#and i’m delighted that you liked the animation style!
grelleswife · 10 months
ughhh I blame you it's your fault cause you recommended Trigun Stampede so many times, so after I took forever I finally watched it- and now it's OVER??? uhh I am sad cause there's a part of me that feels that it was a tad rushed, but I don't know if that's valid, or if it's just because I wanted to see the characters interact for longer(maybe I'm just too used to excessive filler) cause they're so cool... it could also be because the lore is amazing, and I would have liked more deep dive explaining that wasn't exposition(maybe I'm just meant to go back to the source material).
but anyway ugh fine I'll wait a year I guess. for such fantastic visuals(in my opinion), I suppose it's fair that they can't drag it on much more than a neat 12 espisodes. thank you, I'm not actually mad I'm just full of adrenaline😔 it was awesome. I hope this finds you well! : D
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MWAHAHAHA!!! My plan to lasso my mutuals into watching the sci-fi western tragedy is working! 😁
I echo your sentiments on the rushed pacing—12 episodes provide scant room to fit those reams of plot and character development—but it was still a blast, and I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! 😍
While we impatiently wait for the second season, you might want to check out the 1998 Trigun anime. With a 26-episode runtime, it allows more space for filler, hence more downtime/character interactions. The tone and animation style are distinct from TriStamp, especially at the beginning, but the shows share the same brilliance at their core. Plus, Trigun 98 boasts the impeccable Milly Thompson! Although I haven’t read the original manga, I’ve heard glowing reviews from others.
I’m enjoying a relaxing start to the weekend, and I hope you’re doing well, too! ☺️ Sending peaceful plant vibes your way! 🌱
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muzansfangs · 3 months
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How they eat you out.
Starring: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader; Shinji Hirako x f!reader; Isshin Kurosaki x f!reader;
Format: short-imagines;
Warnings: nsfw, language, dirty talk, overstimulation, shibari, vaginal fingering, oral sex (reader!receiving), daddy kink, marking the partner, hair pulling, praise kink, possessiviness, pussy slapping, edging, orgasm denial, dom!Grimmjow, dom!Shinji, dom!Isshin, small age gap between Isshin and the reader, sub!reader;
Plot: they love you, they love you so much that giving you oral has become an art for them. But they all have a different style, their own unique way of doing it. How do they eat you out? What do they do to make you melt under their skilful tongue?
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
This man is a menace. A predator, he is keen to devour you messily, obviously. When he eats you out, Grimmjow makes you feel like a hapless antelope chased down the savanna by a leopard, caged in his chokehold, quite literally. His nails felt like claws digging onto your thighs to keep you in place at his mercy. In his shimmering piercing blue eyes, you did not fail to recognize the panther living inside of him. Grimmjow was a wild animal, you had to deal with it.
When he feasted on you, he always did it as if he was a starving man. He lapped, groaned, manhandled you to accomodate you in a position he enjoyed the most in that very moment and he even slapped your pussy, if you dared to protest.
Albeit he could be rough, though, he would have never hurt you.
Grimmjow was not a man prone to pour his heart out in tear-jerker love confessions. After telling you he liked you, he meant it and confined himself to territorial gestures and passionate nights of lust and love. His ownership over you was already established, yet he loved to remind you of how deeply he cared about you and your ultimate pleasure by spending hours with his face buried between your legs.
He could never get enough of you, of your taste, of the way you writhed beneath the licks he gave you. His tongue lapped at your core non-stop, his feline eyes scrutinizing in delight the way your face scrunched up, as he made you navigate the different seas of lust and pleasure.
As you laid on your back, his hands keeping your legs spread in front of his face, his mouth worked on your pussy to make sure not a single inch of your flesh was left untouched. You could swear you had even heard him growl as you bucked your hips up erratically. As a reflex, your knees spasmed and you attempted to close your legs. Wrong choice. Terrible accident.
“Keep your fucking legs like that, woman” he rasped out, forcing them back down as he shot you a resentful glare through his lashes.
You whimpered, hands covering your face in dispair as you panted “G–Grimmjow, baby, I’m sorry! It’s too much…” you gingerly whined, only to hear him snort and flick his tongue over your sensitive clit as a delectable form of punishment.
“You better be sorry. Look at you, soaking wet, and trying to rob me of my meal. Stop bitching around” he chided you, making you gawk as your hand reached out to grasp a pillow and you playfully hit him with it over his head.
This was such a natural course of events for you two. Moments of domestic tenderness and play time paired up with steamy activities. Maybe, deep down, you had truly tamed him!
Grimmjow groaned and slapped your folds as a payback, making you regret having chuckled at him and his dumbfounded expression the moment the fluffy pillow had landed on his face. Had you, by any chance, forgotten who was in charge? The audacity of acting like an alpha, when he was supposed to be the one, at least in bed, was surely going too far.
“You little pest, you know what? I’m done tongue-fucking you. On your hands and knees, now” the blue-haired former Espada ordered you, standing back up and unbuckling his belt right before your now rounded eyes.
Oh, well, your little stunts always led to him sheathing himself deep into you and hours spent in sitting down with a certain discomfort. Little did he know you always tried to piss him off to get pinned down like that and, honestly, he did not feel like complaining.
Not when he could mark you down over and over again.
Shinji Hirako.
Your boyfriend and his unhealthy, enervating, obnoxious obsession for doing things in unconventional ways had repercussions on sex too at times. While it was always an enjoyable experience, there were days it could lead you to insanity. Shinji loved to vary. You surely could not say sex with him was static, basic. On the contrary, it was appallingly turbolent. Along with loving to give you oral, Shinji literally put you in every possible position humanly practicable.
Upside down, preferably.
Dangling from the ceiling, ropes meticulously tying your limbs, you whimpered at the feeling of Shinji’s pierced tongue flicking your bundle of nerves. Your body shrieked, jaw going slack as your eyes fluttered closed to enjoy the sensation to its fullest. His sarcastic and infuriatingly childish attitude were reflected by his actions. He was born to tease you, to break you down piece by piece, until you were nothing but a whining mass of sweat and pleas.
“Your hole clenching around nothing is calling me, babe. Can you hear it whisper to me? Atta girl, you’re doing so fuckin’ good for me” your boyfriend crooned, his lips still hovering over your dripping sex, amber eyes drifting down your body until he made eye-contact with you.
Arching your back, a breathy moan ripped from your throat, your movements restricted by the ropes amplifying your perception to the maximum level “Shinji! Baby, please, just … Just add a finger, I can’t do this anymore” you begged him, teary eyes meeting his cunning ones, through your eyelashes.
Honestly, you had lost count of how many times he had brought you close to the edge only to let you down on the verge of your orgasm. He loved watching you bewailing, wiggling around, when all you could do was begging him to just finish you off. It was satisfying, amusing even.
“Damn, this greedy pussy’s so hungry for me. Have you heard her, babe? She wants a finger to fill her up! Fine, fine, I think it’s time to feed her. Brace yourself” Shinji casually chimed them, eyeing you amusedly with his characteristic shit-eating grin plastered over his face.
He was overly sassy, when it came down to you and your presumably pathetic antics. Testing your endurance, your patience, your self-control were delectable activities he loved to involve in your intercourses. His divious ways of unraveling you piece by piece, watching you unfold before his sharp eyes radiated a very much unparalleled sadistic aura you had never seen in anyone else before him.
The moment he glided his finger down your slit, temporizing for a little longer around your opening, before finally burying his finger into you, made you almost sob in need. Eyes squeezed shut, you shrieked, foreteeth sinking onto your lower lip almost causing it to bleed. It was still not enough, you needed more, you needed him.
Your feeble protests did not go unnoticed, though, and your partner was kind of feeling guilty for having edged you for so long. He sighed, ducking his face back down to your heat, darting his tongue out to swirl it over your clitoris. Adding a second finger, he began to scissor them into you at a fast tempo, the silver sphere on his tongue stimulating you in the right spots.
“Shinji! Babe, I’m— Shit!” you cried out in ecstasy, the pleasure coiling on your lower abdomen making it hard for you to stammer out a sensible speech.
Out of your head, breathless, knackered, you arched your spine and the sound of your strained moan eachoed through the walls of your empty flat. Finally, he had let you reach your pined climax. Chin glistening, coated by your juices, Shinji took a step back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
That smug smile of his never ceased to make butterflies flutter in your stomach.
“Your pussy has such ‘a foul mouth’, when I eat her out. Yer should tell her to behave, damn it” he jested, earning a tired eye-roll from your behalf. Asking him to keep his attitude on check was the equivalent of talking to a wall.
“Untie me now, Hikaro Shinji. Or I will be delighted to show you how foul my mouth can really be” you countered back, only for him to snicker and begin to loosen up the ropes restraining your limbs.
After all, you were both far from being done and you were sure as hell not going to let his tantrum slide that easily.
Isshin Kurosaki.
The things this man would do for you go beyond your fervid imagination. He is not a boy, he is a man, husband material to be precise. Isshin knows how to please a woman and, according to him, the best part about giving you pleasure and incommensurable bliss is watching you unfold before his adoring eyes. One thing about him: you are his queen and priority. He would literally neglect his own urges and needs to take care or yours.
“I think I will skip the dessert tonight” Isshin announced, wiping his mouth with a napkin, eying you through his dark eyelashes from the other side of the table.
You knew exactly what he meant by that and you unconsciously found yourself pressing your thighs together under the table.
“You skip the dessert, but maybe you have had too much wine” you teased him back, albeit you played along his goofy game of seduction and shot a coquettish gaze towards him.
Isshin grinned and stood up, stretching his arms over his head, before he circled the table and stopped right next to you. His eyes devoured you, as he dragged your chair along the floor, parting you from the table with ease. He always made you feel as light as a feather, his strength something he was so proud of.
Cocking your head to the side questioningly, you flicked your gaze up to him “What are you up to now?” you inquired, watching the way he dropped to his knees right in front of you. He had insisted for you to wear that dress all day long and now you could finally see why he had been a literal pest.
His hands carefully hiked up the flowy skirt of your dress, his smile widening as you did not hesitate to be collaborative and hold it up in your hands while be settled his hands on each of your rotula, cupping it and pushing your legs apart for him. When he went down on you, Isshin never put you through too much trouble. He specifically asked you to simply enjoy the experience and pull at his hair. He spoiled you, he lavished you.
His hot breath fanning your clothed sex made you suck in a breath and he leisurely tugged the hem of your panties to the side to expose your folds to his longing eyes.
“Hush, baby, let daddy enjoy his well-deserved dessert, alright? I need it so badly, baby. It’s been so long since I did it” he dramatized the situation, eliciting a chuckle from you as his tongue tickled your clit.
“But, daddy, you did it yesterday morning on your desk! – you pointed out, lolling your head back as you securely tangled your fingers between his hair, tugging at them gently – Was it not enough?” you asked him, hips bucking up unintentionally and pulling a husky grunt out of him.
Enough? Of course it was not enough. This man loved nipping, lapping and sucking your pussy dry. He needed to do it, at least, twice a day.
Before his tongue could finally dive into your wet cavern, he knitted his eyebrows together, scoffing “That’s offensive. You left me starving, darling. Let daddy be happy, please, be a good girl” he pleaded you, his mouth leaving a sloppy kiss over your pubes before his tongue made you see stars.
Keeping it low with him was impossible. Either you laughed out loud, or you let out pornographic screams of pleasure hard not to hear down the streets.
Especially, when he left the window open for letting people covet what was rightfully his.
Hello there! I’m so glad I have finally completed this series! Maybe, one day, when my requests will be opened again, I will add other characters too but as for now let’s just enjoy these ones. As per usual, your support means a lot! Thanks for having read this piece and I hope you’ve drawn enough enjoyment to simp for those folks. Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated! Also, writing for Isshin has been hell on Earth, help🥹
Until next,
x o x o
TAGS: @stygianoir @electronicwitchcollection @brittscafe @kr0wu @kryptoniteforsale
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snnnailmail · 3 months
THE NEW CHAPTER IS SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVGDFCHBVKDSVBKHFBJLSVBJLSSJLVBSLJBVLS🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥💥 GOOD FKN SOUP IM DEVOURING IT RN it might be my fav chapter thus far........It has elements of The horrors tm and scenes that make me kick my feet in delight GODDDDDD🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 AAAAnd as usual I have some new silly doodles that I've got (Sadly I cant draw fast enough to finish my fan art for this chapter BUTIMWORKINGONSMT). I do have the RGB reader designs that I mainly use so that other fans could (maybe....just maybe...) mold their reader/player into whatever they want but I DO have a design that caters to my fav design tropes...
