#and queer and trans people are killed all over the world simply because of their sexuality and/or gender identity
gottagobackintime · 1 year
I've seen some people say: “Trent shouldn’t have been gay, he should have just supported Colin anyway.” And it's such a weird (and bad) take.
Had Trent been straight we wouldn’t have gotten the scenes we did. Colin could have opened up and told Trent how he felt, but Trent wouldn’t have understood, he could have been supportive. But he wouldn’t understand where Colin is coming from. But because Trent is also gay he knows what it’s like being in the closet, living with fear and dread. Living with thoughts like “if I tell the people I love about my sexuality, will they hate me?”. You can’t get that from a straight ally, no matter how supportive and well meaning they are. Because they don't know what it's like. We need straight allies, we need all the straight allies we can get. But what Colin needs RIGHT NOW is someone who, while not a professional athlete, is involved in the world of football. Knows about homophobic fans, knows that there are a culture of toxic masculinity and homophobia in the clubs. That is why it’s important that Trent himself is gay.
Colin almost got runover by a cyclist in his desperate attempt to run away from Trent at the gay bar. But the relief when he understands what Trent is saying "I must have a good reason for that, mustn't I?" is so clear. Trent is also queer, Trent is safe, I can let Trent in.
And I think some people might read that line as "I haven't outed you because I'm gay too, but if I had been straight I would have" which isn't what Trent means, Trent is using that phrase to be subtle, to let Colin come to his own conclusion, because Colin is stressed out, he's scared. By letting Colin think for himself it gives Colin an opportunity to calm down (which is also why Trent holds his hands out as if calming a frightened animal, he also makes himself slightly smaller by bending his knees and leaning forward slightly). And he does, he realises what Trent is saying and he calms down. It's also an added layer of security it's not just, "I haven't outed you" it's "I haven't outed you because I am also queer". A straight person saying that they haven't outed you doesn't hold as much weight as a queer person saying it. Because you know that the queer person knows how important it is to be safe and to come out on your own terms wheras a straight person, especially an eager well meaning ally might try and encourage you to come out because "hey, it's gonna be fine", even when that's not the support you need at the moment (there are ofc exceptions, both when it comes to straight people and queer people).
But because Trent is also gay, Colin now has someone in his corner at work, who knows him, knows his secret. Who also carried that secret himself once. We’ll most likely get straight allies in the other players and the leaders at Richmond.
So no, Trent shouldn’t have been straight. Because that is not the support Colin needed at that moment. He needed queer solidarity.
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letrune · 8 months
Why I don't like the "X is perversion"
So, let me give you the short version. I am a polyamorous transgender furry woman, likely asexual (jury is still out on that one), coming from Hungary. Every single one of these was called a perversion in one time of history, but especially now, they are treated like being either, like just being a furry, is to be at best ashamed of, and most a reason to isolate people like me from society forever - and that I should be thankful for nobody calling for my extermination at the government levels.
Except, you know. Some do. Some US and Russiand jerks had been calling for building what amounts to be gulags for being queer and furry and foreigner, and stuff people in for that alone; simply because "you are a pervert and want to harm the women and children because you are queer or a furry".
So... What do these people actually think? Someone likimg cartoonish anthro characters is to be throw into prison? Asexuals to be throw in some cell in a panopticon? Asexuals to be sent to a forced labour camp? All of us to shut up forever and never even peep online?
Because I heard thrse proposals and yes, actual ideas on how to exterminate us. To have death squads like it's Pol Pot's Cambodia. To round furries up and shoot them. To break into homes in the middle of night and drag people away for public executions. You know, this is like "let us murder anyone who likes Star Trek!".
Back in 2017 if I recall correctly, maybe 2016, I was at a protest. LGBTQ+ people wished to be tteated equally. A man from the government came over and told us: "Come on. Stop it. Be happy you are not shot into the Danube.", which is like telling anyone wishing queer equity "be happy you are not sent to Dachau.". That same sort of "just shut up and be happy we are not murder you, secondary citizens" attitude came out again a lot of time.
Furries who want to claim being a furry is inherently perverted, some queer people wanting to throw the rest under the bus to secure themselves some secondary citizen rank, and so much more...
Just feels like these people want to go "please Mr. Government, let me kill people you don't like as long as I can keep my life, I am happy to be beaten up if I step out of line but please do not hurt me, I am willing to beat others up, please just spare me". You know, quislings. People who happily handed out blindfolds and then realised there was one for themselves and got pushed to the wall too. People who happily rounded up others to be shot into the Danube, or stuffed into a cornhopper to Dachau, or called the secret police on.
This puritanical "destroy them, because being X is perverted" is obvious when you consider that they said the same of homosexuality, trans people, furries and asexuals. That they are inherently a danger and should be removed from society, any means necessary, just like how they also wanted to remove people of other countries, religions and skin colour.
These people are a danger to society and themselves, as they want others dead for simply existing. They want everyone else to fall in line to some cis-het-compulsory, patriarchal, no-creativity allowed, it-is-all-about-me world.
Furries and being queer predate agriculture. Being a xenophobe is relatively new, especially xenophobes who think the only solution is "kill anyone in this group".
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
TW: Suicide, misgendering & deadnaming
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From January 14, 1860:
“An extraordinary case of a girl concealing her sex for many years, has been brought to light at Peitiers, France. Augustine, alias Augustus Baudouin, a young person of 17, was known in the town and neighborhood as an active lad, and had been in place in respectable houses as “odd boy.” This individual was lately tried for robbery, and while in prison, the authorities conceived some suspicion, and ascertained her to be female. On being asked what reason she had for wearing men's clothes, she said she had observed that men got their living easier than women; but she refused to give any information as to her birth and parentage. She was removed to the female wards, but her repugnance to appear in woman's attire among her fellow prisoners was so great, that she committed suicide by hanging herself on an iron bar with a pocket handkerchief.”
