#also chill that I probably have to cancell on my friends on seeing the new dnd movie Saturday night cuz of other things. that’s chill too
gatorinator · 1 year
Can God translate me. Just for like 3-5 business days. I just need a little break—I’ll come back I promise.
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Helluva Boss Characters Reacting to You Asking for a Hug
Tbh this series is just for my own enjoyment at this point lmao
I’m so normal about them, I swear.
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Honestly, it depends on what type of relationship you have with him
Familial relationship? Best BELIEVE he’s coddling the shit outta you rn
^ def a cheek pincher
“Hey sweetie? Do you need me ta fuck someone up for ya?”
But if y’all are platonic, or SATAN FORBID
R O M A N T I C ?
Ur not getting Shit
Well, until you start crying
“You’re a fuckin’ baby, you know that?”
Very casual hugs
Always sits his chin on you
Will complain the entire time
But you both know he loves you
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“Oh shit, you good?”
She’s blunt, not heartless
Honestly pretty touched that you asked for a hug instead of just going for one
Like her adoptive dad, very casual hugs
Usually just slings an arm over your shoulders
Won’t talk to you about it
Y’all just sit in comforting silence
Don’t let anyone point out that she’s letting you touch her
Will get v flustered
Depending on how you both feel - may let you play with her hair to self regulate
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“Sure thing, hun!”
Doesn’t matter who you are, or why you need a hug, she’ll take it
Physical affection is her top love language idc
Squeezes super super tight
Like, you can barely breathe
Gushes over how sweet you are
Will probs pepper your face in kisses too (doesn’t matter what ur relationship with her is)
((Millie is a strong believer in non-romantic kisses, she told me herself))
Will probs ask Moxxie to bring y’all a drink
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“Uhh, you sure you want a hug from me?”
Yes babe I’m sure
Doesn’t think he’s the best one to be comforting you - will palm you off to Millie if he can
But will be offended if anyone else says he can’t look after you
^^ Gets all huffy about it
Distraction is his new best friend
Will tell you a mixture of stories and fun facts to try and make you feel better
Will also make you a hot drink
If you want to, will talk out your feelings with you
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Babes just blinks for a hot minute as your words register with him
Has the softest smile
“Of course, dearest. Come here.”
A hug isn’t enough for him, you’re in for a full blown cuddle sesh now
Likes the feeling of having you fully wrapped up in his arms
Forehead kisses. Forehead Kisses.
Will sometimes swaddle you in blankets like a literal baby
Hums softly for you
Tries to ask what’s wrong, will def push the subject
He just wants to fix it, okay?
Will just,,, smother you in affection until you’re okay
And then some
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Judgemental eyebrow raise.
Judgy, judgy girl
Y’all gotta be CLOSE for her to hug
((But not really, she’s so touch starved its not funny, but we don’t talk about that-))
Long, comforting hugs
If u end up crying, will fix your makeup for you
Don’t mention it though
Like, literally don’t mention it or it won’t happen again
She probs just breathes a sigh of relief when y’all hugs
Holds on a little too tight, for a little too long
If you ask first, she’ll start coming to you for hugs now too
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Baby. Baby, baby man.
Will wrap his arms around you several times over
Another really tight hugger
You had shit to do?
Sike, not anymore
Now you’re spending all day with Fizz
Your fault, you started it by asking for a hug
Is super worried about you, but tries to play it down
Will do stupid shit just to see you laugh
Will ALSO flirt with you until you can’t stand it anymore
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Immediately concerned, does not try to hide it
Much like his bf, cancels all plans for today
Y’all are gonna be chilling in bed and cuddling now
Just kinda,,, scoops you up?
Definitely plays with your hair
Gives a SOLID head massage
So so gentle and sweet
Just lays you on his chest
Draws pictures on your back and makes you guess what he’s drawing
^^ he does this to help ground you
Tbh he’ll probably drag Fizz to bed too, so know they’re both looking after you
Mans isn’t gonna let anyone get left out
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
A Bearable Weight
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
Summary: New Years Eve is the holiday of new beginnings, and you take a leap to see if Javi might be one of them.
Word Count: 3k
Story Warnings: T, plenty of sweetness, more ridiculousness because I can't help myself, some lightly spicy kisses. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ so MINORS DNI.
Notes: I had to get these two to New Years. They were just too cute to leave hanging. I hope each and every one of you reading this waves goodbye to anything that made your 2022 difficult and enters 2023 with open arms and excitement. Now let's see where the new year takes Javi and Conejita!
Cross-posted on AO3
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The restaurant is smaller than you thought it might be, unassuming in a strip of businesses. The sign for it is understated, white lettering on a black rectangle with a thin gold border - Aperitif. You’ve been studying the sign, and the door below it, for well over ten minutes, the chill night air creeping up your bare legs. The new dress you bought for the occasion - black, tasteful but a little sexy, an amount you’re comfortable with - weaves around your knees when a breeze makes you shiver. You look down at your heels again, still torn between whether the glittery gold is too loud for your personality or loving that they make you feel festive. Your hair is styled, your makeup is perfect, everything is ready for you to go inside.
And you’re still rooted on the damn spot.
Javi texted you a few times since the first voice message. Every new phone alert made your heart jump, evolving to a flutter when it actually was from him. He sent you photos of his friends’ Christmas tree, their dog plopping her head in his lap, the snow outside a fogged up window. He also asked you things about yourself, some that you expected and others that made you stop and smile. 
What food will you eat if you’re having a bad day?
Best movies adapted from books?
Did your sister like the message?
Your sister did indeed, and after catching you grinning at your phone several times throughout the long weekend finally made you confess how you got it. Her elation over the serendipitous meeting was only eclipsed by your hesitation over seeing Javi again.
“Are you serious right now? Cute, funny, probably loaded, a dork, sweet, and definitely into you? I will drive you there and drop your ass on the sidewalk if you don’t do it yourself.”
So you accepted the invitation, which was accompanied by a string of excited texts filled with details and one that made you tingle from head to toe.
Thank you for accepting. I hope you will consider what I asked you in my first message. But only if you’re comfortable. I really like talking to you, no matter what.
A beat, then…
If you’d like to be mine, this year.
You did. Holy hell, you did. But you were also a classically trained overthinker, and the days leading up to New Years Eve were spent Googling and riding the rollercoaster of excitement and dread. The Gutierrez family had an online presence, and not all of it was good. Luckily it seemed like Javi wasn’t in the crosshairs, but the more you learned the more convinced you became that this was going to be a shitshow. Wealthy, influential, a lover of the arts and gorgeous in every photo you find, your hopes got buried a little deeper with each word.
He told you it was going to be a party, nothing large, but the idea of being in your department store dress among the elite of society made you want to cancel. Go out for coffee instead. Let yourself down gently when you realize how different your worlds are.
But then you find a voicemail - a missed call from Javi:
“Hi conejita, I hope all the texts have not been too much. I realize that you barely know me, and I am maybe moving a little too fast. I get…ah, well, I get excited. You have made me very excited, and I want to be, you know, ‘cool’ about it, but I am not so great at that. Anyways, I am…hah, yeah, excited to see you tomorrow. It will be a lot of fun. And, um…we don’t…I only want what you want, conejita. So let’s just…see where the night takes us. I know what I feel, but I…I only want you to…to know…agh! I am messing this all up. Sorry, this message is so long now. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m…I’m really happy to see you tomorrow. Okay, bye.”
