#also it's so good to hear them talk in portuguese
dacchamp · 1 year
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Okay, so with Quackity Studios tweeting about adding new people and the need for tolerance and patience with people who don't speak English, let's just take a second and have a chat about what that's gonna look like.
First: you will hear things or read things on the translator that hurt or offend you.
This is inevitable. Do not immediately post about it. What you need tolerance for is hearing things that hurt or offend you and what you need patience for is figuring out of malicious intent was present or if this is a hill worth dying on right now.
As an example, we're pretty sure at this point that Korean is gonna be the next language added. The second person pronoun in Korean sounds a lot like the n-word in English. The n-word in English, if you're not aware, is like the single most offensive slur we have. It's not something that you want to hear unexpectedly. But also, if we get Koreans, they're gonna be using the word for "you" and English speakers are gonna have to be able to tolerate that.
On the other side of things, Korean has a complex system of honorifics and addressing someone without an honorific would be considered very forward and intimate at least if not very rude. None of the QSMP languages have honorifics though and only French really retains formality* so no one else is going to address them with honorifics unless they specifically explain it to people and walk them through it. That will probably be weird and uncomfortable for them and they're going to have to be able to tolerate that.
*Spanish and Portuguese do technically have formal vs informal but it's disappearing quickly in both of them.
These natural cultural clashes and pain points are going to be harder to overcome since we also know that at least some of these creators won't speak English at all so they can't just switch to English to helpfully explain things to us easily in a way we understand. We're going to have to deal.
So here's the thing: just because there can be cultural miscommunications and mistranslations, that doesn't mean that people can't also be assholes. How do you distinguish between the two?
Step One: Assume good faith. Assume that everyone in a given encounter is trying to communicate respectfully and compassionately and that a failure to do so can be overcome
Step Two: Don't get involved. Especially not in Twitch Chat. Two or more people trying to communicate through a language barrier does not get easier when they're also trying to wrangle hostile viewers.
Step Three: Are you sure you heard what you thought you heard or saw what you thought you saw? Did the translator fuck up? Is it a word that just coincidentally happens to sound like another word? If this is the case, the streamers can ask for clarification or use another tool and get it cleared up. Keep watching and see if they do.
Step Four: If they did say what you thought they said, are the streamers handling it? We had a thing a while back where Bad called some friends, including Bagi and Etoiles, uncultured because they didn't get a reference he was making and Etoiles was like "bro I'm French" and Bad apologized. That should have been the end of it, but I had to see people arguing about it for weeks. The problem was solved in 10 seconds.
Step Five: If the person is doubling down, are you sure this is something you can fix by yelling about it on Twitter or Tumblr? Would it be better to let people who actually know them talk to them behind the scenes? Pierre made a few missteps in the beginning of the server, Quackity said they had a chat, Pierre hasn't misstepped since. It's just easier to sort things out in private, one on one conversation than yelling at someone in public.
In short: it's fine to take note of behavior in case patterns start to emerge in it, but yelling on social media about how so and so is the worst person possible is not constructive.
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brairslair · 5 months
op monster trio x fem!reader nsfw headcanons
EVERYONE IS 18+ (minors need to scram)
a/n: remember, these are hc’s and just my opinion!
don’t forget to like, reblog, and comment to support my work! mwah <3
“just enjoy this”
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very talkative and vocal during sex
always just says whats on his mind
“wow, you’re so wet for me already”
“you look so pretty when your face scrunches up like that”
“that feels good. go faster”
not shy at all about moaning and can get really loud sometimes
like there will definitely be noise complaints
kinda a pleasure dom, but can also get really needy sometimes
wants to make sure you feel just as good as he does
“does that feel good?”
“how’s this?”
“you like it when i do that?”
loves bringing food into the bedroom (obviously)
aphrodisiacs? yes
licking whipped cream, hot fudge, caramel, etc, off your body? yuh huh
and his stamina is HIGH
he also gets really excited about trying new things, and will try pretty much anything once if it’s something you’re into
one of his favorites is mirror sex
spreading you out on his fingers or his dick and making sure you watch yourself
he just wants you to see the beautiful view that he gets to see
plus then he gets double of you, and more you is always good
loves when you get vocal, so if you’re on the shyer side he will definitely work overtime so he gets to hear you
will make it a game to see how loud he can get you
he also speaks portuguese bc it makes sense and also i said so !!!!
sometimes his language setting accidentally switches to portuguese when he’s fucked out
“vou meter em você ate você gritar meu nome”
goes crazy when you say his name
even crazier when you get so cockdrunk that you start babbling nonsense
honestly he can’t help but laugh
like full on belly laughing like a maniac while he’s breaking your brain
but he just thinks you’re the cutest and he can’t contain himself
sometimes he’ll have a conversation with you while you’re in that state, acting like he can understand anything you’re saying
“feels good huh?”
you’ll whine out something indecipherable in response
“yeah i know!”
he’s always happy if you tell him what you want and how you’re feeling
because he just loves you so much and he wants you to enjoy it too
because he thinks you deserve the world
can also get pretty dominant/demanding sometimes without even realizing it, just because he’s so blunt
he’s just a man who knows what he wants and goes for it
if he’s especially needy, he gets a little more rough with you
holding your hair as he fucks your mouth, because your eyes look so pretty when you look up at him like that
or fucking you hard and fast to chase his own release, leaving bruises on your hips from how tightly he’s gripping them
even then, he’ll always do frequent check ins to make sure you’re still enjoying it
messy kisser
loves kissing and licking and nibbling all over your body
definitely leaves marks
he’s also not shy about PDA, (mostly because he does not understand the social construct of what is and is not appropriate to do in public), so he loves when he gets to see his love marks on you the next day
thinks u look rly pretty with his love all on you
he’s really good with his mouth
could eat you out for hours, and wont stop until your whole body is shaking
big fan of face sitting
definitely more of a tits guy
always smiling into your kisses, wether he’s sweetly kissing your lips, leaving a trail down your body, or teasing your clit
loves to make you squirm, so edging you is definitely fun for him
he likes seeing you be all needy for him, especially since he’s usually the needier one (can you blame him)
definitely also challenges himself to see how many times he can make you cum in one day, and keeps track of his records
really enjoys using his devil fruit powers on you too, and laughs in excitement when it makes your eyes roll back
always gets you both water and plenty of snacks afterwards, falling into a comfortable conversation or putting on your favorite movie
you’re the only person he feels comfortable enough to be this vulnerable with, and he trusts you with his life
you are always his number one priority, no matter what, and that naturally carries over into your sex life
he’s extremely attentive to you, in and out of the bedroom
knows your body better than he knows his own
always knows exactly what you need and just how to make your eyes roll back
he’s a “just relax and let me take care of you” kind of guy, and all he cares about is making you feel good
after all, you always make him feel good, even without doing a single thing
but of course he soaks in anything and everything you graciously give him
he quietly feels undeserving of your love, so he’s really big on being praised
your sweet words only spur him on to make you cum even harder
usually more of a soft dom
but if you ask nicely, sometimes he’ll let you take care of him when you know he needs to just relax
he’s gentle with his strength and careful not to hurt you
likes to fuck you hard but slow, wanting it to last as long as possible
he lives to hear your pretty noises of overstimulation as he makes sure to hit the right spots with every agonizing thrust
your legs held over his shoulders so you can feel every inch of him
doesn’t pick up his pace, even when you’re trembling and trying to move your hips against his
“i’ve got you. just enjoy this”
not super talkative, but definitely gets more vocal the more comfortable he gets being intimate with you
lots of grunts and groans against your neck
sometimes an occasional moan or curse will slip out
when he does talk, it’s soft and low, whispered for only your ears to hear
his voice gets a little deeper when he’s like this, and it grounds you and shakes you to your core somehow at the same time
he loves kissing you, and pouring every feeling he can’t put into words onto your lips
rly likes watching your face to see every pretty little expression you make
likes seeing how good he’s making you feel
also really big on eye contact
wether he’s fingering you, eating you out, fucking you, you’re giving him head, whatever, he wants to look into your eyes and watch them as they get all glassy
“hey, look at me. keep your eyes open”
a little bit into dacryphilia , because it feels so intimate to him
making you feel so overwhelmed with pleasure that it brings you to tears, then kissing all your tears away as you fall apart for him
he’s also really good with his fingers because of how much dexterity he’s built up in his hands from all those years of swordsmanship training
the reason he also has insane stamina ^
if you get bratty with him he’ll get bratty back (he’s a part of the sassy man apocalypse)
sometimes if you’re being particularly bratty, or when he gets cocky after a really good training session, he can get a little more riled up into being more talkative and commanding
but he still never loses that softness, because to him you’re angel on earth, and his love and adoration for you is overflowing
“if you’re that needy, just ask for it. don’t need to make a fuss”
“that’s it, keep going”
“go ahead, you can let go for me”
“tell me what you want me to do and i’ll do it, but you have to use your words”
if he’s feeling really confident, he might pin you against his surface of choice while he ruts into you, licking into your mouth to savor your taste
^ he feels guilty at first for being rough with you, but any fears of him being selfish fly out the window when he hears you moan his name all desperate and hoarse and fucked out
“you like it when im rough like this, huh?”
