#and these are all good things but it feels like everything is suddenly changing super fast and idk how to handle it
misseviehyde · 1 day
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Lawrence winced as the screams of his hysterical teenage daughter rang in his ears and she slammed the door to her bedroom so hard, the house shook and plaster fell down.
Bella was volatile at the best of times, but by confiscating her phone - the most important thing in her life, her Father had really just set her off.
He could hear sobbing and crashing in her room and knew she was trashing it. He knew from experience that Bella would try anything to get her phone back... threatening him, threatening to hurt herself... begging, screaming, pleading, lying... it was kind of sad. She might even try to contact her Mom, but even though he and Beth had separated, they still parented together and it would do little good.
'Since when did teenagers get so addicted to social media?' he thought. He'd noticed his daughters addiction to her phone had been getting worse and then when another parent had contacted him to say Bella was bullying her daughter he had decided to act.
He'd been pretty disappointed to see the mean messages calling the other girl a fat loser. He knew Bella was a popular girl and obsessed with her looks, but he hadn't realised she was so mean. It seemed everyone was afraid of Bella and she liked it.
Lawrence had decided that he needed to get his daughter back on track. She would be moving out soon and he didn't want his legacy to be a spoiled toxic bitch who thought she could treat other people like dirt. Bella seemed to think the only thing that mattered in life was money and status.
"I better go through here and see what else she's been up to..." he mused.
Scrolling through the phone, Lawrence was a little embarrassed to see the clothes and outfits his daughter had bookmarked as things to buy. They were all skimpy and expensive... he wasn't sure he approved. There were also pictures of boys in her phone and he didn't want to think about his horny daughters crushes on other men.
As he scrolled through, his eye was suddenly caught by an app he had never heard of. Brat App.
Opening the app, Lawrence saw it was some sort of social media app. It seemed you scored points for posting selfies and completing tasks and then you could spend those points buying outfits and upgrades.
Bella had obviously been playing it a lot. She had accumulated a lot of points. Perhaps she'd been saving up?
Intrigued Lawrence opened the avatar menu.
He clicked the button and a 3D doll appeared. It was female - you could only have a female representation it seemed. The name Loren had been randomly generated. He went with it.
Clicking on the doll, Lawrence saw you could spend points to buy different features. He began to play.
Hair: blonde. Body-type: Princess. Makeup: Pink
Each selection changed the avatar making it more attractive and feminine looking. Lawrence found it strangely addictive. Strangely pleasing to shape and mould the avatar, to watch it getting prettier and prettier.
Make her bitchy. Make her mean.
He wasn't sure where the intrusive thought came from but it felt good. Yes... why not make the avatar look hot and mean. A bully... even worse than his daughter.
Yessss. Make her super popular... make her an IT girl.
He selected the toxic femininity personality trait and pushed the natural leader button. Loren was going to be an Alpha girl.
More... make her meaner. Make her a total nightmare. Make her completely evil.
The intrusive thoughts felt really good and Lawrence saw that there were other options besides physical. He began to play with those. He cranked the popularity slider to maximum. He selected Head Cheerleader. He selected the slider for wealth and pushed it as high as it would go.
Make sure she knows how to fuck. She has to be the best at everything. Make her a fucking dirty slut...
Lawrence didn't feel embarassed as he entered the sexuality tab. It seemed so natural now to adjust Loren and make her nastier.
Sexual Orientation: Likes boys but will make out with girls. Sexually confident - switch. Likes to be fucked by Alpha's, but peg and dominate beta boys.
He noticed he'd nearly spent all of his daughters points. She'd really been saving, but he'd had enough points that he could pretty much max out all of Loren's stats.
The avatar was now of a mean, bullying, rich brat. She was the Head Cheerleader and a completely cruel delinquent who got whatever she wanted. She oozed toxic femininity, was an avatar of lust and desire and clearly had no morals. Loren was the most evil bitch it was possible to be.
Lawrence stared at the big button flashing at the bottom of the app. What did that mean? His thumb hesitated over it. Something wasn't right here.
Push it loser. Push it and see.
Lawrence felt like something was influencing him. Something external... yet also something within himself. Something hungry and dark and desperate to be free. Something that had seen its chance and was going to take it.
He pushed the button...
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Lawrence screamed in pleasure as pink lightning blasted out of the phone and engulfed him. Bones cracked and skin tightened as with a howl of orgasmic pleasure he began to transform.
Long blonde hair cascaded from his scalp and makeup simmered across his features as his drab clothing became hot and sexy. Breasts grew and his dick shrunk away and his ass inflated out.
Loren was becoming a reality.
Pussy lips opened as body hair receded and a hot blonde teenage slut rolled her pretty eyes in ecstasy. Nails shot out, thick makeup covered her face and the new bitch giggled in glee. This felt amazing.
"Ohhhhh fuckkkkk yesssss," she hissed as her transformation completed.
Loren blinked. She looked down at the phone in her hand. What... a.... rush.
She smirked and standing up walked to the mirror to admire her perfect body.
She was eighteen... she was popular and she was horny.
This was going to be a lot of fun...
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The end?
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justanancientfangirl · 22 hours
Helluva Boss's 2x8 had some ups and downs for sure.
Cletus' voice makes me want to tear my ears off . Not relevant to anything, just...maybe let the goat girl have more lines next time.
Why does IMP think Blitzø is gonna mess it up? I mean they all know he's a mess, but it's been going just fine for a while. Not super important really, just thought it was a bit deus ex machina that they were there, even if the fight was lit.
As far as Blitzø and Stolas...both have valid points. In this particular case though, though I feel bad for Stolas, Blitzø I think has a bit more of a leg to stand on?
Probably an unpopular opinion, but hear me out.
Stolas has been planning this for a while. He's been all in his feelings, parsing through what he wants and what he feels and why. He's been doing a TON of soul searching. Which is excellent! It's growth! We love to see it.
Before that though, everything we see him say to Blitzø is a little condescending, or in the context of their deal. He only really seemed to start wanting to get to know Blitzø at all in the Ozzie episode, but we don't really see them talk much except in Seeing Stars, when he is more worried about getting Octavia back than anything. And when they do talk, Stolas is kind of snippy, except when he is being overtly sexual
The point being: though we know Stolas has been thinking about this deal for sometime, and know he has come to some conclusions about the whole thing, he hasn't really seemed to change much in how he outwardly treats Blitzø.
He has been telling Blitzø he doesn't have to come since he got hurt (I am guessing) but suddenly asks him to come back? It seems like Blitzø hasn't been getting any since he stopped sleeping with Stolas. Or at least, nothing that he's as excited for, even if he talks a bit game about it being for work.
He is worried that he isn't good enough in general, and spends the whole episode getting things he thinks Stolas will like. He knows he doesn't like beads, knows he will like a giant dildo, he likes the fancy stretchy harness and the rhinestone blindfolds...like, he is actively trying to make sure that Stolas has a good time. So he keeps him around. And we, the audience, know it's not just to keep the grimmoire.
So Stolas gives Blitzø a panic attack by first requesting the book back permanently, saying that their deal is off. Anything after that, Blitzø was never going to hear right away, because not only will it feel like Stolas is throwing him away, he's also taking away everything Blitzø has built for himself.
Stolas does give him the crystal and explain what it is and what it does, but Blitzø is still processing 'give me the book back permanently ' and probably re-living every time Stolas has reminded him of their differences in station, called him a 'plaything' or a 'little imp'.
He and Stolas have never really talked. Every time they got close, Stolas backtracked. So suddenly Stolas is being really serious and emotional, and is all dressed in his finest clothing and telling Blitzø that the arrangement is over ... Yikes.
The thing is, Blitzø is totally right to need a minute to process. Stolas drops a bombshell, gets upset when Blitzø treats it like part of the game they've BEEN playing, because there's no reason for Blitzø to assume that they are doing emotions now.
Then, when Blitzø realizes that Stolas was serious he calls Stolas out for just dismissing him when he didn't react the way Stolas wanted. Stolas has had time to process his emotions, Blitzø hasn't. It's not fair to just sweep away and say 'well, good luck, see you never, guess you don't feel for me' like...way to put words in his mouth, Stolas.
And then when Blitzø demands to talk about it, when he lashes out and accuses Stolas of treating him like he is nothing just like all the other royals, Stolas portals him out of the house.
Like... Stolas didn't want to take advantage of the power imbalance anymore, right? The point was supposed to be to give Blitzø a choice. And then, as soon as he gives Blitzø the crystal, and Blitzø doesn't react in the exact way Stolas wants, he makes yet ANOTHER unilateral decision.
He didn't even give them a chance to talk about it like adults. Not that Blitzø was going to talk about it like an adult, he was probably going to yell some more, and insult Stolas more too, but at least at first, after he realized that Stolas was serious, he DID seem like he would have been amenable to a conversation.
He didn't start yelling till Stolas swept out of the room and didn't look back.
And then, Stolas just makes the decision for him AGAIN, and portals him away. Stolas is devastated, and hurt that it seems like Blitzø thinks really lowly of him, but...he's also very much doing exactly the same thing that he has always done.
He hasn't lessened the power imbalance at all. He's just reminded Blitzø of how deep that gulf really is. He didn't even ask him to leave, just forced it on him, which is kind of shady.
Also, it's not like Stolas has ever been particularly kind to any of the other imps-not his employees (IMPloyees, lol) not Moxie and Millie...he is still kind of an asshole to other imps Blitzø knows, and being someone's exception is...not really a great feeling.
This post got away from me.
Basically though, it distills to Stolas said he wanted to give Blitzø a choice and have them be equals, but as soon as things didn't go the way he wanted, he shut Blitzø down immediately and made a unilateral decision for the both of them. That's not something partners do. If he had talked with Blitzø on LITERALLY any other day, had offered the crystal first, had allowed them to make a decision together...THEN I would be a little more on his side here. He is allowed to be devastated and hurt by Blitzø's words. He's allowed to feel rejected. But he is not without fault in this. They've been shit at communicating from Day 1. If this is gonna be endgame, they HAVE to do better. And Stolas can't escape from painful conversations by magically transporting Blitzø away when Blitzø can never hope to reciprocate that kind of treatment.
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biblicalhorror · 5 months
My other sister got engaged yesterday (and told me about it immediately thankfully lol) and then today I got invited to some superbowl party by two other friends and my brain is so wrapped up in what the last week has been for me that I read it as "engagement party" and I was like you have got to be kidding me
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vexwerewolf · 1 month
I’m suddenly getting swathes of Lancer hate across my feed… Has something happened in the fandom? “Union is ______ how could they paint them as even remotely good. They allow _____, and I hate the devs they are ______. The whole thing is just 40k with communist veneer”.
Like am I taking crazy pills…? I thought that all of the problems were literally like right there on the tin “we are a utopia in progress! We will obtain it by any means possible even if it means being everything we say we are not/fighting against. As the player you decide what is right. How much will you ignore for someone else’s idea of utopia?” Like doesn’t it mean all the tools to actually change are there and that is the HOPE aspect of all of this?
(Sorry if this in incoherent grammar is a weak point and I pulled something in my back simply standing up. Now I am sad and crook backed in spasmodic pain)
This isn't an argument I feel super enthusiastic about stepping into, because it gets the most annoying sort of people in your mentions eager to maliciously misrepresent what you say.
However, yeah, there are some pretty terrible readings of Union floating around. I'd invoke "media literacy" because think that a lot of this comes from people not really holistically engaging with the fictional future history of Lancer, but also from a sort of dogmatic purism that requires future societies to be flawless, else they're irredeemable.
It is important to note that ThirdComm is the direct descendant of two highly imperfect societies. FirstComm was formed as a response to the Three Great Traumas of discovering the Massif Vaults (and thus that they were the inheritors of a fallen world), the wars over the Massif Vaults, and the discovery of the lost colonies, all of which collectively showed humanity how close it had come to total extinction.
FirstComm decided that it had a responsibility to ensure that humanity never risked extinction again. It manifested this by trying to colonize every habitable planet it could find, pumping out ship after ship to seed the cosmos with as much human life as it possibly could. This led to problems when it encountered civilizations like the Karrakin Federation and the Aun, who had been carrying humanity's torch just fine by themselves, thank you very much.
SecComm was an Anthrochauvinist fascist state. The book defines it thusly:
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We can see a lot of Anthrochauvinist historical romanticism in the mech naming schemes of Harrison Armory, SSC and IPS-N - the fact that Harrison Armory names its mechs after great military leaders of pre-Fall Earth history, IPS-N does the same with naval figures, and SSC uses the names of Earth animals. Even the GMS Everest is named for a mountain on Earth. It's very Cradle-centric.
Anthrochauvinism was, to be clear, largely just an excuse for colonialism and hegemony. Atrocities could easily be justified under by stating that whoever they're being committed against were a threat to the Continuance of Humanity - a term that SecComm got to define.
It's also at this point that we have to zoom in from broad sociopolitical points to address one very specific piece of history: the New Prosperity Agreement. This was signed to prevent the outbreak of a Second Union-Karrakin War, and mandated that the Karrakin Houses would maintain privileged levels of autonomy within Union, and that they would be granted colonial rights to the entire Dawnline Shore. This agreement, struck in 3007u, basically defines much of the current political situation today.
ThirdComm was a final and inevitable reaction to the atrocities, abuses and excesses of SecComm. The unspeakable horrors of Hercynia were the spark, but I need to stress how little Hercynia actually mattered in the larger Revolution - at the start of NRfaW, it's explicitly stated that almost nobody in the galaxy even knows where it is, let alone what happened there. The Revolution was a generalized response to SecComm's tyranny, with no single rallying cry.
The Revolution might also have failed entirely, but for a critical error by Harrison Armory: pissing off the Karrakin Trade Baronies. After getting kicked off Cradle, the Anthrochauvinist Party organised a fleet at Ras Shamra to try and retake Cradle. Simultaneously, however, they were attempting to secure protectorate agreements to steal worlds in the Dawnline Shore out from under the KTB. Putting these two together and making five, the KTB assumed that the fleet was pointed at Karrakis, and started the First Interest War.
The First Interest War initially favoured the KTB. They smashed the fleet above Ras Shamra and simultaneously conquered the moon of Creighton in the Dawnline Shore. However, they underestimated just how ruthless Harrison I was - he "retook" Creighton by relativistic bombardment, and then conquered four of the 12 worlds of the Dawnline Shore with mechanised chassis, a technology the KTB had not adopted and had no counter for.
To prevent further loss of life, Union was eventually forced to broker a peace agreement that saw Harrison I handing himself over to Union justice in return for Harrison Armory's continued sovereignty, and the KTB joining Union as a full member state.
