#and then they make you a holy figure but strip you of any of your actual identity and demand you continue to be
amatres · 1 year
any time im given free range to make a dragon age oc i beam them with mixed race dysphoria
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rebelfell · 23 days
He would absolutely lose his mind…
18+, MDNI for a li’l filth at the end
“Shit, that one’s good…so is that one…oh, holy fuck…”
You giggled softly at Eddie, teeth pinching the end of the straw stuck in the milkshake you were sipping in the passenger seat of his van as you leaned back against the door to watch him.
His own sat abandoned in the cup holder, condensation beading on the outside of a cup from a fast food chain neither of you had heard of. He sat way forward in his seat, hunched over your phone as he poured through the photos you’d taken of him sitting on, in his words—
“The most metal fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life.”
You had happened upon the chair and the thrift shop it resided in purely by happenstance. It was supposed to be just a quick stop for gas and to stretch your legs on your trip back to Hawkins.
But then you saw the sign for the consignment store at the other end of the strip mall. And just as you turned to ask Eddie if he felt like checking it out, you found he was already headed for it.
The place wasn’t anything special, the only thing they had worth any note was…The Chair.
It was tucked way in a far corner, likely so as not to scare away potential customers. You couldn’t imagine anyone in this tiny and random town having the kind of reaction to it Eddie was.
You found him staring at it raptly. Practically in a trance, his jaw just about skimming the linoleum. And you knew it had to be serious when he turned to you with a bashful smile and sheepishly asked if you would take his picture.
Taking his picture quickly turned into art directing him—taking what felt like a thousand photos, quietly coaching him to change his pose or turn more towards the light; crouching down to get as many angles as you could without drawing the attention of the lone employee at the front.
And for once in his life, Eddie actually sat still?
He let you snap away to your heart's content, not protesting in the slightest or pulling any silly faces or jumping up as soon as you hit the shutter so he came out as just a blurry blob.
It was like Christmas.
But as the perfect fading golden light dissipated and you remembered you wouldn’t get back to Hawkins until at least midnight as it was…you regretfully called for an end to the shoot.
And then had to tempt him with the promise of milkshakes and fries, figuring (correctly) that you might have to throw him over your shoulder and carry him out yourself otherwise.
“Can’t believe I wore my Garfield shirt today of all days,” he muttered, still scrolling trying to see if there was a picture showing the least of the cartoon cat splayed across his chest.
“Shoulda just taken it off,” you told him with a teasing smile. “That would have been hot.”
Eddie rolled his eyes at that, but you were still rewarded with a smattering of pink that colored the tops of his cheeks. The blood pulsing beneath his skin now making it warm to the touch as you leaned across the gap between the seats and your lips brushed against it in a kiss.
“This would make a really sick album cover,” he said, diverting your attention back to the photos.
“Oh, by far, the sickest,” you nodded. Only, like, 30% mocking him at this point.
He ginned and reached out a hand to pinch at your belly and make you squeal with laughter. He then nodded at the rear of the van that was filled to the brim with the reason for this impromptu trip—a metric fuck-ton of recording equipment he’d bought on the cheap from a studio that had declared bankruptcy and gone out of business.
"Guess we don't exactly have room to haul it anyhow," he sighed.
“I don’t think anyone is shelling out $1200 dollars for it anytime soon.” You told him with a scrunch of your nose and a smile. “I bet it’s still here after you record a demo and get all famous. And then you'll be up to your ears in skull thrones.”
Eddie smirks, nodding along and matching your playful smile as he finally hands back your phone so you can get back to your journey.
And you knew he was still thinking about it hours later, when you two finally got back to his trailer in the dead of night. The second he was able, he’d hauled you onto his lap, all needy for your soft warmth to surround him even after being together all day long.
He bounced you eagerly on his lap, and you watched the wheels turning in his head, just like you had from the moment he sat himself on the recliner instead of the couch.
“You’re thinking about your throne, aren’t you?” you cooed, all breathy in his ear. “Wish you were fucking me on a pile of skulls?”
“Ye-yeah,” he grits out, only getting more lost in his own head imagining it. "Yeah, I fuckin' do,"
He can almost feel the intricate carvings on the seat of the chair imprinting on his ass. And, god you’d look so fucking hot gripping those horns coming out of the skull at the top, holding on for dear life as you rode him into oblivion.
The visual and your encouragement has him finishing embarrassingly fast, whimpering and moaning into your neck through the whole thing. His spend dribbles out of you, trickling down to collect in a pool on the cushion beneath him.
And suddenly you’re a little glad you couldn’t bring the chair home, because those vertebrae would be a pain and a half to keep clean.
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unholyhelbig · 4 months
Romanov smut??
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[This is 18+, if you are a minor DO NOT INTERACT, I will report you.]
Title: Spin Cyle
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanov/Romanoff
Warnings: Top!Natasha, Dom!Nat, Definate Mommy kink, semi-public sex, swearing, fingering (R recieving), derogatory names, pet names, Dom/sub dynamic, finger sucking, slight bimbofication if you squint [lmk if I'm missing anything], horrible grammar.
Summary: Reader is working the overnight shift at the laundromat when a mysterious stranger comes in with motives that are clear from the start.
[A/n: And so what if I have thing for laundromats? They're comforting, okay? I like writing fluff but sometimes you just really have to get in there. ]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
Spic & Span was one of the only laundromats left in a city that swarmed around a university, so it was always teeming with people. Between classes, students with headphones on and powder laundry soap would occupy the tables that pockmarked the large space.
No washer nor dryer were the same; some were a beautiful turquoise, with rusted patches on the front. Others were a sickly olive green that had once been coveted among housewives. They all seemed to function perfectly despite their age; but it was your job to make sure they did just that.
The usual shift you worked was 8:00pm to 8:00am, and aside from the stray kid here or there, it was mostly a silent endeavor. Since starting six months ago you had torn through at least fifteen novels, and when you grew bored of that, you moved onto movies that would hold your attention until the small bell above the door sounded.
You’d learned quickly that when people were doing their laundry, they were looking for peace. It was a tedious chore and the last thing they needed was someone breathing down their neck. Sometimes, there was the occasional person who was looking to chat, which you obliged to eagerly in order to break the silence.
It had been a clear, but cold, evening when she first came in. With none of the machines in use, the only mechanical buzz came from the vending machine in the corner that offered up stale snack-cakes and off brand soda.
Out of habit, when the bell sounded, you leaned back in the office chair and peaked around the doorframe into the main space. You were designated to the small room that had a desk, and place to sit, but was mainly a storage closet. The mini-fridge was sidled up next to a mop bucket that smelled so thickly of musk, no one tended to use either.
The woman didn’t look familiar to you. Over time you had gotten to know the regulars, and you were certain that you would remember her. Even under the harsh overhead lights, you clocked her beautiful complexion, her focused green eyes as she dug in her pockets for change. Her hair was an electrifying red, lips pursed together in frustration.
She didn’t’ have a laundry basket with her, nor her own soap. It seemed as if she were entirely unprepared to do any type of wash, and that made your fingers twitch nervously. You watched, cheeks heating up, as she stripped her shirt off and loaded it into the machine.
Goosebumps rose on her perfect skin, yet, she didn’t’ seem to mind; and holy shit, she was sporting a tight pack of abs. She shimmied her pants off and you forced yourself to look away. This was wrong. Admiring a gorgeous figure was one thing, but you refused to let your eyes linger.
Instead, you went back to your book, reading the same paragraph over and over again. None of the words were sticking. All you could think about was the curve of the woman’s mouth, how good it would feel to have it kiss every inch of your body, leaving little bruises in her wake. You were hopeless.
“Excuse me?”
The book flew from your hands, crashing onto the linoleum as you placed both feet firmly on the floor. She had been quiet in her endeavor to find you, to find anyone. It was nearly unnerving how she had wandered over undetected.
She was clad in a black lace bra and a pair of sweatpants that hugged her tightly and left little to the imagination. The amount of skin she was showing didn’t seem to bother her as much as it had flustered you.
“I think the soap dispenser ate my quarters.”
“Yeah, yes, uh” You shot to your feet at a dizzying speed “it does that. I have… key.”
She lifted both of her eyebrows at you, and you swore that you saw her smirk. You scooted past her, and she made no attempt to move. You could feel her body heat, your front pressing against hers. You did your best to mentally scold yourself for the reaction your body had to the proximity of hers. She smelled like vanilla, like something more biting that you couldn’t place your finger on. The stranger tracked your every movement.
“Just you tonight?” She asked, voice lilted.
You hummed nervously in response before heading over the small manual vending machine that would dispense little packets of soap if you had chosen to use it on the right day. She followed closely behind you, and you felt her heated stare as you unlocked the case.
“Pick your poison.”
“Mm, what do you recommend?”
“Um,” You turned, her eyes were glinting mischievously, arms crossed over her chest. It  was almost painful keeping yourself modest in this situation. You refused to let them wander, but squeezed your thighs together to dispel the thoughts. “Tide.”
“You’re a shy little thing, aren’t you?”
The woman reached forward and grabbed the suggested package. She didn’t’ wait for your response. Instead, she sauntered back over to her machine.
Your mouth was suddenly incredibly dry, and it was hard to lock the soap back up without fumbling. You’d dropped the keys twice before picking them up and succeeding in your task. Building up the confidence, you turned to ask if the woman needed anything else, but were once again, stilled in your movements.
She shimmied out of her sweatpants in a painstakingly slow manner. It was deliberate, you were sure, and if you weren’t than the salacious eye contact she made with you while straightening up and throwing her sweatpants in with the rest of her load confirmed it.
She was wearing the slightest bit of fabric in a black lace that matched her bra. Your eyes betrayed you, scouring her head to toe for any imperfection, but you found none. She was utterly perfect.
This had to be some type of test. There were hidden cameras somewhere and your overnight job that paid you a measly 7.50 an hour was trying to test your morals. This was the devil, and she was in lingerie, lilting her head at you expectantly.
“Damn it all,” She cooed, frowning down at the machine “It seems I don’t know how to work this thing at all. Every machine is different, you know? I might need a little help.”
You must not have moved because a few moments later she let out a breathy chuckle. “That is your job, isn’t it?”
She smelled like spiced coffee, something you caught a whiff of because she didn’t attempt to step back when you joined her. There was an immense body heat radiating from her, and you fought back a whimper when her hand touched the base of your spine. She was peering over your shoulder. She simply hadn’t pressed start- but you weren’t going to tell her that.
Instead, you savored the sparingly tantalizing touch and hit the button yourself. A low whirring filled the room. It was a sound that you were more than familiar with. The cycles of the washing machine were counted as easily as your own breaths.
“Dense, aren’t you?”
You felt your cheeks redden as you turned to face her. Your back was flush against the machine, replacing her hand on your spine. You instantly missed her touch. She was so close to you now, but still took another step closer as if you could climb into the washer to avoid her.
“Sweet girl, I’ve thrown every hint at you in the book.” Her fingers came up to the collar of your shirt, dancing at its hem, right past the fabric until they left blazing trails on your collarbone. You clenched your eyes shut, letting out a shuttered exhale. “While I do love a woman with manners, must I ask?”
“I’m not sure I… understand.”
She whispered against your lips, not quite touching “You’re much too tightly wound, darling. Do you want mommy to take care of you?”
No one has ever asked you this before. Most of your partners, while satisfying, wouldn’t dare murmur anything close to what this stranger had just said. And you were much too shy to ask. Instead, you settled for spicy romance novels, and a magic wand that never seemed to itch that insatiable scratch.
“Don’t be so shy now. I saw the novel you were reading earlier. It’s just such a coincidence that it’s just the two of us here.”
Your forehead was pressed against hers and you stared into intense fern-colored eyes. God, you wanted her to take you right here, right now. There was something much too scandalous about fucking in the open, a feeling that you wanted to capture and savor.
“All you have to do is ask.”
You swore there was a slight Russian lilt to her voice. The more she got worked up, the more in was shining through. Her breath was quickening in pace with yours, the proximity of her making you press your thighs together to quell the excitement that threatened to drip through the fabric of your pants.
Her hand came up and gripped your chin in a fluid movement, manicured fingers squeezing with just the right amount of pressure. “Please what, Kotenok? What do you need from mommy?”
“Touch me,” It came out as a whimper that was much too desperate for you liking, “I need to feel you.”
An animalistic growl rumbled in her throat before she pushed her mouth against yours in a bruising kiss. You parted your lips, groans muffled by her tongue swirling around your mouth. She tasted like coffee, the same you had smelled earlier.
She reached down and ripped your shirt open, the pearlescent buttons popping away and scattering under the many machines around you both. You didn’t have much time to protest the destruction of your shirt before she palmed your breasts.
There was a mischievous look in her eyes at the front latching bra you wore. “Wow, you really are a little desperate slut, aren’t you?”
She unhooked and discarded the garment before you could get out more than a hungry noise. Her lips attached to one of your nipples, her hand grasping the other breast and giving it an almost-painful squeeze. You arched your back, pushing more of yourself into her hot mouth. Her tongue licked away the goosebumps raising against your skin in response to her ministrations.
You would have done just about anything for her at this moment, her fingers delicately ghosting over your stomach at the waistline of your jeans. Each shuttered breath pushed you closer to her.
In a swift movement she lifted you onto the top of the washing machine. You weren’t prepared for the bout of strength, nor the spin cycle that was happening below you. Another whimper escaped you and she looked at you with a wolfish smile.
“Oh, sweetie, don’t you dare think about cuming on top of an appliance.” She squeezed your hip and you took the cue to lift yourself enough for her to pull your jeans down and discard them with your panties. “Though, it appears your wet enough at the idea.”
A downright beautiful woman had you sweating and naked on top of a washing machine, promising to take care of your every need, no matter how salacious it was. Of course you were wet, dripping, actually.
Still, you flushed when she worked a single finger up your slit, testing it for herself. You shivered at the simple gesture, falling close to her. You felt her chuckle at your expense. “Mm, Kotenok, so desperate.”
Her thumb brushed against your cheek, you could smell your own sex on her fingers. She’d barely touched you, yet they were soaked. They traced your lips and you parted them on the silent command. There was a satisfied look on her eyes, at how easily you had folded for her.
You sucked her fingers, never breaking eye contact. Her stare was starving. “God, you’d look amazing choking on my strap, darling. I’m sure it’d stretch you out nicely.”
You groaned against her fingers, something that sounded along the lines of ‘fuck’ escaped you. Her other hand dipped lower, a gentle touch brushing against your clit. Your breath hitched, and you fell forward, you head on her shoulder.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes,” you garbled, careful not to bite down on her fingers, but thankful that they muffled your expletives. “I want to cum.”
“Mm, but darling, you have to let mommy have her way with you, no matter how long it takes. That’s what good little whores do. That’s what toys do.”  
God, you’d do exactly that, anything to sate the need that made you want to buck desperately against the machine under you. It’s vibrations were slowing, but that didn’t stop your crude wanting to climax.
Without warning, the woman inserted a single digit into you. A gasp sounded around her fingers. She curled her touch inside of you and you pressed further into her. A fine sheen of sweat coated you both, the laundromat hot during the late summer night.
“You’re so tight.” She chuckled again, “Are you sure you can handle another?”
“Yes what, pet?”
“Yes… Mommy.”
She was conditioning you with her words, and that much was clear, but you didn’t seem to care. This stranger had sauntered into your place of work and now had you under her full command with a few simple touches and an effective edging technique.
Another finger pushed into you, and you started to push down further into her. You weren’t sure what she saw in you that made her approach you like this. It had to be more than the novel, plenty of people indulged in smut. Maybe it was the desperation- your need to please in the most mundane of situations.
“Good girl,” she growled against the small of your neck, finally pulling her fingers from your swollen lips. You missed their taste, their feel against your tongue. “I’m sure you can handle a third, you desperate little slut.”
“I can,” You stuttered, tightening around her as she did just as promised. She flexed them inside you, drawing a whorish moan from the back of your throat. The woman started to pump slowly, at first, in and out of you until you felt something build in your core.
You hugged her close, the scratchy fabric of her bra pressing against your nipples, drawing them to points with their expert pressure. The sensation was phenomenal, something you never wanted to end. You hugged her close, your nails digging into the warm expanse of her back.
“Ask nicely, sweet girl.” She growled in your ear.
“Can I please cum?” You clenched your eyes shut, she quickened her pace, the word came out broken, but you didn’t care if you sounded like you were pleading, you absolutely were. “please. I’ll do anything.”
You could feel her smile against your shoulder “Go on, slut. Cum all over Mommy’s fingers.”
Her declaration was all you needed to finally give in to her attentive movements. The feeling that was building so deliciously in your core finally released in the most mind-boggling orgasm you had ever had. You silenced your own scream in her shoulder, but it could only do so much. You were thankful it was just the two of you in here, or your shame may have overtaken you.
