#and then 'side' muses under asked for or whatever the word is
godofvillains · 1 year
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((Sorry if I'm annoying with all my blogs and changes.. I just REALLY like my blogs to be knitted together and make sense. It didn't feel like Faputa fit here but I was trying to make her so. I am fine with handling three blogs I think, so I'm testing it out.
I don't make it all one blog, cuz I hate just random muses everywhere. I like them all to make sense to each other. My Hero Academia on this blog, Cult of the Lamb on un-chained blog.. And ofc, Faputa and possibly Nanachi on another... And if I make my Helluva Boss one, obv Helluva / Hazbin will be on that blog only.
I like to have multi muses that make sense to one another, than grouping so many fandoms together that don't corelate to one another.
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It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ Chapter 1 ] || [ Chapter 3 ]
Pairing: Soap x Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1K~ cw: a bit of dirty talking/innuendos Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
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Chapter 2: Johnny
“Oh, hello…” You remarked to yourself as your eyes locked into a stunning pair of blue eyes on your screen, stopping your mindless right-swipping. “...Johnny.”
“You’re 29… A soldier… Scottish… Are you friends with Kyle?” You mused playfully. “Let me guess, you’re a gym bro, aren’t you?” You asked sarcastically as you tapped your finger on the right side, skipping through his pictures. The first one immediately after was him lifting while wearing a weightlifting belt. “Yup… Mandatory gym pic.”
Chuckling to yourself, you snap a screenshot of his profile to the girls as well, sending it quick.
leah: @/mia Whatever good energy you sent its working. second hot guy in the last 5 minutes! mia: i lit a CANDLE for this!!!!! leah: there weren’t any handsome guys like this when i was on tinder?! 😫 UNFAIR. �� you: blow it out then cause this is the 3rd actually. leah: 3rd??? Where’s number 2??? you: didn’t think to snap a screenshot. hasn’t matched me back yet. mia: has he posted a shirtless pic? you: kyle did and this one idk but probably. need to check. leah: Don’t forget to send it over.🥴
Shaking your head and laughing in amusement, you went back to Tinder, checking on ‘Johnny’. The mandatory gym pic was there… a couple of them in fact! And then the mandatory shirtless selfie. Or rather… The mandatory shirtless SELFIES. Plural.
Three of them… The first one was him just straight up wearing just a towel… And the next was him in a kilt… And the next was him with a button-up very much so unbuttoned. 
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“Oh, my, Johnny-John-John… You sure know how to woo a bird…” You joked to yourself.
You dragged your finger down to check his bio and immediately frowned. “Of course…” You trailed off with a disappointed frown as you snuck another spring roll into your mouth.
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He might be stupidly attractive, but his personality… Gosh, he doesn’t know how to sell himself. Boring, boring, boring. “I work out and like video games!” You quipped mockingly and scoffed a bit.
“Artist.” You remarked when you reached the last of his profile’s tags, spotting that word in the hobby section. “An artist? You?” You asked your phone screen as if Johnny would come alive in it and answer you. 
You’d admit, him calling himself an artist was intriguing enough, but normally that wouldn’t be enough to make you Swipe Right on him… But you’re not under normal circumstances. You promised your friends you’d Swipe Right on everyone so…
Your phone almost dropped out of your hand as soon as the ‘It’s a Match’ screen showed. “Of course… He’s probably swiping right on everyone as well…” Rolling your eyes, you go to click off the screen but accidentally enter DMs.
Johnny: ye have any scottish in you? you: not that i know of. Johnny: would ye like to? 🫦 Johnny: wait. wdym not that ye know of??? Johnny: i was trying to be filthy and now got me curious bonnie
“Fuckin’ hell…” You said as you set down your phone and covered your face before breaking into a fit of giggles.
The fact you had accidentally ruined his pick-up line and succeeded in stumping him got you very, very amused. Okay, maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as boring as you thought.
you: story for another time. you: i walked right into that one tho. good job. Johnny: no ye cant do that Johnny: gotta tell me all about it now you: i mean werent scottish people everywhere in the uk at one point? you: i might be 1/370232103484320th scottish. Johnny: would ye like some MORE scottish in ye then? 🫦 you: solid attempt again. you: if you keep trying you might just get there. Johnny: i intend to dont worry you: soooo… Johnny: so? you: were you wearing underwear under the kilt? Johnny: no Johnny: why want a peek? 😏 you: i’m good you: so ur an artist? Johnny: i am Johnny: ur fast at typing fuck you: what kind? you: keep up then! Johnny: drawing Johnny: im trying 🥴 you: can i see some? Johnny: hanging with my mates difficult to text fast 😤 Johnny: idk if ull be in the mood to see anything after im done with ye you: why? 🤨 Johnny: might be too tired and need to be cuddled to sleep 😏 you: oh fuck off. Johnny: u just cursed me out Johnny: i think m in love 😫 Johnny: gonna tell my mates i just met my spouse 🥴🥴 you: don’t give them any ideas. you: haven’t even agreed to meet up with you. you: haven’t been invited in the first place. Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏 Johnny: meet up with me 🙏
Your eyes widened at his enthusiasm and persistence. Okay, he was definitely not boring… It was actually kind of endearing and funny!
you: jc r u copypasting that? Johnny: yes Johnny: are ye going to or not you: can i get back to you on that? Johnny: ill wait for ye you: sure you do that johnny Johnny: ow the sarcasm burns
Concealing a chuckle, you clicked off the DMs page for the second time tonight… but, this time, you closed the app and focused on eating dinner.
Sure, this whole dating app thing was stupid, but at least you were enjoying yourself. 
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthoney , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe
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ceilidho · 10 months
If you haven't already, can you write a second part to house cleaner reader for ghost? I really liked it and would love a pt 2
i don't know about a full on sequel bc my muse is fickle and hard to catch but i can give you a little snippet?
The first time you slip into Simon’s bed, you swear it’ll be the first and last time. 
It’s not an accident—you made the decision deliberately. You just hope the circumstances lend your excuse some credence.
“Accidentally let a moth in,” you mumble into the pillow when you spot him standing in the doorframe. He has to duck his head a little to come in. 
Of course he picks today of all days to come home. 
His eyebrows come up as if in surprise, but you can see the slightest trace of amusement in his eyes. You pull the blankets up to your neck, conscious that you’re garbed in only sleep shorts and a tank top that’s several years old. It keeps riding up when you toss and turn in your sleep. 
Your head’s still a little foggy with sleep; you managed to catch up on all of an hour of sleep before the sound of your name in the deep timber of his voice had hooked you out of your dreams. Not that you remember what you were dreaming. 
You’d been curled up like a little woodland creature in his bed, nose stuffed in the pillow that still seemed to carry the lingering trace of his smell. In his absence, it’s easy to forget that he does have a smell; rich and layered, like gunpowder and smoke, like it clings to him barnacle-tight, like it’s caked under his nails and in the fine blond strands of his hair. You take a deeper breath in. 
Simon’s still clothed in the thick tactical gear you saw him off in several weeks ago. The tube scarf is pulled down to around his neck, exposing his face. It always leaves you hungry, eyes roaming over the blunt cut of his jaw greedily, watching it undulate when he yawns. It’s covered with rough new scruff, like he only started letting it grow out within the last day or so. 
“Simon?” you ask, humiliation still biting you at being found in his bed.
“Been on the road for bloody near four hours,” he grunts, hands coming up to start peeling away the layers covering him. 
It takes you a second to remember to avert your eyes. You keep your gaze fast on the floor, but the sound of velcro ripping off and drawers opening leaves your face hot, almost feverish. If you touch your cheek now, you’re sure you’ll find them burning. 
“I’m sorry, sir.” The comforter is still clasped to your chest when you go to sit up and you’re not sure what the plan was. To walk all the way back to your room with his blanket around you? “I’m gonna go—I’ll sleep on the couch. It’s so embarrassing, I just—I really don’t like moths.”
Whatever the plan was, it disintegrates to dust when he steps to the side of the bed that you were trying to slip off and plants a hand on your bare shoulder, pushing you back. 
“You really got to quit it with the sir, love,” Simon grunts, using the hand on your shoulder to guide you farther back onto the bed. Your heart goes a little haywire in your chest when he lifts the comforter to give himself room to climb in. “‘Least when we’re not in bed.”
You aren’t going to read into those words too closely. Your mind already feels sluggish, groggy, like waking up out of a bad nap with the headache still chasing you, and if you try to examine what he means by that, it’s just going to get worse. You let him rearrange you how he sees fit, slipping back down under the sheets and letting him turn you over onto your side.
“You’re not going to shower?” you mumble, eyelids already drooping shut. You only flinch a little when he hooks an arm around your waist and tugs you back into his chest. His scent is richer than usual, dappled with old sweat and smoke. 
“We can have one later. Getting some shut eye for now. Brew later, when we’ve got some rest.”
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dilatorywriting · 9 months
“I will love you forever and when ‘forever’ ends, I’ll love you some more.”
For the event, can I request Malleus for this? I need to send ALL my love to him ASAP. Although for this, feel free to have him being the one saying it to reader.
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Gender Neutral Reader x Malleus Draconia Word Count: 1.2k
Prompt 51: "I will love you forever and when ‘forever’ ends, I’ll love you some more."
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There was something about being in love with a fae that would always be at least a little intimidating.
No, it wasn’t the unearthly powers that could literally rip through the fabric of time and space with a snap of his fingers. No, it wasn’t the cold, serpentine stare or the sharp fangs in his mouth that shined like well-polished knives under the right light. It wasn’t even the horns. Even though they added an extra foot onto the dragon’s already stupidly impressive height.
But there were other things, sometimes. Less tangiblethings.
You tried not to think about it too much, because you loved Tsunotarou. Really, you did. And you didn’t want some… some creeping thing at the fringes of your consciousness to ruin that.
It was cold tonight, and you puffed warm breath onto your fingers. Normally Malleus was the one waiting for you to arrive at your usual Gargoyle Filled haunts, but he’d had a meeting with his retainers today. And you weren’t surprised he was running a bit late in the aftermath.
‘Man, I’m surprised Draconia is ever on time for anything,’ Ace had complained, during some mandatory assembly or other. Watching as Malleus floated into the room a solid two hours after scheduled.
‘He’s usually very punctual,’ you’d answered, confused.
‘Sure, sure. But don’t fae have, like, super fucked up senses of time?’ the redhead mused. ‘Like I bet you could tell him to meet you in an hour and he’d show up a week later or something.’
“Child of man,” a familiar timbre called out over the snow, and you perked up immediately, hopping from foot to foot to get your circulation going again before trotting out to meet him halfway.
“Tsunotarou!” you chirped. “How was your day?”
“Dreadful,” he answered, deadpan, and bent his arm neatly so that you could tuck your fingers into the crook of his elbow and snuggle yourself into his side. He was like a walking furnace, what with the roaring, emerald fires in his belly. And the snowflakes seemed to melt before they’d even touched his skin. “Nothing but paperwork. Perhaps I should turn them all into enchanted quills, and then they might finally be fit for their positions.”
You snorted into your glove. “You’d need to turn some of them into ink then, too.”
“Ah, of course,” he intoned. And then shot you a smirk that was just on the right side of besotted. “Whatever would I do without your wise guidance?”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you teased, and then smiled right back in that stupidly, soppy way. “But you seemed more than smart enough to manage on your own before I came along. And I’m sure you’ll go back to being brilliant when I’m gone,” you added on a laugh.
But Malleus didn’t join in your giggling.
The fae stopped in place, and you were dragged to a halt with him. You blinked up at him, confused. His expression was… complicated.
“You are leaving?” he asked, each word sounding like it had to be pried out of his mouth with a crowbar.
“What?” you blinked. “Of course not.” Crowley never having bothered to lift a feathery finger to find you a way home aside, you had more than enough reasons to stay here for as long as your meager, mortal life would allow. Going home… it soured something in your stomach that you didn’t even want to consider. So you just tightened your fingers around his arm and shot him as reassuring of a smile as you could muster. “Even if I had the choice, I’d be staying right here.”
But that just made Malleus’s brow pinch up tighter.
“Then what did you mean?” he questioned, perplexed. “When you said ‘when I’m gone.’”
You fought a guilty wince. You hadn’t wanted to drag your own little terrors into his worries as well. You really needed to get a better leash on the poor quips that managed to tumble out of your mouth.
“Well, just that, uhm…” You waved your free hand awkwardly. “You know.”
More furrowing.
“I do not,” he said, sounding grumpy. It was a bit adorable, seeing an almighty prince and near God pout at you. But you fought off the urge to coo over his pursed lips and scrunched nose. Time and place, self. Time and place.
“I’m mortal,” you said finally, hoping that would cover it.
Ugh. Come on, dude. Give me something here.
You shrugged, tight and awkward. “Just that, well, you know. Your lifespan is near infinite right? And mine is sort of set to be…” You held up your fingers and pinched them close together. “Uhm. Not that.”
“And you think that such an inconsequential factor means that you will be leaving me?” he asked, and you blinked at him in outright confusion.
“It’s pretty consequential,” you squeaked out, and averted your gaze. “And.. and besides. I knew that from the beginning. And I just want to be able to make the best out of the time with you that I have,” you said, hoping it sounded properly reassuring and not like the start of a particularly peppy obituary.
“…I see,” the Prince said, low. “But that doesn’t mean you’ll be gone, I’m sure.”
You blinked again, owlish and slow.
“What is the human expression…?” he hummed, tucking your arm back tightly against his side and starting up your leisurely stroll once more. “Distance makes the heart grow fonder? Almost so much as time itself.”
Yeah, you wanted to amend. But not from beyond the grave.
“I guess so,” you shrugged.  
“Can you imagine then,” he hummed. “How much I’ll love you in a thousand years?”
“I—” you swallowed, feeling tears prick at the back of your eyes.
But rather than give your poor, fluttering soul a chance to recover, he just pushed onwards.
“I will love you forever, and when ‘forever’ ends, I suppose that I’ll just love you even more,” he said, perfectly level and serious, like he hadn’t just absolutely pulled your heart out of your chest and set the whole of you on fire.
You stared up at his regal, handsome face from beneath a soft veil of falling snow. With those cold, emerald eyes, the pointed fangs, the horns. You felt like your stomach had fallen out at your toes, like the whole of you was bound to float away like a balloon lost in the breeze. Because he’d said—he’d really—
“And of course,” the dragon shrugged. “I’ve always intended to extend your lifespan to begin with.”
You gaped at him wordlessly for a moment, before letting out a hideously embarrassed squawk and pounding at his chest with your gloved hands.
“You could’ve told me that!” you shrieked, practically steaming in the cold with the heat pulsing off your cheeks.
“I suppose,” he smirked, catching your flailing fists easily in one of his own large hands. “But then I wouldn’t have been able to see your reaction to my declarations, would I?” he cooed, all smooth, dark chocolate and smoky embers. “And I had to work so hard to memorize those lines. Fitting as they are, I was told that the moment to use them would have to be perfect, and—"
“Did Lilia set you up for this?” you choked.
Malleus snorted and turned to tug you further down the path. “Only a little.”
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spctrsgf · 1 year
morning banter
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summary: something about you and marc? he wakes up early, and you most certainly do not.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: language, my shitty spanish (i’m trying okay)
a/n: took a quick break from b+h for a lil marc spector drabble!!! hope you all enjoy
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Es tan temprano para esta mierda, Marc. Jake’s annoyed Spanish drawl smacks into the side of Marc's head. The combination of his drowsy, slow mind and that Marc knew next to no spanish caused the said man’s eyebrows to crinkle. “What the fuck did you just say?” He can barely hear his own voice, but he knows Jake can.
Don’t worry about it.
Marc. Only Jake would pitch up his name in a high voice: it’s a mimic.
“Hey! I don’t sound like that.”
Yeah you do.
“No, I don’t! Back me up, Steven.”
Don’t bring me into this. 
C’mon, Stevie— Jake cuts off abruptly, probably the doing of Steven.
“Jake,” Marc resists the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Just tell me what you said.”
Go to sleep, puta.
“Okay, I know that one,” Marc hisses, toiling you in closer to him. “Rude.”
You deserved it.
“You wanna know what you deserve?”
Oh, yeah, Jake taunts. What’s that?
“A fucking pun–”
His voice goes legato as soon as he senses you moving, causing him to fall silent. You curl tighter into a ball, spiraling the covers more into your fists and tucking them again beneath your chin. Jake, by some miracle, also goes quiet, as if somehow his words could expel themselves out of Marc’s mouth and to your ears. 
But, the soft exhales are the only noise you left out, and if you heard them, you didn’t show it. Marc’s shoulders roll back from where they were hunched, surely Steven’s gentle gesture to the position he hadn’t even realized he’d been in. 
Would it kill the two of you to just be nice to each other? The Brit muses. 
Absolutely. Jake’s response is automatic.
“One hundred percent true.” Marc chimes in.
HAH! Steven ejects the exclamation in triumph. Now I got the two of you agreeing.
“Sure, whatever.”
Only time we agree is when you finesse us into it, hermano.
Marc slides his arm out from where it was wrapped around your waist to give the two a thumbs up in agreement with Jake, reluctantly.
Or, he tried to.
“Noooooo…” You groan groggily, tightening your hold. 
Marc freezes. “Baby?”
“I- I didn’t know you were aware.”
