#and she’s in there like ‘ok yeah im sure my giant mug of morning coffee does nothing’ like
jerichoes · 3 months
some person on twitter went on a “omg everybody gets sleepy at 3pm, it’s not adhd, stop making things up!!” rant and it’s like. girl. everybody gets sleepy, that’s true, but adhd havers can straight up shut down. i’m sure that when you get slightly drowsy you think to yourself “i’m so sleepy” but like, carry on with your tasks. maybe have a coffee to power through it. meanwhile i’m at my desk in the middle of an open space office, physically unable to stay awake, head lolling to the side, no matter how hard i try to pinch myself, or get up and move, or drink water and do whatever the fuck else that should theoretically help one to stay awake because my brain just. decided it was sleep time. and it’s shit at regulating sleep. due to adhd.
like god damn, how hard is it to believe that everyone can experience a thing but some people can experience it far worse than you. genuinely.
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psssst got any headcanons about the batkids being turned into animals for a day thanks to some fucked up magic rogues?? (i saw you reblogged some of that shifter au so i had to get your thoughts on this because uhhhhh i need it)
(i’m expanding it to a week because this au deserves as much content as i can give it holy shit i love it already)
dick gets turned into a golden retriever and he is having the time of his life. his only responsibility now is wagging his tail when he’s happy and barking at the mailman. no stress. no worries. he can do whatever he wants now. dick will run up and down the stairs fifty times for no fucking reason and has an absolute blast. he will plop on bruce’s lap while he’s trying to work and take a nap there and bruce can’t do a single thing about it. just sits there under the weight of his giant fluffy son.
dick tries to call wally and invite him over to the manor so they can play frisbee but all he can communicate is with woof woof bark. so he texts him with his giant paws, “pls coem ovetr im bored :’((” 
“sorry but i don’t want this to awaken any furry genes in me,,, you’re on your own pal”
timmy is a CAT. because i LIKE IT. he’s this fluffy lil black kitty who disappears less than five minutes after bruce wrangles them all back in the manor. he’s phantom of the opera now. the only reason anyone even knows he’s still in the house and alive is because alfred keeps finding him napping in the laundry room because it’s warm and he likes to squeeze himself into teeny tiny spaces. bruce nearly kills him when he turns the oven on one day and it’s sheer luck that he opens it to make sure it’s empty and oop! there’s tim! curled up on the bottom rack sleeping his life away in a hot box of death! bruce has a goddamn stroke.
barbara visits and tim spends the whole day sleeping in her lap. at one point he climbs up on her shoulder and snuggles into her neck like a fluffy lil angel, purring his heart out. babs has never felt so blessed in her life.
bruce: “son please. i have work to do”
tim, stomping all over bruce’s keyboard and headbutting him in the chin: “oh??? you have work to do huh??? more important than paying attention to me??? your son??? you hate me??? you want me to die??”
bruce’s very important email to lucius fox: “mkkkkkkkkkkkkghjkkkkkkknj.////////////,” 
steph!! is a mouse!! what a fuckin ride!! she is a small squeaky creacher, here one minute and gone the next. you grab a box of cheez-its from the pantry and find it empty but for a little blonde mouse snoozing in there like “fuck ok i guess this is how it is now.” one morning bruce discovers her using his coffee mug as a jacuzzi. he is dead inside.
damian is a wee tiger cub. he is cute but miserable and will run at bruce from across the room and smash into his shins because “father!! this is terrible!! fix it father!! you bitch!!” he snuggles with dick whenever he can though, purring like a car engine. 10/10 adorable, would definitely adopt.
bruce: “damian”
damian: :3 
bruce: “damian”
damian: :3
bruce: “you will spit stephanie out right now or you’re grounded”
damian: >:3
jason becomes a hawk. the first thing he does after getting turned is land on bruce’s head and screech in his ear because fuck you that’s why. this is karma supreme. once they’re all safely at the manor he carries off a screeching steph in his talons and drops her in the toilet. familia.
bruce: “jason. sweetheart. please tell me you didn’t just shit on my car.”
jason: “ok :) then i won’t tell you”
ironically, cass is a sloth. slow sleepy girl. only three toes nothing more. she is shockingly okay with it and just,, hitches rides on people,, all day. she hangs around bruce’s neck like a gucci scarf and sleeps there for hours. snzzzz.
duke is a freckled bunny, floppy ears and twitchy nose hell yeah. bunny duke is too good for this world. too pure. sleeby twitchy boy. he dropkicks damian in the face during dinner and lands in a bowl of mashed potatoes. babey. 
a few days in, alfred calls up the teen titans that way beast boy can come over and interpret what the batkids are saying since they can’t exactly speak anymore.
bruce: “so?? why does duke keep biting me??”
gar: “well uh. he said something about how um. you confiscated his xbox last week...”
at one point bruce isn’t looking where he’s going and steps on a cherry tomato and just. bursts into tears. because he thinks he stepped on steph’s tiny mouse body and killed her. a minute later steph swan dives off the chandelier with a parachute she made out of one of alfred’s handkerchiefs and lands on bruce’s head, giving him a fucking heart attack.
bruce goes to the pet store to buy food because apparently cats aren’t supposed to eat caviar?? wack. he stocks up on all kinds of pet food and the cashier asks how many animals he has. 
“oh no these are actually for my kids.” 
cashier: ಠ_ಠ
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