#and now I’m feeling like I wanna change to something a lil nicer on my eyes
ut-girl666 · 1 month
Thinking about giving this blog a makeover. Not sure which route I’ll take it exactly, but I have a vague idea.
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
A Kiss From a Nixie
Here’s a follow-up to the ficlet I posted the other day, where, in a Mystery Trio-style AU, Stan meets a frog-lady and falls in love with her.  In this ficlet, we learn about the origins of Stan’s frog-lady, as well as the proper term for her species.  I’m very happy about this scenario and have been enjoying it a lot.  Hopefully, y’all enjoy it, too~
              Stan and Angie stared silently at each other. Angie suddenly turned beet red.
              “Stanley.  I’m naked,” she whispered.  Stan felt himself flush at the reminder.  He spun around so that she could get dressed without him watching.  “Thank you.”
              “What- how-” Stan stammered, still with his back to Angie.  He took a deep breath.  “First question.  Is Fiddlenerd a frog too?”
              “No.  He’s not.”
              “Did the frog gene skip him?”
              “I wasn’t born like this.  It happened while I was at college.”  A million more questions immediately formed on Stan’s tongue. “You can turn ‘round again.”  Stan turned.  Angie was now wearing a flannel top and some jeans.  She pulled on a pair of boots.  “And no, Fidds don’t know.  Actually…”  There was a beat.  She looked up at Stan.  “Yer the first person to know.”
              “Wait.  Really?” Stan asked.  Angie nodded. “Geez.”  He stuffed his hands into his pockets.  “I…I wasn’t expecting that.  I mean, you and Fiddlenerd are annoyingly close.”
              “You’ve known Fidds fer a lil while.  How do ya think he would react to findin’ out his precious baby sister is sometimes a frog?” Angie asked dryly.  Stan winced, already imagining the freakout.  “That’s why.”
              “Fair enough.  How’d you turn into a…I dunno, merfrog?”  Angie snorted.
              “Merfrog.  I like it.”
              “I don’t know the real word for…”  Stan gestured vaguely at Angie.  “…whatever you are.”
              “I don’t know it, either.  The person what turned me didn’t exactly share that information.”
              “Who turned you?”
              “A full-time frog person what lived in the pond just off campus.”  Angie scowled.  “They befriended me, then offered to kiss me.  That kiss was what did me in.”
              “Why’d you agree to kiss a frog person?” Stan asked. Angie turned pink.
              “I sometimes have poor impulse control,” she said quietly.
              “Been there.”  Stan frowned.  “Hang on. A kiss from a frog person turned you into one?”  Angie nodded. “I feel like it’s supposed to go the other way around.  At least, according to fairy tales.”
              “Well, I know the kiss was what did it, ‘cause immediately I started changin’, and the frog person told me that they were excited fer me to live with ‘em.”  Angie sighed heavily.  “I’ve been a frog ever since.”
              “But you can turn human.”
              “Huh.”  Stan looked at Angie thoughtfully.  “Y’know, Ford would have a field day with this.”
              “Oh, hell no.  I ain’t tellin’ yer weird brother.  No offense.”
              “None taken.”  Stan walked over to Angie.  “You got somethin’.”  He pulled a clump of mud out of her hair.  Angie turned bright red again.  “Want me to give you a ride back to the house?”
              “That would be great.  Thank you.”
              “No problem.”  Stan headed back towards the Stanleymobile, Angie close behind.  “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”
              “I wasn’t expectin’ to be here very long. Certainly not long enough that I would have a reason to tell someone my secret.  But, I don’t know, somethin’ ‘bout Gravity Falls makes me feel pretty content.”  Stan glanced back.  Angie was looking around, admiring the surrounding trees.  “I might want to move up here, to be honest.  I can do my research or even help Stanford with his. He was tellin’ me the other day that he wants to hire a biologist.”
              “Gravity Falls is nicer than I expected,” Stan agreed. He cleared his throat.  “Do you have to go to the pond every day or something?”
              “Geez, yer full of questions, ain’t ya?”
              “The frog-lady I’ve been chatting up for the last two weeks just turned into my brother’s partner’s little sister,” Stan said dryly.  “Duh.” Angie chuckled softly.
              “Fair enough.”  They emerged from the trees and made a beeline for the Stanleymobile.  “I have to shift into my frog form and submerge myself in water fer at least an hour every day.  Ideally, I spend more time like that.  That’s just the bare minimum to keep myself healthy.”
              “Did the frog person who turned you tell you that?”
              “Nope.  Figured it out through trial and error.  Since I got to Gravity Falls, I’ve been sneakin’ out of the house after everyone’s asleep and goin’ to the lake to sleep in there.”  They came up to the car.  Stan pulled out his key to unlock it.  Angie got into the passenger seat, beaming.  “I even made myself a nice little hole in the mud to sleep in.”
              “You’re not worried about Fiddlenerd wondering where you are?” Stan asked, getting into the driver’s seat.  Angie shook her head.
              “I’m a deep sleeper with a specific sleep schedule. Fidds knows better ‘n to mess with that.”
              “Makes sense.”  Stan started the car.  “So, you-” Angie sighed loudly.
              “Look, I understand that ya have a lot of questions. I’ll answer all of ‘em at some point, but right now, I can only answer one more.”
              “Fair.”  Stan pulled out of the parking lot.  He frowned thoughtfully.  “Okay. I know what I wanna ask.”
              “Hit me.”
              “Did you eat my bait?” Stan asked.  Angie looked away hurriedly, though Stan could see a flush spreading across her features, down to her neck.  “When I opened my tacklebox after you returned it, the fresh bait was gone.”  He held up a hand.  “I’m not judging you for eating worms.  You’re part frog.  But I just wanna know if you ate them.”  Angie stayed silent.  “Come on, you said you’d answer my question.”  After a long pause, she finally replied.
              “No comment.”
              Angie giggled at Stan’s joke.  He grinned proudly, warmth spreading across his cheeks. After spending the day moving Angie into her new house in Gravity Falls, he was happy to have quality time with his sort-of frog sort-of girlfriend.  They were at the lake so that Angie could be in her frog form, though Fiddlenerd and Ford thought they were still at Angie’s house.
              “Still can’t believe Stanford actually supported leaving us alone together,” Angie remarked.  To Stan’s amusement, it wasn’t just the tone of her voice that changed in her frog form.  Her thick southern accent was also nearly nonexistent.  At first, he thought it was because she was disguising herself.  But even after coming clean about who she was, she didn’t have an accent in frog form.
              “Ford thinks that I’m more responsible and take better care of myself when I’m dating someone,” Stan said with a shrug.  “I’m not surprised he’s encouraging me to ‘woo’ you.”  Angie giggled again, a sound like a babbling brook.  Stan dug around in the bag of snacks they’d picked up at the gas station on the way over.  “Hungry?”
              “Yes,” Angie said eagerly.  Stan pulled out the container of live bait and set it on the wood of the dock.  He lifted the lid.  Angie reached out a webbed, frog-like hand and daintily grabbed one of the wriggling worms.  Stan opened his bag of chips, smiling fondly at her.
              A few days ago, Angie had finally confessed that, since becoming a merfrog, she had developed a taste for bugs and worms. Stan had already known, but he appreciated that Angie trusted him enough to tell him.  After all, she was visibly embarrassed by her cravings for creepy-crawlies.
              It’s probably ‘cause she was raised to be a proper southern lady or whatever.  Angie popped a worm into her mouth.  Good thing I don’t care about that.
              “Stanley?”  Stan looked over his shoulder.  Ford was walking down the dock towards him.  Angie gasped softly.  There was a splash.  Without looking, Stan knew she had gone underwater before Ford could see her up close. “What are you doing here, talking to a nixie?  I thought you were helping Angie settle in.”
              “Yes.”  Ford sat next to Stan.  “That was the creature you were speaking with.”  His eyes widened.  “Is she the frog-lady you were talking about a few months ago?”
              “I would have believed you if you told me she was a nixie!”
              “Wh-”  Stan scoffed. “Do I look like someone who knows what a nixie is?”
              “Did she not tell you?”
              “It’s racist to ask someone what they are, Sixer,” Stan said flatly.  Ford let out a soft laugh.  “Angie sent me out to grab some snacks, so I figured I stop by the lake to talk to Rana while I was out.”
              “Her name is Rana?” Ford asked.  Stan nodded.  “Fascinating.”  He stared at the spot where Angie had been.  “Would you be willing to tell me more about her?”
              “Nope.”  Stan stood up.  “You didn’t believe me when I first asked you, and now I’ve learned that she’s an actual person, not some weird ‘anomaly’ for you to study.”  He pulled his car keys out of his pocket.  “And Angie’s probably waiting for me at her place, so I better get going.”
              “You’re forgetting something,” Ford said, pointing at the bait still sitting on the dock.  A webbed hand quickly grabbed the bait and brought it underwater.  Ford’s jaw dropped.  “Remarkable.”
              It was yet another peaceful, misty morning at Lake Gravity Falls.  Stan sighed.
              “Enjoying the quiet?” Angie asked from her spot in the lake.  Stan nodded. “Have the Fords been especially loud lately or something?”
              “The Fords?”
              “It’s shorter than saying their full names,” Angie said.  Stan snorted in amusement.
              “Nah, they’ve actually been quieter than usual. I don’t trust it.  They’re up to something.”  Angie snickered.  “Have you finished the research Ford wanted you to do?”
              “Oh, yeah.”  Angie floated on her back, staring up at the dusty blue sky.  “I finished it real quick.  It’s pretty easy to get information from magical creatures when you’re one of ‘em.”
              “Maybe you should give Ford a big smooch.  Turn him into a frog.  He’ll finish his research in record time,” Stan joked. The only response was a soft splash. Stan looked over.  “Ang?”  Angie was gone.  “Something wrong?”  Nothing happened.  Stan sighed.  “What did I say?”  Angie slowly surfaced.
              “I…”  She took a shuddering breath.  “I love you.” Stan’s heart stopped.  “But I-”  Angie covered her face with her large, webbed hands.  “I can’t- I can’t act on any of my feelings.”  Stan scooted closer, his legs dangling over the edge of the pier.
              “What do you mean?” he asked quietly.  Angie let out a sob.
              “I want to kiss you more than- more than anything. But if I do, then you’ll- you’ll be like me.  And I don’t want to turn you into a- into a frog!” she wailed.
              “Hey.”  Stan took one of Angie’s hands.  She looked up at him.  “That’s my decision to make, okay?  If I wanna risk turning into a frog so that I can kiss you, I’ll do that.”
              “R-really?” Angie asked in a tremulous voice.
              “Remember how you said you kissed that nixie ‘cause you had poor impulse control?”  Angie nodded. Stan grinned.  “You’re not the only one.”  He pulled Angie close.  Just as his lips met Angie’s, there was a loud shout.
              Further attempts to pry information out of Stan about the nixie he’d befriended had failed.  So, Ford had to resort to collecting his own data.  This translated into watching from afar as, every day at dawn, Stan sat on the dock and spoke with the nixie.  Fortunately, Ford was skilled enough at camouflage by now that he wasn’t seen.  Unfortunately, he was unable to get close without risking being spotted.
              That morning, he wasn’t alone at the lake.  He had dragged Fiddleford out of bed to come see the nixie for himself.  Fiddleford wasn’t pleased.
              “Stanford, yer lucky I ain’t the kind of sleeper my sister is,” Fiddleford groused as they hid in the bushes, watching Stan talk to the nixie.  “Last time someone woke her up ‘fore she was ready, they got a broken nose fer their trouble.”
              “Yes, yes, I’m very lucky,” Ford said.  “Now, please, be quiet.  It looks like they’re talking about something serious.”
              “You won’t hear any of it, no matter how quiet I get.  We’re too far away,” Fiddleford pointed out.  Ford ignored the logical argument, focusing intently upon the conversation at the dock.  The nixie seemed emotionally distraught over something.  Stan leaned in, visibly affected by her distress.  He grabbed her hand and pulled her close.  Then, to Ford’s horror, Stan kissed the nixie.
              “Wait!” Ford shouted, bursting out of the bushes. Stan and the nixie jumped.  Ford sprinted over to his brother and the magical creature, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind racing.
              No.  No. This isn’t good.  Ford hadn’t had the chance to study a nixie properly yet, but he had read enough about them and other water sprites to know that even touching one could have serious consequences.  Stanley, you idiot!  Aren’t you dating Angie, anyways?  I didn’t think you were the kind of person to cheat!  Still frozen in shock, the nixie and Stan hadn’t moved by the time Ford arrived.
              “Stanley, what was that about?” Ford demanded. “You shouldn’t just kiss random magical creatures!”
              “She’s not random,” Stan said.  His articulation was sloppier than usual, almost like he was slurring a bit.  The nixie looked at him with sudden concern.  “I know her.”
              “Yes, but-”  Ford ran his hands through his hair.  “Kissing a nixie can have unforeseen side effects!”
              “I know!”  Stan’s speech was definitely slurred.  He gestured drunkenly to the nixie.  “That’s how she got stuck in this situation!”  Ford looked at the nixie.  His fingers itched for a pen and paper.  Up close, she was just as eerily beautiful as she’d seemed from a distance. Her green, mottled skin glistened from lake water.  Large, webbed ears poked out from her short, black hair.  But most distinctive were her kind eyes, a soft shade of blue that Ford immediately recognized.  He saw those eyes every time he looked at Fiddleford.
              Everything clicked into place.
              I was right. Stan would never cheat on Angie, even for a magical creature.
              “Angie?” Ford croaked.  Angie, for he was certain that the nixie was Angie, ignored him. She pulled herself onto the pier, revealing the same hourglass shape she had as a human, but lacking any mammalian features.
              That makes me feel much more comfortable with the fact she’s unclothed.  
              “Stanley, are you all right?” she asked.  Stan grinned at her.  His eyes were unfocused.
              “Yeah, babe.”  He leaned closer to her.  “I liked that kiss.  Go ahead and give me another one, okay?”
              “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
              “What?”  Stan seemed blindsided.  “Why not?”
              “You’re acting either stoned or plastered and I’m not sure which one,” Angie said.  Ford’s eyes widened.
              “Your accent is gone!”
              “I- yes- it- I don’t know why, maybe it’s ‘cause when I first turned frog, I was hiding my accent a lot.  But that’s not important right now!” Angie snapped. “Something happened to Stan!”
              “Well, you kissed him while in nixie form,” Ford pointed out.  “If you’d kissed him in human form, I doubt there would have been any reaction at all.” Angie stared at him.  “I’ve never heard of a nixie being able to switch between their native form and a human one.”
              “I- my native form is human, you dingus! I wasn’t always part frog!”
              “Fascinating,” Ford breathed.  Angie groaned loudly.  She took Stan’s hand.
              “Stanley, sit down for me, okay?” she said.  Stan sat down heavily.  He grinned at her.  “Oof.  Uh. Your eyes are dilated something fierce, darling.”
              “You’re fierce,” Stan slurred.  He winked.  Angie grimaced.  Footsteps sounded on the deck.  “Ang, you’re the prettiest frog in the world.”  The footsteps stopped.
              “Angie?!” Fiddleford shrieked.  Angie immediately dove into the lake, disappearing into the depths.  Stan leaned over the edge of the pier.
              “Come back, Angie!” he called.
              “I have to agree,” Fiddleford said, quickly catching up to Stan and Ford.  “Banjolina Quinn McGucket, get back here!”
              “Heh.”  Stan giggled. “Banjo.”  He leaned further.  “Banjo!” He fell forward.  Before Ford or Fiddleford could grab him, a webbed hand shot out of the water to nudge him back onto the pier.  Angie emerged from the lake.  Fiddleford fell to his knees.
              “Oh, Lord,” he breathed.  “I’d recognize that face anywhere.  Angie, what happened?  How did you become this?”
              “I…”  Angie swallowed.  “Stan can tell you.”  Stan leaned over the edge of the pier again.
              “I heard my name,” he purred.  Angie surfaced further until she and Stan were face-to-face.  She stroked his cheek.  “Hey, gorgeous.”
              “I’m- I’m sorry I did this to you.  Rest up.”  She looked at Fiddleford.  “Take care of him.”
              “Angie, you can’t just leave without explainin’ anything!” Fiddleford protested.  Angie closed her eyes.
              “I need- I need a minute.”  She sunk underwater.
              “Angie, no!” Stan cried out.  Ford and Fiddleford grabbed him before he could jump into the lake. “No!”  Stan slumped back and began to sob.  “She’s gone.  Forever.”
              “Stanley, once she’s had some time to collect herself, she’ll be back,” Ford said calmly.  “Now, we should probably find some sort of antitoxin to counteract that kiss.”  He pulled Stan to his feet.  Stan immediately leaned against him.  “Fiddleford, a little help?”  Fiddleford was still staring at the lake.  “Fiddleford?”
              “Oh, yes.”  Fiddleford came over.  He looped one of Stan’s arms over his shoulders.  “Don’t worry, Stan, Ford’s right.  Angie will be back.”  He scowled. “If I have to drain this whole godforsaken lake to find her.”
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xmint-conditionx · 3 years
☆ flanked ☆ ch1 | knj
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(verb) flank - 
guard or strengthen (a military force or position) from the side.
attack down or from the sides, or rake with gunfire from the sides.
☆ pairing: soldier!namjoon x widow!reader; namjoon x fem!reader ☆ word count: 4.7K ☆ summary: you’re a recently widowed military spouse who is stationed at camp walker, south korea. you’re dealing with the tragedy of your husband’s recent death, and in the process, you accidentally meet a k-pop idol you’ve had a crush on for years. who knew you’d both be at the same post while he’s doing his compulsory service? who knew he’d be so damn nice? who knew it would be impossible to get him out of your head? ☆ warnings: angst, mentions of death, grieving, feelings of guilt, brief description of sexual acts. ☆ a/n: hey everyone c: glad to be putting this gem back up into the world. please do let me know if you want to be added to a taglist for this, i’d be happy to oblige! this was one of the first things i’ve written, and so i hadn’t quite found my style yet, but it’s not that bad??? i pretty much have the whole story planned out, but i want to take my time with it. this is my lil baby, and i wanna treat it right uwu this starts off with a lot of angst and tough emotions, but there will be eventual smut!!! huge thank you to my supportive spouse who is in the military and has helped out with some of the realism aspects of this story. hope y’all like it! enjoy!
- minty <3
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It’s raining today. Again. The clouds hang low, like a weighted blanket covering your whole world. Aren’t those things supposed to help with anxiety? If only the clouds comforted you, maybe you wouldn’t feel the need to go to… therapy. The word stings in your brain. Another cruel joke of the universe: the un-comforting weighted cloud blanket, and the need for you to go to therapy to ease your pain about a dead therapist. 
The light of the day is beginning to leave as you walk towards the address the man had given you the day before. You really should have been nicer; he really didn’t mean to hurt you. And you really should have asked his name. Mentally kicking yourself, you vow that you’ll do it tonight. After all, this is the only other time you’ve left the house by yourself this week. It was nice to not have the Casualty Assistance Officer breathing down your neck for once. There has to be some good in that. Hell, this little outing might actually be helpful.
The old government building is dull, like both the sky and your feelings. If you died right now and were reincarnated into an object instead of a being, the building in front of you would probably be the best fit. Shades of brown and grey cover tired and worn brick. Government funding has tried its best to keep it presentable but truthfully, it’s barely holding on. It’s definitely seen better days. The more you think about the similarities, the more pathetic you feel, so you push on ahead and push the thoughts out of your mind. The door creaks as you walk in the cold and dark foyer and it all just... makes sense. As empty inside as you are. Jesus, you’ve never been this morbid. There are no lights on other than one at the end of one of the hallways, and you hesitantly step towards it. You don’t like the thought of what that light is going to expose. 
As you reluctantly enter the beam of offensive fluorescent light, someone takes notice of you. Already? They’re walking towards you, hand extended. You’re busy blinking back at the new bright sensation as you reach your hand out to introduce yourself. After blinking back the harsh light, you can see the little folding chairs placed in a circle in the room. Great, you think, just like AA. 