So, with that historical context out of the way, let me get to the second part of this absurd essay I'm writing.
Third Committee Union isn't a civilization that arose from whole cloth. It's shaped by five thousand years of Union history, six thousand years of post-Fall history, and six thousand years of pre-Fall history before that. It is, ultimately, an extremely well-thought-out and well-worldbuilt fictional polity, in that all of its imperfections come from traceable root causes in its history.
Why does ThirdComm permit the abuses of the KTB? Because to stop them, it would likely have to go to war, and such a war would butcher billions. Worse, to do so, it would probably have to ally with Harrison Armory and make horrific concessions.
Why does ThirdComm permit the expansionism and cryptochauvinism of the Armory? Because to stop them, it would likely have to go to war, and such a war would butcher billions. Worse, to do so, it would probably have to ally with the KTB and make horrific concessions.
Nobody in CentComm likes that Harrison Armory are empire-building expansionists. Nobody in CentComm likes that the KTB has a hereditary nobility and enforces blockades against planets that rebel against it. The problem is that ThirdComm is, in historical terms, still relatively new. They've been around five hundred years, and compared to the 1600 years that SecComm was around and the 2800 years FirstComm existed for, that's not very much.
ThirdComm is attempting to decouple itself from the Cradle-first politics of its predecessor, and to amend the many, many atrocities committed in the name of Humanity. It is not easy to do any of these things. SecComm was defined almost entirely by the fact that if it didn't like what you were doing, it would send in the military as a first response. Every time ThirdComm chooses to do the same, its legitimacy erodes, because the mission of ThirdComm is to prove that diverse, vibrant and compassionate human civilization can exist without devolving into war and bloodshed. ThirdComm always tries diplomacy as a first response because if it doesn't, millions of people could die.
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princessbrunette · 2 months
thinking about calling pogue!rafe over because your hot water isn’t working and he’s acting all annoyed but he’s lowkey kicking his feet at the fact that he gets to be in your home. maybe even asking him to stay after your shower so you can cook him something as a reward and play house for a bit 🩷🩷🩷
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
my favourite thing about pogue!rafe is that he acts soooo inconvenienced by your presence. he hates kooks, think they’re so stuck up — so he can’t help but feel to push you away. always referring to you as a ‘stuck up little girl’ whilst he’s only a couple of years older than you. he’d done some work on the house before, and whilst your parents are away you literally don’t know who to call to fix your hot water problem so you try him, pacing around your room.
at first during your call, he tells you he’s got a shit tonne of work to be doing on other houses and doesn’t have time to drop everything for a kook princess. he can practically see your little pout through the phone, but keeps up his attitude until you thank him for his time anyway, sadly throwing out a little “no, i understand it’s okay. i’ll probably just hit up that jj maybank. i heard he’s pretty handy.” and suddenly he’s changed his tune, physically sitting up from his slouched position to be all “shit, okay fine… fine. i’ll be there in twenty minutes just — just don’t call anyone else a’ight?”
he’s sulking when he turns up with his tool box and that muscle tank and shorts with paint and dirt on them — unable to stop sucking on your bottom lip because he’s just so big and strong. he’s ignoring your lustful gaze with everything in him as he walks through to your bathroom. “lets just get this out the way, yeah?” he drawls as he gets to work.
you sit on the sink and swing your legs, not leaving him alone as he works simply chatting his ear off, seemingly unphased by his blunt replies, finding creative ways to shut you down like reminding you “yeah, uh you’re my little sisters age.” however you seemed totally unscathed, only working harder to prove you’re grown enough to take him.
“should be workin’ fine now so uh… just wire me the money n’we’ll be good. doin’ overtime right now so i kinda just wanna go home.” he waves you off and you step infront of him.
“you’re finished working?”
“di’nt i just say that kid?” he drawls and you grin, dragging him to your lounge.
“perfect! look i really wanna thank you specially for bein’ so helpful to me even though it’s clear you don’t want to. let me cook you dinner. please? i got beer and uh… i’ll make it really good. oh please rafe, my parents are away and i’m all alone.”
he sighs like it tortures his whole being, but he couldn’t deny that your house was super nice — nicer to hang out in than his shitty little fishing shack that he calls a home. he’d heard the cops had been sniffing around for him wanting to talk about a little ‘altercation’ he recently wound up in and didn’t have the energy to deal with that. no one would suspect him in the kook princess headquarters.
he cracks open a beer and lounges on your couch watching tv as you prepare the food for him before sticking everything in the oven and heading upstairs to shower. he doesn’t notice your presence disappear until you’ve returned in the tiniest little night gown and damp hair, leading him to the dining room where you serve up his food.
“some real housewife shit, huh?” he can’t hold back his smile as you seat him infront of a hearty meal. you feel all warm at the implication, shrugging modestly.
it’s inevitable that you wind up in his lap after he’s eaten, having sat with him and flirted — leaning over the table with your tits practically spilling out. you can’t quite recall how you got there, in between telling him you had nothing on under the nightgown and him telling you that it wasn’t his fault that men had primal instincts or some shit like that — but soon he was pulling your dress up to your waist and stuffing himself inside you, roughly fucking up into you.
“oww, rafey!” you whine at how rough he’s being with you, not used to being treated like anything but a princess. he can tell it’s an act though, and you truly do love it from the way your walls contract around him.
“nah, nah you knew what you were doin’ inviting me here. what were — were you just sittin’ around with a fuckin’ wet pussy waitin’ on your moment to invite me round n’let you fuck on me? huh? that was this is?” he bucks his hips, holding onto you to completely take control from below, bashing you against the table with each thrust that was certain to leave bruises.
you whimper, pressing your body to his trying to win over some affection as you sniffle. “just got such a crush on you, rafe.” you mewl and he scoffs, taking that moment to pick you up in his lap and place you on the dining room table instead, gaining more control so he could keep rutting into you.
“sick’a you little kook girls tryn’a — tryn’a use me like im some little experiment that you can toss to the side afterwards.” he complains, gripping your hips and practically using you like a toy. if he wasn’t holding you up, you’d be completely limp.
“dont want you with other girls! not — not gonna get rid of you i just want you.” you defend, and finally he slows his punishing pace to catch his breath, staring down at you analytically with parted lips, dick twitching inside you at the confession.
“that right?” he deadpans and you nod, teary eyed. “that why you let me in this princess cunt raw? huh? no protection or nothin’? just… just hoping i pull out? ha…” he chuckles maliciously, starting to push in deeper once more, upping his pace just a tad. “yeah… yeah maybe i should nut right in here—” he caresses your lower tummy making you whimper, completely at his mercy with your legs split. “knock up some kook pussy. won’t just be a phase then will i? nah baby… nah you’d be stuck with me for life.”
he’s got a sick smile on his face, but what he’s not expecting is for you to grip the back of his neck, your bottom lip wobbling with a serious look in your eyes. “do it.” you command and his face drops a little, realising that maybe he was dealing with a girl that had it bad for him. that, or you’re trying to get some sort of revenge on your parents. either option made his dick throb.
ೀ 🐰 ‧ ˚ 🪽 ⊹˚. ♡
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
It's me. hi i'm the problem it's me (aka here's another installment of Simon Riley's being...Simon Riley)
Dinner Party (gone wrong) edition
He will help you cook, mainly because he's jealous of the literal task of cooking for getting more attention than him for the past five hours- does he know what he's doing? No. But he does his best and lord knows he can and will happily follow orders.
Cleaning? he may seem a bit disgruntled at first but he will stand on the dining room table to clean the lights, and he'll clean the baseboards even though he keeps telling you no one is going to look at them-
Loves watching you cook, or more of he loves watching you do something you enjoy, you could be gardening, writing, reading, sewing- he loves seeing the shine in your eyes- so he does stare, not in a super creepy way but it catches your attention
"I can feel you staring at me."
"And you're freakin me out-Oh! Since you're here can you go get the nice wine from the basement?"
"Got it, boss."
He tastes tests everything, it's an excuse to put his hands on you to keep himself still for a moment so therefore he is very eager to do so
As much as he 'loves' PDA (aka he tolerates it) around your supposed friends you've been so desperate to impress for the past two weeks, he can't stomach the idea of giving you any more than an awkward side hug in their presence
Dead stare? yeah, he stares at them from across the table, utterly baffled out they can outright judge your amazing cooking because like??? a free meal?
'It's overcooked' your ass is overcooked Jenni.
Yet he was shocked? you were just taking the harsh words and backhanded compliments with a smile and nod. You were better than him, he would've made some snarky remark already
"Your house is...so cozy." "The decor is very retro."
"Maxmilist but...not? I love it." "Mm, very seasoned."
"It's so... it's so you."
You were taking it, laughing it off and squeezing his hand every time he made any motion or even gave a look like he may snap back at them.
"I think...I think I did good steak- the steak is good right?" You whisper as you grab the wine from the rack in the kitchen- which he technically didn't have to follow you but it was probably for the better that he did. Tears stung your eyes and you were doing your best to breathe and not let a sound escape.
"I thought it was amazing, it was amazing-hey-baby," he grabbed your shoulders to keep you from going back and then very carefully moved to wipe the tear from your cheek, "Baby, how about we kick em out an' then we watch tha' movie in the theatre? I'll make them go away...do you want me to make them go away?"
"That-it would be so mean."
"Do you want them gone?"
It took two words to make the prestige get up out of the seats, 'get out.' however he would tell you he was very polite and told them you weren't feeling well suddenly, and they were very understanding.
He told you to not change, after all you were already dressed up as if for a date and so was he so it worked perfectly.
Sure the movie you chose was a reshowing of a 90's chickflic but he would take your laughter over anything else in the world-
and yeah he did all of the dishes because he felt like when you got home the only thing you needed todo was go to sleep and rest
Next time he would just have the boys come over (after a long lecture on manners for Johnny, will make that man sit through an online dinner manner course thingy)
(annnyway thats it <33 I love comments and feedback!)
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girlgenius1111 · 3 months
I'll Make It Through The Winter If It Kills Me
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putellas!reader stops taking her antidepressants because she doesn't think she needs them anymore, keeps it from alexia, but she eventually finds out. super angsty, but fluff follows. warnings: mentions of self harm.
You weren't stupid; you didn't think you knew better than your doctor. You were just so tired of everything feeling so... dull. Feeling so empty, even when things were good. Even when they were bad. It felt like your emotions were in sight, but just out of reach. Like you could graze them with your fingertips, the sharp sting of anger, the thrill of excitement. No matter what you did, though, you couldn’t get your hands around them. You couldn’t make the feelings stay. You weren’t sure you’d know what normal felt like if it hit you across the face, and no matter what you told your doctor, she kept encouraging you to give the meds a longer chance. 
It wasn’t really intentional on your part, to stop taking them. It just…happened. You missed one day. And then another. And then it had been a week, and even though your head ached, and you had a bit of a hard time sleeping, you felt… better. Not great, not really even good, but better. More like yourself. 
That lasted another week, before suddenly, you were back where you started. The joy you’d rediscovered in living faded away, plunging you back into a cave of misery. It wasn’t numbed now, either. It was encapsulating, suffocating. You weren’t okay, not at all. You didn’t know what to do, though. You didn’t want to go back on the medication, and you knew you wouldn’t survive if you kept going like this. You told yourself that you just had to let your body get used to the lack of the medication, and once it adjusted, you’d feel normal again. You’d been high, and now you were low, and the next step had to be a middle ground. The trouble was keeping yourself going until you got there, as well as keeping your sister off your back.
You hadn’t meant to start hurting yourself again, either. It just happened, it was just the coping mechanism you turned to. It was just supposed to be temporary, until everything balanced out and you felt normal again. It kept going, though, you kept going. Until you had to be careful about changing in the locker room, and you couldn’t go a day without doing it. It was the only thing that made you feel, the only thing that made it better. You just needed time. That was it. Just time. 
“Wake up pequeña, I am not going to come in here again.” Alexia said with a sigh, poking her head in your door to find you still very asleep in bed. You both knew she’d be back in 5 minutes, ready to drag you out by your ankles, but you grumbled a response and sat up. You’d only gotten to sleep a few hours ago; sleep had evaded you, even as you felt more exhausted than you’d ever been in your life. It was just an adjustment, you, told yourself. Everything would even out. 
“If I come in there and you’re still asleep, so help me,” Alexia shouted from the hall, before throwing your door open rather aggressively. You turned to look at her blankly, wrapped up in your duvet, sitting on the edge of the bed. Your sister paused, taking a closer look at your face. 
“Do you feel okay? Are you getting sick?” She asked, entering the room and pressing the back of her hand to your forehead. You shook her off, discarding the duvet behind you and moving with as much energy as you could muster over to your dresser. 
“No, just sleepy.” You answered shortly, and Alexia narrowed her eyes at you. 
“You look sick.” She argued, crossing her arms over her chest in a rather intimidating manner. 
“Thank you.” You replied sarcastically. “Now get out, you’re going to make me late.” 
Alexia scoffed indignantly, but walked to the door regardless. “I’M going to make you late. Me. You lay in bed till the last minute, and it’s MY fault.” She mumbled, shutting the door behind her a little harder than necessary. 
She wasn’t really that bothered, but she did dramatically complain about you to Olga once she reached the kitchen. Olga, however, didn’t quite share her exasperation with you and your inability to get up on time. Instead, she saw this as cause for concern: you hadn’t been this hard to wake up since before. When things were bad, and they didn’t know. Looking back, the signs were obvious, and Olga wasn’t about to miss them again. Or let her rather emotionally oblivious girlfriend do so either. 
“Ale. She’s been sleeping a lot recently, no?” Olga asked quietly, grabbing her girlfriend’s hand to get her attention. 
Alexia looked up from the coffee she was making for you, turning to the brunette in confusion. “I haven’t noticed. She’s hard to wake up sometimes, that’s all.” 
Olga restrained herself from rolling her eyes. Sometimes, she wondered if Alexia really was oblivious, or if she was just in denial. 
“Not like this. The last time she slept this much, she wasn’t doing well, remember?” 
Alexia turned back to your coffee, stirring absentmindedly, lost in thought. 
“You think she’s having a hard time?” She asked finally. 
Olga shrugged. “I’m not sure. She’s been acting a little off recently. It could be nothing though.”
“But it could be something?” Alexia replied. She was never so aware of her shortcomings as a sister than when Olga saw something she didn’t. That was the good thing about being with someone who was so different from her, though. Olga was there to make sure nothing slipped through the cracks with you, a role she’d taken on without a second thought when you moved in.
Olga didn’t have a chance to reply, because you made your way into the kitchen, reaching instantly for the coffee Alexia was making, one you knew was for you. Ale always got up a bit early to make her and Olga coffee, climbing back into bed and drinking it there. 
