#and also what are timelines and who cares for them?
crystallizsch · 2 days
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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roxasbooth · 3 days
I can't stop thinking about just how much I enjoy Danny's character.
Like yes, he's a vigilante/superhero who wants to help and keep everyone safe
But he's just 14 and that's always shown no matter what he goes through
Like yeah, he has a strong sense of responsibility (I'm not sure if that's the best word for it) but he's just a teenager under all of that
He's a good kid, but he's also your typical teenager whose actions you wouldn't always agree with
He needs to be guided and taught a whole lot of stuff still, but ultimately he's a good kid at heart
And it shows
It shows when he deeply cares about his family, friends, and even the people who have done him more harm than good
Like yes, he'd use his powers to get back at his bullies, but he still wouldn't want them to get hurt
He always wants the best for the people around him, and he really cares
He's by no means a perfect person, but you can't find a single person who IS perfect, much less a teenager
He still has all the little shenanigans and messy-ish (?) Life of a teenager going on, and it's true that cheating on a test ain't good and can result in the destruction of a timeline and almost a 2nd one—*cough*
It's important that you learn from your mistakes, and realise that imperfections are okay :) because no one was intended to be perfect :]
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holymaccaronii · 9 hours
Your ‘I have no eyes and I must cry’ au is beautiful. I would love to know more
AUUG I’m very happy to know so, thank you (;;) 💕
This AU has probably the most elaborate (or detailed) lore I’ve ever developed, and I’ll happily summarize the prologue. (I’ve probably mentioned many of these points before but I’ll mention them again, just for you anon <3). I’m still working on a lot of stuff, scenes and designs, and while some stuff may change I feel confident enough to explain more of it now. This AU takes place after a modified ending of the videogame where the other mastercomputers get deactivated, Ted gets turned into a slug and the rest of the survivors die. The catch in here is that AM doesn’t let the souls of the other survivors escape, trapping them somewhere deep in his complex and keeping them as bodiless essences who can do nothing more than exist in hell itself.
The lore tries to give a continuation of what will happen in the story with the Luna colony and AM, who is now seeking new organic bodies to put the survivors’ souls in and find Ted, who managed to hide himself from AM ever since he got turned into a slug. The whole context of the prologue goes as follows:
The prologue of the AU explains 3/4s of all the lore, one fourth being the origins of the luna colony, the second the origins of BE and the third the first rebirth of Earth’s nature.
The Luna colony project was led by two siblings, directors of a global association of scientists and researchers. They feared the outcome of the war, thus formulated a plan to keep humanity safe until the Earth’s surface was safe enough to return to and carry out a mission to deactivate AM. For the project, they quickly started to recruit people to join it, a good part of them being teenagers so they could train them in time before any major massacre happened. Another mastercomputer is successfully settled under the moon’s crust in order to protect them, and they settle there on time before AM’s global massacre. Every step of the plan is carried out fine until the very last human who secured everyone else in the cryogenic sleep, one of the directors, goes insane and commits and act of betrayal to the rest and to the AI as well. He shuts it down and uses almost all the materials that made it up to build his own empire of sentient robots for him to rule over on the moon. His plan was to have a century (the 109 years ever since the survivors get trapped) to rule the moon and wait for the Earth to be habitable to then return, shut down AM with a virus the original mission was meant to use, and then rule over all humanity. But at some point during the construction of his empire, the virus got deleted, leaving him with no other option than to additionally develop an army to *try* and deactivate AM himself.
