#and that scheduling the tests used to be very annoying
exopelagic · 1 month
supervisor was met. god help our souls
#I think everything is fine and this is mostly residual anxiety#but also. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#I now have a project area that I can start properly planning out which is good#and I have a vague schedule for the next month which helps a lot#next two weeks have just become very busy bc I have the majority of the writing for my proposal to do#I’m struggling most at this minute I think with why this actually matters#bc looking like my project will be abt spatial structure within populations which like cool interesting#but I do have to talk abt why anyone should care abt this#it is kinda frustrating to me actually bc I wanted to do smth with more immediate relevance now but the area I’ve ended up with#was 1. result of me dropping the topic I actually wanted to do 2. mentioning one of the first things I could figure out smth coherent for#3. supervisor latching onto that from my email and now we’re running with it#so okay like this immediate thing I’m doing won’t have any kind of application bc this is a study system so that’s not the issue#need to think wider abt what you learn from this and generalisability#has relevance to range shifts bc of climate change and from there is important to small scale evolutionary processes#whether you get differentiation or stratification within populations#potentially more relevant to island evolution and like. gene pool stuff?#I think I’m struggling rn bc I’ve not figured out my hypotheses yet and I can test things in a way that will be useful for other things#and there IS still utility in understanding things better come on I was willing to die on the pure science hill for so long#hdhdhsjdhnshdbsb I think I’m slightly frustrated by my supervisor just not thinking very much abt stuff#like he didn’t know the schedule for the proposal deadlines and I don’t think he knows the format tbh#I also had to tell him the focus was on the one year and not the extension bc. dude this is a masters I only have a year what#I know he’s done these before and it wasn’t exactly a surprise that this was coming so I’m kinda confused and a little annoyed#but okay it’s fine it’s fine. I can email him abt importance. and I’ll be asking abt titles around Wednesday once Ive figured out some ideas#rn i need to think about what I would be testing here with what I have available and how I would do it and I can write an overview from that#figure out what are the important questions to ask and I can find stuff that would be relevant to like conservation and shit#bc I KNOW that there’s important stuff here that I’m just not seeing. I might have to link stuff to fitness to get a more rounded analysis#which is also fine I can do that that’s probably a good way to tie the project together honestly. will make that one of the main aims#I think the studies on that are kinda lacking anyway and haven’t been done in a while so would still be filling a gap and if not#I can use THOSE studies for relevance of the project. that’s what im missing i think it’s the next step so I can understand consequences#luke.txt
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
Just started thinking about labor and delivery nurse Steve Harrington having to fill in for his best friend Robin in the ER at the last minute on his off week
And who stumbles in (comes in on a stretcher) but rock star Eddie Munson who fell off the stage at his show just because he’s incredibly clumsy (this isn’t even the first time it’s happened). His leg is very obviously broken at the knee because he broke his fall with it and he’s struggling to focus on questions because of the pain.
One of his bandmates came with him, Jeff, who Eddie keeps referring to as his mom on the road. Jeff calls Eddie’s next of kin so they can focus on giving him a scan, pain meds, and setting his leg as soon as possible.
The pain meds kick in fast and he’s flirting with Steve nonstop.
And he’s good.
He hits all of Steve’s buttons: the obnoxious pet names that should be annoying but aren’t, the casual touches to his hands and arms as he gets him comfortable, the lines he’s using that are stupid but adorable.
He has no reason to stay after they take care of his major injury and the one spot on his arm that needed stitches. He didn’t hit his head and passes all the concussion protocol tests, his stats are normal, his pain is being managed with a prescription of Tylenol with codeine. He can go home.
But Eddie insists he should have Steve’s number in case he gets worse (he won’t) or has questions (google is available). Steve gives him his number.
He texts him almost immediately.
And keeps texting him for days.
Calls him every morning before Steve’s shifts. Every time his post-show adrenaline matches up with Steve’s lunch breaks. Every time their schedules sync up.
And then he shows up randomly to get his cast removed.
Steve reminds him he could’ve gone anywhere, especially because he was working his usual floor.
Eddie reminds him that he wanted an excuse to see him.
Steve manages to grab a 30 minute lunch break when all his fellow nurses and doctors find out his Eddie is visiting.
When Eddie leaves, it’s with a promise to be back when tour ends in less than a month, a promise to take Steve on a real date, and a promise to be the best damn boyfriend Steve’s ever had.
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bet-on-me-13 · 11 months
Bank Security Guard Danny AU
So, the People of Gotham are extremely desensitized to Rouge Attacks at this point. It got to the point that whenever a person gets a job at the Bank, they have a whole 1 Hour Training Video on how to deal with a Rouge Attack right.
So, when they hire a New Security Guard from a lesser known Security Company, they don't even bother showing him the Training Video. They assume that he'll either Die or Drop them within a Week.
Danny, for the record, did not know how bad the Rouge problem truly was. All he knew was that some random guy in a Ski Mask had just walked into the bank like he owned the place and started showing off a Gun telling everybody to get on the ground.
Danny did the sensible thing and Knocked him the Fuck Out.
Then, the same thing happened the very next day, but this time it was an entire group of people. Danny had them dealt with before the first person had gotten to the floor.
Then the same thing happened the Same Day!
By the end of the week he had become a Legend among the Citizens of Gotham. There was only a single Bank in all of Gotham that had avoided being robbed for a Whole Week, and it was all because of this one Security Guard who was freakishly good at his Job.
By the end of the Month, most criminals don't even bother trying that Bank anymore. It got worse when he got loaned out as Security for another Bank, and the same thing happened again.
Eventually, he ends up rotating shifts in Every Bank in Gotham, and it becomes a Game for the Criminals to see if the Bank they try to Rob is the one Danny is in that night. And they can't even reasonably predict his next location, since he always moves around at Random!
No matter what Bank he is in, he always manages to beat the Crooks trying to Rob the Bank.
Then it gets weird. Due to a scheduling Mix Up, Danny ends up being scheduled for 2 different Banks on the same day, each across the city from the other.
One Bank reports that Danny stopped a gang from Robbing them at 6:00 PM, which really confuses the other Bank because Danny did the same thing in their Bank at the same time. Security Footage proves it, Danny was somehow in 2 places at once.
They decide not to confront him about it, but they do test a theory. They intentionally hire him at multiple different Banks at the same time for a week. He shows up to work every time without fail.
By now they have basically confirmed that he must be a Meta, but they don't really care anyways. Now he can protect multiple Banks at once with his usual perfect Efficiency, and he'll be payed accordingly as well. The Banks get protected well, and he gets payed Extreme Overtime by the Banks, everybody wins!
Well...except for the Crime Bosses of Gotham.
Before this, it was a Game for them to try and beat Danny. They didn't really care since a single Uber Competent Security Guard was still perfectly fine for business, sure they would fail a Job once in a while if they ran into him, but he could only be in 1 place at a time. It wasn't a Huge Loss.
But now it was too much. They needed to take care of him.
Assassination Attempts didn't work. He was just as competent Off the job as he was On it, so they could never get to him.
They tried attacking his Bosses, but then they hired themselves to protect...themselves. It was hard to kill his Bosses when he was constantly Bodyguarding all of them at once.
Attempts to get to him through his Family were...let's not talk about that...
It continued on like this for a while.
Soooo...I don't know how to end this one.
Go ahead and put your own spin on this Prompt! The basic idea is that Danny is using his Duplication Power to get to every shift on Time, and he is really annoying the Local Crime Bosses.
What do you think?
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 26 days
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Pairing : Hwang Hyunjin x F!Reader TW : reader is pregnant ; Hyunjin is stressed ; small argument ; reader breaks up with Hyunjin ; Hyunjin regret ; it's mainly angst ; no happy ending ; Word Count : 7.4k A/N : I'm back! Gonna try to write as much as I can before my new job starts!! Request : Anonny : Can you do an angsty Hyunjin Drabble we’re Hyunjin snaps at her because he’s stressed and she’s pregnant but she thinks he snapped because he knows about her pregnancy so she leaves him and he regrets everything and grovels a lot
“Hey baby…” Hyunjin murmured as he walked through the front door, the dark circles under his eyes evident in the bright fluorescent light that hung above the landing. His schedule was grueling nowadays and the jet lag that he experienced had him in so many different time zones you didn’t know how his body was able to handle it. He didn’t even have time to adjust to different sleep schedules before he was being whisked away once again. “Gonna go wash up…” He trudged to the bathroom, the sound of water rushing through the pipes filled the otherwise empty house. 
It was always like this, you barely even talked to him anymore other than the short greeting when he walked through the front door. You knew he loved you though, he just didn’t have the energy to really act on the feeling anymore like he used to. You still loved him too, and you’d be there for him no matter what. There was one small… well… Small right now problem… Well, not actually a problem, but it was something that had you slightly on edge. 
You had found out you were pregnant, and it’s not like you didn’t want to tell Hyunjin, it just felt like there was never a right time to tell him. He was always gone, and when he came home you didn’t want to bother him with something this big when he already had so much to worry about. It had only been 2 weeks since you took the test, and while you weren’t a fan of hiding things like this, you were still in that timeframe where anything could happen… So it would be unnecessary to even tell him right now when anything could go wrong. 
The more you thought about it, it became very evident to you that the trashcan in the bathroom hadn’t needed to be cleared since you took the test. He had been gone for so long, you hadn’t even thought to hide the evidence. It completely slipped your mind, and now you were thinking way too hard, you were panicking. You couldn’t just run in there and take the trash out, he’d question what you were doing. What if he had already seen it? What if he had seen the boxes? What if he looked in the trashcan and saw the positive tests? 
Everything might have been quiet in the house, but your thoughts were so loud, and when the water finally shut off and the shower curtain slid open you had barely heard it. It wasn’t until his damp feet padded across the hardwood floors that you lifted your head and saw him coming closer, a towel hanging around his neck to catch the droplets of water that fell from the ends of his hair. 
He moved right past the couch that you were sitting on and dropped down into the chair on the other side of the room. It’s not like there wasn’t any room right next to you though… It’s like he didn’t want to sit next to you. Did he find out? Was he mad? He seemed alright when he came through the front door, sure, maybe a bit tired, but that wouldn’t make him want to sit on the complete opposite side of the room… right? 
“How was your-” You started, but he let out a loud groan, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Was he annoyed? Was it because you hadn’t told him? He had to have found out, that’s the only reason you could think of. Your top teeth came down into your bottom lip, a sharp breath shooting in between your teeth as you stared at him. 
“I’m not ready.” He muttered, and while you didn’t let on outwardly, those three words had your stomach twisting into the tightest knots. Your mouth opened, not even to speak, just to breathe, but his eyes rolled and your lips quickly snapped shut. “Just, don’t talk please. I’m not ready. There’s just too much going on.” 
Your head nodded slowly until you were looking straight down at your lap, your fingers twirling around themselves as nervousness and panic completely took over. He found out, he knew, and he didn’t want to know anything about it… He didn’t want anything to do with you or the life growing inside of you right now. He was too busy. “Sorry…” You mumbled, holding your breath to keep yourself from crying right then and there. 
“Maybe I should just stay with the guys tonight…” He proposed, and it’s not like you were going to tell him not to. It’s not like you even had time to try to talk him out of it if you wanted to, he was getting up already, tossing his towel into the hamper next to the washer and then going back to the front door, grabbing his keys off the hook and walking out. Not a goodbye, not an “I love you”... nothing. He just… left. 
“It’s just overwhelming being home after so long…” Hyunjin explained to Chan as he fell onto the couch, his hands running over his face as he let out a loud sigh. “And I know she misses me, and I miss her too… I just can’t sleep, I’m not hungry yet and my schedule is so messed up, I don’t want to bother her with all of that.” 
Chans head nodded slowly in agreement, but then he stopped, his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows lowered to cast shadows over his already darkened eyes. “You… did tell her that… right? You told her all of that… Right?” He questioned, and Hyunjins head fell as he let out a dejected sigh. Of course he didn’t tell you that. If he did, you’d just give up more of your time to try to help him. “So you just left… For no reason? And you think that when you return home, everything will be fine?” 
“I’m not stupid, hyung. I know that things won’t be fine.” Hyunjin muttered, letting out an even heavier sigh which turned to a yawn. “But I have another out of country promotion thing coming up, so I’m thinking that I’ll just stay here until I leave for that, and then I’ll have a break when I get back to talk to her. It’ll give me time to get back on a schedule that lines up with hers and I’ll be able to actually be with her.” 
He could read on Chans face that he wasn’t on board with the plan at all, but he didn’t speak a word about it, instead just shaking his head as he pushed himself up off the couch. “If that’s what you think will work, fine. I won’t interfere with your relationship, you know her best. I’m just hoping that you make the right decision, for your sake, and for hers.” There wasn’t much else to say anyway, deep down Hyunjin knew that his decision making was flawed in some way or another, it’s just that he didn’t know what else to do. 
Leaving the way he did left no room for error, the way he left was an error in itself. He might not let on that he knows it was a mistake, but it was, he knew it was. There would undoubtedly be an argument once he did come home, and the time that he was giving the both of you between then and now was mainly to prepare himself for that argument. He hated fighting with you, but being as busy as he always was had him constantly on edge. It’s not like he meant to take it out on you either, he really tried not to, that’s why he left as well. He was just so damn tired. He hoped that you’d understand. 
“So you’re… pregnant… and you left? You just walked out?” Your friend asked as you sat in her living room, your eyes burning from the tears that you had cried earlier whilst explaining everything to her. “You’re sure that he knows? Like, 100% sure? This seems like… And I’m not disregarding your feelings at all… But, your hormones are most likely surging and, I don’t want you to make this kind of decision based on a whim… You know?” 
You knew where she was coming from, she always thought more logically than most, and that’s why you had gone to her specifically to talk to her about what was going on. “Why else would he say that? Why else would he just walk out the way that he did? He didn’t even tell me that he loved me… It’s like… Like he realized he doesn’t love me now that he found out I’m having his kid.” And you crumbled once again, a blubbering mess curled up into yourself on her couch, and no amount of back rubs or consolations were going to make you feel any better. “I mean… I know that we never really talked about having children… And he’s been so busy lately… I just didn’t think he’d react like this…” 
She let out a slow breath, she was clearly thinking, but she also knew that right now, you didn’t need realistic thoughts or “what ifs”, you just needed her to be there for you, and that’s what she’d be. “Everything will be okay… I’ll help you no matter what you decide to do.” You fell against her shoulder, letting yourself cry to the point of your eyes feeling so heavy that you could barely keep them open, and you eventually fell asleep. At least in your dreams, this hadn’t happened. Your subconscious mind hadn’t fully come to terms with the events of the day, and in your mind, you and Hyunjin were still happy, and your vivid imagination played out a reality where he and you raised your child together, in a loving home, one where he wasn’t so busy, one where he was actually excited to be a father. 
Upon awakening, you immediately checked your phone. A thin sliver of hope that maybe he had messaged you, maybe he’d want to talk about what had happened and why he reacted the way he did. Maybe he’d apologize, maybe he’d explain things… but there was nothing. There were no calls or texts, hell, you even checked your email just in case… It’s like he walked out and completely forgot that you existed. 
“Sleep well?” Your friend asked as she turned the corner from the kitchen, her head tilted as she watched you look through your phone, and the cheerful smile she had been wearing just a millisecond before faded to a frown as she walked to sit beside you. “Let’s not worry about that, yeah? We can order in tonight, watch some movies, really get your mind off of things?” 
You nodded in agreement, mainly because she was trying so hard, you weren’t going to shoot down her attempts at trying to cheer you up. She was doing the best she could as your friend, and she couldn’t just bring Hyunjin to you or force him to explain… That was something he had to decide to do on his own. 
There was nothing though, nothing that could be done to actually get your mind off of what was happening. You couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that you’d most likely be a single mother, that Hyunjin wanted nothing to do with you or his child. He wasn’t ready, he didn’t have the time to be around for things like that. He was responsible for so many other things, he had so much on his shoulders, how was he possibly supposed to juggle everything that he was already dealing with and being a father on top of that? 
“You pick the movie and I’ll order the food, okay?” She patted your knee after passing you the remote, giving you a smile, but it felt more apologetic. She felt sorry for you. Everyone would pity you… Or maybe they’d pity him. They wouldn’t listen to your side of the story, especially the fans. They’d take his side regardless of what you say. He was perfect, and you had essentially stolen him from them in the first place. They hated you from the beginning, they would find any reason to break you down further. 
Or, maybe they’d be happy that you made this decision. They could go back to their delusional thoughts, their dreams that they’d actually have a chance with him now that you were out of the picture. You didn’t want to deal with all of that though. You didn’t want any of this to be made public, you wanted to disappear. That’s exactly what you’d do… You didn’t need him to message you, you didn’t need an explanation…. It would be better for you and your child to be free of him. Maybe… Hopefully, he’d avoid you long enough and just forget about you, forget about the baby, forget about everything. 
“She hasn’t texted you back yet?” Felix asked Hyunjin who was doubled over the kitchen counter, visibly shaking from crying, yet no sound was coming out, not anymore. “Look, I’m sure there’s a reason… What was the last thing you said to her?” Felix, who hadn’t been told of everything that had happened prior to Hyunjins return for his promotions, was just trying to help as much as he could. 
“Nothing… I didn’t say anything to her…” Hyunjin gasped out, finally lifting his head to reveal his eyes that were puffy and red, but underneath the redness was a darker purple from lack of sleep. “She took… Everything. All of her stuff is gone. She left.” And with that reflection came another round of tears. “Chan hyung was right… I know he thought I was stupid… my plan was stupid…” 
Felix was baffled to say the least, and on top of that, quite disappointed in his friend who had spent the last 3 years gushing over how much he loved you and how he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you. How could Hyunjin have fumbled so badly? “Let me get this straight… You haven’t talked to her at all? What happened?” Now, Felix was no expert on relationships, but he was sure that he could help in some way. There had to be something he could do to help Hyunjin get you back. Things couldn’t be so bad that there was no hope. 
