#and then suddenly one of them looks at the other in the middle of a laughing fit
"cold feet (literally)" - spencer reid x fem!reader
you wake up in the middle of the night to get a pair of socks
wc: 1k
cw: reader is described as wearing a bra, sickeningly sweet fluff, two idiots in love
Spencer keeps his apartment climate-controlled at a brisk sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. He likes to be cold, he says, and you generally don’t mind. You run hot anyway, so if, on the off chance you do get cold when you’re lounging around on his couch or perusing his bookshelves, you grab one of the throw blankets Garcia’s knitted for him and wrap it around your shoulders. 
Tonight is different, in that you were not planning on sleeping over. Your relationship with Spencer works so well, in your opinion, because you both like to be independent, so rather than be with each other every moment of every day that he’s home, you orbit around each other like planets. You spend many evenings over at his place, and he spends just as many as yours, but eventually, the other person goes home. 
Not that you didn’t like sleeping in the same bed as Spencer, of course, but the relationship was still fresh, and you both liked that you were taking things slow. Tonight, however, you started a movie with him rather late, and by the time it was over, you were bleary-eyed and your bones felt laden. Spencer was more than willing to offer you the empty side of his bed for the night. 
You arrived in sweatpants and a t-shirt, so you just took your bra off and laid down. Spencer splurged on a fancy orthopedic mattress, so you somehow both sunk into it and rested on top of it like a glass on a table. It was insanely comfortable, and both you and Spencer really were wiped out, so you went right to sleep. 
When your eyes flutter open a few hours, you’re laying on your side. The first thing you notice is that the room is not completely dark. No, in fact, there’s a stream of moonlight, or maybe a street lamp outside, creeping in through the curtains, casting a soft, gray-filtered glow over the room. 
You feel Spencer’s hand loosely on your hip, and his knee resting lightly against the back of your thigh. Your immediate reaction is not to move for fear of waking him, but your feet are icicles. The air around you is cold, too, but the blankets remedy that. You just need socks. 
I am molasses, you coach yourself, moving languidly and carefully to rise into a sitting position. However, you lack the FBI stealth training needed to rise out of bed without waking your boyfriend, because when you look over your shoulder, his eyes are very clearly open. 
There’s a tired yet playful little smirk as he sits up, leaning against the headboard. “Sneaking out already?” he asks, his voice still rich and thick with sleep, and you suddenly wish you’re able to see him like this more often. Maybe this whole going home to go to sleep thing is simply for the birds. 
“No, of course not,” you laugh softly. The mattress creaks as you finally stand up, your bare toes spreading against the soft carpet. As you pad over to his dresser, you shoot him a performative smile over your shoulder. “My feet are just freezing.” 
“Do you want me to adjust the thermostat?” Spencer asks immediately, shifting the blankets off of him so he can, presumably, get out of the bed. 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you insist, holding up your hand. He stops in his place. “It’s just my feet, Spence,” you assure him. The cherry wood creaks when you tug the top drawer open, plucking the first pair of socks you see out off the top. 
Spencer’s mismatched socks are meticulously organized in their correct pairs, as it turns out. You smile to yourself when you realize this means he takes the time each day to couple up an incorrect pair of socks before putting them on his feet. 
You select a pair of purple ones with little kiwi fruits printed on them, affection for the ridiculous man in bed behind you bubbling up in your chest, making it feel as if it’s filled with helium. Like you could float up to the ceiling at any moment. 
You’re still smiling stupidly as you perch yourself on the edge of the bed. You slide his socks over your bare feet, wiggling your toes around for a moment. “Why are you smiling, angel?” Spencer’s asking curiously, and you feel his foot nudge your back. 
You lie back down in the bed, shaking your head softly as you lay on your side and place your head against Spencer’s chest. He takes a second to adjust, slinking down so he’s lying flat on his back, then he tugs you a little closer. 
Your cheek rubs against the soft, worn fabric of his t-shirt. You place your palm down against his flat tummy, and consequently feel his chin press into the top of your head. “What is it?” he asks again. 
“I just think you’re the bee’s knees, that’s all,” you say softly, earning a small chirp of a laugh from your boyfriend. 
“The bee’s knees, huh?” he rakes his fingers through your hair slowly. The action is lulling you like straight melatonin, making you even more tired. “Did you know that phrase actually used to mean something small and insignificant? Over time it developed to refer to something or someone that is greatly admired.” 
You close your eyes, your body relaxing against him as he speaks. “Do bees even have knees?” you ask through a yawn. 
“Technically speaking, no,” Spencer brushes his thumb along your temple, then across the top of your ear, as if he is charting all the smooth parts of you. “But they do have a ball-and-socket joint between their leg segments, which allows them the flexibility to move their little legs around. So when they dance to show their hive mates' where the good honey is, they move their legs around.” He laughs softly at this notion, and you feel your weight sink into the mattress. 
“You make me want to dance,” you whisper, smiling with closed eyes against his chest. “So, you’re the bee’s knees.” 
Spencer hums fondly in response to this, then kisses your forehead. “That’s kind of a reach, angel,” he says. “But I think you’re the cat’s pajamas, so who am I to judge?”
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luvlucia · 3 days
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keep quiet - yjw
summary: just the sight of jungwon's hands make you horny, but you have to stay quiet with all the members home as well || warnings: dom!jungwon x sub!reader, fingering, mentions of members being in other rooms || genre: smut, fluff, established relationship || word count: approximately 750
You lie in bed next to my boyfriend. He was busy scrolling through his phone as you scrolled through your own. Well, you were scrolling through your phone until you got distracted by the sight of your boyfriend's hands.
Jungwon had no intention of distracting you, you knew that. It was just how they were so big and looked extra veiny, especially in this lighting. You couldn't help but find yourself pressing your thighs together, your core slowly growing wetter and wetter by the second.
"Jungwon." You softly said, in nearly a whine.
Your boyfriend looked over at you, a small smile on his face, "Hm?" He asked, wondering what was up.
You didn't say anything as you put one of your smaller hands over his larger one that held his phone. He transferred his phone to his other hand and held your hand with the now free one.
"You okay?" Jungwon asked and you shook my head. "What's wrong?" He then asked, looking into your eyes, trying to figure out what was happening.
You didn't say anything as you scooted a little closer to him in bed, your arm going around his torso as your leg went over one of his. You slowly started grinding against his leg, looking up at him shyly, seeing if he was getting the hint.
He for sure was, you could see the look in his eyes growing darker. "My girl needs me?" Jungwon asked. You nodded. "What do you need? My mouth, my hands, my cock?" He then asked.
"Hands." You shyly answered.
"Yeah?" Jungwon asked and you nodded eagerly. "Okay." He smiled a little. He gently pushed you over so that you were lying down flat on my back as he turned on his side. "Take your bottoms off, angel." Jungwon said and you nodded, slowly sliding them down your body and putting them on the floor next to the bed.
Jungwon shoved his hand towards your core without warning, his hand pushing your legs apart before he slowly started rubbing your clit, making you let out a gasp. Jungwon continued what he was doing, his movement slow for now.
Jungwon's hand moved down, his fingers prodding at your hole a little, his fingers growing sticky from your arousal. It was almost embarrassing but as your eyes focused on his hands, the way they moved, it just made you wetter.
Jungwon then slowly pushed two of his fingers, his middle and ring finger, inside of you. You grabbed his arm as you let out another gasp. Jungwon didn't say or do anything, seemingly very focused on what he was doing as he slowly curled his fingers, looking up at my facial expression as you furrowed your eyebrows in pleasure. He uncurled his fingers before curling them again inside of you. "Jungwon." You breathily moaned, your hand still holding onto his arm.
"Shhhh, I got you." Jungwon said in a low tone. You see, the other members were all in their rooms, probably asleep by now so he didn't want to wake anyone up with your noises nor did he really want any of the members hearing you like this. These sounds were only for his ears.
He then slowly started pumping his fingers in and out of you, watching as you did your best to suppress your moans, your hand leaving his arm and going to your mouth, covering it to muffle the noise. Jungwon was the only one who could hear it, he was the only one close enough to.
This continued on for a few moments, Jungwon pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling his fingers inside of you every once in a while, watching your expressions of pleasure. You suddenly felt the knot in your stomach growing tighter, feeling like it was ready to burst any second now.
"Jungwon, Jungwon, Jungwon." You moaned, repeating his name as you felt yourself about to cum.
"Shh, shh. Go ahead." Jungwon softly said and the next thing you knew, after his words of approval, you were cumming all over his fingers. Jungwon continued pumping them in and out of you through your high before slowly coming to a stop. He pulled his fingers out of you as you rested your head against his chest, letting out shaky breaths.
"You did so good for me." Jungwon praised you as he looked into your eyes. He loved being the only one who could both see and hear you like this. He absolutely loved it.
-- link to my masterlist
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ihopeiexplode · 3 days
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📱“Back to square one...” [← Previous | Next→]
"how much did you hear?"
"all of it"
He's fucked. Why did he even say that to begin with? He knows he doesn't mean it but then, why did he say it? Before he could explain himself further you just let out a sigh before leaving
I mean who are you to get mad? It's not like he's wrong this is all for a project after all, but then again why does it hurt? You don't care about what he said right? Were you hurt because you thought you could have your best friend back?
As you left to go outside to have some fresh air, Sukuna was left staring at where you were before you left, then uraume spoke up,
"Are you gonna do something about it?"
Sukuna didn't even say anything as he just stood up and ran after you, why was Sukuna running after you? Even he doesn't know, you two were finally on good terms and his stubbornness just had to say that didn't he.
He finally stood in front of you as the two of you were now facing each other right in the middle of your college's garden(?) luckily none was around during this,
"what is it sukuna?"
"y/n listen I—"
"If you're gonna apologize, save it you have nothing to apologize for, it's not like I'm blaming you for saying those it's for a project after all you don't have to actually like me, if this was all an act I don't blame you for it"
"wait so do you not care?"
"no? Why would I? It's not like we had something to begin with, it's not like your my boyfriend or anything"
he wishes he was. But one thing he doesn't understand is why don't you care? That should be a good thing, right? But why does it bother him that everything the two of you did had no effect on you? Did it mean nothing to you? Did he put that much effort into making you like him just for you to not care?
"why doesn't it bother you?"
"is it supposed to?"
"bullshit. Any girl would've done anything to be in your place. You get to spend weeks with me, do you know how many girls would've killed to spend that much time with me?"
"why are you making such a big fuss about the fact I'm not bothered? Does it look like I'm your girlfriend?"
That line alone made Sukuna shut up, he just stared at you as you walked away, your right, why is he making a big fuss about this, he just made himself look desperate.
He'd let out a groan of frustration before taking a seat on a nearby bench, and perfect timing gojo just happened to pass by and witness the scene
"What did you two have some sort of lovers quarrel?"
With that he'd take a seat right beside Sukuna, he'd immediately leave with a scowl on his face, as he left, gojo would just be there wondering what happened between you two
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You'd be out shopping to clear up your mind, as you were about to pay for the things you bought, as you handed your card suddenly you saw a familiar hand pulling your card away and gave his instead,
When you looked to your side you saw the man of the hour: Sukuna.
As the cashier handed him his card back, he took your shopping bags,
"what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to...apologize for what I said back then..." Him? Apologizing? That's new he's not the type to do that
"if you think you can buy my forgiveness think again."
"I know I know, anyways who are you with?"
Before you could answer suddenly he saw someone familiar, someone too. Familiar. And who was it? No other than Yuji.
He'd immediately clench his fist the moment he saw Yuji place his arm over your shoulder smiling at you happily as you did the same,
Then suddenly your whole mood would change the moment you stared at Sukuna
"Since you wanted to come along you can carry my bags"
He'd just roll his eyes before muttering something under his breath, however he noticed how Yuji also looked
"so can you carry my bags to?"
"carry your own bags, you have hands don't you? Use them"
Before he could even say anything just one glare from you was enough for him to grab yujis bags and carry them along with yours.
He's trying to make up for what he said so might as well fulfill your requests..
He hated this. He was stuck following behind you and Yuji, he hated how happy you looked spending time with another guy that isn't him. How come his own brother gets your attention when he's right here?
The whole afternoon he's stuck watching both you and Yuji spend time with one another while he's just trailing behind like some lost puppy.
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: it was supposed to be more angsty but..yeah!!!
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb
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justagalwhowrites · 2 days
Halcyon - Ch. 12: It Doesn’t Need to Mean Anything
You and Joel take Sarah to the concert. A continuation of Halcyon from the prologue through Ch. 11, a modern no outbreak AU TLOU fic found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Joel and Goldie are still morons. Also... mild smut 🫠 Modern No Outbreak AU, No use of Y/N, Slow burn, 18+ only, Minors DNI
Length: 10.7K (no one look at me)
A/N: So much thanks to my beautiful bestie @dundienominee, official Swiftie Consultant for this chapter. She was integral to song selection and Eras Tour outfit choices because I am too casual of a fan to have the knowledge to do that well. Thank you thank you thank you for this and for always letting me bounce the angstiest shit off you, Bestie! Love you!!
AO3 | Main Master List | Prologue | Previous Chapter
You stopped sleeping over at Joel’s. 
The distance took more adjustment than you’d expected and it wasn’t something either of you had explicitly stated, it just felt… necessary. You were getting too close to Joel - not something you would have even considered possible, once upon a time - and you needed to pull back before you ended up wounded and alone like you’d been more than a decade earlier. 
He began separating from you that night, when his hand was still holding your face and your body was still tight against his. You kissed him until he pulled away - not wanting it to end - and when he finally broke the kiss, your faces stayed close together for a moment, close enough that your noses touched and you could see the reflection from the sparks of the fireworks in his eyes. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest, the heat of his palm at the small of your back, the roughness of the callus under his fingers at the nape of your neck. If someone had asked you, in that moment, where you were, you couldn’t have told them. 
And then a gunshot cracked through the air, making the both of you jump and shock away from each other. 
“Fuckin’ assholes,” Joel snapped, looking around as though there was anyone else around you at the water’s edge to blame. “Shit’s dangerous and there are still idiots who decide to shoot guns in the air just because the goddamn calendar changed, fuckin’ morons…” 
There were a few feet between you now and you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were in pajama pants and a long sleeved t-shirt and your nipples were pricked from the cold and the kiss and probably visible through the thin cotton. You crossed your arms over your chest, hoping Joel hadn’t noticed. 
“At least we’re in the middle of nowhere,” you said. “Less chance of the bullet falling on a person…” 
“Still,” he muttered, crossing his arms too. “Makes me nervous. Dumbasses like that should have their guns taken away, don’t act right…” 
You tightened your jaw but nodded, still watching him. 
“Sorry,” he said. You weren’t sure why. “We should probably get back inside, though. Gotta get the kid to bed, she’s cranky if she don’t get enough sleep….” 
“Can’t have a cranky Sarah,” you smiled a little. 
Joel looked at you for a moment and, for a delusional second, you half expected him to kiss you again. Then, he shoved his hands in the pockets of his flannel pants and rocked back on his heels once before starting up the hill toward the house. For the first few steps, he walked to the side almost as much as he did forward, until there was a good five feet between the two of you. You ignored the pang of hurt inside your chest and gave him a tight smile as he held the back door open for you, finding Tommy and Sarah on their feet and yelling at the TV as they raced in Mario Kart. 
He sat as far from you as he could at breakfast the next morning, taking the spot beside Sarah and across from Tommy at the kitchen table and pressing himself against the wall in the hallway when you ran into him there and needed past, making sure your body didn’t so much as brush against his the rest of the holiday weekend. 
When you went back to normal life, it reminded you of the few days after Joel had accidentally seen your shirtless selfie: radio silence. 
This time, you refused to crack first. If he regretting kissing you, that was on him. It wasn’t like you’d begged him to. Hell, you hadn’t even asked him to. He’d offered - after kissing you out of the blue just the day before no less - and now he couldn’t even look at you. Or text you, apparently. 
But you were starting to get a few steps beyond anxious when you still hadn’t heard from him by Friday afternoon. You hadn’t spent a weekend without Joel since you’d found each other again. You weren’t really sure what to do with yourself if you weren’t with Joel. Even though there was definitely a book you should be writing, doing that when you weren’t sure where you stood with your best friend seemed impossible. 
Still determined to not be the first one to reach out but not willing to face the prospect of being alone in your house with your cat - and with the temptation to call your almost ex-husband who actually had texted you since you’d last seen him - you got on Tinder. 
You swiped during a break between classes after triple checking that your age parameters wouldn’t catch any students, largely striking out until you found Stephen’s profile. He was a professor, too, but at Austin Community College. There was a picture of him in Napa Valley in his profile and one of him with a little girl (one he said was his niece) sitting on his shoulders. You smiled at that. You didn’t think you’d ever have children - though, really, you wanted some - but there was something about knowing a man was good with kids… 
You swiped right and got the alert that it was a match. He’d already swiped on you. Your heart sped up a little. Maybe you weren’t completely undatable, after all. 
Stephen messaged you just a few minutes later. 
Hi! How’s your Friday? 
You were working on typing a reply when another message popped up. 
Not to be a creep but… are you really who you say you are? 
You frowned at your phone for a moment. 
Hi back! It’s alright for the first Friday of a new semester. How about you? And yes, the last time I checked. Why?
It took him a little longer to respond that time. 
Let me know if I’m failing on the creep front but I may be what you call a fan. 
You laughed once. 
A fan? 
A fan. Your writing is brilliant, I can’t help it. 
Well, I have good editors. 
I’m sure you do but editors only get you so far. Trust me, I teach the intro English classes, I know. 
You laughed again and the two of you messaged back and forth until you had to go teach your last class of the day. When you finished, you checked your phone before leaving the lecture hall and there was a message waiting for you. 
I hope this isn’t too fast but can I take you out tomorrow? I’m sure you already have plans but on the off chance you don’t… 
You smiled. 
No plans that don’t involve my cat. What did you have in mind? 
Stephen, as it happened, had plenty in mind.
After getting a drink and chatting for a bit, he took you to salsa dancing night, something you’d never had thought to do yourself in a million years. The music was loud, the room was crowded and the energy of it all made your skin pebble as you smiled. 
“C’mon,” he held his hand out to you. “Let’s dance.” 
“Oh, no,” you waved him off. “I can’t.” 
“I’ll show you,” he smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” 
He led you to a quiet corner of the dance floor and showed you the most basic steps and you let him guide you through it as you watched your feet and tried not to step on his toes. By the end, you were laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe and he was laughing, too, putting an arm around your shoulders and guiding you to a booth in the corner. 
Stephen got you a cocktail and settled in across from you, the two of you talking about the semester so far and books and your favorite places to travel. 
You were surprised to find that you were having… well, fun. You hadn’t really had fun out with someone who wasn’t Joel in so long the concept seemed almost foreign to you. And Stephen was smart, you had shared interests, he was sweet and funny and insightful. You liked him. 
But… he wasn’t Joel. 
That was the thought you were trying to shake when he left you alone at the table, excusing himself to the bathroom and to grab another round of drinks and you decided to check your phone. 
Gale had texted you, seeing if you wanted to get coffee. Like the last few texts he’d sent, you didn’t respond. You knew, if you did, you’d end up back in his bed and you’d never be able to move on from him, not really. Hell, you’d let yourself become the other woman while he carried on with your younger, prettier, thinner replacement, keeping her on his arm at every faculty event and book release he used to bring you to while fucking you on the side. A mistress to your own husband. Pathetic.
But the temptation to respond was still there. If there was one man besides Joel who’d been able to hold your attention, it was Gale. When you’d met him, you hadn’t been sure you’d ever recover from loving Joel. It seemed like he would be there, as some part of you, forever. And that was true, he never really left. It was more that you seemed to find room inside yourself to love someone who wasn’t Joel. You realized now that it hadn’t been able to love him as much as you did Joel - or even, really, in the same way - but you did love him. That, now that you were faced with the intensity of how Joel seemed to take hold of you, seemed miraculous. You didn’t expect to find that feeling again so easily.