Alexia handed you the coffee silently, and if you noticed that her eyes lingered on you longer than normal, you didn’t say anything about it. 
It wasn’t accidental that Alexia had the two of you sharing a room over the next away trip. Ever since her conversation with Olga, she’d been keeping a closer eye on you, and she wasn’t loving what she was seeing. Normally, she’d pawn you off on one of your younger teammates over away games, needing time with her friends, and knowing you needed time with yours. Now, though, her overprotective instincts were kicking in and she didn’t trust anyone but herself to keep an eye on you. 
Alexia noticed that you put on a good show, but when people weren’t looking… you looked so desperately sad that your sister longed to drag you away from the group by your ear and pry whatever the problem was out of you. She didn’t, though. Olga had given her a harsh warning before leaving, as did Alba, that you wouldn’t respond well to being cornered, to being forced to talk. You needed to come to her. So while Alexia kept you very close, she made an effort to remind you that she was there, whatever you needed. 
The first real, tangible, issue that Alexia figured out was that you weren’t sleeping. She’d passed out before you, as expected, but when she stirred a couple hours later to the sound of you sniffling quietly from your bed, she was immediately wide awake. 
You were so tired. Nothing you were trying was working, you just couldn’t sleep. It felt pathetic to be crying, but you were exhausted, you had a match tomorrow, and you just wanted your brain to turn off, even if it was only for a bit. You were trying to keep the volume down, though, because Alexia was famously a light sleeper, and her bed was only a few feet from yours. 
Your efforts proved unsuccessful when Alexia sat up in her bed, flicking the light on. She squinted over at you, finding you curled up on your side, furiously wiping at the tears on your face, horrified at being caught. 
You were expecting 20 questions from your sister. She liked to fix things, and this situation would definitely be something that worried her. Alexia surprised you though. 
Even though there were 20 questions on the tip of her tongue, she remembered both her girlfriend and her other sister’s warnings not to push you. Instead of pestering you like she wanted, she flicked the light back off, sliding out of her bed and gently nudging you over until she could slide onto the edge of yours. 
“Ale, what-?” 
“Shh.” Alexia whispered, scooching closer and cuddling up to you like she used to do when you were little, and wanted nothing more than her affection. If Alexia was feeling particularly nice, she’d let you curl up against her while the family watched a movie, or while she finished her homework. “You can’t sleep?” 
You wondered how she knew. Sometimes, Alexia could be completely dense when it came to your feelings. Other times, though, she was incredibly perceptive.  “No.” 
Your sister’s presence next to you, though, was already helping, and you felt your eyes drooping as you rested your head against her chest. 
“Do you want me to sing you a song?” Alexia teased. 
You appreciated that she wasn’t forcing a conversation now, more than you could articulate. 
“No, I think my ears bleeding would keep me up more.” You replied, laughing quietly when your sister huffed indignantly, shoving you away from her, before very quickly pulling you back into her arms.
“You like my singing, I’m a good singer.” She retorted, even as she tucked you back under her chin. “Really, nena, how can I help?” 
“Stop talking.” You murmured groggily, cuddling in closer to your sister. Alexia smiled against your head, but stopped talking, rather proud of herself for solving this problem for you, even if it was just temporarily. Even if it was just a symptom of a much bigger problem. 
You slept that night, without waking up, for the first time in a while. You tried not to let yourself think about the fact that if Alexia fixed this problem, she might be able to help you, just in general, if only you’d talk to her. 
Alexia hadn’t meant to snoop. She’d done you a favor, picking up your new prescription, and she was just putting it on your nightstand. Was it possible that she opened the drawer and peeked at your old bottle? Maybe. She was glad she did it, though. Because she found it full. And everything suddenly made a lot more sense. 
"Why is this full?" Alexia asked calmly, holding up the little pill bottle and giving it a shake.
"That's- that's my new bottle." You replied, looking away from her accusatory stare.
Alexia shook her head. "No, this is your new bottle. I picked it up for you today." She held up a little bag from the pharmacy, and your stomach sank. Your sister would not like this, not at all. She wouldn't like you doing something so unhealthy, and she wouldn't like you lying about it. There was nothing you could say, she'd caught you.
"Nena, I asked you a question." Strict Alexia was making an appearance, and you kept your eyes locked on the ground in front of you. "Hey. Don't shut down on me. What's going on?" She walked closer, arms crossed over her chest.
"I stopped taking them." You said finally, looking up in time to see your sister sigh heavily, and run a hand over her suddenly very fatigued face.
"I just did." You told her.
"That's not good enough. This is why you've been so anxious recently? So depressed?"
You shrugged noncommittally. Alexia was silent for a minute, before her expression changed, face tightened. You knew what was coming before she asked.
"Roll up your shorts." It's given as a command, not as a request, and you backed up on instinct. "Nena,"
"No. I'm an adult, Alexia. I can make my own decisions."
Alexia regarded you carefully, her eyebrows pinched with concern. "Roll up your shorts, please. I won't ask again."
You hated when Alexia got like this. You knew she wasn't really as angry with you as she seemed, she was worried. It just felt so much like you were in trouble. Maybe because you knew you were doing something you shouldn't be. Alexia's worry always manifested as frustration, anger. Maybe because for her, she was angry with herself, for not seeing a problem sooner.
"Alexia, I said no." You turned away from her, stomping towards your room.
"Nena, come back." Alexia demanded, going after you when you didn't respond. She reached your door just as you shut it and locked it, and Alexia felt a spike of panic run through her. Your behavior over the past few weeks was beginning to make more sense and, honestly, she didn't know what headspace you were in, how deeply the lack of the medication was affecting you. If you were back to doing this, it could be bad. Alexia knew she wasn't the expert in helping you with this, but she did know that, right now, she was not comfortable with a locked door in between the two of you.
"Nena, open the door." She fiddled with the knob, even as it wouldn't budge. "I'm being serious, open the door. Now."
You weren't really hearing her. You were thinking about how disappointed she must be in you. She'd been horrified to find out that you'd been doing this to yourself the first time, almost a year ago now. She'd yelled, and you'd run out of the house, all the way to Mapi's. You'd sat on the terrace with Ingrid, talking about everything and nothing, while Mapi gave your sister a piece of her mind. You were sick, she'd told the blonde. You needed support. You weren't doing it for attention. Alexia needed to do better.
And she had. She'd apologized for yelling. She'd gone with you to every therapy appointment for two months, knowing how nervous they made you. She sat outside the room, answering emails or looking at her phone, just in case you needed her. She supported you, wholeheartedly, when you took a few weeks off from the team to focus on your mental health, as you got your medication figured out. You weren't good at communicating your needs to your sister, and she wasn't good at reading your mind, but somehow, it worked.
Repetitive pounding on the door broke you out of your thoughts, and you looked towards the door, half expecting to see your sister's fist emerging through the wood.
"Nena, open. Now, por favor." Alexia begged.
Your anger with yourself only grew. Your sister sounded close to tears and it was all your fault. All your fault. Shakily, you stood up from the bed and walked over to the door, unlocking it. Alexia practically fell into the room, head swiveling frantically as she looked for you. Your eyes dropped to the ground again, and you looked so small, so very shattered.
Alexia knocked the wind out of you a little with the force of her hug, squishing you into her arms and holding you tight against her chest. "You can't do that, you can't lock the door. Not right now, not when I don't know what's going on with you. Please, pequeña, I won't make you talk to me, just don't lock the door." She was pleading with you, and you'd never heard your normally very calm and collected sister so panicked. 
Maybe it was the pleading that got to you, or maybe you were just so tired of pretending to be okay. Either way, words you never thought you’d say out loud were spilling from your mouth before you could stop them. 
“I’m scared, Ale. I don’t have control anymore, I thought I did, but I don’t, and I’m scared. I’m so tired, I don’t think I can do this anymore. Please help me, I need you to help me,” you sobbed, the admission feeling both terrifying and relieving all at once. At least the responsibility wasn’t on you anymore. Alexia would take care of you, take care of this. 
“Okay, okay, nena. It’s all going to be okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. We’ll get you help, we’ll get you whatever you need. Whatever it takes. I love you so much, pequeña, we’ll get you better, I promise.” 
Alexia kept you wrapped up tight in her arms for a while, and it only reassured you more. As long as she had you, nothing would happen. She wouldn’t let anything happen. While your sister was around, you would be safe. Even if she was keeping you safe from yourself, she’d do it, no matter what. 
me: you need to stop making everything have a part 2. just make a longer one shot. 
also me: let me know what you want to see in part 2 🙂🙂
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berriblossom · 5 months
Cold hands and warm love
[Date with Death : Casper x Reader] [i am positively obsessed with this man that he's making write again| spoilers for endings#3 btw and the story.]
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There's something so oddly soothing watching Casper sleep with Azrael in his arms, all snuggled up without a care in the world. His ghostly white locks sprawled against your shared bed sheets. His eyes ever so softly flutteribg against his pale cheeks, the rays of sunlight dance across his face, almost creating his own personal golden hour.
You chuckled at the idea. Casper wasn't a huge fan of super bright things. Even when you managed to convince him to walk outside your apartment with you, he dons a pair of black shades and scowls at everything. Now that you think about it, he's even more like a black cat than anything, rather than a sign of bad luck but rather for his sassy attitude and his dislike for certain things.
As you quietly watch from your desk, with your pet sitting in the empty sunny spot of the bed, you think back to how long its been since tou winning the bet and being a somewhat embodiment of life while your sweet little now former Grim Reaper is the opposite.
Goodness, one small picture shouldn't hurt? Besides, Casper can't argue with how many not-so-sly pictures he has taken of you randomly as of late. Even changing his profile pick of you sleeping with Azrael while you napped on your bed after work. He tried fighting it off, saying he mainly picked the picture because Azrael looked so good in it while you just happened to be there....no other reason...(he said this while fighting off a flustered face while gazing back at the picture. He then denied making it his lockscreen too.)
You picked up your phone and began to open the camera feature and angle the camera to get the best picture possible. Hell you even move from the desk to hover slightly over Casper and your pet to get the best angle. "Stay right there pretty boy....just perfect..." you mumbled while snapping a few silent pictures. You went to adjust his snowy hair to move from his beautiful face. Just as you touch his cool face, sleepy red eyes flutter open and the iconic pout appears on the reapers face.
"Sunshine....what are you doing? Why do you have your phone like that..." Casper's eyes flutter as he fights off the sunlight beaming through the blinds, all while his sour pout turns into a playful one. Your pet scatters away while Casper tries to snatch your phone away to see the sneaky pictures you've taken of his sleeping figure.
"Ah ah ah! Nope, absolutely not pretty boy, if you can take pictures then so can I!" You shuffle off the side of the bed while Casper jumps up to grasp your hand and to get those pictures. You tease and weave yourself away from him and the bed, sitting on the edge you laugh at how pouty and upset Casper is.
His frustration only exceeded when you decided to flash him the adorable and beautiful picture of him in his sleeping form. As casper has told you before, reapers do not need to sleep or eat. But the idea that he was so comfy in your blanket and bed, cuddling Azrael closely. It just made you want to tease your little reaper to bits. Though sadly your teasing and fun was put to an end.
Suddenly, you felt two strong cold hands wrap around your torso and squeeze you gently. You could feel Caspers lips against your neck as he mumbked for you to please delete the picture. As adorable and pretty as he could be in those moments...the little rat decided to try and tickle you to get you to give uo your phone.
Luckily you were quick enough to slip from his grasp again(heh get it) and make your way back to your bed while cherishing your sweet victory. "Sorry casp, but you look too good! I might make this my profile picture on the chat room too!" His frustrated groans on embarrassment only fueled your decision.
"Sunshin pleeasseee....just....atleast make it your lockscreeb to while your at it...since you can't stop looking and staring at me. Just can't get enough, silly mortal.." ah his ability to bounce back is incredible as ever. But still it was fun while it lasted. Casper came to join you on the bed while bringing you back close to him...somethibg about "being warm." But you did not mind.
You'll never mind, your soul brings him warmth, his perfect heater if youll say. You chuckle as he scrolls through his camera roll whie trying to find a picture of you(an god awful one) to place as his profile picture on the chatroom. Yeah its going to be a long day. But you never minded.
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gilmore-angel · 6 months
everything has changed | aaron hotchner x reader
swiftmas ♱ heyyy.... so this is super late😬. I am now on break so hopefully the future ones will be on time💋
summary ♱ working at a daycare has its perks, a big one being a certain single dad.
warnings ♱ awkward flirting, my lack of understanding how daycares are run, ooc aaron probably cause I haven't watched this show in forever
swiftmas ♱ navigation ♱ follow my library account @baysfics to see when I post!
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loud. if you had to use one word to describe your job it would be loud. you of course loved your work, but being completely overwhelmed has become a normal thing.
the end of the day was always the hardest. trying to gather all of the kids items, putting shoes on, getting through checkout, and cleaning up afterwards.
one little boy in particular however made your job a bit easier. Jack Hotchner, an adorable three year old, was polite, well behaved, and sweet. his father, aaron hotchner, was serious but seemed nice.
all you new about him was he worked a lot, and rarely was the one to pick jack up. 90% of the time it was his aunt to come pick him up.
but today was different. when your coworker said jacks parent was here for pickup you help his little winter coat on and backpack and walked with him to the front desk for checkout.
there stood arron, dressed in his usual black suit. his jet black hair was shiny and put together like always. his blank almost cold expression shifted to a much happier one when he saw jack running towards him.
the little boy hugged his father's legs in greeting, receiving a hug in return. you smile as you walk up to aaron and pass him the drawing jack made in class today.
"jack wanted to make sure u gave this to you," aaron smiles softly and takes it, looking over the two little stick figures playing in the snow, representing them.
he glances back up at you, nodding once at you, "thank you. youre jacks main teacher, correct?"
his voice sounding so clear is surprising to you. the most you heard from him was a quiet goodmorning or bye. you would see him mutter words to jack, but they were only for jack to here. the fact he talked to you at all was completely out of the norm.
you feel your cheeks heat up, suddenly realizing now that you have to speak directly to him how handsome he really is.
you smile softly and nod, "yes, I am." you realize too late how awkward you sound.
he nods, reaching out his hand to shake yours, "jack talks about you a lot. you seem to be his favorite here."
your heart swells at that, knowing jack was your favorite too. your heart also skips a beat at the feeling of shaking his hand. his skin is rough, yet his touch is gentle.