“what was that, honey? you gotta speak up”
“i know you’ve got one more in you, baby, don’t hold out on me”
no matter what, he always makes sure you cum at least twice before he does
he’s not super into pda, but he secretly loves when you leave marks on him
especially when you scratch up his back or his chest
they feel like battle scars and make him feel all proud and shit
he’ll “discreetly” show them off walking around topless, but he’ll still glare at anyone if they make a comment about it
he also joins the pda train anytime he sees you talking to another man that isn’t a part of the crew
or any time he’s drunk off his ass ^^
thigh/ass guy
he loves feeling your body shutter and twitch from his touch
he doesn’t smile too often, but you sometimes get lucky enough to see it
he’ll hold your jaw up and smile lazily into your sweet kisses while he fucks you deep with his fingers
constantly longs to show his devotion to you, and takes his time to make sure you feel it
lots of sleepy and lazy sex
also shower/bath sex
he lives to hear your sweet sounds
he will not stand for it if you try to hide your pretty little noises from him
“c’mon, don’t do that. let me hear you”
“don’t get all shy on me now”
“there’s my girl”
he’ll always put a pillow under your hips
he likes to wrap his arms around your waist to pull you as close to him as possible
he also just finds it really hot when you arch your back
he’ll fuck you so good that you genuinely cannot stand after he’s finished with you
then he’ll run you both a warm bath, hold you to his chest, and wash off your body and your hair as you both relax into the comfortable silence
worships the ground you walk on (seriously considered starting a religion)
loves to be romantic and set the mood
cooking you both a nice intimate dinner, lighting candles, peppering rose petals, giving you massages, etc etc
but once you guys actually start getting intimate, he cannot WAIT to get his hands on you
but he still respects you and treats you like a fucking queen, because to him you are
not an exaggeration by any means either, he will build you a throne
he asks permission before kissing you
won’t touch you unless you give him permissiom
will do or say genuinely anything you ask him to, no questions asked
but will also pathetically rut his hips against your clothed cunt while you make out and cum in his pants if you allow it
he can get rock hard just at the sight of you
not even in a pervy way, it’s just that you’re sooo sexy and everything you do is like his siren song
definitely a sub
loves receiving, and feels blessed with every ounce of pleasure you grant him
but making you feel good gives him just as much pleasure, because he worships you after all
knowing he’s the one making you feel good really gets him going
he’ll worship your body for HOURS with no expectations to receive anything in return
he can get off untouched just by knowing he’s making you feel good
loves eating you out, and is extremely talkative
more than willing to be on his knees for you at any time
loves praising you (of course) and is always eager to encourage you
“you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen”
“you taste so sweet, mon amour”
“want you to cum so badly, sweetheart”
“please let me help you come undone my love”
he loves when you praise him too
however, he also goes crazy when you get a little mean
likes it when you use him for your own pleasure after a restless night or a frustrating mission
or when you edge him for hours as punishment for making a flirtatious comment towards another woman (atp he only does it to get this result)
he is also not beneath begging !
sucker for romance during sex too
loves holding your hand while he makes you see stars or while you let him use your mouth
kissing all over you while you both fall apart
babbling and whining against your lips about how much he loves you
loves when you mark him up, and will proudly show them off
practically gets heart eyes every time he looks at you, but his eyes are BULGING when he sees your perfect tits
loves sucking on them while you ride him
very cheesy and dramatic lines and pet names, but they all come straight from his heart and he means every single word
really likes it when you pull his hair
definitely whimpers and whines and moans your name like a prayer
says “thank you” when you let him cum because he’s so polite
probably has a breeding kink
definitely has low stamina at the beginning of your relationship and doesn’t last very long, but builds it up over time
still makes sure you’re more than fully satisfied even if he’s already finished
would let you tie him up, blindfold him, gag him, whatever you want, and he would enjoy the fuck out of every second
he would still complain and whine about not being able to touch/see/praise you a bit though
super passionate kisser
also always extremely sensitive, because it’s you
lots of cuddles and kisses and sweet words after the two of you are done until you fall asleep with your limbs tangled
asks are open!
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deadqueerboys · 6 months
Kiss me, you know they'll love it!
Headcanons: Kissing them on stream.
Pairing: Wilbur x Reader, Tubbo x M! Reader, Quackity x Reader. (Separate).
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Wilbur Soot:
First of all, he knew what he was doing. It was just a normal minecraft stream. This got him kinda bothered after a while. And he knew what he had to do to take this bother out of him.
Wilbur says to chat: "Holy.. oh, fuck.. i'm going to the bathroom guys, i'll be right back." He pretends he mutes and turns off the camera, we know he's a good actor.
He calls you, and since the moment you enter the room, he stairs at you with puppy eyes. You ask him why he is looking at you like that, Wilbur just smiles and places his hands on your waist, pulling you closer.
"Will.. aren't they seeing it?"
Wilbur simply doesn't care. He didn't node or deny it. He just got up and put his hands on your cheeks, kissing you passionately.
Chat goes crazy! A lot of people freaking out, they didn't even know he was dating someone.
After he does it, he also pretends to turn the camera and mic on so he can see everybody going crazy again.
"I'm back chat.. did I lose something?" He asked with a smirk.
It's a late night stream, not a qsmp one, just a normal and chaotic as usual. Tubbo is doing something on his laptop. It's been a while since he's all quiet. Worried, you knocked on the door, calling him;
"Hi babe, what u doing?"
He explains to you something that doesn't matter how much he says, you'll never understand. When he looks at you, his eyes shine, making a dumb but cute smile.
"What? Don't look at me like that dickhead.." You ask, in seconds, he's stood up, hugging you, making you stay closer to him before he kept giving you kisses.
It's so lovely!!!!!
"Stop being mean with me. You're literally my boyfriend!" He giggles and finally kisses you on the lips, a very calm kiss for his natural exited way of being.
"So.. is this camera on?" "Oh.. shit."
He doesn't really care. If you're weak or shorter than him, he gonna take you on his lap, he kept giving you kisses until he get tired, which never happens, or until some giftsub appear on the stream he notices that or he turn the stream off or he let you go.