She continued to pump in and out of you with her fingers, flexing and curling them expertly as you rode out your climax. You were shaking against her, nearly crying into the small of her neck when she pulled out of you entirely, wiping the slick on her fingers against your thighs.
Perhaps too kindly, she let you breathe against her for a moment, catching your bearings, her hand dragging against your bare back with a comforting amount of pressure. She was proud of herself, that much was clear in her movements. She knew in that moment that she was the best you had ever had; quite possibly the one person who you’d compare all the rest to.
The washer let out an unceremonious beep that had you chuckling, finally pulling back enough to see the woman’s face, shocked to see a bit of admiration behind her eyes. She lifted a perfectly sculpted brow at you.
“Hm,” she hummed, giving you a dazzlingly genuine smile. “I guess the spin cycle is over.”
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arachine · 1 year
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pairing: shy!inexperienced!charlie walker x fem!reader warnings: corruption, blow job, unprotected sex, loser charlie, whiny charlie + so sorry for clogging ethan’s tags but i am a whore for interaction! reblogs are highly appreciated >.< wc: 750
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corruption with shy!inexperienced!charlie is something so special to me. just the sheer mental image of him trembling beneath your touch. head fogged with lust, palms all slick with perspiration because his hands have been nestled in the thick of your hair for the past half hour.
he’s very well past his limit, and you know this, but you disregard his—rather ill—attempts to swat you away. one more, you tell him. but one more is never really one more. it’s two more, then three more, then six more—and now he’s lost count. so instead of fighting, he relinquishes his body to you. lets you tease and touch, lick and suck, until his limbs melt into the plush of his stab themed duvet. 
“oh, god,” he groans with a hand thrown over his mouth, “‘m gonna, ‘m gonna–shit–yeah, keep doing that.” immediately, you pull off of him with a wet pop, wiping away a dew droplet of spit from the side of your mouth. 
“that feel good?” you query, smoothing a gentle palm up and down his shaft. there’s a hint of mischief in your voice–it’s teasing, but nonetheless, the question is genuine. 
“yeah, ’s ni–“ charlie starts, but is promptly cut off when you lick a long stripe up his length. like a minx, you furrow your brows and feign confusion—as if you don’t know what you’re doing when you lick him like that—look at him like that. when you rub the smooth skin of your cheeks against it, and leave a trail of wet kisses along the side of it. 
“huh? couldn’t hear you, baby,” you pout, rubbing a thumb up and over his weeping slit. the boy mumbles an expletive under his breath. sits up on his elbows and flashes you a look of disdain for making him repeat himself, though, you know it’s disingenuous. 
“f-feels…good,” he manages to huff out, “really good.” you smile at his sincerity, and halt your ministrations altogether, rising from your haunches to stand above him. the loss of touch coaxes a noise from him, somewhere in between a whine and a whimper, and he almost slips from the bed trying to pull you back towards him. 
“nuh uh,” you admonish, nudging his chest back with the tip of your foot. when he tries to move again, you push him all the way down against the bed, until your foot rests flat and firmly on the crest of his chest. this time, he seems to get it, ultimately accepting defeat. he retrieves back to his initial position, and plants his elbows deep into the cushion of his mattress.
charlie watches intuitively as you slowly retract your foot. his eyes dance across the expanse of your face, and although the room is dimly lit, he can still make out the devilish smirk gracing your features. one by one, you begin to discard articles of clothing, and it’s then that charlie’s starting to get the picture. oh, he thinks, it’s happening.
he feels like he should do something, like he should prepare, but he knows that any advance he makes will only result in another reprimanding. and, fuck, he can’t help but to squirm around because never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d be in this position—both figuratively and literally—which is, naked from the waist down, leaning back on his embarrassingly small twin sized bed, while the prettiest girl at woodsboro high strips down in front of him. 
and not only did you suck him off, but you were going to take his virginity. at least he thinks you are. because now you’re inching closer to him, and straddling him, and—
“holy shit,” he drawls, involuntarily springing forward when you sink down on him. an intense flood of warmth surges to the pit of his belly like liquid lightning, and like the virgin he is, he almost lets a load out right then and there. pathetic, he thinks. 
“not g-gonna last, not like this,” he spits through gritted teeth, “too warm, ’s t-too much, i c-can’t.” though, before he can finish, you interrupt him with a drag of your hips, and raise a single digit to his lips.
“shh, i know, i know. you’re doing so good,” the pad of your thumb swipes his cheek, “gonna take care of you, make you feel good,” you assure, “don’t you want me to help you?”
“y-yeah, shit, yeah,” charlie nods, throwing his head back against his sheets.
“then give me one more.” 
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© arachine 2023
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technicallyvivi · 2 months
yunho fucking you in a private club room
you were at the club with some friends, not expecting that the night would go anywhere. of course you were the designated driver so when did it ever. but this night, it was different. you were sitting at the bar watching your friends drink and dance. you weren’t in the mood to join so you sat aside, and a tall figure wearing baggy pants and a tight fitting shirt walked up and sat next to you. “hey.” he smiled, you looked at him “hi.” you usually didn’t want to talk to any strangers at the club but you were bored, and he was so handsome. “can i buy you a drink?” he asked smiling. “sorry, i have to drive my friends home.” he frowned and nodded “that’s okay. whats your name.” he seemed interested in you. “y/n, yours?” you looked up at him, he was really hot. “im yunho, nice to meet you.” he set his hand near yours, he really piqued your attention so you didnt move it away. “what’s a pretty lady like you, y/n, doing here without a guy?” you smiled shyly, blush creeping up your cheeks. “im with my friends” he moved his hand to your thigh. “and im the first guy to hit on you?” you laughed and shook your head “no, just the first one ive allowed to.” you stated making him chuckle. “lucky me.”
he said biting his lower lip and staring at yours. he leaned in closer and you swear you had no idea what compelled you to do this but, you kissed him back. he kissed you slowly, sensually, moving his tongue in your mouth without hurry. then he pulled away. “i have a vip room, its private. do me the honor and come with me beautiful.” you bit your lip savoring his taste and looked down. “i have to drive my friends home.” he laughed kissing you again and whispering in your ear. “call them an uber, and tell whoever you live with that you wont be home until tomorrow.” you nodded and fumbled to grab your phone, typing up some messages before leaving with yunho. he led you into a small dark room, it had a bed and a bathroom, but thats it. he pushed you against the wall and started trailing his lips down your jaw and neck, sucking and nibbling leaving hickeys. you stop him. “yunho..” you breathe out. “mmmf?” he asks tilting his head, “im a virgin.” you respond. yunho laughs “that’s okay pretty girl. ill lead the way, make sure your first time is with a man who knows how to use his dick.” he immediately continues kissing down your neck, you whimper lowly and wrap your arms around his shoulders. he taps on your thigh. “up.” you jump up and cling onto him, not separating your lips from each other and somehow by the time youre being thrown onto the bed your bra is gone and across the room and you’re just in your panties. yunho moves his lips down your thighs and groans “look at these pretty lacy panties, wanna rip them off.” you moan and nod “off. off.” as soon as you say that he leans down and takes them with his teeth, scraping your pussy a little and ripping them up. he licks a strip up your inner thigh making you whine. “it’s your first time and you’re already so needy huh? oh im going to destroy that pretty pink hole of yours. gonna corrupt you.” you moan and shiver at his words as he rolls a condom down his cock. “okay im going to be slow yeah? dont misbehave.” he grunts slowly going in inch by inch making you squirm and shut your eyes tight “fuck, youre so tight.” you hold onto him tight and he starts moving slowly “ah-! holy shit!” you whimper softly. he takes his hand and slaps it right on your clit, you arch your back and grip onto the sheets. “pretty girls dont curse now do they?” you shake your head “that’s a good girl.” yunho says positioning his hand above your head and starting up a faster rhythm. “god! i cant! yunho!” he’s balls deep inside your fat cunt and the skin slapping can be heard from miles away. his grunting and groaning while his mouth is all over your chest too. you scratch his back and your eyes roll to the back of your head he hits your sweet spot repeatedly until you cant take it anymore. “going to fucking cum!” you scream “yunho!” he laughs in between groans and slaps your pussy again. “i said no fucking cursing. unless you dont want to cum.” you nod as quickly as you can not even being able to understand what he’s saying. you pull his head down to kiss you whilst you orgasm your teeth clashing against eachother and his tongue down your throat. moaning into his mouth and clenching your pussy around his cock. he cums shortly after you, whimpering and pulling out. he lies down next to you panting. “good for your first time?” you laugh “fuck yes.” he pauses and grips your hips. “next time i want my cock down your throat. taking all of me like the pretty girl you are.” you shiver and nod.
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moldycantaloupe · 2 months
I got a small cold going on and figured now's a good time for a classic sickfic. (aka i whump phantom, again)
Cw: Fever, no vom
Rain looked up from his late breakfast and saw Aurora standing in the doorway, her face laced in concern.
“What’s happening, Rory?” He was quick to stand, ready to help ease her. She shook her head.
“Something’s wrong with Phantom…” She mumbled, her voice quiet. 
Rain frowned and started towards the hall, Aurora quick to follow. She led him towards their room with their door cracked open, but hesitated just outside it, as if scared to go in.
Rain, thankfully, did it for her, searching the rather dark room until his eyes landed on the heap of quint ghoul on the floor right next to their bed. They were wearing nothing but their boxers and shirt, body curled in on itself and face flattened against the ground. Their breathing consisted of wheezes and high yet quiet whines, their body dewy with a sheen of sweat.
“Phantom,” Rain rushed to kneel next to them, hands floating above their body as he tried to figure out what was happening. “What are you feeling, bug?”
“I think-” their scratchy voice was interrupted by a coughing fit, the end pitching into a pained whine, “I’m gonna die.”
Rain laid a hand against their forehead, Phantom nuzzling into the touch, and sighed when his suspicions were confirmed. Both Phantom and Aurora were barely three months Topside, and it was a wonder to Rain how they both stayed clear of any sickness for this long. It was only a matter of time, he figured. 
“Satanas, you’re running hotter than Dew…” He turned their head just slightly so he could get another hand on the back of their neck. 
“Thank you…” They muttered miserably. Rain blinked and just barely held back a smile. He turned towards Aurora, who now stood behind the two.
“Can you grab Aether for me, Rory?” Rain calmly asked.
“What’s wrong with them?” She wrung her hands together with nerves.
“They’re just sick.” He turned back to face them, his hands and floor putting in hard work to keep them cool. “Tell Aether they have a fever, he’ll bring what they need.”
Aurora nodded and ran out the room, nearly running into the wall doing so. He could hear her distantly yelling for Aether as she left their den and turned his attention back to the sick quint.
They were shivering, now trying to get away from his touch. “‘M cold.”
“That’s good, bug.” Rain chased their face with his hands. “We need to get you as cold as possible, okay?”
They stayed like that until Aether came in with a small bucket of items and set them down on Phantom’s bed. He crouched down next to Rain and felt their cheek.
“Holy hell,” Aether mumbled, “Almost as hot as Dew.”
“That’s what Rain said…” Phantom swatted his hand away with their own before falling into another fit of coughs. Aether and Rain shared a concerned look before they worked to get them sat up.
Once their coughing ceased, the two helped them to stand. They make their collective way to the bathroom. Aether started the shower while Rain quietly explained what was going on.
“We’re going to get you in the shower to try and break your fever.” Rain supplied as he helped them to strip. “It might not, but you will feel a little better, and cleaner.”
Phantom nodded with a pout. He stripped down to his boxers and got in with them while Aether went back into the bedroom to prep. They yelped at the cold temperature of the water and Rain guided them through it, running his hands along their scalp while the cold water pelted them.
The shower seemed to help, if only a little, and their clouded eyes from before were now brighter, more alert. Rain helped them out of the shower and into a new set of clothes Aether brought in before walking them both out.
Aether replaced the old bedding for thinner sheets and was in the process of digging through the bucket when the two came out. He smiled softly at Phantom and they gave a small one back. 
“Mountain is currently making some soup for you,” Aether began as Phantom crawled into their bed, “but he brought some tea he said would help soothe your throat.” He went to grab the still warm mug off the nightstand and handed it to the quint.
Phantom hummed and took small sips while they watched Aether and Rain move, both dancing around each other. Rain collected all the crumpled sheets and clothes while Aether continued grabbing and setting up supplies for Phantom. Their sips soon ceased as their head began to slightly bob, eyes growing heavier as the sleep began to take over.
Rain, thankfully, hurried over to grab the mug before the hot liquid could ruin anything and sat it aside. He helped them back into bed and shooed at Phantom’s hand when they tried to grab for a blanket.
“We need you to stay cool, so no blankets. Okay?” He took the cold pack Aether offered, slipping it underneath their neck. They sighed.
“I don’t like being sick…” their words slurred together and Rain smiled in sympathy, watching as their eyelids began to close.
“I don’t think anyone does.” He chuckled. “But we’re gonna take care of you real good, and you’ll be better by the end of the week.”
They cracked their eyes open and looked directly at Rain. “Promise?”
“Yeah, bug.” Rain nodded. “Promise.”
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obx-pogue4life · 1 year
Donut Dick
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Summary: JJ thinks he's funny when he puts a donut on his dick and tells you he's got a snack for you but you turn the tables on him and go from silly to sexy, making him absolutely insane and dying for his release
Warning: Cum play, daddy kink, oral sex, dirty talk, squirting, ball play, kissing, fingering, hand job, food (mentions of eating a donut), begging, taunting, teasing, orgasm denial, boob and nipple play, intense orgasms. I hope I didn’t miss any and if I did, let me know
Author's Note: Hi everyone! So it’s been quite a while since I’ve written and posted anything- I can’t believe it’s been over 6 months! I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for sticking with me after all this time! Whether you are someone who follows me or just someone who happened to stumble across this post, I appreciate your support and taking the time to read my work very much! I hope you enjoy this weird and sexy story I’ve come up with, it’s basically 5000 words of ridiculously silly filth haha I figured I might as well come back with a bang! GO BIG OR GO HOME, RIGHT??!? 😂❤️
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"Hey babe, come here," I hear my boyfriend JJ yell from the kitchen.
Groaning to myself, I put my phone down and yell back, "What is it? I don't wanna get up!" and go back to scrolling on my phone.
About a minute goes by and I hear JJ say again in a weirdly peppy sing song voice, "y/n... I've got something for youuuuu" he drawls out. "Come on babe, I made you a snack" he says again trying to coax me.
I groan again but start to get up because I'm sorta hungry and a snack sounds pretty good right about now. I make my way towards the kitchen and nearly drop my phone when I see the sight that's presented before me. Standing smack dab in the middle of the kitchen is a completely naked JJ, standing there in only his black socks! He's got one leg up on a kitchen chair and his arms proudly on his hips, grinning at me like a lunatic. This man also has a full on erection and has decided to hang a fucking donut from his cock. I'm desperately trying to hold in my giggles but then he starts swiveling his hips in a circle and puts his hands behind his head and gives little thrusts and I just lose my cool completely and can't stop laughing at him.
"Like what you see babe," JJ says in a fake sexy accent, adding to my laughter.
"Oh yeah baby, dance for me you sexy hunk of man," I manage to get out while he try's to spin the donut on his cock like a circus trick.
I'm laughing so hard at this point, I have tears streaming down my face and I can't breathe. He is so silly sometimes, I just don't know what to do with him.
"Come on take a bite of the snack I made you," he coaxed cheekily. "I want you to pull it off my cock with your teeth."
I roll my eyes and flip him off but he just laughs at me and grins that goofy grin again, still playing with his dick and twirling that damn donut.
I decide to have a little bit of fun of my own and slowly walk over to him, stripping my pants, top and bra off on the way, before immediately dropping to my knees in front of him.
"Oh my god, are you actually going for this? Holy shit! I was just kidding y/n but fuck, yes! Will you really eat a donut off my dick?" He asks, genuinely unsure if I'm really gonna do it.
"Anything for you J," I say in a mock of his sing song voice from earlier. I can hear his breathing hitch and I lean forward ever so slightly and stick my tongue out and gently lick the tip of his still hard cock, making him softly groan out.
"Oh shit" I can hear him mutter a few times as I open my mouth a little more and swirl my tongue around his head and start gently sucking. I decide to keep my hands to myself and while I'm sucking his tip I start to play with my breasts and squeeze my nipples. It feels so good I moan out in my own pleasure, causing his cock to twitch in my mouth. I look up at him through my eyelashes and continue what I'm doing, looking right into his eyes. A few more moans from me and he's nearly there and I've barely touched him yet. I stop abruptly and sit on my heels and wipe the corner of my mouth with my thumb, sticking it in my mouth after and licking off and precum that got on my face.
