#and i have to make sure they finish it in 2 days
fum1ku · 1 day
ft. osamu miya, daichi sawamura, kei tsukishima, keishin ukai, atsumu miya
should i be working on the highly requested pt. 2 to my recent works that’s currently sitting in my drafts? yes. should i also probably be working on the few requests i’ve got in my inbox? also yes. am i still over here writing whatever this is instead of doing those things? absolutely. at least i’m writing something!
OSAMU: friends to lovers.
you had been friends with the miya twins since high school. you had always butt heads with atsumu; bickering back and forth about anything and everything. but it was different with osamu. it felt like you both understood each other, in a way. plus the mutual dislike you both had for atsumu definitely helped. and now, nearly 8 years later, your friendship was still going strong.
well past 8pm, you stood over the front counter at onigiri miya with samu cleaning behind the counter for closing, and atsumu sitting at a stool next to you.
“i don’t know what his problem is! we go out for drinks one night, wind up at his place, and then the next day he can’t even be bothered to send me a single fucking text. seriously. i’m done!” you were going on about your.. most recent boyfriend.
“why don’tcha just dump him then?” atsumu offered, his mouth full of the onigiri osamu had made for him.
“atsumu, you’re disgusting! and i can’t because we aren’t even a thing! which is good—i don’t want us to be.”
osamu laughed at you two from behind the counter.
“okay well then what’s the problem! i don’t understand you women,” atsumu exclaimed, licking off the last bits of onigiri form his fingertips and shoving his plate behind the counter. “i’ve got practice tomorrow. so i’m gone. some of us actually have real problems that aren’t centered around one night stands with guys!”
“oh right, atsumu, like your sex life is any better,” you muttered. the door slammed shut behind him as the bell above the door exhibierst through the building.
you sighed, sinking further into your chair.
“here,” osamu slid a plate towards you. “might make ‘ya feel better. plus i need feedback to see if it’s worth addin’ to the menu.”
you smiled. “thanks, osamu. and yeah, i’ll give good feedback, promise!”
osamu smiled to himself as he wiped down the back counter. yeah, sure, after 8 years of pining he was no closer to asking you out. but, no matter what, he’d always be here to make you food whenever another boy made you cry.
DAICHI: love at first sight.
it had been a long practice and daichi had decided to treat everyone to a snack down at sakanoshita. daichi stood with suga and asahi waiting for the 1st and 2nd years to finish grabbing their fill. tanaka and noya had seen daichi paying as an opportunity to grab whatever they wanted.
“c’mon you guys!” suga yelled from across the store. “we don’t have all day!”
it has been a long day of classes for you, so it wasn’t even an option in your mind whether you should stop at the convenience store or not. only now you had found yourself in your own little debate.
“milk tea.. or coffee?” you mumbled to yourself. you were bent down over the drinks section taking your sweet time.
daichi turned around to see you and knew he was gone right then and there.
suga scoffed at the two 2nd years taking their time, only to turn back and find daichi’s gaze focused on you.
“hey, daichi, maybe we should—” he started, but stopped as soon as he noticed daichi staring. he whispered to asahi and they both began berating their poor captain.
“c’mon, dude! why don’t you just go talk to them? we obviously have the time!” suga nudged at his arm.
daichi denied anything. “hey, i don’t even now what you’re talking about, suga! we’re here for snack for the team, just go focus on that.”
“hey, don’t we go to school with them? y/n l/n. class 2, i think,” asahi piped up. he couldn’t remember where exactly he knew you from, though.
daichi was sure if he had gone to school with you, he’d remember.
“they’re in photography club! that’s how i know them! they asked me to join after i dropped out of volleyball,” asahi recalled, loud enough to grab your attention.
you looked up to find the set of 3rd years staring in your direction. your drink in hand, you made your way up to them.
“azumane, right? nice to see you again!” you beamed.
“y-yeah, right! good to see you too, l/n,” he smiled, nervously.
“are you guys in line?” you questioned.
“no—no we’re not! sorry about that!” daichi apologized, moving to the side to allow you to get to the register.
you placed your drink on the counter, making small talk with the guy at the front register.
“c’mon, daichi! if you don’t ask them before they leave you might not get to again!” suga whispered.
“suga, let it go. it’s too strange—they don’t even know me.”
suga shoved daichi forward just as you turned around to make your way towards the door.
“oh! hi!” you mused.
“s-sorry. hi.. again.”
“sawamura, right? you’re the captains of the volleyball team!” you smiled.
“yeah, i am. and you’re l/n, right? asahi was telling me about you. you’re in photography.
“i am, actually! and please, just call me y/n!”
“then just call me daichi!”
first name basis after 10 minutes? way to go daichi!
“actually..” you started. “i was wondering if it’d be possible for me to take some action shots of the volleyball team? i was going to use them for an upcoming project of mine. of course if not, that’s okay too! you probably need to talk it over with the team.”
“yeah—absolutely! i’ll have to talk it over with everyone, but i don’t see it being a problem at all,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. “what class are you in? i can talk to you some time next week to figure out what day would work best.”
“here,” you said, turning around to the man behind the counter. “excuse me, do you have a pen i could borrow?”
the man tossed you a pen, not giving a second look to you from behind his magazine. you pulled out daichi’s arm and started scribbling down numbers.
your.. phone number?
“now you can call me, that’ll be easier!” you smiled. “anyways, i gotta run. see you later, daichi. tell azumane i said bye too!”
he was speechless. did he really manage to get your number without even trying?
suga ran up behind him. “dude! how? you hardly said anything to them!”
“wow, daichi’s got skills with the ladies!” tanaka mused, noya trailing behind them. their arms were stacked full with all kinds of snacks.
he was definitely not paying for all of those.
KEI: academic rivals to lovers.
you worked at the library at the university you attended. tsukishima had seen you around campus a few times. yamaguchi would go as far as to describe you as tsukishima’s “campus crush”—which tsukki of course denied. he hardly even knew you.
but, this semester is when things finally got interesting. you had wound up taking the course tsukishima was the TA for.
you were currently bent down behind a bookshelf in the campus library, organizing the books that needed to be put away. you noticed a hand grab a book off your cart.
you stood up. “anything you need help finding?”
“no,” the man stated, blankly.
you examined the book in his hand. “wait. are you in psych 301? haven’t seen you in there before.”
“kei tsukishima. i’m the assistant in that class this semester.”
“oh! i’m y/n l/n. are you reading that book for fun then, or?”
“i know. i graded your last essay. something about the human consciousness or whatever,” he stated, pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose.
your face went hot. “oh? so you were the one that gave me a B- on that. that was the best paper i’ve written all semester!”
“yeah, only because you can’t write any better ones. and maybe actually read the syllabus before you join the class,” he deadpanned.
“okay, mr. know-it-all. and for what it’s worth, i did in fact read the syllabus.”
“well if you actually paid attention, then you’d know this book was meant to be read alongside the other materials.”
wait. what?
before you could say another word, he placed the book back down in the cart. “my email is on the syllabus if you’d actually care to read it. good luck actually passing the class.”
you were so going to find that syllabus. and you were definitely doing to pass that class.
KEISHIN: second chance.
stepping foot into sakanoshita after years felt like a dream. but seeing keishin, your high school boyfriend, sitting there behind the counter, was what really sent you back.
ukai actually took the time to look up form his magazine, and he was glad he did. “y/n?”
“keishin!” you smiled. “i didn’t realize you family still owned the place!”
he stood up form his seat behind the counter. “yeah! work here part-time, coach volleyball the other half.
“you coach volleyball? does the old ukai not coach anyone then?”
“nah, old man retired last year. still coaches a few younger kids on the side. but, hey, how have you been? it’s been years since i last saw you in miyagi. 4? 5, maybe?”
“yeah,” you sighed. “it’s definitely been awhile. but life has been great in tokyo. my internship finally ended and so i’m back here for the next month or two!”
“really? you got to let me take you out sometime—drinks, to celebrate.”
you felt the slight rush of heat to your cheeks. “r-right! of course!”
“hey, if you wanted, we close in less than an hour. you could wait here till then, catch up, then let me take you out for drinks.”
“alright,” you smiled, taking a seat behind the counter next to ukai. “tell me about your team then. where do you coach? karasuno?”
you felt like you were 16 all over again. just him and you.
ATSUMU: opposites attract.
you were the promotional manager for the msby black jackals. everyone on the team loved you—yes, even sakusa. though he wouldn’t admit it. but, atsumu being the sly guy he is, took every opportunity to flirt with you. of course, keeping things professional, you shut him down every chance you got. plus, it would never work. ever. you knew that.
he was childish, you were mature—top of your office only a few months in. he was selfish half the time, and he’d always describe you as one of the most thoughtful people he’s ever met. he was confident and bold. you were quiet and reserved, at least time him. so when you find yourself alone with him at the gym one night late after practice, going through your binder of advertising ideas, you didn’t know what to make of it. the way you could feel he eyes focused on you and only you drove you insane.
you finally took a break form your rant about new promotional ideas for the team, leaving a heavy silence between the two of you.
“y/n?” he finally said, breaking for silence.
“yeah, atsumu?” you respond, not looking up form your binder.
“you should let me take ‘ya out. i mean it.”
you quietly gasped to yourself.
sure, atsumu had made pass after pass at you every day for the last few months since you started working with the team. but, this time, he sounded so.. genuine.
what’s even worse is you couldn’t help yourself from the words the escape your lips in the last moment.
© fum1ku 2024.
⁂ taglist: @chloiyoomi @eashn + let me know if you want to be added! 💌
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mariasont · 8 hours
Be So Stupid - S.R
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a/n: this has been sitting in my WIPs for so long and i finally finished it! now going to reward myself with online shopping xoxo
kind of inspired by when jj and reid split up in season 2 i think? when morgan was kinda being rude to her but i picture like season 12-13 spence
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pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: you make a mistake while on a case nearly getting spencer killed, morgan has some choice words and spencer is ready to beat his ass over it
warnings: morgan being a little shit simply for the plot, mention of spencer almost dying, spencer being a protective king pussy boss
wc: 1.4k
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How could you be so stupid?
Those were the words that had been on replay, a constant loop, for the past two days. It's because, somewhere inside, you knew Morgan was justified in what he said. How could you have been so stupid to split up with Spencer at the unsubs house?
He was taken by the unsub, a trigger pull away from death. But the team got there, and he was okay. He was alive and breathing and healthy, and you tried to focus on these facts when your chest tightened with that familiar agonizing twinge.
It was a relief not to face anyone afterward. As soon as you got home from the case, you holed yourself up in your apartment, obsessively dissecting the events until the recollections twisted your insides with a nauseating sense of dread. You had run through every potential scenario in your head, agonizing over the grim outcomes if you hadn't arrived when you did.
You would've never forgiven yourself.
So here you were, hiding out in Penelope's lair, doing your paperwork. You convinced yourself it wasn't hiding; rationalizing it as a need for more peace and quiet than the bullpen could offer. You knew it was bullshit, and so did Garcia.
"Just so you know, I'm fully prepared to kick his ass on your behalf," she announced, swiveling to face her monitors, the ribbons in her hair trailing her movement like colorful comets. "It was totally uncalled for. Everyone agrees."
"Well, okay, not Spencer, but that's only because he doesn't know," Garcia continued, her pen tapping a silent code against her cheek, followed by the clack of keys. "If he did, he'd definitely kick his ass."
"I don't know about that," you said, repeatedly stretching and releasing the hair tie around your wrist, each snap a self-inflicted reprimand.
"He called you stupid." She was shaking her head so vigorously her blonde locks tumbled into her eyes as she paused her typing to look at you. "And you, my gorgeous friend, are anything but."
"Generally speaking, sure, but this time, Pen, I really screwed up."
"Who called you stupid?"
Spencer's voice was incredibly hard to ignore, distinct—you would recognize it anywhere.
Garcia and you stopped dead, your eyes growing impossibly large as she gave you a look as if to say, Morgan is screwed.
"No one."
You and Garcia blurt your words out at the same time, your voices clashing in the air. You whipped your head to Garcia, the betrayal written on your face as she only shrugged her shoulders.
"Why would he say that to you?"
Spencer's steps towards you were measured, but each one amplified your unease, you hands wringing together as you looked away. He could read you like a book, and most times that was a good thing, but today it was definitely not.
"It's really not a big deal, Spencer," you insisted, pursing you lips as you dragged your gaze up and over him. "But how about you? How are you holding up?"
You were on your feet in an instant, a little too quickly, wobbling on your heel just a tab before Spencer grabbed your elbow. You ignore his touch, or at least you try, and press the back of your hand to his forehead.
He wasn't warm, but you sure were.
"You know, I don't think you should be back at work so soon."
You weren't lying when you said that. It seemed to soon. Was he looking a little pale? You couldn't tell. He should be home.
His hand was suddenly around your wrist, soft but firm, easing you away from his forehead, his eyes narrowing at you.
"Hey, I'm alright." He was trying to be assuring, offering a faint smile that only served to make your stomach do backflips. "Really, I am."
His fingers frapped around your wrist, not quite letting go, as he directed his attention to Garcia. "Why did he say that to her?"
"I'm right here," you grumbled under your breath, but Spencer was paying you no mind.
"I'm aware," Spencer answered without looking at you as his hands found their way to your shoulders, thumbs tracing absent patterns on your skin. "But you are not providing any answers."
Garcia cut in, folding her arms over her chest as her eyes pinned you with an unspoken accusation. "He said it because you two split up on the case."
Her words seemed to thicken the air itself, snatching away the previous ease as Spencer's expression darkened. It was a new and unsettling sight--the tightness in his jaw, the faint crease in his brows, and the steely sharpness in his eyes.
Without uttering a single syllable, he spun on his heel and strode out the door. You didn't hesitate to chase after him, an inkling of his destination propelling you forward. The look on his face had planted a seed of fear about what he was going to do.
Sure enough, there he was, just as you anticipated, in the middle of the bull pit. His gaze locked on Morgan with a laser-like precision, like a hawk eyeing its prey.
"How could you say that to her?" His voice was jagged, hands thumping against Morgan's shoulders in a way that you frantically looked around for Hotch. "What? Were you trying to make her feel bad? What's the matter with you?"
"How could you say that to her?" His voice was rough, hands tapping against Morgan's shoulders in a way that made you panickily look for Hotch. "What, were you trying to make her feel bad? What's the matter with you?"
"Easy, Spencer, what are you getting at?" Morgan's hands went up defensively. But when Spencer's eyes flickered to you, the puzzle pieces clicked into place. "Oh..."
Morgan's eyes found yours. "Come here, sugar."
Morgan was your friend, a good one at that, and you really didn't blame him for what he said. He had good intentions. But here in the bullpen being open and exposed you found yourself stalling, glancing towards Spencer.
Only after he gave you a nod did you take that tentative step forward, clammy palms running down your pants as you stood in front of Morgan.
"Look, I was out of line. Calling you stupid was stupid of me," he started, hand grabbing on your upper arm as he spoke. "We've all been in tough spots and I was an asshole for adding to the pressure instead of helping you through it."
And you knew he meant it, even if it took Spencer nearly coming to blows to bring it about. 
"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it, Morgan. And it was my fault really, for not staying with Spencer."
"First off, we made that call together, so if anyone's at fault, it's both of us," Spencer reminded, his hand settling on your lower back as he moved closer to you. His gaze then drilled into Morgan. "And second, Morgan, she's too nice. I say you owe her a month's work of paperwork at least."
You opened your mouth to object, but Morgan cut you off, his hand on your shoulder stopping me mid-breath. "After what I said? I'll do you one better--I'll handle your paperwork for two months."
He was gone before you could even thank him, making his way towards the break room, leaving you and Spencer.
"Hey, look at me." You did, raising your eyes to meet his. "What happened on that last case—it's not on you. We made a call, and we did it with the best intentions. It's not your fault."
He regarded you so... softly. It stirred a flutter of goosebumps across your skin, your hands rubbing up and down your arms as if to smooth away the sensation.
"Seeing you in that situation, so close to..." You paused, drawing in a ragged breath as the sickening memories came flooding back. "I can't help but feel responsible. It's a tough guilt to shake."
He rearranged a lock of hair behind your ear. 
"It's a cognitive distortion to assume sole responsibility, but that's just your brain tricking you." Taking your hand he pressed it over his heart. "A human heart beats over two billion times in a lifetime. And every beat right now is telling you, I'm all good."
You could feel his heartbeat—thump, thump—against your palm. You caught yourself wanting to know what it would be like to fall asleep to the sound.
You were so close to each other now, the distance, or lack thereof, slightly overwhelming. "You're all good?"
He gave your hand a squeeze. "I'm all good."
You remained motionless, hand pressed to his chest, wondering if your heart could ever beat in sync with his.
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath
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invisible-lint · 2 days
Everything Could Be Okay: Chapter 4
Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Summary: You tell Feyre about the bond and come up with an idea
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.1k
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
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You're surprised your pacing hasn't worn a hole in the floor. You had finished your bath and dressed. Eaten the food that had been brought in for you, and even braided your hair. But you couldn't convince yourself to leave the relative safety of this room. Because you knew yourself and you knew that you wouldn't be delicate about it. No, the moment you see Feyre, you're going to just blurt it all out. And you're not sure how she’ll react. You love her as if she were actually your sister. Some days, you feel as if you may love her more than your brother. You're not sure you could stand it if she hated you.  So here you are, pacing like a coward. You suppose you should just do it. A wound doesn’t hurt any less if you know it’s coming. 
You wipe your hands on the pants of the night court attire, trying not to squirm. It was the first time you had ever worn pants and you weren't sure how you felt about the way the material gathered between your legs. It'd have to do for now, there weren't any dresses in the wardrobe. 
You finally force yourself to leave the bedroom, heading for the library. You linger outside for a moment before taking a breath and walking in over to where Feyre sits. You pull the chair out and sit across from her, but the moment she looks up from the paper and sets the quill down, your nerves get the best of you, and you stand back up, starting to pace again. Feyre watches you, curious.
“What is it?”
“Rhys. Rhysand is my mate.” You pick at the cuff of the shirt.
“Oh. Does that mean you're going to stay here?”
“No. I'll still go back to Spring with you when it's time.” You look at her, trying to gauge her reaction, but her face is blank, expressionless. 
“Because I don't want you to have to deal with the fallout by yourself. And because I don't want to leave you there alone.”
“I wouldn't be alone. I have Tamlin.” 
“Feyre…” You barely manage to hold back a sigh. 
“Do you want to marry him?” You reach for her hand, trying to offer comfort, but she pulls her hand away, anger dancing across her features. 
“Why do you keep asking me that?” 
“Because I don't think you do.” 
“I think you should stay here.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from flinching, uncertain why the words hurt so much. “Why do you think that?” 
“Because you're miserable there. That's why you think I don't want to marry Tamlin. Because you're worried about me ending up like you. But I won't. Because I love him and he loves me.” You do flinch that time. Were you truly so miserable that everyone knew it? You had thought you had done a good job hiding it around Feyre at the very least, and the realization makes guilt sink in your stomach like lead. 
“Is that enough for you? Is the life he will allow you enough? Planning parties and birthing heirs?” 
“Do you think your life here will be anything different?” Her words sting. Rhys was nothing like Tamlin. 
“That’s not the point, Feyre.” You press your palms against your legs, breathing deep, to try to keep your temper at bay. 
“No? What is the point then?” Feyre crosses her arms, her gaze hard. 
“You're already miserable in Spring, but you're not trapped. At least not yet. That doesn't have to be your life.” You sit down across from her, trying to soften your gaze, eyes pleading.
“You're not trapped if you want to be there. I just… I just need the mating bond to snap and then everything will be better.” 
You nod, chewing your lip, reaching for her hand again. She uncrosses her arms, letting you take it this time. An olive branch, you suppose. 
“You think you're mates?”
She nods. “I do.” 
You force a smile. “Well, now I understand why you got so defensive when I suggested you didn't want to marry him. I'm sorry, Feyre.”
She smiles back. “So am I. I could have told you. So… Rhys is your mate? How do you feel about that?”
You blow out a breath, slumping in the chair. “I… Need some time to wrap my head around it.” 
She nods. “Because of your family?”
You manage to hold back a grimace. Of course Tamlin told her about that. You're sure he left out the part that made him look bad. The reason why Rhys and the previous High Lord had killed your family. 
“Not really. I spent more time in close proximity to our family than Tamlin did. Aside from our mother… They were not good males. They deserved what happened to them.” You notice the way Feyre's eyes widen in surprise. She looks like she has more questions she wants to ask, but you keep talking. “No, I'm not quite ready to move on yet. I need a little more time.” She pulls her hand away, guilt shadowing her face. You can see it as she retreats into herself. You stand from your chair, walking around the table to kneel in front of her, taking both of her hands in yours. 
“I will never, ever, blame you Feyre. You never have and never will be to blame for what I lost. I wish you could have come into our lives another way, because you have become like a sister to me and I am so glad that I have gotten to know you.” 
You're both tearing up, but Feyre is smiling, and you do too. 
“You've become like a sister to me too. Can I ask you something?” 
You nod. “Of course, anything.” 
“Would Andras want you to be miserable? Or would he want you to move on?” 
You stare at her not saying anything, but your silence must answer for you, because she nods, squeezing your hands.
“That's why you should stay. So you can move on, because I don't think you can in Spring.” 
“I’ll find a way. But I want to come up with something that keeps Tamlin from wrecking too much furniture.” 
Feyre rolls her eyes, shaking her head, but the smile is still on her face. You stand, letting go of her hands. “I'll let you get back to your letter practice. I found a music room with a piano in it and Rhys said he would get me new music to learn! It's been so long since I've had new music!” 
The guilt that had been gripping Feyre's chest tight ever since she had become your friend, your sister, loosens itself at the way your eyes light up with excitement. 
“I'll have to find you later so I can listen.” 
You smile, squeezing her shoulder as you leave, finding your way back to the music room, just in time to see Rhys laying a packet of music on the piano bench. He turns to look at you when you enter, smiling at the smile on your face. 