“Well,” you snuggle closer into his chest, his warm embrace. “You ‘n Steven ‘n Jake aren’t exactly quiet when you argue.”
He sighs, guilt pooling in his stomach. “Listen, ‘m sorry. You know how we can be.”
“Yeah, I do. And I love you all,” you reach back, squeezing his bicep reassuringly. “But I also love my beauty sleep.”
“You don’t need to sleep to be beautiful.” He ducks his head to place a featherlight kiss to your neck, savoring the sigh you let out in return.
“You’re sweet, but we both know that’s not true.”
“Do we?”
“Mhm,” you turn, nudging Marc’s arms off of you as you face him. “‘M a menace without it.”
“That’s true,” he chuckles when you slap his arm, letting out an effortlessly beautiful smile. “But it’s nothing a cup of nice, warm coffee can’t solve.”
You giggle softly. “That’s true.”
“C’mon, sleepyhead,” He moves to slide you both out from under the covers. “Let’s get going.”
“Nope.” You let him go, rolling to burrito yourself in the covers again. 
“Nope?” He inquires, rounding the bed to stand over you.
His shadow covers your shut eyelids and you know he’s bent over your face. “I’ll make you coffee to apologize for waking you up, baby, I promise.” You scrunch your nose. “Tempting, but no.”
“Not even because I’m asking you?”
“Not even if you were on your knees and begging.”
“Oh?” The sentence your half asleep brain had kindled clearly took him by surprise. 
You huff, flipping over in the bed dramatically. “Go away, I’m tired.”
“What’s so great about this bed that I can’t give you, huh?”
“Well,” You take a deep breath, and some small, rational part of your brain tells you that maybe the spew of words about to come out of your mouth is what he wanted to happen all along. “The bed is warm. It’s cozy. The covers are just the right heaviness and just the right thickness to provide optimal warmth and the right amount of pressure to keep me sleeping like a bear in hibernation. ‘Nd my pillow is the right firmness, but has my desired amount of sink to put me out as soon as you turn off the light and wrap your arms around me. Even though that only happens sometimes.”
Marc huffs in frustration. “Hey!”
“Yeah, Marc, my bed is always here on time. It never goes anywhere, and the only life it’s saving is your sorry ass right now.”
“Uncalled for.” He runs a hand through his hair. 
“Thought you liked a bit of banter.”
“I like a kick or two,” He leans over and pulls your shoulders to level on the bed and your eyes to meet his own. “But not at eight in the fucking morning.”
“Neither do I,” You reach up, pulling his face in for a kiss.
He gives in almost immediately, setting a knee on either side of your legs and scooping his arms underneath your body to pull you up.
“Nuh uh,” you pull away and unwrap his arms, flopping back onto the bed. “Sleepy. Time to sleep.”
“You can't leave me hanging like that!”
You yawn, pulling the covers up to your chin again. “I can and I did.”
For a second, a naive, small second, you think he’s going to leave you be. Your brain relaxes, you feel yourself on the precipice of sleep, the hypnotic, rich swirl of unconsciousness sucking you deeper into its whirlpool. But then you feel the covers lift, and Marc’s— frighteningly cold— fingers are dancing along your sides to a tune you illustrate with laughs. You slap his hands away, reaching out towards the lure of sleep that now sneaks away to taint another victim.
“You ready to get out of bed now, sweets?”
You groan, turning to face him in defeat. “You fucker.”
He throws his arms mockingly. “What’d I do?”
“You manipulated me! I hate you.”
“I did no such thing. What are these accusations?”
“You knew I would get worked up,” you sit up in the bed now, and Marc shrinks ever so slightly under the weight of your deadly stare. “You knew that would wake me up.”
“Hey, let’s calm down–”
“You knew that if you pushed the right buttons, you would get what you wanted.”
Marc’s face is ghastly, and he looks two steps away from summoning his suit and flying away.
“I warned you earlier about this, Marc, were you listening?”
He nods frantically. “Of course–”
“I’m a menace when I get woken up early.” You launch off the bed, and you might as well be Moon Knight yourself with your accuracy.
The takeaway from this event? For Marc, it’s to never try waking you up before you’ve recharged fully, or to have some coffee made ahead of when he was to attempt it. For you, though?
It’s that Marc shrieks like a little girl. 
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translations (HELP I FORGOT):
es tan temprano para esta mierda - it’s too early for this shit
puta - bitch
i felt very fancy using these
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lovequartz · 3 months
under wisteria blossoms
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⊱ pairing: town doctor!wonwoo x reader
⊱ genre: small town, acquaintances to lovers, fluff & angst
⊱ warnings: historical inaccuracy, self-image and self-esteem issues, period-typical views (marriage/women)
⊱ word count: 7900+
⊱ tonight, i’ll send the glow of a firefly to somewhere near your window
⊱ notes: happy and somewhat relived to be able to share this, i think like aoybb this is something that i worked really hard on and tried my best with <3
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The boy's skin feels warm and clammy underneath Wonwoo’s fingers. He’s glad the family called him when they did, thankfully the young boy’s condition had been better than he’d anticipated. He hangs his stethoscope back into its place over his shoulders and turns to the boy’s grandfather. 
“It’s a mild fever, he should be feeling better with a few doses of herbal tea and lots of rest,” Wonwoo pauses to pull the young boy’s shirt down and the sheet covering him, back up, “please don’t hesitate to call me if anything changes.” 
Your father walks the doctor to the door and bids him farewell with a firm handshake as well as a pat on the shoulder. As soon as the door shuts you move to change the washcloth resting on your nephew’s head.
“You could’ve greeted him properly rather than peek at him from the hallway,” your father teases. 
You shake your head as your hands busy themselves with wringing the washcloth. “He was so handsome,” you sigh, “I almost broke into a rash just staring at him.” You place the now cool fabric back into place across your nephew’s forehead, and press your moist hands against your cheeks in a futile effort to bring a chill to your warm face. Perhaps you’re the one with the fever now.
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Your paths do not cross with the young and handsome doctor until sometime a week or two later. Your parents had insisted you bring him a small basket of persimmons on your morning delivery to thank him for Silas’s care, and your sister, Silas’s mother, had insisted that you bring your nephew with you.
So there you were, the pair of you, walking towards the town center to find Jeon Wonwoo’s office of practice. 
Silas squeezes your hand to get your attention and you glance toward him to let him know you’re listening. 
“Auntie,” he starts, “do you think I should become a doctor when I grow up?” 
You almost giggle but hold it in lest he thinks you’re laughing at him. His mother would probably run the streets in excitement if she’d just heard her son’s query. 
“Now why do I have a say in what you should be when you grow up? You can be whatever you want, I always tell you that.” 
His lips form a small pout before he replies; “You’re my best friend, of course you have a say.”
Tears try to fill your eyes before you will them away with a shake of your head. “Well as your best friend I say that you should be whatever makes you happy.” You tell him and lean down to quickly press a kiss to his cheek. “Now let’s hurry to Mister Jeon’s office so he can get his persimmons and you can go to afternoon classes.” 
The doctor’s office isn’t too hard to find, mostly due to the fact that there’s only one of them, and it’s fairly new to town.
As you and your nephew make your way to the entrance you notice the wisteria plants that span the awning. ‘They'll look lovely when they bloom in spring,’ you muse. 
The bell above the door chimes as the two of you enter and the young man sitting behind what you assume to be the reception desk nods in greeting. 
“Do you have an appointment?” He asks once you are closer to the desk. 
“Actually, I’m here with a delivery," you say, shyly holding up the basket, "and payment for Dr. Jeon's house visit." 
"Of course," he stands to receive the basket from you and sets it on the floor beside his chair. You watch him smooth down his dress shirt as he returns to his seat. The man then pulls open a drawer at his side and retrieves a medium sized journal, setting it in front of him and wetting his index finger to flip through its pages. 
"May I know the date the visit took place? As well as the patient's last name and address?"
You provide him with the information and watch as he skims through the cursive written on the journal's pages. 
As you converse with the man about payment you can't help but be thankful about how well behaved Silas is as you do. Although it might have been due to his fascination with the fish in a tank that sat in the waiting area, tucked next to some chairs and a table with a few newspapers, you're no less grateful. 
The two of you leave the office shortly after, your nephew a bit disappointed in not seeing Dr. Jeon, the man who has become the current subject of his admiration. 
"I'm sure we'll see him sometime soon," you say, trying to lift the boy's spirits, "it's a small town after all. Now, run along to class. Your mother will have my head if you're late again." 
Silas bids you farewell with a hug and you watch him jog down the road towards the schoolhouse, his bag swinging behind him. Unbeknownst to you that the doctor you'd been speaking about was watching it all from not too far away. 
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Wonwoo is just shy of exhausted as he enters his practice. Removing his hat and tweed coat, holding onto them to hang them up in his office. 
Seungkwan stands from his chair to greet him but before he can utter a word Wonwoo lets out an almost comical sigh. 
"Please tell me I'm done with house visits for the day, I don't think I can handle another matriarch trying to convince me to marry their daughter." 
"You'll be happy to note that all the patients left today are mostly general check-ups." Seungkwan replies with a look of amusement. "Oh and before I forget the daughter of the persimmon farm came by with a basket for you and also took care of their bill for the visit two weeks ago," he continues. 
"I thought I caught a glimpse of her outside. Thank you, Seungkwan, I'll be in my office if you need me." 
Wonwoo closes his office door behind him as he enters, hanging up his hat and jacket on the coat rack to his immediate left. The basket of persimmons sits in the middle of his desk, covered with a cloth that had to have been hand-sewn. It's cream colored with a bouquet of embroidered flowers in the corner, beautiful work. It's a shame he can't enjoy the sweet fruit that lies beneath, work comes first. 
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The bookstore's wood stairs creak as you ascend and in turn the bell hanging above the door chimes as you enter. Delight flashes across your face as you lock eyes with the girl who sits behind the counter. She returns your joy earnestly with a small smile and a wave of her hand. 
"You seem to be awfully chipper this afternoon." Jisun notes as you lean against the counter. 
"Maybe because I have it all to myself," You reply, with a smile. 
"I thought you had deliveries to do today?" She asks, confused. 
"Well, I did have one delivery today, to Dr. Jeon's office. My father said if I made that delivery and sent Silas off to classes I could take the afternoon off. I might have to do some this evening though."
At the mention of the doctor's name your friend gives you a coy look, which you ignore. 
Jisun and you fall into easy conversation between the calm buzz of the bookstore and her helping whatever customer needs it. You move to sit beside her behind the counter, to free up space. She tells you all about the planning being done by her mother for her upcoming wedding. Her engagement to the eldest son of the town's pottering family, Kim Doyoung, happened sometime this past winter. Jisun was over the moon when he had asked for her hand; you remember her crush on him from your school days. He was set to take over the family business in two to three years due to his father's declining health. 
"I'm thinking late summer or next autumn, because of the weather. My mother wants it to happen as early as possible, but Doyoung and I are okay with waiting a bit longer. His mother is fine with whatever I decide, she's truly wonderful." 
"I'm sure everything will work out. I just can't wait to atten– your response is cut off by the bell above the door chiming to announce a customer, your and Jisun's eyes snapping to the door. 
To your utter horror, Jeon Wonwoo enters the bookstore. 
You duck behind the counter quickly, praying he hasn't seen you yet and clutching your headscarf so it obscures your face better. 
Jisun gives you a confused look but you wordlessly plead for her to act normal, breathing a sigh of relief when she turns to greet the doctor. 
"Welcome, Dr. Jeon! I wasn't expecting you today."
You're glad Jisun is a better actress than she seems. 
Wonwoo returns her greeting and asks about the store. To which Jisun replies; "It's been fine, not too busy and not too slow." 
"How's Doyoung's father? I understand he's been taking his medicine diligently, but I haven't got around to seeing him yet as I was in the office all afternoon." 
She offers the doctor a smile, "He's doing much better, thankfully. We're all really grateful to you, Dr. Jeon." 
"Please, call me Wonwoo, I prefer to be 'Dr. Jeon' during work hours." 
Jisun smiles, "Of course."
Your squatting position soon becomes uncomfortable but you'd rather die than show yourself now, so you continue to listen to the two converse. 
"And the wedding? I know you've been planning." 
"Well, nothing is set in stone yet, but Doyoung and I are thinking perhaps late summer or even early autumn. Fret not, you and Seungkwan absolutely have a place on the guest list." 
"Looking forward to it then. Sorry to take up so much time with small talk, your father has a medical textbook saved for me. I told him I would be by this morning but I was a bit too busy." 
"I see, it's likely in his study then. I'll be just a minute!" She replies before turning around to the back of the bookstore, shooting you a wary glance before she disappears. 
You hear Wonwoo hum quietly to himself as he waits, and you silently pray for Jisun to make haste. Your legs are burning, not only from the weight of your body but also mostly due to the weight of your deceit. No matter, you cannot possibly let Jeon Wonwoo see you. 
"Here it is!" Jisun announces cheerfully as she returns, holding up the thick book with two hands and a sense of pride. 
"Thank you, Jisun. How much do I owe?" 
Jisun calculates the total along with a hefty discount sparing no room for argument, before wrapping the book up and handing it to the doctor. 
"You take care now Wonwoo! I'm sure I'll see you soon." Jisun says as she bids him farewell. 
You breathe a sigh of relief at the bell chiming, and the sound of the door closing. Grabbing onto the counter you hoist yourself back to standing much to the torment of your legs. 
"What was that about?" Jisun asks with a confused look as you wince and massage your knees. 
You open your mouth to respond but Jisun continues; "Don't you dare say 'nothing'." 
"I don't want him to see me." You admit, looking at your feet. 
"Why not?" She seems incredulous at your confession, "Is it because of your scar?" 
Your hand instinctively reaches to touch the long scar that runs through your left eye and down your cheek. The scar that "marred" you, the one that made people look twice, the only thing that prevents you from finding love. 
You sigh before giving Jisun a hollow smile, "I have to fetch Silas soon. I'll tell you more later." 
And with that you wave to Jisun and make your exit. 
The reminder of your scar brings awful memories back to the surface of your mind, and they are all you can think about as you walk to the schoolhouse.
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Early Summer (Two Years Prior)
"Darling, is your sister ready? The Baes will be here any moment!" 
Your sister hurriedly pulls the curlers from your hair, and runs a brush through them. "Give us forty seconds Mama!" She looks you over in the mirror before giving you a reassuring smile, rushing to pick up the discarded curlers. 
"You look beautiful! Now go see Mama, quickly!" 
You meet your mother in the kitchen and she gives you a once over before kissing your cheek. "My lovely girl." 
Your mother instructs you on when to join them at the table after the Baes arrive and to bring the persimmons she's already cut with you. Figuring you still have time, you move to your sister's room where your nephew is playing. 
"Hi Silas." You say softly as you find a seat next to the boy. 
"Hi Auntie, what happened to your special meeting?" He asks with a tilt of his head. 
"The special people aren't here yet so I came to say hi one more time." You reply, pushing his hair out of his face, it was getting so long. 
You and your nephew chat for a bit more until the commotion from the front of the house draws away your attention; the Baes have arrived. 
The Baes were a modest family, a mom, a dad and two children, one boy and one girl. They owned the town jewelers, and were surprisingly well known. Bae Giwoong, the head of the family, was skilled with his hands, creating beautiful pieces that complimented anyone. Paired with a wife that had vast knowledge on jewels and precious stones, they had done quite well for themselves.
Hyunsik, the son, had come in earnest with his family to potentially ask for your hand. You were quite nervous, but seeing as your sister had married almost four years prior and had Silas, it was only natural that you were thinking about marriage as well. 
The meeting was dragging on. You had presented the persimmons just as your mother had instructed, before taking your seat at her side, across from Hyunsik who you offered a polite but reserved smile. He did not return it, only glancing at you briefly before returning his attention to the conversation between your father and his. 
Soon, the chatter dwindled and the Baes announced their leave. Your father convinced Mr. Bae to have a cigar with him just outside the house before they departed. You busied yourself with clearing the table of the used forks and now empty cups of tea your mother had prepared.
After your tidying, you swiftly move through the house to the window at the front of it, intent on eavesdropping. 
Peering out you see the son and father chatting amongst themselves, your father probably in his study to fetch the cigar he promised Mr. Bae. Leaning closer to the ledge you're able to hear the two as they converse. 
"They're a good family, what do you think of her?" Mr. Bae asks. 
"They seem to be," Hyunsik agrees, "She's adequate, I suppose. If only she didn't have that unsightly scar," he continues. 
Your heart drops into your stomach at his words, as your hand unconsciously reaches to the scar. 
His father mulls over his words with a hum before replying; "You'd have to keep her under lock and key, the poor girl's mangled." 
The dread in your stomach hardens and you want nothing more than to stop hearing these harsh words, but you are frozen in place. 
Hyunsik nods in agreement, "It's really a shame. I'd be able to overlook it if it were anywhere else, I just can't imagine waking up to that face every morning."
You feel the tears before you register that you're crying, and the sensation is enough to knock you back to consciousness. You stand hurriedly and make your way to your room before anyone can see you in this pathetic state. 
 You pretend. In the day you are just yourself, getting errands done and living day to day. You pretend to agree, when your mother tells you that Bae Hyunsik would not be asking for your hand due to the fact that he believes you two wouldn't be compatible. At night you are inconsolable, crying into your pillow until your tears eventually put you to sleep. 
