#and that plus The World really made me give up on painting
cryptidafter · 2 months
I did a sketch! On a panel! For a painting!!!
I am doing it!!!
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kooktrash · 1 year
his special secret | kim taehyung
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summary: you’re an art student who has recently broken up with your cheating ex boyfriend. he’s your art professor recovering from a divorce just a year ago. what happens when your relationship goes beyond that of a professor and his college student?
➢ genre/au: college art professor!tae x art student!y/n [she/her… afab] [age gap 9 years]
➢ 12.5k words
warnings: smüt. secret relationship. tae is 30, y/n is 21. car sëx. oral [f&m]. make out. groping. tae is divorced. both got cheated on in past. jealous tae. dirty talk. makeout in art closet. y/n is confident but going thru it. professor x student. no protection. y/n is on top.
You know when you're really mad to the point that you wanna cry? Not because you're sad but because you're so mad and you can't even act on that anger, especially not right now, you couldn't even show that you're upset because you're in class. Obviously it started off with your stupid ass ex-boyfriend's tenth apology text where it was mostly just him trying to gaslight you. Then it was because of missing the bus to campus which made you have to get a taxi and spend way more money than necessary, but get this, you spent like 20$ so you wouldn't miss your first class and yet it was canceled. Canceled! After spending that money to make it for that specific lecture you walk over to the room only to find a big fat 'canceled' sign on the door. Plus,  you had enough time to catch the next bus if the professor only posted or emailed everyone saying it was cancelled, hell you could’ve even slept longer.
Your phone is still being blown up and you just can’t focus on your painting today. You can’t mix the right shade and it is beginning to drive you crazy. Your palette is getting too full and your water is so dirty that it isn’t even cleaning the brush anymore. You had already been trying to keep your cool this entire time but now you can’t take it anymore. You were so upset with the trillion texts you were being sent and with your painting not going the way you wanted it too, oh and missing the bus and class being canceled, you were very clearly overstimulated and overwhelmed. You felt like there is nothing you can do but just give up for the day.
You stood abruptly taking your brushes and palette to the sink in the back of the room. You dried and packed them all up not caring to say anything to anyone else as you picked up your bags and canvas. You put your things away and left, not turning back to professor who looked up from helping another person to watch you leave so suddenly. You finally got your phone out and dialed one of your friend's number hearing it ring twice before they picked.
"What do you want? I'm trying to take a nude here?"
"Can you pick me up? I'm done with classes," you asked him. You weren't even that far from the classroom but you were done. You had been working on the same part for over twenty minutes and it was not getting any better so you just had to go.
"You're lucky I was gonna go get Bora too, I'll be there in fifteen," Jungkook said finishing up his last shirtless picture before going for you two.
"Will that be all for today?" A voice spoke up behind you as your call came to an end. You jumped looking back and following the voice's direction and froze at the sight of your professor.
"Yeah, I'm sorry I just—I can't focus today," you sighed rambling out a shitty excuse. He huffed crossing his arms over his chest. You swear your professor came from a world where only the most attractive people are born. It wasn't even you being dramatic, it's just the facts. He had dark hair always styled neatly, his face was angular yet soft and his dark brows made his expressions more attractive. His voice was always so low that it was quite literally mouth watering and he loved wearing long sleeve button ups where he could just roll his sleeves up if he got too hot. You looked at his face, snapping yourself out of your thoughts at his expression.
He looked annoyed, but he kept himself neutral as he spoke, "The exhibition is next month. You only have a few weeks to finish the piece before the submission deadline. Don't you think you should try to focus on your painting?"
"I did try Professor Kim, I've just been—there's just a lot going on and—" you stopped suddenly staring at his left hand, a silver band no longer there. You stuttered a little to start again, "I apologize."
"Mhm," he muttered looking away from you to the others inside the art studio focused on their work, "Just go on, make sure the next time you step into the studio you're more focused."
Dick. "Of course sir," you said turning your back to leave finally. You got to the campus entrance just in time meeting Bora along the way and the two of you got into Jungkook's car. He was shirtless as he drove.
"What's up with you?" You asked buckling yourself in as you got in the passenger's seat. He was on his phone looking up at you through sunglasses that made you laugh, "You look like such a douche."
"Shut up I told you I was taking nudes," he said as he drove away, "Plus I'm hungover and the sun's way too bright but I wanna know what took you two so damn long."
"Oh my god I left my laptop in the journalism room so I had to go all the way to get it and you know I hate walking too much," Bora said from the back seat. You sighed, "Mr. Kim caught me outside and he kind of lectured me but it's whatever. You won't believe what I noticed today—"
"What?" The two said in harmony ready for any sort of gossip. You looked genuinely surprised, "He doesn't have a wedding ring anymore." They leaned back in disappointment.
"Yeah we know," Bora said sarcastically, "Everyone's been talking about it since last semester. The word is he must've gotten divorced over the summer."
"Wait so it's almost been a year? How did I not know? He's so young," you said with furrowed brows trying to understand what you were being told. Jungkook sighed dramatically, "Because you had a boyfriend and you're not into older men."
"He's like 30, that's not old, first of all," Bora cut in, "And Y/n has daddy or mommy issues, so she's probably into older men."
"How did this get turned on me?" You asked looking between the two before settling your eyes on Bora, "He really got divorced? I thought he'd been with her since he was 20."
“Yeah, apparently word on campus is that he caught her with her coworker," Bora told you, "Minho from the Tech department heard it in the staff room. Apparently he was asked to help with some computer problem and two teachers were talking about it. He told his girlfriend and she's told basically everyone."
"Why do so many care?" Jungkook asked pulling up to your apartment. Bora gasped, "Why? Because he is literally the world's most attractive man? He's like a God. I promise you everyone has a crush on him and that's why so many of the beginner art class was filled. Everyone wanted to have him as a teacher even if they weren't art majors."
"Is that why you signed up for an art theory class this semester?" You asked turning to her. She nodded with a pout, "Yeah but it was already filled. You're so lucky he's head of the department and you're in your third year. You get to work with him more since his focus is on proficient students.”
"He's super strict though," you told her with a defeated sigh, "But I guess he's honest. You have to be ready to face critique and he's helpful. He just makes you feel like shit when you're not focused."
"I bet he's an ass because he's probably not getting laid," Jungkook laughed, "Divorce does that to people. Turns them bitter."
"Are you kidding? Look at him, women must be all over him, hell half of us on campus would gladly have him," Bora swooned. You looked down at your phone, yet another text message from your shitty ex-boyfriend.
"Y/n you should sleep with him," Bora joked, "Since you're both newly single and you'll be a good shoulder for him to cry on."
"Thanks but I like guys my own age and I’m pretty sure being his student already complicates things enough," you said absentmindedly before reading over the newest text. It's been at least two weeks and he still hasn't quit trying to gaslight you. It was ridiculous and so damn tiring. Your professor was right, you had to focus on art and this was only a distraction. You'll have to stay over time tomorrow because he hasn't left you alone today.
namjoon: I srsly don't get y you're still ignoring me
namjoon: you kno I'd never do something to hurt u
        One of the best parts about being an art student who has finished their prerequisites is that now you can really just focus on your work. So you'd basically go to one or two art classes and then you would go and work on your art. Bora was right when she said he was your mentor and it was in fact pretty exclusive.
You sold a painting last year in the Spring Art Exhibit for the university and Professor Kim became a lot more helpful. Despite his young age he had great connections in the art world from financers to auctioneers and museums. He helped proficient students participate in more exhibits and some art auctions where they could be noticed for their work and now you're one of them. Obviously he could be strict but it's because he saw potential in you and you definitely did not want to disappoint him. That's why you've spent majority of your day here well into the evening. You did have to work later but it would be open for at least another hour and that's enough time to adjust some color blocking. The sunset was long gone and you’ve barely been twenty minutes into your groove when someone else entered the studio.
You lowered the music coming from your speaker immediately at the sight of your teacher. He looked at you for a moment before continuing his walk to his desk. You tried going back to your work but now all you could think about is how dumb you were for not noticing he was divorced even if it didn’t matter to you at all. He was fishing some black portfolio out of a drawer as he spoke, "A custodian should be by soon to mop the floors and lock the room. You'll probably want to leave soon."
"Yes, I’ll start cleaning up now," you sighed as you looked at the very little work you got done. You could obviously try and work on it at home but that was too distracting. Your apartment was small and filled with distractions and there wasn't enough room for your things. It was a three canvas piece and with the easel and all your paints, brushes, palettes, and sketches spread out on the floor there's no room. At least here you had places to lock it up in. It got awkward again as you cleaned up your space and he did something at his desk. So, awkwardly, you tried to fill the silence, "Any plans this weekend, sir?"
"Nothing too interesting," he said seriously as he shuffled through some documents to find something, "Probably nothing like what all of you get up to on the weekend."
You assumed he was talking about college students. You went to one of those Universities that was extremely popular for producing majority of the well-paid lawyers, athletes, engineers, actors, musicians and artists. The student succession rate was high and yet every weekend every college student was out there getting completely shitfaced because of stress. You shrugged, "Well mine’s not interesting either, I have to work all weekend."
You doubt he cares at all but you said it anyway. Mr. Kim left shortly after with a quick goodbye and you rushed to catch the bus.
        Taehyung's weekend didn't completely start till Saturday night. His Friday night was filled with directing a new upcoming event happening. The exhibit is in a month and Taehyung's been stuck calling buyers and businesses for confirmation in their attendances. It was really a large charity event where large corporations get publicity and popularity from but a lot of the students who have managed to put their name out there are pretty well known in the art world. Many have gone on to create their exhibitions and events for their art and have had large commissions. The school did a really good job at providing their students with advantages in their careers and Taehyung was pretty proud to be helping his art major students. Of course it was stressing but it was an honor at his age. Obviously it helped that his parents were well known art curators and have worked with foreign and home artists for years. The only thing that was hard is how much work it really was and with the shitty year he's had he needs a break.
"It's been a year Taehyung, nobody's telling you to find another wife," his best friend Jimin said as him and his two friends sat at the counter of some lounge bar. "We're just saying you should at least have post-divorce sex with some random chick and let off some steam. It's a Saturday night, I say we hit up some night club after this."
"No thanks, I'm not in the mood to be shoved around by drunk college kids," Yoongi cut in as he read over the drink menu as the bartender showed up. He gave his drink order first putting the attention on Taehying and Jimin making him look up. His mouth opened slightly in surprise at the sight before him.
You managed to hide your surprise at actually seeing your teacher outside of campus but you were working and he was with friends. He was the one to stumble over his words when he gave you his drink order. Jimin smirked evilly when you turned to make the drinks at the way Taehyung was acting. You wore a black skirt and fitted black top with your hair and make up done.
"Well well well," Jimin whispered to the other two, "I guess I don't need to force you on blind dates. You can chat up the bartender."
"It was pretty awkward hearing you try and talk to her," Yoongi added in making Taehyung shake his head in disagreement. Still, he continued, "No, I—she’s my—she’s too young.”
"Taehyung, look at your gorgeous face, I doubt it matters, plus you’re a college professor! You’ve got a PhD, you’re well off, you’re artistic! It's no wonder everyone throws themselves at you, so go at it," Jimin said making Taehyung laugh, "Do you have a crush on me Chimmy?"
"Of course, I'm one of those college girls of yours who join your lectures just to for you to notice them," Jimin joked shaking his head, "And yet Jihyun is the one who cheated and not you."
"Way to bring that up," Yoongi hit him letting them conversation drop as you came back with the drinks taking their money, Taehyung looked after you. Did you work every weekend? He didn't expect you to be the type to work here. He doesn't usually pay attention to his students aside from during his teachings but you were obviously a different story along with all of his advanced students. He was your mentor and you spent a lot of time in the art studio. You mostly kept to yourself and did your work. He usually saw you stressed out but the other day was the first time in two years that you just walked out of his class. It was hard juggling the art piece from the Spring Art Exhibit and the final for their realism class but that's life and you leaving was so out of character to him.
It was still weird to see you give up that day. He obviously didn't know how you acted outside of the art department but he really was surprised especially considering the way you were dressed. He also didn't know you were the type to be friends with muscular men covered in tattoos and piercings.
"Holy shit that really is your professor," Jungkook whispered to you as he wiped the inside of some shot glasses. You and him stood at the other end of the bar gossiping. Jungkook smirked, "This is a sign, you should sleep with him."
"Do you ever think about something other than sex?" "Not really."
“Alright well focus on your own sex life and not mine. I just dumped Namjoon like three weeks ago," you complained, "Plus I'm pretty sure there's a rule against student and staff relations."
"Alright but you're 21 and he's like 30 so legally..." Jungkook trailed off giving you enough time to cut in. You sighed, "Just stop."
After some time you did circle back to the group of men and took more drink orders. While you were there one of them excused themselves to the restroom and the other got a call. In the end, Taehyung was the only one left. You found yourself stalling as you wiped your side of the lowered counter in front of him.
"I'm off," Jungkook came by patting your shoulder, "Want me to wait for you?" You shook your head at him, "No, I have to close remember?"
"Alright well call me if you change your mind," then he reached out and flicked your forehead, "See ya, Ugly."
You rolled your eyes swatting his hand away as your cheeks reddened in embarrassment. He's such an asshole. Taehyung didn't say anything for a second and then said, "So this is where you go after the studio?"
"On the weekends yeah," you said biting your lip nervously, "Also sorry if I seemed disrespectful but you're out with your friends and I didn't want to interrupt."
"Don't worry about it, I'm not offended I was just surprised. You're the first student I've seen outside of school-related events," he confessed with a small smile. From what he saw of you with that guy you definitely seemed outgoing. You seemed playful and maybe a little sarcastic but when he sees you in the studio you’re serious. When you talk to him it seems like you're always on edge and he still wanted to know what made you walk out the other day. Sensing another wave of awkwardness coming between you two you took a glass in your hand, "How about a drink? On the house."
"That's alright, I can pay—" "Sir, it's just one drink it'll be fine," you waved him off already mixing it before handing it to him, "You seem stressed."
Your fingertips touched his on accident as he took the drink. Your eyes locked once more before you were backing away to help some people on the other end. Taehyung has never looked at any of his students sexually but obviously he'd never been blind to the attractive ones. He'd been married for five years and he was loyal unlike his ex wife. Plus, he knew the position he was in and what it'd do to his career if he ever got involved with a student so the thought never came to mind. Right now though, he's having a hard time seeing you as a student and not just someone from the bar. Thankfully, his friends returned to him just as you caught him staring again.
Bora would be losing her shit over your small interaction with your professor. He was so unbelievably attractive and to see him in a setting like this made you want to do very bad things with him. Maybe their jokes about using your Professor for rebound sex was getting to your head. Obviously your friends never meant anything serious by that but wow did that seem do-able right now, especially considering the fact that he keeps staring at you.
"Come on Taehyung, let's go clubbing, I haven't gone in a while," Jimin begged him turning to Yoongi, "You too, let's go."
"Nah man, I'm not cut out for that anymore. I’m older than the two of you," Yoongi reminded making Jimin roll his eyes. He pulled on Taehyung's arm, "Let's go get you laid."
"Shut up, I'm not going, why don't you go? You don't need us," Taehyung told him. Jimin huffed gathering his things, "Fine. I will."
They waved him off watching him leave until it was just the other two. Yoongi sighed, "I should probably head home before Jieun comes to get me herself. It was nice drinking with you though, call me if you need anything."
Taehyung knows that he should just head out too. His two friends just left and he's got no reason to still be at the bar but he waited for you to come back and clean up their glasses.
"Your friends left already?" You asked him wiping at the counter.
"Uh yeah, I think I need to sober up before I head out though," he cleared his throat nervously, "Can I get a water?"
"Of course," you left for a second to fill it before coming back. You set the glass down in front of him stalling a little before asking, "I don't know if this is inappropriate or anything but are you alright sir? I, uh, I actually just realized you're not wearing your ring anymore."
His breath hitched for a second. He'll be a year since his divorce in two months and you've just now noticed? Well he doesn't expect his students to notice a small detail but still felt weird to hear it. He nodded in acknowledgment to your question, "It's alright, but yes, I'm not wearing my ring anymore. I had a divorce last summer."
"Wow," you said absentmindedly, "Well I hope you're doing well. I know this isn't all that similar but I actually just recently ended a relationship too."
"Oh?" Taehyung questioned with peaked interest. The nagging part in his brain was telling him to go before he got too curious about his student's personal life, "Is everything alright with you then?"
"Yeah it's fine," you shrugged leaving for a second to help someone else. Taehyung still waited even if he knew it was his chance to return to his empty home. When you came back he rushed to question you, "So, what made the two of you end it? Was he someone you were with since high school?"
"God no, we'd only been dating a few months but he still cheated," you blurted out, the topic still annoying you, "I mean, you know, some people just aren't worth it."
"He cheated on you?" Taehyung asked looking you up and down without much thought. He might be crossing the line with the next thing he says. You nodded no longer caring about keeping this to yourself, "With one of my closest friends actually. Safe to say I don't talk to either of them anymore."
"You're beautiful."
You froze. His words were mumbled behind his hand as he looked away from you, "I mean... you seem like a great person and I don't see why anyone would ever choose someone else over you." You didn't say anything for a moment before nodding your head, "Well I could say the same for you Mr. Kim."
Ah, so even if you just found out he was divorced clearly you’ve heard the rumors. It was embarrassing that his students and others knew what happened. The conversation changed after that. He asked about your progress and you went into detail about your work. He nodded listening, "Well maybe I could offer some guidance after class."
"I'd really appreciate that, and once again I'm sorry for walking out of class the other day," you bit your lip nervously and it had Taehyung doing the same. Stop, Y/n's your student and is at least nine years younger than you, he told himself.
His breath hitched as he tried to push his thoughts away before something bad happened. The two of you talked for another hour or two, before you knew it the bar was supposed to close soon as it was past midnight. Taehyung noticed the a sense of all other customers with a sense of dread, he'd have to leave now. He actually enjoyed talking to you, he's never connected with his students but you were easy to talk to. Obviously that was already inappropriate and he should just forget all of this but it was hard. He liked having someone to listen even if it weren't his close friends. He sighed as he stood, "So, you're closing soon?"
He was setting some cash down on the counter, a good tip that you tried to refuse. You nodded, "Yeah, I've gotta do some cleaning up unfortunately."
"How do you get home? You ride the bus?" He asked playing with his keys. You pushed some hair behind your ears, "No actually I'll probably have to call a cab since it's so late."
"Nonsense, if you're up for it I can give you a lift," Taehyung offered up before he could even process what he was saying, "I mean, I don't know how comfortable I'd feel letting you get in a stranger's car this late at night when I can wait for you. Unless you think that's inappropriate." It was.
You nodded, "I mean, if you don't mind waiting..." "I don't," Taehyung rushed to say, "I'll bring my car around to the front and wait for you alright? It gives me a chance to sober up some more anyway. You've got my number right?"
You did since he was your mentor. A lot of you students who were in advanced classes had his number since you all had a group chat. Taehyung would be lying if he said he hasn't had female students in the past be a little too suggestive in his messages but he always shut it down right away. The only reason he wanted to take you home tonight is because he actually enjoyed talking with you. He hadn't spoken with a woman this much in a long time unless it was school or work related. He's shot down every one of Jimin's offers to set him up with someone and when they'd go out drinking Taehyung was never interested in hooking up with strangers.
When you got in his car he passed you his jacket to drape over your legs and you thanked him, "Thank you so much, cabs are so expensive."
"Yeah, I bet they are, just tell me when to turn, alright?" Taehyung said as he pulled onto the street heading down the direction you pointed to. Your phone sat on your lap ringing and you didn't hang up or answered. If you hung up he'd just keep calling and calling.
He looked down at your phone before shifting his eyes back on the road, hand adjusting his grip on the steering wheel, "Do you need to answer that?"
"Huh? No it's just my ex," you told him honestly staring out the window, "He's still bothering me all the time."
"Mm," he hummed in acknowledgement as you pointed at what street to turn down, "He's still trying even after sleeping with your former friend?"
"Yeah, he thinks apologizing over and over again is gonna change my mind," you said with a shrug, "But that's done with thankfully. Don't you feel that way? Happy it's over?"
He waited a moment trying to think it over. Is this conversation with you wrong? Well in reality, getting you in his car this late at night is wrong. Thinking about how your perfume filled his car with a soft floral scent. Plus you were pretty, he'd thought that the other day too when he caught you in the studio so late. Your hair had been pinned back and your smock was covered in paint along with your hands. He had found himself stalling his mission that night before rushing home once he realized it.
"Um, I am happy it's over but it was also a ten year relationship that she threw away for one night," Taehyung said to you, "I'm happy it's over but it still upsets me. Sorry, maybe we shouldn't be talking about this?"
"Of course I'm so sorry Mr. Kim," you said turning away from him, "Um it's just up the street. The building with a gate."
He nodded driving forward. He was about to know where one of his student's lives. But why didn't he want to drop you off now? When he pulled up to the side of the building still a little hidden under the night sky he turned to you. Should he walk you up to make sure you get u wide safely or would that be taking it too far?
Maybe you were crazy or maybe your friends really got to your head because you did not want to leave. Obviously before you thought he was just your hot, married professor but now? After spending over an hour just talking to him and then him dropping you off home was messing with your head. Plus, you went through very similar experiences and he had to be at least a little into you to go out of his way to wait for you to take you home. Obviously it was wrong since he was your professor but in reality the age part didn't matter. Sure, you've always said you like guys your age but just look at Kim Taehyung.
So yeah, you were taking your sweet time unbuckling yourself and giving him his jacket back. He didn't say anything watching you sit up trying to get your things and for some reason he really did not want you to go. What he hadn't expected was the look in your eyes when you caught him staring again. This was wrong. He had to stop looking at you like that. He was nine years older than you and your college professor.
But then, you surprised him when you reached over the middle console. He didn't even have to think about what was going on when his hand was on your jaw pulling you closer until your lips met. He released a soft groan into your mouth letting his tongue lick along your lower lip until you gave him room to explore your mouth.
You were so eager, a hand on his thigh to keep yourself up as he tongue kissed you.  He should not be doing this, he knows he shouldn't but it's been so long since he's had anyone's hands on him but his own. He did not sleep around and he was acting out of character with you but in this moment he just needed to have you. The nagging feeling was still in the back of his head though.
You trailed wet kisses down his jaw, kissing along his neck arching your back into him. He couldn't stop the slide of his hand over the back of your skirt, groping a little at your butt as he reached over to touch you too. Even then he just had to speak, "This is wro—ng, you're my student."
You're not completely sure what came over you in the car but at the moment you did not care. Your hand slid closer to his inner thighs making his muscles tense. You were getting a little too close to his groin now as you kissed him shutting him up. He kissed back hungrily despite his words and then your hand was running over his middle. You sighed into his lips, "Nobody has to know, just tonight."
Taehyung didn't put up much of a fight after that. He let you unzip his jeans and button. His hand was at your throat pulling you into him while his other hand trailed down your back. Your short skirt was a little too tempting to reach out and touch. He licked his lips when you kissed down the middle of his collarbone where the top buttons of his shirt were undone. With the first grade of your hand palming at his growing erection he groped at your butt in the skirt. He nodded with a lick of his lips, "Just tonight."
He couldn't stop the deep moan that he released when your hand dipped into his briefs. He was sporting a semi but with the first touch of your hand on his hardening cock. You still hadn't even looked down to notice he was thick and long. He felt heavy in your hand as you palmed over him, too dry to feel good so you brought your hand up. You held it to his chin and with his eyes locked on yours he spit into it watching you do the same before bringing it back down to his member. He jumped at the first feel of the slick grip you had on him now creating a wet slide around him. He was panting, it'd been way too long since the last time someone else touched him.
Also, it helped that it was past midnight and how far was well tinted so you couldn't see anything from the outside. The car wasn't even on anymore. His hips met your hand's efforts to jerk him off, moaning into your mouth as he grabbed a handful of ass. After some time you pulled away from him making sure to pull on his lips as you backed off watching him try and chase after you. He watched through lust filled eyes as you shunned further toward your door backing your butt up so you could lean over the middle console until you were face to face with his slick cock. He bit his lip in anticipation, no longer thinking about how wrong this was the second your tongue licked up a fat stripe up the length of his member.
"Is this alright, sir?" You asked holding his cock in a loose fist while you left soft kisses on his mushroom tip. Your tongue poked at the vein on his underside, rounded innocent eyes staring at him that he knew were anything but innocent. He'd never been with anyone this young, he'd never even thought about this before he'd been married for five years and dating for another four or five. She'd been the last women he was ever with and his relationships prior to her hadn't meant anything. Yet, here he was enjoying the warm tight feel of your mouth on him that had him forgetting everything wrong with this.
He licked his lips, "Y-Yes, but call me Taehyung." He liked hearing you call him sir too damn much but considering all his students call him that he couldn't think about it right now.
"Alright Taehyung," you leaned up to peck his lips in a quick kiss that had him craving more. Then you flashed him a mischievous smile before coming back down to his member, "I'm gonna suck your dick now."
Taehyung shudders out another velvety groan as your lips finally wrapped around his whole tip. Hips rise off the leather seat to meet your mouth hoping to get himself deeper.  Wet warmth around his length and he's gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles whiten. You're far from gentle. The flick of your tongue over a thick vein before lapping at the slit on his head with every bob. The gentle suck of the tip. You've never found so much pleasure from sucking a man's cock before, but then came your hot Professor. Nine years older than you, too young to be divorced, and the man he taught you about art all week. None of that matters though when it comes to the deep growls and husky moans he releases as a hand plays with the end of your panties. A thing paid of things he had to pull out your underwear, fingers running over your covered slit.
Taehyung had decided the moment you reached into his jeans that he wanted to fuck his student. He wanted to let out all his pent up sexual frustration on his pretty little student who was just so eager to take his cock in their mouth. Who would've known he would've broken his head long dry spell for some college pussy. He brought his hand back from your underwear sticking his fingers into his mouth to lather them in spit.
He groaned when he hit the back of your throat relishing in the tightness of your mouth as he slid his hand to your head again, pulling the poor excuse for underwear to let his finger run down your slit toward your clit. You were so fucking wet, stupid wet actually and it only turned him on more.
His finger brushed roughly against your skin, a moan escaping your throat that sent vibrations around his dick. Taehyung toyed with your clit feeling more slick being produced by his touch. It was so fucking hot. The sec with his wife had gotten boring and repetitive over the years but this felt new and exciting. You were attractive to him from your looks to your art work and it was all hitting him at once.
"That's it sweetheart, take it all in your mouth," Taehyung panted stopping his motions, but pressing down against your clit. Your head began to bob harshly now, sucking him into your mouth while your hand stroked whatever didn't felt. He was feeling close but with how tight you felt, he needed to stretch you.
Taehyung hummed, rubbing circles around your cunt, his thumb gently massaging your clit. "Am I making you this wet baby? Should I punish you for it?"
You moaned and whined as Taehyung's fingers slammed into you, while rubbing your clit. You caught him by surprise when you bounced your hips forcing his finger in and out of your cunt at a speed you wanted and it made him groan deep in his chest.
He didn't stop fucking your throat as you fucked yourself on his finger giving him time to push another in too. He wished he could see this from an outside point of you. This thirty year old man getting his dick milked dry by a hot twenty one year old art student of his while he stuck his fingers into their tight pussy. He was so close, honestly surprised he'd been holding off this long. When his fingers began to feel your walls relax around him he knew you were ready for him now.
"Think you can ride my cock sweetheart?" He asked brushing your hair out of your face as you slobbered all over his member. You didn't need to be asked twice as you popped off him feelings his fingers toy with your folds but no longer fingering you. He pushed his seat back to give you more room before reclining his seat back. He guided you over his lap watching as you didn't waste a second in lining himself up with your wet pussy.
"I'm on the pill sir," you said calling him that name again that had his cock twitching. He nodded pulling you in for another kiss as his hands found your waist sinking you down his length. You moaned into each other's mouths. You slowly raised your hips and sunk back down on him, and he tightened his grip on your throat just slightly pulling you away from the kiss. Your face pressed against each others in breathy moans of want as he began to bounce you on his cock while bucking his hips.
It had been awhile for the both of you, though he knows you probably hadn't waited as long as him. He'd been dry since his divorce while you just broke up with tour boyfriend weeks ago. He had a feeling you were always eager like this for sex, and you clearly knew what you were doing with your mouth too and it was just so hot. He was kneading your ass as your head rested on the crook of his neck. He was so close but he was trying to hold off for you. He resort to talking, "This is wrong, y'know?"
Even then he said it with a buck of his hips loving the way your plump wet walls felt around him, "Only bad girls jump on their teacher's cocks."
"Mm," you whined teasingly as you sucked love bites into his collarbone, "You gonna punish me sir?"
"Oh fuck," he moaned when your walls clenched around him intentionally, "Call me Taehyung, love."
"Taehyung," you moaned into his mouth moving onto a quick grind of your heads into each other, "I'm gonna cu—"
"Do it, do it now, fuck Y/n," he held you tighter getting a little rougher now as he reached up for the handlebar on the roof of the car and used it for leverage as he forced his hips off the seat to push more into you. With the new force you weren't lasting long, your release hit you like a tsunami making you shake around him as he held your chest against his. He didn't stop thrusting though, trying to get himself as close to orgasm before he had to pull out of your tight walls as they twitched around him.
You let him raise you off his cock as you sat back down in your seat adjusting your underwear that had been pulled to the side this entire time. You reached across him with a hand jerking him off using your own release as lube and he was fucking into your hand forcing your mouth back on his. With a low grunt and a shake of his hands, he was cumming. Thick drops of creamy cum fell around your hand like a flood. You didn't think much about it as you pulled away from his lips to cover his cock in your mouth licking him clean as best as you could.
After some time you moved off him awkwardly pulling your hair out of your face as you cleared your throat. He tucked himself back in nervously as he adjusted his seat back up looking at his disheveled reflection. He couldn't even look at you, not because he didn't want to stare at your beauty but because it really was wrong. He was your college professor for fuck's same. It didn't matter his strong attraction toward you. What mattered is that he was in a place of authority and could easily lose his job and probably ruin your reputation. He couldn't do that to you but he really wanted you.