You looked toward the bathrooms, where you knew Stephen had disappeared to. Stephen, the man who you had every reason to have feelings for, who had taken you out for a great date, who could be someone that could pull you out of this hideous pattern with Joel and Gale if you just gave him the chance. 
You sighed and closed your texts just as a new one came through, this one from Joel. 
Your heart stuttered. You hadn’t heard from him in so long that just seeing his name hit you hard. You glanced up. Stephen was just coming out of the men’s room and heading for the bar. 
You opened the text. 
This radio silence shit sucks. 
You scoffed a little. 
You started it. 
He responded immediately. 
You at home? Come over. Sarah’s about to go to bed, we can watch the next Curtis and Viper commentary in the marathon. 
Sorry, I can’t tonight. 
You looked up to the bar again, Stephen still waiting to talk to the bartender. By the time you looked back down at your phone, Joel had texted back. 
Why not? Puck will behave for a few hours, promise. 
You frowned. 
Believe it or not, I’m not home with my cat on a Saturday night. 
Is not. I’m on a date, actually. I do have a life outside of you, you know. 
Stephen was just getting to the bar to order when your phone screen lit up, Joel sticking his tongue out at you taking over the whole of it as he called you. 
You sighed and answered it. 
“Who the fuck are you on a date with?” Joel demanded. “It had better not be fucking Brad…” 
“So good to hear from you,” you said. “How have you been for the past, I don’t know, WEEK.” 
“Five days. Answer the question, Goldie,” he said. “Are you out with your goddamn husband?” 
“No,” you rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see you. “I’m out with a guy named Stephen, he’s very nice actually…” 
“Who the fuck is Stephen?” 
“I met him on Tinder, thank you very much,” you said. 
“What?” Joel said and you could picture him leaning forward on his couch, his elbow on his knee. “Wait, when? I didn’t vet some fucker named Stephen…” 
“You don’t get to vet people when you don’t talk to me for a week,” you hissed into the phone, glancing at the bar to see Stephen paying for the drinks. “Besides, I don’t need you to review my damn dates like some kind of baby sitter…” 
“Five days. And you have shit taste in men,” he cut you off. “So yeah, you do.” 
“Yeah, well, when you ghost me…” 
“I didn’t fuckin’ ghost you!” 
“When you GHOST me for a week…” 
“Five days!” 
“…you don’t get to judge me for my life choices!” 
“I didn’t ghost you,” he snapped. “I thought we could both use a little space…” 
“Uh huh.” 
“And I didn’t think you’d do something stupid when I left you unsupervised for 30 goddamn seconds!” 
“OK this isn’t stupid,” you said. “He’s a nice guy, he’s an English professor who likes wine and has actually asked me questions about myself…” 
“Look at you go.” 
“Fuck off,” you said, watching as Stephen headed back to the table with drinks. “He’s coming back, I have to go.” 
“No, hold on…” 
You hung up and slapped the phone face down on the table with a little too much force as Stephen smiled, setting your cocktail in front of you. 
“If that’s a friend calling to get you out of this, I promise I won’t give you a hard time,” he said, a slightly teasing edge to his voice. 
“No,” you laughed. “Well, I mean, it is a friend but no, not calling to get me out of it. Just a friend with a history of just the worst timing and a total inability to read the room.”
“She sounds great,” he laughed back. 
You didn’t correct him on the gender, instead just laughing with him and taking a sip of your drink.
The two of you closed the bar down and went to Waffle House after, sitting on opposite sides of the booth so you could stretch out and put your feet up as you pushed your syrup soaked chocolate chip waffle around on your plate. 
“So,” you said as you watched Stephen from across the table. “Not to put a damper on things but… I feel like you should know that I’m not looking for anything too serious right now…” 
“Oh,” Stephen frowned a little. “Can… Can I ask why?” 
“My life is kind of complicated at the moment?” You said it more like a question, as though the difficulties were somehow negotiable. “My divorce isn’t finalized yet, my sister is pregnant and I’m her only support system, I have a book deadline later this year…” I can’t stop thinking about kissing my best friend. You didn’t say that. “I don’t feel like I can really be a great partner to anyone right now. But I would like someone I can have fun with when I can? If you’re OK with that?” 
He nodded slowly, looking at his mug of coffee for a moment. 
“Do you know how long it’s going to be complicated?” He asked. “Just… Cards on the table, I already really like you. I don’t want to get in over my head here.” 
“Another few months at least,” you said. “But not forever. At least, I hope not forever.” 
He nodded again, turning his mug slowly on the table and you watched as the handle went back and forth. 
“I can handle a few months,” he said eventually, looking over at you. 
You smiled a little, wishing that him saying that made your heart pick up the way it did when Joel touched you. 
“Good,” you said. “Me too.” 
When the two of you left the restaurant, he went to kiss you goodbye but you dodged it, kissing him on the cheek instead. By the time you were home, you had a flurry of texts from Joel, the last one demanding to know when you made it home safely. 
I’m home, you control freak. 
It was so late you didn’t expect a response but one came through anyway as you stood at your bathroom sink taking off your makeup. 
Glad you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere. 
Why are you still up? Go to BED! 
I can’t sleep if I know you’re out there with some random! 
You rolled your eyes. 
Well now that you know no one has stuffed me in the trunk of their car… 
I’ll try to care less in the future. 
“Jesus,” you muttered to yourself as Joel texted again. 
Lunch tomorrow? 
Tomorrow Sunday or tomorrow Monday? You wrote. It’s after midnight.
Lunch Sunday, he said stop being a dick.
You laughed a little at that. At least things weren’t that different, even if you wished they were. 
Lunch the next day felt normal, even as Joel demanded to see Stephen’s Tinder profile and look at some of his messages. Most things went back to normal after that, too. Everything except for the sleepovers. 
But now that you were getting ready to leave for Dallas for the concert, you were nervous. You had one hotel room, a small suite the two of you had picked out together, one with two beds in the bedroom and a pull out sofa in the living room. When you were booking the trip, it made sense. Sarah could sleep in a bed with either of you or in the living room on her own and either way, you and Joel wouldn’t be beholden to the bedtime of an 11-year-old. It’s not like you needed space from each other then. 
Now, things felt different. It had been three months since you’d last shared a room with Joel. The casual intimacy that had existed between you had evaporated like mist and you wondered if it had always been a causal, ephemeral thing even when it had felt so grounding. 
At least, you thought, you’d have the separate beds. You’d booked the room before sharing a bed was quite so commonplace in your friendship. At least you wouldn’t need to be quite that close to him knowing how he felt about it. That was a comfort. 
And you were looking forward to some distance from your sister. Now that she was getting closer to her due date, you were together all the time. From lamaze classes to parenting seminars to going with her to AA and NA meetings as moral support, you were with Anna more now than you had been since the two of you were girls and it was summer vacation and you had nothing else to do. 
“I swear to God that one old mom thinks we’re a couple,” she snickered as the two of you got pancakes after a lamaze class one day. 
“What?” You gaped at her. “Ew!” 
“Oh, for sure,” she said, reaching over and stealing a piece of bacon off your plate. You glared at her and she shrugged. “What? I’m eating for two.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“But she definitely thinks we’re lesbians,” she continued. “She was giving me the stink eye before you came in today. I think she thinks you’re the scary one, by the way, because she definitely stopped when you got there.” 
“Jesus,” you shuddered. “Wrong on so many levels. One, you’re my baby sister and that’s just gross. Two, you are definitely the scary one.” 
“Oh, for sure,” Anna nodded seriously and then laughed. “Besides, if you were my girlfriend I definitely wouldn’t be letting you run off with some old flame for the weekend…” 
“Joel is not an old flame,” you rolled your eyes. 
“Sure,” she said in a teasing tone. “And Stephen is fine with this?” 
“Stephen doesn’t get a say in what I do,” you replied. “We’re just seeing each other now and then, he’s not my boyfriend.” 
“Whatever you say,” she said, giving you a look that you weren’t sure you wanted to deal with. 
You hadn’t told her about the kiss with Joel. You hadn’t told her about losing your virginity to Joel before you left for college, either. But somehow, she seemed to know. Your sister, for all the distance you’d forced and all the troubles she’d had, just knew. 
And that made you more nervous than you should have been for spending the weekend away. 
But you packed a bag - featuring a costume for the concert picked from your closet by Sarah - and headed for Joel’s, Puck in his little cat carrier on your passenger seat. 
“Aunt Goldie!” Sarah rocketed out of the house, her curls flying as she ran for your car. “It’s here! We’re really going!” 
“We are!” You said with a laugh, catching her as she threw herself at you. Joel followed behind her, getting your duffle from the back seat. 
“Did you remember your outfit?” She asked, pulling back and looking up at you with wide eyes. 
“I absolutely did,” you smiled at her before looking at her dad. “Hey Joel.” 
“Goldie,” he gave you a nod. “You ready for this?” 
“For a road trip with my favorite kid?” You asked. “Absolutely.” 
You got Puck settled at Joel’s - his neighbors, the Adlers, promising to look in on both cats while you were away - and got loaded into Joel’s truck, a bag of snacks and cooler of drinks sitting next to Sarah in the back seat. 
“We’re listening from the start of the discography,” she said, leaning forward and grabbing the input for her phone. “We need to make sure we know all the eras before we get there.” 
Joel looked like he was trying not to laugh. 
“Whatever you say, baby girl.” 
It was easy to fall into life with Sarah and Joel, even just for the few hours in the truck. Sarah dramatically performing into an imaginary microphone in the back seat, Joel reminding her to buckle back in every time she undid her seatbelt for a particularly big dance move. You stopped in West for pastries and chocolate milk and, by the time you pulled into the hotel on Friday evening, the three of you were a little hopped up on sugar and in desperate need of real food. 
“Oh this place is fancy,” Sarah said, a mocking and overwrought English accent on the last word as you looked around the lobby. 
“Well, needed a room with space for the three of us…” Joel said, voice trailing off as he looked for the check in counter before spotting it. “Don’t go wanderin’ off, alright? I’ll get us checked in, we can drop the bags and figure out something besides junk for dinner…” 
“But I like junk” Sarah said. 
“Yeah, I know you do,” he said before looking to you. “Keep her out of trouble, will you?” 
“Bold of you to assume she’d be the problem.” 
“Knew you’d be trouble,” he smirked a little before going to get in the check in line. 
You stuck close to Sarah, who was using the short wall of the lobby garden as a balance beam as she worked out the pent up energy from the hours spent in the car. 
“How many songs do you think she’ll sing?” Sarah asked after the spun on the end of the wall, her sneakers squeaking on the polished stone. 
“I dunno,” you said. “Probably a lot since the concert is a few hours long.” 
“I don’t want to see spoilers but my friends keep sending videos,” she said. “I haven’t watched any of them, I want to see it all in person.” 
She did a jump like she was imitating a gymnast, making you instinctively reach for her, trying to hide your hiss of fear as she landed smoothly on the narrow wall. She looked at your worried expression and laughed. 
“Please be careful,” you said as she started walking the wall again. “If you get yourself killed I’ll have to go through the hassle of selling these tickets online…” 
Sarah snorted. 
“You’d miss me,” she said, teasing. 
“That too,” you smiled a little before looking toward the check in counter. Joel was at the front now but he looked to be in deep conversation with the man behind the desk. You frowned. “Stay put, kiddo.” 
“Keep jumping on the wall, got it.” 
You shot Sarah a glare before heading for the desk. 
“No, that’s not going to work,” Joel was saying. “I booked the room I booked for a reason, I need two beds…” 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Miller,” the man said. “I’m afraid we’re completely full this weekend and this is the only room I can put you in…” 
“What’s happening?” You asked, eyebrows knitting together and looking between them. 
“They don’t have the room we picked,” Joel said, eyes darting quickly to you, almost like he was afraid to look at you. “They only have rooms with one bed…” 
“Wait, what?” You looked at the man behind the counter. “Seriously? We have a confirmation number, we…” 
“I know, and I apologize,” he said. “With the concerts, we’re booked solid this weekend and there must have been a mixup with an earlier check in. I can’t move someone who’s already checked in. I already looked at our sister property across town but they’re completely full, too…” 
Joel looked at you, his eyes a little wider than you were used to seeing them. Almost like he was going to panic at just the thought of sharing a bed with you. 
“We can make it work, right?” You said, watching him. “I mean… it’s not that bad, is it?” 
“Right,” Joel said. “Yeah, you’re right…” 
He turned back to the man. 
“I guess we’ll take it,” he said. “Three keys, please.” 
Your stomach knotted a little. You knew the situation was less than ideal, that the two of you had been actively avoiding that level of contact in the months since the new year, but it’s not as though you’d never shared a bed. Was kissing you really so bad that Joel was on the verge of a panic at the thought of sleeping next to you for two nights? 
Maybe it was. Maybe you hadn’t fully understood his level of disgust at it.
You weren’t stupid, after all. You knew what he thought about kissing you. And if you hadn’t already known, you knew for sure when you overheard him talking to Tommy about it. 
“It was a mistake,” he’d said when he thought you couldn’t hear. “It won’t happen again, I’m done doing stupid shit with her and then regretting it…” 
Being close to you - touching you - was stupid shit. Even under the guise of friendship it was stupid shit. That had stung. 
It shouldn’t have.
You’d known he felt that way, you had for years. It shouldn’t have made your chest tighten and your stomach turn the way it did. He’d made it clear - since the first time the two of you had ever done anything physical - that it was a mistake. You weren’t about to risk losing him by pressing it, no matter how much you wanted to scream that he was the one who kissed you, not the other way around.
But, you supposed, it didn’t really matter. If he didn’t want you that close to him, you weren’t about to force it on him. He was still happy enough to be your friend, even if he didn’t want to sleep next to you anymore. That was fine. You could live with that. And you could share a bed with him for a weekend without blurring that line again. 
Joel got the keys and you got Sarah from her makeshift balance beam before heading up to the room. He shifted his weight awkwardly from foot to foot on the elevator ride up and you tried to keep from grinding your teeth as Sarah bounced eagerly on the balls of her feet, shooting off like a rocket the second the doors opened. 
“Room 1521!” Joel called after her as she took off down the hall. “Jesus, I swear that kid has the energy to power a small city…” 
She beat you there and Joel handed her a key and Sarah did the honors of letting you into the room. 
“Oh cool!” She squealed, running in. “I get the couch bed right?” 
“Uh…” Joel’s eyes darted to you. 
“There’s a TV by it!” She ran to it. “Oh and the fridge is in this room! This one’s mine!” 
You just shrugged at him and he sighed. 
“Sure is, baby girl,” he said. “You wanna get changed before we go get something to eat?” 
“Nope!” She said, kicking off her shoes and jumping from couch cushion to couch cushion. “But if we get back early enough, can we go swimming?” 
“Sure,” Joel said. “Give me n’Goldie a minute and we’ll head out…” 
You gave Joel a tight smile and led the way to the bedroom. 
The bed, at least, was a king sized one, bigger than yours or Joel’s at home. You could keep to your separate sides of it well enough. 
“I’ll take the side by the door,” he said. You were about to protest - that was the right side of the bed and he always slept on the left - but kept your mouth shut. You didn’t have a side of the bed with Joel. Or, you shouldn’t, anyway. “Did you need to change?” 
“Just out of these leggings,” you said. “I only need a minute.” 
“Right,” he said. “I gotta use the bathroom anyway, so…” 
He stood there, awkward, for a moment before heading to the attached bathroom. You set your bag on the long, low dresser and unzipped it, rifling around for a moment until you found your jeans. You peeled off your leggings and folded them up, setting them beside your bag when your phone started vibrating in your jacket pocket. 
You frowned. You almost never got phone calls. You pulled your phone out and saw Anna’s ID picture and you answered quickly. 
“Anna?” You said, heart racing. “Is everything OK? Are you OK? Is the baby OK?” 
“What?” She asked. “Yeah, everything’s fine, why wouldn’t it be?” 
You relaxed a little. 
“You just don’t usually call,” you said. “What’s up?” 
“Oh,” she laughed. “Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean freak you out. I just got an email from the OBGYN, they need to move my scan next week, can you do Wednesday afternoon?” 
“Is Thursday an option?” You asked. “I have more afternoon classes on Wednesdays…” 
“You decent?” Joel called from the other side of the bathroom door. 
“Looks like they have Thursday,” Anna said. 
“Hang on!” You called to Joel, still standing there in your pale pink satin panties, before turning your attention back to Anna. “Thursday is better, just let me know a time and I can adjust some office hours.” 
“Great!” She said. “I’ll text you the details. Have fun at the concert!” 
You were about to say your goodbyes when the bathroom door opened and, suddenly, you were standing there in your underwear in front of your best friend. 
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, Joel’s eyes wide and ranging over you as you stood, frozen with your phone clutched to the side of your head. 
“Sorry!” Joel said quickly, turning around as you scrambled to hang up the phone and cover yourself. 
“I said hang on!” You said, grabbing your jeans. Joel glanced back over his shoulder before whipping his head back around. 
“I thought you said come on!” He said. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…” 
“It’s fine,” you said, jumping into the pants as quickly as you could, trying to wrestle the denim quickly over the swell of your ass before buttoning them. “There, you’re safe.” 
“Sorry,” he said again, turning around cautiously. As though you were a grenade that might explode if he caught a glimpse of your bared skin. “I wasn’t trying… I’m sorry.” 
“I said it’s fine,” you grabbed your purse. “Let’s get something besides junk food in Sarah otherwise I’m sure we’re going to pay for it later.” 
“Right,” he nodded. “Let’s go.” 
Joel was still tense next to you at dinner and you damn near chugged a glass of wine in the hopes it would help untie the knot in your stomach. 
Thankfully, you’d brought beer in the cooler from Austin and you grabbed two of them - putting the cans in koozies to cover the labels - when taking Sarah to the pool after dinner. The two of you sat and watched her play with other girls who, you assumed, were also in town for the concert. 
Joel relaxed a little then, just the two of you tucked into a corner of the hot tub with a beer in his hand. 
“Who knew I’d feel so old at 33,” he groaned a little, leaning his head back so it rested on the edge of the hot tub. “Just drove a few hours and I’m already wonderin’ how I’m gonna keep up with her tomorrow.” 
“We do have to keep her busy most of the day,” you smiled a little, watching as she lined up at the edge of the deep end of the pool next to three other girls. They jumped in one by one, each girl doing some kind of dramatic twist or funny hand gesture as they fell toward the water, shrieking and laughing as they came up for air. “It’s going to be a challenge.” 
“Thanks for doin’ this,” he said, tone more serious as he looked at you. “It really does mean a lot. We don’t have a lot of people, always felt like I’ve let her down by not having more. I’m glad she’s got someone else who cares about her, you know?” 
You smiled a little. 
“Of course I care about her,” you said. “She means the world to me. You both do.” 
His eyes traced your face and your heart beat a little faster in spite of yourself. 
“Hey Dad!” Sarah called, pulling you away from each other. “Aunt Goldie! Watch this!” 
“We’re watchin’!” Joel called back. 
Sarah looked to her new friend - a girl who looked to be about her age with red hair in a braid down her back - and they gave each other a nod before running for the edge of the pool and jumping for the water, the girls twisting in the air to slap each other’s hands before they splashed down. You laughed and clapped as they surfaced, Sarah beaming. 
“Looks great, baby girl,” Joel said. “But no runnin’ by the pool, just like at home. It’s not safe.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes as she swam to the side of the pool and going back to her new found friends. 
