later, perhaps." He swallows hard, breathes heavy between them. "I want to touch you. You feel real."
She does not know what it means for him that something might feel real. He is the king of all that is not real. And he is mad with it. "Touch me, then," and she moves his hand in her grasp to her breast and feels it trembling there. "As much as you need. I'm here."
His arm wraps around her back and he pulls her to his chest, embraces her, crushes her close, breathes harsh and unsteady in her ear. She' wishes he wouldn't wait until he is hanging by a thread to ask for a hug. She breathes in the scent of his skin, presses herself all along the line of his body, lets him stay there and shake—and she feels better, at least, because her home is solid in her arms and they are together.
Lord Morpheus pulls away before he's warmed, his eyes downcast, his expression drawn and uncertain until she kisses him again. "Whatever you need," she whispers against his lips. "Tell me, love."
He finds it easier to show her, as he often does, and he helps her to sit on a fluffy towel he's manifested under her feet, and he disappears momentarily from her view. She is left gazing at the sunlit haze above the water, obscuring blue water amongst pale pink stone and dark green foliage. She feels his hand on her shoulder, then the back of her neck, and finally she feels him sit behind her on the rise, his legs politely crossed.
His hands when they touch her are cold and trembling, but the oil on them is warm, and it smells sharp and sweet, and he pauses with the softest pressure on her shoulder blades. "Is this alright?"
All at once Lucienne is painfully aware of the tension in her back and neck and the grinding clench of her jaw. His thumbs rub smooth circles either side of her spine. "Not quite what I came to you for," she teases as though she isn't close to melting just from what he's giving her.
"You came to me because you feel alone." He leans forward and presses his lips to the back of her head. "Alone and weary from the burdens I've saddled you with."
"You misremember," she tells him gently, patiently, when her irritation fizzles as quickly as it kindles. "I have chosen every burden I've ever known. You have not."
This is not something Lord Morpheus can acknowledge if he hopes to remain in control of everything inside him, and so he ignores it. His hands shake harder. "Regardless," he whispers. "Let me help you. Please."
Lucienne would be a fool to argue when his clever hands begin to knead her shoulders, softly unwinding her tension, making her head drop forward in bliss. His palms run down either side of her spine, his long fingers sink into the plushness of her hips, draw back up and then down again, working softness into her frame. The strain in her back melts away under his attention.
The air is warm and wet and the sweat that gathers on her skin mingles with the oil, eases his movements, makes even the deepest pressure on her shoulders and lower back glide sweet and smooth, and she feels like she's floating in the pool already.
She realizes she's making some fairly obscene noises when he makes a sound in response, a comforting little shush that seems to jolt through her. Gods, his hands—on her neck now, then her upper arms, pulling her back against his chest so he can kiss her temple, stroking down her biceps. He shifts behind her, and he stills, again uncertain, and she guesses what the problem is, and she scoots back into him until she feels him hard against her arse.
With the unspoken permission he uncurls his legs, straightens them out on either side of her to accommodate the spread of her hips, pressed close to him. He does not move against her, just resumes his attentions, though without access to her back he's just stroking her now, feeling her skin, breathing hot on her ear. That's fine—she doesn't think she could feel much more jellylike than she does.
Lucienne tips her head back on his shoulder, exposing her throat for him. He kisses along the underside of her jaw, and his hands roam back to where she put them in the first place, cupping her breasts all slick and soft and cool, thumbing over her nipples, and Lucienne glances down to see the way her flesh spills between his fingers, the rich darkness of her skin worshiped by the pale of his own. Her head falls back again, and he gives her an approving groan, lavving his tongue over the hinge of her jaw.
She lifts an arm up behind her to wind through his hair, stroke it while he mouths over her hot skin. She is boneless, slouched, weak against her lord, sighing and whispering moans to him, encouraging him to pinch and grip at her until her spine is arching, hips pitching up, legs rubbing together in luxuriant delight, asking for his hands somewhere else in all but words.
"There you are," Lord Morpheus whispers, and his left hand abandons her breast, runs down the length of her body to touch between her legs. Lucienne sighs and stretches and mumbles lax encouragement that he takes in stride. He rubs her clit with three slick fingers, draws those fingers down, slips the middle inside her. "You are so beautiful," he tells her, choked, his teeth on her shoulder now. "Lucienne. My Lucienne."
She's practically purring, rocking up into his hand, fingers clenched in his hair. He buries his face against her neck now, mouthing up her throat, right hand tweaking her nipple in time with the drag of his finger inside her, the others tapping her folds, palm grinding on her clit. She is disembodied, wholly so, reduced to the warmth of her structureless frame held together by his hands.
He draws it out, doesn't give her more than that one finger—and it seems like he's just feeling her, inside and out, stroking where she's softest and warmest, and she's feeling him too, every slow deliberate slide building her up to a slow, burning orgasm that leaves her utterly nerveless in his arms.
Her lord kisses her face and pets her shaking thighs while she comes down, sweet approving hums and praise from his soft lips. She is still not quite in her body, and it takes long moments for her to return. She notices that his shivering has died down to a faint tremor, and his chest has warmed, and his erection prods her arse.
She endures it for several minutes more, relishing in his hands and the warmth of their realm, the release and the affirmation she's been seeking that has now encompassed her entirely. Then she sits up, and he makes a protesting noise as she stands, hands steadying her legs when she immediately stumbles.
As soon as she's stable Lucienne holds her hands out, pulls him to his feet, then stretches up to kiss him. "Help me wash up?"
Lord Morpheus glances over her shoulder at the spring, then back to her, and down to his clothes, soft black trousers and long-sleeved shirt since they left the throne room. His feet are bare, white toes buried in the pink sand, black-painted nails peeking through. "You don't need to undress," Lucienne reminds him.
Her lord swallows several times, and there's a crease on his brow that means he is going to be extraordinarily honest with her about something that is confusing him. These things are usually difficult for him to articulate and painful for her to hear. "I fantasized about this, when I was imprisoned," he says, and he cannot look at her, or at her face at all. "Hot water and being touched. It was my most desperate fantasy, the most pleasant feeling I could imagine, when not feeling became unbearable. It was all I thought about for months at a time. It was all I wanted."
Lucienne does not say anything because she is preoccupied trying to conceptualize that, the depths of the torment he's alluding to, the absence of anything at all but memory of pleasant sensation. Her silence makes him flinch and begin to pull away, though he allows himself to be held fast by her hands squeezing his. "I apologize," he says quickly, "I know it is—strange—"
"It is not strange," Lucienne interrupts with more fire than she anticipates. "Please do not think it is strange."
He stares at her now, wide-eyed, bewildered, but something on her face must ensnare him, because he tilts his head and doesn't try to pull away again.
"Let me give it to you," Lucienne says, and she runs her hands up his sleeves, feels him shiver in the wake of her touch. She searches his eyes and all the fractured glass of his expression, weariness and terror and confusion anchored to his bones. "You can have it now, my lord. You can have your bath and, and someone to hold you." His eyes well with tears. "You are home and you are safe and you are with me. You can have this."
Lord Morpheus is silent, and his throat works, and his eyes dart like he's fighting for his life inside his own head—too accurate a turn of phrase, and for her own sanity Lucienne resolves not to use it again. His shirt melts away all at once under her hands, leaves her touching soft skin that trembles, very nearly crawls, and he flinches. Lucienne is still, and she is silent, and he breathes, and his trousers disappear too, and he is bare and beautiful before her.
She takes his hands. She pulls him with her, her eyes on his all the while, and the first touch of hot water on her heel is so shocking she gasps a little. She ducks her head to watch the clear blue swirling around her ankles with her next step, and it feels better than she imagined it would. There was no hot water in all her lord's long absence. It brings tears to her eyes, and she smiles up at him, and he stares at her.
One more step back brings his toes to the water's edge. He is shaking quite violently again, and he is soft against his thigh, and a shudder runs through him at the first touch on his skin. "Good," Lucienne whispers, and she squeezes his hands, and she draws him forward into the water.
Lord Morpheus is crying by the time they are waist-deep, silent tears running down pale cheeks that have begun to pink in the heat. "Wait," he tugs on her hands to still her. "A moment, please."
Her thumbs stroke his knuckles. "How do you feel?"
"It's good," his voice is low, hoarse, his shoulders hunched high and stiff.
Lucienne knows him well, and she knows he didn't have to ask her to know she wanted what she always wants from him in their encounters—she wants him to feel as though his body of dreamstuff were mortal, and so he does. "Too good?"
"A moment, please," he confirms, and his eyes slip closed, and they stand there together in the water, and they breathe until he is calm, and then she leads him deeper.
At the far end of the pool the water laps at the top of Lucienne's breasts. She sinks down, submerges herself to the neck, and he follows, like he has lost the wherewithal to do anything but follow her lead, the way he always gets when his function is especially cruel and her hand is especially soft. His hazy eyes drift shut, and his breath heaves out of him, and he does not look like he's enjoying himself at all.
Lucienne pets his cheek, wipes his tears away with the hot water, cups his face while he fights for control of his overwhelm. "It's only water," she teases him to feel his breath, hot and wet on a tearful laugh. "You're alright, my lord."
"Safe with you," he mumbles, and Lucienne gasps, and she kisses him, and the hand not on his face wraps around the back of his neck, pulls him close. Her fingers twine up through his hair, tug it until his mouth opens to her and everywhere they touch is hot and wet. He moans with the slide of her tongue, shivers and keens when she moves to mouth at his jawline. "Lucienne."
"Relax, love," Lucienne whispers. "You're allowed to have this."
Lord Morpheus sobs, and he trembles, and he relaxes all at once, strings cut, resistance shattered. He curls into her, his head falling against hers, one hand deep in his hair, the other stroking broad circles over his back. That is all she does—she touches him, the way that melts him, soft pressure, no intention to harm him or leave him or trick him or humiliate him or anything he might convince himself she wants to do.
Through the almost-pain he clings to her, the rapture of his own fulfilled fantasy forced through the pinhole of what he allows himself. "Thank you," he whispers as though she's doing anything at all, as though he is not her lover asking her for the simplest of intimacies. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Lucienne shushes him, and she cries for him the way he hates, but he does not notice.
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artemfication · 2 years
Mammon and his crushing problems
Let’s be real here, he is an absolute simp for MC
He would quite literally kiss the ground they walk on
Mans is too embarrassed to admit he fell in love with a human
Like he is literally the second most powerful of the seven sins, tf u mean simping for some dumb ass human???
Oh fuck they smiled at him, RUN!
poor MC takes that as a sign that he doesn’t like them
They didn’t expect for the seven brothers to like them at all, but it seems like even being near them is too embarrassing for the second born
“MC is not with us for breakfast?”
“Huh? Wdym MC isn’t there for breakfast?! They never miss out on breakfast, and here I thought we could do our make-up togethee!” Asmodeus is a bit confused.
“Do any of you happen to know about their whereabouts?”
“I did hear their door when I was making breakfast. Think it was around seven? They must’ve gone to school early.” Satan mumbles as he takes a bite from his sandwich.
“Strange…I see no need for them to go that early. Not that I’m complaining, but their grades look fine.”
Lucifer’s gaze turns to Mammon and he can already feel another scolding coming from the oldest.
“Don’ look at me, they didn’t tell me anythin’ this mornin’ so ya can’t blame me.”
“You’re right. I was suppose to assign someone else as MC made a request to swap you out for one of your brothers. Their preference was Beelzebub or Satan. Not to worry, I will seek them out at RAD. I have a hunch either the Angels or Solomon came to pick them up…perhaps Thirteen since they became quite close lately. It does make me wonder what made them want to change guardians, though they assured me it’s because they wanted to get to know the others better.”
Ouch…that hurt mammon’s teeny tiny heart
Wasn’t he enough for you?
Did he do something that pissed you off?
“I’m done with breakfast. I’ll go ahead. Mammon’s got the dishes right? I’ll go and seek out MC to accompany them until you’ve had your little talky talk.” Asmodeus quickly gets up and takes one last glance in the mirror before going out to make his way to RAD.
One by one the brothers leave the table until it’s just mammon and lucifer.
“You’ve been awfully quiet mammon”
“Wha- you wanna have me talkin’ all the time or what?”
“That’s not what I was implying, however, you seemed quite surprised and sad when you heard about the change in guardianship. Mind telling me if you did something anyway?”
“Argh, how am I suppose to know? I’m just glad I got them off my back-“
Mammon freezes at the sound of your voice.
“You wanted to speak to me? I’m sorry for not attending breakfast, I was in the library to print out my assignment papers. I have a free period right now as the professor got sick. Asmodeus told me you wanted to talk to me so I came back as you were still here. Saves you a trip to seek me out.”
“How thoughtful of you MC. Yes, I did want to talk to you about the change of guardianship. Please follow me to my office.”
Mammon tries to talk to MC but they give him the cold shoulder and avoid his gaze like the plague.
He’s fucked up for good, hasn’t he?
For the rest of the day he has locked himself in his room, lying on his bed and staring at his screen which plays some random video about how to hack a gambling machine.
Did they hear him say those harsh words?
But he didn’t mean it…
Beelzebub calls for dinner, but mammon has no appetite.
How is he suppose to fix this?
His old self would’ve been happy to be free from that guardianship
But the him now has become so attached to that puny little human
He never wanted to admit it, but it is a fact.
He’s in love with you
But expressing such a thing is so hard
How does Asmodeus do this shit all the time?
Well…not like he’s ever confessed, but rather received confessions…
Mammon has had his fair share of confessions as well. But he never confessed himself.
Do humans and demons confess in the same ways?
He looks up how to confess on Deviltube, watches some human confession movie scenes, but he is none the wiser
A little while later he hears laughter from outside his door and he quietly walks towards the door the peek outside.
“…and so his mom exposed him at a family dinner, for dating all these girls, because she found out their names by accident and the poor guy had to sit through the embarrassment, it was so funny when I heard it!”
MC and Asmodeus are gossiping and giggling as they’re making their way to Asmo’s room
That sweet smile MC wears…
They never smiled at him like that
“Let me get you some cute accessories I recently bought, when I was back home! See if they match with your fit for tomorrow, yeah?”
MC walks to their own room to look through their vanity drawer and are too busy searching that they don’t hear mammon walk in, until he clears his throat
O-oi, human. Can we talk for a sec?”
“I don’t have any grimm on me and no you can’t sell my bathwater.”
“That’s not what I wanted to t-talk about. I-it’s about that guardianship…”
“You’re welcome. Was that it?”
Guilt is weighing heavy on his heart as he hears the slight hurt in their voice
“I don’t want a “you’re welcome”…I just wanted to know why…?”