“I take it your conversation with Feyre went well then?” 
“It did. We both lost our tempers, said some unkind things, but we also said things that the other needed to hear. She thinks I should stay.” 
He raises an eyebrow. “And what do you think?” 
“I think she's right. I'll never be able to move on as long as I'm still in Spring. There are too many memories there, too many reminders. And I know it's what Andras would want. I know that if the bond had snapped while he was alive, he would have been cautious. Probably would have insisted on being here with me, but he would have encouraged me to explore it. He would not want me to be miserable.” 
Rhys nods, walking over to take your hand, brushing his thumb across the back of it. “We take this at your pace. Whatever you want.” 
“I'd like for us to be friends first. I want to get to know you. The real you. Rhys, not Rhysand.” 
“I think that could be arranged.” He smiles, violet eyes twinkling with stars. 
“And I'd like some dresses. I don't like wearing pants.” 
He laughs. “That also could be arranged.” 
You look over the male in front of you, your mate, eyes lighting up as the start of an idea forms in your head. 
“Tell me everything about Feyre's bargain, bargain tattoos and bargain magic.”
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It's nearly the final day when you burst into the library, Rhys following close behind. Feyre jumps, quill scratching across the parchment, startled by your sudden entrance.
“I came up with an idea so that I can stay here. When Rhys takes you back, he’ll tell Tamlin that I made a bargain with him to release you from your bargain. You have to return to the Night Court two more times to make up for the remainder of the three months missed, but once those weeks are over, as long as I remain in the night court, you don't have to return. You and I will also make a bargain, but we'll get into that when Rhys leaves.” You glance at him over your shoulder, giving him a pointed look. He raises his hands in mock surrender, turning to leave, tugging on the bond as he does. You shake your head, grinning. 
“I think overall it's a good idea. Why are we making a bargain?”
“Because I want to know that you're okay. I know you want to be in Spring. And I understand why now. But if anything ever changes, I want you to tell me and we’ll get you. I don't care if it's a week from now or 100 years from now. You'll always be there because you choose to be.”
“And you won't be upset if I do?” 
“Of course not. I hope the way I pushed hasn't made you feel like I would be. I really did think I was helping.” 
“I know you did. What will our bargain be?”
“Rhys said it can be something simple, as long as it remains unfulfilled, or is open ended, the tattoo and the bond that comes with the bargain will remain.” Feyre nods, waiting for you to tell her your idea. “We promise to write to each other once a week for the rest of our lives.”
“You made Rhys leave for that?” She raises an eyebrow.
You grin. “Yeah, I did.” 
She laughs. “I accept your bargain.” 
You feel the tattoo appear on the inside of your forearm, near your elbow and roll up your sleeve to take a look. You smile and the cluster of flowers that appeared on your skin.
“Little lillies?” Feyre asks.
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “Alstroemeria. Flowers have symbolic meanings and this one  means friendship, love, strength, and devotion. It's for people who help each other through the trials and tribulations of life.”
“For sisters.” Feyre stands, pulling you into a hug.
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You pace in the study, waiting for Rhys to return from taking Feyre back to Spring. It shouldn't be taking this long, should it? You had sent Feyre back with a letter for Tamlin, explaining that you had felt responsible for Feyre's bargain with Rhys, so you had made the bargain to take her place. She would give it to him after Rhys left. 
You tug on the bond, trying to make yourself relax, managing to do so when you find it firmly in place. You would know if something was wrong. He was probably just antagonizing your brother. 
Rhys winnows back in, crossing over to you, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop your pacing. “If you keep going you might wear a hole in the rug, and I'm rather fond of this one.” 
“How did it go?” You drop your shields enough to let him in so he can show you, grimacing at what you see. 
“Don't fret, Darling. It could have been worse.” 
“It absolutely could have. I'm just not a fan of the way he pulled Feyre away from you. If he's not careful, he's going to hurt her.” You frown, brow furrowed. 
“If he does, we’ll know.” He taps the spot where your tattoo is. You nod, trying to force yourself not to worry. Part of you still wishes you had gone back with her. 
“So what now? You bring me to your Court?”
He nods. “I do, but not the Court of Nightmares. I bring you to my true court, to my home. I bring you to Velaris.”
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A/N: And there it is! It took a completely different path than I was expecting. Unless I get super inspired and write the next chapter between now and Monday, the next chapter will not be posted until the 17th at the earliest. I will keep my requests open, because I'll probably still write, I just won't be editing and posting!
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Taglist: @lilah-asteria @readingislife2006 @acourtofimagines @mistymoocow @irelanrose
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@sidthedollface2 @oucereeng @jesskidding3 @panther-girl-124 @jiarkives
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catmiemy · 2 days
Another Chance to Live Part 5 (Ana Maria Crnogorčević x Reader)
Summary: Things between Ana and you are going great, sadly the same isn't true for other aspects of your life.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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A/N: One day early is still early, right? However the good news is that I almost finished editing the last part, so you should get that one at the beginning of next week. Although I might have to find a way to incorporate Ana's pink hair!
Happy reading! 😊
Things continued to flourish between Ana and you, and soon the two of you spent every possible minute together. Not that this was much of a change, you had more or less been doing that from the beginning. You still met up with other people too, you weren’t totally reclusive, but usually you did so together.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you started wondering if maybe moving in should be something that should be brought to the table sometime soon. What was the point of paying for two apartments when you were always together at one or the other?
However, you still weren’t confident enough to bring up something big like that on your own. Being with Ana, who constantly told and showed you how amazing she thought you were, had definitely helped bolster your confidence, but there were limits.
You were once again thinking about starting a conversation about moving in together while Ana and you were lying on your couch after a long day of training. The Swiss woman was in front of you, snuggled against your chest, your entangled hands resting on her stomach.
In the end you couldn’t go through with it though, just like always. You resigned yourself to wait for Ana to bring it up. Plus you didn’t want to complicate or possible even ruin a nice evening.
“I’m so glad I don’t have to go in tomorrow,” you sighed contently.
“Me too,” Ana agreed instantly, turning around to give you a soft kiss.
It went deeper than just the joy of having a day off for the both of you. Even after several months neither of you had really found your footing at your respective teams. At least it had gotten easier since you began talking about it together. It felt good to let out all of your emotions and complain about your situation without being scared to be judged for it.
It was in that moment that your phone buzzed and when you checked it you sighed again. This time out of unhappiness though. In an instant Ana sat up and turned around to you properly, a non nonsense expression on her face.
“Okay, what was that? This keeps happening, you checking your phone and then looking unhappy about it. Is someone bothering you? Mean comments? A stalker? Please talk to me,“ your girlfriend all but begged.
You hadn’t even realized that she had taken note of this happening. In your mind you had been subtle.
“It’s nothing really.“
Ana just raised her eyebrows, telling you with that one small gesture that she didn’t accept your answer. That she in fact thought this was something, something important even, if it was bothering you in any capacity.
“Just my parents, complaining I haven’t been around much lately,” you explained, not thinking much about it.
However, when Ana’s face fell and guilt spread across it, you recognized your mistake. Only now did you realize how this must have sounded to your girlfriend.
“Wait no, that came out wrong,” you scrambled to make this right, to put a smile back on your girlfriend’s face. You didn’t get far though before Ana interrupted you.
“Please don’t. You don’t have to lie, it’s fine. I’m sorry that I never thought about that. Now that I think about it, I realize that I have been monopolizing you a lot lately,” your girlfriend apologized, chuckling self-deprecating.
In that moment you hated yourself a little for making Ana doubt herself, for making her apologize for something that had made you so happy.
“No, no, no! Don’t apologize, tesoro, please. These last few months have been the best in my life and I’ve been so happy. And sure you’ve been monopolizing me, but only because I also wanted that. To be honest my parents aren’t the easiest,” you said, hoping that the Swiss woman could hear your sincerity.
You weren’t completely convinced that she did, still seeing some lingering doubt and guilt in her eyes, but the moment you uttered the last sentence, all of Ana’s focus shifted to that.
“Oh, I didn’t know. Do you want to talk about it?”Ana spotted your reluctance, so she continued, “You said yourself that talking about your emotions has been helpful.”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, leave it to the Swiss woman to beat you with your own words. She was right though. Still, this was different. This was definitely a case of you just being whiney and spoiled.
“Please?“ Your girlfriend pleaded and there was no way you could ever resist that face.
“Fine, but honestly it’s nothing bad at all, I’m just being ungrateful and apparently I love complaining about everything.”
You quickly moved on when you detected a fair amount of unhappiness about your words on your girlfriend’s face. She didn’t like it at all when you put yourself down. However, Ana also knew that you shouldn’t be stopped when you got into sharing mode, otherwise you would most likely withdraw again. Therefore the Swiss woman bit her lip and let you keep talking, vowing to bring this up again later.
“They just have a lot of expectations about who I should be and how a good daughter is supposed to act. Sometimes it feels like they don’t really care that much about me, but only about the person they want me to be. But that’s probably normal. I guess everyone has an image of how their kid will turn out. It just really sucks when you constantly feel like you’re not living up to the expectation.”
Once again Ana had to basically restrain herself from speaking her mind. This definitely wasn’t what she would describe as a normal relationship between parents and their kid. However, she sensed that you still had more to say, so she didn’t want to interrupt you.
“And the other thing is that it’s just me. You know I’m an only child, but also none of my aunts and uncles have children. Plus they all live here in Madrid too. So it’s just a whole lot of people from one generation against me. No wait, that sounds wrong, like we’re constantly fighting. We’re not, we just…” you trailed off, not even sure yourself what you were.
All you knew was that you never felt relaxed in the presence of your parents, aunts and uncles, that you always felt under scrutiny and every little thing you did or didn’t do was fair game for them to take apart and criticize viciously.
“But like I said, I shouldn’t be complaining. At least they care. I mean they’ve never missed a single one of my games,” you finished, happy with the way you managed to put a positive spin to this in the end.
Ana looked at you in confusion. “Really? I’ve never seen them at any of your games I’ve gone to,” she pointed out carefully.
“Oh yeah, I meant when I still played for Atlético. They’re all live long Atleti fans,” you clarified. “It was really hard for them when I had to transfer.”
Clearly the Swiss woman didn’t like this answer, her jaw was clenched tightly and anger burned in her eyes.
“That doesn’t sound very supportive! Honestly all of this doesn’t sound like a good family situation to me, but I know I personally can’t stand it if anyone other than me talks even remotely badly about my family, so I don’t want to overstep.”
You could tell that there was a lot more your girlfriend wanted to say and it was hard for her to hold her tongue. However, you appreciated that she did. You weren’t ready to get into a long conversation about this right now.
“I actually haven’t talked about my family to anyone before, so I don’t really know how I feel about that. But I also don’t really want to continue talking about them right now; I need some time to process first. Up until now I’ve been so convince that I was the problem and if I ever told anyone they would just laugh at me. I mean it’s not like they were ever abusive or anything.”
 In your mind you were still being overly dramatic and ridiculous, but the simple fact that Ana disagreed with that assessment, made you re-think your convictions.
“There is more than one way to hurt someone. And, Schatz, it’s clear as day that you’ve been hurt and people have severely damaged the image you have yourself.”
The gentle way in which Ana spoke to you, brought tears to your eyes. There is more than one way to hurt someone. You had never thought about it like this before.
“And it’s totally okay if you don’t feel up to talking about it right now. Just promise me that you won’t try to process everything all alone in your head! Talk to me once you’ve had some time to let it set, yeah?”
You smiled at that, your girlfriend really knew you too well. No, not too well, she knew you the perfect amount well. 
“I promise, I’ll try?” It came out more as a question than a statement. And in some way it was; a question if that offer was good enough. Of course you had no reason to worry.
“I guess I’ll take that. And in turn I promise that I will bother you about it again,” Ana retorted, winking at you.
You huffed in fake annoyance, but made sure to communicate that it was in fact exactly what you needed with a grateful smile and by closing the distance, that had been left between the two of you ever since your girlfriend had sat up.
Sharing your thoughts and feelings wasn’t something that came naturally to you, so you appreciated some gentle pushes. It made it easier to believe that Ana really wanted to hear what was going on inside your mess of a brain.
With this out of the way, you tugged on your girlfriend’s upper arm to get her back into your previous position. You wanted some more snuggles.
However, Ana didn’t follow your silent request, her body still a little tense and something clearly still on her mind. She was nibbling on her lips, having some sort of internal fight.
“What’s going on in that mind of yours?” You asked, placing a few kisses on your girlfriend’s shoulder. The soft contact made her relax visibly.
“Okay, so I’m just going to come out and say it, but I want you to know that there’s no pressure. And really it probably isn’t my place to bring this up. However, I also know that you tend to over think.”
“And you tend to ramble,” you quipped, hoping to soothe some of your girlfriend’s nervousness. It worked like a charm.
Ana chuckled, sounding much less stressed when she continued, “I’d be happy to come along to your parents whenever if you don’t want to miss out on any time together, but still want to go and see them.”
“Really? That would be amazing!” You replied. „And you were right; I never would have brought this up even though I have been thinking about it.”
One more time you pulled on Ana’s arms to get her to lay down with you again and this time your girlfriend relented without pause, snuggling into you.
“So should I tell them we’ll come over for lunch tomorrow and then we’ll say we are meeting friends at 3 or something, so we have a reason to leave,” you suggested.
Ana agreed easily, deciding to not ask why you felt the need to have other plans lined up, or well a lie prepared to be able to leave whenever you wanted. Without even meeting your family she already knew they were very different from her own. Also, you had asked for some time to figure stuff out, so she didn’t want to add another thing on top of it.
After your girlfriend had given her approval, you quickly texted your mother back, before putting your phone away and focusing on the moment instead. You gently stroked Ana’s arm, the rhythmic motion doing a lot to calm yourself down as well.
Normally this was the moment you would began to worry, think through every possible and impossible scenario that could occur the next day when Ana met your family, but with your girlfriend in your arms it was easy to put a stop to that and instead bask in the peaceful quietness.
However, the next day not even Ana’s usually almost magical presence did anything to help you relax. Seeing how nervous you were, your girlfriend insisted on driving, which left you with the job of giving directions. But with how preoccupied with your worries you were, you missed several turns.
“Schatz, do you just want to give me the address so I can put it into the GPS?” The Swiss woman proposed carefully, after you had gotten annoyed with yourself for missing a turn for the fifth time.
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m going to focus now. I’m sorry,” you apologized, trying to slow down the tornado of thoughts going round and round in your mind.
“Everything is going to be fine, just take a deep breath. We can always leave if you don’t feel comfortable.”
You only nodded tersely. It was sweet of Ana to try and calm you down, but she didn’t know your family like you did. You couldn’t just leave whenever you wanted, not if you didn’t want to risk a whole lot of guilt tripping and harsh words.
“Or we can just cancel?” Ana tried again, when she noticed her words had done absolutely nothing to soothe your nerves.
You chuckled humorlessly. That was even less of an option.
„No, it’s fine really. I’m just being dramatic again, don’t take me seriously.“
Ana frowned at your attempt to downplay things, but she decided to stop her futile attempts. She had to accept that words were not going to do anything for you right now. Instead she reached over and took your hand into hers, trying to communicate that no matter what happened she would be right there with you.
Although in reality that was part of the problem. By now you were seriously berating yourself for not thinking this through more. You had just decided one random evening to bring your girlfriend to your parents’ house, a first time occurrence since you had never been serious enough about someone before.
A little while later Ana parked the car in the spot you pointed out. And as soon as she didn’t need her hands to drive anymore, she reached over to awkwardly hug you over the center console. It helped to bring you back to your body from where you had been lost in your head.
“We can still leave,” you girlfriend offered, making sure you knew she was completely serious.
“No, it’s okay. Let’s just get this over with,” you sighed.
Only when you were walking towards your parents’ front door, did you remember to check in with Ana. You should have learnt from the past that just because the blonde often seemed so calm, didn’t mean that she always was.
You tugged on her hand to get her to stop, hoping your parents weren’t already keeping an eye out through the window for you.
“And how are you doing? I’m sorry I’ve been making this about me so much. Now that I think about it, I should probably be the one calming you down.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Schatz. Also, I can see that this is really hard for you, so I’m happy I can be there for you. And really I’m fine.”
Ana’s voice sounded sure and steady, but still you couldn’t accept that answer so easily.
“Look, I’m being completely honest, somehow it helps me stay calm when you’re anxious, like I have something else than my own thoughts and worries to focus on,” your girlfriend explained once she saw your doubtful face.
This you could believe, you felt the same when Ana was particularly stressed or emotional. You gave the blonde’s hand a good squeeze, not feeling comfortable enough to hug or even kiss her when your parents were possibly spying on you.
“Good, but tell me if things change, yeah? We can always leave if you want to.”
Ana nodded, touched at this offer. From what she could gather just leaving whenever you wanted wasn’t something you ever did, even if your family made you uncomfortable. So, the fact that you were willing to do so if Ana needed it meant a lot to her.
Walking to the front door you gave yourself an internal pep talk. Surely things wouldn’t be as bad as some of the scenarios circling through your mind. Your parents weren’t the easiest people, but they also weren’t bad or anything. Ana and you would spend a couple of hours with them and then leave again to enjoy the rest of your day off. You could do a few hours! That was nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Sadly, this time you were proven wrong. Things turned out to be as bad as you had pictured them. And it all started with the realization that not only your parents, but also all of your aunts and uncles were there.
Your first thought, once you noticed, was that you were now severely outnumbered. At this point you still had hope though and even chastised yourself for thinking about this in a ‘you versus them’ manner.
However, then it continued with your family basically treating Ana like she wasn’t there. They didn’t address her, they didn’t react to anything she said, they didn’t even look her way. It made you want to scream at your family, but when you glanced over at Ana to gauge how she was feeling, she smiled at you bravely, mouthing that she was fine and that you should stay calm.
You wondered if she was hoping things would turn around, that your family just needed a little time to adjust and warm up to her. Or maybe your girlfriend had already resigned herself to a few hours of suffering through the awkwardness because she didn’t want to do anything that might impact your relationship with your family. Both were very Ana things to do.
You reached the end of your patience though, when your mother started dropping passive aggressive remarks aimed at Ana. The second time she mentioned how heartbreaking it was when people just swooped in and ruined a family, without mentioning your girlfriend of course, but clearly talking about her, you jumped up from your chair.
“Can we talk in the kitchen?” You gritted out between your teeth, staring daggers at your mother.
She just looked at your father meaningfully, like she has done so often when you were a kid and were throwing a tantrum. You balled your fists in anger; you hated how easily they could make you feel like a child again. And not a happy, excited about life child, but a stupid, worthless child.
“What is it, niña?” Your mother asked you innocently when you entered the kitchen, making your blood boil even more. It felt like you were one wrong word away from having steam shoot out of your ears like in a cartoon.  
“You know exactly what I want to talk about,” you snapped.
Still feigning ignorance your mother looked at you in pretend confusion. “No, niña, I obviously don’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked. So can you just tell me, so we can go back. You’re being really rude right now.”
This was the final straw. You were going to tell your mother exactly what was wrong, in great detail and not quietly at all. However, before you got around to venting your anger, you heard a loud voice from the living room.
Without even sparing your mother a second glance, you rushed back there. The only thought on your mind was that you had to make sure Ana was okay. That was much more important than shouting at your mother, you could do that later.
The scene you walked into wasn’t pretty. Your uncle was standing, his face red and contorted into anger, while he was throwing a stream of angry words at your girlfriend. The rest of your family was nodding along in silent agreement.
Ana on the other hand was still seated, her hands balled into tights fist, just like yours had been seconds before, and her gaze fixed on the table. It made her look small and defeated, but one look at her stormy eyes was enough for you to recognize that she was actually doing her best to keep her temper in check. Despite everything she was still trying to keep peace, even if your family had been nothing but horrible towards her. It filled you with so much anger and disappointment.
You caught the last few words your uncle was yelling, before he snapped his mouth shut, the moment he noticed you. Clearly you weren’t supposed to hear this.
“Isn’t it enough that you stole my niece’s place in our team?! Now you’re also taking her away from us! But I’ll tell you right now, you will never be a part of this family!”
Anger was roaring through you at this point. So when you opened your mouth to defend your girlfriend, you didn’t hold back anything.
“No, let me tell you something! Right now I’m ashamed to call any of you my family. This is how you treat my partner, the woman I love? She isn’t taking me away from you, I just finally feel happy and accepted exactly the way that I am. And she definitely didn’t take away my spot at Atleti, we don’t even play the same position!”
With that you marched over to your girlfriend and took her hand to pull her up. Ana followed your guidance without resistance, holding on to your hand tightly.
“Come on, tesoro, we’re leaving,” you told her quietly.
“Wait what? You can’t do that, we’re your family,” your mother cried out.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Just because you’re my family doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want and I have to put up with it.”
And without listening to anything else you walked out of the front door, the warmth of Ana’s hand in yours giving you the courage to do so. In the past you would have given in to your mother’s pleading, you would have been intimidated by your father’s anger, but not this time. You had learnt that you deserved better, thanks to your girlfriend.
Swiftly you guided Ana to the passenger side, before getting into the driver seat yourself and pulling away in a hurry. You didn’t want to risk your family coming out to try and talk with you again. Your confidence was only so strong; you didn’t need to put it to any more tests.
You didn’t drive all the way home though; instead you found a quiet place to park. It was important to you to check in with Ana as soon as possible. After all, you were used to your family, but she wasn’t.
“Are you okay?” You both asked each other at the same time. It made you chuckle which diffused some of the loaded atmosphere in the car.
“You first,” you pleaded. You needed to know right now how your girlfriend was feeling.
Ana stayed silent for a moment, mulling her answer over. It had been a lot to take in and she wasn’t completely sure yet how she felt.
“I’m a bit overwhelmed I guess. You warned me about your family, but I didn’t expect this.”
“Honestly I didn’t either and I’m so so sorry for it,” you apologized, harshly rubbing away the tears filling your eyes.
Ana gently caught your hands and brought them to rest on her knees instead.
