#and i wish .. he could see that i dont mean to hurt him. but maybe... he wants me to know and not do it? idk
rhysnolastname · 1 year
Solas says I know a place and takes you to the middle of a swamp where he insults your culture, religious beliefs, and then dumps you.
#yeah im still thinking about this and its the next day#he might be telling the truth about the Vallaslin but my inquisitor did not let him remove it#I’ve played her as very proud to be dalish and believes in elven gods so it would be out of character even if solas says something else#maybe that’s what it represented then but it is not what it is now and she chooses to move forward#about the breakup … this is not the first time a man takes me on a date and dumps me 😭😭 but hey um wtf#honestly my lavellan does love him and is hurt but she has to be so many things to so many different people#there’s bigger things at stake and bigger problem to deal with at this time than whatever he's hiding or lying about#im pretty sure he was going to say something else not about the vallaslin#but his fear is dying alone becasue i saw it in the fade and yet !!!! he pushes everyone away he picks fights with everyone no matter whos#in the party he didnt come to the wicked grace game he never opens up beyond what he has seen in the fade. he is a fixed point#i wanna shake him by the shoulders and YELL WHATA RE YOU DOING you could have it all someone who loves you and a wonderf#a wonderful found family. he is kind and gentle but he is also so full of ANGER and he is so set on things being as he sees them.#Cole cant change because to Solas cole is always a spirit. the dalish are misguided and YOU Lavellan are just different YOURE special#the meaning of the vallaslin cant change because to him it represents slavery and it is in stone to him. things dont change with time they#are fixed. like things in the fade it what it was preserved. he is trying to hold on to a past that doesnt exist that has moved forward.#Solas says you cant change yourself by wishing. but i would say wishing for change is THE required prerequisite for change. a little though#a little idea a little wish that something was different better. but to#why cant you move forward Solas what the fuck are you holding onto so intesely#OKAY WHATEVER IM DONE WITH THIS ESSAY IM OVER IT ITS FINE ITS SO FINE
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skunkg1rll · 1 month
the anxiety pills arent even working :c
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animeshotsh · 4 months
Devils Touch | Dad!Lucifer x Kid!Reader |
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Summary: Being forced to take pills alongside your mother just seems enough to end in hell...
Warnings: Suicide mentions | Death | Canon Violence| Cursing | Lucifer its a softie | SFW | Reader its between 5-7 | Reader takes the form of a sheep/cat mix | Reader's mom sucks tbh | Maybe platonic!yandere Luci? |
When you opened your eyes everytning was red. Screams and insults filled the air, the smell of blood and other things you could not understand filled your nose making you gag.
"Mom?" You asked to no one, no one took note of you. All you could see were strange creatures, some more human and some more animal.
Tears went down your face, you could remember being forced to take some pills. Your mother crying while she did the same.
Something was wrong, really wrong.
"And what do we have here?" A stranger voice said taking you by the collar, you ended up meeting with sharp red eyes, and that look....it did not mean well.
"L-let me go" you screamed trying to get free from this thing. Reacting out you saw your hands were now black with claws, making your mind quick you attacked that thing.
It let you go with a small "fuck". You took of running, not knowing where to go, but you could hear that thing behind you chasing you.
Taking a quick look behind you ended against something. Looking up someone wearing a white suit with a cane and a hat that had a snake looked to you.
"P-please help me" you tried again "I dont know whats happening I want my mom"
The stranger took you by your arms to inspect you.
Lucifer stood there with no emotion seeing the "x" on your neck. Suicide? He thought seeing the mark. But you were just a kid, with fluffy cat hears and a tail, however your hair was not the one from a cat but the one from a sheep...or a lamb. Two little horns did also appear on top of your head.
He cursed inside his mind. Maybe you were killed, or forced to something. You were too small, your soul did not let out any type of malice besides the "sin" of taking your own life.
He soon saw a Demon coming towards him, most likely looking for you, and with no debout their intentions were not good.
Just one flick of his hand the Demon was gone. You were shaking looking at him and then around you.
Fuck, he wished Charlie was here, he knew she would be able to calm you down.
Taking care of sinners was not his job. His job was to rule hell, but he could not just leave you in here. He was sure you would be dead again in seconds.
Or worse.
"Calm down Kid, im going to take care of you" his voice was as soft as he could. Turning around opening a gold portal to his home "whats your name?"
He nodded once he hear your name, carefully petting your head. He passed by many old photos of his family. A maid appear besides him looking at the sinner in his arms.
"Please, prepare a bath and get some clothes " Lucifer requested passing you to her.
Or well, trying to.
"N-no, I dont want to go with her!" Your hands took an iron grip on his suit.
Lucifer almost panicked at your state but tried to remember what he used to do when Charlie was this young.
"Listen, she is someone good. You will be taken care off. We can have lunch later, and some sweets"
"...chocolate?" You asked with pleading eyes
After your bath and food you were in a better mood. Lucifer used this time to show you around the house while asking you different questions to try and know why you had ended in here.
He showed you his ducks collection and almost passed out by how much you loved them. You ignored him as you played with the duck, almost burning the wall with one of them.
Lucifer decided to tired you up and then look up for your mothers soul. If you two died together...then the chances of her being down here were high.
It was harder than he expected. The sugar from the chocolate gave you so much energy you ended checking every room of the house. Lucifer behind you trying to stop you from getting hurt or from breaking something.
"Catch me if you can!" You joked while he tried to balance two statues.
With a swing of his wings he was able to catch you, rolling down the stairs and laughtning with you. You seemed....happy almost forgetting your situation. To you this could be nothing but a bizarre dream.
Once you were tired enough, Lucifer took you to one room. His heart made a flip when you took his arm pulling him close.
But he needed to go and see where your mother's soul was. So he made the maid stay outside your room just in case you woke up.
"That fucking bastard, son of a bitch, cursed slut" Lucifer screamed almost burning his office. Turns out, your mother was not in hell or heaven, she was alive, whatever she was triying to do failed for her.
He wanted to go there and kill her himself. Not only her but heaven as well, you were just a kid. Sure, you had cursed, and lied sometimes, he had read your record of sins. But that was not enough to make you end down here.
He knew your faith was sealed. Heaven would never admit they made a mistake or listen to him for starters. He had to calm down and think.
And after some minutes he decided the safest option would be for you to stay with him. He was not sure how he would explain to you who he was or what had happened. But he knew a few things, besides him no one would try to hurt you, and also you made him feel happy again. He could raise you, be a better father, be someone you could relay on.
"Its decided" he said to himself, picking up a pen and a paper, he wrote down your name and his last name. This way the other sins and overlords would know not to mess with you.
"Dont worry (y/n) im going to protect you.
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moechies · 6 months
sukuna nii <3
cw view at your own discretion . . . use of nii chan, suggestive, reader is naked, physical abuse, coercion/manipulation, heavy degradation
punishments with sukuna nii were the worst. they were relentless, and never left you conscious. when you see the glint in his eyes in the mirror as he drives you guys home, it makes you wish you had never looked into a direction of another man.
“kuna m-m sorry… please i-it hurts..” you cry out desperately and naked below him, you know your pleads are useless.
“no. you haven’t learned your lesson yet,” he bends down besides you and grips hardly onto your burning damp cheeks.
“ya know how this is gonna end, so why don’t ya just take it?”
his hand slaps across your face, letting out a pained cry as you looked below you. not daring to look up at your fuming big brother.
“come up here.” he sits down on the living room sofa, patting his thigh signaling for you to sit on his lap. you wobble your way over to your brother, wiping the streaming tears off your face.
“bend over.” and when you do, you feel a harsh press on your back to keep you still, and in place. you grip onto his pants for a sense of safety, and shut your eyes tight to try and bare the pain. before you could let out another cry, a burning slap came down on your soft ass.
“this is what ya get. you don’t get to be my good little sister anymore, just a worthless cummy bitch.“ another slap lands on your ass, and you know better than to talk back right now. your heart clenches with the mean words from your brother, muffling your cries into his thigh.
another slap falls on your ass, but this time he makes his way to keep his hand on and fondles you. you feel his hand begin to get warmer and warmer, until it’s burning your asscheek,
“n-nii chan..! s-stop..! it-it hurts, nii chan please, please..!” your squirms are worthless with his heavy hand on your back, the burning beginning to become more and more intense.
“n-nii c-chan please… i-i love you.. p-please st-stop… m only gonna love you please… “
his sweet sisters voice is so soft, and so pained, he can’t help but show a bit of compassion before pulling his hand off of you. but his words speak otherwise,
“don’t fuckin call me that. ain’t your nii chan anymore, since ya wanna get drugged and get fucked out on the street. maybe i should jus let you.”
“n-no..! no! please..! ni-nii, give me another c-chance please! i-i’ll only be f’you! w-wont ever disappoint y-you again.. please.. d-dont le-leave me i don’t want you to go..”
with sobs escaping you, you raise your body up to him, hugging him tightly with your bruised arms around his neck. and even though you can’t see, you can feel the smirk crawl onto his previously stern face.
your big mean brother knows what he does to you, and he loves it.
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marcsburnerphone · 9 months
Wish I never came
Captain john price x f!reader
Summary: being johns wife has been full of security and safety and you never thought he’d be the one to taint that.
Warnings: angst(why doesn’t anyone write about how scary price can be when hes angry peepaw is cra), hurt/comfort, 141 task force loves you, price is fucking scary.
Part 2 out now!
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Every first friday of the month you bring the boys and your husband a homemade meal to base. It’s been tradition for almost two years now since the first time you did it on a whim, John begged you for a good roast so you surprised him with some and since there was so much you’d brought the rest for his task.
Today you've perfected the dish gaz asked for, they decided rotations on requests now because it became unfair when soap requested meals only he liked 4 months in a row.
