#and u know who's always by his side ...? who sees him for who he is? a mortal mer like the rest of them? voryn. its voryn.
finelinefae · 2 days
the other woman
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synopsis: y/n is the other woman who just wants to be loved
word count: 5.5k
contains: angst, not a super happy ending maybe it is depending how u see it idk, harry is kind of a dick, mentions of medication, mentions of mental health (anxiety, allusions to depression), harry definitely listens to the 1975 in this, smoking, friends with benefits situation, toxic relationship
. . .
"That's the ugliest piece of shit I have ever seen."
"I love it."
"You do?"
"I adore it."
Harry sat against the headboard of her bed which took up the majority of his tiny bedroom in his even tinier apartment an hour train ride from central London. He was shirtless, his trousers were unbuttoned and his hair was a dishevelled mess. He had a cigarette between his teeth, Y/N hated the way the smoke made the room smell but she would never tell him that.
She sat up against the wall, her legs on top of his. She wore cotton underwear and his shirt, the buttons weren't done up, his gaze switching between his sketchbook and her breasts. Her eyes were fixated on the picture in the center of the white A3 pages.
She didn't know what it was but it was black and white and looked like skin. She wondered whether it was his skin but she wouldn't have called it ugly. She had seen every inch of his skin and the last forty-five minutes was proof of that. Her lips had pressed against the most intimate of places, she would know if it was his skin.
"What is it?" She frowned, tilting it to one side to see if a change in perspective would enhance its features.
"It's an areola," He responded, releasing a sigh, almost as if he was frustrated she didn't know he had taken a picture of a woman's breast.
"A tit?" Her heart began to race as she thought about him taking pictures of her without asking.
He chuckles and puts out his cigarette on her bedside table, leaning forward to throw it out of the window. "It sounds less artistic when you say it." He leans back again and reaches for a strand of her hair to play with. "But yes it is a tit."
'Who's is it?' She wanted to ask 'When did you take it?' 'Is she pretty?' 'Why not me?'
She could feel herself slipping away, wanting to cover herself up the more she questioned him in her own head. She glanced down at her chest briefly.
"It's not you." His words stung more than they should.
"I know that." She pushed the sketchbook away, not wanting to look at the picture of another woman's areolas. "What for?"
"We're doing the human form." He answers,
"You're upset."
"I'm fine." She argued but the truth was she was upset and she hated the fact he knew that immediately.
He was good at hiding his emotions, he always had that sense of mystery to him, her not so much. She was sensitive and wore her heart on her sleeve. She was desperate to fall in love and when she did, she felt it to her very core, her chest would ache at the thought of being isolated from human contact. Sometimes she felt he took advantage of that but if she were to admit that, she would have to leave him and she couldn't do that.
She would rather die than be alone, especially if it meant being away from the one person to who she had developed an unhealthy attachment since they had met.
Harry's phone went off and he quickly reached across her to grab it from his side table. She felt like someone was pinching her all over as he bit back a grin at whoever had sent him a text. Suddenly being naked around him felt wrong so she quickly reached for her clothing that had been discarded on the bedroom floor.
"You're leaving?" He asks.
"Who is it?"
"It's nobody." She knew him long enough to know when he was lying.
"How long have you been seeing her?" Y/N wasn't going to cry, she wasn't, she really really wasn't.
Harry rolled his eyes, "You're being dramatic," He always tried to make it seem as if her feelings were too big for the space around them.
"You're a fucking jerk you know that?" She pulled her trousers up her legs and didn't even bother to button them up as she went in search for her shoes. "You show me someone else's tits as soon as we finish having sex? And then you get a text message and don't even tell me who it is?"
"I don't know why you're getting so upset we agreed long ago this was just a temporary thing."
"Oh I know you remind me that every time, I like to remind myself every day I'm just someone to pass the time." Y/N was used to being someone made to be used by someone else. She could be bleeding on the floor in the middle of the street and she wouldn't be surprised if someone took a plastic bottle and started filling it up with her blood in hopes it could save someone else before they even thought about rescuing her.
The problem was, she didn't even try to stop them. People entered her life and took pieces of her and carried them away with them, just to discard them later. Before she even thought about healing herself, someone else would come along and snatch another piece of her away.
That was the problem with people who were afraid of living with no love in their life, they were prepared to do anything for it. Y/N put too much faith in people despite the number of times she had been let down by the people close to her.
Harry was no different to that it seemed.
"What are you talking about? Hey," He grabs her wrist and pulls her into him, his eyes were sharp and for a brief moment, she thought she saw a flicker of emotion in his eye. Her heart pounded at the touch of his fingertips grazing her pulse. "What do you mean? You don't really believe that do you?"
"What does it matter? I know nothing about you Harry."
"You know more about me than anyone else does."
Sometimes it didn't feel like it.
Harry liked to make her feel special. He was good at it. He sent her texts during the day and brushed his hand against hers when they passed in the hallways. They'd come back to his place after a few drinks with friends in the evening, fuck, and be done with it. He'd send her away and act as if what they did didn't matter to him.
It mattered to her though. No one thinks that about a rebound or a person you had casual sex with but it always matters. She had never slept around until she had met him and now she was intoxicated by him because it mattered, right from the very beginning.
She closes her eyes and nods, "Please tell me who it was." She almost pleads with him.
"It's the girl in the picture, she's in my photography class." He admits.
"Do you like her?" Y/N almost whispers, she braces herself for the answer. She had been dreading the day he was planning to end this, she thought she would have more time.
Harry's head falls back like it kills him inside to give an honest answer to her question, "I really like her."
Y/N pushes him back and finally cries in front of him, "Go to Hell."
"Y/N-" He tries.
"No," She moves away from him quickly and reaches for the door, "And for what it's worth I lied, that is the ugliest piece of shit I've ever seen and I hate it. It's ugly and you are an awful photographer."
She was glad she got that out as she slammed the door behind her on the way out.
An hour later she called him.
"Harry, I'm sorry," She whimpers and sobs into the phone. It was an ugly, heart wrenching sob as she cried to him on the phone, "I didn't mean to upset you. I don't think it's ugly at all. I'm sorry,"
"Hey love, it's okay, it's okay," He comforted her.
"I didn't mean it Harry please forgive me I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. Please, please, please, please." She said the words over and over again. Pleading for something that seemed like more than forgiveness.
"Y/N I forgive you, I promise. Please go to sleep." He asks her, he was worried for her but she had done this often enough he knew it wasn't anything serious.
"Promise?" She cries, sniffling.
"I promise,"
"Okay, I'm sorry Harry."
"I forgive you."
The call ended and Y/N lay back staring at the ceiling, her eyes burning from all the crying she had done since she got home from being with Harry. She turned over and took half a miligram of xanax and a sleeping pill, despite her doctor telling her not to, and fell asleep.
"Who was that?" Harry turned to look at the girl in the photo who was now lying on his bed. Her hair was flipped to one side, exposing her entire neck and collarbones.
"Nobody." He forced a smile on his face and walked over to her with his camera, the sounds of Y/N's pleading echoing in his head for the remainder of the night.
The next day, Y/N walked into the art room for her first class of the day. She took out her portfolio and sat at her table where she had been working on her next project. It was a painting she had been working on for the past few days and she wasn't near to being finished just yet.
Her eyes were swollen and red from having spent the majority of yesterday crying her eyes out. She skipped her therapy appointment and turned her phone off as she thought about how lonely she really was and how she had no one but herself to blame for putting herself in that situation.
Harry was also in this class but he hadn't turned up yet. The thought of him made her stomach twist. Picturing his smile as he told her about the girl he had been seeing, 'I really like her.' echoed in her head and she wondered what it would be like for him to say that about her.
"How's it going?" Ollie, a good friend of Y/N's, sat down at the easel and stool next to her and placed his backpack on the ground at his feet. He pulled out his pens and watercolor paints as he set up his station to paint.
"Fine." She muttered, reaching for her headphones in her pocket and putting one in her left ear.
"That doesn't sound good." He chuckled, shaking his head.
"I'm fine Ollie." She repeated, a little more hostile this time.
"Did you go to Harry's place yesterday? I tried to call you but it went straight to answerphone."
"What makes you think that?" She looked at him, tilting her head in curiosity.
"You have this look in your eye." He seems as if he doesn't want to go on but she waits for him to carry on speaking, "I don't know how to describe it... It's like someone's put light in your chest just to then suck the life out of you." He motions towards her painting, "Kind of like that."
She looked at her painting and stared at it. A woman sat in an empty room, a stream of light hitting her face from the window. Outside were people celebrating amongst vines and trees and flowers. The painting was a mixture of beiges and browns and green but the woman's eyes were black and lifeless... they were the saddest pair of eyes she had ever seen.
"Fuck," Harry groaned and fell on top of her, sweat beading his forehead as he left her and fell to her side. She lay there, staring at the ceiling, her mind was blank and her chest was heavy.
Harry reached across her for his phone, "Shit." He muttered, shifting to the end of the bed and jumping to his feet.
"What?" Y/N asked, sitting up, the blanket falling to her waist.
"I didn't know what time it was, I'm late for my class." He pulled up his trousers and ran his fingers through his hair as he went in search for a shirt to wear on his bedroom floor.
"Hmm." She sighed and fell back, reaching for one of his cigarettes and fiddling with it between her fingers.
"Are you going to smoke that?" He nodded towards the cigarette.
"Would you like me more if I did?" She replied.
He frowned, "I'd like you just the same."
She stared at him, he was so pretty. He had just gotten out of bed and his hair was a mess, his shirt had a stain on and his trousers were undone but he was so beautiful. She wondered if he ever thought that about her, whether she was beautiful despite the ugliness and mess.
Y/N reached for a lighter, lit the end of the cigarette, and inhaled the smoke.
She didn't seem to mind the way it made the room smell this time because it was a reminder that he had actually been there in her presence even just for a brief few minutes. She stared at the empty room where he once stood.
Y/N remembered when she first saw them together. It was a Friday night and all the art students spent Friday night at a bar in Camden Town. Y/N and Harry weren't in the same friendship circle but they had friends that knew friends and that was really how they met.
She sat with Ollie on a couch as everyone else played pool. She had taken three shots of vodka and was on her first drink of the night. The door opened and they both walked in hand in hand. The girl was stunning, her legs were long and thin, her hair was thick and wavy, her eyes were innocent and shone underneath the lights of the bar and her hand was intertwined with Harry's.
They caught eyes for a brief second before Harry turned away from her and went over to the bar to order them a drink. Ollie was talking about something she wasn't paying much attention to as her eyes stayed fixated on them.
She noticed the way his hand pressed against her back at the bottom of her spine and how he brushed her hair behind her ear as they leaned against the bar waiting for their drinks. How she smiled as he whispered something to her and bit her lip as he traced the back of her hand with the tip of his finger.
Y/N realised the Harry standing in front of her was someone she had never met before. It was strange how we never really know the people we meet as they choose to present themselves as someone else depending on who they are with. It's only when you're with your person that you can truly be your authentic self. She wondered which version of himself was real. She even wondered which version of herself was real, who she was with him or who she was without.
"I'm going to go over there." Y/N slurred, moving off the couch but falling back again as the room began to spin.
"Oh no you don't." Ollie pulled her back. "I'm not going to let you embarrass yourself like that."
"Why would I be embarrassed?" He looked at her like she was supposed to understand what he was hinting to.
"You'll forgive me in the morning." He said like he had done her some kind of favour.
She did.
"When are you going to take pictures of me for your class?" She wondered, playing with the ends of her hair on his bed as Harry fiddled with the strings of his guitar.
"You want me to do that?" He asked.
"Why not? I think it would be fun." She thought for a moment, "What would you choose to take pictures of?"
Harry pondered on the idea, thinking really hard to come up with an answer to her question. She bit her lip to hold back a smile. She liked the idea of him scanning his memories for parts of her body he had seen. It made her happy knowing that pieces of her were ingrained into his mind like lyrics to a song or the colours of the rainbow.
"Your eyes." He answered after a while.
She frowned, not expecting the answer, "What?"
"Your eyes." He repeated.
"That's it?" Her eyes were the only part of her he thought worth photographing?
"That's boring." She muttered, falling back against the mattress.
"What makes you say that?"
"You took a picture of that girls boob and you've probably taken a lot more pictures since you like her so much." He cringed and set his guitar down to look at her properly. Harry knew he had to be careful with what he was saying, he could tell by the tone of her voice she was getting upset.
"Those were the only pictures I took." He argued, "And besides, I like your eyes."
"You never look into them." She retorts.
"Of course I do."
"You don't."
A beat of silence rested between them until Harry spoke again, "Maybe when you're not looking."
"Why would you look at my eyes when I'm not looking?" She wasn't understanding anything he was saying.
"Because I love watching you watch the world." He replied. "If I don't know how I feel about something I look at your eyes and everything makes sense. Sometimes it feels as though I'm understanding the world through you."
Her face softened, her heart settled in her chest. She felt warmth spread through her like she had just received a warm hug. The corners of her lips tugged upwards and she crawled over to kiss his cheek. "That was possibly the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." She confessed, her heart expanding.
"Then you need to be surrounded by better people." He reached for his guitar. "Come sit here." He patted his thigh and she rolled off the bed to sit exactly where he asked.