Silas senses a shift in your mood, but as a three year old he only does what he can. Seeking attention whenever you're sitting idle, laying his head on your lap while you stroke his hair. His little hands playing with your free one. 
Eventually, you learn to move on. As does Hyunsik when he marries the eldest daughter of Lee's dairy farm. 
His words, however, will stay with you forever. 
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Drawn out of your memories by the clanging of the schoolhouse bell you quicken your pace, keeping eyes out for your nephew. He appears within a few moments, his own eyes searching for you. You wave to him when he finally finds you. 
"How were classes?" You ask as the boy bounds up to you, reaching to smooth his unruly hair. 
"Good!” He chirps, before launching into detail about his afternoon. Keeping the two of you entertained as you follow the road home. 
The days that follow glide by until eventually they all bleed into a week, a week since you’ve seen the young doctor. Your deliveries go as well as can be expected, though they have been slowing down, and your father is busy preparing the year’s saplings. Silas has gone off to visit his paternal grandparents who live a few towns away, your sister going along despite her relationship of apathy with her in-laws. She did say something about Henry’s younger brother finishing his woodworking apprenticeship so she was expected to be present. 
You find yourself bored without your small friend but find time to chat with Jisun every now and again. Miraculously you haven’t run into Wonwoo at all, though you’ve caught glimpses from afar and he has not gotten any less handsome. 
At dusk your mother finds you with a basket in her hands. 
"Did I forget a delivery?" You question eyes falling to the vermillion fruit. 
"No dear, your father is out with the trees still and it slipped my mind that I had promised Mrs. Lee these. You know her youngest just got engaged," She explains. 
"Ah right I had forgotten. I'll take care of it," you reply, taking the basket from your mother's hands and pressing a reassuring kiss to her cheek. 
The walk to the Lee home is not long, but it is closer to the town than to your own home. You greet the few townspeople you come across on the way, offering them small smiles and polite nods. 
The greetings have you in a good mood so you have a little more pep in your step as you bound up the Lee family's porch, curling your fingers around the knocker when you make it to the door. 
"Coming!" You hear a girlish voice say, followed by the sounds of the door unlocking. 
With a slight tug of the door inwards you come face to face with Lee Daeun, the eldest Lee sister, one hand laid on the wood while the other cradles her very pregnant stomach. The polite smile on her face slips when her eyes flash with recognition. 
"I had assumed your mother would be dropping by, not…..you." 
You offer a shrug, "Mother sent me instead, sorry to disappoint." You reply jokingly, trying to ease the tension. 
Daeun doesn't respond right away, choosing to study you for a few moments. The silence becomes awkward quickly so you try your best to remedy it. 
"Congratulations to your sister, what a joyous occasion for her. And to yourself, I didn't know you were with child." You say with a warm smile, probably the most genuine thing the two of you had exchanged thus far. 
You hold out the basket to her, which she takes sliding it up her arm so it rests in the crook of her elbow.
"Yes, well, our family is quite satisfied with her fiancé. He's the son of an artisan, and they live a few towns eastward." Both her hands now rest on her stomach, "As for this one, it's only been a few months. Hyunsik is over the moon, and Momma insists on keeping me inside for the time being, so I don't get out much." Daeun's eyes seize you once more before she continues; "And yourself? I know your family has been searching for suitors, any success?" 
She may as well have doused you in cold water with the way her tone becomes icy. 
"Unfortunately not. I'm not too worried though, I know finding a suitable bachelor can take some time and I'm nothing if not patient." 
A scoff escapes her at your reply. "Worried? I feel you should be rather embarrassed. My youngest sister, a girl who we both watched play with mud when we were all children, is now engaged. Meanwhile you continue to age with no partner to call yours, as well as toting around your poor nephew pretending he's your own. I think it's time you face reality, nobody wants a scarred wife no matter how pretty she is." 
You are stunned into silence, fists clenched and nails biting into the skin of your palms. Every cell in your body fighting the urge to cry at the venom Daeun had spat at you for seemingly no reason at all. 
"Give your parents our family's thanks." Is the last thing she says before shutting the door in your face. 
You stare at the door for a few moments, tears starting to blur your vision, before you turn and hurry away from the Lee's home. 
Hot tears are blurring your vision as you head in the direction opposite your house. You want to find somewhere quiet to cry your eyes out before heading back to your residence and pretending everything is fine and dandy. 
Reaching closer to town, you stumble across the fountain just behind the main street, tucked between a few trees. A veranda shielding it from the setting sun with vines of wisteria weaved through its wood. The flowers are nowhere in sight as their blooming season is still a ways off. You, however, are too busy crying to care much about wisteria.
Shakily you manage to sit at the fountain's edge before your body is wracked with your sobs. Fingers fumble to pull the knot of your scarf resting against your chin loose, and once the fabric comes free you bury your face in it, your tears never once stopping. 
You don't know how long you sit there crying, removing your face from your tear stained head scarf every so often to breathe. 
A soft voice is the thing that finally brings you back to reality, and there before you with worry etched into his wrinkled brow is Jeon Wonwoo. 
Your mind blanks at the sight of him, and it feels as if someone has stuffed cotton in your ears as Wonwoo's lips move but you cannot hear a word he utters. His concerned frown deepens as he gets no response from you, leaning closer. It's as if all the blood in your body rushes to your head and you feel yourself falling backwards as if someone had grabbed onto the back of your dress and yanked. 
Wonwoo cries in surprise as he watches you fall towards the water, arms reaching out to grab you. The sound kicks your brain into gear, it's too late to stop your descent but you throw your hands back to catch yourself. A loud splash echoes through the small area before you are engulfed in the sensation of cold water drenching your skin and clothes. Wonwoo as he lunged to grab you had also met with the fountain water, his hands and forearms submerged, and his body leaning over top of yours. 
Silence buzzes between the two of you as the only thing you can do is stare at each other. It's only then do you truly realize the situation that you've found yourself in. Wonwoo's face is mere inches from your own and the only thing you can think is how much more handsome he looks up close. His strong jaw, sharp nose, and the flecks of honey that swim in the brown of his irises. 
You notice him studying your own face, and as his eyes drift over to the left you remember why you were crying in the first place. Your hand snaps up to cover your scar and this is what seems to break the trance between you and the doctor. Wonwoo can feel the blood rushing to his ears as he scrambles back to his feet, bowing his head and offering apology after apology.
 When you don't respond his eyes meet yours, and he notices you have not made any attempt to remove yourself from the fountain. Your green dress is bunched up over your knees, the fabric now dark due to the water, and your patterned head scarf still gripped in hand. 
Wonwoo's face still feels like it has been set ablaze but he offers you both of his hands, "May I?" 
You nod shakily before he leans over and your hands reach up to grasp his own. He pulls you firmly, but not yanking, and even lets one of your hands go to loop an arm around your waist for a more secure hold. 
You notice how firm his body feels against yours and how much taller he is than you'd thought now that you're practically pressed together. Heat rushes to your cheeks. 
Wonwoo slowly removes his arm from your waist and his hand from yours, taking half a step back to give you some (much needed) space. 
"Are you alright? I feel awful about startling you, but I heard the crying and wanted to know if you were okay." 
"I'm fine," you reply, voice small, "my apologies for getting you wet." 
The doctor's lips twitch and you feel perhaps he wants to laugh at you. You wouldn't fault him, you are soaked to the bone, rivulets of water running down your legs beneath your dress. 
"Water under the bridge." 
You almost giggle at that, but duck your head down and compose yourself quickly. 
Wonwoo continues; "Would you mind walking with me to my practice? I live right above it, and would feel better if I could get you into something dry before escorting you home. I know you live a bit out of town." 
Before you can respond Wonwoo must have realized how he sounded. 
"I know because you left me the persimmons and I treated the young boy, though I didn't see you there. I have seen you around town with him though, just briefly of course, completely coincidentally. I don't go out of my way to catch a glimpse of you here and there. I promise, I'm not a strange person." Wonwoo rambles in an attempt to clear the air, though you're not sure it needed clearing in the first place. 
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The space above Wonwoo’s office is quaint, what it lacks in size it makes up for in homey-ness. Books piled neatly from where they spill out of the bookshelf, a warm armchair nestled right beside it. A dining table with one chair, both a dark cherrywood, sits against the wall adjacent to the small kitchenette. There’s a small wood-burning stove that looks well loved. Everything in the space feels very Wonwoo to you. 
Speaking of, you can hear him rustling through the drawers in the other room. He ushered you in despite your protests, not wanting to drip all over his home. Once inside he disappeared for a moment, reappearing with a towel clutched in his hand, and then layed it across the floor in front of you. “Since you feel so strongly about not getting my floor wet,” he’d said, before disappearing once more. 
You fiddle with your fingers, still drenched to the bone, as your clothes drip drip drip onto the towel. 
Finally, Wonwoo exits the room, pulling the door closed behind him with a bundle of clothes tucked safely in his other arm. 
“I’m sure they won’t fit like a glove, but you’re likely grateful for dry clothes either way.” His tone is a bit teasing, and you can only nod in response with your ears feeling hot. 
“The bathroom is just opposite of my room,” He says, passing over the clothes to your hands, “take your time. It’s just about dark so I’ll be sure to walk you home. You can call your parents, or husband, when you’re dressed. I have a phone.” He continues. 
The ‘husband’ comment makes you bristle but you decide to clear the air with Wonwoo at a later time, desperately wanting to get out of this wet dress.
“Thank you,” you reply softly, and turn to scurry into the safety of the bathroom. 
You get dressed quickly, not bothering with your undergarments. You’d rather have wet undergarments than be bare underneath clothes that don’t even belong to you, the thought flushes your whole body with heat. 
Wonwoo directs you to the phone, it rests on a side table next to the armchair,  and you dial your house phone with urgency, despite the slowness of the crank dial. The line rings for a few moments, and as you hear the other line click “Mother?” tumbles from your lips. 
Your mother says your name with surprise, “Darling where are you? Are you still at the Lees’?” 
“No, something happened on the way home. But I’m with Doctor Jeon, you know Doctor Jeon? He treated Silas when he had that god-awful fever. Well, he helped me out, so I’m fine. He insisted I call you before he accompanied me home, so I was just letting you know Momma.” 
You listen to your mother talk for a bit more before you bid her goodbye, her voice ringing out a “Be safe on your way home!” before you set the receiver down. 
“Thank you for letting me use your phone, and for the clothes,” you say to Wonwoo, who sits across the room from you in that dining table chair. 
“Of course,” he replies, “now let's get you home.” 
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The small talk as the two of you walk the path to your family home is pleasant enough. You find that Wonwoo has somewhat of an eclectic sense of humor, and he’s quite witty despite the seriousness of his profession. In no time your home is visible, and you feel a tinge of disappointment at its sight. 
“Well, I suppose this is where we part,” Wonwoo sighs as the two of you stand in front of the gate of your home. 
“I suppose,” you echo.
A long pause ebbs between you both as you gaze at each other.
Suddenly you feel a jolt go through you as you have a realization. You’d forgotten your dress on the floor of his bathroom. 
“My dress,” you say bashfully, “I left it in your bathroom.” 
“That’s okay, I’ll get it washed for you. You can come by the office in the next few days, I’ll have it nice and clean.” He assures you with a soft smile. 
“Thank you,” you reply. 
Before you can turn to leave Wonwoo continues; “I haven’t seen your boy around, Silas was it? How’s he fairing these days?” 
You offer the doctor a tight lipped smile, “His father took him to visit family a few towns over.” You think you have to clear this misunderstanding up before it's too late. 
“Also, he’s not mine. Silas, I mean, he’s my sister’s son. I’m not married, I’ve never been.” 
“I see,” Wonwoo replies, and you feel you may have offended him somehow at his tone but he continues; “That’s good then, I felt I may have been acting inappropriately towards you. Thinking you were married and all.” 
“I didn’t think you were acting inappropriately at all.” 
“That brings me relief. Then you won’t think me telling you how lovely I think you look would be inappropriate either? Considering you’re unmarried.” 
You feel your ears are deceiving you, because surely Jeon Wonwoo didn’t just say he thinks you look lovely. But as you gaze at his face, a handsome smirk paints his lips, perhaps your ears work just fine. 
It seems your mother has never had a more perfect sense of timing as she swings the front door open shouting your name. 
You tear your gaze away from Wonwoo to call back to her; “I’m here! No need to shout.” 
You hear her footsteps as she makes her way to the gate, shooting Wonwoo an apologetic glance. He offers a soft smile in response. 
It isn’t long before you hear the rattling of the gate lock and your mother’s voice again “Honey, what are you doing loitering around outside…“ Her words trail off as she takes in Wonwoo standing across from you. Her gaze flits between the two of you, pausing at your state of dress; a linen shirt and black trousers that were a few sizes too big. Despite her obvious shock your mother paints on a lovely smile and bows her head in greeting to the doctor. 
“Oh my, Doctor Jeon, I had forgotten you’d be accompanying her home! Thank you for helping my daughter out, you’re quite the gentleman.” 
You shoot your mother an incredulous look, not wanting her to embarrass you further than you yourself already have. She ignores you, of course. 
Wonwoo bows his head with a smile, “Not at all. It was my pleasure, your daughter has quite the interesting personality.” 
“Doesn’t she? We have no idea where she gets it from, there’s no one like her in the family.” 
You assume your mother is trying to rope Wonwoo into having something to eat by the glint in her eye so you jump in. 
“I’m sure Wonwoo would like to head home, Momma. He has a bit of a walk back into town.” 
“Do you?” She turns to him, “We’d hate to keep you.” 
“I have some time,” Wonwoo assures her, “there’s no one waiting for me at home.” 
You can’t help but feel betrayed by Wonwoo’s choice to indulge your mother. 
“Really? Have you eaten? Let me pack some food for you to take!” 
And before any of you can say anything, your mother has Wonwoo’s wrist in her grip gently leading him through the front gate and to your house. 
You run a hand down your face before following. 
Your mother leads Wonwoo through the house, through the living room, to have him sit on the ledge just outside the living room doors that open up to the garden. 
“Now you wait right here,” your mother tells him, “I’ll have my daughter fetch you a drink while I pack up something for you!” 
“Thank you,” Wonwoo replies. 
She eyes you meaningfully before grabbing your arm to drag you to the kitchen. 
“There’s some cold yuzu tea in the fridge, take him a glass please.” She sets a medium sized cup onto a saucer, and you recognize it as a part of the china set your family typically uses for important guests. It’s white with some foliage painted on the side. 
You follow your mother’s command as she busies herself with packing side dishes, reaching past her into the fridge where the pot of yuzu tea sits. 
After pouring a cup you garnish it with a rosemary sprig you pluck from the plant sitting on the kitchen’s windowsill. You're careful not to spill as you make your way to where Wonwoo waits, your pace slow. 
He gives you a kind smile as you set the cup and saucer in front of him, thanking you in a soft voice. 
“Your mother made this?” He asks, after having a sip. The tea is quite refreshing, and it's probably one of the best yuzu teas he’s ever had. 
You shake your head. “I made the pot this time, usually whoever finds it running low makes it, between me and her of course. My older sister can’t brew tea to save her life, she takes after father.” 
“Well, it’s delicious. I suppose you’re quite the master when it comes to brewing tea.” 
You shake your head again, bashfully. You feel small under Wonwoo's fond gaze, not sure what is the appropriate way to act when he's showing you such kindness. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, with Wonwoo sipping at his tea and you trying to discreetly study his face. You know you've thought this before but he really is quite handsome. 
"The garden is beautiful, I don't think I've seen one built in the middle of a home like this before." 
"My great-grandfather built this house," you reply, moving so your body is parallel with Wonwoo's, both of you facing the open space. "He traveled a bit with my great-grandmother and when they built this house they took inspiration from some of the homes they stayed in on their travels." 
"I see." He replies, setting his now empty cup down, his knuckles brushing the side of your hand as he does so. 
You pull your hand away, as if burned, and heat flushes your body. 
Wonwoo doesn't comment on this thankfully but you think you see the edge of his lips twitch. 
"Sorry to keep you waiting!" Your mother's voice rings out. Walking to where you and Wonwoo sit with the containers of food wrapped up in an orange cloth. She sets it between you and Wonwoo as she kneels.
"I don't know what you like, so I added a bit of everything! I snuck in a couple of persimmons as well, we have more than enough." 
"Thank you kindly," Wonwoo says sweetly, giving your mother a smile. 
"It's no trouble dear! And don't worry about the containers, I'll have this one fetch them from you whenever." She says, motioning to you. 
"Well, thank you again. I should be getting on my way now, I've overstayed my welcome it seems." 
"Oh not at all!" Your mother pats his arm, "We're always happy to have you Doctor Jeon. My daughter will see you out, don't be a stranger now!" 
Wonwoo gathers the cloth in his fist, and the cup and saucer in his free hand. You take the china, passing it to your mother before leading Wonwoo back towards the entrance of your home. 
Soon you are in the exact same setting you were when you had arrived; you and Wonwoo standing across from each other at the gate. 
"My apologies for my mother, she's the type to flit around even if you tell her to sit still." 
"Not at all. She's quite the character, but I can tell she's also immensely kind. I now know where you get it from." The smile on Wonwoo's lips is teasing and you think about how nice it is to have someone compliment you. 