You packed all 4 meals in airtight thermal containers and put them in the car before heading towards base about 2 hours away. The military police men greeted you by first name when you arrived and buzzed you in.
“I've never been happier to see someone in my life.” soap rushes you and traps you in a hug while gaz takes the two bags from your hands.
“Good afternoon, wheres simon and john?” you greet both of them with smiles something that was relieving to see in a place like this. The common area was empty during this time of day so it was clear they weren't here.
Before they could answer simon came in, eyes looking more exhausted than usual. He gives a weak attempt at an ‘hello love’ a common and yet sweet name they’d picked up for you.
“I honestly wouldn't go into his office right now hes a little um on edge i’d say.” he grabs his thermal bowl from the bag its always the black one, this way they dont fight over which bowl has more.
“Nonsense simon he’s my husband, im just going to bring him this and be on my way.” simon shook his head turning a satisfied groan at the taste of real food in his mouth to a disapproving one at your persistence.
“love maybe listen he’s under a lot of pressure right now, its really not the time.” gaz interrupts simons beginning of a sentence.
Without another word you just grab his bowl and a fork setting off torwars his office which at this point you could get to blind.
“Are we just going to let her do that.” gaz looks to the two men.
“We warned and she’s right thats her husband i mean worst he’ll do is ignore her, loves her too much to hurt her.” ghost grumbles.
The air is tense on your way down the hall but you approach his door regardless as the familiar scent of a lit cigar fills your senses. You give two knocks before walking in.
“Hey just brought you some lunch.” you say quietly as you walk in observing the splay of files on the floor and desk.
He grunts and doesn't even spare you a look which yeah it stings but it was expected.
“Okay then can I leave it right here?” you point at a spot on a coffee table thats somewhat clear.
“Do whatever you want with it, mm not hungry.” he says lowly while taking another drag from his cigar letting the ash fall freely.
“So should i just leave it in the kitchen, i can just-.” you didn't know why you were rambling or nervous even john had only ever made you feel safe. 
“I fuckin said do what you please with it, I’m busy.” the tone made you shiver, and yes maybe you should've just left it and talked to him later but this wasn't a behavior from him you've ever experienced.
“John I-” 
“Jesus fucking christ take the food, leave the food I dont fucking care but get the fuck out of here as soon as you can thankyou!” His voice makes you flinch as he throws a stack of papers on the floor with an unneeded force, he yelled at you for the first time ever and you couldn't even process it. Was time bending or had the air become thin, you didn't know but you took a few weary steps back towards the door and left the food by the entrance on the floor finally closing it, once you were back in the hallway air found it’s way to your lungs as you took a deep breath.
“Hey its okay come on.” gaz was there gently caressing your arm along with the two others catching up behind him in the distance.
They never thought hed talk to you like that but right when they heard that deep threatening drawl boom from the common area gaz was the first one up and out. He was always overly protective of you.
You weren't crying, no but you wanted to. You just closed your eyes for what felt like ages and whispered an ‘I’m okay’ and left without another word.
Once you reached the comfort of your own car your heart caught up with the speed of your brain and tears poured, the last time you’d cried like this had been in childhood. Without another second you sped around the lot and out of the exiting gates wishing you'd never entered them in the first place.
You got a call not so long into your way home, maybe five minutes if you estimated correctly and you almost gagged at the picture of you and john that popped up as he rang you.
The boys were the ones to call next but you just dazed out on the long road ahead, disassociated from the outside world around you. You stopped at a cafe you particularly enjoyed in a town near your home needing to clear your thoughts. 
Price had waited and even started counting seconds to see if you'd pop up on the ring camera he installed to keep an eye on you, it brought him comfort especially when you'd make cute gestures at it or talk to him through it as you brought groceries inside. But now you should've been home an hour ago at most and still no sign of you.
He had not comprehended how loud he could get and he really only snapped out of it when soap appeared in his office with a very disapproving look. Then he finally noticed the look of fear in your eyes or how the sweet smile you always wore was a frown and then his gaze made it to the container he’d grown so familiar with by the door.
“FUCK!” he could cry grown man tears, he spoke to you how he sometimes speaks to his soldiers and the strings in his heart felt like they were on the verge of combusting.
“You fucked up captain.” soap added to the fuel before leaving his office.
Anyone feel that chest pain.
Re-blogs and feedback are appreciated 🫶
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plushish · 3 months
Adam with a reader who’s very witty and quick with comebacks?
just some silly pre-conference banter! | Adam x Reader
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headcanon/drabble — how would Adam be like with a reader who is sharp-witted?
content & warnings — NSFW, fem reader, fem pronouns, fingering & cunnilingus, sexual act happening in a public place (workplace).
a/n — this takes place in some sort of office-setting, i dont know what goes on up there in heaven but i like to think its similar to what we've seen so far in hell, so i'm sure conferences aren't unheard of. i wasn't sure what format this idea should take, so it begins like a headcanon list but finishes up with a drabble. it's also rushed and i struggled with it a lot but. we ball!!!!!!
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Adam considers himself to be a pretty funny guy, always dishing out 'sick burns' on others, but his pride gets hurt really easily. When it comes to a reader who can keep up with him in comebacks; he's definitely impressed by it, thinks it's hot as fuck, but he'd never openly admit it because it also a ignites a strong sense of competition in him.  
The tension between the two of you is uncomfortably palpable, how you twist him through every conversation and leave him to stammer like a fool just when he thinks he's bested you. Watching him seethe is endlessly entertaining to you, it brings you satisfaction, finding your own sense of pride in seeing that bad boy persona crack little by little.
The two of you will be going back-and-forth every time Sera calls for a conference, taking up half of the allotted time with your back-and-forths, and everyone graced with the luck to have been summoned there just wishes the two of you would fuck already so they didn't have to keep sitting through this.
But he secretly likes it, your flippancy towards his status and identity as First Man, how you're always so quick to shut down his sleazy remarks with an air of arrogance, going toe-to-toe with his own. Cute. 
Until one day, you finally give into him– He somehow manages to get you to fuck him, and for days after, his bragging around the office is incessant: "[Name] cries when she cums!", "Her orgasm face is just the cutest fuckin' thing, I mean could you imagine? Wait, actually don't, don't picture it–"
You start to get fed up, not only annoyed at his oversharing and his ceaseless bragging about things that simply weren't true, but because you hadn't even gotten to cum from the experience. Instead of confronting him, you had a plan in place that would get you what you wanted, so you instead opted to ignore the hushed whisperings around you all day.
...Until a little later, when you're in an empty conference room together, and he's sitting across the table from you. Licking the lid of his yogurt container with a smug look. Mimicking the disappointingly tepid treatment he'd given to you the night before.
"Should we... address what happened, [Name]?" He asks smugly, like it was a topic of business, leaning forward onto the table with his hands clasped together.
"No, I'm good." 
"Noooo?" Adam's voice is as sugary as the extra pumps of syrup he'd overloaded his coffee with this morning in the breakroom. You'd seen that diabetes-inducing horror as it happened. "Why not? I feel like it's something we should talk about."
"Why?" You ask simply. "It happened, and that's it."
That gets him a little annoyed. Confused, too; why weren't you playing along?
"Didn't mean a thing to you, then?"
"Oh please, [Name]," he scoffs. He’s getting offended at the thought now, his wings giving a small flap in indignance. He’s supposed to be the aloof one! You should be begging for it to happen again.
"Don't fuckin' play. My dick gave you the best fuck you've ever had and now you don’t know how to feel."
“The best? At putting me to sleep, maybe. I did get a good nap out of it afterward, so.”
To Adam, the only thing better than your negative attention is your positive attention, and the only thing worse than that is your indifference. He hates feeling desperate, but you bring him to that shameful peak.
“You were on my dick like you had a fuckin' crush,” Adam continues to ramble on, trying to find a weak spot. “Fucking me probably meant a lot to you, huh?” 
"I hump my pillow before bed and it means as much." 
"Your pillow can't plow you like I do."
"No, but at least it actually gets me to cum."
Adam’s dick twitches in his pants. You know exactly what you're doing. Those words, delivered with that cruel flippancy he loves and hates so much, are precisely tailored-- All to drive him over the edge. 
“Then maybe that was just a trial run,” He says after a long, fervent pause. "Maybe you need another taste."
You smirk a little, but only offer more disdain.
"No thanks, I've had enough to decide I'm no longer interested."
"Oh come on," He finally says. He's desperate at another chance now, he needs the validation of making you cum for his pride to be restored.
"Just give me one more shot?"
And so there you are, bottoms down, legs spread, Adam's fingers inside you, sitting on the edge of the table where a meeting is supposed to happen in about 25 minutes.
You're sopping wet. He drags a finger over your cunt before spreading it. "You're so cute, all blushing and shit. Makes me crazy hard."
"Your vocabulary is fucking terrible. Stop talking."
"You like it, though." He grins, teasingly lifting his fingers away from your aching cunt to show you your own wetness. You let out a small whine at the absence. "You sure you want me to stop?"
"Shut up, I said," You grab him by his hair and shove his mouth where you want it, aggressive and impatient. "-and start eating."
Normally Adam is not one to take demands like that. But in this position-- looking up at your stern face from between your legs--he obeys. He kisses at your cunt over and over, sweet little pecks like a first crush. The sensation makes your core tighten around nothing. Adam was not one to take his time; he was teasing you like this on purpose. You weren't having it.
And so pettily, you decide to say: "You can do better than that."
So naively, he does, he takes your dare and you're practically gushing all over the conference table by the time he gets in there and starts eating for real. Desperately suckling your clit between those smirking lips, that mouth that never fucking shuts up.
You cum with a satisfied sigh, as if you'd just had a good stretch rather than an orgasm on his face. He looks up at you expectantly, lips glistening with your aftertaste. Eyes wide and eager, waiting for the praise that is to come, only for you to lean in and whisper:
"Look who has a crush now."
