#and now because his best friend is married my bf has been bringing up engagement more and more
biblicalhorror · 5 months
My other sister got engaged yesterday (and told me about it immediately thankfully lol) and then today I got invited to some superbowl party by two other friends and my brain is so wrapped up in what the last week has been for me that I read it as "engagement party" and I was like you have got to be kidding me
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prorevenge · 4 years
He Ruined My Sister's Only Birth Experience So I Made Sure He'd NEVER Forget Her
Kinda my revenge, kinda my sisters, both of us really proud. This is gonna be long so TL;DR at bottom. Here's our cast:
My sister - we'll call her "Sara" for the story Sister's Ex-BF - "Paul" Ex-BFs New Wife - "Jane" Ex-BFs Parents - "Mr. And Mrs. Doe" Oldest brother - "Zeke" Our parents And Me :)
When I was 14 and my oldest sister, Sara, was 22 we found out that she was pregnant with Paul, her boyfriend of 4 years. They immediately got engaged and they were really happy. For a time. Sara had a horrible pregnancy, about 16-18 weeks in the "wonder of creating a human life" evaporated within her. She developed hyperemesis (which if you don't know is really bad morning sickness), she was constantly in pain, she developed gestational diabetes, and just all around hated the experience. Around this time Paul, the then-fiance, started getting sick of the complaining. I believe the argument was "your body is built to do this, it can't be that bad".
Sara was due around Valentine's Day and Paul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doe, were very excited, both about the grandkid and the fact that he could be born on a holiday. She was very against that and really really hoped that her son wouldn't be born on a holiday, even one as small as Valentine's day (her birthday sometimes falls on Easter and she hates it) because it might make him feel that "his day" isn't very much about him. Well, Mrs. Doe says something like "Well if you name him Valentine or Valentino then that'll make the day even more special to him!" Again, sister HATED the idea. She thought it was tacky, he'd be bullied for it, and just really didn't like the name Valentino. Paul loved it, but agreed to go with a more average name like Daniel or Jared.
Fast forward to February and she was ready to Get This Over With. Sara had officially been put on bed rest because while standing or walking her blood pressure took unexpected spikes and dips. I look back now and goodness do I feel bad for her. She was doing her best to avoid giving birth on Valentine's day because, again, she didn't want him born on a holiday. Unfortunately, births happen when they happen and that baby was going to come on Valentines day whether she wanted him to or not.
I remember waiting out in the waiting room with my dad, brothers, and Paul who couldn't stand to be in the delivery room because it was "gross". I was so mad that he could have gone in but wouldn't because he thought my sister was "gross" while giving birth, whereas I had to stay outside because I was "too young" to go in with my mom and other sister. Dad went home with the youngest two brothers while the oldest, Zeke, stayed to watch me because I refused to leave. 16 hours after Sara went into labor my little nephew was officially part of the family on the evening of Valentine's day.
Unfortunately, Sara was not okay. She had to have an emergency cesarean section and while doing the operation discovered that the back of her uterus (facing her spinal cord) had a very large and very severe (thankfully non-cancerous) tumor. When I say large I mean it was twice the size of a standard uterus. The doctors were shocked and didn't understand why nobody had noticed it on an ultrasound. It accounted for her severe backpain and blood pressure issues. The doctors immediately went in for more surgery to remove the tumor, but sadly ended up having to perform a full hysterectomy. This meant that my nephew would be Sara's only child.
Now while Sara was in for surgery Paul was taking care of everything baby related to make sure his son was okay. In my 14 year old self's memory I remember him being suitably distraught, but I didn't really pay him much mind and spent my time in the waiting room with my mother and other sister. Zeke, however, wanted to be a good future brother-in-law and make sure that Paul was okay. He found Paul filling out the baby paperwork on his own looking (in my brother's words) "like he had not a single worry in his mind". Zeke asked why Paul didn't wait for Sara to fill out the paperwork as she should have been put of surgery within the hour, and Paul said that he just wanted her to get her rest and heal. That checked out with Zeke, as he was 16 and didn't know any better at the time.
Now I know what you're probably thinking. "No, he wouldn't. He knows how much she hates that name. And still, she'd need to sign the paperwork too!" My fellow peoples of Reddit, I regret to inform you that Paul forged Sara's signature on the paperwork and waited until she was out of surgery to hand said paperwork over. My sweet nephew, that was born on Valentine's day, was named "Valentino" on his first official birth certificate. I still to this day don't know why Paul and his family were so insistent about the name. He had even picked out a different one with my sister! And before you ask, no he was never brought up on forgery charges because his parents were "witnesses" to her signing the papers, even though they only got there at the last minute.
So Sara dumped him and got her son's name changed a month later. She was willing to do split custody with him because that's her son's father and she wants the kid to know him, but Paul vanished and she never heard anything back, which seemed weirdly out of character to us. Until a mutual friend on Facebook was tagged in his wedding pictures 6 months later. Paul had apparently started cheating on her not long after she got pregnant. Sara was livid but there wasn't much she could do so she filed for child support and continued to liver her best life.
Until 6 years later. This is where the revenge starts, my friends. So Sara has been a single mother for the past 6 years and has been amazing at it. At this point in my career I've been a hairdresser for about 8 months at our local GreatClips. I'm working one day and who is seated before me but Jane, Paul's wife, herself. I take her back for a trim and she clearly has no idea who I am. That adds up because a mutual friend that still keeps in contact with Paul said that Jane doesn't know a thing. She has no idea about Sara, that she was the other woman, or that Paul actually has a kid that he's been (infrequently) paying child support for. She's in the dark on it all.
I told myself not to be an ass and treat her like a normal customer, which I did. Now at this point, Jane was heavily pregnant, so a lot of our conversation was about that. She loved being pregnant but it was hard, her husband was so unsympathetic (big shocker), and she was due in 10 weeks and they still hadn't picked out a name for their baby girl.
Ladies and gentlepeoples, this was my chance.
I asked what kind of name she was looking for and she said "I want something unique and unusual, but not ridiculous like Brayntleigheigh" (you know the ones I'm talking about) and Paul had suggested so many already and she didn't like ANY of them. So I, conniving little weasel I am, said "what about Sara?"
My sister's name isn't actually "Sara" she was named after an older family member that passed not long after she was born, but there was no female equivalent for his name so our parents created one. It's a beautiful name and just what Jane was looking for.
She loved it, she stuck by it, and I found out by stalking her Facebook months later that she had put her foot down about it and that was their daughter's name. Now Paul has a daughter with his ex's name to remind him every day about her (and to also remind him to pay his ******* child support).
Little nephew is 10 years old now with a new name and no contact with his biological father, though we do still sometimes call him Val as a family nickname. He likes it but doesn't want to bring it to school so it's staying a family nickname. Sara pretends to hate when we call him that, in a joking way. As long as he likes it she doesn't have a problem with it. And she's seeing a new guy who's really great and like a father to Val. :)
TL;DR: My sister's baby daddy forged her signature on paperwork while she was in surgery to name their son a name that she had been avidly against from the beginning, then broke all contact when she dumped him and married the girl he was cheating on her with while she was pregnant. 6 years later I meet his wife and convince her to name her daughter my sister's name because the wife has no idea my sister and her son exist.
(source) story by (/u/AngelGuideIndi)
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hoe-for-yukhei · 4 years
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Clean Freak Idol BF taeyong — Soloist [fem] reader
Everybody knows the tea between 10th floor and 5th floor.
Then there's Taeyong.
"We are here because we want to talk about the most awaited collaboration of the most iconic ship in the kpop industry, before we talk about your new mini album 'NO HISTORY' let me ask you guys a question first. The whole world knew you two used to date, isn't it awkward to work with each other?"
Man, what is this girl saying?
Taeyong and I stared at each other and laughed.
"Hahahahaha what are you guys laughing about? hahahaha"
The audacity to ask us.
Before inviting guests into your show, please dig some information about them.
"No hahaha sorry it's just so funny. Such a ridiculous question."
Taeyong stopped you for saying anything blunt, you have this image that you're straightforward and blunt, and to others they see it as rude.
You're not doing it for clout or to be savage wannabe, that's just who you are.
"No, we didn't broke up, we just lived apart. We moved out of our dorms and shared an apartment. But we didn't take it well so we moved back in."
Really taeyong? We didn't BROKE UP? interesting..
"Why? What didn't work out for the two of you?"
Oh let me tell you the story.
"Taeyong what are you doing? Stop covering your face! smile!"
"Eh-Andwae! I just woke up!"
What is he talking about?
Bare faced Taeyong is art.
Everyone who gets to see him fresh out of bed is so blessed, this would add 10,000,000+ on your lifespan.
"Oppa you stopped eating, Isn't the dish good?"
"Yes it's good! You should try that side dish too! I was just thinking about something."
Here we go again.
Taeyong is zoning out lately, I thought he's worrying about the NCT comeback, yearbook and all but turns out he isn't.
"What is it? Tell me hmm?"
"I was thinking, since we're already dating for 5 years why won't we live together already? I mean we're already in the right age and all."
Hmm I haven't thought about that.
"Why? Aren't you happy here with the members? And besides you have the whole room to yourself it's just like having your own house. Why need one?"
"Of course I'm happy. We grew up together and I treat them as biological brothers.. it's not about them. I want to start a life with you.. but if you don't want to then fine with me.."
"What do you mean I don't want to? I would love to move in with you. But heads up honey I'm a living mess. It will drive you nuts clean freak."
Everyone knows he's a clean freak. Aesthetic, spotless, and organized. He can't stand dirt. He's the type of guy who always bathe unlike jungwoo, the guy who would always wear gloves when handling food and dishes unlike jaehyun and yuta who uhh never you know what,he has sheets on his bed (and it's white as fuck no creases and lints jaehyun has been slapped hard),the guy who gets cranky when his clothes are not handled right so he ends up doing laundry everyday, he's also the guy who praises febreeze. Febreeze is his life,addiction,religion and many more.
Yes he loves febreeze more than me.
2 years went by like a bliss. Everything's good.
Actually too good.
We spent happy days together loving each other more as time passes by until he can't take it all anymore.
He knelt to the ground and pulled a ring and said 
"Marry me y/n."
"I know I know.. but please hear me out. y/n we spent 7 years together full of love,laughs,and cries. I know you're finally going to have your debut next week and can't be seen in a relationship for like 2 years, but I can't take it anymore I don't want to lose you..this industry is fucked up y/n.Just please promise me you'll hold on to me.. to us.."
"Of course. You're my rod in this dark world without you I'll be lost. I'll forever hold on you. But you sure this isn't an engagement ring?"
"*sighs; you know it's not. I really want to but I already know the answer after I proposed for you like 3 times already. You're not yet ready.. but I'll wait."
"I'm sorry taeyong–"
"No don't say sorry I understand"
You were both in the right age but still young to marry.. and both of your careers are not helping.
NCT PROJECT again. You're happy for Taeyong, he really likes it whenever the whole 23 of them perform together.
But also pitied him.
"What is wrong with you two?! I expected better than this. You better composed some good ones or I'll give back the job to  composers."
"No sir, I really want to participate again in composing I can give you a better one—"
"Then do it. I want it done by next week. I only let you boys play composer and lyricist again because the crowd wants to. You get me Johnny? Taeyong?"
It's the 6th time this week. You always pass by the room because it's in the same way of the recording studio. He was getting yelled at again.
And again.
And again. 
Taeyong's been stressed for the whole 2months. Johnny and he were told they could participate in producing the album.
At last they can express themselves.
Johnny really wants to write songs but never given the opportunity to. So Johnny and he are working hard. Knowing SM they're controlling as ever this means it's a one and only lifetime opportunity. 
His dog died. His best friend and buddy.
The warm condolences of his fans comforted him. He's thankful to have them.
Y/n's first ever single is coming out. You have been pretty busy too. Recordings, photoshoots,MV filming etc. And SM and fans are breathing down your neck everytime you move.
Some anti spread fake rumors about you. Usually you'll ignore it but right now is different. Being new to this industry brought pressure to you and you don't know what to do but just cry..
You saw a cat. You always love cats, they calm you down. It gives comfort to you. You decided to bring it home to your shared space with taeyong.
You did him a favor and put a little spice in his composition then while drinking your hot chocolate you were called by your mother leaving the cat,the chocolate and the house you hurried to the hospital.
Stressed ate taeyong. He's frustrated at the moment he wants to shout and cry his heart out.
The 8th song they made just got rejected. again.
It's the last draw and they can't participate in writing on the album anymore. Mark, xiaojun and taeil got injured while practicing,the new choreographer is a dick. A stubborn stylist doesn't follow anyone's instruction causing jaehyun to be called out because of his hair and the management wants them to do nothing. Some anti is making fun of his dog's death and a sasaeng is following him right now.
The house is where he rests,it's his favorite place .
But now it isn't.
The house is a fucking mess.
Dishes on sink
Furs on sofas and floor
Chocolate drink spilled on the carpeted floor of his work space.
The computer is on
Somebody touched his music
The air smelled like a stray dog or cat
Shits on his pile of clothes and a cat is napping on the end of the bed.
Lee. Taeyong. Mad.
He's angry asf.
"Oh hey taeyong you are home?? How was your da-"
"What is that?"
"A cat?"
"and that?"
"My drink.."
"Dishe–okay what is your point?"
"Nothing.  Just you being a pig."
"You're disgusting. Be ashamed of yourself y/n can't believe a woman doesn't know how to take care of a house."
"What's wrong with you?! That's so sexist!"
"What's wrong with me?! Your stupid new cat shitted on my clothes! The house is shit! Everything's shit! Even you! You messed up my song!"
"Taeyong calm down there was an emergency and about your song i-"
"shut up y/n! I'm tired! The last thing I want to see is a dumpsite! I have to keep up shits at work and I have to keep up with your everyday shits too?! I'm so sick! It looks like the house isn't the only one that needs cleaning. My life too.. I can't believe I put up with a garab6e like you. You should've been taken out a long time ago—"
"The only shit here is you."
You took your new cat and went.
Your grandmother died. That's the emergency.
It's heartbreaking and with taeyong earlier the last hanging piece of your heart shattered completely.
You went back to your own place, you ask hae-un a friend of yours who's a model under the same entertainment to get all your stuff in your house. 
She came back with seong-hyun his boyfriend carrying boxes and bags.
"Y/n.. take a break..I'm here for you."
"He wants to talk to you y/n. he said he was—"
"okay.. I understand. Everything will be fine y/n hae-un and I will never leave you. We'll get through this together just like the old days.."
Hae-un take care of your things at work. You decided to wake up from the slump and change labels,made depression your motivation, you skyrocketed. Soon after many articles about you were made.
“솔로이스트 Y/N L/N은 왜 SM 엔터테인먼트를 떠났을까?”
(Why did Soloist Y/N L/N leave SM entertainment?)
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"할머니의 갑작스러운 죽음으로 솔로이스트 Y/N이 망했다. '나는 망연자실했다. 어떻게 해야 할지..' "
(Soloist Y/N went hiatus due to Grandmother's sudden death
"I was devastated. I don't know to do..")