Things felt almost normal as the three of you headed back to the room, towels over your shoulders and a trail of water behind you in the elevators. Sarah settled quickly once you were back in the hotel room, Joel telling her she couldn’t have any more soda or juice after she brushed her teeth but he did let her pick a movie to put on the TV as she settled into the pull out couch, looking like she was getting away with something as she watched Legally Blonde from her bed. 
Joel stayed in the bathroom far longer than you thought he’d need to as you both got changed into pajamas. You’d seen him go through his nighttime routine enough times, you knew he was trying to make sure he didn’t accidentally see you in your panties again. 
You had, at least, planned ahead for sharing a room with Joel, packing a fairly conservative set of sleep shorts with a matching shirt and changing quickly so you could spare him the sight. You climbed in bed when you were done, staying as far on your side as you could reach, a book propped open on your knees. 
Joel knocked before opening the door, anyway, and you winced as you replied. 
“You’re safe,” you said. He still opened the door cautiously, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw you tucked below the covers. You smiled tightly at him as he climbed in bed beside you, his curls still damp from the pool. You tried not to just look at him - you shouldn’t want to just look at him, he was your friend - as he got settled and scrolled his phone for a moment before he looked toward you. 
“Want to watch a shitty movie?” 
“God, yes,” you said, putting your bookmark in. 
Joel laughed a little and turned the TV on, finding the Hallmark channel with some particularly insipid movie you didn’t need to know the plot of to keep up with, even coming in half way through. 
By the time it was over, the two of you had drifted closer on the bed, both of you a little breathless from laughter. You turned out the lights and lay down, more beside each other than against each other, and you stared at the ceiling for a moment, trying not to think about the fact that the warmth soaking into you came from Joel. 
“M’sorry about the room mix up,” he said quietly into the dark. “I hope it’s not… I don’t want you to feel weird.”
“I don’t,” you said quickly. “It’s fine.” 
“Good,” he said. “Because the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable…” 
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, either,” your voice dropped low enough that it was almost a whisper. 
“You don’t,” he said, almost as fast as you’d responded to him. 
“Good,” you said after a moment. “Goodnight, Joel.” 
“Night, Goldie.” 
Joel had a hard-on when he woke up. 
A goddamn boner pressed against his best friend’s ass, an ass he’d seen barely concealed by the softest looking fucking satin or silk or whatever the fuck women’s panties were made of, a sight he couldn’t seem to shake. Not that it was that different from seeing you in a swim suit but there was something about the intimacy of seeing you in a state of undress when he knew - or was pretty damn sure, anyway - that he was the only man who’d seen you that way in months. He liked that sight being reserved just for him. 
He needed to get the fuck over that. 
He was trying to. Really, truly, sincerely he was trying. He’d managed to get some distance from you - though that had helped less than he really expected. But he couldn’t bring himself to just cut you off. 
Even though that would probably be the smart thing to do. 
Clearly you didn’t feel for him the way he felt for you. He’d kissed you - twice - and you acted like it was nothing. Hell, you’d jumped on Tinder as soon as you got home from the cabin and found fucking Stephen. His stomach had twisted in on itself when he saw that text. Consciously, he knew you didn’t feel the same way he did but fuck, he’d hoped it would take you longer than a few days to do something like resort to Tinder after he kissed you. 
And now here he was, his dick against your ass as you slept tucked against him. He wondered what had done it. Had he dreamed about you and those pink little panties only to forget it when he woke? Had he just felt your body against him as you slept, all curved back into him and making your home against his torso with your legs all tucked up toward your stomach so the lush of your ass was nestled right against his cock? Had he just smelled your hair from where you’d moved in the night, the scent of you all close and beautiful driving him to a step beyond wanting? 
It didn’t really matter, he supposed. All that mattered now was making sure you didn’t know it happened. 
He adjusted himself delicately, his cock aching and leaky in the cotton of his pajama pants, rolling slowly onto his back and leaving the arm you were currently using as a pillow below your head. Joel tried to gently extract his arm, hoping he could make it to the bathroom and - after locking the doors - jerking off fast and hard to the memory of you in those little panties
No such luck. You stirred then, uncoiling yourself and stretching out with a satisfied little moan that seemed to have a direct line to his hard cock, making it twitch in the confines of his pants. 
“Morning,” you said, voice groggy as you adjusted, lifting off his arm and arching your back before relaxing down into the mattress. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to cramp your space…” 
“S’fine,” Joel said quickly. The two of you lay in awkward quiet for a moment. “Should probably get movin’…” 
“Yup,” you said, getting up quickly. “Big day ahead of us.” 
The three of you got ready to go - Sarah already eager to get into her concert outfit and you had to talk her down - before heading to breakfast. Joel just watched you and Sarah talk about her favorite song lyrics over bacon and eggs and wondered how the hell he was supposed to move on from you when you were like this with his daughter. 
You went to the aquarium that day, you and Joel just hanging back as Sarah pressed her face against the glass at every exhibit, finding the fish she liked best and trying to learn everything she could about them. 
Joel found himself watching you almost as much as he watched his daughter, the streaks of refracted light from the water catching on your eyes and skin and hair.
“What?” You asked when you caught him, a puzzled smile on your face. 
“Nothin’,” he shrugged, looking toward the tank. 
“OK,” you laughed a little. “Weirdo.” 
“That’s me,” he smiled, shaking his head a bit. 
“Well, as long as you’re aware.” 
The three of you went back to the room with plenty of time to get ready and Sarah practically shoved Joel into the living room the second they were there. 
“You’re a boy,” she said before she closed the door. “We have a lot more to do than you.” 
There were a few seconds of quiet before the Taylor Swift started playing and Joel laughed a little, distracting himself with a phone game while you and his daughter gave each other makeovers in the bedroom. 
“Dad!” Sarah poked her head out a while later. 
He set the phone down. 
“Yes baby girl?” 
“Are you ready?” She said. “Because we have to do a fashion show.” 
“Fashion show it up, kiddo,” he said. “M’ready.” 
“OK, put New Romantics on,” she said. Joel frowned and she rolled her eyes. “We need a soundtrack, Dad, just do it!” 
“Alright, alright,” he said, going into Spotify and finding the song. “Ready when you are.” 
“Presenting the eras of Sarah and Goldie,” she said with dramatic flair before throwing the bedroom door open and jumping into the living room in a pink shirt covered in sequins and her white skort. Her hair was in two what she liked to call “space buns” on the top of her head, pink plastic hair ties holding them in place. Her springy curls were covered in glitter and she had on bright pink, sparkling eyeshadow and gem stones on her cheeks as she beamed, her arms over her head as she showed off her outfit. “I’m in my Lover era because it’s the best one, obviously.” 
“Obviously,” Joel tried to keep himself from laughing. “That’s a lot of glitter, kiddo.” 
“It’s a concert, Dad,” she rolled her eyes as you poked your head around the door to look into the living room and he caught a glimpse of your much darker makeup. 
“It’s just a spray,” you said. “It’s supposed to wash out pretty easy.” 
“No, don’t show yourself yet!” Sarah shoved you lightly back behind the door. “You have to do it all at once to get the full effect!” 
“Sorry!” You called and Joel heard the hint of a laugh on the edges of your voice. “You tell me when it’s OK to come out.” 
“Thank you,” Sarah said, turning back to Joel and striking a pose. “Lover is the best because it has the most pink AND it has Cruel Summer on it.” 
“Sure,” Joel nodded seriously even though he had no idea what she was talking about. “You look great, baby girl. Very pink.” 
She beamed. 
“And now, Aunt Goldie -” she stepped to the side of the doorway and threw her arms out with a flourish - “who is in her Reputation era!” 
Joel didn’t know what the fuck that meant, either. All he knew was that he had a hard time keeping his mouth shut as you stepped around the door, a sheepish look on your face as you turned in a slow circle to show off your entire outfit. You were in black jeans that hugged every curve of your legs, heeled black boots, a satiny shirt that was low cut enough that he could see a hint of the black lace bra below and a black leather jacket. Your eyes were dark and your lashes were long, your lips blazing red and all he could think about was how much he wanted to ruin that fucking lipstick. He was so busy staring at you like an idiot, he missed what Sarah was saying. 
“I’m sorry, kiddo, what was that?” He asked, not looking at Sarah. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off you. 
“She’s in her reputation era because it’s the most badass - sorry Dad - one,” she said. “And she’s definitely badass. Sorry.” 
“I tried to tell her that no, I’m definitely not,” you said. “But she wouldn’t listen.” 
“Nah, she’s right,” Joel said, hoping he didn’t look like too much of a fucking idiot as he stared at you. “You…” he tried to find some way to describe you that didn’t make him sound like a dumbass. “You look great.” 
You smiled a little. 
“Thanks,” you said. “And what are you wearing?” 
“Oh, right,” he said, getting up from the couch. “Sarah picked somethin’ for me too…” 
He ducked around you into the bedroom and resisted the urge to run his hand over your stomach to the curve of your waist and pull you against him. He changed his shoes into his cowboy boots and got his cowboy hat out from its place in his bag before emerging. 
“What era is this, baby girl?” He asked, his hands awkwardly shoved in the pockets of his jeans. 
“That’s the evermore era,” Sarah said knowingly. Joel frowned and she rolled her eyes. “Cowboy Like Me. Duh.”
Joel saw you press your lips together as you tried not to laugh. 
“Duh, yes,” Joel said. 
“Oh! And…” She scampered to her bag and opened the side pocket of her duffle, pulling out fistfuls of plastic beads. “Friendship bracelets!” 
She put a few on herself before holding clusters of them out to each of you. 
“You’re supposed to trade them with other people at the show! I made a bunch!” 
“Thank you!” You said sliding the cluster of them up your arm and turning them in the light. “I didn’t know concerts required so much prep work…” 
“We ready to go?” Joel asked. “I know parking’s gonna be a nightmare…” 
“Yeah!” Sarah damn near bounded toward the door. “Let’s go!” 
The concert was packed, awash with bright colors and excited squeals as the three of you settled in, Sarah immediately striking up a conversation with a girl about her age in a purple dress, trading bracelets with her. 
“Oh, right,” you said, leaning around Joel to see what Sarah was doing. You started looking over the mass of beads on your wrist and selecting one, passing it over to him. “This one seems good.” 
Joel took it, most of the beads letters that said Call It What You Want. He made a mental note to listen to the song at some point. He smiled a little, putting it on the wrist that didn’t have any bracelets yet so he wouldn’t accidentally give it away. 
“Thanks,” he said, looking at his own wrist until he found the one that made the most sense to him and handed it over before he could think better of it. “Here, in trade.” 
You smiled and took it before laughing a little. 
“You Belong With Me, huh?” You asked. He shrugged and you traced your thumb over the letters before sliding it on your wrist. “Thank you.” 
“Dad!” Sarah grabbed his arm and held up hers. “Look! She gave me her Lover one!”
“That’s great, baby girl,” he smiled at the glittery pastel beads, Sarah’s eyes wide and bright. 
It was impossible to not love how happy Sarah was here. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her smile quite so huge or seen her eyes quite so bright. It was like she was getting everything she had ever dreamed as she chattered away to every girl around them as they waited for the show to start. He drank it in, trying to make sure he remembered clearly, sharply how it felt to see her so happy. After a while, he looked to you to find you watching Sarah, too, a look on your face that was almost as happy as hers and you looked so beautiful he almost wasn’t tempted to look at the plush swell of your lace clad cleavage below your satin shirt. 
“What?” You laughed a little, gaze meeting his just as the lights dimmed. 
“Thank you,” he said. “For wanting to make her happy.” 
You just smiled gently before taking his hand and giving it a squeeze, Joel’s heart skipping a beat as everyone’s attention turned to the stage and cheered, the music starting. 
He didn’t pay much attention to the music during the concert, more interested in watching Sarah have fun and you indulging her, happily dancing along with her and clapping excitedly when she did. 
But there was one song in a slower section that he couldn’t help but notice. You’d been swaying along to the music and Joel had been appreciating the guitar when your head drifted over and rested on his shoulder. He froze for a moment, looking at you with the small smile on your red lips and your eyes all soft as you watched the stage and fuck he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to kiss you and he wanted it to be unlike every other time he kissed you, each of them full of driving want or couched in some pretense. Instead, he wanted to kiss you all soft and slow, gentle and earnest. He wanted to take his time and memorize the taste of you and the way your body felt when cradled against him just so. 
But he couldn’t do that so he tried to focus on the song but the lyrics cut him to the quick. 
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love
The words were striking in their familiarity, like they’d been written just for him. It was a moment he’d had a long time ago, almost 20 years back now, a lightning bolt that made him stare straight up at his ceiling in the middle of the night, right at the spot over his bed that had some Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition model poster tacked into the popcorn plaster. The model didn’t hold a candle to you and your slow building smiles and the way you grabbed his bicep for support when you laughed. 
Because he loved you. 
He’d never loved anything outside of his family before but he loved you. The realization swallowed him up, swift and devastating, because he knew - even at 16 he knew - that it would never work. You were too smart, you burned too bright, you wouldn’t have your feet glued to this place the way his were. You’d move on after high school and go change the world and he’d be able to read your name in the paper and say that he knew you once. 
Except he’d always assumed that, eventually, he’d move on. That he’d love something else, find some slice of that all encompassing feeling in another woman. He was just 16 then, after all. Who the fuck married someone they met in high school these days? He’d move on. 
But he didn’t. He’d just poured all the love he had into his daughter until he was struck by you again and realized that no, it hadn’t faded. He still loved you in a way he’d never loved anything else and in a way he didn’t think he’d ever love anything else again and he still knew - even at 33 he knew - that it wasn’t going to work. And he couldn’t risk pressing it, not when life was this much better just because you were close. 
But what was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to spend the rest of his life trying to pretend that he’d find someone else to feel this way about? Was he supposed to steep himself in this torturous proximity until he lost himself to it? Was he supposed to try to bear finding distance from you - when he couldn’t even last a few days not speaking to you - so he could manage it? 
He didn’t know. He wasn’t sure he would ever really know. 
“Joel?” You stepped back from him, your eyebrows knitted together. “You OK?” 
You lifted a hand and pressed the back of it to his cheek. 
“M’fine,” he frowned. “Why?” 
“You look pale,” you said, moving your hand to the other side of his face. “But you don’t feel warm…” 
“Just gettin’ too old for the concert life,” he smiled a little. “Don’t worry about it.” 
You took your hand back. He wasn’t sure if it was a kindness or a cruelty. 
“Better get used to it if you’re going to start playing again,” you said, facing back toward the stage. 
“Yeah,” he said, heart clenching a little. “I’d better.” 
You and Sarah got him to dance and he memorized the look on Sarah’s face as the show wound down, all happiness and joy at getting exactly what she wanted.
After a seemingly endless wait for an Eras Tour t-shirt and the traffic jam to leave the parking lot, the three of you made it back to the hotel, Sarah asleep in the back seat. You went to wake her but Joel stopped you. 
“I’ve got ‘er,” he said quietly, lifting her delicately from the back seat. She groggily put her arms around his neck and nuzzled into his shoulder and he smiled a little. She might be getting big but at least he could still carry his baby girl to bed. 
The two of you tucked her in together before tiptoeing to the bedroom. 
“Thank God I talked Sarah out of glitter for me,” you said quietly as you took your makeup off, already in your pajamas in front of the bathroom mirror. Joel tried to resist the urge to trace the curve of your legs and ass with his eyes. “I’ve barely got the energy to take this off…” 
“Her hair’s gonna be a nightmare tomorrow,” he said, smiling in spite of himself. 
“Yeah, but she loved it,” you looked at him in the mirror. “Worth it.” 
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Worth it.” 
When you got in bed, the two of you ditched the pretense of distance that you’d started with the night before. You lay close but not touching, close enough that he could feel the warmth of you under the blankets. 
“So,” you said, yawning. “How was your first concert with Sarah?” 
“Anything that makes that kid that happy is great in my book,” he smiled a little, his eyes tracing the dark outline of you silhouetted in the dim city light that filtered around the curtains. “Seriously… thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you.” 
“Thanks for letting me be a part of it,” Joel could hear your groggy smile on your voice. “And I had a few Christmases to make up for missing.” 
He laughed lightly. 
“I missed you, Joel,” you said, sounding so tired he wasn’t sure that you knew you said it. 
He was quiet for a moment. 
“Missed you too, Goldie. So much.” 
You hummed in response before your breaths shifted to the quiet, easy cadence of sleep and Joel drifted off, letting himself savor the closeness of you. 
That indulgence, he thought at first, was what sparked the dream. 
You were in a hotel room with him in his head, too, but it was different. It was just the two of you and it wasn’t because you had to be. No, you were there for each other. 
Joel took his time with you then. He undressed you slowly, his lips trailing over your neck and shoulder as he slid the straps of your bra down your arms. He kissed you the way he wanted to at the concert, holding you to him as his tongue dipped into your mouth and he could smell your shampoo and feel the silk of your skin below his fingers and his cock was painfully swollen. His kiss grew more desperate, desire shifting to necessity. He was drawn hot and tight inside his skin and wanting you was a distant memory now because he was far beyond that. He needed you. 
He rutted against the soft warmth beside him, seeking some kind of relief, your body relaxed and pliant against him, your breath hot on his skin and it was the little whimper you made that woke him up. 
It was still early, the light coming in from around the edges of the curtains not bright enough for it to be the light of day yet but that didn’t seem to matter, he could see things just fine. You were close and tight against him, his aching cock pressed to your stomach, the root of him against your clit, your pussy so hot he could feel it through your pajamas and his own. Your leg was hitched over his hip and you rocked your hips against his length and your head was tucked below his. He could smell your shampoo and feel the heat of your breath on his neck. He froze against you and you gave a soft, strangled moan. 
“Goldie,” he whispered, only then realizing that he was panting for breath. “Think… I think you’re dreamin’, should wake up…” 
You didn’t respond. You just moaned, high pitched and needy, and worked your core against his length and Joel worried that he was going to come then and there. 
“Goldie,” he said again. HIs voice sounded strangled, like he was choking on the words. “Gotta wake up baby, can’t…” 
Your leg tightened on him and your hand found its way to the back of his neck, playing in his curls as you ground yourself against his cock and he thought he might burst if he didn’t find some kind of relief soon and… was it really wrong if you started it? If you were practically fucking him in your sleep, was it so bad to give in to what you wanted? 
His resolve weakened, falling into nothing in a matter of seconds. His hands spread over you, one between your shoulder blades, the other cupping the lush globe of your ass and he pressed closer to you, grinding against your hot slit that you kept pressing against him like you wanted him the way he wanted you. 
Joel’s hand traveled down your ass and over your thigh, the feeling of your skin below his fingers almost too much when taken with everything else you were offering and fuck he wanted to feel you come. He wanted to bury himself deep inside of you and feel you get lost in your pleasure while wrapped around him. He resisted the urge to at least slip a finger into those wet panties - he knew they’d be wet, knew you’d be fucking dripping - because that, for some reason, was a bridge too far. You hadn’t started that. You had started this. 
“Goldie,” he managed again, forgetting all pretense and just fucking his cock against you now. “Need you to wake up…” 
You buried your face in his neck and moaned, the motion of your hips picking up for a moment before you pulled your face back from him, eyes open wide and glassy with want and shock. He froze, his hands still on you and his cock still pressed against your core. 
“Joel,” you breathed, eyes searching his. “What are we…” 
“Want me to stop touchin’ you?” He asked, praying you wouldn’t say yes. 
“No,” you whispered. “I… I want…I need… but we… we can’t…” 
His heart cracked open at that but he shoved it aside. He could deal with the pain of that later. 
