#also i freaking love emergency intercom
girlbyherself · 2 years
she is so real for this
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patrickswhore · 3 years
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Karl Heisenberg X male reader
A/n: i couldn’t find any gifs of my daddy so I made one 😂 also sorry for not updating for a while, schools been tough but I’m in self isolation so I have plenty of time to write 😂 also light smut towards the end.
I stood at the back of my house, chopping wood for the burner. The snow fell heavy, making the wood crunch as it hit the cold ground.
I could see my breath as I breathed out in exhaustion. This winter was gonna be tough for me and my family. As the only man in my household and newly turned 21, I was just waiting for my sisters to play match makers and find me a young lady... hopefully that would be a while. In my village, being attracted to the same gender isn’t really a thing. So I’ll just have to suck it up, marry and have kids... you know, conform to society.
I walked inside with the lumber, shaking to get the snow off me like a wet dog. I placed it by the fireplace and threw a few blocks on the fire.
I hung my jacket on the coat rack and walked to the living room where my sister was sitting, chatting with a friend and drinking tea.
“Where’ve you been, (Y/N)? Fooling around with a lady?” My sister asked sarcastically, making fun of my lack of luck with women.
“Very funny, Paula” I rolled my eyes and walked into my moms bedroom, knocking softly on the door before entering.
Mother was laying in bed, looking at the ceiling. I knelt by her side, taking her hand. Ever since father passed away she hasn’t been the same, she lays in bed all day, not talking nor eating much.
“How are you feeling, mother?”
“I haven’t found a job yet.. but I promise I’ll find the money for your medicine, mother.... I promise”
She didn’t answer, she just kept on staring. I sighed and walked out the room, closing the door softly behind me.
“(Y/N), one of the neighbours came with this letter for you when you were out”
My sister handed me a letter, my name on the front in a crude handwriting. I opened the letter, it had a beautiful wax seal, decorated with a horse. The letter read:
Dear (Y/N)
Congratulations on your 21th birthday. You’ve been selected to come work for Karl Heisenberg at the factory on the outskirts of town. You’ve been selected because of your high grades and physical attributes. Please report to the factory as quickly as possible.
Kind regards, Karl Heisenberg.
My heart skipped a beat, Karl Heisenberg was asking me to come work for him. I couldn’t believe it, I rushed to me and my sisters room, quickly putting on some clean clothes and my prayer shoes. I ran into my mothers room, kneeling besides her once again.
“Mother, great news! I’m gonna go work for Lord Heisenberg...”
“I love you mother, I’ll be back soon”
I rushed out, giving my sister a peak on the forehead and storming out the front door and into the freezing weather.
I walked up the hill to the metal doors, the factory was up and running, making a hell of a lot of noise. I banged on the heavy doors before it slowly opened on its own, revealing a room filled with scrap metal.
I heard the cracking sound of an intercom before hearing a low voice speaking.
“Ah! (Y/N) great you’re here so quickly. Please make your way to my office, all you have to do is make a left where you are and walk straight. It’s as easy as that, I’ll be waiting”
That must be lord Heisenberg speaking. I straighten up and walked as I had been instructed to. The condors were cramped and dimly lit by red lamps. I felt like the further into the factory I got, the more a putrid smell started to emerge. I finally reached the door, knocking two times.
“Yeah come on in!”
I slowly pushed open the metal door and was pleased that the wretched smell was now being overpowered by the scent of cigar smoke. There he sat, his back turned to me as I slowly shut the door. His hair was long and rugged, and he was toying with a small knife between his fingers.
“It’s great to finally meet you, (Y/N) (L/N). My men has had their eyes on you for a while, but you’re more impressive in person” the man stood up, he was taller then me to start with, but also physically more pumped. I was kinda scrawny, but the winter without my farther had put some meat on my bones.
“It’s an honor to be able to work for you, lord” I bowed my head slightly before looking up and finding him much closer then before. He put a finger under my chin, inspecting my face from different angels.
“My men were right, you surely are a very beautiful man”
My breath hitched in my throat.
“I beg you pardon?”
“Oh don’t play dumb with me, boy... we both know what you are”
“So that’s why you brought me here... not for work”
“Well a special kind of work, if you catch my drift”
He let go of my chin, moving a step back. I couldn’t deny it, he was extremely hot, but the thought of not being able to sustain my family drove me mad.
“Don’t worry, you’re getting a job at the factory too, and I’ll pay you handsomely for your services.. I know how much your family needs the money”
A stone lifted from my heart. What had I done for mother Miranda to gift me with such fortune? A well paying job and a handsome boss, who could ask for more?
“When do I start?”
“Well, immediately. But first, I have a question” he asked walking closer to me, slowly pushing me against the wall behind us. One hand on the wall besides my head and the other on my waist.
“Do you find me attractive?” His head was inching closer to my neck. His smell was intoxicating, a mix of sweat, cologne and rusty metal. I couldn’t get enough of him.
“Yes, very much”
“Good, because I need you to fix something for me” he grabbed my wrist with the hand from my waist and guided it to his crotch. I cupped his growing bugle as he made a low growling noise, almost like a dog. I started to softly stroke it as he removed his head from my neck, setting his hat on a nearby table before going back to my neck, kissing and biting along the side. I softly grabbed his dick, sending a shockwave through his body. He pulled back, looking at me through his sunglasses, I could slightly see his eyes which were full of lust. He put both his hands on my waist before moving me to the table, turning me around and bending me over it.
“You like that? You dirty man” he huffed, grinding against my ass, a hand on the back of my neck and another under my shirt on the small of my back.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you hear me?” He gave my ass a hard slap, I cried out in pleasure and surprise, gripping the edge of the table.
I could hear his belt buckle being undone as I waited. Suddenly a voice over the loud speakers outside.
“All four lords, report to the castle immediately. Glory be to mother Miranda”
“You have to be fucking kidding me, what does that super sized bitch want now?” He huffed in annoyance buckling his belt again. I stood up, sitting on the table which I had just been bent over.
“I’ll be back very soon” he placed himself between my legs and gave me a passionate kiss, I of course, kissed back.
He put on his hat before storming out the door. I sighed and hung my head. Fuck...
“You’re late, Heisenberg” Alcina snapped as Karl stomped inside.
“I was in the middle of something”
“In the middle of what? You’re such a-“ she stopped dead in her tracks as Karl sat down, completely forgetting about his huge bulge.
“Oh.. I see, you’ve gotten a bit too happy for one of your experiments again”
Karls eyes widened as he swung his jacket over his lap, covering his crotch.
“Shut up bitch, and stop looking at my dick”
“ watch your mouth, child. Moreau, wanna bet on how long this one is gonna last until he kills him?”
Moreau giggled before getting hit in the back with a sheet of metal.
“Not this one, freak!.... this one is different”
“Mhmm, let’s see about that”
“I’ll rip your fucking over sized head off, you stupid bitch!” The hammer flew into Karls hand before Miranda interrupted.
“I’ll fucking show you... he’s the one”
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angstyaches · 3 years
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Hungry People?
This is my first hunger fic in a very long time. How the hell are you supposed to title these things?!
It’s also the first ever fic from the Lucyverse, as I’ve decided to call it (basically, any fics that follow the day-to-day lives of Lucy’s flatmates).
CW: hunger, overworking, getting stuck on public transport.
Autumn waved as she entered the coffee shop, flinching as the little bell over the door went off to announce her arrival. She glanced up at it, gesturing with her palm for it to calm down, as though it should have somehow known she wasn’t a real customer. Payton’s heart skipped a beat as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and scampered away to an armchair by the window, not wanting to disturb her partner while they worked.
She was so freaking cute.
“Busy today?”
Payton tore their eyes off the back of Autumn’s head and turned to look at Jake, who had only started his supervisor shift five minutes ago. He was inspecting how much money was in the till as Payton laid out a fresh batch of muffins in the food case. The wafting scents of cinnamon and banana and chocolate were all so enticing that Payton could no longer ignore the fact that they’d had to work through lunch. Going an afternoon without food had left them with an ache in their stomach that had only been aggravated more by the stress of keeping the constant stream of customers satisfied. It had rained unexpectedly all afternoon, which had sent floods of park visitors running for shelter and warm drinks.
“Very,” Payton replied to Jake. “I don’t think we had any free tables for about four hours. We barely had time to wipe them down between customers.”
“Christ,” Jake grumbled, closing the till. “And you managed okay, even though Stephen called in sick?”
Payton gestured around themself, displaying the fact that nothing appeared to have burned down or crumbled. Part of them wanted to complain further about the toll the day had taken on them, but it felt better to just act confident about it. “Everything was fine. Nothing to worry about.”
“They should be paying you as a supervisor, you know,” Jake said. “I’ll talk to Anne about interviewing you.”
“Really? That would – that would be really cool.” Payton blushed, partly from the praise from their superior, but mostly because their stomach chose that moment to twist inside of them, releasing a long, rumbling growl. The music in the coffee shop was low and calming at this time of evening, but… maybe it would still muffle the sound?
When Jake double-glanced towards the front of Payton’s apron, it was clear that the music had muffled nothing.
“Sorry.” Payton placed a hand over their belly. “When Stephen couldn’t come, it meant I couldn’t take my lunch break.”
Jake frowned and glanced at his watch. “Your shift started at ten thirty, right? You haven’t had a break since then?”
Payton shook their head.
“Fuck it, go home. I’ll tell Anne you clocked out on time.”
“Yeah, you’ve only got another half-hour anyway, and the place is dead now.” Jake gestured to the room of thirty-six seats, of which only five were currently occupied. “Plus, your girl’s already here. No use in keeping her waiting.”
Payton was already wriggling out of their apron and heading for the door that led to the break room and lockers. “Thank you so much.”
Once they were in the break room, silence crashed over Payton like waves. The shop hadn’t been loud just now by any means, but they hadn’t been away from a din of any kind for almost ten hours. Their ears rang as they put their apron and work shoes in their locker and gulped a half-bottle of water that they found in there. The liquid hit their stomach like a solid lump of rock, but luckily it was lukewarm, and the discomfort didn’t linger for too long.
Payton didn’t linger either.
They tugged their jacket on over their buttoned shirt, wishing they’d brought something with a hood today, in case it decided to rain again before they made it to the tram. Maybe Autumn had thought to bring an umbrella, they reckoned, sighing in premature relief at the thought of her, waiting in the shop for them. They quickly pulled their headband off, brushing their dark bangs downwards and tossing the band into the locker for the next day.
As they pushed back through the door to the coffee shop, Payton felt like their feet had ceased to exist, leaving behind ankles that just floated through the air with a human body propped over them. They saw the back of Autumn’s head near the window, and they smiled to themself, momentarily forgetting the hunger and exhaustion and stress.
“See you tomorrow,” Jake called from behind the till.
Payton shot him a half-hearted salute, never slowing on their beeline to where Autumn was waiting. Well, it was less of a beeline than Payton would have liked; as though to personally inconvenience them, the coffee shop was full of tables and chairs and sofas, which needed to be manoeuvred around.
“Ooh!” Autumn exclaimed as arms snaked around her shoulders from behind the armchair. She dropped her book into her lap and reached up with one hand to tickle the back of Payton’s neck. “Hello, baby. Finished early?”
Payton mumbled an inaudible confirmation against her hair, not caring that they were probably messing up her ponytail. “How are you?”
“I’m good,” Autumn said. “A little tired.”
“Me too,” Payton sighed, lifting their head but remaining slumped against the back of the armchair. They felt a gentle cramping in their stomach as they reconsidered their answer. “And hungry.”
“Huh.” Autumn reached up and tapped her book against the top of Payton’s head. The gesture was unnecessarily gentle, as though she’d hit them with something thicker than a paperback print of Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape. “Well, luckily for you, I’ve got all the makings of your favourite waiting in your fridge.”
Payton’s stomach clenched again, their heart lifting slightly. It had been tricky to get Lucy to agree to it, but Autumn had her own key to the apartment; not only did she call around to visit Payton so often that she might as well have lived there too, but there were often issues at home that she opted to spend the night away from.
But that wasn’t the point right now.
“Your famous sausage rolls?” Payton sank even harder against the back of the armchair, partly to be dramatic, but partly because their body literally weakened a little at the notion of Autumn’s cooking.
Autumn smiled up at them from the cushions. “Pastry’s already made. Just got to assemble and bake them. I got us some oven chips too. Oh – I forgot to check if you had any beans in the cupboard, though.”
“We’re four college students; of course we’ve got beans in the cupboard,” Payton assured her, loudly enough to disguise the fact that their stomach was growling again as they pictured the dinner they hadn’t known awaited them.
“Excellent point.” Autumn scooped up the strap of her shoulder bag and slipped her book inside. She smoothed down the hem of her pinafore as she stood up. “Ready to go?”
“Way beyond ready,” Payton smiled, watching her scoop up the umbrella that was resting against the arm of the chair.
Payton wriggled uncomfortably in a scratchy tram seat, unable to find a relaxed position where they didn’t feel painful pressure building up in their stomach. It was really starting to ache, now that there was nothing to keep Payton’s mind busy. They would have loved nothing more than to be home already, biting into the flaky pastry and warm, soft filling of Autumn’s sausage rolls and finally getting something into their cramping belly.
“You alright, baby? You’re quiet.”
“Am I?” Payton laughed. Their head was spinning just a little, and their voice was starting to sound shaky. “Sorry, I’m just very tired.”
It didn’t feel good to lie to Autumn, even if it was less a lie and more a concealment of the truth. She would never say the words out loud, but Payton knew that she thought of them as a pushover, both in matters at work and at the apartment. There were a lot of aspects of their job that she called unacceptable, and if she’d had her way, they would have quit the coffee shop by now. They had no idea how she would react if they became a shift supervisor and had to take on even more responsibilities, but Payton reckoned that was a discussion for another night when things were a little more certain.
In the meantime, it was best not to say anything about having to skip lunch.
Slipping their hands into the pockets of their open jacket, Payton subtly rubbed their middle, feeling their empty stomach roll around in distress. They tensed and held their breath, hoping to prevent any noises from emerging.
There was a sharp jerking motion as the train slowed to a stop. Autumn gasped lightly and put out a hand to stop herself from sliding forward in her seat. They both looked at each other and held the gaze for a moment before a voice crackled over the tram’s intercom.
“Apologies, folks, it’s just a minor technical issue. Service will resume shortly.”
“Shortly?” Autumn mumbled in annoyance. “Talk about vague...”
“Damn it,” Payton sighed, sinking lower in their seat and pushing their hands deeper into the pockets of their jacket. “Why do bad things happen to good people?”
Autumn chuckled; she was still sitting fully upright, leaning towards Payton’s seat as she tried to see up to the top of the tram. “Assumptive of you to refer to yourself as good people.”
“Not me, baby. I was talking about you.”
“Oh. Aw. Thank you.” Autumn smiled and reached out a hand, both to acknowledge Payton and to give herself some balance as she craned her neck. 
The hand landed lightly on Payton’s belly, which - in their slumped position - acted as an almost-flat surface for her to lean on as she continued peering up through the carts. She was probably expecting to see tram staff coming through, explaining the situation to the passengers; what she probably wasn’t expecting was to feel rumbling movement beneath her palm, which was accompanied by a loud, pinched growl.
Payton let out a little groan too, turning their face to bury it against Autumn’s shoulder.
“What’s going on, baby?” Autumn half-laughed, her eyes trained on Payton’s stomach as it vibrated under her hand again. She teasingly ran a finger between the buttons in their shirt, gesturing as though to peek under the fabric. “You hiding an angry tiger in there?”
“I told you I was hungry.”
“Yeah, but...” Autumn gasped and rubbed a wide circle across Payton’s belly as it roared again, prompting them to glance around and make sure the seats close to them hadn’t magically filled up with people in the last few seconds.
Autumn, on the other hand, had had her attention drawn away from anything to do with the tram, and towards a particular, grumbling organ. “Baby, what’d you have for lunch?”
Payton groaned again, wriggling a little further down so that their knees were pressed against the seat in front of them. They felt a red blush in their cheeks as Autumn sat back and peered down at their face.
They sighed, eyes trailing down to where Autumn’s hand was still resting on their belly. “The shop was really busy today, and the shift supervisor couldn’t come in, so I ended up working through lunch.”
Payton then held their breath again, both in anticipation of their stomach letting out another whine under Autumn’s palm, and of her response.
“You’re so good, baby.”
Payton raised their eyebrows. “Am I? You’re not mad at me?”
“Of course I’m not mad at you,” Autumn sighed. “I obviously don’t like it when you don’t take care of yourself properly, but I also wish I had your level of dedication.”
A smile played on Payton’s lips as they nudged the side of their head against Autumn’s waist. “Jake’s gonna see about getting me bumped up to supervisor.”
“And he should,” Autumn laughed, lifting her other hand to sweep Payton’s eyes out of their eyes. “You’re amazing at that job, and no one ever tells you enough.”
“Really.” Autumn leaned down to kiss the side of Payton’s head. “Just promise me that you’ll use your powers as supervisor for good. Like giving yourself lunch breaks.” She gently tapped one finger against Payton’s stomach. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Payton mumbled, burying their face as their chest fluttered. The glow of being praised and worried about lasted only a precious moment though, because there was still an empty belly in the vicinity, and it was determined not to let itself be forgotten in all the chatter.
“You’re mad at Payton though, aren’t you?” Autumn pursed her lips as she spoke to their stomach, as though she was talking to a cat. She patted her hand against Payton’s belly as it grumbled. “That’s okay, I’d be mad too, if my owner spent the day giving yummy food to customers and not me.”
The mention of food sent Payton’s thoughts drifting back towards the dinner that had been promised, and they groaned again, this time nudging their head right into Autumn’s lap. She bit her lip and glanced around at the nearby seats, once more confirming that there was nobody else in the cart.
“Comfy down there?” There was a tiny twist of irony in Autumn’s voice, but her tone was mostly genuine. 
“Kind of,” Payton said, using both hands to keep Autumn’s pressed to their aching gut. They glanced up at the grey ceiling of the tram, at the darkness that lay just outside the window, hopelessness welling in their chest as their belly rolled unhappily. “Just so hungry.”
“Oh, baby. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I just wish I knew how long we were gonna be stuck here.”
“Me too,” Autumn sighed. “But no matter how long it takes us to get home, I’m still going to cook for you the minute we get in.”
“Mmm.” Payton smiled to themself and closed their eyes, letting go of Autumn’s hand as it began to work slow, gentle circles into their belly through their shirt. “Thank you.”
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
Confined Spaces
(No idea where this came from. The fic has both SamSteve and SamBucky scenes)
“I just hate him so much,” Sam grumbled, storming into Steve’s bedroom.
“Hello to you, too, babe,” said Steve, without looking up from the book he was reading.
Sam rolled his eyes and fell back on the couch. “Did you have to make us spar together?”
“Figured that would give you the opportunity to get to know each other. Become a better team.”
“Oh yeah, we are becoming quite the team. Now I only have the urge to kill him twice a day as opposed to three times a day before.” Sam replied sarcastically.
Steve sighed and tossed aside his book before getting up from his bed and making his way over to Sam. He sat down beside Sam and took his hand in his. “Can’t you at least try to get along with him? For me?” He asked, his eyes soft and pleading. “I am not asking you to be friends, but at least try to work together.”
“And why aren’t you asking him this?” Sam asked, narrowing his eyes at his boyfriend.
“What makes you think I haven’t?” Steve leaned in to kiss along Sam’s neck.
“Are you trying to seduce me into getting along with your best friend?” Sam asked. Not that he minded being seduced.
“I am seducing you into having sex with me,” Steve replied and brought Sam’s hand over to his sweatpants-covered crotch. “So hard for you, baby.”
Sam cupped Steve’s face between his hands and brought him closer to kiss him. He deepened their kiss and ravished his boyfriend’s mouth. Steve started to lower him onto the couch, and Sam stopped him by pushing his hard chest.
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked breathlessly.
“This couch is too uncomfortable,” Sam replied. “Let’s go to your bed.” He got up and extended his hand for Steve to take it and led him to the bed. They continued to kiss as they took off each other’s clothes. Sam pushed Steve down on the bed and climbed on top of him.
The next morning, Sam woke up with his head on top of Steve’s chest and his arm thrown around his waist. He looked up to find Steve staring at him and furrowed his eyebrows. “Have you been watching me sleep again?”
“Can’t help it,” said Steve. “You just look so peaceful and beautiful when you’re asleep.”
“Not weird at all,” Sam teased and kissed Steve’s chest.
“So last night was…” Steve trailed off.
“...yeah” Sam agreed
“Round two?” Steve grinned and turned them around so that he was on top of Sam. He leaned down to kiss Sam, and Sam returned the kiss with an equal amount of fervor.
But a knock on the door ruined the moment. “Steve!” Barnes’s voice came from the other side, making Sam groan in frustration.
“Seriously?” He asked.
Steve shrugged and kissed Sam once more before getting up to open the door, much to Sam’s displeasure.
“Morning Buck, what’s up?” Steve asked, opening the door.
“Just came to call you for breakfast.”
Barnes looked past Steve and at Sam, which made Sam frown and pull the sheets even closer to his body. “Mornin’ Wilson,” he greeted, giving Sam a shit-eating grin. “Sounds like you had a great time last night.”
“Bucky--” Steve warned
Barnes put his hands up in surrender. “Sorry. Now come on. Breakfast is getting cold.”
“Guess round 2 will have to wait,” Steve sighed, closing the door after Barnes.
“So he’s a cock block now, too,” Sam grumbled. Just when Sam thinks he can’t hate Barnes anymore, the man proves him wrong.
“Shit!” Sam hissed and tried to close the elevator door when he saw Barnes approaching. The doors almost shut, and Sam was about to let out a sigh of relief when a metal hand stopped them from closing.
“Oh hey, Sam. Didn’t see you there,” Barnes lied as he got on and decided to stand right next to Sam despite the spacious elevator.
Sam ignored him and instead busied himself on his phone. There was a message from Steve telling him to ‘Hurry up and come over already’ because he apparently had a surprise for Sam.
Sam smiled to himself and responded with a quick ‘On the elevator. Be there soon.' when the whole elevator shook, the lights flickered, and suddenly it came to a complete stop. “What the hell?” Sam said to himself as he reached out to press the open button, but it didn’t work. The whole elevator had shut down.
“Well, that worked. Thanks, Wilson,” Barnes said sarcastically.
“I don’t see you doing anything!” Sam snapped.
“Are you freaking out?” Barnes asked, amusement in his voice.
“What? Of course, I’m not freaking out!” Sam reached out to press the intercom button, but no one answered. He was getting really warm. “Why is no one answering?” Sam asked as he pressed the intercom button again.
Barnes looked at his watch. “It’s Richie’s lunchtime. He must be out.” Richie was the building security guard. A sweet guy, but he always disappeared at the worst times. Barnes sat down on the ground like this was the most natural thing in the world. Like he got stuck in this elevator all the damn time. Maybe he did. Who knows? “Just relax, man.”
“I AM RELAXED!” Sam yelled. He took off his sweatshirt and tossed it aside.
“Of course you are,” Barnes said sarcastically.
Sam ignored him and reached out to ring the emergency button. “Hello? Anybody there?!” He called out but of course, no one answered.
He kept ringing the emergency button, but still, nothing happened. “Hello?!” He called out desperately.
“It’s not gonna work,” Barnes unhelpfully supplied. “There is no one out there.”
If they survived this, Sam was about to have a very serious talk with Steve about living in a place with this death trap.
“Why is it so hot in here?” Sam pulled at his t-shirt to air himself as he paced the floor of the elevator. He was sweating through the shirt, drenching it.
“What are you talking about?” Barnes asked. “It’s like 50 degrees today.”
Sam turned to look at the other man and saw him just sitting there without a worry in the world and he didn’t look like he was drenching through his shirt like Sam. Sam brought his shirt up to his forehead and wiped it as he continued pacing. He stopped and looked around, and suddenly it felt like the walls were closing in on him.
��Wilson-- Sam, hey!” A hand on Sam’s shoulder startled him and he realized he was breathing harshly.
“You’re freaking out…” Barnes pointed out. “Come on, sit down.”
Sam didn’t fight Barnes as he helped him sit down on the floor.
“Just take deep breaths, okay?” Barnes urged. “In and out.”
Sam followed along with him and breathed in and out, just like he had asked him.
“Good…” Barnes said encouragingly. “Just keep doing that, yeah?”
Sam nodded and followed Barnes’s lead. He felt himself relax a little and threw his head back against the wall of the elevator and closed his eyes.
“You feel any better?” Barnes asked him.
“Yeah, I think I do,” Sam replied.