What’s the harm, you thought after listening to the message three times. If it’s terrible you never have to see him again.
Another breeze ripples over your skin, finally making you move towards the door.
And if it’s amazing?
You smile to yourself and enter the warmth of the restaurant.
Aperitif looked small from the exterior, and the interior is about what you expected. It could maybe seat 30 fully booked, but the dining room has been cleared out in favor of buffet servers against the walls, the ivory bar lined with champagne glasses and eager bartenders shaking cocktails. The handful of people chatting inside don’t look like heiresses or oil barons. Your shoulders relax a fraction.
“Name?” the man at the door asks, a short list in his hand. You give yours and are ushered in, a drink immediately put in your hand and a string of metallic gold beads tossed over your head by a waitress.
“Happy New Year!” she says, taking your coat. You slip into the crowd looking for the only person you came here for - Javi. But his caramel curls and exuberant laugh haven’t reached you yet.
“I love what they’ve done with the decorations!” a cheery voice exclaims over your shoulder. You look around, then up to see a delicate web of black and gold streamers holding balloons precariously above you. One single streamer hangs to the floor behind the bar, which an olive-skinned hand points to. “I think at midnight they pull that.” You turn to see the woman speaking to you, and she’s...normal-looking. Peppy brunette with a sharply cut bob, sparkling brown eyes, and a glittery top with black slacks. Maybe you had nothing to worry about.
“That’s fun, I haven’t been out on New Years in ages,” you say, taking a sip of champagne. The bubbles tickle your tongue pleasantly. It’s good, much better than any champagne you’ve had at parties.
“Oh then you’ve come to the perfect place! Who invited you?” she asks, finishing off her glass and placing it on a waiter’s tray as it floats by. 
“Javi,” you say, a little shyly. He mentioned that he was hosting it, but you had no clue who the other guests were. How long could you keep up the facade?
“Of course! How do you know him? I’m a long-lost cousin myself, been out of the loop for a while, but it’s nice to see him again.” She waits expectantly, and if you didn’t feel like throwing up before you definitely do now.
“Uhhh, we met…on a flight…” you start to say, working through how the hell you were going to explain the circumstances of your meeting to a stranger, when her eyes light up.
“Oh my GOD, it’s you!” she gasps, grabbing on to both your shoulders. “Javi told me about the girl on the plane on his way here. That story, the way he tells it, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. And you’re here! Now! I have to find him, he’ll be so excited!” She squeezes your shoulders again with a little squeal before darting through the crowd, a nervous giggle smothered in your hand.
He told people about you. 
He told people about you in a way that made him sound happy.
You could burst, the light inside you is so expansive. 
You’re about to follow when a large palm circles your bicep, turning you gently around in the crowd.
“You came.”
Javi says it like a prayer, like he believed but never thought a miracle would grace him. His curls are swept back from his face in tantalizing waves. He’s in a gray blazer, a navy button-up with some abstract patterning hanging onto his broad chest for dear life. The top three buttons already gave up the fight, chest dewy with the humidity in the room. But it’s his face that melts your anxieties away. His eyes drape warmth over you, fondness in their depths that he only hinted at in his messages. His soft smile lashes your heart into a gallop, breaking into one of your own.
“Of course. How could I miss it?” you say, winking when his grin widens. He leans forward to place a chaste kiss on your cheek, hand spreading across your lower back. 
“I am so happy to see you, conejita,” he whispers, raising goosebumps along the nape of your neck. 
Oh, you’re in it deep now.
As the night continues more people file in, filling the small space with chattering conversation. You find the bubbly brunette again, who introduces herself as Julia, and get to talking about houseplant care and aggravations. She’s unpretentious, passionate, and makes you feel like you belong. Honestly, most of the people do. As the night wears on and you shake more hands and spark more conversations, it dawns on you why these people are all together tonight. This is Javi’s circle, people who understand him and bring him joy.
Bashful happiness that you might bring him joy settles in your chest.
Javi scoops you up every few minutes, guiding you to new groups or asking you if you’ve tried something. The upscale pigs in a blanket are your personal favorite, snagging a whole tray for yourself when a waiter walks by. You’re almost embarrassed, but Javi’s crinkled smile as he tries to steal one and gets his hand slapped is worth it.
A murmuring begins by the entrance, a flocking to the door. Javi comes to your elbow, leaning on one foot and placing his warm hand on your lower back. He’s been doing it to you all night, every time you stand beside him, but it’s never less thrilling.
“What’s that all about?” you ask, your third glass of champagne fizzing delightfully under your skin. He catches someone’s eye in the crowd, gesturing them over.
“Just a good friend who came to visit.”
You almost choke on your sip of bubbles.
“Nicolas. Fucking. Cage,” you scoff to Javi under your breath as the man himself emerges out of the crowd. He’s bee-lining your way but stops to shake hands and engage in polite conversation. His emerald velvet jacket contrasts the burgundy button-up underneath nicely, but the faded Dad jeans and white tennis shoes clash adorably with the ensemble. “You could have warned me!”
“Your reaction was well worth your annoyance,” Javi placates, pressing you forward as the crowd falls back.
“How are you doing Nic? How’s the family?” Javi asks, pulling the famous actor in for a hug. They give brief updates, you standing back a step awkwardly. Debating on slipping away, Javi introduces you to Nic and pulls you back into the conversation.
“The girl on the plane,” Nic says, and if you ever thought his speaking affect was fake you’re certain now it’s genuine. He takes your hand in both of his, shaking it earnestly. “I heard your sister is a big fan. I hope she liked the message, I know it was a little rushed but, last minute on the holidays, you know…” You shake your head, fighting back your sister’s scream in the back of your mind.
“She was over the moon. Thank you again for doing that, it was very kind of you,” you say, trading a secret smirk with Javi. It’s a harmless lie, but the fact that he’s perpetuating it makes you even giddier.
“Well next time you’re at one of Javi’s parties you should bring her. I love meeting fans,” Nic says, giving you a pat on the shoulder and peeling off to get himself a drink. Javi slides back to your side, the laughter you’d been suppressing squeaking out of the corners of your mouth.
“Clara’s gonna die. I’ll have to lie to her to get her in the same room as Nic,” you sputter, leaning into Javi’s side as he puts an arm around your shoulders. Frenetic energy dissipating, you savor the solid breadth of his chest, that delicious citrus bite of his scent. He holds you there, and after a moment his cheek presses against the side of your head. He inhales, your face burning when you realize he’s smelling you. 
“That’s it, you’re a wizard or something. No one can grant as many wishes as you,” you tease, twisting to look into Javi’s face. The crows feet and wrinkles smooth as he looks at you, eyes darting from your own to your lips and back again. “Thank you,” you finally say, letting him slide his arm down to pull you into his chest.
“It is I who should be thanking you, conejita. I’ve been living a full life, a better life in recent times, but it feels that much brighter when you’re close to me.” His touch is hesitant when his fingers graze your jaw, his hold loosening on your back. It’s all broadcasting only what you want. He would chase you if you let him, though if you stepped away now he’d let you. But in those touches are the longing to be more than acquaintances. And in this room you thought you’d never belong in, you feel safe, and seen.
Over the chatter and laughter swirling past, you talk. About Javi’s life, and your own. Your work and what you love to do. His love of movies, your love of old houses and national parks. Your mutual dislike of overused CGI elements and predictable jumpscares. He strokes your back, your arm, as you speak, sometimes needing to break away to say hello or answer a question, but unfailingly coming back to you. 