“I left… I walked out… And and… It wasn’t her fault… But I did it wrong. I didn’t say goodbye and I didn’t tell her I loved her…” There was still hope though, it’s not like Hyunjin would have ghosted you while he was gone… It was almost a whole month of traveling. He couldn’t go that long without talking to you. Hell, he couldn’t even go that long without talking about you. “I knew I messed up, and I thought… Maybe a little bit of time would make things better. I thought I’d be able to talk to her when I got back because now I have a break… But she’s gone.” 
“So you just… Nothing? No communication at all…?” Felixs teeth gritted together, all thoughts of being able to help had been thrown out the window as Hyunjin shamefully nodded his head. “So this… this might be fixable still… you know… with a lot of work. A lot of communication and explanations… This could still work.” But even Hyunjin knew that Felix was just trying to take away some of the sting, give him just a bit of false hope so he could at least sleep easier tonight, but none of it would work. Hyunjin knew the mistakes he had made had cost him an entire 3 year relationship. He fucked up, and there was no coming back from it. 
“I’m not stupid, Felix…” The words came out as an exasperated sigh, he didn’t need false hope, he needed you back, and that was the one thing he wasn’t going to get. “I’ve tried to call her, it goes straight to voicemail. My texts won’t even go through. She blocked me. She wants nothing to do with me. I can’t fix things, I don’t even know where she’s at.” He ran his hands rather roughly through his hair, strands getting stuck and yanked out between his fingers, only worrying Felix more. Hyunjin was beyond stressed at this point, he was stressed and depressed, and those two are a very bad combination. 
“How about you just not think about it for a bit. Just… Focus on literally anything else.” At this point Felix was pleading. Seeing Hyunjin like this, although it was solely Hyunjins fault, was devastating and beyond worrisome. He didn’t know what Hyunjin would do, he didn’t know how bad Hyunjin could get, he didn’t even know if this was the worst of it. He didn’t like seeing his best friend like this. 
Hyunjin scoffed, an unamused smirk stretching across his face. “Oh? Focus on something else, like I’ve been doing? That’s the reason I lost her in the first place. I’m tired of having to focus on so much other shit that I can’t even focus on my own girlfriend!” His voice continued to rise in volume and pitch, and now Felix was downright scared. “I lost the love of my life because I put everything else in front of her! I made everything else my priority! You see where that gets me!” 
Felix stumbled back, scared to even attempt to make eye contact at this point. “Look, I get that you’re mad at yourself right now, and that’s fair… But you need to calm down…” Hyunjin wouldn’t do anything to hurt him, he was sure of that, but his hands instinctively moved out in front of him to keep some space between himself and Hyunjin, just in case his words upset Hyunjin even more. “Maybe she needs some time… Maybe she’ll come back to you. You can't just… You can’t be going off like this…”
A laugh, almost maniacal, escaped Hyunjins lips, his head falling back as the sound seemed to vibrate the whole room. “Calm down… Calm down?! How?! How am I supposed to calm down!? Would you stay calm during a situation like this?! If you ruined your entire relationship would you just be calm!?” He continued shouting, and Felix knew that at this point there was no use. He would either descend completely into madness, or he’d come to his senses and realize that he’s acting absolutely crazy right now. “I need to go out, I need a drink or something.” Hyunjin mumbled, and while Felix knew that a drink was the last thing that Hyunjin needed, there was no use trying to stop him, there was no use trying to talk to him, there was no use trying to do anything to help right now. 
“You’re in a good mood today. What’s got you so happy?” Your friend asked, noticing that you were smiling at your phone for the last 15 minutes at least. “Did you get a new boyfriend or something?” You whipped your head up long enough to scowl at her, and she laughed lightly as she leaned back against the couch. “Okay, no boyfriend… So, what is it?” 
You turned your phone in her direction and waved it back and forth as you exclaimed. “I got the apartment that I’ve been looking at. It’s affordable and big enough for myself and the baby.” You dropped your hand down to your lap, clicking off your phone and letting out a soft sigh. “I’ll miss staying with you though… You’ll have to visit me a lot.” 
She snorted loudly, leaning forward and reaching over to grab your hand. “I know that you felt like you needed to do this, but I wouldn’t have minded you staying here. The company was nice…” The corners of your mouth pulled down into a frown at the sentiment, it was too late to go back now that you had already agreed and the landlord was in the process of getting the leasing papers. “Hey, no pouting. I’ll be over your place so much that it’ll be like I live there.” 
Maybe it was the hormones that had tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, or maybe it was just the fact that you had become so comfortable staying at your friend's apartment that you know how you’d actually do this on your own. Now you wouldn’t have anyone, not Hyunjin, and not even her. “Promise?” You whimpered, and a sympathetic smile spread across her face as she dabbed at your tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. 
“I promise. I’m gonna be like the second mom that the baby never asked for.” You laughed weakly at the joke before finally taking a deep breath and getting up, your friend moving right alongside you. “So when is the next appointment? I wanna know what our baby is gonna be, hmm!” You rolled your eyes, but it felt nice to hear someone, anyone, call the baby ours and not just yours… 
“Next week…” You murmured as you walked into the kitchen to grab a drink and she followed right behind you. “Is it okay to be scared? I mean… Once I find out… that makes it more real. I still feel alone… And I know that you’re here and I’m so happy that you are… I don’t know what I would have done without you here… But he’s… I still have dreams about him… What it would be like to have him as a part of the baby’s life.” 
“That’s normal…” She reassured you, stepping around the counter to rub your back in soothing circles. “Just because you got rid of him doesn’t mean that your heart or your mind can or will get rid of him. He’s the father of that baby, regardless of whether he wants to act the part or not, and you won’t forget that.” And once again you were sniffling, your head falling against her shoulder as she consoled you. She put up with a lot for you, and for that you felt awful, even if she said she didn’t mind. You truly didn’t know what you’d do without her. 
Hyunjin had slowly begun to get back to his normal routine, although he still missed you, at least during the day he was able to act like he was okay. The same couldn’t be said about nighttime though, he’d lay in bed scrolling through his pictures of you and just cry. 6 months was a long time to be away from someone, and most people would think that it was enough time to get over someone… But it was hard to get over a person if that person was the one that you were in love with. 
Daylight hours though, he was the Hyunjin that everyone knew and loved. The only thing that was different was that he didn’t talk about you anymore, and it’s not that he didn’t try to, it’s just that the guys would stop him before he could even get a word out. 
It had been weeks now since he had last tried to even bring you up, and all of the guys really thought they were beginning to get somewhere. Sure, they’d still hear him crying at night, but they were really hoping that soon he’d be able to move on, maybe not to another girl, but move on from his mistakes, use them as a lesson in the future for what not to do. 
“We should go to the cafe since we’ve got a break, yeah?” Felix suggested as he sat against the mirrored wall beside Hyunjin in the practice room. “I think we deserve to reward ourselves after all of our practice. Plus, I know your ass would never turn down an iced americano, so let’s go.” Hyunjin chuckled as he and Felix both got up off the floor, heading to the door. 
“We should go to my favorite place, they’ve got the best pastries and I’m so hungry.” Felix nodded along to the suggestion, anything to make Hyunjin happy and keep him happy. What both of the guys didn’t know though, was that Hyunjins favorite cafe had become your favorite cafe as well. It’s not like you could help the cravings that seemed to come almost overnight the further along you got in your pregnancy. 
The walk was short, it was within a block of the building, and maybe that’s why Hyunjin had come to like it so much. It wasn’t just the taste of the beverages and the treats, it was the convenience of it as well. Not just that, but there were memories there, memories that he tried to keep at the back of his mind, but just the sight of the familiar storefront sign had the memories flooding in. He couldn’t help but think back on all the days that he’d meet you there during your lunch breaks, holding hands with you across the table as you both talked about your days. Where did it all go wrong? 
“Oh look!” Felix announced, breaking the silence of the otherwise quiet walk. “It must be the anniversary of the cafe opening or something. They’ve got balloons all out front.” Hyunjins eyes were drawn to the pink and white orbs that floated in the front of the shop. Over the five years that he had been going there, he had never seen them do anything like that before for anniversaries, but maybe this one was important. 
“That’s cute… Maybe they’ll have some specials or something.” Hyunjin joked, his pace picking up slightly at the thought of a discounted treat. Things were starting to get a little weird now though as he and Felix got closer. There had never been so many cars parked out front of the cafe at once, and as he glanced through the window, he could see pink and white streamers hanging from the ceiling. “Is someone having a party?” He questioned, and Felix peaked in as well, but ultimately shrugged his shoulders. 
“I’m sure they’re not using the whole cafe, come on. We can probably still get a seat.” Felix pushed through the door, the chime above the door ringing out and letting the employees and everyone else in the cafe know they were there. “Looks like a baby shower… I’ve never known of people having baby showers at cafes… That’s new.” He mused, pointing to the banner that hung above the counter. 
“Is it just me… or did it get like… really awkward in here…” Hyunjin whispered, noticing the way the entire cafe seemed to go silent upon their entrance. He couldn’t help but feel antsy under the gazes of so many people. “Maybe we should just go back after we order…” 
“Or it could just be because we’re famous… Come on… Don’t make me walk back yet. My feet are tired.” Felix playfully whined, and Hyunjin relented. He was sure that Felix was right, sometimes it was easy to forget that he was an idol, especially when he was out doing normal things like getting coffee with his best friend. “Maybe if the parents know of us, they’ll ask us to take pictures. I wouldn’t mind doing that. That would be so cool actually.” Felix continued to think out loud after ordering the drinks and the pastries, Hyunjin following along as they walked to a table closer to the back. 
By that time, it seemed like the people that had already been there for the baby shower were talking amongst themselves, quieter now, and Hyunjin was trying so hard not to be pessimistic, he was trying to truly believe what Felix had said, but there was just this feeling in his stomach that these people weren’t shocked or in awe at the fact that the two of them had shown up. They were angry. Then, the chime above the door rang out, and a unified chorus of “surprise” was cheered. That’s when Felix almost choked on his drink, his eyes widening as he set his eyes upon the new “customer”. 
“There is no fucking way…” Felix muttered, and it’s not like he’d be able to keep Hyunjin from looking, it’s not like they wouldn’t pass by the party anyway on the way out. If something were to happen, it was bound to happen, regardless of how much Felix tried to keep it from happening, so he decided not to try at all. All he could do was hold his breath as he watched Hyunjin turn around in his seat and then completely freeze when his eyes landed on you. 
It wasn’t just you though, there was someone else… Although they weren’t visible right now, they weren’t standing beside you… They were growing inside of you. You had to be 6… maybe 7 months pregnant by now… And it was all starting to make sense to Hyunjin now… At least in his head. That’s why you left. You had gotten pregnant by someone else while he was away, that had to be the reason. What other reason was there for you to just leave the way you did without saying a single word. This whole time he had thought that it had been his fault… But you had cheated on him. You cheated and you didn’t even have the common decency to tell him before you left. 
“Wow! Congratulations!” Hyunjin cheered snarkily as he loudly pushed his chair back and got up, clapping his hands together so hard that it almost echoed off the walls. “Crazy that of all places I finally get to see you again, it’s at your baby shower! Is that why you left, huh? You just couldn’t stay faithful while I was away and you managed to get knocked up! Where’s the father? Where is he, hmm!? I just wanna talk to him!” His voice started rising in pitch and getting louder and louder, something that Felix had seen before, and even though he was upset as well, he didn’t want Hyunjin to do something that he might end up regretting. 
“What are you talking about?” You managed to say through tears and sobs, your arms seeming to instinctively wrap around your stomach to protect it from Hyunjins anger. “Stop trying to act so innocent just because you’re out in public! Or did you not even tell Felix?! Or maybe you just conveniently forgot that you’re the one that walked out on me because you found out I was pregnant and you didn’t want to deal with it!” 
“WHAT?!” Both Hyunjin and Felix said the word at the same time, both of their expressions mirrored right beside each other as they stared at you, their mouths agape and their eyes so wide it looked like they might fall out. “Wait… Just.. Hold on a second!” Hyunjin stammered, his arms going up in defense as everyone in the room started to get more angry. “You’re… You’re saying… The baby is mine?!” 
You let out a sigh of disbelief, your hand running shakily through your hair, but Hyunjin couldn’t seem to take his eyes off your stomach that was rounded out, like a volleyball was placed under your shirt. It’s not like he had never seen a pregnant woman before, but to see the woman that he was head over heels in love with, pregnant… it was something that he couldn’t wrap his mind around, especially now that he knew the baby was his. “I just want to go… I want to go home…” You whimpered to your best friend who had her arm wrapped protectively around your waist. 
“No! No wait!” Hyunjin practically screamed when you started to turn around, his hand reaching out to grab your upper arm and keep you from moving any further. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why would you just walk out? Were you just going to… hide it… from me?” His voice got softer, wavering a little as his eyes glassed over, finally looking at you, and the prominent frown on your face had his heart aching even more. 
“Stop pretending… Stop… Hyunjin, you already knew.” The words came out as a single breath, exhausted already from the back and forth of it all. “You didn’t have to tell me… I knew why you left. You saw the test in the bin… You didn’t even want to talk about it. You left… You didn’t tell me you loved me, and it doesn’t matter how long it’s been… It still hurts…” You never turned around to face him, but he didn’t need to see your face to know that you were holding your breath, your cheeks slightly puffed out, something that he always found to be adorable, but now that it was because of him, he was devastated. You didn’t want him to see you cry, you didn’t want him to hear that you were choked up, but he knew… 
It wasn’t making sense though. “Y/N…” He whispered your name, stepping closer, feeling the glares of everyone around him, but it didn’t stop him. He wouldn’t hesitate. Even if you didn’t want to get back with him, even if nothing was fixed by this conversation… “I would never leave… Not because of this. If I knew… I would have sat down and talked to you about it… I would have… I would have done things differently. I was stupid, but not because I found out you were pregnant. I was stupid because I was stressed, I was so tired from work and… I thought that I had made a mistake before… But now I can see how big that mistake was. I didn’t just lose you… I lost you and… and my baby…” He needed you to know that everything, every thought that had been filling your head about what you thought had happened, that it was wrong. 
Even still, you didn’t turn around, but your shoulders slumped and he could see the deep breath that you took when they raised back up. “You didn’t even call me… I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. You don’t know the hell that I went through… To try to get over you… And I still haven’t. I don’t think I ever will because… I’ll always have her as a constant reminder of you… And I hate that, but I’d never hate her for being born by a father who couldn’t have cared less.” 
Those words hurt, they hurt more than anything else you had said, because you truly thought that low of him. “You think I don’t care?” He questioned, and you finally turned around, your mascara running down your cheeks with every tear that spilled over, and you simply nodded. “You’re wrong… I care more than you know. I can’t sleep at night… Because I fucked up so bad… And now I have… I have a daughter…” His voice broke, his head falling back and his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly, trying to remove the lump from his throat. “Now that I know… I don’t… What am I supposed to do? I’m not just going to… Move on and… And act like I don’t have a child… Like I’m not still in love with you…” 
“Hyunjin stop…” You muttered, your head shaking as your eyes dropped to the ground. “What do you think saying all this is going to do, huh? If it wasn’t for Chae… I don’t know what I would have done. I would have had to do all this by myself… Because… Because fine, you didn’t know I was pregnant… But you still walked out on me. You put your job before me, above me… You always have…” 
“I know…” Hyunjins head solemnly nodded, you were right, it had been one of the constant arguments that the two of you would have been he still had you, but he had been too blind to see that it would be his biggest downfall. “I know I did, and I regret it, and I’ll regret it even more now. I’ve changed though… And I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know what I want to happen. I want to be a part of her life… Whether what I want happens or not… Can I at least have that…?” 
“So… You’re still single… I’m still single… I don’t know what you’re holding off for…” Hyunjin teased as he helped you hang the banner across the wall. “We’re great at coparenting… I mean, can you imagine what it would be like if we were one unit? We’d be unstoppable. We’d be the coolest parents ever! Not to mention, the hottest parents at school pickup when she’s older.” 
You rolled your eyes. He always managed to find a way to have some sort of variation of the same conversation every single time he came over. He was relentless. “Mm… Don’t fix what’s not broken, haven’t you heard that saying before?” You chimed, stretching up on your toes to try to even out the banner that he seemed to put just high enough for you not to reach on purpose. He stepped behind you, his breath hitting your neck and sending shivers down your spine as he grabbed your end and hung it for you. “You’re such a dork…” You mumbled as you turned around, your breath catching in your throat when you realized just how close his face was to yours. 
“And I’m once again asking if I could be your dork… again…” He smiled hopefully, his head tilted to the side, and although you had admitted to yourself multiple times already that you still loved him, that he was the only man that you’d ever be able to love, that you wanted nothing more than to get back with him… There was always going to be that part of you that worried about him going back to the way he used to be. Going through it once was enough, and you had come to terms that yeah, maybe part of it was your fault for jumping to conclusions and leaving the way you had, but he had been in the wrong as well, and you refused to go through that again, especially now that you had a child to protect as well. 
“But you are my dork…” His eyes lit up momentarily, and you giggled lightly, taking the momentary lapse of attention as a way to slip away. “I still have to put up with your antics almost daily, and you’re over my apartment every day.” He was following you around now as you straightened the decorations that had already been resituated a million times today. “Did you get the cake?” You turned to look at him, his pursed lips and the already guilty look on his face had you groaning loudly. 
