#also heart-wrenching
mediumgayitalian · 16 days
i keep seeing sad posts talking about "may castellan making sandwiches every day waiting in hopes that her son will return" and.
there is no hope for may castellan. she is not waiting at the door with lunch and a tentative smile, waiting for him to come home even though he didn't yesterday, or yesterday, or yesterday, or yesterday. "in hopes" implies that there will come a day when that hope fades. in hopes implies she knows the odds are bad. in hopes implies reality will eventually catch up to her.
there is no hope for may castellan.
she is not waiting in hopes for her son to return. she is preparing, day after day after day (after day after day after day after day after) for the inevitability that luke will return to her. she does not know he is dead. she does not understand he is gone. she does not realize that time has passed; to her luke is nine, still. to her she is still placidly awaiting to return of a fourth grader. luke is not nineteen and betraying his camp. he is not twenty and housing a titan. he is not twenty one and watching his friends get slaughtered in an arena, twenty-two and forcing his sister to hold up the sky, twenty three and realizing, soul shuddering in his chest, that he has made a mistake he can never take back, that he can never undo what he has done.
luke castellan to his mother is a child who has not yet lost all his baby teeth. the cookies she makes for him are soft, because she remembers that. he still leaves the crust behind on his sandwiches. he has scrapes on his elbows and dirt on his nose. he flinches before he hugs her. he spends a lot of time outside, but he comes home before dark.
may castellan's tragedy is not that she is penelope waiting for odysseus to one day return and we know that he will not. may castellan's tragedy is that she does not understand her hero has left at all. may castellan's tragedy is that she will never understand, and she will continue to age, and continue to deteriorate, and one day she will die and she will spend eternity walking the dying poplar fields, whittled down to the memory of something missing from her.
there is no hope for may castellan.
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cosmiado · 5 months
"s1 is better" "i like s2 more" WHY are we pitting them against each other when they are KISSING WITH TONGUE???? s1 and s2 are in LOVE!!!
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confoodles · 8 months
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feelingtheaster99 · 2 months
“Unnamed Bard Student, PLEASE!” 🤣
Literally that whole scene of Fabian’s final downtime was Lou demonstrating ONCE AGAIN that the man fucking COMMITS to the bit
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niclepto · 8 days
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cptn-jtk · 10 months
good omens fans: "the gays are winning!"
the gays:
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2truehearts · 10 months
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✦ CHARACTER/S︰ijekiel alpheus & lucas from wmmap (who made me a princess).
✦ SYNOPSIS︰love can bloom and burn in any heart at the first sunlit-brindled brief—whether it be bounded by duty, ice, or disbelief; as long as that epitome of affection is you, they suppose they can make an exception and make some space—or in which they fall in-love with you first glance and sight.
✦ CONTENT WARNING/S︰nothing other than one swear word (fuck), & the general fluff and infatuation (from the character/s) + everything is proofread with the wc 200 - 300 each.
✦ A/N︰making my debut as a manhwa writer on main is not the ideal move but idk where to post it okay (side eyes the 2367838 sideblogs under this one/silly (also the title is inspired by "the only exception" by paramore <3 it's bleeping awesome go and give it a listen!!))
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IJEKIEL IS NOT ONE TO FALL IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, to have his world still for a few seconds while his heart overrides and blood races to the forefront of his cheeks—but dear heavens, were you the only exception to that rule bound by duty and a planned future in his chest. you surely weren’t the epitome of grace or as enchanting as the gods, but to him you were enough—more, than enough, truly.
he first met you in an arrangement of his father and your parents from your vague childhood—but oh, how he remembers every second of that first meeting. when the doors opened to you bowing in front of him with a barely-hidden smile of excitement curving the tips of your mouth to look at him with big, bright eyes of wonder staring directly at the copy of the sun—not once backing down to blink or burn away from awe and fluster. so ijekiel does that instead.  his skin flares with the color of blooming carnations, sunlight-prickled hues wide from childish panic at the sudden increased beating of his heart.  was something wrong with him? he felt light-headed and dizzy, stomach twisting, tossing and turning as if he was about to faint from merely seeing you presented before him like the finest muse of a pristine piece of art, incomparable to anything else other than itself. what should he do? should he compliment you? should he act indifferent and use a practiced smile? his mind is trying to adjust to the drastic changes of his swayed heart, but the boy just can’t seem to do just that when he’s faced with a fairytale protagonist right in front of him—and he blinks, catching something from the corner of his eye—and is brought back down to earth when he sees his father’s questioning gaze. then, bows with a smile, greeting you further in to sit down and perhaps enjoy a cup of tea with him?  you said yes out of common courtesy, but that only made his smile grow wider.