"thats so sweet. he brings you up a ton too." your hand drops back to your side and you fiddle with your jeans, suddenly feeling very flustered, a butterfly party happening in your tummy.
he smiles, a bit brighter now. he picks up his son, who is growing more and more tired by the second. he glances away before meeting your eyes again. "I uh, I appreciate all you do for my son. I work a lot out of state so, knowing my son has a good place to go is uh, comforting."
your smile widens, and you chuckle softly, "it my pleasure. he's a great kid."
you both continue to hold eye contact, your breathing calming a bit. he has kind eyes. tired ones, yes, but kind. he finally breaks the little bit of silence by clearing his throat, glancing down.
"well uh, we should be heading out. thank you again." before you can speak again he walks out, son in his arms.
even after he has disappeared from your eye site, you continue to stand and tare at where he was. you almost feel giddy, like a teenager who just met their new crush. you snap out of your daze when you realize you still need to help with checkout. you quickly get back to it, but can't help but thinking that everything has changed.
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hangeswif3 · 5 months
Pairing: Bonten!Rindou x reader.
Summary: you don’t remember what happened last night.
Warnings: super slight nsfw, cursing.
Note: I wrote this cause I saw this tiktok
And i couldn’t help but thinking about Rindou.
You know the drill, English isn’t my first language so be nice, and idk if I like this so I might delete it later. Thanks for reading anyways, I love u <3
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Your head was killing you. Was the first thing you noticed. The second thing was how bright were the lights. You slowly opened your eyes to scan the place you were in. It was your room, but something looked kinda off, you noticed you were only wearing your underwear and your sheets were all over the place, like someone else had slept with you.
You tried to remember what had happened last night. You were out with your friends, everyone was there and things obviously got out of control, because you couldn’t remember a thing.
You tried to trace back to the last thing you remembered. Like the ride there, meeting the guys at the club, Ran getting drinks for everyone, you dancing with your friends, Sanzu getting high, Sanzu offering stuff to everyone, and you drinking a lot. Everything else was like a blur, almost like it might have happened but maybe it didn’t.
You slowly raised your head and got out of bed. You looked in the mirror, you looked awful. Your make up was all smeared, your hair was crazy and you had some interesting marks on your neck. You didn’t remember who gave you those.
You heard some noise outside so you put on an oversized shirt and some shorts and got out of your room.
“There she is, good morning party girl.” Said Ran.
He was in the kitchen, bending over the counter drinking a cup of coffee. You turned your head to see your surroundings and noticed that everyone was there. Sanzu was sleeping on the couch, Koko and kakucho were sleeping right next to him on the floor, and Ran was shirtless which meant he had slept there too, probably in your roommate’s room.
And Rindou, he was making himself some coffee, he had a withe plain shirt and some pants. He had his hair all in a mess and he wasn’t wearing his glasses. He looked awkward.
“Morning, mister Haitani.” You said playfully. “What the fuck happened last night?” You asked rubbing your face.
Everyone seemed to stay quiet for a moment.
“You don’t remember?” Said Ran smirking.
“Remember what?” You said.
Ran laughed and right when he was about to speak, Rindou cleared his throat and turned around to look at you in the eye, while taking a sip to his coffee.
Ran put his hands up on defeat and walked out to the other room, he was laughing.
“How are you feeling?” Asked Rindou when Ran was gone.
“Why are y’all acting so weird? And what the fuck happened-” You suddenly stopped noticing the hickeys on Rindou’s neck. “Oh, had fun last night?” You asked him pointing to the marks on his neck.
“Huh?” He saw how your face change to a slightly annoyed expression. “Oh, yeah kinda” he said finally.
The truth was, you have always had something with Rindou. His relationship with you wasn’t like with the others. You guys were always “fake” flirting, but no one really made a move. That didn’t stopped you or him from getting jealous every time the other flirted with someone else.
“Cool” you said, leaving him there and moving to the living room. Your head was definitely hurting now.
You moved Sanzu a little to wake him up. And sat down on the couch next to him. He groaned and opened his eyes to look at you before pulling you by your shirt for you to lay down with him. The couch wasn’t so big so you were literally on top of him.
“Good morning princess” said Sanzu holding you tight. He was always like this with you, which annoyed Rindou.
Rindou that had followed and now we’re sitting on a little couch in front of you two was now looking at you two, he looked mad. He didn’t like when Sanzu touched you.
“Stop, move over so I can use the blanket too.” You said to Sanzu.
He obliged and you two ended up sitting next to each other, covered by the blanket.
“Did you have fun last night?” Asked Sanzu.
“Don’t even mention it. I have no fucking idea what I did.” You responded.
“Oh is that so?” He said, locking eyes with Rindou, a smile creeping up his face. “I think I have some pictures from last night on my phone.” He was reaching out his phone when Rindou spoke.
“Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?” He said, still looking at Sanzu.
“No, I wanna see the photos first.” You said, taking the phone from Sanzu’s hand and going for the media folder.
A bunch of pictures appeared and you clicked to the most recent one, you scrolled through all of them. Some of them were of the others laughing or drinking, some of them were blurry but one especially catches your eye. It was you. You and Rindou.
You could see yourself sat down on Rindou’s lap, he had a hand on your waist and you both were laughing. You scrolled more and now there was a video. You were dancing on a small platform with a pole in the middle. Your small black dress and your black red net tights didn’t cover much, thank god you were wearing small shorts underneath.
But that wasn’t all, you were dancing in front of someone and that someone was recording you with his phone. It was Rindou. He was cheering up for you and you were dancing for him and smiling at his phone.
You looked like you were having a lot of fun, to be fair.
But then you scrolled to the next photo. And that’s when you realized who left the marks on your neck. Rindou was kissing you, and not a nice innocent kiss. He was sitting on a couch, and you were straddling over him, both legs to his sides. And there was more pictures of you two having fun.
You suddenly remembered something, like a memory flashing by. You were dancing to a song and Rindou came behind you, he didn’t say anything but put his hands on your hips, moving to the rhythm of the song.
You looked up at Rindou, he wasn’t looking at you. You stood up and walked towards him, pointing to your room.
“Let’s go.” You said.
He let you walk in first and close the door behind him.
“You remember?” You asked first.
“Parts of it.” He said. He didn’t look nervous, just a little guilty.
“Care to help me remember?” You said.
“I mean. Everyone was minding their own business, we were dancing, having a good time. You kissed me, so I kissed you. We ended up here. We didn’t go too far.” He said, finally looking at you.
You sat down on the bed, he stayed in front of the door, against the wall.
“Wow” you finally said.
“I mean, we were drunk.” You said, standing up and walking towards him.
“We were.”
“It was a mistake.”
“It was.”
“We’re friends.”
“Yeah, we are.”
By this point you were extremely close to him. You didn’t even notice that he had put a hand on your waist.
“We can’t let that-“ you didn’t finish your sentence because he kissed you. Putting a hand on your cheek.
You immediately kissed him back. It was a desperate kiss, full of frustration and anger.
“Jump.” He said. You did it and put your legs around him. He turned around and pressed you to the wall harshly. You moaned because of how good his body felt pressed against yours and he took the chance to explore your mouth with his tongue.
You two separated for a moment to get some air and you looked into his eyes. You couldn’t help but laugh at the irony.
“We can’t let that happen again.” You said before you kissed him again.
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blarshwritezz · 24 days
Could you write a yandere worshipper with a god darling? The darling isn't a benevolent god and requires bloody sacrifices but they are willing to offer anything and everything to them. I would imagine a scenario where the god descends on earth for the first time and he gets to meet them, what would they do? An obsessive, extremely delusional yandere that believes they are meant to be the darling's spouse.
Gender neutral reader and male yandere possibly!
(Can have NSFW or not, whatever you feel most inspired to do)
Oh yes! The motivation has me in a chokehold with this one! Also, I was planning on adding NSFW, but got super caught up in the writing and didn't. I'm sorry
Yandere Worshipper x God Reader
M yan x gn reader
TW - obsessive behavior, delusional behavior, blood, torture, murder, harming animals, masochism, manipulation
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Before you, his life was miserable. Nothing was worth living for. Everything absolutely pissed him off. Most nights he'd go into the forest behind his home and kill whatever small animals he could find rather than sleep. There was something relaxing about causing something to bleed and watching the light slowly drain from their eyes.
On one of those such nights, he just so happened to kill a rabbit on an abandoned altar. Your altar. He didn't really notice. It just seemed like another abandoned structure. Just a crumbling rock covered in vines to him. Nothing special whatsoever.
Oh how wrong he was. That "stupid rock" was exactly the thing that would change his life.
As the blood of the rabbit seeped through the vines and onto the stone, lightning struck. Odd, it wasn't supposed to rain that night. Regardless, he didn't want to get all wet, that'd be inconvenient. He went home, rain pouring as soon as he closed his door. Lucky timing.
It was nearly 3am, and he had to be up in 2 hours for work. Maybe he should actually try to get some sleep. Only bothering to take off his shoes, he went to the couch and flopped down. Tomorrow was going to be just the same. He closed his eyes, sleep taking him faster than usual.
It was dark. He never feared the dark, but there was something...eerie about this. It seemed like, other than a small area around him, this place was entirely void of light.
Was this a dream? It had to be. But it felt so...real.
The rabbit he had just killed tonight was suddenly tossed to his feet, coming from the darkness. But something was off. It had no blood left. It was completely dried up.
"My, you certainly are disgusting, aren't you?" A voice rang out all around him. "I adore it."
He tried to speak. To ask what was going on. But nothing. Not a sound came out of his throat.
"Let's make a deal." An ominous hand extended from the darkness. "I will give you all your darkest desires, let you harm whomever you want as horribly as you want. And all I ask of you is that you sacrifice their blood to me. Do we have a deal?"
Well, there's a reasons dreams are called as such. The idea of getting to live out his twisted desires freely absolutely was his dream.
Even if this wasn't real, he agreed anyway. He took the hand and shook it, feeling how cold it was. Your grip was brutal and freezing. If this was real, you might have almost broke his hand.
"That's a good boy~" Your voice faded away, drowned out by the sudden wind.
He awoke with a start. It was still the middle of the night. Checking his phone, he found that he only got about 10 minutes of sleep.
But he also found a large, unnatural bruise on his hand. Right where yours would have held it. Was that...not a dream?
He was hesitant at first. As much as he wanted it to be true, life just wasn't that good to him. But that next night, he went back to your altar. The rabbit and its blood were gone. It was too clean for some other animal to have taken it. So he wanted to try something out. He found three squirrels - it must have been a good night - and brought their carcasses to your altar.
And when he came back the next morning, there wasn't a trace of them.
So it was real...it really was! It started simple. He'd hunt small animals and deliver them to the altar. At some point, he even cleared the vines covering it and made sure the area was nice and clean for you. He's been getting frequent visits from you in his dreams. Even if all he knew was your hand and voice, you were growing more and more enticing...and he even gained your trust enough to allow him to speak!
But the little forest critters quickly learned to avoid the area. Some nights, he couldn't find a single thing for you. And so, during one of your dream visits, he begged and pleaded for an answer.
"My god, my perfect god, I am so sorry! No matter how far I go, I can't seem to find enough blood for you! Please, give me an answer! How shall I please you without enough sacrifices?" He was pathetic, down on his knees in front of you. Or at least, where he thought you were.
Truly, your mortal pet was adorable.
"My one and only follower, let me give you the answer..."
When you said it...it seemed so simple. And truly he was flattered.
He spent his days and nights doing exactly as you said. His home turned into more of a church dedicated entirely to you. A church he would get people to join. It was difficult at first. His people skills were lacking, to put it kindly. But with your perfect guidance, he was able to sweet talk anyone into joining your cult church. It was getting so big that he got to quit his job. After all, your new followers were paying him now.
Preying on the weak and desperate made it easy! But of course, he still had to make sacrifices to you somehow until these people could be used. He needed their trust first. So how did he give you blood? Why, by giving you his of course! Just like you said to!
He loved to make blood spill. But he never realized it would feel so good to spill his own blood. If it was for you, he'd tear out his organs and bones one by one until you were satisfied.
He was enjoying himself too much, and everyone could tell. Well, his followers didn't yet know exactly what was going on, but they knew something was wrong. He was getting paler. He was tired and confused, he could hardly walk straight, and he seemed short of breath from simple tasks.
You couldn't have this. You couldn't let your prophet die of blood loss so soon. There was still much work to do.
"You worry me, my devoted follower. How will you spread my word when you're so weak?" Your cold hand reached from the darkness in his mind, your finger gently stroking his cheek.
This was pure bliss. If only he could never wake up. Your cold hand on his face, heat quickly rising in his cheeks. How kind you were to worry for him. That must mean he truly was meant to be yours!
He worked even harder after that dream. Soon enough, you had hundreds of followers! Enough that no one would notice a few going missing. That was when he could finally make big sacrifices to you.
Those who weren't dedicated enough to you payed the price. The basement of his home turned into a lovely little torture chamber. Those who displeased you in even the smallest ways found themselves down there, and never found their way out. No matter how much they screamed or cried or begged, forgiveness was never earned, and therefore neither was freedom.
Some were so pathetic that they even died. Those ones were fun. Such large sacrifices pleased you anytime he dragged them out to the altar. They made you grow more powerful.
It took so long to get here. So much work. He's become unrecognizable. But finally it was time. He'll never forget this dream. He'd never dare forget any of them! He made sure to write them down after waking up.
"It's nearly time, my faithful follower." Your voice, your absolutely perfect voice surrounded him and rang throughout his head.
"Time for what, my god?" No matter what it was, he was eager. After all, you sounded so pleased right now.
"Bring all our followers to my altar tomorrow night. Do as I say."
The word echoed through his mind. You said "our" followers. As in both of you, together. Ah, he really was meant to be your husband! And you knew it too! Clearly, otherwise you wouldn't have worded it like that. You were a very wise god, after all. You would never misspeak.
Or maybe you were just manipulating him, preying on his mad desire for you. He wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
As with all your commands, he did exactly as you said. He would never dare disobey you. They were confused, whispering and murmuring to each other. He was confused too, but that didn't matter. He did what you told him to! He was such a good follower.
Thunder roared above, the wind slowly picking up until it could nearly blow the frail man away. Lighting cracked up above, and rain began to pour. Some of the followers tried to love, not wanting to be stuck in this storm, only to be stopped by sudden cracks of lightning.
It was storming about as bad as it was the first night he "met" you. He kept his eyes on your altar, his hands clasped in front of his chest. Something was about to happen...
Then lightning struck it. Your one and only altar was...not destroyed? An imposing figure sat atop it, the storm dying down.
His jaw dropped as he fell to his knees. It had to be...those hands. This immaculate presence. The sheer fear that struck through his heart. Yes, this was most certainly his beloved god.