After a few more short moments of small talk you urge the doctor to be on his way. The sun had already sunk low behind the horizon and the path back to town settled in darkness. You hurry to grab him a lantern, just to help him light his way home, as the roads would absolutely be dark until about halfway into town. 
Wonwoo promises to make it home safely, and he watches you enter your house before turning and making his way to his own. 
Later that night you lay awake, palm pressed to your racing heart, replaying the moment Wonwoo called you lovely over and over again in your mind.
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The next few days are spent with you staying busy, too busy even to go see Wonwoo for your dress. Pruning the persimmon trees and overall maintenance of the farm are the allotted tasks that fall to you. The workload is a bit heavy due to your sister and her family’s absence. 
You’ve taken to sleeping in Wonwoo’s linen shirt, his pants have been washed and folded, but perhaps selfishly, you can't bring yourself to part from his shirt. It smells like him, petrichor with a light musk and the hint of something floral. It's intoxicating and the scent lulls you to sleep better than any tea you’ve ever had. 
Sadly, you aren’t meant to hold on to the young doctor’s clothes forever. You have your mother wash the shirt, and find a bag to put Wonwoo’s clean clothes in so they can be returned to him. You intend to slip out quickly, but when your mother catches wind of your plans she rushes off to grab a few persimmons to send with you. 
“Please, he’ll be sick of persimmons at this rate,” you whine. 
She ignores your concern, slipping the wrapped fruits into your hand. “Nonsense! Nobody can be sick of persimmons,” she argues. 
Soon, you are on your way to the doctor’s office. Unfortunately, with the persimmons in tow. The walk to town is pleasant enough, and you get a sense of tranquility with nobody else on the path except for yourself and the occasional woodland creature that makes an appearance. 
You made a point to doll yourself up just a bit, wanting to leave Wonwoo with a better impression of yourself than last time. You don’t have high hopes, but perhaps just a hope that Wonwoo holds any feelings other than cordiality towards you. Your dress today is a dusty pink, and you’d found your sister’s rouge and applied a smidge to your cheeks and lips. 
The air is somewhat brisk, as it usually is in early fall, but the chill still makes you shiver slightly. Red and yellow tipped leaves sway in the crisp wind, it is undoubtedly autumn. Soon enough you are at the entrance of town, face burning with embarrassment as you catch a glance of the fountain, remembering the events that transpired there. 
Your pace quickens. 
As you come upon Wonwoo’s practice, you are surprised to see him waiting outside. Giving you a small smile and a wave when he notices you. 
“Good Morning,” he greets you with a honeyed voice.
“Morning,” is your soft reply, “do you always mill about outside this early?” 
This makes the doctor chuckle. “No, not usually. I saw you coming up the path from my window, so I figured it was only right that I came to greet you.” 
“Oh,” you try to fight the heat blooming on your cheeks, “I have your clothes, freshly laundered. Mother thought it pertinent to slip in a few persimmons even though I told her you’re probably sick of them by now.” 
The smile has not left his lips yet, and he reaches out to take the bag from your hand, fingers brushing against your own. “I could never be sick of persimmons,” he replies, “after all, everytime I have one I think of you.” 
The heat rushes back tenfold, you are beyond flustered and you think Wonwoo notices because of the way his lips quirk up. You feel your brain has been fried at just those few words and you struggle to form a reply.  Thankfully, Wonwoo takes pity on you, despite being the cause of your non-functioning state. 
“Your dress is upstairs,” he tells you, “I didn’t want it to get wrinkled so I hung it up as best I could. If you’d like, we could go upstairs and retrieve it or I can always bring it down to you.” 
“We can go upstairs,” your voice small as you reply, your heart fluttering shamelessly in your chest at the thought of being in Wonwoo’s cozy home once more.
The fluttering of your heart does not stop even as the two of you climb the steps.
You get a lovely sense of warmth when the two of you enter, and you look at the wood stove still kindling. Wonwoo guides you to sit in his armchair, disappearing to the area his kitchenette is. You watch him grab a resting teapot and pour whatever resides within it into a mug. The mug is then wordless placed in your hands, and you murmur a soft “thank you”. 
“Apple blackberry tea,” he explains, “I thought you might need some warming up from the chill.” 
“That’s very thoughtful of you,” you reply softly, “thank you.”
A small smile twitches at Wonwoo’s lips as he watches you cradle the mug and bring it to your lips to taste the tea. “Your dress is in the other room, give me a moment.”
You nod, taking another slow sip of the delicious tea. Both fruits pair surprisingly well, and it seems to be the perfect blend for a crisp autumn day. 
Wonwoo returns, your dress folded meticulously and resting in his hands. Despite how well worn it is it looks almost brand new, testament to his care of it.
“Oh, you didn’t have to go to all the trouble!” You stand to take the dress from Wonwoo’s hand, fondness swimming in your chest.
The man just shakes his head, “It was no trouble. It's something that belongs to you so I wanted to make sure it returned to you in an adequate condition.” 
You press the garment to your chest, your eyes meeting his. You try to think of what to say to convey your gratitude but nothing seems good enough. 
It's almost as if Wonwoo turns bashful under your gaze as he rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t intend to keep you longer, I would accompany you back to your home but unfortunately I have a few patients to see this morning.”
You snap back to reality at this, “Oh! Don’t apologize please, you’ve done more than enough for me, Wonwoo. I can make my way home no problem. Thank you again, for everything.” You give him a nod, walking past him to the door. However, before you can turn the knob you feel a hand at the crook of your arm, pulling you gently to a halt. 
Glancing behind yourself, you see that Wonwoo has stopped you. An emotion you can’t quite place swims within his eyes, and it just adds to your confusion. 
“Wonwoo..?” You say slowly, when neither of you has spoken for a stretch of moments. 
He uses his delicate grip on you to turn your body so you two face each other once more, and the hand on your arm raises slowly to hold your cheek. Suddenly, his thumb is rubbing against your scar gently. He whispers your name and you feel as if you’ve been caught in a trance, you can’t speak, move, or think. All you can do is breathe and feel Wonwoo’s touch. 
His eyes trace the lines of your face, before they find yours. “From this moment onwards, I intend to court you. If you’ll have me.”
His words stun you, a moment of silence passing between the two of you before it is broken by your mouth, moving faster than your mind can. “Yes, I’ll have you. Of course I will,” You say breathily. 
A smile tugs on Wonwoo’s lips and then he is leaning down to brush his lips over your scar, his hand falling from your cheek and finding your own. 
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⊱ notes: as always thank you for reading! it really was a pleasure to write this doctor wonu is very dear to me <3333
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azsazz · 3 months
Midnight Muse (Part 24)
Azriel x Reader [Art School AU]
Summary: You and your best friend Feyre have just moved into a new apartment for your sophomore year of college at art school. What you didn't know when you signed the lease is that you'd be living next to three rowdy boys.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,511
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] [Part 22] [Part 23] [Masterlist]
Things slowly begin to enter a new normal.
You go to class, see your friends, and spend most nights with your boyfriend, licking, teasing, tasting each other on every available inch of skin you can find. The five of you hang out as a group and you’ve never been happier.
You’re even passing art history, thanks to Azriel’s fool-proof system of studying; a sexual favor in exchange for every correct answer you give.
For the most part, everything seems like a dream. Compared to the beginning of your year, it is. There's still that niggling feeling inside of you that you just can’t seem to get over, though. As you sit in the art building working on your project for Alis’ class, you’re not entirely sure what to do. It’s the last assignment before the semester ends and you’ve started and restarted the drawing three times already, all of your attempted creativity fizzling out within hours.
Now, with only two days to go before it’s due for critique, you’re on the cusp of tears. It’s not from lack of trying, but because you’ve been forcing yourself to tap into your inner creative and find your muse. You want to create something that you’re proud of, but there’s nothing for your heart to grasp onto, no genius ideas that make you want to pour your soul onto the paper.
You’re starting to think that you might fail this class.
Feyre had offered to tag along, but she’s already finished her project fairly quickly after the assignment was given out, and things have been a bit awkward between you and Lucien since he found out that you and Azriel are officially dating. 
Naturally, the event had occurred after one of your drawing classes. It almost felt like deja vu, with the way Azriel was waiting outside of the building. This time, you were more than happy to see your boyfriend, who was leaning up against the side of his motorcycle, helmet tucked under his arm with a second one perched beside him. 
You could admit that you’re starting to enjoy riding on his motorcycle with him. He’s even taken you to his favorite spot where he often goes to draw or think, escaping the stressors of his life back on campus such as his father pestering him about the buying building he lives in. He hasn’t responded to a single text message.
“(Y/N), hold up a minute,” Lucien said, stopping you from going down the stairs of the building to meet your boyfriend with a hand on your shoulder. Feyre continues downward after you gently wave her on, but you don’t miss the way Azriel’s eyes narrow.
“What’s up, Luc?” you ask, although you already know what he’s wondering. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that whatever you and Azriel had started out as is now the complete opposite. He’s no longer your infuriating neighbor, but the boy you you’re slowly starting to fall—
Thankfully, Lucien interrupts the thought before you can dwell on it too long. “What’s going on with him?” he asks, jerking his head to where Feyre and Azriel are talking quietly. The latter watches you and Lucien’s exchange intently. “I thought you two hated each other, but now you’re hanging out with him all of the time? Did I miss something?” 
A pang of guilt gnaws at your stomach. You feel bad for not telling Lucien about your newfound romance with Azriel, but you’ve been wanting to tell him over lunch or coffee, but with the end of the semester projects and tests coming up, the both of you had been too busy to properly hang out.
Your cheeks heat and it’s hard to look him in his eyes when he looks so confused. “Yeah, um, Azriel and I are sort of dating now.”
Lucien frowns, “Sort of?” 
“We are,” you shake your head, answering more solidly this time. “We’re dating.” 
You don’t miss the hurt that flashes through his eyes. “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
You sigh, kicking and digging the tip of your shoe into the concrete for something to focus on. You don’t like the way that Lucien is looking at you, like you’re no longer his friend, which isn’t the case at all. Sure, you know that for whatever reason he and Azriel don’t see eye-to-eye, and you can admit that you’ve only fed into that storyline by spending most of your time these days with Azriel and not taking the proper time to check in with your friend, but right you feel like you’re the one at blame for not reaching out.
It seems as if Azriel has had enough, pushing up from his motorcycle to ascend the stairs. His strides are long, sure, and his spine straightens with each step closer he takes, shoulders widening and chest puffing. 
“Hey, princess.” 
“Azriel,” you greet with a nervous smile, accepting the way he tucks you into his side and presses a kiss to your cheek. His hand is firm against your hip and you enjoy the way he feels, the way he allows you to siphon some of his strength for this conversation. “This is Lucien. Lucien, this is Azriel.” 
The two boys stare at each other, sizing one another up. It makes you shift on your feet but Azriel’s hold only tightens, showing you off, staking his claim.
It’s awkward, to say the least. Neither of them greet each other and it's as if they’re both waiting for the other to look away first so the other can snap at their neck like a rabid dog. You shoot a look towards Feyre but her head is buried in her phone, an enormous smile on her face, completely oblivious to the pissing contest that’s happening up the stairs.
A muscle ticks in Lucien's jaw before he rips his gaze away from Azriel to settle back on yours. He gives you a single nod, and you’re not sure how to feel when his throat works around a swallow, his normally honeyed voice coming out rougher. “I have to go, actually, before I’m late. I’ll see you around, (Y/N).” 
“Lucien,” you call, but he’s already turned down the stairs and is brushing past Feyre, whose eyebrows furrow with concern at the sight of your friend. She tries to speak to him but he brushes her off gently, and when her heavy blue-gray eyes settle on you, you deflate into Azriel’s side. 
You feel similarly to how you did then, defeated and glum. The piece of drawing paper before you is filled with the darkness from your charcoal, your fingers coated in the chalky substance, and the shapes you’d been sketching stare back at you, taunting you, because no one is going to be able to finish this except for you.
It’s a fairly simple task, to draw yourself as some sort of hybrid, but as you look in the mirror hanging to your left, you can’t seem to figure out what kind of creature resonates with you. Feyre had drawn herself as some sort of beast, her true self, she claimed. When you had asked Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel what they had done when they took their drawing classes, Rhysand said he drew himself with dragon features, Cassian morphed himself with a grizzly bear, and Azriel had drawn himself with the bat wings inked across his back.
The last time you spoke with Lucien before your relationship became strained, he’d been drawing half of his face as a fox, and you’d seen one of the other girls in your class, Vassa, you think her name is, drawing herself as a phoenix. Everyone seemed to light up with their ideas immediately when Alis had announced the final project, and you had only ducked your head, unsure of what to do.
Voices trickling down the hall startle you from your thoughts. You set your chalk down as you recognize the tenor, the laughter echoing around the silent building. Azriel and Cassian appear in the doorway to the classroom. Cassian’s splattered with clay from having been working on his own final project of the year, something he’s been boasting about but refuses to tell anyone what it is, and the smile that lights Azriel’s face when his eyes connect with yours is perfect.
You hadn’t realized how tense your shoulders had been, but the way they deflate at the sight of him makes you realize just how tired you are. There isn’t much time left until your project is due, and you’re sure to remind yourself that once again, you need to focus.
But the way Azriel’s eyes drag down your hands, coated in soot from the charcoal, flaring with heat, you’re forgetting your deadline and the project you’ve barely started completely. 
“Hey, princess,” Azriel greets, leaning down to press a firm kiss to your mouth. You can’t help but to slant against him a little, your energy from your long night sapped. His hand caresses your cheek and he frowns a little, examining your exhausted and frustrated state.
Your heart flutters at the warmth, at the care he shows you. How he isn’t afraid to hide his hands from you because you’ve spent night after night showing him just how much they mean to you. 
“Hi,” you reply with a soft yet strained smile, you turn to Cassian next. “Hey, Cass.” 
“Hey (Y/N). How’s the art project coming along?” 
You sigh, leaning further into Azriel’s warmth. “Not amazing, if I’m being honest.” 
“What’s wrong?” Azriel asks, “It looks like you have a solid start.” 
You crinkle your nose, examining your paper. It looks more abstract than anything, and you wonder for a moment if Azriel’s just being nice about it. But you know him better than that, and he would never tease you about a craft so dear to both of your hearts. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” you groan.”I’ve started over three times.” All you want to do is throw your head in your hands but you don’t want to get chalk all over your face, unless Azriel is the one putting it there. Naked.
Maybe having sex will help get your creativity flowing?
Your boyfriend frowns for a moment, examining your work. You can see the cogs turning in his head, how he might help you figure out what to draw for your project. Of course, you could easily draw any animal mixed with yourself, but you really want this one to have meaning behind it. 
“Why don’t you take a break and we can all grab something to eat?” Azriel suggests. “A break might do you some good, and Cass and I were going to head over to Ritas.” 
A hot waffle and a large milkshake sounds absolutely superb right now, to be honest.
You stare at the paper before you. You really should stay and put in a few more hours of work, but at the same time you can’t stand to stare at it any longer. 
Two more days. You still have two more days.
“Yeah, I could use a snack,” you agree, picking up your pencil box from the floor and tossing your sticks of chalk into it. “Give me a few minutes to pack up.” You stand from your art horse, eyeing the mess of black. “You should too, Cassian. You’re covered in clay.”
He only grins and you—once again—regret saying anything to him. “The ladies like it dirty, (Y/N). But you know a little something about that, don't you?”
You try to force the warmth from your cheeks as you think of just how thorough Azriel had been the last time he drew you. How up close and personal he’d gotten with his stick of charcoal, how up close and personal he let you get with some paints you’d bought. 
Sometimes you love being an artist.
“Fuck off, Cass,” Azriel gripes, flipping your large sketchpad shut. He helps you pack your things while Cassian snickers, and his eyes are hot when you rub your hands together, trying to dispel the dust from them. He slings your backpack over his shoulder and your sketchpad under his arm while you dart off to wash your hands before Azriel can get any ideas. 
Rita’s is…bustling for a Friday night. 
It looks completely different from when you’d been here last. No sign of the irritable waitress, no sign of anything really, you’re unable to see through the mass of the crowd, stuffed in booths and gyrating in whatever open space is left.
The lights are low. A colorful disco ball spins in the center of the diner that you hadn’t even noticed your first time here. Spots of color percolate around the room, seeming to guide the students on the little dancefloor as they sway their bodies, the tables lined up against the walls for this purpose.
“Rhys and Feyre are on their way,” Cassian says, reading a message on his phone before swiping at the screen. You don’t see the way that his eyes darken at whatever notification pops up because Azriel’s tugging you through the crowd.
The air is hot with bodies and laughter and as you make your way through the throng of people, you’re glad Azriel had talked you into a quick pit stop at the apartment to put your things away, as if he had known the diner would look like this tonight. He must spend more time here than you thought because he eases through the crowd, shoulders lax, letting the clubby music pouring from the jukebox wash over him.
“Are you sure this is Rita’s?” you call over Azriel’s shoulder, genuinely confused to how the dingy daytime diner has turned into this delightful nighttime dance party.
He tosses you a smile over his shoulder that makes your heart flutter.
“It’s where all of the cool kids go before and after the bars,” Cassian teases when Azriel finally finds an empty spot for the three of you to stand. He’s scouring the restaurant as if he’s looking for someone and returns his hazel gaze to you with a lazy grin. “C’mon, (Y/N), it’s like you don’t even go here.”