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ALSOALSO- I've got a folder righttt 👉here where I'll compile some more sketches (and the animation with the right sync good gracious me-) so that I dont BOMBARD you with 50plus images.
Thank you I'm so glad you love it!! 🦅💥 (Nonsense emojis are becoming a habit I have to stoppp...)
It's so funny you said that cuz I have a Doc called "kicking my feet blushing giggleinf" that I use to jot down the "fluffy" moments when the inspiration worms hit x0
And take your time with the art gurl!! What you've already done is amazing!! The most important thing is that it's fun and engaging for you,, no pressure 🫶
Those RGB designs are a banger btw they have so much personality!! I forgot to mention I loved the color scheme of your animation. I'm a sucker for some super saturated RGB...
OKAY now I'm gonna gush abt your art >:o] I love your insert she's too spunky!! She looks so done w him LOL. Also your style is delightful and fun!! I love your habit of drawing ppl with tired eyes and no mouth. It speaks to me.
The “You look lonely” piece is gorgeous btw :) He’s so shinyyy,, Insert looks tireddd. I know it’s the meme format or whatevah but I would be too.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing screenshots? Just let me know :o) I’m abt to holler abt some sketches.
THESE!! These made me so soft oml. I know in my heart he feels like a Squishmallow or whatever those fat chibi stuffed animals are.
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DRIP KINITO 🔥🔥🔥 I giggled. Also baseball Kinito is canon now. To me. I just KNOW he picks up random human sports and tries his darndest to play them with only two people. (Reader cheering him on and also looking thoroughly depressed is so real LMAO)
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I think that's all I have in my heart for now... TY for this plethora of art you went above and beyond <3
BTW I’m gonna provide a pic of the players here for easy viewing cuz they’re cool as freak 💯🐊
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EDIT: I am so glad!! You love my fic!! I heart U!!
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bumblekastclips · 1 month
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, we got one last question. It’s from JediPony. [chuckles] Love that name, I don’t know why. It makes me laugh. [reading question] “How would you write an 06 adaptation in Sonic X?” Here’s the question, would you write the 06 adaptation in Sonic X the show, or Sonic X the comic?
IAN FLYNN: [laughs] KYLE: It’s very— two very different things. IAN:Very different things. I don’t know, if we’re gonna be true to the source material, then Elise doesn’t really have a role, and Chris is the one who has the Flames of Disaster sealed inside him. KYLE: [laughing] Oh no! Oh! IAN: “Chris, whatever you do, you can’t cry!” [as Chris, weepily] “But why?!” [Iblis roar] KYLE: It’s all he does! [laughs] No! IAN: Oh, man, now I’m imagining Mephiles with, like, that really bad early 2000s CG effect. All these awful filters flyin’ around. KYLE: Oh, God, no! [laughing] This would be awful. IAN: You’d have, like, the budget episodes where Soleanna and New City are just, like, these flat, grey urban textures that have like, no depth, but then you get to the final episode where they’re doing the Super fight against Solaris, and the animation bump goes through the roof, and it’s glorious. And you forgive the last 26 episodes of your life that you’ve wasted watching it so far. KYLE: Mhm. IAN: [choking the words out through high pitched, wheezing laughter] This means Chris is the one that kisses Sonic back to life! [fit of maniacal laughter] KYLE: [frantic, horrified laughter] No! No! No! No! Ian, no! Ian! No! IAN: [prolonged cackling laughter] KYLE: The worst timeline! Oh, no! IAN: Oh, and Eggman has to be as close as they can get him to photorealistic Eggman in the Sonic X style. KYLE: No! IAN: Which does not work at all! KYLE: No, no, no! No! This is not going on the thumbnail! No! IAN: [wheezing laugh] KYLE: No, do not put this on the thumbnail! [laughing] IAN: Oh, my goodness, just imagine the art errors for Silver’s head alone… KYLE: Oh… no… oh, no… at least Dan Green could still be the voice of Mephiles. IAN: Oh, yeah, that’d be fantastic. [microphone glitches] That’s the only reason to do this. KYLE: That would be— yeah. Oh… IAN: Oh, would they try to hand-animate Omega? Or would he be like, early 2000s CG? KYLE: Just crappy CG, no! IAN: That you just composite into each shot… oh, man, it’d be awful! KYLE: [pained sound not unlike he is receiving a fully conscious appendectomy] Oh! IAN: Wait! [microphone glitches again] They did the weird thing with Sonic and Shadow’s spines when they would turn their heads. What would Silver look like?! KYLE: [resigned groan] IAN: Would it just be like, one giant spine, depending on the angle? [bursts into laughter] KYLE: [groans as if he is dying] Ian… what are you doing… why are you— IAN: [microphone glitches again as if resisting] The Iblis monsters would have the terrible CG effects, too! KYLE: Why am— why am I the reasonable one!
IAN: [laughs] KYLE: Why am I the one who’s being… [gives up on finishing this sentence] IAN: Forget the comic, the comic can’t hold a candle to this idea! KYLE: Oh, no… IAN: [in awe] What a glorious trainwreck! KYLE: What’s even funnier is that your mic is trying to stop you. IAN: [cackles] KYLE: It’s not working. [laughs] So cursed! IAN: The whole thing would be so awful… KYLE: Yeah? IAN: But then there would be, like, this incredibly well-written and poignant subplot about Elise dealing with her emotional trauma, and how Soleanna as a country even works. And it’s like, maybe an episode, maybe two that really gets into it and fleshes out this world in a meaningful and robust manner. KYLE: [chuckles] Yeah. IAN: And that’s it. That’s like— that and Dan Green are the only redeeming things out of this season. KYLE: [sigh, reading chat] Ian, in the chat… IAN: Yeah. KYLE: In the Bumblekast Discord server, open it up. There’s a little piece of art there. Someone has, uh, sketched Silver. [chuckles] IAN: [seeing it, delighted, evil] Yes! KYLE: [laughing] IAN: Cursed Toucan Sam! KYLE: [cackles] Oh no! Why do you…? No! Awful! Toucan— IAN: [as Silver] “Just follow my nose, wherever it goes!” KYLE: [horrified, amused] Toucan Silver! No! [emits the world’s most drawn-out, pained cry of defeat] IAN: Psycho-beak-nesis! KYLE: [laughing] Bumblekast was a mistake! IAN: [laughs] It was, but at least we’re over with it for today. KYLE: [laughing] Oh… I guess so.[outro music fades in]
EPISODE THUMBNAIL by the incredible @nintendoni-art
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—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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midnightechoes · 1 year
So this week is going to go down as maybe the most sapphic week in animation history. It’s going to have a great case, there are so many sapphic shows or shows with prominent sapphic couples airing this week.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? Here’s a quick rundown:
Yuri Is My Job!
Premiering on Crunchyroll on April 6th.
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Yuri is My Job! is based on a yuri manga of the same name. It follows high schooler Hime, who cares deeply about her image as sweet and helpful, even though she’s actually selfish. She accidentally injures the manager of a cafe, and agrees to work there to make up for it. But this is no ordinary cafe, it’s like a cafe dinner theater where all the waitresses play characters from a fictional high school and act out skits for the patrons. Hime’s character is supposed to be in love with one of the other waitresses’ character, but she starts actually falling for the girl. Only problem is, behind the scenes the other waitress seems to hate her.
Yeah, that sounds kind of bonkers! I can already see the story now, Hime starting out playing a role, and eventually having to legitimately earn the love of Mitsuki.
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Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story
Season 2 premiering on Crunchyroll on Friday, April 7th
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Ah Birdie Wing. If you saw season one, you know just how delightful wacky this show is. It follows the stories of Eve, a golfer that plays in illegal underground golf matches for the mob, and Aoi, a golf prodigy and the new sensation of the golf world. Their lives crash into each other and the chemistry is overwhelming and immediate.
Technically Eve and Aoi aren’t canon as of the end of s1, but it’s hard to imagine that the show isn’t heading in that direction. It makes no effort to hide the fact that these two are into each other.
I’m so excited to see what season 2 has in store for these two. Birdie Wing is just a delightfully weird little show.
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Princess Principal: Crown Handler Chapter 3
Premieres in theaters in Japan on Friday, April 7th
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Alright, so this won’t be useful to a lot of people reading this, as this is only premiering in Japan this weekend. But I wanted to mention it because (a) it’ll come over to the US sometime this year, and (b) Princess Principal is awesome and I want to promote it when I can.
Princess Principal was a 12 episode series that aired in 2017, and Crown Handler is a six-part sequel OVA series.
In a nutshell, Princess Principal is a steampunk spy thriller set in an alternate universe European kingdom that has been divided by a wall, Berlin-style. It follows a team of spies, masquerading as high school girls, as they try to prevent the two sides from going to war.
I know, “why is this on a list of gay shit?” Well, because it is. Two of the main characters, Ange and Princess Charlotte, are big-time into each other and while the original series does the anime thing of “we’re only allowed to go so far with this”, the OG series has a lot of intimate scenes between the two and does end *SPOILERS* with the two of them sitting on the beach together while holding hands.
And perhaps Crown Handler, being made years later, can finally take their relationship farther.
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RWBY Volume 9
Volume 9 episode 8 airing on Crunchyroll on Saturday, April 8th
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RWBY has been ongoing, and the current volume has been airing since February, but there’ll be another episode this Saturday. Right now RWBY is in the middle of dealing with a lot of trauma, BUT, the bees are canon and dating so every episode of RWBY is now officially gay. So says me.
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The Owl House: Watching and Dreaming
 Series finale airing on the Disney Channel on Saturday, April 8th
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*ahem* The third and final season 3 special airs on Saturday, and promises to be mega emotional and super gay.
I’m grateful that this show had a chance to finish its story, something a lot of sapphic media doesn’t get to do. But I am still pissed about it getting cancelled in the first place simply because it didn’t fit their “brand” (read: this show is too gay for Disney).
But I just know that Dana and her team put together a sensational finale.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch From Mercury
Season 2 premiering on Crunchyroll on Sunday, April 9th.
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Affectionately called G-Witch, season 1 of this show was a revelation in the fall. It follows the story of Suletta Mercury, precious cinnamon roll and the most talented mobile suit pilot around, and Miorine Rembran, daughter of the president of the Benerit Group, a mega-corporation that has massive political power.
The show revolves around a school that’s mostly full of the children of powerful people. And then there’s Suletta, a nobody that just wants to be a normal girl and have a normal school life but through a series of events ends up in a mobile suit duel that she easily wins, earning her the title of Holder, which makes her Miroine’s groom.
At first, the two treat the arrangement as a business arrangement, both seeing practical value in this arranged engagement. But it’s obvious that Miorine is actually pretty into Suletta from the start, and we see Suletta slowly falling for Miorine too.
G-Witch is incredible. Part awesome mecha fights, part political intrigue, part romance between two useless girls who’d rather die that admit their actual feelings.
I am SO EXCITED for season 2!
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LGBTQ media hasn’t had it great as of late, with a ton of frustrating cancellations and it almost feeling like Hollywood is going backwards in terms of its commitment to giving us space to tell our stories.
But animation, both in the US and in Japan, seems to be making great strides, being our light in the dark.
All five of these shows are airing episodes this week, and Crown Handler will be in theaters this week and on streaming/blu-ray later this year. RWBY has been airing for weeks and its been the gayest volume yet. the Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady just finished airing and was wonderfully sapphic. I’m In Love With the Villainess is scheduled to air sometimes this year. And just maybe we might get Arcane season 2 before the end of the year.
I’m excited for how sapphic and yuri animation is progressing, I hope it keeps going forward.