Now that people know you guys are dating, he'll make sure to bring you sometimes to make a stream with him, always being clingy.
If somebody on the chat flirts with you, he'll be pissed off, not just pissed off, but.. wow. He started to complain about it all the time. Even out of live, he's not the jealous type, but God, he's offended!
He doesn't care.
"Oh, but they'll see us and.." Stfu. He. Doesn't. Care.
Quackity puts you on his lap while streaming, giving you a tight hug.
Small kisses around your cheeks and neck.
Arms are always around you.
He does the possible for talking in your language, so if it is English that cracked fucked up voice comes out, whispering nasty things on your ear.
And, as you guys know, some even more nasty things for you if you speak spanish or portuguese.
I can imagine a pretty "Ah, é? Você sentiu falta de mim hoje..? Eu tenho certeza que posso fazer você se sentir melhor.." In portuguese while he bites the your ear, slowly and teasy.
Or a simple "Mhm, te ves tan bien usando esa ropa, apuesto a que te gustaría verme besarte a través de ella." Coming from him with an innocent smile.
And again, "What if they hear it?" He. Doesn't. Care.
He cares only about you and you feeling good receiving cuddles from him.
Normally, the chat is accustomed to it, just saying things like;
"Come on, man!!!"
"Please, Quackity, can we keep going with the stream?"
"Oh, well, we're losing him.."
He smiles and gives you a big kiss before letting you go. He stayed in a good mood for the rest of the night.
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detailtilted · 6 months
Direct link.
Have you ever watched those really old J2 convention videos and alternated between laughing and groaning because they're so funny, but half the time you can't understand what they're saying and the video is so grainy?
I decided to make an attempt at creating an "Enhanced Edition" of the old CHICON 2007 J2 Breakfast videos. The original videos aren't mine; credit and links are provided in the video description on YouTube.
The video description on YouTube has more details about the "enhancements", but here's a shorter summary:
Somewhat improved video quality. It looks a little weird at the beginning, but it gets better. The video thumbnail seen above is an actual frame from the video.
Added small and (mostly) subtle content to explain some of their references, some of which are way more funny when you understand the context.
Added good English subtitles, which can be turned on or off using the CC button. They're color-coded by speaker, which is especially helpful since they often talk at the same time.
The original video had Portuguese subtitles burned in. I blurred these out, which doesn't look great, but I felt it was less distracting than leaving them in-tact. Otherwise, it was a mess if the new subtitles were turned on and you had subtitles layered on top of subtitles. They were also distracting even if the new subtitles were turned off.
I'd love to hear what you think. If you enjoy this, I'd also really appreciate it if you gave me a like or a reblog. This will let me know if people thought it was worth watching. If it seems to be generating some positive interest, I'd like to do more of them. It was fun, but it also took a LOT of time.
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hi beautiful bela in portuguese <3
here’s a dialogue / hc request: ways lovesick! stevie flirts with the cute, shy girl he’s falling for
oh my gosh i have so many thoughts
ok steve is a gentleman. we know this. hes very much a traditional holding the door open walking on the outside of the sidewalk type guy. but its just so adorable that he puts in that little bit of effort, even 10 years into your relationship
but like the doors. always opening your door for you. sometimes even bowing if hes feeling enthusiastic or just wants to embarrass you
always pulls your chair out and helps you in. and he doesnt know how nice that is, but you do.
he also loves gift giving
he buys you things. never lets you pay for anything. and sure the necklaces are beautiful and all but your favorites are the pretty rocks he picks up on the way to see you, an old sweater of his grandmothers that he thought youd look beautiful in, an extra bottle of water in his car so youre always hydrated, little things that show you how steve he is.
hes a charmer. duh. we know this. he knows how to talk to women. or honestly just people in general. but he loves using his little talent on you.
like brushing your hair behind your ear while you talk because it makes you blush. every. single. time.
but whats really the best is his compliments. because you know he means them. hes so kind.
“you look beautiful”
“that color is pretty on you”
“you know, youre so funny, and like smart. you always light up whatever room youre in”
“i just love the way you see the world.”
“your brain is just so like- its so pretty. i love how you think”
“your essay is like- so good. youre so good at that. yknow i never really was good at writing and stuff. but like this is great.”
“your music taste is so nice, it suits you.”
“you always make my brain feel like -agh- you just make me feel all warm and cozy and fuzzy.”
OH! and hes also the most caring person ever. especially with you. he learns how to read your face. learns the little signals you give when your nervous. learns what turns you on. learns what makes you blush. learns what scares you. learns how to calm you down. hes just so loving. he is love. he loves loving.
if you look sad or anxious he’ll give you a gentle “hey, you okay?”
or maybe youre just getting overstimulated and anxious. and he can see it on your face and how youre breathing.
“lets go outside, yeah? you want to go outside? i know, i know, shhh. youre okay baby. youre okay.”
maybe youre about to cry. youre speed walking to an empty room so you can cry, and steve lets you get there. but then follows you instantly. knocking gently on the door and saying your name
“y’ok? can i come inside doll?” “hey, hey i know. whats wrong dove? hey, breathe. cmon, breathe with me,ive got you. y’want a hug?”
and he gives the nicest hugs. big, warm hugs that he loves so much. he loves hugs with his whole heart. makes him feel so loved and cared for. loves feeling your body in his arms. and so of course you instantly wrap your arms around his chest. hes warm and strong. he has an arm around your back, and the other cradling your head by his neck and chest. having you hear his heartbeat and mimic his breathing to calm you down.
hes just so attentive to you. he enjoys it.
and he definitely notices how you look at him. i mean no, at first he was oblivious. poor boy has about three brain cells all working together and doesnt really think someone could like him, let alone love him.
but once he does figure it out, hes relentless.
he sees how you look at his arms. so he starts rolling his sleeves up. making you stare and he just giggles a little.
sees how you look at his hands. so he does more with them. holding things for you. fixing things for you. putting on bracelets for you while he feels your pulse speed up.
and god when he notices the way you look at his bulge hes so smug.
he knows its big. he knows its nice. and he knows you want it. his favorite game is to look up at you and watch your face turn red while you pretend you werent looking.
he stretches and his happy trail shows beneath his shirt. and youre literally just entranced. hes trying to continue a conversation but you are just blankly staring at the little trail of hair. he stops talking until you notice, looking up at him. hes grinning. smug as ever. this time he knows you know he caught you. he just raises his eyebrows at you for a second, and then continues talking while you freak out internally and get unreasonably hot.
also this isnt flirting per say, but he definitely gets caught by eddie and robin staring at your boobs or ass at least three times a week. he gets so grumpy about it. he doesnt mean to, he just cant help it. you look too pretty. but of course he will never ever make a sexual move first. youre going to have to ask him for it if you ever want it.
hes just overall the sweetest man in the world. hes adorable.
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
No question. Just rant. I love your page. And sorry for chaotic story time vibes, but I don't think I'd realised how crazy this anti-catalan thing really is until I travelled to southern Spain. My Spanish is not great, but I took a course in Catalan in high school (long story on why this was available in my city but it also included a human tower party at the end and it was brilliant even tho I almost died) so when talking to people I casually threw in some Catalan words to help my Spanish. I am Norwegian, and I thought it was kind of like... as if someone was trying to speak Norwegian but casually threw in some Swedish to fill in the gaps. Like we would totally have joked about it, but overall we would just be grateful they really made an effort to be understood. But no. IT WAS NOT THE CASE. My host was literally offended. Like offended offended. I didn't really get it, because it's not like the Catalans have oppressed him and I'm coming here speaking the tongue of the oppressor (its kinda the opposite). But no. My host acted if I was the most ignorant person ever. He basically sat me down and explained that I have to show respect and speak castillian (or english, which was apparently fine, even if he understood about 1% of it), and then I asked if he would speak Catalan if he visited Barcelona and he said he would never visit Barcelona because he didn't like the people there. And then I said that if you hate them so much, why not throw them out of the country, get rid of them, and let them have their own state? It sounds like a win-win. And he looked as if he was gonna hit me.
