#also the credits are a paid actor
zipmode · 9 months
I "like" my "job" but its so sucks that I can't have my phone on me while the show's going on and i can't even doodle and draw because im backstage and its soso dark... during our tech rehearsals i would slide my run sheet out onto the stage just enough so that nobody could see it but i had enough light to draw LOL. But now that we're open i don't wanna risk doing that... so basically i just pace around and zone out 😁👍
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loptrcoptr · 2 years
Ok, onto TROS (I’m doing revenge of the fifth and took the day off hehe) and now I can’t watch the “they fly now??” Scene without thinking of that video where the actors are making fun of their lines, and Oscar Isaac is like “tHeY flY nOw?!??” And John Boyega says “they’ve been able to fly since the clone waaars…”
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bellamer · 1 month
The Harry Potter Millennials were quick to jump Miriam Margolyes about what she said but now they’re all turned around, covering their eyes and ears when JK Rowling just went full holocaust denier just like they did with her transphobia and racism.
And the fact that they proved Miriam right with their absolutely absurd behavior too. They’re terrible people who will whine and cry if a kid got picked over them to do the stupid wand store attraction thing at Universal Studios, they need to grow the fuck up. I actually saw a video of a grown ass woman in her 30s crying about how kids always get picked for a KIDS ATTRACTION and not adults and how it isn’t fair and that she paid money for her vacation, so she should have gotten the chance to be picked.
So yeah Miriam is right, JK Rowling can die in a fire and Harry Potter Adults are just as rancid and stinky as Disney Adults.
Also the fact that they act like Harry Potter is her one acting credit , they do that shit every time a actor who was in the movie goes against JK Rowling and and act like she’s the reason why everyone got their start when they’ve been acting for years before that, why the fuck do you think they got picked ? Maybe if they read another book or watched another film series and consumed any other media that wasn’t barfed up from JK Rowling they’d know that.
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thelaurenshippen · 5 months
finally taking the time to read through the SAG agreement summary and oof, I hope they have an AI town hall soon because...well, there are things to discuss!
so, in case folks are curious, here are my immediate takeaways from the deal as a SAG actor, a SAG producer, and person who is not any kind of expert but spends a lot of time being skeptical of contracts I sign. this is a summation/commentary, not a holistic breakdown of every point, nor even an in-depth discussion of the points I do talk about. and it is, of course, in no way legal advice or voting advice.
this post is already maybe the longest post I've ever written on tumblr (lol) and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. to be clear, nothing I'm saying here represents how I'm going to vote, how I think other actors should vote, or my be-all-end-all stance on a particular issue. this is me reading through, flagging what concerns me, and asking myself questions. and I'm here to take your questions too! though of course my expertise is limited.
(what?? something I wrote got annoying long?? in my tumblr? it's more likely, etc. huge write-up after the cut)
the good
self-tape stuff: this is one of the more niche/the thing that the general public will find least interesting, but they've put in a lot of provisions to make sure self-tape auditions have limits (# of pages, no stunts, no nudity, doesn't have to be professionally shot, etc.) which is amazing because these types of auditions have gotten out of control since the pandemic. this feels like a great gain
data transparency: in no world did I think the streamers were ever going to agree to any data sharing with either the wga or sag so even though the data is limited, this still feels huge to me.
folks who sing and dance will be paid for both of those things now, which is great
they've added MLK day and Juneteenth as holidays (about time)
a performer cannot be required to translate their own lines
principal performers are required to be given hair and makeup consultation or reimbursed for obtaining their own services - this seems like a small thing, but it's being put in here pretty much entirely because HMU services have generally been appalling when it comes to textured hair/a variety of skin tones. there's also stuff in here about working to hire more diverse HMU artists
it looks like it's going to be easier/provide a path for folks getting IMDb credits even if they're not credited on screen
miscellany: there's a bunch of gains in wage increases, P&H increases, relocation fees, franchise language etc. that all seem good to me, though my limited knowledge on those subjects prevents me from going in depth on them.
this is not important, but it tickled me, there's a term to replace all instances of "telegraph" in the contract with "email & text" which like...why has it taken us thirty years to do that lol.
the "...hm..."
intimacy coordinators: oof. when I watched the press conference SAG gave, I was fucking thrilled when they said that the new agreement required folks to hire intimacy coordinators for nudity and simulated sex scenes. that was almost reason enough for me to vote for it tbh - not requiring it is the exact reason I voted no on our last contract. however, reading the contract summary now, the exact language is: "Producer must use best efforts to engage an Intimacy Coordinator for scenes involving nudity or simulated sex and will consider in good faith any request by a performer to engage an Intimacy Coordinator for other scenes. Producer shall not retaliate against a performer for requesting an Intimacy Coordinator." this....sucks. "best efforts" and "good faith" are not the same as "required". IMO, an intimacy coordinator is the same thing as having a stunt coordinator or, like, any number of health and safety requirements. OSHA doesn't say you must "in good faith" put your "best effort" to providing fire exits. it's great that performers can request coordinators for any kind of scene, and this is still the strongest language we've ever had in a contract but....c'mon guys.
residuals: look, I can't speak to these new terms in any concrete way. there are increases, there are bonuses for streaming success, there's a whole thing about a fund regarding those successes that I need explained to me more in depth, but overall, it looks like we made some in-roads here. as someone who employs actors under digital distribution contracts that has no residuals (podcasts), I know how genuinely cumbersome the unholy trifecta of "views-success-profit" can be (as in views do not equal success, success does not equal profit, etc.). I also have no sympathy when the majority of companies dealing with that cumbersome trifecta are massive media conglomerates. anyway, long story short, idk if this is good enough, I'm hoping to attend the next info meeting sag has.
the bad
the new hair/makeup provisions are explicitly for principal actors. while I hope it leads to better, more inclusive HMU services all around I haaaate that this implies supporting or background actors (who oftentimes also have to sit in HMU) don't deserve the consideration. (then again, background actors are usually required to do their own HMU/bring their own costumes, but for productions where that's not the case, the same HMU provisions should apply IMO)
as with every contract, there's language that could be stronger, clarity that needs to exist, and important things missing - but this isn't the final contract and I'm not a lawyer, so I'm gonna leave that stuff to the experts.
but, "lauren", you say, "what about all the AI stuff? where does that go?" well, reader, I was planning on including that in the above but it's the hot-button issue right now and I think it's wickedly complicated, so I wanted to break it down separately, after I had a chance to point out all the good-bad-in-between stuff that's not getting talked about.
a note: in my career, I've learned there's two big things to keep in mind when reading a contract you might sign:
what is the worst case interpretation of this language (thank you to my lawyer, prince among men, for teaching me how to do this in practice (that said, anything I say here is not legal advice, he'd also want me to say that lol))
what are you willing to lose/compromise on/what are the limits of your pragmatism? contracts are not about a company giving you everything you want out of the goodness of their heart - it is always a compromise. pragmatism has to be a part of the equation.
so, with that said, I'm going to play a little devil's advocate here, and a) try to find the good/the pragmatic and b) catastrophize the worst case scenario. but first, it might be handy to look at this SAG infographic for some basic definitions. let's go.
the AI good
a ton of stuff here requires consent. that is not a small thing, and the consent continues even after your death (whether it was a yes or no; though this can be complicated by your estate/your union)
the language does establish that the consent must be a separate signing from the employment contract, even if its in the contract, which is great (but more on that below - timing matters)
actors often do get paid for use of their digital replicas, though it's different based on the use/type of replica.
the actor must be provided with a "reasonably specific description of the intended use". this language is vaguer than I would like, because it allows producers to decide what "reasonably specific" and "intended" means - there's always going to be some vagueness when it comes to this specific thing, but a good start would be for producers to require not blanket consent, but conditional consent for each significant use of digital replicas.
if the replicas are being used in other mediums, that must also be consented to, thank god.
replicas cannot be used in place of background actor counts on a given day - if I'm understanding this correctly, this means a production can't just have a bunch of fake background actors by themselves, they have to engage real people up to a certain number first (which in this new contract is 25 for TV and 85 for movies). we're already filling in background with digital people or copy-pasting of the same crowd over and over and have been doing so since at least the late 90s, so it's good we're continuing to put up boundaries around that.
the AI "...hm..."
it's unclear (to me) when an actor can be asked to consent. IMO, everything is meaningless if the consent is happening as part of regular contract negotiations. these things have to happen when - and only when - the actor has already been engaged in a role and feels empowered to say no
the use of independently created replicas (replicas pulled from existing footage, not created by the actor) being allowed without consent under first amendment reasoning - this is obviously concerning a lot of people bc first amendment arguments are so broad. that said, there's a pragmatism part of me that understands this is already happening/has been happening for a while and used in ways I think are perfectly fine - I was just watching the new episode of For All Mankind (one of the best TV shows right now!) and it's an alternate history, which meant that in the opening scenes of this season they had some bonkers good deep fakes of Al Gore saying stuff he never said. I think that's okay to do in a fiction show that imagines a different US history! "but Lauren", you might be saying, "Al Gore isn't a member of SAG!" are you sure? are you positive? because I'm pretty certain he is - he was in several episodes of 30 Rock, way more people are in SAG than you think (every NPR reporter for instance), and the two worst presidents we've had in the last 50 years (yes, those ones), are both definitely members of SAG (even if one is dead). now, the other side of this is that public figures like politicians are under a different social contract than actors, and if they wanted to sue, they could, unlike the average SAG actor who might have their image abused. this is why this is in the "hm" column - deep fakes and parody/satire/commentary use of replicas is already here and there's always going to be a 1st amendment argument to make, so we need to figure out how best to limit those and protect the most vulnerable.