While everyone else had looks of shock and terror on their faces, his expression was one of pure bliss. His cheeks were red, a wide grin on his lips as drool dropped down his chin. Your perfection was beyond his wildest imagination.
"Footrest." Your powerful voice commanded, motioning for him to come closer with two fingers. He gladly crawled to you, on his hands and knees as you rested your feet on his back.
He just couldn't stop staring at you. He had to memorize every last detail in case he never sees it again. His absolutely perfect spouse...
"I ought to introduce myself properly. Yes, I am your god. Kneel before me!" Your voice boomed, becoming the only sound in the dense forest. Some of your followers kneeled more hesitantly than others. Those who hesitated...were quickly killed.
Your worshipper was in awe of your power and authority. The way you took those pieces of filth's lives with just a flick of your wrist was utterly divine. He's never seen something so beautiful.
"Those of you who do not dedicate your very being to me...are to die here tonight." You smirked as the people uproar. Did they truly think you were as benevolent as they'd been told? It was their own fault for trusting the delusional man beneath your feet.
It was a massacre. A bloody, brutal, unstoppable massacre. No one was spared. No one but him. They would now be your slaves in the afterlife thanks to their (lackluster) devotion to you in life.
He was absolutely enamoured. He's never seen so much blood. Such beautiful red, so many dead bodies...you most certainly were a good deserving of his complete worship and devotion. It was he that did not deserve your magnificence.
"Now, my devoted worshipper...join me. Plunge this world into utter despair and chaos with me."
"Yes, my god!" He would do anything you wanted! Anything...this world would know your name, and it would be all because of him.
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Alright, that was a good one! Endings are hard- also, sorry if there's any errors. It was a long one this time! (Yay!)
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tomssexdoll · 29 days
if you do inexperienced bill who is so whiny and has never had a girl touch him (or has never touched himself) i will literally cum everywhere. like maybe not p in v because we need to start of slow with our sweet bill, but maybe like giving him head or showing him how to give himself a handjob? :3
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Me and Bill have been together for 2 months, he seemed like the type to be experienced, know everything about sex and how to pleasure a woman.
That all changed the day we tried to experiment with things, I was kissing him, palming his cock and grinding on him, he was super whiney which surprised me.
When I pulled his cock out he suddenly stopped me, grabbing my wrist firmly, "baby..fuck..how do i say this.." he sighed, looking away, "i don't have any experience at all..i've never been with a girl or even..touched myself.." he finally exhaled, his cheeks bright red.
I frowned, "oh baby, I can teach you, mk?" tilting my head in ressaurement, he nodded and let go of me, laying back on the couch. I got up and got on my knees in front of him, positioning myself in between his legs.
His cock was pretty big, I was surprised he didn't even know how to give himself a handjob. I wrapped my hand around his cock, slowly pumping it a few times, "does that feel good baby?" I looked up at him, he nodded quickly, his breath hitching and his eyes screwed shut.
I smirked and let go, grabbed his hand and putting it on his cock, "it's easy, just go up and down baby" I climbed back onto the couch, whispering in his ear.
He breathed out shakily, stroking his cock slowly, the pleasure building up inside him, "that's it liebe..faster" I nibbled on his earlobe, kissing behind his ear. I placed my hand on his and guided it up and down, picking up the pace.
Soft moans left his lips, mouth slightly agape as the pleasure built up even more, his cock throbbing in his hand. "Feels so good baby..fuck" he groaned, biting his lip harshly.
"Cum for me baby.." I whispered softly, lips moving down to his neck, sucking softly. He nodded and whimpered, his orgasm quickly approaching.
"Ohh fuck!" he whined loudly, cumming all over my hand and his legs, "good boy.." I purred, licking the cum off my hand and diving my head down, engulfing his cock with my warm mouth.
(literally spoiling u by giving u a bj and a hj)
"Holy shit!" he cried out, my tongue swirling on his sensitive tip, my head bobbing up and down as I took his big cock in my mouth.
"mm.." I moaned on his cock, the vibrations making him groan, hands coming to my hair and pulling on it. I smirked and continued to suck his cock harshly, slightly choking on it as his cock hit the back of my throat.
It was so messy, saliva dripping from my mouth and squelching noises coming from his cock repeatedly slamming in and out of my throat. "Fuck!" he whined, guiding my head up and down on his cock unknowingly, gripping onto my hair tighter.
"G-gonna cum again!" he whimpered, his legs slightly trembling as his cum shot into my mouth, coating my throat with his sticky seed. I pulled back, grinning and swallowing his cum.
"Pulling my hair huh?" his eyes widened with concern, "baby..im sorry..I didn't even know I was doing that" he pouted, I chuckled "i'm kidding baby, i loved it" i leaned in and kissed him softly
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @tomkaulitzloverr @tomscumdoll @ballhair @estxkios @charliesgoodboy @bkaulitzlover
156 notes · View notes
sinofwriting · 9 months
Made For Each Other - Max Verstappen
Words: 3,486 Summary: Max never put much stock into love at first sight until meeting her. Note(s)/Warning(s): Near Physical Cheating, Some Emotional Cheating (on Kelly not reader). So this is the toxic!max fic I mentioned and uh yeah this isn’t super like toxic but it’s something. Also, I will not apologize for inserting found family into this fic.
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“What?” Max presses his lips together, jaw twitching and he’s happy that P isn’t here, but with Daniil’s parents. “Things haven’t been good for us in awhile.” Maybe ever. He thinks and nearly winces, because they had been good in the beginning. But things had changed halfway through the 2021 season and it had only gotten worse as the weeks and months went on. “Kelly, it is unfair to you for me to pretend that I want to be with you anymore.” He nearly says that once the season was over he was already planning on breaking up with her, but manages to hold his tongue. She’s looking at him in that way that he hates, that’s caused arguments because it reminds him of his father. “What do you want me to tell P?” He can’t help the sigh of relief that escapes him at her easy acceptance. “Tell her that I will always love her and that if she ever wants to talk to me, she can call and I’ll do my best to answer.” “Okay.” Her voice is quiet and she looks around his apartment. “There shouldn’t be much here, but what you do find, have it shipped to me.” “Of course.”
He watches as Kelly walks towards the front door and maybe he shouldn’t say anything, doesn’t want to give her false hope, but he can’t help it. “Kelly.” She stops, her hand on the door knob ready to turn it. “Thank you for the past few years and all your support.” He sees her shoulders move as she sighs. “Your welcome, Max.” And then she turns the handle and walks out of his apartment.
He watches the door for a moment, feeling like if he looks away, suddenly she’ll be back. But the handle doesn’t turn and he’s spinning around to move to the couch where he had thrown his phone when Kelly had unexpectedly come here.
His thumb quickly moves across the screen, opening his last text message thread and sending a simple text.
I broke up with her.
It stares up at him and three dots appear along with those little check marks and he can’t help but smile. And god if the media could see him now, smiling after just breaking up with his girlfriend of so long, they’d use this as some sort of proof that he is the devil.
And now what?
His smile grows and his thumb moves again.
And now I come to you.
“You know, I thought you athletes had to train. Keep fit for the season.” She teases as he watches her move around her small kitchen. “I’ve barely been here a day and you’re kicking me out?” She shakes her head at him. “No it’s just I know that China got canceled, but you do have another race soon.” He shrugs, “It’s at the very end of the month. Besides, there's a gym close by. I can go there.” “And did you tell your trainer that you wouldn’t be home so he shouldn’t drop off any food or expect you?” His eyes widened. “Fuck.” He curses, scrambling out of the kitchen and to the bedroom where his phone is, her laughter ringing in his ears.
Calling Brad, he hears the phone ring three times before his trainer picks up. “Hello,” “Hey Brad, uh I’m not home right now. I mean, I’m not in the uh country.” “Did they call you for some testing?” “Uh no. I’m not there either. Just took a bit of a break, so don’t worry about meals or anything.” There’s a bit of silence before Brad speaks again. “Max, is everything alright?” “Yeah, yes. Everything is fine. I just needed a bit of a break. I’ll see you in Milton on the twenty-first, yeah?” “Sure.” “Great.” And Max hangs up the call, feeling a bit like a hurricane.
“You’ve made me go crazy.” He tells her when he sees her standing in the door of the bedroom, raising an arm when she doesn’t move. She immediately moves into his space, wrapping her arms around his waist, as his arm wraps around her shoulders, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Have I?” “Yes. Meeting you has made me crazy.” “Do you regret it?” “No.” The answer is swift and firm, because no he could never regret it.
So much had changed since he had seen her for the first time just barely two weeks ago. Most of those changes happened in the past forty-eight hours. But he liked those changes.
He liked how he felt ever since she first looked at him, shook his hand, said his name. Liked how she made him smile and laugh. Maybe it was fucked but he liked how in Austrailia when he won and he nearly kissed her at the afterparty, she had to press her hand on his chest and hold him back. Remind him that he had a girlfriend. Had to stop him from pulling out his phone to call her and break up with her right then and there. Liked that despite that, she had taken his unlocked phone, added her number and told him to text her. Pressed her lips to his cheek and let the scent of her bury itself in his brain. He liked that when he first texted her asking when he could see her again, she hadn’t asked who, just told him they could talk when he was single. Liked that barely a day later he had texted her telling her he was and now he was here, with her, in her home.
Max loved however, her. The way she kissed him when he showed up at her doorstep. The then slight shyness she had over her giving him her number and her text, though there was no guilt or apology to be found in her words. Just more disbelief that she had done so. How she smelled, her house smelled. The way she sat, how her fingers brushed over his skin. How passionate she was about her job, about the music she listened to, and the candle that sat beside her bathtub.
And so it comes out. “I love you.”
He shouldn’t be saying it. People would and will call him crazy for it, but he knows himself. He knows what he’s feeling. And he loves her. Loves this woman that he hasn’t even known for a month. And fuck, people like to talk about how love at first sight doesn’t exist and you don’t know when someone is the one immediately or so soon after meeting them, but that isn’t true. There are outliers. He’s got a cousin that married her husband barely a year after dating him and they are happier than any couple he’s ever seen. One of the guys he grew up karting with met his girlfriend and a month later they were moving in together. He thinks they have three kids or maybe it’s four now.
And she, she feels like he was made for her and only her.
“I love you too.” The words aren’t whispered, no shame or doubt on them. Just certainty and he doesn’t know that she’s thinking the same thing. That she was made just for him.
She doesn’t come to the next race no matter how much he begs. Even when he’s about to run late for his flight back to the factory, head buried her neck as he pleads with her to come. But she only laughs, brushing her fingers through his hair.
“You just barely made a statement about no longer being with Kelly.” And he kind of hates that there’s no distaste in her voice about him having a girlfriend when they met. He knows that if she had been seeing someone his blood would be boiling everytime his name got brought up or even hinted at. “Give it a bit to settle.” He straightens with a bit of frown, “I won’t hide you.” She laughs, eyes lighting up and it makes him smile. “I’m not asking you too. Just for patience. I don’t want your PR team to end up hating me.” “Miami, then?” She shakes her head, pushing him away. “You have a plane to catch, Max.” “Imola?” He asks, backing up. Eyes widening a bit when she shakes her head again. “Monaco?” “Max!” And she’s laughing again. “Spain?” And this time she nods her head and he groans, picking up his duffel bag that’s been sitting by the door for probably thirty minutes now. “That is so fair away. You will make me wait that long?” “Oh, poor baby. Having to wait just a little over a month.” He pokes his bottom lip out, unashamed to pout. Because yes, not having her with him for the next four races sounded like torture. He had only gotten a taste of what her support was like in Australia. He wanted all of it now.
She must see that on his face because her smile turns fond, no more teasing and she’s capturing his lips in a quick kiss. “It will go by faster than you think, Max. And it gives me enough time to get everything situated so I can really be comfortable working from anywhere in the world.” “So, you’ll join me for the rest of the season?” “Yes.” He grins, pressing their lips together once, then twice. “If it does not go by fast like you say,” She stops him before he can continue. “Go, Max, it will. And I’m always a call away.”
The press eagerly awaits Max’s arrival in Baku. Hoping to see the two time world champion, downtrodden, miserable, regretful. Instead they get an even better story. He arrives at the track on the phone laughing, smile wide and body relaxed. It wasn’t the image of a man who had just separated from his girlfriend of a few years. It was the image of a man happier than he ever had been before.
They all want to ask questions, want to ask who he’s talking to, what or who perhaps has him smiling. Why did he and Kelly break up? Did he break up with her? Did she with him? But none of them are willing to risk the odd relationship that Red Bull has with the press, kind even generous until you cross the line.
“No more races without you.” He murmurs when she arrives at his hotel in Spain, his breath causing goosebumps to appear on her neck. “No more.” She agrees, before pulling slightly away, just so they can look at each other. “Hi.” She greets. He smiles at her. “Hi.” “Congrats on Monaco.” He huffs, but something warm fills him with her words. “You said that on the phone.” “That was on the phone.” She teases, before lifting her arms to loop them around his neck. “Proud of you, Max.” He doesn’t know how to respond to that, to how sincere her words are, so he presses their lips together.
“I love you.” She breathes when they break apart, panting slightly with shiny and swollen lips. “I love you too.”
The camera's shuttering intensifies as soon as Max’s car that he was given for the race weekend arrives at the track on Saturday. And it only gets worse when instead of just locking the car and starting his walk to the red bull garage, he rounds to the other side, opening the passenger door and helping a woman get out.
This woman is not one that any of them recognize. She is not Max’s mother or sister. She is not Kelly or some sort of model, super, instagram, or swimsuit. And even better they don’t recognize this Max. Who as soon as she is out of the car, purse in hands, shuts the door for her, which is fairly typical for him. But what is not is the way he presses his lips to hers for a quick kiss, before snaking an arm around her waist, a sort of love sick smile on his face as they begin the walk.
“I can’t believe you wanted me to come to one of these things earlier.” She murmurs to him, giving a wave to all the cameras. If she was going to do this, be with Max, she’d have to get used to them and quickly. “I still wish you had.” He murmurs back, squeezing her waist and turning his head to press his nose quickly to the top of her head. “Did you tell anyone about me or that I was coming?” She asks, though she already has a feeling what the answer is as they move further into the paddock and sees some of the drivers do double takes. He smirks, “now why would I do that?” She shakes her head, “your PR team is going to kill you and I’m going to watch.” Her eyes then catch on a slightly familiar man who’s looking at Max with murder in his eyes and she amends her statement. “Daniel is going to kill you and I’m going to watch.” Max pales slightly as he takes a look at the man she only knows from his stories and a few brief clips she’s seen on youtube.
As soon as they enter Red Bull’s hospitality for the weekend, Daniel pounces. Dragging Max and her since Max refuses to let go of her, to Max’s drivers room.
