Incienso de amor.
Se ha vuelto la locura del papel,
la humedad de la tinta
y las líneas delicadas de una pluma
que no quiere dejar de danzar la melodía del amor.
Es el espacio tibio
que bombea la sangre
que me corre por las venas,
el temblor de mis manos
y el brillo que contienen mis pupilas;
la voz que me gobierna,
la que me susurra,
la que me ordena
que mi camino es amar todo lo que es Ella,
así llore…
o calle…
Mis brazos,
mi pecho,
mi cuerpo
y mi ser
han de estar dispuestos
para colmarla de placer.
El alma me late al ritmo de sus formas
y de sus emociones…
Ya no es mía, sino de Ella…
¡Benditos clamores!
Si hay un gozo en el mundo,
ése yace en sus labios,
ahí en esa tersura sonrosada
e inundada del dulzor tibio que me gusta beber.
Y es que le he preguntado al viento
cómo es que ha traído a mi nariz
el dulce aroma de su aliento,
si ya lo respiro… lo trago… y lo siento.
¡Su perfume es de mi alma el incienso predilecto!
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— Esu Emmanuel©
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lazyyogi · 1 year
Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.
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divinationdaily · 4 months
New Year's Chakra Advice
Coming into this new year, I would like to aid in everyones spiritual journeys by providing a little info for those who need it. The following will help you figure out which of your chakras are misaligned, and how to realign them.
Root (Muladhara) Chakra
When in alignment:
Grounded, centered, calm, sense of safety, trust in objects around self
When out of alignment:
Ungrounded, disconnected, fear, weight problems, money problems, rigidness
To bring into alignment:
Connect with Earth and nature, grounding activities, physical activity, red crystals, -LAM mantra
Sacral (Scadhisthana) Chakra
When in alignment:
Creative, energetic, joyful, playful, passionate, open, honest, forgiving, sexuality
When out of alignment:
Abdominal pain, withdrawal and isolation, manipulation, aggression, codependence
To bring into alignment:
Emotional reflection, creativity, swimming, uplifting affirmations, orange crystals, -VAM mantra
Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra
When in alignment:
Confidence, positivity, high self-esteem, driven, motivated, positive self image
When out of alignment:
Low self-esteem, lack of ambition, feeling worthless, sensitive to criticism, lack of purpose
To bring into alignment:
Positive affirmations, be in the sunlight, change your mindset to empower yourself, yellow crystals, -RAM mantra
Heart (Anahata) Chakra
When in alignment:
Loving, caring, compassionate, unconditional love, connected to others, kindness, empathy
When out of alignment:
Depression, loneliness, feeling unloved/unlovable, selfishness, spite, jealousy
To bring into alignment:
Gratitude activities, empowering affirmations, establish boundaries, green crystals, -VAM mantra
Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra
When in alignment:
Clear communication, honesty, expressive, decisive, speaks with clarity and confidence
When out of alignment:
Shyness, withdrawn, difficulty expressing self, indecisive, dishonest, poor socializing
To bring into alignment:
Neck massage, vocal activities, recording feelings and thoughts, saying no, blue crystals, -HAM mantra
Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra
When in alignment:
Intuitive, imaginative, open-minded, insightful, trusting
When out of alignment:
Lack of intuition, unimaginative, close-minded, lack of insight, distrusting, paranoia, difficulty concentrating
To bring into alignment:
Explore new ideas, meditation, visualization activities, mindfulness, indigo crystals, -OM mantra
Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra
When in alignment:
Spiritual, enlightened, focused, divine peace, connected to self and higher power, trust in inner knowing
When out of alignment:
Cynical, close-minded, disconnected from self and higher power, unfocused, scattered, forgetful
To bring into alignment:
Meditation, spiritual practices, prayer, divination, violet and white crystals, -OM mantra
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rastronomicals · 29 days
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6:27 PM EDT March 28, 2024:
June of 44 - "Equators To Bi-polar" From the album Anahata (June 8, 1999)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
According to Wikipedia, in Yogic or Tantric tradition, 'Anahata' is the fourth chakra, or energy point, in the body, located in the central channel of the spine near the heart.
File under: Postrock
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planetswingsandyoga · 2 months
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In the quiet of my mind, a poem blooms,
A testament to the growth that looms.
