#and everything I found was unhelpful
bigfatbreak · 6 months
Does Chloe tone down her direct bullying/harassment of Marinette after that day to just the dead mom jokes out of guilt, or is it more that Marinette now being homeschooled means Chloe just lost access? Also, does Lila try the whole lying/sabotaging thing on Marinette and just fail or does Marinette just not care?
Lila has no reason to sabotage Marinette because Marinette isn't threatening her little empire she wants to build. In fact, she really wants Marinette on her side BECAUSE she's not apart of the school, so she doesn't need to keep up an elaborate web of lies! She can just try to befriend a talented girl who makes AMAZING food and try to get freebies~
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meanwhile, with Chloe, things got really complicated after the pool incident...
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Tom was not in the mood to put up with this crap.
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moonstruckme · 8 months
On Thin Ice
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
This was requested by anon, but I'm not including the request because I'm going to write at least one more part and I don't want to spoil anything. But thanks so much for requesting, anon my love! I'm really having fun with it :) Also, just a disclaimer that I know next to nothing about figure skating, so while I tried to look most things up, there may be some inaccuracies
summary: when your usual figure skating partner Regulus is injured, you're forced to prepare the most romantic routine you've ever done with Sirius Black. You've known Sirius since you were little and have always found him irritating, but as you spend more and more time together, your feelings towards him start to change
cw: mention of injury (no details), Sirius Black is a relentless flirt
Figure Skater!Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 3.3k words
You want to be kinder to your friend, but you’re a bit angry with him. You’re not great at hiding it, either.
“It’s not like I can fucking help it.” Regulus rolls his eyes, and you do your best to undo the petulant pout of your lips. 
“I know,” you sigh. “I know that. I’m sorry, it’s just, seriously? Why can’t Coach give me someone else?”
“You know why.” 
You blow out another huffy breath, because you do know, but that doesn’t make you like it any better. Sirius is our best bet, your coach had told you, firm and impassive to your protests. He’s great on the ice, he always scores well, and Reg can teach him the routine while they’re at home. If we used anyone else, we’d lose time while they learned it. You’d sulked, and he’d given you a stern look. So suck it up. 
And you’re trying. Kind of. You wouldn’t ordinarily consider yourself an ill-tempered person, but Sirius Black brings out the worst in you. Always has. He’s Regulus’ irritating older brother, always around to pull your pigtails when you were little and make fun of everything you and Reg enjoyed as you got older. And in everything you love about your best friend, Sirius is the opposite. Where Regulus is restrained, Sirius is brash; where Regulus is content with a few close friends, Sirius needs an entire posse around him at all times; where Regulus has a quick, quiet wit, Sirius seems to feel a joke isn’t worth telling if everyone can’t hear it. He’s loud and facetious and insufferable, and now he’s your partner in the most intimate routine you’ve ever done.
“I know,” you groan again, falling back onto Regulus’ bed. “I just wish I could change it. Who do I have to bribe to get you a miracle recovery?”
Regulus scoffs, but he lies down beside you sympathetically. “The doctor said it should be better by next season, but a fractured ankle doesn’t fix itself in a couple weeks.” His voice turns bitter. “Trust me, I asked.” 
You wince guiltily. You’re not the only one suffering from Regulus’ incapacity. You’d both been practicing this routine for weeks. It was one of the most challenging and showy either of you have ever done. You were both supposed to have the chance to really shine, showing off your skills with complicated jumps and throws, some of which you’d never attempted before. But now Reg wouldn’t get the change.
Ironically, it had been a fairly simple routine that had taken him down. One of your go-tos. You’d been performing it together for years, but maybe that sense of security was dangerous too. It’s too easy to land wrong, and one tiny slip had fractured Regulus’ ankle right in the middle of competition, forcing your coach to come help you get him off the ice. 
You’d cried more than he had as the on-site medics had inspected it, completely unhelpful but unable to bear seeing your best friend’s features twisted in agony. It turned out that was nothing compared to the look on his face when they’d told him he wouldn’t be able to skate on it for months. 
“How does it feel?” you ask, more gently now, and Regulus’ scowl softens in response. “Does it still hurt all of the time?”
“Not really, only when I walk on it. And they said I should be able to do that without much pain soon, just no jumping or anything.” 
Your heart aches with sympathy, and you have to resist the urge to reach over and touch his hand, his hair. Regulus has never much liked being touched, which you understand, but it makes him a difficult person to comfort. You resort to your method with the highest success rate: distraction. 
“Well, at least the cast is a fun accessory,” you say, forcing levity into your voice. “We could draw on it, it’ll be like having tattoos.” 
“Pass,” Reg replies disinterestedly. “Tattoos are more my brother’s aesthetic than mine.”  
“Ugh.” You roll your eyes, unable to stopper your irritation at the return of the conversation to Sirius. “Do you think Coach will let me have a new partner if I kneecap him?”
“If you’re going to kneecap someone,” comes a cool voice from the open doorway, “it’s probably best not to ponder your scheme so loudly in their house.” 
You raise your head to find Sirius leaning against the door frame, arms crossed insouciantly in front of his chest. He looks at you with the eyes he shares with his brother, but where Regulus’ tend towards cool grayness, Sirius’ always seem to waver between gray and blue, like the sky during a storm. They’re flashing now, amusement mingled with cunning, as you meet them with a glare. 
“Maybe I’m just giving you a red herring,” you say smoothly, “so you’ll never see my actual plan coming.” 
“I wouldn’t put it past you, shortcake,” Sirius replies, grinning when your face goes hot at the nickname, “but I think I’ll start wearing protective gear just in case. Reg, think you could revoke this one’s key until after the competition?”
Regulus pretends to contemplate this, staring up at the ceiling. “No, she’ll only start coming in through my window again.” You grin at him, and the corner of his mouth twitches in response, remembering all the cuts and bruises you used to have when you were younger from climbing the old tree outside his window, late at night when you were both supposed to be asleep. The first few times you’d tried, rotting branches had broken and fallen from beneath you, but you’d kept at it until you’d plotted a safe course. You’re sure Reg would have snuck downstairs to let you in the front door if you’d ask him, but better you get in trouble than him. “Anyway, it’ll be entertaining to watch.” 
“Whatever happened to brotherly loyalty?” Sirius feigns hurt, but gets past it quickly. “Well, I suppose you’ll just have to keep in mind that if I can’t perform, there won’t be a performance. I’ve already learnt half the routine, and I think you might struggle to find someone else skilled enough to catch up in time.” He winks at you, and you scoff, pointedly unaffected. “So I’ll see you at practice on Monday, sunshine,” he gloats, and disappears down the hallway. 
You wait until you hear the click of his door to lay back down, passing a hand over your face exhaustedly. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to deal with that all of the time,” you moan. 
Regulus chuckles wryly. “Welcome to my world.” 
☆ ☆ ☆
“Y/N,” Coach calls frustratedly. “You have to let him throw you, not jump.” 
You’ve almost just followed in Regulus’ footsteps for the upteenth time today, which isn’t exactly in line with your plan of getting Sirius injured, but you figure will do in a pinch. The truth is, your focus has been off all day. Switching to a new partner is always hard; you’re used to Regulus, you’ve spent years learning how to skate together, to anticipate the other’s movements, and finding that rhythm with another person takes work. But learning how to skate with Sirius is more challenging than even you had expected. He’s distracting, for one thing. He keeps smiling at you, making faces when you mess up, and whispering obnoxious little pointers when you’re in the middle of a complicated move. And his own movements are bigger and more elaborate than you’re used to, lacking Regulus’ control. You can see, objectively, how it works for him. It gives his performance that extra bit of artistry that Regulus has often been accused of needing, but it makes him more difficult to anticipate. He’s stronger than Reg, too, so he throws you higher, flings you farther, grips you tighter. It’s a lot to learn, but your coach doesn’t seem very sympathetic to your plight. As far as he’s concerned, you’ve wasted almost an entire day of practice and are undoing weeks of hard work learning the choreography with your repeated mistakes. 
You nod at him again, moving to reset, but Sirius slides in front of you. 
“Hey,” he says, “I can feel you tensing when I go to throw you. Is something wrong?”
You cross your arms in front of your chest, breath still puffing into the air between you from the exertion of your leap. “No,” you reply shortly. “I’ll fix it.” 
And really, you should have been able to fix it a dozen tries ago. You’ve practiced throws with Regulus for years now. You’re supposed to push down on Sirius’ shoulders, use the momentum of your spin to give you a little boost, and let him do the rest. But you can’t seem to manage the last part. Sirius’ hands on your waist had discomposed you from the first try, and you keep finding yourself trying to jump off the ground before he has a chance to lift you. It doesn’t work, you know it’s never going to work, but it’s like some fight-or-flight instinct takes over every time Sirius’ hands get close to you. You suspect it’s because you’re so used to Regulus’ touch aversion; this routine is meant to seem romantic, but between the two of you, it had always felt chaste, more about the mechanics of the movements than the meanings behind them. Sirius loves to be touched, though, probably too much. He teases you about how cold your hand is in his, the tentative way you touch his shoulder when you’re supposed to grip it, how you jolt a little when he rests his hand on the small of your back. You’re on edge every second he’s around you, which by the very nature of the routine, is often. 
And so you keep jumping, which causes Sirius’s throw to be stunted when he can’t get a good grip on you, which causes you to fumble your landing. Every. Time. 
“You can trust me, you know,” Sirius persists, looking half earnest for once in his life. “I’m not going to launch you too high or anything. Just let me do the work.” 
“I’ve got it,” you growl, and Sirius raises his hands in mocking surrender, moving out of your way. You glide back into position, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You don’t need his advice, you’ve been doing just fine without it for years. You’ll get it on your own. 
☆ ☆ ☆
“Why is it,” Regulus drawls, coming into your room, “that when you mess up at practice, it’s still my problem to solve?” He sits on the edge of your bed, careful not to disturb the open bottle of nail polish you’re using. “I’m not even your partner right now, but both Coach and Sirius are complaining to me that you can’t sync up with him.” 
You keep your eyes on your fingertips, sweeping the brush across your nails in careful, measured strokes. “I’m working on it.” 
“What’s the problem?” He sounds more puzzled than frustrated. “Sirius is annoying, but he’s not actually an asshole. He won’t sabotage you.” 
“I’m not accusing him of anything,” you say. “I just…I can’t get it right. I don’t know. He’s so different to you, and I can’t figure out how to make it work.” 
“Well, you’d better figure it out soon,” Regulus replies, not without sympathy. “There’s only a couple of weeks until comp, and it seems like the both of you will need all the practice you can get together.”
You know he’s right, and that’s exactly what you’re dreading.
☆ ☆ ☆
The next practice goes about the same, the only difference being your coach’s mounting exasperation. Actually, no, there is one other change: Sirius’ movements become smoother, more sure, as he grows increasingly familiar with the choreography. 
So basically, he’s getting better while you’re getting worse. 
Though you all know there’s no time to waste with the competition coming up, Coach ends practice early in his irritation, letting you go with strict instructions to get your shit together before you meet again tomorrow. You promise him you’ll try, though you’re both coming to know that won’t be enough. 
You take your time unlacing your skates, shrugging on your jacket and stopping to buy a hot chocolate from the vendor up front before going out into the brisk autumn air. You’d started this new routine after your first practice with Sirius, stalling so that he’d have a head start and you wouldn’t have to walk home in the same direction, but you take two steps outside before you realize your plan has been foiled. 
“Coach will kill you if he catches you with one of those,” you say, and the cherry of Sirius’ cigarette burns orange as he takes a drag, eyes lighting with playful defiance. 
He blows the smoke away from you. “You won’t tattle on me though, will you, sunshine?”
“Reg won’t like it either.” 
“He knows,” Sirius says, as though Regulus’ opinion is of little concern to him. “You took your time in there. Ready to go?”
You don’t try to keep the suspicion from your face. “You were waiting on me?”
“I figure we could use some extra practice.” He drops his cigarette, stamping it out half smoked. “If you’re not too tired, I mean.” You give him an indignant look, and Sirius grins. “C’mon, it’s too cold out here for those leggings.” 
You follow him reluctantly, sipping at your hot chocolate because damn it, he’s right. The wind had been cool when you’d gone into practice, but nightfall has stolen the little bit of warmth the sun provided. You wouldn’t be surprised if you woke tomorrow to find the trees prematurely bare of their leaves. 
The Blacks’ house isn’t far, and your eager pace gets you there in a hurry. You’re thinking you’ll go to Regulus’ room as soon as you get inside, ditching Sirius and whatever humiliation he has planned for you, but when you approach the house, every window is dark. 
“They’re at my aunt’s for dinner,” Sirius answers your unasked question, unlocking the door. “I begged off because of practice.” He laughs as you follow him inside. “Try not to look so happy about it, shortcake.” 
You roll your eyes, starting up the stairs that go to the bedrooms. “When will Reg be home?”
“Late.” Sirius’ voice is close behind you. “You’re welcome to wait for him, of course, but we may as well make use of the time.” On the top step, you whirl, relishing the opportunity to look down on him for once. 
“Fine. What are we doing here?”
You don’t know if you’d hoped he’d be intimidated, but Sirius appears as unbothered as always. “Like I said. Practice.” He brushes past you, leading the way into his bedroom. After a moment, you follow grudgingly.
Like everything about Sirius, his room is loud. Almost every inch of wall space is covered in band posters, medals from competitions, pictures of his friends. There are clothes strewn across the bed and shoes scattered about the floor, but if Sirius is even conscious of the mess, he doesn’t mention it. 
“What did you have in mind?” you ask.
Sirius turns, and when his eyes meet yours, they’re surprisingly determined. “We need to figure out whatever it is that’s been holding you up,” he says. “We’ve gotta get past it.”  
You feel like stomping your foot, but very maturely refrain. You’re about done with the subject of your failures for the day. “I don’t know what it is.” 
“I think you do,” Sirius says cooly. “Wanna know how I know?”
He grins. “Because you just admitted it.” 
“You—I just asked how,” you splutter angrily. 
Sirius gives you a knowing look. “Right, so it has nothing to do with you being afraid of me touching you?”
Your face heats. How could he know that? You look at him for a moment, and he looks back at you with that cool, even gaze, like he thinks he’s got you all figured out. As much as you resent him for it, he’s right. You’ve got no shot at a decent score in this competition if you can’t get past your mental block around Sirius. “I’m not afraid.” You roll your eyes, downplaying the admission. “I’m just not used to it, okay? I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but you’re not exactly a carbon copy of my usual partner.” 
Sirius grins again, and for the first time you get the sense that he’s laughing with you instead of at you. “I have been made aware of that a few times over our lives, yes. But okay, you’re not used to it. Let’s get you used to it.” 
You cross your arms over your chest, not sure where he’s going with this but fairly sure you won’t like it. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m going to throw you until you can handle it without flinching. Sound good?”
You look at him like he’s stupid. “The rink is closed, and there’s nowhere for me to land here.” 
“Sure there is.” Sirius pats his bed cheerfully. You stay right where you are. Something changes in his expression, and you think you might detect a bit of kindness behind his teasing tone. “C’mon, sweetheart. I don’t know what Reggie’s told you, but I don’t actually bite.” 
You huff, but go to stand in front of him. He’s shed his coat, revealing the plain black shirt underneath, and the sleeves grip his biceps. Even in the poor lamplight, you can see his eyes changing colors like schools of fish as they swim. Now blue, now gray. 
“Alright.” Sirius sets his hands on your waist, and you tense automatically. “See, that’s the habit we have to break. Relax for me, shortcake.” 
His words certainly don’t help, but you do your best, unclenching the muscles in your stomach and legs. 
“Perfect,” he says, then launches you into the air. You barely have time to gasp before you’re landing on his bed, springs squealing in protest. “Okay, next time, try to spin or something.” 
“I wasn’t ready,” you protest. 
Sirius laughs. “I know. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Let’s try to do it like practice this time, yeah? So you go over there,” he motions to the door, “and run towards me. When I throw you, try to spin if you can, but don’t try to stick the landing or anything. Just land on your butt.” 
You roll your eyes, moving to the door. “Yeah, I’m in no hurry to break my ankle like Reg, thanks.” 
He winks. “Just making sure.” He spreads his feet a bit, bracing himself. “Alright, let’s give it a try.” 
It’s easy to remember Sirius is an older brother when he gets all bossy like this, but you comply, gaining as much speed as you can on the way to him before he’s gripping you around the waist, tossing you into the air. You manage a half-turn before your back end hits the bed. 
“Better!” Sirius exclaims, beaming at you. “You still seemed a bit tense, but at least you didn’t try to jump by yourself. Again?”
You can’t help a little smile of your own as you nod, pushing up off the bed and repositioning yourself at the door. 
☆ ☆ ☆
When Regulus gets home, he finds you sprawled on Sirius’ bed with his brother sitting beside you, both thoroughly worn out. 
“Did you fix it?” he asks.
You grin at the ceiling, wondering if it’s your pride or Sirius’ you’re feeling in the air, or both. “I think so.” 
“Coach might get the chance to be mad at me instead, tomorrow,” Sirius laments. “My arms are fucking dead. Too many throws and I might drop you on the ice.” 
“Don’t break my partner,” Regulus says warningly. 
“Yeah,” you second, hauling yourself into a sitting position and going to meet Regulus at the door, “please don’t.” 
You can hear Sirius’ eyes rolling as he says, “I won’t. See you at practice tomorrow, shortcake?”
It’s harder than usual to muster up annoyance for the teasing nickname. “See you tomorrow.” 
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estrellami-1 · 9 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
After pizza—and after El wakes up and eats her own pizza—everyone gathers around again to listen to Steve and Robin. “So I think by now we’ve proven we’re from the future,” Steve says. “We’re here, four years in the past, because a lot of bad things happen, and if we can, we’d like to stop those things from happening. The big one, and really the recurring problem, is a guy named Henry Creel who essentially took control of an alternate plane of existence we call the Upside Down.” He motions El over beside him, and she goes gladly, tucking her feet up onto the couch as she leans into his side, trusting him to hold her up. He does, sliding a protective arm around her shoulders as he says, “He’s also One.”
He watches as one by one the lightbulbs come on. “Oh, shit,” Dustin whispers, and Steve doesn’t even call him on it, just nods.
“Beyond Henry, though, there are creatures in the Upside Down that can and will kill you.” He rolls his eyes fondly at the boys. “For some inexplicable reason, you came up the names, so they’re called demogorgons, demodogs, and demobats. Demogorgons are what took Barb and Will, but they both got away. That doesn’t mean they’re safe, though. Like El said earlier, Barb was safe in the moment, but it’s still a very dangerous place. There are vines everywhere that are connected to a hive mind. You step on one, and Henry knows you’re there.”
He continues telling the story, Robin interrupting when there’s a detail he misses. It’s silent when they finish. Finally, El speaks up. “So, it is… my fault?”
“No, El,” Steve says softly. “None of this is your fault. Things out of your control happened that made you who you are. Those same things created all of this.”
El frowns. “So I am bad? Like One? Like the Upside Down?”
“No,” Mike says sharply. “You’re good, El.”
“He’s right,” Steve murmurs. “You made yourself good.” He pokes her arm teasingly, and she smiles, leaning back into him.
Steve looks around, catches Nancy’s eye, and sighs. “Nance? A word?”
“Steve?” Robin asks.
He shakes his head. “I’ll yell if I need you,” he promises, rubbing her head as he passes. She squawks and bats his hand away.
“Asshole,” she mutters, and he laughs as he disappears down the hallway, Nancy in tow.
They end up in a room Steve thinks was meant to be a study. “You have questions.”
“Understatement of the century. There’s just one that’s really bugging me, though.”
Steve sighs and leans against the wall. “On Halloween, Tina throws a party. We didn’t know what we do now, about the Upside Down, and you were still looking for her. I was an asshole, self-centered and unhelpful.” He blows out a breath, crosses his arms, and looks away. “You got drunk, called me, and my love for you, bullshit. Left. I tried to talk to you the next day at school about it and you couldn’t say you loved me. I was still hopeful. I’m a romantic at heart, y’know? I thought maybe if I could be everything you needed, if I changed enough, if, if, if…” he shakes his head. “So we stayed together. I tried. You slept with Jonathan Byers, then broke up with me.”
Nancy looks horrified. “Steve-”
He shakes his head. “I made my peace with it. And maybe this makes me an asshole, I dunno, but Nance, I can’t go back. We’re okay, we’re friends, but I can’t pretend I still have feelings for you. I’m sorry, but we both know I was just convenient for you.”
Nancy takes a breath. “So that’s it?”
Steve shrugs helplessly. “I don’t know what you want me to do. I tried and got my heart broken for it. I moved on, found someone I think I can really be happy with, without changing who I am. And for the record? It gets rocky for a second, but I think you and Byers are it, too.” He smirks. “Plus Mike likes him better than me.”
Nancy rolls her eyes. “Oh, well, if Mike likes him better…” they both laugh, and she looks at him. “No more feelings?”
He shakes his head. “We make much better friends.”
Nancy grins lopsidedly. “And Robin?”
Steve snorts. “Purely platonic, I promise. Neither of us want anything else with each other.”
Nancy looks at him then. Studies him. “You’ve been through some shit,” she decides. “But you look happy.”
He smiles. “I am, for the most part. I know who I am.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy
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matrixbearer2024 · 2 months
Tiny Vox part 2?
Idk if you'll use this but I just want to give it to you.
I kind of headcannon tiny vox the be dumber, because the unprepared small body can't load all his data very well. So I imagine Vox, being stupidly in love, trying the help them when they are doing the dishes or working on their hobby bit he is just making more of a mess and smiling dumbly in love. Like when reader likes to draw heb grabs a random coloured pencil and bring it to them. You know just adorable but unhelpful.
Pocket-sized Partner: VoxPet™️ Care Guide
Tiny!Vox x Reader
A/N: So uhhh- here's a teeny little Headcanon thing while I write the continuation for the VoxPet series because I love smol TV guy. That and I'm starting to slightly feel the burnout, well- I can't tell if that's the right term since I'm starting to look at my ideas and realize that they're starting to lack the coherence and polish they used to. ANYWAY! Here's a Headcanon list for the small guy before I post the continuation for it- so I hope you guys enjoy! Happy reading!