alteration: with this language, a project can digitally alter without consent if the script and performance stays "substantially" the same. again, this language is too mealy-mouthed. I don't know that I have a huge problem with a line of dialogue getting replaced with a digital version of that actors voice if, for instance, a word was mispronounced, or wind garbled the sound or whatever - yes, it would eliminate the need for ADR, but if we put some limit on it like..."if there are more than 5 lines in a given episode/movie that require digital alteration in the service of clarity, the actor must be engaged for an ADR session or paid for the digital replacement" then I could see this being workable. I'm also personally okay with things like costumes being digitally altered but, again, we need limitations on that. digital altering cannot replace the art of costuming but, for instance, if a costume needs to be altered to include a hate symbol or something, I think that's fine (example: I have friends who worked at the VFX house for an alternate history TV show that involved a lot of Nazi costuming and set design - a huge part of that VFX house's job was to put swastikas in places, rather than props making nazi flags. I'm okay with that!) but again, these fringe cases do not a compelling arugment make, and this contract language can be interpreted too broadly for my comfort! like everything else in this "hm" category, I need to see the final contract language to decide.
the AI bad
there's a bunch of circumstances in which actors don't get paid for creating their replica/use of it and those circumstances are too broad for my taste.
synthetic performers - this is just awful. no. no, we should not be allowing AI to generate entire actors. just............no. there's some language about the producers having to talk to the union if the synthetic performer is "used in place of a performer who would have been engaged under this Agreement in a human role" but this doesn't apply to non-human characters so....wouldn't that be all roles?? leaving the producers room to be like "this role has to be synthetic, we never would've cast a human!" is bullshit. also, even if we're having AI create a magical talking unicorn whole cloth (which, like, also no, we have artists for this), that unicorn still needs to be voiced by a human person. this whole section is a disaster.
the exceptions to consent for digital alteration are bad-bad. I talked about the potential ADR replacement above and that has a whole host of issues with it that I didn't even get into, but I can see the argument. the rest are very troubling:
there is an exception under "any circumstance when dubbing or use of a double is permitted under the Codified Basic Agreement or Television Agreement" - okay, so does this mean we can replace dubbing artists and stunt performers entirely? this section is about digital alteration, but who's to say alteration couldn't turn an actor broadly miming a fight into an entirely digital, expertly performed fight that usually a stunt double would have done? with AI translation technology, does this mean we're replacing VO artists for dubs entirely? bad!
similarly, "Adjusting lip and/or other facial or body movement and/or the voice of the performer to a foreign language, or for purposes of changes to dialogue or photography necessary for license or sale to a particular market" - Justine Bateman has a great twitter thread on the terrible puppetry potential of this but I want to draw attention to the particular market bit - we all know that selling to china is such a huge part of studios' strategies that they'll remove entire scenes or lines around queer stuff. to me, this clause makes all of that so much easier. I know the argument here is going to be "we can replace swear words and license it for kids!" which.......sure? fine? but, uh, we already have ways to deal with that? and the potential for abuse here is terrifying to me. with all the digital alteration stuff too, there's just so much icky implication for the beauty/body standard to get so much worse.
if a background actor’s digital replica is used in the role of a principal performer, they'll be paid as if they actually performed the days for that role, which, sure, but uhhhh why are we saying it's okay for a digital replica of a background actor to suddenly be a leading role!?!?! I can't think of anything more demoralizing than going to set to act in background (a job I've done! an important job! a fun job a lot of the time! but creatively limited) and then getting a much bigger role (the dream!) and.....not being able to, you know, act that role or be in scenes with other principal actors or do the thing that you've dedicated your life to doing. nightmare stuff.
woof. there's so much more to say but I'm going to leave it there. these are the concerns I'm going to go into SAG's meetings with, and the concerns I'll be considering as I decide how to vote. I know there are things I didn't address and very possibly things I misinterpreted or misrepresented - if you're an actor, I highly recommend a) reading that Justine Bateman thread and b) attending SAG's meetings to ask questions and express your concerns. and I'd love to hear what y'all think! my ask box is open.
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lilirari · 4 months
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🧋 everyone thinks pedri should stop pining for you because you 'don't give a f*ck' about him but they don't know what your actual relationship with the footballer is.
💌 pedri gonzález x fem! joao felix's bff! reader (social media au)
🌟 cw : pedri being a total simp, cheesy pick-up lines, translated spanish & portuguese sentences, timelines don't matter
💭 author's note : this is for my beloved pookie @leclercloml ! ilysm <3 idk if the ending parts make sense but please just bear with it 😞
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instagram 🎥
📍 new york city, usa
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, jennaortega and 13,193,299 others
yourinstagram the wind was a paid actor
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pedri 😍😍😍
pedri eres la chica más hermosa que he visto en mi vida.
pedri i ought to complain to spotify for you not being named this week's hottest single
-> spotify complaint received 😉
-> user59 oh spotify's definitely on the pedri x y/n agenda
pedri do you happen to have a band-aid ? i just scrapped my knees falling for you
-> yourinstagram deserved fall down again
-> user44 poor pedri but this is kind of funny 😭
jennaortega my favourite girl (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)
mikkykiemeney 🫶🫶🫶
saraguendogan gorgeous !!!
user45 the way two of the most popular barça wags are in her comments.. joão really must've introduced her to everyone in barça by now 😭
joaofelix79 minha linda melhor amiga 🥰
-> yourinstagram te amo joao 🫶
user33 babe wake up pedrizz gonzález is in the comments of y/n's post again
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📍 ibiza
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, ferrantorres and 15,364,748 others
yourinstagram i love pink <3
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pedri and i love you 🥰😘
-> yourinstagram ew
pedri ¿dónde has estado toda mi vida? 😍
pedri if beauty was a crime, you would've been sentenced for life in prison
-> user11 omg this is actually so good y/n please accept his love 😞
emmamyers 🩷🩷🩷
ferrantorres ❤️
liked by yourinstagram
joaofelix79 my prettiest girl 🫶
-> yourinstagram joao best boy !!!
user34 pedri should just stop trying to win y/n's heart man she clearly has no interest in him he's just wasting his time..
user50 i want a friendship like y/n and joão's 🥹
user96 is something going on between y/n and ferran ?? 🤔
user23 wait i'm a new barça fan and i came from x after seeing a post about pedri commenting on this girl's post.. who is she exactly ?
-> user22 she's y/n l/n, an upcoming model and also the bff of joão félix ! ^^
-> user23 ooh she's so pretty i get why pedri wants her lol
user82 huh ?? wasn't y/n in new york like literally yesterday ? how is she already in ibiza 😭
-> user25 queen's working so hard fr 😞
user75 pedrito i know you'll get the girl of your dreams someday i'm rooting for you !!!
liked by pedri
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📍 lisbon, portugal
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, frenkiedejong and 20,182,838 others
tagged mikkykiemeney, saraguendogan, annalewandowska, taia_belloli, joaofelix79
yourinstagram on a trip with my girls (there's an imposter among us)
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pedri quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar un diamante como tú todos los días 🤍
-> yourinstagram bro please stop before i block you 🧍‍♀️
-> user77 pedri i think you should listen to her y/n can be absolutely ruthless 😭
pedri ok but why did joão get invited and i didn't ?
-> yourinstagram bc you're not one of the girls ???
-> pedri and joão is ??
-> yourinstagram yeah !!! ☺️
-> joaofelix79 i was forced to tag along against my own will, hermano 😞
mikkykiemeney had so much fun with you, love ! 🫶
annalewandowska thanks for inviting me, angel ❤️
joaofelix79 who's the best tour guide & chauffeur ??
-> yourinstagram you are !! 🥰🥰 thanks for making this trip fun and memorable, amor 🫶
-> joaofelix79 yeah yeah i accept thanks only in cash and credit
saraguendogan 💋💋
taia_belloli mi novia 🥰
user43 wait does this mean y/n is a barça wag ?
-> user19 i don't think so but i also won't be surprised if she's dating one of the guys
-> user01 nah, i think she just got really close with the wags because of félix
user45 MY WIVES 💅
user55 can pedri please just give up on pursuing y/n.. she's CLEARLY not interested in you bro
-> pedri 🙉
-> user39 shut up man he clearly doesn't give a fuck about what people like you are saying
user26 no bc are we sure joão and y/n are not dating ?
-> user34 yep pretty sure
-> user84 they sure are sus for two best friends who call each other 'amor' and say 'ily' to e/o all the time
-> user07 i'm sure it's just in a platonic way, man
-> user02 what ? can't two people of the opposite gender say ily and still be only friends ? this is just a healthy friendship bro
user43 y/n please notice pedri and treat him properly challenge 😞🙏
user46 AHHH i hope joão showed them all the best places in lisbon ❤️🇵🇹
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📍 paris, france
🎼 my love mine all mine : mitski
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liked by joaofelix79, oliviarodrigo, gigihadid and 33,127,289 others
yourinstagram bts for the photoshoot of a new magazine cover for vogue ! oh, and i got some flowers today ;) 💐
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joaofelix79 nice flowers
joaofelix79 who's that man though 👀
-> yourinstagram idk you tell me 🫣
jennaortega already omw to pre-order 1000 copies of the magazine
-> yourinstagram please i love you 😭🫶
gigihadid perfection 🫶
-> yourinstagram love u gigi
heidiklum 🤍🖤
konichan7 🥰
adrianalima xoxo 💋
_ferminlopez 🤭
-> user77 ariana what are you doing here
user34 some of the biggest names in the modelling industry are here in the comments... y/n really has come so far i'm so proud of you girl 🥹
user27 here for y/n's famous era !!!
user97 our prettiest princess !!! we love you y/n 💌
user05 don't be shy y/n show us a picture of the man in the second slide
user72 the song... the picture... the flowers... HAVE WE LOST Y/N TO A MAN ???
user55 um guys where's pedri ?
user95 pedri's @ is not there in the likes...
user33 no cringey pick-up line comments from pedri and he's not in the likes either.. what's happening..
user67 i'm guessing that man must be her bf ??
user15 well ig at least we all know that the man with her is not pedri since he's nowhere to be found 🤷‍♀️
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📍 barcelona, spain
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, louispartridge_ and 40,932,389 others
yourinstagram hi barcelona
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joaofelix79 what are you doing here
-> yourinstagram came to visit you bestie 🥰🥰🥰 i missed you sooooo much
-> joaofelix79 what a liar 🙄
oliviarodrigo love u girlie
alejandrobalde 🤍
liked by yourinstagram
taia_belloli you are glowing, sis !!!
jennierubyjane pretty in white ♡
alexiaputellas 💓💘
user13 my sunshine !!! 💛☀️
user04 what's balde doing here 😧
user82 BALDE ??? HELLO ????
user75 pedri in the likes but still no comment...
user16 what is happening with y/n and the barça boys
user30 damn i kinda miss pedri's comments 😭
user27 has pedri finally stopped trying to rizz y/n up ??
