#and like fair cop yes she was manipulating her
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 1 year
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A chance to make a difference <3
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Dahlia Propaganda
"The fandom hates her so bad. She's the antagonist of the trilogy, so I understand some dislike of course but they hate her SO MUCH. she's a 14 year old girl with a twin sister, she gets dragged into crime by her cop step sister and her pedophilic teacher, dahlia betrays them both, steals the money for herself and abandons them. she slowly goes on a downward spiral in an attempt to protect herself. at college age, she kills her step sister and the teacher in an attempt to not be found and charged for the past crimes. the defense attorney for the case questions her testimony and she poisons him. the rest is just her continuing on that path and killing, attacking or blaming anyone who threatens her safety. this is a BASIC reading of her character. The fandom cannot understand this. they think dahlia seduced the teacher and that she's a crazy bitch. the games themself hate her. there's a male character who's so similar to her but WORSE (no backstory) and the fandom fucking loves him. But, dahlia? she's hated so much for no real good reason. I'm not talking dislike of her choices, but calling her a crazy bitch and refusing to look into WHY she acts like that and what lead to her demise. it's so ridiculous."
"she is based"
"Hell, she was fucked over by the writing itself, too. She's written to be this cold, unfeeling, master manipulator and was portrayed as the one at fault in a relationship she had with a 20-year-old when she was FOURTEEN. She's basically treated as this evil temptress who makes boys fall in love with her and then hurts them. It's. It's pretty bad."
Yukari Propaganda
"YUKARI PROPAGANDA: SHE IS LITERALLY SO CORRECT ABOUT EVERYTHING. People call her a bitch for uhh [checks notes] having a a brief freak out after she's shown live footage of her father's gruesome death? For [checks notes] accusing Mitsuru of lying to them about important information (which turned out to be COMPLETELY TRUE, by the way, but fans still mock her for this)? For [checks notes one last time] being mean to Junpei, who gives as good as he gets with rude and sometimes sexist comments in response? And even then, several times she apologizes or reassures him that she was just kidding when he seems genuinely upset by her words, so it's not like she isn't compassionate towards him. She is also routinely mocked and villainized for (huge spoilers) wanting to risk it all to attempt to save the protagonist after he passes away saving the world. To be fair, this turns out to have been the wrong choice, but let's be real -- she was a grieving teenager trying to save her friend slash crush. Yes, she was emotionally all over the place during The Answer. Of course she was! THE WORLD ALMOST ENDED AND HER FIRST LOVE HAD TO DIE TO SAVE EVERYONE. LIKE, THAT JUST HAPPENED TO HER. And everyone somehow just expects her to behave perfectly rationally when she's a 17 year old girl who just lost someone important to her and also almost died with the rest of humanity. Girl is traumatized and grieving and all people can do is call her a hysterical bitch or whatever other shit they wanna come up with." (by @ragecndybars)
"she's NOT a bitch she has a hard time opening up to people + she's a 17 year old dealing with grief after one of those people dies leave her alone!!"
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angie-j-kay · 4 months
OC in Fifteen, doubling as a Snippet Sunday because I AM TIRED.
I'm sneaking into @k--havok's open tag, and tagging @dyrewrites and @doublegoblin. Also leaving an OPEN TAG FOR EVERYONE as well. :D
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Writing for Agent Bethany Larson, FBI. We'll meet her in Chapter Six, I believe.
"Well, the fellow at the desk called me 'Missy,'" she shrugged. "I showed him my badge and everything, and all Officer White did was grumble about how 'first Nelson let the perp go, now the feds are here effing things up.' Only that wasn't the word he used. I don't like that kind of language. Besides, I didn't get this far by not being curious."
"Yes, that's a lovely thing to say in front of the FBI agent, Chief Perkins. Great job. Now could you give him the keys before you write up his dismissal paperwork? For some reason, I just don't trust you to give me the right evidence."
"To be fair, anything that can shred a man without leaving any signs of forced entry is probably outside of your weight class."
"Ever get a really bad feeling about something?"
"She's gone, glitter or no."
"That's not mildew in the bathtub ... that's blood residue or I'm Martha Washington."
"... if you're not here to kill [SPOILER] then... I really don't know why you're here.”
"...I take it you were responsible for that, Little Miss Arson?”
“You picked a heck of a damsel to play shining knight to"
“This isn't about one person's job, you know? There are things out there, very real things that could cause a lot of death and destruction if they wanted to. You cops couldn't handle it. The army probably couldn't handle them either, some of the things I've dealt with... Demons, monsters, cultists. That one in ten case I investigate, I wasn't kidding when I said you needed a stiff drink afterwards.”
“It's pretty far off, don't you think?” Miller cocked her head sideways at the church. “If you want help from a higher power, though, we've got the time.”
“Get your danged gun, Rutledge!”
“Good guys do not dismember people, Rutledge!” Miller yelled back. “I shouldn't have to tell you this!”
“Son, I drop this gun and your mole escapes!” she called back. “Now why don't you go radio your boss and tell him I have the genius who burned down [SPOILER]'s office, hm? ... Can you do it fast, please? This one's got kind of a foul mouth on her!”
“A peace offering, that's all.” Miller dismissed him with a small hand wave. “You've got bigger problems, [SPOILER], and I think you've already lost people to that problem. Now, I also think that young lady in there knows more about this murderer than she wants to tell me. She might tell you.”
Angie's Patreon
Angie's Ko-Fi
Alright, folks, I've got my first Patreon and Ko-Fi rewards queued up and ready to go! For $3 USD a month, Tier 2 supporters on my Patreon and Ko-Fi can download printable chapters of my novel, What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt. The first two chapters are set to go live on February 1, though if I'm completely honest my first time posting things on Ko-Fi glitched a bit and all of the February rewards are already available for download there. Oops.
Anyway, while Tier 2 supporters will be able to read this before everyone else, chapters will be made available every other Monday on both of my sites starting on March 5.
All of the art on these covers is made by me, a combination of watercolor, collage, and just a smidge of digital manipulation for the covers themselves. NO AI WAS OR EVER WILL BE USED IN THE PRODUCTION OF MY ZINES.
If you like this post, I'd love it if you shared it so more folks could see it. The more people share this post, the more people will be able to read the novel!
And if you'd like to join my taglist, let me know!
The current taglist: @wedgie-of-destiny, @nightacquainted, @storminmywake, @brokenandlonelysouls, @tattur, @theamazingchickenman, @solstice-muse-collective, @axl-ul, @tucsonhorse
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deviantartdramahub · 7 months
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I don't think you know how babysitting works anon? Imagine if you were a parent who left their child with someone bc you had to go to work or something, but then the babysitter charges to your work place just to make you change your kid. Sounds crazy and insensible, right? Eh why am I trying to reason with you. I really hope no one ever trusted you with their kid XD
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Please, tell me how in the world this blog is "racist". Bet you won't cuz it's just another buzzword for your slander.
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Hon please, you are fucking crazy. He never said kids can consent just bc he acknowledges pedophiles exist lmao. I think you broke both your legs due to the extreme jumping to conclusions...plus, what's the harm in him censoring words? It's completely understandable he doesn't want to say the whole thing, I think you're just pissy you can't get off on the word when it's censored.
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Dumbass, you acquired personal information of his and used it to threaten him. You completely deserve to be called out for that, you idiot. THE COPS VERY MUCH SHOULD BE CALLED ON YOU. And then you still have the nerve to say he's lying after you're straight up admitting to all this?? Dear God how could you be this stupid. Dox-threatening is a very bad thing hun-bun, even if you don't act on the threat. Imagine if someone sent you a death-threat, but everyone told you it's nothing to be upset about bc "YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY MURDERED, RIGHT?" So how about you shut up and admit you did something terrible...and the added blackmail based on slander is horrible. You put Club in danger whether you admit it or not. I really do bet you take pride in that though, you sick fuck...reasonable people know you're 100% in the wrong though.
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Loveless literally just came to DA to attack Club. He did NOTHING to her and she started harassing him, then for some reason got shocked when he called her out and started crying. We all know YOU are the victim-blamers here, that's one of your favorite things to do, smh.
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Got any proof the roleplay in question was an erp? No? Aight good day.
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You wish, I bet you'd wank to it. Too bad Club would never do something like that.
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What evidence? And you're the ones who try to silence anyone who doesn't agree with you, lmao.
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Explain to me how this was automatically Club's fault.
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Number one, that's a screenshot sweetheart. A screenshot that could've very well been manipulated. So remember, it isn't valid proof! ^w^
Number 2, proof that you refuse to give a voice to anyone who doesn't agree with you or even questions you. One of the reasons why this blog is 100% better. You just want to tune everyone out and surround yourself with yes-men while Tri lets everyone give their story, and gives everyone a fair chance. The fact you want everyone to only listen to you shows you aren't trustworthy.
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Roleplaying with people is always grooming?? Thus the logic of DADramaNow. Apparently all RPs are automatically sexual.
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Lmao Sam doesn't have friends.
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An example of DADramaNow using the "fetish mining" term on Club.
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You just contradicted yourself there. If Club didn't know that fetish existed, how could you accuse him of having it?? He's innocent and you know it, just give up already.
Another long one with many call-outs in one post let's gooo babyyyy.
I remember someone commented once to say that the thing about Mod S and college was a cover for being arrested by the FBI. Meanwhile, Club still has a presence here. Flawless victory.
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Random 5x05 thoughts (I know I’m Late to the celebration)
- Regarding Ashy and Tim’s Breakup (Good Riddance)
Ashy breaking up with Tim
My first thoughts were against Ashy breaking it off with Tim, but now I have come to accept that it was her, and I’m not mad at it. It’s finally done. I have seen many different perspectives and all are valid. Just thought I’d offer my take.
Ashy was either really oblivious or so narcissistic that she didn’t see Lucy as a threat. I mean, the signs have blatantly been there since the beginning. Not sure how she missed them. To be fair , we didn’t get enough background on her, in order to confirm or deny Lucy factored into her reasoning for breaking up with Tim. Her actual, displayed reasoning for the breakup was out of left field, and I had the same initial thoughts as some others, why date a cop in the first place, if you couldn’t handle being with one long term. After some thought, I came up with something that I haven’t seen discussed here yet. Now, I am not making any excuses for her, and the cold way she ended things, but I am trying to make sense of the breakup on her end. I think that maybe Tim being hurt and going into emergency surgery, may have triggered repressed, childhood trauma, regarding her dad. Our reactions/ responses to trauma/ reliving trauma, can sometimes be irrational and spontaneous. That trigger may have sent her into a tailspin, hence her talking about retirement, and not allowing time to pass before ending their relationship. She didn’t want to relive those feelings she and her mother went through when she was a child.
Tim Not being the one to break up with Ashy
I am curious and forgive me for maybe missing something, because I only rewatch Chenford scenes, but when did Tim ever reference or say that it would be an end all, be all (Dealbreaker), in his relationship, if his significant other did not want to marry or have kids? I only remember him saying that he thought he’d have kids by now, and he and Isabel talked about it. He did express surprise/ a little disappointment when Ashy revealed she didn’t want that, but I thought it was because most people are shocked/ surprised/ a little disappointed when a woman expresses that sentiment, as if it is taboo. I personally don’t think that was a main factor or reasoning to end his relationship with her, unless it is still what he really wants.
The main factor(s) that should have had him end that relationship, is the emotional and almost physical cheating with Lucy. Also, how Ashy was subtly manipulating him to conform to her wants and needs, instead of allowing him to be himself, with a little compromise. It also seems, to me at least, Tim was still very much of the mindset that he was in the early stages of dating, and they weren’t as exclusive to him, as they were to her. She said she loves him 🤮; he didn’t say it back. On screen canon tells me that he doesn’t love her. He also told Angela he’s dating Ashley in 5x01, even though he’s called her his GF, other times. (When is dating no longer dating? How long have they even been together, a year? Aaron finished his FTO program in that time. Isn’t it 18 months altogether?)
Was it fair for Tim to lead Ashy on? No, but he probably looked at their relationship, as a safety net, and because he didn’t follow through with the physical cheating, he most likely thought he could focus all his energy/efforts in his relationship with her, grow to love her, and get over his burgeoning feelings for Lucy. I don’t think him not ending things with Ashy, means he doesn’t have feelings for/ love Lucy. To him, Lucy has already moved on, with Chrispy. Logically, why forfeit any chance at potentially being happy? A lot of people settle, when they can’t be with the one they truly love. Yes, he is a man of honor, and what he was doing is quite the opposite of being honorable, but sometimes honorable people can have lapses in judgement, and make mistakes, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. That’s an internal struggle he could be dealing with/ trying to rationalize, under the surface. We won’t know, until it is said aloud, if ever.
