#and looking at all of the polls with older media... yeah
Hey. Anon who submitted Dracula and Jonathan here. I didn't mean the netflix adaptation, I just meant the book. But I guess what's done is done.
Since Dracula was published in 1897, I would say that absolutely doesn't count as queerbait but at most as queercoded. But we can vote on it.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Gloria Swanson (Don't Change Your Husband, Queen Kelly, Sadie Thompson, Sunset Boulevard)—the absolute BALLS this woman had! an icon of the 1920s, her career had simmered down, decent living in radio, deciding you know what? you know what i'll do? I'll star as the haggard old aging decrepit horror icon in Sunset Boulevard, that's what I'll do. Nobody else in Hollywood would take the part (every other actress didn't want to be framed as a has-been)—gloria said, fuck that, I'll eat this role alive and serve cunt the whole time. she was still so gorgeous when they made Sunset Boulevard they had to intentionally make her up/costume her to make her look older than she was. mad respect for the screen legend who says yeah, i am a screen legend, i was always that bitch and here I am again to prove it
Mary Nolan (West of Zanzibar, Desert Nights)—mary nolan had star quality in spades but her career was sadly plagued by tragedy and scandal (though really a lot of what was characterized as "scandal" by the press was more like "men being physically abusive"). she reinvented her career multiple times, first becoming very popular as a ziegfeld girl in the early 1920s under the stage name imogene "bubbles" wilson (said a columnist of the time, "only two people in America would bring every reporter in New York to the docks to see them off. one is the President. the other is Imogene "Bubbles" Wilson.") but after some shit involving a shitty dude got her fired from the follies for negative media attention she went to europe and made films in germany under the name imogene robertson for a few years. in 1927 she accepted the offer of a contract from united artists and returned to the u.s., taking on the stage name mary nolan. she was received favorably in films like west of zanzibar as lon chaney's daughter, and desert nights opposite john gilbert, but she began having difficulty finding work in the early 30s, having at that point acquired a morphine addiction, and she made her final film appearance in 1933, intermittently working in vaudeville and nightclubs. uh well this propaganda ended up super sad but here's a short clip of her in action in a 1930 movie
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman. (remember that our poll era starts in 1910, so please don't use propaganda from before that date.)
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Gloria Swanson:
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She was THE idea of a 1920s sex comedy star, and was a hot (and totally unhinged) older woman in Sunset Boulevard. Hot as a young woman and as an older woman? Yes plz
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I feel like she would slay in alternative fashion
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her performance as Norma Desmond in sunset boulevard makes me insane. I love her
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Mary Nolan:
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Shockingly modern style of acting! She could pop up today and be a starlette all over again
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 20
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
You knew it was going to be a challenge, but the plan you had in mind to fight for Joel's integrity and expose the Champagne family was something you had to carry out.
Across from the coffee shop on the quaint little street was the annual Mischief Night Movie Marathon on the town green, drive-in movie style with a giant blow up screen. To discourage kids from throwing eggs and soaping windows the night before Halloween, the town had created an event that seemed to draw in bigger crowds every year. People brought blankets and lawn chairs. Prior to the start of the movie there was a pumpkin carving contest and all of the jack-o-lanterns were lined along a stone wall that bordered the green.
From five to seven o'clock there was a tiny tots hour and the movie Monsters Inc was played for all the young kids. From seven o'clock until eleven, two horror movies played for older crowds that were picked by the townspeople through social media polls in September. The chosen movies for that evening were Trick 'R Treat and Halloween II.
You sent a group text to Jess, Winnie and Chrissy filling them in about what had happened, and they agreed to meet you down in front of the coffee shop.
For the time being you laid low with a beanie hat pulled down over your ears and a hood over that. To your knowledge, Vic and the other assailants had yet to be tracked down; and so you tried your best to go a little incognito.
The carefree nature of the kids' hour across the street made you smile. Moms and dads helped lift giant pumpkins with goofy faces onto the stone wall as kids jumped for joy in their costumes. The gathering was great for the community and you envisioned, just for a second, that one day you might be one of those moms with a little one of your own.
"Hey!" Chrissy was the first to run up to you and made you stumble back with the fierceness of her hug. "Are you okay?"
You knew she'd understand. She had been the only one you hadn't talked to directly about you and Joel.
"Yeah," you half-lied, but you weren't about to say no, "Yeah, I'm okay."
Chrissy pulled back, still holding you by your arms and looked you in the eyes. "I am so sorry I said what I said about Joel that night we all talked. I had no idea.." She shook her head and pulled you back in for a hug. "Is he okay?"
"He's still in the hospital but he's going to be okay," you told her.
"This is so scary." Chrissy still held you firmly in place. "I am so so sorry you had to go through all that."
"It's okay," you assured her.
Your other two roommates joined you by the coffee shop and you all exchanged similar words.
"So, what's the plan?" Jessie asked. "We want to help."
"Thank you, guys." You let out a deep breath. "I'm just waiting on one more crucial piece to the puzzle." You reached into your pocket and removed your phone to check the time.
"What piece?" Winnie asked.
"I had to rely on.. someone else."
They all looked at one another, wondering if anyone knew who or what you were referring to.
"Steve?" Chrissy asked, her eyes bugging. "Like Steve, Steve?"
You nodded. "It was a last resort but he has the in's that nobody else does. And believe it or not, I think he's true to that badge enough to make this happen."
"I thought you said he was a jerk."
"He is.. kind of," you said, "Or maybe that was me just being annoyed by all of his quirks." You shrugged. "We weren't exactly a love match, but I think deep down he's a good person."
I hope, you thought silently, checking the time again.
Monster's Inc. was wrapping up and the line of jack-o-lanterns stretched nearly the entire length of the wall, each with their own faux candle that left a series of orange glows. You needed the video before the start of Trick 'R Treat. Based on the schedule, you knew that left you about twenty minutes.
"What exactly *is* the plan?" Jessie asked.
You took a deep breath, sending a little cloud of smoke into the air. "Steve is getting me the footage from a security camera that shows what really happened last Halloween. It shows the truth, no ifs, ands or buts.. no gossip. Joel was attacked by Johnny when he was attempting to change his flat tire. Johnny choked him out with a chain and in the struggle of Joel fighting for his life, the two of them fell down a little embankment and Johnny broke his neck. The surveillance video shows all of that, and that's why Joel was charged with nothing."
Your three friends stood them staring at you as if they were watching a suspenseful movie unfold.
"There's footage?" Chrissy asked, her mouth hanging open.
"Yes." You nodded. "And tonight, when ninety percent of the town is here, I'm going to show them."
"Holy fuck," Chrissy said. A smile spread across her face. "That's insane."
"How are you going to do that?" Winnie asked.
You glanced over her shoulder toward Steve, who looked nervous as hell, as he wandered toward you, glancing around in all directions.
Relief filtered through your body. He came through. Your plan was going to work - you thought.
The girls followed your gaze and when Steve got wind that you were all staring at him, he puffed his chest a big and pretended to be paying attention to the Halloween gathering across the street.
"Steve." You gave a wave. His hand looked tight and ridged as he waved back. His face matched his posture.
"Hi, Steve." Chrissy gave a small smile and he nodded once at her before staring directly at you.
"They have a computer that's attached to the projection here," Steve informed you. He reached into the pocket of his shirt and pulled out a small, black disc drive. "The department transferred the footage onto multiple drives. This one should work on any computer. It's just an HDMI."
When he placed the disc into your palm you looked at it for a long moment before finally closing your fingertips over the top of it.
You let out a deep breath knowing the magnitude of what was about to happen. "You think you can distract them enough for me to swap this out before they start the next movie?" Your eyes scanned the small team you had standing in front of you.
"We'll do whatever you need," Jessie said with a nod. The girls all nodded and Steve let out a sigh.
"You do know what's on the line for me, right?"
"Yes," you said directly to him. "And I promise you, you won't regret helping an innocent man get the justice he deserves. This town needs to know the truth." You added, "I'll never tell anyone you got me this. No one would believe you would anyway, with our history."
There was a long silence as everyone contemplated what their role could be, before Steve finally said, "I'll distract them at the podium," then added. "And you do what you gotta do."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee @shayna-d-clown @bbiophiliaa
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corwly · 8 months
sooooooo i guess i'll say it
to the people who are bitching about ship polls, no one gives a shit. stop being so disrespectful and dramatic about people enjoying things. no one has the right to send death threats based on a fucking poll on a hellsite.
i will admit i'm a younger user. i'm 20 years old and i am gender queer whatever doesn't matter but i am afab and lived most of my life as fem presenting/using she/her pronouns. seeing people say that "oh you hate women cause you voted for the ship with male presenting characters" jesus fucking christ. get a hold of yourselves i am guessing you're older than me but i have never met or interacted with someone who is fandom oriented that is around my age that gives so much of a shit.
if you are not emotionally mature enough to admit that other people enjoy different things from you maybe don't look at the polls??? have you thought of that???
this post is in direct response to this poll
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the notes/tags in this are full of homophobia and calling those who voted aziraphale/crowley women haters and all that jazz.
and guess what i couldn't find! good omens fans hating on dr who!!
but what was extremely prevalent?
i'll show you!
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like yeah nothing is fucking perfect why do you think amazon prime picked up this show over another company. it makes people happy! the world is changing and you all need to get over it.
and before anyone says shit about me not having seen dr who or being biased, i watched dr who. i didn't like it much and that should be just fine. i get why people don't like good omens and that is also just fine. i honestly didn't like rose as a character much either but that doesn't mean i hate women. i don't usually like women characters written by men for a male audience which, btw, is what dr who does.
it is absolutely possible to exist on the same website without saying you're going to kill the author and writer of whatever fucking media because a different ship won some stupid poll.
i didn't even vote in this! i've never voted on one cause i know how absolutely fucking upset id be about it. i actively try to avoid them but when this came up i was immediately upset and had to start blocking people cause jesus fucking christ let other people be happy and let another fandom enjoy something.
i am not a "new tumblr user" because i like good omens. i have been on and off this shit site for like 8 or 9 years now due to this absolute buffoonery.
just sit the fuck down and stop being stuck in your teenage years when things were more simple. it is 2023 and most people have grown past superwholock cause it's actually not 2013 surprisingly. enjoy things without it being a war of what's better and maybe idk give a new show a chance without thinking it's going to revoke something from you. we are literally all just people trying to enjoy shit and you are making it literally so fucking nasty to even try too.
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roxylalonde · 1 month
"people are SO MAD" yeah and who are the people? why are they mad? does your post about people being mad bring anything to the conversation? does your post about people being mad look like anything other than ridiculing the rightfully angry people out of context? is it necessary for you to comment about how mad people are when this is a situation that is very seriously about widespread racism among white queers and how they do not give a fuck about the lives of black people and all of their morals and solidarity fly out the door the moment a black person criticizes the racist media they enjoy?
you know what, i understand your criticism. and im being honest here not just pandering to you. racism in fandom is something i am becoming a lot more aware of, and honestly its something i never really used to take seriously (if i am being candid) but recently ive been seeing how much it affects people who are just struggling to enjoy something they love while also being black. and as I've grown older I've come to understand why that can be so hard for you guys.
honestly i was just thinking when i posted it like "lmao it's just a tumblr poll why is everyone so mad over homestuck vs. movie" but given the broader context, esp. your last sentence in the ask, it's like yeah i see it was just stirring the pot
i will keep the posts up for the purposes about being candid & giving everyone who stumbles across these posts a chance to read what sparked everything, but i will make them unrebloggable :)
feel free to dm me
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ratguy-nico · 5 months
3# The Bleakening
The fandom’s favorite if the polls are anything to go by.
This special have some of my favorite moments, and is the christmas special for excellent, but it just doesn’t resonate as much with me as i would want to. Don’t know why, still love it.
The first episode is okey, Linda being over dramatic about wanting to bring back the christmas spirit with a party is not very interesting for cause I don’t have that much christmas spirit myself.
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But then everything takes a turn
-The next section has a Bajada de Línea Política-
(couldn’t come with a translation, we said Bajada de Línea in Latam when we talk about how the media deals with political-social information)
Suddenly the episode doesn’t talk about how christmas spirit is getting lost or about a christmas tree thief. Suddenly this becomes a critic about how in holidays the LGBTQ+ community is systematically erase from the picture cause Christmas, as many other holidays, is mean to celebrate the traditional cis-heteronormative family, something that of course is not a thing our community can aim for.
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Is not only a social thing, where queer youth (and even older queer people as we see in the episode) have to suffer trough the rejection of their relatives, their own family telling them to not make things uncomfortable or weird. Is bigger than that with all the media around us telling this is a moment to spend with your white family made by a mom, a dad, and childrens, commercials, marketing campaigns, and different conglomerates whose main target is not us.
And yeah I know this had change a little bit since the past 10 years which is not much actually, for context this season was made back then in 2015-2017.
Of course now companies now days acknowledge our existence but just if it suits them for re-newing their brand and trying to appear more politically correct (I hate how some people use this concept)
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But in that time and even now, if my experience is anything to go by, we are left out of the celebrations. Is not that we don’t have christmas spirit is just that we don’t fit in the christmas spirit itself, the christmas is not for us. But even if they try to shut us down, we remain, cause we want to celebrate, we have the right to share our love in our own way, with our own family, a chosen one.
The song Twinkle Lights, even if is not one of my favorites, carries this brutal message. A message that thank to the gods is in all Bob’s Burgers series but come to be the start in this kind of episodes.
This is my way of seeing this episode, this could be incorrect, and be fed by my own relationship with the holidays. No soy gringo, soy Latinoamericano, so I don’t know if you would have another perspective. I’m intense and I now. I read to much between the lines.
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So for a more cheering comments.
The kids had one of the best songs in the episode, The Bleaker, and their part is very cute. there’s also a brutal scene at the end of the first episode that I would post later.
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The kids are good but for me Linda and Bob carried the episodes, specially Linda, but I live for they exploring Bob’s sexuality, you know it, is just my favorite thing in the serie.
You can not look at this man and tell me hasn’t have his share of underground gay bars.
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"I would never call the cops" HE KNOWS! On an underground gay rave you DONT.CALL.THE.COPS.
I love to see Dalton and Marshmallow come back and Marshmallow’s new boyfriend Art the Artist appearance (I really like this lil man I hope he reappears at some point) (I know is been 7 seasons already, leave me alone)
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By the way I’m very normal about Bob in his Bleaker costume. Aha. Not drooling at all. Oh and definitely not fantasizing about Teddy and Bob fucking in this costumes. Of course not. Normal.
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Teddy using the situation as an excuse to make a semi naked Bob cuddle with him in a inflatable santa? Mhh. Aha. Normal.
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Prelim FAQs, or: Please For The Love of God I Can See You All Complaining In The Tags
I was planning on ignoring people's complaints but it's kind of grating seeing the same comments everywhere, especially when it's something I've already addressed, so:
"Where's x?"/"This is y erasure."
Contenders were almost entirely assembled from submissions, which were open for a whole week. If you missed the submission period, I'm sorry, but it's the nature of these things that more people are seeing the polls than were able to nominate duos. I've also seen this comment for duos that are in other, more specific prelims, and duos that were popular enough to advance straight to the main bracket. Have a look around before complaining. Or, preferably, don't complain about this at all since there's nothing to be done about it at this stage.
"Why don't all of them have images?"
I have a job and hobbies and a social life and I'm not going to track down pictures of 232 duos, most of whom I know nothing about, and then assemble them into nice little images when we're not even at the main bracket yet. There are 35 prelim categories, and a few of those had to be split into multiple parts because you can't have more than 10 options in a poll. For my sanity, and to keep things moving along without further delays, prelims with 5+ competitors didn't get images. There are some smaller prelims that also didn't get images, mostly because it's hard to find pictures of literary & podcast characters without resorting to fanart, and using book covers/podcast logos would be uninteresting, thus defeating the purpose of the image. All main bracket rounds will have images.
Huge thanks to my girlfriend for sourcing most of the pictures I've used in this, and also generally having a greater breadth of media knowledge than myself.
"Putting x in a poll with y isn't fair."
