#alterhuman experiences
infinitedraconity · 9 months
are constelics valid? i was always wondering this and my friend (whose otherkin) seems to not like them. i’m a little confused as to what they are too.
Hey there, grey friend with sunglasses!
Admittedly, I don't know many of the new terms being coined for some types of identities, so I had to look this one up.
According to the coiner, constelic refers to folks whose identities are picked up later in life, and are generally not permanent. Constelic identities (or stels) are not something you're born with, and whether or not you choose your stels depends on the person and/or the individual stels. Stels can last anywhere from a very short amount of time (around a week) to a lifetime (though this is uncommon).
Honestly, sounds like it occupies some of the space between linktypes and flicker identities. I'm not an expert on any of these, as I don't experience them, but I'm not surprised to see an overlap there.
My take on whether or not something is valid is this: if it is a good-faith identity that is actually being experienced by someone, and it isn't harming them or anyone else, then yes. We should always approach these things with curiosity and empathy, rather than ire, since both the human and nonhuman experiences are so diverse and unique.
To your friend, if they wish to listen: From one otherkin person to another, I would ask you to look inward and figure out what about this identity bothers you. Then, read about it, and seek to understand them before you make a call on whether they are valid.
Tl;dr: Constelic is just another form of alterhumanity that someone could experience. There is no good reason to call it invalid, if you ask me. Be curious and always seek to understand first.
Wind at your back!
Original Carrd archive for the term constelic
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pustostanie · 15 days
Why the fuck are we creating subtypes of 'therian'? tiktok therian? Tumblr therian? lets just vibe together and not form fucking cliques this isnt a high school musical.
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ternwithatmblr · 1 month
fun little question for therian tumblr
Any of y'all have shifts that just, never go away? My phantom ears and tail never go away, unless I'm having a shift for one of my other theriotypes since they usually don't blend together. Them phantom ears and tail be going HARD all the time. Paws are also a near constant.
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coyotebrained · 5 months
I want to see more portrayals of raw nonhumanity.
I want us to talk about ALL aspects of nonhumanity. we can talk about wanting to play fight, to chase prey, to long for missing extremities, but we should also be talking about wanting to roll in filth, wanting to mark your territory, urges to eat your young, and everything else that's "gross" even if it’s uncomfortable. Nonhumanity is weird and gross, it makes you want to do things that humans don't do. We don't exist to be palatable images of "human who identifies as an animal (but only in the cute ways).”
There is a unintentionally upheld standard that you have to make an image out of your identity, it HAS to be pretty and digestible for other people, your nonhumanity MUST to be organized and palatable. it can be "edgy" but it can't be too weird otherwise you're too weird. Why bind your existence to an idea of normalcy? Why stifle yourself in order to conform to the standards of a world that will never accept you? Why strive to be accepted by those that will never truly listen to you?
You are more than aesthetic photos and gear and silly posts!!! You are full of depth, you are a grotesque experience and you are made of blood and bones and guts and thoughts and instincts, and all of that should be treated with as much weight as it can be! You are allowed to be “Off.”
Interrogate your own discomfort around your identity, let yourself be okay with the things that are uncomfortable!!! You should relish in your own nonhumanity, you should wholeheartedly project the nasty and weird and angry parts of existence as an animal, they are just as real and as tangible and beautiful as your collars or your masks or your tails or anything else you hold dear. yeesh!
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wolfislost · 29 days
Normality as Otherkin
Being otherkin for me right now is, I suppose calm. It isn't all gnashing teeth and rushing blood. It isn't all quadrobics and vocals.
When I discovered myself about two years ago, there was a period of intense self expression. Suddenly, after years of burying this side of myself- I remembered who I was. And I had a community to share that with (you guys).
It was constant quadrobics, vocal practice, buying gear, and moodboards galore.
Things are different now.
I still know who I am, but it's not an adventure anymore. I've reclaimed what I am. And while I have a lot to figure out, my identity is more hollistic now. My kinself is just part of my everyday life.
I growl and bark around friends, I climb the stairs on all fours, I wear my collars in public, I dress in ways that remind me of myself, I chose an academic subject where I can bring my experiences to the table in a meaningful way.
I've normalized my identity as an otherkin. I've become more whole, the way I was as a kid.
And in the process, things are more calm.