Side note: Just thinking about why Tim was outlandishly considering retirement, and the only reasoning I can come up with, aside from him humoring Ashy, was that he was also factoring in a potential solution to the superior/senior officer roadblock that is preventing him from being with Lucy. 👀
I loved this episode and have many thoughts, about it. I’ll prob make another post solely about Lucy and Tim❤️. This is too long. Thank you for sticking with me til the end if you made it this far.
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I'm so sorry for the backlash you faced for that question. It was written in good faith, and its so upsetting people aren't seeing that. in a few years I'm sure they will look back and regret the hostility, because your questions are legitimate and you approached them with compassion.
I hope you're taking so much care of yourself and keeping yourself safe. 🫶 you deserve kindness. I'm sorry those people behaved that way; it's not fair at all.
sending love your way, friend! 🫶🫶💝💗
Im gonna hurt them both and they'll deserve it, granted I lied about a lot of stuff and yes I crossed many boundaries and yes I even touched and groped without consent HOWEVER at no point did anyone give me an ounce of understanding the way they would have if I claimed to have a personality disorder or if I were trans myself, and nobody dared to admit that i had every right to him. Im sorry but he SHOULD be with me, we are logically and factually more compatible in EVERY way. I know he said no and told me to stop bur i just know for a fsct that if i kept going he would've liked it eventually. If you have to lie, if you have to convince people around them so that THEY will convince him that we are literally meant to be, so be it!
PLUS these so called good PEople had two restraining orders put on me. You can get a restraining order on anybody for anything nowadays. What happened with my teacher was a decade ago, what about forgiveness being divine?
But now the parents of one of the kids who actually helped me wants to press charges for some.fuckong shit back in October because I was still talkong to the group chat and one girl beat the hell out of My Former Froend the Bitch in the parking lot. how am I supposed to control some.soxteen year old girl? maybe if someone is being """harassed""" and """"stalked"""" by me AND a sixteen year old girl so more than one person the cops need to realize it was deserved. Whether or not I Said stuff on discord and whether or not I said I wish that cunt would get her face kicked in isn't relevant, at16 she is capable of her own decisions and if she felt the need to defend me against FAKE TRANS BBITCH WITH A LOTERAL PERSOANLIT DISORDER then that's on her. She's lucky all she got were stitches because we all know she deserves more.
We shall see what the courts decide though, you know how psychopaths litrally manipulate courts all the time
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Do you know what the worst part of a toxic relationship is?
Toxic relationships have many down falls. We all at one point have stayed in one because at first that was the person we fell in love with. That toxic person was not who we originally met. What made her/him toxic? Nobody ever really knows but in the end we always blame ourselves.
Toxic relationship teach you how to manipulate your partner so that you can avoid the toxicity. Being with a toxic person teaches you how to master compartmentalization. Being with someone toxic you tend to stay broke as well. Toxic relationships teach you so many bad habits and it really takes a toll on your mental health. Doesn’t matter if it’s male or female.
From my POV as a male dating a toxic woman, I definitely learned what to say and how to say it. I definitely learned how to manipulate her just so we could have a good day. We never touched or had sex for the back half of our relationship. Trust me I tried. Not often because the rejection would fuck me up more than the toxicity would. Of course no means no, and I’m cool with that. But instead of just saying no, it was always, “no, don’t even try it or I’ll call the cops and all they will see is a white woman calling on a black guy and see sexual assault” yes it was really that bad and I stayed a lot longer than what I should have.
There was always a financial hardship/burden. She expected me to be the bread winner and provider while she stayed home and did nothing but run my bills up and find reason for me to not have money while she enjoyed the fruits of my labor. If I had a small paycheck then my relationship was in jeopardy. If I had no money then she would make my life hell.
There’s so many things I could go on and on about that are examples of the toxic parts of my ex. But what people fail to realize is, the worst part about a toxic relationship… it’s the healthy relationship after it.
Why? Think about it. Your brain and body is so used to all the time spent with that one toxic person that you’ve become stuck in limbo. The beginning of a healthy relationship after a toxic one so hard the first few months if not he first year. You have to force yourself to be normal. You have to try to not manipulate. You can’t compartmentalize anymore and you have to be open and honest with your partner about hoe you feel. Then there’s the fear of being open and honest and it being used against you in this new relationship.
I’m a year into my marriage and 2&1/2 total for the actual relationship, to this day I still don’t “put the moves on her.” She starts it every time. And it’s a habit that I can’t break because of the fear. Yeah she understands but it’s not fair to her. No matter what she deserves better. I love her to death for staying.
Being in a healthy relationship after leaving a toxic one, it’s really hard to not walk away over the slightest inconvenience. In your mind you think “oh this fight is over dumb shit, he/she is bout to start being toxic over (insert miscellaneous harmless example). I should probably just leave now before it gets worse” when I’m all actuality, she was just voice her/his opinion on something you did that she didn’t like.
I have a homie, he’s dope as hell. But even he is in a healthy relationship trying to recover from the previous toxic one. He flinched every time his girl would reach of something near him or if she’s stretching near him. I’ve seen it. And it’s not because he’s scared, his toxic one used to beat him. Yeah he is a dude who was physically abused by his ex. It happens. It was hard for him to leave because they had a kid together and he came from a broken hole so he tried his damndest to not have his son come from a broken home either.
The healthy relationship after a toxic one is the hardest part about being in a toxic relationship. There’s so many more examples I could give and go on about but I think you guys and gals understand what I’m talking about. Relationship PTSD is a real thing and it needs to be talked about more. You’d be surprised with how many men would come forward if they knew that could be emotionally secure instead of being made fun of or talked about for having valid feelings. Just some food for thought.
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I'd like to see how you think Vinca would admit she has feelings for MC, as if she couldn't take it anymore and admits to being in love with her.
“So you didn’t come to nag at me? At all? You’re just… just going to sit there? Silent?”
As she had done for the past hour, Vinca thoroughly ignored you. Never mind the fact that this was your shop, during your shift. You had gotten accustomed to Vinca hanging out here, to her snark and jokes and intense gaze, but today she was…
“I like this silence,” you muse, tinkering with the price tags on some of the bikes. “I feel like I can actually think, for once. It’s amazing what not being insulted every second does for your humor. Didn’t think I’d ever feel peace with you on the same room.”
The silence stretched, thick. It irks you, makes you shift uncomfortably.
“Then again, having you like this is just so weird. Did something happen? Something must have happened. Was it Laz again? What did he do?”
You turn your head just slightly. Vinca jerks her head to the side, blue eyes as hard as little diamonds, staring into the door so hard you’re afraid it’ll burst into flames.
Did you just catch Vinca staring at you…?
“Okey, what’s up? You’re creeping me out.”
Vinca was the sort of person to run you over with her opinion or thoughts, never afraid of the consequences, her pride a stubborn shield. It didn’t make sense for her to hesitate, to keep silent.
“If you don’t tell-”
The bell jingles. You sigh, standing up, going to greet the costumers. It’s a little boy, vibrating in place, eyes darting around everything offered in the store. His mother walks in a moment later, giving you a small, apologetic smile.
As you help the boy decide what bike he likes the most, your gaze wanders towards Vinca again, catching how fast her gaze drops towards her phone.
You’re so kicking her out for creeping you out later. Once you finish your shift, you might coax what’s troubling her so much with some ice cream and that movie she likes.
“Will I faster than mum’s car with this, miss?”
You blink down, a delighted smile spreading over your face. “What?” You giggle, crouching, too focused on the little kid to notice how Vinca reacts to the sound, eyes snapping towards you, wide with wonder. “Oh, I don’t know. How fast are you?”
He puffs out his chest. “Faster than The Flash!”
His mother gets this blank expression, probably recalling some sort of accident. You recognize it well enough – it’s the same expression your mom always gets when she talks about the pot incident you had had when you were small.
The next few minutes are spent lightly teasing the boy, his mom admonishing him from running around so much, and a successful purchase moments later.
“Remember to drive safe!” You shout, just before the door closes.
“He’ll probably crash,” Vinca huffs, somewhere behind you.
“Oh, so now you’re talking?”
When you turn, your first thought is that Vinca probably is sick and that’s why she has been acting so weird. After all, how else would you explain the red tinting her cheeks, spreading down her neck?
She’s a full-body blusher, huh, you muse, momentarily distracted.
Hold on… full-body… Blush? Wait, Vinca is blushing?
“Is everything-”
“You’re- You’re good with kids.” She interrupts, gaze wandering.
“Not really, he was just…” Your eyes narrow, catching the way she’s moving. Slow. Uncertain. “Don’t change the topic. Why are you-”
“Shut up for one second, okay?” She snaps, back to her usual self. You blink, confused but not startled, used to her abrupt change in humor. “I just.” A pause. Her eyes flick towards you, and she takes a deep breath. “Let’s go somewhere else.”
“I’m in the middle of my shift-”
One snap of her fingers, and a demon materializes near the counter, expressionless.
“You have to be kidding-”
Her hand snaps towards your arm, claiming it in a vice-like grip. Vinca proceeds to drag you out of the store and into her car, occasionally adjusting her grip and making it gentler, and you only sigh and follow her, deciding do keep silent for now.
Seems like we’re getting that ice cream a bit sooner.
Curiously, Vinca doesn’t head to that ice cream parlor you usually frequent, choosing instead to lead you out of town. The place she wants to go instantly clicks in your mind, memories of a fight – the fight where you had first learned of demons’ existence – flashing behind your eyes.
“Are you going to perform another ritual?”
“No.” Vinca says, dryly. “I would never do something to hurt you.” There’s a pause, but you don’t make any comments. You can tell she’s not quite done talking. “When… when I did it the first time… the ritual, I mean. And it- when it didn’t work out, and you got hurt – cursed with being Dorran’s vessel, I felt so… miserable. I’m not any better than him. Considering how I acted, and all.”
“Hey, you helped me get exorcised. That must count for something.”
“I could have done it sooner.” She huffs. You can see her eyes darken, lost in memory
You shrug. “You were desperate, back then. And you’ve changed a lot. You actually care about me now, for one.”
Her lips thin. “Yes.”
That makes your thoughts skid into a stop. You expected her to huff, glare at you, and say something similar to ‘don’t let it get to your head, pipsqueak, you aren’t that important’.
But Vinca doesn’t look like she’s going to add anything of the sort, so you just stare at her, mouth agape.
“Did you just admit you care about me?”
You see her take a deep breath, feel how her grip tightens against the steering wheel. Her gaze is locked on the road, resolute. “Is that too hard to believe?”
You begin to say yes only to clam up when you detect the edge on her voice. “I’m just… surprised. You don’t usually admit how you, uh, how…”
“That’s going to change, starting now.” She says, guiding the car to a gentle stop near the abandoned factory where everything had transpired. She motions at you to get out of the car and heads inside at a brisk pace. You fumble with your seatbelt and hurry to follow.
The shadows loom, threateningly. Your gaze is drawn towards the center of the room, the traces of a circle barely visible. “I’m listening, then. To everything you have to say.”
You join her, sitting just a few meters near the entrance, backs against some boxes left there a lifetime ago. Vinca closes her eyes and sighs, deeply, and you only watch her. Watch the arch of her back, the knives on her dress glinting against the pale beams of light that manage to sneak through the windows.
“Just a heads up, but I didn’t expect this.” She finally says, after minutes of silence. “I thought I had better tastes.”
“In… what? Abandoned factories?”
“No, in- agh, just listen. I used to think you were someone I’d enjoy breaking, you know? In the show.”
“Oh yeah, I remember all your challenges.”
“But you turned out to be tougher than you look. And smarter, too, even if you sometimes make dumb decisions. Like following me to an abandoned factory minutes before a ritual.”
“I didn’t know you were going to-! But okey, yeah, fair point. It was a bit stupid. I should have called the cops on you.”
“Right, well. And then you powered through Dorran’s manipulation – I have to hand it to you, that was pretty badass. And throughout it all, you’ve… I used to think you were after me because you wanted an adventure. I mean, I’m hot, I’m rich. What more is there to love? But-” She throws you significant glare when she sees your mouth open, and you obediently close it so she can continue, “I understand now that it was never about the adventure. You just… wanted to get to know me. Not Pride, just me. Not the woman involved with demons, and not the woman involved with ghosts. You just wanted me, as I am, imperfect. And you never… you were never pushy about it. I could see it in your eyes, how you were connecting the dots about everything, but you never used it against me.”
“I never would have,” you mutter, gently. Vinca’s breath comes out in quick puffs of air. She’s visibly nervous, twirling one of her tiny knives between her fingers, her blush beginning to spread over her chest.