“Because you’re obviously embarrassed of me. You always run away whenever I look at you. When I try to be nice, you run off. When I ask you a question, you insult me without missing a beat. I know you didn’t like me in the beginning, but what did I ever do for you to hate me so much? Is it because I’m human?”
“N…no, I swear on my Goldie, it ain’t you who’s the problem. It’s me, I’m the one being stupid. I never meant any of those insult towards ya. Ya gotta believe me MC! I-It’s just this stupid feelin’ I get whenever I’m near ya…ya make me feel kinda weird…”
“As in disgust?”
“Nah, nah, not disgust…it’s just…it feels nice…but it also makes me anxious, ya know what I mean?”
At this point mammon is redder than Lucifer’s eyes.
He can feel those beats of sweat drip down the sides of his face
C’mon ya stupid demon, just say your shit!
“I….uh….I…I like you, okay?!” He splutters, eyes closed and his fist balled, not daring to look MC in the eyes
They’re gonna reject him, aren’t they? Just like everyone else-
“Mammon a-are you sure…?”
“You’re ma human…I’m ya first man…I don’t want any of those others to become ya guardian…you’re my precious dumbass human…”
Would you reject this adorably tall, white haired, blushing, stuttering, avatar of Greed?
You must be stupid if you did.
“I’m sorry for being so mean to ya…I was just a lil’ scared of myself.”
The MC is too stunned to speak
“I-I get it if ya gonna reject me…but it was unfair of me to keep ya in the dark…I’m sorry…”
“You dumbass demon…why didn’t you say that earlier?!”
The mammon was too stunned to speak as MC’s arms have found their way around his waist.
“I’m not rejecting you, but you really need to stop doing stupid things…”
“I heard ya…”
Spoiler alert: He didn’t
Mans still gets flustered as hell whenever MC does something as mundane as asking him something or even just walking beside him!
He once passed out when receiving a scolding from Lucifer because MC held his hand
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angryjojofrog · 2 years
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TillT wants to hold The Creature and gets kicked in the face
Hey, i made a new scientist character on accident! I didn't think i'll use him in other stuff, but he's grown on me so now i have to come up with an actual name for him etc
Fun fact: I did flat colors with a blue light filter on and freaked out upon realizing that, thinking that i've ruined everything but the colors look nice
Text under cut <3
Science Guy: Greetings Sir, it's an honour to be able to present my latest experiment. And a successful one too. It's one of the best specimen i was able to come up with... I-I'm looking forward to your feedback, boss.
TillT: Hmm... He looks...Quite strange... Or should i say, offputting. He's not like an ordinary... Wait- He? H-He? She? Is it she? Sh-She... Theeey? It? Is it an it?.. Well, it doesn't matter anyway... I need to take a closer look at this thing... (*gets kicked in the fucking face lol*) OUCH! HOW DARE YOU KICK ME, YOU LITTLE SHI-
Science Guy: BOSS! I BEG OF YOU NOT TO TURN TO VIOLENCE!! Please 2224488 is in it's most important stage of development, we have to communicate with it with extreme care or else it'll cause obedience deficits!.. Could you please calm down and try again?..
TillT: Argh... If you so insist, i will try and... "Communicate" with this brat... (*drops on the floor*) Hi, uh...Child! Looks like i gave you quite a fright, ehe...Hm... Sorry for that, i'm just curious about you is all! I'm not going to hurt you, i promise! Come on, pinky promise? Aha! See how gentle i am, holding your teeny tiny finger? Everything's ok, you're just not used to me (*Creature grabs his arm*) What... Is happening?
Science Guy: It's called "affection", Sir!
TillT: I don't think i like it...
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wordstro · 2 years
why would you do this to me .
1) mc is way too good for even giving them a chance to explain themselves. i can't even imagine what i would have done in their place. puke, scream, cry, wheeze, stare into empty space for the next three days minimum? maybe just drop dead, atp having a chance to continue living would DEFINITELY not be worth whatever mc is having to go through for me. anything but giving them even one other opportunity to try and twist this in their favor. like, the longer i think about it the more fucked up it gets?? they fr just picked up someone from the streets and put them through literal hell as their personal little chess piece. i just remembered they didn't even really know if jongho was still alive and had to take another few moments to process that. also, that moment of san telling them that jongho was that friend felt sooo emotionally manipulative to me. like, that doesn't matter, that doesn't make any of this better and the only reason you brought that up was bc you know that mc cares for him. maybe it wasn't even intentional, maybe he just thought mc would understand, but that doesn't negate its effect. i would've just trashed the radio and steamrolled san on my way out the door. my yeosang pc is being put in timeout, sorry bb
2) when the realization hit that even now, despite everything everything they've done to mc and the little shreds of guilt and even getting to know mc's good side a little better through their radio talks, they don't give a single fuck about mc. woah. ouch. i feel so so so terrible for them.
3) i was crying throughout the entire talk with san, that was really well written. everything we know about their past relationship is through memories and flashbacks "tainted" by mc's feelings about them, and yet you managed to paint such a vivid picture of "what could have been" and just...so many feelings that were so obviously still lingering between them and finally burst to the surface, i felt like i was right there with them through it all. it also served as a nice point of closure if that was what you were aiming for, and while mc is right and san doesn't deserve it, i hope at least they can also let go.
4) JGDJFDFJSSHF THAT ENDING????? the radio was with san. now hongjoong has it??? do they know san has also been in on it with mc?? where is he?? mc was willing to snitch on the bunker team which is kind of sad considering that they have been brought to this point but also, good for them! jongho has "chosen the hard way" but there was no mention of any limbs missing.........pls don't tell me he has to punish mc or something like like that oh god................. also, we're "meeting seonghwa" and now we're staring at the thingies in the sky...................................ARGH
sorry for this wall of text, i am enjoying this story so so much and can't wait to see what else you have in store! thank you for the fast updates and all the hard work <3
i will admit i wanted mc to steamroll everyone and just burn the place down but also then how do i tell yall what the plan was??? also y/n is just better than most of us 😭 idk how anyone could be this nice in this kind of situation i would have offed myself 3 years ago
was san being emotionally manipulative genuinely or unintentionally with the jongho reveal? 👀👀👀👀
also the yeosang pc timeout is taking me out pleaseeeee
thank you!!! i really wanted all their feelings to come out in a big burst since they’ve both been holding it in and unable to communicate. it sucks that something so emotionally charged like betrayal had to bring out that honesty, but it was very much needed i think for the relationship to start moving somewhere else.
also with jongho i’m like:
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thank you so much for the theories though i love reading them!!! i’m trying to pump out chapters before i go on vacation soon and everything slows down 😫
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angeloroki · 3 years
broken engagement. 2. — i. midoriya
— part one.
— character ; aged up!izuku midoriya x gn!reader
— genre ; angst
— warnings ; curses
— a/n ; part 2 bc you wanted it, but i never said it'd be fluffy :(
please let me know if there are any female pronouns (i'm doing it unintentionally sorry :/), i want to keep this writing as inclusive as possible!!
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« hey.., it's me, again.
please call me back. i never wanted this. »
message deleted.
this was at least the 10th time you repeated the process. your ex-fiancé would leave you a voicemail, you'd listen to it all the way through, even though your friend advised you long ago to block him, and then you'd delete it, reluctantly.
maybe that's why he's been so insistent for the past month. the fact that you haven't blocked him or deleted him from your contacts could only give him hope.
and yet, you'd like to pick up the phone and tell him what an asshole he is. and that it was over, that you could never love him again, and even why not lie to him and tell him you were seeing someone else, and blah blah blah.
but it was all wrong.
you still loved him, even after crying for days.
" i don't know if my feelings for you are strong enough to satisfy you. "
he had made you believe for weeks that the fairy tale you were living with him was real. it was a change from the cheesy endings in disney movies. what a bastard.
you sighed to yourself, gazing at the engagement ring that lay far away on the bedside table.
it gleamed in the moonlight, beautiful, representing the love izuku had for you. now it was just the bearer of the bitter words he had spat in your face.
you looked away.
« y/n hun, i'm going to a friend's house. it's my date i've been telling you about for two weeks now, i hope he's worth it or else you'll hear me complaining, she says in a weary voice. i left the dish in the fridge for you, and please don't resume your series on my netflix account, it's too boring to know where i left off. » your friend shouts from the front door.
you smile slightly.
« i'll try, but i can't promise anything. »
« hahaha, no but for real, i'm serious. anyway, see you later honey, and wish me luck. »
it's been a month since you moved in with your friend, she insisted that you stay with her until you find another apartment. and she was a good cook, so how could you refuse ?
you sat down in front of the tv, and resumed the series you had started. a pathetic love story, the married boy who falls in love with a woman who is pregnant, even though she is a virgin?
you rolled your eyes before turning off the tv. everything was about him, when you're on social media and you see a couple of friends already married, or when a jewelry commercial would be airing right when you turn on the tv, and of course the dates that are coming up on your best friend's side.
it's as if fate didn't want you to forget him.
you were going to have a piece of cake, and you were going to start a horror movie. just to chase away that too sad cloud over your head.
of course, your new roommate had finished the raspberry bush, and so it was her fault that you found yourself at 11pm, in the 24 hour supermarket, in front of an old shop window wondering if ice cream was better after all.
with a Ben & Jerry's in hand, you headed to the cash register to pay and quickly return to your blanket cave.
« ouch ! » you exclaimed.
you had just bumped into someone, who was strangely tall by the way. you were about to apologize and ignore the stranger, when his scent shocked you. it couldn't be possible ? he couldn't be standing in front of you, at 11 pm, in a supermarket, and especially more than 25 kilometers away from your old apartment. argh. obviously this is the only store in town that sells his favorite snacks.
« y/n... »
you finally dared to meet his eyes. he hadn't changed, no wonder, it had only been a month since you left, but you expected something huge when you saw him again. his well-shaped jaw made you want to cover it with kisses. no, stop, y/n. but he smelled so good. " i don't even know if i want to get married ! " that truth echoed in your head. fuck, you had almost forgotten that he had broken up with you.
« what ? » your voice was as hard as a rock.
without giving him time to answer, like last time, you left him hanging and headed for the exit. never mind the ice cream, you'll come and buy it another time.
« what do you mean what ? i've been trying to call you for a month. »
he followed you, leaving his groceries behind too. a breath came from your lips, forming a small cloud of coolness in front of you.
the situation was so cliché that a dry little laugh escaped from you.
« how strange ? i've been ignoring you for a month now. » you said with sarcasm in your voice.
he took your hand gently and suddenly at the same time.
« stop this, and let me explain. »
you felt the melancholy in his voice, his expression camouflaged by a big scarf couldn't hide all the tears he had already started to cry. you just wanted to hold him, to tell him that you were going to get through this together.
you repressed the urge.
no, he was being unfair to you and your feelings. so he didn't deserve your pity.
you disengaged yourself from his grip, and it was with some regret that you saw that he did not try to hold you.
« there's nothing to explain, midoriya. i was stupid not to see that you didn't love me as much. or that i loved you too much. so please let it go. »
« how can you ask me to let go of the love of my life ? stop being so sutpid. »
your eyes widened. did you hear right ?
« i beg your pardon ? was it me who said I didn't want to get married anymore ? was it me who rejected her fiancé for months for absolutely no reason ? was it me who broke your fucking heart when i was patient, and patient ? so don't talk to me about the "love of my life". »
he didn't answer, and a long silence fell between you. you had to bite your lip to keep your tears where they were, in the corner of your eyes. he just needed to say a word, a phrase or even a fucking onomatopoeia to make you stay.
the absence of an answer made you smile sadly.
« midoriya please forget about me. »
« you still have it? the engagement ring, i mean. »
you felt your throat tighten. no need to lie.
"indeed, yes."
a faint smile settled on his face, reddened by the cold. silently, you slipped your hands into your pockets. he was cute that way.
« ...miss your cooking, too. » he said half amused, half saddened.
your exhausted laughter echoed in the street.
« izuku, don't make it worse for yourself. » you said in a tired voice.
the fact that you called him by his first name brought the stars back into his eyes. your tongue came to moisten your lips, you wanted to feel his against yours. just once, before you went home. because you knew that your story wasn't a fairy tale. that even though you loved him madly, and maybe he loved you too, his sweet words couldn't erase the obnoxious behavior and insensitive words he'd thrown at you for weeks.
and most importantly -
a sweet warmth invaded your body, and his scent filled your nostrils. his lips against yours, you could only respond to his ardor. you melted under his caresses that flooded around your waist. your hands met his collar, and you drew him to you. deepening your passionate kiss, the air quickly ran out.
you abruptly pulled away from him. a look of bewilderment painted both your faces. it was unexpected.
« y/n, please... »
« i'll give you the ring back, but it's over. thanks for the kiss. »
yeah, thank you for the kiss izuku, it was a beautiful bitter farewell.
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tagging ; @holykvn @iluvvhewer @0lissa0 @animesuck3r @dekusassistant @cyjstars @softbkg @bobbatea-and-hotchocolate @vegaolive @awizuku @maltese-sparrow @erens-s1ut @djmbgbeast @yyuuna @iliketobullydeku @tecna09 @sxmmio-o @lotusxcos @superblyspeedydragon @taceticbitch @joonie-centric @mishe-qm @ab456123cd @pluviophilefangirl @number1cokewhore @stans-nami @ravngers@quillvinrune
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flying-elliska · 3 years
Just binge read the Bone Season series by Samantha Shannon and !!!!!! amazing. Now I want to yell about it for a bit, bear with me (essay incoming sorry)
- the concept already, urban fantasy dystopia, just feels both so fresh and so obvious it's surprising it's not more of a Thing, and the world building is next level. the modern technology + Victorian aesthetics is not just cool (although it is) it evokes the fact that Victorian England was a brutal, very unequal and fucked up society, so it really fits a dystopia. Plus Scion is also an evil empire that invades other countries, which is also thematically relevant, as is the fact that the MC is Irish.
- I'm obsessed with the concept of a magical mob and Underworld (unsurprisingly) and people who are pushed to the margins of society because their very existence has been outlawed and bond together to find freedom but are also forced to exist in a state of constant brutality and the damage it all does
- the first book throws a lot of plot and world building at you in ways that can be a bit overwhelming and confusing, and doesn't give you a lot of time to connect emotionally to the characters, so that took me a while, but it's really worth pushing through for, i love them all now.