Ah 😬
I wish things like this surprised me, but I have family from Andalucía and Extremadura and have friends who also have family from Andalucía, and so I've heard this and worse... It also reminded me of a few weeks ago when there was a scandal because a train in Málaga (in Andalucía, southern Spain) gave the announcements in Catalan instead of Spanish (turns out the train had been programmed in Catalonia during the COVID-19 restrictions and later moved to the Málaga train system, but for some mistake this day it was showing COVID-19 precaution in Catalan from 2020 now in 2024). It was such a scandal that it was on the news and politicians were making such a big deal of it, the PP (the most voted party in Málaga and of all Andalucía) also said it was "offensive" and that Malagans were being "laughed at" by the trains. Other errors in public transport that actually mean people can't travel in time don't get reported as much as when one train's screens tell you in Catalan to wear your facemask. 🤷
The last part of what you say, absolutely right. I never understood it either: if they really don't like us, then shouldn't they also be interested in not having anything to do with us? Why not just kick us out? I never really understood it until some years ago when I heard the words of a right-wing Spanish journalist (I think was Federico Jiménez Losantos?) who said something along the lines of "if Catalans want to leave, then leave. But Catalonia is ours." Meaning that Catalan people, individually, we can leave and migrate abroad. But the land is a possession of Spain, our homeland is their property. I think that sums up that view. It's not about being annoyed at having to share a state with a culture you despise, it's about wanting to keep domination.
I'm sorry you had this experience. Your effort to communicate should have been valued, and pulling the words you know from a language from the same linguistic family was a good idea that would have worked great, they wouldn't have found it offensive if the language you knew instead of Catalan was Italian, Portuguese, etc. Thank you very much for sharing your experience, and I hope you could enjoy the rest of your trip (Southern Spain, outside of situations like this, is a beautiful place), and I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the castells party (and didn't die in it)!
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i9messi · 11 months
I love you — Ruben Dias
Rubén is so in love with you and in the heat of the moment, he lets you know his feelings.
Word count — 831
a/n: a little suggestive but not too much. also, i had to google some portuguese dishes, sorry if I'd made a mistake
ruben's masterlist
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Ruben and you had been dating for a month and a half, the relationship was still at its starting point and yet, it was like you knew him your whole life. He was attentive, he loved to make flirty comments whenever he had the chance, and he showed his affection in ways that made your heart warm. That same night you had decided to go to a nice restaurant where they served traditional portuguese food.
Ruben was too excited that you would try the traditional food of his country, he was like a little boy who wanted to show his new toy to his friend. Except, you guys were much more than friends.
Ruben had not been able to take his eyes off you, from the moment he saw you wearing that dress he knew his pulse was frantic. Suddenly, he wanted to come back to his apartment, to have you all to himself. It was selfish thinking, but at the time, it was right thinking. In your case, you were still trying to get used to hearing him speak in his native language. There was something about the way he pronounced the words in portuguese, which made you drink from your glass of water urgently.
Your boyfriend talked to the restaurant managers and once he finished what you assumed was a friendly chat, they led you to a table. You had given Ruben all the freedom to choose the dishes, because you really had no idea of any of them. You were a little nervous about what you were going to eat, but you trusted your partner’s selection.
"If you make me eat something disgusting, I’ll get even."
Rubén smiled at you, "As much as your way of getting revenge sounds interesting to me, I promise I chose food you’ll like."
A few minutes later, the dishes finally arrived. You looked at the plate with your eyes wide open.
"What is this? What's its name?"
"Francesinha. I hope you like it."
Ruben helped you cut the Francesinha and you took the fork to your mouth. His eyes looked at you expectantly, waiting for your approval. The taste came to your taste buds, filling your mouth with flavor.
"Uhm, this is very good."
"Try this too, it’s called Bacalhau à Brás."
Everything was delicious and with each new dish, Ruben told you the names and told you what ingredients it had. You felt the heat build up in your body every time you heard him speak in his native language. He must have noticed the way you were looking at him, because he smiled at you. A sassy smile.
"Remind me to take you to Portugal, I can’t wait to introduce you to my country."
"Will you be my tour guide?"
"Among other things, yes."
"Well, I am a lucky person, I'll have an excellent and attractive tour guide. It will be difficult to focus on the view."
To be honest, Ruben was the view you cared most about.
He laughed, "And I'll have a beautiful tourist I long to kiss all the time."
"I don’t think that’s very professional of you."
He winked at you and you both continued eating from your plates. Once you finished your meals, your boyfriend took you to his apartment. You were entering his house when his hands went to your cheeks and he kissed you desperately. You were as desperate as him. Ruben pushed you to the armchair in the living room, where you climbed into his lap and continued kissing him.
"Do you think I didn’t notice the way you blushed when I spoke portuguese?"
You giggled, "Were you doing it on purpose?"
"Provoking you is my purpose in life, I love to see you all desperate and blushing. You should know by now."
"Ruben..." he didn’t let you keep talking, he just kissed you and you forgot what you had to tell him.
Everything your boyfriend did was on purpose, sometimes he would walk around his apartment when you were there showing off his abdomen, knowing in advance that his muscles and entire body made you think of improper things.. Ruben Dias loved to provoke you.
"Eu te amo."
It wasn’t hard for you to understand what those words meant. Ruben had told you that he loved you. He had said it so lightly that he himself had not noticed. You stepped out of his mouth and took a breath, your heart was beating frantically and you didn’t know if it was from those kisses, or the fact that your boyfriend had told you that he loved you.
"Ruben..." it was the first time he said those words.
"What did you just say?"
You just needed to confirm what you had heard.
Rubén noticed his words and, regardless of the nerves in his stomach, smiled and came to steal you a kiss.
"I said I love you."
"You do?"
"I do. I love you so much."
You smiled, "Eu te amo, Rubén."
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
Hello! I'm also Brazilian and I saw your profile! And I just loved it!! I think it's really good how people like you see works and create such good theories about them! ( I'm just writing this in English because I want other people to see it 😅 )
So, I have a question if you don't mind... you know, in chapter 86, in our couple's kiss, moments before they kiss, we have this scene:
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When I saw this, of course I freaked out, but, thinking about it, I didn't really understand why. Like, is he smelling her?? Why did he do it so suddenly?? (I NEED ANSWERS!!) Anyway-
Feel completely free to ignore this if you don't want to or if you're feeling uncomfortable. OK? Thank you very much anyway 😊
Yeeeey! I'm very happy, another Brazilian hahaha I'm glad you found me, I'm really happy >.< I understand perfectly haha and thank you for asking the question in English so that everyone can understand, I'll put the answer in English and in Portuguese for you, ok? If you want, you can skip to the Portuguese part :3 (Note: I will only include images in the English part)
About your question, oh, this moment. Hanako hadn't seen Yashiro in a long time, you and I know very well how much he likes physical touch and how much he touched her so often, imagine that he was missing that, her touch, her voice, her smell.
So when the two of them finally finished talking about the whole situation Hanako created, Yashiro gave him the chance to talk about how he was feeling, he's not one to talk, you know, he likes to do.