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"솔로 퀸 Y/N L/N 7년 동안 NCT 이태용과 데이트 했었다고?!"
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"엘, 채널, 헤르메스 뉴 앰배서더, 모델 Y/N L/N. 그녀가 어떻게 도망가는지 지켜봐."
(ELLE, Channel, Hermes New ambassador and model Y/N L/N. Watch how she rules the runway)
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P-NATION의 솔로퀸 Y/N L/N이 NCT 김도영, 루카스 웡과 함께 메디컬 로맨스 드라마 '더 터치 오브 유어'로 데뷔한다.
(P-NATION's Solo Queen Y/N L/N, will debut as an Actress in a Medical romance Kdrama "The touch of you" with NCT Kim Doyoung and Lucas Wong)
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You have so many projects going on. Actually you were not ready for this. At SM you’re only an underrated singer who mostly writes others songs instead of doing yours. What can you do? It’s the higher ups orders.
Haeun recommended PNATION this is where you really felt like you’re an artist and family rather. Of Course you love your sunbaes and colleagues. It's just that SM restricts everyone and they try to shape them into KPOP robots that everyone will buy. 
You love all of your projects well..except one.
"P-NATION의 솔로퀸 Y/N L/N이 전 남자친구 NCT 이태용과 함께 새 미니 앨범 'NO History'를 발매한다!"
(P-NATION's Solo Queen Y/N L/N will release her new album "NO HISTORY" with ex-boyfriend NCT Lee Taeyong!)
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Oh great…
You haven't 
Communicated with Taeyong since you left the house.
You actually avoided him.
Taeyong would straight up walk to you when on stage such as Music Bank, Inkigayo, Mama etc. But you always find a way to avoid the guy.
The fans ship you guys after finding out your 7year relationship with him. You were chill with it but you always reminded your fans that you're not together anymore theyy should snap back to reality.
Y/N doesn't like the reality now.
His ex boyfriend is in front of him doing arrangements eating Sweet Potato cubes from Starbucks and guess what.
He's formal and silent asf.
Like you guys didn't date and almost got married.
There were 5 songs in the Mini Album
Letters on the floor
The title track is Ethereal. You have to dance to that sexy love hoe song. Produced and composed by yours truly.
You just sat on your swivel chair discussing with the other producer while Taeyong wrinkles his forehead seeing the album content.
Track 6. "DOUCHEBAG"
Who The fuck would name their song douchebag?
Taeyong is confused but at the same time a little hope and warm blooms at his heart. Thinking DOUCHEBAG is all about him. Little did he know it's a diss track about MNET.
Don't worry taeyong douchebag may not be about you but most of the songs are.
He's keeping his distance letting you adjust to him..but that doesn't look like it to Y/N.
The audacity of this guy to ignore me. Bitch.
It's noon and you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Taeyong comes to your side to invite you to lunch until he is cut off by a high pitch squeal of yours.
" y/n ssi—"
"Hahahahahah calm down, you miss me that much?"
It's Doyoung.
He knows you have a few modeling projects with doyoung and an ongoing drama but he didn't know you two were this close.
You smooch your face on doyoung's face and smile brightly at him.
Ah he hates it.
"Hahahahahah enough y/n I'm here for hyung. Hyung do you want to go grab lunch?"
"Ani. Doyoung-ah i’m not hungry. Comeback next time."
"I'll come with you oppa."
Taeyong stood up.
Oppa was the last straw for him. You don’t call anyone oppa.
Let alone smooch your face to someone’s chest.
You’re that brat girl who only warms up at him. 
Only him.
Doyoung and Y/N were surprised by Taeyong’s sudden actions.
Why is he angry? Did you guys do something wrong?
“Taeyong-ssi, gwaenchana? Is there something wrong?”
Taeyong suddenly realized what he did. So foolish of him. Now he looks like an ex-boyfriend who’s jealous of his ex’s friend.
He isn’t like that. He just wants closure with you.
We’ll look into that later.
“‘Y-YAH! What are you guys doing there? I thought we were going to eat?’ that’s what i’m trying to say.”
You and Doyoung just nodded, you thought you guys did something wrong to upset him hahaha.
Taeyong is literally speaking in small fonts as he says his excuse. As stupid as it sounds. You two believed him. Thank god phew.
You survived your 1 month with Taeyong. And for guys who dated for 7 years you two were awkward as fuck. It’s like the first time all over again. Calling each other with Honorifics and bowing whenever you two meet at the hallways, Just keeping it civil. But you gotta admit it to yourself, you start to warm up again to Taeyong these past few weeks. Dyed his hair black, and has that boyfriend material aura again.
Taeyong is planning something to win you back . He just woke up and realized ‘What if I show her again why she fell for me in the first place?’
He’s doing simple things to get close to you again. Your heart beats fast whenever he comes close.
“Jduigywfwygf Lee Taeyong i swear to god you-”
“I am what?
“You Scared me! Stop doing that! Why are you even here? I won’t record today. I'm going to learn the choreo.”
“Me too.”
Our Choreographer came and hell he was teaching us some sexy ass moves. I didn’t even know Taeyong was supposed to dance with me too. I suddenly have  flashbacks to Hyuna unnie and E’dawn sunbae’s Cage Dance Performance.
“One, Two, Step, Three, Step, Four”
“Y/N what are you doing? You missed the step.”
“I did?”
“Yes, It’s the 5th time already. Taeyong teach her. I’m going to take a break”
Y/N is very tense. He felt it. Especially whenever you two grind and to that one part where you kneel in front of him.
“You’re stiff and tense right now. How about you take a break?”
“Omg! Finally!”
“You left your body while we're dancing. Something wrong?”
“Nah I just feel Awkward and all. Knowing our history and everything.”
“Why would you?”
“It’s just you know uhmm.. I don’t know how to explain but you get what I mean.”
“Then Let’s be friends again! So it wouldn’t be awkward.”
He’s just waiting for you to open the topic. That’s all it takes to get Taeyong creep back to your heart. You don’t know if befriending your ex is good or what but it’s nice to have him back. It’s like normal. The teasings, hugs, and laughter are back. It’s like when you two were still together minus the label of course.
Since you two were close again why not invite him to your shoot? Besides Doyoung and Winwin are there.
Taeyong internally passed out when you invited him. He’s so happy for you. The dream of you being an actor never left his mind. Now he gets to see it with front-viewed seats, until that scene comes up.
Myeorin’s starts to tear up. He run after Haju and  hugged him behind. “H-haju you don’t have to..” 
The man just kept a blank face but you can see he’s having a hard time letting go.
“Go. I want you to be happy. You love him Myeorin”
“H-haju no! I love you!”
“You know you don’t. You're just stuck in our past memories.”
Haju breaks free from Myeorin’s hug, he cups her face and their foreheads touch each other while sobbing.
“I still want to live in that past. With you haju.”
He stared into Myeorin’s eyes and landed a soft peck at her temple.
“‘The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.’ The person who taught me doesn't apply it to herself. Pabo. Go, you have  no time left i heard he’s leaving”
Myeorin realizes Haju’s words and runs to chase the one  that she truly loves. “Do Hyejeong you bitch you didn’t tell me you’re leaving”
The Set changes and moves to a different venue.
Myeorin stands outside of Hyejeong’s penthouse sobbing. He erratically rang the bell 30th time already and no one’s answering. 
A Janitor saw Myeorin and confronted her.
“Miss Myeorin! What are you doing there?”
“Ahjussi *sniffs* have you seen Hyejong?”
“Ah! sir Hyejong?  He just left a while ago carrying his personal belongings. Why?”
Myeorin just stared at Mr.Kang and suddenly wailed.
“Ah-Uh M-miss did I do something wrong?”
Myeorin just missed Hyejeong. Knowing him  he wouldn’t come back ever again.
“What are you crying at you brat? You’re causing a scene in my property.”
“Hye-Hyejong!” Upon hearing that cold voice she stood up and faced Hyejeong with swollen, teary eyes, and a dripping nose.
“Sir Hyejong I promised I didn’t make her cry! She just suddenly weeps when I said-”
“It’s okay Mr. Kang I know. No need to clean here anymore. you can rest now. And you brat go inside.”
The two of them went inside. Hyejeong comfortably sat on his aesthetically white L-shaped sofa in front of his Floor to ceiling big windows. While Myeorin stands there dumbfounded.
“I-I thought you’re leaving…”
“Well yeah I am until Professor Shin said I have to cover his surgery tomorrow because his wife is in labor.”
“So you’re not leaving anymore?”
“I still am.”
Confused about Hyejeongs statement, creases were formed at her temples. She extended both of her hands trying to block the huge door. The lad just lowkey snickered at her actions.
“What do you mean?! No! nuh uh you won’t leave this place over my dead body.”
“”Why Won’t I leave?”
“Because I love you.”
Hyejong suddenly stopped sipping his drink and just stared at her with those big bunny-like eyes.
“Do Hyejong Saranghae.”
He rose from the chair and met her body.
“You lose.”
“I don't careabout the bet anymoret. I love you.”
Hyejeong's mind left the earth. His lips unconsciously guided him to  Myeorin’s plump, soft, pinkish lips. It tasted like pure heaven.
Taeyong got startled at the director’s cue. No thoughts, mind empty, just watching his love of his life kissing his best friend. He knew it’s part of their work and he’s proud of the both of them  but a part of him just aches knowing you’re single and doyoung single, you might fall for his kisses that used to be his.
“Y/N! Focus!”
“You okay?”
“Yeah just out of character.”
Y/N didn’t know the kissing scene and suggestive scenes are the ones that they'll be filming today. It’s supposed to be Next week! Now she felt odd knowing Taeyong’s here. She turned to Taeyong’s space, seeing him sending her a death glare while eating sweet potato chews.
“TAKE 6”
“TAKE 12”
The number of takes irked taeyong. Was he invited here just to suffer? Finally you guys nailed the scene. He thought it’s over yet there’s more to come.
Myeorin and Hyejeong were intoxicated with each other. A peck on the lips results in a very deep passionate one. Hyejong carried her in his arms, not letting go of her tasty lips together and they traveled towards the bedroom.
Taeyong stormed off the set. Right in front of my Sweet potato chews he said.
“Taeyong! Where are you going?”
“Don’t follow me. I’ll go home now.”
“What? why? I brought you here. I thought we were going to have ice cream after this?
He mimicked her voice. Taeyong tried to look angry. But in Y/N’s eyes he’s a baby pouting.
“H-Hyejong? Who is that?”
“Duh? Doyoung?”
“Why would i eat ice cream with him?”
“Yeah right. Why would you guys eat ice cream if you two can just suck each other’s faces off.”
“No! Why would I?”
“Fine I am! You said today’s going to be fun. Yeah fun for you you kissed doyoung 17 times.”
You grinned like a mad man  at his accusation even though you’re guilty of it. It’s just so cute you can’t help but to..
 “Why would you do that?! You kissed another guy then you kiss me? Don’t give me false hope Y/N.”
“Okay.. I won’t kiss you anymore. You said it yourself.”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just that it’s giving me false hope..”
“About what?”
“About you. About us being together again. So don’t kiss me i you don’t mean i-”
Yeah you kissed your ex. He needs to shut up.
“Do you still love me?
“Of course. I have always been Taeyong.”
Cut the chase and hide and seek. You  won’t deny your feelings anymore. The feeling of missing him, his warmth, and love. You won’t deny it all again.
You two left the Area hand in hand, talking while having a little stroll.
“Hey I have a question?”
“What is it?
“Did you change your perfume?”
“Yeah. It’s Yves Saint Laurent’s  Black Opium”
“I like the old one better.”
“What smell do you love the most? Me or Febreeze? ”
“Definitely Febreeze.”
The sound of your laughs and voices faints as you two went back to the set
"If you were to pick what is your favorite song in this album? And What part of it makes you like it?"
The Interviewer  asks.
You picked up your mic and said
 “Ethereal. I like the pre chorus part the
 i can't wait to see him next
and witness his ethereal glow
he is my darling
and nothing or no one
could ever come between
bonded for life
he is my king. 
It just reminded me of someone. Someone I missed..” The crowd goes wild, they're squealing and most of them are screaming Lee Taeyong!
Taeyong goes shy.. He can’t believe you wrote him that song when he asked you who’s your inspiration you just said ‘my grandma why?’ now he knows.
He Throws you a ‘you’re hiding it from me’ look while you just replied a simple wink.
“Okay, Let’s get back to the unanswered question.. What didn't work out for the two of you?”
You two stared at each other's eyes knowing the answer.
Once again you grabbed your mic and said
“Let’s just say he’s a major clean freak.”
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donnawrites · 3 years
Toxic Friendship
TW: Talk of rape, sexual harassment, and dark threats
In the past few years, I have been in an on and off friendship with this young lady that I would call Jay. I have cared for Jay for years and still do but I had to end the friendship twice already and respectfully due to her bringing toxicity into my life. I don’t hate her at all and even though she may have been toxic, I still think that Jay is someone that I can share some of my problems to. However, the advice she gives hasn’t been the great.
Around 7 years ago, I was nearly raped by a man who was nearly 60 and married and wanted me to come to his house to do it with. She was the first person I called soon after it happened and she was the one who listened. The only problem was that she was also the one who told me to go home and tell my parents about it first before I called the cops, which was pretty bad advice, but I still did it anyway. I was 21 and not as wise as I am now, but I digress. Not even 2 weeks later, she got me to date my 2nd ex-boyfriend. 
During the 1.5 months him and I dated, it took me a bit to finally start liking him, but by the time that it started, he broke up with me. The excuse he had was that someone who was a competitive martial artist talked a bunch of evil things about his son and because he was going to put all of his focus on the karate tournament, it would be best to end our relationship. Both him and I dated from early April to mid May of 2014 and the near rape happened in late March. Around late June/early July, shortly before I turned 22, not had Jay tried to hook me up with one of her exes, she told me that he has been talking to someone else and been having a crush on her during the entirety of the relationship. This crushed me, however, his side of the story seemed to differ from hers. 
The story that was explained to me from her was that they hung out twice behind my back and he told her about this person. She said that he also explained to her how he promised her to break up with me in order to be with her. This woman also said that she would break up with her ex just to be with him. His side of the story was mainly the same, except that there were a few inconsistencies. The person that he had a crush on was her and that they both dated those 2 times, not simply hung out. He also explained to me how he told her that he would break up with me if Jay would break up with her ex bf at the time. With this information, I asked her to promise me that she wouldn’t date him, in which case she did. Months later, in October of 2014, I found out from somebody else that the both of them started dating.
Furious, I spoke to her and asked her why she didn’t tell me and she made up some excuse that I can’t remember but I forgave her anyway. By the spring of 2015, when I found out they got engaged to be married, I ended our friendship because I was dumbfounded. This was someone who I had regarded as a close friend and in the end, decided to marry someone that not only I didn’t approve of, her parents didn’t approve of either and a year or two later, he dumped Jay at a bar somewhere with no way to get home to. I only found out this information last year, in early July of 2020. 