The man before you seems to be in his late 30s, a little on the short side, with a little bit of hair recession. As you finish your short bow to the man, he says in Korean “Yes, someone told us you might be joining us tonight.” as he sends a meaningful look over to one of the chairs in the circle. You follow his gaze to see the man from yesterday grinning up at you, dimples on full display, this time in civilian clothes. After sending you a goofy little wave, he pats the chair next to him and not so smoothly motions for you to sit there. 
“Go ahead,” the older man says, “make yourself comfortable. We’ll be starting in a few minutes.”
You walk toward the empty chair, and take in how truly different he looks in plain clothes. His KATUSA uniform was extremely flattering to his large frame, but this is just downright cruel. The black beanie he’s sporting looks way too good on him. His short sleeved v-neck shirt is a little tight, revealing the finely defined shape of his chest and his arms. He catches your eyes lingering on his body, and you quickly look down as you feel a blush creep up. You tell yourself to just pretend nothing happened, and it’ll all be fine. 
After you sit down, you open your mouth to ask for his name, but he does the same, your voices awkwardly echoing each other. Realizing what happened, your cheeks grow even warmer and you can’t help but turn away as you both share a laugh. You shake it off and give him your name, family first and individual second, attempting to at least make eye contact with him. 
“Nice to officially meet you. I’m Sangbyeong Kim Namjoon, but please don’t feel the need to use titles or honorifics with me. We’re equals here as far as I’m concerned. I’m really glad you decided to come tonight.” 
So, it is him. You can’t even begin to believe it. He looks so different than he did in the tour pictures you saw only a few years ago, but as you look up at him knowing what you know, it all falls into place. Some things for sure didn’t change one bit- his button nose, his deep and smoldering eyes, and the signature dimples really should have given it away. His smile is still just as genuine and reassuring and gleaming and... beautiful?
You immediately squish the thought and offer him back a tight smile. You’re not going to let him know you know who he is. It would probably only make him feel weird and you’ve already been so awful to him. You’re not going to allow yourself to make a big deal about this, and you’re definitely not going to allow yourself to... like him. 
“Look,” you start, “I appreciate your concern. I... I just don’t think something like this will help me. At least not right now.” You sigh, studying your shoes as a distraction. Your hands busy themselves fiddling with your necklace. There’s no way you can be here sitting this close to Namjoon. 
As if he can read your panicked thoughts, Namjoon leans in closer to you, so close you can feel his warm breath on your jaw, and with a hushed and more gravelly voice, he says, “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. Hell, I didn’t say anything for almost a whole month. It just... felt good to listen. You’re not going to be forced into anything. This is going to go at your speed and be what you’re comfortable with. I promise.” With that last sentence, he places his large, warm hand on your knee. 
Shit. You suddenly feel your entire body ignite. What is this? A bolt of lightning rushes up your spine. Your heart starts to pound in your chest. No, this isn’t happening. Your legs begin to tingle. This can’t be happening; this is not allowed. You swallow hard. 
You don’t want to be aroused. You straight up shouldn’t be aroused. This is messed up. Really messed up. You blink some sense back into yourself and cross your legs away from him which thankfully removes the cursed hand.
You’d imagined being touched by this man for a pretty considerable amount of time some years ago; you had filled your head with countless fantasies, knowing they’d never come true. You’d read countless imaginings of his other fans and admirers. This man had fueled so many hidden desires within you. You’d thought of his hands exploring your frame, his strong arms throwing you around, his plush lips leaving marks along your inner thighs...
Thinking of him had been your guilty little pleasure, even something your husband had liked to playfully tease you about. To actually have him here next to you in the flesh, though, was still somehow unfathomable. Why now, you mentally screamed to the god you didn’t believe in. The universe’s cruel jokes just won’t end, will they? What can you possibly even do about this? You can’t sit here and allow your panties to be wet when your husband hasn’t even been buried yet for fucks sake. God, you’re so ashamed. You’re just going to have to keep him at a polite distance. That’s your only option.
You don’t speak through the meeting. But Namjoon was right, it is kind of nice to hear other people’s stories. Even though it’s only been a week since you found out, there’s a lot of feelings and thoughts you can relate to with these people. You’ve found out why Namjoon comes to these meetings every week. That was a question you didn’t want to linger on, much less learn the answer to. You didn’t want to imagine him experiencing a loss like this. Even when you weren’t convinced it was really him, seeing that same pain in another’s eyes only made yours hurt worse. 
One of Namjoon’s fellow soldiers had died in a training accident, and the whole fire team was there doing group therapy. They spent most of their time remembering the funny things he would do to cheer everyone up during their long ruck marches and their annoying and boring bouts of equipment cleaning. Private First Class Derek Williams was the goofball of the group, and he was definitely well loved. Namjoon’s eyes never fully lit up when everyone’s anecdotes hit their punchline.
As the meeting draws to a close and people begin filing out, the group leader comes over to the both of you and asks Namjoon how his thoughts have been over the past week. It’s interesting that the man takes special interest in Namjoon. He nods and just casually replies, “I keep thinking it should have been me instead.”
His relaxed confession is absolutely shocking. Why would he say that? The older man seems to be as surprised as you are.
“Namjoon-ah, please don’t say such things,” the man urges. 
“I know how it sounds, I really do. I’m not going to do anything crazy, and I know it’s a pointless thought,” he shrugs. “It’s just how I’ve been feeling.” 
The older man nods. 
“Go in well-being, Namjoon. Please, call me if you need to.”
You find yourself walking out together. The sky is now fully dark and there’s an added chill in the air, urging you to pull your scarf up a little higher. At least it’s not raining anymore. It’s not usually this cold in Daegu at this time of year; you’re practically begging Spring to come. Although you’re in stride with each other, Namjoon feels like he’s a million miles away.
 “Hey,” you begin, hoping to ease the tension. “I’m sorry about your friend. He sounded like a really nice guy.” 
“Yeah, he was. Thanks. I’m sorry about your husband too. You seem to miss him a lot.” 
“Yeah, I do. Part of me still doesn’t believe he can really be gone. I feel like I’ve been walking around in a daze for the past week. All the paperwork I’ve had to sign. All the logistics. It’s all a little overwhelming so I… just kind of shut down most of the time. Our dog is still looking for him around the house, too, which is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Oh, shit. I couldn’t imagine. I have a dog too and... I don’t want to think about how confused they must be. That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”
You both stop walking, because you realize you’ve allowed him to walk you all the way to your car. He didn’t even ask.
“Speaking of my son… I... actually need to go walk him. He’s been inside all day and it’s finally stopped raining. Huskies need exercise... So...”
Namjoon lights up a little. “Do you walk him on post?”
“No actually, we go to Duryu Park. He likes the ducks that gather at the pond. Although they probably won’t be doing very much at this time of night.”
“Hey, why don’t we go together?” he asks, “It’s dark out and it’s not a good idea for you to be by yourself.” 
“Excuse me?” you snap. He doesn’t know you’re a brown belt, but he sure is about to.
A flustered Namjoon begins stumbling over his words. “I’m just saying, you’re like really small and someone could easily—“
“Namjoon,” you laugh. “I think I can handle myself.”
“No, uh, what I’m trying to say is that there’s safety in numbers, you know? It would be difficult to fight off bad guys while keeping hold of your dog...” He has a good point. You’ve never walked Draco this late before. You don’t want to admit it, but your recent lesson in mortality has left you a little more than uneasy, especially now that Namjoon has made you think about it.
He continues his word vomit, mistaking your furrowed eyebrows for reluctance instead of consideration. 
“Look, I’m sure you’re very intimidating but—“
Oh my god, you can’t take it anymore. 
“Namjoon!” you exclaim and he finally, finally stops the verbal deluge. “Fine.” 
He seems astonished. “Really?”
“Yeah, meet me by the bridge that leads to the little island in the middle of the pond in like... 30 minutes. We usually do two laps around the water. And...” you pause, “thanks.” You’re a little annoyed at how persistent he can be, but he is really considerate.
His eyes sparkle in the light of the street lamps and you notice his gaze linger on your pursed lips. He does a... weird little hop and finally fully smiles at you. You’ve forgotten how utterly striking his full smile can be. Jesus Christ, how many teeth does this man have? His cheeks have become even more round and his eyes shrink into little half moons. Your stomach does somersaults as you bask in the glow of his happiness. Ugh, not again.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon!” he says, hurrying away. You don’t notice him glance back at you, and that’s probably a good thing.
You get in your car and put your forehead against the steering wheel. Why can’t you just say no to this man?
You walk up to the start of the bridge with your pup in tow, who is obviously very pleased to be outside and at his favorite park to boot. The street lamps don’t cover much, but you can just make out a leggy figure standing next to a small white fluff ball. You’d forgotten he said he had a dog too. As you get closer, you see he’s got the leash handle around his wrist, because both his hands are holding two white cups with steam pouring out of the top. 
“What’s this?” you ask, as he extends one of the cups to you. Your dogs are busy sniffing each other, ears back and tails wagging. 
“Hot chocolate! It’s really cold out and I noticed you shivering when we got out of the group therapy building and I was going to get you coffee but I didn’t know what kind you like or how you take it plus it’s late and caffeine might keep you up all night and I didn’t want to—“
“Namjoon,” you cut him off before he explodes. “Thank you.” you reply, taking a sip of the hot drink and relishing in how it warms you up. You look back up at the handsome man, who is beaming down at you, enthralled in your pleased reaction. Warmth is beginning to spread through your body, and as your eye contact with him deepens, you begin to wonder if it’s just the hot chocolate. You can’t help yourself. “You do know that there’s a lot of sugar in hot chocolate though, right?” 
He furrows his eyebrows and panic soon consumes his face.
 “Oh! Right! I’m sorry I—“
“Relax, I’m just teasing you. I’ll be fine, promise. And if I’m not and you end up keeping me up all night, I guess I’ll just have to kick your ass.” you deadpan, which takes more effort than usual because now, you’re picturing him… keeping you up all night.
He starts laughing and you can’t help but to join him. He has a good, hearty laugh, one that makes his entire face light up. It feels really good to be laughing with him. 
“Oh!” he exclaims suddenly, “this is Moni!” gesturing down to the adorable American Eskimo at the end of the pink leash. 
You squat down to formally introduce yourself to Moni. You let him sniff your hand as your dog takes the opportunity to sneak some kisses on your face. 
“Bananas, stop!” you light-heartedly scold, but your pooch doesn’t get the message. He seems encouraged instead, and you are given no mercy by your big fluffy boy. 
Namjoon just laughs at how adorably frustrated you are. After he’s had enough entertainment, he extends a hand and helps you back up. This is the first time you’ve touched skin to skin, and your body is keenly aware of it. His hands are softer than you thought they’d be, and really warm. With how cold it is, you wish you could keep holding onto his strong yet elegant hands. Even after he’s released you, a symphony of tingles play in your legs, betraying you once again.
“Shall we then?” Namjoon asks, tilting his head down slightly so he’s looking at you through his eyelashes. Why does he have to do that? He can’t look at you like that. It’s illegal. Not allowed. He’s torturing you, and surely he has to know that. Or is he oblivious? He’s probably not even trying, because he has no reason to. He doesn’t even need to try. Which is kind of the problem, because you can’t exactly tell him to stop being so damn hot.
You can only answer him by tugging on your leash with a “let’s go!”
Over your walk, you talk about favorite places to eat in town and the different attractions you’ve come to love during your stay here. He talks about one of his best friends who grew up here in Daegu, so he knows all of these nice little spots only a local would typically know. You don’t have to wait for him to say Yoongi’s name before you know who he’s talking about, bringing up a hint of stinging remorse at your secret. He says they’re still in contact as much as they can be, but it tends to be difficult when they were both doing their compulsory service. Yoongi had finished his obligation, and is back in Seoul working on music. For his time, he was stationed right outside of Seoul working with the Korean Military Police, so he never really had to totally put down his work. He talks about Yoongi like they’re brothers, and it’s one of the sweetest things you’ve ever seen. Namjoon doesn’t even try to hide how much he misses his friend.
He asks about where you grew up, and the question is kind of startling. It’s not that you’re not wanting to tell him, but you’re surprised that he wants to know.
“I grew up in Georgia, in the United States. It’s in the Southeastern part of the country.”
“Ah okay, so you grew up close to Atlanta?” he asks, full of curiosity. 
“Kind of! I was about a 4 hour drive from there. I grew up closer to the ocean.” you say, and notice his eyes light up when you mention the sea.
“There’s a guy in my unit,” he begins, “who did his training in Georgia. He said that there isn’t much there other than Atlanta...” he says, quickly noticing your bemused look. He catches himself and finishes, “but in hindsight he was likely biased.”
“He probably trained at Ft. Benning. If that’s the case, I don’t blame him for thinking that at all,” you say, “He’s actually kind of right, if that’s all of Georgia he got to see,” you continue, laughing a little.
“Well, what do you think of Georgia?”
“Hmmmm. I think I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up anywhere else. The area where I grew up was close to the beach, but there was also a lot of agriculture. My grandma even had a peach tree in her backyard. She’d let me go back there and pick a peach and eat it if I had behaved that day. Peaches are my favorite, so it was a pretty good motivator.”
“Georgia is known for their peaches, right?” he asks, but his tone tells you he already knows the answer to that. You had always thought people were exaggerating at how smart he is, but you can’t deny the fact any longer.
“Yeah, we’re even called the peach state. Peaches, pecans, sweet onions and peanuts all grow well there.” you say and he nods with understanding. 
“So what about the town you grew up in?”
“The town was pretty small, my high school maybe had 500 people in it. But the bigger city by us was great. A lot of different types of people. A lot of good food. God, I miss southern food a lot.” you gasp, grabbing his bicep with your free hand, “Namjoon! You haven’t lived until you’ve had good collard greens!” 
“Collard greens? I’ve never heard of that,” he says, scrunching up his eyebrows.
“It’s a side dish we eat down south. It goes with just about everything, but it’s best next to fried chicken and macaroni and cheese.”
“Macaroni and cheese…” he muses, letting the English words roll off his tongue, “I really want to try more American food. I’ve had plenty of hamburgers, but I want to try everything. PFC Williams always let me try his lunch if I asked him. He brought this thing called potato salad one day… that was an interesting experience.”
You sigh, “there’s much more to American food than just hamburgers and potato salad. Too bad there aren’t any real authentic American food restaurants here. Although, there is a Johnny Rockets on the other side of town. Is that where you get your hamburgers?”
“Yeah… it is. Chain restaurants are cheating though, right?”
“Yeah, basically. If you want real American food, you’ve got to get a real American to make it for you. I thought I really liked Korean food until I moved here. Americanized Koean food is not half as good as the real thing,” you assure him.
“I could have told you that,” he teases, giving you a light bump with his shoulder. “Do you have a favorite restaurant in town?”
You discuss the places you have come to love in Daegu, from restaurants to parks to shopping areas to museums. You both realize you enjoy art, although he prefers looking at it while you enjoy making it. The conversation ventures to Pollock and Monet and Van Gogh and you go on about how you just don’t get Picassos. He just lets you just rant about how much you hate his works for probably too long, until you’ve run out of breath and are forced to take a break.
“Wow, that bad huh? What did he ever do to you?” Namjoon chuckles.
“He destroyed my corneas with his kindergarten level bullshit, that’s what.” you snap, which only makes him laugh more.
“So it’s safe to say that you hate Banksy too, then?” 
“No way!” you say, “Banksy is a genius!”
He just continues to chuckle, clearly amused. “I will never understand you, woman.” 
“Are you trying to?” you quip before you can stop yourself, and his laughs die down. Oh, no. That was so direct. Way too direct. He’s got to know you’re into him now; he’d be a moron to not pick up on it. Your stomach is doing somersaults again, but not the good kind this time. You’ve known him for less than two days, so why did you think that was a good thing to say?
You chew your lip, worried of what he might be thinking. Or worse, what he might actually say. After an excruciatingly long silence, finally, it happens.
“Yes. I am.” 
What does that even mean?! Your thoughts are beginning to spiral again, and thankfully, he continues, albeit way too nonchalantly. 
“And honestly, it’s been really enjoyable to do.”
It’s been... enjoyable? Has he already forgotten how you met? This man must have a death wish if getting verbally murked by a strange woman in public was something he considered to be ‘enjoyable.’ You’re immeasurably grateful he isn't looking at you right now, because it’s nearly impossible to hide your astonishment. 
“So…” he begins slowly, “I hope you’ll continue to let me.”
What do you even say to something like that? Namjoon is so much nicer than you ever expected, and that fact is only making things more difficult for you. You’ve had more enjoyment in this one walk than you’ve had this whole week, but there’s about a million different reasons why you should stay away from him. If you only could have met under different circumstances, this might be something you could explore. Honestly, you would still love to explore the possibilities with him, even here and now, but the thoughts of your husband are difficult to push away. 
You recoil at that and curse yourself. 
They shouldn’t be pushed away! It’s not fair to your husband or to his memory. It wouldn’t even be fair to Namjoon! You can barely give yourself a hundred percent right now, much less a new friendship. On top of everything, you’re going to have to go back to the states in less than 6 months, which is an eventuality you’re not looking forward to facing. 
The only sounds now are the soft contact of your shoes against pavement, the tinkling of metal dog tags, and the cold breeze rustling the trees around the four of you. You were correct about there being no ducks out this late, and you find yourself missing their chatter. Anything to distract you from this confrontation would be welcome right now. As the silence grows longer, it becomes more and more difficult for you to respond. You’ve never been great with words, but what do you have to lose besides looking like an idiot? Besides, you’ve already done that. Like, yesterday. You take a deep breath and offer up the most broad explanation.
“Namjoon, I just can’t be a good friend to you right now.”
“That’s not what I’m asking for.” he simply replies, not missing a beat. Why is he being so stubborn? You’re going to have to elaborate. Forget trying to not make a fool out of yourself. He’s a good person, and he deserves your honesty-- at least most of it.
“I can’t be a good friend to you ever. I’m too consumed in my own baggage right now to help you carry yours. Plus, I’ll have to return to the States soon. I just… don’t want to be a burden on you.”
“That’s… not what I’m asking for,” he says again.
Frustration building up causes you to sigh at him. You’re going to need a little help from this infuriating dimpled tree-man, so you make him give it to you.
“What are you asking for, then?” you inquire with a little sting in your tone, leaving him with no room to continue being vague.
“I am asking to continue spending time with you. That’s it. I enjoy your company.” he says. This answer is still unacceptable to you because...
“I literally yelled at you in a parking lot yesterday, Namjoon,” you say.
“Yeah, but that was…” he trails off and scratches his head, “kind of my fault.” 
“You can’t be serious. You… didn’t know.”
“That might be true, but I still hurt you, and I’d like the chance to continue making it up to you. At risk of sounding really cheesy… Part of my job as a KATUSA is to be a symbol of the friendship and mutual support of our two fine countries... To learn from and assist each other... I don’t see why we couldn’t do that too...”
“That… really was cheesy, Namjoon,” you chuckle.
He smiles down at you, and your heart skips around in your chest. When he speaks again, he draws out the first word, clearly in a teasing mood now.
“Okay, but… did it work?” he teases with a sly grin as he side-eyes you.
Part of you wants to tell him no, but he does deserve honesty after all. At least mostly honesty. You want to reveal to him that you know who he is, but you’re unsure of the words to say. He seems eager to stay in your life here, for whatever reason. Compared to what you’ve just been through, nothing can really hurt you again. So what’s the harm, really? It’s not like you have anyone else to spend time with. 
“Yeah,” you confess. “It did.”
“So,” he begins, “does that mean you’ll let me show you the museum you haven’t been to yet? There’s this once piece in there that is spectacular. You have to let me show you.”
After a considerable silence, he looks at you with soft, begging eyes and lets out a soft “Please?”
“Okay, Namjoon. You got it.”
You cannot say no to this man.
“Saturday then? In the morning? We’ll want to beat the crowd, especially if you want to explore the whole thing!”
“That works for me. You know, I’m actually looking forward to you being my personal tour guide.”
“Great! I guess you really must be from Georgia. You’re sweet, just like a peach.”