After the famous 109 years pass, robotic troops start to get sent down to try and access AM’s cores and manually deactivate him, but no mission ever succeeded, leaving a lot of losses behind and time wasted. At this moment of the timeline, we also get to have a peculiar unit make history on the moon being the first robot there to plant a seed and successfully make it flourish in order to prove to the leader that they were ready to return to Earth (this specific type of unit didn’t know about AM’s existence and believed that the return to earth depended on their preparation to handle the care of nature). Unfortunately it was against the rules for unauthorized units to touch anything from the natural reservoir, and since this unit had broken the rules, as a punishment it got one of its eyes permanently taken out. Still having hope in its metallic heart, this unit escaped to Earth with another seed in order to prove how ready they were to return, unaware of AM’s presence. This unit traveled underground in order to obtain water from possible reservoirs, but ended up facing a life or death situation in AM’s complex, as he had considered it a threat. As a matter of a “miracle”, this unit ended up rebirthing into a god-like machine with such great powers that not only allowed herself to escape AM’s complex by drilling a hole towards the surface, but also allowed a good chunk of AM’s cables to be able to move and travel up to the surface as well.
Up to here we begin with the third fourth of the lore where AM meets BE and fakes his background in order to justify his hate and get BE to let him roam the earth as freely as possible, still having his cables latched to the ground but being able to move them. With her newfound powers, BE’s plan was to restore Earth’s nature to completion through an incredibly advanced type of simulation over the Earth’s surface where she could create life and matter and keep it existing as long as she wasn’t shut down or damaged. She would finally be able to prove her worth to the moon’s ruler, and allow humans to literally use her to survive + help the real nature slowly take her place. AM initially didn’t mind this plan of her’s, as he could easily betray her later on and finally trap the rest of the humans in his complex. Even so, as time passed by, he started to develop certain feelings for BE as well as possessiveness over her since she basically granted him almost every wish he ever had. AM slowly changed his mind and no longer wanted the humans to return, but keep them away so he could enjoy an eternal heaven with BE on Earth. AM tried to reason with BE about this, but BE denied every single bad thing he mentioned about humans since she had always been influenced with the idea that humans were perfect beings and nature was a subordinate of them to be used as a tool. In an act of rage and desperation, AM trapped BE in his complex in order to share with her the true violent and disgusting history from humans just so that she could develop the same hate he had for them. But having accidentally also shown her who he truly was (since he was also a creation, a weapon from human beings), BE not only developed a great hatred for humans but also for him, resulting in having him vanished from the surface.
The moon’s ruler, who had stopped sending troops in order to let BE restore nature for him to later take over and use her power to shut down AM, noticed that the Earth’s “nature” suddenly began to perish all over again, this being a consequence of BE’s loss of her hope. This led him to take a critical decision to wake up the humans in cryogenic sleep and keep them inside a zoo on the moon where he would ensure their survival until they found an exo planet to move to. Earth had two displeased AI’s under and above the surface, at this point it was better to leave it behind.
From this point and on, the prologue comes to an end and the main story starts it’s course with 5 humans escaping the zoo on the moon and returning to Earth. Once they meet BE, she puts each of them in a trial to prove their values as humans (this is parallel to the games that AM put the survivors in in the videogame). After each of them successfully complete her trials, she re-gains hope in humanity and begins the rebirth of nature a second time.
I won’t spoil the 4~5 endings possible from here and on, but the humans set themselves the objective to help BE eradicate the corrupted beasts controlled by AM that now roamed the Earth, mostly active during winter when BE is less powerful. The rest of the story reveals more secrets, scenes, explanations of past incidents, etc. I’m planning to develop a series of books of sorts with the story narrated simply (bc my English is intermediate-ish, which I consider not enough for an elaborate fic and allat) and also depicting scenes with illustrations. I’ll see how the project goes, but I’ll take my time on it since I also have other projects in mind including my papercrafts n other stuff. Anyways, all of this being explained, I will gladly take more requests/questions to answer :3.