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perfectsunlight · 9 months
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: none
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀: 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
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"you're going to fall if you keep sitting like that," she warns lightly, her attention momentarily drifting from the mirror in front of her. 
y/n's quick answer was heard in the background. “nuh uh.” the girl replies in a teasing, confident tone.
jennie's eyes refocus on the mirror as she engages in small talk with the stylists. they chat about the photoshoot and other things, her eyes flickering towards the side from time to time. suddenly, there's a loud bang in the background, causing jennie to jolt in her chair and immediately stand up. her gaze snaps toward the source of the noise, and her eyes widen in surprise. 
but then, as she sees what happened, she bursts out laughing. 
she picks up the camera and turns it around, revealing y/n on the floor, rubbing her hip with a sheepish grin. 
"what happened?" jennie asks in a dragged-out, dramatic voice, zooming the camera in on her sister's face. “i fell,” y/n groans out, her laughter contagious as she struggles to sit up on the floor. 
she playfully swats at jennie's camera, trying to shield her face. the idol continues to film her sister, shaking her head in mock disappointment. “listen to your sister next time!” she playfully scolds, unable to contain her laughter.
the video starts with jennie showing the backyard of her la house. she points the camera towards the pool. “i’ve never actually swam in there. don’t know why i have a giant pool in the house. but my sister loves it so i guess i can’t get rid of it. speaking of y/n,” jennie pauses to check the time on her phone. “her flight lands in an hour, she’s staying with me for the week.”
it cuts to when the younger sister arrives at jennie’s house. jennie is holding her camera as she opens the front door and hugging y/n. 
y/n’s soft laughter fills the entrance as jennie squeezes her little sister tightly. “my baby is here!” she squeals with her signature gummy smile.
the younger girl responds happily as she smiles into the camera, “i missed you too, unnie.” 
there’s another quick cut to y/n looking through the pantry, rummaging through the different items. “look at her,” jennie whispers to the camera, watching quietly as she observes her sister’s antics. “watch, i bet she wants in n out.”
“what do you feel like eating?” she then calls out loud to the younger girl. “honestly?” y/n answers back as she closes the door and faces her sister and the camera. “in n out.”
jennie follows her into the kitchen, still holding her camera, capturing every moment of their reunion. the idol raises her eyebrows to the camera, chuckling softly. “what did i tell you guys?” 
she then raises her voice, addressing her sister. “alright, in-n-out it is. double-double with animal style fries?” 
y/n's face lights up with a knowing smile. “you know me so well, unnie.” the older girl just smiles proudly and turns her attention to the camera again. “of course i do, i’m your unnie.”
“can i drive?” “absolutely not.”
the video transitions seamlessly to a behind-the-scenes montage of jennie and y/n preparing for the fashion show. the camera alternates between their perspectives, capturing candid moments of laughter, makeup touch-ups, and outfit fittings. 
y/n takes her turn behind the camera, and with a playful grin, she captures her older sister as she sits in front of a well-lit vanity mirror. the makeup artist is meticulously adding finishing touches to jennie's already flawless makeup. 
“wow…” y/n whispers into the camera, her voice filled with awe and admiration. “guys, my sister is so pretty.” 
from across the room, the idol chuckles, shaking her head in mock disbelief. jennie, who had heard y/n's comment, playfully rolls her eyes but can't hide a delighted smile. “come on, don't embarrass me,” she says with a laugh. 
the camera then switches back to jennie's view as she takes the opportunity to film her sister. y/n stands in her stunning chanel outfit. a few of the stylists were putting the finishing touches on the younger girl’s outfit as well as snapping some quick candid pictures of the other kim.
“ah, look at her,” jennie says in a hushed voice, her voice full of sisterly pride. she zooms in on the side profile of the other girl, absentmindedly admiring her beauty. “she's the real star of the show tonight.” 
y/n is standing next to her sister as they stand in the ocean, the water coming just up to their shins. jennie was snapping some quick photos of herself in the blue water. however, mischief dances in the younger girl’s eyes. a devilish grin crosses y/n's face as she takes a deep breath and then, with a quick flick of her wrist, she sends a spray of water directly at jennie. 
“y/n jade!” jennie screams in mock outrage, her voice a mix of surprise and laughter. water droplets glisten on her face as she tries to shield herself, but it's too late—she's already been splashed. the camera shakes with y/n's hearty laughter as she zooms in on jennie's soaking wet face. 
“oops!” y/n exclaims in feigned innocence, giggling as she flicks her wrist again. jennie joins in the laughter, her gummy smile never fading even as she's drenched. “you’re lucky i didn’t drop my phone!” she playfully scolds, splashing some water back at y/n. 
a playful water fight ensues quickly after, with both sisters laughing and splashing each other without a care in the world. after a particularly enthusiastic splash from y/n, jennie feigns surrender. she wipes her face with a dramatic sigh. “okay, okay, you win this round,” she says with a grin, pushing her sunglasses onto the crown of her head. y/n, still clutching the camera, zooms in on jennie's soaking face. 
right before the camera shuts off, jennie’s voice is heard in the background. “you’re lucky i love you!”
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𝗧𝗔𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗧: @silantryoo @forever-in-the-sky2 @rosiehrs @urfriendlylocalidiot @chaewonluvsme @zhivaxo @baebeefyburrito @jisooftme @winterlve @mina1vr @rgxjsss @uzumakioden @bexisbomb @tzuyuscloud @cwpiqwon @dream-chasers-things @demtions @sewiouslyz @jeindall777
@writingficsblog @ad0rechuu @lauxymy4 @awkwardtoafault @popstaryunjin @hibernatinghamster @tocupid @myothegreat @yerevies @alexxis10 @sighsam @ddeulgiheree @kikelikesmc @ddoxhan @justalittledissociation @jenaissantex @captivq @lea-pg @skisk1 @justme-idle @neuftaeng
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TikTok was where I learned about SHEIN. For a while my For You page, which had accurately identified my interest in fashion’s more material impacts, served me videos of sustainable fashion influencers decrying SHEIN’s wretched labor and environmental practices. The textile industry is the second-largest polluter in the world, they said, and of all the fast-fashion producers, SHEIN is by far the worst offender. SHEIN uses toxic chemicals in their clothing production; SHEIN mass-produces fabrics like spandex that never decompose (at this point an image would flash across the screen: an overflowing clothing landfill, or a mountain of discarded clothes in the Chilean desert so large it is visible from space); SHEIN exploits and endangers its factory workers. Employees earn $556 a month to make five hundred pieces of clothing every day, work eighteen-hour days, and use their lunch breaks to wash their hair — a schedule they repeat seven days per week with only one day off per month. A more nuanced TikToker might point out, briefly, that conditions in SHEIN factories are not necessarily unique, or that focusing on suppliers — rather than the larger systems of Western consumption and capitalism that create these conditions — is a fool’s errand, but the platform isn’t built for that kind of dialogue. I clicked on the comments and invariably read ones with several dozen likes saying, “I’m so willing to die in shein clothes.” Before long I was watching SHEIN hauls. There are millions of them — the tag #sheinhaul has been viewed a collective 14.2 billion times on TikTok. In each haul, a woman rips open a plastic bag filled with smaller plastic bags filled with small plastic clothing. Sometimes the woman holds up each garment and narrates its merits, but often the clothes are disembodied, laid flat on a floor or a bed in an accidental stop-motion animation. A stretchy red skirt on a furry white carpet is replaced by a strapless watercolor bustier with a deep-V neckline. A zebra-print skirt is followed by a matching pink two-piece set, with a short-sleeve cardigan and miniskirt constructed from a fabric that looks like bubble wrap. Sometimes a haul is five pieces, and sometimes it is too many pieces to count. The garments appear and disappear in seconds, edited to the beat of a trending song. Rarely do we see the clothing on a body. Usually brand familiarity accrues in a slow drip, building from obscurity to instant recognizability over the course of months or years as a designer’s work intersects with the zeitgeist and gains traction on social media. SHEIN was different. One day I’d never heard of the retailer and the next it was inescapable: in thousands of outfit videos, on millions of social media feeds. The clothes weren’t distinct or cohesive; what united them wasn’t style but price. All those SHEIN hauls entered my feeds with such ubiquity that they began to feel like they’d always been there. I’d opened a door to a new part of the fashion internet: a place where girls bragged about their ultra-fast-fashion purchases, delighting in the cheapness of the garments. Here, SHEIN was the obvious choice for new clothes. Why not, when you could buy on-trend pieces at lightning speed for less than the price of a cup of coffee? It was uncanny to bounce between videos: here was a girl showing off her new halter, here was another girl giving a litany of reasons why it was unconscionable to buy clothes for so little money. Didn’t these TikTokers hear one another? But then again, how could they? “This is what we keep missing here in the whole conversation about sustainability in the industry,” Nick Anguelov, a professor of public policy from UMass Dartmouth, said to a Slate journalist writing about SHEIN in June. “We keep failing to understand that our customers are kids and they don’t give a fuck.”
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
~Welcome to my blog!~
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Hello! You can call me Kimmie or Kim (some nicknames my sweet friends gave me 😋)
I am not going to disclose my exact age but I am a minor
I do art and sometimes I’ll write!
I am a pessimist— (I will hate on my art sometimes)
My birthday is December 4th :D
My persona
Here is my OC Masterlist!
I do take requests for art and writing, and you can find those rules, here!
The things I have written are here :)
My gamejolt is my BSD focused area, although I will post BSD here occasionally. The username/tag is the same as here!^^
and @soyyyyaa is my twisted wonderland focused blog :3
⚠️ I do take emergency requests and those will take top priority no matter what. Emergency requests will almost always be open, even if normal requests aren’t. If I have a request I am actively working on and I receive an emergency request, I will let the person who sent the first request know that their request is being put on hold until the emergency request is finished. Consistent misuse of emergency requests will result in a temporary ban from placing requests. I will ultimately decide what qualifies as an emergency request.⚠️
More info about emergency requests here
I have a roleplay account for my oc, Yuna at @ask-yuna-handa
Male Kny oc, Zeno Arakawa, can be found on @ask-zeno-arakawa
My time zone is Eastern Standard Time!
These are my emoji coded tags:
🍁 is my writing tag!
��� is my mental health tag. I use it whenever I post something related to mental health or when I’m sad
🪻 is my drawing tag. I use it whenever I post art that I made!
🌹 is my animation/time lapse tag, I’ll post 🪻 and this together since animations are technically art
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These are my moots! They are lovely people and I recommend following them!
@natsukishinomiyaswife (SUPER talented writer and has adorable art! Also super super sweet :D )
@zenitsustherapist (ISA, BESTIE, ILYSM. MWAH MWAH!!<3)
@shjsjskshsjs (we have the occasional super long convo and it’s a lot of fun, I like yapping with her >:3)
@nothingtoseehere1-2-3 (I don’t interact w/ her a lot, but she’s cool!)
@midnightmah07 (SHES SO NICE OMG- my twst mootie :3)
@local-giyuu-simp (my twin that I tried to eat in the womb)
@gyutarowritings (my child :3)
@donkeybro (VERY NICE. Very fun to roleplay with too! :D)
@your-local-demon-slayer-nerd (very funny, would do stupid crap with)
@ame-delights (our ocs have become Milo’s guardians)
@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira (jaw dropping amazing fics. I should’ve followed her sooner. She’s also rlly nice :D)
@mooechi (beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, delectable art. AND THEY CAN RECREATE THE KNY ART STYLE SO PERFECTLYYYY)
@saffron0v0 (certified sweetheart. I think you could stab her and she’d forgive you— don’t do that though.)
@squidifier (such cute art omg—)
@ta-ni-ya (amazing art yum yum)
@night-mince0 (my other child >:3)
@scrimblyscrorblo (one of my art idols. I freaked out when we became moots)
@tinyperson00 (very nice, Akira is so pretty)
@naramaiz (Amari makes the best cookies yum)
@larz-barz (she’s literally an angel omg—and she is my wife, my one and only I love her sm)
@shycroissanti (another art idol, is so so nice. Says im her art idol too??!! EugfakgeGHWVDUY)
@kiyokatokito (the human embodiment of straight up sugar)
@muichiroslovermwah (I would like to adopt you please :>)
@boo-simplified (YET ANOTHER ART IDOL)
@tokito-dulya20 (very yummy art and fics)
@cloudymistedskies (ANOTHER ART IDOL—)
@mrs-k0zume (she said I could officiate her and Kenma’s wedding teehee)
@rion-isnot-an-ai (literally an angel #2)
@silliestsakura (i foam at the mouth bc of how pretty her art is)
@aceofstars0 (my first mutual and second follower!! ILSYM ACE.)