He began to play a song on his guitar, gently singing the lyrics in a low voice. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck.
It was one of those moments she wanted to freeze and stay in forever. Nothing else existed outside of this bubble. Her heart was happy.
Ollie's birthday was January 23rd and he was having a house party at his flat.
"How many people are coming?" Y/N asked as she applied mascara in front of his bathroom mirror. She was crouched down inside the sink so she could get as close as possible to the mirror.
"I don't know, I invited about twenty and said they could spread the word to whoever was available." OIlie applied aftershave as he spoke.
"So everyone?"
Y/N was excited to see Harry. Although they didn't speak much outside of the confinements of his bedroom, she was still looking forward to being in his presence. Ever since their intimate moment, they shared a few days ago, she had been longing for him. Her heart sighed in bliss at the thought of being near him again.
She wanted to wear something extra special that she thought he would like. Her hair was curled, which she never normally did, she wore black, leather trousers and a black corset to go with it and black heels to make her slightly taller than she really was. She accessorised with gold jewellery and had done her makeup in a much more simple manner.
"You look like that girl." Ollie spoke as soon as she walked into his kitchen.
"What girl?" She blushed.
"The one Harry was with at the bar the other night. I mean, the outfit is hot but you never wear your makeup and hair like that."
"Geez would it kill you to just say I look 'good'?" She mumbled, flicking her hair behind her shoulder. She never normally wore her hair down as it irritated her.
Ollie's face softened, she hated the sympathy on his face, "You look fucking hot." He said, pulling her in for a hug, "Don't let anyone change that." He whispered.
People began to arrive around 10pm. Ollie's apartment filled up rather quickly and Y/N was already on her third drink of the night. She was stood talking to a few of her friends from one of her textile classes until her eyes caught sight of the curly-headed boy she had been waiting for.
She smiled, excusing herself from the conversation and shifting through the crowd to get to him. "Harry hey," She beamed but then immediately felt her happiness slip from her.
"Hey Y/N," His eyes were wide at the sight of her, he was so used to seeing her in her natural form.
Y/N didn't reply as her focus was fixated on the girl talking to some other people. The girl he had bought with her. The girl in the photo. "Are you okay?" Harry asked when she didn't say anything.
"I'm fine." She forced a smile on her face.
"We're not staying long. I just thought I'd stop by to see Ollie." Her heart deflated at the use of 'we', they were a 'we' now.
"Right, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." She nodded, reaching for another drink.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He checked with her.
"I'm fine. I just need to use the bathroom." Y/N pushed past him and made her way to Ollie's bathroom which was surprisingly empty.
"Are you okay?" Someone asked her from behind as she was about to step into the bathroom.
She turned around and came face to face with the girl from the photo. She looked even more beautiful up close if that were even possible.
"I'm fine." Y/N muttered, it seemed as though that was the only response she was giving anyone nowadays.
"Harry sent me to come and see if you were okay." She said, even her voice was soft and gentle, "He was worried about you."
Y/N scoffed, "What he couldn't come find me himself?"
"He was trying to find Ollie I think-" The girl sighed, "If you're okay, I'll go back and tell him."
"Before you go...Can I ask you something?" Y/N could hear the voice in her head screaming at her not to say anything but she had to know, she needed to know.
"Go ahead." The girl seemed irritated by Y/N, like she was wasting her time.
"Do you know who I am?" Y/N could feel her eyes burn as she asked the question.
The girl from the photo frowned, confused by her question, "What?"
"Do you know who I am?" Y/N repeated but this time more sternly.
The girl from the photo looked at her, really looked at her, narrowing her eyes as if to get a better look. "I have no idea."
Y/N's insides felt as though they were bleeding. It was almost like Harry was the only one who was keeping her stitched together but now everything inside of her had come loose from that one reply.
The girl from the photo hesitated before saying, "I'll go and tell my boyfriend you're okay."
Y/N looked at her as she walked away, completely crushed. She walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her, falling onto her knees and sobbing into her hands.
She hadn't realised how much power he had over her until this moment. How much she relied on him and how she couldn't picture her life without him. She trusted him too easily and that was nobody's fault but her own.
Her breathing began to pick up and she felt a strange sensation like pins and needles trickle along her skin. She pulled off her trousers and her corset until she was in nothing but her bra and underwear. She crawled into the bathtub and turned on the shower so cold water could reach her skin, all whilst hyperventilating and crying her eyes out.
This was unlike any pain she had ever felt. She wasn't sure why it had hurt so much but maybe it was because another person had used her, maybe this time it was because she gave every inch of herself to him and she had nothing but skin and bones left.
"Y/N are you in there?" His voice was muffled from behind the door.
"G-Go away." She whispered, rocking backward and forwards with her head tucked into her knees and cold water wetting her skin.
"I'm worried about you, love." His voice sounded so sad.
"Go away." She carried on chanting like this was a nightmare she wanted to wake up from.
She felt soft hands touching her shoulders and immediately looked up into green, sad eyes. For once Harry was easy to read as his eyes showed nothing but remorse.
He reached past her and turned the shower off, she was shivering and he reached for a towel to wrap around her shoulders in hopes it would provide some warmth.
They said nothing, Y/N didn't get out of the bath as it helped in providing a separation between them. "Why don't you love me like I love you?" She whispered. Her eyes looking into his, they were red and her face was stained with tears.
There was no point in denying things anymore, he was one of the only people who knew she was too clever for that, "I don't know," His head fell forward, he felt defeated.
"Why did you put me here?" She cried, "Why did you put me here if you were just going to leave me?"
"I-I thought you understood what this was. I thought-" He lied.
Harry knew Y/N better than anyone in her life. He knew better than to hurt her like this.
"Why does everyone leave me?" She whimpered, "Why can't I be loved?"
"Please tell me you love me. Please, please, please," She was begging him, crying into his shoulder.
"I-I can't Y/N." Never had her name sounded so disgusting coming from his lips.
"I don't know what to do anymore Harry. I-I would rather die than be alone," She sobbed.
"Y/N you're never alone."
"You're ending this." She cried, "I'm alone."
He couldn't stand having this conversation and not being able to hold her. He stepped into the bathtub fully clothed and sat in front of her, reaching for her hand and holding it gently in his. The feeling of his skin seemed to ease some of the pain she had been feeling, but the loneliness still echoed throughout her.
"I don't know why I can't love you, Y/N, but it doesn't mean I don't feel anything about you. You have become my best friend—"
"I don't want to be your best friend. No, no," she shook her head. "You've killed me once by admitting you don't love me. Please don't send me to Hell by calling me your friend. Do you know how painful that is? I just want to be loved by you. Is that too much to ask? I have given everything, I have given everything to you. I rooted for you in every way possible. I have killed myself trying to get you to love me, and I don't think I even know who I am anymore because of it."
Harry didn't know what to say. He was selfish and a coward and undeserving of her love, and he wished she could see that.
"Please just leave."
His eyes watered at the thought of going about his life without her. He could feel the air around them grow thick, his chest rising and falling as he tried to breathe in. He felt like he was drowning at the thought of her leaving his life. Despite not loving her in the way she desired, he realized he would also be alone without her.
Maybe that was it.
All along, they had just been two people dealing with loneliness and coping with it differently. One used the other to fill the gaps in the spaces where they felt most alone, and the other fell hopelessly in love in hopes it would change them. That was the true nature of it, and even if they were meant to be together at some point, now was not the time.
"Listen to me," Harry whispered, collecting her hands and holding them to his chest. "I'm going to leave."
She choked on a sob.
"I don't want to do that." She shook her head. "I just want to be with you." The thought of the loneliness seeped into her pores, and she didn't think it would be possible for her to stay afloat as she drowned in it.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he said softly, tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to hurt you. I-I don't know what I'm doing."
She was taken aback by his tears and was unsure of what to do. It was the first time she had seen him cry, the first time she realized he was equally as afraid as she was. She leaned forward and wrapped him in a hug, allowing him to cry into her shoulder.
This was the end.
"I love you, Harry. I really do," she whispered into his ear.
He couldn't reply, so he just sobbed even harder.
The days hadn't changed so much when Harry stepped out of Y/N's life.
They didn't talk much during the day when they were friends so Y/N went about carrying on her classes and speaking to Ollie who she appreciated more than ever as he comforted her when she was feeling at her worst. It was Ollie who made the days feel... a little less lonely.
She missed his touches and texting him on her phone but she tried to come up with ways to cope with that by watching youtube videos or drawing so she wasn't tempted to unblock him and forgive him again.
The nights were the hardest. Y/N hadn't realised that the only reason she'd been sleeping was because of Harry. She had tried to not take sleeping pills to help her get to sleep but sometimes she'd spend the entire night just painting in hopes it would made her tired.
Since they had some of the same friends now, Y/N knew of Harry's ventures through word of mouth. He had broke things off with the girl from the photo the day after Ollie's birthday party. Turns out they weren't really in an established relationship and the girl did know who Y/N was because Harry never stopped talking about Y/N when they were together.
That made her smile.
He was an assistant to a wedding photographer on the weekends so that he could save up some money for his own studio. She was happy to hear he was actually making the most of his talent instead of wasting it like she had considered doing multiple times.
Other than that, the days went by rather slowly and nothing out of the ordinary happened. She had been on dates here and there and was in her first real relationship in her third year of University but that only lasted a few months. Turns out he was cheating on her the entire time they were together which felt like one step forwards and two steps back.
Y/N moved into an apartment in central London after she graduated and did some freelancing as an illustrator whilst working weekends at a hotel and the evenings at a bar in Soho.
Her life was mundane but she was okay with that. She had spent so much time focusing on others that she forgot to focus on herself. She had started going to therapy, the gym, and even became vegetarian for a little while. She was no longer taking Xanax as often as she used to and spent less time thinking about Harry.
She wondered what he was up to from time to time but in the end, she just hoped he wasn't alone.
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jo-com · 18 hours
Hello, can you please write a story about Alex and Charles dating a pop star and the three of them being supportive of each other, thank you ❤️
༘⋆₊ ⊹��� ⋆。˚ ➛ No.1 Supporters
Charles Leclerc x Fem!reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
Summary: Based of the request👆🏻
Genre: SMAU
Fc: Madison Beer
Note: Grammatical errors
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
─────── ─ 𓍢ִ໋☕️✧˚ ༘ ⋆ ─ ───────
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Liked by Alexandrasaintmleux and 2,690,351 others
Yn.Updates The known Popstar singer Y/N L/N was said to go on tour this upcoming month— sources said it is yet to be confirmed!!💞
Tagged; @Miss.Yn
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Username1 OMFGGGG
Username2 Been waiting for this day to come🙏🏻🙏🏻
Username3 She’s so finee😍😍
Username4 Alex on the likes is so Cutee🥹🥹
Username5 she’s always updated!!
Username7 on my knees for this girl🫶🏻👌🏻
Alexandrasaintmleux Ngl same-
Charles_Leclerc Honestly (2)
Username9 Goals Fr!!🫦
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Liked by Chalres_Leclerc, Alexandrasaintmleux, Vougemagazine and 2,590,176 others
Miss.Yn Looking forward to seeing you LA!!🫶🏻💕 Btw thanks for all the support guys and stream my album SILENCE BETWEEN SONG!!💋🥰
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Lilymhe Saw it. Listened to it. Loved it
Miss.Yn thanks babes,i was trying to impress you😉😋
Lilymhe Well i am impressed🫣
Alex_Albon uhm okay…
Username11 Stream it guys, you won’t regret it!!😍😍
❤️ Liked by author
Charles_Leclerc So proud of you mon amour💞
Miss.Yn aww charliee🥹 thanks for all the support that you and alex always give me
Alexandrasaintmleux Ofc ma jolie fille (my pretty girl) we will always be your no.1 supporter😚
Username12 If my next relationship isn’t like that idk what is
Carlossainz55 Goodluck señora!!
Miss.Yn I don’t need luck, i alr have my 2 lucky charms😋😋
Carlossainz55 Charles saw the comment and couldn’t stop smiling
Charles_leclerc Snitch🙄
Alexandrasaintmleux I am also smiling!
Username13 Now all of us are smiling🤭🤭
Username14 My favorite throuple!!
F1 Ours too😎
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Liked by Miss.Yn, Alexandrasaintmleux and 9,309 others
Tour/updates The FORMULA 1 Driver Charles Leclerc along with his other girlfriend Alexandra Saint were spotted at the front row seat of their girlfriend Y/N L/N’s concert.
Tagged; @Miss.Yn, @Alexandrasaintmleux, @Charles_Leclerc
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Username16 They’re so whipped for her
Username17 Wish i were there to see😭😭
Username18 Crying at how they look at her
Miss.Yn I am so inlove with them💋💋💋
Username19 They’re so lucky to have you!!
Miss.Yn Noo i am the lucky one🫣🤭
Landonorris ew you big simp
Miss.Yn Leave🫵🏻👉🏻🚪
Username20 Lando commenting is so random😭
Username21 looking for someone who looks at me the same way they do at y/n
Username22 Finding me a Alex and Charles for sure
Username23 GIRL SAME😉
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L iked by Miss.Yn, Charles_leclerc, Francisca.cgomes and 6,269,190 others
Alexandrasaintmleux The way she looks at me got me twirling my hair and kicking my feet in the air😮‍💨😮‍💨
Tagged; @Miss.Yn
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Username24 ALEX??