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spencerspecifics · 4 years
Okay i got this idea while talking to @criminalmindsvibez earlier and I just h a d to write it out
Imagine: the team taking one of those “teamwork building” days during the fall and Hotch has no clue what the team could do together to build their teamwork morale because they’ve literally had to save each other from murderers in a time sensitive manner so like??? Wtf are they supposed to do? Solve a jigsaw puzzle? So Garcia gets the task of figuring out what to do and she decides pumpkin patch/corn maze because fuck it. It’s fall.
-they get to the pumpkin patch, immediately Rossi is like “I don’t need to buy a pumpkin. It’ll end up rotting on my doorstep”
- Garcia points out that doesn’t help the team morale so he better quiet down
-he shuts up, they get inside the farm area and the entire team is just sorta standing around cuz when is the last time any of them went to a patch??? They aren’t sure of where to start. There’s stands that sell apple cider and hot coco and kettle corn and there’s some hinky dinky country music playing in the background. It’s nice but they have no clue where to start
-Garcia decides to take over, because fuck it, she got put in charge of this, and Hotchner looks like a fish out of water. Put him in a beauracratic setting and the man knows how to operate, but this? He looks so lost, it’s almost funny. Garcia’ll command this group of idiot life savers.
- she decides the team should start in the corn maze, that sorta helps the team morale. They gotta find a way to get out, after all. Spencer doesn’t want to go in until he sees a map of it, though, so he can check where they are. So they have to awkwardly go to an employee and ask where the map of the corn maze is located
-Derek finds it in a pamphlet that the employee handed to him, he gave it over to Spencer, who gladly accepts it and stares at it for what feels like two seconds before being like “ok let’s go”
-even though finding that damn map took like ten minutes because the pumpkin patch has so many customers so employees are all over the place. So everyone is like “goddamnit dude” at spencer before moving ahead into the maze
- Derek and Garcia take the lead, Spencer in the middle, then J.J. and Emily towards the back, with Hotch and Rossi in the very back.
-Hotch doesn’t wanna have to take charge of how to get through the maze unless absolutely necessary
-J.J. and Emily just end up having some very much needed girl talk while Garcia and Derek bicker about which way to go
- “Get a babysitter so we can have a girls night” “I’ll do that when you call that hot british dude that you met at the bar last week back” “I don’t need him. I have Sergio.” “Cats don’t replace real relationships with people, emily.”
-meanwhile Derek and Garcia aren’t sure which way to go. “Let’s take a left.” “No, we just went that way. We should take a right.” “That just keeps us in the middle, doll ” “isn’t that what we want?!”
-Meanwhile, the entire time, Spencer has been thinking of the turns and loops and steps they’ve taken and calculated exactly where within the maze they are based on the map
-Eventually Spencer takes charge, after Derek made them take two dead end turns, “Guys- no, we’re towards the edge of the maze. The quickest way to the end is through the center, so we need to go back and take two rights, then a left.”
-Hotch and Rossi are just walking through in silence for the most part, taking in the scenery around them. The crisp autumn air, it’s nice. They do break their silence for conversations. They speak about Jack’s upcoming soccer game, and how tiring it can be to work with children.
- “I’ve never been more grateful that my three ex wives and I never ended up with kids- god, it’s enough going to see Jack’s stuff and help coach the team.” “You have no obligation to show up if you don’t want to, Dave. If it’s too much I understand.” “Aaron, I would rather get arrested for a murder I didn’t commit and convicted before leaving Jack’s games.”
-Garcia ends up falling back with the girls, where the conversation shifts to Prentiss talking about how much the corn maze reminds her of the children of the corn movie
-“ew! Why did you have to say that! All their parents end up dead! That’s so sad!” “Garcia, it’s the corn that reminds me of the movie” “Well duh- we’re in a cornfield! But don’t think about that movie. Think about something nicer.”
-Prentiss is drawing a blank on nice fall themed things, so J.J. pipes up with “what about that Charlie Brown movie?” Garcia points out that doesn’t take place in a corn field
-“well. Only corn field movie that’s coming to mind is children of the corn.” So emily continues to talk a bit about it to J.J., all while making Garcia want to run away because “Ew no it’s such a sad movie! Let’s talk about something nicer!”
-Meanwhile Derek and Spencer are solely up front, Spencer is using that big dumptruck of a brain of his to know exactly which turns to take. Derek’s just walking alongside him, trying to weasel from flirting into conversation casually
-“how about after this I get you some cider, pretty boy?” “Do you know cider on average has to ferment for fifteen days?” Spencer isn’t really listening, if that isn’t already obvious. He heard what Derek said, but he’s just thinking of every next twist and turn they have to take to get out. So he isn’t very conversative
-meanwhile the girls have changed conversation topics to what kind of pumpkins J.J. should get Henry (this conversation change was obviously brought on by Garcia) “you should get him a cute tiny one! That would be so adorable” emily on the other hand is saying to get one bigger than him “wouldn’t it be funny to have a pumpkin taller than henry?”
-J.J. doesn’t know which size pumpkin she’ll get for Henry. But she lets emily and Garcia sway her opinion in both directions, because a comically large pumpkin would be funny. But one as small as Henry would be adorable
-meanwhile the old men duo in the back are still just enjoying their walk. Hotch had mentioned how Jack would’ve loved to come to the patch, before silence fell over them again. Rossi asked a few moments later if Hotch knows if jack’s school would be taking a field trip to the patch, “I’m not sure. I’m assuming they will.” Rossi doesn’t say anything more, but he secretly plans on double checking that, emailing the school, and explaining that he and Hotch would like to be volunteers on the trip. He’d like to see that happen.
-Derek hasn’t fully given up on his flirting game with Spencer. But he’s holding off for now, as Spencer is way too focused on the maze layout. So much so that he started mapping out in his mind where the best spot to place a body would be as an unsub. “If someone was to drop a body in here- the ideal location would be the upper left sides second dead end. Geographically, it’s the farthest point from landmarks and least traveled area within the maze.”
-Garcia hears that and butts in, “No murder talk! No dead body talk- there is no dead body! Today is supposed to be a good day! Shut off your brain for one day, Spencer”
-Spencer doesn’t say anything more about the best spot within the maze to dump a body, though Derek is sure Spencer is bored and thinking out a billion separate scenarios within the maze. Mazes were good for hiding and concealing things, after all
-Garcia accidentally mishears Spencer’s directions of “turn left” and she walks directly into the wall of corn that the maze is made out of
-the team all stops for a second to help her untangle herself out of that before promptly laughing at her
-ok Derek and emily laugh the most, emily tells her to steal an ear of corn “It’s not like they’d miss it. It could be compensation for running into it”. J.J. and Spencer sorta stand there chuckling a lil bit, Hotch and Rossi are more like “as long as you’re all good we should continue on” but they had little smiles on their faces too
-They finally get out! The employees at the exit are like “good job, that was very fast!” And everyone on the team is like “thanks we tried” meanwhile Spencer is standing there thinking “no y’all didn’t I did it cuz I memorized the maze smh”
-the team stays as a unit after that. It wasn’t on purpose, but they all had the same thing in mind, the pumpkin patch
-they walk over there, it’s not too far, immediately Spencer makes his way over to the large containers of pre-picked pumpkins, gourds, thise tiny as hell pumpkins, those white pumpkins, and those red pumpkins. He’s one second away from grabbing a pumpkin at random from the container so he can grab a pumpkin and go, when Derek is like “Hey man what are you doing? You’re not picking from the patch”
-Spencer then has to awkwardly explain how the only times he ever went to the pumpkin patch was in elementary school before he skipped ahead grade wise and the kids in his class made fun of him that day really bad. Like they called him names and left him “trapped” in the corn field (tho he had seen a map and was able to figure his way out easily that time.) and so whenever he has to buy a pumpkin he just gets them from the grocery store because he gets anxious at the thought of coming to a pumpkin patch
-immediately the entire team is like “wtf man you should’ve told us!!! Do you want to leave??? We should leave” and Garcia is immediately like “Spencer I am so sorry oh my god I didn’t know” and he has to sorta awkwardly be like “No it’s ok. I wanted to come. I want to try and get a better memory than last time.”
-Derek pats him on the back for that, “You’ll get much better memories this time, I promise. But let’s get a pumpkin from the actual patch instead of from these containers”
- Derek makes it his soul mission to make sure spencer now has an amazing time in the pumpkin patch. So he stays with him the entire time as they walk around, inspecting pumpkins for just the right one
-meanwhile the girls are looking at the biggest pumpkins possible. Namely Prentiss, she wants to get a big one. “Can you even out that out front of your apartment door?” “I don’t know but I’ll make sure it stays until it rots”
-Hotchner is busy looking for a pumpkin he could bring home for jack to carve, though he does guess that jack would be making his way to the pumpkin patch with his class too. It couldn’t hurt to have a third pumpkin to carve.
-Rossi doesn’t want a pumpkin, he’s already decided that they’re messy and smelly and he doesn’t even like pumpkin seeds or pumpkin pie enough to warrant the mess of cutting and getting the pumpkin guts out. So he just stands and watches
-Garcia notices that immediately and is so not happy with that “you’re serious about not getting a pumpkin?” “I told ya” “ughhh Rossi- you could get a tiny one!” “I don’t wanna carve and deal with a mess” “you don’t have to carve a tiny one!”
-“what’re you thinking pretty boy?” Derek asked Spencer, who had been staring down the same pumpkin for like two minutes, which was definitely unusual. Spencer doesn’t answer, leaning down and picking the pumpkin up instead. “Does it have any abrasions on it?” He asked Derek, as he turns it over in his hands to inspect it. “Not that I can see, no”
-Spencer decides on this pumpkin, and they find some wheelbarrows provided by the farm to put his pumpkin in, they give Hotch the duty of rolling the wheelbarrow around as they meander away from the rest of the group
-Spencer then is like “oh shit. Wait Derek. Your pumpkin. We need to find you one.” Derek just laughs a little bit and is like “I’ll find one lol but you gotta come with me” so Spencer agrees as they go to find one for Derek
-Garcia ends up nearby the tiny pumpkins, deciding to buy at least three to litter her front doorstep with
-she is so distracted she doesn’t even realize rossi making his way over. “You’re right. Those ones are way too small to carve.” He says, she just agrees, “Yes, so you should get some!! C’mon. Get that festive spirit.”
-Hotch shows up pushing the wheelbarrow from behind, listening to the tail end of rossi and Garcia’s bickering match. “You should get some, Dave. It would look nice.”
-That makes rossi cave. He mumbles out a “fine. The things I do for you all, I swear” before picking two up and putting them in the wheelbarrow, next to Spencer’s pumpkin.
-Garcia is b e a m I n g she is very happy with the fact she got this fall grinch into getting a pumpkin. So much so that she ends up getting a fourth tiny one, because damnit they’re too adorable.
-Hotchner still hasn’t found a pumpkin for him and for jack so he’s standing in the patch, still surveying like a lost old man. Garcia and Rossi end up helping him.
-Meanwhile J.J. and emily are looking through the medium sized pumpkins to find something for will and Henry. “I’m thinking a medium sized one, because then it’s sort of a mix of what you and Garcia said.” J.J. explained to Prentiss, who nodded along in agreement.
-the team is all pretty quiet at this point as they try to find their own pumpkins. Derek finds his, a large one that’s very vertically elongated. He takes it back to the wheelbarrow, with Spencer trailing along behind him.
-Hotch finds two round, smaller sized pumpkins. And he decides that those are his, they look great and would be easy enough to carve, so he grabs them up, getting them back into the wheelbarrow
-J.J. finds a medium sized pumpkin for Henry, and two smaller ones for her and will. Meanwhile Prentiss is like “Hey Jayge that Charlie Brown movie is applicable now since we’re in a pumpkin patch” Garcia hears that and is like “y e s good fall vibes yes”
-they finish up in the patch, everyone putting their pumpkins into the wheelbarrow as they head towards the checkout
-Derek pays for Spencer’s pumpkin, saying it’s not a problem
-Spencer literally can’t stop blushing at that even tho it’s the most mundane thing e v e r and it’s adorable
-the team gets their pumpkins sorted and paid, before taking the wheelbarrow back towards the stands that sell cider and hot coco and kettle corn.
-the girls go off to get hot chocolate, Dave and Rossi go to get some bags of kettle corn, and Derek and Spencer go get cider
-“If you make hot coco with anything but milk, it’s evil” “emily what about lactose intolerant people who use water?” “They’re on thin ice.”
-Spencer thanks Derek like five times in a row for helping him get a pumpkin and buying it “you didn’t have to-“ “you better stop talking before I buy you a cider too, pretty boy”
-Derek does buy him a cider in the end, which isn’t any surprise
-Dave and Hotch argue over which type of kettle corn is the best. “It’s caramel, Aaron. Why on earth would cheddar kettle corn be good?” “It’s savory as opposed to sweet, it’s better” “That doesn’t matter if it tastes bad!”
-Garcia ends up coaxing the hot coco barista lady into adding a shit ton of extra chocolate sauce and stuff to her drink
-so much so that it’s literally too sweet for her but she dug her grave she will fuckin lie in it like a winner
-J.J. and emily immediately make fun of her, “I can see the regret in your eyes!”
-the team finishes up buying their drinks, pushing the wheelbarrow out to the parking lot.
-“See, not so bad for a team morale building day after all!” Garcia says happily, she’s glad her idea was a success
-it was. The team is happy, they got hot sweet drinks and bags of delicious food, not to mention a shit ton of pumpkins they shove into the trunk of the SUV
-Spencer’s happy he made new memories at the pumpkin patch, Derek was just happy to help build those for him.
-Garcia’s happy her day went so well, emily is glad she got a pumpkin to carve, J.J.’s happy she got good pumpkins for will and Henry, Hotch is happy that he’s not stuck in a stuffy office building in an uncomfortable suit talking about another murder investigation, and Rossi is happy to be with his found family on a day out
-it was a good day at the pumpkin patch :)
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praphit · 3 years
JL - The Snyder Cut: A Quarter Pounder With Cheese
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Was it 2017 when The Regular Ass Justice League came to the big screen? Idk. I can't remember anything before COVID.
I thought that movie was... decent. It was somewhere between "ok" and "good"; that's not a knock against it. It's like a quarter pounder with cheese. You know??
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- it's about 1pm at work, and you ain't had lunch yet. You'll annihilate
a QPWC, but you also can't say it's a gourmet burger from some fancy spot; they put love and time into their burgers. If you compare a QPWC to THAT... then you might call it somewhere between "shit" and "almost ok"; movie snobs said things like that.
I wasn't like the snobs. I was like - "QPWC". But, in the defense of the snobs, it's hard not to compare the reg ass JC to a gourmet burger like The Avengers:
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A team is assembled, there's a destroyer of worlds lurking about, there are magical alien objects to collect, there's a part in this new version that has a similar battle axe scene to Thor/Thanos, there's a character who at times can be a bit sexualized - and I'm not talking about Wonder Woman. I'm talking about
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"Wait, are we about to eat? I better pop this shirt off. I don't wanna get food on it."
"Wait, are we about to watch Tv? I better pop this shirt off, so the couch doesn't wrinkle it."
Zack Snyder came along and said "Quarter Pounder With Cheese?! Well, yeah, but that wasn't on me at all. Y'all need to see MY vision! MY burger would have been glorious!"
So, here we are... kinda like a second date, when the first one was 'ok', but not quite "the one". DC was like "That date, we were rushing things and may have gotten a lil handsy. We were copying moves we saw in other films and it was awkward. And something was up with our face that night.
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BUT, this time, will be different!"
Let's talk about what's different:
#1 - The Flash
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We get a lil more back story with him, but in the process an awesome scene where he saves some black woman with his lightning speed (so fast that everything is slow). I loved this!
The black woman whom he saves, I can only assume is Iris. I'm not a super comic geek, but I've seen the Tv Series (hence my assumption).
Flash is apparently all about black women. Maybe I should go back and read some of his comics. Perhaps he ONLY saves black women; pretty, young, single black women :)
He had better be careful with his hands as he saves them, with things all slow. I was watching him when he saved Iris.
Sometimes, you might have to feel some one up in the process f saving their life, you know?? I don't know, but Flash does :)
I'm just saying... my man might get hashtagged, if he's not careful.
#2 - Darkseid
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He is the thing of nightmares and it's perfect! He is everything that I wanted Apocalypse in that awful X-Men movie to be.
A villain as powerful as Darkseid should look menacing.
Not like this -
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But, like THIS.
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He looks like he has been possessed by several spirits, and all of these spirits are high on meth and voodoo.
#3 (now this was unfortunate) Lex and The Joker make an appearance.
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(Joker here lookin like he just got finished eating ribs. What the hell is going on with his mouth?)
We told y'all that these two were bad. Real, real BAD! It's like me saying that the cologne you were on our last date smelled like expired sauerkraut juice, please don't wear that on this next date. YET, here it is... stankin up the joint!
Some may say, but Joker revealed some things that could be interesting for Batman, moving forward... Spoiler Alert - in the future, Batman bleeps up! That's not much of a revelation. Batman is always screwing up. Just look at Arkham - full of his screw ups.
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But, that's a story for another day (a day that hopefully, will NOT include actors Jared and Jesse).
#4 - Martian Manhunter.
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He looks smoove. I don't know much about him. I've seen him in some cartoons. I imagine that someone who knows nothing at all about this universe would have been totally confused. But, regardless, he looked great! I hope we'll see him in the future. Why is the second part of his name "manhunter" though? First order of business, if he joins the team, is to change his name. Though perhaps all martians have names like that:
"Martian Boozehound", "Martian Cock Blocker", "Martian Narcissist". Maybe they'll all join one day.
The Martian didn't really move the plot though. He was just there to be kinda "look-at-me".
Think being on this second date, and at dinner, the person randomly starts juggling. You're like "That's really cool, but can we get back to the meal."
#5 - Steppenwolf!
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YES! YES! and more YES! There's no way anyone can hate on his new look.
We also get some backstory as to why he's doing what he's doing. Before I thought he was simply being mean because his name is "Steppenwolf" A name like that demands that he be bullied. But, here, we find that he has pretty much been canceled.   I don't know what he did or tweeted, but Darkseid wasn't having it. Now, he's gotta do everything he can to get back into the fold; popping up random places and doing what he must to be redeemed - kinda like Louis C.K.
#6 - A lil more attention to the characters
a) Alfred being a gadget wiz.
b) Wonder Woman reminding us how amazing she is. Where was this woman in her sequel? THIS WW, I’d follow to hell and back.
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c) Aquadude had some more scenes for build up as well.
Unfortunately, this woman was a part of it. 
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She's not bad at acting, she's just a bad person (look her up if you don't know what I'm talking about).
d) Batman though --- it's not that I don't like Affleck in there. His Batman just looks so old, slow, and tired. There are some more chemistry/slightly flirtatious scenes with him and WW, and I'm like "Dude, there's no way that you have the energy for that action." :)
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e) Cyborg though (Ray Fisher)-
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He's the star of this cut! Before he was just the angry black guy. In this one... next to Superman, I'd say he was the most key to their victory.
As far as this second date:
It looks way better. There's a lil more story added. It's dark and depressing, but that's just how DC and Snyder roll.. This is probably why we don't see Shazam; he's way too peppy for the group.
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Seriously wowed by the effects. I couldn't sit through 4 hours straight, but when I broke it up, I really enjoyed it!
However, it's still the same movie. You know?? The same failings are there from the first. It makes me think more of what could have been.
What if they had treated Ray Fisher better (look it up, if you don't know)?
What if they had taken their time to build up to this movie like Marvel did with The Avengers?
What if Batman and The Joker didn’t go through a identity crisis every few years?
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Amy Adams is in this movie! She's one of the best actors around, today! I keep forgetting that she's in it, because they wasted her talents.
It's like our date got buff, dressed up this time, took us out for a nicer LONGER time, but they still rushed and were handsy, they were still a lil too dark 
(dating tips, kids: save your stories about your messed up childhoods for at least date #3), and they were still wearing that damned sauerkraut cologne.
Once again, good stuff, when not compared to a gourmet meal. More like a fancy McDonalds, serving us a quarter pound STEAK with cheese.