"Hmmm," I say to him sort of as a question. I really am hungry and lean in to take a bite of that donut that's been staring me in the face. I hold it with my hand so it doesn't crumble and lick some of the frosting off before swallowing and taking another nibble. JJ is looking at me with wide eyes and I can tell that this weird show I'm putting on for him is really turning him on. I take one more nibble and let the donut break apart in my hand and sexily lick the frosting off my wrist purposely leaving the remaining frosting on my fingers. "You want some," I ask him innocently and put my fingers up to his mouth, teasing him. He leans down and licks the chocolate off my fingers and swallows hard, still looking down at me while I'm kneeling before him and wondering what I'm gonna do next. I don't waste any time and put the rest of the donut on the tabletop. "Looks like someone's been playing with their food... such a naughty boy. Guess I'll just have to clean you up..." and I hear him suck in another deep breath in anticipation.
I lean forward again and begin to kitten lick his cock, making sure to tease his tip and the underside of his shaft while I lick up all the remaining frosting and donut bits that are left behind. He lets out a content sigh and I smile into him, temporarily releasing him from my mouth. "Do you like that baby?" I coo to him. "Does my tongue against your cock feel good?" I ask. He nods his head quickly while I look up at him, putting his dick back in my mouth, taking him in completely. "Fuck yes y/n, that feels so good," he moans out and gives me an animalistic growl. "Fucckkkk."
I start bobbing my head and swirling my tongue, letting him go further and further down my throat. I love the way he's grunting and moaning. I love being able to make him lose himself in such a short amount of time. He reaches down and brushes some of the hair out of my eyes that has fallen forward and I pull back to get a breath. "You look so gorgeous with my cock in your mouth," he breathily says to me, instantly making me blush. I look away for a minute and notice he's got some frosting on his balls and an idea plants itself in my head. I quickly lean forward again and gently cradle his balls in my hand. "Y/n what are you-," he begins to say but I quickly cut him off.
"I promise I'll be extra gentile J, can I?" I ask him, half thinking he's gonna tell me no and to stop. He doesn't usually like his balls messed with but the few times he has let me play with them, I know he enjoyed it.
"Sure babe, I trust you. Just be extra careful, ok?" He says a tad hesitantly. A huge smile spreads across my face and I gently move my fingers up under them and feel around a little.
"Such cute little donut holes you have J," I say sitting back on my heels. He grins at me and and laughs.
"Oh I know you did not just call my balls donut holes, you weirdo," he says throwing his head back still giggling.
"I am not the weirdo here, sir, you are!" I say, clutching my chest and faking great shock. "You started this whole thing baby and I'm just finishing it," I smile coyly. "You made quite the mess earlier, J. I think I'm just gonna have to lick that silly left over frosting right off of you if we're ever gonna get you cleaned up," I say and bat my eyes as I look up at him. His leg is still propped up on the chair and he nods his head and opens his leg up a little wider so I can get in there better. He gives me another nod and an excited smile and I lean in forward once again, putting myself face to face with his cock and balls.
I grab his cock with one hand push it up towards his stomach. With my other hand I trace the veins on the underside of his shaft with my fingertips and then my tongue. I can hear him take another deep breath in and out and I can feel his body relaxing. I continue to run my tongue along his veiny underside for a minute and then move down to where his cock actually meets his balls. It's fleshy and sorta squishy and as soon as I press my tongue to it I can feel him stiffen up a little. I put my hands on his thighs, rubbing them reassuringly. "I promise I'll be gentle baby, don't worry," I breathily say. He lets out a deep breath and his body relaxes again. Just using the tip of my tongue, I tease that delicate space between his cock and balls, gently licking up and down and back and forth. His breathing quickens a little and I can tell he's starting to enjoying this. I move down a little lower every time I lick and pretty soon I'm right on top of his balls. I decide to place a gentle kiss on them and to kiss all around his pelvis and at the base of his shaft. Anything I can do to ease his mind and let him relax so he can enjoy this. I notice his tip leaking again and brush the precum off with my fingertip. "Looks like you're starting to enjoy this baby," I tell him. He smiles and nods again and just watches me silently, waiting for my next move.
I use his cum like lipgloss, spreading it evenly on my lips and puckering them. "Jesus Christ" I hear him say under his breath. I look directly at him and suck the remaining cum off my finger as seductively as I can. I hear a loud gulp come from him and I smile to myself knowing that all this is working. His dick twitches in my hand again and I immediately lick my lips a little and start softly kissing and licking his inner thighs, head and shaft. He moans out in appreciation and slightly bucks his hips into my face. I quickly make my way back to his balls and feel his breathing quicken a little but he's still very relaxed. With just the tip of my tongue I circle each orb with feather light touches and can feel the weightlessness they each seem to possess. Running my tongue all around them and over the seam in between cause my boyfriend to let out a manly shriek and groan and his sounds make me instantly stop, not knowing if it was a good sound or a bad one.
"Oh my gosh, are you ok baby? I'm so sorry, I was being so careful, I -" Fuck, no. Feels so... good... babe please... keep... going..." he barely gets out, his breathing is so erratic. "Aww baby I love how good I'm making you feel, you sound so sexy coming undone for me. Don't hold back J, you're making me so wet every time I hear you moan. My panties are soaked for you. Your voice alone in driving me crazy but it's still your turn baby," I say as he reaches for me. I gently push his hand back towards his chest and put my hands on my tits and massage them a little and tweak my nipples. "Mmmm," I let out slowly as I rock my body a little. "This feels good but it's better when you touch me, baby," I tease. His eyes go wide and he licks his lips but I ignore it. I squeeze my breasts together and bounce them with my hands a little and just stare at him and then stop and just smile. "Later," I say and wink at him. "Shit" was all my boyfriend could say.
Satisfied that I had teased him long enough, I dove right back in and started to sensually and slowly lick all around his balls and his ballsack. I could tell he was as relaxed as ever because when I gently started sucking on one of them and ever so delicately pulled it into my mouth, he didn't even flinch. I made a humming noise as I swirled my tongue around and gently pushed my mouth all around it, cupping it around my lips. He grunted and squirmed in satisfaction as I released that ball from my mouth and quickly but softly licked up and down his seam. A long, breathy string of shits and fucks left his mouth and I used my hand to tease the tip of his cock again, the feeling of the two together giving him an extremely pleasurable sensation. I quickly repeated the process on his other ball and as I started to make my way back to his seam and started licking again, he gently tugged on my hair so I stopped. "Too much baby?," I half tease.
"Girl I need to sit... down," he part moans, part chuckles. "So fucking good," he said plopping down on the kitchen chair. Regaining his composure, he tells me he is so full and he needs to cum. "I swear if I don't cum right now, I'm gonna fucking explode," he pleads with me. "Please y/n let me fuck you. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel. Wanna hear you moan and scream my name over and over again. Plant my seed deep within your pussy and watch you get all swollen with my babies. Fuck, please babe, I want you. I need you," he pleads again.
"That sounds like a lot of fun baby, but it's gonna have to wait," I say getting comfortable on my knees. "I'm not done with you yet," I simply say and smile. A confused look spreads across his face and just as he's about to protest I bring my hands to my chest and start pulling and pinching my nipples. Rolling them between my fingertips, I let out a filthy cry of pleasure and he instantly goes silent and leans back in his chair to watch the show I'm putting on at his feet. I smile at him again and begin to kneed my breasts as I rock back and forth on my heels. I lean in slightly and grab his cock, licking it from base to tip and then stick it as far as I can down my throat while trying to swirl my tongue around him and not choke. I swallow around him and can hear those familiar grunts I love so much coming out of his mouth. Needing air, I pull him out of my mouth and take a much needed breath. "God I love you," JJ says to me, drunk off my mouth.
"You think you love me now J, just you wait baby," I say with a wink. I gently grab his hand and put it on his cock and place mine over his and start to pump his dick. Using my other hand I start teasing my nipples again, pleasuring ourselves in unison. As he starts to get the picture, I let his hand go and massage both my tits with both my hands. He continues to stroke himself while he watches me tease and grope my breasts and his dopey grin is all I need to see in order to know he's loving this just as much as I am. I start to moan his name and tell him I can't wait to feel him inside me when he quickly says that he's gonna cum. I immediately sit up and stop his hand movements and he groans out in frustration. "Why are you stopping me, do you need me to beg? Fuckkkk. Please let me cum babe, I'm so close. I was right there," he says slightly annoyed.
"I get to make you cum," I say sternly. "I get to make you feel good this time baby," I say a little softer.
"You're a terrible tease," he says sighing.
"I know!," you reply happily and then lean back on your heels again. You look at him with innocent eyes and squeeze and push your tits together and shake them a little.
"SEE!," he exclaims! "TEASE!," he fake yells.
"Look JJ, I just thought you might like to titty fuck your way home today, ok?," you say as nonchalantly as you can muster and shrug your shoulders. He leans down and roughly grabs your face with his hand and pulls you up a little so he can kiss you. His kiss is so needy and so rough. It's sloppy and wet but I love it. I smile into his desperation and let myself moan a little. He's so horny he is literally grinding into the kitchen chair and bucking his hips into my stomach. I pull away and grab my tits again and just stare at him for a minute while he eye fucks me. "So...?" I proposition him again. "You wanna cum all over these titties baby?," I say confidently, shaking my breasts and making them jiggle.
JJ licks his lips and mutters something incoherent while I lean back a little, offering my chest to him. He pumps his cock a bit to get himself started up again and then slaps his dick against each of my breasts a couple times. He takes his tip and circles my hardening nipples, getting them a bit sticky with his ever leaking dribbles of cum. I continue to hold my tits up for him while he plays with me and that dopey smile is back, plastered across his face. This man loves boobs. He'd play with them all day if I let him. I hardly ever let him cum on them though because it's messy and I just prefer him to cum inside of me so he knows that I'm doing all of this for his benefit. After a minute more of him rubbing his cock all over my tits and body he's made me sufficiently horny, way more than I thought I'd be with him just slapping my tits with his damn cock. Somehow it works for me though and I am slowly becoming an insane mess. Seeing him get so turned on was making me turned on and hearing him was even worse. He was overly ready, his tip was so red it looked like it might hurt, and that was fucking with me too. All I wanted to do was put it in my mouth and suck him dry but this wasn't about what I wanted. I was doing this for him.
I leaned forward and sat up a little again and kissed him. He stopped his movements and kissed me back. I pulled away slightly and kissed his cheek, down his jawline, down his neck and stopped right over his Adam's apple causing his head to roll back in pleasure. He loved when I sucked his skin right there and loved it even more when I left love bites for him to see later on. It was a sexy kink of his that I loved too. "I love you JJ," I quietly say into his neck.
"And I fucking love you y/n," he murmurs back immediately running his hands through my hair. I decided to take this opportunity while he was still blissed out from my neck kisses to put his eager cock between my breasts and start rubbing them up and down his shaft. With my hands, I pushed my tits together as tightly as I could while encompassing his rock hard dick. Up and down I went, letting my whole body bounce and trying to give him the most pleasure I possibly could. "Uhhhh... yes babe.... Fuck! I'm not gonna last much longer y/n.
"Let go baby, cum for me then," I sweetly coo. He groans and starts to buck himself up in between my breasts. Faster and faster he went, both of our breathing increasing as we meet each other's movements. His pumps getting rougher and faster yet. He was so close. I can't believe he's lasted this long, his stamina is always so sexy to me. I love the control he has over his body and just thinking about it makes me sweat. I am dripping wet and very thankful I've kept on my panties this entire time. After a few more quick thrusts he finally lets out that manly wail I've been longing to hear and I can feel his hot, thick ropes of cum go all over my upper body and onto my neck and face. We both slow our movements and just breathe together for a few seconds. I let go of my chest and his cock, pushing a little of the cum off my face and lick it off my finger. "Mmmm you taste so good, J," I sexily say and lean forward, kissing him on his wide open mouth. He's gawking at me again so I decide to finish my little show for him the only logical way I can think of. I pull away from the kiss and start massaging his cum into my breasts. "This feels so good, baby," I say, trying to keep eye contact. "I hope it was good for you."
"Best afternoon of my life, y/n," he says earnestly. He pulls me up onto my feet and pulls me onto his lap and kisses me again. I can feel his truth through his kiss and it makes my heart flutter.
Instantly his hands start roaming the sides of my body. His one hand brushes back and forth over my nipple while his other hand travels down to where I've been aching for him the most. He gently brushes a finger tip over my opening and immediately I can feel him smile into the crook of my neck. "You're actually dripping, y/n. Like legit dripping wet," he says completely in awe. Still stroking just my opening, he begins to kiss my neck and I can feel him start to suck on the spot that I know, he knows drives me crazy. "Mmmm that feels so good baby, don't stop," I moan out, arching my back slightly and letting my head fall back against him.
"You really have been torturing yourself as much as you have been torturing me, haven't you?" he lustily murmurs into my neck.
"Mmmhmmm," is all I can get out, followed by a sharp and deep breath in. He chuckles at me and says "does my pretty little tease of a girlfriend want to cum?" He questions. I shake my head yes and instinctively start to grind my ass against his leg. "Jesus, you're desperate for a release aren't you babe'" he whispers.
"Please," I whisper back, sounding way more needy than I intended.
"You want my fingers in that pretty little pussy? Like this?" He questions, slowly moving my panties to the side and dipping one finger into my waiting folds. In and out, he shallowly teases my entrance. It feels good but I need more. "Please," I say again. "More please, baby," I plead.
"Whatever you want babe," he complies. Quickly he stops his teasing and puts three fingers deep into me, plunging in and out at a rapid pace. I involuntarily arch my back and hook my one arm around his neck and use the other to hold onto the seat of the chair so I don't fall. "Oh! OOOHH!" Is all I can groin out, the feeling overwhelming all of my senses as I melt into his body. He uses his free arm and hand to hold onto my hips to help keep my now shaking body steady. His arms are so long that he can reach all the way around me to my pussy and uses his fingers to dip into the top of my panties and rub circles onto my pulsating clit. The material of my underwear is so tight against my skin I can feel it start to rip but I couldn't care less. I just need more. I frantically start moving my hips and fucking myself onto his his fingers in rhythm with his hand thrusts. I'm getting so close, I can feel it beginning to boil over within me. He notices my worsening desperation and fucks me faster yet with his fingers, adding an insanely pleasurable fourth finger to the mix. At this point I feel like I'm about to lose my mind any second when he decides to stop rubbing my clit and to pinch it instead. Gentle at first but then a little harder, him being careful to make sure it was making me feel good and not hurt me, before giving me more. Quick and rough pinches followed by firm, repetitive tapping on my most sensitive and over stimulated area was enough to make me yell out his name in pure unashamed pleasure. "j...J...JJ!" I practically scream but I just can't help it. I'm so worked up that I barely recognize my own voice. My body is trembling and I'm randomly convulsing and I seem to have lost all control of my movements. If he wasn't strongly holding me in place, I'd have been on the floor a long time ago. He repeats the pinching and tapping over and over again while his thick fingers stretch me out more and more. All of the sudden I feel an indescribable high wash over me and my vision starts to go fuzzy. He does not let up though and the euphoria I feel is more than incredible. It has me screaming out like a wild animal and I feel like my entire body is on fire. Before I can even realize what's happening, I feel another intense pressure building up within me and there is no turning back now because I am on the brink of explosion. JJ can tell how close I am because all it takes is a few dirty words from him to send me over the edge.
"You're so fucking sexy like this y/n. Completely at my mercy. Show me what that body can do. Show me how you squirt for me y/n. I want your pussy to squirt all over my hand. Do you understand me? If you can do that like a good girl, I promise I'll make you squirt all over my cock when I give you the fucking you deserve, later. Come on gorgeous," he says leaning in to my ear, licking and sucking on my ear lobe. "Squirt for daddy," he whispers.
That whisper was all it took for me to come completely unraveled on his lap. The waves of pleasure circulating through my body were some of the most intense sets of orgasms I've ever experienced. I could feel myself leaking all over him and the pleasure I was receiving from it was enough to bring tears to my eyes. I was sweating, crying and panting over my ragged breathing and loss of breath. The only thing I could do was scream out in pure ecstasy and I was so intoxicated by this wonderfully strong feeling and waves of feel good emotions that I didn't care one bit how loud I was or how I sounded.
As he helped me ride out my incredible high, I got lost in a state of bliss for a few minutes. He stopped all his motions and just held me while I continued to have my tiny tremors of pure lingering pleasure every so often while I was slowly coming back down to normal. Once I finally opened my eyes and looked at him he was just staring at me again with a cocky but semi concerned look on his face. He sighed out in relief and brushed a few lingering tears off my cheek. "What," I said breathily, wondering why he was once again, staring at me with his mouth hanging open.