The purpose of these preliminary rounds is to weed out weaker competitors, making for a more interesting tournament. More popular characters getting more votes means it's working as intended. I'm a fan of a lot of relatively obscure media, so I know it's disappointing seeing your faves get curb-stomped, but I'm not intentionally sabotaging anyone, and I've been surprised by some of the results myself. For example, I'd literally never heard of the Malevolent podcast before receiving submissions for it, while I've listened to both Wooden Overcoats and Kane & Feels. I expected the Funns to win the podcast prelim, but it seems the Malevolent guys are going to win it. Am I disappointed? Yeah, a bit. But it's also the reason I decided to run prelims instead of simply choosing my faves from submissions.
Regarding the Due South prelim and the Ray Wars
While I understand the defensiveness of older fandoms that have gone through every argument a thousand times, I genuinely couldn't care less about fandom wank. I thought it'd be fun to have these guys in the tournament because they're a couple of classic duos who aren't very well-known on tumblr nowadays, and because I recently introduced the show to my girlfriend so we'd both like to see it represented. I don't expect them to do well in the main bracket, but that's not the point; it's for fun. That said, I can't put both Rays in the main bracket due to space constraints, and I'm not going to arbitrarily choose one because I like them both, so they got their own prelim by necessity. If I did put them both in, they'd probably end up facing each other anyway, leading to the same comments.
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anatthema-art · 2 years
# my perspective has even changed since i made that post #bc that was before the reigan sans poll #which kinda changed tsm culture a bit. Kinda Funny How An Event Meant To Analyze Or Celebrate A Culture Ended Up Being A Relevant Milestone To TSM Studies And To How The TSM Culture Itself Is Seen And Understood By The Masses. (why am i talking about this so seriously?)
yeah no genuinely i’m utterly fascinated by it? like..?? when i first saw it happening it was like haha oh this is funny and then even when the wild shit with the finals of the poll went down and all the memes were made i still was just enjoying the ride. but like??? in retrospect it kinda feels like that poll REDEFINED sexyman culture in a way?
like i think when spamton became everyone’s next obsession kinda STARTED the reframing in the public eyes but the poll really cemented it. i think ever since the poll, tumblr sexyman has become like… a lot more CELEBRATED? i remember back when TSMs were starting to be discussed by more widespread sources (the izzzyzzz video essay comes to mind, lots of video essays popularized the phrase in a less niche circle) they were very critiqued in the whole “fandom latches onto any character who is a twinky white man and if theyre not human they’re turned into one” and i think that definitely IS still a criticism of the culture but i think since the poll and an overall shift in tumblr culture as a whole they’ve very mucu been almost heralded as mascots for tumblr as a whole.
there’s so many factors here i can think of beyond the poll and spamton too honestly: stuff like blorbo becoming a loved and accepted term, tumblr as a whole flourishing as a website as every other social media crumbles around it, and the resurgence of some older fandom culture
i think it’s super interesting because the term almost feels less rigid now, like some of the arguments i made for TSMs versus disney channel eldritch horrors i don’t think apply anymore because i very specifically looked at the way fans interpret the perceived personalities and “humanity” of the characters, which is certainly a lens to look at them with, but i think it’s almost more loose and less defined now. the post i reblogged a lil bit ago about how the character has to be Weird and Unconventionally Attractive is definitely a good start but i think it even goes beyond attraction? i’m not sure if there’s that much of a typically defined common thread between these characters at all. i think a sexyman is whatever the general fandom culture makes of it
so uh. anon Do Not Worry about taking this seriously lol i was gonna respond in a quick manner and then i had more thoughts than i thought i did and now you’ve got another essay on your hands i guess idk man uhhh tumblr is a webbed site fan culture is fun yayyy
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 8/14/2023
Fifth Place: Dean Phillips
Another day, another Democrat trying to push for somebody--anybody--to come out and primary President Biden for reasons that never make any fucking sense. Of course, Phillips is a "moderate Democrat" (read: Republican) who clearly wants Biden out of the way because of how progressive the President is--and honestly, I think Biden should welcome the hatred of people like this. I also cannot believe we live in a world where Joe Biden of all people is too progressive for some Democrats, but here we are.
Mind you, Biden is much more well liked not just among the insiders of the Democratic Party but also among the rank and file members who actually would vote in a primary. Meaning any chance of a primary against him is unlikely to be successful, but the fact that these idiots keep trying to run to Biden's right while assuming that's what the Democratic voter base wants (a large chunk of Democrats are too the left of Biden) is just sad. And that's not even getting into how Biden is seen as some sign of the status quo by these people--while they constantly want alternatives who are too his right and would more than likely continue the status quo, albeit with a younger face.
Of course, this fear about Biden being old is a totally manufactured concern by the political class. The average voter doesn't care how old a politician is--in fact, back in 2016 and 2020 the youngest voters went for Bernie Sanders, who is even older than Biden. This is all just bullshit designed to scare Biden into not running for re-election, and I am very happy he has not fallen for it.
Fourth Place: Kurt Schlichter
Speaking of primary challengers that have no chance of going anywhere, Ron DeSantis is still running for President--and Kurt over at Townhall firmly believes he'll be the nomination. You see, according to Kurt, the real reason why DeSantis isn't leading in the polls is because nobody has heard of him yet:
Remember, this is a primary race, not a Twitter popularity race. The simple fact is that the polls in July 2023 do not reflect the real situation on the ground in 2023, much less 2024 when the actual voting happens. You know who are active right now? The activists. And those aren’t polls of activists. Those are polls of regular people living regular lives who think “Yeah, I like Trump and Trump’s getting a raw deal from the scumbag prosecutors, and he’s the only guy I really know about, so I’m going to put his name down.” They haven’t had to think hard about it yet. They haven’t had to weigh the facts. They haven’t really looked at Ron DeSantis’s record – if they’re looking at Twitter, they’re going to think that he parties with Paul Ryan over at George Soros’s crash pad. That kind of dumb lie is easy to dispel, and when people see that they’ve been lied to, they’re going to look deeper to find the truth. 
You mean four years of the media shoving him down our throats hasn't been enough time for the average person to know his record? And none of this is even getting into the stupidity of assuming that people who are political enough to vote in the Republican primary also haven't taken the time to know who DeSantis is.
Mind you, more exposure to DeSantis does not seem to be helping him--if anything, the opposite seems to be the case. Remember two years ago when DeSantis was seen as the 2024 frontrunner? Some were even predicting that he'd replace Donald Trump as head of the Republican Party by the midterm elections--and that never happened. That is because people saw exactly who Ron DeSantis was, and they didn't like it.
Third Place: Ron DeSantis
A short follow up on my last entry, it seems like Ron has trouble keeping the attention of the people who already know of him. Here's some reporting from Mediaite:
Donald Trump literally overshadowed Ron DeSantis — with planes – at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, flying over the event and prompting the throngs of GOP voters to chant “we want Trump!” while the Florida governor was flipping burgers and trying to woo support.
This man seriously thinks people want him to be President.
Second Place: Karl Lake
The former Arizona candidate for Governor challenged somebody to "milk a bull" in order to prove that there are only two genders. Of course, given people aren't steer--and people assigned male at birth can produce milk if they have enough estrogen in their system, by the way--this comparison was seen as really dumb, because it is.
Winner: Merrick Garland
I talked Friday about Merrick's choice to create a special council to investigate Hunter Biden, which was little more than an attempt to appease Republicans--and said attempt has failed as many Republicans, including ones who asked for the exact special prosecutor Garland picked, are still upset with him.
So Garland has lost all Biden supporters and Biden critics--this is the most Merrick Garland move of all time.
Merrick Garland, you've done the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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If u r being completely unbiased- do u think Harry's team is really smart with his career?- like the promo and the shows they r booking and timing of everything. I know they spend a lot of money on him but this is common treatment for every big artist I assume. So do u think his team is same as anyone else's on his fame level or he has a really smart team? I don't follow any big artists promo cycles except Louis so.....
Yeah, I think Harry’s team is very smart in directing his career. In 2017, they took into account Harry’s relative inexperience and youth, and booked prestige interviews and performances at the BBC, at Abbey Road, on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, at Apple Music, at the Late Late Show (three times), and at SNL with people who would treat him with kid gloves— professional colleagues and friends of Irving Azoff. But the general public doesn’t know that; they only see Harry in the most high profile places. No one cares how the sausage is made.
His team is also very good at controlling his media image and narrative. Negative stories are quickly scrubbed and replaced with distractions or positive stories. Like the Kardashians, Harry supplies constant gossip, new drama. It’s tough to Google search for past negative stories about Harry, just as it’s tough to find negative comments in major newspapers and magazines— they are edited out. Is there any month in the past four years where Harry hasn’t been in headlines? Despite his wacky photoshoot and concert clothes, Harry is really not a very interesting person… but they make sure he’s the talk of pop culture.
Harry’s team has connections in the highest places in industry (Azoff and Stringer are routinely part of the top ten most influential people in Billboard’s annual poll): Sony’s boardroom, Live Nation, the entertainment industry’s prestige journals, Apple Music, Google, Netflix, Amazon. It’s not just “a lot of money spent,” though that’s certainly important. Nepotism is the key to Harry’s (and most people’s) industry success. His team is not like other people’s— at his level, people simply do not headline Coachella.
I think Harry’s team also understands very well how to shield his deficiencies so they look like assets. Harry panics and is not articulate in interviews, especially when talking about his creative process. His team has substituted older professionals to talk for him, people like Kid Harpoon or Ben Winston who are presented as his “close friends.” His team releases Harry’s prefab “quotes” and paragraphs-long talking points to be printed. In longer video interviews, as with Zane Lowe, Harry is prepped with set-up questions. Harry’s anxiety in dealing with fans and obvious self-absorption are laundered into a sort of hippy aloofness, elitism, and quirky charm; his old-fashioned sexism/ chauvinism is turned into sexy pouting.
Even NME knows:
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Harry is also unique in that he has had the opportunity to buy into his team’s financial assets from the get go. I think it was really smart for the Azoffs to offer that to Harry, because it really was a demonstration of their faith and loyalty in him. He owns part of their management company, he owns part of their vast concert venue chain, he co-owns Pleasing, their clothing and cosmetic line, and he may have shares of Demand, their datamining service.
All of these things make life very sweet, very protected for Harry. So yes, his team is very good.
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
🌸 ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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farfromsugafanfic · 3 years
Heartbreak Weather
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Genre: Weatherman!Jin, Metropolis/loosely based off comic books, Rivalry, soft Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Jin/Male Reader
Warnings: all the sexual tension lol, hurricanes
Synopsis: The rival weatherman at Channel 5 just so happens to be Kim Seokjin who you just so happened to have had a thing with in college. Sort of. When a hurricane brings the two of you back together again, the forecast calls for love and dredged up feelings.
"Will you please turn that off?" you asked, taking a sip of your coffee. Normally, you took it with a little vanilla-flavored creamer, but much like that morning's coffee, you were bitter.
"Aw, why? Seokjin looks so cute in his turtleneck this morning," one of the writers said, fawning over the Channel 5 weatherman. "Maybe you should start wearing turtlenecks. It might boost our ratings." 
You rolled your eyes as the red light came on indicating that you would soon be on camera. You set your coffee to the side and stepped in front of the green screen. 
"Good morning, Metropolis," you said. "You can expect some light rain on your commute today. It should clear up by lunchtime though and it will be partly cloudy for the rest of the day. You watched as the map viewers saw at home shifted as you shifted the topic. "As you know, a hurricane is forming a few hundred miles off the coast. We are currently predicting landfall early next week. I will be traveling to Diamond Beach as the storm approaches to give you the most recent updates. Thanks for watching Channel 4 News, now here's Andrea with traffic."
The red light switched from you and onto Andrea's camera on the other side of the studio. You let out a sigh and walked back to your desk away from the main set. 
"You went to school with him, right?" the same writer asked, still watching Seokjin on the screen. His station gave him more screentime because he was so well loved in the city, often they pan to him coming back from commercial breaks and whenever there was a view question or poll. 
"Yeah," you said. There was only one university near Metropolis that offered a robust meteorology program and most of the city's weather people came from it. You and Seokjin had gone through together, even graduating at the same ceremony. 
"Wow, was he still so stunning in college? Like, I don't think I could've focused if he was in my classes."
"Depends on who you ask."
5 Years Earlier
"Having trouble focusing?" you asked Seokjin as you noticed his dark eyes were no longer looking down at the computer screen. 
"Hmm, it's a bit hard when you look at the screen like that," he said, smirking and turning around to lean against the desk. "Tell me, what's a guy gotta do to get you to look at him like that?"
"Be a warm front." You watched as a warm front moved towards the city while a cold one moved simultaneously from the other direction. 
"What if I'm a hot front?" He turned to face you, his hip still leaning against the desk, but his body was close enough that it brushed yours as he moved. 
"Seokjin, stop." You clicked a few more times and turned to flip through your textbook. "It's a storm for sure. A thunderstorm or tornado. Shit, it could be anything, how are we supposed to figure this out."
"Its the weather, not heart surgery. We can be wrong fifty percent of the time and still good at our job."
"But, if we're wrong fifty percent of the time, we'll fail this class."
Jin sighed and crossed his arms as his eyes lingered down your body. "Listen, Y/N. We both know that you're going to stress about this for twenty minutes and then figure it out like you always do. Now, come on, let's take a break."
"And do what?" you asked, letting out a breath between your teeth, not tearing your eyes away from the screen.
"I don't know. I have a few ideas though" His breath was against your ear and his body heat radiated against your own. 
"Seokjin, this can't happen."
"Why not?"
"Cause I need to focus on school. I'm here on a scholarship. I can't risk distractions."
Jin sighed and looked down at the weather map on the screen. "It's a thunderstorm," he said. "The currents aren't strong enough for a tornado and based on the patterns, its the most logical." 
You quickly wrote down the answer and his reasoning, realizing that he was right. How he surmised the answer so quickly, especially when he was barely paying attention baffled you. 
"All right, now, come on," he said. "I'm taking you out for lunch and you can't deny me that. I know you're hungry."
"Fine," you said, shutting your textbooks and allowing the computer's screensaver to come on.
Just hours later that same night, you found yourself looking up at the ceiling of Jin's bedroom. Soft cotton sheets wrapped around your torso and they felt softer than even the best sheets you'd ever owned. His shirtless form was turned away from you and you resisted the urge to reach up and run a hand through his dark hair. He'd let it grow long recently, the ends of his hair beginning to grow onto his neck.
"Stop staring at me," Seokjin said, you could hear the smirk in his voice. He turned around to face you. His eyes were calm and soft like the sheets, but you couldn't help but feel the sadness. The knowing.
"How'd you know?" Your voice was small.
"I could feel it. Your eyes hurt, you know?"
You did know. You knew how much it hurt Jin to see your eyes wander down the shape of his torso. That the way you always reached to push his ill-fitting glasses up the bridge of his nose hurt. That knowing he couldn't reach out and sneak his fingertips underneath the hem of your sweater.
"I'm sorry."
"I know, it's okay."
"It's not, Seokjin. We need to move on. Forget about each other. It's best for our futures."
"You know that's not true."
"Seokjin, we both want the same things in life. We'd be competing with each other for every job. We'd rush to get the story before the other. It wouldn't last."
"We don't know that unless we try."
"Seokjin, I don't want to give myself the chance to hate you."
You got up from the bed and buttoned your shirt, pulled on your trousers, and tied your shoes. Seokjin watched you, didn't try to stop you as you headed towards the door. Gripping the doorknob, you walked out and back down to the sidewalk below. 
Following that day, you didn't see Seokjin again. Sure, he still sat a few rows in front of you, he still presented in class, you glanced over his name in the paper when it was announced he was taking over the weather position for Channel 5. You saw him on billboards and on Reddit posts. Yet, you never met allowed your eyes to meet his again. Unless it was through the warm, freshly printed Metropolis Daily.
Nearly no one was heading east towards Diamond Beach. Westbound traffic was full of cars heading into the city to weather the storm, while eastbound only consisted of a few cars. Mostly media and others who couldn't drop everything and run from the hurricane. 
You could just make out the Channel 5 van ahead of you. Focusing down on your laptop which was tracking the conditions minute by minute, you tried not to focus on the fact you would likely run into Seokjin. 