“Schatz, you have nothing to apologize for. Your family’s actions aren’t your fault, not ever!”
You took some deep breaths to avoid breaking down into tears completely, there was still so much more you wanted to say.
“I’m still sorry and I hope you know that I don’t share their beliefs at all.”
Your girlfriend looked at you searchingly. “Not even about me taking your spot a Atleti?” She asked quietly.
“No, of course not! Why would you ever think that? Wait, has anyone else said anything like that to you?”
How long had your girlfriend been worried about that? It had never even crossed your mind, so you had never thought to talk about it with her. But maybe she had been feeling like she had taken something from you all along.
“No, no, no one said anything. I just thought…I mean with the timing…So you really don’t feel like that?”
The hope in Ana’s voice hurt your heart. Now you knew without the shadow of a doubt that she had indeed been worrying about that, probably been feeling guilty since she met you, for absolutely no reason.
“Oh my gosh, no! I really never thought about it like that. Like I said we play on completely different positions. Plus I’m pretty sure that the decision to let me go was made weeks before Atleti ever signed you.”
Tears of relief began trickling down Ana’s cheek. She had been holding this inside for so long and now she finally had confirmation that she had worried needlessly. You gently wiped the tears away with your thumb, a complete antithesis to how unkindly you had gotten rid of your own tears.
“I wish you were as gentle with yourself as you are with me,” your girlfriend whispered, leaning into your soft touch, letting her eyes flutter shut for a moment.
You bit the inside of your cheek, frowning. “I’m working on it,” you offered.
“I know you are, Schatz. Now please tell me, how are you feeling?”
Ana fixed you with a serious gaze, making it clear that you weren’t going to satisfy her with any sort of generic reply. Therefore, just like she had done, you took a moment to tune into your feelings and gather your thoughts.
“Angry, disappointed, sad, guilty but mostly angry,” you listed, “I can’t believe they treated you like this!”
Just thinking about it made you mad all over again. How dare they! And sure maybe you were biased, thinking Ana was the most amazing person in the world. But then again you had yet to meet anyone that didn’t like the kind-hearted Swiss woman, so you weren’t alone in your assessment.
“You want to know the funny thing about all of this?” Your girlfriend asked.
Somehow you doubted that there was anything funny about this entire situation, still you motioned for Ana to continue. You were more than happy to get out of talking about yourself more.
“The thing that really makes me angry? The way they treated you and apparently have always treated you! I don’t care that much about what they said to me or how they ignored me, especially now that we cleared up the whole Atleti thing, but the way they treat you? Let’s just say I was very close to punching someone.”
Ana’s voice shook with anger, and suddenly you were glad you were the one sitting behind the wheel. Otherwise you wouldn’t have put it past her to turn around to actually give your family a piece of her mind. And as satisfying as that would be, you didn’t want to complicate this entire mess even more.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t. They probably would have pressed charges and I don’t want you to get into trouble because of me.”
Your girlfriend shook your head vehemently. “Because of them”, she corrected.
“Fine, because of them,” you relented, “But the most important thing is that it didn’t happen and you won’t have to deal with any legal matters.”
Once again Ana shook hed head, “No, the most important thing is that you recognize that you’re not responsible for your family’s actions.”
You swallowed a couple of times, trying to get rid of the lump that had formed in your throat. It continued to overwhelm you how much your girlfriend cared for you, how important it was to her that you healed from every bad thing that had ever happened to you.
“I’m going to work on that too,” you promised.
“And I’ll be right here by your side, helping you,” Ana vowed.
That was something you were never going to say no to. Everything seemed much less daunting with your girlfriend by your side. It was nice to know you had someone in your corner, and not just someone that pretended to be there for you, as long as you stayed in the corner they wanted you to be in.
“How about we go back to my place now and have a cozy afternoon after all of this craziness?” Your girlfriend suggested.
It was precisely what you wanted to do, still you couldn’t agree right away. Instead you chewed some more on the inside of your cheek, stuck in indecision.
“Or maybe I should go back and clear everything up right now?”
“It that what you want to do? If so, then definitely do it,“ Ana responded.
You didn’t even have to give it a single thought to come to the conclusion that it wasn’t what you wanted at all, but it was what you thought you should do.
Your silence was enough of an answer for Ana and somehow she guessed very accurately where your mind was at, “I get that you feel like you should figure this out right away. But, Schatz, I don’t think it’s something that will be easily resolved in an afternoon. So, I really think that putting it to rest for a little bit might be best. Or if you just want some time alone, I also totally understand that.”
“No!” You jumped in, “That’s the last thing I want. What I really want is to go home with you, have a nice cuddle session before cooking dinner together. But I just feel like I should try again. Am I a bad daughter if I don’t?”
You knew what you parents’ answer to that question would be. They had been telling you all your life that you were a bad daughter when you couldn’t meet their needs and obviously their need right now was for you to come and make things right.
However, Ana had slowly started to change the way you thought about yourself and your family, so you were curious what she had to say.
“Absolutely not! If my parents ever did something like that, I would expect them to come to me and beg for my forgiveness.”
“Except they never would do something like that in the first place,” you added the part your girlfriend had so graciously omitted in a vain attempt to spare your feelings.
“True. So can I take you home now and shower you with love?” Ana pleaded, unleashing her secret weapon on you, her pout.
“You know there’s no way I can say no when you look at me like that,” you groaned.
“Good,” Ana replied with a satisfied smile. “Do you want so switch so I can drive?”
You nodded, feeling too jittery to safely drive anything more than a few blocks. Ana and you both got out of the car and when you met in the middle, your girlfriend pulled you into a hug, swaying you softly from side to side.
“Just a little teaser for all the cuddles to come,” Ana joked after she let go of you.
You smiled at her brightly, glad that you had made the decision to go with what you wanted, instead of doing what you thought you should do. Going home to snuggle with your wonderful girlfriend sounded so much better than going back and dealing with you very frustrating family.
The next few days Ana was extra affectionate with you. To be honest it was surprising she could even step up her affection game since she was already very affectionate to begin with. However, you appreciated it and it helped soothe the fresh wounds your family had inflicted.
You got a lot of messages from them, although not a single one contained any sort of apology. There were a lot of, sadly very successful, attempts to make you feel guilty, and if it weren’t for Ana, you would have felt like the world’s worst daughter.
A little over a week after the initial fight you felt ready to try and sort everything out with your family. Ana offered to go with you, but you decided against it. Your girlfriend being there and potentially being disrespected again would only make you more emotional. And the one thing you needed was to keep your composure, if you wanted any chance at having a calm conversation about this.
In the end it didn’t matter though. Within minutes the conversation turned into a shouting match that resulted in you storming out of your parents’ house once again. You rushed home to fall into the waiting arms of your girlfriend.
“I just want this to be resolved,” you whined after the worst of your sobs had died down, “But there’s nothing I can do if they don’t even realize what the problem is. And I hate that so much! I hate not being able to do anything!”
Ana rubbed soothing circles on your back, humming in agreement. She very much felt the same; she hated that there was nothing she could do to make this all better for you right this moment. Having to accept that something sucked and you could do nothing to change it, was a bitter pill to swallow.
You cried for a long time that evening, and you cried a lot more in the next few weeks. Then slowly you began to accept this reality, resigning yourself to having no contact with your family for the moment. You only reached out once more, sending them a text with your thoughts and explaining that you wouldn’t come around anymore until there was a clear signal from their side, that they were prepared to work on themselves.
After that you ignored every other message they sent, even debating if you should block all of your family members, but you weren’t ready to go that far yet. They were still your family! Plus you had left the door open an inch, for the unlikely scenario that they wanted to work everything out, so you had to at least glance at their texts.
Ana wasn’t too happy with that decision because every message made you sad and worried that you were being selfish all over again. She even offered to read the messages for you, but seeing your girlfriend get upset on your behalf was even worse than reading the harsh words yourself.
Therefore every time you got one, you quickly scanned it, getting disappointed each and every time, and then deleted the message. Unfortunately getting rid of the words wasn’t as easy as getting rid of the texts; they played on a loop in your mind.
We did so much for you and now you just turn your back on us?
You’ll come running back to us, as soon as she dumps you!
How can you do this to us? Your mother can barely eat because she’s so upset.
We didn’t raise you to be so stupid and blind. I can’t believe you’re letting her manipulate you like this.
Why are you being so dramatic about a few words?
It all fell apart completely at the game between Real and Atlético. You had been dreading that match for a long time. Not only would you be playing against your girlfriend, but also against your former club.
Ana and you had talked about it beforehand and promised each other that there would be no hard feelings, no matter what team won. You were pretty confident that the two of you would be able to follow through on that promise, but the anxious part of you still fretted about it.
However, once you entered the pitch for warm up you were slapped in the face by a harsh surprise, making every other worry seem obsolete. Your entire family was there, clad in Atleti’s colors and loudly supporting your former team.
It wouldn’t have hurt quite so much if they would have been at any other Atlético game this season, but they hadn’t. So the only reason why they were doing this now, was to upset you.
And they succeeded. Forgetting all professionalism you turned around and ran back into the tunnels, chocking on the tears you were holding back until no one could see you anymore. You heard a few confused voices calling after you, but you couldn’t explain right now, you couldn’t talk.
You found a quiet corner where you slid down the wall and buried your face in your hands, your knees pulled closely to your chest. Your entire focus went to keeping your breath as normal as possible to avoid spiraling into a full blown panic attack. Therefore you didn’t even notice someone coming up to you until that person sat down next to you and gently pulled you against their side.
For a moment you went stiff, uncomfortable with the sudden closeness. But then you smelled Ana’s coconut shampoo and allowed yourself to melt into you girlfriend.
“Wait, you shouldn’t be here,” you exclaimed once Ana’s calming power had helped you feel less overwhelmed and think more clearly again.
“Of course I should be here, you’re my girlfriend. No way was I not going to check on you after that stunt they pulled,” Ana replied harshly, softening her tone when she noticed you tensing up, “You’re much more important than any possible repercussions this could have, Schatz.”
“I just want to go home,” you mumbled, hating how much you sounded like a little kid.
“You can if you want to. I’m sure your coach would understand and if not I’ll beat them up. I could even go with you! Or I can go out there, grab your family and throw them out of the stadium. I’d happily do that.”
The mental image of your girlfriend literally throwing your family out made you chuckle. Although you had no doubt that she would actually do it if you asked her to.
“Or you go out there, completely ignore your parents and play an amazing game. And afterwards we’ll go home and I’ll hold you all night long.”
You stayed safely tucked away in Ana’s arms for a little while longer, before extracting yourself with a sigh. There was only one option you could live with, even if it was the one that meant suffering for the next few hours.
Ana studied you with pain in her eyes. You didn’t need to lay out for her what you wanted to do, she knew without a single word. And while she understood, she also longed to take you home, far away from the harshness of real life.
“If you change your mind at any point, let me know, yeah?” Your girlfriend requested.
“And then what? We run away together in the middle of the game?” you joked, but Ana didn’t react to your attempt at humor, instead she nodded seriously
“Yes,” she confirmed.
You swallowed, fresh tears pricking in your eyes because of your girlfriend’s willingness to do an absolutely crazy thing, if it was what you needed. And just that knowledge was a huge help in getting through the game.
Not once did you look over at your family, telling yourself they weren’t there. Still, you knew, and it hurt. It felt like something had been stuck right through your heart, twisting and turning with every movement, inflicting pain over and over again.
You didn’t let it show, though.  There wasn’t a lot you could control when it came to your family, but you could at least decide how much or how little of your feelings they got to see. And they didn’t deserve to see any of them.
Because while you always felt horrible when you knew that you were the reason someone was hurting, you had to assume your family didn’t feel the same; that they might even get some satisfaction from knowing they upset you. Otherwise why would they have done this?
Throughout the entire game you functioned on autopilot, and you continued to do so until hours later when you stumbled into your girlfriend’s apartment. You had asked to go there instead of yours because absolutely nothing at Ana’s place reminded you of your family.
The moment you stepped through the front door, tears began running down your cheeks. Ana had been expecting this and pulled you towards her couch, cocooning you in her arms. She didn’t even attempt to say anything to make you feel better; there really wasn’t much she could say. She just let you get it all out.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Your girlfriend asked softly, after your tears had stopped and your breathing had been much more even for a while.
You shook your head, not trusting your voice to function right now. Not having to rely on words to communicate was one of your favorite things about your relationship with Ana.
“Okay, I’ll be here to listen whenever you feel ready,” Ana reminded you. “How about we block their numbers now?”
Again you shook your head and you could tell that your girlfriend didn’t agree with this decision, but she kept her tongue. She watched you like a hawk when you sat up and grabbed your phone.
“What are you doing?”
Ana did her best to keep her tone neutral, but internally she was anything but. She was of course curious, but mostly your girlfriend was worried that you had already convinced yourself again that this was somehow all your fault and were going to apologize to your family.
You simply showed Ana your phone, erasing all of her fears and replacing them with satisfaction and heartbreak. You had typed out a message to your family, stating that you would block them, and expected them to leave you alone until you were ready to talk with them again.
After you pressed sent, quickly so you couldn’t second guess yourself, you handed your phone to Ana.
“Now you can block them,” you instructed her, snuggling into your girlfriend again.
It didn’t necessarily feel good to cut all contact with your family for the moment, but it definitely felt right. However, lying all night long in your girlfriend’s arm definitely felt good, so much better than having another argument with your family that somehow always refused to see your side of things.
And being told that you were loved and that Ana was so proud of you, was also much better than being called childish, dramatic, ungrateful and whatever else your family came up with. Still, was it too much to ask to have a wonderful girlfriend and a loving family?
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Chiori and Yae with a reader that tries to slack off all the time
characters: Chiori / Yae Miko x gn!reader (separate)
a/n: Chiori is such an asshole and I absolutely adore her. She’s like if they gave Stannis Baratheon hair and a second sword.
(I wrote this like... 2 months ago and finally finished it. A total henry move to write 90% of smth and then let it rot in my WIP folder for months, if you ask me.)
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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While the two of you matched when it came to radiating calm energy, the way they came out in quite contrasting ways. Where the Seamstress worked hard at following her passions, you were easygoing, where she was direct and brutally honest, you were charming and always said what the other party wanted to hear. Where she was Chiori, you were you.
So when you once again found yourself in her Boutique, chatting away with customers and somehow managing to make them spend more than they had planned, only to up and vanish from one moment to the next, Chiori couldn’t help but feel like she had an inkling of an idea to as were she would find you.
“What are you doing here?”, Chiori’s voice suddenly rang out, waking you from your slumber as you slowly looked up at her, your eyes still half closed and yet still managing to make out the vexed look on her face.
“I was taking a small break. Do you need me for something, Chiori?” you asked in a completely innocent tone, an unwavering smile plastered on your face as she stared you down before signaling to the once locked door.
“And where did you get the keys for the room?”
“They were in the door, so I let myself in. Oh- Was I not supposed to go here?” You realized with widened eyes, glancing between her and the door before shooting her an apologetic smile.
“Yeah no, don’t do that again. The next time you want to take a nap, do it at home”, came her response almost immediately.
Putting the whole “sneaking off and going into a locked room to take a nap away from people” situation aside, what annoyed Chiori even more was how impossible to read you were. If she was sure you were lying to her, she’d have thrown you out long ago. Were you really clueless enough to let yourself into a room or were you simply playing dumb? 
“Ugh. If you want to stand around and do nothing, come with me. I’m in need of a model right now.”
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Yae Miko
While you were certainly far from being as lethargic as a certain ninja-girl loitering around the shrine every so often, you had your moments of supreme languidness. And while there were times she felt the urge to help you out by giving you a bit of motivation to get your day started, more often than not, Yae found herself amused by the lengths you took to go unnoticed by your superiors.
“Oh my, you look exhausted. You must have been working hard to get all of this paperwork finished. I do hope I’m not being a nuisance right now”, Yae observed as she entered the room, her voice both soft in nature while masking her mischievous intentions, letting herself into your office only to see you half-slumped over your desk with finished paperwork surrounding you.
That being said, Yae had no doubt it didn’t take you as long as your dramatic rendition of an exhausted warrior would suggest, considering the clever ways you found to make your work easier. So often had you inadvertently impressed her with your way of working that she wouldn’t put it past you to reinvent the wheel if it could shave off a few seconds from your work.
“No, I just now finished my work”, you were quick to soothe her worries, and yet by the way you rubbed your eyes awake, the Kitsune couldn’t help but doubt your words.
As expected, you had learned from your mistakes. The last time you were caught finishing early, you got a few sentences of praise and an extra load of work, the way your self-satisfied smile turned into one barely holding on as you tried to mask whatever emotions washed over you on the inside, being exactly the kind of subtle reactions she loved to watch people go through.
“You should know that you are truly a commendable employee. So, to reward you for your hard work, I should give you a promotion”, Yae spoke before shooting you a small smile as if to praise you, and yet by the time her words registered in your brain, your mouth was left hanging wide open.
“Thank you, but that’s really not necessary. I can think of a dozen people more suited than me-”
“You’re selling yourself short. I’m confident you’re more than qualified for the position”, Yae quickly cut you off, her expression unchanging as she slowly turned around. “Or… Is it that you do not want more work?” She added as her smile grew wider, barely hiding her enjoyment anymore.
“No… thank you”, you responded with a meek sigh, realizing the futility of fighting it.
Once you’d take a closer look at your new privileges and responsibilities, you’d surely realize that she made sure most of your new workload wouldn’t take nearly as long as your current one if handled in an intelligent manner, and yet, when she saw your current reaction, a part of her found herself hoping you wouldn’t realize anytime soon.
By the time Yae reached the door however, she found herself halting in her tracks, quietly humming to herself as she seemed to think about something before finally turning to face you once again.
“I do suppose you did work well today. Take the rest of the day off.”
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vinylfoxbooks · 2 days
June 7 - Welcome | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 994 Part 2
“I’m going on break, Reg.” Remus calls after he finishes wiping down the counter, “I’ll be out back.”
“Yeah, go smoke. You’ve been grumpy all day.” Regulus hums, putting the box that he was just sorting through on the ground by his feet so he remembers to shelf them later. Remus flips him off as he’s walking by to get to the back room, which makes Regulus roll his eyes, “You’re just proving my point.” And with that, the door to the back room closes and Regulus is left alone in the shop. 
It’s been a slow day so far -- what else would you expect from a small shop like theirs on a Wednesday of all days, especially since school is in session now so most of their regulars are going to be busier -- so Regulus isn’t shocked when only one person comes in seven minutes into Remus’ break. 
So Regulus takes this as ample time to grab the box he placed by his feet and start shelving the books inside. And just his luck, as he’s doing that, the bell over the door rings.
Regulus groans, picks up the box from where he’s got it on the floor after putting the last book in his hands on the shelf, and walks out of the shelves and towards the front desk, “Welcome.” He says to the patron that had just walked in, “What can I do for yo-” 
Holy shit.
Who is this man?
Tan skin with dorky glasses sitting over wide eyes. Tousled dark brown, almost black, hair that is falling absolutely everywhere in messy curls. He’s tall, with broad shoulders and a physique that is badly hidden by his satin red button up and a kind smile graces his face when he turns his warm gaze on Regulus.
“Hi, is Remus in right now?” The man asks, walking towards his desk, “I told him that I would run his cane.” He holds up his hand holding a cane -- Remus’ cane, “But I don’t see him.” “He’s on his break right now.” Regulus informs him, deciding that it’s his best option to turn his gaze onto something else before he says something he shouldn’t and setting the box on the counter in front of him, sorting the books inside into stacks, “Do you want me to give it to him for you so you can be on your way?”
The man shakes his head, “Nah, I don’t have anywhere to be today, so I’ll wait for him.” Then he leans forward, resting an elbow on the counter and his smile turns into something more of a smirk, “But I wanna know more about you? I didn’t know that Remus worked with such a beauty.”
“Well I’m glad Remus isn’t going around talking about my looks since he has a boyfriend.”
“I guess.” The man shrugs with one shoulder, “But I’ve been in here several times and I’ve never seen you here before, I’m James by the way.”
“Regulus.” Is all that Regulus feels like he can say. He was expecting someone that looks like that to be in a full-fledged relationship. But here this man is, leaning over a counter and flirting with Regulus. Then Regulus clears his throat and, still avoiding James’ eyes, “I don’t like to interact with people so I’m not usually at the counter.”
“Well you should be here more. I think everyone seeing your face when they walk in would really make their day.”
“You’re horrid at flirting.”
“And yet you’re blushing.” James remarks, smirking just a bit more and tilting his head. 
He opens his mouth to say something, but before he gets the chance, Remus walks out of the back room, “James, stop harassing Regulus.” 
James laughs and stands up properly, meeting Remus in the middle and handing him his cane, to which Remus looks at him with pure gratefulness, “If you had told me about him earlier, maybe I wouldn’t be coming on as strong.”
“I’m ninety percent sure that I’ve told you about him before. And so has Sirius, because that’s his brother.” 
James’ eyes go wide and he whips his head to Regulus, looking him up and down before humming, “I do see it. Well, either way.” Then he turns to Remus, checking his watch, “I should go. Lily asked me to pick up Harry for her.”
“Alright,” Remus shakes his head, “Stop flirting with my coworker and go get your son.” James laughs at him, swats his friend on the shoulder, and walks out of the shop with a called goodbye. 
As soon as Regulus can no longer see James through any of the glass in their store front, he leans towards his coworker in a way that’s almost conspiratorial, “Who was that?”
Remus laughs, “That’s Sirius’ best friend James. The person he moved in with when he moved out.”
Regulus balks, “That was James Potter? The guy that I’ve hated for years? Why didn’t you tell me he was exactly my type?” At that, Remus’ laughter turns into a full belly laugh and he leans against the counter, “Why would I know your type? I was specifically avoiding talking to you about him because I knew that you hated him.”
“Also, did you say that he has a son?”
“Yeah,” Remus says through his dying laughter. Eventually, he’s able to calm down enough to walk back over to the cafe counter, “He found this girl he really liked in school, married her almost as soon as they graduated, had a child with her, then they learned that both of them are gay so they split ways and now they co parent.”