As the final minutes near, you voice the question burning in the back of your mind.
“Javi, you’re so…” you gesture at this posh, gorgeous man standing beside you. “You’re so far out of my league I can’t even see you. And I know I’m a catch,” you interject, gesturing at yourself now with amusement. “I’m a snack, I’m a whole meal, I don’t deny it. But I’m more like…Applebees than Wolfgang Puck.” You wave your hands, banishing the jumble away. “I guess I just don’t understand why…me. Here. Tonight.”
Javi’s brow furrows, his mouth tightening into a pout as he casts his gaze down. Waiting is torture, needing to know if this is just a little thank-you or something more. 
“One minute!” someone shouts, the excitement in the room ratcheting up another series of degrees as everyone gathers in the center of the restaurant. Javi leads you to the middle, the throng of people parting enough to give you some space inside it. Once your feet stop, he sweeps you into another embrace, this one firmer. His eyes roam your face, searching for something before he speaks. 
“As much as I love the old movies, I do not believe in love at first sight. I believe in attraction, and common interests, and support. I believe in two people finding each other in the most unusual way and taking it as a sign. And when the universe gives you another chance and it only makes you want that person more, well…” Javi trails off, one hand coming up to curl around your head, his thumb stroking the hinge of your parted jaw. Your eyes must be hopeful because he barrels on.
“Well, I am not one to overlook lightning striking twice. And you are…you are not an…apple bee?” he asks, confusion twisting the words. You shake your head and pat his chest.
“It’s a, like, chain restaurant. Sorry, doesn’t make a lot of sense if you haven’t heard of it,” you murmur, stroking a finger along his lapel. 
“But that’s just it, because I don’t agree with that. You are so much more than I wished. I feel like…not like a puzzle, but like…two rivers meeting. Both strong on their own, but together, mingled, are in harmony.”
“Okay everyone, get ready, on ten!”
“Javi, what are you…”
“I want more of this, conejita. I want more of you. If you’ll have me too.”
“I…do, but I just…it…it feels so…complicated.”
“We do not need all of the answers now. Just one.”
“Which one is that?”
“Will you let me kiss you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Javi.”
The restaurant erupts in cheers of “Happy New Year!” as people hug and kiss and celebrate. One of the waiters pulls the crepe paper cord and balloons tumble from the ceiling, packets of foil confetti dumping and exploding over the crowd. If you were paying attention you’d laugh, reach your hands up to the ceiling and try to catch handfuls of the glittering shower, but you’re preoccupied with Javi’s gentle smile before he pulls your lips to his.
If this kiss was a precursor to how your next year would go, magical might be a good descriptor. Or explosive. Swoon-worthy maybe. But perfect might be the best. Javi’s first chaste press is followed by deeper kisses, his full lips covering your own with quiet little pants. When he pulls back enough to see your kiss-drunk face his whole demeanor lights up, lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you through the crowd.
Once tucked away on a bench in the back of the restaurant, he proceeds to kiss you with more fervor, tongue slipping against yours tentatively. He only interrupts the worshipful makeout with touches to your face like he still can’t believe you’re here. Covering his hands with your own, you tilt your head to one side.
“I feel like this is going to be a very good year.”
Javi’s sweet smile turns just a fraction devilish, and your heart flutters with it.
“Better than I could have wished for."
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Part 3: A Gift of Light and Joy
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larcenywrites · 1 year
hcs for what college life is like with boyfriend young!tony? even better if they're in different fields, like he's working in his mechanical/electrical engineering degree, while his girl is in a field more like international relations or business or history or something of that sort, so they get to geek out about their degrees and teach each other different stuff
AAAAH THIS!! I would give anything to share my college experience with young Tony 😫
Warnings: mild sexual references
College Life With Him
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💠If you do it right, college can be a fun and unforgettable experience, full of new friends and new opportunities! But if you do it with Tony, college is also batshit crazy, slightly dangerous, and you'll probably forget half the things you learned after every other night 😵
💠Even if you go into it as responsible and chill, you're absolutely getting dragged into his mess one way or another! Try all you want to get him on a better schedule and keep him on track, he'll end up derailing you as well!
💠But you can't deny how much fun it is!
💠You may have a class or two together because he practically begs you to! Maybe you don't want a class that late or on that day, but- please? It'll be fun! He'll even drive you if that's the problem! He really does make those core classes more bearable, and it's kind of an easy A or B since he can help you with (almost) anything! He might even do the work for you... for a price, of course ;)
💠Speaking of which... while Tony gets a set amount of money from his parents each week 💅 he's a big spender. Of course this mf has a side hustle doing "tutoring." It's only called that so he doesn't get in trouble, but everyone knows he really just does all the work for a hefty sum. Most of it probably goes towards you though 😇 And obviously you get his tutoring services for free 😘 Except maybe for a "favor" or two... or maybe he'll even tutor you in some other things, free of extra charge 😉
💠But going back to classes, you may end up asking yourself why you chose to take a class with him again halfway through the semester. You love him to death, but if he's not trying to talk to you right in the middle of a lecture you already can't hear because he always wants to sit in the back (even in those auditorium classrooms and long lecture halls), he's doodling in the corner (or center 🤧) or the paper you're writing on or kicking your feet under the table! Somehow he's just so convincing. Or maybe it's the fact he'll help you out and you don't have to pair up with some random student for projects? Or maybe it's because you reallyyyy love him and want to have a schedule that perfectly fits around him so you can see each other more often :)
💠Study dates? All the time! An easy way to turn a long homework/study session into something a little more fun and cute! Sometimes they're at a cute café on the corner, but usually they're in his bed 🤫
💠Speaking of that cute café on the corner, you're there nearly every day! The workers probably know you by name, and know the things you order! It's a nice place that's usually quiet right after afternoon classes while you wait for later classes, or maybe you're just getting a late lunch. Either way, it's a nice hangout spot when the crowdedness of the drill field or campus-run cafes become a bit much, especially if you're trying to do a bit of homework or, you know, actually want to hear one another's conversation 🤧
💠You two are hardly ever separated. If you aren't at his house nearly every night, he's climbing through the window into your bedroom every other night! If you live in a dorm, he may be over some, but mostly he prefers to take you home with him 😏 He prefers the privacy and hanging out with you alone tbh, and while he may enjoy any ogling from your roommates, you might not 🤧
💠He'll even walk you to class even if his starts at the same time in a whole different building, or even sneak in when his class gets canceled! Some of those classes are big enough for no one to notice, but watch out-- he's usually feeling a little more mischievous in these situations, and may even ask the professor stupid questions that make you want to shrink into your seat...
💠Skipping class? He'll do it pretty often, but then he'll be all pouty when you skip class without him :( But considering how often you're together (and wake up together), you'll probably just be able to look at each other and decide to skip together!
💠Are there any concerts nearby? Tony is skipping a whole day to wait in that line for the pit, or even skipping if he has seat tickets. He may even literally pull you out of your class when he decides to go at the last second! Hope you don't have 8am classes the next morning!