This certainly wasn't the first time a hurricane or tropical storm caused you and Seokjin to collide like convergent fronts. Every year you found yourself at Diamond Beach trying not to watch his broadcast from a few meters down the beach.
Two Hours Later
"Hello, this Y/N Y/L/N reporting for Channel 4 news. Hurricane Roke is expected to make landfall later tonight. Most of Diamond Beach and the surrounding areas have been evacuated as Roke is currently a category four storm. I will be monitoring the storm and providing updates through Twitter throughout the night and I'll be back on the beach at 5am. This has been Y/N Y/L/N covering Hurricane Roke. Now, back to the studio."
You felt Jin's eyes on you as you gave your report. He was about two hundred feet down the beach. He wore a similar coat to your own and even with his hood pulled up you could feel the way his eyes cut through you. 
Once the red light on your camera went off, the one on Seokjin's came on and he began his report. It was nearly identical to yours, Seokjin adding his own flair and charm. Like you wished you could. 
Seokjin finished his broadcast and your filmographer began to pack up. "I'll see you bright and early in the morning?" she asked, her hair catching in the wind and obscuring her face. 
You nodded and helped her pack up the camera and other supplies, working quickly to prevent it from getting damaged from the wind or rain. Walking up the beach and back to the hotel felt like it took forever, especially with the heavy filming equipment. 
Your filmographer had already checked in earlier and headed to her room, carrying the camera and filming equipment. You kept the portable meteorological tools, already anxious to set it up in your room. Jin and his filmographer came in just as you got to the front desk. 
Giving them your name, you handed them your ID and the company credit card. The receptionist furrowed her brow and glanced up at you. 
"It looks like your room was accidentally double booked," she said. "I apologize, but due to the current situation, would you mind sharing?"
"Uh, sure, that's no problem. Who am I sharing with?"
The woman squinted at her computer. "Kim Seokjin."
"You're not even going to look at me?" Seokjin asked as the two of you set up your computers. He'd let you have the desk while he took the counter of the kitchenette. 
"Not until I get this setup."
Seokjin sighed and pulled out his phone. Service was already finicky, but he managed to pull up Spotify and got music to play. It was soft, as not to disturb your neighbors in the packed hotel. 
You smiled as you heard the familiar tune "Dancing Queen". Jin was a fan of older music and the two of you used to listen to ABBA's Greatest Hits when studying together. 
"You still listen to this?"
"Of course," he said. "It makes me happy."
It made you happy too and when you finished setting up your computer you peaked out the window. The storm was still a couple of hours from landfall, but the trees were already swaying wildly. 
"It's going to be a big one," Jin said, glancing at you and catching your eye. It was the first time you'd truly looked at each other since the day you'd left him on his own. It felt like a lightning bolt skewered you in half. 
"Yeah," you said, sitting down on the bed. "It is."
You traced the seams of the comforter with your index finger. The song switched and this time it was "Can't Help Falling In Love With You". 
Jin finished setting up his computer. Your screen and his looked nearly identical showing a map of the coastline and the storm approaching. He sat down beside you, closer than you would've thought an acquaintance would sit. 
"We should go to bed. Early start tomorrow." His voice commanded you to look at him. "Let's not fight over the bed." Placing down the two extra pillows down the center of the bed, he went to the bathroom to change.
The storm was in full force when you made your way outside. The four of you: you, Jin, and your two filmographers tried to get onto the beach, but the sand cut your skin. Various debris already littered the beach. Mostly seaweed and tree branches, although you noticed a few shoes and patio furniture from the nearby condos.
"The hotel said we could report from outside," you said. "It'd be safer."
Jin chewed on his cheek and glanced out at the beach. The two filmographers began to set up their cameras and you did you best to ensure your hair didn't fall into your face. You stood away from the wind, finding it hard to breath with it blowing onto your face. 
"Seokjin! Stop!" His filmographer yelled, abandoning his equipment, he rushed towards the other man. You turned to see that Seokjin had taken off towards the beach, seemingly want to report from there no matter the circumstances. 
You looked over at your coworker and she gave you a curt nod, ensuring that she would watch over the equipment. She dragged both cameras inside the lobby one at a time. Giving her an empathetic look, you took off running towards the beach, hoping to catch up with Seokjin before he got entirely soaked. 
When you came to the edge of the beach, you saw that Seokjin was already halfway out, his filmographer not far behind. You sighed and continued out, knowing he was determined to give the report from as close to the middle of the storm as he could.
The filmographer neared the middle of the beach, fearing going any further. When you caught up to him, you stopped to catch your breath, even though it was nearly impossible with the wind. Your breath was swept away as soon as you drew it in. 
"He's crazy," the other man said. "I have no idea why he's doing this." 
"He always has to go the extra mile," you said, rolling your eyes. "Even if it's stupid and dangerous."
Seokjin turned back to look for his camera operator, only to see him halted halfway up the beach. Seokjin was three-quarters of the way up the beach now, reaching dangerously close to the rough tide. He noticed you still running towards him and smiled before a gust of wind knocked him off his feet.
Your chest constricted when you saw Jin get thrown off his feet. He landed a few feet away in the sand. You ran as quickly as you could, falling to your knees beside him. 
"Are you okay?" you asked, looking him over. 
His eyes looked up at you, obviously taking in your features. Yet, his lips said nothing. 
"You crazy bastard! What the hell were you thinking? Rushing out here like that? You of all people should know how dangerous that is." You could barely catch your breath between words as you placed your hands on his arms to help him sit up. He didn't budge, however, his eyes just locked on your face. 
"What are you doing?" you asked, sighing and dropping your hands from his hands, looking down to meet his eyes for the first time.
He smiled when you finally met his eyes and leaned up to connect his lips to yours. It was brief due to the circumstances, but it felt like lightning coursing through your veins. 
"I ran cause I knew you would chase me."
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lionheartkrbkzine · 3 years
Lionheart’s Interactive KiriBaku Twitter Thread
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Pro Heroes, Bed-Sharing, Fake Dating, Quirk Accident
Rating: T (for swearing & canon-typical violence)
At the end of each Twitter update was an overnight poll where our followers got to decide the direction of the plot or details about story elements!
Feel free to reply with your thoughts, predictions, or desires, and Head Mod ET and Social Media Mod Belle will do our best to incorporate your ideas! This is a thank you and a way for us all to collaborate together until application responses are sent out on April 5th.
Three buildings were on fire, and it wasn’t Bakugou’s fault.
Blackened smokestacks billowed above the Tokyo cityscape as he and Kirishima raced toward the scene. Bakugou took to the skies while his partner swerved between sedans and work trucks parked bumper-to-bumper on the roadway. Bakugou’s boots skid on the rough gravel of rooftops as he blasted from one to the next, his scorching propellant warping the air behind him, leaving trails of Schlieren lines in his wake.
He crouched on the edge of a four-story building above the battle, glimpses of a hero battle raging beneath the haze of ash and concrete dust. Heroes with water-based quirks tried and failed to mitigate the damage of six gangly beams of red-hot light.
“Riot, you got eyes?” he asked into his earpiece.
“Not directly on the prize, but I’m getting intel now! Are you seeing how the beams flicker in and out?”
“Yeah. Probably low level of quirk control or erratic mentality. Or both.”
“The team leader on the ground says the villain’s in a donut hole of concrete. Rubble’s piled up on all sides, so no one can get to him.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Amateurs.” The villain probably got himself cornered in a pit of fallen debris and figured he could wait it out or cause enough damage to try to make a run for it. “Shock Diamond, then.”
“Now?! Finally?! Hell yeah, let's go!"
Bakugou felt the heat of the lasers as one shaved the side of his building. He sneered at the heroes doing a piss-poor job of containment and checked behind him for the extent of the damage. A singed line gouged into the wall of a parking garage, but it stopped with a blunted tip before it speared the next building. The lasers didn’t seem to work like Aoyama’s — they could only extend so far.
Not made out of light, then. Kiri will be fine.
Not that he was worried about his partner. Kirishima could handle himself.
Even if Bakugou did pack the idiot a lunch every day and nudge him to go to bed when he fell asleep on the couch. And bought him cold medicine when he stayed out late walking Mirko’s seventy-eight-year-old receptionist home on dark, rainy nights. And bleached and dyed his roots when they started growing out.
But he wasn’t worried. The fact that the beams must be a form of slow-moving energy just gave them a tactical advantage. It had nothing to do with the fact that Kirishima’s hardening was more sensitive to concentrated light attacks yet the hero would bulldoze his way in front of them anyway.
The idiot’s voice rang through Bakugou’s earpiece. “Greenlight, Dynamight!”
“No matter how many times you say it, the rhyme doesn’t get any catchier.” Like a swimmer, he gripped the edge of the roof, rose halfway from his crouch, and dove into the pool of ash and smoke head-first. 
Catching the current mid-air, he soared closer to where Kirishima was probably charging into the fray. Bakugou used the familiar shock of red hair as his signal and dropped feet-first, sending down a counterblast to stick the landing. 
As Dynamight set himself up directly behind Red Riot, they charged the villain in a single-file line. 
Without missing a beat, Kirishima extended his arms behind him at the same time Bakugou pushed his chest into the other man’s back. Kirishima’s arms locked onto Bakugou’s sides.
Bakugou tucked his chin, extended his hands behind him, and sent out a blinding explosion.
They rocketed forward — an unbreakable wall and a ballistic force. The perfect offense and defense. Explosion and Hardening. 
Dynamight and Red Riot: Shock Diamond.
As they smashed through the rubble, the devastating strength of Red Riot’s quirk wracked through Bakugou’s body, but Kirishima held him tightly against his back. The shock waves cleared from Bakugou’s spine, and he jumped into the rapidly-clearing fog of smoke and dust.
His eyes widened. He whipped his head from side to side. He stopped, listened.
The pit was empty.
Meeting his partner’s eyes, Bakugou could only think of one thing to say. “What the fuck?!”
But Red Riot was similarly dumbfounded, his brows furrowed and jaw hanging slack, glancing around the center of the crater.
Bakugou kicked at a fallen pebble, its mere presence offensive in the heat of his frustration. 
“Dynamight! Red Riot!” An aged hero with a sky blue costume ran toward them, waving his arms in ridiculous circles and spraying arcs of water through the air. “Good work out there!”
“We didn’t do shit! We just busted through a wall!”
"What Bakugou means to say is 'thank you', sir!”
“Well, the guy’s a problem for tomorrow’s heroes now. I’ve sent a team to scout the perimeter, and the police have his mugshot and quirk info. Another group is putting out the last of the fires. We’re lucky it’s a weekend — no one in those office buildings meant no casualties.” The older hero jiggled and sloshed as he rested his hands on his service belt, the edges of his existence just barely see-through as his costume molded to his mutation quirk. “For now, we need you two to handle some of the media coverage while we start to get a section of road opened back up.”
“No problem! Leave it to us!”
Flubber strode off, his boots leaving wet footprints on the asphalt.
Bakugou turned to his partner. “No.”
"Hey— where are you going?! You can't just leave the press to me all the time!"
Huffing, Bakugou slipped through an unblocked alleyway, brushing concrete crumbs off his shoulders as he took deep breaths. Normally he would feel some semblance of guilt about leaving a crime scene or abandoning Kirishima to fend off the harpies on his own, but the villain did escape. Bakugou might as well join the search of the perimeter.
A sharp scream had his feet slapping the pavement before his brain caught up.
Rounding the corner of an office park, the street opened up to allow for a municipal park one block long and one wide. Amidst swing sets and jungle gyms stood a proud maple tree. In one of its branches clung a girl no more than six years old.
Below her, a group of parents huddled in a crescent moon around the trunk, some gawking, some enjoying the entertainment, and others consoling one woman in the center of it all. Bakugou made a beeline for her.
She jumped at the hulking form of a grenade-adorned hero. He never tried very hard to work on his public image.
“Oh, Dynamight.” The whites of the woman’s eyes gaped in surprise, and she looked back and forth between the imposing hero and the girl high up in the tree. “She just— She feels more secure when she’s up high, and she got scared by all the noise and the lights, so she climbed into the tree, but now she can’t get back down and she’s too high for me to reach her, and I can’t climb up—”
“Stop.” The woman snapped her teeth closed with a click. “I’ll get her down.”
She didn’t look especially reassured. Shit. What would Kirishima do? Probably flash a smile and bang his fists together or some other cute-ass Kirishima-ism. Bakugou gave her a closed-mouth smile and a stiff pat on the shoulder instead. That’ll do.
Grasping a branch with one hand and placing the flat of his boot on the trunk, he hoisted himself into the tree. He climbed higher and higher, wary of the thinning branches. When he couldn’t fit on the remaining limbs, he lifted his arms out for the girl.
“C’mon, I’ll take you back to your mom.” His voice was soft, low, and practiced. The girl eyed him warily, but after catching a glimpse of her mom below, shuffled into Bakugou’s hold. “Good job. Just hold on to me like you did to the branch, okay?”
She nodded against his shoulder, and he began his climb back down.
“What’s your name?”
“Matatabi,” she mumbled.
“What were you doin’ that high up?”
“Wanted to catch it.”
He frowned, wondering what it was, but they had reached the bottom and he had reached his patience quota for the day. Especially when the girl threw a fit in his arms, hissing and wiggling, and pushing and scratching at him. “Oi!” He dropped her, and she scurried to her mom, leaving him with whiplash and three welts on his bicep.
“Oh. Oh, dear.” The mother looked like she was about to confess to murder. Great. “Did she scratch you?”
No shit. “Yes, but it’s completely understandable.”
“Ah, awe, thank you—” at least he got a smile out of that one “—but, um, there may be a bit of an issue?” Of course there is. “She seems to activate her quirk when she scratches or bites.” She grimaced, floundering for her next words.
He took a deep breath. It wasn’t the kid’s fault. “It’s fine. What should I expect with the effects?”
“Um. Cat?”
He blinked. “Cat?”
She nodded. “Cat.”
They both looked up then to Red Riot’s jogging figure, dust and cement billowing behind his ass cape. 
“Everything alri-oh.” Kirishima was staring somewhere above Bakugou’s forehead, his mouth formed in the perfect ‘O’ shape.
“What are you looking at?!”
Bakugou’s stomach fell into his butt. “What?”
“Bro… ears. You have… ears.”
“Dude they look so soft.” Slow hands lifted higher and higher, above Bakugou’s face up to the top of his head. “Can I just—”
Bakugou slapped his hands away. “Don’t you dare,” he hissed.
Kirishima chortled— chortled! — and turned to the mother of the tree climbing, cat nabbing daughter.
Bakugou watched the exchange with clenched fists.
“I’m so sorry!” She bowed low, almost tipping her kid onto the ground. “Is she in trouble?”
“No, no!” Kirishima smiled at them. They seeped into it like a warm blanket on a cold day. “We’ll just get your contact information in case we have any further questions about the quirk—”
A sharp pain stung both of Bakugou’s palms. He hissed and checked his hands, tuning out the rest of Kirishima’s mediation.
Claws. He had ears and claws.
Well, at least he had another weapon now — that was pretty cool, actually. As soon as the thought passed through his head, the claws retracted into his nail beds, leaving behind his normal, blunt nails.
He felt his ears droop to the side of his head.
“So… do you want to head back to the agency?”
He looked up at his partner, giving him his best baleful glare with the ears and all. Kirishima just snorted. “There’s no way in Hell I’m going back there like this.”
“Awe, but you could be our new office mascot.” He reached forward to pet Bakugou’s ear again. He was unsuccessful. “Alright, alright,” he laughed, pulling out his phone, “let’s call Mirko and get our next orders, then.” The ringer blasted loud and clear, Kirishima holding his phone in selfie-mode.
“You little shit! She doesn’t need to see!”
They played a game of impromptu tag until their boss picked up. She, of course, immediately burst into guffaws of laughter. 
Bakugou was so ready for today to be over.
“Hey, boss! What, uh— What do you suggest we do here with uh, Cat...kugou?”
“I’ll kill you,” he whispered.
“Hell if I know, I’ve never needed flea prevention.” Bakugou balked. “Take him to the vet, I guess!”
“Yessir!” Kirishima hung up before Bakugou could even process the words that just came out of his boss’s mouth.
“I am not—” he huffed “—going—” huff “—to the fucking VET!”