“Don’t gotta be anymore than this,” he said quietly. “It’s OK baby, promise. It doesn’t need to mean anything, it’s OK…” 
You just nodded quickly and buried your face in his neck again, clutching him close so every line of you was tight to his body, your hips working in earnest against his cock. He moaned at the feel of it, needing to press his mouth into the crown of your head to muffle the sound. He rutted himself against you, his leaking cock making such a mess of his goddamn underwear that it almost felt like he was inside you, the slick of his precome and the heat of your pussy intoxicating. 
The two of you rocked against each other like teenagers in heat, terrified of what that next step would mean but too desperate to stop yourselves now. Joel was getting dangerously close to spilling into his pants and was trying to stave off his orgasm, needing to come with you, when you spoke - voice small and hot and needy - from your place tucked against his skin. 
“I’m gonna come, Joel,” you panted so quietly, like your pleasure was a secret. “I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come, fuck, I’m gonna come, I…” 
“It’s OK,” he said, holding you a little closer, a little tighter, working his cock against you a little harder. “Just come, it’s OK, I’ve got you, it’s OK, just come for me baby, just come.” 
You rutted yourself against him once, twice more before your body seized up and he could feel the throbbing of your pussy against his cock even through the layers of clothing. He closed his eyes and thrust up, letting himself imagine that he was deep inside you and coming there, his orgasm hitting him so hard it made his head spin. 
Your body went limp in his hold after as the two of you panted for breath, limbs tangled around each other. He just held you, tight enough to feel close but loose enough that you could pull away when you needed, until you leaned back from him. Your eyes were still wide but more in shock, now, than want. 
“Joel,” you whispered. “What did we do?” 
He could hear the panic edging into your voice. 
“What did we just do?” Your breaths were coming in fearful little pants now and he ignored the pain in his chest as he brushed your hair back soothingly. 
“S’OK,” he said softly. “It… it doesn’t have to mean anything, it’s OK. Just… shit happened, it wasn’t anything crazy, it’s OK. It don’t have to be anything it’s not, it’s OK.” 
There was a look in your eyes he couldn’t quite place but then you nodded. 
“You OK?” Joel asked after a moment. 
You held his gaze for a second before you nodded once. 
“Yeah,” you said. “It’s OK.” 
His alarm went off and he scrambled to turn it off, praying that, this time, it really would be OK. 
A/N: I'm going to keep building that tension because I love to torture them apparently.
Don't ask me what my problem is. If I knew, I'd tell you.
Thank you so much for reading about these two idiots! I love them so much. Even if they're idiots.
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kinardsevan · 16 hours
for a thousand years (and a thousand more).
“I don’t think you get it, Evan. This isn’t something that started after a failed date for me.” Tommy’s voice is soft as he drums his fingers gently against the back of the couch, inches away from Evan’s where he’s sitting across from him. They'd just been talking about when things had started shifting between them, realizing they were interested in one another. Evan insisted it was during fake mouth static. But Tommy disagreed.
“No?” There’s a hint of a smile on Evan’s face; that look he gets when he’s genuinely curious about what’s going on in Tommy’s head or why feels a certain way. 
“No. I was already falling in love with you when you showed up for the tour at Harbor.” His voice is soft, rasped by the nerves of admitting something so vulnerable out loud. 
Evan doesn’t respond. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he doesn’t have the words to respond to the volume of open honesty about god’s to honest real love directed towards him. Something he’s certainly had come up in past relationships, but it’s never felt like this. It has never been this honest, deep, clear…easy. 
“Falling in love with you was like waking up in the middle of October after being asleep for years,” Tommy continues. “Like I’d been stuck in this endless state of sleepwalking, and then I walked into you. And suddenly the world had air, and color, and meaning. And I just kind of realized, ‘oh’.” 
Evan shakes his head in these small, almost imperceptible movements as tears fill his waterline and he bites the inside of his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes drop to where Tommy’s index finger is brushing lightly over the first knuckle of Evan’s. 
And he wants to find the words to match Tommy’s, to tell him that everything in his chest feels exactly the same way, but they’re all dead in his throat because he’s not sure there are words that can match what the man he’s in love with has just said to him. 
Evan pushes up from the side of the couch where his hand is still resting, closing the space between him and Tommy until his knee is between both of Tommy’s, his other leg straddling over Tommy’s right leg on the outside of the couch as he slides his hand around the older man’s neck, just under the base of his skull and he sinks down into him, meeting Tommy’s parted lips with his own as Tommy’s hand comes up to his ribcage, holding him in place.
It’s so simple, the way their mouths sink into one another. Lips taking on lips, tongues sliding gently into the other. Passion being met on a level that has nothing to do with tearing clothes off, and everything to do with the fact that by some miracle, two hearts managed to match one another’s at the same time.
He doesn’t want to let go; just wants to remain in this moment and never have it end. But time doesn’t work like that, and Evan eventually sinks back, still on his knee, leg still straddled over Tommy's, but seated once more.
Tommy’s hand slides out from its space on Evan’s rib cage, up around his shoulder and to the side of his neck, brushing his thumb lightly back and forth on Evan’s jaw line. The tears clinging to his waterline finally fall, running fast down the side of Evan’s cheek until it slides over Tommy’s thumb. 
Evan pulls his left hand from behind Tommy’s head and lifts it to where Tommy has his on Evan’s jaw, still staring deeply into the brown-haired man’s eyes as he slides his hand off his neck, down to the center of his chest. Tommy watches the movements of their hands until they come to rest over Evan’s heart. Steady, but pounding. He looks back up at the blonde. 
“Oh.” Evan repeats back to him. 
Tommy gives a small nod, the quietest of sighs slipping past his lips as his expression softens. 
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jacaerysgf · 2 days
chapter two Stuck in the middle
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c.s: today is the day of the tourney and you are more than hopeful everyone will be better behaved today. But what happens when you are the one who does not behave. oh no, do you hold affections for both princes!?!?
w.c: 3.1k
a.n: a shorter one i know but i promise its all set up for the individual endings :33 love you guys i hope enjoy <3
fic masterlist
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“Well someone looks grumpy this morning.” You grumble as you stab your fork into the array of fruits resting in your plate. “I am not grumpy.”
You are. You did not sleep well last night. Thoughts clouded your mind so heavily you are glad you even managed to fall asleep before sunrise.
You eat breakfast in silence while jeyne and jessamyn chat about the upcoming tourney.
“I think aemond will win” at the mention of his name your head shoots up and you narrow your eyes when you see they are already looking at you with a humorous look. “What?”
“Oh nothing. I simply wish to know your thoughts on the prince.” “He is fine.”
“oh maybe prince jacaerys is more to her taste.” “no it is certainly prince aemond you saw the way he looked at her and she spoke to him!” “are you blind? she was clearly fawning over prince jacaerys and he her!”
“will you both please stop talking about this?” You put your head in your hands as you feel a headache begin to grow. You are not ready to see both of them today you feel like you might die. Atleast they will not be together today for jacaerys will not be participating in the tourney but that also means you will be spending your time with him.
It is not that you do not like him. If anything you adore him you were so close as children but you cannot stand this strange stand off he’s been having with aemond and you pray it doesn’t spill over into today.
He has not come out by the time you arrive to the stands and sit down next to what you believe to be his chair with lucerys seated at your other side. You can see people from the stands below eyeing you and whispering to each other but you try to ignore it. Who cares about what they have to say? You do. You are squinting your eyes to try and see if you can read their lips.
You feel a hand touch your arm and you turn to lucerys who smiles at you. “Are you well dear sister?” “I am not your sister my prince.” A mischievous smile graces his face and you give him a confused look, “Not yet my lady.”
Before you can even ask him what he’s talking about jacaerys sits down beside you and you smile at him. You are always astounded by how gorgeous he truly is, grateful he has fully embraced the curls of his hair and has truly embraced his Targaryen ancestors, rarely being found without the sigil stitched onto his clothes. “Y/n Good day.” “Good day jace.”
He smiles warmly and readjusts himself in his chair. “I’d like to apologize to you. I had lost myself last night and acted inappropriately, acted before i had thought of how you would feel. I offer you my deepest and most sincere apologies.” You shake your head, How could you ever be upset at him? “I accept your apologies and i am glad you did apologize. Most men wouldn’t.”
A look of pride graces his face as he grins, “Thankfully i am not most men.” You find your fingers aimlessly playing with the cuff of his sleeve as you turn to face out at the crowd again, suddenly not caring about what those around you had been saying. “You certainly are not.” He looks down at your hand before he leans back in his chair, turning his wrist around and lacing your fingers with his. You can’t help but flush as his boldness but when you turn towards him and see he is not looking at you but a large grin can’t help but stay on his face.
Suddenly rhaenyra is giving a small speech before the events begin. You are much more invested than you thought you would be, leaning forwards out of your chair whenever the men would come riding out and find yourself gasping at the brutality. “Enjoying yourself?” You turn to jace and nod, “Of course! things like this never happen in the vale, it is rather boring but this is much fun.” You laugh and allow yourself to take a drink from you cup.
“You know we hold tourneys rather often in kings landing, ive grown to find them rather stale.” You tilt your head at him, “truly so often you could grow to find this boring?” “Everytime there is a nameday a tourney tends be thrown in their honor. It grows quite boring once it is your third one this year alone.” You chuckle, “I imagine you are quite miserable right now.” He shakes his head and looks at you with a glint in his eye, “Not quite. I am rather content now with my company i can find anything enjoyable.” You smack him on the shoulder and roll your eyes jokingly, “Shut up.” “Telling your prince to shut up? Do you have no regard for yourself? I am the heir!” “and you shall be buried if you continue with your nonsense.” “it is not nonsense if it is true. You truly are the loveliest company of them all.”
You hum and turn away as you try to calm your racing heart. Yet you find yourself imagining spending you life here. Getting to see these tourneys all the time, getting to feel this thrill, getting to be with jace. You turn to look at him and he is staring out into the crowd with a blank look, he must truly find these events boring. Yet when he turns to look at you you see his face light up and the sun catches his perfectly making him look like an angel. He tilts his head at you, “Is something wrong?” You turn and shakes your head, clutching the favor in your hand tightly.
The mood suddenly darkens as you see aemond finally ride up and you see him tense and you lean forward in your seat. He is dawned in armor that has dragon imagery all over it and graces with a helm which had dragon wings sticking out of the top of it. His face is covered but you’re sure he looks as glorious as ever. You watch as he stops his horse to face the royal box and you swear you can see him pointed in your direction.
You feel a tap on your shoulder, “were going to stand to greet the men this time, you wish to join us?” You look at jace who looks annoyed but does nothing to stop you as you stand and lace your arm with baela’s and walk towards the rail. You lean over and see a rather handsome man standing at the stands. “Is he dornish?” “oh god’s he’s dornish.”
“wyl sand, pleased to meet you.” He suddenly stands in front of you and looks up at you with a grin, “The beauty of the eyrie, you are truly beautiful my lady, if i could have your favor i am sure to bring you glory.”
You stare at him alarmed before your eyes look to aemond who sits frozen on his horse almost as if he is a statue. You turn your head back to jace and you swear you see his eye twitch as he looks at you blanky. you find yourself lost. What happens if you give it to him? will jacaerys and aemond be furious? You do realize you owe them no loyalty you are a free women to do as you please. You grip the favor tightly in your hands as you think to yourself, maybe this will settle the peace a little, if you gave your favor to aemond, who is sure to ask for it as he had asked yesterday, jace would surely be angry but if you gave it to a third party what is the worst to happen?
You hope nothing truly horrible as you toss down the favor and watch him catch it with a small smile. “I wish you well today, ser.” “I am sure to do well with your blesses and favor my lady.” You can’t help but glance at aemond quickly rides away into his starting position not even asking for a single favor. A pit forms in your stomach as you begin to get a bad feeling. “Something bad is going to happen.” You cannot agree more. You watch with weary eyes as the two men ready themselves and you can’t help but grip the rail tightly.
It happens in a flash the two ride past each other and you let out a breath of relief seeing as they both stayed on their horses. You lean forward as the words are called again and the two begin to ride towards each other once more your heart pounding. You barely believe your eyes as aemond falls of his horse and you gasp, covering your mouth with your hands. “Unbelievable!”
You begin to feel bad as if this had been your fault. You clutch over your heart as you watch him struggle to stand, a sickness takes over you as you watch wyl walk over to him and he seems to be saying something to him. “This cannot end well.”
It happens to quick you believe you had imagined it. Suddenly aemond is tackling wyl and punching him over and over beating him into the ground. The crowd errupts into a fever as you stumble back like you can’t believe what you’re watching. He suddenly stands after a couple long moments before reaching down and ripping something off of him.
Your favor.
You watch in horror as he ties it around his wrist as he walks over and poor wyl gets dragged off, you can barely even see his face beyond the blood that has laced it. You can’t breathe. Theres no way he did that because he was mad over the favor no? certainly not. There was no way, right? You turn around and see everyone look at you concerned or alarmed. No.
“I,,, need some air.” You quickly hurry out of the booth and away from the events. Jace stands up and goes to follow after you but rhaenyra places a hand on his shoulder and shakes her head at him. He sits back down but stares at the direction you had run off with a worried gaze.
You walk far enough away you can no longer hear the crowd, it is some walkway you believe, there is some benches and a small pond placed in the center. You find yourself sitting in one of the benches as you try and catch your breath. You place your hands on your knees as you try your best to clear your mind.
“It is not your fault” you remind yourself in a hushed whisper.
“It is certainly not.” You jump at his voice and look up at him alarmed.
Still dawned in his armor which you can now see has speckles of blood covering the torso and the shoulders up to his neck, you see he’s also taken off his gloves you do however notice he’s clutching your favor in his right hand. When you finally look at his face you notice he had some blood speckled all over his face but he had a particular large mark near his lips.
“My prince-” “aemond i beg of you call me aemond.” You freeze at his sudden interruption and notice he looks rather distraught. “Are you alright,, aemond?” you struggle with his name on your tongue before it actually comes out, not used to referring to him so casually. “You should not feel like it is your fault i assure you it is not. I acted with my anger not my head and i will punish myself for it. though i offer you my apologizes for everything.”
“why did you do it?” You look at his eye and he gazes into yours like you are the only women on earth. He pauses for a long long moment, allowing himself to savor the moment. “He had something i wanted.” “My favor? I’m sorry i knew you had asked for it-” “Your attention. The strength and the courage to go ask you for it.” You find yourself staring at the blood on his lips too often and bring your thumb to brush it off his lips and he lets out a couple shaky breaths. “Why did you not ask me for it?”
“I am ashamed to admit i was nervous. I am disfigured, i would not want you associated with me should you not wish it.” You shake your head as you feel your heart break at his words and expression. “I would have given it to you.” You do not mean for your words to crack but you can’t help it. You like aemond you do, though you don’t know him as well as you would wish too, your heart cant help but hurt for him as you think about the cruelty he must have faced through his life.
He says nothing but continues to stare at you. His hands come lightly to grip onto your cheeks the exchange between you is wordless. he places the lightest kiss against your lips before he pulls away, the two of you completely overwhelm with emotions, the two of your sharing battered breaths as he pulls you into kiss him again. This time it is full of fever, its sloppy due to inexperience yet it makes up in eagerness.
The two of you pull apart and attempt to catch your breaths, You find yourself letting a laugh and he smiles a light laugh escaping him as well. “What was that?” “I have no idea.”
“Aemond!” You two pull apart quickly and aemond turns around to see criston sprinting towards him, “The queen has asked for you.” Criston looks between you and aemond bewildered but a pleased look graces his face as you turn away from him, “Let us go.”
Aemond turns to you and smiles, “I shall see you, my lady.” “I shall see you, aemond.” He walks off with criston the smile staying on his face, You see the two enter a heated, well it is only really heated from criston while aemond seems to be remaining as calm as ever, discussion about something, criston turning back a couple times to look at you. You’re sure everyone will be talking about the fact that you were alone with aemond by nightfall. If you were not lucky criston could have caught on to what you were just doing and would tell everyone.
You decide you should head back, not knowing how long you had been out here. You attempt to calm yourself as you walk back to the tourney, the voices of the crowd growing louder and louder the closer and closer you get. yet they are not louder than the voices in your head
Did this mean you were courting? did you want to court him? what would happen to jacaerys? why were you thinking about jacaerys? why couldnt things just be easier?
You walk back up to your seat and smile as everyone welcomes you back, and thank everyone as you move to sit down next to jacaerys again.
“Are you alright y/n?” Your heart aches at the concern obvious on his face and you can’t help but feel you had betrayed him slight. “I am thank you.”
You turn away from him and try not to give into his burning gaze into the side of your face. You cannot get into the rest of the tourney and barely even clap your hands as some random knight wins.
When you stand to leave jacaerys stops you by grabbing your wrist and you turn to look at him, “May i walk you back to your room?” You nod your head unable to refuse him and he gives you a light smile as he offers you his arm as he lets go of your wrist. You grab it and say goodbye to the others as you walk off, not noticing the way alicent glares at the two of you while rhaenyra holds a pleased look.
He breaks the silence once the two of you were alone, walking through the empty keep halls “you are free to tell me if you are upset but i do not wish to push you-“ “he kissed me”
The two of you freeze. You realize that was not the best way to go about it but you had to tell him. It felt wrong not to. Thought you are not officially courting you knew it was inevitable. You look at him as he keeps his gaze forward unblinking as his jaw clenches.
suddenly he begins to walk again and you are shocked but attempt to keep up with his long strides. You feel awful as he continues to not gaze at you.
“I know we are nothing official nor are me and him anything official but i felt like i had to tell you, you are important to me-“
He suddenly pushes you against the wall and you gasp, staring at him with wide eyes. “jace-“
“do you wish for me to kiss you?”
you should be furious. you should slap him across the face and tell him no. tell him to release you and walk away. his first thought when you tell him you kissed another man is to ask you to kiss him? Is he crazy?
but you do want him to kiss you. So maybe that makes you crazier than him.
The first thing you notice is his lips are softer than aemonds. The kiss is also a lot softer. Like he is in no rush, he has all the time in the world to worship you and press his lips against yours. He hums lightly as yours hands come up to his neck and play with the hairs on the back of his head. You slowly pull apart and he leaves a couple more pecks on your lips as you two smile.
“You are a wonder.” you laugh lightly at his praise. and shake your head. “You do not need to flatter me.” “It is not flattery it is simply the truth.”
you push against his chest and he stumbles back with laugh. he opens his mouth as if he is about to speak but a maid suddenly rounds the corner. “my prince. You are needed for a meeting with the council.” you watch as his face falls and he sighs, giving you a sad look. “I shall see you?” “i shall see you.” he grins at you before he walks off with the maid, not before glancing at you once more before rounding a corner.
you let out a long breath and lean your whole body weight on the wall until you slide down the wall onto the floor.
You were certainly in a lot of trouble.
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memento-rory · 3 days
💘 reader x ted
Please don't feel obligated to do all the ones I send you!
💘 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 / 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 / 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 | 𝐭𝐞𝐝.
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: reader has a weird & creepy coworker. and ted is her roommate.
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You’re in the middle of a rant (one of many, Ted would say) about your weird coworker Craig, who has been saying extremely odd, flirtatious shit to you for the last month or so. You’ve gone to HR quite a few times, but because Craig is one of the higher-ups in your company, he mostly just gets a slap on the wrist. You just know he’s going to get incredibly drunk and be even more uncomfortably forward with you this evening. You wouldn’t even be going to the party if you could help it, but you’ve been assigned a coworker for Secret Santa and you can’t just not show and disappoint someone like that.
“It’s times like these where I wish I had a boyfriend to take to these things.” You throw out, scowling at yourself in the mirror as you do some final touch-ups on your hair and makeup. “Someone tall and hot and scary to keep all the creeps at bay.”