You roll your eyes, grumbling a little as Azriel pulls you to his front, settling his hands on your hips. The music is surprisingly loud but it’s good, causing you to roll your hips a little with the rhythm. Your boyfriend’s grip tightens, pulling you closer, and you can feel the interested bulge in his pants as his breathing turns heavier with your motions. 
“Spent most of my time at house parties last year,” you answer, shouting over the volume of the bar. “I’m hardly of drinking age, lest you forget.” You lean towards Cassian so he can hear you, pressing your ass further into Azriel’s cock. His thumb sneaks under the hem of your shirt, brushing against your exposed skin, sending a shiver up your spine. 
As if he isn’t the one that brought you here, he seems to have changed his mind fairly quickly.
“In that case, allow me to buy you a drink, my lady,” Cassian bows a little, taking his time eyeing the lower region of a girl that passes by. “What are you having?” 
You shrug, no longer in the mood for a milkshake. You scan the crowd, flickering over everyone on the dancefloor as you mull it over. “Something with rum,” you answer, and you don’t even think he’s listening anymore as the girl gives him a salacious smile over her shoulder and he starts chasing tail. 
“Think he’s coming back?” you ask over your shoulder. Your squeal is eaten up by the changing of songs as your boyfriend spins you abruptly in his arms, plastering his hips against yours in a slow grind that matches the heavy bass that makes the crowd cheer in excitement. 
“Don’t care,” he breathes into the shell of your ear. He follows his words with a nip at your lobe and you bite your lip, winding your arms around his neck. 
“Azriel,” you tut, but you can’t stop looking at his lips. His stare is hot and his hold is demanding, keeping you glued to his front as you grind your hips against his teasingly. “Cassian is your friend.”
“I don’t want to hear another man’s name on your lips right now, princess,” Azriel all but growls, golden eyes igniting. 
“What do you want?” you ask breathlessly, your nipples tightening into pebbles beneath your shirt. 
You’re thankful no one’s eyes are on you right now, all lost in their own conversations or dances with their partners. You don’t think it would matter if they were looking anyway, because you’re so focused on Azriel and the way his body reacts to a simply press of your body against his, warmth flooding you the way it always does when he’s around, that you might need that drink poured over you to pull your attention from him. 
“First, I want to take you home,” his hand strokes a long line up your spine and he buries it in the hair at the nape of your neck. You gasp at his firm hold, arousal dripping to your core when Azriel uses that hand to guide your head away from him to suck at your neck. You arch into him, eyes rolling into the back of your head. “Then, I’m going to strip you of all of these clothes,” his free hand grabs a handful of your ass and your approving hum sounds more like a moan. “And I’m going to ask you to ride me, princess. I want you to guide my cock into your tight, drenched pussy and take what you want, because you’re my needy girl, aren’t you?” 
“Yes,” your nails rake down the back of his shirt.
“And when you’re cumming on my cock, squeezing me tight, I want you to—”
“Your drinks,” Cassian says gruffly, shoving a cup between you and Azriel. It forces him to stand straight, glaring absolute daggers at his best friend but it seems to bound off of Cassian’s shoulders easily, because he looks just as pissed.
You’re still a bit dazed, so it takes you a moment or two to figure out what’s going on. Azriel won’t let you leave your position, can’t let you leave your position because his boner if full on fucking raging right now, but he does allow you to turn around again, taking the drink from Cassian to quickly take a sip, trying to quench your parched throat.
“Thanks,” you say but Cassian hardly acknowledges it, passing a beer over to Azriel. He had two still clenched firmly in his free hand but he takes one and slams it back quickly, emptying its contents before Azriel’s even had a sip of his own. 
“You okay, Cass?” Azriel asks, his hand sliding protectively over your hip. There’s no need to protect you from Cassian, but even you can admit as you shift from one foot to the other, that it’s weird seeing him like this. Not as carefree as he normally is. 
“Fucking dandy,” Cassian grunts, hazel eyes grazing down where you and Azriel are still pressed tightly together. He looks away just as quickly and you think you see his lip curl a little.
Azriel stiffens behind you.
What the hell is going on with him?
Before you have the chance to ask or Azriel has the chance to bait him, Feyre’s pushing through the crowd, towing Rhys behind her. One girl glares at her as she passes but Feyre doesn’t seem to notice, eyes lit with happiness when they finally reach your little group, unaware of the clouds of tension bubbling around the three of you.
Cassian makes an effort not to choke down his entire second beer but it’s all too tempting. He takes a deep sip so he doesn’t have to speak.
“Hey,” she greets, cheeks a little flushed already. Rhysand and she must have been drinking before they came out. Or had sex. 
“Hi,” you respond, trying to keep your grip on your cup relaxed. Cassian is acting strange. You glance up at him again but he’s avoiding eye contact with everyone right now, glaring into the mass of people. Yup, definitely avoiding looking at any of you.
“Rhys,” you hear Feyre say as you share a confused look with Azriel. His brows are pulled tight as he examines one of his best friends. He’d seemed fine back at the art building, his normal cheery and cheeky attitude threatening to drive him up the wall, so what happened between then and now? “Will you go get me a drink, please?” 
“Of course, Feyre darling,” he agrees, but Cassian’s already shoving past him, muttering how he’ll get them drinks. Rhysand’s mouth parts but Cassian has already disappeared into the crowd. Well, as much as any six-foot-five man can disappear. “What’s his problem?” 
Azriel shakes his head, taking a sip of his beer. “If we only knew.”
MM Taglist Part 1: @justvibbinghere @nickishadow139 @going-through-shit @honeycriess @natashachelsea @thisisew @kennedy-brooke @cat-or-kitten @sourapplex @magical-mischief-makers @reiincarnatiion @ccucumebrs @secret-ly-here @throneofsmut @cami26cami @torchbearerkyle @a-frog-with-a-laptop @sevikas-whore @endless-worldss @vellichor01 @bangtans-jagiya @kalulakunundrum @pinksmellslikelove @sakura-frost3-blog @imxnotxhere @bookishbroadwaybish @justdreamstars @i-am-infinite @whichwitchisthebitch @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @sia-r @ssmay123 @blackthorngirl @haivenhoule @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @bloodicka @wilmalovegood @jw83 @acourtofbatboydreams @hannzoaks @judig92 @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @ilikefictionalmen @harrystylesfan2686 @dr4g0ngirl @helensophie
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httpknjoon · 3 months
surprise, surprise | jjk
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plot | When you asked what your boyfriend wants for Valentine's, Jungkook challenged you to surprise him. But when you did, he wasn't the only one surprised.
words | 2.1k+
genres | fluff,  secret relationship au, established relationship au, friends to lovers au
pairing | jungkook x reader
warnings | none
note | another part will follow :)) enjoy reading!
main masterlist  |  drabble series masterlist
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It was a late afternoon, during a warm sunny day, you and your boyfriend finally went on with your picnic plans after weeks of talking about it. Under a lush shade tree, Jungkook laid out your classic red gingham picnic blanket. He also has pillows from his place, knowing that you would love to have one while chilling. On the flip side, you brought out the food from your basket which includes various colorful sliced fruits, sandwiches, chips, orange juice, and a bottle of chocolate syrup if ever your boyfriend wants to put it on his fruit.
It has been past an hour since you arrived at this spot in the park, half an hour away from the city you and Jungkook live in. So, with no worries about seeing your friends around, you two were free to basically do whatever you wanted on the grass. Jungkook brought his digital camera and you were already sure that half of the photos he took today are Bam’s. You were just giggling when you saw Jungkook trying to make your pet stand still with his green toy ball and sounds he learned from The Dogist, a dog photographer who posts every dog he meets online.
“One more, Bam. Stay…” he commanded as he closed his left eye to focus on his camera’s viewfinder. 
Your pet, eager to have a treat and his toy, heeded. Followed by a shutter sound, you hear a satisfied chuckle from your boyfriend. He handed Bam a treat and then threw the ball for your pet to run after.
“How was it?” you asked, sipping on your glass of orange juice.
Jungkook turned around in your direction and instead of answering immediately, you found him staring at you. Used to him dazing out sometimes, you just smiled and took another gulp from your glass. Jungkook took this opportunity to point his camera lens to you. He moved around, finding the best angle where the light makes you glow from your greenery background. You were an angel before his sight. He clicks for your candid shot. When you hear the first shutter sound, you realize what he is doing.
“Wait! Take another one.”
This time, you smiled for the camera, making him smile behind the lens. After a couple more shots, he sat next to you to show you the results. By the small sound of awe you made, he knew you loved them.
“You’re such a great photographer, babe,” you told him.
“I just have a very beautiful muse,” he replied.
You looked up at him and he laughed when he saw your eyebrows scrunching together. Perhaps it was too corny and sweet. But your scrunched expression softened up before giving him a peck on his lips. He was about to lean in for more but you pulled away with a smile.
“You used to get girls with those lines?” you teased and laughed.
And before Jungkook can defend his game, Bam runs back with his toy in between his teeth. Half an hour passed, and the camera was now in your hands while Jungkook lay his head on your lap, scrolling through his phone. Bam is napping on the grass beside you two, tired from playing. The weather was not too hot since there was still wind blowing from time to time, perfect for a midday nap. With no more energy to take pictures, you settled his camera down. For the next few minutes, you spent the time running your fingers on Jungkook’s hair and appreciating the peace of the place. You can feel your heart feeling at ease.
“I can’t believe we’re already in the second month of this year,” your boyfriend suddenly spoke, eyes still glued on his phone.
“I know, babe. It seemed like yesterday when we celebrated New Year’s Eve at Dara’s and our anniversary,” you replied. “Then, we told Blaire about us.”
He put down his phone with that, looking at you, “We didn’t tell her, you did.”
You just rolled your eyes since you know you cannot really defend yourself. You were too drunk that night, Jungkook had to tell you what you shared with your friend the morning after. And after a whole-day conversation with Blaire, she agreed to not say anything about it and simply called you two “sneaky rats” in a teasing way.
“Anyway, Valentine’s Day is next week.” Jungkook brought up the topic, sitting up. “Do you want to do anything or go anywhere?”
“Well… we already did this picnic.” you clicked your tongue as your eyes traveled away, thinking. 
And after a few seconds, an idea pops into your head. An activity you saw online that you found cute and perfect for you two. You beamed as you told him about it. Jungkook nodded as he listened intently, eyes traveling down his tattooed knuckles.
“I love that, we can do that! That’s wonderful, princess.” He smiled, eyes crinkling. “Do you already have any ideas about the design?”
You shook your head, “Oh, not yet.”
“Okay, okay.” he nods again,
You squeeze his hands, “How about you? What do you want to do?”
He looked up at the leaves on the tree as he sighed, “I don’t know… Really. That’s why I asked you. What you want is what really matters to me.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Really? Nothing?”
He nodded his head but not a second after, he spoke again, “Okay, I have an idea.”
“Okay, spill.” 
“Surprise me,” he said like it was a challenge.
“Surprise you?” you repeated.
Looking back at your relationship, you were a little weak at doing surprises. You cannot really lie well and always see his reaction when you get him something meant for a surprise. But maybe you can try again.
“Okay, babe.”
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“Isn’t this sad?” Wooshik sighed in between the film playing on the television. “It’s the day before Valentine’s. We are both single straight guys, watching Meryl Streep boss around people because we don’t have any plans tomorrow,” he added.
I do, Jungkook said in his head. Today is the thirteenth. It has been days since you two went on that picnic and he has been secretly waiting for your surprise. You didn’t want to give him a spoiler about it since you both know how bad you are at lying. So, you didn’t give him even a single clue.
And since it’s the day before that day, you and the girls in your friend group went out for your Galentine’s Day. You told him your activities for the day, which included going to a baking class and pampering yourselves in hair and nail salons. So, in return, he and Wooshik are pretty much shooed away when the latter begs to come with them.
“It’s for girls only! Go hang out together,” Jenny laughed. 
So, they did. Initially, they planned on playing video games in Jungkook’s place. But after two hours of playing and having succeeding losses, they got exhausted and opted to watch a movie. The streaming service recommended a lot of chick-flicks so that’s what they settled for.
“This is fine. The girls are single too. A lot of people are spending tomorrow single.” he noted, focused on the film.
But Wooshik exclaimed, “But love is in the air! I don’t want to be lonely. Maybe we should pull up at a bar or something. Maybe we can have dates tomorrow.”
“I told you, I’m not into those things anymore.”
“Those things?! It’s called dating, JK. So you’re not into dating now?” Wooshik asked his tone in disbelief. Jungkook just laughed at his dramatic reaction. His friend continued, “What happened to my friend who used to introduce me to his new girlfriend every two weeks?”
Jungkook tossed him a pillow, smacking it right to his face, “Hey, people change!”
“You used to hold the record for most partners in a year in our friend group, JK.” Wooshik snickered.
“And now, I don’t. I’m happy where I am right now.” 
“Blablabla. That’s something a person with a great high-paying job or a nice love life would say. And I don’t think your job pays you that high for you to say that.” Wooshik quipped while watching the movie again.
Jungkook laughs. He’s right. But Wooshik is not aware of how fun he is having with you. Your friend doesn’t know how much you made his life more than nice. You made his days a lot more warmer and brighter than it has ever been.
“And the girls are not really single. Jenny said she will be busy tomorrow–”
“She is. She works as a head chef in a restaurant. Tomorrow is like a festival in her workplace.” Jungkook cuts him off. 
His friend snickered, “Okay, but she’s going on an occasional date with that same guy she met at a food convention. Blaire is having an on and off and on relationship with Grace. Dara is dating–”
“She is?” Jungkook asked.
Wooshik nods like it’s something he has known for a long time, “Yeah… and YN, I just know that one is seeing someone.”
Something in his stomach dropped when Jungkook heard that, “Yeah?”
“Remember when I stayed for like a week in her house when I had something renovated in my place? I swore I saw her sneaking out a guy one early morning.” his friend shared, clueless about the guy who was now sitting in front of him.
“Are you sure?” Jungkook asked.
“Yeah, I just didn’t see him properly since the lights were off. But I heard YN talking to him.” 
Yeah, it’s him. 
Not wanting to talk about it anymore, Jungkook said, “You know what? Maybe we should go out.”
It’s like Wooshik’s ears perked up when heard that, “Where?”
“Just out. Maybe get something to eat or… I saw this new bowling alley opening up around the corner. We can walk there from here.”
Originally, Jungkook wanted to take you there first. But with his best friend being bored and talking about you and your relationship, he just thought of going to that place.
“Oh, okay. Maybe fate can find me a date there.”
Jungkook chuckled, getting up, “Okay, I’ll just take a quick shower. Then, we can go.”
Wooshik nodded and Jungkook walked away. Left alone in the living room, Wooshik reached for the almost-finished bowl of chips on the center table. He rarely watched chick flicks but he really liked this one. Maybe because of the lead actress. But nonetheless, he enjoys the story.
“I just don’t get why she has to leave her great job for Nate. I mean, he did not even support her when she was having growth in her work and she was in Paris!” Wooshik exclaimed as the screen showed Anne Hathaway walking away from her boss, portrayed by Meryl Streep.
The credits were rolling in when he heard the knock on the door. He was about to call his friend when he heard the distant trickling from his shower. Wooshik got up and opened the door, dusting off the cheese powder from the chips. A delivery guy stood in front of the door, holding a box of pretty flower arrangements.
“Delivery for Jeon Jungkook.” the guy said.
Confused, Wooshik had his mouth slightly open before answering, “Oh… uh, he’s in the shower. But I can receive this for him.”
“Okay. Please, sign here.”
The guy handed him a paper and Wooshik followed. After the flowers were handed to him, he said thank you and closed the door. His eyes scanned the whole arrangement filled with various flowers. A white folded card sat on top of it. As he carefully placed it down on the table, one question stayed in his head.
Who the hell would send flowers to his best friend?
So just like what any nosy, curious person would do, Wooshik flicked the card open.
Blooms for the best person I know. 
I was with B in the flower shop and he helped me pick the flowers. I hope you’ll love them.
Know that this is the first of other surprises I’ve planned for tomorrow ;)
But firstly, let me ask you for the first time,
Babe, will you be my Valentine?
Princess? Who the hell is Princess? Who is B? Is B a person? Did his friend have a baby and didn’t know it?
“Hey, let’s g– Oh, where did that come from?”
Jungkook came in, hair damp. His eyes land on the bouquet of flowers. Wooshik is frozen in place. His hand is still holding the card as he stares at him.
His eyes gradually squinted, “Who is Princess, and why is she sending you flowers?”
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TAGLIST (closed)
@hobiuwusunshine @alinerl @bbangtanlove95 @daydreamiies @craftymoonchaos @awseokjin @yoonabeo @luvrsofbts @hisbutton-nose @bloopkook @chvngbiin @takochelle @wildarmy @cuddlysoftbear @luv-minhyun-world @shydestinyyouth @bbtsficrecs @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @jkbabiey @hopeworldjimin @chieftoadturkeynickel @ppeachyttae @tannies-luv @loomipee @sanctify-mp3 @stuffy16 @laylasbunbunny @di0rgguk @tswisal1 @amara-mars @jksgirlhere @callmejimmeo @rapmonie2047 @petalsofink @daemontargaryenwhore @juju-227592
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
Hurried Morning
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A/N: Back already with something for you all. Hopefully you’ll enjoy what I wrote yesterday morning. Ah! I love young Joel Miller, neighborhood dilf.