Username25 “there’s a another side that you don’t know”— the weeknd
Miss.Yn BABYYY😭😭
Alexandrasaintmleux WHAAT🤭
Username26 u know what u did😏
Francisca.cgomes an invite would’ve been nice😐😐
lilyhme same😕
Username27 I love y/n core🤗
Charles_Leclerc My Girlfriend is so pretty🫠
Alexandrasaintmleux OUR girlfriend🥰🥰
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Liked by Alexandrasaintmleux, Miss.Yn, Carlossainz55 and 5,891,302 others
Tagged; @Miss.Yn
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Miss.Yn Not u too🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Charles_Leclerc Whatever do u mean my love👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
Miss.Yn I can’t with you and alex🙄
Carlossainz55 what did u do to him @Miss.Yn??
Miss.Yn it’s not my fault that they’re madly inlove with me🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
Alexandrasaintmleux it's so hard not to love u😖
Carlossainz55 he’s smiling like an idiot rn
Maxverstappen I can vouch for that
Charles_Leclerc WHY R U EVEN HERE
Username28 Y/n must be tired of their bs
Miss.Yn so tired😄
Miss.Yn Just posted!
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Liked by Charles_leclerc, f1, and 7,279,109 others
Miss.Yn My turn to be their supporter!! Me and my girlfriend supporting our man😋
Tagged; @Charles_Leclerc, @Alexandrasaintmleux
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Charles_Leclerc You guys are the sweetest!!
Miss.Yn Goodluck baby!!
Alexandrasaintmleux we’re so proud of you alr mon amour
Username30 the nature of their relationship is just so envious
Username31 I want them so bad😫
Username32 i want to have what they have
Username33 don’t we all?
Username32 so true☹️☹️
❤️ liked by author
Like always i had fun making these!!
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suoshis · 2 days
the bit you wrote about sakura and how he would stick out his hand and it being "a silent and nervous plea for you to come and hold his hand" had me AWWWWWWING.
THATS SO FREAKING CUTE I CANTTT, love how you write him :)))
original post here! sfw, 700 word count.
my beautiful nonnie you are so sweet and i love u for sending this ask so i wrote this lil blurb for you ! <3 thank you :>
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"huh? sakura?"
he wishes he never chose to stick his hand out the second he turns around to meet your gaze, heart thumping wildly against his chest when he sees the way you’ve tilted your head a bit, innocent eyes staring into his as you wait for an explanation. “what are you doin-”
“f-forget it!” his words stumble out of his mouth before you finish your sentence, palms clammy as he shoves them deep inside his pockets, pace quickening as he turns and walks away.
it was unlike him to do something like that in the first place. you’ve always been the one to initiate things like this, never failing to bring a furious blush to his face with each act of affection you shower him with. he doesn’t know what came over him in that moment… or how you were even supposed to understand his silent plea in the first place, but he’s confident that he wouldn’t be able to handle the dizzying heat in his head getting any worse than it already was now.
“wait!” your voice cuts through the air, and he finds himself slowing down his pace for you before he even realizes it. with how close your footsteps sound, he knows he doesn’t have enough time to fight this persistent blush. he can feel the heat continue to spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears at the thought of you holding him—
“…you okay? sakura?”
the sound of your voice pulls him out his thoughts, and it takes him a second, a couple more blinks to realize that you’re now directly in front of him, face inches away from his to inspect his expression with a curious hum.
there’s a strangled noise of surprise from him before he’s jerking back violently, sleeve coming to hide the bottom half of his face as he gasps. when did you get so close? he pushes his nose against his forearm, seeking some sort of comfort from his makeshift shield. a part of him hopes it’s enough to mask the embarrassment written all over his face, but deep down, he knows that it’s pointless with you.
“you did that because you wanted me to hold your hand, right? sorry, i didn’t get it at first…” you continue with a giggle, and he only manages a weak nod, words stuck in his throat as he forces himself to remember to breathe.
“i—” he tries to speak, but his voice catches in his throat again. it seems to be enough of a confirmation for you though, because you stick your hand out with a cheerful smile. “it’s okay. give me your hand, sakura. let’s go.”
his breath hitches in his throat when he hesitantly takes his hands out from the bottoms of his pockets, laying it lightly on yours. the feeling of your fingers interlacing with his right after has his stomach turning inside out, and he tears his gaze from you when he catches a quick glimpse of the soft smile you’re giving him.
the walk home by your side is painful, to say the least. his mind is stuck on how nice your hands feel against his, and he’s just trying to walk straight at this point. each step is more of a challenge than the last, stiff and forced— and he thinks it’s because his mind has been consumed by the thoughts of you and the overwhelming emotions swirling inside him.
he feels so warm.
“hey, sakura…?” your voice breaks the silence, and he stiffens at the subtle change in your tone, his mind beginning to race right away. was he too harsh earlier? did he push you away? his heart sinks at the thought. he just wants to be closer to you, to be someone who can reciprocate the affection you shower him with so easily, but he struggles to let his guard down.
“..what?” he blurts out, words tinged with hesitation. his heart pounds loudly against his chest as he waits for your next words, unsure of what to expect.
“did you want a kiss too while we’re at it?” the smile he’s so familiar with returns to your face, and the world seems to stop as he processes your question.
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saetoshis · 23 hours
Listen. Yes Hoshina is a short king. But consider. . . If he's short he's probably feeling like he's got smth to prove. Excited to bend his partner over and deill them like they insulted him. Plus then he might hit you with the 'princess' or smth of the like. Putting youbin a verbal place of power (as the taller person) while he's still doming thr fuck out of you. "How'd you let this happen, princess? Letting someone like me see this weak side of you? Were you just careless? Overly trusting? Or perhaps you underestimated me. I suppose I'll have to punish you for that." Type beat.
Anway love our beloved Hoshi thanks as always for your tasty art!
taller!fem reader [5'7"+ 172cm+], oral m. receiving, size kink [sorta?], teasing, pet name [ princess], fingering, squirting, MDNI.
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you, who got all-too-cocky because your eyes are just a bit higher in line with his, made a mistake.
vice captain hoshina is nothing if not an enigma. his silly demeanor and playful attitude about everything makes him seem so non-threatening, that you might've gotten too comfortable with teasing him and acting high and mighty. whenever he tells you what to do, maybe you'll make a little gesture with your hand above his head, reminding him who has more "power." these jokes were your mistake.
maybe he'll want to punish you - watch you kneel in front of him, his hand on your pretty head as he guides you towards the bulge in his pants. maybe he'll hum out a little, "since you wanna poke fun at height, how 'bout you try being the short one for once?"
maybe hoshina will lean back and watch you unzip his pants, taking no time to push your mouth onto his eager cock. he might even rut his hips a little, muttering out between breathy 'fuck's, "not so big now, huh? how does it feel, hm? didn't think i'd be big down there, did you?"
hoshina watches so closely as you bob your head and pump your hand, thighs keening together where you're sat all prettily on the floor. a little smirk might even tug at his lips as he realizes just how turned on you're getting from this. "what, getting all hot and bothered by this? didn't think someone shorter than you could get you all worked up? you know better, don't you?"
his words send a jolt straight through your frame and you can't help but shudder, and all of a sudden the vice captain seems so much more intimidating, even more enticing than you ever thought. it's like he can sense you losing yourself in the moment, and he's got you right where he wants you.
hoshina leans down, flashing you a smug sneer as he lifts your face to look up at him - all the while admiring the pretty sheen of your lips and your glassy eyes. "is that what i think it is? is the princess who's always mocking my height suddenly unable to resist me? the irony... how should i deal with you, hm?"
he maneuvers you to bend over against the counter, chest pressed against the cool granite as he lets his thumb drag along your clothed pussy. one hand presses your back, the other languidly slipping off your shorts and panties as he hums, "oh, what's that? a wet spot, hm? not so cocky now, aren't you?"
it takes a lot of strength to even muster thoughts, your head spinning from how lewd he's acting - it's bafflingly hot. you pant against the counter as you look back, watching his eyes flit over your hips while his finger does the same against your clit. hoshina lets out a little laugh when he watches you shudder along with a strained whine.
"feels good, doesn't it? does being put in your place turn you on? yeah?" hoshina sneers and lets out a little chuckle, swiftly slipping his fingers between your walls and curling forwards. he can't help but wear a smirk on his face as he enjoys your willing submission. "let me remind you that i'm the vice captain of the third division. the strongest second to mina. forgot that, did you?"
his sheer strength shows in each intense flick and curl of his fingers against the spot that makes your spine shudder, and it's humbling. it's when he starts simultaneously toying with your clit that you feel like you're on fire, a buzz building up between your thighs just begging for release.
"that's it... yeah, let it out. show me just how much you like it. cum all over my hand, bet you'll never act cocky again," hoshina leers under his breath, ministrations going into overdrive as you shiver and whimper shamelessly. with a voice-cracking whine, his name falls from your lips over and over as flicks of liquid smother his hand from his unrelenting movements.
"ahh, of course you squirt on top of everything..." hoshina leans over the counter to admire the dizzied expression on your face with a little grin of his own. his fingers nudge your chin as he murmurs, "felt good? yeah? you gonna be good now? don't wanna hear you trying to humble me ever again after you left such a mess all over me."
he presses a little kiss on your cheek, smirking against your skin before he shifts to your ear. with a low whisper, he mutters, "unless you wanna have me fuck you in that suit... 92% isn't a joke, you know?"
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2024 SAETOSHIS. do not copy/repost.
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riddle, ace, and malleus (separately) x fem!reader (u can make it gn!reader if you’d prefer tho!) where the reader is about to leave twisted wonderland but she’s clearly hesitating and then the character asks why they don’t just go, and reader tells them through tears that she loves him, and asks if he feels the same n that if he does that will be the only reason she needs to stay. he does and she runs into his arms immediately. so a little bit of angst but ends with cute comfort. if this is unclear at all PLS LMK and i will clear it up!! brain is rotted atm bc i finished the worst essay of my life a little bit ago
Riddle, Ace, and Malleus (separately) x fem!reader who’s hesitant to go back home because of their crush
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You were looking at the mirror in front of you the hazy outline of the world you know and turning back to see Grim trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. He’d tried several times to stop you like rallying the ghosts in ramshackle to help him or using his fire magic in the least destructive way he could or moving all the furniture to block the door.
Ace and Deuce nor Epel, Jack, or Ortho didn’t want to force you to stay since you’d tried so hard to find a way to get home and now you had. It was right in front of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take a step forward. Your heart refused to budge and rooted itself despite your mind's logical reasoning. It pushed the one reason you had been trying to ignore out to the front of your mind.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you did your best to blink them away to no avail, using your hands to wipe them and felt them fall down your cheeks. You sniffled at the thought of never getting to see your crush again. Someone who you’d loved with all your heart and who helped you through all the trials and terrors that you’d experienced since you arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
You held your bag by your side and stared at the silver shining mirror that glowed signaling that its destination was fixed to the location the user wanted. Your home or rather somewhere close to your home as Crowley couldn’t exactly get the mirror to transport you to your country and reluctantly let Ortho and Idia help so its arrival destination was a lot closer.
Behind you were your friends along with your crush the dorm leader of Heartslayble Riddle and they watched bittersweetly as you walked closer to the mirror. In front of you was the hazy view of a city near where you lived and you were supposed to feel ecstatic that you could finally go home, and see your parents, and your friends but you didn’t. Ever since you stepped foot in Twisted Wonderland you felt like an alien but over time it began to be your home and one person held your heart through all your time here.
You loved Riddle dearly and after his overblot, you were there for him much to his confusion since he was horrible to you and the others but you relented. Riddle has grown so much from his freshmen year and saw nearly every day now, walking between classes or hanging out in Heartslayble and helping him paint the roses red or tending to the hedgehogs. The way he talked to the hedgehogs or flamingos was adorable and it was always impressive when an Unbirthday party was being set up and he was in his formal uniform staff in hand ordering people where each dessert went. In your hand was a specially made strawberry tart for you with a queen of hearts card sticking out of it and a fondant miniature hedgehog in front.
When Riddle tutored you because you needed help with some of your classes you sometimes tried to make the sessions last as long as they could since Riddle had such a strict schedule you would practically have to schedule or make an appointment his free time. Riddle of course upheld the rules for everybody even including you but he would sometimes bend them because your pout was too cute or your smile was perfectly bright. You both loved each other so much without the other knowing and it appeared like it would stay that way since you were leaving for your real home.
Riddle noticed you hadn’t moved for the last couple of minutes and seemed to be in deep thought however you were shaking. “Are you alright or worried? You’re shaking. Is there something wrong?” he asked and buried the twinge of hope in him that thought your hesitation was because you weren’t going to go back. You felt the hot tears drip down your cheeks and sniffled, turning around so your friend and everyone saw you were holding back the wave of tears threatening to fall. “I don’t want to go back… I don’t want to go back because that means I won’t get to see my friends or you! I love you so much! I have since the first unbirthday party I ever attended and I don’t know if you love me back but I don’t want to leave!” you cried and opened your eyes to see Riddle crying silently, tears unknowingly escaping his eyes and face a blushy pink.