-> user08 i hope so.. he doesn't deserve her she seems so annoying
-> user89 how exactly is she annoying ??
-> user08 she's always dismissing/ignoring his comments and being mean to him what a bitch
-> user89 i don't think she's actually being mean though.. and if he isn't bothered by the way she acts then why are you ?
-> user75 please stop calling y/n names and trying to make her a villain she's an absolute angel
liked by pedri, joaofelix79, jennaortega and others
user66 the way we see different barça players comment on her post everyday 🧍‍♀️ guess today's man of the day is balde
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yourinstagram 10 minutes ago | pedri 2 minutes ago
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seen by joaofelix79, pablogavi, frenkiedejong and 17,929,199 others
y/n's dms 🏷️
☆ joaofelix79 replied to your story !
husband ??? 😰😱
☆ user56 replied to your story !
☆ user69 replied to your story !
please tell me that's just a beyonce reference and you don't actually have a husband.. 🥹
twitter 🫖
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imessage 💬
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mi esposa 💌
i think it's time
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
wait really ? are you sure about this ?
mi esposa 💌
yeah 100% sure i'm ready
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
alright then
mi esposa 💌
it's been a good run, hasn't it ?
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
it sure has...
3 years ain't that bad
mi esposa 💌
frfr !!
we're a bit too good at this 🤭
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
i second that
mi esposa 💌
i'll drop a head's up now
see you on the other side 🫡
mi esposo ❤️‍🩹
let's go give the world a shock, mi amor 🫶
twitter 🫖
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📍 tenerife, canary islands
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liked by pedri, joaofelix79, jennaortega and 50,199,143 others
tagged pedri
yourinstagram i'm guessing this wasn't the type of news y'all were expecting, huh ? jokes on all of you bc pedrito and i have actually been together for three years now. we were just a bit too good at hiding our relationship 🤭 anyways happy three years together, mi amor, and also happy 6 months of our marriage ! te amare por siempre, my golden boy 🤍
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pedri my gorgeous girl
pedri te amo, mi vida 🫶
liked by yourinstagram
pedri te voy a denunciar a la policía por robarme el corazón
-> yourinstagram oh no ! i can't be behind bars now — i've got my whole life ahead of me ! 😰
joaofelix79 ahh finally !!! keeping your relationship a secret was probably the hardest thing i ever had to do in my entire life
-> yourinstagram you're the absolute best joão thank you 🫶
-> joaofelix79 as i've said before, i accept thanks in only cash and credit
-> yourinstagram sending you some money rn
-> joaofelix79 😁😁😁
jennaortega my favourite couple !!!
-> yourinstagram my maid of honour 🥹🫶
pablogavi ❤️
gigihadid still in awe over this look of yours you really are the prettiest bride
mikkykiemeney 😍😍😍
annalewandowska my babies 🥹🥹
fcbarcelona the best couple 🫶
ferrantorres ❤‍🔥
user81 .... girl what
user12 three years... THREE YEARS ?????
user04 not only have you been together for three years but URE FRICKING MARRIED ????
user46 HUHHHHHHHHHHH 😧😧😧😧😧😧
user57 we are all fvcking clowns
user68 another day of blaugrana being an entire circus
user38 THREE YEARS ???? but félix joined barça only this year.. huh how did you guys meet i'm confused
-> yourinstagram pedri and i have actually known each other for a long time now 😭 most of you may just know me as joão's bff but only some people know that i'm friends with pedri's brother hehe so we got to know each other through fernando :)
user07 goodness idek how to react to this
user29 wait so you were just pretending to hate pedri in your previous posts... but why ?
-> yourinstagram oh it was just a bet we made when joão joined barça this year. most of you knew me only when joão joined barça and pedri and i had already been working on our marriage plans by then. we've hid the facts about our relationship for three years now but marriage is a huge thing and there was no way we could hide our wedding for years so we just wanted to see how long it would take for the paparazzi to catch up on the news lol. to help hide our marriage a little longer, we just pulled an unrequited love act on my instagram posts and i pretended to ignore him irl too for fun 🤭
-> user57 this is absolutely insane... you guys are geniuses
-> yourinstagram technically no one since we both thought the news wouldn't get out until next year but we're spending our honeymoon in barcelona rn and we just got a bit too bold in public and sadly got caught 😞
yourinstagram ok correction you guys we never really hid our rs tbh i guess you guys just never knew me or like paid much attention to things so it just got really easy to date him without having to deal with the media 🤷‍♀️
-> user03 now that i think about it... i feel like you've appeared in a few of the gonzález family photos, y/n 🤔
-> yourinstagram yes i have ! but if i remember correctly, most people just thought i was fernando's gf or sumn 😭
-> user99 omg we were so fucking blind 🧍‍♀️
-> user67 well we just never expected pedri to have enough rizz to pull a beauty queen like you ig
-> pedri HEY
-> yourinstagram LMAO FOULLLLLL
user44 i love how y/n just spilled the whole tea to us 🥹 she's so iconic
user21 what is with joão and money though LMAO
-> joaofelix79 if barça doesn't have enough money to buy me, then i'll provide them the money instead
user16 i hate you both so much for lying to us for so long but also congratulations on getting married !!! 🥹
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pedri feliz aniversario, mi vida 🤍
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♡ translations of pedri's pick-up lines !
“eres la chica más hermosa que he visto en mi vida.”
: you are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life.
“¿dónde has estado toda mi vida?”
: where have you been all my life ?
“quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar un diamante como tú todos los días.”
: i would like to be a jeweler so i can appreciate a diamond like you every day.
“te voy a denunciar a la policía por robarme el corazón.”
: i will report you to the police for stealing my heart.
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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The Hollywood Writer Strike: Demands
The WGA has officially gone on strike, freezing Hollywood’s ability to make anything but rebooted old game shows, sleazy reality shows, and Star Trek Lower Decks. Here is a list of the guild’s demands to return to work:
Writers must be paid in actual money, and not solely in movie ticket discount coupons to their own films.
If a studio AI duplicates the entirety of a writer’s unmade script, that writer can no longer be sued by the studio for copyright infringement on the AI script, should their real script ever be made.
Writers must be credited for their work even if producers think their name will look funny in the credits, in accordance with the proposed "Eszterhas Law."
Writers must be entitled to eat and drink at any time, and not only on completion of page quotas. They must also gain the right to drink filtered water, not just tap or ditch water.
Hazing in writers rooms must no longer allow for any acts that may render the writer permanently unable to write.
Actors may no longer hunt writers for sport, even during awards season.
Studios must not force writers to type or print material in their own blood (known in the industry as "Verhoeven Calligraphy").
Writers working on deferred payment can no longer be starved, beaten, dismembered, or boiled to death in their own mothers’ milk just for a producer’s amusement. The producer must now have an actual reason.
Studio executives may not punish writers with electrical or flame based torture, nor keelhauling, sleep deprivation in excess of one year, acts in violation of Geneva conventions, killing of their firstborn children, or forcing them to work with J.J. Abrams. All these techniques are strictly reserved for visual effects personnel, may God have mercy on their souls.
As per Hollywood tradition, the WGA will hold out for long enough to cull all but the ten most popular writers, who will then set out to begin anew in a distant land (Mid-Wilshire) and reforge the Hollywood system as its executives, who will then hire and abuse new writers, beginning the cycle again.
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spngirlpolls · 1 month
for posterity: misha collins was officially credited as a series regular in s5-6 and s9-15, he was a recurring character in 4 and 7, and a special guest star in s8. mark sheppard and alex calvert were also credited as series regulars at different points. recurring vs series regular is a contractual matter, impacts how available the actor has to be for the project, how much they get paid, etc. the cw contracted misha collins to be part of the main cast for 9 seasons. he has the third most screen time of anyone in the series. he is used in all the promotional advertisements for the show. everyone else on the show views him as a big part of the show. he is indisputably part of the main cast. he’s on the show. i don’t know what to tell you.
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noroi1000 · 7 months
Nyan XIV - What the hell?
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Nyan Chapters List
Summary: You've been put in a strange situation...Why are they so close to some woman when they were about to explain something to you...
A/n: I was asked for a bit of drama, so here it is. Light angst.
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"Good morning, I was sent by Gojo-san and Geto-san. It's my pleasure to meet with Miss (y/n) (l/n)?" The dark haired man with glasses asked as you opened the door after hearing the doorbell. 
As you might have guessed, they weren't home yet... You felt sad about that, but there was nothing you could do. You had a bit of a fight with them, didn't you? 
It was your first serious argument in your relationship... You felt bad.
But what the eyes see for a second doesn't mean it's real. 
Maybe the argument wasn't what you thought it was because you didn't see it long enough?
At first glance, everything is much worse than it really can be. 
"Yes. It's me," you said.