Grade: B-
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romeulusroy · 4 years
I know I'm not the only person struggling with their mental health right now, and I know I'm absolutely no expert or anything, but I thought I would offer what I could. I don't normally write these things, but if I can be helpful to one person, then why not? These aren't life changing things that'll magically make all these overwhelming feelings or thoughts go away, but they can help short term, and sometimes that's all we can ask for/manage :) These might not all be unique or something you can do rn, but it's been helping me:
Get out of bed. Personally, I don't have a lot of places to go or sit, especially in quarantine, so I sit on my floor :) Where I live it's been too hot to sit outside, but that's also a really good place! I always end up feeling really bad and guilty when I can't get out of bed or end up staying there all day, so when I go somewhere else to do whatever (read, write, etc.) it makes me feel more productive. It makes me feel more accomplished.
Wash the one blanket you've been wrapped in. Or throw it in the dryer. Even just switching it out for another one can make you feel better because it's clean, and soft, and warm and now it's not associated with all bad days you spent wrapped in it. It's not a reminder anymore because it's been washed or switched out. It's a small fresh start, but it makes a big difference. Plus, all blankets need the same amount of love :)
Read a book. Or a chapter, or even a few pages. Lately that's all I've been able to manage and that's okay! A new book, something you've read a dozen times. You don't even have to start at the beginning. Go to that one chapter you love or that one scene or find those quotes you love. I haven't been able to read a lot lately, but when I have, it's made me feel a lot less lonely. It reminds me why I love it still and it gives me hope I'll be able to read like I used to. For now, a few pages is a big step :)
Clean. But I don't mean reorganize everything and end up with a mess that's too big and too overwhelming to handle right now. I mean getting a wipe and wiping down a dresser or chest or desk. I mean washing a dirty mirror. I mean restacking the book pile in a new way. It doesn't have too be too intense or ask too much of you because when you're feeling like this, everything feels like a chore. Even just vacuuming to feel the warm carpet is enough. Not everything needs a place to go right now and not everything has to be picked up. Just one small area is enough.
Change your wallpapers/backgrounds. This might be dumb, but it made me happy. I changed my computer backgrounds and now they're artsy and cute and every time I open it it makes me feel good. I switch up new pictures of my dogs on my phone wallpapers, too! It's easy, it's mindless, it's not a huge change or a big commitment, but it's something you can control, something you have that can make you feel better. Sometimes, it's little things that make a big difference and we just don't know it.
Watch comforting videos on your phone, ones you've taken. This might be a dumb one, too, but it helps. There's a reason you filmed it, sometimes you forget why. I have dumb videos of my dogs rolling around, and concerts where I'm the one screaming over the songs, and ones of my Nana laughing cuse she doesn't know it's taking a video and not a picture. Sometimes rewarding them can make you feel like you did when you took them. They can be a reminder of when you were happy and excited even when you forget those feelings.
Dye your hair. Permanently, semi-permanently, with that chalk stuff, whatever. Personally, I love change, I need it, but I can't get tattoos or piercings in quarantine and it's driving me bonkers. This is something I can change! It's also something I neglect. I don't brush my hair, I don't give it much thought, doing anything I can to get it out of my face. But, when it's a new color, I'm more thoughtful of taking care of it. I want the color to last and I care about it more when I like the new color. Even just one or a few strands of hair can be enough! It doesn't have to be huge!
Candles!!! Light one, smell one, spray febreeze, whatever! I cannot tell you how many candles I've burned through since quarantine started. The scent fills the room and makes it feel so much more welcoming and comforting. I feel better knowing all the things in my room are gonna smell like that candle. The ones I don't wanna burn yet just sit with the cap off. It makes me feel better knowing my room/are smells good :)
Art! Painting, drawing, writing, etc. It doesn't even have to be in an artistic way, it can be a chore. I had to paint the railing to my front steps because it was rusty and let me tell you, it was the most stress free afternoon I'd had in a long time. It was mindless and simple and I knew I was doing something, accomplishing something, that didn't need a lot of concentration. There are no expectations to create the next museum worthy masterpiece. Simply have fun with it, even if it ends up looking like a littke kid did it. All art is good art, and a healthy distraction.
Games :) I don't really play video games, but I've seen it be really good for my brothers who are dealing with their own issues right now to put their focus into something with an end goal and objectives. I like the app Two Dots which I actually found out about on here! I don't normally like these kinds of games, but I ended up loving this one. It's something to focus on and make you think, trying to figure out the best strategies, it's a distraction that makes you put all your focus in on one thing. Without school work and grades, that's been really hard for me to find.
Even if you can't do any of that right now, I want you to know one thing:
Please don't feel like you're wasting your time because you're trying to get through the day. I know a lot of people don't have school anymore or have lost/can't get jobs right now with everything going on, which means there's a lot of free time now and you're not really sure what to do with it. Let me tell you, you don't always have to be doing something huge and productive. You don't have to be "glowing up". You don't have to be losing weight or working out. You don't have to be reading or studying. You don't have to do anything. Time feels like it's dragging on and that's a lot. It can be overbearing. Some days are filler days, where maybe all you did was laundry or all you did was make your bed and that's okay!!! Even just sitting on the floor and remembering to eat is all we can manage. Quarantine and all this isn't about how you'll end up coming out of this, but if you do at all. I know my mental health has been so rocky and frankly, really scary, and i can only assume a lot of people have been feeling this way, too. If getting to end of it means a day full of movies or taking a day to binge an old favorite show, then that is enough.
Please feel free to add more if you have any, I know I'm in need of any ideas or things I could do to help right now. I hope you're staying safe my loves, staying healthy. Please be a lil nicer to yourselves, more understanding, more kind, and more aware when things start to change. There's nothing wrong with putting your mental health first. I love you all more than I could ever put into words!!! Xoxoxo💜💖💜
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Mystic Messenger: My First Impressions (spoilers)
So I just started playing this game a few days ago and, since my opinions of characters often change throughout the course of a game/show, I wanted to document how I first see them and compare it to how I feel when I finish the game! I compare it to Obey Me! A lot because that’s the first game like this I’ve ever played (it’s lovely go check it out if you’ve never heard of it) and the characters are named after demons so that’s why I’m talking about Satan please don’t be worried. K thanks <3
- I played Obey Me before this so all I can do is compare them right off the bat
- Zen seems like a more chill version of Asmo? I can’t explain it.
- Like he’s flirty but knows when to stop and be serious. As much as I adore Asmo, he can be a little much.
- “I’m not famous omggg stahp~”
- He seems very kind though, and humble. Can we even call it humble? I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and call it humble.
- I’m not sure how I feel about the ponytail but maybe it’ll grow on me.
- So its later and it’s kinda grown on me—
- okay but his real name is so pretty! Luciel~ I’m a sucker for dudes who use aliases but also have pretty names (*cough* Mello/Mihael *cough*)
- He gives me Matt from Death Note vibes? Must be the hacking and red hair.
- He seems really playful and chill but also kinda like a crackhead and I’m excited to get to know him more.
- I feel like we’d get along great in real life.
- Okay so right off the bat I know characters like this and they don’t really interest me a whole lot.
- Reminds me of Lucifer from Obey Me but with the cat obsession of Satan.
- The thing that interests me most about him right now is his cat
- Seriously can we get a route where we just end up adopting his cat? I want it please <3
- But he seems nicer that Luci so far and hasn’t tried to kill us yet so he’s okay in my book.
- okay. Um. BABY—
- Sweet baby boy I wanna hold him and cuddle him already omg
- I usually go for the sweet and cute, shorter than average boys so this development doesn’t exactly surprise me.
- But...I already got spoiled for his yandere tendencies so I’m going into this knowing what’s gonna go down
- And the signs are there.
- I mean he barely knows us and he’s all “I trust you, it’s like a sixth sense!”
- What’s worse? Idk if I mind it all that much. I can differentiate between fiction and reality, plus Yandere/dark tropes are pretty interesting to me and I wanna see where it leads 👀
- so I think the hell yes.
- I didn’t see them up close for a while and I thought they were a dude but when I found out they were female it did not deter me whatsoever.
- She’s real cute and proper but I feel like she could have a secret dumbass side too.
- I’m really excited to get to know her and chat with her more!
- Oh yeah she reminds me of Barbados. Just a lil bit.
- Back at it with the Obey Me comparisons! This time it’s Diavolo.
- His hair is real cool.
- I’m curious about his...whole entire occupation. Like what on earth does he do? I’m scared.
- He makes me think he knows something because he probably does. Idk what about but he’s got this vibe I don’t like.
- literally no idea who this man is yet.
- but his hair’s pretty cool!
- looks Emo and I’m into it
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schiste-argileux · 4 years
Idw Prowl is an evil SOB (took him two years to send the Wreckers to Garrus-9 and help Maxy (who was protecting all the war crimes the Bots did), put Maxy’s torturer and a war criminal on board the Lost Light cuz why not, sent Pharma to Delphi knowing it was DJD territory)
Prowl... Prowl’s creation and competence in his area of work is astounding. He is brilliant, creative, and defiantly apathetic of this world. But, he is very human in his own way. IDW Prowl is selfish, yet not. He is a unique in that aspect because most people make decisions like his for the sole reason of benefiting themselves. But Prowl’s sole reason of existing is to create PEACE. 
Peace. Peace can only be done when people are complacent, happy, and satisfied. When things are stationary. Stable. 
But life is never stable. Elements desire to form bonds, yet are almost always leaning towards to instability... Prowl’s form of PEACE is a world where there is no fighting. But everything sentient requires to fulfill its desires. As long as there is desire, people will fight. 
A world of PEACE would be a world of full control, there are no surprises, no change. Safety, routines, and constants. No creativity, no development... nothing. stagnant. 
But I must admire Prowl’s tenacity and dedication to this world! 
He sacrifices everything for the sake of the directive, preserve cybertron, PEACE. He sacrifices his morals (Robot Gets Bullied By a Human), his dignity (Recent News, Cop Accepts Orgy For The Means of Establishing Peace, his body (Recent News, Cop gets Molested by A Spider for The Autobot Cause), and of course, thousands of lives (Not Recent News). :D Prowl respects and understands that there will always be chaos and instability, and he is so very flexible around it all! He literally can maximize everything and anything he has. He is the embodiment of consequentialism with a lil dash of politics. I wish my group project members were 1% as productive as him! Prowl tries to put everything black and white, and he gets upset when things get far more tricky, and wants to get everything in control so people can stay safe and remain in peace and not fight! And that’s a respectable goal! Control can be good, it means one understands and is able to retain themselves and the thing they are controlling. But Prowl doesn’t want to accept that there are things out of his control. And Prowl likes to think he’s justified when he controls the uncontrollable. 
I mean, yeah, if he didn’t do what he did, the autobots would have been six feet under A LOT EARLIER. Optimus is not a good leader, preserving organic life over his own soldiers? Psh. Look at Spike, he’s got valid points and can I understand why he left the ‘bots. Prowl’s probably thinking everyday, DAMN, OP, WHY R U SO DUMB. LISTEN WE NEED TO FEED OUR SOLDIERS AND PRIORITIZE OUR SPECIES LIVES INSTEAD OF THIS FUCKING CARBON BASED CIRCLE. HELLO??? And literally Prowl could have been like I’m gonna get ya assassinated so I CAN HAVE IT MY WAY. But Prowl was BORN for the RULES. To follow, to MAKE PEACE. Killing the prime figurehead is against that, even if it would make his life way easier! (hence, not that selfish and also sad that your life is the rules. That’s a short leash, but he makes due)
Honestly I feel bad for Prowl. Must suck to be so big brain that everyone hates you when you say the truths (but also you could learn some more tricks from Jazz to be nicer and hide the truth, but that’s scary because a nicer prowl means more people he can trick and use. Thanks Prowl for being so straightforward! Now people can avoid you easier). He's so straightforward about things that need to be done, he’s in constant denial about the grey area of life!
That’s why when Spike slapped Prowl with reality slaps, Prowl lost some of his shit. Remember, nearly everyone had the edgy depressed time in their teens or young adult years where you realize the world is truly unfair and nothing is black and white? Yeah. Slap that on a 6+ million year old robot with a battle computer and is capable of big brain CPU-age, and was literally built for the sole purpose of enforcing rules and making peace? And no one really cared about Prowl enough to understand him and his background. So Prowl goes through his angst moment alone with his huge titties, frustrated. THIS. IS. WHY. YOU. COMMUNICATE. YA DINGUS. 
Prowl doesn’t become a school shooter like Pharma cuz hes got bigger brain and a lot more power and control over himself, but he literally becomes Shadow The Hedgehog (Even if the world’s against me I’ll fight like I’ve always have). HE’S GONE ROGUE. MA’AM, SIR, THE FUCKING OREO COOKIE HAS TRANSFORMED AND ROLLED OUT.  like. OP was the one thing holding prowl back, which was good! But now prowl’s on the roll and bumblebee is too nice and passive to hold him back. + the bombshell brainwash? feels so bad. being prowl sucks. because Prowl is a necessary evil. 
At least he’s wonderfully blunt about his goal to create a peaceful cybertron, which makes it easier if you want to avoid him or smth. meanwhile you have fake people IRL that smile their way through and then slit your throat and you won’t even know it was them (hey jazz, no offense, but that’s what spec ops does). Fakers are the scariest enemy, but Prowl is still a threat, just not as big as a someone who fluffs you up on a balloon and then pops it. Prowl would just be like, hey, you’re really useful, come over here in my white van i wanna show you something and then maybe you get destroyed. But hey! You were the one with the highest chance of surviving compared to other people! Isn’t that great? You’re so skilled WOW. (Prowl gets punched. Again!) Prowl represents the necessary evil in society. We WILL ALWAYS HAVE EVIL people in this world. But Prowl is a far better evil than people who do evil for their own selfish reasons. It’s like how we have law enforcers and politicians . It’s basically giving them legal rights to do illegal things (lmao). BUT we need them regardless. We need those people to get their hands dirty, possibly killed, so that people can live in innocence and peace. 
I don’t think Prowl ever realized that he was a necessary evil, and when Spike showed him that, he was bitter. But he accepted it. Which I respect because most people can’t be bothered to understand themselves and just throw themselves in denial, and point fingers for their flaws. Prowl sucks up and understands who he is, and he makes the best of it to achieve his goal.  I mean, honestly? Prowl is probably a miracle worker. Not in a Ratchet sense. But look at the way modern governments run, nothing gets done, everything is stalled because no one has the guts to make sacrifices. Prowl would have gotten a shit ton of things done, man, and take quick efficient action. Even if he sacrifices many things for it.  (Warning. I do not condone any taking of lives, NO ONE has the right to judge whenever a person should live or die.)  Prowl reminds me of 秦始皇 (Qin Shi Huang), the king who unified China and sacrificed millions to make the Great Wall, canals, and road systems that last to this day. If it wasn’t for these accomplishments, China wouldn’t have been what it is today. Was it a good thing? For the future residents of China? Hell yeah. But the costs? Those are sins that can never be erased, and they are horrible and shouldn't be done ever again. Was it necessary? Perhaps. But that’s another discussion. Is Prowl evil? Depends on your definition of evil. Perhaps he’s justified, perhaps in his world, he’ll go down as the Qin Shi Huang of the Cybertronians. Regardless, Prowl like Pharma, is an EXCELLENT example to study on public ethics, and administrative officials should analyze him and learn from his mistakes and sins.  I think Prowl is not evil in a sense that he wishes to harm others, but evil in a sense of his apathy. Prowl is a necessary component to a functional society (someone to plot, to use people, to enforce rules even if some are sacrificed, someone who can get their hands dirty). He lives a terrible and sad fate, and I do not wish ANYONE to live a life like Prowl’s or look up to Prowl. Yes, he’s so clever and brilliant, but that kind of power will make you the loneliest person on Earth.
Thanks Prowl for taking the entire load of sin on your shoulders! Big MVP! You get nothing from the world except hate and contempt.  I would go on about him more but I have IRL stuff to do. I love Prowl as an example to tell people that MODERATION. COMMUNICATION. AND COMPASSION are important factors to have a healthy and good mental state. Prowl is the perfect example of someone who doesn’t want to empathize (haha so many people are like this today), who doesn’t want to try to use more braincells and friends help to make better plans that are more moderate and not extreme, and who doesn’t want to talk to anyone thinking its a waste of time or have difficulty explaining things.  BUT I LOVE G1 PROWL because he has far more patience and manners, and doesn’t take a darker, route for his goals. awhohdohd he’s baby,,, i wish all cops had patience and manners and in general open-minded yet cautious enough not to be taken advantage of,,,, perhaps then we wouldn’t have so much polarization and fighting with authority in this world.... 
uwuwwuwuwuw they did prowl so dirty in idw WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ;____;   Again, you are welcome to disagree or agree! I wrote this really quickly so I’m sure there will be points that could be clarified or edited. Prowl’s really complicated and I do not like to talk about current IRL problems, but Prowl represents a lot of problems in society. And I think it’s critical if we try to look at both perspectives to get an understanding on WHY people do these things, and is there a solution to AVOID making those same mistakes? There’s a couple of controversial things in this short essay I wrote, esp. about cops IRL. So feel free to have at it! Or ignore it! Whichever is more comfortable for you! Thanks for coming to my ted talk! Again, Prowl is a bad influence and a sorrowful life to live. please do not try to be like prowl. xD I won’t intrude on you if you do, because you have a right to live the life you want as long as you’re not hurting other people’s interests and wellbeing! 
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 4 years
lookin’ up from a cigarette and she’s already left - henry pearl
henry pearl x reader
title from jackie and wilson by hozier
TW: hints of relationship abuse (nothing explicit but it could possibly be a trigger please seek help if you ever find yourself in a situation like this!! i love you all very much!)
notes: this is very similar to the plot of battlecreek, so i highly recommend watching that first!
also this is a lil angsty (i know, a first for me) but it all turns out okay because i think i’m physically incapable of writing something 100% sad :(
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henry bit into his burger, fresh off the griddle as he watched her with fascination in his gaze. 
it was downpouring outside as huge gusts of wind nearly tossed an umbrella out of many a hand, not the most ideal night to be outdoors. she saw the neon sign of the diner glowing in the haze of the rain, so she quickly pulled the door open and slipped inside. she made her way to the back of the restaurant, looking over her shoulder for something and seating herself in the booth farthest from the entrance. 
she looked a little disheveled, whether from the precipitation or another factor henry didn’t know. one of the waitresses stopped by to take her order, asking her if she needed anything else that wasn’t food-related. she quickly dismissed her, smiling a fake smile that henry knew too well.
another waitress picked up on henry’s interest, grinning at the young boy. “she seems a little shaken ‘bout somethin’, but we’ve all been there. why don’t you go on over and chat with her?” she suggested. 
  “she looks like she wants to be alone. i don’t wanna intrude or anything.” henry murmured, not taking his eyes off the sad soul sat by herself. 
  “come on, henry, she looks like she’s in need of some company and you’re a real sweetheart. just go talk to her, it’s the least you could do.” the waitress insisted, giving him a playful nudge. henry’s cheeks tinged pink at the compliment; the waitresses at the diner seemed to have a degree in sweet talk, well, sweet talking him at least. 
he finally mustered up enough courage to head over to her, approaching her carefully as she silently sipped her tea. she tensed up as the strange, tall man sat across the table from her. 
henry noticed the poor girl’s apprehension and began to introduce herself. “hi, my name’s he-” 
she got up quickly, apologizing and excusing herself before quickly dashing out of the diner and back into the rain. henry chased after her, looking out into the darkness of the small town in the night. she was nowhere to be found. 
henry brushed off the odd encounter, deciding to take his nightly walk the next evening. tonight was much nicer than last night, the moon shining brightly in the sky and illuminating henry’s path. 
he walked along the main road that passed the gas station at which he worked. he spotted a car parked in the grass, only a couple hundred feet away from the station. henry briefly wondered if it had broken down and it’s owner was getting help at the station, but upon closer examination, that wasn’t the case. 
there was a human-sized lump spanning across the backseat with a large blanket draped over top of it. a sudden curiosity took over henry’s common sense and he decided to see who it was. he walked around to the other side of the vehicle and peered in the window. 
even from the small sliver of face he could see, he knew it was the girl from the diner. he wanted to knock on the window and ask if she was alright, but she looked so peaceful asleep compared to her frantic, paranoid state last night. 
henry figured the best course of action was to continue on his stroll and leave her undisturbed. just to be sure, he made a mental note of her model and plate number so he would recognize if she pulled into the gas station during his shift. 
he looked back at the unlit car, sheathed in the darkness of the bush and trees, hoping she would find wherever she was going. 
the next night had been uncharacteristically gloomy for the small town, but henry didn’t mind since he was cooped up inside the station. he hadn’t been required to work outside tonight, instead he spent his time painting a lovely portrait of a tropical island on the tool rack. 
suddenly, he heard the unmistakable sound of tires screeching on asphalt, prompting him to head outside. henry recognized the model that had pulled in immediately; it was hers. 
she jumped out of the car, immediately looking up and down the road for something he couldn’t see. she backed away from her car on shaky legs and henry reached a hand out to gently place on her shoulder. she jolted violently and quickly began apologizing as she rambled on again. 