You both stared at one another in silence for a couple of moments before the dorm leader spoke and wiped his face noticing his tears. “I didn’t want you to go back but it’s not my choice and it would be wrong of me to cause conflicts in you. I love you and want you to stay here with me. I can’t promise everything will stay calm but I promise I’ll always be by your side.” he said and his eyes widened when he saw you drop your things, running over to him and tackling the poor short Riddle to the ground. You cupped his face and kissed him softly, his face blushing scarlet but intertwining your hands and cupping your face in turn. “How about we make a new tart in celebration or salvage the fallen one I made you, my rose?” he asked and eyed the dropped slightly damaged dessert in its frail simple packaging.
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You were looking at the mirror in front of you the hazy outline of the world you know and turning back to see Grim trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. He’d tried several times to stop you like rallying the ghosts in ramshackle to help him or using his fire magic in the least destructive way he could or moving all the furniture to block the door.
Ace and Deuce nor Epel, Jack, or Ortho didn’t want to force you to stay since you’d tried so hard to find a way to get home and now you had. It was right in front of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take a step forward. Your heart refused to budge and rooted itself despite your mind's logical reasoning. It pushed the one reason you had been trying to ignore out to the front of your mind.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you did your best to blink them away to no avail, using your hands to wipe them and felt them fall down your cheeks. You sniffled at the thought of never getting to see your crush again. Someone who you’d loved with all your heart and who helped you through all the trials and terrors that you’d experienced since you arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
You held your bag by your side and stared at the silver shining mirror that glowed signaling that its destination was fixed to the location the user wanted. Your home or rather somewhere close to your home as Crowley couldn’t exactly get the mirror to transport you to your country and reluctantly let Ortho and Idia help so its arrival destination was a lot closer.
The charm of an ace card that your crush Ace had given you was dangling from your phone and a replica of his magic pen held tightly. You looked at your phone once more and saw the goofy picture of both of you running from Riddle with the tart in hand as your lock screen. Letting a couple of tears fall and bringing your phone to your chest, trying to come to terms with that you would have to deal with never seeing your best friend and crush ever in exchange for being on earth again.
Ace and your other friends behind you grew worried as they saw your shoulders shaking and hands clutching your stuff tighten. Why were you hesitating? He was devastated that he would never get to see you again, assuming that texting you in your world didn’t work, and putting on a mask of happiness for you. He never even got to tell you he loved you but he knew now wasn’t the time as it’d make you hesitate. To the others, it was crystal clear how hard this was for both of you.
He ordered his voice to be steady even though it came out shaky. “Why don’t you just go? This is what you have wanted since you got here right? We’ll all miss you so much and you know we support your decision right?” he asked and heard the others murmur similar statements or agreement. You let out a sob and turned around to the group, tears falling down your red cheeks and bordering on a breakdown. “I can’t go knowing that I’ll never see any of you ever again. That I’ll never see you again, Ace. You’ve been with me since I got here and always stuck by me. I can’t leave because I love you and I’d never know if you loved me back if I left now!” you cried and hiccuped, dropping your bag and wiping your wet cheeks with your sleeve.
That was the breaking point for Ace and he stopped pretending to be glad you were going home, knowing his crush someone he loved ever since he saw you come through that mirror and go through all the crazy hijinx of this school year loved him back. He sobbed and held his uniform sleeve over his eyes to hide the onslaught of tears pouring out of his eyes. “I never wanted you to leave not when you already became a girl I could depend on every day. It’s selfish but I didn’t care because I loved you too. So seeing you happy to leave… it broke me.” he said and let the sad emotions overcome him.
You smiled albeit a bit wobbly and dropped everything you were holding, running to Ace and tackling him in a hug. Both of you fell to the ground with you on top of him and he cupped your face, kissing you softly and wiping the tears falling with his thumb. You parted for air and rested your head on his chest as you caught your breath. “So would my hot girlfriend be up for snatching a couple of sweets from my dorm?” he asked cheekily.
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You were looking at the mirror in front of you the hazy outline of the world you know and turning back to see Grim trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. He’d tried several times to stop you like rallying the ghosts in ramshackle to help him or using his fire magic in the least destructive way he could or moving all the furniture to block the door.
Ace and Deuce nor Epel, Jack, or Ortho didn’t want to force you to stay since you’d tried so hard to find a way to get home and now you had. It was right in front of you but you couldn’t bring yourself to take a step forward. Your heart refused to budge and rooted itself despite your mind's logical reasoning. It pushed the one reason you had been trying to ignore out to the front of your mind.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you did your best to blink them away to no avail, using your hands to wipe them and felt them fall down your cheeks. You sniffled at the thought of never getting to see your crush again. Someone who you’d loved with all your heart and who helped you through all the trials and terrors that you’d experienced since you arrived in Twisted Wonderland.
You held your bag by your side and stared at the silver shining mirror that glowed signaling that its destination was fixed to the location the user wanted. Your home or rather somewhere close to your home as Crowley couldn’t exactly get the mirror to transport you to your country and reluctantly let Ortho and Idia help so its arrival destination was a lot closer.
Malleus had specifically arrived at Ramshackle to go with you to the Hall of Mirrors to spend the most time he could with you and convinced Lilia to stop Sebek from going with him since he knew it meant so much to his draconian friend. He desperately didn’t want you to leave. Who would he spend his nightly walks with or have interesting conversations about gargoyles? But most importantly, how would he fill the hole in his heart if his favorite student he loved left?
You held your bag in one hand and in the other was a replica of Malleus’ magic pen along with a small orb with the illusion of Ramshackle dorm with its gargoyles and you, Grim, and him outside pointing to different parts of the worn down dorm building. Just looking at it brought tears to your eyes. It reminded you of what you were leaving and how you were leaving the one person you loved behind.
Malleus and your friends noticed your hesitation and looked at each other worried if you were okay, wondering if they should speak up or say something. He went to take a step forward but stopped and gripped the sleeve of his blazer, unable to form the words he wanted to say. You looked at the glowing mirror in front of you and saw the hazy reflection of a familiar landmark smiling a bittersweet smile. Letting the tears fall down your cheeks and sniffling.
Your mind waged war on both sides of your mind wanting to come out on top and win. You didn’t want to leave the person who you’d slowly grown to love and who piqued your curiosity the moment you saw him. You couldn’t. Your crush spoke up after what felt like an eternity. “Are you alright? This is what you want isn’t it?” he said with a hint of solemnness. Turning around and letting everyone see your teary sad sad face. “I can’t go because I love you and if I go I’ll never get to see you again. I don’t want that. I love it here and I love being here with you. I love you and I don’t want to leave even if it means you don’t love me back!” you said through tears.
He let a few tears fall down his cheeks and smiled warmly. “I was hoping you would say something like that. I love you too and want nothing more than for you to stay here with me. I’d miss our walks and nicknames. Everything about you has captured my heart.” he said and brushed budding tears with his thumb. You sobbed hearing his confession and dropped what you were holding, running into his arms and holding him tightly. Both of you held the other like they would disappear if they let go. You laughed and leaned into the hand cupping your face, kissing him sweetly, and resting your forehead against his. “Shall we get something to eat, my beloved?” he asked charmingly.
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bae i luh you
peaches asked, so i delivered because who am i to say no to a god?
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bf!chris x gf!reader
warnings: fluff, HATING ASS HOE, suggestive, swearing,
the bass was BOOMING in the tara's living room. today was nicks second space camp drop and ms. yummy insisted on celebrating with a party because of course.
as y/n stepped into the house she was assaulted by the smell of alcohol and sweat.
someone needed a fucking speedstick because DAMN!
anyway, she was brought out of her thoughts by her boyfriends arm being snaked around her waist as she walked. 
"you alright chris?" she asked.
"yeah im good. im just not trynna get fucked up tonight, so you gotta stay close." he reassured her.
"i wasn't leaving your side anyway." she said, grabbing his hand and making her way to their crew. "SUP SLUTS?" she shouted and everybody cheered. 
and the night went on just like that. 
taking a shot for solidarity, partying with their friends, and losing themselves in the night. everyone danced and enjoyed each othe
r. chris and y/n particularly enjoyed each other. 
suddenly y/n's new favorite song came on. as soon as she heard that "i say HOOOOO BABBYYYYY" a switch flipped. 
the moment was no longer about enjoying the feeling of chris being semi-hard on her ass. it was about letting the whole house know that he was hers.
and wreck-it ralph himself couldn't break that. 
so she did what any self-respecting woman would do. she began screaming the lyrics to him while moving her body and making heart hands. 
bae i love you you my everything im yo main bitch fuck a wedding ring
chris just laughed and began singing along with her, pulling her body to his, so their noses were touching. 
in this moment, y/n realized how much she loved chris. what she'd do for him. she'd keep every secret. she'd lie for him. she'd kill for him. she'd die for him. she'd live for him. 
did it scare her? fuck yes. 
she was supposed to be a pimp, not a lover girl. and she only knew this man for a year. but if president sexyy can be tied down than so can she.
i only knew him for a week but i swear thats my boo i might let the nigga trap me bitch my summer through but dont give a fuck do anythang for you
the couple was in la la land (ryan gosling hit me up!) as they danced and laughed and loved up on each other. 
to the untrained eye, it was disgusting. but to their friends, it was the moment they'd all been waiting for.
matt smiled with pride at the side of chris being with who he really wanted to be with, rather than who he think people want him to be with.
nick was shocked at chris being so openly in a relationship after physically cringing at the mere thought of sharing a scooter with a girl, but happy for him nonetheless.
tara was damn near in tears, seeing y/n being her true soft self.
jake was wishing he had someone he could be gross and cute with.
tril (who introduced the pair) was just glad chris was finally getting non-toxic pussy and y/n was getting the dick she deserved.
but of course the moment had to be ruined. 
there's always a bitch ass bitch trying to  kill the vibe. 
or should i say, a bitch ass bum.
as soon as the couple saw who'd been standing there staring at them like monkeys in a zoo, they made eye contact and simultaneously busted out laughing.
"what do you want bruh?" chis asked, sighing in an attempt to control his giggling.
"you're fucking with her after we just broke up two weeks ago?" she nudged her head in y/n's direction, which only changed her mood from wildly entertained to mildy irritated. 
"i'm not just 'fucking with' her." chris responded bluntly. "she's my girlfriend. my girl. friend." chris made sure to enunciate his words because he knew this girl was a little slow. "something you would have had to been for us to 'break up'. which we never did. because we never dated." he pulled y/n into his side and made sure she was good before he looked back at his old talking stage.
y/n was more than good. her pussy flooded when chris called her his girlfriend. 
nigga we go together tell them hoes we go together
 this bitch still fucking here?
"but nothing hoe." y/n butt in, deciding to handle this situation herself. she stepped to the girl and looked her good in the eyes, to make sure she felt every word. "he just told you he has a girlfriend so get the fuck on and find something safe to do."
the girl cowered and walked away without another peep. leaving chris and y/n to embrace each other with passion and love and lust and all the other good feelings.
it was official. everyone knew they were together. 
everyone knew that they were each others. 
what more could a retired pimp ask for?
niyah speaks luh part two to feed yall for the week
taglist: @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @mattssluttygf @zniyadgaf
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and by mommy i mean me)
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mystiffox · 12 hours
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— the apple's falling from the tree
from Cross: The Star Sans by @overflowofcrows
star!cross makes me incredibly ill with the tragic found family vibes ... (lays on the floor)
also have some doodles too (slight spoilers on the fic's lore below! to explain some of my thoughts on clothes n stuff)
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does Cross have a star necklace in the fic? no, probably not. did i show off about my thoughts on a star necklace to Simple anyway? yes, yes i did. anyway idc where u think the necklace is from (whether its a gift from dream or a remold of his broken heart necklace, who knows atp) now ONTO THE GANG (+ Error and Fresh)
to preface this: im mostly assuming for most of the lore beyond the crumbs given to me. so, i'd imagine that when the fight ended with the gang losing, Dream and Ink immediately jailed them up. they both seem keen on keeping the gang alive, so they probably would've tried to help them with anything to make sure of it- that is, if any of the gang would even accept it in the first place.
i'm making a small guess that if there were any wounds, they used what they had to take care of it, aka ripping out parts of their own clothing to use as makeshift bandages. dream might've gave them some supplies (out of pity.. or something) but whether that was not enough or not used, i won't know
even if it was enough, there's still the factor of inevitable outburst/breakdowns from any of the prisoners. i'd imagine it'd be so hard to calm any of them down because the gang were too used to being close together that using touch became the usual grounding method— so putting a barrier between them makes it infintely harder for everyone.
i think Nightmare doesn't use his jacket anymore. it probably feels like shit/too itchy and ragged to wear and reminds him of a past he wishes he could forget. (he must feel so helpless seeing all his boys suffer after taking care of them for so long... like a lost father trying his best and seeing how much he's failing at the same time.. man.)