If All Might himself had told Bakugou that hero life would involve sitting on a metal exam table in a veterinarian’s office, he wouldn’t believe a word of it. Not because it was impossible. Just because Bakugou would never get himself into that kind of situation.
He craned his neck back, glaring at his reflection in the operating mirror hanging from the ceiling. Two ash blond ears twitched back at him.
He sighed, crossing his arms and adjusting his seat on the hard metal. If I grow a tail, I’m gonna scream.
After what felt like hours of waiting, twitching, and reading pamphlets about “What to do if you have a fat cat,” the vet finally strode through the door, Kirishima hot on her heels.
She turned, frowning. “Oh, I’m so sorry — I know you’re hero partners, but technically the exam room is family only."
Bakugou’s eyes flicked to Kirishima. His partner met his desperate glare head-on.
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fourteenacross · 3 years
Hello, void, I’m back for more screaming. idk, following along the concept from this, which is in and of itself a follow-up to this.
When Sam gets back from his last lunch meeting before the holiday recess, Josh is on his way into the office. Seeing Josh around isn't strange--he pops in on occasion to see Donna. What is strange is that  Josh's arms are loaded down with folders and a tablet--he's clearly here for work, despite the fact the place has already mostly shut down for the holidays. His staff is largely gone and there's one senior staff meeting standing between Sam and nearly a month in New York with Will and his family.
"Hey, Josh!" he says. "Donna has a meeting--I'm late to that meeting, actually--but she should be out in twenty minutes or so."
"I'm here for the meeting," Josh says, just as Will pokes his head out into the reception area.
"Oh good, you're here," he says to Josh. Which is...incredibly out of character.
"Oh good Josh is here?" Sam asks, raising his eyebrows.
"You too, I guess," Will says. At Sam's incredulous look, Will absently busses him on the cheek.
"I don't understand." Sam turns back to Josh. "Did Evelyn send you to try and get me on board for the thing?"
"No," Josh says. "I don't work for the DNC anymore. I resigned two weeks ago."
"Wait, why didn't you--"
"You're both late for our meeting," Will says. He tugs Sam's sleeve. "Come on. Cathy, hold the calls?"
"Already on it," Cathy says from behind her desk. "Good luck!"
"Thanks," Will says, and ushers him into the conference room.
Sam's a little hurt that Josh hasn't mentioned quitting his job and a little perplexed that Donna hasn't mentioned it either. When Josh was briefly between jobs after President Santos' first and only term ended, she made sure to remind him and Will both, frequently, that she was the sole breadwinner for her household now, and she really needed a raise. Even more peculiar is Josh showing up here of all places, to meet with Will of all people. Sam gave up on the idea of Josh and Will getting along a long time ago, and while they're generally civil to each other at this point, they're certainly not actively spending time together.
Still, he follows Josh into the conference room. Seated at the table are Donna, Lauren, and Winnifred, all with notes and laptops spread in front of them. Will sits next to Donna, the two of them at the head of the table, and, to Sam's great surprise, Josh sits next to Will and slides him the tablet he was carrying.
"Have a seat," Will says, and Sam sits down hard.
"Okay, someone has to tell me what's going on because you're all freaking me out, now," Sam says. "Is this an intervention? Is this because I said I should take a meeting with Kavan Chowdhury while we're up visiting your parents? Because that was a joke, I'm not going to work over the break, I swear."
"No, it's not an intervention," Will says. A beat, then, "Though I know you weren't joking about that even if you think you were, but we can argue about that later."
"This is the first strategy meeting for your next campaign," Josh says before Sam can continue down that line of conversation.
And that...maybe makes more sense. Sam is genuinely shocked that Will would hire Josh to work on his campaign given their history and honestly almost more shocked that Josh would take such a breeze of a job. Also, it's way too early.
"That election’s still four years away, and not to tempt the wrath of the whatever, but do you really think it's going to be a big enough fight that we need to start planning already?" Sam asks. His first re-election campaign was nothing, and if anything, he's more popular now than he was in his first term.
"Yes," Will says. "Because it is four years away, but it's not going to be a cakewalk. It's going to be the hardest fight of your life and I'm determined we're going to win it."
"I really don't know--" Sam starts to say.
"Just show him the thing," Josh says to Will and Will rolls his eyes, but he turns on the tablet and then flips it over so that Sam can see the screen.
Seaborn for America it says, in stylized red, white, and blue.
Sam can hardly move.
"You're ready for this," Will says gently, switching out of his work voice and into the quieter one he uses in the moments just between the two of them. "You're ready for this and I think the world is going to be ready for it by 2018. I think we can do this."
"Will...." Sam starts to say, but he doesn't even know where to begin.
"It was always heading here, Sam," Josh says. "You know that. We've been talking about this since we were kids on the Hill."
Which isn't untrue--they have been talking about Sam's political career since the summer they first met. But most of those conversations unceremoniously died when Sam came out. Sam always assumed that Josh had transferred those dreams to Matt Santos.
"I don't...I can't...." Sam stutters, still staring at the tablet.
"You can," Will says. There's a fire in his eyes that Sam hasn't seen since he first decided to run for the Senate nine years ago. A bone-deep desire to make this happen. An unwavering determination that once got a dead liberal elected in the California 47th.
"We've started drawing up some preliminary plans," Donna says. "We're starting off in a good place--people are still talking about your speech at the convention over the summer. The younger demographics appreciate that you're active on social media and, well, to be frank, that you're kind of a nerd. Older voters still associate you with Bartlet, and that gives them confidence in your leadership skills."
"Did you...do polling?" Sam asks.
"Well, yeah, I'm your Media Director, of course I did polling," Donna says.
"How long have you guys been planning this?" Sam asks.
"We found out the week after the election," Winnifred says, and Lauren nods. Sam turns to Josh.
"Well, Will called me up after Evanson tanked the first debate and it started to become clear we were in for round two of the Sullivan presidency," Josh says.
"He told me when I started as Press Secretary back in 2006," Donna says.
Sam looks to Will, then, who's radiating pride and just a little of the Bailey smugness that drives Sam crazy.
"Since the moment you told me to give Kay Wilde your name," Will says, and Sam isn't sure if he wants to smack him or kiss him, but he'd settle for the latter, for certain.
He looks between the five of them, all of them so sure that this is what's next, so confident in him as a candidate, as a leader.
"Could everyone who's not married to me step outside for a minute?" he asks. He's trying to keep his voice even, but it goes a little high at the end.
"If you're gonna make out or shout at each other, can't we just turn around until you're done?" Winnifred asks.
"Come on," Donna says, nudging her to stand up. "They just need a minute to psych each other up. And then, yeah, probably be gross and romantic at each other.”
"Just, two seconds," Sam says to them, though his eyes don't leave Will. "Don't go anywhere."
The rest file out, and then it's just Will, sitting at the head of the conference table holding an iPad that's long since gone to sleep.
"Hi," Will says, when it's clear Sam's not going to say something first.
"Hi," Sam says. He gets to his feet, dazed, and walks over to Will.
"I know I've said it before, but the waistcoat is a good look for you," Will says.
Sam covers his face with his hands. "Will," he says.
Will stands too and goes just far enough to lean against the table, crossing his arms loosely against his chest.
"Very distinguished," Will continues.
"Will," Sam says again, and this time Will stays quiet. Sam drops his hands and stares at Will for a moment. "Since that first night?" he finally asks, soft, like he's afraid if he says it too loudly it will dissipate into the air and fade away.
Will nods. No cute remark, no explanation, no smug rejoinder. He just nods. Sam has both never loved him more and never been more terrified.
Something of it must show on his face, because Will's resolved expression softens and he says, "Hey, hey, come here," and reaches out to pull Sam into an embrace. "You have to know I love you too much to have started this if I didn't think you could win it." He presses his nose into Sam's hair. "I would never do that to you."
The problem is that Will thinks Sam can do anything. Will's unwavering belief in him as a person is sometimes so overwhelming that he's paralyzed by the expectations.
"I don't know if I can do this," Sam says into Will's neck.
"You can," Will promises. "And even if you don't believe it yourself, you've got me and Josh and the staff to believe it for you until it sinks in."
Sam closes his eyes and thinks about a quiet night more than a decade ago when President Bartlet challenged him to a game of chess.
Sam, you're gonna run for President one day, he'd said, and the shock of hearing his private dream spoken aloud by one of the people he respected most in the world had stunned him into silence. President Bartlet thought he could do it. He believed in Sam, which meant more than he could ever articulate. It's a memory he's held close, one he's never shared with anyone, not even Will, in part because was certain that his relationship with Will would put an end to those aspirations. In 2002, the idea of an out queer man running for President, let alone winning, seemed like an absurd fantasy.
In 2014, he's startled to realize it might actually be within his grasp.
Sam reluctantly pulls back from Will, just far enough that he can look him in the eye.
"You really think we can do this," he says. It's not a question--Will has made that much clear.
"I'm certain of it," Will says, that steely resolve back in his voice.
Sam loves him so much.
"Okay," he says. "Then I guess we should get the rest of the staff back in here so we can start."
Will's grin could light up the Beltway.
"Yes, sir," he says, and kisses Sam firmly before pulling back and moving for the door. Sam moves with him, an arm tucked around his waist.
"You really called Josh to help?" he asks, just to hear Will's beleaguered sigh.
"I wouldn't use the word 'help,'" Will says. He pulls open the door to the conference room, where the rest of the senior staff and Josh are milling around a little too casually to not have been listening at the door the entire time. "Come on in, everyone, I've bullied him into it."
"I was just telling Will how nice it is that he could ask for your help, Josh," Sam says. "Look at the two of you, working together."
"I don't need help!" Will insists.
"It's very sweet," Sam says. "Don't you think it's sweet, Donna?"
"So sweet," Donna says.
"Spending the next four years working together," Sam says, just to see Will make a face like the milk in his coffee's gone off. "It'll bring you closer together."
"And eight more years after that, knock on wood!" Donna adds, and Sam has to imagine that it's entirely to see Josh roll his eyes so hard it's a wonder he hasn't hurt himself.
"Listen," Josh says as he brushes past Sam and Will and back into the conference room. "I only answered this call because I want Sam to win this and I don't trust the guy who ran Bingo Bob Russell's campaign into the ground to pull it off."
"I ran Bob Russell's campaign into the ground?" Will says, stalking off after Josh. "I think it was more like you manipulating the convention from hell--"
"Excuse me, I did no such thing!"
"It's gonna be a fun four years, huh?" he hears Lauren say to Winnifred behind him.
"I think you mean it's gonna be a fun twelve years," Winnifred replies.
And while Sam is still a little terrified of tempting the wrath of the whatever and even more terrified that he might not be up to the job, he can't help but sincerely think that it will be fun.
"You're an idiot!" Josh snaps.
"I can fire you!" Will snaps back.
Well, a little fun, at least.
11 notes · View notes
snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Chapter 132 Results
The chapter poll closed with 1,746 responses. This month’s chapter poll results were brought to you by /u/_Puppet_, /u/staraves, @momtaku​, @shifter-lines​ and /u/berthototototo
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,693 responses
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When we compare “Wings of Freedom” with other chapter results we’ve recorded, it comes in 25th out of 41, making it middle of the pack as far as ratings go.  Looking at the chapter on it’s own, however, it’s very well received with nearly 86% of the fandom rating it good (30.4%) or great (55.3%).
I think it was definitely just a classic aot chapter, had that plot that always had you on the edge of your toes, had the emotional moments, the momentary funny and bittersweet moments, 10/10 chapter
It couldn’t have gone any better besides Hange’s death :/
wish Floch got a little more screen time upon death but otherwise, awesome chapter.
It felt a little bit rushed but I enjoyed it nonetheless
It was so well executed yet so sad. I'm pride of our Hanji but feel so much distress thinking it's over for her.
It was a great emotional piece, and last moment before the true final battle begins. There’s no going back.
It was a good chapter but I would’ve liked if there was more dialogue between the alliance members
The deaths were rushed and poorly written
It was good, but alliance focused chapters are still a drop in quality.
It was a solid chapter and did what it aimed to do well, though I think it had pacing issues with the two deaths.
It had a little something for everyone. Except Zeke stans.
1,695 responses
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Hange’s sacrifice was the moment that people liked the most at 30%, and seeing the old Survey Corp crew was a stand-out moment for 21%. Seeing Mikasa and Annie have an almost casual conversation brought joy to 12.1%, and Floch’s determination and brutal death were appreciated most by 11.6%.
I love the final shots of the scouts being shown in the afterlife. Ty Isayama
The little moments between the characters was great because it reminds us that they're still human.
The overall scene was legendary seeing Hange dying for her comrades and even in her last seconds she thought that she sacrificed herself in order for her comrades to live. That's what she thought a great commander would look like. That's why Hange was one of the best commanders of the Scouts.
Mikasa is such a boss, love seeing her fight and hopefully we'll get more big moments from her (as opposed to Levi).
Chad, King, hero. Every moment that Floch was in is a great scene.
I loved the Colossus slipping down the mountain
My favorite part is Kiyomi refilling coal with a shovel alone :)
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In a chapter filled with goodbyes it was Levi and Hange’s final moments that we found most endearing with close to 60% selecting it. “Please don’t make me choose” was a very distant second with 14.7%. Interestingly Annie and Reiner (10.4%) beat out Annie and Armin (6.5%) for third place.
i think isayama truly gave hange a great goodbye, and writing them still being cheerful and joking around made me feel so much more for their death.
It made me cry because of all the goodbyes. It reminded me of Erwin saying goodbye to the people inside the walls and people of the military. And his iconic “roar”. All of that before the battle.
Hange’s and Levi’s goodbye was very well done (that look in Levi’s eyes too, ouch), props to Isayama for breaking my heart.
The Reiner/Annie hug was all I could ask for, bless Yams.
I wanted a Levihan moment for this chapter and NOT a last levihan scene 😭
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,700 responses
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Who else could it be? Hange Zoe is the chapter MVP according to two-thirds of all poll respondents. Floch (13%), Engineer-kun (3.4%) and Mikasa (2.6%) all got tiny slivers of the remaining pie.
Hange was truly the hero of this chapter and i'm so happy to have been witness to their characters journey over the years!
Hange is overall my second favourite character and I looked up to them. For me Hange is the true embodiment for the Survey Corps which is for Humanity and their courage, optimism and selflessness really made me love them so much.
Hange was a flawed commander. We all know this. They made mistakes like any other human being would when faced with the stress of a leadership position. They tried desperately to fill Erwins shoes but in the end accepted that they should be themselve. But overall Hange Zoe is an incredible person and I will miss them so
Best girl Mikasa rocked it this chapter with the way she swiftly killed Floch!
While I don't agree with some of Floch's beliefs, he died trying to save his home by slowing down the Alliance. Goodnight, sweet prince!
Floch did his best he anchored all the way from the beginning to the hangar with a bullet wound and that mustve hurt like hell all that salt water coming in
Someone please send me help I can't do this my family and friends got so worried because I've changed. They be like "Bro you've changed and I be like yeah Hange died bro what do you expect I'm in genuine pain you won't understand."
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Just over half of respondents loved the way Hange went out at 51.4%, and 26.5% liked it despite some quibbles. Not many of us saw it coming but it was at least emotional and a badass way to go. However, 9.6% hated it – there is an undeniable trend of every vaguely older character getting the chop. Who will poor Levi sit with in the retirement home with now?! 6.8% don’t really care about how the scene went. I suppose they’re the ones most prepared if no one in SnK gets to go to the retirement home.
A great ending to an amazing character, it's sad to see her go, but her time was up and she died fighting the creatures she loved.
I'm disturbed by how much it affected me
I loved it, but its not something i'll cry over.
I don't hate it but it did seem kinda unnecessary tbh could've been better
It does break my heart,however the way and the time she do that, That was... Memorable
It happened too quickly for me to consider it perfect, but I'm glad she got to go out on her own terms.