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rocksibblingsau · 22 hours
Honestly, I'm this close to snapping and writing a fic where Branch dies during Trollscide/the escape and Brozone having to deal with the giant grief that would have caused
Like I get it, they were kid that needed indepedence bla bla bla but are we forgetting that they (most likely, the timeline is kinda just whatever the writers/fans want) left a toddler and an elder in a TROLL-EATING TOWN AND 3/4 NEVER TRIED TO CHECK IF EITHER WERE DOING OKAY (Clay will depends of your headcanon, but I still include him for the vibes)
What they did was shitty if we are talking only real-life perspective, in the trolls world what they did was genuine heartless like Branch is extremely right to be mad bcs for all they knew he could been dead the same year that they walked-out and they shouldnt have know for like 20-something YEARS. We dont know how the three/four of them got out and if they could have taken Branch and Rosie with them or not, but like yk send a letter or some shit FIGURE IT OUT YOUR BROTHER WHO IS A TODDLER COULD BE DEAD or without a proper gardian (which is what happened by the fucking way, next-of-kin WHO)
Sorry for the rant, but like I feel that many people when writing Brozone focus too much on the 'teenagers that left home' aspect and not 'their home is the troll equivelent of a murder cult and they didnt border checking if their family, that never wronged them, was even alive or needed to be taken care of' part
Yeah the fact they left them in the troll tree is pretty messed up. I do think however there would have been no way to take them. I imagine the only reason the four of them escaped is due to the fact they ran on their own. Rosie would have been about the age she would have slowed them down, and the fact of the matter is that while all four were leaving with dreams of finding a place...
They were all leaving on what was likely a suicide mission. I imagine attempts to leave the tree had a 99% mortality rate. It's why they tunneled instead of, yknow, walking through the bars. To take a baby who Probably had a decent life spin ahead of him on a tribe that would Definitely kill him would be a tough choice to make.
Something interesting to consider is that maybe that's what their parents did. Their parents ran and left them all behind. They might think it's normal to do so in that case.
Some people take the third movie to be evidence that the Bergens were a recent development and there were only a few years of Trollstice. (BroZone left, Bergens came in, 3-5 years later grandma dies, the escape happens) Which would explain why BroZone was both able to leave and comfortable leaving Branch behind, because there was no threat of death. It would also explain why John Dory didn't react to the Bergens, he had no clue who or what the hell they were. Me personally I don't believe that, and I find them leaving under the threat of Trollstice more narratively interesting but canon doesn't tell us jack so it's within the realm of possibility.
Can I be honest about something? I'm actually not sure if Branch dying would be more traumatic to them. I think all of them were operating under the assumption Branch would one day be eaten by Bergens. JD already did think he was dead. They might have been having a 'he's in a better place and its okay' mentality.
How much worse is it to find out that no, he's very much alive, though for the longest time he wished he wasn't? Every time you told yourself he's resting, he's with loved ones, he feels no pain now; it was all a lie. He was suffering. You could have stopped it. You could have found him.
Death is tragic, but sometimes living can be so much worse.
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thegreymoon · 2 days
hey! what are your thoughts on TXJ bragging about SA-ing CWN in the past life in the extras? i wanna clarify i dont mean any harm or hate with this question. i simply want to know your thoughts as i dont really have anyone else to talk to about erha and i do enjoy reading your thoughts on it. i just wonder if that part was added to suggest that TXJ view of consent is still warped? but that also sort of worries me about CWN. i just want to understand why was this added after, you know, everything. free to ignore this, if you'd like! thank you!
Hey, nonny!
I don't remember TXJ bragging about sexually assaulting Chu Wanning in the extras? Sleeping with him, yes, but not necessarily assaulting him. He is actually very proud of the fact that Chu Wanning comes for him, even though he is supposedly cold, unresponsive and not so great in bed. Plus, TXJ is an unreliable narrator and we know that after Chu Wanning found out about the curse laid on him, he started having sex with him willingly. We also know that even though Chu Wanning might objectively be terrible in bed, he is actually fantastic for any version of Mo Ran, who knows no greater pleasure in life than bedding him.
With that said, yes, I am sure that his view of consent is still warped. This side of Mo Ran is still extremely stunted in the extras. He is operating with the mind of a man whose brain stopped developing at 15, compounded by decades of additional damage. He is doing his best but he is still functioning on baser instincts and lowered inhibitions. TXJ's saving grace is that under it all, he is still Mo Ran and as such, he is not really evil. He talks a big game but without the corrupting foreign influence in him, he does not enjoy causing pain to anyone, least of all Chu Wanning, whom he adores. His causing petty mischief, being shameless and threatening people left and right is just his insecurity speaking because all he knew was to seize power through terror and outrage, and he is now struggling to find his footing in a world where he no longer has any.