💠Tony only has like one friend, but he knows just about everybody! More importantly, who throws the good parties and when. If you aren't a partier, he'll leave the subject alone after the first few times, and you not going will actually stop him from going! He may go to the one's before the semester starts and maybe when it ends, but he's no longer a frequent flyer. It's just not the same now that he has you and could be doing something with you instead! Like maybe raiding his father's alcohol and doing body shots with you 😏 Or maybe you're not into that at all... in which he may still do the shots part, and leave you with taking care of a drunken Tony
💠If you are a partier, or maybe just want to go once or twice to say you went to a "real college party", he'll be pretty stoked! Well, then he does start to worry a little, especially if you've never done anything like this. He knows the ones who are wild but decent, and those who are wild and shitty people, at least, so he'll be a lot more careful in choosing which ones he takes you to and be mindful of who's around😬 He won't drink nearly as much as he usually does even if you are, and you can guarantee he hovers all night instead of doing some dumb shit like jumping in the pool. Honestly, he'll probably decide it's more fun (and safer) to just have a party between yourselves back at home, and maybe that's a good thing! He's been lucky to make it home unscathed half-drunk at 3am, and unlucky enough to have sat in the sheriff's office with the others that weren't able enough to scatter away in time 😔 Plus, he's gotten into a fight or two at said parties, and you're probably tired of patching up bruised knuckles and split lips :/
💠Tony's very good at what he does and what he's learning! Honestly, you'd argue that he's well ahead of the classes he has to take and is just getting a degree because you sort of have to? He does seem to love what he does, or at the very least he just likes being good at something? You're not sure if it's what he wants to do, but he doesn't seem very pressed about it either way. However, he's very sympathetic if you aren't sure what you want to do. 2am talks about the future and where to go in life and they never seem to really solve anything? All the time, and he'll even join in! Threaten to drop out and he'll pout about you leaving him alone, and who's he going to embarrass now at graduation? Maybe he'll just drop out too! You probably make up silly back-up plans or quite literally throw darts blindly at a board to choose your major.
💠If you do know what you want to do, that's great! Tony won't really care what you do, but there are some things that will bore the hell out of him. Hey, maybe his long rants about god-knows-what bores you too! He may not really follow if you're trying to talk art and literature with him. He enjoys seeing you all excited over something, and he likes looking at art (especially if you can draw him- he'll be so puppy and excited), don't get him wrong! But, why are you so excited about a book that you can hardly keep up with? He can hardly keep up with you trying to explain the book! He'll probably do best with a history or business major, mostly. Hell yeah he wants to hear about some obscure war or hilarious monarch mishap! There's not much to really rant about with, say, accounting, but he knows math and numbers, and might enjoy helping you work or watching you! With business, he's probably more interested in law or cybersecurity. He might fuck with his dad every time he learns some new specific law and its workaround and loopholes when you're studying, or you both may get up to no good and see who can bypass the school's security systems and firewalls first 🤭
💠If you're in the same field as him, you may be a bit intimidated! He's pretty far ahead, and so effortlessly finishes work way before you do. However, you'll be able to take even more classes together, and doing projects together for class will usually be fun! Except he knows other ways to do it that you haven't learned about, and might try to take over a lot... so it might be best if you don't take too many 😅 Unless you just want that easy A. Also, he might, might, let you help out with his bigger personal projects, especially after seeing how you do with class assignments, and you might even be able to offer a new perspective! Hey, at least you can keep up with most of his tangents and know what he's doing!
💠He also wasn't kidding after all when he said he'd be the loudest one at your graduation, whether it's with him or not 😳 He's also going to celebrate more than you, even if you're the only one of you walking that day! You may end up taking care of a drunk Tony again at 2 in the afternoon 😅
💠But since he graduates Summa Cum Laude, whether you like it or not, you'll end up in his silly little speech at graduation ❤ Don't worry, it's mostly sweet 🙄😘
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All About Study Dates
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 7 months
Okay y'all. This is the story of how I owe $17,000 to the guy who propositioned me during family night at a local brewery and now I'm committed to bringing sensible wine options to his house for Thanksgiving.
Our tale begins like most do - panic crying in the living room while my house floods. Because of a freak polar vortex like day in February, my old drafty house and the rust bucket of a boiler in the cellar created a horrific one-two punch that ended in me nearly freezing to death in my own home and almost all of my heating pipes cracking and leaking, flooding my first floor and basement. It was terrifying, beyond stressful, and most importantly to this story, expensive.
After 2 and a half months of living in a hotel, battling insurance companies, daily anxiety attacks, and having 4 grand of insurance money stolen by my bipolar, narcissistic mother, I hit my absolute fucking limit. Friends of mine who are much better off financially than I have ever been in my life offered to help me out of the dark, lonely, and cold hole I'd wound up in. Three text messages and a lot of tears later, I was in possession of a check for $17,000 and had an official start date for construction. Praise Dolly.
A hop, skip, and a jump through time and we're now in July. I'm paying my friends back in monthly installments and trying not to crumble from the knowledge that it will take me 4 or 5 years of consistent payments to get out from under this loan. But at least I have heat. It's the little things I guess.
My friend, let's call him Mitch, and his wife, who unfortunately shares my name but for this we'll call her Lucette, are kindly checking in on me and inviting me to coffee/dinner/drinks to hang out. Things seem like they're back on track to being normal.
Lucette gets a new job that requires a ton of travel, so I don't see her as much as I do Mitch, but that doesn't bother me, as Lucette and I were never particularly close and spending more than an hour of time with her makes me feel like a dirt poor 19 year old who showed up to a nice dinner party in paint stained jeans and a ripped band tee. We are not energetic or socioeconomic equals.
One weekend, Mitch and I get drinks just to catch up, and he tells me that him and Lucette have made the decision to try out ENM (ethical non-monogamy). They've been married for 7 years, have had a bit of a dry spell due to pandemic close proximity, and there's just the general vibe that they want to try new things. I get it! And I'm encouraging. Life is too short for bad sex, I tell him, and he's thankful I'm not judging them. We have a good laugh about it all - particularly the bit about them seeing my profile on Feeld, as they have one too - and after another beer, I go home.
This is probably the part of the movie where the music changes, warning the viewer that some event is looming and possibly dangerous for our protagonist. If only life had such a soundtrack I could hear.
Throughout the summer and into September Mitch and I see more of each other and I take notice of the uptick in chill weekend day drinking and texts. Nothing about it feels off or motivated by anything other than being bored and wanting to hang out with a friend. And because I know about his ENM journey, I think there's the appeal there of getting to speak freely to someone who won't wrinkle their nose and make jokes about bringing pineapples to neighborhood BBQs. In a stunning change of mental pace, I don't overanalyze it. Perhaps this was a mistake.
One morning I wake up a text from Mitch cancelling plans. I'm secretly thrilled - I didn't want to shower that day anyway. But I can also tell something has gone horribly wrong on his end, but he doesn't say what, so I just "yeah, sure, let me know when you're free next" my way out of the conversation.
When we do talk next, he tells me why he cancelled. Lucette cheated on Mitch during a work trip. They'd established rules within their ENM arrangement that she broke. And she broke them loudly, multiple times, and with her iPad still logged in and left on the kitchen counter in full view of Mitch. Horrible words are said, declarations of 'the best sex of her life' are sent to several group chats, pictures are seen. It's bad.
Mitch is unwell. I comfort him as best as I can and he tells me that he and Lucette aren't pulling the divorce lever yet, but he's still heartbroken and scared he's going to lose his marriage. I feel awful for him. I offer to buy him another beer. He shows me the texts he saw. It's officially A Lot.
From that day on, I become his "my wife cheated on me with the guy she told me not to worry about" therapist friend who he can unload on and get sympathetic words in return. I've been imprinted on by the depressed baby bird hatched by infidelity and low self-esteem. It's not the first time, and I'm certain it won't be the last.