Augustus Baudouin gave the same excuse most other historical crossdressers AFAB did, that men had an easier time finding work or an easier life, which is why they crossdressed. I can think of only one man who, in the article about him, said that he had always wanted to be a boy. And it's clear why, because "I was so tired of my woman's place in society and needed food, so I simply had to dress as a man!" is a much better excuse than, potentially, "I feel like a man and I dress this way because I enjoy it." The former is much more likely to garner sympathy, while the latter exposes you as something unnatural.
But this one stood out to me, because Augustus committed suicide in prison after being forced to wear women's clothing and be called a woman's name. He refused to give the authorities any information on himself, and both that and his suicide imply that he was not a woman doing this for pure survival.
It also is impossible to hear about a trans man committing suicide after being outed and not draw connections to our modern life, where transmascs have some of the highest suicide attempt rates. This is not new- as long as there has been queerphobia there has been queer suicide, and it's an issue that has been addressed by queer activists since Magnus Hirschfeld and in Autobiography of an Androgyne.
I wish we could know more about Augustus outside of newspaper clippings written by cis people after his suicide, gawking over him as "an extraordinary case" after society directly led to his death. Like so many trans men&mascs, his story was told for him and his view on his own gender was erased. We don't know exactly how his assigned gender was "ascertained", or what he might have gone through in prison, or the circumstances that led him to living as he did before he was arrested. All we have left of him is the spectacle cis people made of him after his death.
Rest in peace, Augustus Baudouin. I'm sorry you were robbed of the life you deserve. Over a hundred years later, we remember you, and we remember every other transmasc who has been killed by transphobic society. Though you may have felt alone while you were living, now we know we aren't. We are organizing and fighting for a better world for all of us; I wish you could have seen it.
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spitblaze · 5 months
yes and no, i think already past 18, you're old enough to understand shit, and hitting the early 20's you're old enough to wipe your own ass and know whats right and wrong. i think it just really depends on the person. 'you're a teenager until 25' is just eh
You're not wrong, it very much depends on the individual! Things like neurodivergence and where/how they grew up can absolutely impact what things people know and what they're capable of. And it does depend on what we're talking about they should 'know better'. Like- able-bodied, able-minded 20 year old doesn't know how to wash dishes? Cringe. Grab a sponge. Your other example, though.
The thing is. The implication that 18-22 is old enough to know 'right and wrong' is...hm. How do I put this.
If you want to argue that morality is objective, then yes- knowing what's 'right' and 'wrong' would be easy at 18. Don't murder, don't cheat, don't steal. Easy.
But the world really isn't that simple, is it? For most neurotypical people even, morality is pretty black and white until you're a teenager. And then you start getting into the weird gray areas. Is it okay to steal if your family is starving? Is it okay to kill if someone is about to kill you first? Is it alright to cheat if there's no way to succeed otherwise? Etc, etc.
Morality is weird and subjective! I'm a moral relativist and to say that everyone should have the same idea of what is 'right' and 'wrong' at eighteen is absurd! Someone raised in a very progressive household would have a very different idea about right and wrong than someone raised in a very conservative one, and to imply that they should 'know better' simply because they're an adult, as if some of these things can't take YEARS to unlearn, is not only reductive as hell, but does not encourage people to look at different viewpoints! There are a lot of situations you will run into as an adult where there is not one 'right' answer ethically, there will be a lot of situations that require multiple people to sit down and think very hard about what the 'right' answer would be.
If morality was easy, there would not be entire college courses dedicated to ethics. If morality was straightforward, we would not have a shifting understanding of the world and what is considered 'good' and 'bad'. Do you get what I'm saying. To say age is the only requirement to 'know better' in terms of morality is comically reductive at best. Morality is relative. How many people shifted from supporting Ukraine to supporting Russia? How many gay and trans people lashed out at others like them before coming out/cracking their egg because of internalized hatred?
Morality is a shifting thing. There are some things that someone could probably know better about, but myriad reasons they wouldn't. Maybe they were never given the resources (many kids are never taught about queer people and never given a way to learn more). Maybe this is a topic that has sort of...arbitrary takes to begin with (person was accused of being a pedophile for having very sfw vanilla ship art of characters who are under 18). Maybe, despite being the 'age you should know better', they genuinely do not know better, as many ACTUALLY grown adults do not, because what is considered acceptable and good and bad is not always readily apparent to everyone and shifts over time.
Listen. CAN someone be an amoral shithead as an 18-25 year old?? Absolutely. There's shitheads of all ages and moral leanings. But if there's an age where you're supposed to have morality all figured out then nobody's told me, or the ethics professors, or any philosophers for that matter. There's FOR SURE things that have a pretty clear-cut answer but assuming someone has all of them is like. why would you do that. YOU don't have all of the answers, why would they?? There's all sorts of extenuating circumstances but not giving someone the benefit of the doubt because 'they're an adult' is denying them the chance to actually learn.
TL;DR: If someone who is 18-25 is being a shithead you should call them a shithead instead of 'an adult who should know better' because morality is relative and tying it to age is arbitrary, but also you should give people the benefit of the doubt bc living your life assuming people who are wrong are inherently bad or immature isn't great
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vaguefiend · 1 year
Today, I want to tell you all a story. I tell a lot of stories, but this one is much more important. This story hasn't had the end written yet. And depending on how we act, right now, we could change and save lives.
If you care about Black trans women, please read and share.
The fight for trans liberation is often seen as a purely western phenomenon, but this view does a massive disservice to those who are fighting to exist and thrive all over the world. These people matter, and their stories matter.
I want to introduce you to Shinah.
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I had the incredible privilege of speaking to Shinah personally, and I was absolutely blown away by her courage, her resilience, and her tenacious optimism. She inspires me and humbles me.
She is a trans woman living in rural Uganda and she is a defender of human rights.