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(Thank you to @saradika for the dividers!)
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acepalindrome · 2 months
SDV Aesthetic Mod Recommendations (1.6 Edition!)
I’m back with more mod recommendations that work with 1.6! This time, we’re gonna focus on stuff that mainly just changes how things look: recolors, portraits, animal skins, etc. No major gameplay changes, but the visual changes can really enhance the experience or make the game feel totally different! Again, links will be in a reblog. And you can check my ‘sdv mods’ tag for my other recommendation post!
So starting off, recolors. I have three that I really love: Vibrant Pastoral Recolor, DaisyNiko’s Earthy Recolor, and Starblue Valley.
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They all tone down the saturation and give everything a softer, more natural look. Vibrant Pastoral is probably my favorite because it makes the scythe-able grass look like it’s full of wildflowers! Also of note, Starblue Valley’s 1.6 update is a work in progress, so some parts might not be properly recolored. It’s such a pretty recolor, but you might want to just track the mod for now while they’re hammering out the kinks.
Next up, portraits! First, I wanna talk about Seasonal Outfits.
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I love that vanilla has beach and winter outfits now, and this mod takes that ten times further! Not only are there outfits for every season (with matching sprites), there are also unique outfits for festivals! I love all the Halloween costumes for Spirits Eve! There are seasonal mods for Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village too!
Next, Nyapu’s Portraits.
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I love the cute, old school Harvest Moon vibe these have, but one of the really great things is that Nyapu has made portraits for almost every modded character in existence. I’m fussy about getting my portraits to match, because it’s just weird when you’ve got totally different art styles for different characters, and that is a non-issue with this collection! If there’s a character mod, there is probably a Nyapu portrait. SVE and RSV are just the tip of the iceberg! Also Nyapu is a real life farmer when they aren’t making adorable portraits, which I think is just cool!
I made a post earlier about Elle’s Cuter Coop Animals/Barn Animals/Cats/Dogs/Horses, but it’s worth mentioning again because they’re just too cute and the huge variety of different colors and species is unmatched.
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And I mean. Highland cows. Just look at them. Elle also has mods for seasonal farm buildings and farmhouse kitchens with lots of different options! You really can’t go wrong with any of Elle’s mods.
And speaking of farm buildings, one of my absolute favorites is Gwen’s Medieval Buildings, and matching mod, Gwen’s Medieval Craftables.
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The antique, overgrown vibes are just gorgeous.
If I do UI recolors, I usually just pick one that matches my recolor (Vibrant Pastoral, Earthy Recolor, etc) but I recently discovered Lavender Dreams UI Recolor and I adore it.
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The colors are just so nice and soft, and the accents of moss and leaves in the menu is just delightful.
I’m on mobile and running out of pictures, so I’ll just talk about the next three that change your character. First is Female Farmer Overhaul. Despite the name, everything is available to any gender, although the style is definitely more feminine. It adds a lot of new hairstyles, clothes, hats, and has the option of short or long sleeves so you’re dressed appropriately for the season!
Next is Animated Hair. It makes your hair move as you run, use tools and so on. There are lots of hairstyles and it just looks so nice!
And one last one, Expressive Elf Ears. Like Animated Hair, they move around with your character! They are so floppy! If you want a little fantasy flavor to your character, they’re a must.
And that’s all for now! I might do content adding mods next time!
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tommock · 1 month
I DNF'd Mistorn: Here's Why
Disclaimer: You asked for this. Let me start there. Don't get mad at me, Mistborn lover. If you clicked on this link, and that means you are taking the dagger into your own hand. The wound is self-inflicted!
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I did not finish Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I know, I know, its actually called The Final Empire. The name Mistborn has stuck with so many readers for a reason, so I'll continue to use it as a shorthand. The book didn't work for me, but I think WHY it didn't work for me might be interesting to read about, especially for fellow authors.
If you have read and enjoyed the Mistborn books, or any work by Brandon Sanderson, I'm delighted. I want to applaud any work of fiction that brings people joy (so long as it or its author is not reprehensible in some way (he said, covering his ass)). I don't want you to think this is me taking shots at you or at Sanderson. I'm just talking about a work of fiction and what it did to my brain.
Believe me when I tell you I have no delusions about being some high-handed minister of good taste. You should see some of the anime I watch to destress at the end of a long day trying to be a self-published author, editor, and, well, just an ordinary semi-functioning human being.
I've read many, many books and loved them, only to come back to them later and find they were … less deserving of my matured tastes. Sometimes books meet us at the right time. If Mistborn was, or is, one such book for you, I would be a jerk and a fool if I tried to tell you that you were wrong for liking it. That isn't what this is. But, if you're at all curious why I didn't like it the way you did, here are my thoughts.
Instead of trying to construct some long elaborate essay, I've decided to present my reading notes as I was writing them. If you're at all familiar with my SPFBO9 opening reads thread, this is in a similar, though much protracted style. This is my travelogue of the first few chapters. If these notes are rough or feel stilted in places, I'm sorry. I DNF'd the book a few months ago, and I found in trying to clean up my notes that I was making up commentary to fill in gaps and I don't think that's fair. I've tried to provide some context where I could.
Pages referenced are from the first mass market edition, published August 2007 by Tor
My Notes:
Starts well enough. Interesting introduction to the fantastic elements of the environment (the ash fall) and the enslavement of the skaa. Some neat 2nd world titles “obligator,” etc.
Not great, not riveting, but competent introduction of world and one protagonist, Kelsier. He doesn't know what to do with Vin, though. Disconnect between the characters as we're told they are and their actions. Lacking coherent motivation.
(P.5)The slave that stands and stares defiantly sending a chill through the lord so-and-so is a bit melodramatic. Both actions struck me as over the top.
(writing note)…too many “of courses”
The writing is competent and descriptive. The Mist at night is another interesting setting detail.
(p.6) I immediately dislike Kelsier. “I’ll have to cure them of that (fear of the mist) some day.” This is has an unsympathetic arrogance about it. If this is also the man who stared defiantly at lord-so-and-so, hes blasé about endangering these people, and seems to look down on them, much like lord-so-and-so. I suspect this impression is not intentional. I suspect I’m supposed to think him strong and clever. We’ll see.
(7) rolling his eyes at these people. This seems intentional. But it’s also annoying.
(10) beatings beatings beatings. These “peasants” and their daily beatings. Did I mention the beatings? Their lives are harsh! There are beatings!
(‘) what is this talk about Tepper “leading” the skaa? Leading them how? They’re slaves! What decisions are they making? No, really. What is this forced little conflict? It’s pointless.
(‘) “How do you do that?” “What?” “Smile all the time” - there’s no reason for him to ask this. It’s unmotivated dialogue. How do you smile all the time? How? No. Why, sure. “You keep smiling. Is something about our home funny to you?”
(19-20, ch.1) I’m having trouble with Sandersons storytelling. This is coming across as heavy handed and simplistic. Here’s Vin. She was betrayed. There are betrayals. This boy who came to get her who’s nice enough will also betray her. But the ash is free…
I wonder if we’re going to slowly work through the alphabet section by section. Ash, then beatings and betrayal… who knows what could be next? Crime? I bet it’s crime.
Also - Reen’s sayings and betrayal. I think in general I find it a bit affected when we meet a character and they’re immediately thinking of their backstory … but that’s probably not fair of me. I think what comes across as affected is Sandersons execution. There’s a very light fiction - YA quality about Vin’s angsty introduction. I might have loved it if I read it at 14, but not now.
I’d like to think of an example of what would be more appealing to me - the introduction of a character with similar enough circumstances… Actually, Gideon the 9th might be a good example. We get to hear Gideon’s voice in the prose and the dialogue and get a strong sense of her character as well as the specific and very interesting world building details of how she got into the 9th house. Here, Reen’s betrayal is left completely unexplored, and so I wonder why bring it up at all except for that cheap YA punch in the gut of “my brother betrayed me and now I’m here.”
Maybe Sanderson felt some necessity to move faster here. He wanted to get to the city theiving … but it isn’t working for me, so obviously I think it was a mistake. Obviously he was hoping this would create a sense of anticipation that we would eventually find out HOW Vin’s brother betrayed her, but because he leads with it and then doesn’t explain it, it makes it seem like it doesn’t really matter HOW Vin was betrayed, what’s important is that she was betrayed and now she doesn’t trust anyone. It’s just a bit weak.
THE HEAVY HANDEDNESS (People being mean to Vin - her hard life) (21) the slap in the face (23) Theron looking Vin up and down - “eyes lingered on her … running down the length of her body. … She was hardly enticing (didn’t even look 16); some men preferred such women, however.” (24) “what do you know?” “Enough” - Vin hurts her, expositional dialogue about her brother’s debt and selling her to a whorehouse.
(25) fearing Vin would disappear in a scene she doesn’t have much to do during, we get these unnecessary interjections of her watching the interaction, followed by the explanation of Camon thinking Vin is his good luck charm. This should have been presented earlier, because it just interrupts the dialogue here. But also, it feels inaccurate after Vin made such a useful critique of Camon’s servants. She seems much more useful in other ways than a luck charm, and comfortable offering her criticism without the slightest hesitation.
This chapter ends rather abruptly and without much Go to it. Vin uses her Luck and gets our stuffy official to consider her boss’s mundane business proposal.
The notion that Camon brings Vin along because he thinks of her as his luck charm feels really thin, especially on a job like this where everyone has to look the part. Which raises an important question: what was Vin doing there? I mean literally. Why didn’t Camon have SOMETHING for her to do. Camon didn’t dress her up in any part, she didn’t have any kind of cover story as his daughter or nurse or anything. Just some kid in the room dressed … who knows how while important official business is discussed. She just floats somewhere, doing nothing, as far as anyone is concerned.
VIN’S MOTIVATION Where is it? What does she get out of making this work for Camon if he has no idea what she’s doing? Why is she avoiding him if this is such an important job? Why is she helping him at all?
The pieces are there, but Sanderson doesn’t put them together.
Camon should know about Vin’s ability to “smooth things over” in some capacity. This would give him a serious reason for her being there on this crucial job. Vin should be motivated to help him because if this lucrative job works out, it will go a long way towards paying off her brother’s debt. Now suddenly there is a sense of urgency for her instead of just having a bad time owned by a “crew leader” getting slapped around. The scam itself isn’t enough. Frankly, it’s kind of boring at this point. It’s a slow moving beurocratic swindle.
(32) Kelsier. Sanderson is doing a good job introducing some thieves’ cant here as Dockson and Kelsier are planning their job, talking about how they need a “Smoker.” Someone is a good Tineye. The loss of a man to the Steel Ministry underscores the mortal risk these men are taking. But … there’s something about all this crime play that feels a bit cute, like Sanderson had only a passing, generic understanding of (fictional) gangs/criminal organizations. He’s spent his world building energy on the fantasy aspects of the story - the dystopian Tolkien Lord Ruler and Steel Ministry, skaa, ashfalls, mist - but not on developing the criminal world of the characters, linguistically speaking. They’re all crews working on a job headed by a crew leader. This is the world we’re living in, most immediately, and yet it feels the most underdeveloped.
“Kelsier shook his head. ‘No. He’s a good Smoker, but he’s not a good enough man.’ Dockson smiled. ‘Not a good enough man to be on a THIEVING CREW … Kell, I have missed working with you.”
This stopped me dead. I laughed at the book and put my hand over my eyes. “Thieving crew” is just silly. It’s sixth grade D&D language, but even more ridiculous is the sentiment of Dockson’s statement: that character is somehow a moot point because they are criminals. It’s as if he’s saying: we’re breaking the law, so we’re the bad guys, and bad guys don’t work with “good men.”