Tell me, how's that soundtrack only you, the audience, can hear? I bet it's tense and full of cello.
A few weeks later, I get a head cold. It's not the end of the world but it's annoying. I'm fevered, stuffy, exhausted, and I have not a drop of soup or broth in my home. Mitch sees my Instagram story about being sick and offers to bring me soup. "Aww, that's so nice of you, thank you." "Of course! I'll go get it and be right over." "Awesome! Just text me when you drop it off." Thirty minutes later my doorbell rings. My dogs bark their heads off. I'm a little annoyed. The bell rings again. I see Mitch's car in my driveway. I mutter to myself about why he didn't just leave it on the steps as I go to the door. I look disgusting and I'm flushed with a solid 100.2 fever, but I guess I'm having face time with Mitch now. I open the door and he hands over the soup almost immediately, but with an odd look on his face. I thank him and ask what I owe, but he refuses for me to pay him back. I thank him again. He doesn't make a move to leave. I tell him I'd invite him in but.... *gestures widely to the PJs I've worn for 3 days in a row and the broken capillaries in my nose and the dogs still barking behind the second entryway door* He smiles awkwardly and says it's okay. He still doesn't leave. "So... how are you, Mitch?" His shoulders slump. "I'm not doing great."
Ah. There it is. Mystery solved. My time has been bought with soup and he's lingering to collect on it. So I lean on my door, sniff back a disgusting level of mucus, and brace myself for whatever is about to be said. Turns out, Lucette couldn't stop texting the Best Sex Ever guy and possibly is fixated on him due to some weird aging hot girl nonsense. Mitch tells me he and Lucette are separating. She's sleeping in her home office. The mess got messier. I tell him I'm so incredibly sorry, this is awful, etc etc etc. He stays for 20 minutes to tell me all of this and get as much of a pep talk as I can muster while trying not to sneeze directly in his eyes.
In the interim, I've gotten several strangely loaded texts from Lucette, telling me she's glad Mitch has me and that she knows he values my friendship and advice on things. Alexa, play "She Knows." But I keep things as vague as possible, because I don't want to shove myself even more in the middle. I didn't choose to be imprinted on, but I can choose not to encourage a more permanent bond. Call me a wildlife rehabilitation center.
Being sick takes me out of commission for a while, and I have to reschedule multiple things, including getting beer with Mitch. That doesn't deter him from messaging me of course, but I don't see him for a couple weeks. When I'm feeling better, I tell him we should check out a brewery we've never been to before and we set a day.
This is probably the part when the audience yells as the protagonist not to go. Don't get in the car. Stay home.
Ah, to not be a participant in the narrative.
I get to the brewery and immediately I notice 2 things: 1, it's family Sunday Funday, and 2, the vibes around Mitch are........uncomfy. I turn into a socially anxious motormouth. I can't stop talking about literally everything that doesn't matter, including the child at the table next to us playing a solo game of Uno and the 80's music playlist. I order my beer and finally force myself to chill tf out. Maybe I've picked up on a vibe that has nothing to do with me. Maybe he's just feeling weird. Maybe I'm just insane. All of these options are valid.
Halfway thru our drinks, Mitch brings up the odd texts from Lucette. "I think I know why she was being weird with you." "Oh? Why?" I sip my beer and wait. He says, "So, back when Lucette and I decided to open up our marriage, we had a discussion about who we'd see ourselves dating..."
Hey audience, how's that music crescendo?
I blink. Mitch gestures with his beer. "And obviously, your name was at the top of my list."
And because I'm the definition of smooth, I practically shout, "REALLY???" so loudly 5 people turn around and look at me. Mitch doesn't even look away from me. Instead, he stares deeper into my eyes and asks, "Do you ever see that becoming a possibility?"
Me. Dating Mitch. After months of supporting him through a painful, messy separation that hasn't even really become official. After knowing way too much about his sex life. After all the sad boy memes and depressed 1am texts he's sent. After being forced to read his angry, sexually charged break up poetry in front of him 2 beers in at the bar.
I verbally flounder for a painfully long 12 seconds while watching that little girl beat herself with another Uno Reverse card, and finally land on a gentle but firm rejection of the idea. I don't have a chance to mentally process all the messed up parts to this messed up puzzle in the moment but when I get home it starts to click.
They had that conversation in the spring. Around the time that I had to borrow the money in the first place. And while I don't have proof, I can almost guarantee that Lucette vetoed Mitch's suggestion of bringing me into their situation, and now that they're breaking up, he feels like he can take a swing at it (pun? unintended?)
Which means that every single interaction, every single conversation and hang out, every single dollar bill I borrowed is colored with the knowledge I now possess which is that Mitch, for however long, has wanted to fuck me. He's wanted to fuck me so. Goddamn. Bad.
Audience, I bet you're the star at your optometrist's office with all that 20/20 vision. I'm honestly jealous.
No wonder Lucette was sending probing texts with the energy of "I know you know, and now you know I know." No wonder Mitch attached himself to me like a duckling trying to cross a busy road. No wonder both of them were so earnestly checking on me when I first moved back into my house. NO WONDER MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND HAD BEEN SCREAMING "YOU'RE IN DANGER GIRL" FOR WEEKS.
And before ALL of this, Mitch had organized Thanksgiving at his house since Lucette would be out of town, and one of his friends created a list of what people can bring. I signed up for wine, since it means I don't have to cook. And when this entire thing came to a head, I started to write an "I'm bailing" text to Mitch. But before I could pull that trigger, our mutual friend messaged me to say how happy she is that I'll be there and that she's missed me.
So now, after finding out that Mitch has wanted to get his dick in me for months (if not longer) without even considering the power imbalance of me owing him SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, I have to pick out a sensible red and white wine and show up at his house at 2pm on Thursday.
Audience. Reader. Friends. I am.... stressed. And in serious debt.
And apparently hot enough to possibly instigate an argument between spouses.
Cue the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving song. This year I'm grateful for autonomy and friends willing to come up with a code word in case I need to escape quickly.
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river-summer · 9 months
Top is still trash.
This episode was like an attempt of a redemption arc for top but he cheated. I think you can’t hold someone’s hair when they vomit or do that whole cleaning up a drunk person scene and some how we are meant to believe that if this person does these things they are not going to cheat again in the future. Most cheaters can do the most loving things/ care for you and still cheat.
Which is why writers shud be careful with the cheating storyline.
I don’t think top should have even hugged Mew in that bed whilst he was unconscious. It’s creepy.
Also, the whole police coming over cos of the noise complaint, are we sure Top didn’t call the police?? They had a party last time and no police where called… Also Cheum or whatever her name is running to top for help like he is now the saviour of everyone and somehow top has this envelope full of cash when I would imagine most rich people don’t even carry cash with them….hmm
All of these little redemption arcs don’t cancel out cheating. I think the trust is gone and they will probably end up together but they will always be that part in the back of Mew’s mind that Top might be cheating again.
Mew Mew Mew, I just remember the beginning of the series and he was like I’m going to make Top wait and again a cheater can wait, can do all these romantic stuff until he gets what he wants. In the meantime Mew fell hard and he has gotten his heart broken for the first time. And he wants to forget/ is basically self sabotaging himself.
With heartbreak you still think and have fond memories of the person who broke ur heart. But ur still pissed/ angry at that person and want to hurt them i.e using Ray and that whole kiss.
Drinking at uni, a lot of uni students drink its part of the culture. Partying and drinking even everyday it happens, smoking, people try smoking, it’s not the end of the world. Drugs are a big Nono.