He says he thought he would never see her again, because I imagine he thought it impossible for her to do what she did. Then, Yashiro appeared, saved him from Teru and told she loved him. When would he imagine that she would do that for him? He found her again, and she did all of this for him in the process.
Then Hanako couldn't contain himself any longer, he hugged her, like he hadn't done in a long time, he got closer, looked into her eyes and confessed that he was happy to see her again, happy that she did all that to see him again, so Hanako scene you sent.
He hugs her with so much tenderness, you can see it in the expression in his eyes, a hug that screams the whole time "I missed you" all these feelings, the longing, the surprise, the happiness and the love, are present in this hug. Hanako said he loves "everything" about her, so her scent might be included haha
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The sweet innocence of discovery, the first love of a boy who no longer knew how to understand his own feelings, or understood but didn't accept. Emotions overwhelm him, he could no longer contain himself.
He's thorough when he starts touching her again. He hugged her from behind to tell her how he felt and then, "What's wrong with me?" he said, trying to understand this new and intense feeling that he knew for the first time, his eyes show desire and happiness.
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I can hear his voice panting as he speaks these words, he was no longer holding back, after assuming that something was different, he hugs her, you can see him pulling her towards him, everything about her was a delight. The skin, the voice, the smell, the touch, he said it all, didn't he? He buried his face into her shoulder, "she's really here"
He delicately intertwines his fingers with hers, almost like a symbol of unity, then he looks her in the eyes as Nene kisses his hand, they maintain this eye contact as if he is asking for permission to kiss her, and then, the kiss.
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He was taking in every detail he could when he met her again, as if he couldn't believe that she was there and that he could touch her again like he used to, but it seems like our boy couldn't take it like he used to, can't he?
This moment of reunion between them was very well crafted. Hanako is not a boy who likes to talk about how he feels, he usually shows it with actions (even if against his will) he is very expressive so pay close attention to the way he acts. This scene shows how much he missed her, her touch, her look and every detail of her Hahahaha he almost cried with happiness. He didn't need to say a word for us to understand that, did he?
So the answer to your question is, he was hugging her and loving everything about her at that moment, everything hahaha
I hope that you enjoyed! Thanks for the ask ♡
Answer in Portuguese | Resposta em português
Yeeey! eu estou muito feliz, mais um brasileiro hahaha que bom que você me encontrou, eu estou realmente feliz >.< Eu entendo perfeitamente haha e obrigado por fazer a pergunta em inglês para que todos possam entender, eu vou colocar a resposta em inglês e em português pra você, ok? Se quiser pode pular para a parte em português :3 (Obs. vou colocar imagens apenas na parte em inglês)
Sobre a sua pergunta, ah, esse momento. Hanako não via Yashiro fazia um bom tempo, eu e você sabemos bem o quanto ele gosta de toque físico e o quanto ele tocava nela com tanta frequência, imagine que ele estava sentindo saudades disso, do toque, da voz, do cheiro dela.
Então, quando eles dois finalmente terminam de conversar sobre toda situação que Hanako criou, Yashiro deu a ele a chance dele falar como ele estava se sentindo, ele não é de falar, você sabe, ele gosta de fazer.
Ele diz que achava que nunca mais a veria, porque imagino que ele tenha considerado impossível que ela fizesse o que ela fez. Então, Yashiro apareceu, o salvou do Teru e disse que o amava. Quando ele imaginaria que ela fosse fazer isso por ele? Ele a reencontrou, e ela fez tudo isso por ele no processo.
Então Hanako não conseguiu mais se conter, ele a abraçou, como há tempos não fazia, se aproximou mais, olhou em seus olhos e confessou que estava feliz que em reencontrá-la, feliz que ela fez tudo aquilo para revê-lo, então a cena que você mandou.
Ele a abraça com tanta ternura, você consegue ver na expressão de seus olhos, um abraço que grita o tempo inteiro "eu senti sua falta" todos esses sentimentos, a saudade, a surpresa, a felicidade o amor, estão presentes nesse abraço. Hanako disse que ama "tudo" nela, então o cheiro dela pode estar incluso haha
A doce inocência da descoberta, o primeiro amor de um garoto que não sabia mais como entender seus próprios sentimentos, ou entendia mas não aceitava. As emoções o dominam, ele não conseguiu mais se conter.
Ele é minucioso quando começa a tocá-la novamente. A abraçou por trás, para falar como se sentia e logo em seguida, "O que há de errado comigo?" disse ele, tentando entender esse sentimento novo e intenso que ele conhecia pela primeira vez, seus olhos mostram o desejo e a felicidade.
Eu consigo ouvir a voz dele ofegante enquanto fala essas palavras, ele não estava mais se contendo, depois de assumir que algo estava diferente ele a abraça, você consegue ver ele puxando ela para si, tudo nela era um deleite. A pele, a voz, o cheiro, o toque, ele disse tudo, não disse? Ele afundou o rosto no ombro dela, "ela está realmente aqui"
Ele delicadamente entrelaçar seus dedos nos dela, quase como um símbolo de união, então, ele a olhou nos olhos enquanto Nene beijava sua mão, eles mantêm esse contato visual como se ele estivesse pedindo permissão para beijá-la, e então, o beijo.
Ele estava apreciando cada detalhe que podia quando a reencontrou, como se não estivesse acreditando que ela estava ali e que ele podia tocá-la novamente como costumava fazer, mas parece que nosso garoto não conseguiu mais aguentar como antes, não é mesmo?
Esse momento de reencontro entre eles foi muito bem trabalhado. Hanako não é um garoto que gosta de falar como se sente, ele costuma demonstrar com ações (mesmo que contra a vontade dele) ele é muito expressivo então preste bem atenção na forma como ele age. Essa cena mostra o quão ele sentia saudades dela, do toque, do olhar e de cada detalhe nela Hahahaha por muito pouco ele quase chorou de felicidade. Ele não precisou dizer uma palavra para entedermos isso, não é mesmo?
Então, a resposta da sua pergunta é, ele a estava abraçando e amando tudo nela naquele momento, tudo. Hahaha
Espero que tenha gostado! Obrigado pelo ask ♡
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marksbear · 1 year
Hello! How are you? I’m that anon who asked if you wrote for Richard Madden, that was a long time ago and I’ve thought long and hard about this. I’m finally ready to make a request!
May I please request a Richard Madden x Male Reader, where Richard has low-key a crush on him?
The male reader is a writer (more of a historian), Richard has all his books and has a nerdy heart, he finds the Male reader‘s REALLY hot. He never fails to praise the male reader and his accomplishments whenever he’s asked who his celebrity crush is (which isn’t a surprise for those who know him). His co-stars also tease him a lot about it.
They have never met in parson (not for Richard’s lack of trying. They finally meet on a talk show (rather a chat show). The male reader is there to discuss his newest book and his new documentary series. All trough out, Richard notices how the male reader is rather shy and introverted, trying to engage with him and asking him question (that he totally did not he from nerding over the male reader‘s books..), and being really attentive (complementing the male readers achievements). He even flirts quite a lot with him (which is real by he way, and the audience loves it). Maybe he even asks the male reader for a small little kiss (which he hopes to receive from the shy writer).
I just want something fluffy and flirty. With Richard maybe asking the male reader out after?
(On a totally different topic, I just read that you’re half Brazilian, can you speak Portuguese? If so; that’s awesome! It’s hard finding Portuguese speakers, I’m Portugais btw! Can I be your 🇵🇹 anon?)
Yes! Hey 🇵🇹! Nice to hear from you again my friend! Yes I speak Portuguese! It's like one of the best things I speak. 🇧🇷.
Richard Madden is smiling at the cameras on the Oscar red carpet with his co-stars next to him.