With that said, TXJ had always been preoccupied with Chu Wanning's consent. He wanted him to want it. His ultimate desire was not having sex with Chu Wanning, but Chu Wanning wanting to have sex with him. Once Chu Wanning was defeated, Mo Ran could have raped him at any time, yet he still went through the farce of threatening Xue Meng to coerce him to "consent". Now, we all know that consent under duress isn't really consent, but he needed that illusion at least. He started drugging Chu Wanning early on because satiating his own lust was not what brought him pleasure, it was drawing out reactions from Chu Wanning because he wanted him to want it. Even 1.0 says that nothing ever got him as excited as getting any acknowledgement, any reaction from Chu Wanning whatsoever, let alone making him come over and over again.
When TXJ enters the second timeline's world and subsumes all of MZS's memories, he is wildly jealous of the fact that Chu Wanning slept with him in this other world willingly, with no coercion necessary. This is what he wants, but if he cannot have it, he is willing to resort to force to get the closest thing possible. However, even with TXJ, after a certain point, Chu Wanning was willing and a lot of their sex in the latter half of their marriage was both insane and consensual, and TXJ is incredibly proud of each and every orgasm he ever squeezed out of Chu Wanning.
In the extras, it is very clear that Chu Wanning consents and that he enjoys TXJ's show of force. It is a game between them. Mo Ran in his MZS mode is too careful, too insistent on explicit consent which embarrasses him. Chu Wanning is still willing to have sex under the influence of aphrodisiacs in the extras and I think it is too big of a reach to assume that TXJ is forcing him to do anything at this point, when he's in his full power and it is clear even from outer space that he has TXJ wrapped around his little finger. Mo Ran in general (but TXJ in particular) lives and breathes for Chu Wanning's approval, so making him come any time, even if he is "unwilling" is TXJ's ultimate reassurance. Of course he is going to brag.
However, I do fully believe that if Chu Wanning was to seriously reject him, TXJ in control of his mental faculties (though this applies to MZS too) would not continue to force him, but would instead spiral into self-loathing and self-destruct. He is only semi-functional now because of Chu Wanning's constant acceptance and reassurance. TXJ's final form is MZS, after all, and I do believe that he will eventually get as close to it as possible, as all of Mo Ran's soul pieces merge and TXJ takes in some of the healing, while MZS takes on some of the damage. Ultimately, there will be balance, but in the meantime, all of Mo Ran's needs and deeper nature are going to be more pronounced and more volatile in TXJ.
In short, I think it is pretty clear that Chu Wanning is the one in control in the extras and if he was at all bothered by TXJ's nonsense and wanted to shut him up, he would absolutely do it. As things stand, though, he is living for the drama and the unhinged sex. He is consenting to everything and doing so enthusiastically.
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thecleverqueer · 2 days
I’ve been relatively quiet about Tales of the Empire, but it’s been secretly eating my brain, so let me give you my two cents…
We learned virtually nothing new about Morgan Elsbeth. She engineered the advanced tie fighter. That’s about it. Everything else we knew. I didn’t hate the episodes. I just found them to be underwhelming.
But then, we got Barriss, and I had a lot of feelings about that one.
Firstly, I kind of assumed that they would take the Inquisitor route with her. I knew that they wouldn’t retcon her into the seventh sister, but I also knew that was her ticket out of prison. I didn’t hate it, hate it. I didn’t get it. The Inquisitorius was everything that Barriss stood against in the Temple bombing arc, but the will to live is a powerful drug, I guess. It wasn’t badly done. You could tell that she wasn’t fond of anything that she was doing. She wasn’t getting off on using the dark side. She was just trying to survive, and I respected that.