Mew is deffo going through it but I hope he finds himself and I would love it if he ends up with some one else but I predict Top will be like a parasite that will block anyone from talking to Mew and so their relationship is gonna get boring again.
Ray is a mess, his friends knew this before and what did they do? Ray is kinda the bad guy this episode and I’ve just realised the joker outfit is very fitting. Good on Sand for standing up for himself and not being a second choice.
I would love to see a conversation between Ray and Boston. They were friends and I would love to see them making up. Boston apart from his messiness and being a hoe seems chill (even tho he caused all this lol)
I love Boston, I don’t know who my fave character is, is it Ray or Boston.
Boston is a messy queen and but he is a confident messy queen. Like the thing with him and Nick is Nick still wants Boston, is ready to forgive anything he does.
Boston on the other hand has a boundary which is someone recording him during you know what without his consent and if you break that you are done to him. This is something Nick did. I remember people going awe poor Nick but he wiretapped his car and secretly recorded him. That’s creepy and an invasion of Boston’s privacy.
It will be interesting to see what will happen with this new guy, the little brother of the girl. I don’t trust him only because every single role I have seen this actor play has been horrid. Maybe he will be so horrible to Boston and ruin Boston’s father career that Boston will return to Nick who also has a new love interest daddy Dan Lmaoo I cannot.
Let’s see what happens next episode.
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
since the epilogue is close to ending, here's some sketches of wip designs
this is very rambly so i'll add ID descriptions later, sorry. (its 4am for me rn)
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Frisk looks too older, they've only aged 2 years. both chara and asriel's designs here are SO beta and non refined. I think this was drawn even before Flowey came out -I wasn't sure how much of the trans aspect was going to come into play. I initially wanted the comic to end with Chara and Asriel reconciling after the Toriel-Asriel Airplane Call scene, but realized that there was too much unsaid between the two that needed to be hashed out and the epilogue had enough to cover already.
It was going to be a last minute "oh btw, since coming home Asriel is trans now, deal with it" but THANK GOD i didn't just sneak it in like that and explored the topic in the comic instead.
I forgot where this artwork was saved so I tried to draw it back from memory a few months later:
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Chara's form was starting to come together -i assume this was around the time that Chara got their boss monster form in the comic itself. I like that Frisk has a Bi flag shirt here -I should of gone with that! The cheeks are more square but ultimately I thought age 15 wouldn't allow for that much of a change. so yeah, this is what an adult frisk would look instead.
oh! for funsis: did you know i was originally going to have the other fallen humans be skeletons instead of different monsters?
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I thought it was too similar to insanelyadd's skeleton fallen kids. I actually am friends with Addy now, but then I had to message and be like "🥺is it ok if i also do this i swear i'm not copying" to which they were chill about. ultmatly i felt the designs were to Sans-like and didn't allow for much creativity. (also why tf does Hol have green instead of cyan colors what was wrong with my computer or me in 2018 lmao
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I always wanted to show the kids age and progress throughout the comic. oh my god the hair is SO anime here ouch! anyway I wanted Chara to really lean into the "prim and proper" role they give themself. I thought it was so cool to have them cut their hair short in the back and have long hair in the front. (wait. wait, thats what Chara does now in the epilogue. huh.)
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honestly??? i like "pissed off librarian" vibes this frisk has here. Also weird to see my Frisk without an afro!
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sadly no beta adult asriel designs. no idea why i never drew any then.
Here's me figuring out how Chara should have a monster form -here's proto boss monster chara, as you can see i planned out the red hair aspect early on enough that this was before the timeskip happened.
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um. anyway, pre-epilogue concept sketches. I think Raine had bird wings at this stage?? dang wild. Don't ask why Franky looks like a new yorker paper boy. Hol looks too much like a raggedy ann which is funny. Ursus... well, they probably won't look much different.
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Hol eye concept art. done before they were revealed in the comic itself. ..........less said about this the better
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And lastly, chara's boss monster design drawn right before they showed up. First one drawn <- left to right <- You can see I wanted Chara to have a hippy/punk design, but realized like, that jacket was going to be a binch to draw over and over. so i simplified it, and then was like, "ok this is TOO plain, i need SOME detail" and got very close to the final version.
alright since I know some people like color ref sheets, here
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Continue Arc full cast. Was SUPER annoying to scroll thru to find the right character lmao
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hol's prequel story color ref -actually changed the Berry's hair color last minute and never got around to updating the color sheet. was very annoying to hand-color pick from a previous page instead of using the ref :/ smh @/ me
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Baker's Trouble.
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OLDIE. From the Start Again? and Christmas sections of the tumblr version. God. Hol is so small. Asriel looks like a mess. Good lord.
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Cancelled Christmas Arc. Chara was supposed to meet up with Asriel on a boat offshore of Monsterland for Christmas, but turns out Asriel was using Chara as publicity. Except... not fully. He did want to meet up with Chara, but they get the wrong impression that Asriel was only doing this for image's sake. It'd explore how the public views Chara as an idolized figure and how Frisk plays into that too.
Anyway the story was too ambitious and I should of started this on December 1st instead of days before Christmas. Plus, I wasn't happy with how I started it and the vibes were off. I might have this as a side story in the redraw but idk
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Back to the Epilogue. I changed Asriel's dress just a little bit to improve the body shape silhouette (the dress is so plane its like she's wearing a towel! gah! I should have added SOME flair to that dress dang it!) anyway the dress is more... swooshy? swirly? and the teal ties up to the neck which works nicely with the heart locket and bow combo. Actually. Shit. Why didn't I just put the locket OVER the bow i'm so stupid that'd be so much easier-
If I could redo it, I'd make some changes...
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now here's the cousin and sib groups here. Flowey is actually a little TOO big and not up to scale which is funny hehe (also more blocky looking??? weird) In the Redraw version I'm modifying Raine's dress to have a sash and other details, this thing is TOO plain. Franky's Mad Scientist like outfit could of just been an actual labcoat and ideally, the fact that Franky wasn't at the party could of foreshadowed that they knew it was going to be reloaded.
(...Which, actually, Chara's surprise was a surprise for me as well. That was a impulsive idea that came to me when we were getting very close to meeting with Chara again. Thus I couldn't foreshadow it. Redraw WILL have better foreshadowing U_U;)
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ACTUALLY SCREW IT for the remainder of the epilogue, i made some changes I wanted to add detail and change some designs a tad -mainly to make the designs more distinct from each other and for story continuity. (AKA: Asriel and Papyrus are supposed to be the only "red scarf" wearers. Asriel's bowtie is knitted like a scarf. previously, hol and yun had red bows which made this match up less distinct. mew Mew's design was a little too similar to Sans' and Alphys and needed some changes.)
anyway i think thats all i can share now! thanks for reading and hope you guys keep following the redraw. I really really want a completed version of this story that's not missing holes. i want AFR to be complete and well, even with the epilogue ending, it won't be "done" for a long while. But thank you guys, it's been a journey!
If you hadn't guessed, I might be finishing the epilogue today (tomorrow for me, cause i'm going to bed in a few minutes). Depends on how much I manage to draw today, but yeah. Chara is going to the party, we'll get to say hi, close some loose ends and come to end. worst case scenario, i'll have to do a little comic to tie it off (like I did with the main storyline's ending) at a later date and this will be the end of the ask-able portion of the epilogue.