Not heroic at all, she didn't even stop the colossals and was a cheap way for her to never face the consequences of her betraying the island
It was dope but Floch indirectly killed her so he takes that dub
I'm super frustrated that she died, but she was heroic
She’s a traitor, nothing more to be said
i hated it. it was perfect. she really did go out with a bang and i hate it
Felt a bit pointless, would've loved to see some emphasize why it was crucial to kill these exact two titans. For me it looked like plain suicide
Had to go through the 5 stages of grief after that one, honestly. I was so angry immediately afterward because Hange is my favorite character of all time in any piece of media, losing them was almost like losing someone I've known and cared about for almost 7 years of my life. I've now come to accept that maybe death is the only happy ending any character can achieve in this story.
I don’t want to think about it
I don't like the idea of every Scout commander having a ""curse"" that they have to inevitably pay for with their lives. They're outstanding people and volunteers, just like their comrades, no one forced them to join.
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This question was fun to write but looking at the even distribution of selections, I suspect choosing an answer was difficult. Levi saying devote your heart to Hange was top pick with close to 30% selecting it. Retaining their sense of humor to the end (17.1%), being able to reunite with their old comrades (14.7%), having a moment of amazement while confronting the titans (14.4%), being able to die on their own terms and say goodbye (12.3%), stealing death from Reiner yet again (8.2%) and telling Armin he can boss Levi around (3.4%) were the other selections.
I really love Hange and when i see her died and see erwin and other old friends and morbit helping her i just cannot cry (sorry for my english im french ^^)
I was never a really big fan of Hange, but that exit was badass as hell.
It was a heroic death but it felt forced and unnecessary and she was my favorite character, so I'm extremely salty and in denial.
Hange seemed too eager to just die, like welp, i guess my contract is up, gotta go die.....It felt like when actors are written off a show
I never really considered myself a fan of her, but her death got me good. I think it was because how she marvelled and was genuinely amazed by titans, even in her final moments.
glad to see the old titan obsessed hange back before her final sacrifice
Most people seem to think that Hange's death was a bullshit ending, but I think that it was perfect, going out the way they were introduced.
To have hange say that titans are amazing before she dies was just perfect! It shows how she stayed true to herself until the end. And the part where she reunited with Moblit, Erwin, Mike and the others was so beautiful.
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Hange really got to shine this chapter as we’re reminded of how off-kilter and fun they can be, even when the situation is at its most serious. We got a chapter chock full of memorable lines, but the favorite was of course “Titans really are incredible,” a call back to the reverence and respect for titans that made so many love the character to begin with.
"titans.. are truly incredible." was a fitting last(ish) words for hange.
I think their legacy is one of grit and determination in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Not as revolutionary as say, Erwin, but they were perseverant and selfless, and innovative in their own right, as a scientist and researcher, always seeking new possibilities.
I will always remember Hange as our awesome scientist who came up with ideas for weapons! and was passionate about titans! and would stand up for a better comprehension of them instead of... whatever it is that Isayama made of Hange post-time skip that they no longer could shine about anything or would even reflect about what Eren was going through. Love you, Hange, you deserved that we followed your struggles more closely. <3
Hange became the commander in the most difficult moment and had bad times having to deal with politics, a whole new world and their own powerlessness. I think the Alliance is their most precious legacy and it really represents the old SC's spirit.
I adored seeing them go from loony scientist to a powerful and serious commander, even if it did come with a boatload of trauma. I also respect the hell out of them for being willing to watch their own culture destroyed if it meant not committing genocide. On a more personal note, as a nonbinary person it's just been really wonderful to see a character like Hange treated with such respect.
Amazing character and leader. Not on Erwin's level but she was a badass 😭😭 #rip
*you tried star*
A bit hypocritical. She was willing to stop Eren and endanger all Eldiana to save strangers from other nations that want to kill them. She also says killing is wrong, but proceeds to kill multiple Eldians unbothered, but when she sees Marleyans or people from other nations, she softens up.
Being a commander is not an easy job, and Hange's start was even more difficult because of Zeke annihilating like 90%(??) of the Scouts and the reveal in the basement and the crisis that followed. Still, she kept going, never giving up, even if she clearly had some moments of selfdoubt. I feel like Hange can be proud of herself and the life she lived, and I am happy that she was able go in her own terms. Her death bought them precious time, but it was a great loss as well. I feel a bit empty and wistful...
Brilliant character, brilliant way to let them go. I’m most interested to see how this death will effect Armin and his leadership as they alliance approach the founding titan. I’m also glad we got to see them in the afterlife, that was a bittersweet comfort.
Every commander dies young, rip armin
Hange was annoying. Glad they're dead.
Hange was incredible in their own field of interest, but definitely not fit to be the commander. Loved how they could be themself once again at the end.
Followed in Erwin's footsteps and even went beyond. Hange will be remembered as the commander who took Paradis from the titans and who explored beyond the island for the first time in 100+ years. Plus a rational commander, putting facts and science before everything else, as well as grasping how important diplomacy and politics are even beyond Paradis. Also although quirky, an example of tolerance.
Fuck that.. Their death was worthy of them.. it was a very sweet goodbye.. But I really thought they would make it to the end... And I really wanted them to. Hange was such an important character, they did so much for the cause and for everyone. They were someone who could be trusted but who didn't hesitate to do what had to be done. Incredibly smart and humbled, I just wish they believed in themselves a bit more.. cus they are incredible.
Hange was given a shit-circus to try and handle- complete with clowns, children causing mayhem, and a giant fucking monkey.
Her "gEnOcIdE iS wRoNg" quote with no actual solution in 126 really turned me off for her for a while as a character; overall however, Hange was one of the more memorable and likable characters from the series and it's sad to see her go.
Given the difficult job of rebuilding the Survey Corps after its destruction with very little help. Had to deal with the wannabe hegemon in Zackly who was doing lots of underhanded power grabs in the background. Had to deal with a populace who finally realized they were not alone. Had to deal with a moody weapon known as the Attack titan who knew all the answers but shared it with no one. Poor Hange who was never given a chance for victory
Hange was amazing character that got entirely too much flack for not being a "good commander" This is a character that above all stayed true to themselves in what they fought for and believed in.
Hange Zoe spat on the legacy of the scouting league by squandering their sacrifice to protect their families and communities. Hange's actions if successful will likely lead to the deaths of all their families which is something they would never support.
Considering how we never truly knew if Erwin was totally devoted to humanity or totally selfish, and considering Shardiz' inferiority complex, Hanji was the true one who gave her whole being to humanity and who truly embodied Survey Corps' abnegation, without any regard toward such senseless conception like homeland. No wonder why the title of her final battle is "Wings of Freedom"
Legendary commanders, each one going out with with a bang. Erwin going out by distracting Monke and Levi taking him out. Hange going out by taking care of a few Bert ripoffs, having the alliance survive a few more hours. And Armin, wait-
Hange helped the main characters in the story with her quick thinking and managed to put the missing pieces into place for us. Their different outlook on the whole situation gave us a fresh perspective and there’ll be no one else like them.
hange is great!!! too bad she tortured bean and sawney tho and sannes smh but 10/10 regardless love that mad scientist
Hange embodied the spirit of the survey corp. She was the commander that made unlikely alliances and advanced Paradis infrastructure.
Hange has been one of my favorite characters. They are the best Titan Scientist. RIP.
Thank you Hange, you did great 💖
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Let’s not forget that Hange wasn’t the only major death in this chapter.  After months of being voted most likely to die, Floch’s time finally came.  About 30% of respondents are just celebrating that he’s finally dead, a quarter are glad he’s dead but got this last fun scene, and 20.4% are glad he was able to screw with the alliance once more before dying.
A fitting ending for an interesting, yet very unpleasant character. Love how his death was contrasted with Hange's, and the fact that Mikasa was the one to off him (the symbolism of the person who represents Eren's humanity killing the person who keeps referring to him as the devil is... well, not subtle but it can't be ignored).
Could have done more, but he never wavered or lost his convictions, more of a hero than any of the alliance will ever be
he should have been dead since 129, makes no sense
He should've stayed on the island and failed
Died a hero, wouldn’t even beg for his life but for his friends and countrymen instead
Even though I didn't really like him, I have my full respect to him for following his beliefs till his last breath
Floch is one of the best characters, and most complex characters, he got a very good ending.
I love eren’s boyfriend ♡
He died a hero's death after carrying chapters 124-130 on his back. He also did nothing wrong.
He's a mega chad and I love him. Managing to survive underwater for 2 days and slowly losing blood, and then shooting the ship to stop the Alliance, and then having a bomb-ass speech? He was a legend that needs to be appreciated more.
His arm should've been blown off to begin with and even if it wasn't, he should've died from hypothermia. I think it was needed drama, but done poorly.
His death was far better executed than I thought. He shot the fuel tank instead of one of the SC or one of the engineers/Onyankopon. That should tells you that he just want them to stop, not killing them all. He stays true to his belief of saving Paradis by following Eren, even in his last words he is pleading for Paradis' instead of his own live. From someone whose country has been colonized once, I say that is a true soldier for his nation.
Oh fuck off floch, he was a dick with volatile ideals anyway. Fuck that guy honestly. Like I agree with his stance but like. Everytime it feels oddly implanted when he has an opinion, like he does think with his own head but gets influenced very easily into changing sides too fast? Like, he does the right things but jot for the right reasons because he doesn't really think them through enough? That's my vibe. Idk. Ignore all my answers I feel stupid
RIP Hero of Paradis. To save your civilisation is an admirable goal, although it being achieved through genocide is still morally wrong
I'm sad he didn't get to know how Eren used him.
Best boy. Fly high you little devil :(( <3
a bitch but i respect the fact that he did what he believed in (even if its genocide😕)
Controversially, I have no opinion on him.
Ding dong the witch is dead
A character that was perfectly written for his purpose. AoT World isnt black and white and he showed us. Pain and loss made the Floch that died in 132. but Eldia and Marley made the Floch that survived to see all his comrades dead.
Floch is shit :) but also is a good character because its represents a real human.
A complete and satisfying character. It's not easy to summarize, but the way he went from a naive gloryhound to a single-minded guy trying to make his own survival/the deaths from the charge mean something while still remaining a relatively normal, unremarkable soldier was great. Also, I appreciate how he, Eren, and the Yeagerists basically reenacted Uprising by overthrowing a regime that would've just continued the royal family-eating and messed around until the island got destroyed. The prediction from Sannes all those years ago turned out to be too accurate, unfortunately.
A lot of people did hate Floch, I didn't. I think adding Floch to the story was just as essential as the other supporting characters. He played out a good and effectively annoying enemy. I think in every Action-thriller story, a Floch is a must as a villain. The hate on Floch reminded me of the hate on Joffrey from Game of Thrones. But Joffrey did have a great impact on the story, so did Floch. The way he was written just really did manage to get on our nerves, and I think that's what makes a character great.
A true patriot.
An asshole but at least he went out feeling like a rounded character
An nazi ass bitch
Based and Redpilled
Best character not named Eren or Erwin.
By far exceeded expectations.
Disagree with his agenda, but he's a very real character and a representation of the monster someone can become when driven by survivor's guilt and trauma.
He was the literally epitome of a roller coaster ride.
Floch always felt like a background character, and even though he gets far more to do than other background characters, he never felt like an actual person but rather just a plot device. He has no personality.
Floch was surprisingly good given he was such a minor character. He fully displayed the shades of gray of the narrative.
Heck him >:(
Floch has always been someone who held an opposing view to the main cast, and his entire arc revolved around his need to "bring back the devil" in order to ensure the safety of his land and his people. Some people seem to have forgotten that, but at his core he never changed. Sad to see him go out like this.
Floch has my respect for fighting until the very end (and even after the end since we all thought he'd been killed by Gabi) for what he believes in, but obviously it is not what I and my favourite characters believe in, so I'm glad he's gone. His impact is great as he earned the title of "most tenacious villain ever" when he only really started as a coward rookie soldier many chapters ago. Also props to him for holding onto this boat for such a long time and being up for a fight after probably being hauled in the sea and swallow more water he ever had his entire life.
The panel of him shushing Hanji will always be iconic. His descent into nationalism (new Eldian empire, anyone?) however, was not so cash money"
When Floch had captured Miss Kiyomi (ch. 128) he dismissed what she said and had his speech about ‘it’s important to know your place’, and then not even a minute later he was taken down by this same old lady smh. Previously, he wanted to kill Onyankopon and Yelena, but Jean deceived him and he failed. Later, he wanted to kill someone on the boat, but Gabi shot him and he failed. He wanted to stop the alliance, but Mikasa got him with her anchor and he didn’t just fail, he died. I’ve seen some readers applaud him for fighting for what he believes in and having a strong will, but they don’t see what else there is. Strong will? Not giving up? So many characters have the same traits in AoT. The difference is that Floch repeatedly never achieved what he wanted to accomplish, despite his strong will and belief to not give up. His determination and willpower made him achieve nothing. By contrast, Hange’s will and determination to keep fighting made her kill about 2-4 colossals and save her allies just in time for them to get away. Is the difference obvious enough? Their deaths are even put in the same chapter. Floch was not important, admirable, or whatever you want to praise him like. He kept interfering with the alliance and for what? He simply never knew his place.
He played a larger role than I ever thought he would and became one of the most interesting characters during this time. I’m glad he was here to push the story along, and I’ll miss him.
His fans are insufferable but he is a needed counterbalance to the alliance characters and stuck to his beliefs to the end.
He started up as a fodder and ends up as one of the biggest threats for SC. I might be in the minority when I said I already like him since pre time skip. He showed us how the war is like from the perspective of a normal soldier, not the talented ones who got into the 10 top ranks. Just a normal soldier who was inspired by the words of his leader to devote his heart, and came to a realization that it's an actual hell, just like reality. Maybe he's wrong to vent about choosing Armin instead of Erwin when Armin was feeling down, but I can understand. All his friends died, he's currently having emotional and survivor trauma over the suicide charge, and all of those sufferings came to a waste because of the people in front of him.
Pee pee poo poo
Good riddance. What a worthless pile of garbage.
Goodnight sweet prince
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Chekov’s explosives are now in play.  37.7% of you think they’ll be used to try to blow Eren out of his nape, and 33.7% think they’ll definitely be used for another suicide mission.
Another failed suicide attempt by Reiner
Any of the above, depending on the situation. I think Armin isn't really thinking of anything in particular, simply that having the option to explode something is better than not.
Armin could use them as a suicide necklace to threaten Eren. If Eren still cares for Armin he may stop the rumbling if he knows it will stop Armin from killing himself and possibly Mikasa.
dude there's been so many unexpected turns and plot twists right now I really don't want to make any assumption. But the plane idea is interesting.
i still think armin will fight eren with his colossal titan. I can only hope for something truly epic.
I think they'll be used for more than one of the above
Idk, but for sure they want to damage Eren's Titan to buy some time in doing something
If Eren doesn’t comply I’d assume they will be used to destroy his “nape” if they can even find it. Someone probably has to go on a suicide mission to do so.
Kamikaze Onyankopon like its written all over the poor fellas face,
Levi will suicide bomb Zeke to cut off Eren's connection to paths
make my brain explode hopefully since this plot is ridiculously bad
Only Armin (and Isayama) knows how the explosives will be used. I'm sure it will have something to do with stopping Eren.
Plan A: Blast Eren nape, but it will fail so Plan B: Kamikaze
Reiner will try to use the bombs to commit suicide and take Eren with himself
they'll probably kaboom zook with that idk (I missed my monke so so much)
They will be as useful as farting on Eren.
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Mikasa and Annie have a heart to heart near the start of the chapter, after being rivals early in the story.  The two most popular options were being in awe of the cuteness when Armin became the topic, at 34%, and just loving seeing these two characters interact, at 31.3%.  17.5% are wondering how they made the switch to friends so quickly, 9.5% view it as rehashing what’s already been talked about, and 7.8% are more interested in that Mikannie action.
Mikasa's reaction was so cute after realizing Annie has a thing for Armin.
The chapter was also surprisingly humorous, with Mikasa's reaction to learning Annie likes Armin having me burst out laughing.
The sudden closeness between Alliance members who used to be enemies, such as Mikasa/Annie, feel forced and unearned, and the extra Armin/Annie shipping is just unnecessary and a waste of panels when we are so close to the ending yet many things still need closure.
Mikasa and Annie's conversation almost made me gag because I feel so sorry for Annie having to put up with the constant misunderstanding of her feelings. Annie is aromantic and Mikasa needs to sit down and respect that fact quite like Armin himself does.