“You… somehow, you… I’ve felt it before, you know. Flings. Something destined to shatter when the other person can’t put up with me anymore, but with you, it’s… it’s different. I don’t feel like it will shatter. You keep me on my toes but I never feel like I will fall. You make me feel alive when all I want is to hide myself from everything. Somehow, I…I’ve come to love you. I’m honestly impressed, pipsqueak. I really thought I had better tastes.”
“What can I say?” You shrug, trying to be smooth but failing because your heart is thundering against your ears, your voice too soft out of the sheer wonder you are feeling right now. “Doing the unexpected is my passion.”
“You are too damn dorky.” Vinca hisses, turning her head just slightly. “I am ashamed of myself for loving- for falling in love with someone like you.”
You reach for her, and she lets you guide her so your eyes meet, sparkling blue against warm chocolate. You inch a bit closer, feeling her warmth envelop you. “Didn’t you just say I’m impressive?”
“I’m taking it back.”
“No can do, Wren. You fell in love with me despite, or should I say because, of my dorkiness. I’d say your bitchiness and my dorkiness complement each other quite nicely.”
Vinca groans. You can feel the vibrations of her voice travel down your hand, making you smirk even more, leaning closer, closer-
“Why did it have to be you?” She laments, but closes the distance despite it all, her movements intense and sure and glad. You can feel the heat of her skin, of her blush, pressed against yours as she quickly takes control of the kiss, pushing you backwards, curling herself around you.
Happiness surges inside of you. You smile into the kiss, melting against her.
You’ve both come a long way. This place, gray with memories of a fight, quickly takes on another meaning. One of acceptance, of overcoming challenges that kept both of you rooted into the past. With Vinca, you feel like you can finally leave it all behind.
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jbuffyangel · 3 years
The Domino Falls: Arrow 1x12 Review (Vertigo)
It’s officially 1 year today since Arrow went off the air and I thought what better way to mark the moment than by chatting about the show we all love with a review!
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We have begun the slow and steady climb to more Felicity Smoak content 
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and “Vertigo” is a monumentally HUGE moment in Oliver and Felicity’s relationship. One little meet up at Big Belly Burger is what tips the dominoes over for Oliver Queen.
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Let’s dig in...
Let’s get right to the good stuff. Of course, there’s other stuff that happened in this episode, but do we care? Only a little. Oliver is on the hunt for The Count – the man responsible for the Vertigo epidemic and Thea’s looming drug trial. The Count is in my Top 5 of best Arrow villains. Of course his first episode coincides with an Olicity milestone. That rat bastard worked the hardest for our ship.
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The judge has decided to make an example out of Ms. Queen in hopes of deterring others from trying Vertigo. Seriously, does that ever work? 
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So, he chucked Thea’s plea agreement right out the window. Big Bro in The Hood is hoping to serve up a bigger fish – THE FISH – to help get his sister off the hook. Oliver is generally anti innocent people dying from illicit drugs, so there are unselfish reasons at play too.
No one knows the identity of The Count, so after roughing up the streets and getting nowhere, Oliver reaches out to Alexi Leonov. We met Leonov in 1x03, but for those who need a refresher - he leads the Starling City chapter of the Bratva. This is the first time Diggle meets Leonov, discovers Oliver speaks Russian, is a captain in the Russian mob, and can fake kill someone. 
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It was a big day for John.
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Leonov sets up the meet with The Count and Oliver attempts to buy some Vertigo off him, sans mask and arrow. The cops show up and Oliver tries to run down The Count as he escapes, but is stabbed in the chest with two syringes full of Vertigo. 
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Never fear, Oliver has his magic herbs from Lian Yu which apparently can cure drug overdose. (Maybe share with the rest of the world?) Vertigo makes him momentarily murderous (more than usual) and he screams a lot.
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Diggle and Oliver think it would be wise to have someone analyze the Vertigo… for some reason. This leads our dynamic duo to Queen Consolidated and to our favorite blonde hacker. 
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Felicity rambles about Oliver’s haggard appearance (re: see drug overdose) and a cat being tased (she connects those disparate dots, I assure you). He offers yet another ridiculous lie and we embark on one of the funniest scenes in Arrow’s history.  
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Arrow struggled to find its footing for a long time, but “Vertigo” is the beginning of the writers settling on to solid ground. If you ever have to wonder why the show focused on Oliver, Diggle and Felicity as the core characters you only need to watch this scene for the answer. 
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The chemistry between all the actors is amazing. Arrow is not known for its humor (especially in Season 1), but between Emily Bett Rickard’s perfect delivery of another one of Felicity’s awkward and inadvertent sexual slip ups,
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Stephen Amell’s inability to stay in character as he laughs right along with us,
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and David Ramsey’s stone cold straight man reaction –
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this entire scene is comedy gold. 
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I vividly remember watching it live, laughing my ass off, and wanting more of EVERYTHING these three have to offer. And that’s exactly what we’re going get. 
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“I ran out of sports bottles” reigned as Arrow’s funniest scene for a solid two years (until this episode), but it also marks the worst of Oliver’s terrible lies to Felicity. It’s so bad even Diggle has to remark on it in the elevator. Oliver’s lies are horrible, everyone knows Felicity doesn’t buy a word of it, and their need for her help is increasing with every day. Something has to change.
As we discussed in 1x11, Oliver is prone to distrust and very reticent to change his mind – ever. He’s been burned so many times in the past it’s difficult for him to view anyone through a trusting lens. 
And yet, Oliver told his deepest and darkest secret to a man he’d only known for a few weeks. Yes, Diggle had soldier skills Oliver would find useful as a partner. He knew John could hold his own in the field, but it’s not just about his abilities. It was also about the person Diggle is. Oliver did his homework and realized he needed John to survive. There was a wellspring of humanity in John that Oliver wasn’t able to access inside himself. He was subconsciously reaching out for help - like a moth to a flame.
It is the same with Felicity. Yes, Oliver needs her abilities – perhaps even more than what Diggle has to offer. (It’s not like Oliver Queen can’t handle himself in the field). But he is also drawn to Felicity’s warmth, kindness, humor, compassion and openness. Oliver’s heart is encased in iron and welded shut. He doesn’t know how to open it back up. It’s been dark and alone for so long. And yet, Oliver returns again and again to this brightly shining light and why? Because he craves it.  
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Something has to change. We need that final push, the first domino to fall, so Oliver can make that final step and tell Felicity who he really is. Diggle was easier. He’d fought a war before. Oliver also knew about Andy’s death. Remember – Oliver brought Diggle onboard when he needed help with Deadshot. Manipulative? Yes, but it worked.
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Felicity is trickier. I’m sure Oliver has done his research. 
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Well, yes that kind of research, but also into her background. There’s no dead family member requiring retribution. No war zone she’s recently returned from. She’s an MIT graduate with a penchant for hacking working at a global conglomerate as a wildly overqualified IT tech. The girl doesn’t have so much as a parking ticket. The leap to vigilantism would be rather big.
I also think a fair amount of his hesitancy to involve her in anything related to The Hood is the danger. Diggle can handle himself. Felicity is a different story. Oliver is constantly battling the need for Felicity’s help versus the risk he’s putting her at by asking for it. The lies are to protest Oliver’s secret identity, but also to shield Felicity from it.
Whether it is Oliver’s own distrustfulness, his inability to see an angle to reel Felicity in, his desire to protect her or all three – it doesn’t matter. He continues to lie to her. Oliver isn’t ready to make that big leap either.
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Source:  yet-i-remain-quiet
Until… Felicity asks to meet him at Big Belly Burger. Oliver waits for her, looking out the window on a rainy night, thinking of Yao Fei.
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Oliver feared Yao Fei betrayed him and was really working for Fyers, but neither was true. He convinced Fyers of his loyalty by pretending to kill Oliver. (So that’s who Oliver learned it from!) Yao Fei wakes Oliver just as he rolls his “dead” body into the waterfall. He also slips Oliver a map with a location marked with the words “Survive.” 
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Oliver doubted his trust in Yao Fei, but in the end was shocked to find out he had it right all along. Yao Fei was exactly who Oliver thought he was – a good man. That final and literal push cemented Oliver’s belief in his friend and to trust his gut.
There will probably always be a debate as to when the writers began the shift towards Olicity. “We DiDn’T dEcIdE uNtIL sEaSoN 2,” is the standard story, but I’m a firm believer it began in Season 1 and often include this scene in my massive pile of evidence. The last scene in the episode either tees up the next or contains a lot of emotional significance. Felicity beings to carve out a lot of final scene time as the series progresses.
The last scene in “Vertigo” is romantically lit with rain drops shimmering on the window. Oliver and Felicity are meeting outside the office and ALONE.  Soft instrumental music plays in the background. It feels more intimate than any scene they’ve shared before.
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Source: andjustforthismoment 
I still cannot get over Oliver “The Sex God” Queen waving at Felicity Smoak like a giddy school boy and then shaking his head over how completely uncool he looked. We watched this man leave a criminal suspended in the air with an arrow through his hand in the first scene and in the last he acts like a puppy. THE RANGE.
It’s clear Felicity is a little nervous as she exhales walking in. Is she nervous to be meeting with Oliver or nervous about what she has to say? Both. She tips her hand a bit by thanking Oliver for meeting her at Big Belly Burger. She did not want to have this discussion at the Queen mansion. (THE PLOT THICKENS).
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It seems Oliver and Felicity are having similar conundrums about each other. Felicity is uncertain if she can trust Oliver and has been debating for weeks whether or not to tell him the full truth. SOUND FAMILIAR? Felicity has far more evidence of Oliver’s untrustworthiness. There’s no rambling this time. She lays out the cold hard facts which is Oliver Queen is a big, fat liar and she knows it. He knows it. They both know it. Felicity Smoak is nobody’s fool.
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And yet, she trusts him. Even though Oliver has given her no reason to. Even though there are clearly things he’s not telling her. Even though Oliver has yet to show her the same trust. There is something Felicity sees in him which tells her Oliver is worthy of it. It is an unsubstantiated truth. Felicity is going with her gut and her gut says Oliver Queen is a good man.
This doesn’t stop her from asking him the simple question though. Felicity needs that little bit of reassurance before she makes the final leap. 
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At first, Oliver plays it off in his smarmy, smart ass and flippant way. It’s the Ollie Queen façade that always works with L*urel, Tommy, Lance, Moira and Thea.
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It’s an act that’s never worked on Felicity. She sees through it now just like she’s always has. Her smile fades. Felicity breaks eye contact with Oliver and doesn’t hide her disappointment. She is tired of the games and lies. Felicity wants to talk to the real Oliver Queen. That’s the only man she will share this secret with.
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All it takes is five seconds of Felicity’s disappointment for Oliver to drop the façade like a hot potato. 
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He even apologizes and promises Felicity he is worthy of her trust. Then, Felicity lowers the boom and hands him The List.
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It is difficult to surprise Oliver Queen, but this one has him reeling. She hands the book to Oliver, the same book Robert gave him, but he hesitates taking it. He has no idea where this is going, so he defaults to his standard operating procedure and lies.
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Oliver is not doing a stellar job covering his “my world is upside down” reaction, so I highly doubt Felicity believes him, but she lets it slide for now. 
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The more information she shares with Oliver the worse it gets. Felicity begins to fill in all the missing pieces to Walter’s disappearance and the guilt is pointing directly at Moira.
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This is not the first time Oliver has reason to doubt his mother, but every time he’s able to reason away her involvement in anything nefarious. If he can’t do that on his own then Moira provides very plausible explanations (LIES), which allow Oliver to continuing looking at his family with a blind eye. But this? This is impossible to easily explain away. Particularly since WALTER was beginning to suspect his own wife.
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Source: green-arrows-of-karamel
If The List cost Walter his life then Felicity is risking her own by showing it to anyone, particularly a Queen. She is literally putting her life in Oliver’s hands when she handed him that book. The first domino falls, but it’s not Oliver who pushes it over. It’s Felicity. She gives Oliver the truth when he’s given nothing but lies. Felicity trusts him absolutely when he’s done nothing to show he’s deserving of it. She risks everything while Oliver continues to hide everything.
Felicity shocks Oliver no differently than Yao Fei shocked him.  We’ve been waiting all this time for Oliver to make that final step and in the end it is Felicity who gives their relationship the necessary push over the waterfall. It’s a cold awakening, but he can see things clearly now. She is like a flashlight illuminating all the answers clouded by his distrustfulness and hesitancy. 
Felicity reveals so much of herself in this moment. First, she is willing to take risks if the cause is worth it. Giving Oliver that book took real courage. Second, the girl can keep a secret. She never said boo about anything related to Moira or Walter during Oliver’s little visits. Not even a hint! Three, Felicity Smoak sees clearly all the things Oliver is blind to. 
This serves as an important lesson for Oliver. Felicity knows so much more than he ever gave her credit for. Most importantly, his gut was right about her and he was wrong to ever question it. Two mistakes he will never make again.