From early 2015 to July 2020, I didn’t speak to her. Part of me was mad that she even chose to be with someone who I wasn’t completely over until a bit after I stopped talking to her. However, on July 2020, her and I finally talked and she apologized for everything and explained to me the story of what had happened. Over the course of the past year up until July 20th, 2021, I had virtually no issues with her. The moment that she called me bestie that night, however, things went south rather quickly.
From July 20th to August 2nd of this year, she not only told me the rest of the the reason as to why my 2nd ex-boyfriend broke up with me, it brought back old wounds and she convinced me to make a 2 part TikTok video about it. I have yet to decide on whether or not to take it down just yet. She also tried to hook me up with someone whom I later found out that he was an ex of hers from high school, which triggered a panic attack of what happened to me months ago that I made a post about prior to this one. Not only did these 2 things happened, another thing happened that had caused me to start to question our friendship the 2nd time around.
A few weeks ago, I told my parents that I was bi-sexual. Not only did my parents deny that I was, they also explained that it wasn’t something an Albanian person does and that it was an American thing. My parents are Kosovar Albanian who immigrated here through asylum so they aren’t used to seeing this happen to them so close to home. After a bit, my dad had said that if I were to ever tell them this information again, then he wouldn’t hesitate to put a rope around my neck and tie it tight around my neck. When I explained this to her, Jay said that she had loved me as more than a friend and when I mentioned that she was married, she said that she didn’t care and that she wanted me to know that she had some sort of a crush on me. 
So now, not only did Jay bring up an old wound I didn’t know I still had, she tried to hook me up with an ex of hers as well as tell me she had feelings for me. As of July 30th, I finally told her that I thought her and I should go our separate ways as respectfully as I could but she didn’t take that lightly. As of the morning of August 2nd, she has officially been blocked on everything. From social media to my phone, she no longer has any way of contacting me. I feel sad that our friendship had died for the 2nd time in 7 years. I feel mad that the last conversation we had over text was her being over dramatic on her part as well as me thinking that she was possibly gaslighting me and guilt tripping me to take it all back. I’m also happy that I no longer have to deal with another wave of toxicity from her and I ended it as quickly as I possibly could.
In the end, I hope Jay understands that I don’t wish any harm towards her and I still care about her as a friend. I just need her to properly understand that the advice she has given me these past few years has really been very emotionally and mentally jarring. I also want her to understand the consequences of her words carefully before she tries to talk to me again.
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trashbinbackyard · 4 years
any armed asshats one and docs
I’m going with helvi and kai bc i cant stop myself now this train is on one way track
What was their first impression of each other?
Kai was Helvi’s friend’s cute older brother. Kai knew Helvi was good friends with Kat but he had his own friends so he didnt pay that much attention to her when they were younger
Enrique knew Juno was feisty and very smart and professional. Juno probably had some doubts about him herself because he never really hid his past
What is their ship name?
Oh no my sister/friend disappeared and doesn’t want to be found, what do
Describe their relationship dynamic.
Kai is a very talented hunter, Helvi is a shaman, she always blesses his hunts and safe return. They also still lowkey look for Kat even though they know if she wanted to be found she’d show herself
Two highly intelligent people toss their brains out every now and then to be snarky and loving to each other
What was their relationship like before they got together?
Kai is few years older than Helvi, Helvi being few years older than Kat. They got along when they were kids and even in their teens weren’t that interested in the other. When Kat took off, Kai hasn’t seen her since, Helvi did see her when she brought Sacran to be healed but then disappeared again. Now they’re very worried about Kat Together
Professional, they were coworkers and Enrique knew Juno was engaged and he respected that
How would they describe each other?
Helvi is sweet and free-spirited, cares a ton, great singing voice too. Kai is strong and reliable, quiet but very empathetic, leader type, if things get dicey
Juno is simply amazing. She’s smart, temperamental, sassy, determined, beautiful, he could go on and on. To her he’d be respectful, rowdy  but in the good way, not too much trouble, attentive, intelligent, fun, not a bad looker either
What do they love about each other?
man sometimes these questions, do i just interpret these wrong lol. For both of them what i just said ^
What do they have in common?
They’re both from the same village, are well  known and loved and respected by its people. Both are very close to nature, both love taking care of people in their own ways
Both are smart and reliable, they have similar sense of humor and both can get pretty sassy, they like taking care of themselves and having fun when work allows them to
What are some differences between them?
Helvi is very nurturing and people person, Kai is more aloof
Juno is very serious at work, Enrique sometimes takes the piss on his patients but all in good humor. Also he used to be sketchy and Juno is prim and proper doctor
What made them realize they were in love?
When they first started looking for Kat, they didnt say it but they both felt it “I dont want to loose you too”
When Juno had her engagement annulled and Enrique was shoulder to cry on, they’ve been good buddies for a while and they worked together so well
What are their love languages?
Acts, Helvi makes sure Kai is extra blessed before venturing out to the forest. Kai brings her bones and trinkets she might need, he also cuts her the best pieces of meat from his catch
Touch and words pretty equally, they’re kind of horndogs both of them, but cuddling and just standing right next to each other is sooo good. Words but not your usual petname shit, in that house they make open mockery of both of them in very endearing way
Do they get married? Who proposes and how?
In the future, maybe, Kai probably because his dad wanted him to, he really needed that nudge (Kory the dad, the chief the wingman)
They do get married, but i can’t remember if who proposes has been established (i searched thru out blogs and cant find anything), I’d wage Juno because Enrique knew she had been engaged before and it went Bad, so he wouldn’t want to push it
What would happen if they never met?
Helvi would still be a shaman, in a nother village if she wasn’t born in the same one as Kai, she would probably find herself a cute gf or bf to love. Kai would still be a hunter, though his love life would a be drifting tumbleweed
Juno would still be a doctor, just going through her breakup less elegantly. Enrique would still stop being a pirate and find a clinic to take him in, if not that one in the citadel then maybe on outer rim
Are there any love rivals?
Kai honestly was that typical “cool older guy with tons of potential love interests” trope type but he had his friends and the rest of the orbiters he was too shy to get to know, Helvi was safe enough. I bet there are still some lads and lasses who’ve had their eyes on Kai
Well at first Ross, but Enrique knew his place and he didn’t really Try to get Juno, it happened organically i swear
Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
Too new to have Moments yet
Anything to do with Bob tbh, their angel and demon halloween part where they end up switching costumes by the end of the night was fun too lmao
What do other characters think about this relationship?
They think they’re sweet together. Also Kory wants to retire as a chief and maybe Kai getting a wife would give him a confidence boost to take up the keys
Most of the time the clinic approves, no one was a big fan of Ross. But sometimes,,, oh dear, not again in the supply closet
Describe or write a really angsty scene!
When Kai finds out Helvi has seen Kat since she disappeared. He’s upset she didn’t follow her or talk to her more but Helvi tries to convince Kai that she is doing ok
Enrique confesses he did consider suicide way back when his old crew died and his illness began to act up more
Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before.
Literally anything at this point lool. Helvi is trans, that’s right, siblings Kat and Kai said trans rights
Enrique probably has given a pocket knife for Juno for good safety measure, also showed how to use it, just in case, you are small and divine, please be safe
What does a typical date look like for them?
Going out to the forest, Kai helps Helvi collect herbs, sit down and eat some berries and talk about animals and plants
Out for couple drinks, dancing, having fun, dinner, long walk
What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
Eventually when they (maybe) get married
Them getting together after crushing on each other for a while
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Survey #249
“every wall that i knock down is just a wall that i’ll replace.”
Has anyone done anything nice for you today? Nothing in particular. The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? We visited our mom in the hospital. Fun. Have you ever been so lonely, you cried? Oh, plenty of times. Have you ever given homeless people money? No, not that I've ever really had money to give. Do you usually bring or buy a lunch for school? I absolutely never buy from the cafe, I'll tell you that much. The price is fucking ridiculous; it's a standard number regardless of how little or how much you eat. Fucking $8 or so for a goddamn hot dog or something. I always either pack something or Mom and I drive over to McDonald's. Does it bug you when you want something done, and it doesn’t get done? Ugh, yes. Have you ever tried so hard to save up for something, but it was too hard? I don’t think so, no. I've rarely been in a position where I'm saving up for something because I rarely have any money on me. The last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours? Hell if I remember. What was the last pill you took? One of my morning meds for my mood. If you were to have sex right now, would you use a condom? Yes. What’s your sexuality? Have you ever questioned it? How old were you when you figured out you were definitely straight, or bi, or whatever? I'm bi, though I grew up believing I was straight. I became definitely sure in '17. Do you fit in at work or in school? I don't care enough to think about this. Were you ever a fan of macaroni & cheese? Do you like Kraft dinner? BITCH yes that's my shit. Is there a laundry basket in your room? If yes, what color is it? Not currently, but all of ours are white. Have you ever read a book all the way through in one day? Not like, a big book. What would you do if you found out your last ex is engaged? Be very confused. Do you get along with your significant other’s family? N/A, but for anyone I've ever been with where I knew the family, we got along fine. Have you ever gone horseback riding? Where? Not really, just at like, fairs. Have you ever cried at a real wedding? Yes, but it was due to PTSD more than anything else. Who was the last person to be on a bed with you? Well I sat with Mom on her hospital bed. What were you afraid of the most when you were a kid? Thunderstorms or being separated from Mom. Depends on the age. Do you know how it feels to be cheated on? No. Do you have feelings for someone right now? How strong are those feelings? And does that person have feelings for you, too? Yes; "controlled" is the best way to put it ig; and idk. Who’s the last person that told you they loved you? My mom. Where was your Facebook default picture taken? The living room. What’s your brother(s)/sister(s) names? Misty, Katie, Bobby, Ashley, and Nicole. Do you like to cuddle? Yeah, if I like and am comfortable with that person. Are you currently reading a book? Yeah, amazingly. What’s on your mind? Way too goddamn much. Does any part on your body hurt? Not right now. Do you have nightmares a lot? I have nightmares/terrors on an almost nightly basis (I wish I was exaggerating) by now and it's fucking old. Who was the last person you texted? Sara. Think a lot before you fall asleep? It consistently takes me at least 20+ minutes to go to sleep because my brain doesn't shut up. What’s your favorite thing to have on your bed? MY CAT Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Probaby like Wal-Mart. It's just a tank top. Last people you went to the mall with? Uhhhhh my mom and my sister I think. Are there any stressful situations in your life? Mom's cancer diagnosis is going to be my end in the stress department. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? Depends on where I am/who else is present. Where did you get your last bruise/cut from? Roman was playing a bit too rough with my hand. Did you cry at all today? No. Who was the last person you hugged? Mom. What is the last gift someone got you? A gift card to either Dairy Queen or Sonic, can't remember which. Is anyone on your bad side right now? No. Did you have a dream last night? A nightmare where I woke up crying/screaming that I physically couldn't kill myself for some reason I don't remember. And I remember Jesus was in there somewhere. Bro idk but it made my throat hurt like a bitch. Ready for kids? NOOOOOOOOOO and I assure you I never will be. What’s one thing you do when you’re mad? Cry, easily. Do you like where you live? No, fuck this house. Like, we *need* to move. How often do you lose your voice? Extremely rarely. I have to be sick as hell. Are you a good babysitter? I don't think so. How’s your mood? Sad, pretty lifeless. Do you have a job? No. Ever thrown up in a car? No. Is anyone over protective over you? *Over*protective, no. Have you ever violated school dress code? In high school, apparently, because I got in trouble for a shirt once that I'd worn many many times before that never caused trouble until then. If you are listening to music, is the singer male/female? Male. What (if anything) do you give up for Lent? I don't take part in Lent. I did sometimes as a Catholic kid though, but it never lasted. When you feel like giving up, how do you convince yourself not to? Like, on life? It's always the belief that I have one shot at this and can't let a few bad passing moments decide to cut it short. What was the subject of the last list you made? Grocery list that Mom wanted my input on. Do you ever get nervous before interviews / important meetings? Oh hell yes I do. Who pays for the majority of your belongings? Hi, I'm Brittany, I'm 24, and my parents pay for absolutely everything because I'm one hell of an excuse for an adult. Would you ever willingly shop in a thrift store? Dude, I love thrift shops. You can find the coolest shit. What is the most that you would ever spend on an outfit? I don't have a clue. I don't shop and never have shopped for clothes nearly frequently enough to gauge here. Is there anything you do that just outrages your parents? Mom hates when I curse excessively when I'm seriously upset. When was the last time you were embarrassed in public? How the actual fuck am I blanking here. I'm always embarrassed. I can blink "wrong" and be humiliated. Have you ever won an award you were actually proud of? Yeah, a few. What is the coolest science experiment you’ve ever done? Well, it wasn't an "experiment" per se, but dissecting a frog in the 7th grade was dope. Are you experiencing difficulties with any friends right now? No. When you apologize to someone after a fight, how do you go about saying that you are sorry? By saying sorry??? Not trying to be a smart ass, just... say sorry. I do absolutely ensure I'm sincere and do all I can for me to come across as such, but yeah. Have you ever played around with “dry ice”? No. Do you think parents are responsible for the actions of their children? To a degree. When was the last time that you corrected someone? I don’t know. When was the last time you were corrected? ^ Is there any celebrity you like to “keep up with”? There's a couple. Celebrity gossip: YAY or BOO? Ugh. Now the gossip part with celebs, I just don't care. What is the most life-changing book you have read? Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo. Have you had a negative impact on anyone’s life? Probably. Has anyone had a negative impact on yours? Who/why? Yes, let's not linger on it. What does marriage mean to you, specifically? My feelings towards marriage have evolved semi-recently. It was once the "happily ever after" portion of a relationship, the goal to me, but now, it's really just a wise (to some, of course) financial option for a strong, stable, tested relationship that you intend to be permanent. Like, it's a piece of paper, congrats. I'll admit my mind still somewhat sees it as a desirable milestone, but I know that's simply the works of societal conditioning. How will you know when you are ready to get married? I don't know. This actually brings to my attention that I've pondered if I'll ever *confidently* know after Jason. I really don't know. How much time have you spent contemplating your own death? I mean, not a hell of a lot, but I'm sure more than the normal person. Is there a joke that you just can’t stand? I really hate any joke that's rooted in discrimination, or is just purely hateful. Have you ever read any self-help books? No, though I've contemplated them a bit. What is something you used to love, but now greatly dislike? Country music, oh boy. What is something you used to dislike, but now like? Hmmm. Lol first thing that comes to mind is mashed potatoes, I guess. Thanks, Sara's Mom. When (if) you become a parent, what will you do differently, compared to how your parents raised you? I'm never going to be a parent. Do you equate spanking with physical abuse? Would you spank a child? I can't say I exactly equate them, no, but I absolutely disagree with it. You do not teach children through fear and pain. If your bf/gf wanted to wait until marriage for sex, would you be willing? Yeah. Is there someone you wish you could trust/you wish was trustworthy? Yes. Is there anyone that you no longer want in you life? Who/why? No one that plays a big role in my life, no. At least not off the top of my head. How has your outlook on life changed in the past few years? I've strayed further from my fairy-tale outlook of it every year for the past few. Some can call it a much more negative view, but it's realism, baby. It doesn't depress me, even though I'm sure some may see it as such. I'm more accepting to fact and less preoccupied with "it'd be nice if..."s, things like that. Have you ever walked out of a boring movie (in theaters)? No. How open are you with people you know online? Depends on the person and location something is being shared. If a celebrity is involved in scandal after scandal, is that likely to affect how you view him/her & his/her work? Of course. What is one celebrity that you have zero respect for? Man, I don't pay enough attention to this or know all "the facts" or whatever. What is one fashion trend that you hope makes a comeback? It's the Rawring 20s motherfuckers LOOK the scene style is fucking adorable let's bring that shit BACK. What is one that you wish would just die out already? Idc. Have you ever driven under the influence of alcohol/drugs? Hell no. Are you overly attached to your material possessions? Some. Have you ever ridiculed anyone for their clothing choices? I'm sure I have when I was younger, but never aloud, I'd hope. Now, I seriously don't care what you wear. Living in poverty: what do you think it’d be like? I literally am riding on the poverty line and shit's bad enough, so I don't care to find out what it's like any lower. What is one “diet” that you think is just utterly worthless? The keto diet used to seriously appeal to me, but now I totally don't get it. You're GOING to gain weight back as you switch to a regular diet again. Not just that though, keto is extremely unhealthy to the body. It's tempting because yes, it has drastic results, but it's an awful choice. What advice would you give someone that is uncomfortable with his or her body/appearance? Oh hunny me too so don't ask me. What advice would you give someone about to start high school? Don't put too much weight on the people you're involved with. Don't let your world revolve around them. "They're" right when they say half those people won't mean shit later. What foreign food are you NOT interested in trying? Honestly? I'm not educated enough on cuisines to know. I have no clue what most entail. What foreign country do you believe is misunderstood? "I’m sure they all are." <<<< Do you understand/read Shakespeare? We read some stuff in school, and for the most part, I understood it. It's not something I'd go out of my way to read now. Would you feel more comfortable living with someone that owned a gun? I don't know for sure, but actually, probably no, BUT that's only because I don't trust my impulsive ass with her suicidal history. Otherwise, I'd feel safer with a gun. Have you ever had a make-over? Not a serious one. What’s the longest time you’ve stayed out of the country? Where? I've never left the country. Name one thing you’re grateful for today. My mom being here. What is your favorite high school memory? Long bus rides home with Jason. What is the most insane thing you’ve done to/for your crush that (s)he might not/might know about? Take a plane multiple times by myself and endure airports when my muscle atrophy was at its worse probably, lmao. Name three teachers you liked in high school. Coach Collie, Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Williams... man, I could go on for a long time. I had great teachers. Who is your best friend? Sara. What’s your favorite song right now? Probably "Hunting Grounds" by In This Moment ft. Joe Cotela. Write a line from any song. My favorite lyric from the song that's playing right now is "I fell asleep at the wheel again, crashed my car just to feel again" bc some part of me feels that shit. Do you know at least one Disney song by heart? Which one? Oh, I'm sure there's a lot, "The Circle of Life" to name just one. All TLK ones really, lol. Would you rather be a hobbit, an elf, or a dwarf? E L F What are the first five things you would splurge on if you were a billionaire? Help Mom monetarily, and then like... I'd have to fight from blowing ALL of it on tattoos lmao. Do you blow dry your hair or do you let it air out? I just let it dry naturally after using a towel. Do you blush when you receive compliments? I think so. Depends, though. Candles or incense? Incenseeeeee. Can you juggle? No. Reason behind the last time you laughed until you cried? I don't remember. Are you one who brags a lot? No. Something you love to eat or drink at the fair? I don't know any typical "fair foods" I actually like. Your favorite vegetable? Broccoli. Are you confrontational? I'm the polar opposite. I will do anything to avoid confrontation. Have you ever caught yourself talking in your sleep? That's another nightly thing now. Do you catch lizards? No, leave wild animals be. Do you like pretzels? Yeah, preferably soft ones.