"I should probably head inside now," you said shyly as you grabbed your bag opening the door. Taehyung didn't say anything nodding his head watching you leave. He hated the fact that he looked at the length of your legs as you left. It wasn't right.
By Monday morning Taehyung wasn't sure what to think anymore. After the crazy night with you on Saturday it was all he could think about on Sunday. He met up with his friends for brunch and he couldn't help but rant. It didn't do him any favors that they knew something was wrong with him since the beginning. He ended up being honest and telling them that the bartender was his student and that they hooked up in his car.
At first they had been extremely confused by it all but Taehyung already felt guilty on his own as it was, he didn't need them making him feel worse. He expected them to slap him or tell him that he should never do it again. But they didn't say that. Instead they filled his head with possibilities that should never even be thought off.
"In reality you two are adults and didn't you say she's a third year? She'll graduate in a year so really there's nothing wrong with it," Jimin tried reasoning, "She wanted to do it right? Look, I'm just happy you got your dick wet. We both know it's been way too long, plus nobody is saying you have to keep seeing your student. It was just a one night hiccup."
He had to tell himself over and over again that it was just one night. He was thankful that when you walked into class you were in the middle of a discussion when another girl from the class. The two of you were talking so much you merely walked past his desk without a stolen glance. Good, it seemed like you had no intention on more. Great. Amazing. It was the right thing.
Today a male model would be brought in for you all to paint. He had a sheet draped over his intimates and once the assignment was started you put all your focus on it. You were supposed to use him to sketch a person and then use your own art style to tell a story. You tried not looking to your professor in case he felt awkward about Saturday. You kind of did.
Mostly because you could still feel his lips on yours and it made you nervous. You spent all of Sunday in your room trying not to freak out but you just felt so stupid. It felt unbelievably good for him but you knew it wasn't right.
"I swear to god these stupid fingers are pissing me off," your friend Yuna whined as she had to erase more charcoal. Neither one of you noticed the professor making his rounds to check on all the sketches down so far.
"Think about which perspective you're using and the proportion of his hands where he has them placed," Mr. Kim told her pointing to areas that seemed off. You could feel your heart race when he made his move to you next. He was hesitant at first to speak to you, just standing behind your stool watching your sketch and he only stepped closer when he had advice.
"Pay a little more attention to the line of his body, focus on proportions too and use more shadowing,” he said pointing at spots in your painting. It felt like he was too close but neither one of you were actually bothered by it. In the mix of slight regret there was also this strong wanting for a recreation of that night. Neither one of you would actually go for it though. Right? Not again?
He looked down to make sure you were listening, your eyes lcking for a moment before you both looked away nervously at the realization of your proximity. He didn't notice the way his tongue ran over his lips before biting down on his bottom one in remembrance. You're wearing the perfume from the other night.
Clearing his throat, Taehyung looked away from you standing straight again, "But other than that it looks like you have more done than others, thank you for focusing better today."
"Of course sir," you said absentmindedly looking back to your sketch too. It took him a second to move away. He'd never felt so damn embarrassed at the fact that he had to focus so hard on not getting turned on and breaking a sweat. This is exactly why he asked you to call him Taehyung only but of course you would slip up since you were used to referring to him with the honorific. But right now he could only think about what you'd said to him that faithful night.
"You gonna punish me sir?"
Looking down at you nobody would ever guess you'd say something like that but he knew you did. He heard you say it and he really liked it—
"Sir do you mind taking a look at mine?" A student asked snapping him out of his thoughts. He had to look around to find where he was still a couple feet behind. He didn't bother responding as he started working that way not noticing the way your eyes followed after him making you smudge a mark across your paper. With a small annoyed huff you worked on cleaning it up again.
After class you were one of the last to leave the room. You've been thinking about him nonstop but because of the positions you're in, you shouldn't. But in reality, you were two adults who happened to have sex. There was a sense of sexual attraction and honestly, hooking up with someone other than your ex definitely did something to you. Considering the fact that he definitely seemed affected by your presence in class, you found yourself staying another late evening at the studio making sure Taehyung saw you the next time he passed by the room.
He did see you again a couple hours later. He was locking up his classroom ready to leave at the end of the day finding you through the door's window. His steps faltered, head turning as he looked at his surroundings. Then, he was pushing the door open letting himself into the studio. The other side of the room was all glass windows since it face the courtyard but it was dark out there. In the room all the lights were off too minus a lamp by your table and a light above the sink.
You turned instantly with the sound of the door finding him standing by it. He ran his fingers through his hair that had been casually combed back. His other hand was stuffed in the pocket of his corduroy slacks with his tote bag hanging off his shoulder. He licked his lips nervously, "I just came to let you know that the custodian will be around."
"Thank you for the reminder sir," you said with your back to him to hide a playful smile, "Or is it Taehyung? I forgot."
His breath hitched as he stared at you from across the room. You turned to look at him, the lamp above your head creating a shadow in your facial feature but appearing like a spotlight only for you. It made him feel further into the shadow at the corner he stood. He really wanted you, but it just didn't feel like he should. He was your mentor. He was nine years older. You were a college student and he was your teacher. It definitely wasn't right. But he was just so attracted to you in this moment.
"Well it depends on what we're doing," he answered absentmindedly realizing a second too late his response was flirty. He had no reason to be in the studio at this moment but he made up an excuse to go in anyway just because he wanted to see you again.
When you finished cleaning up you were walking toward him. He looked down at you through a hazy gaze as you reached for the door handle pulling it open. Taehyung simply followed behind calmly as you spoke, "Did you have a good weekend?"
His pace slowed for a second trying to unravel your question and the subtle approach you took. He's quickly realizing you're a bit promiscuous. Your nonchalant hints of something more that only he could understand but everyone else thought nothing of it. You were a tease but you hid it so well. He thought for a moment about how to word his response, "My weekend was great, and yours?"
"Oh it was really fun," you answered as the two of you walked down the path through the courtyard, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about it."
"Mhm," Taehyung hummed in acknowledgment looking around again to see if anyone was around, "I can imagine what that's like. Hopefully you have more like it."
Your eyes met in a side glance as the split in the sidewalk separating the parking lot from your bus stop. He played with his keys like he did the night at the lounge bar, "Going to wait for a bus?"
"That's the plan unfortunately, unless someone were to come around and take me home," you said with a shrug looking away from him the further you walked down your split sidewalks. Teahyungs voice the further he got from you, "I'm sure someone would love to drive you home."
So you said your farewells and you sat at the bus stop nervously. Maybe you were a little too obvious with you felt and he was probably worried. He most likely regretted getting involved with you.
Of course that was the opposite. He knew he shouldn't but really it was because of the university. Aside from that there was nothing wrong with being attracted to someone younger. You were both adults. That's why he was rushing to his car pulling out of the driveway and going around the corner to the bus stop. He waited a few yards back from the bus stop flashing his emergency lights at you and in an instant you were up and walking to the car. He rolled the window down flashing you a smile as you opened the door.
He did end up giving you a lift but it wasn't to your apartment, it was to his.
        "I don't know if I'm going crazy, but I've got this feeling that you're seeing someone," Jungkook told you with narrowed eyes. He was currently walking you to your class before going home. He always had shorter days than you and Bora since he worked in the afternoon but he always hung out with you two.
"I'm not seeing anyone," you told him simply as the two of you walked along the sidewalk. Jungkook just hummed in acknowledgment as he carried your canvas for you.
"Yeah, sure you aren't," Jungkook responded, "You don't have to tell me if it's supposed to be a secret. Is it supposed to be a secret? Oh my god are you dating someone in a relationship?"
"Why would I become a homewrecker when I've been cheated on?" You asked him clearly displeased with his assumption. He shrugged staring down the hall to the studio, "I'm just curious why you're keeping it on the low. Is he like, not someone you should be with?"
"I'm pretty sure I told you I'm not seeing anyone," you responded back to him entering your classroom. Taehyung was standing at his desk watching everyone walk in when he noticed the same tatted guy helping you with your canvas.
"Jungkook! Hey man, what are you doing here?" One of the other students called out to him. It was Seungjin, he was in your department and you knew each other better through Jungkook. Occasionally you'd talk but not always. He came over to where you and Jungkook were to talk as you got all your things settled.
Taehyung found you standing in the middle of two guys smiling over whatever they said watching the one with tattoos pull you into his side. Technically, class hasn't started but he can't stand the sight. Just a couple days ago you were wrapped in your professor's bedsheets sleeping soundly next to him. Now you're here with two guys your own age who were making you smile and laugh.
He shouldn't be surprised you had a lot of male friends. You were clearly well known around campus and people always approached you during class. Even at your job he found all the guys behind the counter trying to impress you with whatever. Even Jimin and Yoongi commented on your looks so really, this was normal. You had a boyfriend before of six months who cheated on you—which Taehyung would never understand why—but you also told him about other past relationships. Taehyung felt like he was different than your usual type and though he could say the same about you, right now he's getting annoyed.
He smiled down at the papers on his desk but it was anything but genuine. It was a forced smile to remind himself it was alright. It's not like you two could be forward with what's happening, not until you at least graduate next spring. As his class began to fill he finally had the nerve to approach you. If he could just get any guy your age away from you that'd be great. He was 30, he couldn't compete with all the college guys who surrounded you, had the same energy as you, got the same references. Taehyung's a millennial for Christ's sake, you're a Gen Z.
He made his round toward you well calculated. He greeted other students along the way to seem natural before he zoned in on where you were. He got close enough just in time to hear his student, Seungjin, speak, "Let's go drinking tonight, bring Hoseok with too. He hasn't been around in a while."
"Alright so us three and Hoseok? Should I tell Bora too?" Jungkook asked.
"Gentlemen, I'm sure you can continue this conversation outside of the art room," Taehyung's voice was bitter. He didn't want you going out with three guys tonight. He wants to order pizza for the two of you while you go into detail about your art piece for the Spring exhibition at your place. It was definitely a college student's place. He only went in the morning he dropped you off home after spending the night with him. You invited him in for a drink and he was too curious to say no.
Compared to his neat, bachelor pad, yours was chaotic. His place was clean, dark, and modern. Yours was ecliptic, slightly unorganized with paints and brushes everywhere. Thick woven throw blankets and patterned pillows. Hanging plants that were halfway between dying and thriving. You had vinyls piled in a corner with books. You had colored LED lamps, it was basically like a hippie fest at your place. He liked it though, compared to his place yours was warm and welcoming. He liked that he could see little pieces of you everywhere he turned.
When he first moved into his own place it felt cold. He never lived on his own like that. From his childhood when he lived with his family to college when he lived with roommates and finally when he lived with his ex wife.
Jungkook looked up at your professor who seemed slightly out of focus staring at your canvas. Jungkook's never gotten an up close look at him but Bora was right, he was an attractive guy and you seemed slightly awkward now that he was here. He looked between you two, his best friend senses tingling when he watched the way Taehyung bit into his lower lip when you brushed your fingers through your hair. Seungjin was too busy apologizing to the man telling him they'll get right to work.
"Sorry Professor Kim, I'll get going now," Jungkook said warily as he went and shoved your head to the side playfully, "Am I picking you up after?"
Before you could respond Taehyung was cutting in, "Actually I've asked miss Y/n to stay behind, we've got some discussing to do about her piece for the Spring Art Exhibit."
Obviously he hadn't but you didn't even dare to deny his claims looking to Jungkook, "I'll text you, go, you're interrupting class time."
"Once again, I apologize sir, I'll be leaving now," Taehyung had to resist the urge to roll his eyes as he nodded. Jungkook bowed respectfully before turning around to leave, glancing back at you two to catch your Professor glaring at Seungjin who was pulling his things closer to you.
Jackpot, Jungkook thought when his eyes caught sight of a small purple bruise peaking out from under the collar of the professor's shirt. He was clearly seeing someone too and Jungkook's curious to know who.
Taehyung returned to the front of the room after continuing his round around his students and started his lecture on surrealism. Seungjin sat next to you now that he'd been talking to you and Jungkook and you didn't mind. You'd hung out with him a few times outside of class and he was fun to be around. Still though, you couldn't focus on what he would say when you were so focused on Taehyung.
Had he been jealous because of them? Or was he annoyed that you were delaying class time? After class would he keep you around to tell you, 'Just because we're having sex doesn't mean you can do whatever you want in my class' or was that just an excuse so Jungkook wouldn't be able to pick you up?
"Sir if it's alright with you, I'd like to discuss my work for the exhibit too," another student pointed out at the end of class. Taehyung huffed in annoyance as he looked up to find you waiting as well. You looked away, "I could always come after my last class? That way you two could discuss privately?"
He tried hiding his smile. Obviously he wanted you alone, not with another student there so he nodded in agreement watching you leave. He had to work on keeping things lowkey. You're way better at it than he is. To be fair he's been out of the game for ten years and he never had to keep a relationship a secret before.
"Perfect! I was just coming to find you, are you coming with Jungkook and I to find costumes for the party this weekend?" Bora asked once you'd left the classroom.
"What party?" You asked confused. She gasped dramatically, "The costume party! Halloween in Spring, as Hobi calls it. Jungkook's waiting by the gate."
"I've still got one more class and then I've gotta meet Professor Kim and talk about the Spring Exhibit," you told her.
Bora laughed, "Yeah you should have your discussion while riding his face."
"What?" You sounded on edge and it only made Bora laugh harder.
"I'm kidding obviously, but I'd gladly sit on his face," Bora said with a shrug, "Alrighty then, text me later and I can go shopping with you tomorrow if you don't have time today. Jungkook and I are just going to get an idea before we meet up with the others tonight for drinks."
"K, bye love you," you waved her goodbye as you went to your last class for the day. You couldn't focus on it though, not when you kept thinking about Taehyung. That's why the second it was over you were rushing over to his room.
Luckily there was no one around when you let yourself in and he barely gave you a glance before pointing to a box of painting palettes, "Mind helping carry those to the storage room?"
You nodded taking the box as he took another one before walking you to the back of the room. He opened the door to storage room and let you in first looking around through the windows to make sure nobody was watching. Then, he entered closing the two of you in as you set the boxes down. The second he turned to you, you were jumping in his arms. Taehyung's hands went to your waist holding you up as your lips met in a hungry kiss that had him groaning in want.
After some time kissing like that he set you back down but his arms didn't leave your waist keeping you close. He looked down at you, "What are you doing this weekend? Let's go out of town."
You made a pout that had his eyes rounding in curiosity and anticipation searching yours for answers. You looked down hugging around his middle section, "My friend's throwing this costume party on Saturday and everyone I know is going. If I don't go they're going to get suspicion."
"Well just tell them you'll be seeing someone but you're keeping it private," he said hopefully squeezing you in his hold a little more. You just fit so perfectly in his arms despite the taboo of it all.
"I've tried but they won't quit. Trust me, once Jungkook and Bora get suspicious that's a wrap. Jungkook is like a ducking detective when it comes to other people's business," you explained watching the way his jaw clenched as he looked away from you sadly. You rested your head on him, "What about next weekend? Are you free then?"
"I'm free, I can make reservations now," Taehyung said biting his lip, "Alright I'll go out first, make sure the coast is clear."
You nodded watching him turn to the door before stopping to look back at you, "Since I can't spend the weekend with you, maybe you can give me tonight? We can order in, watch a movie..." He seemed strangely nervous as he spoke.
Jungkook and Seungjin did make dinner plans tonight but you didn't care much about that. You'd rather get laid and spend the night with a guy who interests you. You don't want to jump into things so quickly because you could easily get hurt. It didn't change the fact that you felt safe and comfortable with him. Even when you just saw him as a mentor, yeah he could be strict but he was also very good at consolation. He'd constantly tell you how talented you were and that you shouldn't forget that even when you're feeling down.
Then obviously you're getting closer to him so it's not bad to want to spend time together. Were you dating? Not that you know of? Would you consider him to be the only man you're sleeping with? Yes. Could say that same about him to you? Probably? He didn't seem like the type to mess around with just anyone and you've been talking on the phone on nights you can't see each other.
"Then, should I wait for you down the street?" You asked once he signed that the coast was clear. You both left the room stalling as you got to the door.
"Of course, make sure you do your school work too."
"Yes sir, I'll work on it tonight," you said as the two of you stood outside now. He bit his lip to hide a smile, "Well have a good night."
"You two, thank you," you said your goodbyes as you walked in opposite directions. Then, like a constant cycle, he was picking you up in his car.
On Friday night you spent the night at Taehyung's place. It's crazy how quick the two of you have progressed but it didn't feel forced. It's like, when it was just you two you could forget about the fact he was your professor. Even when he'd quite literally tutor you for some of your required course it didn't feel like he was your teacher.
The main reason you spent the night is because you wouldn't be able to see him this weekend other than Saturday morning. Tonight you'll have Hobi's party and you had to work Sunday and Monday night. You had already dedicated next week as crunch time for your paintings so you really weren't going to be seeing him outside of class and the art studio.
So, he drove you about fifty minutes out of the city to some expensive rooftop restaurant for lunch. You wanted to spend as much of today as you could with him before Bora would be getting to your house to get ready for tonight. The restaurant was far enough and way too expensive for any of your class mates to be here so it was the perfect place for a nice lunch date. Taehyung clearly had money from his career and his parents so it wasn't a question that he'd want to treat you to something nice. He wore a YSL cream colored button up shirt and black slacks while you wore a little black dress.
The two of you walked in with linked arms letting the hostess lead you to a table while you talked. You look extra pretty today. You wore light make up that accentuated your features and your hair was styled in a way that really suited you. He couldn't keep his eyes off you, if he could he would've noticed the waking nightmare about to cross paths with him.
"Tae?" His blood ran cold as the two of you looked up, the hostess waiting at your table for the two of you. You stared at the woman and man in front of you. She looked you up and down and you did the same shamelessly. She had black hair up to her shoulders and bright red lipstick. She wore a white blouse and grey pencil skirt. An ugly pencil skirt in your opinion.
"Jihyun..." Taehyung cleared his throat and it didn't take you long to realize who this woman was. The man was quiet but he looked uncomfortable yet you felt his eyes travel down to your exposed legs. You knew this must be his ex wife and you expected Taehyung to take his arm away from your hold. It must be awkward for him to be seen with you. You were obviously sticking out from the more mature group in appearance.
"Oh, uh, it's nice to see you doing well," Jihyun said with a forced smile. You wondered if the man was the coworker she cheated on Taehyung with. His arm almost pulled you even closer to his side, "Yes, I am doing well. Oh, this is Y/n."
You gave them a tight smile leaning into Taehyung more. He smiled at that, "It looks like our table is ready so we'll get going now."
"Was that your ex?" You asked once the two of you were to the table. Taehyung nodded before flashing you a smile, "But let's not think about that. This is our first official date so let's make the most of it before we have to get going."
Without thinking you leaned across the table and placed a soft kiss on his cheek before going back to looking at the menu. Before the food arrived you excused yourself to the restroom. It was windy and you could not have your hair all over the place. While you were in there you reapplied a light layer of lipgloss as a stall opened.
You couldn't believe your luck when the cheating hag—you mean Jihyun—came out. It made you smile a little as you wiped up the corners of your lips. She gave you a look as she went to wash her stupid musty hands right next to you.
"Taehyung seems to be doing well lately," Jiyeon said washing her hands. It was the second time she'd said it like she expected him to be crying in his room, "I've known him for a very long time an—"
"I don't really care how long you've known him," you flashed her a perfectly fake smile, "And of course he's doing well. Why wouldn't he?"
Jihyun pursed her lips in annoyance, "I'm surprised when he didn't introduce you as someone he's seeing. He only said your name, it's very strange."
If Taehyung wasn't going to do anything that's alright but she's clearly judging your appearance and possibly your age and relationship with him too.
"I really like your skirt," you added with another fake smile, "Only some women can pull off that kind of look. Unfortunately it's not for me, it's too bland?"
She scoffed as she ran her hands under the sink water, "It's office attire, but you look a little too young to know anything about that."
"Oh to be young and beautiful, do you miss those days?" You said finally closing your little handbag. In fact she was only 30 but if she was going to act like this then you would too. You ran your fingers through your hair one last time and check the back of your dress in the mirror, "I'll go first since Tae is waiting for me."
You began to walk away, Jihyun stayed at the mirror for a second trying to process what is happening. You must've been more important than she thought because it looked like you clearly knew who she was. You were bitchy but that wasn't the main problem. The main problem was that you were... everything Jihyun wished she could be when she was younger. She doesn't know your age but Taehyung was surprised he could even attract someone like you. The Taehyung she knew would never be into someone like you.
He had always had a sort of timid, mysterious nature on the outside and Jihyun had been the same. That's why it was so easy for them two to get close so long ago. Jihyu had always felt insecure when it came to the confident appearance as girls like you but Taehyung always assured her he never cared for looks like that. Clearly that been nothing but a lie if he is with you.
She barely made it out the restroom's entrance when she stopped in her tracks.
She had a clear view of your table, right by the glass ledge of the rooftop. Taehyung's smile was bright as he laughed over something you said and when she looked closer his hand was in yours.
He had never been the type to be openly affectionate. It had been years since he last looked at her that way. Maybe it was her mind playing tricks on her but Taehyung had never looked at her with that gleam in his eyes like he was giving you.
"Can I come over tonight?" You asked tracing swils with your finger on his hand, "After the party I mean or will that be too late?"
You're not sure if Taehyung seeing his ex actually affected him or if he was genuinely okay but whatever it was you wanted to make sure he was okay. He already told you he'd be playing tennis later with his friends but later tonight maybe he'd want to see you.
"Hm, it will be late but I can pick you up from the party if you don't care. I don't want you driving a cab so late especially if you'll be drinking," he said as he used his free hand to eat while the other held yours.
"Aw, sir aren't you just so sweet? Maybe we can reenact our first night together in my bunny costume tonight," you said it to tease him but you were also being serious. He was so attractive you swear you could just eat him up.
Taehyung nearly choked on his water but he couldn't help but smile, "it's barely noon and you're already thinking of that?"
He felt the tip of your foot against his leg, pulling on his pant leg teasingly. You gave him an innocent smile, "No, I just think about you and then I think about how much I want you."
He placed a kiss to your knuckles, "Always so eager."
"For you."
this flopped so bad last time so pls YALL 😭
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4K notes · View notes
She's so lovely
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Elizabeth introduces you to the world
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. We're also going to pretend here that talk shows are broadcast live, thank you very much. This was requested by one of you! Thanks you for the request, anon!
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“You’re so gorgeous, my love.”
The words were whispered against the crook of your neck and you closed your eyes when you felt slim arms wrapping around you from behind. You hummed happily, letting your body rest against your girlfriend and smiling. She pressed her lips on your neck while one of her hands pressed against your stomach to keep you in place.
You opened your eyes after a few seconds and met her gaze on the mirror in front of you. “Thank you,” you replied shyly.
Elizabeth smiled and kissed your shoulder. “Are you ready to go?”
Your eyes met through the mirror and you found yourself blushing at the way her pupils seemed to take over her very green eyes as she looked at you. Even if you had been together for over a year now, the way she looked at you at times still made you blush, her presence still made butterflies come up in your belly, and you still found yourself giggling like a schoolgirl sometimes. You had a crush on your girlfriend, that’s for sure.
“I’m ready,” you agreed with a nod as you turned your head to look at her.
Elizabeth was slightly taller than you thanks to the high heels she was wearing so you raised one hand to caress her cheek and pull her in for a quick kiss, making sure you wouldn’t smudge your lipstick and ruin your makeup. She accepted the kiss happily, humming and licking her lips when you pulled away, although she made sure to keep you close to her.
“I’m ready to go too,” she said after a second. When you turned to give yourself another glance at the mirror, Elizabeth leaned down to kiss the back of your head as her hands squeezed your waist. “You’re going to be the most beautiful woman in there.”
“Have you seen yourself?” You declared with a fond eye roll.
Elizabeth chuckled and finally took a few steps back to grab her purse from the bed. You took advantage of that to give her another look. She had chosen to wear a black dress with a big opening at her right leg and her hair was perfectly pulled into a bun with a few strays falling down her face. Her nails were painted a dark green shade and she kept her jewelry simple enough, and you could barely believe that woman was your girlfriend.
One of your friends jokingly asked you once how you managed to date her and you had playfully told them you had no idea, but it wasn’t exactly a lie. Maybe the Universe really liked you or something.
“Can you remind me who else is going to be there?” You inquired while you waited for her to check if she had everything she needed in her purse.
Elizabeth hummed. “Not many people,” she started. “I think most of our castmates couldn’t make it, but Scarlett, Robert, Hemsworth and Holland said they would be able to make it.”
It has been over a year but you still weren’t used to hearing those names being thrown around like nothing. You were still a bit starstruck when you were reminded that your girlfriend knew and worked with those people, not to mention some other big names in the industry. It also made you nervous because that was the first time you were meeting any of them. You’ve met some of Elizabeth’s friends and her family, but you kept yourself far from that artistic world until then. But then Chris Evans invited Elizabeth to his wedding - a very sudden wedding, might you add - and she asked you to be her plus one, something you couldn’t deny her.
Elizabeth had promised you everything would work out just fine and that the press didn’t even know about the wedding, not to mention that Evans had assured everyone that no pictures would be leaked anywhere, but you weren’t worried about it because of you. Elizabeth spent the last few years trying to keep her private life away from the rest of the world and you didn’t want her newfound peace to be ruined.
“Oh, can I put my phone there?” You asked when you noticed Elizabeth was about to zipper her purse.
She threw you an amused glance but nodded and reached out to take the cell phone from where you left it charging by the bed. After that, you both made sure you had the hotel room key and left to take the car that was waiting for the two of you.
“Lizzie!” You heard the chirpy voice before you noticed the woman walking towards you, but, as soon as you realized who it was, you almost choked on the champagne you had been drinking. “It’s so good to see you again!”
Elizabeth unwrapped her arm from around your waist to accept the hug Scarlett was aiming at her, smiling brightly at her friend. “Hey, Scar! Have you been here for long? Didn’t see you before.”
“Oh, no, I just got here.” Scarlett pulled away while waving a hand to someone else she saw in the crowd. “And already lost my companion to Hemsworth,” she said with a huff.
Elizabeth laughed. “He tried to take mine away too, but I threatened to tell his kids he’s not a superhero.”
Scarlett also laughed while your eyes kept going from one woman to the other, and she eventually turned her head to look at you. If she was surprised to see you, she didn’t show, although you could point out that she was a Hollywood actress. “You must be the famous girl Elizabeth told everyone about.”
You blushed and raised a hand to put your hair behind your ear all while Elizabeth looked at you with loving eyes. “Are you sure she wasn’t talking about someone else?” You joked with a chuckle.
“Nope,” Elizabeth was the one to reply, popping the word before curling her arm around you again. “Scar, that’s my girlfriend. The one and only.”
It was perhaps the way she said that with so much love in her voice, or the way she was looking at you as if you were the most important person on Earth to her, but you found yourself smiling a bit goofy at her, radiant and joyful, enough to draw a laugh from Scarlett. You felt your cheeks heating up, but you didn’t have the time to be actually ashamed of it because Elizabeth quickly pulled you closer to kiss your forehead as if she knew, just by looking at you, that you were a bit nervous and needed her touch to keep you grounded.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you,” Scarlett said when you turned to look at her again. She had that motherly smile on her face that no one who hadn’t kids could master and it made you instantly feel more at ease with her. “I’m glad to see that Lizzie here finally found someone to hook her for good,” she joked.
You laughed while Elizabeth groaned and pinched her nose. “I’m not Evans, come on,” she mumbled.
“Evans was faster than you.” The voice that interrupted your conversation was much deeper this time and you recognized it before the man joined the small group you were in. Robert had his signature sunglasses on and a nice suit, his lips crooked in a lopsided smile as he tilted his head to look at Elizabeth from over his glasses. “Or so I heard.”
“Yes, keep making fun of me,” Elizabeth complained, albeit she also sounded amused by all of that. Her arm hadn’t left your waist and you were just happy to see her interact with her friends, people she worked with for ten years now.
“I will,” Robert replied in a provocative manner but his attention soon turned to you. “How did Hemsworth not pull you away? I haven’t seen my wife since I got here.” Before you could even think of a reply though, he was already reaching out one of his hands. “Robert, nice to meet you.”
“Hello,” you greeted him with a polite smile. “I’m Y/N.”
“Hemsworth was scared away,” Elizabeth completed. “And this is my girlfriend.” You didn’t miss the way she looked at you with dreamy eyes.
“Yes, I could tell,” Robert joked as he turned his head to Scarlett. “Her arm is, like, wrapped a thousand times around the poor girl.”
Scarlett laughed as Elizabeth shoved his shoulder playfully, but the actress soon looked over your shoulder in time to see someone else getting closer. “Hey, why is Lizzie the only one with her significant other?!” And that’s how you met Tom.
The wedding kept going without surprises after that. Hemsworth returned with everyone’s husbands, wives and girlfriends after a while and your group soon found a table to sit at while talking. You got along just fine with all of them, feeling very confident with your words after Elizabeth placed a hand on your thigh under the table to show her support. You soon forgot those people were movie stars and it was easy to laugh and joke around with all of them. Evans showed up at one point to chat and thank everyone for their presence, and he was also introduced to you. Once again, Elizabeth didn’t hide how proud and utterly happy she was when telling him you were her girlfriend, and it made you blush like all the other times she did that.
At one point, you all reunited with Evans to take photos, then you stepped to the side with everyone’s spouses to allow the Marvel cast to take pictures of their own, before Evans and his new wife started to call the other couples for more pictures. You and Elizabeth were one of the first to go, keeping your photos simple and fast before going back to the bar to grab something to drink. Hemsworth found you there and, this time, didn’t back away from grabbing you to a drinking contest.
You two stumbled back to your hotel room in the early hours of the morning, both barefoot after kicking your shoes in the cab, laughing and still talking about the party you had just left.
“So, we all know Elizabeth Olsen and Benedict Cumberbatch have some very exciting news for us with their new movie coming up!” James Corden told his audience while both actors listened to him talking while sitting in the seats next to him. “But it appears they’re also having some busy personal lives! Benedict, you have recently welcomed a newborn!”
“Oh, yes,” the man said calmly as usual and with a wide smile that showed up when he talked about his family. Elizabeth watched her coworker and friend with a soft smile of her own, her legs crossed and hands resting on a knee. “My house has been very loud for a while now.”