"Y/n," he grins at me lustily. "It's been like 5 minutes since you came babe," he says incredibly cocky and proud. "I fucking thought you were possessed for a minute," he laughs. "You just kept going and going and moaning and shit. And babe- look at us! Look at the floor! You squirted like a fucking fountain y/n. It was so hot, I'm fucking hard again. You did so good for me, gorgeous. Such a good girl." He praises me, spinning me around so I'm straddling his lap. He leans down and kisses me, making sure to take his time. I feel my cheeks heat up at his words and pull away from his kiss to take a breath. He strokes my cheek lovingly and leans in and kisses my neck reassuringly. "Daddy is so proud of you," he quietly says into my ear between kisses. The feeling of his breath on my neck and his dirty words makes me shiver a little and he pulls back and smiles at me, leaning in to kiss my lips once more. He breathes into me and I can feel all the life coming back into my body. I instantly relax and smile into his kiss. The way he contently sighs back and the way his tongue gently and passionately explores my mouth while his hands tenderly cup my face make me feel so loved in this moment. His kiss always gives it away. If he never told me again how he feels, I'd still know it because I can feel it in his touch.
He eventually and reluctantly pulls away and presses me into his chest, hugging my body tightly and takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Who knew my dumb joke would turn into all this," he chuckles. I smile into his chest and chuckle back. "Yeah who knew your donut dick would turn me on so much," I say, shaking my head. He laughs again and kisses the top of my head lovingly.
"I love you, my little freak," he says affectionately.
"Love you too, my little weirdo," I say back.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
You Should Give In
4.5k | Corey Cunningham x Fem!Reader | NSFW
“You’re sorry you didn’t recognize me?” He smiles disturbingly.  His voice gives you butterflies between your legs and takes you right back to that motel room two years ago.  His throat bobs as he takes another sip from the tiny-looking bottle.   “And I’m sorry I didn’t text you back," you add. 
You accidentally break Corey's heart pre-Michael. After his killing spree, he comes back. Smut with both Coreys.
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Amazing art by @cordelium 💚💚 commission info
corey tags: @ethanhoewke @wolvesandvampires @rebel-blue @kuromi2005. thx @dark-scape
cw: alcohol, dub-con, kinda darkish?
December 2020 
After his manslaughter trial, Corey took a bus out of Haddonfield one weekend to get away from it all, and he ended up where you live.  It's barely a scattering of a town, but it has a truck stop and a bus stop, so it gets enough traffic to have a motel and bar, which are in the same parking lot.  You work at the bar. 
The night you met, he was already at the bar when you clocked in.  The first thing you noticed was his enormous hand dwarfing his drink, making it look like an airplane bottle.  There was something so hot about his knuckles and the way he held the bottle.  He caught you looking and smiled shyly.  That's when you started noticing his beautiful face.  His strong nose.  The pain behind his glasses.  There was an intensity about him, too. All his gloom and cowering. 
Corey didn't really drink much of his beer.  He mostly played with the label.  You offered to get him something else, and he asked for chocolate milk.  You thought he was joking, but when you giggled, he looked at you earnestly with big dairy cow eyes magnified by his glasses.  Your heart melted.  When you said you didn't have any chocolate milk, he was dejected. "Yeah, I figured."   
When you saw that sad look in his eyes, you suddenly recognized him.  He was much hotter and bigger in person than he was on the news.  Face to face with him, there was no doubt in your mind that Jeremy's death was an accident.  You felt awful for Corey. You just wanted to give him a hug.  You took him under your wing. 
You offered to make him a mudslide on the house instead of chocolate milk. You promised he'd like it.  You made it with extra chocolate syrup, and he loved it.  He perked up.  It was a slow night, so you chatted with him.  Got to know him a little bit.  You egged him on to take an oatmeal cookie shot with you, not realizing he was a total lightweight.  It really didn't take more than that before he was giggling and slurring, flirting with you one minute, then getting emotional the next.  He never talked about the accident, but he talked about his home life and it didn't sound good.  He played early Modest Mouse on the jukebox.  You didn't let him leave your sight.   His drunkenness was your doing, after all. 
He had a room at the motel.  When you got off work, you walked him back there to make sure he was safe.  He invited you in, and you thought you'd stay just long enough to let him get settled.   He didn't ask in a seductive way.  It was somewhere between lonely and friendly.  You were enjoying his company, anyway.   But when he started removing his multiple layers of clothing and you saw what was underneath, there was no going back for you.  Holy shit, he was solid. He took off his henley, revealing thick arms and strong pecs.    And he kept stripping, too.  No inhibitions.  
While you were quietly distracted by his body, his mood darkened a little.  He laid down on the bed and said he never wanted to go back home.  His lip was quivering.  By that point, he was in just his briefs and glasses, with a plaid blanket he brought from home draped haphazardly across half his body.  You told him you understood and offered to make him lunch at the bar the next day if he wanted to talk more about it.   He asked you not to leave.  
You put Ghost Adventurers quietly on the TV and laid on the bed with him. There was something pathetic about him being in underwear and glasses and you being fully dressed.  So when spread out his blanket and invited you under it,  you took off your pants first.  Then, you cozied up to him and stroked his hair comfortingly as he nuzzled into the hollow of your neck.    
He looked at you affectionately and you kissed him on the head.  Then, he lifted his head and looked at you longingly, and you kissed him on the mouth.  You held him and kissed him, and he kissed you, as you half-watched the show.  Soon enough, you were kissing more than watching.  You abandoned the show completely as you made out and things heated up.  He kissed you like you were an oasis in the desert. You probably were. 
You nestled a leg between his meaty thighs and palmed his chest.  His body took your breath away.  A hardness in his briefs started poking your thigh.  By the time you grabbed his cock, he was rock hard and whimpering for you.  The moment you held his naked girth in your hand, you gasped softly as butterflies swarmed in your chest and core.  You badly, badly needed him.  
“I want to be with you,” he whispered. “I want you so bad.”  He moaned and whimpered as you moved the skin on his thick shaft.  
You couldn't think it through.  You couldn't think at all.  All your blood had rushed somewhere else. 
Corey fumbled at your bra.  There was something on his face, like he could hardly believe it was happening.  He struck you as almost virginal.  You took the lead and put a condom on him, then mounted him.  He let out a low, breathy groan as you sank onto his impressive cock with a moan of your own.  It felt so right, filling yourself with his cock.  It was the perfect stretch.  You rode him and his hips lifted into you desperately.  You leaned into him for friction as you rolled into him.  His massive hands held your thighs and he'd say things in his low, sexy voice like "You feel so good" and "God, you're beautiful." 
He came pretty fast, but you were close.  You finished yourself off and he was eager to help and learn.  You fell asleep in bed with him.  
You woke up before dawn with Corey spooning you, his arms holding you tight, both of you nude.   His morning wood was upright and dug into your lower back and crack until you gently shifted it between your thighs.  He rutted against your slick seam in his sleep.  Before long, you were desperate for a second round.  You put his huge hand on your hard nipple and traced the veins from his wrist to his fingers.  
You were too desperate to be smart, but at least you were on the pill.  As soon as he stirred awake and kissed your neck, you reached down between your legs and guided his cock just inside you.  The moan that erupted from his mouth set you on fire.  Your whole body felt like it could burst at any moment.  He buried himself inside you, holding your breast, breathing heavily in your ear.  He kissed your neck, moaning, sighing, rolling his hips, filling you with his thick, hard cock, lasting longer this time.  As soon as you came, he pulled out, then you felt his hot cum on the small of your back.      
You cuddled for a while after that and fell back asleep.   When you next woke up, sticky with his cum between you, you rolled over and faced Corey.  He was affectionate, looking deep into your eyes, stroking your hair, telling you how much he liked you.  You kept thinking, he hardly knew you.  You didn't know if he would like you as much if he did.  Those days, you didn't want to let anyone get close enough to find out.  You had gone through a rough patch of your own and your self worth hadn't yet recovered.  
You went home to shower before work and you brought a bottle of chocolate milk back to the bar with you.  You knew Corey would come for lunch and hoped it would cheer him up if he was feeling blue again.  When you gave him the chocolate milk that you brought just for him. . . he looked at you like he was in love with you.  That moment gave you more than an inkling you were leading him on.  You didn't mean to – you really liked him – you were just afraid and dealing with your own issues at the time.  
Your affection for him began to get drowned out by discomfort.  Your kindness alone might not have been construed as anything more than that.  But you fucked him twice . . . And you wondered if you were his first.   Every nice gesture after that would only bond him to you more.  
Corey stayed at the bar all day, not really drinking much.  While you were busy, he poorly played pool and darts.  When it was slow, he talked to you, but it wasn't the same fun, casual banter you enjoyed the night before.  There was a puppy dog vibe, like you owned him and he was lost without you. That scared you because you didn't want to hurt him more than he'd already been hurt in the past year.   You didn't want to get his hopes up for something more and have the whole thing become another disappointment. 
You shut down and told him you had to go somewhere after work.   As much as your body wanted to go back to his motel room, your gut was telling you that you didn't have the capacity to nurture him the way he needed.  He was clearly upset when he left but tried not to show it.  He said he was going back to Haddonfield but hoped to see you again.  There must have been hell to pay when he got back, from what he shared with you about his mother.
After he went back to Haddonfield, he texted you piningly as if you were dating.  He was trying to make plans for when to see each other again.  He even mused about getting a job in your town.  You told him you weren't ready for a relationship and needed to spend some time alone. 
He tried to convince you.  Eventually, he left you alone, but you always wondered if he'd be back one day.  You actually missed him.  You thought about him over the next year or two as you got yourself together.  He was a good guy.  You started to realize maybe you shouldn't have sabotaged yourself.  You were as worthy and deserving of love as anyone else.  But it was too late, you thought. 
Present Day :  November 2022
You’re closing the bar tonight. It’s slow, with just a couple of regulars slumped over the bar exchanging occasional words. Given the recent carnage in nearby Haddonfield, people haven't been going out as much.  There might as well be a curfew.  Some people still don't believe Michael is dead.  Others speculate about him having a partner still at large. The regulars have been walking you to your car every night just in case.  
You’re restocking the liquor and eavesdropping on the latest gossip between the regulars when a burly, dark shape walks in alone.  He sits down at the bar and orders a beer.  You give it to him without fully  meeting his eyes and don’t recognize him until you see those hands dwarfing the bottle and do a double take.  Sure enough, he has the same pinky ring.  No glasses or jacket.  Blue button-up shirt with the collar popped.  Blue khakis.  His hair is dark, and his curls are wild.   His face is banged up.  A fresh cut bridges his nose.  He’s muscular, imposing.  His presence is intimidating.  He's like a different man. 
You realize you’re staring.  “Corey,” you say.  “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you.”
There’s a long moment of silence, like he’s waiting for you to say something more.  He looks at the bottle in his hand and takes a sip. 
“You’re sorry you didn’t recognize me?” He smiles disturbingly.  His voice gives you butterflies between your legs and takes you right back to that motel room two years ago.  His throat bobs as he takes another sip from the tiny-looking bottle.  
“And I’m sorry I didn’t text you back," you add. 
“Yeah,” he says, raising a brow.  He holds eye contact and his jaw clenches. "You know, you also took something from me."  Your heart sinks.  His virginity?  You always suspected it. 
“I shouldn't have," you say. 
"Oh, you regret it?" He challenges you. You're squirming, and he seems to be enjoying it. 
"Of course not. Just, I wasn’t in a place where I could handle–"
"-me," he sighs. 
"I'm sorry.”  
He shrugs.  "Apology accepted,” he says unconvincingly.   “What place are you in now?” 
"Um, good question."  You look around and decide not to answer.  His erect collar catches your eye again, drawing attention to his facial injuries.   God, he looks hot.  
He smirks as he notices you checking him out.  
“You look good,” you say, wiping the bar with a rag.  “I’ll be back.”  You pour the regulars a round.  Corey keeps his eyes on you like a hawk.   You’re wearing a skirt and fishnet stockings – better tips that way.   
When you come back, you ask Corey what brings him into town.  He tells you he’s on his way out of the area for good.  "And I'm taking you with me," he adds matter-of-factly. 
You're stunned. Your lips part but you don't know how to react.  
He rolls his eyes and adds, "If you want, of course." 
You ask him what he’s going to do.  He looks around and answers obtusely, “Maybe I’ll practice my pool game.”  His gravelly voice really does something to you.  Your butterflies aren't fading, they're multiplying. 
You get the triangle of pool balls from under the bar and hand it to him, forcing a smile.  His large hand wraps around yours as he takes it and there’s a spark between you.  He holds your gaze then walks back to the billiards.  He racks the balls and rolls up his sleeves.  You forget to blink. He must have put on at least 15 kg of muscle, and he was already built before.  He grabs a cue stick off the wall and comes around the table so his ass is facing you.  He bends over and looks back at you before he takes the break shot.  You look away and start cleaning the counter again, but your eyes keep returning to him.   
You bring him his drink and he thanks you.  
You linger and ask,“How'd you get so good?"
He looks you up and down and shrugs.  “Grab a cue.  I’ll show you.” 
You look at the bar and it’s still those regulars.  You know they’ll be there until closing.  You grab a stick off the wall.
Corey crosses his toned arms and says, “Show me what you’ve got.”   His eyes are dark.  Part of you finds his presence unnerving, but the warm, wet part of you is grateful for the excuse to bend over in front of him. 
You lean over the pool table and Corey crowds you.  You don't mind the cliche when he gets all the way up against you to show you how it’s done.  He puts both his huge hands over yours.  His hands are as scratched up as his face.  His chin rests on your shoulder, and his body leans into yours.  
He says, "First lesson."  A hardness swells against your skirt, then his lips brush your ear.  “Don’t start something you can't finish,” he whispers. You swallow.  His hand on yours takes the shot, and a ball rolls into a pocket.  
“I’m sorry,” you whisper as you begin to stand upright.  You turn your head and try to turn your body, but he has you pinned to the table.
“Or someone will have to finish it for you,” he adds, then his lips barely brush the skin below your ear.  Your ass subtly pushes back into him before you can stop it.  He takes the cue and places the stick on the table.  His massive hands feel up the sides of your thighs, sliding up under your skirt.  His breath is hot on your cheek as he grinds his arousal into you.   Your breath hitches and all your blood rushes to your loins.  He gives you space to turn around.    
“Closing time, right?,” Corey says, looking at the clock behind you.  He reaches around you and picks up the bottle to take a sip of his beer.   
Your heart flutters.“Yeah, it’s just a few minutes-”
He slams his empty bottle down and walks over to the jukebox and puts on Nine Inch Nails. 
You straighten your skirt and compose yourself to go close out the regulars.  
One of them asks if you’re good and you say yes.  He yells over to Corey telling him to walk you to your car.  
Corey gives him a thumbs up and a smile that sends a chill down your spine.  The regulars leave.  
Your face is warm as you look at Corey and come back out from behind the bar.  
“Should I go?” He booms from the billiards table over the music.  The last thing you want is for him to leave.  You know you shouldn’t let him stick his crazy in you, but you’re thinking with the wrong head.  
“It's okay. I still have some clean-up,” you say.  You wipe down the other end of the bar as he plays pool.  You start stacking chairs on top of tables, and you get to the one that’s closest to him.  You watch him with your heart racing.  You're getting wetter and wetter as he clears all the balls and puts the cue sticks back on the wall. 
He leans his ass and both hands against the pool table and crosses his ankles.  His jaw clenches.  
"Here's the deal. I'll leave if you want.  But if I stay. . . you're really mine this time."  He looks you dead in the eye.  
You don't say anything.  You step closer and start to grab the empty bottle beside him, but before you touch it, he intercepts you with a large, veiny hand on your wrist.  He brings your hand to the bulge in his pants and his lips part as he stares at you darkly.  Your palm meets the hardness in his pants, and it sends a tingling rush through your body.  The cut on the bridge of his nose intensifies the darkness of his gaze.   
“So, what's it going to be?” Corey asks. The vein on his neck bulges.
You swallow.  You can’t form words.  You remember to blink, and your eyelashes flutter.  
He lets go of your hand, but you leave it on his pants.  He subtly thrusts into your palm and your fingers involuntarily cradle his girth.  You find your body gravitating closer.  His eyes look back and forth between yours.  Your eyelids are getting heavy as you look back at him.
He presses you for an answer.  "Should I leave?"
Your eyes close and you take a deep breath.  “No,” you whisper.   
“Are you sure?”  He lightly strokes your temple with his thumb as he searches your eyes.  “Because once you're mine, I’m not letting go.”  His dark eyes smile.  
This is bad.  You know better.  You know *so much* better.  Tell him to leave.  Tell him to never come back.  You beg your legs to walk away, but they don’t.  
His face gets closer, and his hands come to your hips.  His nose brushes yours and your mouth hungrily accepts his perfect  lips.  He swells harder into your hand.  His lips move from your mouth to your neck, and he kisses, then licks, then marks you as though to illustrate his point.  