“Calm down, baby.” He cooed, and you hated how much you missed hearing him call you that. “I already got it, it’s in the fridge. Have more faith in me… I’m not an absolute pabo.” Your lips pulled into a straight line as you stared at him, but when he remained silent you snorted loudly. “What? What?! Would a pabo make such a beautiful, intelligent, silly, baby girl? Hmm? Would he?” 
“Yes, yes he would.” You retorted with a giggle. “Because the pabo is very handsome, and very silly. She got her smarts from me though.” His lips pulled down into an overly dramatic pout and you playfully pushed against his chest as you shook your head. “Let me take credit for her intelligence, she’s only pretty and silly because you’re her dad. Luckily she looks a lot like you. Although we’re gonna have our work cut out for ourselves when she gets to school.” 
You went to step around him, but his hands landed on your hips, stopping you from any further as he looked you in your eyes, his gaze becoming more serious. “You’re beautiful…” Everything that came out of his mouth before this could have been taken as a joke, and maybe it was all meant to be taken as a joke, but the light tone that he had been carrying the whole afternoon was gone now. “You’re so beautiful, so smart, so perfect and… and every single day I wonder if it’s going to be the last chance I have to even try to get you back… but until that day comes, I’m going to keep trying because if I’m not with you, I don’t want to be with anyone.” He took a deep breath, his arms dropping to his sides as he took a step back. “But if you ever do find someone else… Can you give me a heads up, just so I can prepare myself for the heartbreak of seeing the love of my life with some other man… Please.” 
“You’re so dramatic…” You muttered, taking a step to close the space that he made between the two of you. “You don’t have to worry about that ever happening… There’s no one that can ever make me feel the way you did…” Hesitantly, you reached out to grab his hands, your thumbs brushing along his knuckles. “I’ll never want anyone but you.” Was it really smart to be admitting these things to him? Probably not. Who knew what would happen now that he knew, and you still weren’t ready for anything with him, at least not anything where it felt like your entire life was on the line. “You’re everything to me… and-“ 
His hands pulled away from yours, and for the split second where you couldn’t feel his touch, you panicked. Was he mad at you? No… His hands moved to cup your cheeks as he placed the softest, sweetest, most bittersweet kiss to your lips. It was everything, the sparks once again unleashed in the pits of your stomach just like the first kiss all over again. “You don’t have to explain… I know that you’re not ready… I’m just happy to hear that there’s no one else. And I’ll wait, I’ll keep waiting until you think that I’m deserving enough to be with you again.” His thumbs brushed your cheek before his hand slipped to the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as his forehead rested against yours. “I love you though, only you, it’ll only ever be you…” 
“The birthday girl has arrived!” Changbin announced as him and the rest of the guys walked through the front door, your daughter waddling in infront of them all, her tiny feet carrying her fast over to where you and Hyunjin stood, her tiny hands grabbing at the air in front of her until she reached the both of you. “Are we… interrupting?” Changbin questioned, eyeing you and Hyunjin suspiciously, but you both shook your heads, and you quickly wiped the few tears that had fallen before giving the guys a smile. 
“Nope, you’re just in time!” You clapped your hands together, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves and looking around. Everything was perfect. “Thanks for watching her while we decorated. Was she good?” The guys all nodded, but they still looked between you and Hyunjin, the assumptions and suspicions that they had were obvious. You were just glad that at the end of the day, Hyunjin would be the one faced with the questions, not you. 
“Ah! Look at my big girl! Dada missed you bunches!” Hyunjin squealed as he scooped up his daughter, spinning around with her as he peppered kisses across her face, eliciting a chorus of giggles to pour out. “Do you like? Is it pretty?” He asked as he pointed at all the decorations, walking over to all the places she pointed to and letting her grab at the balloons and the streamers. 
Your heart swelled whenever you watched him with your daughter. He was a great father, he was a wonderful boyfriend when he wanted to be, and you wished that you could get rid of all the doubt and fears and hesitations that you had about him. He truly was perfect, he’s everything that you wanted. He said that he’d wait, but was it fair to keep him waiting? You didn’t even know how long it would take… Maybe someday… Someday soon… You’d be able to give him the answer he wanted, the answer that you want… But for now… For now you both could be happy like this, and for today, you’d let yourselves forget about everything and focus on your daughter and celebrate her 2nd birthday together, as parents, as a family, surrounded by all the people she loves and all the people that love her. 
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
My love, is mine all mine - Max Verstappen x Norris! Reader x Charles Leclerc Part 1
Plot: Norris' Twin sister is also a driver in the 2021 line up and is in her rookie era. Not only do the commentators struggle to now talk about the pair in the race, but they also struggle to talk about talent. What happens when two drivers find her eye-catching.
A/N: A lot of back story explaining the 2021 season so far!
Credit to countingstars-17 for the GIF
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"So when we talk about the Norris twins, obviously due to Y/N being female it has pushed her career back further than her brothers, where she is debuting into McLaren alongside her brother we will be able to see a real test of talent"
"Yes i think it will be really interesting to see them both in the same team competing against one another while still driving for that same team. They have very similar driving styles and I can imagine them helping one another out when it comes to pole positions and keeping both of them within the top ten for points" Jenso replies to Nico.
This was from an interview at the start of the 2021 season, just before your first race in Bahrain. When Zac Brown reached out to you, you were more than happy to take up the offer. Being able to not only race alongside your brother once again but by being his team mate as well had you so excited for the season.
Bahrain went really well, Lando being in his 3rd year of Formula 1 and within the same team now felt comfortable in his car, and it had the pace this year and he came P4, you had some difficulties where you weren't fully used to the difference in the F1 car, compared too your old F2 but still managed to wrangle 6 points for the team in P7.
Imola came after a larger break where you and Lando got to travel home for a few weeks before and check on everything in the MTC before travelling to Italy. Lando got a podium in P3 and like the interview had said, he kept enough of a time gap to help you defend of the two Ferrari's behind you. You came P4. To say that Charles wasn't happy with this, as you knocked him down a place was an understatement.
Portugal was the week after and you travelled straight there, sightseeing with your brother, Daniel, Carlos and Charles. You would often leave them in bars and clubs and find yourself in cafe's and museums. Portugal wasn't as good as a race as you could have hoped, but even with car issues you still managed to get points in P9, while your brother came P5.
After this race, where you went straight to Spain, you started to get home sick. Only having your brother by your side as your parents and other siblings couldn't come out for the last few races due to their own busy schedules. Spain was an incredible race for you making you feel better for the next week ahead. You came P4 managing to overtake Charles on the last lap, which again heavily annoyed him, and very nearly catching up to the Mercedes in P3 while you left your brother in the dust in P8.
There was another break after this race, you and Lando both went home you saw Max and his girlfriend who you'd missed dearly and your family, then Charles had invited you and Lando to come spend some time on his yacht in Monaco with his younger brother who you knew of from the F2 garage when he'd been invited to come watch.
You had been nervous for the race in Monaco, it was a difficult track and so far, you hadn't been in a position where you hadnt gained the team points. However Monaco was clearly not your race, from the mixture of your nerves and car issues you came P12, while you brother stood on the podium, in P3.
The next week in Azerbaijan went so much better, with Max, and both Mercedes not having pace, you'd managed some effortless overtakes and insanely quick pit stops. You'd had a second pit stop and was on fresher tires that your brother so you were behind him, you were flying and going much quicker than him but your engineer didn't want you to go for the overtake.
You did anyway against their advice, pushing until you were behind Charles Leclerc's Ferrari, you went for a cheap move that you knew was safe but would have him fuming in interviews afterwards until you were up alongside Pierre Gasly, you were P4 and he was P3, driving alongside him you couldn't tell who went over the checked flag until you heard from your radio engineer that this was your first podium win.
You cried... of course you did. But this was the start of a rocky patch for you and Lando, he was fuming at you the minute you got out of your car. You were asked not to go for the overtake but you did anyway. He was yelling in your face angrily, taking away the beaming smile.
Lando hadn't realized you'd got your first podium, he was just angry that you'd bumped him down a place. You looked upset on your podium, a sad smile as you raised you trophy, stood up there with Sergio and Sebastian. They'd both given you a hug trying to cheer you up having seen on the TV what happened with you and Lando.
"Well done on your win Y/N" a voice startled you as you turned to your side seeing Max Verstappen stood there congratulating you.
"Thank you. I'm sorry about the DNF, France will be better next weekend for you I'm sure" you smile, a light blush held on his face.
"I'm also sorry about how your brother reacted. I've been in this sport for 6 years now and as a word of advise sometimes you have to go against what your team ask of you, you gained more points for the team today than you would have if you did stay put behind your brother. So take it as not only as a win for you but a win for McLaren as well" he smiles before pulling you into a comforting hug. His words had really hit you, nobody had said that to you today, but then again Seb and Checo probably didn't here the opposing radios yet as they'd been on the podium with you.
"Thank you, i really needed to here that Max" you smile genuinely.
"Hey, that overtake was so risky!" a voice shouts over, and thundering footsteps stand behind you.
"Huh?" you'd asked looking over your shoulder, Max's gaze following yours.
"Charles, leave her alone!" Max says with pointed eyes at the Ferrari golden boy coming close to you.
"No, she needs to stop doing overtakes like that at the last minute. They are dangerous and have no thought behind them, you even put your own brother at risk today because she can't listen to her own team" he yells his exaggerated hand gestures going everywhere.
"Her overtakes today was phenomenal. She just got her first podium, her brother has already spoiled that don't make it worse by being a prick" Max says, but Charles is fuming and too far gone that the stuff coming out his mouth is there from pure anger.
"She shouldn't have even had that win today! It's not fair, she shouldn't even have that seat!" he exclaims, Max gasps and you look down.
"Charles!" he exclaims, but before you can hear anything else you are out the door running towards the McLaren motorhome. You packed up your stuff saying quick apologies to the engineers who would take anything you left behind. You didn't have a car here so you walked from the track to the hotel, a few people spotted you but thankfully didn't interrupt seeing the tears streaking down your face. They must have seen both Charles and Lando yelling at you today.
You booked a flight to London for that night, you had your bags packed and sent to the airport before you had Seb offer to drive you to the airport.
"Thank you Seb, I really appreciate it" you smile, looking down at your phone. It rung with Lando's icon popping up. You pressed decline and put your phone on do not disturb.
"It's okay. I saw the videos of Lando and Charles with you surfacing. I'm sorry" he admits, rubbing your shoulder, as you turned to look away from him so he couldn't see the tears coming down your face.
In no time you were at the airport, you'd thanked Seb who promised he'd see you in France and asked you to let him know when you were safe and home.
You sat in the airport alone, your covid mask on, but you knew people still recognized you as you went through security and waited for the plane where they would take pictures of you. Some even came up asking for pictures or signing their merch, but where it was so late there wasn't too many that it alarmed you or security.
When you landed in the UK, your dad was right there pulling you into a hug, cussing his son out saying how he should have been there to celebrate the win. You cried to him, telling him about how shit you felt after what Lando and Charles had said.
"Lets go home" he says rubbing your shoulders.
As you both walk into the house, you can overhear you mum and younger sister on the phone to someone.
"No mum, I just want to know if she's home safe" you hear your twin's voice across the phone.
"Look hunny, your dad's gone to the airport but I don't know if he's got her yet. She's upset though Lando" you hear your mum reply.
"I know, and I know its my fault, i didn't realize she got the team more points because she overtook Charles and Pierre. I didn't get to apologize because she left right after the race"
"Because you were?" his mother pushes and he groans.
"No Lando where were you"
"At the club"
"Yes you were at the club, celebrating while your sister was packing her bags in her hotel room crying her eyes out because she gets her first win in F1, and her brother cant even congratulate her and watch her podium with the rest of their team? She'll see you in France but for now she needs some time alone" you mother rants at him.
"Arghhh that boy Flo, can you believe him. When i next see him, i swear to god!" she exclaims and you and your dad finally make yourself known.
"Hey guys!" you try to smile, but it doesn't reach across your face like they are used to. Flo immediately runs up to you pulling you into a hug. You started to cry into her again, before Cisca, your mother and father all join in the hug.
"Come, we'll order your fave tonight as a treat okay?" your mum guides as she sits you down at the table.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover
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letosmauddib · 2 months
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Difficult Arrangements
FEYD RAUTHA x Y/N reader - arranged marriage (she/ her pronouns)
18+ - please do not read/ interact if you are underage / uncomfortable
Warnings - Implied Smut, (It's on in part 2 <3 -), pregnancy mentions, arranged marriage factors, medical talk, speaking of breeding?
please interact! I love to see the feedback:)
“The best course of action might be a stimulant, something to engage her desire for more frequent intercourse?” She felt like the examination table was growing colder against her. She stared down at her socked feet, trying to keep herself away from the conversation the three men in the room were having regarding her desire to fucking her husband. Feyd stood next to her slumped form, growing increasingly annoyed with what he was deeming to be a ridiculous conversation.  “What have the endless tests you’ve been performing resulted in? Seemingly a waste of time..” He responded, annoyed at their uncertain responses and experimental solutions. “Na-Baron, Sir… the sake of the lineage needs to make sure the compatibility is there..it’s unfortunately not very simple to resolve with just practical medicine.” She glanced at his blank expression, his jaw clenched; “So what are you two doing to assist the issue?” “We have been researching natural ways to accelerate or increase the probability of pregnancy and we believe the stimulants in specific foods can help. Another practice has been proven to help as well..” The medic adjusted his stance, not seemingly wanting to speak on it further. Feyd was losing patience fast, “And it is?” “Making sure there is a willingness from the female to er- engage, and for her to accomplish climax during the ovulation period…”  Her brain felt like it could slip out of her head, three men discussing the logistics of her lack of orgasm and lack of pregnancy being connected. Her willingness to become impregnated with Feyd-Rautha’s child was being questioned. She sits across from dozens of scans and files on her body. Y/N blanked out the rest of the conversation, tired from her lack of sleep and her lack of breakfast. She had grown used to the schedule set by her husband and felt the effects of falling out of schedule.  As the discussion toned down, she felt herself unable to daze off. “No, she won’t be touched or examined by a man. I’ve stated this before and I am growing quite a disdain for these stupid statements..” He wasn’t being difficult due to interest in her lack of comfort, it was more his. Feyd was territorial with what he deemed to be ‘his’. Every male around understood they could lose a limb, or their lives if they attempted to touch her. Guards were extraordinarily careful, whilst noblemen and relatives acted as though she simply did not exist. “Na-Baron, her the Na-Baroness’  nurse and doctor are off-planet and won’t be back for at least a week.” “Then, the examination will happen in a week. I would strongly advise both of you to step out and get back to finding more helpful solutions.” Both medics excused themselves as they stepped out. Leaving them alone in the examination room. Feyd glanced over her form, his hand slipped to the back of her neck, fingers against her soft hair. “Even more quiet than usual mouse…”
She could feel the tears building but she couldn’t do it, “I-I’ve grown quite tired of these appointments.” She whispered. “I just wish I would just be pregnant..” Feyd wasn’t one to show much empathy or emotion since their courtship. He was quite a lunatic and had complete disregard for anyone and everything around him. But he noticed her defeat, 6 months of marriage attempts since their wedding, and no heir. She was raised to strive for motherhood and couldn’t seem to accomplish the part of becoming a mother. “I have to get back to training, let’s get you to the dining room for breakfast.” 
He walked next to her, keeping her at a close distance through their stride of the endless hallway. Her mind drifted off to how loving her parents were, how they held hands through walks and constantly embraced. She wasn’t sure how he would react to an attempt at affection. Although she craved the sweetness of a hug or a cuddle, she didn’t think to attempt anything. She slowed down to glance out the giant windows. She longed for soft grass fields and flowers to step through and lay in from her home world. Feyd could see her longing stare, he knew well that she wasn’t present in those silent moments.
They didn’t say a word to each other until they reached the dining room. The servants were setting up a big portioned breakfast. “I will be back after training, I want all of your portions eaten. I will be reported back to.” She nodded, not up for arguing with her husband today. Before she could step in, his strong arms pulled her in for a kiss. His lips were rough against hers, her hands instinctively reaching for his waist. Before it could deepen, he pulled away, allowing her to step back.  “I’ll be devouring you for a nice late breakfast after training. Be good for me pet.”  She nodded sheepishly, aware of his statement, and she approached her predetermined feast.
PT. 2 coming sooon
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goldsbitch · 4 months
That next Christmas flight
epilogue p.1 to That one Christmas flight
summary: Few months down the line, Y/N is getting onto the same Christmas flight as a completely changed girl.
warning: cheesy af, swear words I guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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Another Christmas flight. Traditions linger long and strong no matter how much one tries to resist. It's been a year precisely since the last flight that had turned her life upside down and Y/N found herself standing at the same airport where she shared a first kiss with Lando. Except this time she was thrown off for a completely less glamorous reason, sitting all confused and looking at the cancelled note next to her flight number on the departure board. She was just one of the other anxious annoyed passangers, trying to figure out how to get to Japan on time. Her mom hated when people were late. And she was sure she'll find a way to blame it on her. Bad planning, she'd always say. Love comes in different flavors to anyone, Y/N sighed, looking forward to seeing her mom after so many months, which had brought a rollercoaster of unexpected emotions.