I legit laughed out loud when reading Mikasa and Annie's chit chat. At 1 AM.
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The scarf has become an actual plot point as of late, with Louise stealing it and now this.  Will it be important for the end game?  45.1% of you believe Mikasa will use it to try to see if the Eren she used to know, who gave it to her is still in there somewhere.  29.1% of you don’t think she has any particular plans as of yet.  15.2% think she’ll comfort Eren in it once they stop him, and 10.5% are putting their money down on the “She’ll use it to strangle Eren” option.
Mikasa need to understand the Eren she remembers is no longer coming back from this.
Mikasa is really a frustrating character... but I think it's on purpose that she keeps swinging from realizing who he really is (chapter 123) and still wanting to be with him (or rather the idealized version she has of him aka the ""old Eren""), because her whole character arc is to separate herself from Eren and coping with it."It's up to Mikasa whether or not she'll be a slave. If she decides to fight against her slave instincts, Eren will have no choice but to kill her since, as an Ackerman, Mikasa, is immune to the memory-fuckery.
In fact, Mikasa should just hang herself with Eren's scarf and the story would become infinitely better and women might finally have better representation. I have never liked Mikasa, but now I actively despise her. She is nothing more than an Eren simp as was revealed to us when she said she's still holding onto that threadbare rag of hers despite everything Eren has proven himself capable of doing. You know, that whole genocide thing that Mikasa herself barely survived in this very chapter while her Commander very much did not. "
I feel tired of people who make fun of Mikasa. She is the one who still believes in Eren's good side and doesn't see him as monster. Everyone else see Eren as devil, while Mikasa still keeps memories about kind Eren and believes that this "old Eren" still is somewhere there. He is the most important person in her life and she will not give up on him as fast as everyone think. She is not obsessed. She is aware of Eren's dark side, of his cruelty and everything he has been doing, but on the same time she will still keep trying to help him and show him that he is NOT the devil, he is not as horrible person as he thinks he is. Everyone are saying that HISTORIA saved him in the cave when he was in his dark moments. Maybe this time it will be Mikasa who will save him from his darkest nightmare.
I can't wait for Eren × Mikasa confrontation "
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The party has split in two, with one half going directly to Eren, and the other half…?  Nearly half of you think that they’ll certainly end up doing something to help the alliance still.  21.8% think they’ll run into the survivors of Liberio, 17.9% think they will in fact be absent for most of the story no, and 11% think they’ll dock at Paradis and do something of import there.
Please isayama, please don’t add any more needless sideplots with the boat doing something
Could have done many alliance interactions/good-byes better. Reiner didn't seem to care for the kids, despite them being his motivation to live. Bert never mentioned. Annie/Armin had no discussion. What are the boat crew even going to do?
"Falco & co. WILL join the battle! At least he has to, because the Jaw Titan is the only one who can break through the Warhammer's hardening!
With them leaving Falco behind (and therefore the Jaw titan's power), I think the explosives may at some point be used if Even tries to shield himself using the Warhammer's power.
Anyone that thinks Annie, Falco and Gabi sailed off is an idiot.
The only thing I'm not too sure about is Annie, Gabi, Falco, Yelena and Kiyomi staying behind. I was every character to have their chance to shine in the final battle. Hopefully, Isayama will find a way to bring these characters back into the conflict.
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After being blown up and almost out of the story a year and a half ago, Levi is finally suiting back up to get a slice of someone or something, despite still being heavily injured and scarred.  Almost half of the fandom, at 44.6% are excited for his upcoming role in the story, but find it hard to believe he’s ready to fight, as it hasn’t quite been a year and a half in their world.  About a quarter, at 23.2% have been waiting for this moment to finally come for all that time.  15.1% want him to stay away from danger the way he has been, and 9.2% wish he would have just died all those chapters ago.
Kinda silly, but I'll roll with it.
Now that we know Levi is ready for battle, I think his role in the story at this point is for one final confrontation with Zeke (assuming Zeke is within Eren's Founding Titan body somewhere). There, Levi will kill Zeke once and for all to finally fulfill his promise to Erwin, but something tells me Levi will die shortly after he lands the killing blow on Zeke.
Beast Titan vs Levi Round 3
Can't wait till he's forced to team up with Zeke
He will go out in a blaze
Definitely going out with a bang. He’s done with life, it’s obvious he is just here now to complete an objective, he wants to go out strong because of the weight of the survey corpse members gave him. Everyone he has cared about has died. He wants make them proud in a sense, at least dying with pride, and finally getting to meet them again in the afterlife.
I think he should have died in the explosion BUT I think that to do that, he should have had a longer philosophical talk with zeke and overcome his erwin issues, AND THEN die
He’s survived this long- he’s definitely earned the rights to go out on his own terms.
His comeback to fight is just another asspull.
How can he even move, let alone fight? If he survives all of this I’ll be shocked.
I can only see a Pyrrhic victory. I'm scared.
Isayama still has the chance to have Levi die by Eren's hands. The entire story has been leading up to this. Levi was always right about Eren and the sweet irony is that Levi always fought and saw all of his comrades die for Eren only to get killed by Eren as well.
I don't know why people are angry at that. Levi is a soldier and is not a suicidal one. He has a definite role to play and I don't want him to sit around. He's been through much worse.
He is a liability, I don't see him surviving.
-Death flag initiated-
He ain't surviving this one, huh?
Good that he’s feeling better. But I don’t want him to die.
He’s going to make a final charge and die
The man can barely stand on his own, so I think fighting is pretty much out of the question. Really interested in seeing what a character who has always relied first and foremost on violence is going to do now that this has been taken away from him.
As a good commander (and letting annie stay) Hange or Armin had to tell him to stay in boat, like he s only going to kill himself against zeke if he crossed him
He'll be fine...right? RIGHT?!
he'll probably die in a suicide attack on the monke
I feel like this may be a death-sentence. Levi dying and finally getting the burden of killing Zeke off his chest is a likely/ and good way for his character arc to end.
I just hope he doesn't have a cliche death alongside Zeke.
He'll rest with his comrades soon
He will get more injured, then give a speech to mikasa about letting the man he loved die instead of becoming a monster, then he will die
Watching him makes my anxiety level raised to 100
He's gonna give monkey chan a thousand years of death two finger style
Please just let him rest, he's tired, I'm tired, we're all tired ffs
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While the plurality of fans acknowledge Zeke’s plan is better than Eren’s (at 48.2%), only 7.7% say they agree in hindsight, and 5.8% always agreed with Zeke, for a combined 13.5%.  This makes a total of 61.7% who would vote for it over Eren’s plan today.  Interestingly, when Zeke’s plan was first revealed in 114, 76% voted for his plan when given the choice between that and rumbling the world.  So after seeing the rumbling, the support for Zeke’s plan as an alternative has actually dropped.
I get it, Yelena’s something of an ideologue but the fact that she still thinks euthanasia is the way to go is sad
I originally thought forced euthanization was disgusting and now I’m hindsight it’s still disgusting and solves nothing.
I still hate it. The lesser evil doesn't mean it's an optimal solution. Would've kept Kiyomi's plan by sacrificing Historia and only attacking the military forces to keep them at bay.
Thinking with logic only, Zeke had a good plan, but if we put emotions and moral in to play, it's just horrible. I don't support it, not even now.
It's a terrible plan. Eren's plan is evil AF, but it's not stupid. Zeke's plan it's stupid. Imagine throwing your entire nation under the bus because your dad didn't hug you? Zeke's a loser.
Maybe so in this messed up world, but then again no. Both plans are awful, the answer to solving this question was to stop hatred in the first place and find a way to have a conversation with everyone. Clearing the air, stopping the rumors and fake news regarding Eldians being devils, etc.
Both plans are shit. 50 year plan + a partial Rumbling (in other words probably Armin's choice) is the most logical plan.
Denying children being born is denying a human being to grow and live their own live, and experience the world. I never accepted Zeke's plan and never will.
Depends whether you were born in Paradis or outside of Paradis.
Eren's plan is better. It ensures Eldians can survive and continue to grow. Zeke's plan just makes them die out. Me no likey.
50 year plan gang 50 year plan gang
Both plan suck.. But everything fair in love and war so...   The winner was the one who right
There has to be some third option we/they just can't think of that doesn't involve genociding the entire planet *or enslaving another young woman (Historia in this case)
Zeke's plan was the lesser evil OF THESE TWO (Rumbling and Euthanasia). They should have found a third, peaceful option that doesn't kill anyone off.
“Evil is evil, Stregobor. Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”
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We’ve seen Jean yearn for a peaceful life on Paradis, and Floch has tried to convince him to give in to that desire before.  Did Floch’s dying words do anything to further affect Jean?  About 69% of respondents say that we will see Jean think on them, but he’ll end up staying with his current convictions.  Interestingly, among the 17.8% who think he will change his mind on helping the alliance, 12.9% think he’ll join Eren and actively oppose the alliance, vs. the 4.9% who think he’ll just abandon the mission like Annie.
After 127 no way is Jean leaving the Alliance. However, I think this will affect his resolve and affect whatever discussion they end up having over how to stop Eren.
Dies trying to avenge Mikasa
He was rattled by Floch's dying moments, as he was one of the last survivors from the Survey corps of Erwin's time
He'll single-handedly stop Eren by telling him how cringe his followers are
he's gonna hesitate when he shouldn't have and will die for it
I feel like it's not the words, but the actions--Floch is who Jean could have been if he didn't see past his own self-interest.
Floch died so his homeland could live. His noble death will inspire Jean to fulfill his duty as a soldier of ELDIA, and oppose the alliance. Thus, Floch will have helped Eldia one last time. Even after he died.
He's too coward to do something about it. Jean's arc was all about suppressing his own desires and keep moving forward; he's a slave of his sense of duty.
I smell another sacrifice coming.
I think it's too late for him to change his mind at this point. We're almost at the end. He'll move forward because that's what he promised Marco. He won't be able to look him and his comrades in the eye if he alters his stance.
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From Keith to Erwin, to Hange to Armin.  Was that the right step to take in the line of succession?  The majority, at 61.8% believe that Armin is the perfect choice, at least for this particular Eren scenario.  Just over a quarter, at 26.5% are sticking with Marco saying Jean has the potential to lead.  11.7% are wishing Hange stayed in command instead.
I didn't like the way Hange died and how she left the commander role to Armin. He's probably the worst person to take the job, not long ago he was literally trying to kill himself (chapter 126) cause that's how insecure he is.
"I both believe Jean makes a better overall commander than Armin *and* that Hange's choice in this instant was the correct one.
Jean has more of a skill and flair for leadership. He is, as Marco once said, the every man which makes it easier to follow him. With his attitude, he can inspire others to follow his plans even if they do not closely know him. He also has some more confidence in himself. He doesn't have Armin's mind for crazy strategies, but he still can reasonably think of his feet and is willing to take hard decisions and sacrifices as they are needed. If the story was still like it had been earlier in the manga, with a big Survey corps and regular missions, he should be the commander.
People are arguing who ""deserved"" to be the commander between Armin and Jean, when it doesn't fucking matter because there are like 5 people left in ""old"" SC and they are all on a suicide mission. What *does* matter is that everything was pushed on poor Armin yet again, first Erwin was allowed to die and his legacy was put on him and Hange, who never asked for this, now Hange killed themselves too and left Armin to solve this shit by himself. I wish he would call out Levi, because his decision in Serumbowl is what led to this mess, but we'll probably not get that.
Jean shouldve be the commander but it's okay to be armin
Either Hange should've lived or Jean should've been the commander
Armin becoming Commander was probably the highlight of this chapter for me
I thought it was a good death for hange, but also kind of a combo of all of the above choices; their death seemed rushed just to make armin commander. I don’t hate armin, but I don’t think he should be commander, and it feels so much like isayama had NOTHING planned for hange ad commander, which was extremely disappointing. but at least hans is at peace lol
Armin as commander? Really? He has never really led troops in to battle. He is not a logistician or a tactician. He is only a good strategist, but even then he failed to plan for everything that Eren has so far done. Can you imagine him turning into a titan and attempting to direct everyone? He’ll kill them all or put them on fire by waving his arms. I’m so worried for him and for Jean too. Jean is suppose to be the next commander or why else is he even here?
A bit sad we didn’t get much time with her a commander, but she was a GOAT
A "You Tried" commander that was truly ineffective. Erwin should've been kept around.
Each Survey Corps Commander (current or former) all dedicated their hearts to protect humanity. If someone or something threatens their mission and their lives, they do what is necessary to uphold the mission, mainly giving up their lives in order to give time for their comrades to act. Their sacrifices affect their closest allies to the point that they have to carry on their mission by any means necessary.
Felt like a filler commander for Armin wish Hange had gotten to do more and be more successful
1- Armin isn't the new commander of the survey corps because the SC belongs to Paradise island and he & his group betrayed that place .
2- Armin is the new commander of the alliance .
Not sure of making Armin commander the best choice but mmm yeah, Isayama needed them out of the way to make a final Armin/Eren confrontation *sigh*
survey cops commander is the worst position you can find yourself at the moment. I can't even imagine what's on Armin mind right now
Armin does actually make the better leader. The problem in front of them is Eren. Even though he doubts himself right now, Armin has always been able to understand Eren and get through to Eren in a way others (and definitely not Jean) can't. He's also capable of thinking outside of the box in a manner that this situation needs. Though he's only now made commander, throughout the Rumbling arc, we've already seen that his closest friends look to him for leadership/plans. And while he still lacks self-confidence (though, who knows, maybe he'll get a special Levi talk??) a lot of his other leadership flaws (like his limited ability to command and inspire groups) are not relevant now because there isn't huge group of people anymore. There is just a handful of his friends left who already trust in his abilities. He doesn't need to inspire loyalty right now; that has already been built over years.
Narratively speaking the Alliance are the true successors of the SC, not the Jaegerist and the 15th commander is Armin, not Floch.
Hange should've stayed alive.
king jean commander jean ftw
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We’re losing a lot of veterans lately and suddenly.  After Magath and Keith’s sacrifice a few chapters ago, was Hange’s necessary as well?  The vast majority, at just over ¾ say that others could have technically taken the role, but Hange was still the best choice to stay behind, as morale would be drained much more by the commander sending others to their deaths.
A mix between love and hate. With Shadis' death (specially after Nile and Pixis) I thought that Isayama was judt getting rid of a veteran again. But Hange's death at least had her in character, and she was the one who deserved to see her comrades the most.
At first it was nice to see them sacrificing themselves but then I noticed i didn't really care much. It was too sudden and a copypaste of Magath's death
Hange died because the situation called for it. She did what she had to do because of Floch. I feel like the anime will make it much clearer that Hange HAD to die.
Shoulda been Reiner bruh
I think Armin could use his titan, stand on the water and push avery titan that was going to destroy the Angar but anyway
Shadis' death left a bad taste in my mouth since Magath could've handled the deed on his own. Shadis didn't need to die. Hanji too could've sent someone else in her stead; she is (was) the commander, a veteran, she was necessary. Not saying that I would've wanted Jean or Connie to die or anything, but sending one of these two or Mikasa to hold back the titans would've made sense.
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The scene where Hange, after having died, seems to wake up to meet the rest of the deceased Survey Corps members was a scene unlike any we’ve seen before in this manga. Isayama hasn’t shied away from the depressing reality of death before, so what exactly is happening here? 45.9% of respondents think it was strange enough that something real was happening, Paths, afterlife… something. 30.3% don’t buy it being real and think it was a symbolic scene, perhaps to lessen the pain of Hange’s death. 23.8% think it was purely in Hange’s mind, a euphoric experience to lessen the physical shock of death. Whatever it was, it was remarkable.
Purely symbolic, though I don’t mind if it has to do with Paths
The comrades scene its a metaphore of the relief she had sacrificing herself, being useful just like her comrades and friends before her.
Probably Valhalla, would be pretty badass if it was confirmed in the end to actually be Valhalla or something.
The author was trying to Placate the audience over killing off a popular character
The characters that died may have their happy ending in heaven
The dead comrades have always been watching over the living.
We only see Eldians, it very well could be a connection to Paths. And it seems like the people you go to are people you knew well and had a strong connection with. ALSO I'M HAPPY WE GOT A GLIMPSE OF SASHA and seeing Erwin for most likely the final time is cool too.