"Miss, please come downstairs. We have to hurry." He said with a small smile. 
You went for your phone and took what you needed.
You walked up the stairs and wondered who he was. A driver in a suit? 
So compared to who your boys hang out with, maybe this apartment is too poor?
Who the hell are they? 
The door to a shiny black car has been opened for you, and you know it's not a taxi...
It's a very clean, shiny black car that a driver in a suit invited you to sit in...
You hesitantly got into the backseat and fastened your seatbelt, looking around shyly.
How should you behave? 
Why is it all like this?
What can you expect? 
Who are they really?
Maybe they are serious businessmen who earn a fortune?
Maybe they are models or actors?
They told you not to worry after finding out. And that they will protect you.
Oh my God...
Are they from the mafia?
Is that why this car is like this? Own driver? A lot of money? 
In books, a mafioso is always handsome and young... Maybe this also applies to your situation?!
What if you get out of the car and immediately see a large villa in the suburbs and gorillas with guns to protect the boss?
Oh god, what have you gotten yourself into...
Or maybe they are murderers too?
They can fight and track! 
What if you see drugs and weapons? Or maybe dead bodies?!
What the hell is wrong with your cats?! With your boys?!
Cat mafioso??
Two cats with signet rings behind a desk and guns?!
Two cats that rule the entire mafia?!
Your imagination is running too wild now!
You looked at your phone when you saw the message you had received. 
Suguru: "When will you be there?" "Where are you already?"
You: "I don't know" "We entered some forest and we're going up" “I won't be taken to the forest and murdered, right?"
Suguru: "Of course not!" "Silly, we would never let anything happen to you." "Ijichi is a trusted assistant" "We have to do something with Satoru. We'll be alone when you arrive."
You: "What should I do?" "What's more important than finally telling me the truth?"
Suguru: "We have one person to deal with" "Believe me, you don't want to understand this woman."
They are there with a woman...?
Who they are? 
Who is this woman to them...?
If they...           
             "If I had to choose between you, I would choose the one who earns more." said the white-haired woman with a glass of dry red wine that was prepared for your dinner later.. "So who has more money?"
"Mei-san, we are busy. In a moment -" Geto started but she interrupted him.
"I'll ask her which one of you has more. Every woman should look at the thickness of wallet and the number on a man's credit card before dating.
"(y/n) is not you." Satoru laughed. 
"If she doesn't care about the money, she must have won the Jackpot by getting the two highest paid men in our profession."
The woman stood up and walked towards them in her dress, running her purple fingernail along Gojo's arm.
"She is the happiest woman possible. And we are the lucky ones who got it. And you, Mei-san, you drank all the wine and you're drunk." he laughed, looking at her from under the blindfold. 
"Small glasses aren't enough to get me drunk. Unless you pay me more." She grabbed their shoulders. "It doesn't matter which one, what matters is that he has money. And there's no shame in showing up at a bar like that."
Geto moved away.
"Mei-san... Please go now... We want to be alone with (y/n)." Geto muttered. 
Suddenly she placed her hands on both of their cheeks and looked at them with a smile. 
"You earn much more than you did at school 11 years ago. And you look much better. If every millionaire looked like you, my life would be more beautiful. But anyone with a lot of money for me will do."
She only sees money in them...
Suguru's eyes moved towards the open door and he saw you there. 
You saw all this Woman fawning over them.
When you found out it was a school, you were a little calmer.
But what you saw now was beyond the limit. 
You had doubts before. And now it all became clear.
They wanted to get rid of this woman? It looked like they were having a great time. 
A beautiful woman with white hair, lusciously painted lips and nails, dressed nicely, ingratiates herself with them.
You saw that glass of wine on the table. 
And then there's the woman who touches your boyfriends like that. Rubbing their arms, touching their chests and backs. Speaking with a smile. Satoru was smiling too. 
Besides, her smile clearly showed her intentions.
She likes them.
And they didn't seem to object...
You felt your heart hurt.
How could you think that you could have boyfriends like that??
They are out of your league. This woman is way out of your league. She fits them better. 
You are an ordinary woman who lives in a block of flats that is neither the cheapest nor the most expensive. You work in an office. You're ordinary. 
How could you ever think you could have a happy life with someone as special as them? 
Your Life couldn't be a book in which a handsome rich man meets a normal girl and honestly falls in love with her at first sight. 
It wasn't a fairy tale.
Once upon a time, when you were feeling down, you wondered if you even deserved them.
Now you see the answer.
They are out of your league. With beautiful women who surround them with smiles. 
Fingers gripping the fabric of your pants, you watched with tears wanting to come out as they both looked at you and whispered your name. 
But without looking at it any longer, you just started walking towards the exit. Ignoring how they were calling your name and running after you.
You didn't want to disturb them in their real life where they belonged.
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the-commonplace-book · 10 months
Just a reminder to anyone who wants to get into acting or screenwriting to absolutely under no circumstances accept any offers (no matter how good) from any studio that is normally SAG-AFTRA and WGA approved until the strikes are over. Don't cross the picket line. The actors' and writers' unions are currently fighting for fair pay, fair contracts, and ethical working conditions.
Production companies within the AMPTP have started putting out casting calls and screenwriting calls to new talent to try and undermine the strikes. If you take these jobs you are actively helping them continue their unethical pay and treatment of entertainment industry workers and also, once the strikes are over (which they will eventually be), you will likely be blacklisted from the WGA and SAG-AFTRA in the future which will prevent you from acting or writing for future projects. Whether for ethical, financial, or career reasons, it's not worth it.
Don't cross the picket line. Support the strikes. Support the ethical treatment of entertainment industry professionals.
Writers' rooms have been shrinking while the speed and quantity of content they're being asked to produce has been increasing at a rapid rate. They're hiring writers to workshop, then laying them off with no pay or credit for their contributions to preliminary work. In some cases they're using AI to mimic writing styles to fill in the gaps. In some cases they're using AI and just hiring writer's to touch it up. Writers aren't being paid appropriate residuals for streaming service exclusive media, meaning they're getting paid pennies to begin with and then nothing after that no matter how popular shows are (while producers rake in millions).
Actors have been subject to unethical working conditions for ages, from verbal abuse to 24-hour shoots with little to no breaks to other poor working conditions that under the current SAG-AFTRA contracts with the AMPTP are now disallowed. The AMPTP is also pushing for a contract change that would allow production companies to hire actors for a day of filming to train AI, then use their likeness in perpetuity with no compensation for the use of their voice and likeness. Many actors are underpaid and overworked, struggling to make rent, on Food Stamps, and unable to afford health insurance. The AMPTP is pushing for new contracts that would even further exploit and already exploited workforce in a multibillion dollar industry as they line their own pockets.
Stand by the strikes. Don't cross the picket line.
For those who aren't connected to the industry professionally or recreationally, be patient as new shows come to a halt. Be patient as productions get shut down. There's decades of media backlog you can watch instead. No new show is worth the unethical treatment of those who make it. Your new shows can wait. Real people matter more than fictional ones.
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dawnagustd · 1 year
unholy night: epilogue
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The queen has made her list and checked it twice. She’s visiting those who have been naughty, and punishing them in ways that are oh so nice.
- Part of the Unholy Night Series     
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➻ title: epilogue  ➻ pairing: ot7 x f!reader  ➻ genre: fantasy | holiday | magic | smut  ➻ word count: 2.8k  ➻ rating: 18+  ➻ warnings: language | discussions of the adult film industry | plot twist i guess | orgy/group sex/gangbanging... whatever you wanna call it | spit roasting | unprotected sex because this is fiction | Dom/sub undertones | spit/spit play | anal | fingering (vaginal and anal) | rough oral | deepthroating and gagging | hair pulling | mentions spanking | rough sex | nipple sucking | breast play | sloppy kisses | cum shots | facials | dirty talk | pet names | multiple orgasms | triple penetration | throat grabbing | panty sniffing | scent kink | masturbation | handjobs | throat fucking | choking on cock | public/ outdoor sex | squirting | itallics are from the script | mentions polyamorous relationships | the ending is fluffy to me | unedited ➻ author’s note: Well, this is the last one. I’m kind of sad. I’m going to miss these characters so much. Thank you once again for the support. Also, special thanks to @taechwitaaah for beta reading some of these and @yoon2k for this beautiful banner. I hope you all enjoy this one and Happy Holidays!
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“Wait a minute.”
Hoseok momentarily takes his eyes off the paper to check in with you. You’re sitting at your desk reading along with him and the rest of the potential cast. Seven of the biggest names in the industry sit silently in your home office after just reading the screenplay you’ve printed for them.
You’re a tad bit nervous, but your poker face has never failed you.
“You wrote this entire thing?” Hoseok asks in disbelief. “By yourself?”
You can imagine they’ve never thought about what the people who write these things may look like, but whatever their imagination held certainly was not you.
Here you are sitting in your home office, a jobless adult film writer wearing a pair of dress pants and a blouse asking seven hot porn stars to be in your low-budget film. Unfortunately, you have no choice. Bills need to be paid, and work has been hard to find. 
You had to gather up whoever you could find, and these top-paid actors just happened to be looking for a gig.
“Yes, I did. It’s what I do,” you respond.
Hoseok looks over at Yoongi, who’s shaking his head in the corner of the room. He finds humor in his friend’s bewilderment, and it’s because he knows all about your credentials.
“Dude, she’s the real deal. She used to write Hu$tler’s shit,” Jimin explains. 
You nod to that statement, taking full credit for their greatest hits. Not only did you take part in writing and piecing things together, but you also produced several films there. 
But unfortunately, they did not see the vision you have for Unholy Night. They said no female actor would be able to pull off the role. And that there’s too much plot for a porno. But you have to disagree. 