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a/n — pls forgive me for taking so long to answer this! i don't think it's exactly what you're looking for but i tried. it's more of an "adam with a reader who he has a sexually-charged, competitive work relationship with" type of deal. you just like to play with him and you know exactly how to make him desperate
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rinbowaman · 9 months
"Turn Around..."
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One shot fic. (Not relating to any of the established series.) This is a bit different from what I normally draft up, kind of like the Robin Hood one shot, which is also a non-yandere fic like this one. Pls enjoy.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my stories and drabbles. To show your support, please consider donating into my ko-fi account ♥️
Warnings: Unprotected smut, breakup, lovers reunited, makeup sex, rough sex, a little bit of angst, taken for granted, apologetic make lead, regretful male lead, and drama. "Dont know what you got till it's gone" type vibe. not proofread but figured i'd get this out to keep yall busy until i get the next chapter of TO out 😉
Summary: You and Heeseung had a break up, despite all that has happened, you find out that you weren't the only one hurting.
“Hey.” he stands calmly at the door. You avoid making eye contact, too nervous and shy on what to say. A bit of a ridiculous notion considering you knew the man very well, dated for quite some time in fact, yet the lack of his efforts drove you to the point where you had to kill off the relationship, for our own happiness. The only issue was, that you’re not sure if you’re any happier now than you were when dating him. Nodding, you respond back with a soft “hey…” 
Walking in, his initiative causes you to walk back. He lets himself in and gently shuts the door behind, never breaking his sight away from you. You kept shifting your sight from one area on the floor, to another. He continues to take his steps forward, and you keep taking them back. Soon, he has you pinned against the wall. Palming the wall, one hand off to each side, he traps you in his arms and leans in, wanting to get closer. You dip down and swoop under his arm to get away freely into the open space, walking over to the living room, much to his grimace dismay. 
Sitting on one end of the couch, you cross your legs and prop your hands up to rest your chin. Intent on avoiding eye contact, you look away and kept your face in the opposite direction. He walks over calmly and sits next to you. 
“Heeseung stop. Could you please just get your things and go? I’m not in the mood to talk.” you snap, rubbing your temples as you adjust your body to shift up and away, standing before the tall window, waiting for him to move along and to get out. But he doesn't. 
Looking up from where you were just sitting, he remains on the couch wide eyed and slightly appalled. Sure, he went along with the break up, even dabbled and went on some dates even though you both had just broken up merely two weeks ago. However, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t hurting either. He only went and saw other girls just to try and take his mind off of you, but how are you supposed to know? He left you no choice, you didn’t ever see your relationship coming to an end. You worked and tried to get through to him, but he never listened, so then you were left with no choice but to break things off, yet you couldn’t help but feel stabbed when his nonchalant attitude and response to your initiation was given, almost too easily, as if he was thinking about breaking up himself. 
Seeing you standing in that silk camisole dress, lazily covered with the matching satin short robe over it, had him feeling some type of way. How long has it been since he saw you like this? No makeup, hair laying freely and barely dressed. You looked so beautiful, stunning in fact, and yet your body language and attitude made you achievable for him to grab hold on. Did he really lose you for good?
“Y/N…” he tries once more, keeping a respectable distance away, so as to not add any fuel to the fire. “Can’t we just talk?”
That did it for you. NOW, he wants to talk? Now? After seeing a handful of girls, pretending like you no longer mattered after you presented him with the words “I’m not sure if this is working out…I wished you would just be more considerate, yet you just always put me off to the side. Maybe we should consider a brea–” 
Remember the tone he had in his voice, he cut you off and finished your sentence, almost as if he was eager and looking forward to the word…as if he was taking your initiation as an opportunity to end everything without having to do the dirty work himself. “Break? Yeah sure, I think that would be good for us.” he told you. Never once trying to figure out the meaning behind your initiative, nor did he ever try to fight for you. But now, it seems he had a change of heart, but you weren’t wanting to hear any of it. Not after having a string of girls by his side the last few nights. What were you? A rebound? Were you just a safety net since it didn’t work out with those girls? What is this? 
Turning away, you snapped in a harsh tone. “No!”
“What?” His voice was a little more firm, and he seemed a bit irritated by your attitude. 
“I said no. I don't want to talk.” 
“Why are you–” he pauses. “Y/n…you act like you’re the only one that is affected by all this. You’re not. I’m struggling too, you know.” 
“Yeah, I can tell. You’re hurting so much, how many girls did you seek out for comfort? Five? We’ve only broken up two weeks ago and you never once wanted to talk, until now.” 
Standing from his seat, he grew offended by your words and replaced his soft and gentle gaze with a more stern and harsh one. Walking over to you, he nearly traps you in as he breaches your personal space and begins to walk you back to the wall, again. 
“What? You think those girls meant something? Seriously?”
“Are you kidding me? Don’t pretend you’re hurting, you nearly jumped for joy when I brought up the idea of taking a break. You think I don’t know? Get over yourself Heeseung!” Turning sharply, you try to get away from him, but his movements are quick and he restricts your fleeing attempts by hugging you from behind. You struggle and try to break free, yet the moment he pushes forward with you grasped in his arms, shoving you up against the wall chest first and his chin resting on your shoulder, burying his face in your neck, you begin to falter, but mentally maintain your resistance. Taming you, he senses your physical strength decreasing front he struggles, and continues to push you in, resting you on the flat surface as he closes the distance between your backside and his chest. Stroking his thumb, he caresses your waist as he hugs tightly. With small brush strokes of his lip, he softly pecks on the soft area of your neckline. 
“Stop…” You whimper out, trying to ignore the beautiful sensation of how his lips felt gently kissing, and sucking on your skin. “Stop…please….get away…”
“You really want me to get away?” he mumbles, with a mouth full of your delicate skin in his mouth. “Then say it. Tell me in all sincerity that you want me to stop and I’ll leave.” 
With your arms pinned to your body by his embrace, you reach up and lean your palms against the wall, pressing your body against his. You tilt your head back, resting it against his shoulder, you didn’t want him to stop, nor did you want him to leave. But you had to be strong, for the sake of mending your broken heart. So, with a shaky breath, you whined out. 
“Get away…” you nearly whispered, your hair draping over your face and your robe coming undone, bearing the nakedness of your shoulders and cleavage. “Just…get away…”
A slight pause was present, before he leans in and resumes his efforts as he takes in a mouthful of your soft skin, just below your ear, this time he was less gentle and more rough in his manners. 
“I said no….” you whimpered. His arms tightened around your arms and waist, and he slightly lifts you before shoving you further up against the wall, pressing your cheek to rest against the surface before whispering in your ear…
“I don't believe you.” 
Shooting his hand around, he lifts the hem of your camisole up and fingers his way through panties. He called you out on your bluff and you didn’t seem to mind, because now you get to show how much you missed him, that you didn’t want to leave. You get to show him that you were hurting, and that he left you without any options or hope to continue forward, that you were just at the lowest part of your life. He knew it too. He wasn’t being his best self with you, in fact he was selfish and led you with so many false promises, it’s no wonder you proposed a break up. It didn’t hit him until you started to usher out those words, but before you could finish, he beat you to the punch, all because he saved himself from the heartbreak of hearing you say it, so he had to say it first. Figuring he would save himself by hurting you, then to be hurt directly, he found that it was all for nothing. Right after walking away and leaving you to go on your own, a sharp pain hits him inside, and he immediately regrets it. He regretted going with the flow, and letting you go so easily. Fact is, he turned around, wanting to run back after you, but seeing your backside facing him, walking in the opposite direction without so much as a glance back over to him, compelled him to look the other way and to move forward, after all, it seemed you had no trouble doing just that. 
Taking your hand, he intertwined his fingers with your own, his kisses became more passionate and his embrace became tighter as his hands roamed. God he missed you. He missed how your body felt against his, and how your skin tasted. He missed how you sounded when he kissed that one little spot on your neck, and how your body shakes when he touches you. He missed you too much. 
“Tell me you don’t want me to leave this time….tell me we belong…tell me…so I can do what I’ve really been wanting to do for the last two weeks…with the one woman I’ve been wanting. Tell me baby…”
Softly sobbing, you whimpered and gasped out, immediately trying to catch your breath as you cried out your words. 
“I never wanted it to end in the first place…” 
Peeling his head back, he stood slightly shocked at your words. Before he could ask questions, you finally let it all out. It was long overdue, and the most painful sense of release you ever felt. 
“Why couldn’t you just have turned around?....I stood…watching you walk away. I mentally begged for you to turn around and come back…but you just kept moving on…you left me crying….and I just had no choice but to finally do the same….you didn’t come back. What was I supposed to do? Stand and wait in that spot forever? And those girls?....I just knew…you didn’t care….” 
Your words hit deep and cut a wound that may never heal. He had no idea that you waited. He did turn back but he was too late…probably by mere seconds. The image he recalls of you walking away, was imagined with you displaying a calm and tranquil look on your face. Now, he understands that you made your way back home in tears that night, and longed for him to come back to you. 
