#also half of the other dc adaptations lets be real
hopefulstarfire · 8 months
I'm serious when I say; you can tell with comics, whether it be the book or any sort of adaptation (though ESPECIALLY with film and TV adaptations), you know whose a fan and who is doing this to check off a box for the next thing or because they think everything needs to be edgy.
And the work severely suffers when it's the latter and it's draining at this point.
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 months
A Rant About Flash and Captain Boomerang in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
This post will contain spoilers for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League under the cut.
So, I watched a video of the cutscenes of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and....well...let's just say that it frustrated me enough that I rage-quit watching part of the way through. (Usually, I don't rage-quit stories, because usually I don't hear about the stuff that would make me rage quit until after the story has been out for awhile, and so I don't get caught off-guard by it. This is one of the few times where a story managed to catch me off guard with a plot point I hated enough to make me quit.)
But I'll cover the non-spoilery Flash-related stuff (which did not make me rage quit) first:
-For the most part, the game pretty much nailed Captain Boomerang. He was an utter scumbag, but he was also really funny and more competent than you'd expect---so pretty much exactly what Digger is supposed to be.
-That being said, I think the game might have gone a little TOO far in making him a scumbag? Like, I know that's a part of his character, but after a certain point, he becomes a bit too unlikeable to be a main protagonist. It definitely doesn't help that positioning the Squad against the Justice League means that there isn't the mitigating factor of him fighting people who are even worse than he is.
Basically, if Digger has to fight---and win against--- the Justice League for plot reasons, maybe don't make him as awful as the nastiest versions of his comic book self? It makes him winning fights against heroes, mind-controlled or otherwise, VERY unpalatable.
-Also, he should have used boomerangs more and guns less. I know this is partially for gameplay purposes, but he's Captain Boomerang, not Captain Shotgun. He can use boomerangs to do anything---so why not lean into that?
-Between the super speed gauntlet and the fact that he has to win fights against the Justice League, I almost feel like Owen should have been this game's Captain Boomerang. Owen fighting the mind-controlled Justice League would be a lot more pleasant than maximum-jerkwad Digger fighting them---since, y'know, Owen is actually nice most of the time. He'd be a lot easier to root for.
-In spite of the fact that the game seemed to have a fairly good grasp on Digger, I can't say the same for its grasp on the Flash. I don't know why DC has been having so much trouble with adapting the Flash as of late, but it's getting very frustrating.
-More specifically, the game features the not-so-triumphant return of what I call Warry (the hybridized Flash that mixes elements of Barry and Wally together). He has Barry's name (and eye color), but he's hot-headed, brash, and impulsive, and the rest of the Justice League treats him like a rookie. In other words, his personality and relationship with the League are very reminiscent of Wally. This is a very, very, very longstanding issue of Flash adaptations, but I'm not thrilled to see it happen again.
-Although that's not really the worst part. The worst part is that this version of the Flash is just....really annoying. Like, more annoying than Wally at his worst. He honestly feels like Axel Walker cosplaying as the Flash. (Granted, part of that might be because he spends over half the game being all evil due to Brainiac's mind control, but even before that he seemed very, very young and somewhat obnoxious.)
-It also didn't help that I found the sound of his voice to be annoying. The performance itself was good, there was just something about the voice itself that rubbed me the wrong way. Digger had an abrasive voice, too, but he's supposed to be annoying and abrasive, so having an annoying voice made sense for him. Not so much for the Flash.
And then there was the thing that made me rage-quit the game (SPOILERS AHEAD):
And then the Suicide Squad killed the Flash. Like, for-real killed him. (I mean, I know that the game is called "Kill the Justice League"....but I didn't expect them to ACTUALLY kill the Justice League. I was assuming that it was hyperbole for the sake of a cool game title, especially since having the Justice League get killed would be really depressing. I am not happy to be proven wrong.)
And yes, I know that within the context of the game, killing the Flash is the only way to stop him, but it still feels like a total cop-out given how many superhero stories involve mind-control, and how many of those stories prove that there are a hundred other ways for characters to snap someone out of mind control.
And if for some reason the character HAD to die, it feels really mean-spirited to let maximum dirtbag Captain Boomerang be the one to do it. I love Captain Boomerang, but I have never wanted to see him kill the Flash. Because I like the Flash, and I like it when the good guys, y'know, win.
And that is why I rage quit watching Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League.
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
I don’t think it’s very fair for you to try and knock others from reading Miguel’s OG run because truthfully that’s the only place you’re going to get his full character since every run after that is just “Let’s place him in different time scenarios to fix other people’s problems”. I’ve read ur reasonings and some of the issues I just don’t see and that’s coming from someone who’s ALSO half Hispanic and had similar family experiences. Idk I guess comic Miguel is rlly important and relatable to me and you shouldn’t turn others away from having that potential connection too. :/
NAH LOL it is *not* the only place to get his character truthfully -- his character is not consistent between runs, or between comic and movie! Not even Pdavid's runs have an unified version of Miguel since he just becomes an author self-insert after one point. The way Pdavid writes '92 Miguel - Gabriel is also shamelessly almost the same as he wrote Bruce Banner - Rick Jones. (another series where he ended up being pushed off the book after he started making really weird decisions; and notice these last two are white guys, which is how pdavid depicts Miguel all the time.)
I haven't even told people to not read them. In multiple posts i say 'read the first ones to see how it is, stop when you get annoyed, look up summaries, don't feel obligated to treat it as canon because it isn't.' If anyone feels threatened by this they should examine where that defensiveness is coming from.
I'm gonna be real with you that's like saying "the only way to REALLY understand Miles Morales is to read his ultimates run." You know, the one where his mother gets eaten alive by Venom, his dad thinks he's at fault for killing her and nearly beats him with a cane, where the closest thing he has to peter is a clone named jessica drew, and that eventually gets completely retconned in a universe explosion so main universe Miles can be rewritten. Do you remember seeing any of the things above in ITSV? Would you call them *the only real way to fundamentally understand Miles as a character?*
I keep seeing the rhetoric that 'real fans' have to subscribe to the very first script of these characters and that somehow enjoying their ATSV versions is fake-stanning and that is just... not true. That's not how comics work. Our most iconic, definitive, memorable traits for MANY of these superheroes have come from subsequent comic runs, rewrites, feats of adaptation and the interaction between fanwork-becoming-canon. Even uncle Ben's 'power and responsibility' schtick is NOT an original part of Peter's first draft. That came from re-imaginings and rewrites.
I'm really, truly not a fan of the argument that 'relating to parts of a character' completely absolves the text from criticism. It's not a good comic. It barely tries to be latino rep and frankly, I'm not going to praise it for just placing a label on him and doing nothing with it. I don't care for this white man's truth. It's racist and creepy and I should be paid reparations for having to read a storyline where the same girl gets paired up with two different brothers and then their father just to end up getting killed for a sexier token love interest. I am constantly frustrated by the argument that new fans should be forced to read it and potentially get turned away from comics forever; it's one of the worst offerings you could give them. 90's Marvel and DC are a public fandom joke and nearly led the market into bankruptcy!!!!! (Marvel filled for loss in 1996. IT WAS BAD. That's part of why the whole 2099 line went up in flames! The money was going down the drain.)
I've been a comic reader for a long time and I just can't give them blissful innocence passes like that. The current editor-in-chief at Marvel did yellowface and pretended to be a japanese man for years to write some shitty superhero weeb comics with no accountability whatsoever. He still has a job. RUNNING the company!
And here's the thing: I like Miguel too. I have a shitty family and I empathize with that but I KNOW he deserves much better than to be confined by white people's scripts and fetishes. I *want* him to have a chance, multiple chances even, to be completely rewritten and remolded by latine voices without the need for them to constantly refer or tie back into that white man's work; It is our right just as any other.
ATSV throws away most of Miguel's baggage, and straight up refuses to refer to the weird indepth sludge pdavid had going on; the artbook doesn't mention these first comics or most of his runs, they actually talk about other groundbreaking sci-fi concept work and the idea of basically rebuilding the landscape from scratch, and I am deeply thankful they do that. One of the biggest themes of the movie *is* that the idea of comic canon is fraught and full of holes, and that we should subvert it into joyful and honest expressions of these characters' cultures. These are movies that begin with the Comics Code Authority stamp, a censorship marker that among other things explicitly prohibited the positive depiction of pro-civil rights narratives and homosexual relationships, and actively turned their nose at protagonist black characters — & proceed to rip it to shreds. That's what we should be doing!
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phantom-le6 · 3 months
Ramble of the month March 2024: Phase 5 of the Batman Begins-Led DCEU
With April set aside for an autism-centric monthly ramble and February utilised for phase 5 of my 90’s-based alternate MCU, March takes on the role of show-casing phase 5 of my hypothetical Batman Begins-led DC film-verse.  As DC is more prone to content reboots than Marvel, this latest phase will actually ramp up to just such a reboot, with “phase 6” actually being phase 1 of a new DC film-verse.  Unlike the real DCEU, that reboot will be better planned, but first let’s re-cap the previous four phases.
Phase 1:
2005: Batman Begins
2006: Man of Steel
2007: Wonder Woman
2008: The Dark Knight, Green Lantern
2009: The Flash, Man of Steel 2
2010: Aquaman, Justice League
Phase 2:
2011: Wonder Woman 2, Green Lantern 2, Green Arrow
2012: Hawkman, Batman/Superman, Aquaman 2
2013: John Constantine, The Flash 2, Suicide Squad
2014: Justice League 2, Green Arrow 2, Batman: The Long Crusade
Phase 3:
2015: Shazam, Man of Steel 3, The Atom
2016: Wonder Woman 3, Batgirl, Teen Titans
2017: Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Shazam vs Black Adam, Suicide Squad 2
2018: Justice League: Darkseid Rising, Aquaman 3, Doom Patrol
Phase 4:
2019: Superman: Doomsday, New Gods, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
2020: Suicide Squad: Arkham, Knightfall, Green Arrow 3
2021: Reign of the Supermen, Green Lantern: Twilight, Knightsend
2022: Justice League: Armageddon, Teen Titans 3, Justice Society
Phase 1, of course, acts as a means of establishing the DC Universe for film fans prior to forming the Justice League.  Phase 2 then builds on that foundation while also causing a schism within the Justice League by adapting the “Tower of Babel” story arc into Justice League 2.  Green Arrow 2 then proves Batman’s point about safeguarding against rogue heroes, which some films in phase 3 follow up on.  Phase 4 then focuses on the falls of many heroes, some of which stay down and some of which return.  However, as phase 4 ended, Hal Jordan was revealed to have gone rogue, which phase 5 will pick up from.  This is how the phase 5 slate would shape up overall.
Phase 5:
2023: Justice League: World’s Finest, Nightwing, The Killing Joke
2024: Supergirl, Birds of Prey, Flashpoint
Compared to past phases, phase 5 is only half the size, and while the opening film deals with the issue of Hal Jordan becoming Parallax, most of the other films are one-shots or sequels to tell some interesting stories ahead of the Flashpoint film.  So, let’s start by taking a look at these various phase 5 films.
Justice League: World’s Finest (2023) Directed by The Russo Brothers
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent = Brandon Routh
Bruce Wayne/Batman = Christian Bale
Diana/Wonder Woman = Kate Beckinsale
J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter = Chiwetel Ejiofor
Arthur Curry/Aquaman = Chris Pine
Kyle Rayner/Green Lantern II = Taylor Lautner
Wallace "Wally" West/Flash II = Calum Worthy
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan/Parallax = Ben Affleck
John Stewart = Derek Luke
Guy Gardner = Damian Lewis
Fire/Beatriz Bonilla da Costa = Selena Gomez
Ice/Tora Olafsdotter = Kristine Froseth
Dinah Lance/Black Canary = Malin Akerman
John Henry Irons/Steel = Aldis Hodge
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl = Dakota Fanning
Connor Hawke/Green Arrow II = Levon Hawke
Lex Luthor = Kelsey Grammer
Mercy Graves = Scarlett Johannsen
Koriand'r/Starfire = Elle Fanning
Dusk = Ella Balinska
Blackfire/Komand'r = Virginia Gardner
Ferro/Andrew Nolan = Garrett Wareing
Mon-El/Lar Gand = Milo Manheim
Brainiac-5/Querl Dox = Karan Brar
Saturn Girl/Imra Ardeen = Dove Cameron
Lightning Lad/Garth Ranzz = Tye Sheridan
Cosmic Boy/Rokk Kirnn = Dylan Minnette
Starman/Thom Kallor = Ty Simpkins
Dream Girl/Nura Nal = Sabrina Carpenter
Karate Kid/Val Armorr = Aramis Knight
Sensor Girl/Projectra = Angourie Rice
Amanda Waller = Viola Davis
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot = Christian Slater
Jaina Hudson/White Rabbit = Hayley Kiyoko
Eve Eden/Nightshade = Debby Ryan
Dr Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy = April Bowlby
Dr Niles Caulder/The Chief = Pierce Brosnan
Clifford Steele/Robot Man = Johnny Whitworth
Larry Trainor/Negative Man = Alessandro Nivola
Rita Farr/Elasti-Girl = Alyssa Milano
Mento/Steve Dayton = Nathan Fillion
Bumblebee/Karen Beecher = Kyla Pratt
Vox/Malcom Duncan = Donald Glover
This film is based on the events of the Justice League story arc The Final Hour, in which the Justice League and others try to stop an alien being called the Sun Eater from devouring Earth’s sun, only for Hal Jordan to ultimately sacrifice himself to save Earth by absorbing the Sun Eater and reigniting the sun.  The film version would be slightly different in numerous details, but by-and-large the main thrust of the story would remain the same.  The League would be the main focus, with Luthor, a few members of future super-team the Legion of Superheroes and a couple of others being heavily featured due to the story arc involved.  The Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad are also featured to lesser degrees during scenes showing the wider crisis in what is essentially a superhero disaster film.
Direction-wise, I’d put this film in the hands of the Russo brothers based on their work for the MCU, especially Infinity War and Endgame in the Avengers run of films.  Indeed, like Infinity War and Endgame, I also gave the Russos direction of Justice League: Armageddon to keep things consistent across both films.  In terms of cast, most cast members have appeared on prior films, with only the characters from Dusk down to Sensor Girl being new cast members coming in fresh on this film.
Nightwing (2023) Directed by Guy Ritchie
Richard Grayson/Robin/Nightwing = Patrick Schwarzenegger
Roland Desmond/Blockbuster = Adam Driver
Lady Elaine Marsh-Morton/Lady Vic = Florence Pugh
Talon/William Cobb = Evan Peters
Amy Rohrbach = Elizabeth Olsen
Elise Svoboda = Alexandra Stan
Gannon Malloy = Max Lloyd-Jones
Comissioner Gil Maclean = Michael Ealy
Mr Nice/James Nice = Sam Reid
In the first of our one-shot films, we get a solo outing for Batman’s original protégé Dick Grayson as he tries to clean up the corruption of Bludhaven by working for their local police force.  As the film progresses, Nightwing finds himself caught between local crime lord Blockbuster and a plot involving the infamous Court of Owls of Gotham legend.  Outside Patrick Schwarzenegger reprising the role of Dick Grayson, the cast is completely new to this DCEU, and in honour of his great work on crime-centric films, I’ve picked Guy Ritchie to serve in the director role.