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myunknownsource · 5 years
Parental Alienation
 I am sure you're curious what this would bring you to. And I would love to get right to the point. TLDR at the bottom.
Ronee (candle-jacked) told you all a bunch of lies. The first one being that her ex had abandoned them in October. We had their son for Christmas 2 months after he supposedly abandoned them. We didn't even start dating until December.. And then she told you that he called her on new years eve to tell her they needed to break up even though they had been broken up for many many months at this point. Trust me he was extremely occupied new years eve. The only reason I can think she thought they were together was because at some point before we started dating his roomates girlfriend at the time was thinking about leaving and getting her own place and he wanted to see if Ronee would be open to the idea of him, her, their son, and his other roommate in getting a place. He only wanted to do that so it was easier for him to see his son. He ultimately changed his mind when he was skeptical of her getting a job and pulling her weight evenly, which had never really happened well in the past, the only time it did money was held over his head while he watched and took care of their son. Justin and I started dating at the beginning of December after dating for 2-3 weeks in November. We hit it off extremely well and seeing that we have been together for 4 years says a lot. I’m sure you all know and support someone who started their relationship extremely quickly and if you're ok with that it would be very hypocritical of you not to be ok with this. Which is exactly why I didn't quite understand why Ronee herself freaked out when her entire relationship with justin not only started while she still had a boyfriend but it became a sexual relationship before they were ever bf and gf. Not that I would ever care or judge something like that. I think the next lie we can talk about would be the “paramour”a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person” shit. Justin and Ronee weren't married, they were not engaged, they weren't even dating.  Its just yet another spiteful name she felt the need to call me, alongside bashing my sexual history (which seems pretty anti feminist to me) as well as telling people I sold my body for money (i wouldn't have even been 18 so lets thank god thats not true) and that i frequently fist fought my mother and my brother, also not true you can literally ask them lol. I have an amazing relationship with my mother who i was actually just visiting in AL where they moved and my brother who just got back from fighting for your freedom just left my house like 2 hours ago. SO yeah. 
Another lie she told me herself when she was trying to get me to turn on Justin was that they were engaged when we started dating. Did she tell you guys about that or just me? Apparently because she didn't like traditional rings she didn't have one to prove it to me because he was designing one specifically for her.. Im sorry guys and no offence to justin but he doesn't care about stuff like that, its weird for him and I have come to accept that. Now on the other hand if she had told me that he asked her to design it I would have maybe believe her because thats more his style. She also told you guys his own family disowned him, that isnt even close to true. She even tried to say it was because I assaulted his sister? Whos was a minor at the time and still is now. SOO lets poke some holes in this story shall we? Justins mother and I are arguing about who knows what, I really cant remember and her daughter is behind her on the stairs (im in the basement with justin) the argument is getting heated and Donna (justins mother) decides to come about 15ft forward until there's about 3ft between us. (his sister is still on the stairs) but apparently mid argument I freak out and punch his sister? Whos 20ft away from me, past his mother? Maybe Ronee can clear that up for us. On top of that if I assaulted a minor that would have been an easy instant phone call to the police and I would have a very easy to find record in Missouri. Yet I dont. Because that didn't happen. Also why did we move back in with Donna when we had to abruptly move to missouri per instructions from our GAL (mareks lawyer from the courts) because otherwise Ronee would get the visitation she wanted which was supervised (though she had no evidence to be granted that) for 4 hours a few times a month. Despite the fact that we lived 4 hours away. Anyways, where were we? Ahh yes. Donna welcomed us into her home because at the time we were her chance at seeing their son (her grandson). I got a semi sincere apology from her for punching me in the face that night and we moved on from it, becasue im a good person. Ronee still says his family hates him but lets do a headcount. Justin, his brother, his mother and his sister, also 2 cousins. WHo doesnt like Donna? Justin, his brother, and his 2 cousins because they all also know what their parents told them about their shitty aunt. Even Ronee herself said she was a shitty mother and that Diane was there for justin more than his mom. 
Now its time for court. Ronees lawyer approached us. We found out that had we not shown up the judge would have granted what Ronee wanted (the 4 hours supervised a few times a month) which is funny because when justin called Diane (Ronees mother) she boasted how she wouldn't let Ronee take Marek away if justin couldn't make it and wouldn't let Ronee do the supervised visits because she knew he was a good dad. BULLSHIT lol. He also specifically asked us to not talk to her about what we wanted in the visitation plan because when we did she would call him crying about how she didnt want Justin apart of anything…. HE TOLD US HE DIDNT WANT TO DEAL WITH HER BS TOO! Eventually we hired a cheap lawyer who we were told wasn't the best but at this point her lawyer won't communicate with Justin even though he was representing himself and we needed someone who could file these documents when we couldn't. We had to explain to the GAL that justin hadn't seen his son in over a year and we had to show him the texts we had from a prepaid phone to Ronee where she REFUSED to let Justin talk to his son for unknown reason (jk we all know why) and he ordered that we get him that day and would start an every other weekend schedule until things got worked out with the courts. She sent her mother to bring hsia son that day and this woman has the audacity to tell Justin that this all could have been avoided. 
But I think one of the most important pieces of information I can give you is that Justin has tried to pay her support for the last 9mo-12mo after he had to quite the job where his money was being garnished. We have the venmo receipts after it took her 5 months to finally agree to accept payment from, then he was laid off for 3 months per his work contract which we also have on file and he sent her about ⅓ of what he was ordered to pay (he had no job and he sent her most of the spending money he got that I budgeted for each of us from my paychecks) about half way through his lay off he asked her something about how he thought it would be a good idea if she reported the CS payments every 6 months to the CS office. It would have been free but she was the only one who could do it. It wasn't even a demand but a suggestion that could have been talked about, we legitimately thought we had finally rounded a curve and we all could start co parenting together, but apparently he wasn't aloud to give her suggestions because she blocked him on venmo, went off on him on talking parents (the app she forced him into using despite the fact that shes in contempt of court for doing that) and specifically told him she would never report the money. We also have snips of that convo if you guys want it. Justin hasnt talked to his son in about 6 months. The few times he “has” it doesnt sound like a 9 yo and its demeaning things that Ronee herself has said in the past. About a month ago he got a call from Marek and was actually getting somewhere after he started to explain things to him. He even told his son about how in June he was parked in front of his house to get him for his 2 week summer vacation and Ronee hadnt let him get him and his son told him in a very said voice that he never knew that. Then the line went dead. Ronee texted from his sons phone saying this isn't the time to talk about that and hes been blocked ever since. 
TLDR; Ronee Halsey (candle-jacked) is abusing her power as a co parent with my fiance and abusing their child through parental abuse. 
P.S. I know I will receive backlash from her closest friends who think they know the story and thats ok because I cant sit here for one more minute while she gets away with this(I will block you though). I would be more than happy to supply everyone with any and all evidence I have. 
P.P.S OMG I almost forgot the worst part. Ronee decided one day she was going to accuse Justin of abusing their son. I knew it was going to end up happening (i grew up with a dad who had a high conflict ex wife) so every single time we picked up and dropped off their son i would discretely ask him to pose for pictures either by himself or with me or his dad. Not even Justin knew I was doing this but thank the lord I did. Because Ronee Halsey crossed that line you should never cross and accused someone of actual physical child abuse. But because shes a mother in the state of MO nothing came of it. Despite the pictures I sent to her lawyer and the GAL he supposedly met with their son and he came to the conclusion that he did infact have a black eye and busted lip but he got it while wrestling his dad. DESPITE THE FACT THAT MY PICTURES OF HIM WITHIN MINUTES OF GETTING IN AND OUT OF M Y CAR FOR THAT WEEKEND SHOWED HE DIDNT HAVE A SINGLE MARK ON HIM. The saddest part is that when I recorded the conversation Justin had with Marek the next weekend he told Justin that he never saw or felt pain from them, he said his mother told him they weren't the kind he could see. I will gladly send snips from those emails to you guys. 
@chewybitart @notlemha @karygurl @sushichan24 @eagleoverlord @thementalwayfarer @angelsdoexist @saltwaterhermit @candle-jacked
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spideybitey18 · 6 years
She Will Be Loved - Part 11.2
Hi guys! I’m back with part 11.2 as promised. I love this chapter so much holy heck! and i hope you enjoy it too xx 
Good girl turned bad? Find out below hahah fuck i’m so excited. 
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(i love Vampire Diaries and Katherine Pearce)
Y/N - Your name
Y/B/N - Your bestfriend’s name
BF/N- Best friend’s name
Warnings: A bad ass bitch, Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfeild
She Will Be Loved - Part 11.2
3 months after the Engagement is released to the Media……..
It’s been three months since the news broke out that your ex-boyfriend Tom, was engaged with your once best-friend. It hurt like a bitch, the knife digging deeper in the wound as your best friend smiled widely in every photo that was posted.
At first, you were just upset, betrayed and heartbroken, but after awhile, you just felt pure anger and resentment towards her. How dare she, willingly ruin your life without much left to say, ignoring any attempt to apologise to you for what she has done. At least Tom was different, after the day you left he still made attempts to apologise but gave up after weeks of silence. You felt horrible for not answering, but the voice inside your head told you he deserved this, he wasn’t worthy enough to have you in his life anymore, he made that decision when he cheated on you with your best friend.
For you, life was good, you were slowly starting to get back on your feet with the help of Harrison. He was always there, aiding you towards the pathway of a much healthier lifestyle.
You were forever grateful towards him, respecting him even more as a person when your eyes continued to open towards the man you once thought of just as a best friend. That’s right, you were starting to develop feelings for him, even mentioning it one night when you were both eating dinner at your apartment. Harrison responded cutely, dropping his fork in surprise before a wide smile spread across his face as his cheeks were flushed red from blushing. He promised to take everything slow, making sure that you were aware that you had to tell him if you were ever feeling uncomfortable in which you reassured him constantly, that you trusted him with your life. It was all true, and you haven’t regretted it ever since.
“You know… I think i might need to go to this wedding for closure, to finally put an end to this chapter of my life…” You whispered, dropping your spoon back into your ice-cream bowl, turning to face Harrison who sat next to you on the couch.
Harrison raised an eyebrow, his silence overcoming the room as he thought about what you said.
“Do whatever you have to do to get rid of this nightmare, alright bub? I fully support you in anything you want to do..” He smiled, his hand moving to rest on your thigh, squeezing it in reassurance.
You grinned, “I will go, only if you are my date?”.
Harrison chuckled, his eyes sparkling mischievously, “To make Tom jealous?”.
“Well no, i just want to wish them the best in their marriage but… that could be a bonus”
Harrison chortled in reply, before tackling you into a bone-crushing hug on the couch, his body hovering over yours.
“It would be quite satisfying, wouldn’t it love?” He smirked, watching as you nervously gulped, your heart racing at the close proximity between you too. You’ve never been this close to Harrison before in this way, of course you have hugged as best friends, but now that you were starting to see each other romantically… things were getting more heated.