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And now everything will change.
Thea and Moira
I’m not gonna sugar coat this for you guys. I was one hundred percent okay with Thea going to jail. Season 1 Thea is a pain in the ass. A couple episodes with her sitting in the slammer would be a welcomed break from the teenage ‘tude.
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L*urel and Lance work out a sweetheart deal for Thea after the judge basically said he would throw the book at her. Thea will serve 500 hours of community service under the watchful gaze of L*urel Lance at CRNI. And Thea flat out refuses.
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Now, typically I am a fan of anyone who tells L*urel Lance to go screw herself, but even this was too much for me. Thea wants to go to jail to stick it to her mother because she’s still convinced Moira cheated on Walter. 
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She didn’t cheat on Walter, Thea! Your mom just kidnapped him. So it’s fine.
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Oliver decides to drop the Robert “I’m not the man you think I am” Queen bomb on Thea and tells her their father was a big hoe. Thea refuses to believe him and Moira is ticked because Oliver told the truth. Queens don’t do that EVER. 
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Moira: He loved you. No matter his faults. He loved you.
Thea wants to know why Moira took all the punishment for Robert’s sins and her answer is very simple. She was trying to protect Thea’s memory of her father. Moira Queen is as shady as they come, but her desire to protect her children is always the driving force of any decisions she makes – good, bad and the ugly.
Moira: One day I hope you’re lucky enough to have a daughter and then you’ll know why.
This is the essence of motherhood. We will serve ourselves up on a platter and take the brunt of their hurt and anger if we believe it protect or help our children in the long run. Right or wrong - it’s just the gig.
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Source: queensarrow.
L*urel and Lance
L*urel and Detective Lance are really Thea’s only hope of avoiding significant jail time and, despite their history, Oliver has no problem groveling at their feet if it means protecting his sister. Luckily for Oliver, this week L*urel likes him, so she’s willing to do Thea a favor.
But her reason for wanting to help Thea turns out have very little to do with Oliver. It’s about Sara. When L*urel looks at Thea she sees all the wild abandon of Sara with all the red flags.
L*urel: For so long you and I have blamed Oliver for Sara's death, but Sara is to blame too.
Detective Lance isn’t too keen on helping Oliver or Thea, but L*urel calls out her father on his hypocrisy. He had no qualms about bailing Sara out after she shop lifted. The youngest Lance daughter seemed to get herself in to trouble long before she ever stepped onto the Queen’s Gambit and her father always helped her avoid the consequences of her actions. Until those consequences finally caught up with her.
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This is the first time L*urel lays any blame at Sara’s feet. I find it wildly disturbing whenever I agree with L*urel, but damn it she has this one right. Oliver wasn’t the only one who cheated. Oliver wasn’t the only one who lied. Oliver wasn’t the only one who was selfish. Sara was all of those things too. Just because she paid for those mistakes with her life doesn’t erase the choices she made and the pain she caused. If someone held Sara responsible without destroying her life, like L*urel is trying to do with Thea just maybe she would have never gotten on the boat. Maybe.
The game of “What if?” is a torturous one. It never gives any definitive answers. But Detective Lance refusing to help Thea to stick it to Oliver isn’t fair. L*urel is right. Sure, it may hurt Oliver, but it won’t bring Sara back.
More importantly, it doesn’t hold Sara responsible in any way. Detective Lance is treating Sara the same in death as he did in life. She wasn’t a saint anymore than Thea is – no matter how much Lance romanticizes his memory of his daughter. L*urel and her father don’t resolve the Sara issue, but Lance helping Thea is an important step towards his acknowledgement of the truth and putting some of the blame where it belongs.
Stray Thoughts
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Oliver is shirtless and handcuffed in the bunker is an absolutely wasted opportunity for an Olicity sex scene. Pretty sure I read a fic that started like it though. Source: @olivergifs​
Bratva Oliver is cold, calculating and stylish. I don’t know what it is about that jacket you guys. It doesn’t things to me.
I say this as a person who was very anti murder throughout the show, but sometimes it’s great to watch Oliver do a little violence.
“Whoever you fear, fear me more!” As vigilante lines go this was a damn good one.
“I’m not the one going to prison.” Give it time, Moira. Give it time.
McKenna Hall makes her first episode appearance as the rotation of female guest stars continues while show desperately searches for a love interest Stephen has chemistry because it ain’t Katie Cassidy.  (Psst! You found THE ONE already!!! Call off the search!)
Just for you multifandom folks out there McKenna is also Qetsiyah on The Vampire Diaries.
Why doesn’t Oliver give a sketch to the police of The Count? That could be helpful.
“I don’t need the bow.” Yeah, but you need to walk straight!
Musings of the Kiddo
Kiddo: How many times does he do this to her?
Me: Lie? A lot. She was very patient with him.
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me.
If you’d like to support the blog, please buy me a cup of tea!
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Tw abuse, drug addiction, mentions of Shadowhunter racism, sexual abuse and all Camille related shittiness. (1) Right so how do we feel about Camille using yin fen to further manipulate Magnus and make him stay? I mean obviously Camille’s not the only vampire in the world but I’m sure Camille would convince him to stay with her and only get yin fen from her and the ways she could further manipulate and abuse him is....ouch. -
She could just up and leave suddenly and leave Magnus in withdrawal with no idea when she’ll be back, making it seem like it’s his fault she left and furthering Magnus belief that he needs her. When she comes back she calls Magnus pathetic, ‘I mean she was only gone a few days and he’s already like this, this is why no one loves you Magnus your just a pathetic waste of space’ and that goes on for a while, I’m not really sure what the breaking point would be or if cat and ragnor get him out of there, but either way he gets out and there’s lots of ups and downs and relapses and it’s painful, he has his family but he’s barley holding on and then introduce Raphael! Cause I love him and need to include some Raphael Magnus bonding any chance I get. When Raphael moves in and is struggling with his addiction Magnus tries to help the best he can but always keeping his walls up so he won’t seem weak and helpless like he feels he is but things happen insert some dramatic plot and tears and Magnus tells him about his addiction and how he understands how hard it is so Raphael can feel better cause Magnus is always helping other people at the cost of himself, is it healthy? No. But will that stop him? Also no. And cue angsty dialogue where Raphael says it’s not the same cause he hurts people with da fangs and Magnus doesn’t, like the whole aggressor vampire bloodsucking stereotype that I’m sure Shadowhunters love to use to their advantage and you’re a much better writer than me but emotions and bonding and lots and lots of angst. Djkajsjssf yeah you get it -ya boy( yeah that’s the name I’m using so you know it’s me cause I’m extremely creative )
love the name! sorry it took me so long to answer, i've been busy and i wanted to give this all the thought it deserves cuz u know me and camille angst and aaaa
i usually don't tie yin fen in with the abuse, i've seen that hc before but i don't commonly go with it (not for any reason in particular tbh except maybe that i usually use camille's abuse as a way to project my own abusers and since i never had any experience with that i don't include it in my hcs), but i do think the potential is great! (well, in an evil way, but you get it)
the whole thing about withdrawal is great because by that logic when she withdraws affection she is also withdrawing the venom so it's a double withdrawal he's experiencing and it's hard for him to differentiate between the two things, so it just ends up seeming like being without camille is even worse. and like addiction is a result of biopsychosocial factors so the fact that he became addicted in the first place indicates that he had been in a fragile state; and camille leaving plays into that fragile state, making his need for the yin fen greater, and then she isn't there to give it to him, so again it just feels like being without camille is the worst thing in the world and he just doesn't want to upset her so she doesn't leave him alone in this hell again
and then of course when she's back magnus is in a terrible state and she immediately uses it against him, saying that this is exactly why she needed some time, she can't ever be away from him, he is so needy and dependant and needs her all the time and he's smothering her, can't he see that she's exhausted? she can't live to take care of him all the time and he's just so selfish and tiring and this is why everyone but her left him
then you know... kicking him and kissing it better, saying, "look at you, what a terrible shape you are in, i don't know what you'd do without me", playing the good cop and further drilling into him that he needs her you know
and certainly magnus could get the venom from someone else but it puts him in a way too vulnerable position in front of strangers, risks other people finding out (i'm sure magnus wouldn't want people to know about his addiction just like they don't want to know about his abuse; it's ridiculous, it's pathetic and it's all his fault and he should have known better in his head obviously i'm not saying it's true but also just because it's one more thing shadowhunters and other people can use against him), and probably risks getting her mad. which is weird because she bites other people all the time, but then again, what does he want her to do, not feed herself? only drink from him? and he knows it's difficult to stop so why is he judging her for something she can't control?
but if it were the other way around she would lose it, call him a cheater and say that she doesn't deserve this, that she's done everything for him and this is how he repays her, whoring himself out for anyone else. it was supposed to be their thing, something they did for pleasure and for fun, and he had to go and become a fucking junkie, didn't he?
then later she comes back and apologizes, says she was mad but she had the right to with that he had done, and besides, she's really just worried about him, doesn't he know other people would use that to manipulate him, put him in danger? she's just looking out for him. and repeat
i'm also not sure what the breaking point would be but i think it would probably require some interventions from ragnor and cat, plus eventually these things boil. magnus is in a vulnerable position, yes, but he is still smart and he is a free spirit and he doesn't like being held down and treated like a toy and abandoned; he craves people and he craves affection and he can see how he's spiralling out of control, and i think for the longest time what keeps him tied to camille isn't love but guilt. this sense that he owes her because she saved him in the bridge, and it isn't fair of him to just break up with her. but eventually enough is enough, and plus, camille is not just an ass to him. he sees the way she treats other people, turn mundanes and then leave them to rot, and is generally a terrible clan leader. and i don't think magnus would ever want to be with someone who is openly vile and hurting others like that. he just can't live with it, magnus already has enough guilt from associating with terrible people and he cares so fucking much about others he could bleed to death from it. so eventually it's too much
don't get me wrong, he also does it for himself, and honestly i wish it was more for himself, but i do think the fact that camille is a terrible person plays an important part in him leaving her because enough is enough
about rapha!!!! you know i'm a fucking sucker for magnus and rapha angst and bonding so you've come to the right place, love of my life. i do like the idea of magnus being able to talk to raphael about it, say that he understands perfectly what he's going through. it's also interesting because they are on "opposite sides" of the addiction, and with magnus he had been in an abusive relationship that got him hooked to it, but like, it's still the same thing at the end of the day, you know?
and magnus is just like, raphael, this isn't your fault. trust me, i know what a person doing this to someone on purpose looks like. and it's a complicated thing ofc because rapha is a guilt junkie so of course the idea that he could be even remotely similar to camille eats at him, but at the same time he just... could never and magnus points that out to him, that his disgust at the idea is more than enough proof that this is not the kind of person he is
and slowly magnus helps him through his own recovery because magnus understands exactly what this is like, and he knows all the ups and downs. he knows downworlder support groups dedicated to that, he knows other people who have gone through it, he knows the importance of a support network and makes sure to give it to rapha not just in the form of himself (because no one can be a person's single source of support, it's impossible to take this much responsibility) but also by introducing him to other people like cat and ragnor and other cool vampires magnus knows. and encouraging him to eat more from blood bags because i bet rapha is the kind of person who refuses to because he feels disgusting and magnus is the one who tells him that if he adds hunger on top of withdrawal it's just going to make him feel like he needs the blood even more. so eventually raphael relents and starts eating properly
and at the same time raphael helping give magnus some closure because i think part of him still feels a bit like he was ungrateful towards camille and rapha is just adamant that that was Not the case, and camille wasn't addicted to his blood, she was using him and that's different. and just aaa raphael being the first person magnus opens up to about this that didn't already know him by the time camille rolled around, and them both helping each other and getting closure and being a support network without trying to "fix" the other, just giving options, listening, being there. ugh i love their relationship so mUCH
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Buffy Season 8: Review
It’s bad. It’s just... really... bad. That’s the TL;DR of this review. There was one (1) good thing about this season and that was the return of Oz. So if you’re looking for something that hypes season 8? This is not it. If you are confused, angry or salty about season 8? Hi, yes, me too.
Starting at the beginning. At first, I was really happy that they introduced more characters of color, with Renee and Satsu. And when Renee was then even “promoted” to Xander’s love interest? Nice. The two were even cute.
But no. That was all just the set-up to fridge her. Which, I am so very tired of that trope. And that is what that was. That wasn’t just a slayer dying during a fight. The entire issue of her death focused on her and Xander, building up to their relationship, setting them up for their first date, having her be prominently featured, just to then kill her off and have Xander avenge her.
What made it feel even worse - worse than just the fridging - was that they really had to fridge one of their very few women of color. And, to top it off, spend the entire issue in which she dies having her subjected to racism. Just great. Really, you managed to make an already shitty trope even worse. That’s impressive.