Soon enough fans in the crowd turn their attention to something else or really someone and scream and cheer. "Y/n! Over here!" "Y/n!" "Y/n please!" The crowd shouts as Y/n smiles and waves at them.
Richard couldn't help to stare in awe hopelessly smiling to himself staring at his crush from afar.
Y/n begins to sign posters and books for fans even getting into short conversations with them as well. Y/n had just won multiple Oscars like "Academy Award for Best Director,Academy Award for Best Documentary, Special Achievement Academy Award and much more
Richard's agent finally pulls Richard out of his trance pulling him to an interview.
"How are we doing tonight Richard?" The woman asks earning a sweet smile from Richard. "Doing lovely."
"Great! I gotta say I love the film. Everything about it I loved. Your acting was top tier good job on the work." "Thank you thank you." Richard thanks.
"But I gotta ask. Who do you think looks best tonight?"
"That's easy Y/n L/n. He always looks wonderful. Honestly everything about him is wonderful. His books and documentaries are so outstandingly wonderful. And great on him for winning." Richard answers without hesitation even looking around for the writer.
"Have you two ever met?" The woman asks curiously. "No not yet. But I would love to meet him. He's my biggest role model---" Before Richard could fully answer one of his co-stars from a nearby interview pokes in.
"And his biggest celebrity crush!" Earning a play shove from Richard giving them a playful glare.
"Is that true Richard?" The woman says with a smile. "Guilty. It's true he's my celebrity crush. I find him quite handsome." Richard smiles before saying his goodbyes to the woman before getting pulled away by his co-star.
Richard couldn't believe it. Just hours later from Richard gushing about Y/n now hes meeting him for the first time.
Richard is in the dressing room getting ready for about the seventh time trying to make sure he looks perfect.
While brushing his hair someone knocks on the door. "Mr Madden! You're on." Richard gives himself one more look in the mirror before getting up leaving the dressing room and walking with the assistant.
As the interviewer introduces Richard he could see Y/n already in his seat smiling at the crowd. "Richard Madden everybody!" Jimmy Fallon shouts as on cue Richard Madden walks out smiling and waving at the crowd.
Richard shakes hands with Jimmy giving him a small hello before turning to Y/n who is standing shyly looking at Richard. Richard says hello to Y/n even giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Now Jimmy is giving Richard all his attention not even asking Y/n any more questions or getting any feedback. Y/n was his own little world being the introvert he is. Of course Richard is quick to notice from not hearing his crush talk. Richard gives Y/n a few glances before finally speaking up whispering into his ear.
"Y/n are you always this cute and shy?" Earning Y/n to blush and a small smile to appear on his lips.
"Y/n. What first expired you first to start doing documentaries and writing?" Richard asks out loud this time to include Y/n in the interview.
"U-uhm. Well my first book was about the history of sharks when I was only eleven... As when I got older I started to study more and more about history then I-I started to write about the human revolution, the earth and it's entire history, space, animals, crime and prison and now my latest documentary the truth of Hollywood." Y/n rambles on cutely.
"Could you tell us more about the truth of Hollywood?" Richard asks moving his arm around Y/n's chair bringing him closer.
"Well- It's about the truth about Hollywood. Like what is Hollywood doing to all these actors and actresses controlling their everyone move like much they eat, how they talk and so much more more. It's just me voicing my concerns and just overall exposing them." Y/n says getting cheers and screams from the crowd.
"After this what is next?" Richard asks with a wink already knowing what Y/n is making next. "I'm writing a book of love. About what love is and what it means to the human race and other organisms." Y/n answers timidly.
"So basically he's making a book about us." Richard flirts earning Y/n to blush and shy away from him.
"Y/n. I honestly never imagined you to be so shy." Jimmy teases earning Y/n to be even more shy. "In your writings and documentaries you sound so confident and such a badass, but in real life you're a shy introverted guy!"
Before Y/n could respond Richard says something first. "He's a shy guy with over the three biggest Oscar nominations, worlds best writer award of the year two times in a row, five times Nobel prize winner." Richard praises the audience to roar with cheer.
"In overall he's a beautiful creative man that I think i'm in love with." Richard flirts.
For the rest of the talk show Richard is flirting with Y/n anytime he gets alongside praising him for his work.
With the interview gets to an end Richard asks Y/n one more question. "Y/n I have one more question. Could I get a small kiss?" Once those words fall out of Richard's mouth Y/n smiles uncontrollably blushing covering his face.
The audience begins to chant "kiss him!" over and over again until they get what they want and Jimmy.
Finally Y/n moves his hands away facing Richard mumbling a "fine..." Y/n and Richard move in closer and closer. Y/n is the one who closes the distance pressing a soft kiss on Richard's lips. Richard melts into the kiss for a while before pulling away with the biggest smile on his face.
Richard moves his hand onto Y/n's holding it tightly. Y/n and Richard smile at the audience. While Jimmy begins to end the show.
"And thank you to the newly couple Y/n L/n and Richard Madden everybody!"
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42bakery · 1 month
ok. as someone who has only knows motogp is a race and has only seen a few gif’s. I am now captivated but can u please tell/direct me to a primer because i am missing the LORE! with marc especially can we start there!!
Hi anon 👋👋👋👋
I'm actually the worst person to talk if you want lore from Marc. I can tell you that people say that All In and The Rookie, both documentaries about Marc are good (Didn't watch any). I can tell you to look or ask to @usermarquez or @marcsmarquez (please don't bother Emma too much, she's not having the best moment at the time) for Marc lore.
Keeping with the documentaries, @kingofthering @marquezian or @kwisatzworld (They are more Vale orientated, but Marc and Vale history sometimes interact) did a compilation of all Marc documentaries. They also post about other documentaries they watch and make gifset, so I recommend if you want to learn about the sport in general.
Another way to learn about Marc that I would recommend is looking at Box Repsol (page or YouTube) and Honda (YouTube) because they used to make riders talk about themselves and do silly challenges, which sometimes they made them relax. There's even a interview where Marc interviews himself and ask the questions journalist doesn't ask but he wants to hear.
If you want sources in general, then MotoGP did their equivalent of Drive to Survive, it's on Amazon Prime and it's called MotoGP Unlimited. They follow all riders for the 2021 season and they do it mostly chronologically and no added drama all bullshit. The only downside is that it's in their mother tongue (Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French and Portuguese (Did Taka speak in Japanese at some point?)) but includes subtitles (a bit incorrect to clean some images and to appeal the American market), but overall was good. I recommend you get used to need subtitles because those guys refuse to speak English when they are in the same room when they use Italian or Spanish to communicate with everyone (they also talk with their hands, but that's for another moment).
For general learning, there's Hitting the Apex, it's a bit old, but gives you a sense of what MotoGP is. And more recently MotoGP also did There Can Be Only One, which follows the more important riders or the ones called to fight for the tittle for the whole year. It has 2 season and can be found on MotoGP Videopass (you have to pay) or in YouTube. If you get Videopass (it's expensive, but you can watch all races all year long and races up to 2000s or maybe 1990s) you can search and find other MotoGP exclusive content.
I highly recommend for anyone to watch whatever has the DORNA seal of approval because 1) the racing scenes are directly taken from a real races and 2) DORNA likes to keep things real. No fake drama all bullshit, probably they will spin it to look wholesome.
Now if you want podcast or other sources I think I need to call Ash @motocorsas and @its-always-silly-season for that.
I'm sorry for not being able to help a lot more. If you would have asked me about Dani Pedrosa or Pedrenzo, then I'm totally your girl.