“I can imagine that,” the host agreed with his natural eagerness. “It’s your third one, the house is getting full now.”
“It is. The back of the car also doesn’t fit anyone else, so maybe it’s time to stop right here,” Benedict joked, earning some laughs from the audience, the host and Elizabeth.
Her laugh, though, caught James’ attention to her and he soon directed his next question to her. “Any newborns in your life?”
“No,” she replied with a chuckle. “I’m staying away from diapers, thank you very much.”
“That’s funny of you to say because people on the internet seem to enjoy calling you their mom,” James declared with a laugh as Elizabeth’s face turned a bit pink.
“I know! That’s so weird! I don’t know why they do that,” she said.
“Well, we do,” James started, “but I don’t think we should tell you just yet.”
Sitting on your couch at home, you almost choked on your food when you heard that. You had turned on the TV to watch your girlfriend’s interview for her upcoming movie but you didn’t imagine you would hear anyone addressing the fact that people were thirsty for Elizabeth all over the world. You could only laugh when it seemed that James’ words only made Elizabeth more confused and you just knew she would ask you about it again soon. You still didn’t want to tell her though because her confusion was too cute to watch.
“Anyway,” James’ voice caught your attention on the television again, “we recently found out that one of your castmates got married a few months ago and that you attended the ceremony.”
“Well, we were called to the party,” Elizabeth corrected him gently. “Benedict couldn’t go because, as you said, he had a newborn to look after, but I went and it was so much fun.”
“We saw that,” James teased her. “I think Hemsworth and Tom Holland posted a few pictures last week. It did seem like it was a good party.”
He pointed to the screen behind them where a few photos of the Marvel cast partying were flashing for the audience to see. None of the photos were compromising or too embarrassing, but Elizabeth was glad to see she only appeared in one of them. The last photo was of Elizabeth with the newlywed couple smiling at the camera and it brought a chorus of ‘aw’ from the audience. Elizabeth knew her friend had posted that picture a few days before to finally announce his marriage to the world because he asked for her permission first and she also knew what picture was being shown after that because the show’s producers told her about it.
Then one of the photos with all of the Marvel cast and their spouses appeared and she couldn’t help but smile happily at that. You looked so beautiful standing there by her side, smiling at the camera and pressed against her, and it made her remember all the fun you had that night. You also saw Hemsworth doing bunny years at Zendaya and you, Robert’s wife sharing a laugh with Scarlett, and how you and Evans had supported your arms on Holland’s shoulders since he was shorter than both of them. It was a great picture, one that Elizabeth was seriously thinking about hanging on the wall of her home office, but it also brought questions.
There you were among everyone else, someone people had never seen before and who was gladly standing there with Elizabeth’s free arm around your waist. Back home you were holding your breath. Your girlfriend told you it was going to happen, of course, since you had to agree with it as much as she had, but that didn’t stop you from feeling nervous about it. You almost wished they would go back to talk about Benedict’s son, although you were still pretty sure about it when you talked with Elizabeth the day before.
She wanted to tell the world about you and you had agreed with that, but now it was a bit unsettling to have your anonymous identity going away like that.
“We can see some familiar faces,” James declared, bringing your attention back to the interview. You noticed the way Elizabeth nodded along his words even if she still wasn’t looking at him. “And we can see someone we’re not familiar with at all! Elizabeth, care to tell who that is?”
Elizabeth laughed politely at him before tilting her head to the side to answer his questions. “Well, yes. That girl by my side, you know, the most gorgeous woman in the picture?” She playfully winked at the camera and, even miles away, you felt your face heating up. “That’s my girlfriend.” It was a statement said with pride and clear happiness, something you didn’t think you would ever get used to hearing, and it made your heart beat faster inside your chest. Elizabeth talked about you with love in her voice and her eyes even through the screen.
“What?” James pretended to be as shocked as his audience was. “You need to explain that to us, Elizabeth!”
Your girlfriend chuckled and shared a look with Benedict before going on. “We’ve been dating for a while now.”
“How long is a while?”
“Uh,” Elizabeth added a dramatic pause as she smiled. “Over a year.”
“A year?!” James exclaimed loudly. “How did you keep that from us?!” He joked.
“Oh, well, you know, I didn’t want anyone trying to steal my girlfriend from me,” Elizabeth joked as well. “But yes, that’s the thing. We have been together for a while now, we recently moved in together, and I thankfully had the best plus one at Chris’ wedding.”
“Hopefully she will be the plus one for a while,” James commented in a tone that made it clear he was moving away from that topic soon. The show’s production had agreed with Elizabeth to talk about it briefly and not have him ask for your name or any personal information.
“I’m kind of hoping I get to be her plus one forever, James,” Elizabeth laughed. “Not going to lie, that’s what I’m aiming for.”
While James made a joke about it and people laughed, you were left smiling at yourself alone in your living room. Elizabeth wouldn’t be home for another three hours as far as you knew, but you wished you could hug her and kiss her to show how much you appreciated her words. You also hoped to stay in Elizabeth’s life forever and you wanted to say that to her face.
“You’re here!” You yelped when you saw Elizabeth walking through the front door.
You barely gave her any time to prepare before you jumped in her arms, forcing her to catch you so you wouldn’t both end up on the floor. She laughed, the sound hitting your ear and making you feel giddy for a moment, but she held you tightly as she let go of her purse and phone, not caring when they hit the ground.
“I’m here,” she agreed. “Why do I get this reception?”
“I missed you,” you told her as you started to press sloppy kisses all over her face. “And you’re the best girlfriend in the world, and I also want to be your plus one forever.”
Elizabeth accepted the kisses between laughs but she eventually had to put you down when her arms started to give in. Even so, she kept her hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around her neck to keep her close. “I love it and I love you, but I need to take a shower. I’m gross. We also need to get dinner started.”
“I love you so much,” you declared before pulling her in for a kiss.
It didn’t take long for it to get a bit heated, although you kept your hands from roaming her as you wished because you knew it wasn’t the time for that. Elizabeth was still wearing the clothes she wore to give her interviews that day and you just knew she probably hadn’t eaten at all. Even so, you finished the kiss by pecking her lips a couple of times before finally pulling away.
“Go take your shower, I will get dinner started,” you told her.
Elizabeth agreed and soon disappeared into the hallway that led to the bedrooms. You went in the opposite direction towards the kitchen where you hoped to get a few things ready before your girlfriend left the shower. Elizabeth loved to cook, but you liked making things easier for her by chopping onions and other things she might want to use.
You were putting on a song on your phone minutes later when you got a notification from Instagram saying Elizabeth had just posted something. You were surprised because it has been at least two years since she posted anything on her feed and she only used her stories to promote her upcoming works, so you wasted no time to click on it and see what it was about. As soon as the app opened, you saw a picture of the two of you taken at Chris’s wedding.
You didn’t remember who took it, but it was of you receiving a kiss on the cheek as you smiled widely and Elizabeth tried to, in vain, to put her hand in front of the camera. The photo didn’t show much, just your faces, your arms draped on Elizabeth’s shoulders and her hand, but it was pretty obvious how much you loved each other. You could almost feel it by just looking at it. It was a great photo, one that you knew Elizabeth used as her screensaver, but you soon moved to the small text she posted with it.
“Hey, world. I would like for you to meet my girlfriend, my partner. My secret for the past months, if you may, but we don’t want it to be a secret anymore because I want you all to know her. My secret is smart, she’s funny, she’s sweet, she’s so lovely, she understands me and has no problem being weird with me. Every single day I find new things to love about her and I’m pretty sure you guys will see why now that you know her too. Even so, I ask for your guys' respect and understanding to keep her life as private as possible. My love, my better half, I can’t wait to find out what our lives have prepared for us. Together.”
You had tears in your eyes when you were done reading that and one of them couldn’t be contained and slid down your cheek before you could stop it. Elizabeth hadn’t tagged you on the photo or provided your user anywhere, although you were sure people wouldn’t take that long to figure it out. You kept your socials private and they would stay like that, but you still felt thankful for her attempt to keep you out of the media for a while longer.
You would wait for Elizabeth to come back to the kitchen and then you would tell her how much you wished to navigate life with her. Forever.
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mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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“i wanna touch on you. you see me in my room. wish you were here right now, i wanna get freaky on camera.”
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cw: youtube star!sanzu, camboy!sanzu, college au, slight enemies to lovers (reader dislikes haru), pining, nsfw (mdni), smut, masturbation (f & m), sex toys, fingering, unprotected rough sex, cum eating, swearing, pet names (baby, princess), slight degradation
word count: 9.5k
a/n: i present to you, akashi haruchiyo <3 also sorry, i had to edit out senju on the header :”(
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You stared daggers at his face, biting your tongue to hold back any sharp insults that threatened to come out. If looks could kill, Haruchiyo Akashi would be dead by now. Your blood boiled just by looking at him, the way he threw his head back against the red cushions of the booth—laughing obnoxiously loud, the way his eyes shut as if the joke he had heard was the funniest in the world. It took all your willpower not to roll your eyes at the man, god, he was so fucking cocky.
You hated how he thinks he’s all that just because he’s famous on YouTube, or whatever streaming platform it was, like you cared.
“Careful with that glare, you might accidentally stab him with it.” Keisuke pulled you out of your trance. Your head whipped toward the man next to you, a smug smile forming upon his lips, a glint of playfulness evident in his dark honey eyes. You rolled your eyes at him, “Good. He annoys the fuck out of me.” You didn’t know when this feeling of annoyance for Haruchiyo started but all you knew was that you two were definitely not on the same wavelength.
Not one bit.
Ever since meeting Haruchiyo, you never really got along with him under any circumstances. His first impression was fine, you could give him that but as you got to know him and through Mikey and Keisuke, the more you could not stand the man.
Mikey, Keisuke, and Haruchiyo were three peas in a pod, their personalities didn’t stray too much from one another but there was just something about Haruchiyo that you couldn’t stand, it also didn’t help how frustrated you became because you didn’t know what the reason was. There was really no one to blame for this certain thing you were feeling, that’s why it was much easier to project anger onto Haruchiyo.
Plus, it wasn’t like he was all innocent. As a matter of fact, he added fuel to the fire. He would constantly make jokes about you that you didn’t quite find funny, or sometimes he just won’t leave you alone. Haruchiyo would ask you endless questions ranging from one end of the spectrum all the way to the other end, to which you would always answer ‘it’s none of your business’ because it wasn’t, you weren’t close to him, unlike with Mikey and Keisuke.
If anything, the two of you would only exchange by bantering, and they weren’t friendly ones. There wasn’t a day where you two didn’t fire insults at each other, and every time, either Keisuke or Mikey would jump in before it got out of control.
In all honesty, it looked like you were the only one really worked up during these exchanges because Haruchiyo would always smirk at you, if you knew any better, you’d think he was enjoying this. He probably did, he probably liked you seeing all riled up because of him and you hated it because it made you even angrier.
At this point, you didn’t even know why you came along to these hangouts fully knowing that the pink haired asshole would turn up too, you guessed it’s because Mikey would always beg you to come and you could never say no to him.
“Alright, I think I’m going to head back. I have a shit ton of assignments to do.” You groaned, stretching as you stood up from the booth, bidding your friends goodbye. Of course, before you could fully turn and walk away, Haruchiyo just had to say something, “Geez, you’re always in your dorm all day. No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.” He chuckled before taking a sip of his cold beverage—a strawberry smoothie, black painted nails contrasting against the pinkness of the drink.
You closed your eyes for a few seconds, the feeling of anger bubbling up from your stomach as your hands curled into fists by your side. You let out a deep sigh and opened your eyes, directly looking at the turquoise eyed man—who had the same old smug expression plastered over his stupid face, “You know what? Yeah, you’re right and what about it? I don’t see your lame ass with a girlfriend either.” You raised a brow, challenging him.
As expected, he gave you a saccharine smile, “Baby, you don’t know how many women would drop on their knees for me.” You poked your tongue against the inside of your cheek at the pet name, Haruchiyo always called you ‘baby’ despite the countless times you told him not to. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you calmly replied, “First, I am not your baby and second, you might have hundreds and thousands of subscribers but you’re still bitchless.” You shrugged before completely walking away, not bothering to hear his reply.
“I have millions! Get it right!” He called after you and you could only roll your eyes at him.
You knew Haruchiyo had millions of subscribers, you just wanted to play with him because you knew he wasn’t going to let it slide. 
As a matter of fact, as much as you’d like to deny it, the content he puts out on YouTube wasn't too bad— although, you’ve convinced yourself that it's because Senju—his little sister—carries the whole channel by herself and Haruchiyo is just there.
Their content ranges from Vlogs to other sponsored videos just like other content creators, and from time to time, they upload their solo videos on the shared channel—Senju mainly posts about beauty and fashion whereas Haruchiyo would mostly post videos of him playing games requested by their subscribers. Despite their difference in personalities, they made their channel work and were able to garner different subscribers.
You’ve watched several solo videos that Senju posted and often gushed to her about it via message. The two of you were close and sometimes she would even include you and her other friends in one of her ‘daily Vlogs’. She was very sweet and kind, unlike his older brother that you couldn’t stand.
Later that night, you were too engulfed in your assignments that the loud sound of your phone vibrating against the desk almost made you jump out of your seat. It was already one o’clock in the morning and the only person who would possibly be texting you at this hour was Mikey. That man’s sleeping schedule was all over the place—to which he would blame his choice of degree, engineering.
You mindlessly patted around your desk for the device while reading a passage for the pre-lecture readings, your eyes never leaving the paragraph. After several attempts to reach for your phone, you finally found it and brought the screen closer to your face, eyes scanning for the recent notification.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t from Manjiro.
It was from Haruchiyo, ‘i wasn’t talking about women from my youtube subscribers btw.’
Your brows knitted at the text, what the hell did he even mean by that? Your eyes scanned the sentence once, twice, thrice but you were still lost. Huffing, you set your phone face down and decided to leave his message unopened and unreplied, you weren’t going to waste your time and energy on something you couldn’t understand, especially if it came from one Haruchiyo Akashi.
Since it was already getting late, you decided it was best to wrap up your assignment and head over to bed but you weren’t exactly going to sleep yet. No, the night had just begun. You’ve had a very stressful week full of due dates and new assignments that you barely had time to take care of yourself, and therefore needed to release all the pent up stress and emotions that accumulated throughout the week.
You knew just the perfect way to find a release.
Grabbing your laptop off the desk, you set the device on the mattress of your bed and typed the url of a certain website on a keyboard. You’ve never really told anyone about this but you’ve grown fond of a certain someone in this particular streaming website, someone who helped you with your deepest sexual fantasies and he was damn good at doing it.
You place your middle finger on the trackpad, smoothly gliding it around to navigate the cursor through the website and clicking on the profile you’ve been subscribed to for quite a while now. You knew your friends would probably tease you for getting off to some man behind the lens—especially Haruchiyo who liked to make fun of your single ass but you didn’t care, it’s not like they were going to find out.
God forbid them from finding out, especially that insufferable rosy haired idiot that took a liking to annoying the fuck out of you for days on end.
If Haruchiyo somewhat got a hold of this information, he would never live it down—it was a fact. You’d have to live with the fact that he’s able to torment you for months, trailing behind you and letting you know about your dirty little secret.
Oh, you’d scour the world just to find his dirty little secret.
SANZU. You clicked on the profile, the name in white capitalised letters that beckoned you. Begging to be explored and seen.
You didn’t know who this man was but fuck, he was hot. The sounds that leave his lips as he pleasures himself in many different ways practically had you drenched and clenching around your fingers. In some videos, he’d be edging himself; he would be sitting on his queen-sized bed, all exposed and covered in a sheen of sweat as his hand desperately pumped up and down his hard cock. Loud whines leaving his chest as his hips bucked up with need, his free hand gripping the soft sheets under him, turning his knuckles white.
The way his abdomen would contract and limbs stiffening as he topples over the edge was definitely a sight to see. He’d let out these delicious loud moans laced with endless profanities as his hand clenched around his dick. Thick cum spurting out of his pink tip, making a wonderful white sticky mess on his stomach and thighs as he trembles ever so slightly.
The angle of the camera gave all his subscribers a perfect view of his torso, thighs, and everything in between. Of course, he kept his face out of view for such reasons but it somewhat made his videos even sexier, the way his head was cut from the frame left his viewers wanting more. His cock was the prettiest you’ve ever seen—a deep shade of pink, he wasn’t too thick but his length made up for it; his dick had a slight curve to the left and an evident vein that ran on the underside of it. God, the things you’d do just to run your tongue along that line.
Mysterious yet sexy, that was how many perceived this man—Sanzu.
You relaxed against the headboard, legs spread out, fluffy pillows supporting your lower back as you clicked on his most recent upload. 10 minutes ago. It read on the blurb at the bottom of the thumbnail, it wasn’t a long video as indicated on the timestamp but you were grateful, nonetheless.
‘Missing her’ hours. The title read.
He was in the same environment just like in his other videos, in his room and on the bed. His body was illuminated by some kind of bright light from behind the camera, allowing a stark contrast of his naked body against the dim background. This time he had a new toy with him—a fleshlight. A glob of spit landed on his hard cock, one hand flying down to spread the slimy liquid all over his dick—also using the pre-cum from his pink tip. His free hand grabbed the flashlight resting on the bed and brought it close to his cock.
SANZU grabbed the base of his dick and slowly pushed the fleshlight down his tip that was still leaking pre-cum; the man let out a breathy moan as the head of his length disappeared within the toy, his back slightly arching and exposed chest pushing upwards at the familiar pleasure. Your mouth parted at this—shallow breaths slipped past your lips, your keen eyes fixed on the way he teased himself by just thrusting his tip in and out, hips desperately bucking up for more.
You could feel the familiar sensation grow on your pussy, tingles spreading throughout your wet folds the further the video progressed. Tired of rubbing your thighs together and clenching on nothing, you slipped a hand past your joggers and massaged your folds through the thin fabric of your panties—a wet spot beginning to spread and soak the fabric.
The man on the video lets out a loud desperate moan as he pushes the fleshlight all the way, bottoming out; you could tell he threw his head back with the way his neck became taut. “Mhm…fuck! You’re so tight for me, huh?” He grunted, an evident strain in his tone. He stayed like that for a while, dick fully sheathed inside the sex toy as he shamelessly let out desperate pants, trying not to cum on the spot. Your mouth watered at the way his balls deliciously pressed against the base of the toy, so large and full.
Fuck, he was so aroused; your fingers pushed the soiled fabric aside and massaged your clit, legs slightly jerking at the intense pleasure jolting through your body, “Ah…! Yes, all for you…” you whispered in a breathy tone, head resting on the wall behind you while keeping your eyes on the bright screen of your laptop—mouth slightly parted, letting out shallow pants.
A small whimper leaves your lips as you push two fingers inside, free hand gripping your blanket at the sensation of your gummy walls stretching around your digits.
Another glob of spit lands on the base of his cock, and he pulls the fleshlight from his dick, earning a loud squelching noise at the way the toy firmly encases around his length. This time, he actually starts moving the fleshlight up and down, both hands firmly encased around the toy as he desperately rubs it against his dick. “Ngh—haah! Yeah? You like tha—ah! You like that? Mmph! You like it when I fuck you hard?” He moans.
His back arches at the pleasure, the bright light behind his camera shining the thin layer of sweat on his exposed chest. Loud and repeated wet squelching sounds along with his desperate pants emitted from your laptop which went straight down to your wet cunt. The crown of your head rubbed against the wall as you tilted your chin up, a moan forcibly making its way out—pleasure engulfing your whole body.
“Mhm—ah! Yes! I love it when you fuck me hard!” You responded to the video before letting out a long high pitched moan.
Your fingers thrusted in and out of your sopping cunt, making the same noises as the video did; you brought your free hand up to your face and bit on the sleeve of your hoodie, moaning against it as you clenched your eyes shut. You had no roommate to possibly hear your moans but you couldn’t trust the dormitory walls enough that the neighbouring rooms wouldn’t be able to hear you. You could feel yourself cumming soon—your hand and wrist were slowly getting tired from the fast repetitive movements but you couldn’t stop now, not when you were so near that you couldn’t feel your legs anymore—toes curling and feet digging deeper into the mattress.
Strands of hair were now sticking to your neck and forehead as a light layer of sweat covered your whole body, the room suddenly felt a couple of degrees hotter but you couldn’t care less. All you could focus on at the moment was the pace of your hand and the loud erotic moans coming from your laptop. “Aah—fuck! Why don’t you cum around this dick like the good girl you are? Huh?—ah shit!” He grunted, moans becoming shorter and high pitched which suggested he was close.
Something about him talking dirty to an inanimate object made you clench harder around your fingers; if he was already spewing that much filth to an object, imagine what he would be like with a person. Oh, the things you’d do just to hear him whisper nasty things in your ear as he pounds into you.
“Come on… let’s hear those—haah! Let’s hear those pretty sounds.” As if he was talking to you, you removed your arm from your face, a string of loud high pitched moans immediately rolling out your mouth, like it was begging to be let out.
The man in the video quickly changed positions, he was on his hands and knees—legs opened wide as he held the sex toy against the bed, desperately thrusting into it like it was the real thing. His bed squeaked with every sharp thrust of his hips, back hunched over the mattress; you could see the way every muscle in his body popped along with his movements, god, it was so fucking hot.
It also didn’t help with the way he looked so desperate, rutting into the little sex toy like his life depended on it and the string of profanities that came out of his dirty mouth. Your eyes fixed on where his cock quickly thrusted in and out of the fleshlight, imagining that it was you who he hungrily fucked into.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m cumming! Cum with me, baby—ngh!” Short frequent whines that were in tune with his sharp thrusts left his lips. That was all it took for you to reach your orgasm, the familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach suddenly bursts up through your spine and down to your legs—your whole body becoming rigid as you came around your fingers, back arching and lips forming an ‘o’ shape but no sound came out.
You tried your best to keep your eyes open and stare at the man on the screen, he had his cock fully sheathed inside the toy, pulling out only by a small amount and quickly thrusting back in to ride out his orgasm. His body became taut with pleasure, his free hand gripping the sheets under him as his thick cum spilled out from the fleshlight—this time the squelching sounds were much louder from the big load he had produced. “Mhm—aah! Fuck yeah… take all of it, princess.” He panted out, hips still thrusting into the sex toy.
Closing your eyes, you let out desperate pants, suddenly you were hyper aware of your surroundings—the way your hair stuck to your neck and forehead, the sudden humidity of the room, the gross feeling of your clothes rubbing against your sweaty body, and the way your soiled panties clung to you.
You let out a groan because the urge to take a bath was stronger than ever, and you also had to change your sheets since you felt icky. It was almost quarter to two in the morning but you didn’t mind taking a hot bath and doing some laundry at this hour, even if it meant sacrificing some of your sleep.
“Why didn’t you answer my text last night?” You looked up from your steaming noodles and gave Haruchiyo a blank stare, you could already feel annoyance bubbling up from your stomach—his aquamarine gaze already on you, a mysterious glint. “I could care less about your text. Plus, why’d you even text me in the first place?” It was now Haruchiyo’s turn to shrug and you swore there was a slight tint of pink that dusted his cheeks but you paid no mind to it, it was probably because of the hot food that occupied the table.
“You guys were texting last night? That’s new.” Mikey—who sat across you—darted his eyes between you and Haruchiyo, brows shooting up his forehead before exchanging a look with the man who sat next to you—Keisuke. “No, we weren’t. He texted me and I didn’t respond.” You rolled your eyes and got back to eating. You knew that look they shared between them, they always did that and you knew it was probably just to tease you because you didn’t get along with Haruchiyo.
Haruchiyo let out an exaggerated sigh and leaned back against his seat, placing his hands behind his head, “You know, I was up all night waiting for your text. I’m hurt.” God, you wanted to smack that look off his face. Before you could retort, last night’s events ran through your mind, your cheeks warmed at your late night activities which caused you to struggle to think of a response.
You blinked, ears turning red and not knowing what to say to him—remembering how the man’s hips desperately rutted against the fleshlight, soft whimpers that left his lips like music to your ears, the way his legs trembled as he came inside the toy. He was so hot. You rubbed your legs at the thought of him, hands slightly balling into fists.
That man had you wrapped around his finger—like many other women subscribed to him. The worst part was, you didn’t even know him and he was already doing all kinds of things to you without laying a single hand on your body.
Fuck, if you saw him in person, you would be fucking him on sight.
The rosy-haired man tilted his head to the side, a sly grin making its way on his face, “What? Cat got your tongue?” Being brought back from your trance, you slightly shook your head and rolled your eyes at Haruchiyo—he didn’t miss the way your face turned a tad bit crimson. Cute. You glared at him, all the lust in your system suddenly being drained away and replaced with annoyance, god, you’d trade Haruchiyo for that man anyday.
As usual, you bit your tongue from saying anything that would escalate the conversation and ignored him instead but your face gave away your mood—your brows tightly knitted together, lips turning into a scowl and eyes turning dark with a glare.
You just couldn’t stand him.
Haruchiyo acted like you two were close, he acted like you were okay with him making fun of you, he acted like you were friends with him. He was completely insufferable. Every time you see him, your jaw tightens and annoyance bubbles up from within your stomach, hands automatically clenching into fists.
His presence annoyed you. It made you want to pull all your hair out.
“What were you even doing last night?” Keisuke asked Haruchiyo, changing the topic, he sensed the change in your demeanour. You couldn’t really rant to Mikey about your pent up anger over Haruchiyo, so Keisuke got the other end of it—unfortunately but at least he’s nice enough to listen to all your rants, no matter how childish they get.
Keisuke loves you and Haruchiyo both and he doesn’t take any sides because he thinks it’s just petty. A big misunderstanding between the two of you, and he’s told you that; he wasn’t afraid to let you know that maybe you were just misunderstanding Haruchiyo.
Give him a chance. He said one time. Whatever that meant.
And you really did try your best, you tried to be open about a possible friendship with Haruchiyo but every single time, he’d make you remember why you didn’t want one. You always found yourself making snarky comments instead of friendly ones; you were both at different ends of the spectrum, far away from one another.
Maybe it was because you two just didn’t click—completely different personalities. Or maybe you just couldn’t understand your emotions that well, you were never one to perceive emotions and feelings easily, which is why you’ve become completely oblivious to people that had shown an interest in you in the past.
All these complex feelings inside you would just come out as a big mess and all you could really project was annoyance and anger—something that wasn’t pleasant. After all, these were the feelings you were most acquainted with.
Human emotions in a nutshell.
Haruchiyo snorted, you could still feel his turquoise gaze on you while you ate, “Oh, y’know, just…stuff.” he leaned over the table and grabbed his phone, mindlessly typing away with a smug smile on his face. “Anyway, I have to go. Senju and I are preparing for another content, you guys should definitely anticipate it!” He jumped up from his seat, bidding goodbye to all of you before going.
It was already late in the afternoon and you decided to spend it by lazing around your dorm and being practically glued to your bed but it was fine, it was the weekend anyway. You were currently online shopping, browsing over clothes that you knew you didn’t need or accessories that weren’t necessary but it was nice to look at them. You had several tabs open on your laptop and you noticed one tab blinking with a notification, it was last night’s tab.
You mentally face palmed yourself for being so careless and not closing the tab. It wasn’t like anyone was going to go through your laptop but Mikey would sometimes borrow yours for a short period of time when his one would be acting up. Thanking the heavens for Mikey not borrowing yours today, you clicked on the tab and saw that SANZU had posted a status.
‘Will be going live in a few! Stay tuned for something spicy ;)’
You quickly sat up from your bed, laptop slowly sliding off your stomach. Wow, I’m being treated today, aren’t I? You thought. Thanking the universe once again for treating you nicely today, you set your laptop in front of you and clicked on the link provided on his status.
The video was still black which indicated the livestream was yet to start, so you patiently sat there and waited for it to start. You’ve watched some of his livestreams in the past and it did not disappoint. He would do what his subscribers asked him to do—edging? Not a problem. A sex toy? He’d pull out his stash. Dirty talking? He’d open his mouth in an instant.
It was a pretty sight to see. A submissive man who’d do practically anything.
Some would even send him money—lots of it—to moan out their name as he pleasures himself but you were more the quiet type of watcher who just enjoyed the view. Plus, you didn’t even have that much money to spend for some man to moan out your name, as tempting as it sounded.
You did comment from time to time, though, as embarrassing as it sounds, you would always call him a ‘good boy’—a pet name he had grown to love. But that was about it, your mind blanked whenever you tried to come up with something for him to do.
After a couple of minutes later, the black screen finally disappeared and showed him in his usual set up—he was clothed but he didn’t wear a shirt underneath his leather jacket. What a tease. Though, it complimented his fair skin really well, making his abdomen stand out more for his viewers.
God, black looked so good on him…but you would’ve looked better on him if you were being honest.
Before you could settle and make yourself comfortable on the mattress, a switch turned on in your head which caused you to study the leather jacket a little harder. It looked familiar. Too familiar for your liking.
You tuned out everything that he was saying to his live viewers and furrowed your brows, eyes squinting and body leaning closer to the LCD screen—you didn’t know why but your heart started to race, you felt like you were about to discover something forbidden, something you didn’t like.
That leather jacket was the same one Haruchiyo was wearing earlier today at the brunch.
“No way…” you whispered to yourself, hand resting on your chin as your eyes widened. Different thoughts raced through your mind but you tried to counter each one of them—surely they just happened to have the same jacket, right? Leather jackets are popular at the moment, of course. You convinced yourself that. Plus, Haruchiyo literally said he was going to prepare for a video with Senju, so he can’t be doing this livestream.
A sudden realisation hit you, you could just call Senju and she’d probably say that his older brother was with her! You were probably just over analysing all of this because of a stupid jacket. Just because the man you’ve been getting off to had the same jacket as Haruchiyo doesn’t exactly mean they could be the same person.
There was a slim chance.
Haruchiyo has worn that leather jacket several times in their videos, even thanking the retail brand that gave it to him as a gift. Who knows? Maybe SANZU was a fan of the Akashi siblings and probably got the same jacket as Haruchiyo because he found it nice.