Summary: Joel neglects himself before you have to leave to give you one last dopamine high.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (minors DNI), clit stimulation, fingering, dirty talk, squirting, Joel has big strong hands and just likes to please if he is in control
Word count: 1.9k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47667250
Hurried Morning
Joel says that he is merely feeling generous with you as he pulls your half-naked frame into his lap, so that your back is resting comfortably against his broad chest. You want to say that he is simply lazy but it’s not like you are ever going to let that slip from your mouth.
It’s late Sunday morning and you’re both seated against the headboard of Joel’s bed. Sarah will be home just before noon, and Joel has to change his bedsheets, air out the room, have a shower and maybe fix up some lunch for him and his daughter. You, on the other hand, just have to get cleaned up and go home before she is here.
He doesn’t have to tell you about his generosity; you know he is insatiable, giving and generous by now, actually knew about a week after the first night that he had taken you to his bed. You know it is cliche to sleep with the hot neighbor, but no one knows about it yet, so you’ll bask in the beauty of how he makes you tremble until someone finds out that you’re screwing the hot single father. You pray, no pun intended, it isn’t the God-fearing Adlers.
You’re in a loose t-shirt that screams weekend, a Batman logo on your chest, but beneath the hem, a pair of cotton panties with a little bow cover your core. You rest your head against Joel’s shoulder as he rests right hand just above your belly button, it seeming undecided at whether or not to go down. His left hand is placed on top of your thigh, scratching slightly until you shiver.
“Do you have a plan with those hands?” You ask him.
“We ain’t got much time,” he muses with a sigh in his pretty little Texas accent. You squirm a little, “I’ll just have to forget myself for a moment, hopefully I’ll forgive myself for it.”
“You’re not going to fuck me?” You ask with disappointment in your tone but the left hand curls around your thigh to pull it a little to the side, opening you up for him.
“‘Fraid not, sweetheart, but I’ll have you chanting my name anyway,” he spreads out your other leg too, noses along your throat and grins into your skin as he sees your toes curl in anticipation.
“O-okay,” you reply, simply waiting for more.
Joel kisses your throat then, right hand descending to hover over your underwear. He only hesitates for a split-second before he cups your sex, fingers sliding over your cunt and then rubbing his whole palm over you to feel the warmth radiating through the fabric. You sigh contentedly.
“Feels good?” He asks, holding his hand there for a moment and a bit of slick seeps out of you. For someone who said that you were short on time together, he sure is taking it.
“Yes,” you try to breathe in deeply but the breath ends up hitching in your throat as he finds your clit on the outside of your underwear. The pads of his index- and middle finger rub slow and lazy circles.
“So this is what we’re gonna do,” he booms behind you. You ready yourself for instructions, “I’ll make you come on my fingers, and then you’re gonna go home and not think ‘bout me all day and night. Night, do you hear me? Especially all night.”
Oh good lord, that went straight to your pussy. You nod quickly, “Whatever you say. I’ll do it.”
The fingers on your clit disappear again but only so Joel can use his thumb instead, and you’re reminded of how huge his hands and fingers are. He presses down on your sensitive nub for a moment, and blood rushes between your legs.
His free hand goes from your thigh to slide up under your t-shirt, cupping one of your breasts to squeeze before his thumb and forefinger tease your nipple. It hardens immediately, and you instinctively buck up your hips. It makes Joel hum behind you, and soon, you feel his generous size poke into the small of your back. It is unbearable to remember that he told you that he won’t put it in you.
“You don’t have to say anything, I know,” he tells you as you moan into the room, turning your head so your face is towards his jaw. You have your eyes squeezed shut as he scratches a little from side to side, making you clench around nothing but emptiness. He continues speaking filth, “I know, baby. I’ll touch you properly soon. Hang in there.”
Your legs shift a little on the sheets when he starts going in circles again, coaxing more arousal out of you until your panties feel sticky. To think that you were happy that you had a pair that wasn’t ruined by him, and with a chance of being dry underneath the jeans that you were going to wear as you walked home later.
You moan a little louder as a bolt of arousal pulls from inside your cunt and goes to your clit. You can feel it pulse against the fabric, against Joel’s thick finger.
“You can have it all, baby— shit, listen to you,” he gropes your breast obscenely, even tugs a little, as he rubs you off with a little more pressure. You want more than this, want him to go inside and relieve some of the pressure that builds inside of you.
“Please, Joel,” you plead shakily, “It’s not enough.”
“I know, never is,” he removes both hands from your body but only to slide them up and down your thighs a few times, finally going inwards to grab on either side of the front of your underwear. He pulls the fabric upwards and taut against your clit, making you whimper as he doesn’t relent quickly again, “Bet you could come so prettily like this. Bet you you’ll go home and do it to yourself later whilst not thinking of me.”
Joel’s breath is hot against the shell of your ear, even slightly elevated from what the both of you are doing. He is still rock hard against you, so you grind back into him.
“Stop,” he commands immediately. His hand flies up to grab the front of your throat, fingers digging slightly into your carotid artery and making your head spin.
“It won’t go away without me,” you pout as he lets go again when your hips have stilled.
“This ain’t about me,” he tells you, then follows up patting your swollen cunt a few times on the front of your underwear. You keen, and he shushes you softly, “This is about you. About her.”
The fabric has smoothed out once more after Joel had to let go of it, so now, both of his hands slide underneath the waistband to touch you directly. He trails a finger from each hand over your labia, expertly avoiding your clit. They go down, one scooping up some of your slick by dipping into your for just a second before going back up.
You are shaking like a leaf, a string of noises leaving you. They were supposed to be words but it’s like you have lost connection to the part of your brain that controls speech. Joel chuckles behind you.
He rubs your clit again with his arousal-covered finger for a moment but then decides against it. For less than a second, you start to feel the pressures in your lower abdomen fade but then Joel uses his other hand to pull back the hood of your clit. When his slick finger starts touching you so directly, you can feel it spike immediately again. It is intense. You thrash on the bed.
“Fuck!” You cry out and look down where his hands are in your panties, moving and straining pornographically underneath the fabric, “Keep going. You’re— you’ll make me come like this.”
“That’s not the plan,” he growls in your ear, panting slightly but not making any effort to stop what he is doing, “I’ll make you fucking gush, yeah? Just like last night. Sheets have to be changed anyway or I’ll smell you on them and fuck my hand without getting any shit done around here.”
“Then do it,” you buck up into his hand like before, but this time also lifting your hips off the bed just slightly. Joel removes the finger from the hood of your clit to slam down your hips again, but despite everything, it just feels nice to not be so directly touched. You don’t want to know what you could’ve missed if you had come right now.
Roughly, the way you like it, Joel pulls your panties to the side. He reaches further down and shoves two fingers inside of your cunt, tilting his wrist downwards to finger against your g-spot quickly. The wet squelches of your wetness fill the room along with your mewls as your orgasm builds again without warning.
Your hands find purchase on Joel’s strong thighs but it still doesn’t feel like enough. Something is building right behind your clit, all muscles around your womb tightening like a coil being pulled. You want it, want it to snap.
“Please, please, please, oh fuck, Joel, make me come,” you are inconsolable, knowing that you’ll start sobbing if it doesn’t happen soon.
“Should’ve had a mirror right in front of us, so you can see my fingers sink into your little pussy,” he moans for the first time, feeling your walls flutter around his two digits and your clit throbbing against his index finger on the other hand. He rubs you and fucks you open in earnest.
Your right hand reaches up to cup the back of his head, fingers curling into the soft hair at the back of his neck. You hold on for dear life, pulling then to embrace what is coming. Joel growls behind you.
And then it happens. Everything that has been pulled tight releases into a high that has you feeling like you’ll melt into the mattress or lift off into the air from it. Your legs shake violently, and as soon as Joel notices the first spasm of your cunt, he pulls his fingers out to see the wet gush that leaves you and forms a stain on the sheets. He fingers you again and repeats the move, watches you gush a few times more.
You quickly grab at his wrist with a sharp intake of breath when the over sensitivity sets in. He stops moving his fingers on you and instead cups what he feels is his more than yours.
“Christ,” you hear him mutter, attempting to rub your cunt soothingly but you whimper, gripping his wrist tighter. He kisses behind your ear, “Wore the little plaything out, didn’t I?”
“What time is it?” You ask quietly, exhaustedly.
“We have an hour,” Joel says after looking at his wristwatch that is on the bedside table, “Think you should take a cold shower, soothe yourself a little.”
“You’re not joining me?” You look up at him with big innocent eyes. They’re pleasing but Joel is strong enough to resist.
“I’ll clean up here, finish up here too or we won’t make it out of the bathroom in time. Can you stand?”
You accept it.
“Yes, hold on,” you crawl off of him, avoiding the wet spot on the bed. You’ll accept anything from a man that has just given you an earth shattering orgasm.
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teasteeper · 1 month
deal (l.yy)
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pairing: yangyang x f!reader
genre: smut 18+ mdni
warnings: loser!yy, perv!yy, pinv, oral (m receiving)
words: 0.7k
“ugh, you’re so gross!” you whine, squirming under yangyang's body, his weight crushing your hips as he lays between your legs.
“hm..” his moan vibrating against your tit as his lips circle around the sensitive bud, “say it again” he mumbles, pulling back from your chest with wet and puffy lips. you scowl at the drool coating his chin, the feeling of it all over your chest and dripping down the side of your body.
“you’re drooling” you shoot back, squirming against his heavy cock pressed to your cunt. precum oozes from his tip and makes a sticky mess between your bodies.
“you said i could do whatever i want” he reminds you of the deal you made out of desperation, giving him one chance to fuck you so he’d stop begging you for it. “would it kill you to act like you like me?”
the way his voice cracks almost makes you feel bad for him, pulling his mouth from your chest with a kiddish pout. he looks .. pretty. lips wet and swollen from his sloppy, unskilled kisses to your chest, red cheeks and unfocused gaze like he’s already fucked you. arousal swirls in your stomach at the thought of what he’ll look like when he’s actually fucking you, how ruined he’ll look once he’s done.
“yangyang..” you sigh quietly, trailing your eyes down his pale chest to where his cock rests heavy on your cunt. you’re all too aware of the weight of him, your hips involuntarily bucking up in your sudden impatience.
“wha- oh..” he grinds his hips down experimentally, inching his length through your lips that are gathering slick, soft wet noises sounding out in your room. his cheeks flush even redder, tongue darting out to moisten his lips. “does that feel good?”
“mhm” you hum, now rocking your hips steadily, dragging your slit up and down the underside of his shaft. he’s big, your little movements inching across maybe a third of his length.
“fuck, uh” he blinks himself out of his daze, “are you ready? want me to put it, uh, in you?”
“you can do whatever you want, remember?”
he wipes his wet mouth with the back of his hand and wraps his shaky fingers around his cock, prodding the tip at your entrance and shuddering at your warmth. a drawn out sigh leaves his chest as he pushes into you, tight hole stretching perfectly around him. “you take it so well” he muses. his head hangs over you, his hair hanging over his furrowed brows and bottom lip tucked between his teeth, looking so focused — frustrated almost. you know he’s holding back, in genuine surprise of how tightly you wrap around him.
you’ve never seen him so focused, so quiet. the thought makes you laugh softly, a quick breath passing through your lips, yangyang so close to you he can feel brush over his upper lip. “you don't have to laugh at me” he mumbles, looking more frustrated.
“m'not- ah!” in his frustration he thrusts into you harder, your hands finding his shoulders, nails digging deep into his skin. it's the first, maybe the only time you've put your hands on him, and the sting of your nails feels like heat, fire spreading though his chest and down his arms. when you look up at him his eyes are already on you, slack jawed and starry eyed.
“you're even prettier like this”
you swallow, throat dry, “yeah?”
“yeah” he sighs, continuing his thrusts, slower this time but just as deep, “i thought about fucking you all the time. thought about how pretty you'd look when you take it.. didn't think anyone could look so pretty”
and you let him cum in your mouth when he asks if he can, abiding by the strange new desire to give him whatever he wants. and even though the deal you made ends there, with yangyang kneeling over you, chest heaving with heavy breaths as he empties into your throat, you keep your lips wrapped around him, letting him ride out his high with slow thrusts over your tongue. and you think of all the other things you'd let him do when he finally pulls away, his shaky hands finding both side of your face as he hunches over, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss.
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01zfan · 5 months
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talk to me | l. sh
boyfriend!sohee x reader | 3.7k words
repost because i kinda messed up on the original post if you’ve seen this before no you haven’t
contains: fingering (fem. receiving)
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you and sohee lay on his couch while a tv show plays on his laptop. whatever is happening flies over your heads, focused on more important tasks at hand. you lean against the side of the couch, desperately pulling at sohee’s clothes so he comes closer to you. one hand is on the armrest of the couch, caging your body against sohee. his other hand feels every part of your body, rushed like you might disappear at any moment. 
your lips are locked in a messy makeout session. teeth clash and spit is swapped between the two of you. you an barely breathe and are on the verge of passing out before sohee pulls away from you. you can make out your reflection in his blown out eyes. you see a string of spit connecting your lips to his. sohee sees it too, swiping his tongue to break the string.
you match his appearance, lips glossy from spit and swollen from sucking. your hair is mused to say the least. you run your hands through sohee’s hair just for fun. you get a kick out of seeing the strands stick up twice as crazy as yours.
“do you think we have time?” you ask. 
it was hard to have alone time with sohee. exams and studying had you both on separate schedules. some days you felt like a gerbil on a wheel, running around in circles to do assignments for classes you hated. sohee had his fair share of stress too, workload just as overwhelming as yours. moments like these with sohee helped you get rid of the stress, but being under a time constraint sometimes did more harm than good. sohee grabbed his phone to check his messages.
“we have awhile. my parents told me they’re running errands all day today.” sohee says smiling. 
he smiles all the way to your neck, kissing the skin. you raise your hands to rest on his shoulders, lightly massaging out a hard knot on his back.
“they know im here?” you ask. 
his parents didn’t hate you, but like most parents they were strict. when you came over you had to be in an open space atleast an arm length away. his parents were sweet but there’s no way they would allow for just you two to be alone together.
“got anton to tell them we’re all studying together.” sohee said in between kisses.
after hearing the cover story you can let yourself fully relax into the armrest of the couch. sohee attacks your neck with kisses and bites. you occasionally have to tap his head to remind him that he can’t leave a mark.
“sohee calm down.” you say giggling. 
you lightly push on his shoulders to get him to pull away. his chest is still heaving, he didn’t even let himself fully catch his breath before going back in.
“sorry.” he says kissing your chest. 
you think about what you want next. sohee is only separated from your body by only a few layers of clothing. you put your hands on his arms to get him to stop kissing your collarbone. he stops mid kiss, staring at your skin.
“you say we have time right?” you ask. sohee looks up at you immediately.
“yes we have time. we have all the time in the world, actually.” sohee says a little to quickly. 
you adjust yourself on the couch, sitting up a little bit more. sohee moves backwards a little bit to give you the space you need.
“do you think we have enough time to…” you can’t bring yourself to finish your sentence. 
you don’t have any doubts when it comes to having sex with your boyfriend, you guys have done it a few times before. but something about the word sex just feels so vulgar and a little cringe to you. lucky for you sohee understands what you mean. you think he might’ve gotten whiplash by how fast he nods his head.
“we do. we definitely do.” sohee says quickly.
“okay cool.” you say while looking at sohee. 
you two maintain eye contact for a tad too long, trying to figure out what to do next.
as you reach for your blouse sohee does the same, getting off the couch to quickly take off his vest to unbutton his shirt underneath. you watch attentively as you take of your shirt. 
you rid yourself of your shirt and school skirt quickly. you lay down on the couch in just your intimates. you liked leaving those last garments for your boyfriend to take off. no matter how frantic he was taking off his clothes he always removed yours slowly and with such care. it also made you always super giddy seeing sohee so excited to see your body. you couldn’t help but be excited to when he nearly jumped back on the couch in just his plaid boxers. 
sohee always started with taking off your socks. he brings your legs to his lap to carefully, running a hand up and down your calf. sohee pulls off your socks one by one. it made you feel like a doll how gently he handled you, taking your legs out of his lap tenderly.
sohee comes up from the end of the couch to bring you in for another kiss, his hands massaging your breasts over your simple bra. he almost drools at the sight of your chest and the way your nipple slightly spills out from your bra. sohee finds himself drawn to it, sucking on your half hidden areola. he takes in some of the bra, but he doesn’t care because you arch your back into his mouth and run your hands through his hair.
“help me take my bra off sohee.” you whine. 
your desperation makes sohee move quickly. he reaches his hands behind your back and unclasps your bra on the second try. he carefully bring the back of the bra to the front, helping you out of the straps. when your bra is discarded somewhere in the room, sohee takes in the sight of your chest. he loves looking at them first before taking them in his hands. he’s captivated by your supple skin, kneading your breasts in his hands. you tilt your head to the side and hum gratefully at how sohee is taking such good care of you. 
sohee feels nervous looking up from your boobs to your face. the way you look at him has his cheeks dusted in a rosy red and his ears feeling hot. every time sohee has you like this he gets nervous. he has never been able to explain why he gets so antsy at the thought of you during sex. he is someone who has always driven by pleasure. he worries that sometimes in the heat of the moment he may forget about your pleasure too. the thought of having someone so beautiful in his hands sometimes made the butterflies in his stomach painful to endure. 
but sohee has different things on his mind. why he gets the right to see your bare body or be the one that gets to give you pleasure is a question for a later time. right now, sohee is focusing on the tiny pink bow that is attached to the waistband of your panties.