Here we see Sanderson’s shallow understanding of the characters he’s portraying. They are stealing from slavers who exist in the service of a brutal, oppressive dictator. But put that aside, and consider we’ve just been told one of their ilk had been caught and beheaded by the Ministry. The risk these people are facing couldn’t be higher. Working with people they can trust, a stand up guy or a “good man,” would be one of the most important things to them. From their point of view a “good man” doesn’t mean a patron saint of the poor, but it means a hell of a lot. If a guy is a drunk who cheats on his wife, you can’t trust him not to turn on you. If he gambles too much, you can’t trust him not to gamble on your safety. He doesn’t keep his apartment clean, how can you trust him to be conscientious about keeping you alive. It all matters - even more so because he’s on a “thieving crew.”
Now, Sanderson probably didn’t give this line more than a moment's thought. He was writing fast and sailed right over it. But that’s exactly the problem. It gives the book a kind of childish, YA feeling.
(33) “Kelsier turned with curious eyes.” I’ve written lines like this, but I almost always revise them because I write about eyes too much. The point is his eyes aren’t curious, Kelsier is, and it shows on his face. I can’t picture curious eyes, and I’m sure you can’t either. And I would cut the next line of dialogue - going to chastise my brother … we already know he was going to do this because he said so, and the line just isn’t very good anyway. A look of curiosity from Kell, and the promise from Dockson “it’ll be worth your time,” gets us out of the section better. Sometimes the best repartee between characters is a look.
(33-34) the scenes with Vin remain heavy handed, and affected. This section adds almost nothing to the story accept for the disappointingly narrow view of a fantasy underworld that the women in it are only ever whores. This from a world crawling with Smokers and Tineyes? I think not. The clumsy presentation of Vin’s awful life is what makes these sections particularly affected. With her particular ability to use her Luck, I can’t help but wonder why she’s even still here. That seems to be the story to me. Not the abuse, but why she remains when she clearly has the power to get out. She can smooth over deals with reps from the SM, but she hasn’t thought to calm some member of the crew and then just … walk? Go literally anywhere in the city and use her Luck to get work where she won’t be whipped and slapped. It seems like the easiest thing in the world, so why hasn’t she done it? This is what the story here could have been, and it would have been so much more interesting.
Obviously she has to be there so Sanderson can have terrible things happen to her so she can be saved by Kelsier just like he saved the other raped scaa girl (let’s all take a moment to roll our eyes) and then her character can have a trajectory from passive victim to active hero - but that’s an excuse, and excuses don’t make good stories.
That said, as is, these two pages could be cut entirely and with very minor revision to the next session, nothing would be lost. It introduces a hideout we don’t need to know about, abuse that is redundant, over the top and unmotivated, and then Camon says “it’s time.” It’s just a prelude, in which nothing happens, before the actual scene. So just cut to the actual scene.
(36) we finally find out what the Camon job was supposed to be, I suspect because Sanderson finally decided what the details were. It would have been much more interesting to know this earlier, just like it would have been more interesting to understand about the particulars of Vin’s brothers betrayal earlier, so we could understand the context of the story being told.
But a LARGER ISSUE continues to emerge. First Camon tells Vin nothing about his plans. She says she is apparently the only crew member who didn’t know what was going on. Then, as they sit in the waiting room, in the vey belly of the obligator beast, he tells her everything. Why? Because Sanderson wants us to know even though he never decided who this character was.
He wants her to be a passive victim of inordinate abuses by a group of irredeemable villains, who only avoids constant sexual assault through the exhausting use of her secret magic so she can be saved and then learn how to be powerful later. But he also wants her to be a smart, capable member of Camon’s crew who is considered as such, because he knows passive protagonists aren’t interesting and because he wants us, the reader, to know what’s going on, and also think that Vin is cool. She can’t be both at the same time. She either needs to be less of an abject, pathetic victim, or she needs to be less involved in this big important scam - and that means she knows less about it and does less to make it work. As is, he’s done too little with either idea of her character and both Vin and Camon are an unmotivated mess.
(42) steel inquisitor. Cool, creepy, disgusting - something straight out of hellraiser.
(43) “Besides, I’m not about to let a possible Mistborn slip away from us” Ah!
Ch3 (45) after the meeting with the obligator (that was a trap), is the first time Vin ever expresses any interest in getting away. Much too late Sanderson gives us a much too thin reason why Vin hasn’t run away (considering the conflicting versions of her character as mentioned before). It’s little more than an afterthought.
(47) in no more than 2 pages Vin goes from never thinking she could make it on her own to leaving for good, telling herself she’d survived sleeping in alleyways before, she could do it again and - “Reen had taught her how to scavenge and beg. Both were difficult in the Final Empire … but she would find a way, if she had too.”
So far, this is all based on a bad feeling. More motivation conflict - Vin has no problem telling Camon directly how his plans won’t work and that he should change the way the servants are dressed, helps him succeed with her luck in both plans, but sees no reason to tell him “I have a bad feeling about this. That was too easy. Why did that obligator suddenly agree. Doesn’t this seem weird to you?”
Sanderson has many of the right pieces, but he hasn’t been able to put them together coherently.
(45)(And, just as an aside, I’m not sure why a girl who has spent to book so far reiterating to herself that EVERYONE WILL BETRAY ME is going out of her way to tell Ulef she has a bad feeling and to get him to come with her. Sanderson says “if he would go with her, then at least she wouldn’t be alone.” But he has also up until this point defined her character by a near constant desire to be alone - when she is introduced sitting in the window of the hideout thinking her brothers word “Vin wasn’t on duty; the watch-hole was simply one of the few places where she could find solitude. And Vin liked solitude. ‘When you’re alone, no one can betray you’- (37) at the “It’s just another betrayal, she thought sickly. Why does it still bother me so? Everyone betrays everyone else. That’s the way life is … She wanted to find a corner - someplace cramped and secluded - and hide. Alone.”
(47) "Bringing Ulef was a good idea. He had contacts in Luthadel." These after the fact explanations are no good. This isn't Vin thinking this, it's the author coming up with more justification for Vin's action, but in order for her character to seem active and motivated, this needed to be revised into the section where Vin decides to bring Ulef. Now it's just tacked on - oh, yeah, and, by the way, if you weren't sure it made sense for Vin to do this, Ulef probably knows people. So, there.
It doesn’t wash. Who is this girl? Can she not stand the idea of being alone, or is it the one and only thing she wants? Is she strong and resourceful in spite of her circumstances, or is she a passive victim? Does she believe everyone will betray her, or does she desperately want to believe otherwise because she can’t live in such an unkind world? Sanderson doesn’t seem to have been able to make up his mind. Maybe some of these details were added in revision on the suggestion of beta readers and the result is a checkerboard character. I’ve seen that before where you make a suggestion to a writer and they add your suggestion but they don’t make the necessary changes to the rest of the book so that the new material earns its place, they just throw it in and dust off their hands - job well done, gotta stay on schedule to publish! But now I’m just writing fan fiction about Sanderson’s process. I don’t know.
(55) Vin’s “weakness” - the contradictions/inexactitude of characters seems to be an ongoing issue for Sanderson, at least for Vin. Is she weak and has to pretend to be strong, or is she strong and often chooses to pretend to be weak (so far she has seemed to be weak and act weak, other than her Luck).
Well, that's as far as I got. Kel shows up just in time to be the wrath of justice for Vin. He's the superman who will make everything alright for this feckless girl. Our hero. Did Sanderson lay it on thick enough? Did you get that these people were all so irredeemably and stupidly bad? Aren't you so glad this strong man has shown up to be Vin's vengeance, just like had been telegraphed all along?
Sorry, I don't mean to be sarcastic. This part of the narrative really isn't so bad, its just been so heavy handedly and clumsily lead up to that there's no thrill in it for me. It isn't a bit satisfying. I'm just glad I don't have to read about any of these shallow side-characters anymore. Except, I have no intention to read on, so I don't have to read about any of them anymore.
Is this book bad? Yes and no. I don't want to read any more, and only read as far as I did as an examination of storytelling, so for me its bad. You only get so many eyerolls before I have to say that. The sentences are very clear and coherent. On their own, they are coherent. Together, they fail to paint of picture of coherent characters who drive the action of the story. If you don't have that, at least in my book, you've got nothing.
The images work. The setting, in its broad strokes, is eveocative. I'd love to set a DnD campaign in a world of ash and a dark lord and all that (I'm not the least mad about the cliché of the dark lord, by the way. Who doesn't love archetypical stories?) But, as near as I can tell, there are no human beings in this book. No one is real. The characters are just that, only characters in a book. They are paper cutouts. They fall flat when the hand of the author isn't pushing them around and making them do things.
Fans often hold Sanderson up as the gold standard of a fantasy author who produces work fast. And having read this far into Mistborn, I can say this about it: It reads like it was written fast.
Yes, Mistborn was an earlier book of his, so I can't judge him by it alone. But it is a work that is so often held up as a favorite by his readers. That's why I picked it up, to see what all the fuss was about. There were many things I enjoyed, but what I enjoyed wasn't the narrative. The story and the characters who moved it were the thing that I enjoyed least. The unique magic and broad setting details and description of places and creepy Inquisitors were what I liked best. The proper nouns were fun.
But proper nouns don't make a story for me. So I did not finish Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson.
If I were looking for a light fantasy read that I didn't have to take seriously and I could pick up and put down whenever I wanted because it was never that exciting or particularly witty or clever, but managed to string along one event after another and kept them going, more or less, whether it made much sense or not, until the end, I think Mistborn would be a fine book to dip into. Lots of people have read it. But then, that seems to me to be its major appeal. It’s a book you can talk about with other people.
It's not enough for me, though. There's lots of fun fantasy books out there that feel more coherent, and, well, INTERESTED in the story they're telling. Interested in violence and revolution and crime in an oppressively totalitarian, dystopian world. Interested in the plight of a young girl who only wants … well, what does she want? To be safe? But the only way she finds she can be safe is to go toward danger and realize how very strong she is? Maybe this story would like to be that, but it hasn't been for the first 60 or so pages.
Sanderson's novel felt more interested in the large and vague story shapes around the characters - a city, a dark lord, slavery, soot snow, bad mist, some kinds of magic, and (I cringe to say it) rape and thieving and beatings - but not in the world of their lives.
I've heard good things about The Way Of Kings from people who did not like Mistborn either, but its safe to say at this point that I have reservations about my reading tastes being a good match for Sanderson's work, at least at this point in time.
If I'm looking for fun I'd rather read another swanky, noir fantasy by Douglas Lumsden any day, or the next gothic gaslamp fantasy mystery by Morgan Stang, or discover my next favorite author, indie or otherwise.
I don't think Mistborn was terrible by any stretch of the imagination. Sanderson has delighted readers for over a decade now! He's prolific, hard working, and he delivers what his fans want, and he and they continue to be richly rewarded for his efforts. He is a Name in the genre, often listed alongside the greats. And why not? Isn't pleasing readers what this is all about? Taylor Swift has oceans of adoring fans, and she's no less deserving of her accolades. Brandon Sanderson is the Taylor Swift of fantasy, you could say. I just don't like her music either.
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cod-dump · 1 year
I just looked up Price & found that he was in the WWII COD games as well as the modern-day-setting ones. IDK but my immediate thought was the boys finding out that he's some kind of time traveler OR that he's an immortal--
& then they start calling him "Gramps" or "Pops" instead of "Dad" :D
Old Man ___
It was Gaz who found the box. It was in an old storage shed on base, kept shut by a rusted lock and decorated by boarded up windows. He found the building and went to Price to ask him if he go through it. Price was waist deep in paperwork when Gaz asked him.
“Storage shed?”
“I took some pictures of it, if you would like to see.”
Gaz showed Price and the man went through them before shrugging and handing him back his phone.
“Probably here from when the base was used by the old SAS. Whatever is in there probably isn’t relevant anymore.”
“So… can I go through it?”
“I don’t see why not. But be sure to burn any old files and bring me any technology you find.”
Gaz had to restrain himself from jumping around in excitement, “Yes, sir.”
Gaz always loved going through old things. Old technology, books, antiques— He loved going to antique shops with his mom when he was a kid. Something about old things really fascinated him. Gaz drove out to the old storage shed, armed with bolt cutters, gloves, a flashlight, a portable LED lamp (he doubted any electric ran to it), and a face mask (to fight off the dust).
