#anyway what's important is that someone gets will a bandaid and puts it on
wiseatom · 2 years
mike's the type of bitch who's like 🙄 idc idc! and then will gets a paper cut and suddenly he's screaming and shaking and crying with snot all over his face and he's throwing up so hard he feels like he's going to die and he's yelling at everyone to get will a bandaid instead of getting it himself while will just stands there with his bloody finger like 🤨. toxic gay behavior and we love to see it
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acozysoulwrites · 2 years
Be quiet and drive (far away) ~ B.H
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Description: Billy is angry after an argument with his father, so when he shows up at your house with nothing but his keys clutched tightly in his hand, you follow without a question. [Fluff/angst]
Warnings: mentions of abuse, a little blood
There's a fist hole in his bedroom wall and glass shattered onto his floor. He can't remember the last time he'd run away from a fight. This was different though, this wasn't a fight, not a fair one anyway. He'd forever be a slave to his father, it's in his blood. Today, however, today he just ran, he snagged his car keys from the table next to his bed, unable to wrap his head around how he'd dodged his father's blow, and he ran.
The rev of his engine tells me everything I need to know. I grab a few things; my bag, the little bit of cash I've got saved from working at scoops ahoy, and my cigarettes. I know that I won't be back home tonight.
"I'll be home later!" I tell my parents on my way out, it's an obvious lie, and I doubt they believe it.
Making my way down the stairs, I open the faded blue door and sit down. It smells strongly of cigarettes and blood.
"Billy, what happened?" I ask, eyeing him carefully. I can spot at least three fresh bruises, a couple even overlapping the ones from a few weeks ago.
He's quiet, I lean back, giving him room to place his arm on the back of my seat to back up. Gravel flies underneath the tires and in seconds, we're on the road.
He still doesn't answer. The silent treatment used to irritate me, and with anyone else, I'd be demanding them to talk to me, but I'm different with him, I gotta be.
The hum of the engine must annoy him because finally, he speaks.
"You want the radio on?" He asks, eyes stuck to the road ahead of him.
His knuckles are white from gripping the wheel so tightly and I can tell he's fighting his own head right now. Probably wants to floor the gas pedal and it makes me honestly glad that he came to get me before driving out of Hawkins. He seems to drive a bit safer when I'm in the car.
"No, that's okay" I mumble, hands working together nervously.
He reaches up and flicks it on anyway. I saw that one coming. I shoot him a glare, and it's only now that I see a nasty gash on his cheekbone. Blood slides down slowly, following the path of the dried blood underneath it and I feel my hands begin to shake. FUCK Neil for this. FUCK him.
"Pull over, let me clean you up," I say, "I'm not asking either".
He eyes me for a moment, his expression turning unreadable. I swallow hard, I hate making him angry, and I hate telling him what to do, he gets enough of that at home.
"Please" I add after a moment of silence. "I brought my mini first aid kit, just in case".
His shoulders drop and the speedometer falls a few notches. There is a gravel clearing to the right and I find myself praying that he's going to pull over. The turn signal blinks and I let out a shaky breath.
The engine clicks as it cools. "Okay, just, let me take care of it," I say softly, eyeing him for an indication that it's okay to begin.
His eyes are sad and empty as they meet mine. "Get on with it then" He groans.
I wet the cloth with some cleaning solution and reach up slowly.
"C-Can you just..."
He lets out a loud sigh and repositions himself so I can reach him better. It's oddly cute when he listens to my suggestions and I can tell he wants to, even if he doesn't admit it.
"Thank you, this is going to burn okay?"
"Just for a second" I reassure him.
His eyes focus on something off in the distance as I dab the cloth over the cut gently and I can't tell if he hates me for making him do this, or if he's about to cry.
"Almost" I whisper, studying my hand so I don't press too hard.
I try so hard to be gentle with him, I think it's important, I want him to know he's safe with someone, that he doesn't have to constantly fight and argue.
"I'm just gonna put this on it now okay?" I hold up some ointment and a bandaid.
He nods, his head tilted back. "Get it over with then".
"Okay," I say, opening up the bandaid I apply a little medicine onto the padded area and press it onto his skin carefully.
Billy twists around so that he's facing forward again and my heart sinks when he reaches to turn the key. I'll never ask, but sometimes I wish he'd at least act a little thankful so I didn't feel like we were so one-sided.
I'm about to turn to the window when he speaks up.
It isn't much, but for Billy? Getting a 'thanks' is a huge step.
I smile a little, "You're welcome".
"We aren't going back tonight," He says, turning the car back on. "You bring some clothes?"
I nod, "Yeah, and there are some in the back seat from last time too," I say.
He nods, "Good, leave the ones you brought here for next time"
"Soon there won't be a 'next time'" I say, looking at him.
He chews his bottom lip, "Maybe" He nods, and for the first time tonight, I can sense the tiniest bit of hope in his voice.
"There won't" I promise.
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ohwiseswami · 22 days
Let’s Talk Riize
TLDR at the bottom if you’re lazy.
So……..SM has something special there. After sitting down to seriously watch their performances and content, I think it is very clear that the members are trying to create as much of an artist-like atmosphere as they can without completely letting go of their idol identity. I don’t think I ever got this vibe from a kpop idol group so early on into their careers.
I want to caveat by saying that there’s nothing wrong with just being an idol group. I personally like some groups that have that vibe. But what makes Riize different in a sea of 4th/early 5th gen boy groups is that I’ve seen them refer to themselves as artists and discuss their passion for making art.
Between Youngwonhee (just learned this one!) all taking very seriously the songwriting, musicianship, and singing aspects of making art; and Shotaro being a trained dancer and enjoying that process; they round out Sungchan, Eunseok (and Seunghan’s) more classic idol-like nature to give this really interesting hybrid vibe.
And, again, I want to be clear to Briize that I know each Riize member has their own thing(s) that they’re great at. I’m just stating that the vibes are like 4/7 lean more into the artist vibe and 3/7 lean into the idol vibe (likely on purpose).
But do I have favorites? YES. Ripping the bandaid off now, as a singer and instrumentalist myself, I love those elements. And as someone with a very strong appreciation for people who can create something from nothing or create something from disparate parts, I love a good songwriter. Lastly, I love someone who is just passionate about what they do and who is grateful for every new experience (this one is not as straightforward—it’s Sungchan).
Beyond my personal affects though, I would love to see what Riize can do when SM is not steering everything. We already get shades of that in their content, but I want to see it more fully and infused with the music.
Now regarding their content, they’re not like balls to the wall ~chaotic like their neo predecessors or anything. And I’ve seen some sentiments that they give off an arrogant vibe. But even so, I feel like it’s only an issue when language barrier stuff happens (since it’s much harder to tell if they actually give offputting reactions or if they just can’t express themselves properly). Still, I don’t expect them to be gods of variety nor do I expect them to fake things just for show. But I at least would hope for a bare minimum of decorum (which they usually show!!).
On that same note, team chemistry is very important for artist groups to work. Idol groups are different because at that point your selling a fantasy anyway. But with artists, you’re really not fluffing anything up so you need to have a more genuine bond that shines through in your work. It’s waaaaaay too early on to tell with them where things lie and it probably won’t matter until the members start getting involved with songwriting, composing, and choreographing (if they ever do), but it’s something for Riize to focus on developing.
The last thing I want to say about Riize in this post is that Riize seem to both try and get away with things that other SM groups can’t/couldn’t at the same stage of their career. For example, at their recent fancon, I noticed Wonbin adding adlibs, Sohee breaking from the choreo, the members putting on a performance that (while clearly very practiced) also gave the performance a bit more personality beyond what we could see on Music Bank, etc. I don’t even think my top kpop group was doing that in Month 8. Hopefully they embrace this more free flowing style of performance going forward so we can see a little more of the members’ personal artistic expression beyond being the stereotypical perfect “idol singers”
TLDR: I was not a Riize believer until Impossible and after watching them perform in a more live setting than usual and seeing them behind the scenes, I GET it now
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Lucan is picking out some nuggies, milk, eggs, instant coffee and some protein powder for his work out. He also keeps pointing at the most random stuff asking if it's needed.
Elowen just yeets a bottle of straight vodka in the cart then leaves
Balsam is the Mom Of The Group so he's picking out vegetables except he's stopping to read what each product contains so it takes forEVEr. Also I dunno why but I feel like he has reading glasses.
Tulsi also luckily has some sense and picks out important stuff like batteries, bulbs, shampoo n conditioner, bandaids, etc. She's just vibing and following along the cart with earphones in. Ask her what she's listening to so y'all can share the earphones and vibe together <3
Sage is sitting in the trolley while you're pushing it around and of course he's flirting with you ;) hey mc ;) thanks for the ride ;) but he finally shuts up when a bottle of vodka mysteriously lands at his groin. Poor kitty. But he does also occasionally yank your favourite snacks from the shelf and keep it in the trolley.
They do ultimately end up forgetting something tho
I FEEL LIKE SOMEONE WOULD GET PLANTS BUT I DUNNO WHO. Probably balsam. Smexy plant dad balsam? Shirtless balsam who's only wearing grey sweatpants putting on gardening gloves? Lil thing of tools strapped around his hips? And he's making this hot concentrated face? nad,,,an ,d he abs are squished together..cause of how he's hunched over,,,lil bit of sweat drips from his nose,,,,then he goes to shower and comes out with a towel wrapped really really low at his hips and his hair is down?,,,,lird habe mercu.,,,duhvfghjjhjhvi,,,,,,,,,hmgmhmhmHHHHAHEM AHEM-
-egg anon (dumb bitch anon)
Balsam would be a sexy plant dad,,, hehehe,,,,,
GN!Reader, Modern!AU, the Griefers share a braincell, Colored Bullet Rule (Balsam, Elowen, Lucan, Sage, Tulsi)
I would also like to suggest Modern!AU Griefers all sharing a house. Which is presumably why they're shopping together.
I'd like to imagine that Lucan and Sage take turns sitting in the cart. So this time is Sage, next time it'll be Lucan, so on.
Anyways this time it's Sage and big boy is sitting with his back to you so he can tilt his head back to look up at you,, keeps nuzzling against your arms/wrists,,, love-bites you a few times,,,,,, kitty likes being taken care of sometimes y'know?
Lucan gets the dino tendies. He insists they taste better than the normal ones. You can try to read the ingredients to prove they're the same thing but he doesn't care. They're Fun So They Taste Better. He will fight you on this.
If you guys are at a Target or Walmart or whatever and there's a bedding section, Lucan and Sage are grabbing pillows and attacking each other. Balsam lets them do it so long as they don't break anything. Once Sage gets bored he uses the pillow to take a nap, assuring you'll have to buy it because his hair is all over it now
If he actually does fall asleep he uses one hand to hold yours,, kitty needs you to be close,,, zzz,,,,,,,
You're standing still for too long (maybe trying to decide between two brands or whatever?) when Tulsi just sneaks up from behind and cuddles you. And at first you think she's being cute and clingy but then she sets her chin on your shoulder (she might have to stand on her tiptoes) and asks you if it's weird that you can look at something and your tongue will instinctively know what the texture would be like. You slowly look over at her one mounting dismay and she smiles really sweetly, kisses your nose, and drifts away to listen to her music
Seriously look around and pick something and you'll know what the texture would be if you pick it. Horrible. Hate.
Elowen,, doing this,, also go spam this art with love!!!
Balsam carefully weighing fruits and veggies before bagging them,,, he needs to be precise,,,,, it takes him forever to do literally anything,,,,,,,, and if you try to leave him he just grabs the cart and drags it back over next to him,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sage keeps bitching about it because he's bored
So when I was younger and we had to go to the market and it was taking too long my mom would get me a Lunchables and I'd eat it in the cart and we'd formally buy it when we checked out (course I'd usually eaten it all by then but whatever) and anyways you have to do that for both Sage and Lucan.
You try to get Balsam to hurry up by flirting with him a little,, lightly holding his waist and swaying a little like Hey If We Leave Here Soon Maybe You Two Can Have Some Fun ;) and Balsam leans over to smooch your cheek and says Nice Try But He Needs To Make Sure This Cookie Butter Has An Acceptable Amount of Sugar Before He Lets Lucan Get It
The toy section,, Tulsi keeps fiddling with the Rubik's Cubes and looking at the Legos and whatever and she always gets a Hot Wheel! She has a collection.
You jokingly throw a ball and Lucan sprints after it. Makes you throw it again. You're playing fetch now. Why would you do this.
You get a plushie for Sage and nuzzle it against his cheek and he's so flustered,,, soft,,,,,
Elowen casually taking the cart from you and ramming it into corners/walls/whatever to piss Sage off
Tulsi comes over and hands you one of her earbuds because a song you like came up on her playlist
Balsam checking all of Lucan's protein powder before letting him put it in the cart. He needs to make sure puppy isn't ingesting ungodly amounts of caffeine or smthn
Elowen throwing vodka in the cart (yes hitting Sage in the crotch, not on purpose but hey it's funny) and then grabbing you and dragging you away because she wants to go look at clothes
Alternatively Elowen dragging Tulsi away to look at clothes and Sage just dying because vodka is heavy,, you get him a bag of frozen peas,,,, Lucan is laughing his ass off
Tulsi gets some fairy lights for her workshop and she gets them in your favorite colors
Plant section! Balsam spends nearly an hour agonizing over the precise shade of green he's getting with various mint leaves or whatever,,, you try to help but honestly there's no helping this man. He's on his own. You just leave him there and go to grab some juices.
Yes the checkout person looks at you (Sage) weirdly.
Sage refusing to get out of the cart until you guys have shoved the groceries in the car. He's at least gracious enough to take it to the cart corral himself.