In 2018, she founded the Pride for Youth Initiative Uganda to protect fellow trans women in rural Uganda. In 2019, her life fell apart.
In Uganda, queer people are illegal. They suffer incredible harrassment and violence not only from law enforcement, but from their communities.
In 2019, Shinah was at a gay bar when the police raided it. She was arrested. When she was tried, neither her lawyer nor her were even permitted to speak. She was sent to jail.
But that was only the beginning.
The police outed Shinah as queer to her family.
Shinah's family responded by kicking her out of their home and lives. She was homeless, with nowhere to go. It was through her own inimitable spirit that she managed to survive.
This experience inspired her to create a shelter for trans women, especially sex workers.
She did it. Through the Pride for Youth Initiative, Shinah established a shelter for trans women in rural Uganda. The need was great. This shelter is the last place trans women in rural Uganda can turn, in an environment where their communities and governments are against them.
But their troubles didn't end there. The surrounding community has pressured their landlord into evicting them from the shelter. If the landlord won't evict these trans women from their shelter, the community threatens mob violence.
So Shinah and the other trans women staying at her shelter are now faced with the impossible; raise enough money to relocate 13 incredibly vulnerable Black trans women in rural Uganda in the next 8 days.
They only need 7,500 dollars. They have 2,000 dollars to go.
So this is an emergency. These women are at incredibly high risk of not only homelessness, but violence from their community. Their courage in simply existing is unimaginable to many of us in more privileged positions.
Shinah told me this morning that she is afraid, but that won't stop her, because she is fighting for human rights. She told me she is prepared to be arrested again, or to even be killed, to do this work. She told me those are simply the risks one must accept.
To say I am humbled and inspired by her and the other women staying at her shelter is an understatement. Our entire conversation, even while recounting her traumatic experiences, Shinah was smiling. The strength of her person and her convictions is an inspiration to us all.
This fundraiser could be life or death for 13 Black trans women in rural Uganda. To say that the struggles they have already faced are immense is an understatement. They are willing to keep fighting, not only for themselves, but for others. They have 8 days left before eviction.
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If we claim to care about trans people, that must extend to the most vulnerable trans people. If we claim to care about trans liberation, that must extend globally, especially to exploited regions. Trans people are everywhere.
Again; this is an emergency. 13 Black trans women in rural Uganda are facing eviction and community mob violence unless they can raise enough money to relocate in the next 8 days. Please open your heart and your wallet. It could literally save lives.
I also want to emphasize that people in exploited regions are more than capable of saving themselves. They are fully capable, with advanced knowledge of their issues and communities. They know what they need more than those from more affluent areas.
Exploited regions have been shaped by colonization, racism and imperialism. It is not only kind, but morally imperative that those of us who benefit every day from this ongoing exploitation try to reduce this imbalance of power and affluence. This is a wonderful opportunity.
PLEASE keep sharing this and donating if you are able. I have been speaking to Shinah over Whatsapp today and none of the women have eaten today because they cannot afford food. This is still URGENT and these women are still in crisis.
Also relevant; I have spoken personally to both Shinah (over video) and Alexis, the American trans person organizing the GoFundMe, and can confirm this is legitimate and not a scam. If you would like confirmation or to get in touch with either of them, please reach out via DMs.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
1. JK is from one of biggest anti LGBTQ country where people get attached for being queer
2. The death of migrant. From datas I saw majority are from India. And as an Indian I can understand this coz 1 out of every 4 houses here have atleast 1 person working in middle east countries especially from my state. And lemme tell you the celebrations of worldcup here is INSANE. Like you will be literally surprised how Grantly it's celebrated here and number of fans associations and 100ft cut outs of sports starts displayed here. I can, without a ounce of doubt, say people here doesn't give a fuck about country's rules or governance where world cup is happening.
And that's the attitude of majority of Asian countries and people there regarding many of rules and regulations prevailing in other countries... we only care how people we stan is personally and won't try to judge them based on the countries they may have to visit as part of job... because it's really 2 unrelated event for us.
Anon 2: I'm non binary and trans and I do feel very weird about Jungkook deciding to perform in a country that not only kills LGBTQ+ people, but has serious labor law violations, discriminates rampantly against women and is intolerant towards minorities. I feel so so so bad because I love him, I look up to him but then he went ahead and performed there. When he could've have simply chosen not too. And I'm not the only one in my community who feels this way. I feel immensely disappointed. And you might not agree with me, which is fine.
I'm not telling anyone how to feel. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I'm sharing how I FEEL. And I hope that you hold that same energy for all the other places BTS have performed in that have horrible and degrading laws towards queer people and women too over the past years. Like I said in my post addressing all this before. I won't be sharing anymore over this because I have said all I have to say. Which is not me telling you to agree with me. Feel how you feel. That's okay. It's me saying I'm not wanting to have the exact same conversation 10 times. Just to keep repeating myself and reminding everyone that their feelings are their own and doesn't need my validation either way, whether you are upset about it or not. I personally do not have the mental energy right now to validate everyone's feelings about it all personally. I already did so in a general sense and shared my own thoughts about it all. Please just go read that post. Thank you
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gadunkie · 9 months
rant post about the online queer community
hey after going outside and talking to real life people for a while Ive come to the conclusion that most of the online queer community is just horrible for queer people. hi reddit today Im going to ramble on about how the queer space on the internet has somehow regressed back into separation under a more progressive and performative light. so after being on tumblr for like, fucking 7-8 years or some shit as well as experiencing other queer spaces on other social media platforms (twitter and reddit, mostly twitter) for only a couple years, Ive come to the conclusion that people are so caught up in their own asses that theyve completely misunderstood and forgot why the queer community exists. side note: I dont care how messy this post is or if the points made are all over the place, this is tumblr.com who gives a shit.