He gulps. In a single brief moment, your entire relationship flashes before his eyes, and he realizes that not only did he not give you his best during, but he didn’t give it to you after. Yeah, he tried to get his mind off you by going on dates, but how were you supposed to know that? He started to think how his behavior must have looked to you…how hurtful it must have been to hear about his rendezvous while you were sitting here longing for him to come back. But what killed him in all of this was that, had he just been less attentive towards his friends and set his priorities straight, none of this would have happened. How many times did he come home and skip eating the dinner you prepared, all because he decided to eat with the guys after work. Or whenever you asked to spend time with him, and he promised you he would have another day, one where he didn’t have plans, yet that day never came. How many times did he wake up, shower, and quickly breezed through the kitchen and sees that you prepared breakfast for him, yet instead of sitting and eating with you, thanking you for taking the time to feed him, he picks bits and pieces off his plate and heads out while jutting out the words “see ya!” and quickly leaves so he could be the first in line at the coffee shop…that coffee shop…the coffee shop you loved yet he never took you with. He knew your favorite order yet never brought you back anything. He was always so focused in grabbing his drink and heading to work, where he could spend nearly the entire day chilling out with the guys doing what they love, spending a great deal of overtime, before finally calling it a night. How many times did he have the opportunity to come back home, especially after seeing all his friends dipping out to go back to their loved ones that were waiting for them…and yet he stayed back, opting to hit up buddies who were single and could spare the time, instead of coming back home to you. How many times did he come back home so late at night, finding you already asleep. How many times did he crawl into bed with you, and instead of hugging you and kissing you, he turns the opposite direction and falls asleep, leaving you to not only feel lonesome during the day when you’re awake, but at night when you’re asleep too. Just how many times…did he take you for granted? 
He didn’t have any words. He felt hurt…he felt a great deal of pain, and it was nothing that you did, you were great…you were perfect in fact. The one that hurt him was himself.
Remaining silent, he leans back into your neck. Shoving his lips against your ear, feeling the shrug of your shoulders as the oversensitive sensation of feeling his lips pressed against you was immense and triggered potent arousal. Whispering, he merely tells you “I’m sorry…” 
His soft whisper made you cry even more. Feeling you shake as you sobbed harder, he holds on tightly and kisses you on that soft spot again…and again….and again. Until your sobs turned into moans. Sucking on your neck, he reaches up and grabs onto your throat, gently but firmly holding on as he pulls your hips back. His free arm hugs your waist and tugs onto you, while his grab around your neck keeps your face and chest close to the wall. Pressing his groin against your derriere, he takes in a large whiff of your scent, that subtly sweet perfume that he liked so much…he missed it. The one thing he grew complacent in taking in daily, yet the moment he thought he lost it forever, he realized it was the most beloved scent produced in this world. The feel of your touch, your skin, hair, and your soft lips, was something he didn’t realize how much he loved. It had been longer than two weeks since he last felt you, growing too comfortable and spending more time away from you throughout the course of your relationship, it had been a while since you both were last intimate. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you or cared, he just didn't have his priorities straight. He just always thought that no matter what, you were always going to be around for whenever he needed or wanted you. But when was that? When did he express how much he needed or wanted you? When did he last make you feel appreciated and desired? More importantly, when was the last time he made himself available to you? Knowing that you wanted and needed him, yet he never was there for you. 
“God…I’m such a fucking idiot…” he hums out with a mouthful of your skin sucked in to his mouth. Lifting you once more, he flings you over and softly lands you on the couch, laying atop your backside as you rest on your stomach and chest. “He–Heeseung…”
“Why was I so fucking blind…” his words gasped out in a near whisper, it was gentle and calm, yet the manner of his physical touch was the exact opposite. Nearly ripping off your dress, the straps snap loose as he roughly pulls it down, and tears your panties off. Hanging by the bits of thread and pieces of fabric, it loosely hangs on your thigh while he smooths his hands over the softness of your smooth skin, grabbing onto your cheeks firmly as he squeezes your derriere. 
“Why did I not see what was in front of me?” Leaning forward, he places his lips on your back shoulder, and sucks on various regions. Firmly holding onto your waist, he fishes out his stiff member and rides it in between your cheeks, squeezing it to nestle in between as he strokes it up and down. “How could I not see that I had the best thing that’s ever happened to me?” Taking a hold on the back of your neck, he slowly feeds himself inside your cavity, pressing in. You weren’t entirely ready, and the lack of prepping made it hard for you to take him in, not to mention it had been so long. Yet his eager desire to have you made him impatient, he needed you now…he wanted you…he wanted to please himself but also, to please his queen. 
“Why did I not show you just how much you mean to me….why didn’t i do it sooner?” Thrusting in hard, his groin smacks against the soft plumpness of your cheeks, you screamed out as he rams himself in, reaching the depths of your gut as he pushes through all of your stagnant walls. Fully in, he pauses before continuing. He had to take a moment to enjoy the feeling of burying his cock deep inside you….after missing out for so long. 
“Why wasn’t I better for you?” Sliding out, his tip breaches its exit, providing you with some relief as you catch your breath, only for him to shove it back in with fierce momentum. “He–Heeseung!” Gripping onto the sofa cushion, you brace through the pressure of pain and pleasure as he roughs up your womanhood. He was being so demanding with the way he was thrusting, yet his words were so beautifully spoken with genuine sincerity and sympathy. He truly was sorry, and now, he wanted to show it, even if it meant he had to mix his love with fucking you into pieces. 
“Why didn’t I tell you how I’ve felt all this time?” Thrusting, he jolts forward and bucks his hips, causing your body to rumble and shoot forward, only to be retracted back as he pulls you in, all to repeat his performance in jutting his cock back into you deeply, shiting your body forward. 
“Why wasn’t I home often?” Thrusting and pumping his cock fiercely, you felt the sting of his thickness tearing you open. It had been too long, your body nearly forgot what it felt like to have someone, much less him, pelting you with their girth. Even though you were devotedly waiting for him, and yearned for him, he left you empty and unfulfilled so many nights, and you spent each evening alone and drifting off into a dream where you weren’t sleeping lonesomely on an empty bed. Now, he was here, and for the first time in so long, he was not only making love, but he was fucking you like his life depended on it. He didn’t want to take it easy, or slow, he wanted to go in deep and hard. He wanted his performance to match the ferocity of his love and yearning for you. 
“Why did I let you sleep alone all those nights? I should have been there to kiss you to sleep.” Deepening his thrust, the curved edge of his lengthy member hits your sweet spot. Soon, there was no pain, only the pressure of pleasure and ecstasy. 
“I should have touched you more.” increasing speed, he forces the moisture of your secreted fluids to squelch in and out. Your body gushes out, you could feel yourself releasing the warm liquid your body was producing, seeping out, and glazing his cock as he continues to fuck you. 
“I should have loved you harder.” Grabbing onto both sides of your waist, he pumps his cock in and out, faster and faster as he holds you steady. 
“I should have been better. I should have been so much better.” Slapping into you, his groin and thighs stains your skin red as he continues to slam himself in, going deeper and deeper. 
“I should have….fuck….baby you feel so good…I should have…I should have….” 
“Heeseung!! Ugh!” He continues with his pace as you reach behind and smack your hands over his, digging your fingers onto his wrists as you feel the snap in your gut release the high of your orgasm. 
“Fuck baby….you’re making me cum…..” 
Your body shakes uncontrollably and you scream out his name, which transitions into tiresome whimpers as you catch your breath. All the while he slows down, going in deep and slow, passionately slow. Admiring the view of his length smoothing in and out of your womanhood, he savors the feeling of releasing every bit of love, anger, sadness, and regret into you. Still thrusting, his thumbs stroke your skin and he bids you to answer. 
“Tell me you missed me…”
“....I missed you…” 
“Tell me you want me.”
“I want you…”
“Tell me you need me.”
“I need you.”
“Now tell me you love me….”
“....I love you….”
Leaning in, he rests his weight on top of you as he tenderly kisses your cheek. His cock remains buried in, and goes in deeper as he propels forward and lays atop your body. “Then turn around…and don’t let me go. I’ll do the same.” 
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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seaadc · 4 months
Hihiii, I have a request! I hope thats alright? I just finish your Zhongli x Adeptus!reader migraine, and I fell inlove with it! its kinda like me in someway, I used to be huge simp for Zhongli, well until the Fotaine update, somehow I didnt simp like I used to for Zhongli, my attention quickly shift to Neuvillette!(I guess I have a thing for dragons-) anyways sorry for rambling!
My request would be like the same idea as the Migraine Zhongli x Adeptus!reader? change childe for Neuvillette, I heard Neuvillette is going to be in the lantern rite! that would a perfect place! sorry sorry if I didnt make sense, english isnt my first language.
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you meet him again, the one who had shattered your heart. | zhongli
ANGST, no pronouns used, cocky neuvi, guizhong x morax, ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP
a/n: IDKWHY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG LMAOAXOAO slow writer here!! (bc i want it to b perfect smh..)
not proofread !!