Dust is almost always wrapped in a blanket, the hoodie completely zipped up as if he was trying to hide in it, keeping himself as small as possible (knowing his own breakdowns are the biggest And loudest)
Horror is probably yanked back to the memories of when he was back in his home au, quietly starving and losing all the progress he had with the gang.. trying to press himself against the barriers in hopes that maybe he can feel the others on the other side of it.. (one of his outbursts would be why he ripped off the sleeves of his jacket id assume)
Killer too.. unable to get to anyone and just. with his soul going haywire sometimes, having no available output that he's forced to ride it out on his own And in front of everyone.. yeah, you get the gist for those three
Error's a mess of threads- picks at his clothes and sews em back up, just to have a reason to move his hands. he's not too worried i'd say- it's a little reminiscent of the antivoid, and he's experienced insanity already (not to say it doesn't tug at his own soul-strings to see it happen to everyone else)
Fresh might be the "cleanest" out of everyone, with barely any visible tears, but i have a good feeling his body language is different. maybe the cap is now worn correctly. maybe he took off his jacket. he's tense. his guard is up. because a parasite would never want to be locked up in one place, right?
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they make me so sick (message is mine btw)
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sequinsnstars · 19 hours
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ‧₊˚ i’d do anything just to be with you 🪽˚⋅
ingredients; frank zhang and scrapbooks
fyi; fem reader, loads of fluff, references to mothers laufey and beabadoobee, not proofread whoops
notes; hiii this is a little blurb ab frank’s birthday :) i had finals last week so this is late but hope u like this bbies!! was sooo fun to write
wc; 715... is this still a blurb
food mood; a nice piece of chocolate cake. made with oat milk and topped with dairy-free chocolate buttercream frosting.
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“You let me win, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Frank’s grin said otherwise.
You two had been playing a game to see who could name every song, in order, off Laufey’s album Bewitched faster. When you started, Frank was whizzing through writing down the tracklist on his paper, but after getting closer to the end, his pace mysteriously slowed down.
You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance, trying to hide your amusement. “I refuse to believe you suddenly forgot ‘Letter to My 13 Year Old Self’ was on the album. That’s your favorite Laufey song of all time.”
Frank shrugged and replied, “It’s really very possible I did. Even if I didn’t, sacrifices can be made for my pretty girlfriend.”
Moments like these with your boyfriend were always your favorite. You loved that you could truly be yourself with Frank and he could truly be himself with you. He knew and understood you better than anyone, which was why it was initially your idea to throw him a birthday party. Nothing big, just with the seven demigods, plus Reyna, Grover, Will, and Nico. Annabeth and Percy had also suggested having a double-birthday-bash at Camp Half-Blood, since Grover’s and Frank’s big days were both today.
The party started off pretty emotional, what with the satyr bawling about the fact that his friends had taken so much time to do this for him. (You’d have done the same, honestly.) Frank shed a few tears as well – you knew you’d made the right decision throwing him a birthday party when he told you he hadn’t had one in years. Afterwards, Grover ate his personalized grassy, aluminum-flavored cake while Frank had his chocolate, dairy-free one that you’d baked with Hazel and the others gave him their presents.
They were currently going for a swim at the beach. You suspected Percy had been using his powers, as there were frequent water splashing sounds and exclamations of “Dude, not cool!” from Jason. Annabeth was the one who led all the others outside, picking up that you wanted some time alone with Frank. (Thank the gods for that woman.)
You brought yourself back to the present moment. “You’ve really got a way with words, don’t you?”
Leaning in, you kissed Frank on the cheek. Regardless of how many times you’d done it before, his face still grew warm at the gesture. 
You remembered something and grinned. “That reminds me, I still have to give you your present.” Before Frank could protest with some nonsense about not needing any gifts, you pulled out a beige book that had a cover adorned with photos of you and your boyfriend from over the course of your relationship. The time you both went to the photo booth, the time you went to see beabadoobee perform live, the time Frank got stuck as a bunny for a few hours and you took gentle care of him.
A little nervous, you handed the book to him. Frank silently flipped through the pages, which contained even more photos of your memories with little doodles, notes, and messages on the sides. He stared at the page where you’d written a list of things you loved about him. About half a minute passed without any comments.
“Sorry if you don’t like it. I know it’s not as glamorous as some of the other stuff people got you. It’s totally fine if you maybe want something else–”
Frank put the book on the table and grabbed your wrists, bringing your forehead to his in one smooth move.
His voice was deep and quiet as he spoke. “This is… the most meaningful thing anyone’s ever done for me.” A pause. “If you thought for one damn second that I wouldn’t fall in love with you even more after you gave me that book, you were wrong.”
You whispered, “So does that mean you liked it?”
Frank kissed you almost immediately after your question.
His lips were soft and warm and tasted like the cake you’d made, sweet and chocolate-rich. When he pulled away, your eyes fluttered open. Frank’s dark brown eyes shone, and you realized his pupils were dilated. You remembered reading something about that, but you couldn’t remember what.
He smiled softly. “Did I answer your question, princess?”
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hope you enjoyed the meal!
thank you for your order and your waitress siara hopes you come again soon 💌
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corruptimles · 2 days
Ren and Seira both have SUCH amazing, memorable designs!! And every time u draw them they intrigue me more and more, could u tell a bit abt what they have going in between them? 👀
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I already posted these here and have talked about Seira specifically before in case you haven't seen them but I love to talk more :)!
Their situation has some layers, it might feel a bit convoluted
It starts with Seira, previously named Aries, who was one of the 'Projects' which combined humans with Malum, creatures of shadow. He was patient zero and the blueprint for following projects trying to recreate what happened to him because it was incidental.
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Taurren was one of the kids taken for projects at age 14. And he hated Aries. Aries was compliant with anything the researchers told him to do, was the one that gave Ren his food and tried to train him, and encouraged Ren to just follow orders because it's safer and easier. Ren hated him for being a coward and fought every step of the way until the day that Aries finally caved and broke Ren out of the facility. Even then, Ren was still upset at Aries because he was going back after letting Ren go, instead of them leaving together.
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Another thing about Aries is that he wasn't just a human Nox mixed with Malum, his body was able to contain multiple Malum. That's something that couldn't be replicated with the other subjects. In an attempt to help Ren go back to a normal life, Aries experimentally ripped out part of Ren's Malum side. That caused Ren to calm but go unconscious. It also had the side effect of Ren forgetting what happened at the facility, and losing some cognitive ability because of how the project's process included fusion with the soul.
Aries dropped Ren off as close to his hometown as he could before returning to the facility and never seeing Ren again. Probably.
It took several more years and more incidents with subjects and collateral that Aries couldn't take anymore and left. Seira tried to live a new life, wandering, and later stayed in the same city Ren used to live in, with a halfhearted reason of seeing if he was okay. Except he never worked up the willpower to properly search.
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Ren meanwhile grew up barely remembering Aries and the projects, knowing something wasn't right, but his family never believed him. At the time he was living with his aunt and uncle but was moved home after the incident, then he moved back as an adult. His sister, Karla, always thought he had run away for attention and the subject was eventually dropped for good. He did manage to live a relatively normal life besides that. No knowledge of shadows and elemental powers but with moments of feeling a bit empty, and an ear out for any whispers of the paranormal.
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It wasn't until Seira got his teaching job that he met with Ren again. One of his students, Kei (whose life Seira also kinda ruined but that's a different story), had befriended a local that kept asking too much about the mysterious private school outside of town. Kei, while not exposing the teaching of elemental powers part of the school, still could not consistently lie to save his life and volunteered his teacher to explain! The school staff would know what to do.
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I sadly don't have up-to-date art on his reaction to it, but Seira did almost lose it at seeing Ren again. The only thing that helped him keep it together was just how different Ren was that maybe he wasn't the same kid from back then. He went through the school's cover story spiel but Ren had actually stopped paying attention to that because something about this guy was just. drawing him in (partial memories/his missing soul piece). Taurren had started asking after Seira more and his interest without context started turning into more of an infatuation. Seira meanwhile had started trying to subtly see Ren more as well (going to the same cafe, not subtle), which led to them talking more. There was a long time of a tentative one-sidedness to their friendship because of how long Seira wanted to keep him in the dark, but couldn't successfully find a reason to leave again.
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This art specifically requires more context I'll sum up really quick
This is much after Seira returns Ren's soul piece and memory
Ren is no longer angry about Seira's cowardice because he hadn't known Seira had already been in the project years before him
Ren's infatuation becomes something more sincere
It's hard for Seira to know how he feels in return because of his guilt. He thinks Ren should still be mad at him but has stopped trying to push him away because Ren is still as stubborn as he was back then
This tiredness is from how much Seira's been trying to redeem himself and save others from the project ever since Taurren. This now extends to his students. He can't and couldn't save everyone
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marblemoonstones · 24 hours
cravings 🥞
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main masterlist
summary: you and jungkook are just best friends, but that doesn’t stop you from yearning for more.
warnings: f reader, curse words, fluffy!!, not edited well
word count: ~4.2k
a/n: trying to get back into writing, but tbh this is kinda rushed and i’m so sorry for that 😭 jin’s return is so so soon, and ik it’s not a jin one shot, but enjoy this mediocre warm up.
*does mention sweeney todd musical, no spoilers but some characters mentioned*
jungkookie: 🍪: did u get my text
you: ...maybe
jungkookie 🍪: so?
You sigh, mentally debating whether or not you want to go. Tomorrow night is your school's theatre performance that you and Jungkook are going to see together. As much as you were looking forward to it, Jungkook had asked to go out to eat afterwards. which meant that you two would probably end up going with a bunch of others (due to Jungkook's popularity) leading you to do two things that you absolutely hated: staying up late and having to socialize with other people. But, on the other hand, you didn't want to disappoint Jungkook. You know that if you don’t go he wouldn't either, and would end up taking you home instead. While he acted as though he didn’t mind, you knew that he likes to hang out with his friends. And, since he is always with you, you feel guilty if he doesn’t get to hang out with others. So, you decide to suck it up and go, only for Jungkook's sake.
you: okay i'll go out after 
jungkookie 🍪: yay ur the best!!
Seeing Jungkook's enthusiastic response made you sigh. Why did you have to have a crush on your best friend? Those hopeful eyes and gorgeous smile have always made you wistful, hoping that maybe, someday, you could tell him the truth. But, alas, you're stuck with admiring him in your heart.
you: yeah yeah whatever
you: see you tomorrow @6 
jungkookie 🍪: see u tomorrow!
Well, it is what it is. At least you get to spend more time with Jungkook. Sighing, you turn off your phone and resort to your favorite pastime: binge-watching youtube kpop compilations. You know there are a million other things you could be doing (homework being one of them) but who doesn't love to watch a bunch of (hot) idiots goof around? 
The next day, school goes by in a blur of the usual 'pretending to pay attention but actually talking to friends’ ritual. 
Your to do list grows but you manage to ignore it. That's a later problem.
The first problem right now is picking an outfit for the performance tonight. Your closet looks like it threw up on your bed, and it’s definitely going to be a pain in the ass to pick up all these clothes. At this point all you want to do is curl up with a book and forget about going at all.
Your mom pokes her head in and says "Going somewhere special tonight?"
"No," you respond, starfished on the bed, hardly visible with the piles of clothes. “Just the school musical." 
"Oh right, well, enjoy that honey. Are you going out afterwards?" Your mom asks. 
"Yes," you groan, throwing a hand over your face. 
"Okay...well have fun. You’re only a teenager once!" With that, your mom leaves you to your fashion dilemma. 
Eventually you settle on a cute sweater with your favorite pair of jeans. Casual but also dressed up just enough to hopefully impress Jungkook.
After a quick snack (eating afterwards will definitely be a big affair, so no dinner) you head out after getting a text from Jungkook.
jungkookie 🍪: i’m here hurry up 
you: i'm coming. learn to have some patience 
jungkookie 🍪: just get your ass out here 
"Bye mom!" you shout, grabbing your purse and dashing out the door.
"Bye sweetie! Have fun!" 
You get into Jungkook's passenger seat and shut the door.
"You need to learn to wait five seconds," you say, shoving him.
"But what's the fun in that?" Grinning, he pulls out of the driveway. 
You two jam out to the radio on the way to the theatre, you stealing glances at his side profile. His button nose and full lips paint the perfect portrait. How can someone be so heavenly? 
Pulling into a spot, Jungkook asks you, "So what exactly is this musical about?" 
"Jungkook!" you scold, "I told you to look up a synopsis before coming to watch!" 
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't have time. I assume that it's about a man named Sweeney Todd?" (a/n: sweeney todd is underestimated)
You roll your eyes at Jungkook, then grab his arm.
"Let's just go. I hope they have a summary in the program." 
After showing your tickets you two grab a program and go find your seats. You had forced Jungkook to get decently close seats, much to his complaints. 
"But y/nnnn I don't want to be that close to the pit...my ears will literally die!" 
"Suck it up, buttercup. I want to be able to see it up close, you know I love live theatre." 
Jungkook pouts, but secretly loves how much you adore musicals.
"Okay, right here! Row C." You and Jungkook go to the middle and get settled.
"You know I'm only here for you, right?" Jungkook asks, flipping through his program. 
Your heart stutters.
"What about supporting Jimin?" You ask, trying to ignore the question. The theatre nerd is one of Jungkook's close friends, and in the ensemble. 