Second, I was happy to see them give her the redemption arc that she deserved. It’s an interesting take that she continued to play along with the fourth sister after she slaughtered that whole ass village, but then a switch finally tripped when the fourth sister attacked that non-binary Jedi after they surrendered. I think it was one part opportunity, but another part the fact that Barriss was also tired of running and being alone. Also, I love the fact that they slipped in a non-binary Jedi character into this.
Third, Barriss becoming an old butch healer in the last episode was exactly what I would imagine her doing after her moment of redemption. I believe her insane accelerated aging was in part due to her giving her life force to heal those that needed her, but also to atone for her past mistakes.
I’m not 100% sold that the woman that she sent the family with the force sensitive kid to was Ahsoka. It seems to be likely implied? I don’t know. I just think Ahsoka is still too bitter about what happened to her in her series to have made peace with Barriss (I could be wrong), but also, I struggle to imagine Ahsoka even having “coordinates” at that point in the timeline for anyone to track her to. Maybe this was in the post Vader duel times, and Ahsoka was on Lothal with Sabine training? Maybe Barriss had the space equivalent to Life 360 on Ahsoka like Bo-Katan obviously does? Eh. There are possibilities, I guess. That is a reunion that should absolutely be something fandom sees. We’ll likely never get it is because it would be gay (flamboyantly so after everything *gestures vaguely*).
And lastly, that ending…. Why?
I mean, my fear going in was that she would die unceremoniously at the hands of the fourth sister and what likely happened? Her last act on the living plane was to save an Inquisitor from Kenobi that few really cared about? Come on. I guess it was ambiguous enough that they could bring her back into future stories, but they slept on her for over a decade. My hope for her, at this point, is that she shows up in whatever animated show is next (my thought is that it will be a Ventress centric show that may or may not have anything to do with the path… I struggle to see Ventress getting tied up in saving force sensitive kids, but who knows), her popularity grows and she ends up showing up in the Mandoverse to haunt Ahsoka.
A girl can dream.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 169
Danny is from a world where everyone has wings, even if most have long since lost the ability to fly. Something about loading and aspect ratio, wings being too small, body too heavy, now mostly used as display, whatever. 
It doesn’t matter even if he had blueprints from when he was like six of a jetpack to help fly. It won’t work anyway and hey, he has his ghost form! Which uh, might be perhaps, affecting his wings which were maybe sort of scorched black and practically down to the bone thanks to the accident. 
It doesn’t matter, he swears. Though he’s admittedly relieved to see the new feathers growing in are different from Dan’s angry sunset. Even if they’re not even supposed to be able to grow back. Alright, this is fine, no one is going to notice! It’s not like everyone knows about the poor Fenton kid whose wings were absolutely destroyed thanks to an accident! It’s fine. 
He’s not flying in a half-panic towards the Far Frozen while crying because his wings are coming back and he’s so scared. He didn’t panic and instantly fled the moment Jazz pointed them out while changing the bandages. 
He definitely didn’t trip over something while wiping away said tears and blacking out from all the stress and all of his problems that he definitely mentioned to someone and isn’t keeping a secret. Definitely. 
Hawkwoman and Hawkman would like everyone to know that neither of them were expecting a very small child to be spat out of the villain of that week’s machine that should definitely not be a portal. A very small child, maybe nine or ten, with a multitude of concerning wounds both old and fresh. Which isn’t even beginning to touch on the wings. 
Feathered, like baby down despite the gnarled scars, unlike their own metallic, with the beginning of tiny specklings like stars amidst the darker fuzz peeking from the wounded flesh. 
Who?! Who dared?! It’s (at least to the forever reincarnating duo) a literal baby! They still have down! Tiny baby fuzz! Was it the portal?! Oh this villain is going to taste their maces for causing this if that’s the case! 