as far as Im concerned, a lot of non-queer and especially religious people really dont like us queers. unfortunately we were all born in a world where we suffer as a minority under laws and power that would really rather have us killed than working together. as such a collective of queer people started banding together under a community where we were finally allowed a space to be ourselves and live as people. the community consists of fags, dykes, transsexuals and whoever was in-between or outside of those terms. our relation comes from how we are rejected from living normal lives for simply trying to express romance or identity in a way that would finally make us feel alive. so it would only make sense to band together and make sure each of us finally have a home and a life we always wanted to live, surrounded by people who would finally accept us for who we are, right?
ya!!!11!!11one thats the whole point of the queer community, to band together and finally be treated as people. but the one problem that I see nowadays is that the current queer community just doesnt fucking do that. Im bad at formulating problems in an essay-like way so Im just gonna make a list of things and explanations underneath ok? :) :) :) 1. the queer community unfairly fetishes women: now theres nothing wrong with liking women sexually or romantically or whatever, in fact it doesnt correlate with the above sentence at all. Ive noticed in my time on using the internet, that queer people tend to hate or forget people who arent women. whether they are men, or nonbinary, or both, or none at all. women have a much larger audience than other queer people and its stupid. its gotten to the point where I forgot that the trans flag included women, men, and those who dont identify with either. I just got used to seeing them depicted with women or feminine figures that arent cis. I literally didnt make the connection until a few days ago that people other than women completely belong under that community as well, yet Ive seen so much trans discussion that only involve women and no one else. lets change that please, people who dont identify as women belong with the rest of the trans community. I feel ridiculous saying that because I shouldnt feel like I have to even formulate that sentence at all.
2. the majority of the queer community doesnt care about brown people: now there are a lot of online queer people who arent actively or intentionally trying to be racist but I cant help but notice that they tend to forget about brown people a lot, specifically black people now that I think about it a bit more. you guys remember when a new version of the pride flag came out and it looked the exact same but they added brown and black colors onto the flag? strange that at the same time the blm protests were also really popular and part of current events at the time as well, its almost as if it was simply a performative gesture to signify what should have already been obvious. even after those colors were added, black people were just forgotten again. Im not even going to sugarcoat it I dont think the majority of the online queer community would even care if black people just died, because they already dont. but this isnt just about black people either, anyone with darker skin tones, no matter the ethnic group, are either used for diversity gestures or completely forgotten about overall. it has been pointed out multiple times that tumblr staff has actively silenced or banned accounts belonging to brown people. actually the only time I saw tumblr even care about shadow banning was when they started doing it to trans women, what a fucking shit show. its so easy to care about people no matter their skin color its literally so fucking easy, why is it impossible for the majority of this community to do that.
3. why are we fucking separating ourselves from each other: hi Im sure youve noticed that Ive been saying the word "queer" over and over again. first of all, if it bothers you, grow up. the queer community have fought for decades to reclaim phrases used against us dont give it power again. second of all, I prefer saying queer over lgbtqia+ because it unites us all under one word rather than an acronym pointing out each little category of queer people. theres nothing wrong with trying to create an identity for yourself that means a lot to you and makes you feel more comfortable for yourself, but I have to argue and say that certain labels just seem pointless and belong under ones that have already existed before their creation. yet I dont blame people for using different ones than the labels that have already existed because I think we collectively failed to inform people that those labels can have multiple meanings. bisexual doesnt just mean you like cis men and cis women, it means you like anyone you want to. transgender doesnt mean you are now the opposite of your assigned gender, it just means that you arent cis. it also doesnt mean that you need to have surgery done on you or that you wear different clothes than the norm either. although I see the point of creating extra labels, I ultimately think they do more harm than good. we have to stick together to survive, any more individual groups then we are as good as gone.
those are the general points that Ive wanted to make anyway. I would love to type more but I have a feeling that the reading comprehension on this site wouldnt survive the first two paragraphs.
the last thing I want to say is that you should find more ways to be together than try and exclude each other, because while youre calling yourself a "foxgirl bi lesbian enby demiboy" there are queer people in real life being kidnapped and mutilated for simply trying to exist.
please for the love of everything that keeps us alive and safe, find ways to stick together.
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runthepockets · 7 months
When you create a society that forces men to either internalize their emotions for the sake of others' convenience, or that they need to "act" and fix the problem rather feel their feelings and go to someone they can trust about them, that's how you get domestic abusers and bullies. That's how you get guys who rely on women to do all the emotional heavy lifting in the relationship or men whose only friends are their moms and their romantic partners. It's how you get men who shun couple's therapy and struggle to communicate with regular therapist and struggle to even be casually emotionally open with other men, it's how you get men who emotionally lash out at women at their lowest because they're taught that externalizing is the only way to go, and women are a very easy target in our society. It's also how you get higher rates of drug addiction, alcoholism, and gambling in men, and higher rates of domestic and sexual violence towards women and high rates of divorce between heterosexual couples.
If you ever catch me saying "heterosexuality is in crisis", it's because it very much is, and these are a few of the reasons why. It's not because women are prioritizing their careers over traditional ideas of romance and traveling the world and getting higher educations and earning more money and spending more one on one time with the girls or their families or experimenting with sexuality, or anything, because that stuff is great and women have been advocating for it all for decades and they deserve it. It's when you assign gender to emotions, hobbies, social skills or lackthereof, etc, with the majority of these things being "polar opposites", and top of molding entire generations of men who aspire to material things like wealth and status to land them in the good graces of women more than introspection and emotional awareness. This creates numerous environments where people struggle to communicate anything from what to have for dinner to their needs in the bedroom to their needs in a day to day relationship. It's how you create an environment where half the population doesn't know what they're doing and the other half loves them but has no fucking idea how to approach them about anything. it's how you get people in both parties defining their happiness in the context of outside individuals rather than self satisfaction and self confidence.