  “th-the r-red pickup- he was there- p-pulled off som-somewhere- i-i swear i saw him,” she panted, her chest heaving desperately. 
henry felt bad for the poor girl; she was clearly troubled by something. so he did what any reasonable person with a sympathetic bone in their body would do and pulled her small, shaking frame against him. she hesitated a bit, but wrapped her arms around him, melting into his calming embrace. 
  “it’s okay, you’re okay,” he shushed her. “do you want to come inside for a bit?” she nodded after a moment, heading into the backroom with henry. he gave her a bottle of water and wrapped a heavy coat over her shoulders. “i know it’s nothin’ much, but i’m afraid it’s the best we got.” she thanked him and curled the soft material around her tightly. 
henry’s boss had so generously let him off early after he explained the situation. he thought the best idea would be to take her home with him so he could make sure she was safe until she had a more long-term place to stay.
she walked home with his arm fixed firmly around her shoulders, yet she still couldn’t help but check over her shoulder while they were alone on the empty road or the dark sidewalk. henry was amazed she let him touch her so much when she seemed to be quite jumpy, but he wasn’t complaining. 
they arrived home and, thankfully, tallulah was asleep in her bedroom instead of passed out on the couch for once. he realized he’d never asked about how she felt physically, too preoccupied with worrying about her mental state instead. “are you hurt? do you need to take anything?” he offered up a bottle of painkillers in case she was injured, but her reaction said it all. 
she pulled her knees to her chest, shaking her head vehemently as she tucked it against her legs. he’d been confused at first, but he understood his mistake and quickly put the bottle away. it breaks his heart that she’d even think he harbored any ill intentions, but he reasoned that she’d clearly been through something traumatic and was just trying to protect herself. 
“that’s okay, i’m sorry.” henry apologized quickly. “can i make you somethin’ to eat?” she shook her head, looking up at him with glassy eyes.
“can i just go to bed, please?” she asked in a fragile tone that just about broke his heart. the poor girl looked so panicked and frightened, like the stray puppy that wanders into your yard that you can’t help but pet. 
  “of course you can, follow me.” he led her up the stairs into his bedroom, giving her a t-shirt to change into and leaving a glass of water on the nightstand. he figured she needed space, so he headed towards the door. “i’ll be downstairs on the couch if you need me. good ni-”
  “wait!” she blurted out, causing henry to let go of the handle. “can you stay in here tonight? l-like on the floor, or something?” she asked shyly, her worried gaze peeking out from underneath the covers. 
this girl was just too precious. he couldn’t even possibly think of anything she might’ve done to be mistreated, presumably by someone close to her. he marveled at her boldness and braveness letting someone so close to her and leaving herself so vulnerable in a stranger’s home. he couldn’t help but say yes to her, so he gathered a few blankets and pillows and set them up on the floor.
he noticed her staring at the artwork that adorned his walls, and a small smile formed on his face. “did you paint these?” she queried, looking at all of the paintings that ranged from rather small to ones that took up an entire wall. 
  “i did. do you like ‘em?” he pulled his shirt off, pulling on a pair of pajama pants and sitting on the corner of the bed, still maintaining a good distance from her. he wasn’t going to get any closer unless she explicitly allowed it, lest he cause her to panic again. 
  “i do, they’re really pretty.” she complimented. henry secretly hoped whatever they had going on would last long enough for him to paint a portrait of her, but he didn’t feel now was an appropriate time to ask. 
he laid down in his makeshift lower bunk and curled into the blankets. he was expecting her to be asleep, so he was a little surprised when she spoke quietly. “thank you for letting me stay here, henry.”
he had no idea she actually remembered, or even heard his name, but he blushed nonetheless. “no problem, sweetheart. it was the least i could do.” after a few minutes of silence, he heard some soft, even breaths, so he safely assumed she was asleep. 
suddenly, henry heard the shifting of the sheets and a little moan while she moved into a new position and slung an arm off the mattress. he was tempted to tuck it back up onto the bed so she’d be more comfortable, but judging by her stillness in this new spot, she didn’t seem to be uncomfortable. he slowly reached out and intertwined his fingers with hers that were hanging next to him. 
she subconsciously tightened her grasp on his hand, making his heart melt a bit further. “don’t worry, you’re safe here.”
i debated breaking this into two parts, but i think it’s more satisfying as one so here you go 😌
i really need to stop writing things where the reader is the baby but i can’t help it 🥺🥺
anyway, tags: @emmyrosee @jadelynlace @copper-boom @manicpixiedreamguurl @little-grunge-flowerz @hecohansen31 @goblincxnt @lihikainanea​ @bill-skarsgard-owns-my-ass​
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Do you know how crazy it would be if there were an AU where all of the Perry-centered AUs anons have pitched to you over the past few months were all stitched together? Say there was as alternate universe where Perry is a robot and OWCA has many copies of himself and he's raising an organic platypus baby with whatever the heck a capybara is, and that's all without context!
okay I literally have three asks that I should be answering before this one if I go in like wait-list order (is that even English who the fuck knows at this point) but this one is KILLING ME and I have an answer it immediately okay hold on I gotta go check my list of asks to see what we gotta work in and I’m totally including headcanons with the AUs to make this into the biggest and best trainwreck of all time
Okay so we start with day one: OWCA’s training regiment at The Academy is super harsh, and it turns Perry into the supersoldier he is. This is, of course, because Perry is a robot.  One day, robot Perry stumbles upon Phineas and Ferb, and the kids play around with his wiring and give him Feelings™. Essentially, this means that the kids saved him from a cold, dark, meaningless existence. They don’t know it yet, but Perry was actually sent to them to keep an eye on them, though OWCA did not anticipate that the boys would mess with his software. 
Perry goes missing one day, and OWCA panics and makes a whole new Perry robot to replace him, thus inventing the Perry clones. Each agent has to upload their memories every now and then, which means Monogram can just insert Perry’s mental hard drive into a new Perry robot. I guess somehow in the process the og blueprints got a little fucked up because they now match what Phineas and Ferb did to Perry, and while OWCA had questioned it at Perry’s last physical, they note that Perry is doing better than ever -- though he is a little more benevolent, which they’re not sure they like -- so they don’t really question it.
As the years pass, more and more Perrys go missing or die or get captured or whatever, and at this point, OWCA just has a whole fucking army of robot Perrys chilling in the OWCA basement so that whenever a new one needs to replace an old one, he’s ready. He lets all the platypuses run around Danville, possibly after they escaped on their own, and now all the platypuses in Danville are Perry clones. Across the 2nd Dimension comes along now, and in the 2nd Dimension, the clone robot Perry program has already been shut down because 2D Doof would be too powerful with an army of Perryborgs. Perry does a really good job at keeping the mindless platypus facade up at first, even though 2D Doof knows it’s him because he recognizes Phineas and Ferb from Perryborg’s locket. They mostly manage to work together without Perry revealing himself until the very end, when they’re having that last-ditch effort back in the first dimension to stop 2D Doof from taking over. 
Okay this is where I’m getting a lil confused because I have four ways this could go right now: Coby the Capybara starts working for OWCA, the og robot Perry from before the clones thing shows up, the butler!Perry doesn’t write “I fight evil” au, or the au where Perry gets zapped by the ultimate-evil-inator in Where’s Perry. They all gotta make it in here eventually, but I have spent like ten minuntes trying to decide whether I want Coby or the og Perry to come back first, and whether either or both of them should be back for butler!Perry or evil!Perry, and I do not fucking know so I’m just gonna wing it and hope for the best lmao
First comes Coby the Capybara. I guess he’s now also a robot, right? But he doesn’t have any clones? I think is how these headcanons work? So Perry has no idea why the fuck this new guy is so happy and annoyingly optimistic because he’s literally just a robot but whatever, as long as Perry can stay away it’s all good, right? But Coby basically inserts himself into Perry’s life, and while most agents don’t have host families, OWCA makes an exception here because the Flynn-Fletchers have basically already adopted him and it can’t hurt to have two agents keeping an eye on those kids, right? And they don’t really get along that well at first because they’re so different. Usually it’s Perry that gets annoyed at Coby, but sometimes it’s the other way around. For instance, Coby gets really fucking annoyed at how Perry doesn’t let him have any fun. So what if he gets needlessly risky when it comes to almost revealing his secret identity? It’s fun, something that Perry has apparently never heard of. And while Coby is fooling around with all Perry’s shit, he finds the pictures from the second dimension, and he’s about to go chew Perry out for being such a fucking hypocrite until he reads the lowkey diary entry that goes with the pictures where Perry admits to being scared out of his mind the entire time and how it crushed him because he can’t let it show that it got to him at all because he’s a robot and he’s not supposed to have feelings. I choose to think for maximum angst reasons that Phineas and Ferb didn’t play around with his wiring because unlike when Perry first wandered in, they knew Coby was a conscious animal. Still, Coby knows Perry has human-like emotions, even if he can’t quite understand them, and he knows he can’t imagine what Perry had to go through. Coby is a lot nicer around Perry and doesn’t risk blowing their covers as much after that or at least not where Perry can see it, and as time goes on, Coby also becomes a much better agent, too, until they’re basically equals, and, more importantly, they’re family. 
I think I’d rather the evil Perrys come before the og Perry comes back but I do also wanna throw Coby in just for kicks, so we’re gonna skip on over to the ultimate-evil-inator Where’s Perry au. The Flynn-Fletchers and their friends are all in Africa, but, unlike Coby, Perry couldn’t get the time off. He gets hit by the inator, obviously, and turns evil, and he strings Heinz along to get what he wants. To briefly summarize the description from the post, basically Perry uses Heinz just long enough to take over the tri-state area, and to do so, he needs to capture everyone he deems a threat, which includes everyone from OWCA. 
The kids come home to find that somehow their dumb little platypus took over, and they decide they’re the tri-state area’s only hope so they set off to stop him. This is where it differs from the og ask: now we’ve got Coby in the picture. Coby works for OWCA so obviously he knows the ins and outs of the city better than these kids do and he makes it to wherever Perry’s hiding out before everyone else. Perry has his robot army grab him, but Coby demands that Perry let him talk and for some inexplicable reason, Perry does. Coby basically begs him to back down (and it doesn’t work). He reminds Perry that these people did nothing wrong and they don’t deserve this (and it doesn’t work). He tells Perry that this is just a victory for Heinz, even if the poor dude’s now in prison, and that Perry’s not supposed to let Heinz win (and it doesn’t work). He pops open his collar locket and shows Perry the picture of the two of them with the three kids, and begs Perry not to let anything happen to them because they’re family... and it still doesn’t work. Perry orders the robots to execute Coby, but then Phineas, Ferb, and their friends show up and start talking over each other a mile a minute except Ferb but his silence is just as wholesome in Perry’s eyes and Perry looks between the kids and Coby and he realizes that this is Not Good™ 
Perry just drops to all fours, orders the guards to release everyone, and pretends it never happened. Coby’s kinda taken by surprise, but he’s not shocked -- Perry is nothing but a family man, even if he can’t admit it -- so he also drops to all fours and pretends nothing happened. The kids are really confused, but hey, everyone’s happy so it’s all good, right?
But now that we’re basically talking about the entire summer, I feel like this is a great time to talk about what happens after he becomes evil and then becomes good again, and how that sets him up for the next time he becomes evil because the poor guy can’t catch a break. I know I touched upon it in the reblog that’s linked with the post, but because of all the AUs, it’s more complicated than that (not because it has to be more complicated but because I like overcomplicated things). At least in the original AU, OWCA would probably expect Perry to feel a little down, but now that he’s a robot who’s not supposed to have feelings, he has to pretend it doesn’t bother him, and I have to imagine that would make him feel even worse. He’s a little wary around not only Heinz because he’s seen for the first time what his nemesis is capable of without remorse bearing in mind that the second dimension didn’t go the way it went in the movie so he never saw the worst of his dimension’s Heinz, but also around the kids because he’s afraid of them getting hurt if he gets too close, especially because OWCA doesn’t know he actually cares about them.  
And that’s where everybody’s favorite capybara comes in. Coby himself may not have real feelings, but he knows Perry does and he does consider Perry to be family, even if it doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing to him as a robot as it would to anyone else. Coby tries really hard to cheer him up and to assure his friend that he’s here for him if he ever wants to talk, but Perry turns him down every time because even though Coby can handle himself, Perry doesn’t want his own dumbassery to put him at risk. Still, even if he doesn’t consciously realize it, having Coby around makes him feel a little more welcome, even after that whole debacle. 
And then we’re gonna go with Butler!Perry, because why not make him turn evil twice? But again, because Coby’s here, I’m gonna change up how it goes just a little. So basically Remains of the Platypus goes how it usually does, with Heinz turning Perry into his butler and Carl trying to give Perry his hat and Monogram is eating cheese and all that ish. But as the au says, Perry doesn’t write “I fight evil” on his chest, so he doesn’t remember that he’s one of the good guys after Carl spills juice all over his shirt. Heinz sends Carl back to OWCA and spends the next few days gloating because haha I have your favorite agent and in your face, Francis! and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. 
Coby has been trained not to ask questions, and, as a robot, he’s really not supposed to break protocol or people are going to start asking questions. But the boys are starting to get really nervous and honestly, so is he, so he finally says “fuck it” and during his next mission briefing, he asks Monogram where Perry is. Monogram explains the whold predicament and basically says that as long as Perry doesn’t want to come back, their hands are tied. Coby’s hands are tied, too, in the sense that he has to take the case he’s given regardless of his own feelings and preferred agenda, so he reluctantly accepts his case and does his shit, and then he heads to DEI to see Perry. Heinz is just kinda vibin, probably watching TV and Perry’s, like, massaging his feet or something idfk Heinz is a weird dude. Coby breaks down the door and Heinz would do something about it but he’s also really investing in his relationship in the soap opera so he tells Perry to go take care of it. This time, since the problem is that Perry doesn’t remember anything and not that he’s legitimately evil, Coby manages to bring back his Perry by taking Perry’s collar off and showing him the locket and idk maybe he has to show Perry that he has a locket like that, too, just for the cuteness factor. Perry snaps out of it, and he and Coby beat the shit out of Heinz before heading back home together, and fortunately no one at OWCA questions it because they’re just glad to have Agent P back. 
Now Perry’s really wary around Heinz because this is the second time he’s turned him evil and, unlike the in original au, it wasn’t Heinz who decided to change him back. Their nemesisship takes a really big hit here, and nothing Heinz does can fix it. At the same time, though, Perry’s almost feeling better now than he did before, because even if he can’t trust his nemesis, he knows he can trust Coby. They truly are an inseparable duo...
Until they become a trio?
One day, a new platypus robot walks in the yard and he looks like a mess. He’s covered in scratches and wounds so deep that his wiring is coming through and sparking and it looks like he’s about to explode at any minute. That ends up being the original Perry robot, and he’s not very happy to see another platypus in his yard. Phineas and Ferb see him and they take him in because he obviously needs help, and once they’ve fixed him up, they decide they’re going to keep this new platypus and name him Bartholomew. Everything is sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows because yippee-doo, their family grows, right?
But Perry and Coby aren’t stupid. Contrary to popular believe, robot animals don’t wander into yards for no reason, no matter how many times the boys think it’s happened to them. So the three of them finally get the chance to talk, and it doesn’t really go well. Neither Perry was aware that there were Perry clones, and though they can sort of figure it out because they both have their one-of-a-kind locket with a picture of them and the boys as babies (though Perry is very disappointed to realize this is actually a picture of Bartholomew as a baby, not him), they’re not happy about it. The three of them head down to Perry and Coby’s shared lair and demand answers from Monogram, who basically explains that yes, they did clone Bartholomew, but they’d been looking for hi for days and the boys were getting antsy. They didn’t want to put the kids in danger if they discovered something they weren’t supposed to, so they basically said fuck it, let’s make a new Perry. Monogram neglects to mention that they’ve done this numerous times before and that every Danville platypus is a Perry clone.
Bartholomew and Perry don’t get along at first, and since neither of them have any reason to dislike Coby, he ends up being the mediator most of the time. Monogram tries to assign both platypuses to the same mission once, and Coby shuts that down immediately because they would literally murder each other. Bartholomew never met Heinz so that stays Perry’s thing, even though they’re still on pretty rough terms. Coby and Bartholomew do their own stuff, and for the most part, the two platypuses only interact when they have to -- when the boys want all their pets together or when Monogram needs to see all three agents.
And then Monogram realizes that he doesn’t really need three agents to watch two boys, so he reassigns Bartholomew to the Regurgitator case. He figures Perry’s been there the longest and Coby’s more familiar with the older Phineas and Ferb. Bartholomew’s been gone for so long that he’s probably the least useful one there. Monogram delivers the news to him alone, and when he refuses to take no for an answer, Bartholomew rebels. He explains the whole predicament to Perry and Coby, and while Coby sympathizes, Perry agrees with Monogram. Neither of them want to do anything to help, so Bartholomew basically says “fuck it, I’ll give you a reason to help me,” and reveals his identity to Phineas, Ferb, and Candace. At that point, there’s no reason for Perry and Coby to keep theirs a secret, because the kids are smart enough to figure it out themselves. Now that they’ve all revealed their identities, they’re all at risk of relocation if OWCA catches them (except Bartholomew who’s probably in more danger than them because he directly defied orders to do this, but come on, after the shit he’s seen, he can deal with them). In a desperate attempt to keep the family together, the three of them, accompanied by the kids and all their friends, start an uprising against OWCA. Perry decides to meet up with an old friend, Dennis the Rabbit, for a little help because he knows Dennis is just as pissed at OWCA as they are. 
I feel like that should be enough to reform OWCA, but because we still have a fuck ton of AUs left, it’s just enough to convince OWCA to lay off the punishments a little bit. The family gets to stay together, but only if the kids lose their memories. Just for kicks, Dennis gets to join the Flynn-Fletchers’ pet squad, too, but he comes with a collar this time that has his name so Candace stops calling him Mr. Cutie Patootie. Otherwise, everything goes back to normal, and now there are four animal agent robot thingies living with the Flynn-Fletchers, which is exceptionally weird because, again, the agents don’t typically have host families. Still, at least they kids are being watched, right?
One night, Heinz breaks into OWCA for one of his schemes, and he discovers the Perry cloning program. He only gets to read some of it because most of it is classified, but he gets the gist. He’s not sure what to do with this information, so he just kinda leaves and pretends he never saw it. But when he sees Perry the next day, he decides that’s not something he can just leave alone. He tries to get access to the files with Perry’s DNA and with Carl’s, but neither of them work so he somehow copies Monogram’s handprint and uses that. He’s in the middle of reading all about the program and all the different Perrys they’ve made and how different ones have been lost and/or destroyed, and then Monogram walks in. In the original au, Heinz destroys the machine, destroying the clone Perry in the process, and runs from OWCA to find the real Perry. I don’t particularly want this Perry to die, nor do I want Heinz to go on a wild goose hunt when the original Perry is literally Bartholomew and probably like two miles away, so that’s not gonna happen. Instead, Heinz promises he’s not going to do anything with this information and he leaves.