Many people enjoy a bit of stimulation before doing their thing. However, when you have a bunch of people thinking with their dicks, you can never get your point across. You quit the same day, and no matter how many times they call you a day, you aren’t going back.
“Really? So why didn’t they reach out to our agents?”
You answer Taehyung’s question immediately. “Because I no longer work for them.”
You look around the room at the curious looks etched across the men’s faces and further explain the reason behind your departure from the company.
“One can only write the same plot so many times before they are worn out,” you add.
“So why not write something different?” asks Jungkook.
You gesture towards the papers in their hands.
“I did… And they laughed.”
The company didn’t think you could pull it off, nor did they think they could profit off of it.
“Well, I’d pay money to see it,” Seokjin interrupts. “I’m in.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Both Jimin and Jungkook join him in agreement, leaving four men left to respond.
“Well, I can’t agree until I know who’s the leading role,” Yoongi informs.
The other guys become curious as well because up until now that hasn’t been brought up.
“Let’s be real… I can’t afford to hire anyone else. This is a one-woman show, my friends. I’m writing, producing, directing, and… I’m starring in it.”
The room is silent once again. 
Everyone, including the people that were on board with working with you, are now skeptical about this. You have no experience. No screen time under your belt, but you’re planning to portray the leading actress yourself. It doesn’t sound too promising, and for actors of their status, it could be career changing.
You’re confident that you can manage, though. Being a writer gives you experience with creating personalities and characters. Your other secret weapon is your experience. You sure didn’t pull these ideas out of your ass. Sex is one of your favorite pastimes. Though, it’s been a while since you’ve visited that department.
Yoongi sighs before he offers his input.
“Look, you’re hot and this sounds fun. And it’s a great storyline, but…”
“You’re going to have to show us what you’re working with before we put our careers on the line,” Namjoon concludes.
Seokjin takes one look at your face, and he starts to apologize on Namjoon’s behalf.
“Um, I think what he means is we don’t normally work with inexperienced actors, and—”
“I know what he means, Mr. Kim,” you interrupt. “I understand your concerns.”
Namjoon’s comment actually reminded you of why you’re doing this. So many plots you’ve written where the female is left dick-whipped and in a post-orgasmic haze while the male role stands over them on a power trip. So many actresses stuck in the same loop, role after role, an empty filler with the same bimbo personality. They’re programmed to think this is what people want to see, but many viewers have grown exhausted from getting off to the same old shit.
And you would know because you sure didn’t enter this industry for the money.
“I’m not a company that can promise you a shit load of cash. There’s a reason I didn’t reach out to your agents; I knew they’d decline. What I can promise, however, is a good fuck and a brand this industry has never seen.”
You make sure you hold eye contact with everyone in the room before you continue. The last thing you want to show is that you lack confidence. You rise from your seat to make yourself appear larger, claiming dominance since this is your space.
“I have already proven to you how sexy my brain can be, but if I need to show you more… I don’t have an issue with that either,” you shrug.
You lean over your desk, resting your right knee on the surface so you can be closer to Namjoon who has claimed the seat in front of you. You both stare at one another until your smirk produces a tiny reaction from him.
“So how do you wanna do this, Mr. Kim?”
“Up to you, beautiful,” he challenges.
Your focus shifts to the other men for a moment, and then back to Namjoon.
“Well, if I can’t have all of you then this doesn’t work for me.”
“So how do we settle this?” Yoongi asks, gaining your attention.
All seven men scoot to the edge of their seats trying to figure out what happens next, but you plan to show them rather than telling them. You push your papers off of the desk and climb on top of it.
“I guess you all will have to come and push the ‘try me’ button.”
They all get up at once and make their way toward you. 
Namjoon is the closest, so you grab his hands and place them on your body. 
“You better pick a hole before it’s filled,” you whisper to him.
He responds by tearing your blouse. You watch the buttons bounce off the desk and then hit the floor. Namjoon’s fingers trace the black lace bra you’re wearing before he reaches behind you to remove it. 
Behind you, Taehyung helps to remove your shirt, and once your top half is bare, both men start groping your mounds. Your head lolls back on Taehyung’s shoulder while Namjoon leaves a trail of kisses down your neck. 
His hands move down to your pants, and he unbuttons them before slipping a hand inside.
You hiss when his cold fingertips find your clit, and a wide grin spreads on his face.
“I want this one,” he chuckles, moving his digits toward your entrance. When he notices how wet you are already, he looks at Taehyung. “She’s been thinking about this.”
He grabs your throat and forces you to look at him.
“Why didn’t you speak up, sweetheart? We could have fucked you when we got here.”
“Ah. I—”
“Don’t be shy,” he laughs.
“I’m not.”
“We’ll see,” says Yoongi.
Namjoon slowly pushes two of his fingers into your cunt while Taehyung continues to feel all over your body. Jimin and Hoseok climb on the table with you, naked with their cocks in hand. They come close enough for you to take over and pleasure them while you are being pleased.
“Oh, she is not bad,” Hoseok comments.
“I agree,” Jimin says as well.
But you can do so much more. This is just pregaming.
You grind your ass on Taehyung while Namjoon fingers your pussy, and the action withdraws several comments. He praises you for the softness of your ass, and you show appreciation by turning to sloppily make out with him. 
Namjoon is impressed but still tries to break you before the fun even begins. He bends over and wraps his lips around one of your nipples, sucking while Taehyung twists and pinches the other.
“Fuck!” Jimin cries, and Taehyung teases him.
“Damn, dude. Is Namjoon sucking on your tits or hers?”
“Shut up. This feels so fucking good,” he moans, and Hoseok cosigns.
“Yeah, she’s talented.”
Namjoon releases your nipple and speaks. “I’m still not convinced.”
“Because you’re too afraid to whip your dick out,” you laugh.
Namjoon immediately retracts his hand, leaving you wet and disappointed. However, when he starts removing his clothes, excitement builds inside you.
Jungkook, Yoongi, and Seokjin are seated completely bare, stroking their cocks to the sight before them. It only makes you eager to get this started.
You feel Taehyung tugging on your pants so you leave Jimin and Hoseok for a moment so you can hop off of the desk and allow him to pull them down. He takes off your panties too but throws them to Jungkook.
You watch as he catches them and bundles them in his hands, sniffing the fabric before passing them to Seokjin. He passes them to Yoongi once he’s done, and Yoongi takes his turn with them. He wraps them around his dick once he’s taken a big whiff of them.
Before you can get caught up watching him get off with your panties, Namjoon reminds you of your tasks. He’s walked around the table and is now standing behind you.
“Quick math quiz,” he says in your ear. You hum to let him know you’re listening. “There are seven cocks in this room… How many can you take at once?”
Everyone waits for your answer with wide eyes. You can’t help but giggle at the question he asked you.
“I’d say all of them,” you reply.
Namjoon smirks. “I like that answer.
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Your scalp burns from all the tugging and your ass stings from all the blows delivered to your skin. Your throat is sore from moaning and sobbing, but your adrenaline and desire remain high.
Namjoon and Jungkook take turns fucking you from behind while you lie bent over your desk while Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung stand in front of you shoving their cocks down your throat. They all grab your hair and turn your head in every direction, making your head spin from all the commands they are giving.
“That’s it. Choke on it, love,” Hoseok grunts as you gag around his dick.
As soon as he hits the back of your throat, Taehyung grabs you and does the same. You do your best to keep Jimin and Seokjin’s dick in your hands, but Jungkook nearly makes it impossible with his thrusting. 
Out of nowhere, you feel a hand touch your ass, but not to spank you. Its fingers move towards the center and collect the arousal gushing from your cunt. You look back and see Namjoon smirking at Jungkook as he pushes his finger into your back entrance. Your eyes roll back from the fullness that overcomes your body.
Jungkook spreads your cheeks, and Namjoon allows his spit to drip into your hole. Jungkook fucks you faster and deeper, making your squeeze your hands around Seokjin’s and Jimin’s cock for support. They’re already sensitive since they’ve had their turn with you after winning a game of rock, paper, scissors so the pressure nearly drives them over the edge.
“Fuck, your turn, bro,” says Jungkook as his cock twitches inside of you. He knows better. All of them do. 
No one can come until you’re satisfied. 
Is it fair? No. But so far, you’ve had two orgasms; you know this final one will be mind-blowing then you’ll think about letting them reach their highs.
When Jungkook slips out of you, Namjoon takes his place. However, you don’t get to moan out his name when he enters you because Yoongi demands your attention.
“Open up,” he requests, and you do as you’re told.
Just as Namjoon did, he enters you with urgency. The two of them begin fucking you so hard that the desk shakes violently. Your cheeks and chin are covered with spit, tears, and precum while your ass and thighs are covered with large red handprints. Your mouth and throat are raw, and your body feels like it’s on fire.
Your muffled cries are broken and weak, but the pressure building inside of you is strong.
Namjoon removes his fingers, making you believe he’s done playing with that part of you, but you are proven wrong when his cock slips out of your pussy and enters your ass.
You scream, and the widening of your mouth allows Yoongi to travel deeper into your throat.
“Fuck! Every hole she owns is tight,” Namjoon groans. His legs wobble and shake, making you laugh even while he and Yoongi are buried inside of you. The vibrations cause Yoongi’s knees to buckle, and he looks around the room at his buddies before he speaks.
“I hate to disappoint but we gotta speed this up. I almost lost it.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon agrees. “I don’t think I can tag anyone else in. All of you look like you’re done for.”
With it set on their minds, Namjoon and Yoongi decide to take it home. These others gather around like a prayer circle and beat their dicks while their friends split you open.
Yoongi powers through, using your mouth like it’s his favorite toy. You breathe through your nose and relax your throat so you can last as long as he does without choking. Namjoon also makes the most of his last few minutes in paradise. He utilizes both of your holes, fucking one until his muscles are tired and then filling the other. 