But as a trans man, I don't think this has to be the end all be all, I think there's a very easy way to make men feel empowered and at home in their masculinity (or lack thereof, if they wish to shed it altogether) and still treat women with respect. To yearn for women platonically romantically and sexually without being desperate or creepy or entitled. To teach kids right and wrong without traumatizing and killing them. I think about my own relationships with women and how they've given me purpose, not by virtue of providing for them or serving as a foot soldier but by simply giving them a perspective they may not have considered as a woman, or vice versa. Doing good work that feels dignified (like my janitor and fishmonger jobs), making sure the parents of ex girlfriends liked me and knew their daughter was in a safe place with me, advocating for friends and family who weren't in the position to advocate for themselves, respecting and understanding my girlfriend's perspective but not at the cost of my own self worth and autonomy, and allowing her the same benefits, and fuck even classically "masculine" hobbies like working out and video games, just being neutral and welcoming to the women and queer people that also showed interest in those same outlets, cus if a man is supposed to be the backbone of his community, I need to be the most accommodating I can be in that process.
I don't think it's all i loss, I think the solutions have been in front of us all along.
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1800queeragenda · 2 years
Welcome to Star's Domain (An Intro)
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About Me:
Pen-name: Star
Age: 19
Identity: Genderfluid Genderqueer, AlloAce, Pronoun Experimental
Personality: Spaced Out Sheltered Adult About to Get Run Over in the Walmart Parking Lot, Lives Off of Ramen and Poptarts, Fearfully Stingy, Gets Attatched Way too Quickly, Will Cry if you Text in a Negative Tone
Mental Health: ADHD, Major Depression and Anxiety, BPD Dissacociative/MaDD Symptoms Suicide Attempt Survivor Conflict Avoident but also Easily Frustrated
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Digital Art, Worldbuilding, Pride-Flag Making, Gaming, Cartoons, Comics, Life Simulation Games, Sandbox Games, Fanfiction
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List of Current Projects (and associated masterposts):
The Stars of Élan Vital (Fantasy Series Idea): TBC
The Ultimate World Building Resource List: TBC
PSYEQID (Personal Simplified Yet Expansive Queer Identity Dictionary): TBC
Pride Flags: TBC
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About This Blog:
This blog is basically my personal/project-related blog, and in essence my main blog (even though it's technically a side-blog). I post whatever the heckity heck heck I want on here. Flags, creative projects, personal rants, memes, cursed thoughts, ETC. There is no such thing as consistency here, this is simply my domain.
I do not have a DNI for my blog. I only have DNIs on certain posts, but even then I use DNIs only as a warning, not as a blocked entry sign. As such, anyone is free to personally message me and send me asks. Be warned, however, that if anyone gets too cray-cray in my Ask-box/DMs I WILL screenshot the evidence and call the authorities.
My stances are as follows:
Queer Inclusionist - I support all in good faith queer identities (Identities which are not blatantly and intrinsically harmful to others).
Alterhuman Supporter - Therians, Other-hearted, Otherkind, ETC, y'all are awesome! Keep doing you!
Profiction - Creative censorship is harmful to artistry and instills a shame-ridden puritanical community that lacks comfort, security, and safety.
Anti-Anti - Censorshippists and Puricultists (AKA: Antishippers) are not entitled to their opinions, as they are harmful and invalidate the experiences of others. I will show respect to the members themselves if given respect, but I will never respect their horrid ideology that kills and abuses others.
Paracritical - While I am accepting of most paraphiles, I am very uncomfortable with potentially harmful paraphiles such as pedophiles and zoophiles. I do not want to interact with them, neither do I "accept" that aspect of themselves. To be clear, these individuals are human beings just like the rest of us. I do not support harassment towards non-offenders for desires that they can't control. BUT I ALSO don't think they should be proud of said desires. I encourage these individuals to seek the help they need. There is a difference between have compassion for others and understanding when something is wrong. The Pro-paraphilia community leans more towards accepting these types of paraphiles as they are instead of supporting their journey to gradually overcome their attraction. Because of this, I am uncomfortable with the term Pro-paraphilia and use Paracritical instead.
Pro-Endogenic - As a singlet, my opinion on this topic is basically meaningless. Regardless, I still want to express my support for the Plural Community. I think it's rather ignorant of System Medicalists to adhere the DSM like it's a rule-book instead of a guide-book. it was written by humans, who are not that smart and commonly make mistakes, especially due to biases. Our understanding of science as a whole is constantly evolving; people should be more open-minded.
Anti-Transid - While some of the experiences under the Transrace, Transage, Transabled, ETC labels are indeed acceptable by themselves, lumping those experiences together to create umbrella terms with the "Trans" prefix (which commonly denotes transition from one concept to another) is dangerous, offensive, and bigoted. It undermines the experiences of actual minorities, and in some cases can be used as a means to harm innocents. Disclaimer: I DO support the Chronosian label, as it removes the harmful implications that the Trans prefix in Transage had.
With everything out of the way, enjoy your stay!