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eatabubble · 2 years
Robin x reader
Summary: Robin isn't having the best Sunday but as he's looking for a new bandana he encounters someone.
Reader speaks Spanish and so does her family, Robin also speaks Spanish so Spanish is spoken to his mom and uncle but their all bilingualI I just like adding Spanish sorry, and you know translation at the end
I can't promise this is the best fic I've written but it is the longest so
Word count: 1.7k
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It's barely past the beginning of noon and robin had just woken up not that long ago yet he's still in a bitter mood. First it was Sunday and on Sundays him and finney and sometimes Gwen would go see a drive in movie with his uncle but just around 9 minutes ago Gwen had called his house phone and had informed him, her and finney would have to cancel due to their dad and Robin couldn't do anything but to say he understands and maybe next time, secondly his mom told him to do the dishes which wasn't as bad but he really couldn't bare washing dishes when his friends had just canceled on him, he truly was dreading this Sunday he could only hope it wouldn't get worse from here.
Boy was he wrong because after finishing the dishes he went straight to his room and decided that he wanted to atleast walk around the neighborhood and get fresh air perhaps go up his favorite hill and watch the clouds while eating his favorite snacks so he got ready but as he went to reach for his favorite bandanna of all six that he had he noticed that it had a rip but since he hadn't grabbed it yet he hoped no not just hoped maybe even prayed to anyone anything that it was just a small little unnoticeable rip- nope no way of course it wasn't it was in fact a big rip he wouldn't even be able to wrap it around his head at all and as usual he wouldn't care but things were already not the best and as said it was his favorite, he already knew whose to blame.
"CHULA! Stop ripping my things you already have so many chew toys and things to rip why were my things on top of your list!" Of course Chula is his dog and although he adores her he can't help but hate her sometimes and she was on his bed so it was obvious it was her. "Ma, la perra agaro mis cosas otra ves" he walked into the living room where his mom was talking to his uncle "aye what did she grab this time robin" his mom asked "probably one of his bandannas would explain why he looks so upset" his uncle spoke out "yes, yes it was my bandanna MY favorite one" "okay, okay ten para una nueva" his uncle always knew to spoil robin always finding him as a son so here he was handing him around 15 bucks for a new bandanna he can buy around the corner in those little shops " thank you so much tio really, still on for tonight though?" Robin was a little happy now since he could buy a new bandana and realized he could still hang out with his pretty chill uncle even without his friends there so as he was heading out of the house he had a little bit of a hop to it "yes of course robin" his uncle said as he stepped foot outside, "you have to stop handing out money like that plus bandannas are like 4 bucks at most" Robin's mom had said "Eh its fine atleast he's happy".
As robin was making his way towards the little shop around the corner he was counting the money his uncle gave him realizing he could get atleast 2 bandanas with it and a small candy and save the rest, but he crashed into someone "bro watch where your going what the hell" he let out before thinking and looking at the person "woah I'm so sorry I wasn't looking but to be fair you weren't either so" someone let out "yeah whatever just don't let it happen again" he said as he looked at the person but it seems the person didn't really know who he was either till he looked up "Oh shit sorry robin uh I gotta go" and with that you sped walked away or it looked like you were trying to but you seemed to be struggling a bit how embarrassing he thought.
As he entered and as the little bell on top of the entrance door rang he remembered he had 15 bucks and 70 cents exactly and to him every cent counts and he also realized he dropped a dollar along with the 50 cents that fell and that dollar did matter more to him than the 50 cents so he exited and went down the same sidewalk backtracking hoping no one picked up his dollar and 50 cents yet or hoping it didn't blow away and as he took a turn coincidently he saw you in the distance as well what were the chances you both return to the same spot.
After an awkward encounter and and embarrassing walk away from robin you never wanted to show your face again ok well that's a little dramatic, you just didn't want to see robin face to face that close again, Iike be honest you wouldn't want to encounter your crush that way especially since you don't even talk to eachother so this basically counts as a first impression but boy was the world against you because as you were in the middle of the cross walk you realized you left your jacket, that had your house keys by the way and your water bottle inside the tiny shop your family runs how could anyone forgot those things they're legit top tier important so of course you had to take a detour in the middle of the road where cars were honking at you, were you really just standing there in shock.
You obviously saw Robin on your way back to the little shop right where you both bumped into eachother but wished you hadn't, I mean why was he even there, oh perhaps he dropped something since he was hunched over picking up what seemed green and maybe rocks, you couldn't really tell but you hoped that if you walked slower he would be long gone or a bit further away and you were half right because he did pick up whatever it is he dropped and walked away but- oh, oh no was he walking into the store you were gonna go in, no this isn't a big deal he probably doesn't even remember the encounter earlier and he doesn't care about who you are so stop making it a big deal you have a crush on him but no way he feels the same way!
As robin entered once again he greeted the people at the counter, and went straight to where the bandanas where hanged perfectly, in colored order which he admired for a bit, liking all the different designs and colors but he only wanted one specific type knowing he got his favorite bandana from this shop so it had to be here. As he was looking for it he heard the bell chime again but didn't bother turning around til he heard talking "ay mija I was wondering when you'd realize you left the most important things behind, que lista eres no?" A woman spoke most likely the woman behind the counter spoke considering the other people were guys and and 2 teen girls looking for cheap candies but when he heard you talk, even if you only really said 1 sentence to him he recognized your voice "ay ma ya, I was just thinking about other things" you were trying so hard to not turn and look at robin knowing he was here and because the shop was so small its kind of hard to not see him. He finally found the bandana he wanted and an additional one and of course a candy so he made his way towards the counter and if you knew he was walking towards you and your mom who were behind the counter you would have tried to rush out of there but you didn't so your mom started scanning the items and started a small conversation with him "you really like these bandanas huh kid" he left a little chuckle out "yeah but my dog ripped my favorite one around just an hour ago so I came to get a new one" your mom gave him a small smile "Oh I'm sorry mijo atleast you have two new ones though right and a mango lolipop" you stood there sorta awkwardly looking at them "Alright ma ya mi voy see you later" "okay feed the dog okay" "alright".
Robin came out around a minute or a few later getting caught up in the conversation with your mom but he remembered that Gwen and finney both couldn't go to the drive in and the original plan was to have four people there so why not invite someone else to go with him and his uncle surely his uncle wouldn't mind so he lightly jogged towards your direction seeing you in the straightaway walking but you were pretty far so if you took a turn you'd be hard to reach. Man were you a fast walker you didn't even bother to turn around and see if anyone was behind you so he had to do the only other thing he could do shout your name "Y/N! Wait up" he said continuing to jog toward you hold his bag of what he bought close to him so nothing would fall "huh" you said turning around "Oh, hey?" He finally caught up to you "uhm so basically sorry for following you but, see I had an original plan to go to this drive in with some friends and my uncle but they sort of canceled and it's tonight so you know I've been seeing you quite a lot today, well, if you consider two encounters in minus an hour than yeah, anyway wanna go with me and my uncle" he was still catching his breath so his sentence came out weird but you understood him perfectly well "so like your back up plan that was never really planned?" You were joking but it did sort of seem that way with how he mentioned his 'og plan' "no, yeah, maybe, no sorry not like that I shouldn't even have mentioned that my bad but do you want to go?"