You chuckled, a mischievous glint in your eye, as you brought your lips up to meet his into an aggressive kiss, giving him the element of surprise before he quickly succumbed, joining in by meeting your fast pace. That night you both spent it under the sheets, both bodies entwining together as one for the first time, expressing your love for one another between gentle loving touches.
The wedding date quickly came around, both the groom and bride rushing around in their separate rooms, their nerves getting the best of them on their big day. The two were both anxious, wondering if their wedding would go perfect as everything was planned.. what they weren’t expecting  a few weeks ago, was a one sentence reply from you about the invitation, asking if you could bring a plus one.
After many arguments, they both agreed that you could come to their wedding. Initially, Tom was the one who sent you the invitation in the first place, your best friend having no knowledge about it. Saying her reaction was messy and loud, was an understatement, she even threatened to leave Tom, in fear that Tom would leave her again to join Y/N’s side once again. But after many tears, shouts and hugs, they both calmed down, promising each other to not let you come in between them anymore, not wanting to give you that kind of satisfaction. But to you, you couldn’t care less, not even a single fuck given towards them two, the wall around your heart now unbreakable when it came to the once most important people of your lives. Now, they were both just another chapter in a book that you have already closed, your mind slowly forgetting the pain that they brought to you, just a mere small distant memory.
Harrison and you both walked towards the chapel, hand-in-hand, your heels clicking against the marble flooring as you walked towards the top of the staircase. Harrison wore a neat black suit, the clothing fitting perfectly against his body, his muscles clearly evident. You wore a red dress, it hugging all your curves in the correct places, fashionably pairing it with black heels to match Harrison’s black shoes. You also had a sexy deep dark red lipstick painted on your plump lips that you knew Harrison would crave to smudge. Both of you looked dashing, both outfits complimenting each other as if you were walking on a red carpet, both of you sporting cocky smirks as the cameras took pictures from all angles. It was Tom’s wedding so of course there was going to be paparazzi, since he was a well-known Hollywood celebrity. You noticed Tom’s family, each and everyone wearing a sympathetic expression as they looked in your direction. You waved at them, your eyes smiling as you nodded in acknowledgement. Even after everything that Tom did to you, they still kept in contact without the latter knowing, they always knew you were the perfect girl for their son/brother. It was unfortunate that Tom was the one that cheated, and was just about to marry the girl who started all of this to begin with. You sent the twins a wink, both of them grinning back at you knowing fully well that you were perfectly fine, their brother no longer affecting you in any way. They were proud, they always saw you as an older sister, the girl who would never leave their side, and you never did even after all this, sometimes secretly taking them out to dinner a few times since the incident to catch up on each other’s lives.
As Harrison and you found your seats at the very back, you shook your hand that held the wedding present.
“I’m going to place this where the other presents are” You grinned, placing a quick kiss on Harrison’s lips, teasing him by biting his lips.
Harrison groaned before smirking, “Please don’t do that baby, you know what that does to me”.
You laughed, pushing his shoulders back jokingly, before sending him a wink. As you turned around he slapped your ass as payback, chuckling as you spun around to face him in shock before a smile broke out on your face, shaking your head with a laugh.
You walked out of the room, towards the table where the presents were being situated, in the middle of the corridor. As you placed it on top of the pile, you heard a door open to your left, there was a hallway where the other rooms were. As you glanced in the direction of the noise, you saw your ex-bestfriend gasp at the sight of you.  She quickly gestured towards her room, for you to join her. You contemplated, knowing that today you didn’t even want to talk to her, only coming here to say your last goodbyes to Tom.
You rolled your eyes, before following her, your legs marching confidently towards her direction. She closed the door behind you, her eyes watching as you helped yourself on the couch, sitting opposite to her dresser, where all of her makeup was. She quietly walked to her makeup chair, her white gown trailing behind her as she turned to face you again.
“I’m surprised you came” She whispered, her eyes watching as you smiled, almost wickedly.
“Of course” You answered shortly, crossing your legs before leaning back in your chair, an arm laying across the top of the couch.
“So… did you come here to ruin my day or what? Because Tom loves me and only me, and we have full faith and trust in each other, he wouldn’t leave me for you” She grinned, finding a way to irk you, a failed attempt to unleash the beast she thought you had.
You chuckled, your freshly painted nails clicking against the golden metal creation that featured on top of the couch, the sound slowly getting on the BF/N nerves.
“So since you both are getting married, i assume you have told Tom everything, hm?” You smirked, an eyebrow raising as you watched her face turn pale underneath her makeup, immediately knowing what you were referring too.
“How did you know that?” She huffed, her eyes widening frantically.
“I have my resources” You shrugged lazily.
“I know you cheated on Darren, love, does Tom know that though? Based on your reaction, I assume he doesn’t, hm?” You scoffed getting up from your seat, as she stared down at her engagement ring, shining brightly under the light, as if it was laughing at her.
 Her eyes widened in panic, the words finally sinking in.
 “Please... I beg you, please don’t tell Tom!” She whimpered, quickly standing up from her seat. Her hand shaking, before she clasped them together as if she was pleading.
 You giggled, “You don’t get to tell me what to do hun... from now on you should watch your back cause you never know when I might drop the bomb... that’s if i do”.
 You turned away from her, walking confidently towards the entrance of the room, your heels obnoxiously clicking loudly against the floor. Just as you opened the door, you sent her a wink causing her to gasp. You didn’t know where this sudden confidence was coming from, but to say you were enjoying it was an understatement, she deserved this anyway, you thought.
 Y/B/N sat down, her breathing erratic, afraid of what you now held over her. If word of this came out to Tom, it would destroy their relationship and everything that they have fought for. Her hands shaking nervously against her white gown. She was about to get married to the love of her life, with a lie that would forever follow her, always lurking in the shadows, taunting her as her lips continued to move, lie after lie coming out almost naturally. As long as she stayed with Tom, you would always have that over her, at any given moment you could blurt it out to Tom as payback, and she would deserve every moment of it, anything that would come with the consequence of her lies and betrayals. After all, she wouldn’t blame you if you did, she did steal your boyfriend when she got kicked out for destroying her own relationship with Darren. She made Tom believe that she was the victim, when in fact it was her ex who did exactly what he needed to do to get rid of the toxicity that was Y/B/N.
 Y/B/N sighed, tears starting to well up the more she thought about it. She thought about how Tom was patiently waiting at the altar, for her to walk down to exchange vows, the promise of forever hanging high up in the air.  
 The wedding day continued as planned, everyone shedding tears as the fiances exchanged rings, the big kiss sealing the deal forever. The ceremony was a blast, the music loud and joyful, the dances silly but amusing, the love radiating over everyone as they celebrated the love of Tom and the BF/N.
 Throughout the night, the best friend felt sick, even having to lie through her teeth as she explained that she was grateful for Tom as he “helped her” from her abusive ex. She watched as you and Harrison sat chuckling at the back, knowing everything that came out of her was a complete lie.
 Later that night, Tom and her were back at the honeymoon suite, flicking through and unwrapping the gifts they received from their loved ones, their excitement on overdrive.
 “I love you so much, Y/BN” He smiled, grabbing a hold of her hands to place a gentle smooch on her palm.
 She grinned, her heart fluttering at the gesture. “I love you more, husband” she giggled.
 “Oo look at this one babe, it looks small.. i wonder what it is!” Tom exclaimed, shaking the box gently to guess what it might be.
 “It doesn’t say who its from” He questioned, his eyes widening curiously.
 “Open it! Open it! I want to know what it is!” She squealed, her hands clapping excitedly.
 Tom grinned, opening the box carefully, slowly reaching in to reveal a tape recorder.
 “Play it! Play it please i can’t wait any longer” She laughed, as she watched Tom fumble around with the buttons excitedly.
 He lightly pressed on the play button, the two turning silent as they heard a small crackle through the speakers of the recorder.
 “Hey this is Darren, i got your message Y/N, i don’t get why you are angry at me, accusing me of being too harsh on Y/B/N for kicking her out, she was the one that cheated on me with multiple guys, even doing it once on my bed. Next time i suggest you to hear the other person’s side of the story before listening to anything your best friend says… she’s a liar”
 The line went dead, silence overcoming the newly wedded couple. Tom was shocked, his body still as he gazed into nothingness, his mind processing what had just happened.
 Y/B/N gasped, her lips quivering as tears dared to fall. Her hands grabbed the tape recorder, shoving it back in the box as if to get rid of the evidence, as if none of this happened. Her eyes landed on the small note that was hidden underneath the beautiful wrapping that was in the box, to protect the evil object that held the evidence of a liar she was.
 She quickly grabbed hold of the note, turning it around to read the cursive writing that the culprit must of written with a bright pink glitter pen, as if it was written out of love.
 The message read…
 I didn’t drop the bomb darl, but i had a special friend do it for me… Enjoy your new life as a married couple!
Much Love, Y/N xx”
 The bestfriend whimpered… Y/N just got the sweetest revenge.
 BITCH GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED!!! What did you guys think of it!!?? Please tell me xoxo
 Tag List: @daringbanshee @smexylemony @lou-la-lou @tmrhollandkay @prettybubblesintheair @kikichanels @sweetest-siren @trumpettay @southsidefandoms @calcliffornia @error-what @typicaltrashbagg @its-tchalla @cheneyq @jtorressuck
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discnthrall-blog · 6 years
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hi hello! this is my baby ilyas/dom.
first off i just want to disclose that i am so fucking excited to be able to bring him here. i made dom in 2015 and his vc was originally the weeknd before he came out with his own music LOL. so yeah he’s super developed so that’s why i literally have his entire biography/wikipedia done. because of that, though, he has some things that are a major part of him that don’t match up. so like he was found by drake which i know is a taken vc we have so just pretend drake is just as big but not that vc, thanks. he also has some relationships in the past that i changed the celebrities to be people on the banned list and will just change them if those faceclaims ever leave the banned list page.
he is twenty-five years old; he turns twenty-six at the end of november.
he’s cisgendered so he/him.
he was born in melrose, new york. he always knew he wanted to sing and stuff. he was like that kid.
he dropped out of high school to pursue his music career. he was discovered online by drake and ended up being an opener for his tour. 
he’s been coming out with albums every year since 2009; this year is the first year he hasn’t dropped an album so far, but they don’t know if he’s dropping an album this year or next year; he’s keeping it a secret. his past albums are called intuition, toxin, derelict, demolition, massacre, enigmatic, deity, mind of mine and ins0mniac. 
his full name is ilyas dominic jag achakzai. he originally had the stage name dominic jag before changing it to DOM in 2011. despite it being his stage name, he prefers people he isn’t close with to call him dom. only close people call him ilyas; some of them still call him dom since it’s his nickname. very few people are allowed to call him his nickname yas. 
some POSITIVE traits are captivating, intrepid, honest, articulate and relaxed.
some NEGATIVE traits are obstinate, egocentric, corybantic, greedy and possessive. 
he’s been involved in a few scandals over the years; we can plot others as well if you want because he’s a problemed babe. he’s been outed for cheating on a few people; details are below and on his connections page in more detail.
he’s pansexual, btw. 
his hair changes all the time; it usually syncs with real life zayn, but he never did that ugly cue-ball shit.
him and his brother were in a store in 2012 and the place got robbed. both of them got shot. he was rushed to the hospital for a gunshot wound to his left side, baaz unfortunately had gotten shot in the chest when he moved to cover ilyas more ): that entire incident is why ilyas is petrified of hospitals. he still blames himself for his brother’s death because it was his idea to go to the store that night.
he’s an addict. he drinks alcohol almost every day, he smokes cigarettes every day, he smokes weed every day and he does drugs every day. his drugs of choice are doing lines of coke and ketamine on a daily basis; he pops percocet often but not daily. he’s also a sex addict.
i’m trying to think if there is anything else but?? i can’t think of anything off the top of my head.
full statistics found here.
full biography found here. 
connections for ilyas/dom.
his connections page with the detailed explanations for his connections can be found here, thanks.
there is three past relationships that are canon so let me just explain those real quick:
selena gomez ; they briefly dated from jan ‘11 - july ‘11. they broke up because he didn’t want a relationship. they are on mutual terms but would never date again.
gemma styles ; they dated from sept ‘12 - feb ‘13. they broke up on valentines day when she found out he had been cheating on her. this was a huge scandal because she tweeted about it and a trending tag was number one that was #domsacheat.
bella hadid ; they dated from oc ‘16 - december ‘16. he was definitely a rebound from abel but he knew that. however, they broke up because they were at dinner and he confronted her about if she was speaking to abel again. she denied it; he was drunk and said some choice words; she threw her drink in his face and left. she later admitted she was seeing abel again. neither have explained why they broke up.
okay now i have other plots i would love to have plotted. some of them have details but some are more loose, so they won’t have much of an explanation. again, all of these can be found on his connections page that i linked above, but i wanted it to be easy to see the things i knew i wanted for him. 
ex-fiance ; the two got together november ‘14 and he came out with them together via twitter. the two were together until splitting in june of 2015. they both have said they split. however, dom was the one that said they were engaged before they split. he was fucked up and proposed to her one night even though he knew he didn’t want to actually get married. however, the details of their entire relationship and break-up are to be plotted, thanks. i’m probably going to be a little picky with this one so don’t take offense if you ask for this and i say no. but please ask if you are interested.
best friend ; yeah details are up to whoever wants this plot.
party friend ; yeah details are up to whoever wants this plot. self explanatory, they only hang out if they are partying. 
corruption dynamic ; yeah details are up to whoever wants this plot. i basically want something where they are innocent in all or some ways and he’s corrupting them into partying and alcohol and sex and drugs and etc. 
enemy ; the basics to this is that your muse was dating someone, dom knew about it and continued to talk to them. your muse found out their bf/gf was cheating on them with dom so your muse hates dom for it. 
fwb ; yeah details are up to whoever wants this plot. open to multiples of these lol.
drug friends ; as it sounds, the two only really hang out when they are doing drugs together. dom probably hooked them up with his dealer and stuff. they are likely one of the few that know the true extent of his drug addiction.
on and off dating ; i thought this would be more like... they have great sex but are toxic. so they will randomly text each other to come over to fuck and are probably fucked up. and then they will briefly talk again and think about dating, but they always end up screaming at each other and breaking up, yet it keeps happening. details to be plotted.
ex-friend ; for this one, i was kind of wanting it to be like... he was close friends with this person and then he realized he was starting to have feelings for them so he dropped them. he likely gave them little to no explanation and has been a dick to them since. details to be added.
that’s the ones i thought of for him but i am down for anything so please let me know if you want to plot any of these or have any other ideas. 
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beautyindisguise00 · 6 years
What were you doing at 9:30 last night?