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no. really— no.
you didn’t expect he would be here, well, which was pretty stupid. of course he’d be there. he lives in liyue after all. it’s plain common sense.
but it seems as if you were just clinging to lost hope, a hope that says you dont wanna see him there, interact with him, anything else just not him in it.
morax, the god of contract. the god you once loved, but never loved you the same way as you did. it was obvious who he had in his mind and heart, it was guizhong. i mean— who wouldnt, really?
guizhong was pretty, smart, courteous, firm, everything morax wanted in a person. it was hard to hate her, it was more easy liking her.
yet, why was it so hard for you? why was it so hard to like guizhong?
everyone else did, so why didn’t you? is it because of how envious you were of her, is it because you were jealous that she had morax wrapped around her little finger, is it because you wished to be her?
you didn’t know. how would you? when you solely focused on morax. you didn’t have time for yourself. you didn’t realize you were hurting, you were in agony.
no one noticed, not even you, not even morax. why would he notice? when all his attention was all guizhong’s.
maybe that’s why you were a bit overjoyed, when you had heard she had been killed. well, you heard from a rumor.
you had left them, for good. to be put simply, you left morax. you bid your farewells to xiao, as he was the only accomplice you have enjoyed their company with. no one else.
i guess you could say you enjoyed morax’s company, well, not so much. guizhong was always with you both. there was never a chance you two were alone.
it’s rude of you to be happy at the news of her “dead”. it’s offensive and disrespectful to the god of dust. but, you really didn’t care. was it of envy? you don’t know.
it was the first lantern rite you have attended again, after so many years of avoiding liyue and residing in somewhere far away, which was fontaine. it was great, meeting many people and friends that were generous and kind enough to talk to you.
so seeing him again in present time, both your eyes locked with eachother, gazing at one another, it feels as if time had stopped.
you both were together once more, reunited by fate, was it to attempt to reconcile your differences?
it was always him and you. side by side, fighting with other mobs, gods, and other things.
but did he, for once, fight for your heart?
he did. but not for you, for guizhong. he fought alongside her when you weren’t there, were you just a second option? maybe you were. maybe you are.
neuvilette says you aren’t. he, word for word, promised that he wouldn’t be like your first love. so let him be the love that you need, let him be the one that you cherish, and you did.
so going to lantern rite with him, it was his wish when both of you had gotten together. you couldn’t say no to a pretty face.
i guess for neuvilette, meeting another dragon would be unpleasant. yes, it might sound possessive, but if you look on it at the good side (his side), it may not be so wrong.
especially because that dragon was once your first love. your first ever greatest. so he had all the reasons to get jealous!
zhongli looks devastated as he sees/smells another dragon scent on you, your aura illuminating a blue and white one. it wasn’t yellow and orange anymore. was morax replaced?
who is he to ask? someone who had left you, replaced and almost forgotten about you. so why bother asking if you still love him?
neuvilette wraps an arm around your waist from behind, your aura brightens as morax could only narrow his eyes. he wishes he was the cause of your aura changing and glistening. him and neuvilette had maintained eye contact, as if arguing firmly in their minds.
only they could see scents after all.
so, as cocky as neuvilette can be, he kissed you on the cheek as zhongli’s eyes wrinkled in envy.
“let’s go somewhere else.” neuvilette whispered, and you nodded.
and zhongli saw that faint little smirk on neuvilette’s lips when he saw his reaction. it’s making him pissed. why is he acting like this anyway? it’s because he only realized now that he loves you. not guizhong.
zhongli feels this inkling pain deep in his heart, it’s wrong. it hurts him so much, he feels so sorry for treating you the way you don’t deserve to be treated.
but it’s too late.
only in his dreams, you are his. but i guess he just woke up from his everlasting dream.
and he feels as if he won’t be getting that marvelous dream once more.
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made by @seaadc and @seaadc only!
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soulidarity · 4 months
Rafayel and reader did that it was readers first time but in the morning she gets up early she had an important class so she leaves and she forgets to text Rafayel and Rafayel would feel very anxious?!? Idk if it makes any sense
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left alone
hurt/comfort | rafayel x mc / reader | 694 words
as she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a purple tuff of hair on her chest. her face softened as she played with it for a moment, remembering the events of last night. it had been such a meaningful experience. wanting to thank him with breakfast, the girl started getting up, careful not to disturb her partner.
as she checked her phone, she realized the time. she was about to be late for work. quickly getting dressed and leaving a goodbye kiss, she made her way out of the artists house.
a few hours later, the lemurian woke up, feeling unusually cold as he realized where this lack of warmth was coming from. he turned around and saw that his bed was empty as he recalled everything that had happened.
had she really just left him? used him? was that all she wanted from him? everything that their relationship had been building up to be up until this point was for nothing?
As the tall man stood up and looked over his house for any sign of his partner, he grew even more disappointed, but not of her but of himself. had he not been enough? if she just wanted that type of relationship, she could've said so. he just wanted her in any way he could. even if it was at his expense.
the day went on, and he laid on his bed. time moving fast, but he paid no mind to it. maybe thomas had called him a couple of times, it couldnt have been anything important since he didn't burst through the door while scolding him.
he tossed and turned in the bed, her scent surrounding him, making his chest tighten. After a bit, he fell asleep again.
He turned around as he woke up, taking in his surroundings.
"Did you sleep all day? Thomas texted me saying he couldn't get in touch with you."
"So you pay attention to Thomas' texts but can't even leave me a note?"
"What? What do you mean-?"
"You left me."
Her teasing smile dropped as it dawned on her what she had done.
"Oh my god I... Rafayel I swear it wasn't like that"
"It's fine," he interrupted, sitting up on the bed and looking down. "If you... want to see me in that way and only in that way... It's fine, just please..." Strong hands held her wrists. "dont leave me."
Both of them sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity, the clock on the wall seemingly unmoving.
At the lack of response, the lemurian looked up to see her holding back tears. "Why are you crying?"
"Because I just left you there! And you're just... accepting it?!" She shook off his hold and stepped off the bed.
"Why are you getting angry at me?"
"Im not angry at you, Yel. Im angry at myself. What happened last night was really special to me and I really wanted- want to thank you. But I woke up late and Tara had been calling me so I ran to work. I am... truly sorry."
He stood up, chuckling at her tear stained face.
"It's okay, my love." he caressed her cheek, her hands quickly flying to hold his. "It's not. You've told me countless times how scared you are of me leaving, and it feels like I continue to make that fear come true. And I'm really sorry... I... wish I could give you what you're looking for-"
Her rambling was interrupted by soft lips pressed against hers. It lasted a few seconds before he pulled away.
"I should really buy you a lip balm" her mouth was slightly open in bewilderment as he chuckled.
"It's really okay. Both of us need to work on our things. You should be better at letting me know when you have to leave, and I should be better at letting you leave. As much as I wish to have you for myself, you have responsibilities, and you love your job, I can't take you away from it."
"To make it up to you, how about I make dinner?" she smiled.
thank you so much for the request! english isnt my first language so i apologize for my mistakes.
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Could we get some…..silent treatment headcanons for knives? Like maybe he says something mean or does something mean to the reader and since shes a sassy lady shes like “ok fine! You wanna be that way?” And gives him the silent treatment until he gives her a genuine apology! Shes moving away from him when he sits/stands next to her, avoiding affection from him, stuff like that!
If you dont wanna write that, thats totally fine! I just 1) love soft knives 2) love the way you write him & 3) wanna see what he does when she ignores him for being a meanie head!!
Headcanons? I’m sorry I need you to speak up…oh…I’m afraid I don’t know what those are love~
Silent Treatment…huh? — Millions Knives
Summary: Knives yelled at you during one of his temper tantrums and this resulted in you giving him the silent treatment. Now he’s confused and upset.
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“Why aren’t you speaking to me?” Knives voice raised to the lightest degree, wavering anger present in his voice.
You’ve been doing this, this silent treatment all day. He’s tried to talk to you but you ignore him or move to a different room entirely. No he had you cornered in his bedroom and alone. He wanted answers.
“I’ve been trying to speak to you since last night and you won’t even look at me!” He gestured with his hand as he walked closer to you. You only stared at the window in silence.
“I don’t understand if you’re angry at me or if I’ve done something but it’s no reason to not speak to me. Stop being childish and work the problem out instead of treating me like this.” His words came out as a plea. Buried in frustration his voice strained, yet firm.
You still didn’t reply or even look at him. Knives felt defeated, frustrated. Your company and mindless conversations were the only thing he seemed to enjoy. You pulled him away from his mind when he played his songs and you gave him things to think about other than his stupid hatred. For you to ignore him, hurt.
Softly, hands grabbed your hips and pulled you back. He pulls you to him, his chest pressed against your back while his lips brushed against your ear. His hot breath tickled your skin as he spoke.
“Tell me, My Flower, what have I done to upset you.” He says gently. Your heart flutters from the closeness and the way he holds you from behind, yet you still don’t speak. “Please don’t ignore me.”
Soft kisses trail from your jaw to your shoulder, soft and warm. It sends shivers down your spine as one of his hands further wraps around your waist, holding you against him. “I’ll fix any problems you have, Petal. Say the word and your wish is my command.” He softly nuzzled his face into your neck occasionally trailing it with kisses.
You finally broke, a sigh leaving your lips as you placed your hands over his and spoke. “Last night, when you were angry. You remember right?”
He lifts his head, his eyes watching you curiously. You spin around in his arms to face him. “Yes. I remember.” His brows furrow with wonder as he listens closely.
“You yelled at me. I don’t remember what you said but it pissed me off.” You admit.
His eyes flicker with darkness for a moment before he places a soft kiss on your forehead. “I never meant to yell at you.” He places another on your nose. “That’s no excuse.” He kisses your cheekbone. “Let me make it up to you.” Then your lips.
Knives pulls away with a soft, desperate look in his eyes. He holds you gently as you chuckle and smile up at him. Just seeing you smile warms his chest. “Sure. Please don’t do that again.”
He immediately cupped your face with his hands. “I swear. I’ll never let it happen again.” He places another kiss on your lips. Soft and meaningful, before he tugs you with him towards the bed.
“Come. I’ll make sure you feel better.”
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indigo-o · 11 months
The Pet clown
Pt 2
I think we know who it's abt lmao
Nikolai gogol x reader PLATONIC
And some fyodor
Reader is a teenager
Tw impatient stuff depression, fyodor drugging, sleep deprivation, those annoying blankets they give at mental hospital even tho it's like -1 degrees Celsius if you know you know, talk of death, yandere fyodor, Manipulation from fyodor, Nikolai gogol, I think that's it so yeah
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I wish you were here, this room is empty. White walls, heavy doors, thin white blankets, and chained blury windows.
This thin gown can't keep me warm. I know him. He just wants what's best for me. I guess that even means putting me in this room. This room to keep me safe.
Safe from me. No possibility of me hurting. I'm to sick leave this bed and to tired to talk. He says I'm helping him.
Im helping him cleanse the world of evil. So I guess if my pain will save the world I'll stay in this room.
Everybody else deserves to be happy and well so I'll hurt for them. If one death would save the world I'd die.
My body's purple now.
I hear a click at the heavy door. To my surprise it wasn't a anemic rat, it was his pet clown.