Sorry if I forgot to include any Marc expert of If I forgot something, I'm actually inviting all of you to help and guide this anon to learn about MotoGP and Marc.
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rubyroboticalt · 4 months
right so my hearing ass heard about qsmp sign languages and HOO BOY STRAP IN because i have linguistics autism level 1 and am conversational in asl. are you ready? Good.
there are a half dozen sign languages that are somehow derivative of langue des signes française, french sign, abbreviated as lsf. starting with asl, american sign language, which mr gallaudet based on lsf. i, as an asl speaker, can somewhat understand lsf videos, this is a concept called mutual intelligibility and will be important later. língua brasileira de sinais, brazilian sign, abbreviated as libras, is likely derived from portuguese sign (lgs) and lsf. okay, so that is two sign languages derived partially from lsf, taking vocab and grammar and evolving separately after splitting apart. all three, libras, asl, and lsf, have a degree of mutual intelligibility. pidgining between them is likely to be an exchange of vocab, using the most common sign between all the speakers; or whatever sign is taught to another speaker first.
there are more sign languages than just those three! asl has parented other sign languages. lengua de señas peruana, peruvian sign, abbreviated as lsp, is derived from asl. lengua de señas puertorriqueña, puerto rican sign language, abbreviated as prsl, is a derivative of asl. lengua de señas argentina, argentinian sign language, abbreviated as lsa, is also derived from asl. it will be abbreviated as lsar in this post. there is a degree of mutual intelligibility between asl and each of these three languages, though the degree varies. given that the lsf-derived sign languages also have some mutual intelligibility, it's likely that the six sign languages all have mutual intelligibility. how much will vary from language to language and speaker to speaker.
this is still not all of the connected sign languages! algeria has langue des signes algérienne, abbreviated as lsa, and as lsal in this post to distinguish from argentinian sign. seven total sign languages that are somehow derivative of lsf (thanks, colonialism), and that share a degree of mutual intelligibility.
spanish sign language, lengua de signos española, abbreviated as lse, may be related to lsf, but mutual intelligibility begins to break down between lsf-derivatives and lse. the breakdown of mutual intelligibility becomes complete with mexican sign language, lengua de señas mexicana, abbreviated as lsm. lsm does not have any mutual intelligibility with its relatives lsf and asl. this is where the pidgin begins to become unintelligible with lsf-derivatives, though lsm may share intellibility with other latam signs like lsp, libras, and prsl.
the big kicker for the qsmp signed pidgin becoming something taught, something learned from the other residents, is when you add british sign language to the mix. bsl is completely different from lsf, asl, lse, and their derivatives. it has different vocab, different grammar, different alphabet, the whole shebang. there are exactly two brits who log on frequently, and one joined late. the discrepancy in speakers between bsl and lsf-derivatives is massive. instead of contributing grammar, the pidgin likely picks up vocab from the bsl speakers, and applies it to the fairly-standard lsf-derived grammar.
of course, we must consider the eggs, who are canonically mute and literally use sign items to communicate. this is where the pidgin the adults sign becomes a creole, as a creole forms when a pidgin is the first language taught to a child. and that is where lengua de señas de qsmp becomes a creole, when it is taught to an egg to communicate.
so thats how i think the qsmp would form a pidgin sign language combining all of the signs from the countries the current islanders are from. and i havent even touched asian countries that have been teased, or korean sign because tina is korean. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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mrs-santoss · 2 years
Love at First Sight - Neymar Imagine - Chapter One
Summary: Y/N is scared to fall in love. She fell once, and it was a nightmare. She can't risk it again. But, this lucky boy manages to steal her heart, but unfortunately, manages to break it at the same time. What will Y/Ns decisions be?
I got employed as a medical team doctor for PSG, I start work today. I'm kind of nervous of what's about to happen. I think of all the possibilities, mostly negative ones. I worry if communication with the players will be an issue, because I speak good french, however, it's not my first language. I'm also fluent in English and my native language, Portuguese. I arrive at the stadium. I'm supposed to be present during daily trainings, also. I park my car and go to the main office. I check into work and grab my equipment and make my way to the field where the players are already training. The moment I step on the field, I feel eyes on me. This makes me feel so anxious and it's not helping at all. I know some of the players because I watch football, however, they all looked like strangers to me at that moment. I approach one of the coaches and introduce myself, he was expecting me. I shake his hand and smile. He begins to explain all the responsibilities I have during daily trainings. I'm supposed to monitor the healing process of the players that are injured at that time. Before I applied, I spoke to a couple of people who used to work here. They only said good things about this job, making it easier for me to decide. They told me that the players and the staff tend to be very friendly through everything. Obviously, they except you to give your best performance, but still want to keep a healthy relationship between people in that environment. After a few minutes, some players come up to me to introduce themselves and get to know me. This guy, who's face looks extremely familiar approaches me first. "Hi, I'm Neymar. Nice to meet you!" he says to me, and extends his hand. "Hello, Neymar. I'm Y/N, the new medical team assistant. Nice to meet you too!" I say back to him and I smile. He can tell my hand is shaking from the emotions, so he gives my hand a light squeeze before he releases it. "I guess you will be seeing this guy in your office a lot then. Aahahaha!" this other guy says, making everyone laugh and approaches me. "Hi, I'm Kylian. Nice to meet you, do you speak French?" he shakes my hand and asks. "Hi, Kylian. Nice to meet you too. Yes, I do." I say the last part in french. There's one last guy left to meet me from the three of them. As he's reaching to shake my hand. Neymar says to him in a low volume "she's extremely beautiful, oh,my god." in Portuguese. He responds back to him "yes, she is." and then turns his head to me and shakes my hand. "Hi, I'm Thiago. Nice to meet you" he says to me in a broken English. I shake his hand. "Hi, Thiago. Nice to meet you too. You can always talk to me in Portuguese." I say back to him and smile, I look at Neymar when I say "Portuguese" because a want to see his reaction of me understanding what he said a few seconds before. He looked shocked and started turning red immediately. Thiago starts laughing and explains the thing to a curious Kylian. The all laugh together aside from Neymar who's still a bit shocked. I hear my name being called by the team and I excuse myself from the three guys. I grab the equipment bag and hug everyone goodbye. "See you all around guys. Thank you for welcoming me" I smile and make my way to the bench. I decide to turn my head and take a quick look at the guys I left behind. Kylian was hugging Neymar from behind playfully and saying something to him while winking. I have to admit I felt butterflies. But, I can't let this distract me from my job, at least on my first day. He's cute, though. Very cute actually.
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petitteperle · 1 month
Hey guys! :)
Recently I saw a post by @zyrlovesmizu and ended up sending it to a friend saying that finally someone had done a Mizu Headcanon with the friends to lovers trope.
Especially because my oc (there's a post talking about her) uses this trope, bc honestly it's something I like🥺
My oc's story with Mizu is slightly different, and this friend encouraged me to post about it (even though I'm a little embarrassed about it)
So here we are! forgive any typos cause one: I type quickly; two: that's not my native language😭🥺 (I'm 🇧🇷, so I speak Portuguese, which is VERY different)
Achara's house was a little far from hers (Achara actually discovered that mizu is 'she' by accident), but even so, every day she climbed the hill and went to the sword forger's house.
She liked to make sure she was well groomed before going, always wanting to make a good impression. Achara looked to see if her hair was properly tied up or if her clothes were crooked or wrinkled.
She liked to go and stay with Mizu when her father wasn't home, since her mother didn't want her around.
At first, Mizu didn't like her constant visits, and didn't talk to her much. But Achara was persistent. She then started making sweets, as she always liked cooking. She would make them in the early hours of the morning so she wouldn't have to hear her mother yelling at her, the house lit by a small candlelight, and in the morning, she would take them to Mizu.