You all came in the same car so,, you uh,,, you're gonna have to sit on someone's lap for the ride home ;)
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revenant-coining · 1 year
okay so here's the story of the bandaid event. (this is going to be long).
the year is 2019. it's 5th grade. our teacher has been trying all year to get our class to behave. it's just not happening. she also is very sensitive, in a way where us misbehaving hurts her feelings, so she's been desperately trying any and all systems to get us to behave. we had a 3 strike system, a reward system, and of course, the one important to this story, the yellow slips, which are used for the entire school, as a way for teachers to write up kids who broke rules/misbehaved.
on the day this event took place, we had a substitute, aka the para/teachers aid. it was an awful day, behavior wise, and he had used up all of the yellow slips in the stack in our room, and so he had not 1, but 2! post it notes with names of kids to write up. not a great start.
anyway, we we're taking a test/quiz of some sort, and after you finished the quiz you could go read a book. me and my friend were reading our books in the corner while most of the class was still testing. suddenly, one of the kids started yelling at the teacher. they were saying that they needed a bandaid. the teacher was refusing, and telling them to continue their test. the kid keeps yelling, and me and the other kid reading were annoyed, so we got up and got them a bandaid. imagine our surprise when the teacher writes us up for disobeying what he said.
the next day, we're in student services during recess, and it's explained to us that the kid had put lipstick on their hand, and was just trying to get out of taking the test. we were across the room at the time, so we didn't know. anyway, we had to each write a paragraph about "what we did wrong and how we would fix it next time." so, obviously, i wrote a very sarcastic paragraph. i believe the line that bothered the student support person went something like "to fix this behavior in the future, i guess i won't get a bandaid for someone who asks for one." he made me take out the i guess part.
funnily enough, once my actual teacher (not the sub) received this letter, she EMAILED MY MOM. and she said that was concerned because usually i was well behaved, she didn't what had happened, etc. but. she seemed to interpret the tone of my letter as very sincere.
looking back at this, i do feel a little bad for my teacher. she tried so hard, but i don't think anyone really liked her. i hope she figures it out, and that it doesn't cause her too much grief. also looking back, this story is hilarious.
i now carry bandaids in my backpack.
tldr; got written up for getting someone a bandaid, wrote a sarcastic letter, 5th grade is hell.
D: /lh
yeah. the school system. really sucks huh
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janeys-batter-bunny · 4 months
CW// Hazbin Hotel
So of course I’ve seen the episode for myself. I understand people are not happy with it and feel as though it was gross rep which I can see why people feel that way. The issue is the depiction of abuse Angel Dust goes through is one of the better representations of how abuse affects people mentally and in other non abusive relationships.
Throughout the entire episode, we can obviously tell Angel hates being a sex worker. Him showing one of the pornos he’s in was a cry for help in some form. The only one that really saw through his facade was Husk. But that’s because he knows a damaged person when he sees one. So of course, Husk criticizing Angel for doing these movies because he sees right through, comes off as a threat to Angel and his character. As expected of someone that doesn’t know how to cope properly and is still in an abusive relationship, Angel lashes out and gets defensive.
Then you see Angel get a call from Valentino. He’s clearly scared to upset him as many victims are terrified of upsetting their abuser with the slightest things. So Angel goes, because he’s bound by soul contract, which could, if they wanna go crazy insane with the writing, make the soul contract a ploy for abusive relationships. But hey I’m not a show runner idk how they’re gonna go about it all.
Of course Angel puts on the act in order to appease Val and Charlie makes the really dumb decision to go after Angel and find out where he works. One thing I will say is that I liked how they didn’t gloss over what Charlie did because she made Angel’s situation turn even more sour. Her positivity in this dynamic is volatile and dangerous for him so it makes sense that he literally snaps at her for basically fucking things up. This also shows her that she cannot just slap a cute bandaid over someone and call it a day. Angel Dust has deep rooted sexual and emotional trauma that he needs therapy for. In this case, he finds togetherness with Husk, which I do like. Granted it’s not Charlie’s fault Val decided to pimp slap Angel and make him work all night(Val was probably gonna do it anyways), but her being there made it worse. Because that’s how abusers manipulate their victims and try to seclude them from people that could help.
The message may not have been received by everyone, but it is one of the better depictions of SA victims. It’s literally how y’all advocate that mental health is important until someone starts physically showing mental illness.
Another similar example is Steven Universe. Yes it’s a kids show, but at the same time they showed how victims of abuse will resort to reactive abuse and how being trapped in something like that warps you mentally. Lapis was a victim, yes. The thing is she didn’t have to trap Jasper in fusion. Lapis dragging jasper to the bottom of the ocean and keeping her there was reactive abuse. She said she missed Jasper which of course, shocked the audience. Because how can lapis miss an abusive person like Jasper? The abuse and feeling trapped is all she knows. And now that Lapis is in an environment where she doesn’t have to be on edge, she’s uncomfortable and wants to go back because that’s all she knew. And she understood that she’s not a good person for what she did in turn to Jasper because near the end she knows fusion with Jasper would only end in turmoil and more trauma.
Just like Angel Dust and I wouldn’t be surprised if they make him have some sort of revelation about his abuse. Like he’ll probably say some shit like “I’m not a good person. At all” and then Husk will be like “we’re in hell. Of course we’re not good people” because it feels as though it’s a push and pull. You can tell Husk wants Angel to get out but it’s so hard getting through to someone that still has their abuser’s nasty claws embedded in them. The only difference between Lapis and Angel Dust is that Angel reacts by being hyper sexual and grossing everyone out. Again these are both characters that have experienced similar forms of abuse and in turn have done reactive abuse.
Also for the record I hate vivziefart because she’s a racist that be using Vodou symbols that don’t belong to her because she is a WHITE LATINA and is also known to steal character designs and make them worse, but I am critiquing and being fully unbiased which imo is more than fair because really we shouldn’t give her any credit for shit. As much as I would like to like this show, I can’t for obvious reasons. But her writers depicting SA victims as properly as they did is not one of them.
Also y’all she’s still racist and transphobic why are we not shitting on her for that
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kinglyisms-archived · 7 months
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♚ — @eraba-reta-unmei-new ;; Luka & Miya. ‘ PATCH. ‘ - my muse starts to heal yours.
   “Not to–” he pressed his lips together, awkward and uncomfortable. “Dismiss your help–but you realize I am a Vampire, right?” Something that was very important to what was going on right now, something that she needed to realize. “You’re wasting your effort, and magic, because no matter what you heal.” Luka leaned forward and snatched her wrist from his hip, yanking on it to get her to look up at him. “I will still need blood and when I do feed, my body will heal itself regardless of the wounds.” 
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   It was the nature of what he was, the nature of their gift or curse, whatever someone saw Vampirism as. No matter what she did it wouldn’t take away from the fact that Luka was still going to need to feed. Was still going to have to drink blood and then his body would stitch itself back together. At the most, she was putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. She can fix the surface problem but the inner one was still going to be there. He just needed to get home so he could grab a bottle of wine and down an entire package of blood tablets to restore himself. It was usually how he did things anyway.
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formulawonu · 3 years
Hi! I have a request for you if you can, can a request based on “champagne problems” by taylor swift where either daniel, lando, lewis or carlos are dating the reader and think it’s time to propose, and they do it in front of their families or the whole grid but the reader says no, and they broke up, and years later they run into each other again and talk. you can choose the ending between fluff or keep it angst.
champagne problems / lewis hamilton
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(gif is not mine! credits to the owner)
warnings: angsty :'(
a/n: i fell in love with this request, thank you so much for it. i got immensely sad writing the last few lines of this :/ taylor swift knows what she is doing. i hope my writing did justice to this beautifully sad song <//3 tried doing smth different and wrote in third person/more of lewis' pov. big cheers to lewis getting 100 wins — what an incredible feat!!! hope you guys enjoy this one :D
He thinks he sees her from across the room but an extra glance tells him it’s not her. She wouldn’t show up here. That isn’t her — something he’s had to learn ever since she left his life two years ago. He is here with someone new and she reminds him of the stars that never fail to show up in the night sky every night. She is constant and he doesn’t need to second guess with her. She understands who he is and knows what he thinks. He is genuinely happy. But she is not her.
“I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” He says, looking up at the love of his life from where he is kneeling. They are surrounded by his family and their friends. The most important people in their lives that have become an extension of who they are and know how perfect the two of them are for each other. He planned it all out — the intimate dinner full of all the things she loved. Her favorite food, her favorite people. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Everyone in this room knew it was only a matter of time until they both took the next step forward in the relationship. In this moment, however, he only sees her. That is how it is whenever she is around. It feels like tunnel vision: all roads lead simply to her.
He has always believed that love was unique to different people. He is, no doubt, in love with his current girlfriend and he is so sure of that. She is the calm before and after every storm. He also knows that despite this, a piece of him and the love he is capable of giving will always remain with Y/N. He will never forget how it felt to love her, just as he knows she won’t ever forget loving him.
Something is wrong. All he sees is her and yet she looks terrified. Tears are forming in her eyes and there is an emotion that he can’t quite place yet. It is an emotion he doesn’t see often. “Y/N?” He whispers, trying to read her. At this moment, he doesn’t care that everyone is standing around the both of them. He just wants to make sure she is okay. She looks away from him and looks around the room. He squeezes her hand, trying to get her to just focus on him. He is trying to reassure her that everything is okay. She looks back at him then at the open small box in his other hand. She starts shaking her head, the tears now falling from her eyes. Everything seems to be going wrong.
“I love you, Lewis.” His girlfriend whispers as he sways her back and forth on the makeshift dance floor. It is his friend’s wedding. “I love you more.” He is satisfied with the way his life has turned out. It was difficult the first few months she had left his life and he honestly thought life wouldn’t be okay again. Everything reminded him of her. There were pieces of her in his apartment and pieces of her everywhere he went. Time passed by so slowly as if it wanted him to sink in the emptiness that came when he lost her. But he met her — she made everything bright again and allowed him to see colors in the world that turned grey. She was patient with him. She took the time to understand him and let him find himself again. He is happy. He is in love.
“I- I can’t.” She whispers, still shaking her head. The tears won’t stop falling from her eyes. He understands the emotion in her eyes now. She is overwhelmed. It is regret. He can feel tears building up in his own. Everything begins to spin around the two of them. “Lewis, I… I can’t.” He tries to remain holding her hand, but she forces hers out of his hold. He looks up at her, speechless. There are so many things he wants to tell her. He wants to tell her to forget about everyone around the two of them. He wants to tell her it doesn’t matter how it happens or that they don’t need to get married right away. He would be happy being engaged forever if it meant she would be by his side. He wants to tell her that they could ditch the party and just lock themselves up in their apartment if that was what she wanted. But he doesn’t. He can’t because she is long gone now. She has run outside of the room and has left him in the center of everyone’s gaze. He cannot move. He is stuck on one knee, with his mother’s ring in his hand. Everything feels like it’s in slow motion. The first thing he does is close the box and drop it in his suit pocket. He slowly stands up, refusing to look at anyone else. He doesn’t know how to react or how to be. Everything is wrong.
While he is leading his girlfriend back to their table, something catches his attention in the corner of his eye. He has to blink a couple of times, trying to register that it is actually her. There, standing by the bar, is the girl who had left him two years ago. She is standing on her own, her body language still very familiar to him. She does not want to be seen and is trying to simply be a faceless stranger in the crowd. She would not be here if she didn’t need to, but his friends are her friends too and the bride is a good friend of hers. “That’s her, isn’t it?” His girlfriend says, following his gaze. “She’s beautiful.” He flashes a smile at her, nodding. “Yeah. I didn’t think she was going to be here, actually. None of us have actually seen her since it happened.” “Do you want to say hi to her?” He fully focuses on his girlfriend now, trying to understand if she is challenging him or simply curious. All he sees is genuine questioning. “I think you should speak to her, Lewis.” He is unsure if that is the right decision. He does not know what he wants to say to her anyway. “Go. It will make you feel better, even if you don’t know what to say.” She gently nudges him towards her and he is left reluctantly walking towards the woman he has not spoken to since she left him kneeling.
“Hi.” Words escape the both of them, the casualness of a greeting seeming so unfitting for the two. “Hi.” She replies. “How ironic that we’re seeing each other here.” He offers, trying to break the ice. He is not used to this, the awkwardness enveloping the two of them when once in the past he felt he could talk about absolutely anything with her. She visibly draws back at the reminder of the last time they had seen each other too. “Why are you here, Lewis?” She asks with a smile on her face. She was never the type to beat around the bush, that much he knew. She always went straight to the point, never afraid to hear things she might not want to. Like ripping off a bandaid, she once said. “I honestly don’t know why either.” There was no point in lying to her. He doesn’t know what to say, neither does she, and yet it felt right that he could speak frankly to her about the events of the past. “You look happy,” She starts, looking genuinely pleased for him. “You deserve to be happy.” Two emotions bubble up inside of him, one he has not felt in ages. Frustration and defeat. It is all coming back to him.
“We could’ve been happy too.”
She sighs, refusing to meet his eyes. She is still surveying the room, taking in everyone celebrating the union of two lovers. He did not like that about her; she always knew how to hide her emotions. Better put, he did not like how he could not read her anymore. “I don’t want to fight you, Lewis. I didn’t come here to do that.” She picks up her glass of champagne that she has left on the counter of the bar, sipping at it. “Dom Pérignon.” She adds. The champagne she is drinking is her favorite and it is the same one that everyone was drinking the night it happened. Or should’ve happened. A wry smile forms on his face. “I know you don’t owe me an explanation nor should you have ever felt you owed me a marriage, but I just wish you talked to me about it. That was our thing. We always talked about it.” She finally meets his eyes, studying him.
“I just didn’t have anything to say.”
“How could you have nothing to say?”
“I did not know what to say.”
“Then you should’ve said that.”
“I did not have a reason, Lewis. Is that what you want to hear? When you got down on one knee, a thousand thoughts were in my head and none of them told me to say yes. I’m so sorry and you know I loved you immensely—I still do—but I could not for the life of me come up with a reason to know for sure I wanted to say yes.” Just like ripping off a bandaid.