When the door closes, Daniel shoves Max though she expects more gently than he normally would due to her and stands in front of the door, hands on his hips, anger and disappointment warring on his face.
“Max.” “Daniel.” He replies, though it's a bit meek and she can’t help but give his hand a quick squeeze before letting go and stepping away. Not returning to his side despite the offended and hurt look he gives her. She shakes her head. “I told you that you could tell people.”
Daniel turns to look at her, giving her a quick grin. “I like you.” He declares before turning back to Max, grin gone.
“Seriously Max. First there was Kelly and you breaking up, which I found out through social media and you still haven’t told me how that whole thing went down.” She winces at the exasperation in Daniel’s voice. She knew from Max how close they were, considering themselves brothers just about and she couldn’t imagine how Daniel felt learning about Max’s breakup from social media and not the man himself.
“And now this!” He waves his hands around between her and Max. “I’m sure you're great.” He tells her quickly and she gives him a sheepish smile. “I mean really Max. What gives?” Max stares at the older man, unsure of what exactly to say to him.
It wasn’t like he didn’t think the people he was closest to weren’t going to have a reaction to the news of his breakup and now new relationship. It’s just that besides Daniel none of them had really reached out wanting to know what happened because they were all right with not knowing. They knew that if Max wanted to talk about it with them, he would. But Daniel was different.
He talked to Daniel about everything. A side effect of the older man having to deal with him as a teammate for those few years when he was so young and trying to really figure himself out. They had developed a different kind of relationship. One where he knew that he could go to Daniel with anything and everything and receive no judgment, only support. Daniel to him was a weird cross of a friend, brother, and father.
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes and his hands tighten into fists a little. Always unsure of himself when apologizing. “I should have called. Told you, explained what happened.” He hesitates, but knows that Daniel deserves the truth. “I nearly did.” And wasn’t that the truth. There were many times he nearly called or texted Daniel to tell him about the stunning girl he saw, then met, then nearly kissed, then got together with. But he hadn’t. He knew if he told Daniel, he’d end up telling everyone. Daniel stares at him, face giving away nothing, making him fidget, before he sighs and gives Max a smile. “It’s all good mate. You’re a bit of a cunt. But,” he shrugs, grinning. “You’ve always been like that.” Max lets out a laugh, relaxing at the familiar energy of Daniel. “Yeah, just a bit.”
He turns to look at his girlfriend, who's looking between the two of them with a smile, beckoning her back to his side. Enjoying how she easily fits into his side. “Daniel, this is my girlfriend,” and he knows his voice is lovesick when he says her name with the way Daniel looks at him. “Darling, Daniel.” “It’s nice to meet you, Daniel. Max talks about you a lot.” Daniel’s eyes flicker to Max, expecting some sort of an embarrassment or denial, but the younger man just nods. And that’s good enough for Daniel, who immediately grins at her before pulling her into a hug. “Nice to meet you as well. Max treating you well? I taught him everything he knows.” He tells her with a wink when he releases her. She lets out a small giggle at his words, but nods. “Very well. And thank you for your services.” She winks, making Daniel laugh.
“Oh, you are amazing. Now, tell me how this happened and what happened with Kelly.” He says gesturing between the two of them, sitting on the folding chair in the room, while they sit on the couch. “They are very much connected.” She laughs, before patting Max on the arm and sitting back fully.
“Oh, no.” Max groans, running a hand over his face. Daniel was going to have a fucking laugh. “So, we met a little before the Australian Grand Prix. Nearly had an incident there.” He tilts his head towards her and Daniel nods, understanding what he’s saying. “I actually nearly broke it off there. She managed to stop me however. But when I got home to Monaco, I broke up with Kelly then and there. Was already planning on doing it at the end of the season.” Daniel nods. “You mentioned that before.” “Yeah.” Max sighs, before telling him the rest.
Daniel stares at him for a moment after he's done before shaking his head, with a sort of breathless laugh. “Only you, Max. Only you. I’m happy for you though.” Max smiles at the older man’s easy acceptance. “Thank you.” “PR’s going to kill you for not giving them any warning.” He rolls his eyes, she had been telling him the same thing. “They won’t do anything. Besides, didn't they want me to be more personable?” “Don’t think this is what they meant or had in mind.” She tells him. “Probably hoping you’d vlog. Do what Charles and Lando do.” His nose wrinkles at the idea, making her and Daniel laugh.
“You’re good for him.” Daniel murmurs as they watch qualifying. She turns her head a little, still keeping most of her focus on the track. “Think so?” “Know so.” He corrects, taking a moment to flash her a smile. “Max and Kelly,” he sighs. “They had a lot of issues.” She says for him. “Wanted different things or the same things but not at the same time.” “Yeah,” the older man breathes, feeling at ease with how much she knows. “She made him happy at first ya know? But you,” he pauses to shake his head. “You make him into the person I think he would’ve been without Jos. Relaxed, at ease, happy.” His voice is a little quieter with the last word and she has to blink so she doesn’t start to cry. “I want him to be happy. And I know we fell into this fast, but Max.” She sighs, feeling a smile stretch across her lips as her heart flutters in her chest all at his name, at the thought of him. “I was made for him.” Daniel chuckles, taking in the infatuated, lovesick, expression on her face. It was the same look he had seen earlier on Max. It was nice to see that it really did go both ways. “There might be some fuss around it, but it’ll die down eventually.” He hesitates not wanting his next words to seem to much, but thinks fuck it. They went to the extremes here, and she’d have to get used to it fast with Max, if she wasn’t already. “I’ll message a few drivers that I know will support you and Max. We’ll have your guys back with the media or anyone else.” His support and approval make her reach out, squeezing his forearm for a few seconds. “Thank you, Daniel. It means the world to me.”
Tagging: @lapb @gemofthenight @peachiicherries
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frankenkyle19 · 5 months
Glitter On The Floor After The Party
description/warnings: Peter x reader at a New Year’s Eve party, Peter admits that he’s never had a New Year’s kiss and against better judgement, reader decides to give him one. Smut, unprotected sex, oral (male and fem receiving), teasing, just a bunch of tenderness and it’s so cute okay thanks bye
Based off of the amazing request I got from our lord and savior @silverzoomies I hope you enjoy it and I hope it lives up to your expectations!!
word count: 4.6k
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Loving you,
Isn’t the right thing to do
How Can I
Ever change things that I feel?
If I could
Baby, I’d give you my world
The soft background music of Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way” played amongst the chatter and laughs of conversation across the room. You stood leaning against the wall, sipping on a solo cup of lemonade as you did one of your favorite things. People watching. 
You didn’t like to be in the middle of a conversation, but listening to it from the outside was something you did enjoy. You didn’t try to snoop, if someone was having a conversation they obviously intended to keep hush hush, you moved on to listen to a louder, carefree conversation instead. 
What day was it again? Why were you at a party? Oh right, it was New Year’s eve and Charles had decided to host a party at the school for the mutants and others who resided there. As a way to celebrate the progress that had been made in the last year and to hope for a good year to come. 
You never really felt like you fit in with the other mutants. Sure you had a power, and if that’s what people thought deemed you a mutant, then yes, you were one. You wouldn’t even consider it a power, it was more of a curse. A turn off to just about all men who found out about it one way or the other, despite it not affecting them in any way. They just saw you as different and decided you weren’t worth the time of day. Too much work. Whatever. 
Speaking of time, that had everything to do with your power. You were able to slow down time, practically freeze something in the moment.Unlike a certain silver speedster who was able to move  at the speed of light, you were only able to freeze a moment for a certain amount of time, and it took a lot of focus. It was a dumb power, you always thought so, and you weren’t sure it would ever even be useful to the x-men, despite protests from Charles that everyone is important in their own way. Sounded like a load of bull shit.
Figures that one of your only friends was the silver haired speedster himself. Your powers were similar but yet so different, and sometimes it led to arguments between the two of you. You always managed to get over it though.
Peter Maximoff was one of the first friends you’d made when you joined. Around your age, a cocky super speedy mutant definitely caught your eye.
The two of you had been friends for a few months now and had gotten closer quicker than you imagined. Peter and you staying up late to have secret movie marathons, with him always insisting you rewatch Star Wars despite your strong dislike for rewatching movies when you could watch new ones. You did it anyway, being with Peter suddenly made those movies bearable, as if he possessed some other kind of power than his super speed. The power to make any situation a little more bearable. 
You hadn’t seen Peter yet tonight, strangely, and wondered if maybe he wouldn’t be attending. He had no reason not to but as you wracked your brain for an answer, you couldn’t come up with one. Odd. Maybe he was with his family? His mother and little sister? Perhaps he enjoyed spending time with them more. Psssh of course he did, that was his family that he loved, so why suddenly did you feel so jealous. 
Finishing the last of your lemonade you made your way back over to the drinks table to pour yourself something stronger. Maybe a little rum and coke would solve all your problems. Hell, maybe you’d even be able to chill out enough to find someone to hook up with. Lord knows you needed it. You’d been unusually uptight lately and the only thing you could think of was the fact that you hadn’t been laid in a milenia. 
It wasn’t like you to do the dirty with some person who you didn’t even know, but if the night led up to that, you’d have no qualms as long as said person knew where the clit was and how to make you feel good. Was that too much to ask for? 
You were knocked out of your thoughts when a harsh breeze whipped by you, followed by the slight color of silver.
Peter… So he was here. 
A few seconds later and your cup was snatched from your hands and in the hands of someone else who sipped from it. When he put the cup down you saw his familiar deep brown eyes and silver hair. You would be annoyed at the fact that he’d stolen your drink if it wasn’t for the fact that you were actually quite happy he’d finally showed up. 
For being a speedster, he sure was late to a lot of things. Odd, wasn’t it?
“Miss me?” He asked, snatching a cookie from the table and biting into it, a few crumbs cascading down onto his Pink Floyd shirt. He obviously didn’t care as he took another bite and the same thing happened. His silver eyebrows were raised, waiting on an answer from you.
What had he asked again? Oh right, if you missed him…
“I thought you weren’t coming,” You said, avoiding his question. Had you missed him? You weren’t really sure the answer to his question.  It was something you’d have to ponder on for a while.
“Where else would I be on New Year’s Eve?” He asked, finishing off his cookie and scanning the table no doubt for what he’d eat next.
“I don’t know, maybe your mom’s place?” You shrugged. To be honest you didn’t know, you were just guessing. 
“Nope, her and my lil’ sis are at a friend's house celebrating I think. I wasn’t invited. No one wants a freak at their new years party, right?” He chuckled, but you knew inside he didn’t find it very funny.
“Maybe they didn’t want you stealing anything-” You teased, trying to lighten the mood, and it seemed to work. Peter laughed once more, real this time as he shook his head.
“Yeah that’s probably it, never thought of that. Yer a genious” He said, and you noticed another cookie in his hand, already half eaten. 
You took this chance to get a good look at the man in front of you. The silver haired mutant of which you harbored a very secret obsession. How could you not? Anyone who didn’t was either lying or blind. He was perfect in so many ways. From the way his silver hair sometimes fell into his face, to the way his brown eyes sparkled whenever he saw you. 
As much as you’d love for something to happen between the two of you, the risk was just too high. You couldn’t in good intention do anything and risk your friendship with the speedster. It was too risky.
Still, sometimes the way he looked at you had you wondering how he felt. Where his feelings lay. Was there something more or were you reading too far into it all? Probably the latter…
You glanced at the clock ticking on the wall. Thirty minutes till midnight. Thirty minutes till the new year. It felt so close but seemed to be an eternity away. You wondered what this new year would bring you. What you’d accomplish within the x-men. Maybe you’d find a more useful way to use your powers. One could only hope. 
While you were zoned out on the clock Peter had stuffed multiple things into his mouth and now when you turned back to him you saw the corners of his lips were covered in white cream. Jesus…
You raised a brow, shaking your head as you brought your thumb up to wipe the corners of his mouth before wiping said thumb on the sleeve of his silver jacket, much to his dismay.
Peter let out a quiet chuckle and the rest of the world seemed to fade into the background. It felt as if the rest of the world had slowed around the two of you but you knew for certain you weren’t using your powers right now. It was just the effect Peter had on you. Damn it was strong. 
Peter met your eyes before looking away and if you weren’t so distracted by the way his hair fell in perfect waves over his forehead, you’d have seen the way his cheeks darkened and the way he shoved his hands into his jean pockets, clearing his throat.
The odd wave of feeling faded between the two of you and it went back to normal. You chatted and laughed over drinks until the both of you were tipsy, you much more so than Peter considering his metabolism, and by then it was only two minutes until midnight.
The rest of the party had party poppers and noise makers in their hands, read for the clock to turn to 12:00, but you and Peter were still talking to each other, too caught up in conversation to get with the flow of things.
“You know, I’ve never had a New Year's kiss.” Peter blurted out, setting his solo cup down to look at you. His expression was soft and you could see the way his body was burning through the alcohol he’d drank as if it was nothing.
What an odd thing to tell your friend two minutes before midnight. I mean, he wasn’t insinuating anything, surely? He was known to over share many things, including the women he’d had sex with, which keep in mind had not been many these days, and the pornos he’d rented that week. That’s just the kind of dude he was. Absolutely no shame in his game.
You let out a surprised chuckle. Quicksilver had never had a New Year’s kiss? Such an odd thing for him to have not experienced.
“That’s a shame.” Was all you said, setting down your own cup, the drink in it now long gone and deep in your system. 
Peter seemed surprised by your response, as if he was expecting you to reassure him and tell him you hadn’t had a New Year’s kiss either, but that hadn’t been the case.
He opened his mouth to speak once more when people began to cheer around you. 11:59. 60 seconds…
Peter rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he chuckled, wishing he hadn’t just told you about his lack of New Year’s Eve smooching. 
30 seconds. The pull to Peter was so much stronger now, as if the universe was pushing you together like opposite sides of a magnet. 
25 seconds.
Why did you feel this way? Jesus Christ what was wrong with you? Surely you wouldn’t…
The faint sound of Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here could be heard and you were surprised that Peter hadn’t pointed it out yet, considering he was at the moment wearing a Pink Floyd shirt..
How I wish,
How I wish you were here 
We’re just two lost souls 
Swimming in a fishbowl 
Year after year…
No you couldn’t
Get it together!
He’s just your friend! Nothing more!
But god the way he looked at you..
No, Don’t give in. Don’t ruin what you already have 
Fuck. Screw it. Screw it all.
With a heavy breath you grabbed Peter by the front of his jacket and pulled him down into a kiss. He hadn’t expected it and to be fair neither had you. Time did seem to slow around the two of you now as you felt a surge of electricity crackle through the air between you as Peter finally knocked himself out of his dazed confusion and kissed you back.