So given Vox's mostly bionic/mechanical biology, it makes sense that he doesn't necessarily regenerate the same as other more organic(flesh-based) sinners.
Instead, he has spare bodies to upload his consciousness and switch into if the one he's using gets damaged and needs repairs or is just not worth saving.
Hence he has a couple spares lying around.
It's just in this instance, the only spare he had left was in a less than desirable condition-
And the others were still broken or just beyond repair.
Having a his brain be it's own practical digital entity also plays into this, I'd think in his paranoia he'd have copies of his own data stored in cloud servers all over the pride ring too.
So it won't be easy should someone try to get rid of him.
Anyway, back to the body switching.
So this new body Vox took is a very underpowered and overutilized little thing.
Imagine running a Skyrim with over a thousand mods on the highest graphics using a 7 year old dell laptop.
Yeah. That's what Vox is currently doing.
The small body is already running at full capacity with his overload of data and it's not even all of it.
Just the basic necessities like his personality and habits.
Like, what make Vox- vox.
Everything else like his schedules, alarms, work, etc.
They're just uploaded to a cloud server with the rest of his complete data.
Oh I forgot to mention, in his haste to make this tiny cute form-
He totally forgot to give it the ability to form even basic speech patterns.
Hence the squeaking and beeping.
He actually can't talk, not that the small body would even have any more processing room if he did do that.
Vox merely figured that you'd probably find some enjoyment anyway in his predicament until the new spare parts arrived and he didn't want to keep moving around dripping coolant and blood accompanied by some sparking wires.
Let's not even mention the cracked screen.
His face being messed up was probably the least of his issues there too.
So you kind of had to take care of him as that small little guy in that hastily put together body.
Also, because it's so underpowered and practically at it's peak use-
Vox can't actually really use his powers much.
Which he didn't realize only until after he flipped out when Velvette and Valentino found him when the staff were panicking from him suddenly going AWOL.
In this tiny body, he only has his generally human memorization skills to recall important things.
Not his flawless computer memory, which was lumped in with the data this body couldn't hold.
He did thank his lucky stars that you weren't so upset about the state he was in though.
You'd often flip the hell out when he got hurt or just had blatant disregard for his own wellbeing.
I mean, when you can switch bodies like the socks on your feet would you be careful too?
I wouldn't, I'd try every single way to die just out of sheer curiosity and boredom-
Anyway, after you got over the initial shock of seeing your boyfriend all plushie sized and everything-
You better bet he got fucking spoiled.
Literally like a chihuahua in a purse moment.
Y'all know those build a bear clothes and accessories?
Yeah no you'd dress Vox up and down in those tiny things and he just couldn't stop you.
He could figure out how to delete all the photos you'd taken when he got back to normal.
But if being treated like a doll was all it took for you to just drown him in kisses and hugs-
You better bet this man would go ahead and pull something like this again.
Plus the compulsion to just aggressively cuddle the life out of him-
Well he's already dead but the point stands.
He can't help but soak up your affection like a thirsty sponge though.
You do eventually realize that he actually has to be plugged in to recharge though.
Plugged in by a port on the back of his teeny head.
What, where did you think he'd put it?
You're glad that Vox tends to leave all sorts of cords of different lengths around your apartment.
Something to do with his work?
You had half a brain to tie him up with those said cords sometimes-
It was irritating at first but after you organized them to keep, at least you didn't dispose of them since you needed them now-
For once the hardware spaghetti was actually useful.
And thank goodness for the long wire, because he'd become extremely clingy after all the attention and affection you'd given him.
Tiny dude was sitting on your lap being pet and coddled while charging.
All while you were reading a book.
Yep. He was a spoiled little shit.
You also realized that he didn't need to eat because of the charging thing-
But he could if he wanted to.
As proven when Vox just took a small part of your meal and slowly ate it.
It wasn't even a full bite for you but it looked comically big in his tiny hands.
He installed a proper digestive system but not a text to speech thing.
Sometimes you wondered if your boyfriend's priorities were a little more wayside that you originally took them for.
He was so cute trying to help you with the dishes though.
Couldn't really do much because of how small he was-
Not to mention the fact you didn't even want to risk any more damage to him since electronics and water are generally not a good mix-
But he tried, and you'd count him being adorable as helpful emotional support anyway.
Even if he really didn't do anything aside from play with the bubbles and smile cutely at you.
If he didn't have an empire and corporation to run you might actually just keep him like this-
Even when you were looking over at some documents his secretary sent over to sign-
You guessed it was because Vel mentioned that Vox was in your care for the time being.
He was wobbling around holding a pen that was probably half his size.
Again cute as hell, but an unhelpful distraction-
Now when you went to sleep?
You plugged Vox in again and just cuddled him against your chest.
The same thing happens when he "sleeps" whether big or in this form anyway.
Screen dims and then his company logo screensaver pops up.
Anyway, I say sleep in quotations because Vox doesn't actually sleep in the conventional sense.
It's just one of the many ways he can physically recharge.
So if he does sleep it's often by choice or because he just passes out.
If he wanted to keep going physically, Vox could just directly connect himself into a power outlet and not ever run out of juice.
Mentally though- it's why he actually needs our version of sleep.
Or periods of system shutdown where he can actually mentally recuperate.
Otherwise he'd be a cracked out delirious mf hyped up on caffeine.
Which he is sometimes regardless.
Either way, you'd pet and cuddle him until he fell asleep before you would also succumb to slumber.
When you woke up though, he somehow ended up cuddling your face.
You had no idea when that even happened.
He greeted you with a happy beep and a heart on his tiny face when you woke up though.
It was probably selfish as hell but now you really wanted to keep him like this just a little longer-
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izuke-the-zombie · 1 year
Just some Fem ShadowPeach AU ideas 🍑🥭
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I was in the mood for some fun FemMacaque and FemWukong ideas. I don't have any Aus of them, not my best idea but I thought it was kind of funny.
Here's a little info about it in case anyone was interested
Macaque works for a company it's an office job, just sitting and doing work all day filing papers and answering calls. typical office job stuff.
She was working here way before she met MK. MK's never been to her actual home, the dojo was just the place she works out and trained at so she didn't have to go to an actual gym.
Mac rents a one-bedroom apartment on the very top of a building somewhere, it's cheap cuz it's smaller than other rooms in the building, but she found a closed-off apartment room right next to her built-in kitchen pantry by accident, so she has two apartments to herself. she has the biggest room now in the whole Building. (Yay mac)✨
She couldn't find an apartment anywhere near her job so she uses magic to get to work and uses the bus to get back home.
One day Wukong finds out she has a job while at home being bored when MK didn't have training that day and decides to prank call Some Humans for fun, it so happens it's the office place mac works at, she recognized mac voice and quickly hangs up.
Monkey Queen was immediately suspicious of why she had a job when she can just stay in FFM! that maybe it could be a scheme of some sort (and maybe secretly relieved that she was safe and mac still stayed in the city but would never admit it.) she looks up the company she works at, she calls MK to help her find out what Mac could be scheming.
MK knows she has a job just doesn't know where she works, he doesn't like bothering her too much cuz she looks tired sometimes.
Mk's tired of monkey Queen dragging him to sneak around mac offers monkey Queen a better solution, getting close to Mac by helping Mac out and offering to pick her up after work, bring her some vegetables and fruits from her FFM Mountain to save up some on groceries so on so forth just helping out a mac. She begrudgingly agrees.
Mac doesn't use glamor she uses magical items to glamor up so she doesn't waste too much Magic on it, it's her earrings.
Monkey Queen pulls pranks on their coworkers Mac complains about, how they pile their work on her and leave too early how they're just overly unhelpful and never do their work, and how they just gossip all day long. Just annoying coworkers!
MK suggests to Mac to offer monkey Queen to come around during her lunch break and offer to make her a boxed lunch too and just hang out since she's been so helpful. She decides that she could do that, just as a thank you for everything she's done for her. She hesitantly agrees.
MK and Mei plan to make them get along or become a couple they haven't decided on which one yet.🐲🐵 mischievous matchmakers.
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🎵Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious,🎶
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cal-flakes · 10 months
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╰┈➤ getting high with dealer!rafe
warnings: drug use, swearing, a tad nsfw. (possible confusion over drug terminology, for example; ‘backdrop’ is the build up you get in the back of your throat after sniffing cocaine)
summary: y/n gets high with dealer!rafe at a party.
perspiration apparent on his forehead as the room filled with bodies, music booming as the people around him swayed. rafe sat on the couch in the basement of the house, a couple dozen packets of white powder spread across the table in front of him. blocking out obnoxious laughter, he scanned the room, cocaine paranoia kicking in a bit. the ceiling above him creaked here and there, the vast amount of people upstairs threatened to break the floorboards.
unbeknownst to him, sarah had invited a couple of her friends to his party, including y/n. a girl so sweet and kind to the people around her it almost made him sick to his stomach. she was somewhat of a hidden gem in the outerbanks, doing well in school, keeping to her self and so on. y/n was everything rafe cameron wasn’t, yet this intrigued him. the urge to corrupt his sisters friend grew each time she visited the cameron household.
“just stay for a little while y/n, please? for me?” sarah pleaded with her friend, desperate to crack the shell around her. sighing, y/n glanced from the lemonade in her cup to her friend. recognising the look in her eyes, sarah squealed and wrapped her arms around the girl. “thank you! i promise we’ll have fun!”
battling the thoughts in her head, y/n decided against fleeing the scene and returning home to her books, wanting to please her friend.
linking arms, sarah and y/n moved to the makeshift dance floor that the party-goers had created in the living room. giggling to eachother, the girls swayed in sync with the music, swirling around eachother.
“sarah..” y/n feigned a concerned look “no! please don’t leave yet! we just started having fun!” chuckling at this, y/n grabbed the cup from sarah’s hand, stealing a sip.
sarah’s eyes lit up “oh my gosh! do you want your own?” she asked, silently begging her to say yes. y/n nodded, laughing as her friend dragged her through the crowd.
reaching the kitchen island, sarah stared at the copious amounts of alcohol in front of her, trying to work out what y/n would like.
“how about this?” sarah turned, holding out a bottle of vodka for y/n to inspect. her face twisted a bit, unsure until sarah spoke again “I can add in some lemonade, and maybe some juice to mask the taste?” face untwisting, y/n agreed with her, reaching for her new drink.
y/n felt overly daring tonight, something about actually staying at a party for more than thirty minutes made her see what she was missing out on.
three vodkas with juice and lemonade down, she started feeling a little buzzed, and a bit too dizzy to keep up with the whirling bodies around her. “hey sarah? im going to go find somewhere to sit down for a little while” y/n called, taking off once she received a nod.
reaching the upstairs hallway, y/n looked around at the numerous doors, her mind was too fuzzy to make out which room was her friends. taking a chance, she opened the door furthest left and shut it behind her. she made her way to the neatly made bed, perching on the edge as she let herself get lost in thought.
back in the basement, rafe stood up from his spot on the couch, looking over the now empty table. he’d made quite a bit of profit that night, despite having kept some to himself. slipping the wad of cash into his pocket, he pushed through the sweaty bodies, heading for his room.
before heading upstairs, he was stopped by a hand on his arm. “rafe, have you seen y/n?” his brows furrowed as he looked at his sister. “y/n’s here?” sarah huffed at his unhelpful answer. “yes, obviously. she was a bit buzzed and went to sit somewhere, now i can’t find her!” rafe nodded at sarah and let her know he’d keep an eye out.
the stoic look on his face was wiped away when he found y/n sat on the edge of his bed upon entering his room. jumping slightly, her eyes widened at the sight of her friends brother. “oh, is this your room?, im so sorry!” she panicked, having heard things about rafe’s temperament. shaking his head, he moved towards her slowly.
“nah, it’s all good princess, y’alright?” y/n’s face flushed slightly at the nickname, not that she wasn’t used to it, but it always got to her.
rafe’s growing interest in his sisters friend had provoked him to become more flirty whenever she was around. “um, yeah im fine, thank you..” y/n smiled sweetly, unintentionally batting her lashes as she did. smirking, rafe sat down on the opposite side of the bed, resting against the wooden headboard.
“too much to drink huh?” chuckling lowly as she nodded. “well, i’ got something that could help if you want it..” rafe reached into his bedside drawer, stuffing the money from his pocket inside before rummaging around underneath some magazines.
y/n looked on at him curiously, waiting for the miracle to be revealed. pulling his arm back out, her face dropped as he held out a half empty packet in front of her.
“i-is that..” she stuttered, “coke?” rafe sat up, pushing some loose hairs behind her ear. “you don’t gotta do it if you don’t want to, it’ll help though” he stated, carefully opening the small bag and poured some on the top side of his thumb. y/n watched rafe as he lifted his hand, sniffing the small bump up his nostril.
“well princess? what’s it gonna be?” he asked. concentration painted her face as she considered it. “i-uh, if I do, would you promise to never say a word?” she questioned him, worried he’d tell his sister.
sarah often made it her mission to keep rafe away from y/n, knowing him well enough to identify his intentions. y/n knew it wouldn’t go down well if sarah found out she was in rafe’s with him, never mind sniffing cocaine.
“your secrets safe with me baby” shuffling towards her, he tipped out another bump onto his thumb and held out his hand. y/n’s breath quickened as she wrapped a hand around his wrist, keeping it steady.
her mind was racing. what about this? what about that? glancing up at his expectant eyes, she quickly pinched her other nostril closed and went for it.
sniffing up as hard as she could, rafe quickly reached for her. “tip your head back a bit..” holding the back of her neck gently, “and sniff up again” he instructed. y/n rested her head in rafe’s palm, doing as he said.
as she brought her head back, a sound of disgust left her throat as mucus began to build up. “that’s just the backdrop baby, here, i’ll get you a drink”
returning from his ensuite, he handed her a glass of water which she quickly accepted, desperate to get rid of the lingering taste of gasoline in her mouth. “how do you do that? that tastes awful” she frowned, making a mental note to never do that again. “it’s about the feeling princess, you get used to the taste”
checking her phone, a quiet gasp slipped from her lips. it was so late, her parents were probably wondering where she was. “shit rafe, i need to get home” swiftly, y/n jumped from the bed, making her way to the door.
“woah! not so fast y/n, you can’t go home like that” rafe called, stopping her in her tracks. “like what?” he gestured towards the mirror on her left, watching as she stepped in front of it.
“oh my god…” y/n muttered, unsure of who she was looking at as a girl with pupils like saucers stared back at her. “what am i gonna do?” she almost cried, there was no way her parents could see her like this.
“stay the night” rafe said calmly, a little too calm for y/n’s liking. she looked at him like he’d suggested they go to the moon or something. “are you crazy? sarah would kill me!” rafe’s lips turned up into yet another smirk.
“so what?”
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bookyeom · 5 months
Hallo Leslie!! I finally had a free brain moment to look through your prompt ideas, and if you’re still open to requests, how about # 61 + 90 from the second list?
Hope your week is off to a good start!
A/N: I'm so sorry these prompts took 800 years to get written, but here we are. This one may or may not be inspired by Wait (it 100% is inspired by Wait). Enjoy!!
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Please Don't Tell Me Wait
Pairing: Dino x Reader Genre: idiots to lovers, friends to lovers Rating: PG (because of the kissing ig?) Word Count: 2.3k Request Prompt: "you can tell me anything." Warnings: kissing, Lee Chan as a general warning
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YN: I’ll kill you, Boo Seungkwan. I will
Boo: why? 😇
YN: What could possibly be so important that you ‘suddenly’ need to go to the mall all the way across town immediately, bring Vernon, Soonyoung and Mingyu with you, and cancel on movie night?? When Chan is already almost here?
Boo: giving you and Channie some alone time 🙂
You gape down at your phone. 
YN: you’re shameless. Evil and vile. Canceled. 
Boo: I think you misspelled thank you? 
Your next raging text is lost mid-type as your doorbell rings, and you straighten up in your seat. You have a quick internal debate with yourself about whether or not you should answer, but then you think about how sad Lee Chan would be if you didn’t open the door, and you find yourself moving without any more thought. Whipped, comes the unhelpful thought.
As soon as you open the door, you feel like you’ve been punched in the gut. Your breath catches just at the sight of him, wearing his favourite grey hoodie and a smile, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone more breathtaking in your life. “Hi,” he says, and you want so badly to ignore the way everything around you feels a little bit brighter just at the sound of his voice. You are in so deep.
You let him in and he quickly makes himself at home. It isn’t the first time your friends have plotted to get the two of you alone, but it is the first time it’s been in such an intimate setting. Chan’s been over to your place so many times before, but always with one of the boys in tow. You hate how nervous you feel.
You’re nervous because you like him. When Seungkwan found out last month, pretty soon everyone within earshot knew, too. Somehow – and you thanked the stars for this – Chan didn’t seem to have a clue. 
One thing about your friend Chan: he was pretty oblivious, for the most part. You knew so many people who would kill for a chance with him, but he didn’t seem to notice or even care. He flirted with you – that much was clear. You weren’t naive. But he’d never once seemed to mean anything more than friendly banter, because that’s just who he is, so here you were. Pining unrequitedly after one of your friends, with your other friends desperately trying to push the two of you together. It was frustrating at best.
You can make it through this night. You always have fun with Chan, and talking to him is easy enough when you aren't thinking too much. You have similar taste in movies and snacks, he’s funny, he's a good listener… the list is endless. You like being around him. You can do this.
You manage to act relatively normal as the two of you get settled for the movie, even as Chan makes a joke about the guys ditching, even as you almost physically jump back when he hands you the popcorn bowl to carry into the living room, and your fingers brush. You’re fine, up until the moment you’re sitting on your couch with snacks at the ready, a semi-breathable distance between the two of you, and he decides to speak up.
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything.” You answer without hesitation, because it’s true. 
“Well…” He pauses, and you meet his gaze with a raised eyebrow when he doesn’t continue. As soon as your eyes are on him and away from the TV, his lips turn upward and he says, “I think you look really pretty tonight.”
Your eyes widen, and you nearly drop the remote. You watch as the corner of his mouth lifts up even further into a smile, and you can tell he’s pleased with himself. He raises his eyebrows, waiting for a response, but you don’t have one. Your mind wants to ask it, wants desperately to just blurt out the question — is this a date? Are we on a fucking date right now? — but you refrain. 
“Chan,” is what you say instead, with a roll of your eyes as you hold out the remote for him to take. You know the effect his words have had on you is obvious with the way you’re reacting, but you can only pray that he doesn’t comment on it. “Just pick a movie.”
You would almost think he meant his words if he’d ever actually tried to take his flirtatious remarks any deeper, but he never does. It’s been months of this. It’s not that he’s mean, you know he’s not — you just think he doesn’t have a clue that you might actually like him. 
“I mean what I said.” 
You’re startled from your thoughts when Chan speaks again, and you realize that he definitely hasn’t moved to take the remote from your outstretched hand. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you, either. 
You slowly lower the remote back down to your lap. “Have you been taking lessons from Mingyu again on how to flirt?” 
You watch as he leans forward slightly, that stupid, soft, teasing smile on his mouth yet again, and he asks, “Why, are they finally starting to work on you?”
You blink, staring back at him as all thoughts swiftly leave you. Your breath catches as his eyes wander across your face, and your own gaze can’t help but find his mouth. 
“Maybe,” is what comes out before you can stop it. 
Chan seems surprised for a second too, before he rights himself again. “Well,” he says slowly, “like I said... I meant every single word.”
His fingers gently pry the remote from your hand, eyes never leaving yours. He moves closer and closer, judging your every reaction, watching for any hesitation. He finds none. You let him draw you in, your back falling against the armrest and then he’s above you, his hands braced on the couch on either side. He’s gazing down at you so intently that you think you forget how to breathe. 
“How do I know that you mean it?” Your voice is quiet, uncertain. You know that you want this, that you want him, but you’re terrified that he doesn’t mean it in the same way as you.
“I can show you,” he returns, as serious as you’ve ever seen him, and you can’t stop your gaze from falling to his mouth. He takes that as a sign. And when he leans down, nose gently brushing against yours as he waits for permission, it’s you that closes the gap first. 
You kiss him, soft and hesitant. He responds almost immediately, pushing back against your mouth, a hum coming from somewhere deep in his chest. Like he’s been waiting. The thought makes your toes curl. Your hands find his waist, pulling him down to you as far as he can go, and you can feel him laugh against your mouth before he’s kissing you again, over and over, until you can’t think or feel anything but him.
You’ve never been kissed like this. 
He breaks the kiss first, his forehead falling to yours as he catches his breath. You’re both silent for a moment as you process, and you can feel your heart pounding against your ribcage. 
“Chan,” you finally say, voice quiet, your grip on the back of his shirt tightening.
“Yeah?” He mirrors your hushed tone, pulling away so he can look at you. He sounds breathless, and it makes you feel even dizzier. 
“I…” You trail off. You squeeze your eyes shut in a feeble attempt to lessen the effect of his gaze on you like this, but it’s futile. The look on his face, the one that you’d sworn to yourself all these months meant nothing, is permanently etched into the back of your eyelids now.
He doesn’t move at all as he waits, giving you time. The heat of him so close, his entire body pressed to yours, is so intimate, so overwhelming. You can feel him everywhere, can feel every breath he takes, and you wonder if he can feel your heart ready to burst out of your chest.
“Chan,” you finally speak again, voice barely a whisper. “If you don’t…”
His eyebrows furrow; you can tell he wants to speak, but he doesn’t. 
“If you don’t mean this,” you try again, your eyes still squeezed shut. “If this isn’t serious for you, then I can’t do it. I’m sorry.”
It’s silent, and your heart slowly sinks into the couch beneath you. 
Then he’s gently pushing himself off of and away from you. The feeling of disappointment quickly claws its way up into your throat, robbing the air from your lungs along the way. You sit up too, keeping as much distance between you as possible. Your eyes stay trained on your hands in your lap — you can’t look at him for even a second.
You feel your eyes begin to water in spite of yourself. Stop, stop, stop. 
“Y/N,” he repeats, voice soft, “I need you to look at me.”
You take a deep breath, feeling your lower lip quiver. You steady yourself before meeting his eyes, straightening your shoulders.