Ted’s on the couch, one of his legs crossed over the other, his thumb aimlessly scrolling over the screen of his phone. “Do you want me to come with? You can tell Craig I’m your boyfriend or something.”
You pause, before turning to look at him with a teasing smile. “You’re not scary.”
“I can be scary.” Ted frowns at you, and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” You laugh, still pondering on his offer under all the teasing.
It really isn’t a bad idea. Ted is tall and hot, and a part of you believes he could be scary if he wanted to be. You can practically see the shock on Craig’s face, standing a head shorter than Ted, having to look up at him and realize all his perverted dreams are shattered.
“Get dressed.” You tell Ted, and he’s up in a flash.
“One tall, hot, scary boyfriend coming up.” He says, before disappearing to his room to put on his best suit.
(Your heart skips a beat as you think about introducing Ted as your boyfriend, but you ignore it. It isn’t real. He’s just being nice.)
The party is in full swing as you and Ted walk into the venue, with drinks from the open bar flowing and Christmas music blasting from the speakers on the walls. You jump as you feel Ted’s hands on your shoulders, gently dragging your coat down your arms. He smiles down at you, draping your coat over his arm.
“Oh, thank you.” You smile back at him.
Ted leans down so you can hear him better. “What are fake boyfriends for?” He murmurs, handing off your coat and his to the man at coat check.
As soon as both of your coats are out of his hands, he’s touching you again, this time resting his hand on the small of your back. It’s featherlight, as if he’s testing the waters of what’s okay and what’s not, and you nearly shiver under his touch. He looks down at you to check in, to see if you’re ready to proceed further into the party, and you nod. His hand fully makes contact then, flush against your back, and he guides you through the small crowds congregating over drinks and finger foods.
You find your usual group of coworkers — your work besties, if you will — and they all stare up at Ted in wonder.
“(Y/N),” One of them shoots you a cheeky grin, “Is this that Ted guy you’re always going on about?”
Your cheeks are suddenly so hot, and you ignore the amused look on Ted’s face. “Yeah,” You mumble, feeling caught, “This is him.”
“Ted Nivison,” Ted introduces himself, oozing charm as he shakes all of their hands. He’s clearly relishing in knowing you talk about him so often. “(Y/N)’s boyfriend.”
“Can’t believe you’ve kept him away from us for so long.” Another one of your coworkers remarks, “He’s so pretty.”
You’ve definitely gone pink now. “Isn’t he?” You look up at him, trying to push down the embarrassment as Ted grins down at you in earnest.
“Oh, please.” Ted says, not looking away from you. “She’s the pretty one in this relationship.”
Each of your coworkers raise their glasses, letting out a “Amen,” or “I’ll drink to that,” or some other phrase of agreement.
(Your skin grows warm at the way Ted looks at you when calling you pretty, but you try to ignore it. It isn’t real. He’s just being nice.)
Ted excuses himself to go get you a drink, and your coworkers descend upon you like vultures, prodding you for details about Ted — why you hadn’t told them he was your boyfriend (not your roommate), what he does for a living, where he got his suit so they can get their partners the same kind.
“He seems like he’s really good for you.” One of your coworkers says, “And he’s, like, totally in love with you.”
You blanch. “What?”
“He literally looks at you like you hung the moon, babe.” Another coworker adds, “Man’s got it bad.”
The tips of your ears grow hot. “You think so?”
She flashes her wedding ring at you. “I know so.”
“Know what?” Ted asks as he strides up, drinks in hand.
“Don’t worry about it, handsome.” Your coworker says, winking at you before taking off to find her husband. The rest of them follow suit shortly after.
“What was that about?” Ted asks, mild amusement on his face as he passes you your drink.
“I don’t know,” You lie, looking down at your glass.
(You try to ignore the way your heart clenches as you notice Ted has brought you your favorite drink, without having to ask what you wanted. You’ve never told him what it is. Maybe it is real. Maybe he’s not just being nice.)
“Oh, God,” You groan, catching a glimpse of Craig coming up behind Ted. He’s grinning at you wildly, already drunk enough to be stumbling and bumping into people as he saunters over to you. He has a little bunch of green leaves in his hand, fake red berries glistening as the lights hit them.
Mistletoe. That fucker.
“(Y/N), there you are, I’ve been looking all over for y-“ Craig stops short as Ted turns around, quite literally looking down on the shorter man. He crosses his arms, offering Craig a friendly smile, though you know it’s anything but. You think Craig might have an inkling of this as well when he squares his shoulders, trying to stand up straighter, clearly feeling threatened.
“You must be Craig,” Ted starts, offering his hand for a handshake. “I’m Ted, (Y/N)’s boyfriend.”
Craig tentatively takes Ted’s hand, his semi-nervous grin morphing into a grimace as Ted squeezes his hand just a little too hard.
“(Y/N) didn’t tell me she had a boyfriend.” Craig says through grit teeth, still looking up at Ted.
“Probably because it’s none of your fuckin’ business.” Ted tells him, still donning his friendly smile. Craig’s own smile falters and Ted laughs, clapping Craig on the arm playfully. “Ahh, I’m just kidding, dude.”
(Okay, so you were wrong. Ted can be scary.)
“Whatcha got there, Craig?” Ted asks, gesturing at the little bundle of leaves in Craig’s hand, “Is that mistletoe?”
“Yeah, it is,” Craig squares up again, holding it up over his head, “I was hoping to catch (Y/N) under it,” He proclaims boldly, smiling a sickening smile at you.
Ted clicks his tongue. “That’s too bad, man.” He shakes his head, as if sympathizing with the pathetic little man, but he makes a quick move to snatch it from Craig’s hand, “But we’ll put it to good use.”
You don’t have time to react as Ted holds the mistletoe up over the two of you, his other hand snaking across your back, pulling you into him. He raises his eyebrows where only you can see, and you can only nod, unable to form a coherent sentence at the mere thought of kissing Ted.
He’s so gentle, pressing his plush lips to yours softly, slotting your lips together. You reach up, taking his face in your hands, and he takes this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, running his tongue over your bottom lip. You grant him entrance, tasting peppermint on his tongue. Ted drops the mistletoe to the floor, using his now free hand to cradle the back of your head.
Maybe it’s a little tacky, making out with Ted in the middle of a crowd, but you don’t care. Ted’s lips feel heavenly against yours, and you involuntarily sigh into his mouth.
“Okay, I get it, dude. Christ.” Craig says, but neither of you hear him, too lost in each other to give a shit. He huffs a frustrated sigh and leaves, defeated.
You don’t know how long Craig has been gone by the time you think to pull away from Ted, but it’s definitely too long for him to still be kissing you. At this point, you’re hearing low whistles and cheering, and it finally pulls Ted away from you.
“Fuck,” Ted laughs, his cheeks unmistakably pink as he lowers his forehead to yours, “I’ve been wanting to do that for so fucking long.”
“What?” You ask, your eyebrows raising, “Stick it to Craig?”
Ted laughs again, standing up straight to look you in the eyes. “No,” He chuckles, taking your hand in his, “To kiss you.”
You stare up at him in shock. “Wait, really?”
Ted shakes his head, an amused grin spreading across his face. “Yes, really. It’s been a nightmare just being your roommate. I was hoping that maybe seeing how fuckin’ awesome I am at being a fake boyfriend would make you want to make me your real one.”
You beam up at him, nodding enthusiastically. “I would really, really like that, Ted.”
“Fuck yeah.” Ted breathes out, bending down to pull you into another heated kiss.
(You cannot ignore the way your heart flip flops as Ted laces your fingers together in the middle of the party. It is real. He isn’t just being nice.)
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blueberrycig · 2 days
when patrick lets you win  !!!!! college !!!!! wc: 1048 she's steamy so 18+ meeoww
the sun hangs high, drowning the college tennis court in a golden hue. you can feel the heat over every part of your exposed skin. it’s intense. hot. sticky. It’s difficult to see him through the glare of the sunbeams, but what a treat to cast what little of your sight over his shirtless torso. patrick grunts, returning your shot with fast speed and muscles rippling as he pretends to not take it easy on you. 
“nice serve,” he calls out from the baseline. his voice is deep, steady and smooth, as if you hadn’t been striking balls back and forth under the sweltering sun for the past hour. your skin tingles at his address. you fight not to peel the stupid tennis dress off your melting body, however it would be a better idea to share a cold shower with your opponent. 
“can you handle another?” you say, voice dripping in honey and mischief.
patrick’s smirk is devilish, eyes sparking with smugness. you know exactly what he wants. 
you toss the ball high and rocket it over the net. you’re focusing on him more than where the ball went. you watch the way his body reacts with anticipation, already predicting your movements before you’ve thought of them. he returns with power, and you lunge for the ball, both dancing for dominance. you can’t remember a moment where you peel your eyes off each other. 
the tension is growing and you can feel electric currents in the air as the ball cracks up and down between you. a drip of sweat trickles down the valley of your boobs, where you hope his tongue will follow as reward whether you win or lose today. 
suddenly, with one last smack, you win the point. you’re breathless yet unsatisfied, staring at your boyfriend with fury. you feel heat threatening to spill out your body as he wipes the sweat from his brow bone and strides towards the net, taking large gulps from your discarded water bottle. 
“you let me win,” you sneer, stomping to meet him in the middle. “asshole.” 
patrick grins that stupid fucking smile as you stand inches apart, only a flimsy barrier of mesh between you. he attempts to hand you the contents of what’s left in the bottle but you swat it away, trembling with rage as it bounces off the ground. “baby, it’s hot out. we can go makeout or something where there’s ac.” 
you’re sulking and not meeting his gaze, “not your call.” 
“let me see your face.” he hums. you haven’t learned to deny his requests yet, his dominant nature casting a net over you over the past few months. you peer up through your lashes, trying to hide your pout but you annoyingly can’t help it. 
patrick fucking loves it when you get mad at him and look like this, fighting against every instinct in your body yet still responding to him. it’s like you worship him or something. the arousal builds in his core and he feels his shorts begin to tighten.
patrick’s strong hand weaves through the back of your hair, and he forces you against him, smashing your lips together and pressing deeply. he knows how much you want to breathe him in, even in moments when you want to kill him. your hands are on his bare, sweaty chest as you attempt to pry him off, but a moan escapes as he forcefully deepens the kiss and your fingers dance down his flexing muscles.
he feels exactly when you melt into his touch, slinging your arms around his shoulders, wanting more. you always do. weak thing. 
it takes no effort to pick you up by the waist and place you down gently on his side of the net, not daring to break the kiss. you feel hot to the core, the hairs on the nape of your neck standing to attention. your tongue slides against his, both being reckless, messy and greedy with each other. a display too wet for a public space, you’re feeling the electricity as the wetness also gathers in your panties.
you squeal as he paws at your, now searing, bottom. the heat of his touch sizzles against your skin, and you instinctively roll your neck back, wanting to fuse into him and bury into his skin. the fabric of your dress dances up as he kneads and grabs your hot, well-rounded ass. you press into him instinctively. more, more, more. so greedy.
you can feel his thickness against your belly button as his wet mouth attacks your sticky neck, kissing and licking all the way down your clavicle. the earth is spinning as you both taste salt and sweat. 
his hands are everywhere, peeling away the dress and up under it. 
“patrick,” you try to say in between breaths, body arching into his. 
he’s lapping at your neck and his fingers are gliding teasingly over the fabric covering your heat. “hmm?” 
“people might come soon - ah.”
“i don’t care.” he mutters against your skin. he takes a large hand and grabs your face, cheeks smushing under his grasp. “they can watch.” 
you’re looking at him with those doe eyes, lips plump as he forcefully commands your face. so ripe. so ready for him. it’s exactly how he likes you. 
you laugh, unexpectedly, and he lets you go, humour twinkling in his eyes too. 
“not all of us have gone pro,” you tease, pushing him off you and jumping back over the net. you begin to collect your belongings off the court and look back at him. “some of us actually don’t want to get kicked out of college, thanks.” 
it pains you to cut the fun short since you’re hot to the touch and your panties are completely pooled with desire. you’re somehow content though. he’ll follow you wherever you’re going.
he laughs, running a hand through his wet, brown mop of hair and looking down at his glaring hard-on. he copies, hopping over the net and immediately taking the gym bag out of your arms and throwing it over his shoulder. 
your darling boy swings an arm around you as you begin to walk back to your dorm room, “continue in the shower?” 
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touchyluffy · 2 days
part one
after your first kiss with luffy, everything becomes much more intense. luffy becomes addicted to you and he has no shame in showing it.
he never leaves your side and is always touching you in some way, whether that be his hand holding yours, his head in your lap as he takes a nap on the sunny, or his feet touching yours under the kitchen table. if you're working around the ship, suddenly it's captains orders that you come cuddle him immediately. whenever you dock on a new island, the captain grasps your hand and pulls you off to explore the lands together, and if you can’t keep up with his fast pace run, he tells you to jump on his back, and then he’s off running again laughing as you cling onto him for dear life.
he will compliment you bluntly and genuinely and whenever it comes to his mind. there are no long monologues of love from him, but there is always honesty. he will just call you beautiful in a way that's just a fact. because it is a fact, he knows you're beautiful just like he knows the sky is blue.
he's constantly asking you 'to do that thing with our mouths' and after the 10th time of getting weird looks from those around you, you have to tell him it's called 'kissing' and then that becomes his new favorite word. he's addicted to the warm tingling feeling of your lips touching his. literally you’re chained up with your other crewmates captured by the foe that luffy decided to fight, and he stretches his head towards you with his lips puckered. in the middle of dinner, while eating his second servings, he kisses you with crumb covered lips. whenever you come up with a solution, he jumps on you and peppers your face with kisses. he can't stop himself.
he's extremely protective over you - physically and mentally. if you two are ever separated by an enemy, you can expect him to raise hell, he quiet literally drives himself and whomever is around him crazy worrying about you (once the enemy pirates reunited you and luffy, albeit in handcuffs, just so he would stop asking about you). it's not that he doesn't believe in your strength, he just knows what it's like to lose someone he loves and he will not lose you. he won't stop until you're safe at his side again. he's also protective of your peace and happiness, so anything that makes you uncomfortable (like perverted jokes from your skeleton crewmate) you can expect him to have an issue and he will swiftly put an end to it. this happy go-lucky captain knows when to lay down the law when need be.
he's your number one supporter. every time your bounty goes up, he folds it up and keeps it in his pocket to show everyone - friend or foe. he's so proud of you. whenever you take out an enemy his eyes light up in stars and he cheers loudly. when you two fight together and you land a punch he'd get so excited that he'd forget about the fight entirely and just wrap his rubbery arm around your waist three times and pull you in for a kiss. whenever you say he will be king of the pirates, his heart swells with joy and pride because he knows you'll be right there by his side. or in his lap. either way.
he loves to see you smile and will do anything to keep you happy. when you're upset, he'll be a clown. if you get sick, he'll search far and wide for a medicine to cure you. when you say you miss him he packs a picnic bag and find a spot on the beach for you two to have a moment alone together, it's a much appreciated gesture even if he eats all the food, he makes it up to you by reaching for a few flowers when you aren't looking and presenting them to you with a big smile. this is when he realizes that you like when he gives you gifts so expect to have a shelf full of things he brought for you - flowers, pretty stones, or other little trinkets from islands.
he's not concerned with labels, he just knows he wants you and only you and he wants you to want only him too. and you do. luffy doesn't keep secrets from you, you know exactly how he feels about you and that he's loyal to you to the end. not even the most beautiful warlord could catch his eye because you're all he sees. there isn't a "what are we" conversation (at least not while you're on your adventures together) because the label doesn't matter, you two just know.
he no longer likes to sleep alone at night, saying he can’t handle not touching you for hours. you don't put up much of a fight when he comes to your bedroom because cuddling with your captain has become your addiction too. plus there’s nothing sexual in his request he just loves to be by your side. you love to fall asleep with him and he loves to wake up with you, it’s a perfect match he says with a grin that makes your heart melt.
so yes, he's addicted to you and truthfully he sees nothing wrong with it.
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Hangover 5
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, other possible triggers. Proceed with caution.
Please leave any and all feedback! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Part of The Club AU
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You help Will fold his laundry. You refuse to do all of it but he’s brought enough that you feel bad letting him do it by himself. Besides, it’s a good opportunity to chat. A better one to distract yourself. 
Despite the time passed, a whole night, and your best efforts, you can’t shake your drive with Officer Storm. It’s impossible to forget the cold air and your nakedness. The humiliation lingers and has you restless. As you tuck away the last pair of socks in Will’s bag, you wince as he says, “mom?” 
“Yeah, what’s up?” You step back. 
“You okay? You been quiet.” 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, just tired,” you muster a smile, “work has been a bit much, you know?” 
“Right, yeah,” you see the flicker of guilt in his eyes, “mom...” 
You laugh, but not meanly, “how much do you need, honey?” 
“I’m sorry--” 
“Don’t be,” you wave off his apology. He shouldn’t be sorry. You know he’s only asking you because his father said no. You’re bum ex can’t be arsed to pay any tuition, so why would he cover any other expenses. “I’m sure I can figure something out.” 
“Yeah, you know, I wouldn’t ask unless... unless I really needed it. There’s this internship. It’s like kinda a grant but there’s an application fee so...” 
“It’s good,” you pat his bones chest, “Will, it’s money. If you happy and healthy, I’m happy.” 
He smiles offers a one-armed hug. For a boy his age, that’s a big gesture. You accept it but can’t help making it two-armed. You squeeze him tighter than you mean too and he wheezes as you cling to him. 
“Mom! I was just home two week ago.” 
“I know, honey, I just... missed you,” you stay as you are. He sighs and wraps you up. You rock him, closing your eyes against the sudden swell of heat behind them. “I love you so much.” 
“Mom, I know,” confusion laces his voice, “Mom,” he rubs your back, “I love you too.” 
You sniffle and dip your head down, hiding as you draw away from him. You roll your eyes back against your tears. You hold onto that feeling, of your son’s hug, it’s enough to chase away that heavy weight in your hips where Officer Storm had held you. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He scoffs. 
“Yeah, I... menopause,” you laugh off but it’s not as breezy as you intend. “Old ladies and their hormones.” 
“Right,” a shade of skepticism lingers in his voice. 
The doorbell rings suddenly and you both jump, laughing at the fright. You shake your head and tramp down the hall to answer it. Will hovers in the doorway but doesn’t follow.  
You open the door and nearly shriek. It’s him. Officer Storm. He smirks and his eyes twinkle. He winks and tilts his head pompously, reciting your name. 
You gulp, “sir?” 
“Mom? Is that a cop?” Will comes down towards you. 
“Ah, don’t worry about it, son,” Storm says, “I’m just doing my good deed for the day.” He flicks up a card between his thick fingers, “this was turned in down at the station. A king samaritan found it on the pavement.” 
You fight a tremour as it rises, “thank you, officer.” 
“Not at all, ma’am,” he holds it out between his index and middle fingers. 
You take it and look at it. It’s your ID. Or maybe it’s a trick. 
“Everything okay?” Storm asks. 
You flinch and nod, “of course. I appreciate you bringing this by.” 
“That’s what I do,” he winks. “You have a good day.” 
He nods and backs up. His eyes rove up and down before he turns and struts away. He has the type of swagger men who don’t last more than a minute have. You shudder and shut the door. 
“Nice of him,” Will says. 
“Sure,” you agree as you twist the lock into place. 
You turn back and walk to the kitchen. As you grab your purse, you can barely get it undone. You remember picking it up from the car seat, the bite of frost in the air, the noise of the police scanner. Your wallet falls out of your grasp as you pull it through the zipper. 
“Mom,” Will says, “you’re shaking.” 
“I’m fine,” you insist sharply, “I just... I didn’t sleep well. I need a coffee.” 