When he fights Perry the next time he tells Perry all about what he found. He admits that he tried hacking in with Perry’s handprint and with Carl’s and that he eventually had to use Monogram’s. He explains that the whole idea makes him incredibly uncomfortable and feels too evil, even for him, and that he almost destroyed the machine because it would end the program, but he decided against it because he likes Perry a lot, even if it’s just a clone of him and even if the feeling obviously isn’t mutual, and he wasn’t going to do that to the guy. He just figured this is something he should make sure Perry is aware of, because it sounds like it could have consequences.
It doesn’t have any dire consequences, but it does make Perry very happy. He’d been really iffy around the guy after the whole “turning him evil” thing, so this means a lot. Heinz had no reason to tell him any of this. He really just admit all these things that he knew could make Perry very uncomfortable just because he thought Perry should know the truth, and that’s not even taking into consideration that he has no idea how OWCA would respond if they knew Heinz had told Perry anything. Of course, Perry already knew about the cloning program (though not about the Danville platypuses; that one is new), so he’s not too phased by it. That helps bring their relationship back closer to the level of trust they used to have.
Perry goes home and explains it all to Coby, Bartholomew, and Dennis. None of them are comfortable with the newfound knowledge that there are, like, 50 Perrys out there, but hey, that’s life, right? Bartholomew kinda stops hating Perry as much now that he knows there wasn’t just one Perry that replaced him, and that’s it’s really been a big cycle that OWCA is prepared to continue if given the opportunity. When Bartholomew stops being as mean to Perry, Perry starts liking him a little more, and it kinda helps mend their relationship too.
And now it’s Last Day of Summer, except after the boys get sucked out of the universe, Perry does, too. He’s too disoriented to really process what’s going on until the boys have already noticed that he’s standing there on all fours, so his cover’s officially blown. Together, they have to figure out how to get back home. The rest of the day pretty much goes as it does in the episode, and in the end, one is okay. Heinz turns good, which means Perry now has to meet him in secret because he’s a robot and not supposed to have friends but that’s okay. He can deal with that. 
For some reason or other, Perry accidentally “has babies” because he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when three platypus eggs appeared. They end up being Horatio, Ornithorhynchus (Ornith), and Anatinus (Ana). Hey, you said all the AUs, and there are two Dad!Perry AUs so thsi is what we got lmao. Horatio is a lot like Perry overall, Ornith is a lot like the Agent P side of Perry, and Ana is a lot like the mindless pet side of Perry. It’s a lot of work trying to balance looking after three baby platypuses, especially because they’re actual platypuses and he’s literally a robot. Fortunately, he does have his friends to help, and Bartholomew kinda likes having these kids. It almost reminds him of Phineas and Ferb back when Bartholomew first met them. 
But OWCA tries to get the babies to join no matter how many times Perry tells them to fuck off. One day Perry comes home to find OWCA trying to recruit them behind his back and he’s furious. He throws his hat down and quits because if they’re not going to respect him, he’s not going to respect them. That’s kinda OWCA’s first real glimpse into the fact that Perry has feelings because he’s done a good job at hiding them until then, and they don’t really like it but there’s nothing they can do. When the rest of the agents come home and hear what happened, most of them quit, too, but Coby doesn’t. OWCA is going to want someone to keep an eye on the boys regardless of whether Perry, Bartholomew, and Dennis are up for the task, so he might as well take the L so OWCA doesn’t try to run them out of the house and replace them with a different agent. 
Horatio feels really guilty because he thinks this is all the his fault, so he runs away under the impression that Perry will have an easier time dealing with this if there are only two platybabies instead of three. Now Coby has to balance watching the human kids with taking on his cases and making sure Ornith and Ana don’t wander off. Perry, Bartholomew, and Dennis all have to track Horatio down, and they end up finding him at Doofenshmirtz Good Inc. because Heinz saw him on the street and after the clone Perry debacle, he’s a little wary of seeing non-robot baby platypuses on the street by themselves. He’s a little bitter that no one ever told him that Perry had kids, so Perry assures him that he can meet Ornith and Ana soon. He also gets to meet Bartholomew, which blows his mind even more than the platybabies because holy shit it’s the original Perry, so they lowkey become friends too (but not as close as he is with his Perry). Also just for kicks I’m gonna say he befriends a different platypus clone completely unrelated to this and names that Perry “Steven.”
Shit gets real complicated when the kids from the second dimension cross over into the first. Perry immediately informs Perryborg that his cover is still intact and hands him the pamphlet, and Perryborg has to explain it all to the kids. They can’t admit that they know something that the first dimension kids don’t, so they have to pretend they’ve never met before and hit it off like new friends. Meanwhile, Perry has to explain this to his friends, because the only one with any semblance of an idea that this went down is Coby. Perryborg kinda wants to befriend the platybabies, but they’re kinda terrified of him because, you know, he’s a big scary robot that can obliterate sticks. Perryborg’s jealous of Perry because he has this whole big family to himself now, and because he didn’t lose years of his life with them like Perryborg (and Bartholomew) did. It was enough to upset Bartholomew when he came back, and it’s enough to upset Perryborg. Meanwhlie, Perry’s jealous because Perryborg gets to be himself instead of pretending to be a mindless pet, and Perry wishes he could do that, too. In the end, they both decide that they’re probably bette off how they are now, and when the second dimension kids head home, Perry and Perryborg part as friends.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The end.
This is 4400 words and has taken me many, many hours so if anyone actually reads this whole thing I am very sorry but this was my idea of a “quick fix” for yesterday’s depressive episode lmao anyway gtg gonna buy some more discount halloween candy 
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queenwhomp · 3 years
Cheap is most sincere (Dabi x Gn! reader)
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Word Count: 1,236
Parings: Dabi x Gn Reader
Warnings: Light cursing, slight spoilers about his real identity.
Pre-Story Notes: Hello I’m Whomp! This fan fiction was inspired by a headcanon I wrote and I got a request to make it into a fan fic so this is for @dabiseggs on tiktok. Hope you like it, it's my first one.^^
It was really 2 am huh? You sighed and checked your phone before sitting up. The dim city lights shining though your balcony door framed your face as you began to rise to your feet. “So the grilled handbag has really taken a liking to me...Figures.” You ruffled your hair as you suddenly heard a buzz from your phone, you groggily trudged over to your dresser before checking opening the message. Not surprisingly it was king daddy issues himself, Dabi. You couldn’t help but smile a bit at the message but it buzzed again, the second one startled you. It read: 1. ‘Dabi: Hey jackass, you up? I'm close. 2.Dabi: Look behind you.’ That’s when you felt a breath on your shoulder. “Boo.” With your heart pounding, you automatically turned to punch the figure behind you before they caught your fist. “Whoa there, take it easy sweetheart. I’m not here to fight, unless you're into that?” His usual ego inflated smile adorned his stapled face as he let go of your fist, before looking down at you. You simply smiled with an annoyed look in your eye as you proceeded to walk towards your balcony, in a relaxed but slightly happy tone you began to speak. “Well if it isn’t Mr. dollar value handbag himself. What brings you here, to lil ol me?” You say facing away from him with a light smile on your face, with that he proceeded to stand next to you on the balcony.
 “Well I got something to tell you, but first throw something on. I want to actually put effort into this.” He said before going to your closet and throwing out a simple sweatshirt and pants for you to wear as well as a hoodie for him. You walk back into your room to question him before he tossed the outfit to you, you caught it before speaking while putting the shirt on. “Where are you taking me? And secondly why this damn late?” He shook his head before saying a limited amount of words before he tossed his coat on your bed, then changed into the hoodie as he walked out of your room. “It's a surprise so hush.” You mock his sentence under your breath before continuing to get dressed, you grab your keys and phone before joining him in the living room. He looked at you and lightly smiled before he put on the hood, going to the door as he began to walk out of it. You followed doing the same before locking your front door, you jogged to catch up to him as he waited for you at the end of the walk way. After a while of light conversation and walking, you reach a burger stand. “Wait here” he said before going over and ordering two burgers. Once they were done, he walked back over to you and handed you one before speaking again. “Wait a bit to eat it, we still have one more stop on our little trip.” At this point you don't question it as you both walk a bit further until you get to Yokohama Bay Bridge, at this point all you can hear is the faint roaring of the ocean and a few cars passing by as you both sit down. 
You sigh a bit with a smile as you unwrap your burger before to your surprise, he remembered which one you liked. You took a bite before you asked him another question. “So what was the occasion to bring me out here this late? I'm curious to know the reason why.” you poked fun at him a little bit while you waited for an answer. He looked you into your eyes with his fiery blue ones as he spoke, trying to be as straightforward as possible. “Well I know this is not ideal for our first date. I would've taken you to a nicer joint but, I'd rather you not watch me get arrested. So here we are, time to get this off of my chest.” You choked on your burger a bit before sipping your drink, your mind was spinning as you heard that which caused your face to turn the color of the ketchup packets that were currently sitting at your side as you mustered up a reply. “Wait you said date as in we’re on an actu- '' He gave his usual grin before shushing you and nodded he ran his hand through his cheaply dyed black locks as he felt his dam finally break.
 He couldn’t wait anymore to tell you so once again, with a nervous laugh he looked you in the eyes. “Alright I'm gonna give it to ya straight Y/n, this feeling isn't usual for me. I'm so used to feeling emptiness and the satisfaction killing that this new feeling is….Sorta alien, well different.” You shook your head and smiled warmly and cupped his scarred cheek. “It's okay, get to the point Toya.” With a gulp he poured out the sentence you expected since he started talking. “You always could see through my bullshit huh, Y/n? Well, I really fucking like you. Dead serious, i like you so much and it's not some kiddy crush either. I actually feel like less of a freak when I'm around you. But I'm not gonna be a dick and force you to accept my feelings if you don't want-” You let out a longing huff before cutting off his rambling with a kiss, he was shocked at first but he slowly reciprocated. The kiss lasted what seemed like forever as you both pulled back to look up at each other. But with this look he had was a very different vibe than the usual one he gave you, this one seemed to be more vulnerable and longing as if he was looking at something precious. “Does that answer your question dabi?” He nodded with a smile before hugging you tight, after a while of talking it was now 5 A.m.
 You both walked back to your home, Dabi carried you on his back while you laid on his shoulder. He hesitantly asked a question as both of you grew closer to arriving at your house. “So what’s your verbal answer, dollface? I need verbal confirmation that you're okay with us being together.” You laughed a bit before shaking your head, you hopped off his back, opened your door before pulling him inside. “Yes, if that wasn’t obvious enough. Now come on, I wanna get some rest with my now boyfriend.” He looked at you surprised before letting out gentle laughs before he picked you up and started walking towards your room. “Alright then little mouse, let's get to bed. You look like you need it.” You playfully punch his shoulder as he lays down and puts you on top of him. You inhale smelling a faint ash sent while hearing his heart as both of you fall asleep as the sun rises. “I’m glad you're finally mine.” Is the last thing you hear before falling asleep. 
Author's Note: Okay holy crap that took so long- Anyways I hope you enjoyed it! It was my first time writing fan fiction and i tried to keep in character as much as possible but make it wholesome and sweet enough to be cute to read. I’ll take feedback and if this does well enough i might continue to write fanfics if i get requests.
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redemptionbaby · 4 years
Out of Touch | Arthur/Reader
Summary: With some liquid courage, you finally decide to tell Arthur how you feel. 80′s AU.
Notes: This is what I’ve been working on. Reader has a lot of personality in this one. 3321 words.
Warnings: Very slight dubcon because you’re tipsy
Liquid sloshed in your mouth, and you barely had the wherewithal to swallow it instead of letting it flow down your chin as you swayed. This party was fierce, but the liquor was fiercer. Your breath was probably acrid by now, a grim portent to your future in the bathroom. Neon lights beat down on the crowd and illuminated choice slivers of their writhing bodies. The growl of synth and bass was invasive in a way that felt enlightening. Like the vibrations were showing you the truth. 
Not an outrageous idea, coming from someone who’d had a few too many fruity drinks instead of dancing, sulking while watching someone else sulk. You could spy Arthur from across the room, settled into a sticky couch despite having gotten numerous offers to dance, with implications of much more. His tropical shirt was a sharp contrast to the bags beneath his blue eyes, unbuttoned to his comfort and showing off some chest hair. His hair was wild with stress. The look screamed I’d love to be on vacation right now, but my circumstances have made this impossible. You could tell he stayed out of some sick obligation to the people who had told him to loosen up and have fun, other members of your shared enterprise. You stayed for him. 
Another swig of tequila sunrise put you over the edge, imbuing you with either courage or foolishness. Or perhaps, honesty. The walk across the room was in slow motion, you could feel your heels clacking against the floor, your arms impassively maneuvering out of the anonymous grasps of the mass of people. You could see from the corner of your eye as Arthur’s gaze flicked to you, but just as quickly moved again. He was trying to give you an out. Pretending not to see you so you could take the chance, come to your senses, go have fun with someone else. Someone better. Too bad you’re too wasted to be able to think of someone else. 
The way you fall onto the couch, spineless and heavy, is far from graceful. You put a hand to your face to begin combing the hair out of your eyes and Arthur can no longer hide being so utterly transfixed by you. Even when you’re sweating vodka and strawberry syrup, half illuminated by burning neon lights, he can’t help but rake his eyes over your entire form, trying to memorize it. He’d rather die than be caught trying to draw you or take a Polaroid. He’d feel like even more of a creep than he already does, but for some reason he’s convinced himself that just looking isn’t as bad. 
A calloused hand cautiously claps the back of your shoulder instinctually. 
“Y’alright there, tiger? Have a lil’ too much?” The tenderness oozes from his voice even when he’s attempting to be joking. He’s nicer than even he knows. 
“I’m— I’m ok. Just working up some nerve… I guess,” you garble out, unknowingly making his stomach sink like a rock. 
“Who’s the lucky one?”
“The lucky, uh, person. The one yer gonna… ask for a dance from?”
“Jesus, Arthur, what is this— a highschool dance? From the fifties? Nevermind, don’t answer that.” Great job. You’re really winning him over with that one. 
“... You want me to take ya home?” Arthur would not be nearly as cute if he was a mind reader. But sometimes you wish he was. But it’s nice to know that you’re bombing this and not looking so good. 
“No, no. If I don’t say this now, it’s not gonna happen,” you take advantage of the hand on your shoulder and move in, leaning towards him with your arms slung across each other. Not your most romantic move, but that ship sailed with your sobriety. 
“I like you Arthur. I know you think you’re some unlovable old man, past his prime and destined to be alone, but you’re not,” geez, you’re a brutal drunk. “You’re the best man I know, and I’ve met plenty. You’re nice to me, to everyone, but it’s not just common decency, y’know? Even when I’m looking like I’m about to vomit my soul, you’d drive me home, and I know how much you love that car. Even when I couldn’t give a damn about myself you’re always watching, making sure I don’t trip and fall. You’re handsome and gorgeous, and so comfy to be with. I got it bad for you. And I don’t expect you to say nothin’ about it, I know you’ve been hurt before and I’m not exactly looking like Miss America right now, but I had to tell you.”
As expected, he’s stunned into silence. Like the whole world has turned off. There’s no music, no crowd, just you and him on this sweaty leather couch breathing alcohol into each other’s faces. His first instinct is to refuse you, like every other good thing that comes his way these days. But you know him, and he knows you. The selfless and self deprecating excuses to keep himself alone and in misery can’t work forever. And he’s been out with you enough to know you’re an honest drunk. Those kinda feelings can’t be faked. Not like that. Not by you. 
But Arthur is still Arthur. He wouldn’t want you to do something you’d regret. So he cradles your cheek with his palm and watches your eyelids flutter as you lean into it, hope and anticipation stinging your eyes. His lips ghost over yours before making full contact, always giving you that window of opportunity, to stop him and turn him away, to take it all back. 
But you don’t. And the relief is almost enough to make him cry. 
Your free hand moves up, tracing the color of his shirt before sliding the tips of your painted nails over the hairs on the back of his neck, feeling the shiver that wracks his spine at the intimacy— something he hasn’t known for a long time. 
His kiss is chaste. A closed mouth, not daring to try anything else, but he doesn’t have to. You can almost feel the blood beneath the skin of his lips. He parts from you, opening his eyes to reveal a joy that Arthur doesn’t usually allow himself. The slight draw of his brows revealing that he still isn’t 100% certain this moment won’t end without rejection. 
Arthur Morgan is not a man who prides himself on self reflection. He’s not a man who’s often encouraged to improve, or to change. When you’re hired muscle, just coming back alive is enough. But for once, he wants to change. You inspire him to change. So for once, he’ll take a page out of your book, and ride this feeling instead of dreading an assumed shattering of the illusion. 
“I’d still like to take ya home, sweetheart, if that’s alright with you.”
Arthur’s apartment was surprisingly quiet for being above a club. It still had that hum from the muffled music, but it was more relaxing than annoying. He hadn’t been all over you when he walked you up, but he fumbled with his keys like he was. Sat on his bed, your face in his hands, he kissed you more desperately, like a man starved. It felt so dreamlike. You had to summon the will to pull away. 
“Arthur. Tell me how you feel about me.” 
Arthur was by no means an inarticulate man, if his journal entries were anything to go by. But he was a man of action, one not used to being asked to share his thoughts and feelings. But silence wasn’t how you operated. 
“I… I think I love you. You make me wanna be a better man, angel. You don’t look at me like a source of favors. You look at me like… like I matter. And hell, I’m startin’ to believe it.”
He grabs your chin. His thumb traces over the soft edge of your lower lip. His eyes are avoiding yours in an attempt to compose his thoughts. 
But he spoke the words before even really thinking. 
“It’s like you don’t just want me to love you. You want me to feel loved.”
“Bingo.” God you feel like such a seductive genius. And apparently you’re right to feel that way, because Arthur’s grip on your body only becomes tighter as he presses kiss after kiss, trailing down your neck. In the meantime, your hands mindlessly work at the buttons of his shirt, and he’s too busy showing his affection to feel self conscious. 
He parts from you, sliding the shirt from his back with a facade of confidence before moving his fingers to the hem of your own, looking to your eyes for silent permission before lifting. The way you shake your hair out as you finish pulling it off enraptures him. Despite, or maybe because of, your smeared makeup and the way you grimace as the collar catches on your nose, he thinks you look gorgeous. Your hair crests your head like a halo for a perfect moment, you look like a goddamned album cover. Arthur’s sure to file all this inspiration away for later. 
“I can’t believe you— way too cute to be real,” he coos quietly, bringing his hands to the base of your ribs, flushing your skin with their heat, sliding them upwards. His thumbs graze your nipples before finding confidence in their movement, making you keen in a way you might have been able to suppress if you were stone cold sober. Arthur’s eyes flick up to your heated face with a sudden look of predation— like he’s a lion and you’re a wounded gazelle. 
Funny, you’ve never seen a lion fuck a gazelle on nature documentaries. But right now it doesn’t seem all that unlikely. 
Arthur doesn’t feel any of the confidence he exudes. He feels like a teenager who’s just seen his first pair of tits in a playboy magazine he stole from under his older brother’s mattress. His practiced hands undo your shorts, smoothly sliding them down before you kick them the rest of the way off. He undoes his belt almost with panic, like if he delays any longer you’re gonna get fed up and leave. 
The both of you are in your underwear, and it feels like hours have passed since you stepped through the threshold of Arthur’s apartment, but at the same time like no time has passed at all. 
“Even when yer wasted, you can’t help lookin’ so pretty, can ya?” 
“Says the man who hasn’t shaved or combed his hair in two days, but still looks like a Hollywood Star in a western,” you tease, sticking your tongue out to punctuate it. 
“Think I’d make a good Blondie?”
“Oh please. Clint Eastwood wishes he had as much personality.” You did it again. It was like you could trick him into loving himself a little more everyday, without even trying. It makes him chuckle, and you cock your head, not thinking it was that funny.
Feeling emboldened, Arthur lightly pushes the tips of his fingers against your collar bones, urging you to lie back so he can take his sweet time getting to know your body. You comply, a little giddy and almost doll-like, as he manhandles you slightly. He sinks his fingers into the soft flesh of your thighs and delights in the sensation while spreading them, staring in reverie at your vulnerable body, as well as the wet spot forming on your panties. He leans over you while his hand does a broad swipe over the clothed lips of your pussy, and you shudder a little from the stimulus. 