“So I wouldn’t be breaking up a family if I started flirting with him?”
Remus snorts, “You might break up your family. I don’t imagine Sirius would be happy if you two started dating.”
“I don’t give a shit what Sirius thinks of my dating life.” Regulus rolls his eyes.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 days
Birthday Boy (Jujitsu Kaisen)
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Heyo! :D A very very belated but happy birthday to Yuji Itadori! Am I over 2 months late? Yes. Am I still gonna share this with y'all? Heck yeah >:3
This is also a gift for the ever amazing @rachi-roo! I've already shared this with her, but I wanted to share it with y'all as well cause who doesn't love Yuji Itadori? (Totally not because I'm running out of writing mojo and resorted to drafted fics heheheheheheeeee) I hope y'all like it! :3
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @mystwrites @chibisstuff @riisada @sp1racle
Summary: It's Yuji's birthday! Time to give the birthday boy as many tickles as he deserves!
Yuji woke up to blue eyes.
“GAH!” He yelped, falling as far back into his bed as possible. Gojo only grinned from his perch, clearly enjoying himself.
“Good morning, birthday boy~” He sang, tugging at the blanket hiding Yuji’s growing grin. “It’s time to get up- can’t spend your special day tucked in bed now, can we?”
“Is it an option?” Yuji asked, unable to fight down the giggles when Gojo’s eyes flashed, hands grabbing his sides through the sheet.
“I’m afraid not.”
The tickles came soon after, leaving Yuji yelping and giggling against his pillows. “Gohohohohojo shehehehehnsehehehehi! Agheahhahahahah hohohohld ohohohon! I ahhahahahven’t bruhuhuhushed my tehehehehehheheth yeehetet!”
“Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to do that.” The older man snickered, giving Yuji’s upper ribs a pinch just to hear him squeal. “This is just me making sure you’ll stay awake through it.”
“Gehahahahahhaha, buhuhuhut I ahhahahahm ahahahhawhhwhahahhahaake!”
“Are you now? Hmm…” Gojo momentarily paused, taking in his flushed cheeks and heaving form. “I can’t tell. Let me double check!”
His sides were still tingling as he walked into the dorm’s common space, finding Nobara playing on her phone. When her eyes caught his, she tossed it aside with a grin. “Happy birthday, you dork!”
“Oh thank you- whoa!” Yuji yelped when she practically leaped over the couch, hugging him tightly. This was new- Nobara wasn’t usually the type to throw herself in men’s arms.
Oh dear.
“Wait- wait not you twohohohoohohooho!” The realization came far too late as Nobara’s fingers began zooming up and down his sides from behind, scritching along the back of his ribcage. “Nohhoohbahahahra cohoohohohme ohohohohon! I wahahahasn’t rehahhahhahdy!”
“What’s that? You weren’t ready? Oh you poor thing!” Nobara cooed at him, nuzzling her face into his stomach and adding an additional tickle factor. “Is the birthday boy too ticklish for his own good? Huh? Is he?”
Yuji let out a wheeze of mirth, trying to step back and out of her range with little success. It was like a dance- no matter where he went, Nobara was attached to him like glue. “Aehahahahhahaah! Nohoho-Nohohohobahahahra, pleahahhahahse! Whahhaait, wahahhait stahhahap-AH!” His back hit the couch, sending them tumbling over it. “Tihiihihme ohohohout, tihihihme ouhuhuht!”
“Oh okay.” Nobara stopped as promised, only to yelp when Yuji suddenly twisted their positions, sending them tumbling to the carpet below. With her trapped under him, he reached out and..
“Boop!” He tapped her gently on the nose before running for the hills, her cries of his name chasing behind him as he ran.
Time had passed, his body was starting to ache. He’d been running on the track for the past hour and a half with seemingly no end in sight.
“Come on, Itadori- don’t slow down now!” Panda called to him when he passed, cheering him on. Inumaki called out rice ball ingredients, something Yuji assumed was an encouraging statement. He gave them a thumbs up as he went to finish his last lap.
“Uh oh- better run birthday boy!” Panda called out something new in his voice. Yuji’s had enough experience this morning to know what was coming. “She’ll get you if you slow down~”
“Who-AH!” Yuji squawked seeing Maki flying after him, running like a curse with a mission. Flailing, he tried to pick up speed and outrun her- something he normally could do with ease. Maybe he was tired, or maybe he wanted what was to come, but Yuji soon found himself tackled face first into the track, just barely saved from injury.
“Should have ran faster, birthday boy.” Maki growled in his ear. Seconds later, fingers were tickling his armpits, making him flail and squeal. “Now you get to face my wrath!”
“AHHAHAHA! Noohohohot thehehehhehehre! Cooohohohohme ohohooohon, thahahhat’s soohohooho cheehehehap!” Yuji cried through his giggles, kicking his feet and flailing his arms as he tried and failed to block out Maki’s skillful fingers. “Nohooohoht the pihihihihihits!”
“Oo, he’s so ticklish! Look at him, flailing like a toddler!” Panda laughed as he came over, Inumaki by his side. “Come on, Toge- shall we lend a hand?”
“Salmon.” With that simple word, Yuji’s tickles went from one set of hands to three. Inumaki sat on his legs, scribbling into his thighs and the backs of his knees while Panda wormed a fuzzy hand up his shirt, clawing at his lower back and parts of his belly. Maki switched gears, grabbing Yuji’s wrists and pinning them above his head while the boys went to work.
“EHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH! PAHHAHAHNDA! IIHIHIHIHNUMAHHAHHAKI! MAHHHAKI STAHHAHAHAP!” Yuji cried out, cheeks on fire and lungs starting to seize at the seemingly endless tickling. He felt like he was floating away, his soul leaving his body and hovering further up, up, up into the clouds and into the blinding sun.
“Mustard leaf.” Inumaki suddenly spoke up, making the pair pause. Yuji’s soul crash landed right back into his body, making him gasp for air through giggly hiccups.
“Yeah, you're right. Can’t kill him on his birthday- that’d be terrible.” Maki laughed as she ruffled Yuji’s hair, climbing off his back as the others moved away. Soon after a water bottle was placed by his face, one decorated with a panda.
“Thahahank you…” Yuji groaned softly as he took a massive gulp.
The sun was setting, and Yuji was feeling pretty good. The rest of his day after training with the second years was fairly calm. He spend a good hour just lounging in his room before Gojo busted in announcing they were going out. Soon after he found himself at the local arcade, battling Nobara in air hockey and flexing his dance dance revolution skills on Gojo and Megumi. They even ran into Todo who gave Yuji an oversized Takada shirt. “Only the best for my brother on his special day.” He said it with such pride Yuji couldn’t turn it down- even if he didn’t really know Takada that well.
At the dorms once more, he found himself standing in the common room, a layout of delicious things to eat and a massive cake before him as Gojo and Nobara sang off key happy birthdays. Maki, Panda and Inumaki sounded a bit better- and Yuji suspected Megumi was humming more than actually singing. It was so like him it made Yuji’s heart squeeze.
“What’d you wish for?” Megumi asked later, two slices of cake on their plates as they sat outside on the dorm’s roof, staring up at the stars. Down below, they could hear Panda and Nobara laughing over something, Maki putting away the leftovers from their dinner and Inumaki assisting Gojo in cleaning up. Their antics were like white noise to him; faded and comforting.
“If I tell you that, it won’t come true, will it?” Yuji grinned, snickering when Megumi rolled his eyes. “Thanks for celebrating with me today. I don’t think I’ve had this good of a birthday in a long time.”
“Huh? Wait, seriously?” Megumi sounded a bit shocked, turning to face the other. “What’d you do for all the birthdays before?”
“Stayed at home. Sometimes I went out, but most of the time I just kinda celebrated on my own.” Yuji shrugged as he took another bite of cake, thinking back. “Grandpa would celebrate with me when he could, but when his health caught up with him, he had to be hospitalized. He’d always tell me ‘Birthdays shouldn’t be celebrated with beeping machines and hospital food. Go celebrate with friends.’ I didn’t have the heart to tell him I didn’t have any to celebrate with.”
“Shit..” Megumi looked towards the skyline, unable to find words. Yuji felt a bit bad for dumping that on him so suddenly. “I’m sorry, Yuji.”
“Don’t be- today was great! Besides, those birthdays weren’t bad ones. They were just a bit..lonely, that’s all.” Finishing his cake, he put aside his plate as he leaned back on his hands. “Sorry- I killed the good vibes, didn’t I?”
“...” Megumi looked at him, then he put down his cake, turning to Yuji. “No, you’re fine. But I don’t think you should end the night feeling like this..”
“Huh? WHOA!” Yuji yelped when Megumi pushed him on his back, pinning him. “Should have guessed this was gonna hahahahppen.” Yuji was already laughing before Megumi began tickling, pinching along his hips and making the pink haired boy giggle. “Cahhaharefuuhuhl, I juhuhust ahahahte!”
“Don’t worry- I’ll stop before you feel sick.” Megumi let a rare smile pull on his lips as he carried on gently tickling Yuji, curling his fingers into not so ticklish spots just to keep him smiling. “Can’t have you bummed out on your birthday. It’s bad luck.”
“Ihihihit’s my paahharty, I’ll crihihiihy if I wahhahahan’t to!” Yuji giggled out, barely fighting off Megumi’s hands as they slowly worked up his ribs. “Yohoohohud crhihihiy tohohoho if ihihihit hahahapenened to yohohohoohu!”
“What happened? Oh- wait- that’s a song.” Megumi tsked as he tapped along Yuji’s belly, making him jerk and curl up. “You and your international playlist. I bet you have songs from every part of the world on there, don’t you?”
“Heheheheell yehhahahah! Whahahhanna hehahhar it soohohome tiihihime?”
“Sure. I’ll swing by and we can have a listening session. That’d be nice.” Megumi gently pushed him back as he pinched along the soft spots of Yuji’s skin, earning a squeaky string of laughter in return. “We can invite Nobara- get her in on it. She’ll bring pizza. I’ll get the drinks.”
“Soohoohounds like a plahahhahan! Agehahhhahahaha, ohoohhokay ohohohoaky!” Yuji cried out, catching Megumi’s hands and bringing them away from his stomach. “Thahaht’s enohohough.”
“Got it.” Megumi snorted before releasing Yuji, returning to his spot. With his cake regathered, he nibbled on a bite as he watched his friend curl up and wheeze, breathless with laughter. “You’ve got tickled all day, huh?”
“Yehahah…it was niiihce.” Yuji laughed, bringing himself to sit up. “Really nice. I had alot of fun today.”
“Good. Let’s make it a point to do this every year.” Megumi didn’t look at him when he said it, but Yuji could see how red his ears got, even beneath the dark sky.
“Yeah. Definitely.” Yuji laughed, his voice a bit thick as he fist bumped Megumi’s shoulder.
He was so happy he found them. His little sorcerer family.
Thanks for reading!
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mymindcreatedthis · 2 days
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Gaming (18+)
Sam Kerr x Tobin Heath x Reader
Word count: 2,757
Summary: Tobin, Reader and Sam do a gaming tournament. They are forced to strip down to their sports bras and boxers as the A/C in the hotel is broken. Reader gets distracted with the sight of Sam and Tobin in their sports bra’s and boxers, she can’t help herself and starts to get handsy and starts to distract them.
Warning: Smut, Teasing, Unprotected sex, 2 girls, blow job, throat pie, Creampies, rough sex, squirting, Both Sam and Tobin receiving, R Dom, Anal stuff
*Y/n's pov*
USWNT, Australia, England and Ireland are all staying in the same hotel. The girls from all the teams hang out when we have the day off. We all had the next 3 days off to get settled.
We've all been gaming out and going out and exploring the city. We are currently out and walking around in the city. I was walking in the back with Sam and Tobin.
"Have you played the new modern warfare?" Tobin asks Sam.
"Obviously, who hasn't." Sam says in her Australian accent.
"Oh yeah? How good are you?" Tobin asks.
"Pretty damn good." Sam says.
"Define good." Tobin says.
I laugh as Tobin and Sam turn into nerds and talk about the game and brag to each other about how good they are.
"I bet you are trash." Sam says.
"No, I'm sure you are the one who's trash." Tobin says.
"Okay okay, fine. Later on we are going back to my room and we are
Gonna settle this debate once and for all... 1v1." Sam says.
"Bring it on Kerr. You're going down." Tobin says.
"Yeah okay Heath. Let's see what you got, be prepared to lose." Sam says.
"They still haven't fixed the A/C yet." I randomly say directing the conversation to a new topic.
"No they haven't fixed it yet. We keep opening up the windows." Tobin says.
"So what have you guys been doing since the A/c is out?" I ask.
"We've just been wearing out sports bras and underwear." Sam says.
I nod, Sam nudges me. "Why don't you join us later? We can do a little tournament." Sam says.
I nod and smile. "Sure, I'm down to join you guys."
They both smile at me. We continue exploring the city, we decide to stop and get lunch. As we are eating we make small talk, I snap back to reality when I hear my name.
"What?" I ask.
"I have a question for you?" Alex Morgan asks.
I nod and gesture for her to continue and ask her question.
"Is it true?....." Alex leans in a bit and lowers her voice. "That you are intersex?" She whispers.
I blush darkly at the question. The girls look at me curious to know the answer. "U-Um yes, it's true."
"How big are you?" Kelly O'Hara asks.
"I don't know. I've never measure myself before." I say.
I'm quiet the rest of lunch. The girls try to include me on conversations but I let them know that I'm not interested with only one word answers.
We finish lunch and continue to explore the city. Tobin and Sam are walking in the back with me behind everyone.
"Hey I'm sorry about Kelly. Sometimes she blurts things out without thinking." Tobin says.
I nod, Sam nudges my arm. "Besides you have a dick.... So what?"
"That's what people don't understand. People hear that I have a dick and think that I'm transgender but I'm not. I'm intersex, I was born with a dick." I say speaking what's been known my mind.
I knew they had the thought of me being trans in the back of the mind and I felt that it had to be said to make sure they understand that I'm not.
"I think it's dope you have a dick." Sam says.
I smile. "Thanks."
Tobin leans in. "From the looks of it your bulge looks big."
I blush darkly. "Yeah I don't know how big I am but if I were to guess I'd say 10-12 inches."
"Fuck really?" Sam asks.
"Yeah." I reply.
We finish exploring the city and decide to head back to the hotel. We go inside, we head back to Sam's room. Sam gets her key card and steals her roommates key card.
*Sam's pov*
We get back to the hotel. I get Caitlin's key card, she gets the hint on what's about to happen and gives me her key card. She smiles and winks at me.
Me, Y/n and Tobin go up to my room. I unlock the door and we go inside. I take off my shoes and the other 2 do as well.
"Like I said we've just neem lounging around in our sports bras and underwear so if you get hot then yeah." I say.
They nod, I open the window to get a little bit of a breeze in the room. I turn on the Xbox and tv and grab the three controllers. Y/n and I lay on one bed and Tobin lays on the other bed.
I get the game started and start messing with the settings. We get to the main lobby and we begin to get hot cause of the weather and it was extremely hot in the room.
We take off our shorts and shirts and toss them to the side leaving us in our sports bras and Boxers.
We lay back down in the beds and begin playing the little tournament. Y/n wins the first game, the second game all three of us are tied. I kill them both and end up winning the second game.
Tobin and Y/n begin to get mad as we continue playing. I giggle at them getting frustrated. After 6 games Y/n gives up, she won 5 of the 6 and she stops playing.
*Y/n's pov*
I sit on the bed behind Sam, I couldn't help but stare at her ass. I bite my lip and rub my dick over my underwear as I continue to stare at Sam's ass. Sam was still playing against Tobin.
I smirk as I get an idea, I take off my boxers and toss them to the side. I stroke my throbbing dick, I get up off the bed and stand in front of Sam but off to the side so she can still see the screen.
I stroke my dick, Sam sees this and smirks. She takes my dick in her mouth, I moan as she slowly bobs her head not taking her eyes off the game.
"S-Shit." I moan. The tip of my dick hitting the back of her throat.
Tobin looks over at us and smirks when she sees what's going on. Her and Sam continue playing the game I moan and run my fingers through her hair as she continues to give me head.
After 5 more minutes, I tap Sam's head. I take my dick out of her mouth and walk over to Tobin. Tobin takes my dick in her and starts bobbing her head.
I moan in pleasure. Tobin hums against my dick and bobs her head a bit faster, after 5 more minutes of an amazing blow job I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"T-Toby baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in her mouth. Tobin chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth. She swallows my load, she sucks me dry getting the rest of my cum and swallows it. I moan and take my dick out of her mouth and go back over to Sam.
They were on their 7th game already, I sit on the bed behind Sam. I sit on the back of her legs and gently rub her ass, my boner pokes and rubs against her ass.
Sam moans and looks back at me. "Someone's excited."
I rub Sam from behind over her underwear, she moans as I do this.
"Fuck baby, you're so wet." I moan.
"A-All for you." Sam moans.
I slide Sam's boxers down her legs and tosses them to the side. I run my dick through her folds getting my dick wet. Sam moans as I do this.
I slowly slide my dick inside her. We both moan as her walls immediately clench around my dick.
"Ah so tight and warm." I moan.
I let Sam get use to my size. "Tell me when to move."
Sam takes a moment to adjust to my size. "M-Move."
I smirk, I spread her ass cheeks as I thrust in and out of her. "F-Fuck." I moan.
I pick up the pace. Sam moans and tries to focus on the game, as I fuck her. "Fuck, right there Y/n." Sam moans.
I hover over her, I put my hands on both sides of her and thrust into her fast and hard. Sam moans loudly as I thrust in and out of her harder and faster.
"Yes....Fill....Me.....Up." Sam moans.
Sam continues playing the game as I thrust in and out of her fast and hard. Sam screams my name.
"FUCK Y/N RIGHT THERE!" Sam shouts.
I go faster and harder. 5 more minutes go by and I feel my balls tighten. "S-Sam, I'm gonna cum."
"Me too, Don't stop." Sam moans.
Creampie #1:
After one last thrust I bust my load deep inside Sam. Sam moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of cum inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Sam ride out her high, I slowly pull out of Sam. My thick cum oozes out of her and oozes onto the bed.
I smirk, I walk over to Heath. I get in the bed behind her, I slide her boxers down her legs and toss them off to the side.
I rub my dick through Tobins folds, Sam's cum still on my dick. Tobin moans, I slide my dick inside her.
"Shit Toby, you're so tight and wet." I moan.
"I thought you felt big in my mouth. You feel even bigger deep inside me." Tobin moans.
I let her get used to my size. "Tell me when to move baby."
Tobin takes a moment to adjust to my size. "M-Move."
I thrust in and out of her slowly. Me and Tobin both moan as I move back and forth inside her.
"Faster." Tobin moans.
I go faster and faster. I moan in pleasure as I thrust in and out of her.
"Cum....inside....me." Tobin moans.
I go faster and hard. I moan as my balls slap against her skin as I continue fucking her fast and hard. Tobin and Sam continue playing the game.
I hover over Tobin, I put a hand on each side of her. I lift up a bit and pound into her faster and faster.
"F-Fuck, Y/n right there!" Tobin shouts.
I moan loudly and pound into her faster and faster. "S-Shit. T-There's gonna be so much cum you guys will need to take a P-Plan B." I moan.
"Fine by me." Sam giggles cutely.
"Fill me up with as much cum as you can." Tobin moans.
I moan loudly and go faster and harder as I continue to pound Tobins pussy. After 10 minutes I feel my balls tighten.
"F-Fuck I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Me too, don't stop." Tobin moans.
Creampie #2:
After a couple more thrusts I can't take it anymore. I bust my load deep inside her, Tobin moans and cums all over my dick.
I moan and help Tobin ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. My cum oozes out of Tobin and into the bed.
Sam and Tobin stop playing the game. Sam joins us on the bed that me and Tobin are on.
Sam lays on her back and lifts her legs above her head. Tobin sits behind her and holds Sam's legs. I slowly push my dick, both me and Sam moan.
I slowly thrust in and out of her. Tobin smirks and holds Sam's legs. I moan and continue to thrust in and out of Sam, Tobin leans down and makes out with Sam as I continue fucking her.
I moan and start rubbing my boobs as I thrust in and out of her faster. Sam moans loudly in pleasure.
"S-Shit, I'm gonna squirt." Sam moans.
I smirk and keep going. Sam squirts all over the bed, my dick and all ver my thighs. I keep going., as I pound into her harder and faster.
I start fucking her at an angle and hitting her g spot. Sam screams in pleasure, as I pound her pussy faster and harder.
After 15 more minutes I feel my balls tighten. "S-Shit I'm close."
"Me too." Sam moans.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. I moan and hold onto Sam moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of cum inside her and paint her walls white.
I moan and help Sam ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. Thick cum oozes out of her and drips down the edge of the bed and onto the floor.
Sam kisses me, I kiss back. Tobin and her switch places, Tobin lifts her legs. Sam helps her out and helps hold her legs above her head.
I rub my tip through Tobins folds and slide my dick inside Tobin. I moan as her walls clench around my length. We both moan in pleasure.
"Mm so tight and wet." I moan.
To slowly thrust in and out of her. I pick up the pace and go faster. Me and Tobin both moan. "F-Fuck." I moan.
My halls slap against Tobins skin as our moans fill the room. I moan loudly in pleasure, I go at an angle and pound her g spot.
"Fuck...fuck....fuck." Tobin squeaks out with each thrust. I moan loudly, I pick up the pace and go faster and faster. Tobins eyes rolling to the back of her head as I continue to fuck her brains out.
"Fuck I'm going to squirt." Tobin moans.
I go faster, Tobin squirts all over my dick, thighs and all over the sheets. I smirk, I moan and keep going.
After 20 minutes I feel my balls tighten. "Shit, I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Me too, I'm so fucking close." Tobin moans.