He steps out from between you and the pool table and your hand falls empty as he gets behind you again like he was earlier with the cue stick.  He grinds his thick arousal into you and his hands rove your thighs.  He lifts up your skirt so the bulge of his pants is against your stockings and he sighs. His khakis are smooth and soft and his bulge is hard and warm.  You're absolutely aching for him.  
It doesn't help that the song “Closer" is starting to play. Your primitive self is taking over. 
"You should give in," he says in a low voice. "But I'm not going to make you. Say the word and I'm gone" 
For a moment, he allows a couple of inches of space between your ass and his pants, and you ache for him closer again.  
"Don't go," your cock-blind mouth whispers.  
He closes the gap and chews on the nape of your neck as he grinds into you.  One of his hands comes between the two of you.  His large knuckles graze your ass.  You hear his zipper, and a wave of arousal floods your body.  
"Really? Think you can handle it?" He asks.  
He's not talking about his cock, but it's the only thing on your mind.  You barely nod. 
After a few seconds of rustling, his warm, stiff arousal smashes into the nook at the bottom of your ass, his skin on your skin through the soft diamonds of your stockings.  Corey's arm hooks around you and nestles between your breasts as his large hand wraps around your neck as he inhales the crown of your head.  His huge fingers apply light pressure to your neck and his forearm flexes,  making your knees weak with desire.  He could probably strangle you with that one big hand.  You don't flinch.  The pressure intensifies briefly before abruptly turning into a caress.  Then, he sucks the hell out of your neck. The pain puckers your nipples, and goosebumps prickle across your body.
His other hand slides around your waist, under your shirt, under your bra, and cups your breast, palming your hard nipple while he grinds his hardness into your ass and kisses the nape of your neck.  He crosses both hands in front of you and you let him take off your shirt.  Then, he expertly removes your bra.  He gropes your breasts and stomach and breathes heavily into your ear, his hardness thickening against you.  
He turns you around to face him.  His chest rises and falls as he looks at you.  His hard girth presses into your front.  He hikes your skirt up all the way over your ass, wraps his arms around you, and grabs your ass with both of his hands.   One hand slides down your crack, the heel of his palm pressing down on your stockings between your cheeks, then creeps between your legs.  Two of his thick digits run lightly - unbearably lightly - over your clit, then he slips them inside the soaked crotch of your stockings and your ample wetness meets his meaty fingers.  
"Fuck," he says. Your hips roll into him and tension coils tightly in your core.   His other hand massages you from the front.  You're engulfed by both his large hands, one from the back and one from the front.  Meanwhile, his nose drags across your neck and shoulder inhaling your scent.  
The thick fingers from each hand meet at a single diamond hole in the stockings, and he rips them wide open.  Your thighs tremble.  You want him so bad, he can take you anywhere he wants.
You practically jump up onto the pool table and lift your knees as he spreads them.  One huge hand on the small of your back steadies you there while his other hand holds his hard cock.  He looks down at himself then up at you as he thumbs the tip where precum is beading.  
"Last chance to back out," he whispers gruffly with a snarl.  Your legs wrap around him before you can think. You can't speak.  You just barely shake your head no.
He drags his swollen tip along your dripping cunt and leaves it nestled at your entrance.  Both his hands come behind you and he teases your warm, wet hole with short thrusts.  Not even the head is fully penetrating you. The tension deep inside you coils tighter and warmer.  Your whole body is dizzy with need for him. 
"You really want it that bad," he breathes, looking at you with black eyes.  "Bad enough to give up everything." 
Warmth rushes your face.  You nod and your eyes water at your lack of restraint. The swollen head of his cock begins to breach your entrance.  The stretch makes you gasp.  You don’t remember it being like this.  He plunges into you, parting your insides, filling you to the brim.  His hips rock into you, fucking you slowly and smoothly at first, but soon he begins to bury himself inside you more forcefully.  The coil in your core pulses and threatens to spring you open.   
Each thrust fills you with something you can't even describe.  You've never felt anything like this, not even when you fucked him before. Your whole body feels electrified.  An energy you don't understand is pouring out of him and into you as your bodies become one.  His cock makes you physically complete.  You start to miss it even while it's still inside you.  The thought of even an inch of air between you stings your eyes.  You never want to be apart. 
He feels so fucking good, and the way he glides so firm and full inside you, the way he holds you, it's all so perfect.  You think, why not? Why not go with him? His pace quickens with his arms tight around you, using the edge of the pool table for balance as he thrusts into you.  
He grunts softly into your ear, and you know you can’t hold off much longer.   "Fuck, you feel good," he growls.  "You were made for me."  The sound of his voice sends you.  You moan as the rush floods your body in waves.  You flutter around his cock and his big hands grip your ass.  He pulls you even tighter into him and grunts with each of your contractions.  He erupts  inside you in enormous pulses, filling you up with his hot seed.  
As he catches his breath, he takes your hands in his and closes his eyes.  When he opens his eyes, they're watery.  "I've wanted this for so long," he says.  "I thought about you so much." His arms engulf you as you sit on the table.  
“Meet Your Master” starts playing. 
"I thought about you, too," you say into his chest. 
"No," he says confidently.  He slowly adds, "You have no idea how much I've thought about you.  How many times and ways."  He kisses your head then your lips, and the kiss becomes passionate.  He pulls back and looks at you, reading your face like a book.  His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. "You've been mine all along."  He strokes your hair.  "And I won't ever let you go again." 
Your stomach turns a little, but he kisses you hard, and it drowns out the doubt for now.
His eyes darken to black, and his voice deepens.  "Because if I can't have you, no one will." 
BONUS: Alternate/deleted sexual position (lol)
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stevenose · 2 years
hiiiii i wrote this lil thing for @moodring-eyes for their support 💖 ily ang 💖💖
summary: steve can’t figure out why his bedsheets always smell like sex til he gets sent home early from work.
contains: perv!reader, reader with vagina, reader with boobs, use of the phrase “good girl” for reader, scent kink, masturbation, kind of gross steve/reader, reader touches themself in steve’s bed til they get caught <3
warning: this ain’t proof read on account of author stoned
18+!!! minors dni!!!!
Steve knows something is up, he just can’t figure out what. And after an eight-hour shift at Family Video, he’s not really in the investigative mood. All he knows is that his bedsheets have been smelling like sex when he pointedly has not had sex in weeks.
Not just sex - it smells like cunt. Sweet and unique and unmistakable. And every time he washes them the clean scent only lasts a day or two before the intoxicating scent comes back.
Steve’s first idea: maybe he smells like pussy. A quick sniff test disproves the theory. Steve’s second idea: maybe it’s the mattress. He strips the bedsheets and smells again - there’s something slightly there, but certainly not enough to notice the way he’s been noticing.
It’s absolutely the sheets.
And then, just as he’s trying to understand how on earth this is happening, he notices things in his room moving around. Shirts - underwear - that he knows he’s thrown in the hamper will be laying beside it when he gets home. His shampoo bottle will be in a different place in the shower than he left it in the morning. He’s not really freaked about any of this, just confused. No explanation makes sense. His parents aren’t home enough, nor do they care enough, to come into his room and rifle through his shit. And if his parents are having sex on his bed, then there’s a bigger problem going on.
It’s a Wednesday afternoon. The power goes out at Family Video and won’t come back on. Keith, irritated and irritating, tells Steve to go home early. Elated, he skips out to his car, excited to go home and do absolutely nothing the rest of the day. As he’s walking inside, he’s even thinking about ordering takeout, maybe inviting someone over - what the hell is that noise?
It’s familiar. Steve’s heard a lot of moaning in his life - just the facts. It’s not a moan he’s heard before, but one that makes his heart rate pick up, and he can tell it’s coming from his room. He grabs a heavy decorative paperweight from the coffee table in the living room before moving up the stairs. His bedroom door isn’t even shut. The closer he gets, the louder the moans. He can even smell the same scent from his bedsheets in the hallway. Paperweight in hand, he peaks around the doorframe.
Steve never thought, in his entire life, that he would ever see you naked. Or in his bed. Or with your tiny fingers knuckle-deep in your cunt. Your head’s thrown back and neck on display - everything’s on display for him. All pretty and loud on his mattress. It takes him a minute to take it all in, his cock starting to strain in his jeans. His eyes move all around your figure before he sees what’s balled up in your free hand - a pair of his underwear. 
Holy shit. He’s at a loss. He’s always had a thing for you, a fondness, but you would blush if he so much breathed towards you. You seemed scared of him. Always jumpy and nervous but still very adorable and endearing.
It’s like something out of his craziest, pot induced sex fantasies. One that would never involve you. He never took you for someone to break and enter. 
Steve doesn’t even know what to say. For a second he thinks maybe he should give you some privacy. Then he realizes this is his room, his house, his bed. The sight is stunning, but he’s still more confused than anything. He has to say something. 
“Uh.” God, his throat’s dry. 
You gasp and snap your legs shut, throwing your hands over your tits. Steve’s cock kicks again. You’re so fucked out. He can smell you.
“Steve,” you pant, bolting upright. You’re clearly horrified. Steve would be, too. “You. Work?”
“Lights shut off.” He doesn’t know what else to say. “Um. What- what’s goin’ on?”
You’re near tears, face red from being caught. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t - you weren’t supposed to….”
Steve really wishes he was mad. Like a normal person. But he’d be such a liar if he said this didn’t turn him on. Someone wanting him so badly that they’d sneak into his room and use his dirty clothes to get off - then acting normal during shifts together. Like you weren’t a pervert. Like you didn’t get off to the scent of him. Like you weren’t fucking yourself silly on his bed and wishing it was him while he was slaving away at work. It almost wasn't fair. 
“You could’ve said something,” he says, stepping into the room. He shuts the door behind him. He’s not sure that he can keep his hands to himself and at least he has the decency to shut people out. 
“Like what?” you whisper. You’re still covering yourself up. 
Steve stares at you for a moment, crossing his arms against his chest. He sees your thighs press together - you’re still trying to get off? It ignites something in Steve, one of those feelings that makes him feel like he’s going to catch on fire. “Are you still trying to get off? Even after I caught you? Like you’re not a perv?”
“I’m not.” You sound so confident in it - like you’ve convinced yourself that what you’ve been doing isn’t weird. “Look - I’ll leave, and we never, ever have to talk about this aga-”
Steve’s going for it. “You think you can get off that easy? After you’ve soaked my sheets with your cum for a month? We have a lot to talk about, actually. How about you show me what’s in your hand?”
Your eyes get wide. He loves it, loves watching you shift in embarrassment. “They’re my underwear,” you say, clutching them harder. But Steve can see your underwear on the floor beside his bed. Your eyes follow his, and he watches you blush harder. 
“Show me.”
You drop his briefs from your hand with a slight groan of humiliation. Steve’s dick aches.
He licks his lips. “What were you doing with those?”
It’s funny how irritated you’re getting. “You know what,” you hiss, shifting uncomfortably. “Just let me get dressed.”
“No.” Steve moves to sit on the bed in front of you. You try to cover yourself up more and he scoffs. “What are you hiding for? Bet you wanted to get caught. Wanted me to catch you fucking yourself in my bed. Is that why you left the door open?”
“Was a mistake.” Your voice sounds thick, your eyes getting wet again. Steve feels bad, the way the tears make him crave you.
“A mistake? Did you get too excited? Couldn’t even take a minute to lock the door?”
“Steve,” you plead.
His eyes soften a bit. “I want to see you,” he says. “I want to see exactly what you’ve been doin’ on my bed.”
Your brows crease, unable to understand. “What?”
“Show me,” he repeats. “Not gonna leave me guessing now, are ya?”
You exhale shakily. Steve drinks it in. Drinks in your skin when you move your arms away from your breasts, exposing yourself to him. Beautiful. And when you lay back hesitantly and open your legs, Steve sighs loudly. You’re so wet. Soaked all the way down to mid-thigh. He can see a stain under you and he groans at the thought of this mess you’ve been leaving him. Your pussy’s so pretty and smells so sweet and he’s determined to taste every inch of it once he’s done indulging himself.
“You’re beautiful,” he finally says. “Really. Just wish you would’ve been a good girl and asked me first.”
“You… you would’ve said no,” you assert.
“I’m here now, aren’t I?”
You blush at the implication.
“You gonna gonna show me or what?”
Glaring slightly, you reach down to touch yourself, running two fingers up your folds. As they part, Steve can see how ruined your cunt is. It was clear you’d been fucking yourself for a while before he found you. He groans and watches you slip your fingers inside of you, watches your eyes roll back and chest heave. He’d love filling you up, whether it’s with his fingers or tongue or cock. He wonders if you can even take him. Might have to work you open nice and slow and God, he really doesn’t want to work slow. His patience is running thin and he’s about to explode in his Levis.
“Have you only been using two? My cock’s bigger than that.”
“I know,” you moan. “Can see you through your jeans.”
“Jesus,” he whispers. “Starin’ at my cock at work, huh? That why you’re always blushing around me? Thinking about getting stretched out on my dick? Answer me.”
“Yes!” you wail, fucking into yourself harder.
Steve wants to taste you so badly. Finally get a taste of what’s been haunting him. Your fingers are slick as they pump in and out of you, your clit neglected and puffy. He runs a hand through his hair instead of reaching out for you. But you whine, frowning as you look at him through thick lashes, and it gains his attention. Your fingers slow and you instead grind down on them as you whimper, “Steve.”
His heart melts a bit at your tone. “What? Gettin’ shy on me?”
You take a breath. “Can’t - can’t you just t-touch me?”
“Shit,” he groans, finally moving to straddle your hips. His hands fly down to his zipper and he frees himself just enough to get some friction when he leans down to kiss you, hot and furious. His teeth bite into your bottom lip and he curls a hand into your hair to bring you closer. “Fuck,” he rasps, pulling half an inch away from your lips. “Little slut. Want me so bad? How about you taste me instead of my underwear this time?”
“Steve,” you whine, finally reaching for your clit. You stick your tongue out and Steve almost comes over it. But he takes a deep breath and looks at the headboard while he strips himself the entire way, climbing back over you and resting the pink tip of his cock on your tongue.
“C’mon, baby,” he coos, feeding himself inside of your mouth. “Let’s give your filthy tongue what it wants.”
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she-is-juniper · 2 years
Reckless Serenade // Austin Butler x Reader
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Pairing: Austin Butler x f!Reader
Type: oneshot / standalone (can be read as a prequel to The Devil I Know)
Summary: You and Austin are in a new relationship, and you’ve been teasing him all week, so by the time the weekend hits, Austin decides to try out a few of his kinks on you.
Word Count: 5K
Rating: E (Explicit) ***18+ only. Minors DNI or you will be blocked.
Warnings: smut, exhibitionism, car sex, semi-public sex, oral sex (female- receiving), dominant/submissive relationship, degradation, slight edging, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, folks), Austin being absolutely filthy, dirty talk
A/N:      Happy Sinful Saturday ♡ This can be read as a prequel to my fic "The Devil I Know", but also functions well on its own. Full disclosure: This oneshot is essentially a rewrite of an old fic of mine that I published on a past blog. That being said, I’ve added things, adjusted details, and frankly made it a lot better. The important thing is that it was 100% my fic when it was originally published, and it’s 100% my fic now!
     This is a work of fiction and is not intended to be taken as truth or fact. I do not claim to own Austin Butler or any other affiliated names or fictional events. Other details, such as names, locations, and events, are also fictionalized. PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT PUBLIC SEX, INCLUDING CAR SEX, IS ILLEGAL; this is FICTION and not intended to be replicated. Please, for the love of all that is holy, do not get yourself arrested.
     Please also note that the representations of body types in my moodboard are not intended to exclude anybody of any race, ethnicity, or body shape. The purpose of the moodboard is simply to emulate the essence or mood of the fic's settings/characters/relationships.
Enjoy! ◡̈ -Juni
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Even for a girl who comes from humble beginnings, you certainly have a taste for the finer things in life. And dating Austin Butler is certainly one of those finer things.
Keep reading
“How do I look?”
You smirk and twirl your body to give Austin a full 360 of your body. You’re wearing a new gown, a sleek silver number by Dior you’d snatched on a whim last weekend. It fits you like a glove—or rather, like a second skin—and the expensive quality of the fabric makes you look like you’re dripping with opulent grace. A slit in the skirt accentuates your smooth leg along with the new Louboutin stilettos you’ll probably regret wearing later. And, of course, you're wearing a new fragrance you're starting to believe might become your new signature—Papillon's Salome.
Maybe it’s all a little too much for a Friday night dinner to celebrate your boyfriend’s agent’s birthday. But the restaurant you’re going to is more than nice enough to constitute a valid reason for formal wear.
And the look of hunger in Austin’s eyes is worth it. He says nothing as he watches you, his legs crossed, his fingers absentmindedly stroking the leather of the armchair he sits in at the corner of your bedroom. A mischievous upward lilt is growing at the corners of his mouth. He needs no words to express what he’s thinking.