Eventually, the pressure becomes too much, and an orgasm washes over you. You squirt all over your desk, leaving Namjoon mesmerized. His cock slips out of you, but that doesn’t stop you from coming. You lay flat on your stomach while Yoongi uses you like a sleeve, still coming and screaming their names.
Once you come to your senses, you hear the cries of pleasure surrounding you and quickly tap Yoongi’s thigh. He removes himself from your throat, and you slide off the table before running toward the center of your office. 
You fall to your knees, and the men get in formation. You look them in the eyes as you massage their balls and lick their cocks to help them reach their high. Even though you’re on your knees, they’re still under your control.
“Damn, sweetheart. We’ll help you with your movie. You’ve earned it,” Namjoon announces, and the others agree.
“But you haven’t read the ending,” you point out.
Your voice is rough and almost inaudible, but they respond, letting you know they heard you. No one knows how Unholy Night’s queen saves Heauxville from those damned souls, but they’re about to find out.
As you wait on your knees for Heauxville’s naughty batch to deposit their seed and paint your body as white as the snow beneath you, the morning sun starts to melt not only the cycles of ice decorating the town, but also, your frozen heart…
Okay, that was a lie. You have no heart, but you’ve always wanted to say that.
Though these men have been punished, you’d be a fool to think they won’t continue their nasty ways. It’s been a cold winter, but things will only heat up from this point forward. This town won’t be able to handle the wrath of these bruised egos. There’s only one person for that job, but she doesn’t plan to stay here any longer.
“Come for me, my loves,” you whisper, and your body becomes their canvas.
Cum and snow begin to cover you until, eventually, it stops. Your body falls onto the piles of white mush, and you smile as your new lovers join you. 
You lie there thinking and staring at the clear sky until it turns into the crystal ceiling of your castle. The chilling snow becomes the cool comfort of your satin sheets. Gentle snoring fills your ears, and you think about the amount of time that has passed since you shared your bed with someone. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be after all. Maybe it isn’t. Regardless, however. There are no rules on your end. 
What the queen wants, she gets. And right now, she wants seven toxic boyfriends… And now, she has them. It all works out perfectly. You’re already imagining what kind of trouble they will cause, and you become wet just from the thought. 
You sigh.
“Tis the fucking season, bitches.”
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mac-lilly · 3 months
Mega Con London BTS Recap
Since this is a more personal recap of MegaCon London (and a bit of a comparison with Back to the Musical World con by Dream It), I didn't include it in the JATP info dump from yesterday.
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BTTMW backstory
Let's do some backstory first. As you may know, the official JATP cancellation was announced at the first Back to the Musical World con back in 2021. I wasn't there for multiple reasons including Covid but also I just got into the fandom and it felt weird. I'm socially awkward - I cannot look into people's eyes, I stutter - especially when talking English - or ramble and I struggle to just touch strangers which is not helpful for photo ops.
So what I was supposed to do there? These people are actors - strangers I have nothing to do with. They aren't the characters I've fallen in love with. Yeah, not my thing, I thought.
However, when the BTTMW2 got announced, I was like 'You know, let's go to just show the cast how much you loved the show'. It was supposed to give me some closure. So I went.
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And while the con was a fucked-up disaster in terms of organization and schedule - on Sunday, Charlie signed autographs until 10 pm, and Owen would have done the same if his mom hadn't cut off his line. (On that note: Never mess with a German mom protecting her kid. You'll lose.) But meeting the cast was an entirely different experience. I'd never interacted with them before, so I was anxious as fuck. However, they were so nice and considerate - and seeing them goof around was just adorable.
(And this pic is still one of my fav pics ever.)
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And not just the cast. I met so many amazing people there who are now my friends. Big shoutout to them!
So, despite my hatred for Dream It, I went to BTTMW4 (and thankfully it was less chaotic than BTTMW2). But I was also determined to go to MegaCon bc I knew Jeremy wouldn't come back to Paris. (Unlike the other JATP cast members, he's done plenty of other cons before and knows that you shouldn't be so drained that require alcohol to make it through the day.)
BTTMW vs MegaCon London
So, just in general: MegaCon was clearly the better experience.
Firstly, it was cheaper than DI. Much cheaper.
(Note 1: The * prices are from 2022 since Jeremy wasn't at BTTMW4. In 2023, the photo with Madi, Owen & Charlie was already €180. All four would have been over €200 for sure.
Note 2: The prices for MegaCon were originally in £. The price in € is what I paid according to my credit card.
Note 3: Even though not 100% accurate: € = $)
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Obviously, Charlie canceled later. But I automatically got a refund. So bonus for MegaCon.
Unlike with Dream It, you were allowed to film and take pictures everywhere, which was cool. And since the panels were exclusively in English, you actually got way more content. The panels were also much longer, and it seemed like the cast was more at ease. For example, Owen started to play body drums on stage, and he initiated the boomshakalaka without being drunk. This is such an incredibly sad thing to say, but I've never seen him that relaxed during a panel.
Also, shoutout to the many fans that were at the Saturday panel. According to the hist, it was the largest crowd they had on Saturday. (If MegaCon had been smarter and had announced the Sunday panel before the people got their passes, it would have had a huge audience, too.)
The autographs ran smoothly, and there was always a queue, which was good bc Own confirmed that it was Jeremy who convinced MegaCon to invite him and Charlie. (Madi got invited later - I assume after people haunted them on IG about her.) MegaCon was wary about it bc they had no idea if the cast was worth the money. I hope the audience on Saturday, the lines for the autographs, and the massive delays at the photo studio caused by the JATP fans (and technical issues) convinced them.
Side note: After Charlie canceled, I got an email from MegaCon. And obviously, I know they just used some phrases to placate us. But I still hope they meant it when they wrote,
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MegaCon, you won't read this. But if you get them again, I'll be there!
(And again shoutout to the amazing people I met in London. To my fellow German tumblr friends: I loved meeting you guys and hanging out with you!)
So the only thing that wasn't great were the photo ops. Yeah, most of the Saturday photos are terrible bc of the fucked-up lighting, and due to technical issues, there were so many delays. (Though to be fair, BTTMW also had issues with photo ops.)
So overall, I genuinely enjoyed MegaCon, and I'm very excited to head off to Dublin on Saturday to give Jeremy the birthday card. To all the people who signed it: THANK YOU!
Some other random things that don't fit anywhere
Not Owen assuming that Deutsche Bahn must always be on time bc Germans are always on time. Bro, I know it's been a while since you visited Germany ... but please, that was mean.
When I gave him ghostie!Willie, Owen told me how much his family loves the little ghosties 🥹🥹🥹 (which explains why his dad was in my IG stories after he posted the pic of the ghosties.)
It's random, but this con was so much more balanced in terms of fans. I remember fans being kinda uninterested in Jeremy at the BTTMW - some fans even got angry at him bc he refused certain poses. At MegaCon, the interest was equally split between those three, and it made me happy.
Here's the lovely ghost merch I bought at MegaCon. Obviously, the pride ghost and the skateboard ghost are Willex, the couple is Juke, and the ghosts with the kitty and the one with the pumpkin are both Reggie! (I talked to the guys running the stalls, and they were so baffled about all the JATP fans - a few Fantoms came over from the US and Canada just for this con.)
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gunilslaugh · 7 days
Curtain Call
Goo Gunil Summary: Gunil is harboring a massive crush on you and when you get casted as his fellow lead for your theater class he can’t help but fall for you even more. (non-idol au) WC:~1.5k Warning:none
Itallics- script
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photo not mine credits to owner.
“Alright and now for the parts you’ve been waiting for. I’ll now announce who will be playing our main leads!” your theater teacher playfully held the cast list in their hands. “Eh-hm” your teacher cleared their throat. “Gunil and y/n! Let’s give them a hand.” The rest of your theater class started clapping for you two. 
Gunil couldn’t believe what he just heard. He was going to be acting alongside you, his crush. Just the thought of it had butterflies dancing in his stomach. He looked over to where you sat two rows in front of him to find you already looking back at him. You gave him a small smile and a wave. Gunil had to fight off the blush that was creeping up his neck as he smiled and waved back.
“Hey partner,” Gunil said, coming up to you after class was dismissed. 
“Hey,” you replied back to him, swinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“How do you feel about playing a lead?” he asked you. 
“I’m nervous, honestly. I never played a lead before. I don’t want to mess up.” Gunil was well aware how you never played a lead before. You had only played small roles in the past. You mainly worked behind the stage helping with costumes and props.
Your help with the costumes is actually what led Gunil to developing his crush on you. He distinctly remembers watching you put rhinestones onto a dress of the then lead. He swore that your eyes were shinier than the rhinestones and the way you looked so focused with your work, you were beautiful. From then on he always paid extra attention to you. He watched with fond eyes as you painted backdrops. He always went to you when his costume needed an adjustment or to ask you to run over his lines with him. He uses any excuse that he could find to talk to you. Now that you’re both playing the main leads, Gunil will have so many reasons to talk to you and he’s thrilled about it. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great. You always nailed your smaller roles and you wouldn’t have been casted as the lead if you weren’t a good fit,” Gunil tells you. 
“Thanks, but you're such a good actor I don't want to make you look bad.” You could never make him look bad Gunil thought.  His chest also swirls with pride at your words. You thought he was a good actor?
“Don’t be silly. I’m perfectly capable of making myself look bad,” he joked hoping to make you laugh and it worked. Your laugh was music to his ears too. He wanted to hear it more. “Don’t be so nervous, let’s just have fun.” 
“I’ll try,” you say. 
Gunil basically gets to spend all of class with you, which he loves. Class is definitely spent doing more than just practicing for the play. You two often find yourselves having side conversations completely ignoring the scripts that lay on your laps. 