They sat there in comfortable silence, neither of them saying anything until Sam spoke up. “When I was 9 years old, there was this kid, a year older than me, who used to bully me. One day after school, he locked me in the teacher’s closet. I don’t know how long it was before the janitor found me. It was bad, man. I was freaking out, crying, I’d even pissed myself. That’s why I don’t like confined spaces.” Sam stopped and looked at Barnes. “Don’t know why I’m telling you this. No one outside of my family knows the story.”
“Not even Steve?”
“He knows I don’t like small spaces, but doesn’t know why,” Sam replied.
“I don’t like heights,” Barnes admitted, much to Sam’s surprise. “There’s no traumatic experience associated with it. I just don’t like heights. Never have.”
“And I’d rather be flying high--”
When Barnes smirked, Sam gave him a disapproving look. “Not like that!” Shaking his head, he continued. “Than be grounded and stuck in a confined space.” He picked up his phone to see if there were any bars, but of course, there wasn’t because metal death traps also jam phone signals.
Another comfortable silence fell between them, and this time it was Barnes who broke it. “Why don’t we get along, Sam?”
Taken aback by the question, Sam looked at Barnes and noticed him staring at the door. “Because you tried to kill me?”
“But that’s in the past now…” Barnes pointed out.
“Still doesn’t change the fact that you tried to kill me,” Sam replied. “No idea why you hate me. Is it because of my relationship with Steve?”
“W- what?” Barnes stuttered, and Sam’s eyes widened. So he was right.
“You’re jealous of Steve and I!”
“What?” Barnes scoffed. “Why would I be jealous of you and Steve?” There was something in his voice that gave him away.
“Because you’re in love with Steve…” Sam trailed off
“What?!” Barnes started to laugh. “You-- you think I’m in love with STEVE?” He held onto his stomach as he fell sideways laughing. “This is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.”
Sam felt his cheeks heat up, and he pushed him, causing him to completely fall to the floor.
When he got back up, he kept on laughing, but it slowly died down. “Steve is like my younger brother. Me being in love with him would be disturbing.”
“Fine, so if you’re not in love with Steve, then why do you hate me?” Sam asked.
“Because… every time you open your mouth, you annoy me,” Barnes replied.
“Wow… thanks…” Sam rolled his eyes
The elevator shook, causing Sam to scream and grab onto Barnes, hiding his face into Barnes’s shoulder.
The elevator started to move again and Sam looked up from Barnes’s shoulder to find their faces a little too close to each other. “Because if I didn’t hate you then--”
Before Barnes could finish his thought, the elevator dinged and came to a stop. Sam immediately pulled away from him and stood up.
The doors opened to reveal Steve standing there with a worried expression on his face. He pulled Sam into a tight hug when Sam got out of the elevator. “You okay?! I heard the elevator was stuck and your last message said you were on it and I just- I got so worried” He took Sam’s face between his hands and kissed him hard.
“I’m good, babe,” Sam assured him, pulling apart.
“I’m fine too, Steve. Thanks for asking,” Barnes chimed in sarcastically.
“Sorry, Buck,” Steve replied. “Glad to see that you’re good.” He then looked at Sam and asked, “Are you okay? I know you’re not a fan of small spaces.”
“Yeah, I’m okay. Barnes was really helpful.”
“Well, I’m just glad he was there,” Steve said and pulled Sam into another hug.
“Me too,” Sam replied and looked over Steve’s shoulder to see Barnes watching them. “Thank you.” Sam mouthed, which caused Barnes to smile before heading inside the apartment.
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iamtheempress · 4 years
Cold Blooded
A Dragon Ball Horror Fic {Part 10}
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 Carlie had soon returned to her bedroom and locked it tight. She pulled her cell phone from her purse and tried to call Bulma.
“PLease.. Please answer…” brrrrrr brrrrrr “Please im fucking begging you please… Please Bulma you always answer me….” Bulmas voice pipes up loud and clear and she almost sighs.. Until she finds out its her voicemail.. Fuck…
She thinks, starting to text Vegeta. She knew that the time chamber works differently inside then out and minutes are ground down to basically days.. It couldnt hurt to try. Her messages always reached him perfectly, Time Chamber or other regions of space for some reason…
“Babe. I need you to come home right now.”
“Im freaking out and i think you were right” 
“Somethings really fucked up with Frieza”
“Well...What else was new.”
“He like. Grabbed me with his tail and told me that hes going to protect me.”
“He knew about what happened the other day.”
“He started telling me that id be better in his hands and i feel like i need to burn my fucking skin off”
“I know its different in the time chamber but please please come and help me…”
“Babe. I know your getting these there all going through…”
“Please. Vegeta. Get Goku to instant transmission to me or something!” 
Message not sent.
She felt a sense of absolute loneliness. 
A sinking feeling in her stomach Like shes on deathrow, minutes away from lethal injection. 
SHe felt an overwhelming urge to throw herself from the window of capsule corp. Only to escape. She knew something was wrong. She should have listened to Vegeta from the get go, the second she met Frieza amicably. “Im so stupid.. Stupid stupid stupid!” She smacked herself repeatedly in the forehead. “Im sorry Vegeta… Im so..-”
She was cut off by the tell tale sign of the power being shut down. The loud hum of the power turning off. Entrenching her in darkness.
 All of Capsule Corps lights and window shutters closed slowly. Sealing her away behind Glass and thick metal. No escape. No sense of safety. Alone. But not entirely.
Carlie got up and cracked open the door to her bedroom.  Peering down the hallway vacant and void of life. Only the sound of her panicked heart pounding in her ears. She made haste to the hallway to reach her lab. Theres an emergency exit there. Behind the INcinerator. She can make it. 
Her thoughts are halted. A bright red light blinks in the vacant corridor, followed by his voice over the intercoms. Like some cruel and ever present god.
“Oh my dear sweet beautiful Carlie… such a kind and gentle soul... a genius like you is once in a life time and id love to make you mine... You wouldnt happen to be running from me are you?” Her eyes snapped to a camera in that hallway aimed at her. A succulent look of dread dripping from her wide doe eyes. “you cannot run from me you little vixen.. you will be mine one way or another.." she sprinted down the hall eyes glimmering with tears. His malicious laughter playing over the intercoms. Loudly.
Just not even several minutes ago she thought of that laughter as charming. Maybe friendly. Now its nothing but sinister and cold.
She swears shes being followed. Frieza follows behind her slowly, the pads of her feet frantically hitting the floor.
 "Caaaarlie.. come now.. your only making this much more harder on yourself.. give in and come with me.. youll enjoy being an empress.. youll also enjoy seeing this your simian mate being crushed by my hand, ill make it quick to not sully those beautiful eyes." He muses as he held his hands firm behind his back, sauntering to the frightened woman. "I also do think youll like this form ive taken.."
She turned her head back while pulling the sliding door open with all her strength to see Frieza approaching her in a slow pace. Step. By step. By step. She realized his form was different he was bulkier and a different color by the light of the red flashing alert lights.. its almost a copperish sheen.. his eyes are more pronounced and staring her down.. she can see his bright red pupils from down the fucking hall and it was just as terrifying as his smile.. his sick, twisted smile.
"Running wont get you anywhere.. you will not be abused so horribly by my hand, you will live in the lap of luxury as my pet. My bride. My empress. Empress of the Universe sounds like it would fit you perfectly… What has your ape given you? Bruises.. broken bones. Heartache.. pain. Saiyans only bring pain and care only to fight someone stronger then themselves, Carlie, i should know... I have put an end to not only the doctor who defiled you but several others in your name.."
He froze in the hallway, eyes unblinking. Alpha predator in the wake of the most decadent prey he set his eyes upon. "Your vegeta cannot save you from me.. you will be MINE OHOHOHOHOOO!!!" He threw his head back cackling loudly, loud enough to where it burned into her eardrums and petrified her to her core.
She slammed the hatch behind her and pressed a button to seal the outside world out. Fuck. She needs to get out. Now.
She quickly rushed down the stairs and into the lab only to hear the hatch creak open as the gilded monster pried it open from its locked state.
Mangling metal loudly. 
She needs to think FAST to get anything done. To hopefully keep the emperor at bay. She pulls out her phone and sends Vegeta 2 more texts.
“Vegeta. Babe im so fucking scared….” 
Message sent.
Tears dripped on her phones screen and all the messages sent at once. Its only a matter of time.
Carlie doesnt have much of that left to spare.
Meanwhile in the Time Chamber~
5 months is the equivalent to what Vegeta and Goku have endured. The first bunch of messages Carlie sent were about 2 monthd before hand. He hadnt known. He never checked. He didnt think anything of it. 
Vegeta exits the shower room, fully dressed again and in base form. He was pried from his thoughts when he hears a ping.
Then another.
"Tsk.." he huffs.. 'Must be Carlie' though it is a day in the outside world. Vegeta had gone months without her. He hated how much he missed her. The comfort of mundane everyday conversations. 
He grabbed his phone.
Turned it on, and went ghost white. A cry for help.  
"KAKAROT." He shouted, leaving the room to run straight into Goku. 
"Vegeta?? Whats the problem??" "No time to ask get me to Carlie NOW" He demands grabbing Gokus shoulder, Gokus hand goes to his forehead and….
"KAKAROT now is not the time to joke around get me to-" Gokus face was blanched.
"I cant get a pulse of energy off her…"
@dragonblobz @lilfriezatyrant @gallickingun @kamehamethot @gonuclear @memevember @msgreenverse @lizardhipsdontlie @thotful-writing @supremeleadershitlord 
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lovelyirony · 4 years
it’s been a bit since i added to the bookshop au: time got away from me! 
We’re taking over the world/a little victimless crime -Do It All the Time, IDKHBTFM
Tony notices that Bucky doesn’t come into the store for a month. This is fine. Should be fine. Not like he wonders what Bucky will think of the newest latte, which is geared more to the warmer weather that has been breezing in cheerfully. The iced latte, flavored with caramel and coconut, had been a hit with MJ and Ned, who both loved it. 
But Bucky hadn’t come in and tried it.
His anxiety tells him that he is found out and are currently waiting until Tony leaves the building to set up a trap and probably blow up every single book and also him.
But that would be stupid. There’s no way that the Avengers know who Iron Man or War Machine is. Tony Jarvis is a nice guy who runs a bookstore, has a suspicious amount of money from inheritance, and got a degree in English from a local college. 
He even photo-shopped pictures there with Rhodey and everything. (Thank god for anti-aging technology and Rhodey’s genius.)
But he still kind of wants Bucky to come in and look at books. He even has a few records pulled just for the occasion.
“You are quite honestly the worst kind of person,” Rhodey says. “Who gets a crush on who is supposed to be their arch-nemesis and wants to make a custom coffee menu for them?”
“Not me,” Tony says quickly, pushing away the lemon-blueberry scone idea. “And besides if anyone would be my arch-nemesis, it would clearly be Black Widow. We match each other intellectually.”
“Not a chance,” Rhodey says with a snort. “Or did you forget the time you got so nervous you—”
“Hello?” comes a voice from the front. Rhodey immediately cuts off, going back to filing new shipments. Tony looks over.
“Hey, you’re back!” Tony cheers.
Rhodey makes a motion of gagging. Tony flips him off with one hand behind his back as he comes forward.
“Sorry I haven’t been in. Work has been…enlightening.”
“Usually code for ‘I-don’t-get-paid-enough’” Tony teases. “You wanna try an iced coffee drink?”
“I’m game.”
“Sit down at the table, I’ll get it out for you.”
Bucky has to admit that a good apron can do wonders for an ass. Or maybe Tony just has a really nice one. Either way, the view is spectacular.
“What has work been having you do?” Tony asks, pouring in syrup.
“Oh just…the usual,” Bucky says. He’s horrible at lying. He really, really is. “They keep twisting up what they want, it’s getting confusing.”
“Bookshops, luckily, are much simpler than that,” Tony says, smiling. He slides the drink over to Bucky. “Try it. Tell me what you think.”
Bucky takes a long slurp. Puts his head back.
“Tony, you ever experienced a masterpiece?”
“Once or twice,” Tony says, smiling.
“This is the damn Mona Lisa of drinks.”
Tony grins. Bucky sips a bit more, sighing in contentment.
“Hey, I know that last time I learned that you sold records. What are, um, your favorites?”
“I’m glad you asked…”
Bucky learns about new music. He learns that he needs to google new bands. AC/DC is a clear favorite of Tony’s, who sings along. It’s a funny juxtaposition with his cardigan and old jeans, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.
Bucky finds some of the old ones, which Tony doesn’t look surprised at.
“You have an old soul,” Tony says.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Bucky mutters.
“Don’t I?” Tony teases. “You act as if you’ve never had iced coffee before.”
Bucky has to turn back to the player to stop from laughing in front of him. What Tony doesn’t know…well. He’s damned sure he doesn’t know that technically all of Bucky’s favorite records were either unable to be found, most likely questionable, or long disintegrated with time.
Oh, Tony knows. He knows for a damned fact that Bucky has never had iced coffee, most likely does not know who the hell Jimmy Carter was and knows how to disassemble and reassemble most weapons in under sixty seconds.
But it’s cute to mess with him. His brow furrows. Tony has a thing for furrows.
“Hey Tony?” Rhodey asks, head popping up from the upstairs. Bucky automatically looks up, finding the face to be vaguely familiar.
“What is it Rhodey-dear?” Tony calls back out.
“I have a computer glitch, you gotta come see it! Now!”
“This better not be a repeat of the pinball incident,” Tony mutters, turning back to Bucky. “I’ll be back in five minutes, I promise.”
“Take your time, love,” Bucky responds.
Bucky then immediately wonders if he bangs his head against the column near him if Tony and Rhodey will hear it. Tony also called his…person “Rhodey-dear.” Dear! Does he even have a chance?
But this brings him to think about Rhodey. He looked familiar. Bucky’s life doesn’t consist of knowing that you know someone from a certain social event and trying to place them. No, Bucky knows people because of two reasons:
1.)         He tried to kill them.
2.)         SHIELD has something on them.
He’s pretty sure that if he was faced with someone like Rhodey, he wouldn’t be able to kill him. Even from the head poking out, he could see a pretty defined shoulder and a look set to his gaze that read as very competent, entirely capable of taking down an authoritarian government, and also probably likes gourmet cheeses. The last one is a guess. But Bucky likes to guess pretty damn accurately.
Rhodes. Colonel James Rhodes. Close with Tony Stark, who went missing. They thought he had something to do with something. He moved to New York pretty quickly after that, refusing to go into military service to a “previously unreported mental incapacity.”
Bucky smells bullshit.
Tony Stark. Another mystery in this puzzle. Bucky remembers trying to kill Howard and Maria Stark. It was the wrong person. Winter Soldier never missed his targets. Of course, Tony Stark wasn’t the target.
Rhodey is freaking out. Someone at SHIELD figured out there was a tiny bug in the system.
“When did they hire someone competent?!” Tony whisper-yells. “I thought they were two years behind schedule!”
“We made that schedule when we were drunk out of our minds from Moscato,” Rhodey hisses.
“Still! It was Moscato. It wasn’t like we drank vodka until we were shit-faced. That would’ve ended up disastrously and possibly given Dum-E and U a new sibling before Butterfingers.”
“Butterfingers wants a baby, just so you know,” Rhodey says.
“Why are you telling me this now?” Tony asks.
“Because you know what you’re doing and I figured you should know what your daughter is up to. It’s very important in developmental psychology.”
“Do not,” Tony hisses. “Let me fix this…”
With a couple more frantic curses, one eye shut, and a yelp, the problem is (mostly) taken care of.
“You think they can trace it?”
“It’ll trace back to a random e-café,” Tony says. “And there will be Justin Hammer who is currently trying to work out why his dating profile isn’t working. I’ll give you a hint: it’s the bio and the fact that he looks like he’s going to bail on paying for your dinner.”
Rhodey smiles, shaking his head and looking out the door.
“Get back down to Barnes. Don’t let him know what this is.”
“When would I?”
“You tend to be a terrible liar around people you like.”
“Why you—!”
“Thank you for helping with the pinball machine again!” Rhodey says, throwing his voice. He shoves Tony out of the office. Tony’s cheeks are bright red, he’s flushed, and he can barely walk down the stairs.
He’s not sure what exactly happened. He knows someone found out about them, tried to trace the bug back. That simply wouldn’t do because Tony runs a legitimate business. Pays taxes on April fifteenth and everything.
“Sorry about that, emergency with a pinball machine game,” Tony says.
“Understandable,” Bucky says. “What was wrong it? A bug get in?”
“Uh, not exactly,” Tony responds, body going tense for a moment. “You want to pick out a new record?”
“Yeah, sure…”
They find out that Bucky absolutely hates the pop, almost-fake music from the fifties.
“It’s…unsettling,” Bucky says, shuddering. “Gross.”
“Let me get some Benny Goodman then,” Tony says.
“How’d you know?”
“Everyone likes his music,” Tony says. “But then again, you did say you were an old soul.”
Bucky can hear the familiar music fill the air as he hums to himself.
“Hey handsome, wanna help me with something?” Tony asks. “I have some books that need to be shelved. I was wondering if you could help?”
“No problem,” Bucky says, grinning. “Can’t reach the top shelf?”
“Why you—”
“I’m shelving!” Bucky calls, grabbing one of the boxes.
Tony thinks that no one should be attractive when they’re lifting boxes. Especially when they’re holding what is essentially about forty pounds with one arm. His left one, but still.
There is also the matter of making sure that Barnes never finds out who he is. Tony has been quite careful about that, although the “bug” comment got to him. Does he know about them? Is he playing some sort of long game?
Answer: no. Bucky got distracted by a book title that he remembers from years ago.
“I forgot I read this,” he says, smiling. “It was forever ago.”
“Old books get to you like nothing else,” Tony responds. “I grew up with Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. You read that one yet?”
“Add it to the recommended box,” Bucky answers.
He has his own box now. Technically a crate, but Tony’s been putting books there for Bucky when he thinks he’s found one that he’ll like. Which of course, Bucky will like whatever book is in there if Tony chose it. He likes anything Tony chooses. He would wear the worst outfit in existence if Tony chose it.
Shelving goes by with little conversation, although they both hum along to the music being played softly over the intercoms. Tony comes and goes, helping customers with different items, brewing some more coffee, and getting some more boxes.
Bucky likes the routine.
He’s sad to go, taking his books with him and waving a soft goodbye. Tony’s leaning against the doorframe, a fond look on his face as the bookshop light floats out onto dark pavement. He wishes he could be there all the time.
And then, of course, people are in his apartment.
“Bookstore again, huh?” Steve asks. Natasha’s looking through the pile of receipts on the kitchen counter.
“You go there a lot,” she murmurs.
“I like being literate, gives me a headstart on Clint,” Bucky answers glibly.
“Even if someone liked reading this much, they wouldn’t be buying obscene amounts of books and coffee.”
“I don’t buy every book. To—the owner lets me take some home if I return them the next day.”
“You’re on a first name basis?” Natasha asks, eyebrow arched. “Just what bookstore are you going to?”
“One that’s none of your business,” Bucky says.
“It says it on top of the receipt,” Steve says.
Bucky curses.
Steve laughs at him.
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zanybohbot · 3 years
Full Ideas Of Fanfic For @scribbledarnit and @that-art-dork (Part 9)
@scribbledarnit I already know that @that-art-dork​ wanted to do this fanfic with you! So I thought I would help you guys since I already wrote some ideas down to help you! Plus, I’ve already talked to @whoopsiedaisydoo​ about this and she said she might join with the collaboration. (Warning: Even More Character Death, Angst & Too Much Blood Alert)
- Later at night, Squit was in bed watching Netflix in his bedroom. He then received a message from a unknown person on his phone. He then checks the message which says, “REMEMBER ME, SQUIT?!”, with a screenshot of Wakko’s head on the glass. Squit gasped in horror and cried out “F*ck!”.
- Meanwhile, Pinky drove back to his mansion with his Tesla, He then pushed the intercom to ring. After it rang, he shouted out, “Let me in, you donut!” The gate then opens and parked his car into his garage. After he got out, he opened the door and went inside, shouting Wakko’s name across the whole mansion. He then picks up one of his katanas, walks to the mirror in his bathroom and started to practice with it, then he heard something drop so heavily from the kitchen as he ran to it see what it is. He then sees a random painting of The Scream but instead, it’s Pinky doing the agonized face. He also saw the graffiti at the top of the painting with says, “THIS IS YOU, PINKY!”. He then laughed and said, “That doesn’t look like me. Dude, I think you’ve got the wrong Latino, that looks like Charlie Guzman...or my grandpa, who died 20 years ago.”, suddenly, the undead Buddy shoves a plastic bag over Pinky’s head as Pinky suffocates and fell over.
- Later, Brain appeared outside of Squit’s house while holding flower, he was talking about as he rehearses his apology to Squit. Here are the quotes for this scene...
Brain: Squit, uhhh...I have a bunch of flowers to...you know...I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for accusing you of bullying Buddy as I wasn’t paying attention to him when he needed my help. At the bottom of my heart, please forgive me because... (then frowns and facepalms) ...I’m in trouble. (takes a deep breath) Okay, you can do this.
Brain knocks on the door, Squit then opens it while holding a screwdriver, looking scared and angry.
Squit: Brain! Thank God, you’re finally here.
Brain: Squit, there’s something I need to tell you, I’m...
Squit: There’s no time, we need to kill Buddy.
Brain: What? But Buddy’s already dead!
Squit: No, he’s not, Brain! He killed Wakko and Pesto!
Brain: Squit, you’re scaring me right now! Snap out of it!
Squit: They’re both dead, Brain! He cut them into bits!
Brain: (getting frustrated) Stop! They’re not dead! (calms down) Pinky said Wakko messaged him to meet back at his mansion.
Squit: Wait, you know about this?
Brain: Well, no. But I think he’s already heading there.
Squit: (gasped shockingly) Oh no! Nah, this is bullshit! It’s all bullshit! (closes the door and walk to his car) C’mon!
Brain: Wait, where are we going?!
Squit: To kill this son of the bitch!
- Meanwhile back at Pinky’s mansion, Pinky wakes up from his unconsciousness. He then noticed the blade of his katana hanging at the top and his right arm nailed down on the table. He then freaks out and tries to escape. He then cried out, “What have I ever done to you?!”, he then looks at a random video on his phone, placed on the table. The video features Pinky slapping Buddy while some of the Animaniacs cast shouting “FIGHT!”, Buddy looked beaten down while Wakko was mocking him, calling him a pussy. After the video ended, Pinky slowly looked at Buddy, who was next to him, saying, “It was just happy slapping.”, Buddy grabbed the handle of Pinky’s katana, while Pinky cried out, “Please no, please! NO PLEASE...”, before cutting his right arm off with a katana, which made Pinky scream in agony.
- Squit and Brain finally drove to Pinky’s mansion and got out of the car, here are the quotes of this scene...
Brain: Squit, c’mon! This is ridiculous!
Squit: He’s gonna kill him, Brain! Don’t you understand?
Brain: (finds a random kid on the street) Go and get help. Please get someone for help.
Random Kid: Do your own dirty work!
- Pinky then runs around and screams as his right arm is missing and blood is spraying out of him and all over the kitchen. Pinky then tries to cover his wound with his left hand but blood was spraying out of the wound so much and so forcefully that his skin slowly turns from beige to pale white from losing so much blood. Pinky picks up a telephone and dials 911 with his nose. At the police station, The police officer picks up by saying, “911. What’s your emergency?”, Pinky then screams out, “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! HELP ME PLEASE! SOMEBODY!”, the police officer then replied furiously, “Stay off this line! We don’t have time for silly games today, young man!”, then hung up. Mr Plotz appeared and said, “Where are the people we know that we wanna speak to?”
- Brain and Squit finally went inside of Pinky’s mansion but only to find Pinky dead in a huge puddle of blood in a kitchen, Squit tried to check his pulse as Brain was about to break down crying. Blood was everywhere, including the walls, the ceiling and all over the windows.
Who feels sad that Pinky died? But don’t worry, almost over, guys! More coming soon! 
P.S. Either @scribbledarnit or @that-art-dork I dare you to make a fanart of the scene where Pinky gets his right arm chopped off and that includes him calling 911! But if you don’t wanna do it then that’s fine! You don’t need to post it up, just send me the post by submitting it on my blog. Thx! I would love to see this.
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
Doctor Harry XIX. Yo me quedo contigo aquí
A/N: Sorry for disappearing, not my best week but I’m back :) Hope you enjoy! 
 Every previous part here 
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He holds me up and climbs the stairs towards my side of the house with me on his arms again. He loves handling me like a baby it seems. He only puts my feet back on the floor when we’re standing on my shower and he gives me a big grin before he steps inside with me. We lather each other up in silence and I let him explore my body as I worship his. I think I could remember every freckle of his if I close my eyes.
When we get out of the shower, I grab a fresh towel, open it and press it against his bare chest as he stares at me in silence. He tenses up if only for a second, but his face is calmed and stern as he stares into my eyes. I loved it when he dried my body like this and he also did it without warning so he better stays quiet. I want to do this too.