Grabbing your phone, you scrolled down your contacts and called the youngest Akashi sibling, wasting no time. It rang for a couple of seconds before Senju picked up,
“Hey! What’s up?” “Hey! I hope I didn’t interrupt or anything, are you busy at the moment?” You gnawed at your bottom lip, nerves becoming uneasy at the thought of Haruchiyo possibly being SANZU. The loud background noise on the other side of the call indicated that Senju was outside and you got a sinking feeling that you weren’t going to like where this was going.
Your stomach sank at the next few words that came from her lips, “Not really! I’m at Harajuku right now, just shopping for some clothes. The usual.” She giggled into the phone, normally, you would’ve reciprocated her giggle and joked about not taking you with her but you didn’t. You sat on your bed looking at the screen of your laptop—that still showed SANZU—unmoving and unsure of what to do next.
Haruchiyo said he was going to prepare for a video with Senju but she was clearly out at the moment and didn’t say anything about releasing new content for their channel.
“T-that’s exciting! Are you alone?” You tried to sound enthusiastic but couldn’t bring yourself to be. Maybe Haruchiyo was with her all along, she usually had company while shopping anyway—someone to carry bags full of clothes and accessories for her. Yeah, that’s right. He was probably with her.
Senju sighed, “Ah, no, I had to go alone today. Haru said he was busy with something. I don’t really know what since he didn’t specify.” That was all it took for you to mentally punch yourself, maybe the universe wasn’t on your side today. Just the thought of you getting off to SANZU’s videos who could possibly be Haruchiyo all along was embarrassing. Completely embarrassing.
You exchanged a few more words with her before bidding goodbye which left you sitting in your bed in silence, eyes glued on SANZU—who had already discarded his leather jacket. You watched him. Suddenly his voice started sounding familiar, just like Haruchiyo but you kept denying it. You couldn’t accept the fact that maybe he was SANZU.
There was only one way to truly find out.
You scrolled up to find Haruchiyo’s contact, thumb hovering over your screen as you decided whether or not to go through with this. What if you just let your imagination run wild instead? Let yourself wonder if it was Haruchiyo or not. Why did you even have to know in the first place?—
Oh. That’s right.
An idea popped into your head. Maybe you have found his dirty little secret, maybe you could use this as leverage over him.
A small smile crept upon your lips as you dialled his contact, maybe this wasn’t as bad as it seemed. As your phone rang, your eyes darted over to the livestream, waiting for Haruchiyo’s phone to ring.
And it did.
You didn’t know whether to be happy about this because you finally had some kind of leverage over him or be embarrassed about the fact that you’ve been getting off to his videos. Haruchiyo’s videos. The same person who pissed you off without fail.
You watched as he abruptly stopped what he was doing and reached for his phone behind the camera, black painted nails encasing around the little device. “Sorry, guys. I’ll have to answer this real quick.” He quickly slipped out of the frame and out of his room, you presumed since you heard the door open and close.
Fuck. So he was SANZU.
“Hmm? What’s got you callin’ me, baby?” He used the same tone in his videos, the one that had you soaked with your own slick, the one that had you rubbing your thighs together. You closed your eyes, trying not to let his voice affect you in any way—normally, you would’ve rolled your eyes at him and the pet name but you didn’t.
The pet name felt different. It brought a shudder down your back.
You huffed, “Are you busy?” As much as you’d hate to invite him over to your dorm, you wanted to let him know about your recent discovery, maybe with this, you could finally get him to stop with his silly antics and desperate attempts at trying to annoy the fuck out of you.
You didn’t have to see his face to know that Haruchiyo was smiling from ear to ear, “Oh? And what’s got your pretty head curious about me?” You clenched your fists, there he goes with that tone again. You were hating every bit of this phone call because you didn’t want to admit how much his voice affected you—how your cunt tingled ever so slightly at it.
“Can you… can you come over? I have something for you.” A small smirk formed on your lips as you pushed down the lust that was slowly engulfing your whole body. If only Haruchiyo knew what was coming for him. “You? Inviting me over? What’s gotten into you, baby? Thought ya hated me. Hmm, but I’ll be there in an hour and a half… just have some things to take care of.” You nodded even though Haruchiyo couldn’t see and quickly ended the call, not being able to take any more of his voice.
It made you feel things.
Your eyes darted back to your laptop as you saw him walk back into the frame, apologising to his subscribers before returning to his activities. Sighing, you closed your laptop so you could gather your thoughts, you didn’t even feel like watching the livestream anymore because of this information.
The fact that you’ve been getting off to Haruchiyo practically fisting himself was embarrassing, you wanted the ground to just swallow you whole. No one knew about it, yes, but you couldn’t bear the thought of THE Haruchiyo Akashi being able to make you that wet without laying a single finger on you.
It was embarrassing and wrong. You thirsted over someone you didn’t like, someone that had your blood boiling within seconds of being in his presence. Now you weren’t going to look at him the same anymore.
But underneath all that, something deep inside you was joyful that the person you’ve been thirsting for a long time was right under your nose. Haruchiyo was the man you’ve been fantasising about while you were alone in your room—the man who you wanted so bad to fuck you, to have his hands on you and his cock in you.
Waiting for Haruchiyo had you pacing back and forth, time was agonisingly slow and you were somewhat nervous, you didn’t know why but you were.
The time finally came when you heard knocks at your door, you practically lunged off your bed and to the entrance of your dorm which revealed Haruchiyo. You stared up at him, his long rosy hair loosely secured in a low ponytail—which some were sticking to his forehead from sweating, cheeks dusted pink like he had just ran a marathon and the same leather jacket around his shoulders.
“D’ya finally realise your undying love for me, or what?” He chuckled, a smirk plastered on his lips as you stood aside to let the man in.
It was weird.
It was weird to have him inside your dorm fully knowing what he’d been up to just a few hours ago. You couldn’t shake the vivid images burned into your mind, the images of him fisting his cock and the way he fucked the fleshlight last night. If you could punch yourself right now, you would definitely do it.
“No… but what I did find was…” you trailed off and took your phone out, hastily searching for his profile on the website. Haruchiyo raised a pink brow, confusion written all over his pretty face as he watched you tapping on your phone. “This.” You clicked on his profile and shoved your phone to his face, it was your turn to smirk, you couldn’t wait to see him begging not to tell anyone.
Maybe you would tell him to get on his knees and beg—
He was smirking. Why was he smirking? No, no, no, this isn’t supposed to be like this! He’s supposed to be shocked and confused, not smirking. Your smirk fell off your face as Haruchiyo’s eyes darted from the phone and over to you, no trace of shock evident on his features. Not even one. He was clearly unfazed by this.
“Tell me baby, do you watch them?” He was using that tone again. His smirk turned into a saccharine smile as he took a step closer, to which you responded by stepping back and amidst all this, you held each other’s gaze. Not one dared to break eye contact. “I-i…” you mentally facepalmed for stuttering and not finding the right words to respond with.
He tilted his head, raising a brow, “Hmm? I asked you a question.”
You sucked in a sharp breath. Fuck, he was supposed to be at your mercy, not the other way around. Now, he’s got you wrapped around his finger like SANZU did, well, after all, they are the same man.
Closing your eyes, you nodded. Heat spread from your cheeks and up to your ears as embarrassment slowly engulfed your whole body. This was not the outcome you wanted. “Look at my eyes while I’m talking to you.” He stated firmly which caused you to immediately open your eyes and meet his aquamarine gaze once again, something about the way he used his voice made you want to obey him.
You looked into his eyes, studying the intricate turquoise patterns on it—the deep shade of blue that outlined his irises, a slightly different intensity of the colour that you haven’t noticed until now.
Haruchiyo pushed strands of hair behind your ears before resting his palm on your cheek, thumb lightly ghosting over your bottom lip; he looked at your lips like it was his prized possession, like it held more value than his life.
“I really want to kiss you right now…” he whispered, eyes trailing upwards to meet your own. Your breath hitched at the way his touch burned into your skin—the good kind. You blinked up at him, heart pounding against your chest, “What’s stopping you, Haru?” Your voice came out light and airy. 
You didn’t know why you were acting this way. No, you did know why you were acting this way—it’s because Haruchiyo got you all wrapped around his finger, and you let him do it. The urge to fully submit to him and your feelings was slowly making itself known, it was an urge that you had deep down when you first discovered SANZU, and now that he’s here in flesh, there is no stopping you.
All the times you’ve fantasised about him, all the times you’ve thought about having his cock buried inside you, all the times you’ve wanted to be pinned down by him were slowly coming to you, and you didn’t know if you were able to keep up with it—with him.
Haruchiyo cursed under his breath at the nickname. Haru—the nickname he hears on a daily basis either from his friends and siblings. So why did his insides do a somersault when you said it? Why did his knees weaken a little at the name he hears every single day of the week? Fuck, it rolled off your tongue like it was made just for you, and only you.
He gave your bottom lip one last swipe with his thumb before leaning down and placing his lips on yours. Oh fuck, your lips were soft. Haruchiyo was gentle—there was a slight hesitation with the way his lips moved against yours, afraid yet desperate for the way your lips felt against his own, like he was testing the waters. After all, it was the very first kiss you two shared together and he wanted it to be perfect.
Haruchiyo swore he could see sparks fly as the kiss deepened, his knees buckled at the feeling of your soft, pillowy lips against his—his mind was spinning, he’d been waiting for this day ever since he laid eyes on you and oh, how worth it the wait was. His hand on your cheek tightened ever so slightly as he pushed head face closer to yours, he wanted more.
Suddenly, everything felt hot—burning. Your body felt like it was on fire with the way he kissed you with such passion; your hands found its way to the collar of his leather jacket, fingers clenching around the thick fabric, you couldn’t keep up with the way his lips moved with hunger. Groaning against his lips, you slightly pushed him away to catch your breath—swollen pink lips parted as your chest heaved up and down, trying to take as much air in as possible.
He leaned his forehead on yours as he panted, hot breaths mixing with each other’s as you two stood there in silence, trying to process what just happened. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I met you… fuck, you drive me crazy, you know that?”
You bit your lip at his confession, butterflies forming in your stomach and knees almost buckling at it, “Just shut up and kiss me.” Cupping his face, you sealed the space between the two of you. This time, the kiss was rough, desperate, hungry, and Haruchiyo didn’t hesitate to match the movement of your lips.
You groaned as he bit and tugged at your bottom lip, hands flying up to his rosy hair and gripping the strands like your dear life depended on it. Amongst the messy kisses, the two of you found your way into your bedroom after messily stumbling through your dorm, hands flying up to the wall for support.
Haruchiyo broke the kiss and held your gaze, turquoise eyes hooded and filled with pure lust, “Are you sure you want this?” His index finger and thumb rested on your chin as he waited for your answer. You groaned, “Fuck, Haru, you don’t know how much I’ve fantasised about this… about you.” Haruchiyo sucked in a sharp breath, muttering a low curse before instructing you to strip everything down and sit on the floor to face your body length mirror.
Like the obedient girl you were, you did what he’d told you. Haruchiyo joined you a few seconds later, leather jacket and shirt discarded which left his dark jeans hanging around his thin waist.
He sat behind you, naked chest flushed against your back. Your cheeks heated at the way his eyes trailed every single dip of your body, the way his stare lingered on your chest before trailing down to your wet cunt, earning a small smile from him.
He placed his hands under your knees and spread your legs open, your wet cunt now fully exposed; Haruchiyo tangled his legs with yours, placing his feet at the inside, next to your own so you wouldn’t be able to shut your legs close once he started.
You watched yourself through the mirror, all exposed and at his mercy—his body looming over your figure, almost engulfing you with how broad he was.
“Tell me…” he started off, slender hands rubbing up and down your sides, causing goosebumps to form under his light and feathery touches, “…what do you think about when you watch my videos, hm?” He leans over you, lips dangerously close to your ear.
You let out a whine, resting your head on his shoulder as he starts massaging your breasts with his hands. Alternating between his index finger and thumb pinching at your nipples and squeezing your mounds; you swallowed thickly as you watched your breasts being fondled by Haruchiyo.
“Mhm—ah! I think about—fuck! I think about how good your cock would feel inside me…” you bit your lip at the tingling sensation on your chest, face turning crimson red as his hands worked on you. “Hmm? Naughty girl, aren’t we? Tell me more…” He bit the shell of your ear before placing wet kisses along your jaw and down your neck, earning another whine from you.
His hands snaked its way to your front, stopping at the inside of your thighs and sensually rubbing it. Fuck, he was so close yet so far to where you needed him the most. “Ngh—haah! Shit, Haru! I think of myself as the fleshlight you were—ah! You were fucking last night… Fuck, I wish I was the one you were fucking last night. Could give it to you so much—mhm! So much better than that measly sex toy.”
Haruchiyo pressed his fingers on your wet folds, earning a loud groan from you as he started rubbing them up and down, spreading the wet slick produced by your cunt, “Is that so? Well then, I’ll just have to test it out for myself, huh?” His fingers alternated between rubbing up and down your folds and massaging them in a circle—his ministrations caused you to produce more slick, and you watched as it rolled down onto the floor.
You let out a loud moan as one hand spread out your folds and the other inserted two slender fingers into your cunt. It was just what you expected, his fingers reached way deeper than yours did and it made your toes curl. You bit your lip at the sight in front of you, your legs tangled with one another while Haruchiyo had two fingers stuffed into your wet cunt.
Loud squelches broke the silence as he started mercilessly thrusting his fingers in and out, your juices coating his hands as it trailed down to his wrist, “Aah! Yes… right there, Haru!” You let out a high pitched moan, followed by a string of profanities as you threw your head back against his shoulder; your legs instinctively tried to close around his fingers but Haruchiyo had his legs tangled with yours, so the only option was to sit there and take it—all of it.
Your back arched at the sensation, chest protruding forward which caused Haruchiyo to grab one breast with his free hand and roughly massage it, cupping and tugging at the fat until it was swollen.
“Look at yourself while I’m fucking you with my fingers like this. Look at how you’re falling apart with just two fingers.” His free hand travelled up to your neck, firmly taking hold of it and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror—to look at how fucked out you were, the way you hair stuck to your sweaty skin, the way your swollen lips parted for moans to escape, the way your face contorted with pleasure, the way your sopping cunt gladly took him in with every thrust of his fingers.
You bit your lip at the sight of you, all fucked out for Haruchiyo; nothing but a whimpering mess from his two fingers. The familiar bubbling in your stomach was slowly making its way up, you were so close.
Your hands flew up to his hand that held your neck in place as he started rubbing his palm against your clit, high pitched whines leaving your parted lips as you cried out his name. “Yeah? You close f’me, baby? Why don’t you be a good girl and cum around my fingers?” He whispered against your ear, goosebumps forming as his hot breath ghosted around your skin.
“Aah! I’m cumming, Haru!” Moaning loudly, your hands gripped his arms like a vice as you came around his fingers, legs trying to close around his hand and muscles becoming taut as pleasure engulfed your whole body. “Yeah, that’s it, princess. Good girl.” He moaned with you, trailing hot kisses down the side of your neck.
In the midst of it all, Haruchiyo whispered praises against your ear as he rubbed your clit to ride out your orgasm, causing your hands to fly down to his own and stop him from moving any more as you were becoming overstimulated.
You watched him as he pulled out his fingers from your cunt and brought it to his mouth, tongue licking a long stripe from his wrist, all the way to the tip of his fingers before inserting them into his mouth, all while holding eye contact with you through the mirror. You bit your lip as Haruchiyo moaned around his fingers, loud wet noises coming from his mouth while he sucked and licked his digits.
He let them go with a loud pop and smirked at you, “Get on the bed for me, baby.”
Haruchiyo helped you stand up from the floor, your legs wobbling a bit as the two of you made your way to your bed. Your head made contact with the pillows as you made yourself comfortable, Haruchiyo trailed after you, crawling up the bed and stopping just at the apex of your legs.
“Are you ready for me, baby?” You frantically nodded your head, your bottom lip trapped against your teeth. Your heart raced with anticipation, fuck, you’ve been waiting for this for such a long time, you couldn’t believe it was finally going to happen. 
He slipped out of his pants and underwear, cock springing free from its tight confines. You stared up at his hard cock in awe—it was so much longer in person. You also noticed the vein that ran on the underside of his cock, the one that you vowed to trace with your tongue, maybe next time.
Haruchiyo spread his pre-cum along his shaft, giving his hard cock a few pumps before hooking his hands on the back of your knees and pressing them against your chest so that your wet cunt was on full display, all for him. You whined as he teased the blunt tip of his cock up and down your wet folds, “Impatient, are we?” He chuckled before slowly pushing the tip in.
He hissed at the way you tightly hugged the head of his cock, one hand resting on your bent knee, trying to push down the feeling of wanting to cum right then and there, “Fuck! I always knew this pussy was going to be so tight for me.” Haruchiyo groaned as he pushed his cock further into you, eyes almost rolling back at how your tight, hot cunt sucked him in.
You bit your lip at the way his cock felt inside you, you felt so full and yet he wasn’t even all the way in, “Mhm! Haruuu, you feel so good..” Haruchiyo could only let out a breathy laugh at that, still trying his best not to cum—he grabbed the base of his cock, squeezing hard until the urge to cum slowly dissipated.
With this, he fully thrust himself into your sopping cunt, loudly moaning at how you clenched around him. He stayed sheathed inside you for a few seconds, hands resting on either of your knees and trying to catch his breath—his eyes were glued shut because he knew if he were to open them right this very moment, the urge to cum would come back in an instant.
You wiggled your hips impatiently and whined, trying to chase some kind of friction, “Haru, please move. I can take you.” Haruchiyo cursed under his breath, “Baby, don’t say things you don’t mean. You’ll be begging for mercy later.” He chuckled, before pulling out and slamming back in, earning a loud moan from you.
Your hands flew to the pillows underneath your head as Haruchiyo began thrusting at a fast pace, wet noises and skin slapping could be heart—he hooked his hands behind your knees and pressed them further into your chest, using it as leverage to thrust deeper into you.
He smirked at your state, you were nothing but a moaning mess, all fucked out for his cock that you badly craved. “Haah! Where’s all the snarky remarks now, huh? Shit! You say you don’t like me but look at you, such a slut for my dick—ngh!” You couldn’t even reply to any of his comments, not while he was dicking you down this good—the only things slipping past your lips were your desperate attempts of moaning Haruchiyo’s name out.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Haru! Fuck..” your hands clenched around the pillows beneath your head as he thrusted harder which caused his heavy balls to violently slap against your ass, his low ponytail swinging with every thrust.
“That’s right, let everyone know who’s making you feel this good! Mhm, you are definitely much better than that measly fleshlight.” Haruchiyo threw his head back, letting out a deep groan coming from his chest. He would always fantasise about how tight you would feel around him, and you definitely didn’t disappoint.
With the way his blunt tip was repeatedly abusing your cervix, you could feel another orgasm creeping, “Fuck! I’m almost there—aah!” You shut your eyes closed and clenched around him one last time before cumming around his cock as the coil in your stomach finally snapped.
You let out a loud cry of his name, face contorting with pleasure and legs shaking against your chest as you creamed his cock, “Ah, yeah, that’s it baby…” He groaned, trying his best to thrust in and out with how tight you were clenching around him. Fuck, you looked so hot.
“Sit up f’me baby… take my cum.” You did as you were told, the ache between your legs still shooting sharp pleasure up your spine as Haruchiyo quickly pulled out and started desperately fisting his cock. He moaned at the sight of you, mouth open and ready to take his cum—that was enough for him to completely let go and let pleasure take over him.
Haruchiyo threw his head back, a loud shameless whine escaping his lips, hips rutting against his fist as he came—hot cum spurting all over your face and chest. He rubbed his cock up and down, milking out every last drop as he aimed for your open mouth.
“Good girl…” he panted, one hand resting on your cheek as you swallowed his cum.
The two of you laid down next to each other, staring up at the ceiling while trying to catch your breaths, “…Did you really mean what you said earlier? How you’ve been waiting to kiss me since we first met?” You croaked, turning your head over to the rosy haired man. He snorted, “Yes, I thought it was obvious?” He met your gaze, a small smile making its way to his lips.
Your brows knitted together, “No? I literally hated your guts.”
Haruchiyo sat up at this information, shock evident on his pretty face, “Wait. You hated me for real?” You nodded. He let out an obnoxious laugh, the one you’ve always hated but this time there wasn’t any hint of annoyance in your body, “I thought that was your way of flirting! That’s why I added fuel to the fire, god, I didn’t know you actually hated me.” He buried his face in his hands, embarrassment slowly swallowing him.
Now, you understood why Keisuke said it was just a whole misunderstanding between the two of you. It was a one-sided hatred.
“Oh my goodness, I don’t even know if you like me back— God, I’m such an idiot!” He mumbled against his palms, ears visibly turning red.
“I don’t… hate you. And I never said anything about not liking you back… it’s just that I really have a hard time understanding my emotions, so I resort to projecting anger at the wrong people.” You sat up, now feeling bad for him as you replayed the past with him—all the meaningless arguing.
Haruchiyo removed his hands from his face, “Is this your way of finally confessing your undying love for me?” Normally, you would’ve rolled your eyes with annoyance but this time, you did so with playfulness.
Everything suddenly dissipated, the pent up annoyance and anger, this time, you were actually willing to understand your emotions, for the sake of your future friendships—for the sake of Haruchiyo, because for him, you were willing to face your uncharted emotions and feelings.
And all those daggers and glares that you’ve been giving him for the past few months were suddenly replaced with Cupid’s arrow and heart eyes.
Maybe Haruchiyo Akashi wasn’t too bad at all.
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© mitsuyeaah
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m4ctavish · 2 years
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soap & ghost — wind down.
pairing (s) : john “soap” mactavish/gn!reader, simon “ghost” riley/gn!reader
desc : some sweet headcanons on what it’s like to get these two to wind down and relax after a long day. also just me rambling about certain things
a/n : reader can be viewed as either a civilian or solider ^^
john “soap” mactavish :
soap is put at ease by your presence alone, but what really helps is having your hand in his or being able to rest against you.
i feel like touch is important to him when it comes to getting him to relax; hold his hand and stroke the back of his hand with your thumb or just trace nonexistent shapes. or, just hold him for a bit when the two of you are alone. let him bury his face in to your neck and hold you tight: let him remind himself that you’re there and you’re real.
after a particularly long day, all he wants to do is lay down with you close to him. he’ll wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his chest and resting his head atop of yours. he takes comfort in the constant that is your heartbeat. alternatively, if the two of you are on the couch or somewhere where you can’t lay down together, he’ll rest his head in your lap and close his eyes. (to be honest, i have a feeling he’s a sucker for when your trace over his features— just stroking his cheek has him folding)
talk to him about your day if the two of you spent time apart— tell him the ups and downs, he really wants to know. plus, he really just likes hearing you talk, even if it’s just rambling about something that you find interesting or something that made you mad a few hours prior.
you’ll probably have to coax him in to getting up and cleaning up. “shower. now, mactavish.” “i dinnae-“ “go.”
he appreciates it when you join him for a shower or bath, particularly when you’re behind him, helping him wash his hair when he doesn’t have the energy to do it himself; his muscles are aching and his bones feel like jelly but he supposes it’s alright when he has you there, running your fingers along his skin and scalp, leaving a trail of suds and washing away the accumulated grime.
after that, it’s back to bed for him (and you) with him pulling you close, arms wrapping around you comfortably. he’ll hold on to you all night if you let him but if not, having you lay next to him will suffice.
simon “ghost” riley :
ghost takes a bit to wind-down and fully relax, likely needing some aid.
take some time to help him remove the grease paint around his eyes with a warm rag and some soap; standing between his legs, one hand tilting his chin up so he can look at you whilst your other hand works to gently drag the rag along his under eyes, cleaning up any stray dark spots. his hands are resting on your hips— it helps keep him grounded, helps keep him in the present and prevents his mind from wandering to endeavors of the day.
when you’re done, he’ll usually mumble a soft “thanks” or a “love ya,” and give you a gentle squeeze.
sometimes you’ll stand there a bit longer, letting him rest his head against your stomach, carding your fingers through his hair. these are his favorite moments— it feels like everything goes still and there’s nothing in the world but the two of you. no wars, no betrayals, just you.
it’s baffling to him that one person could provide him with such a sense of serenity and sometimes he finds himself wondering if he’s even deserving of such a thing. those thoughts go as quickly as they came though when you mumble a quiet but heartfelt, “i love you, simon.”
kinda feel like he purrs like a cat sometimes if he’s relaxed— not like, downright purring but more like a low hum/rumble in his chest. like, you’re just stroking his jaw or rubbing his cheek and there’s just this low “hmm” (does that make sense LOL)
alternatively, ghost needs some time alone to unwind; it’s nothing personal, that’s just how he is. it’s hard to tell where he goes— he’s just out the door and it’s hard to track him after that unless he wants to be found, which isn’t very often.
i imagine that he has a few places he frequents, usually high up where he can comfortably watch everything and everyone from above. it’s usually quiet that high up too, helps him clear his mind when it’s nothing but raging turmoil.
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mouschiwrites · 5 months
hi hi! can I request some headcanons about the ninja (+pixal, if you're up for it) having an artist s/o? okay thank you, also I love your writing!
Oooh yess!! Where my artist ninjago enjoyers at⁉️ I’ve come to nourish you <3
Ninjago - Ninjas (+ Pixal) with an Artist s/o
Immediately asks if you can draw/paint/etc him
If you agree, he will ask again in the future
….honestly he’ll probably keep asking even if you say no
What can he say? He wants to inspire you ;)
If you have art block, he immediately jumps to pose dramatically or arrange a bowl of fruit or something
He’s equally enamored with the quality of your work and the fact that it came from your hands
He loves all your work, even the pieces you decide to scrap/re-do
“What are you doing?? That was perfect!”
“Jay? How long have you been standing there-”
On that note, he loves to watch you work
Even when you don’t know he’s watching… (he’s a little obsessed)
But the plus side of this is that he knows the exact products you use, and he can see when you’re running low
He makes sure to replenish your stocks for you :) so you won’t ever have to worry about running out mid-project
He also makes sure to flaunt your work as much as possible, especially the pieces he “inspired”
He truly thinks you’re the best artist in the world, and he WILL fight someone over it
I see Cole as a pretty artsy guy himself, so he’d be thrilled to have an artsy s/o
You might not expect it, but he’s really in tune with his feelings, so to me it makes sense
He’s not quite as artsy as you, but he knows how to appreciate it
He’s more into the performing arts himself, but he has no less respect for other types of art
He’ll totally arrange work sessions for you both, which vary depending on the vibe you’re working with
Feeling like doing something a little dark or moody? Dramatic piano. Candles. Wine/grape juice in wine glasses.
Feeling colorful? Open windows. Flowers in vases. Candy and fruit. Maybe some cartoons playing in the background.
Point being: he knows how to get a vibe going
He really loves to work alongside you, even if you’re not doing the same thing
Sometimes he tries to sketch or paint, but more often he’s just watching you work or practicing moves
(You guys totally have a shared studio btw; wood floors and barre for him, easel/supply cabinet/whatever you need for you)
You guys definitely help each other out too
He’ll teach you a few moves so you can be his dance partner every now and again, and he’s more than happy to be your muse in return
He doesn’t really do performances or anything (dance is just a side hobby), so he has all the more respect for you if you publicize your work
He loves all your work, but he’s also a great source of constructive criticism
“I like this one. It’s darker than your other pieces, though, isn’t it? More drab.”
“Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking. I think I was just in a mood when I made it.”
He’ll make requests, but mostly for things he thinks would be cool
“What if you did one with, like, a car shooting flames from its exhaust pipes? Oh! And the driver is super handsome with a flaming cape and swords and sunglasses that are made of pieces of the sun!”
“That is insane. …I’m starting right now.”
He really admires your art, and he’s honestly a bit jealous of your skill
He actually has a pretty creative mind, just not the means to express it
So he’ll be shy about it, but eventually he asks if you can give him some pointers
He doesn’t want to keep asking you to bring his sharks flying in jets over volcanoes to life forever, after all
He’s gotta learn to be independent!
So he’ll quietly join you while you work, watching you closely and trying to follow along
He gets frustrated when he isn’t instantly as talented as you, and you have to laughingly assure him that skill takes time
He only gains more respect for you as he tries to stay calm
He learns to truly admire your work this way
And with his admiration came a tenfold increase in support
However you share your art, he’s the #1 supporter
Posting online? He’s already liked, commented, and shared on 7 different platforms. At a showcase? He’s dressed sharply, stationed not-so-inconspicuously in front of your piece(s) and getting others to talk about them
He also has a deep appreciation for art
He doesn’t always understand non-logical things, but art has a way of resonating with him
So to have a partner who makes art…
It adds a whole new level of emotional depth to your relationship
You already make him feel complex things, so seeing art that’s from you is truly an experience
The wistfulness he gets when looking at normal art is only amplified when he remembers that your hands produced it
He likes to be with you when he admires it, squeezing your hand while he takes in the little details
He’s a quiet admirer, but he’ll absolutely attend any events you’re featured in/support any online presence you have
He never gets tired of looking at your work; or looking at you work, for that matter
If you let him, he’ll watch you work
He’s dead silent, which is either a blessing or a curse depending on how easily you get creeped out
Eventually, when you finish, he’ll stand up and join you at your side, admiring the final product
You know he likes it when he reaches for your hand with a smile, letting you rest your head against him
The most you’ll get verbally is “it’s beautiful,” but trust me, he feels so much more deeply about the piece (and you <3)
Lloyd is more curious than anything when he finds out you’re an artist
What kinds of art do you do? Can he see your work? Have you always liked art?
He’s eager to see your work, but he’s not sure he can “appreciate” it properly
You have to reassure him that there’s no one way to “appreciate” art, and however he feels about it, that’s just how he feels
Your response only increases his interest
He ends up getting more into art because of you
The art of appreciation, if you will
He wants to be able to understand your work more so that he knows how to support you
He mostly spends hours just staring at your work, trying to notice the little details
He’d love to watch you at work, too, if you’ll let him
He asks questions all the time, but still tries not to annoy you
He’s actually already a natural at “appreciating” art, but the fact that he’s always trying to learn only makes him better at it
So you can do nothing but smile while he tilts his head, carefully formulating his next question
They’re surprisingly deep at times:
“Do you think this piece uses smoother shapes because you were feeling relaxed, so you moved more slowly? Or perhaps you were just emulating your calmness subconsciously..?”
“That could be it. I hadn’t thought of it like that.”