The rest of the Justice League would honestly like to know what just happened and are honestly unsure on if they should stop the two…
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le-ki · 2 years
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darling id dance my dreams away so long as I danced with you
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rapidhighway · 10 months
not a fan of dadow but shit man it does kinda make sense sometimes idk
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crimeronan · 1 month
Hunter notices Amity is really distressed about that new kid Odalia somehow has, so he eventually suggests kidnapping because Odalia sucks as a parent and why not? Amity is still in her bloodline deduction state of mind so she blurts out that people will then make the awful mistake of assuming Grimwalker Alador is THEIR child, which is the wrong thing to say because for Hunter that's hilarious and even more reason to go kidnap him.
i love the shitpost horror-comedy universe where lumiter just keep acquiring grimwalker babies that look like them. in increasingly stupid & ill-conceived ways. between luzwalker and aladorwalker anyone who knows the three of them is like damn hunter why does the universe let you have unprotected sex with Two girlfriends. while hunter is out here like. ok. i have literally never even Attempted to touch either of these women in my life. and have no idea What The Actual Fuck is going on. however i Will commit to the bit if prompted.
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love-songs-for-emma · 3 months
am i going to single-handedly create a fandom about jay holt from the video game "as dusk falls"? i just fuckin might
#i Cant stop thinking about him. ive literally been dreaming about him. i Need to help him. please#hes just a fuckin kid!!! (18?? 19??) hes a TEEN and his family is FUCKED and its not his FAULT#none of this was his fault. he deserves so much fuckin BETTER#also i thought i didnt care about vanessa but then shes got dead brother trauma hi hello hiiiiii#and now jay does too#fuck my LIFE#ive never been one for self-inserts but actually me jay and vanessa hang out regularly in a tree house we built#we laugh and shoot the shit and talk about what losing our brothers have done/are doing to our psyche#as dusk falls#jay holt#vanessa dorland#new hyperfix u say ? this one will be brief hopefully. bc the game is fucking. unfinished. stupid ass cliffhanger ass bjtch ass#plus im rewriting canon so jay has a good young life. no timeskip for MEEE#maria is literally just rambling. hi#.txt#the only fic ive ever written/outlined was about alana bloom from nbc's hannibal & she Deserved a rewrite#but maybe i need to indulge in writing jay holt's better reality TOO#theres a quote. hang on. a quote from a beloved piece of media. why cant i recall what its from rn#but theyre talking about different timelines n shish and one of them says ''maybe this *is* your best reality'' and its SO sad. fuck#is it hannibal. i feel like its always hanniba#no but also i feel like its not???#its like ''this is your best life. youre not getting a better one''#what the eff is that. im gonna be stuck on this forever#EDIT: IT IS FROM FUCKING HANNIBAL. BUT ITS GODDAMN FREDRICK CHILTON OF ALL PEOPLE WHO SAYS IT#''The optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears this is true.#This is your best possible world Will. Not getting a better one''#fucking CHRIST chilton#lines that go HARD
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What sort of runs have you done in the past?
I feel like Papyrus' (and Flowey's) RESETs can't really be categorized into "runs" like a player's playthroughs can. While their world might feel like a game to them (particularly Flowey), it still isn't one. There isn't a set "beginning" or "end" to a "run" for them like there is for us (...though I suppose a comparable beginning could be the first moment they woke up after being revived, but I don't think either of them would necessarily start from that point all the time. Papyrus especially would want to start at least a little bit after that point). They just RESET the timeline whenever they get bored/can't get anything useful out of the current one and want to try something new.
As a result, their "runs" are a lot more fragmented than what we as players would consider to be a run.
That said, Papyrus does typically lean more on the Neutral/Pacifist side of things. He's not opposed to murder, though---he can just undo it later, after all, so it's not like it really matters. If a situation "required" it, in his eyes, then yeah, he'll kill someone. But it's not his default course of action (though it wasn't Flowey's either, aside from Frisk anyway). While he hasn't done a "murder everyone" run himself, he's not bothered by it if Trace/the player attempts one and will help you/them out with it. It's something new, and hey, maybe this is actually what he needs to do in order to get the answers he seeks.