He stares at you, concerned tautening his jaw. You look back at him and nearly whimper. He isn’t much younger than that officer. A decade at most between them. Could he be like that? Officer Johnny is someone’s son too and he did that to you, someone’s mother. 
“Want me to make you one?” Will sounds afraid. 
“Please, sweetie, yes,” you bend to retrieve your wallet, your lower back twanging with the effort. You fall to your knees and whine, “shit.” 
“Mom!” Will grabs onto your arm, “what is it?” 
“My back,” you snivel, “ow, shoot. “ 
You can’t stand. It hurts too much. Your hips lock as you stay on your knees. You peer down at the floor. You can only see the cold ground lit by yellow headlights. You back seizes up again. 
“Mom, please, get up,” Will begs. 
“I-- I can’t, honey, you’re going to have to help me.” 
“What happened--” 
“Work,” you grit out, “please,” you reach to grab his forearm and manage to drag a leg out and plant your foot, “just put me on the couch.” 
You latch on and he grunts as he helps you up. Any man, even one as slim as him, is stronger than you. You lean on him heavily and waddle stiffly, moaning with each step, and nearly collapse onto the couch. He lifts your legs onto the cushions as you whimper. 
Will steps back and stands straight. He looks at you with worry woven between his brows, “mom...” 
“Hon, I’m fine. Just some advil... and coffee, please, if you don’t mind.” 
“I... I can’t stay past tonight. I have a midterm.” 
“I know, honey, don’t worry about that. I’ll be fine,” you assure him through your teeth, struggling to shift into a position that doesn’t hurt. “Really, I just need to sleep it off.” 
He frowns. You hold back a similar expression though you know you must look miserable already. You hate that he’s worried. He shouldn’t be. You're his mother, you’re supposed to worry about him. It’s just another flare up, it’s okay. 
Just like Officer Storm, it’ll go away. 
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paperclip-skz · 3 days
Late Night Snack
fem*Reader x Bang Chan
contains: mention of nightmares (reader cannot sleep), slight mention of sleep depravation, oral (f receiving), lots of teasing, overstimulation, denied orgasm, praising, thigh riding, over clothes stimulation, and pet names, let me know if I missed anything.
WC: 3.5k
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You're startled awake in bed. Clinging your hand to your chest, Your mind is frantic. You can’t seem to keep your breathing under control until you rub gentle circles on your chest. You close your eyes trying to remember where you are. 
I’m safe. I’m home. No one is chasing me. I’m safe. I’m home.
You repeat in your mind like a prayer. You start to calm down, slowly. Your body feels weighed with sleep, but your mind has been frightened awake, leaving you no choice but to stay awake. Nightmares like these have become routine. 
You're startled awake in the middle of the night and too afraid to go back to sleep, so you just wait for your body's tiredness to drift back into a calm state. 
You lay back against your pillows and let them swallow you in their embrace. You lay there begging your brain to drift peacefully, but there is no use. Your mind is awake therefore you are. 
You get up from your bed and charge to the kitchen, thinking some cold water would help ease your mind. 
It's dark, but you know your way around your friend's house pretty well. You go to the kitchen fridge where you grab a bottle of water. 
“Can’t sleep?” a voice says. 
You jump at the sudden intrusion, spilling some water on your T-shirt.
“Who-” You squint your eyes at the couch. A hidden hue of blue light radiated off of his face. He’s silently clicking away on his computer, working on some new project. “Jesus Chan you scared me” 
Your friend had several roommates, there was Hyunjin (Your friend), Jisung, Chan, and Changbin. You stayed in Hyunjin’s room while he and his three other roommates were on a trip. You loved your best friend's flat, his room was filled to the brim with art and literature and you could stay in there forever. Needless to say, when you got kicked out of your apartment, because of some construction noise forbidding you from sleep, Hyunjin offered this little arrangement pretty quickly. Hyunjin had told you Chan might stop by the flat, but it wasn’t likely. 
“I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry,” he says without looking in your direction.
“What are you doing here, Jinnie said you most likely wouldn’t come to the flat, let alone in the middle of the night” You walk over to the sink where a small towel rests. 
“Well, he thought wrong” he's still glued to his computer. 
The cold water seeps into the fabric of your T-shirt. You're wearing an oversized T-shirt and your panties, you don’t normally wear a whole lot to bed to begin with and didn’t have any reason now to change that fact. But now, you're silently regretting not putting on some shorts, feeling overly exposed with Chan in the room. 
Chan lets out a ragged sigh and gently shuts his computer. He stands up walking effortlessly to you. He sits down on one of the stools behind the counter. You're still in front of the sink/other side of the counter, so he can't see anything past your T-shirt. 
“Why are you up?” He asks, tilting his head at you, but not giving any sign of a smile.
“I could ask the same about you” you banter back. You and Chan haven’t had much interaction with each other or any sort of friendship. You just know him as your friend's roommate, nothing more. Now and then You’ll see him around the flat, you admit, he’s good-looking, almost too good-looking, but you’ve never really gotten to know him so your thoughts ended there. 
“I’m working, can’t sleep because my brain won't shut off” he answers tapping his index finger on his forehead. You turn to look at the time the stove says on its clock, 2:30. Jesus it's late. “Your turn.”
You look back at him, he's still staring at you. “Um…” suddenly you feel embarrassed, he’s up because his brain won't calm down either, but why do your reasons sound childish compared to his? “Same as yours I guess, my brain won’t shut off” You turn your attention back to the water bottle you had placed down, tracing your fingers around its surface.
“You guess?” 
“Yeah, I mean it's not work-related or anything… it’s just… it's um…” You're struggling to find the words to explain yourself. Why is this so hard to admit? 
“Y/N what is it?” with nothing but concern written all over his face, you feel the wash of self-doubt leaves your body.
“I had a nightmare, and now I think my brain is too scared to go back to sleep” You answer honestly. Chan leans back in the stool, only studying you. 
“What was it about?” 
“That's the thing, I never remember.”
“This happens regularly?” he asks again, he knows he’s playing in dangerous territory and he knows these questions are far too personal, but he can’t help his curiosity about you.
“Yeah, almost every other night” You hang your head, the heat of embarrassment clawing at you. 
“What do you try to do to stop it”
“I’ve tried a lot of things, music, medication, etc. But nothing works the same, usually I just wait till I tire myself out. Sometimes all I have to do is just lie in bed for a while, other nights I physically have to tire myself out by staying up later into the night” Why am I telling him all this? You're opening up to him more than you’ve ever opened up to Hyunjin. Hyunjin knows about your nightmares, but that's all he knows. You’ve never gone into any sort of detail about them or what you do to help them, and he knows better than to ask. 
“Oh, I see” he breathes out. You look back up at him, trying to study what he's thinking, but it's almost impossible. He just stares off into the palms of his hands with a neutral expression. 
The finger you’ve been tracing the indents of the water bottle with has become cold and almost numb, so you decide to take the water bottle in hand and slowly make your exit. “Don’t let your brain take control for too long. Try and get some sleep” You pat his shoulder before walking back to Hyunjin’s bedroom. 
Until Chan’s hand wraps around your free hand preventing you from walking any further. “Are you going to sleep, or are you just going to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling.” His stare bores into you, he’s completely unreadable. His touch sends fireworks dancing across your skin. 
“If you're not gonna sleep, at least stay out here with me” he pleads. He actually pleads, you’ve barely had a conversation with him and now he's pleading with you to stay up with him. 
All thoughts leave your mind, his pouting lips and desperate eyes make your heart ache. “Okay” you agree, you don’t know exactly what you're agreeing to, but he's pulling your hand back to the kitchen counter. His grip remains holding your wrists, he doesn’t let go, not even when you're being pulled to be face to face with him. Instinctively you lean your body against his, resting one of your hands on his shoulder to steady you. 
His grip isn’t tight, but it isn’t unforgettable, and he doesn’t move his fingers or glide his thumb across your knuckle, he simply squeezes your hand in reassurance. You can’t help but stare. Stare at his soft features or his parted lips. 
Your thoughts become rapid, thinking about those lips and what they could do, all while the feeling of his grip isn’t lost. Your imagination peaks at the thought of his hands roaming your body, gently grasping at the base of your throat. 
The thought sends your lip tugging between your teeth, “don’t” Chan says instinctively reaching out his thumb to break your lip free. Your plump lip springs free and Chan keeps his thumb resting on your chin. The intimate contact sends sparks through your body.
Chan keeps staring at your swollen lip, it's not bruised or indented, just red and plump. He stares at his like it's his last meal and he's a man deprived. 
“If you're gonna kiss me, please do it already” He chuckles at your impatience. Chan’s hand reaches up to caress your hair, touching it lightly. Painfully slowly Chan inches closer to you, looking at you for any sign of retreat. Until his lips finally meet with yours in a slow tamed kiss. You notice his lips are so soft yet so skillful, as you snake your hand to cup his cheek in place. You crane your head to the side, deepening the kiss. He groans at the feeling of your tongue grazing his bottom lip, silently asking for permission. 
You’ve completely forgotten that you’re half naked in front of him, but that thought is long gone, as his clothed thigh wedges and skims your bare ones. The pressure you didn’t know you needed makes your thighs clamp, trapping his leg under you. You sigh into his mouth while his kiss becomes desperate. You swing your arms around his shoulders, a subtle attempt to rub your clothed core on his thigh, and you quickly become fully aware of the dampness between your legs. Chan notices your not-so-subtle attempt and flexes his thigh, making you whimper at the stiffness. 
Chan sucks every whimper, every moan, every sound you make when he kisses you, his tongue never misses a beat. His tongue swipes along your tongue, making your head spin and your walls clench around nothing. 
As you ride his thigh, his hands begin to roam over your body. Chan travels one of his hands from guiding your hips along his leg to brushing along your stomach with his fingertips and finally slightly squeezing one of your breasts. His other hand stays on your hip leading its motions along his thigh. 
Surly the stain from your panties has transferred onto his sweats. You're the first to break from the kiss, letting the stimulation take full control of your actions. Your head falls back and your eyes roll closed, the only thing Chan can do is stare. Stare at your body arching into him as you pleasure yourself on his thigh, staring at the way your hair falls perfectly along your back, staring at your breasts faintly bouncing.
 His hands rest on your lower back holding you steady as you continue your assault on his leg, painting his pants with your juices. Your pace quickens, becoming sloppy, but rapid nonetheless. 
The release builds in your lower belly. Your whimpers become louder as you chase your high, Chan hears them as music to his ears, a new song he wants on repeat. 
“Come on baby, fly for me. Let it all go for me” Chan chants like a mantra. His hands on your back grip you like a vice, while his head rests lazily on your clothed breasts. He’s so close, so intimate, you can feel his heavy breath send goosebumps over your body. 
“Chan” you cry out. You bring your head forward to meet Chan’s, his boner promptly tenting in his pants. 
“That's it baby” The stimulation on your clit begins to rile your body up with an overpowering feeling, a wave that eagerly wants to crash. 
Your body begins to shake and your legs begin to tremble. Chan’s hands become your only source of stability as your release washes over you. 
Chan holds you close to his body, his head still resting between your clothed breasts. You bring your head down to rest on Chan’s shoulder and try to catch your breath. 
You're still lying your body tiredly on Chan’s, while one of his hands caresses your back. An act so endearing a warmth spreads through your heart, a feeling that's so unfamiliar, but so welcomed. 
Finally, you bring your head up and reach to cup Chan’s jaw, bringing his eyes to meet with yours. You linger into his chestnut eyes, and your lungs fill with a need to speak, but nothing comes out. A breath escapes your parted lips. 
You decide the only thing you can do is kiss him, so you kiss him tenderly, letting your tongue swipe across his bottom lip tenderly and letting the kiss last. His hands find a perfect place on your hips. 
You both break away from the kiss, regaining your breath. His hands alone make your body needy for more. He hasn’t even really touched you and he’s already made your body quiver. The image of his hands exploring your naked body, of his finger gliding in and out your wet fold, the thought, automatically, sends your lower lip between your teeth. 
Chan chuckles slightly. He reaches one of his hands to pull your lip free once again, “what am I going to have to do for you to stop doing that?” 
Your mind races with images of Chan on top of you, of his hands on every corner of your body, of his tongue everywhere. Chan sees the smirk spreading across your lips. 
“Oh” the realization is evident in his tone “What should I do first” 
You find yourself in Chan’s bed. Your oversized sleeping t-shirt somewhere lazily on the floor, while your black lacy panties still hang around your hips. 
Chan stands at the foot of the bed, staring at your slightly naked body. He leans his hands on the sides of your legs, looking down at your body, his eyes screaming with hunger. You force yourself to resist biting your lips, if anything Chan has made it clear he doesn’t like your little habit. 
Chan licks his lips as his eyes rake down your body. “What am I going to do with you”
His words send chills straight to your needy core. With the tip of his pointer finger, Chan glazes across your skin, from the valley of your breasts to the string of your panties. Your body arches from Chan's touch, begging for more. 
With a simple act, Chan lowers himself to place a soft kiss on your stomach just above your core. His fingers dance the line of your panties slowly bringing them down your leg. His teasing is so impossibly tender, so slow, so intimate. 
Your hand comes up to stroke his dark locks. Chan breaks his lips away from your skin to look up at you with lidded eyes. He can see you trying to hold back from biting your lip, he smiles at the thought of you picking up on his silent request. 
Your hand travels down to his cheek, gliding your thumb across his cheekbone. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes. “Chan” you whisper, you don’t know what you're asking of him, but you need something from him. You need him to touch you, to worship you, to do something about the wetness between your legs. 
He chuckles. That small, adoring chuckle, warms more than just your heart. “Eager?” he whispers back. 
The only thing you can do is nod your head. He places another soft kiss on your skin and brings himself to the edge of the bed. He grabs your ankles and gently drags you closer to the edge of the bed. He leans on his knees becoming face to face with your bare cunt. 
You lean on your elbows watching Chan's lips come closer and closer to your eager core. Anticipation grows within you, anticipation that has you sighing when Chan kisses your inner thigh, mere inches away from your throbbing center.
He places another kiss on your other thigh, this time a little closer to where you need him most. “Do you like this?” His voice is husky and it sends an unfamiliar vibration through your body. 
The whine that escapes your lips is foreign, but Chan basks in your reaction to his touch. Chan leans in closer to place a chaste kiss on your drumming clit. “What do you want?” another chaste kiss “all you have to do is tell me”. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. His words making your body shiver in delight, chan breaks away from you to look you in your eyes. You can’t bring yourself to speak, for some reason his touch is so distracting it stops any whisper of a sound from escaping your lips.
“I-” you're interrupted by the feeling of his fingers tip-toeing over your folds, spreading your wetness all over. You suck in a breath when his fingertip teases your entrance. 
Chan watches you with hungry eyes as you breathe a sigh and your body readies for a welcomed intrusion. “What do you want, baby girl?” His quiet demand makes your core throb. 
“I want you” you know he wanted you to be more specific with your words, but what are words when you can be more accurate with your actions. You bring your hand back into his roots, slowly easing him downward closer to your bare sex. 
He takes the hint with ease as he delicately kisses your clit, swiping his tongue along the rim. He takes his time licking your sensitive bud teasing you a little more before applying pressure to it with the tip of his tongue. It makes your body tense and your back arches. The familiar feeling of his finger enters your folds, but not all the way, just enough to tease your entrance and clench your walls around the fingertip of his finger. 
Your body writhes on the bed. “Stay still doll” he breathes against your core. You can’t help it, your body flutters at his words. “If you keep moving like that I’m going to have to pin you to the bed” 
His threat makes your mind go wild with desire, “is that a threat or a promise?” you challenge.
With a new determination in his eyes, he wraps his hands around the underneath of your thighs. His steel grip claws at your skin, pinning you in place. You let your back fall onto the bed.
“You might want to hold onto something babygirl” 
You chuckle at his cockiness, “you can’t ser-” you words are caught in your throat the second Chan dives into you. Sucking, licking, teasing your clit with enough force to turn your whimpers into screams. 
His grip on your hips keeps you trapped in place. You fist at the sheets, pulling as hard as you can while Chan devours you. His assault on your sex fills the room with sloppy dirty noises, you would normally be embarrassed about. 
That wave of release builds quickly and it crashes even quicker. It's not long until your body is shaking, your legs are trembling, and your eyes are rolling to the back of your head in pure bliss. 
Chan lets you ride out your orgasam and your hand reaches down to caress his hair once again. You expect him to pull away, but when you continue to feel his tongue swiping along your folds, collecting your remaining juices, the overstimulation sends you screaming again.
“Chris” you scream.
Suddenly he stops, lifting his head, “say it again” you whimper at the loss of his tongue. Even though the overstimulation was almost too much, your second wave was about to crash so easily. 
“Say. it. Again.” he emphasizes each word like it's his last. 
“Chris' ' it comes out as a mixture of a moan and a whisper, but it's enough to send a growl to vibrate through his chest. 
He dives back into you, chasing back that second wave of release. It comes quickly and unexpectedly. You scream his name when the wash of relief shakes through your body. 
Chan removes himself from your dripping cunt and licks his lips. He makes a show of it, showing you how he savors every taste of you. Your body is limp, you can barely move. He leans up to give you a kiss, swiping his tongue along yours so that you can taste yourself. 
You can feel his hard length pressing against your thigh. Your hands rake up and down his back, bringing him closer to your naked form. 
“Someone is entirely overdressed” you tease.
“He chuckles along the corner of your lips, when he pulls away you find yourself shivering from the loss of warmth. You lean against the bed on your elbows. 
You stare as Chan makes a show of taking off his shirt. His muscles flex and you admire his toned torso. Next are his pants. He’s so slow when undoing the buttons that cage his prominent boner tenting his pants. Once his pants are fully removed, he quickly swipes down his boxers down his legs, letting his length spring free. 
Without wasting another second Chan pounces on you. Caging you within his arms and forcing your legs apart with his thigh. “I could ruin you” He whispers in your ear. His hot breath makes your body arch into his, silently begging him to be closer. 
“Do it” you challenge 
: i tried something different, please let me know what you think! Everything and anything is greatly appreciated! :
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connorsblog · 1 day
Season 4 Carl has a grab on me. Could please write a fic where Carl and Rick are in the house, Rick is unconscious, basically those episodes but when Michonne shows, she shows up with reader, whom Michonne found on her journey. Carl and reader become friends quite easily. Just a massive fluff. Pretty please, with a Dixon on top? 💕🙏
who's the cowboy? | c.g
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genre : fluff !
summary : read request
a/n : i love this idea, thank you for requesting !!
i didn't really know how i ended up with michonne, i was just pacing up and down this abandoned house's hallway — and i had heard something clang on the road.
i was hesitant to check it out, but i'm glad i did.
me and michonne were walking down this narrow street. i think she is looking for someone, but i'm not sure, she seemed preoccupied.
"are you looking for someone?" i inquired, focusing on my feet planting themselves on the gravel whilst michonne tried to find a way to answer.
"yes, i'm looking for my friend. his name is rick. he has a son, too," she seemed melancholy about them, almost like one of them were dead — or something of the sort.
"oh — here we are, i think." her head angled upwards as she looked towards the house. it was scuffed up, dirt projected all over the sides from the roamers' hands scuffing it up.
"you think?" i asked, squinting as far as i could into the window of the door. i couldn't see anything, nor hear anything. probably not a good sign.