Still, you continue to subtly show off your figure for him, turning toward your dresser mirror to adjust your earrings.
“You don’t think it’s too much?” you ask, hoping he doesn’t ignore the way you arch your back as you lean to reach for a simple necklace. “I know it’s just a birthday dinner—”
“You look perfect,” Austin says simply.
You turn to smile at him. He looks pretty perfect too, in a dark jacket and trousers combination that pairs nicely with a black button-down shirt. You love it when he wears dark colors. 
“Okay, I’m ready. Shall we go?”
Austin nods and stands. He leads you outside with a delicate hand on the small of your back. It’s odd that he’s restraining himself from touching you more, especially when you know how much he loves you in a dress.
But that look in his eyes… You wonder how long he intends to let the night go by before demanding you to strip it off.
Not a dull day has passed in your budding relationship with Austin Butler. For a man so charming and collected on the outside, he’s full of surprising twists that always leave you guessing what he’ll be doing next. You’ve only been dating him for a few weeks, and his unpredictability has made every moment exhilarating.
The sex has been constant and unbelievably good. You'd never experienced anything even remotely like it. The first time Austin had you, you were blown away by the sheer passion in everything he did. From the precise way he planted kisses along every inch of your skin, to the fire burning in his gaze as he slid into you for the first time and every time after that, you knew he was as addicted to you as you were to him. You trusted him entirely with your body, and he seemed to reciprocate that responsibility with the utmost care of you and your pleasure.
But everything is still very new. And you can’t help but feel like he’s holding something back.
Austin opens the passenger door of his car for you, and then circles to the driver’s side to climb in and start the engine. You check the clock in the dashboard: 7:05 p.m. You and he are going to arrive a little early to the 7:30 reservation. Which is surprising, seeing as you tend to run late to things when Austin is involved.
It feels strangely tense between you and Austin the whole drive. You make small talk about your day, and he about his. But he’s acting…off. You want to look at his face to gleam some kind of clarity about his mood, but his blue eyes are glued on the road.
Watching his fingers stroke the steering wheel twists your core in the best of ways. You cross your thighs and squeeze them together tightly, yearning to feel those fingers of his on your skin. All week, you’d been so busy with your own work, and he with meetings and promotional photoshoots. You hadn’t had quality time with him in ages. And you missed him, missed him in every way. Frankly, your underwear has been soaking wet with anticipation since the weekend had begun.
“Is everything okay?” you ask quietly after a long stretch of silence.
Austin gnaws on the inside of his cheek, looking very much like he’s trying not to say something. “Yeah, everything’s fine,” he says finally.
Austin has a lot of moods, you’ve found. But you haven’t known him long enough to figure out what mood this one is. “Okay, I just wanted to make sure. You’re just a little quiet is all.” You reach across the cab and place a tentative hand on his thigh.
The gesture is meant to be reassuring, but a little sound emits from Austin’s mouth that sounds oddly like a growl.
“Y/N,” he says.
“What?” you reply.
“You’re such a fucking tease.”
You’re taken aback, primarily because you can’t decipher the tone of his voice. Is he angry with you? You frown, withdrawing your hand from his leg. His eyes break away from the road to follow the movement of your hand.
“You think I’m a tease?” you say.
Maybe it’s your imagination, but you think you see a small shudder runs down his spine. “You’ve been taunting me all night. All week.”
He isn’t wrong. In the brief encounters you’ve had with Austin this week, you’ve been flirty on purpose, giggly and touchy and suggestive. You wanted to give him something to look forward to for this weekend, for the plans you and he had made to catch up. But was it too much? Is he mad now? Is this about to become your first fight?
“I… I didn’t mean…”
Austin presses his lips into a tight line as he pulls the car into the parking lot of the restaurant, which was a high-end steakhouse in West Hollywood with a private room for events such as these. He parks in the shadowed alley around the corner of the building, a good distance away, even though there are ample spots to park closer to the entrance. What little light there is left in the dusk sky is shrouded by the side of the building.
Austin cuts the engine. You and he sit in silence for too long.
“You’re mad,” you ask, but it comes out as more of a confused-sounding statement.
You wait for him to confirm it, but instead, Austin swiftly unbuckles his seatbelt and leans over to take your face in his hands—grabs you, really, more harshly than you’d been expecting. He’s scowling. And then he kisses you.
As his lips find yours, you’re surprised by his roughness. Despite the smoothness of his clean-shaven face, he's rough with his actions, as one of his hands buries in your hair and the other presses firmly against your neck. Desperation seeps from his tongue, which traces your top lip.
“Aus,” you whisper. In response, he lets out a low groan. It’s suddenly clear; he wants you . You realize you’ve mistaken anger with sexual frustration.
“Get in the backseat,” he murmurs as he breaks away.
“Austin,” you say his name in full now.
“Do it.” His voice is stern and husky.
You understand now why Austin wanted to get here so early, and you feel even more wetness pool between your thighs as you comply with his request. You climb over the middle storage compartment and onto the sleek black leather of the backseat. He had removed all of the seats to make room for all his gigging equipment, so without a backseat, you sit on the floor of the van and blink up at him in anticipation. Austin follows suit, crouching on the floor in front of you, right beside your legs. But he doesn’t kiss you again.
“You know how I feel about being teased, baby?” His eyes rake over your body. Two slow, teasing hands grab the floor-length hem of your gown and pull it up your legs, revealing more and more of your legs with each passing second. He situates himself in between them. “You’re playing with fire. I know exactly what I want from you, and when I want it,” he continues in a dangerous voice. “And when I don’t get it…” He tsks.
You gasp at the cool air as Austin hikes your dress up to your thighs, finally revealing your thin panties.
“You’ve been very naughty this week,” he drawls, glaring up at you through lowered eyes. “Teasing me with your touches, those dirty texts, all while you knew I was too busy to do anything about it. And then you put this dress on.” He caresses the expensive material of your dress that’s bunched around your thighs. “You knew exactly what you were doing to me, didn’t you, sweetheart?”
“Austin,” you whisper, looking around outside out the window. You and he were in a parking lot, for fuck’s sake.
He just smirks with a raised eyebrow, the lust in his blue eyes crystal clear. “I think it’s time I get what I want,” he says.
You bite your lip, wanting him to hurry up and start touching you already. “What do you want, Aus?” you whisper, grabbing for one of his hands and dragging it up your bare leg.
But Austin withdraws his hand from your skin. “Naughty girls don’t get touched,” he scolds.
You huff in exasperation. “Please, Aus—”
He cuts you off. “No begging, that’s not gonna work on me today.”
Fuck, he’s gonna drive you crazy. You huff again and slouch against the backrest of the seat, crossing your arms in frustration. If he isn’t going to touch you, what the hell was the point of getting into the backseat?
Austin looks up at you with a self-satisfied sneer. He pulls himself up toward your face, bringing a gentle hand up to brush your cheek with his fingers. “I won’t touch you right now, sweetheart, but I want you to touch yourself,” he whispers hoarsely into your ear. It sends an involuntary chill down your spine and toward your core.
“You…you want…” You flinch as Austin nips your earlobe gently, an unexpected action that makes you keen, despite your best efforts.
Austin traces your parted lips with a gentle thumb. “That’s right,” he says. “But you’re going to need to listen very carefully to everything I say. Understand?”
You nod, gulping. This is new for him. Outside the car, you can hear the sounds of people chatting as they enter or leave the restaurant. God, you’re relieved the car’s windows are so darkly tinted.
Austin pulls away to look into your eyes. His expression softens ever so slightly as he asks you: "Do you remember what we talked about last week, baby...about a safe word?"
Your stomach jolts. He had brought it up in passing one morning, but at the time, you hadn't fully grasped what he would need a safe word for. But the word was simple enough, and was the only word that held only one unmistakable meaning: stop.
"I remember," you whisper.
Austin gazes at you earnestly. "So you know you can say the word, anytime you want or need, and I'll stop, no questions asked. Yes?"
"Yes, baby."
"Good girl." Austin settles back on the floor in front of your seat, sitting on his knees and resting his hands on his lap. Through the darkness, you can still see the clear outline of the bulge in his dress pants. And then he opens his mouth and instructs, very slowly: “I want you to slip your panties off.”
Your mouth goes dry, and you look down at Austin questioningly. He raises an eyebrow in a gesture that needs no words to say: Don’t make me repeat myself.
So you hook your thumbs on either side of your underwear and lift your hips to drag them down. The crotch clings to your wetness, and there’s a noticeable spot of moisture where it had seeped through. You shimmy the fabric down to your feet, and you’re about to kick it away when Austin seizes it for himself. He traces the mark of wetness and brings it to his face. You moan out a breathy sound as you watch the tip of his tongue taste your pleasure on the underwear.
“Sit back,” he tells you.
You do.
“I want you to bring your left hand to your chest. That’s it. Now slip it beneath your neckline. I want you to feel your breast for me… Now, pinch your nipple. Is it nice and hard for me now?”
“Yes,” you say, your voice gravelly. Your back arches a little as the pinch reverberates down your torso. You feel so sensitive and so impatient at the pace he’s making you go.
“I want you to put your other hand on your tummy. Good girl. Don’t you dare bring it lower yet,” he warns. You prickle at the word yet . “Good. Now I want you to pull your neckline back, show me your nipples. Do you think you can show me?”
You do, pulling down the neckline of your dress to show him your breasts. You’re not wearing a bra—you don’t need it for this kind of dress—and you very much enjoy the way Austin’s breath seems to catch in his throat as he sees you exposed like this. Austin’s hand on his lap seems to twitch almost imperceptibly toward his crotch.
“Good girl, Y/N. Fuck, you look so good. Now pinch yourself for me. Imagine it’s my teeth on your sweet tits…good, good girl.”
You want so badly to move the hand on your stomach down between your legs. Instead, you clench your thighs together tightly, as you had done before. The movement is not lost on Austin. He growls and brings his hands to your knees, pulling them apart.
“I see what you’re trying to do there, sweetheart. That’s against my rules for this evening.”
You sigh when he withdraws his hands from your knees, aching for their warmth against your skin again. But when he places his hands back on his lap, one of them rests on his bulge and rubs.
“That’s not fair,” you protest. “Why do you get to touch yourself and I don’t?”
Austin’s eyes narrow. “This is my game,” he growls, low and dangerous. “Remember? I decide what I want and how I want it. You want more later tonight? Then listen to everything I say, and no talking back.”
His words send goosebumps across your skin. You nod in acceptance, shivering at the cool air on your wet pussy.
Austin doesn’t say anything for more than a few seconds, and you get antsy, arching your back and pressing your fingers into the skin of your navel. “Please, Austin…” you whisper, biting your lip. “Please let me touch myself.”
Austin’s eyes seem to gloss over with desire. Finally, he says, “Move your right hand down to rest over your pelvis. No lower.”
Every inch you move your hand closer feels hotter and hotter to the touch. You’re so fucking close to the place you desperately need friction that you have to suppress a moan.
“Yes, good girl, so patient,” Austin says, and you can see the hand on his cock squeezing it tighter as he watches you. “Show me your index finger? Yes, I want you to get that finger nice and wet for me.”
You let out your moan then as you allow your finger to trace a line down your wetness and separate your folds. You’re absolutely dripping.
“Good, yes. Fuck, you’re so good, so gorgeous. I want you to slip that finger inside of you, can you do that for me, Y/N?” Austin says, his voice growing tenser.
You whimper as you allow your finger to push past your folds and into you. It’s unbelievably slick and nearly pulsing with arousal. Austin curses and slips his own hand down the hem of his pants.
“Move your finger now, Y/N. I want you to fuck yourself.”
You pull your finger out before slipping it back in, and you tilt your head back. You groan, bending and flexing the finger inside of you, desperate for more…for another finger, for friction against your clit, for Austin to just fucking touch you anywhere. So you push your finger inside as far as it will go. And then your thumb brushes up against your clit, and the incidental pressure feels so good, too good. You press your thumb in a circle, desperate to feed your desire for more.
But Austin misses nothing, and he firmly pries your thumb off of your clit. “No,” he says simply, “not yet.”
“Austin, please—”
“Do what I say, and only what I say. Don’t make me punish you later.”
Fuck. You keep fingering yourself, allowing your fingertip to drag against every ridge inside of you. Each small wave of pleasure that courses through your body at the sensation bring about small moans from your lips. Austin’s having trouble holding back his own moans, now that his hand is in his pants. The idea that he’s pleasuring himself too makes you feel even wetter.
“You’re doing so good, my little slut. Show me your finger,” Austin says. You pull out your index finger dazedly, and Austin grunts in approval at the glistening slick that coats it. Suddenly, he leans over to you and takes your finger in his hot mouth. Your mouth falls open in a cry of pleasure, rejoicing at the warmth of his tongue around your finger.
“Fuck, Austin,” you whisper. You need him, more than you can express.
He releases your finger from his mouth with a pop. “God, you taste so good. Can’t believe you’re mine.”
“Please,” you mewl, not bothering to finish your plea. He knows what you want.
And you know he’s not about to give into you that easily. “You can touch your clit now, love.”
Thank fucking god. You don’t hesitate to drag your fingers—two this time—through your wetness again and back up to rest atop that bundle of nerves that so desperately needed movement. You start moving your fingers in quick circles.
“Slower,” Austin grunts.
You slow the movement into lazy, wide circles, biting your bottom lip between your lip. But you can’t hold back the moans for long, as much as you’d like to. You arch your back and keen, each circle bringing a wash of pleasure over your entire groan.
“Moan my name, baby,” you hear Austin say breathily. “I wanna hear you say my name with that pretty little mouth.”
You obey, intoning his name in place of your next outcry. Your fingers move faster now; you can’t help it. The delectable peak of pleasure is fast-approaching, now, and as tangible and foreboding as a tsunami wave on a horizon.
“Y/N. Fuck, yes, baby, you look so fucking good. My good little slut.”
Tendrils of fire scorch your skin from your core outward, and you press your fingers more firmly into yourself, desperate for the flames to overtake you. You cry his name like a broken record; it’s beginning to become one of the few words you can remember.
A swelling feeling begins to overtake your senses. You’re about to come.
“Austin, I—fuck, Austin, I need you—oh my god—”
Suddenly, Austin pulls your hand away in a single pull. You nearly shriek in protest, but he clamps another hand down on your mouth and shushes you. His eyes are wide as he gazes out the car’s window.
“Shit. Get down.”
He doesn’t wait for you to comply; he forces your shoulders down so you’re lying against the backseat bench instead of sitting upright. A voice from outside grows louder. Someone must be coming. Austin’s hand is still pressed against your mouth. You breathe heavily through your nose from how close your orgasm had been, and now your heart thuds even harder from fear of being caught.
“Keep quiet,” Austin hisses in your ear. He’s crouched next to you, and you hope he’s low enough to avoid being spotted if anyone tries to look inside. You can feel your pussy pulsing with pleasure, even though you’re no longer touching yourself. With an involuntary clinch of your walls, you hum out a moan, completely out of control of your body’s demand for release.
Footsteps outside draw nearer. “…Austin’s car,” someone says. You recognize the muffled voice as Austin’s agent’s.
“Wonder why he would park all the way over here?” says another voice, presumably his agent’s significant other.
“Well, if he’s parked, they’re here somewhere. But where?”
“Maybe they’re inside and we missed them.”
The couple finally retreats. Austin heaves out a sigh beside you, finally releasing his clamp on your mouth.
“That was close,” you whisper. Thank god they hadn’t peered in through the tinted windows.
Austin says nothing, but he’s still touching you, his hand clasped around yours from when he’d pulled it away, his chest pressed up against your side. You look over at him and realize his zipper is down, cock sprung out of his trousers in full. You bite your lip, desperate to finish what he’d had you start.
“Austin,” you plea, your voice high and breathy. “P—Please.”
He looks over at you and sweeps his eyes over the flushed skin of your cheeks and chest, and down to your inner thighs, where your dress is hiked up to your waist now, leaving nothing to his imagination. Your hips move up and down in involuntary thrusting movements, still high with impending pleasure.
It must be too much for him to resist the sight of you. Austin leans into you and presses his mouth onto yours in a sloppy, wet kiss. His fingertips dig into your hips before moving to squeeze your inner thigh. You nearly sob at the feeling of him touching you so close to where you need it.
“Austin, fuck, I need you.”
“I know, baby.” And he pulls you up in a sitting position once again, before he repositions himself on the floor beneath you and between your opened legs, seemingly desperate to taste you. “I’ll take care of you.” He nips twice at your inner thighs, one bite to each leg, before moving his mouth to rest against your sex.