- I love the main character, Paige, so much. she's a survivor ; clever, witty, action oriented and very down to earth ; she's also very competent in ways that feel earned, and interestingly flawed, not some gratuitous emotionless Strong Female Character with plot armor or a 'not like other girls' complex. She's proud and she has a mean, ruthless streak. She's brave, too loyal for her own good, and impulsive to the point of recklessness, and sometimes her gambles pay off and sometimes she has to pay a very heavy price for them (it made me yell at the page several times). It's really cool to see a female MC that is so invested in the politics of her world. I hate that so many female mains in fantasy or dystopia are these isolated loners who hate politics, only really care about a handful of people and want to retire to their husband/2.5 kids happy ending as fast as possible, with a plot-line that focuses over personal development rather than political goals, because it sends this weird message that women are not meant to be in the public space. (Not making this into a rant about the Shadow and Bone books but lol I could)
Paige has to shoulder massive burdens that nobody in their right mind should want and that's understandable, but you do get the sense that she enjoys being a criminal, running free and scheming and climbing over roofs and outwitting her enemies and sticking it to the government. She doubts herself sometimes, worries about people only valuing her for her powers, but she doesn't have a lot of time to waste on self-consciousness, angsting or moping about her feelings. It's very empowering to read. And she's fiercely compassionate in moments where it's actually very dangerous for her to be. She has this constant struggle between the part of her that finds injustice intolerable and the part of her that is grimly pragmatic. This is exactly what women in fiction have been excluded from for too long, complex dilemmas about action and morality taken seriously, not just love triangle shit. It's great. Although wow does she deserve a break. Ouch. Baby </3
- the world is incredibly fucked up but there seems to be no sexism/homophobia/racism, which is refreshing to read. the main romance is m/f but there's a lot of ambient queerness, just because and not to 'make a point' ; the author has confirmed that the MC is demisexual, her bff is gay, the love interest is pan, there's a badass trans commander/mob boss, you get randomly informed that this henchwoman has a wife or that this mobster is trying to save his boyfriend, it's great (and it's not a word-of-god after the fact thing like jkr it's actually shown on the page, they just don't use any labels)
- the main romance is a slow build that is very low-key at first, enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers, but becomes really powerful over time. the fact that the MC is demi means it can't rely on 'omg so hot i can't stop thinking about him!' clichés - nothing wrong with attraction at first sight but it often leads to lazy storytelling and irritating instalove, tell over show romances. the characters are drawn to each other but it's more of a meeting of minds and souls at first, admiration and common goals, and their actions are still first and foremost guided by strategy, not sentiment. (sidenote I've often wondered if i wasn't at least a little demi myself. that would explain why i have such high standards for credible romance lmao.) also there's a significant power imbalance at the start but it gets very much deconstructed before anything can happen and it's an interesting negotiation. Warden could easily have fit in the 'brooding immortal douchebags' category but there's an alienness and gentleness to him that lifts him above that, along with the respect and space he gives to Paige and their shared experience of trauma and hopes for a better world. Her hot-headedness and his calm, deadpan sort-of-humor play off each other really well. Also I love the idea that develops over the series that their connection isn't a distraction from their fight but that it makes them stronger and allows them to resist and find solace from the deluge of constant horror that is their world. their whole dynamic in s4...no words. also the second time i read a scene where one character is bandaging the other's wounds and there's touch aversion involved and like, I LOVE that.
- lots of complex different bad guys. some are just brutes, some are sadistic masterminds with superiority complexes, some are deceptive and manipulative and morally ambiguous. love that the Big Bad Guy is a woman - female characters being fully realized means that sometimes, they're just incredibly evil (as long as it's not tied to their gender, i love that). Paige and Jaxon's relationship is fascinating - he's a terrible, manipulative person but i do feel in his own way, he cares about her and wants to see her thrive ; but that's not necessarily a good thing as he sees it as a justification to make her go through awful things. She knows he's awful but she can't get over the fact that he took her in, taught her, believed in her and gave her a sense of belonging and freedom when nobody else did ; she was super proud of being his mollisher and it makes sense it would take time for her to rebuild her sense of self without that, on her own. I like that the ambiguity isn't resolved (it's also a very good illustration of how emotionally abusive parental dynamics can get their hooks in you). The fact that he's aroace really works there too, could have been a lot creepier otherwise and i feel that's really not the point.
- also it's really cool how each book really feels like its own thing, it never feels repetitive, there are huge twists and a shift of focus each time - the penal colony in Oxford in the first, the London Underworld in the second, traveling through England in the third, Paris in the fourth, etc. The pace is pretty breakneck and i wasn't bored for one moment - actually at times i would have liked more quiet moments w the characters. There are two novellas that focus more on that and the second one is an exploration of trauma and recovery that's particularly hard hitting and beautiful. The first book does feel like a beginner novel, it's a bit clunky in terms of exposition, pacing and character development etc ; and there are moments where all the violence and brutality feel a bit repetitive ; but overall the story builds up so beautifully and in so many complex ways it's just really worth it and it's not for nothing i read the four books and two novellas in five days. just have to wait for the next one now though argh
- anyway more people should read it
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padfootagain · 4 years
Here we go for a new fic for my 4.7k event!! Answering the request made by @inkhearthes​ for Sirius using the following prompt (they are written in italics in the fic):
9. "Does it hurt?"
"Not that... OUCH!"
10. "I can't believe you got punched in the face."
"For you. I got punched in the face for you."
11. "It's dark, and it's late, and I'm cold and I'm drenched with this freaking rain and yet all I can think about is that I love you."
34. "Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles!"
It's fluffy. A tiny bit angsty, maybe? I'm not sure, I think it's pretty fluffy.
Anyway, I hope you like it!!
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count : 3683
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Of course, you had to be duelling against Sirius fucking Black.
Of course, out of all the students in seventh year with you, you had to be paired with the one you hated the most.
You found him absolutely infuriating. 1000% infuriating. The most annoying person on the surface of the Earth, you reckoned.
You had been facing him for five seconds and you were already so mad at his stupid long dark hair, and his bloody cute chin, and his stormy grey eyes that didn't seem to have an end, and those stupid lips you dreamt about kissing…
Argh! Really, he was insufferable!
And why did he even pick you? You knew the reason, of course, it was just to allow his idiotic best friend to try and seduce your idiotic best friend… as if Lily wasn't already just as head over heels for James than he was for her…
And so, you found yourself paired with Sirius fucking Black, of all people, and you wanted to slap this smirk of his away, or maybe kiss it, you weren't 100% sure yet.
Because, of course, you got along perfectly well with Sirius. You were both playful and full of banter, and he was charming despite being an idiot sometimes, and he was smart too, and talented, and very very sweet, and a little dangerous maybe and…
… and you had a crush on him.
Huge, HUGE crush on him, and that was bad. Very bad. Terrible. Especially because the crush you had wasn't really a crush and more like love.
So, you were mad at him. So mad at him for making you fall for him when you never even intended to befriend him in the first place, let alone love him. And yet, there you were. All this because he was just an absolute sweetheart with a stupid sense of humour and a heart of gold despite all the pain he had been through during his childhood, and had cheekbones to die for.
Of course, how could you resist him?
So now, there you were, about to duel you friend, aka crush, aka potential love of your life, and he was acting so smug about it you heaved a defeated sigh.
Both of you knew that you were better at duelling than he was, and you would soon kick his pretty arse, but you almost felt bad for it. You had your bloody, irrational heart to blame for it all.
Your teacher was gone for just a few minutes to fetch something - you were too focused on watching Sirius laugh at that moment to listen to your professor about what he was leaving the room for.
All you knew was that there was no teacher in the room, which quickly turned into some nasty argument between a few students behind you.
Why was your name even brought up in the first place, you had no idea. All you knew was that before you could understand what was really going on, one of the Ravenclaw boys you had rejected a couple of weeks before was shooting nasty comments at you.
But when the word slut rang through the room, the whole situation got out of hands.
"Hey, Trevor, why don't you shut it!" Sirius snapped before you could have time to reply on your own.
"Sorry, Black, What were you saying? Were you talking to me?"
"I told you to shut your stupid mouth! How dare you talk about her like that? Especially you, Trevor, considering that you have the brain of a mandrake: all you can do is whine all day long."
"Say that again to my face, just to see, Black!"
"Oh, but with pleasure…"
"Sirius!" you tried to hold him back as he strode across the room, meeting Trevor halfway, standing chest against chest and taunting each other to hit first.
James and Remus had taken a step towards the boys too, ready to defend their friend if need be.
You walked over the two of them and pulled at Sirius's sleeve.
"Sirius, please. He's not worth it."
"Yes, Black, listen to your girlfriend… oh wait, you ain't together. Yeah, I bet she rejected your sorry arse."
"Coming from you, who can only insult every girl who refuses a date, I find the blow particularly ironic."
"Don't worry though, I bet she's not a good enough shag anyway. Probably aren't worth the trouble…"
"Say one more word and I'll turn you into a toad," Sirius warned the Ravenclaw, grabbing him by the collar of his robes.
He was so blinded by his rage towards the boy that he didn't see anything else in the room.
How could he dare speak of you like this? You of all people? You, who were a literal ray of sunshine, and so incredibly talented, and bright, and kind, and smart, and hilarious, and he was head over heels for you. Sirius was ready to lose his mind with how much he loved you. Had for years. Had since that night in third year where he had caught you making a trip to the kitchens at midnight and had ended up sharing his snacks with you. Since that moment that you had laughed so much you had ended up chocking on your pudding. Since that night when, for the first time, you talked through the whole night. Since that early morning when you had cried when he had told you about how his family treated him. Since the second you had wrapped your arms around him and promised him that if he needed help, he just had to call you, and you would protect him.
And now hearing some idiotic ghoul insult you was making his blood boil so much that he wasn't able to notice anything happening around him, including Trevor's fist flying across the air to land on his cheekbone and make a clear cut through his skin.
Sirius was hitting the floor before he could understand what had happened, and his body had barely hit the ground that you and the rest of the Marauders were pointing your wands towards the Ravenclaw and his friends.
You were interrupted by the sound of footsteps of your professor coming back, though.
"Y/N, get Sirius to the hospital wing," James instructed, but his friend was already back on his feet, shaking his head.
"I'm fine, Prongs. 'S just a scratch."
"You're bleeding," you argued, but he shot you a grin as an answer.
"You should still go," Remus jumped in. "Or we might all end up in detention."
You grabbed Sirius's hand.
"Come on, you idiot."
But you ignored his protest and dragged him into the corridor and away from the class, heading for the Hospital Wing.
"Now, I'm not sure that if we truly want to avoid detention, going straight to Mrs. Pomfrey would be the cleverest idea," Sirius argued. "Besides, it's nothing."
You had to agree with him on that, going to Mrs. Pomfrey would get both of you in detention. It was pretty obvious by the look of Sirius's cheekbone, bloody and slowly turning from pinkish to purple, that he had been punched.
"I think I can patch you up," you offered, taking a closer look at his bruising face.
"Perfect. Let's go to my dorm then. We won't be disturbed there."
You accepted with a nod, and followed him all the way to the Gryffindor tower and to his dormitory. And the more you walked across the castle, the angrier you were. Sirius was hurt, and it was because of you. You wanted to go back and turn Trevor into a lizard. You wanted to punch him too.
And what was Sirius thinking? Acting so recklessly?
The wound colouring his cheekbone wasn't serious, but it still needed to be cleaned, so he reached for the bandages and bottles of disinfectants that the boys kept for their monthly trip to the whomping willow, just in case.
It's only when he let himself plop onto his bed with a sigh that Sirius noticed that you were glaring at him.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.
And Merlin, did he annoy you… what was wrong? He was bleeding!
"I can't believe you got punched in the face." You shook your head.
"For you. I got punched in the face for you," Sirius corrected you, waving his finger at you pointedly, a smug smile on his face. "I reckon that you owe me one!"
"Why by Agrippa's name would you do that?" you asked, ignoring his stupid remark.
Because you weren't in the mood for his stupid charm, and his insufferable smug smiles, and his silly humour, and the way he always hid his pain behind wits. You weren't in the mood for any of that, you weren't in the mood for the way he always tried to look tougher than he was, because for so long no one had showed him any other way to deal with his emotions, except by bottling them all up in his chest. And you were tired of his tough act, and all you wanted to do now was shake some sense into his head and make him realize that someone had just hit him, and for what?! Because Trevor had insulted you?! That was most definitely not enough of a reason to get punched in the face.
But he looked at you with a curious frown, as if he didn't understand why you asked that question, as if the answer was obvious.
"He… He was making fun of you. He was insulting you. So, I defended you."
"I didn't ask you to."
"We're friends, you don't have to ask me to. I'll be there whenever you need me."
"Who says I needed you back there?"
He didn't answer, studying your expression with an unreadable look across his features.
Why were you mad?
You didn't say anything more, and reached for a clean clothe instead.
"Does it hurt?"
"Not that... OUCH!"
Sirius bucked away as you harshly pressed the piece of fabric against his wounded cheek.
"Now, don't be a baby," you mumbled under your breath, a deep frown adorning your brow.
"I'm not being a baby! You're the one being as delicate as a cave troll! Besides… what the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What is wrong with you? Why are you mad at me?" Sirius snapped, his voice staying low, but his tone as corrosive as acid. "I've just got punched in the face for you, and you're mad at me?!"
"Yes, I am mad at you, Sirius," you replied, throwing the clothe away in exasperation. "I am mad at you, because you got punched in the face! What were you thinking?!"
"I was thinking that you needed me…"
"I don't need you, Sirius!"
The words escaped before you could refrain them, even if they were a mere lie.
Of course, you needed him. That was the point, actually. You needed him safe, and happy, and laughing. You needed his stupid long dark hair, and his bloody cute chin, and his stormy grey eyes that didn't seem to have an end, and those stupid lips you dreamt about kissing…
And you needed the way he always hid his pain behind wits, and the way he made you laugh every morning when you drank your fist swing of tea on purpose just to make you choke on it and look at how mad it made you with that stupid smirk plastered on his lips. And you needed the way he always held the door for you, and how he didn't even ask before he would pick up the mountain of books you were taking from the library for your essays. And you needed the way he said your name in that deep voice of his, and this almost-shy smile he gave you every month when he walked back from Hogsmeade and offered you a bunch of sweets from Honeydukes. Always your favourites. Every single trip to Hogsmeade ever since you had been allowed there during your third year. You needed to hear his laugh ringing through the corridors, so loud that you were aware of his presence way before seeing him. You needed his stupid pranks and his even more idiotic acts of kindness. You needed his broken parts and all his scars if only to help him make them slowly get better. You needed him. You needed him so badly, it hurt sometimes, right there, in your chest, and there was no way, absolutely no way that you would let him endanger himself for you.
You needed him more than you needed your pride or reputation.
Yet, it was the opposite that your tongue formed on its tip as you spoke.
And the words kept on ringing through his mind like a broken record, and it was more painful at each echo of your voice.