Afterlife real. Dead characters keep on living. Shifters go to PATHS, probably. Expect a specific someone to appear :)
Delusions of a naive and idealistic character. Hange saw what Hange wanted to see.
Dunno, but i REALLY hope that was just Isayama softening the blow for Hanji fans and what not, otherwise having a true afterlife would render all deaths and racrifices pointless and would ruin the whole theme of survival the manga has.
Eren may be using PATHS fuckery to comfort Hange in her death.
I believe the final scene did happen as Instructor Keith is seen in the back and Hange should have no knowledge of his death.
I don't think Isayama particularly cares for fan service in any regard (though Annie x Armin might signal a change), so I don't think he'd dedicate that to make Hange's death any less tragic. I think there's something to it.
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If these ghostly figures do make another appearance in the final confrontation, what on earth will they do?! 43.1% say they don’t matter damn it, because they’re not even real. 32.2% think the dead characters might be alive in some kind of afterlife, but it’s just an interesting part of the SnK universe. 18.8% think that PATHS will make its infinite fuckery known once again, and 6% think that those ghosts are going to make a difference standing up to Eren – how is he gonna fight against a million dead guys, huh?
The most interesting part about the data we got was a surge in responses for only this and the previous question. About 300 entries to the poll which only wanted to submit that “It was purely symbolic and Hange did not experience this,” and “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts. It was just in Hange’s mind or symbolic.” Now that is curious indeed. For someone who ain’t afraid of ghosts, I’m sensing some real trepidation here!
They likely will not interact with nor affect the coming events, as their roles have already played out.
" Valhalla’s battle-honed residents are there by the will of Odin, who collects them for the perfectly selfish purpose of having them come to his aid in his fated struggle against the wolf Fenrir {Fenir had been previously associated with Eren by fans} during Ragnarok – a battle in which Odin and the einherjar are doomed to die."
Setup for Reiner to converse with his fallen comrades.
Afterlife. Not convinced it's significant in any way, but would love it to be
An afterlife would be completely unnecessary for the story and make things needlessly more complicated for little reason/narrative payoff.
Feels like a set up for an ending where even if everyone dies they can be together in the afterlife
Mobuhan is fucking real
Hange is in heaven, surrounded by everyone who she's fought alongside. She can't help the alliance in any way, but she can watch them win. And they will win.
They are bystanders.
Through PATHS the thought of 'Afterlife' is possible. And if it isn't, then it's nice to hallucinate something good while they're dying.
Is hange really dead?
y'know how from the start there's been the idea that the survey corps have been making sacrifices that no one will ever care about? this is a rebuke to that. Hange, like every other survey corps member, is watched over by their own dead and now Hange gets to be a part of the ghost crew that watches over the corps and occasionally appears to freak out the commander. I also tend to dislike the idea that this manga has a perfectly happy afterlife because it cheapens the goal they're fighting for and comes dangerously close to validating Reiner's attempt.
You should have given a choice of this is symbolic. Ya'll should really read more fiction if ya'll think this is really the afterlife ffs
Afterlife makes all the deaths useless and less impactful, hope it's not a thing.
All the Eldians have the ability to “stay” alive after they die thanks to the paths dimension.
All this suffering to get an afterlife?!?
Although I do think that an afterlife could be possible, I don't think it'll affect the story. It may come back during the epilogue, but I can't figure out how Isayama could use it for the main story plot.
Anything is possible, either it's Hange's own hallucinations or something real. Though i would like for it to be smth tangible, (esp since a clue was that Hange didn't know Shadis died but he appeared anyways). idk I'd just like for everyone to be happy and see each other again 😭
Beetroot alive in PATHS and he's gonna kill Eren
Being dead is happier than living in this world, such an uplifting moral Isayama
Both Hange and Erwin thought about their comrades and "saw" them when their role was weighing on them. I don't think I have nothing against it being real, but I like the symbolism. Some things are cooler when I don't overthink.
Perhaps it will be less edgy to see so much death if there is an afterlife in SnK, but use the opportunity well! For me it was a gift to see the veterans again: Moblit caring for Hange, Erwin being in peace, Mike being there after the impact that he gave us…
every time "ghosts" have been shown in attack on titan they've just been visual depictions of the character's mental state.
Everyone who begged to see Erwin in another chapter can finally be at peace
Expansion of what chapter 85 already implied
I don't care, I'm just happy we get to see our babies again.
I think it is some sort of a special place in paths because they are standing on where Hange died, that's really weird if if it's afterlife, if it's afterlife they should be in a paradise or a peaceful place, but no. It's weird if they are all ghosts like almost the survey corps are in that area
I think it means that every dead soldier have meaning and we shouldn't forget them
I think it shows that their deaths weren’t in vain and they are watching over their comrades. It was a truly moving scene.
I think it's symbolic. Honestly with all the discourse around this scene I am not sure if it was even worth it to include.
I don't believe she's dead. We have an unexplained memory shard of her without glasses (ch130) and one of the panels this chp looks like she lost her glasses.
if levi could hurry up and join them that´d be great
If Yams tries to pull a kny I'm gonna rip him a new one. This is bullshit and he should stop before people believe there is an afterlife in aot. This doesn't fit into the story he created for years. But he is willing to kill his own world in hopes to get some readers back from stealing smth from a way more successful manga. It's pathetic.
Im still in doubt if the afterlife scene really happened since erwin is still missing his arm while the others are just fine. I hope its all just in hange's head and that someone from the boat could rescue her.
It might be the Path. Because just like Eren Kruger said, "All Eldians is connected to what we say the coordinate." This maybe a paradise or a heaven that Eren or someone with the founding titan and royal blood can control.
It only serves to dramatize hange's death. No shit, I was crying like hell when I read this scene😭😭 other than that it's just like other deaths we've seen before, only to set a dramatic and brutal tone for a thriller series
The remaining of Hange blood in the floor indicates she/he was already dead,  so no hallucinations in her last moments. Symbolic? Doesn’t sound like isayama. The only symbolic stuff in manga concerns the cult to Ymir. Has to be a connection through paths.
They really gave their hearts to humanity, they were all incredible, and it's really nostalgic to see them in this way
This scene wasn't here for no reason. It just felt different from any other vision we've seen, and I believe it'll come into play later on.
This was Hange's imagination because she saw the dead ones in the same shape she saw them alive last time like Mike and Nanaba. Erwin too(without one hand)
those who died are finally set free
You just died and entered spectator mode
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For a chapter not focused on Pieck plotwise, there sure were a lot of short moments with her.  The two most popular options being her shooting down Hange’s ask for a ride with no hesitation, and vowing to give her comrade’s sacrifices meaning.  A moment of meme and a moment of serious nature, perfectly balanced.
Idk but Pieck is a bad bitch
Pieck sounds like she may turn on everyone in the end but I hope not.
pieck finger = some kind of marleyan erwin smith
Pieck is gonna DIE 😭
Pieck isn't really interesting....and she doesnt do any Import to the others....Just for Reiner maybe
Pieck will sacrifice herself for the sake of her fallen comrades. (that's what I think)
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Despite the manga racing towards its conclusion crack theorists have had no shortage of new material, most recently with the bizarre amount of focus given to birds and Hange’s warm welcome to the afterlife. We wanted to find out which of these fringe theories have a broader appeal.
Nearly half the fandom is no fun at all, selecting “These theories are all just cope” (49%). For the rest of us “Birds are spies” apparently requires the least amount of tin foil since just over a third of the fandom thinks it has potential (35.4%). “The ghosts are real” (16.7%), Historia’s pregnancy is fake (13.7%) and the “The birds ARE the ghosts” (8.7%) didn’t fare quite as well.
Overall a great chapter. But this whole Theory of there being an afterlife in Attack on Titan is utterly ridiculous and extreme coping.
The afterlife thing was completely garbage and was easily the worst part of the chapter.
I believe that afterlife exists. It has nothing to do with paths, titan powers or religions. It is just afterlife, where souls of dead soldiers may find a peace. The world of SnK was always "cruel but also beautiful". Cruel - because innocent people die, but beautiful - because there is still a hope for happiness for their souls.
the birds...work for the bourgeoisie
I hope it's all symbolism but these "dead people" motive have been weirdly often mentioned in the story. People asking Erwin if he thinks that "dead have no regrets" in season 1. Levi Ova called " No regrets". Erwin asking Levi if he thinks that dead are watching them in S.3. There is also role Valhalla plays in Ragnarok in Mythology...
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THAT face from Mikasa was the highlight for 28.2% of you. I don’t think she’s ever been that stunned. 22.8% loved that one of Hange’s priorities was getting to ride the Cart Titan in the future, and Pieck not having it. 17.6% enjoyed Levi being the butt of a joke even as Hange was about to meet their doom, and 14.5% appreciated Levi throwing his fans a finger bone. Annie talking with Reiner about the good old days earned a laugh for 13.3% of you, and 3.5% liked seeing Levi throw shade at Yelena’s kinks.
the "what the heck" face on mikasa's face  after realising annieés feelings made my day.LOL
Levi x Yelena is cute and soon to be canon
Poor Levi. He cearly is still not recovered but his comment on being forgotten was a nice knock on the fourth wall.
Uh... you feeling okay, Yelena?
"I AM GONNA KILL THE BEAST TITAN"   "Okay grandpa, now let's get you to bed"
I get the feeling this chapter was a little upsetting for many. But then again, three over the top five words were the same as last month! Such is the life of an SnK fan. The top five words this time were:
Pain [143] Sad [56] Heartbreaking [29] Emotional [24] Sacrifice [20]
For those of you still thinking this is a cookbook, it's obvious you're making soup for your souls. Tangy, Cheesy, Hot, Chile, and YAMS must be the dish that represents this chapter.
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Are we actually about to see the final confrontation?! I can hardly believe it, but 48.6% of you are goddamn ready for it. 17.9% still want to see Historia’s own POV (what, weren’t you satisfied with that one convoluted flashback?), and 15.5% would like to see some kind of discussion before the alliance launches into an undoubtedly insanely reckless maneuver. Also, Zeke had better come back soon or I’ll forget to put him in the options again!
girl i wanna see eren with the alliance
Next chapter I hope to see Zeke, you didn't put the option
We really really need to see Historia. She's been missing from the narrative for so long, and the flashback crumbs from Eren's memories explained nothing.
Surprises ..!!! More of them...flashback about carl fritz ...zeke ...more about eren ...we wanna more important moments and facts
I'd like to know what happened with Zeke. Is he dead? Is he merged with Eren? Is he still back on paradis? What's going on?
Alright, where is Zeke? I've lost my patience.
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Reddit maintains the lead this month, with just a few percentage points over Twitter, which takes second. A bit behind Twitter is “In real life”, which goes to show that Attack on Titan fans are total chads with social lives. Stay safe and don’t die though! After real life comes Discord, with 22.3% of the vote. Trailing Discord, in order, is Instagram, Youtube, “I don’t”, Facebook, 4Chan, the wiki, Snapchat, and Steam. Much to my dismay, this question was made multiple choice this month, which MEANS that, in theory, some of you could have ~erroneously~ voted Snapchat. Either that’s the case, or you lot are multiplying far faster than I’d anticipated… I’m going to elect to believe the former on account of not wanting to believe the latter.
What the fuck is doing the survey corps
where is that goddamn monke
snkpolls admins please hold me
Floch with wet hair looks cool.
Glad to see yams isnt afraid to kill characters, I was getting worried.
I have a love/hate relationship with Floch, and while I disagree with the rumbling, his last words got to me and it was sad.
I honestly found Floch's death to be tragic, even though he was a bastard, he still believed he was fighting for Paradis's wellbeing
I laughed when random Floch appeared, but I hate that his actions lead to Hange deciding to sacrifice herself.
Even though the manga it's coming to an end Isayama really gives us details which is interesting in order to understand the storyline but I'd like more action
Even though we didn't see him this chapter, Hanji's sacrifice took me from "Eren must be stopped" to "I WILL strangle Eren to death with my own two hands". Dude's ground-breaking idea of rumbling got Hanji killed and he will pay for that.
Everything about this chapter was just so breathtaking. I Loved this chapter so much it was just amazing. Words can’t even describe how I feel. Only thing I didn’t like was floch shooting the plane. God answering these just makes me wanna cry.
Also Bert mentions! We're finally going to see him soon and have a long-awaited RB-union!
REALLY GLAD I FOUND AOT BEFORE IT ENDS , I wish Annie and armin ends up, and jean and mikasa 👀👀👀 dont judge me please. It really gave more insight on the feelings of the alliance now.
Why no Bertholdt :(
Why no one is happy?
I feel like the fandom would've broken if only an Alliance member died, so to make things equal, we lost a Yeagerist and an Alliance member.
Listen. I couldn't stop crying, like UGLY sobs, from the moment Hange says they're gonna "do it" and then they become all "Armin Arlert" and "I hereby name you" and then I was DONE. Buckets of tears, squealing noises, repeating "no no no" while rereading the same panels over and over again. I Loved Hange. I loved them so much. They were THAT kind of weird, they were passionate, smart, funny... I loved them, but I love how they got to choose how to die, and when, and especially knowing their death will be useful for the others. They died fighting brilliantly, and I will love them, and they will inspire me forever. Farewell Hange, have a nice time in the afterlife with all your fallen comrades, knowing you can stand tall and proud among them.
No one can force Annie to stay. But I can't believe everyone's just fine with this. The world is fckin' ending and only by a miracle they can win, there's NO WAY those people are compromised to the gravity of the situation if they're all just "yeah, Annie is a titan and she's out, let's get the other titan too because he's a kid, Pieck I thought you were coming to the ship too?", because it really sounds like they're not even trying at this point. Is this a walk in the park or the destiny of all people in the world?? :/
Levi’s “see you later, Hange” reminds me of Mikasa’s “see you later, Eren” in the first chapter. A foreshadow of Eren’s eventual demise?
There still isn't a third realistic alternative.
Hange sacrifice was the greater good and I hope the alliance makes the most of this chance, For those they have lost. For those they can yet save
Hange knows their time is near and they are correct.
There was no need to kill off Hange, felt forced and rushed
this armin/annie stuff had better go somewhere plotwise after wasting cringy panels on it that could have been dedicated to less rushed interactions between other alliance members. might as well just kill the alliance off at this point and let reiner finally die, since their chapters are such a drop in quality.
This chapter and the previous two are perfect reminders that we're at the point of no return in the final arc. While I want to see some good moments, twists, and any loose ends tied by now (Zeke, WHERE ARE YOU?!!), it's all going to be all doom and gloom from here on out. Whether Eren or the Alliance succeeds depends on how these next chapters turn out; Whoever wins, bloodshed will continue until the Rumbling ends.
I realised Hange probably has huge survivors guilt and that she wanted to die, and wanted to make her old friends proud(who are dead)
They all really cared for Hange a lot and that's sweet.
They should have a concrete plan on how to stop eren if they could
Things are gonna get wild.
Great chapter, and I'm really excited to see how the Alliance and Eren confrontation plays out. This ending has the potential to be absolutely legendary.
Half of the characters have no hope in what they are doing (the "leaders") but do that because "ThEY hAD tO" and another half will makes me sad because they dont care about eren plan really (not speaking about gaby and falco)
Hange could have exited the story in another way, I guess.
Hange's death should have been more dramatic.
Hange's death was handles perfectly and the chapter had it's fair share of humour.
Hange's death was rushed, could've been better handled. Floch's selfless death was the only high point,  and maybe LH being semi-confirmed.
Honestly, I don't hate Hange but I wish she had lived to see the consequences of her betrayal of Paradis, by putting her own feelings and morals over her own people's wellfare; for better or worse, her actions will have huge repercussions on the entire island and she should be there to take responsibility over the inevitable fallout. Even though she never tried to avoid responsibility over her choices, and I genuinely respect her for sacrificing herself over her ideas, it honestly feels to me like death was an easy way out from having to deal with Paradis' fate (SPECIALLY if the Valhalla stuff is real) while leaving Armin to clean up her mess.