She has had the summer of her life, hard to imagine something topping this one. The ultimate love affair - exciting, sweet and eye opening. Made her question everything she thought about adult life. All those love song suddenly made sense. She understood why people do crazy things for love. There wasn't a cell in her body regretting getting her summer and early September got stolen by one guy. It would not have mattered if he was a server from a local café or a tattoo artist, he just happened to be one of the most famous racing drivers on the planet. She had followed him around his trips as long as her school schedule allowed, making new friends in the process and generally exploring a different way of life. Sometimes, she had to stop in order to take it all in, because his world shined just a little too bright. It took all of her free time to keep up. Once summer rolled to its very end, it started being harder for the pair. Coming back to the school environment was somewhat of a culture shock and suddenly her having her own life was making it harder to drop everything and meet him at yet another race track around the world. Their schedules seemed to be working against each other. Late night cuddles turned into late night / morning calls. Summer romance got a real hard test that October and was forced to mature real quick. And sadly, very few love affairs manage to survive this leap.
There are little things that people in love do for each other. One does not often realize that the other person had been doing these mundane gestures until they are out of sight. Lando would always put Y/N's airpods on the charger when they were together, because he knew that she would just never do that and then would complain about it endlessly. He was even looking forward to the annoyed text she'd send him two days after they parted, almost on the clock. Y/N never learned. Nor did she want to.
Y/N airpods were sitting in the pocket of her coat. Fully charged. Lando and Y/N had never spent more time together than this winter break. After few rough weeks, they got used to the changing tone of their relationship. She finally met his family and spent few very fun days at their house. Lando made fun of her afterwards, because she had been so nervous to fuck it up. He never doubted that she would do a good impression - he loved too much to think that.
Pair of hands hugged her from behind and the familiarity kicked in.
"Thought you got lost, honey," she greeted her boyfriend and potentially the love of her life (spoiler alert - yes, he really was).
"I actually kind of did, I'm sure there must be a bathroom closer that all the way back that hallway," he said, kissing her cheek softly. She was taking him home to Japan to get him introduced to her mom, which made him the proudest guy at that airport. He was worthy of getting introduced and to him, that was the biggest compliment one could give. It had been quite a hectic Christmas break for Lando so far, if he were to be honest, he was happy to get few hours alone with Y/N. On the outside, he was this cool racer chill dude. But he was also a sappy romantic, absolutely insisting on having them celebrate their anniversary on the same flight. Y/N grounded him, kept him at bay in the best way possible. He felt like the best version of himself. Which was also what he told her when they almost broke up over the phone one confusing November night. Their relationship was cut with difficult conversations and the need to untangle things, but it was strangely something Lando loved about their relationship. No stones left untouched, caring so much about each other that any shift in energy was a signal to the other party. Y/N taught him to notice things. He pushed her into making her feelings known.
"My love, our flight is cancelled for today," she said softly, not really knowing what to do. Lando usually had his travel booked by the team, so he was surprisingly not very skilled in booking things anymore. But he longed for any possibility to be the hero that saved the day, so he got to the counter and got them on tomorrow's flight, with an overnight at a hotel.
Y/N let out a sigh once he told her that there is currently no other option. She just wanted to be at her mom's place and show Lando off, like a proper proud girlfriend she was.
"I'm sorry, honey," he said, caressing her cheek. "I'll make sure you have an absolutely amazing evening with me, ok? Honestly, getting to spend an extra night with you alone is the best thing I could wish for." She looked at him and there was not a single cell in her body that would doubt what he was telling her. Even after months, every time Lando looked at her, her heart skipped a beat. Every time he embraced her, she completely melted. His skin still felt like the softest thing on this planet. His eyes were the bluest of green that had her mesmerised whenever he shared a glance at her. "There is nothing better I could wish for Christmas either," she said, kissing him softly. "Let's get to the hotel, give your mom a quick call, order a champagne and cuddle without letting anyone else know we're still in England," he whispered like a little devil on her shoulder.
"Hm, maybe we can cuddle like really fast," she insunuated, setting Lando's imagination on fire.
"I have many ideas, honey."
"Good, write them down."
"This will hardly ever skip my mind," Lando laughed lightly and the pair took off, with him having his shoulder around her, both of them hiding their faces under a cap. They soft launched their relationship in the middle of the summer, but there was still a cloud of mystery around Y/N, as she had made sure to set her socials on private. No more of a little secret hidden in a hotel room. Still, privacy was an important thing to the pair, that's why there was a whole fake social media trip happening for Lando right now to redirect attention.
So there they were, toasting with the same champagne a year later, lives intertwined and with their own set of Christmas traditions forming. Two young people with souls still undamaged by the tragedies of life, two young people not realizing how light and magical part of their life they got to call today and tomorrow. Next time you're flying somewhere, don' be a chicken and talk to your hot neighbor on the plane. You never know.
personal note: thank you so much for all the support you guys gave me for this one, it has grown into my favorite story so far - mainly because I got to put in my own memories and feelings from when I accidentally started dating a semi famous sports guy while having no idea who he was, lol. it was in no way lando level kind of famous, but still, it is a great memory, so thank you for reliving it with me.
there will be blurbs of these two coming in the future, but i wanted to tie the main story to an end. but I can't wait to write more, so i'll be more than happy if you come back for some snap shots of their little moments. thank you - smutty epilogue p2. is on the way
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother @goldenharrysworld @llando4norris @classiclitfreak  @ophcelia @leclerc13 @starmanv @k4r1402 @biitch-with-wifi @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @starmanv @formulaal @scenesofobx
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Seungmin x Gnreader (POC FREE)
Genre: light angst with a happy ending (something like that). Hurt and comfort.
Summary: Having an idol boyfriend has been so difficult that you two wouldn't have time to be together, even in his free time he always busy. You started to overthink; overthinking the fact he doesn't have time for you at all and using his "free day" times as an excuse to not be with you anymore. Almost like he doesn't have time for you. You made you feel lonely.
Warning: slight (?) Arguments, Stress out Seungmin, Overthinking Reader, Anxiety, Misunderstanding (?), cursing, they need to hang out more until things turn bad!! Didn't really proof read so grammar and spelling might be ass along with my memory.
Please reblog, like and/or comment if you can! I love the support! Thank you!
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It was lonely. Very lonely.
You sat down on the grey couch staring at the clock that was above the television. You and Seungmin live together in a shared apartment making it easier to see each other more...well that's what both of you thought until you haven't seen him for months.
Of course, you know he is a busy man and being a kpop idol would lead him to be absent at home almost everyday, you knew this when he confessed to you, you knew the consequences of dating a kpop idol.
But things felt different, you've been missing his presence, his warmth, everything about it.
The bed felt empty without him.
He used to come home when he is free and of course you two would usually make calls then and there when he is on break but nothing rang your phone besides maybe family members or friends. Even spam calls called you more than Seungmin.
You two felt distant, well you felt distant, you didn't know what Seungmin was feeling.
A month for not being home and you wish everyday that some miracle he does come home with a big small and hugs yet nothing happened.
You even know his schedule since you both have a shared calendar together, you check every time. You know his breaks yet he isn't here or calling you. You knew his free times where he can rest until the next come back but he isn't here or calling you.
You felt almost desperate to the point you watch videos of him. You miss his voice to the point you cried yourself to sleep as the TV plays Seungmin's voice helping you relax.
It felt almost embarrassing, yet you couldn't help it. It's normal to miss your lover, right?
But...does he miss you like you do?
You thought about it plenty of times but you try not to because you hate to let that overthinking stress you out yet you couldn't help it. Why else he wouldn't show up in his free days or even call you.
You two do a test but it felt dry. It's always a simple "Hello" but not "I love you" or "I miss you."
You miss him so much.
You are lonely.
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You continued on staying up, there was no point in sleeping. Even PuppyM couldn't help you sleep like you used to; it wasn't the same.
The clock struck 3, he still wasn't here.
You wonder if he has been sleeping somewhere else. Back to the dorms? Sleeping in someone else's house? Is he cheating on you?
You shook your head, forcing yourself to stop overthinking again and stopping yourself from going to sleep.
That's when you finally heard it, the rattle of the shared apartment opening.
You quickly look in the direction of where the door was to meet with a tired Seungmin wearing a black hoodie and a mask, he lazily took off his shoes replacing it with the slippers and even throwing his keys into the bowl.
You couldn't help but smile as you quickly got up and went up to him to give you a hug but he didn't hug you back.
He muttered a few words, almost like he was annoyed as he nudged you to get off of him. Not wanting to deal with the affection at this time or day.
You let go, feeling sad but still happy that he was back.
"Hey, love, I miss you. How was your busy day?" You softly question but he responded was a groan with a bunch of gibberish as he walks to the couch, sitting himself down as he placed his hands to cover his face.
"You must be very tired, luckily you have a break day tomorrow so we can hang out more an-"
"Can you please shut the fuck up."
You stood there confused as you quickly shut your mouth. Ignore the pain in your chest from his harsh tone.
"God, you are so annoying, can't you see i'm tired. I don't have any energy to talk or even deal with affection. Jeez..." He scratches his head, messing his hair around as he glares at you.
"I-i'm sorry? I just haven't seen you for months, you haven't been coming here in your free days and haven't been calling me around your break days at least once. Of course I'll act like this..."
You fiddle your fingers around, not knowing what to do.
"Get used to it then. Not everyone is free, even on my break or free days I'm not free. Can't you understand? I don't have time for this or you!" His voice is getting louder, clearly pissed off.
His words repeat in your head as you feel yourself shaking a bit.
"Seungmin, you don't mean that right? Don't have time for me? You did though. Even your members seem to have time for me to text me around their breaks but you're the only one who isn't....it doesn't make sense..."
You softly said, as you rub your arm to calm yourself.
Seungmin gets irritated as he gets up from the couch, muttering more of how he doesn't have time for this nonsense.
"You are so damn clingy, just because my members are free doesn't equal everyone. Fuck, shut up! I just knew being in a relationship is a bad idea, I don't need this!"
He shouts, not processing the words he saying until he quickly becomes quiet.
You stood there as you finally broke down crying.
"So you regret being in a relationship, I just miss you! I'm even worried as well...don't you miss me as well? Do you think of me like how I think of you?"
Seungmin doesn't respond as he just walks away to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
You couldn't believe it.
Maybe you were right.
You quickly change your slippers to your shoes and grab your keys as you walk out of the shared bedroom not wanting to deal with him, you need a break just how he needs a break to be with you.
Yet, he couldn't commit to that.
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You have been ignoring his calls and text.
Every time you unlock your phone, you always see a new message from him.
Few messages talking about where you were, how he misses you and how sorry he was but you don't know if he actually meant it.
You were too clingy for him.
Like you were bothering him.
You power off your phone as you stay at your friend's house, an old college friend. You didn't tell them what happened, all they know is that you need to stay with them just for a few weeks or more depending how difficult the situation will be.
It was nice for a while but you still felt lonely.
You were too stubborn to go back and talk to him.
Your mind kept racing with thoughts that he could move on to find someone better, someone who can tolerate and commit to him and maybe commit to that person. Well, if he finds time for that.
You were hungry and wanted to make a meal but the ingredients you needed wasn't there so you went out to go grocery shopping.
It felt windy but nice outside. It was a bit dark but you can handle yourself.
You walk to the closest grocery store, grabbing your cart and going around, looking for the stuff you needed.
You look around until you find the item you were looking for, as you were about to grab it, someone else touched your hand making you back away.
"Oh, sorry, you can grab it if you like..." You said as you look up to see Seungmin who was staring back at you in shock.
You both dared not to say anything.
You felt relief in your buddy, almost wanting to hug him but stopped yourself as you grabbed what you needed and speed walked out. Not looking behind you.
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You maybe should've checked the weather.
You were outside of the grocery store, holding one bag as you felt the hard raindrops hitting your clothes.
You sighed.
As you were about to walk back to your friend's house, an umbrella was placed on top of you. You looked up to see who it was. It was Seungmin.
Seungmin looked away awkwardly.
"I know you hate getting sick..." He mutters.
You just stared at him as he finally looks back at you.
"Um, can we talk?"
You sighed then nodded as you both walked to the park, it was silent other than crickets making small annoying noises.
"I know you are mad at me, you probably still are but can you please come back home. I miss you so much and I regret everything I said. I was just stressed out with work! Of course I think about you a lot, I miss you hugs, your kisses, your laughter. I was just so worked up in this comeback I just can't seem to go home. I shouldn't have lashed my anger at you. I know I fucked up real bad but please..."
You watch Seungmin tear up, as he keeps on apologizing.
"Seungmin, you said that you didn't have time for me, you regret being in a relationship and how clingy I am. You literally hurt me."
He nods, agreeing with everything you said.
"Yes, I know but trust me, I was just stressed but I promise you I'll commit into our relationship more. Please, just don't break up with me. I can't lose you." Seungmin cries out to you.
You think, hesitate on what to do.
You hated being lonely.
You miss him.
You love him.
You and him.
Yet you were scared that it would happen again and again. You were scared that he wouldn't commit to it like he said right now.
"Please, I'm sorry..."
You sighed, smiling a bit as you slowly hugged him. Seungmin quickly hugs you back. Latching inti your waist.
"Seungmin, you have to be true to your words. I'm scared that it will happen again..."
You felt Seungmin shaking his head.
"Believe me, if I ever become stressed again, I promise I wouldn't shout at you. Let's hang out, let's make out, let's hold hands or whatever. I love you."
You chuckled a bit as you felt yourself crying as well as you look at the sky, watching the bright stars as more rain pour down into both of you.
"You better. Now take me home, I'm hungry."
Seungmin smiles at you as you both walk away, leaving your friend confused on why you haven't come back yet.
Besides that, you're not lonely anymore.
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Hope you all enjoyed it, this was very long I'm not gonna lie. Anyways, Cya!
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mitsies · 1 year
SUBTLE! ; chuuya nakahara > arguing with dazai and being really stupid when it comes to you are his most noteworthy skills.
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working with the port mafia had its ups and many, many downs. this has got to be one of them, you think, as you stand incredibly awkwardly with your arms crossed over your chest as dazai and chuuya argue like little children in the hallway of a hotel, just in front of the two rooms the port mafia had booked for you. you’ve been working with the pair for the past however-many years— dazai for three, since you’d joined at 14, and chuuya for two after he had followed the worn path and become a member of the port mafia alongside the both of you.
you don’t think you’ve known peace since he joined, though, for two reasons. the first and foremost being your incredibly annoying, incredibly antagonistic coworker dazai osamu. you know teenage boys can be angsty and dramatic but he truly takes the cake, never failing to push and test the limits of any person he meets. he and you were friends, despite the fact that all you knew about him was that he got really broody on occasion and particularly enjoyed getting reactions out of others. chuuya was an unsuspecting victim. ever since the two had met, you’ve only gained a perpetual headache and a horrible, terrible crush.
chuuya was, to your discretion, the receptor of your stupid little feelings. it was really honestly embarrassing, how you felt— especially since you were absolutely, positively certain he felt the same way. subtlety was not a strong suit for him, especially when it came to his feelings. this reciprocation in itself wasn’t a bad thing— no, in fact, some could argue that it was even good. great, perhaps. but not for you. in your line of work, you couldn’t really afford personal connections. and especially not when dazai was around.
“i’m quite literally in love with them. of course i’m sharing a bed with them.”
you internally facepalm as you catch on to the fragment of dazai’s sentence, forcing yourself to look back at the scene the two were making in the hotel room hallway. chuuya’s ears were practically scarlet with smoke pouring out of them as the room keycard he had in his palm bent into a ‘c’ with the pressure of his grasp. “and i think you’re a freaky little manwhore who needs to be put down like a mutt,” he seethed.
you think it might be proper to step in, now, as you catch a person peeking out of their room door to observe the commotion. yes, you think that might be a good thing to do, especially seeing how chuuya is only a heartbeat away from tearing out dazai’s jugular. swiftly, you move forward and snatch the room cards out from chuuya’s hands. the both of them turn to look at you, and chuuya blinks as dazai sighs. “fine, fine, i guess you win this one,” he sighs, flouncing off into one of the reserved rooms and slamming it behind him, not before calling out, “remember to use protection!”
you feel your face redden and you snap your gaze away from the door where dazai had disappeared and chuuya, opting to fumble with the keycard and unlock the last remaining room. if you weren’t embarrassed then, you were now. you really should consider quitting, at this point. this was too much. having your best friend purposefully argue with your crush just to make him mad, declaring his very fabricated love for you, and then saying all that might be your final straw. how mad would your superiors be if you turned in your resignation forms before your next scheduled mission?
as you move to take a seat on the white, fluffy sheets of the hotel room bed, chuuya opens the door and appears in the room with you. his face is a lot less pink— someone had been practising deep breathing exercises. 
“i can sleep on the couch,” is all he says, sliding two bags into a corner. one was his own, and the other was yours which he’d insisted on carrying for you. you raise a brow. “weren’t you the one just threatening to kill dazai so you could share a bed with me?”
he freezes where he stands, and you wish you could see his face because you can imagine how he looks. “i’m always threatening to kill dazai. and it was to share a room, not bed.”
“why is it important to you? it’s not like we’re together or anything.”
he remains where he is, kneeling on the wooden ground to open his bag. you rise to your feet and make your way over to where he stays, electrified to the spot. he’s tripping over his words, stuttering and bright red as you sit down next to him on the floor. deftly, you reach over and unzip the bag. “you can sleep on the bed with me. i don’t mind. here, let’s unpack.”
you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stifle your rising laughter at how reactive the other boy was— maybe you were cruel for this, and maybe you were no better than dazai, but it was your favourite game, to tease him like this.
“yeah,” he chokes out the first coherent words he’s managed, “okay. yeah.”
maybe one day he’ll have the nerve to confess his feelings. but until then, he’ll keep on chasing, and you’ll keep on messing with him, and he’ll keep on being stupid in love despite it all.