The Killing Joke (2023) Directed by Christopher Nolan
Bruce Wayne/Batman = Christian Bale
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl = Bella Thorne
Tim Drake/Robin II = David Mazouz
The Joker = Willem Dafoe
Lucius Fox = Morgan Freeman
James "Jim" Gordon = Gary Oldman
Jeannie/Becky Moore = Georgie Henley
Comedian/Young Joker = David Corenswent
Patrolman Robert Moore = Grant Gustin
Mitch = Scott Eastwood
Murray = Drew Powell
Det. Harvey Bullock = Donal Logue
Det. Renee Montoya = Penelope Cruz
When DC and WB did an animated Killing Joke adaptation, they had the right idea in terms of expanding the story beyond the Alan Moore-written graphic novel.  However, they expanded it incorrectly by having an unrelated preceding 30 minutes that served more to facilitate Bruce Timm’s shipping of a Bruce-Barbara relationship than to make a well-expanded narrative.  This film begins with the Joker being apprehended, hatching his scheme in Arkham, and then a short while later, we get the original Killing Joke plot in the film’s middle.
The end is then expanded, first by taking from a prose novel adaptation I’ve read where Batman laughing with the Joker turns into Batman almost giving in to the temptation to kill Joker.  After this, Joker sees a woman who he thinks is the dead wife from his flashbacks and breaks out to “find the truth”.  When Batman confronts Joker for a third time, the question is left hanging as to whether the Joker’s past was true or not, and a post-credits scene sets up for Barbara becoming Oracle.  Direction-wise, I figure that only Christopher Nolan would do well adapting this material into a live-action narrative.  Casting-wise, the film is mostly existing cast reprising past roles, with only the characters linked to Joker’s back-story being fresh castings.
Supergirl (2024) Directed by Reese Witherspoon
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl = Dakota Fanning
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent = Brandon Routh
Cat Grant = January Jones
Jimmy Olsen = Rider Strong
Winslow Schott Jr. = David Henrie
Lena Luthor = Spencer Grammer
Zor-El = Henry Cavill
Alura Zor-El = Rebecca Hazelwood
Astra In-Ze = Rebecca Hazelwood
Non = Ryan McPartlin
Vartox = James Murray
Indigo/Brainiac-8 = Letitia Wright
Capt. Crispus Allen = Djimon Honsou
Det. Peter Foley = Matt Le Blanc
This film gives us a solo film outing for Supergirl that is partly based on the first season of the character’s Arrowverse TV show.  In other words, we see Kara starting out on her own life in another city and having to clash with her villainous aunt and uncle, as well as Indigo, a time-displaced villain in the Brainiac family tree.  For direction, I’ve picked Reese Witherspoon as I know in recent years she’s taken up production and is very passionate about female-led stories and story-telling, so I think she’d be a great fit to make a directorial debut on a character like Supergirl.
Birds of Prey (2024) Directed by Patty Jenkins
Dinah Lance/Black Canary = Malin Akerman
Barbara Gordon/Oracle = Bella Thorne
Cassandra Cain/Batgirl = Momona Tamada
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress II = Alexandra Daddario
Zinda Blake/Lady Blackhawk = Rita Ora
Det. Renee Montoya = Penelope Cruz
Noah Kuttler/Calculator = Tom Cavanagh
Scandal Savage = Katie Leung
Knockout = Ireland Baldwin
Thomas Blake/Catman = Luke Grimes
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot = Christian Slater
Bane = Rodrigo Santoro
For the penultimate phase 5 film, we’re giving the Birds of Prey super-team their chance to shine, albeit better than they did in the real DCEU.  More comics-accurate castings and character selections, including leaving out Harley Quinn (who, if you remember my phase 4 ramble, is killed off in the last Suicide Squad film).  In this film, we see Barbara recruit a number of street-level heroes to tackle a criminal group known as the Secret Six.  The film follows up on plot threads from Knightfall, Knightsend and Killing Joke, and also uses Cassandra Cain as Batgirl like in the comics, another elements the real DCEU Birds of Prey got wrong.  Patty Jenkins of the real DCEU’s Wonder Woman films helms the project from a directorial standpoint.
Flashpoint (2024) Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Barry Allen/The Flash = Matt Damon
Thomas Wayne/Flashpoint Batman = Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow = Ethan Hawke
John Constantine = Matt Ryan
Jason Blood/Etrigan = Eddie Redmayne
Victor Stone/Cyborg = Ashton Sanders
Citizen Cold/Leonard Snart = Rob Lowe
Superman/Kal-El = Brandon Routh
Nora Allen = Cybill Shepherd
Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash = Jake Gyllenhaal
Diana/Wonder Woman = Kate Beckinsale
Arthur Curry/Aquaman = Chris Pine
Billy Batson/Shazam = Zachary Gordon/Zachary Levi
Freddy Freeman = Chandler Riggs
Darla Dudley = Quvenzhané Wallis
Mary Bromfield = Halston Sage
Eugene Choi = Hudson Yang
Pedro Peña = Rico Rodriguez
Hal Jordan = Ben Affleck
Martha Wayne/Flashpoint Joker = Marg Helgenberger
Yo-Yo = Margot Robbie
During the events of Justice League: Armageddon, Barry Allen’s Flash became lost in the timestream.  When he gets out, he enters an alternate reality where Aquaman and Wonder Woman are at war, and many heroes are missing or dead, including Barry’s speedster alter ego.  Thus begins a mission to learn the truth of why events have changed, and the climax will reboot the DCEU.  While this film simply uses the title of Flashpoint, it’s based more on the DC animated version from the DCAMU as that’s the main Flashpoint story I’ve seen and recall.  Of course, the rest of the alternative DCEU I’ve laid out prior to this film alters some other aspects as well, including how Barry exits the timestream and why history was changed.  Direction-wise, I had to pick Robert Zemeckis just because as the guy who directed the Back to the Future trilogy and the 2009 Disney version of A Christmas Carol, he is probably the best director for anything with a time travel component.
This concludes our phase 5 for the alternate DCEU, and this specific version of the DCEU.  When I do phase 6 on my 90’s MCU, the first (and for now only) phase of my rebooted hypothetical DCEU will be hot on its heels.  So, until next time, ta-ta for now.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
can u do a blurb about reader wanting a baby and asking her co-worker Spencer to be the donor because he's smart and nice and she wants a cute baby?
you said blurb and i read 2K word fic apparently lmao
Late nights behind a desk were the worst. Y/N hated reading over case file, after case file, of horrific things as she tried to choose where they went next.
The only plus side was that she wasn’t alone, Spencer was at his desk just beside her. Like he always was. They had an interesting friendship, to say the least.
Ever since Y/N joined the BAU, Spencer and her were glued at the hip. They had all the same interests, liked the same music and movies, and they spat out information the same way, they were like each other’s dorky other half— but it was just a friendship.
They had a tradition to watch at least one movie together after a case, to just chill for a bit together. Always randomly picking one of their apartments to go to, spending the night together until one of them eventually wandered off to bed. Leaving the other on the couch.
They weren’t aware of their feelings for each other for a while. Both of them being so used to being alone, and never having anyone be interested in them before. It was hard to understand if the feelings they had were pure friendship, or if it could ever be more. If the sex would fuck everything up and take away that perfect happy place they found in each other, or would it make the bond stronger?
She noticed the crush before Spencer showed any signs of liking her back. She woke up every morning thinking of him, that's when she came to the conclusion that it was more than just a friendship. She wanted him in her life forever, she wanted to kiss his perfect lips and hug his soft body, wake up beside his messy hair and just love him for the rest of eternity.
She sighed as she picked up another file, not excited to learn about the horrible acts taking place in what people called, “the best country in the world.” She’d disagree any day of the week.
This one was a file about some missing kids apparently being spotted in a van altogether in Georgia, it looked interesting enough to be the next case. She hated reading all the info, seeing every kid's happy face in the file knowing that’s not how they looked now.
“Good god,” she groaned as she flipped through the case.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer asked over the divider.
“Nothing,” she shrugged, “just a bad case.”
She handed it to him over the desk, hearing him flip through all the sheets as he read a million words a minute. “We should show this to Emily first thing,” Spencer agreed, pushing himself over to her desk in his wheely chair.
“I will,” she smiled softly, taking the file back from him and placing it on her desk.
Spencer stood then, making his way into her space and rubbing his hand over her back slightly. “Are you okay?”
She sighed, “actually. no, I was telling Garcia I want to have a baby soon, and then I see things like this and I’m scared to do it alone but I don’t have any other option?” Ranting to him like he was her therapist.
“What do you mean?”
She turned in her chair to look up at him, his soft brown eyes really caring to hear the answer. “Sit,” she insisted.
He pulled the chair over more, sitting close enough that their knees touched. “I’m 36, I’m not having any luck finding a husband or a wife, I want a baby and if I have to do it myself I will, but what if I’m not enough? What if I have a boy and he grows up to be a killer cause he never had a dad?”
“Y/N,” Spencer’s voice was soft as he looked at her with a confused scrunch on his face. “That couldn’t happen, you’re a wonderful person, I love having you on the team and in my life, I know you’d raise good kids, you should do it.”
“Really?” She beamed at him, the words touching her heart and making her swoon a bit.
“I mean, it would be hard,” he added reason to the conversation. “You’d have to take time off, which would be good for bonding. My mother raised me alone and I turned out semi-fine, I don't hold any resentment for her not finding someone for me to call dad or even step-mom for that matter. I think if you give them all the love in the world like I know you’re capable of, your child will love you like you’re their whole world.”
She laughed as she noticed the tears welling in her eyes, waving her hand's in front of her face so she wouldn’t fully sob. “Do you want to be the donor?” She made a joke to change the topic.
Spencer laughed then too, “sure!”
Everything got serious again then, she looked at him a little differently. “Really? Cause honestly, you’re like a Grade A donor profile in the most expensive clinic!” She couldn’t help herself from laughing again at the absurdity.
“I’ve always wanted to be a dad, 40 isn’t too old to have a child, is it?” He seemed to have decided that rather fast.
“Okay,” she nodded with a smile, “okay. That’s cool, sick,” she felt the words get smaller as she thought it over.
“I get it if you were kidding,” Spencer spat out. “I realize now that you might have been making a joke, I hope it’s not weird that I agreed so fast, it’s just that I think you’re a very beautiful and smart woman and the idea of helping you make a child makes me really excited. I think it would be a very good idea if you were being serious, but I get it if you’re not.”
She let him get it all out, always loving when he got like this on a case or in person, nervous or just because he wanted to talk, she loved to listen. And no one ever let him finish his thoughts, always wanting to beat him to the punch.
“Spence, I think you’re really handsome and smart too,” she smiled. “If you’re also serious, I am too.”
“How would we?” He asked as he pulled at the top button of his dress shirt, swallowing like he couldn't breathe all of a sudden.
“If you’re not opposed, I’m sure the good old-fashioned way would work?” She laughed, laying her hand on his knee softly.
It was like sparks flew at that moment as if all the fluorescent lights in the bullpen could have exploded and she wouldn’t have even noticed. Captivated by Spencer's eyes as he gasped at her touch.
“Not opposed in the slightest,” he said softly as he held his own hand over hers.
She couldn’t help herself from smiling. “Well, I think I’m all done here if you want to come to my place for a movie?”
“Sure,” he replied, offering her a hand as they stood up together.
He returned his chair to his desk, both of them grabbing their coats and bags and rejoining at the door.
“I should go say goodnight to Penny,” Y/N said softly. “Wanna come?”
“Yeah,” he followed her through the door and down the hall to the tech room.
“Knock knock,” Y/N said as she walked through the open door. “Oh great and knowledgeable one, I’ve come with my nightly farewell.”
“Oh my knight, I shall miss you,” Penelope played along, sauntering over to her and wrapping her up in a hug. “I leave you with this until your return.”
“Through scorching deserts, and blistering winds, I will make it back to you, always,” she tried not to laugh as she hugged her back. “I also brought forth the jester.”
Spencer was laughing in the doorway as the two of them looked at him, “hi?”
“The pretty boy, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Um,” Y/N smiled, “Spencer and I are just going back for our nightly movie.”
Penelope looked at both of them, jaw slightly gaped, “nightly? I thought it was a case by case thing?”
“It’s a good excuse for us to talk,” Spencer smiled at her.
“Mhmm,” she smirked, “well have fun.”
She pulled Y/N back into another hug, hiding her face from Spencer, “I need all the dirty deets in the morning.”
Y/N smacked her arm softly as she pulled back, “goodnight pretty penny.”
“Farewell brave knight, handle with care, Jester,” Penelope pointed her finger at him, giving him a knowing glance.
“Yes, oh Knowledgeable one, always,” he blushed.
He reached out his hand for Y/N, interlocking their fingers as they left her office and headed towards the elevator. A rare moment of bravery on his part, holding hands like this didn’t spread a lot of germs.
“We’re going to have to discuss a lot of logistics like realistically this isn’t going to be just a fuck and oh look its a baby. This is a real live baby that we need to raise and care for,” she reminded him as the elevator doors shut.
“I’d like to be as involved as you’d let me be,” Spencer replied. “I don’t have to be 'dad' to them, I could be uncle Spence that’s fine too.”
“Oh no, you’d be Dad for sure,” she nudged him slightly. “I mean like, weekends and holidays and birthdays, your mom will want to see them surely, my parents will want to see them. Housing,” she looked at him horrified. “I have an apartment with 2 bedrooms, I don’t think I could let them sleep somewhere without me.”
“I have been looking at houses,” Spencer added before the doors opened to the garage, “you’re driving right?”
“Yeah, you were saying?” She replied, digging her keys out of her purse and leading him towards the car.
“Derek Morgan, I’m not sure if you’ve met him yet, he fixes up old homes in DC and Virginia now. He just finished one and I helped him with it. I think I’m going to buy it from him. It has 4 bedrooms, we could all live under the same roof? It would be easier to co-parent.”
She was amazed at how fast he adapted to this as if he’d been having the same thoughts she was having. At a certain point wanting kids becomes a pipe dream filled with desperation and emptiness, he looks like he’s experienced it too.
She opened her door and sat down before replying to him again. Thinking about how wonderful he was going to be during this process, “thank you, Spencer.”
“For what?” He asked as they both closed their doors.
She sighed, relaxing into her seat as she started the car. She turned to him softly, not wanting to cry as she spoke softly. “Being a mom is more of a dream to me than joining the BAU was, this is the best gift you could give me.”
He reached his hand out again, holding it softly. Running his thumb over her knuckles. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Yeah,” she nodded softly.
He couldn’t make eye contact with her, staring at their hands as he rubbed her skin.
“Um, I’ve been pretty infatuated with you since you joined,” he let it out finally. Like a ton of bricks off his back he relaxed a bit, “after everything with Maeve, Cat and Max… oh god, and JJ... I was so worried that if I got too close to you I’d lose you. I tried to keep the feelings in, that's why I said what I did to Penelope. She knows how I feel about you.”
It was like fireworks were going off in her chest as the butterflies erupted inside of her. She sat up, turning to him more and ripping her hand from his grasp.
It startled him, he looked at her anxiously as if she was going to yell at him. But she placed both hands on his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss.
His arms snaked around her waist, wishing they could get closer if it wasn’t for the damn centre console of her car. Pressing their lips together, hard, as they breathed each other in. Desperation taking control, she wasn’t able to let go of him.