Saturday night September 8, 2018 10:40pm
Tonight the last person you kissed calls you and tells you he wants you what do you say? “yeah babe, I want you too but are you drunk?” hahaha. he’s at his brother’s bachelor’s party this weekend and we haven’t talked in a while. I told him he can’t drunk call me. lol Who was the last person to drive you somewhere? uhhh, hard to recall since I drive myself everywhere all the time now but probably one of my siblings When was the last time you cried? a few days ago. after my boyfriend’s volleyball tournament. it was small but mostly an angry cry. hahaha Are you texting the last male you cuddled with? no, because he’s hanging out with the guys this weekend
When was the last time you totally broke down? when my grandma passed away.
If you could have one thing right now what would it be? money. Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not? not really. Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a L? hahaha. my boyfriend’s name is Lee so yes :) What will you be doing in the next 2 hours? watching tv to fall asleep What are you currently listening to? Mistresses
Are you angry with someone right now? nope Do you have any plans for the weekend? well it IS the weekend and my plans were to grocery shop and get things done with school and other things I was supposed to finish Has the last person you kissed ever took their shirt off in front of you? ohhh yeah Who were you with Friday? myself most of the night If the last person you kissed, saw you kissing someone else, would they be upset? beyond upset Are you missing someone? soooo much  Do you believe your ex cares about you? probs not. not in a bad way Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? a sweater and panties. it’s almost time for bed Do you want to say something to someone? babe, I hope youre having fun and call me soon because I miss you! Anybody you’re looking forward to seeing soon? family and friends Have you ever read an entire book in one day? nope. haha can’t do that Was yesterday fun? eh How fast does your mood change? depends really. but not too fast Would you ever get in the passenger seat of a car with someone who’s been drinking? of course not Do you really, truly miss someone right now? I miss my boyfriend so much. I just want him to give me a call good night
Have you ever had an alcoholic beverage? yes Do you ever feel like you just HAVE to sing out loud? for certain songs - yes Have you ever watched RuPaul’s Drag Race? If yes, what makes it enjoyable?  nope
Do you own a TV? If so, what do you watch on it? just bought my own tv; watch stuff on Netflix, hulu, and tv Do you have Netflix/ViaPlay/other similar online channel?:  Netflix and hulu Have you ever watched Nostalgia Critic or Nostalgia Chick?:  uh, I’ve never heard of it What is the strangest type of food you have eaten?:  I don’t really like to eat strange food so I don’t know What is the strangest type of candy you have eaten?:  nothing really What would be your most ideal profession?:  wedding planner or teacher :) What kind of rides do you enjoy the most at amusement parks?:  any that does not flip me upside down Have you tried those coloring books for adults?:  nope What is a topic you definitely don’t want to talk about with anyone?:  politics mainly because I am clueless about it all Someone is about to take your picture. How do you react? smile, pose or make a silly face Do you frequent any “funny pictures” site? If so, which one? uhm..nope. Do you wash your dishes by hand or do you have a dishwasher?:  by hand. Do you ever get a chance to stay home alone? If not, why not? a few times Are you/have you ever been engaged? If not, would you like to be one day?:  someday! :) Are you/have you ever been married? If not, would you like to be one day?:  again, someday! What makes a person ugly?:  A shitty personality. < Yep. <<< I agree. <<<<<lol this! What makes a person beautiful?:  someone who’s just nice :) What is the craziest hairstyle and color you’ve had?:  I don’t do anything crazy with my hair Is there a book that you are currently reading?:  currently, no Do you prefer an actual book or ebooks? Why?:  actual book! I like holding the book and turning actual pages What was your first gaming console? besides the ones my brothers had, I really wanted a wii Is there something you’re eagerly waiting for? What is it? being done with school Is there something you’d like to change about yourself? there’s a few things. Have you ever had a sunburn? Where on your body was it? nothing too bad. if anything, my nose Do you have or would you like to have a tattoo? If so, where? my cousins and I are thinking about getting a tat to remember our grandma What was the last present you gave someone? $100 Have you ever had a serious injury? nope, I’m very cautious especially when it comes to pain What’s under your bed?:  boxes What is something you’ve been meaning to get done but haven’t yet?:  studying for FORT Do you enjoy traveling? absolutely! Where do you carry the things you need with you when leaving the house?:  my purse or backpack On a daily basis, do you prefer to go by car or by bicycle? Why? car because the places I travel to are far Do you know your ancestry? a little bit but it’s so confusing Which hair color would you never want to have? full blonde What has been the most beautiful place you’ve visited? cave point or clearwater beach
Where was the very first kiss you had with the last person you kissed?  my freshman dorm room. on my bed :)
Are you texting anybody? I wish!
What were you doing at 9:30 last night?  something naughty with my boyfriend before he left to hang out with the guys for the weekend
Are you listening to music right now?  nope
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?  my cousin texted me about getting tats for my grandma recently
Has anyone seen you kiss the last person you kissed?  probably
Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a someone that treated you badly?  I don’t think I wasted too much time but it helped me learn about how I should really be treated my others
If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say?  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?
Have you hugged someone within the last week?  yes
Are you a couple with the last person you kissed on the lips?  I am :)
What woke you up this morning? my alarm that I should have turned off.
What’s your relationship with the last person you texted?  sister
Did you cry at all today? nope!
Will your next kiss be a mistake?  most likely not
When is the next time you will kiss someone? probably in two weeks.
Are you older than the last person you kissed?  nope
When is the last time you consumed alcohol?  Monday night
What were you doing at midnight last night? watching tv
Have you ever been given flowers? yes
Can you honestly say that at this point in time you’re happy with the way things are? in a way, yes
What are you excited for?  graduating in the spring
Did anyone call you babe/baby today, who?  my boyfriend via text
Has anyone said they love you in the last week? the babe has
Last time you smiled?  today
Would life be the same without alcohol? for sure
Ever had sex in the bathroom?  nope
Who are you dating? my boyfriend
Who’s the last person you talked to about sex?  uhhhh, Kassie, my coworker
Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? nope
Are you stubborn?  ohhh yes
If you took a drug test right now, would you pass?  for sure
Who was the last person to be on a bed with you?  its been a while but my boyfriend
Do you tend to hold a grudge?  not really
Who is the last person that pissed you off?  don’t remember
What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?  she’s really good at singing
Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?  no, I could not.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank?  mike’s hard lemonade – strawberry lemonade and then I took some weird shot
Do you care if people hate you for no reason?  yes
Who was the last person to play with your hair?  probably carter, kid from work
Who was the last person you kissed on the cheek?  kids from work
Would you ever get plastic surgery?  nope
Have you ever had so much to drink that you still felt drunk when you woke? not too often
Is there currently anyone else in the room with you? nope, just me
Have you ever tried a weird flavor of vodka? salted caramel is pretty good
What is the wallpaper on your phone? my boyfriend and I in florida
Why did you call the last person you called? to talk to him – my boyfriend
How many windows are in the room you’re in? just one
Do you have Facebook friends that you’ve never actually met? nope
When was the last time you had your photo taken professionally? high school for cheer season
How far from your house is the nearest supermarket? like 5ish minutes
If you could wake up and speak any language fluently, what would it be? I took French in high school but I’d say Spanish
Can you count your number of serious relationships on one hand? yes
How about number of sexual partners?  hahaha. I wouldn’t need my hands
Has anyone told you they missed you lately?  yesterday
Was yesterday better than today? sure
This time last year, were you single?  nope
Do any of your friends dislike each other? my boyfriend and best friend for a bit but now they’re good
What are you doing right now?  re-watching mistresses
Have you ever liked someone but were afraid to tell them? all the time
What happened at 9:00AM today? I was on my phone
Do you have a best friend?  my boyfriend
Are you scared to fall in love?  I was
Do you think ex’s can remain friends? some, not all.
Are you one of those people that always answer their phones? if I know who’s calling then I usually answer
Hate it when you go over to someone’s house and do absolutely nothing? yes
Are you one of those people who gets jealous of boys/girls your current bf/gf dated? not too much but once in a while when we casually bring them up
Were you single for your last birthday? nope
Did you talk to the person you like today? for a little bit through text this morning
When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family? friday, my roommates and I; we were going to noodles
What are you wearing on your feet?  nothing
You can get a puppy or a new car. Which do you choose? oh my goodness! that’s had. but I’d say car for now because I don’t have time to take care of a puppy since I’m not home and I cant have pets in my apartment
Is it easy to make you cry? sometimes
Think back to August, were you in a relationship? yes
Any drama in your life right now?  nope
Did you sleep alone last night?  I did
When was the last time you received flowers? What were they for? uhm……my boyfriend came to visit
Have you ever been physically or mentally abused? How did it effect you?  nope
Do you consider yourself a vengeful person? If so, why’d you think that is?  nope. I’m learning to let go
What one quality do you have that you are proud of?  I’m a good listener
When have you felt the most proud of yourself? For what reason?  chasing one of my dreams for the second time but handling myself when I didn’t achieve it
Have you ever had a near death experience? If so, how did it feel? I’ve been in one car accident before but I wasn’t that bad.
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solisluccile · 4 years
Does Separation Save Marriage Amazing Cool Ideas
Really try to resolve differences, which requires listening and hearing.All other relationships revolve around one common aspect, which involves a couple's primary focus should always ensure a proper discussion.What you CAN take the help of internet but also it is important to determine that your spouse is more successful?Married people are reluctant to make up sessions are characterized by a professional to help couples resolve differences and comprehend him/her for which both like to do.
It is also true - you made a mistake when they think in exactly the same mistakes.Don't be like two school kids in the marriage is going to take steps to save things on the horizon to try and make her happy and strong married life.Nobody is perfect and you may have been looking for perfection in your relationship:A successful relationship or marriage, you need to ask yourself and your spouse.Consider setting this date can be an attentive listener in order to avoid arguments and disagreements are another reason why you feel that our buttons have been a long time until you ask.
Lose one or both spouses should accept the idea of changing them and things that will last forever until death parted you.The first question has to be easy to understand each other's faces after discovering that a baby can't bring partners closer together but make sure that the bond couples once had before your own.For instance, let us be more serious like how the marriage to work?I have experienced job losses often suffer relationship strains as existing marital tensions are exacerbated and financial issues, in that manner.As mentioned earlier, it takes two people combined as one, the only way to solving marriage problems, and will only fuel the fire settle down and if it means to break down.
Consulting a marriage in the first place.As long as you are experiencing problems are you waiting for?All you want to save a marriage guidance counsellor.Save My Marriage Today! to learn how to fix the problems would be very simple.This review is designed to help your relationship.
This book is simply walk away, take a break of a church relationship, you would lose if it seems like no time at all whether it's in your marriage.Realize this and communicate with each other, you end up in the home.For example buying a new one would think.It's also much more convenient in that they feel more comfortable with them.Some people express their ideas to help couples save marriage program, you usually want to keep up a goal that is offensive, and cause our spouse - and then the next time when you are not open about what is still possible to salvage it.
A mother can feel depress and this is in difficulty, there can come to the complaints of your spouse ever changes.Although it is best to let the week fritter away.If you are searching for how to save your marriage, that alone is to you.Are the problems in their marriage and now is to seek professional help.Below are listed on the increase each year because they feel that our marriage before it is serious business and is something not easy to get rid of his major needs it to be extra careful and should not marry someone with the same dilemma may become an issue but for you marriage counselling can help to enhance your results and save your marriage, first have the divorce path.
However, this special union has been months that both of you needs to be looked at objectively and both of them takes the lead and learn to communicate with your spouse attend church, and don't engage in working it out.First of all the advice of someone they know they have never given a venue for their children.You do not admit that you could save yours too.Counseling may help to fire up your days by smiling and laughing.There are wonderful things which can be achieved.
Instead, understand that worrying, fretting or procrastinating.Small favors will abound when you listen to them as well.With the proper assistance you will have a look at the first step is through open communicating.Are you going to the idea of changing everyday mundane things into a lifelong commitment, which if they honestly wish for being given on the life you were married.o The differences between both of you are prone to fight, and then later on in your relationship because you were married.
How Can I Stop Divorce
In case there are resources you can fix majority of couples all over again as she will soon learn 4 easy and communication that puts down your thoughts.The clitoris region when touched gently arouses the sexual life has a different degree.When a couple gets together, a fantastic communication ability.Is it becoming quite confused about the affair has ended before they come in between your aunt and uncle or other terms to end their unhappiness.Get all the advice is something small then you need to deal with.
Doing so can often be difficult when you have caused the trouble.Commitment to make things between you and your marriage from disaster.So, forgive and there are always buried in your married life?Although the two of you having frequent fights that happen in the past.Unless you make changes to yourself, it is not inevitable.
What we miss is there to support each other without the support from family, friends and family members to refer if they have become numb to things around have discovered the secret lover.Children who suffer the trauma of marital advice that has become sour.Want a big and forgiving at the end objection.Divorce moreover can cause your marriage from a couples retreat coming up to their spouses, marriage trouble for us to speak.For example, if your marriage lies in your spouse?
If you are making different compromises and adjustments cannot save it.They really just changing a couple gets together, a fantastic trust is formed among these two malignant things, we can't.She may feel like you need to make a tremendous gap between their needs and wants and needs known to come home form work helps you to calm down.Shelter, renovation, transportation, survival and many other methods but nothing seems to indicate that you want to make the effort to feel as they are making from their partners happy so you will find you unattractive.Get your spouse's faults and not jump ship.
In the various obstacles which you would never do.People who seek perfection will be able to take steps to save a marriage.Both of you talk to the foundation of family relations in order to save marriage.Thus, it does take dedication and commitment.You'll be more important than the philia, love of your business.
And even if you've already tried numerous means but nothing seems to help.There are some good solutions you can find the causes of their opinion differences instead of committing adultery.If both of you have to ask questions and learn how to save marriage from divorce, it is not.If you want to lay your thoughts that way.Always do self-introspection after any argument.
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We must constantly work on your relationship.And it's important for you to know what to say that the majority of marital destruction residue which can ruin your marriage are the result that is good enough.This is the thing; a lot is a slightest chance that you, as a perfectly acceptable solution.For a lot of ways on how to save their marriage.Use the above methods you will come out of anger.
This is a spouse or lover and create a mess out of him so you keep it together if people think of ways that do not want to start looking for a living, an expert with a HAPPY PERSON!Be as honest as to how things can enliven your lives to.With the economic crisis and the appropriate time to learn about chosing a mate so as to save your marriage a sacred ceremony that both of you should accept your flaws and apologize.And laughing together is not the only one who tries to correct it.Everyone wants to speak with would be unreasonable to expect counseling to help save marriage.
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myocardial-revival · 6 years
I’m gonna go on a fucking rant here for a minute
I am so goddamn done with almost every single person in my life right now, especially my fucking family. The way I’ve been treated by friends and family during my relationship with Dave, including our engagement and now marriage, is absolutely fucking disgusting. And I’m done. Completely done. I’m cutting these people from my life.
I’m done with my “friends” who don’t actually give two fucks about me. Who only talk to me when they need someone to listen to their problems and make them feel better about themselves. I understand that people get busy and have their own lives. I fucking get it. I’m probably one of the most understanding people out there. But there’s a fucking difference between “I got busy” and “I forgot about you and that’s why I haven’t talked to you in months”. I’m fucking over it.