Creampie #4:
After 3 more thrusts I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside Tobin. Tobin moans and cums all over my dick. Me and Tobin moan as I shoot ropes of cum inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Tobin ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. Thick cum oozes out of Tobins pussy and oozes onto my dick, and onto the sheets and bed.
I smile and kiss Tobin. Tobin is a great kisser, Sam smiles. She grabs my hand and helps me stand up.
Sam and Tobin get in their knees Tobin smirks and spreads my ass cheeks and licks my ass. I gasp and moan, Sam licks my dick once I'm hard Sam takes my dick in her mouth.
Tobin eats my ass as Sam gives me head. I moan in pleasure and slowly thrust in and out of Sam's mouth.
"Ahhh F-Fuck." I moan.
Sam bobs her head up and down. Tobin continues eating my ass, I moan as I continue to thrust in and out of Sam's mouth as she gives me head.
After 10 minutes, I feel my balls tighten. "S-Shit I'm gonna cum."
Sam bobs her head up and down faster and faster. I moan as Sam gives me head and Tobin continues to eat my ass. I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in her mouth.
Sam chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth. Sam swallows my load and sucks me dry getting every last drop and swallowing it.
"F-Fuck." I moan in pleasure coming down from my high, the last of my cum oozing inside Sam's mouth.
Sam and Tobin stand back up and kiss me. I smile and kiss them back, I moan in the kiss as I taste myself on their lips.
"Fuck, you girls know how to fuck someone." I moan.
"You really know how to make a girl cum and squirt multiple times." They say.
We put our bras and boxers back on. We lay on Sam's bed, we cuddle and end up falling asleep as we turn on a random movie.
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arinzu · 15 hours
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My Headcannons for Yoichi Isagi, Rin itoshi and Alexis Ness💕
Might not be accurate
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Yoichi Isagi :
✿He took a photo once of his hair slick back and his fan went absolutely feral.
✿He time to time stalks Rin to observe what he does.
✿Isagi probably stares at the ceiling when he's about to sleep and think about all of the opportunities he missed.
✿If he played any other sports it would be chess, since his vision is great for mental games.
✿Tbh is he was a sin he would be greed/gluttony.
✿If he could ask anything from his parents, it would be to have a little sis.
✿Does skin, body and hair care every few days.
✿Swears in videos games often. Those little brats think they're so gOoD but once isagi finishes his puzzle he'll devour them
✿Tried to hit Kaiser in the head with the ball after a practice match, but Noel Noah was there
✿Gossips with kurona and hiori about kaiser and ness, It's perfect since kurona doesn't know what they're doing but hiori has a lot of dirt on them.
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Plays football w/ u and teaches you by beating you, not even to destroy your self esteem.
♡ such a sweetheart while you are on your menstrual cycle (if you're a girl)
♡ gossip about every teammate with you, like a whole book of players he wants to gossip to you about
♡ once you were sick, he drove to the local store at 2 am just for you. He's so sweet.
♡ Cooks very well like he'll cook food decently
♡ Not that toxic? Maybe that's probably up for debate
♡tells you about his problems like it's the national news to be discuss
♡ Has that romantic playlist he made just for you and him to enjoy.
♡Due to being in blue lock he hasn't texted you often so in return he tries to send gifts every month
♡ Calls you darling and sweetheart multiple times a day
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Rin itoshi
✿Drools in his sleep (Me too Rin)
✿I feel like he'll stand awkwardly in a party not even interacting with anyone
✿Is good at cleaning, not barou level but up there
✿Perfect grammar, also TOP at his English
✿Never uses any gen-z/alpha slangs or any type of slang infact
✿Dry ass texter...
✿Gets really weirded out by any of his THOSE fangirls/fanboys... Like wdym you wanna have the reproduction LIKE HE'S ONLY 16
✿Knows knife play at some point, don't ask him why (he doesn't know)
✿Artistic in secret... Like he'll paint the beach or anything that shows the happy times of him and sae
✿Gets nightmares of that day... (Pretty sure everyone has that headcannon by now)
Boyfriend Headcannons💤
♡Cuddles every time he gets a chance with you. That kinda prevents him from getting those dreams....
♡ even if he's not as romantic as the others, you guys still go on weekly dates and THEY are expensive or just casual date like movie date🫶
♡After getting traumatized by sae, he almost broke up with you, Thank goodness, that you manage to make him snap out of it.
♡ After getting convinced by your and his parents he went to couple counseling and saw his mistakes
♡One of his favorite things to do with you is Playing football, I mean two things he loves in one? Count him in!
♡ Bring extra clothes with him whenever you're around, just in case it gets cold and he doesn't need to give you his hoodie.
♡Does not have much of a soft spot for you BUT, his eyes sparkle whenever he sees you like the good old times
♡ Almost made you cry when you both were on a movie date, it was those scary ahh movies that you don't know what's coming next.
♡Has a separate Love notebook from his early days of middle school that he reads when he misses you.
♡Calls you lukewarm as a word of affection when he sees you
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Alexis ness
✿Would probably be in good terms with isagi if it didn't end like this
✿Has a mental breakdown every few days because of kaiser paying too much attention to isagi
✿Makes Kaiser a birthday cake every year and even bought him EXPENSIVE stuff from his hometown
✿Keeps the magician outfit he had when he was just a child, he cherish it like it's the most valuable thing in the whole universe
✿Would be friends w/ Charles if they interacted more, I mean like opposite friends, Ya'k
✿If richer than his awful siblings back home, if not then... It's because of the plot.
✿If he didn't met kaiser he'll probably be better than what he is now.
✿Has surprisingly good fashion taste, It's better than most blue lockers I can tell you
✿Has that changing color book lamp at the side of his bed he use when he's upset or just sad
✿He would like science if it weren't for the fact of his childhood
Boyfriend Headcannons 💕
♡Is actually quite the gentleman to you and your family members, since he a very toxic household
♡Always makes your favorite dish, if he doesn't know the recipes he'll find it by your guardian/ by how you like it.
♡Gives you a lot of gifts, I MEAN A LOT like everyday you'll find things that you enjoy at your doorstep
♡Due to being away from blue lock, he gets awfully jealous of the boys around you. Even if it's just a friend
♡Husband material frfr
♡ Punch a dude that was making you uncomfortable, and then ran with you to flee the scene.
♡Prefers the value of affection than the materialistic value of a gift you give him
♡ Loves being the small spoon but if you want, he can be the big spoon, anything for his precious angel.
♡Yandere tendency!!! Whether a girl or boy, he will get jealous if you spend more attention on them than him!
♡Call you angel or any kind of German words of affection, he will use it
That's it y'all💋
Thank you for reading this! It too me longer than expected!
So thank you for staying till the end even tho it was just 3 blue lock characters!
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ecto-gorper · 1 day
Topsy turvy request: poob x pest x reader polycule headcanons? 😈😈😈😈😈😈
-🦉 anon hoooooot
🎉 /🪲 Poob x Reader x Pest Polycule Headcanons
a/n: THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE ACTUALLY I love their dynamic especially with a READER??? omg… i actually have another request just like this one in my inbox so!!!!! 2 in 1 😎 i listened 2 zero by the smashing pumpkins the entire time i wrote this on LOOP it doesn’t even fit but i’m obsessed . Sorry had to input that
warnings: none guhhh
You, Poob, and Pest do EVERYTHING together. You’re rarely ever apart. Poob’s reasoning for this is, “If we can do it together, we totally should!!! :D,” and it applies to anything. If you’re brushing your teeth in the bathroom, Poob is in the shower singing, and Pest is just a few feet away, even if he looks visibly annoyed by it,,, It’s like having an angel and devil on your shoulder LOL
You get a LOT from these two- both with a different love language that sometimes clashes with the other’s. For you, though, it’s like Christmas every day. Poob loves giving gifts, so you often receive little trinkets or handcrafted presents!! Pest, on the other hand, shows their love through quality time and acts of service. Even if Pest seems a bit distant or doesn’t verbally express it, they wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but with you two :] Sometimes things you’ve been putting off are done within a day after you mention them to Pest, who loves the praise and affirmation he receives for it
Movie night? Oh God. It’s a mix between being disastrous or unusually calm. Poob and Pest rarely agree on a genre, leaving you to negotiate a compromise. Poob loves comedy, action, and sometimes animated films, while Pest prefers sci-fi and horror. Poob often can’t sit still or stay quiet through the entire movie, so you usually end up doing something else under Pest’s condition that you finish the movie later.
Poob loves to party, while Pest doesn't, and that most likely won’t change. Despite doing everything together, this is the one thing that sometimes separates you three. Poob goes out to party, and you can choose to join them and dance all night. If you stay with Pest though, you usually end up lounging around or, if you’re that type of person— engaging in some fun petty thievery!!! When Poob comes home from a night of nonstop partying, you two welcome them with open arms into your extra cozy, big bed.
You’re no longer sure whose clothes belong to who, given how often you and Poob have worn Pest’s sweater and hat—more times than you can count on your hands. You also wear some of Poob’s clothes, your faves being their Colorblock or dino hoodie, and in turn, they steal some of yours. but both of you prefer Pest’s wardrobe anyway since he has more comfy, baggy clothes. What does Pest think about this? He’s tired of it. YOU HAVE YOUR OWN CLOTHES WHY DON’T YOU JUST WEAR THEM‼️‼️‼️
Board games are a MUST... until Pest broods in the corner after being in first the entire game, only for you to get lucky and win. Pest doesn’t flip the board but instead stares into your soul with a blank expression. Poob, on the other hand, doesn’t mind losing and even finds it kinda funny. They’ll cheer you both on, even if they’re doing horribly or you set them back in the game. Pest please this relationship is worth more than a win in UNO 🙏
There’s really isn’t a boring moment with Pest and Poob around. Despite their differences, they’re both equally lovable, and they feel the same way about you. Even when there’s little disputes over the silliest of things, you guys always find a way to make it work!! Whether it’s arguing over what game to play or where to eat, your differences only keep things interesting and fun ^_^
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cloudwhisper23 · 12 hours
I'm too lazy to format, so if you want proper formatting on this, I've posted it on Ao3! This is a continuation from the last art trade I did with @pixlokita about their Werebunny Jeremy AU (we've decided to call it Cut Right Through Me)
Below the cut is the link to the story on Ao3, and the full part that I just completed! Fair warning, this is a pretty decent length, roughly 9k words. Enjoy!
“You’re mean, you know that?” Jeremy said irritably as he dropped into the passenger seat.
“I don’t care. He’s dangerous, Jeremy.”
“Dangerous, yet you apparently have been calling him,” Jeremy muttered, slouching in the chair.
“To find you! Speaking of, where were you this week?”
“Not home.” Ramona shot him a glare as she backed out of the driveway. “Which by the way, I went to your house. It’s an absolute mess. And you know how to get bloodstains out of things-“
“I was going to get to it.” Don’t mention Percy, please don’t remind me. Jeremy wished he was back in Michael’s house, still being interrogated for being there. It was much better than the absolute grilling he was getting from his sister.
“You’re lucky I helped clean up,” Ramona sniffed. “And you owe me for Percy’s vet bills, by the way. I know you’re a disaster on a regular basis, but whatever crisis you had will not get you out of your responsibilities mister.”
“Vet bills?” Jeremy echoed, flinching slightly when she mentioned Percy.
“Yeah, I had to take Percy to the vet. Some animal must’ve broken into your house after you ran off or something because he was hiding in your room scared out of his wits and covered in dried blood. He’ll be fine, but honestly. What could’ve been so important that you ran off and left Percy to fend for himself?”
“I didn’t know Percy survived,” Jeremy answered quietly.
“Well, you should’ve checked,” Ramona replied grimly. “He’s only still alive because I went to find you.”
“Yeah…” Jeremy pulled his shirt up over his head to bury the way his eyes were swimming. Everything was just too much for him right now. “Can you just- Can we go back to your house? I don’t think I can go home right now.”
“That’s where we’re headed,” Ramona answered gently. “I’m sorry to yell at you, Jer. I really am. I was just worried.”
“I know…” Jeremy rubbed his face into the soft fabric of the shirt. He wished he could’ve had a chance to apologize or make some kind of effort to befriend Michael before they’d abruptly left. “If it helps, I hardly remember anything from the last few days.”
“I noticed.” Ramona’s hands gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Hey, maybe we could go visit Becky for a bit. I know it’s been a while since I’ve seen her. I’m guessing you haven’t seen her lately either.”
“I can’t,” Jeremy said softly. He didn’t know when he’d transform again, and he couldn’t bear to have it happen around his family, not when he knew that Becky would dig straight for the cause of it, probably making him have to go through it longer than he wanted anyway. He wanted to have something for his friend to work with when he shared the problem.
Or maybe he wanted to handle something himself for once.
“Jer, are you sure? Not to push you or anything, but I’m probably going to head there at the end of the week. I was already planning the trip before you vanished, and now that you’re back-“
“I wouldn’t want to stop you from going,” Jeremy interrupted firmly. “I need to finish up some loose ends around here before I’d go. But if you could take Percy with you, I’d appreciate it.”
Maybe it would be best to just disappear. To be hunted and killed like the monster he was while Ramona was out of town. While she was safe.
“If you’re sure,” Ramona said, sounding hesitant still. “I’ll take Percy with me. I’m sure Becky misses him as much as he probably misses her.”
“Well, he is the son of her old dog. I’d be surprised if she didn’t miss him,” Jeremy answered, finally peeking out of his shirt.
“You’re such a big baby sometimes, Jeremy,” Ramona said softly, shaking his shoulder. “We’ll get you sorted out. Maybe find you a man to help you relieve your stress. You certainly need that-“
“Stop, stop. We’re not having this conversation-“
“If you just tried to have a relationship-“
“I thought you were all about not having a man to rely on for everything,” Jeremy countered.
“Well, I have different biases.”
“You only agreed because Becky said it first,” Jeremy accused, elbowing his sister.
“Hey, no assaulting the driver. Besides, I never said you have to rely on him for everything. Just… some things.”
“I’m less shallow than you,” Jeremy replied, huffing as he returned his gaze to the window.
“Oh, I doubt that. I saw the way you were eying up Michael. You wanted him,” Ramona teased.
“Oh, come on, I’m allowed to think a guy is hot, Mona! And he’s-“
“Just your type. Except I don’t think his personality is right for you. He’s too bitter, too grouchy. Not good enough for my little ball of sunshine.”
“I have four inches on you,” Jeremy argued.
“Not where it counts,” Ramona hummed in reply. “But seriously. I’m going to emphasize this, so pay attention. Don’t you dare go pining after Michael Afton.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes. “I think you already burned that bridge too badly to rebuild.”
“Good. But if there’s still a silver of doubt in your mind, I’m going to update you on everything once we get home. That man has a bloody history.”
“So you’re calling him some kind of monster?” Jeremy scoffed. “Come on, he called you right away when he found me, didn’t he?”
“How do we know it was right away? Maybe he drugs people for kicks and-“
“Just because I don’t remember the last few days does not mean I don’t remember last night. And nothing happened! We didn’t have sex, I promise you.”
“Mhm,” Ramona sounded unconvinced. “If you say so.”
“I’m never going to get you to believe me on any of this stuff, am I?” Jeremy groaned hiding his face as it burned. He shouldn’t be thinking of Michael in that context, especially now. “You’re so mean to me.”
“I love you too, Jeremy.”
Jeremy went to take a nap when he got to his sister’s apartment, crashing immediately on the couch. He needed to fix his sleep for work later that night anyway.
Ramona dragged him away from his nap to give him a bunch of information about the background of Fazbear Entertainment, and the whole reason she was suspicious of Michael. Clearly, she wasn’t done with their earlier conversation. She really doesn’t believe that I’ll leave it alone, Jeremy thought to himself as she dropped a bunch of newspaper clippings into his lap.
“He killed his little brother, Jeremy.”
“Allegedly.” Jeremy’s eyebrows furrowed as he skimmed the newspaper.
“And his father killed a bunch of kids back in 1985. At the same location you’ve been working at.”
“They never proved that,” Jeremy argued. He shoved the paper away, avoiding looking at the image of Evan Afton. The kid gave him an uneasy feeling.
“You can’t deny the evidence. Just because they weren’t convicted of murder doesn’t mean they didn’t kill anyone.”
That’s exactly what that’s supposed to mean, actually. Jeremy’s mouth thinned. He gave the newspapers back to his sister. “Okay, fine. Whatever.”
“Can I please just take a nap in peace?” Jeremy begged. “I don’t need this extra stuff.”
Jeremy was glad to be able to get away again later that day. He knew his sleep was skewed, and he’d probably be exhausted for work, but he didn’t care. That was one thing he could rely on to be consistent. They’d be fine so long as he clocked in on time and clocked out. And if the animatronics caught him off guard, so be it.
He’d missed enough shifts already, and even without his uniform, he’d be fine going into work. Who was going to see him anyway?
He clocked in early, fiddling with his flashlight as he started his patrol. It was considered dumb to do things like this, he knew, but he hadn’t had any issues with walking around during his shift yet. And even if he did, he doubted the animatronics could do much to him anyway, now that he remembered the incident with Toy Bonnie.
The only real question was whether or not that golden bear would come back to kick him out again, but since Jeremy had never seen the bear before that time, he guessed it was a very rare occurrence thing that only happened if an animatronic was hurt or damaged. Then why wouldn’t it be protecting Mangle?
Shaking the weird thought out of his head, Jeremy stepped into Parts and Service, hoping he’d see the glint of his keys somewhere on the floor. Fritz usually forgot to lock up, and Jeremy had taken up the habit of locking up behind him. Since he’d lost his keys the last time he’d been in for a shift, he figured they’d be around somewhere.
He found himself out of luck. Sighing, Jeremy checked that all the old animatronics were still on the floor. Bonnie was still around, and with a twinge of guilt, Jeremy spotted Toy Bonnie’s mangled remains tucked between Bonnie’s torso and his arm. Best not to think too hard about that, Jeremy told himself, turning the beam to the rest of the room.
The faintest rustling noise had Jeremy immediately back on his guard. He turned to see a locker door falling open, revealing a golden suit. His grip on his flashlight tightened as he stared at the golden rabbit costume. It didn’t seem to move much more.
Maybe it was something they used during the day shifts? They were short a Bonnie after all. Still, a golden variation seemed odd as it was on the complete opposite end of the color spectrum from the other two Bonnie models Jeremy had seen.
He was almost tempted to look closer it at, but he knew better than to mess with the animatronics. Especially after his run-in with Toy Bonnie. He did not want to stir up the crazy bear thing again, no thank you.
Shaking his head, Jeremy turned back toward the door. Then he hesitated. The red light on the security camera was blinking at him. Who was in the security office?
Deciding to forget the rest of his early patrol for now, Jeremy made his way back to the office to see a very grumpy Michael shining a flashlight down the hall at him, a small boy also looking at him from a perch on top of the desk.
“Uh… hi?” That’s not Scott, Jeremy’s mind supplied. The realization hit him a moment later as he recognized the boy from Ramona’s newspaper clippings. Evan Afton.
His eyes seemed almost hypnotizing as he glared at Jeremy. “Huh. So you did survive then. Fancy that.”
“I… thanks?” Jeremy finished making his way into the office, weary of the kid on the desk. “Do I know you?”
Evan snorted. “Don’t be stupid. No.”
“Oh. Okay?”
Michael made an impatient noise. “Jeremy, don’t just stand in the doorway like a lost animatronic. Sit down if you’re going to bother me.”
“Right. Sorry.” Jeremy hurriedly went to sit down in the rusty folding chair next to Michael. “How did you know I’d be here?”
“I didn’t. That chair has just been here every shift I’ve worked,” Michael answered, checking through the cameras. “I can’t believe you’re insane enough to do that though.”
“Do what?”
“Go into Parts and Service. Cassidy doesn’t like it when people come in there,” Evan supplied. “Nobody’s supposed to go in there at night.”
“It’s part of my patrol,” Jeremy said defensively.
“You’re insane for doing a patrol in the first place!” Michael exclaimed. “I thought you’d broken in or something, and I was going to handle it, but Evan said that’s Cassidy’s job. Which, you had to be testing her patience with how long you stuck around in there.”
“I feel like I should be worried.”
“You should be.” Evan assessed him as Michael went back to focusing on the cameras. “I thought the rabbit thing killed you, you know.”
“Should I know what you’re talking about?” Jeremy asked, uncomfortable as the ghost boy studied him. He made Jeremy exceedingly uneasy, and he couldn’t describe why.
A helpful thought decided to interject for a moment, thankfully making him feel a little bit safer. Michael couldn’t have killed his brother. Otherwise, why would they be working together like this?
“Yeah.” Evan tossed a crumpled hat into Jeremy’s lap. “This is yours, right?”
Startled, Jeremy scrambled to catch it, seeing the black stains spotting the rim and front of his hat. Because it was his hat, the one he’d been wearing the last time he transformed. Battered and covered in black oil and whatever that other fluid was, his hat was mostly still intact.
“Where did you get this?” Jeremy asked, smoothing it out to shove it back over his head.
Amused, Evan let out another scoff. “Do you even have a brain? I lost half mine, and I can still connect the dots.”
“His sister is much quicker than he is, that’s for sure,” Michael replied before Jeremy could sputter out a reply.
“You guys are mean.” Jeremy crossed his arms with a pout.
“If you’re going to be here, you can check the hallway and the left vent.” Michael tapped his flashlight, ignoring his words.
“Right, yeah okay.” Jeremy shone the beam of his flashlight down the hallway. “So, what? You’ve just been in the pizzeria the entire time?”
“Yeeep,” Evan answered, leaning across the desk to change the camera and wind the music box. “Most don’t usually live to see the sunrise after they’ve seen me though.”
“Lucky them,” Michael muttered, pulling the camera monitor out of his brother’s reach. “You’re insufferable.”
“And you’re a big grouch,” Evan retorted. He peered into the left vent. “Eugh, that stupid balloon kid is here. Scram!” His shout made whatever was in the vent squeal and scramble away.
Jeremy blinked. “So the animatronics are just scared of you?”