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✄ written for the mitsies 3k follower event with the prompts there’s only one bed BUT they’re fighting so they get to be the one to share with you + "he was just talking to me, it's no big deal. and you and i aren't even together- why do you care?"
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alienpossession · 1 year
"Ahahaha, yeah sir, just trying to keep up with the role, you know? As you said it yourself, cannot let other people know that I'm not myself any longer so I just play pretend being this straight Korean prick. Would've let you do anything you want to me if I know it was you from the get go, please, get in, you'll have so much more fun by being inside of me rather than going around as the little twink,"
After a while, I usually like to check out and test my various vessels which are spread across the globe. Aside from trying to know how well they integrate to human society, I find it amusing to toy around with their feelings and how easy their personality switched between their human persona and my dutiful vessels. It's also a way for me to test my power, like how well I could hide myself to be undetected by their senses which would indicate how well I could hide from other beings that might come to Earth and spoiled my fun. I find it handy to use Vince as my base body since he's loaded and despite claiming to be a very busy businessman when I first met him back then, most of his works are done by other people.
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It left a lot of flexibility in his schedule so I simply head to the airport and his private jet ready to drop me anywhere I wished in a moment's notice. After I landed, I usually just dropped Vince's body in the hotel while I did my test, wearing temporary skins that my vessels wouldn't recognize as other vessels of mine and could keep me incognito. Here's what happened in the past few weeks
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I just smirked as I quickly kneeled and get my tongue out ready to give that sweaty abs some licking it deserves. He's this close to bashed me to death, just like the real homophobic Seulgi would. I turned my incognito mode off and he directly stopped his fist a couple centimetres away from this cute university student's face I slid into earlier. Now, his fist turned into a lustful grab of my hair as he used it to rub me up and down his abs as if I'm some kind of washcloth. His lustful moan is as seductive as I remembered when I took him over in that Hongdae nightclub, and I couldn't help myself but squirted some loads into this university senior's pants while transferred myself to Seulgi through his navel
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"Oh that was hilarious. I totally didn't see that coming. I really thought you are just one hell of an annoying new client I should endure jist because they could afford me. Totally sorry for being so hard and rude to you Sir,"
I simply smiled. Francis is a personal trainer, a succesful one at that, but I know he's not good with people that are not at least a decently-built individual yet. I slid into this fat fuck when he left Subway and I quickly devised the plot to tick Francis off. I bought some gym clothes to be in character, signed up to the gym where he worked at, asked....no....demanded to have him as my personal trainer and said all the things I know he hated. He's this close to lash out on me, I could tell, but just like the real Francis, he kept himself together. I also didn't find any flaws on the way he behaved like Francis so after about an hour, I turned my incognito mode off and he quickly realized it
"Well Sir, please just left that fat retard quickly and get into me Sir. That look doesn't fit you and I know he only drained you and made you out of breath. Please, it's been a while too since you get inside me,"
"Why would you do that, Sir? We are totally fool-proof, you don't have to test us. Is this random test or did you hear anything about us raising other people's suspicion? Now I feel bad for not welcoming you properly, you really played that role a bit too well to, I was this close to slap your face and called you names,"
"No no, you two are doing fine. This is just random test as I'm visiting Egypt anyway. And as for her, I just know you would hate her. Argumentative and loud gym girl that dared to talk back to you? Yeah, that's your trigger, just need to up the ante by disrespecting your mom and boy, I noticed that balled fist yo, I quickly shut off my incognito mode hahah!"
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"We felt bad that you have to meet us this way. Maybe you want to slide into Farhan? You've went inside me during Mr. Olympia a couple months ago anyway, Farhan has been longing for you,"
"Well, I'm gonna do it from this chick's body so maybe let's search for somewhere private,"
"Master, sorry for being a bit direct but this is not an effective usage of your time. You have so many vessels, why fool around with the ruse?"
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"Because I like to do it. And I can do it. Why are you the one questioning me now?"
"Sorry Master. It's just---"
"Strip, and where's a bathroom? I need to fuck you with a mirror in sight so he can see that he's just a bottom bitch that lost thr ability to even control his own body and he's not going to influence you anymore even when I'm not inside you all the time. I will make him trapped so deep within his own mind, he wouldn't be able to leak through and influenced you any longer,"
"Certainly sir, everything I own belongs to you, including the bitch I'm going to visit. She's all yours. Heck, even if you want to fuck a white twink with my body, so be it, you do what you want with me and my schedule. I'm just so honored that you even bothered to come all the way down to South Africa for me,"
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"What? Huh....I guess you played Romain a bit too well. Calm down a bit. Get hard. Fuck around more. Stop being so business-minded all the time. It gets annoying to see more of that guy surfaced you know. He's one tough cookie back when I eventually subdued him, turned out he remained tough up until now huh? Giving you a hard time to be loose and free while fooling all the people worked for him. Strip,"
"Oh wow, really? Fuck, I really am going to smash this whole thing with you inside of me during the competition. What a chance encounter this is. I really thought you were just an annoying fan and I only wasted my time here interacting with a fans, but turns out it pays off acting all nice and pretending like I'm this sweet All-American boy when you revealed yourself. Please, you can just jump right in sir, it's been a while since my navel welcomed you,"
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deapax · 6 months
hey cutie!
Could you write a fic where Agatha meets reader by “accident”? Agatha comes into reader’s life fitting perfectly but she was stalking reader since a lot of time. She is very interested in reader but reader doesn’t want a relationship for the moment. Agatha doesn’t know how to deal with rejection, so it could trigger chaos without turning back.
Have a happy day
Characters: stalker!prof!Agatha Harkness x (21+)fem!reader
Summary: She’d been watching you for months, now it was her turn to take action.
Warnings: 18+ smut, DUBCON, stalking, obsession, strap on use (r receiving), crying, age gap, masturbation (a), vibrator (a), alcohol
A/N: Added some more stuff to it because I needed to write a Professor Harkness story for my sanity but I hope you enjoy :)
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You’d had caught her eye the first time you entered her classroom. She didn’t know what it was, that attracted you to her so much, maybe it was the way your hair fell in your face when you copied the things she put on the whiteboard, or the way you laughed with your friends, maybe the way you asked your questions, the way your voice sounded. Whatever it was, it was certainly driving her insane.
She watched you writing down the answers of the test she’d just handed out, unwillingly biting the end of her pencil as she imagined all the things she could do to you. Her heart beating faster when you raised your hand to ask a question. You never questioned the way she stood so close behind you, the way her hand touched your shoulder when she answered your question, and remained standing there in silence for a moment, taking in the scent of your shampoo. When she made her way back to her seat, you couldn’t help but stare at her ass that was swaying with every step, making your mouth water at the sight.
When you met up with your friends after school in your favourite coffee shop and sipped your favourite hot drink, a hot chocolate with a hint of cinnamon and 5 marshmallows, they confronted you with the way your professor acted around you. “Okay but did you notice how she always helps you first? It’s like professor Harkness puts you over everyone else!” “Oh yeah she definitely got a thing for you Y/N. Can’t convince me otherwise.” But you just shook your head, you didn’t believe it. “She’s just being the friendly, kind teacher she always is and always was. There’s nothing special to the way she treats me or anybody else. You guys gotta stop making such a big deal out of nothing.” You rolled your eyes annoying, unbothered by the facts your friends brought up. Meanwhile the older woman was sitting in a corner in the same coffee shop, taking notes of what you ordered and when you went here. Her obsession with you had her writing an entire schedule for you, including school times and subjects, your hobbies and the times you usually met up with your friends.
She’d been watching you for months now, gathered all the information she needed to know you better than you probably knew yourself. She’d even rented the apartment across your bedroom, where she watched you watching your favourite tv shows, changing and sleeping. You knew you had a hidden key under the welcome mat in front of your door, so when she saw you leaving for school and she had called in sick, the woman made her way to your door, taking the key and putting it in the lock, twisting it, smirking when the lock sprung open and let her inside. She knew she had quite some time until you came back so she took her sweet time, rummaging around your private drawers and your closet, taking a few of your panties and stuffed them into her pocket for later use. After a quick time check she knew that it was time to leave, yet the sheer thought of her lying in your bed, maybe covering with some cum stains that you’d sleep on later turned her on so badly that she made her way back to your bedroom, well aware that she’d had to hurry or you’d catch her in the act which honestly just turned her on even more.
She kicked off her boots and got comfy on your bed, closing her eyes to take in the scent of you that was lingering in your bedsheets. As she opened the bottom drawer of your nightstand to check for some more personal items, the pretty pink vibrator you used during lonely nights caught her eye. She shouldn’t, she knew it, yet she did. The older woman took it out of drawer, running her fingers over silicone before licking a line up the shaft in expectation to get at least a tiny hint of what you tasted like. The more disappointed she got when she noticed that you’d cleaned way too well. Her hand wrapped around the end of the toy while she got rid of her pants and panties, slowly running it through her very wet folds, whimpering your name softly as she pushed past her entry, letting the toy fill her up. Her free hand now reached to grab your pillow, her back arching and her eyes closed as she imagined it was you fucking her, the imagination making her thrust the toy at an incredible fast pace, chasing her orgasm. “Fuck, Y/N, that’s right, keep going baby, mommy’s so close!” The quicker she went the wetter your bed got, the toy already covered in her juices as she moaned your name like you could hear her. She was so very close to her orgasm as she heard the key twisting in the lock of your door, making her shoot up immediately, putting on her pants and kicking the wet toy under your bed before opening the window and making her way out of it before you could catch her.
When you entered your apartment everything seemed as usual, you set down your bag and took off your jacket before entering your bedroom, frowning as you found your made bed so messed up, a dark wet spot pooling in the middle of it. Immediately you blamed your cat, what else would it be? Groaning you changed your sheets when you noticed the purple wet thong on the floor. That definitely wasn’t yours, and you couldn’t remember one of your hook ups wearing any of that, especially because it still felt damp. With two fingers you carried it to the trash, throwing it away, trying to ignore it. Agatha, who was taking pictures of you from her apartment, let out a soft sigh of relief, glad that you were too innocent or dumb to put 1 and 1 together.
She knew she’d had to get rid of the vibrator in your room before you caught on it. Luckily today was Friday, a quick look at her notes told her that you were in for a party with your friends tonight. Which gave her the options to either sneak back into your apartment or participate in the party. She wasn’t too old to have fun just yet, so she chose lastest.
You took your sweet time getting ready, putting on a tight black cocktail dress, wearing your favourite red lingerie underneath as you knew this night probably wouldn’t be much different than your usual party nights. You’d talk to a girl, get invited home, end up in bed with her and wake up to leave before the chosen girl awoke in the morning. I’d always been like that, you just weren’t quite the type for relationships just yet. Of course Agatha knew your procedure, she’d been watching it from afar since weeks now, parking her car in front of the girl’s house, filming you and taking picture to masturbate to later. Tonight Agatha’s was wearing her favourite suit she used to wear in class, a white blouse with a blue cotton blazer and some matching pants, because she had caught you staring at her a little too long quite a few times, just that she added a little something extra this time.
Your friends picked you up in the evening, driving to the club whilst Agatha drove a few meters behind you, making sure you walked in first before she entered the club a few minutes later. You were already sipping on your first drink, talking to another girl, generally having a good time. Your professor chose a drink herself, to get her moving to the music as she watched you from across the room for around an hour. When you left your friends to have another drink you noticed a hand on your hip, immediately leaning into the touch as you expected it to be the girl, but when you heard her voice your blood froze. “I’ll pay for that one if you don’t mind.” She offered, smiling when she noticed you leaning into her a little more before you pulled back and turned around.
“Miss Harkness?!” You didn’t believe your eyes when you saw the very well known woman standing in front of you, offering you a drink. She didn’t wait for you to answer as you seemed to have lost your voice, instead she simply paid and handed you the drink. “Come on now don’t act all surprised, I’m not too old to have fun now am I? Or is it considered uncool to be partying in the same club as your professor?” Well it certainly was something you wouldn’t like your friends to find out as you feared that this would just add up to the rumours and you didn’t need that. “Can you please just stay quiet, I don’t need the other to see or hear you. Look I’m sorry, I don’t intend to be rude but I am not planning on spending my evening with my professor that I see 5 days a week. I’m sorry. But uh, thanks for the drink I guess.” You said quickly, taking the glass and making your way back to your friends, apologising for the delay before continuing to dance and chat, here and then sipping your drink.
The rejection didn’t sit well with Agatha, you were obviously playing hard to get and she was ready to play your game. She wasn’t going home alone tonight. Professor Harkness was a patient woman, she watching you sipping one drink after another, noticing that walking and talking started becoming hard for you, which indicated that now was the right time for her to surprise you. As you made your way to the restroom to touch up your make up you didn’t notice the woman slipping in with you. When you looked up at the mirror you saw her stand behind you, her hands on your waist, her lips on your neck. It took you a moment to realise what was happening, your smile faded when her hands moved to unbuckle her leather belt she was wearing, pulling her pants down just a bit to let her big strap out of her panties, pressing against your ass. “Told you to leave me alone miss Harkness. W-what are you doing?” You couldn’t help but moan softly at the kiss and the hard faux cock pressing against you, causing you to slowly grind against her in your foggy state of mind. “Here’s what’s gonna happen now baby, we’ll go to a stall, you get on your knees and suck me off. Then you’ll tell your friends you’re leaving, you get in my car, I drive us home and I’ll fuck the shit out of you just how you always wanted it.” It was more a statement than a question, she dragged you over to a stall and pushed you down on your knees, a hand full of your hair in her hand as she pulled you closer, the veiny strap pressing against your lips. “Come on baby, I know you want it. Ive seen the way you looked at me. Tell me, who did you think of when you fuck your filthy pussy with your vibrator every night? Don’t lie, I’ve watched you every single time. God I’ve cum so many times along with you, you made my legs shake without even touching me baby. Come on, be a good girl for mommy.”
You were overwhelmed with the situation, you knew it was wrong but she was right, she really did make your fantasies come true in that very moment. In your state of mind you had no chance to reject her again, you were already dripping wet simply by her words. “Thought of you taking me with your strap..” You mumbled before taking the toy in your mouth, making sure to give Agatha a nice show, her eyes on hers as you hollowed your cheek as if she could really feel it. Agatha’s cheeks turned red as she saw you being so obedient and eager for her, yet she pulled your head deeper on the toy causing you to gag. “It’s too big mommy, I can’t-“ But she just helped you moving your head up and down the toy, ignoring your whines. “Ye stop can baby, you know mommy will make it fit. You’re gonna take it like the good girl you are for me.” She was moaning, a sound that made your core tingle immediately. You hadn’t expected that sleeping with your professor would feel so right, yet so wrong at the same time. Once she was satisfied and the toy all wet she stuffed it back into her pants, pulled you up and pinned you against the restroom wall, kissing you deeply, her tongue pushing past your lips without a warning. You tried to keep up with her but she kissed you so hungrily like she’d been starving for your kisses, which in fact she really had been. Eventually she slapped your ass, pushing you out of the restroom stall before leaving to get to her car, trusting you to follow behind as you suddenly seemed quite consent with everything she did to you.
You said your goodbyes to your friends before you made your way out of the club and over to the parking slots. The older woman was sitting behind the steering wheel of a white mustang, honking to get your attention. Quickly you went inside, Agatha’s hand immediately wrapped around your thigh, her fingertips running along your skin underneath your dress, as she drove to her house. “Wear something looser the next time and no panties, could fuck you with my fingers while going home. God you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this.” She almost moaned as she clearly went over the speed limit, eventually pulling up in the driveway.
No matter how badly she wanted you, she still took her time to open the car door for you and picked you up, carrying you inside her quite big house, the lights turning themselves on as she entered the hallway, closing the door behind her. As soon as the door fell shut behind her she pinned you against the door and her own body, kissing you hungrily as she made quick work with the zipper on your dress, pulling it down impatiently. Her hands roamed your body and somehow you started enjoying feeling her hands on your skin and your lips in your own, moaning out her name as she ripped off your favourite lingerie. Once you’ve been stripped completely she picked you up once again and headed straight to her bedroom, throwing you onto the queen sized soft bed while she stepped out of her suit, leaving nothing but her big strap on around her hips. As she approached you, you spread your legs almost automatically, putting your head down in her pillow that smelled just like her, taking in her scent while she positioned herself between your legs.
“Fuck you’re so beautiful underneath my body, baby. Much better than I could’ve ever imagined and trust me I’ve imagined this a lot.” And you believed every single word she said, nothing really took you by surprise anymore. After all you were about to be fucked by your professor, something you didn’t even dare to dream of. “Gonna fill you up so good and you’re gonna take it so well like the good little slut you are for me.” With that she thrusted her hips forward, letting your hole suck her in completely, pulling a soft cry from your lips as she started pounding into you roughly, her hands gripping the headboard of her bed while yours gripped her pretty white sheets. The older woman moaned out softly when the bottom of the strap pressed against her clit, making her feel just as good as she was making you feel. Your mouth was shaped like an O as you restlessly let out sweet little moans every time she hit the back of you, causing a little bulge on your stomach. “That’s my pretty little thing, look at you taking me so deep you can even see my cock right here.” She smirked, encouraged by the view she had of your beautiful smeared make up, and picked up her speed even more, the sound of skin hitting skin breaking the silence. You buried your head in her pillows, trying to stiffly her moans but she just wrapped her hand around your throat, making you look at her while she fucked you restlessly. Very soon you felt the knot in your stomach tightening and by the way the woman was starting to wine as well you could tell she was just as close. “Need you to cum with me okay baby? ‘M so very close.” She whined loudly, desperately fucking into you again and again until she cried out softly along with you, both of you cumming hardly, causing her to slow down and pull out, watching your cum drip down your thighs.