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titan-god-helios · 11 months
(tw the holocaust, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, murder, war, brief vomit mention, gore, violence) okay while i'm here, might as well just say something real quick
in my history class at the moment, we're learning about WW2, specifically the holocaust, and it made me remember things about this horrific event that should have never been forgotten, by anyone, ever. for the longest time, I only thought that jewish people (bless their souls and may they forever rest in peace) were targeted by hitler and his sickos. but in the last few years or so, i learnt about his persecution of transgender, queer, black, asian and otherwise poc, disabled and autistic people, as well as jewish. i learned about the atrocities of the collaboration between hans asperger and his fellow nazis, i learnt about how the killings happened and i read and read and read all the while growing sicker and sicker. because these are my people. countless autistics who were not deemed "useful" were thrown to the lions so to speak, the same with trangender and queer people of all races. these people, these minority groups are ones which i belong to. and it still makes me beyond sick to think about what happened during that bastard's reign of fucking terror. and it wasn't just these groups he targeted (duh). he targeted the world. he wasn't just a dictator over his own, he wanted to purge the fucking world of people he deemed unworthy of his reign. he was sick. fucking sick. everytime i think of the events that transpired during the holocaust and world war two, i feel like throwing up until my guts are out on the floor in front of me. what really kills me ? what makes me lose even more faith in humanity ? people want this fucking despicable, evil, downright vile monster to carry on his work, posthumously. how do people not fucking understand, how do these bastard neo-nazis not realise the sheer... i don't even have a word for it. i'm just speechless. and angry. hateful. filled with fucking rage, because no matter how much i don't want to admit it, i know that the question isn't, "why don't they understand," but, "why do they ignore their understanding. knowingly." hitler was like a plague. every single vile accusation or dehumanising comment or phrase or comparison between inhuman pests and jewish, poc, queer, trans and disabled people, slavic people and every single person who did not fit his "standards" - every single one is simply an apt description of the monster himself and all his bastard followers who had full consciousness of what they were doing and supported him. who hailed him. who willingly and authentically danced through the streets of fallen nations, ravaged by theirs and screamed hitler's name in joy. who saluted to "mein fraulein" with a happy heart. who still do. to anyone who does, i genuinely hope you cease to exist. the world needs to be eradicated from the likes of you. you bastards who parade your beliefs around like they're honourable and ruin the lives of the world's jewish and minority siblings. who ruin the lives of our people. to everyone who is sick and twisted and beyond evil and supports or is a neo-nazi, just know that we are chasing you out with fire. and we will win.
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silvaskye · 9 months
Been really fucking stressed over the last few days for various reasons, to the point of genuinely just feeling like there’s no point in anything, and I realised that I have social media and I can just say shit.
If you claim to care about the “safety of children”, but then turn around and say queer people should be killed, you do not care about the safety of children. You are actively contributing to the deaths of possibly hundreds of people, including children. If you advocate for the deaths of real people simply because you don’t like them, you don’t care about the safety of children, because you want them dead too.
I was queer before I knew what the internet was. I came out when I was 3. I didn’t have the language to describe it, and that’s all the internet gave me. Instead of saying “I’m going to have surgery because I think puberty is wrong for me and feminine terms make me uncomfortable when they’re used on me”, I could just say “I’m trans”. Instead of saying “I’m not interested in sex and I never want to have it”, I could just say “I’m asexual”. These are actual things that I said (rephrased obviously) when I was 3 to describe my identity. All the internet did was give me actual words to describe those things.
The internet didn’t “make me queer”, it made me understand that not everyone was as good as the people I was around. It made me realise that some people would see my parents raising me genderless (in 2006 btw) as “grooming” or “abuse”, despite the fact that it’s the only reason I have any happy memories of my childhood. It made me realise that transphobes would go as far as calling children rapists, or invalidating the abuse of people (friends of theirs included) just to make people hate trans people. But it wasn’t even the internet that spawned these beliefs, it’s people unwilling to look outside and acknowledge that people outside are real and not just characters.
Children are not safe. With the worlds current state, most of them don’t think they’ll ever be safe. I’ve seen full grown adults tell queer children to kill themselves. I’ve seen queer children say the laws in their country make them want to kill themselves. I’ve acknowledged that I don’t even feel safe in this world, and that the amount of stress I’m constantly experiencing is the reason I can’t and likely never will recover from my trauma, and why I don’t even want to try.
I went through so much shit as a kid. All kinds of abuse, undiagnosed disabilities, several near-death experiences, several suicide attempts, etc. There is no one that makes me feel like I’d be better off dead more than transphobes. There’s no one who makes me want to hurt myself or get unwanted surgeries and medical procedures more than transphobes. I know I’d never fit their definition of a woman, even if I had the surgeries to change me being intersex. I’d still be unable to have children, I’d still be masculine-looking, and I’d still feel this empty and hopeless. Some of us will just never be good enough in their eyes.
Transphobia kills trans kids. Transphobia also kills cis kids. If you care about the safety of children, don’t be transphobic.
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Rant [No, I won't make this a habit I promise I just needed to get this off my chest]
People who don't know that intersectionality exists shouldn't be allowed into any community. Being near told that the experience of violence I've had doesn't matter cause of my skin tone is some of the most disgusting, vile shit I've seen in my life. And it came from a POC, someone who should OUTRIGHT KNOW why that's bad.
People get murdered by bigots for simply existing, and we have members in the Queer community who truthfully want to argue that THOSE people getting killed isn't that big of a deal cause of the color of their skin and the oppression they faced doesn't matter. I know ABSOLUTELY NO ONE wants to view racism as a mindset, but it's that. It's the idea that the suffering of some doesn't matter because of an innate characteristic they can't change. You aren't an ally if you believe that some people's suffering simply doesn't matter to your in group, you aren't an ally if you believe in acceptable causalities.
This is why I REALLY don't like anyone who is gay and is ambivalent on trans people's right to exist, this is why I don't like people who refuse to talk actual racism in favor of stoking a stereotype of all white people being innately racist. Because if your actual want is to help others, than you need to confront those issues head on, not let others take the fall for you, not relitigate racism into a more "Acceptable" form, but actually deal with the problems that exist instead of blanketing that shit under "DAE white people XD" but actually going for the issue. There's racist white people in the community, we can ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT IT, but instead it's vague BS meant to stoke division.
I'm not a perfect human being, but if anyone ever tells you that your suffering isn't meaningful cause of your genitals or your sex or your pronouns or the color of their skin, know that they are wrong, period. I've never been more insulted online and I literally have "Loser" in my bio, and I didn't think this place could rival fucking Twitter in terms of facilitating awful people.