Levihan is real
i expected sex on the ship or aruani huge/kiss/touch
Honestly, I'm just following it because I got used to reading a chapter every month, but the story is terrible now. Hange's death only served to confirm that Isayama intends to have a 'final battle' between childhood friends, nothing unexpected.
hope we get more from Jean
Hope we now start going into the final confrontation cause this chapter seemed setup to that.
As I've said before, I'll miss Hange. RIP you absolute legend.
Hopefully we get to see historia
Hoping for more Hanji backstory.
I don’t need a heart to live
I don’t see how this story can have any sort of a happy ending
I dont see a possible ending where all these characters can live the rest of their lives in peace but oh well
This chapter dropped massive death flags on Armin and Pieck. These two aren't going to last. Yelena is probably dead from compartment syndrome next chapter.
This chapter honestly makes me more scared for Levi because I was hoping he would get the kind of ending that Hange got. Now we just have to wait and wonder about how much more pain Isayama is going to put him through.
I’m frustrated with the direction the story is going in. Armin being made commander, Hange dying, Annie being brought back just to confess to Armin and then be sidelined, Mikasa being the one to kill Floch, it all just seems to make little narrative sense. I don’t feel like we’re building to a clever twist, it all feels capricious and random
After comparing Hange’s death in the manga to Erwin’s death in the manga, I can safely say that Hange’s death was better. Hange’s had comedy like her complaining about how hot the CTs were and of course that line she said to Pieck, it was sad with the Levi and Hange moments and the chapter’s conclusion, and it was epic with her killing 3-4 Colossal Titans, getting scorched to death and her dead body falling until she got trampled in the Rumbling. Erwin’s was just epic with bringing the entire Survey Corps going down with him. If Mappa does well with the anime, this will break the internet for sure and this death will be remembered.
bruh my favorite character just fucking died
It was a quick way for removing another veteran. I feel that the vets sacrifice their lives too easily. They see their own existance like it was some rpg game and they were going to go back to life after while. First Magath and Shadis decided to commit heroic suicide, now Hange decided to leave this world "just like that"/ C'mon, people don't give up with their lives so fast..
Oh, and this chapter made me start shipping levihan!
characters stop dying challenge
This and next chapter are the calm before the storm. And once that storm comes, this is going to end up as either a great story or a perfect story. Also, what the heck happened to Zeke? I need answers on that matter.
At this point the only way for this story to end in a satisfying manner is for Eren to kill everyone, successfully finish the Rumbling and save his people.
Aún estoy llorando.
I feel Hange should have been given more space to make a bigger impact as a commander. It’s like, Erwin always made gambles that magically worked out for him in the grand scheme of things (for the most part and in a group with a horrible survival rate like the SC no less) but for whatever reason Hange just stuck their thumb up their butt and twirled the whole time. Sometimes making one character smart results in everyone else only being allowed to have one shared brain cell. Overall I liked Hange a lot but they were done dirty. And blaming Eren for everything? Lol Hange. You can put your clown nose on now.
Overall best leader? Jean. Best leader for this particular set of circumstances? Armin.
I can't wait until the Alliance realize their futile efforts and come face to face with the reality that, Eren has power over the memories of all subjects of Ymir and can control their titan shifting.
Isayama just want to kill everyone,isn't he? In every chapter we've got deaths this is just depressing. Isayama I respect you but I hate you but I respect you but I hate you.
I cried buckets while reading it, so props to Isayama for that! :)
I cried when Floch died and I laughed when Hange died .
I don't have words for that. I am just lucky enough to be able to witness this  work while
Pain. So much pain. Levihan pain. Aruani pain... *cries for a week while preparing self for more tears in the near future*
i just want everyone to be friends again😭
Jean has not been about stopping Eren from the get-go. I think we are up for a MAJOR revelation about his own involvement in Eren’s plans.
Hange should be survived
Hange should've not died in this chapter since we still do not know the clear plan of the alliance. Their death was written in a hurry, not as epic as Erwin.
Hange was my favorite character. But, as much as I am sad to see her go, her last moments were pretty epic, I am looking forward to see how it will affect the rest of the story.
Hange wasn't a good commander no matter how much her fans cry about it. her being a good character is another thing altogether.
My babies Yelena, Pieck, Reiner, Gabi, and Falco deserve the world.
Hange's manner of death, in her own terms fighting to save others, is my favorite so far.
Hanji death was unnecessary and Floch death only made Allience look worse then they already are
0/10 no Zeke
Jean is the only one who undestands eren and Floch
Jean never really supported the Alliance, he will try to reason Eren's plan isn't all that bad.
Jean will see Flochs words as a possible option but i dont see him going through with opposing The Alliance. He made his choice when he joined them.
(THE DEAD SPEAK LMAOOO) I really liked this chapter but it’s still horrible and traumatizing like the 131 (wait actually the 131 is way more horrible 😭)
Amazing art as always.
Amazing yet sad chapter since I respected both hange and falco and to see them die was pretty sad.
ANNIE AND ARMIN FOREVER. I want her to be free to be soft and caring and to have someone who loves and adores her. I love this dynamic and I think it’s a good foil to Eren and Historia
I want Reiner to live on as the clinically depressed sole survivor.
i’m still broken. hange and sasha were my comfort characters✌🏻😭
Idc but your quiz suck
Idk its just i'm pretty sad about hange's death cuz she was one oof my top waifus
One of my favorites ✊😔 rip Hange
One ship. I just want ONE CANON SHIP by the end of this, Isayama. JUST ONE. Is it really too much to ask, man. I've already given you plenty of my tears to sip on so idk what more you want from me...
Only Armin, Mikasa, Levi and Reiner will survive.
Please stop making Levi suffer be it a final rest or a peaceful life anything PLEASE
Please, don't let anyone else die :(
Plot wise it was shit, but I love it for the drama
Poor Levi. Everyone important to him was taken away. Also, HANGE GOAT.
Poor Reiner.
rest in peace Hange "nonbinary icon" Zoe
rest in peace king, now is in Eren hand to keep giving meaning to your life
Really was good. Hange went out in a great way.
Surprised Floch didn't end up killing anyone, especially no named engineers, Yelena or Connie.
The way Mikasa shot the grappling hook at Floch’s throat was like how Levi killed an MP by shooting their throat during Uprising. Ackermans can access the battle experience of other Ackermans through Paths – Mikasa learnt that move from Levi.
I would think that this chapter should have gotten into more interactions between Armin and Annie, because i feel as though their relationship should be explored a bit further. Given that we know that both do like each other, it should be seen on how these two handled their possibly last goodbyes.
I'm just gonna let it flow
Hange is one of the most well-written characters of a manga abounding with them. I love the way they always stayed true to their ideals without wavering, despite all their doubts about their suitability as Commander. Their open-mindedness, humour and love for knowledge make them truly special, and their most quintessential line must be this one from chapter 127: "'Just bringing freedom to this island is enough for me'. Do you think a single one of [the dead Survey Corps] would be so narrow-minded as to say that?" Chills. Very glad they chose Armin as their successor as well before taking down the colossals. They will be missed.
I'm quite curious about Armin's next moves. He is the commander now after all. Also, wondering what Levi is going to do now.
I'm really curious about the weapon that Yelena brought up to the alliance
i get the feeling that annie has had all the closure she needs and she’s gonna die but at least she might pass on her power to gabi ? either way i’ll be devastated to see her go
I HATE it that Hanji had to die, but loved the way she got her heroic moment. It's a love/hate chapter for me.
I have fears of Annie to die
I hope Levi lives just so he can be the most tragic character in AOT.
I hope soon, eren can stop all of this thing
I it wasn’t for the spoilers, Hange’s death would have break my heart.
I just hope Levi found his peace and die, please. He's already lost Hange, please don't make him suffering more.
I just thought it was impressive that this was one of the three moments in the whole story that actually made me ugly cry (Other two were Hannes' death and Serumbowl)
The more i think on Hanges death the more i like/understand it.
The sad looks on Levi and Hanji's faces are enough to say thousands of unspoken words. Nuff said.
Reiner is immortal
reiner looked hot af
This beast of a man, how many hours did he spend nearly drowning with a wounded arm? I got to really care about him even if his ""political"" choice was the worst. I just wanted him to have a dignified end and he had (even if Jean wasn't the one to do it). And the vignette... Perfect. In the end, he really fought as the devil he needed so much, no matter their identity. Relax, honey. Now you're safe from Eren's bullshit.
i miss hanji
I need more PATHS and I smell it coming
...i´m tired.
The Survey Corps never actually fought for humanity prior to the Rumbling, only against it. Hange even states this irony in chapter 89. The "well, the Corps was always fighting for humanity" rationalization is just disingenuous cope that ignores everything that got revealed with the basement and, by extension, the plot itself.
Super based
I really just want to see how this ends already.
I still can't believe Hange died. And to think that Levi's got no one else in his life anymore breaks my heart. I've always think that Levi and Hange should be together until the end. Not shipping them tho. I don't if it's platonic or romantic,but they love and care for each other. And Levi realising that his only friend is going to die and his eyes turn dark like an abyss really makes me feel like broken in half. And that dedicate your heart scene..oh my god I can't. And Hange still got some nerves to joke around at time really made me goes "HANGEEE-SANN!!"༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
Floch's final moments were sorely needed to remind us just how human he really is. He didn't care about ruling the country or destroying the alliance. All he wanted was for his people and the island to survive, and he felt the alliance was putting that in jeopardy so he did what he thought he had to do.
Isayama keeps killing my favorite characters
I liked the chapter but it felt unnecessary Floch probably should have died before the boat left and Hange was killed off to lighten the cast and make Armin commander.  Hange and Levi probably could have died/stayed in the forest.
R.I.P. in horny titan jail
I like this manga. Very much so ❤
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hatari-translations · 4 years
Matthías interview about the new constitution - translation
A couple of days ago Matthías was interviewed on Útvarp Saga, mainly about the new constitution - but he also unexpectedly confirms the new version of “Dansið eða deyið” is coming at the end! Full translation below.
HOST: We're talking about the new constitution and admiring the young people stepping up as well as those in the older demographic. We just spoke to lawyer Ósk Elvarsdóttir, and now I've got Matthís Tryggvi Haraldsson on the line, a musician better known as Hatari, don't we? He's from the band Hatari which was a hit last year and represented Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest. We've got him on the line, and he's traveling, as I understand it. Good afternoon, Matthías.
MATTHÍAS: Yes, good afternoon.
HOST: Greetings!
MATTHÍAS: You're right, I'm in Borgarnes. I got to sit in the car and talk to you while my girlfriend is getting groceries.
HOST: So you sent her in. Does she have a mask on and everything?
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, she's taking appropriate precautions, and is getting groceries for us. We've got a summerhouse near here, lucky enough to have access to that.
HOST: Oh, cozy!
MATTHÍAS: Now with the pandemic.
HOST: You've been part of this petitioning and activism for the new constitution. What made you - one perhaps thought a musician would just think about music, but now the new constitution is top of the list.
MATTHÍAS: Right, yeah. I am interested in music, but I'm also interested in relevant issues that touch us all, and really this referendum in 2012 was kind of my introduction to Icelandic democracy, the first time I voted. And I felt - as the years go by, I feel like my introduction to Icelandic democracy and participation in Icelandic society was to just be ignored, for eight years or so. That was kind of my experience of participating in this referendum. I was so optimistic when I showed up in 2012, and then the issue just kind of fizzles out for eight years. I'm really happy with people like Ósk, who you talked to earlier, and the Women's Society for the New Constitution. We've got some energy back in the discussion about this, which is great.
HOST: Yeah, the Constitution Society, they've been all over the place, Katrín Oddsdóttir and company, a lot of women, and everyone, men too.
HOST: It's great to see it.
MATTHÍAS: Women and men, and it's also great to see the news yesterday about this poll, where 60% support a new constitution this term, and it's fun to look at the demographics. There's more women, and it's more the capital region, but it's still a majority everywhere. Women, men, capital, rural - more or less everywhere there's a majority in favor of changing the constitution.
HOST: Yes, exactly. Doesn't it also tell us that people are being stifled even if they don't always talk about it, that people are fed up with a lot of things we've been given, and finally get this chance to express their opinion?
MATTHÍAS: Definitely, without a doubt. And you can read the new constitution from that perspective - a lot of things in it are kind of an echo preventing - I guess I won't name examples because I'm not well-read enough or have a good enough memory to get into detail, but the feeling is that the new constitution has these failsafes for all kinds of things we've been bumping into in the past years. It forbids curtailing media freedom, and there's this eternal discussion on natural resources and that they should belong to the nation, and a bunch more that I'm probably forgetting, and they're kind of an echo of things that we've gone through as a nation since the 2012 referendum, and that were being discussed then.
HOST: That's been discussed a lot, of course, with the natural resources. There is this tendency to distribute the country's natural resources, and you're kind of insecure in who's going to be taking it all, aren't there any laws preventing that? We see it with land and with fishing quotas, with the quota ending up in the hands of a few people even though it should be owned by the nation.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah. It's kind of a buzzword, I feel, in parliament, speaking of the resources being owned by the nation, but then the feeling you get is that this isn't really enforced. The section on natural resources, the most popular section of the new constitution, or was in 2012, is being watered down in parliament, so that the phrasing loses its edge, and that's not what's being called for. The call for a new constitution was not a call for dull phrasing that doesn't really change anything. It's dangerous to fall into mediocrity. Then you might as well skip it.
HOST: Yeah, you're sharp on this, Matthías, I can see. What's the general zeitgeist around you? You must be around a lot of musicians and so on.
MATTHÍAS: Well, unfortunately I'm not really around a lot of people, as a result of this pest! But, well, I follow the zeitgeist on the internet and so on, and am in contact with friends and family, and you see there that there's a lot of enthusiasm for a new constitution. I think we had several thousand new signatures yesterday. They've been streaming in like a gas pump.
HOST: Right now, as we're talking, it's coming up on 36,000. You're most of the way there.
MATTHÍAS: Wow! Awesome! And these are confirmed signatures from voters - you're used to thinking of it as a proportion of the national population, which is 330... it's a proportion of something much smaller, it's voters, with the right to vote, and who have signed in with an Íslykill [a kind of national login system]. It's a huge number! I'm thrilled.
HOST: Yeah, it's these electronic signatures. And now they're helping people who can't sign in through the internet, and it's great women like Vilborg, who's helping, and another in Akureyri, Ásdís Árnadóttir.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah? Awesome!
HOST: People are just - you can't keep up with all these strong individuals helping everywhere.
MATTHÍAS: That's great.
HOST: But hey, Matthías, you have to tell me a bit about Hatari. Aren't you playing something or doing something with the music?
MATTHÍAS: Well, it hasn't been much, thanks to this virus. There was a brief window where we could have played a concert, this summer or whenever, but we were too late to use it, and then everything's locked down again. But we'll be at Iceland Airwaves, the music festival. It'll be a bit different this year, there'll be streamed concerts...
HOST: When is that?
MATTHÍAS: I don't know... I'm such a terrible media person for the band, not remembering this. But somehow you should be able to buy access to that concert. You should be able to look into it on the Iceland Airwaves website, presumably - it's going up next week.
HOST: So there's at least a bit going on.
MATTHÍAS: Sure, and there are ideas, long-term ideas, churning away, without spoiling anything.
HOST: That's fun! But still, I have to know, do you have some new song that we can hear before Christmas or anything?
MATTHÍAS: Well, hopefully before Christmas! There's a new song called "Dansið eða deyið", a song of revolution, perhaps appropriate for this petition. It's a song about uniting behind a cause, but of course in that Hatari presentation. The world it presents is pretty dark, as the nation heard in Eurovision.
HOST: It's a short path between life and death there. But that's nice, "Dansið eða deyið", the next thing coming from you, and then now the main thing is to sign the petition to push for the new constitution to be implemented. A message from Hatari.
MATTHÍAS: Definitely, and reminding parliament that they can't just ignore these things and water them down. It has to be taken seriously and you need to be decisive when it comes to the constitution.
HOST: That's exactly it. Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson, Hatari. We're going to reexperience your song from Eurovision...
HOST: Good luck with everything, and you keep up your voluntary quarantine in Borgarfjörður.
MATTHÍAS: Yup, thanks, I'll do that.
HOST: Thanks a lot, goodbye.
MATTHÍAS: Goodbye.
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