He does not know what to say and he wants to laugh at how she is still able to leave him speechless after all this time. “Well, I’m sorry you felt that way.” That is all he is able to say in reply. “I’m sorry I couldn’t say yes.” She finally meets his eyes, the familiar gaze of the woman he once swore he would give everything up for. “My mom wants a sorry too.” He finally says after a while, trying to lighten up the mood. “I miss her.” She replies, a small smile forming on her face. His mom absolutely loved her and held a special place in her heart for her. She was just as crestfallen as he was when she saw what had taken place two years ago. “She misses you too. Everyone kind of misses you too. I don’t understand why you had to disappear.” She shakes her head. “It wasn’t me, Lewis. All of this,” She says, gesturing around the grand ballroom. “Is not me.” “Then why are you here?” He doesn’t mean it as an insult, he just wants to know. She frowns at him. “Because Joe and Louise are my good friends, Lew. I wasn’t planning to stay long, though. I just promised Louise I was going to come by and I keep my promises.” He knows she does. He shakes his head at her. “I didn’t mean it that way. It’s nice to see you again, honestly. Nice to know you’re still alive.” “I know you didn’t. But I just don’t know who I am when I’m here. It’s all so….” She pauses, trying to think of the right word. “Intense? Overwhelming? Heavy? I don’t know. It just makes you feel so small.” He nods but he still can’t grasp that she had felt this way all this time. Maybe he didn’t know her as well as he thought he did. “Don’t blame yourself, Lewis. I can see you doing that now. It was just me.” There is amusement in her eyes and he can’t understand how she is so candid about all of this. “I just don’t understand how I feel like I didn’t- don’t know who you are. I don’t know where it all went wrong.”
She studies him, noting how the creases in his forehead have formed. Something he always does when he is deep in thought. “Lewis, you knew me better than anyone else in this world and I don’t want you to ever feel like you didn’t. What we shared was good, right? It was brilliant.” She offers him a small smile, a consolation for all that has gone on between them. “I will always love you. I don’t think I need to tell you that. You will always be special to me. But what was screaming at me when you got down on one knee was that whatever was happening… It wasn’t right. And I wouldn’t forgive myself if I ever let you go into something so wholeheartedly with me in it half-heartedly. That wouldn’t be fair to you. You deserve someone who would jump into darkness headfirst with you. I hope she is that for you.” She glances around the room again, probably noticing the eyes of spectators that have now noticed the both of you together again. She is beginning to get conscious. The emotions that were beginning to reveal themselves through her eyes are disappearing once again. She is withdrawing. He nods, trying to internalize everything she has just said.
“I’m sorry I lost you. I know you don't want me to apologize, but I’m sorry we ended like that. There are times I wish you were still in my life and there are times I still think about what it would be like if it was us in this position.” His words hang in the air, the both of them looking around the room. “But I’m doing okay. She’s great - I think you two would get along, actually. I honestly hope you’re doing okay. It sucks that I don’t know what you’re doing. I hope you know that you’re still always welcome to just hang out or whatever. Have a chat to update me on your life, Y/N. Don’t be a stranger.” She nods, smiling at him. She drinks the rest of her champagne before setting the glass back on the bar counter. “That is great to hear, Lewis. I still keep up with your races, you know? A hundred wins, you’ve finally done it. No matter what, I am always going to be proud.” She places a hand on his shoulder, a fleeting squeeze on it, then she drops it. “I’ll try not to be one. But either way, just know I’ll always be rooting for you.” She straightens out her dress then tucks her hair behind her ear. “I’ve gotta go.” She says, looking up at him. He tries to remember how she looks in this moment because he knows he doesn’t know the next time their paths will ever cross again. She is in a floor-length dress and her hair falls in waves just by her shoulders. Her eyes alight with assuredness and confidence, something that he now realizes he barely saw back then. She is happy too. That is all that matters. He nods, giving her a small smile. “Goodbye, Y/N.” She smiles back at him too. “Goodbye, Lewis.” She begins to walk away, not once looking back. Just like how it was two years ago.
“Hey, Y/N.” He calls out to her. She is not far enough for him to draw attention. She turns around, her head tiled to the side. “We almost had it all, didn’t we?” She chuckles and he can feel the sadness in it. She nods, still chuckling. “We really did. Cheers.”
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silverfoxarchive · 2 years
Side-Lines - A Reflection of Loke
Originally this was supposed to be a GrayxLoke One-Shot, but it turned more into a rambly, study on how I think Loke feels and views things from the outside looking in. It's a bit rambly, and doesn't have a big end-game point, but I couldn't bring myself to put more to it anymore. I'll be honest, I didn't even edit it. But I hope you all enjoy it anyway! Still more focused on GrayxLoke than other characters, but not wholly what was intended anymore. ----
Loke understood love.
As much as he understood himself and the very world he and his Celestial Companions lived in. It was a concept that came to him as easy as breathing. Love was difficult and complicated, there was no one way to fully describe it aside from an ever-evolving emotion that was never the same twice.
He also understood law: Human and Celestial Law and the barrier that laid between them.
‘Celestial Mages cannot involve themselves romantically with the spirits. Likewise, the spirits cannot be romantic with their contracted mage or any human they come across.’ At first this law sounded easy. To a mind that was young and had yet to learn more of the world, it would seem so simple a thing. Spirit beings were eternal, everlasting as long as they could heal in their world. Time moved differently for them, far slower; The life of their contracted mage was so little in comparison to theirs. What point would there be to fall for beings who were born and taken from the world far faster than a Celestial Spirit could fathom?
In his time as a spirit, Loke had many Celestial Mages call upon his power. Every one was his friend, even the ones that didn’t deserve it. After all, a spirit's power comes from the love felt between them and their user. Not a romantic love. There were more forms of love than just that. Sometimes deeper. A connection not unlike family or the closest of friends. Constantly aware of their health, when they were in danger. His emotion and need to protect his charge was tied to their very need; a constant ebb and flow that pulled him to the realm of humans any time he felt them summon or fell to ruin.
A promise between spirit and mage was as important as marriage vows, and just as damaging to break.
The barrier between them was simple to uphold, until he was a human. Pain was a constant companion during Loke’s exile. Every day he masked it behind a sly laugh, coy grin and flirtatious, flowery words. Even his glasses, a part of his look, now used to clear his sight that became more blurred each passing day. He was tired. Constantly. Self-loathing and pain was a monster Loke constantly ran from. He hid it day by day with every date and girl he held on his arm. Did he do half the things the gossips spoke of? Probably not, but as long as it distracted him, he’d let the tongues wag.
Loke loved each girl he dated. Perhaps not the same way they loved him, but he did care. Their smiles with each gift he gave was like little bandaids on his heart. Their flustered giggles when he sang compliments eased the hateful voice that whispered in his ears. It was a dead man’s pass time, nothing more
But then there was Fairy Tail.
There were his friends that filled the missing parts of his heart that could no longer see his Celestial companions. There were the jobs he’d attempt and the parties the guild would throw.
There was Cana. There was … him.
Gray was much like the others of the guild, but different too. When they first met, Gray didn’t greet him like the others, barely even acknowledged Loke with nothing more than a nod of his head. There was a chill about him. A distrusting gaze that spoke volumes. He believed in his guild; he would do anything for it, but that didn’t mean he had to be close with every new member that had a mark stamped to them. With his constant flirtations getting him into trouble, it was strange to expect someone like Gray to ever open up to Loke.
But,in time, he did. The day Loke first tried to hit on Erza Scarlet. It was a fool’s decision, Loke knew, but the pain in his joints and exhaustive shouts in his mind led him to make a hasty decision that changed his days at Fairy Tail in many ways. Her gauntleted fist struck once, but it was enough, He’d kissed the floor with a hard thud and splinters flew about his ears. He’d groaned a low apology and stayed where he landed, waiting for Erza’s attention to move elsewhere.
When it did, Cana was the first to comment, voice slurred from a drink she’d finished imbibing, but amusement soaked every syllable. “That was brave. She didn’t scar your face, did she, pretty boy?”
Pretty boy? He almost considered turning his pick up lines on her, but the moment he rolled over, bemused grin on his face, Gray cut in from the stool beside her. His grin was a surprise, wide and open as he chuckled and procured an ice cube into his water.
“Guess you’re finally initiated.” The blunt statement threw all thoughts of flirtation out of Loke’s mind. He tilted his head and repeated the words quietly, his confusion clear. Gray shrugged and took a sip of his water, content to leave it at that.
“Being struck down by Erza is something that happens to nearly every guy or girl in this guild at some point or another,” Cana explained. “Not me, of course, ‘cause I’m not an idiot.”
Loke accepted the insult. He really had to be an idiot to consider raising Erza’s ire and his education was swift, “And how often do these idiots learn never to do it again? Because I think the message was well-received for me.”
Cana leered toward Gray and whistled, “And just like that, he’s ten times smarter than you are.”
“Hey! She only gets mad when Natsu and I fight and he starts it!”
“Uh-huh, Are you sure that’ll hold up to everyone else?”
“Of course it will!”
Loke felt like he was jumping rope as he found an opening to join in, still laying on the floor as he focused his gaze towards the two. “That’s not accurate. I saw you instigate insults with Natsu just this morning.”
Gray gawked, mouth agape as he searched for an excuse, but Cana’s laugh and sudden smack to the table jostled his drink. Choosing to settle it instead, Gray stared sourly at Loke, who found he didn’t mind the distasteful look. It held little bite compared to others he’d seen before, as if there was a certain amount of… falsehood to it. It was at that moment, Loke realized there was something they had in common after all. His first, unknown mistake.
He fell into conversations with Gray and Cana easily after that. Many times they’d take jobs together, or pass information back and forth to help the other. Loke once tried to teach Gray pick up lines for dates, but the Ice Mage either couldn’t remember a single line properly, or purposefully screwed them up to remain single. (Loke banked on the latter.)
Precious little moments. Precious little memories. They eased the hurt, the guilt that settled inside him. While nothing absolved him of his crime, they made the stab of it easier to bear, but they would never know. He couldn’t tell them. They couldn’t know what he truly was, not until he was long gone from their lives. Gone and forgotten.
He hoped he would survive long enough to see Gray reach S-Class. He’d made a promise, but his own life line was the judge for his ability to keep it. Day after day he hoped Makarov would call Gray’s name for the trials. Day after day, Gray would join him on jobs and day after day, Loke learned to look forward to Gray’s soft, imperceptible grin every time he entered the guild.
A dangerous feeling was love, but Loke was built on it. His entire being was created to feed off it and become strong. While his power dwindled with no way to replenish itself, his mutual love for his friend and Guild helped move him forward. That’s all it was. That’s all it could be. That’s all it was allowed to be. Loke would die and the others would learn to live without him. It was selfish, to have this love, and impossible to ask for more.
Loke was a selfish being and in his times of weakness, during the nights when the pain of his body grew too immense to ignore, tears staining his face as he struggled to endure; Loke would sometimes imagine more. More than friends. More than family. More than a silent understanding between friends and claps to the back. More than a hug from the girls he dated each week and the empty gifts he gave them.
Just. More.
It was a dangerous thought, but it helped.
And then there was her. The one who finally saved him, but gave him an altogether new consequence to deal with.
Lucy Heartfilia was the Celestial Mage he both needed and feared to come to his rescue. What brilliantly awful timing she had, to join when she did. Two sides of Loke screamed at each other the moment he realized her magic was the very magic that could end his carefully built façade. There was no telling how long it would take her to realize his truth and testing that limit was too risky. His exile was one he accepted. His coming death, an inevitability he knew would come fast and hard. What good would her learning the truth do, besides showing the Guild who he really was: a liar.
So he ran. And ran again. On and on, he ran. Until he was cornered, desperate and with nowhere else to go. Gray often mocked him for his supposed ‘fear’ of Celestial Mages. During their off-times at the guild, he would regale Loke with the stories of how the new girl merged into Natsu’s small team and pulled him along for the ride. Loke watched as Gray’s friendship circle became just a bit more open, and while it pained him to realize he wouldn’t have jobs to go on anymore, Loke was happy. Cana had her own methods of dealing with pain, but the friends Gray now was open to would be just what he needed when the time came.
Loke may have been reduced to the sidelines, but at least he knew Gray wouldn’t be alone when he passed. That was enough. Almost. Right until his time was up and Lucy proved to be far more than he had ever assumed. A loving soul, one with the power and emotional strength to summon not just one, but all her spirits in a last bid for his life. The fear of killing not one celestial mage, but two, had torn Loke’s soul to tatters, but sewed him right back up when the powers he had felt dwindled through the years, slowly spreading through his body once again. She had saved him. He had an eternity to live and deal with his guilt, but what now?
He would live and continue to do so and they… all of them. Would eventually die. Even her. His key would pass on to another and another, and he’d begin his cycle as leader of the zodiac once again. He’d leave them. All of them.
Love was dangerous. His love for his mage was built on trust, friendship and gratitude. Lucy had tied him together, unable to leave his Guild Family, but also able to see his original family again. He was blessed with so much, and yet he couldn’t accept it. In the depths of his heart, Loke knew it was too late.
“So, think we’ll see each other again? Outside of battle, I mean.” Gray had asked him. The pit in Loke’s stomach grew bottomless as he swallowed on every word he wanted to say.
“I suppose,” He forced the teasing grin and winked, “That all depends on our pretty, blonde Lucy, now doesn’t it?”
Gray didn’t buy it, eyes narrowing in distaste. “You can’t decide that for yourself?”
“Of course I can, just not right now.” He amended, now serious. It was impossible to resist placing his hand on the other’s shoulder, so he didn’t bother to try. “I’ve been drained of my life force for too long. I need to rest now, but don’t worry. I’m sure you can handle not having me around to banter with, right?” “Tch, yeah, I’m finally free of your terrible one-liners.” Somehow, Gray’s smirk didn’t meet his eyes, but Loke purposefully ignored it.
“Oh I’ll find a way to bother you eventually. Just wait until you finally get tested for S-Class!”
He’d changed the subject and started his goodbyes before Gray would question what that meant, but they both knew. Promises were important. To both Spirit and Mage. If Loke promised something he would damn well keep it. And keep it he did. Temporary cutting himself from Lucy to aid Gray on Tenrou Island. For a friend. He’d say. And they both believed it. - but not completely. Loke knew the stirrings of his heart. The ache in his chest as he watched the others talk and crowd around him. He missed what they had. He missed having the change to join in on the fun. He could, if he wanted, but what then? They’ll die- and I’ll stay the same. I couldn’t leave at first. So now… now I have to watch them leave me.