When she finally did pull away, however, the look on his face was priceless. Like expensive art, every line and freckle had a meaning. He was surprised, enamoured, grateful, desperate for more.
She smiled softly, rubbing her thumbs over his cheek. “Good, cause it would be awkward having your baby and not getting to love you every day too.”
taglist: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor
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trainsinanime · 3 years
In the past few weeks I’ve built a model railroad signal for garden railways with a custom DCC decdoder. Here’s what it looks like:
I’ve heard from a number of people that they thought this was interesting, but they didn’t really understand what I was doing. So today I’ll try to explain the core of it all, this circuit board:
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And here’s the associated circuit diagram:
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I’ll try to explain why this is the way it is and what it does.
(This whole explanation is aimed at people who have never done anything with electronics before. If that’s not you, then this may be a bit boring. Also, I didn’t come up with any of the parts of this. Most of this is based on things I learned by reading OpenDCC and Mikrocontroller.net. I’m sure I still made a lot of mistakes, though, and they’re definitely all mine and not the fault of anyone on these sites.)
The goal
First let’s talk about requirements. My goal was to build an american signal type “Searchlight”. Such a signal has between one and three lamps. Thanks to a clever electromechanic design that moves different color filters around, each lamp can show different colors - up to three from a total selection of four.
Replicating this system for a model railroad is not practical. I need something else. Having multiple colored LEDs next to each other wouldn’t work; they’re too big and I want it to all look like one light source. There are LEDs that contain red, blue and green in one housing, but that would require a lot of wires quickly that all have to be put in the mast. The solution is this:
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This is an “adressable” LED, better known under the name “Neopixel” used by a large american online store. There are many variations from different manufacturers. The key thing is that each LED has a tiny control circuit built right in. It takes four wires: Plus five volts, minus, data in and data out. If you have more than one, you can connect the data out of the first directly to the data in of the second and so on. Connect the plus and minus as well, and you can control almost unlimited amounts of LEDs with just three wires.
The data line has a special protocol that you need to generate. Basically you need to switch it from 0 to 5 to 0 volts again and again at a certain rate; the time it stays at 5 volts (“high”) determines whether you’re sending a 0 or a 1. From these bits you form bytes, which tell each LED what specific color value to send.
Due to this dataformat, you definitely need some electronic circuit controlling the signal, and the first requirements for this are:
Provide five volts DC power
Generate the data for the LEDs in the correct format
The Input
There are a lot of options for designing the input side of things. In my case, I’m assuming the signal is electrically connected to the rails of a model railroad that is controlled digitally. With digital command control (DCC), the voltage at the rails has a constant value of about 15 to 25 volts, larger for larger scales. This voltage constantly flips polarity; first plus is on the left rail, then it goes to the right rail (and minus vice versa), and then back. It’s like AC in normal wall outlets, but with very abrupt changes instead of a smooth sine wave.
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This voltage has two tasks. First it supplies the locomotives with power, but it also transmits information. If one of these change-and-back sequences is long, it transmits a “0”; if it’s short, it transmits a “1”. These bits together then form the bytes that form the messages that say things like, “Locomotive three run at speed step 64” or “switch 10 switch to direction left”.
This decoder uses both features. The digital voltage provides both the data and the power. For a locomotive, that is required since the only conductors you have are the rails. This is a stationary decoder, so I could have designed it so that it only uses digital commands, and gets the power from an external power supply. However, I wanted to use the least amount of cables, so I’m using the simple version.
With that, the requirements are fixed. The circuit has to:
Turn the digital power (15-25 Volts, AC-ish) into 5 Volts DC
Read and understand the digital data signal (decode it, hence the name “decoder”) and calculate the colors for the LEDs.
This calculation is the real key here. The digital signal has a completely different fromat than what the LEDs expect. It’s slower, but also has completely different meaning. At best it transmits “set switch or signal 10 to state 0”. Which color values are associated with that, let alone any blending to make it look nice, are things the signal has to decide for itself. There is no way to build a simple stupid adapter here; I need a complete computer.
Luckily, you can get those for cheap and in really tiny.
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The ATtiny85 costs about 1€ depending on how many you order, and it’s smaller than one cent coin (I think in basically any currency), but from a technical point of view, it is essentially a full computer. It has all the important parts anyway. There is a CPU that can run at (depending on the version) up to 20 MHz; half a kilobyte of RAM and eight kilobyte of internal storage for the program. Multiple programs is a bit of a challenge. If you know Arduinos, the ATtiny85 is related to the ATmega328p in the Arduino Uno and Nano. Far less powerful, but cheaper and significantly smaller.
What it lacks are all the surroundings like keyboard and screen for input and output. The chip is designed for applications where this isn’t needed, or at least only minimal things. The software that you write can assign each pin (okay, five out of eight) freely for different tasks: The pin can work as an input, telling the software whether there’s a low or high level of voltage at it (meaning 0 or 5 Volts), or it can work as an output and write high or low values, meaning setting the pin explicitly to 0 or 5 Volts.
There are other options for the Pins as well; among other things it can also read analog voltages and generate them to some extent. But for this task I only need the simple digital high-low inputs and outputs.
These types of chips, known as microcontrollers, exist in thousands of variations by different manufacturers with very different performance characteristics. They are the key part of basically everything that’s digitally controlled these days. Washing machines, everything that plugs into a computer including every single Apple lightning cable, TVs, TV remotes, amazing amounts of parts in cars and so on are all the realm of microcontrollers. The ATtiny85 is, as the name implies, very much at the low end of the scale (though there are smaller ones), and even here, it is a bit out of date. But it is very easy to program and very forgiving of mistakes, which makes it great in hobby situations.
To run, this chip needs around 3-5 Volts DC (some versions like the one here can also run on a bit less) and exactly one capacitor. I’m already generating 5 Volts DC for the LEDs anyway, so this chip will get them as well. That means for all the calculation, only two pieces of hardware are required.
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There is some more associated hardware, though, for getting the program (which I’ve written myself) on the chip. For that you need a programmer, a device that you can buy for some money, or make yourself astonishingly easily from an Arduino. It needs to be connected with six wires to the chip. The standard for this is with a six-pin plug, which I’ve thus included here as well. There are standard six-wire cables for this.
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You could connect the cables differently, for example with some sort of spring-loaded contacts on some programming circuit board you’d have to build for that, or in the worst case, just temporarily solder the cables in there. But the plug version is both simple and convenient, with the only downside that it makes the circuit a bit more pointy.
(Due to the Tumblr image limit, the next part will have to be in a reblog)
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mrawkweird · 3 years
Some of the best 4 hours I’ve ever spent in my life..
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Now I get how 4 hours can seem as if it’s incredibly excessive and some may not have the patience for that but holy shit if it wasn’t completely worthy of that run time. By the end of it all I would have gladly stuck around for more.
It almost doesn’t feel real that I’ve actually finally seen it and yet here I am after having finally seen it. This movie almost felt like a love letter to all of those who never gave up on this universe and always wanted more and damn if this film didn’t give me every single thing I ever wanted for the past 5 years. Not to mention it was a complete triumph for Snyder himself to finally get the opportunity to see his vision to the end after such unfortunate circumstances.
Yes; there will be SPOILERS.
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Full disclosure, I’ve always said that I had fun with the other version of Justice League. However, the thing about that is you’d be surprised by how good certain things taste when you’re starving and I was absolutely starving for more DC content from Snyder’s universe. Like, hell; they gave me a live action Batman/Bruce that I actually liked and appreciated. Affleck was the most Batman a live action adaptation has ever been, I ain’t about that Nolan/Bale life, so you damn right I was gonna wholeheartedly support that shit back in 2017. After actually being delivered a quality feast this time around I’ll be damned if it ain’t clear as crystal just how much heart, soul and character was completely sucked out of what Snyder originally intended for this film just to try and compete with Marvel.
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This film gave me more of Affleck’s Batman, more of Cavil’s Superman, more of Wonder Woman being an absolute badass, more of Leto’s Joker that I really thought the universe would never allow me to fucking have that I’ll still stand by to this day as well as actually make you care about the new editions of Cyborg, Flash and Aquaman. They made you care about every character and delivered on the many things the first film was so severely lacking.
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Also, that damn powerhouse of a soundtrack. It was just so beautiful and Junkie XL took that whole thing to another level. Right when I thought Wonder Woman’s theme couldn’t be any more epic they said “Hold up; look at this shit we got”.
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Fun Fact: I cried. Shocker I know but I’m just gonna admit to that. From Cryborg...”Cryborg”? Yep; that’s me. I’m Cryborg. From Cyborg and Flash’s individual stories about coming into their own and finding acceptance within themselves to seeing Batman’s character progression from Batman V Superman to this film going from hopeless to hopeful is the shit that fucking hit me.
I swear, to not return to this universe would be a complete and utter crime by Warner Bros. No offense to The Batman but I don’t necessarily need The Batman, all the offense to Joker but I for damn sure don’t need Joker. I want Affleck’s Batman, I want Leto’s Joker, I want more of Ray Fisher’s Cyborg because he killed that portrayal and they would be out of their entire absolute mind if they don’t think I want more of Cavil’s Superman.
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Let that man have his Man Of Steel 2 before he’s off somewhere getting wasted in the MCU as Captain Britain or some shit.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League was truly a whole journey and a half and I’m still not even able to fully encapsulate everything it has made me feel into words. The best way I can think to put it is its made me feel full. They also made me feel validated for being a fan of this universe even when the world wanted to go “See? This is why MCU always wins”. It gave me everything and even then I still want more from Snyder’s vision for the DCEU. They need to let this universe continue, they need to let them tell their story until they have no more left to tell.
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They earned the absolute fuck out of this hero shot this time around.
Also, fucking Darkseid..
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Absolute beast of a character, a beast of a villain and he’s only just getting started. We need, NEED to see him go all out in the future and I’m not just talking about any Darkseid but THIS Darkseid.
Also, also...
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Like, how can you not go back for them?
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thenightling · 3 years
My opinion on some of the Netflix Sandman rumors
We fans don’t have much in the way of substantial news about The Sandman Netflix series.  All we have are rumors and gossip.   I have compiled some of the rumors here along with my opinions on those rumors.  Consider this a disclaimer.  I am only a fan.  I do not have any inside info.   All the rumors here are ones that can easily be found on various sites online.   Now to begin...
Rumor: Morpheus will be captured in 1916 but will not escape until present day.  
This rumor has been confirmed true by Neil Gaiman on his Tumblr account and other Social media websites.  In my opinion this was wise because it enables Morpheus’ capture to continue to overlap with the real-world sleeping sickness outbreak of Encephalitis Lethargica.  
Rumor:  Michael Sheen is playing Lucifer.
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This rumor was debunked months ago by Neil Gaiman but I surmised that the one who started the rumor had found out he was playing Lucifer for The Sandman audio drama and had gotten confused.  I was right.   I DO however suspect Michael Sheen and possibly David Tennant will have roles in The Sandman Netflix series, just not the same role Michael Sheen had in the audio drama.
My Opinion: I’m all for Michael Sheen having a role in The Sandman Netflix series.  Him and David Tennant.  
Rumor: Doug Jones is going to be in The Sandman as a supporting character.
This rumor comes from two clues.  The first being that Neil Gaiman has spoken about his like of Doug Jones and Guillermo Del Toro almost did a Sandman adaptation with Doug as Morpheus.  Doug Jones even brought this up recently, which suggests that the subject might be on mind.   
My opinion:  Doug is an excellent character actor and I want this to be true.  He should be in Sandman.  I love Doug. And there are plenty of characters he could play.  Lucien, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Doctor Destiny, various nightmares.   
Rumor:  Liam Hemsworth or Dacre Montgomery will play The Corinthian.
Opinion: I like Liam Hemsworth.  He deserves a shot but Dacre is also good.
Rumor:  Tom Sturridge is playing Morpheus.
Opinion:  I am 90% sure this rumor is true. There are a number of sources claiming the same thing.  Also just google how the man looks.  I think he’ll do a fine job.  I thought Oliver Farnworth would have been excellent too but I’m sure Tom Sturridge would be fine. 
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Rumor:  The Netflix Sandman series will see Dream take many forms including a female form.
Opinion:  This isn’t really new.  We saw Dream’s feminine side in Overture.  If it bothers you to see Morpheus might have a feminine side, you probably shouldn’t be watching something like Sandman anyway.
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Rumor:  Death will be played by a black woman.
The source of this rumor comes from Neil Gaiman saying something about loving the actress chosen for Death but feeling some people will complain.
Opinion:   ...So?   She’s an Endless.  She can look any way she wants.  I would have liked to have seen Jamie Chung in the role though.  She voiced her for the Death short that accompanied the Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Blu Ray.
Rumor:  Morpheus’ extended capture will effect his reunion with Hob.
My opinion:  Uhhhh Duh.
Honestly though this makes me VERY curious as to how their reunion will play out. I hope it is just as sweet as the comic. 
Rumor:  The Corinthian will appear fairly early in the series and even advise Roderick Burgess how best to contain Morpheus.
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Opinion: Well, according to the leaked Corinthian audition this is true.  I don’t mind it at all.  It makes sense. It fits.
Rumor:  Alexander Burgess’ story is now more sympathetic and he as well as his father will age slower because of Morpheus’ capture.
Opinion:  This seems likely based on certain leaks.  And I kind of hope this means Morpheus will be able to punish Roderick and not Alex.
Rumor:  Alex will now have an older brother who died during World War 1, a brother that Roderick preferred, and he takes out his grief on Alex in abusive ways. it also gives Roderick a new motivation for wanting to capture Death.
Opinion: This is likely true based on certain leaks from last February.  I have mixed feelings about this because sometimes parents are just assholes.  They don’t need a tragic loss to set off their abusive behavior.  It also made Roderick worse (in the comics) that he treated his only (known) son the way he did. It’s been recently established in the comics that John Dee was actually Alex’s half-brother.  I guess it all depends on how this is done. 
I also don’t think Roderick needs to be grief stricken in order to want to control Death.   This is a cliché, a cliché we saw in Disney’s Gargoyles and even in Hercules and Xena.  Someone loses someone they love and tries to capture Death in order to bring them back.  Roderick doesn’t need this trope.  He was an occultist who wanted to be a big shot in the world of early twentieth century magick users. In my opinion that should be enough but I’ll keep an open mind. 
Rumor:   They were supposed to start filming in May but it was delayed to late October because of Covid.  
This one is true.
Opinion:  Hurry up!
Rumor:   Roderick Burgess has no real magick in the show.
Opinion: Sadly this is likely true based on a character description leak from the casting call.  I shall miss seeing Sykes’ head explode...  Honestly I kind of hope this is wrong.  I’m tired of magick being diminished in comic book TV and film.   
Rumor:  The first season of Sandman will combine Preludes and Nocturnes with The Doll’s House.
Opinion:  This is likely true.  I’m fine with it.  It might flow better for TV this way.
Rumor:   The “A game of you” storyline will have trans people writing.
Opinion:  This makes sense  And this is pretty much already confirmed true.
Rumor:  The Netflix show will have the same cast as the audio drama.
Opinion: Though I would not mind this, I know it is not true. This is likely the result of an IMDB listing for the audio drama mistakenly calling it a show and some fans mistaking that IMDB page as being the one for the Netflix series.