“How are my two leads doing?” Your theater teacher pulled up a chair next to you and Gunil. 
“It’s going well,” Gunil answered. 
“Show me,” your teacher orders. 
“What are you doing here?” your character asks.
“I wanted to see you,” Gunil’s character replies. 
“It’s late. Couldn’t you wait till tomorrow?”
“No, I had to see now.” Gunil reaches out and takes your hand. It’s a part of the script, but your heart doesn’t seem to care as it picks up. 
“Why’s that?” You laced your fingers with his (as the script says to). Gunil feels his stomach do a flip. 
“I’d only lie awake thinking of you if I didn’t.” Gunil shifts his eyes from the script to look at you. He looks at you as if he loves you. He’s just acting, you have to remind yourself. Being completely unaware of the fact that Gunil didn’t have to act like he was in love with you.
“So you won’t lie awake thinking of me anymore?” You had to try so hard to not stammer over your words with Gunil looking at you like that.
“No, I’ll dream of this instead.” Gunil brings your hands up to your lips to leave a delicate kiss on your knuckles. You failed to contain your blush. 
“T-then you should be going now…so you can meet me in your dreams.” You hoped that your stutter seemed intentional rather than the reality of it. 
“You know I hate saying goodbye to you.” Gunil pulls you a bit closer using your linked hands. 
“This isn’t goodbye. It’s see you soon. Now go.” You let go of Gunil’s hand.
“I hate that I didn’t pair you two up sooner. You two have so much chemistry!” Your teacher raved. “Or are you two not telling me something?” your teacher implied. 
“No, it’s not like that,” you state. Or maybe it was. It was definitely like that for Gunil and with the way your heart was acting right now, it seemed like the feelings being portrayed were beyond your characters. 
“Either way I’m excited to see this play come to life,” your teacher says then heads off to see how the other students are doing.
“See you have nothing to worry about,” Gunil tells you. He was right, it looks like you don’t have to worry about being a lead, but your newfound feeling for Gunil. Those were something that concerned you.
The more you practiced with Gunil the more you felt your feelings grow for him. The same he said for Gunil. He was already crushing on you hard, but the longer he spent with you the more he fell head over heels for you. It was safe to say that Gunil had to do very little acting when it came to the play. The feelings his character felt for your character were the same as the ones he felt for you. 
“Have I not made my feelings for you clear? Why are we doubting that what’s between us isn't love?” At this point you knew what you felt for Gunil was love, but did he feel the same?
“I know I love you but-”
“I love you too.”
“No buts. We love each other, so stop trying to pull away from me.” Gunil pulls you closer by your waist, arms locking around you. You feel your heart pound in your chest. Slowly your arms move around Gunil’s shoulders. Gunil wished that he didn’t have to act to be able to hold you like this. 
“Cut!” your teacher yells. Gunil and you still stay embraced a moment longer before you slip your arms away from his shoulders and Gunil reluctantly releases your waist. 
“That was perfect you two. I can feel the love radiating off of your characters. Tomorrow night is going to be amazing!” Tomorrow night is the night of your class’s play. You were nervous, but you also felt sad about your time with Gunil coming to an end. You thought about confessing, but you really didn’t know if Gunil felt the same way.
Gunil on the other hand was set on confessing to you. He just didn’t know if he should do it before or after the play. After spending the past month preparing for this play and falling all the more in love with you. He didn’t want to keep his feelings for you hidden anymore.
It was ten minutes till the curtain would rise. You and Gunil were sitting backstage while last minute touches were being rushed about. 
“Are you nervous?” Gunil asked.
“A little. Not as much as I thought I would be,” you say. 
“That’s good. If you ever get too nervous just keep looking at me. Forget anyone else is even there,” he tells you. 
“Ok,” you smiled. 
“Curtain in five, get in your places everyone,” someone announces. Gunil stands up taking your hand in his. 
“Let’s go.” He pulls you alongside him. 
“Promise you’ll stay by my side?” You look at Gunil with vulnerable eyes. 
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” He smiles, taking both of your hands in his. 
“I love you,” you(r character) confess.
“I love you too,” Gunil(’s character) confesses back. The final curtain closes. 
You had just gotten changed out of your costume, you’re walking out of the dressing room when you’re greeted with Gunil standing just outside of the door. He’s holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“Oh Gunil,” you say. 
“Here,” he hands you the flowers. 
“Thank you,” you take them with a smile. 
“I wanted to talk to you,” he tells you. 
“Go ahead.” You briefly bring the flowers up to your nose to smell them. 
“I was really happy when we were announced as the leads,” he states. 
“I was happy to be paired with you too,” you told. 
“I was happy because I like you,” he confessed. “All this time I didn’t really have to act because I already had those feelings for you.” 
“I wasn’t really acting either,” you reveal. Gunil looked at you hopefully. “I like you too,” you confessed. 
“So I can take you on a date then?” he checked. 
“Of course,” you agree. 
“There you two are, come on it’s time for pictures,” your teacher rounds the corner. If anyone looked close enough at those pictures they could tell that you and Gunil looked at each other the same way your characters looked at one another, with love.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143
Also tagging @amelee23 cause I wrote this for them hehe I hope you like it!
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lol-jackles · 9 months
The whole strike is highlighting how good Jared has it with Walker.
He has a good salary. We don't know how much but he bought a jet with his spn salary so that part is not hard to speculate.
Walker is filmed in Austin just because Jared's lives there.
He has executive producer title and privileges. Like, now he is an actor with actual voice behind scenes.
Walker's production seems very efficient the actors don't have to spent the whole day in set.
How did Jared even get this deal? The show has obviously delivered, but there was not guaranty it would when it was picked up (without a pilot!)
Yup, Jared's career is triple blessed: lead actor on a syndicated broadcast tv show that will reap residuals for years, convention circuits that doubles his salary, and filming Walker in his actual hometown that is not L.A. It's been my long held belief that Jared is the highest paid CW SPN actor and he gets percentages of SPN's profit in syndication. So after Jared’s terms of residuals run out, he will continue to reap syndication profits for years.  
How did Jared get the Walker deal? First, he was the lead of the longest running genre show in the U.S and the set has an enviable reputation of being a good work environment. Producers read this and even though Jensen was also publicly credited for the good work environment, producers know that it's the lead actor who carries most of that responsibility. This gives Jared a good reputation among producers who tend to prioritize reliability. Hollywood is just as much about reputation as performance.
Second, Jared has a good Q score and a passionate fanbase, plus he has a reliable brand that is sellable to the mainstream. Producers are looking to put proverbial ‘asses in the seats’ to watch the content, this means producers demand that casting directors focus on actors that they feel will bring their already established fan base.
Third, networks and studios believe only a small number of actors with name recognition and status can carry a tv show, so networks are all competing for the same small number of actors. It’s why CW/Pedowitz aggressively bid for Jared’s new show.
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mariacallous · 2 months
It no longer makes sense to speak of free speech in traditional terms. The internet has so transformed the nature of the speaker that the definition of speech itself has changed.
The new speech is governed by the allocation of virality. People cannot simply speak for themselves, for there is always a mysterious algorithm in the room that has independently set the volume of the speaker’s voice. If one is to be heard, one must speak in part to one’s human audience, in part to the algorithm. It is as if the US Constitution had required citizens to speak through actors or lawyers who answered to the Dutch East India Company, or some other large remote entity. What power should these intermediaries have? When the very logic of speech must shift in order for people to be heard, is that still free speech? This was not a problem foreseen in the law.
The time may be right for a legal and policy reset. US lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are questioning Section 230, the liability shield that enshrined the ad-driven internet. The self-reinforcing ramifications of a mere 26 words—“no provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider”—has produced a social media ecosystem that is widely held to have had deleterious effects on both democracy and mental health.
Abraham Lincoln is credited with the famous quip about how you cannot fool all the people all the time. Perhaps you cannot, but perhaps the internet can. Imperfect speech has always existed, but the means and scale of amplification have not. The old situation cannot be the guide for the new.
Section 230 was created during a period when policy was being designed to unleash internet innovation, thereby maintaining America’s competitive edge in cyberspace. The early internet was supported by a variety of friendly policies, not just Section 230. For instance, sales arranged over the internet were often not taxed in early years. Furthermore, the internet was knowingly inaugurated in an incomplete state, lacking personal accounts, authentication mechanisms, commercial transaction standards, and many other needed elements. The thinking was not only that it was easier to get a minimal design started when computing power was still nascent, but also that the missing elements would be addressed by entrepreneurs. In effect, we were giving trillion-dollar gifts to parties unknown who would be the inevitable network-effect winners.
Section 230 was enacted as part of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, a larger legislative effort within the umbrella 1996 Telecommunications Act. Section 230(c)(1) provides immunity for online services regarding user-generated content, ensuring the companies hosting content are not treated as publishers of this information. Section 230(c)(2) offers Good Samaritan protection from civil liability when the companies—or platforms, as we call them today—in good faith remove or moderate objectionable content.
After President Bill Clinton signed the 1996 Telecommunications Act into law, it was unclear how the courts might interpret it. When the dust cleared, Section 230 emerged as something of a double-edged sword. It could be used to justify censorship, and at the same time be deployed as a corporate liability shield. Most importantly, it provided the runway for the takeoff of Google, Twitter, and Facebook. (And now TikTok—which, being a Chinese company, proves that Section 230 no longer serves American interests.)
The impact on the public sphere has been, to say the least, substantial. In removing so much liability, Section 230 forced a certain sort of business plan into prominence, one based not on uniquely available information from a given service, but on the paid arbitration of access and influence. Thus, we ended up with the deceptively named “advertising” business model—and a whole society thrust into a 24/7 competition for attention. A polarized social media ecosystem. Recommender algorithms that mediate content and optimize for engagement. We have learned that humans are most engaged, at least from an algorithm’s point of view, by rapid-fire emotions related to fight-or-flight responses and other high-stakes interactions. In enabling the privatization of the public square, Section 230 has inadvertently rendered impossible deliberation between citizens who are supposed to be equal before the law. Perverse incentives promote cranky speech, which effectively suppresses thoughtful speech.