The racism itself too. Dracula. They just decided to make Dracula totally racist now, huh? and it doesn’t get a pass just because Xander points out in the comic that he doesn’t remember Dracula being this racist. Because he wasn’t. This Dracula just throws around slurs left and right in a way that feels more like the writers just really wanted to use slurs. Because the character? He was suave, charming, heck he charmed the straight men and the lesbians too when he was on the show. He was a smooth talker. This Dracula? He just... He was just racist and rude in general. Why.
Moving on from the racism to the next failure in rep. The gays. At this point in time I am simply convinced that Joss Whedon is entirely unfamiliar with the concept of bisexuality.
I know I’ve already made a separate post complaining about this, but it needs mentioning in the review of the season too. Having Buffy hook up with a lesbian twice, but #NoHomo, just a straight girl in her “experimental phase”. That’s just cringey and also offensive. Just... make her... come out as a bisexual? It’s not like the writing in the show hadn’t already set her up with quite the bi vibes.
Instead, the narrative made it sound like the only options would be to be straight or to now suddenly turn “into” a lesbian. Which is also offensive on itself, because - as this very show had proven on screen - lesbians can come out later in life and genuinely, I adore Willow’s arc. For her narrative, it fit to have her come out as a lesbian, the circumstances and her life fit for that. I absolutely agree that it would have been weird for Buffy to have a sudden coming out as a lesbian at that point in her life and after everything, but referring to it as turning into a dyke was just not great.
And lesbian wasn’t the only option. Though, I’m unsure Whedon knows that, considering that 6/6 canon queer characters are homosexual and 4/4 wlw are lesbians. They just keep introducing more lesbians - which, as a lesbian I am always in favor of more lesbians. However, when you have a very small number (2) of queer characters, it figures you can not cover all the sexualities and it’s even fair that even with two, you still choose to have them both be the same sexuality. But... the more you add? The more questionable it becomes that you limit it to one sexuality only.
This arc would have so beautifully set up for Buffy to come out as bi. But no.
And while we’re on the wlw; one of the things I always loved about Buffy was that the lesbians weren’t just there for the male gaze, they weren’t oversexualized. They desired each other, they even had sex. But... in a normal frame work, to a normal amount, meaning equal to how the straights were handled. I always liked that, because especially in early days, lesbians were usually just there to look really hot and have hot sex that straight men could get off to. Well, consider me very unimpressed with the comics, because... man are lesbians sexualized now. Willow gets a hot constantly naked snake goddess girlfriend whom she can only contact by - and I am not making this up - having an orgasm. So we prelude the trip by her having sex with Kennedy, before waking up all nude in snake goddess’ realm and usually having am makeout session or sex with her too while doing whatever business she has with her. So much nakedness, so much oversexualization. Really... disappointing.
Staying on the romance but turning to the other Summers sister, I truly can’t believe they made Xander/Dawn canon. Like, I can not comprehend they decided to make that a canon ship.
Sure, Dawnie’s had a crush on Xander since the literal beginning of Dawn. And that was... cute, honestly. Fifteen year old girls have crushes on cute older guys who are nice to them. Figures. Adorable. But she kind of... grew out of that over the course of the show? Or so it seemed...
And Xander. One of the things I loved about Xander was that Dawn was always a total no go. She was Buffy’s sister, heck, she was kind of every Scoobie’s little sister. He had always had brotherly advise for her. Heck, in this comic he points out that it’s weird since he’s known her since she was little - and yeah it is. It’s not weird when two people were both little together, but when one was sixteen when the other was eleven and one has babysat the other? That’s weird.
Getting infinitely more disturbing by the fact that she... literally... just turned eighteen. If they had put this into a rather later season, or a bigger time skip, had Dawn been A WomanTM for a few years now and Xander had gotten around to separating the idea of kiddo!Dawnie from the woman she has become, but Dawn is only eighteen, she hasn’t become a woman yet. She just turned legal to bang and thus, a switch was flipped in Xander’s mind, putting her on his radar. And just... no. Why.
And even beyond this decision; Dawn spends the first third of this season being slut-shamed in ridiculous ways. Which is also tiresome. I am the last person to defend cheaters, but there’s a difference between “You cheated and are being held accountable for it” and “You cheated so now you are cursed to be a giant, a centaur and then a porcellain doll for weeks at a time, being publicly humiliated and having control over your body taken away from you”. That was... sure a choice.
Moving on to the actual main problem of this season. The plot.
Starting with the incomprehensibly dumb idea of “hey let’s retreat to Tibet, put a huge target on Oz’s new home and get rid of all of our magic. surely that will not come to bite us in the arse when the bad guys find us”. Naturally, it came back to bite them in their collective asses. This was just... No one objected or pointed out how dumb that plan was? Really? No one? Really?
Anyway, let’s talk villains. And work our way up there. The return of Amy and Warren. Once again, I ask why. I’m still salty about the 180° Amy did from sweet Wiccan to wicked bitch after her stint as a rat, but having her now... hook up with Warren, the second biggest misogynist on this show, who is also skinless. She used a spell to keep him alive but she couldn’t... give the spell a color? Anything? Anything to not make him look flayed? Because this was just unnecessarily gross body-horror.
Not to mention the... lack of reaction? Sure, some spoke grumpily against working with Warren. But... this is Warren. The guy who killed Tara when he was trying to kill Buffy. There really should have been more breather-scenes of the Scoobies talking about this, digesting the fact that the guy was still alive and more so when they worked with him.
But nevermind them, because they’re working for Angel. Because Angel’s the villain behind this season. I mean, he was manipulated into that by Twilight, but manipulated means he still chose to do it.
Now let me preface that I might not ship Angel/Buffy, but that really only factors marginally in here, because this plot would be bullshit even if it were my OTP.
We now retcon the creation of the Slayers as not just being something dirty old men did in a cave, it was now all the greater plan of the universe. Which. Might have worked had Slayers been... naturally occuring. And not created by men, forcing this upon a young woman. Sure, what people do can be seen as the greater plan of the universe too if you will, but that seems like a cop-out that absolves bad people of their bad choices and deeds.
Anyway. The universe created Slayers and vampires and the ““balance”“ between them (which is bullshit anyway because 1 Slayer vs thousands of vampires... not balanced at all), including the now supposedly destined romance between Angel and Buffy.
Both get rewarded with super-powers now so they can super-fuck and thus give birth to a new universe. That universe is called Twilight and manifests as a burning, winged, green lion who can talk (because that sure is how I always headcanoned Angel/Buffy’s children to look like /s) and who, through time-travel shenannigans, has been manipulating Angel into his own creation.
The magic pull between them is so strong that it overrides the “Angel just caused the death of over two-hundred Slayers” so Buffy fucks him.
At which point I just... this season was flat-out character assassination of Angel? He was manipulated by the bad guy. Not controlled, manipulated. He caused the death of hundreds. He threw everything he stood for and believed in out the window for the promise of a paradise where he could be with Buffy, when the real Angel has chosen other things, higher goals, over being with Buffy over and over again, because that’s what they do. That is their whole thing, they choose the good of the world over being together. They have always been a “will they/won’t they?” where the answer is they won’t, because they know they are needed elsewhere, by others. But now Angel just... doesn’t care about all that anymore, or heck about his own son and his friends, ready to abandon everything for this.
And then when Twilight is born and consequently abandoned by Buffy, who still prioritizes her friends, family and the world over being with Angel, Angel actually... needs convincing in the abandoning? Because, again, character assassination. Ultimately, Angel gets controlled by Twilight and used to kill Giles and try to kill Buffy.
But thanks to the Deus Ex Machina of Spike dropping in in the final arc, they know how to stop this. He hasn’t been in this season so far, because - truly in line with this season - he was off being the king of a race of alien bugs, traveling in their space-ship.
To stop this all, they go back to Sunnydale, where of course the “heart of the Earth” is located, the seed that contains all magic, and destroy it, and with it all magic. Also, the Master was apparently always just there to guard that seed. He is now back from the dead!
Let me summarize that once more, just for emphasis: The universe wanted Buffy and Angel to fuck so they can give birth to a new universe that personifies as a green, winged, burning lion but before it can destroy our universe, Spike, now king of an alien bug race, delivers the solution to go back to Sunnydale and destroy the seed of all magic that is being guarded by a resurrected Master.
How do you read that with a straight face? How do you pitch that? This is just so incomprehensibly stupid.
We end the comic with Buffy as a waitress, hated by many, Xander and Dawn now have an apartment and are playing house, Willow broke up with Kennedy because she realized she is in love with the snake goddess she will now never get to see again, Giles is dead, Faith somehow inherited everything from Giles and she is also the designated Angel-sitter now.
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Okay so I just reblogged a thing talking about season 2 and 3 of Cobra Kai and I have some Thoughts about what they did to everyone’s character arcs in this so if you’d like a rant it’s under the cut with spoilers from all 3 seasons plus spoilers for all 3 Karate Kid movies
Okay so my issues start with one very key scene that I personally think fucked up the whole rest of the narrative, and by extension everyone else’s character arcs: which is from Different but Same. And no not that scene- not yet at least.
The first scene that I think fucked over the narrative and killed several character arcs was the beach scene. Miguel, reasonably distraught over the idea that Sam is hiding him from her dad(which she is actually doing to be fair), gets completely drunk and when Sam and Robby arrive together he loses it, pushes Sam and subsequently gets dumped. Now why do I think this ruined everything? It completely goes against Miguel’s character up to this point. Miguel is absolutely trying to mimic Johnny in a lot of key ways but also up to this point Miguel has also been Johnny’s conscience; he’s smart and kind and had not at all shown to be anything even close to what Johnny was in KK1. He’s stood up for his friends, defended the girl he likes from bullies, he’s a huge mama’s boy and a bit of a hopeless romantic. In no episode up until that point does he ever display any tendency towards unnecessary violence, despite Johnny’s “strike first” motto. Miguel getting wasted and violent does not add up in my mind. Miguel is supposed to be a narrative parallel to Daniel for fuck sake. Also, and this is my main complaint, there is no fucking reason for Miguel to immediately jump to the conclusion that Sam is seeing Robby- literally none. They look very much alike, hell Robby looks a little like Amanda honestly, he could very well be her cousin for all Miguel knows. Robby and Sam don’t even act like a couple in the shot- they’re literally just sitting next to each other at family dinner. None of this subplot makes any fucking sense.
And then, obviously, there’s the very next scene- Johnny goes with Daniel back to his place, tipsy and happy and seemingly in a very good place with each other. Then Robby shows up, Johnny loses his shit and Daniel proceeds to get pissed and kick Robby out. Now there is one thing I point out about this scene whenever I talk about it that doesn’t add up: no where in this scene is it ever even implied that either Johnny or Daniel know about Robby’s original intentions. (Also nothing up till that point ever even establishes why Robby knows about Daniel and Johnny’s rivalry in the first fucking place for the record). There is no reason for Johnny to suspect that Daniel knew and was hiding it, or even that Robby was doing it on purpose, and there is no reason for Daniel to get mad or even suspect that Robby knew what he was doing or was lying about it; and the fact of the matter is that Robby never actually lied(also Daniel never fucking asked) about his home situation. His mom was neglectful and an addict, and his father wasn’t in the picture. That’s it, and none of that was a lie. Now I’m not sitting here and denying that what Robby did was wrong because it absolutely was-- it was manipulative and unfair to Daniel and he had a right to be angry when he found out it was the case but there is nothing to suggest that he didn’t just jump to conclusions. And also, personally, I don’t think any of that justifies kicking a teenager to the curb, and one that Daniel explicitly knows has no one and nothing to fall back on. Be angry, be furious with Robby, but leaving a teenager to fend for themselves is cruel and completely unjustifiable behavior from a grown ass adult(also there’s a whole can of worms involved in Daniel never trying to figure out where the fuck Robby’s parents are and letting him live there without an explanation but that’s for a different rant).
Now assume none of that weird subplot happens, there is another way to have the Robby and Miguel rivalry that would have made so much more fucking sense and it only hinges on one fucking thing- Robby enters the tournament. It could be with or without Daniel’s approval(maybe even with a KK3 parallel, but Daniel honestly seems pretty into the tournament these days so he’d probably be down for Robby joining and reping Miyagi-do), but all we need is for him to do it.  Robby gets there, and Johnny sees him, potentially rocking a Miyagi-do gi and can have his surprised/hurt moment with him and Daniel, even potentially a confrontation between them. We can also still have Miguel beating Robby in the tournament and having Johnny be conflicted about his son losing. Hawk can even still hurt him and give Johnny his “holy shit this is wrong” epiphany and Miguel not understanding why Johnny wants him to go easy on Robby. Robby can still be hurt and upset by thinking Johnny cares more about Miguel after he loses.