Over 60K notes lowkey justifying why certain people being literally killed is acceptable. 60K notes basically justifying that the oppression queer people who are white may face isn't meaningful. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but good lord kindness is *fucking dead* in the world and at this point I should pack in my expectations for humanity cause even the people who have FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE WITH THESE SUBJECTS are more than willing to shield the god damn fucks cause CERTAIN people just have it coming. Like fuck being an "Ally" if this shit flies. Like I felt pretty angry when I saw how little care was given from BLM towards other minority groups who faced police brutality, but I figured a rising tide raises all ships. I felt pretty angry with how little coverage of missing Native women cause they just disappear and nobody cares, but maybe it's OK that some people got coverage when they went missing cause rising tide. But 60K notes... On a post that's justifying that certain people can't face oppression or face violence cause of their skin color DESPITE being gay, DESPITE being Trans, DESPITE all that...
Just fucking pack it up I guess, we're fucked. If 60K people just can't see why oppression is bad period, regardless of who it's at, then fucking pack, it, up. Set the nukes off, suck us into a black hole, humanity is a god damn waste of time for everyone involved because people can't even be assed to SEE how innocent people being hurt is bad. "Oh but MY oppression is worse!" OK? Good for you! You won the contest! Except this isn't a contest against who had it worse, it's a contest to prevent ANYONE from having it AS BAD AS YOU DID, and squabbling over this BS just enables the exact same division that allowed you to be treated like dogshit in the first place!
And yes, if you push the idea that queer white people can't face oppression, you are shielding the bigots who do the oppressing, full stop. You're using the exact same argument misogynistic, old, white fucks make about how women are "Asking for it" for having the NERVE to dress how they see fit. It's disgusting. Period.
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cloudsoffire · 10 months
just some classic oversharing in the form of a bullet point list
fun facts about me
when i was like 11 or something my art got featured in a cringe compilation
i was in mormon boy scouts
both of my siblings are also trans
i was so bad at school that they sent me to another one that had crisis lines on the back of our ids
my first fanfiction was either wings of fire or warrior cats
i have on three separate occasions attempted to write a fic alongside another person which intersected.
none of these fics included a single canon character
none of them were completed, but the one i was most serious about had my partner abandon their side first. i wrote 23,510 words across the original and a rewrite, as well as detailed character bios with math as to each character and their abilities. because they were all ocs. every single one.
i have tried to get into game design but always gave up to quickly. i would draw map and ui plans on schoolwork though
i have livestreamed twice. once was undertale on youtube when i was like 14, and once was little witch nobeta on twitch. the latter contained in-depth criticism of capitalism to an audience of zero. probably for the best as my laptop is trash and the recording was choppy af
in seventh grade i wrote an undertale x hunger games fanfiction as a school assignment. look idk either. i think it was my first time writing for canon characters
i also wrote warrior cats fanfic (original characters, original clans, etc.) as a school assignment but i don't think it had to be fanfiction that time.
i have an unfinished 17k word original work set in a post-climate change society where serial killers are basically celebrities.
my biggest work is a 53,729 word original story
i actually have a lot of original stuff. a fair amount of it is horror or has horror elements.
a line i wrote for a fanfic a long time ago was so visceral and graphic that to this day my older sibling refuses to read my writing. it was just a character shooting another upwards through the chin but i'll admit the way i described it was a bit much. i haven't written anything on that level since.
oh right the "all ocs" thing wasn't true for one of the warriors fics. i briefly wrote scourge because i gave him fankids. and a mate.
okay let's just go over some of my original stories
chaos dimension
magical girls but gay and also they fight god and eventually blow up the world tree and its actually a lot more convoluted than i can put succinctly.
the grim reaper retires and chooses a dead kid to take his place. more of an episodic thing.
a girl who can't feel pain
a story you can tell was written out of frustration after reading the (garbage) be more chill book. it has a high school guy that immediately gets rejected at the beginning.
angel and demon try to kill each other (mt only romance thing)
submarine goes into an underwater labyrinth and a lot of people die
literally almost all the characters in these are queer. idk anyway back to me.
my first "relationship" ended in a couple days because i thought they deserved better. she was later found out to be faking being in a band and selling other people's music and it was a whole thing. for those two reasons combined i don't really count it.
i have 4 albums of music from sonic on my phone, with album art and everything, adding up to 265 tracks. they are all ripped from youtube.
i've been sent to grippy sock jail three times, but only made to stay once. during this time i read most of the ultimate hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
when i was a kid i had a deviantart where i posted some of my earliest art. i had a riolu oc and constantly drew riolu and lucario. this is because i got riolu as my character in pokémon mystery dungeon 2.
i used to be known as "best sass cheld." now i am simply an uninteresting 19 y/o adult.
i own a demon horn headband
i used to use "rose" as a stand-in last name on the internet. i stopped using it as the name had too much baggage attached.
the great gatsby sucked. that's not really a fun fact but it's been a year or so and i'm still thinking about how terrible that book is.
when i was 14-ish i had a health teacher that blasted heavy metal music before class
i took a full year-long break from social media when i was 17 and a couple months into 18
i would list some stuff from deviantart but it's not really stuff i wanna share
i would also list stuff from twitter but i can't remember the vast majority of it.
i can't think of anything else but that's already a lot more than i thought i'd be able to remember
well i can think of some stuff but they're either personal or identifiable so that's that
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tjmystic · 1 year
Here's something Americans need to stop doing: assuming that all our fears are rational and should be addressed by the public. This feels like a problem in England, too, so it's probably a problem in other Western countries, but it feels most severe in America.
Here's an example of what I mean. I have anxiety. Back when people left their houses and went shopping at malls and such, I would have thoughts while walking through densely-packed aisles of clothes like, "Someone could have rubbed anthrax on these sleeves and no one would know and now it's too late and I could be dying." But I also know I have anxiety, and, while all of my (and everyone else's feelings) are valid, they aren't always rational or in need of addressing. I never expected someone to cater to this fear by having all the items of clothes tested one-by-one or pushing the racks further apart (though that one, at least, would have been helpful for everyone, I think). Sometimes I had to leave the store, or even the whole mall altogether, but that was the furthest it ever went.