In some ways it feels like a loss, but I think its more of a transformation. Fitting for me as a shapeshifter.
I still get those periods of intensity where the tension between my two sides reemerges. But now those periods are the outliers.
This is where I am in my journey. Thank you for reading.
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
Experiences With Being Out as a System
So, our parents know we're a system. It's all good, they understand that when we suddenly speak like someone from London that it's just another guy taking the body for a spin real quick and that they don't need to question it too much.
The thing is... They don't know our names, or anything about us as individuals. We don't have enough open communication with them to actually discuss the inner-workings of the hundreds of little guys in our brain and who they are or what they like, but even if we did, it's not actually important to them. It almost seems like it's swept under the rug.
Our mother said that she doesn't get why she should have to know anyone else when we're all "us". We're all just a collective to her still, a bunch of bits that make up her child, even though she knows we're separate. Her child, the original, isn't here anymore. But the thing is.. some of us want to get to know her and the family individually. Even beyond just being seen as who we actually are, we want to be a part of it aside from being treated as someone who is gone. But it's not a thing they understand despite our explanations of what it means to us, even despite the fact they know the original is dormant and has been for years.
The most anyone in our family knows about us is our mother, and she only knows anyone with a voice similar to Sark as "the american one". She doesn't know that there's even multiple who sound similar to him.
Technically, we're out as a system. Effectively, though... We're still closeted. Though not really because we're staying in it, moreso that we left but it follows us around like a shield within our own household, but it's not shielding us. It's shielding them from us.
Our experience with talking to medical professionals has been hard because of this--sharing bits about ourselves has been scary. It's scarier to show them pictures of our nonhuman headmates and say "that one is me", but it's never actually been bad when we've mustered up the strength to do it. One of them looked at Mal and saw his horns and said he looks like a faun from Greek mythology. Even though he's not, a positive response like that was empowering. That same one said Filigree's hair was cool. Little acknowledgements about who you are when you've tried to be seen before is great.
With our IRL friends, we expected the situation to be similar to our parents. Swept under the rug like a taboo and given weird, uncomfortable looks when spoken about. But it's been completely different.
We get asked who is fronting, we get acknowledged as separate people, hell, we even felt comfortable telling them about our actual fictive identities and letting the ones who wanted to follow this blog (hey guys if you're reading this <3) get access to it. They acknowledge our nonhumanity and nonhuman parts, share things about our sources with us because it reminded them of us, etc. Sometimes, now, because we've been open about it, we get people actually ask "is x fronting" and we say yes and they say "I knew it".
That specific feeling of being recognised even when your outward appearance doesn't change is absolutely amazing. Little manerisms, little ways our voice sounds even when masking accents out in public, even the words we choose to use are tells toward who is actually controlling the body and they pick up on it--even things we might not recognise we even do. Sure, there's hundreds of people in here and people won't know every single one off by heart, but the ones who are out here often are being recognised and that, to me, is amazing and validating to all of us.
I guess the point here is me sharing our experiences, but also.... You will be able to find people who see you for you. You as a system, you as a nonhuman, you as a disabled person, you as a queer person--you'll be able to find your people. And you know, I hope you do soon--because the feeling of being known is great.
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dragon-at-dawn · 6 months
some days your best is taking the time to preserve what is left of your strength and rest. it is okay to recognize when everything becomes too painful, especially when you feel like you are impossibly alone.
you do not owe anyone an explanation for who you are and how you experience trauma, and unless you choose to and are in a safe place, you are not responsible for the emotional labor that accompanies it.
your pain is valid and your value is not measured by how much you can achieve, nor is it by how well you can perform.
simply living to see another day is an act of defiance.
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wyvernstuff · 7 months
nonhumans how many of you had a BIG STICK you adored as a child
(applies to anyone who identifies with labels such as otherkin, nonhuman, alterhuman, therian, etc)
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emotional-fox · 1 year
“why are all therians 10-15 year old white girls” 1. plenty of us aren’t girls you either don’t realize that or are just transphobic 2. plenty of us aren’t white and while there is a large community of white therians a lot of therians are based in the USA canada and europe all white-dominated countries, as well as this poc such as myself may struggle to identify themselves as therians due to already facing ostracism due to being poc and not wanting to further ostracize themselves 3. there are a ton of older therians out there but a large population of them don’t use social media or don’t use popular social media like tiktok or tumblr, otherkin have been around since the 70s there’s bound to be elders out there 4. bites you (negative)
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coydog-traveler · 8 months
Went to a con today and wore my mask and tail. Got recognized as a Coyote and it felt so validating.