I love touching his bare skin and enjoy the view of his beautiful body every time he’s close to me, but when his skin is, to top it all, also wet. It’s a gift from heaven. I go on, pressing the towel against his shoulders and his muscled arms until I reach his hands and hold them between mine with the towel. I dry his abdomen and his athletic legs and when I dare to look up at him, I realize his face is still stern and I can’t read his expression.
Without saying a word, he takes the towel from my hands and starts doing the same thing for me. After carefully drying my upper body with gentle touches, he kneels down before me and presses a kiss against my hip as he dries my thigh and the back of my leg. My body still shivers. The way he adores it brings a very novice yet somehow primeval feeling to my spine. He ties the towel under my armpit and pecks my lips, leaving cool droplets of water from his wet hair on my shoulders and then he exists the bathroom. I stand there paralyzed for another second.
When I finally enter my room, he’s not there so I frown yet when I’m about to go look for him, he returns with his boxers on and the rest of his clothes on his hand. He gives me a smile.
“Can I choose your outfit?” He asks.  
“Are we going out?”
“No” he grins “I’ll choose something comfortable, I promise.”
I chuckle but shake my head as I let him do what he pleases. I bet he’s going to choose the tightest yoga pants he can find so I wait for him to not-surprise me with a smile on my face. When he joins me though, he’s holding the Natura sweater he got me and my pyjama pants with little rainbows.
“I hope you washed it.” He smiles.
I chuckle.
“I did and… I’m sorry. I love it. Thank you.”
He smiles and slowly nods whilst his finger snakes under the knot of my towel and he lets it fall down my body until it forms a soft circle around my bare ankles. I take a deep breath but don’t hide from him. Instead my eyes bore into his but they’re busy investigating my body as if it was the first time he sees me. I think I’m not embarrassed of my own nudity before him because of the way he looks at me and the way he touches every part of my body. It’s like he likes my hand as much as he likes my breast and that makes me feel comfortable with it; with the whole thing, my body and him and whatever this is between us.
He smiles at me and I know it’s his way of letting me know he’s proud of me for allowing his visual analysis and I smile back at him, carefree, before I lift my arms for him to put my sweater on. He kneels down again and holds my underwear for me so I can slid my legs on the holes and I support my weight on his shoulders as he slips my pyjama pants up my legs too. His antics are so peculiar and I can’t get enough of the caring Harry.
He collects our things from my bed and it surprises me how many things he can hold at once on his big hands. And then he opens the bed for me and motions for me to get inside. Instead of getting inside with me as I expect, he turns around and walks towards my desk, grabbing his phone and distracting himself with a frown. I look away from him and turn on the bed, trying to get his image out of my sight. He might be going home after all. He got what he wanted and now that I’m dressed, I don’t interest him anymore. Well, that’s okay. That’s what friends with benefits do.
“Make some room for me.”
Puzzled, I move away towards the left end of the bed as he turns the light off and gets on the bed with me.
“But not so far away, come here.” He complains holding my waist and pulling me to him.
That surprises me again. I wasn’t expecting his naturalness, as if there is some sort of routine in this, as if we always slept together and cuddling. He slips his leg between mine and wraps his arm around my waist so there’s not a gap between us. He’s so warm and he smells so good. This feels amazing.
“Are you going to sleep?” I whisper.
“I’m going to try.”
He hasn’t taken any pills. I don’t know if he’s trying to prove something to me or if he’s doing this because he thinks that’s what I asked for the other day but whatever the reason, I don’t want him not to be able to sleep because of me. His fingertips draw figures against the skin of my belly.
“In this position?” I yawn.
His drawings on my belly stop and he pulls a little away from me.
“You don’t want me to?”
“No, it’s not about me. It’s just you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I held you because I wanted to but I won’t if you don’t want me to. Do you not want me to?”
“I do want you to but you don’t have to. I mean you don’t have to do it for me.”
“I don’t understand, Blue.” He pulls me back towards him. “But good night, baby.”
I giggle and turn around in his embrace so my face is against his chest. He’s so warm he’s like a heater. I bring my hand to his head and caress his scalp until I fall asleep.
I’m freezing. My sleepy eyes open up from the cold after my blind hands didn’t manage to find Harry on the bed and I reach for the little lamp on my bedside table turning it on and finding out that in effect, there’s no Harry. I hope he didn’t have to go home to have a pill after not managing to sleep at all because it’s 4:00 am according to my phone. I rub my eyes and turn the light off again embracing myself under the covers and trying to go back to sleep when I hear my bedroom door slowly opening.
I stick half of my face out of the covers and look at him. So he didn’t leave. I can barely see him in the dark but I think he’s still on his underwear. I can’t understand how he can be half naked when I’m almost freezing myself. The door closes behind him and he gets in the bed with me, granting me his heat. I get carried away by his warmth and press my body against his before he has the time to wrap his arms around me.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were cold?”
“I didn’t want to bother you.” I lie because I thought you had left seems to aggressive after his attention.
“I wasn’t doing anything, baby. Do bother me.” He pulls my body even closer.
I bury my face between his arm and his chest and he presses kisses on my hairline.
“You’re like a human heater.”
His smile presses against my forehead.
“Yes, raising your temperature is my specialty.”
I smile too. He’s not lying.
His soft voice wakes me up. When I open my eyes, I realize it’s morning and that he’s fully dressed and talking on his phone on my balcony. He’s tried to close the balcony door but you can only close them from inside and the winter wind must have pushed them opened. He’s frowning and one of his hands rests on his hip while the other rubs his forehead. He looks so good even when he’s concerned.
He tilts his neck and gives me a glance and then he gets inside my room. Thank God, I was afraid he was going to freeze to death out there.
“She’s up. I’ll tell her now and call you afterwards. Take care, mate. Bye.”
I frown as I wait for him to break what he’s going to tell me. He bites his bottom lip and frowns.
“Did I wake you up?” He whispers.
“What happened?”
He sighs.
“Mario told me last night your friend Olivia was at Dulce’s and Jack’s engagement party.”
My eyes widen and he hesitates but continues.
“Apparently they were talking, Olivia and Jack, and… They were standing near the mics from the live band they had hired and… Everyone heard their conversation and… He said it was ugly on Olivia. We didn’t know they dated.”
“Oh God.”
I take my phone and check The Golden Girls’ chat group but find nothing new so then I get on Instagram. Thank God nobody was cruel enough to post nothing on the topic. Before I text Olivia straight away, I read Marie’s EMERGENCY text and open our chat.
Marie: SOS
Marie: Fuck I’m about to get out of this fucking seminar but I can’t!!!
Marie: You need to call Olivia
Marie: She’s freaking out.
I open my chat with Olivia and text her after what feels like forever.
Indie: I’m on my way to your flat.
“I need to leave.”
“I’ll drive you.”
I hold his green eyes and nod before I put on my jeans and my boots and rush outside. The ride to Olivia’s house is silent as I’m still texting Marie trying to understand what happened since Ollie hasn’t answered. I don’t know if she even wants to see me or not but Marie is in this long-ass seminar and Jason is on his beach house with Dick David. The only times I speak to Harry is when I guide him to Olivia’s house. He pulls over where I tell him and his green eyes look into mine with a concern expression.
“Thank you.” I peck his lips and get out of his car.
I run towards Olivia’s flat and even though I know they are not, I still feel everybody’s eyes on me as if they somehow knew what had happened. I ring the intercom and she opens up in a second without questioning. Only when the door closes behind me, I hear Harry’s car driving away.
Ollie’s a mess of tears when she opens the door. I’ve seen her cried before but it never fails to break my heart. She’s one of the strongest people I know and one of the things that make her that is how she is not afraid of crying. She embraces her vulnerability because she knows it doesn’t make her any less powerful or empowered to cry and I admire her for that.
She’s on an oversized hoodie and her thin arms have wrapped around my neck the second I’ve walked inside. Still holding her, I walk her towards her couch and we both sit there as she cries her eyes out.
“How did you hear about it?” She sobs behind her hands.
I caress her knee over her pyjama pants and draw circles on her back and finally her blue eyes stare into mine. She’s still so pretty even when she’s crying but that’s not important now.
“Mario called Harry in the morning and he told me.”
Her eyes sadden even more and she looks down at her thighs. I can’t believe she’s embarrassed with me.
“I’m sorry, Indie.” She pouts. “I’m so sorry, you were so right and what I said to you was just plain nasty and I’m a terrible person.”
“You’re not a terrible person, lovey.” I whisper. “You just made a mistake but we all do sometimes and it’s nothing you can’t fix.”
“Isn’t it?” She dries her tears with the back of her hand. “He’s… Mario’s been calling me. I never answered and he still drove me home last night.”
“I know.” I admit. “We talked at the hospital a few days ago.”
“I should call him.”
“Yes, you should. It’s been tough on him. He really likes you.”
Ollie nods and looks down at her feet.
“Just apologize to him, that way he can forget about you and you can stop feeling guilty.”
Her blue eyes bore into mine. Somehow I know she didn’t like what I said. I frown.
“No one’s ever looked for me that many times… Not even Jack back in the day. Mario’s a really good guy.”
I wrap my arm around her shoulders and she rests her head on mine.
“I know. It’s a shame it didn’t work… But I guess sex is important.”
I feel her body tensed under my arm and she swallows and sighs.
“I… He doesn’t have clumsy anything. It was great.”
I don’t understand.
“Why did you lie to me?”
“I lied to myself and hence to you because it helped.” She shrugs.
She pulls away from me and hugs a pillow against her belly before her blue eyes look timidly into mine. Her eyes are red and puffy and her lips are still trembling. She stares into mine for the longest minute and when she realizes I still don’t understand she puffs and frowns as if she was somehow mad at me for not being able to read her mind.
“I don’t want to feel anything for a guy, Indie.” She reprimands. “I don’t want to get hurt again.” The anger in her eyes leave when they get fill with tears again and I reach her knee with my hand and let her cry. “I can’t go through that again.”
I stay quiet as her sobs return and search for a tissue on my purse. I hand it to her and stare at her in silence. She’s leaving me speechless. I thought I knew Ollie better than I knew most people but apparently I didn’t. Yet her words not only hurt me because she’s my friend. They press around my throat and I can’t identify the feeling but I don’t like it. I think I’m afraid too.
I knew Jack had hurt her but I didn’t know it had been enough for her to be afraid of opening up to someone else. I mean Mario is nothing like Jack and it’s been a year and he really likes her and…
“Ollie, I don’t think you can shut your feelings down every time. You can’t just ignore that person and pretend there’s nothing going on. We all can get hurt. But that’s what life is about.”
“I’ve been doing that for a whole year and so far so good.” She defends.
“Until now.” I smile.
She smiles back despite her tears.
“I’m gonna start with a thank you text.”
“Yes, let him know you’re not alone too. He called Harry in the morning so he would tell me what happened because he was afraid you wouldn’t tell us and be alone. He was concerned about you.”
Her eyes hold all the regret in the world.
“I don’t deserve him.”
“You do.” I smile.
I wait silently while she types away on her phone and then she leaves it face down on the table.
“So you were with Harry? On a weekday?”
Before I can answer, the door opens and Marie rushes inside as if someone was dying inside. She hugs Olivia and cries on her shoulder and my eyes widen at her. More drama?
“Marie, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She sobs. “Nothing more than this. I was just so nervous because I couldn’t come be with you and I’ve been very anxious on the way here and I guess it shows.”
Marie blows her nose on one of my tissues that I left on the table and Olivia smiles tenderly at her.
“We also get our periods together.” She explains to me and the three of us chuckle.
��Jason told me to videocall me. We’ve been on the phone since I got out of class.”
“But wait, your seminar wasn’t in the afternoon too?” Olivia asks.
“Yes, but we had a break and I left. This is more important.”
She’s not looking at any of us for she’s videocalled Jason and is setting her phone against the tissue package. Ollie sets herself between us both and the conversation starts the second Jason’s face appears on the screen.
“I’m going to kill him.” It’s the first thing he says.
“You don’t even know what happened, do you?” Ollie fears.
“So what? You’re crying over it. That’s enough.”
Olivia gives him a tender smile and Marie wraps her small arm around her shoulders.
“What happened, Ollie?”
She tells us she went to the party almost on accident because she had found this hot guy in Tinder who needed a date for an engagement party. It hadn’t crossed her mind the fact that the engagement could be Jack’s and I reckon it makes sense because I had no clue either. At first she found Mario there but if that wasn’t awkward enough, she then saw Jack with his hand around his fiancé’s waist and she almost chokes.
She didn’t try to leave though. She says she doesn’t know why. If I put on her shoes, I think I might have done the same thing, I’m guessing I’d be as paralyzed as she was. And then at some point of the night, he walked up to her and asked her if she had told anyone that he cheated on her.
“I was flabbergasted. Like, after all this time without talking and how terrible he was to me and how tough it was for me, he comes up to me to talk and it’s once again about him. I mean what he was worried about was me telling everybody what he had done. He didn’t even ask me how I was doing and then… He started talking to me this way… As if he was so much better than me… And he made me feel like shit all over again.”
My fists tense and I feel my nails sinking on my palms. I hate him for that. He’s such an asshole and I can’t think of someone better than Olivia and the fact that even for one second, she thought shit of herself because of him makes me want to kill him.
“I don’t remember perfectly everything he said because I was a little tipsy but I do remember how he made me feel and I swear it was the worst feeling ever. I felt so… Pathetic and embarrassed and used… I remember some sentences like ´because her I do like´ as if he didn’t really like me when we were together… I don’t know… He was like so worried she would find out he had cheated on me with her because he didn’t want to mess it up with her like he did with me, but it felt as if he didn’t care he had messed up with me, you know? As if I wasn’t as worthy as her.” She shrugs and then tears start rolling down her cheeks. “And it was just the fact that he thought that way of me, you know? I mean he’s nothing to me now but he was.” She sobs. “He was so important, damn it, he was my first love… And to learn that feeling wasn’t mutual… It was just all a lie… I- I am not that for him… He doesn’t- he doesn’t think of me as such so then what am I? Just some girl he fucked for a while?”
Marie clicks her tongue, I take a deep breath, Jason curses. Olivia cries. And she cries for at least an hour until she falls asleep on Marie’s arms.
Jason talks about Dick David to us and even though I still despise him, I’m glad to see we’re over the chapter where we don’t talk to each other about him. When J hangs up to go find his boyfriend, Marie and I get Ollie comfier on the coach and start cooking something for lunch while letting her sleep.
We both work in silence. I don’t know what Marie is thinking about but I keep thinking about how hard it would have been for me if Dylan ever said that to me. I feel a dry, strong oppression on my chest when I realize he’d never even have the chance.
“Indie” Marie whispers “are you thinking about Harry?”
I frown.
“What? Why would I be thinking about Harry?”
She shrugs.
“I don’t know… I mean… You saw how terrible Ollie felt when she realized all she was for him was just some girl he had fucked for a while… I guess I don’t want you to feel like that.”
“Harry is nothing like Jack.” I shake my head.
It bothers me that she would even compare them. Harry is so kind and so good and he doesn’t deserve to have someone comparing him with an asshole. Her brown eyes look into mine. I don’t know why I feel the need to defend him. Why do I care what anyone thinks about him?
“He got me a sweater.”
Marie laughs.
“Isn’t that the least he could do?”
“Well, but he didn’t have to get me one from Natura. I don’t even know how he knew it’s my favourite store or how he got one in just one day. He told me he spent the entire day trying to get it.”
“And what did you do when he gave it to you? Did you forgive him straight away?”
“Of course not. I threw it on the rubbish bin.”
“What?” Olivia laughs. “Indie, you’re crazy!”
“What the hell?” Marie all but yells. “And what did he do? I take it he told you to go to hell.”
“We fucked like rabbits.”
Olivia throws her head back and laughs and Marie bites her bottom lip and shakes her head. I’m glad this at least is cheering Olivia up.
“You both are maniacs.”
Olivia keeps laughing and I almost laugh along with her but remembering the way Harry looked at me when I threw his gift to the rubbish bin holds me back. Sometimes I really fear I’m actually insane.
“He’s crazy about you!” Olivia laughs.
That’s not so funny.
“He’s not.”
“He is.” Marie adds. “He talked to me. We had a cup of chocolate milk, well, I think he had a coffee, and he asked me what he could get you so you’d forgive him. He really likes you.”
I frown. No, he doesn’t. He just felt guilty because he had acted aggressive and that was wrong and he had ruined my sweater. He doesn’t have feelings for me. I don’t think Harry is the kind of guy who’s inclined to fall in love like Mario. We enjoy sex, that’s clear, but there’s nothing to add to that.
Marie and Ollie barely know the first thing about him. I don’t tell them much. If he fucked me like that was because at some point I did something that made him horny.
But… The fact that he’s only seeing me now… The girls don’t even know that. It worries me that I’m not gonna be enough for me. It also worries me that, even though he’s given me the power to say ´this is where it ends´, I literally don’t know if I’d ever mean that. I won’t deny I want to still be with him like this. I want to still have him and have crazy orgasms and feel beautiful and desired.
“You’re just thinking too much.” Olivia says before she has a sip of water. “You’re having fun, right?”
I nod.
“And you like the way he makes you feel, right?”
I nod again.
“Then there’s nothing else to say. You deserve to have fun, Indie. You’re 22 and you’re both on the same page and you’re not going to hurt him so he’s safe.” She smiles.
“How do we know he’s not going to hurt her?” Marie points a finger at Olivia and she grins.
“Because Indie doesn’t have feelings for him” she shrugs “right?”
“Right.” I nod.
It’s the third time I do the presentation in an hour. It now feels like some sort of rap I’ve memorized. I’ve never been bad at presenting shit anyway. I am not afraid of talking in public or anything like that and since most of the time what I talk about is what I study myself, is not hard to answer questions either.
I imagine Blue sitting down among the attendee and can’t control the smile. I don’t know what she’s doing to me but I need to get her out of my head. I’m sure this isn’t sane. It’s like all I can think about has to do with her and not only with her naked body which is obviously a thought that never leaves my mind but I also want to know what she thinks of pretty much everything I wonder, if she’d like what I had for lunch today, what she’s doing… This definitely isn’t sane.
She hasn’t talked to me since I drove her to Olivia’s flat in the morning so I’m guessing they’re having a girls’ day fixing the world together. I talked to Mario even though I couldn’t really tell him much but he seemed to be already less concerned just by knowing Blue was with her. I get it. Blue is as calming as a hot bath.
But I need to stop thinking about her.
My phone vibrates on the table.
Moody Blue: Thank you for driving me to Ollie’s in the morning x
And I’m grinning.
Harry: Anytime, baby.
Harry: How’s your friend?
Moody Blue: Better :)
Smiley face and a kiss? I’m not even sure this is her. Maybe she’s drunk? I’m going to find out. I send her a screenshot I took of a very pathetic old photo Olivia posted on Instagram years ago. Blue must have been as drunk as she could get and she was dressed up as a bunny.
I laugh out loud, picturing her hazel eyes opening wide and her lips set on a thin line.
Harry: HAHAHA Olivia’s profile is public.
Moody Blue: I’m going to kill you. Erase that immediately.
Harry: I think you look sexy, baby.
Moody Blue: Because you’re sick.
Harry: Look at those pouty lips. Such an influencer, you are.
Moody Blue: Seriously I hate you. I can’t believe you’ve been stalking us.
Harry: I was bored because my date stood me up in the morning for a girls’ emergency.
Moody Blue: Didn’t you have anything better to do than stalking me on the internet?
Harry: Actually I’ve been working. I still am.
Moody Blue: Lies. You’re talking to me ;)
I chuckle.
Harry: And working. I can do both ;)
Harry: More or less…
Moody Blue: And here I was thinking men couldn’t multitask…
Harry: I can.
Harry: Like when I kiss you and get my fingers inside your cunt at the same time.
I smile just imagining her reaction. I bet she’s blushing and biting her bottom lip. Shit, I want her. She’s so sexy and smells so good…
Harry: Are you at home?
Moody Blue: Yes.
Harry: Did you see my present?
I smile.
Moody Blue: No, I didn’t.
Harry: Well, look for it. It’s in your room.
Moody Blue: Did you hide it?
Harry: I left it where it belongs.
Moody Blue: What the hell did you leave behind?
I laugh.
Harry: Don’t be impatient, Blue.
Harry: I’m gonna keep working.
Harry: Let me know if you find it.
Moody Blue: When*
I laugh. I try to get back to the presentation but there’s no use. I’d pay to know what’s going through her mind. I hope she thinks I’ve left her a set of naughty lingerie or something like that. She doesn’t need me for that though. She’s got the sexiest underwear I’ve ever seen…
My phone vibrates and my sister’s number appears on the screen.
“Hi, Gem.”
“Hi, Haz. How are you doing?” Her cheerful tone has always contrasted with mine.
“I’m good, thanks. How are you?”
“Great. I was just calling to inform you about the news on my birthday.” She chirps. “Finally Michal and I manage to rent the property I told you about. It’s downtown in Grad where I told you right next to that place Loft 39, I think.”
“Oh, cool.”
“Yeah. Did you tell Indie?”
“I did not.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because she’s gonna say no.”
“How do you know that if you didn’t ask her?”
“I know her and I know what she wants and it’s not that.”
“She doesn’t want to assist to a wonderful birthday party for someone turning 31?”
“She doesn’t want to meet my family. That’s what I meant.”
“Again, the only way of knowing that would be asking her but you refuse to do so.”
“Do you need to ask Michal if he wants to kill you for you to figure out whether he wants to?”
“How is that the same?”
“How is it different?”
“You know I know you don’t think you’re right when you ask another question instead of giving me an answer? Did you get me a birthday present?”
“Shit! I wanted to tell you to get me Indie coming to my party… Well, return it and get that one.”
I chuckle.
“You’re indefatigable.”
“I just want to meet her!”
“I already told you about her! Get off my back!” I joke.
“But do you plan on ever bringing her home?”
I sigh.
“Didn’t I tell you we’re just friends?”
“I know Adam…”
I roll my eyes.
“Do you also stalk Adam on Instagram?”
I know this embarrasses her. I almost kill her when she did that. Thank God Blue didn’t ask me anything about it.
“I don’t have to because I know him which could be true for Indie too if you would just introduce us.”
“But I won’t.”
“I hate you.”
“Hate you too.” I chuckle.
“But I’ll see you next week.”
“See you, Gem.”
I’m still amused at my sister’s antics when I see Blue’s been texting me during our phone call.
Moody Blue: Thank God it’s your sweater.
Moody Blue: I was so afraid you would have cum all over my underwear or something like that.
I throw my head back and laugh. She doesn’t know how tempted I was of stealing one of her knickers or anything of hers really but I know she would have gotten mad.
Harry: I’ve noticed you like that sweater.
It’s true, I have, which is why it was such a dilemma whether to give it to her or not. She gets horny when I wear it and that makes me not want to wear anything else ever but I also kind of like thinking about her wearing my sweater to bed.
Moody Blue: I do like it. Thank you :)
Harry: Now you’ll have to give me something of yours.
Harry: Like your knickers ;)
Moody Blue: Oh, so that’s what this is….
Moody Blue: You’re so dirty.
I grin. She isn’t lying but only for her.
Harry: Bring two next time you come to my house
Harry: That way you can also put some fresh knickers when you get home
Harry: I bet it sucks to put your soaked ones back on.
Moody Blue: I’m pretty sure I left one at your house one day because I was knickerless when I got home…
Harry: Yeah but you were still wearing them when I got you under the shower
Harry: They’re washed.
Moody Blue: WAIT YOU WANT THEM DIRTY? YOU PIG! That’s disgusting even for you.
I chuckle at her insult. I love scandalizing her but I wish I could see her. I bet she’s blushing yet I’m sure she’s wet. She’s just as dirty as I am and I am desperate to get my hand under her soaked knickers and feel her wetness against my fingers.
Harry: Not dirty, sillyhead.
Harry: Used.
Moody Blue: What for?
Harry: What do you think I’d do with them?
My sweatpants are already getting tight on my groin just imagining and thinking about her picturing it it’s only turning me on more.
Moody Blue: I’d rather not know
Harry: Liar…
Harry: Why does it bother you so much?
Moody Blue: I want nobody collecting my knickers.
Harry: First of all, I am not nobody
Harry: And secondly, I don’t collect them. I just want one.
Moody Blue: You’re a perv.
Harry: You must not know how incredible you smell.
Harry: Just thinking about it gets me hard, baby.
Harry:  I’m dying to eat you out…
Moody Blue: Fuck
I grin. Yes! She likes it and she’s participating! I think I’d come even if she just gave me a recipe.
Harry: What are you wearing?