He clipped the lock and looked at it. It looked old. The handle to the door looked old, too. Gaz set the lock aside before attempting to open the door. He ended up having to bust open the door due to the rusted hinges. He was greeted by a wave of dust.
“Fuck, when was the last time someone was in here?”
Gaz shined his flashlight into the small building before stepping in. He was more than delighted to see that the ceiling held up well and that there wasn’t any animals that made their home inside. Gaz gasped when he saw a box of floppy disks on a shelf directly next to the door.
Gaz grabbed the box and started looking at disks. Other than the blanket of dust they were covered in, the seemed to be in good condition. He tried to read the labels, but a lot seemed to be in code. Though he was able to make out something on a couple of them. A Chinese character: 天. He took a picture of the character before he moved on to some ledgers, going through them each. He was out there for hours until the sun started to set. Gaz only noticed when he got a text from Soap.
Suds: Are you alive?
Gaz jumped when he saw what time it was. It was almost time for dinner and lights out. Gaz quickly put the ledger he was looking in back on the shelf before leaving the building. He had to slam the door shut. He ended up putting a new lock that he brought with him on it to keep anyone out before he left. He was interrogated when he finally made it to the mess hall.
“Where the hell were you? You’ve been gone all day!”
“I’m going through an old storage shed I found in the woods.”
“God, must be ancient if you have taken a liking to it.”
Gaz rolls his eyes, stuffing a spoon of slop in his mouth. While Soap teased him for his ‘obsession’ with old things, Gaz thought back to how much stuff was in the storage shed. He wasn’t surprised Price didn’t know about it. There was a lot of grounds of this base covered by woods. Could be several other buildings like the storage shed, hidden by trees and the paths to them reclaimed by nature.
His next free day Gaz went back to the shed. He was pleased to find that the lock he placed remained and none of the boarded up windows were messed with. Gaz pulls his mask on after he removes the lock and heads back in. Gaz immediately went back to the ledgers, deciding to see what the oldest date he could find. The newest thing in the building that he’s found so far were the floppy disks, and even then they went out of style in the 90s.
Gaz flipped through the ledgers and found that the dates were going further and further back.
It became increasingly obvious that the storage shed was all relating to a project under the code name ‘Shòu’. The ledgers mostly covered expenses but the floppy disks could have other information on them. Gaz flipped through the pages of the ledger he was holding, stopping when he came across a date.
Gaz blinked before he took a picture of the date. That’s as far back as the ledgers were dated but he knows they ledgers themselves were newer than the 80s at least.
“Were they keeping track of transactions since 1776?”
Gaz couldn’t see how transactions from more than two centuries ago were relevant now. Gaz puts the ledger back, accidentally knocking another off onto the floor.
“Fucking hell-“
He gets on the floor to grab it when he notices something over in the corner through the shelves. It was a box with ‘Ash’ written broadly on the side. Gaz stood up and made his way to the corner, kneeling next to the box. He opens it up and finds several files inside. He picks one up, seeing the name ‘Thomas Ashburne’ written on it. He opens it, surprised to see little information that made sense.
“Discovered 2/7/1776? What?”
Gaz read further, brows knotted in confusion.
Subject was found alive after impaled by three arrows to the chest. He was missing an arm, the severed limb laying three feet away from him. After a fortnight under observation, Ashburne was still alive and the severed limb showed no signs of rot and was reattached to young Ashburne.
Gaz closes the file, giving himself a moment to process what he had just read. He sets the file aside and looks at other ones. There were many different names but they all appeared to be the same person. Though he kept thinking it should be impossible for them to be the same person, especially since this person should’ve died over two centuries ago. But these were SAS files. They don’t joke about stuff like this.
Gaz picks up another file and freezes when he sees the name on it.
Captain Jonathan Pryce.
Gaz shakes his head, seeing that the file was dated from 1939 to 1945. He opens the file with shaking hands and immediately drops it when he sees a picture inside. That was fucking Price. Beardless but it was definitely him. Gaz breathed heavily as he sits there. His heart was pounding as he tried to think of how he was looking at Price in a file from eighty-three years ago.
A relative. Just a relative.
Gaz stares at the file again, opening it up to look at the picture before reading the information listed.
Heaven’s Hands Agent Ash.
Gaz blinks before reading more.
Agents Ash and Agent Zima headed the Heaven’s Hands division against German forces in Operation Barbarbossa. Agent Ash deployed after three days of the blitzkrieg attacks started across the border. Agent Ash’s orders were to help defend Moscow and fend off German invaders.
Gaz skims through the report. The Heaven’s Hands Agents were the ones that helped the Soviet Union push back against Axis. Gaz puts the file back after taking out the picture of Jonathan Pryce. He swears he was looking at Price but that couldn’t be possible. Was all of this a joke set up by Price and the others? If it was, they did a lot to set it all up. Gaz picks up a file that appeared newer than the rest. It was labeled ‘Ash’. Inside were various pictures and sketches of… Price. Of him in different time periods, clothes. But it was him.
In the older pictures, which were sketches, Price appeared younger. Maybe late twenties. But in the latest one, which was the 1940s one, he looked like he aged. But only maybe a decade. Gaz actually couldn’t recall if he had ever seen Price without a beard. All of these pictures were of him without one.
“This is one elaborate set up for a fucking joke.”
He could maybe see Price joking around, going along with this joke that Soap came up with and Ghost decided to go along with because he had nothing better to do. But Gaz couldn’t think of how they would’ve managed to set this up without him knowing… or without paying a good bit of money. Gaz stuffs the picture of Jonathan Pryce into the file with the other pictures, deciding to take it with him.
Gaz made it back to base, keeping the folder tucked under his arm as he made he way to Price’s office. Price was a damn good actor but Gaz liked to think he knew the man’s tells by this point. He felt weak in the knees when he made it to Price’s door, having to give himself a moment before he knocked.
“Who is it?”
“Sergeant Garrick, Captain.”
“Come on in.”
Gaz steps inside, Price staring at him computer screen when he did. Gaz shut the door behind him and walked up, swallowing.
“Been busy in that old storage shed?”
“Yes, sir.”
Price hums, still focused on his computer screen, “Find anything interesting?”
“Yes, actually. A couple old files. Several ledgers, too.”
Price looks over, his eyes drifting down to the file that Gaz was now holding up so he could see the label. Gaz likes to think he knew all of Price’s tells to when the man was faking. But that look of shock and how he paled looked pretty damn real to him. Price straightens in his chair, swallowing hard. Gaz could see him biting his tongue, looking around before he met his eyes.
“So… that’s what was in the shed, huh?”
Gaz nods and Price heaves out a heavy breath before he holds his hand out for the file. Gaz hands it over and Price opens it, face stone when he looks at the old pictures inside. Price shakes his head when he looks at the picture from WWII.
“Fuckin’ hell…”
“Are those… of you? Like actually you?”
“Afraid so, Kyle. Sit down. We’re going to be here awhile.”
Gaz sits and Price looks at a picture from the 1880s. Or that’s what the date on the back of it said when it was from.
“I can’t believe- You’re fucking with me, yea? You and Soap and Ghost?”
Price doesn’t say anything, just looks up at Gaz with a dead serious expression that he’s seen in interrogations and on the field. This was very real.
“The-The first file I looked at… the report inside said that a Thomas Ashburne was ‘discovered’ on the battlefield after-“
“Found with a severed arm, ripped from him by musket blades with three arrows to the chest. Later it was reattached after they discovered it wasn’t rotting or that… that I wasn’t in pain anymore or dead.”
Gaz stared at Price he looked at the pictures.
“I don’t remember everything. Hard to. But I remember that day. My ‘birth’ as they called it.”
Price looks up at Gaz and he could see something he never noticed before. Without thinking, he speaks.
“What’s the Heaven’s Hands?”
Price sighs, “My old outfit. They had been operating since the Roman Empire.”
Gaz gaps and Price laughs quietly.
“Disbanded after World War II. A lot of internal issues that had been building up for a long time. Us Hands ran went off to do our own things when the last board member left.”
“There’s others like you?”
“‘Like me’? You mean old? Yes, there is. Some are older than me.”
Gaz hums, staring off, “Other… Hands?”
“Look, I didn’t pick the name. It’s just what they called those who… don’t die by normal means. I’ve lost my arm, been shot through the heart so many times that I’ve lost count, and I have some lead in my head.”
Price smiles softly when he picks up a picture that Gaz hadn’t seen, “We just don’t die. Made us the perfect soldiers. Told us we were ‘blessed by our faith’.”
Price sets the picture down and Gaz reaches over and picks it up. It was Price and a man he’s never seen before. Big beard, wild hair.
“Zima was my shadow.”
“What happened to him?”
“Oh, he shaved and learned to style his hair, learned to fly. Now he wears stupid sunnies all the time to make himself look cooler.”
Gaz slaps the picture down, “NIK?!”
Price snorts as Gaz really looked at the picture. It really was Nik!
“Old as shit, too. But I’m still older.”
“How is it possible for you to be-?”
“Immortal? I don’t know. None of us know, actually.”
“You don’t know how you’re immortal?”
“No. The Heaven’s Hands looked into it for almost their entire existence. But none could figure out why we were like this.”
“You said the Heaven’s Hands disbanded and that you went off to do your own thing… does anyone else know about… your age?”
Price closes the file and leans back, “Laswell does. She stepped up to be some sort of ‘handler’.”
That explained so much about why Laswell kept such a close eye on them. She was actually watching Price. Does she also watch Nik? Or does he have his own ‘handler’? Has Gaz met other immortals in his life without him knowing? Is anyone one else he personally knows immortal?
"I can only answer the questions if you actually say them out loud."
"Who else is immortal?"
"Nik is the only other one that you know who is immortal. He's the only other Hand I've seen since the disbanding."
Gaz went to say something but Price stopped him.
"Kyle, no one else can know about this. About me or Nik."
"Why not?"
"The Heaven's Hands did a lot during their operating days. Turned the tides of wars, fell leaders and empires while rising others in their place. Few know about them. For everyone's safety, no one can know."
Gaz swallows as Price takes the old picture of him and Nik and puts it back into the file, closing it.
"I need you to bring me everything that you can from that shed."
"Mostly files about me. Those ledgers you can burn. Anything else you bring to me so I can figure out what to do with them."
Gaz nods and stands, heading to the door. He grabs the knob and Price says something else.
"I'm serious, Sergeant. Not a word to anyone. Not even Ghost or Soap. That's an order."
Gaz looks back at Price, finally seeing the countless years that the man has lived weighing on his soldiers.
"Yes, sir."
Gaz leaves the office, walking with purpose. He wasn't sure what he walked into, but he knew this was only the tip of the iceberg.
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icycoldninja · 12 days
Hii!! I’m the one who requested the Goddess of tattoos, its amazing thank u !!
Can I request the same thing with the twin, Nero and V with the goddess of death (Lady Micte from Maya and the three)
I’d like to add a few details is that she adores sunflowers, and she can understand and talk to animals!! Here’s a better understanding of her powers (if u don’t mind) https://youtu.be/eRukGWAVUBw?si=hS35U46MKJbYy8Pg
Again thank you sm !! 🙏
Aww thanks, here ya go!
Sparda boys + V x Goddess of Death!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante loves watching you shape-shifting because you can become literally anything you want.
-A cat, a dog, a bird, a turtle, a goldfish, a horse, a cow, heck, even a pig, you can become it all, and it amazes him.
-Being able to talk to animals means you can make neighborhood animals serve you, if you desired. Before long, you and Dante have an army of squirrels bringing you tribute every morning, and none of your neighbors know why.
-You can also use these talents for the greater good, such as terrorizing Vergil with a flock of ravens that are angry at him for no apparent reason.
-Your ability to control the dead is a serious boon in battle because you can summon the souls of dead demons and other creatures to fight for you.
-You also know when someone (or something) is about to die and Dante thinks that's incredible. It might be morbid, yeah, but it's also really useful in certain situations.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil thinks your floral fashion sense is cute, but he'd rather die than say that out loud.