I don't need you, Sirius.
Well, that was clear, at least. No need for Sirius to keep his hopes up anymore. He had kept on hoping for you to maybe, one day, feel for him something else than a platonic friendship, but clearly you weren't on the same page. Instead, you didn't need him.
And he hated you, then. He truly did. He hated you, because he wished he could have answered with a remark just as poisonous and painful as your words had been, but he couldn’t. Not that he didn't find the right words, no the problem was more insidious.
He couldn't say it.
He couldn’t, because then, he imagined the pain crossing your features, and he couldn't bring himself to be the reason behind any of your sorrow. He was used to it, really. Being in pain in silence. Taking the punch without saying a word. Swallowing the insults without fighting back. Years of survival skills had developed while he was a child. Now, he was excellent at biting his tongue and imagining what scenarios could come out as a result of his words. He had made progress over his years spent by James's side to loosen up that tendency of his to overthink everything. That, coupled with his natural will to rebel, and he was good now at fighting with both his curses and his remarks. But not to you. No, not against you. He didn't want to use this weapon with you. He knew way too well that words were often way more effective at hurting someone than fists. The wounds cut deeper, and the scars never healed. He knew for certain that he would never forget the look on your face as you said that you didn't need him.
And he couldn't summon the strength to reply with words that would be just as painful. He had just gotten punched in the face for you, after all. That ought to speak about the way he felt for you.
So, instead of replying, he walked out of the room, leaving you behind.
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It took you two hours to find him.
It was raining so hard, and the late days of September had brought a cold wind that curved the veil of droplets as they fell from the heavy black clouds above your head. The sun had almost set by now, and judging by how you were hungry, you guessed it was time for supper in the great hall. Your feet were frozen because of the mud that covered your ankles and splashed across your calves.
You had checked the shores of the lake, and Hagrid's home, and the edge of the Forest, and the Quidditch Pitch. But he was sitting a few meters away from the Whomping Willow.
He didn't seem to mind that his robes were covered in mud and drenched by now. Actually, he didn't even react as you hurried towards him.
"Sirius!" you called as you approached him. "What are you doing? It's freezing, and it's raining, you'll catch your death!"
He slowly turned his attention towards you, his grey eyes fixed upon you, his dark locks clinging to his forehead, his neck, his temples, because of the heavy rain. With the sadness in his gaze, he looked like a sad and wet puppy.
"Let's go inside," you mumbled. "You'll catch a cold, or worse. For how long have you been here?"
He took the time to look carefully at you, finding that you were just as drenched as he was, shivering in the cold rain.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, ignoring your own question.
"I was looking for you, obviously," you answered. "Now, come on, let's get you dry…"
"You were looking for me?"
"Of course! You just… disappeared, I was worried sick about you!"
He merely blinked up at you.
You heaved a sigh, swallowing your pride with the lump in your throat. You had to apologize for lying to him, and acting like an idiot, when he had simply tried to help.
You were such an idiot, sometimes…
"Look, Sirius… I'm sorry about what I said in the dorm. I didn't mean it. Please, let's go back inside."
"It's okay. I'm not mad at you," he answered with a soft smile.
"I'm not mad. You're right, you don't need me. I was acting as if you did, but I was wrong. I guess… I thought we were closer friends than you mean for us to be. It's okay. I understand."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm used to it, really. It's fine. Sometimes, I start needing people more than they need me. It's alright, I get it."
"No, no… No, Sirius, you don't get it. I was just mad because you got punched in the face, and I was worried about you, and I said utter nonsense…"
"No need to feel bad about all this. It's okay."
"It's not okay! It's not okay, because it wasn't true!"
"It's not okay at all, how can you say that it's okay?!" you asked, starting to raise your voice. "I hurt you! And I was mean! And I shouldn't have said that, because it's not true at all! So be mad at me!"
"I… I don't want to be mad at you…"
"I'm sorry!"
"I forgive you, alright… are you, are you crying?"
It's only then that you noticed that hot tears were mingling with the cold rain across your cheeks.
"I'm so sorry. I never want to make you feel like that. I'm so sorry," you whimpered.
"It's… it's alright."
"I was lying. It's not true. Please, don't say that we're not friends anymore. I do need you. I do need you, Sirius. And I hate it! I hate it, but I need you! And it's… It's dark, and it's late, and I'm cold and I'm drenched with this freaking rain and yet all I can think about is that I love you."
You didn't seem to notice your confession as it passed your lips, and for a moment, Sirius wondered if he had heard you right. But there was no mistake, you… you had said it.
You loved him?!
Slowly, he stood up, while you kept on crying.
"I was just mad at you because… because you mean so much to me, and I… I hate to see you hurting. I hate to see you in pain. And I hate it… I hate it when people are mean to you. I'm so sorry. I was so worried about you. I'm…"
But you were shushed by Sirius's arms wrapping around you, encaging you all of a sudden. You needed a few seconds for your brain to register what was actually happening. But it was his arms pressed against your back, and it was his chest against yours, and it was his cheek against yours.
"It's alright," he spoke in a soft, warm voice. "I'm not mad. I forgive you."
Finally, you wrapped your arms around his frame too, your tears finally stopping.
"Thank you, for defending me," you eventually whispered in his ear, your warm breath such a burning contrast with the cold air against his skin, making him tremble in the best way.
"Anytime. We should go back inside though, you're frozen."
"Yeah, I'm really cold."
"You know what… I think we could cuddle. Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles!" he mumbled, making you sway from one foot to the other, and you couldn’t refrain a laugh at his silly behaviour.
"I'd like that," you nodded. "With blankets."
He hummed in agreement.
"But… are we gonna discuss the fact that you've just told me you love me?"
Your heart stopped altogether.
"Did I?" you asked, although you knew perfectly well that he was right.
What had passed through your brain to make you say something like that?
"Yeah, you did."
You looked for the right words to apologize, but Sirius was faster than you to speak again.
"So… What about we go to Hogsmeade together next month?"
You pulled away just enough to be able to look at him.
"Are you… Are you asking me on a date?" you asked.
"Depends on… whether you'll say yes or no."
"What would we do then, if it's a date?"
"I have a few ideas. Know about a couple of places we could visit. I know you'll like them."
"Already? You already know what we're gonna do? Even if you've literally just asked?"
"Maybe… just maybe… I've been imagining that for a while," he admitted, blushing.
You couldn't help the grin that formed on your lips.
"Yeah… really… but… huh… you have to give me an answer before I get my hopes too high…"
But your grin didn't waver. And when you stared at his eyes, he could read your answer already, without needing you to speak the words.
Still, it was a nice thing to hear, and a nice thing to say, so you answered out loud anyway.
Merlin, Sirius was infuriating. And you loved him so much.
"Yeah, I'd like to go on a date with you, Sirius Black."
Tag list : @geeksareunique @giggleberts @justanothermaraudersblog @sad-orange-thoughts @aylinnmaslow @benbarnes-world @ladyblablabla @drinix @joelynnp @mxrihollxnd @mikeselevenn @knowledgeisthebomb​ @madamrogers​ @newtstarmander​ @wangmangagavroche​ @inkhearthes​
@ponycake27​ @horsesreign​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @jbluevelvet​ @notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss @stuckupstucky​ @snek-shit @suchatinyinfinity​ @i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony​
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cooloddball · 2 years
Love your hair. I've always wanted to have curly hair and tattoos too. Maybe a nose ring (septum) and a tongue ring maybe, lol. wow tmi. how do you take care of all that hair? And how many more piercings do you have? Don't answer if uncomfortable. Ly
okay first of all, no worries. i don't mind answering you can ask whatever ( i can't answer everything but this is harmless)
Hair. Thanks for saying that. Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. It's been a source of ridicule, glory, it has made me cry, laugh etc. Like do you know how many times i've been asked if it's a wig??? And sometimes people try to touch it and i go fucking feral, i don't like being touched and esp not my hair like that's just argh... it's a lot and don't get me started on detangling it in the shower 🙄 thank god for conditioner because, jack knows i've wanted to give up on it but it's my mane and i just...anyway sorry for the rant.
Anyway, tattoos just the ones on my fingers . my mom wasn't too pleased that i got them either. Like idk if i'd get more though. Maybe in a far distant future, we'll see.
Piercings, just my ears. I think at some point i wanted to have one on my navel but it looked painful. Ouch. So i wouldn't want more. Piercing the nose looks excruciating. And a tongue ring? I'd worry that i'd swallow it at some point. I'm paranoid like that. 😀
I hope that answered your ask.
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
May I please request a Dean x Female Reader where she admits she's in love with him after a hunt where he nearly died and she has to patch him up? With some fluff and maybe smut?
Pairing: Dean x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N is in love with Dean, unbeknownst to him. During a hunt he saves her and risks his own life. He nearly died and now you have a grumpy, on the floor bleeding hunter sitting on your bed and you are just about to explode.
Word Count: 2,265
Warnings: Mentions of fighting and blood. Needles stitching into human skin. Smut
Author’s Note: This was based on an anonymous request. I really hope you like it and would love to have some feedback from you. Also I forgot asking you, if you want to be added to the Dean taglist! You can message me privately. But you don’t have to do any of that! :) Remember, guys, likes are silver, comments are gold.
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Your bullet hit the first werewolf right in the heart. "Y/N! Watch out!" yelled Dean, but it was too late. Before you could react, the hunter jumped between you and the other werewolf. The creature hit him instead of you and threw him against the next wall. It cracked ugly and Dean lay motionless. Panic ran through your body with the adrenaline as you pulled the trigger and put a silver bullet into the werewolf's black heart. While the werewolf howled in agony for the last time, you ran to the motionless body of your best friend. He hadn't moved and was still lying there in the same bent position in which he had hit the wall.
Fear pumped through your veins as you fell to the floor next to him and pulled his body into your lap. He could not be dead. Please, you begged silently, don't let him be dead. When he had taken his last breath, that would be it for you. Without him, your life had no meaning! You loved the man.
You laid your trembling fingers gently on the main arteries in his neck, took his pulse. A wave of relief washed over you. He was alive! His pulse was weak and his breathing was shallow, but he was alive!
A dead werewolf lay on the ground behind you in human form, but your attention was only focused on the blond hunter in your lap. "Dean," you said softly, running your fingertips across his forehead, brushing aside the blood-crusted blond hair. He had lost a lot of blood from a gash on his eyebrow that needed to be stitched, but the hunter was too heavy for you to carry him to the car alone.
His breath was heavy and rattling. The longer he remained unconscious, the more the fear grew in you to lose him. You saw no serious injuries, so why didn't he fucking wake up? You were scared to death and your lower lip trembled as the first tears started to run down your cheeks. "Dean. Wake up. Please wake up." Your voice no more than a strained whisper. Your fingers running through his hair incessantly as you begged for him to wake up. Suddenly a tear dripped on his face and his eyelids began to flutter. They opened wide. Dean moaned painfully and a wave of relief rushed over you. It took him a moment to get his bearings, then his apple-green gaze focused on you.
"W-what happened?" he asked dazedly and looked around in confusion. Then he remembered and his gaze slipped back to you. "Aw. You cried for me?" He smirked and you weren't sure if you wanted to kiss him or slap him. You ignored him and his eyes found the body behind you. "You hit them both," he said approvingly, and you just nodded as you wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"Well then, we have to remove the bodies." He tried to stand up, swaying, and a hissing sound escaped him. His face twisted painfully and his hand flinched to his left ribs. At that moment your relief turned to anger.
You couldn't believe it! That stupid, stupid hunter. Didn't have any sense of self-preservation at all. That idiot! That - argh! There were simply no words to describe Dean Winchester's stupidity! You already had the werewolf, and all you had to do was shoot if Dean hadn't jumped in to save you. So you had to pull aside at the last moment to avoid hitting Dean. You would have had it so the stupid hunter wouldn't have had to play martyr again. It was a miracle you got the werewolf anyway!
"You, do nothing!" you said coldly. "I'm going to pack our stuff and you're going to sit tight until we drive back to the motel, understand?" The hunter was so confused by your sudden change of mood that he sat down without a word. He watched your every move, no matter how small. The way you kept brushing your hair away from your face. Something you always did unconsciously when your thoughts kept bothering you. With a subliminal aggressiveness you collected all your stuff and threw it back into your bags. With a jerk you closed the zippers and threw the bags over your shoulder before stomping over to him. He could see the anger in your eyes. Still he did not understand it. What was wrong with you? One second you were crying for him, the next you had a look in your eyes like you wanted to twist his neck.
"Come on. Let's go." you demanded Dean after you removed your fingerprints, and without giving him another look, you walked past him towards the car. He stayed behind alone and stood up in groaning and pain. For a moment he became dizzy from the blood loss and had to hold on to a bookshelf to avoid falling down again before he slowly limped after you.
The drive to the motel was silent. He had given you the key to the car without argument, because he didn't want to make your condition worse and attract your anger. That's why he looked out of the window in silence or watched as your fingers tightened so tightly around the steering wheel that your knuckles came out white.
Meanwhile, your mind was racing. Deep inside you knew that you were not angry with Dean but with yourself for not being able to protect him. But you pushed that thought away brusquely as soon as you saw the motel. You pulled the key out of the ignition and slammed the car door behind you. Dean flinched at the sound but said nothing. He got out, and meanwhile, you carried your things into that little room.
"Sit on the bed," you told him without looking at him. "And don't bleed on the floor!" "Yes, Ma'am." he grumbled and secretly rubbed the tip of his shoe across a small red drop on the floor, hoping you didn't see it.
You rummaged in your pocket and only seconds later you returned with needle, thread and a bottle of cheap whiskey. You bent down to him. He had a perfect view of your cleavage, but as soon as you poured some alcohol on a cotton pad and started to clean his wound, he flinched. The alcohol burned like hell and ate into the wound with a sharp sting. You continued unperturbed as he flinched beneath you.
"Dean! Hold still" you warned him, but your movements became softer and more relaxed. He felt it. Then you put the bloody cotton wool aside and looked at the wound, now that it was free of all dirt and clotted blood. "It will definitely need stitches." you muttered as you examined it more closely. You took needle and thread and began to carefully prick Dean's eyebrow to stitch it up. "Grit your teeth," you instructed him. He cursed. "Ouch! You're too harsh." he moaned.