Harry: If you’re covering yourself with your Barbie cover don’t tell me, make something up
Moody Blue: I just came out of the shower
I smirk.
Harry: You’re naked
Moody Blue: Yeah, I tend to undress to shower
She makes me laugh.
Harry: And your hair is down?
Moody Blue: haha wouldn’t you like to know?
Harry: I most certainly would… I miss you.
Moody Blue sent a picture.
My phone almost slips from my fingers and hits me on the thigh when I open it. It’s not a nude obviously, I don’t think Blue would ever dare to send me one- even though God knows I would love one- but damn it she looks astonishing. She’s smirking somewhat timidly but she knows what she’s doing with her wet hair covering her breasts and that look. Fuck.
Harry: Baby, come over.
Moody Blue: lol that easy? You come over.
Harry: I can’t, I need to finish this fucking presentation.
Moody Blue: What presentation?
Harry: The one I need to present tomorrow…
Moody Blue: Well, you’re a nerd. I’m sure you’ll nail it.
Harry: What’s going on?
Harry: You’re being too nice on me.
Moody Blue sent a picture.
She’s wearing my sweater and her panties and she looks incredible. Holy shit.
Moody Blue: I’m going to bed. Thanks for the sweater.
Harry: Thanks for the pictures.
Moody Blue: I hope you get some sleep and good luck for tomorrow!
I almost text her something I’d regret so I lock my phone and get back to the last review of my presentation. From the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of the Lorazepam. It’s hard to believe some night I haven’t had the need to take it because of Blue and it’s especially hard because it’s dangerous. I can’t depend on this girl, she can’t be this important because she’ll get tired of me eventually.
I think about telling her about Gemma’s birthday. She would never come. Moreover, she would freak out and remind me again we’re just friends with benefits- exclusive; but just friends with benefits anyway.
Why is she so hard to decode?
Marie and Jason sit beside me as we wait for the next presenter. Marie’s been taking notes like a mad woman but I’ve disconnected with the last few ones. It was half interesting in the beginning but some doctors are really boring when presenting. I guess it has little to do being good at your job and being good at talking about it.
My lips part when Harry makes his way with confident steps towards the centre of the stage. He wears a light grey-baby blue suit with a light aquamarina shirt that so brings out the green of his eyes and he looks just amazing. Jason’s smirking when my surprised eyes search for my friends’.
I don’t think he’s seen me. I doubt he even knows I’m here. He introduces himself and even though he’s acting all shy, he sounds and looks so sexy to me. It’s like he knows what he’s doing. Everyone is staring at him, seemingly interested in whatever it is he’s saying and even though I really want to know, I can’t process a single sound other than the way his heels click against the floor as if he owned the place. I can’t help but think he was somehow born for this, for having people listening and for him to tell all us the truth about the world.
He walks along the stage, makes people laugh with the way he goes through the slides and once again he proves he can be such a great teacher. He explains everything in a very technical way but it’s always comprehensible and I find myself deeply interested in his essay and his discoveries. That’s how you know someone is passionate. It’s the way his eyes shine and the way he seems to be surprised himself and the little smirk when he shows us the results.
Is this what he was doing last night? I think about all the times he’s made me blush and all the time he’s purposefully put me on the spot and like that my hand finds my phone over my folder. No, I can’t be so mean… But then again he wouldn’t check a text in the middle of a presentation… And I doubt his phone has any volume anyway… So I do it.
Indie: Is this what you were doing last night?
I imagine his face when he reads the text later and realizes I’ve been here and almost giggle.
Indie: Nice suit by the way 😉
I sit back on my chair and rest my phone against my folder trying to get back to the presentation and learn something other than how good looking a man can be but my heart stops beating when I see him casually fishing his phone out of the pocket on his suit while words keep spilling out from his smart mouth.
Oh, God, how embarrassing! I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid. Thankfully, he just casually keeps his phone back on his pocket and turns to look at the screen grinning. At least he thought it was funny. His words stop. Oh, boy, I think he’s lost. I feel petrified.
After the longest seconds of silence, the smart words come back to his lips and he goes on with his speech. His green eyes scan the crowd and I got the feeling he’s searching for me so I shrug on my seat and hope for the best. I’m quite hidden behind two tall doctors and the lights are not hitting my seat thank God so I don’t think he’s going to see me. I consider leaving before he finds me but I’m stuck to my seat. His confidence and his intelligence and the way he seems to have been doing this for years have me amazed and every time he smiles I want to go down there and kiss him in front of everyone. Gosh, what is wrong with me?
Our eyes meet when the crowd claps their hands together and he smiles as if the applause wasn’t for the brilliant presentation but for finding me. I bet every female in this room is dreaming with having him but he’s licking his lips locking eyes with me and I couldn’t feel any luckier.
When Marie and I are making our way towards her car after the presentation, someone clears their throat behind us and I giggle before I see him for I know who that is.
“What do you want?” I smile.
He smiles back and I feel the world blurring around us until there’s just him and me. Somehow the intimacy in that smile makes up for everything else.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Marie giggles. “It was a wonderful presentation, Harry. Congratulations.”
“Thank you, Marie.” He smiles.
Since when are these two friends? I watch my friend walk away towards her black car with a confused frown on my forehead and Harry seems to wait until she’s inside her car to turn around and capture me against the air behind me. I swear it feels like there’s a wall.
“You started the fire, Blue.”
I smile and shrug.
“You were provoking me.”
“More like bothering you.”
“And why in the world would you do that in the middle of a presentation?”
He’s so right. Why in the world would I do that? I don’t know, I’m doing a lot of stupid things since I know him. I shrug.
“I don’t know but I made you nervous, didn’t I? Do I make Harry Styles nervous?” I joke.
He doesn’t answer so I look into his eyes and find his confused ones. He narrows them for just a second and then his expression relaxes.
“Yes.” He admits and my heartbeat speeds up. “I almost lose track of what I was saying.”
“But you didn’t.” I raise my eyebrows and he smirks. “You were amazing.”
“You liked it?”
I nod. He said very interesting things and he’s very talented when it comes about oratory. And oral.
“Then you owe me a pair of knickers.”
I chuckle and start walking ahead of him but he follows. I don’t know where I’m going but I don’t want to stand there and wait for someone from the hospital to see us and start imagining things.
“In your dreams.”
I turn around when I realize instead of following me like I thought he was doing, he’s been leading me to his car. He’s grinning. He raises his eyebrows when I frown at his childish behaviour and traps me between the car and him. I roll my eyes and he pushes against my body until I feel my ass against the body of his car.
“Stop following me around.”
He grins and presses his body impossibly closer until there’s no space between us.
“That’s what you wanted.”
“No, it’s not.”
He leans in until his mouth is inches away from mine and then he smiles. I bet he can tell I suck in my own breath at his proximity. He’s still not touching me.
“You don’t let me see anyone else.” He smiles.
My heart jumps to my throat.
“You can see whoever you want, Harry, it’s just-”
My words die on his lips as he kisses me. I’m hungry for him. It hasn’t been long, yet somehow it feels like forever since last time he kissed me so I feel myself struggling for air as his soft lips mould on mine.
“I don’t want to see anyone else, sillyhead.” He pecks the tip of my nose. “I just want you now.”
My pupils dilate and I give him the look. I want him too.
“Are you going to come look for me every time you get horny now?”
He smirks before he slowly nods.
“Get used to it.” He whispers.
He’s turning me on like a teenager and he hasn’t even touched me. His lips press slowly but firmly against my cheek before he moves to my ear. I can feel his smile against my skin.
“It was your decision, love.” His hand wraps around my hip and he squeezes. “Now face the consequences.”
His mouth descends down my neck and his warm breath covers my hot skin in goose bumps. I want him to lift me up and fuck me against his car but he’s barely touching me, only breathing out against my skin and driving me crazy. My pulse accelerates and my skin reacts to his touch with a thin layer of sweat.
“Do you want me to touch you?” He whispers against my neck.
Fuck, yes; but I can’t speak. My mouth is dry and he knows what I want. He can read my body. He takes the hair tie from my ponytail and buries his nose on my hair, inhaling my scent and granting me his.
“Do you want me to touch you or not?”
I bet he can hear my heartbeat but he still loves to hear me begging for him. Well, I won’t.
I try not to lose all ability of logical thinking as I look into her eyes. I know she won’t give me the Blue I’m trying to get, the one who tells me what she wants and the one who had me wrapped around her fingers just a few days ago… But the sun is setting and the clouds are turning pink and the light is hitting her face and she looks so beautiful… She smiles and my heart tightens.
She bites her bottom lip and moves her hips against mine. Fuck… She knows what she’s doing. Her hand rests on my shoulder as she keeps moving her hips discreetly against mine, it’s barely a friction because we’re still in public and she’s somehow still aware but it’s driving me crazy. My hand tightens on her hip but I don’t stop her movement.
Shit, it’s crazy how something so innocent can be turning me on like this. Sexually, I’ve done a lot of things but no one has ever looked into my eyes like this and no one has ever smiled like this and no one has ever squeezed my heart this way…
But it’s not just now, it’s every time. The way Blue moves is just intoxicating. She moves slowly and she sways and she’s so fucking sexy in everything she does. With her other hand she places her bag behind her back and then buries her fingers on my hair. My eyes shut.
“Don’t stop.”
She smiles.
She pulls from my hair and lifts the leg that’s closer to the tree next to my car so no one can see her even though there’s barely any car left and she wraps her leg around mine so the part of me that’s throbbing for her can feel her closer.
“Fuck, Blue.” I pull from the back of her neck with my fingers to bring her mouth to mine. “I’m so hard, baby.”
She giggles naughtily against my lips before she bites down on my bottom lip and kisses me. I move my hand from her hip to her ass and squeeze her perfect flesh. She’s driving me crazy.
“You’re so sexy” I whisper against her mouth “driving me fucking crazy… Doing this… Only to me…”
My hard on throbs at my own words and she fucking gasps. I don’t want to be possessive, I’ve never been and I’m not going to start being it now; but knowing I’m the only one who gets to have this… It’s just driving me wild.
I can’t take it anymore so I get my hand on her groin and caress her through her tights under her skirt. She moans on my mouth before she calls me out.
“There’s no one around.” I whisper. “And this is what you get for turning me on like that.”
She throws her head back and her eyes roll to the back of her head. I suck on the skin of her neck and move her to the side so we’re under the tree and her body is against the driver’s door. I look around. There’s no one and even if there was, they couldn’t see us.
I slip my hand under her tights and knickers and hiss when her wetness touch my fingertips. Fucking hell.
“You really liked doing that to me, didn’t you?” I lick her skin. “You love what you do to me.”
Her nails sink on my shoulders and I know that’s a sing for me to go on. She loves when I talk dirty to her and when I touch her. She loves it as much as I love it and that’s why for us not to be together doesn’t make any sense.
I bury my fingers inside her and she moans letting me know how much she likes it and I bump my fingers in and out of her, imagining the sounds her fluids make. She pulls her body even closer to mine and sucks on my neck as she begins grinding her hips against my hand, helping me pleasure herself. Fucking shit. I feel her thighs tensing up next to my hand and her gasping becomes faster and more erratic.
“Are you going to cum?”
She half moans half gasps a yes and I encourage her. She bites the skin on the side of my neck and my dick throbs in my pants, trying to burst the zipper and set free. I feel her body weight falling over me as she lets go and I hold her tight. When she looks at me she’s flushed, happy and gorgeous.
I reluctantly take my hand out of her knickers and suck my fingers inside my mouth and she grins. As if nothing happened, she buries her ten fingers on my hair and gets on her tippy toes to kiss me like an innocent princess. I almost laugh at her but gladly accept her kiss.
“Open the car.” She whispers.
My pulse accelerates and I feel like a nervous teenager as I search for my keys on my pocket. It’s hard to reach inside my pocket when my dick looks like a tent. I open the car and she moves aside and opens the driver’s door, pushing me inside so I sit down. Then she leans in to my groin and I think I’m dying when she pulls the seat backwards so there’s room for her to straddle me. I grin at this new naughty Blue.
“I think you’re the person that makes me cum faster in the world.” She giggles.
“So there are more people making you cum?” I feign annoyance but she gets me and laughs.
“No” she pecks my lips “there’s no one else.”
I grin like a kid against her mouth.
“Show me.” I plead. “Show me I’m the only one.”
She grins as she takes her tights off and then her hungry hands get my zipper down and my pants and boxers down my legs. She hums as if she just had a bite of a cake looking down at my arousal that’s for her and I smile. Warm hands caress up my chest until they slip down my jacket and take it off. Then she unbuttons my shirt as she slowly grins her hips against me. I stop her movement with my hands on her hips and her hazel eyes give me a confused look.
“I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop that.” I explain.
She grins and then I lift her hips up and sink her down so I’m inside her. We both groan like the desperate animals we are. In the car, I feel her closer, heavier, more mine than ever. I don’t know why. I don’t know whether it is the trust, the animalistic side of her who didn’t care we weren’t in a house, or the fact that her scent is gathered on a smaller space but I’m not gonna last long.
I fill her up fully once and again and even if it’s just for these minutes she’s mine. I hiss. I won’t take it much longer. She covers my mouth in kisses and helps my movement grinding her delicious hips against mine and I keep moving her body up and down.
“You’re so deep.”
“Yeah.” I gasp.
“I love it.”
One of her hands tangle on my hair and the other gets stuck to the back of my neck with a mix of both our sweats. She’s so sexy… With this energy and this wild side and this earn she has for me… I love the way we connect. I love her on top of me.
“Fuck, Blue.” I groan. “I-”
“I’m so close.” She cuts me off. “Don’t stop.”
I groan against her mouth as her fingers on my hair pull a little more aggressively and I know she’s really close. I love the sting and I- I thrust my hips harder inside her so she jumps a little on top of me and her moans turn louder. I want to see it.
My eyes set on her and I watch the way her body tenses up as the tension gathers on the lowest part of my belly. I’m going to burst soon too. She pulls from my hair as her body trembles on top of mine and I hold her tight and close as I unload inside her.
She rests her forehead against mine and we both catch our breaths, feeling each other’s on our faces.
“Fuck.” She giggles as she climbs off me and into the passenger’s seat.
“Yeah” I chuckle “fuck.”
“I love that suit.” She grins.
“I’ll remember that.”
As Harry drives to my house, his hand moves from the gear to my knee and back to the gear. His green eyes search for me and he gives me a grin in every red light too and even though I’ve just fucked him, I want to lean over the gear and kiss his lips all the time. I don’t know what’s gotten inside me. It must be the suit.
Fast, but not fast enough, he pulls over at my house and I unfasten my seatbelt and wait for him to do the same. But he doesn’t.
I look into his eyes and only then he realizes I was waiting for him.
“I’m not staying.”
“Oh.” Mate, this is embarrassing.
I feel my cheeks and neck heating up and my eyes look anywhere but him. I’ll confess I would have liked him to stay but I need to stop this. Friends with benefits don’t usually spend the night and I can’t get used to it. This is probably for the best.
“I have to be in Dagal very early tomorrow and-”
“That’s okay.” I cut him short because an excuse only makes it more embarrassing. “You don’t have to give me any explanations.”
I hurry up and open the passenger’s door but Harry’s fingers wrap around my wrist and stop me. I look up into his eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Giving you a goodnight kiss.”
He leans in and captures my lips with his in a sweet, almost couple-like kiss and I hurry up outside on his car as fast as I can.
When I make it inside my house, I make my way straight to my room and leave everything on my bed before I walk in the bathroom. I don’t know why it made me feel so blue that he didn’t stay. It’s probably not normal for friends with benefits to sleep together, like actually sleep, anyway; but he spoiled me to the point where I’m used to his cuddles to sleep. I should be thankful though. He did me a favour. That’s not what this is and he’s just making it clear for me and that’s good, that’s noble.
My phone screen is on when I walk inside my room.
Harry: Open up.
I frown but make my way down the stairs and open the door. His green eyes look into mine from behind his eyelashes and I give him a questioning look but instead of explaining himself he walks inside and closes the door behind him, holding my hand and climbing up the stairs. I watch him, stunned, while he takes his suit off and gets inside my bed in his boxers.
His green eyes don’t leave me while I take off my clothes and put my pyjamas on. I don’t understand. Wasn’t he leaving? Didn’t he have to go to Dagal very early? Why did he change his mind? Did I really look that pathetic?
I get in the bed silently and turn my body to the side to turn off the light and I feel Harry’s hand on my waist pulling me to him. He melts me in one of his warm hugs and my body relaxes despite my busy mind.
I wait very still until I feel him relaxed and then I try to get my phone from the beside table but for that I need to move a little away from him.
“No.” He murmurs behind me. “Don’t pull away.”
“I’m just going to get my phone.”
“Why? Go to sleep, baby, it’s late.”
“Didn’t you have to be in Dagal very early tomorrow?”
“Yes, don’t remind me.” He growls.
“Then what are you doing here?”
“I like cuddling you in bed.”
His words leave me speechless. I feel my heart beating faster and more powerfully as if all of a sudden it carried more blood.
“Why are you doing this?”
“What?” He yawns.
“Why do you treat me like this?”
His face searches for mine and I can see him frowning.
“Would you rather I treated you bad?”
“No.” I frown. I love the way he treats me. “It’s just… I mean… All this.”
I move my hand over us, trying to point at how tight he’s holding me. Harry studies me carefully and his eyes, green and intense, end up making me nervous. He finally puts an end to my agony with a careless shrug.
“I like holding you.” He rests his head on the crook of my neck. “I don’t know, it’s like I feel this… urge to protect you.”
“To protect me?”
“Yeah.” He yawns again. “I guess you’re just tender to me.”
“Tender?” I scandalize. “But I’m cold as a floe!”
“Well, yeah, sometimes you are.” He agrees next to me. “But most of the time you aren’t, Blue. You’re a very kind, sweet person and deep down you’re actually quite sensitive. You try very hard to act like you’re not but I know better now.”
“I don’t know what you’re coming on about but I’m not some soft girl who needs a knight.”
“I haven’t said that. I don’t think you need me at all, you don’t need anyone. You’re strong and independent. I’m just saying it’s easy to care for you, as much as you fight it.”
It’s like a slap on the cheek. I feel pathetic for every time I’ve told him he didn’t know me at all. He knows me way better than I give him credit for but this thing… This caring for me… Where is he going with this?
I turn around to face him and find him with his eyes shut. He looks tired and he said he had to wake up very early but I need to know now.
“Do you sleep more than once with the other girls?”
His eyes opened and burn mine.
“What other girls?”
“You know, the ones before...” I shrug.
“Yes, sometimes yes.”
“And did they spend the night?”
He shakes his head.
“I never fucked them in my bed either. Only you can get in there.”
He’s very serious, as if smiling would somehow make it less true. I don’t know why but I also think it would. His eyes shut again.
“You said it yourself.” He shrugs, fighting with his eyelids to keep his eyes open. “You’re not like them.”
I nod. So that’s it? Just because I don’t look like them and I’m younger and not so slender I get a different treatment? I turn back around so my back is against his chest and close my eyes trying to go to sleep.
“I also only go to sleep with you.” He pecks my shoulder.
My eyes widen. I just got it. This is not just sex. He likes me. Harry likes me.
And judging by the way my heart’s pounding, I like him too.
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TarTar's Return: Chapter I
A thick presence of darkness covered an eerie room. It was coated with metallic air and a heavy teal glow barely illuminating such a chilling and haunted chamber. A single step could shake the dead silence like a pin dropping, and it did indeed.
An adult cephalopod enters, with a monitor semi-lightening up the room just a bit more, and yet the ambiance looked even more dreary. He sits in the chair before the monitor with a smirk slowly painting his face.
The monitor reboots. Steady and even footsteps suddenly dropped to yet another silence. The adult mollusk was ready. Whatever he had planned started to commence.
He pushes his glasses up, carrying the monitor's reflection. His lips curled back into a sinister smirk and his silky voice sliced the dense air one last time: "Now... we really begin, Commander [REDACTED]."
Skylar Toryoshi, also known as Agent 7, works as an agent and lives in the agents HQ. Despite the constant missions and colleges he had living with him, he was pretty lonely and like it that way. His quiet mannerisms keep his life in control in between the madness of the world that attempts to break him down. He loves the HQ. He loves his job, and it seems like the people who look up to the Squidbeak Platoon love him as well.
Keith, Aka Agent 8 was in his room. He's a poet, a quiet one at that. He was writing about something that happened a year ago during his time in the Metro. A television blared throughout the HQ. He was frustrated because he couldn't think, but he noticed the name of the HQ was being tainted. That grabbed Keith's attention.
A trainee was working with an agent for the time being was callee Tina, a young squid that was an aspiring weapon designer. She got off of her cute laptop and stepped downstairs to the main room and looks at the tv captured her undivided attention.
The New's was clicked on by Lucas, AKA Agent 6. He was just lying on the couch flicking through channels on the TV. He stopped on the news channel where the presenter was calling the NSP a terrorist organization. "Uhh, guys? You might wanna look at this." His pubescent voice called out.
"A man had a conspiracy theory about the Squidbeak Platoon at 6:51 am about the heroes we look up to, The Agents of the Recently opened 'New Squidbeak Platoon' (NSP) has been plotting silently to plot against us as terrorists," An octoling woman spoke out, "This man anonymously started posting videos of sketchy activity of these so-called 'heroes.'" She added, "These posts were sent on KettleTube as a result. Do you still believe these agents are heroes? Are this man's conspiracies true? More coming up on Sunshine News later today."
Keith stepped over to the Television in stunned disbelief.
Kris, Agent 9, was staring at the large screen at Inkopolis Square, in his civilian wear, "$&@#..."
"What kind of..." Keith tilted his.
While others glared in shock and awe, Mirror Aka Agent 5, was sleeping like a log on the couch with his goggles over his face oblivious to it all, and Dusk, Agent 4, was playing video games with a sheawnwitch in his mouth.
The young Tina shook her head in denial. "Why is this, we're not assassins."
Throughout this revelation inside the HQ, Skylar was idle in inkopolis square, relaxing and writing in his journal just when he looked over at the squares TV "No... That can't be true can it?" He got up and walked closer to the TV muttering to himself on how this couldn't be true."
Keith Intercom goes off as a trainee's voice goes off: "Hey guys did you watched the news?"
Kris out of hyperfocused instinct rushed into the squid hole and to HQ, continually repeating, "$&@#! $&@T! $&@#!"
Sun Rendezvous with Kris and followed, however, the moment Sun met up with the rest, he started up the stove in the kitchen and started to make a pancake batter.
Octavo would be in his snowglobe asleep
"Yes, I did. And I am very concerned!" Lucas said while pacing around the floor "The people believe the media and the media just called us terrorists and now they're against us and IM FREAKING THE $&@# OUT!"
Keith tried to set up his collective mood as much as he could. "We'll need to save our reputation," Keith muttered.
Kris turned on his intercom, "We all need to meet up, STAT!"
Hearing the Intercom Skylar panicked and notice Kris run and followed after him "what the fuck is happening"
Eventually, Mirror woke up and was livid "SHUT UP! I'm trying to sleep!!"
Keith slapped the daylights out of Mirror
Kris enters the room abruptly, "$&@#!"
"We have an emergency meeting dumbass! Someone's throwing our name into the mud calling us terrorist, and due to your lack of concern, I'd say you were the one who did it!" Keith jokingly accused.
Mirror punched Keith on the shoulder after getting up aggressively "Hey! I may always be a jerk, but a terrorist?!?! ...I'm still trying to achieve that!" he said jokingly.
"Cod damn! Just act like an Agent for once in your miserable life," he stepped away while trying to contact Agent 3.
"Is Agent 3 contactable?" Kris asked Keith, only to finally notice Sun making Pancakes as well as Skylar.
"IM HUNGRY $&@#%! Sun sassed.
"So far no, she's in a mission with the SquidSisters." Keith replied to Kris, ignoring the confrontation for now.
"Well, $&@#. They're in some serious danger if they're caught in public." Kris replied.
Skylar stood by the doorway "can we all just calm down... Please?"
"NO!" Sun screeched then calmed down after seeing Skylar's death stare, "I-I mean yeah sure..."
"They're in the Valley so they should be... "Okay," Keith reassured, rolling his eyes as the two butted heads.
Octavio just sigh and knocked on the snow globe
Keith takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Skylar's right let's calm down and put our heads together. How can we save our reputation?"
"I vote assassination!" Lucas shouted in panic.
"Me too!" Sun voted from the Kitchen, finishing his cooking.
Skylar sighed and facepalmed "are Keith and I the only sane people here? Keith? Any ideas?"
"We'll need to search the area without sticking out," Keith demanded, "Hiding in hoodies, making disguises until we find our culprits. We also need some fake identities."
"Hoodies? I got you covered! I own literally every hoodie known to cephalopod kind!" Lucas boasts, showing his massive collection of hoodies in every color of the rainbow.