That was the truth of it. The pain of it. The consequences to all good and bad choices taken in his life. And Loke would live through it. He would smile. He would joke. He would tease and banter and act the fool. His playboy act ended the moment Lucy Heartfilia learned his truth and helped to set him free, but now he fell into a new act. A happy, friendly, goofy guy who enjoyed every moment with his charges as if they weren’t his last. As if he wasn’t mentally preparing himself for the day he’d be summoned and they would be old and gone.
Time flows quickly for a Celestial Spirit- and their lives begin to pass him by. The Grand Magic Games. Tartaros… the year he spent training with Lucy as the guild disbanded. Avatar… Alvarez. For them, it was a chunk in their lives, but for him? He clung to every moment to peace the memories together in his head. To hold them time and remember for as long as he lived. Loke didn’t often use his power to summon himself without Lucy’s knowledge. But there were times he’d make an exception.
“How’ve you been, man?” Gray’s smile was warm, warmer than Loke remembered it. He was happier now, slowly healing from the pains of his past and letting others in. This was good. “Oh, just perfect. “ Loke answered, not even bothering to address the fact he materialized in Gray’s apartment, uninvited. “You all have gone to war so many times, I feel it’s my sworn duty to come along and liven things up for you. Any plans tonight?”
“Are you kidding? The last guild party lasted for days, I need to relax now. Are you staying long?”
“Do you want me to leave? I knew I should have knocked.”
Gray’s denial was quick, surprisingly so, “I didn’t say that!” He blinked, ears turning slightly pink as he scratched the back of his neck, sighing. Loke felt warm just seeing it. Warm and wanted and everything he couldn’t have, but at least he wasn’t being thrown out. “- I mean, I guess you could. In the future…” Would there be a future? Loke’s smile turned sad. “The future… Yes. You want me to visit again?”
“Are you stupid or somethin’? Of course I do!” Gray looked offended and Loke didn’t blame him one bit for that. “We’re still friends, aren’t we? Or does that go away now that you’ve held up all your promises and are living in another world now?”
Loke wished he could have said yes. The harsh truth. Oh yes, I don’t need any of you now. It didn’t sound good. Not even as a joke. “I don’t think I could ever see you or the others in the past. You’re as much my family as the spirits are.”
“Tch.. that.. That’s good then.”
Their conversations had grown more awkward over the years, and the more Gray aged and Loke stayed the same.. The more awkward they would become. So he feared, but that didn’t matter. He would grasp onto every witty quip he could, before going back to his realm or listening to the call of his key. He loved them, after all. All of them. He understood love down to it’s barest essentials- and even if it hurt, he’d do it again and again- even when their graves were all that’s left.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
personal jesus* frank castle x reader
I don't usually add these disclaimers but this fic is nothing really close to anything I've written before so we'll add 'em anyway. And usually my stories are between 800 and 2500 words but I've exceeded that on this one so I'll add that too.
Wc: 2741
Warnings: canon level blood and gore mention, stitching him up, bad words, smut, and the likeness. It's very vulgar.
*- this is nothing but smut. Porn with a little bit of plot basically. Thigh riding, nipple play, not really a blood kink but like maybe if you squint, dick riding, unprotected p in v (please use protection in real life), and I think that's it. Enjoy 🥴
Song: joker and the thief by wolfmother
tag list: @cynic-spirit
I sat on the couch reading, enjoying my late Saturday evening, the coffee sat under the lamp next to me long forgotten. I was all but consumed and was ready to ignore my alarm telling me to go to bed in the next couple minutes. It was almost midnight but I was determined to finish this book. After all, I only had twelve chapters left. Work could wait.
I flipped the page, new chapter, alarm began to ring. I turned it off and kept reading. Turned my attention to the next page and there was a knock at my door. I rolled my eyes. It's midnight, it couldn't be anyone that important. I flipped the page. Then the banging on the door started. Once, then another time, then another.
"Alright, I'm coming."
I mumbled under my breath, setting the bookmark in the spine and setting the book next to the mug on the side table. There was another slam of a fist against my door as I peaked through the peephole. It was frank and he didn't look great.
I mumbled under my breath as I fiddled with the door chain quickly. In a matter of rushed seconds the door was open and he was stumbling forward into my arms.
"What the fuck frank?"
I inquired a little annoyed, kicking the door closed and walking him to the kitchen table.
"I was gonna go home but your place was closer."
He groaned as I set him in the leather chair.
"And if I don't get this taken care of I'm gonna bleed out."
His voice was gruff, head dropping back against the back of the chair as I assessed him. He was covered in blood and I couldn't tell if it was his or someone else's. But knowing him it was probably a mixture of both. But as my gaze traveled up his torso and to his neck I noticed something.
"How far down does this go?"
I asked, touching the cut lightly with my finger tips and he jolted upright, grabbing my hand tightly in his own.
"I can't fix it if you don't let me at least see it."
I said and he let out a long shaky breath.
"Start with something else first."
He demanded, voice deep and strained like he'd been yelling. I shook my head.
"I'll be right back."
I look over him one last time before disappearing down the hall. I got in the closet first, getting everything I needed out of it before going back to the kitchen and filling a bowl with warm water.
"So, how much of this is yours?"
I asked, pulling up a tv tray and setting the bowl on it, soaking a wash cloth. He sent me a look, resituating in his seat to get comfortable, legs spread wide and one hand resting on each thigh.
"No, answer, per usual. That's fine."
I mumbled under my breath as I got to work wiping the blood off his face. I was careful not to push on the bruises I could see, taking extra care around the cuts and scrapes. There was a small one under his left eye, another deep into the brow bone. That One he hissed at when I went over it. I shook my head.
"I need to see this at a batter angle."
I stated boldly before straddling his left thigh and tilting his head up and to the side for more light. He looked at me for a moment, holding his breath as I rinsed the rag and got back to work. It took him a second to let the air back out, when he realized I didn't care what he was doing beneath me.
"This must've been some fight."
I mentioned more to myself than anything. He stared back ahead of him, swallowing hard.
"You should see the other guy."
He said quietly and I snorted, wiping the remaining blood off his face.
"Something tells me he'll be in the paper later this week under that section in the back titled 'obituary'."
He side eyed me, tightening his jaw as I moved to open my kit. I started with q-tips and rubbing alcohol, and setting out a few small butterfly bandaids.
"This is gonna hurt."
I said and he huffed a laugh out, as if to say sarcastically 'and you think it didn't hurt when it happened?' But I just ignored it. I dipped the first q-tip into the alcohol and pressed it to the cut under his eye. He hissed and jerked away and I sent him a look.
"Sit still or it's gonna get infected."
He drew his brows at me before going back to where he was before.
"If it hurts that bad, just squeeze here."
I said, grabbing his hand that had been situated under me on his thigh and placing it against my hip.
"But don't move."
I said firmly, holding his jaw tightly with one hand and getting back to work. His breathing was unsteady as I ran a new qtip dipped in alcohol over the cut. It was still trying to scab so I was getting more coagulated blood than I had originally bargained for. He kept his jaw locked in place as I added the bandaid to the cut under his eye. Now onto the brow bone. It was deeper, still running blood down and almost into his eye. It was a race between me and it and luckily I was winning. When I touched it with the qtip he squeezed my hip so tightly i made a pained noise.
We said in unison and I shook my head.
"Sit still."
I said annoyed, grabbing another bandaid and positioning it around his eyebrow. When it was on I moved his head again via his jaw to make sure there weren't any more. I had cleaned all the blood off already and the only traces of the fight that were left were the deep purple and yellow bruises littered under his left eye and across his nose and right cheek. I nodded once in content before pushing his head to look up and inspecting the deep cut that started at the base of his jaw and got thicker the further under his shirt collar it got.
"I need to look at this now."
I said and he sighed.
"Fine but don't do that shit you just did to my face."
I rolled my eyes.
"Big baby."
He glared at me before letting his death grip on me go and lifting his shirt. My eyes went wide as his shirt hit the table in a wet heap. The cut went all the way to his sternum and was all but gushing blood.
"Why the fuck didn't we start with this?!?"
I said in a loud, angry tone, looking from the cut to his face.
"Didnt want you to worry."
He managed and I shook my head, getting my stuff out quickly.
"No, you don't get to do that. All this time and you could've been dead in my kitchen."
I said a little more pissed off than I meant. I started again by wiping the blood away, holding a dry wash cloth to his chest to stop it from bleeding more.
"Hold this, lots of pressure."
I instructed, his right hand coming up and doing as told. His left hand went back to my side as I started cleaning the small part of the cut at his jaw.
"What did you do frank?"
I inquired, again more as a 'thinking out loud' than looking for an actual answer.
"I backed up before he could run me all the way through. Damn ninja. Sliced up, almost took my fucking ear off."
I sent him a look, one he returned as I cleaned the thinner part of the cut, adding butterfly bandaids; two on his throat, one on his collar bone, one just below it on the edge of his peck.
"That's gonna need stitches."
He sighed, sinking further into the chair and his lower stomach pressing against my thighs.
"Alright. Let's get it over with."
He complied and i bit my tongue. I quickly got everything out, sterilized the needle and he moved his hand. It was still bleeding and I knew this would be messy. I leaned forward to get a better look and his hand went with my hip.
"Why don't you just sit."
He said and I looked up to him, brows drawn.
I asked and he rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips but it was barely there.
He said, grabbing my waist and pushing me down onto his leg. I made a surprised noise and he laughed, groaning a bit.
"fine, but don't move, I don't want to make it worse."
He stared down at me intently as I got to work stitching him up. His gaze was intense and he kept his iron grip on my hip the entire time. I would be flustered if I weren't so focused. The stitches were barely helping as I sewed against his chest. It was still bleeding a lot. And when the stitches were done it seemed like I had more work to do than when I started. I moved to clean it and he caught my hand.
"Is that really necessary?"
He asked and I deadpanned.
"Yes frank now let go."
I said sternly and he did, brows drawn as I poured the alcohol over his chest. He hissed, throwing his head back as he bruised my hip more. The blood ran freely down his torso as he breathed heavily, it rippling against his abs as they tensed. I took another dry rag and wiped it off. The bleeding was starting to slow now that the cut was together and I was more relieved. He looked back down at me, his chest rising and falling quickly.
"Shit woman you sure know how to do a number on me."
I smirked at him as I leaned over and put the stuff back on the tv tray.
"I've had a lot of practice."
I said a little cocky and he smiled.
"Good thing too."
He said and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"You're a menace frank castle. But I wouldn't want it any other way."
He just stared at me for a second and then I realized I was still sitting on him and should probably get up before it gets weird. I placed my hands at his shoulders and tried but he still had a grip on me that was prohibiting me from doing so.
I asked and in a second his lips were against my own. It was then that I'd realized he had a cut on his lip. He tasted like iron and hissed through his teeth when I ran my tongue across it. I smiled against him but he kept going. It was needy and rushed and everything I had imagined it would be. Not that I had thought about it often but he wound up in my apartment covered in blood a couple times a month so I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind once or twice.
I moaned against him as he kissed the side of my mouth, then my jaw, then across my neck. My arms were around his shoulders now, holding on for dear life as his hands roamed my body. I adjusted against his thigh and he growled against my ear, his hands guiding me to do it again. I did it without even thinking, pressing my core further against him if that was even possible. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter and before I knew what was happening my own blood soaked shirt was off and sitting next to his on the glass table.
"I've been wanting to do this for a while."
He confessed through staggered breaths as he undid my bra, his mouth traveling across my collar bone and down my chest. Then my nipple was in his mouth and I was moaning again. I scratched lightly at the back of his head with one hand and trailed my finger tips down his torso with the other, being careful not to touch the cut. As I got further down his motions slowed, and when I began palming him through his jeans he rested his forehead against my chest and breathed heavily.
He breathed out and I laughed, his hips pushing up to meet my hand. He was already hard and I could tell he wanted more. As I undid his pants he sat back upright, kissing me again like his life depended on it. It was just as harsh and sloppy as before but he froze when I took him out of his pants, stroking him lightly. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open and I could feel his hands at my thighs trying to push into my pajamas shorts. I kissed across his face, feeling his hot breath fan over my jaw and neck.
"Need you. Now."
He said, finally looking at me. His pupils were blown out and his eyes were black with lust as he pulled my one leg over his right one so I was sitting on his lap properly now. I kissed him again as he pushed my shorts and panties to the side, holding me against him. I looked down long enough to line him up and sank down onto him. I moaned at the new feeling, watching as he dropped his head back against the chair, his brows knitted together as he screwed his eyes shut. I kissed across his exposed neck and chest as I moved on top of him. His legs were still spread wide beneath me, helping me out as I rode him.
"Shit. Faster."
He managed, looking back to me as his hands gripped my ass tightly.
"Yes sir."
I said playfully, and he groaned. As I did as told he slapped my ass and I squealed in surprise, clenching around him. He screwed his brows together, watching my every move with intent as I bounced on top of him quickly.
I moaned, reaching down to circle my clit as he kept me steady on top of him.
"Keep going beautiful."
He encouraged and I dropped my head back, feeling the knot build in my stomach.
I whined again, my legs beginning to shake.
"Just a little bit more."
He grunted out, thrusting up to meet me as my movements got slower.
"Oh god."
I said panicked, as I felt closer, him pounding up into me.
"Oh my god."
I yelled as my body shook, my orgasm ripping through my body, pussy clenching around him. He held me close as I shook on top of him, riding out my high as he chased his own.
He moaned, his thrusts getting harsher.
He said a little louder and I could hear the chair creak. I lifted up and dropped to meet him and he moaned loudly against my neck, hand placed firmly at my back as he came in me. I could feel him twitch against my walls as his pace slowed. We both breathed heavily, sporadically, as we calmed down. We still had a death grip on each other, my arms around his shoulders, his arms around my waist, our heads pressed against one another. It was like the aftermath of a hurricane.
I said through a breathy laugh and he sat up, brows drawn in confusion. His hands were at my hips now and I could feel him going soft in me.
"For what?"
"For the great ride cowboy."
I said with a wink and he smiled, shaking his head at me.
"Is that a fair trade off?"
He asked and I shrugged.
"I stitch you up and you cum in me, I don't know if that has the same affect."
He laughed, kissing my cheek.
"Would it make it better if I helped clean up?"