Rumor: The Netflix Sandman series is canceled and the audio drama is all we’re getting.
This rumor is absolutely false!    It’s a stupid rumor made by those who had no idea the audio drama was happening before the pandemic even hit.   The audio drama is not compensation because there will not be a Netflix show.  Both will exist.
Opinion:  Shame on those leaping to this conclusion and spreading it as fact. 
Rumor: A character named “Ann” is being cast and she’ll be a major recurring character. 
Opinion:  I’ve seen this sort of thing before.  It’s how you hide what character they are trying to cast.  Clearly this is a major female character for the show and probably was a name used as a place holder for Death of The Endless or even Rose Walker.  I’m not too concerned about this.  Some fans are upset and already raging that they’re making up a new character just for the show, ala Chloe Decker in Lucifer.  I don’t think there’s anything to worry about here.
Rumor:   Tom Ellis will not be playing Lucifer.
Opinion:  Tom Ellis has wanted to move on from Lucifer for a while.  He wants season six of Lucifer to be its last.   Let him move on. Neil Gaiman also wants his Lucifer to be different from the Lucifer TV show version.  The Lucifer TV series deviated heavily from the comics and it might confuse people with the big differences in lore.  It is probably for the best that Tom Ellis not play Lucifer.
Rumor:  The Sandman is why Lucifer is being canceled.
Opinion: No.  Lucifer has been canceled three times now. In fact the first time it was canceled The Sandman TV series had not been picked up by Netflix yet.  Lucifer has had six seasons.  For a paranormal police procedural that’s a good, long, run.  Not everything can be Supernatural.   Forever Knight (and most shows of that type) only had three seasons.  Lucifer out lived the norm for its type of show and survived two cancelations.   Let it go.   Do not blame Sandman.  The Sandman is what gave us Lucifer, not took it away.  The Sandman is where the story of Lucifer quitting, opening Lux, and taking up piano came from. 
Rumor:  The Sandman is the most expensive show DC has ever made.
According to Variety this is true.
Opinion:  It probably has to be expensive.  Look at all the stuff they need to show us, the sets and special effects needed.
Rumor:  Lucien might be played by a woman.
Apparently this rumor started because some of the Morpheus auditioners let slip that they auditioned with a woman as Lucien.   
Opinion: I’m not sure how I feel about this.  I love the character of Lucien.  A a woman version might take a little getting used to. I don’t hate the idea, I just prefer how he appears in canon.   Further note, I kind of hope he has a full head of hair like he does in the recent comics.  There is a very high chance she was just reading his lines since at the time the role being cast was Morpheus, not Lucien.
Rumor:  The Sandman could air as early as Summer of 2021.
Opinion:  *Insert bitter laugh here.* I wish...
Rumor:   Alexander Burgess is gay.
Opinion: And in other news water is wet!
Rumor: Desire will be played by someone who identifies as Genderfluid or nonbinary.
Opinion: This is very likely true.
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alixanonymous · 3 years
Things That Got Me Through 2020: A Long List Of Random Recommendations
Hi! 2020 was awful but throughout it I found a lot of amazing things to get me through it. So just in case things get tough some times in 2021, here’s some wonderful distractions, amazing stories, and things that I just loved in general. Hope you enjoy any that you give a try! Also, I always love new suggestions if anyone has any!
BOOKS (Or actually just one book because I did not read nearly as much as I though I did)
- The Martian By Andy Weir (Sounds like it would be really depressing, actually one of the funniest books I’ve ever read! Can’t recommend more.)
WEBCOMICS (What a great year to discover WebToons I tell you)
- Lore Olympus By Rachel Smythe (Worth the hype in my opinion!)
- Let’s Play By Mongie (I enjoyed this much more than I could’ve imagined, my romance loving self squealed when reading certain parts.)
- SubZero By JunePurr (Amazing balance between romance and plot.)
- The Remarried Empress By Alphatart/Sumpul (Reads like a soap-opera, main character is my favorite type of female protagonist, smart, confident, and not ashamed of it, love interest is adorably infatuated and I live for it.)
- In the Bleak Midwinter; By Kat/Ali (I got sucked into this one. The world building is great, the world itself is so interest and I loved the premise.)
ANIMATED SHOWS (20 minute episodes came in clutch this year with my short attention span due to anxiety)
- The Dragon Prince (If you like animated series at all, you’ll like this I think.)
- RWBY (Season 1 is good, Seasons 2-3 are pretty great, 4-5 were not my favorites by any means, 6 is pretty good, Season 7 was sooo good!)
- Ever After High (Thanks @raesofmoonlight for the recommendation! Possibly the best character design I’ve ever seen. Watch it if you can!)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (Zuko alone is worth watching the show, add in all the others, the world building, the humor, the writing, just watch it already if you haven’t yet.)
- DC Superhero Girls (Sometimes I think about this show’s version of Bruce Wayne and start cracking up.)
LIVE ACTION SHOWS (I’ve been so caught up in animated shows since March I forgot I watched some really good live action ones till right now)
- Galavant (A medieval musical. Pretty short episodes, hilariously silly, my favorite way to lose twenty minutes of my life at a time. If you’re not sold yet, how about this: They started the second season by singing a song about how they didn’t think they’d get a second season.)
- Anne With An E (Gilbert Blythe owns my heart and soul and wow the show is so much better than the typical teen dramas. Love the historical aspect too!)
- Jane The Virgin (I got so attach to this show’s character my goodness. Top tier writing I think.)
- The Umbrella Academy (This show is so freaking addicting. It’s never what I expect it to be and I love that. I love the music, I love the action scenes, I love the characters. Watching the second season now, wow the characters make you feel for them. )
MOVIES (I’ve never watched so many movies as I did this year so here are my favorites, although half are DC animated ones so sorry if that’s not your thing)
- The Martian (One of the best book to movie adaptations I’ve ever seen, Matt Damon was the perfect person to play Mark Watney. )
- The Entire DC Animated Movie Universe (My favorites are Justice League: War, Son of Batman, Batman v.s. Robin, Justice Leagus v.s. Teen Titans, Reign Of The Supermen, Justice League: Dark Apokolips War but I think it’s worth just watching them all in order. The characters are all so great. Most of them have amazing team dynamics.)
- Batman: Under The Red Hood (If you like Batman, you’ll probably like this movie or maybe you’ll hate how emotional it makes you either way.)
- Miss Americana (This is the Taylor Swift documentary. I actually just discovered how much I love her music and I found this to be super fascinating in showcasing how the media portrays female entertainers.)
MUSIC (I have this horrible feat or people judging my musical taste so if you do please do it silently)
- Taylor Swift (This year has really just been non-stop Taylor Swift for me. Her albums Folklore and Evermore in particular helped me come to terms and cope with 2020 as a whole.)
- Hamilton: An American Musical (I’m not even going to bother to sell this one, there’s no need to.)
- The Little Mermaid: The Musical (I like fairy tales okay and Alan Menken is a musical genius and I will fight anyone who’s says otherwise.)
YOUTUBE (This definitely needed it’s own category)
- Philip DeFranco (I got really overwhelmed with all the news this year so most days I decided to just watch his twenty minute show everyday and it really helped. Just a good way to keep up to date without getting overwhelmed.)
- Technoblade (Okay, real talk: MCYT took over my life since I discovered it in August. I could make a whole separate list of all my favorite minecraft youtubers but I decided to just put my favorite, the Blood God himself. You might consider it a sign of the times that my family and I watched The Potato War saga on the television on Thanksgiving. Highly recommend his whole Hypixel Skyblock series or just his Skywars Solos or everything he does actually.)
- BuzzFeed Unsolved (Great way to get a good laugh in and also learn about creepy cold cases and also aliens. The two host, Shane and Ryan are the best. Ghost in general are fun.)
- Tingting ASMR (Shoot! I almost forgot! A large portion of my sleep last year was due to this woman. I’m not really one for ASMR myself, I don’t really love whispering in general but I really love her approach and I find it super calming!)
Okay! I think that’s it. I hope some of these things bring some of you joy or peace. Please give me any suggestions you have. I am always open to recommendations. Happy New Year everyone!
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sonofjeddah · 3 years
Why Superheroes still matter in Arabia
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The pop-culture segment in general and superhero segment in particular is the least considered in Saudi Business community (local and international players included). Toy companies, Entertainment houses, Media production companies and even FMCG companies still consider kids (esp. tweens) as primary audience of these properties that have inspired, excited and entertained old and young for more than eight decades
While the society has shown tremendous interest in activities organized by General Entertainment Authority since 2017, the consensus within the business community is antithetical to the wishes of this niche segment of 5 million plus. Shocking as it may seem, the level of interest, fan following isn't restricted to cosmopolitan centers (Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam/Khobar); in fact, regions such as Hail, Qassim and Al Jouf are among the top 5 out of top 10 regions with most search queries in the country concerning these subject(s)
The Quest for Superhero Content: Saudi Arabia vs The World
Saudi Arabia:
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Search Queries: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Blue), Marvel Comics (Red), Shang Chi and the Legend of The Ten Rings (Yellow)
While for me this information isn't new as I've been mining data on Google and Facebook since 2013, I chose today to talk about it in the form of an article. I did so because at this moment in time, the biggest happening in the world of heroes is not being led by DC Comics flagship characters like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman or Justice League; nor it's being led by Marvel's flagship characters like Spider-Man, The Avengers or X-Men; nor by Star Wars, Transformers or Game of Thrones for that matter. Instead, it's being led by a highly underrated superhero of Marvel who was created in the 70s thanks to the Kung Fu craze (mainly because of Bruce Lee) during that time. His name: Shang Chi, the first Asian/East Asian Superhero
Both graphs show us that audiences in Saudi Arabia show a higher level of interest than the rest of the world combined. Both MCU and Marvel Comics related queries/searches are half as much popular or more (vs Worldwide audience), the underrated superhero Shang Chi is reaching the same mark. Of course, one can't ignore the superior marketing tactics deployed by Marvel Entertainment and Disney plus the character's movie has been released yesterday. The million dollar questions here are:
Why would audiences in the Kingdom show incremental interest in a character whose animated series never existed nor broadcasted on Saudi Channel 1 or 2 in the 70s, 80s or even 90s? (Reminder: Bruce Lee VHS were available for rent and David Carridine's Kung Fu series was on air throughout the 80s on Saudi Channel 2)
Why would audiences here be interested in a character whose Arabized comics never were part of Amlaq Digests or reprinted editions of Marvel that were available in neighborhood mini-markets or imported comic books at Star Markets, Sarawat Supermarkets or Tihama Bookstores (distributed by Al Khazindar)?
Before attempting to answer my own questions, we need to understand that Shang Chi is one of those characters who may not have long-running series in the comic book world that span decades but because of their appeal and strong following, have been part of some of the best stories ever written but with the age of diversity, inclusion and online media, he is important for winning over new audiences of East Asian origin around the world, not just China!  
If this is the impact of an underrated character, imagine what happens when Spider-Man: No Way Home is released in December 
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Superhero Content & the Arab
Before Content Strategy & Marketing were a thing, comic book publishers were doing it even before World War 2. Over the decades, what was being published was resonating with audiences not just in White America but across the world. In the Middle East, the 70s was the starting point for countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt but the trend made inroads into the Gulf region, especially in Saudi Arabia in the late 70s
The values shared in American superhero comics resonated with Arabs because of their own history of rich story telling as well as adaptations. Just like the Arab folklore, real historical figures of the region were presented as heroes; in fact superheroes in some cases. Another reason for this is that most of the characters produced in the Golden as well as Silver Ages of comics were created mainly by individuals who came from Abrahamic households. Their story telling borrowed heavily from the Biblical accounts of Prophets and other noblemen (who are also mentioned in Quran) regarding Good vs Evil, Light vs Darkness, the virtue of Doing the Right Thing. It was inevitable that such Western creations would resonate with Arabs
The seeds were planted and once an idea or interest takes root in the hearts and minds, it's hard to let it go
And now, the Superhero Content is being published in over-drive mode. Just check Youtube, Facebook, Instagram for starters and you'll see that the Arab content is there; driven primarily by creators in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain; ranging from comics to collectibles and even cosplays. This...is the Aladdin Effect
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Aladdin was actually Chinese. Thanks to Abbasid Ruler Haroon Al Rasheed, he became an innate part of Arab Literature
Businesses in Saudi Arabia are losing out
Like the community of Anime fans, the superhero community has been there for decades. It came out with full force during Comic Cons that happened in Jeddah and Riyadh between 2017-2019. The first Saudi Comic Con saw a whopping attendance of 20,000 geeks during 3 days of festivity. It wasn't surprising to see a father attending Stan Lee Super Con Riyadh (2019) with his daughter and son waiting anxiously to meet Lou Ferrigno (the star of 1970s Incredible Hulk series). A Saudi Gen-X Father with his millennial daughter and his Gen-Z son (all fans of the Hulk) or Expatriates travelling to Riyadh to attend the festivity and participate in artist alleys and cosplay comeptitions. No wonder this community was referred to as 'Buried Talent' by Arab News
As they say: Data is the new Oil. Unfortunately, international brands and local businesses in Saudi Arabia haven't taken this segment seriously. The collection that's available at an international 'Megastore' in Saudi Arabia pales in comparison to its sister outlets in Dubai. Toy stores, international or locally owned, are still adamant to sell toys to kids instead of focusing on key collectible properties which are being ordered from US market by Geeks in Saudi Arabia thanks to Amazon. Gaming console companies organize impressive launches of their Superhero game in neighboring Gulf countries but nothing as such takes place here. Dairy brands are still using Superheroes for their "Got Milk" approach. What's needed is to take a look at Data that's available on Google and Facebook's Business Suites, for the very least
While young entrepreneurs with limited resources have opened up shops (online and offline) in major Saudi cities (Examples include: Jeddah's Konami licensed Gaming Lounge, a proper Comic Book Cafe in Dammam) and Riyadh having hosted the world's major Toy Fair as well as Stan Lee Super Con and Saudi Anime Expo BUT more needs to be done. The data is there. Action is needed from the Private Sector
The starting point would be with seed investors and venture capitalists who are currently obsessed with re-inventing the wheel by investing in ride hailing apps, food delivery apps, online baqalas, fintechs while a niche segment's wants mostly remain unaddressed  
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Dark Knight Trilogy: Horrifying Scenes That Still Make Us Cringe
Later this month, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is hitting HBO Max. Despite the anticipation and a near-guaranteed positive reception from the vocal #ReleaseTheSnyderCut fan contingent, this will likely be Snyder’s last foray in the DC Universe. Indeed, one of the studio’s chief complaints with Snyder’s vision, which they believe impacted box office receipts, was his darker tone when compared with the quippier MCU. However, Snyder’s approach only mirrored many of DC’s most popular storylines, from Frank Miller’s violent The Dark Knight Returns to the on-screen The Dark Knight Trilogy from director Christopher Nolan. Snyder can hardly be blamed for expanding on what audiences were already responding to when it came to DC characters on film.
Less than a decade ago, Warner Brothers was hot off of the success of Nolan’s trio of films that no one would describe as light-hearted or quippy. The Batman of Nolan’s films was not inspired by the kid-friendly or campy iterations of the character found in the Batman TV series from the ‘60s or Joel Schumacher’s films, but by Miller and David Mazzucchelli’s Batman: Year One, and Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale’s Batman: The Long Halloween. That is to say Nolan and Christian Bale’s Batman sought to be a street-level, gritty, interpretation of the character that emphasized noir and a grounded reality.