Arthur leans back to take a good look while he moves the bridge of your underwear to the side, using his other hand to stroke and spread your intimate parts playfully. He pulls the elastic past the expanse of your legs, leaving you completely exposed. Not to say that Arthur himself is completely modest in his briefs— you can see the outline of his hard cock and a spot of wetness where it’s already dribbling pre-cum. He had been drinking as well, but clearly it hadn’t held him back. Before you know it he’s got your legs pinned back and his face in your crotch, pressing kisses to your mound before diving in with his tongue, worming it into you. In the middle of giving you the lickout of your life, he parts with a hard suck to your clit, face red and breathing heavy just as you are. 
“Maybe I, uh— I shoulda asked first. Sorry, darlin’, it’s just, lookin’ like you do… you could drive a man crazy.” And in fact, you just might, he thinks. You throw an eye roll and a lazy, lidded gaze his way. 
“Fella, if I look like a lady who’s gonna complain about getting her pussy ate, you got the wrong impression. I’m not gonna get in the way of art,” you trail off, flicking your gaze south, “but I do wanna see you.”
This is usually the part where Arthur would bite back with a no, you really don’t. But the way you said it was just so… sweet. And juxtaposed against the downright filthy thing you’d just said, he couldn’t help but be charmed, and believe you. 
Thought not exactly uncharacteristically, Arthur slid his briefs down silently, like he was waiting for you to say something first. His cock sprang free, hard and flushed, thick and slightly veined. It was in moments like these that it really hit you how truly and honestly Arthur didn’t see what there was to love about him. Here he kneels, between your legs, with his solid build and girthy dick, strong jaw and mana blue eyes, having just licked your soul out of your body unprompted, and he’s still nervous. About what, that his dick is small? He must have been in enough public bathrooms by now to know that isn’t true. You take it upon yourself to reassure him. 
You reach down between your legs to stroke his length, trying to seem appreciative, because you are. Thank you Arthur’s parents, and thank you God, for giving this man such a perfect dick. You’re hoping to telekinetically express this feeling to Arthur, as there’s no way in hell you’d ever say that out loud, drunk or not. Between the light drag of of your nails, gentle as can be, and your focused, starry eyes, he kinda gets what you’re trying to convey. Your paramour delicately slides your hand from him, lacing his fingers with yours and pinning your arm back to the bed. 
“Not that I don’t like bein’ in your grasp, baby, but I can think of somewhere else I’d rather be. I think you and I have waited long enough, don’tcha think?” He rumbles, almost possessed by the seductive heartbreaker persona he had in his youth. Arthur can deny it all he likes, but past a certain point, charm comes naturally to him. You take in a deep breath and steel your resolve. 
“I’m ready, Arthur. I want you.” Six words he could live on. Even if it all ended now, if you suddenly rejected him and tried to forget this ever happened, just the memory those six words could sustain him. For a time, anyway. 
He frotted against you, gathering your slick on his cock before using his unoccupied hand to prod the warm, velvety head at your entrance. He leaned down to give you a lingering kiss before continuing eye contact and gently pushing his hips forward. After a short time and a bit of stretch, his head suddenly popped its way inside, making you gasp and squeeze Arthur’s hand. He watched you carefully for any sign of pain before continuing on, letting out a low groan when you’d finally taken him all the way to the base. He angled your hips up, and you could feel his pelvis against your clit as he started shallowly thrusting. He grunted and knitted his brows together a little before cracking a smile for you. 
“Tight, real tight... Relax a little sweetheart, let me in,” you were so hyper focused on Arthur, you hadn’t realized how tense you were. You did a deep exhale, attempting to relax more, and Arthur seemed relieved, and you shot him an apologetic smile. “Not that it don’t feel good honey, but I don’t want this to be over before it’s even begun, y’know?” he glanced to the side, bashful, but not ashamed. 
His thrusts became deeper, and gradually picked up until you were getting pounded. With the steady slap of his balls against your ass, the wet sound from where the two of you were joined, and the repeated moans of Arthur and oh god and fuck AH! coming from you, you felt like this must look like some cheap, cliché porno. Arthur growled and purred against you like a beast in a rut, alternating between attacking your neck with lips and teeth, and worshipping your face with less than coordinated kisses. You wrenched your eyes open to catch his gaze. 
“Does it feel good?” You asked nervously, unusually lacking in confidence. Or maybe you just wanted to play virgin for him, seeing as he made you feel like one. Meanwhile the depth of your compassion and concern for his enjoyment nearly made Arthur blow his load right then and there. 
“Good?” He huffs out, “baby, you got no idea. Incredible, more like. Like yer pussy was made for me.” Arthur wasn’t particularly thinking about what he was saying. Then again, he never really did with you. That was part of what made loving you so easy— it just came naturally to him. 
Your lover’s hips began to stutter more and more as the both of you neared breathlessness, his free hand dipping down to put the rough pad of his thumb against your clit while he stole a glance at where the two of your were connected. 
“You close, darlin’? I am.”
“Oh god— yes, Arthur,” you gasped. 
“Then cum for me. Cum with me.”
The kiss you two shared in that moment would be one to rival the final pages of the Princess Bride in terms of pure love and passion. What an idea for roleplay that would be, huh? With your fluttering walls stroking his cock, Arthur came tumbling with you in ecstasy. His hips were completely and instinctually flush to yours, you’d never felt so full and warm in your life. 
Arthur heaved himself, sweaty and out of breath, off of you to lay at your side and stick to the sheets. For once, he didn’t even consider lighting a cigarette. He wouldn’t dare do anything to distract himself from your complete and total company in that moment. Slowed by liquor and sex, you could already feel yourself drifting off, and it didn’t escape your bedmate, who just sheepishly recalled how much you’d drank and felt a pang of guilt in the back of his head. But that was a problem for tomorrow Arthur, not tonight Arthur. Tonight Arthur just pulled the sheets of his bed up over you before begrudgingly getting out of bed, and coming back with a wet towel and a glass of water. The water was placed gently on the nightstand on your side of the bed, the towel used to clean the both of you. Luckily you had been sleepy and pliable enough not to fuss over the cold of the wet towel, but you did scrunch your nose and pout adorably. 
Arthur, laying on his side and facing you, held your face and kissed your forehead before looking at your eyes, blinking slowly, your eyes spending more time closed than open. 
“You better not forget this tomorrow morning, y’hear?”
“If I do, remind me?”
Arthur could live with that. 
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
Tagged by @lostnoise thank you bby I love you!!!
Also, putting it under a read-more because damn bitch you long
Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen: Actually, when I am, once upon a blue moon, tortured with the unnecessary need to write in hand, I use a green pen! But black if I have to choose between those
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city: BOTH my parents fucking live on the country side and I... fucking hate it... City, city city city, through and through, give me cement and cars and loud noises, I do not care for trees and grass and bugs.
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be: ...singing.
Do you drink coffee/tea with sugar: Coffee with honey and tea with sugar, I have a HUGE sweet tooth holy fuck
What was your favourite book as a child: I had the HUGEST fucking crush on Artemis Fowl, like holy fucking shit I was IN LOVE with that lil genius bastard, and I still look back upon it fondly
Do you prefer baths or showers: WELL, you see, in my lil country o’ origin, Denmark, bath tubs are very very very rare, so I have never had a bath in that sense since I could fit in the sink... so showers, I guess
If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be: Anything with wings, beyond the ability to fly I am not picky
Paper or electronic books: Paper smells fantastic, and oh the aesthetic of it all, but for actually reading, e-books, so I buy both
What is your favourite item of clothing: Skinny jeans, because I look fucking AMAZING in them, man...
Do you like your name, or would you like to change it: HA nope I HATE my name, it is IMPOSSIBLE to pronounce if you’re not Scandinavian, and I have often considered changing my name to Alex, which, funny story, my mom wanted me to be named Alexander if I was a boy, so??? Coincidence??? I THINK NOT!
Who is a mentor to you: I’m supposed to have one??
Would you like to be famous, if so, what for: Oh God yes, holy fucking shit I want people to ask for my autograph and turn their heads whispering Is that them?? As for what for, well, ideally it’d be for being a huge broadway star, but since I can’t sing worth shit, I’ll settle for being Netflix’ next wonderchild of a writer!
Are you a restless sleeper: YUP, fuck yes, oh GOD, I have insomnia for various reasons, so I toss and turn I can’t sleep at night, oh, and I wake a good dozen times too
Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person: Fuck yeah, I wanna date someone I can send flowers to at work, always buy their favourite snacks, cook dinner and eat by candles, eat out and eat out, and just... ye.
Which element best represents you: I’m the Avatar
Who do you want to be closer to: See some of these questions are really setting me up to say Dacre or Joe, but instead I’ll say the Moon
Do you miss someone at the moment: Psh HA yes, but for not very PG reasons
Tell us about an early childhood memory: Nahhhh too depressing
What is the strangest thing you have eaten: Hehe, I mean, uhh, pineapple on pizza?? No but I haven’t eaten anything strange ever, really
What are you most thankful for: Money The internet, because without it I’d have never met this many astounding people, been this well-informed, or ever even seen Joe and Dacre in that shower scene
Do you like spicy food: I literally put garlic or chilli in EVERYTHING I cook, god yes, fucking burn me
Have you ever met someone famous: I shook the hand of our Queen once when I was in 3rd grade and she came to visit our school
Do you keep a diary or journal: Nah, I remember every horribly embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in excruciating detail already
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil: God, those are two vastly different things, like, pens are oddly sexy if you do it clean, but a mechanic pencil is nicer to hold and can be erased, so....
What is your star sign: You mean Zodiac??? Because if you don’t then hell if I know, but Capricorn
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy: Oh GOD all good things in life is crunchy!!! Ice cream, chocolate, liquorice, cereal, let me fucking chew
What would you want your legacy to be: Well besides my enormous collection of Harringrove smut, I’d want to make a tv show, that even decades later people still love and enjoy, like the original Star Trek, just something that changes tv culture the way they did
Do you like reading, and what was the last book you read: I am actually not that avid a reader, which shames me a great deal, but the last thing I read was, and yeah I’m serious, Brokeback Mountain... Listen, I work in a thrift store, and someone fucking donated it and I... yeah
How do you show someone you love them: Read my tags on everything I reblog from my fellow creators. That is the closest thing I’ll get to showing love in such an honest way. All love is, to me, is the desire to make other people feel better, make them happy and smile and know that they are appreciated and wanted, and I strive to do that every single day. And letting someone know you were thinking about them, whether it’s by sending them a dumb meme or buying them their favourite snack, because you saw it and thought of them. I hope all my followers know I love them.
Do you like ice in your drinks: God yes, keeps it cold and I am gluttonous enough to just inhale whatever the fuck I’m drinking before the ice melts and waters it all out
What are you afraid of: Growing old
What is your favourite scent: There’s this... laundry detergent my ex used, and... it breaks my heart every time I smell it, but it also just reminds me of the good times we had, lying with my head on their chest, just smelling it, feeling the body heat, being happy, being loved. It makes me ridiculously emotional, and coming upon it unexpectedly so just stops time for me
Do you address older people by their name or surname: Man this is a very cultural question to ask, because here everyone calls each other by their first name, like??? I only know people’s last name if it’s absolutely necessary
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life: LAVISHLY SO! But no, really, I know that this is becoming quite tiring to hear of probably, but I would just sit and write. I would wake up, write, go to bed, and then fulfil human duties between like showering and eating and such. I don’t want to travel or party or anything, I just want to write. Also if this question means I’m rich, I’d ofc have a top floor apartment with the view over the ocean and donate as much as I can to literally all charity organizations
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean: Well that really depends, because, salt water does wonders for my curls, like damn bitch yes work that beach hair, but also I assume the pool is 100% clean, so
What would you do if you found $50 on the ground: I would wonder why the fuck there’s 50 dollars lying on the ground in a country that doesn’t even accept that currency
Have you ever seen a shooting star, and if so did you make a wish: Of course I have, but I always liked to think of them as aliens trying to contact us in a long and drawn-out Morse code
What is one thing you would want to teach your children: Oof, uhhh, no thank you
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it: I already got three, and I’m planning on getting a bust of Medusa on my left inner-bicep
What can you hear now: He’s just like all the rest! You can’t trust him! Hurt Someone from the musical A Bronx Tale
Where do you feel the safest: Right here baby, in bed, surrounded by far too many pillows and duvets and plushies, I like a hard bed with soft surroundings like a goddamn nest
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquest: The world and your heart, yes in that order
If you could travel back to any era, which would it be: That really depends!!!! Like am I still me? Do I know everything I know now? Can I come back again? There are wayyy too many questions for me to make an educated answer, but I’d like to see what was before the Big Bang
What is your most used emoji: 💕 But you already knew that!
Describe yourself using one word: Magnificent
What do you regret the most: Fuck I can only choose one???
Last movie you saw: Instant Family, and it was really good!!!
Tagging! No one yet again, because we’ve all done these by now, and I am very happy that I got a chance, too!!!
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myamoonie · 4 years
How about I take my anger out on the brother huh? Das cool right? Bc GOD I really need it. I can get really angry over a short period of time I’m no satan tho I’m not faking a smile, fuck all that. I’m stressed and depressed.
I love y’all all of my followers n all but I really don’t like belphie stans, specifically the ones say believe belphie is right for killing mc (or that it’s okay in whatever way). You can like belphie that’s whatever because he’s not awful if u ignore that he killed mc, but for me he’s just not it. He’s very clingy and bossy n I don’t like that, he gives off a yandere vibe but the worse kind. There’s nothing I like about belphie I think he’s the first character I’ve ever genuinely disliked. He tries to start shit between Lucifer and mc and gets upset when mc shows that he’s not their favorite. Tries to get mc to ruin Lucifer and satans recently formed bond. Bc you can’t tell me calling satan Lucifer wouldn’t cause a ripple in their friendship.
I like Beel, but he still deadass tried to kill me over custard. I’m always hungry n I kinda relate, however I can and will forget to eat and getting sad will make me lose my appetite which makes it harder to remember to eat. Beel cool I don’t really have much to say. I wish he’d defend mammon bc he seems like the only other caring character but he has his own problems so I understand a lil.
Asmo just needs a hug I’ll provide but damn does he really need one. I feel like asmo has depression n needs constant validation. People give him it yeah but he knows it’s all bc of his charm or bc of how attractive he is and just wants someone to love him for him and he’s clinging to the hope that mc will (n based off my time within this fandom not many of them reciprocate his feelings) I’m someone who picks a fave at the beginning and doesn’t change,, or at least tries not to.
I think all the brothers has their own issues n take it out on mammon but that’s for later.
Satan is okay, I really hope people stop associating him (in game) with Lucifer bc they’re not the same person and he’s tearing himself apart trying to prove that to everyone. Yeah sure they may have some similarities but bitch they’re related!! And they live together you pick up habits from people u live around. But none of that excuses how he talks to mammon.
Levi’s cool, he a lil bitch but a cool one. He’s trying his best I know. The constant need to tell mammon how terrible Levi thinks he is is annoying and unnecessary. I’ll admit it’s super fucking annoying when someone doesn’t pay back their dues and that he probably decided to give mammon one more chance when handing money over to mammon but still foolio! Stop fucking giving him money it’s not helping u or him. You’ve been around him for CENTURIES AND UR STILL DOING THIS. Who’s the real clown gotdamn.
Mammon’s baby case closed. Mammon hasn’t done shit to us but tbh he doesn’t get an opportunity to. Luci puts mammon onto us the first day and it’s his responsibility to take care of us with the threat of punishment hanging Over his head so he didn’t have much wiggle room. he does threaten to eat us a few times and does go through our stuff looking for things to sell buuuuut it’s what he does Damn it. It’s like getting mad at Beel for eating at 2am. Mammon just might get physically sick if he doesn’t do something related to money we don’t know either way I stan him and he’s baby. All my faves are the type that I wanna protect from others who’ll make fun of them (ex: jumin, Zapp, Baku) they may be assholes but they’re my assholes.
Luci’s a little bastard. I cannot stand to be told what to do it bothers me so much he reminds me of my mother with him feeling like the only means of displine are physical and humiliation. A lot of the shit he did just pissed me off bc I don’t like him, I don’t wanna dance with him n I definitely don’t wanna be alone with him. Even now I don’t like him. I understand how stressful it can be to watch over a bunch of little shits that don’t appreciate you and everything you’re doing for them but that’s not the way to do it. But he’s a demon, pride at that. So he can’t comprehend compassion and empathy ig. But how long is that excuse gonna work??
None of the brothers truly gave a shit about mc, I genuinely think the boys are/were affected by their pacts. Since afterwards they get much nicer (idk for sure bc belphie was ‘nice’ before and after his pact) it could also explain why Lucifer avoided making a pact for so long,, but I don’t remember much,,,,
No mammon I will not make up with your brothers they SUCK!!
Basically: I don’t like belphie and all his brothers owe mammon an apology.
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sodasyrup · 5 years
I love,,,,, domestic lava au... You should do more of it. I'd love to know more about reka and monty too!