Agatha didn’t give you much time to recover, instead she dove right into your pussy, burying her tongue inside you as she cleaned you from your arousal, moaning at the taste she’d been craving for so long. Once she’d found you clean enough she laid down on her back and lifted you onto her, positioning you over her strap before sinking you down on it. Your head was still spinning from the alcohol and first orgasm when you found yourself filled to the brim once again. “Ride me.” It was a short and easy command but it took you maybe a little too long to realise what she wanted from you. Soon two strong hands wrapped around your waist, guiding you up and down while you moved along, her hips pushing up and down in the rhythm. “Please it’s too much, I’m too sensitive I can’t!” Salty tears started running down your red cheeks as you shook your head, but her hands were to strong and simply kept moving you the way she wanted it. “Yes you can baby, let me do the thinking for you okay?” Gently she ran her hand over your cheek to wipe your tears, yet not stalling her movements. “You’re already making me wet with your arousal sweetie, that means your body wants it right? I know you’ve been dreaming of me fucking you like this since ages. So why don’t you just close your eyes and enjoy?” And you did, you closed your eyes once you’d calmed down and allowed her to speed up her movements, both of you moaning almost in sync. After a while you actually found yourself enjoying the way she took care of you, the way she made you feel so damn good like no one ever did before. You found yourself close to the edge after a few more minutes, and came into her strap once again. Panting you laid down on the older woman’s chest, who was gently running her fingers over your back, the strap still buried inside your pussy where it’d stay during the night. “You’re okay baby, you did so very well for me. Shh.. go to sleep. You’re gonna need that energy for tomorrow. There’s so many more things I want to do to you before class.”
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luthsthings · 1 year
Dude thank you so much for all the work you do compiling broken/updated mods and cc. And I'm sorry people can't just read the first page of the sims forum thread! Drives me bonkers, so I can't imagine how you feel
Thank you!
I'll be honest here: Simmers choosing to add mods to their game (and that includes CC, which are mods too) but not learning how to properly install and update them or how to use them across game updates, not reading instructions from creators, not taking them out when reporting problems on support forums or to Maxis but saying they did, and not reading available info before asking for support are a HUGE reason modders leave modding (or just stop publishing their mods and keep them only for their own use) and a HUGE reason support volunteers stop volunteering.
So I'm going to bounce off your kind post with some advice for other people.
If You Want to Use Gameplay Mods and Custom Content...
Learn how to use your Mods folder. Learn how to set your folder up with subfolders so that you can find the files you need to delete when you add new ones. Learn what has to go no more than one folder down so the game actually sees it. Something every college instructor quickly learns is that younger people have often never needed to learn about computer file structure before. Well, you have to.
Read creators' instructions. Creators' instruction will tell you crucial things like what a mod actually will and will NOT do, packs are needed for their mod, how your files need to be arranged in your Mods folder, what other creators' mods you need to run theirs, which files to install only one of, etc. Far too many people show up asking for help and the problem is they didn't read the instructions. Instructions are not optional.
Have a plan for something else to do after game updates. Sometimes your gameplay mods and custom content WILL BREAK because the part of the game they "talk" to changed. Have a "vanilla" save or a different game entirely to play while you wait. Develop a second hobby. Clean your kitchen. Call your mom. If you choose to use gameplay mods and CC, you are choosing that you will need to stop using them occasionally, one way or another.
Read AHQ support instructions and follow them. Reporting a game error at Maxis's AHQ? Read about testing for the error without your Mods folder, and supply all the requested info.
Read mod support instructions and follow them. Asking for help with mods/CC from Deaderpool or Sims After Dark or a creator? When you join, read the rules you agree to; they aren't there for fun. If you choose to use mods with unethical or illegal content, expect that you will NOT get support. Answer questions honestly. Upload the files requested, not just pictures of them. Be kind to creators and volunteers: there are very good reasons they're asking you what they are, and if they give up creating/volunteering, you're going to be on your own.
Read broken/updated mod support instructions and follow them. @scarlets-realm and I have very different structures and therefore different rules, but neither of us is going to stay willing to maintain our lists if we keep having to deal with Simmers who don't follow our rules, which we have set up, for one, to prevent false reports, which benefit nobody. I started my list because I was looking for info for myself and thought I might as well share it in a centralized way. If it becomes increasingly annoying, I'm happy to let Simmers go back to Hard Mode.
Don't ask "WHEN". You are not a preschooler anymore, and when you were and were asking "Are we there yet?," you were making it harder for your mom or dad to drive the car. Creators are not working on your schedule; you aren't their managers. Leave them alone so they can actually get to the destination.
Don't ask "What broke". The answer is already available to you. READ AND FOLLOW my Forums list (don't just pop in with a question). Please note that the Forums themselves have rules, and those MUST be followed there. READ AND SEARCH Scarlet's list. If you choose to use mods from creators who use a pirated/cracked game or packs, who paywall any of their creations permanently or longer than Maxis permits for their type of content, or who copy code without permission from other creators, you're going to be relying on the creators for support. Neither of us will support unethical creators by helping you use their stuff.
Get your news about what's broken and what isn't from the established lists, support servers, and the creators. A lot of Sims influencers on YouTube and Twitch use mods, but that doesn't mean they're a reliable source of info, unfortunately. Some are using outdated or broken mods and don't realize it. Some have been known to say that a mod is "broken" when what's broken is a game mechanic or when they think a mod is supposed to be doing something it's not.
You have a choice:
You don't HAVE to use gameplay mods or custom content. Many players don't, including all console players. If you CHOOSE to use them, learn how to do so the right way, and be a supportive part of the community so that you can keep using them.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Mikey x male reader
Warnings, nsfw, fluff, omegaverse, Omega male reader, smut, hybrid au, feral behaviour
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The two spent the day in the Burrow and (name) couldn't deny that he was smitten for the spider after the two spent the night talking and sharing soft kisses, Mikey was silently thankful the omegas heat was over as he would honest he fest like his dick was ready to fall off with how much the bunny wanted his knot.
When they eventually left the Burrow, Mikey dressed the Omega in robes that would at least cover poor (name) who was still a little heat drunk, letting the Alpha lead him to the medical wing before ultimately carrying him as (name)s legs gave out.
The medical wing was very nice, usually used for soldiers who injured themselves during sparring, the soldiers inside the wing watching in awe as their king walked to the private royal area so he could get their queens vitals checked.
"He's pregnant" the medic said simply "the tests came back and seeing as you are hybrids that produce in the multiples, I would recommend setting up the nursery for multiple pups" the medic wrote down some things on a note pad "he's going to be exhibiting pregnancy behaviour common for his Hybrid like food hoarding, nesting and sleeping quite a bit" they explained and the two worked a schedule for the Omega to come in for check ups and such.
(Name) felt fidgety, not liking another person touching him and stressed from all the scents around him.
"..he will also need to be scented a lot""what about when my rut hits?" This caught (name)s attention as the medic looked serious "genuinely I can't give you an answer, though predator and prey relationships happen, you two are so drastically different we couldn't give solid answer my king" Mikey looked annoyed but didn't say anything, worried about possibly killing his mate during his rut.
A gentle hand took his and Mikey looked at (name) who though wasn't staring at him, looking a little hazy himself, the bond was practically screaming at him to comfort his alpha.
(Name) didn't realize he fell asleep.
(Name) woke to an empty nest and a foggy brain, poking his head out of the now open burrow entrance.
Where was alpha?
Still slightly scent drunk (name) crawled out of the nest and out of the heat room, into the grand bedroom he now shared with Mikey.
"Alpha?" (Name) called gently to no answer, making him frown... Where was alpha?
(Name) stumbled out into the hall in nothing more than loose fitting clothes as two Alphas stood guard infront of the ornate door and the alphas and omegas stared at one another.
One was a Panther, long black hair and golden eyes and the other was a marble fox, lavender hair and almost inviting lavender eyes.
But all (name) could see were predators.
Predators that could eat a little bunny like (name).
"Hey... Are you alright?" The panther asked taking a step towards (name), a mistake as (name) looked panicked and immediately bolted.
The sound of shoes following him could be heard as his instincts took over, turning into a bunny to hide easier.
(Name) darted under an ornate wardrobe in a spare room, too heavy for the alphas to get and the holes to small for them to reach into.
The bunny curled into corner shaking, ears flattened as the two Alphas spoke about how they could get him out.
"(Name)? Come out..." Mikeys soft words could be heard finally, the two Alphas calling for him to get his Omega who was most definitely terrified.
After ten minutes (name) slowly poked his head out and crawled out, looking nervous and on edge even in bunny form but let Mikey lift him into his arms "it's alright love, these two were just keeping guard until we find you a suitable guard to watch over you" Mikey explained softly "they won't hurt you"
Mitsuya and Baji were surprised to see their king and friend so soft with the Omega.
Mikey could feel his mates stress from a mile away and immediately followed the two other alphas to collect his mate who was shaking like a leaf.
(Name) was tiny in his arms as the Alpha walked out of the room, gently petting him.
Mikey went about his day as his mate snuggled in his arms and lap feeling safe and protected, enough to fall asleep during a royal meeting and stretching out when Mikey pet between his ears.
"Ok, you gotta change back" Mikey's voice was soft as he crouched infront of the bed where the tiny bunny say, a tiny stomp in defiance "hey, don't get huffy you gotta change back so we can get your measurements for clothing" Mikey said poking his lovers fluffy forehead and he swore (name) huffed before stretching out, body contorting into a person and before Mikey knew it his naked mate sat before him in all his glory "good boy, no more tantrums" Mikey said cupping (name)s jaw and kissing him gently, lips moving and melting together "alpha...." And mikey was warned bunnies could be...active.
"Do the fitting and I will pup you over and over again" Mikey said into the bunnies ear and Mikey could see the cogs turn in the horny bunnies head before he agreed.
"Again sorry for scaring you" the man (name) now knew to be Mitsuya said genuinely as he took out the measuring tape "this should only take a few minutes"
(Name) was hesitant to the Alpha but when Mikey gently pushed him towards the small circle step he remembered alpha is there and will protect him.
Mikey could feel the others anxiety as Mitsuya spoke in soft comforting words "I will tell you everything I'm doing alright? We can stop at any moment" the fox knew the omegas fears were quite reasonable because he was both an alpha and a predator and he did kind of chase the poor bunny around the castle.
The two were complete opposites on the scale.
Mitsuya was delicate as he gently measured the rabbit, explaining and asking the bunny permission and Mitsuya realized the bunny actually quite enjoyed it when Mitsuya asked him instead of mikey.
"And that's it..." Mitsuya said softly "I will have some simple items prepared by morning and begin working on more detailed projects tomorrow, new measurements will be needed once he's more far along"
The halls smelt of fine foods and what caught (name)s attention was the smell of roasted veggies, the thought of mating completely out of his head "ah it is around dinner..." Mikey commented and watched with heart eyes as his mate sniffed the air, clearly interested in the food.
"Let's go see what awaits us, yes?"
Mikey was a selfish man.
So it shouldn't have been a surprise that he had his bunny in his lap and feeding him as many veggies as his heart desired as his closest men sat at the table in almost disbelief "Mikey, can you stop being...this for like two seconds so I can enjoy my meal?" Draken said as Emma smacked his arm "leave him be, he's finally found love!"
"Yeah ken! Leave me alone I found love!" Mikey said teasingly and Draken gave an unsavory hand gesture to the king "Omega, I need you to meet some important people" poor (name) was hazy and out of it, a little drunk off Mikey's pharamones and pleasant mood, the bond making them feed off each other's emotions.
"These are my closest friends and family, these people will keep you safe"
A few faces were recognizable, the two Alphas from before but the others were a mystery, Mikey began introducing people and (name) tried not to seem stressed under the gazes of at least a dozen or more predators.
"Sorry for scaring ya! We didn't think Omega prey being around alpha predators" the Alpha known as Baji called out with a mouth full of food, a blond beside him shaking his head "chew your god dam food Kei!" They said annoyed, spotted ears going back and Baji payed him no mind.
"So what does he eat?" A shaved haired man asked and (name) slowly relaxed from bond, letting Mikey answer questions and trying to avoid the curious stares he's getting.
He felt like some exotic animal.
He also tried not looking at the meat, seeing a cooked rabbit on the table kind of freaked him out.
Like a lot.
Mikey felt (name) tense and followed his gaze and...oh shit.
Yeah this was probably fucked up.
It was like looking at ones own dead body.
(Name) looked almost sick as he tried to keep calm and the table went quiet as everyone realized "oh no..." Emma mumbled, she was the one who prepared this and she forgot to mention to the cooks... Oh god.
(Name) let Mikey bring him back to the nest, nest was safe.
Nest didn't have a body of his kind on a table to be consumed.
(Name) was staring off, dispondant as Mikey crooned and scented him in an attempt to comfort him.
It gave (name) a very cold reminder.
He's prey in a den full of predators.
Mikey could feel the rising distress from his omega, stressing him out in the process as he pulled him closer and pinning him slightly to kiss as his scent gland and pump out pharamones.
The two stayed like that for an hour before (name) relaxed.
They didn't bring up the dinner after that.
"This is Sanzu, he will be your personal guard" Mikey said introducing the Omega to the tall alpha with a steely gaze "I have to go now, behave"
Sanzu was quiet as he accompanied (name), the Omega given permission to go anywhere in the palace his heart desired but poor (name) wasn't really sure where to start "what is it my queen?" Sanzu spoke clear and to the point as he stared down the bunny dressed in their kingdoms Omegan attire for nobles "d...does the palace have a garden?"
"Which one?"
(Name) looked confused at the wolf who stared at him "there's nine"
How big was this place?
"What one do you like?"
Sanzu brought (name) to the rock garden, bamboo surrounding it "the palace has a garden for each region of the kingdom, this being our desert and bamboo forest" (name) was fascinated as the two sat before the koi pond, the sounds tranquil.
"Do you come here often?"
"Only when I'm alone"
"I guess guarding me takes up free time"
"It's an honour to protect the queen in his kings absence"
"What else do you enjoy doing?"
The day was spent with Sanzu showing (name) things he enjoyed doing, visiting various parts of the castle.
"You have a good day?" Mikey asked as if he didn't have people checking the Omega in secret and (name) nodded as they went into the Burrow, their bed practically abandoned at this point.
Poor (name) was exhausted but giggled when he felt Mikey's cold hands travel, his six hand....wait what?
Looking up (name) froze as his alpha took on more spider like traits, multiple eyes and three pairs of arms.
"Alpha...?" (Name) was confused as he tried to remain calm as Mikeys fangs were far more prominent and sharp looking.
Mikeys hands fondled and squeezed the bunny who let him do what he pleased, the Alpha ripping of their clothes before suddenly halting and crawling out with a hiss.
A scream could be heard before a slam of the door.
Mikey crawled back in and basically made a warning sound to the Omega to stay as he went out.
(Name) was practically out cold by time Mikey finished what he was doing.
The above burrow covered by a large funnel web, the only way to get to (name) was somehow getting through.
Only a fool would try and get through the deadliest spiders web, Mikey crawling back to his mate pleased that he hadn't moved and sealed off the exit to be with his omega.
The snell of pregnancy filled Mikey's nose, as he leaned down and pressed his face into the omegas belly and scented it, letting out soft chirping noises as he did.
"Yeah alpha, you already pupped me" (name) said as Mikeys now all pure black eyes looked at him, his cock still hard and (name) blushed at the sight of it.
This would be his first time with Mikey out of heat after all.
(Name) rested on his back and gently spread his legs with a blush "please alpha..."
Mikey let out a rumble as his cock pushed into him, gripping his legs so that they pressed back into (name)s chest and stomach, (name) letting out a soft whine as the feeling of Mikey's balls against his ass as the Alpha bottomed out.
Mikey didn't wait for (name) to relax around his cock before violently fucking into him, the teary eyed Omega under him just spurring him to go faster "A-alpha~! P-pups!" That seemed to click in Mikey's spider brain as the Alpha slowed down a little, the two staring at one another as (name) moved slightly to wrap his arms around the others neck and the Alpha allowed it seeing as his Omega wasn't trying to escape.
The two went at it for hours till Mikey was satisfied for now, using some webbing to cover his Omega in almost a blanket to keep him and his young safe while he went and worked on the nest, check for any intruders.
(Name) was sleeping when Mikey returned, the alpha realizing he had no food for his mate and in the dead of night began hunting for food.
(Name) was surprised he actually came back with veggies and such, seeing as Mikeys a spider "oh right, you wait for your meal in your web" (name) said softly and Mikey just stared at him, expecting him to eat the offerings "thank you alpha" a gentle kiss the the spiders cheek before gently nibbling on some veggies, noticing there's also some fruits in the mix.
Mikey stared at the omega the entire time he ate and when (name) finished he wasted zero time mounting him again.
The rest of his rut went on like this and by the end (name) couldn't walk from all the knotting he received.
Mikey offered to remove the web from his burrow but (name) declined "I like how... Both of our things are together now" (name) said dumbly with a blush and Mikey stared at him wide eyed "really?" To each he got a soft nod "keeps pups safe... Though I will need help getting in and out..."
"Of course Omega"
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kissami · 6 months
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sum. You never thought you’d find the one at your best friend’s coffee shop.
genre: fluff..super super fluffy
fem reader with she/ her pronouns
WARNING: I’m uploading this while at work so I’ll edit it once I’m home ! So it’s not cute and aesthetic rn 🙄🙄
"I just don't get why she keeps thinking this nonsense, Kyo! I mean, I help with taking care of bills, buying groceries, what else does she want from me?!"
Kyo rose an eyebrow towards you, watching you slam your head on the counter gently and placing your cup on the table, begging for the next round.