“this is cute” sohee says, pinching the tiny bow in his fingers.
“i think they’d be better off, yeah?” you say. 
you lean against the back of the couch to give sohee more leverage to take the garment off of you. sohee takes your panties off and throws them in the same pile his clothes are in. if he’s lucky he will be able to put your panties in his pocket as a little souvenir for later.
he has to bite his tongue to not say “wow” at your naked body. the way you are laying for him on the couch has sohee almost seeing stars. even in the dimly lit living room your body is glowing. sohee’s eyes scan over your body methodically, like he is trying to remember every curve, every hair, every square inch of flesh. he can barely focus on anything else.
“can i take those off of you?” you ask pointing at his boxers.
sohee nods and moves to lay against the couch. he maneuvers his body the same way you did yours so you can take off his boxers easily. sohee sees you look over his body, and he wonders if you are trying to memorize him too.
“there’s a condom in the back pocket of my pants.” sohee says, reaching for his clothes pile.
“uhm sohee,” you say quietly. he stops reaching for the clothes to look at you. “”i don’t think you’re hard enough.”
sohee has never had this happen to him before. he was young and always ready to go at a moments notice, especially when it came to you. just the thought of you wanting you had him ready to go instantly. so when you said he wasn’t hard enough, he sat up almost immediately to see for himself. sure enough, he was flaccid. saying he had a semi would be generous. he was mortified as he looked to you.
“oh wow.” is all he could say.
“if you aren’t in the mood, it’s okay. we can just kiss.” you say kindly.
sohee wanted you more than anything, so he was very confused as to why his dick wasn’t with the program.
“i want to. i want to so bad. i don’t know what’s wrong.” sohee said. 
even after giving his dick a few experimental strokes, nothing happened. confused wasn’t the word to describe how he was feeling anymore, especially when he looked at your pretty face covered in worry. he was perplexed by his inability to perform. he ran through his memory bank of things that he had to lock away to not get a boner in public. images of you bending over, calling out his name, and wearing revealing outfits flashed across his mind. still nothing.
sohee still wanted to touch you. any other time he would’ve called it quits, maybe take a nap or something. he blames it on the heated make out session and the fact that you two were alone. he was still tittilated, thinking about your tongue and the bow that was on your panties. he looked at you perched on the couch next to him. you now had your intimate areas covered, but sohee wanted to see all of you more than anything. he completely abandoned his own pleasure letting his dick fall on against stomach. he sits up on the couch, letting his legs fall over the side. sohee reaches to you, and you grab his hand.
“can i touch you?” sohee says. 
you think for a second. although the circumstance of sohee not getting hard is a little peculiar, it doesn’t change the fact that you are worked up and aching to be touched. you nod and move yourself over to him. sohee turns you around and pulls you towards him, letting your back rest on his legs and your head rest on the side of the couch next to him. you adjust a little, letting yourself get comfortable. sohee moves your legs so they bend at the knee. your legs closest to the edge of the couch rests on the coffee table.
“i’m gonna try something okay?” sohee says looking down at you. “tell me if you don’t like it.” you nod and let out a breath, fully relaxing into your boyfriend.
sohee uses his hand to slowly move down your body. like he perfectly split you in half, he uses a finger to slowly trace down between the valley of your breasts all the way to your bellybutton. he slowly traces tiny shapes around your abdomen and places a quick kiss to your forehead. you close your eyes, focusing on his voice and the feeling of his soft hands on you.
“your body is so hot.” sohee says quietly. “you’re so hot it makes me nervous. maybe that’s why i couldn’t get hard.”
sohee laughs dryly as he continues his hand down. you grab onto the bicep of his other arm, desperate to hold onto something. he uses his thumb and middle finger to spread your vagina and uses his index finger to press hard on your clit. your eyebrows raise and you look at sohee, who is locked in on your facial expressions.
“does it feel good?” sohee asks.
you scrunch your eyebrows and nod yes, afraid that you might let out a sound if you open your mouth.
“can i finger you baby? i need to feel all of you.” sohee says. 
he lightly flicks your clitoris, each time making you jolt slightly. 
“yes please.” you moan. 
you are already digging your fingers into his bicep. you try to pace yourself, to gain some composure.
sohee releases his middle finger and thumb from spreading you. he instead uses his thumb to go lower, spreading the slick from your entrance to your folds and clit. you moan quietly, spreading your legs wider for him.
“so wet already baby, how is that possible?” sohee sounds in awe as he plays with your folds. 
it’s never ending, just when you think you’re done producing the slick a new wave comes out. sohees’ mouth is open when he brings his hand from your vagina to hold it in front of you. he taps his middle finger to his thumb, showing you the thin string of your lubricant that connects the two digits together. you wish you could be shy about it but the way sohee is captivated by you only turns you on more.
“it’s because of you.” you say shyly. 
sohee looks at you when he puts his thumb in his mouth, licking you off of him.
“you taste like candy.” sohee says and you open your mouth. 
sohee puts his middle finger in your mouth and you vigorously suck, trying to show him other things you can do with your mouth. sohee gets what you’re trying to show him completely, evident in the way his jaw slightly drops as you continue to suck.
when you’re done, sohee returns his hand to your entrance. you start thinking about how hot your boyfriend is, how he has you laying down on the couch so he can make you feel good. the rush of him touching you in such an intimate way has you bursting at the seams with anticipation. when you start thinking about how goody two shoes sohee lied to his parents to sneak his girlfriend over you start losing it.
“are you doing that on purpose?” sohee asks looking at you. 
you were so lost in your mind you don’t even know what he’s referring to.
“doing what?” you ask.
“your pussy is clenching around nothing. can you feel it?” sohee asks.
his finger isn’t even inside of you but he can feel the pulsing around it. he looks down at your center and spreads your folds to see your clit moving as an effect. 
“holy shit.” he says.
“i need you to touch me.” you say desperately.
sohee doesn’t listen, continuing his ministrations on your entrance. he starts teasing you, barely entering you and pulling out just so he can hear the sound of your wetness against his fingers.
“i love the sounds you make.” sohee says. he looks at your face as you look down and watch him play with you. “i love watching you too.”
before you can beg him to put his finger in, he looks into your eyes. you think that he wants you to ask again, so you open your mouth. when he his middle finger in a moan escapes through your lips. sohee lets out a sigh when he’s in you all the way. while you’re basking in the feeling of his long and pretty finger inside of you, he’s basking in something else.
“you’re so soft everywhere, even inside baby.” sohee says. 
you can’t even bring yourself to respond to him in words anymore, only whimpers, pants, and head nods.
sohee guides your hand down to your center and you look at him on what to do. you know how to finger yourself, but something about how vocal sohee is being with you makes you only want to do what he verbally tells you to do.
“put your finger in with mine.” sohee instructs. 
you put your finger inside. sohee looks at you with a surprised expression on his face. your walls periodically clamps around you and sohee’s fingers. the pace is irregular and only picks up in speed when he looks at you.
“can you feel the way your clenching?” sohee asks.
“yeah i can feel it.” you say moaning. 
sohee gently pulls your finger out and you moan at the loss of contact. sohee puts his index finger inside of you, slowly pumping his two digits in and out.
“don’t worry babe i got you.” sohee says playfully. 
your hold on his bicep turns into a grip as he increases his speed.
you wish you could describe the feeling of sohee’s fingers inside of you. when you two had sex for the first time it was very innocent. slightly rushed, but the underlying feeling was showing how in love with one another you two were. this was different. when you two had sex, barely any words were said. you both were getting used to the feeling of being inside, being so close and connected. you had never heard sohee talk to you in such an intimate moment like this one. the tone he was talking to you in had an effect on you too. he was never the one to tease you so harshly, to talk to you while actively denying you pleasure. it made you dizzy and made you feel like you were on top of the world.
“you like when i fuck you with my fingers?” sohee asked. 
his voice had gotten deeper, dripping with an emotion you couldn’t pinpoint.
“yes sohee. i love it.” you say while nodding your head. 
you’re sure this is a new sight for him too, you becoming a mess underneath him. 
sohee starts getting excited, picking up the speed of his two fingers. you can hear the squelching and your chest starts moving from the force and you squirming underneath him.
“grab your boobs for me sweetheart.” sohee says. you reach to your chest immediately. “push them together for me. yeah just like that.” 
sohee’s fingers are pistoning in and out of you now. you push your breasts together, rolling your nipple in between your fingers. you do what sohee always does, trying to get him to keep going. as he continues, you can feel the winding and churning in your stomach. 
“you close baby?” sohee says, kissing your forehead again. you whine in response and nod your head. you continue to play with your boobs, returning one hand back to hold onto your boyfriend. “gonna cum on my fingers?” he asks.
“can i?” you ask. 
another moan rips through your throat when sohee moves his other hand to your clit. he does revolutions on the bundle of nerves. his fingers inside of you bend and your moans become higher in pitch and you abandon playing with your chest, too focused on trying to finish.
“go ahead. i got you.” sohee coos to you.
the winding in your body snaps and excitement tingles underneath your skin all over your body. your final high pitched and pitiful moan becomes prolonged as you clench repeatedly over sohee’s fingers. you forget your name, you forget everything except for the man looking down at you and talking you through your orgasm. he doesn’t stop the revolution on your clit as you bump and grind your hips into his hand, trying to make the feeling last for as long as possible. you see the color white as sohee continues bending and pumping his fingers inside of you. he spits on his finger and returns it to your clit. the extra lubricant and the overstimulation has you gasping for arm and digging your nails into his arm. 
“sohee. sohee. sohee.” is all you can say. 
“i know baby. i know. you can do it.” sohee says, voice coming down to a whisper.
you can barely comphrehend anything else he says as another wave crashes over you. it knocks you off your feet, takes the words out of your mouth and you are left with a facial expression that shows pure euphoria. sohee revels in the look on your face, the look he helped put there. he tells you every encouraging phrase in the book as your body shakes and your previously arched back slowly comes down. he slows the motions of both his hands down and you are grateful but sad at the same time. you wish you could live in that suspended state for the rest of eternity, just feeling constant pleasure.
when sohee pulls his fingers out of you, you barely have any energy left. he is the one that has to pull you into his arms to give you a loving kiss. you bring a shaking hand to his face and deepen the kiss. you can still taste a little bit of yourself on his lips. you are the one that has to pull away to catch your breath, and try to recover from what your mind, body, and soul just went through.
“was it good?” sohee asks. 
he kisses your cheek as you nod yes, still trying to find enough sanity to speak.
“it was really good.” you say. 
sohee continues to hold you and you pepper his face in kisses, trying to show him gratitude for what he just did for you. he smiles a little bit more with each kiss. as you kiss him and try to find stability on his legs to kiss him more, your hand comes in contact with his dick. it’s no longer flaccid, it’s rock against your hand. precum has his tip sticky, and you move it around to fully cover the area. sohee sighs and leans his head back against the couch. he settles more into the couch as you reach for his pants on the ground. sohee looks up from he spot on the couch to look at you with a condom in your hand.
“i think you’re ready now.”
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doumadono · 2 months
CONGRATULATIONS !!! Could I please get a cup of vanilla ice cream with maple syrup, preferably for Neuvilette or Wrio or Itto? (I'll take whatever you're offering, your writing is flawless!)
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A/N: thank you, dear Nonnie! You're so sweet! Since you didn't specify the plot, I decided to create a few short sweet scenes with the boys
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Wriothesley found himself at a loss for words one dreary afternoon as he sat in his study, surrounded by stacks of parchment and ink-stained quills. Lost in thought, he was startled by the soft sound of your footsteps approaching.
"Wrio, darling, are you alright?" you asked, your voice filled with concern as you gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
The man sighed, his gaze meeting yours with a hint of vulnerability. "I fear I won't finish signing all these documents today, my dear. Try as I might, I cannot seem to finish this task that our beloved Neuvilette bestowed upon me."
Your eyes softened with understanding as you took a seat on his comfortable lap, your presence a comforting balm to his troubled soul. "Perhaps you simply need a gentle nudge in the right direction," you suggested with a tender smile. "If I were in your shoes, I'd suggest beginning with the lengthiest documents you have to sift through."
And so, with your encouragement, Wriothesely found himself immersed in a flurry of his stint, his quill dancing across the parchment. As the signatures flowed effortlessly from his pen, Wriothesley realized that his greatest muse that always helped him stayed focused had been by his side all along. As you settled into the comfortable embrace of his lap, his spare hand tenderly tracing the curve of your waist, he found himself consumed by thoughts of his deep affection for you. It wasn't merely your physical beauty that captivated him, but also the profound wisdom that emanated from your mind, weaving an irresistible charm that bound him to you completely.
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Arataki found himself in an unexpected predicament one sunny afternoon. Amidst the chaos of his usual training routine, he stumbled upon a delicate sakura tree in full bloom. Entranced by its beauty, he couldn't help but admire it, his rough hands reaching out to caress the soft petals.
"Hey, Itto! What are you doing over there?" you called out, a spirited warrior with a heart of gold.
Itto turned, a bashful grin spreading across his rugged features. "Ah, just admiring this sakura tree. Reminds me of you, y'know? Beautiful and strong."
Your eyes sparkled with amusement as you approached, wrapping your arms around his broad frame. "You big softie," you teased, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, let's enjoy the blossoms together."
And so, amidst the fluttering petals and gentle breeze, Itto and you spent the afternoon basking in each other's company, your laughter echoing through the tranquil grove.
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The Iudex, the suave and sophisticated man, found himself in a rather peculiar situation one evening as he strolled through the lush gardens of his estate. As he rounded a corner, he nearly collided with you, his girlfriend, a radiant beauty with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes.
"Ah, there you are, my dear," Neuvilette said with a charming smile. "I've been looking for you."
You giggled, a playful glint in your gaze. "I was hoping to steal a moment alone with you, away from the prying eyes of society."
Neuvilette's heart skipped a beat as he took your delicate hand in his own. "My dear, you need only ask, and I would gladly whisk you away to the ends of the earth."
With a soft laugh, you leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear. "Then how about we start with a romantic stroll under the moonlit sky?"
And so, hand in hand, Neuvilette and you wandered through the gardens, your laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves as you savored the magic of the night.
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theemporium · 1 year
hii!! i love ur writing!! could you do 21+23 with remus lupin??🫣🫣
21. “bite me” ”if you insist”
23. “this is a one time thing”
Remus Lupin always considered himself a calm, collected and patient man. 
With so much of his life defined by his lycanthrope lifestyle, he liked to think the moments where he was human and himself, he was the opposite of whatever stereotype witches and wizards whispered to their children as they grew up. He never wanted to be the angry, short-fused monster that they always spoke about. 
But there was one person who always seemed to bring out that side of him—you.
“You’re doing it wrong.” 
“No, I’m not.” 
“Yes, you are.” 
“Do you ever shut up?” 
“Why would I deprive you from hearing my lovely voice?” 
Remus gritted his teeth together, eyes focused on the open textbook in front of him rather than the irritating witch to his side. He had decided the second Professor Slughorn announced a group project that he wouldn’t let his temper get in the way of his work, but being paired with you was proving to make that promise very difficult. 
“Are you always such a brat?” he muttered as he snatched the spoon from you, spinning the potion a little faster until orange bubbles began forming–just as the potion required. 
“Are you always such a prick?” you retorted with a huff, arm brushing against his as you leaned over to see what the next ingredient was before popping it into the cauldron. You only had to go through another five minutes of torture with him before you could run back to your common room and avoid him until the class presentation. 
“Can’t even admit when you’re wrong,” Remus grumbled. 
“Bite me, Lupin,” you snapped. 
“If you insist,” he snapped back with a wolfish grin. And you hated the way your eyes lingered on his smile a moment too long. 
And you hated that he clearly noticed.
“Enjoying the view, sweetheart?” he asked, the words mocking and cruel, and yet they still made your thighs clench together. 
“Wanker,” you stated simply before turning back to the potion, the wall of hair covering your peripheral being the only saving grace at the moment.
But Remus didn’t stop. He made a point of pushing your buttons a little further, getting under your skin a little deeper. He made a point to always have some form of physical touch with you as the five minutes went by silently and he fucking loved the effect he had you. 
He loved that he affected you just as badly as you affected him.
“In a rush?” he questioned when he noticed you quickly cleaning up the desk, shoving books into your book bag half-hazardly. 
“I have somewhere to be,” you said simply, refusing to even look in his direction.
“I’m sure you do,” Remus drawled. 
You quickly spun around, eyes narrowing on the tall boy. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing,” Remus answered with a casual shrug of his shoulders. “Just that you’re a liar.” 
“I’m a liar?” you scoffed. 
“And you’re annoying.” 
“You’re no treat yourself, Lupin.” 
“At least I’m not a brat.” 