“Do you really not know how much I like you?”
You weren’t expecting that. The question hangs in the air as you blink back at him. “You—“
“I’ve liked you for so long… since that night when you were the only one who laughed at my joke at Soonyoung’s party.”
Your mouth falls open as you think back to that night — you know the very one. The same night that you finally learned his name — the name of the cute new guy your friends had been bringing around. That was ages ago.
A few more beats of silence pass by until he speaks again.
“How could you possibly think I’m not into you? I don’t think I’ve ever been more obvious about something in my life.” He laughs nervously, running a hand through his hair. 
Your heart is beating triple time as you search for your words. “We’ve known each other for six months, and you never said anything.”
“Neither did you.” He raises his eyebrows in a challenge, daring you to disagree with him, but the smile on his lips gives him away.
“You have so many friends,” you say quietly after a moment, and you watch as Chan’s face softens. “I just assumed you treated them the same way you treat me.”
“I don’t,” he says softly, “but I can see why you might have thought that.”
“So many people flirt with you. All the time.” You don’t know why you’re continuing to state these things — you blame it on the fact that you absolutely cannot process that he just told you he likes you — but Chan just takes your words as they come. 
“I barely notice… especially when you’re there.” He bites his lip, tilting his head as he looks at you. “And people flirt with you too, you know.”
You let out a laugh at that, looking down at your hands. “I know.”
“But you didn’t know that I was flirting with you?” Chan asks incredulously, throwing his head back with a groan. You can tell he’s joking, and you can’t help the smile that passes over your lips now, too. 
“I did know,” you offer, and Chan sits up straight to look at you again. You continue before he can protest. “But I didn’t know if it was serious for you. And for me…” You stop yourself before you admit what you were about to, feeling your cheeks flush. 
For me, it’s serious.
“For you?” He prompts you to go on, and you can tell he’s trying desperately to hold back a grin, because he knows exactly what you were going to say. You let out a whine. 
He laughs. Then your heart leaps into your throat once more, because he’s reaching across the distance between you, finding your hand and pulling it back into his lap. “I’ll say it loud and clear so there are no misunderstandings,” he begins, thumb tracing lazy lines on the back of your hand, “I like you… seriously.” 
You know he’s teasing you again, but you can’t find it in you to care when you know he’s being honest. Your eyes fall to your entwined hands, mesmerized by his gentle movements against your skin, your heart near ready to jump out of your chest at the softness of it all.
You look back up to find him bashful as he speaks, and it’s his turn to avoid your eyes as he chews on his lower lip. You suddenly realize what you think he’s waiting for, and you smile. 
“I like you a lot too,” you say, and when his gaze snaps to yours, you know you’ve said what he needed to hear. He smiles then, cheeks flushed and happy, and you’re enthralled by how shy he’s being when he had just been kissing you into oblivion moments prior. 
You beam at him, and he beams back, before he’s pulling you closer by your joined hands and into a hug. You curl up into his side, your head finding a place in the crook of his neck. 
“Y/N?” You glance up, heart stuttering a bit at the sight of him so close as you wait for him to continue. “For the record, in case you were still worried – I absolutely do not spend time with anyone else trying to ignore the way their lips move when they talk. That’s Y/N privilege.”
“Not even Soonyoung?” 
He’s kissing you almost before you get the teasing words out.
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A/N: please please please reblog if you liked! it's what us writers rely on :)
TAGLIST: @dejavernon @minisugakoobies @starsstuddedsky @hopeinthebox @tae-bebe @eoieopda @savventeen @wqnwoos
Message me if you want to be added to the permanent taglist!
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collecting-stories · 2 years
🏕 "Accidently ending a phone call with your roommate with a casual ‘I love you’ seems like a very good reason to move out." roommate au with any stranger things guy please!
I did this with Steve, mostly cause you said he's your comfort character.
I Love You - Steve Harrington
Summary: You accidentally confess your feelings to your best friend over the phone.
A/N: I couldn't decide how to end this so it kinda just ends.
Stranger Things Masterlist
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“What do you think are the chances that I could like...move out of our apartment?” You asked Robin, leaning against the counter of the Radio Shack. It wasn’t exactly the most glamourous job in the world but it afforded a third of the rent on the apartment that Robin had found for you, her, and Steve.  
When she’d first suggested the three of you living off campus together, you’d been reluctant. Keeping your feelings for Steve under wraps was a lot easier said than done, especially when you were literally living under the same roof as him. But Robin was persistent (and she put down the deposit for the first month before either of you could even process the idea long enough to back out of it) so it was no surprise to you when you found yourself trapped in an apartment contract, sleeping in a room right next to Steve’s.  
Not ideal was a severe understatement and you were waiting with baited breath to completely fuck everything up. Something you absolutely knew you were going to do because when didn’t you fuck things up? You’d been coasting through this masquerade of a friendship for two years now and there was no way you were going to hold out much longer. You knew that. And then it happened, just like you had anticipated but maybe worse than you’d imagined. 
“Why do you have to move out?” Robin asked, reaching for some of the fries she had brought you for dinner. You were supposed to be working but the moment she came in you’d flipped the sign on the door and locked it before announcing that you’re entire life was essentially over.  
“I told him I loved him.” You admitted, grimacing at the mere thought of your fuck up.  
It’d been a simple phone conversation, nothing exciting and definitely nothing to completely screw the future of your friendship with Steve over. He’d called the store cause he was going to the market and wanted to know if you had any special requests that hadn’t been written down. You asked for dunkaroos and then told you loved him. Mostly in that exact order. “Buy me dunkaroos. Thanks. See you later. I love you.” And then before he could answer (thank god before he could answer) you hung up. Hit the end call button and smashed the phone down onto the receiver and hyperventilated your way to the Radio Shack that Robin was working part time at.  
It was unfortunate, probably for both of you, that the only person you could talk about Steve with was Robin but you hadn’t really branched out.  
“How did that happen?”  
“I just was like, bye, and then said I love you!” You replied, pressing your hands against your forehead. “I literally am dying right now.” 
“I don’t think you’re dying.” Robin pointed out, not looking nearly as erratic over the entire ordeal as you were. “I mean, I’ve told Steve I love him plenty of times.”  
“You’re physically incapable of being attracted to him and I’ve never once heard you tell him you love him.” You replied, “I literally said ‘I love you’ on the phone, to him.”  
“So what? Just play it off.”  
Robin’s advice was less than helpful. You knew that technically you could just shrug the whole thing off (if he even mentioned it at all, as Robin was quick to point out) and say that you made a mistake. You told your parents you loved them when you signed off. You said it to your grandma when she called on holidays or weekends to chat. It was totally normal and while you didn’t normally say it to Steve it was just a slip of the tongue. Easily played off and never spoken of again.  
The second option that Robin presented, while still technically unhelpful, was a lot better than the first. The possibility that, just maybe, Steve hadn’t even heard you or if he had, that he wouldn’t bring it up at all because it didn’t really matter that much. You were friends, had been friends for a while, and you were living together. An ‘I love you’ here and there didn’t have to be romantic or talked about and definitely not agonised over. You could both go on living your lives as normal people who acted normal around each other.  
“He’s totally into you though,” Robin had mentioned, ever the informative friend when you were in a crises.  
You wanted to say “when pigs fly” or something along those lines but with all the crazy shit you’d experienced in Hawkins, pigs flying probably wouldn’t even make you bat an eye. The only thing left for you to do, since you’d dumped your problems on Robin and finished lunch, was actually return to the scene of the crime.  
The apartment was small and your roommates were unavoidable, which meant that hiding from Steve and your embarrassing love confession was virtually impossible. He was home when you got back anyway, stashing his ice cream in the back of the freezer behind a bag of peas because Robin had a tendency to steal it.  
“You know she knows you put the Rocky Road back there right?” You asked, skipping the ‘hello’ or ‘how are you’ or ‘is there any chance the phone cut out before I told you I love you’. “Honestly I don’t know how you can eat ice cream after working at Scoops.”  
“Me and ice cream have had our differences but, I mean, it’s Rocky Road…who turns their back on Rocky Road?” Steve asked, turning to look at you over his shoulder.  
“Right, my bad.” You looked away quickly, going to the fridge to grab a drink. You couldn’t hide from him but maybe you could hibernate in your room until Robin got home and then it wouldn’t be the two of you alone in the apartment. Or it would, but not alone in the same room. Alone in separate rooms, where you couldn’t say anything else embarrassing and he couldn’t mention that you told him you loved him. “I’ll be in my room. I uh, homework.” You grabbed your backpack from its spot by the couch (because you always complained about doing homework by yourself in your room and insisted on sitting on the couch and bothering your roommates with medical terminology until one of them agreed to help you study).  
“Are you sure?” Steve looked genuinely surprised because he’s known you for more than five minutes, “what if you need someone to quiz you?” 
“I’ll be fine.” You lied.  
The whole charade, thanks to Steve’s rare intuitiveness, lasted no more than thirty agonising minutes. You suspected, for the most part, that he was humouring you. Letting you sit there and stare at your textbook and act like you were capable of not distracting yourself when both of you knew that it was impossible. And eventually, when he decided enough time had passed, he knocked on the door.  
It was clear then that he was humouring you in more ways then one. Waiting to see if you would crack or if he would have to say something first. Naturally, it was the latter. “Hey, how’s it going?” Steve leaned against the doorframe of your open bedroom door. You’d left it unlocked and not fully closed, a sort of ‘I’m willing to talk but only if you start the conversation’.  
“Fine,” you replied, trying not to look over at him. The last thing you needed was to look over at Steve and lose all your nerve.  
He shrugged though you couldn’t actually see it, “Okay,” he said it like he didn’t believe you but he pushed off the doorframe and tapped the wall gently, “well tell me if you need a study partner.” 
“I will.” you nodded; eyes still diverted. 
He tapped the wall one more time, “alright,” he started to back out of the room before he stopped, calling your name, “one more thing.” 
Finally, you looked up, “what?”  
“I love you too.”  
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pourstiel-poet · 7 months
l feel like bruce wouldn't have no clue whatsoever as to what happened while he was lost in time--by that i mean Tim's Quest to Find Bruce Wayne. Tim's Missing Spleen. Dick's decision to make Damian robin.
when bruce is first rescued by booster gold, he doesn't think much about tim's absence, doesn't think much of anything, really, he was just glad he was home. weeks pass and he's getting to know damian, reconnecting with dick, (and attempting to reconnect) with jason...
he'd probably be sitting at lunch, mid-bite, when all of a sudden, Someone is missing. obviously, damian is at school and dick has his life in bludhaven and jason wouldn't step within a thousand meters of the manor on a good day, so it takes him a few seconds
because it wasn't missing as in he's not present, currently, right now, in this house, missing as in
where did he go?
he hadn't seen tim in...months. when was the last time he'd seen him? probably the watchtower right after booster gold had dropped him off. he hadn't even actually seen the boy. just heard he had found him...
how Had tim found him? how had tim been able to when everyone else thought he was dead? So he makes it his quest to find answers and obviously, he doesn't get it from dick. His eldest clams right up at the topic, refusing to give him a straight answer. the longer it took to find answers, the more antsy he was. what had happened while he was gone?
where was tim? where had he been? so he asks alfred, to which the butler replies with vague, utterly unhelpful answers (he had a feeling that the butler truly, did not know either, and was also at a loss as to where timothy drake had been)
i feel like bruce would be the type to either obsess over it or try to ignore his gut feeling that Something Is Wrong by burying himself under case upon case upon case. then one day, he sees it:
it was obviously meant to be something he'd never find, encased behind password upon password, firewall upon firewall, and when he does break through what he thought had been a rather odd file given all the protection and layers, his heart drops
file after file, report after report, all written by and for one person and one person only: tim. timothy, oh, his son.
fingers pressed to his lips, only dim blue light of the batcomputer, he reads, and reads, and reads
it doesn't end. just when he thinks it's finally done, he stumbles upon the splenectomy
he can't help but shudder a soft sob when he's finished, silently crying into his hands because had he even thanked tim? had he even done anything more than glance at the boy that had sacrificed...everything to find him?
p2 soon bc i have to go!
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polliwoggers · 1 year
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been struggling to draw lately so i went through some older stuff of mine and found this, only to realize i never posted it. i don't imagine anybody's still doing stuff for this weird social media-clan au thingy anymore, now that the meme of it has died down, but anybody's free to these names for whatever uses they want, if they want them :)
bonus lore to get it out of my head:
Yarrow-whisker was the previous medic before Quarrypaw, who has yet to gain their full status as a medicine cat in their absence
Geckopaw and Prairiepaw are siblings. Yewtail is only a so-so mentor at the best of times, so Foxfire effectively mentors them both. However, Prairiepaw has swooped in to support Yewtail when they decide to do something stupid and unsustainable on multiple occasions. they really shouldn't have been granted an apprentice tbh. i recently re-read Fire and Ice in the original warriors series so the parallels to Graystripe being a poor mentor to Brackenpaw are intentional
Skypelt came out of retirement to mentor Duskpaw, since they serve such similar real-life purposes. Skypelt doesn't understand everything their apprentice says or does but is generally supportive of such a similar application
Marsh-singer, Whitestep, and Thymeface are all siblings, and are collectively the youngest of the warriors (not accurate to the actual ages of the applications, but eh). to say they are all total gossips would be an understatement. they're also really interchangeable and forgettable. like the Runningwinds of apps.
depending on how positively you want to view the whole "reincarnation" trope some of the canon warriors books have, you could say that Tickpaw is a reincarnation of Musiclight. Otherwise, they just look really similar.
all of the "Cats Outside of Clans" cats are kittypets, with the notable exception of Furzebark, who is a banished rogue with a concerning amount of influence on the Clan(s?). maybe there's a whole band of rogues who are based on insidiously/surprisingly influential applications or online entities! various appstore/playsotre applications could fall under this category, as well as like. roblox, apparently. which is beyond weird to me since that's a game and not a wider application, but it got scarily profitable during lockdown, so...
Redpaw was Yewtail's sibling, but died during their apprenticeship. Probably to the same thing that killed Gravelpounce, but i have no idea what that would be
Flaxflower is generally considered WAY too old to still be alive (since the real internet explorer died a bit ago by now), but since he'd "find a way to be late to his own funeral", he has yet to kick the bucket.
the whole twittypet drama is EASILY the juiciest gossip the clan has had in ages, ESPECIALLY the half-clan checkmark-kits. in-universe, im interpreting the poor management of twitter that's been driving it into the ground irl as a negligent cat owner unintentionally driving their pet to spend more time outdoors with other cats (namely, dashclaw) to get away from them, which resulted in kittens. drummed-up anti-kittypet sentiment aside, many clan cats looking in on the situation just feel bad for her.
Vinewatcher is the most consistently "present" of the StarClan spirits, but is also the most consistently unhelpful. numerous potential prophecies later turned out to just be inside jokes of theirs they decided to continue rehashing into the afterlife. Quarrypaw, having not gotten much experience identifying what makes a legitimate prophecy yet, finds this exceptionally annoying behavior, and would like them to stop. They do not.
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wndaswife · 2 years
Hey, can you do a stepmom Wanda fanfic with innocent reader or professor Wanda and bimbo reader. You don’t have to if you feel uncomfortable.
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wanda maximoff x fem!reader
tags: smut, drugging, manipulation, somnophilia, hair pulling, face slapping, cunnilingus, dubcon, mommy kink, dollification, degradation, praise, aftercare, dom!professor!wanda, sub!bimbo!reader. MINORS DNI.
word count: 1959
a/n: prof wanda n bimbo reader was such a good idea
You asked your professor for help with your final assignment essay, the rubric in your hands as you approached her desk during her office hours. Your TA was unhelpful, giving passive aggressive advice at most whenever you contacted them for assistance, and as the deadline for your essay began looming over you dangerously close, you were scrambling for help, and you’d do anything to get it.
Your class didn’t have a final exam, but rather a huge research project that you should’ve been working on within the last month, but you weren’t. You hadn’t even opened up the rubric until last week.
Professor Maximoff was passionate about what she taught, and she had always been so sweet to you, so over the last few months, you had tried your best to attend her lectures, even if only to scroll through social media aimlessly the entire time.
Not knowing whether or not your professor would help you out in the eleventh hour was something that settled heavily in your stomach while you walked across campus to her office.
But Wanda was as helpful and saccharine sweet as she always had been. She looked up at you from her desk with an excited smile when you entered her office. When she asked to take you out for coffee, you initially agreed to her offer because you needed help, although you also found yourself excited to spend time with her. The dark glints in her green eyes as you turned to leave her office with her was lost on you.
The line at the cafe the two of you went to was long, so Wanda lined up for you while you sat at one of the tables reading over your essay rubric. After several minutes, Wanda approached you with your iced coffee in hand and her latte in the other. You never questioned why you had accepted her offer so easily. You were at one of Wanda’s favourite cafes in the city, sitting beside her at a table while her hand was placed on your thigh.
Wanda complimented your pretty smiles and carefree attitude. You let her squeeze your thigh under the table and she complimented your pretty eyes. You talked little about the essay you had originally gone to her to discuss.
“So, professor, I was-”
Wanda’s fingers moved forward, snaking around your inner thigh and making you freeze. “Please, darling, it’s Wanda,” she corrected with a sweet smile. 
Despite her proximity that anyone else might call unprofessional, you couldn’t help but give into her advances, letting your professor touch you the way she wanted to. She had even asked you whether or not you had a boyfriend, and like the naive girl you were, you simply drank your iced coffee happily while you discussed everything from a lack of a boyfriend to a disinterest in having one.
“O-Okay,” you hesitated before smiling, your nervousness quickly being overtaken by joy at being so close to your university’s nicest, and prettiest, professor. “Wanda, I was just wondering if we could talk about my assignment a little, if you wanted to.”
With her hand on your upper arm, Wanda replied, “Of course we can, sweetheart. I’ll just drive us back to school and we can go through it there. Does that sound good to you?” You nodded with a happy smile, and Wanda’s hand ran down your arm supportively as she picked up her things. She wrapped an arm around your hips and you walked out with her as if you were a child who couldn’t have found their way out of the cafe on your own without her help. And that wasn’t entirely false.
The soft hum of Wanda’s car as she drove, the warm scent of her enveloping you as you sat in her passenger’s seat, lulled you to sleep. You felt guilty for it, as Wanda had only just extended her hand out to help you, and you were taking advantage of her by nearly falling asleep in her car, but overwhelming fatigue had suddenly come over you.
You sipped at your cold drink periodically to keep you awake, but it had only seemed to worsen the warm sleepy feeling that spread through your body.
Wanda’s hand was placed on your leg as she drove, running her hand up and down your thigh soothingly. You fell asleep within the next two minutes. 
Waking up wasn’t so much of a challenge as it was confusing. Your mind was a complete blur, your surroundings dark and unfamiliar. You knew that you weren’t in Wanda’s car anymore, at least. Had you forgotten the entire day? As you groaned and tried to find your hands, your body twisted to the side, only to be held back up again by your hip. 
Something soft laid atop you, flush against your chest and stomach, and you heard mumbling in your ear. Your head recoiled from the sudden intrusion, but a hand was harshly brought to the side of your head, pulling you against someone’s face. 
“You’re a sweet girl, Y/N,” you made out. The lips of whoever was speaking was pressed against your ear, their breath warm as it blew down your neck. “So sweet to me.” 
The scent of them made you hum with a smile, pleased at the praise. You felt them grin against your ear. It was only when they began grunting softly against the side of your head that you put together what they were doing. 
With one of their hands holding your hip, the other held your wrists up above your head, preventing you from moving out from underneath them. Your ass was exposed, your skirt hiked up to your waist and your panties pulled to the side. 
Then, the walls of a room came into focus, then a headboard. A bedroom that wasn’t yours. 
The familiar shade of your professor’s dark brown hair flashed in front of your eyes, swaying in time with the soft jerks behind you. 
You heard yourself moaning, the rhythmic noise soothing your throat.
With a hand wrapped around your chin, your face was refocused upwards. You were met with your professor looking down on you with a small smile, her eyebrows furrowed together. What was she doing on top of you?
Your eyes travelled down her body. She wasn’t wearing a jacket anymore. Her turtleneck’s sleeves were pushed up her arms. Her slacks… had gone too. 
Her hips were thrusting down against yours. Your eyes widened when a thick glistening strap was pulled from your hole, sticky white ropes connecting her cock and your pussy, before she thrusted back into your sopping hole with force. 
A hard slap came across your face and your hair was pulled into Wanda’s fist to make you look back up at her again.
“Pay attention to me,” she spat, her expression suddenly cold and stern. 
You squinted, your cheek stinging as your professor’s features became clearer. “W… Wanda?” you stuttered out hesitantly.
Her expression relaxed and she let go of your hair, petting your head softly. “That’s right,” she cooed.
“What’s happening?” you asked, tears forming in your eyes at the sheer confusion that had come over you. You felt so dumb and small. 
“Nothing you need to worry about, dear,” Wanda reassured, slightly breathless. “Nothing your stupid little brain could understand even if I tried to explain it to you.” Her words should’ve stung, should’ve made you cry harder, but you simply sniffled and nodded at the soft coo of her degradation.
Her head was thrown back as your hips bucked upward into her instinctively, making the harness of her strap make harsh contact with her clit. 
Wanda’s hand slipped between your stomach and hers and she looked down at you again. Her fingers were pushed through your folds. She parted them, letting you hear how they parted stickily. “Your tight little cunt is taking my dick so well,” she said. 
You flushed at the praise though you felt dirty for it. 
Her hand slipped out from between the two of you and her palm was stuck across your face again without warning. You whimpered, writhing beneath her. 
“Mommy… please stop,” you begged tearily, the harsh pain making your cheek sting. “You’re hurting me.”
Wanda took your chin again. “You think that’s something to be proud of, puppy?” she asked. “That filthy little pussy is nothing to be proud of. You’re such a braindead fucking slut.” She spat at your face and you recoiled. “You don’t deserve mommy’s cock.”
She moved to slip off of you, but your arms raised and wrapped around her waist. “No, mommy, I’m sorry!” you cried, tears spilling down your reddened cheeks. “I’m so sorry, mommy. I want your cock. I feel so icky. Please help.”