His lips were so soft
You could find yourself getting used to this.
He pulled you closer to him, wrapping an arm around your waist as you wrapped your own around his neck
A deep breath, never breaking the kiss and there it was.. Peter’s New Year’s kiss. Finally, he had what he wanted, and so did you. 
Once it hit midnight the two of you didn’t break away. You pulled at each other, urging the other to come closer. You wanted to crawl into each other's skin, get as close as possible. You didn’t care who saw, who judged. The only thing that mattered in that moment between you two was the other. 
You felt Peter’s Hardness against your inner thigh as you leaned against him, coaxing a moan from his puffy lips as he glanced down at you, swallowing hard. That was all the warning you got before he sped the two of you off, time slowing back down once you were both safely in his room at the school. It was just as oddly decorated as his basement-room at his moms house. Obscure posters and gaming machines like Pinball and pac-man. 
Peter attacked your neck with his lips, urging you towards his unmade bed before pushing you down onto it. Rushed  and messily he tore off his jacket and shirt, tossing it to the floor. He paused, glancing down at you beneath him.
“I- is this okay?” He asked, his hands creeping up under your shirt and tickling your rib cage with his long, slender fingers.
“More than okay,” you laughed out. Yea, it was way more than okay. What wasn’t okay was the fact that he stopped. That just wouldn’t do.
You glanced down at the ever growing bulge in the front of his too-tight jeans before your hand cupped him gently, causing him to jut into the feeling.
“Shit- really? We’re really doing this?” He asked, grinding his lower half into your hand for more friction.
You used your free hand to pull him down into another kiss full of teeth and tongue, gently massaging his length through his clothing, causing small whimpers and whines to fall from his parted lips, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“Fuck yeah we’re really doing this, here- just-“ you urged him off of you until the two of you had switched positions, Peter laying against the bed, you leaning over him.
“Please-“ He mewled, looking up at you with his desperate dark brown eyes, begging for the slightest touch. 
Hearing him beg was music to your ears and as much as you wanted to get him to beg more, you were also impatient and wanted to tear his clothes from his body. You’d waited too long for this, you were not going to waste a second. 
You palmed him over his clothing one more before undoing the zipper and button on his jeans, trying to get them down his legs.
“Peter- a little help?” You asked, brow raised as you glanced at him.
Peter, who had previously been in his own little world refocused on you, jumping at the sound of his name coming from your lips. It took him a moment to register what you were asking from him and then, the clumsy idiot he was, in a desperate attempt to kick off his pants, he ended up kicking you off the bed. 
Landing with a thump you gasped, not expecting it and not being able to do anything to prevent it. You peeked up over the edge of the bed to find a mortified Peter who was frozen in place with his pants halfway off his legs as he looked at you.
“Shit- are you okay? I’m so sorry oh my god-“ He helped you back on the bed and despite your giggles and light reassurance he felt bad. 
“Let me make it up to you?” His tone dropped at this and you knew he had an idea. A devilish idea. He picked you up like you were nothing and laid you back on the bed, settling between your legs as he carefully hiked up your shirt until it had revealed your bra, and inside of said bra, your bomb ass titties.
Peter would never lie, and your boobs were absolutely smoking. He was a tits expert after all, from watching hours of pornos, he’d still never seen one’s as pretty as yours, and he had an idea that it was probably because they were yours, and he was now beginning to realize his true feelings for you were much more than just ‘friends’
He practically ripped off your pants, tossing them onto the ground next to his own clothes before his hands traced your thighs.
Your panties were soaked and you were sure there was a wet spot on them that Peter would soon see. It was embarrassing how fast he had gotten you so worked up.
And just like you expected, Peter’s eyes locked onto your clothed cunt, nearly drooling as his thumb brushed over the wet spot in your panties.
The touch felt electric and so, so damn good which was ridiculous because he’d barely touched you at all.
He gently rubbed his thumb across your clothed clit, loving the way that you reacted to his touch.
“Poor thing, need quickie to make you feel good?” He chuckled devilishly and you so badly wanted to kick him. Now was not the time to tease.
“Peter! Please!” You huffed, wriggling around underneath him as he slowly and teasingly pulled your panties down your legs, throwing them over his shoulder. He parted your thighs further to give him better access to your core.
His pupils seemed to dilate as he zoned in on your throbbing cunt and with a shaky breath he leaned forward, parting your folds with his tongue.
Your hands found their way to his hair as you tugged gently on the silver strands, urging him closer.
Peter got the hint and buried his face further into your pussy, moaning at your taste and wetness. All for him. 
It had always been all for him.
His pink tongue jabbed at your clit several times before his lips gently wrapped around the nub, sucking gently, but enough that you could feel it. Hell could you feel it.
Your head fell back into the pillows, unable to keep it up anymore as your legs quivered around Peter’s head. The sight was heavenly. A head of silver hair lapping at your cunt, dark brown eyes glancing up at you as he flicked his tongue inside of you before pulling out to give attention to your clit.
You were surprised by how well he actually ate you out. Most men you’d been with were messy and not in a good way, totally missing any points of pleasure down there, but Peter. God was he good at it. 
He continued his actions, speeding up every now and then until your whines became more desperate and your hips bucked up against his face. Somehow, without ever being together intimately, Peter just knew your tell tale signs that you were close. Maybe the porn had paid off.
“Peter!” You squealed as he pulled away for what felt like the fifteenth time. Your body was shaking with pleasure and a layer of sweat covered your skin, making you glisten. 
“What baby girl? What’s wrong? Doesn’t it feel so nice?” He asked, pressing kisses to your inner thigh as he teased you, his palms rubbing over your knees as he peeked up at you through his eyelashes.
You totally wanted to kick him right now. He was being such an ass.
“Peter! Please- fuck I was so close! This isn’t fucking funny anymore!” You groaned, urging his head back down to your pussy and finally he followed your lead.
He let you guide him back to your core and he began to lap away at it once more, closing his eyes as he moaned against you. His tongue moved inhumanly fast and it was quite literally the best thing you’d ever felt. Better than any store bought vibrator that was available. 
“Fuck! Oh s-shit Peter- feels so good please don’t stop- please please don’t stop this time baby please-“ you begged, holding him by his hair, tugging hard on it as he groaned, open mouthed against you. 
With a few more flicks of his tongue and sucks against you, you were cumming, your release coating Peter’s lips and chin as he did his best to clean you up, moaning against you.
Eventually you had to pull him away because he was so lost in your taste. Carefully you pulled him up by his silver locks, seeing the fucked out, happy expression on his face. 
“So fucking good-“ he wiped his mouth on his arm before sitting up a bit, coming to himself as he finally got enough oxygen.  
Catching your breath, you pulled your shirt and bra fully off, finally being fully naked before you pulled Peter into another kiss, getting on top of him.
He looked up at you with the softest brown puppy dog eyes he could muster, chest heaving as he let a quiet whine slip past his lips.
“Definitely getting much more than a New Year's kiss.” You laughed, hooking your thumbs in the waistband of his boxers, slowly pulling them down while keeping eye contact with him the whole time.
“Fuckkk- please touch me- I’m literally throbbing baby you’ve got no idea how much I need you-“
“I think I have some idea,” you gently wrapped your hand around his red leaky cock once his boxers were off, and the sound that Peter made was something straight out of a porno.
“Shhh, Peter you’re really loud-“ you shook your head as you thumbed over the tip of him, watching as your thumb spread the opaque fluid across his pretty pink head.
“Really really want a new years kiss somewhere else-“ Peter panted, despite how desperate he was he was still cracking jokes. Of course. You wanted to slap the smirk off his face, but you had a better idea. 
Rolling your eyes, you leaned down, face to face with his throbbing dick as you pressed a soft feather light kiss to the tip, watching the way Peter’s breath hitched the second you did.
You had him wrapped around your finger, and it was everything you ever wanted and more. Finally, after all this time. You had him. He was yours.
“Oh f-fuck I’m gonna cum- I’m gonna cum-“
“Peter I’ve barely touched you-“ your brows furrowed at his admission, honestly surprised. You had gotten him that worked up from barely touching him? To be fair he had done quite the same thing to you previously.
“Don’t- wanna cum yet- wanna fuck you please?” He asked, batting his eyes in a much too innocent way for how sinful the situation was.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want him to fuck you. As much as you wanted to explore his body, there would be time for that later. You too had all the time in the world now.
He pulled you down with him onto the bed as he tried to manhandle you down onto your back and before you knew it he was over top of you, leaning in between your legs, nudging your core with the tip of his cock.
“Can I?” He asked, looking up at you, his hair a disheveled mess of silver on top of his head.
“No condom?” You asked, brushing your thumb across his cheek as he shyly nodded, not meeting your eye, his next words surprising you.
“I-if that’s okay- I saw you were on birth control I was snooping around your room the other da-“
“Wait, pause right there, you were snooping around my room? Peter!” You shoved at his shoulder, an annoyed look settled on your face “what’s wrong with you? Creep!”
Peter put his hands up in surrender as he blushed hard, becoming shy now at his confession.
“I’m sorry, I was just curious! You know me! I'm a snoop!”
“Peter I cannot believe you right now but- dammit, yes. Yes just fuck me already please or im going to explode.”
Peter chuckled, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he slowly slipped inside of you, your slick mixed with his saliva from Peter’s previous actions with his tongue making him glide inside easily. 
The both of you gasped in unison at the feeling of being so close together in such an intimate setting. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. There was almost no pain, despite how deeply he was stretching you out. It was like the two of you were meant for each other.
You clutched onto Peters shoulders as he gave a few experimental thrusts into you, shaky breaths mingling together in the air between your bodies. 
Peter breathed out your name through a moan and you were sure it was the most magical sound you had ever heard and would ever hear.
“Fuck- to be fair I had no idea this was how the night was going to turn out-“ Peter cursed, sweat forming on his brow, not from exhaustion but from pleasure and the restraint it took to hold himself back from fucking you so hard the bed broke.
You laughed lightly, moaning as he hit a spot even deeper inside of you before pulling back out and repeating his actions.
“Trust me, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Perfect way to start the New Year in my opinion.” You grinned before your smile was replaced with a gasp as Peter began to speed up his thrusts.
You didn’t fail to miss the way that his body vibrated with each thrust, fucking into you with purpose as he planted kisses and love bites all across your neck and shoulders before sucking one of your breasts into his mouth.
He hummed around the hardened bud before letting go of it with a pop.
“I just gotta say baby- these titties- you’ve been hiding them from me for tooooo long. They are bangin!” You couldn’t help but laugh lightly at his choice of words.
“F-fuck-“ he cursed again, his thrusts becoming erratic as he fucked into you with a kind of desperation you’d never seen from him before.
You didn’t even need him to tell you, you just nodded in understanding, biting your bottom lip between your teeth.
The two of you were close and your bodies were racing to the finish, chasing your euphoric highs.
“I-I-I’m-“ he choked out, unable to form the words.
“Shh, shh I know Peter, I know, me too.” You reassured him. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, locking him in place and making him go farther inside of you, surely bruising your cervix.
Peter froze against you, humping against you twice more before stilling, filling you up with his warm seed.
The feeling finally threw you over the edge, your body seizing against his, arching up against him before collapsing limply back against the sheets.
The two of you caught your breath before Peter pulled out and laid next to you, tracing your stomach with his finger.
“Holy shit- that- Jesus that was- wow-“ Peter couldn’t find the words as he stared at you in disbelief.
You didn’t really have the words either so you just looked up at him and said,
“Happy New Year’s Peter.”
And he simply responded with
“Happy New Years.”
Maybe this new year wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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callofdudes · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about how how TF141 + König would react to the reader having a period accident..
Idk it might be weird but some peoples reactions have my heart, like when they're nice about it and help you instead of being disgusted by you😭
That's not weird at all. Got instant inspiration for this one. It's also spawned some little headcanons in my head so I might post those separately as well. Here ya go, let me know if it's ok 😊
141 + König helping you after a period accident.
141+König x Female!reader
König 🐙
You and König were walking around the mall when you got the feeling in your gut. That feeling that kicked you right in the pelvis and almost made you stop walking. Shit... Not here.
König was currently looking at some new movies when you felt it again, clutching your pelvis to try and help it.
"König..." You whispered to him, tapping his hip.
He hummed, looking back at you and the awkward expression on your face. "What's wrong Schätzchen?"
"I think we need to wrap it up early. I'm not feeling good suddenly."
König was worried now. "Are you alright? Are you sick? Do you need medical treatment in this moment?"
You shake your head, walking slower and stiffer, hoping to get home before it was too late. König could see there was something going wrong but he followed.
He kept a close eye on you as you both made it back to the car, by that time König was helping you in the car and noticed. "Y/n... I think you are bleeding."
You groaned, immediately feeling more embarrassed about it. "Yeah..." You just wanted to rush home and change. And get your clothes in the wash before they stained.
König however, grabbed the car keys and rushed back inside. He had no idea what he was doing but he rushed to the drug store at the entrance of the mall and decided to ask a worker.
"Hey uh.. my um.. my friend, she is hurting and I want to help her. C-could I get some help with the feminine products..." He was a sweating mess asking about it. But he wanted to help you.
The clerk was also super nice and pointed him where he needed to go and gave him a quick suggestion on what to get. So without a second thought he purchased them and ran back to the car where you were still holding yourself.
"Here y/n... I-I got those for you. And you can do it in the car if you want- I don't mind, and I won't look!"
He immediately shut the door and turned around. He waited nervously outside. He hoped that was right, that he'd gotten everything. He did want to help even if he wasn't the most knowledgeable about this sort of thing.
You felt happy that he went through all the trouble. It would... Work for now.
So you put it on and got out, giving him a thumbs up while he nervously fiddled with his fingers. After, König got in the driver's seat and looked at you. "Are you doing better?"
"it'll work until we get home. Thank you König."
"Yeah.. yeah! Of course! Now let's get you home."
Price 🥃
The two of you were at a barbecue with 141 and some other soldiers, you hadn't even noticed or felt anything, probably too busy eating and talking. You'd felt weird and had cramps that morning, but after an hour and no actual blood, you'd assumed it was early cramping.
Price was sitting in a chair, talking to Ghost about one thing or another when he happened to look up and over to you, in your white pants, clear as day...
"Excuse me Ghost." Ghost nodded, letting Price leave for a moment. He came up behind you and set his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n..." He whispered. "You've got a stain on your pants."
You look up at at him. "I what- I do??" Your face turned red as you soon realized what it would be. Oh you were stupid to wear these pants...
Price gently pats your arm, you were so lucky you were over at Laswell's house. "Come on, come sit inside until we can help ok?"