“Oh, sorry, am I overanalyzing? Sorry-”
“No, no, you’re totally right.”
You’ll ruffle his hair affectionately, and he’ll wrap an arm around your shoulder while he continues to examine your piece :]
I’m gonna be honest, I don’t see Nya as the type to get all deep over the meaning of art
Like, if it’s pleasing to the eye she’ll appreciate it, but she doesn’t think about it too much
It’s just too abstract for her tastes; the pseudo-reasoning of art critics gets on her nerves
But for your work she makes an exception
Well, not really an exception—she doesn’t take to pseudo-reasoning
She knows you, she knows your feelings, so when she sees your work, she sees a piece of you in it
It’s something she doesn’t see in other art pieces; she doesn’t know the artist, so it’s nothing more than a visual piece for her
But with your pieces, she can dig deeper because she knows deeper information
That’s why she loves your work, and why she loves watching you work
You’re the only artist that makes her feel like she really understands art, and for that she appreciates you
(She still thinks that most critics talk out of their asses though)
On that note, she will fight your critics. She will hunt them down and make them regret ever trying to “understand” your work
“Tch, look at this idiot. He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about! He doesn’t know you!”
“Nya, he’s complimenting my work-”
“But he doesn’t understand it!”
Honestly you think it’s a little funny how she’s unintentionally become one of those critics who argue about a piece’s meaning
Only for you though ;)
She has a vast trove of knowledge, but feeling is something she often struggles with
There are few things that actually give her profound emotions
Your art is one of those things
The fact that it came from you, that your hands crafted it…
It stirs something in her, and suddenly the shapes and colors come to life
She asks you about it often, trying to understand
“Why is it… calming?”
“Well, I suppose I used some pretty muted colors, and the imagery is kinda peaceful… I dunno, does it calm you?”
“Yes. It makes me feel calm.”
Obviously you’re proud of her for better recognizing her emotions
And she’s proud of herself!!
Your art helps her understand a part of her that she’s only beginning to explore
And, since it comes directly from you, she credits you with the help :)
She loves to see your finished work, but she also finds herself mesmerized by your creative process
Watching the piece come together, each motion bringing it closer to completion, helps her understand the art itself
She tells herself that it helps her understand her feelings, too
Even though she knows that not every piece is dedicated to her, she always thanks you for showing her your work <3
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Thanks for this request!! And thank you for reading, take care you little rockstars <33
(divider by saradika)
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hello there! I hope you're having a good week!
I don't know if you take asks for this (it is not written in the rules) but could I get a nsfw alphabet for Red haired Shanks?
It's okay if you don't do this type of requests!
Thank you and Bye!
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⟡    ֺ   𓂂  nsfw alphabet  ,  shanks.
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!!     cw(s)! . . .  nsfw. gn!reader. me being a shanks stan. not proofread. minors DNI.
!!     notes! . . .  i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write for shanks. i hope i did him justice. thank you for requesting !! <33
!! i would also like to say that i don't really do nsfw alphabets, but i have made an exception for the past two bcuz i didn't state it earlier. PLUS i'm a beckman and shanks stan
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A — AFTERCARE. [ what they’re like after sex. ]
shanks is a very affectionate guy. he can’t keep his hand to himself. he becomes very clingy and cuddly after sex, good luck getting away from him, you’ll need it. when you try prior yourself out of his strong, warm embrace, he will whine and pout. he is not above laying on you to keep you still
however, he will consider moving if you suggest a shower. you’ve never seen him move so damn fast in your life. he draws a nice, hot bubbly bath for the two of you, with a nice mineral soak to help you relax. expect him to pepper your neck, shoulders, and upper back with kisses
B — BODY PART. [ their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s. ]
shanks loves all of himself. he’s very confident in his appearance, which he loves constantly reminding you. if he had to pick a favorite, it would be his chest, a reminder of his hard work, and how far he has come from being a scrawny teen to a strong man. plus he knows he looks good
he’s an ass man. he can’t pretend he’s not. he hates to see you go, but loves to watch you leave. when you’re around, he’s always going to have a hand on your ass, plus he just can’t help himself when you walk by. he’s just gotta smack it
BUT he also has this thing for your hands. he LOVES your hands. he loves feeling your hands, no matter if they’re warm or cool, on his body. the way you hold his face in your hands, the way your fingertips graze his bare chest, the way your hand wraps around his shaft. he goes insane
C — CUM. [ anything to do with cum. ]
oh, he’s so messy. he loves painting your body in his cum. your body is the perfect canvas. he can’t get enough of the sight of you taking some onto your fingers and licking it clean off
D — DIRTY SECRET. [ self-explanatory. ]
he’d definitely love to try a threesome with benn. there is no one he trusts more than his first mate. he’s thought about it A LOT. he gets all hot and bothered just remembering his fantasies. these fantasies of his started out as a joke after seeing the two of you spar but man…it’s definitely not a joke anymore
the thought of both you and benn dominating him, makes his heart dance out of his chest. he has almost told you both this when he got so drunk he couldn’t even stand on his two feet, literally falling into benn’s lap and saying “this is how my dream started”. when you both pressed for more, he slapped his hand over his mouth
E — EXPERIENCE. [ how experience are they? do they know what they’re doing? ]
shanks has not been around the block, no. HE IS THE BLOCK. slut, if you will. he has the experience under his belt. you name it, he’s likely tried it at some point in the past. with his experience, he knows how to make you feel on top of the world in more ways than one.
F — FAVORITE POSITION. [ self-explanatory. ]
he’s a sucker for you riding him. as he always does, he’ll tell the same joke of having the best view in the world. plus it gives him ample opportunity to do what he does best, flatter you. just when you think he’s said all he could say about your body, he manages to come up with something you’ve never heard before that sets your body on fire.
he also enjoys spooning. holding you close, your back pressed against his hard chest, peppering your neck and should in open-mouth kisses, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, as he slowly thrusts into you, letting you feel every inch
G — GOOFY. [ are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? ]
shanks is so unserious a lot of the time, especially in the bedroom. he’s constantly joking and teasing you between heated, desperate kisses and rough thrusts. will stop mid-stroke to make you laugh and smile because he wants to make you feel good and have fun. his jokes may not always land, but it’s funny to see him pout when you don’t even smile at his jokes. he is not above tickling you if you don’t laugh
H — HAIR. [ how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? ]
shanks has a fair amount of hair. very red, shades darker than his hair…..#5D1916…yeah. not a shaver, he does trim the best he can with his one hand. it’s definitely messy and lopsided. if it bothers you and you’re willing to help him out a little, he’ll happily oblige. and if you asked for the favor to be returned, he’s more than ready.
I — INTIMACY. [ how are they in the moment, the romantic aspect? ]
while he loves being all funny in the moment, nothing can compare to the romantic stuff. between his more humorous moments, he has his sudden bursts of being quite intimate with you. when the laughter dies down, he presses his body against yours, getting rid of any space between you. he rests his forehead against yours, letting you feel his heavy breath on your lips
J — JACK OFF. [ masturbation headcanon. ]
honestly, shanks doesn’t really jerk off as he used to. way back before, he’d usually find a partner to shack up with or take care of it himself, quick and easy. now that he has you, he’d much rather you help him. on the off-chance that you are not there, he’ll stand in the shower, letting the hot water rain down on him. he imagines your naked body in the shower with him, standing behind him, your head on his shoulder. he pictures his hand as yours, stroking him
K — KINK. [ one or more of their kinks. ]
he loves overstimulation. he can be so cruel but it burns so good. he loves seeing you writhing in pleasure, babbling on. expecting him to be teasing you here and there as he’s talking you through it. he also loves being overstimulated. he thinks you’re so mean, tears pricking his eyes. his breath hiking up as his body jolts forward as you sink back onto his cock
definitely into marking. he loves marking every part of your body, whether with hickeys or bite marks. he wears your hickeys and bite marks with the utmost pride. cover them ?? why ?? he loves showing the world he’s taken for
L — LOCATION. [ favorite places to do it. ]
he’s definitely in the comforts of the captain’s quarters kind of guy. he would prefer to have you all over the room. the bed, the floor, the wall, the chair, the dresser, the shower, you name it. if he’s feeling it, he might take you up for a quickie in a bar restroom
M — MOTIVATION. [ what turns them on, gets them going? ]
it doesn’t take much to get him in the mood. just you walking by a bit slower than usual, to make sure he’s paying attention as you swing your hips from side to side. when his eyes travel up from your ass up to your inviting eyes looking back at him, he’s ready immediately
or when you’re fighting and you’re just absolutely obliterating your opponent. when you wipe the sweat from your head with the back of your hand, your chest rising and falling from your heavy breathing, that hot smirk. you look good enough to eat, he’s happy to volunteer
N — NO. [ something they wouldn’t do, turn offs. ]
he’s saying no to anything that could hurt you. he never ever wants to be the one who hurts you. and no degradation, those words just don’t feel right leaving his mouth
O — ORAL. [ preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc. ]
what can he say, he’s a giver and you are his favorite meal. nothing gives him complete satisfaction than seeing you lose your mind because of his mouth. he’s likely making more noise than you. he is very into face-sitting and will beg you to sit on his face. no, he doesn’t need to breathe, just get up there. don’t expect to come down until you’ve came at least twice, so saddle up
as for receiving, he likes when you’re a little mean to him, teasing him a little. only giving him kitten licks until he’s practically begging you to do more. you know he’s spent when he starts his desperate string of pleases. he’s putty in your hands the second you finally indulge him and take his shaft into your mouth, that chills travel down his spine as he throws his head back babbling about nothing. how cute
P — PACE. [ are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc. ]
the pace varies really. even in one round, the pace can vary on how both of you feel. he enjoys starting off slow and sensual, moving into a slightly quicker, more passionate pace as he talks you through it with his forehead pressed against yours
Q — QUICKIE. [ their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. ]
he’s not particularly fond of them. it doesn’t allow him to take his time and rile you up. they’re pretty much over before you get to the fun part in his opinion. if you want a quickie then he’ll definitely go for it because he’s whipped for you. he’d jump off a bridge if you asked him to
R — RISK. [ are they game to experiment, do they take the risks, etc. ]
there’s not much he likely hasn’t tried already, but if you manage to find something he hasn’t tried, he’d definitely try it out with you
S — STAMINA. [ how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last? ]
insane stamina. he can go as many rounds as you’d like him to. he loves playfully bragging about it too. he makes sure to let you have breathers in between to make sure you’re okay and if you want to continue
T — TOY. [ do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves? ]
before you, he never really owned any toys. he had used them more with previous partners but they were never his. now with you around, he finally comes around to getting some of his own to use on you. would love it if you used them on him
U — UNFAIR. [ how much they like to tease? ]
shanks loves the way your body reacts to him too much to even think about teasing you. you think you can’t wait, he most definitely can’t either. he’d much rather tease you about the noises you’re making and how pretty you sound
V — VOLUME. [ how loud they are, what sounds they make. ]
he is definitely not afraid to get a little loud. there’s no way you’ll get him to shut up. he’ll moan and groan between his hushed, desperate words. talking like he’s never going to see you again. he loves talking you through it, praising you for how good you are to him, and talking about your pretty sounds
W — WILD CARD. [ random headcanon. ]
shanks enjoys being blindfolded. there’s something so enthralling about you blindfolding him and him not knowing what you plan to do next. you’ll able to tell when he’s using his observation haki to sense you which you don’t take kindly to. every time he uses it, another orgasm you’ll deny. you’re building him up just to let him back down again repeatedly
X — X-RAY. [ what’s going on under those clothes. ]
about 6-7 inches with an above-average girth for a nice stretch. a few prominent veins on either side. there’s definitely a tattoo with a sexual meaning on his crotch that he got when he was young as a dare, that he definitely regrets. please don’t point it out or he’ll get embarrassed
Y — YEARNING. [ how high is their sex drive? ]
it has definitely gone down a lot with age. he looks back on his past wondering how anyone didn’t find him crazy annoying for being horny damn near all the time. his sex drive is about average, likely needing you about twice every week or so. it definitely does build up though. he starts having withdrawals without you because he’s so dramatic. he sighs trying to get your attention, knowing he has nothing to sigh for. when you ask him what is it, he just says ‘oh it’s nothing’….of course it’s something
Z — ZZZ. [ how quickly they fall asleep afterwards? ]
he’ll stay up for a while after, that’s when he gets all his affection and all the jokes he didn’t tell yet out. he’ll still likely fall asleep before you when he’s sure that you’re all good. the second ‘good night, baby’ leaves his lips he’s out like a light. you swear you’ve never seen him out so fast
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© MANGEKYUOU  —  do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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h-didanart · 28 days
*ahem* Hello fellow fans and au makers! I am here to showcase my silly little au. Allow me to introduce you to our main characters:
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These are Sunset and Moonlight, from The Sunset and Moonlight show! Close ups and info dump below
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Where to start where to start, okay, a general description of the AU should be good to start with yeah? Yeah
This is a swap au, but unlike what I usually see swap AUs do, this is less of a full personality swap and more of a ‘bend the characters to a point where they change roles’ thing.
Sunset Rays Celestial-
Sun is a tired and apathetic guy. He would like to be left all alone in his room for the rest of his days, but that’s not really a good thing so he’s fine just living a calm and drama-free life.
His hobbies include cleaning, painting, sewing, and gaming. The cleaning has gotten embedded into his code to a concerning degree, he will clean a spot over and over for hours if he’s having a bad day. He got into art while he was undergoing “repairs”, he found painting to be a fun activity despite its messiness, and sewing has proven to be fruitful for his wardrobe. He’s gotten so good at these that he actually gets commissions and is paid very well. He prefers to draw with pastels and markers when he can. The video games are a shared hobby with his twin brother, Moon, they both play together sometimes. His favorite game is Cult of the Lamb.
He has a malfunction of sorts where his voice box will give out randomly and he’ll be unable to talk. It’s annoying but he doesn’t really mind, he has gotten really good at sign language from it. Plus, he uses it as an excuse to avoid talking to Moon whenever he gets the chance to.
The Computer absolutely hates his guts and has sent him off to various different dimensions. He’s acquainted with quite a few people and even has friends.
He has very good aim, both in video games and physically. He usually uses it to throw something at Moon to get his attention. Or to get him to leave him alone. Or to annoy him. Or just because. This has proved to be a really bad habit.
Despite being generally apathetic, he’s actually pretty good with emotions, being able to read them well on others and act accordingly.
He also knows magic.
Crescent Moonlight Celestial-
Moon is an energetic and nervous guy. He wants nothing more than to live happily with his brother. And do science, he’s a nerd.
His hobbies include science and gaming. On the side of science he specializes on robotics, programming, and inter dimensional studies, with some advanced physics as well. He’s a genius, basically. Gaming is a shared hobby between him and his twin brother, they both play together sometimes. He seems to have taken a liking to the Kingdom Hearts series, but Pokémon will forever have his heart.
The killing code is very much still in him, it manifests as heat on the back of his head and irritability. During a full kill code episode he’ll be extremely aggressive, on top of having increased physical capabilities and virtually no filter. He dreads having those and constantly checks his temperature. Independent from the kill code he has a bad temper.
He isn’t exactly a ‘people’s person’ yet due to having been the active Daycare Attendant for a few months he has grown acquainted with a few of the Pizzaplex animatronics. Montgomery took a liking to him. Because money.
Because of reasons he has a lot of bunkers on a lot of different parts of the world. He remembers them all thanks to the collection of tree branches he has picked up when he visited. These are jokingly called The Whacking Sticks (and is a genuine joke, he just likes collecting sticks)
He wanted to learn emotions better so he decided to find the code that controls emotions in himself and turned it on all the way. He’s starting to realize this wasn’t a good idea.
A master acrobat, he loves flying with the wire.
In case it wasn’t clear yet, Sun and Moon switch places in this au. Things may change, and I may come up with funny details later, but I hope you had fun reading this little introduction to my au
More stuff about them to come at some point!
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Kid X Insecure Plus Sized Female (Tomboy) reader
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Request-Hey Cierra! I wanted to say I love your insecure plus sized reader stories!!!!! I want to request Kid with a insecure plus sized reader who is more on the tom boyish side. Maybe she tries to impress him and it backfires or something to that extent! Thank you
AN-I have been dying to write for this man! Thank you so much I absolutely loved this idea. I really liked the way reader comes across, she is honestly a badass and I love her. Thank you @seafoamxshayde for helping me edit.
Word count- 8.1k
Readers thoughts are in bold and italics
Other Characters- Killer, Heat and Wire
! Contents/Warnings!
Very suggestive themes towards the end(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖), Violence, Mentions of a burning building, Mentions of weapons, Reader is a weapons specialist, Yelling, Cussing, insecurities regarding femininity and being plus sized, Reader gets humiliated in front of a crowd, Mentions of alcohol consumption, Destructive thoughts.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Enjoy! -Love, Cierra
 “Get up Y/N we're about to port!” Heat shook your body, but you didn’t move a muscle. “Please wake up!”
 “Nooo, I’m sleepy~.” Your groan in your semi awake state. “Gimme five more minutes.” 
 “But you told me to wake you up no matter what.” He gives you a few more nudges. “You said you had something very important you needed to do today, remember?” 
 “I’M UP.” The sleepiness you felt moments ago was replaced by a sense of urgency. Today was the day!  “Thank you, Heat. You're so reliable.”
 “You're welcome.” You see a small blush paint his face. “Killer said to come see him in the kitchen first.” 
 “Gottcha.” Heat leaves your bedroom so you can get ready.
 You throw some comfy clothes on and walk over to your “closet”, but you just call it your mini arsenal.Instead of clothes it's filled with everything from throwing knives, swords, polearms, guns, grenades, bombs and even a few bazookas.
 “Where are you?” Your eyes scan over the insane amount of artillery. “There you are!” You smile and grab the old dagger you’ve deemed your favorite. It was also your first ever weapon. Your crush since childhood and current captain Kid gave it to you years ago saying “You need to defend yourself in case I’m not around.” And you took that to heart. You learnt everything you could about defending yourself. Gradually you dabbled into different weapons, thus creating your obsession.
 But when there is obsession, there is also vast knowledge. You are second to none when it comes to weaponry and you know how to wield just about anything like a pro. Enemies undermine you due to being a bigger girl, but your quick to show them badass comes in many different shapes and sizes.
 You can even do minor repairs to weapons with the help of your captain. He is actually the one who recently redone the handle on your beloved dagger. Kid put so much thought into the fine details. He etched your initials into the side of the handle along with his Jolly Roger, made the hand guard in the shape of a star and to top it off, made a new holster for it. Everytime you look at it reminds you why you're so in love with him. He may be a grouch, but he is your grouch. Well he’s not technically yours, yet. 
 You’ve kept your feelings for him locked away thanks to all of your insecurities. As a fighter you're confident, but as a woman..not so much. You recall a newspaper article titled “New world beauty standards.” According to it most men sailing the Grandline preferred women with hourglass bodies, petite structures, and next to no body fat besides boobs and ass. It also mentioned they preferred women who were cute and in touch with their femininity. You may not be able to change your body size or shape, but the rest of it you can learn.
 “I hope you're ready, Eustass Kid.” You holster the dagger around your thigh and head to the kitchen.
 “Good morning.” You walk into the kitchen to see Killer frying up something. “Whatcha making?”
 “Pancakes, your favorite.” You watch as he flips the pan like a pro. “I figured you’d want to start your day off right considering you're finally fessin up to Kid. That is if you haven’t chickened out...” Killer lays a plate of pancakes in front of you. 
 “I’m not backing down this time, as a matter of fact I'm doing it at tonight's party.” You stab your fork into the pancakes and take a big bite. “Heat told me we would be porting soon. Once we do I’m going to head into town. I need to pick a few things up….. But.”
 “First of all don’t talk with your mouth full and let me guess Y/N.” Killer crosses his arms. “You're broke.”
 “How did you know?” You furrow your brows. 
 “I’ve known you long enough to know your bad spending habits. But I hate to break it to you.” Killer sat down before breaking the bad news. “I’ve got to restock on food and other supplies, meaning I have no extra. Sorry.” Looks like I’ll have to use my back up plan.
 “That’s okay Killer.” You stuff the last bit of pancake in your mouth. “I’ll figure something out.”
 “So what exactly are you going to get anyways?” Killers' questions cause your cheeks to heat up.
 “Well I’m not really sure, but I want to do something special. I figured I’d get a makeover or something in town.” You may not have a master plan, but you're a good improviser.
 “I see. So how are you going to get the money to do that?” The masked man questions, little did he know…..
 “You're not my only piggy bank Killer.” A devious smile forms on your face. “I’ve got a red one too.”
 “What the hell did you just call me?” He may wear a mask, but you didn't need to see his face to know he was pissed. 
 “Uh.. Nothing. Hey look at the time. Gotta got. Thanks for the food!” You jump up from your chair and speed walk out of the kitchen only to run into something hard. 
 “Dammit Y/N!” You look up and see your said red piggy bank and captain giving you a not so nice look. “Watch where you're going.”
 “Oops.” You fight back the urge to snap right back at him, instead you back away and look him up and down. Admiring the view~ “Wow captain, your muscles keep getting bigger and bigger every time I see you. If I’m not careful I'll run into you one day and get sent flying overboard!” You don’t know how to flirt all that well, but you know how to butter Kid up and all it took was a simple compliment. 
 “Shut up.” He snaps his head away from your prying eyes. But judging from the red on the tips of his ears, it worked. “Anyways we are going to be dropping anchor soon. Do you have money?” No but I’m about to~
 “So funny story…” Kid rolls his eyes as you make up an excuse for your lack of cash. “And that’s why I am broke.” 
 “I should have known.” He shoots you a wicked smirk before bending down to your eye level. “You know what Y/N? You keep getting broker and broker every time I run into you.” His metallic hand grabs yours before his flesh hand drops a leather pouch in your palm. “I heard this island has some good weapons shops.” He trails off. “Just don’t go buying something stupid, got it?” 
 “Me, buy something stupid? Never!” A smile forms on your face. Maybe I should call him a ‘Kiddy Bank’. “Thank you.” 
 “Hey captain, we're dropping anchor!” You hear Wire call from the deck. 
 “Okay everyone listen up.” Kid’s voice booms. After giving the crew different tasks Kid dismisses you. Operation doll up Y/N was officially on.
 In town
 After managing to sneak away from the crew you reach the city. It was pretty large and filled with restaurants, bars and plenty of places to shop. You wander around with no rhyme or reason while trying to think of what to get or do. Out of the corner of your eye you spot a newspaper and magazine stand. 
 You look over all of the magazines until one catches your attention. The girl on the front was holding a perfume bottle with big bold letters above it that said “The Granline Beauty Insider.” You open the magazine and skim through it. It was mostly ads for different cosmetics, but it did have some helpful pointers like, “Speak softly and have good posture.” “Wear red, it’s sexy.” “Walk slowly and sway your hips; it drives guys crazy!” “Wear a pair of high heels.” “Buy lingerie.” You slam the magazine shut out of embarrassment. I doubt I’ll need that.
 After walking around and brainstorming you come up with a plan. First thing on your agenda- Buy and learn how to use makeup. You ask a local and they point you towards a cosmetics shop.
 At the cosmetics shop
 “Hello there!” The worker greets you with a wide smile. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
 “Umm yeah actually.” You look around at the overwhelming amount of makeup products. “I’ve never really worn makeup and I don’t know a thing about it.”
 “Oh I see. Well don’t worry!” The worker grabs your hand. “First things first let's find the correct foundation shade you need. Also what color theme are you going for?”
 “Red please.” 
 She ran you all over the store while giving you pointers on how to apply everything she was giving you. You made mental notes on all of the techniques she uses to make a ‘Flawless look’. 
 “I think that’s got all the basics. I’ll take this up to the register and let you look around some more!” You thank the clerk and explore the store on your own.
 A pleasant smell invades your nostrils. You follow said smell until you end up in the perfume section of the store. They have the bottle of perfume the girl on the magazine cover was holding. Apparently it was called ‘Grandline Goddess’. You spray a little on your wrist and get sent straight to heaven. According to the box the notes were flowery orchard, tropical fruit with a hint of musk. You're coming with me.
 “Is this all for you?” You nod at the clerk. “Alright, your total is 7,000 berries.” HUH?!
 “Here you go.” You hand over the cash while holding back a scream. 
 “Thank you! I hope my crash course lesson was helpful!” The clerk hands you the bag.
 “It was. Thank you so much for your help.” She waves you out as you  leave the store. “Holy crap that was expensive!” Lucky for you the pouch Kid gave you was filled to the brim, so you still have quite a bit left.
 The next mission was to find something to wear and a pair of shoes. Most of your closet consisted of sleep clothes, tactical gear and clothes that give you max mobility for fighting. And as far as shoes go you had either boots or sneakers.  
 You window shop trying to find a shop that carries your size. So far most of the shops that had anything cute didn’t carry plus sizes which was a bummer. But when you were at wits end you found a plus sized boutique and the clothes looked cute and stylish. Jackpot.
In the boutique
 “Welcome! If you need any help let me know!” You smile at the clerk before exploring the store. It was amazing how many colors and variations of dresses they have. But one particular dress caught your attention. The shade of red matches perfectly with the makeup you bought and it was in your size. 
 “Can I try this one on?” You hold the dress up, grabbing the clerks attention.
 “Certainly, I’ll show you the fitting rooms. Right this way please.”
In the fitting rooms
“I’ll be right outside, please let me know if you need help.” The clerk steps out, leaving you alone.
 You do your best to avoid looking in the mirror while undressing. It's sad how taking one look at your body could destroy everything.Your confidence, your mood and self worth could be taken away at a single glance. With a deep sigh you zip the dress up with the help of a hanger. Your fingers smooth the fabric to your body as your face the mirror. You’ve never really thought anything looked good on you, but the dress isn’t half bad. It fits just right and the magazine wasn’t lying when it said red was sexy. 
 “That dress was made for you! You look absolutely marvelous!” The clerk beams the moment you step out of the dressing room. “Do a spin for me!” You smile and spin around in circles and feel something fall off you in the process. “Oh my.” You stop and see your dagger had fallen off and into the floor. Oh crap.
 “My bad haha.” You and the clerk share an awkward laugh. “You know us girls gotta protect ourselves.” You trail off and strap the dagger back to your thigh.
 “Yeah, you're right.” The clerk relaxes. “Anyways I think I have a pair of heels that would look good with the dress. What is your shoe size?” You tell her and she disappears into the store before coming back with a box. She laid the heels in front of you. You put them on, but did not take a step out of fear. You look in the mirror and see she was right, they really tie the outfit together. But the real question was can you walk in them and not kill yourself? For better or worse you trust you can learn. 
 “I’ll take both please!”
 By the time you got done shopping the sun was starting to set. Blue and pink hues fill the sky. You recall Kid mentioning when the sky looks like this at sunset, it was a good omen for smooth sailing. Hopefully that means tonight will go smoothly too.
 “I better head back to the Victoria.” You took a few steps before your mini transponder snail began to ring. “Hello, you have the pleasure of speaking to the one and only Y/N.” 
 “Wow, I’m honored.” Killer voice deadpans. “So change of plans. No party on the ship tonight.” Your jaw almost hits the ground at his words. “Instead Kid wants everyone to meet at the bar near the end of the town in an hour.”
 “Sounds good. I’ll see ya there.” Click. You release a heavy sigh. It was good that there would still be some form of celebration, but you hoped it would be on the ship for the sake of privacy. “It’s going to be okay. You’ve got this Y/N.” You mentally pat yourself on the back. No backing out.
You rush back to the ship and start getting ready. You lay out all of the makeup you bought and start applying it. Despite never having used makeup before, you do a damn good job. Everything was blended well, your eyeshadow was symmetrical and the whole look was overall decent.
 The dress smooths over your body once more. You walk over to the full length mirror by your bathroom and check yourself out. Despite your initial worry, you feel confident and even a little sexy. But something was missing… Jewelry. You dig around in your room until you find the jewelry box you stole from an enemy ship a while back. It of course was filled with stolen jewelry. You go through it until you find something to match your outfit. A golden necklace with a red heart charm catches your eyes. Perfect.
 You put the necklace and earrings on and finish off with a few sprays of perfume. But now comes the hard part. The heels. Thankfully the heel wasn’t crazy high off the ground, but it was enough for you to feel off balance. You nearly face plant a couple times but after doing a few circles around your room you feel confident enough to walk in them.
 You almost walk out the door but remember something important. A weapon. Hopefully tonight you don’t have to use one, but with Kid and the rest of the crew, you never know what is going to happen. 
 “Let’s see. I need something to match.” You search once again and spot the perfect one. 
 You were the first one to show up at the bar, much to your surprise. You figured you’d walk in to see Kid throwing back drinks and scaring people away. But neither him or the rest of the crew has shown up. You find a vacant table and wait for everyone else. A wave of nervousness crashes over you when you think about Kid. Will he like how I look? As if on cue the bar doors burst open, revealing the man of the hour. 
 Kid walks in like he owns the place with Killer following behind. The pair spot you and start to walk your way. Your heartbeat picks up when a pair of orange eyes land on you. With a few heavy steps, Kid was standing right in front of you. His eyes look you up and down before they stall on your face. 
 “Hey Kid, there is something I need to tell you.” You spoke in a softer tone and straightened your back up. For a moment he just stares at you. “Kid I lo-” Your cut off by Kid’s howling laughter.
 “Why are you talking like that and what the hell is all over your face?” You were absolutely floored by his reaction. “And when did you start wearing dresses? It doesn't suit you at all.” His words make your heart drop.  He let out one last laugh before going up to the bar,completely throwing you off. You clench your teeth and blink a few tears away.
 “Y/N…” Killer’s voice snaps you from your thoughts. 
 “It's fine.” You cringe at the way your voice cracks. Hold it together Y/N, you're strong.
 “Killer get over here!” Kid’s voice booms against the walls of the bar.
 “You better go before he starts trouble.” You give the masked man a fake smile. He nods before joining Kid at the bar. Part of you wants to leave so you can cry, while the other part wants to waltz up to Kid and knock his lights out for laughing at you. Crying would only destroy your makeup and punching Kid wouldn't change a damn thing. I guess I’ll stay and see how things play out.