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LUCAS FIRMLY DOES NOT BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, like come on—who believes in love like that these days? naive little kids? newly adolescent noble ladies? men of high and poor status? it’s simply too . . . unlikely to actually happen in his eyes. the butterflies when you meet “the love of your life’s” eyes? could be the early signs of constipation. the flush in your cheeks when there’s too much prolonged eye contact with them and the dizziness of your heart and mind? could be an oncoming migraine, headache, or a sign you're being possessed by some evil spirit, y’know? anyways, enough joking aside—the point is, he finds the subject some far-fetched fairytale that is highly impossible even with the magic he has—that is, until, you waltz into his life. the things he feels when he's around you is something that could be described as a contradiction. the first gazing into your eyes turns the world upside and back again, the first brush against your fingertips suck all the air out of his chest, the first chuckle that he manages to rouse from deep within your giddy joy paints him a shade darker than his eyes from head to toe—holy fuck were there a lot of firsts that made him experience everything and anything all at once; with most he can't even explain properly without sounding so . . lovesick. god do you make him sick to the last bone with whatever sorcery you possess. in short; when in love, lucas is everything that correlates to being stupidly infatuated and is constantly reeling himself in by a hair’s breadth back to the surface when you smile, laugh, or simply exist next to him—like, can you imagine how utterly moronic it is to see how degenerate he’s become from before you?! . . . but, if it makes you happy, he’ll gladly be idiotic for the rest of his life (though, that depends if you're gonna annoy him or not).
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✦ — @khasmies 2023.
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yukipri · 6 months
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HOLY FUCK. What a movie. Just what a movie. Holy fuck
(Or, it was incredible. Absolutely blew my socks off. Please go and see it. You do not need to have watched anything else in the franchise, it's completely standalone (though it very much retains much of the symbolism of the original and other films). Especially go see it if you like kaiju films. But it was such a good film about humanity and hope. Just incredible. Go and see it.)
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be-right-bach · 1 year
can't believe an anime called buddy daddies did not end up being, in fact, just a silly little comedy of two hitmen raising a child together but instead an actual heartwarming, well written show about (re)learning to love and to be loved, about how the meaning of family goes way beyond blood and no matter how unconventional it may be, it's still as perfect and valid because it's yours and you wouldn't trade it for anything else
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cowboytism · 6 days
i feel like i haven’t seen anyone talk about this moment in the dreamstat “death” scene in 2x04 but it fucking WRECKED ME.
this is the moment that they have to confront what it seems louis has just come to terms with: he’s not actually lestat.
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suddenly it hits him: “i’m not real. he knows i’m not real. this cannot last and it’s ending right now.”
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louis loves lestat so much that he cannot bear to keep loving a false version of him. a version he built in his image, one that only exists to be accurate enough to fill a void. he is an amalgamation of all of louis’ favorite things about him.
but how can this be the lestat he loves if he has no agency? a lestat that louis can control is not his lestat at all. so he stops placating himself, stops pretending that being with lestat is still an option, because this mirage of a man is not who he fell in love with. there is armand or there is no one.
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louis couldn’t let claudia kill him, but his dream of him has to die either way.
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soulless-bex · 18 days
in which Jason helped raise Damian while in the League but no one knows. Damian never mentioned it because he was told that it was important to keep it a secret when he first was sent to Gotham because Jason was “undercover” and later on both are way too emotionally constipated to admit to their father/son-ish relationship
but it’s also still obvious there’s something there after the family reconciles because Damian, without even realizing he’s doing it, tends to orbit around Jason when he’s around and seek him out for approval/confort/help/whatever. Jason too is unusually mindful of Damian.
but no one truly realizes what’s going on between them because honestly, without evidence, coming to the conclusion that Talia had Bruce’s dead teenage son raise Bruce’s infant son while she was training both of them to become assassins is incredibly surreal. and mostly everyone just avoids the subject of what happened with Jason between him dying and him coming back to Gotham
(bonus point if Damian still has a parental relationship with Bruce and Dick but Jason still is his number one parent and remains undefeated despite literally all of his other parental figures efforts to have a better relationship with him)
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ghost-bard · 7 months
Thinking about how q slime was one of the first to leave for the boat bc he needed to get home to flippa…
It’s not like he was ever close to any of the other eggs, or to any of the residents. Yes he has his fun with them, but when it mattered most he didn’t get any help, at least not the help he needed, and no one pushed hard enough and quick enough for him to truly acknowledge what he needed.