Snyder didn’t make Batman too dark for film audiences, that was already done by Nolan. Below are just a few examples of the darkest, most horrific moments from The Dark Knight Trilogy.
“Swear to me!” – Batman Begins
Audiences knew they were in for a different type of Batman from the moment they heard Bale’s gravelly voice while he was in the suit. Whether Bale goes too far with his growly tenor and into comedic territory is up for debate, but the choice is certainly memorable.
Bale really gets to rough up his vocal cords during a specific scene in Batman Begins where the Dark Knight confronts crooked cop Arnold Flass about Dr. Jonathan Crane’s mysterious drug shipments. After failing to strike fear in Flass, Batman hangs the portly man upside down from a building. When Flass swears to God that he doesn’t know anything, Batman replies, “Swear to me!” his face tremoring with rage. This is the opposite of one of George Clooney’s one-liners during his time under the cowl. Bale’s Batman establishes himself as something to be scared of and as an all-seeing force to be reckoned with.
The Demon Bat – Batman Begins
While horror has seeped its way into Batman comics many times, particularly during Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s recent run with the character, there hasn’t been a ton of nightmarish imagery present in the film adaptations of the character. However, the hands down scariest portrayal of the Caped Crusader on screen comes in Batman Begins. When Bruce Wayne said he wanted to strike fear in the hearts of criminals, this must have been what he was talking about.
In the climax of the film, when Cillian Murphy’s Scarecrow attempts to poison Gotham City’s water supply with his fear toxin, the good doctor is confronted by Batman and given a taste of his own medicine. The fear toxin takes effect and Crane begins to see Batman as a demonic, literal interpretation of the Batman, with black goo dripping from his mouth and jet-black eyes. This monster version of the Bat was certainly a step in the right direction for comic fans hoping the Batman films would get the terror element of the character right.
Bruce Attempts to Kill Joe Chill – Batman Begins
This scene from the first film in Nolan’s trilogy is the darkest because of how real it feels for the main characters. The moment happens not when Bruce Wayne is masquerading as a vigilante dressed as a bat, but when he’s a young man still trying to come to grips with the murder of his parents. Bruce learns that Joe Chill has been paroled so that he can testify against Gotham crime boss Carmine Falcone. Bruce waits outside of the courtroom with a gun, intending to kill Chill after his testimony. But when Chill arrives at the public lobby, one of Falcone’s goons beats Bruce to the punch, shooting Chill dead.
Bruce’s childhood friend Rachel Dawes discovers Bruce’s intentions and slaps him across the face. She berates Bruce and tells him that his father would be ashamed of him, something that undoubtedly must be hard to hear for the angry, grieving young Bruce. This moment serves as a sort of rock bottom for the character before he decides to leave Gotham behind and travel the globe, immersing himself in the criminal underworld, a journey that would inevitably lead to him becoming… the Batman.
Joker’s Pencil Trick – The Dark Knight
No one needs to spill more ink about how brilliant Heath Ledger’s portrayal of the Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker, was in The Dark Knight. It’s an iconic performance that has forever shaded the public’s perception of Batman’s greatest nemesis. He’s simultaneously funny and scary, brutal and sniveling, chaotic and cunning. He can make you smile then suddenly want to shield your eyes.
It’s all right there from his first real introduction in the film when he struts into a meeting between Gotham’s crime lords and offers his services in killing the Batman. Nailing the core components of the character, his penchant for showmanship, his violent tendencies, and his twisted sense of humor, the Joker pulls off a “magic trick” by slamming a gangster’s head through a pencil that was stuck upright on a desk. Not exactly the kind of party trick that you’ll see Ant-Man performing in the MCU!
The Death of Rachel Dawes – The Dark Knight
While the Joker hatches many unsettling schemes in The Dark Knight, like televising himself murdering Batman imposters, threatening to blow up hospitals, and the game theory ferry experiment, his most despicable crime is also his most personal one. After being taken into custody, the Joker reveals that he has set up a no-win trap for Batman, forcing him to choose between Rachel, his love, and Gotham’s White Knight, district attorney Harvey Dent. The Joker has them tied up in different locations, rigged to explode on the same timer, and Batman only has time to save one of them. Joker gives the hero their addresses, but in a cruel twist, switches who is where. Bruce believes that he’s saving Rachel but saves Harvey instead. Meanwhile, the GCPD tried to rescue Harvey, but arrives just in time to watch the building holding Rachel burst into flames.
While Rachel may have been an underserved character, only really used as a victim and love interest until her ultimate fridging, her death was still a shock and a dark turn that other superhero movies, barring the otherwise forgettable The Amazing Spider-Man 2, have always refused to make. Rachel served somewhat as Bruce’s moral compass, and her death left the vigilante adrift and prone to his darkest impulses.
The Transformation of Harvey Dent – The Dark Knight
The flipside to the above is that Batman’s last-minute rescue of Harvey Dent leaves him scarred, traumatized, angry, and fundamentally changed. It’s not just that Harvey loses half of his face and becomes a grotesque victim; it’s that the minute Rachel dies, all of his idealism and motivation to be a force for good and change dies with her. With one act, the Joker takes away the hero that Gotham really needs to end corruption and injustice.
It’s not just that Dent falls; he falls hard. He murders police officers (corrupt though they may be), kidnaps children, and introduces as much anarchy into Gotham as the Joker. Ultimately, he’s stopped by Batman, but his death and fall from grace is a demoralizing moment, and the decision to lie and prop up Dent as the hero he was rather than the monster he became is a necessary but deeply troubling withholding of the truth. Don’t let the triumphant score and imagery at the end of The Dark Knight fool you; this is a supremely downbeat ending.
Bane Breaks the Bat’s Back – The Dark Knight Rises
Batman is a badass who is rarely bested on screen. Even in Zack Snyder’s interpretation of the character, he’s able to subdue a figurative god in Superman. However, in Nolan’s third and final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, Batman finally meets his match, and it’s not pretty. After being lured into the sewers by Selina Kyle, Batman walks right into a trap and fight with Bane, the jacked terrorist who was excommunicated from the League of Shadows, and is every bit as badass as Batman. After eight years sitting on the shelf and a career of crime fighting that has left him battered, Batman is absolutely demolished by Bane, who pummels Bruce before finally picking the hero up over his head and snapping his back over his knee. Heroes occasionally lose on screen, but not like this.
Alfred’s Arc – The Dark Knight Rises
Alfred Pennyworth is a crucial character in the Batman mythos, and he’s typically portrayed as a compliant, if slightly disapproving, enabler. However, that’s not so in The Dark Knight Rises. Portrayed by Michael Caine, Alfred breaks hearts by revealing to Bruce that Rachel intended on marrying Harvey Dent and sternly telling his surrogate son that his war with Bane will eventually lead to his death and that he “won’t bury” another member of the Wayne family.
It’s one of the most emotional moments of the film. Alfred basically abandons Bruce, a decision that heightens Bruce’s isolation and hero’s journey. Alfred only returns toward the end of the film for Bruce’s funeral where he tearfully confesses to the late Waynes’ gravestones that he “failed” them. While Alfred’s story ends on a hopeful note, with him spotting Bruce alive and well in Italy, it’s still quite the breakup between Master Bruce and his most loyal advisor.
The Story of Talia al Ghul and Bane – The Dark Knight Rises
While the best villains typically have sympathetic backstories, few have as a traumatic and scarring one as The Dark Knight Rises’ villains, Talia al Ghul and Bane. Toward the end of the film, it’s revealed that Talia grew up in the same place that Bruce found himself in after Bane broke his back. Born in a primitive prison known as the Pit, Talia watched as her mother was assaulted and killed by the other prisoners. The pair were placed in the Pit in exchange for Ra’s al Ghul, with Talia’s mother agreeing to take his place in exchange for his freedom. Talia only survived through the protection of Bane, who eventually helps Talia escape the prison, but he’s badly beaten and disfigured in the process.
Following Talia’s escape, she locates her father and he returned with the League of Shadows to exact revenge on the prisoners that killed his wife and the men who put her there. Afterward, Ra’s and the League saw to the treatment of Bane, but were unable to stop the continual pain he experienced. Eventually, Bane is recruited into the League, wherein he is given a mask which supplies him with analgesic gas to curb the constant pain from the injuries he sustained while protecting Talia. If you thought Bruce had a traumatizing backstory, you must have merely adopted the dark.
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rora-s · 3 years
The Derivative  Chapter 6: People
Chapter 1 <- Chapter 5 
“Is there a reason you’re eating your lunch in the hallway?” I looked up at Mrs. Clive who had her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 
“Ms. Rampart kicked me out of the library” I replied, turning back to my book. 
“And the cafeteria?” Clive pressed. 
“Is full of annoyances known as people” I explained. 
“You know if you interacted with them you might find that people aren’t as annoying as you might think” the woman suggested. 
“I find that highly unlikely,” I muttered. 
Clive made a humming noise of acknowledgement. “Your father called said you need to take the bus to your grandfather’s house” 
“Great another case” I grumbled. 
The bell rang. I packed my book into my backpack as kids started filing into the hallway. “Have a good day today Abby” 
“You too teach” I replied to Clive grabbing my tray of food and backpack heading toward the cafeteria. 
I made it around the corner before my foot hit something. In the next second I was hitting the ground, my tray flinging from my hand and clattering on the tile a foot away. “Better watch where you’re going street rat” the girl who had tripped me called giggling with her friends as they headed down the hallway. 
“Street rat? What are we in Aladdin?” I muttered getting to my knees and gathering what had spilled from my tray. 
I climbed off the bus in front of my grandfather’s house with my nose in a book. “Hey you must be Abby right?” 
My head shot up and I turned to see a woman sitting in a car in front of the house smiling at me. “Uh yeah who are you?” I asked suspiciously. 
“I’m Amita. Charlie’s my thesis advisor” she explained extending a hand and setting down her own book. “I’m just waiting on him” 
I shook her hand as realization dawned on me “yeah I’ve heard of you” 
She nodded “you’re reading C.S. Lewis’s Narnia” she observed. 
I held up the brick of a book in my hand “yeah I found this copy that has all the books in one in the library and couldn’t resist” I explained. “I’m already on A Horse and His Boy” 
“I only read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I was curious after watching the movie” Amita explained. 
I smiled “yeah I loved the movie. The effects were great, especially the detail they put into making Aslan seem real. Plus the child actors were great and they stuck pretty close to the book for an adaptation” 
“Definitely” Amita agreed. “Are you a movie fan?” 
“Uh yeah” I nodded and opened my mouth to talk more when I saw Amita’s eyes shift to look behind me. 
“Hello Mr. Eppes” she called. I turned to see my grandfather walking across the front of the house. 
“Oh hi” he greeted, seeming caught off guard. 
“Nice to see you” Amita smiled. 
“Nice to see you again,” he agreed, hurrying to the door. 
I looked between Amita and the door “I should get inside I have homework” 
“Alright, it was nice talking to you” Amita smiled. 
“Uh yeah you too” I agreed and hurried up the steps to the front door following my grandfather inside. 
Charlie was there sitting at the coffee table. “...so I could check this text on encryption and code breaking” he was in the middle of telling Alan. 
“Uh, and you left her waiting in the car?” the elderly man questioned making Charlie look out the window at the woman. I looked between them briefly before going to sit in a chair on the other side of the room. “No, no this is not the way we treat people, Charlie.” Alan instructed his son as I tried to focus back on my book “you bring her inside, you at least offer her something to drink. You know, like an adult.” 
“We just stopped by for a second,” Charlie objected. 
“You came in fifteen minutes ago Charlie” Alan informed. “Meanwhile she’s just sitting in that car out there.” 
“Well, I just got caught up in something.” Charlie defended gathering his things. 
“Yeah, I know, I know” 
“I don’t see what the big deal is.” 
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Alan explained. 
“What?” Charlie murmured confused. 
“She likes you, you know?” Alan declared. That made Charlie freeze in his shuffling of papers and I peaked over the back of the chair I was sitting sideways in to watch them. “Aren’t you ever going to do something about that?” 
Charlie looked out the window at the woman and then at his father who turned to walk away. His face was something like sad and scared at the same time. Alan sighed and came over to where I was. 
“I hope you’re better with people than that,” he told me. 
“I wouldn’t bet on it Gramps” I replied, turning the page of my book. 
“I know my due date,” David objected. 
“I’m sorry” Charlie replied. 
“They trying to show me up, man,” the agent chuckled. 
“No man” Don muttered. 
“I apologize,” Charlie repeated. 
“Okay, all right.” Terry nodded. 
“Here you go” Alan declared, setting a platter down in the middle of the table. Don and I both reached for the food first. 
“Excellent dad” Don smiled as we all gave Alan our thanks as he retreated back toward the kitchen. 
“No no no I was a  good student. No, I just couldn’t get into math.” Terry explained to the group “Couldn’t see how it could relate to the real world” Both me and Uncle C froze giving Terry a look. Charlie sat down his beer as David chuckled and Don sighed. I grabbed another piece of bread “what? What did I say?” the agent inquired. 
“I think you’re about to find out,” David informed her. 
“Oh you guys are on your own.” Don said getting up and tapping me on the shoulder telling me to follow him. “Good luck” 
Charlie began to explain to the agents how math was everywhere in the world as I followed Don toward the kitchen. “Did you really almost get blown up today?” I asked. 
“Yeah kinda almost did” Don sighed “David saved my ass” he gestured back to his agent. 
“You remember the promise you made me right?” I asked “about always fighting to stay alive” 
“Trust me kid I remember and I’m still holding to it alright” he reassured me and I nodded. “Listen I talked to that teacher of yours on the phone Mrs. Clive. She’s worried about you says your eating lunch in the hallway instead of the cafeteria” 
“A lot of kids don’t eat in the cafeteria,” I pointed out. 
“Do they also eat alone in the hallway?” he inquired. I shrugged in reply “yeah that’s what I thought. Listen Abby you can’t be afraid to make friends. I mean Charlie was in high school with a bunch of kids older than him and he still had friends I think you can manage it”
“Yeah but people like Charlie” I muttered. 
“People will like you too. I'm sure you just need to find the right people,” he advised me. “Here how about we make a deal. You sit in the cafeteria for a while, try it out. Now I’m not saying go up and talk to people but just be around them, see if anyone comes to you. Give it lets say a month no friends made you go back to sitting in the hallway” 
I gave him a look and thought about before letting off a breath “fine deal but if nothing happens you have to promise not to bug me about it again and take me to get ice cream” 
Don scoffed at my terms but nodded “deal” He turned to talk to Alan as Amita came out of the kitchen with the silverware for the table. 
“Here let me help” I offered and she handed over half the utensils. 
“Thanks” she smiled. “How’s Narnia coming?” 
“Good” I replied “I’m already on the next book in the series” 
“Wow you read fast” she commented. 
“Uh yeah it’s kind of a gift I have” I explained. 
“Charlie mentioned that” Amita agreed. “I think it’s really cool” 
“Yeah well you’d be in the minority” I scoffed. 
“Uh yeah let me guess school nerd girl?” she asked with a knowing look. 
“It’s either that or the street rat,” I explained. 