He asked, gazing up at me, an innocence to him that I hadn't seen before.
"How about this. We go take a shower to get this blood off both of us and then we'll see where that takes us."
He kissed my jaw, tracing his fingers lightly up my back.
"Sure thing doc."
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
i got unreasonably frustrated with a post last night advocating for Lucius' death to be permanent for story reasons lol and the urge to counter this person's points are too great for me to ignore but I didn't want to just randomly go after someone entitled to their opinion I just wanted to argue with the opinion that it would be better writing if he stayed dead because I absolutely could not disagree more so I'm just putting this here to get it off my chest...and, mostly, to defend Lucius' right to say alive at this point (if you know which post this is addressing pls don't share it with the OP they don't deserve to see some random old lady whining about something they posted for fun)
The thesis statement of their argument that I will try to sum up as objectively as possible and as close to what was actually said without creating a strawman:
"Lucius should stay dead in season 2 because the moment where Ed pushed him off the side of the ship was a very shocking scene that I believe would be diminished if it turned out Lucius had survived. Ed shouldn't get a bandaid solution like that when he's a bad person who makes bad decisions. I feel like this show already shows us that not everyone is immortal and there are consequences for violence and having Lucius be alive would also diminish that. Basically I loved Lucius dying and I hope he stays that way." (and then also some frankly condescending suggestions that anyone who thinks otherwise maybe doesn't understand how television writing works)
Well. As someone who has had to write, edit, and make up concepts for professional scripts, I absolutely disagree that Lucius staying dead would be a natural fulfillment of anything the writing has planted beforehand. To a point, I'm not even really sure we were watching the same TV show because this stuff you're saying about how no one is immortal and there are always consequences for violence...uhm.
1) Stede and Ed casually get impaled, all the time, and yet are somehow completely fine by the next day even without modern medicine.
2) Both Roach and the Swede have jumped off the ship without lasting consequences.
3) Like literally anything else that happens on the show unless you're a Badminton in which case everything is permanent lol
But okay, let's humor the idea for a moment that OFMD pulled a game of thrones and decided to just perma-murder Lucius via a method that has yet to kill anyone else. What kind of significant effect do we think that will have on the plot? How will that move the story forward? Because Ed is the only one who knows what happened, and the revelation of what he did to Lucius wouldn't come out or be important until he and Stede crossed paths again and it (potentially) came out. I suppose it could give Black Pete some sort of motivation to do a revenge thing? But then he isn't a difficult character to give motivation to, he hardly needs someone PERMANENTLY dead to do an impulsive thing- in fact, even in this context it makes a lot more sense for Pete to just THINK he's dead. Beyond this I don't see how Lucius being permanently dead is supposed to have a more profound effect on the narrative than him actually being alive, I don't see why him being permanently dead is even a necessity for the aforementioned things to happen anyway. Because at least from how I understand this trope and how it works in scripted TV narratives is that the death has to be shocking, but it also has to contribute to the plot. A princess let's say being suddenly murdered without warning shocks the audience and brings about the potential of a war plot between the opposing kingdoms, etc. Stede and Ed also already have more than enough reasons to be at odds with each other and have drama (Stede left him, Ed marooned his crew and took his ship) and I'm not sure Lucius and Stede are close enough for his dismissive attitude about Lucius' possible death before to have changed all that much.
The main thing for me is that it's just too vague. All we really know for sure is that Ed pushed Lucius off the side of the ship and that he was still alive after hitting the water. Technically he did not die on screen and any assumptions that he might be dead are just that, because falling overboard gives a rather wide range of possibilities of survival and it's kind of missing the point of the show to go 'well it's not realistic that Lucius could find a piece of driftwood or get rescued by another ship or turn into a mermaid or just hold on to a piece of the ship or find a way to sneak back in etc' because uhm...yes, in terms of the rules of 'realism' that this show has established for its own universe, any of those things are absolutely plausible. I'm pretty sure getting impaled multiple times without significant health issues isn't 'realistic' either but that's not really the point, is it? Like these characters might as well be made of rubber I'm not really sure where the idea that consequential realism is a huge part of this show (maybe they were watching Black Sails instead or at the same time and got the wires crossed? idk, I'm confused)
also in my experience with Taika's works and works he is involved in, this is exactly the kind of chekov's gun that will come back in a big way later and the only way Lucius' 'death' as it is is going to have that kind of an effect is if he is in fact not dead at all, and yet FULLY aware of what Ed tried to do to him. It may take a couple episodes for him to pop back up but it's what makes the most sense to me. Really the only person that can give a quality, dramatic reaction with profound effects on the narrative as a result of what happened to Lucius is...Lucius himself lol. See, that's the problem. There aren't many preexsiting parties that could bring about much of a consequence to this action outside of him.
also ofc I take issue with the assertion that Ed is a 'bad person who does bad things' because, again, missing the point. If the show were trying to make a point about how irredeemably bad Ed is and how irrevocable Lucius 'death' at his hands was, why not have Ed strangle him before pushing him in? Stab him? Why not have Ed make some kind of effort to insure the job is done instead of falling back on that old pattern of 'outsourcing the job'? No it doesn't make what he did, as it was, fine and okay and undeserving of recourse, but the entire point of Ed and Stede's stories are that they flawed, nuanced characters, neither of whom are entirely 'good' or entirely 'bad'. The point is not and never has been to prove why one of them is completely irredeemable and always has been, otherwise those moments like the one in the tub were pointless and might as well have been cut. hell I'll even go so far as to say killing Lucius wasn't Ed's main priority, it was just getting him the hell off the ship so he could revert into Blackbeard without being called out on it by someone who knows better.
So, that all essentially gives Lucius access to knowledge that no one else has. Why would they plant all that with a character that couldn't bring all the dirty laundry back and make it everyone's problem?
Anyway, my basic point is that it's 100% okay to personally prefer that Lucius stays dead for your own reasons, but I don't think it's at all accurate to say that this has been the sort of thing the show has been leading up to all this time.
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guiltgoreglory · 3 years
Heat Waves (Chapter 2: An Ego Check)
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(Very) Brief Summary: Reader is a government contractor joining the team in Benghazi.  (Eventual Tanto x Reader) (2626 words)
Chapter 1
Tagging: @abitofpablo​ @kimburgss​ @ceyruh
You watched as the dust clouds trailed behind the buggy. The rest of the trip you all sat in silence, taking in the events that had just occurred. When you saw the base from a distance you decided it was safe to holster your weapons. You wiped the sweat of your palms on your thighs as you willed your heart to slow down, and so it did. The second you felt back at equilibrium, Rone took a quick turn into the base. To no surprise, it was the most conspicuous looking place you could have imagined. You expected better from the CIA. Several armed American guards stood at the gate which was surrounded by obvious cameras. You rolled your eyes knowing that if anyone wanted to target us, it wouldn’t be hard. One guy even wore a New York Yankee’s cap. It’s like they didn’t even try.
“Check the new rides. Gaddafi had a going-out-of-business sale on armored vehicles…” Rone gestured towards the Mercedes amongst several other high-end vehicles. He whistled. Leave it to Rone to keep the tone light. “Max-leveled armored, man. We got a great deal… We stole ‘em.” Rone stared down Jack with the biggest smirk plastered on his face. He seemed extremely proud of himself for that one. You watched as a similar smile tugged at the corners of Jack’s lips. You behaved similarly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a shitty joke. 
You gathered your things as the car came to a stop. Rone hopped out, throwing the keys to another man wearing a vest, “Sat unattended at the airport.” His stride paused as he watched someone from afar. You followed his gaze until you saw the Chief. This was definitely going to be something, you didn’t know what, but you could feel the subordination getting ready to bubble out of Rone. “Hey, Chief,” Rone called, nonchalantly, almost mockingly. The Chief looked like any middle-aged man who worked in business. Blue blazer, khaki pants, glasses, the whole shebang. His posture screamed superiority complex, you knew from the get-go you wouldn’t get along, not like it mattered anyway.
“I don’t want to hear it, Tyrone.” He called back, shuffling his way back into the building. Rone strutted towards him, duffel in hand. 
“No, no, I understand.” He turned his head for a moment, keeping out of the way of a car
driving past. “I see what you’re going for here,” he called, on the verge of yelling, “Secret spy base with fortified walls, gate cameras,” He fumbled to get his id badge in hand. “and blue-eyed Westerners! walking in and out of this place all day long.” He did a lovely spin for emphasis, pointing towards all the obvious Americans walking around the base. You followed close behind, knowing you were going to need to speak with him as soon as Tyrone was done tearing into him. “But if you want to avoid..” His words were cut off by the Chief slamming the squeaky metal door in your face. His voice dropped a decibel and he spoke, mostly to himself, “That’s so rude”. He placed his phone into the tray mounted on the wall beside the door, before scanning in his card to gain entry. “Can’t believe he just did that to me.” Your heart started to pick up once again. Nothing made you more frustrated than a cocky man being too good to have a goddamn conversation.
The door let out a loud buzz before Rone pushed open the entrance. “Chief, if you want to avoid an international incident,” He continued to track in the Chief’s footsteps, “you send me my guys when I ask for them.” Many of the agents sitting at their computers peeked up to watch the drama unfold. Some took a look at you, the new face, before returning to watch the catfight.
Finally, the man turned to look at Tyrone, squinting in disapproval like a man reprimanding his toddler. “Local faces need to resolve local conflicts, Tyrone.” Aka, your life means little to nothing to me; the incident was just a wrinkle in my daily schedule. He flipped mindlessly through papers within a manilla folder. Wow he’s so important look how busy he is. “We’re guests in this country.” You and Jack came to stand a few feet behind Rone, trying to stay close without poking the bear. 
“We’re unwanted guests, Bob.” Rone rebutted. He’s not wrong. 
“We’re spies, you’re security guards.. Your job is to keep us out of trouble, not get into it yourselves.” God, he’s pretentious. Rone flipped through some files pinned onto a pillar, looking through some photos of notable people of the region. 
“Well help me do my job and give me my guys.” He didn’t bother giving the Chief the privilege of his eye-line as he continued to search through the photos. You heard a buzz, and quickly turned to see the other members of the squad you were now a part of. Perfect timing. You made eye contact with one of them, Chris Paronto. Based on your prior research everybody called him Tanto, the mischievous one. Just then the Chief said some absolute bullshit.
“Here’s what you guys are good at: working out, eating five hot meals a day. What you’re not so good at is doing what you’re told.” God, he was so fucking proud of himself. Look at you little man, showing off your power in front of your team. You let a little of your annoyance slip out. 
“Ironic considering without us, everyone’s a sitting duck.” You whispered softly. The men all turned their heads towards you. Well, I guess now is as good a time as ever to get this over with. 
“Excuse me? And who are you? Some ex-army nobody who can’t let go of the glory of war?” 
Alright, time to rip off the bandaid. You stood a little taller, stepping closer to the Chief, just beside Rone. “Honestly... I’m someone out of your security clearance.” You said assertively. Jack shared a hesitant look with Rone.
“Bullshit.” He turned away from you, readying to remove himself from the conversation. 
“Alright, I think it’s best if we get a phone call over with now.” You dropped your duffel onto the tile, squatting down beside it. The armed men gripped their guns just a little bit tighter. The Chief stood, watching you confused. You unzipped the bag, reaching in to wrap your hands around a satellite phone. You zipped it back up but left it on the ground for now.
“I don’t have time for this.” The Chief began to walk towards his office as you stood, clicking a number on speed-dial. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. The director doesn’t like waiting.” You held the phone to your head, keeping a straight face. That definitely made him pause. He turned back towards you, squinting his little face up. 
“Director of what?” He sighed. 
“Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.” You responded casually as if you were telling him the forecast for the next week. You waited as the phone continued to ring. 
Everyone stood in silence except for one guy. Tanto leaned over to whisper in Boon’s ear. “Who the fuck is she?”
Finally, a voice came over the line. “Y/N.”
“Good morning, Sir. We have arrived at the location.” Everyone had their eyes on you, curiosity getting the best of them.
“Any incidents?”
“One en route to base. Resolved without violence. I’ll have a report to you within the hour.”
“Great.” He took a deep breath and you could hear him adjust in his chair. “I take it you’d like me to speak with Bob.”
“That would be appreciated, Sir.”
“Alright hand me over.” You took steady, calculated steps towards the Chief, holding the phone out for him to take. He gently took it from your hand. His eyes bore holes into the crevices of the tiled floor.
“Hello..” The Chief said tentatively. You stepped back, giving him some room. You crossed your arms across your chest, shrugging in Rone’s direction. You could tell he was living for this. “Yes, Sir…. I understand, Sir. Of course…. Goodbye.” He stood like a dog with his tail between his legs. He stepped back towards you, holding out the phone. You took it gladly with a polite smile. Pressing the phone back to your ear you concluded with a quick farewell before going back to put your phone into the duffel. As you squatted beside it, you looked up towards the Chief. 
“Are we good?” You said. You no longer wanted to squabble and your tone reflected as such. 
“Yes.” He said curtly, returning to his office. The second the door closed, the chatter of the room returned back to normal. You turned back to the men of the team looking at Rone expectantly. 
“Alrighty then.” Rone turned to walk towards their lounge and the guys began to follow. Tanto sucked in his lips, trying to stifle a chuckle. The burly man next to him, Boon, jabbed him in the side before moving towards the room. You waited for Jack, giving him a genuine, small smile before trailing behind. 
“Well, that was fun.” Mark Geist, also known by the team as “Oz”, stated monotonously, walking into the room as he disassembled his rifle. 
“He gets his jollies pushing around alphas because he can.” John Tiegen. Called “Tig”. He’s the brains. The first one to be stationed here. You stood in the corner watching as he placed his things into his cubby. 
“We had this commander back in ranger school, he was a real cockbag…” Creative insult. Tanto began to remove his vest as he narrated on. You figured you’d be here for a minute so you pulled the straps of your cello case off of your shoulders placing it onto the floor, along with your duffel. Now that you were within the compound you took off the hijab, throwing it on top of the luggage. You flipped your head forward shaking out the matted hair before you pulled it into a bun. It was a mess but it did the job.
“So on our last night, me and a buddy, we stole his beret.” He placed his vest down on the table before plopping down onto the worn couch. “Whole barracks chubbed it.”