I looked at him. My eyes were heavy. But he did bring some color to the room. I smiled at him.
I opened my mouth to talk but I couldn't.
"Oh dove you still can't talk! I forgot! Dos-kun told me to take you outside to have some fun.".
He lied, either were not going to have fun or fyodor didn't tell him anything. Either way I was going to have to walk. I knew I couldn't but I was going to try anyway.
Fyodor knew If I could walk I'd escape from him. So he kept me physically, emotionally and mentally sick. I would have no choice to stay.
As soon as I got to my legs I collapsed, but Nikolai caught me.
"Silly me I forgot you can't walk guess I'll carry you.".
He picked me up as if I were a little kid.
"D-dont dr-rop.". I manged to get out.
"Oh dove I may be crazy but not only do we need you, Dos-kun would kill me, but I want to protect you from harm. Not like you can protect yourself in this state.".
I looked at him. Then laying on him. We proceeded to go through his cape.
We were in what seemed to be his house/apartment.
He went to put me down on his couch but he's so warm.
"Wait w-warm.".
He looked down at me.
"I guess we can go out later.". He picked me back up and took me to his bed. Laying me down cuddled with blankets, pillows and now a pet clown. I shut my eyes and finally went to sleep.
I woke up to Nikolai looking down at me.
"Am I a good pillow?". I realized how I was very much on him.
I nodded my head.
"You want to go outside for a bit dove?". He was using a soft tone.
He wasn't ever like this
Maybe because I'm a teenager but I don't know.
He got up "You slept threw the whole night, but the good thing is we have a whole day today and tomorrow, you know why?".
He leaned in close "I lied Dos-kun is away and he doesn't believe in your freedom so I'm here to show him that you're a good kid who won't run away. You see Dos-kun takes away your warmth so you can't sleep making you so tired that's why you slept for so long he wants you to be weak, weak without freedom. I'm here to give you freedom. To fly like a dove.".
He went to his closet and pulled out some clothes.
"Here's so clothes to wear so we're not caught. That sounds weird. I my dear am a very wanted person so I must look different and you can't really walk let alone the sun should hurt you eyes so if I were to be caught you wouldn't leave be caught up in it.".
What ever he said I guess.
I changed and so did he and he look pretty different
He picked me up and took me to wheel chair that he some how got, but I shouldn't question it.
He placed me in the chair and we Leigt looked like sibling going out for fun.
"F-flowers please.". I looked to him.
"You want flowers we will get flowers.".
We went to florist.
"Hi! What flowers are yall looking for!". She sounded very happy.
"What do you want dear?". Nikolai asked
While I could barely see I knew exactly what I want.
"R-rose and Lillys.".
"Of course dear I'll get right to that!".
The rest of day was amazing
I got flowers, yummy pastries and other stuff.
Who knew a deranged clown could be so kind. But at last we came back to his apartment/house.
He made dinner for us and helped me get to the bed. He tucked me in.
"Good night dove.".
I woke up
Back in the room
The room with white walls, a heavy door, thin blanket and blury chains windows. But now there wad a desk but with roses and lily's on top of it.
I heard the door click. An anemic rat with his pet clown walked in.
"You've proven yourself for now, you may keep your roses and lily's. Nikolai may visit you now and then. One thing. You may not regain full energy but.".
He stopped his words and Nikolais smile grew.
He ran over to with a puppy dog smile.
"Don't make regret this.". The anemic rat walked away throwing the key at the pet clown.
That was alot longer than I expected but I hope yall liked it!♡♡
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marymary-diva17 · 4 months
Heartbreak (3)
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The son who once looked up and idolize his father and who had been proud, to carry his father name and hopes to make his family proud. That all had changed he now longer worked to impress his dad and didn't see him as an idol anymore, after the events of heartbreak from the one he had fallen in love with and family. He was now carrying the name of the only person who stood by his side the whole time and showed him love since the day he was born. Now he knows the true meaning of family and true relationships, those who stand by your stand and right for you will always be true of heart.
mo'at " all my life I have never ever have heard about a boy taking on his mother name" lo'ak had went to go helped out his grandmother today, as she need to have some words with her grandmother about a very important matter. He had already discuss this with you and now had to speak with his grandmother, another import person in his life like his mama.
lo'ak " I know grandmother but after recent events I think it will be best if I go by lo'ak son of y/n l/n .... as it seems like I'm not fit to carr the sulky name"
mo'at " my boy your father had seem to forget he was not all that good, when he was young and will not acknowledge that"
lo'ak " I barely even speak with him and neytiri since that day, as he and everyone thought it will be good to teach me lesson"
mo'at " I have seen lessons like that"
lo'ak " how did that end up like"
mo'at " a child no longer speaking with the ones who hurt them, and there were times where a kid will never speak to them again maybe only when they are leaving this world"
lo'ak " I just wish to make a name for myself and Jake had always said I brought shame, if I no longer have his name I will not bring him shame"
mo'at " my grandson you bring now shame and if you grandfather was here he will be proud of you, as I and your mama are proud of you so are the humans as well"
lo'ak " thank you grandmother"
mo'at " I approve of your chose carry your mother name and make our family even more prouder as well"
lo'ak " yes ma'am what about Jake and neytiri even the elders"
mo'at " I will speak with them they can never go against me"
lo'ak " thank you grandma" lo'ak had stand a bit more to help out his grandmother with anything else, that she need help on at the moment. He soon had parted ways with his grandmother when she was called away at the moment.
???? " hey lo'ak"
lo'ak " ......." lo'ak had taken a deep breath in and out before she turned around and saw it was neteyam, well it was not like he could avoid his family for the rest of the day.
neteyam " hey baby bro I came looking for you but when I went by mama house, no was on there and then I saw you"
lo'ak " well you found me"
neteyam " good now come along dad is going out hunting and he wants his both sully boys there"
lo'ak " oh that sound like fun"
neteyam " don't worry spider will be there with Tsu'tey and we have aonung and rotxo coming as well with tonowari, it going to be father and son thing"
lo'ak " okay I will come"
neteyam " good now let go get your stuff and we can meet them, this is going to be fun it will be like the old time at home with dad" lo'ak wanted to say something to rebuttal his brother words but decide, to let it go for now.
lo'ak " okat first of all if we are going to go away let go of my arm, I'm not someone who need guiding anywhere I will follow you and second I will come with you but anything said against me or mama then I'm gone"
neteyam " okay sure" neteyam soon let go of lo'ak as the two brothers soon started walking again, lo'ak was doing his best to deal with all the looks he was getting. Along with seeing people whisper after looking at him and neteyam.
navi women " are we all sure that boy is toruk makto son he nothing like him or neteyam"
navi man " I dont know those demons lie about anything" lo'ak and neteyam stopped dead in their tracks, looking at the pair but when lo'ak looked ar them he gave them a cold glare making them backup a bit.
lo'ak " it not good to talk about others and mostly near you kids, maybe you should set a better example I know my mama raised me right" the pair look shock at lo'ak words even neteyam as well lo'ak soon scoffed and walked away.
neteyam " that was a bit harsh dad said we should not be causing trouble"
lo'ak " I was not I had been exchanging some words and standing up for our mama that all"
neteyam " what if they go tell dad what happened you can be in trouble with him and tonowari"
lo'ak " they already don't like me there nothing new there now come on we shouldn't keep everyone waiting"
lo'ak " if everyone going to give mama parenting advice on raising me maybe they can take some as well" lo'ak had given his brother a cold glare making neteyam become silent.
lo'ak " now come on we don't want to keep everyone waiting" the brothers had went back to the home you share with lo'ak. lo'ak had grabbed the stuff he will need.
neteyam " wow mama really changed the house hasn't she"
lo'ak " yeah she said it was time for some change around here to switch stuff up"
neteyam " I like it"
lo'ak " cool" the brothers soon left the home and head towards where the rest of the group was waiting for them.
spider " hey bro you came"
lo'ak " yeah it sound like it will be fun"
Jake " hey son welcome it good you are here"
lo'ak " well I'm happy I had been invited on this hunt"
aonung " now this is going to be fun now that lo'ak is here"
rotxo " yes it good to have you here as we were not able, to spend at much time with your yesterday"
tonowari " come on boys you all can talk as we are hunting we have to leave now, if we plan to caught something good" the group had soon had taken off together, leaving the safety of the village and heading deeper into the water and unknown as well.
Jake " it good to have you on these hunts again lo'ak just like old times"
lo'ak " yes dad just like old times" lo'ak didn't know what his father and brother were thinking, as when it came to hunts it will always be them most of the time it was rare he could come. He was deciding on keeping his mount shut as he didn't wish to cause a headache of trouble right now.
Jake " how has y/n been doing lately"
lo'ak " she been doing good helping grandmother and the humans, when she not busy with helping the village"
Jake " that good she has always been like that since we were young and even humans"
lo'ak " oh yes uncle norm and max had said that as well"
Jake " well it good that her personality has rubbed off on you"
tonowari " yes y/n is a good role model and mother"
lo'ak " so what are we hunting for anyways if you don't mind me asking"
tonowari " some fish that can feed the clan for months on end they are further away from the clan, as they live in open waters away from out settlements"
tsu'tey " well we have all the supplies we will need for hunting them"
rotxo " this is going to be good and we get to working on hunting skills as well"
spider " hey I'm just happy to be out on open water and explore a bit more as well"
neteyam " sometime to good to get out and about" soon the conversation had come to an end when some calls had been heard, the group had looked up to see they were being joined by some guest.
tonowari " well it seems like we are not the only ones out hunting today"
olo'eytahn" yes it seems like that Tonowari we have brought our sons as well along with some others, we came here to collect some fish"
aonung " wow this hunting trip has gotten more interesting"
neteyam " these bigger numbers will now be more beneficial, as now we have the chances of collecting more fish"
olo'eythan " Jake sully it seems like your son is smart like his father thinking straight to the solution"
Jake " yes but my son is right it will be good if we hunt in groups as there could be danger anywhere"
tsu'tey " well then it agree on we should hunt as a group and later on divided up the hunt" well it had been official the group had becoming bigger, everyone was now in the area trying to see what they can caught. Lo'ak was on his own as all the fathers were together and the other boys as well.
lo'ak " this is not from that far where I was left by aonung and his old friends"
neteyam " hey lo'ak what the matter"
lo'ak " I don't think this is good area to hunt the alkua could be anywhere"
aonung " oh come on we will be okay and they are far away from here"
tonowari " boys come over here we are ready for the hunt" the other boys had soon went towards the father as everyone grabbed, some nets ready to start hunting the fish.