"It's your own fault." you replied without pity and moved on to the next stitch. You were so angry with him. So, so angry that your hand shook. "What's the matter with you?" Dean asked, who couldn't understand your mood, but slowly couldn't take it anymore. "You ask me what's wrong with me?!" you asked incredulously. "What's wrong with you, Dean?" "What do you mean?" he asked confusedly. Anger rumbled in your stomach and you put the needle down to take a few deep breaths. It didn't calm you down. "I thought you were about to die, Dean." Your voice got louder. How could he do this to you over and over again? "I don't understand your damn problem!" His voice swelled up too. "I saved your life. You should be thanking me." What if he really died one day because of you. You could never forgive yourself for that. You couldn't live with that. " Thanking you?" you repeated in bewilderment. "I will never be grateful if you die for me, Winchester!" Before he could answer, you went on. He reached for your hand, but you snatched it away. "Why are you so reckless with your life, Dean? Doesn't it mean anything to you? Why do you throw yourself between me and a demon at every chance you get?" You sounded tired. You massaged your temples. You just didn't understand. "Is it me, or why do you have such a longing for death?' you asked, your voice became quieter and quieter towards the end and you turned away to hide your tears. "The best death for me would be to save your life," the blond hunter replied soundlessly. Anger rushed through your veins. He shouldn't say such things! "Don't you ever say that again, you hear me?" you shouted at him. "Jesus Christ, Y/N! Why is it such a big deal?" he cursed when he saw you crying. "Because I fucking love you!" you yelled. Only when his reply failed to come did you realise what you had said and slapped your hand over your mouth. Oh, God, what had you done? "D-Dean, I-I. Oh, God... I didn't mean it... I didn't mean it. Say something!" you begged anxiously.
He raised his eyes and looked right at you. You saw something in his green eyes you hadn't seen in a long time. Hope. He rose up under groaning and stepped towards you. He pressed one hand against his broken ribs as he limped towards you. Suddenly he was standing inches away from you. You could smell his aftershave and felt his breath on your face. "Did you mean what you just said?" he whispered. Nervously you kneaded your hands. "I-I, Dean, look, I'm sorry --" he interrupted you. "Y/N. Did you mean it?" he repeated and took another step closer. He was standing right in front of you now. His eyes moved to your lips, where they stayed. "I-I, yes," you nervously admitted. A smile spread to his lips. "Good, because I'm serious about this too," he whispered against your lips, and the next moment they were on yours. They were soft and warm. They tasted like cinnamon, beer and metallically like blood, but it was a wonderful kiss. He pulled you against him and kissed you harder.
You couldn't believe your luck and kissed back forcefully. Breathing heavily, you parted for air, then you turned on each other again. When the bulge in his jeans collided with your centre, you moaned at the same time. Together you stumbled to the bed. You tried to take off his shirt while he kissed a trail down your neck and his hands went under your shirt. But as soon as he raised his arms so you could pull it over his head, a painful sound escaped his lips. You sighed and gave him a kiss. "Sex with a broken rib is not a good idea," you mumbled. But he just kissed you again and went on. "I don't care." He kissed you again. "I want you." But only seconds later, he flinched again. "Dean!" You pushed him away forcefully. "Stop. You need to rest." His green eyes looked at you like a child who'd lost his favorite toy. His blond hair was ruffled from your hands and his lips were swollen red. You wanted to pull him back to you at that sight, but you had to be reasonable.
"I have an idea," you said slyly, and goose bumps ran down his body as you covered his chest with feathery kisses. You continued on your way down until you reached the waistband of his jeans. Tantalizingly, you let your fingertips dance over the distinct bulge. He squirmed underneath your touch and you smiled. Then you unbuckled his belt and took off his jeans and boxer shorts. His eyes sparkled in cheerful anticipation.
In admiration you looked at his cock. You blew over the wet tip and he twitched in anticipation. "Baby." Dean wailed and buried his hands in your hair as you traced the vein at the bottom of his cock with your fingertip. "Don't tease! I need you." You smiled and all of a sudden your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock. He moaned and threw his head back. You inserted him agonizingly slowly into your mouth before your tongue began to play around his head. His hips bucked up involuntarily. Slowly you moved the tip of your tongue over the slit where precum oozed out. Dean made wonderful breathless sounds above you.
Suddenly you began to bob you head up and down firmly. Taking him in as deep as you could. Dean moaned and your fingers played his base. His hands clawed deeper into your hair and you looked up at him. His green eyes met yours before he closed his eyes with relish and began to push into you. You sensed that he was close to orgasm and got faster. A long moaning followed and then he twitched in your mouth. You continued and one white spurt after another shot into your mouth. You swallowed it all and licked him clean before he went limp and left your mouth with an obscene sound. Sweat ran down Dean's forehead and he looked at you under half-closed eyelids. "That was fucking amazing, baby. I love you." Then he pulled you to him and kissed you while he tasted himself on your lips.
Tags beneath cut. You liked this? Send an ask or add yourself to my taglist over my bio. There is one for every SPN character and actor.
Dean Tags:  @vicariouslythruspn​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @zizzlekwum​ @ashthefirefox​ @outofnowhere82​ @rintheemolion​
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pinky and the brain - s1e3a: tokyo grows
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episode summary: inexplicably existing in post-war japan, brain hijacks a shrink ray he just found laying around in order to make it a growth ray. he intends to dress pinky up as terrifying local monster gollyzilla, and pretend to defeat him, so the japanese people... elect him... president. of. japan.
all i’m gonna say is shinzo abe’s replacement has a hell of a lot coming to him if that’s a job requirement.
the rundown:
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you can tell because it says “tokyo 1956″ in big letters at the bottom of the screen.
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as we take a detour into acmeshito labs, senior-ly produced by tom ruegger,
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we see a fellow sacrificing his shoes to the shoe gods. (sorry about that weird line at the bottom. vlc player has just decided it’s doing that now, i guess. nothing i can do about it.)
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inside, some other lads, who have all been produced by peter hastings (my, the man gets around) are shrinking tvs for fun and giggles.
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“at last! professor mifune! you have perfected the process of shrinking electronic devices, so we can sell them to americans for a lot of money!”
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“yes, shimura, and now i say to you! miniturisation will be very,
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and then they both shuffle over to stand in front of each other and laugh in a weird stilted way.
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HA. HAHAHA. HAHAHA. i’m not sure if this is making fun of japanese people, or a common trend in japanese media (or voice acting?) at the time, but, um, i’m uncomfortable.
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thankfully, the newly miniturised radio advertises that Legendary Prehistoric Monster Gollyzilla has been spotted, and apparently
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the emperor wants mifune’s scientific opinion on gollyzilla
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so maybe it’s best for mifune and shimura to get the fuck out of dodge.
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so the two of them make a hasty retreat - after toeing their shoes back on, of course.
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but who are these two!
brain looks pensive. i don’t know what’s in that waterbottle, but he’s having a tiny mousie crisis. pinky is narfing at him with little to no concern for his mental state.
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still, crisis or not, brain has a world to take over. he mentions to pinky that the scentific equipment before them will be “invaluable for his plan to”
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“TAKE OVER THE WORLD.” we really do get one per episode, huh.
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“you mean you’re going to shrink down all the electronic so only mice can operate them?”
which is a reasonable idea, i think. brain counters it with “don’t be absurd, pinky, there’s no future in minaturisation,” and clarifies that is is big things that strike fear into the hearts of humans.
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like that ridiculous legend of gollyzilla. <gay little hands on hip pose>
as pinky ponders whether Kay Ballard is In The Union (sorry, pinky, she’s dead) brain explains that his intent is to alter the shrink ray into a growth ray, to “become a four hundred foot tall mouse and save the world from gollyzilla.”
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“but you just. said there was no such thing as gollyzilla, brain.”
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“there is now, pinky.”
did we really need another closeup for that line, guys? really? is it not enough to have the mouse say his lines without shoving the camera into his face? must the man deepthroat the camera every time he has things to say?
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anyway brain’s plan is to dress pinky up as gollyzilla and “save tokyo” from him. you can tell because the camera angle makes it look like his head is on gollyzilla’s body.
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this random man takes a toke from his old timey pipe. “yes, i see.” he says. this is not explained.
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as brain reverses the shrink ray into a growth ray, pinky makes his debut.
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“what do you think, brain? pretty scaaaaaaary, eh?”
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“yes, pinky. terrifying. stand by.”
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there probably won’t be a lot left of the lab when brain is done, unfortunately.
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but hey! check this out!
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“where are you, brain? i can’t see you.”
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“i’m down--”
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well, he’s clearly dead, so i guess that’s this review over.
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jokes, of course. lucky for us, brain is still alive, and he has brought a little megaphone with him! awwww.
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“now, go on your rampage, gollyzilla!” he’s very hype for that, it appears. pinky tries his best not to disappoint.
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it’s this random man again. “yesss, i see.” i don’t know who he is, or why he’s here, and i am scared.
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but never mind him. we cut to this adorable straight couple chilling on this bridge.
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“i love you, fumiko.”
“and i love you, hershel.”
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unfortunately, famously heterophobic legendary monster gollyzilla is here. “hello!” he says, cheerily. “i’m on a rampage. narf.”
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fumiko and hershel get the fuck out of dodge.
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still, pinky’s having fun, and that’s what matters.
though bits of his costume are coming off.
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“oooh, i can’t see through this thing!”
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“oh no! the giant monster is moulting!”
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rip that guy, i guess. upon attempting to recover his lost glove, pinky accidentally spikes his tail on a nearby building in the process.
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“egad. i’m all a tangle!”
he gives it a yank, for good measure,
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and ends up catapulting himself into the abyss.
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the random man is back. “yesss, i see,” he says. what does he want? what is he doing here? please don’t smoke in front of me, sir. i have real bad asthma.
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meanwhile, brain is making himself “the largest mouse on earth, and hero of the planet.”
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this frame is terrifying so obviously i’m making everyone look at it.
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“people of tokyo! do not fear! i, brainodo, have come to save you!”
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i’m not sure they’re convinced. the army have shown up, by this point.
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“it’s another giant monster! even more ugly than gollyzilla!”
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brain suggests that, perhaps, he is actually an artificially enlarged labmouse here to save them from gollyzilla, and maybe they could thank him by making them emperor.
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the military do not agree.
so, yknow, maybe it’s best that he goes to look for pinky.
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“how can i save the city from gollyzilla with no gollyzilla!” yells brain, as he steps on a school bus and either, 1, kills like 40 children, or 2, ruins the setpiece for melanie martinez’s 2019 music video “wheels on the bus.”
(no one’s watching us don’t give a fuck wheels on the bus ou ou)
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anyway it’s a good thing that pinky has decided to spontaniously burst out of this lake. man’s really commiting to the role, huh.
again, he’s having fun.
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brain is less impressed.
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after admonishing pinky for running off,
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brain reminds him to “make the battle look realistic”. their plan, of course, depends on it.
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pinky sure is putting a weird amount of effort into this battle. and pyrotechnics??? yeah.
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as brain unflomphs himself, and prepares to strike back, pinky comes over to see what’s going on.
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“scuse me, brain.”
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“go away, pinky. can’t you see i’m fighting with pinky?”
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“oh, but. wait.”
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“how can you be fighting with me over there, if i’m over here?”
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“it’s a very simple principle, pinky! it’s because!”
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“that’s the real gollyzilla.”
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and by the looks of things, he’s not very happy.
pinky’s first instinct, upon seeing The Real Gollyzilla (please stand up, please stand up) brandishing a building at them, is to pick brain up and flee in terror.
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it’s very cute. he just scoops him up and nopes him away. not today, gollyzilla. not today.
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gollyzilla, unfortunately, seems pretty bloody determined to make it today.
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unfortunately, in his quest to deliver brain to safety, pinky walks right into a pylon.
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bonk. they fall over. ):
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and unfortunately, they fell directly onto what was once acmeshito labs, which activates the growth ray in the process.
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it’s this guy again.
who are you??? what the fuck do you want?? why are you just smoking your pipe and looking at me like that and saying yesss, i seeeee. what do you see??? did the newslady send you??? what do you want from me??????
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he gets shot by the growth ray. good. die.
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the mice, as you can imagine, are not having a great time of things right now.
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gollyzilla is fully prepared to bonk them on the head.
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but oh! what is this?
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random man? is that you? are you our hero, random man? is this your redemption arc?
do you see now, random man? what do you see?
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well, he just yeeted a building, so jot that down.
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he seems to be preparing himself to yeet gollyzilla, too.
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the mice duck out of the way as the fearsome creature is launched like an olympic sport. good thing tokyo 2020 got cancelled, i guess.
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air lizard. nyoom. unfortunately they land on the remains of acmeshitu labs,
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and nudges the growth ray in the process.
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it goes a bit haywire.
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the mice look on, perturbed, as it starts firing at random objects.
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like this building.
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and that fire hydrant.
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and that building.
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and this, uh.
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oh dear.
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at least acmeshito labs is going back in for repairs.
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“it’s a shame we’re not giant any more, brain.”
“we are, pinky. unfortunately, so is everything else. our relative smallness remains.”
alright. that’s the end of that one, i guess. that’s going down as a solid outside influence.
brain: 5 ½ pinky: 6 ½ outside influence: 11
brilliant, brain!
but oh, wait, no. is earth like, 400 times its’ previous size, now? surely that can’t be good for the universe????
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what are your thoughts, bbc science focus?
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well. that’s not good.
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chaoscheebs · 5 years
Celdic Crew Group Chat Log
So, um, look, I had the urge to type out a fake chat log for Fie, Elliot, and Machias, because they’re probably pretty tight after what happened post Cold-Steel 1/early-ish Cold Steel II.  No serious spoilers I can think of, it’s just a roller-coaster of stuff.
Tl;dr their group chats are wild.
Fie: you see this is why i’m the only one of us who’s touched a boob
Elliot: Didn’t Machias technically touch one too?
Machias: WHAT WHEN?!?!?
Fie: oh yeah, in the windmill.  forgot about that
Fie: you were sleeping.  you called me ‘jusis’ and went in for the squeeze. honestly you were doing a pretty good job, i was almost hesitant to smack you awake
Machias: WHAT
Elliot: Man, I still get why you did that, Fie, but did you have to smack him hard enough to make him elbow ME?????
Fie: didn’t seem important
Elliot: Honestly, I thought you knew you were Mr. Hands in your sleep already after all the times *I* elbowed you awake too.
Elliot: And let you freeze instead?  We knew the risks after the first night.  D|
Fie: nah he wouldn’t have frozen, it wasn’t THAT cold.  he’d COMPLAIN a lot in the morning tho
Elliot: Oh, yeah, definitely.  Especially since we didn’t have his terrifying favorite coffee blend available there.
Fie: lol yeah
Elliot: Machias, it has a *caution label* on it to not drink more than two cups of it and you down the whole damned pitcher!  D: D: D:
Fie: it’s honestly kinda impressive, you really are unbreakable lol
Elliot: Machias, when do we ever get to the point here?