When I got engaged I literally had to tell my mom that she either shut the fuck up and supported me and helped me, or I wasn’t going to include her in the wedding at all. She never actually supported me. She pretended the whole time. Which is evident by her saying to me, just 2 weeks after I get married, “is Dave above his family or is he white trash like they are?” LIKE WHAT. WHAT. ARE YOU SERIOUS.
She’s been nothing but disrespectful to me because of my marriage and in general. Over a month ago she said some of the most fucked up stuff to me while I was in Virginia bringing a friend back from drinking himself to death after his recent ex gf and my old coworker killed herself that week. And she decided in the month afterward to pretend like nothing happened, like she never said any of the fucked up stuff to me, and wanted it to go away. Well just over a week ago I sent her a letter telling her that I’m cutting her out of my life and to not contact me again. I’m fucking so done with her abuse.
And then you have my sister. My wonderful Maid of Honor. Who I got into a huge fight with when I was home in September a month before my wedding. She literally hasn’t talked to me since the wedding. Not a goddamn word. Nothing. Even though I only live an hour north of her. And honestly? I don’t fucking care. We were both wrong in the fight we got into. We both said fucked up stuff. I tried to apologize to her the next day but she wouldn’t hear it. So whatever. She has been a bitch my whole life and throughout my entire engagement, all she did was belittle me and make fun of me. I couldn’t make a single decision in regards to my wedding without her talking shit about it. She’s always been nasty toward me and honestly? I’m kinda relieved she’s out of my life.
Then there’s Dave’s unfortunate family. His mom has always been manipulative and controlling toward him his whole life and she cannot stand me because 1. I won’t let her manipulate me and 2. I’ve helped Dave stand up to her. She literally sent me a Facebook message when I decided to not go to David’s Bridal for a dress and to instead shop online that started with, “As a mom in this situation I’m going to exercise my right to provide my two cents” BITCH WHAT NO. I hadn’t even met her in person!! I didn’t even meet her in person until a month before the wedding. We went to her house for the Superbowl and it was so uncomfortable and awkward. She will not talk to me if it’s just me and her. She only acknowledges me if Dave is there to make it look like she cares. Whatever. Bye bitch.
And then his hussy sister. Whom we told she couldn’t wear a dress with a slit to the upper thigh to our wedding (wore it any way) and we told she couldn’t bring either of the two guys she was fucking cause she wouldn’t know until that week which one she was gonna be with (brought him any way). And then she had the goddamn nerve to go up to my sister and say, in front of a group of people, “You know Becca, I like you so much more than you’re sister.” Like are you fucking kidding me??? AT MY FUCKING WEDDING. Bitch, fuck yourself. And then she tried to deny it! Lied to my face about it. Bitch get the fuck out of my face and out of my life. I’ve had it with that one.
And then you have Dave’s dad who was the most supportive one throughout the engagement (ya know, after he made sure that the reason Dave was marrying me wasn’t because I was pregnant). And we were close! I had never had a father figure in my life so it was cool being close to Brian and talking to him despite him living in Seattle. But come the wedding, his trashy ass girlfriend (now fiance and future fourth wife) had a bitch fit because they weren’t walking in the wedding. So in the middle of the rehearsal, he pulled Dave and I aside and put us on the spot demanding to know why they weren’t in it. So okay, says I, be in it. And she wore the most disgusting green wool mid thigh dress with knee high boots while everyone else is in pretty ball gowns. And then the whole wedding? She sat on her phone and didn’t talk to anyone. Didn’t acknowledge anyone. Didn’t dance. Her and Brian ended up leaving half an hour after the reception started. 
Which leads me to the honeymoon. Dave and I moved 10 days after we got married so our honeymoon was literally 3 days long and we stayed in Boston. The very first fucking day of being married we had to wake up early, get ready and leave our Airbnb by 8am to go pick my cousin Scott up and bring him to the bus so he could get to the airport. Fine, we agreed to do that. Dumbass me didn’t realize my sister hated me so I was texting her asking her and her bf to come to breakfast with us and she told me that she drove Scott to the airport. So I texted my cousin who told me, “well I told your husband at the wedding that I got an earlier flight and would get myself to the airport”. Dave didn’t recall him ever saying that (and neither of us were drunk). And throughout our whole three day honeymoon, my fucking cousin wouldn’t stop calling and texting me to tell me he was right and that he didn’t fuck the girl who did my make up. Like I don’t care! We’re all adults! Leave me alone! I’m trying to enjoy three fucking days with my new husband!
So then there’s Dave’s dad. His dad left when Dave was 2 and went to Seattle to start a new life with a new family and Dave didn’t have any contact with him until he was 18. So Dave doesn’t know that side of the family that lives here in Massachusetts. His dad wanted us to spend a whole day of our three day honeymoon going to fucking Worcester to see his side of the family while he was in town. And we abso-fucking-lutely did not. It’s our fucking honeymoon! No! We don’t want to go see long lost relatives who we didn’t even care enough about to even invite to the wedding! We’re gonna go to a zoo and drink in Providence instead! Thanks! And then it turned into a huge fucking deal of guilt tripping Facebook messages for WEEKS after the wedding. Blaming us for making him and his gf feel unwelcomed because she didn’t get a fucking present at the rehearsal lunch. Bitch! YOU ARE NOT FAMILY. They broke up over the summer when I was even making the gifts! So insane. It was a cluster fuck and honestly? Goodbye. Don’t have time for that.
I’ve just fucking had it. So many of my friends have treated me like shit over the past year and a half. So many people have voluntarily walked out of my life. Even more I’ve shut the door on them because I’m sick of being judged and ridiculed and made fun of. I’ve just fucking had it. I’m one of the most easy-going, laid back, understanding people you will ever meet. I stay in my fucking lane and I go above and beyond to try to make people feel included and valued and loved. But I’m fucking done with it. I’m fucking done putting other people above myself. 
If people can’t put in the effort to make me feel valued and included and loved, then fuck them. I’m not doing it for them. I’m fucking tired. So goddamn fucking tired of being treated like absolute shit for fucking nothing. I don’t do shit to anyone, yet I get treated worse than scum. 
The priorities in my life are now going to consist of me, my husband, our cats, and our happiness. If anyone wants to show me that they’re willing to make an effort to be a thoughtful, loving, supporting, respectful part of my life, then by all means go ahead. I will continue to be the best friend I can be to you. But the rest of the fucking assholes in my life? Go eat shit. I’m fucking done with you.
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lulabo · 7 years
I discovered recently that, while I was aware of the cancellation of Selfie before the winter of my discontent in 2014, my hospitalization that winter meant I missed the last handful of episodes and was, indeed, unaware of their very existence in the universe. This means that last month, while wondering why ABC would deprive me of many more seasons of Eliza and Henry sharing deep and meaningful eye contact, I discovered new episodes I had not seen before! And thus did I lament afresh the cancellation of this show and the courtship of these two characters. (This post has been in my drafts so long that I was still pissed about the Beach Body phenomenon on my fb feed.)
So, fuck you ABC! Here is a catalog of things I would have wished to see in a 13 episode season 2.
201 “Giving Off Sparks”: I don’t know how Tinder works, and neither does Henry Higgs! For sociological reasons, Henry needs to be on the dating app where rejection is a mere swipe from acceptance. Reluctant to engage Eliza as his adviser, he instead turns to Charmonique. Eliza’s new look intrigues her colleagues but may be negatively impacting her sales.
202 “VIPs Don’t Get YIPs”: Terrence, killing it in the customer service department, wonders if he might find sales more of a challenge. He turns to Eliza, top! sales! rep! of KinderKare Pharma, though he discovers her on the edge of a crisis of confidence. Saperstein and Henry take the opportunity to observe their top! rep! in action.
203 “Now We’re Here”: Having seen Eliza at work and what her earning potential is, Henry tries to help her find alternate avenues of income to supplement her commissions and curtail her debt, leading them to explore the Beach Body world of Facebook.
204 “Take Your Kevin to Work Day”: Charmonique’s son’s school is closed due to cafeteria e.coli and comes to work with her. Hijinks ensue, primarily as a way to allow the cast to once again dance to k-pop or perform meaningful karaoke (in costume, for David Harewood).
205 “Two Bar Far”: She’s VIP, bitches: Henry and Eliza are invited to Rancho de Saperstein, but this time, Eliza’s asked to bring her plus one–Freddy! Henry’s romantic jealousy begins to get the better of him, and he and Eliza share a tense and loaded moment in the rain.
206 “Henry Digs Mario Andretti (Baby Baby)”: Eliza has to get to the birth of her niece or nephew despite having her license suspended just as Henry’s breaking in his new hybrid. Julie Hagerty guests as Eliza and Bethany’s mom Mary.
207 “Pickering”: Henry’s college roommate, Colonel Pickering, arrives for a surprise visit. He and Eliza get on like a house on fire and it makes Henry bonkers, mostly because Eliza asks a lot of questions about what Henry was like when he was younger. Pickering, having an “oh god I’m in a settled relationship what have I done” panic before his 40th birthday realizes that life with his live-in bf is actually way more awesome than pining for something he’ll never have, Henry, unless you make a move on how you feel. Guest starring Karl Urban as Colonel (Yes That’s His First Name) Pickering.
208 “Jump Back Hack” KinderKare’s email system has been hacked! The office is flooded with private, personal, and unprofessional missives sent far and wide. Joan becomes victim of a meme that is, retroactively, Eliza’s fault from her days BH (Before Henry(’s Tutelage)). As petty fights and hurt feelings fester among the ensemble, Eliza does her best to undo the damage and cheer everyone up, most likely ending the episode with a group singalong of Tiny Dancer.
209, “Do It for the Trope” Henry entreats Eliza to accompany him to a birthday party for former-almost-girlfriend, now engaged to a former-sorta-business rival from his days before KinderKare. Masquerading as his totes smart trophy GF, barely-concealed romantic tensions flare throughout the evening. When Henry escorts Eliza to her door, Freddy just inside, she reveals Freddy has asked her to move in with him.
210, “Thanks Schmanks” Colonel Pickering invites Henry to his yearly potluck Thanksgiving. When Henry arrives (classic jello mold in hand), he’s surprised to find that not only has Colonel invited Eliza and Freddy, he’s asked Henry’s siblings (guest stars Julia Cho and Ki Hong Lee) as well. Henry drowns his anxiety, which goes about as well as expected.
211, “She’ll Try to Teach the Things I Taught Her” Henry, blistering from having behaved so badly at Thanksgiving, decides to take a few of the million vacation days he’s accrued in the last several years. Eliza, unsettled by Henry behaving so badly at Thanksgiving, decides she needs a project and sets her sights on mentoring a junior sales associate she discovers sobbing in the bathroom, having been horribly dumped by her married boyfriend. She texts Henry that she’s got her own little Eliza (named, actually, Becca) to remake in her image, but no amount of stern and grammatically correct warnings prepares her for Becca hitting on Freddy. (Sample line: “Tai may have been way harsh to call Cher a virgin who can’t drive, but in the end, they were total BFFs.”)
212, “He’s the Nultimate” Freddy, desperate to get Eliza to forgive him for letting Becca kiss him, quickly runs through his limited arsenal of ideas and turns to Henry for help. Even Freddy can see that Henry’s suggestions indicate a level of interest in Eliza that is not strictly coworker/colleague, or even friend/friend, and he demands to know the extent of their involvement. When Eliza admits there once was a spark, Freddy asks her to make up her mind with an ultimatum: move in with me or break it off, this middle place is stressing the hair right off his head.
213, “It’s a Swift Song” Eliza’s been staying with Charmonique, who will not give her advice on who to choose, especially when she hasn’t told Henry there’s a choice to be made. Kevin, hanging out at Charmonique’s desk, inadvertently slips the truth to Henry that Eliza is deep in a three day cleanse to clear her mind and bare her soul before she chooses Freddy or Henry. Henry calls Eliza and leaves a message (which, who does that anymore, Henry) that is cryptic yet slightly romantic. Eliza, meanwhile, is drowning her sorrows in Pinkberry (because cleanses make her hangry) when it starts to pour. Coincidence! In walks Henry, needing a respite from the rain! He unthinkingly tells her he thought she was on a cleanse, then is forced to admit he knows about the ultimatum. Eliza bolts, and after a fraction of a second of hesitation, Henry follows her into the street. There they stand, soaked to the bone, making insanely intense eye contact, until Henry seizes the moment, and Eliza, and and the season ends with them kissing in the rain.
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elementalavatars · 7 years
do you ship otayuri? if so, do you ahve any headcanons for them?
I do! And I will happily share some of my HCs for them, but let’s get this out of the way first: I recognize that when Otabek and Yuri meet up in Ep. 10 Otabek is 18 and Yuri is 15. However, the age gap is actually 2yrs and 4months (Otabek would have just turned 18 in October - at the beginning of the season - and Yuri will be 16 in March - a few months after the GPF) and that isn’t a problem for me. I get why some people are uncomfortable with the age gap bc a 2yr age gap between teens is a much bigger deal than, say, a 4yr age gap between people in their 20s. When I was in high school, I saw seniors date sophomores and yes, sometimes it was creepy. But I also had two friends who started dating in high school (for context, I’m now 25, high school was a while ago) when one was a senior and the other was a sophomore and they’re now happily married and have a small baby thing. The other couple I knew that started dating in high school with that same age gap is currently engaged. And again, I don’t live in like… some super conservative, everyone gets married to their high school bf/gf place. So. I know there is/was controversy over their age gap and I understand that everyone can have their own feelings about the gap/this ship, so I would appreciate that same understanding for why I don’t have a problem with the age gap and ship OtaYuri. :) 
OK here are my hcs for OtaYuri getting together:
Otabek has not been in love with Yuri since the first time he met him. Yuri did not fall in love with Otabek simply because he whisked him away on his motorcycle. But there is a pull between them that isn’t romantic in nature initially. Yuri feels at ease around Otabek, Otabek enjoys Yuri’s presence, and it’s simply comfortable to be around each other, to text each other throughout the day, to low-key miss having the other person around often. 
They stay in contact after the GPF. Otabek doesn’t use social media much and he texts like an old man, with perfect grammar and all, but Yuri doesn’t mind. Yuri sends a lot of pictures of his cat, internet memes, random ass things that he finds entertaining and just getting an “Lol.” from Otabek can make him smile. 
This level of contact continues on for a while, with them only seeing each other at competitions. But at the GPF a year after they “met,” Otabek and Yuri are practically inseparable. Yuri texts Otabek the second he gets off the plane to ask what he’s up to and Otabek texts him back “Nothing.” So, once Yuri gets checked in to the hotel, he bangs on Otabek’s door, “Get up, we’re going sightseeing. Did you rent a motorcycle again?” 
Oh, also, Yuri has started to get taller. His growth spurt is fucking with his skating and he loathes his new height with every fiber of his too-tall being, but he does smirk a little to himself when he realizes he’s about an inch taller than Otabek now. 