Mizu had a hard time accepting it, but Eiji never complained about the sweets that Achara brought.
Over time, she was finally able to have Mizu as a friend, she was a funny person, in Achara's view at least. But Mizu was also shy and distant, she was slow to show her nature to anyone
Achara's father was a samurai, he died by murder when she was twelve, just a year after she met Mizu. Achara was left alone with her mother, who was reluctant to marry again.
"— It's hot today, right? Do you like the smell of the sea air? I don't like. But you must like it, right? You practically live in water. You must think you're a fish, if I were a fish, I'd be a sardine, or a Koi- Achara rambles, Mizu doesn't respond. Sometimes Mizu would do that, let her talk and not respond. Achara never knows whether or not she's paying attention, but she wanted to take her mind off her father's death, so she started talking again. — I prefer to think I'm a Koi, because they're cute, and sardines aren't, or at least not as cute as Koi. Do you think I would be a Koi? Answer yes. - Achara vibrates. — Hmhum, yes, yes.-Mizu agrees. — I think so too, see? We think alike!"
Yeah... That's all for now. Sorry for any historical inconsistencies
kisses kisses
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celticbotanart · 1 month
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to some of your favorite mutuals 💌
I was tagged by @sideadde, thank you so much!! Sid tagged me on my personal blog but I'll just go ahead post this here since it's a music post - this blog has been pretty dead too as I mentioned on my previous post, so this is a good way of posting SOMETHING here, at least. SO, I dont have a favorite-FAVORITE playlist, so I'll just use this opportunity to activate my Brazilian music playlist - accurately named "Tropical Gothic" bc our music is very fun and lively but also a lot of them is more melancholic than y'all from outside might think kkkkkk
Let's do this!
Milton Nascimento - Peixinhos do Mar ("Little Fishes in the Sea")
Starting strong! The song seems to be an adaptation from folk music and it shows - he says "Who taught me how to swim / It was, oh sailor, it was the little fishes in the sea", which is very whimsical. Then, it goes on and it also mentions how Portuguese came from overseas to Brazil, "bringing gunpowder, lead and bullets, we want to fight wars". You see what they did here, lol
2. Zé Ramalho ft Belchior - Garoto de Aluguel ("Rentboy")
This one is a huge favorite of mine djkfhdjhgf It goes HARD on the tango, accordion and all, it's just SO good. Zé Ramalho and Belchior (and Milton from the previous track) are like... legends, they are incredibly important figures to the brazilian music history, especially Milton and Belchior, really. I highly recommend going for their stuff if you're interested in more MPB ("Brazilian Popular Music" in Eng)! The song itself, it's literally what it says on the tin lol. It's about this prostitute guy and how he goes on with his life. This one might or might not be in my OC Cassie's playlist kdjfhkdf
3. Nana Caymmi - Flor da Noite ("Night Flower")
Jfc, this one. So atmospheric, and Nana's voice is very deep and smooth. And the fucking strings in this arrangement???? Iconic and gorgeous AF. It talks about someone reminiscing far into the night about past events, especially about a love that ended long ago. She keeps saying that if the person she loves meets someone else, than her former lover shouldn't talk to this new person about the past, and what's gone. It's such a beautiful song ahhh <3 3. Casa de Caba - Cílio ("Eyelash")
Oh dang, it's another Brazilian Sea Shanty time! Or at least, that's how I see this one, with all the instruments they use and the vibes. He starts mentioning a bunch of imagery to tell us the character singing is tough and is here to fuck with people in ways they WILL dislike, lol, such as "I'm the eyelash falling in your eye, an eye that cannot see", "An ugly, poorly-made ceramic pot that never breaks"; at the same time he's also "the word that guides you, the caress that comforts you, the delivery food you order and always arrives quickly", haha. Then the chorus, he's pleading: "Janaína, Janaína, Mother of my February, take me back, to the seashore" - Janaína is another name for Iemanjá, or Yemoja, the mother of seas and deity of oceans in many afro-brazilian religions, who came from the Yoruba culture. He mentions February there in the lyrics because Iemanjá is celebrated here on Feb 2nd! :)
5. Margareth Menezes - Faraó ("Pharaoh")
OH GOD YESSS! Probably the most creative track in here - the music genre is called "Axé" and very based on African / Afro-Brazilian instruments as you'll hear. Here, POWERHOUSE DIVA Margareth Menezes will fucking give you a fast course on literal Egyptian Mythology/History ("The ascension, not even Osiris knew how that happened /The order or submission of His Eye was transformed into true humanity"; "The Epic of Geb's Code, and Nut who gave birth to the stars"; "Osíris asked Isis in marriage / And the evil Seth, full of wrath, assassinated him"); then, she uses that as a way of saying we should look at our African roots in awe and joy, and how the black people is still fighting to this day for basic respect and equality, even originating from the land of legendary kings and queens and golden gods. It's SUCH a powerful song, and it's catchy af. Depending where you are, if you just scream "EU FALEI: FARAÓ!" (I said: Pharaoh!), people WILL answer to you with EEEEE, FARAÓ back lol that's how fucking iconic this one is and I love it so much
Hope you like the songs on this one! <3 Tagging @dravenxivuk @feykiller !
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dez-wade · 7 months
I’m trying really hard not to like get genuinely upset or pissed off by this and I kind of want to hear someone else’s opinion and you’re always willing to discuss some of the more “negative” aspects of what’s happening which I appreciate! Somebody being upset or frustrated doesn’t give them the right to behave in certain way or say certain things and then just have everyone be like “oh but he’s had a hard few days and he’s frustrated 🥺” bad is a fully grown man. He should be able to handle genuine criticism and for him to sit there and say “no but the words we use are important Tina” all obnoxious when Tina was telling him FOR HIS OWN GOOD to not get all worked up and mixed up in exact definition and terminology that Etoiles was using to describe what happened to him. Etoiles called it a bug. Etoiles is also not a native English speaker yet he CONSTANTLY goes out of his way to speak English to his friends INCLUDING BAD just for bad to be all “well the exact language he uses matters” No it doesn’t. not in this situation it’s doesn’t. Let’s see bad sit and discuss something in French and then be told “well actually the exact wording you use matters so I’m going to just continuously go on and on about why you are in fact wrong because you used one word incorrectly” I’m sorry but he’s trying his best to ACCOMMODATE YOU!!! As someone who’s first language is French it’s just really upset me and I really enjoy bads content so it’s just gotten to me even more than usual
Yeah, it thought he contesting what Etoiles was saying it wasn't the right thing. A lot of times Bad, and most English speakers tbh, think they're on the same level in English which isn't the case.
Forever had trouble with this a lot of time with him, and started speaking Portuguese out of spite in one of their discussions.
Fit, who said "disengage" yesterday and Etoiles didn't understand making these two separate and Etoiles die.
It's not out of malice, but they forget how privileged they are and that people are communicating with them in their second language. Semantics really didn't matter right there. And Tina was right to try to not make him dig himself deeper.
At least he seemed to understand in the end, because it took Tubbo, to explain to him what it was. And he even suggested to report the bug when Tubbo talked about how something similar happened to him and Pac in the toxic gas event, so the admins won't only fix the quicksand one.
I think BBH viewers (I watched BBH a lot, now not so much) are kinda used to when goes in his "explanation" mode and starts using metaphors, analogies, and explains pretty much the same thing like 10x times using different words. So I was not really surprised when he started talking about that. That's just his personality, I guess.
But Bad really should be more conscious when he's talking to people whose first language isn't English and less over-focused on small, irrelevant things.
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