“High school girls are mean” Amita stated “I hated it. I feel bad for you but I’d take solace in the fact that you’re smarter than they are and one day what they call you will be more like a badge of honor than an insult” 
I chuckled “badge of honor really?” 
“Oh definitely” she nodded and gave me a double take “oh wow is that a Captain America shirt?” 
I looked down at my t-shirt before turning back to the college student “yeah he’s one of my favorites though Batman’s top of the list superhero wise. Each the respective favorites for me in their universes” 
“I always favored Marvel over DC, it seemed more colorful,” she pointed out. 
“Yeah but DC was angsty” I joked. We shared a laugh. “I wish there were people like you in school then I wouldn’t be so against making friends.” 
Amita scoffed “I’m sure there are you just got to find them. Plus in the meantime we could be friends” 
I looked up at her surprised “really? You want to be friends with a sassy high school genius?” 
“Are you kidding sassy highschool geniuses make the best friends” Amita stated and we laughed again. Maybe Clive was right, people weren’t as annoying as I assumed. 
Chapter 7 -> 
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heartless-error · 4 years
Broken, not perfect, but together. - Chapter 5
Fandom: DC comics, Batman
Pairings: Jonathan Kent x Damian Wayne (JonDami) & Jason Todd x Timothy Drake (JayTim)
Rating: General, family feels, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, running away
Other(s) links: AO3
The Batfamily was broken.
It was six years ago, and they had barely stood together since then, trying to stand up despite guilt and regret.
Damian was sure there was nothing to save, not after losing something that he didn’t know he cared about. But when a new opportunity to get back what they had lost appeared, he cannot help to doubt as his past decisions haunt him again.
If you love somebody, set them free. But you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
Chapter 5
 The sound of the keys being pressed hard and quickly resounded in the room, as well as the light and continuous whisper of the machines on and running around her. The dim morning light leaked slightly into the room, reflecting on the many screens that had been hidden from the public in the watchtower.
 Adjusting her glasses better and placing a rebellious lock of hair behind her ear, Barbara read each line, phrase and code that passed on the screen in front of her carefully and methodically.
 Although it was early, she had decided not to waste time and get to work immediately on the case that now worried her. After all, Oracle didn’t just guide Gotham vigilantes through the night, she did much more. Also had a few of cases to check out for the Birds of Prey, but she had run into something important the day before that couldn’t wait.
 “Here.” Said a figure standing at her side, leaving a steaming and necessary cup of coffee on the counter. She hadn’t even heard him arrive. “Just how you like it.”
 That “something” was also the reason his early visitor was there, showing up an hour ago with a promise of coffee and company.
 “Thank you.” She said absentmindedly and returning to work as if nothing happened.
 She didn’t have to bow her head and look at him to know that Dick was rolling his eyes and smiling at her fondly, she could feel his gaze on her, distilling tenderness and understanding as always did when she was absorbed around him by an important case.
 And this certainly was, no matter how much Dick had appeared in the watchtower worried and waiting to talk about a totally different aspect of it.
 “Damian knows?” She asked without taking her eyes off the screen, reading the news and recent events as grabbed the cup to take a sip.
 As she delighted in the drink’s taste and caffeine starting to pump through her body, Dick pulled out his phone with a dejected aura and turned it on to watch the screen, his face showing nervousness and anticipation. However, that sad and decayed aura grew stronger after verifying he had no calls or messages, then shook his head.
 “I’ll try to call him again.” He said, taking a few steps away to not disturb her and dialing Damian’s number, waiting for the younger to answer.
 He wasn’t going to.
 She knew it, he knew it, everyone knew it.
 Contacting Damian these days was already very difficult itself, at least for something unrelated to the crusade. He always hung up unless it was an Oracle frequency, the comms was the only thing that connected him directly with them, and he used to turn off his phone when he knew they could bother him. Depending of the day, he could also read your texts or not, but that depended on his mood and other factors, such as Jonathan Kent intervening or his level od nostalgia.
But no matter how many times she tried to explain Dick that Damian is already 22, he’s not Robin anymore, lives with his boyfriend in Metropolis and doesn’t want to know anything about him. Because he always calls him, waiting for an answer as if nothing had changed. And she, as usual, allows it despite knowing the result.
 Also, if Damian doesn’t want to see Dick on a normal daily basis, what makes him think today is going to be different? He had more reasons than ever to avoid him and everyone now, and surely, he would have turned off his phone and hidden it in the darkness corner of a drawer until next week or month.
 It wasn’t just because Damian usually isolated himself completely from everything and everyone during the anniversary of Tim and Jason disappearance, without answer and hiding with his head down like a wounded, sad puppy to lick his wounds in the dark. But because this year he had starred a rather interesting and destructive episode resulting from what was surely an unhealthy coping mechanism and an ineffective emotion management.
 It wasn’t the first year something like that happened, as time passed and the anniversary arrived, it was well known that it was coming a brief period of awkward silences, latent guilt, heated arguments, and an impending disaster. By whom? That was a surprise.
 Two years ago, was Jonathan Kent with his spectacular drunkenness and tractor launch; Three years ago, it was his brother, Conner, who flew out of nowhere to the space, was missing for a whole month and when he returned the answer was “I went for a walk but I got hungry.”; Another was Stephanie and her call from the local police station for get into a bar fight and broke several bones of some men who seemed very afraid of her while they process the fine; Other, was the imminent and irremediable break up of Bruce and Selina after months of arguments and tension, whose consequent robberies to art galleries were disastrous; This year had been Damian getting fully involved in an explosion; And the previous -and the best, in her opinion- was Dick breaking into her living room drunk and stripping while screaming “Let’s do it for the old times” when her father was visiting.
 Yes, something happened always, to a greater or lesser extent. Those involved always stayed away for a while before lifting their heads up and bearing the consequences, some more easily than others, of course. Kon promised to say someone if he was taking walks again, Jon paid the tractor, Stephanie the fine for aggression, Selina returned nothing, and now his father can’t look at Dick again. But the whole process took a while, after all the emotions had overflowed, they had stopped being rational so as not to deal with the pain of loss and they had to get back together. That was Damian needed, to recover and take responsibility for what happened.
 The problem is that he didn’t know what had really happened, and what it could mean.
 “No answer.” Dick sighed coming back to her side.
 “Of course not.” She replied thoughtfully and drinking her coffee. “Give him some time.”
 “I know, but Babs, he was hurt.” He complained, concern written on his face. “He should be in the cave, recovering…”
 Barbara raised an eyebrow and looked at him behind the mug questioningly, causing Dick to snort nervously. If he really thought Damian was going to stay in the cave for a single second, with him there, after the disaster he formed part and injured, he hadn’t been paying attention to anything for the past six years.
 “At least he won’t be alone, he’ll call us later.” He won’t. But Dick had to convince himself to don’t lose his temper. “How are you doing with that?”
 He asked that pointing to the screen, and she still looked at him recapping her work from a few hours ago.
 The explosion in Zodome center had been big, spread to several streets with subsequent serious fires and numerous wounded, deaths still to be determined. But as much as Superboy had appeared to help and the situation had gotten better, for the city was something common. Gamorra was an island where crime lived and reign, always had, no matter how hard they tried to cleanse or purify the place, crime always found another way to get in, adapt and live in the shadows.
That had been precisely the real cause of the explosion, even if they had deduced that it had been because the terrorist group Damian was chasing had become a little nervous with his presence.
 Ironically, it was a trigger, but not the cause. One part of the group had entered the island because of the easy access to the black market, and the others for something more important and substantial in these times: information.
 “Good.” She replied, setting the cup aside and typing on the keyboard again. “When the servers went down, I could get a lot of what was leaking on that supercomputer.”
 Dick nodded, settling on the counter next to her and watching her working again, classifying with her programs the information they now had.
 Gamorra was an ideal place for any villain or organization with questionable intentions to find a cozy place and establish a base. No one asked anything, your neighbors were other criminals who didn’t want to be disturbed too and privacy was highly valued.
Except when some annoying neighbors were more curious than usual and discovered a strategically hidden supercomputer in the city center that may contain very valuable information.
 She still hadn’t determined who it belonged to and which was the exact function of such a processor, but based on what she had seen so far, the servers acted as a kind of filter between the common and the dark network that they drove privately. Apparently, they were pretty well established, shady deals, big money transactions, questionable contacts, handling and dominance of hacking programs, organ sales, forged documents, human trafficking, and in general everything that a dark net can bring.
Whoever it was, Barbara knew they were good, had resources and well organized, because not only had they managed to escape from their radar all this time, but the security was extreme and the network they had built was very large, it couldn’t have been done by a single individual. It was a group, one that didn’t mind destroying half a city as long as nobody gain access to them, because the moment the terrorists tried to enter, the extra security was activated, and everything was blown up.
 All trace of the supercomputer and what had been around it had been reduced to ashes, causing a fatal and unexpected explosion that struck Damian and five blocks around. And everything could have stayed there, they would have succeeded and getting away with it, people would have died, and they would have continued with their network and control in the criminal world, but they didn’t count with one thing:
 She was fucking Oracle.
 And when everything exploded, the servers and programs that acted as a filter and security went off for a few seconds, then went back on immediately at the other part of the world, probably where the group had another computer which she was already trying to track down. But those few seconds were enough for her to steal information and certain operative programs, freeing them from theirs claws and using for her benefit.
 It hadn’t been a lot, but enough. And since then, Barbara had been classifying each thing carefully, disabling viruses, sending the necessary information to entities that may need it and taking notes of every harmful business or name that went through her eyes.
 Thanks to this everyone will be busy for a while, they had found a criminal mine which it’s necessary to eradicate and investigate, as well as the group that had given them the network and sense of freedom. If they did it right, they would know soon who they were, and can erase them, but at least she would have liked to discover all of this in a way that didn’t involve a fatal explosion, she’s sure Damian too.
 But Damian doesn’t know this, because blames himself for it, can’t stand failure, misses Jason and Tim, and has not been able to forgive anyone in the family since they deserted.
 “Something interesting?” Dick ended up asking as she finished her coffee. “Apart from all the illegal acts we now know.”
 Barbara leaned over her chair and looked at him, reflecting.
Dick shouldn’t be here. He didn’t even understand part of what was going on, not because he couldn’t, but because his head wasn’t in the right place right now to do it. That’s precisely why he was there, making coffee, smiling at her and watching her working without question, because it was better to be distracted with her than his own thoughts. It wasn’t annoying, nor irritating, just… Babs knew why he did it, and that caused a slight pinch of anguish through her chest and made her want to work without rest to neither think (talking about unhealthy coping mechanism, right?)
 Dick didn’t want to be alone. At least not today. But Bruce wasn’t an option, because they would jump into each other’s throat just by being in the same room, and probably argued about who was more guilty of what; Damian had fled away into Jon’s arms, he preferred to spend time with anyone than Dick, and the affection he had for him had frozen at the moment he did that six years ago; Stephanie wasn’t going to receive him, probably would spit him in the face for the same reason; And Cass not only lived with the previous one, but would look at him that way, so… Cass. Former Titans or other friends weren’t a bad choice, but it was as if Dick was afraid to get out of Gotham, as if he were tied up here.
So, he was there with her, talking and trying to distract both of them from the emotional meltdown that the whole thing entailed.
 “Actually…” She started to say. “All of this gave me an idea."
 Dick tilted his head with a smile, looking at her expectantly and with great interest, just as he did when he was Robin and they were both young, so young and stupid. And the words Barbara wanted to say died in her throat, leaving her quiet.
 She couldn’t say it. She couldn’t hurt him like that.
 It was a brief idea, not even well formulated, but one that had been bothering her since she looked at the hacking programs she found within the dark network. Some of them were very smart and well programmed, but there was one in particular, expensive and sophisticated, that had caught her attention. It combined the typical control over cameras and security systems to turn them off or superimpose images, along with facial recognition systems. That reach an interesting effect, because according to what she had understood about it and how operated, if it hacks specific cameras and predetermine a face, a name or a person, the program prevent its detection, saving the images in the private servers of the network, avoiding them come to light and not only the acts of the person who use it were hidden, but also their presence, their existence. As if they had disappeared.
 What if…?
 With such kind of program, refined and using it correctly in specific points, a person could move around the world perfectly undetected, totally invisible to any media because his image was not registered commonly and it was derived to a closed and secure network. It was dangerous, and at the same time, perfect for wanted criminals, thieves and above all, people who want to disappear.
 What if Tim and Jason had been using something similar?
 Tim was brilliant and knew Barbara. They had worked together, was familiar with her methods, and he was aware that the moment they disappeared she would track them with all her power. But the tracking and recognition system she had created solely to find them had not find a single match in six years. She had thought it was because they knew how to avoid cameras and keep a low profile too well, but what if it was another thing? What if there was something else blocking her system? Like a sophisticated program like this?
 It was a possibility.
 And looking at Dick, curious, smiling and expectant, but with a deep sadness, guilt and tiredness shining behind his blue eyes, she realized she couldn’t tell him this. She couldn’t.
 Because it was a possibility, it was a hope.
 She couldn’t do that to Dick, not like that. If she told him about it and then she was wrong, it would break him. Everyone knew that Dick would jump into a burning building if anyone told him that Tim and Jason were inside. And if Barbara gave him something to hold on to and then take it away from him, she wasn’t sure how he will react. So, she just shook her head, grabbed his now empty cup of coffee and gave it to him carefully.
 “Doesn’t matter. Don’t mind me.” She turned that down. “Can you get me another cup, please? I’ll finish this and then we can rest.”
 “Of course.” He answered, still smiling and pretending not to have realized how she had hesitated, taking the cup and leaving.
 She watched at him go, feeling a little bit more miserable than usual and holding back a sigh. Everything had been easier when they were young and stupid, hadn’t it? It was just them, jumping in the roofs, forming a good team and laughing as they flight. Now they have secrets, regrets, permanent injuries, brothers to miss and nobody to ask for forgiveness.
 Would any of this have happened if she had put more effort at the time? What would have changed if she had decided to speak when everything happened instead of remaining neutral? Had anything would change?
 She shook her head and decided she couldn’t begin to think about that topic beyond the possibility that now had, because it wouldn’t worth to sink in unanswered questions again. She knew the idea wasn’t defined either, that maybe it was more complicated than that, after all Tim was smarter and if he did something like this, he would do it with people he trusted.
But a little hunch mixed with a tiny hope leaded her to search that program, studying it for a few seconds. She couldn’t trace who used it and how, but now she’s the owner and main admin, she could disable it, undo it, digging up the original images. The probability that Jason and Tim were there was low, but if she were wrong at least would leak infinity of incriminating videos and photos that would serve to put other people in jail.
 “It would be too lucky, right?” She thought with irony.
 It was very difficult to be optimistic after so long. And after pressing the button, she saw how her systems started to work, analyzing and storing the images that were already beginning to appear in her screen quickly.
 She heard Dick approaching her again, this time with two cups in his hands. Quiet, the ex-batgirl thought about how she could trace other programs like this, or their creator, or anything that could bring her a little closer to what had caused not to be able to find the missing Robins with her methods. And also, allowed herself to think with sadness how easy it would be if Tim were here, in another computer and helping her in the same disinterested way as ever, smiling shyly and insecurely as he told her about how Jason had invited him to his favorite chilli dogs truck the other night, or how Damian had been mad at him because Alfred the cat had learned if his owner put him on a diet, the solution was beg food to Tim.