Another example: I have a phobia of slugs. I don't have anxiety spirals about the possibility of encountering a slug, but if I see one, I'm instantly paralyzed with fear. Again, totally irrational. Slugs are basically harmless. But they terrify me. I HATE them. Still, though, I don't walk around with a salt shaker to kill them, nor do I expect the rest of the world to bend over backwards to kill slugs for me. Some people even like slugs. I don't understand these people on a fundamental level, but if it makes them happy, who am I to judge?
People don't do that when they have irrational fears about Trans people in gender-specific bathrooms, or Jewish people having any kind of presence, or Black people in their neighborhoods, or people wanting to immigrate into the country, or queer people wanting to celebrate Pride the way they want to.
Obviously, there's a significant part of the population here that wants to deny people rights simply because they're cruel and hateful and don't have any respect for those who are remotely different from themselves. But we have to acknowledge that, for most people, hate stems from fear. People are afraid of something because society tells them to be, or because something is different and uncomfortable, or because they don't fully understand what's going on. And, rather than examining that fear, they allow it to turn into hate. And that becomes a serious problem when those same people decide to turn into fear Karens who want to mandate the rest of the world's actions to accommodate their irrational feelings.
I seriously doubt this is going to reach anyone who does have those expectations about their fears, especially when it comes to marginalized people, but on the off-chance it does, please think about it.
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xrespect-existencex · 2 years
Okay so, why does any of this matter when we're talking about pride today? And why is it actually not okay for corporations to simply change their font color to rainbow for the month of June and then take a break on their queer activism for the rest of the year? Isn't pride just supposed to be about having fun anyway?
Yes, pride is a celebration. It is about getting together with your community, showing love to yourself and others, and being obnoxiously queer in public. But also, at the root of pride is still that call for justice. A call now so well-rehearsed from generation to generation and still, most people are just beginning to get it. That total upheaval of society that Martha Shelley wrote about. The ever-present and often forgotten dimension of society that exists in Black lesbian feminists, that must exist in us all as the Combahee River Collective writes in "A Black Feminist Statement." Or the need to cry, to shout, "Y'all better quiet down!" when the opportunity to speak is yet again, given to someone whiter, more educated, more "acceptable."
Target can tell me they love me and accept me for who I am, that's fine. Amazon can slap a rainbow sticker on a package some disenfranchised, over-worked, and underpaid employee put together for me. Verizon, Home Depot, UPS, or Pfizer, can buy a spot to walk in this year's pride parade to make up for the fact that they collectively donate millions of dollars to anti-gay legislation each year.
Yes, we can get married and things "aren't as bad as they used to be" but for who was that ever enough? Until the state stops killing people with impunity until poor people aren't sent away from hospitals because they can't cover the bill until incarcerated people are seen as still, people. Until Black and brown people can move freely in this world. Until trans people can exist, get healthcare, join a fucking soccer team. Until then, we are not yet liberated and pride should not yet be a just celebration, it's still our fight. <3
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charlottetrash · 2 years
Listen. Listen for the love of everything nice and good. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT JKR. just stop it. I'm pretty sure that she knows that 99% of the responses to her 'views' are negative everytime her name trends. She doesn't give a fuck.
Stop giving her relevance. Wash out her existence like the annoying bitch she is. Erase her like the Twilight Fandom did with SMeyer.
Nostalgia is a strong elixir and it's simply unnatural to expect everyone to quit talking about their childhood series altogether one day. If you can stop engaging with HP, good for you. I'm proud you have taken that decision.
However, if you cannot let go of the series the please for the fucking love of God stop blaming yourself. I'm a queer woc. JKR breaks my heart everyday yet her creation is the one place I find solace. Her creation matters more to me than her words and views.
Quitting Harry Potter is redundant as it is most definitely one of the biggest franchise in the world and the author being a dick doesn't throw enough of a negative light on it.
I loved HP as a child but honestly, my affection for the characters actually deepened when I joined the fandom and interacted with the THOUSANDS of fanfics, fanart, headcanons created by fans of every race, sexuality, gender identity.
i decide to engage with HP because to me the world the fandom created is more real and beautiful than the one JKR did. The works being created by Trans creators everyday matters as it forced me to rethink about gender. Being a person who grew up in a bigoted family I'm so grateful for this fandom as it is the reason that I have been able to become an ally and it has given me confidence to explore my sexuality and come to terms with it. I decide to stick with HP as I want to actively be a part of the queer and inclusive world creators of this fandom have created. The creators have nourished and polished JKR's characters to the point that the only thing they have in common is the name and THAT IS IMPORTANT TO MANY PEOPLE AS IT GIVES THEM A SENSE OF COMFORT.
so stop fuckin talking about JKR. stop responding to her bigoted statements as she's never gonna change. Instead, spread a bit more love around, especially for the trans creators because they exist and you cannot take that away from them.
I would suggest that instead of giving money to JKR, buy HP merch from small businesses. Buy the books second-hand. Donate to help trans individuals afford houses(I know you have seen the posts of a Trans sibling's plea for money to be able to afford their own apartment on various social media)
However, please do not ask people to kill themselves over liking and engaging with something that brings them comfort. I saw someone post "all people who engage with Harry Potter should slit their wrists and bleed out in a bathtub". Do you guys fucking understand that kids, YES LITERAL KIDS watch the movies and often times move onto the books? You're asking actual kids to slit their wrists?? What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?
Take some pointers from the Twilight Fandom who still engage with the creation yet not the creator effectively. Stop giving JK relevance even with posts disagreeing with her. It gives her ego boosts as she will make your logical arguments her banner of victimhood.
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