-Instead, he will gift you flowers nearly every day when you wake up, without a word. You'll find him sitting on the edge of the bed with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands, which he will awkwardly thrust into your face.
-Your shapeshifting ability is a surefire way to confuse the hell out of him; one moment you'll be you, the next, a massive cat lounging in his lap.
-Once he heard you were able to communicate with animals and actually make them do your bidding, he decided it was time to get some sweet revenge on his asshole of a brother.
-He asked if you could command all your neighbors' pets (dogs, cats, etc.) to attack Dante on sight. You agreed, and now Dante's scared to come over.
-When he sees that you can summon and control the souls of the dead, it dawned upon him that you are the possessor of TRUE POWER, and that he must now learn from you.
□ Nero □
-Thinks your face paint is hot as hell and your dress style is cool.
-Was terrified when he saw you shapeshift for the first time because he witnessed his lovely girlfriend change into a huge, definitely carnivorous saber-toothed tiger that should have been extinct, which then proceeded to growl and tackle him to the ground.
-Don't worry, Nero didn't have a heart attack and quickly managed to gather himself after you reverted to your normal state and explained you could change into whatever you wanted, and that tackling him was a fun way to show your love.
-Now tackling Nero becomes a common occurrence--even a greeting.
-He gets uncomfortable when you summon souls of the dead to fight because they remind him of demons, but chooses to look away and not think about it. As long as you're in control, nothing bad can happen.
-Your ability to predict death also unsettles him, but on the bright side, if someone's in mortal danger, you'll know immediately.
● V ●
-V finds your love of flowers and affinity with death ironic. You, the goddess of death and overseer of all that is dark, love flowers, specifically sunflowers, which could be considered the direct opposite of death. Oh, the irony.
-Watching you shapeshift is a delight; he once saw you turn into an exact replica of Shadow and was subsequently crushed under the weight of not one, but two affectionate felines.
-You can also communicate with all his familiars in their own "language", allowing for secret conversations and an easier time hiding surprises because they collaborate with you without him knowing.
-He finds your ability to control the dead morbidly enchanting; seeing you and your thralls dance around the battlefield inspires him.
-He could (and has at some point) fill a notebook with his rambling and musing about your ability; the images it invokes into his mind, and how darkly enchanting it is.
-Since you can predict death, you can tell him when he's about to die. Once again, it's a dark, dark thought, but someday it will happen, which is when he'll need you the most.
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ryuichirou · 9 days
Alright, cat’s out of the bag (and that cat’s name is Gidel) – we’ve just finished the Stage in Playful Land event! Well, it wasn’t really a surprise for some because we’ve been spamming Ko-fi with sketches related to this event for a while now, but.
I have a lot of thoughts, and now I can finally reply to a lot of very old asks about it (more HCs!), but I have to gather my thoughts first.
So for now, some short replies! Some of them aren’t Fellow and Gidel related, by the way.
Anonymous asked:
f–fellow... in your style... I just saw, I was that anon that asked—
Very much looking forward to any more artwork of him, if you decide to draw more!! 🧡
Anonymous asked:
Anons! I am so happy you like how they look hehehe. You’ve waited for so long…
We’ve never really doubted it, but still: drawing these two is so ridiculously fun. They are so delightful with their bright colours and fun silhouettes, and they have this vibe of a very old Disney movie (mostly because of the eyebrows, coloured shiny eyelids and the ear shape for Gidel lol). Not to mention the sprites’ animations are so fun, I really-really wanted to draw them.
So yeah, to answer the first Anon… I’ve been drawing Fellow pretty much every day while we were going through the event, so I’m guessing we’ll post more 😭
Anonymous asked:
Any ships for Fellow?
Just updated our pinned! We ship him with Gidel (duh), with pretty much every boy that participated in the event (excluding Vil and Leona, since we don’t see them as tops) and with all of Fellow’s shady bosses and all the rich men he serves to lol What a variety.
wonderlandwriting asked:
Your pinned post: gets updated with top!Gidel and bottom!Fellow. Me: Oh? 👀 Mind elaborating on that/spare some HCs if you please? 😏 (if the reason Gidel is a top is because of a Specific Scene near the end of the event... God bless, I love the way you think)
Anonymous asked:
omg! omg! top!Gidel???? do have any headcanons for the shota kitty?
Anonymous asked:
i see you added Gidel to your tops list!!!
my favorite kitty boy!!
You guys are fast, the fact that you’ve noticed that it’s updated..!
HEHEHE Gidel is wonderful!
To be honest, from the very moment their designs dropped we never really questioned if he’d be a top, and I don’t know if this is just his vibes or our preferences lol But we really do love the small-but-mighty type, and imagining him as a tiny top (that absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to do all those things yet) next to a huge deep-voiced used-by-powerful-men bottom is too much fun. We weren’t sure with Fellow at first (imagine having an option not to have these two as a ship, wow scary), but as we started watching the event itself, it all became clear.
Not to mention these two have this vibe of “two of us against the world, surviving despite everything”, and things like that always melt our hearts.
As for the specific scene… do you mean the Bonk scene or the jumping around and hugging + being called a dummy scene? Both were super cute…
We do have some HCs, but I’ll share those later! Sorry for the wait, I really can’t keep up with all the hc lists, but I’ll do it I swear 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
I wish there was more idia x ortho content :( it's just never enough
You are so right, Anon. It really is never enough :( Let’s work towards the beautiful future when there will be a lot of Shroudcest… 🥰 from me included...
Anonymous asked:
T-two Rooks... scary😰
Double the damage, I mean the charm! Rook sandwich!
Anonymous asked:
Someone could hide in Rook’s boobs and never be found again…
As long as it isn’t the second Rook, we’re safe…
Anonymous asked:
I know the rabbit event in TWST has long been over but I finally had time to read it and my only 2 thoughts are, black bunnies leader x deuce is my new (crack) otp and seeing the sprites zoom around the screen is the best thing about the game
We haven’t watched the rabbit event yet, but you are intriguing me, Anon. So this is why Deuce didn’t take Ace there – so we could have a romance between the bunnies 😭
Also, the sprites’ “physics” in-game is always very funny. I can’t wait to see more of it when we finally get to watch this one lol It’s such a surprisingly funny visual comedy with all those goofy sounds.
Anonymous asked:
Hopefully this isn't spoiling too much, but Silver DID call Lilia something else when he was a kid, and it's super adorable ❤️❤️❤️ it really makes me wonder when and why he started calling him oyaji-dono 🤔 god I want to know everything about Silver's weird childhood... and also everything about everyone else's weird childhoods.........
Ohhh 👀 Now you’re also intriguing me, Anon (no worries about spoilers in this particular case, you’re good!) Then I agree, Lilia would totally swoon over the fact that Silver suddenly decided to call him that! He’d get all happy and mood breaking that it would almost bother Silver, but then Lilia would suddenly go back to do the sexy thing... Probably still commenting on that though lol
It really is adorable. Every time Silver reminisces about his childhood, it’s a journey… so I agree, it would be great to know absolutely everything about these years and what he went through. At what point did he decide that Lilia deserves to be addressed in a respectful manner and how Lilia feels about it… we’ll find out at some point, I’m sure~
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call-sign-shark · 7 months
Hi Shark. I was wondering if I could be cheeky and request something from you. I was wondering if you could release a headcanon for Heaven with a list of fun facts about her (i.e. fave food, color, animal, vacation spot, book, song, drink...if she went to university what d'you think she'd study that kind of thing). She's just so interesting that I'd like to know more about her. Also, I read a fic she was mentioned in the other day and I thought you'd be interested. It was just a mention but I thought it was cool. Also, I can't wait for The woods whisper part 2. I'm on edge.
Hi sweet anon, thank you so much for your wonderful ask! As for the fic, please do send me the link. I probably have it in my reading list if the mutual has tagged me but I reckon I need to catch up with a lot of things. I've been feeling quite tired lately and I’m starting a new job as a bartender so it's quite tiring. I’m delighted you find the murderous angel interesting so here we go. 🖤
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𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝐿𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓎 𝒮𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒷𝓎 headcanons
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𝒫𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎 𝐵𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈
♢ Her favorite animals are hyenas. She dreams about owning one?? She’s weird asf I know.
♢ I personally imagine her voice like the singer of Sohodolls (by the way, this song from the group is her main theme song)
♢ Surprisingly enough her favorite color is not white, but red and gold.
♢ She's multilingual and speaks: French, Russian, German, and English all fluently.
♢ She's 25 at the beginning of HYE, even if throughout her life people struggle to give her an age since she has this very woman-child aspect.
♢ Her style is quite modern for the era. When she doesn’t wear elegant and revealing dresses with gold jewels, capes or fur coats, she loves stealing one of Arthur’s shirts and tuck it in her skirt. Similarly, he had to buy a second coat ‘cause she had stolen his. Most of the time she either dresses like a goddess or a forest nymph.
♢ She loves fun fairs and circuses! When they started flirting together and meeting at church every night, Arthur sometimes brought her candied apples.
♢ She might be an enchanting singer and she might love music but she's awful at playing an instrument. She tried piano, guitar, harp, and violin but she was terrible at all of them.
♢ She has empathy issues she hides quite well. Now, I’m not saying she has 0 Empathy but she lacks of it most of the time except with Arthur or on a few occasions. It leads her to be cold and sardonic with people outside of her private circle when she doesn’t “mask”.
♢ Did someone said “lemon pie”? She’d kill for lemon pies. It’s her favorite dessert of all time.
♢ Her Birthday is the 22 January.
♢ She's fond of myths, legends, and fairy tales. If she had to pick one tale and one myth she would go for the Red Little Riding Hood and the Beast of Gevaudan. But her favorite story is Alice’s Adventures.
♢ She's a "mama bear", which means she doesn't lose her temper easily despite being gifted with an ability for extreme violence but touch her husband, kids or family and she'll go f e r a l.
♢ She talked several times with Linda at church, unknowing Heaven was already fucking her husband (and she enjoyed it). I know, that's a dick move.
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𝑀𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓃 𝒜𝒰
*most of the hc above still works for her modern!self
♢ Her favorite book is The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris.
♢ She works as an exotic pole dancer and aerial performer. Considering this, she also masters aerial hoop, silks, and Chinese pole.
♢ She is currently applying to study forensic medicine after several years of gaps.
♢ She has spent years locked up in a mental institute, in the dangerous patients ward.
♢ Her favorite food is Japanese Udon soup with gyoza and Nikuman as side dishes.
♢ She loves listening to brutal music, such as metal, hard rock, or alternative trash/bimbo music even if her playlist is actually quite varied. You can go from Rammstein and Angerfist to Britney Spears and Lana Del Rey.
♢ She smokes weed.
♢ If she had to choose a drink it would be red wine for alcohol and pumpkin spice latte for sweet. But in truth, she’s that annoying gym girl so she mostly drinks water and homemade protein smoothies. She also loves boba milk teas.
♢ She's a huge fan of horror movies and games (especially FNAF), with a fascination for cannibalism. With that being said, she organizes the best girl nights ever, especially during Halloween.
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Heaven is reader in the Arthur Shelby x you series Heaven in Your Eyes. Why don't you join the ride? We have drama, sex and gore.
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raygirlramblings · 8 months
What do you think about the Captain Laserhawk series? If you watched it yet, at least.
’If I watched it’ XD
Oh rest assured I watched it. ❤️
Overall I really liked it. The animation was SWEET HONEY GOODNESS. Bobbypills pulled out the stops and it SHOWED. I loved all the style changes, I love the pixel art, I even enjoyed the VR stuff because it was unique and weird.
The voice acting was also TRES BON. Special round of applause for Rayman’s English VA because by god he had a job and a half and he NAILED IT. Also loved Marcus’s voice, and Bullfrog of course 💚 just a lot of very high quality work went into this and the voice acting was pretty much spot on from the first episode.
I will say the series felt rushed. I know it’s only 6 episodes but with the time they had there could have been some edits and cuts to keep things snappy while also freeing up time to spend with the main 4 (and the Warden) to cement their relationship.
Believe me I was happy to see so much Rayman but his story wasn’t the main focus and should never have been. We needed more time with Jade and Pey’j. If the Warden has this deep emotional story behind her that we’re supposed to buy into we need more time with her. Sarah and Dolph having a backstory chat in VR was too little too late.