Your professor leaned back down against you. “Don’t cry, baby,” she hushed. She kissed your tear-stained cheeks. “You want my help?” 
You nodded.
You flinched at the raising of Wanda’s hand, but it came down to cup your cheek instead, her thumb rubbing her saliva into your skin. 
“That’s a good girl,” she said. You whimpered at the praise, suddenly feeling the need to cry even at that. “You’re just mommy’s sweet little cockwhore, hm?” Wanda asked, kissing your forehead. “You like getting your tight little pussy fucked by mommy’s big cock?”
You closed your eyes and nodded again “Yes, mommy,” you answered obediently. 
All of your classes were missed that day, but you spent not even a moment thinking about them. Wanda fucked your tight pussy all day until you’re too fucked out and dumb to protest to any of her advances. At one point, you got on your knees while she fucked your throat until you were crying. She spanked your pussy until it was puffy and red. 
All the while, you mumbled out how happy you were to be mommy’s little fuckhole. You were so happy to be her little girl, so happy to have her cock fucking your tight cunt. 
When Wanda eventually unfastened her strap, she gave you a shower, holding your abused little body up while she washed your hair. She dried you up with a towel after having you sit up on the washroom counter. She rubbed lotion onto you, massaging your sore body comfortingly, then dressed you up like her little doll, all cute and sleepy in her soft clothes. With a kiss on your forehead, Wanda tucked you in under her blankets.
You fell asleep in her bed dreaming of her pretty green eyes while she gave you full marks on your unfinished assignment online. Afterwards, she made you dinner- hot soup and baked bread. She woke you up, peppering your face with soft kisses. With your arms wrapped around her waist dependently, Wanda led you downstairs to the kitchen.
You were just as happy to have dinner with Wanda as you were at the cafe earlier, swinging your legs in your seat and blabbering off joyfully about miscellaneous topics. 
Once cuddled upstairs in bed with her, Wanda led you down between her thighs, gripping your head between both hands as she guided you through eating her out. 
“Faster, whore,” Wanda commanded. Her grip on your hair tightened, her nails running down your scalp. “Eat my pussy out just like that.” She came into your mouth and pulled you back up to run her tongue up your coated cheeks.
With you pulled against her chest covered in blankets and embraced tightly in Wanda’s arms, you fell asleep once more, not having questioned for a moment being at your professor’s place being cared for like her sweet doll. 
Perhaps that was why Wanda took you home to begin with, and why you fell asleep nuzzling your face into her breasts.
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chimchiri · 7 months
Poll Adventure: Rarijack Dinner
Index | [prev] - Part 05 - [next] Special thanks to @babydarkstar for putting out the great writing!
Previous Poll:
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Sunlight filters through the leaves as Applejack sits up from her place under the apple tree. Winona, who had her fluffy head resting on AJ’s chest, gives a thoughtful sniff as she gazes up at her owner, pushing up to sit on her hind legs.
AJ meets Winona’s curious gaze with a worried look of her own.
“What am I gonna do, girl?” she sighs, “Got myself wrapped up in all sorts’a trouble now.”
Winona turns her head to survey the expanse of apple trees surrounding them before giving AJ a side-eyed glance and a withered sneeze, as if that should solve every problem she’s got.
AJ smiles wearily and scratches behind the dog’s ears, patting her soft head before tugging again on a fluffy ear, lost in thought.
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Asking family is out of the question at this point. Everybody’s got chores, and talking to them would only mean more work for her or Big Mac. Lord knows what kinda fuss they’d make about it if she tells them too soon. After her chores, she needs to do as much as she can to make tomorrow easier, and finish gathering her thoughts on the date, as well as getting anything she needs for it. Tomorrow she’ll have to finish up whatever work she started, get ready for the date, and leave. She’ll tell family later, but right now she can’t deal with that extra stress.
One of her friends would be better for today. Maybe she’ll ask for help and won’t even need to say Rarity’s name…she can only hope. The absolute riot that would result would be too much to handle. And besides, she wants to keep it quiet in case things don’t work out.
There are two questions lingering in her mind.
She’s lost on what to wear. With all the time she’s spent around Rarity, one would think she’d know exactly what to wear to impress her. But honestly, she thinks about the complexities of fashion about as much as she thinks about men—which is to say, hardly at all. If she didn’t have Rarity’s voice in the back of her mind gasping about formalwear and Manehattan social status, she’d wear the nicest pieces in her closet and call it a day. Ultimately, she knows Rarity will appreciate any effort she makes for their date, but AJ wants to impress her.
Then there’s the gift. The Element of Generosity deserves something meaningful and special, and AJ knows she’ll appreciate it.
That should be all…but maybe she could ask her friends for general advice as well. After all, AJ’s never felt more serious about a date in her life.
Each of her friends have their strengths and weaknesses, and all have the ability to offer advice. But which one should she ask?
Naturally, Rainbow Dash is the first to come to mind. They’ve always had each other’s backs, always pushed one another to be better at everything, striving to be the best. Bickering and teasing is their love language, no matter how relentless. But. With all that spunk and chaos in such a tiny figure, AJ’s pretty sure Rainbow would explode if she had to keep AJ’s date a secret. She also wouldn’t dare miss an opportunity to tease AJ about finally getting over herself to make a move with Rarity. But underneath her mischievous demeanor, she cares for AJ a whole heap; she’d help out however she can. AJ just isn’t sure what Rainbow’s advice for a romantic date would look like. It could easily be an hour of intermittent hysterical laughter, followed by the most unhelpful string of words she’s ever heard. “Just like, be yourself, dude. Roll with the punches. Seriously.” Or it could be wildly profound, incredibly insightful information—Rainbow’s personality is harlequin, unpredictable at times.
Fluttershy, however, is the complete opposite. Timid and quiet, sure, but she’s got the natural elegance and poise that could be helpful in this situation. As a friend, she’s a good listener and would take AJ’s worries to heart. Even if she found out AJ’s date is with Rarity, she would definitely keep the secret (maybe a few animals would hear the news, but that wouldn’t bother AJ). If AJ remembers right, Fluttershy has a bit of fashion experience…that could help a lot. However, she worries that the visit might take longer than it should—Fluttershy isn’t known to be decisive, and AJ definitely needs some cold hard advice.
Then there’s Twilight. AJ has never actually heard Twi talk about anything romantic, so she’s clueless if she has experience. But—Twi has an analytical predisposition to any situation, and could give AJ exactly the kind of information she needs. She would without a doubt take AJ’s questions seriously. With all that knowledge swarming her head, she’d likely go so far as to calculate all the pros and cons about every possible scenario and decision, and recommend what would fit best, accounting for factors like windchill and commute time while she’s at it. Spreadsheet, chalkboard, slide presentation, the whole shebang. And, like herself, Twilight appreciates tradition and routine, and probably knows what AJ would like as well. The only thing AJ worries about is Twilight focusing too much on little details and ending up not helping her at all, leaving her back at square one after taking the long way…
Finally, AJ considers Pinkie. Admittedly, she’s…not AJ’s first choice. “Silly” is her middle name, along with “goofy” and “rambunctious.” It’s not always easy to drag Pinkie down from the cotton candy castle she mentally resides in. Her whimsy is endearing and can always pull AJ out of a sour mood, but is that something she has time for right now? Surprise confetti from the Party Cannon is not the vibe she wants to bring to this date. But maybe AJ isn’t giving Pinks enough credit. From what she knows of her and her sister Maud, they prioritize each other to the fullest extent, and there’s nothing ridiculous about a friendship between sisters. Pinkie has an entire basement full of data on what each of her friends and family and neighbors likes, just so she can make them smile on their special day. Maybe a lighter mood won’t hurt, since she’s been such a worrywart lately about everything. But besides brightening her day, could Pinkie give sound advice about what to wear and how to impress Rarity.
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AJ can’t decide, but she’ll have to.
Maybe she should start walking to town and talk to whoever she runs into first.
Maybe she needs to listen to her gut. It hasn’t failed her yet.
Tag List: @mrrrpmeow @babydarkstar @butwerebothmares @chaosdraconequus @chrysaliswife @gaywombat @mulan-but-gay @jubjub05 @dan-chan-rn @sanybaby @horserepository @justletmesnarkandbark @colourswirlcannibal
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Caught up in Fashion - Matty Healy
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A/N: something that isnt smut???? applaud me. Also #unedited if there are any errors no there arent
wc: 3.5k
content warnings: bit suggestive, mpind typical cursing, drugs (weed), kissing, matty gets handsy?, he's done way worse
The British public transport system has been an ongoing source of disappointment since the day you learned how to spell the word. Busses that acted like they didn't have places to be, coming too late or just not coming at all, leaving you stranded on the highway in the middle of some city you didn't know the name of, Matty at your side, whining and complaining and being totally unhelpful in general.
This time, however, you had struck gold. Both your buses had arrived on time, making you actually catch the next one and not forcing you to wait around for another, or god forbid, try your luck hitchhiking. 
It was a bit loud, the sounds of families on their way to day trips or lunches filling the bus with noise, the occasional baby crying out for its parents. You were sitting at the window seat, your back to the glass as your legs draped across Matty’s, the soles of your shoes slightly blocking the way for other people, but seeing as the two of you were in the second to last row, it didn't actually bother anyone. 
It was nearing summertime, the blazing sun making clothes stick to your skin and makeup melt off, no brand of setting spray managing to set it. Matty, instead of being a normal fucking person and wearing short, was clad in his signature black skinny jeans, the only flow of air coming from the giant hole on his left knee. 
The two of you had finally found the time (and finances) to go shopping at a mall that had recently opened across the city. You were determined to get there, even if it did take you an hour and two bus connections, Matty insisted that he needed new clothes. 
“I need some tops, seeing as you steal all of mine.” you comment, earning yourself a piercing look from Matty, an insult forming behind his lips. 
“Fuck off, give me my joggers back and then we’ll talk” he gestures to the pants you were wearing which were, in fact, his. They sat perfectly on your hips, hanging low enough so even your longest tops looked cropped. 
“I dare you to try and take them, fucking watch what happens” you threaten him, clutching your pants like he was going to rip them off your legs right then and there out of pure spite. “I look better in them anyway” adding that little comment only made him huff in reply, deliberately turning his head away when you try to give him an apology kiss. 
“Fuck you do! I rock everything, especially when it's mine.” you roll your eyes at him, successfully planting a kiss onto his lips. The smile that spreads onto his face is impossible to hide, even if he denies it. 
The bus finally comes to a screeching halt, the breaks to sound it makes you cover your ears at the high pitched noise. Matty giggles, his eyes creasing up as he laughs at your misfortune.
“At least I haven't gone deaf from having my music at 100 you knobhead.” he holds his hands up in defeat, pushing your legs off of him to get up, exiting the bus. You latch onto him from behind, letting him lead you over the gap between the door and the floor, catching you in his arms when you pretend to trip, performatively falling in slow motion. His hands grip onto your waist, setting you down onto the hot pavement. 
“Smoke?” you nod, walking over to the bench under the bus stop’s roof, the plastic of the seat warm against the back of your thighs as you sit down, leaning against the Fanta advertisement behind you. 
Matty pulls out his packet of cigarettes, taking out two and handing one of them to you. A smile spreads onto your face when you see him lighter, your initials decorating the side. He catches your look, running his fingertips over the slightly faded rhinestones and lighting your cigarette first. 
You take out your ipod and headphones, gesturing for Matty to take one. Without asking, you put on ‘The Masterplan’ by oasis, quietly singing along to the lyrics as he nudges you in the arm. 
“Your music taste is not a shit as it used to be.” he comments, looking almost proud of you. You click your tongue, leaning your head against his shoulder and taking a drag of the cigarette between your fingers. “Seems like you’ve terrorized me so much I finally gave in.” The smoke leaves your mouth as you speak, cheekily smiling up at his deadpan expression, obviously hoping for a different answer. 
“Dramatic much?” you kiss his shoulder, playfully biting his arm making him jump at the feeling of your teeth digging into his skin.
“Ow??” you just laugh, collecting your hair and brushing it over your right shoulder, making your position a bit more comfortable. 
The inside of the mall is air conditioned, a groan of relief leaving Matty’s lips as the cool air kisses his skin. You take a look around, eyes landing on a store down the giant hallway. Hollister. Matty turns to you and nods, booking it down the corridor in its direction. You hurry after him, his hand dragging you faster than you could keep up. 
“It’s fucking massive.” he breaths, stopping right infront of the entrance. Racks filled with piles upon piles of clothes makes the little shopping addict in Matty twirl, completely forgetting the amount of money he had left the house with. 
The two of you part ways, going into different sections and rifling through clothes, groaning when your eyes fall on the price tag. You see Matty coming towards you in the corner of your eye, holding something in his hands.
“You like?” he asks, holding a black, floor length floral skirt to his lower half, spinning around in a small circle. It flows around him, the multicolored flowers standing out against the jet black fabric nicely. 
“It's cute, it makes you look a bit taller.” you admire him, obviously giddy from finding something he really liked that didn't have a two digit price tag. And it's true, it did make him look taller.
“Not that I need it.” he states, gesturing at his body, standing at a totally average 5’11 (6’ in boots). You decide to tease him a bit, loving watching his grin disappear as you speak. 
“Oh you definitely do, you're like an oompa loompa who's managed to escape the chocolate factory.” his jaw drops in disbelief, almost looking genuinely offended.
“Fucking oompa loompa, maybe fix your contour before you come at me.” he shoots back, making a point to wipe at you face, some of the product coming off. 
Your hands go to cover your face and you rush to a mirror, absolutely mortified. Upon taking a look at your reflection, you realize he was taking the piss out of you, and that your makeup looked perfectly fine, apart from your eyeliner being a tad smudged. It looked good, nonetheless 
“I fucking hate you.” you spit at him, attempting to shove past him, his hands gripping your shoulders stopping you. 
“But you believed me, didnt you?” 
“Fuck off and die, I hope your scrote falls off.” you can't help but giggle at your own words, biting your lip between your teeth. 
“Awwee, but who would keep you happy and satisfied then? Can't make you cum without my precious little friend.” he winks, wrangling his eyebrows at you. You cringe, your nose scrunching up in disgust.  
“Don't ever refer to your dick as ‘precious little friend’ again, or I will leave you for George.” George would at least have the decency to not name his dick. 
“He’d be a shite shag.” Matty says, matter of factly, like it helped his case. Deciding to try and rile him up in retaliation, you twirl your hair around your fingers, speaking in a dreamy voice.  
“But look at the size of him, you know he’s packing at least twelve-” Matty cuts you off with a harsh kiss, both his hands cupping your cheeks. You let out a surprised noise, it getting swallowed up as he slips his tongue into your mouth, running it across your bottom lip. 
“I do not want to speculate on the size of my best mate's cock, thanks.” you nod, slightly breathless from the kiss, too dazed to debate him further. You go back to the rack of clothes behind you and Matty walks over to a display of skimpy going-out tops. 
“D'you like this on me?” you press a black and pink tube top to your chest, getting Matty’s attention. He takes his eyes over you, smirking as he notices the bottom of the shirt is completely sheer, only a black strip of fabric keeping you from flashing everyone. 
“It's hot. You should try it on, give me a preview.” his fingers touch the bottom of the top, running his fingers over the pink mesh. It looks tight, too tight for a bra seeing as it could cling to your body if you decided to wear it. 
“You’re such a boy.” you snigger, adding the top to your pile of yes’s. 
“Can you blame me?” his arm wraps around your waist, fingers hovering over the curve of your arse, giving it a quick squeeze. You smack his hands away, cursing at him for basically groping you in a Hollister. 
He smirks against your ear, attemüting to whisper into it before you shove him off, changing the subject by asking what he had decided to buy. 
Matty holds up the skirt from earlier, bragging about how it was “Only nine quid, can you believe that??”
The second item he had picked out was a thin, long sleeved top in none other than leopard print. You giggle at him as he proudly shows it off to you, boasting about how sexy and delicious he would look in it, deliberately having taken a size or two too small. 
You pay at the till, and Matty legs it to the changing stall, peeling off this shirt and putting on his new top, letting it ride up to show the low rise of his jeans. He actually looks quite good, even if he gives off ‘old hollywood hooker’ vibes with the top. 
His hand intertwined with yours as you walk into a children's store for shits and giggles, looking through the vast catalog of toys and fake makeup.
Your eyes land on a matching pair of kids friendship bracelets, one pink, one blue. Matty asks you what you have, and you show it to him, begging him to wear them with you
“Its cute!” you argue, trusting the cheap pieces of plastic into his hands.
“Its tacky, does not fit my vibe at all.'' He tries to deny you, but the look on your face is too endearing to say no.
“You are the embodiment of the word, look at what you're wearing!” you point at his top, bursting out into a fit of laughter when he pops out a hip, standing with one hand resting on his waist.  
“It's fashion.” 
“That's one word for it.” you snigger as he reluctantly pays the 1.99 the bracelets cost. He slips his on first, the pink a stark contrast to the otherwise sandy and dark colors of his outfit. The blue bracelet fits perfectly around your own wrist, half of a heart connecting with the half on Matty’s via a cheap magnet.
“Look at us, defying gender roles.” Matty smirks at you, admiring both of your pieces of jewelry.
“Fighting the patriarchy! You did pay for me though, so not completely feminist." His laughter makes a fuzzy feeling spread through the body, an intense feeling of adoration making your heart pound in your chest. Fucking idiot.   
The two of you wander around, stopping to window shop in a store you could dream of actually going in, knowing you’d be thrown out in under a minute. His eyes gleam as he sees a proper jewelry store, acting like a child on christmas morning as he flips through the piles of discount earrings at the back of the shop. 
“You don't even have pierced ears mate, how’re you gonna wear them?” you snap him out of his little adventure, reminding him of his inability to actually wear the hoops he so desperately wanted to buy. 
“I'll go get them pierced then, have Rome do it for me.” Rome was now working on opening an actual shop, finally graduating from piercing people on the beat up sofa in his living room.  
“There's a piercing parlor literally there, and it's like five quid.” you gesture to the neon sign next to the till, pointing to a back room labeled ‘Sasha’s piercings’, which was a really shit name if she wanted to attract actual customers. 
“Will you hold my hand?” he juts out his lip, pouting at you in a childish manner. Sasha, the only employee (surprise surprise), greets you with a warm smile, asking what you wanted to get done. Matty tells her he wants to get his ears pierced and coughs up the five quid, sitting down onto a red leather chair. It was when she pulled out a piercing gun that he started to look a bit nervous. 
“Fuck no, that is not touching my ear.” he squirms away from the lady, a confused look on her face. Matty was a grown man, after all, even if he did act like a behaviorally stunted 8-year old. 
“You're so pathetic it's actually quite sad.” you say, urging him to just get it over with, and that he was being a wanker making the employee wait. 
  “Usually I'd appreciate you calling me that, but genuine degradation isn't really my kink.” 
The piercer looks mortified, asking you if you needed a bit of time before the piercing, and you nod, watching her step to the side.  
“Its fucking gun.” he mutters under his breath, eyeing the device that set onto a steriel tray on the table next to where he was sitting
“A piercing gun.” 
“It has the word gun in it.'' Obviously normal, adult reasoning isn't cutting it, so you went with the next best thing.
“Do it and I'll give you a blowjob.” Matty’s eyes light up at your proposition, a filthy smirk spreading onto his face.
“Fucking sold, go on then.” you're surprised it actually worked, scoffing in disbelief. 
“Men are so simple.” 
“Says the one who let me finger her in the bathroom of a club.” he shoots back, watching the blush creep onto your face as that night flashes behind your eyes. The smell of that bathroom is ingrained into your mind, no amount of wishing letting it leave your memory. 
“Don’t fucking speak about that,” you huff, fucked off that he brought it up. It was genuinely embarrassing, the way you humped him on the dance floor and then dragged him off into a stall.  “We were both so off our tits, I died for about 72 hours after.” you shudder at the monster hangover that left you immobile for the days following, having to get Matty to bring you all three meals for a concerning period of time. 
“Sureee, just deny deny deny you loved it.” you finally call the poor girl over, hoping she didn't accidentally overhear your crude conversation. Matty whimpers slightly as she brings the gun to his ear, pressing down. Squeezing your hand so hard you were sure your blood flow was cut off, he winced before relaxing, realizing that he was, in fact, losing his mind over absolutely nothing.
The second ear takes a fraction of the amount of time the first ear did, Matty grinning like a maniac at the lack of pain apart from a small sting in his earlobe. You shake your head apologetically at the lady, knowing she was probably rethinking her place of employment. 
“And you call me dramatic.” you snigger as she puts in two silver hoops, matty blatantly ignoring her recommendation to start with studs, saying they looked boring. He admires his new accessory in a small hand held mirror, flicking the earring back and forth before answering you. “It did actually hurt! Of course, I took it like the legend I am.” an exasperated sigh leaves your lips.
“Tosser, more like.” he smacks the side of your arm, laughing right along with you. 
You had spent almost the entire day there, running around stores, trying on piles of clothes just for the fun of it, feeling like teenagers in an American film. But even you had your limits, and your stomach started to growl as the sky began welcoming traces of night, the sun slowly setting over the horizon. 
Matty had spotted a chippy right across the road from the mall, draggin you there to get you something to eat. Both your wallets are almost empty, but you manage to find an old, crumple up fiver behind your expired school I.D. It was just enough to get one large portion of chips, the guy behind the counter generously adding a little extra when he noticed you’d be sharing it. 
Your hand clasps his as you trudge up a small hill off the side of the highway, hoping there would be a nice spot to sit down somewhere, away from all the noise. Matty’s inner compass somehow always knew where to go, his intuition sensing it or something. It was weird, but you’d learned to just follow him, knowing it your be worth it in the end 
And fuck, was it worth it this time. The hill slowly ended, the top of it nearing as you saw a pile of giant rocks, covered in graffiti. The sun was beautiful, hues of orange and purple painting the sky, clouds looking unreal in the light. He plopped down onto one of the rocks, facing west as you sat next to him, the box of chips on the ground between you. 