Hes not a good person, certainly not, but is anyone on the island really a good person?
And in the two weeks that he became so close with all of team bolas, in his mind it’s still him versus everyone.
It’s not that he doesn’t care for the other eggs, but none of them are flippa, and if they aren’t her then whats the point in risking his life for one that doesn’t matter.
It’s not out of cowardice that he ran, he doesn’t really care about his own life, it’s about making sure that juanaflippa isn’t alone, making sure she’s safe.
Even though in the end, he knows she’s not his juanaflippa, it’s still something, someone, to live for.
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fujoshigirl7 · 19 days
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H...he.....he smiled😭
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fireintheimpala · 3 months
Get Back is honestly so intense I’ve restarted a tumblr blog because of it, listened to hours of podcasts, made my way almost completely through the solo works of Lennon and McCartney respectively…and I’ve only made it to half an hour into episode 2.
Empires have risen and fallen over less than the micro-emotions and dynamics of 15 minutes of Get Back.
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softerhaze · 9 months
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"side quests" in act 3 be like....what if u were faced with the most complex moral dilemma ever.....for the 3rd time today
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franklespine · 3 months
How am I just supposed to carry on with my life after 6.08 of House md. HOWWWWW?????!!!!! Kill myself that was gut wrenching. Never had I had such a punch to the gut like that ending was. Cameron telling House that she loved him. Telling him about how all he cares about is sweeping and manipulating people into his puzzles and games. "You'll poison [Taub and Thirteen] just like you poisoned Chase ... you ruined him."
Oh my god. I cannot believe they just made me watch that.
The building tension between Chase and Cameron in this episode in the fact that the only way Cameron could continue to be with him was to believe that killing Dibala wasn't his fault but House's - that Chase was his "personal sock puppet", and that to move beyond this they had to leave.
Comparatively, Chase struggles to wrap his head around the fact that Cameron forgives him for an act that he perceives was not only the "worst thing [he's] ever done", but entirely his fault. He's spent the past few episodes overwhelmed with emotions he doesn't know how to deal with. House told him to get some help and Chase interprets this as going to confession where he just begs the priest to give him a way to achieve atonement and lift the burden off of him. And then when the priest tells him there's no way to do that without taking responsibility for his actions he just goes to the bar so long Cameron almost reports him missing and drinks himself half to death. So I think the reason he struggles so much to understand why Cameron forgives him is because he doesn't forgive himself - he doesn't regret what he did and still thinks it was the right thing to do but that doesn't mean he isn't wrought with shame and guilt because of it. And then he slowly realises throughout this episode that Cameron hasn't really forgiven him - she just doesn't believe he was at fault. But he can't run away from what he did and, probably more importantly, he doesn't want to leave House. He tells Cameron that killing Dibala was his fault and despite everything, he'd do it again.
And then - you ruined him - Cameron says to House. Jesus Christ just kill me. 'You broke him beyond repair'. Because despite Cameron's penchant for broken people, she doesn't want them to be beyond repair, emotionally.
"I'm sorry for you both. For what you've become. Because... there's no way back for either of you."
Honestly, as much as House fucked with Taub, Thirteen and Kutner, it wasn't like with his original fellows. He didn't change them, fundamentally, like he did with Foreman, Chase and Cameron. Each of them has a slightly different breed of a complicated, messed up relationship with House that no one else (not even each other) will ever understand - and now none of them can truly leave. They're stuck there in that hospital, in some way, with House forever, seeing reflections of House in each other and in themselves like a disease. Like Cameron says in 5.13 "I'll always say yes to House. I studied under him. He's in my head." And Foreman too is 'ruined' - he got away from House, begins acting just like him and now he is entirely un-hirable - here is the only place he has to go. And I think the fact that Chase was the only fellow in s3 who was fired by House (rather than leaving himself), and then came back to the same hospital (with Cameron) to work as a surgeon is rather telling. He referred to House as God, he maybe received the worst treatment from House and still sucked up to him the most for his approval and validation, he's a capable and intelligent doctor but yet in the diagnostics team he bases his diagnosing suggestions off of House like he's his entire frame of reference right from s1 (making diagnoses not based on actual medical knowledge but how House reacts to each of them, how he phrases his questions, how he starts the conversation).
Jesus christ. Just the way that he fundamentally altered something deep inside each of them, irrevocably, is just sooooooo... RAHHHHDJBFJBFHFEOFHEW.
This show man what in the world.
Erm. On to episode 9 I guess.
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