Holy fuck. You cry out, arching your back and burying your hands in his blonde hair. Finally. Austin’s tongue delves into your folds, lapping up all the wetness that’s been dripping out of you. He moans loudly at the taste of you on his tongue, and you swear at the sensation of his low voice as it vibrates against you. His skillful tongue envelops your clit, then, and the addictive assault of warmth takes you by surprise, as it always does.
He breaks away, only to wet his finger with his saliva and you watch in awe as he pushes it into you. You see stars at the new sensation; Austin’s fingers are longer, thicker, and unbelievably more dexterous than yours. He doesn’t move them at first, but just watches as you thrust your hips back and forth, fucking yourself against his fingers. Finally, he curves them upward toward your belly, and your back jolts into an arch at the sudden pleasure.
“Baby, I’m gonna—oh my god, fuck, Austin, Austin…” The whirling flames of pleasure approach fast and sure, and your breathing grows erratic. Austin watches you unravel before him, biting his lip, before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking. His tongue circles you hard and fast. He inserts his middle finger inside you along with his index, curling the digits up into you over and over.
But what it is that finally pushes you over the edge is the sudden pressure of his other hand against your lower navel, pressing down firmly, almost as if he’s trying to press his fingers inside of you against as much of you as possible. And you come completely undone, the tendrils of fire overtaking your whole body. You arch your back and clench your walls around Austin’s fingers, unable to keep from screaming in pleasure or to keep your arms and legs from spasming.
It takes you several minutes to come down from your high. Aftershocks shake your body like electrocutions. You slump down against Austin’s backseat and moan, over and over; you couldn’t speak if you tried. Meanwhile, Austin kisses up and down your legs.
“So much for not touching me,” you murmur. Austin laughs, the breath tickling your thighs.
“I can’t help myself when it comes to you,” he remarks. “My girl. My sweet girl.”
“So you’re not really mad at me?”
Austin shakes his head and scoots his body so he’s closer to your face. He kisses your forehead. “No, sweetheart. Definitely not. I just… I just wanted to test out a couple of things with you.”
“What do you mean?”
He traces little patterns on the skin of your chest. “I… I wanted to see if you like it when I act more…dominant. I, um… I take it you do?”
You bite your lip and grin. “Yeah, I like it.” You like it more than you’d care to admit.
“And I like watching you get yourself off,” he admits. “I could watch you do it all day.”
“I prefer when it’s you getting me off,” you say.
He chuckles. “I also…” He runs a nervous hand through his hand. “I like the thrill of this. The thrill of almost being caught.”
“You do?”
“Fuck, yes. It’s just that much sexier.”
You smile lazily at him, shuddering as yet another aftershock of pleasure courses through your veins. “Then you can have me anywhere you’d like, Austin Butler.”
He moans in satisfaction. Then, you realize something. You glance down at his crotch. His cock is still out, exposed, and hard as ever. “Shit. Austin, you never…”
Austin shakes his head and smiles. “Don’t worry about me. I’m going to fucking devour you later, you know. It can wait.”
You reach a lazy hand down to his pulsing, pink member. He’s as hard as a metal rod; he grunts in response. “Sure doesn’t look like this can wait.”
He groans and gulps heavily.
“Oh, no. There’s no way we’re going to this steakhouse in the state you’re in right now.”
“Fuck, Y/N…”
“We can definitely do that,” you grin, spreading your legs for him tauntingly. The backseat bench is narrowish, but certainly wide enough for him on top of you…
Austin curses as you move your thumb over his head, spreading the precum all over. “You’re positive?”
“Fuck me, Austin.”
That’s all Austin needed to pull his trousers down to his ankles and clamber on top of you, planting demanding kisses to your lips. He positions his cock at your entrance, coating himself in your slickness, which has since pooled in dripping amounts between your thighs from your orgasm.
“Holy shit,” Austin says. He’s hesitant, as always, your comfort his first priority. You claw at his back and trail your hands down his spine to rest against his ass, pulling his hips up toward your entrance encouragingly. It’s all the urging he needs. He tips his head back as he slides his cock past your folds, and pushes as deep into you as you’re able to take him. It’s unbelievably slick and yet, as always, a delightfully tight fit for Austin. A steady stream of curses escapes both your lips and his as he bottoms out.
“You’re so fucking tight, baby. Fuck. You’re so beautiful. You’re so mine.”
Austin slowly pulls out of you, withdrawing a gasp from your throat. The need to be filled by him manifests as an aching urge deep inside of your core. He fulfills that need with another thrust, this one harder and surer.
And then he’s moving, in and out, his hips crashing against yours with an alluring smack each time. You moan, high and feminine, knowing he loves it while at the same time unable to help yourself at all.
“Yeah, Y/N, fuck ,” Austin says into the shell of your ear, low and husky. “You’re taking me so well. You like it when I fill you up, huh? You’re such a good girl. My filthy slut. Your pussy’s so wet for me.”
It’s as if you’re practically witnessing his dominant side coming out again, and you whimper, letting him take control completely. Austin seizes your wrists and pins them down on the seat above your head. Each thrust rocks the car and ripples out through the curves of your body.
“Fuck me harder, Austin,” you demand, and he complies, slamming into you with a new vigor. You see stars.
“I’m gonna come,” he moans, his voice thick.
“Come inside me,” you command.
“Fuck, I’m so close. I’m gonna fill you up with my come, baby girl.” The hands on your wrists tighten, and his thrusts become more and more erratic. “Fuck, oh fuck.”
“Come for me, Austin, don’t stop” you coax. And it’s all he needs before orgasming with three final thrusts. You can feel his member pulse as he releases inside of you. The strained gasps and moans that emit from his pink lips are heavenly sounds.
He collapses on top of you, panting. Hot wetness—yours and his—drips out of you. The tickling sensation of it running down your legs brings you closer and closer to another torrent of pleasure. You slip your hand from Austin’s grasp—easily now that he’s weakened—and bring your fingers to your clit. You hadn’t expected yourself to be so close to orgasming again, but you are. You rub yourself for just a few moments before you’re reaching the edge again. Austin’s so dazed that he can’t say anything, just presses his forehead against yours. Suddenly you’re twisting and moaning and tensing all over again, this time around Austin’s member, still deep inside of you.
“I could feel that,” Austin remarks as you collapse in a heap beneath him.
All you can manage is his name in a breathy, exhausted sigh. And he loves the sound of it, squeezing you even tighter in his arms.
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so perfect. Oh my god. I'm so fucking happy I met you. I'm so glad you're in my life.”
You stroke his back gently as you whisper in his ear, "Me too, baby." 
He shudders atop of you, and you revel in the vulnerability he expresses with you, both in his words and in his position, being held so closely by you. You lie there in silence, Austin still on top of you and inside of you, for a few minutes. You look at the fogged-up car windows and start laughing.
“What is it?” he asks.
"Do you still want to go to this dinner party?" you giggle.
He smirks. "No one will know."
"I don't look like I just got fucked in the backseat of your car?"
He bites back a satisfied grin and brushes your hair from your face. "All I see is a lovely blush,” he says sweetly.
“But what about…?”
You look down at where he’s still deep inside you. He can’t hold back his grin at the sight, which is rather nefarious, and he slowly withdraws from you. You feel a stream of warm wetness seeping from deep inside you. With a start, you watch, mouth agape, as he crawls down your body to draw his tongue through the mess of your and his pleasure, licking all of it into his mouth and swallowing.
Oh my god. You moan his name, partly in disbelief at his ministrations, partly due to the sensitivity between your legs. When he’s done, he kisses both of your thighs and pulls your underwear back up your legs.
“Let’s go,” he says, zipping his trousers and smoothing down his shirt. “No one will be able to tell.”
❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ ❊ ❊
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please note that I write fanfiction for free; my only request for repayment is a genuine expression of your thoughts, opinions, likes/dislikes, and predictions about the story. Whether it’s simply a “Wow, I loved it!”, a keyboard smash, a series of convoluted thoughts in the tags, or even a full-out review, please know that any and all feedback is welcome!
Much love ❤︎ from Juniper
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Taglist (Elvis and Austin Butler fics):
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@thatonemoviefan @literally-just-elvis-fics​ @dollfaceyourfear @sprinkleofbooty @teenwolfbitches28 @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @sparklehani​ @theearthsfinalconfession​
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shipskicksandgiggles · 6 months
dialogue prompts
hi! I’m Ellis, I’m a college student that that apparently keeps landing myself in bizarre situations and I cope by making prompt lists out of them. they’re usually hilarious and great for short fics, so feel free to send me a number with a character/ship/dynamic, or even just a fandom that you think fits
“Is this about the fax machine? Because if it is, my vote is we put a bullet in it.”
“I don’t need to hear about any of your sex lives. I’m talking to you specifically.”
“Why are you all in the hallway? Is that a dog?”
“Do they remind you of someone?” “Yeah, me when I was that age, I was hoping you wouldn’t mention it.”
“I’m going to steal someone’s kneecaps.”
“Someone just barked at me in the grocery store parking lot.” “Go see who it is.” “You asshole.”
“Why are you standing like that?” “They’re autistic, leave them alone.”
“It’s been like three months. Why are you a different person?” “Catastrophic change and trauma, babe, don’t worry about it.”
“Every day my interests become more and more like a middle aged father’s.”
“Do you want to come build a chair?” “I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“Why do you talk so much about cannibalism in this class?” “Your guess is as good as mine.”
“Everyone gets excited about boobs!” “I honestly don’t think that’s true.”
“Do you need the heat pack more?” “I wasn’t going to bring it up, but you limped home, I think you need it more.”
“Some guy just mistook me for a cis man, this is the best thing that’s happened to me all week.”
“You went to Catholic school? I would have thought you’d gone to public school and then taken a hard left into satanism.”
“Did you have a Voltron phase?” “No, why?”
“You know how I would literally rather die than ask for help?”
“Do you have time for me to have a gender crisis on you or are you too busy?” “Oh, no, this is happening.”
“Dude, they took your door.” “Your door privileges have been revoked.” “What the fuck?”
“Oh my god, quit it with the mother henning.” “If we lose the kid I’m blaming you.”
“Do you have a reason or are you being a nasty cynic?”
“So he’s better than you.” “I’m okay with that.”
“Did you just call me to tell me the person who won Jeopardy! has my chronic illness?”
“I regret asking.” “Why would you ask an autistic person about their hyperfixation when you don’t want an in depth answer?”
“Insane question, but can I put you in hell?”
“If one more person gives you public recognition for a thing I think you’re going to set yourself on fire.”
“Holy shit, you’re like a vampire.” “In all seriousness, you should see someone about that, that’s not normal.”
“Did I just sleep for 16 hours?” “Roughly, yeah. How are you feeling?” “About how you’d expect.”
“Where are you? Oh you’re having floor time.”
“Your taste in men is seriously questionable. If you only want his dick I’m sure we can figure out something else.”
“You need to crash your car right now.”
“Don’t make me pull rank at 6 in the morning again, I’ll die.”
“Are you crocheting right now? God this is such a weird group of people.”
“I got called an anarchist again.” “By the same person as last time?” “Nope.”
“Are we going to talk about what happened back there?” “No, why, what happened?”
“My mom has apparently kissed more women than I have.”
“You goddamn whore!” “What happened?” “She lied to me!”
“Of all of us, I think you’re the most likely to be a vigilante. Like a journalist by day, crime fighting hero by night.” “Like Spider-Man?” “Exactly like Spider-Man!”
“What’s going on?” “There might be a squirrel in the building, let me get back to you.”
“Don’t flirt with me while I’m holding a knife.”
“So imagine you’re a bisexual woman and you want to go to a strip club.”
“You scare people.” “I’m literally the nicest person alive.” “I watched you yell at someone last week.” “And?”
“The group chat is rioting.” “Oh my god.”
“We’re stealing your dog. She’s ours now.”
“I’m going to use my powers of being everyone’s favorite to get out of this.”
“I don’t associate myself with my birth name because no one called me by that name growing up.” “Have you perhaps heard of therapy?”
“My professor thinks I need an emotional support bird.” “No, I know you need an emotional support bird.”
“Okay, so they’ve got some trauma they need to work through. What’s driving the rest of you?”
“I ended up with the straight up rainbow one. Maybe straight is the wrong word. Anywhom-”
“You met this man a week ago, what do you mean you’re in love with him?”
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rubyreduji · 2 years
[minors dni]
music major jihoon whose friends forced him to take the class with them but jihoon is absolute shit at art and he knows it
so the first couple weeks go awful. jihoon's hands are made to make music, not draw anatomy. he can tell the teacher hates him too because why is he so fucking awful at this
then once all of the intro stuff is done jihoon walks into class one day and sitting in the middle of the room is the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. then the professor starts the class and it slowly dawns on him what is happening and then holy shit you're naked and of course you are because its a figure drawing class so they're going to be drawing figures but still what the fuck
and the professor is going on about how everyone should be appropriate and respectful but jihoon's dick is already half hard and he can't stop staring at your perky nipples that are the prettiest color jihoon has ever seen
jihoon realizes that everyone else is getting their supplies ready and he fumbles around to do the same. in the middle of the room a cloth is laid out on a small platform and you drape yourself over it. your legs hide your core but your breasts are still on full display and jihoon thinks he's not going to have blood circulation in his brain after this
jihoon is already bad at art and now he can't even focus properly because you're all soft curves and smooth skin and holy shit you keep staring at him back and why are you doing that because its making jihoon's dick even harder now. your eyes are sultry yet soft and jihoon has to keep shifting around just so he can hide the tent in his sweats
the whole class jihoon struggles to get his drawing finished. he goes to draw a line and then he gets distracted by the swell of your breasts and the curve of your hip and he can't do it
"fifteen more minutes and then we'll see how every did, okay?" the professor calls out and jihoon panics
quickly he starts to sketch, trying his best to capture all of your beauty. when the fifteen minutes is up he wants to cry. his picture doesn't even look like a human body, let alone the godly figure you have
reluctantly jihoon turns his canvas around and he wants to hide away forever. everyone else's drawings are smooth, accurate lines that capture your nature perfectly while he has scribbles and lumps
you stand up and walk around the class to inspect the pictures yourself. you tie your robe back on but its so loose that everytime your body moves slivers of skin are revealed and your breasts are practically spilling out, your cleavage on full display
when you get to jihoon's you stare at it before cocking your head to hte side a bit. "huh. it's...unique." jihoon wants to die in a hole holy shit. "not awful, just different," you assure him but jihoon is still incredibly embarassed. enough that his dick is starting soften again even though your breasts are practically in his face
the professor tells everyone to finish up their drawings before next class and jihoon is in turmoil as he walks out of class, held hung low
"hey! excuse me!" jihoon stops when he hears a soft voice calling him. he turns to see you and he flushes. "hi! i noticed you sort of struggled in class, which is totally normal, but i was just wondering if you wanted any help? i'm an art major too so."
"i'm actually a music major"
"see even more reason to accept my help! but, only if you want!"
"no you can uh, yeah...i'd like the help"
"great are you free right now?"
and maybe it's a good thing jihoon is bad at art because now he's in your apartment getting his dick sucked by you
in your defense, you guys did start out doing art but the second you stripped of your clothes jihoon's dick decided to make an appearance again. you were trying to convince jihoon his art skills aren't that beyond hope when you noticed it and realized why jihoon was struggling so much. and so you decided to help him out in a different way
so now you're on your knees, sucking at the head of his cock
"h-holy fuck," jihoon mutters. your tongue is digging right into his slit and jihoon is losing his mind over it. his hands grip your hair in his fingers. "oh shit, shit, fuck." jihoon is cumming, painting the inside of your mouth white. you suck him dry until he finishes cumming and when you pull off jihoon slumps back in his seat
you wipe at your mouth before giving him a smile. "how was that?"