Jake " lo'ak are you coming"
lo'ak " father I don't think we should be hunting here we should try elsewhere"
olo'eythan 2 " we know more then you boy we have master years of hunting and the ocean, then you child"
lo'ak " I mean no disrespect but I don't think this a smart and safe idea, since the return of the tulkuns that have been more aklua as well"
tonowari " Jake sully"
Jake " listen lo'ak they more then you and you need to respect their decision you are just a young boy, please just behave for me and your mama"
lo'ak " but sir ...."
Jake " no buts young man now you can either join us on this hunt or head back home stay there" lo'ak didn't say anything else the the group soon got ready to hunt, he had been given a look by neteyam as he older brother felt bad for him. He was once again being ignored for his warning before anything could happen massive waves had come with dangers following them. the hole group had soon been taken out by pack of akulas. Everyone had been taken under water losing their their IIus or strimwings, as they had been chases off by another akul. The only one who had his weapon was lo'ak as the pack of creatures were coming.
tonowari " swim away now" soon the group had started swimming away avowing the jaws of the creatures coming towards them, there was someone who stepped up to fight. That was lo'ak he was able to swim fast swigging his spear at the creature's making some of them back off or swim away in fear. This had been seen by everyone else as the akulas were now gone.
neteyam " this It over are they gone"
tonowari " stay on guard there could be one more coming" that was not a lie was one big one had come swimming towards them, lo'ak had gave one big swig hiting the creatures hard, but it get scare it off.
lo'ak " ........" The creatures was coming towards lo'ak seeing the boy was the biggest threat, and seem very mad as well but before the creates could strike something or someone strikes it. Ramming the creatures into some rocks and not stopping, until the fight was over. The creatures soon swam towards the group and took them to the surface.
everyone " ......." once everyone reach the surface they all soon started coughing and breathing heavily after being water for so long.
lo'ak " get onto payakan now all of you"
Jake " lo'ak"
lo'ak " I said now move it" lo'ak sound mad and serious as everyone soon got onto payakan lo'ak was the last one.
neteyam " lo'ak are you okay"
lo'ak " I'm fine hurt a bit like the rest of you but I'm good" lo'ak had moved away from the group.
lo'ak " hey payakan can you take us home we are going to need, some medical help" payakan had understood lo'ak words and soon started heading towards the village, it didn't take them that long to reach the village. Their arrival had gain the attention of of everyone who came racing to see what happened.
neytiri " ma Jake what happened"
Jake " a hunting trip had gone wrong"
kiri " brother you are both hurt spider as well"
y/n " boys"
neteyam " hey mama"
lo'ak " hi mama"
spider " hey aunt y/n"
y/n " thank you that you are all well now come on lets get these inquires treated" there was not fight there was the group had been attend.
ronal " what have you done boy I know you are behind this like always"
y/n " leave my son alone he hurt as well"
ronal " because he cause this pain now look what he has done"
tonowari " ronal stop it the boy fraught and save our lives"
ronal " what"
mo'at " ronal leave the boy alone my grandson has done well he has brought honor to the family name"
navi man 2 " he has made toruk makto proud"
navi women 2 " this is something new maybe the boy will be honorable warrior like his father and brother"
mo'at " lo'ak the son of y/n will be bring to his mother name and her family line as well" the crowd had been shocked to her lo'ak taking on your name verse Jake.
y/n " my son you have made me proud"
lo'ak " thank you mama"
y/n " now once done attending to you and the other youth we can go home" lo'ak had nodded his head as you had attend to his injuries and soon did the rest to the other kids, once everyone was okay they started heading towards their homes or where they will be spending for the night.
Jake " lo'ak may we have some words"
y/n " Jake this talk can be saved for tomorrow the kids need time to rest and heal, you can have a conversation with him later on once everyone better off"
Jake " y/n"
y/n " goodnight Jake and all of you ... neteyam and spider I will check up on your tomorrow morning"
neteyam " yes mama"
spider " yes auntie" you and lo'ak soon left and headed home together you had brought lo'ak closer to you and kissed his forehead, giving him a warm look of happiness.
y/n " you done well my boy very well"
lo'ak " thank you mama and look what I got as well" lo'ak soon showed you some sharp teeth of the creatures he fought today, making you at him and smile. As the two of you kept on walking home you had stayed up that night, to make sure lo'ak was okay as you are worried after the events that had happened today. There was more coming for lo'ak that will help him forge his own path in life.
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petty-pumpkin · 9 months
Something that I dislike a lot in the bsd fandom is that people really tend to forget that Dazai is not that alike with Fyodor. I mean; sure, dazai and fyodor are both genius and they are most likely on the same level of iq, but that doesnt mean that they are the same emotionally, morally or psychologically.
First of all, we've seen that dazai has some people that he genuinely cares for. A lot of people think that, just because this man was in the mafia and still manipulates people around him when necessary to reach his goals, he doesn't have emotions or a heart, that all of what he did when he left the mafia he did it only as an errand for oda. We see dazai's change and evolution constantly on the manga, we've seen him show affection towards people, be it oda, chuuya and even atsushi. He's shown some real grown on his morals and matureness. And even if this man has a constant facade, it doesn't mean that it is with the intention to hurt anyone. Dazai himself hides his feelings, because, in his words: everything I cherish is lost the moment I obtain it (or something along those lines, I dont remember tbh 😭) he himself admits that if he indulges himself too much on something, it will all go away, so he prefers to deny his feelings and not get too close.
Saying this, when was the time we've seen fyodor show some real, not fake emotion? And by emotion I mean his real feelings, affection for someone or literally anything that shows that, besides being an asshole and a genius, he actually cares for people.
By that means, they, fyodor and dazai, are not similar at all. Dazai doesn't show himself being vulnerable, but we know he pretty much feels and cares enough to try to be a good person, because of the promise he made with oda and because of his own desire to save people and not be in the dark anymore. Meanwhile, fyodor is such a mysterious character that only shows true malice and cleverness. And that is the big difference between them. In any moment, dazai could MAYBE let his emotions slip and it could affect his plans, because he shows true emotion (to us audience, not the characters) and because he is a human, and he can't carry his facade for much longer.
So that's why I dont view them as equal humans (if fyodor even is a human, atp I'm not sure of anything tbh), but as equally capable individuals.
And remember guys, dazai is not a heartless monster who manipulates anyone who crosses his path and just wears this "I dont care about anything" facade, who only ever cared about oda, and who is trying his damn best into changing as a person only because of oda's wish, but a human who feels and hides himself and his feelings in fear he could, someday, loose anything he cares for.
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kix-mm · 4 months
Part 3 of A once cruel god. G/t short story?
A once cruel god. G/t short story pt3
Pt1 - Pt2 - Pt4
The human slowly woke up, feeling a wave of dread and fatigue wash over them. Victor, a young and powerful god, had recently reclaimed them after previously granting the human freedom. He renamed them to "Amber" after witnessing the human spiral into panic when called their previous title of "my flower." Amber was a name they never intend on using other than when Victor was around. Only to please him and avoid being ripped apart any more than the human already was. After all, humans only have so many limbs to have ripped off before the damage becomes lethal... In fear of this monster that they call a god to go back on their word (which he did), they never granted themselves a home, a companion, or even a job. That way, the damage would be minimal.
Their thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an all too familiar touch. A large finger, gently stroking their back. Amber felt the finger move away as soon as they flinched. “My fl-Amber, are you awake?” Asked Victor. Their stomach dropped, suddenly feeling ill when hearing his voice. No, no! Amber wasn’t ready to deal with this, nonono why couldn’t this have been just some horrid dream?!
Victor watched Amber quickly curl up under the covers. He bit his lip and tried again, in a softer tone this time. “Amber? You don’t have to hide away, it’s okay… I’m sorry I scared you. Please come out”
Ambers frail body contorts with horrid cracks and pops to his wish's command. their muscles cramped as their body sat up and pulled the covers away. This was involuntary to the human, but they knew better than to fight the commands of a god. This was known as gods will. If a divine being such as Victor were to want something badly enough, their words could literally force it to happen. He never meant for it to be a command. But his wish to see Amber was strong enough to make it happen. Victor watched in horror, unable to stop what he had started.
He held the human that gasped for air in the palm of his hand “I’m s-sorry Amber, that… wasn’t my intention. I-I didn’t mean to, honest!” Victor speaks. They could feel the pain and anxiety radiating off of Amber. He loosely wrapped his hands around the trembling human. Amber tensed and squeezed their eyes closed, trying to make themselves small. "i-it's okay, it's alright Amber, let me heal you, let me take the pain away"
Amber stares at the god with wide eyes. "No, no! Please dont! Please dont!!" They plead while trying to wiggle out of their hands. At first, Victor didn't understand why. He knew that even back then, his healing never hurt humans. It was only once he noticed the scars and blemishes disappearing that he understood what had Amber so distraught. Amber would rather suffer in pain than risk Victor seeing the human without those. But it was already too late. Most of Ambers scars had faded into nothing, except for the ones Victor had inflicted on the human long ago.