“Jimin doesn't care whether or not I’m here," Jungkook says, finding the blonde's photo in the program, "Besides, he gets enough attention from all the girls anyways." 
"Ha ha very funny. Did you find the summary?" you ask, reaching over to flip to the front area of the program and pointing to it. "Read. Now."
"Okay, okay, I'll read it." Jungkook starts reading it while acting overly shocked. “Wow…it takes place in London. Does that mean they have to fake a British accent?”
You sneakily snap a photo of him looking like an idiot and add it to your album 'kookie 🐰.' 
After Jungkook finishes reading it, he turns to you.
"Okay, y/n, I read the summary. Happy?" 
You nod. "Yes. Now I hope you can kinda understand what's happening." 
As soon as you finish saying that the lights dim halfway, and you know that it's going to start soon. 
"Did you take a picture of me?" Jungkook whispers as the orchestra starts warming up.
You feel your cheeks warm. Hopefully he can't see it in the dim lighting. 
"No?" you whisper, and it comes out as a question. 
"Why would you take a photo-" 
Before Jungkook can finish his question the music starts and you're thankful you don't have to answer him. 
"Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd...his skin was pale and his eye was odd...he shaved the faces of gentlemen who never thereafter were heard of again..."
A Little Priest finishes and the lights come up for intermission. 
"So, Jungkook, what did you think?" You gush, wanting to discuss all the details and songs.
"I think that Pirelli was a real dickhead, that's what," Jungkook says passionately.
"Shhh! Don't say that so loud. Yes, he was a dick, but he's not a problem anymore!" You look around subtly, hoping that no one heard Jungkook.
"Yeah yeah. I think that Lovett is pretty smart, but she's too infatuated with Sweeney. Like, girl needs to calm down a little."
If only he knew how much you were infatuated with him; you'd put Lovett to shame.
"Yeah...I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." You hurry out, suddenly sweating, and leaving a confused Jungkook behind.
In the bathroom you shut yourself in a stall to attempt to calm yourself down. Your beating heart does little to help, and you want so badly to tell Jungkook the truth. But you know that he probably doesn't feel the same way. I mean, why would he? He deserves to be with someone as amazing and perfect as him. You have your qualities, but they don’t compare to Jungkook’s. 
Steeling yourself you open the stall to go wash your hands and check yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks aren't tinted as much and after a quick fix of your hair you look normal. 
Taking a deep breath, you walk back to your seat. 
"Sorry, I just really had to go to the bathroom," you sheepishly say to Jungkook, who's looking at you strangely. 
"Mhm...okay. Anyways, what was your favorite song so far?" is the suspicious response. 
You don't think that Jungkook really believes your excuse, but he diverts the subject so you go along with it. 
After talking for the rest of intermission, act two starts. You take your focus off of Jungkook and enjoy the rest of the show.
Amidst the chaos with the lunatics, you leans over to whisper, "Jimin makes a really good crazy person."
Jungkook stifles his laugh, but it's true. Jimin makes the most demented face and has you questioning whether or not he's actually insane.
At the end of the show you and Jungkook give the performers a standing ovation. 
"Woo!" You cheer, seeing the cast grin at each other.
When the house lights come up Jungkook drags you over to say hi to Jimin.
"Hey, great job! Y/n over here thought that your facial expressions were really funny." Jungkook elbows you playfully. 
You just awkwardly smile, as you only know Jimin through Jungkook.
"Well thank you, y/n. I try," Jimin responds, dramatically giving a bow.
You laugh a bit at that, making Jungkook grin.
"Hey, so y/n and I are going to go out to eat and I was wondering if you wanted to join us." There it goes. You knew Jungkook would want to hang out with other people, as he always does.
Little do you know that it's only because Jungkook is too nervous to be with you by himself.
"Sure, just let me put my mic away, change, and take this makeup off of me so I don't look like a clown," Jimin jokes. 
"You already look like one normally," Jungkook snarks, earning a shove and a "Shut the fuck up," from Jimin. 
"Well y/n and I will go get a table because we don't want to wait for your ass," Jungkook says, starting to leave. 
You wave at Jimin and he just winks, gesturing for you to follow Jungkook.
Jungkook pulls out of the parking lot. You turn on the music again, partly because you hate a silent car but mostly because you want to listen to Jungkook's angelic voice.
You then realize you don't even know where you're going to eat.
"Wait Jungkook where are we going?" you ask, but figure it out halfway through your question.
"Ihop of course! I know you crave late night breakfast," is the peppy reply. 
You are so lucky to have someone who knows you so well, but you don't want to force him to go there just because of your cravings. This always happens.
"Oh, well don't feel obligated to go there! We always go there because of me. Why don't we go somewhere for you this time?" you ask, trying to convince Jungkook.
He just stubbornly shakes his head and says "No, it's okay. I know how your cravings get, and I'm always in the mood for pancakes! Besides, I already told Jimin that's where we are going." 
You protest, but his stubbornness keeps you from arguing for long. He always wins.
Eventually you pull into the parking lot and hop out.
"So Jungkook...is it only us and Jimin?" you ask as said man checks his phone. Maybe you won't have to deal with a ton of people?
"No, sorry y/n. I know how you don't like a lot of people. Jimin invited some of the theatre people like Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung. And then they invited their friends, so Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jackson are all coming," Jungkook finishes, giving you a sympathetic look. (a/n, it’s always jackson, isn’t it?)
Ugh. Why did you have to have such a thoughtful best friend? 
"It's fine, Jungkook. Don't worry about it," you say, genuinely meaning it. Giving Jungkook a smile, you hope to ease his worries.
It works, as he grins back and gestures for you to follow him. 
Stepping inside Jungkook gets a table and then you both follow the waitress.
"Table for nine, right here. Would you like to wait for everyone to arrive before you order?" Asks the waitress.
"Yes, please," Jungkook replies.
You thank your waitress and then sit down on the end. Jungkook sits beside you.
"How long do you think it'll take for them to get here?" You ask, checking the time and seeing that it's 10:07. On a regular night you’ be curled up in bed either reading or binge watching a show.
"Soon. And if they don't then we'll just order without them," Jungkook says cheekily. 
Approximately ten minutes later the doors to Ihop burst open and you see the cluster of boys. 
"Well, I guess they're here," you murmer, feeling a little out of place as the only girl. 
"Yeah...hey if you ever feel like it's too much, just text me or let me know because I'll do my best to help you," Jungkook says at the pack comes over to sit down. 
"Hey Kook, how you doing?" A makeup-free Jimin asks, sitting next to him. Taehyung sits across from you and waves, a boxy grin on his face.
You wave shyly back. 
"Good, took you guys a long time to get here, though," Jungkook complains, shoving Jimin lightly. 
"Whatever. You're the one who didn't want us here in our makeup, so deal with the consequences." As Jimin finishes this sentence the waitress comes back over.
"Ready to order drinks?" She asks, notepad and pen at the ready.
"Sure," Jungkook says, then orders a soda. 
Going around the table you're last, and mostly everyone else orders a drink with some kind of caffeine. Will you be lame if you get a water? You don't want to keep yourself up all night. 
"And you miss?" She asks.
"I'll have a water please," you say quietly, causing her to nod.
"Okay, I'll get those out for you!" She bustles back to the kitchen and everyone proceeds to continue talking and laughing in their loud banters. 
You already know what you're ordering, so you place the menu down and look at the odd crew that you're with. 
Across from you Taehyung and Yoongi talk loudly, with Taehyung doing most of the talking. Yoongi just sits, an image of bored, but you can tell from his endeared stare and small upturn of his lips that he's enjoys listening to Taehyung. 
Next to Yoongi sits Namjoon, Jin, and Jackson. They're typically a quieter trio, and they chat amongst themselves calmly...ish (compared to the next group). 
Across from Jackson sits Hoseok, then Jimin, Jungkook, and you. 
Hoseok is talking animatedly with Jimin, using his arms to gesture and you almost laugh when Jimin just barely dodges his arm. 
"So y/n, what are you going to order?" Jungkook asks, drawing your attention away from Hoseok.
"French toast," you say, shrugging, "What about you?" 
Jungkook ignores your question and hums in response, "Oh, it's a french toast night. Are you feeling okay? You only order french toast when you aren't that hungry and can have leftovers later." 
How does Jungkook always know? You aren't hungry despite not having dinner. Sometimes these spells happen where you don’t eat much, and somehow Jungkook always can sense when they are.
You see Jimin lean out behind Jungkook and dart his eyes to Jungkook and back to you, eyebrows raised suggestivly. 
What's that supposed to mean?
Diverting your eyes away from Jimin, you're about to respond but the waitress comes back with the drinks.
Thanking her, you quickly rip the straw wrapping off and promptly shove it in the water, taking a sip to avoid answering the question. 
But Jungkook won't let you off the hook so easily.
"Y/n, answer the question. Or, at least answer this: did you eat dinner? If not, then you should really eat more than one piece of french toast," Jungkook says loudly, ignores the poor waitress who's trying to get his order. 
"Jungkook, order. She's waiting." You gesture to the waitress, and Jungkook quickly orders his combo meal before turning back to you. 
"And for you miss?" The waitress looks concerned as Jungkook gives you an angry look. 
"I'll have the classic french toast, please," you say meekly, feeling Jungkook's glare at you.
The waitress nods before quickly scurrying off, clearly aware of the sudden tension at the table.
"Y/n, you know I only ask because I care about you," Jungkook says, still being louder than you like. 
"I know, Kook," you say, your voice much quieter. Does he understand that he's being too loud? Some people from the tables around you are staring. 
Jungkook takes a look at your face and realizes his mistake and he goes to apologize. 
"Y/n, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have been so loud and-" 
The talking around you suddenly feels louder and it’s all too much. You're feeling anxiety because of the situation, guilt because Jungkook always has to apologize even when it's not needed, and sadness because you wish you could stop being so annoying with these types of outings.
"It's okay," you manage to say, stopping Jungkook's rambling, "I'm okay. I think that I'll just go home now." This is what happens when you go out. What you wouldn’t give to be tucked under your covers with your moonbeam reading light on. 
"Can you cancel my order?" You ask Jungkook, seeing him protest. 
"No, it's fine Jungkook. Really. Stay and enjoy," you manage to get out. Seeing him so sad makes your heart clench but it's for the better. 
You get up from your chair and leave, Jungkook's stare burning into your back.
Half of you hopes that he follows you, but the other half doesn't want that to happen. 
Your stomach aches (Probably from hunger, or nerves. Or both.) and you are yet again thinking that this is another example of why you don’t deserve Jungkook. He’s just too kind. Honestly, doesn’t he ever get tired of taking care of you? As much as you wish you could pull away from him, he still draws you in like a magnet. Curse his amazing personality.
You are afraid of what will happen in the future. Will these feelings go away? Will they go away if you suppress them? Will Jungkook laugh at you if you tell him? Of course he'll laugh. There's no way he feels the same way. Who would ever like you?
All these questions bombard your brain as you lean against the wall. 
You know that you need to text your mom to come pick you up (Jungkook was your ride home) but for now you focus on calming your self-depricating thoughts and suppressing your feelings.
Someone touches your shoulder and you almost jump out of your skin.
"Woah! Sorry, it's just me y/n." There stands Jungkook, looking perfect as always even in the horrible fluorescent lighting. Great.
"Oh, hey Jungkook," you say, "Why are you out here? I told you I'm fine." You should’ve known that it was impossible to trick Jungkook into thinking you’re okay.
"You're clearly not fine. Can you tell me what's wrong? First it's rushing off to the bathroom and now rushing out of here. You've been acting weird all night. So, what's up?" Jungkook crosses his arms and leans against the wall next to you, clearly not planning on leaving until he gets the answer out of you.
"But Jungkook-"
"No, y/n. Just tell me. Please." Jungkook is so desperate to know and it seems as though he's begging for answers for more than just tonight.
How can you tell him? 
Memories flash before your eyes of you and Jungkook.
Middle school, where you both were the most awkward people, still developing their personalities while adjusting to hormones. But after being partnered up for a project you two became friends. 
Walking across the stage for middle school promotion, you in that floral sundress that makes Jungkook go crazy and him in a polka-dotted bow tie.
Starting high school together, your friendship still going strong. Clutching your backpacks as you take the next step into adulthood, all while still being a teenager. 
Going to homecoming and prom together as 'friends' only, despite the looks. His tie always matches your dress, causing you to pretend that he’s yours, if only for one night.
Jungkook being there for you as you cry because of school stress. 
"I-I just can't do it anymore. There's too much. I'll never be able to catch up and then there's always more piling on and it never ends! Why does it never end?!"  
He just wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, his warmth and silence being the best remedy as you sob your heart out, while wrapped in your worn pink blanket that he bought for you.
You being there for him at all his various sporting events. Cross country meets, basketball, swimming. Whenever there was a home meet, you were there, sitting in the bleachers cheering him on. 
During the hot cross country meets, you were the one to give Jungkook a water bottle at the end.
During the basketball games you'd be in the students section with some friends, dressed in whatever the theme was that night. You would always cheer the loudest when Jungkook would score (which was quite a lot, considering how good he was). 
During swim meets you'd be on the bleachers. Even though there were many other attractive shirtless boys, you only ever looked at Jungkook (and his fine muscles...who knew he was hiding abs under his baggy sweatshirts?). 