She remembered how empty and useless she felt when she couldn’t track down or find the other two after Bruce called for help. As if all the work and development she had been through after being paralyzed were nothing, because at the end she couldn’t find her family.
 Until one alarm started to ring.
 An aloud and shrill alarm that had never sounded before, and she had been waiting -begging- for six years.
 “Don’t screw with me.” She said straightening up in her chair and looking up surprised. “Don’t fucking screw with me.”
 “What’s that sound?” Dick asked, standing at her side again.
 “Oh shit.” She said, getting away from that computer to go to another one, rushing and starting to typing in a hurry, more surprised than ever. She didn’t think it would be true, nor if she were even right. “Oh shit!”
 “Babs?” The other asked again, chasing after her and beginning to worry. It wasn’t like her to act like this unless she had a reason. “What happens?”
 “Oh my god.”
 She didn’t answer, because it was better to turn on the other screens around them so that Dick could see the same as her.
 All the screens lighted up, showing images, many images from different places, different countries, a lot of places whose cameras had managed to record those whom they lost. The tall figure of Jason accompanied by the little of Tim, sometimes alone, almost always together, appearing in every corner of the screens without stopping, images where they were laughing, talking, walking, kissing, living, appearing one after another. Some from years ago, others from months, weeks, hours, the most recent from a few minutes.
 Babs gasped, assimilating what she had just achieved. Dick dropped the cups on the floor, overwhelmed. “Match detected.” Shined on the screens, in large and showy letters, at last.
 “Oh shit.”
 They found them.
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Are You Prepared For Rebreathers?
A rebreather failure could go unnoticed.  When open circuit regulators fail, it's immediately obvious.  Either you get no air whenever you suck on the mouthpiece or (much more likely) you obtain a lot of and also a surprising rush of bubbles on your face.
Why You May Want To Think Twice
Needless to say, that a rebreather doesn't make you immune to DCS and nitrogen narcosis. Those risks remain, though the more sophisticated closed-circuit rebreathers can adapt your gas combination to reduce the DCS hazard.  The advantage of this rebreather's long term for most folks is you can make a few pitches on a single load of scrubber and cylinders.
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Silence. Rebreathers exhaust few or no bubbles. That you do not hear that roar of exhaust bubbles, and do fish.  That allows one to get closer to marine living, and this explains the reason why rebreathers are very popular with professional photographers and some research workers.  You may not be rendered invisible, however, you appear to be alarming to most fish.
Atleast that is my guess after spending a lot of monthly studying and diving rebreathers.  It ends up that they will have some very real, valuable advantages over open-circuit, tank-and-regulator methods.  However, they possess some evenly real and serious pitfalls too.  When you possess some odd requirements and would be happy to make some sacrifices of the time and money, a rebreather may be godsend. However, most divers, for most purposes, will remain to prefer open circuit scuba for a long time in the future.
 Coupled with a rebreather does not give you that cotton-mouth feeling and doesn't chill you as muchbetter.
If a rebreather fails, the signs, if any, are somewhat more subtle.  You are still able to catch your breath as before since you are only passing the identical gas back and forth between your lungs and the breathing loop.  Even the CO2 content in that gas might be rising and the O2 content might be falling, but this won't be instantly apparent without signs, monitors and alerts. Rebreather diving is similar to flying on instruments, not by the"seat of your trousers."
Their stealth and extended bottom times have made rebreathers popular with technical and military divers for all decades.  Recently, lower prices and"userfriendly" designs have made rebreathers more appealing to recreational sailors just like you and me personally.  Really, several models are aimed specifically at the recreational sector.
Long dip times. The most important advantage of a rebreather is petrol efficacy.  Just one fill of a little petrol cylinder or cylinders as well as CO2 scrubber can last for anywhere from one to half an hour, based which rebreather it's. Unlike open circuit scuba, your gas duration on the rebreather is nearly independent of thickness, and that means you might, theoretically, spend all that time at the ground.
On the other hand, should you watch your devices and detect the issue promptly, you'll probably have more hours and energy to deal with it to a rebreather than you would on open circuit.  
Optimum gas mix.   They can continue to keep your own PPO2 constant regardless of thickness or exertion, or alter it on the fly for needs like de compression.  The advantage can be less nitrogen uptake and faster off-gassing --Put simply, more bottom time with less DCS risk.  Rebreathers are not created equal, however, and the less-expensive designs don't need this ability.
Is the possibility of diving?  Are traditional open circuit rigs bound for that oblivion of duck fins and two-hose regulators?  Are you ready to get rebreather diving?  Are rebreathers ready for you?
Even a rebreather failure could be deadly.  A rebreather is constantly mixing the gas in the breathing loop, removing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen.  Either component within the wrong percentage is noxious.  Much of the plan effort and a lot of the complexity of rebreathers goes into making that mixing function as accurate and reliable as possible. Nevertheless, it's not likely to get to the certainty of available circuit, where everything you breathe is simply what went in to the cylinder.  An open-circuit"bailout" jar and regulator is a good idea when Functional Safety in Diving  using conventional gear, however it's crucial with a rebreather.
The Very Initial Measures
Cost, weight, majority, advantage, etc..  These minor facets all weigh contrary to rebreathers.  Though the expense to buy one is scarcely minor, you are frequently told you'll save yourself money on every dip as you never need to refill tanks too frequently.  However, you do need to purchase scrubber compounds, and maintenance may be more expensive.  And can this 60 two-tank dive ship offer you a rebate unless you need to make use of its tanks?  Not likely.
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Rebreathers, for example, bail out bottle, are often thicker and lighter than one tank and ruler, plus so they don't really fit well in to the tank-rack-and-bungee-cord gear channel standard on dip boats.  Airline traveling with tanks may be struggle and matches for oxygen and maybe even nitrox could be more difficult to locate, particularly in distant places.
Since you'll need to be coached by an instructor certified within your specific make and version, you might need to go to a different town and stay there for five weeks or for your own training class.
Here is what to anticipate, bearing in mind that every rebreather differs and requires a unique procedure.
Various rebreathers use marginally different sorts of CO2 absorbent and differing granule sizes, however it all looks much like kitty litter.
You will pour the absorbent in to the canister, then tapping on the canister sporadically to be certain the absorbent dissipates and thoroughly meets the canister.   You then'll seal and close the canister along with the simmer bottle or skillet.  Many anglers do that endeavor in home until the dip visit to minimize the clutter.  
Every Day on The Water
First is decided which rebreather to get.  Rebreathers differ significantly in not just price but capacities, the excellent split being if or not they truly have been closed circuit or semiclosed-circuit InDesign.
Closed circuit rebreathers have the best gas ingestion, the ideal mix control and, broadly speaking, the maximum capability, however, tend to be somewhat more complicated and costly. Semiclosed-circuit rebreathers are easy, robust and more affordable, with gas ingestion rates somewhere within closed circuit rebreathers along with open circuit scuba.
You could also think of such matters as depth and time limits, copies to restrain apparatus along with fail safe mechanics, guarantees, and just how many components have been completely being used and for the length of time, and much more.
Meanwhileyou will begin to construct a distinctive tool and spare parts kit.  You are probably going to need one or even maybe more spare oxygen tracks and assorted solenoids and detectors to your more complicated units. Additionally gas analyzers along with flowrate evaluation apparatus, based upon the machine.  Enhance this mouthpiecesbatteries, orings, tie wraps, silicone grease, etc..
More than open circuit, a rebreather dip starts before you will get wet and finishes once you are tender. Pre-dive and postdive look after that rebreather are crucial each time and can not be skipped.  Expect to devote an additional halfhour on every end of this dip.
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Fill canister (s). Many semiclosed-circuit rebreathers make work with of one cylinder of nitrox.  You are going to need to decide beforehand that nitrox mix you'll utilize therefore that the skip valve orifice might be paired to it.  Most closed circuit rebreathers utilize two tanks, of oxygen and also a diluent (usually atmosphere, though other pollutants maybe options). Either way, but particularly if working with nitrox, you must analyze the gas your self to produce sure what exactly is from the canister.  If your bail-out system employs another cylinder, then you can require to refill this too.
Afterward there is training.   After that, just about any rebreather manufacturer will ask that you simply just consider a rebreather training class lasting 4 or 5 days.  The expense of the will probably be extra, normally at $500. Section of this program covers in-water skills such as how to translate resumes and tracks and also just how to change to backup systems.  The following part is trained in gathering and disassembly, servicing and upkeep of one's specific unit.
Let us say you've believed the advantages and disadvantages and decided that you intend to dive using a rebreather.  What is the drill?
Build the rebreather.   Do not expect you'll build your rebreather between your dip briefing and the"pool open!"  C all.
Since you descend, upping pressure can fall the counterlungs as it drops BCs and dry matches.  
In to the water. Waddling round the deck at a rebreather was justly compared to carrying dual tanks, but once you are at the water the majority of the trouble stops.  A couple of differences to open circuit diving will hit you though.
You'll have to become stingy when inflating your BC or draining your mask as gas employed for gas lost from the significantly smaller full source.  To precisely exactly the exact very same reason, you want to see your indicators carefully and you and your friend have to be attentive for air escapes.
One is you can not simply shed the mouthpiece in to the sport, because water will fill out the breathing loop and also the scrubber canister.  There's a valve to the mouthpiece you need to consider to close until you go from your own mouth.
Here, semi-closed - and - closed circuit rebreathers fluctuate greatly.  Generally, however, you are going to join the counterlung (or lungs) into the absorbent canister and then put in them at the framework of the rebreather.  You'll test the one time valves at the ducts and then attach them into the counterlungs. You can set up the canister (s) and assess their valves.  This could demand twelve hose links.
Still another is you can not impact your buoyancy by inhaling or exhaling, as the exact identical quantity of air simply goes backwards and forwards between your own lungs and also the rebreather rather than affects volume or buoyancy.  If you should be utilized to exhaling to obtain below the surface, then that wont do the job.
If you're intending yet another dip that afternoon and also have enough petrol and scrubber time , whatever you have to do would be to turn the rebreather off throughout the surface interval.  It's really a fantastic strategy, though, to inspect the breathing loop to get water indoors.
Additionally, while you descend as well as the counterlungs enlarge, the rebreather will port gas. This really could be the only real time that the rebreather purposely disturbs a substantial quantity of gas, and also why"saw tooth" profiles are particularly ineffective. You may likely realize that the rebreather doesn't port gas fast and you also become buoyant, and that means you ought to manually ditch from the BC, your drysuit or by the rebreather.
Then you'll examine the full unit for air escapes and water flows.  Leaks are potentially severe.  You've little gas up to speed you can not afford to drop any.  If water flows cause the machine to flooding, it is going to end up exceptionally negative.  And water from the CO2 scrubber induces a reaction with an sterile referred to as a"caustic cocktail"--an awful mouthful that could burn your own lips, throat and mouth.
At the start of an ascent onto a semi-closed-circuit rebreather, then you also have to purge the loop to enhance your breathing mix.   Closed- circuit methods add oxygen .
For those who experience an oxygen track and other electronic equipment, you also are going to test them.  When you get a constant-flow semiclosed rebreather, then you'll want to inspect the leak rate of this orifice.
In case this can be the very final dip for a couple of days, you need to disassemble and wash out the rebreather thoroughly.  The hot, moist environment within the lymph is excellent for growing bacteria, therefore it has to be disinfected with all the remedy that the manufacturer urges, subsequently rinsed well and dried.  Drying the interior the breathing loop, even having its baffles and corrugated hoses, which can be exceedingly hard.
Should you work remarkably hard--when you've got to swim against a current, such as --your own body will simply just require oxygen from their breathing loop faster than usual. Closed circuit passive and systems semiclosed-circuit systems will feel that this and add extra oxygen.  Active semi-closed systems may not, nevertheless. If that's the instance you must be sure to"purge the breathing loop" by massaging this oxygen-poor gas throughout your nose therefore that the rebreather replaces it using wealthier gas.
The used CO2 absorbent must be dumped and the scrubber canister has to be thoroughly dried and cleaned.  Electronics and oxygen sensors have their particular care requirements.  Plan on spending one hour postdive maintenance in the beginning, though you're going to get faster without experience.
Somewhat harder self-mixing semiclosed-circuit rebreathers add oxygen and a diluent separately through fixed orifices or (regarding this diluent) a demand valve.  They also may use less gas, but might be subject to larger variations in the air content of this gas mix.
Fully closed circuit rebreathers aim to control the oxygen content in your breathing gas.  They add only the gas you require, when you need it, and do not waste any.  Ergo, zero bubbles the majority of that time period and also a longer gas duration. This fine control of gas inclusion comes from a electronic wizardry.  Normally, detectors analyze the oxygen of the lymph and also in form a computer, that adds oxygen diluent as needed to keep a preselected"set point" to your oxygen partial pressure.  Redundancy (frequently three oxygen detectors and two computers) creates the wiring and plumbing diagrams confusing, but the idea is fairly easy.  
Semiclosed-circuit rebreathers have the simplest gas controller mechanism.  Fundamentally, it is simply a fixed orifice, an opening that enables a continuing flow rate into the respiratory tract.  Any excess above that which the system absorbs is vented to the water in a stream of small bubbles, and that's the reason why the device is called"semiclosed."
On both sides of the scrubber there is a counterlung, just a flexible bag that expands and contracts to adapt the exact on/off nature of your breathing.   The counterlung in the side has a input where more oxygen or nitrox is added.
Oxygen sensors have a life span and have to be replaced, usually every 12 to 24 months, based on just how far that they used.  (They deplete themselves in atmosphere about 50% as fast as when stirring.)  After diving, some divers remove them by the rebreather and seal them to extend their own life.
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Exactly how many electrons have been injected in to the inhalation counterlung, and also the way the injection is controlled, determine whether it's semiclosed-circuit or closed-circuit.
Some manufacturers recommend that the entire unit is given a comprehensive review and overhaul every year.
Long Term Maintenance
Each canister has a first and another stage regulator that demands annual support.  These are typically just normal open-circuit regulators which can be serviced by the local dive shop.  Cylinders need to be hydro tested and visually inspected like some other person.
Each of of rebreathers are built around the principle of a one-way breathing loop.  One hose takes your exhaled breath to the CO2 scrubber, and the other brings back it (without the CO2) for a mouth.
"Passive" semiclosed-circuit rebreathers inject petrol just ondemand.  Numerous mechanisms to trigger the gas injection could be used, nevertheless they are mechanical.  By way of instance, a system of ratchets and levers measures how big a counterlung, when it gets below a specific size (because the body has removed that much oxygen out of the breathing loop), it activates a valve to inject further gas.  Passive systems use less gas than busy ones, however the actual material of the gas mixture from the breathing loop might be more variable.
The Drager Dolphin and Ray are popular instances.  They are called"mass flow" or even"active" semiclosed-circuit rebreathers--active as the unit is definitely injecting brand new gas.  The orifice, which controls the flow rate, needs to be selected before the dive to coordinate with the nitrox mixture chosen.  This type of rebreather is on or off: Whenever the air valve is fired up, gas flows in to the breathing loop at the rate determined by this orifice. Manual inclusion valves and also another plumbing might complicate the picture, but that's the nature.
Computer controls have batteries that have to be replaced periodically.