"can't be too sure these days, kid." was all she had said before promptly walking around the house's outside area — probably inspecting it.
i heard a sudden clang, which made me jump. michonne came straight over as it happened, and it was from inside the building.
suddenly there was some sort of indistinct yelling, it sounded from a kid. he sounded angry, too.
michonne seemed to recognize that voice immediately, most likely this “rick”s son of his.
she didnt have any problem with knocking now, her knuckles making a firm noise against the white wood.
i saw a head peek into the door's window, a pale faced boy with piercing eyes — dark, almost an upsetting shade of blue surrounding the middlest hue, bright and electrified.
his face seemed to light up as he saw michonne, he hadn't seemed to notice me yet though. he'd figure out soon enough anyway.
after various locks unclicked on the door, it swung open to reveal a couch shoved into the corner of the main room, probably just recently.
he had a sheriff's hat on his head, uneven and disheveled — probably from the yelling that occurred just a minute ago.
"who's the cowboy?" i half-joked, teasing him about his sheriffs hat. truthfully, it suited him quite well.
"his name is carl," michonne spoke up, introducing carl to myself and me to him before we all three entered the house.
he closed the door loudly prior to us entering, clicking the locks with a certain precision, probably signaling he had been here for quite some time already. or maybe he just got used to the locks.
michonne stayed by the older mans body — presumably this rick she had talked about. he looked dead, which explained carl's disheveled appearance.
"do you read comics?" carl finally asked after he caught me staring. not a good first impression, i thought silently.
"i read some, i usually don't have time for it, though." i answered simply.
"i have a few michonne got for me. wanna see?" he voiced, seeming to get more comfortable with me as the seconds ticked on.
"yeah, sure." i squinted, following carl to one of the other rooms to check out his comic collection — or what was left, at least.
it had been at least an hour of me and carl talking about comics together before michonne interrupted him in the middle of an X-Men comic he had grown quite passionate about.
"carl," she started as she poked her head into the doorframe rather eagerly, saying both of our names. "you guys hungry?"
me and carl shared a glance before nodding, his smile infectious and spreading to my face almost instantly.
as me and carl ate, we had laughed about numerous things. stupid stuff like milk dribbling down carls chin as he ate eagerly, or my obnoxious laugh as he did so. it was refreshing, i had missed that burning sensation in my cheeks from smiling.
i had said something that caused michonne to chip in and laugh as well. they both seemed to forget about ricks figure on the plush couch.
well, they couldn't now — i saw his frame move. either he was a roamer now, or he had magically woke up.
"i don't think i've heard him laugh like that since — well, for a while." i heard rick murmur as carl began to laugh again.
"well — this one time, i had a friend in like second grade, right? i had tried his lactose free milk and i almost puked!" exaggeration seeped into his voice, but it was too funny not to start laughing along with him.
this conversation had started when michonne offered for carl to try this lactose free milk, cue his story.
"seriously? you almost puked? i doubt that," michonne chuckled, watching the both of us laugh along with her.
"no! i'm not lying, it was horrible!" he puncuated each word, making a vomiting sound at the end of his sentence.
that caused us to laugh even more — even rick ended up joining in eventually.
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note : i LOVED writing this so very much !! thank you again for this request, i appreciate it :)
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hypnoneghoul · 7 hours
Wake the Dead
WC: 5k
Relationship: Rain/Mountain/Phantom
Tags: Transmasc Phantom & Mountain, Tentacle Dick, Improper Use of Gills, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Bioluminescent Cum, Biting, Implied/Referenced Abuse (aka phantom has trauma), Vaginal Fingering, Anal Sex, Tail Sex, Face-Sitting, Aftercare, Cuddling, Not So Concealed HC Lore Drop
“I want you both to get inside,” Rain mumbles. “Both of you in my gills.” Or Phantom and Mountain fuck Rain's gills with their t-dicks...and so much more.
Notes: Commission for @midnight-moth! Thank you so much for your support, Dylan <3 Divider by @ghuleh-recs!!!
Read under the cut or on AO3.
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Phantom has no idea how he ended up in there; what good he has done to deserve ending up in there. From the moment he got summoned he has seen how tight the ghouls are, how they are not only band and packmates, but that they are a family.
The quintessence ghoul did not dare think—did not dare hope—that he was special enough to become a part of it. He came as a replacement, who knew if he would even stay there and not get sent right back to the Pit after the tour? For a few hundred years of his life down there he had never gotten anything good, no reward for surviving that long.
He had been alone, lived in pain and sorrow for centuries. Getting summoned Topside seemed like a turn, like his life would finally get better, but he didn’t dare hope in case it all gets snatched away the second he believes it’s real.
But in moments like these, he does believe it's real.
Over a year and a half later Phantom still doesn’t know how and why, but he’s there with them and it’s all that matters.
They have been at it for hours…days, maybe; none of them knows. It’s slow, languid—an indulging slide of sweat and slick covered bodies against each other.
Phantom is floating, he’s somewhere far, far away, kept on Earth only by the gentle, yet somehow still firm, grip of…Rain, he thinks. His eyes are closed, he’s just sensation, he can only feel. The hands on him are pleasantly cold—just as the tentacle buried inside him up to the very hilt, filling him up nicely—but there’s warmth at his back, a rhythmic rub of knuckles against his spine.
An image flashes before Phantom’s eyes. Of the night he got summoned, of him lying curled up and shaking in the summoning circle; covered in blood, with shredded claws, and missing half a horn, half an eye, and half a tail. He has been afraid most of his life in the Pit, but it was nothing in comparison to the fear that paralyzed him at that moment—when he took in all those big ghouls standing over him, surrounding him, looking ready to pounce.
There was no real warmth in their eyes, then.
But warmth does flood him as he realizes how it all turned out. How…how loved he is, now, how he is finally safe. Exactly all of the things he never dared even hope were possible
Phantom opens his eyes and looks right into Rain’s, and even though the water ghoul’s gaze is like a window into the freezing ocean’s depths, it is warm and full of affection.
He feels as if he will cry and he just might when it all calms.
“You’re doing so good for us, batsy,” Rain smiles down at him, moving his hips as smoothly as only a water ghoul can manage; with the feel of water herself in it. The quintessence ghoul gasps and suddenly all of his body is a single raw nerve when Rain’s tentacle hits some secret place inside him and makes a bolt of electricity go through him.
“So good for us,” Mountain echoes from behind him, rasping it right into Phantom’s ears. His hand is moving under him, rubbing his fat clit with one hand and holding the small ghoul against his chest with the other thrown across his middle.
Phantom could die right here and now and he would be the happiest ghouls to have ever lived.
Rain moans and the quintessence ghoul sees his tail twitch where it’s coiled around his own thigh. He hangs his head and rests his forehead against Phantom’s and a purr breaks out of the younger ghoul when the other takes a moment to affectionately rub their faces together. 
“I love you,” Phantom mumbles, earning himself a big, wet and sloppy kiss in return. Rain licks into his mouth—runs his tongue over his fangs and gums, as if exploring. As if he isn't familiar with every single inch of him yet. The quintessence ghoul whimpers and opens up even more, letting Rain overtake him in any way that he might desire.
Mountain seems to be feeling left out. He hooks his chin over Phantom’s shoulder and leans up to press his lips against whatever he can reach. It just so happens to be the water ghoul’s fluttering gills and neither of them will complain about it.
The earth ghoul slides his unglamored tongue against the slits in Rain’s neck and revels in the sweet noise that he lets out; that is swallowed by Phantom right away.
His cunt squeezes around Rain’s cock and he loses a bit of the control he’s still somehow hanging onto. Phantom is so warm and slick and silky inside it’s maddening and Rain’s tentacle does what it wants with little to no regard to what the water ghoul wants from it. Paired with Mountain’s wet tongue on and in his gills, Rain’s absolutely losing his mind.
He kisses the quintessence ghoul as if he’s the last thing he would ever get to taste, sucking the breath straight out of his lungs and letting it out into Mountain’s mouth through his gills. It all feels sickly good, ecstatic, and none of them seems to be getting enough. They would spend hours, days, years in each other’s arms if only it were possible. They just might try.
Rain thrusts in and out of Phantom’s cunt harder and faster with every second, slapping against the back of his thighs and spreading his legs even more than they already are—held as such by Mountain’s own hooked over his knees. It’s a beautiful tangle, but when Phantom is going to regain his energy later, he will definitely need to sooth them all with quintessence.
It’s irrelevant now as they’re lost in pleasure of each other's bodies.
Rain punches a pretty little moan out of Phantom with every single thrust, josling him on top of Mountain who’s still rutting his stiff clit against the quintessence ghoul’s back and his own hand. It’s far from being particularly satisfying, but there’s no place he’d rather be right now.
He kisses and bites and sucks at the gorgeously splotchy purple-white skin of Phantom’s shoulder, turning the pale parts violet by worrying it between his teeth. Tiny scars that are littered all over the young ghoul feel like satin under his tongue and Mountain wishes there would be more words that he could mumble into his skin and mouth to make him realize how wonderfully beautiful he is.
There’s no way Phantom realizes, no way he sees himself like Mountain—like all of his pack, for that matter—sees him. If he did, there would never be any doubt in his seeing eye, no accusation of ugliness or wrongness.
Sometimes it is still, and the earth ghoul will work incessantly with all the others to get rid of any doubts once and for all. They all do that for each other, they are all the most gorgeous creatures to each other.
Mountain gets lost in thought despite the fire raging around him, the arousal thick like smoke in the air. They’re all choking on it and gasping—desperate for fresh air—into each other’s mouth, trying to breathe it out of each other.
One of Rain’s hands moves, stops gripping Phantom’s hip as if he would turn to dust the moment he lets go, and ends up on Mountain’s burning cheek. It cups it lightly, in a manner not fitting the sinfulness of their current endeavors.
The water ghoul pulls his mouth away from Phantom’s for a moment—his lips swollen and deliciously shiny with saliva—and graces Mountain with a smile before leaning down and giving him a taste, too. He always tastes so sweet, the earth ghoul can never get enough of any part of him. 
The involuntary growl that rips itself out of Mountain when Rain pulls away reminds him of the night Phantom got Topside. It was terrible, the worst summoning ritual he has ever witnessed and his stomach still turned uncomfortably at the memories. He growled similarly then—though way louder and with a different intention—and he knows he scared Phantom to death. If scaring him more than he already was was even possible then.
Mountain growled out of instinct at whoever did all that to him, though, not at the poor ghoul himself. The moment he saw him, he recognized him as pack and earth ghouls were considered the most territorial, protective and possessive for a reason. If not a tight grip Dewdrop has had on his hand, Mountain would launch himself into the closing portal and give Phantom’s abusers—whoever they were—similar treatment. If not worse.
It would have definitely been worse.
So much worse.
Now, though, the quintessence ghoul is so soft and pliant in his arms, and the noises spilling from his lips one by one are as sweet as they get. There are times where Mountain regrets not being as close with Phantom as some of the others have gotten over time, even despite his feelings, but when it really matters, the earth ghoul is there for him. And regardless of whether Phantom knows it or not, Mountain would rip apart everyone and anyone that would ever dare to raise a hand at him.
His thoughts wander too much, he realizes, but at least it gives him some more time before he blows. It would be a shame to do so prematurely and even though he knows it’s a certain feature of his that his packmates adore exploiting, he would rather hold out and be able to enjoy the act fully.
His position is awkward at best, but he manages to hook his hand down between his legs and sink two fingers into his creamy cunt. He can neither get them deep enough nor stimulate himself in any meaningful way, but stalling is his goal here.
Mountain’s other hand travels from Phantom’s waist to his thighs and down, between them, where Rain is fucking into him with abandon. The earth ghoul wants to feel, to run his rough, calloused fingertips against Phantom’s folds, the place where the other two are joined, slip one digit inside him alongside Rain’s cock.
“Mounty–” the water ghoul gasps and pulls back a fraction, just enough to give Mountain space to grab his cock. He smirks against Phantom’s neck and wraps two fingers around the base of Rain’s tentacles, caressing the soft, barely there, suckers on the underside of it.
The quintessence ghoul moans loudly and wiggles his hips, clearly not satisfied with the other pausing. Mountain hums and the moment he pulls his hand back, Rain is slamming himself back into Phantom’s cunt, so deep he feels him in his throat.
The earth ghoul grits his teeth and pulls both of his hands away to put them on Phantom’s skinny hips and grip him tightly, holding him against his chest so hard he bruises. They both might.
“C–close…” Rain cries out, shoving his face into the other side of Phantom’s neck and taking it—surprisingly gently—between his teeth.
“Uh-huh, fill me up, Rainy,” Phantom begs and even though it’s not meant for him, it makes Mountain groan. For the water ghoul it’s all it takes, he sinks his fangs deep into Phantom’s shoulder as his tentacle buries itself equally deep in his cunt. His hips twitch weakly as he spills inside the younger ghoul, filling him up with cum that will definitely make both him and the bed glow once it gets dark.
Not that it’s a disadvantage; Rain would lie if he said he did not enjoy marking his lovers with something inherently him that can’t be gotten rid of as easily as just wiping it off with a wet cloth.
Phantom and Mountain will glow with his cum—even if the latter just from it spilling everywhere—and Rain will take great pride in it. He can’t wait to stare at it leaking out of the quintessence ghoul’s pretty pussy, it'll match the galaxies of his skin perfectly.
“Fuck, feels s’good, Rainy,” he whines as he clumsily tries to hook his legs on the water ghoul’s hips and bring his even closer. He would have to quite literally split him open and crawl inside to do that, but it doesn’t stop Phantom from craving such closeness. Not after he spent centuries without experiencing a gentle touch.
Rain is breathing too heavily to be able to speak—his post-nut dizziness has to cease first—but Mountain is still there, still rutting his little cock against Phantom’s back.
“Come on, iris,” he hums into his ear, nipping at the shell of it with a fang. He gives up holding the quintessence ghoul down in lieu of pinching his nipples and pulling just enough to rip a pretty whine or two out of him. “Come on, make our dear petal even wetter. Soak us all.”
Phantom is unable to resist such a delightful image. His back arches so far it looks painful—it is for Mountain as he crushes his chest, even considering how much smaller Phantom is than him—as a loud wail falls from his lips. His cunt grips Rain’s cock like a vice as he cums and the water ghoul cries out quietly at the tightness on his overstimulated flesh.
“Oh–ah…shit,” Mountain swears under his breath, hastily getting one of his hands back on himself. He grinds against the heel of his palm for a few short moments more, letting out a series of breathy little gasps and whimpers, before he cums, too, folding in on himself as much as Phantom’s now limp body lying over him allows.
As soon as the earth ghoul goes boneless, Rain flops down right over Phantom, effectively turning the three of them into a very messy sandwich. They pant into each other, slowly coming down from their respective highs and back to reality.
The quintessence ghoul feels soft lips on his shoulder and he trills happily when he realizes it’s Mountain lazily kissing his splotchy skin and licking at the slowly bleeding bite left by Rain. He tips his head back and nuzzles against the other’s cheek.
In the meantime Rain does the same to Phantom’s chest, rubbing his face against him affectionately; not unlike a cat. It’s adorable—all of them are—even considering what debauchery they just indulged in. Still are; Rain didn’t even pull out.
Someone should move and reach for one of the water bottles on the nightstand, but it suddenly feels way too far. All their limbs burn, but it's a pleasant ache, one that they will revel in for the next few days, especially when all the memories come flooding back. Or when it will make them come flooding back.
Phantom purrs quietly between the other two—the ghoul loving to be stuffed full and squeezed above anything else. Rain giggles, all giddy out of nowhere, and kisses a tiny beauty spot just next to the quintessence ghoul’s nipple; resisting the urge to bite down on it. Another time.
They lay like this for a while, letting their minds float and their bodies relax and get back on the horny track. They have all evening and night, after all.
“I want you both to get inside,” Rain mumbles into Phantom’s chest after a while, his own having finally paused heaving with exertion. He’s obviously not done yet and he’s ready to go on. “Both of you in my gills.”
Mountain sighs—though not with exasperation—and wiggles an arm out from where it got squeezed between Phantom and himself. They will have to part if the water ghoul wants to go again, but for now he just blindly pats around looking for the gills on Rain’s ribs. He grumbles, though, wiggling on top of them both and making Phantom moan as the suckers of his cock pull on his hole where it’s still snug inside him.
“Not fingers,” Rain clarifies, sounding pouty. “Your cocks.”
“Oh,” Phantom whimpers at the thought alone. That would be neither very possible nor safe with an actual cock, but with their perfectly cute little t-dicks…well, Rain wants to have them everywhere that they can go.
He peels himself off of Phantom and rolls over to the side to sit up and help the younger ghoul up, too. He pulls him into his lap for a few sweet kisses and affectionate nuzzles as Mountain gets himself together. As much as possible in such circumstances, at least.
“How, petal?” he asks, but Rain simply lays down in his place instead of replying. He wraps his tail around Phantom’s slight waist and pats his chest in invitation. The quintessence ghoul scrambles to straddle him, throwing a leg over him; so eager to both please and feel good himself again.
Mountain hums, considering, before moving to Rain’s other side and kneeling over him, a bit lower than Phantom. He hands the water ghoul a pillow to support his neck in the awkward position and—the not-so-secret little shit that he is—lowers himself and drags his cunt over the frilly gills on Rain’s ribs as he tries to get comfortable.
He smirks at the wrecked noise that he lets out at that and settles himself over him more comfortably, waiting for Phantom to do the same.
“C’mon, boys, gimme,” Rain whines and even though the quintessence ghoul is terrified of breaking his damn neck, he braces himself against the headboard and leans forward to nudge his clit against the gills on the water ghoul’s neck.
Mountain goes first, though, wrapping an arm around Phantom for support and lacing the fingers of his free hand with Rain’s limply laying one. He rolls his hips gently at first, to get his little cock into one of the slits, and then with more purpose, to actually fuck inside.
It’s insane.
Rain moans loudly and lets his head roll to the side to give Phantom more space to slip inside, too, and—oh, Lucifer—does he. The young overeager ghoul goes right for it, pushing his fat clit into the water ghoul’s neck and humping him as best as he can while still trying to be somewhat careful. Though not for much longer, most likely.
All of Mountain and Phantom’s worries are quickly snuffed out by the delirious babbling and wrecked noises falling from Rain’s lips one by one. It shouldn't take long for him to start crying, the earth ghoul thinks.
Rain lays boneless under the two ghouls abusing the delicate organs of his that absolutely were not made for what’s happening. Satan must be proud of them sexualizing absolutely all parts of their human-ish bodies, though.
One particularly pained wail of Rain’s makes Mountain freeze and look over Phantom’s shoulder at his face, searching for what caused him the hurt. Nothing, it turns out.
“T–tentacle,” Rain whimpers in explanation and squeezes his eyes and the earth ghoul gets it. He looks behind himself to see that Rain’s cock decided it’s bored and that it’s the perfect time for it to slip inside his ass and help the other two ghouls to get him to cum. “Oh fuck.”
Mountain knows as well as anyone that Rain’s little friend loves to be a menace.
He pushes his clit back into the water ghoul’s gills and humps him in quick little thrusts, moaning at the bursts of cold air on his sensitive flesh as Rain breathes. His gills are cold and slimy and tight, and not a lot of things feel tight on Mountain’s cock—he’s losing his mind.
Rain squeezes his hand, moaning as his own tentacle and the two ghouls fuck the living shit out of him while all he can do is just lay there and take it. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Phantom whimpers above him as he’s rutting against his neck and with great effort the water ghoul looks up at him. He looks absolutely blissed out and that little crease between his eyebrows is positively one of the cutest things he has ever seen.
Rain wiggles his free hand from where it got trapped under the quintessence ghoul’s knee and shoves it between his legs, parting them to get to his cunt. It’s sopping wet with his slick and Rain’s own cum and he can’t help but blindly scoop some up and shove it back inside with three fingers.
The quintessence ghoul whines and his legs shake as he’s still doing his very best to fuck Rain’s gills properly. His clit isn’t long enough to choke him, but it’s fat enough to stretch the delicate slits on his neck and that in itself makes the water ghoul’s brain leak out of his ears.