Matty feels around in his pockets and you raise your eyebrows at him, wondering what he was doing. He grins as he pulls out a spliff from his jean pocket, presenting it proudly like it wasn't the most beat up joint you've ever seen in your life. Still, you were thankful, plucking it from between his fingers and lighting it for him.
“I think I might actually love you, mate.” you place the lit spliff between his lips, thanking his past self for remembering to bring weed, knowing you'll be craving it at the end of the day.
“Of course you do, and for the love of god, stop calling me mate. You’ve quite literally fucked me multiple times, maybe its time to drop it?” he huffs, inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs. His expression changes when he hands it back to you, visibly more relaxed. 
“What else would I call you?” Matty scoffs at your question, listing weird, couple pet names off the top of his head.
“Baby, darling, the love of my life. Fucking anything that doesn’t make me feel like im talking to Ross.” 
you take a drag, listening to his little rant, nodding along as he rambles. You cough a bit when the smoke hits your lungs the wrong way, your eyes watering. 
“Fine, love it is.” you choose at random, only to make Matty stop ruining your high. Groaning, he pushes you, almost making you lose your balance on the rock you were sitting on. 
“Love of my life.” he insists, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Sure Matty, whatever shuts you up.”
“I know plenty of ways you can shut me up.” he coos, grinning wildly as his fingers trail up your bare arm. 
“God, I forgot you have the sex drive of a fucking bonobo.” you roll your eyes, putting on a display of faux annoyance. Matty giggles at your response, smacking his knee as his laughter grows louder.  
“I meant kiss me, but if you wanna-” oh god, he knew you would interpret it as something inherently sexual, especially if it came out of his mouth. You had fallen right into his little trap, his infectious laughter making it hard to even oretend to be fucked off at him. 
“Fuck off, giz a kiss.” you mutter, crashing your lips against his. His tongue licks into your mouth, biting down on your lower lip hard enough to draw blood. Matty moans into the kiss, his hand gripping the base of your neck as you make out in the orange glow of the sunset, only pulling away to take drags of the spliff, even attempting to shotgun one. 
You fail miserably, too high to think straight, let alone get your mouths that close together without one of you kissing the other out of pure instinct. At some point, you move to the ground, laying flat on your back as the warm summer air kisses your skin. 
Matty’s shoulder is against yours, your fingers interlocked between your bodies. Neither of you speaks, silently admiring the stars that littered the night sky, glimmering against the darkness of it. Crickets chirp in the distance as the cars become less and less noticeable, a veil of calm draping over the two of you.
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It's a Tradition, Right?
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: none really? does accidentally written miscommunication need a warning???
Food is the way to a man like Wrecker's heart. When his favorite Pabu resident surprises him with his favorite snack after a mission, he just can't help but confess to her. But is it really the picture perfect confession he imagined?
I am back! Once again participating in an amazing @cloneficgiftexchange organized by @ghostofskywalker.
This particular fic is written for @hunterscyarika with the prompts, "I'm falling in love with you" and "You're always on my mind." I really hope you love it! Wrecker was, surprisingly, the hardest clone I've written for so far, and I really hope I did him justice. Without further ado, I present to you: Wrecker's Guide on How to NOT Confess to Someone.
Well, if you squint your eyes and tilt your head, maybe it does look like the holo Omega showed you. The colors are a little off, and you lost count when you were measuring out the sugar, but that’s not what really matters. As long as it tastes like Omega and Wrecker’s beloved mantell mix. As long as you get to see one of Wrecker’s brilliant smiles when he tries it. 
Pabu was one of the most special places in the galaxy. A  paradise comprised of so many people from so many systems and cultures coming together in a perfect blend of peace and harmony. Even when tragedy strikes, like the sea surge a year ago, it provides an opportunity for the community to grow closer as a unit. It also provided you with an opportunity to meet the group of clones that called themselves the Bad Batch. 
You volunteered to help distribute blankets and other emergency supplies immediately following the surge, and your curiosity about the newcomers led you to approach the two little girls and one much larger man who fell asleep against the trunk of a large tree. You first placed a blanket around the two girls, then turned to the man and stopped short. He was gorgeous. Everything about his physique showcased the dangerous weapon that he was designed to be, but the way he laid there, entirely open and vulnerable, made you think there was so much more below the surface for him. He must’ve sensed your stare because he shifted and opened his eyes a bit, startling you out of your trance. You quickly tossed two blankets on him, only hesitating once before tossing one more for good measure and hastily walked off to hand out more blankets. 
You were perfectly content to leave your interactions with the clone and his sister at that, with you hopelessly pining from a distance while he was blissfully unaware of your existence. That plan lasted for about 12 hours, when the very next morning, the two clones waltzed right back into your life to help you distribute supplies. The girl cheerfully introduced herself as Omega and her brother as Wrecker while he effortlessly swooped up the box of rations that you had been struggling with just a minute before. The pair bonded quickly with you, and before long you found yourself thinking of them as your closest friends on Pabu. 
The time you spent with Wrecker did nothing to help your crush on him, and the time you spent apart helped even less. So, while the Batch was out with Phee on another adventure of liberating ancient wonders, you were stuck replaying your last interaction with Omega and Wrecker in your head. 
“It was a tradition on Ord Mantell.” Omega explained, “After every mission, we’d head straight to the mantell mix stand.” 
“I would do anything to have one last carton.” Wrecker reminisced. 
The spark in his eye was the thing that stuck with you the most. You wanted to see him with that look of pure adoration and happiness again. That desire led you to manically interview anyone you possibly could on Pabu for information about this mantell mix. None of Pabu’s current residents had come from Ord Mantell, and those that had visited it at one time or another were equally unhelpful. Eventually, you grew desperate enough to comm Echo, and after he scolded you for using his hyper encrypted comm channel for something as low priority as a mantell mix recipe, he was able to provide a really good description of the snack. Echo had been to many systems and planets during his time in the 501st, so eventually he was able to relate mantell mix to another type of sweet popped corn that you had eaten. 
Once you knew the basic principle of mantell mix, you were able to find ingredients and start attempting to recreate it easily enough. It took an embarrassing amount of batches to have a product that you were semi-happy with, and even now if you had more time, you would likely try it again. But Omega had commed you earlier that day to tell you that they would be arriving back to Pabu in a few hours, so this batch was as best as it would get. The corn wasn’t completely or evenly covered by the syrup, and the slightly grainy texture of the syrup made you think that you may have added too much sugar after you lost count, but a glance at your chrono let you know that you were running out of time. You hurriedly scooped some mantell mix into little cartons that looked somewhat similar to the ones in the holo, it had taken you an entire day to hunt those down, and set off to the top of Pabu’s mountain to wait for their ship to touch down. 
Pabu was a small island, and word must have caught that the Batch and Phee would be arriving today because there was already a small crowd forming when you got to the top of the mountain. Excited children were accompanied by their curious parents waited to hear the stories of this latest adventure, while young scholars and old historians gathered to see what ancient treasure Phee had tracked down this time. Once the ship landed, and the landing ramp descended, it seemed as though every person in the crowd was holding their breath. Eventually, Hunter stepped out of the ship, followed by Phee and Tech, then Omega, and finally, Wrecker. Some people in the crowd approached them with their questions about the journey, and many parents had to physically restrain their children from piling onto Wrecker, but you decided to stay put. If this mantell mix thing ended up going south, you’d rather have a smaller crowd of witnesses. You were currently holding the two cartons behind your back, your hands slightly shaking, and taking some deep calming breaths. What if the mantell mix brought back bad memories of Ord Mantell? You had never been able to hear the whole story of how the Batch ended up on Pabu, not that it was your business. What if you get their hopes up and then they’re crushed with disappointment over your attempt at recreating their favorite snack? 
But what if it went right? What if the surprise makes Wrecker’s face light up with that beautiful smile that you secretly hoped was only for you? What if he realizes that you’ve been here all along, hoping for the day that he’ll pick you up and twirl you around and-
Your embarrassing daydream is cut off by the sound of someone shouting your name. Looking up, you see a large figure, in gray and yellow armor, coming at you full speed with his arms spread wide for a hug. You come to your bearings, just fast enough to dodge out of the way, worried that his bear hug would crush the two cartons in your hands. 
His smile dips in confusion for just a second, but you greet him before he’s able to dwell on your aversion for too long, “Wrecker! How was the trip?” 
“Oh, you know, the usual.” Wrecker smirks, “Weird alien thing attacked us, Tech almost crashed, but Phee got her ugly vase, so our record is still perfect!” 
You laughed, his carefree attitude helping lift some of your nerves, as always. “Was it a hot desert planet or a swampy humid one this time?” 
“Neither! It had these nice grassy hills and mountains, and the weather was perfect.” Wrecker glanced down at you for a second, “I think you’d really like it, we’ll have to go back one day and maybe even have a picnic.” 
Your brain short-circuited at the thought of having a picnic in a grassy field with Wrecker, but before you could ask who “we” entailed, exactly, someone shouted “Boo!” and jumped out from behind you. 
Starting, you whirled around, “Omega! How long were you standing behind me?!” 
“Only for a bit.” Omega answered, in between her laughs, “Wrecker almost gave me away, but I signaled for him to be quiet.” 
You turned towards the older clone, a brow raised, but noticed that he hadn’t been listening to your conversation. His eyes were glued to your hands, which were miraculously still holding onto the two cartons. 
“Oh.” You backed up so both clones were in front of you and brought your hands out from behind your back, “Um, I remember you guys talking about mantell mix a few weeks ago, and I got really curious about it so… I did a lot of research, and talked to some people, most of which were not helpful, but I guess that’s expected. You would be shocked at how few people there are on Pabu that have been to Ord Mantell, and I think I still owe Echo and Rex an apology. But I think I got it right, or at least I hope so, I’ve never had it, so taste tests were pretty useless, but-” You cut off your rambling, took a deep breath, and held out the cartons, “It’s a tradition, right?” 
You were met with silence as five wide-eyed faces stared back at you. Apparently, in your rambling, you hadn’t noticed the two other members of the Bad Batch approach along with Phee. You only had a beat to start regretting all of your life choices, before everything exploded. Omega snatched the cartons out of your hands, thanking you over and over. Hunter sighed and rubbed his face, likely imagining the sugar high Omega he’d need to deal with later, but thanked you as well after seeing how happy she was. Tech began asking question after question about your research methods into Ord Mantell snacking culture and what other planets had similar treats and how they differed from other planets he had researched. 
You could hardly keep up with answering the questions and accepting the thanks and giving Hunter apologetic smiles every once in a while, when Phee interceded, “All right, this is exciting, but we do have things we need to finish up. Hunter, didn’t you say something about dropping off those crates by the docks? And Omega, I think Lyana’s been looking for you. I’m going to drop off this vase in the Archium, in case anyone wants to join me.” Hunter and Omega split off to their forgotten tasks. On her way past you, Phee gave you one last sly smirk and a wink before heading off with Tech trailing behind her, his face buried in his datapad. 
That left you alone, once again, with Wrecker. You noticed that his mantell mix sat untouched in its carton, and your nerves returned full force. Slowly, he picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. His composure melted, and he looked up at you with a blinding smile. There’s that spark. 
He ate two more pieces and hummed in satisfaction. “I’m falling in love with you. This is perfect.” 
“Oh thank you.” You answered, before fully registering his first sentence to you. You froze, but he just continued to eat his snack. You blinked, “It took more attempts than I’d like to admit.” 
“Do you have leftovers from those? I’ll eat them too.” Wrecker spoke casually, like he hadn’t uttered anything about his feelings for you. 
“Um, yeah, a bit.” You desperately tried to keep up with the conversation, even though you were internally screaming. “I can bring some over, if you’d like?” 
“That’d be great. Oh! I didn’t even notice,” Your heart stopped as he sheepishly looked up, “I was supposed to help Hunter with those crates, I hope he’s not mad.” 
He quickly ate the rest of the mantell mix, then turned to rush off. If he bid you goodbye properly, you didn’t notice. You were too busy lost in your thoughts. The rest of the day went by in a blur. The entire mantell mix fiasco took up most of your mind, and the words “I’m falling in love with you” replayed over and over. 
“That’s enough!” You snapped to yourself as you laid in bed that night. “You’re being ridiculous. It just slipped out. It doesn’t mean anything. It changes nothing.” And for the first time, your mind went quiet. Of course. Wrecker was friendly and loud. He’s very loving to everyone. In the heat of the moment, with the shock of the surprise, the words slipped out. He didn’t even notice. It was an accident. 
But what if it wasn’t? 
Groaning, you rolled over, not knowing how you’d sleep tonight. 
Wrecker slept great that night. 
His dreams were full of sugary mantell mix and beautiful smiles, both of which made him think of you. Not that he was complaining. Thinking of you was his favorite pastime. 
“Wrecker, it’s time to go.” 
Unfortunately, Wrecker hadn’t had a good chance to see you since he confessed two weeks ago. 
“Wrecker, don’t make me say it again.” 
Whenever you both happened to be in the same general area, one of you was being rushed off in some direction and the most you could spare was a wave to acknowledge the other’s presence. 
“Wrecker! Can you hear me?” 
But Wrecker finally had an afternoon free, and no matter how busy you were, he was determined to steal you away, even if only for a moment. 
“Wrecker!” Hunter finally burst into Wrecker’s room. “The garden fence isn’t going to fix itself. Stop daydreaming about your girlfriend, get off your shebs, and come help me.” 
“Sorry, Hunter.” Wrecker finished putting on his boot and stood to follow Hunter out of the room. 
Hunter nodded in satisfaction, starting to turn around. “Wait a minute.” He whirled back to face Wrecker and shoved his chest. Wrecker, caught off guard, fell back to a sitting position on his bed again. “You didn’t correct me.” 
“Huh?” Wrecker tried to stand up again, but was only shoved back down. 
“You didn’t correct me.” Hunter pulled a chair up and sat on it backwards, his crossed forearms resting on the back. “Every single time I call that girl your girlfriend, you correct me. But not this time. So what did you do?”
Looking towards the doorway, Wrecker attempted to avoid his brother’s squinted gaze, but only met an identical one from Tech, who had heard the commotion and curiously wandered by. “I, uh…” Wrecker brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. “I told her how I felt.” 
He shrugged and tried once more to stand up, but one look at Hunter’s face told him that this conversation was not done. 
“And?” Hunter pressed. “What did she say?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“He wants the details, Wrecker.” Tech sighed from the doorway, where he made himself comfortable leaning on the frame. “How did the conversation go?”
“In exact words.” Hunter ordered. 
“Well, it was the day she gave Omega and I the mantell mix. And I told her I was falling in love with her.” A subconscious smile grew on Wrecker’s face as he remembered how enchanting you looked that day, with the sun setting behind you in Pabu’s sky. Then, for Hunter’s benefit, he added. “Oh, and that the mantell mix was perfect.” 
Frustrated, Hunter snapped his fingers in front of Wrecker’s face. “What. Did. She. Say?” 
“Uh,” Wrecker shook his head, “she said, ‘Thank you’.” 
“I don’t care about what she said about the mantell mix!” Hunter snapped.
“Wrecker,” Tech interrupted before Hunter resorted to violence, “What was her response to your confession? Are the two of you romantically involved in a relationship now?” 
“Well, yeah! I told her I loved her!” 
“Yes, and what did she say?” 
“She said, ‘Thank you’!” Now all three brothers were frustrated. 
“Okay.” Hunter took a deep breath. “Forget the garden fence, Tech and I can handle it. I think you need to go talk to your girlfriend.”
Tech sputtered some protests about his busy day and the plans he had later that were ruined now, thanks Wrecker, but those were largely ignored. 
Wrecker was more than a little confused, but he didn’t need to be told twice to spend time with you. He found you in the market, inspecting some produce from a nearby stall. 
You turned when he called your name, and this time, you weren’t quick enough to sidestep his hug. “Good morning, cyare.” He muttered into your ear. 
“Hey,” You greeted, “I didn’t expect to see you this morning. I heard something about a garden fence?”
“Nah, Hunter’s got that taken care of.” Wrecker pulled back from the hug to look at you, but he kept his arms firmly wrapped around you. 
You both stood there for an awkward second. Wrecker looking at you in contentment and you at him in mild confusion. “Did you… need something?” 
“Do I need a reason to come visit my girlfriend?” Wrecker asked. 
Your eyes widened. “Your what?” 
It was Wrecker’s turn to be mildly confused. “Yeah? Is something wrong?” His grip had loosened enough for you to step out of it. 
“I just… I didn’t know…” You shook your head, trying to ignore the feeling of your heart breaking. “I’m happy for you, she must be a lucky girl.” 
Wrecker looked at you for a bit before bursting out laughing. “Oh, I get it. You’re messing with me. That’s a good one, really had me going!” 
“What are you talking about?” You crossed your arms, “You didn’t tell me you got a girlfriend.” 
Wrecker blinked. “But you’re my girlfriend.” 
“I’m what?!” You scoffed. “Since when?” 
Wrecker’s smile started slowly slipping away, “Since I got back from that mission… for Phee’s ugly vase? Two weeks ago?” 
“Were you planning on telling me?” You raised a brow. 
“I did! When you gave me the mantell mix!” 
The words that have been haunting you for the past two weeks rang through your mind. “I’m falling in love with you.” 
Your jaw dropped. “I thought you were joking.” 
“Why would I joke about that?” Wrecker asked, shocked. 
“Because you joke a lot!” You defended, “Because you didn’t wait for me to respond and you didn’t bring it up again. I thought you weren’t serious.” 
“You did respond! I told you I was in love with you and you said-” Wrecker stopped. You said “Thank you” for his compliment to your mantell mix. And then he had to leave to help Hunter. You never did respond to his confession. “Oh…” 
He looked at you. Your eyes were glued to the ground, your arms crossed in front of you. Taking a step toward you, lifting your chin so your gaze met his. “I’m so sorry. I was so excited about getting to tell you how I felt that I didn’t even let you answer.” 
“It wasn’t your fault.” You stepped towards him this time, “I mean, it was a chaotic day for everyone.” 
“Yeah.” Wrecker cleared his throat. “I’m still really sorry about this mix-up. You probably had a lot on your mind that day, and you probably don’t feel the same, so I’ll just be going now.”
You grabbed his hands before he could turn away. “You’re always on my mind.” 
This time your confession left Wrecker speechless. So you continued. “I think about you all the time, and when you told me you loved me, I really hoped that you were serious. But then we didn’t see each other and when we did you acted like everything was normal, but I didn’t want it to be normal. I still don’t want it to be normal.” 
Then that smile crept onto Wrecker’s face. The one that accompanied that gorgeous spark in his eyes. “So is that an ‘I’m falling in love with you too’? And an ‘I’ll go out with you’?” 
“I’m falling in love with you too.” You responded, finally, “And going out with you depends. Will you actually ask me this time?” 
“Will you go out with me?” He asked, finally. 
“I’d love to.” You leaned in to place a small kiss on his cheek, but Wrecker had other plans. He turned his face, catching your lips with his at the last moment. Neither of you felt particularly motivated to pull back immediately, but when you did, it was accompanied by relieved laughs and loving glances. 
Omega was getting spoiled. She knew that, at any moment, she could visit your house and you’d have a supply of mantell mix ready for her. She also knew that, at any moment, she could mention visiting you and Wrecker would be more than happy to join her in her sneaking mission. However, she noticed that he never joined her in enjoying the mantell mix spoils, which was unlike him. Whenever she offered him some, he just smiled at you and said, “I’ve already got my prize.” 
For Wrecker, eating mantell mix on Ord Mantell gave him something to look forward to. It always meant that the mission was over and he was home with his family. On Pabu, he didn’t need to eat mantell mix to feel at home, he just had to look at you. 
Of course, you still greeted him and Omega after missions with a carton of mantell mix, and of course, he ate it then. You made it for him. And it was a tradition, wasn’t it?
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backmuscles21 · 2 months
What Is True Love
Tsu'tey x Reader, Miles Quaritch x Reader
Summary: You hated your father for forcing you into the Avatar Program, you resented him so much you didn't see anything but the hatred for him. Blindsided by hating him, you didn't realize he'd find other ways to control you. However, it led you to the best part of your life, regardless of all the bumps it took to live a long happy life.
This will be eventually Tsu'tey x Reader. Bare with the fact that you have to get through Quaritch first. It'll be worth it I promise, or at least I hope.
Quotes with * are that person speaking in Na'vi.
For the most part, this follows the events of the first Avatar movies. Fingers crossed I remember, for the most part, what happens. Also, this was originally posted as a four-parter so she's long.
Warnings - explicit language, implied sexual content, sexual content, eventual smut, hurt/comfort, canon violence, abusive relationship, unhealthy relationship, implied/referenced child abuse, mating, fluff and smut, manipulative relationship, emotional hurt
It was almost the six year anniversary of when your father told you that you were going into cryosleep and heading over to him in Pandora. You didn’t really know why; it wasn’t till you got there that your father showed you your avatar body. He was forcing you into the program, he was forcing Grace to teach you Na’vi and the way of the people. He knew that he had a different type of control over you, one that would ensure he could get what he wanted. You would do as you were told; Parker was your father; you would follow your father’s orders.
The only problem now was he pissed you off, you didn’t want to do this, you didn’t want to harm creatures that weren’t causing any harm. You knew what your father was after, you knew he had a monopoly here and he was a greedy son of a bitch. You knew that, but he hurt you, he was forcing you into things you didn’t want to do. He was going to make you link in all the time just to ensure that you could do whatever he needed.
You did have your mother here, she was a head scientist, she loved you but she was always busy. You would talk with her from time to time, she came up here once you turned twenty and from then until you arrived on Pandora, you didn’t have either of your support systems. You were happy to have her back and be able to see her and talk to her, you missed her. She would try to keep your father in line and give you some slack but your father was a full businessman while up here.
Grace hated you more than you hated your father, she didn’t like that you just weaselled your way in here and she had to teach someone so unwilling. She understood that you didn’t want this and that you were forced into this job, she knew that your father funded her research. Didn’t stop her from being mean to you, or being very unhelpful to you.
You found yourself hanging with the military men rather than the science geeks, they felt more homely to you. You felt like you could be yourself with them, you were able to work out and blow off steam with them. You preferred to be as far away from your father as possible, you didn’t want to hear him or see him you hated him that much.