Fie: lol
Elliot: *Anyway*, if we were really upset about it, we would’ve said something, but we knew you really missed your boyfriend, so…
Fie: that’s the other reason we didn’t say anything, you were EXTRA shouty whenever we mentioned him back then
Elliot: Truth.  You two going from *loudly* hatefucking constantly to actually admitting you *liked* each other was a long, wild ride.  A long, *LOUD* wild ride.  D|
Fie: so does alisa, she had some choice words about your angry midnight concertos too
Elliot: Oops.  She did kinda live above me, didn’t she?  I should maybe send her apology flowers someday.
Fie: i notice you’re not asking for flowers too
Fie: lol
Elliot: Lol.
Fie: so did rean ever realize you weren’t playing unsexy violin ditties because you just love music that much?
Elliot: Not on his own, no.  Emma and I ended up talking to him about several things he was, um, overlooking waaaaaaaaaaaaay back before that school festival at the academy.
Fie: lol wow way to burn yourself man
Fie: true, lol
Elliot: Also in his defense, I was also talking about all the *other* stuff that flew right over his head.  Like the fact he kept taking me to *date spots* and also apparently witnessed Laura’s love confession to you, Fie, and completely didn’t notice.
Fie: eh, it was laura.  it flew over her head too for a while.  good thing she’s kinda cute when she’s clueless, lol
Elliot: It’s terrifying that Machias and Jusis were the closest to having their stuff together out of all of us back then, by the way.
Fie: absolutely horrifying
Machias: HEY
Elliot: It’s kinda true.  You two were at each other’s throats for a while there, man.
Fie: and not in the kinky way
Elliot: It’s probably in the kinky way now, tho’.  XD
Fie: no doubt lol
Elliot: Not really; my schedule’s clear today.
Fie: the better question is don’t YOU have anything better to do than stay here and get dunked on
Elliot: Well, there you go.
Fie: aww, you have plans then?
Elliot: “Lunch.”
Fie: ‘lunch’
Elliot: So you’re not planning on finding a closet to fool around in, then~?  ;)
Machias: . . . . . . . . . SHUT UP
Fie: this is text
Fie: it’s always the cute, quiet ones lololol
Elliot: Hey, Dorothee knew where it was at, guys; you’re all just mean.  :(
Elliot: Eh, when it sticks to just text, it’s hard to tell at a glance if it’s “clean” or not without reading the whole thing, and teachers don’t have time for that.  Thank Aidios for exploitable loopholes!
Elliot: That’s because it had illustrations; it’s hard *not* to notice when there’s pages like that.  Quality art, tho’.
Machias: . . . IT KINDA WAS
Fie: ok, first what book is this, and second why didn’t you share with me
Elliot: Because it got confiscated way back when.  It’s out of print now too to boot, dammit.  :( :( :(
Fie: what
Elliot: Machias, get off the orbal net, we’re worried about you.
Fie: neeeeeeeeeeeeerd
Elliot: Turbo-nerd.
Fie: lord nerdlinger regnitz-albarea of the nerdlinger province
Elliot: Too late, we’ve called Gaius, he’s gonna officiate the marriage.
Fie: he said ‘fucking finally, next we have to get rean and elliot to be a thing’
Elliot: FIE!!
Machias: HA
Fie: it’s true tho, you need to go kiss your husband already, elliot
Elliot: Rean’s not interested.  End of story.
Fie: did you ask him?
Elliot: Don’t need to.  If he couldn’t tell I was flirting with him, or notice where exactly he kept taking me, he clearly wasn’t into me like that.  End.  Of.  Story.
Elliot: I.  Said.  End.  Of.  Story.
Fie: ouch, we found a sore spot  :c
Elliot: Look, I just… I don’t really want to talk about this, OK?  Rean’s never seemed super-interested in… anyone, really, and I doubt I’m magically going to be the exception, and I accept that.
Machias: . . . . . . . . .
Fie: …………………………………
Machias: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elliot: … you really want to say something, don’t you.
Fie: not saying a word
Machias: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OK LOOK
Fie: oh boy
Elliot: Machias…
Elliot: … ha.  Man, you really can’t stop yourself from talking, huh?
Fie: i can’t believe i’m agreeing with him, but for once, he has a point.  do the thing, go get you your man
Elliot: Fie…  Man, you guys…
Fie: have fun on your ‘lunch date’
Elliot: Yeah, later, Machias.  Um… thanks for caring?
[MACHIAS has left the room]
Elliot: … he really doesn’t understand how severe that sounds at all, does he.
Fie: nope
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yszarin · 5 years
see below for continued wailing on The Last
- ohhhh is that the sea? I have to say, I was not expecting the Lonely to have quite such a nice soundtrack. it’s like home. water dragging pebbles is just. good noise.
- aand Jon just calling insistently for Martin. lovely. still can’t believe how far they’ve come, it’s just - fuck off Peter no one asked you - so much more than I ever thought we’d get? which is probably because I’ve been watching far too much more mainstream media stuff and am still not used to how things happen in podcasts.
- I mean... does Jon really have that much time that isn’t spent working or running from things trying to kill him? it’s like telling a fish they spend all their time with their significant other fish underwater. it’s not that I think Peter doesn’t have a bit of a point I guess (I personally think they know enough, and that we’ve just not heard that much of it on tape), but he’s also very clearly doing Lonely Manipulations, and I really don’t know that things would be any different or they’d know each other any better if, I don’t know, Jon and Martin had been to the cinema together a few times.
- ooooh angry Jon making deductions is... A Good Jon
- I thought you might be lost. hhhh this line, I like this one, the delivery is excellent and argh. I expect I am now as coherent as Peter’s static.
- oh Martin. that whole exchange was just, leave my heart here then shall I. and Jon just sounds so wretched about it :D D:   
- ... Peter did you skip an episode because Martin chose Jon a heck of a lot more than he chose this.
- argh Tim and Sasha mention. ow ow ow. I do like that they still come up, though, that it feels like their deaths have had an impact, not just been moved past. they still have meaning.
- :D yes Jon! for all that I’m sure that Jon taking Peter’s statement is exactly what Elias wants and will have many implications for Jon’s continued humanity which of course I like and want him to keep... also I can multitask worrying and yes eat him, Jon
- I mean... that also sounds quite cruel of her. there’s not really a version of this story where the mother comes out not sounding cruel.
- “Elias” does also sound better. and hhhh I love this description of Gertrude’s interaction with him, I’d really love some more of her interacting with monsters, she’s just so cold.
- ... okay Peter’s interior design stuff is amazing. “a ridiculously low price for their central London location” I don’t know if this is meant to be hilarious but... it is. and how are they screening for who their friends sided with after the divorce? that’s such a weird question
- it’s not the best name, Peter, I’m afraid. the buried’s out here calling things The Sunken Sky and you’re just going to be sitting in building control listening to Simon & Garfunkel.
- pfff Gertrude’s amazing. I do rather wish she’d killed him though. She’d have done it so brilliantly.
- nice to know what his game was now, if it wasn’t the Extinction (or not urgently, anyway). but it is all feeling very very set-up by Elias.
- Elias probably gets exactly this, Jon.
- oh wow, those were some... noises. gosh, I wonder how it looked? did he just sort of... break? go down? there’s some tearing in there but is it just, like, psychic ripping or was there visible ripping? and I hope Jon got his information.
- tough oh my god
- and Martin just sounds so absent, ouch.
- gosh this episode’s just full of dialogue that I want stapled to the inside of my brain, huh?
- oh, and Jon using his powers on Martin in the same way he did Tim during the Unknowing, yep, that’s the OT3 bits of me shattering. and the Lonely voice stuffs falling away, ahhh the soundscaping in this thing is amazing.
- ... I wonder how many times I can replay these last thirty seconds or so? because kinda never want to stop hearing this. is that a hug? and Jon’s just being so reassuring, gah. bury me. and I’m just going to quietly headcanon Jon leading Martin out of the Lonely by the hand. hopefully not right into some awful thing that’s going to kill him. that’d just be so rude of Elias. 
- next week’s going to be really rough, then, huh? I mean this is a nice thing. we don’t usually have so many nice things. even if it is just Basira picking up the pieces, since the finale episode is usually a bit calmer, we’re probably going to get hit very hard by something. I should maybe get more chocolate.
- anyway I’m deeply afraid of Episode 160. Episode 160 is the 16th fear. 
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falloutdialogue · 5 years
Companion Injury Dialogue
Each of the companion’s dialogue when they cripple a limb. (Including their heads.)
Agh, me arm!
Got me arm, damn it!
Agh! Me goddamn shoulder!
They got me damn leg!
Damn it, me leg's hit!
Ugh! Capped in the knee!
Can't see...
Agh! My head!
Head's ringin'... agh!
Got me in the gut!
Fuck... tastin' blood over here!
Knockin' the wind outta me!
Agh! Me arm's been hit...
Son-of-a-bitch! That was me shootin' arm!
They got me damn arm!
My head... woozy... hard to see...
Shit, I can't see!
Agh! My head's been hit!
Damn it, they got my leg!
Ack! My leg's been hit!
Ugh...winged me in the damn leg!
Thinker's on the blink, sir/mum.
Cracked me in the ol' bucket I'm afraid!
Brained me, sir/mum.
A bit rattled, but ready for battle!
I'm operating at less than full capacity, sir/mum.
Bollocks. My arm is on the fritz.
Arm's bent.
There goes my arm, sir/mum.
My arm, sir/mum!
Gah! My arm.
I have sustained considerable damage.
Critical damage imminent. Requesting assistance.
Oh no. I have been hit.
I appear to be disabled.
I have sustained serious injury.
Mechanical assistance requested.
Damn it... I'm hit bad!
Aid me, brother!
Arm's shot!
Agh! My damn arm!
My arm's hit!
Leg's hit!
Ugh! My leg!
Can't move!
Agggh! Can't see!
My ears! Agh!
Head's hit! Blacking out!
Gut shot! Ugh!
Coughing up blood over here!
Agh! My chest... stings.
I'm drifting... Feeling a little... Is that a white light?
I, uh, need a little... yeah.
Vision's going a little... Keep it together, Deacon.
Bastard got my arm.
I'm winged, dammit.
Arm's out of commission, boss.
Son of a bitch. Leg's hit.
Goddamit. If we're running, you're doing it without me.
My leg. Ow.
Shit. Got blood in my eyes.
*groan* Headshot. Receiving end.
Oww. Hit my noggin', boss.
Oof. Need... a minute... catch breath.
Took one... to the chest.
I... oof... Chest.
God dammit. Can't feel my arm. It still on there?
I can't feel my arm.
Argh! My arm!
Ergh. Right in the head.
Argh. It's in my eyes.
Damn. That rang my bell.
I can't feel my leg!
I'll be alright. Just clipped my leg.
Can't feel my leg. And not in the fun way.
Agh... arm's bleeding pretty bad!
Goddamn arm's hit!
There goes my gun arm!
Damn! Leg's hit bad!
Agh! Shot my knee out!
Leg's bleeding bad!
Urgh! My head!
Ears... ringing...
Help! I'm blind!
Oof. Guts spilling out...
Bleeding badly over here!
Can't... breathe... agh...
Erg! Got my leg!
Ah! My leg!
Why, why can't I feel my leg?
I'm okay! I... oh. Oh, my head...
Ah! My head!
Why... why's the room spinning?
Blue! Blue, I can't feel my arm!
Ah! My arm!
My arm. Does it look bad?
My arm!
Got my arm, damn it!
Agh, damn, I'm hit!
I can't see!
Agh! My head!
Damn, I got blood in my eyes...
My leg!
Agh, got me in the leg.
Damn, took one in the leg!
Strong cannot run. Leg wounded.
Strong leg hurt bad.
Strong not need leg to smash.
Strong still strong, even if no legs.
Strong's leg wounded.
Strong not need head to smash.
Strong head hurt. Head wounded.
Strong not use head anyway. Strong use hammer.
Strong not care if head hurt.
Hah! Strong not fight with head. Strong fight with hammer!
Strong's arm wounded.
Strong cannot smash. Arm wounded.
If Strong cannot hold hammer, Strong smash with fist!
Strong still fight with broken arm.
Strong not care if arm hurt.
My leg's pretty mangled.
Damn. Can't move my leg.
Hey, you find any pieces of my leg, you grab 'em.
Thought there'd be more benefits to a metal skull...
Ergh. My head!
Shit! Come on optics. Don't fail me now.
Damn arm.
[Joking through pain] Fine. We'll do this with the other hand.
Ergh! Gonna take a while to put that back together.
My leg! Shit!
Ouch! Can barely move my damn leg.
Got me in the leg!
Can't see... shit!
Took a head shot... can barely see...
Damnit, winged my head!
My arm! Argh!
Shit, my arm!
Damnit, I'm hit. Right in the arm.