Victor knew that the feelings he had towards the human were strictly one-sided. He knew that his feelings were wrong, but he couldn't help it. Victor looked down in shame. "Sorry..." he mumbled. But the apology fell on deaf ears. Seeing the pink on the giant's cheeks made it harder for Amber to face him. Their body constantly shook with dread and anxiety. Was their torment about to start all over again? Or would it be much worse this time? If Victor was still into the same sick and twisted entertainment as he was before... There was no doubt that he would have found new ways to pass the time. Maybe he would be even worse than he used to be... and what about Victors love? Amber had already blown thir cover that the human had absolutely no room for Victor in their heart... would that even matter to Victor?
But Victor had no such will for Amber. If anything, he wanted nothing more than for Amber to finally get the comfort they deserve. Unfortunately, he knew all too well that it wouldn't be well received. There would be suspicion, the constant worry of why and what the real intentions were behind his kindness... it stung his heart knowing that Amber was most likely speculating what kind of horrible torture they would have to endure before being granted freedom once more...
Victor ever so gently picked Amber up, making Amber hold their breath and cling to their thumb out of fear of being dropped. "Too high, too high!" They squeaked. Victor paused. How was he supposed to pick Amber up if they were afraid of hights? He had never considered this to be a hinderness before "I um... sorry, let me just -" he continued to lift Amber and brought the human to his chest. "Will this be okay? I won't drop you... you're safe now, that's a promise." A promise? From him?
"J-Just like you promised that I was free?" Amber mumbled begrudgingly. That caught Victor off guard. "Yes, exactly, why do you bring it up?" He asks while gently stroking Ambers back, he was trying his best to console the trembling human in his hands, but his efforts seemed to only stir up the human more as they tried to minimize contact with Victor.
"I'm... I'm back here, aren't I? Back in the place I was promised to be free from..." Amber explained while trying to keep their head away from the giant's chest. Hearing the gods' heart pound so loudly was bringing back memories. And what was worse was when Victor noticed, and their heart suddenly stopped. obviously, that made Amber very nervous.
Victor lifted Amber higher. "Amber, you aren't a slave anymore, I'm not going back on my promises this time, I've become better, honest! Or at least I'm trying. That's why... that's why I need you, you are the only one who knows me. You must- no... I need your help, please... help me become better for you." He pleads to the human. A god, pleading to a human? That's new... that's something both hod and humans would joke about, and yet here he is doing exactly so...
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deardiary1899 · 3 months
king of new york is a catchy af song but i like to think it emphasizes something about race
i always found it as something that represented their wants and are somewhat expressions of them internally--
Race: A pair o' new shoes with matchin' laces <- Race wants something practical? I mean, in some productions, his socks don't even match!!!!!
Romeo: A permanent box at the sheepshead races <- Surprisingly, Race was supposed to have this line but was changed in the Broadway production. It's one of the main things I found interesting in the lyrics.
and, honorable mention to Davey:
Davey: A regular beat for the star reporter!
Davey's kindness is shown here. He prefers to move the attention to Katherine, and what he wants is never really mentioned
Anyhow, Ive read from another post that the boys are sharing these things according to what the other person likes, and that, is very cute and i love it, but I unfortunately cannot see it that way myself when it's with Race. Romeo may have said that line for Race, but, the lines Race sings in Carrying the Banner sort of correlates with his lines in KofNY. The said Race's lines in CtB are as follows:
Curdled Coffee / Concrete Donuts / Sprinkled with mold / Homemade / Biscuits / Just two years old
I am a true believer that the lines characters are chosen to sing are important to who they are, and I will find it endlessly curious as to why these are the specific things Race would list out, when most of the newsies at this part, something they want/that's currently happening/general observations or whatever. It's just so,,, curious to me how he speaks of THOSE things?? they're definitely not something they want, and it's poetic as FUCK??? like WHO hurt you mr higgins
It makes me think of Race as someone who is somewhat practical. I mean, outside of being sort of rowdy, excitable and the like, he's, without a doubt, smart af and like his historical counterpart, quite aware.
Race: Am-scray, punk / She's the king of New York!
Katherine: Whod'a thunk! I'm the king of New York!
Newsies: We was sunk, pale and pitiful
Katherine: Bunch'a wet noodles
Katherine & Newsies: Pulitzer's poodles!
Les: Almost about to drown in the drink
Buttons: When she fished us out
Race: And drowned us in ink!
Am-scray is one of my favourite parts here. Maybe because it was sung by Race but It’s Pig Latin.
I have NO Idea how common it is to learn that in the 19th century– but considering in Newsies (not as historically accurate) the boys don’t get a proper education other than Davey (but in a more historical perspective, they did. somewhat.), It’s EXTREMELY important to me how he knows such words like ‘Hoi-polloi’ (GREEK!!!), Am-scray and Gratis (LOOK i dont know how common words like that are, because im not a native english speaker and DAMN i don't know the usual 19th century lingo, but to me, it was a big big word)
Even more, his wit is shown well in the line ‘and drowned us in ink’. I’ve been obsessed with that since I heard it, and I’ll never get over how it is a BEAT that you can skip to in writing. It’s such a smooth and witty way to say that Katherine’s writing had helped them, and that ‘drowning in them in ink’ led them to get the fame they got (front page of the papers).
It’s also bitterly sweet to note that seeing their faces on the front page was more than enough to have them all tap-dancing, and although they may be forgotten the next day, it was all the worth.
this is all over the place, and moreso a ramble, but I REALLY wish we got more of Race because these specific things keep repeating in my mind ALL the time. I would ALSO like to state that Race was a HUGE driving force in this. I could write a WHOLE essay about him but kiss his ass and slap it because after getting hit around by oppressors and police, he knew they needed at least a moment of relief !!!!!!
TL;DR: I have a crush on Race Higgins and I need him real NOW
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pix3lplays · 11 months
HAI!! i loved your works of where reader runs away and stuff when shes pregnant and all, and then the men find her and so on, if you get what i mean ahah. i was wondering if i could get a version of that with blade? not sure if it was already done, but if it was, i'm unable to find it,, my blade loving heart needs this ahh. its perfectly fine if you dont wanna write it, no pressure!! have a wonderful day <3
Hello!! I am Very happy to write this for you, thank you for the request! Blade deserves some love too doesn’t he?
Cw! Kidnapping, unhealthy relationship, pregnancy
-Pregnant!reader runs away from Blade-
Who could blame you for thinking Blade would be upset to find out you were pregnant? He was dedicated to what he did. He was a cold-blooded monster. He didn’t have time for kids. Or an interest in having them, as far as you could tell. So you ran. He awoke to an empty bed, and he reached out and touched your pillow, but that was about the extent of his visible grief. The truth was he did miss you. But he determined that you ran away because you were done with him. Tired of his violent tendencies, his coldness, his inability to connect with you. Yeah. He knew your relationship was doomed from the start, it’s amazing that it lasted this long. So he doesn’t pursue you. Doesn’t look for you. He focuses on his work for Elio instead, thinking maybe it’ll help keep his mind off of you. But all he feels is colder. Emptier, without you by his side. And he thinks he knows why you left, and yet a part of him still desires that closure, longs to hear you say you hate him and never wish to see him again. He probably doesn’t even notice how badly your separation was affecting his work. Until a few years pass, and Elio orders Kafka to bring you back (without Blade’s knowledge, of course), so as to reunite the two of you. And fix Blade’s performance problems… A few hours later, she’s dragging you by the wrist into Stellaron HQ. And in her other hand she’s gripping the wrist of a small child. “Bladie!” she calls out sweetly. “I brought your little family back!” And when he steps in to see what Kafka could possibly be talking about, his eyes widen and he stiffens. You. You’re back. Against your will but you’re back! He can’t believe himself. He walks up to you, Kafka releases you, and he pulls you into a hug. “Do you…hate me?” is the first thing he asks you. It’s cold and direct and so like Blade. “No…” you sigh. He’s squeezing you so tightly. Blade never really touched you before. It was unfamiliar, but almost a little bit nice, if you weren’t just kidnapped and forced to come back to him. Kafka had made it very clear you were not allowed to leave, ever again. “Don’t forget this little one,” Kafka grins, and Blade lets you go to see what she was referring to. Your child. With beautiful, dark hair reminiscent of his. He doesn’t ask who’s child that is. The little girl is staring at him with wide, scared eyes, and she’s struggling to get out of Kafka’s grasp, to no avail. “Let her go,” Blade orders, much to your relief. Kafka had a strong grip, if she was hurting you, you could only imagine how your daughter was feeling. The little girl is terrified. “It’s alright…” you say calmly, trying to relax her. “This is our family,” and the words are forced and uncomfortable passing through your lips. You don’t want to be here. You don’t want to be back with Blade. But Kafka made it clear what would happen to your daughter if you tried to leave or tell Blade the truth of the situation. As far as he was concerned, Kafka brought you back because it was safer for you among the Stellaron Hunters, even if it was a little against your will, Blade would understand if it was for you and his daughter’s safety. Blade is staring at your daughter, then back to you. He’s almost smiling. He has you back, and while he doesn’t know how he feels about his daughter yet, he knows he’s going to take care of both of you. After all, that’s why you were here, right? To be protected? … You’re laying in your shared bed with Blade. He never touched you when you slept in the same bed before, but tonight his arm was wrapped around your waist, and his face was buried in your hair. “I missed you,” he breathes. “I promise to keep you, and our daughter, safe…” And you know he means it. But you don’t want to be here. Not with him. Not again. You can’t do it. But what choice do you have? Your daughter’s life is on the line. So you were stuck. With the Stellaron Hunters, with your ex, but it didn’t matter. You’d be strong. One day you and your daughter would escape…
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