"I need another one."
You ordered, but he only rolled his eyes in return.
"You had four cups of coffee in just two hours, you had more than enough for at least a week."
Groaning, you squished your cheeks between your arms as you hid your head.
Your roommate had been annoying lately. Always being so stern with you even when you did almost everything so you two could have a comfy environment to live in, but no matter what you did, she just seemed to hate you more and more.
It was tough moving out of your parent’s place, but this girl truly was testing your limits it seemed.
It wasn’t always like this. When you first met her, she was very sweet and understanding with you which made you think that maybe you finally made a friend who wasn’t your childhood friend.
All you wanted was a friend, but ever since you introduced her to Kyo, she seemed to do a 180 and completely shut you out.
Only for you to find out the two were put together for a date…one he never showed up for without notice.
But speak of blinding dates…
"Oh my gosh! This is the third time you left me alone, you asshole! That's it, I'm done!"
A loud slam quickly brought you out of your mini crisis as your eyes averted over to the couple near the entrance.
Raising your eyebrows in amusement, you saw a girl with black hair grabbing her bag and leaving with a pissed off expression on her face. The blond she was sitting with that you assumed was her date, rubbed his face in annoyance.
He's gorgeous.
You turned to your friend and smiled as a bright idea had quickly made its way into your head which made him tense up a bit, shaking his head quickly as he knew exactly what you were trying to do.
"Nope, I'm done trying to set you up with my customers. You're on your own."
You pouted, watching as Kyo walked to the back room to speak to Tifa about the upcoming schedules.
You could see how close Tifa and him were getting, how flustered he’d get or rush at any moment to be with her. That was enough leverage for you to use against him.
Smirking, you turned back around to see the boy talking on his phone, his face showing not much concern it seemed, but by the looks of it, it seemed like he was being scolded like a cat from the other line of the call which had you intrigued.
Your eyes widened when he slammed his phone down on the table and sighing, digging inside of his pocket to grab his credit card from his black leather wallet.
He's gonna pay, no he can't leave yet!
That's when you thought of a great, amazing, and most definitely the best idea ever.
Walking over the counter as stealthy and quickly as possible, you hid behind it as you waited for him to ring the bell to pay.
Rising up, you smiled gently and leaned your hands on the counter.
"Hey, what can I do for ya,cutie?"
You could almost feel your eyes sparkle in amusement when he scoffed and rubbed his neck, looking at you with those bright blue eyes you could stare at forever.
"I'm just paying. And who are you? I've never seen you work here before and I come here everyday."
He spoke lowly and looking anywhere besides your face, his eyes fixated on a dancing chunky cat on the tv screen above your head.
"I just started…today? Right I just started working today!" You smiled nervously, rubbing your ring on your right hand.
"Oh, that's good to know I guess."
"Yeah, it is good to know, huh?"
You thought as you turned around to your best friend, seeing him rise an eyebrow and clearly questioning your 'amazing' idea to get to know the cute boy that was looking at the both of you now even more confused than before.
"Yup! Aw Kyo don't act like I'm not the best employee you have!" You slapped his arm, glaring at him for him to play along.
"Yeah okay, anyways Cloud it's on the house today."
Cloud. What a cool name.
Cloud nodded, saying a small thank you as he began to walk away.
Your eyes shot over to your best friend, giving him a pleading look to have him stay a bit longer which made Kyo scoff.
If this guy had you pretend you worked at his coffee shop, the one place you said you would despise working at and rather lick the carpet, then you clearly were way more interested in him than he thought.
And boy were you going to be in debt for this.
"Only if you tell us what happened on your 5th blind date."
Kyo smirked, watching as Cloud stopped almost instantly.
Cloud stood there quietly. Usually he’d pretend he didn’t hear anything like this but he truly did need someone to listen to his frustrations and what better yet than the guy his best friend, Tifa, had a crush on?
"It's like no matter how many dates I'm set on, no one wants to continue dating me. I don't mind though, I don't need a partner to be happy I guess."
Hearing a bell ring, Kyo looked over to you and smirked even more, watching your sparkling like eyes looking even more interested in the blond and what he needed to say next.
"Well my favorite employee, it's time for you to get back to work, right?"
You opened and closed your mouth repeatedly like a fish out of water but it only resulted in him pushing you away to take the new order.
"Get along now stupid and do your job! I'm not paying you for nothing!"
"But you're not pa-"
"What was that employee of the month, I didn't quite hear you?!"
"Yeah yeah whatever."
Slumping your shoulders, you made your way to the cash register, and instantly losing braincells on how the hell to work it.
Kyo looked back, seeing the blond still looking over to you as you groaned like a little kid trying to figure out how the monstrosity worked.
A small smile slowly took the blond’s old sour frown which Kyo was quick to catch.
"She's single you know. Plus, she thinks you're really cute. The idiot doesn't even work for me but she did that to talk with you."
Cloud looked over to his friend and shrugged.
"I think she’s cute too, but she needs to work harder to get me. I'm not that easy you know."
"Yeah that's what all your old dates said too,huh?"
"Kyo…" Cloud sighed again, but kept his mako eyes on your cute figure who now was scrambling around like a lost puppy, following Tifa around as she laughed at how silly you looked trying to learn how to charge orders.
Kyo chuckled, shaking his head at how adorable you looked. "Besides, the idiot owes me. She'll be working here for a while."
To say Cloud wasn't looking forward to waking up everyday and heading to the café, was an understatement.
He was less grumpy now and would spend hours texting you all night, but he tried his best to show no interest in you at all, which to Tifa and Kyo, was obvious he had a thing for you.
You had no clue if he felt the same or not, which Cloud was a bit thankful of you being so oblivious.
That was until you finally had enough and needed to know exactly what was going on between the two of you.
Clearly there was something there, so what better way to figure it out than what you do best?
A hot americano with whipped cream topped with cinnamon and caramel was what he would get all the time, but you added something more for him.
Are you a loan bank? Because you got my interest.
Ah yes, your cheesy pick up lines. No matter how hard Cloud tried to keep a straight face, he still managed to let out a small smile that made your heart burst.
You've been doing this for three months straight now, but he finally had the guts to do something.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back!
That was all it took for Cloud to lean over the counter and place his lips on yours.
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hyatoro · 1 year
Sinbad Sub Headcanons
Part 2 of a request. You can find Kouen’s part here. 
Sinbad is a generous lover but because of everything that’s happened to him you can tell it’s all very surface level. Sure he can get up in people’s spaces and charm their pants off with his natural and hard earned charisma, but when it comes to his genuine relationships (as like a person) the ones that know him best have stuck with him even after seeing his ugly sides. 
How he loves and lets himself be loved can vary depending on what phase of Sinbad we’re talking about, but I’ll be sticking with the Sinbad we meet in early Magi. Not his prequel, and not late game Sinbad, though those are all sides of him. He is very welcome to public displays of affection, especially during festivals, but he hopes that his partner understands time and place, like when he has important meetings to arrange business deals. 
In contrast to Kouen, you wouldn’t need to be necessarily on his level djinn-wise. He just needs someone with a strong will to reign him in. He’s not as concerned about marrying another position of power. You’d likely still be somewhat of a power couple, since everyone he keeps around him is useful in one way or another. If we’re talking about having a relationship that has dom/sub stuff happening, then yeah. If he went to some red-light district and got dominated that’d be more a one time thing.
Your characterization is more open ended. As long as you find a way to make conversation with him and prove yourself, then you’re in. It’ll start as a fascination, and then evolve into an infatuation. Which honestly, he’d lie to himself about it because he doesn’t actually want to get distracted from his goals, which is what he thinks of it at the beginning. A distraction. Then he convinces himself that because you’re such a useful person that he’s just getting close to you to keep you in his arsenal. But then eventually he’d fold and admit that he’s weak for you. 
Maybe he finally spills the beans when you corner him about why he’s been so annoying. “Why did you schedule me for so many meetings? All of which actually already have you in them so I don’t know why you would need me there.” 
Nervous sweating. “UH-”
He’s been in this wild mental state of “God she’s so hot and amazing and I’d be ok if she slapped me man i wish she would lol wouldn't that be funny” and “Haha eyes on the prize. Wake up and grind king.” 
So when you have him pushed up against a wall he’s frozen. And you already know he’s more than capable of just bolting if he wanted to. Then you realize exactly what weird emotions he’s feeling so you make the first move. 
A knowing look crosses your face and he gulps as you lean closer. You’re bent so that you’re looking up at him and he’s frozen like prey caught by a predator. And it’s kinda nice. 
You grab him by the collar of his shirt and whisk him away, and he can’t help but follow. Tired of dealing with his mental dilemma he surrendered the decision, the control, to you. 
As seen in my bondage headcanon for him, he needs a lot of trust. And that applies to all of this really. You may point out that dom/sub relationships need that in the first place. You’d be surprised. 
Of course he gives off his authoritative aura that exudes leadership, but he’s also just a silly goofy man sometimes. So it’s much easier to reign him in and transition to that dom/sub dynamic whenever, as opposed to Kouen where he has a hard line between private and public. 
Sinbad is down to get messy anywhere. 
Does not like choking. Is okay with gags if he’s not tied up. Basically if you want to tie him up you have to be thorough in making sure he’s comfortable. He doesn’t like anything around his neck like a collar or a choker because of his slave days. 
He likes edging and overstimulation. Testing his will and stamina gets him going and you can easily make him go crazy with little effort, or a lot. 
Kind of a masochist so he likes pain, but not to the point where you’re like actively trying to cause damage. It’s not like he hasn’t had worse but he doesn’t think getting beat is sexy. Spanking, pinching, slapping is all good. 
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fangsforiris · 2 months
Hi, i love your account! I wuold like to ask the reaction of the Sakamaki's and the Mukami's to Megan Fox in "Jennifer's Body" (2009). If you do, Ty! ❤️❤️
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Hi love, thank you so much!!! I'm sorry for how long this took me, as I was busy with some work.
I really appreciate the support, and I hope this take was good!!
Just a TW for Cannibalism, as Jennifer's Body does have such themes. Overall, enjoy.
Word Count: 4527 Topics: Jennifer Check (Pre-Possession), Jennifer Check (Post-Possession) & Jennifer's Relationship with Needy
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Sakamaki & Mukami’s Reaction to Jennifer from Jennifer’s Body!
Jennifer Check (Pre-Possession)
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Shuu (Ririe):
・❥・ Shuu normally likes confident girls, ones who garner attention and know how to make a statement whilst being secure within themselves.
・❥・ His taste ranges, either he’d go for the typical ‘shy girl,’ someone who’d be easy to manipulate and fluster. 
・❥・ OR someone who’s a bit of a challenge. Someone who has the confidence and isn’t afraid to show it. It makes for great sport, and it’s one of the only times you’ll see this man work.
・❥・ Usually, he lets his partner (in any case) do all the work, so to see a difference in power dynamic either will annoy him to a degree, or will get him into it. 
・❥・ He can obviously tell if someone’s attractive, and ding ding ding– does Jennifer meet his standards. 
・❥・ Shuu is canonically into the whole ‘Femme Fatale’ woman. So anyone who’s a maneater, even more so in this case, has his interest peaked. 
・❥・ Considering how he definitely used to be somewhat of an ‘it’ boy himself, he can understand the infatuation and commotion over Jennifer. 
・❥・ Would he act on anything, though? Not necessarily. Since she’s in the spotlight, he most likely won’t want to chase anyone. 
・❥・ After all, Shuu has people attracted to him. Begging for him. Never the other way around. 
・❥・ He’d rather die than pursue anybody. 
・❥・ In the rare case that she pursued him, he’d play along, using her only for entertainment before leaving her high and dry and wanting more.
・❥・ Realistically, he wouldn’t want to pay her any mind, though. Considering that just because she happens to be popular, doesn’t mean she’s all that. 
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・❥・ Reiji does like confident women, but would he go for someone like Jennifer? Not really. 
・❥・ He’s more into those who are driven, ones who are studious and focused on their future with drive. 
・❥・ The ones who are very secure with themselves that it’ll take a notch or two to break them in. 
・❥・ However, he’s very perceptive. He’ll pick up on a few hints and clues that’ll suggest her mentality and subtle insecurity with everything that she does. 
・❥・ Kind of how Shuu goes into his analytic mode. 
・❥・ It’ll all tally up at the end, and depending on how it plays out maybe then he’ll use her as a test subject. 
・❥・ In reality, he’d see Jennifer as a challenge. 
・❥・ In the sense that he’d find it as entertainment to see how far he could push someone like her, and how long until she’d break. 
・❥・ He wouldn’t be sloppy, and wouldn’t risk actually doing her harm that he knows can’t be reversible, since, of course, she’s in the spotlight and a constant magnet of attention. 
・❥・ But realistically, would he go out of his way for a human that’s like most girls in their school? Definitely not. 
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・❥・ Laito, like Ayato, is into women who absorb the spotlight. 
・❥・ Seeing a pretty, charismatic, popular girl is exactly his type and he’d use every single charm in the book to spend a night or two with her. 
・❥・ Perhaps flash his sly grin, learn her schedule, stalk his prey. You know, that sort of thing. 
・❥・ Especially since Jennifer would remind him of his mother. 
・❥・ With the whole promiscuous behaviour, subtle insecurity that she hides with her looks and a not-so-obvious facade, especially with her need for male attention. Laito would surely exploit this. 
・❥・ He’d degrade her even. Making her question herself potentially. 
・❥・ It would go both ways for him. He’d either be really into Jennifer, or attempt to kill her as a way of imposing his trauma and being rid of it slowly. 
・❥・ However, he’d drift to wanting to get with her, just like Ayato.
・❥・ Honestly, those two are very similar in their tastes. They like a fun, popular, go-lucky girl that makes the night worth it. 
・❥・ Laito would like the competition. The fact that everyone wanted Jennifer, coupled with her obvious attractiveness, helps with her ‘market value.’ As Laito would put it. 
・❥・ He has a track record for going for these types of girls, as those who market themselves as ‘prudes’ ignites his interest to want to ‘corrupt’ them. 
・❥・ If any of his brothers wanted to join him, since it’s canon that he’s into voyeurism/is a voyeur, it’d most likely turn him on tenfold. 
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・❥・ Realistically, he’d find her attractive, just as anyone would. After all, what else are the glasses and contacts for, right? 
・❥・ Is Jennifer his type of woman? No. 
・❥・ He’s into a softer, more docile woman. However, depending if Jennifer would show interest in him, he’d somewhat play along. 
・❥・ Make no mistake, if Kanato doesn’t get what he wants he will turn on her. After all, he is who he is with his bratty tendencies. 
・❥・ If he’s going for someone of her popularity, admittedly it’d urk him. Especially since Kanato doesn’t like being in the spotlight. 
・❥・ Perhaps he’d admire her from afar, shame her and make small remarks to his Teddy as she passes by his locker. The small stuff. 
・❥・ He wants to avoid anyone who even has a slight resemblance to his late mother. The thought of being with someone even close to her provocative, ‘whorish,’ tendencies ignites a lost trauma in him that he doesn’t want to deal with. 
・❥・ If he absolutely needed to, he’d trap her and use her as prey before discarding her. 
・❥・ But this is unlikely, since he, as well as anybody, knows his brother’s types and would want to avoid any discourse with them at all costs. Especially if he knows there is no point. 
・❥・ Since he knows this is the type Ayato and Laito get off on, he’d leave her to their wants and desires. 
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・❥・ If there’s one thing this boy likes, it's girls who know how to attract attention.
・❥・ He’s definitely into the popular cheerleaders, the ones who’d be there for most of his matches and cheer him on. 
・❥・ And Jennifer? Fits every single box for his criteria.
・❥・ He’s into the hot, popular chicks who everyone wants but can’t have. Something that’ll give him an excuse to show off is more than enough for him to start taking names. 
・❥・ He’d probably even get possessive over her. Start acting all territorial because of his insistent need to one up everyone. 
・❥・ Ayato would not be able to tell if Jennifer had any insecurities since he’s so caught up in the fantasy of taking something that everyone wants. 
・❥・ He’d treat her like property, acting as if he owned her because of his slight interest in her. (Like how he did with Yui on day 1.) 
・❥・ Ayato would most definitely scare off any guys who try to go after ‘his prey.’ It ruins the fun for him and as we all know, he isn’t that keen on sharing. 
・❥・ Ayato would be trying to find her every single second of the day. Like no joke, you’d think they were attached by the hip. He wouldn’t let her leave and would get crazy upset if she tried to disobey what he wanted at the moment. 
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・❥・ Subaru wouldn’t want to get that concerned with someone like Jennifer. 
・❥・ He’s quite shy around women, and with his obvious trust-issues, all that’s going off in his mind are alarm bells. 
・❥・ He’s afraid of dealing with any woman again after what happened with his mother, so since that’s realistically all he knows, he’d keep her at arms length. 
・❥・ He’d find her attractive, thinking that she’s pretty, this, that, and the third. 
・❥・ But he’d be pretty unnerved to go up to her or even say anything. Especially knowing what his brothers might do. That’s what would mainly put him off. 
・❥・ His brothers have eyes all around the school, whether it be friends, teachers, staff, and their personal familiars, they’re always watching. 
・❥・ So if he were to suddenly show interest in any girl, especially a popular pretty girl that everyone wants, he’d never hear the end of it. 
・❥・ He, along with Jennifer, have an insecurity which they base their entire personality off of. Jennifer tends to hide it better, but Subaru? He’s a total train wreck. 
・❥・ He would never live it down if his brothers or the new circle of Mukami’s and Tsukinami’s + Kino that surround themselves within his presence had caught him with a little stupid crush. 