“Chubbed it?” Boon replied, his tone made you think he really didn’t want to know, whipping out his knife to fidget with.
“Yeah, rubbed our dicks on it.” Tanto replied, the widest smile crossing his face. He looked like the Cheshire cat as he reached for the gaming controller. You coughed, stifling your laugh before your face turned quizzical. He turned back towards you, noticing your reaction before giving you a quick up and down and returning to his game. You sauntered over to Jack to join in the awkwardness of being new. You tuned into Tig as he was beginning to talk work to Rone. He leaned forward over a desk that Rone was sitting at. 
“Leader was a former Gitmo detainee.” They scanned the rugged laptop, you presumed that they were looking for who you’d tangoed with this morning.
“Yeah, those guys usually don’t hold a grudge.” Rone said in his usual sarcastic tone. 
“Hey guys,” Oz’s voice pulled you from your concentration as you turned to face him with a friendly smile. “Mark Geist, Oz.”
“Pleasure.” Jack went to shake his hand and you followed suit.
“Ah guys I’m sorry.” Rone spun on his office chair to face the rest of the crew. “Everybody, this is Jack Silva. It’s our third contract together so he knows the drill. We met training SEALs at Coronado.”
Tanto turned back for a second. “How do you get them to balance that beach ball on their nose?” A few chuckles could be heard from the guys.
“It’s tough.” Jack’s shoulders relaxed slightly, letting himself become more comfortable around his new team. 
“And this” He gestured his hand towards you. “is Y/N. She’s uhh..” He paused for a split second, trying to find the right word to describe you. “black-ops and apparently has the government at her fingertips so she’ll probably be of use.” You smirked, nodding your head towards the guys. Rone rose from his spot, spreading his arms across the room. “So we got three ex-Marines here and one ex-Army retard who likes to rub his dick on things.” Tanto stood proudly facing you two. 
“Kris Paronto. Call me Tanto.” You both shook his hand. You found Tanto’s demeanor amusing, and much to your dismay, his confidence was undeniably attractive. Despite the tall crowd, he still somehow towered above them. You shared eye contact for a brief moment before turning towards Tig. Although he felt easy to get along with, you hoped his casual demeanor didn’t affect his work. In your experience, the joker usually got people killed. Despite this, what you had researched, he seemed to be doing alright so far. 
“Hey. I’m Tig.” He waved towards you two.
“Tig’s been here the longest, so he’ll get you up to speed on the area,” Rone said, stabbing a red pin into a map. Looking in more detail you noticed it was the location of your incident. “This is Boon. Scout Sniper, Zen Master, Holder of Tanto’s leash.” He pointed to the man sitting in the sturdy armchair. 
He looked up from his lap. “Welcome to Club Med.”
“It hasn’t rained since June. It’s not gonna rain again until September.” He walked right up to you two strolling past slowly. “You two will be double-bunked. Not me, because I’m in charge. Gym sucks,” damn “food’s actually good.” Lose, win. 
Tig walked to the center of the room, a few feet from the three of you. “Base Chief is kinda a tool, but who knows, maybe now that you’re here he’ll be moderately tolerable.” 
You shrugged. “No promises but if he gets too snippy I’ll whip out the phone again.” 
“Maybe he just needs a new hat” Jack quipped. Tanto looked up from the TV to point appreciatively at Jack. 
“Don’t encourage him,” Rone said as if talking about his puppy.
“Come on. He’s just a guy with a job to do.”Oz said. Based on the dynamic he was the dad of the group. Honest, serious, tough-love type of guy. Makes sense given he’s the sniper.  “He’s playing his string out, but if you talk to him, Bob did some shit back in the day.” You’d heard it a million times, some badass joins the CIA works his way up until he’s practically just a desk jockey with a power problem. Didn’t gain him any sympathy from you.
“Alright, Jack, Y/N, this is the whiteboard that’s gonna run your life for the next sixty days.” You looked over the various points of the board as Jack made his way towards the couch. Given the limited space you preferred standing just behind, leaning your hip against the back. “I want you to check it every hour cause last-minute moves pop up every minute, such as... where shotgunning it in three hours.” Everyone in the room except you, Jack, and Rone let out an audible groan of annoyance. Tanto slapped his controller onto his lap, looking up to the ceiling. Before concentrating back on the game, he looked at you. You took this opportunity to raise an eyebrow in his direction given his childlike reaction to the news. He responded with a strong but blank stare. You rolled your eyes slightly, breaking eye contact to pay attention to Rone. You were used to being dispatched on the drop of the hat, acclimating to the schedule here probably wouldn’t be too much of a pain.
“Three hours. I’ll let you know when I’m briefed.”
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lia-wildfire · 3 years
Vigilante Tries to Soldier Through it but Someone Tattles (Whumptober)
It was a nice night out. She preferred the cooler air, although it didn’t do much to help her stinging skin. And this was California, so it was only ‘cool’ compared to how hot it had been a few hours before. (Not that she’d been outside a few hours before, or very much at all in the last few days.) She would probably have been fine in just the threadbare clothes she’d been wearing during most of her latest infiltration, but the scarf and jacket she’d stolen (violently) on her way out was a welcome addition. It concealed most of her exposed injuries and some of the blood stained on her shirt, leaving anyone who saw her only able to wonder about what was up with the top half of her face.
A pretty normal sight, all things considered, to any experienced night guard at the building she was approaching now. The two at her preferred entrance melted out of the shadows as she approached, having definitely seen her coming from a distance.
“Excuse me, ma’am, what is your business at this…” one of them started, trailing off when she pulled the scarf down. She would like to think that it was just because they recognized her and not because the bruising had gotten that much worse since the last time she saw her reflection.
“Friendly afternoon visit,” she said with a winning smile, ignoring how stretching those facial muscles made her want to wince.
“…Can you tell us the date, ma’am?” the other one asked after a second of staring.
“November 3rd, 1923,” she said, still smiling, without skipping a beat.
“Past midnight it’s November 4th, ma’am.” The second one said evenly.
“Of course, the late hour must be getting to me.”
This passed quickly, like two actors going over their thoroughly memorized lines. After an exchanged glance and a pause that would have made anyone else start to doubt their delivery, the first guard nodded, pressed something on their communicator, and stepped back to get the door for her.
Not bothering to pull the scarf back up now, she walked confidently into the dimly lit back entrance area, making a beeline for where she knew the elevator was. There was a special code in here, too, to make it to the penthouse, but she had that one memorized as well.
Leaning back against the support bar for a minute was nice, though she had to position herself carefully so as not to let it dig into her back or side in a bad position. Closing her eyes on the ride up, she hummed slightly in appreciation of how smooth the elevators were here. No jittering to worry about, just a soft whirring and the slight feeling of vertigo as it came to a stop many storeys up in the air.
The more steps she took to get into one of the most well-defended areas of this place, putting a set of barriers between her and anyone who might have been in pursuit, the more tension bled out of her shoulders.
As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she was met by the familiar face of the butler, who had evidently seen her coming and had already known that it was her, rather than the one other person who was allowed in that elevator with any regularity.
“Hey, Ash,” she said casually before they could get through a more formal greeting, raising one hand in a lazy wave and holding back a wince as it reminded her of a hit she’d taken to the shoulder earlier.
“Good evening.” They sounded as proper and English as ever, and she didn’t miss their perceptive eyes zeroing in on every unusual detail about her current appearance, not only the injuries but definitely also the ill-fitting clothes and hair in desperate need of a wash.
(She’d been lucky no one had decided an impromptu haircut was in the cards. She wouldn’t have been able to stop them without breaking cover, but that would have been a little more awkward to explain to her sisters than the usual aftermath of a prolonged fight.)
“…Victor won’t be in for another week, I’m afraid, but the room is open to you as always,” they said with the air of someone who was giving the usual pleasantries only as a precursor to a more serious subject change, and was not trying to hide it. “Are you alright?” And there was the serious part.
“Yeah,” she shrugged, rolled her shoulders, and this time could not stop a wince. She merged it smoothly into a more joking sort of smile-grimace. “It’s just from the job I’ve been on, there were a couple of “complications,” you know how it is. No death traps in the kitchen tonight?”
The attempt at changing the subject again was not successful, as Ashton followed her into the kitchen and shooed her away to wait on a barstool while they got her a glass of water with exactly one cube of ice. Or, a sphere of ice, because the fridge here was massive and fancy and had both a cube and a sphere option for how the ice could come out.
The water was wonderful to her parched throat, and she held the glass up longer than necessary to let the ice rest against the split in her lip for a few seconds. It was always nice to spend a few minutes after one in the morning sipping water with a tall British person in a suit and pencil skirt hovering over her every move.
“Need something?” she asked with a look over the lip of the glass.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Ms Roxanne? You don’t need… medical attention?” Right, yeah, they were a highly skilled government agent before they became a butler. Definitely had some good first aid training from all that.
“Just some bandaids and a full night’s sleep… And, again, you can call me Roxy.”
Ashton did not look convinced, and then they turned to where she knew the painkillers and general medications of varying strengths were stored. There was no stopping them from this now, but she could try anyway for the principle of the thing.
“I’ve done this before, Ashton, it’s not that bad.”
“To put it lightly, Ms Roxanne, you look as though you tried to fight a team of superheroes. Or, if I were inclined to be generous, won a fight against an entire street gang.” Maintaining stern eye contact, they set down a couple of pills and a cookie.
“Not as wrong as you could be.” Roxy picked up the cookie first, searching both sides with suspicion. It was the imported kind that was labeled ‘biscuit’ instead of ‘cookie’ and which everyone knew she secretly liked but pretended to be suspicious of anyway. Because they were in the US, so being suspicious of England was funny. “What’s this, weird, British thing– trying to poison me?”
“Would you like me to put the biscuit away and let you have an upset stomach? Please pardon me for assuming you haven’t eaten in the last hour.”
Not feeling up to a prolonged bit at the moment, Roxy caved and ate the ‘biscuit’. After swallowing the painkillers with the second half of her water, she let the ice sit for a moment again. It turned out talking too much made the split lip hurt worse, who could’ve guessed?
“I notice you snuck some melatonin in there,” she observed.
“To help you sleep. Pardon me again for assuming you may have some trouble, otherwise,” they paused and looked her up and down again, “considering.”
“Fair,” she admitted.
They sat in silence as she finished off the water one sip at a time. She debated waiting for the ice to melt enough that she could take another tiny sip every several minutes, just to see how Ashton would react, then decided against it and crunched what remained of the ice sphere.
Getting to bed wasn’t too much of a hassle. Ashton followed her to the master bathroom, because of course they did, but left her to go inside by herself. She only heard them step in once she was in the middle of showering, presumably to put some things on the counter and whisk away her dirty and one hundred percent stolen clothing.
Hot water would be nice and she happened to know for a fact that it was literally unlimited here, but she kept it to a mild, lukewarm temperature as she carefully cleaned everything she could currently reach without wincing, and let soap and water wash down her back unassisted to at least get the worst of it off back there. Drying off was a little bit of an ordeal, but the towels were very soft and she didn’t have any head wounds to stop her from wrapping up her hair. Everything she couldn’t get for the risk of aggravating some injury or another could just air dry while she went looking for first aid supplies to use on her face.
When she turned around to see how her back looked, she let out a low whistle. Who knew whips could do that when you weren’t being nice and responsible with them? (Probably every single person who’d ever been remotely involved with the “market” that her latest job had had her infiltrating.)
There were two options here. One, she could put on the silky robe Ashton had left hanging up for her and go to bed without dealing with all that yet, and probably wake up really sore and maybe with some kind of infection. Two, she could get some help tending to it and go to bed with some level of reassurance that it was fine, but at the cost of Ashton knowing exactly how bad it looked.
With a towel around her waist, she cracked the door and summoned them. Their face remained carefully neutral even after they saw, which definitely meant that they thought it was incredibly bad but knew that Roxy would not be taking constructive criticism on the choices she made that led up to it. That, or, they just didn’t want to get into it right now, in favor of getting her into a bed at some point during that melatonin’s window of greatest effect.
There was a lot more stinging disinfectant and a lot more bandaging going on back there than Roxy would have thought necessary, herself, but she wasn’t going to complain. Anything touching the whip marks directly was incredibly Bad with a capital B, but she had to admit to feeling a lot better once they were all cleaned and wrapped up.
The one joke she cracked about how it wasn’t as bad as it could be because she didn’t have any broken bones did not seem to go over well, so she conceded and didn’t say much until they were done. Ashton helped her into the robe and left her to get some pajama pants on by herself, continuing to hover and help until she was safely tucked in between Victor’s silk sheets.
It was still uncomfortable to lie down in most positions she tried, but, then again, that melatonin really was having a window of greatest effect.
- - -
Predictably, Roxy woke up sore. The painkillers had worn off at some point, so she got the full experience of throbbing and stinging and every attempted movement making her limbs want to go on strike. They had not yet managed to achieve independence from the rest of her, however, so when she decided it was time for them to get her standing up, they obeyed. The blackout curtains did their job well, so she had to pull one back slightly if she wanted to see by anything other than the soft, slightly futuristic floor lights on the edges of the room.
Taking stock, she determined that this was actually better than a couple of the times she’d come out of a mission injured. When her hair fell into her face for want of a headband, it was soft and light from being cleaned with incredibly expensive, high quality rich-people products, and she knew her back would have been a lot worse without Ashton’s help.
Speaking of Ashton, they seemed to have woken up before her, because she could smell something cooking. Possibly more than one something, which would make sense if they still felt like hovering but hadn’t come in to wake her up yet. There was the almost-imperceptible sound of voices, as if they were talking to themself or perhaps playing a video. Cooking tutorial, maybe.
The stolen clothing from the night before was nowhere to be seen; either it was waiting to be washed or Ashton had burned it. Roxy wasn’t worried about what happened to most of it, but it would be nice if the bloodstained parts had been saved in case she felt like getting them tested for genes.