Staring up at him now makes you realize that even if he doesn't feel the same, it's Jungkook. He wouldn't just destroy your friendship if he didn't like you back. Jungkook would let you down slowly and still keep your friendship. 
"Okay Kook. I'll tell you." Inhaling a big breath you clench your fists and spit it out.
"I like you."
You avoid his eyes, choosing to look at the concrete. You ask yourself why you thought this was a good idea. Surely he thinks you're stupid. God, why are you such a fool-
A note of, hopefulness? Is that really what you hear? Confused you look up to Jungkook...smiling? 
"Why do you have that gleam in your eye?" You ask, still scared but now also suspicious.
Jungkook just takes a step closer, still wearing that stupid goofy grin with a hint of something else.
"Because." Is his helpful response to your question.
Before you say another word Jungkook closes the gap between you two, pressing his lips softly against yours. 
It's better than what you ever imagined and sweeter than anything you've tasted. His lips are like sugary clouds of cotton candy, and you want to taste them forever. If this was a rom-com, the peak of the movie would be this moment right here.
Suddenly the dim lighting and ugly parking lot seems romantic, blossoming with love.
Jungkook pulls away, clearly enjoying the befuddled look on your face.
"W-what?" You ask, semi-breathless, still reeling from what just happened. 
Jungkook just laughs quietly. 
"Isn't it obvious? I like you too y/n," he says, grabbing your hands.
Were you in a rom-com, or did your best friend just confess to you?
"Wait, hold on. You do?" 
Apparently your skepticalness is funny to Jungkook because he just laughs again. 
"Yes, y/n. I just kissed you, doesn't that show my feelings for you?" Jungkook asks, pulling you close. 
You can feel the comforting warmth of Jungkook and ask yourself again if this was real life.
"And, if that doesn't show them, then should I kiss you again?" 
Jungkook is sneaky, that little devil. 
Before you can answer, he leans down to press a kiss to your left cheek. Then your right. And next is your nose.
"Jungkook! Stop!" You giggle, trying to push him away. 
"No! Not until you know I like you!" Jungkook is stubborn, and under the onslaught of kisses you can only be strong for so long.
"Okay okay! I believe you!" You’re must sinking into Jungkook’s hold more.
"Good." He stops kissing you after one more on the top of your head.
You bask in his arms around you for a minute. 
Then, you furrow your brows as another question pops into your head.
"Wait, Jungkook...now what?" You ask the question innocently, making Jungkook laugh once again at all the options he has.
"Now I take you on a proper date, give you hugs and kisses all the time, always be with you, hold your hand constantly-"
"What?" You interrupt, eyes wide at all the things Jungkook is listing. 
"That's right. Now that you're mine, I can do all this and more!" Jungkook cheers, all while hoping he isn't coming on too strong.
"Oh...that sounds kinda nice," you admit shyly, your heart pounding again at the thought of being able to love Jungkook freely.
"I'm glad. Now, let's go finish our first date?" Jungkook gestures to the Ihop building. 
Bashfully you reach out your hand and Jungkook takes it happily. 
a/n: why do i kinda hate this now 😭 i hope the mc didn’t come off as victimizing herself, she’s just insecure. please remember you’re beautiful and strong, and deserve all the love in the world! 🩷🫶🏼
please request if you have one! i often run out of ideas, so any are welcome! (please sfw tho) :)
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shakingparadigm · 1 month
what is the theory that ivan manipulated the event where till and mizi met the wagyein?
It's not a theory, actually! It's confirmed that Ivan orchestrated the whole event. The true reason as to why however is still unknown. The information provides more context to this scene, though:
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During the earlier times of ALNST the most rational explanation for this scene was that Till ran after a flower crown (presumably Mizi's) and Ivan followed him in out of curiosity. Now we know that Ivan was conveniently just standing there because he was waiting.
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Side note, I find it heartbreaking (and maybe a little funny, sorry) that Till most likely didn't notice Ivan in this scene. That's just like him, isn't it. Always too busy running after Mizi while Ivan trails behind, an ever-present shadow.
I'm not sure how Ivan manipulated the circumstances for both of them to end up there, but it is confirmed that everything was intentional. What strikes me most is how they describe this particular scene:
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I can't copy down what they said word-for-word (Patreon info), but they described Ivan watching "creepily" as Till and Mizi are faced with danger. We know that Ivan was familiar with the Cerberus wagyein beforehand, enough to touch its teeth and even to rest himself inside its maw. To Ivan, the wagyein is not dangerous, but to Till and Mizi, it could be. Ivan prepared the wagyein, led them there, and watched "creepily" from afar as Till fell on his knees, seemingly injured.
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The closest I can get to making sense of Ivan's "scheme" is that he wanted to see how other children would react in a dangerous situation. Ivan's always been an observer, after all, and he's learned to survive by copying the more "normal" behaviors of his peers. This situation occured when Ivan was still young and had not yet developed his more charming mask, so perhaps he staged this encounter to study a situational response, to learn and mimic the emotion of fear. And what better subjects for the experiment than two of the most expressive and reactive humans of their batch? It helps that he was already fixated on Till beforehand, too. I think Ivan became irreversibly obssessed after this incident, especially since it's framed as a turning point in Ivan's life, comparing Till to the stars.
This is just my attempt at an interpretation, though. It could very well be for another reason. He most likely chose Till and Mizi specifically for personal reasons, not just for reaction. I'm still not sure on the purpose behind the whole thing.
The team wanted to capture Ivan's "dark emotions" through the shot of his stalking, which could relate to his more sinister intentions. His gaze can be read in a few different ways, though. Curiosity, interest, fear, etc. Maybe that's why they decided to redraw the shot in ROUND 6.
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I think this better sells the feeling they were trying to convey.
#ivan u fucked up little guy.#also okay i just wanna clear this up#i know i make a lot of posts about ivans darker side and his more problematic traits#but this isn't me trying to villainize him or reduce him down to “toxic yaoi”#I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW ALL MY TOXIC YAOI POSTS ARE LIGHTHEARTED.#i just want to clarify that ivan was always intended to be a darker and complicated character. even since his debut in round 3#the way i refer to ivan (“twisted” “creepy” “obssessive” etc) are literally the direct words used by q and v themselves to describe him#but despite that id like to emphasize that i don't see ivan as a villain or a completely bad person. hes complicated#there is no normalcy in this world they are living in. none of the characters know what being truly normal is#this isn't me condoning his actions#but it has to be acknowledged that alnst is fucked up in nature. we can't expect perfect relationships from people who are born to die#plus ivan has a lot more layers past the “dark” parts. he's constantly battling himself and his desires#especially at the end of round 6 where he performs a myriad of conflicting actions (kiss strangle peck smile)#thanks to the r6 production notes we now know that ivan was going through a rapid internal conflict#“sure and unsure at the same time”#there is sooo much to ivan. his low self-esteem. his desire and possessiveness despite knowing till will never love him#his VEHEMENT insistence that till will never love him vs his desperate persistence in trying anyway#uh i need to shut up i think#anyways sorry. just wanted to clarify my thoughts on him in case people think im. yk.#in short. hes a fucked up little freak and he fascinates me. this poor tragic child. i love him.#SORRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY#alnst#alien stage#alien stage ivan#alnst ivan#asks
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bylertruther · 2 years
society if the duffers had gone through with their original plan to have mike go to the upside down in s1 to find will
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#byler#it's enough for me to know that he WOULD but i still would have liked to see it........ but i guess there's still s5..... sniffles n cries#when will's ankle gets caught in a vine n vecna goes YOINK n u just see mike's eyes go crazy wide as he starts sprinting after him faster#than he ever has tripping stumbling falling in a very mike fashion but he keeps going n he doesn't make it in time but it doesn't matter#it doesn't matter bc he's NOT going to lose will again he's NOT going to lose him on HIS watch a-fucking-gain he won't he CAN'T#and maybe it's a party affair so he looks back at lucas n dustin who are almost there and they're screaming after#him BECAUSE MIKE WAIT STOP MIKE WE DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT WEAPONS but mike just furrows his brow and goes in#bc he's the heart he's the paladin he's going to lead them and he's going to save will because will needs him but also he needs will#and. and um. well. then i fucking die of course#OR COULD U IMAGINE IF will goes on a solo mission and he thinks he's managed to sneak away but mike pops up like 'what are you doing? 🤨'#bc he always sees will and he always knows when something is up and it's a crazy plan but they did say crazy together and that they'd be a#team no matter what and that they would kill vecna so liek. do u see what im saying are u seeing my visions are u feeling my insanity rn .#they get surrounded or trapped somewhere and will casts fog cloud n saves the party like he did in a previous campaign. etc etc#dustin is their bard who has snacks n keeps things lighthearted mike leads the way n will is at his side n lucas is their eyes n ears n it'#almost like one of their campaigns bc the show started with that and those were their roles when will was missing and now it'll end#like that and so on n so forth. nods mhm mhm#takes deep breath ok back 2 studying i go byeeee
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preemptively sorry for how fucking long this is it is YOUR FAULTT THOUGH!!!! large bowl of seeds for u. it is almost 2am sorry.
SO. there are. two ways to assign the prime defenders powers etc. the first way is just, like, categorize their existing powersets within the prt framework, & the second is to give them entirely new abilities based on the way worm works. delightfully, all the powers they Do have work really well for the most part, so even that doesn't require a ton of shuffling.
categorizing their pre-existing powers:
wiwi-- breaker w/ a shaker subclass. neither of them rated very high, but that's already a rare and versatile enough combination!!
dakota-- brute babeeeey!!! brute/mover its so straightforward. hell yeah babey. i don't know what he'll end up looking like post-heart removal & stuff but my guess is that'll end up looking more like a mover/striker.
vyncent-- now THIS one gave me trouble. i... hm. to say this without talking about stuff that i don't think has come up much already, (hey!! you're at that clockblocker pov! directly related to what flechette says!) i'd call him a grab-bag cape, irt the greats at least. post-greats-- again, i don't know what his powerset will look like after this arc! but if he's going all in w/ the fire magic, that would for sure be some striker shit! :]]]
giving them new powers... man i'm reining myself in so hard from five more paragraphs on Why exactly i'm saying all this.
wiwi still breaker for sure, maybe breaker-master, maybe master-stranger. yknow. powers are fluid, the prt categories are pretty rigid. i... don't know. enough about his situation yet to be clearer than that vague idea yet-- i really like the idea of him just. ditching his body & using a noncorporeal form but he still has to keep an eye on his body i think that's great. the noncorporeal form would b able to change its visibility but still b limited by proximity to the body. & fluctuating energy shit powered by fluctuating amounts of recent-death in the area, maybe probably also limited in that it's only accessible in his breaker form.... also i think u will appreciate this style note from the [UNNAMED PARAHUMANS TTRPG] i'm referencing a lot here.
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dakota--in this situation he probably would not. have that mechanical heart and shit. he' would still be a mover/thinker-- thinker rating is for faster mental processing + senses imminent pain for the people in his immediate vicinity. not danger, just pain; it immediately registers ambiently & can be generally traced back to whoever it is. no he can't turn it off ever, it manifests as feeling a similar level of pain, yes it works on himself. + mover-- he can fucking fly. no super strength, just very fast flight & the general "won't splat himself flying into something" capabilities, which meshes well w/ the faster processing & reflexes. i'm split on how exactly this would work mechanically but i will NOT go into that now. i am also not going into the 15k discussion in my brain on why dakota 'notoriously bad at thinking about things' cole would be a thinker but u gotta trust the process ok??
vyncent-- trump!!!! somehow this is the only straightforward one to me? he can copy powers at the full strength or ability level of the original for an unspecified amount of time that's usually 1-30 minutes by touching the cape. crucially, he doesn't have any edge on how to use these powers + can easily misuse or become extremely overwhelmed by them. he's easily the most powerful out of the three of them <33
ashe-- ashe is NOT HERE currently and also it's 1:30 am so i gotta go fucking sleep soon BUT they would be a master. easy. :o) they can make some lil guys n do stuff with them!!!!
in general these are pretty fucking cracked abilities, all of them would b oosely above a seven or so in a number rating once they're really settled in their powers-- this is mostly because i'm assuming that they would still be heirs-apparent to the prime force equivalent, which would b the triumvirate :]] anyway. good lord. this is like the cliff notes edition of what i've been thinking and scribbling in the notes app for the past several hours. sorry if it's fucking incomprehensible. gn!!! <333
AAAAAH FUCK YESSSSSS OKAY OKAY OKAY my response is probably going to be equally as long. so it's fine. oooouh buddy.
I KNOW WHAT BREAKER MEANS NOW !!! I dontttt think ive learned shaker yet. breaker is like.... breaking the laws of physics/shifting planes or whatever. PERFECT for william hell yes. for putting them actually in worm world ... ughhhh breaker/master william is REALLY cool. I havwnt learned stranger yet but i think he would develop a complex over being classified as stranger <3 (like how weld doesn't like that he's classified as a brute even though that's not exactly what it means, he just doesn't like the word) . GODDDD just thinking abt putting pd boys in worm is fucking me up haven't they been through enough. I want to see them all in a fit of despair. william ditching his body is SO good I miss when he would do that, also the powers being limited by how far away he is AND THE AMOUNT OF RECENT DEATH IN THE AREA. holy shit. that's so fucking good . im sure he would not overthink at all the fact that he is stronger when more people around him have died . I'm sure he'd do awesome in the leviathan fight for sure for sure .