2 people came up to me and asked if I was a Therian. They seemed nervous, which is understandable. I said yes and they got very excited. Turns out they were also Therians! A fox and another Coyote!
It was a good day.
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stillflight · 6 months
If there's one thing I've learned from being nonhuman, it's that if you make your posts about being nonhuman literal but also vague, they will blow up and get passed around by people who think it's poetry.
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sleepingtimber · 8 months
It's funny to think that when I was a kid, people would say stuff like "they will grow out of it when they grow up" about younger alter/nonhumans. Because I'm an adult now and all I grew out of was hating myself for my alterhumanity. I love being alterhuman, I grew more comfortable with my identity as I got older, and I learned to love this part of me despite people thinking it was something to be outgrown or something shameful. I just think it's a little funny how wrong those people are and that I can be happy as I am while they wallow in negativity
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counterfictional · 2 months
Wondering if people have the experience where they see themselves internally as their kintype.
Partly how a fictotype is settled for me is if I have their appearance in headspace/(any other terminology for a space in the mind).
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userbabies · 1 month
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This user wants their tail back
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This user wants their tail back
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This user wants their ears back
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This user wants their ears back
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darkplanets · 14 days
People have been talking about the need to discuss non-kin alterhuman experiences so here's a quick ramble about my otherheartedness and the peculiar dysphoria that's been difficult to treat that accompanies it for me.
Otherheartedness for me is... interesting. It's far more of an emotional experience than being otherkin, honestly. In both good ways and bad.
It's peace and wonder because they are something that is real, whether as a flesh-and-blood creature or as a well-loved concept often honored in art and writing. It's being able to look at them (or even bask in thier presence if they're Earthen) for hours on end without being bored. It's feeling as though your love for them forms a core part of your identity and you wouldn't be You without it.)
It's feeling a hole within because no matter what efforts you make to claim thier beauty as your own you will never truly Become, never be able to see yourself as one in a way that feels natural and effortless (I still claim them as link types but the dissonance is probably always going to be there and it Hurts). It's surrounding yourself with thier shape in the form of figurines, art, jewelry, even clothing (good old Mountain T Shirts before thier quality fell off a cliff...) to feel a bit of thier power and presence and hope that in some way, somehow, some of it will finally rub off on you and calm that yearning itch in your mind.
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wolfislost · 2 months
Training As Otherkin
It recently dawned on me that despite this being a fairly important part of my otherkin experience for a while now, I haven't actually mentioned it.
So, what do I mean by training?
It may not be what you're thinking.
Essentially I take some time out of my schedule to work on nurturing the skills and attributes that are common to my kintype.
For me that means strength, mobility, and heightened senses.
If you're like me then you're probably sceptical at the phrasing "heightened senses" in the contect of training. For me it's less about gaining "super powers" and more about getting better at using what I have.
As a werewolf my training consists of physical exercises like push ups, sit ups, squats, leg lifts, etc. That's for covering the more obvious strength of a werewolf. I also want to do more jogging and climbing practice, since I have pretty no experience with getting to high places.
Finally, probably the most interesting part, sensory training.
One of my favourites is just walking around in the dark (in the safety of my home!! Don't try this somewhere you're unfamiliar with!!) It builds my understanding of space, and helps me orient myself in situations with limited vision. It's also just plain fun.
Other stuff includes people watching to improve my observation skills, trying to identify the source of various scents and building a better memory for smells, identifying the direction and source of sounds in the environment, and generally taking in more information from the world.
This is all largely for fun, and the most important thing to me is that it makes me FEEL like a werewolf. No matter what limitations there may be on practical progress, it's enjoyable. And I can say with certainty that at least with my physical training I am leaps and bounds ahead of where I started.
My goals right now are to improve my observational skills, and learn how to climb obstacles like trees and fences. I'll make sure to keep you all updated!
Feel free to share anything you do to feel more like your kintype! Is this kind of targeted training something you might consider? Or do you think it's a little bit crazy of me?
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