Insert a mouthpiece using a valve to reduce flood, a one time valve in each breathing hose therefore that your breath circulates the perfect way, and also several other equipment and you have a basic rebreather.
If you're diving tomorrow, however, you'll need only disinfect the mouthpiece and corrugated hoses.
Are You Really Ready To Get a Rebreather?
Are you currently self-disciplined?  Pre-dive, through the dip and postdive you must make up the brain to check out procedures and checklists exactly.  Filling the scrubber canister and building the breathing loop until the dip involve measures that have to be followed and evaluations which can not be skipped. Exactly the same care has to be obtained if cleaning and interrogate the rebreather after the dip.  And through the dip you've got to view gauges more tightly compared on circuit.  Are you really meticulous concerning maintenance of one's open circuit gear, as an instance, or would you"hose and proceed"?
Rebreathers promote what is called"mission creep" A number are effective at dives far beyond the practice of the majority of recreational sailors.  Components that could modify the gas mixture throughout the dip are specifically appropriate to decompression diving.   You are going to discover just how to work the system, however maybe perhaps not the particular areas of technology diving such as heavy diving and cave consciousness, such as.  "Mission creep" usually takes the seemingly benign type of adding additional non-technical but rough gear too so on.  Employing a intricate camera rig may divert you in tracking your rebreather attentively, such as.  
You'll want to appear not within the rebreather but on your own.  Some personality types are more satisfied than the others to the requirements of caring and using to get a rebreather.  And a few folks probably shouldn't consider it.
Can you accept liability for the own safety?  You've got to choose the attitude that the right performance of one's rebreather is dependent for you alone.  The thought that producer, the instructor or another person is responsible could be satisfying for your heirs but won't keep your own life in case of a collapse. Have you been familiar letting the ship team or a dive buddy put your open circuit gear for you personally, or can you insist upon doing this you?
Rebreathers are somewhat more technical than open circuit set ups, and you'll need to be self-explanatory for meeting cleaning, maintenance and plenty of the repair, as the odds of the community dive shop with an expert are slim. Even the easiest rebreather on average has each of the sections of one's open circuit installation, and far more. These parts, and also the relations between them (you will find 50 or even more o rings in a normal rebreather), will need to have routine care.
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Guide to writing Cassandra Cain
I’ve seen a lot of people in the Bat Family fandom say that they often minimize or exclude Cassandra from their works because they don’t know enough about her. While I HIGHLY recommend reading her Batgirl comic from 2000, I’ve compiled a guide to her personality, abilities, and relationships with other DC characters here for easy reference. (I’ve tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but I’ve probably forgotten something so please feel free to add onto this if you know the character well)
Cassandra has a difficult time with language, spoken or written. This generally manifests through her relying on body language and single-word sentences to get her point across. When she needs to speak, it is halting and awkward, but not broken. She will pause frequently, mumble, or use Malapropisms, but she is a perfectionist and is frustrated when she doesnt use perfect grammar or pronunciation. At times she will be unable to find the words for a particular thought. She usually is portrayed as being unable to read or write. 
Cass sometimes uses mimicry when she has trouble putting words together herself, quoting films, tv shows, and plays.  
Cassandra is compassionate above all else. She values life, and protecting it is her highest priority. She will not hesitate to put herself in danger to save others, and does not tolerate killing. 
Cassandra has a strong guilt complex. Anyone who dies on her watch weighs heavily on her conscience, even if there was nothing she could’ve done to stop it. She does not let go of these “failures” easily. 
Cassandra has little regard for societal norms and expectations. While generally caring and compassionate, she often comes across as rude due to spending most of her life either locked in a bunker or surviving in the wilderness. This includes poor table manners, a tendency to lurk in the shadows, and mirroring her adoptive father’s habit of coming and going without warning. 
Cassandra has great pride in her physical prowess, but little in her moral character. Though she has a strong moral code and is quick to intervene when others break it, she does not see herself as above them and may even have more faith in them than in herself, as she still feels that she may not be able to rise above her upbringing. She can be rather arrogant about her superior agility and combat prowess, however. 
Cassandra is fond of friendly jibes and snark, usually but not always expressed nonverbally. Her sense of humor is slightly unconventional, but usually good-natured. 
Cassandra wears her heart on her sleeve. She is very emotional, and her past trauma can make her emotionally vulnerable, especially because of her lack of communicative skills. Her emotions show through her entire body, even when she doesn’t vocalize them. 
Cassandra is quick to leap before looking, but excellent at adapting to unexpected situations. She is a poor planner and rather impulsive, with a rebellious streak that sometimes makes it hard for her to listen to instructions. However, she is great at thinking on her feet and analyzing her situation in the moment.
Cassandra does not do things in half measures. When she wants to learn something, such as reading or detective work, she is eager to dive into the deep end even if it’s not always the best way to approach it. As mentioned before she is also a perfectionist when it comes to herself, so this approach often leads to frustration. 
Cassandra is very physically affectionate, with little mind for personal space. This often comes in the form of gently touching the face of someone she believes to be in pain. 
Cassandra is extremely empathetic, to the point that it can be overwhelming for her at times. She is very good at spotting falsehoods, hidden pain, etc. 
Despite this, she often misinterprets social cues. For instance, when Barbara and Dick were going through a rough patch in their relationship, she though Dick had intentionally done something to hurt Barbara, and threw him out a window. 
Cass is fast. Really, really fast. She can move incredibly quickly and quietly, making her very hard to track.
Cass has a shocking amount of strength for her small size. She has punched through 3-inch thick quartz glass, kicked down concrete walls, and thrown a metahuman more than twice her size without issue. 
Her primary advantage comes from her ability to read body language and predict her opponents’ actions, allowing her to dodge bullets and outmaneuver pretty much any non powered opponent. This ability does not work on robots, animals, or sufficiently nonhuman aliens. 
Cassandra is a contender for the world’s best martial artist, along with Lady Shiva and Richard Dragon. She can pick up new fighting styles nearly instantly, allowing her to learn and adapt techniques she’s never encountered before. 
Cass is an incredible acrobat, though not as good as Nightwing. 
Cass is able to control the amount of force she uses to the point that she doesn’t usually have to worry about killing even when using normally lethal techniques. 
She is able to use pressure points to paralyze someone nearly instantly, though she has only shown the ability to use it on those who do not expect her to attack.
She can stop a person’s heart using a special technique, and in later appearances was able to do so without endangering the person for a good length of time, though they’d still die if not revived within that time period. 
She is very good at analyzing her surroundings, which has helped her solve cases. 
Cassandra is exceptional at dividing her attention and energy, able to coordinate herself to the point that government agents assumed she was a metahuman. 
She is very good at the intimidation side of the job, able to terrify even trained killers. 
Cassandra is very close to Stephanie Brown, who was her first real friend. She can be a bit overprotective of her, even using violence to keep her out of fights that Cass thinks will be too much for her, though she has largely grown out of that and these days has a lot more faith in her. Cassandra is able to unwind with Stephanie in ways that she has trouble doing with around other people, even those she trusts like Barbara and Tim. When Stephanie seemingly died, Cassandra was deeply affected, becoming shorter-tempered and more violent. 
Cassandra sees Barbara as the mother she never had, and values her insight. Though she often chafes at Barbara’s well-intentioned attempts to get her to see beyond her life as Batgirl, she still cares deeply for her. 
Cass sees Bruce as somewhat of a father figure as well as a bit of an idol, and seeks his approval. When she believes that she has disappointed him, it can be devastating for her. However, she also recognizes his pain and trauma, and sympathizes strongly with it. Her admiration also doesn’t always mean she’ll do what he says.
While Cassandra and Dick don’t always get along (as mentioned earlier), she usually sees him as a mentor and big brother, and she is often more relaxed around him than most people. 
Cass and Jason’s interactions have been largely confrontational, and it’s likely that further encounters would be similar, as she is strongly opposed to lethal force and would endeavor to stop him if she could. That said, she would almost certainly understand the pain he went through, and would try to get through to him with words as much as she is capable, rather than immediately resorting to violence. 
Cass and Tim have a long and complicated history. While the two of them started off rather tense, with Tim being somewhat intimidated by her, they soon grew very close, and treat each other as siblings. Their strengths complement each other, and they are able to work in synch with each other very well. She has also been known to break into his house to steal food and take a shower. 
Like Jason, Cass’s interactions with Damian are few and far between. Their first meeting didn’t end well, as Cassandra pulled him from a building when he was disarming a bomb despite his protests that he could handle it. While she found some of what he said hurtful, she didn’t seem to hold much of a grudge, and I think they could find common ground due to their similar backgrounds. 
Cassandra and Duke seem to be friends, though beyond that little is known of their relationship.
Cassandra is close with Harper Row, and the two of them definitely care for one another despite the troubled history between them.
Cass and Jean-Paul Valley bonded quickly over their shared inexperience with society, and they are both very fond of one-another. 
Cassandra is friends with Dinah Lance, who she has been shown to train with on occasion. 
Cass does not get along with Helena Bertinelli for obvious reasons, and when they worked together during the Battle for the Cowl there was quite a bit of tension between them. 
Cassandra had a close relationship with Basil Karlo/Clayface during the time that he had reformed, as she had faith in his ability to change. His apparent death devastated her.
Her relationship with her biological father is complicated. Though she has always despised what he does for a living, it took a long time for her to come to terms with how badly he treated her. 
Cass’s relationship with her biological mother is even more complex. In most depictions, Cassandra respects Shiva in some ways, but is also troubled by all of the lives that she’s taken.
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Conversion Corner: Mass Effect Races part 5
Krogan and Turian
 With a history  mired in enduring hardship, the krogan are a fierce race of warriors who have faced setback after setback, from the nuclear war that forced them into tribal, survivalist cultures, to the viral genetic disorder engineered to stop their invading rebellion in it’s tracks.
A race built for a harsh environment, krogan are the only bipedal race in the ME universe to have wide-set eyes, a necessary adaptation given how many species of powerful predators live on their homeworld. They are a tall and swarthy race of reptilian humanoids with thick skin and osteoderms, as well as a large fat-hump above the head behind the shoulders for storing nutrition and water during lean times. Internally, their great fortitude is in part due to the abundance of redundant organs in their body, including a secondary fluid-channel-based nervous system which makes them nearly impossible to paralyze.
In addition to this, krogan are similar to boars and other particularly ferocious beasts In that they can ignore incredible pain when heavily injured, making them incredibly dangerous in combat.
Once, a long time ago, the krogan had made great strides in advancing as a civilization, building walls and cities. However, this ensured a greater survival rate for an already fecund race, leading to a population boom and a lot of bored krogan looking for a real challenge. So they turned on each other, wars and conflicts escalating until weapons of mass destruction plunged their world into a nuclear winter, and forced the krogan back into a tribal lifestyle, that is until they were approached by the salarians to be uplifted to the galactic community as a warrior force against the encroaching rachni.
While this was effective, the krogan proved to be utterly self-serving, using the gifted technology to start their own war to conquer the galaxy, and were only stopped by the turians using a devastating bioweapon developed by the salarians as a deterrent, the Genophage.
This virus dropped the viable birthrate of krogan infants to a mere fraction of what it once was, crippling their previous style of warfare by removing their numbers advantage.
This sudden change had massive repercussions on krogan culture, and now a malaise of fatalism has overtaken them. While they still live in tribes and seek fulfillment in combat, few see any hope, and the already self-focused people  struggle to find meaning in the krogan ways anymore.
Those that do hold out hope still work to restore their people, the females of which live in separate tribes judging applicants worthy to try and mate with, not to mention pouring funds into finding a way to reverse the genophage. Make no mistake though, the females of the species are just as fierce and motivated, and are not just waiting around for someone to fix their problems, but who knows? By the end of the series perhaps a certain protagonist has helped them out?
 +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis
Hp 6
Size and Type: Krogan are medium humanoids of the krogan subtype
Racial Traits:
Krogan Ferocity: Once per day, a krogan brought to 0 Hit Points but not killed can fight on for 1 more round. The krogan drops to 0 HP and is dying (following the normal rules for death and dying) but can continue to act normally until the end of their next turn, when they become unconscious as normal. If they take additional damage before this, they cease to be able to act and falls unconscious.
Natural Armor: The thick hide and plating of a krogan grants them a +1 racial bonus to AC
Shoulder Hump: Krogan double the number of days without food or water they can go without having to make fortitude saves against starvation and thirst. After having done so, a krogan must spend a week eating one and half times their normal meal requirements in order to restock their internal stores and use this ability again.
Redundant Organs: When a krogan fails a fortitude save against an effect and gain a condition or ongoing effect because of this, at the beginning of their next turn, as a swift action they can attempt another fortitude save at the same DC to remove the effect, even if they wouldn’t normally get another save. If the effect already grants later saves to throw off the effect, the krogan gains a +2 to that save. This also applies to poison and disease.
Resilient: Krogan gain a +2 to Fortitude saves against environmental effects like temperature and radiation.
 And finally, let’s focus on one last iconic race of the ME universe, the Turians!
Clad in a flexible metallic carapace, turians are a disciplined race from a world of harsh radiation, their society based on survival through military might.
Standing at about a head’s height over humans, turians are a lean, muscular race of humanoids that resemble a missing link between earth birds and reptiles, with sharp teeth and claws definitely left over from predatory ancestors, and a dull metallic sheen to their plated skin, a thin-layer of thulium that helps block out the worst of the solar radiation that blasts their homeworld. The males also boast a crest of backwards-sweeping horns on their craniums.
Turian society is very much hierarchy-based, with individuals advancing based on their skill and merit. As a heavily militarized society, service in both warfare or peacekeeping capacity is the most common form of advancement, a prospect they approach dutifully and eagerly.
This is because the turian mindset very much focuses on the value of service to others, and while there is still room for individual goals and desires, the turians tend to conflate the needs of others as being their needs as well, which makes them naturally dutiful, if at risk of being loyal to unworthy leaders, which is a hard concept for turians to deal with, especially among their own, since theirs is a society of honesty and duty, where the general expectation is that everyone above and below you in the hierarchy knows what their job is and is doing it competently. After all, if they couldn’t do that, according to turian society, they couldn’t have made it into that position in the first place.
Turian society also teaches it’s people the value of responsibility. A turian must own their actions, for good or bad. This does not mean they find deception impossible, but turian spies typically put themselves in a position where they cannot be asked directly about their loyalties whenever possible, since they have difficulty when directly asked.
Since the military serves as such a pivotal part of their society, entirely colonies can be hired as a private military company, or may serve the interests of their species in colonizing or fighting against threats. Turians don’t believe in half-assing war, either. If they are fighting against a foe, they bring their full military might to the table. No border skirmishes, no small-scale conflicts. This however, has gotten them into trouble in the past, particularly during first contact with humans.
 +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Hp 4
Size and Type: Turians are medium humanoids of the turian subtype
Racial Traits:
Military Heritage: Turians gain a +2 to Culture and Profession (soldier) skill checks to recall information about military, tactics, and weaponry.
Reflective Hide: Turians treat areas with a radiation level as one step lower than normal to determine if they need to save against it and/or what the save DC is. This does not give them immunity to weapons with the radioactive special property or the irradiate critical hit effect, but it does grant them a +2 bonus to the save against the effect.
Sense of Duty: Turians gain a +1 to attack rolls when using the harrying fire or covering fire action, as well as increasing the bonus they grant when using aid another with an ally to +3.
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