“Not all of them.” Evan answered with a meaningful look at the camera. “Just the insignificant ones.”
“Which translates to, all of them except the Puppet,” Michael added.
“I don’t scare Cassidy.”
“Cassidy’s not an animatronic, Evan.”
“I suppose that’s true.” Evan sighed. “She hates me.”
“I still doubt that.” Michael clicked to the Parts and Service camera, frowning. “You didn’t touch anything while you were back there, did you?”
“Not a thing. I was hoping to find my keys, but-“ Jeremy yelped as Evan tossed a set of keys at him. His flashlight crashed to the ground as he scrambled to catch them before they hit him. “Oh. Thanks, I guess?”
“You’re welcome.” Evan peered at the camera his brother was looking at. “You’re sure you didn’t touch anything?”
“I didn’t!” Jeremy protested, even as both brothers looked at him suspiciously. “I was tempted to touch the yellow rabbit guy when he fell out of that locker, but I didn’t, I promise.”
“Yellow rabbit?” Evan’s eyebrows scrunched. “I’ll be right back.”
Michael seemed worried too, his own mouth tightening into a thin line.
“What’s the deal with the… yellow rabbit?” Jeremy ventured to ask.
“Don’t worry about it I’m guessing you must not have seen him the night he was in here. Were you attacked by Toy Bonnie or something?”
“Uh, yeah.” Jeremy chuckled nervously, his spine prickling as he realized that they were probably talking about him. “But I can’t say I’ve seen any yellow rabbits before today.”
“Weird. Evan said he and Cassidy scared it off the last time.” Michael frowned deeper. “It crammed itself into a locker?”
“Well, I don’t know about that. But it was in a locker. I thought it was an animatronic though.”
“It is,” Michael supplied stiffly. “But it’s harmless. It shouldn’t be able to move at all.
“…” Jeremy opened his mouth to ask another question, but he didn’t know how to phrase it.
“Don’t worry about it, okay? Evan’s got it handled,” Michael replied sharply. “Just keep checking the vents.”
“Right, got it.” Jeremy retrieved his flashlight. “You seem to have a bad experience with it.”
“I guess you could say that,” Michael answered shortly. “And you really never saw it when Toy Bonnie attacked you?”
“Uh, nope. I remember working on my shift and then waking up naked in your house. That’s… about it…” Jeremy lied awkwardly.
“Hmm…” Michael didn’t seem too sure about that, but he let it go. “So you didn’t see the giant golden bunny in my house either?”
“Nope!” Jeremy scratched his neck nervously. “Do you think it was the same one Evan was worried about?”
“Can’t be,” Michael replied. “The one I saw was a literal rabbit. This one is animatronic. There’s no way those two are the same thing.”
“I suppose not.” Jeremy shrugged, regretting holding up this conversation. “You seem… less grouchy than earlier.”
Michael turned to Jeremy wearily. “I had a rough morning.”
“Yeah, no, I get that. I just… I wanted to apologize for my sister’s behavior this morning.” Jeremy cleared his throat. “And um. I was wondering if, like, there was a way to sort things out?”
“Oh, you mean about borrowing my clothes? Don’t even sweat it, I don’t need them back.” Michael returned his focus to his work.
“I know Ramona can be awful sometimes-“
“I don’t care about that, Jeremy.” Michael finally gave him proper eye contact, shooting a jolt up Jeremy’s spine. Damn, that was hot. “I don’t care that your sister thinks I’m a killer, or that she thinks my father is also a killer. I couldn’t care less, because she’s right.”
“Oh.” Jeremy shifted uncomfortably, surprised. “Who did you…?”
“Evan. My baby brother.” Michael turned away again, his voice leaving no room to continue the conversation. Jeremy struggled to find a way to resume it, but he couldn’t.
It was all too comforting when Evan reappeared to confirm that Jeremy hadn’t touched the suit.
“Cassidy can’t figure out why it would have moved,” Evan said, peering at the camera suspiciously. “Music box.”
“Stop telling me what to do,” Michael grumbled, but he wound the music box.
“Hey, so how did you die?” Jeremy asked, even though he knew the answer.
Evan raised a surprised eyebrow at him. “That’s such a brash question to ask a nine-year-old.”
“Yeah, but depending on how long you’ve been dead, technically you aren’t nine anymore.”
“Leave him alone,” Michael growled.
“You don’t need to coddle me, Mikey.” Evan rolled his eyes. “What year is it?”
“1987,” Jeremy supplied, pretending to be less afraid of the way Michael was glaring at him. He checked the hallway with his vent to try to divert attention. “It is November.”
“So I’ve been dead for like four years then. My dad killed me.”
“He did?” Jeremy raised an eyebrow at Michael, who scowled.
“He’s lying to you. I was the one who killed him.”
“The accident was an accident,” Evan argued. “You’re not a murderer, Mike.”
“I’m close enough to one,” he shot back.
“So wait, why would you say your father killed you?”
“Because he did.” Evan crossed his legs and peered at Jeremy. “I see why the others like you so much.”
“Uh, thanks?”
“You’re so…” Evan snapped his fingers, trying to think of the word. “Honest. Genuine. Something like that.”
“Candid, maybe?” Jeremy offered.
Michael made an irritated noise as Evan brightened. “That’s the word! Yeah, you’re just so candid and blunt about everything. It’s refreshing. No handholding or coddling.”
“I don’t coddle you more than you try to coddle me,” Michael grumbled.
“Anyway,” Evan shot a pointed look at his brother. “What actually happened was Mikey tried to play a prank on me regarding Fredbear. One of the animatronics of the original diner.” When Jeremy looked confused, Evan elaborated. “The first place wasn’t Freddy’s. Our father and Uncle Henry opened the business as Fredbear’s Family Diner. There were two original animatronics. Fredbear and Spring Bonnie.”
Michael made an impatient noise. “I stuck him in Fredbear’s mouth, and the bloody bear bit down on his head. It was my fault.”
“Your fault I was in the hospital, but not your fault I died,” Evan countered. “Michael was all about apologizing, promising to be a better brother if I just woke up. But when Father came to visit, he told me that this attention-seeking was ridiculous, that I should just open my eyes so the bad press would go away.”
Evan’s tone grew quieter, and even Michael paused, his expression softening. “He said that if I didn’t get up, I didn’t deserve to live. And then I was in the suit, with only Fredbear to keep me company.”
That’s the golden bear then, Jeremy thought. “So, your father is your killer?”
“Not just mine. All the missing kids too.” Evan shrugged. “We’d tear him to pieces if we could find him, but there’s only so many hours ghosts are awake.”
“Presumably only during this shift,” Michael added. “I don’t think Phil ever mentioned the haunted animatronics, and Ramona only mentioned rumors about them.”
Evan and Michael both didn’t seem very inclined to speak much after that. Michael did try to stop him when he went for his next patrol, but he didn’t care too much. The patrol was something he’d always done, and just because he was sharing a shift with someone in the office now didn’t mean he was going to stop doing it. It just gave him a longer time limit.
Maybe at some point he could ask about this mysterious ‘Cassidy’ that Evan kept mentioning. But for now, he checked corners and looked in the camera blind spots, knowing that most didn’t ever bother to check. Toy Freddy and Toy Chica didn’t seem too interested in leaving the stage tonight, which Jeremy was grateful for. The Puppet was sealed away, the music box wound tightly to keep the music playing.
And he remembered Evan’s words about Cassidy preferring to have people stay out of Parts and Service. Instead of entering the room, he just whispered at the door, “I’m trusting you to have everything handled in there Cassidy.”
A cold feeling enveloped him, and he shuddered as he walked away. It was weird to miss Mangle on a shift, but he supposed they wouldn’t come around while Evan was guarding the office. He checked the back door quickly to ensure it was locked and was glad to find that Michael had indeed locked it behind him.
“I wish I could complain about the job you’re doing here, but it seems to be fantastic,” Jeremy said with a sigh as he plopped back into his chair.
Michael raised an eyebrow at that, the constant frown relenting slightly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Got the door locked and everything. Better than Fritz does, anyway.”
“Door was already locked when I got here,” Michael said. “But I’ll take the compliment.”
Huh. Interesting. Jeremy was curious about Michael’s sense of humor though, so he poked a little more. “Of course, I can’t really give you all the credit, since it seems that Evan and Cassidy are the ones who are actually in charge around here. They just tolerate you.”
Evan snorted at that, covering his mouth as Michael’s expression returned to a scowl. “I don’t know that you can say you’ve been doing much either, Jeremy.”
“I’m not claiming to. But the animatronics like me, according to Evan, so I have a one-up on you.”
Michael shook his head, but he didn’t rise to the bait.
The rest of the night passed in somewhat stiff silence.
“See you tomorrow night, I guess. Fitzgerald.” Michael rose, offering a hand for Jeremy to shake.
“Same to you, dude.” Jeremy shook his hand cheerily, trying not to visibly wince as Michael crushed his hand in the shake. “Until next time, Afton-“
As soon as he started to say the last word, Michael shoved him back against the wall, covering his mouth. A thrill ran through Jeremy as pain shot up his back. He couldn’t help a startled whimper as Michael glared at him with icy blue eyes.
“Never call me that. Understand? Never.”
“I… I understand! Yep! Never going to call you that ever again, never ever!” Jeremy chirped back, knowing his enthusiasm was way more than the situation required.
“It’s Schmidt. Michael Schmidt.”
“Then… I’ll see you tonight, Schmidt.”
Michael rolled his eyes, pulling a stick of gum from his pocket to start chewing it before he walked out of the security office. Evan had disappeared somewhere around 5, so Jeremy remained to tidy up a tiny bit before walking out to his car.
Michael was still on the sidewalk, presumably going to walk home, and Jeremy did not accept that he was just going to be walking in the chilly air in only his work uniform. He drove alongside Michael, rolling down his window. “Need a ride home?”
“No.” Michael kept walking, not even glancing at the car. “I’m used to walking everywhere.”
“You could catch a cold!” Jeremy protested.
“Good thing I’m not the only one on shift then,” he shot back, blowing a bubble with his gum. “Go home, Fitzgerald.”
“Alright fine. But if you get sick, I’m going to say ‘I told you so.’”
“I’m so terrified of the threat,” Michael replied sarcastically. “Goodbye.”
Rude, Jeremy thought with mild annoyance. But this was progress from last time! Last time, Michael hadn’t had much to say except “fuck off,” so at least Jeremy got through it this time without that. And he’d also gotten information that Ramona hadn’t had, which meant she was wrong about Michael Afton.
“So ghosts are real?” Ramona pressed as Jeremy hung up the phone after receiving a call from his friend Sebastian.
He was so lucky Seb was willing to give him a discount, so lucky he was willing to do repairs without questioning things. Jeremy had already gotten rid of the couch and burned his old sheets. The last step to making the whole rabbit nightmare a forgotten memory was the torn flooring.
“Yeah. And Evan has a much better sense of humor than his brother.” Jeremy shot his sister a skeptical look. “You’re not surprised by anything else I said?”
“Like what? The kid forgiving his older brother? You said he was like nine?”
Jeremy didn’t know how to respond to that. She wasn’t wrong. But it didn’t feel like she was completely right either. “But-“
“Jer, you’re being dumb about all this. You need to think with your brain at least some of the time.”
“I am using my brain! I was asking all the questions I needed answers to.”
“Yeah? Then why are you still so blatantly defending Michael Afton?”
Because if he’s a monster, then so am I, Jeremy thought to himself, but he didn’t say it out loud. “Forget it.”
“No, it’s not worth arguing about. But Evan gave me back my keys.” Jeremy stood up moodily. “It was nice talking with you, Ramona, but I gotta get some sleep before tonight’s shift.”
“Jer, what’s bothering you? You know you can tell me about it, right?” Ramona pressed.
“I know. I just don’t feel like getting into it right now. That’s all. Have a good day, Mona.”
“You too, Jer.” Ramona hesitated for another moment. “I’m here for you, if you need anything.”
“I know.”
Ramona shot him a worried look as she got through the door, careful to avoid catching her pants on the splintered wood that Sebastian was going to replace.
After his sister left, Jeremy stripped, unsure of what triggered him to turn into the rabbit. He didn’t want to ruin clothes that didn’t belong to him though, so he wasn’t taking chances as he went to rest properly for the first time in ages.
Michael let himself back into his house with a heavy sigh. That shift had been long. He undid his tie, ignoring the impatient meowing at his feet while he changed out of his work clothes. “Give me some time, Logan.”
Logan meowed again, pawing at his empty bowl.
“One second, Logan.” Michael pulled a new shirt over his head before giving the cat a scratch behind his ear. “I��ll get that bowl filled in no time.”
After feeding Logan, Michael was tempted to go out and look for the bunny again. Surely it couldn’t have gone far, right? Even if it had been gone for a day, maybe it was just hungry and hunting. Maybe it had tried to return while Michael was gone and couldn’t get back in. Maybe-
You’re overthinking this. God, you are such a freak Michael. Michael shook his head, walking toward the place where he’d last seen the rabbit. Maybe the dumpster was its home?
His hopefulness diminished as he approached the dumpster. He couldn’t see any sign of it anyway. Shoulders slumping, he prepared to walk back, so he could let Logan have his own walk.
A soft thumb behind him made him hesitate though. Michael turned, excitement growing as he saw the giant shape of the golden rabbit who’d appeared very suddenly. “There you are!” Michael exclaimed, beaming as he reached out for the bunny.
His new friend nuzzled into his hand immediately, rubbing its fluffy face against his hand. “I missed you buddy,” Michael whispered into the overwhelmingly soft fur.
A soft rumble in the bunny’s throat soothed him, making all the irritation and torment from the last day completely vanishing. “You can’t just disappear on me, you know,” Michael said, trying for a scolding tone.
The bunny thumped his back foot as a reply.
“What? Are you going to say you didn’t miss me? Because I think you’d be lying.”
The bunny nosed at his neck. A soft, wet feeling made Michael’s neck prickle in the cold.
“Is that a way of saying you did miss me?” Michael asked, scratching up behind the rabbit’s ear.
He stumbled a bit as the rabbit rocked forward, knocking him off-balance a little bit. The rabbit kept nuzzling him until he was completely knocked to the ground. Startled, he didn’t even attempt to get up before he was completely enveloped in soft, warm, golden fur.
“Hey, hang on a sec-“ Michael tried to protest before the bunny squished its head down over his, keeping him even more safely enveloped in warmth. “I need to let Logan out for a bit! You’re going to make it so a poor little kitty can’t stretch his legs, is that what you want?”
A grumbling noise resonated in the back of the bunny’s throat, but it let Michael get to his feet. “Thank you.”
Michael walked back, knowing that the bunny was going to follow him back this time. He didn’t even need to stress about it. Michael grabbed his mail from the box on his way back into the house, tossing the pile onto his table before shaking the harness to get Logan to come running.
“Time for your walk, you crazy cat,” Michael said, pretending to ignore the rabbit who’d opted to lurk on the front lawn instead of coming in this time. Maybe it likes to be free to roam, he thought to himself.
Logan was happy enough to take his walk, purring as they returned. Shortly after Michael walked through the door and started undoing Logan’s harness, the rabbit wriggled into the house, looming behind Michael.
After he’d shut the door, Michael let out a big yawn, rubbing his eyes briefly. Gotta check the mail first, he scolded himself as he yawned again.
Glancing at the top of the stack, Michael felt himself pale. It was another letter from his father, this time marked as urgent. He hadn’t even opened the last one, and now he was getting another? Michael was just grateful his father didn’t know his phone number, but then actual horror struck him. He could just come to my house.
Michael twitched, grabbing the letter so tightly the edges crinkled. With a solid grip, he ripped the envelope and the contents in half. The rabbit flinched, clearly not expecting such a violent action. Logan was unaffected, as usual.
He tossed the torn remains into his trash bin and stalked to his bedroom, trying so hard not to start trembling or crying. The bunny nudged the door open and sniffed at the edge of his bed. Michael patted the side of his bed, giving it permission to jump up. The bunny took the permission easily, pressing comforting warmth into Michael’s back as tears leaked from the corners of his eyes.
“Why can’t he just leave me alone?” Michael sobbed quietly. “It’s bad enough knowing that I did something monstrous, but he does it on purpose. I bet he’s out there doing it to some other poor kids now, and I’m just not strong enough to stand up to him.”
The bunny rumbled out a growl at the blame Michael placed on himself, but it still soothed his pain with soft fur. He rolled over and buried his face properly into the fur, his fingers tangling into the strands. So soft, he thought to himself, tears dampening the fur of the bunny’s chest.
Not that it seemed to mind, pulling Michael closer as he started drifting off to sleep. “I just don’t get it…” Michael trailed off, finally relaxing enough to let go of consciousness.
Jeremy woke up with his arms wrapped around a sleeping Michael. Why am I not surprised? he thought to himself, carefully untangling himself from his sleeping coworker. He’d kill me if he knew I was here.
Unease sank into Jeremy as he realized he was yet again left to try to sneak out without clothing. But at least he was in Michael’s room this time, and he could just grab clothes without getting caught.
His foot hit something soft and warm, and a disgruntled meow made Jeremy realize the cat was also here. Oh shit. Directing a glare at the cat, Jeremy climbed out of the bed without causing the cat or Michael to wake up completely. The black cat nestled back into his paws, purring loudly as Jeremy snuck a new pair of clothing out of Michael’s drawer.
He left quickly, pushing open a window and crawling out of it, ignoring the pain that shot through his feet as he landed on rocks. Jeremy glanced around before hurrying toward his house, memorizing the address as he left the place.
He felt bad for ditching, but he also knew he could not just stay after all that. Not after how upset Michael had seemed the first time. Until he could control when he turned into a rabbit and maybe stay as a rabbit when around Michael, then he wasn’t taking any chances.
Back home, Jeremy slipped socks onto his feet and glanced at the time. He had plenty of time to spare before work, but he still couldn’t help but feel a bit antsy. I’m not supposed to know where he lives, Jeremy thought glumly.
The phone ringing pulled Jeremy away from spiraling in his obsession. Maybe Ramona was right about all that stuff anyway. “Hello? Jeremy Fitzgerald here.”
“Jeremy! What a pleasant surprise to hear your voice. No offense, but we all thought you were dead!”
“Yeah, that’s what Michael told me,” Jeremy chuckled nervously, wondering why Lloyd was calling him.
“Hey, you’re not too opposed to just sharing that shift with him, right? I mean, I know you said you absolutely did not want to have to deal with kids, and I completely understand. Michael had the same qualms about the shift, but this is the only shift where no one is stuck hanging around children. But you’re all good with that? You’re fine sharing the workload? It's probably better anyway, having two people check on the place during those hours. Keeps the place safer- I mean, more secure!” Lloyd blabbed on, talking so fast Jeremy could barely keep up with what he was saying.
“I’m okay with it. Is he?” Jeremy leaned back against the wall, a finger hooked absently into the phone cord. An excuse to spend more time with Michael? No way was he turning that down.
“Oh! Yeah, uh, he actually seemed more than happy to have someone else there. I guess he doesn’t have the same familiarity you have with the job yet. He’s probably a bit jittery about the atmosphere. You know, he’s never had a nighttime security job before, actually.”
“Lloyd, is that all you needed from me, or is there something else?”
“Oh, that’s it. Uh, except one thing. We found a bunch of the torn remains of your uniform. Did you want a new one? I’m guessing that you’ve been using the spare, but you should really have more than one.”
“By that logic, I should have at least three,” Jeremy pointed out. “In case one is misplaced or ruined, or another incident like the other night happens.”
“Can I ask what happened?”
“Toy Bonnie came after me. I don’t really remember what happened after that,” Jeremy replied swiftly. “I don’t need to fill out an incident report or anything do I? I mean, as far as I’m aware, no one got hurt.”
“Nobody was hurt in the incident. We didn’t actually know that until just now actually.” Lloyd laughed nervously. “No, we don’t need anything from you, don’t worry! It just would’ve helped us if you’d remembered something about Toy Bonnie attacking, or maybe Fritz coming in-“
“I don’t know anything about that, sorry.” Jeremy cleared his throat awkwardly. “But I can be in in a couple minutes if you have extra uniforms ready.”
“Oh! Yeah, I can totally do that. Yeah, if you come in before 6, I can totally get you set up with some new uniforms.”
“Great, I’ll see you at 5 then.”
Jeremy hung up the phone feeling more awkward than ever before. At least he’d have a uniform again.
When he saw Michael at the next shift, he set out by tipping his hat at the other man. No response. Evan seemed a bit distracted today as well, somewhat of a frown crossing his face.
Jeremy sat down awkwardly in his chair, remembering Lloyd’s words from earlier. If he had to guess, maybe Michael had been relieved to have an excuse to make sure Jeremy wasn’t in any danger after all the personal risks he took at work.
“I’m going to do a patrol,” he announced abruptly, picking up his flashlight.
“Don’t die,” Evan said, peering over Michael’s shoulder.
“Right…” Jeremy looked at Michael hopefully, but the other man gave him no indication that he was going to say anything in reply.
The night was somewhat quiet. It was weird having the toy animatronics remaining onstage every night, and Jeremy almost wished they’d move so he could at least know that Toy Bonnie hadn’t been a fluke. Even Mangle hadn’t sought him out since he’d turned, presumably too afraid of him now to approach.
It made sense, considering how Percy was taking the exact same approach with him, but it still stung to know that his dog and his favorite animatronic no longer seemed to see him as a safe person. Even Evan didn’t trust him in that form, if Jeremy’s memory served correctly.
Nobody saw him as more than a monster aside from Michael. Was that why he was so magnetized to the other man? Physical attributes aside, Michael seemed well-guarded, not trusting other people. But he seemed to have a secret affection for animals. Even with the amount he swore at his cat, he seemed to love the cat enough to care for it when he was not in the mood to care for the poor thing.
Sighing, Jeremy started to head back toward the cold atmosphere of the main office. He stopped upon hearing what sounded like sobbing coming from Parts and Service.
“Hey, everything okay in there?” Jeremy asked, hoping for a gentle tone.