And then there is the economic imbalance. Internet platforms that rely on Section 230 tend to harvest personal data for their business goals without appropriate compensation. Even when data ought to be protected or prohibited by copyright or some other method, Section 230 often effectively places the onus on the violated party through the requirement of takedown notices. That switch in the order of events related to liability is comparable to the difference between opt-in and opt-out in privacy. It might seem like a technicality, but it is actually a massive difference that produces substantial harms. For example, workers in information-related industries such as local news have seen stark declines in economic success and prestige. Section 230 makes a world of data dignity functionally impossible.
To date, content moderation has too often been beholden to the quest for attention and engagement, regularly disregarding the stated corporate terms of service. Rules are often bent to maximize engagement through inflammation, which can mean doing harm to personal and societal well-being. The excuse is that this is not censorship, but is it really not? Arbitrary rules, doxing practices, and cancel culture have led to something hard to distinguish from censorship for the sober and well-meaning. At the same time, the amplification of incendiary free speech for bad actors encourages mob rule. All of this takes place under Section 230’s liability shield, which effectively gives tech companies carte blanche for a short-sighted version of self-serving behavior. Disdain for these companies—which found a way to be more than carriers, and yet not publishers—is the only thing everyone in America seems to agree on now.
Trading a known for an unknown is always terrifying, especially for those with the most to lose. Since at least some of Section 230’s network effects were anticipated at its inception, it should have had a sunset clause. It did not. Rather than focusing exclusively on the disruption that axing 26 words would spawn, it is useful to consider potential positive effects. When we imagine a post-230 world, we discover something surprising: a world of hope and renewal worth inhabiting.
In one sense, it’s already happening. Certain companies are taking steps on their own, right now, toward a post-230 future. YouTube, for instance, is diligently building alternative income streams to advertising, and top creators are getting more options for earning. Together, these voluntary moves suggest a different, more publisher-like self-concept. YouTube is ready for the post-230 era, it would seem. (On the other hand, a company like X, which leans hard into 230, has been destroying its value with astonishing velocity.) Plus, there have always been exceptions to Section 230. For instance, if someone enters private information, there are laws to protect it in some cases. That means dating websites, say, have the option of charging fees instead of relying on a 230-style business model. The existence of these exceptions suggests that more examples would appear in a post-230 world.
Let’s return to speech. One difference between speech before and after the internet was that the scale of the internet “weaponized” some instances of speech that would not have been as significant before. An individual yelling threats at someone in passing, for instance, is quite different from a million people yelling threats. This type of amplified, stochastic harassment has become a constant feature of our times—chilling speech—and it is possible that in a post-230 world, platforms would be compelled to prevent it. It is sometimes imagined that there are only two choices: a world of viral harassment or a world of top-down smothering of speech. But there is a third option: a world of speech in which viral harassment is tamped down but ideas are not. Defining this middle option will require some time to sort out, but it is doable without 230, just as it is possible to define the limits of viral financial transactions to make Ponzi schemes illegal.
With this accomplished, content moderation for companies would be a vastly simpler proposition. Companies need only uphold the First Amendment, and the courts would finally develop the precedents and tests to help them do that, rather than the onus of moderation being entirely on companies alone. The United States has more than 200 years of First Amendment jurisprudence that establishes categories of less protected speech—obscenity, defamation, incitement, fighting words—to build upon, and Section 230 has effectively impeded its development for online expression. The perverse result has been the elevation of algorithms over constitutional law, effectively ceding judicial power.
When the jurisprudential dust has cleared, the United States would be exporting the democracy-promoting First Amendment to other countries rather than Section 230’s authoritarian-friendly liability shield and the sewer of least-common-denominator content that holds human attention but does not bring out the best in us. In a functional democracy, after all, the virtual public square should belong to everyone, so it is important that its conversations are those in which all voices can be heard. This can only happen with dignity for all, not in a brawl.
Section 230 perpetuates an illusion that today’s social media companies are common carriers like the phone companies that preceded them, but they are not. Unlike Ma Bell, they curate the content they transmit to users. We need a robust public conversation about what we, the people, want this space to look like, and what practices and guardrails are likely to strengthen the ties that bind us in common purpose as a democracy. Virality might come to be understood as an enemy of reason and human values. We can have culture and conversations without a mad race for total attention.
While Section 230 might have been considered more a target for reform rather than repeal prior to the advent of generative AI, it can no longer be so. Social media could be a business success even if its content was nonsense. AI cannot.
There have been suggestions that AI needs Section 230 because large language models train on data and will be better if that data is freely usable with no liabilities or encumbrances. This notion is incorrect. People want more from AI than entertainment. It is widely considered an important tool for productivity and scientific progress. An AI model is only as good as the data it is trained on; indeed, general data improves specialist results. The best AI will come out of a society that prioritizes quality communication. By quality communication, we do not mean deepfakes. We mean open and honest dialog that fosters understanding rather than vitriol, collaboration rather than polarization, and the pursuit of knowledge and human excellence rather than a race to the bottom of the brain stem.
The attention-grooming model fostered by Section 230 leads to stupendous quantities of poor-quality data. While an AI model can tolerate a significant amount of poor-quality data, there is a limit. It is unrealistic to imagine a society mediated by mostly terrible communication where that same society enjoys unmolested, high-quality AI. A society must seek quality as a whole, as a shared cultural value, in order to maximize the benefits of AI. Now is the best time for the tech business to mature and develop business models based on quality.
All of this might sound daunting, but we’ve been here before. When the US government said the American public owned the airwaves so that television broadcasting could be regulated, it put in place regulations that supported the common good. The internet affects everyone, so we must devise measures to ensure that our digital-age public discourse is of high quality and includes everyone. In the television era, the fairness doctrine laid that groundwork. A similar lens needs to be developed for the internet age.
Without Section 230, recommender algorithms and the virality they spark would be less likely to distort speech. It is sadly ironic that the very statute that delivered unfathomable success is today serving the interests of our enemies by compromising America’s superpower: our multinational, immigrant-powered constitutional democracy. The time has come to unleash the power of the First Amendment to promote human free speech by giving Section 230 the respectful burial it deserves.
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kdinjenzen · 9 months
Anything you want to infodump about? Like some obscure detail in a piece of media that drives you insane? Good or bad?
I feel like I ferociously gnaw on the drywall every single day holding in my explosion of thoughts on the fact that the entertainment and gaming industries have hidden the talents of amazing people from all walks of life in favor of propping up White Cis Het folks and letting those folks take credit for the creation and work of marginalized people.
The idea that, continually, so many people just DO NOT CARE about casting appropriately and will just be happy a character "IS" something and disregard that they are not PORTRAYED BY someone who also "IS" - OR the fact that people will just accept a headcanon as true representation and cut the fucking heels out from under ACTUAL representation because "the character isn't conventionally attractive" or "waifu bait" or whatthefuckever.
And the fact that people think Voice Actors get paid a lot of money... when in reality it's DIRT PAY for most projects and people blow out their voices constantly and push themselves so hard just to be able to pay rent.
Do you know how many voice actors, myself included, are BARELY scarping by? 99%. Almost ALL of us. Aside from the folks who are now super-stars in the medium, everyone is struggling. Even if they are getting cast regularly, they STILL are barely able to keep their heads above water.
Some of them STARTED as great ideas with heart and passion, and then COMPANY comes in and is like "let's rob children"
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sonofjeddah · 4 months
Thank You, Peter Cullen, from Saudi Arabia
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On December 17, voice actor Peter Cullen received Life Time Achievement Award from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) for his contributions towards character development through voice acting
He is a legend for every Transformers fan out there (including me and many like me in Saudi Arabia) for being the voice of Optimus Prime. He has been the voice of the Autobot leader since the time when Hasbro partnered with Marvel to produce Transformers content in the form of comics and animated series (with Sunbow Productions)
Transformers' Saudi fandom first came across their content in 1989 as a VHS 📼 (sold by Almansour Video). The title of it was:
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This was a pivotal moment. Not only were the kids introduced to one of Hasbro's most successful franchises but they would also learn that sometimes, even the good guys end up dead in their quest for justice and freedom. The scenes of Optimus Prime's death in this feature shook the kids down to the core. I still get teary-eyed when I see Prime on his deathbed saying:
"Do not grieve. Soon...I will be one with the Matrix"
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This scene and the dialogues within, the conveying of emotions by Peter Cullen made the kids fans of Optimus for decades to come. But this wasn't the first time kids in Saudi Arabia came across Cullen's work
In 1979, a Hanna Barbera animated series slowly made its way to Saudi TV around 1982 and continued till '85. The series was Mighty Man and Yukk, a story of a superhero and his ugly dog (weird plot, I know) and in it, Peter Cullen and his long-time colleague, as well as friend Frank Welker, were the main voice actors with Cullen being Mighty Man while Welker being Yukk. Suffice it to say that it was one of the most popular animated series in the country but we never paid attention to credits since we were mostly school-going kids in KG or Primary at max
But what it did was introduce us to Cullen's voice acting before we actually came to know his name later in life
While today's generation of Millenials to Gen Z might know him from the latest Transformers productions in Hollywood, on Netflix, or video games, we the 80s fandom will always remember Peter Cullen for Mighty Man and Transformers, even though his body of work goes back to Sonny and Cher show and covers even children's features like Winnie the Pooh in which he voiced Eeyore
I hope one day we get to host him in Jeddah
FUN FACT: Peter Cullen is also the voice behind Ironhide in the Transformers G1 animated series
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