Leaving the robe on the bed, she stretched her arms as much as they dared as she made her way to steal one of Victor’s shirts. They were long enough that she had gone around the penthouse in one with no pants before (but she would rather get stabbed again than get out of these soft pajama pants before eating something). There were no headbands to steal in Victor’s bedroom, and she didn’t feel like scavenging the bathroom for elastics, clips, or pins. So, with her hair loose, wearing no more than pajama pants, bandages, and an oversized button-up shirt, she pushed her hair back and stepped out.
Ashton was, indeed, doing their thing in the kitchen, wearing pants today along with an apron that looked a little too professional for someone making relatively normal breakfast in a non-restaurant kitchen. More curtains kept the floor-to-ceiling windows in the main area from letting in too much light, but from the angle and brightness she could still estimate that it must be later than she usually woke up. And from a glance at the clock, she could confirm that it was almost nine in the morning. She had really overslept.
As she nosed her way into the cooking space, she found them carefully transferring what looked like small fried pies out of a skillet. Uncooked ones waited their turn on a plate nearby.
“You need a little more oil,” she observed, her voice coming out a little more thick and sleepy than she would have liked. Actually wait, hold on, she hadn’t seen anyone making these since the last time she visited family. “You can make spanakopita?” The question came out sounding like an accusation.
“I can make anything, given a good recipe, Ms Roxanne.” So that probably had been a cooking video she’d heard before. Ashton removed the last one from the pan and reached for more oil, but refrained from putting any new ones in until they had turned to shoo her away from the barstools. “I would invite you to wait in the living area,” was their way of banishing her, possibly to avoid having their cooking process nitpicked again. Possibly also to keep her from seeing them pull up a tutorial to nitpick their own cooking process with.
When she stifled a yawn with the back of her hand, she was reminded of her shoulders’ present desire to complain about everything but especially movement. Sitting down in a chair that had a soft back would be pretty nice…
The living area was surrounded by sliding walls that could be used to keep it more or less separate from the adjacent sometimes-areas sometimes-rooms. At the moment, it had a wide doorway on one side, a deployed wall opposite the full length windows, and a view into Victor’s office area and the back of his tall spinny chair. Were she feeling inclined to snoop, Roxy would have looked into there, but was distracted easily by the setup surrounding one of the lounge chairs. A side table held a full glass of water with exactly one sphere of ice, a small pitcher with more water and no ice, and a tall mug of steeping tea. The matching table on the other side held a very inviting plate of buttered toast, with a fried egg sitting on top of one piece. 
For a second, she thought about draping herself over a couch instead of taking the obviously intended seat, just to see how Ash reacted. But her desire for water and toast outweighed her desire for mischief at this time, so she sank down into the black leather and took a second to close her eyes and breathe in and will her strained muscles to relax. It wasn’t like the guys she’d been spying on could make it up here, even if they had somehow tracked her all the way to the building. And her next information rendezvous wasn’t until that evening, so she could take a minute to chill.
When her eyes opened, it was to the realization that her current seat was centered perfectly behind Victor’s chair, brought to her by the realization that said chair was slowly turning around.
Of the two supervillains that she was familiar with, she knew that one of them participated in dramatics mostly because it helped with the stress of the job, and partly because it was fun. Victor Stirling, on the other hand, having inherited quite a few things from his supervillain parents including a general style of mannerisms, was probably not doing the chair spin reveal thing ironically.
Before he came to a stop, facing her head-on, Roxy put together that Ashton must have called him about her condition either while she was in the shower or after she had fallen asleep last night. If he hadn’t meant to come back for another week, very few other things could have summoned him on such short notice.
She prepared a smirk and a tease about him being predictable, but both died before making it out when she met his eyes.
“So I’m not known for cutting business meetings short.” Starting off strong with a non sequitur, classic. Roxy’s smile started to edge back on as she watched Victor stand up from his seat.
“Catch you in the middle of one?” she asked, then remembered her voice wasn’t great at the moment and she would be partaking of some water before saying anything else.
“No, I was just starting the day in Spain, actually,” he answered while watching as if worried that she might have trouble drinking water, of all things. And without waiting for another response, he launched right back into… Ooh, he was monologuing.
“Allow me to paint a picture of it for you. It was past ten in the morning, I had completed much of my less savory business the night before, and had the entire afternoon ahead of me booked with meetings on the more savory side of things, when suddenly I find I’m receiving a call from my good, trusted friend Ashton, whom you may be aware I’ve expressly told to call me only in the circumstances of an emergency.
“And, upon answering this call, what should I hear them say, but that my girlfriend arrived at a late hour and is much worse for wear.
“Now, I know that my dear, competent, intelligent partner is experienced and knows how to handle herself in her work, so if Ashton is calling my emergency line, the situation she finds herself in must be truly dire, no? Certainly not the usual bouts of combat –which I am well aware you can normally teleport out of the moment they become too much– and certainly not gained from your usual heists and espionage, no, I was told that you seem to have been whipped?”
The worry in his voice was clear, and would have been clear even to someone who didn’t know him well enough to read him. As he drew closer, having apparently vented enough of his feelings for the moment to move to the next stage of his presentation, Roxy saw that his suit was rumpled and was probably, in fact, the same suit he had put on before 10 AM in Madrid. Had he slept at all? Maybe on the couch she had been eyeballing a second before this began. If anyone had gone into his bedroom while she was asleep, she probably wouldn’t have stayed asleep for very long.
“And I don’t mean to put down your skills, it would be foolish for anyone in my position to suggest that you aren’t a professional, or chose your mission poorly. But your present state is…” He broke eye contact to look down at the gauze covering her torso through the gap in the stolen shirt. He probably knew that it was there for everything on her back, but he wouldn’t be wrong to wonder if it was also hiding any bruises over her ribs or stomach area. She knew there was a pretty bad one peeking out by her collarbone.
“Roxanne. Roxy. I know that in our… business relationship, I tend to be the one who calls on you for assistance in these underground affairs, but you must know that you can call on me when something is… of a caliber where you may want my assistance.” He stopped a couple of steps in front of her, giving another up and down look. “You mentioned you were going into something undercover.”
“Deep undercover,” she confirmed. When he kept looking expectant, she continued, leaning forward to get to business, “It wasn’t in the cards to go in on the same level as the higher-ups, and we needed to confirm how exactly they get the victims and transport them. So I posed as one.”
Victor was quiet for a moment, his crossed arms rising, then falling as he took a breath and let it out.
“You remained just long enough to get the necessary information,” he assumed, and she nodded. Letting out another breath, he closed the distance and half-knelt in front of her in one smooth motion, reaching up to put a hand gently under her chin, moving it to cup the side of her face. “Then I hope you’ll be able to tell me,” his voice was softer now, not that that in any way concealed the dangerous undertone as his eyes lingered on her split lip, black eye, the faint bruise left from a harsh slap, “who did this to you?”
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neckromantics · 4 years
Cute things about Ignis.
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Alright it’s been forever and I’m so nervous but here we go!
Okay, so maybe Iggy isn’t the type of guy some would expect to be cute. Like, yeah he’s one of the most beautiful guys you’ll ever look at but he’s really prim and proper, yanno? Most people wouldn’t initially think “this man does cute things” bc they’re too busy drooling a puddle on the floor or hiding bc he’s just so..... much. But rest assured this man is probably the cutest of all the chocobros.
Has a giant leather book in the glove box of his car full of CDs that he’s been collecting since he was a teenager. There is a wide range of genres because he appreciates all styles of music. His favorites are labeled with a little star. When the boys found out about this they dubbed them “iggy’s special tunes”.
Blushes a LOT. Sometimes he doesn’t even need a reason. His face just does that and it’s adorable.
Has some freckles all of the time, but when he gets some sun they practically multiply. By the end of the summer his whole face and body is speckled with little constellations.
Is a big fan of any fantasy book he can get his hands on. He is also the type of person to highlight his favorite parts of books with a bright, neon highlighter. Thinks folding the pages is sacrilegious though.
Always matches his socks to whatever tie he might be wearing.
Will literally never be caught being impolite. When he’s walking around in public he has his hands clasped behind his back to help avoid bumping into people in the busy crowds. Always calls older women “Miss” no matter how old they are because he was once told that using “ma’am” makes them feel old.
Low key.... will kiss your booboos if you ask.
Sometimes he hides in the bathroom to avoid his very important duties just to play a game on his phone for a few minutes. It’s usually the old snake game or minesweeper. Everyone knows about it but doesn’t have the heart to tell him that they can hear the beeps and blips through the door.
Has cartoon bandaids in his medicine cabinet RIGHT NOW.
Is kind of allergic to cats but loves them so much that he will power through it just to pet one when he sees it.
Gets a lot of headaches so he will ask someone if they can rub his temples for him while he lays down. He also blushes the entire time.
Picks flowers every weekend to put in this really pretty vase he has on his kitchen counter.
If you manage to catch him before his morning coffee, he is a whole different man. He might be a little grumpy, but he is also so SO pouty that it’s a little ridiculous. It’s good that he isn’t aware of it because he could convince the king himself to step down if he used his pout long enough.
Is actually a giant goofball but in a less obvious way than certain other bros. His sense of humor is very dry and sarcastic with a sprinkling of puns here or there. If he gets you with a good zinger he will finger gun at you.
Don’t tell anyone but he loves to ice skate. He took Noct one year when they were younger and it stuck with him ever since. Doesn’t get to go as often as he likes but if you mention it to him he will light up like a Christmas tree. It makes him so happy.
Paints his nails with a clear varnish because he likes the shiny~~ look. Sometimes adds a bit of holo glitter just because. It’s not like anyone at work will see it under his gloves anyway. He does it for him.
When he’s focused he makes this low rumble/ hum noise. He kind of sounds like an engine.
Purposefully makes his voice deeper (if that’s even possible) when he’s talking to people of high ranks. For some reason he thinks it’ll make them like him more? Either way it’s hilarious to hear if you already know what he sounds like.
Peace signs a lot when friends are taking a photo of him. He doesn’t know when or how it started but now he can’t stop. It’s beginning to take a toll on him.
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alice-angel12x · 3 years
💗Fairy!Deku x wingless!Reader x Fairy!Prince!Shouto pt.2
Part 1.
Being Prince Shouto's personal maid was difficult, but Izuku helped me forget my hardships when I'm with haven't But lucky today was one of my rare vacation days. I haven't had one of those in a long time, so I decided to visit and pay respects at Queen Rei's grave. Before Endeavor married his way into the throne, it was Queen Rei who ruled the kingdom. She was a sweet, kind, and gentle Queen. I used to be her maid when I was younger. Sadly she passed away of an Illness, so her burial ground was placed a bits travel out of the kingdom, underneath a beautiful tree.
Sadly by the time I managed to arrive on foot, it was already sunset, so I had to make this quick. As I got closer I could see Large pillars of ice, tons of burn streaks on the ground, and Lots of Umbra holes.
'What in the world happened here?' I wondered as I got closer to the gravesite.
I sat in front of the grave and gave a respectful bow. Sadly No one came to this grave anymore when the Umbra started to appear here suddenly, I was surprised that this place wasn't destroyed.
"What are you doing here?" Asked a familiar cold voice.
"Y-your highness!" I squeaked in surprise. Turning to see the one and only prince Shouto.
"I was here to pay my respects," I said simply.
"Do you really think I'd believe that? Many people just come here to pretend they care. Just to get close to me, even Corte did this," He sneered.
"So I would appreciate it if you stop soiling my mother's grave and leave,"
I had enough of his high horse.
"Get over yourself. I once served the queen, and I came here to pay my respects. Because she is everything you and Endeavor fail miserably at," I snapped.
"How Dare You!" Shouto sneered. "You know nothing about my family,"
"Your right, I don't know everything. But I am aware of how awful Endeavor is. The queen would vent to me about how awful he was because she didn't really have anyone else to talk to. But just because your life situation sucked, doesn't justify how you act and treat others," I vented, but The prince just kind of glared at me.
"If it did, then I would have every reason to be a hateful person,"
"And why would that be?" He dared ask with an apathetic look on his face.
"Maybe if you stopped and actually looked around you maybe you'd learn things or notice things. Anyways what are you doing out here it's almost dark?" I asked him.
"I could ask you the same, but I come here to keep my mothers grave safely from the Umbra," he said as he leaned against one of the ice pillars.
So that's why he always flies off near night, he comes here to keep his mothers safe. The poor guy, he must miss her greatly. I quickly dug through my bag and pulled out my crystallized flutter flower. Infusing it with my magic it started to glow brilliantly, lighting up the whole gravesite.
"What is that?'' the prince asked as he covered his eyes.
"This will keep your mother's grave safe," I answered as I placed the light over her tombstone.
"Not even My father's hottest flames can take down an Umbra. How is a ball of light going to protect anyone," He asked.
"It's kept me alive for this long," I said as I started taking my leave.
"Oh, by the way. For a person who shouts they are going to be nothing like their father, you're doing a pathetic job at that," I added.
Shouto watched her leave and travel back to the Kingdom darkness slowly consuming the land. Soon it was dark, but the light kept the area around the grave brightly lit. He readied me and waited for any surprise attack.
Suddenly The ground shook and a Large Umbra shoots out of the ground. Sporting there drills like teeth. Shouto readied his fire magic only for the monster to screech in pain as it entered the light radius. It quickly submerged back into the ground, just as fast as it came.
As the night went on the Umbras never came close to the light, they remained just outside the edge of the light. It was an interesting night. __________________
"Why did Bakugou beat you up again?" Y/n asked her friend as she cleans her friend's wings.
"I Don't know, he was just really competitive today I guess," Izuku Sighed as he let his friend tend his cuts and scrapes.
"I thought I would have to only worry about you hurting yourself. Now I have to worry about Bakugou possibly killing one day," Y/n sighs as she puts bandaids on Izuku's scratches.
"But Have a good a good day," Y/n said as they left the medical wing.
"Good luck with the Prince," Izuku said as he gave her a quick hug.
With a sigh, Y/n made her way to the prince's chambers. Prince Shouto was already awake and was writing something.
"Good morning Y/n," he said simply turning to face her.
"O-oh good morning your highness," Y/n greeted in surprise. "It's good to see you unharmed,"
"The light you created Protected me Like you said," He said with a tiny smile, as he turned back to his work.