 Heat, wire and the rest of the crew came filing in one by one. The music in the bar was loud and energetic as people hit the dance floor. Everyone not dancing was laughing and enjoying their drinks, while you sat alone, sulking like a kicked puppy. 
 “I need to find a girl to dance with.” The men sitting at the table next to you look around the room for possible takers.
 “There’s you one.” You can feel their judgmental eyes study your body as they laugh.
 “Hell no man.” You clench your fist knowing they are making fun of you. It’s most definitely not the first time it’s happened, but right now you were in no mood.
 “I have ears, you jackasses.” You shoot the men a nasty glare. 
 “No wonder you're all by yourself. Not only are you fat, but you're a bitch too.” You only smirk at the man's comment.
 “You forgot one thing.” You slowly bring the skirt of your dress up to reveal the red and gold flintlock gun strapped to your thigh. “I’m also packing.” You point your finger to each man at the table. “I have three bullets, one for each of you, with the name 'asshole' written on them.” The men look taken back, just the reaction you wanted. “And if you're wanting to find a partner so badly I can send you straight to hell, I heard the devil really knows how to dance~” Your eyes stare into their fear stricken ones as you slowly pull the gun from the holster. One by one they ran out of the bar with their tails tucked between their legs. “That’s what I thought.” You bring your dress back down. “Cowards.”
 You take a deep breath and try to not let their comments bother you, but what they said stung a little. I need a distraction. Your eyes land on the dance floor, you notice some of the crew getting down and dirty. They had gorgeous girls grinding up against them. At this rate you doubt any of them will be coming back to the ship tonight.
 “You look like you could use this.” Killer walks up and sits a drink in front of you. You murmur a thanks before chugging the whole thing down. “I’m sorry tonight didn’t go how you planned and if it's any consolation, I think you look great.”
 “Thanks Killer. And it’s okay.” You lie. It’s really not okay and you're not okay at all. You're putting up a good front at least. “I should have known, I mean it is Kid after all…” 
 “Still..” The blonde taps his fingers against the table. 
 “You know what.” You clench your fist in frustration. I need to do something. “I think I want to have a little chat with him.”
 “Okay, but I’m going with you.” You and Killer stand up from the table and walk towards the bar.
  You trail right behind Killer as he navigates the crowd. From time to time you’ve had to grab the back of his shirt thanks to the unfamiliar shoes you wore. You think of what you're going to tell Kid, how you should word it and if you’ll actually say anything at all. You're pulled away from your thoughts as you ram right into Killer’s back.
 “Is something wrong Killer? Why did you stop?” His whole body was tensing up. You tug the bag of his shirt demanding an answer. “Helllooo? Earth to Killer?”
 “Y/N, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” You could hear his voice waiver over the music. He’s hiding something.
 “Killer what’s wrong?” He didn’t answer. “Killer let me see.”
 “No Y/N, let’s just leave.” Killer turns around and tries to get you to go back, but you slip past him. “Y/N wait, don’t!” It was too late.
 Your eyes land on Kid and the two harlots in his laps. You’ve always heard the phrase “It felt like my world fell apart.” and now you finally know what the feeling behind that was. Your mouth goes dry. The world starts spinning. Shit, I did all of this for nothing.
  The stinging in your eyes was becoming unbearable. They were so beautiful, feminine, and thin. Everything you were not and everything you wanted to be. The skimpy outfits they had on showed off their perfect figures. You could already imagine the laughs you’d get if you ever wore anything like that. They were the embodiment of sexy. Something you tried to achieve tonight but failed. You were crazy to think you’d turn heads when this was your competition. But at the end of that day that's how it’s always been. You were so jealous, so full of rage and at the same time your heart was shattering. The iron wall you put up masking how you truly feel was breaking at the hinges. You finally look away, unable to handle it a second longer. 
 “Killer, I'm going back to the ship.” You feel your lip quiver as tears form in your eyes. “I don’t feel good.” You try to run from him but he grabs your wrist.
 “Y/N, wait.” You try to shake out of his firm grip.
 “Killer I can’t watch that a second longer. I just can’t.” The last part comes out as a sob. “I don’t want to be here, for fucks sake let me go!” 
 “At Least let me walk you back.” You shake your head, company is the last thing you need.
 “No, please just leave me alone.” You pull away from Killer and run towards the door.
 You struggle to fight the crowd with tears blurring your vision. A heavy feeling was conjuring in your chest with each unsteady step you took. That was supposed to be me with him. 
 I need to get out of here. Your steps become sloppy as you try to hurry, causing you to lose your footing. You hit the wooden floor below you face first.  The crowd of people around you fell silent. You rise up on your knees and realize something was wrong. Looking down you see a trail of red fabric wrapped around a loose nail on the bar's floor. That red trail of fabric led up to your stomach that was now showing. You try to cover yourself with your hands, but nothing you could do would make their prying eyes leave your body.
  Your eyes widen in horror as the people around you start to laugh. You try to stand up but your shoe slips, sending you right back to the floor. Fingers point at you like you were a circus animal performing a trick. It was absolutely mortifying. 
 Their laughter, their shushed insults swirl in your head with the booming music. The room around you seemed to be getting larger and larger, or maybe you were getting smaller. It was all too much.
 “Here Y/N. I’ll help you get up.” You see Killer holding his hand out, but you smack it away. 
 “I don’t need pity from you!” Your yell causes the crowd to go silent. You stand up on your own and head towards the bar's exit. “I’m going back to the ship. And don’t you dare follow me.” You sling your heels off and use them to cover as much of your bare stomach as you can. You walk out of the bar barefoot and humiliated.
 You board the ship and head straight to the safety of your room. You throw your heels to the floor and walk in front of your mirror. The mascara left trails of black down your tear soaked face. Your makeup you worked so hard on perfecting was destroyed, along with the torn dress. The brief moment feeling pretty and confident was gone and replaced by humiliation and disgust. Your hand wraps around the necklace's gold chain before yanking it off.. I’m worthless. You let the torn dress fall to the floor. I’m nothing. You look at your naked body in the mirror. I’m just a joke. 
 “Why can’t I lose weight? Why can’t I be pretty? Why can’t I be someone else?” You yell at your reflection while clenching your fist, fighting the urge to punch the mirror. “Goddammit, I can't even stand to look at myself!” 
  The overwhelming emotions coursing through you causes your knees to give out. You slide to the floor with hands gripping your hair. Swirls of laughter entwined with your destructive thoughts. I hate you, I hate you so much.
 You hesitate for a moment, but your trembling hand reaches over and grabs the ringing transponder snail.
 “Hello?” You try to sound as calm as possible.
 “Y/N have you made it back to the ship?” You feel a pang of guilt hearing Killer’s voice remembering what you did to him.
 “I made it back, but Killer.. I-I’m.” Hot tears roll down your face. “I’m sorry for yelling at you and smacking your hand. You were just trying to help me..” 
 “It’s okay Y/N.” Killer tries to reassure you, but it doesn't work.
 “It is not okay!” Your body shook trying to fight back wails. Get a grip dammit. “I’m so sorry,I- I’m being emotional. It’s just.. I  thought Kid would have liked how I looked ya know.” You wipe your nose with the back of your hand. “I tried so hard but I wasn’t good enough. I never am.” 
 “That’s not true.” Killer growls. “Don’t say shit like that.”
 “Yes it is Killer. You saw how everyone laughed at me like I was some kind of freak. All because of my stomach showing. Did you see how many girls in the bar were walking around wearing bikinis with their stomachs out?  No one was laughing at them and you want to know why? Because they are beautiful and I am not.” Killer went quiet as if he was unable to find words to comfort you. “I’m sorry I’m having a melt down on you. This was supposed to be a fun night and I ruined it all because I wanted to tell Kid I love him.” But the love is unrequited. It’s something only you will hold near and dear to your heart, but you're also the sole bearer of its pain. “Killer, don't worry about me, go back into the bar and enjoy yourself. A hot shower should fix me right up. Goodnight.” You hang up before Killer could protest any further and head into the bathroom.
 Steam from the shower fills your small bathroom. The hot water wraps around your body in a blanket like comfort. The warmth brings back the fond memory between you and Kid.  It was when you all first set sail years ago. The ship had to be docked on a Winter Island for emergency repairs. You were used to the South Blue’s mild and warm weather. It only took 1 day of the harsh cold for you to fall ill. No matter how many layers of clothes you had on, no matter how many blankets you wrapped around your body, nothing could warm you. 
 “Here Y/N, I made you some hot chocolate.” Killer handed you a big mug. “Be careful, don’t get burnt.”
 “Thank you.” Your voice was dry and raspy from coughing. “I haven’t heard Kid yelling or rampaging recently. Is he okay?” You blew the beverage to cool it, before taking a sip. Killer’s laugh reverberated in the room.
 “Yeah he’s okay. He’s been cooped up in his workshop. Last time I checked on him he said he was about done with whatever it is he’s working on.” Killer sat on the small wooden chair by your bed.
 “Probably something to do with the ship. Hopefully we get out of here soon or I might turn into a Y/N popsicle.” You drank all of the hot cocoa down before letting out a pleased sigh.
 “We should be done soon, just rest up for now.” Killer ruffled your hair, something he always did when he was worried about you.”If you need anything let me know.”
 “Okay.” You handed the empty mug to him before he walked out of the room. 
 When you woke up next it was already dark outside. The temperature in the room had dropped even more. You couldn't wait to get the hell away from the snowy hellhole. Your ears perked up when you heard heavy footsteps approaching. You recognized the pattern immediately. The door handle turned and the door opened to reveal a very tired looking Eustass Kid.
 “Hey captain.” You gave the red head a weak smile. He didn’t say anything as he shut the door behind him. You noticed he was carrying something in his hands. He stood beside the bed and unrolled what appeared to be a blanket. 
 “Here.” He pulled the covers off of your body and placed the blanket onto your body. The fuzzy fur that lined it felt so good against your shivering form. “If you click this button it warms up.” He clicked the button and you immediately started to feel the warmth radiate from it. So this is what he’s been working on all this time.
 “Thank you Kid.” You snuggled into the blanket.  
 “Yeah, whatever.” You watched a pink blush decorate his cheeks. You opened your mouth to tease him, but started to cough instead. The force from the coughs caused your body to quake.  You pointed at the glass of water on your nightstand. Kid frantically grabbed it and held it against your lips. You gulped the water down and pulled away to take a breath.
 “I’m sorry you have to see me like this.” You never liked showing any kind of weakness, especially around Kid. 
 “It’s okay, you can’t help it.” Kid started to walk over to your bedroom door. You frowned knowing he was going to leave. But to your surprise he didn’t, instead you heard the lock on your door get turned. He kicked his boots off beside the door before he walked back over to the bed. “Move over.” 
 “Huh?” Your heart hammered in your chest as you watched him remove his jacket, followed by his shirt. 
 “Don’t make it weird. Just shut up and do what I say.” His non existent eyebrow twitched. Make it weird? You nodded your head and moved over in bed. The bed creaked as Kid’s massive body crawled beside you. Your eyes were glued to his every move as he got comfortable. He was so close that you could feel his body heat. You covered the blankets over your face to hide your giddy expression. But who could blame you, your longtime crush laid shirtless right beside you. “What the hell are you looking at!?” Kid growled out, causing you to turn away from him in the bed. I guess I made it weird.. Oops.
 “I’m sorry.” It was embarrassing as hell getting caught checking him out, but it was well worth it. 
 “Sure you are.” The hairs on your neck stood up hearing how close he was. The bed shifted as he moved until his chest was pressed against your back. He draped a muscular arm around your plush midsection and placed his head on top of yours. Your mind went blank processing what was going on, Eustass Kid was cuddling you. It was strange how small and safe you felt in that moment, like nothing big and bad in the world could get you. It was the most wonderful feeling ever and you never wanted it to end. “Now go to sleep.” You relaxed into his protective hold.
 “Roger that captain.” You yawned as you spoke. Between Kid’s warmth and the heated blanket, you were getting coxed right into sleep. You were almost there when you felt Kid gently tighten his grip on you.
 “You're okay…… You’re gonna be okay Y/N.” Kid’s voice was barely above a wispear. Your eyes shot open realizing he was saying that to reassure not you, but himself. He must think I’m asleep. “I’ll keep you warm. No matter what.” He may be terrible at showing emotions, but the words he spoke conveyed how much he cared and how worried he was about you. 
 ~~~~Flashback end~~~~
  But the warmth from that night was long gone. 
 “Why not me?” You keep replaying the scene over and over in your head. The way the girls giggled as they traced his biceps. The way they laid against his chest while giving him bedroom eyes. You could only hope he wasn’t going to bring them back to the ship, the last thing you need to hear is him screwing them all night. You feel a throb in your chest just thinking about it. You were sabotaging yourself with no end in sight. The warm shower water was long gone at this point and replaced by the cold. 
 “I thought you said you would keep me warm? What a fucking liar.” 
 Meanwhile at the bar..
 “I would but the bar is on fir.” *Click* Well she hung up.” Killer put the teary eyed snail back into his pocket. “You catch all of that Kid?”
 “Yeah, I did.” Kid stood right beside Killer in front of the bar that is now burning to the ground . “What should I do?”
 “Well Kid.. I think you should apologize to her. She was so excited about tonight and it went up in smoke.Literally” The bar behind them crashes to the ground. “You love her too, don’t you?”
 “I’m no good for her Killer.” Kid clenches his fist. “I hurt her and she is crying because of me. I don’t deserve her. Not one bit.” 
 “That’s not for you to decide. At the end of the day she wants you Kid.” Killer sighs and places an arm on Kid’s shoulder. “Yes you hurt Y/N, yes she is crying. That’s why you need to go fix it and make sure it never happens again. Now go to her.” Kid contemplated for a moment before making up his mind.
 “Killer, you're in charge, take the crew to a different bar.” A scream comes from the pile of burning bar. Kid smirks hearing it. “Seems like one of the lousy fucks that laughed at Y/N didn’t die after I got done with em. But they won’t survive getting burned alive.”
 “You technically laughed at her too.” Guilt fills Kid even more.
 “I know, shut up.” Kid turns away from his friend. “I just wasn’t used to her looking like that and I didn’t know how to react. It’s not that I didn’t like it or anything..”
 “Enough talking.” Killer gave Kid a push before walking away with the rest of the crew. “Go make things right kid. and try to be gentle doing so.”
 Kid ran down the empty streets, straight towards the Victoria. He made a few stops, stealing a few things that he hopes would bring a smile back to your face.
 Your body shivers when you step out of the shower. You shouldn’t have stood under the cold water for that long, but you were numb. Physically and mentally. You dry yourself off with a fluffy towel before changing into your night clothes. It felt good to be free of makeup and free of that dress, but it still hurt knowing it was all for nothing. You step out of the bathroom and throw the wet towel in a basket.
 “Can we talk?” Your body tenses up ready to fight the intruder until you realize who it was. Kid sat at the edge of your bed, holding a huge bouquet of flowers and a sword.
 “Why are you here Kid? Why did you leave the bar?” You shoot him a confused look. 
 “I burnt that lame ass bar to the ground.” His crazy smile fills his face but goes away in an instant. “More importantly, why did you walk home by yourself? It’s dangerous for a woman. I know you were upset, but I would have came and-”
 “Don’t be a sexist pig, besides you looked preoccupied.” The tension in the room was becoming thick and unbearable. “Besides, a woman that looks like me has nothing to worry about.”
 “What the hell does that mean Y/N?” Kid’s voice booms against the walls of your room. You could feel your blood boil at his outburst, all the pent up anger and sadness was about to pop.
 “What it means is exactly what you think it means, Eustass.” Your brows furrow in anger. “Don’t pretend like you give a shit all of a sudden. You sure didn’t care back at the bar.” 
 “That’s not true Y/N.” You slam your foot down in frustration at his words. Liar.
 “Bullshit Kid! I got my makeup done, dressed pretty, and I tried to be cute just for you and you didn't even care. You only laughed in my face.” At this point you didn’t care what came out of your mouth. “I was going to tell you how I’ve loved you for years. But seeing those girls in your lap reminded me why I keep my feelings secret all this time. Because I knew this is how it would turn out. With all the gorgeous women out there, why the hell would anyone want me. I don’t even want me. You know what I'd give up to look like one of those girls? The envy I feel towards them is down right suffocating..” Your hands come up to cradle your face. “I can’t stand this and I can’t stand you Kid so get out.”
 Kid didn’t move. He didn’t speak. Your angry voice fills his ears and your tears reflect in his eyes. At this moment he realizes just how much damage he caused. He is unsure what to do or how to make you feel better. Was there even anything that could? “Go make things right kid. and try to be gentle doing so.”
 “Come here Y/N.” He held his flesh hand out. “You're shaking.” 
 “My shower got cold, but I’ll be fine. Just go away..”  Kid stood up, causing you to take a few steps back to create some distance. “I said go away!”
 “I’m sorry Y/N.”  You're frozen in shock, he has never said sorry to anyone a day in his life. “This is my fault. Truth is I love you too, but I just can’t help but think you deserve someone better. Someone who doesn't get pissy at the drop of a hat, someone who isn’t a huge asshole like I am. Someone more stable. I’m not going to make anymore excuses, just know I do love you. So please come here.”
 “I won’t.” Your back was now flush against your bedroom door. Kid turns around and picks up the sword he brought with him.
 “Look at what I got~.” He waves the sword as if to bribe you. “I’ll give it to you if you come here~”
 “Leave Kid.” You cross your arms and turn away. “And take that lames ass sword and tacky bouquet with you.” The floor vibrates as Kid walks right up to you.
 “Oh yeah?” He slams his hands on either side of your head.  He was trying to intimidate you but you had no plans on backing down. Your sharp eyes never waiver from his and you stand your ground firmly. “That’s my girl.” His comment caught you so off guard your mind went blank. Kid took advantage of that by wrapping his flesh arm around your back to pull you against him.
 “Don’t play with me Kid.” You try to get out of his grasp but his metallic hand comes around your back, completely caging you against his chest. “You just wait Eustass Kid, once I wiggle my way out yo-” You stall the moment you see the gentle look on his face. His smile wasn’t crazy big or sinister. It was pleasant, calm, and very unlike him.
 “Want to know something?” He pulls your body away from him a little before his flesh hand cups your tear soaked cheek. “I thought you looked damn good tonight. If I didn’t laugh my jaw would have fallen clean to the floor. But I was right when I said it didn’t suit you.” You raise your brow. So he liked how you looked but it somehow didn’t suit you? “You don’t need dresses or make up to impress me. You do that everyday just being yourself. You don’t have to be thin, feminine or none of that crap. I don’t want you to be anyone else but you. I love everything about you Y/N.  I love that excited look you get when you find a really cool weapon or how your eyes get crazy when that said weapon blows something up. I love how you stay close to me when we are fighting, and I know it’s not because you're scared or need my protection which you will always have no matter what. You stay beside me to protect me from my own recklessness.”
 “Kid…” Crap, I’m crying again.
 “I’m not done yet. I love how you're always broke and bumming money from me. As annoying as it is, I find it cute. I always keep a pouch in my pocket just for you. I bet ya didn’t notice how it has your name engraved on it.” 
 “Really?” His arms let you go so you could see for yourself. You run over and grab the pouch. You flip it around and see the engraving, but it’s not your name. “Kid, my name is not ‘The reason Eustass Kid is broke’.” You threw the empty pouch at him. 
 “I’m pretty sure that’s you sweetheart.” Kid fell onto the bed laughing his head off at your pouty expression. “But I truly wouldn't have it any other way. So come here and that’s captain's orders.” 
 “Fine. I’m tired of arguing.” You mosey your way to him, he spread his legs apart so you could stand in between them. “Just so you know I’m still mad at you.”
 “I know. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.” His head came down to rest on your plush stomach. The affection he was giving you felt good, but it didn’t change the fact he was a jerk to you earlier. 
 “So Captain, you said you would do anything to make things right, is that correct?” You reach down and pull his goggles back before letting them go so they smacked against his skin.
 “Ow what the hell was that for?” He rubs the sore spot left from your little assault.
 “Consider yourself lucky, that's all I do. Now If you want to make things right, listen up.” Kid’s eyes sharpen at your words. He was getting serious. 
 “I never want to see anyone in your lap that isn’t me.”
 “The throne is all yours.” 
 “It better be, next I want you to be open to me about your feelings the best you can. And I’ll do the same.”
 “Of course.”
 “I also want that empty room next to Killers room, I need more room for my weapons.” 
 “Done, it’s yours”
 “One last thing, I want a new money pouch. A much bigger one~”
 “I'll think about it, you greedy little woman.”
 Giggles erupt from your throat as Kid pulls you down with him on the bed. You smile and nuzzle into his chest, taking in the comforting smell of oil and rum. You know there is alot you and him still need to talk about, but for now you just want to enjoy this moment with him.
“You know I did like the red lipstick you had on, but I think a different shade would have looked better…” 
 “And what shade did you have in mind?” You lift off of his chest and notice his sinister smirk was back.
 “Mine.” Before you could question any further he flips your body underneath his and crashes his red lips against yours. The kiss is rough and fueled by years of pent up passion for one another. His hand snakes down your side to give your thick hip a rough squeeze before your lips detach. “Looks like I was right. I bet it would look good here too, even better here, and here.” His lips begin to trail down your neck. Kid pulls back and stares at your flustered face. “Pretty girl, I think I’ll just paint your whole body red.”
 And he did just that.
 You woke up to see Kid sleeping peacefully as he held you against his chest. But by peacefully you mean he was snoring loudly and drooling like a wild animal. Carefully you wiggle your sore body out of his hold. The heat creeps back onto your cheeks thinking how it got sore to begin with.
 You wrap a spare blanket around your nude body and crawl out of the bed. The red beast beside of you thankfully didn’t wake up. I need to wash up. On your way over to the bathroom you stop in front of the mirror and let the blanket fall to the floor. Every spot on your body you hated or felt insecure about was covered in Kid’s red kiss marks. Although the marks got fainter and fainter as they went down your body, they were still there nonetheless. 
  A smile forms on your lips when Kid appears behind you in the mirror. His flesh arm came around your body as he buried his head in the crook of your neck. He planted a soft kiss behind your ear before looking at you in the mirror. You hold back a laugh seeing how wild his hair looked.
 “Good morning Captain bedhead.” You give Kid’s bicep a kiss before resting your head against it.
 “And who is that thanks to.” His sleep laced voice grumbles in your ear. “You sure held on to it tight and made it a mess while I ate yo-”
 “SHUT IT.” You turn around and hide your face in his chest. “You're one to talk anyways. I look like a piece of abstract art.”
 “You do and I’m one hell of an artist.” His hand runs up and down your side. “But I’m nowhere close to being done with you.”
 “Huh?” You didn’t have the chance to blink before you were slung back onto the bed. “Kid what are you doing?” 
 He didn’t answer, instead he walks over to your dresser and grabs the tube of red lipstick out of your pile of makeup. 
 “This will have to do for now.” He bit down on the cap and spit it out before applying the lipstick. “Seems like I missed a spot. I can’t leave my masterpiece unfinished, now can I?” 
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 13: Hellboy (Pumpkin Spice)
Friday the 13 in October no less! Happy 13th of Fictober besties as always I hope you've all been enjoying these fics especially this weeks smutty fics and I hope your excited for more festivities in the next couple weeks of Fictober.
Notes: Minors DNI, Smut, Spice and everything nice. No specific pronouns or descriptions are used though the reader does work as an exotic dancer.
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"You said you were ok with it! you knew what I did for work before we got together Red. Why the hell is it a problem now?" You slammed open the door to your dressing room as he followed behind you into the room.
Red had just recently got back from a mission and had come to see you at the club you worked as a dancer at. Something he always did when he got back except this time he had a stick up his ass.
"Well yeah things change toots, Especially when I show up and see all these other men drooling over you" You rolled your eyes.
"Red I tell you all the time, those guys don't matter. I just need their money you're the only one that matters to me" You understood he was jealous but you didn't understand what his issue was.
You watched as he huffed some more and briefly paced the room before sitting on the old faux leather couch you had put in the corner specifically for him to come and visit you at the club. You went and sat next to him, forgetting that you had come back to your dressing room to changed out of your skimpy attire and into street clothes.
"What's wrong red? I can't fix anything if you don't talk to me" You ran your hand up and down his arm trying to coax him to talk.
"All those men out there that aren't well ya know" He said softly
"They aren't want honey?"
"They aren't like me, their normal" He said. You're heart broke.
"Baby, You are normal, You're my normal. You're everything I could've ever hoped to find in a man. I don't care about all those rich dicks out there. The only man in the entire world I care about is you."
You watched as Hellboy processed your words, His face not giving anything away quite yet as he thought for a moment. Your eyes met his and you offered him a smile he couldn't help but to grin himself before looking away bashfully.
"You mean it?" He asked almost a playful tone to his voice.
"Of course I do. I fucking love you, plus no one can handle me like you can baby" You moved into his laps running your hands up and down his chest as you lost yourself into his eyes.
"Hey I'm sorry baby I uh, I guess I just got into my own head again" He told you, wrapping his giant arms around your waist.
"It's ok my love, I understand" You told him, pressing kisses to his face then his lips.
Your arms went around his neck as he took over the kiss. You pulled away a bit so he could fully take in your outfit choice for the night, It was a barley there number with accents in a particular color that resembled your demon boyfriend.
"Do you like my outfit baby?" You asked him playfully. He grinned.
"Course I do, red looks real good on you ya know" You both laughed.
"Ya know I'm kinda partial to red myself" His hands moved up to the zipper in the back of the outfit to take it off of you.
"Really? and why's that?"
"I don't know honestly, I've just always really liked it" He moved the fabric down your body as you started running your hands down his again.
He let the fabric drop to the floor when he finally had it completely off you, His hands made their way back to your waist working their way up to your chest as he slid his fingers over your nipples as he took in your bare form. It wasn't anything new to him obviously but he always liked to take you in like a fine art painting that he was seeing for the first time.
"You know Red I'm feeling a bit underdressed here" You said nodding to the fact that he was still fully clothed. He smirked at you and allowed you to work his shirt over his head before unbuckling his pants.
Once his pants were down, His cock sprang free smacking against his stomach. Precum already leaking out of the top of it before you had even touched anything.
You took his cock into your hand giving it a few strokes before guiding it to your entrance. He pushed into you slowly as always giving you time to adjust to his size as obviously his dick much like everything else about him is huge. Once you had adjusted to his size you gave him the go ahead by beginning to slowly bounce up and down.
He chucked at your eagerness before thrusting hard up into you before you could come back down on top of him. You gasped at the feeling of him all the way inside you, you reveled in how full he always made you feel. Your eyes rolling back into your head as you stopped for a minute just to feel him completely.
Hellboy made no move to continue to thrust so you could tell he liked the feeling of being inside you too. You put your hands behind your legs onto to his knees allowing yourself to lean back for a new angle.
"Red please, Fuck me" You pleaded breathlessly.
"What good manners you have for daddy huh?" He teased before fulfilling exactly what you wanted.
You could feel as your mixing juices were sliding down your thighs making both your laps a mess. The only sound echoing through the room other then your moans and his grunts was the slapping of skin on skin as he fucked up into you making a mess of the both of you.
He brought a giant hand up to gently wrap it around your neck. Using this as leverage he began slamming you onto his cock by your neck, his other hand holding you behind your back to keep you steady.
"Red I- I can't It's, It's" You gasped out grabbing at his chest, He made no move to stop though.
"Nah Baby, I know you can take it and you're going to take it" He commanded.
Your legs fell even more open, if that was even possible, at his words and the only words able to come from your mouth after that were incoherent mumbles in-between your moans.
You felt your walls begin to tighten as he leaned over to kiss and suck on your neck, leaving love bites as he went to further mark you as his. Suddenly here your orgasm was, You cried out as you could feel yourself wrap around his cock as he also came inside you. Your juices mixing together and making an even bigger mess.
Once you both had came he took you gently off his lap and laid you on the couch next to him as you both caught your breath.
"Hey baby you with me?" He asked, taking a cigar out of his discarded coat pocket and lighting it before taking a hand and gently rubbing your back. Wary of your ability to speak your nodded at him and he smiled.
"I'm fine Red, You just wear me out" You gave a soft laugh.
"You think your gonna be ok to walk out of here back to the apartment?" He asked, but something told you he already knew the answer.
"Probably not, You gonna be up to carry me?" You asked, knowing full well nothing stroked his ego more then having to carry you after he fucked you.
"Babydoll nothing would bring me more pleasure then carrying my baby home" Your eyes met his as you both grinned at each other like love sick fools.
Something told you Hellboy was never gonna have to worry about old rich dickheads ever again.
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adventuresinobx · 2 years
A Trip to the Alps
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Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Drew invites you to join him for some golfing weekend in the Swiss Alps. Your only interest is sharing the hot tub with him to help relieve his aching muscles in more ways than one.
A/N: OK I really am back this time around, I’m sorry it’s taken so long to get this up, but here’s some hot tub sex with Drew because let’s be honest who wouldn’t want to have sex with this man in a hot tub... Shout out to my bestie @starkeyobx​ for giving me the details of the idea!
Warnings: All the smut - sex in a hot tub, the usual x
Drew had to head to some event in Switzerland and was offered a plus one. Frankly, if he hadn’t been offered a plus one, he’d still find a way to get you there. You two had been together for several months now, but work kept you apart enough as it was, so when you found out he was heading abroad for some special golf event, you wanted to come too. He was grateful to have you there. In his career, he’d seen so many places in the world but it was obviously different when he had someone special by his side - and you were that person to him.
“How was golf today baby? Did you win?” you asked as you heard Drew let himself into the alpine style lodge you were staying in with him. It was beautiful; there was so much wood everywhere, views of the mountains for days, and a big balcony with a hot tub on it. Perfect for the pair of you to relax in after a long day. Even at this time of year, the snow was still falling over the Alps and it made quite the beautiful scene. You’d spent the days on the balcony wrapped in (Drew’s) warm clothes and painting the scenes in front of you. Work had been hectic for you recently, so you definitely needed all this time to enjoy yourself and do something a little different.
He came behind you, arms wrapping around your body tightly as he crouched down and looked over your shoulder at what you were painting. He loved how you managed to capture the scenes in front of you so perfectly and how you just had an eye for drawing. He could sit and admire your paintings every single day.