Life’s challenges, some hard to bear,
Yet acceptance whispers, “I’m here”.
Why does it seem so tough, this dance?
Or do I complicate it with my own stance?
Perhaps there’s no simple decree,
For happiness, they say, is just to be.
In the tapestry of life, we weave and wend,
Seeking truths, wondering where they’ll end.
Acceptance, a key to peace’s gentle art,
A journey inward, a quest of the heart.
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It is a primary chakra and serves as our center of love for Ourselves and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. The Anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words.
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claudsville · 1 year
Chakra Meditations Album Release
Chakra Meditations by Earth Tree Healing is now available on digital stores to stream and purchase. A musical tool with frequencies to relax, balance, meditate and do chakra work to. Music Links https://linktr.ee/earthtreehealing Muladhara (Root Chakra) Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra) Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) Anahata (Heart Chakra) Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) Ajna (Third Eye…
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lifetimeyogisblog · 4 months
Swadhisthana, a term derived from Sanskrit, translates to “where your being is established.” Breaking it down, “swa” means self, and “adhishthana” signifies established. In the realm of Hindu Tantrism, Swadhisthana stands as the second primary chakra, intricately connected to the exploration of fear, particularly the fear of death.
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ancientastarwis · 6 months
Heart Chakra 💚
The Heart Chakra symbolizes love, generosity, acceptance, passion and presence. The central energy field is in charge of processing emotions, guiding the soul journey and connecting with life on a deeper level. Once open, the individual will be guided to release the past and accept the fated experiences of the soul journey. It will be necessary to live in the present moment and to be open to introspect, so that the life purpose can be found and the soul essence is embodied.
The key to unlock the Heart Chakra is LIVING IN THE NOW 🧘
The vibration of this chakra resonates with the SOUL ✨
The fastest way to block this chakra is through SUPERFICIALITY 🆒
The wisdom hidden in this chakra is of PURPOSE 🕉️
Heart Chakra 💚 Wisdom Today I've been guided to share about Heart Chakra. I'm not surprised as it's been active for several days now, much more than it normally is during upgrades and other healing processes that activate throughout the fated journey; something I personally believe is due to the chaotic global situation and the fact that many planets (🥇 goes to Saturn in Pisces) are pushing out the rotten parts of humanity that have been hidden, avoided or rejected. As a result, Heart Chakra is now much more easily startled, sensitive and emotional, grieving a world that is far from perfect, as the South Node in Libra would hopelessly desire and Lilith in Virgo would try to force. There is something that all humans can do, still in times of chaos, which is to live from their hearts and connect with their souls, at least visualizing, praying or asking for a better world.
Everything you see in this post comes from my inner wisdom. If my content helps, heals or inspires you and you wish to say thank you, feel free to send a tip or book a personal session with me. I'm an energy healer with unique healing techniques to improve your quality of life and help you make progress in your spiritual journey.
How is your Heart Chakra feeling today? Feel free to share with me below. My Heart Chakra feels somewhat heavy and saddened but I'm making conscious decisions and grounding often.
Love and peace 💚 @ancientastarwis
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waves-of-eternity · 2 years
It’s taken me a lot to realise how everything is here to serve the awakening of consciousness. Everything is here to serve your evolution.
I wouldn’t come to realise a Non-Dual state of awareness, without all the suffering along the way.
It’s been challenging, but if it brings you to a higher state of awareness, it’s always worth it.
Loss of a loved one, fractured bones, prison, drug/alcohol addiction, physical health issues, anxiety, depression, financial issues, women leaving you in the dirt. You name it, it’s all served me well!
The suffering is a transformational tool. For the majority of us, this is our calling home, we can’t bare the suffering much longer. Paths home are different for all, everybody has a unique journey. Is suffering essential? Yes and no. I feel, without the suffering, unless you’re truly dedicated to awakening to truth, you won’t discover it. Adyashanti and A. H. Almaas are two prime examples of being dedicated to discovering truth, without there being a high degree of suffering. Most of the enlightened who walk amongst us came to a pristine state of awareness through intense suffering.
Eckhart Tolle is an example of someone who was in an intense state of suffering, suicidal in fact. At the age of 29, in the state of a deep depression, Eckhart went through a powerful transformation which altered every level of his being. Suffering was the key component to Eckhart’s transformation.