“And at least I’m not a massive arsehole—” 
You hadn’t even computed the fact the distance between you had disappeared, not until Remus was close enough to grab your face and pull your lips against his. It took a whole few seconds of your brain fighting with your body before you sank into the kiss, hands fisting the material of his shirt as you pulled him closer, moaning into his mouth as his large hands slid down your body. 
“Dickhead,” you whispered between kisses as he lightly nipped your lip. 
“You did ask me to bite you,” he mused before kissing you senseless, hands sliding underneath your skirt so he could grab a handful of your ass. 
His palms were warm and rough, his lips were soft and plush and you had never felt more fucking confused in your life—but Merlin, that didn’t stop you from wanting Remus Lupin. 
“This is a one time thing,” you murmured, eyes falling shut and head rolling back as he ducked down to place a line of kisses along your jaw and neck. 
“Fine by me,” he muttered before spinning you around, pushing you until you were bent over the desk and his warm body was pressed against your back. “Maybe this will be a good way to shut you up. A little brat like you just needs the attitude fucked out of you.”
“Just fuck me, Lupin,” you snapped, breath hitching when you felt his fingers sliding along your clothed cunt. A pathetic whine escaped your lips when he pressed his thumb against your clit.
“Gonna beg, sweetheart?” Remus mused, warm breath fanned across your cheek as he watched your hips buck against his hand.
“In your fucking dreams.” 
“Keep that mouth going and I’ll make sure all you can dream about is me fucking you.”
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sixosix · 1 month
5k event request :P
Kazuha, light stick, and fluff please
a/n hi anon! when i saw light stick, i instantly interpreted it as those kpop light sticks,, im not sure if u meant something else like those glow sticks, so i am hoping this was what u meant HAHA
wc 700, idol!kazuha/fan!reader, im sure u guys have heard of the 6REEZE group somewhere, meet-cute; disclaimer i only know how auction works from my classmates roleplaying them so ignore accuracies for fic’s sake. bless.
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Kazuha, to be frank, felt a little embarrassed.
His features stood out too much, his friends told him. To go out and enjoy the fresh air of the day, he had to not enjoy the fresh air with a face mask, conceal his red streak of hair by clipping it back and burying it under a cap, and wear green-tinted sunglasses (also to disguise the red of his eyes) that he was struggling to get used to.
In his defense, His friends weren’t any better. Aether’s braid could be recognized with only that, Venti’s glowing braids weren’t any better, Heizou’s shade of hair and green eyes would stand out—if not his unique voice, and everyone knew Xiao even if he were to shave all his hair off. Scaramouche could be salvageable, but one word from his mouth and his fans would fall to their knees—it could be his voice, but it would be the attitude.
Kazuha felt a little too hot with his disguise, but he wanted this, so he would go through with it. He tugged his mask under his nose, relaxing at the scent of the open air. The mall had an open area with trees all over; the leaves fell to the ground, and the wind brushed past. Kazuha couldn’t feel it, having been stuffed under layers, but he was satisfied.
Although it felt embarrassing to be clothed in this disguise, he couldn’t go outside this freely before. He was going to make the most of it.
And then he passed by a stall that had him doing a double take. Kazuha took a few steps back, lighting up with recognition. He couldn’t be mistaken, not with that familiar symbol of Anemo. The stall displayed a light stick of their group, released only a few days ago.
His friends would have a blast if he came back with it, most likely, Kazuha mused. Maybe he could bring it back as a gift.
A hand shot out from the side, blocking his view of the light stick. Kazuha blinked, a little surprised. He followed the arm's stretch and came face-to-face with an angry stranger.
“Hey, you!” you said. Kazuha felt like he needed to stand straighter at the tone. “I had my eye on this one first, ‘kay? Whatever number you have in mind—keep it. I finally get my hands on one of these; I’m not letting it go!”
“Oh, this was an auction?” he asked curiously. The stall didn’t seem to be being run by anyone at the moment, and no one else was there.
“Well, no,” you sniffed, “but I would win. I already told the seller I called dibs on this one—wait until she gets back.”
Charmed, Kazuha smiled. “Two thousand.”
“Three-thousand, five hundred?”
“Five-thousand, three hundred.”
Kazuha had to wonder: “How much do these usually cost?”
“Five thousand, if you’re lucky. I’ll make it ten thousand, easy. Are you still not backing down?”
Kazuha laughed under his breath. Were you serious? Were you actually willing to drop that much for this? “Alright, I cede. I apologize for attempting to defeat you.”
You grinned, eyes sparkling quite literally as your gaze slid back to the lightstick. You were very pretty. “Yeah, I thought so.” You eyed him curiously; Kazuha suddenly felt a little shy. “Are you a fan as well?”
Kazuha nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from your genuine smile for a few moments. His eyes drifted down to your shirt, which had the same Vision of the lightstick—but there was something else. “You could say that.”
Your shirt had maple leaves swirling around the logo, and Kazuha could recognize it all too well because he was asked to sit down and draw it for their merchandise—something personal for each member. Did Kazuha have the right to suspect what it meant that you were wearing his?
Emboldened, Kazuha gestured at the lightstick. “As a fellow enthusiast, may I extend my offer to cover this purchase?”
You blinked and stuttered. “W-What— You don’t have to! I literally stole it from you!”
“So you confess that you pried it off of me?” Kazuha teased.
“That’s not—Listen—” You stared at him, then got flustered. “Hold on, are you hitting on me?”
“Yes.” He took off his sunglasses and tugged down his mask, flashing a sweet smile that he knew was utterly unfair. Your face bluescreened out of pure shock. Without the mask muffling his voice, it was clear as day. “So, will you let me?”
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cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
Music (Lute x Reader)
Paring: Lute x Reader
Description: Y/n has been dating Lute for years. After her girlfriend gets home from the most recent extermination, she tries to talk to Lute about the person being around Adam makes her.
Warnings: I know that the description makes this sound angsty and like they're gonna fight but its actually really sweet. Fluff. Just fluff.
Word Count: 829, short and fluffy.
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N I came up with this when I couldn't sleep last night. I just think it'd be cute. (Listen, I could fix her.)
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"I don't like who you are around him."
Lute let the door fall shut behind her. Her whole body ached and was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, demon blood, and grime. As her eyes fell on her girlfriend, laying on the bed casually with a book loosely clutched between her gentle fingers, she scoffed.
"This again?"
"Yeah." Y/n nodded, closing her book and putting it to the side as she got up off the bed, "I don't like it. He makes you..."
"He makes me what?" Lute spat back.
She was tired. The extermination had taken a lot out of her, been so much to deal with. Lute didn't mean to lash out like this, she just couldn't deal with it right now. It was all too much.
"He... just... when you spend too much time with Adam, you start acting different. I don't know."
"Well, not like I really have much of a choice." Lute exclaimed in exhasperation, letting her mask and her spear fall to the floor by the doorway she still stood in.
"No, I know." Y/n hurried to correct herself, getting to her feet, "I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry."
Lute stalked off into the bathroom. The drying blood felt tight against her skin, she was exhausted. The fact that she knew Y/n was right on some level, that being around Adam did change her, made her more volatile and rude, only fueled her anger. The truth was, without him goading her on, Lute would never do half the terrible things she did.
She began to unhook her armor, letting it fall haphazardly to the marble floor of the bathroom. Lute shot the doorway a glance as she heard a slight rustle of fabric. Y/n stood there, leaning against the frame with her arms around her waist, watching.
"What?" Lute grumbled.
With a sigh, Y/n straightened herself and crossed the room. Turning on the shower, she stuck her hand under the water as she messed with the temperature, trying to make sure it wasn't too hot.
"Look, Music, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start something, I know you've had a long day. We'll talk about it later."
There it was, Music. Y/n had called her that since the minute they'd made things official. When Lute had asked her where the nickname had come from, she'd smiled softly and said something about her being art. Not the overlooked instrument, but the masterpiece that comes from it. All the fight slipped out of her.
Taking the chainmail off from beneath her plated armor, Lute walked over to her girlfriend. Y/n let out a short gasp of surprise as she snaked her hands around her waist, leaning her head on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry I snapped." Lute admitted, her cheeks flushed pink.
Apologies had never been her strong suit. Y/n smiled. Taking her hand out from under the water, she gently took Lute's arms from her waist. Turning to face her head on, Y/n held her hands in hers.
"I shouldn't have pushed it, Muse."
Muse. Y/n’s inspiration, her guiding light. How could Lute have forgotten? All the chaos, all the blood on her hands, and still -- Y/n loved her. Through all the bad, she somehow found the good.
"No, no." Lute looked away bashfully, "You were right. I... I just don't know how to get out of this. There is a person I have to be when I'm around him and... I don't like her either."
"Hey hey hey! Pretty girl!" Y/n exclaimed, dropping her hands and instead holding Lute's face gently, turning it to face her own once again, "We will figure it out. Together, we always do. All I ask of you is that you don't bring it home."
"I know, I wont anymore. It's not fair to you, I know."
"Promise." Lute nodded.
Y/n smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as she let her hands fall from Lute's cheeks. Lute caught them in their descent to Y/n's sides and, leaning back in, kissed her lips gently in return. Y/n's cheeks were flushed a pretty pink when Lute leaned away a few seconds later.
"Damn, how many years has it been and you still get all flustered?" Lute teased.
"Oh, hush." Y/n waved her off, looking away, "Take a shower, you smell like... like..."
"Demon blood and sweat?"
"Yeah." Y/n nodded apologetically, meeting Lute's eyes.
Lute laughed. Somehow, Y/n just had a way of making her feel better. It could be the worst day in the world and coming home to that girl would make it all go away.
"I love you." she whispered as steam began to fill the bathroom from the hot shower.
Lute wrapped her arms around Y/n's waist, holding her close.
"Always, Lute." Y/n confirmed, nuzzling her forehead into Lute's shoulder, "Always."
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mncxbe · 3 months
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Come on, baby, don't you hurt me anymore
𝐀𝐤𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!.𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚。𝒄𝒘: light angst, fluff?, itty bitty smut, one bed trope, smoking, mutual pining, spoilers for s1// inspired by an ask i got from my beloved 🐑 anon
"I can feel you plotting something" said Aki, his gaze fixed on a distant spot outside the hotel room window. It was snowing so much that the buildings on the opposite side of the street appeared only as a blurry contour– blocks of dark grey punctuated by neon signs. Aki's voice carried an edge of annoyance which you shrugged off, huffing.
"I'm not plotting anything" you chuckled, shifting away from under the heavy blanket. "Whatever..." he groaned in response "Just stop moving around I'm trying to sleep"
You were grateful he couldn't see you rolling your eyes at his words. He was impossible. It's been a few months since you first started crushing on your partner and now that Makima sent you two to Kyōto on business it was the perfect opportunity to make a move. You were forced to share a room, a bed.
As you laid next to him, you wondered what would be the best way to confess your feelings– a direct approach might've worked, but Aki was too sleepy to engage in any conversation. You sighed, your gaze musing on the snowflakes outside and then it hit you... the perfect opportunity to get Aki to talk to you. Sliding out of bed you made your way towards the window, prying it open.
Your movements alerted the man beside you who groaned angrily. "Where are you going?".
"Just getting some air, relax. It's not like I'm gonna run off or something" you retorted "You should come too"
"Like hell. It's freezing". You couldn't help but laugh at his comment– for someone who grew up in a mountainous area he sure hated winter. "Suit yourself, but you'll have to do without your cigarettes" you giggled, dangling his pack in front of him as you disappeared outside on the fire escape platform. You could hear your partner's groans of protest as he called out your name but you didn't respond.
With an annoyed sigh, Aki got out of bed and slipped on his shoes, following you outside. He found you at the leaning against the metal railing, holding the pack in front of him– daring him to come get it. He wasn't in the mood for this; it's been an exhausting day, packed with meetings with the higher ups and honestly all he wanted to do was sleep but you wouldn't give him a break.
Stepping closer to you, Aki reached for the cigarettes but you quickly pulled your hand away, hiding it behind your back. "Come and get them if you want them so much, Hayakawa" you taunted. The mischevious smirk that played on your lips only irked him more. "Can you not?" he hissed, closing the distance between you as he tried to grab a hold of the pack. He was basically hugging you, his body pressing you further against the icy railing."I'm not joking, y/n. give them back it's cold out here" he whined and you pursed your lips, cooing at him. "I didn't know the great Aki Hayakawa was scared of a little cold"
You could see the shift in his expressing, his lips pressing in a thin line as he yanked the pack from your hands. "You're no fun, Aki" you sighed, content that the man was back to his alert self. "Well, I'm not in the mood for this" he answered mindlessly, taking a cigarette out of his pack and lighting it. The flame glowed red against the grey night. You stepped closer to him, the crisp snow melted under your bare skin, burning the soles of your feet but the sensation felt oddly comforting– a distraction from the heavy tension between you and Aki. Raising on your tippy-toes you gave him a knowing smile "Then what are you in the mood for?"
Aki's cheeks dusted pink at your question. He wasn't stupid, he was aware of your feelings for him but he'll be damned if he was going to give you the satisfaction. His gaze moved up and down your body– from the lace trimmed tank top and cushy pajama pants to your bare feet and he scowled. How were you not freezeing?"Get back inside, idiot. I don't want you catching a cold."
"Didn't know you cared so much about my well-being" you purred, stepping on the vamps of his boots. Your actions took him by surprise and he instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You were almost at the same level as him, so close he could see the fat snowflakes resting on your hair and lashes. God, you looked so pretty in the soft glow of the winter night. You seemed right out of an old pictures movie. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it, averting his gaze.
"What, Hayakawa, you nervous?" you taunted, your voice dripping with amusement. Hooking a finger under his chin, you brought your lips closer to his ear"Am I making you nervous?" The man shivered– your breath was hot against his skin, the closeness warming up his insides.
"No" he said plainly, still not facing you. He's never been a good liar and he knew he wouldn't be able to hide his true feelings if he were to look you in the eyes. Of course, you were aware of that, but you were dead set on making his composure crumble. Your lips ghosted over the shell of his ear before making their way lower, tracing soft kisses along the expanse of his neck. "You sure, Aki?" you giggled, relishing the way he tensed up under your touch. He smelt well; of tobacco and fresh cologne, making your whole body heat up in anticipation.
Your kisses raised goosebumps in their wake, causing the man to shudder. Still, he made no attempt to stop you- he knew it would've been pointless. Instead, he squeezed your hip tighter, ashing his cigarette. "You know it won't work, right? A relationship I mean"
"Why not?" you asked, nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck. You were perfectly modled in his embrace, as if you were made to fill his sharp, hollow edges with your soft curves. "Because it simply wouldn't work" he insisted, sighing. He didn't want to tell you that he only had at most two years left to live, that starting a relationship would be pointless since he wasn't going to watch it grow into something... more. So he simply remained silent.
As if reading his mind you pulled away from him, looking up to meet his eyes. "If it's about you dying soon, i know already" Aki raised a brow at your words and you shrugged, wrapping your arms around him "Denji told me" you clarified, watching the stern expression on his face melt into something softer.
"Look, Aki... do you really wanna go through life without living a little? Don't you want something more?"
Aki would've lied if he said that your words didn't take a toll on him. You were right, he wasn't allowing himself the comfort of normality– getting attached to you, caring. "I just don't want you to suffer. There's no point in you falling in love with me when I already have an expiration date"
You chuckled at his words, placing a soft kiss at the corner of his mouth. "Be a little selfish, Aki. It's your life, don't let it go to waste. Plus, i'm a big girl I can take care of myself."
"You clearly can't" he commented, gesturing at the way you were clinging to him. Aki brushed a frozen strand of hair away from your face, his thumb lingering on your cheek. "I like you too. i really do but... I don't think we should do this"
You looked up at him with those big doe eyes he so adored, blinking a few snowflakes away from your lashes "Okay, you don't think we should, but do you want to?" you asked in a soft voice that made him melt like a wax candle. "It's nothing wrong with letting yourself have the things you want. for once, think about what you want, not what you think is the right thing to do"
You were so goddamn adamant that you were making him give him, so stubborn– but also right. He never allowed himself the things he wanted most. Looking down at you his heart tightened in his chest; you were so beautifully present, so real and certain, unlike any other aspect in his life. He couldn't bring himself to say no to you. So maybe... just once he could have something good in his life.
Aki let out a low sigh. flicking the bud of his cigarette out on the street, he took a deep breath "And how would this work? Are we going to sneak around? You know Makima doesn't take relationships between colleagues too well" You hushed him, placing a finger on his lips "Don't worry about that, Aki. We'll figure out a way." you reassured him, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips and his heart skipped a beat. His arms tightened around you, squeezing you against him as his tongue slipped in your mouth, ripping a soft moan from you.
Aki's mind went blank, all his worries and doubts melting away as he held you close to him. You were far away from home, so he was going to make the most of the alone time you had together. You were right, he thought as he rushed back inside with you and slid under the puffy blanket, dragging you on top of him– you could figure things out. Give it a try at least. But for now he just wanted to give in, to spill all his want in you. So for once, he didn't hesitate when you kissed him, dipping his hand lower down your body to touch you where you needed him most. you hastly unclasped his belt, the sound of metal piercing through the silence of your room and he groaned at your touch, pulling you closer against him. Any trace of uncertainty was gone the moment you sunk low on him, moaning softly into the needy kiss you were sharing– he knew without a shred of doubt that this was right, you were good for him. And he wasn't planning to let you go.
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