Once again Mountain seems to be jealous. Just a healthy amount. He all but pouts as he whines, looking down at Rain and squeezing his hand to get his attention. He’s absolutely adorable when he's so needy.
“Petal, gimme…” he begs. “Feelin’ empty like that.”
“Oh, baby,” Rain coos, concealing the smirk that’s pulling on his lips. Somehow; he’s barely still coherent. He uncoils his tail from around Phantom’s middle and wraps it again around Mountain’s. Loosely, so the tip of it can dip between his cheeks and rub between his soaking wet folds before plunging inside to fill him up. The earth ghoul cries out and hunches his shoulder against the added stimulation. 
Out of nowhere Phantom whips his head around and throws an arm around Mountain, desperately trying to bring himself closer without pulling out of the tightness of Rain’s gills. The earth ghoul leans forward and smashes his face against the other’s in something that could barely be called a kiss. They lick at each other sloppily for a while, until a jab of Rain’s fingers inside Phantom makes him jolt and straighten back up.
The water ghoul would also demand a kiss from him, but even with Phantom’s bendiness it wouldn’t be possible. He’ll get all the kisses and more later. For now, Rain is satisfied with staring at Phantom—into his eyes.
As he does, he remembers his summoning day. It was a horrid sight. Smell and noise, too, it all went so wrong, even though, apparently, the ritual itself was the least of the young ghoul’s problems that day.
Rain was terrified, then, frozen against the cold stone wall as he watched with wide eyes as the mauled, barely alive ghoul literally crawled his way out of the Pit. Phantom probably doesn’t remember that, but it was the water ghoul who his eyes fell onto first. Or rather one eye, because the other was shredded and so his eyelid was shut. They saved it—Aether and Omega—but it remains blind; a milky white with a purple crack going right through the middle of it.
Still beautiful.
Rain tells him as much and watches the blush on his cheeks deepen impossibly.
So, so beautiful.
From the moment Rain’s fear for his life dissipated that day, he knew that he was going to take care of that broken little thing, that he was going to show him what safety and love means.
Looking at him now, he considers himself successful.
Phantom holds onto the headboard in front of him and the earth ghoul’s thigh behind him as he fucks Rain’s gills and rides his fingers at the same time and the water ghoul can’t get enough of him. His mouth feels dry and he’s worrying his bottom lip between his sharp fangs when an idea sparks in his foggy brain.
“Bat–batsy, come on,” he mumbles, pulling his fingers out of him and freeing the other hand of Mountain’s grip. The earth ghoul grumbles at it, but he’ll get a reward soon enough. Rain paws at Phantom’s thighs clumsily, scratching him some with his glamored claws as he tries to pull him forward.
The quintessence ghoul is confused for a moment, but when Rain lolls his tongue out and looks at him pleadingly it starts to make sense. Phantom grunts and fulfills the other’s request by settling himself over his face. Slick and cum drip from his cunt in fat drops right into the water ghoul’s mouth. He moans at the taste, tips his head back and pulls at his thighs to make him sit down.
Phantom is strong, but his legs have been shaking for a while now. He drops down concerningly hard, but Rain doesn’t seem to mind. The quintessence ghoul doesn’t have the time to worry about it either, when the other immediately plunges his tongues deep inside and starts to fuck him with it.
The quintessence ghoul leans back against Mountain and moans pathetically as Rain eats him out like a man starved, licking his own cum out of him. The earth ghoul keeps fucking Rain’s gills, but he manages to hook his chin over Phantom’s shoulder once again, to look down at how his clit twitches with every move of the water ghoul’s tongue.
He’s drowning in slick and Mountain can feel on his cock when he starts to breathe through his gills more. Rain’s nose nudges Phantom’s clit with every little roll of his hips, following the same rhythm that the water ghoul moves his tongue in, and if Mountain thought noises that were spilling out of him earlier were sweet, these are pure sugar; truly a music to his ears.
The earth ghoul feels something leathery on his stomach and when he looks down he sees it’s Phantom’s little tail wriggling against him, as if desperately trying to wrap itself around his waist in the typical affectionate ghoulish fashion. It’s too short, though, barely a half of what a normal quintessence ghoul Phantom’s age and size would have—and probably have had before the attack—and Mountain’s heart breaks.
He reaches down to caress the adorably eager little thing before prompting it to wrap around his forearm. Phantom doesn’t even notice, not really, but a happy chirp breaks out of him in between the moans pulled from him by Rain when the comfort of having his tail wrapped around a part of a ghoul he loves registers in his brain.
The soft moment is perfect, but it doesn’t last long—getting concealed by Rain bringing Phantom closer and closer to the edge. Mountain looks over his shoulder again, not being able to resist staring at how blissed out the water ghoul looks drowning in pussy.
Soon enough the quintessence ghoul’s claws dig into Mountain’s thigh and a sinful noise falls from his lips as he cums with a shudder, soaking Rain’s face, neck and chest. The amount of slick glistening on his steel blue skin makes the earth ghoul’s head spin and it takes no more than a few clumsy rolls of his hips and a burst of cold air on his clit as Rain gasps to throw him over the edge, too.
He goes rigid, squeezing the water ghoul’s middle with his muscled legs and moaning wantonly. Phantom falls back against him and the two of them might be crushing Rain under them a little, but he doesn’t complain. Quite the opposite, actually—his mouth hangs open in a groan as he takes in the debauched image above him and feels his tentacle wriggle inside himself. His orgasm crashes into him just a second later and a single tear of positive overwhelm rolls down his flushed cheek.
All three of them sag and flop down right where they are and they don’t move for a longer while, too worn down to even make a muscle twitch—just lying with their limbs all tangled together in a sweaty pile of content, fucked out ghouls. Phantom either passes out or falls asleep for a moment, because the next thing he knows is Mountain hanging above him stroking his cheeks with a soft smile on his face. Rain is nowhere to be seen.
“You did so good for us, honey,” the earth ghoul praises between kisses he’s peppering all over Phantom’s exhausted body now, wherever he can reach. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Rain disappear into a bathroom. He blinks slowly and tries his best to focus his gaze on Mountain and to smile at him. He manages—although rather goofily, making the other giggle. “You’re so adorable, iris.”
Phantom trills at the attention and scrunches his nose up at the other. He chuckles as he brings a bottle of water to his lips and cradles the back of his head, helping him take a few sips. It doesn’t take long for him to give in to the compelling urge that’s pulling his eyelids back down. Distantly he hears some shuffling and Rain and Mountain exchanging a few words. He also feels a warm, wet cloth being run all over him, cleaning him up with all the care in the world as he dozes off.
“I’lov’y’both,” he slurs, half asleep already. He thinks he hears chuckles in response, and maybe he feels some more soft kisses on both his cheeks.
The quintessence ghoul isn’t entirely sure of what happens then, but the pleasant warmth and a sound of happy content purring all around him must mean he’s engulfed in the others’ arms. He wraps his sore arms around a soft body next to him and clings to it with all his might, even though he knows they’re not going anywhere.
He finally knows.
When he does finally fall asleep it’s with a smile—knowing he is safe and loved as a part of a one of a kind family, and that no harm will befall him ever again.
A few hours later, when Dewdrop comes in to check on them and leave more water bottles and some snacks on the nightstand, he sees the whole bed and all three ghouls glowing faint purplish blue in the darkness. He smirks, noticing that the light is most concentrated where Phantom has his thigh hooked over Rain’s hip. And on Rain’s face, for some reason.
They had fun, then. Clearly.
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izvmimi · 3 days
cw: angst.
“I know you’re probably sick of me calling, and I wish I could stop, but…” your voice pauses over the speakerphone and you swallow thickly. Your mouth is at once both dry and your throat wet with phlegm from crying and you resist the urge to sniffle, and make it obvious to him that you’re crying. But it’s moot at this point, isn’t it? You’re calling in the middle of the night, out of the blue, and it’s been months by now, and it’s obvious by the wobbling timbre of your voice that you’re not okay. 
Never okay. You don’t think you’ll ever be okay. Breathing in deeply and pulling your legs to your chest, you let yourself sigh carefully to prevent a sob. 
“I just… I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m reaching out to you again.”
There’s no answer from the other line, and there probably won’t be, and you let that realization hit you for the hundredth time in the past two weeks since the love you’ve been trying to stonewall came crashing right back into your heart and left it back in disarray, with you far too unequipped to pick up the pieces. Your hand runs through your hair anxiously and then your thumb goes to your mouth as you bite your nails.
You probably look a mess and you’re thankful he can’t see you. Tonight was a particularly bad night, where you’ve succumbed to your destructive tendencies and left your room a mess, and now have to sit in the center, clothes thrown haphazardly and papers, pictures,old gifts, torn up posters strewn all around the floor. 
“I’m just sick of seeing you everywhere.”
That’s not something you can help, and even he can’t help it. You’ll have to live with that. The fact that he remains in the world not loving you and you remain in the world unable to move on. 
“But I didn’t call today to argue with you yet again… I just… I just wish things had ended differently.”
Everything comes to an end and no one has infinite patience, no matter what they claim. 
You bite your lip. You’re not saying anything groundbreaking; anyone with a brain would think that. You ended things horribly; difficult to make happy, combative, argumentative, demanding, closed off, just plain mean to someone who only wanted to love you. 
If you could have released him without swiping at him, without wounds and scars a better person would have to soothe, perhaps you’d be a better person. 
But you’re not. 
“I wish I had appreciated you. Had known what to do with a love like yours.”
Rather than holding it so jealously you crushed it between your fingertips.
You take in a deep breath, and say it, once again, straight from your heart.
“I miss you.”
Someone who’s tasted kindness and freedom will never go back into bondage, no matter how much they love you. 
You should correct that. You miss being loved by him, you miss being adored, you miss taking and taking and taking from someone who seemed to have limitless capacity to care.
But you don’t. After all, you’re the type to gorge yourself full when given the opportunity; eat as though tomorrow doesn’t exist.
“I wish I was different. Better to you.”
Your feet are suddenly freezing and you tuck them under you - in another world, he’d have even warmed your feet, massaged them and smiled, found you socks he bought himself and slipped them on with a reminder to treat yourself better. 
To treat yourself well.
But you don’t know how to treat anyone well, not even yourself.
“I know I ruin everything good eventually, and I wish I hadn’t tried to ruin you too.”
Your chest is starting to ache again.
“I’m sorry.”
Tears come to your eyes for a moment and you can’t help but let out a sound as you try to blink them back before praying the receiver doesn’t pick up that pathetic sound. 
“I’m sorry I’m so bold as to wish for you to come back.”
You raised your white flag just a little too late, turned around to see him no longer walking behind you, following you home like a loyal dog instead of trying desperately to reach into the abyss with no end that is your sorry excuse for a soul.
“I’m sorry I still love you.”
As if a warning from above to shut the fuck up, you sob and swallow wrong, choking on your own saliva. Hanging up as you try to recover your breath, you find yourself transitioning into a cry that doesn’t end until you’ve fallen asleep.
“Did someone call?” she asks. He’s been staring at his phone, laid on the surface of the bathroom sink, for the past 30 minutes, deciding whether or not he should bother listening to this message. He’s listened to every single one before this one, taken every expletive and excuse in stride, and perhaps he shouldn’t endure it again. In fact, by now it’s a mystery why he hasn’t blocked your number yet, but there’s that nagging sensation, the one that’s allowed you to hurt him for this long, that you’re a hurt soul that just wants to be heard, even if it’s not his job to bear the brunt of it every single time. 
But as he looks at the voicemail, he can sense a sort of finality to it. He has the feeling after this one, you won’t call again, and yet. 
“Mm. But it’s late, I’ll deal with it in the morning.”
She smiles and lets her hand rest gently on his cheek. He smiles and turns his head to kiss her palm, then gently lets his fingers close around her wrist to pull her away. 
“Are you coming back to bed?”
She looks pretty in her soft lacey nightgown and even prettier out of it, he thinks for a moment. Of course he’s coming back to her. She’s home, even if he was temporarily lost. 
Nodding, he tells her he’ll be there in a minute and she smiles. Too trusting to even worry about what her love is doing in the middle of the night that’s got him frowning so deeply; too explicitly loved and filled with gratitude to be anxious. 
He sighs once she’s out of view and picks up the phone. 
The voicemail is deleted.
Something inside him seems to rot and wither away, but he doesn’t wince. He takes another look towards the master bedroom where she awaits.
Then he blocks your number and goes back to sleep. 
Should have done it a while ago but late is better than never.
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otomiyaa · 1 day
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Kuroo x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.” Requested by @italeean for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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Your keys were rattling as you opened the door to your shared apartment with Kuroo. Inside, you already saw four pairs of unfamiliar sportsy looking shoes, and you smiled. You were not surprised.
You knew your boyfriend was having some old friends from his high school days over, and that they were staying for some fun and drinks. No problem to offer the study room and couch for that.
"I'm home~ Guys?" you called out.
Why was it so quiet though? Had they gone out to play volleyball perhaps? No... At this hour? Besides, their shoes were right here.
You thought about it calmly as you took off your own shoes and shuffled around the corner.
"Guys, hello? .... Oh."
Inside, you found a mess. You immediately spotted your boyfriend Kuroo on the couch, sitting upright but looking like he was asleep.
Daichi was fast asleep on the floor. Why on the floor? His face had doodles on it too.
"How much did you guys drink?" you sighed, finding Oikawa in the kitchen. Looked like he had wanted to get something from the fridge but passed out in the middle of getting it. The fridge was still open. He was also missing his pants.
"Tetsu, watch our energy bill!" you called out to your sleeping boyfriend on the couch as you closed the fridge, and you found Oikawa's pants a little further. You threw it on top of him to cover his geeky underwear.
In the bathroom, you found Bokuto and Ushijima, piled up together. Also snoring, reeking of alcohol. Looked like the guys had made themselves comfortable anywhere but the futons you prepared for them in the study room.
"You guys are unbelievable," you said fondly, shaking your head like a mother.
You headed towards Kuroo who had the most comfortable spot of all, except his position looked anything but comfy. He was sitting very upright, which looked uncomfortable for his back, and his.. uh. Huh? His wrists were tied together in front of him, with... handcuffs? But why?
"Dear, what's going on here?" you chuckled, kissing his cheek and then picking up his tied hands to take a closer look. The handcuffs looked legit. Not some cheap toy.
Well, you knew Daichi was working to be a policeman after all... You shook Kuroo's bound hands around playfully and watched how he opened his eyes tiredly.
"Hello baby," he said, and he let out a cute burp. You waved the smell of beer away and patted his head, combing your fingers through his messy hair.
"What have you been up to? It's not even midnight yet."
"Hm.. Drinking game," he answered, leaning in to nuzzle your chest like a cat. Hehe, Kuroo was always a charmer, but somehow he managed to make you even more flustered whenever he was drunk.
"I see, I see. Well, let's untie your hands first and get everyone to bed. Where's the key of the handcuffs?" you asked.
"Hm... Let's make love," Kuroo said instead answering. "Right here."
"No no, baby. We can't. And we can't let your friends sleep like this. Let's go to bed."
"Hmm, to bed we go.... I'll make you feel so, sooo goooood," Kuroo said seductively.
You couldn't help but snicker in response. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position," you said. You picked up his hands again to demonstrate, not prepared for him to suddenly reach for your tummy and - wah! Tickle?
"Tehehetsu! Hehehey now!" you laughed, tumbling forward against him. His hands may be tied together, but he could still reach out and move his fingers, and damn did he know where to get you to make you collapse in an instant.
"Make love to meee," your drunk boyfriend said with a goofy grin.
"Nohoho! Whahahat! Tetsuraahaha! D-dohohon't!" You tried to move away, but somehow even with handcuffs, Kuroo was a beast.
He managed to capture you with his legs, keeping you in position firmly. He then tickled your sides and tummy until you were squealing so loudly it was a surprise not one of the others woke up. Alcohol comas were sooo bad!
"Prohohomise mehehe y-y'all nehehever drink so muhuhuch agahahain!" you laughed, squirming at your boyfriend's mercy.
"I promise~" Kuroo said sweetly. You were a little embarrassed how easy it was for you, with both hands free, to get overpowered like this while Kuroo was limited in his movements. You were simply stuck between Kuroo's legs and giggling like an idiot.
"Nohohow prohohomise to lehehet me gohoho!" you tried since he did seem a little reasonable.
"Can't promise that~"
"Ahahahalright! Lehehet me gohoho - wehehe'll cuddlehehe!" It was funny, Kuroo was immediately sold. His weakness for cuddling, even more than sex, was just adorable.
"Okay!" Kuroo chirped, and you were surprised it worked. He stopped tickling you, but instead he wrapped his arms around you. His tied hands now rested against your back, and you jumped when he scratched you there fondly. Not again!
"Y-you're stihihill tickling mehehe!" you whined. And now you were even more stuck.
"Tetsu! Lehehet gohoho!"
Okay so it didn't work. Well, sometimes people would make bad choices like you did. It couldn't be helped. In your new position, you were even more trapped than before, and even when Kuroo fell asleep in the middle of tickling your back, you could hardly get out of his grip.
After all, you didn't want to wake him again. "You're so silly," you said with a smile, and you had to make some effort to kiss him in this cramped position. You then rested comfortably against him, and you started to feel sleepy.
It was anything but comfortable, but then again, definitely more comfortable than those other guys. You could at least try to sleep a few hours, and then hopefully wake up with a sobered up boyfriend!
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thats-manly · 2 days
I’m insane rn and this is a reach but i saw a post that got me thinking
What if my hero academia has been one giant decade long plan to shift people’s hearts??
Think about it. Horikoshi is all about the parallels, after all.
Before quirks, the world was just like ours, people were “normal.” (bare with me) And then people started getting “quirks”, all of a sudden nobody was the same. Everyone had different abilities, looked different, acted different. Everyone became some sort of minority and suddenly there was no standard.
There was a point in time, out here in the real world that we had a status quo, too. Homosexuality, transgender people, gender expression were kept so deeply in the dark they almost didn’t exist. The status quo was the standard and everyone was forced to live up to it. This obviously included race wars and other types of minority issues. But over the last several decades something has changed. Hasn’t it? And look were we’re at, now.
A huge drawing factor to this manga for people is how in depth hori writes the villains of his story. They’re just..villains, in the beginning. They’re angry, murderous, easy to hate. But then we get their backstories. We learn what made them villains in the first place.
They had been left behind in the very society pledged to protect them. Just because they were different. Just because they didn’t live up to the status quo. They’d been hurt by their very own family, failed by their society. Its hard to hate when we begin to understand, isn’t it?
This is a big reason I can’t not hold out hope for a bkdk endgame. I know it’s unlikely but there is no explanation for the amount of soulmate AU bkdk we get in this fucking anime, alright. And wouldn’t it just be the epitome of “fuck you” for hori to make them canon at the very end after getting people so hooked on their story, and then be able to call out every single person who dares to criticize those characters for being different? After a decade of watching their story unfold?
It would force people to acknowledge their own prejudices, at the very least. Best case-scenario, it might just change peoples hearts.
And wouldn’t that just be crazy? For him to do something like that in the middle of real-life political upheaval, minority wars, real wars, public mindsets seemingly split down the middle.
I always thought it was kinda weird how there was such a lack of canon homo-spicy characters in the manga. I’ve watched a lot of anime in my time and there’s always a token homo-spicy character, but hori seems to stray hard from that unless we include the “very not gay” soulmate bond between the two main characters, anyway. But for some reason, mineta’s there, in class A for no good reason, being sickeningly straight coded and easy to hate.
It.. almost reads as Hori trying to keep as wide an audience as possible, to not scare people off before the finale.
It’d be crazy, right?
Anyway, happy pride month🏳️‍🌈
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