“No!” The door flew open, nearly hitting Jeremy in the face, and he couldn’t help but flinch at the small girl glowering at him with thick black tear streaks running down her face. “He’s come back, and I can’t stop him!”
“Who came back?” Jeremy asked, crouching down to her level. “Sorry for asking, but I seem to be a bit out of the loop.”
“You take things more seriously than most,” she huffed. Then she blinked at him. “Wait, you’re that security guard guy. We all thought you died!”
“That seems to be the common consensus,” Jeremy sighed. “But who came back? Clearly he’s no one good if you are unhappy about it.”
“No. He killed me, and he’s gonna kill more kids.”
“Oh.” A prickle of fear made Jeremy tremble a bit at that. “When did he come back?”
“Not too long ago. We didn’t notice the changes in his suit, but-“ she glanced at the darkened area for a moment. “Here, I’ll just show you.”
Cold fingers wrapped around Jeremy’s wrist, and he was startled to discover that apparently ghosts could in fact touch people.
“So, originally, he was in that locker there, right?” the girl gestured at the locker Jeremy had originally spotted the animatronic at.
“Well, he’s not anymore. Now he’s on the floor over here,” Cassidy pointed directly at where the golden bunny suit was slumped next to the old Freddy model.
“Oh. And this suit’s not possessed right? Nobody should be moving it?”
“No one should be moving it. Employees can get fired for touching it, much less moving it. And I haven’t seen it move on its own.”
“Ghosts can only do things at this time of night…” Jeremy trailed off thoughtfully. “You think it’s the same guy who killed you?”
“I know it is. I had to ask a bunch of times to get anywhere with Evan. That kid is so tight-lipped, I swear.” The girl shook her head. “But apparently, this suit here can only be activated by a key. One person had that key.”
“Your killer.”
“William Afton,” she confirmed. “At least, that’s what Evan says, but he’s been wrong about so much lately, that I’m just worried he’s wrong about that too.”
“Did you try asking Michael?”
“Evan doesn’t think I should talk to the security guards.” The girl shrugged. “He thinks I’ll just kill you guys. But I’m not that murderous. I still have a brain, unlike some people.”
“So you must be Cassidy?”
“Yep.” Cassidy sighed. “I mean, I don’t want to complain because it makes sense that Evan wants to spend time with his brother, but I miss being able to roam the pizzeria freely. Ever since Toy Bonnie got dinged, I’ve been checking in here to make sure Spring Bonnie hasn’t been used. I think we scared him off pretty well though.”
“Spring Bonnie…?”
“The yellow rabbit suit,” Cassidy pointed, rolling her eyes. “Oh! One more thing. I know you’re like, nocturnal or whatever like we are. But you can actually wake up during the day. Could you like, keep an eye out for someone wearing the suit?”
“I mean, I suppose. Did Evan bring that up to Michael?”
“I doubt it. He hates the idea of getting you guys involved.” Cassidy wrinkled her nose. “Something about trying not to cause more deaths than necessary, but he’s not going to kill an adult out in the open like that. I think it’s fine.”
“Huh. Okay. I mean, I can try…”
“Whatever works.” Cassidy seemed satisfied, finally noticing the red light on in the camera. “Oh! Say cheese!”
“That’s a live feed, Cassidy. It’s not a picture camera.”
“You’re no fun.” Cassidy stuck her tongue out at him. “Bye bye for now. I’ll expect results later.”
“I hope I’ll have results for you.”
“That’s the spirit!” Cassidy said cheerfully before disappearing.
Resigning himself to the blinking light of the security camera, Jeremy went back to the office. If he hadn’t been sure before, Evan’s scowl told him plenty about what he needed to know.
“What were you thinking?” Evan hissed, his eyes so dark there was absolutely no color aside from the darkest of dark pits.
“She could’ve killed you!”
“She dragged me in there!” Jeremy said in protest.
“Did she now? Maybe she’s just lonely because she lost her best friend.” Michael shot a pointed look at his brother.
“Cassidy can’t stand me,” Evan scoffed, but he let up on Jeremy a little bit. “What did she want?”
“Help with her little investigation into Spring Bonnie.” Jeremy dropped into his chair and peered at the camera monitor in Michael’s hands. “Still no animatronic movement, huh? Almost like they were told to stay put.”
He raised an eyebrow at Evan. The kid rolled his eyes, the frown not relenting. “Toys aren’t our thing. We watch over the others.”
“So the toys not moving is also suspicious behavior?” Jeremy asked. “Hey, not to be dumb or anything, but how much did your dad work with the animatronics?”
“He helped create them, so a pretty significant amount,” Michael answered. “Evan, I just think you should make up with her.”
“There’s nothing to make up! She doesn’t want anything to do with me, and that’s fine. I’ll stay out of her space, and she can take care of the others!”
“She said you told her to stay in Parts and Service,” Jeremy said.
“You’re going to believe her over me? Mikey, you can’t believe this, surely!”
“I mean, I don’t know what to believe. I’ve never spoken to Cassidy before, and if its your word or Jeremy’s, then I’ll take your word for it. But I do still think you should try to resolve this conflict you have with her-“
“Think what you want then! I don’t care!” Evan’s eyes flashed before he abruptly vanished.
Jeremy sat in stunned silence as Michael just continued checking things. “Well that was…”
“He’s just pouting. We’ve had this argument before, don’t worry.” Michael didn’t glance over at Jeremy as he talked. “So, Cassidy let you off with a warning or something I’m guessing?”
“I already said she dragged me in. She wants me to go in during the day and look out for a guy in a rabbit costume.”
“That could only be one person, you know,” Michael said grimly, sitting back to start giving Jeremy his attention. “My father only made one key for that suit.”
“Cassidy said that. She also seems a bit weary of taking information from Evan since he seems a little…”
“Mixed up?” Michael shrugged. “Yeah, don’t put too much stock in what he says. I don’t think he fully knows where he’s at.”
“That’s fair, I guess…” Jeremy wasn’t fully appreciative of that response. “So, you still think your dad killed those kids?”
“Without a doubt. He was always a bit more bitter when he had to deal with them, and if the other kids say it was the golden bunny man, then who am I to say they’re wrong? It makes sense.” Michael shook his head. “I still don’t understand what kind of monster could willingly decide that kids couldn’t get to live their lives though.”
“A kind that’s actually a monster as opposed to someone who thinks of himself as one?” Jeremy offered.
Michael turned his gaze on Jeremy lazily. “I know what you’re trying to do.”
“Is it working?”
“Not more than Evan’s assurances. Listen, I made my peace with what I did a long time ago.”
“It doesn’t seem like it.” Jeremy laid a reassuring hand on Michael’s arm. “You didn’t mean it. There’s no way you and your dad are even remotely in the same league-“
“Yeah, but a monster is a monster, aren’t they? Killers are monsters, Jeremy. Simple as that.” Michael slipped his hand away and went back to the cameras. “It’s not like it’s possible to always spot a monster on the surface anyway. Maybe you’re just telling yourself I can’t be a monster because I don’t look like one.”
Jeremy stiffened at that. You don’t have to look like a monster to be a monster. Did that mean the opposite was true too? He wanted desperately to know the answer.
Michael tried to give him a smile. “Look, it’s no big deal, really. If you aren’t actively saying I’m following in my father’s footsteps, then I think things are okay, you know? Like, I may not really like you, but I don’t think you’re a complete twat.”
“Uh, thanks?” Jeremy didn’t know how to respond to that, instead shining his light into the vent to avoid the heat that rose to his face at what he was guessing was meant to be a compliment.
“Anytime.” Michael chuckled softly. “Looks like he’s going for a full night sulk tonight. Guess it’s just us now.”
“Think you’ll be able to handle the office once I go on my next patrol?” Jeremy asked teasingly.
Michael snorted. “With the animatronics the way they are? I’ll be more than fine.”
“Good to know.”
A few nights passed like this, Michael offering minimal conversation during the shift, Jeremy taking his time to do patrols and update Cassidy on what he saw during the days.
It wasn’t much more than he had during the night, but Cassidy seemed to appreciate it nonetheless. And if he showed up to work tired, then that was fine too. Michael would shake his head, and Evan was still pouting about his argument with Cassidy, so he didn’t care.
Still, he felt a little bit bad whenever he realized he’d nodded off, insisting that Michael wake him. And evidently, that was not happening every time it happened. It hadn’t hurt anything so far though, so Jeremy was willing to let it slide.
It had taken him ages, quietly arguing with Evan while Jeremy slumped in his chair, to convince his brother to try and work things out with Cassidy. Evan had been furious that Cassidy was putting Jeremy in harm’s way, but Michael thought he probably knew the risks of what he was getting into.
Why should Cassidy get the blame anyway? She wanted help, not to doom another man to die. And Evan had given plenty of warning, so Jeremy could’ve backed out whenever he wanted to, so it was fine. There was simply no need to keep blaming Cassidy.
Michael spared a glance away from his constant checking to look at the uncomfortable way Jeremy had passed out in his chair, drool leaking from the corner of his mouth, hat knocked askew. On impulse, he reached over and fixed Jeremy’s hat, before deciding to move him to the floor.
Jeremy’s head knocked into Michael’s chest, and he felt sure that the man would wake. Jeremy hardly stirred, so Michael continued to lay him down, removing Jeremy’s jacket to tuck it beneath his head like a pillow. There, Michael thought to himself, somewhat satisfied before he went back to flick through the cameras absently.
Unfortunately for Mike, however, he’d missed the sound of an animatronic crawling into the vent, too focused on making sure he didn’t wake up Jeremy to pay much attention to the world around him.
The loud static did eventually catch Michael’s attention, and he set the monitor down, forgetting to wind the music box as he glanced at the phone. It was in its cradle, and belatedly Michael realized that noise meant animatronic, and he turned to check the vent just as Mangle swung down to attack.
Michael yowled in pain as the impact knocked him from his chair and plastic teeth tore through his face. The edge of the desk caught the other side of his face, making his vision blurry as he faintly caught the sound of tearing fabric and an angry growl.
Something warm ran down his face as the animatronic screeched, hiding away from the giant shadow looming over Michael. Struggling to push himself upright, he found himself surrounded by golden fur. Oh. Michael blinked blood out of his eye, struggling to process the scene around him, only slightly frightened now that he knew his rabbit friend had somehow appeared to aid him. I hope it doesn’t step on my coworker. That’d be awkward to explain.
“Mikey!” Evan’s voice echoed in the quiet environment. “Michael?”
The bunny was growling, a low rumble vibrating through its body. Cool hands cupped both sides of Michael’s face as Evan’s face came into view.
“Oh my god,” Evan breathed, smudging the blood stream ever so slightly. “Where did Jeremy go? I thought you knew what you were doing!”
“Glad you’ve got your priorities in order,” Michael answered slowly, still struggling to focus on his brother’s face. “Your hands are cold.”
“Of course they are.” Evan huffed in exasperation. “Wait, you’re totally in shock. Mikey…”
“The music box…” Michael trailed off as he registered that a completely quiet room was not a good thing.
Evan’s eye widened. “Oh no.”
The sound of aggressive music echoed in the halls as the Puppet made its approach. Not that it was much of a problem, seeing as Michael’s bunny pinned the animatronic to the ground before it could do much.
“Wait, don’t do that,” Evan said hurriedly. “Uh, I need to-“
“Yeah, no, go ahead.” Michael’s eyelids fluttered shut as Evan went away to shout at the bunny who was currently having a very intense stare down with the Puppet.
Jeremy hadn’t known he’d fallen asleep on shift that night. Waking up tangled in bindings made of shimmery thread had not been the most reassuring thing. More startling than that, however, was the pooling blood around Michael’s head as Evan argued with an unfamiliar girl.
Cautiously he untangled himself and dug into the duffel bag he started to bring to every shift, grateful for his planning as the remains of his uniform remained littered across the floor. The bickering children didn’t notice as he slipped his uniform on quickly before pressing his jacket (which for some reason was folded on the floor) to the wound on Michael’s head. Jeremy managed to pull the man close so he could hold the fabric to the wound while still being able to dial for the hospital.
Jeremy didn’t know how Michael had been injured, but based on the teeth marks, he had a sinking feeling Mangle had done something to the poor man. He did look a bit too similar to his father for Jeremy’s liking. That had to be the real reason Michael was so vigilant and why Evan was so paranoid about him missing things in the cameras.
The children stopped arguing to look at him when he was explaining things to the emergency operator, seeming to realize that maybe there were more urgent things to deal with than whatever they’d been arguing about. Jeremy clutched the plastic tightly in one hand as he clutched to Michael’s injury with the other.
Evan was the first to approach Jeremy, looking more disheveled than Jeremy even knew ghosts could be. “You’re the rabbit thing.”
Jeremy nodded awkwardly. He knew they’d discovered him the minute he’d woken up and was tangled in that same shimmery stuff that he’d seen under his skin before he transformed the first time.
“Our conversation isn’t over, Evan,” the girl said, impatiently. “Sure, Mike takes priority, but the fact that you guys tried to lock me away is absolutely insane.”
“How about we skip the interrogation until we know that Michael’s okay,” Jeremy said weakly.
“I guess that’s a good way to put things.” The girl crouched at Michael’s side, brushing bloodied hair out of his face. “Although you and me need a talk at some point, Mr. Fitzgerald.”
“I’m long overdue for talks with a bunch of people now,” Jeremy muttered.
Please be okay.
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coichii · 3 days
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Trapped - BANG CHAN pairing: bf!chan x gen netrual! reader
genre: angst, comfort, enstranged relationship
word count: 0.8k
warnings: nothing specific !
A/N : let’s not talk abt my break… no promises about a return, i just felt inspiration at 10pm on a thursday :p | this is one of my better pieces if i do say so myself 😚
You sighed loudly as you stared blankly at the computer screen.
Recently, you had been caught up with this 4 page essay that your chemistry professor insisted be done by tomorrow, and you had barely touched the first paragraph.
Lately, everything had felt like it was going down hill. School had been tumbling essay after essay on top of regular work, your friends who you assumed were your people had been ghosting you, and your family had been absent too.
But worst of all, he wasn’t there.
At first, Chan would just claim to have some extra work at the studio to finish, insisting that a wave of inspiration just hit him. This didn’t bother you much at in the beginning, the extra time only keeping him away for an extra 30 minutes before he came home and took care of you.
Then, it started getting bad.
He would stay in the studio for full on hours, sometimes not coming home until 2, or insisting he’d stay at the dorms that night. And on the off chance he actually came home, he never had any energy to focus on you.
You thought this wouldn’t bother you much, telling your self that this was just the price of dating an idol.
Telling yourself this as a tear rolls down your cheek.
You didn’t even realize you began to cry, mind too focused on somehow finding a connection to the previous sentence. Mind to focused on how much you want him to comfort you and tell you it will all be okay.
Like he used to.
You didn’t notice the front door open, too busy swimming in your thoughts. In walks Chan at some unholy hour of the night, probably around 2am.
“Hey y/n, what are you still doing up?” Chan expresses, surprised since he usually finds you fast asleep this late into the night.
When he doesn’t get a response, he moves closer to you, assuming you may have had in earpods. However, when he sees the tears running down your face rapidly, something you only just realized, he starts to panic.
“Y/n? Baby what wrong?” He asks, obviously worried. Slowly you begin to look over to him, not even sure if you recognize him anymore.
“Oh. Your home.” you scoff, standing up, disappointed at how he only started caring now that you’re crying. “Shocked that you even remembered that I live here.”
“Baby, What? Where is all of this coming from”? Chan said, slightly angry, which completely set you off.
“I don’t know Chris, where is it coming from? Maybe from the fact that you barely come home anymore! Or maybe it’s that you don’t check on me or even ask me how my days going! Chris, you put 0 effort into me..into us anymore. I’m tired of coming home from an exhausting day and having no one to talk to, no one to be near, no one to love! You’re barely even intimate with me anymore- honestly i can’t name the last time we were!” you screamed, finally getting out everything that had been building up for the last month.
“Christopher, what i’m saying is you don’t care about me anymore. All you do is work, which I didn’t mind at first but now, you don’t even put any attention on me. It feels like you don’t want me anymore- like y-you don’t love m-me anymore.” you choked, falling to the floor in sobs.
Immediately, Chan ran towards you and scooped you in his arms. He began to slowly rub his hands alongside your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Holding you tight, talking to you sweetly and slowly, crying with you as you cried. Those were all the things you missed from the man who layes next to you.
Once you began to calm down, Chan started speaking. You assumed it was going to be a pile of excuses, but no, it was sincere enough to make you tear up again.
“Y/n, first I want to thank you for letting this off your chest, I had no idea that my absence meant this much to you. I have been so busy with work and music that I have lost sight of what is most important to me… which is you. I am so sorry, that you had to deal with everything, and I am so so sorry.. that i wasn’t there. I promise I’ll make some more time for you, no matter how packed my schedule gets, i’ll never let you feel like this again. I love you so much baby.” Chan declared, pulling you into a kiss.
This wasn’t any kiss. This was a kiss where he confirmed everything he previously stated was far from false. Deep and passionate, yet still loving and innocent.
After pulling away, the looked you in your teary eyes, only confirmed the truth.
The truth being that while it would be hard, and not everything would be immediately fixed, he was going to make it work one way or another.
For you.
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wh0iskyra0 · 3 days
Meeting them (pt.2)
A/N: this is part two of my series, if you didn’t read it click here, I tried to add more words and details to make it more interesting to you guys, I’m not the best writer but I hope you enjoy this chapter <3
W/C: 1247
Warnings(?): mentions of a creepy manger
The new day came a lot quicker than I expected, I looked at the ceiling for a few minutes trying to plan out at least half of my day. My plan was to look for a job, buy food and…”Meet up with shoko'' I said as I looked over at my alarm clock. It was currently 7:30am I got up and started my morning routine, after I finished I walked to my room to pick out a outfit I was deciding if I should wear pants or a skirt or maybe a dress “Bro, this should not be this hard” I said while looking at my choices, after a while I decided to go with [Pants/skirt/dress] after I finished getting dressed and grabbed everything I would need today I locked my door and headed to the cafe where I met shoko.
Once I got there I saw shoko but she was with a man with white hair. “There you are, didn’t think you’d show up.” She said with a smile I smiled back at her “Who is this?” I said sitting closer to her she looked at him “This is Gojo, he just here to be here really.” She said, smiling at me.
I looked at Gojo and smiled. I told him hello and we continued with the coffee hang out, after we finished the coffee we were deciding where to go next. “Well, since you’re new we can go to the mall,how’s the sound?” She said smiling, I nodded with a smile in response, while we were walking to the mall Gojo noticed one of his friends “Nanami, omg I haven’t seen you in years buddy.”
He said, giving him a side hug “You saw me yesterday.” He said staring blankly at him, “nah, I would have talked to you throughout the day buddy!” He said, me and shoko stood there and watched as the two, well technically one male talked, once Gojo talked the males head off he looked over at me “Oh, that’s Shokos new friend her name is [Name]!” He said, shoko smiled and nodded.
We continued our way to the mall with nanami with us “So are you new I haven’t seen you around before.” He asked me, I told him that I was new and just moved here not long ago he nodded. The rest of the walk was quite pleasant.
We made it to the mall, I looked at the outside in amazement “Wow, it’s big.” I said I heard Gojo snickering “that’s what she said.” I heard him say I looked over at him and saw Shoko hitting him on the back of the head, she looked and smiled when we met. “So do you guys wanna split up or go together?” Shoko said, Gojo went off towards Nanami “Split up.” He said with a big smile, Shoko nodded in agreement and grabbed my hand and led me to a store. “This is bath and body work. They have so many good smells but sometimes some don’t smell as good.” She said
We walked to the store and picked out a few things, then we walked around the mall going into other stores, she bought my things as a welcome to the town present. Well that’s what she said, I told her I would pay her back but she insisted that I didn’t have to. After we did our shopping we met up with the boys in the front we talked and talked until we made it to the coffee shop “Well this is where I think we split out ways” Gojo said, nanami and shoko nodded, nanami being to walk his, Gojo went his way and shoko walked with me, “[Name] I didn’t ask for your number yesterday” shoko said to me, “oh, I can give it to you when we get to my house if you want?” I said she nodded and we continued walking.
We made it to my house. I unlocked the door and sat my things down on the counter. “Nice place, also can I place my things here?” She asked me, and I told she could place her things down on the couch. She sat on the couch and talked to me while I was in my bedroom , ”Hey can you help me apply for some jobs?” I said while walking back to the living room “yea sure” she said smiling.
After she helped me apply to some jobs we talked for a few more minutes “Hey it’s getting pretty late I gotta get going, my poor baby probably misses me.” She says getting her bags, before she left I gave her my number and waved her goodbye. I closed the door and walked to my bathroom to take a shower. After my shower and after I did my nightly routine and walked to my room and went to my bedroom. ‘Today was actually pretty fun.’ I said in my head
[The next morning]
I woke up around 10:30 in the morning with a text Shoko:
Shoko-Hey [name] it’s me just making sure that you know it’s me<3
I replied back and changed her name in my phone to shoko, I looked through my email to see if I had any responses to my applications. I saw one that came from a restaurant downtown, they told me that I could come in today around 2 for any interview. I smiled. I texted Shoko the news and she said she was happy for me. I was in my closet for something formal to wear.
After a few minutes of looking I found something formal enough to wear. I looked over at my clock and it was almost 11 so I took a shower and went about my normal routine. After that I did my hair and a little bit of makeup.
I looked at the clock and it was 1:55, I called shoko and asked her to pick me up and take me about 4 minutes ago, she texted me that she was outside I made sure that I had everything before I walked out and locked the door shoko smiled at me “are you ready?” She said while heading to the restaurant I nodded and said
“But I’m also a little nervous too.” I said smiling “That’s understandable.” She said, Once we made it to the restaurant I got out and walked to the manager's office, the manager greeted me with a warm welcome. He did all the normal things that would happen in an interview, he told me that I could work here as a waitress starting the new week, and he waved me goodbye with a smile.