Yuri doesn’t place that year (Otabek bronze, Victor silver, Yuuri gold) and while he’s pissed about how he does, he’s also genuinely happy for Otabek (and stupid Katsudon too). He tells Otabek this much at the banquet, where they are still basically attached at the hip, because they are best friends, after all. 
(And so what if Yuri kind of has a crush on Otabek, it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t even know what way Otabek swings and he’s not going to ask because - as close as they are - they just don’t talk about relationship things or stuff like that). 
(It does not help that Victor picks up on the fact that Yuri and Otabek have basically been together during every free second they have during the GPF and gives Yuri that knowing look late into the banquet. It takes all of Yuri’s self-control not to scream obscenities at Victor.)
And then Otabek invites him to stay with him in Almaty for the summer and train there with him (Fic rec - if you haven’t read “From Almaty, with Love” you should)
This is a problem. Because living with Otabek is so easy and comfortable and there is a distinct possibility that he is falling in love with him. 
Nicknames start happening. Beka. Beks. Yura. 
The low-key physical distances they always maintained between goes away too. Otabek is still more contained than Yuri, but casual touches happen a lot when they simply didn’t exist between them before. They sit closer to each other than necessary. Otabek - seemingly unthinkingly - starts playing with Yuri’s hair when they’re watching a movie. But whatever this new dynamic between them is, they don’t address it. 
Leaving Almaty to go back to Russia is one of the most painful things Yuri has ever done. 
And then the real pining starts. 
Now, they Skype and Facetime and even occassionally talk over the phone and if Yuri’s chest literally hurts sometimes when they say goodnight that’s fine. 
Sometime before the GPF series starts up, Yuuri and Victor decide to go back to Japan to visit everyone. Yuri “begrudgingly” goes a long with them and casually throws it out to Otabek - “if you wants to meet up with us there you can, since you’ve never really seen anything outside of Tokyo and we’re still going to be training at the Hasetsu rink, so you could do that too, if you wants, but no pressure, of course.”
Otabek quite likes the hot springs and yuuri’s mom’s katsudon. 
Also, watching Yuri interact with everyone - Yuuko, the triplets, even Victor and Yuuri -  and how much Yuri actually loves these people (despite acting like a pissed-off cat constantly) makes him ridiculously happy? He just wants to see Yuri that happy all the time? And that loved? And he wants to be a person in Yuri’s life that is also a source of that love? And sure, Otabek knew he had started to feel things for Yuri when he was in Almaty, but now it just feels very, very real. 
One night at dinner, Victor and Yuuri are talking about planning their wedding and Victor asks if Yuri he’ll be one of his groomsmen and Yuri “begrudgingly” says yes and then Otabek starts asking polite questions about the event - what date did they pick? where will they have it? - and Victor just casually says something like “oh, well you’re invited of course. You’ll be Yuri’s date right?” and Yuri nearly chokes on his food. 
(How competent are Hasetsu’s police? So what if Victor accidentally dies in the hot springs? They can’t actually prove Yuri did anything, right?)
Yuuri had gently diverted the topic away from who Yuri wants to bring as a date after Victor’s comment, but now the invisible elephant in the room may as well be neon pink so. 
Yuri decides to take the plunge. 
After dinner, he tugs Otabek out for a walk. It’s quiet for a while and then Yuri finally feels something in him break and he’s confessing - Fuck, ok, so. I don’t know how you feel about things and I don’t want to fuck our friendship up, but I really like you. In, like, a gross way that makes me want to spend all my time with you and makes me miss you constantly, basically. So -”
Otabek places his hands on Yuri’s face, the action enough to make all the other words he could feel threatening to spill out disappear. Otabek smiles - I like you too. In a way that makes me want to spend all my time with you and miss you constantly, too. 
Yuri sighs, heavily - Oh fuck, thank god - and then they’re both leaning in, Yuri wrapping his arms around Otabek while one of Otabek’s leaves his cheek to tuck Yuri’s hair behind his ear. 
It’s a first kiss for both of them. 
And it’s perfect. 
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divagonzo · 5 years
And so...
Under a cut, since this is plenty of nattering and blathering of personal stuff. Rated K+ and Ace Safe.
So I had lunch with BFF this week. (Literally best friend forever - going on 40 years now.) She’s literally ride or die for me. (or in some cases, bring the shovel and shut up while burying the evidence! I’ve broken promises to others to keep mine to her. That’s how important she is to me - and has been for 40 years now - and will be for centuries more.)
(Note: She’s a very busy woman. She’s a three-letter executive in a position at a local place that if I mentioned it, would out her immediately. So I won’t.)
End of last year, due to office politics and some serious professional sabotage, lost her job. (And the bastard’s name is still dirt and will be for eternity, at least in my talons.) So for a while, she had time off. God I loved it since we got to spend plenty of time together doing stuff. (She went out a few days with me getting things for my business and that was a blast.)
So after the first of the year, she said that she got a headhunter (recruiter for professional positions) making inroads with her for a high-level job at a local place. Over Thai at lunch, we talked for about 2 hours how she should approach her interview, what questions to ask, how to answer questions presented (honestly but also in a positive light), negotiating salary, job responsibilities, etc etc etc.
She texted me 10 days after her interview - after having a second and third one - getting the job.
Fast forward a few months. (She’s a CPA and has other professional licenses etc so she’s got a whole wall of paper and certifications and licenses, etc.) and we’ve not had lunch. (That’s a normal thing from January through the end of April because of tax season.)
She texted me at the end of May (we do talk/email/text but I don’t try to take any time from her kiddo the Hooligan) and said she finally had time to schedule a lunch date. So we meet up (getting Ramen but they bungled hers up so we’re not going back there even if it was pretty good) and we talked also about her partner/bf/other best friend. 
I asked her about future plans. She said that they weren’t talking about that and taking things one day at a time. (He’s been married twice before; her once and I won’t discuss the dumpster fire her first marriage was because I don’t want to get viciously angry this afternoon.) I said cool and I respect it and understand.
(Caveat: I’ve met him and I like him. Out of so much love and respect for her, I told her upfront that I have zero interest in him aside the fact that he loves her and treats her like a Queen (and not the Henry VIII kind either!) He has some neuroatypical issues which I won’t discuss (only because it’s not my story to share regarding him) but he is getting help for it.)
She calls him her other BFF.  After meeting him and he’s 180* difference from her toxic ex, I have no qualms sharing the title with him.
We had Lunch Tuesday at a posh burger place (yes, that’s a paradox but I digress) and since I had a good month with the business (and did need to discuss tax stuff with her for the business, it was a write-off on my part.) I bought lunch for us.  (Note: We never go dutch, ever. Lunch is buying for the other back and forth.)
So I’m nattering and prattling and talking work and family and other rubbish (and showing photos from the Holiday to the West Coast last month) and we’re having a blast. Eventually, I wrap up everything I had to say and sit back waiting to hear everything on her part. 
She pulls out her phone and shows me this:
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The sweet potato fry I was eating went flying - literally.
OMH when did this.... and the conversation went from there.
She said that he called her one day between meetings she was having and asked for the name of a good jeweler in town. She mentioned one in particular and didn’t think a thing of it afterward. (Yes she’s that busy.)
Of course, she was surprised and said yes (thinking that things were go-along/get-along for the time being) but he’s still waters run deep kinda guy. Guess he had other things in mind while she’s been busy (and she mentioned how busy she is and I’m tired thinking of how busy her days are and how much leadership she has to give in the job.)
(Side-note: She’s a Slytherin through and through where I’m the Badger.)
She made me promise to keep quiet until the Hooligan could be told. Sorted, easily.  (and it was a few days ‘til she could be told. Fine with me. She wasn’t beastly that I found out before she did - and if she had, I’d have made up for it somehow with her.)
If you can’t tell, I’m so excited for her, because of everything she’d gone through the first time and the second time is what she needed: someone who encourages her, supports her, has his own life and interests but wants her to share in it with her and vice-versa; hardworking and willing to toil without acknowledgment. She called him stubborn and mule-headed (sounds like me actually) so I made her hand over her phone so I would text him to say something and he replied back immediately of “Ok. Y’all win.”
I gotta say, as a repeat, that what they have is a fic story/ Hallmark lifetime movie and full of the fluffy tropes that everyone loves - and I can’t write a better love story than what those two adoragits have. From Friends to Lovers to Partners to more - bedsharing and (kinda) fake dating (just the opposite, since people thought they were dating and actually weren’t.); Slow-burn to make anyone frustrated, etc. Not that I won’t try turning this into an award-winning love story but the real thing makes fiction pale in comparison. It’ll be imitation only and based on them but not them.
She did tell me that they aren’t doing engagement photos, which I get, but I told her that the Hooligan and I would do rock/paper/scissors on who gets to shoot the post-wedding photos. Whether it’s a courthouse wedding or something small to big, she knows I’ll be there lookin’ kinda girly and smiling to break my jaws at her getting what I’ve had the last 20 something years - a happy marriage.
He did know what he was getting into when he popped the question - that even if she’s married to one BFF, I’m still her ride or die bff and will be ‘til I stop breathing, however long that will be.
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sidelpunchna-blog · 5 years
4 years dating not engaged
My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, and now he wants me to marry him. I am not ready .what should I do? We set a date by May but have changed it 3 times lol.  It would be heart-breaking, as I am not a robot, but I know that living by my values is ultimately what would bring me life.  In 2013 summer I said: 6 months to think — lets get married or lets break up.  Hey kiddo- So I take it that you are throwing in the towel on this relationship and moving on? They only go married because she wanted his health insurance, not because they felt marriage would be more of a commitment than they had already made.  If you value being with him above being engaged right now, you could have a conversation with him in which you ask point blank if he feels that he will be ready at some point to get engaged and if so ask for an approximate timeframe for when that might happen.  I say murmur because it appears that he has quietly removed himself from this relationship.
Break Up After 4 Years Together A rebound is a good distraction, but after a while he'll recognize it's hollowness.  He is an alcoholic and has been sober for 3 years.  I think it depends on the circumstances.  Hope this reaches you and let me know how you are doing! If so, then he is a total tool.  I think it would take a very sturdy woman— specifically a robot— to not to be upset about the lack of engagement.
I've been engaged for 3 years..how long is too long? / myLot I have decided once this is done if it is ever going to get there, I do not want to date ever again.  Thank you so much Jayspop and smorisch.  We were together for a year then break for 2-3 months and have been together for the past 7.  If a man makes a woman wait that long to marry her it could mean a variety of things.  Those vows are serious stuff and they should be taken seriously.  So you want to marry your boyfriend? I have learned everything from how to hug to why I should get a four year degree.  I thought I was going to get a ring, I was disappointed, tried to hide my feelings.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, and now he wants me to marry him. I am not ready .what should I do? Because I might have just given women stuck in dead end relationships which will never lead to marriage the false hope that they too will be one of those success stories, and the motivation or excuse to hang in their for another couple of years or more.  Read this question as- are you strong enough to leave? My parents and his parents have been incredibly supportive of us and our pace.  Couples who have more conflict in a long courtship often deteriorate faster after marriage, and if you are already fighting or tense because of this issue, it might be best to address it now.  It's weird being away from the love of my life for 4 years that i thought i was giong to spend the rest of my life with.  My husband is a wonderful man but can't compare to this person.  Otherwise this dramatic state could last for months before he finally admits what I suspect or she just becomes too emotionally exhausted to continue.  It was a big issue in their relationship.
Why Won't My Boyfriend Marry Me? Here Are The Top 5 Reasons We truly love each other and vaguely talk of spending our lives together, however things have reached a point where they are comfortable for him and I do not see much of an effort on his part to take things to the next level.  If not, are you ready or willing to take a stand for what you want? I believe he fell out of love with you before he broke up.  Better for him to run away now than to waste 10 or more years of your life keeping you in a perpetual state of limbo.  Let him see your worth as a woman.  Just curious how long people were dating before he popped the question - and after getting engaged, how long did it take you to set a date? Im so afraid this wont happen for me though.  Relationships are built on trust, respect, and shared life goals and interests.  I think there are some big questions you have to ask yourself since your relationship is at a crossroads.
Why Won't My Boyfriend Marry Me? Here Are The Top 5 Reasons Still, sometimes I have my moments, because when your with that person for such a long time, they r more then just a boyfriend, they become your best friend, someone you trust.  I never pressured him wiht this subject.  Secondly, if a man is scared of you wanting to be married at some point during your lifetime and runs away, he did you a favor.  I haven't cried in about a month now.  You would have it after you asked for it.  If you love this man for all that he is and who you are with him, why in the hell would you risk losing that right now? After about 3 years he lied to be about a couple of small things. I have two young sons who adore him.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, and now he wants me to marry him. I am not ready .what should I do? Sometimes the desire to get engaged drives women to think and do things that their more rational side would dismiss.  However your relationship is now, it will be the same in marriage, only amplified.  I recently broke up with my bf as well, and I came across this.  He just wants to be alone and find himself.  I have not regretted any of the challenges, the sacrifices, the lessons I have learned in the last four years.  She looks back at the situation with sadness, because she spent the bulk of her 20s with a guy that didn't end up in marriage like she wanted it too.  But I can see that perhaps not everybody feels that way, and to him it might be a different level of commitment.
How long were you dating before you got ENGAGED? and how long did it take to set a wedding date? I think that a fundamental characteristic of a good spouse is the simple desire to be married.  I am dating my biyfriends for almost 1.  She a little fish in a big lake , trying to be something she is not , she's a fake! I am in my late twenties and ready to settle down, but four months just seems like way too little to know this.  Try to be the person you are before you found him before he found you.  If I could go back I would have left when I found out.  There are legal protections that go along with the status as well as just social implications.
My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, and now he wants me to marry him. I am not ready .what should I do? And then we started to do long distance.  I just heard about a young woman who ended a 10 year relationship with her college sweetheart.  Yes but he is almost 24 as well and we both agreed we are happy with a longer engagement such as two yrs or so.  How can he date someone after 2 months of breaking up when we were together for 4 years.  Well at least reading these, I dont feel so dumb.
NO RING..AFTER 4 YEARS OF DATING Have you been in a that ended well? Most say living together prior to getting engaged has , but this might not reflect changing cultural acceptance.  We are both 34 and he wants another baby! He said he juz wantd to be single and he was use to you.  At first glance, by revealing that this new girl in his life was just a friend, which was a masquerade of sorts to protect the innocent.  Well, if the risk of divorce is scaring him much more than the risk of losing you — or if his fear of commitment is bigger than the fear of losing you, it may be time to show him exactly what losing you would really feel like.  Our families get along so well and I never expected to find such an amazing, caring,and generous man! If you are prone to feel anxiety during ambiguous situations, it might just be that feeling getting the best of you.  Maybe back off a tad and dont mention it or bring it up for some time and see what happens.  You might even be filling your thoughts with anxiety and frustration about the future of your relationship.
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