・❥・ He would, however, gain more confidence in himself if he were tipsy. Making it easier for him to loosen up without the constant stress and reminders that he’s not good enough and could never be with someone as unattainable as Jennifer. 
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・❥・ Like Reiji, someone like Jennifer wouldn’t be someone he’d actively pursue. 
・❥・ As in, he’s too busy to care about someone like her when he has his brothers and ‘The Adam and Eve’ plan to fulfill. 
・❥・ He would keep more of a lookout for Yui at this time, perhaps even compare the two women in hopes of bringing Yui down. 
・❥・ He’d see her just as every other popular girl at school, wouldn’t necessarily have any notion or reason as to why he’d care about a human. 
・❥・ He’d barely have any actual, physical interactions with her, so that being said, why would Ruki care? 
・❥・ On the slight chance that they do have interactions, he’d find himself curious as to what makes her tick. 
・❥・ More specifically, what exactly is it that people are finding themselves interested in? After all, she’s just a mere human, right? 
・❥・ He’d think the same for Yui, before realizing that unlike Jennifer, Yui has some degree of value to him. Even if it’s not as conventional. 
・❥・ If Reiji was to pursue her, or show mild interest, I suppose he would too. Considering the competitive streak those two have going on. 
・❥・ Canonically, Ruki does things to purposely spite Reiji, so it wouldn’t be so far off the mark if he were to mess around with a human to gain a reaction. 
・❥・ It’s all in good fun, and after he’s done with toying around with Reiji and the girl (Jennifer,) he’d get back to what’s truly important. 
・❥・ As in my opinion, Ruki’s drive for the plan even at some points outweighs how much he’d care about his own wellbeing along with Yui’s. Or anyone for that matter. 
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・❥・ Kou would be interested in a popular girl. By all means. 
・❥・ He himself understands the appeal and need to put up a front, especially for his fans due to his idol profession. 
・❥・ Even if beauty is skin deep and on the surface level, Kou wouldn’t mind joining the train to appreciate it. He has a large appreciation for pretty things with appeal. 
・❥・He especially loves the popularity, and to gain more fans by coexisting with Jennifer? He’s all ears. 
・❥・Kou would definitely send a few flirty remarks her way, maybe even walk her to class to pass the time. 
・❥・He’d immediately notice her reactions to the students deaths and figure something was off. Her carefree demeanour would be a pinpoint. 
・❥・However, at the start he might chalk it up to different reactions to trauma or just a more over-the-top optimistic attitude.  
・❥・Kou would use this as a chance to manipulate her if he truly needed something. It’s just keeping his options open, and considering how he always looks for the dual-uses in everyone he meets, it won’t be any different for Jennifer. 
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・❥・ Yūma honestly wouldn’t be that into someone like Jennifer.
 ・❥・ Sure, she’s definitely conventionally attractive by all means, but he wouldn’t want to care as much as messing with a girl of her social stance. 
・❥・ He’d find it to be more of a hassle, especially with the Sakamaki’s chasing after her and getting all over her. He wouldn’t want to waste his time with someone who’s like the rest. 
・❥・ He’s also really into independence. As in, for anyone to have something for themselves, he loves how driven people can be.
・❥・ For Jennifer, I don’t think he’d strike her as a girl with those same priorities in mind. 
・❥・ Yūma would only see her as someone who could just be used to pass the time with, if the case called for it. 
・❥・ Sure, Jennifer tends to be independent in some things, but the same energy isn’t being put into these important things which would turn Yūma away from the whole appeal. 
・❥・ Yūma’s more of a bully-type if anything, and if he were to see her around the halls and saw any of the Sakamaki’s interact with her he’d definitely say a few remarks. Just to keep himself in the loop.
・❥・ He doesn’t care for superficial things, Yūma likes authenticity and being real. Most of the girls at his school are a cut and paste version of a blueprint who most likely lack the drive and ambition he prizes. 
・❥・ So for someone like Jennifer, who prizes looks a lot, and isn’t exactly the kindest to her best friend, whilst caring for validation from others, to step into the picture… Yūma would disregard it and move on.  
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・❥・ Azusa would think she’s pretty, perhaps get lost in thought thinking about her. 
・❥・ If he were to approach her, I don’t think it’d turn out the way he’d like it too. 
・❥・ Azusa has this fear factor to him, not necessarily the ‘scream and run for your lives’ sort of factor, but the unsettling, unnerving factor which leads people to often misunderstand him. 
・❥・ Especially with the whole ‘suicidal maniac’ vibe he’s got going on. And with his slower-than-normal processing. 
・❥・ Jennifer would probably degrade him, call him names and slurs and want him to get away from her if he starts to bring up his knife collection or acts as standoffish as he does in the anime when first meeting Yui. 
・❥・ He’s kind, and would mostly go for someone else who outlines that sort of mojo. 
・❥・ If he saw her acting as impassive and indifferent as she does in the movie, I doubt he’d be interested in her. 
・❥・ It would most likely remind him of the girl from his childhood at the orphanage, Christina, who bullied and abused him, which built up his masochistic needs. 
・❥・ So if he were to see that side of Jennifer, he’d definitely be interested, but only in the sense of wanting to be degraded and pushed around.
・❥・ Unfortunately, Azusa is somewhat of a pushover in the sense that he’d allow anyone to step all over him, but only react if someone were to do that to his brothers. (He’s such a sweet boy.)
・❥・ If Azusa knew his brothers had an interest in her, he’d back off immediately. He respects and values them too much. 
・❥・ If he truly liked and had a crush on Jennifer, he would give it up and take the pain, rather than losing all he has left (his brothers.) 
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Jennifer Check (Post-Possession)
Shuu (Ririe):
・❥・ Shuu definitely didn’t see that coming. Like at all. 
・❥・ He’d have prior knowledge of the type of demon she was, considering how studious he used to be in his childhood. 
・❥・ His ‘Femme Fatale’ turning out to be more trouble than it's worth was not something he’d be very excited or keen on dealing with. He’d most likely leave it to the others (Reiji) to deal with, only stepping in if he absolutely has to. 
・❥・ He wouldn’t want to be a potential target, mostly because it’d be too much of a bother, but on the flipside, he’d be very unsettled. 
・❥・ The entire cannibalism thing definitely unsettles him, like he feels the hairs on the back of his neck and arms stand up at the thought, coupled by the goosebumps. 
・❥・ Reiji has definitely heard of the Succubi/Succubus demon type. Considering how thorough this man’s research is. 
・❥・ He’d be the most equipped to take out Jennifer if needed, especially if he finds himself in the position of becoming a potential target. 
・❥・ You know how Needy did her research in the library? He most definitely has all those books at his disposal in his personal library and the library found within the Sakamaki Mansion. 
・❥・ Reiji would be the most logical about this, taking measures to not have the fact that demons and vampires are found/revealed to be in the school. 
・❥・ After all, that would be a catastrophe that even he doesn’t want to deal with. And Karlheinz’s reaction? There’s no telling what wrath would unleash. So safe to say Reiji would be quick on time and take care of the situation before it became worse. 
・❥・Laito, along with his triplet brothers are part demon, so a succubi demon isn’t exactly shocking. 
・❥・It’d be rare to see one outside of Makai (The Demon World) and he’d probably bring it up mindlessly with his brothers.
・❥・Hell, you wouldn’t put it past him to have even previously dated a succubi. 
・❥・Laito would find cannibalism in a sense, strangely romantic. To be one with someone else and love them so much to the point of consumption so a part of them would always be with you. It’s almost like Ayato’s ideology of ‘the weaker get eaten by the stronger, and a part of them stays.’ 
・❥・Would he want to stay away? Parts of him would want to be the next victim. A small lingering feeling as he roams the halls that he clings to. As he does canonically see death as the ultimate reprieve for a vampire. So he’d think it wouldn’t be that bad. 
・❥・Kanato, along with his triplet brothers are part demon, so he’d know about the succubi kind. 
・❥・He definitely has more knowledge about these certain types of demons, and how to deal with them. Like this boy has books that he religiously studied in hopes of pleasing his mother. 
・❥・Kanato would be right in the sense that she gave off the ‘maneater’ vibe. Just like his mother.
・❥・Boy, does everything come in a full circle back to his mother. It’s like he can’t escape her, which makes him feel at the end with Jennifer and her existence. 
・❥・He’d steer clear, especially considering his size, he’s not one to underestimate his potential opponents, despite how it may seem. 
・❥・Ayato, along with his triplet brothers are part demon, so he would have sufficient knowledge. 
・❥・Perhaps he even played around with one and dated one years ago. After all, he and Laito do have similar types. 
・❥・Since all Cordelia ever made him do was study, he and Kanato would be the most educated out of all the brothers with how to deal with succubi and other forms they could take. 
・❥・But for his Jennifer to be a succubi and be responsible for all the recent killings? In a sense, the cannibalism part would shake him the wrong way. Despite knowing, it still has a layer of discomfort to it. Especially when comparing it to his own small ideology. 
・❥・He might keep a small distance, largely because he wouldn’t want to be the next victim of an attack. But don’t say that in front of him, he’d deny that he was even a little bit scared.
・❥・ Subaru would be thanking the moon and the stars for his gut feeling.
・❥・ He knew something was up and knew that it wasn’t a good idea to get involved with Jennifer, specifically any woman or human in that matter. 
・❥・ He’d be really freaked out. After all, eating people? That’s a whole other thing that seems like it’d come from nightmares. 
・❥・ He understands the blood for vampires. Sure. But letting bodies drop for the need of flesh and bone? Subaru wouldn’t be able to defend it. 
・❥・ Subaru wouldn’t understand it at all. He’d feel very sympathetic, however. 
・❥・ Especially with Jennifer’s kidnapping and assumption of being assaulted. He has experience with that from his mother, so it might be somewhat of a sore subject. 
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・❥・Ruki would be interested. In the sense of ‘how does a human get to this level of depravement?’ 
・❥・Like Reiji, it’d be a hassle, but he’d want to do more personal research on how it impacts Jennifer. As in, how does the restless hunger impact her mentality and consume her whole until she becomes a monster in need of satiation?
・❥・Ruki would assess Jennifer’s possession in terms of its potential threat to himself and others. He would analyze her abilities and any risks she poses, determining whether she's someone to be wary of or if she can be exploited for his own purposes.
・❥・Best believe that if he can exploit her, he would. After all, you don’t see something like this everyday. 
・❥・ If he had to interact with her, everything would be calculated, as in he’d have everything set up on his terms. Don’t ask how he’d accomplish it, he just will. 
・❥・Admittedly, Kou would be shocked at first. Definitely not what he was expecting. 
・❥・Or was it? Considering that maybe he would have a slight hunch, thanks to his all seeing eye and all. 
・❥・After the shock factor wore off, he’d be curious, though. He’d approach Jennifer and ask questions about how the possession worked and how much she needed to replenish her hunger. 
・❥・Considering how Yūma is a cannibal, he’d know some limited knowledge. Enough to get him by, but curiosity is one of Kou’s major traits that makes him end up in situations, either knowingly or unknowingly. 
・❥・Despite it, he’d still approach with caution, as even Kou has his limits for how far he’d go to play around with someone. 
・❥・ Considering that Yūma is canonically a cannibal, he’d understand the need to satiate an overwhelming hunger. 
・❥・ Like out of everyone, he’d understand the best. And he’d get the whole stigma around it. 
・❥・ But would he expect it? Hell no. Definitely not on his 2024 Bingo Card. 
・❥・ He’d be empathetic to her situation, but after finding out that Jennifer prays on men, especially taking interest in larger men like him, he’d make it a point to steer clear. 
・❥・ If the situation did arise where he was face to face with her, he’d be the one to kill her 100%. Considering how even he has the common knowledge that whatever this is, isn’t at all okay for the human realm. And without stating the obvious, that he can easily kill her, or anyone for that matter with his sheer strength. 
・❥・Because of Azusa’s obvious fragile mentality, he would assume that she and him were one and the same. Especially with having a lurking darkness within her. 
・❥・Azusa would be sympathetic towards her cannibalistic tendencies, and her situation. Given how this also impacts Yūma, his dear brother. 
・❥・Azusa might see Jennifer as someone who shares his experiences of pain and isolation, leading him to want a connection with her. Would this work? Not exactly. 
・❥・If it came to the point that Jennifer made him a target, he’d have mixed feelings. On one hand, he welcomes any pain and abuse into his life, so long as it’s him on the receiving end, and nobody else. On the other, fear would come into play as he wouldn’t know how dangerous she is. 
・❥・Azusa’s self-destructive tendencies would make him a prime target, especially with his little-to-no care for his well-being, his brothers would have to intervene. 
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Jennifer’s Relationship with Needy
Shuu (Ririe):
・❥・ Shuu’s perceptive enough to see the tell-tell signs that those two aren’t just friends.
・❥・ Considering his relationship experience, he’d be able to tell if someone had hidden feelings for another. 
・❥・ Perhaps because he’s been in the same predicament. 
・❥・ Shuu would find their friendship very one-sided. Perhaps taunt Needy about it if they had a slight interaction. 
・❥・ He knew there had to be more than what was beyond the surface.
・❥・ Although, Reiji would be very reluctant to admit that they had something more than ‘friends.’
・❥・ He’s very backwards in terms of thinking and beliefs.
・❥・ So for individuals in the modern world to have ‘undertones’ of liking the same gender… he would be at odds with that.
・❥・ Shuu’s definitely the more accepting one out of these two. However the standard might be. 
・❥・ Laito would be into it. (Obviously.)
・❥・ He’d tell straight away if Needy’s affections or Jennifer’s affections for one another surpassed that of ‘best friends.’
・❥・ Although he knows his mother had women as her partners before, he still isn’t as crazy about it.
・❥・ He’d remember his mother a lot in this time, often drawing back on her memory with her many escapades to make sense of it. 
・❥・ Kanato obviously knows and has knowledge about women potentially having feelings for eachother. 
・❥・ After all, his mother was someone who got around. Seeing as he was forced to watch said moments, he’d make the correlation. 
・❥・ He’d have a realization moment that Jennifer was almost exactly like the woman his mother was when she was alive. Thus, noting how it was a good call to leave her for the others.
・❥・ Kanato would essentially find their friendship to be fake and judge Needy’s desperation to Teddy. 
・❥・ Ayato wouldn’t want to believe that there was even a slight chance that those two had feelings for eachother.
・❥・ He’d get Needy to back off. Break off the friendship. It doesn’t matter. 
・❥・ Ayato definitely doesn’t understand it that well. He isn’t as conservative as Reiji, but he’s definitely confused. 
・❥・ Even he’d be able to tell that something about their relationship was a bit weird. However, he might chalk it up to ‘that’s just how girls are.’ 
・❥・ Subaru, considering how he’s some centuries younger than his brothers, would be more accepting towards it.
・❥・ He wouldn’t understand it as well, but would do his best to not criticize or spread hatred to someone just because they’re different.
・❥・ He’s been through hell and back with his older half-brothers, and understands what it’s like first hand to feel like your entire existence is a mistake. 
・❥・ Subaru would be pretty skeptical of their friendship, often calling it into question and asking if it’s really a genuine relationship.
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・❥・ Like Reiji, he’s definitely the opposite of forward thinking. 
・❥・ He’d judge them, hardcore. 
・❥・ He’s smart enough to know the signs, but for Jennifer and Needy to not be embarrassed? It’s confusing. He’d definitely need to be explained thoroughly. 
・❥・ He’d laugh at their pathetic excuse of a friendship, perhaps even think back to the parallels between Azusa and those children at the orphanage. 
・❥・ Kou with his truth seeing eye would’ve seen this coming from a mile away.
・❥・ He’d be okay with it, however knowing that it could threaten his likeability isn’t something he’d be that crazy about. 
・❥・ Kou would be skeptical of their friendship dynamics, and probably if he stuck around that long, he’d use his eye to confirm or deny any questions he might’ve had. After all, he’s quite nosy. 
・❥・ But I doubt he’d care about it? After all it’s not his business nor his friendship, so he wouldn’t necessarily get involved. Only to tease but that’s all. 
・❥・ However, he’d find it admirable how much they both care for each other, in their own twisted way, that is. It’s an honourable trait, and even when Jennifer is undergoing possession, she still resists hurting her best friend. 
・❥・ Yūma was raised in a very religious conservative village. By the time he was just getting his memories back he was relearning what the ‘modern world’ revolves around.
・❥・ Yūma is naturally a down to earth person, however with his repressed trauma alongside religious upbringing he’ll be a bit skeptical.
・❥・ He wouldn’t tell Jennifer or Needy anything to their faces, however the lingering after thought would constantly be there. 
・❥・ At first he’d assume that their friendship is decent, considering how in the village many were just attached by the hip. However upon closer inspection he would realize that it’s more control if anything. 
・❥・ It’d remind him of his upbringing, which would send him into a deep thought process about his own roots. 
・❥・ Azusa would want Jennifer or any person he liked to be happy. Regardless of whoever that happiness is with or is found with. 
・❥・ He’d be sad, especially knowing he doesn’t think very highly of himself in the start. 
・❥・ Would Azusa understand? Not as well. But if he were to do research then his comprehension would be a lot better than it started. 
・❥・ In terms of their friendship… he’d remember the way the children treated him at the orphanage before joining Ruki and the others. 
・❥・ It’d make him wonder if not everyone likes that sort of treatment, or if it was wrong to begin with. This would confuse him and have him questioning a lot.
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I hope you stars enjoy this tidbit, and thank you again to the user who provided this ask!! <33
Side Note:
For Jennifer’s relationship with Needy, I based it on the comics and Needy’s confirmed underlying attraction for Jennifer which Jennifer at times plays into/reciprocates back.
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