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thewickedverkaiking · 5 years
DEH Recap 25 July 2018 (Stephen's Debut!)
anyway here's my recap of deh when i went to see it on broadway back in fucking july of last year
we were towards the back of the theatre but the music box is so small we honestly had a great view of both the stage and the band!!
stephen was such a cute evan, he was really anxious but a little more optimistic than ben platt
the opening monologue was so fast omg 
it might just have been me but it seemed like rachel’s mic was turned a little low especially in comparison to evan. it sounds fine in the audio but i had a *little* trouble hearing one or two of her lines in the theatre. it might have been acoustics idk
heidi is so painfully optimistic it hurts my heart
alex’s connor literally does not give a fuck. mike’s connor came across as a kid who had too many emotions he didn’t know how to deal with; alex’s connor is just flat out apathetic
jlt’s cynthia seems a little sterner/reprimanding compared to the earlier boots i’ve seen so that’s an interesting change
at the “he’s not high” part alex had a really creepy smile on his face and then he stalked so defiantly offstage
olivia’s zoe was colder than i expected; her zoe is a little more similar to laura’s 
phoenix’s alana—bless her heart, she was so earnest and adorable 
when jared said that line about zoe’s instagram, stephen was so distressed he spun in an entire circle to make sure no one was listening it was hilarious
sky is really funny but i feel like will is much funnier in terms of comedic timing? like sky’s jared is still an asshole but will’s jared is like. Major Asshole™
there was this mixed groan + laugh throughout the audience during the school shooter line
waving through a window was gorgeous i’m not ashamed to admit that was when i started crying
‘evan right?’ ‘eVAN!!’ and he was so horrified he covered his mouth with both hands
during the jazz band part my mom was like “he’s so nerdy” lmao
the staging and choreo of wtaw is so fucking powerful i love it i love it i love it so much
evan’s desperation during the letter scene was so painfully acute and real and he started crying during ‘i wish everything was different’ 
i’ve always liked the letter scene/wtaw reprise but i never expected to cry so hard during it
alex said the line ’you fell out of a tree? well, that is just the saddest fucking thing i ever heard’ like, completely monotonous 
‘because there’s zoe’; my mom next to me: ‘oh no’
the only time real!connor ever showed emotion was when he yelled at evan at the end of the lab scene he was completely apathetic anywhere else 
asa somer’s larry is a little less stoic than michael park’s 
evan’s head nod at the dinner table was so exaggerated it was like he was going to nod his head off lmao
righ after evan said “i remember a lot of good things about connor” his face was instantly like ‘oh shit’
for forever never used to be a favorite song of mine until now bc wow it was so pure and earnest and heartbreaking 
‘girls we wish would notice us’ he looked at zoe and then whipped his face away so quick
the absolute sass and shade heidi throws about evan’s stepmother lmao
honestly evan talks to heidi like he’s just…trying to placate her and wait until she’s gone; like he doesn’t really care about what she’s trying to say and it breaks my heart :((
fake connor is so much more animated than real connor alex really shows the difference between the two 
the nipples pose was the most Fucking Cursed thing i’ve ever seen in my life 
sky laughed so hard at ‘im sending pictures of the most amazing trees’
alex does the ‘not because we’re gay’ line quite differently from mike; alex’s one is like ‘no of course not we’re not gay!!’
connor and evan high-fived
jared actually never touches them when during the sincerely me dance, it’s like he’s trying to participate but can’t and idk i think that was a really genius blocking move
when evan left the murphy after giving them the emails he made a huge berth around zoe 
requiem fucked me up!! when cynthia was sitting on connor’s bed and hugging his pillow to her chest i couldn’t take it i started sobbing
olivia’s voice is so lilting and pretty, but she hit ‘monster’ really harsh and then broke down crying 
the transition from heidi not being able to do taco tuesday and evan going for dinner at the murphys is just genius that’s all
evan freaked out so bad when he said ‘you’ve never been poor then’ and olivia was so deadpan the whole time it was great
evan’s so in love with zoe during if i could tell her it was adorable and tender and sweet
i think zoe genuinely wanted to know what connor thought about her, she just didn’t want to show it 
he didn’t freak out that much after ‘really pretty—er, good’ but when zoe asked ‘he did?’ he made this really frustrated ARGH noise which was so funny
zoe really was just drinking in everything evan said, which was beautiful and heartbreaking
stephen's voice wavered a little on the last 'i love you' which was kind of funny
phoenix's comedic timing as alana is really great which kind of surprising.  i didn't expect alana to be so funny even with all her intensity and earnestness
anyway, disappear was really cool because alex and stephen are almost the same height? and from the back of the theatre they look p similar in terms of build and all that, so the way the scene was blocked made it look like good angel/bad angel which was just so neat!
the scene where cynthia gave evan connor's tie just broke my heart ouch
the part where evan screws up his speech just before ywbf is honestly so painful to watch because of how accurate it is
stephen is such a great actor his horror and fear and shame is all so palpable
he was just lying there on the ground and sobbing
you will be found was glorious the whole stage was lit up and all the projections were screaming
cynthia's "you did" was just so excited and joyful her smile was so infectious 
baby alex was really adorable i die
when zoe appeared on her bed with the blue light washing over her she looked so alone and so sad i just wanted to run up to her and give her a hug
when larry broke down and cynthia hugged him i wanted to cry
the whole scene and song was just so powerful and the lights and projections and blocking all just tie in so so well
actually that applies for the whole show lmao
evan really brushes off jared after the sincerely me reprise and sky really plays up jared's hurt and ouch
honestly evan's fights with heidi in act 2 are so painful because evan's just getting colder and drifting away and you can tell how frantic and heartbroken heidi is
ngl i don't really like the line about evan not taking his refills and how his anxiety is okay but idk 
'so, you and zoe' 'this glove's really cool wOW' lmfao
ugh, to break in a glove was so heartbreaking guys larry really cared  about connor okay?
asa's larry seems less stoic than michael's and you really see how much he likes evan and he's not afraid to show that affection
"in three hours!" evan's growl was so cute and adorable
he was like yelling and freaking out so bad over the breakup part and then he went 'thank you' in the smallest most embarrassed voice 
only us was pure and wholesome and i couldn't help but think throughout that entire song that wow zoe is amazing and i really want her as my girlfriend
also olivia puckett's voice is really smooth and gorgeous
and evan's really confident in only us which is just such a sweet thing to see 
alana was really fucking pissed at evan wow 
and jared is just flatout apathetic and unsympathetic while evan freaks out
heidi's so shy at the murphys she's adorable
"he's got his own toothbrush" my mom laughed out loud at that line lmao
larry went over to evan when he was curled up on the chair and  kinda like, nudged his shoulders and lower back to get him to sit up straight it was so funny
you can see how mortified heidi is and evan just KNOWS he's going to die once they get home
ngl heidi IS terrifying once they get home 
evan really doesn't hold back with his barbs holy shit 
good for you!! rockstar heidi!! rbj just strutted out like a fucking model!! i love her so much!!
i love this song so much the lighting was amazing and the music was like. shaking the theatre 
same thing for the ywbf reprise
it's so haunting and terrifying and you can just Sense how evan and the murphys feel everything falling apart
stephen's acting during words fail. holy shit. i thought no one could top ben platt's words fail? but i have to say stephen probably gave my favorite performance of the song ever
i've never been so emotionally shaken by a song before, i was sobbing so hard and i need to say that that scene alone was worth the entire price of the ticket. 
so big/so small was so soft and heartbreaking. evan just collapsed into heidi's arms
stephen's kinda lanky and it was really funny seeing rbj trying to half-hug/half-carry him on the couch
i didn't cry as hard during that song because i think i ran out of tears after words fail
when the scrim is pulled back and everything turns blue?? so bright? so emotional so beautiful
all those plants rising up from the ground
the ending was so satisfying oh my god i have never seen a better musical
it was my first broadway stagedoor and we got out asap after the show ended but holy shit there were so many people
it was drizzling just a little bit so some people left before the actors came out
the most annoying thing is when there are people going in and out of the theatre and the stagedoor keeps opening and closing and you're just on an emotional rollercoaster bc you think the cast is coming out >:)
april lavalle (alex's girlfriend)  stuck her head out of the door to look around at one point! alex didn't come out tho :((
asa was the first to come out!
he was so sweet, i asked him to sign a playbill for my friend sarah and he was like 'do you want me to write her name?' and i was like 'yes!' and he drew a little heart next to it was so sweet omg
sky was the next one out and i told him he was really funny and he was like !! thank you and i almost died 
stephen was the last one to come out and sky got really excited and yelled 'this is his first stagedoor' and everyone cheered for him
he was really shy at first and didn't want to take pictures
but he and asa and sky took a selfie! i couldn't get in but i got a photo of them taking it and omg i would die for this cast that's all
when stephen signed my playbill im pretty sure i told him something along the lines about him being fantastic and i was so happy to have seen him and he smiled this cute dorky grin and said thank you and i died a little inside
down the line he agreed to take some selfies 
and then the security guard told us that that was everyone 
i was really hoping to see olivia but it's okay!! it was such an amazing incredible wonderful experience
oh and apparently my parents were waiting off to the side of the stagedoor crowd and my mom said asa waved to them as he left the theatre?!?!?!
also she saw phoenix leave
and yeah that's basically what happened
i'm still pinching myself wtf
im sorry this post was so long i have a lot to say
this is also lowkey for me to look back on next time and so i wont forget what happened
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theygotmewhipped · 5 years
Skin - 9. The Top
Tumblr media
Word Count: 3 213
“Aren’t you missing something?” Chanyeol entered the room questioning me. I was sitting on the sofa playing Sims on my laptop with TV on as a background.
“Hmm…” I looked around myself. “Not really.” I turned at Chanyeol.
“You left your phone on the toilette again.” Ha waved with it.
“Oh, I was wondering where it was.” I remembered I hadn’t seen it in a while.
“So why didn’t you try to find it?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I guess I just figured it would show up somewhere eventually…Obviously, I was right.” I put the laptop aside.
“Or you were just too lazy to look for it.” He smirked while nagging me.
“Yeah, well, that too, I suppose.” I shrugged. “Gimme.” I lifted my hands up.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” He lightly threw it at me. The second it landed in my hands it started ringing and vibrating.
“Aaaa…” I was screaming because it scared me.
“Aaa…” Chanyeol jumped a little and screamed back. “Why are you screaming?! You startled me!” He grabbed his chest, his eyes wide open.
“It’s just started ringing out of nowhere when it landed.” I explained with pitched voice.
“That’s what phones do. They play a tune when someone’s calling you.” He stared at me like I’m complete idiot. When did we exchange the roles in this household? I’m supposed to be the sarcastic annoyed smartass and he’s the dumbass. Not the other way around. “Are you planning to pick up?” He asked after few seconds of no action with the phone loudly ringing.
“Yeah, right. Good point.” I waved my index finger realizing it still hasn’t stopped. I stood up and headed to my room. “Yo, wassup?” I picked up the call.
“Hey, the love of your life speaking.” A cheerful voice greeted me.
“Hi, love of my life. Let’s break up.” I rolled my eyes and crawled on to the bed.
“Ouch.” He giggled. “Anyway, I just wanted to check up on you since you haven’t showed up for quite some time. Should I come to visit you and your cute sis to make sure you haven’t died or grown roots to the couch?” He said with a playful voice.
“Oh god, Hobs. Could you please stop calling my sister cute? She’s not cute, definitely not after what she did to me, and she has a boyfriend, remember?” I complained.
“That weirdo can hardly be called boyfriend. Who the fuck talks to the trees anyway?”
“I know, right? But tough luck, mate, she doesn’t live with me anymore so no more flirting for you when you come over.” I chuckled.
“Tsch.” He affected. “Soo…Should I come live with you now that you live alone?” He joked.
“First of all, who said I live alone and secondly, you wish.” I grinned to myself.
“Wait, so there is a new cutie living with you?” He asked excited.
“If you consider a grown ass man a cutie, then yes. Although some cute quiet introverted girl would be like winning jackpot right now. Cos my new “roomie” is annoying more than you. He’s always smiling and laughing and doing shit and whatnot.” I confided in him. When I think about it, since Chanyeol moved in I haven’t spoken with anyone about all this.
“Whoa, you live with a guy now? How did that happen?” He was fazed.
“Well, yeah, but it’s kind of a long story so I’ll save it for another time. Let’s just say my sister is a bitch.” I murmured.
“Is that the reason you haven’t showed up for so long?” He asked concerned.
“Kinda, because he always wants to do stuff and makes me do it with him and then I’m exhausted to even breathe. Not that I have time to catch a breath with him always having energy to do something.” I continued my complaints.
“What?! Is he harassing you? Should I come beat some sense into him?” He suddenly turned completely serious.
“What?! Hobi, no! He’s not harassing me.” I quickly corrected him. “I don’t think he’s even capable of something like that. He has mind as innocent as a five years old. He’s a really, really big puppy in a human body.” All of a sudden I was defending Chanyeol. Chanyeol actually protects me a lot when it comes down to it. It’s like having a human bumper around me.
“…if you say so. But if he dares to so much as lay a finger on you I’m calling Yoongi to make him disappear.” He said in a deep voice.
“Geez, Hobi, you are crazy.” I chuckled.
“I’m not joking, Yumi. One word and he’s gone.” He was dead serious. I gulped down.
“Okay.” I peeped.
“I won’t let anyone harm my precious little girl.” He said in cutesy style this time.
“Please, never call me that again.” I was disgusted. He just giggled.
“Anyways, I gotta go, Jimin needs something and is bothering me with it for over five minutes now.”
“Hey!” Jimin exclaimed in the background and then there were sounds of a fight.
“You should come over soon or I’ll retrieve you at your place and drag you here myself, you hear me?”
“Yes, boss.”
“Good, I’m your only hope at having a social life anyway.” He was definitely smirking. “I’m your hope. I’m – your – hope.” He repeated. “Feels right on the tongue, doesn’t it? Maybe I’ll use that.” I laughed at his contemplation.
“Alright, you do that, Jung Hope, and I’m gonna try to plant roots to the couch in the meantime.”
“You should come here then if you have time to do nothing.” He nagged me.
“No thanks. I’m happy to not do something at least for a day. Let me have it.” I responded exhausted.
“Yeah, okay. See you soon though.”
“Yep, bye.” I hung up.
“Yumi.” Chanyeol knocked on the door as soon as I finished the call.
“What?” He opened the door and peeked inside.
“Put on some long pants and sturdy shoes.” He gave me instructions without any explanation.
“Why would I do that?” I looked at him suspiciously.
“We’re going hiking.” He stated as if it wasn’t negotiable.
“Uhm, we’re not?” I stared at him in disagreement.
“Are we really gonna have this discussion even though we both know I’ll eventually convince you to go with me?” He raised eyebrows at me. I opened my mouth in affect and frowned at him.
“You…you piece of shit! That’s not true!” I slapped the mattress with both hands.
“Are you sure? Should I start giving the examples?” His dimple showed up.
“Argh, fine, I get it. I’m leaving my bed, see?” I dramatically slid off the bed ending up lying on the floor. Chanyeol just shook his head and chuckled at me.
“You’re crazy.”
“As if you aren’t. Now get out and let me get ready!” I commanded him from the floor. He giggled at my lazy ass and closed the door behind him.
 “I thought you said hiking not trying to climb a stairway to heaven.” I was looking up a steep hill incapable to see the top.
“It’s not as bad as it looks like. And you wouldn’t be allowed to enter heaven anyway.” He grinned at me.
“Well, aren’t you a savage bastard today?” I fakely smiled at him.
“I learnt from the best.” He kept grinning.
“Let’s just get this over and done with so I can get back to my bed.” I took first steps up the path entering the forest.
We walked alongside each other rather quietly only occasionally talking. After a moment of silence I turned at Chanyeol. He was looking around, taking in the nature with a light smile on his face. He’s really enjoying this, isn’t he? Just appreciating the moment and the beauty of the world with such easiness. I want to know how he does it. He seems so unbothered by anything.
“What?” He suddenly turned at me.
“What what?” I immediately looked away playing dumb.
“You were staring at me.” He chuckled.
“Pf, no, I wasn’t. I was just…looking at the trees behind you.” I came up with a poor excuse. “Don’t be so full of yourself.” I rolled my eyes.
“If you say so.” He cackled. His attitude got me thinking. He seems so confident around me lately like he knows something I don’t. Like he’s sure of his position, knows where he stands.
“Do you think I have a soft spot for you?” I asked curious referring to what Jongin has said.