"holy shit y/n," jihoon says breathlessly
"mmm," you hum as you reach down and start to finger yourself, your fingers slip in and out of your wet pussy. jihoon stares intently at the way your folds glisten
"fuck," jihoon whispers before he's sliding onto the floor next to you. he moves your hand away from yourself so he can replace it with his own digits. you gasp when he pushes two in
"f-fuck. so thick"
jihoon's dick aches painfully. he just came but his dick is stirring around, his biological need to fuck you overpowering his refactory period
his fingers are drenched from your arousal by the time his dick starts to rise again. he removes his fingers from you and wraps his hand around his dick, using your slick as lube to get him up to full mast
"j-jihoon," you whine. quickly he positioned you two and slides into your needy pussy
"god you're so hot," jihoon mumbles. he slowly starts to move his hips and when he realizes there's not resistance, your pussy willing and ready, he quickly picks up the pace
soon you two are going at it like rabbits. jihoon pistons in and out of you at a rapid pace while you moan like a pornstar under him. he grips your thighs and pushes them up at your chest, fucking into you even harder at the new angle
it takes maybe four more thrusts max for you to cum around jihoon's dick, drenching his thighs as you squirt all over him. jihoon groans at the feeling and quickly pulls out so he can jerk himself to completion all over your stomach
you're both panting heavily as try to recover from what just happened. you're bodies are thrumming with pleasure and adrenaline and when you suggest to jihoon that you guys for round two in the shower he quickly obliges
he never does get his art project finished
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bonefall · 8 months
Oh, clanmew day! I translated the names of a few of my ClanGen cats that I'm fond of a while back :)
Boragestar - Palfshaipmashai (Borage is apparently also known as "starflower", so I translated it as palifuh-shai-ponma, purple-star-flower. "Shai" might be a bit too holy for the ordinary plant, but in this case it felt like it fit as I was doing a bloodline challenge and Borage was the daughter of the previous leader, and thus of a holy bloodline. Poor girl had to take over leadership of a rather brutal clan after her tyrant of a mother unexpectedly lost all her lives. she does not have the harsh temperament expected of her and things have not gotten better for her)
Chivenose - Palfpeskrchoop (I went for a physical description of Chive for my translation; palifuh-peske-kiyyr, purple clustered-flowers grass. She was Boragestar's sister, who was taken by twolegs early on in their apprenticeship. She didn't find her way back until a full year from when she was taken, she was pretty surprised to find her mother and brother Eaglepaw both dead and Borage in a leadership position she didn't want. I had no idea they were both named after plants with purple flowers until I went to make translations, it's such a cute coincidence and I'm so glad I found that out)
Dustystripe - Fesgrryrrseek (I translated "Dusty" as "fes-grryrr", "dust-contains". More interesting is her (retroactively created gjkfgbjkdsf) dishonor title! She's a healer, but she had a litter of kits. She was lucky that Boragestar was in charge and also her friend, she managed to convince the clan to let her, her mate, and her kits remain, but Dusty got a dishonor title (probably from her former mentor Bluescar/Lubroyach, Borage's other parent, who was not very fond of her or Borage in general). The title was "Mwssepaseek" (poison-soil longstripe), translated as something like "Taintedstripe", trying to evoke a strip of earth that poisons whatever grows in it. Not only has she "poisoned" her own link to StarClan with her actions, her kits will be "poisoned" as well.)
Bellspeck - Rriirriulfbwoo (Bell - rrirri (mimicking the sound of a collar-bell) - small objects that make soft, high-pitched ringing sounds when moved. Technically not Clanmew but a loanword from Townmew or some equivalent as Bellspeck's mother was a former kittypet. Speck - Ulfbwoo - ulfaf-eeb-woowoo - single-strand-of-fur small spotting-pattern, single small spot. This one feels a bit scuffed but I couldn't figure out anything better lol)
Molefleck - Bosgoeebkark (I decided to lean into the definition of "fleck" as "very small bit of some material" instead of just "small marking(s)" since just "speck" was bad enough without having to make it distinct from marking-fleck. Pretty simple, just "eeb-kark". Her nickname was Bosgee :)
I am planning to do a scent expansion along with this BIG entry I'm going to be doing on "How Scent Works," including a ton of unique Clanmew words for various, important scents. So I'll give you two interesting smells that might work VERY nicely for Dustystripe if you'd like;
The dusty, stale smell of a long-abandoned burrow = Moese SPECIFICALLY one you can immediately tell has not been lived-in for a while. Any other scent in this burrow is muted and negligible, possibly only something you can pick up with your jacobson's organ (Fech, in Clanmew). Similar to the "dusty" smell of an attic.
Hot, dry scent of flammable kindle = Ksek ESPECIALLY important in WindClan, because if the gorse starts to smell like this, the conditions are very dangerous. Very dusty, dry brush would smell like this.
Moese could make a super interesting with that dishonor title in mind; the idea that she's gone back to being an abandoned (but safe) burrow, having moved on from her old mistakes.
And up next, chives! I'm gonna give you ALL OF THE ONIONS while we're at it!
All four of these plants are deadly to Clan cats. They're used universally as bad-insect repellents and good-insect pollinates, but just like mint, they have a serious reputation as being poison.
Some cats will also use them to hide their own scent, especially Rebels. Deerfoot was the pioneer of using garlic to mask the scent of himself and his cats as they sabotaged TigerClan from within.
This lead to there being a generic name for these plants; Aupeqi. From a contraction of Deerfoot's Essence (Augpwaio en Qim). This was something he picked up from Lizardstripe, who initially came up with it to hide that she'd been hanging out with cats of other Clans.
Ramsons (Allium ursinum) = Ssufpon Full, distinctive white flowers that grow in big, bursting clusters. A patch of ramsons can easily hide a patrol's worth of cats. Comes from scentmark + flower.
Angled Onion/Three-Cornered Leek (Allium triquetrum) = Oosk A delicate, drooping bell flower similar to a snowdrop, but much stinkier, especially when crushed. Comes from Bell + White. NOTE: this plant has many names, I've included leek and onion so you can choose to translate it at your discretion!
Wild Garlic (Allium vineale) = Fafhoo Comes from Fur + Clock, "clock" as in the mature, seedy, fluffy ball stage of a dandelion. Turns into a bizarre, smelly disco ball thing and ABSOLUTELY REEKS. Tends to poke through the leaf litter of a forest in "scrags" rather than "patches" like ramsons.
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) = Sifaw Comes from Friend + Solitary Bee. A favorite of bees, but a repellent of other insects, with pretty purple flowers that remind Clan cats of a very stinky clover.
Borage (Borago officinalis) = Shioo From Star + Bell. I am actually going to be banning this as an herb in my guides. It is INCREDIBLY toxic to cats, worse than the onions earlier. It irritates skin, causes liver damage, and absolutely destroys its victim.
There's actually a ton of plants in this family, including the famous Forget-Me-Not. But for now, here is the word for plain-and-simple borage!
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starry-moonshine · 2 years
[Hello, love! Here it is. Hope you enjoy! And I will start writing Max Mayfield scenarios soon.]
I'm On Fire - Ziggy Berman
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Pairing: Ziggy Berman x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, minors DNI, oral, fingering, shower sex
Word Count: 1,012
Summary: After Ziggy caught you pleasuring yourself, she comes in to help you.
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Stepping into the warm water made you shiver, but the warmth made you feel better considering that it was a chilly night in Camp Nightwing. As the water pours over your body, you slowly move your hand down, lightly rubbing your lower stomach and inner thighs making you feel tingly.
You begin to slowly rub circles on your clit, the circular motion makes you tighten a little more. A soft moan escapes your lips not noticing the feminine figure outside of the bathroom cabin. You then move to insert your two fingers inside you, pumping in and out of your wet self.
Ziggy walks in to surprise you with a little date she came up with, going into the woods to eat and make out like every other night at Camp Nightwing. There was no way you both would do that outside She knew you were in the cabin showers getting ready to step into the shower but wasn't expecting to actually see you naked. You and Ziggy haven't decided on wanting to have sex, so the two acted on waiting until it was the right moment --and that moment never came. You always got interrupted by either Alice and Cindy or other campers.
Your moans turned her on as she walks into the bathroom and removing her clothes, only in her panties and bra. You hear shuffling and grasp the curtain pulling it to the side just enough to look out, seeing Ziggy startles you as you relax soon after.
"May I join you?" She asks, smirking.
Ziggy strips from her bra and panties, stepping in and sliding the curtain closed behind her as the warm water pours over her nude body. She brings you into a kiss, staying there for a few seconds before pulling away from each other.
"I'm on fire," She whispers.
The kisses between you intensifies as she grabs your hands and holds them above your head, leading her lips down to your chin then towards your neck. Kissing and lightly sucking on the sensitive spot. You lean your head back in pleasure, feeling your knees get weaker as her knee rubs against you causing you to become even more sensitive on your clitoris.
The rest got messy as Ziggy moves and kisses your chest before using her tongue and flicking your nipples, soon sucking on one as she gropes the other. You moan out, leaning against the wall of the shower, resting your hands on the walls trying to have a grip on something nearby. "Zig--"
You didn't notice but feel the water turn off, she pulls you out of the shower and you both pile on top of each other on your scattered clothes bringing Ziggy's clothes over as well. You lay down as your girlfriend helps spread your legs, lightly sucking and licking your clit. Moaning, you have a difficult time muttering any words due to the great pleasure as you feel Ziggy insert her two fingers, middle and ring finger, inside you. Her other hand resting above your cunt.
You feel yourself getting closer as the knot in your gut slowly loosens, soon you come on Ziggy's fingers-- riding your high as your breath studders. Your hips twitching as Ziggy pulls out her fingers from your entrance.
"Holy shit, Zig. That was fucking a-amazing."
"My turn," She smirks.
You get up, hair soaking not only your clothes but the wooden floor as well. You kiss her lips before leading the trail of kisses down to her clit, lightly licking it as you flick your tongue before moving away as you let her crawl over swinging her leg over you as she sits on your face as you continue to suck and lick her before holding her hips down on you so you can go deeper in Ziggy with your tongue. You feel her hips bucking back and forth, knowing that she's gonna orgasm soon.
As she continues to ride your face, the knot in Ziggy's abdomen loosens fairly quickly. She comes on your face as you continue to eat her out. Ziggy's moans are louder this time, her face turning a bright shade of red, she scrunches her nose as she overcomes her high, riding it out as her quick breathing slows, swinging her leg over you and sits on her knees and stares into your eyes.
You two are out of breath, but decide to continue as the thought of riding one another became a prominent thought. You grab Ziggy's left leg, swinging it over your hips and push on her right to tell her to straighten it out. You positioned yourself over her and slowly started grinding on her. Ziggy gains friction as you do the same, your clits passing along each other. You started moving your hips back and fourth harder and faster. The room was filled with moans and pants.
Ziggy admired you, seeing how beautiful you are on top of her. Ziggy's hair was sprawled out on the floor and her soft moans were pretty. "You look so pretty on top of me." She says, groping your breast and rubbing your nipple with her thumb, making you whimper.
You both were getting close to the end as Ziggy started bucking her hips matching her pace with yours as she came. You felt each other throbbing and you shut your eyes tightly as you ride out your high once again. Your eyes opened, looking Ziggy in her eyes as she smashes her lips against yours, kissing you hard and untangle your legs. You both sit there out of breath before scurrying over and grabbing the two towels nearby and wrapping them around yourselves, soon grabbing your clothes and sliding them on as she does the same. Ziggy put extra clothes in the bathroom prior because she was gonna shower that day but got distracted by you.
You and Ziggy leave the shower cabin and head out, seeing that it is now later in the morning as you both go on about your day doing what you normally do.
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
to be honest i think i will always hate rick’s backstory
its just. it kinda sucks in my opinion. rewatching older episodes also makes it pretty clear that this was noott the original plan. you have rick potion nr9, where rick says that “he couldn’t make marriage work”. and okay i’ll admit this line is kind of vague, but in context it implies divorce or something along those lines. s3′s premiere also just feels like such a meme to me. like the fucking breaking bad house ??? the very cheesy, “feel bad for me :(” backstory, it just. i think purely with season3′s context it’s SUCH a good twist. it not only fools that federation bug but also the audience. you get invested in seeing rick’s backstory, because HOLY SHIT, RICK’S BACKSTORY, only for the rug to be pulled out from under you. IT’S SO GOOD and in my opinion season 5 kind of completely fucks that reveal over. it just feels lazy to me. it’s disappointing!!!!! and it puts rick in a spot where his actions feel, maybe not justified, but definitely like... excusable? understandable? like oh yeah of course he’d become an alcoholic because of this, of course he’d kill thousands of people, of course he’d be a terrible person. idk. i hope this isn’t some deluded fever dream, but i swear i saw one of those “fun r&m facts you didn’t know!” videos that said that rick’s backstory would never be revealed. and i wish that had been the case!!!!! or like, i dont know. at least that it would’ve been something ANYTHING else. it also sucks because it completely strips diane of any character besides rick’s hot dead wife. like the writers had this whole unexplored character who could be Anything, and they just flush her down the drain for like. No Reason except to give rick his “crybaby backstory.” DIVORCE ARC could have been so much more interesting. or like, a cooler twist. instead of just, idk, killing people just for the lolz. and hey!! beth development!! because imagine your dad just disappears after your mom and him get divorced. like that could totally fuel beth’s angsty teenage hatred or whatever. its just. SUCH an unopened goldmine to me. i get this wouldn’t work with prime rick’s whole fiasco/the current plot but ugh i dont know. i just hate rick’s backstory. like just. imagine getting divorced and being so petty that you figure out space travel and become and intergalactic whore. AND DIANE COULD STILL EXIST AS WELL. imagine the christmases! the thanksgivings! “you look like shit”, “at least i don’t smell of sweat and ethanol” UGGHHHHH
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
Perverse Fantasies
FTM!Ajax x Top!Masc Reader
Request | Kinktober | No AFAB language ver (AO3)
Contains: Panty Stealing, Scent Kink, Nipple Sucking
Words: 861
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During the day you're a popular, charismatic, straight A student on a full scholarship. At night however...
Since Ajax usually spends the night out, you can do whatever you want to his stuff and he won't find out.
One would assume that you might be stealing his things since you're nowhere near as wealthy as he is, and it is true that you're stealing his things but the things that you're stealing are very...unconventional.
You decided to do Ajax's laundry one day since you were already doing yours and you wanted to thank him for paying most of the rent in any way you could. You weren't expecting Ajax to own panties, assuming he was more of a boxers type of guy.
You were already thinking perverted things about him but seeing his panties encouraged your thoughts even more. You started to take his dirty panties and jerk off to them on his bed whenever he was out, tainting them with your spend and tossing them somewhere in his room.
You figured he'd never find them, and if he did you'd feign ignorance and hope he's not creeped out enough to test the DNA.
Ajax already knows it's you. You're not as good at hiding it as you think you are. Ajax wonders if there's something wrong with him too because he gets so horny at the thought of you defiling his underwear.
He lets this go on for a while, wondering if you'll make the first move so when you don't, he takes matters into his own hands.
Ajax comes home one day to see you watching TV on the couch and an idea forms in his mind. He quickly goes to his room and strips down to just a big shirt and panties.
He walks over to you with his body trembling in excitement. He's so wet he's sure his panties are soaked.
You glance at him then do a double take, realizing he's nearly naked. "Fuck." You let out a sharp breath. 'Does he know what he's doing to me?' You wonder.
"Watching anything interesting?" Ajax asks as he sits down on your lap, wrapping his arms around your neck with a smile on his face.
You bite your lip. "Guess I'm watching you now."
He pulls his underwear off and shoves his soaked panties into your face. You take a big whiff, basking in his wonderful smell.
"You're a fucking pervert~" Ajax smirks, grinding down on your boner.
You groan in arousal and help him take your pants and boxers off.
He bites his lip at your length. "Why do pervs always have such huge cocks.." He closes his fist around the top half of your shaft, using his thumb to rub the pre cum around your tip.
Just watching and feeling Ajax touch your dick is almost enough to make you come.
Ajax notices that. "No one else has ever touched you before, huh?" He snickers, pressing his thumb down.
While that's true, it's mostly just because it's Ajax. "Jax.." You moan.
He pulls away and grabs your shoulders, using them to lift himself up. He smirks at you and stares into your eyes as he sinks down onto you.
Your expression is nothing short of euphoric. He feels even better than you imagined. Ajax moves all the way down to the hilt, your cock fitting snuggly inside him.
You move his panties away from your face, your hands wandering underneath his shirt to grope his chest while your mouth latches onto one of his nipples.
He slowly moves up and down, making sure not to move up too high so he doesn't disrupt you. You suck on his nipple like a new born baby and use your hand to make sure his other nipple isn't neglected.
"Ah.." Ajax moans and tightens around you. He moves your head away. "Fuck me."
You grab his sides and push him onto the couch, resting his head on a pillow so he doesn't hurt himself before thrusting inside him.
"Fuuuck-" You groan. "Your pussy feels so damn good, Ajax, holy shit."
He doesn't respond, losing it over how your cock is reaching the deepest and most pleasurable parts of him. To think a virgin could fuck him so good.
"Oh fuck, Ajax~" You close your eyes, focusing on how his wet walls feel around you.
"Don't hah~ don't tell me your- you're alr- already gon- gonna come~ ah~"
"Not until you come, I need to feel you when you come- fuck~"
"Do- doubt yo- you're gon- uh~ last~" He teases.
You toy with his bottom growth in a successful attempt to make him get closer.
Ajax bites his lip, holding onto the sides of the couch as you pull him into an orgasm. "Fuck- fuck-"
He starts sucking you in, clenching and unclenching around your length as he comes.
"Oh gods, Ajax-" You moan breathily. "'M gonna come too-"
You pull out and come all over his twitching pussy, your load almost enough to cover it entirely in cum. You look at it in awe before scrambling to get your phone and take a picture.
"Perv.." He mumbles.
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