Suffering isn’t essential, unless you’re giving every minute of every day to inquiry, and you’re devout to discovering truth. However, if this isn’t the case, the best way is always suffering. In whichever way it comes, suffering will awaken you out of all the bullshit and illusions you hold so true.
So, be grateful! All the shit which comes in life, I thank it all. As painful as it can be, being an addict with health issues, your partner walking out on you etc. it’s all there to serve your evolution.
“All the ups and downs are grace in different wrappings, sent to refine consciousness. Say thanks to them all” - Mooji
It’s all grace. Even the tough times where you feel like giving up! Just hang on in there, tune inwards and you’ll see. When the heart awakens, you’ll have everything you’ll ever need.
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drewbadger68 · 11 months
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Aprovechó el momento y escapó. Saltó al cielo buscándolo, sentía un jalón en la muñeca, era el cordón rojo el que la llevaba por el aire, la subía, haciéndola dejar atrás las colinas y montañas, y el mar verde que cantaba lleno de gozo por el abrazo del Sol, al cual ella era elevada.
Alto, más alto, subía y, al pasar por las nubes, al más profundo azul del alto cielo, se le enredaban trozos de ellas en el cabello, como cintas trenzándose en su larga cabellera. Estaba en el borde, donde el etéreo silencio celeste se encuentra con el bullicio de la vida, y se quedó allí un momento, suspendida, con los brazos abiertos y los ojos cerrados, queriendo empaparse de lo sublime que tocaba cada centímetro de su cuerpo. Sintió, de repente, que el cordón de la muñeca la jalaba. Sonriendo se dejó llevar, feliz de saber que él la pensaba, que la llamaba. Su alma se alegró y cobró la velocidad que sólo puede imprimir la felicidad más absoluta. Al bajar, vio a los pájaros curiosos volar junto a ella; querían ver por qué estaba tan feliz ese ser que, aun sin alas, se atrevía a surcar el cielo.
Bajando esta vez por en medio de las nubes y, al ver que se volvían más grandes las cosas que parecían tan pequeñas desde el cielo, se percató de que se había olvidado de su pequeñez. Al acercarse vio algo que brillaba como una estrella blanca, era la pluma plateada de un ángel, olvidada en una nube, probablemente del lugar en donde había estado descansando y observando a la humanidad. Estiró la mano lo más que pudo, atrapándola y pegándosela en el corazón, mientras descendía hasta donde estaba el anhelo de su alma. Su forma astral se materializó junto a él. Estaba en aquel café al que siempre le gustaba ir, sentado, observando el horizonte donde el mar besa al cielo, y pensaba en ella. Libreta abierta, lápiz empuñado y dispuesto, pero pausado, mientras su alma se derramaba.
Brillaba el cordón rojo en su muñeca y palpitaba destellos llegando al de ella. Ella lo contempló con infinita ternura y, por un momento, se quedó allí, sintiendo palpitar el cordón que los unía. Cerró los ojos y dijo una oración, mientras sostenía la pluma del ángel en su pecho. Caminó unos pasos hasta él y se la puso en el bolsillo de la camisa, justo sobre su corazón. En ese momento él miró hacia arriba directo a sus ojos y se tocó el pecho con sorpresa, poniendo su mano sobre la etérica de ella.
En ese momento, refulgió como un Sol el cordón que los unía y ella despertó sonriendo.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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Anahata Activation
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magicknot · 1 year
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We made our second set of Chakra bracelets, this time in other design but with same signs and colors. We hope you like this touch of magic. 🪴🌱☘️ #chakra #chakrahealing #chakras #chakrabalancing #yogainspiration #rootchakra #sacralchakra #solarplexuschakra #heartchakra #throatchakra #thirdeyechakra #crownchakra #muladhara #svadisthana #manipura #anahata #visuddha #ajna #sahasrara #ajnachakra #colorfulness #colorfulbracelets #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #spiritualhealing (na lokaciji Šarena Džamija, Travnik) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNr2xtowmb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldenyew · 1 year
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Meraylah Allwood. Wren Song. 2022
Website: www.meraylah.co.uk
Etsy: www.inanutshellart.etsy.com
Instagram: @ meraylah
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thugginluv · 1 year
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Lessons from Saturn
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