You found yourself growing a bond with Colonel Miles Quaritch, at first was just someone to talk to, he filled in that fatherly role for you. Regardless of you being in your twenties, you needed your parents with you, you needed that type of support. It didn’t take long for you and Quaritch to become very close and not long after that you started a sexual relationship.
You loved this man so much, he treated you so well, and he made you feel loved and accepted. Everything that your father wouldn’t even think of, you finally felt okay with being here and finally you showed interest in what Grace was forced to teach you. You could tell waking up felt better, running around in your avatar body felt better, and you were generally happier now that you were with Quaritch. Your mother was catching on slightly that you were with this man often and she didn’t like it, she didn’t like him. God, you wished you listened to her.
It wasn’t long after Grace’s school was shot up and she got pushed out of the Na’vi family that these new guys were coming. They were supposed new avatar drivers, you weren’t ready to meet new drivers, not when you barely knew what you were doing. You found comfort in your current boyfriend, not that you ever put a label on it, but you let yourself believe that.
You were lying next to him after a particularly fast and rough night of sex, you were drawing patterns on his chest with your middle finger.
“He is apparently ex-marines.”
“So I’ve heard,” Miles states pulling you closer to him.
“You’ll get a new bromance.”
“Stop saying that me and Wainfleet have a bromance.”
“I’m just saying you guys are close friends. It’s great.”
“Remind me to choke you harder next time.”
You laughed, “I’ll get right on that.”
It wasn’t long after that, that you both fell asleep, you loved this man more than anything and there was nothing you wouldn’t do for him.
Months later, these new drivers showed up, Jake Sully and Norm Spellman. They seemed like decent guys, one seemed to know his stuff and the other seemed generally clueless. He reminded you of yourself, so out of his element, he clearly didn’t belong here. You stood shyly around a corner watching as Grace introduced herself to them, you didn’t hear her calling out your name as you watched Jake. Grace was chewing him out for not being his brother, which you felt was a little harsh.
You then noticed a tall man in front of you, it was Norm, he held his hand out to shake yours. He said I see you in Na’vi and you just smiled at him, you knew what he said and you knew how to respond, thanks to Grace, but you didn’t. Truth be told, Norm slightly intimidated you, he was a smart guy, it was only now you missed the military boys.
“You’re a driver as well?”
You nodded.
“You must be (y/n) Selfridge then.”
You nodded again.
“You are very shy.”
Norm was giving you all these questions and you felt that overwhelming feeling, you thanked the heavens for Miles walking in. He grabbed your arm and pulled you off down the hall, you were so happy to be pulled out of that situation.
“What was that about?” Norm asked Grace.
“She hates being up here.”
“Why? She’s a driver is she not?”
“She is, she’s about as qualified as this numbskull,” Grace pointed to Jake.
“Then why doesn’t she want to be up here?”
“She hates linking in. She didn’t want to be a driver. Parker forced her to be one. I think it’s so he can have better control in the Avatar Program.”
“Who would get forced into a job like this?”
“When your father has a monopoly here, he wants as much control as possible.”
“Wait that’s Parker’s daughter?”
Grace nodded.
“I thought if anything maybe that military guy’s daughter.”
“No, I’m fairly certain Quaritch and her are fucking but I’m not entirely sure about that.”
“Wow, okay.”
“Teenage rebellion I’ll say.”
You didn’t see Jake and Norm again until they linked in for the first time here, you were outside with Grace in your Avatars. Jake came running out, he looked so happy, you had a feeling it had to be because he could run again. You imagine being in a wheelchair for so long has to suck, especially if you weren’t born with it, you’d miss using your legs. You laughed lightly as Norm came running out after him, Grace threw him some of the fruit growing nearby.
The next day you went out on an excursion with Grace and Norm, this was your first time out of the camp this whole time. You were excited to see the rest of Pandora, normally you were so shy and timid, but you liked being able to be free from the RDA’s confines back at base.
You were out scouting, you and Jake stuck close to each other, which wasn’t smart considering you were both newbies, but he had military experience. You felt more comfortable around him, and you knew he could keep you safe, however, you were both dumb when it came to Pandora. Running into native fauna only proved to have negative consequences because shortly after you and Jake were high-tailing it away from anything that moved.
You ended up losing sight of Norm and Grace, you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t trying to not have a panic attack. You felt safe with Grace in the outdoors, she knew her shit and she knew way more of the local language than you ever felt you would.
Now it was dark, you gave up hope on Grace finding the both of you, you didn’t know what to do now other than stick together and wait. Jake lit a makeshift torch and you both tried to fend off any wildlife that tried to attack.
When you were being attacked by small creatures, you tried your best to fight back, but you were weak, you knew that. You weren’t a military rat, you weren’t a science geek, you weren’t anything of value here. You watched the arrow fly past you and into the body of one of the creatures, you watched the woman come out of the trees and speak to the animal before killing it fully.
“Thank you,” Jake said to her.
“You do not thank. This is sad. Very sad.”
You were glad you were a quiet person; she was scaring you, she seemed so aggressive. She was going to leave and Jake reached out to her for help, she seemed so distant, like she wasn’t ready to bring him in but wanted to. She eventually told him to follow her and to bring you along, you were glad she didn’t just leave you here.
You followed her, you didn’t know where but anywhere was better than where you were. What you were discovering along the way was just exactly how gorgeous Pandora was, all the colours and all the flora, it was amazing. You found yourself in a constant state of childlike amazement as you walked along the paths. Just as you three stopped, these white little floating seeds bounced in the air, clinging to Jake’s skin. They were covering him, smothering him in a white glow, the woman looked absolutely in awe. Then they shifted from him to you, you stepped back a few times as they got closer, you didn’t want them to touch you. They made you a little nervous, you didn’t know what they were.
“It is a gift from Eywa,” she said.
Wait, Eywa, you’ve heard that before, that’s their God, and this is a good thing. You lifted your arms as they swarmed you, it made you giggle as they touched your skin and bounced around in your hair. The woman smiled almost as much as you were, she seemed to believe that this was a big sign, it had to be, this meant something, what it meant you were unsure.
You followed her along some more, you eventually made your way to what you had learned previously as Home Tree. You entered and the stares you got made you feel so self-conscious, you knew they hated the sky demons, but could they look a little more polite? You curled your arms into your chest, you hoped that you could just melt away to avoid their stares. You walked up to the chief and the tshaik, you had learned about them from Grace, these were important people. It only then clued into you that the woman escorting you two was Neytiri, their daughter, Grace was very fond of her.
Jake of course was being an idiot and not realizing how different things were here compared to Earth. You felt yourself cringing so many times as you watched him talk to the chief, you were only waiting till he put you on blast. As Jake continued to talk to him, you just happened to look over to the right a little to see a tall lanky man. It hit you like a ton of bricks how much you liked how he looked and once he started to rip on Jake you could tell how strong he is.
You were involved with someone else but his face, his fire didn’t leave your mind, he was plaguing it. You just met him; you haven’t even spoken to him yet you were already planning a perfect paradise wedding. That’s what you did with Miles, you couldn’t help it, you just loved love. As you watched Jake try to defend himself and you, you watched that man more. As you watched him more you then remembered him too, God bless Grace’s soul, she was helping you out so much. That man was Tsu’tey, he was to be the next olo’eyktan and he was promised to Neytiri. While that put the kibosh on your future with him and the wedding would have been perfect, oh well.
You got snapped out of your dreamland by a voice yelling at you.
“You, who are you?”
Here was your chance to show your skills, you did pick up a good amount of Na’vi from Grace. Again, bless her soul for helping you out.
“*I am (Y/N). I have not been out this far before. I want to learn the ways of the people.*”
They look surprised that you could speak Na’vi fairly well, or maybe it was the fact that you asked them to teach you. It was then determined that you and Jake would learn the ways, Neytiri was to teach Jake and Tsu’tey got assigned to teach you. He was scowling when he got told that he had to do that, he didn’t want to be around a verrtep or in English, a demon. He begrudgingly brought you to change your clothes and oh lord Jesus you hated this part, it was less than a bikini.
Tsu’tey had to help you with the top, you shuddered at the few times he touched your skin. You had to remind yourself that nudity to the Na’vi was extremely different than how humans perceived it. Then you went to eat with the community, you followed Neytiri and Jake and Tsu’tey to sit down and eat. Not long after that, you were led up to where you’d be sleeping for the night, which just happened to be across from Tsu’tey.
You woke up out of the link, you saw Grace leaning over Jake’s pod, you could only imagine what Jake experienced. You could see the smug smirk on Jake’s face, Grace also came over and talked to you.
“You with the people too.”
You nodded.
“Good lord. At least one of you has some basic decency.”
You held back a giggle, but you still had a smile plastered on your face.
You got out of your pod and went to eat; Grace was talking shit about you and Jake to the other scientists. It made you laugh how she described your encounters; she couldn’t believe why the Omaticaya people chose the both of you.
“It was Eywa. She chose us,” you piped up out of nowhere.
You often didn’t talk in the mess hall; it was just easier.
“Eywa chose you two idiots?”
“Apparently. Otherwise, I don’t think they’d let us stay.”
You finished your meal and went back to your bunk, on your way there you saw Miles, so you took a quick detour to visit him quickly. You went to his office; you saw him in there and opened the door ensuring to close it behind you. You also locked it and lowered the curtain on the door’s window, turning around you saw his smirk.
“To what do I owe the pleasure.”
“I just finished linking and I saw you. Thought I’d stop by.”
“You thought right.”
You walked up to him and he pushed his chair back allowing you to sit in his lap, your hands wrapped around his neck.
“So, how was linking?”
“Okay, we got ran off into the forest and now me and Jake’s bodies are at home tree. The Omaticaya people have taken us in to teach us their ways.”
“Wow, impressive. You’re like an international super spy.”
You giggled, “you wish.”
He leans in to kiss you, which you happily obliged to.
His hands grabbed your thighs, gripping and squeezing as he lifted you up to place you on the table. His hand searched your body pulling clothes off as quickly as he could, you were just ready to forget the day's problems. The best way to do that is underneath a muscular corporal getting your brains fucked out.
That night you fell asleep in your own bed and when you woke up you dreaded linking in, you just didn’t want to hear it from Tsu’tey about how much he hated you. You knew he was expected to teach you the ways and show you how to hunt and how to connect with nature. You weren’t looking forward to dealing with any of his nasty remarks, you knew he’d just be ripping on you.
However, you had to link in again, you had to wake up and face your fears, and you had to become one of the people. They were willing to help and they were counting on you, the RDA needed you too, and Miles wanted you to.
You woke up in Home Tree, you saw Tsu’tey looking down at you, he looked angry that you were just getting up.
“*Come, it is time for morning meal.*”
You got up and followed him down the stairs to see everyone else, Jake and Neytiri were already getting a leg up on their progress. You ate with everyone before you and Tsu’tey went out to tour the jungle, he brought along his bow just in case. You ran behind him as he jumped around from tree to tree and over rocks and logs, you did your best to keep up. You knew he was purposefully going fast and taking hard routes to get an idea of your stamina and your dexterity, you kept up but barely.
The next day, Tsu’tey took you out to attempt the bow training which went okay but you knew he was displeased. You knew he wanted you to do so much better, seeing him shoot was amazing like Robin Hood himself. You wanted to do better for him, you wanted him to be impressed by you, you wanted to make him proud. Why were you wanting to please him?
The following day, Tsu’tey took you out to try riding dire horses, you were excited to do something that seemed straightforward. This could be very similar to horseback riding on Earth, you didn’t feel as nervous about an activity like this. Maybe you could possibly show off a little bit, you wanted to make Tsu’tey shocked, you want him to be surprised that you were good at something.
You spent a lot of time linking in and you were almost starting to enjoy it as you and Tsu’tey got closer. He would help with your basic language skills and he taught you the wonderful world of Pandora and the beauty it holds. You and him were growing closer and closer, and you knew you were falling for him but you kept that to yourself, he was promised to Neytiri and you were in something. You would consider him a good friend at least that’s what you told yourself and others, in your head and heart you knew if he wanted you, you wouldn’t deny him of that.
Today you were out with Tsu’tey and Neytiri, you and Jake were getting ikran. You were quite nervous, you didn’t enjoy dangling off a vine to then be on the edge of a cliff, you just hoped the ikran didn’t throw you off it's back. You watched Jake first, the way Neytiri cheered him on and the way Tsu’tey laughed at him. Jake was struggling and if he was then you were bound to really struggle through it, you just hoped Tsu’tey didn’t laugh at you.
You heard their cheering as Jake made tsaheylu, you were smiling, Jake looked so shocked and happy. Now it was your turn, Neytiri’s words ran through your head, this thing is going to try and kill me. You held the rope to tie the mouth, your heartbeat was in your throat, you looked at all the ikrans and just waited for one to lunge. A purple one came running at you, you moved out of the way before it hit you and you hopped up onto it's back. You didn’t even tie the mouth, you attached the tsaheylu and it calmed down, you looked up at Tsu’tey with a smile.
He smiled back at you, he looked proud and it made your smile bigger, he was proud of you for something brave you did. You found yourself happier and happier every day that passed, delinking after the high from flying around today felt so depressing. However, seeing Miles brought a smile back to your face, being with him always increased your mood. Slowly, you found yourself not loving his company as much as you did, you blamed that on your growing love for Tsu’tey.
You and Miles fucked again that night, it was good sex, but you felt less attached you knew that. It didn’t matter, you’d still do anything he asked. You laid next to Miles like you always did after the rough sex you and him had, and he started asking you questions.
“How was flying today?”
“What about Home Tree, do you think they’d leave.”
“I don’t think so. It’s their home and it’s been that way for a long time.”
He looked lost in thought, “what about this Na’vi that’s been teaching you?”
“What about him?”
“He is a warrior, right?”
“Is he good at it?”
“He is strong and can provide. But against us, with our firepower. Probably not.”
“You said there was a staircase in the centre, right?”
“Yeah. It goes all the way up.”
“What’s under it?”
“It’s solid. Like a pillar of wood and carved into that pillar are the stairs. The stairs end on the ground to this platform, a stage-like thing.”
Miles nodded.
You didn’t know at the time what this all meant but he was gathering information, correlating your story with Jake’s and just getting a better idea of what they were up against.
Throughout your linking in and learning the ways of the people and logging information for research, Miles was asking you certain things which you answered honestly. He would ask questions about the people and you knew what they wanted; they wanted the Na’vi to leave Home Tree. What you didn’t know was that Miles had talked to Jake and Miles was getting information from Jake. Jake is an ex-marine, he knew how to take orders and Miles liked that, he wanted what he wanted. You were just another pawn in his plan, he had you wrapped around his finger and he knew that.
After he fucked you, he could get whatever he needed, you’d tell him anything. He liked to ask you questions about where things were located and how they would fight back, not like you understood what he was getting out of it. You were in love, anything he said you’d believe it, all he had to do was ask and you’d bend over backwards. He had something he wanted you to ask or find out and you would do it and report back to him, not like you knew what you were doing. You didn’t want to believe that he’d hurt you or screw you over, you wouldn’t let yourself believe that.
The next day, you and Tsu’tey were doing more flying lessons and he was going to show you how to navigate the forest from up above. Also trying to show you how to be an effective warrior while on the back of an ikran, you were excited to spend a full day alone with Tsu’tey. Over the weeks he’s changed just as Neytiri did, with fewer insults and laughing in your face and more smiles and praises. You even swore you once heard him use a Na’vi pet name for you which only made your face heat up and your heart swell.
After a full day of riding, Tsu’tey had you land in the Halleluiah Mountains, you sat with your ikrans and chatted.
“*You have learned well. You are on your way to becoming one of the people*”
“*I cannot wait till I do. I am loving it here.*”
“*I can tell. You seem happier now than when I first met you.*”
“*I have made peace with my situation. You accepting me has helped.*”
“*What situation?*”
“*I am from the sky, as you know.*”
Tsu’tey nodded.
“*I didn’t want a false body. I didn’t want to come here. I was forced here and forced into this body.*”
“*Why do it then?*”
“*My father runs the show for the sky demons. I do not like him or what he is doing or what he wants. He told me to come here and then told me I was to do research in this body. I resented him for that, and I still do.*”
“*I see. Do most people your age hate their fathers?*”
“*No, generally they do not. I did not before I got here. I was glad to be with my mother again and not that I miss home, but he does make me angry. He is hurting people.*”
“*Did you not have anyone back from the sky?*”
“*Not really. Some friends.*”
“*No mate?*”
“*We do not have mates like there is here. I dated or courted some people but nothing stuck.*”
“*What about here? Do you have any mates in mind for the future when you become one of the people?*”
“*I am in something here. I don’t know how to say it. We call it in English,* situationship. *It means I am not with him but we are doing stuff. I have started to take a liking to someone here and I find myself not liking this other human as much.*”
Tsu’tey looked slightly lost, “*do you like this human and he does not like you back?*”
“*I think originally I did, but now I am starting to realize I like someone here more.*”
“*Who do you like here?*”
You looked up from your legs to meet his gaze again, your eyes looked soft and pleading. You didn’t want to say it, you knew he probably wouldn’t like the fact that you liked him, he was promised.
“*I cannot say.*”
“*Why not?*”
“*I think you know why.*”
“*I do not.*”
You sighed, “*you.*”
“*Yes, you. I know you’re promised to Neytiri, but I, I just like you more than I have ever liked anyone.*”
Tsu’tey leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek, you looked at him with confusion on your face.
“*My duty to the people will always be first. I have liked you for a while now. I do wish to court you; your soul is pure and free. But I have a duty to my people first.*”
“*I understand. I figured as much. I want you to do whatever you need to.*”
“*Thank you for considering this.*”
“*I am always here if you need me.*”
The both of you ended the conversation after that, it was awkward afterwards but at least it was out. Going back to Home Tree afterwards felt like a weight off your shoulder, you finally said it and it was out. Even after delinking, you felt lighter, you almost just wanted to spend every second with him.
Shortly after that intimate talk with Tsu’tey, you and Jake became one of the people and you both couldn’t be happier. The party was amazing, with lots of food, dancing, drinking, singing, and celebration. You watched Jake and Neytiri run off, and you and Tsu’tey continued to talk. You could tell Jake and Neytiri were in love and deep down you knew Tsu’tey knew too.
The next morning linking in was crazy, so much was happening, and the entire tribe was up early and talking about something. They were talking so fast you couldn’t keep up to translate it, something bad happened that’s all you knew. You walked around trying to figure out what happened, you went to Tsu’tey to figure out what was going on.
“*Tsu’tey what is happening?*”
“*The sky demons attacked.*”
Your body ran cold, your eyes widened, and he looked hardened and pissed. You were ready to question what they did and what happened so you could find out more about it and question your father later. Just as you were about to question it, Jake and Neytiri ran in, they looked concerned and lost. Tsu’tey pushed you aside and walked over to Jake and Neytiri, he looked more pissed.
“You mated with this woman?”
The only thing running through your mind was what the fuck but then your mind contradicted itself with that meant he could mate with you. You hated yourself for thinking of that but you did and you just wanted things to be okay, you knew that something big happened and you needed to know what was up.
Then Grace dropped.
Uh oh.
Jake started to speak, “listen they sent me here to learn your ways so that one day I could bring you this message and you’d believe it.”
What the fuck.
You stormed over to Jake, “what the fuck, Jake. You were getting other orders?”
“Quaritch he- at first it was just orders and then I grew to love the place then I fell in love with Neytiri and-“
“What did Miles tell you? What the fuck did he ask you to do?”
“You expect me to believe that Quaritch didn’t give you orders. You guys are sleeping together.”
“He doesn’t use me like that.”
“You sure? He never asked you about the Na’vi people?”
“I mean he asked how I was doing with it.”
“Yeah and that never occurred to –“
Jake dropped in front of you, you knew who was next, you, you were going to go next. You turned around to look at Tsu’tey, tears fell down your cheeks.
“*I am sorry. I did not want this.*”
Your eyes rolled back as you fell to the floor, you woke up in the lab, ready to scream your head off. You sat up out of the link pod and stared at Miles as he looked back at you. You stood and stayed quiet as per usual, you just listened to all the noise around you. You were so out of it, you felt betrayed and that you were also the one to stick the knives into the Na’vi’s backs.
Jake was pleading to let them go back to get the Na’vi to leave, you didn’t think it would work but it did and now you had an hour to relink and get them out of there. You knew they wouldn’t, but it was worth a shot, you didn’t want anyone to die. You, Grace, and Jake relinked and tried to talk to the people, we had to get them to leave, that the sky people were coming.
They didn’t care.
They didn’t budge.
They were preparing for war.
They tied you, Grace, and Jake up, they labelled you as traitors, you saw the look on Neytiri’s face and on Tsu’tey’s face. They looked more hurt than anyone else, they had a special interest in you and Jake, and you felt horrible.
Then Home tree was hit.
The cries of pain made you more upset, you didn’t want anyone to get hurt, you just wanted this to be peaceful. Your willful blindness made it worse, you tried to pretend like nothing bad was happening but that only made it worse. You weren’t stupid, you knew what your father wanted you just hoped things would be different, turns out you can’t just wish things away. Things don’t just happen because you really want them to, you had to fight for it, your entire life you’ve been silent and stuck to the shadows.
You didn’t want to be quiet anymore, you didn’t want this anymore, fuck your father for this and fuck Miles for doing this to you. Tsu’tey was what you wanted, he showed you what real love was like, he treated you properly, and he made you happy. You watched as Mo’at walked up to you three with her knife out, you deserved this, you deserved to die for this.
“If you really are one of us, then help us.”
She cut you all free.
You all ran to help, you tried to anyways, but it didn’t matter the damage was done. Not long after the plug was pulled, you three woke up in the lab, you watched as Grace yelled and Jake punched Miles. All the Na’vi that died, women and children, you felt sick to your stomach. You didn’t move or speak; you were scared and honestly, you were probably dissociating hard. Now you, Grace, Jake, and Norm sat in jail and waited, you had no choice, you all wanted to get back to the Na’vi people and be a happy family again. Then Trudy walked in, she had a cart and she talked to the guard.
“Honestly, I don’t think these tree-hugging traitors deserve steak.”
You didn’t know what was happening.