Okay as I said it’s an au with kittie (6kuro) so I’m gonna grab the things it said and I said lmao
warning its a LONG disjointed post bc im too tired to make. a good post fdhghdf
lovelypeaches08/28/2019cole and kai would settle down real late like....in their late thirties because they want to keep their children as safe as possible, being elemental masters and having enemies and all
at first wu wants them to fight longer and shit but hes OLD so who cares and theres probably conflict on thatbut kai and cole are old enough to realized they dont have to be controlled
so they get married, symbolically if anything, because they've been dating for probably a little over a decade now and known each other even longer, AND been living together for the same amount of time
theyre the first of the ninja to settle down, and they buy a small house in a village thats maybe an hour away from ninjago city
the tininess of the house is made up for by the largeness of the yard, where cole likes to garden, especially fruits and vegetables
cole works as a stay at home free lance artist, doing stuff like commissions, book covers, comics, etc for moneykai does something that puts his charisma to use, probably something in business that lets him advertise and talk a lot..he could never settle down for a stay at home job or anything, even with all his thrilling ninja stories
they have enough money from donations and awards to thrive off these jobs, and ninjago probably pays them kind of like retirement
cole cooks for kai so he always has a meal ready when hes home, so then kai cooks on the weekend
anyways, they have two kids, about 3 years aparti haven't figured them much out yet, but kai and cole cook and bake with themcoles parenting style is very protective and rather spoils them, while kai lets them do whatever as long as its not immediately dangerousthey balance each other out well, so their kids grow up loved and well rounded
lovelypeaches08/28/2019coles always buying them sweets and treats and Kai pretends to be annoyed but thinks its really cute
the kids go to a small school on the outskirts of ninjago city, and get asked about their parents a LOT. they kind of like the attention but it gets irritating
moving on to the other ninja who also start to settle down,jay doesnt really want kids, so he passes on his powers with ~science~ or something, but only when hes a lot olderhe does engineering at borg industries or something, and he messes around a lot but gets away with it bc hes the blue ninjahes like kai and coles kids Fun Uncle, since he lives in a big apartment in downtown ninjago city, with a bunch of cool techkai and coles family often take elongated road trips therejay thinks hes a cool relative but besides being super lenient hea actually kind of embarrassing lol
nya settles down a bit later than the rest of them, because she wants to live her ninja days to the fullesti could go on about my domestic samurai au but her and pixal have a kid who gets nyas water powersnya is much more eager to train her kid than cole and Kai are (they want to start properly training thwir children when theyre like 16, much to wus disappointment)nya doesn't force anyrhing on her kid but she doesnt protect her kid from the fact they'll have to train sooner or latershes determined on still changing the world, so she's a strong political leader, with innovative ideas who doesnt approve of ninjagos government and wants to change it for the betterShe also lives in downtown, but isn't as fun as jayher kid is younger than kai and coles, but kai and coles kids look up to them because they're very independent and skilled! their mom is also super cool, but not in a silly way. she rocks leather jackets and drives her kid around on a motorcycle
lovelypeaches08/28/2019zane is tricky for me...i like to imagine him sticking with lloyd to being a ninja or whatever, since hes going to be alive a lonnggg timehe also wants to respect wus wishes, so he teaches students and fights alongside lloydhe does so much less however, and finds a lot of time to visit his friends
kai and coles kids are shy around him at first, him being a nindroid whose still a ninja, but hes so much nicer and softer than expectedhe always brings them presenrs and enjoys quality time with them, so he's basically their favorite uncle
now lloyd continues his master training, to become the next master after wu dies. hed be the one to guide the next generation of elemental masters as well as their parents in training thembut don't worry, he gets a break too, since the other ninja help him out. hes much less burdened then wu was in the later years of his lifeok thats all i think
My commentary now
little boy whos like 3 and super wide eyed and excited and loves pink (when he foudn out zane at one point had a pink gi he asked if he could get one too)older girl around 6 whos a big daddys girl and loves to garden with cole and make mud piez
the little girl is the fire em - she had temper issues linked to autismz which they worked through her with early and never thought of it but she has a big passion for gardening they mistook for elemental connection when rly she just LUVS IT
little boy is em of earth - hes a natural born leader and stubborn, wide eyed and excitable. again bc they worked w both their kids about their tempers and such they never realized he was just naturally good at keeping his composure. also a lot like jay keeping morals upnaturally strong but both their kids are and i hc the super strength doesnt come in until peubertyz
shes a bit of a late bloomer with em powers but one day their little boy accidentally makes a pot hole inside the kitchen bc he was excited over zane cookingthey took too good of care of their kids and his true potential was simple bc he was a litol kid which was im going to live my best fcuking life with friends and family *rips a hole in the ground
kai and cole are the gross sappy parents that trade kisses n their kids are like thats DISGUSTING youre DISGUSTINGLY IN LOVE
Kittie pointslovelypeaches08/28/2019YEAYEYAYAYYEYAYAYEoh god the little boy is part scenecorelikenot full on scene but like punk y2kwhich is a part of scenealso at first cole and kai are super concerned being a ninja will be as mentally damaging and ack as it was for them at times, but lloyd and zane are genuinely good mastersbutnot to get sadbutwhen tragedy does happen somehow, since neither Lloyd nor zane can ease that, cole and kai are so good at helping their kids e thatthey help them recover from it without downplaying their kids concerns and feelings amd give good advice and loveand make being elemental masters a lot easier for their kids than it ever was for them
me again.....
they always get so fucking scared thokai custom makes weapons for themarmor too he spends hours upon hours making sure its perfect and even prays over them to keep their kids safe
anyway when kai n cole visit w them (idk if theyr just adopted at their current age or like.... adopted as babies or surrogate or?? idk but) they visit lloyd and kai softly says "Look! its uncle lloyd" and lloyd starts SOBBING hes just fucking bawlinghis eyes out and when kai offers to for lloyd to hold him lloyds just like are you suure arre eyyuuu thherye so smsmm all kaiii are yoruur suureee thheyrey babbeises
nya is hesitant but ends up being a really good aunt, i meanshe took care of kai /j
zane is a fav uncle and hes always making sweets for them jay is. also sorta a fav bc where zane comes jay follows and jay has a sweet tooth and also makes Cool Toys + hey wanna prank your dadsalso im dramatic and likekai and cole sitting down and having a convo about master wubc he was sorta a shitty mentor and they really REALLY dont want their kids going through any self confident issues nor over stressing bc theyr KDISeventually kai and cole talk to master wu and actually has wu face his terrible practice towards kids and wu accepting he was.............................a bad 'parent' in a senseblebleblelelelelelellekai works but cole absolutely watches over any training when wu is there at first but lloyd is the master now and lloyd is like..........................i dont want kids to go through what i went through kai is like i trust you but also i will murder every single one of you in this dojo if you ever hurt my little girlim doing what i do and taking an au and running im sorry ghdghdfhJACK RAMBLES....their son refuses to wear shoes he lieks dirt on his feet they never really think much of it but its actually really comforting for him to feel the earth under his feet and feel stablethey think its just a stim thing maybe? theyr unsurebut! turns out him Element(also a fear of heights)lloyd tries to be a serious master but hes a big ol goof and can easily be manipulated
ironically.......its the lil boy who often is like HEY!!!!!!!!!!! WE GOTTA TRAIN!
kai and cole agree not to tell anyone what theyre thinking of naming their little boy until he arrives so when the day comes kais holding this tiny little boy and holds him out gentlyand lloyd is already EMOTIONAL because this is a BABY and lloyd softly asks his name n cole cuts in like "hes named after a really brave dude, montgomery. but we're thinking monty as a nickname"lloyd, choking up:(hc garmadons first name is montgomery)
the girl is Reka which means sweet in maori (a personal headcanon for cole) and shes their sweetheart
lovelypeaches09/04/2019bhrnrng this is in domestic au but col and kai teachign their kids instrumentscole and reka wud play piano duets togetherand monty doesnt like instruments much but he likes to singlike a LOT he belts out a song for everythinghe just lieks his own voice
lovelypeaches09/04/2019YEAAAHhes like the type who makes a song for everythingmonty voice we rr goinggg to the parkkkkk and the grass isss.........GREEENNNNNNN and there are LOOK THERE ARE SQUIRRRELSSSS and a playground and the skyyyyy isssssssssssss...*deep inhale* BLUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE1E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kai and cole: you are literally so talented
jay tries really hard to be the Cool Uncle at firstbut Monty just :^TReka gives him an awkward chucklewhen jay stops being Cool ™ hes goofy and thats when they start giggling and liking him more
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velvetgons · 5 years
hyunsuk as your boyfriend
word count; 3.3k i’m sorry 
warnings; hmm i don’t think anything but possibly swearing i can’t be sure!! 
requested; no uwu i’m a new blog :) 
(also to gif makers; if you don’t want me to use your gif for any reason please just tell me and i’ll remove it!! apologies in advance if that’s the case!!) 
gif credit; bggon on tumblr!! please tell me if you’d like it removed :)
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ok so uh let’s just give it a lil background
you decide to go out n get some new clothes bc u know. u got some extra money to spend why not
and you take some of your friends!! and you’re shopping and having a good time and everything is great
until you see this cute lil blue dress and you’re like ‘that’s The One, i need that dress……very necessary to my daily life’
so you tell your friends that you’re just gonna go find your size and they’re all “yes!! get the cute dress!! we’ll see you at the check-out!!”
so you’re about to grab the dress when you see,, the exact same dress except this time! it’s in red
so now you’re completely torn obviously because :// do you want the blue one or the red one,, they’re both cute,, but what’s gonna look nicer on you,,
and you’re just kinda stood there staring at them both because it turns out both colours have your size and now you don’t know what to do with urself
n just as your about to pout and go find one of your friends to help you pick you hear a Boy VoiceTM  
and it’s just a quiet lil, “you should get the red one!”
but it makes you turn around because whom said that to you
and you see….a cute boy….just kinda smiling at you while he looks at a shirt or something,, and he smiles even bigger when you look at him and just kinda shrugs before saying, “it’s a prettier colour!!”
part of you is like ?? i’m not gonna get the red one just because a random stranger thinks it’s a cool colour
but the other part of you wins because it’s like “:) you’re right red is a rlly cute colour :) i’ll get this one thank u fashion advice stranger”
and he smiles back at you before he turns back to the clothes he’s looking at and you know you’re supposed to just grab the dress and go now
but. you,, want the cute boy stranger to turn around again,, so u grab another random two articles of clothing and tap him on the back to be like “what about out of these two??”
and you just. keep doing it. and he keeps answering,, to the point where he doesn’t even turn around anymore because he’s giving you all his Focus
so now you have an armful of clothes that ur not gonna buy and he’s offering to carry some for u while u get them checked out and ur like “haha! of course! this is a great idea!”
and like. he isn’t dumb he knows what ur doing so he’s like. hyping himself up in his head like ‘come on!!! she’s clearly into you!! you’ve got this!! just…ask her out and if she says no! it’s all good! we’ve got this bro!’
so he takes a deep ass breath (n u think for a second that you’ve done something wrong) n is like “or…u could like idk man just…idk get the cute red dress and wear it…when i pick you up for a date…maybe like…tomorrow or something…” and in his head it sounds really smooth n nonchalant
but in reality it’s just a jumble of incoherence but you heard date and tomorrow so you’re like “yes!!!!!!!!!! yes this is Very Good i am free tomorrow pls do that” n give him your phone to save his number in
and he’d save it as ‘fashion god (a.k.a hyunsuk)’ with like fifty hearts next to it
((also as a side note you’d have to text him ur own name because he wouldn’t even ask for it in the store…… a charismatic king))
and that would be the story you’d have to give to your kids one day about how you met their dad :) very romantic
anyway! with that being said! let’s get into actually dating him
hyunsuk is a Loud Boy and is most of the time a Happy Boy
and he would constantly try and make sure that you’re feeling equally as happy as him because!! he really just hates the idea of you being upset or down
he hates it so much when your upset because of something outside of his control (like school, work, college) because he just doesn’t know how to fix it?? and he’d resort to doing really dumb stuff to get you to smile at him !! because seeing you :( makes his heart physically hurt
honestly he would melt if you did the same thing for him…..like….if you showed clear concern for him or hyped him up in anything he does the babey smile you know the one loll and feels his heart go zooooooom
i don’t think he’d actively go out of his way to show affection in public but it would definitely just happen
like. sometimes he’s just walking and the next thing he knows he’s tangling his hand with yours and giving your knuckles each a lil kiss
or you’re standing in front of him and his arms just kinda outstretch and pull you really close to him and he’s burying his face into the crook of your neck
or you’re just stood next to him minding your business when you’re tugged into his side and feel him leaving lil kisses on your cheeks while he calls you cute
all of his friends are Disgusted and beg him to not do that right in front of them 24/7 but like. he genuinely doesn’t notice until he’s already done it
however! if you initiated affection (in public) he,,,, blushes,,
in private you two are always attached somehow so it’s more unusual for you two not to be touching
his favourite form of affection would be when you were cuddling and you snuggled your face into his chest ! he’d literally go blank for a second before he’d yell something abt u being cute
i also personally see hyunsuk as someone who would wanna talk about so much all the time??? like…his mind is just buzzing with stuff all the time and he’d love having someone to share that with
and you’d have to do this late at night a lot (because of his schedule) but when he’d come to yours and if you were still awake, you’d both kinda just lay facing each other in bed with ur pinkies linked really loosely while you talked about a bunch of different stuff
they’d be long conversations too!!! you wouldn’t need to ask each other what you’d been up to that day because you’d be talking pretty much all day oof
so you’d be talking to each other about random stuff you thought of!! he’ll ask you about your views on stuff like ghosts and aliens and conspiracy theories, and you’ll get to hear his, and he’ll talk to you about his favourite songs and why they’re his favourites and he’ll really want you to explain yours too, he’d also ask dumb stuff like “do u think fish can see water” and would want a genuine answer 
but overall those would go on for hours and you’d only know he was ready to finally sleep when he curled an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him
speaking of cuddling!! hyunsuk would go between being the little spoon or having you lie on his chest to sleep
he loves being the little spoon because,, it’s such a warm experience,, so safe,, and bundled up,, and he’d definitely wrap himself up in a blanket before doing it for Maximum Comfort
but! he also loves having you sleep on his chest because “you’re my baby!! you’re so small it’s where you belong!!” (even if you’re taller than him hyunsuk what) he just,, loves how close you feel to him when he knows you can hear his heartbeat and he can feel how warm you are and he can see you falling asleep and it makes him feel so !! warm inside
he’d definitely introduce you to his friends really quick into dating you lol because?? what if you guys don’t get along?? they literally mean The World to him??
but of course you would i mean. what’s not to like
and they’d tell you embarrassing stories about him (seunghun would go into immense detail of how hyunsuk talked about your first date, including an oscar worthy rendition of hyunsuk talking about your first kiss)
you’d probably tell hyunsuk that you were scared of byounggon and hyunsuk would CACKLE
he’d be like “him?? he?? he’s a Baby! he’s the Sweetest Boy!” and then place all of his efforts into getting you and byounggon to be certified best friends
and like. it would work but more because you and byounggon had to bond over who would take care of him in his chaotic inventive ways to get you and byounggon to talk and communicate (including: accidentally locking you two in the practice room so you’d talk through ‘your issues with one another’ which would literally end up with you showing byounggon dumb pictures you had of hyunsuk on your phone and him giving you music recommendations)
[a/n; using that as a way to talk about something else,, writer of the year :)] we all obviously know that hyunsuk is very music orientated as a person!!! and he wouldn’t hesitate to share that with you through either his performances, his producing, or just music he likes
he’d make multiple playlists for you that would be for different things! (songs he wants to show you, songs that remind him of you, songs he wants to you to listen to and tell him whether performing them would be a good idea etc.)
he’d also love for you to show him your favourite music because he’d personally see music sharing as something very intimate and special!!! and if you ever told him about songs that reminded you of him he might actually have a heart palpitation
but i think in general he’d wanna be involved with something you’re interested in because you supported him so much in his passion!! if you were into art, he’d wanna know all about what you were drawing/painting and he’d find cute museums to go to together! if you were into writing, he’d wanna know what you were writing about and he’d wanna find you cool notebooks and stationary to use for it! he’d just wanna involve himself in any way possible to let u know he cared about it too!!
now onto his other Big Hobby
he…is now your personal stylist…a fashion king…he will not let you change his name in your phone…
he wants to go shopping to find cool clothes all the time! and now he has someone else to take with him! and someone else to try and dress!
i know there’s like the dumb Boyfriend Trope of ‘no :( you can’t wear that because it’s revealing :(‘ but like………hyunsuk wouldn’t care lmao
he sees something he thinks you’d look cute in?? he immediately jumps to get you to try it on for him!! it’s not a weird thing he’s just a fashion king and needs everyone to know that you two are the Best Dressed Couple
speaking of which! dating hyunsuk would be such a healthy thing !
he’d be a lil heavy-handed at first just because he’s not 100% on what he’s actually supposed to be doing
but once he figures out how dating actually works, it’s over for literally everyone else
like, at first, he might get jealous quite a lot because :(( what if u find someone better :(( but then he’d kinda re-evaluate and be like ‘i could…literally talk about this…what’s stopping me…’
and then you’d have a conversation about it where you’d reassure him that he’s your man!! you like Love him and stuff!!
from then on i think dealing with issues that came up in your relationship would just,,, get easy to him??
like, you’re jealous over someone else? that’s okay, you guys can talk about it and work it out!! he’s stressed and tired and just wants alone time? he’ll explain it to you in a calm n rational way without snapping at you!! you snap at him because you’re stressed and tired and just want alone time? he understands, but he tells you to tell him next time!!
he just can’t comprehend that any of the things you two work through are actually genuine problems for other couples because?? he finds them so easy to avoid
that’s not to say you two wouldn’t argue, because like, everyone does. but arguments would just,, end so quickly because
first of all: he hates there being tension between you two, and hates the idea of upsetting you even more
and second of all: he’d calm down quick enough to talk things through calmly and discuss a good way for both of you to fix your problems
and ! the relationship would never ever feel one-sided
you’d support him so much!! you’d remind him to get sleep, and to eat and drink regularly, and to not take the criticisms too harshly because he knows how good he is
((a side note: you’d probably Go Off at some point about yg and how gross he is for being so mean and never complimenting hyunsuk because you knew it upset him and you’d be ranting and gesturing around with your hands and probably yelling a lil bit and hyunsuk would just be looking at you like (✿╹◡╹) because his heart is so warm while you’re talking about burning the yg building down for him))
and he’d support you just as much!! he’d remind you to not overthink things, and to take breaks if you had studying to do, and would call you at least once a day if his schedule was packed just to get a quick run-down on how your day was going
also, on the topic of phone calls, sometimes he’d just call you and leave the call going while he did other stuff
most of the time it’d be while he did writing or producing
but if he wanted you to ‘be there’ during his dance practices he’d facetime and just kinda,,, leave it going while him and everyone else did their routine
and you’d either be doing other stuff or watching but either way you’d hype them all up for how well they were doing
and hyunsuk is( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)because oh boy!! he loves you a whole bunch
onto another topic but he’d really wanna have you meet his family only after he knew it was gonna be serious with you two !
and he’d already know his family would love you so he wasn’t stressed (you definitely were, but he was just like “no!!! they’ll love you because they love me!!!”) and from then he’d really love for you to be close to his family
but oh boy meeting your family. he’d have a heart-attack
what if they didn’t like him?? what if they thought he was a bad influence?? he couldn’t handle that
(you’d go to meet them and you’d be calming him down because “you’re literally the cutest sweetest most charming boy i have ever met?? how could anyone ever hate you??”) and he’d still be super nervous but. two minutes into being through the door he has it! he’s got ur whole family just as whipped for him as you are by the time he leaves
he’s like the meme of ‘your mum asked me to ask if you wanted to come to dinner with us at your house tonight :)’
hyunsuk is also definitely the type to wanna get you guys a couple item!! and he’d try and find something really ugly because he’d think it was funny to see your reactions to the cringy couple shirts and hoodies
but then one day he’d come over n be like “hello i have done it again!!”
and ur like “oh no. why. what did you do. i’m too young to go to prison hyunsuk pls”
and he’s all “:) no silly we finally have a couple item”
and ur immediately like. “no. i won’t have it. take it back! no more micky and minnie mouse matching hoodies!! i won’t do it and you can’t make me!!!”
but he’s like “no i promise it’s a good one this time :( please”
so u allow him one chance…..just one….to prove himself…..
and boy! does he do it!
he gets out a cute lil box n he’s chanting like a lil kid when he gives it to you and he’s like, “open it open it open it!!”
and you do and :(( it’s this cute lil locket and you look up at him like :O
and he’s grinning so big and nodding for you to open it and when you do there’s your favourite picture of him in it and you’re !! so happy that you don’t know what to do with yourself
but then he’s like “wait! that isn’t even the best part!” and he shuffles about for a second and wham! he’s wearing a matching one
and ur like :O this is the cutest thing in the entire whole wide world
but ! he opens it up and he’s grinning at u n he looks like he knows something you don’t and there!! is a picture of you where you’re in a shirt of his and the lighting’s kinda bad because you’re kinda sat up in ur bed and ur grinning real big at something
and ur like “:/ hyunsuk that is the ugliest picture of me”
he would be. genuinely offended. he would pop off ! he would be gesturing around with his hands and rambling about how “that’s so dumb??? u look so happy?? and so cute??? and it’s my favourite picture of you ever???”
from that day obviously you wouldn’t take yours off because uhm that’s so cute
but like you just think he’ll wear his when it fits in with whatever the current days LookTM is
but………he wears it All the time…..(but he does take it off to sleep n shower because he’s scared to damage it!!!)
also i firmly believe hyunsuk isn’t the type to get jealous very easily anyway, but as i said earlier he wouldn’t find talking about it difficult
like,, if there was a situation where someone was being too touchy with you and it made him uncomfortable then he’d wait until later and then tell you kinda like, “hi idk what u think of this but it just made me kinda uncomfy :// can we talk abt it” and you would !! and you’d find something that worked for both of you !!
i mean hyunsuk really is like. that boyfriend
i know this is super long already so i’m gonna go into a quick fire bit;
he would completely and totally buy you chapsticks whenever he saw any !! like now he just buys two of each as a natural reaction to seeing them
leaves u notes if he has to leave early however they’re not like ‘ily see u later mwah’ they’re more like dumb jokes he thinks of or drawings of weird animal combinations he thinks of
totally accidentally steals the covers in the night if you guys move away from each so he buys you the cutest most fluffy blanket he can find as an apology
also!! his kisses would be the best ever?? he loves giving you lil cheek and forehead kisses 24/7
has to give you one (1) kiss every time you have to leave and one (1) kiss every time he sees you  
but he gives you two (2) kisses every single time you compliment him!!!
overall! i think hyunsuk would be one of the most relaxed and easy-going ((and best but you didn’t hear that from me)) boyfriends anyone could ever have
thank you for coming to my ted-talk
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