Okay now as for season 2? Assuming everything stays the same in season 1, I have one MAJOR complaint. Robby becoming Sam’s love interest; and no it’s not because I think Miguel and Sam should be an endgame couple when the show is over(I do but that’s beside the point) but because it turns Sam into a plot device. This carries over into season 3 where she starts dating Miguel again and apparently just never breaks it off with Robby which is such a dick move I can not for the life of me imagine Sam of all fucking people doing it. She isn’t perfect by any means but she’s also outspoken and and much more confident by that point and should not have had a problem breaking up with someone in an email. But I digress, back to season 2- the moment I saw that Sam and Robby were going to be a couple I immediately knew the writers fucked up. There was no build up for it, nothing in season 1 to foreshadow this as a possibility(Different but Same doesn’t count because that was a whiplash of an episode) and they just decided offhandedly to put her in the middle of Robby’s and Miguel’s rivalry. There was no reason to make them a couple other than to fuck with Miguel and set up the Tory & Sam rivalry which could have happened fucking anyway with the shit at the country club, the rift between Sam and Aisha, and Miguel’s ongoing feelings for Sam even after he’s dating Tory(also a dick move what the fuck Miguel??). Adding Robby as fuel to the fire was super unnecessary and all it did was set up the clusterfuck that was the season 2 finale.
And OH BOY was that finale a clusterfuck. First of all, as a prelude- Fuck. Daniel. He pulled the exact same shit as in season 1 with dumping Robby the second he does anything even a little bit wrong. But also, as a gut punch, Robby didn’t actually do anything wrong. What was he supposed to do at the party? He couldn’t stop Sam from drinking even though he wanted to, it was her (very poor) choice. But he did what he could, he kept an eye on her, and when the cops showed up, he didn’t just leave her, he put her in the car and drove her somewhere he thought she’d be safe without having to immediately face her father(who super fucking overreacted btw) while she was recovering. This scene, which could have been an excellent bonding moment for Johnny and Robby, and an introduction to Sam getting to know Johnny outside of her father’s influence, was turned into a brawl for no fucking reason. 
Which leads me to the school fight. And right off the bat I’ve got to say this; even as, and maybe especially as, a person who has written post season 3 fix it fics, there is no way for Robby and Miguel to convincingly fix what happened in the season 2 finale. Yes, what Robby did was absolutely an accident and he has already done his time for it. But the elephant in the room is this: Miguel could have died. Or at the very least, been totally paralyzed. There is not a good way to come back from that. They will always have that hanging over their heads, even if they somehow reach an understanding. And I know someone is going to try and make the argument about that being a parallel to Johnny and Daniel in KK1, but if it is that it’s a terrible parallel. What Johnny did was supremely fucked up and I won’t deny that, especially with the Halloween scene and Daniel’s knee in the tournament(which actually was technically more Bobby’s doing, but I digress), but it was never “almost permanently disable/kill someone” bad. (Again there’s a whole can of worms to open about the shit with Chozen and Daniel’s seemingly pretty easy forgiveness of a man who tried to kill him because what the fuck?? But again that’s another rant.) But the writers wanted to push the envelope so now Johnny will always have the tug of war of choosing Robby, who he loves but who also really fucked up, and Miguel, who was the original reason for the rivalry in the first place but who was also the one who, again, almost died because of his son, even if he somehow fixes his relationship with both. It will always be “why did you pick him over me?” and Johnny will never have a good enough answer for either of them. And finally the big complaint- Johnny completely regressing in season 3. Season 3 honestly felt like a rehashing of season 1 because we literally had to see him progress in his arc all over again from square fucking one. He still isn’t there for Robby, he’s still fucking up things with Miguel and his family, he’s still fucking up his relationship with Daniel, he still chooses to miss his appointment with Robby to see Miguel(who would have been there after the appointment and he could have seen him then), he abandons half of his fucking students to fend for themselves and leaves the other half with a man he knows is a dangerous psychopath. And yes we get the cool scene at the end of December 19, but is it worth it?? I’m genuinely asking because, as much as I love that scene, I really don’t believe it is.(edit: Also fuck that whole subplot with Eli and Demetri- you don’t get to just break the arm of the boy who was your best friend and just have that go away with no repercussions. Fuck. That. I hope Demetri gets at minimum an actual on screen apology, and hopefully Eli actually trying to make amends.)
We could have still had the big team up- have Johnny admit to Daniel that he’s fucked up and tell him everything that’s happening with Kreese. Have them join forces to defeat Kreese in the tournament. Have the dumb fucking bet. Introduce Terry Silver in season 4. Have Johnny’s and Daniel’s tenuous truce strained at every turn because they’re idiots. Do all of it. But y’know what? We could have had all of that- all of it- without it being at the expense of at least 2 character arcs; Johnny’s and also Robby’s.
Also before I end this I just have to add- nothing and I mean nothing will ever redeem Kreese or Silver for me. I do not give a singular shit about either of their tragic backstories, I just don’t. I get why and how Chozen got his redemption- he was a teenager when that shit happened, and while the shit he pulled is personally unforgivable in my opinion, he has actively been trying to redeem himself by spending the last however many decades making it up to his community. I’d even understand a Barnes redemption to an extent, even though I wouldn’t accept it, because he was also very young and being manipulated by, again, a dangerous psychopath. But Kreese and Silver? Abso-fucking-lutely not. They were two grown ass adults who purposefully targeted an 18 year old and put him through emotional and physical for weeks, paid someone to intimidate him through both threats of physical violence but also through vandalism, and gaslighted him and isolated him from the only family he had at the time because he beat them in a children’s karate competition. Look, I’m not sorry, I don’t give a fuck about Kreese’s tragic backstory, nothing about what Kreese has done can be rationalized by just saying “oh his mom and girlfriend died and he was in ‘Nam”. And any good thing he does for Tory, or even Robby, does not balance out all the harm he has caused. Silver is even less redeemable- I don’t care that he almost died in war, I’m an army brat I know plenty of people who almost died and don’t act like this. In canon we have evidence of him being completely, unrepentantly evil- the first scene with him in it has him basically confirmed as the BP of nuclear waste, he pays people so he can beat them up, he’s been personally funding Kreese’s child indoctrination classes. They could pull out the saddest backstory for him possible and I would not give a shit. And that’s fine. We don’t need every bad guy to have a tragic backstory- sometimes an evil villain can just be an evil villain for no reason, not all of them need a traumatic turning point that the authors shove in to make the audience sympathize with them. So please, writers, stop trying to make me feel sorry for them because I really don’t and I don’t understand anyone who does.
Okay rant over.
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dadlezal · 4 years
As I’m very new in this fandom, I’d like to add a very long comment about this Sherlolly ship. But, at the very beginning, I’d like to say I love your works, Mathilde. Your videos make people think and binds different moments of the show into one picture. They’re masterpieces.
Everyone keeps talking about the second “I love you”, but I think there are at least two moments from the last episode that are equally important.
1.      “If it’s true, just say it anyway”
Just look at his face when he says it. Of course, the entire sick situation is about Molly loving Sherlock, he figured it out himself (as the only one person in the room), but the moment Molly says “Because it’s true”, Sherlock’s face changes – it softens, as if it was THIS MOMENT when he truly realized what she meant, what it all REALLY meant. This was the moment Sherlock realized how difficult it is to say someone you love them, not knowing if they love you back, or worse, knowing they DON’T love you back. How difficult it is to talk about your feelings. No wonder she says: “You bastard” – she couldn’t have seen his face and voice can betray you. She also discovered he really did know about her feelings and maybe thought he tried to manipulate her once again, brutally using her weakness for him for another sick game. And maybe, just maybe, his voice softens and lowers because he wants to finally face the truth.
  2.      “What?”
As a person who likes watching a lot of cop shows (especially “The Mentalist”), I can assure you that this is the face someone makes when they’re forced to do something that will reveal the truth about them. Something they want to hide. Something that was hidden inside them and they have been repressing it for a long time. They subconsciously know it’s going to be painful and that is why it’s so hard for them to reveal it. Besides, this time it’s Molly Hooper who plays a game with Sherlock, not the other way around. She stands up to him once again. The same way she said he always says horrible things, the same way she slapped him in the face when he got into drug addiction, the same way she ignored his warning voice when she started talking about the way her father used to hide his sadness. I think that she used to give up to his charms and manipulations very easily but she gained a sort of immunity against it over the time. So, saying “What?”, Sherlock shows his astonishment that she was so tough when he thought she would be vulnerable. It also shows that he got even more scared. He had to not only save her life, but reveal his feelings.
  So, the first try comes out a bit insincere, dry. But once he says these words, just to save Molly’s life, he comes to a realization: maybe he doesn’t have to lie. Maybe it doesn’t have to be insincere. We don’t know what was in Benedict Cumberbatch’s head, we don’t know what he thought about their relationship. Of course, there are many people who use the writers’ words as arguments: the thing that is between them is only a friendship. Alright, but we are all allowed to interpret everything the way we want, including actors (the best example is Jim Parsons in “The Big Bang Theory” and the way he plays Sheldon as if he was autistic). Interpreting is not about discovering the author’s intention, but discovering the parts of our experience and ourselves in what we read/hear/see. And I think it’s pretty ugly what they said about Molly: that this “I love you” scene magically helped her move on, she went and banged some random guy and everything was alright. No wonder why Louise Brealey herself got mad at them. This kind of devotion is not easy to get over with. She loved him, truly loved, loved him the way Irene Adler wouldn’t understand. This is why John Watson says: “I want you to be examined by the first person who learned to see through your bullshit. The last person you would think about”. Of course this time Sherlock remembers about her because she was his leverage against Moriarty, but this proves that even Watson knew – Molly has seen a human in Sherlock before he was ready to admit it to himself. That’s why she was so persistent to show him she knows when he’s sad (the scene with “I don’t count” can be a material for another article). And it took me many hits of the replay button on this fanvid of Sherlolly before I realized what Sherlock meant when he asked her if she helped him if he would turn out be a completely different person – because the entire “fall from the roof” scam proved that Sherlock cares about people, and to explain the plot to her, he had to explain the reason for it – he wanted to save his friends, his family – the “emotional context”. And just so you know, I think that Cumberbatch kind of shows the “softness” Sherlock reveals around Molly. Just for a moment, when you rewatch the show, focus your eyesight on Sherlock from the very first scene with Molly. Camera shows he keeps looking at her even when she turns around. He gives her the “gazes”, longer than expected.
 Not to mention that Sherlock was soft to Molly before he started being soft to John. She’s the only person he said “sorry” to without being forced to do it, even though Molly said exactly the same everybody used to tell him. And, if I’m not mistaken, Sherlock’s “I love you” said to Molly is the first and the only time Sherlock does it on his own.
 And as to the “I don’t count” scene… Sherlock realized there that he wasn’t acting really nice towards her and that is why she assumed he didn’t take her seriously. His reaction was priceless and it was before he realized Moriarty’s plan. Just rewatch the scene and LOOK AT HIM. He was so vulnerable. She got to him. He was the nicest person ever because she made him realize how awfully he was treating her when she was the only person who truly knew him. And when she says: “Do want something? I know you don’t”. A before that, when he says: ��What could I possibly need from you?”, he says it only because he’s confused. And it’s not easy to confuse Sherlock Holmes.
 And her bedroom was one of his bolt-holes.
 For me, they don’t have to be together. I think it would be fair for John and Sherlock to be “without girlfriends/wives” as per original stories. I wouldn’t mind if they knew about each other’s feelings without doing anything about them (except for acting awkward around each other and being occasionally sweet/softly-flirty). I’m guessing, as there are rumours about the fifth season being aired in 2022/2023, if the show continues, the writers will have enough decency to explain how the situation was resolved between Molly and Sherlock, and not the ugly way they did it on Twitter. Knowing Sherlock, he would not know what to do with his feelings, how to play it out. If I had to guess, if the writers go the “Sherlock and Molly getting a bit closer” road, they will probably kill her and she will mention their confession from “The Final Problem” within her last breath. Or, maybe, if they decide to finish the show after the fifth season, they’ll show us an open ending? Like, we will be forever wondering: did they or did they not end up together…?
 And I seriously wonder why the authors insist so much on Irene Adler being the only “love interest” of Sherlock. Like… yes, of course, there is a lot of sexual tension between the two of them but it is not romantic. Not even a little bit. Irene provided the proof that yes, Sherlock also has human desires, like sex for instance, but… I don’t see any attachment. I prefer Molly because she brings out the sensitive, vulnerable part of Sherlock, he knows he can be himself, THE TRUE SELF, with her, without having to defend himself with sarcasm and rudeness (he does it often in her presence at the beginning because he knows she is able to see through him but gives up eventually, even more after the roof fall). They remind me of The Hunger Games quote:
 What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses.