The meeting eventually escalated into a chaotic bunch as Mirror and Sun were starting to lash out at each other. Sun's pancake flew over to Kris, causing him to go ballistic at the duo. Poor Keith was just trying to get everyone to listen.
Suddenly the gaming and innocent Agent 4 stepped into the room seeing the chaos and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.
Kris looked to Dusk. Lucas turned his head towards Dusk as well. Keith's attention was added.
"This... This is a me--" Skylar's mouthed, as Keith shut it.
"Now. Keith, what is our game plan?" Dusk asked.
"Thanks, Dusk," He patted Dusk little head as he giggled like a small child, "Once again, we'll need to search the area to find our culprit, From the Squidbeak itself, to out in the open of Inkopolis to the Canyon to the Valley. We also need to make Fake IDs, which would be easy, since our Records don't exist anymore."
"The fake ID's can only last for so long..." Skylar started mumbling.
"Then finding the Culprit needs to be as quick as possible." Keith countered.
"I'll go for the valley, I was born there so I practically know the place inside out" Lucas announced
"I'll go with Lucas," Sun added.
"I'll be in the outskirts, Pearl and Marina trust me so I'll be able to get more information," Keith claimed
"Alright. Skylar and I will be in downtown Inkopolis." Kris demanded.
"But we need to make sure none of us get captured on the way, Lucas."
"I've got some old octoling armor in my room, we can blend in with that when we get to the valley" Lucas said to Sun quietly.
"Ok" Sun replied.
Skylar smiled "Time with Kris?...sure" He muttered under his breath. If anyone ever gave Skylar any joy outside of silence, it would be his close friend Kris.
Sun walked to his room to search for something.
Mirror looked at Octavio with suspicion. "maybe he had something to do with it."
Keith sighed "He's been in that snow globe for 3 years, I don't think he'd do much, but I'll admit Mirror, you are smart, no one is 100% trustworthy at the moment." Keith praised Mirror.
Octavio banged on the glass in anger cracking it out of the rage of Keith's comment.
"Mirror, Dusk, examine Octavio's or the HQ's behavior."
"Yeah whatever," Mirror halfhearted
"Roger 8!" Dusk replied with enthusiasm.
Sun came back with bombs like the ones from the metro. These bombs can be explored with a code word and only your voice. Sun gave everyone some of those bombs but stopped by Keith.
"What are you doing?!?!" Keith held onto one of the small bombs.
Lucas went into his room and brought out three things. Two sets of octoling armor for himself and Sun, as well as a toolbox for unknown reasons
Skylar held up a bomb "Sun.. if people see us wearing these they'll think we're suicide bombers... Which won't help at all."
"O-Oh right," Sun took them all back. "More things to add on for our now proclaimed, 'Terrorist organization'"
Lucas slipped on the octoling armor that was taken from his room. "Huh, I guess I still fit into this."
Keith rushed into his bedroom to pull out some makeup he was using from "Hot Akanni's" and put on some fake contacts to change his eye color. Then he put some makeup to hide the scar. The then put on his Rockingberg Gear; the first gear he ever had the first time he stepped foot in Inkopolis.
"Alright, Sun lets head off. I've got a super jump spot to the valley not too far from here. C'mon." Lucas demanded.
Sun grabbed his dynamo and slipped onto his octoling gear. Sun packed up what was left of his pancakes and put them inside what was bag he added to his attire's roster on his person. "On it!"
Soon after, Lucas leads Sun to the super jump spot. The two of them fly off to Octo Valley.
Kris puts on a hoodie with some sweatpants, "This looks casual." he thought.
Skylar chuckled nervously, blushing furiously, "Y-yeah it does!"
"R-right!" Kris replied, "Let's go..."
Skylar sighed in relief. He will save what is left on what he adores. His new life, his new friends, and his new job is currently in danger, and he won't let it go down into ruin without a fight. That is basically who he is as a person:
A fighter.
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meimi-haneoka · 5 years
Incoherent thoughts on Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Chapter 35
Instead, you’ll have to stand another one of my ramblings because BOY I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. Under the cut for the lucky souls who haven’t read anything yet!
(Raw scans used in the post by @horitsuba)
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I’d like to start from the happy splash page, because it’s really adorable and....well, it’s almost the only happy thing of this chapter. Sakura and Syaoran dressed and acting like in a Mary Poppins musical or something really soothes our soul <3
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What to say. Sakura basically lives Akiho’s past on her skin and I’m.... I mean, we had to pass through this. Akiho’s past wasn’t complete and sooner or later we had to see what they did and how exactly they turned her into a half-human, half-doll enabled to write on herself all the magic she comes in contact with. It’s part of the plot and we had to go through it. But. Actually seeing SAKURA, of all people (lord knows how much we love her) impersonating AKIHO (lord knows how much I love her), floating over that altar, in a scene that looks between a sacrificing ritual and a laboratory experiment, made my heart hurt. A lot. BUT it’s not over. On top of all of this, ON TOP OF ALL OF THIS, they had to stage it like a page straight from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Why, there’s no feathers, no wings, then what? Well, I guess it’s Akiho’s dress, floating all around. Or the fact that these people are messing with her body and her soul (if she ends up absorbing too much magic, her soul will implode), and that Sakura looks SO DAMN much like Sakura-hime in that panel. Her hair, her profile, all reminds me of Sakura-hime. And it’s only normal! Mind you, I’m not saying there’s any tie to it just because of this. But I don’t think I’m too wrong when I say that CLAMP might have done it on purpose AGAIN. So, fuck you again, CLAMP! And now let me express how much I loathe these pieces of sh*t right above. Because, do you want to know why they started the “blank book” craze? Because a bored boy, consulted on the matter, said the first thing that came to his mind, in his usual snotty way. Yuna D. Kaito was a literal child when he was consulted about Akiho’s (nonexistent) powers, although being the strongest one of the Association. He said “eh, she’s just like a blank book” and those brainless jerks took it literally. This also opens a new theory about Kaito: he might be doing what he’s doing out of remorse, for something he said and couldn’t control outside of him. The deeds of the Association + the Squid Clan are the very proof the evil has made its entrance in the CCS world. But worry not: the challenge will be even harder, but I’m sure Sakura will be able to purify the story from their contamination.
The first thing I decided
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In the real world, Kaito and Momo recognize that it wasn’t Akiho the one talking, but the people of the Association + Akiho’s clan. This is for them the first time seeing Akiho loosing consciousness and trying to steal Sakura’s powers, even though it kinda already happened in Fujitaka’s library (but they weren’t there). From the new information given, we now know this is absolutely something that cannot happen: both for Sakura and for Akiho too, who would die as a human being if she were to absorb Sakura’s tremendous amount of power. It is clear as the day that Kaito will not allow any of that, because he cares for Akiho. And the clarification is finally crystallized in Kaito’s memory of their first (?) meeting: Akiho is still a kid, already capable to read, while he looks more or less of Syaoran and Sakura’s current age, or 1 year older maximum. His face rounder, his eyes bigger and kind. Akiho is surprised and I can almost imagine her reaction after this: “Is this person really talking to me???” Think what you want, but I can’t help but being happy that Akiho found Kaito in her life. We have yet to see how he went from “I don��t care” to “I’d give my life for her”. Yes. Kaito decides to stop the time of Akiho’s book as an emergency solution, preventing her from going “intercom-mode” everytime she comes in contact with magic. Momo is freaking out again, reminding him of what it means to meddle with time magic, but he doesn’t care. He took a decision that day. The very first thing he decided by himself. Until then, he only went with the flow, he accepted going into the Association not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t feel strongly against it. But Akiho, Akiho’s situation was the first thing that shook him enough for him to care. Kaito says that he still got enough life left to perform this spell, and in his smile it’s clear that he doesn’t care about the price he has to pay. This might be the last time he’ll be able to perform time magic. For sure he can’t go on much longer. And while this effort might save Akiho, will he kill her with grief for his premature disappearance? Momo is very angry at Kaito, and this is the reason why.
Heart hurts
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Kaito rewinds time for a few minutes successfully and we’re back at the YamaChiha scene, when Sakura suddenly glomps Akiho out of nowhere, towels dropping to the ground, starting to cry. She’s visibly shaken, and nobody understands what the hell happened to her, even Sakura herself.  But we do. Sakura’s power might be so strong that she’s starting to counter the effects of Kaito’s time magic, so her body and heart survived the time-rewinding. She’s still not conscious of her emotions, but when her brain will join in overthrowing Kaito’s magic, his tricks won’t work to keep her “ignorant” of the situation anymore.
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Needless to say, Syaoran is worried sick, so much that he walks her home after school, and he CALLS HER exactly 2 minutes after leaving her, with her house still in sight. He says he’s still worried. Sakura says that as an apology for making them worry, she’ll bring some homemade sweets the day after (again the homemade thematic surfacing), and that she will try to explain to him what happened back at school, when she’ll find the words. The chapter ends with her iconic zettai daijoubu da yo, and we’re supposed to be relieved by that, but I’ve heard many people feeling still uneasy after reading this chapter. It’s absolutely worth mentioning that both Kero and Suppi freak out when they see Sakura returning with puffy red eyes, and I found especially cute that Suppi was so worried too. She’s really loved by everyone!
Now, I know Kaito rewound time again, but I think this time is slightly less meaningless. Cause of course Sakura couldn’t stay in that nightmare any longer. At some point time would have to flow again and Akiho would have absorbed Sakura’s power, determining the end (?) for both girls. They’re in a shitty situation and Kaito only seems to be able to put patches on it, but for how long? Am I enjoying this more serious turn of Clear Card? Yes I am. Especially cause I know that in the end everything will be ok, so I enjoy biting my nails (and screaming at the Squids, of course!) in the meantime. Thank you for staying with me for this rant too!! Let me know your thoughts, as always!
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emilyjunk · 5 years
ur so beautiful - bemily minific
Rain splatters the pavement as they emerge from the underground station. The city lights reflect off the wet ground, blurred skyscraper windows, muted streaks of headlights and streetlamps.
Next to her, Beca scoots closer under the umbrella, her arm brushing Emily’s elbow. Emily shivers, and she doesn’t know if it’s from the rain.
They’d just come from a meeting at Beca’s studio and Emily’s whole body tingles with warm fuzzies. It’s been two years since the USO tour and Beca had already released her own album to great success. Emily had expected nothing less for her talented friend, but what she hadn’t expected was for Beca to ask her to come over the summer so they could work together. 
“I dunno, dude,” Beca had said in a rare and surprising phone call a few months prior. “It’s like. These in-house writers they keep sticking with me are like, good and whatever. But I dunno. I keep thinking of senior year and what we did. It doesn’t measure up.”
So two days after she’d hit summer break, off Emily went, up to New York, to a nice apartment in the Lower East side. To Beca.
That had been a month ago, and a very long one at that. Emily had been to New York before, on family vacations and Bella trips. But living here? Nothing could compare. The rush, the way the city seems to have its own personality. And of course…
Emily had always had complicated feelings when it came to Beca. Their relationship had always walked a blurry line for Emily, because Beca was so many different things to her. Beca had been her mentor, her role model. Her fellow Bella. Her friend. 
Now though? Emily’s feelings have reached a new complexity because in addition to all those things that Beca was, she’s also the unwitting object of Emily’s major crush.
It had always been there, simmering under the surface, but Emily had never had the need (or the courage) to look it in the face. But now she’s living with Beca, now they’re both older, both living lives outside a cappella and Bellas and silly sisterhoods. 
Now Emily’s crush is practically the only thing she thinks about. She thinks about it while they eat breakfast in the morning, while they write together in the studio, while they make dinner and listen to music. She thinks about it in the shower, on the subway, in the hours she lies awake at night because she can’t sleep, fantasies of coming clean to Beca about her feelings plaguing her brain until she manages to drift into a restless unconsciousness that leaves her exhausted the next morning. She doesn’t care though, because she’s too happy to mind.
Even now, as the rain pours down, trickling in her eyes, soaking her socks, making the ends of her hair curl in the humidity, she can’t bring herself to care at all. Because Beca’s looped their arms together and is tugging her toward that coffee shop two blocks over that they always go to. 
“Dude, I don’t care that it’s 8PM, I need a triple shot of espresso stat,” Beca’s saying, shooting Emily a grin under the shadow of the umbrella. And Emily swears every light in the city must flash brighter because it can’t be Beca that’s giving everything around them that shiny haze, right? 
“You’re gonna be up all night.”
“Sleep is for the weak, Legacy.”
Emily shakes her head fondly and leads them inside, shaking the raindrops off the umbrella and getting them a table while Beca grabs their coffee. When she plops down across from Emily at the table, Emily can hardly breathe.
Beca’s eyes shine especially blue under the dim lights overhead and her cheeks are red from walking. She absentmindedly slouches in her chair, elbow resting on the table, chin slumped in her hand.
Emily’s stomach twists. Beca is beautiful, and sometimes Emily has the urge to ruin everything by saying so out loud. Saying something like that would mean something, and even if it’s true Emily can’t bring herself to say so. 
Because Beca’s so calm and chill, and Emily talks too much and gets over-excited, foolish and awkward. Beca always gives her this amused look, soft and happy, and Emily just knows -- she knows -- that saying something so honest would freak Beca out.
She just wishes Beca knew sometimes. 
Because holding all this in? 
Starting to drive Emily a little crazy.
Sometimes she’s delusional enough to think Beca might feel the same. 
It’s in the way Beca’s always finding little reasons to touch her. The swatting at Emily’s arm when she makes a dumb joke. The way she puts her head in Emily’s lap when they watch TV. The way she holds onto Emily’s arm when they push through a particularly crowded area and doesn’t let go until they’re well past it.
And the thing is, sometimes when she’s avoiding looking at Beca, when she’s forcing herself not to stare while they’re making music or even doing inane things like brushing their teeth, she catches Beca looking at her. She’ll be unable to help herself and glance at Beca over the piano, peek at her in the bathroom mirror, and Beca’s eyes will jump away.
But for one millisecond, Emily caught her staring, and she has to wonder if there are things Beca’s not saying, too.
Emily stands at the airport at the end of the summer with a new line on her resume and her suitcase in hand. 
Beca’s got her hands stuffed low in her jean pockets, her mouth twisted as she watches Emily pat herself over. Phone. Tickets. Wallet. Emily catches her looking, surprised when Beca doesn’t look away. 
If Emily were braver, maybe she’d find a quiet place for them to sit, and she’d look Beca in the eyes without fear, open her mouth, and tell Beca how she feels. 
She’d tell Beca that she’s the most beautiful person Emily’s ever seen, both inside and out. That Beca makes her insides jumpy and her outsides clumsy. That whenever Beca says her name, Emily feels her entire body inhaling, like every atom of her is taking in Beca’s voice, her attention, her presence.
And maybe Emily’s just obsessed, and maybe it wouldn’t work out, but at least Beca would know. At least she would have tried. 
And maybe… just maybe… Beca would feel the same. Maybe that look on her face that’s there now, that uncertain wanting Emily thinks she sees, would unravel like an unruly ball of yarn, and the words would spill from both of them and things would make sense.
Emily’s not brave, though, and Beca’s thoughts, if they exist, stay zipped up tight inside the locked box that’s Beca. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” Emily says at last, pulling Beca to her in a hug. Her nose settles in Beca’s hair and she inhales, if only so she has the memory of how comforting Beca smells to get her through.
“Yeah, dude. Me too.” Beca squeezes her back.
They stand like that for a minute, until Beca clears her throat and steps away, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
Everything in Emily yearns to say something, but she can’t. She can’t even look Beca in the eyes. 
“Well, thanks for an awesome summer, bud. I, uh. For real. I’m gonna miss you. It was nice having you around again.”
Emily softens. “How about a selfie? To remember it by?”
Beca gives a playful eye roll, but dutifully holds up her phone and snaps a picture. “There. Posterity at its finest.”
Emily laughs. “Bye, Bec. Thanks for everything.”
“See you around, Legacy.”
Emily leaves after that. She looks behind her as she enters the airport, but Beca’s already walking away, sliding into a taxi without a spare glance behind her.
Emily spends the plane ride back to Atlanta trying not to think about Beca and failing. She just keeps rewinding all the moments from the summer in her head, pausing to remember all the times Beca took her breath away. 
All the times they were in the studio, Beca focused and passionate. The time Emily walked in on her dancing around the kitchen to Walk the Moon. The time she laughed at Emily’s Stacie impression so hard she peed and had to run to the bathroom. The time Beca reached for her hand while they were walking down 16th Ave and gave it a squeeze, for no apparent reason. It had made Emily’s heart skip.
Emily misses her already, and suddenly a regret bubbles up in her chest.
Why hadn’t she said anything? Is it really that impossible that Beca might reciprocate her feelings?
Still, a little kernel of doubt remains stuck in her mind, tugging her into uncertainty. 
As she steps off the plane, and turns her phone on, she reminds herself that she loves having Beca as her friend more than anything, and she doesn’t need to go making a fool out of herself.
Overhead, the airport intercom buzzes with activity. She tunes it out as her phone vibrates in her hand with a notification.
[Beca Mitchell tagged you in an Instagram post.]
Emily blinks and pulls it up. It’s the selfies of them at the airport.
Beca Mitchell: Sad to see her go. Had the best summer. Beautiful and she doesn’t even know it #bellalove #RareSappyPost
Emily’s heart drops and she stops right in the middle of the concourse. A body nudges by her, brushing her shoulder, but she doesn’t care. She’s gaping at her phone.
There’s still that kernel of doubt lodged in her skull, but she ignores it. She doesn’t care.
Instead, she pulls up Beca’s contact and without thinking, presses the call button.
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sunkissedpages · 5 years
Late Night Resolutions || Harrison Osterfield x Reader
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A/N: for @social-holland‘s 500 follower writing challenge! Congrats again, lovely!
Prompt: I broke my nose by running into a wall
Summary: after a fight with Harrison you spend new year’s eve at a party without him where you end up breaking your nose.
What I listened to while writing: Youngblood by 5 Seconds of Summer (....in high school I was a hardcore stan)
Warnings: swearing, blood, jealousy, angst
Word Count: 1.3k
You were definitely still a little bit drunk, which was mostly an advantage to you right now, but the flutes sparkly champagne had turned to bottles of gatorade and the loud music had faded to code blues being announced over the staticy intercom. You hadn’t planned to spend new year’s eve in the emergency room, but you hadn’t planned to get drunk off your ass either. You’d been sitting in the waiting room for over two hours now, but at least the pain had settled to a dull throb- thanks to the ice pack resting on the bridge of your nose.
Even though you’d already been waiting so long, your broken nose wasn’t exactly at the top of the priority list on a night like tonight when there were so many other people to attend to. You wanted to take a nap, despite the fluorescent lights and all of the chaos around you. You just wanted to close your eyes and forget all about tonight.
You heard Harrison before you saw him. Low, tired voice cut with a sharp accent speaking urgently to someone at the front desk. He stood at the entrance to the hospital, hands in the pockets of his sweats, asking a nurse where you were. Your instinct was to perk up when you saw him, but when you remembered everything that had lead you to this moment you felt betrayed. You lifted your head from Tom’s shoulder to face him.
“You called him?” you whimpered pathetically.
“I had to,” Tom replied apologetically and you laid your head back onto his shoulder with a sigh.
Impulsively, you pulled Tom’s suit jacket tighter around you, hoping it would somehow make you invisible. You were so embarrassed. The only reason your boyfriend wasn’t with you at the emergency room already was because you and Harrison had been fighting earlier. It was an old argument. As an editor you often brought your projects home with you, working late into the night until your eyes began to hurt from staring at a screen for too long or you fell asleep at your laptop. Haz felt like you overworked yourself into an unhealthy state, but you always defensively assured him you were fine.
Tonight things had escalated until you ended up at Laura Harrier’s new year’s eve party, which Haz had stubbornly refused to come to, to prove to him that you weren’t always working. Then you got wasted, naturally, because you were upset you were at a party on new year’s without your boyfriend. One thing led to another, and you broke your nose at said party. Fast forward through a ride to the hospital in Tom’s car, where Tom was freaking the fuck out the entire time and you were trying not to get blood on his nice leather seats, and now you were here.
You waited with dread until you could sense Harrison standing above you before you looked up at him, keeping your head firmly on his best mate’s shoulder.
“Are you okay, love?” He asked with genuine concern, all traces of anger from earlier gone.
“What does it look like?” you groaned. Harrison only chuckled.
In his defense, you were a pitiful sight. For one, your nose was crooked now under the ice pack, and you had dried blood all over your face and glittery silver dress. Your eyes were swollen and your makeup was smudged under your eyes from crying. You were a hot mess.
Haz turned to Tom. “I can’t believe you let her sit here for two hours without me!”
“Mate, she begged me not to call you.” Tom protested.
“For fucks sake I’m your best friend!”
“I’m right here, you know,” you interjected, hoping your words didn’t sound as slurred as they felt in your head.
“Alright, mate well you could at least pretend like you don’t enjoy having y/n all over you.” Harrison spat. “I can take it from here.”
Usually jealous Harrison turned you on, but here? Now? Did he have to do this at 2:30 am in the middle of the emergency room?
“You have got to be kidding me,” you sighed in exasperation but sat up anyway. “Tom was being a good friend.”
“Yeah, well he can go back to the party now. I’ve got it. And you can give him back his bloody jacket,” Haz added as he began to unzip his own hoodie for you.
Tom stood then looked over at you. “You’ll be okay?”
You nodded and handed him his blazer. “Yeah, thanks for being here, and for driving me. I owe you big time.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said then winked at you just to tease Harrison. “Call me if you need anything, either of you.”
You watched him go then slumped in your chair, cheeks burning. You felt Haz settle into the chair next to you and wrap his hoodie around your shoulders, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him. You still felt so stupid.
“Do you need some more ice, love?” You shook your head. “Y/n, look at me. Talk to me.”
“I’m such an idiot,” you moaned, tears rolling down your cheeks despite your effort to hold them back.
“Let me see,” he urged.
Gingerly, you removed the ice pack from to show him the damage. When you had looked in the mirror earlier there had been a little bit of bruising on either side of your nose and some under your left eye. You suspected it had gotten worse by now.
“Oh, babe,” he gasped and brought his hands to the side of your face where he gently tilted your head to get a better look. “How’d this happen?”
“I broke my nose by running into a wall.”
The memory was so humiliating you didn’t want to relive it yet, but you told Harrison anyway. “Laura’s house has a lot of stairs,” you sighed, earning a soft smile from Haz. “Basically, I was up in the loft because that’s where the booze was, but then Tom and Jacob wanted me to come play pool so I was following them downstairs, and tripped on the stairs and fell into the wall.”
Harrison coughed through a chuckle, trying to hide it.
“Stop!” you cried, but you were laughing too. “It was horrible! So many people saw, and there was blood on the wall-” your eyes widened in realization “I got blood on Laura’s wall, I need to call her! I need to apologize!” You turned your phone over to see several texts and missed calls from Harrison as well as a few from some of your friends at the party.
“You can call her tomorrow, love. Don’t worry about it right now.”
“God, I’m such an idiot,” you repeated leaning back, banging your head against the wall accidentally. Harrison winced. “Christ, this night keeps getting better.”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
You sighed, taking the ice off your nose for another moment. “I was embarrassed.”
“But you got Tom to take you to the hospital and not me?”
“Oh my god, I have a fucking broken nose and that’s what you’re caught up on?” You pulled away from Harrison’s grasp. “We’d been fighting, Haz. I thought that you were still mad at me. Tom was already at the party, he saw the whole thing happen and he offered to drive me.”
Harrison took a deep breath. “You’re right, y/n, I’m sorry. I’m just mad at myself that I wasn’t there for you.”
“It’s not your fault. How could you have known?”
“No, I mean the fact that I wasn’t at the party in the first place. It’s new year’s eve and I was a such a dick. I wasn’t even there for midnight.”
“You’re here now, and we can make it up later.” You leaned back into him and felt him relax underneath you. 
Even though your nose still hurt like hell, you felt a thousand times better now that Harrison was here. You hadn’t realized how badly you’d wanted him to be there with you earlier, despite how embarrassed you were. The two of you lapsed into silence and turned your attention to the new year’s countdown on tv that was playing for a different timezone.
Suddenly, Harrison spoke up. “I think my new year’s resolution is to be less-”
“I was going to say intense, but same idea, yeah.” He squeezed your shoulder affectionately. 
“Mine is to be less clumsy,” you decided.
“Oh we’ll see about that,” Harrison said with raised eyebrows.
“Fuck you.”