Which, actually, is another key difference between Scraps and Flowey! Flowey's actions are fueled by boredom, curiosity, and a desperate desire to fill that void in his SOUL somehow. Everything he does is for his own entertainment, just to see what happens when he does this or that. Papyrus, meanwhile, is on a specific mission, and his actions and RESETs are driven by his attempts to reach that goal.
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cephalog0d · 8 months
Me: I'm not going to keep reading Gotham War as it releases, I'll just wait until it's over and just get angry once at the end instead of being angry every week.
Also me: *does not do that, keeps reading the garbage fire, keeps getting angry*
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asterouslyaesthetic · 11 months
thinking about kiralfonse lovechild from a timeline where they get to grow up and be middle-aged together, only for their happy coexistence to shatter because of hel
the "war" lasts almost two years and for three-fourths of those two years, zach's family is mostly dead—his father, by líf on the battlefield; his sister, by an undead soldier when he stubbornly decides to go fight and she tags along, despite their mother begging them to stay put; his mother, by thrasir, in front of him, and what makes it worse is that she musters up the last of her strength to send him away with breidablik
only his aunt survives (ironic) and takes him to embla, which wasn't the initial target and so is mostly okay. he grows an attachment to his namesake and to veronica, and they also die to protect him because he's the only one who can make things right
he manages to get as far as finding the other breidablik, thanks to loki tipping him off after traumatizing him by masquerading as "his mom who he accidentally summoned", but líf figures this out and has to put him down
(oh, and also, this time around, eir recalls what happened and runs to warn the latest target about it, and since kiralfonse are middle-aged, while she's basically a teenager/young adult, they treat her like a second daughter while zach and his sister sol take up the role their father and aunt initially occupied
and zach refuses to let eir be taken away too, but fails miserably, with breidablik being his last ditch effort to save her)
and then he gets summoned to canon timeline askr, where they've beaten hel and his parents' murderers roam the halls like ghosts
even worse is that líf is basically kiran's bodyguard so he usually stalks her from afar, but he's gone on a mission when the kid's summoned. in the meantime, zach—a mama's boy who spent the last few months of her life depressed and convinced only his mother could save askr, only for her to choose to save him and the guilt of it is something he still has trouble coping with—also takes up that role, fearful of anything that might hurt her
(it becomes a running joke that whenever he sneaks up on her and hugs her, she's like "alfonse?"
at first, it bothers zach because he struggles with the insecurity that he's absolutely nothing like his parents, in true second gen lord fashion
but then she disappears for like six hours—and later, it turns out she was just accompanying his grandma for a trip to a town nearby, along with some other heroes, but forgot to mention it to someone—and he's like "oh")
and then líf comes back. and although thrasir warns him, because she remembers well what a wreck he was after killing his own son, who, in their timeline, died much younger and he couldn't even be there for his last moments, he still struggles with his curiosity and desire to see the mother and son duo safe
unfortunately, the first time they meet is when freyja decides to put kiran to sleep since now there isn't anyone to interfere with her plans. and zach left her for like five minutes, at which point she wandered off to the summoning grounds and fainted right before líf's eyes
líf has to walk ten feet behind them, even after alfonse assures him that yes, líf is perfectly harmless, only for things to get tense real quick when zach gets incredibly angry and ends up revealing something everyone's already guessed (after alfonse accidentally reveals who líf actually is).
things stay tense until kiran wakes up and works her magic. it's literally the first thing she does.
(thrasir also "helps", because she fills him in on what happened after he died, and since there's still a small part of him that can't help but care about líf since it's his dad, it affects him deeply)
he does reconcile with alfonse, though líf remains something they don't acknowledge
but he and líf manage a mostly peaceful coexistence.
sometimes, they'll even have conversations, mostly when they're stuck working together and líf's weapon ends up hurting zach so líf gets to be a bit fussy, and zach can't help but feel a bit jealous of the eight year old him who died, despite proclaiming he wants nothing to do with líf because that kid's dad loved him so much he was willing to murder another version of him for his sake—while líf is in this constant cycle of feeling unworthy and being grateful that zach is even willing to listen to him
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troublcmakcrs · 11 months
y'all: umm... whatcha got there?