“And don’t you?” He answered with a question looking at me like it was obvious. Is it because he thinks I’ll let him go away with anything? Because that’s not true.
“No, why would I?” I frowned at him and shot a question back at him as well.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” He shrugged with mirth. This is not going anywhere. He’s just turning it around at me, like he’s trying to push me to say something. I don’t know what he expects but I’m not gonna play this game.
“…when are we gonna reach the top?” I changed the subject after becoming displeased with the topic. “We’ve been walking for ages.” I complained out of breath.
“It hasn’t even been an hour yet. Instead of focusing on the destination why don’t you try to relish the journey?” What kind of Socrates bullcrap is this?
“I don’t know about you but insect, spiders and other disgusting and terrifying creatures along with dirt and hill climbing aren’t exactly my kind of jam.” What am I even doing here? I could be taking a nap right now, but nah, I have to go everywhere he does like I’m on the leash. Oh my god, did I become the dog?!
“So take in the trees, beautiful plants and fresh air. The calming sound of the nature and being away from the city. Don’t look for the negative side of things all the time.” He calmly argued with me.
“Geez, you’re starting to sound like Hyojong. I hope you haven’t been spending time with him as well since you like to gossip with my sister about me so much.” I murmured.
“That was one time.” He defended himself. I stopped in my tracks and raised my brows at him. He stopped few steps ahead as well and turned at me. “Okay, maybe twice.” I started walking again after his confession.
“Seems like neither of us would be admitted in to the heaven.” I passed him with my head high.
“You…” Chanyeol was about to say something when my phone started ringing. I quickly took it out surprised to even have a signal here.
“Mom?” I picked it up not expecting her to be the one calling.
“Hi, baby. How are you? How’s school? Is everything okay?” Awesome timing to make a parental call, mom. Chanyeol observed my confused face.
“I’m fine. Everything is fine.” I replied shortly.
“Are you sure? You never even call anymore.” She nagged me.
“Yes, mom, I’m sure.” I rolled my eyes and motioned to Chanyeol to start walking again because this’s gonna take a while.
“Okay then. MinMin was here yesterday. She brought that sweet boy Hyojong with her as well. They are so cute together, I can’t wait for the grandkids. I bet they are going to be just as lovely as their parents, don’t you think?” She was basically melting into the microphone.
“Sure, ma, the loveliest.” I responded curtly, rolling my eyes for like tenth time in a past minute.
“You should come over soon. Your dad and I would really love to see you.” Back to the nagging. “You haven’t visited your poor old parents for so long. Minha comes over every now and then but you won’t show up. How long has it been, huh?”
“I don’t know, ma.” I sighed.
“See? You don’t even remember. That’s how long you haven’t been here. Make sure to show up soon.” Why is she so aggressive about it?
“Yes, mom, will do.”
“And bring along your boyfriend. We’d like to meet him as well.” I’m sure she was an army general in her previous life.
“Huh? What are you talking about? I don’t have a boyfriend.” I was perplexed.
“No need to keep it a secret, Mimi. Minha has already told us you have a new boy.” Oh, Minha told you? Well, Minha is dead to me more than she was before. “She said he’s a really charming and warmhearted. Your dad and I are so happy that you are finally giving a chance to love again. And if he is as nice as Minha says that makes us even more happy and proud.” Oh God, this is going in a direction of an emotional lecture with emphasizing the importance of human connections.
“Mom.” I tried to put a stop to her.
“Is he treating you well?” She tried to get more information out of me.
“Mom!” I raised my voice.
“Oh sorry, honey. What are you doing anyway? I hope I didn’t interrupted you at something important.” A little too late to ask that, don’t you think?
“No, ma. It’s okay.” I answered exhausted thinking about the rest of the mountain in front of me.
“Okay, okay. See you soon then. And don’t forget to take the boy with you.” I heaved a frustrated sigh. “Bye, baby. I love you.”
“Love you, too.” I hung up. “Jesus Christ, I’m barely breathing and she has to call in the middle of the mountain.” I grumbled.
“So…we’re dating, huh?” Chanyeol chuckled.
“You heard that?” I squeaked.
“Yep, all of it. All about how awesome I am.” He mocked me.
“You know what? Screw it, I’m just gonna hang myself on one of these trees right here right now.” I said out of frustration.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just moms being moms.” He brushed it off.
“But still…argh.” I let out a fed up shriek. And me being me I tripped over something and staggered.
“Careful!” Chanyeol reflexively caught my arm and steadied me, then immediately let go of me. “Sorry, but I had…” He started apologizing.
“It’s okay. Thank you.” I cut him off.
“Are you sure you are alright?” He looked at me doubtfully.
“Yes, it didn’t hurt and everything is fine. Satisfied?” I said annoyed. I know he’s just trying to be nice but I feel like I am out of glass or something.
“Yeah, we’re almost at the top so let’s go.”                                                                
“Finally!” I exclaimed after we left the forest and entered a clearing on top. I looked around and saw few cars parked on the other side of the meadow. “Are you shitting me?” I turned around at Chanyeol, full of anger. “Why the fuck did we spend hours going through that forest full of nasty stuff when we could have easily just drive all the way up here?!” I yelled at him.
“That wouldn’t be fun. Moreover, hiking has health benefits opposed to driving.” He smiled innocently.
“My malfunctioning lungs and throbbing muscles say otherwise.” I grumbled.
“And you got to experience the nature in its full beauty.” He gave another reason ignoring my complaints.
“I could’ve done that through the car window as well without getting attacked by bloodthirsty flying little scumbags.” I deflected.
“This way we got to spend some quality time together.” He said happily.
“We could have done that in a comfort of our living room. Not to mention that I’ve never asked to spend time with you.” I growled.
“You have an answer to anything, don’t you?” He gave me a sidesmile.
“Of course I do! I’ve been climbing a fucking mountain for hours, torturing my body just to find out I could have just call an Uber to get here!” I raised my voice again.
“Well, you could have done that but believe me, you’ll enjoy the view from up here way more after you made an effort to get here.” He tried to persuade me.
“Let’s find out then!” I dramatically raised my hands and turned around. I was gonna go see that impressive view he praised so much but the picture in front of me stabbed me right in the gut stopping me from going anywhere. “Please tell me I’m hallucinating.” I said hopelessly. What have I done so wrong in my previous life?
“Cha-nyeo-laaah!!” Baekhyun came running towards us, jumping at Chanyeol while Jongdae was waving at us like a helicopter from a parking lot with Sehun taking something out of the car. I regarded Chanyeol with a dead-stare.
“Surprise?” He made jazz hands and grinned at me with Baekhyun clasped to him like a koala.
“You have no idea how much I hate you.” I starred daggers at him. I’m living out my nightmares.
“Don’t be so mean, Mimi.” Baekhyun let go of Chanyeol and pouted at me.
“What are you doing here anyway?” I asked Baekhyun, full of frustration. “And don’t call me that.”
“We’re having picnic, of course. We talked about it in the groupchat.” Baekhyun cheerfully smiled. My gaze slid to Chanyeol.
“What? It’s not my fault you turned off the notifications and don’t read it.” He defensively lifted his hands. The fucker exploited the fact and used it against me to get me here on foot!
“You all wouldn’t shut up for five minutes, of course I did turn it off.” Maybe I should have left the chat altogether. But they would definitely add me back again.
“Stop arguing, poopheads. Let’s go set up the feast.” Baekhyun happily skipped on the grass back to the car. I took a deep breath and left Chanyeol alone, going to a wooden platform to take a look. I climbed up the stairs, great, more climbing, two storeys high, hyperventilating at the top.
“Sweet Jesus.” I mumbled between the breaths. I’m too old for this much physical activity in one day. I straightened up and supported myself on the rails. Welp, this is actually a truly nice view. Not bad at all. I scanned the shape of the country below.
“Breathtaking, right?” Chanyeol said from behind me. I flinched a little but didn’t turn around to look at him.
“Quite literally thanks to the stairs.” I replied. He snickered and moved next to me. Out of nowhere a sound of a camera shutter clicked. “What the…” I looked beside me. Chanyeol’s phone was aimed at me and the shutter clicked again. “What do you think you’re doing?” I said menacingly. He put away the phone and looked away from me.
“Sorry, you just looked so enticing. I couldn’t help it.” He said embarrassed, his cheeks and ears catching a red shade.
“…oh…aha…okay…yeah…cool…” I couldn’t come up with a proper response and looked away from him embarrassed as well.
“We should probably…” Chanyeol began to speak after an awkward silence.
“Yeah, totally.” I replied knowing what he wants to say since both of us wanted to escape this situation.
“They are probably waiting for us.” Chanyeol motioned in a direction of the others.
“Definitely. Baekhyun can’t even breathe without you. So we should go.” I agreed.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Chanyeol smiled a little and we left the platform.
First Chapter——–Previous Chapter——–Next Chapter
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We are nearing the end, folks :)
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Rae Appreciation Day
Okay so! *cracks knuckles* This will be my post for @raendown appreciation day! Bwhahahaha, ahem anyway! This post will be a review mixed with fanart! :D (The fanart will be in another post, firstly because of the quality and secondly because I didn’t like how the fanart turned out? so I redid it since I don’t want to gift someone something I am not happy with |’D) I will read a fanfiction of Rae that I haven’t read before and write the review as I go along! (thank you floaty review box!) I hope you’ll like my flailing Rae and my fanart’s to your beautiful stories!  Everything is gonna be under a read more cut, but I’m really really sorry if tumblr fucks up with that. |’D
Anyway review will be of Rae’s But Broken Live On
Man I am SO excited to read this story!!! I love the concept of kintsugi /so much/ and it's why I was immediately drawn to this fic! But also I'm smelling Angst and I sure do love torturing myslelf x'D RIP me
Anyway let's start reading.
Ah yes the first paragraph and already a sting in my heart, poor Tobi he doesn't deserve this.
"'It’s been that sort of day.'" — Oh man I can really hear Tobes wry and simultaneously sadly amused tone. Ouch.
(How I love bitchy Tobirama but also the poor bartender xD with these 2 in the vicinity I would honestly always get the hell out of dogde lol)
You're describing everything so well, I can practically see everything before my eyes as if it where a movie!
I love TobiMada bantering so fucking much you don't even know xDDD
But also Tobi please don't stop oversharing everybody nobody wants to hear that. ;D (but also Tobi in panties is so hot hnng)
Uh oh, no bad, that are bad thougts especially since you're both drunk as hell
Oh no where is this going
XDDDDDDDDD OMFG MADARA NO but also yes, but also no, but also yes argh xDDD
this is going to be a certified disaster xDDD
Please tell me he didn't actually use the Hiarshin drunk omfg *headdesk* (but now I imagined drunk Tobirama clipping Bethesda-like trough a wall lol anyway)
Oh is getting hot in here or is it just me >:3c
my face is getting red
asdfghjk Madara are you trying to kill us Tobirama? hhnnnng
i'm dying
okay that that was hot hui uhh i need a moment uff i mean that was fucking (ha! *coughs*) awesome me is speechless sorry xD
oh, oh no babies you did nothing wrong, your asshole ex-partners were wrong!!!
oh no Maddy :( you’re not alone!!
and now chapter 2!
yes yes, hangover aren't nice aren't they?
I can't wait for the realization that he slept with Tobi xD
uh uh
I just snort giggled 'kinky henge sex' pfff xDDD
I just omfg Madara is so me xDDD "He crawled back in to bed, fitting himself in to the same cocoon of warmth he had bolted away from, and firmly closed his eyes. The world could wait until he was ready to face it." yeah that's that's like peak relateable lolololol
ah yes a good ol' does of healing chakra, me wants to
awkward babies xD
Hashirama can really be fucking terrifying lol
gods this is so awkward make it stooop just kiss already xD
"Madara licked his lips anxiously, striving for a casual air." — I don't think striving for a casual air is feasible after you licked you lips especially with what your both thinking xD
I take that back I thought in a other direction STILL I'm maintaining that Madara definitely was an unreliable narrator just now, no way in hell was that statement delivered casually xDDD
it's getting hot again (you know that is actually really nice rn because at the time of writing this my room is really fucking cold xD)
I love you for including lube, well oil but still, no really I'm remembering fics I read with desk sex in which they used spit and I'm like 'no, nononononono that' not, that's not safe, what are you doing, stop' xD
I will never ever get tired of their bantering xD but also Tobi you fucking tease
asdfghjkl so hot ahhhh
you're like getting all of my kinks, help me
"sane people" who the fuck is sane in Konoho and especially these 2 xD
"Not getting attached was going to be the easiest thing he ever did. Him and Tobirama? Never." — I just imagined like the scene cutting off to show MadaTobi in a disgustingly domestic situation xD but also don't be to sure Madara there is still one more chapter xDDD
onwards with chapter 3!!
this this is such a nice contrast to the beginning of the last chapter honestly and also the mental image is so cuuuuute
also what did I fucking tell you Madara! ha! you and Tobie never my ass ;P xD
hnnnng lazy sex is so hot
*rolls eyes* of course Tobirama is the type to talk about work in bed xD
oh no poor Hashi xD
i'm laughing so fucking hard rn asdfghjkl xDDDD
"'But you’re both naked!'" — pfffffft what an astute observation lolololol
i'm cackling so hard, this is amazing, i love it
((okay so this ^^^^ is me cackling  this is just a tiny tiny bit of me cackling but I was actually laughing as of the sentence “Both of their heads whipped around when the door crashed open suddenly, hitting the wall with a loud bang to admit a tall figure they recognized only too well.” till the sentence “’Okay, so. You two should just start dating now if you aren’t already because clearly you will be in the future!'“ like honestly I was laughing so hard I nearly cried xDDD))
okay sorry but I just, couldn't/can't comment on the previous paragraphs because I was too busy laughing and trying to breath asdfghjkl xDD
!!! oh Madara, oh man 
they are talking this is awesome yes
even while confessing that they love each other, they're bickering I love it so much xD
yessssssss!!!! they kisssed awesome *---------*
xDDD poor Hashirama but also he deserves it lol xD
"But knowing they would no longer do so alone made all the difference in the world to two broken men who found that the jagged edges of their hearts fit rather perfectly together." !!!!!! my heart ohhhh my heart that was such a fucking amazing last sentence for this fic and also right in the feels, so fucking beautiful omg
so at the end I just want to say how absolutely amazing this fic was?????? Iove it so much, the pacing the storytelling the dialogue WAS SO PERFECT AND ON POINT!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh
one thing that I’m sad about is that I wanted to make at least 3 posts but I just managed it sadly; which is why Rae get ready for the next week(s) every time I have time I will read a fic (or more) and shower you with review (and maybe even the occasional fanart ;D 
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