The countdown on the tv hit midnight and Harrison leaned over to kiss your lips softly, careful not to bump your nose. “Happy new year to you too, love.”
okay I swear I was like I need a picture of Haz where he looks super comfy for this (preferably wearing glasses bc fuck me) and like !!! he fucking posted that video!! lmao why do I always post my writing in the middle of the night?? Idk but i leave to go back to college tomorrow (or i guess today) and I!! Still!! Haven’t!! Packed!! Also, thank you @me-a-hopeless-romantic for giving me much needed info about broken noses lol
Forever Tags: @mischiefmanaged49 @bookingbee @cloverrover @perhaps-he-schnapped @awkwardfangirl2014 @the-queen-procrastinator @tastingthestarz
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hollands-poppet · 6 years
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Summary: Big Brother is a reality TV show that allows a number of contestants to live in isolation that try to avoid eviction by their houseguest, and last man standing wins half a million dollars.
Word count: 4.3K 💛
A/N: Yay, 2nd part is out.. I still don’t know if this series is working out the way I thought it would, I also didn’t write the HoH comp and veto comp because its literally A LOT! lol but I hope you can just use y’alls imagination a bit. Idk this part has a lot going on.. If I missed anybody in the taglist please let me know! 
Warnings: A TON of cussing tbh, sort of proofread not really, hella drama 
All Z does is walk away and go up to Haz and Y/N who are now in the beehive room, “We got to pull out a win in this HoH.” Y/N shuts the door behind her, “I have to tell you guys something before the HoH comp..I got the first temptation of the summer.”
Harrison scratches his head, “Wait, what temptation?” Y/N takes a seat and looks up at the two, “I got called to the diary room the other night, and America gave me the first temptation.” He scratches his head, “I’m so confused.” You slap your forehead, “Haz, America basically gave me like a care package.” The blonde’s eyes widen, and he has a shook face.
Zendaya covers her mouth, “You’re kidding?” Y/N shakes her head, “No, I’m being deadass.. I get to stop an eviction from happening on eviction night.” Harrison stands in shock, he picks Y/N into an embrace and spins her around “America likes you, you’re doing something right.”
From the corner of Y/N’s eye, she can feel Zendaya staring hard “Haz, put me down.”
Y/N’s DR: As much as I love being held by Haz, I immediately tell him to put me down. I can’t have Z thinking we’re a thing. *purses her lips* Well, we aren’t..I don’t think we are anyway.
Zendaya’s DR: Since when was Haz a part of my alliance with Y/N? Maybe this showmance thing might be true but I still trust her and until she shows disloyalty, I’m gonna continue to be loyal to her.
Zendaya crosses her arms and gets close to Y/N, “Don’t tell anyone else, this stays between us okay?” Y/N and Haz nod their heads in synchronicity and they all begin to walk out of the room.
Zendaya’s DR: I wish she would’ve just told me and not Harrison in the room but hopefully she can use the temptation when it’s the right moment.
*After the HoH competition*
The houseguests start walking into the house from the backyard, everyone walking in a bit annoyed. It wasn’t an endurance competition, it was a question competition in which Tana won.
Tana’s DR: That’s right, after being on the block last week.. YOUR girl is now HoH! *holds up house key* This whole house is underestimating me..
Shawn walks up to Tana whose drinking water in the kitchen, “Hey girl, congrats.” He goes in for a hug and she whispers in my ear, “You’re not my target, I want Madeleine out this week.” He pulls away and nods his head in his agreement, “ Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want to do.”
Shawn’s DR: Of course I tell Tana lets do what she wants, she’s freaking HoH.
Madelaine’s DR: Tana being HoH is a bit scary because I know I’m going up on the block.
Tana brings his head backs in for a whisper, “Hook me up with Tom.” Shawn’s head immediately  shoots back and looks back at Tom who is talking to Hayley and Y/N about how he has so closing to win the competition.
Shawn’s DR: What the fuck? Is she serious? *he shrugs his shoulders* I mean, I’ll tell him but I can’t promise he’ll want her back.
Tana walks away from Shawn and heads to the restroom to shower passing Madelaine in the hallway.
Madelaine’s DR: Well, Tana is HoH now and this sucks because no matter what I tell her she’s going to me up next to Joe. *she scratches her root while a tear rolls down her face*
Joe walks into the bathroom while Tana takes her makeup off in the mirror, “Hey can we talk?” She just nods while wiping off her eyeliner, and he takes a seat on the sink counter, “Look, had you not blew up my game like that I would’ve taken you down with the veto.”
She turns to him while rubbing her eye, “No, I totally get it. I fucked up, you’re not my target. Madelaine is.” He jumps off the counter and starts looking at himself in the mirror, “Who are you going to throw up there with her?” She takes her hair out of a bun, “I want to throw up Y/N or Harrison up there with her.”
Joe looks at Tana through the mirror, “you’re serious?” She turns her back and leans on the counter, “Yeah, I just feel like they’re both strong players.” He continues to brush his hair, “What about a backdoor? Don’t give either one to get a chance to play the veto.”  
Tana bites her lip, “Yeah, I mean we’re still screwed if they get picked to play.” He sighs, “The odds are smaller though, just think about it.”
Joe grips her shoulder lightly, and then walks out. Tana turns back into the mirror and know that she has a lot of thinking to do.
*Big Brother’s voice comes on the intercom*
“Tom, please go the diary room.”
Tom is in the kitchen as he makes his way to the diary room. As he enters into the diary room, Shawn exits the bathroom and questions Tom’s where abouts, “Has anyone seen Tom? I wanted to see if he wanted to lift for a bit?” He is standing in the center of the kitchen as Tana passes by him going up the stairs, “He’s dead.”
Shawn eyes widen, “What?” His hands land behind his head, tears beginning to flood his eyes “You’re kidding? Don’t lie.” She smiles as she keeps walking up the stairs, “Well, I don’t see him do you?” Thats the last thing she says before she enters her room.
He begins to whimper in the kitchen as he looks around, “You guys..” his voice is cracking. Y/N makes her way into the kitchen, “Shawn, what’s wrong?” He covers his mouth, “Tom is dead.” Y/N’s hand immediately pops to her chest, “What the fuck? Are you serious?” Harrison comes up next him, “What is going on?”
Madelaine chimes in, “Tana alleged that Tom is dead.”
Harrison’s DR: Tom is dead?
Meanwhile the rumor that Tom is dead, he is actually just in the diary room about to find out something juicy. When he first enters the room, he notices an envelope sitting on the chair “What’s this?” He picks it up and continues to open it as he takes his seat, this looks interesting.
“Tom, congratulations. America has decided to tempt you with the Pendant of Protection.” His jaw drops as it transitions into a smile, his crow’s feet really shining, “America...you love me?” He lets out a chuckle as he continues to read, “If you accept this temptation, you will be protected from being nominated or evicted for the next three evictions, but remember-every temptation comes with a consequence!”  He pumps his fist, “Of course, I’ll take it.” As he sets down the envelope, he picks up another one that reads the consequences, “You must choose a houseguest at random to wear a toad costume for the rest of the week.”
“HA! Easy. Thanks, America!”
*Outside the Diary room*
“You guys, I haven’t seen him?! Please like-I’m having a meltdown.” Y/N is pacing in the kitchen as she goes calms Shawn down, “Who told you that he’s dead? The producers?” He nods his head, “Tana! She told me Tom is dead!”
Y/N’s DR: At first its hard to believe that Tom is dead but he’s literally MIA and we all begin to freak out.
Shawn’s DR: I start crying because I’ve grown close to Tom in this house, and he’s literally someone I can see myself being friends with outside of this house. Like I love him, he’s such a good guy. 
As Shawn is crying while sitting in the kitchen, Tom exits the diary room.
“Tom, what the fuck?!” Hayley yells loud enough for Shawn to hear, “Tom?!”
The brown haired man stands confused as he just missed out on everything, “What’s wrong?” And before he could even talk, the wind is knocked out of him by Shawn hugging him, “Bro, what’s wrong?” Shawn cries into Tom’s shoulder, “Tana, told me you were dead.” Tom hugs his good friend back.
Tom’s DR: Really, Tana? This was a sick cruel joke, and I’m gonna let you know. Shawn and I have grown close in this house and for her to say that my best friend is dead was uncalled for. Watch out for me, Tana.
A few hours later after Shawn has calmed down, Tom makes his way to the HoH room to talk to Tana. He knocks before entering, he goes in as soon as he hears her welcome him in.
He walks in and stands sturn in front of her bad, she is almost confused “Uh, what’s a matter with you?”
Tom takes a seat on her bed, “what’s a matter with me, how about you explain to me why you told Shawn that I was dead?” Tana literally makes a farting noise with her lips and starts to crack up, “He actually believed me?! What the fuck? That’s everything.”
He makes a snarky face as she continues to laugh, “It’s not funny, it was cruel and mean.” She continues to chuckle, “Tom, it was never meant to escalate like that.” And just like that, it was like he triggered a switch, “You should be scared, Tom. I’m HoH.”
Tana’s DR: Are you kidding me? LIKE why would Shawn think I was being serious? I’m in a house full of idiots.
Tom’s DR: I should be scared Tana? I can’t go up on the block for three weeks, thanks America! You’ll be waiting on a surprise Tana.
Tana’s DR: I know Tom and I are fighting right now, but he’s so hot when he’s angry.
The next day the houseguest are all called into the living room by Tana who is holding an envelope, “Hey everyone, please take a seat. I have a message from Big Brother.”
She rips open the envelope and begins to read, “Houseguest, you may notice that Hayley is not in the room with us and that is because she has had to leave the game. Unfortunately she’s had an emergency that has caused her to have to forfeit her game. Hayley wants to apologize to all of you and just wants you to know that she wants to take care of her mental health. The Big Brother will continue as is, thank you.”
Zendaya’s DR: I know that everyone is competing for money but at the end of the day, we’re all human and I hope that Hayley is okay and figures out everything.
Y/N’s DR: holy shit, that was unexpected. I hope Hayley is okay and can figure out whatever has happened.
Tom’s DR: I have to applaud Hayley for stepping out of the game and deciding to take care of herself because that’s such an amazing thing. The whole house loves you Hayley, we love you. 
A couple of hours later, everyone is scattered throughout the house and hanging out.
Harrison and Y/N are hanging out in the living room, her legs are lying across his while they talk.
“You know, it’s getting harder and harder to resist you the longer we’re in this house.” She laughs as she pushes his face, “What? Get out of here. You only want me because there are limited options in this house.” His face cames close to hers as, he is giggling as she is still playing hard to get “I’m being serious, there is just something about you that I really like.”
Y/N is mesmerized by his eyes, she tucks hair behind her ear as she bites her bottom lip “I want you too but I can’t...we can’t.” She doesn’t want to put a target on her back, or his. Showmances are notorious for being targets in the house, and they don’t make it far into the game but something within Harrison is telling him that he would risk that for Y/N.
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you because I am..but I can’t put that target on you. I’m sorry Harrison.” He takes the bandana he’s wearing and slides it off, “Look, I know you want me, I’ll protect you throughout this game.” He takes her legs in closer, “We’ll just keep it lowkey, nobody has to know..just me and you.”
She’s tempted, she’s wanted him since the moment she seen him and this summer is all about temptation right? Her hand lands on his cheeks, “No one can find out okay?” And before he can respond, she leaves a quick peck on his lips and covers her face in embarrassment.
“Did I just do that?” She begins to laugh, maybe Harrison would help you out in this game and you could help him.  
Y/N’s DR: I don’t know, it feels good to be comfortable with Harrison and I don’t know. I’m feeling conflicted between him and Z, now. I want to take both to the end but I can’t take both. 
Harrison’s DR: Y/N is literally my number one in this house, I can trust her with anything at this point. 
Zendaya’s DR: Harrison and Y/N don’t know that I’m literally eaves dropping by the corner of the room. I literally heard everything they were saying, and I can’t believe her. I’m supposed to be her final 2 and she’s here in a showmance? She ain’t taking me to the end.
*Tomorrow during the Nomination ceremony*
Tana is standing at the head of the table while everyone is waiting for her to turn the nomination keys. “This is the nomination ceremony, it is my responsibility as the head of household to put up two houseguest for eviction. I will turn two keys to lock in my nomination and they’re faces will appear on the memory wall. The first houseguest I nominate is…”
She turns the key to reveal Madelaine’s face on the memory wall, no one is surprised because she nominated Tana last week. “My next nomination is..” And she turns the next key and the face on the wall is Joe.
“I have nominated you Madelaine and Joe for eviction this week. I really have nothing to say to either of you other than you both had it out for me last week, and now it’s biting you in the ass. Good luck in the veto.”
Tana’s DR: Honestly, I could give less than two fucks about last week and y’all might think that Joe is up there because I don’t like him but we actually have a backdoor plan in set to get Tom out. We decided to put him up in the block so that we have an extra player to play for the veto, either him or I needs to win this.
Joe’s DR: I’m just acting like I’m upset about being on the block but I’m really not, this is all a part of the plan to backdoor Tom and get out him out of this house. He’s a threat, and he needs to go.
The veto competition plays out only a couple of hours later, the two nominees, Tana, Tom and Hayley were all picked to play. It was about an hour comp, the houseguests having to spell out the longest word they could make but having to move through honey.
Tana soaks in her HoH bathtub, making sure all honey from her body is gone when she hears someone walk into her room, “Who is that?”
“It’s Tom, can I come in?” She’s in a bikini because she would be completely naked in front of the whole world, she looks into one of the camera’s and rolls her eyes “Yeah, come in.”  He walks into the room and takes a seat in front of Tana on the sink, “So what’s the plan?” Her head pops up from the slanted part of the bathtub “I mean, I’m not really at liberty to say much.”
Tom’s DR: So, there are already a bunch of red flags. She isn’t telling me who her replacement nominee is going to be which either indicates she just doesn’t know or she’s backdooring me.
“Tana, I just want to know who you’re thinking, you don’t have to say anything.” She adds more bubbles to her bath as she sits up, “Look, I really don’t know. I have a lot to think about.”
Tana’s DR: I’m not giving Tom what he wants to hear because he is the replacement nominee, I have to keep a poker face on.
*Veto meeting*
Madelaine and Joe sit on the nomination chairs in the living room while everyone is gathered around on the couches, and Joe standing in front of his nomination chair with the veto hanging from his neck.
Joe begins his speech, “This is the veto meeting, Madelaine and I have been nominated for eviction but I have the power to veto one of the nominations. As much as it kills me for you to stay on the block, I have to use this veto on myself.”
He looks at Tana who is standing at the head of the room, “Tana..since I have just vetoed one of your nominations, you’re going to have to name a replacement nominee.” Joe moves out of the way of the nomination chair and takes a seat next to the houseguest on the couch.
“This houseguest I’m about to nominate was very problematic this week, and is also a big threat in this game. I also wanted to work with you so badly and even possibly be in a relationship but since you were open to none of that...Tom, take a seat.”
Tom literally begins to laugh as he seats in one of the regular couches. The tension of the room is high, Shawn is beginning to freak out. Y/N and Harrison’s mouths are dropped, no one was expecting this.  
As the houseguest wait for Tom to take his seat, a video begins to play on the television that reveals words that say Pendant of Protection. Instead of taking a seat, Tom stands up and pulls out a necklace from his pocket and puts it around his neck.
“Yo, I think he got a temptation..” Zendaya says as she tugs on her kinky curls. Tom looks at Tana directly in the face, “America has tempted me with the Pendant of Protection which keeps me safe from being evicted from the house for 3 weeks. I’m sorry Tana, you’re going to have to re-name another nominee.”
Tom takes a seat in between Hayley and Shawn,the amount of confidence in him is thriving right now. Tana’s stress level is through the roof, and as much as she wants to yell, she only has seconds to replace a new nominee.
She bites her lip, “I’m sorry Harrison, you got screwed. Please take a seat.”
The blonde gets up from the couches and takes a seat from next to the redhead, and Joe stands up “This veto meeting is adjourned.” He stands up to close the box and everyone sort of just sits in shock.
Y/N is shaking, one of her closet allies is thrown on the block and she doesn’t know why. She immediately gets up from her seat and follows Tana, “Hey can we talk?”  
Tana turns around, stopping in front of everyone wanting to put Y/N on the spot “Did you want to ask me why I put your lover on the block?”
Y/N becomes flustered, and Tana’s comments make her shake even more “He’s not my lover, this was just so random.. I don’t understand.”
Tana crosses her arms and scoffs, “You should ask Zendaya, she threw you guys under the bus last night.”
Zendaya is eating some oats while hanging out with Tana, “Look, I know we had beef before but there are much bigger targets in this house.” The blonde pulls of the headphones from her head and asks for names in which Z responds, “Y/N and Harrison.”
Tana laughs at the shocked expression on Y/N’s face, “That’s right, your best friend told me all about your showmance. If there is anyone you should be talking to, it’s Zendaya.” And with that she walks up the stairs into her room.
Y/N feels the ultimate betrayal, especially by her closet ally. The whole house including Zendaya saw the confrontation, you immediately turn around and charge at your friend, “Are you kidding me, Zendaya? You’re actually fucking serious, why would you do that?”
Zendaya’s DR: I did throw them under the bus but I had no idea Tana was going to do that. It’s time for damage control in front of the houseguest.
Zendaya stands up, “You think I’m stupid? I heard both of you talking about wanting each other-” you interrupt, “So I guess that final 2 deal is out of the front door huh?”
Y/N’s DR: There is an obvious line drawn in the sand between Zendaya and me. I just can’t let her get away with this.
Z shrugs her shoulders, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N gets closer, “I Can’t believe you right now Zendaya, this is bullshit.” Before Y/N can get any closer she is pulled by Harrison, “Just drop it, come on.”
“That’s right Harrison, defend your girl!” Z yells as she walks to one of the bedrooms as Harrison pulls Y/N out into the backyard.
“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Harrison yells as he drags Y/N out, “It’s not Haz! We’re going to be targets now, we have to get you off the block. I’m using my temptation on you.” He sits her down by the pool and shakes his head, “No, no. I think I can convince a few people to save me, I would never ask you to do that.”
You put your arm around his shoulders, “I can’t believe her.. I guess that’s the name of the game right?” Haz picks Y/N up bridal style, “You’re a bit hot right now, let’s cool you off?” Y/N frowns her eyebrows “What are you talkin-” and before she can finish what she is saying, he’s thrown her into the pool fully clothed.
She comes back up to the surface and spots the blue eyed man laughing his head off, “Ooo, Haz. You’re gonna regret that.” They both laugh as he follows into the pool after that, as he rises from the bottom he grabs Y/N and holds her, “We’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna protect us for the rest of this game.. I swear.” You nod, now that you guys are exposed this was probably you’re only option, “if you stay, They’re going to come after us for the rest of the season..” he smirks, “I don’t care, it’s just you and I now.”
Y/N’s DR: it sucks because Zendaya was my closest ally and if Harrison stays were going to have to stay on alert at all times now, if he stays we have to win HoH next week.
Harrison’s DR: So I’m on the block which sucks but I think I can convince some of the houseguest to get rid of Madelaine this week. She’s already done enough damage so hopefully my plan works.
*Eviction Night a couple of days later*
Julie Chen appears on the screen in the living room “Houseguests, the time has come to cast your votes to evict. Tana as current Head of Household, you will not be to cast a vote, neither will the two nominees. You will only cast a vote in an event of a tie. Y/N, you’re first, please had to the diary room.”
Y/N heads into the diary room and sits in the DR couch, “I happily vote to evict Madelaine.” Julie thanks her as she exits and next Shawn enters the room.
“Hi , please cast your vote to evict.” He waves, “Hey Julie, I cast my vote to evict Madelaine.” He gets up from the chair and high fives Tom as he enters the diary room, Tom takes his seat. “Hi Tom, please cast your vote to evict.
The rest of the houseguest continue to vote while everyone sits in silence til Julie returns on the screen.
“Houseguests, all the votes are in. Just a reminder, once the evicted houseguest is revealed, he or she will only have a few moments to say goodbye to their houseguests and walk out the front door. With a vote of 3-2… Madelaine, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.”
Madelaine hugs her houseguests one by one, not holding any grudge while saying her final goodbyes. She takes her final steps and walks into the crowd with Julie to do her interview and the door closes, all hell breaking loose.
Tana stands on the table that is in the living room, “Why the fuck are the votes going south? Harrison was supposed to go this week!”
Harrison moves to the kitchen, “I’m standing right here you know”
Harrison’s DR: I was supposed to leave this week but I was able to cut a deal with Shawn and Tom.
Shawn’s DR: Tom and I decided that if we let Harrison stay, we could control him and Y/N as numbers for our side but once we don’t need them anymore then they’re gone.
Julie’s voice comes on the screen again: “Houseguest, please head to the backyard for the HoH competition.”
Zendaya’s DR: I HAVE to win this HoH, I need to get Y/N and Harrison on the block.
Y/N and Harrison high five each other, “Good luck Haz.” He winks at her as they enter their individual cubbies, with all the other houseguest in theirs as well.
Julie’s voice comes on the intercom: “ Houseguest, the power is up for grabs. Tana, as outgoing Head of Household you are not allowed to compete. Tonight’s competition will consist of all things Big Brother, I’ll read you a series of questions that will test your knowledge on the items in the Big Brother house.”
The competition literally takes out all the houseguest with the first question except Zendaya and Y/N.
Julie reads the next question: “In the living room, there are 20 coal balls in the fireplace. True or false?”
Zendaya turns her answer to false, Y/N turns her answer to true. Julie chimes in, “Answers are locked in. The correct answer is false which makes Zendaya the new head of Household.”
Z jumps out of the cubbie and straight into Tom’s arms, she throws her fist in the air happily as Tana puts the necklace around her neck, “Congrats girl.” As Z and the other houseguest celebrate her victory, Y/N stays in the cubbie as she bows her head in defeat.
She feels arms come around her waist, knowing that it’s Harrison she hugs him while he kisses her forehead, “We’re for sure going up.”
A/N: I WOULD LOVE SOME FEEDBACK GUYS, PLEASE PLEASE! I want to know what you guys think of this series, I don’t even know how I feel so knowing how you feel will definitely help me a TON! Theories, predictions, or whatever you want to say is welcome. Also I know that Y/N has the temptation BUT will she actually use it? Idk anyway haha Love you all-Amy 💛
Taglist: @ladybirduris​ @princesssparklesxo @imjakeharrison @spidey-pal @thedaydreamingwriter​ @abstract-live-good 
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The McCall Twin
Chapter 4: 
"So you had serial killer slash sexy dreams with Allison; too much info, brother." I added a little common sense to the word brother. I mean seriously too much information. I never want to know about my brother's sex life, even if it's just a dream.
Scott rolled his eyes.
"What Sky really meant to say was- you killed her," Stiles told twin.
Scott shrugged. "I don't know. I just woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I've woken up like that before."
"Really? I have," Stiles commented. "It usually ends a little differently."
I grinned, "Dreaming about me again, Stiles, pumpkin?"
Stiles snorted. "Hell yeah."
Scott scrunched up his nose and said, "Gross. One," He turned to Stiles slightly, "Never give me that much detail of you in bed again. And two," He turned so he was facing both of us, "Never joke around like that when I'm around. I don't need to imagine my baby sister and best friend doing things."
"Oh, like what you and Allison did in your dream last night?" I asked grinning as twin turned pink. "You know before you went all Animal Planet on her."
Scott groaned. "You will never let me live this down."
"You bet your ass I won't." I smirk smugly, slightly turning to him. "Also, you just told us about your dream."
"Let me take a guess here though," Stiles started, but Scott interrupted, "No, I already know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out."
"Ain't that a pretty picture," I sang.
Scott gave me a look, but I just smiled innocently.
"No, of course not," Stiles disagreed then saw the looks Scott and I gave him. "Yeah, that's totally it. Hey come on, it's going to be fine, alright? Personally I think you're handling this pretty freaking amazingly and Sky would agree, right?" He turned to me.
"I think it just hasn't sunk in yet. He'll crack and try to kill the whole town soon." Then you know what that equals... a mad Derek. And we all know a mad Derek is an even sexier Derek.
Stiles whacked the back of my head and continued, "Don't listen to Skylar. We all know she's in need of mental help."
"Yeah, you're right there with me, Stilinski," I said sticking my tongue out at him.
"Regardless Scott, you are doing awesome. You know, it's not like there's a 'Lycanthropy for Beginners' class you can take."
"Nice. Did you make that up right now?"
"Yeah, good right?"
"Permission to borrow?"
"Still not saying touché."
"Still not granting permission."
"Well played, Stilinski well played."
Scott gave both of us a look before saying, "Not a class, but maybe a teacher?"
My Sexy senses are tingling!
Stiles had the same train of thought. "Who? Derek?" He exclaimed then slapped the back of Scott's head. "Did you forget the part where we got him tossed in jail?"
"Ah," I sang, "I was against it."
Stiles rolled his eyes. He seems to do that a lot, or maybe it's when I'm around...? Nah.
"Yeah, I know but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus. It felt so real."
"How real?" Stiles and I asked simultaneously.