“Exhausted. My muscles are aching. I think I’ve walked seven kilometres today,” he murmured, his arms still wrapped tight around you as you put your paintbrush down and gave him your full focus. He glanced to the side, his eyes landing on the hot tub nearby. "Think it might finally be time to get that going, don't you think?"
It only took 10 minutes for Drew to fire it up and he was already waiting for you in it when you returned to the balcony in your favourite bikini and a big fluffy hotel dressing gown draped around you.
"There's my girl," he mumbled, scooting over in the hot tub to make more space for you. You would have rathered him stay where he was mind, so you could be sat even closer together. Ignoring his plan to give you more space, you just settled yourself on his lap and took his hands, wrapping them around your waist. His camera was perched nearby and you grabbed it, turning it so you could snap a picture of the two of you together. It was a digital camera, housed in an old fashioned styled one, and a gift from his mom. He never went anywhere without it. It was the third person in your relationship,  but you loved it and the way he captured your memories. There was nothing better than seeing life from his eyes.
"Smile baby," you said, leaning back into him as you took a few photos. In true photographer fashion, Drew had always encouraged you to take more than one photo. He kissed you softly on the head for another photo, his eyes trailing the path your hands made as you placed the camera on the table.
"I love you," he whispered, kissing your head softly as he took in the view of you and also the surroundings. It was truly beautiful, the way the sky was almost dark blue as day turned to night. There were hardly any lights,so the stars and moon lit up the clear sky. It was beautiful. Light pollution in Los Angeles, which you both called your home, was insane but out here in the middle of the Swiss Alps, you could see the sparkling of the stars stretching right out in the distance.
"I love you too." You turned around to cuddle into him, adjusting comfily in your seat (his lap). You felt your bikini top, a little tight, almost painfully tug at your body. You shifted uncomfortably, stretching around to tug at the strap. "Do you mind -" you asked, already knowing the answer. He reached around to help untie it for you, carefully and delicately undoing the strings as you held it onto your body and sunk under the water to keep away from prying eyes from nearby rooms whilst it was still a little bit light. Once under the water, you tossed it onto a nearby chair and resumed your position on his lap.
"So much better," you sighed, leaning your back on his shoulder and Drew's hands moved to your tummy. He rested them on your bare skin, smiling at you as he gently dragged his arms around your body. You sighed, mumbling into his skin as you turned your head and buried yourself in his neck. You pressed a kiss to his neck, grinning into the kiss as you heard a little moan escape from his lips. He had told you once, whilst drunk, that he didn’t really moan in bed - but it wasn’t that he wasn’t enjoying it, it was just one of those things he didn’t realise he had been missing until he met you.
“Baby, gotta stop that,” he mumbled, his hands moving eagerly all over you as he explored your body like it was the first time again. “Making me feel too good.”
“That’s the aim,” you teased back, only sucking harder on his neck now and leaving a little purple shaped bruise there to tell everyone he was yours. Hopefully someone could cover that when he had to have his interview for the event he was at the next day.
“Fuck,” he groaned out, pulling you around so you were now facing him and straddling his lap. You made a point to push your hips down on his, letting him feel you against him. The water almost escaped from between the two of you as you wiggled yourself and your hips down on him. He was desperate for more, pulling and clutching at your body to feel more of you. He tugged you onto him and let his hands explore your body, moving up and down your bare sides and gently massaging your wet skin and making your mind race.
He needed more of you and rushed to tug at the little strings on your bikini bottoms. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured letting his kisses trail down your chest to your breasts. He used his body to hold yours up, exposing you to the cool air surrounding you. He attached his lips to your nipple, running his tongue over the hard nub. He swirled his tongue in slow circles, moving his hand up to play with the other one. It felt so good; his tongue moving across your hot burning skin. He flicked his tongue furiously over your nipple, only spurred on by your desperate moans and your hands clawing at his body.
“I love you, I love you,” you said, your words being punctuated by moans as you grinded yourself down on his lap. “Need you inside me, need to feel you stretching me out, please,” you said, your lips against his ear.
He couldn’t even reply, furiously pulling your bikini bottoms off as he pulled his own swimming shorts down too. He held himself in his hand, stroking himself a few times as he lined himself up with you. “Sure you’re wrt enough for me?” he said with a grin on his face, biting his lip. He scanned down your body too, looking at your beautiful skin through the ripples of the water. “Hips up baby,” he mumbled, his lips against your skin as he ran the tip of his dick over your soaking wet core a few times.  You bit your lip, bracing yourself for it as he pushed inside you. Your hands were desperately gripping at his shoulders as he did. Immediately there was the feeling of stretch and warmth and a fire ignited inside you.
He helped you ease down on him, you still gasping and moaning about his size like every time before. “Cmon be a good girl and bounce for me,” he groaned, his hands moving to rest under your bum to help you with your movements. Once you were ready and could cope with the stretch, he helped to lift you up and then you sunk down on him again, matching each other’s movements in perfect harmony as you enjoyed him making you feel so incredible. You were squeezing around him, tightening with every movement and your whole body was electric with whatever he did. He grabbed at your waist, pulling himself closer to you as you rocked your hips with his. The speed and positioning matched so perfectly.
You rolled your hips in circles, his hands on your hips as he helped you control the movements the perfect amount as you felt that familiar build up in your stomach. You started tensing around him, him feeling you squeeze his cock and sending him hurtling over the edge too. “That’s it baby, keep pulsing around my cock.” His filthy words were sending you crazy and you could barely contain yourself with all feelings. Love, passion, and complete euphoria. He moved his hand down between your bodies, brushing his fingers against your clit as you rocked your hips slowly as your orgasm approached. You rode out your high, him thrusting up into you at a blinding pace as he chased his own high, it moments away too.
He felt you tense around him and that final squeeze sent him into orgasm too. A few more thrusts in as you orgasmed yourself had him coming hard. As he came, his head fell on your shoulder, his breathing so heavy and desperate. “I love you,” he mumbled, his lips hot against your shoulder as he placed fever kisses on your skin.
“I love you too.”
taglist (pls let me know if you want to be added 🥰)
@starkeyobx @gryffindorpouge11 @jjmaybankmakesmecry @pankhoeforlife @bayy2452 @proactivelytypeofgirl @hoebx @fangirlfree @severa-kane @lovedetlost @slutforsmutsstuff @raiinyhood @samxslaughter @valeriiecameron @burgstead @mayceelou @my-baexht-ls @i-always-come-back-xoxo @0fucsgivenon @heesbestlover @storytellingwitht @ishipit1420 @fiction-is-life @im-julessssss @meadzy2 @onmykneesforrafe @strokesofstokes @wannabestarkeysgirl @babeyglo @infatuatedjanes @ailee-celeste @malums-trash-can @itsalexwin @kkmstblog
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glitterinmyveinss · 6 months
// say yes to heaven //
johnny knoxville x reader
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authors note: Johnny goes by PJ, some things might be innacurate apologies in advance, mentions of homophobic slurs (i can say it)
❥༄ It's a warm july evening, the sunset sky looks like cotton candy, the kids are still out playing, and me and pj are on the steps of his trailer drinking some cold beers. i've known pj ever since me n my mom first moved to Tennesse at age 5. i ponder back on that moment, the memory still fresh in my mind.
❥༄ "y/n! get your boxes from the back of the uhaul girl!" my mother shouted. i sighed and made my way from the empty field to the back of the van we came in while my mother put her belongings inside our new home. a boy around my age with dark chocolate hair, warm brown eyes, and a horrendous haircut came up to me. "are you my new neighbors?" he asked enthusiastically. i nodded shyly. "cool! i'm pj by the way. my trailers right there." i glanced over to where he was pointing. i noticed a brown trailer with white stripes, white steps, and various beer cans and cigarette butts littering the patch of grass in front. i turned back to him and introduced myself back. "my names y/n. my parents divorced so we moved here." "mine are divorced too! wanna be friends?" we've been inseparable ever since.
❥༄ i set down my can with a sigh and put my hands in my hair. i've lived in the same trailer ever since, things never really got better for me and my mom. i started working at the local jcpennys working the beauty department but that's it, and Pjs been working with his dad at his auto repair shop ever since we were 13. pj turned to look at me, his brows furrowed and his eyes fixated on me. "what's troublin' you doll?" i picked my head up with a sad smile. i loved when he called me that. "whens it gonna get better peej?" i let out a dry chuckle. "i mean are we just gonna stay in this town our whole lives? living pay check to pay check?" he huffed and turned away from me. "i don't know y/n...why are you bringing this up?" "because i don't want that to be my life pj. maybe it was good for our parents but...don't you want different?" he took another sip from his can and a long drag from his cigarette and was quiet for a while. "of course i want different but it's not that simple y/n...plus the world needs workers like us and our parents anyway." i couldnt belive what he was saying. it was so out of character for him. he was never one to conform to society despite us growing up in the south where you'd get called a fag for just about anything. but people didn't care when it came to pj. he could be wearing a tutu and still look cool. that's why i didn't understand why he was giving up his future to stay in a town like this when the world had so much more to offer him, to offer us. "you know, i don't get you sometimes pj." i threw my can on the porch and sat up. "when are you gonna wake up y/n?" he shouted at me. i looked at him wint utter confusion painted on my face. he stared back at me with those piercing dark eyes. anytime i looked into them, it was like i was stuck in place, and like the rest of the world was no more, just me and pj. "w-what do you mean?" i spoke. he scoffed at me and continued, still shouting. "do you think it's that easy? that we can just leave this all behind and start a new life like that?" i huffed in frustration and crossed my arms, "that's not what i meant and you know it. i just meant that we both have dreams pj. what about your writing?" he turned away from me and shook his head, his eyes were even darker now due to his mood. i noticed there were imprints on his can due to his grip on it. "what about my writing y/n? you heard my dad." a while ago, pj shared with his dad his dreams of being a writer, and how he wanted to write for this magazine in LA, just to get his foot out the door. his dad didn't take it well at all and said he better get the wrench he asked for because writing won't pay the bills. i stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. pj got up to stomp his cigarette out. when he was done he locked eyes with me. he stared at me with such intensity, it made my knees buckle and my stomach flip. maybe it's a good thing he wore shades 99.9% of the time. i wanted nothing more than to reach out and hug him, let him know that anyone who doubted him didn't know what they were talking about. that me and him could make it on our own. but we were just friends. and he was even more stubborn drunk than he was sober. he turned to go inside then stopped. "you better get home y/n...it's getting dark." i felt the tears sting the corners of my eyes, like bees in the summer time. this wasn't the first time we fought like this, but it's the first time he didn't invite me in afterwards. usually he'd say something along the lines of sorry, or how he has some left over apple pie he needs help eating, really he would say any excuse. but this time, it was like he wanted nothing to do with me. "you're a coward philip and you know it." i shouted. "you have just as much potential as anyone else in this world to do something great, but you're scared!" he stayed with his back towards me, his fists clenched and his head low. "leave y/n."
❥༄ i stared at him until my vision became blurry with tears, which didn't take long. i've always been emotional. i ran away from him, in the direction of our old elementary. i always went there when things became too much to handle and i just needed somewhere to escape to. once i got there i sat on the old rusty swings that squeaked each time you swayed. i felt like shit. maybe i was too hard on pj. it's just that all i wanted was for me and him to have a good future. maybe the reason why i got so mad was because i imagined our futures would be us as lovers, not best friends. i wish i brought one of those beers before i left. i heard rustling coming from my left side and when i turned to look, i saw pj. i turned away and stared at the ground. it was quiet for a while while he sat on the swing beside me. "i'm sorry doll. i didn't mean to yell at you like that, you know how i get when i drink coors." i began to sob as i spoke, "no peej i'm sorry, i was too hard on you." i put my head in my hands and hid my face. pjs eyes scrunched up as he began laughing at me. "oh come on y/n, no need to bring out the water works. we're all good girl" he moved his hand and began rubbing my back. i sniffled and picked my head up, turning to him with a small smile that he returned.
❥༄ it was like that for a while. just me and pj swaying back and forth, till he spoke up. "you know i'm not a coward y/n..." i faced him and frantically began explaining myself. "i know pj i'm sorry it's j-" he cut me off. "the only reason why i'm not doing what i want is because... i wanna keep you close to me." i stayed staring at him. my eyes wider than usual, and my lips tucked between my teeth. "the magazine i wanna write for is based in LA. that means i would have to move there." i remained quiet. he turned to look at me. "come on y/n say some-" it was probably the alcohol more than me, but out of no where, i decided to kiss him. his lips were warm snd soft, i could still taste the cigarettes and coors on his breath. i felt euphoric and nauseous all at once. i pulled away awkwardly and faced him. "i'm sorry peej, i don't know-" he cupped the side of my face and pulled me in for a second kiss. after a minute we pulled away, but we were stuck staring at eachother, like one would disappear if the other dared to look away. "i'll go with you." i spoke, barely above a whisper. pj scrunched his face in confusion. "pardon?" i rolled my eyes at him. sometimes he was such an airhead. "i'll go with you to LA. just say the word and i'll go pj." he stared at me with a goofy crooked smile and picked me up from the swing. i squealed as he threw me over his shoulder. "let's start packing then. we'll get the first flight out as soon as we're done." even though i was upside down and felt dizzy, i couldn't be happier.
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cameronspecial · 7 months
Before The Last Petal Falls (Part 3)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Drinking and use of drugs.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: Moving on is hard but it helps to have the input of the people you love and a new prospect on the horizon.
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Y/N would never pass up on an opportunity to babysit her two favourite cousins, so when Aunt Millie asked her to watch them, she was quick to say yes. She decided to take them to the one place that England could never really beat—the beach. Y/N is relaxing on her beach chair, while Bella and Franklin are building a sandcastle. The beach isn’t too busy with only a few parents taking the day off of work to take their young children out. She takes out her book to read while they aren’t in the water and she makes sure to check on them every few pages. Her escape into a fictional world is interrupted by the yells of the children. “Rafe!” They run over to the tall figure and jump to give him a hug. Even with their break up, Rafe didn’t stop being in her cousins' lives. How could he when he meant so much to them? “Can we please bury you in the sand?” Bella begs with puppy dog eyes. Frankie is already tugging Rafe towards their sand toys. Rafe wants to say no when he spots who is babysitting them, but the children aren’t really giving him a choice.
They mindlessly place him beside Y/N without another thought and get to work on the hole. It makes her heart flutter when Rafe tries to help them out with it to avoid having to be near Y/N alone, but he keeps getting shooed away. “You’re just going to ignore me,” she whispers to him, putting her book back in her bag. He looks at her with an annoyed look, “What do you want me to say? We stopped talking to each other a long time ago.” 
“I know. You could’ve just told them no, so we didn’t have to do this awkward thing.”
“Well, you didn’t need to start talking to me. We could’ve just sat in silence or you could’ve just kept reading. Plus, when has anyone ever been able to say no to them? They could ask you to murder someone and you’d help them.”
“We don’t have to be strangers anymore.” 
“That’s rich coming from the person who avoided the whole country for years just because it’s where I was.”
“Yeah. Well, it’s not like you made any effort to contact me.”
“Don’t try to bla-“
“Rafe, get in the hole, please,” Franklin orders. Rafe turns away from her and does as the boy instructs. She pretends not to watch as Rafe happily plays with her cousins. Even after their little argument, he wouldn’t dare to take it out on them. He brings some more sand onto his legs, “How about we make me into a mermaid? I think I’d make a beautiful mermaid.” Bella beams at that idea, pilling more sand onto him to make him a coconut bra while Franklin goes to make the tail. “That’s the best idea ever! You’ll be the prettiest mermaid ever!” Bella screams. 
Y/N gives Rafe a warm smile, discretely she believes, turning back to the book she is reading. Little does she know that he caught her looking and he can’t explain the little flip his heart does when he does. For a brief second, he let himself believe that this is what the future could hold for them. They could have beach days in the summer where Y/N reads while Rafe plays with their children. For that brief second, everything felt right for him. He quickly brings himself back down to reality and he remembers he is engaged to Blythe. His smile falls for a split second, but he puts it back on and goes back to playing with the kids. 
Lacey and Y/N sip some wine while they paint their nails. “So… you’ve been on the same island as Rafe for two weeks. How are we feeling?” Lacey checks in, not pausing to look up from her nails. Y/N pauses her movement for a second, “Honestly, I don’t know. One minute I’m adamant that I did the right thing with the break up and the next minute I’m literally crying on the floor.” 
“It makes sense. Y/N/N, he was a big part of your life and you just left him behind without giving yourself actual time to grieve your relationship. You kept forcing yourself to move on which made it so you didn’t get to process your emotions properly, so now your body is trying to catch up with feeling like you are moved on and actually moving on. It’s like cognitive dissonance. You believe you moved on but the action of your crying says otherwise.”
“Okay, Miss. Psychologist. I get what you are saying. Maybe, seeing him will actually help me move on. Who knows, maybe, I’ll even find someone to spend my life with.” 
“It would be good for you to go out with someone else. Not because you need a man in your life, but because it might help you move on. You’ll realize all of Rafe’s faults by being put in front of someone who could be a little more perfect.” 
“Yeah, yeah. How come we always talk about my relationships? What about you? The last time you dated anyone was Jordan in your first year of culinary school.” 
Now, it is Lacey’s turn to pause what she is doing and look up at Y/N. “I just don’t think a relationship is what I want for my life right now. Or ever. Sure, I’ve been on dates and had sex and that’s fun. But when I think about having to stay with someone for more than one night. I feel all cooped up. Right now, I’m fine with it just being me, you and our businesses.” Y/N nods at her friend’s statement and goes to hold her hand, “I know society makes it seem like you have to have a steady relationship to be happy in life, but don’t listen to it. I personally think you’d be an awesome wine aunt to my kids.” “Yes, I’d be such a cool wine aunt. I’m gonna spoil your children rotten,” Lacey exclaims with a laugh. Both girls giggle at the statement and continue to do their nails. 
It’s rare to find Y/N Y/L/N at the island club. She isn’t a fan of golf, she has her own pool and she much prefers eating at The Wreck. However, for some reason, the universe told her that she needed to be there. She sits at the poolside, listening to music and people-watching. She is deep in her own thoughts when a feminine voice pulls her out of it. “Y/N! It’s so good to see you. We didn’t get a chance to say goodbye at my engagement party.” Y/N looks up to see who it is, “Hi Blythe, it’s good to see you again too! I’m sorry about leaving in such a rush at the party. I wasn’t feeling well.” Blythe nods and takes a seat on the pool chair beside her. She sits up so the both of them are facing each other. 
“Yeah, I know. Rafe told me that he saw you talking with his dad. I’m sorry that that happened. If I had known that you and Ward had such a rocky relationship, then I wouldn’t have asked Mason to bring you. I was just hoping to help fix your and his relationship. I know how much you mean to him as an ex and a childhood friend.”
“Does he talk about me a lot?”
“Yes, well, actually no. Not as much as he used to before we started dating. Most of the time it was about how angry he was with you and how he thinks you were a coward, but I think he is getting over his anger about your break up.” 
“Oh, he’s really been so angry about it all this time?” Y/N asks with guilt in her voice. 
“Of course, he’s been. Based on how much it seems he loved you, he wouldn’t just be okay with a sudden break-up. I mean aren’t you still grieving your relationship a tiny bit?”
“I guess I have, but I think it’s only because I’m back home. And he must’ve moved on before you guys dated, you guys are getting married for heaven's sake.”
“I know. But I honestly think he needed me to help him move on. Before we started dating, it always felt like he was mad at the world for something and he would never let any girl in like he was scared. It took him a while to open up to me.”
“Not that long if you guys started dating five months into knowing each other.”
“Most people open up to me immediately. It’s my personality. You are literally doing it right now,” Blythe points out with a serious face. 
“Yeah, I guess. Still not very long for normal standards.”
“True, but enough about Rafe. How about you? You said it was hard to see Rafe since coming back. Are you okay?” 
From the look on Blythe’s face, the question is laced with genuine concern and not jealousy or anything else. “Yeah, I am. I’ve had my time to process everything. I think I finally am ready to go out on a date and try to move on,” she says with a hint of untruthfulness. Blythe smiles at her, “That’s great! I know a few great guys if you are ever looking for someone on this side of the pond.” At that moment, something unexpected happens. “I don’t believe my luck. Is that Miss. Y/N Y/L/N that I see?” The face of the towering figure is blocked by the shadows created because his back is facing the sun. The British accent clues Y/N in as to where she might have met this person. As if on cue, the person moves out of the way of the sun and she can finally see who it is. His medium-length curly brown hair and dark brown eyes start to become in focus. The only thing that has really changed since she last saw him is that his diamond face shape now has a little stubble on his jawline. 
Cole Weisner stands before her in all of his glory. “Cole, hi. What are you doing here?” she questions as she gets up to give him a hug. He returns the hug with a smile, “I was wondering if I might bump into you eventually but I didn’t think that you were here. I’m here for work. The company is looking into opening an office here.” 
“Really? Are you still working in publishing? Why would they want an office here?” 
“I am. And they seem to have noticed a pattern with popular authors cropping up in this area.”
Y/N’s cheeks heat up at his flirtatious words, “I wouldn’t consider myself popular per se.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Y/N/N. You sold around a million copies of your debut book in the first year of its release. That is no small feat.”
“Okay, I believe you. So how are you enjoying the OBX experience?”
“It just got better, to be honest with you. It’s been great though. A little hot but from what you told me it is expected. Although, I can’t seem to find any good food places. Maybe you could show me some places.”
Y/N and Cole had done this dance before a long time ago. In her first year of university, she had gone out on a date with the boy and even though he said he felt sparks, he noticed she didn’t have her heart open yet to a new relationship. They had remained friends up until they graduated which is when they fell out of touch because of how busy they were with work. However, with her newfound belief that she is ready to move on with her life, she feels as though fate is trying to tell her something by bringing her here at the same time as Cole. “Yeah, I think I can do that. Are you free tomorrow night?”
Rafe is working on some files in the kitchen when Blythe gets back home from dinner with her friends. She gives him a kiss on the cheek before going to sit down, “Hey baby. Finishing up your work for the day.” “Yeah, Dad needed me to look over some paperwork before I went to bed. How was your day?” he asks, briefly looking up at the girl before going back to work. 
“It was good. You’ll never guess who I ran into at the country club this afternoon.”
“Really? Who, babe? 
“Y/N. We had such a nice talk. And she has a date tomorrow night with what sounds like an old flame? Isn’t that wonderful? Maybe when I get you guys talking again, we can go on a triple date with Mason and whoever I can find for him. He can’t live the bachelor life forever.”
The news just shared with Rafe causes him to stop working and look at Blythe completely. “She’s going on a date? What was his name? Wilson? Lewis?” Blythe shakes her head, “No, none of those. He said his name was Cole. I think maybe they know each other from publishing. At least, that’s where he says he works for anyways.” Rafe’s mind races at what she says and he starts to overthink everything. Without saying anything, he gets up from his chair and gets on his dirtbike. 
He, once again, makes the trip back to Barry’s house to help his brain turn off from the spiral he is about to experience. “Got through what you bought already, country club? That was fast,” Barry comments, walking out of his trailer. Rafe shakes his head and holds up his own baggie, “Nope, just need a place to do this shit.” He doesn’t say anything, walking into the house and getting his lines ready. If she didn’t meet Cole in high school, then she must have met him in university, which means she dated after they broke up. How could she do that to him? She broke his heart and was okay with moving on like it was nothing. Now, she’s trying again. To forget about them. To forget about the pain she caused. That’s all he wants to do too.
He forms the final line of powder and brings his nose down to snort each line he prepares. He slowly starts to feel himself forget about her. Just when he thought he was in the clear, a new image of her with his so-called Cole permeates his thoughts. Does she laugh at Cole’s jokes in the same way she did his? Does she let him pull her by the waist to place a kiss on her lips? Does she let him do all the things she used to let Rafe to her? His normal amount of cocaine doesn’t help him forget, so he needed more. “I want more,” Rafe orders to Barry. Barry shakes his head, “You know I love the business, man, but I don’t think you should be doing anymore. You did a lot already.” Rafe gets up and punches the wall near Barry’s head. “I said get me more. So do it. I don’t need your opinion,” Rafe growls close to Barry’s face. Barry has no other choice but to obey the intoxicated man. 
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @f4ll-for-you @winterrrnight @maggiecc @magicwithaknife @loves0phelia @jiarapamuk
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Agora imagine Yuu e um dia alguns garotos exagerados cantando a música de um dos vilões, como Leona e Yuu cantando a música do Scar ou Yuu e Azul cantando a música da Ursula
What Google Translate told me:
Now imagine Yuu and one day some exaggerated kids singing the song of one of the villains, like Leona and Yuu singing Scar's song or Yuu and Azul singing Ursula's song
(Just a heads up: I write Yuu as female)
Okay okay so I always write Yuu/Reader coming from a world where Disney doesn't exist (don't think too hard about it) for narrative reasons but this does give me an idea of Yuu coming from our world and being a Disney fan and somehow managing to have a Disney movie night where the NRC characters and Yuu watch the movies about the Great Seven. Of course, Yuu, having the same amount of self control as me, would love to sing along to all of the songs but I feel like she'd have more fun singing the villain songs and just having a blast as she gets into it, hamming it up and dancing around as the NRC boys watch her in awe (they all get super annoyed when the villains lose - especially when Yuu cheers on the heroes - but watching her have fun in that one moment made up for it).
Like think about it:
Yuu singing 'painting the roses red' and making her voice go all lofty and high and mighty when she sings with the Queen of Hearts during the reprise (Ace looks like he's having war flashbacks when her voice gets angry and she yells 'Off with their heads!' and loudly states that the Ace card was not at fault)
Yuu attempting to mimic Scar's growls and sinister, villainous glee in 'Be Prepared', and actually managing to make a few people jump when she does the whole 'you won't get a sniff without me!' part
'Poor Unfortunate Souls', like Be Prepared, is one of the easiest songs to have fun singing and Yuu goes all out with it (she's made the octa trio's entire year with her performance)
So the 'Prince Ali Reprise' is a short one but she does get to do a villain laugh like at the end of Scar's song so that's a plus. Can't really think of anything else.
Oh I can just imagine Yuu's voice getting all deep and low as she wraps a shoulder around Idia and slumps against him, singing 'Gospel Truth II'
There aren't any villain songs in 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' or 'Sleeping Beauty' but they're still incredible movies with gorgeous animation so no one was really disappointed.
That's all I got. Thanks for the ask 😊
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baby-xemnas · 1 month
How possessive or protective do each of the captain/first mates get? (Protective in a sense like…getting hurt, or if someone insulted their partner?)
they are all so crazy
captains all go apeshit if their first mate got hurt...weve seen it happen - its a grenade pin being pulled out. its cute that captains reaction is "how dare someone hurt whats important to ME, thats MINE" hurting their first mate is a wound and an insult. of course they worry and fm's life and safety is priority - but as figures of power and absolute authority within their world (their crew) their reaction is very far from normal, you know. i love each captain's ego and how it paints their reactions. first mates are so much an extension of themselves it really is as painful as getting your right hand (no pun intended) be cut off - but worse
i wont talk abt each individually because they are all the same in intensity. and fervor with which first mates protect their captains matches them just right.
yes of course there is difference with lawbepo where law is so possessive and protective he would keep bepo in his room without him seeing the outside world like the true one person harem (my insane vision) law is more controlling and bepo is happy with lack of agency to a disturbing degree but thats between them
insults are slightly different and can get more specific
with kidkiller being made fun of is written into their canon backstory (w killers laugh) so they are very very sensitive and easy to set off...plus they got that brawler personalities (zoro has that too) where they barely need a reason to fight - heads are gonna fly no matter what
law has so much unyeilding power over bepo that if strangers stare at bepo or say shit - he gives him his word and bepo turns all of his attention back to the captain instead of being upset...the only person whose opinion matters is right there.. (other crew members are gonna be waved off to pummel whoever was talking shit)
luzo are slightly more complex and not made up (like lawbepo here is completely smth im dreaming up) being protags and all...i love that they can laugh off a lot/idiots are not worth their time - but if its something specific they react Very strongly - and ofc they know each other so well - they know what specific thing matters to the other so if someone insults that the protectiveness kicks in so hard...
its adorable they are all adorable
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
We're a Family Part 21 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Angsty thoughts have once again entered the chat. ENJOY!
Warnings: Dads Steddie/ Fem Mom Reader, SMUT, pegging :), dirty talk, handcuffing, FLUFF, all the love that comes along with these six and Dylan being the best big brother.
ANGST, the Munson-Harrington spouses are trying to get Ro into a good school and shenanigans ensue. Y/N's mom comes back on the scene. The main theme of this angsty reading is parents feeling like they would do anything for their kids without fully realizing what they think is best may not actually BE the best thing.
Word Count: 6695
Eddie pets your head as you, he, and Aurora sit in the lobby of the private school you were hoping to get her into to. You and Kierra had gone to schools like this growing up and you two always had fond memories of your time there. As your daughter got older they had programs that you felt like she would enjoy since she was such a creative, free spirted soul. 
Because it was a private school, however, you guys did have to take a tour, meet the faculty, and then the parents were interviewed. That’s why Steve suggested you and Eddie go alone. 
“What? Why?”
“Because if they find out about our living situation, it could…complicate things.”
“But you’re her father to, Steve.”
“That being the case, maybe you should go instead of me, Harrington.”
“No. Eddie, you agree with him?!”
“I wouldn’t be able to go. She doesn’t look like me. She’s your clone, Ed.”
“Baby, everything’s ok.”, Eddie tried to soothe.
“Steve should be here.”, you mumble.
“Yeah he should but Hawkins sucks, Y/N. This is just far enough outside of the city limits that they wouldn’t know about us—”
“You say that like we should be ashamed or something.”
“That’s not what I’m saying and I know you know that.”
“We raised her to understand that our relationship is okay. We shouldn’t have to fucking hide anything. Plus, you know she’s going to tell everyone. It’s not like it will be a secret for long.”
“For Aurora Munson-Harrington.”, a recruiter calls with a big smile. 
Without saying anything, you grab your purse and your daughter’s hand leaving Eddie to follow behind.
“Hey, how did it go?”, Steve asked as soon as everyone came back. 
“Dad, the place is BIG! And they have a lot of paints. I like school!”, Aurora shouted excitedly. 