“Steak, let me see that,” the guard replied.
Trudy pulled a gun; you cheered her on internally.
“Yeah, you know what this is.”
She knocked the guard out and ran over to unlock you four from the jail.
That was just the start of your jailbreak, you now ran off to get to a jet and grab a trailer with pods to escape into the mountains. As you were getting the jet ready and packing up stuff and getting people inside, Miles was shooting at you all. You got hit, in the leg, your upper thigh to be more exact and it was only then that you realized Grace was also hit but in the abdomen.
Fuck, that shit was fatal.
“This is gonna ruin my whole day,” Grace said.
“Grace is hit.”
“Grab the trauma kit,” Trudy yelled back.
As you helped Norm with treating Grace, he noticed your leg.
“Your leg, you were hit too.”
“Yeah, I know. It hurts like a bitch but I’m fine.”
“There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.”
“We can deal with it later; we have shit to handle currently.”
Norm let it go for now, you knew once you landed and dealt with Grace you were going to be on the front of his mind.
Landing was like a breath of fresh air; Trudy helped you bring Grace inside and bring supplies inside as well. Norm helped Jake link and you stayed with Grace for the time being, you were in pain but you had to be strong. Norm came back once Jake linked and ensured Grace was stable for the time being, she was currently resting.
“Okay, time for me to look at your leg.”
You groaned, “fine I’ll change into shorts.”
“Be careful.”
You came back to Norm and he cleaned the area and then started on getting the bullet out of your thigh. You weren’t necessarily helping; it was painful and you were screaming out from time to time. Norm had to hold your leg still and Judy held your body down with your arms, it hurt like hell.
In the meantime, Jake was getting a new ikran, he was going to be the legendary Torok Makto. He landed where all the Na’vi prayed, the people were scared once they saw the ikran, and they bowed for Jake. Tsu’tey, Neytiri and Mo’at looked at Jake and Jake asked for their help, their forgiveness and for them to fight against the RDA with him.
Then he brought up the news about Grace.
“My friend, Grace, she’s dying.”
He was told to bring her here and as he was leaving Tsu’tey went up to him.
“How is (y/n)? She is fine, yes?”
“She was hit too, but she will be okay. It’s just the leg.”
Tsu’tey looked relieved and Jake flew off to help Grace.
When Jake got back to the trailer, you were passed out, Norm had gotten the bullet fragments out and stitched you up. He grabbed Grace and took her back to the Na’vi people, he didn’t know what was going to happen but he knew Grace needed help.
Turns out she was too far gone, she was with Eywa now, nothing could be done, her wounds were too severe. It was hard to lose Grace, but she was with Eywa and Jake imagined that Grace was pretty happy to be with her in death. The next thing he had to do was get the clans together to fight and bring your body here.
Jake used his marine skills to get ready for battle, he planned and ran through attack plans, and he was going to get back at the RDA.
When you woke up you wanted to link in as well, Norm helped you up and helped you over to the pod. He set it up and you linked in, you woke up in the ashes of Home Tree and headed to where Norm told you to go. It was a distance but getting on an ikran helped, flying over top and landing among the people. You walked through the crowd to find Jake and then Tsu’tey, turns out finding one was like finding the other.
What really surprised you was Tsu’tey running over to you and hugging you, this man used to hate you and Jake and then started to warm up and then hated you two again and now he’s hugging you. You hugged back, almost a little hesitantly, you were shocked by this affection from him.
“*I heard you were hurt.*”
“*It was just my thigh. I am okay*”
“*I was worried.*”
“You were worried?*”
“Of course, I know I have grown to care for you. Now that I have no duty to the clan to mate with Neytiri I can finally have what I want. That is you.*”
You felt your face heat up, he wanted to court you and then mate with you.
“*We have a battle first then I am all yours.*”
“*I am eagerly awaiting.*”
Tsu’tey walked off to plan more for battle.
As time went on, more and more clans showed up, and your firepower was ramping up. You were getting ready to fight back, to hit them hard, you knew the second you saw Miles you’d want to run back to his arms. You had to remind yourself what he’s done to you and how he lied and used you, you wanted him to die.
Tsu’tey was good for you, he was nice to you, treated you properly, he didn’t have an ulterior motive behind every second with you. You were determined to remain strong, you couldn’t go back to Miles, not anymore, the son of a bitch shot you.
You had geared up for battle, you and Jake put on your tact vests and grabbed guns with extra ammo. You put on your war paint as per directions from Neytiri and went to your ikran, you were prepared to fly out for battle.
It was rough, with lots of bullets flying around and lots of arrows too, nowhere was safe both ground and sky covered with RDA soldiers. You were running around trying your best to avoid getting hurt, you flew on your ikran and fired at some of the soldiers below you. You tried to protect the fauna of Pandora along with your fellow brothers and sisters, there were just too many of them.
The number of jets in the sky and the firepower alone was too much, now they had armed men on the ground in the sky ready to kill with the weapons and knowledge to do so. Luckily, you were all strong warriors, you went into this head first ready to kill to fight and protect your home and your people. You rode alongside Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu’tey for a while before you all split off according to Jake’s plan.
Jake gave you grenades to throw into propellers, blowing those up would take the plane out and more than likely, anyone in it. You went from jet to jet trying to take them out or kill the person piloting it, then you saw coming from behind Home Tree was the massive home base ship. It was huge, it probably had 100 people in it, taking this bad boy out was not going to be easy. This was where the grenades would come in handy, arrows weren’t doing shit to it.
You watched Jake fly above you, heading towards the giant ship, odds were that he was going to do the same thing you would’ve. You followed Jake, ready to help him take out the giant battleship, you had your grenades at the ready. You and him struggled to take the ship down, you kept getting fired at and then next thing you know you’re falling off. Your ikran caught you, and Jake jumped onto his as the ship blew up.
You saw one of the mechs drop out of the ship before it blew up, you didn’t know who it was but you had a good guess. You went down to help Neytiri, you had lost track of Jake but saw her running around on the forest floor. The forest was on fire and she was running from military personnel, you swooped down and brought her up into the safety of the sky. As you flew around looking at the ground trying to stay safe while flying around, then Neytiri told you to go down.
She saw Jake fighting with the man in the mech, she wanted to get down there and help him. You dropped down, letting Neytiri off and she snuck up behind the mech. In the meantime you flew off looking for Tsu’tey, you hadn’t heard from him in a while. Last you knew he was firing off at the sky demons, he was doing what he does best, being a warrior and protecting his people.
You spotted him from above, his ikran was shot down and he was stuck under it, you landed and went to help him. He was also hurt, his arm had two bullet holes, he’d be okay but he had a hard time moving the beast off his leg. You helped him get his leg free by pushing his ikran off him, you helped him up. You held his arm and looked at the two holes from the machine gun that fired at him, he tried to pull away.
“*It is okay. I just want to make sure it is okay. You have exit wounds so that is good.*”
“*I am okay, I am still strong.*”
“*I never doubted that.*”
That brought a small smile to Tsu’tey’s face.
“*Fly with me. We need to help Neytiri and Jake.*”
He nodded and followed you to your ikran, he jumped on behind you and you flew back to where yours and Jake’s bodies lay. You got back to the trailer to see Jake and Neytiri struggling to stop the mech, you swooped down and landed. You and Tsu’tey ran over to assist, when you got in front of the mech you saw a face you thought you wouldn’t see again, Miles.
You had a feeling it was him who escaped the ship before it went down, you knew it had to be Miles in the mech from the moment you saw it on the forest floor.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t both of the traitors.”
“Miles, you can’t win this.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
“There are four of us and one of you. Doesn’t matter how strong you are.”
“I will die before I let you monkeys win.”
“We are one of the people and we will protect our own.”
“You think they care about you? You think they won’t cast you aside?”
“We’re not like you. We don’t have ulterior motives.”
“Honey, you think I ever liked you?”
That took you aback.
“You think it wasn’t a part of a bigger plan. That your father didn’t want you under close surveillance. Sleeping with you was just a plus. It made you more susceptible to whatever I wanted you to do. You were quite valuable in the process of taking these people out. So was Jake and his video logs.”
Jake hissed.
You stood there like an idiot, you couldn’t process what was happening, and you meant nothing. Not that you liked him anymore but that was your decision, you thought it would hurt him and you’ve come to realize he never cared. It was all an illusion, all a ploy to get you to comply, a ruse made by your father to get you to behave and follow orders. You felt your anger rise, like a cup overflowing, it was becoming too much. You felt the tears slip down your cheeks, you were going to get reckless here and you knew it, you couldn’t help it, you were so angry.
“Go fuck yourself, Miles. You will pay for this.”
“I never cared about you or what you had to say. The sex was good and that was the only thing that made the orders worth it. Dealing with a brat like you was painful, only good thing was you took orders well.”
You let out a war cry-like scream and went to charge at him, but Tsu’tey held you back.
Miles charged at you four in the mech, you all moved out of the way, he was determined to take you all out. He turned around once you all moved and went back at you with his knife, you barely missed him slicing into you. Neytiri pounced on the back of the mech, she was determined to take this man out. Jake tried to take a stab at Miles, Jake tried to pierce at the glass keeping the oxygen in to keep Miles alive.
Miles then got the idea, that he could take you and Jake out very easily, all he had to do was delink the both of you. It would be pretty easy, then both your bodies were dead weight, it would be easy to win. Turns out that getting to your pods was harder than he thought, however, breaking the glass did the job enough. Shortly after your bodies dropped, both of you were in the trailer struggling to breathe.
Miles took the opportunity to take Jake out first, he stepped on Jake’s chest and went to crush him, Neytiri then used the opportunity to fire at Miles. She used her bow that she earlier lost and shot right into the glass, exposing Miles to the atmosphere of Pandora. He held his breath for a moment, not that it would help him, even holding his breath he only had two minutes maximum.
Neytiri and Tsu’tey ran into the pod to check on both of you, you were both passed out trying to get to the emergency masks. Jake was passed out on the floor and you were passed out on your back, on the floor with the mask in your hand. Tsu’tey put the mask on you, and Neytiri did the same for Jake, it allowed both of you to breathe. Tsu’tey held your small body against his once you took a deep breath, he lifted you up and held your tiny torso against his massive one.
You took a moment to relish in the oxygen filling your lungs, your arms then wrapped around his torso or at least you tried. Your arms fell short around his muscular latissimus dorsi, your face squished against his lower pecs. You were happy to just be in his embrace, you felt his hand slowly caress your back, Tsu’tey stroked at your back to calm you down.
“*After today, I have realized I cannot be without you and I would like to mate with you*”
You looked up at him, your eyes stared at his, “*I would love that*”
He pulled you close again, you couldn’t wait for what was in store for your future with the Na’vi, with Tsu’tey and with Jake and his life here now.
You and Jake were now fully transferred into your Na’vi bodies, you enjoyed not having to link in anymore. You felt so much more connected to the world and to the people and even more so with Tsu’tey. You were happy that now you could live the rest of your life Tsu’tey in such a beautiful place. The next thing on the agenda was to fully mate with Tsu’tey, it has just been so busy. You and him have kissed, but you were not yet mated before Eywa, there was just so much damage control.
First, it was ensuring that there was new housing and getting that all stable and now that most of the sky people were gone, it was cleaning up after them too. Then Tsu’tey still went out with the other hunters and you and Neytiri were bettering your healing techniques, more or less it was Neytiri teaching you. There was just never a moment, there was always something, it was all about the people. You and Neytiri were talking in the temporary healer’s tent.
“*I just wish we had some time. I miss being with Jake.*”
“*I do not blame you, Neytiri. I already feel frustrated. Tsu’tey and I have talked many times about wanting to mate now, but there is never any moment free.*”
“*Then do it tonight. If you start late tomorrow it is not the end of the world.*”
“*We have a duty to the people.*"
“*No, me and Jake do. We are the leaders.*”
“*But Tsu’tey is the best warrior and the people like him. He needs to be there for them. I am new here, I need to make a good impression.*”
“*No one would blame either one of you for being a little late if you both decided to take some time for each other. They would be happy for both of you.*”
“*I just need him and more than passing conversations and small kisses in dark corners.*”
“*Then go take him. I know I would give anything for a night with Jake. Luckily, you sky people seem to be very, as Jake says,* horny.”
You let out a laugh at Neytiri’s comment, that totally sounded like Jake.
As you went to comment on what she said you heard the sounds of the hunting party returning, you smiled at Neytiri and ran out of the tent to get Tsu’tey. He got off his dire horse, and placed his bow down to rest his hands on your shoulders. He was happy to see you he always was, you pulled him down to kiss his cheek and, in that time, you whispered into his ear.
“*Tonight. No matter what. Tonight, we will mate. I do not wish to wait anymore. I need you.*”
He pulled back slightly and smiled widely at you, his nodding and how we placed a long kiss on your forehead told you, his answer. You smiled back at him, now you really couldn’t wait, you were so ready for eclipse to come.
You and Tsu’tey met up just before eclipse and made your way to the Tree of Souls, this was where it was going to happen. He was better than you ever expected, it was like in that moment he was everything you wanted and needed. He also seemed to be in the same state, he held onto your shoulders to have you look at him. His hands moved up to cup your face, right behind your ears and his thumbs on your cheeks. He leaned in to kiss you, it was the first real kiss the two of you shared and it lit up your body more than anything else.
“*I see you.*”
“*I see you,*” you responded.
He brought you to kneel on the ground by the tree and he brought his braid forward and you followed suit. You were ready to become one with him, this was what you wanted, this is what he wanted. The tendrils reached out for each other and slowly they connected and wrapped around each other. It was like a punch to the face; an overwhelming feeling of love filled your body. You could feel him, you could really see him, you could feel the immense love her felt for you. You could feel his every emotion and you could feel his thoughts, nothing felt this holy.
You knew it had to be the same for him, both of you took a moment to feel each other before your lips locked again. This time it was more needy and passionate; your lips were smothering each other. You didn’t know if Na’vis used tongue or not but you were going to try. His grip on your body tightened and he brought you closer to him before he laid you onto your back. His hands went to unclasp your necklace that doubled as your top.
The neat thing about tsaheylu was that he could feel everything you felt and that meant he knew what he was doing was okay and that you liked it. He continued, his hands splayed over your rib cage and slid up to over your breasts. His hands felt heavenly, you couldn’t help yourself, your back arched up to meet his hands. Your eyes closed as you relished in the pleasure, he started to pinch at your nipples which only made you more responsive. The smirk on his face made you smile as well; you knew that he knew how turned on you both were.
You felt his hands trail back down your sides again, your body tingled with warmth from his hands and what he was doing to you. His hand stopped at your hips, he untied your loincloth and pulled it from your body. He then did the same thing to his and right away you wanted to sit up and get your lips on him but he wouldn’t let you. Instead, he moved his body down, his hand rested on your thighs and pushed them apart as his face nuzzled in between them. He kissed your thighs a little bit before pushing his tongue out of his mouth and onto your clit.
Your body instantly responded to the contact, pleasure coursing through your body. This man was going to worship your body, it was what Na’vi men were supposed to do and you weren’t complaining. Already he was better than any Earth man you had ever been with, you could feel his smirk on you, you knew the connection allowed him to read your thoughts. You were raising his ego and didn’t even know it; he was eating your pussy like a starved man. You gripped onto his hair to help ground yourself through the pleasure he was giving you.
Your nails reached into his scalp as he made you cum, you could hear him slurping and then he lifted his body up. He wiped his chin and went to kiss you again; you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into you. He gripped at your hips again and prepared to slide his thick cock into you, his mouth stayed on yours to keep you somewhat quiet as he slowly pushed in. There was this pleasure loop happening, you could feel your own pleasure and his through the connection and it just made you more and more turned on. You couldn’t help it, your body was cumming so quickly, you were sensitive from him eating you out and now he was fucking you so perfectly. He had decent stamina and you were just along for the ride, he kept making you cum and that alone had you hooked. But then he was cumming and it was perfect, hearing his slight hisses and his grunts. Feeling him grip you tighter and his push in deeper and how he got faster and sloppier. Then he stuttered his thrusts and he was filling you up, he kept himself up on top of you to keep himself inside.
“*I want to make sure this sticks. I want us to have a baby.*”
“*I would love to start a family with you.*”
He lifted you up to sit in his lap with his dick still inside of you.
That was how you and Tsu’tey mated, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
After about 14 years you and Tsu’tey had two boys and one girl, Reymuek, the oldest boy, Makxa the middle boy and lastly your girl, Elohim. Your oldest was 14 almost 15, Makxa was 13 and your daughter was 10. They got along well with Jake’s kids; you were glad that you and Jake could have a happy life here with the people you loved and get to be one of the people. Your kids loved to go out and play with each other and both Jake and your oldest boys were going to pass their rite of passage and become men. You knew that Jake and Tsu’tey would go out with your boys together and ride on their ikrans together.
What you weren’t aware of was how soon your happy life would come to an end. You didn’t know how soon the RDA would attack and cause so much more damage.
Your kids went out with Jake’s and then ended up at the old linking shack, a place you and Jake told your kids never to go to. Yet, they went anyway and not that this was foreseeable but they got caught by Quaritch now in a Na’vi body. You were out flying with Tsu’tey and your boy along with Jake, Neytiri and Neteyam. Jake got an incoming message from Lo’ak saying that he was with his sisters, Spider and your kids. You also heard the message and you all looked at each other before heading over to the place you swore you never wanted to see again.
You pulled up to see the Na’vi military men, he was picking on Lo’ak the most and your daughter. Probably because they were the only two that took after you and Jake, they had five fingers and more human-like features than their siblings. You froze seeing that Miles was back, you didn’t want anything to do with him, you thought he was gone forever. Knowing your father, he always had a backup plan, this was his doing.
You four split up to surround the military people, you were all determined to save your kids. You and Neytiri got your bows out and readied your aim, you waited on Jake’s signal. Jake waved his hand and you and Neytiri hit two of the recombinant soldiers, Jake and Tsu’tey ran out and slit the throats of two other soldiers. You and Neytiri came out of your hiding spots and fired more arrows, you could see the expression on Miles’ face, he was shocked.
You knew he expected Jake to show up, he asked his son to have Jake show up. But to see you and Tsu’tey, you knew it had to shock him, he hadn’t heard from you since before he died. He more than likely wasn’t expecting the four of you, that probably also threw him off. Miles was barking orders to get Jake and when you heard your name, it made you freeze, you looked back at Miles. He was staring at you; you were staring back.
“You really gonna run away again.”
You took a moment to respond, “you already told me you didn’t love me. Besides I found what love is and what we had was never anywhere close.”
“I’ll find you and when I do.”
“You can’t do anything worse than you already have Miles.”
Tsu’tey wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to run off with them.
You, Tsu’tey, Jake, and Neytiri kicked ass, going in to save your kids and as they ran off, they lost Spider. You all made it home safe, but the problem now was how unsafe you all were. Jake and Neytiri were talking and they made plans to leave and seek urutu with the Metkayina clan. You felt that it’d be smart to do the same thing, you didn’t want to split your kids up, but you knew you and Tsu’tey were always the backup leaders should something happen. You didn’t know what to do or what was smart, odds were Miles would never make it here and would go just after Jake. But what if he did want you or did want to come after you?
In the end, Jake and his family left and you and Tsu’tey stayed here to rule over the Omaticaya people. You were the next in line to be responsible and you knew Jake was always his end goal. Jake also wanted someone to rule that he trusted and Tsu'tey was groomed to be the olo'eyktan anyway, you were both prepared to fight to protect the people at all times.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 months
Prettier When You're Mine
Andy Barber x Reader
Author's Note: Slowly trying to finish a few of these ongoing stories.
Summary: One year into working with a young, bright and beautiful junior prosecutor, Y/n, who bears an almost uncanny resemblance to Andy’s late wife, Laurie, he finds himself developing feelings for her. Though, when she brushes off his advances, Andy proves that he’ll do whatever it takes to recreate his family.
Disclaimer: 18+ This work contains dark themes, including stalking, dub-con, infidelity and manipulation. Read at your own discretion.
Masterlist Playlist Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A trip to Andy's house to reclaim her lost ring causes tension between Y/n and James, and unveils some dark truths. Warning: dubious consent, SMUT/NSFW, coerced/forced sex. Please do not read if you are even remotely uncomfortable with any of these warnings.
Dumping the contents of her bag on the kitchen counter, Y/n hastily sifted through it. Compact, cell phone, a couple pens, a packet of tissues, wallet, loose change and no ring. “Shit, shit, shit,” she swore under her breath, on the verge of tears. It hadn’t been anywhere that she'd looked, not in her office, her coat pocket or even in the damn coffee cup she’d checked on a whim. Calls to the doctor’s office and the bus station as well as a visit to the coffee shop and the place that she’d bought lunch had also been completely unhelpful and Y/n was beginning to fear that the ring was gone for good. 
But it couldn’t be, not James’ mother’s ring. Precious family heirloom and the first material sign that she’d been accepted into their fold. 
For the millionth time that day, Y/n found herself asking; why me? Was it because she’d almost been willing to let things go too far with Andy? Because part of her wanted them to? Or was it because she’d gotten herself in a self-pitying funk over something she was supposed to have made peace with? 
Was it a sign that she simply didn’t deserve a man like James? 
Standing in the middle of their loft’s small kitchen, she didn’t feel like she did. Because how could she be deserving of him and still spend rare, private moments fantasizing about her boss- who had proven himself to be just like any other jerk in a position of authority. 
In retrospect, she should have seen the signs; his penchant for initiating physical contact, his apparent desire to know her on a personal level, his insistence that they work together. She couldn’t believe she actually thought he just saw potential in her- no strings, no expectations. 
“Babe?” Hearing the bathroom door open, Y/n worked quickly to clumsily repack everything into her handbag. She hadn’t told James that she’d lost the ring, and had spent the entire car ride home trying to hide her left hand.
“Yeah?” Y/n’s head snapped up and her frenzied gazed noted James standing near the foot of their bed, wrapped only on a towel, with his skin still damp and his hair dripping. “What?” Then, hearing the haste in her tone, she cleared her throat and tried again, “I mean….what’s up?” 
James’ lips fell again and he stuttered before continuing, “I was just gonna ask if you wanted to get Chinese,” he padded barefoot across the wood floor, “But I think I can ask you the same question.”