But I will forgive a lot for some stuff they did so right:
Alex is such a dick and he was so much fun to watch. His and Dolph’s relationship was fascinating, and it was so cute watching them in the first episode being a couple and it felt so NATURAL.
RED IS A MASSIVE DOUCHE FUCK HIM XD But god was it fun to have such an open bigot be an antagonist.
All the weird propaganda Eden was using Rayman for. The Rayman Kids stuff was especially grim. I want a ‘I’m a Rayman Kid’ badge SO BAD YOU GUYS.
Bullfrog was such a charming boy. I loved every moment he was on screen. It clear he was the fave character of the team. I loved his relationship with Pey’j, and I hope (if s2 is a thing) that he gets to partner up with Rayman because THAT WOULD BE GLORIOUS
RAYMAN USES HIS LIMBLESSNESS AS A TACTIC. I lost my marbles when he raises his hands and one of them is missing. YES. BOBBYPILLS NAILED IT.
All the little pixel animations were just so joyous and delightful. Perfect.
All the alternative styles for the cut-aways. For the Rayman TV spots, and the VR episode looking like a Phantasmagoria let’s play, the crazy taxi/Driver mini game, just so well observed and suitable for the time. A++++
So yeah, I give the show my thumbs up. It’s obviously not for everyone and it is QUITE THE INTENSE RIDE AND NOT APPROPRIATE FOR KIDS, but I would recommend it as a quality animated work. I hope the people sharing that handful of weird Rayman screenshots on Twitter and going ‘WTF?!?!’ Actually give the series a chance.
Obviously I can discuss every tiny detail from every episode but that would take waaaaaay too long 😩. But thank you so much for asking!
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igotanidea · 1 year
It was worth it :Dick Grayson x f!reader
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Massive thanks to @pinkcherryblossom18 for letting me use her idea for this story: Titans!Dick who unexpectedly shows up at his old friend house to seek help for Rachel, even though he knows how pissed said friend is going to be at him. So, the girl is just spending the day with her adoptive mother, Selina Kyle, planning on doing sth fun when someone knocks on the door. And even after being welcomed in a vigilante/villain style, Dick still thinks it was worth showing at reader's doorstep.
“So…..” Selina started stretching her arms lazily and leaning back on the couch, crossing her legs
“So what?”  the younger girl, her not-so-official adoptive daughter rolled her eyes trying not to show how annoyed she was
“So, I was thinking about a little bit of a mother-daughter time would be fun….”
“You’re not my mother.” The girl pointed out. They may not have been related, but during the years Selina Kyle raised Y/N Y/L/N the latter took a lot from her. Teasing and playing around was definitely one of those traits.  “But I’m listening. Honestly, it’s getting boring living in this hell hole. God, I miss Gotham sometimes.”
“From what I can tell you keep yourself rather busy” Selina leaned down and grabbed one of the stray cats Y/N was taking care of, absentmindedly starting to rub its fur, much to the animal’s delight “Such a cutie” she purred at it “though I miss this freaking city too. Sometimes.”
“Let me guess why” the girl smirked “I bet it’s because of one particular Gotham vigilante…”
“Watch your tongue, dear. Such insinuations are way beyond your level. I taught you better.”
“Yeah, yeah you did. No matter how hard I try I always get back to the old ways.”
“Call it instinct, honey.” Selina flashed a smile and fluttered her eyelashes.
“Oh, stop it. Can’t fool me with that trick” Y/N rolled her eyes again “Cut to the chase”
“You won’t let me have my fun, do you?” Selina sighed dramatically but soon turned back to her calculated self. “You know, there’s a new boutique on the 34th. We can go full fashion. My wardrobe really need some renewal and judging from your T-shirt, yours as well.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Y/N took a quick glance at her hoodie and tilted her head. “besides all the cut fur, of course.”
“Oh, honey….” Selina sighed “I’m gone for what? Two weeks….”
“Two months.” The girl corrected crossing her arms
“And you’re already turning into someone …. Ordinary. Such a shame. I really need to get you back in shape. What do you say? A little shopping spree. Don’t you miss that thrill?” she smiled and a few flashbacks run through Y/N’s head. One of them of how one night when she and Selina were running the streets after one particularly good action and surprisingly were stopped by two male-counterparts. But. Putting that aside, Y/N did miss some action and night blood rush. The cold night air on her face as she was jumping from one rooftop to another. The chills and adrenaline when she was flexing and doing her most crazy acrobatic shit. The act she put on while flirting with whoever could her to the object of interest, pretending to be innocent and gullible only to show her mastermind and perfect plan behind all of this. She was smart, she was shrewd, fast-think and ….. lazy. As much as she hated to admit it, moving out and being left all by herself made her…. Unwilling. Selina was right. It was such a shame that of late her abilities were going to waste.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Selina asked a bit worried about her protégé.
“Nothing” the girl shook her head “But….. can I ask you a question?”
“I don’t need to answer, right?”
“Actually, I would like you to answer. Please” Y/N looked at Selina with pleading, honest and sad expression and it moved something inside the Catwoman’s heart.
“All right. Don’t make me go all soft on you.” she hissed covering all the feelings raising in her chest. Despite everything, she treated Y/n as a daughter (or maybe younger sister, since thinking of herself as mother made her feel old. “What is it?”
“How do you still find all of it funny and thrilling?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You know. For me, the best part wasn;t the fact that we… I…. was doing something forbidden. It was rather the part of being chased. And sometimes, getting caught. And… you know…..” Y/n’s cheeks were now a bit flushed and Selina knew exactly what, or rather who she was referring to.
“Oh, honey. You really do need something to get your mind off things” she gently caressed girl’s face. “you reminiscence too much and that is no good. We’re going tonight. Hope you can still use that charm of yours.”
“Right” Y/N looked down. “I…..” before she could say a thing she was cut off by a firm knock on the door “Sorry, let me just check who intend on ruining my evening.”
Unwillingly she stood up from the couch and with a couple quiet long steps opened the door.
“I’m not interested in whatever you are selling so leave …. Oh, shit…..”
“Hi Y/N” the young man on the other side smiled lightly and awkwardly.
“No.” Y/N was quick to reach the frame and shut the door close. What the hell!? What was he doing here?! It’s been what? Three years? Three years since his titans team fell apart and he rushed away from everything he knew, her included. Three years of radio silence on his part (well, she did not reach for him either, but still it was his fault since he was the one who disappeared without a trace). Shit! And now he was standing by her door and she was wearing an old hoodie and stretched pants. Her hair were a mess and she still had that freaking pelage everywhere. Damn it! Her heart was pounding like crazy, blood rushing straight to her head. Even after all those years, he had such an effect on her. Groaning in annoyance she leaned her back on the door, praying he would just go away.
“Who is it?” Selina emerged from the room with her most hypnotizing stride “Definitely someone worth attention if you’re left like this.” She chuckled
“Dick Grayson” Y/N smiled viciously watching Selina’s expression drop
“Is he….?”
“From what I can tell he’s alone, but who knows?” the girl shrugged “You know the bats, they lurk in the shadows.”
“Fuck. “ Selina cussed “This is not how I planned on this day to go.”
“You think I wanted this?!” Y/N scoffed
“Well, you mentioned something about missing being chased…..”
“Oh, shut up!” the girl finally let her rage go. “Sorry.” She chucked “I know the rules. Play it cool. Play it nice.”
“Precisely. You did it so many times before, what’s one more. Deal with it fast and I’ll meet you on our rooftop at 10 p.m.” she patted girl’s cheek in a condescending manner. “Don’t let me down.” And with such words she slipped through the open window.
“Don’t let me down.” Y/N mocked sticking her tongue out in a child-like behavior. “Whatever you say, mother. Coward. Running away because the bat may be on her track.” She muttered to herself.
“Y/N. Please, open the door. I need your help.”
“You need my help, now, huh?” once again she opened the door abruptly, standing face to face with her old (more than) friend. “How about I give you a hand?” she raised an arm in attempt to slap him, but he was faster and grabbed her wrist. She did not falter as she used another hand, that reached the destination and with a loud snap met with his cheek.
“Ouch.” He hissed and let go of her arm.
“You deserved that! Three years, Grayson! Three fuckign years and now you just appear out of thin air with….. a child?”
“Y/N, meet Rachel. She’s ….. she has some powers….. Can we come inside so I will explain it further?”
“No.” Y/N took a step to the right blocking the entrance.
“Y/N. I’m begging you…..”
“Well that is a new thing…..”
“Don’t make a scene.”
“And why not exactly?” she pondered.  “Because you are afraid of being embarrassed in front of…..” she hang the sentence waiting for them to remind her the name of the girl
“Rachel” the youngest of the three helped
“Right. Rachel. Sorry for that little display, bet your friend Dick did not mention who I am.”
“Not…. exactly….”
“Oh, okey. Well, long story short, we used to be….. frankly, I don’t even know how to describe our relationship….”
“Y/N…..” Dick sighed, his face still red from the slap. Y/N was definitely stronger than she looked at first sight.
“I am talking now.” Her face was now filled with rage and it made her look so powerful and fierce the boy shut his mouth instantly, suddenly being reminded why he fell for her so easily in the past. She was a force not to play with, but on the other side she had this soft side, only a few people knew how to reach.
“I already like her” Rachel smiled.
“Y/N look, she has nowhere to go. Her mother was shot, she never knew her father and I know you know how that feels……”
“I…..” she dropped her gaze. He knew exactly where to hit. The point was, she really did know the feeling. Her parents abandoned her when she was barely 9. For four years she was running around foster homes, never really wanted, tossed like a used glove, never really taken care of, until Selina saw something more to her and took her in, and trained her and showed her something better in life. “I hate you, Grayson. Now, get in, both of you.” she pulled her unexpected visitors into the narrow hallway. “You can go wait in the living room, pet the cats or whatever. They are not as predatory as they seem.”
“Just like someone else I know” Dick smiled at Y/N when Rachel left.
“Stop it.”
“You know what. Why did you come to me? Why not any of your Titans friend? Donna? Dawn? Hell, even Hank would be better choice than me.”
“They wouldn’t . They don’t really know how it feels like to be raised without parents. You and I. We do. And you have a thing for stray living beings.”
“I ….. I don’t…..” she snorted with disgust but couldn’t hide the fact that only a second later she was checking out what Rachel was doing, making sure the girl was all right “I’m not like that….”
“You are. Even if you don’t want to admit it. I know you.”
“You knew me years ago. How do you know I did not change for worse?”
“I know.”
“Ok, I’m gonna ask you again” she punched his chest only to get some of the accumulated energy out “why. The hell. Are. YOU. here? And how did you even find me!?”
“I missed you.” he confessed
“Oh, hell no! I’m not falling for that. Our parents followed that path and look where it got them. I’m not making the same mistake. I can take the girl in and that is all. I want nothing to do with you. Not after….. after everything…..”
“I made a mistake, all right? I never should have….”
“Shut up! Just shut up! I don’t want to hear you!” she covered her ears not wanting to let him sweet talk her “ I’m over you, don’t you understand that. I never wanted you to come back and haunt me and …..DAMN IT!” out of frustration she started throwing punches. The kind of kicks he could have easily dodged, but didn’t “why don’t you just fight back?!” she hissed and finally her fist met with his jaw, taking them both by surprise.
“Selina would be proud of you.” Dick muttered making sure his maxilla wasn’t dislocated.
“Don’t think so. It’s hard to impress people who take their alter-ego from an animal. You know that” he nodded taking a deep breath “If anything she would be disappointed I lost control like that. Does it…. Does it hurt much?”
“See. Soft spot. Told you.” Dick smiled widely and immediately hissed in pain
“Do you want another, symmetric punch on the other side.”
“It was still worth it, you know. Coming here. Seeing you. I meant what I said, I really did miss you.”
“If you keep running your mouth I’m gonna kick you in the groin.”
“Ok, all right. I’ll stop. You really did not change a thing.”
“I hate you. Now, tell me what is wrong with that demonic child you decided to put on my shoulders.”  
@pinksirensong @somest1
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