DAKOTA BRUTE <3 DAKOTA BRUTE/MOVER I LOVE THIS A LOTTTTTT hellbyes. awesome. it's so perfect for him <3 worm world I'm SURPRISED u didn't stick with brute for him. eyes emoji. I trust your judgement but now i am Thinking... Hmm..... YOU BRING INTO QUESTION something I have been thinking about. and I'm going to probably get derailed a little here but stay with me. how the way powers manifest directly relate to the trigger event. because for a WHILE before we learned taylors I was like "OH i bet the powers are going to be directly related to what traumatic thing happened to them" and then we learn about taylor and grue and a couple more and I kind of lost that theory because while you can. technically draw relations between their powers and their events it seemed like too much of a stretch to do . HOWEVER now my thinking has changed AGAIN and I think the powers ARE related to specific trigger events but it's not as straightforward as "oh something scary happened to you with bugs so now you have bug powers" I think it's gonna be more complicated than that. WHICH. THE WAY THIS RELATES. BACK ON TOPIC NOW. to DAKOTA . assuming his trigger event is still he and katori falling off the building I think it's AWESOME that his powers would manifest as FLIGHT for one. and the fucking. pain sense thing. fuck me up. dakota extreme hero complex cole would be so fucked up by a power where he ambiently senses pain from the people around him at all times and cannot turn it off. I'm sure he would feel so normal about being around william chronic pain wisp 24/7. also I can SO CLEARLY imagine how this power specifically would lead to him getting super overwhelmed in chaotic situations like he does in canon. and just fucking. bolt out of there because it's too much. again. he'd have such a wonderful time in the leviathan fight
I AM AT CLOCKBLOCKER POV !!!! actually technically I'm on kid win pov now but I haven't finished his chapter yet. vyncent grab bag cape..... yeah... I think it would be EXTREMELY funny imagining the PRT in pd world trying 2 classify vyncent like. what the fuck does this kid do . what do we do with him. hes got other guys in his head that give him powers. is he a master??? no he can't fucking control them. is he a striker??? only SOMETIMES. is he a blaster?? AGAIN ONLY SOMETIMES. cannot classify him bitch!!!!!!!! giving him worm powers though.. UGH. being able to touch someone and COMPLETELY copy their powers but only for a short period of time???? I fucking love that a lot. he WOULD be the most powerful out of them!!! I can hear taylors inner analysis dialogue about him now and it's very similar to the clockblocker "DONT LET HIM.TOUCH YOU" panic. loooove imagining this playing off of the rest of pd,,, i know there was AT LEAST one time where he had william sort of transfer some of his ghost powers for a minute? I think it was during the lich fight in the theatre but i just remember vycnent floating and going intangible and NOT KNOWING how to control it or anything. loveeee that. in world dynamics I feel like vyncent would be a late addition to their team (instead of coming from another world maybe he just. had his trigger event happen way later than the other two..or something.) and not trusting them as much at first/being REALLY shaky using either of their powers but after a while being really comfortable in a fight with using either Williams or dakotas powers in a fight. Just like. imagining the fluidity of how they'd work together in a tense situation assuming they're not being complete dumbasses <3333 UGH it's really good
AAAASHE ASHE ASHE IM SOOO SO GLAD YOU INCLUDED ASHE IN THIS I miss him.so much every day. from what I know so far master involves having/making/controlling some sort of minion (cannot think of a better word than that rn) AND I THINK THATS REALLYYYY perfect for ashe. i assume he would actually work pretty closely to canon in that his limitation would be the book? or if he doesn't have the book maybe his limitation would be a) having only a few different types of things he could summon (the big hand, the water fairy, duck etc) and/or b) only being able to control them.for a short amount of time after they're summoned so he has to be quick about dismissing them. can't keep the demon hand around for too long or it might start picking things up and throwing them at random. putting teammates in danger bc he can't control it anymore etc etc. alsooooooo in clockblocker pov they VERY briefly mentioned the possibility of having secondary trigger events (?!!!!?!?!) and you know I locked onto that SO FUCKING HARD. ashe being born with powers and then his secondary trigger event being his mom's death <3 im.NOT even going to attempt to talk about how the trickster would work in worm world/if it would even exist in this setting bc i don't know enough about the types of powers and things yet..but just know. I am keeping this in the back of my mind "this is a fun surprise tool that will help us later" style
#also side note but can i say. thw whole time i was reading the leviathan fight a persistent thought in the back of my mind was#“man i really wish they had a cape here who could control water- THEY NEED TIDE... THEY NEED TIDE SO BAD”#so like..really normal about putting prime defenders SPECIFICALLY in the leviathan fight. teehee (<< most diabolical laugh youve ever heard#I HAVE A LOT MORE THOUGHTS ABOUT WILLIAM TOO BUT..HMMMMMMMMM DONT THINK I CAN SAY SOME OD THEM YET#EXTREMELY interested 2 see whether ur thoughts on specifically him and dakota#will change after both the training arc and certain other events <3#hehehehehehehee#GOD I CANNOT STOP IMAGINING. PD IN WORM.WORLD. they would suffer so fucking badly man.#william wisp guilt complex about his powers turned up to 200#HAVING A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT ASHE ALSOOOOO . AS ALWAYS#now that i know more abt power classes i am VERY confidently going to put mark down as a tinker/striker.#with the tinker rating being SLIGHTLY higher than striker bc he uses the things he makes to amplify his naturally weaker striker powers.#tiiiiiide im thinkingggg would be. whats the elemental one.#not breaker bc thats specifically about breaking physics and i dont think that works for him.#is it shaker?????? i dknt think ive learned shaker yet.#U ARE MORE EQUIPPED AT THIS THAN ME whats tide. tide would also for sure be a case 53 right. i havent exactly learned what that means yet#but im assuming its the whole artifically giving people powers thing and. thats tide baby. idk if clones would work in worm world#so maybe its him and his regular siblings all being specifically given elemental powers#so they could work together as some super crazy powerful team. and then. that Doesnt happen <3#(idk if u have listened to the tide oneshot yet but. its good. if you ignore dodgeboy)#ANYWAY. i should start getting ready for work now. im having so many thoughts about this norlw#hollyyyyyy shit#infected my brain with worms (pun intended)#asks#friends!!!#intertexts#wormposting#jrwi pd#<< only tagging so i can find this later when i learn more and can properly yell about it#new haven wards
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orcelito · 1 year
ok currently inspecting July Events to figure out wtf happened to Vash's coat
so we see him at the start of July in this:
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which upon inspection IS different from his coat at the start of the series:
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which makes this shot immediately post-july make some sense:
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he's got the same belts pants, so clearly not ALL of his outfit got blown off, but it seems like his prior coat didn't survive the explosion. so at some point, he'd have to contact the floating ship again to get another coat made (these ppl really are working overtime keeping up with his coat and prosthetic demolishing lmaooo) WHICH on the topic of his prosthetic, it seems like it DID survive the July explosion, which is interesting!
smth im wondering about. In dialog, we hear from Brad that he met Vash when he was 4 years old, but hasn't seen him in the 13 years since (this being after the 2 years post-jeneora). at that time, it's 8 years post-july (since july happens 6 years before the start of the series, and then add the 2 years time skip post-jeneora), which sets the events of July THEORETICALLY to happen 5 years after his last visit to the flying ship.
so, how did he get his new coat if he hasn't been back to the flying ship in 13 years? Well, i assume he has some way to contact them from afar, considering he manages to get Sensei to bring him a new coat post-jeneora in some random town (& Sensei now brings Brad, who is 17, but would've only been 9 the last time).
this brings the question: how does he contact them? some kind of communication device? i remember his earring's a radio, but i dont remember him having any specific way to contact them directly. so maybe it's just not shown? i cant imagine he'd be able to send letters, all things considered, so it's probably some kind of radio transmission. the technology Does exist, & they almost definitely would pin a special radio on this disaster-prone asshole so he could still keep contact during the long years he's away from home.
the more you know 🤔
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#making a new tag for posts like these#fanny's trigun analysis#bc the wiki is frankly lacking in definite details like this#for the sake of my own writing i gotta do the analysis myself#which includes piecing together the timeline & vash's habits in the time between events.#i have very specific information i need for my fic. right NOW july and the flying ship being the most relevant.#im also wondering what vash thought of knives' condition. if he knew what state he was in#he never doubted that knives was still alive. so did he see him? or was he just drawing the natural conclusion given his own resilience?#we do see in chapter 88 of trimax that legato at knives' side can see vash across the way. not Close but still visible.#as vash perches on that damned bolder for who knows how long. processing? grieving? who knows what's happening there.#considering how loud legato screams and how acute vash's hearing is i bet he was aware of his existence.#assuming he's in the mind state to be aware of his surroundings that is. always possible he was too stuck in his brain and all.#these r all details im trying to pick apart for chapter 2 of my new fic. i know the direction vash is gonna go#but that initial moment. his initial Processing. im trying to sort out the details of that scene. he is not going to have a fun time lmfao#trigun spoilers/#edit for additional detail i realized: vash just plain didnt remember july. at all.#so the reason he wasnt worried about knives was bc he didnt know he got caught up in this to start with lmaooo#whoopsie daisey sometimes u read thru smth wayy too quickly and u forget essential details. whoops
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sudokuplayer · 2 years
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#sooo i'm the only one who's always at home cause i don't have a job#(not lazy just agoraphobic and clinically depressed 🙄)#and my sister told me she bought a tv so i had to receive it today and the guy was like ''does [name of a person i don't know] live here?''#and i said no cause i don't fucking know anyone with that name and i thought the guy had made a mistake 😭#and the guy was like ''is this the right address?'' and he checked and it was the right one 🥴 and then i got soooo nervous#and i told him that i was supposed to receive a tv that my sister bought#and i told him the name of my sister in case he had misread the info or something...#eventually i said that guy's name was probably a friend of my sister#and that maybe my sister forgot to tell me it wasn't hers the thing i was supposed to receive...#so the guy asked for my info and took pics of the house and the package and left.#i carried the package to my mom's room and texted my sister and she told me who the guy was and i do know him !!!#he's a firefighter who's friends with my sister cause she's also a firefighter but i didn't know his name?????#cause my brother and i secretly call him Hache (it's a reference to a cringe spanish movie)#and she calls him another nickname when she mentions him 🥴 so yea then my mom got home like at 4pm and said the tv was hers ??#that it was a gift from my sister but H bought it with his card for some fucking reason !! like‚‚‚‚‚‚#allegedly my sister didn't have money at the time she wanted to buy it (even though she has 2 other jobs besides being a firefighter!!#she's an occupational therapist and works as teacher too). anywayyy we opened it and the screen had a HUGE fucking crack !!!!#and my mom checked the packaging and shit and the box had like a hole?? and she was like ''u didn't see this??''#i told her nooo that i was sooo nervous and didn't even look at it and that the guy took a pic too but only one side of the box 😭😭#so and my mom called my sister and they talked for a while and then my sister called H#and H said he would tell a friend (another firefighter) to return it and get a new one.#H's friend came here to pick it up and my mom went with him#cause she felt bad that H made his friend go to the city (it's 2 like hours away) alone ...#so yea they changed the tv for a new one and mom got home like at 10pm...#and that's what you missed on glee !#🥴🥴#my body's is been so stiff all day and tmi but i've been peeing every 5 minutes
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rucow · 7 months
ok but what if nerevar had gotten adopted into house dagoth instead of indoril and what if he fit right in and what if he was dagoth nerevar instead
#this is My canon tbh....eventually#in my mind palace nerevar ditches his position as king and holes up with the dagoth fam at kogoruhn#he never wanted to be king. only hortator#he didnt want to be a politician but a warrior and a leader and a *saviour*#i think he actually rly sucked at politics when he first went to mournhold to ask for the queen's support#so he was easy to win over as a pawn. u know what i mean???#he probably signed some contracts he couldnt even read#he was provably promised exactly what he wanted to hear but instead he got. a lot more on his plate than he asked for#fast forward many years later when he's much more influential and experienced#and he finally has enough of being what other ppl want him to be: a king . a saint. a husband#hes had enough of being idle when he should've taken action instead#and u know who's always by his side ...? who sees him for who he is? a mortal mer like the rest of them? voryn. its voryn.#and the dagoths in general#they never saw him as their king but as their equal: a mortal mer capable of making mistakes#he has their respect and their support but also their criticism and council#in the end they're his truest allies#and also the closest thing to a family he's ever had#he gets on well with all the dagoth siblings. not just voryn#if anything.. voryn gives him the harshest treatment actually#bc voryn wants nerevar to be the best version of himself he possibly can be#even moreso than azura!#ofc voryn loves him. but most importantly voryn sees both the good and the bad in nerevar#and they dont shy away from being blunt with him#which is something nerevar appreciates. the dagoths' practical honesty and bluntness is a breath of fresh air for him#compared to everything he had in mournhold#i hope u get what i mean bc goodness knows im bad with words#txt
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