Y/n was surprised by the Prince's sudden change, it wasn't too drastic. He still wasn't much of a talker. He only fell back into old habits for a while, after a bad talk with his father. Other than that Shouto was just more pleasant to be around, he would slow down for her at times and sometimes help her get up places.
As Y/n started to blow out the prince's candles for the night, the prince stopped her for a minute. The prince laid in his bed but was staring out the window and at the dark forest beyond.
"I can see your glowing crystal from here, though it looks like a tiny star this far away," he said though he didn't turn to look at you.
Y/n could feel some sort of sorrow behind his words, so she happily excepted his apology.
"How long will the magic last?" Shouto asked.
"What Magic?" Y/n asked slightly confused.
"The crystal light you made, magic like that will fade eventually. So how long till it loses its glow?" Shouto asked turning to you.
" For as long as I'm healthy and alive," Y/n said softly.
"Y/n... I'm sorry for how I behaved during the time you served me," He apologized as he sat upon his bed, shame somewhat seen on his stoic face.
"It's alright Your highness-,"
"It's Prince Shouto from now on.. I've requested that you become my permanent Maid. Starting tomorrow," He interrupted.
With a quiet laugh, Y/n slowly helped the prince back into bed and blew out the candles.
"Could you make me one of your crystal lights?" He asked sleepily.
With a smile, Y/n focused as she formed a small crystal ball between her hands, the size of an Apple. It started to glow radiantly as she handed it over to Prince Shouto.
"Goodnight, prince Shouto," Y/n whispered.
It was another simple day as Y/n traveled along with the large vines the ran the walls of the castle. It was large and thick enough for her to walk on. She was taking the trays and plates to the kitchen to be washed when suddenly she pushed off and crashed on the floor a couple of feet down. A loud thud and crash echoed throughout the room. Y/n slowly pushed through her pain as she sat up and started to collect the plates. The giggles of the Fairies could be heard behind her.
"You know I'm surprised that you even survived this long. In the castle and out in the wild, most defects like you would have died by now," One of them laughed.
"Like that weird Toga girl with only one wing. She was so creepy how she stalked the captain guard Midoriya. She didn't see that Umbra coming," Another added.
"Yet somehow you lasted this long, must be a miserable existence. No magic or beautiful wings to make you stand out, and yet here you are worming your way up the ranks," said a beautiful Fairy noble.
"Lady Maria, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there," Y/n apologized to the higher-ranked fairy.
You see when Endeavor took full control he made a class system, where fairies with powerful magic are someone higher and more important than those who don't. Someone like Y/n would be at the bottom, not just for having no wings. Y/n never freely showed off her special magic, so most claim that she is powerless, the main reason Y/n is such a low rank. Even if she did, most would see it as a pretty useless power. Pretty but useless.
"You better, any higher you would have been a goner. Maybe you should use your wings to save you. Oh, wait," Maria laughed.
"Lately you've been overstepping your boundaries. I've noticed that something has changed in the prince lately. He's been softer to you lately and made you his personal maid. Also, you seem close to the king's personal guard Midoriya. Trying to boost  your statues are we?" Maria asked with a sick sweetness in her voice.
Maria grabbed Y/n by her jaw and forced her to look up into Maria's cold eyes.
"Listen closely, fairies like The Prince, Midoriya, and I are higher ranked and are important for a reason. Endeavor had the right idea for only for the strong to marry others who are strong. So they can make more strong fairies to protect the kingdom, but if fairies like you start getting in the way. You, Will, weaken the kingdom, so you need to stay with people of your rank. We protect the kingdom and your kind can show your gratitude by serving us," Maria said with a smile.
"So know your place," she sneered.
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cursedcataclysm · 4 years
I should be doing my APUSH work right now but if I have to read one more sentence about Columbus I will tear out my own eyeballs so-
Summer Camp AU
feat. Dream Team, BBH, Sleepy Bois, Tommy and Tubbo, Fundy and Eret
One of the boy’s cabins counselors, helps out at the waterfront sometimes
Has this white snapback hat with a black smiley face embroidered on the front, refuses to take it off, somehow never gets dirty
Also this lime green sweatshirt, he wears it around his waist if it gets too hot though
Often paired with George as co-counselors, they’re absolutely chaotic together but surprisingly good at leading the campers, they’ve got the whole play-fighting dynamic going on and nobody is really sure if they’re dating or not, they wear each other’s clothes so often they just share a dresser at this point
Whenever there’s a spider or a bug in the cabin Dream is the designated one to kill it (or take it outside)
Actually really close friends with Techno but they have a whole fake rivalry going on at camp for the ✨ drama  ✨ (not really, they just got in an argument once and it spread across the entire camp, now it’s basically just part of camp lore that they’re ‘enemies’)
They play it up a ton at camp events and team games, but they almost always sneak out to the docks at midnight after and talk for hours
Dream and Sapnap together almost always means trouble
They’ve been friends for as long as anyone can remember
The shenanigans they get up to usually ends with them both on kitchen duty
Loves climbing trees?? Can be found just chilling in trees sometimes
Known for being a really cool camp counselor though, intimidatingly tall and won’t hesitate to step in when breaking up a fight or disagreement, has a way with kids
Also a boy’s counselor
George has these awful white sunglasses he won from an arcade on a staff trip, nobody has ever seen him without them, he wears them on his face when he’s in a bad mood (only Dream can talk to him without being ignored when this happens)
George is known for being a stickler for the rules, but surprisingly he’s often the counselor who starts the annual prank war, he somehow managed to dye Dream’s hair bright green in his sleep once 
A bit awkward with the campers, but he loosens up around Dream and Sapnap
Constantly steals Dream’s green sweatshirt
Makes Dream and Sapnap friendship bracelets once, is a flustered mess when he gives the bracelets to them, muttering excuses about them looking terrible because he’s colorblind, Dream and Sapnap wear them on their wrists at all times (even though the colors clash just a little bit) 
Also a boy’s counselor, hosts the game nights in the main lodge every week
Has a white bandana tied around his forehead, Dream yanks it down over his eyes sometimes and they end up chasing each other around the camp for hours (and then they end up on kitchen duty, obviously)
KING of the ropes course
Spends most of his time there, actually
Ends up in the infirmary more times than he probably should after trying to do obstacles blindfolded or without a harness
Can and will carry a grudge for months on end
References a meme or vine every other sentence
Unironically wears crocs
Starts water balloon fights with Dream every opportunity he gets
Yells ‘parkour’ every time he does something cool on the ropes course, even if it’s not actually parkour
Loves giving out hugs, very physically affectionate, will sling his arm around your shoulders or punch you gently on the arm
Wrestles with Dream
Which leads to kitchen duty
In charge of sports/archery/rifle range
One of the nicest counselors, always chides the other staff (and campers, sometimes,) for cursing, helps out in the infirmary whenever he can
Campers trust him with their secrets, he knows a little bit about almost everyone but he’d never let any of it slip, he’s well aware of how important it is to the campers to have someone they can absolutely trust
Helps sort out disagreements between campers, he’s probably the best one with kids
Scarily good with a gun, holds most of the top camp records
Constantly reminding people to wear sunscreen, carries around three different types in his bag
Also a bunch of individually wrapped muffins, he gives them to campers if they want a snack
Definitely the worst at telling ghost stories
Has a lot of survival skills, will teach campers how to tie ten different types of knots in his free time
Only one who consistently wears his staff t-shirt
Everyone’s favorite counselor, at least according to him
Often paired with Techno
Grey beanie for the aesthetic, but also because his hair is absolutely a mess and if he shoves a hat on it it immediately looks better
Carries his guitar with him most of the time
Went through the ropes course one time with his guitar on him because of a dare
Really good at telling scary stories, but usually plays campfire songs on his guitar instead (sometimes with a kazoo if he’s in the right mood)
Absolutely torches his marshmallows and insists it’s the only right way to eat them, once ate a flaming marshmallow whole (for fun, apparently)
Coffee addict
Pretty much spends the entirety of breakfast at the coffee table
When Wilbur was a CIT he gets this black bandana from Philza, he never wears it but keeps it tied around his bed frame every summer, until one staff campfire when Tommy is a CIT. They’re all sitting around a fire and singing and joking around and Tommy surprises Wilbur when he knows all of the lyrics to one of Wilbur’s songs, and Wilbur impulsively gives Tommy the bandana (Tommy makes a joke about how it’s ‘rather plain, innit?’, Wilbur rolls his eyes and punches him on the arm, they both know how much it means to Tommy though)
Kind of sarcastic, mean in a nice way 
Technically a counselor but nobody knows where he is most of the time
Has pastel pink hair and will 100% help kids dye their hair too, but not before a long lecture about bleach damage and regret
Also a pink face mask (for fashion), only takes it off to eat or swim
The best at making friendship bracelets, it gives him something to do with his hands
Teaches the campers how to make friendship bracelets in the art cabin
Gives his closest friends a pink and black friendship bracelet (it’s not confirmed to be him, they just show up on your bed overnight, but everybody knows it’s Techno)
One legendary summer, Dream and Techno were paired as camp counselors for a cabin, the campers from that year all have matching pink and green bracelets, there’s still whispers about what went down then
A god at toasting his marshmallows to perfection, golden and crispy on all sides with just the right amount of melting
Gets the best care packages from home (so many cookies!!)
CIT with Tubbo
Only his second year at camp, but he hit it off really well with all the other staff and Philza so they offered him a position as CIT
(which he accepted, obviously)
Likes to claim it’s for all the free stuff and staff perks but secretly really wants to learn how to be a good counselor
Curses like a sailor though
BBH has to threaten to take away his access to the staff coffee table to get him to stop cursing as much around the campers
Chaotic gremlin, probably shouldn’t be put in charge of children
He’s actually very responsible when he needs to be though, likes to joke around a lot but looks out for the campers as much as possible
Self-proclaimed king of the gaga pit
Seriously, can hit the ball so hard he’s bruised some people a couple of times
Always covered in scratches and bruises and bandaids
A little too eager to throw a punch
Has a black bandana (from Wilbur) and wears it around his neck at all times, keeps it as clean as possible (even when he’s covered in dirt from various scuffles the bandana somehow stays clean)
Goes absolutely ham on a kazoo during sing alongs
Him and Tubbo sneak out one night and take a paddleboard out to the middle of the lake to look at the stars, the only reason they get caught is because Tommy falls off as they paddle back to shore, Philza yells at them for ten minutes straight but it’s worth it
Basically never wears his staff shirt
Also a CIT
Has been going to the camp for years
Brings his ukulele with him, sometimes he plays with Wilbur at campfires, loves sitting on the dock and playing random little tunes for the campers
Hangs out at the waterfront a lot
Volunteers for kitchen duty, surprisingly
He actually really likes cooking and hanging out with Fundy, whenever he and Bad are in the kitchen together they make muffins
Makes flower crowns!! Absolutely vibes while sitting in the fields, loves the bees, teaches campers how to weave flowers together
Lets Tommy drag him off into all of his shenanigans
Is definitely the type to laugh off insults
Very, very hard to anger but when he gets mad, he gets mad
He and Tommy have only had one disagreement ever at camp, it started with a screaming match for an hour at the waterfront, they ended up not talking for days. Wilbur’s never seen Tommy that quiet, and Eret watches Tubbo with concern when he just sits on the dock for hours, not moving. One night Tommy shows up at Wilbur’s cabin, covered in scrapes and blood in the pouring rain, he just starts crying and Wilbur carries him to the infirmary before finding Tubbo, the two finally talk for a couple of hours after BBH bandages up Tommy’s wounds, the next day they’re back to talking and laughing and causing chaos together like nothing ever happened
Tubbo still feels guilty about that
Loves hanging out with the campers, everyone is excited for when he’s an actual counselor
Wears his staff shirt most of the time, but it’s under his green flannel so you can’t really tell anyway
Camp director obviously
Basically a tired dad, wears a green and white bucket hat, has a fanny pack and will use it
Curses a lot but hides it from the campers
Constantly reminding everyone to wear their staff shirts even if nobody listens to him
Loves telling the campers embarrassing stories about Wilbur and Techno as often as he can
When giving Tommy a tour of the camp to prepare for being a CIT Tommy somehow manages to climb onto the roof of the dining hall, Philza has to hide his laughter while yelling at him to come down
Tommy just stands and yells “POGCHAMP” as loudly as he can, Wilbur records it on his phone and makes sure to send it to all the staff in the group chat
Refers to Wilbur and Techno as his ‘sons’
And eventually Tommy too
Also references vines and memes
Waterfront manager/lifeguard
Really chill vibes
Also makes pride friendship bracelets for the campers!! It’s kind of a tradition, if you come out to him you get a bracelet
You also can get a bracelet if you ask for one
Has a whistle, loves to sneak up on the other counselors and blow it as loud as he can
Brings a lawn flamingo to camp every year and stakes it outside of his cabin
Really close with Tubbo
Helps Bad in the infirmary sometimes
Also hangs out with Sapnap at the ropes course, loves climbing the rock wall and sitting on the top
One of the best counselors to go to for advice, along with BBH
You better have your buddy when he blows his whistle twice
Tubbo helps him organize the swim tests and give everyone the appropriate tag to hang on the buddy board
Fundy absolutely cannot be trusted as a counselor, so Philza sticks him in the kitchen as head of the kitchen crew
Fundy doesn’t actually mind, he doesn’t have to do much and he gets access to all of the snacks
Extremely chaotic when handing out snacks to the campers- sometimes he throws them, sometimes he just dumps them out into a pile on the ground, sometimes he hands them out individually, there’s no way to predict it
Needs at least 8 hours of sleep or several cups of coffee before he’s ready to interact with campers
Very sarcastic
Plays piano in the main hall sometimes
Bullies Tommy with Wilbur
A picture of him in a fox costume surfaced in the staff group chat and now everybody calls him a ‘furry’ 
He hates it
So much
Capture the flag games that go for days on end, Dream and George captaining a team against Wilbur and Techno, spies and sabotage and elaborate heists, Eret betraying his team during one of the games, water balloon skirmishes, color war but Intense Mode
Prank wars between the counselors and campers
Building epic pillow forts in the cabins and the counselors sneaking in snacks even though there’s not supposed to be food in the cabins
Just, so many possibilities
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