You nod, following him closely as he opens the screen door and brings you inside. He could see the embarrassment on your face. "That's alright y/n, we'll help you out. Let me go find Laswell alright?"
You nod, staying behind and waiting as Price went to talk to Laswell about the situation.
"John, everything ok?" Laswell asked. While she'd let them use her expansive yard for the barbecue she wouldn't be in charge of supervision. So she was in her at home office room.
"Hey Kate. Y/n is having a little... Feminine emergency. She got her period and I was wondering if you would have anything to help?"
She nods, coming back down the stairs to see you still sitting there awkwardly. "We'll help you out kiddo." Price assured as Laswell brought back down a box of sanitary pads for you. "I might even have a spare pair of pants for you to wear?" She offers.
"If not, I can let you borrow my jacket." Price finishes.
"Thank you guys." You head to the bathroom and start to figure things out. While you were doing that Price went down to his car and got his big thick jacket.
Once you'd come out Price handed it to you and let you wrap it around your waist. "Thank you Price."
He nodded and patted your shoulder. "All good. We'll get you set up properly when we are home, alright?"
You nod, unable to help hugging him tightly. Price chuckled softly and hugged you back. "Alright, would you like to stay in here or go back out with everyone else?"
"I think I'll be ok to go back outside."
"Alright, you let me know if you need anything ok? And we'll get you all set up when we get home."
Soap 🧼
"Yes captain." You smile softly.
Price gave you the next two days of leave to let the cramps settle down and you were very, very grateful.
Growing up with all girls in his house he still didn't know everything about periods, but they didn't disgust him. So much that avoiding his sisters when they were acting like soulless floor crawlers was habit.
But when he noticed you in need, his brotherly instincts for you came into action.
You were in line for food, just standing there when you suddenly looked very troubled. "Soap... I think we should go home." You whispered.
"You want to go home y/n? But we just got here."
You nod a little, stance a little stiffer. He frowned, and you could tell he knew something was up. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling good?"
You shake your head softly, rolling your hand over your pelvis. "I think I just got my period..." You whispered, barely that. But John caught it.
He nods, ushering you from the line up. "Alright, we'll go home then. Do you want to pick up some pads at the drugstore while we're here or should we head back to base?"
"I think I'm almost out on base..."
John nods, that settles it then. "Alright, we'll stop at the drugstore and we'll get you what you need."
"You don't mind? I know we went out for food... No a sanitary trip..." You felt embarrassed. You really didn't want anything like this to happen with one of the guys. You just didn't think they'd understand.
You felt like maybe Soap of all people would make fun of you. But he brought you back to the car and drove you to the drugstore.
"Do you want to walk in or stay here??"
"Can I stay..?"
"Yep, no problem. Just tell me what you usually get yourself and I'll be right back." He smiled softly.
You were embarrassed. Telling him quietly before he shut the door and walked off with confidence. He wandered the aisle for a while, looking for the brand before spotting it and... Oh just grab one of everything you never know. So he came back with a bag full of product to last you a very long while.
"Alright, here ya go. I can wait outside if you want to put one on now?"
"You don't mind?"
"Nope, not at all. Go for it." He stands back faced to the window of the passenger seat. Guarding it while you did your thing. And you eventually you tapped on the window and he got back in the car.
"Alright, let's get you home and set you up."
You nodded. "Thanks Soap."
"No worries, I get it. Sometimes accidents like these happen."
He got you home and set you up, settling you down for a movie and got you your blankets and heating pad. And yes, he did go back and get that food so you both could enjoy it.
Ghost 💀
Man's panics. He knows a lot about periods surprisingly, but they are not in his wheelhouse. He does not have the expertise.
But he is definitely reliant and always a good person to go to for some help.
The two of you were at a very, very high end event. Like the higher ups of your higher ups were there. The both of you dressed up in suits with all your fancy pins on them and the little hats.
It was a big deal and you were nervous. You'd assumed the cramping you'd briefly felt earlier was just from the little amount of food you'd eaten before rushing out the door that morning and your anxiety.
Ghost was off in the corner, watching everything. He noticed somewhere along in the night you'd grown uncomfortable and oddly stiff. Almost as if you were self conscious of something.
He assumed it to be nothing until you walked over to him stiffly, blushing from embarrassment.
"What do you need sergeant?"
"Ghost..." You whispered, making him lean in a little more. "I think I just got my period..."
He's totally cool on the outside but inside he is panicking. He nods. "Do you have... A bag or something?"
You shake your head. "No... I left it all at home..."
Ghost sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'll head back home and get your stuff."
You nodded awkwardly. "Thank you."
He patted your arm. "Just sit tight, shouldn't be long."
And with that Ghost excused himself from the venue and got back in the car, driving all the way back home. He searched your bathroom, grabbing one... Two... Ok three if you need it. He can't be too careful. And a spare change of pants and underwear if you needed it.
He came back with the bag and pulled you to the side. "Everything you need should be in there. Bathroom is down the hall, call me if you need anything."
"Thank you so much Ghost. Thank you." You took the bag and rushed off, delighted to find a spare change of pants as well.
Once you'd changed you came back out and gave Ghost a thumbs up, to which he nodded in approval and the event continued without a hitch.
Gaz 🧢
I just know this man is the kind of guy to hook up the bubble bath and say F You to the world for a while. So afterwards you get full spa treatment from him.
Will do anything to help you.
You were training with some of the other soldiers. A slightly chilly day though you enjoyed it and hadn't worn a sweater. You already felt warm enough.
You'd already been out there for two hours and any burn or cramp was just played off as what would normally happen. You weren't really thinking into it much.
You'd taken a break to relax and you felt another cramp right in your pelvis, making you groan as you bent over a little to hold yourself.
Some of the sergeants noticed the stain forming in your grey jogging pants. "y/n, are your pants dirty or something?"
This caught Gaz's attention who looked over, noticing your discomfort. You looked embarrassed as you started to connect the dots between your horrible cramps and your accident.
He gently pushed past the sergeants and got himself between you and them. "Yeah, I think that last load of laundry didn't come out right. I noticed it on my clothes as well."
You looked up at Gaz with relief as he gently tugged off his sweater and wrapped it around your waist.
"Come on, let's go get you to your room."
You followed, your cramps bothering you the whole way. Gaz got you to your room and grabbed out a fresh pair of pants and let you change and such.
Once you were done he came back in and helped you into bed. "Thanks Gaz." You whispered.
He leaned down and plugged in your heating pad and wrapped you in all your blankets. "No problem y/n, it happens. I get it."
"Do you need any more supply? I have to head out for a bit later and I could pick up what you need?"
"You wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all. Just helping you out. I can even pick you up a snack or two. Does chocolate entice your palette?" You both chuckle softly.
"I'd like that, thank you." You smile, already feeling much better. Gaz made sure you didn't need anything else before leaving you to rest.
And yes, he came back with everything you needed and a giant bucket of ice cream all your own.
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urdepressedslut · 10 months
I don't know if you usually take requests, but could you please write a drabble about Bucky taking care of the reader during her period? Period cramps are killing me and I just want some cuddles 🥺
aw i love this 🥹 i’m sorry your cramps have been bad, i’m sending you all the love and hugs your way💗 i hope this bucky fluff makes you feel better 🥰
♡ Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky helps comfort you when you are having bad period cramps.
♡ Warnings: SUPER FLUFFY, light angst, period cramps, blood (duhhh), light self hate
main masterlist
* i know this is mickey, but let’s pretend it’s post tfatws!bucky *
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You had showered after a long day, doing your usual routine— taking your time to really treat yourself after a tough week.
Immediately after sinking into bed, the sheets feeling so good against your freshly shaven legs— it took no time at all for you to slip into a much needed slumber. You didn’t know you could sleep so soundly, so well. Most nights consisted of rolling and waking up occasionally in sweats. Tonight was the first, as you slept through the entire night, waking only the next morning.
You were excited to start off your Saturday after a good nights rest, except when you went to get up— you noticed you were still exhausted. It was then you could feel your back ache, all your limbs heavier than usual. You furrowed your brows in confusion, thinking perhaps you had gotten too much sleep. But as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed, you suddenly felt something wet in between your thighs.
Glancing down, ripping the cover off— everything dawned on you at the sight of red smearing the inside of your thighs, your underwear ruined.
Fucking periods.
You knew getting that good of sleep was too good to be true. You could feel the tears working their way up, your nose burning with frustration. You had just cleaned and changed all your sheets, taken a shower. Now everything, including you were dirty again— like you had never done any of the cleaning to begin with.
You knew it was just your emotions running wild, so you willed your tears to stay away. Sucking in a deep breath, you walked to the bathroom sluggishly. You made it your mission to grab a pill before the cramps started— you had learned your lesson. Although you were starting your period, you were not going to let this ruin your weekend. You were going to have a nice relaxing weekend. Not letting the beauties of being a woman ruin your day.
If only you had kept that attitude up for the entire day. The cramps had come as you expected, but this time the pill did nothing to relieve the pain. The heating pad worked only for a few minutes before the pain came crashing in waves, your body attempting to curl in on itself from the discomfort.
You swore a ghost was digging a knife in your uterus, and right now— you’d appreciate if the ghost just ripped out your uterus completely.
You had holed yourself up in your room, only making it downstairs for breakfast before you were running back to your bathroom to empty the contents of your stomach back out. This was definitely one of the worst periods you’d had in awhile, and you just wanted to slip into a coma until it was over.
Knocking sounded from your door, and you rolled over still clutching your stomach. You looked a mess, you felt like a disaster. Periods always made you feel gross.
“Yeah?” You asked out loud, and you couldn’t hide the discomfort from your tone.
“(Y/n)? You okay?” Bucky asked through the door.
Your eyes widened at his voice, wondering what he was doing here.
You and Bucky had been dating for awhile now, and things had been great. You still managed to get flustered by practically anything he did— and he loved every second of your flustered state. There was one thing that was brought up though— and that was periods.
“Uh— yeah I’m fine! Just tired!” You shouted, nervous that he could sense your lie. He definitely could.
It’s not that you thought he’d judge you for being a woman and having a period. But you were shy to show him that vulnerable side of you. Both you and him had shown the soft sides of each other— clinging to each other when you needed each others comfort. But there was something extra vulnerable about this— and you couldn’t ignore the embarrassment you felt when you even thought of it. You didn’t want him to find you gross, or annoying as you whined.
Okay… I guess you were a little nervous that he’d judge you.
“Doll what’s going on? Can I come in?” He asked, his voice growing more concerned.
You pulled the cover over your legs, giving the room one last once over— it didn’t look terrible. You just wished you could have a minute or two to tidy up. You knew Bucky very well though, and he’d break the door down if you waited one more second.
“Of course, come in!” You announced finally, taking a deep breath, hoping a cramp didn’t hit you while he visited.
The door opened and Bucky peeled his head in first, after making eye contact with you— he sent a warm smile before heading all the way in, shitting the door behind him. He quickly made his way to the bed where he plopped down, looking over you concerned.
“Baby what’s going on? I feel like I haven’t seen you much today. You sure you’re just tired? You aren’t getting sick are you?” He rambled on, and your heart swelled at his concern.
“Buck— I’m fine really. Just didn’t sleep too good last night.” You completely lied, last night was the best sleep you had ever had. Too bad it leaked into today though.
He furrowed his brows and looked at you like he was about to figure you out— see right through you and pick out the lies. You wouldn’t be surprised if the serum gave him those abilities.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asked softly, scooting closer so he could slip his hand underneath the covers to land on your bare thigh.
It was meant to be a comforting gesture, but you feared you’d get blood on him. You knew that was a silly thought— but you were paranoid.
He noticed you tense up from his touch and immediately he removed his hand, his face growing more concerned.
“Baby, what is it?” He pried, trying to look you over again— needing to know what the cause of your discomfort was.
You sighed and gave in, shoulders sagging in defeat. You didn’t want him to worry, and seeing his frantic eyes search you for a wound— you realized you were making this bigger than it needed to be. You just couldn’t ignore the embarrassment you felt.
“It’s just uh… I’m… I’m on my period Buck.” You mumbled, lowering your eyes to the bed.
His concerned expression melted away, his heart falling back into a regular rhythm. He knew he was prehistoric— but he knew what a period was. He just didn’t know why you wanted to hide it from him.
“Oh.” He finally said, “Doll— you can tell me things like that.”
“I know Buck but… it’s embarrassing and gross. I can usually deal with it and nobody ever notices— you know because it’s a normal thing.” You told him, playing with the edge of the comforter. “This one has just been pretty bad and… I just— I don’t know.”
You trailed off, avoiding his gaze. Bucky reached his hand over and tucked some stray hairs behind your ear. Tracing his fingers down your jaw to raise your chin up— that way he could look into your eyes.
“You’re not gross, okay? I’m sorry you’re in pain baby— I wish I could take it all away. It’s not fair you have to deal with this all the time.” He told you gently, and you leaned into his touch.
“It’s not usually this bad but… I don’t know, I guess it’s just a bad one this time around.” You assumed.
Before you could say anything else, you doubled over as the pain came back— stabbing into your uterus. You clutched your lower abdomen— hoping it would help relieve the pain. Bucky’s eyes widened at your whine.
“What can I do to help?” He rushed out, hands hovering over you.
If it were any other time, you’d find his protective, mama bear mode adorable. But for now— you were too busy being in pain.
“Just stay with me please? I don’t wanna lay here alone.” You admitted, your words coming out in whimpers.
Bucky wasted no time in kicking his shoes off, shimming his jacket off before he crawled back into the bed, sneaking under the covers. He leaned back against the headboard, pulling you on top of him.
“Don’t even have to ask doll, I’m staying right here. You comfortable?” He asked.
You reached down and raised your shirt just above your belly button, before you lifted his shirt the same. He furrowed his brows, wondering what you were doing. You laid down completely again, letting your skin smush against his, and because he was a super soldier and was always hot— his warm stomach felt amazing against your lower abdomen. Like a personal heating pad.
“Ahh… that feels good. You’re so warm.” You sighed, ticking your face into the crook of his neck.
He chuckled and smiled into your hair, wrapping his arms protectively around you.
“I love you baby.” He whispered to you, already feeling your breathing even out— falling asleep on him.
Your uterus calmed for now, the warm sensation soothing your pain. You could only wait until the next wave of pain came— but you knew you’d be okay with Bucky holding you.
“Love you too Buck.” You mumbled sleepily against his neck, your breath warming his skin.
He hated that you were in pain, wishing that he could take it all away— but he’d give you as many Bucky cuddles as you needed until you were sick of him.
Truthfully, you’d never get sick of Bucky cuddles.
A/N: short but sweet 🥰
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