Shoko unlocked the door and let me in “so, how’d it go?” She said smiling at me, I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding in. “It went pretty well, the manager gave a weird vibe but it was nothing that bad.” I said looking over at her she looked at me with a raised eyebrow “You sure it was nothing weird?” She said driving “It wasn’t like super super bad but it was a odd vibe” I said leaning my head back, she said okay and drove me back home once I was home I asked her if she wanted to come inside for a while, she said she’ll come over later after work I smiled and headed inside.
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yuriisclumsy · 1 day
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Love's Dance
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1,234
Part 1 | Part 2 (You are here) | Part 3 (coming soon!)
Authors note: I'm feeding you all good with this.
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Four days have passed since I arrived here. 
I spend most of my time gathering intel and familiarizing myself with the place. One thing I noticed was the lack of underground operations here in the Henituse’s territory. The Count made sure to eradicate all sorts of dangerous activities for his people and family’s sake. 
Gotta give it to him, he did a spectacular job. The only underground activity—If you can call that—I was able to find were a few gangs in the semi-slums that didn’t have much strength. 
Aside from this, I also investigated and searched for the people on the list. Good news, I only have one last person to check. Bad news… 
It’s the Count’s son. 
“*Sigh…* Why does fate hate me so much?” I asked, looking up at the sky. Covering my face from the sun's rays with my hand, I search for writings, a sign…anything that could answer my question.  
“...oh, who am I kidding? Fate won’t respond to me, even if I were to beg for it.” 
Walking down a street full of vendors trying to sell products, my mind wandered to how I'll manage to get close to Cale Henituse, Count Deruth’s oldest son—and possibly his successor. 
A loud voice interrupted my state of mind, much to my dismay. It came from a woman standing on a podium. She had gathered a crowd with her excessive yelling; both adults and children were listening excitedly. 
Hmmm. Seems interesting My feet moved on their own, trying to get me as close as possible to this small curiosity. 
Getting a good listen at the girl, she seems to be announcing something. 
“Everyone! There will be a Festival in the next upcoming days!” The girl yelled excitedly. 
“A festival?”  
Having a festival means there is going to be more security, and knowing the Count’s record…yeah, no This was turning out to be a real nuisance. I don’t want to deal with that while doing this mission. I better find a plan to get to Henituse before the festival. But how…?  
Just as I turned to leave, the girl shouted again. 
“The Henituses’ are hosting this festival and are going to be in attendance through the whole thing! So don’t miss out on it!” 
This! I shot my head towards the girl, having a few stares at me. But I could care less. What is more important is the fact that I can use this festival to my advantage!  
If I can get him to mingle with the people, it’ll save me a lot of time! I grinned like a madman. 
“Look mama! That lady is smiling weirdly!” A kid pointed at me. 
“Don’t point,” the mother quickly grabbed him and walked away while staring at me weirdly. 
 Realizing I was acting out of line, I left the area to stop making an embarrassment out of myself. 
Ah! There is no time to waste! I need to come up with a plan fast! Otherwise, I'll lose this once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank you fate, I'll never doubt you again! 
I made my way to the room that was rented out for me. I did not notice the older gentleman in front of me and bumped into him, causing some of his groceries to fall. Luckily, he managed to catch all the items before they fell on the floor. 
“Oh, I am really sorry!” I vowed while apologizing, I went around him and stayed on my path. 
The older gentlemen stared at me until I faded into nothing. 
“So, there are two high class agents currently in the city?” Cale asked. 
“Yes.” Choi Han confirmed. Ron was right next to him when they made the discovery, so they went straight back to report. “One of the agents has been living in the city for a few years with little activity, the other recently arrived.” 
“From what we gathered, the newer agent is most likely the one assigned to whatever mission they gave out.” Said Ron right after Han finished. 
“Those are a few fries! I could go right now and destroy them!” A young dragon spoke while playing with his food, he smashed a cookie signifying what he’ll do. 
No, thank you. You’ll just destroy the city while doing so. Cale sweated at this image. 
“One of them is a bit odd if I have to say.” Ron spoke. 
“What do you mean?” 
“When me and the punk were searching, we ran across one of them. She seemed to be happily skipping while putting up bombs.” Ron said with a smile. 
You call that odd? She seems to fit right in with those weirdos. Cale thought. 
“What Ron said is true. She is really weird.” Choi Han agreed.
“What is odd about that? If anything, she matches Arm’s whole craze-quota.” 
“She was placing bombs in abandoned homes and alleys; places people didn’t frequent. Don’t you think this is a bit strange?” Ron finally said. 
Cale grabbed his chin in thought.
That is strange. Usually, Arm does not care for casualties. As long as they’re plans were met, anyone could go up in flames… Still, her placing bombs while skipping is concerning. 
“...keep an eye on her and take Raun and the cats with you. I want to dismantle the bombs to be safe.” Cale ordered his subordinates. 
“Yes, master Cale.” 
“Yes, young master.” 
“You ready big sister?” 
“Hm! Can’t wait to teach the youngest how this is done!” 
“I’ll show you, human, that Raun is the greatest!” 
“Good. Now go.” Cale dismissed the group. 
They really just sent me on a suicide mission I thought, looking over the information I had on Cale as I sat in a desk in complete defeat. There were papers scattered all over the room; they covered walls, floor, and bed—there were even some in the bathroom. It wasn’t a pretty site. 
They were detailed plans I had been brainstorming, but so far, all the routes had flaws and countermeasures from the opposing party. I grabbed my hair in frustration. 
Cale’s party consists of powerful individuals: from skilled butlers to beast men. All beings I could not take down on my own, heck, I don’t think even with competent members of Arm, would I, in a million years, take them down. I can’t even hold a weapon correctly. 
“Agh…mmHGHMGHMM” I hit my head against the wooden desk. The despair I was feeling was immense. 
“Maybe it isn’t too late to run away yet…” I say hopeful, before turning on my rationality. “Oh, who am I kidding!? They’ll find me if I run away!” I cry out. 
I glance at the papers on the floor, but one gets my attention. The festival flier had beautiful dancers covering its frame along with some instruments. Flipping the paper to its back gives some information on one of the events of the festival: every day of the festival, right after sunset, citizens and guests can take part in a dance. 
I don’t get how they can plan all of this in a matter of days…the Henituses’ are incredible. Wait a second. If I can get the count’s son to dance, then I’ll be able to get to him! It still needs polishing, but I can combine this with a scraped plan. 
“Looks like I need to contact Agent Lance for a local dress.” 
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @ru8yx. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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abbysleftbicepp · 2 days
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The Thief And The Fairy
An Ellie Williams x Maleficent!Reader au. Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
an: again, this is a strangers to lovers to enemies so if u don’t fw that then don’t read!! there will be angst coming soon. Enjoy!
The day had gone by faster than the girls had hoped, they spent it together doing what Y/N considered fun.
The winged girl told Ellie to hold onto her foot, and once she did, Y/N took flight over a shallow river, leaving Ellie splashing with her legs in the water. The human was laughing so much she thought her lungs would burst, she couldn’t remember how long it had been since she’s had this much fun.
Once Ellie had dried, Y/N noticed how fascinated the girl was of her wings. So she decided to allow the human to touch them.
Ellie’s eyes widened and made sure it was definitely okay with Y/N, as she didn’t want to cross boundaries. The fairy smiled and nodded, stretching a wing out towards the girl.
Slowly, Ellie reached her hand out to touch the feathered wing. She didn’t even notice how much she was smiling, and Y/N thought that seeing Ellie in awe was the most beautiful thing in the world.
“They’re a lot softer than i thought they’d be.” Ellie spoke softly. Y/N chuckled in return.
The two girls grew a bond stronger than they’d imagined. And for a time it seemed, or in them at least, the old hatred between men and fairies had been forgotten.
As months passed, Ellie was sure to visit the moors to see Y/N at least three times a week. It became a routine for the two girls.
One day, Ellie decided to collect bits and bobs that were laying around in the farm, and created a necklace for the girl whom she was so drawn to.
“what’re you doin lass?” the farmer asked impatiently.
“I’m making a necklace for my friend, sir!” Ellie responded with excitement.
“Well could you take yur brick-brackering elsewhere. I’m tryna clean out the stables wee lamb.” He finished, hurrying Ellie outside.
Once the necklace was complete, she ran as fast as she could towards the Moors. She was worried that Y/N would have left already, as Ellie was later than usual.
“Y/N?” She called out, her heart racing. She never understood why her heart would race whenever she saw the girl, that never happened a while ago.
“I almost thought you wouldn’t show up. Is everything okay?” Ellie heard her favourite voice behind her.
Quickly turning around with a smile, Ellie responded. “Everything is okay! I was making something and i lost track of time.”
“Oh i see. Well i’m glad you’re here now. The Pixies are asking if you’d like to-“ Y/N spoke as Ellie cut her off,
“I was actually wondering if we could go to your tree again. I have a surprise for you.” She beamed. Y/N was shocked, She’d never had surprises or gifts from anyone, so she was curious as to what it could be.
“Of course! Remember to hold on tight.” She spoke as Ellie jumped into the girls arms, wrapping her own around her neck. Y/N held Ellie under her legs so she wouldn’t fall. Once she felt that she was holding her correctly, she took flight.
“Ahhhh!!!” Ellie screamed. “I don’t think i’ll ever get used to that!!” She giggled, holding onto her friend tighter. Y/N felt a strange feeling in her stomach, as if a family of butterflies had just been set loose inside of her. Was this normal?
When they arrived at the top of the mountain, Y/N stood still, allowing Ellie to stop clinging at her own time. Ellie jumped off of the fairy, and walked over to the mountain edge, sitting down. Y/N followed suit.
“I made this for you.” Ellie said, taking the necklace out of her pocket. it was made of wood that’s she’d shaped into beads, and was threaded through yarn that she found under her bed. No metal or Iron was used as she did not want to hurt her dear friend.
And as it were, friendship slowly grew into something else.
The routine continued for two years, and they enjoyed every moment of it. Ellie had gotten to know the people of the Moors, as Y/N had introduced her to them, and she felt like family around everyone.
A few more months passed, and it was finally Y/N’s sixteenth birthday. She was so excited as Ellie told her that she had something special planned for her. She sat by the edge of the Moors ever since the sun peaked over the mountain, waiting for her human.
As soon as she spotted the girl, she flew over to her at haste, hugging her tight. “Aghh i’ve missed you so much!!” Y/N spoke into the girls hair. Ellie giggled, hugging her back.
“It’s only been three days my love. But i’ve missed you too” She responded before parting from the hug.
“So, what do you have planned?” Y/N asked curiously, barely able to keep her excitement at bay.
“You’ll have to wait and see sweetheart.” She responded with a smirk, holding onto her fairy’s hand.
Ellie lead Y/N through the Forrest, towards the heart of the Moors where the pixie trio were waiting for them.
Fittle was a pixie who wore a dress made from blue flowers, and butterflies surrounded her and a blue flower as a hat. Knotgrass was a pixie who wore a dress made from pink flowers and wore a pink flower upon her head. And finally, Thistlewit was a fairy who wore green and yellow flowers as a dress, and a green flower upon her head just like her sisters.
“It’s Ellie and Y/N!!” Thistlewit yelled, clapping her hands in excitement.
“Shhh! you’ll ruin the surprise!” Knotgrass disciplined her sister, whacking her on the arm.
“Ow! What was that for?!” She yelled, holding her arm where her sisters hand was mere seconds ago.
“Hello Pixies, you’re all dressed nice. How are you today?” Y/N smiled at the trio, still holding Ellie’s hand.
“We’re okay thank you.” Fittle spoke up. The trio, being the size of Y/N’s hand, flew closer to the girl so she could see them better.
“Happy birthday!!!” They all said in union, throwing flower petals at the birthday girl. She gasped and started giggling, smiling ear to ear. “Thank you so much!” she spoke.
“Okay now hurry along! Or Ellie will chicken out from ki-“ Thistlewit spoke before Knotgrass quickly interrupted her. “SHHH!!” You’ll spoil Ellie’s gift to her!!” She yelled, sighing at her sisters ignorance.
“Oh! Yes, sorry.” Thistlewit apologised.
Y/N thanked the trio again before Ellie dragged her through the forrest once more, reaching a cliff side that had a stunning view of the sunset over a lake. Ellie instructed for Y/N to keep her eyes closed a few minutes prior to arriving.
“Okay you can open your eyes now.” Ellie spoke softly near her ear. The fairy did as told and her eyes widened at the view. How had she never come here before?
“It’s beautiful..” She was at a loss for words.
“That’s not your final gift my love.” Ellie giggled.
“it’s not?” She asked confused, her eyebrows knit together. Ellie chuckled, shaking her head. She turned the girl to face her fully, and held both of her hands.
“My gift to you is a true loves kiss.” She whispered shyly, her cheeks quite red.
“A what?” Y/N laughed. Ellie was shocked, had she never heard of true loves kiss?
“A true loves kiss?” Ellie spoke as if to say duh.
“What’s a kiss?” Y/N corrected herself. Ellie’s eyes widened. How did she not know what a kiss was? That was bizarre to her. She smiled softly at the fairy as her eyes flickered between Y/N’s eyes and lips.
“Shall i show you?” She asked, stepping slightly closer. Y/N nodded, her heart beat picking up and that family of butterflies returning in her stomach yet again.
Upon gaining the girls consent, Ellie leaned closer, finally connecting their lips. Y/N’s eyes widened and a smile broke on her face before she closed them, and kissed her back. She wasn’t too sure what she needed to do so she just followed Ellie’s lead.
Their love only grew stronger from that day forward, But it was not to be.
taglist: @seraphicsentences
let me know if you want to be notified for the next part! 💗🌸🌿
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lvl10gojocoper · 2 days
Motion Sickness: Chapter 2
Synopsis. Tokyo is still the same way you've left it. Along with the parts of yourself you didn't think to see again. Note: Again, lots of plot building in the first parts :)
a/n: angsty.
Chp.1 Chp.2 Chp.3 (coming very soon)
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The air here is different from the air in Kyoto. It feels cramped , less crisp. Busy, is the word. Everyone here moved faster, always having somewhere to be. Even when I younger, I remember always feeling a rush of something every time I stepped out the confines of my home when I still used to live here. But still it feels too familiar to not relish.
My E.T.A. should be at 18:30 hours. With that in mind, I tug the sleeve over my watch to check the time and sure enough I was just over 10 minutes early. I tuck my watch back under my jacket, picking up the black duffle bag I brought with me. I haven't packed a lot, I don't plan on staying too long. I'm only here for two nights then I'll be back to Kyoto before I know it.
My bosses back there had assigned me to a mission, something they say should be worth investigating. I remember almost telling them no, that's when I get a call from the man himself, Principal Yaga. He made me say no out loud.
But he knew it wasn't hard to sway me. Money talks, and he says I would get a bonus if I went so here I am. Life in Kyoto is expensive, and I'm not exactly rich. Again, I'll be here 2 days maximum, so really it's not a big deal, is what I remind myself. So with the little information I was given, I got on the next train.
"Unnamed, we assumed it was a grade 3 curse, but 10 casualties in total in a span of a week is concerning."  I feel his eyes on me.  "The bodies, or remains, of 6 people were found in abandoned building.  The only thing found connecting these people is that they were all seen around Tokyo's Red Light district at some point around the week. What's worse is that people are noticing. This isn't only a problem with the safety of civilians who don't understand what happened, but the attention it's gathering from outsiders jeopardizes-"
"Us." I finish, half present and half spaced out. My eyes meet that of his, and I mildly shake my head to clear my thoughts out almost physically. "Sorry."
He huffed, leaning back. "It's fine, at least I know you were listening, for a second I thought you were somewhere else completely." The air is a bit tense, so quiet that the squeaking of his chair can be heard from each shift he makes in his seat.  He brings his hands together, "Any questions?"
My mouth opens and closes, trying to utter the words that won't come out until eventually, it does. "Just one." He nods his head, allowing me to continue. "Why me?"
There's a short pause on his end, almost forcing me to explain my question even further but he responds soon enough. "Well, it's because we needed a special grade sorcerer for this one." He replied, as if it were simply that.
I squint my eyes just enough for it to be mistaken as a twitch, "Yes, but...well I'm from Kyoto, it's quite a great distance to look for one special grade sorcerer for just one mission."
He nods as if he was expecting that from me. "Mostly because most of the teachers here are occupied. We're short staffed, especially on special grade sorcerers. We're lucky enough to have two but even he's occupied." Of course he is. "And I've already tried. If he was free, or well if he wanted to, I would've called on him."
I chuckled, "Glad to know I'm your second choice."
"Well, realistically, you're the one I can count on for this one—since you follow what I say a lot better," He smiles at me as if it's a good thing.
I smile back, "Glad to know I'm your first second choice."
He nods, "That's all then, yes?"
"I'll find it." I reply, my grin painfully fake.
It isn't surprising that a place like Tokyo's Red Light district becomes occupied with the likes of cursed spirits. A hotspot, you could call it. The things that happened here could be enough to supply a curse with as much energy it chooses to feed on. That was the first thing I thought about as soon as my shoes touch the path leading to the location I was given.
Neon lights reflect on puddles scattered on the road, and despite it being a Wednesday, the music from some clubs nearby all jumble up into an amalgamation of noise. Behind one of the clubs is the building. The abandoned one. It looked like it was once a parking, the following floors had openings and no windows. As I neared it, uneasiness creeps into my stomach but I push it back, instead certainty replaces the feeling. This was definitely the place.
It's as run down as one could imagine. I feel it's remnants in the air, it's stuffiness and the stench. Moldy and foul like rotten and burnt flesh mixed together. There isn't much until you get to the corner first floor near the entry to the basement. From where I stood there was police tape in one corner in particular, an area already searched.
I take it upon myself to go downstairs, the scent growing worse as I walk closer. Again, more police tape, but judging from how it's only at the entrance, I don't think they tried searching it. I pull it down and go inside. It's eerier, I understand why they wouldn't wanna search it and you barely see anything other than the light from spots where the ceiling's caved in.
"You're not supposed to be here." A voice, distorted and low stops me in my tracks. I dare myself not to turn when my shoulders tense up. "What? are you afraid?" I turn and my face twists at the smell.
"So that's where it was coming from." The documents never said anything about what the curse looked like. I thought it may be humanoid, but no human bodied creature could do that to 6 other bodies, discarding of their parts as just scraps from their dinner. Instead this curse was wretched and ugly, it definitely didn't look grade3 nor 2 even, but it also definitely wasn't impossible.
"Just in time too, a curse like me itching to get out after years, I get pretty bad cravings." The curse gurgled, "My victims never really walked straight into the lion's den. Today must be my lucky day!"
I smirk at its incessant noise, "Lucky? Hardly." I launch my cursed weapon at its wide open and toothy mouth, choking before spitting it out, it gurgles some more.  It looks at me in surprise before one of it's arms try to launch an attack of its own. I dodge its grotesque limb, quick but just barely.
Before I'm able to counter,  my body starts to feel heavy, like my arms feel like they're being dragged in order to move. Black spots appear in my vision, panic rises in my throat. Then I see nothing.
Until eventually, everything.
I heard before you die, your entire life quite literally flashes behind your eyes. Is this what it is then? Dying?
I feel it again. The same level of dread I once felt before. I used to say dying would be a lot worse than how I felt then.
Now I know what it's like, I'm not so sure anymore.
4 years ago
The blue in the sky was nearly black, consuming nearly what my peripheral vision could see. But I'd much rather look straight than there.
"You're impossible."  I hear him say, and I scowl back at him.
"I will, when I'm strong enough." He sits up at my words but he doesn't look back at me. Instead he ruffles his hair, clearly annoyed.
"You are so childish." I couldn't help but laugh at his words. He gets up, dusting himself and standing up, ready to walk away. He always does.
"Me? I'm the one being childish?" I quickly get up myself, running after him, he walks faster. "You have no right, look at you! You're the one walking away. You-I don't believe you!"
He abruptly turns back, standing tall in front of me. "Well believe it."
"I don't." I rebut.
"I don't love you anymore." He says, and it's starting to get annoying.
I take a step towards him, he steps back. "The more you say it, the less it means anything. You can't even explain-"
"You- you're not what I want, okay?" The moments that followed were a blur. Some though were too vivid to forget.
I'm quiet for what feels like the first time but a million thoughts circle in my mind, What did I do? How do I fix it? Fuck you. I hate you. What changed? I look down at my feet, my bruised fists and his ripped pant leg.  I have so much to say but nothing comes out other than, "Why?" It was quietly spoken, almost like I didn't want to ask. And maybe I didn't, knowing no answer would make me feel any better.
His tone is flat, unlike how I'm used to. "I can't keep...fucking around."
I pick up my head, "So we were just fucking around?"
He continues, "I'm graduating, and you'll still be here and after then what? You can pick any direction you want to because that's what you're used to. Your responsibilities aren't the same as mine. My clan relies on me and yours-"
"Abandoned me." I interrupt, "Right? Okay, I see."
He shakes his head, "It's not just-"
"And since when did you care so much about pleasing people?"
"Why can't you just accept it?!" He yelled, "I can't just throw away what I worked years for. You don't know what it's like to make the same kind of sacrifices as mine, so just—" his voice breaks for the shortest moment, "Please let me do this one thing."
I can make out the shape of his brows, how the line between them appears when he's concerned. It was the only string of vulnerability he showed that day.
"Satoru..." I try reaching for his hand, but I feel a strain, like I have to drag my arms in order to move them, until I realize I can't touch him at all.
I look back up at him and he's looking opposite to me. My eyes sting and my words are stuck in my throat as I'm pulling back my hand. Even if he didn't turn his infinity on, the wall between us had been put up regardless. I tuck both my hands in the pocket of my pants, feeling less of who I was just seconds ago.
Slowly, I step back, "I made sacrifices too you know." I could choose to fight it, but I'm just being desperate now. So I swallow my pride.
"Only difference between ours is that nothing good came out of mine. Stupid of me to think choosing you would be any different"
Note: In this story, you're 2 yrs. younger than Gojo :]
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