“Oh, give it time, brat. You’ll hate it later.”, Dylan teased as he focused his eyes on the video game in front of him. 
“Ugh! Dylan, I’m na a brat! I’m a good girl.”
“Yeah, you are, princess. Hey, go watch your brother play for a little bit so we can talk.”
Steve’s gaze shifted between you two as your jaw tightened and you gripped the counter behind you. Eddie was using his serious voice and you heard it in his tone as well, preparing for the heated discussion to follow. 
As soon as she ran away, he turned to face you.
“You are extremely lucky that interview went well with your fucking attitude. I thought you wanted her to get in this school.”
“I do but—”
“But what? Because you tone and demeanor made it seem like you were completely uninterested.”
“We shouldn’t have to lie.”
“This isn’t about us, Y/N. This is about her.”
“Exactly. She doesn’t see anything wrong with having three parents. Why do we have to hide it? Me loving you two has nothing to do with her schooling or how smart our daughter is.”
“The world doesn’t work like that, honey.”, Steve sighed. “Eddie’s right. If this helps her then…we make that sacrifice. It’s a small one compared the other things and people we’ve lost.”
“Oh, ok. You’re right. Small sacrifice. So, anything school related, you’d be fine missing that, Steve? You’d be fine not attending something she’s really excited about? How would you explain that to her? ‘Sorry, baby. Dad can’t come because people can’t accept that you’re my daughter to. For the next hour, remember, it’s only daddy and mommy.’”
Steve stepped forward till his nose was almost touching your own. 
“Lower. Your. Voice.”
“Why? Am I wrong?”
“Do you really think we’re ok with this, Y/N? It fucking kills me I couldn’t go with you two today. I want to know where my daughter is going to be and that she’s safe. The three of us knew sacrifices would be made if we stayed together and stayed in Hawkins. This is one of those sacrifices and if it gets her into a good school where she can grow then so be it.”
The two of you back away from each other as Aurora looks up at you with worried eyes. 
“Yes, honey. What do you need?”
“Can…Can Dylan and I have a snack?”
“Uh, not right now, baby. We’re going to have dinner in a couple of hours. Just hang on until then, ok?”
“Ok…Daddy? Did I do something bad?”
“No, sweetheart. You didn’t do anything bad. Mommy and I are just telling dad more about the school.”
“Oh. Okay. Dada, I wish you could have come.”
As she runs back to the living room both their eyes glance your way as you try to hide the frustrated tears that want to fall. 
“It’s not the same, Y/N. Just because I couldn’t be there today doesn’t mean she’s going to be heartbroken like Dylan was with Charlie. It’s not the same.”
“And we can figure out the events thing. Maybe after she gets accepted we won’t even have to worry if people find out.”, Eddie adds. 
Nodding your head, you walk away from them and close the door to the bedroom. 
“James, can you say Kierra? Kie—rra?”
“Ka, Ka, Ka.”, the baby babbles as he pokes at your sister’s face. 
“Yeah, that’s about right.”, she giggles from her place at the table the following afternoon. “So, I see you’re still upset.”
“How can I not be? Kierra, if I had known we would be hiding our relationship, I wouldn’t have suggested the school.”
“Wouldn’t that be selfish? I mean you guys can afford it now and it’s a really good place for Ro to grow.”
“But in the long run it would hurt her and Steve if he can’t go to events or she has to pretend only Eddie is her dad. Do you remember growing up and having to pretend that we were ‘high society’ to make our mom happy? It was fucking exhausting. I don’t want my daughter to go through that.”
The caller ID from the school pops up on your cell phone and you quickly reach over to take the call.
The guys had taken Aurora to the park so you could spend some time with your sister. When Dylan texted SOS to Steve’s phone, however, they quickly ran back home. 
“What’s going on, kid?”
“I don’t know but mom and aunt Kierra are outside on the porch. She got a phone call and I saw her crying.”
“Shit. Ok, here. Keep an eye on the other demons.”, Eddie tries to calm him as he ruffles Dylan hair. 
“Kierra! Stop telling me to calm down!”, you shout as they exit the back door. 
“Hey, what’s happening?”
Your sister sighs as you huff and look in the opposite direction as you dry your eyes. 
“The school called about Ro. They said they liked her and her personality but they overheard her telling the kids about her parents… Not only do they not like that you weren’t upfront but now they’re concerned about how the other parents will react if they find out. So…Aurora wasn’t accepted.”
Their eyes meet yours as your glare penetrates through their bodies. 
“We can find another school.”, Steve mumbles.
“You would know best, right?”, you retort sarcastically. “Are we going to pretend again or, oh, maybe we can mix it up this time. Maybe you and Eddie can go to the interview!”
“I’m, um, just going to check on the kids.”, Kierra murmurs awkwardly as she gets up and hurriedly heads inside. 
“So this is our fault?”, Eddie replies angrily as he lights a cigarette and leans against the porch banister. 
“If you BOTH had come with me and we were honest we could have assured them! Told them how we handle things in our town and at home. The three of us could have convinced them!”
“Yeah because we have such a good track record of doing that now.”, Steve scoffs. “Y/N, this isn’t a big deal. We can find another school if you still want to go down the private school route. If not she will be fine in public school. Dylan is.”
“Oh people say stuff about me all the time.”, Dylan adds startling everyone. 
“Jesus Christ! For real this time. You kids are going to need start wearing bells.”, Eddie pants after grabbing his chest. 
“I’m just saying. No matter where Ro goes people will talk. You told me once, mom, that you knew they would but you were willing to put up with it because you love them. I love them to so that’s why I don’t care. People can say whatever they want but it doesn’t matter.”
Steve smiles as he yanks the boy to his side for a hug. 
“Have you thought about talking to grandma? If you really want Ro in that school, she would most likely be able to sway them.”
“My mom doesn’t have that kind of sway in that area.”, he responds. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I meant…”, Dylan gestures towards you. “I don’t know what we call her anymore.”
“Weirdo, she’s probably the last person we should send in our honor. She doesn’t agree remember. And I swear to God Dylan Marshall if you sneak out and go talk to her I will break your legs.”
They boy chuckles at your threat as you smile softly in his direction. 
You don’t see it but the men you love exchange a look, having a silent conversation with just a glance.
“Mrs. Y/L/N? You next meeting is here.”
“Ok, thank you, Debra. Send them in.” Your mother’s eyes widen with shock and confusion as Eddie and Steve enter her office. “Gentlemen. Why are you both here?”
“We’re here on behalf of our daughter and yours. Please, just listen to what we have to say and if you still want nothing to do with us or them we’ll leave quietly.”, Steve answers in an authoritative tone that has her curious. He waits for her to nod before digging into his wallet, pulling out the picture of Ro he keeps inside it, and sliding it across her desk. “Her name is Aurora.”
“I know. Y/N mentioned her name when I saw her at the bar four years ago.”, she responds softly. “She looks like you, Mr. Munson.”
“She’s a good kid. She laughs a lot, loves to draw, and is also incredibly loving. She loves to hang out with her older brother and teach her younger brother new things.” 
Eddie hands her the photo he keeps of all three kids and a small gasp leaves her lips. 
“Dylan has gotten so big…”
“Yeah. He’ll be sixteen soon. Can’t believe it’s been almost ten years since we met him and Y/N.”
Both men softly smile at the memory as her bottom lip quivers slightly while she continues examining the photo. 
“What’s the baby’s name?”
“Yours I imagine, Mr. Harrington. He seems to have your smile…Y/N’s nose, for sure.”
Eddie and Steve glance at each other, allowing the “yours” to slide even though James is both their son. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N, last week we took our daughter to be interviewed at the school Y/N and Kierra went to. Well, Eddie and Y/N did. We…”, Steve gestured between them. “…thought it was best if they didn’t know our home life so she could get in.”
“Well, that was stupid. Knowing that school, they’d rather you tell the truth than lie.”
“Said the woman who values appearances over her family.”
“Eddie.”, Steve snaps. “Mrs. Y/L/N, she was denied but Dylan thought, maybe, there was something you could do to get them to reconsider. We haven’t told Aurora yet that she didn’t get in and all she’s been talking about is how excited she is to start school and make new friends there. If there’s anything you can do…or we can do…please. We’d do anything for our kids.”
“You remind me of my husband. He used to say the same thing all the time. One of things I always adored about him was the love he had for the girls.”
Eddie bit his lip and turned away as his knee began to bounce anxiously. Steve rests his hand on his leg, hoping your mom didn’t notice his sudden jumpiness.
“Thoughts, Mr. Munson?”
“No, ma’am.”, he sighs as he turns towards her and smiles. 
“I love them both to very much.”
“Is that why you stay away?”
“Mr. Harrington, I want to hear what he has to say.”
The metalhead sits up straighter as he fully gives her his attention. 
“She still cries over you two not being in their lives, you know? When she found out she was pregnant with Aurora she said she felt alone because she had no one to tell besides Kierra. It kills her that her father didn’t get to meet any of her children but what hurts her even more is you CHOOSE to stay away and even worse one of her kids, Dylan, is aware of that to.”
“We’re highly aware our relationship is taboo but we just want what’s best for these three.” Eddie points to the picture. “That’s why we adopted Dylan after his own biological father basically abandoned him. That’s why we worked hard to become better. I own the mechanic shop and Steve became a teacher.”
“That’s why I didn’t go to the interview.”, Steve sighed. “Even though it fucking killed me. Y/N’s afraid that Aurora will experience the same heartache Dylan did when Charlie never showed up for his games or school stuff and I assured her it’s not the same. Truth is I felt like my dad by not going. It would just destroy me if any of my kids thought for one second I didn’t care about what they’re interested in.”
Eddie reached out to rub his arm comfortingly causing Steve to flash him a small smile. 
“We’ll, um, let you get back to work. Thank you for hearing us out.”
“Mr. Harrington. Mr. Munson.” They stop as they rise and she hands them back their photos. “I never wanted my girls to struggle. Growing up in Hawkins I’m sure you’re aware that people gossip. I never wanted that for them. As parents I’m sure you also understand that…I thought I was doing the right thing… I thought if people saw them a certain way…”
“People always saw us a certain way… trailer trash and preppy rich boy. You daughter never saw that. She only ever saw Eddie and Steve. If Y/N thought the way you did she probably wouldn’t have even given us the time of day. Two random guys living across from her listening to loud metal music and working low wage jobs.”
“God Ed, I don’t even want to think about that.”, Steve sighed. 
“I’ll…I’ll see what I can do with the school but I can’t guarantee anything.”
“We understand.”
“Hey, where have you two been?”, you ask from your spot at the table where you were feeding James and Aurora lunch. 
“Dada. Da. Da.”
“Look, Daddy. I drew this for you.”
“Aw, thank you, princess. Where’s Dylan?”
She points in the living room and when they look that way they see his arm lift up to lazily wave making them smile. 
“Honey, why don’t you go finish your lunch with him over there?”
“No, dada! Dylan will eat it all.”
“I will not!”
“Ok, ok. Just…go away so the adults can talk bad about you.” She giggles at Eddie’s joke as she grabs her plate and starts to run that way. “Slowly please.”
“What did you two do that we needed the kids to at least be out of earshot?”
“We took Dylan’s advice and went to talk to your mother.”, Steve answers calmly.
You couldn’t help but smirk as you shook your head, wiping James’s mouth before giving him more food.
“You know, the Munson-Harrington spouses really struggle with boundaries when it comes to parents.”
“She said she’d talk to them. She also agreed with you…that we all should have gone.”
“Well shit, Eddie. I guess that makes everything ok.”
“Y/N…”, Steve began with a rough tone but exhaled as he tried to control his temper. “Y/N, what do we need to do to make this better?”
“Ma, ma.”, James coos as he reaches for your hand that had been hovering with his next bite.
Shaking your head again, you put his spoon back on the plate and slid it over to Eddie. 
“Can you finish feeding him please? Thank you.”
Without saying another word, you got up and headed for the bedroom. 
“Dylan, are we different?”, Aurora asks her brother from her spot on his bed.
The young boy swivels around on his gaming chair so he could give her his full attention. You had been headed up stairs to tuck her in but as soon as you heard her question, you paused and took a seat on the top step. 
“What do you mean, brat?”
“I talked to some of the kids…at the place mommy and daddy showed me…they said they only have one daddy.”
Eddie noticed you sitting and silently asked what you were doing. You motioned for him to quietly come sit beside you and he obliged. 
“Yeah, we’re a little different but that’s ok. Being different is cool. Plus, we’re all happy. Are you happy?”
“Yeah!”, she giggles making you smile. 
“Good. Now if anyone is every mean to you because we’re different, you tell me and I’ll beat ‘em up for you.”
“Dylan! No!”, she laughs harder causing Steve to poke his head around the banister. Tip toeing, he climbed to where you both were sitting and sat on the step below yours just between your legs. 
“Oh, yeah. I’ll bring James with me to.”
“No! James is too little… Dylan…why would kids be mean?”
“Because people sometimes react badly to things they don’t understand. That doesn’t make it ok but…”, he sighs. 
“A-Are kids mean to you?”
“Sometimes but it’s ok—”
“No! It’s not ok. I beat them up! Leave my bra-der alone!”
“Shhhh!”, Dylan laughs as he scoots closer to her. “That will stay between us. Mom will kill me if she found out I taught you that.”
Your head tilts as you silently nod and both men grin at your reaction. 
“I was going to say it’s ok because I have you guys now. Did you know when I was your age it was just me and mom?” He widens his eyes playfully as she does the same. “Kids at school would make fun of me because I only had a mom. That’s how I met Noah actually. He defended me.”
“I don get it. They were mean because you had no daddy an now they’re mean because we have two?”
“Weird isn’t it?” Dylan laughs making her smile. “That’s why I say, as long as you’re happy who cares what people think because, honestly, it’s way to complicated to make those other fuckers happy.”
Smacking Eddie’s shoulder, you get to your feet and casually stroll into his room. 
“I heard that. Between you and Eddie, we’ll have enough money in the swear jar to send Aurora to college and have some left-over for James.” Both kids cackle as Dylan, smacks a dollar into your hand. “Come on, little miss. It’s time for bed.”
As you lift her in your arms, both men start talking outside on the stairs loud enough for everyone to hear. 
“You know Steve, if she’s going to be starting school soon we need to get to work building that tower to lock her inside and—Oh, hey, Ro.”
“No, daddy! Dylan and mommy won’t let you. Right?”
“That’s right, my love.”, you smile as you kiss her forehead. “Who’s reading to you tonight?”
“You, mama.”
“Traitor.” She giggles at Eddie, waving her hand at them both as you carry her into her room.
“What are you looking at so intently?”, the metalhead asks as he steps out of the steamy bathroom drying his hair. 
“Huh? Oh, I’m looking at other school options for Rara.”
Eddie grins at Steve’s casual pronunciation of how his daughter says her name. Now that she’s gotten older, she’s gotten better at saying it correctly but occasionally he’ll still call her that making everyone beam at him. 
“You don’t have faith in her mom?”
“I just want to be prepared. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of closer options around here.”, he sighs. “My mom suggested a school they almost sent me to but she’d be living there and I’ll be damned if that’s going to happen. Plus, the tuition is insane.”
After sliding on some boxers and jumping onto the bed beside him, Eddie tenderly kissed the man’s shoulder before looking at the computer screen with him.
“Good to know you’re not one of those preppy douchebags, Harrington.”
Steve flashed him a sassy smirk leaning over to kiss his cheek. 
“That school is the only private school within a route I’m afraid.” Their eyes glance towards you as you saunter in and close the bedroom door. “Our only other options would be the one IN Hawkins downtown or driving an hour every day. Which, I mean, I’d do it for her if that’s what she wanted.”
“So, you don’t have faith in your mom either?”, Eddie sighs.
 “I actually do. Like Dylan said if anyone can change their mind it’s her. I’m just…sayin’. The only reason I know is because after he was born she thought a private school would be good for him but Charlie and I didn’t have that kind money then.” You climb up onto the bed facing them as you cross your legs. “I think it all worked out though because the classes he takes at Hawkins High he seems to like.”
Steve closes the computer and places it off to the side as they give you their full attention. 
“You hurt my feelings.”, you sigh. “I’ve never once thought about hiding our relationship to get something done.”
“That’s not true.” You glared at Eddie as he spoke. “We hid our relationship that whole first year we were together. When Steve’s dad thought you were just with him you didn’t correct him.”
“That was different.”
“How?”, Steve countered. 
“Your dad was berating you. I didn’t want to make that worse and when it came to us that first year we were afraid Charlie would use that to take Dylan.”
“So you lied for your son? Yeah… that’s what we were doing for Ro.”
“Steve should have been there…”
“Yeah, and you needed to be there for Dylan. We can play this game all day, Y/N.”, Steve argued causing you to fold your arms in frustration. “We make sacrifices for our kids. Obviously, this one was unnecessary but… we thought this is what was best.”
“So did my mother when she told us to tell people that our mom runs a ‘sophisticated company’ and our father is a ‘businessman’. My dad was a mechanic like you, Ed, and my mom IS pretty high up in the company she works for but she would make people believe she was like CEO or some shit.”, you roll your eyes. “Kierra and I had to be ‘little ladies’ which was stupid because none of the kids were proper like how she claimed. Another reason I liked it.”
Eddie reached out to caress your cheek making you smile. 
“It was exhausting. I don’t want that for her. I don’t want her or James to pretend to be people they aren’t.”
“What about Dylan?”
“Pfft, have you met our son? He’s always been himself and then some.”, you laugh. “Remember, this is the kid that stood up to your father twice and told him he was mean.”
“God, yeah. First time anyone ever stood up for me. That was also the first time he said I was his dad.”, Steve gently grinned as Eddie rubbed his back. “I hated it to, Y/N. You have no idea how much I hated not going to that interview. My dad never went or participated in anything I did…like at all. It practically killed me when she came in and said she wished I could have gone. She sounded so sad…”
“Steve, your dad didn’t go to your stuff because he was selfish. You are nothing like him. Same with Eddie. When I saw your dad…I agreed with Steve. After meeting him and your mom, I have no idea how you came out so amazing.”
“Wayne, mostly. On the outside he always seemed like a hardass but he’s a good man. Then I met Stevie here. Add you and that heathen who moved in across from us and you get the man I am today.”, Eddie beams widely making you two laugh. “Without Wayne, I’d probably be an asshole who ended up in jail to.”
“I don’t think so, babe. Your heart is too big.”
“Soooo… are we friends again?”
“Nope. I’m going to hate you forever.”, you joke with a smile.
“Mhmm.” Steve and Eddie look at each other before playfully tackling you flat to the mattress making you laugh. 
“So, if you hate us then that means you don’t want us to make love to you tonight, right? Because we can just go to bed and—”
The metalhead smiles as you cut him off with a passionate kiss.
“Is it ok…if we…”, you blush as you point towards the closet making Eddie chuckle harder at your bashfulness. 
“Still? The strap on STILL makes you all shy?”
“Eddie, don’t tease her. She’s had a rough couple of days.”
“Fiiiiiine.”, he whines as he rolls off the bed to grab the toy. 
“You know, if you’re going to be mean, I think we should use these to.”, you smirk, digging into your bed side table drawer and producing the handcuffs.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, princess.”
Steve gently pets your head and kisses your temple before tugging on Eddie’s hand, yanking him to the mattress and taking hold of his wrists. As he secures him to the headboard, the metalhead tenderly places kisses along the man’s chest making him bite his bottom lip. 
“’Bout time you had to wear these.”, he jokes as he leans down to quickly kiss the boy’s lips and climbs to the edge of the bed to help you get into your device. “You almost got it this time, baby.”
“These straps here confuse me.”
“Don’t worry, honey. I got you. We’ll always be here to take care of you.”
Cupping his cheeks in your hands, you softly kiss his lips. 
“I’m sorry for snapping at you…at both of you. I should have explained myself better.”
“Hey, don’t worry about that anymore, ok? No matter what happens we’ll figure this thing out together.”
You nod as you glance towards Eddie who smiles and nods his head as well. While Steve guides the one end of the toy inside of you sex, you groan as you cling to him, a shaky breath escaping from his as well. 
“Wow. That slid into you so easily. We haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already so wet.”
“I’m excited to use this again.”, you whisper.
“Yeah? Well, why don’t you use Eddie’s pretty little mouth and I’ll get his sexy ass ready?”
Your grin grows as you give him one more kiss and climb back onto the bed near the long-haired boy’s head. Placing the silicone near his lips, he opens his mouth, and gladly takes you in as you slowly thrust your hips forward. Hearing him groan, you glance towards his lower half, and see Steve casually stroking Eddie’s length as his teases his entrance with his tongue.
“Does that feel good, baby?”, you ask as you pull yourself away.
“Y-You have no idea. Fuck.”
Mewling at his whimpers, you thrust the toy into his mouth again as you watch Steve lift the other boy’s legs, practically folding him in half as he continues to lick inside of him while occasionally spitting into his hole and pushing it in with his fingers. 
“Shit. You two are so sexy together. I’m gonna cum.”
Continuing to pump Eddie’s cock, Steve leaned forward to capture your lips sloppily with his own as you chased your high. Panting into his mouth, your body shuddered as you came.
“Are…are you…okay?”, you coo as you back away and tilt down to move some of the metalhead’s hair out of the way. 
“Yeah, sweetheart. I’m perfect.”, he answers in a gravely tone that has you swooning as you kiss his lips. 
“Do you want to take him or do you want me to and then you take me?” Steve chuckles lightly as he watches your breathing stutter at the second option before grabbing the lube off the nightstand and handing it to you. “Give me a minute.”
Opening his legs wide, both their mouths fall open as Steve gradually pushes his cock into the other man’s entrance, falling forward to tenderly kiss his lips. 
“Jesus, Eddie. You always feel so good, baby.” Eddie’s dick twitches at his words making the other boy smirk as he casually rolls his hips, watching as the man tugs at his restraints. “You want to touch me? Can’t you feel me already, sweetheart? Because, fuck me, I can feel every part of you.”
After placing the lube back in on the table, you gently brush some of Steve’s hair away from his eyes. 
“Are you ready?” Silently he nods and you take your place behind him, firmly taking hold of his hips. 
As you slowly push the toy into him, a moan leaves his lips that has your pussy clenching around the end inside of you. 
“How does that feel, Steve?”
Eddie’s eyes scan over the man’s features taking note of the blissed out state he was currently in. 
“She asked you something.”, he whispers causing the other man to lick his lips as he tries to form a coherent thought. 
“I…good…too good.”
Holding onto him, you pull your hips all the back before thrusting forward hard and he falls into Eddie’s neck to muffle the scream of pleasure that wanted to be heard. Working his own rhythm, as you continued to pump into him, Steve pushed back into you and down into Eddie causing you both to moan and whimper. 
“I…I’m not gonna…last long…FUCK! E-Eddie, you have to feel this.”
Steve chases his high and you pound into him, trembling as you cum. After a few more rough thrusts, he collapses on his husband’s chest as he fills him up. He mewls as you try to gently pull out of him, caressing his back as you do.
Moving out of the way, he comes up beside you and almost manically places wet kisses along your neck. 
“So fucking sexy, pretty girl. Do you need help?” After you nod, he pushes you closer to Eddie while holding his leg up by the knee. Lining you up, Steve guides you into the man underneath you.
“Oh, whoa!”, you stutter, catching your palms on Eddie’s stomach. 
“Jesus fucking Christ…”
“Eddie, baby, I’m so sorry. Y-You’re so wet. I—”
Steve’s hand lightly covered your mouth as he kissed your cheek. 
“Look at him, honey. He’s falling apart in a good way.”, he murmurs making your eyes flutter shut. Straddling Eddie’s waist, he reaches behind him, and guides his cock into his body. 
“Oh fuck y—”
Steve smiles as he cuts off the boy’s profanity. “Shhh! Baby, I know. I know it feels good. You have to be quiet though.” Eddie nods as the man lifts his hand and places them on either side him on the mattress as he bounces on top of him. “Just keep looking at me, okay?”
Your own pace began to quicken as you wrapped your arms around the man in front of you for leverage, rolling your hips hard as you slammed into him. Steve felt your forehead rest against his equally sweaty back and he reached up to rub your arms as your pace faltered before coming undone behind him. 
As he mumbled under his breath, Eddie did something he had never done before. After releasing his spend inside of the man above him, he began to softly cry like you had done a few times. 
“Eddie? Are you okay? Do you need anything?”, Steve whispered as he hovered above him. 
You had known these men almost ten years and you already knew exactly what he needed. He groaned as you pulled out of him and crawled up the bed to release him from his binds. The handcuffs clattered to the mattress as Steve quickly climbed off him and Eddie rolled on to his side, tugging you into his embrace. 
Feeling you wince, he blindly unhooked the straps on your hips and gently removed the toy before tossing it to the end of the bed. Doing what they did with you, Steve laid behind him and wrapped his strong arm around you both as he petted your hair and kissed Eddie’s shoulder. 
After a few minutes, he finally released you from his hold and kissed your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you to.”, you beam up at him. “Did that feel good?”
“So fucking good.” The metalhead grins when he hears Steve’s throaty laugh. “I’m not going to lie…I’m way to fucked out for my legs to work for a bath.”
“Well, thankfully for a bath, you sit.”
“A ha ha, Harrington. I just want to lay here and be clingy.”
“I’ll get a towel.”, the man whines as he playfully rolls his eyes. 
A knock on the door the next morning startles everyone as you quickly get up to answer it. 
“Mom? Hi. How did you—”
“Wayne told me where you guys were now. I hope I’m not intruding. May I come in? I have some news.” 
“Hi!”, Aurora shouts as she pushes past your legs towards the front door. “I’m Aurara. It’s very nice to meet you.” She extends her little hand to your mother who grins as she shakes it. 
“Excuse me. Who invited you over here?”, you tease as your turn her towards the living room. “Go get your dads, please.” 
She giggles as she waves at your mom before doing what you ask. You gesture inside and she thanks you as she steps into your home, taking a look around. 
“I, uh, told Mr. Munson she looks exactly like him.”
“Yeah, she has his energy to.”, you reply as you lead her through the kitchen to the table. 
“We were summoned?”, Eddie jokes till he sees he sees your mom and glances towards you. “Everything ok?”
“She said she had some news.”
Her smile grows as Steve ventures in with James in his arms.
“Goodness. Seeing you two side by side, I don’t think these kids got any of your genes.”
“That’s what I keep saying but…”
“He does have your nose though which is your dad’s nose.”
“Dada.”, James coos as he pats the man’s chest.
“Is that the only word he knows?”
“Why are you here, mom? I’d rather get this out of the way and have you leave before they get attached to you. I’m not going to let you hurt them the way you did Dylan.”
Both men take a seat as Steve reaches for your hand. 
“I, um, got Aurora a second interview at that school but their stipulation is that they meet all of you. They actually said they loved her a lot. She has a bright personality and seemed eager to learn. When she talked about you three, it was nothing but positive things especially when it came to her dads. So, yeah, she hasn’t gotten approved but I think if you three go in there strong, I don’t see why they wouldn’t.”
“Thank you. We appreciate you doing that for her.”, Eddie replies. 
“How is Dylan? Is he here?”
“Not for you, he’s not.”, you growl. 
“Look, Y/N, I understand—”
“No, see the thing is you don’t understand. Our entire life you never understood what it was like to have to constantly pretend to be something you’re not. To feel like I had to lie to make you happy. I did that my entire life and the one time I did something that made ME happy you disappeared. Not only did you disappear but you sided with Steve’s asshole father and threw a tantrum around town.”
“I know how this town can be! I know that there are many people like Bill who would cause problems! When I married your father my own parents disowned me for ‘marrying trash’!”, she sighed.
“Sounds familiar.”, Eddie murmured. 
“It’s…It’s not the same.”, she stammers.
“How? When you first met them you said Eddie was trailer trash with a bad reputation because of his father and that Steve was lazy and immature. Charlie was a cheating, dead beat dad but somehow these two were worse.”
Tiny fingers touch your face and you turn to see James’s big honey brown eyes scan you over.
“Ma… mama.”
Falling into your arms, he wraps his little limbs around your neck before leaning back to make small kissing motions on your nose till you can’t help but laugh.
“James, my love. You are getting slobber all over mommy’s face.”
“Y/N…I’d like to try… with you and Kierra.”
Situating your son, your eyes lock with hers. 
“Can you accept my relationship with these two?”
Her gaze shifts between them both as they sit up straighter.
“We’re not Charlie, Allen, or Bill. We love her and those kids and we’re not going anywhere.”, Steve affirms. 
Your mom Spidey sense tingles as you turn towards the stairs. 
“Weirdo, may as well add your two cents.”
Dylan comes into view and places himself beside Eddie. 
“We’re a family.”, he shrugs. “I think I speak for my mom as well when I say we’re a lot happier as Munson-Harrington’s then we ever were as anything else.”
The metalhead circled his arm around his son’s waist as the boy pats his shoulder. Aurora skids into the room and places a piece of paper on the table in front of your mother. 
“Here you go! I drew this for you. I hope you like it.”, she blushes. As she turns to run back into the living room she hits Dylan’s hip who promptly turns to run after her. 
Your mom softly smiles as she looks at picture your daughter drew. 
“Next weekend, after the interview, maybe the six of you could come by and tell me how it went… you, your children, and your husbands.”
After walking her out, you ask Dylan to watch the kids so you can make lunch. 
“I’m going to freshen up real quick. Please for the love God, be nice to each other.”
“No promises.”, you son jokes as he pokes his sister’s side making her laugh. 
Both men follow you into the bedroom and as soon as the door closes, you fold into Steve’s chest and let go.
“It’s ok, honey. Everything’s ok.”
“This is a good thing, sweetheart, and hey this doesn’t absolve her off the past five years but it’s a step in the right direction.”
“Oh, baby, did you hear that? Eddie’s breaking out the big words.” They smile when you laugh. “He’s right though. If you still decide you don’t want a relationship with her that’s alright. The kids still have Wayne and my mom.”
“Which reminds me, I need to scold my uncle. He didn’t warn us or nothing!”
Releasing Steve from your grasp, you turn to cling to Eddie.
“I never thought I’d ever hear her acknowledge you two that way. I love you both so much.”
The sound of Dylan calling out to his brother followed by James crying pulls you three apart as you sigh. Eddie kisses your lips before Steve does the same. 
“We love you to, Y/N.”
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