 And I think that’s what Molly is to Sherlock.
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hayleysayshay · 4 years
Like Asami being the CEO of a mega corporation isn’t my favourite thing about her. It’s not even that we can say that Republic City is some sort of utopia where the poor are well cared for, there is clearly huge income inequality and rampant homelessness.
So I could call Asami a stinky capitalist CEO and that I don’t like her and that all people who like her are Jeff Bezos apologists or something the same way people have discourse about Mako being a cop.
Like, guys. Come on.
I think it’s fair to have critiques about how the police are handled in the show. I think we need to ask questions about why we feel the need to portray law enforcement officers as the heroes of every story. And it’s fair to not like that Mako became a cop, or dislike Mako and Lin for being cops.
But it comes across as hypocritical and stupid to ACAB Mako and then stan Lin. Or to say stinky Mako and then pretend there’s no issues with Asami! Or whatever the fuck you can think of. People hating Mako for being a cop then unironically defending Kuvira’s politics.
Like, Mako being a cop was kind of random, it’s not like he expressed and interest in it before. You know why they this happens? The writers have never thought critically about cops and law enforcement. Popular media has hundreds of law enforcement officers being heroes. It’s easy to write conspiracy plot lines around cop characters. Like, this only really affects Mako as a character in book 2. In books 3 and 4 it’s shown and mentioned but the plot has nothing to do with Mako being a cop. He returns to the job in the comics so I guess it is his destiny now. I honestly would like to see Mako move on from the job.
I honestly prefer people calling Mako an abusive cheater because at least I can understand that people may base this from their real experiences even if I strongly disagree (can we please acknowledge that Korra kissed Mako when she knew he had a girlfriend and didn’t care she is an active participant in this mess). I feel like going ‘ew stinky cop Mako’ and then applying this critique in the most pick and choose kind of way is just lazy if you’re applying this to the characters you don’t like. I don’t care if people don’t like Mako, just say you don’t like him because he’s boring or something, stop trying to explain why you don’t like one specific character as more woke than it is.
And yes, I get that some people are saying ACAB MAko in a sort of post-humour ironic capacity, but then why are you distilling a movement down to just bash one character you don’t like.
In the Legend of Korra, some things and done uncritically but there are some observations about power. Kuvira is given altruistic power but then conquers for her own ego and gain. Raiko is useless. Tarrlok manipulates a council with little oversight to divide society among bender/non-bender lines. Wu gives up the monarchy, which is a nice subversion from Zuko being an autocratic monarch being the happy ending of ATLA. I think TLOK has good and bad elements in its portrayal of individual and state power. And I’ve read compelling arguments against TLOK with the depiction of power in mind. You can dislike the show for the reasons mentioned in this post and more. I just tire of seeing this one weird ‘critique’ about Mako and Mako only.
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emerald-studies · 4 years
I was arrested for protesting. 
For me, the scariest part of being arrested is how they arrest you. 
Will they:
a) Pull you to the side and put you in cuffs?
b) Throw you to the ground and give you a head injury?
c) Throw you to the ground and put all 200lbs of their body weight on your back/neck? (This is the worst fear for me)
The way they arrested me was kinda like option a. They didn’t throw me to the ground but they did rip me back, pretty hard. After all, I was just walking on the sidewalk. Yes, I was just walking on the sidewalk. That’s the big bad illegal thing I was doing. 
The officer told me “Don’t resist.”
And I did as he said. 
Once I was in the cuffs, I was less scared. I saw all my friends (that I trust with my life and love very deeply) also in cuffs. Relief. You don’t want to get arrested alone. They arrested almost all of us. 
For some reason, my arresting officer seemed to like me? Or he at least treated me like his child or something. He kept on trying to seem considerate. Maybe he thinks he’s a “good cop” or something. But I could see that, if pressed, you could totally do damage. 
Cops are some of the most manipulative people. 
I was driven to the precinct alone in a car with two white cops. Usually they’ll transport the protestors in pairs, but that didn’t happen for me. 
We got to the precinct and I was placed in a holding cell with the girls. We still had our cuffs on. Mine gave me bruises. The girls kept me sane. We all kept each other sane. 
We were transported to the jail about an hour later. 
The cops were very annoyed by us. They’re severely passive aggressive and dumb. They spelled my name wrong 3 different times. The worst (worst meaning most aggressive/trash human beings) were the minority cops. You could tell that they felt like they had something to prove. “I’m not like those other [insert minority label here].” They all were trying to be even more aggressive than the white men. The worst was a Black female officer who took our pictures while we were in our cells at the jail. She took pictures on her personal phone and I believe she said, “They don’t have a right to privacy” or something along the lines of that. She was awfullllll.
We were held for 9 hours. 
We got out at 5am. Overall, I think I did pretty well. I could really lean on the girls I was arrested with. They were very sweet. At hour 8, I did start to crack a little. I was looking out the door of our cell, watching the officers fucking around to punish us. They were trying to waste time. To make sure we were in the cell for as long as possible. 
I started to crack because they could literally do anything they wanted to us. It didn’t matter what was “fair” or “just”. These people had complete control over us. That part was beginning to feel a little upsetting, at the end of our...stay. For example: after we changed into our regular clothes, I went to a door and tried opening it so we could wait in the hallway. But...then...I remembered, “Ah, yeah we’re literally not human in this building.”
I was released from jail, skipped out to the sidewalk and was greeted by many of my friends. 
My heart was very full. 
How am I doing now? 
Hm. Good question. As I said, it wasn’t the worst scenario I could’ve imagined but still. I’m having a hard time sleeping. I made sure I didn’t sleep in jail because I felt too exposed and that feeling seems to have followed me home. The same day I got out, I stayed at a guys place (he was also arrested) and I thought maybe I could try sleeping there. As soon as I tried closing my eyes, I got heart palpitations and felt like I was going to throw up. My body kept on rewinding the moment when the cop roughly jerked my body back. Over and over. I kept thinking of how it felt to be in clothes that weren’t mine in a cell with no privacy. I kept on thinking about how I was the only Black person in our group and how my arrest could have gone.  These thoughts were so bad that I had to ask the guy I was staying with to hold me. Thank god, he did. But, I’m still having a rough time. I’m trying to make up the sleep I lost still, but I can’t seem to fully let myself go to sleep yet. 
That’s it. I kept out a lot of info because I don’t want to completely expose all my private info or my friends’ info, so sorry if the picture I painted isn’t very clear. 
If you wanna send me a message/ask me anything that you want specifics on, send an ask. 
If you want to help me financially, here’s a link
Thx for your support
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Love Her (Part 11)
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Summary: Things are going great at home but when the reader’s father shows up out of the blue looking for a reconciliation, things take a turn for the worse...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 4,300ish
Warnings: language, mentions of death, scary situations
A/N: Fair warning, this is a rough one...
Two Months Later
You were a few days into your winter break. The twins were still bouncing around like maniacs and playing with their presents nonstop. Dean and Ana had bought you a laptop and a few other smaller things. Things were good around home and you’d really started to feel happy for the first time. You felt like you were loved and had a family that cared for you. Everything was perfect.
Until you answered the front door and saw the man standing there.
You swallowed and stared as he stepped inside.
“Is that the food?” asked Dean as he walked around the corner into the foyer. He immediately frowned. “Who-”
“I came to see my daughter,” said your dad, looking down at you. 
“You’re supposed to be in prison,” you said. “You’re supposed-”
“Good lawyer. I was acquitted a week ago due to circumstantial evidence and a false confession,” he said.
“False?” you asked.
“I never did those things, kiddo. I never hurt mom. I was only trying to protect you and the twins. I turned on some bad people in there. Some very bad people. I was able to get out,” he said.
You looked back at Dean with a frown.
“Why don’t you pack up your stuff, Y/N, and I can show you our new place,” said your dad.
“I’m sorry but that’s not happening. This is her home,” said Dean, stepping in front of you.
“She’s no longer in foster care from what I checked. I heard you wanted to adopt her but since she obviously hasn’t done that yet, I think she was waiting for her real dad. I appreciate you giving her a home these past few months but we both know where she really wants to go,” said your dad.
“Dad,” you said, getting a glare from him. “I go to school here. I finally have made a few friends for the first time ever. The twins are here. Dean-”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll make new friends where we go. Maybe you can come visit the twins sometimes. Come on, I got the car running out there,” he said.
“No,” you said. He cocked his head and Dean put his hand behind himself, pushing you back a step.
“You brainwash my kid?” asked your dad, narrowing his eyes at Dean.
“Just because you made her, doesn’t make you her father,” said Dean.
“Neither are you,” he said, getting in Dean’s face. You swallowed. Your dad was taller and bigger than Dean which was saying something. He was prone to anger before prison. You could only imagine how much worse he’d gotten after seven years there. “Y/N, pack up your things.”
“She is a legal adult. She is free to make her own decisions of where to go,” said Dean.
“Y/N,” he said.
“Can you just give us a second?” you asked, grabbing Dean’s hand and pulling him away. “Don’t piss him off. I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Y/N. I can’t force you to stay but we both know he is lying. I don’t know how he got out but I don’t want you to go with him. I don’t think it’s safe, honey,” said Dean.
“Let me see if I can get him to leave,” you said. You walked back over to the foyer, giving your dad a smile. “Dad. I’m going to stay here. I-”
“He’s not your father, Y/N. Don’t listen to him. I am. It was an accident what happened with mom. It was just an accident,” he said. “They let me out. They wouldn’t have done that if I was guilty.”
“I’m not ready to go live with you. Maybe once you get on your feet more. You just got out of prison,” you said, hoping that would get him to be more understanding.
“Pack a bag,” he said quietly. “You are coming home with me. You are not his daughter. You are mine. Just spend one night. Just one night, kiddo.”
You swallowed hard and nodded, walking past Dean for your room, his hand catching your arm.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I’ll give him one night to prove me wrong,” you said. “One night.”
“I don’t like it,” he said.
“Dean. They did let him out. What if he’s telling the truth?” you said. Dean sighed but nodded. “It doesn’t mean I want to go away from all of this. I need to give him one chance. You can pick me up in the morning. I think that’ll be enough time for me to figure things out.”
“Alright,” he said. “Alright. I’ll be there first thing.”
“Dad?” you asked when you drove out of town a short while later. “I thought the address you gave Dean to come get me at was on the west side of town.”
“Yeah. It’s a diner. I figured we could get some breakfast there in the morning. We used to go when you were little,” he said.
“Oh. Okay,” you said from the passenger seat. You stared absently out the dark window, not sure how to bring up any kind of conversation and he didn’t seem to be in the mood to talk. You started to get nervous when you were still driving an hour later, your dad finally getting off the highway and driving into some hick town. “Where are we?”
“Why?” he asked. You pulled out your phone and saw no cell service.
“I’m curious,” you said.
“We’re in the new town I live in,” he said, driving for a while until you suddenly turned down a dirt driveway, driving back through some trees for a few minutes until you stopped outside what looked like a hunting cabin. “It ain’t pretty but you got your own room.”
“It’s just for the night, dad,” you said. You got out of the truck and grabbed your backpack from the backseat, slinging it over your shoulder as you followed him inside.
It wasn’t too bad. There was a TV and it was clean. It looked like it was two bedrooms with a single small bathroom. You dropped your bag in the empty room, spinning around to see your dad standing in the doorway.
“So,” you said.
“So what?” 
“So you’ve been silent the whole way here. Don’t you want to talk or-” you said before he stepped inside and shut the door after himself.
“You’ve turned into a mini version of your mother,” he said but he narrowed his eyes as he said it. “The fancy rich doctor didn’t want you. That’s why he didn’t adopt you. He wanted the twins. Not you. So don’t act like a little bitch to me. He’s the one that abandoned you. I was always there for you. Always. Understand?”
“Yes,” you said quietly.
“Yes what?” he shot back.
“Yes sir.”
“You stay with me. You don’t need all that fancy crap. You can finish your GED and get a little job in town and you can stay with me, alright?” he said.
You nodded and he returned it before he hugged you. You nearly flinched but tried to stay relaxed. He left after a moment and you swallowed. You grabbed your bag and went to the window, trying to force it open. Unfortunately it let out a large shriek as you tried to do so and he was back in the room before it was open.
“What are you doing?” he asked, walking over.
“I was...hot,” you said.
“It’s the end of December,” he said. “It’s twenty something degrees out.”
“I was hot,” you said, swallowing as he yanked your bag off your shoulder.
“You were hot? Alright,” he said, going to the radiator in the room and doing something to it. “There. Now you won’t be hot.”
He took your bag and left the room. You went back to the window and realized it wasn’t going to open without the help of anything besides a crowbar. 
“Fuck. What did I do?”