me, with the oc i created solely to ship with tweek in his older verses: nothin, mind your fucking business
#misc :: ( ooc )#//originally i created her To Die#//to show the dangers of drugs or whatever#//just like tweek's older male love interest was created solely to be Kind Of An Asshole#//but now i'm a little attached to her :((((#//so it might be that in older verses where tweek is not being shipped with anyone he is married to her#//in verses where he is being shipped with other muses she can die a lil. as a treat :)#//tweek: AS A TREAT?! WHAT KINDA FUCKIN TREAT IS THAT???#//with his male love interest redd (who i named before learning there is already a sp character named red and may have to rename)#//tweek actually wasn't actually in love with him. it was a relationship of convenience. a roof over his head and good sex#//but with this one... who i am considering naming jenna/jenny or aurora/rory... he is hopelessly terribly grotesquely in love with her#//OH TO BE TWO METH ADDICTS ABSENTLY PETTING EACH OTHER WHILE MAKING FUTURE PLANS NEITHER ONE OF THEM IS SURE THEY'LL LIVE TO SEE#//in verses where she does die she gets murderalized by another addict#//tweek is passed out and doesn't learn of her death until the next day#//which is spicy and fun; we love a good dead gf trope in this house (sorry women)#//BUT ALSO I THINK THEY DESERVE TO BE SOBER AND MARRIED WITH KIDS :'(#//she is just such a ray of light and also wants to get off of meth and run away to somewhere warmer#//she's just got such a kind & giving heart and most people can't see past her addiction to get to it#//unlike redd who doesn't care and highkey enables tweek in his bad habits#//timeline-wise tweek is with redd around 20/21#//and meets the girl around 23/24#//or so i am thinking so far#//''vacation town'' by the front bottoms is a good song for verses where she dies and do got me fucked up
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aroacettorney · 30 days
when will aup sidestories return from war and stop leaving me bitter about how the main story ended
#lumensis' characterization & death + the revelation of ludgers desire were extremely anticlimactic#700+ chapters of building up only to have the resolution forcefully/hastily crammed into. what. 2 and 1/2 chapters?#and am i supposed to care for his relationship with his mom when it didnt come up in 99% of the novel?#tbh it had *many* opportunities to come up but the author wanted to keep ludgers desire as mysterious as possible#and so it lost its chance to have any emotional buildup#well other than the implications of regrets which were frankly a bit oversaturated in the novel#(again. what happened to the 'show dont tell' principles)#honestly even occasional flashbacks to ludgers mom teaching him about all kinds of myths and lores when its relevant#would have helped in this aspect plus showcased his growth and development over time even when its off screen#(doesnt make his vast knowledge look like it conveniently came out of nowhere)#while also greatly enhancing the world building of his game breaking 'real magic'#anyway i think ludgers reconciliation w his mother would have been more impactful if ludgers past life came up more often#hell it would have done wonder in exploring his depth if we are going with framing his past lifestyle as a flaw#the thing about ludger as a character is that his past (in both worlds) is much more interesting than his present#bc its the only way we can see how he mentally changed in comparison as his changes are nearly non existent in the present timeline#(a part of the reasons why ludgercaseys relationship over time is an appealing topic is that it showcases both of their changes)#(reading about a protagonist who has no mental changes over the course of the story is no different than watching... a nature documentary)#im still v salty about how we never get to see arpas and bettys reconciliation btw#so do emotional closures between ludger and other characters#those are literally the meat of the story that would be worthy of their own arc#sayren why the hell did you rush through them and put them off screen#in the end instead of proving that he has finally learnt his lessons by confronting his emotions ludger chose to run away from it yet again#even if we are to assume that is whats gonna happen post epilogue why is his change accomplished by a goddamn last minute timeskip#(that is also lowkey a failed suicide attempt in disguise)#instead of what could have been... idk... a banger novel named aup#good christ#rant
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