“If I wanna get Chinese….?”
“What’s up?” He quoted with emphasis, “Or better way; are you okay?” 
Sneaking a cautionary glance at her hand, Y/n dropped it at her side and didn’t dare make a move towards James. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” 
Not believing her for a second, James shook his head and made the final steps towards her, rounding the kitchen counter so he could lay his wet hands on her shoulders, “No you’re not." He searched her teary eyes, worry pooling in his, “Did something happen at the doctor's?”
Sniffling as slow tears trickled down her cheeks, “I’ve just had a really rough day,” her voice broke pitifully and James didn’t miss another beat before pulling her against his chest. One hand cradled the back of her head while the other fell to the small off her back, and as she clung to his waist, she finally let a couple sobs break through.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He probed gently. 
How was she supposed to tell him that she was irrationally insecure about them never being able to convince? Or that Andy had come onto her in a moment of vulnerability. Or that she'd lost his mother's ring.
"No," she whimpered, "Not yet. I just wanna….I just want to forget the whole thing." Forget that she'd always secretly want something she would never have. Forget that she'd lost a very expensive and precious symbol of their union. 
Forget that she was still thinking about what would have happened if she'd been brave enough to give in when Andy had come on to her. 
Forget that she was above betraying the man she loved. 
“Alright,” James murmured, kissing the crown of her head, “Well we don’t have to until you’re ready,” he added, lips still pressed to her hair. He was so good, so patient and she loved that. 
Andy was so brooding and dangerous, she liked that. 
Hugging James tighter, Y/n squeezed her eyes shut and tried to regulate her breaths; she didn’t deserve to cry about it when she’d come so close to acting on selfish impulse. They might have stayed like that for a while, if it were for her phone ringing loudly from where it sat on the counter. Sniffling loudly, Y/n pulled away and brushed her tears away with the sides of her fingers, “I should….” Trailing off, she moved towards the phone, sluming her shoulders when she saw Andy’s name on the screen, “Its my boss,” she reported sullenly. 
Coming to stand behind her, James rested his hand on her shoulder, “Just let it go to voicemail.”
Y/n sighed, “Its not that easy.”
“You don’t owe him anything,” James reminded before letting go of a heavy breath and reluctantly adding, “But if you feel like you need to then, I can’t stop you.” 
As James retracted his hand and started walking away, Y/n looked at Andy’s name on the screen and frowned as she glanced back up at her fiancee, “Don’t be mad, please.”
“Not mad,” he said, not looking at her as he tugged one of his drawers open, pulling out a pair of sweatpants, “Just….I’m worried about you, okay? This guy keeps you at the office at these weird hours and then today you come home crying.”
“What happened today has nothing to do with, Andy,” she lied, “He…he tried to help-”
“So you told him what was wrong but you didn’t tell me?” James knitted his brows, stepping behind the bamboo privacy screen that they kept near their wardrobe to get changed. 
By then her phone had stopped ringing and the screen had faded to black, “That’s not….I didn’t tell him. I was really vague about it-”
“Yeah, well all I got was you had a rough day,” stepping out from behind the screen in low riding sweats and a t-shirt, James moved to hang his towel on a rack they kept next to the bathroom door. 
“I…its complicated,” just then, her phone started ringing again, the urgency evident in the blaring tone, “I really have to take this,” Y/n snatched her phone off the counter and swiped the green icon. “Hey, what’s up?” Y/n answered cooly, defiantly matching eyes with James, whose gaze had hardened. 
“I have something that I think belongs to you.”
Knitting her brows, Y/n stuttered, “What?”
“Three carats-”
“You have it,” Y/n gasped; she must have lost it in the haste to vacate his office, everything had been so jumbled and messy, from her feelings at the time to the physical situation. 
“Yeah. Why don’t you come by and get it?”
Turning away so her back would be to James, Y/n drew in what she hoped would be a calming breath, “You’ve had it all day and said nothing?” She hissed as quietly as possible. 
“Well, let’s not get accusatory.”
“God,” Y/n suspired, “Are you at the office?”
“Of course not,” Andy sounded amused by the whole situation, like he was baiting her, and it made Y/n’s blood boil. “You should come get it, tonight. Wouldn’t want James to think you’re trying to seem like an available woman.”
Exasperated, Y/n sighed, “Yeah, well, I don’t know where you live.”
“I’ll send you the address now,” she heard the phone moving on his end of the line and then less than a minute later, her phone pinged with an incoming text. “See you soon, sweetheart.”
There was that name again, that involuntary thrill up her spine. 
Without another word, Y/n hung up and turned to James who was looking at her expectantly. “I have to go, some stuff came up late in discovery and its a lot so we’d have to start going through tonight to finish in time for Thursday.”
She wasn’t sure if James believed her, but he did play along, “Alright, well you should take the car,” he suggested and she was grateful that he didn’t offer to drive her. 
“Yeah,” he nodded, approaching her once more, that time grabbing the keys off the coffee table and pressing it into her hands from over the counter, “Go do your job, we’ll talk when you get back.”
Leaning over, Y/n smiled tightly and reached to cup his cheek with her free hand, “I love you,” she kissed him briefly, hoping to chisel away some of the lingering tension. 
James hummed softly, “Yeah, I know, I love you too.” When they broke, she grabbed her bag and coat quickly and hurried out of the apartment, letting a slow breath vacate her lips when she pulled the door shut behind herself; caught between being excited to see Andy again and combating worry over what would happen when they did. 
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Stuffing the hand with the car keys into the pocket of her camel coat, Y/n inhaled deeply before bringing her fist to Andy’s front door. His house was nice, it was one of the first thoughts she had upon pulling up at the curb; it was kind of like the one she had in her mind when she thought about the perfect place to live; big enough to comfortably raise a family with a gable roof and big windows that made you wonder what was happening inside. It looked like something out of HGTV or one of those home and garden magazines- sweet and picturesque. 
“You came,” Andy determined when the door swung open. He was still half dressed from work; sleeves of his navy shirt rolled up to his elbows, black and blue tie from earlier gone and top two buttons of his shirt open. 
“Yeah,” she squared her shoulders and straightened her back, “Well I want my ring.”
Andy smirked and Y/n ground her teeth, “Its upstairs, come in and I’ll get it for you.” Y/n couldn’t tell if it was an invitation or condition but Andy didn’t leave room for explanation, instead leaving her to follow him as he turned and delved further into the house. 
The hall light was off, making the glow emanating from the kitchen up ahead to seem dim and ominous. Their shadows seemed bigger and in even in the low lighting Y/n could make out some of the framed photographs on the wall  and she slowed down to see some of them. She recognized the people, a woman and a teenage boy, from the one personal picture that Andy had in his office- a small, family portrait taken on what she'd assumed was a taken at a beachy resort, contained in a shiny gold frame. 
Mexico, he'd explained when he'd caught her staring once. The last vacation they'd taken before Laurie and Jacob's accident. 
It must have been so hard for him to lose everything like that, especially since he had no other family. Worst yet, he was still a social pariah; the things she'd heard around the office were brutal and they seemed to follow him around like a dark cloud. It was why she'd tried to befriend him when they'd started working together, no one should be that alone. 
But Andy had crossed a line.
Though, she hadn’t been very good at drawing one in the first place. Maybe she should have told him about James sooner. Maybe she didn’t want to. 
When they finally broke off into the kitchen, Y/n stopped abruptly and folded her arms defensively. Andy didn’t head upstairs immediately, instead he poured two glasses from an open bottle on the dark veined marble counter. “I think you’ll like this one,” he offered her the glass. 
Rolling her eyes, Y/n kept her arms folded, “I want my ring.”
“Have a drink,” Andy inched closer, causing Y/n to have to tip her chin to match his gaze. Swallowing a hitch breath, she tried to not react too much. He was so much bigger than her though, it was hard to keep the thrill contained. If the past couple months had taught her anything it was that there was a darkness that resided within Andy- behind the sad blue eyes and the strong silence was something akin to a tornado strong enough to rip an entire country to shreds. 
Dangerous and violent. 
And she liked it. 
“I don’t want one,” she countered definitely, his proximity chipping her resolve away. 
“I wasn’t asking, sweetheart,” Andy offered her the glass again, “Take it.” Reluctantly, Y/n relieved him of the glass but hesitated on taking a sip. Something might stir inside her when he was around, but it wasn’t trust. “Relax, I wouldn’t do that to you,” Y/n glared and in response, Andy downed his entire glass in one go, stepping away to fill it up again- that time a little more than the last. “See?” He took a generous swing, “I’m not that kind of guy,” he got close again, that time offering his glass for a toast, “To good men.” 
She’d called him a good man, that had aged pretty badly. 
“To good men,” she retorted sarcastically, taking a large sip of the wine. He was right, she did like it. 
“Do you like it?” Y/n could have been wrong, maybe she had a little too much faith in him, but his question seemed genuine. Like he was eager to know if he’d made the right pick. 
“Its alright,” the lie must not have been a very good one because Andy smirked. “I want my-”
“I know, finish your drink,” he gritted. Then, after polishing off his second glass at an alarming rate, Andy wiped off his mouth with the back of his hand. With just the slightest stumble in his usually confident gait, he set the empty glass down with a thump and started walking towards the stairs, “I’ll go get you’re fucking ring,” he mummbled, leaving her downstairs without another word. 
Not thinking much of it, she took periodic sips of the wine. It was good, and judging by the label, it must have cost upwards of a couple hundred dollars, but it wasn't particularly strong- definitely not strong enough to get a man of his size drunk after two glasses.
That was when she put it together; the slightest scent of liquor on his breath when he’d answered the door, his outwardly aggressive behavior, the way he’d swallowed the wine like it was water- Andy was already drunk. He’d probably been that way since he’d called earlier. 
And he was obviously playing some kind of game with her. Laying a trap. Luring her to danger. 
On heavy steps, Andy returned downstairs about five minutes later, prowling towards her and prompting Y/n to absently inch backwards into the wall. “Your ring,” he held it up with a little, wicked grin. She put her hand out for it, but Andy took it instead, turning it over so her palm would be face down. Their chests were inches apart at that point and he kept his darkened eyes matched with hers, presumably in a defiant act above all else, as he slid the ring back onto her finger. “All better?”
Clenching her jaw, Y/n tried to pull her hand away but Andy tightened his grip and lunged; within the second his lips were on hers. Reacting instinctively, she kissed him back- it was completely impulsive, submission to a primal desire. She could taste the mixture of liquors on his lips and his kiss could have been as inebriating  as the poison he’d poured down his throat. She might have gotten drunk on him- she would have- But the minute she caught herself, deserting carnal yearning in favor of what was true and right, Y/n tried to use her free hand to shove him away. 
But he wouldn’t budge. 
Andy was solid, immovable. Like a gray stone wall or a bear boxing in its prey. 
She could feel a bulge pressing into her lower stomach, making it hard to focus
“Stop,” she fought against his lips, a frustrated noise escaping her lips when grabbed the wrist of the hand she as using to push against his chest. “You need to stop,” Y/n struggled against his hungry lips. It doesn't matter that she actually doesn't want him to, that she'd traded hours of sleep for fantasies that looked just like that. A moment where they'd be alone and he'd do things to her that James might be scared to.
But none of that mattered- they were fantasies and she was engaged.
When she attempted to use her legs against him- knee him in the groin or kick him in the shin- Andy reacted swiftly positioned both his legs between hers, consequently pressing his crotch against her.
“No,” he easily positioned her hands over her head, closing his fingers in around her wrists and pinning them to the wall above her head, rendering her defenseless. “You want this,” Andy snarled into her mouth, hooking his now free hand around the back of her thigh, guiding it harshly to his hip. “Say you want this.”
Wiggling against frantically, Y/n tossed her head back, hitting it on the wall, as she tried to tear her lips from his. “No, get off me,” she protested, voice rising above a harsh warning. 
Deserting her thigh, Andy brought his hand to her neck and held her like that for a moment, “We’re doing this,” he managed through gritted teeth, “I know you, you want this. All those nights we spent together, just the two of us. Everytime I asked you if you wanted to go home, what did you say?” He was squeezing her throat, applying enough pressure to limit airflow. 
“N–no,” it was getting harder to breathe and speak, and her vision was dancing  but something in the back of Y/n’s mind doubted that he genuinely wanted to hurt her, “I-I said….no.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re engaged?” He pulled her forward a little, only to slam her head into the wall again, though not hard enough to inflict any more damage than a sore spot. 
“Exactly,” Andy hissed, “You said no. We went on a fucking date and you didn’t tell me you were engaged.”
Hot tears were racing down her paling cheeks and Andy was beginning to seem more and more like a blur. “Because,” she gasped, desperately trying to suck in some air, “I…” A hitched sob punctuated her words, “I….I didn’t want you to know.”
She really didn’t. It was wrong, misguided and shamefully selfish, but at some point, Y/n had thought that bringing up her engagement would ruin the closeness that she so enjoyed with Andy. She enjoyed being the only person he opened up to, in a way, it felt like he was hers and as long as she kept her relationship with James hidden, nothing would change.
“Exactly,” he growled, seeking her lips once more, “You’ve wanted me exactly the way I’ve wanted you since that first case.”
A broken sob fell into his mouth and Y/n occasionally found herself punctuating her failing resistance with sloppily returned kisses. “I don’t wanna do this,” she cried weakly, breaths short and throat dry, “You don’t wanna do this,” halfheartedly, she kissed the corner of his lips and tried to turn her face away again, “You’re drunk, this isn’t you.” 
Pressing his forehead to hers, Andy chuckled and his grip on her neck loosened so he could flatten his hand on the top of her chest. She could feel the heat of his palm through the fabric of her dress as he dragged it slowly down her body, and as she got a clearer sense of where his hand was going, she was breathing quickly. “I promise you, sweetheart” he rasped, fingers creeping under the hem of her skirt, which had ridden up her thigh, “This is exactly me.” 
Pushing aside the crotch off her underwear, Andy slipped two of his digits into her folds and started pumping slowly. “See?” He taunted in response to the slickness that had gathered there shortly after she’d felt his member pressing into her stomach. Try as she might, it was impossible to deny the effect that Andy had on her and she hated that she did want him- a man like him, who was proving to be worse than the rumors. She hated that the only reason she was resisting was because she didn't want to be branded as a cheater. 
“You want this,” he coaxed, curling his fingers and extracting a sharp inhale, “Admit it sweetheart.”
Not because she loved her fiance- she did- but she didn’t want that love questioned. Not by Andy, not by herself. 
But love and sex, they were different. She could love James and want Andy. It wasn't wrong, it was just human.
His beard grazed her skin, and the sensation coupled with her mounting arousal made a shiver run up her spine. “Please….” Her plea was teary, and Y/n wasn’t sure what she was begging for; for him to spare her the consequence of a nasty truth or give her more. 
Biting down on her lower lip, Y/n hoped a little pain and blood on her tongue was enough to keep her mouth shut and ward off the obvious truth, but when his lips sought her jaw and he added another finger to his quickening ministrations while pressing his thumb to her nub, she succumbed. “Yes…” She heaved, sobbing, “I want you,” she cried, head bending forward and her face consequently nuzzling the side of his.
She was only human, after all.
Finally satisfied, Andy let Y/n’s wrists go and she immediately loomed her arms around his neck, holding him to her. Meanwhile, he removed his fingers from her arousal and started pushing her underwear down, letting it pool at her feet. Without thinking, she kicked it away and when Andy curled his fingers under her ass after sparing a bare moment to undo his pants and free his cock, she let him lift her off the ground and wrapped her legs around his waist. 
But when Andy slid into her with unfettered ease, girth stretching her to the point of a delicious burn, an erotic moan tumbled off her lips and her fingers curled in his nape. Immediately, he struck up a pace of pronounced but aggressive thrusts, giving off the sense that he was barely containing himself. 
She still felt guilty. Y/n still knew it was wrong. 
“Fuck….Laurie….” In the heat of the moment, her name dripped off his lips, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she realized that it wasn’t even about her;
'Because you remind me of someone. Someone special.'
'Keep the length, try a couple shades darker'- just like the woman in the photographs. 
“I’ve been thinking about this since we met,” he admitted, liquor stained breath hot on her face and distracting her, “God, you feel so fucking good, you take me so well.” 
He felt good too. 
Steadying her at the hip with one hand, Andy used the other to free her blouse from the waist of her skirt. Delving under the hem, he groped her breast through her bra, kneading harshly. As the rhythmic roll of his hips grew rabid, Y/n found herself demanding, “Harder,” and, “Faster,” with the occasional obscene praise peppered in between. 
Reveling in the feel of his bulging veins rubbing her sensitive walls with each purposeful, aggressive thrust and the way the curve of his member seemed to probe at the lowest part of her stomach, Y/n sunk her nails into his back, clawing at Andy through his shirt. Breathy moans and low grunts bounced off the walls as stifling heat cocooned them, hardly remedied by the air conditioning. 
With each jerk, her back hit the wall with an audible thump and as Y/n felt herself inching closer to insurmountable gratification she tightened her legs around his hips, driving the back of her feet into his thighs. “Andy,” she hitched headily when his lips met hers again, not really in a kiss but a stretch of shared breaths. “Fuck,” Y/n heaved into his mouth, “You feel so….”
Grinning wickedly, he tried to meet her lust blown eyes but their faces were so close that it was hard. “Feel so….?”
“So-uh,” a small fraction of her was readily able to recognize that there was no coming back from the words she wanted to say. Her silly admission that he was the best she’d ever had. Y/n’s mind though had fallen into some kind of sex-crazed limbo, caught between what was inherently right and what felt incomparably good. 
“Tell me,” he demanded, kissing her roughly, biting her lips before pulling away a few centimeters.
“Good,” at the back of his head, she grabbed a fistful of his hair, causing him to bite her lips when they kissed again, “So fucking good.” Pressing her face close to his, the rise and fall of her chest became erratic and her heart was galloping in behind her ribs and she became acutely aware of just how close she was to toppling over with gratification. 
“I wanna feel you,” he encouraged, quickening his pace a little, fingers digging into her waist. 
The fabric of his shirt was crumpled in her grip and eager for release, Y/n struggled to buck her hips towards his. With a gasp, Y/n’s legs stiffened and her head lolled back against the wall. Unrestrained ecstasy started in a burst at her center, spreading like an untamed wildefire to electrify her every nerve. Clenching around him, her frame quaked and she drenched their thighs in silky moisture. She didn’t think it had ever felt like that; like watching fireworks on an LSD high or speeding on the freeway after a night of tequila shots. There was a rush she’d never experienced before, one she fittingly thought could only ever be achieved with drugs. “Andy! Fuck!” Her throat hurt and her words were loud and a little hoarse.
Andy’s pace didn’t falter through the crest of her euphoria, though just as her high settled, leaving behind a pleasurable sensitivity and colours on her vision, his hips sputtered. She should have pushed him away, begged him to pull out, but much too consumed by the threads of pleasure still running through her veins, Y/n clung to him as generous ribbons of his hot product shot into her. By then, he’d shifted his feet slightly and moved both his hands to hold onto her hip, as if he were keeping her in place so she’d take every drop of him. 
Even after it was over, Andy remained sheathed between her sore walls for a handful of slow moments. They kissed, lips taking on a leisured pace that time and Y/n leaned forward so he’d be supporting most of her weight. She could have sworn that every sensation in that moment was raw and amplified; the roughness of his beard scratching the area around her lips and tickling her palms, the fullness of him still settled inside her, the heat of his touch seeping through her blouse and the rhythm of his heart matching hers. 
Suddenly, she couldn’t remember if her heartbeat had ever matched James’. 
She hated that she was comparing them. He was a good man and Andy was…..Andy. 
Gingerly, he pulled out, and simultaneously, she untangled her legs from around him, knees almost buckling as her feet finally hit the ground. Shutting her eyes as she slumped against the wall, Y/n could hear the soft clink of his belt as Andy tugged his pants up, and while she made no effort to pull her skirt down, she could feel the fabric slowly creeping back to his proper place. 
When he lazily leaned forward, braced by one arm pressed to the wall diagonally over her head, Andy  reached out to ghost the  outline of her face with his rough fingertips, thumb tracing tear stains and then the shape of her kiss-swollen lips. His breathing was just as heavy as hers and it was only after his touch hand trailed down her neck and had reached the valley of her cleavage did he disturbed the heavy silence. “Can I tell you something?” His hoarse whisper elicited a pitiful whimper and shiver from her. His large hand skimmed the contour of her curves and settled to a firm grip on her waist, “You’re prettier when you’re mine.”
A hitched sob escaped her throat just as her guilt doubled; how could she? That time, when she pushed him away, Andy complied. There was so much she could say to him; curse him, lie and say she hated him, blame him but it would really only be words born from her own guilt and after he’d spent the past forty minutes or so ruining her, Y/n didn’t think he deserved the satisfaction. 
Sucking in a big breath to contain her shameful tears, she shuffled away from Andy, who didn’t even put a toe towards trying to stop her; she supposed it was because he’d already gotten what he wanted. Blindly, Y/n stumbled towards the door, letting herself out without a word and not bothering to shut it as she left. Approaching the car parked on the curb, Y/n rummaged through her coat for the keys and after she got them out, she shrugged off the coat using it to lap up some of the moisture on her face and neck before getting in. 
Immediately after getting the engine going, Y/n put down the windows and turned on the air conditioning, hoping the inescapable chill would do something for her appearance. Then reaching into the glove compartment, she hastily extracted a wad of napkins and did her best to clean up before discarding them on the passenger seat  and  grabbing up her phone. 
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier.”
“Drive safe. Text me when you get there.”
“I get it if you’re still upset but please let me know that you’re safe.”
“Ordered your favorite for dinner. Waiting till you get here. I love you.”
“Shit!” Y/n banged the wheel with the side of her fist and hot tears rained from blurry eyes. She’d been at Andy’s for just over an hour. Trying to slow the erratic rise and fall of her chest and quiet her sobs, she quickly typed a response, telling James that she’d forgotten her phone in the car and would be home within the next half hour. 
Then, as she wiped her eyes and pulled off, hoping she could bring herself to face James by the time she got home. 
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