You spent half the night shivering in your room before you took your blankets and went to the family room, laying down in front of the fireplace. When you woke up, the heat was gone and your dad was staring down at you.
“Why are you out here?”
“My room was too cold,” you said.
“Well tough shit,” he said. “I gave you a bed. I expect you to sleep in it.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. He raised his chin but nodded.
“Now you know. Come on, we’ll head into town after breakfast. I need to pick up some things,” he said. You nodded and did your best to keep things cordial while you ate eggs, the air tense and heavy until you got to a general store.
“If you need something, get it,” he said, shoving a basket in your hands. You nodded as he took off. You went over to the front desk and asked to use their phone, the man raising an eyebrow as he handed it over.
“Where am I?” you asked as you dialed.
“Littlefield,” he said.
“What’s the address of the dirt driveway about ten minutes down the road?” you asked.
“I don’t know. Everyone has dirt driveways off Main street,” he said. You groaned and heard the other end pick up.
“Hello?” asked Dean.
“Dean. It’s me,” you said quietly.
“Y/N? Where are you guys? The address your dad gave me belongs to someone else,” he said.
“I’m in Littlefield. It’s like an hour west of town. He’s staying at some little hunting cabin like ten minutes up the road on Main street. A dirt driveway. I don’t know the address,” you said.
“Please come get me. Get some cops to come get me. Please,” you said.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked.
“No but he’s being manipulative and I think it might be headed there,” you said, spotting him down a far aisle looking at you. “He sees me on the phone. He’s gonna kill me.”
“Y/N. I’m gonna come and get you. I’m going to call the police and get them out to you super fast. It’ll be okay,” he said, your dad fuming as he stormed down the aisle at you.
“Should I run?” you asked quietly.
“If you think you need to then go, sweetheart. I’ll find you,” he said. You dropped the phone and took off outside, your dad catching up with you far too quickly on the sidewalk. He shoved you into the passenger seat and locked the door, climbing in the drivers side before he was back on the road. He drove back to the cabin, hands clenching the steering wheel when he parked.
“You will stay at home at all times from now on,” he said.
“Dad, I-”
“Don’t. Speak,” he said. He got out of the car and went to the passenger side, ripping you out of it and leading you into the cabin. He pushed you into the bathroom and locked the door behind you. There were a few loud bangs for a couple of minutes and then the door flung open. You were quickly shown back to your room, the window now boarded up. 
“Dad,” you said. He twitched his eye and shoved you back against the wall. You slid down it and into the corner, looking up at him. You swallowed and took a deep breath.
You kicked your leg out and he dropped to his knees. You threw a punch you’d been working on with Dean in boxing, pretty proud of yourself that it actually seemed to phase him. You were nearly out of the room when a hand caught your ankle and yanked you down. You tried kicking but were quickly pinned and tossed back in the room. You went wide eyed when you saw him pull out zip ties.
“Dad,” you said as he forced them on you, your hands behind your back. He got your ankles together and pushed you back into a corner, before he knelt down in front of you. “Dad. What are you doing?”
“You’re not even my kid. The slut cheated on me. I don’t know why I bothered with you. When you were a little girl, you and me, we were thick as thieves but now? Now you’re some stuck up little bitch. Well you’re all alone. So I would be as well behaved as possible if you want to consider ever seeing anything besides these four walls ever again,” he said.
“Dad,” you said, tears welling in your eyes. “You said it was an accident. Mom’s car was an accident.”
“The only accident was that the slut’s other bastard children weren’t in the car with her,” he said.
“That’s my brother and sister you asshole,” you shot back. “That’s my mother.”
“Yeah and I got rid of your real dad too so add that to the list,” he said. You blinked up at him, a cocky smile returned to you. “Her friend. I let him pass the first time but the second time he slept with my wife? Yeah, I made him have an accident too and I got away with it. So if you do not learn to start doing exactly what I tell you, I will go find that doctor and give him the same treatment. Do you understand?”
You nodded and started to cry, a hand grabbing your collar.
“Do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” you said. 
“Good,” he said as he released you. He went to the nightstand drawer and pulled out a wide strip of fabric before he held up to you.
“I’ll be quiet,” you said. “You don’t have to do that.”
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” he said. There was nothing to do as he put the makeshift gag over your mouth, looking you up and down when he finished. “You’ll stay like this until you decide you can be a good daughter again, understand?”
You stared up at him as he stood.
“Don’t cry. It’s pathetic,” he said. He left and locked the door after him. You closed your eyes and rested your head against your knees.
You wanted Dean to come and get you. Fuck, you’d never wanted to see him so badly in your life. You ran your thumb over your bracelet and tried to take a deep breath.
He would get you out of there. You just had to hold on until that happened.
It was nighttime when you heard a few windows break all at once. The house got loud and smoky, the door kicking in. You blinked a few times and saw three police officers in full SWAT outfits storm in. One immediately looked around the room, the other covering the door and the third approaching you and pulling down your gag.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m Tommy. I’m gonna get you out of here, okay?” he said. You nodded and smiled, wide eyed when you saw the door to the room shut. “Hey, Y/N. I want you to focus on just me until we’re out of here, okay?”
“Okay,” you croaked out as he cut through the restraints. You tried to stretch out your arms and legs, wanting to stand but Tommy put a hand on your shoulder for you to keep sitting.
“Thirsty?” he asked. You nodded and he opened a flap on his vest, unscrewing a small bottle of water and holding it to your lips. You greedily drank it down, Tommy smiling when you finished. “I bet that’s a little better. We’re gonna hang out here for a minute.”
“Where’s my dad?” you asked. 
“That’s what the rest of the police officers are dealing with but you got us three to watch your back which arguably is pretty good for you cause we’re all pretty awesome guys,” said Tommy.
“Uh hm,” said the one that’d been looking around the room but was now standing between Tommy and the other officer.
“And girls,” he said. You looked at the officer and noticed the frame was a little bit smaller but with all the gear on, it was so hard to tell. He tilted his head for a moment and you saw him nod. “Alright, Y/N. Sounds like you’re getting exit B.”
The woman officer reached into a small backpack you hadn’t noticed the first one wearing and handed back a large bulky looking thing.
“Is that a bulletproof vest?” you whispered.
“Yes. It is just a precaution though,” he said, sliding it over your head. “It’s a little heavy. Lift up your arms for me, sweetie.”
You did as he said and he wrapped it around you, a shake coming back to your body.
“Hey, Y/N,” said Tommy, lifting up his goggles for a moment so you could see his blue eyes. He looked a lot younger than he sounded and you swallowed. “You’re gonna be okay. Just remember our rule. Who do you focus on?”
“You,” you said.
“Thatta girl,” he said, his eyes creasing so he must have been smiling under his mask. 
“You’re kinda cute. Your eyes are cute,” you said. He chuckled and you heard the other two officers snort.
“Shut up, losers,” said Tommy. “And thank you although you haven’t seen the rest of my face so that is up for debate. You can keep talking quietly if that helps you keep calm, Y/N.”
“How old are you?” you asked.
“Twenty years old,” he said. “I graduated high school with a lot of college credits so I was able to get my two year degree really quickly and then it was on to the academy and then SWAT training. I’m part of a new program actually to get some younger faces in this kind of job.”
“Wait. If you’re only twenty...how long have you been doing this?” you asked. You saw him pull his goggles back down and you blinked at him. “Tommy.”
“Rest assured, you are perfectly safe with-”
“How long has he-”
“Tommy, focus on your pickup,” said the man by the door.
“Y/N,” said Tommy. “That means they don’t want you distracting them right now. This may be like, my first SWAT call but I have been very thoroughly trained and you are very safe with us.”
“You’re like two fucking years older than me. Max,” you said.
“Well what do you want to be after school?” he asked.
“Happy,” you said.
“Happy. I like that answer,” he said. “I want to be happy too.”
He put a hand on top of your head and he was still for a moment, likely listening to the radio in his ear again. 
“Okay, Y/N. I want you to wrap your arms around my shoulders and hang on real tight,” he said. You did what he said and he quickly had his hands under your legs. “Feel free to wrap your legs around my waist if you’re able to.”
You crossed your ankles behind his back and felt his hand push your head down into the crook of his neck.
“I don’t want you to move from that spot, Y/N. Can you do that for me?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said.
“Okay. Good girl. Now close your eyes and I want you to stay very quiet for me,” he said.
“Okay,” you said.
“Alright. Package ready to be delivered,” he said. The room was quiet for a moment before the door quietly opened and you felt Tommy crouch down with you, carrying you somewhere. The air felt colder and you knew you were outside, Tommy walking a bit faster. You heard a gunshot and grabbed onto him harder, another one ringing out. Something had happened because he felt a whole lot less tense as he jogged you away. 
“Alright, Y/N,” said Tommy a few minutes later. “You can lift up your head now.”
You wearily lifted it as you were set down on a stretcher on the ground on the side of the road, releasing your hold on him as two paramedics started to head over.
“She’s dehydrated. Minor bumps and bruises. Cuts to the wrists due to restraints. Likely no food or water today. Can I get a shock blanket?” he asked.
“First time?” asked one of the paramedics as they handed him one.
“Mhm,” he said. “She’s all yours in a few minutes.”
Tommy unfolded the blanket and threw it around your shoulders, tucking it tight before he sat down next to you. He took off his helmet and pulled down his mask.
“Yeah. You’re definitely cute,” you said. He laughed and wrapped his arms around you.
“So are you,” he said. “When you aren’t terrified that is. We’re gonna sit here for a minute and get you a little warm and safe feeling before the paramedics come back.”
“I like this new program they have,” you said, resting your head on his shoulder, tucking in close to his side. 
“Me too. You’re alright. You’re in shock. We want to get you a little calm again is all,” he said.
“I want my dad,” you said.
“I’m sorry Y/N but you can’t see your dad right now,” he said.
“Why not?” you asked.
“Well it’s a little dangerous and-”
“I want my dad. I want Dean,” you said, staring up at him. “I want to see my dad.”
“Ah. Okay. That one I can do in just a few minutes. I promise, sweetie,” he said.
“Tommy?” you asked.
“Mhm,” he said.
“You did really good. Your first time doing this and all,” you said.
“Thank you,” he chuckled. “You were a very good first pickup. Honestly. You were very brave in there.”
“No I wasn’t,” you said.
“Yes, you were. You didn’t freak out or anything,” he said. “You gave Dean a lot of helpful information which helped us and made us all a bit safer. You did really good.”
“Thanks,” you said quietly as you closed your eyes. “Hey, Tommy.”
“Can I get a cheeseburger?” you asked. “I’m starving.”
“Alright. It might be a little bit but I’ll get you one. Some fries too,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “Okay. Let’s get you out of that vest and then we’ll get Dean over here.”
You nodded and shrugged off your blanket, Tommy undoing the straps and peeling the vest off. He tugged the blanket back around you. He spoke in his radio for a moment and the paramedics came back with some water, checking you over before you saw Dean appear around an ambulance with an officer.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said as he rushed over. He bent down and gave you a too hard hug but you didn’t mind. Tommy fixed your blanket one last time before he stood up. “Thank you.”
“Just doing my job, sir. When you two are ready they’ll take her to the hospital to get checked out. Y/N, I’ll get on that burger for you,” he said.
“Thanks, Tommy,” you said, smiling as he headed off. You held onto Dean and let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry. I always cause problems.”
“Hey,” said Dean, sliding his hands up to your face, giving you a smile. “You do not cause problems. You have some really bad luck is all. I’m always going to pick you, sweetheart. No matter what.”
“I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have gone with him,” you said, new tears forming in your eyes.
“You’re kind. You wanted to give him a chance. That’s not a bad thing, Y/N,” he said, pulling you into his lap and hugging you again. “I’m so sorry he wasn’t what you wanted him to be.”
“He’s not my dad. He was never my dad,” you said, closing your eyes. “Is he dead?”
“No. He’s injured as far as I know but no, he’s not,” said Dean.
“He told me stuff,” you said, trying to stay calm.
“It’s okay. The police will sort all of it out,” he said as he took hold of your blanket and fixed it around you. You took a deep breath and lifted your head, smiling when you saw Tommy behind Dean and put a blanket on him. 
“I like him,” you said when he walked away.
“You like the young SWAT guy that saved you? I wonder why?” chuckled Dean.
“He’s sweet,” you said.
“I’ll save the psychology lesson on why that is for tomorrow,” he said, using part of his blanket around you. “Any better?”
“Mhm,” you said. He kissed your cheek and you smiled. You looked down and saw his bracelet, one of his fingers toying with your own. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you, sweetheart,” he said, pulling you to his chest.
“Was that okay?” you asked quietly.
“Yeah. It’s more than okay, Y/N,” he said, letting out a shaky breath himself. “Nothing’s going to get you. I promise.”
A/N: Read Part 12 here!
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