"Like it actually happened."
I nodded contemplating what twin said when I felt something strike the back of my head. I spun to Stiles, fuming. "Why'd you do that?"
"Oh, you know why," He said giving me a pointed look. Sexy senses going off again.
Then as the boys on my sides opened the door, I felt my jaw drop. There, in the school parking lot, with cops all around it was a school bus practically mangled and bloody. The emergency exit was almost torn from the hinges. There was blood marks all over it along with inside the bus. This was the bus from twin's so-called dream.
"I think it did," said Stiles to Scott.
And I couldn't help but shout out, "This is like Final Destination and Nightmare on Elm Street shizznit!" I felt something smack the back of my head again.
...You know I think Stiles just likes to feel my luscious, soft hair.
"Scott, Stiles," I panted trying to jog after them. "Would you two slow your freakishly long legs down? Come on, I'm only 5'4! Stiles, you know I can't run!" Maybe if Derek was dangling in front of me. Naked. God, help me. "Well, not in these shoes!"
Stiles ignored me as he told Scott. "She's probably fine."
"She's not answering my texts," Scott said frantically.
"Did you ever think that maybe it's because she hates texting you?" I asked. "I mean you are very boring to text and I hate texting boring people."
"Not helping, Sky," Scott exclaimed still on his phone.
"Wait," Stiles said, "Is that why you never text me back?"
"Wha? No..." I chuckled nervously. "You know nothing!"
"Guys," shouted Scott. "Paranoid, emotional werewolf freaking out right now."
"Twin, you made a funny."
"Sorry," Not.
"You know it could just be a coincidence. A serious, amazing coincidence." Stiles said to Scott.
"Just help me find her, ok?" So we helped my worrywart of a twin.
We walked around for a while. Scott was practically running, Stiles was trying to keep pace, and I, not running, walked nonchalantly until you know Scott decided to take out a locker. No seriously. This possessed wolf punched the locker and it almost fell off. Wish I could do that to Derek's clothes...
"Scott," I called, but he didn't turn. I suddenly saw someone walking this way and I sighed. "Oh hey, Allison."
She caught sight of me and grinned, "Hey Skylar."
Scott, hearing me say her name, ran into her. Literally.
"Oh," cried Allison. "You scared the hell out of me."
"Better get used to it if you wanna date Jake the dog here," I muttered almost inaudible, but Scott heard. He glared at me and I winked. "Well! I'm off. You crazy kids don't be late." I started walking away to find Stiles. He would be the first form the police to know what happened with the buses from his dad's stuff. Just hopefully we don't get caught...again.
As I was walking, I heard the intercom go on.
Attention students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses, but while the police work to determine what happened classes will," Please say no class, "proceed as scheduled." Damn. "Thank you." Screw you.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find Stiles and since the last bell already rang, I walked to class slowly. Why not ditch right? Well, I believe that ditching is wrong- Ha! Couldn't even think that with a straight face. No, it's just if my mom finds out, she'll kill me. Also, I value my grades too much. Hell, I don't even like getting a B.
Classes were a blur until Chemistry. As I got in the classroom, I sat next to Mark, my partner, and looked at Stiles, who was to my left. Everybody was already working and Mr. Harris wasn't paying any attention, so it was the perfect time to talk. I mean I'm ahead 2 weeks, so I don't really care.
"Hey, I looked for you all morning," I said to him.
"Come to confess your undying love?"
"I don't see Derek."
"Nice," He remarked. "What's up?"
"You're going to snoop in your dad's files about the bus, right?" I asked.
He nodded, "Duh."
"Count me in," I said.
"Oh sweetheart, you had no choice in the matter anyway."
"I am not saying touché."
"Damn you."
Mr. Harris quieted us down. As soon as he looked away, Stiles, Scott and I began talking about the bus possibilities.
"Maybe it was my blood on the door." Scott said to us.
I gasped quietly, "Twin, you're going emo on me."
He glared, but the smile on his lips threw him off.
"Could have been animal blood," said Stiles. "You know maybe you caught a rabbit or something."
"Oh no, Thumper," I whisper-shouted.
Scott's lips twitched slightly. "And did what?"
"Ate it," I had to bit my lip from laughing at Stiles.
"Raw?" Derek can eat me raw. Maybe Stiles is right... I do need mental help.
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven." I snorted silently. "I don't know. You're the one that can't remember anything."
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while," Mr. Harris said loudly.
"Wha," Stiles started, but Mr. Harris stopped him, "I think you and both McCalls would benefit from a better distance, yes?"
"No," I said turning his and the class' attention to me, "I work awesome with Mark here." I nudged my partner.
"Ms. McCall, if you work so well there then how come you don't even know your partner's name." His name is Mark! "I think I'll relieve Zack of you. Move." Wow, I was way off.
"Sorry, Zack. You just look like a Mark," He smiles and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm sorry too. I'm losing the best partner I've ever had," I smile and held my fist which he bumped with his. "I'll still help. No worries."
Stiles, twin and I moved to three desks completely out each other's hearing ranges. I sat down next to some other dude. I think his name was Josh Thomas.
"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be a little too much," Mr. Harris said sarcastically.
I raised my hand.
"Ms. McCall, need help remembering Mr. Lewis' name?" Oh...I don't even wanna know his first name.
The class chuckled, but I continued, "I feel pain in my chest." From being away from Derek.
"Do you now?"
"Yes," I nodded. "It's the anxiety kicking in, sir."
Chuckles sounded across the room.
He rolled his eyes. Unprofessional! "Get to work, McCall."
I saluted him which, in turn caused him to roll his eyes again. I turned to the book and groaned. I hate Chemistry! Save me!
Then the heavens answered my calls as the chick -I was sure her name was Krista, but with my bad name memory or more like I don't give a shit, who knows- sitting next to Scott exclaimed, "Hey, I think they found something."
Chairs scraped the floor as the entire class, including me, ran to the window. I pushed my way near the glass because let's face it these people are giants compared to me and I couldn't see crap. I mean there is like one chick in this class who is shorter. Ha midget.
As I reached the window, I saw an ambulance parked there. But that wasn't the only thing- I saw some cops pushing a gurney, but that's not the thing that made my stomach drop. It was the person on it.
"That's not a rabbit," Scott whispered as I said at the same time, "That's not Thumper."
Suddenly, the guy laying on the gurney jumped up screaming. The class jumped and some girls cried out. I just did what I always do when I get scared; I instinctively grabbed Scott's hand tightly. He complied. Then we both began moving backwards when Stiles came up to us.
"This is good, this is good. He got up. He's not dead. Dead guys can't do that." I couldn't help the tiny chuckle that came out.
Scott squeezed my hand before saying, "Stiles, I did that."
Hell hath no fury like a werewolf scorned.
"I'll just take cheese fries and a blueberry muffin."
The lunch lady grabbed what I asked and then I paid and thanked her. After I paid for my food and began walking to where Stiles and Scott were sitting.
"Something happened last night, but I don't know what," I heard Scott say as I sat down.
"We'll figure it out, Scotty," I said grabbing a corndog.
"Wow, Skye, muffin?" Stiles asked.
"Leave me and my muffin alone," I said patting the beautiful creature.
Stiles rolled his eyes, "With pleasure." Then he turned to Scott. "What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?"
Uh, because he is sexy.
"Because during the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control." Ooh, that sounds hot. He can control me all the time. "While I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy." And ain't that just downer?
"You don't know that," Stiles and I said in unison.
"I don't not know that," Twin countered.
"That is some major grammar error."
"Really, Sky?"
"Just saying..."
Scott sighed, "I can't go out with Allison. I'll have to cancel." No twin!
"No, you're not cancelling. You just can't cancel your entire life," Stiles amended.
"Yeah listen to him. He's actually making sense for once in his life."
"I choose not to acknowledge that comment."
"You just did."
"...Damn it." He turned to twin. "We'll figure it out."
I smiled proudly before biting into my muffin. I wonder how Derek can help. Or if there's a cure. My thoughts were cut as a tray appeared in front of me. I looked up and saw the one thing that made me lose my appetite. Lydia. I'm kidding. I love Lydia.
"Figure what out," said the ginger haired girl.
Stiles looked completely shocked that 'the water to his Adderall' was sitting here with us. Ha, that's a good one! I can't tell Stiles though because he'll try to steal it. Hmm, then they'd both be stealers.
"Oh-uh-um," Stiles and twin muttered before twin got out, "Homework."
"Yeah right Skye?" Stiles nudged me. I looked up and nodded.
"Sky, you're funny," Stiles laughed nervously before turning to me, whispering, "Why is she sitting with us?"
Swallowing, I whispered, "No clue, but she's sitting here willingly. Get at that, Stilinski."
Stiles grinned at me then turned to Lydia, who was looking at us. "H-Hi."
"Smooth, Casanova," I whispered, chuckling.
Then all of a sudden people started sitting with us. Some chick sat next to Stiles and Danny sat next to me. I had no clue who the other people were. The only ones I knew were Lydia, Danny, and Allison and Jackson, who just joined us.
"Get up," Jackson told the guy sitting at the end of the table.
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?"
Danny piped in, "'Cause I never stare at his girlfriend's coin slot."
I sniggered and nudged Danny, "Good one." Then I caught the guy that was moving looking down my shirt. "Hey! Don't stare at my coin slot!"
Scott growled lowly at the dude and we all turned to him. Scott glared at the dude, but caught everyone staring at him. He cleared his throat and said, "I just got over being sick."
I stifled a laugh and winked at twin.
"So I hear that they're saying it's some type of animal that did it. Probably a cougar," Danny said biting into his apple.
Jackson said, "I heard mountain lion."
"I heard it was some hormonal teenager," I muttered.
Suddenly, Stiles yelped.
Everybody turned to him and he said, "Oh, um, stomach problems."
I snickered at him until I felt something jab at my shin. "Ow, bastard-bitch!"
Now it was my turn to get looks.
"What? I cut my finger." I said nursing my perfectly fine finger. All the while, I was glaring at Scott, who seemed entranced with his tray.
"Bastard-bitch?" Allison smiled at me.
I nodded, "Oh yeah. I have a very colorful vocabulary."
"Well, I like it," Lydia said looking at me.
Lydia waved at me and turned to Jackson. "Anyway, a cougar is a mountain lion. Isn't it?"
"Who cares?" Jackson, being the kindhearted guy, said, "The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's going to die anyway."
"Well aren't you a sweetheart," I smiled falsely. He just glared at me. I smiled sweetly to my jackass of a best friend.
"Actually they just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles showed us the video on his phone. "Skylar, stop touching the screen."
"Well, I can't see it! Move your Shrek fingers! Ow! There is no need for violence, Stilinski."
"Ow! If there's no need for violence then why did you hit me?"
"You misunderstood. I meant there's no need for violence towards me. Not to you."
"You're a retard."
"Takes one to know one."
"Children, children, please," Allison smiled.
The sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident, but confirmed the victim, Garrison Myers, did survive the attack. Myers was taken to the local hospital, where he remains in critical condition.
"I know this guy," Scott and I said after seeing the picture of the man.
"You do?" Allison asked.
Scott nodded, "Yeah, when Skylar and I used to take the bus -back when we lived with our dad- he was the driver." Oh yeah. He's such a sweetheart. He always gave me candy.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia butted in. "Like...Oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" She turned to Allison.
Allison looked confused as was everybody at the table.
Lydia sighed at the incompetence. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"
"Um," Allison said slowly. "We were thinking of what we were going to do." Why does everything sound so wrong to me?
"Well, I am not sitting at home again watching lacrosse videos," That's what she does on her free time? My time is better! Thinking of Sexy while eating pizza with triple chocolate mocha coffee frappe while watching Netflix ...Oh yeah. "So if the six of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun." Six?
Allison looked even more confused. "Six of us?"
Lydia sighed, frustrated. "Yes, six. You and Scott. Me and Jackson. Skylar and..." She trailed off as she looked at Stiles.
"S-Stiles," He stuttered. Aw, he's so whipped.
"Yes, Skylar and Stiles," She finished.
Wait did she just say Skylar and Stiles? "Me and Stiles? Huh? Wha?"
"Well, you two are dating, aren't you?" Lydia asked as she picked up her spoon.
"No!" Stiles and I practically shouted at her. Why does everyone think we are dating? Mom. Now Lydia. Who's next? Oh, I hope Derek doesn't hear about this. He needs to know I am waiting for him.
Lydia raised an eyebrow at us.
I decided to explain. "We're not dating. Never have, never will. I'm single. S-i-n-g-l-e. Besides, I'm busy tomorrow. Can't go out."
Stiles nodded frantically. "Yeah, I have to...help my dad. Yeah, that sounds good. I have to help my dad. No good for me."
Lydia just shrugged at us and turned to Jackson. As she looked away, I spun to face twin to see how he was handling this. I mean he thought it was an actual date. Just the two of them.
"Hanging out? Like the four of us?" Scott said. "Do you wanna hang out like us and them?"
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Allison nodded.
The look on twin's face was so horrible. Mine couldn't have been better. I threw my hands up in the air and Stiles rubbed his face exasperatedly.
"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork," Jackson held up his fork to his face before Lydia pulled it away.
"Can I do it?" I asked him.
Jackson just glared at me whilst Stiles snorted into his water.
Suddenly, Lydia gasped, "How about bowling?" She turned to Jackson quickly. "You love to bowl!"
"Yeah with actual competition." Let me get Sexy up in hurr! He'll whoop your ass! ...Derek has an awesome ass. Oh fuck.
"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison said playfully. "You can bowl, right?" She asked Scott. He couldn't bowl of his life depended on it.
"Sort of." I restrained the snort that almost came out.
"Is it 'sort of' or yes?" Jackson asked sitting forward.
"Yes," Scott said exasperatedly. "In fact, I'm a great bowler."
"No, you-," A hand covered my mouth. Stiles. I ripped his hand of my mouth and slightly twisted it and gripped his damn wrist. Hard.
His mouth opens and tries to get my grip to loosen. -----------------------
"You're a terrible bowler!" Stiles exclaimed to twin.
"I know! I'm such an idiot," Scott said.
I piped up, "Well let's not dwell on the obvious."
Scott glared at me.
"Come on twin, why would you say that? You suck hairy nuts at bowling."
"Gosh, your metaphors are oh-so warming," Stiles noted, sarcasm dripping from his mouth.
I just stuck my tongue out at him.
"God, it was like watching a car wreck," Yeah, a car wreck times 1,000,000,000. "First, it turned into a group date thing and then out of nowhere comes that phrase."
"'Hanging out'," Scott said just as bothered. You would think the phrase was a death sentence! I would love to hang out with Derek. Preferably naked.
"You don't hang out with hot girls. Ok, it's like death."
"Stiles, should I plan your funeral? I mean you hang out with me like all the time." I smiled innocently.
He rolled his eyes, but praised. "Nice. Anyways Scott, once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."
Scott groaned. "How is this happening?"
"Well, it all started when My dearest best friend Lydia-," Scott cut me off, "I didn't mean literal, Sky."
"Ugh, I either killed a guy or I didn't."
"Wow, isn't that something you hear every day in a school hallway," I commented sarcastically.
"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Oh Stiles, you off-topic fool.
That reminds me. "Why does everyone assume Stiles and I are dating? I don't even like him, no offense."
"I asked Allison on a date and now we're hanging out."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"
"Do we do couple-ish things? Smacking the back of the head isn't romantic, is it?"
"I make first line and the team captain wants to destroy me. And now," Scott looked at his phone, "I'm going to be late for work." He began walking away. "Catch a ride with Stiles, Sky!" I should've took my car.
"Wait twin, you didn't answer me! Why does everyone think Stiles and I are together?" He ignored me as well as Stiles. "Wait Scott, you didn't- Am I attractive to gay guys? You didn't answer my question."
I sighed, "What an ass-munch."
"I usually try not to agree with you for the sake of my mentality, but oh how you are right."
"And I usually wouldn't dignify you with an answer about attractiveness, but you should really ask Danny. I may be a chick, but we have completely different minds when it comes to gay men."
"And I appreciate that. So," He held out the crook of his arm, "to the Jeep?"
I accepted his arm and shouted, "To the Jeep!" ------------------------
"Whoa, whoa, so twin you went to see Derek?" Without me...No fair!
After school, I ended up staying with Stiles and just kicking his ass in Black Ops until twin called. Turns out after work the slimy twin went to see Derek to ask him for help. It's not fair! I'm the one who told him to say yes to Derek and he finally agrees, but doesn't take me with. That's bullshit!
"Yeah, he told me to come here and go inside the bus. He said I would remember that way."
I don't what bothers me more. That fact that my brother could've hurt some man or that Scott saw Derek without me. Ah, who the hell am I kidding? We all know what bothers me the most and it ain't my old bus driver. Condolences to you Garrison.
Stiles parked the Jeep and we all jumped out. Mm, I'm getting deja-vu. Where have we done this before?
Stiles and I started walking towards the fence when Scott called out, "Wait just me. Someone needs to keep watch."
"Well, I've been told I'm a horrible look-out, so guess that means you, Stiles," I said patting his back. "Tough luck, homey."
"No, no, no, if anyone is going it's me. Not this mental patient."
"Oh, I think shumeone's still upset that he got his ass kicked at Black Ops earlier."
"Psh, I let you win."
"Is that what they're calling it nowadays?"
"Touché- crap! I said it before you did."
"Ha, how does it feel to lose two -gonna be three- times in a row in one day?"
"How does it feel...Oh, I'll get you back!"
"We shall see."
"Guys," Scott exclaimed. "You both are staying here."
"Ok, why is it starting to feel like you're Batman, I'm Robin, and Skylar's Batgirl?" If anything I'm Wolfgirl...or even Derekgirl. "I don't want to be Robin all the time! And I am positive Skylar does not want to be Batgirl."
"Hell no! You better recognize, twin!" Mm, Stiles and I seem to be agreeing more lately.
"Nobody is Batman, Robin, or Batgirl any of the time," Scott told us.
Stiles' shoulders fell. "Not even some of the time?"
"You lie!" I have the best lines ever.
"Just stay here," Scott said sternly.
"Oh my God," Stiles and I shouted before storming to the Jeep.
Stiles and I climbed into the car; both of us were fuming until I broke the silence, "That was a really cool exit."
"Definitely," Stiles agreed. "We were so Batman right there."
"Hell yeah, homey."
"Um Sky?"
"You see those lights?"
I looked up and sure enough I saw flashing lights coming this way. "Time for us to be Batman again. Stiles love, honk it!"
I'm telling you- Best lines ever.
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geeky-galpal · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Regina Mills
Regina’s birthday was February 1st, and I had this fic in my head: Regina and Maleficent having sex on her office desk to celebrate.
Sadly, life got a little in the way, and it took me longer to get to it than originally expected. Luckily, it’s still February for a few more days at least. Soo... consider this a belated birthday present?
4K words and 2.5K of those words are pure desk sex. Before and after the smut, be weary of some angst.
If I’ve still kept you interested, read at AO3 here or below the cut! 
TW: brief mentions anxiety and panic atacks, at the beginning and end of the fic.
(as always, my gratitude to @oparu who is the greatest beta and quite possibly the greatest human walking this planet, more broadly)
February 1st.
Regina swipes the date on her phone’s home screen and rolls her eyes.  She had gone out of her way, for once, finally, to mark her birthday as special. She had cleared her schedule. She even relented after some insistent prodding and allowed Henry the day off from school. They were going to continue their decade-plus tradition of funny face pancakes and this year, in honor of it being their first collective birthday spent with Maleficent in the house, add to it by spending the entire day together teaching Mal the finer points of the Skywalker Saga.
 She was supposed to not had to take off her pajamas or comb her hair. It was supposed to be the three of them. Perhaps, a phone call to the Charmings in the afternoon, a FaceTime with her sister and niece. Quiet. Peace for 24 hours. That was all she wanted. AND STILL THE UNIVERSE SAW FIT TO DENY HER.
 It’s fitting that just as Maleficent woke her up before the sun rose and the first bird chirp, determined to start their day together naked and wrapped in each other, warm beneath her down comforter-- just then the main line pipes would freeze and break open in the mines. It’s fitting that as she was climbing her way to the most delicious of orgasms, clenched around Mal’s fingers and mouth on her breasts-- that’s when her phone buzzed with Emma’s voice on the other end.
 “Happy Birthday, Regina. I, ugh, I freaking hate this. I do. But, well,…. ”
 For everything she has done and the pain she has inflicted time and again in her life, it’s fitting that she wouldn’t be granted this moment of peace.
 She earned this karma the hard way. It was her price to pay.
 She rolls her neck from side to side. On top of everything else, she really shouldn’t be spending the day lost in the depths of self-loathing. But, that is her way, wasn’t it? One thing piles on another and she takes it all.  It’s barely noon and her back is one giant knot. Everything hurts.
 She slides her chair away from the desk and tries the deep breathing exercises she has been practicing with Dr. Hopper.  Posture straight, feet planted, air in through the nose, in to her diaphragm, hold for 5 seconds and push it back out through her mouth. 1…. Breath in,  2…. Hold it, Hold it, 3…. Out through pursed lips, like a balloon letting out air, 4.... Again.
 This isn’t working.  This is the start of another long, dark, bad afternoon. She just knows it. It’s not full blown yet, but she knows her symptoms. The weight between her shoulder blades is crushing, the tightness in her stomach and chest that twists on itself. At the realization of what’s to come, her heart starts to speed a little, skipping beats out of rhythm. It’s a train coming right towards her and she can’t seem to find her way off the tracks.
 She should call someone. She should, at the very least, not be alone.  Dr. Hooper has been working with her on this. She’s deserving of love, others will be willing to support her, that’s what he would say right now. And it’s her birthday after all.
 Mal pops into the front of her mind.  Mal cozy at home with Henry on the couch. They decided not to watch the movies without her, but Henry had somehow successfully persuaded his way out of school for the day regardless.  They are probably indulging in some truly bad cable television right now. Or maybe a game of chess, Maleficent has been teaching him the finer points of the game recently. He hadn’t beaten either of the yet-- but with each game he was getting sharper, closer…
 She grips the phone in her hand. OK, it’s ok. You can ask for help from your family. This isn’t weakness. This isn’t defeat.
 She flits the phone between her fingers, shaking her legs and tapping her heels against the floor. She worries her lip a little and works up the strength to tap the call button.
 “BBBZZZZZ…. Mayor Mills, you have a lunch appointment”, her receptionist interrupts her thoughts on the intercom.
 She leans over and taps the button: “I can assure you, that as I was NOT supposed to be in work at all today, I have no such thing”
 Then, she hears Henry’s laugh.
 Her heart leaps at the sound. She doesn’t know exactly what’s happening, but if Henry is about to barrel in here, she needed to take these last seconds and at least wipe the tears that were threatening the creases of her eyes.
 She stood up and smoothed dress, just in time for the door to open. Henry, jovial and bundled up from the cold, his nose and cheeks flushed despite the stripped scarf he has wrapped tight. Not more than two steps behind him comes strolling Maleficent, her grey trench coat buttoned to the top, leather gloves clutching… is that a picnic basket? Of all things?
 “What in the world??? How? HOW?” Her voice cracks a little, as she fights back against the rollercoaster of emotion battling inside of her.
 “Hey Mom! Did we surprise you? We got you good, huh?” He turns to Mal and then back to her, smiling wide his eyes dancing, “I Told You She Wouldn’t Expect it!”
 She plasters a smile on her face to match her son’s and Henry comes into her arms, tucking his head down on to her shoulder.  Her eyes meet Maleficent’s. Crap. Mal isn’t buying this rouse for a second. Regina immediately can tell, she knows. 
 Still, by the time Henry pulls away and faces them both again, their silent moment interrupted, Mal has already steeled her face back to neutral. And for that Regina is supremely grateful.
 She sets the picnic basket down on the table as if nothing has happened, removes her gloves, and claps her hands together. “Young Mister Mills here started planning this little escapade almost immediately after you left this morning. We had hoped that by lunch you would have gotten the worst of the emergency under control…”
 “I called Granny’s and had her put away three orders of roasted butternut squash soup, two bacon grilled cheeses, and a salad before she set the diner up for the lunch rush. And then I went over to Grandma’s and borrowed the basket and picnic blanket! After that, things pretty much took care of themselves. OH! Doc’s Dime Store had the plastic spoons and forks and stuff. We also got these…” Henry pulls out the most juvenile birthday hats that Regina has ever seen.
 There seems to be three of them stacked on top of each other, turquoise with red pom-poms on the top and gold fringe along the sides. Each with different cartoon animals printed on the front. A lion, an elephant, and a monkey, from what she can see. Henry is nearly bouncing up and down like a jackrabbit as he unpacks the basket. He’s taller than her now but in this moment she can see him- and he is still 5 years old. Pure kinetic energy.
 Mal takes two of hats out of Henry’s hands and stretches the elastic of one of them around her head, leaving the tip a bit askew atop of her blonde hair, slicked back into a bun. She looks positively ridiculous, particularly because she is taking herself so seriously.
 “It was explained to me that these head pieces are traditional for marking birthdays in this realm”
 “Yes, they are…. For small children”, Regina cuts her eyes at Henry. To his credit, the boy holds out a full two beats before laughing. She can’t help it, she laughs along with him. For the first time since this morning, she can feel tension begin to genuinely leave her body. The joke slowly dawns on Maleficent, and she joins in.
 “Ah, I see. Well, nevertheless,” Maleficent dramatically bows before her, the other cone hat outstretched as an offering in her hand. “Your Majesty.”
 Regina curtsies before accepting her cone-shaped “crown”, fixing it to her head. She bends down to grab Maleficent’s face in her hands, pulling her up for a chaste kiss. Well… mostly chaste. She hears Henry clearing his throat before they break apart.
 Her not-so-little boy is smoothing out their blanket on the floor and organizing their lunch containers. She sees him reaching into the basket with a mischievous smile, pulling out a box of chocolate frosted donuts. Their special treat. One of them, it seems, comes with a singular birthday candle.
 “So mom, are you going to take off your heels and join us on the floor? Or are you too busy for Operation: Yogi Bear?”
 “Yogi Bear?”
 Henry smiles broadly, “Yeah, remember, from the cartoon? Because he eats all the picnic baskets.”
 Regina once again feels tears pricking at her eyes, and she can only hope that they are seen to Henry as tears of joy. They came to her aid, a fierce dragon and brave Prince. Her own little band of heroes. They didn’t even know they were saving her, but they came anyway.
 And in that brief moment, Regina is sure she has never felt more cherished or loved.
An hour later, they had finished their picnic.  Laughter and the comfort of soup brought the welcome respite that Regina needed; she had even convinced Mal into a joking foot rub as they all exchanged donut bites And those few extra hugs from Henry before he left to answer the call of his yet un-played video games at home really hit the spot. For just a little while, it was the three of them in their own bubble, away from the world.  
 But now, their little bubble has popped.  Maleficent is cleaning up their mess and Regina finds herself once again fighting that aching feeling in her stomach. She reels at the thought of the rest of her paperwork, threatening to drown her, and endless stream of phone calls that await her. Her anxiety rising.
 Regina can feel Maleficent looking at her, tilting her head as she decides how to best approach.
 “Do you want to talk about it yet?”
 Regina demurs, tucking loose strands of her hair behind her left ear. She goes to her desk and busies herself stacking and restacking her papers, hoping that Mal will drop it. She couldn’t ask for more from her, she… just couldn’t. Not after everything Maleficent had already done.
 Mal sets aside the rest of the takeout containers and rises to join her, bending over the desk just enough so that her long elegant fingers still Regina’s wrists, holding firm.
 “Do you want to NOT talk about it?”
 Well, yes.  That is something she could use right now. A way to release her anxieties, a body to work her frustrations out against. That is what Maleficent is offering. She doesn’t have to talk, she can just be. Maleficent will do this for her.
 Her pulse is already starting to thud for an entirely different reason at just the thought. She licks her lips and whispers, “Lock the door”.
 “Oh, and. before you do, tell my receptionist to take the half day.” Regina’s stomach goes hot as she waits for Mal to return.
 She has no idea what she said to Brooke, but when she re-enters the room, Maleficent is positively wolfish.  The mood between them already changed, the air thick with anticipation. Mal bares her teeth more than she smiles in Regina’s direction.
 “Now, that’s taken care of. There’s no one around”, she locks the door with a flick of her wrists and glides back across to where Regina is perched against her desk.
 “If you only knew …” she uses her full lips to pull at the skin of Regina’s neck, “how many times I’ve wanted to have you right here, on this desk”. Mal’s lips go from probing kisses to prolonged sucks, dancing against her pulse. Regina hums as she continues, “You have no idea…. How many times I have wanted to just bend you over…”, Mal reaches behind her then, grabbing her ass, “…and have my way with you.”
 Regina whimpers at the thought, pressing and releasing her thighs together for friction as she feels her wetness build.  Damn, she didn’t think she would be this wet this quickly.
 “So you’ve fantasized about this, before? Whose birthday present is this supposed to be, anyway?”
 “You’d rather I leave and let you work?”, Mal teases while her hands travel up and down the curve of Regina’s ass, caressing the hem of her dress.
 Regina pushes her away mockingly, “Don’t. You. DARE.” She laughs as she lets Mal lift her properly onto the desk. She ruches her dress up and wraps her legs around her waist, pulling them closer together until they are flesh against each other and Maleficent is groaning against her neck.
 They stay there together, making out like teenagers as opposed to old lovers, tasting each other’s skin and swallowing each other’s sounds, limbs intertwined. Soon, Regina’s hands are traveling underneath Mal’s blouse, growing firmer with each pass, making their way to her front, where she begins to knead her gently over her bra.
 Maleficent pulls back, smirking as she begins to unbutton her shirt. Regina leans back to watch, breath ragged, hands firm behind her on the desk.
 Then she reaches forward, entranced, trailing one finger against Mal’s soft skin, as it is exposed, button-by-button.
 Mal exhales a breath that Regina hadn’t realized she was holding and the quiet sound of it only spurs Regina on. Her mouth moves to replace the feather-lite caresses of her finger, forging a new path of kisses from one swell of breast to another. Her teeth catch the bra strap on Mal’s shoulder, pulling it further and further down, before letting it snap back against her. Regina’s lips never stopping their work, massaging the smart new red mark she caused from pulling the elastic.
 Mal moans at the sensation and reaches down, placing a warm palm against her cheek and Regina moves to kiss it, taking in the comfort it offers.
 “Thank you, for this. You are so beautiful,” Regina whispers into her skin. She reaches behind to unhook the clasp of Mal’s bra, sliding the garment off and blindly throwing it to the side. Running her hands against the warmth of Mal’s back, she focuses her efforts on the taught nipples in front of her, sucking and pulling at them with her tongue until she can hear panting above her and feel Mal’s nails digging at her shoulders. The sharp sensation causing Regina’s hips to roll instinctively.
 Maleficent must have caught the change in movement, because she adjusts an arm down between them, allowing her hand to rub over Regina’s crotch. Regina releases Mal’s breast from her mouth moans, deep and throaty. Mal’s presses harder and rubs again. Slow, firm passes. Up and down, gathering the wetness in her panties. Regina’s hips begin rocking into the touch, widening her knees as much as her dress will allow, granting Mal better access. Her eyes drop to watch the movement as Mal continues to rub, and Fffuck that feels good. It feel so good, so good, it’s the exact pressure she needs. Her breath hitches.
 “Tsk, my little queen, you are so wet, aren’t you?” Regina doesn’t feel a need to respond; she knows Mal already has her answer. Maleficent bends down and licks the shell of her ear, “Tell me, Regina. What do you want?”
 Mal’s fingers zero in on her clit, toying and playing with it through the fabric of her underwear. Her thighs are trembling. “How can I make you come, right here, on your desk? Tell me.”
 She could come like this. Just like this, if given a few minutes longer.  And, if Mal insists on talking like that, well, she might never remember how to string together words into a sentence ever again. Her tongue peeks out to wet her lips as she tries to catch her breath.
 But, even that moment of relief was short lived as Maleficent moves to nip at her neck and--- FUCK. Slip a finger beneath her panties, ghosting around her entrance as she continues to leave a wet trail of kisses over her shoulder and…
 This isn’t fair. Mal isn’t playing by the rules.
 “I…. I... I want your mouth,” Regina finally puffs out. And with a sudden burst of strength she didn’t know she had left, she found herself disentangling from Mal, just for a moment, so that she can stand, even if on very shaky legs.
 She catches Maleficent’s eyes, watching her bite her lip as she reaches to unzip her dress. They get rid of the clothing together, dropping it onto the rug beneath them. Mal’s fingers hook into the sides of her panties, dragging them down her legs until she able to kick them off.  Then her bra.
 She’s pushed back on to the top of the desk, a little roughly actually, but she rushes to assure Mal that it is ok. Nothing’s wrong. She wants it just like this.
 Her nipples are hard, and Mal presses them with her thumbs and forefingers-- squeezing lightly, giving gentle, twisting tugs that have Regina inhaling deeply and squirming.
 For a minute, they just allow themselves to kiss, enjoying having connection with one another. Hot and heady, tongues sliding, breath quickening, teeth clashing before they break into smiles against each other’s lips. Intimate. Mal gives her one last deep kiss, before making her way down.
 She closes her eyes as Mal starts planting kisses around her navel, dropping slow tortuous kisses all over her lower stomach. Then from hip bone to hip bone, pressing her tongue in against soft skin that makes Regina moan, “God. Keep. GOING”. Sweet presses of lip and warm, wet swirls of her tongue across the tops of Regina’s thighs before finally, mercifully, heading towards her clit.
 Regina lifts her upper body up a bit, using her arms as back support for her shaking abs. The strain is worth it; the sight of Maleficent between her thighs always makes it worth it. She watches as Mal slowly kisses closer and closer to where Regina is so needy for her. SO CLOSE, she just needs her tongue a quarter inch down and left.
 And she knows that Mal knows this. Mal knows her body better than anyone, in any realm. She’s doing this on purpose- to torture her.
 As if on cue, Mal chuckles against her before sliding her tongue just where Regina was silently begging for it, running wetly along her throbbing clit before she narrows her tongue into a flicking sensation as she licks. Regina exhales, jerking her lips towards her.
 Another slow lick across where she is so sensitive, so ready, and another sharp flick. Regina whines before she can stop herself, laying back and mussing her fingers into Mal’s hair.
 “You’re that close already?? Really?”
 Regina pinches the bridge of her nose, her eyes screwed shut. “What do you think? After everything you’ve put me through??”
 Mal pulls her head away slightly, enough to look up at Regina with feigned innocence.  Her already deep-set green eyes gone purposefully doe-like and blinking.
 Regina bites back laughter, but otherwise doesn’t dignify the fake incredulous with a response. She dances her nails back along Mal’s scalp and tips her mouth back down on her. Mal’s palms once again settle at the hinge of her thighs, before sliding down to spread her even more, giving Mal more direct access to her clit. Regina lifts her hips forward a little. Mal flattens her tongue, lapping steadily at the sensitive knot now fully exposed to her. Regina absorbs every fire-bolt of pleasure as it radiates out from where her tongue touches, spreading down her thighs, up her belly, to her fingertips and toes.
 Mal moans softly against her, the vibration of it makes Regina’s thighs clench. God, she loves this woman. She loves everything about her- especially now. There has never been a moment when she was between her legs that Maleficent hasn’t made Regina feel like the most desirable woman in the world. Not one. It’s as true today as it was all those years ago.
 Mal looks at her then, as if she can read her mind. Hell, after the many years they have spent together- perhaps she can.
 “You are truly incredible,” she moves her hands to slowly glide over Regina’s belly, one arm gently wrapping around Regina’s waist to pull her closer to the desk’s edge while the other slips between her thighs.  She’s stroking her, palming the wetness of her lips between her fingers as she lightly toys with her clit.  Nothing too intense- for the moment- but enough for Regina’s eyelids to flutter and pleasure to skate through.
 Then from the corner of her eyes, Regina sees that the wolfish grin has returned.
 Maleficent grips her thighs and pushes them higher, bending Regina nearly in two, the stretch of it just this edge of unpleasant. Her tongue slides lower, circling her opening and then entering her. The strong, fluttering pleasure of it is less precise than the attention to her clit, but it never fails to set her off all the same. Her stomach clenches, her shoulders grind against the wood of her desk, her fists clenching and unclenching without anything to hold on to. Her neck is going flush and -----oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck----
 That’s it. Mal is fucking her with her tongue in earnest now, Regina reflexively pumping her hips to match her thrusts. And then Mal’s thumb finds Regina’s clit again, rubbing it roughly and a bit raw and God, this is good. Hmmmhmm. So good. Mal’s pressing harder with her thumb now, tighter circles, and Regina feels it- she’s going to come, she’s FUCK she’s right on the edge--
 Then Mal replaces her tongue with two of her fingers, pressed inside just where she knows Regina needs it. Regina vaguely hears past her own thudding heartbeat to Mal’s comment about how wet she is before pulling out and adding a third. All she can do is nod. Because she is, she is so wet.  And she feels amazing. And so ready for what’s about to come. And she and Mal have had a lot of adventurous sex in their lifetimes, but this moment- spread naked on the edge of her desk in the middle of the afternoon, practically dripping onto her own carpet as Mal fucks her three fingers deep- this is definitely shooting right to the top of their metaphorical “Greatest Hits” list.
 Regina’s breasts rise and fall as she struggles to catch her breath. Mal’s tongue is back on her clit, licking in time with the rhythm she is setting with her fingers. And then Mal wraps her lips around Regina’s clit and sucks as deeply as she can. Her fingers firm as they thrust in-and-out. Just like that Regina’s orgasm takes her.
 EVERYTHING is on fire and yet she is trembling.  Her hips buck, stuttering out of rhythm and her head snaps back with a loud moan against her desk. Fireworks, exploding off of every nerve ending. Her mouth falls into a slacked O as Mal continues to pump her through the jolts of pleasure that are consuming her, extending her sensations out just a bit. Then, finally, Mal lowers her legs and moves her mouth to kiss the tender skin of Regina’s abdomen, her fingers slowing- but not leaving her- as Regina comes back down from her high.
 Pleasure burns through her. She lifts her forearm to cover her eyes and can’t decide if she wants to laugh or cry. She’s stuck somewhere between the two. She feels utterly spent. Her throat scratchy and her back already beginning to ache from the unrelenting stiff, wooden desk surface.
 Mal raises herself from between her legs and together they both collapse, Mal’s long frame weighing on Regina’s torso.  She’s safe with Mal, like this. Her twisting anxiety exhausted, defeated. Replaced with heavy, relaxed limbs and deep meditative breaths. For a few long minutes, all they do is listen to the slowing of each other’s pulse. Hands rubbing soothingly up each other’s sides.
 She can feel Mal smirk against her skin, “Well... that was quite the lunch”
 Regina rolls her eyes at the innuendo.
 Mal sits up, tracing her fingers along Regina’s stomach. Regina smiles, curling in to the touch,  “So my love, do you want to talk about what happened today?”
 Regina sighs. “It’s just... “ she can already feel her eyes tearing up, “I feel silly saying this, but I felt so alone. It’s not just the work, or having to come in on my birthday, those are objectively small things.”
 “It’s that you finally allowed yourself to be celebrated in a way that felt honest to you, for just a moment. And--“ she waves her hands in the air. “All of this happening felt like affirmation that you didn’t deserve it.”
 Regina lays her head in Mal’s lap, allowing Mal to play with the edges of her hair, “You understand.”
 “Mmhmmm. I doubt there are few who understand that particular pain better than I do. We are similar in many ways; you and I. We’ve been broken. And as such, we built walls, fed isolation. We have made others to feel the pain we feel. We... enabled each other through a lot of that, I regret... And now... now, we are trying to learn to heal those wounds.” She pauses, “It’s a long way back from these mistakes. I know that I haven’t figured it all out yet, and you haven’t either.”
 Regina silently nods, in agreement.
 “But, little one?
 “This, I know is important: This long journey you are on. You are not on it alone.”
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canasimagines · 4 years
Popular (Bruce Banner imagine)
Summary: Reader was the most popular girl at her high school. Cheer captain, kind hearted and spirited, prom queen, top of her class right under the not as well known Bruce Banner. A decade later their paths cross again. Loosely based off 17 from The Heathers Musical. Once seeing her again without a ponytail and large bow and uniform Bruce almost couldn't recognize her. Her eyes were still kind towards him and not because his popularity, or lack there of, but for the beast within him now. Either way he didn't care.   You looked as beautiful as ever to him. He recognized you on spot as Nick introduced you to the team to work with them on their next mission.   "Um do you two know each other?" Natasha asked Bruce quietly as the two still watched each other shyly.  "She's (F/N) (L/N)..Head cheerleader. Prom Queen. Hottest girl at school." Bruce described monotonously still watching as you sat at the table listening to the mission.   "You're not in high school anymore, big boy." Nat smirked patting his shoulder, "But she's still pretty, I'll give her that."  "No offense, Director. But what does she have to put on the table for us in this mission." Tony asked winking at the girl across from him at the table.   Before Bruce could open his mouth to defend her honor she shrugged her jacket off and stood beside the table, "Well come at me then, Mr Cocky Stark. See for yourself."  Tony rolled his eyes with a smirk, "Are you sure about this, babe?" Her nostrils flared as she heard the words 'babe' so she just hid it by a nod as Tony lunged at her.  She jumped high above his head and flipped across the room with deer like agility and silence. Bruce smirked proudly. She still had it.   "Wow, how?" Tony asked incredulously as he sat back down.  "I was a flyer for Westerburg. Not to mention Texas Cowgirls, also not to mention trained 10 years in agility and gymnastics training. Not to toot my own horn buuuut," she made a tooting motion as the team joined her in chanting 'tooot'.   Nick rolled his eyes, well eye, and left the team to get to know their new recruit.  "Welcome to the team." Cap smiled shaking her hand. "Thank you captain, it's an honor, really. I think my grandma had a poster of you in her room literally her whole life." You laughed at him as he blushed, "I'm (F/N)."   "Hi (F/N), I'm Clint." Hawkeye shook your hand with a grin, "So have you been given a name yet? Like ya know, Hawkeye or Black Widow? Something bad ass and cool??"  "Not that I'm aware of." You chuckled with a shrug, "I don't want it to be cliche. Maybe by my second mission I can have my crap together."  "Well you may not know what your name should be but how about 'mine'." Tony asked with a smirk kissing your knuckles.   "I was thinking more something along the lines of Not A Chance." At that the team laughed as you grinned thumping his head.  "I do not think that would be a Clever name but I suppose neither is Man of Iron so I'm not one to judge. I am Thor. God of -" "Thunder, yeah I read about you in college. I did a PowerPoint about your life for my Mythology class." You chuckled shaking his large hand in your small one.  "Ooh did you discuss how devilishly handsome I am?" He asked flexing making you laugh, "Actually I still have the PowerPoint on a flash drive somewhere you can judge it for yourself." Natasha met you with crossed arms and a raised brow, "You were the kind of person I would've hated in high school. You know that?"  You chuckled tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "What kind of person exactly, am I?"  "Popular, stuck up, thinks the world revolves around you? Ring a bell?" Nat asked. "First of all, popularity means nothing. Captain here is popular but still saved a whole freaking army. Second off, I came from a modest middle class family that consisted of just my mom and I and a cat. Third, I knew the world didn't revolve around me so I gave back to it as much as I could. Here is my card for my PETA membership volunteer card along with my certified Red Cross member and Military Nurse sheet. Anymore questions on my character?" You asked pulling out your papers and crossing your arms back at her. Her bitch face slowly slid into a smirk as she looked back to Bruce.   "I like her." "Whoa. If she passed the Natasha test she must be pretty good." Tony said amazed. You tugged your papers back in your bag walking towards Bruce with a grin, "Well? No hug, Brainy Banner?" Bruce rolled his eyes at the nickname the jocks would throw at him as he stood up and hugged the girl in front of him. He gasped as the flashbacks came back.   ((flashback~))
 Bruce gasped at being thrown down his books around him scattered across the hall.  "Ha haaaaa, Brainy Banner, have our science project done yet?" Jett asked leaning down to him plucking his glasses off his face.  "Jett stop, it's done and you'll see it in Mr Woodard's class." Bruce pleaded standing up again reaching for his glasses which caused Jett to shove him against the locker.   "Jett Rachel Thomas!" Jett groaned as a young (Y/N) in her uniform came stomping towards him. The hall went quiet besides a few giggles, "Um..." Bruce began, "you're middle name is Rachel?"   "You little-" he drew his arm back to punch Bruce but was stopped by you wrapping your arms around his. "Jett. Punch him and your ass is not starting next week and I'll make it my personal job to see to it. Pick on someone your own damn size." You glared darkly. Jett just rolled his eyes dropping the glasses with a 'whatever' as he walked away. "You really didn't have to do that, (F/N)..." Bruce said quietly shoving his books in his bag as you helped. You tugged his glasses back on his face with a cute grin.  "I know but how else will I make people think I'm a good person." You said sarcastically making him chuckle and blush, "Tell me if he messes with you again. Or anyone for that matter. The football coach and the cheer coach are married so we have connections to make sure the goons don't play a game."  "Thanks (F/N)." "No problem, Bruce." ((End of Flashback))
"Do you two know each other?" Steve asked as Bruce still ogled at you.  "We went to high school together actually. It was great. He played a mean trumpet in the marching band." You teased ruffling his curls. He groaned knowing Tony would use it against him later.   "She stopped many-a-football players from breaking my glasses." He blushed. "And he stopped many-a-preps from grabbing my ass." You smiled blushing along with him.  "It was no way to treat a lady." He said shaking his head remembering.
--Later that night-- "Oh they're in love. This was a match made in heaven. I mean think about it, the marching geek, the prom queen. It's straight out of a Cult Classic." Clint gushed to Natasha who sat on her bed unamused.   "And how do we get them to figure that out. You know how he feels about himself now." Nat said irritated. "Yeah well by the sounds of it she's always been able to protect him from others, maybe she can protect him from himself. God that sounded cheesy." He groaned rubbing his face.   "Very Cheddar. Maybe a bit of Swiss. Okay here's the plan, get them in a room together, lock the door, see what happens?"
"How come no one else is here at this emergency meeting?" Bruce asked yawning "They're coming, you're just the first one I woke." Natasha said sitting with him at the Conference table. "Oh look here they come." Clint shoved your half awake form in the room before grabbing Nat and running having Jarvis lock the doors. "Hey! What the hell is this about?" Bruce yelled banging on the door. Their voices came over the intercom briefly, "Okay so we ship you guys and have a theory so we're testing it. Just act natural. Be you. And Action." Clint smirked eating the popcorn as the duo watched from another room. You crossed your arms over your robe self consciously, "Are they always like this?"  "Unfortunately." Bruce sighed sitting down shrugging, "Might as well make yourself at home." You shrugged sitting across from him. There were minutes of comfortable silence before Bruce smiled speaking up, "You know what this reminds me of?" "What?" You asked smiling back at him. "Senior year. Yearbook Committee." He smirked leaning against his palm, "That was the only class you would actually wear your much needed glasses in. They were cute but-" "I didn't think so." You chimed in smiling with him, "So one day after a comment someone made I broke them in there and threw them away." "And the next day?" He asked with a knowing smirk. "They were back on my desk good as new with a note from anonym-Bruce!" You finally pieced it with a gasp.  "I loved those things on you and they didn't look cheap." Bruce said picking at the table, "I had a huge crush on you back then too so that didn't help."  "You had a crush on me?" You asked holding a hand on your heart. "Yeah me and every other guy in school. You were just so likable. Lovable even that I thought it was just a natural feeling. I thought they went away from my head when the other guy moved in but seeing you again proved me wrong." Bruce chuckled without humor  "I thought I was stupid compared to you. I thought you felt the same but to be honest when the squad would go get snacks during halftime....you were the reason I stayed to watch the halftime show.." You smiled shyly looking at your lap.  "Really?" He asked shocked, "It's a god awful shame. We would've been amazing together. If the stupid social classes hadn't been so strict back then."  "It's horrible. That the guy I loved and who loved me back, we didn't have the guts to admit it until more than a decade later." You said laughing dryly before looking up, "That doesn't mean we still can't be amazing together."  Bruce stood walking towards you but sighed walking back to the window, "We can't (F/N). Not anymore. I can't risk it now that I have someone else in me. Someone with so much rage. I can't risk hurting the one person who fought to keep me safe."   "You can't stop something that's meant to happen from happening though either. Not even the big guy can do that." You said walking behind him wrapping your arms around his waist. He held your arms in his sighing with his head down. "I refuse to hurt you." "Then don't." "It's not that simple." "We can make it simple." You said tugging his arms around so he faced you, "We take it back. All the way back. Back to seventeen. Let's be seventeen again, Bruce."   He smiled softly down at you. That wouldn't have made sense to anyone else but Bruce knew. He knew not to question you and to just live in the moment like he wish he had the balls to at seventeen. He gathered you into his arms. "Let's just be normal and seventeen. Watch Pretty in Pink, drink beer, take off our clothes, dance and shit. Hell I don't know. Don't you want a life with me-" he cut off your rambling with his lips as he spun you around gently like he wished he would have at Prom that one night years ago. For a second.  A split second. He opened his eyes and you were back in the uniform and he was back in his marching outfit. The both of you, young, reckless, and pimply. And not caring.   And so it stayed that way.
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