His uncle: here for a new one
Robin: mom the dog got my stuff again
Readers mom: how smart you are no?Sarcasticaly
it can also translate to other things but this is my translation lol. I'm sorry I make the reader Hispanic yall I can't help it 😪 😔
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trinemendes · 1 year
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Shawn Mendes on Pausing his Tour and why he shaved his head
The singer-songwriter talks about putting his mental health first: 'The last year and a half has been the most eye-opening and growing and beautiful and just healing process of my life'
Celebrity haircuts aren't typically breaking news, but then again most celebrities aren't Shawn Mendes.
Since his days of uploading pop covers to YouTube and Vine in the 2010s, he has become a global sensation, with four No. 1 spots on the Bilboard 200 chart, three Grammy nominations and 71 million followers on Instagram. So when the musician debuted a closely cropped 'do in January, his fans wondered: What happened to his flowing curls? And why?
"I think everyone should know what they look like with a shaved head," Mr. Mendes, 24, said in an interview last week. "I also was just feeling this urge to just shake myself up a little bit."
The hair is just a small change in a year of major transformation for Mr. Mendes. Last July, halfway through his "Wonder" world tour, he canceled his remaining dates to focus on his mental health, a move that made international headlines. Since then, he's been seeing a therapist and spending more time with friends and family in Los Angeles.
Now, after some time away from music, he's getting back in the studio. "I'm at the point where I'm like, OK, I'm ready to start making some songs,' which is exciting," he said. Here, he talks about therapy, singing in the shower and Sally Rooney.
What time do you get up on Mondays, and what's the first thing you do after waking up?
I wake up around 7. I get out of bed, I drink a liter of water and I get in the car to go to a coffee shop. I meet some friends for coffee, and we chat for about an hour and a half.
How do you like your breakfast? And does someone prepare it for you, or do you make it yourself?
usually make it. It's pretty simple. I'll make three scrambled eggs and a couple pieces of toast and I'll make a little avocado egg toast situation.
In 2020, you were often spotted walking around your neighborhood with a coffee mug that looked empty to some observers. What was in it?
The coffee was in it, always.
How do you decide what to wear?
I was just looking at my closet. I wear a lot of the same things. I think my friends would probably say that they see me wearing the same sweater every day, which is true when I wear it to the coffee shop. But it's pretty chill. Ilike to have a tank top on with a cardigan and some jeans and that's pretty much my go-to.
Do you meditate?
Meditation has really changed my life. I also am really into doing saunas and ice baths and stuff like that.
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Speaking of, you put up a TikTok on Christmas of yourself doing a cold plunge in a river. How often do you do extreme things for self-care?
I mean, listen, I'm kind of crazy when it comes to the ice baths. I have one, so I do it a lot. I do it probably five, six times a week. I know it's a lot, but people who know me know that when I get on something that I like for the first little bit, I can be a little bit obsessive.
Last year you told fans you were canceling your tour dates to focus on mental health. What was that like for you?
The process was very difficult. A lot of doing therapy, a lot of trying to understand how I was feeling and what was making me feel that way. And then doing the work to help myself and heal. And also leaning on people in my life to help a little bit. It's been a lot of work, but I think the last year and a half has been the most eye-opening and growing and beautiful and just healing process of my life. I'm also really grateful for all the people that were so accepting and loving and kind and understanding. And it just really made me see how culture is really starting to get to a place where mental health is really becoming a priority.
You're newly working with jeweler David Yurman. When did you start wearing jewelry? How would you advise a man who's looking for a place to start with it?
I think Istarted wearing jewelry properly when I was 17. I started with a ring, a silver ring. I think you have to start with one piece, like a necklace or a ring or a bracelet and see how it makes you feel. Commit to it for a week. Don't feel the need to be wearing tons of rings or tons of necklaces or bracelets or whatever. Just put on what you feel good at your pace and you'll start to build your own aesthetic, which can be a really fun process.
Do you sing in the shower?
I do, for sure. I still have a lot of insecurities when it comes to singing, so I take that opportunity to let it go.
What are you watching and reading?
Ijust started watching this series called "Normal People." There's a book by Sally Rooney. Do you know about it? It's pretty incredible. What am I reading? I was reading "On the Road" for a minute. I got halfway through it.
What's one piece of advice you've gotten that's guided you?
Understanding how setting boundaries does not make you an unkind person has really changed my life. And also understanding that it's not easy to do. It's a difficult thing to do. It feels uncomfortable. It makes other people feel a little uncomfortable for a moment, but ultimately it's a very powerful and helpful thing to do for every relationship. So yeah, boundary-setting is not mean, it's actually very important. It's very kind, actually. (x)
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I want grom fics set post canon to also address why theyre still even having a grom. Well have to see what the collector is doing but i kind of assumed after All That + the day of unity the grom monster would get a lot more powerful bc all the kids have much more intense fears. I know bump is all for student endangerment but if the grom monster is going to turn into the collector and start minecraft creative mode-ing the school at that point it would probably be more convenient for the teachers to get rid of it every year until a new generation of students with less horrifying fears are rotated in.
Like this is just me and my suspension of disbelief but ye i think it would be interesting to talk about it. Like maybe bc theyre kids and werent as affected by the day of unity bump thinks the fear would be easier to handle. Or the teachers ARE handling the monster theyre just still going to have a party. Even just a one liner like "oh bump actually doesnt give a shit about student safety like. At all." That would be funny.
Also if someone from the hexsquad is chosen as grom royalty i also need to know why. Theyre in the unique position of having avoided most of the collectors shenanigans but theres also All That with belos. Idk depending on what the collector does in future episodes belos might even be relatively chill. But if the collector turns out to actually be kind of chill then like. Bumpy poo. Why would you pick one of the kids with the worst ptsd to fight the fear monster. Again all that can be explained away by "bump loves endangering students for entertainment lmao." Or you can say the hexsquad just didnt tell anyone the worst stuff with belos.
Anyway in the fic im planning to write with a grom subplot im gonna make bump cancel it bc hes worried about how the grom monster would be now that the kids are 800% more traumatized. But then hexsquad storms his office and luz is like "but principal bump🥺🥺🥺 grom is where i got together with my girlfriend 🥺🥺🥺 we had so many memories at the last grom 🥺🥺🥺 hunters never been to grom before 🥺🥺🥺 are you really going to rob him of his grom experience 🥺🥺🥺 of his chance to be a normal boi🥺🥺🥺" and her friends start yes and-ing her until bump agrees to let them have grom. Oh and hunter isnt allowed to be 10 ft near the grom fight
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taichikun14 · 2 years
After the sudden ending of the P.S. genki radio show, I was just holding my breath til some big news came out. It was either going to be a sudden illness or a scandal, and frankly I'm relieved it turned out to be the latter.
Cheating is terrible, yes, but...it is happening everywhere. Don't be naive. Not just in "celebrity world" but yes, in our very own "real world." I can't count how many friends, relatives, coworkers, and their extended circles have been cheated on/the cheater. Did all of them get shamed publicly and lose their jobs over it? No, cuz it's part of their PERSONAL lives. They just kept going to work as usual while dealing with this very *personal* matter on their own *personal* time. This is not a case of murder, violence, r***, etc....it's fuckin cheating, guys. The parties involved will figure out how to proceed with their lives. It is their business. It will be okay.
Not saying I'm not annoyed that it was done rather...boldly, on the radio show or on their trips for the DVDs. I wasn't even a regular listener but the times I did tune in or watch their travels, I was kinda like...HMM this is unusual for a female staff to be so...forward...like, so present...? I remember on Hinocchi and Tachi's kunitori show, their female staff person was there, but she kindaaa kept as low profile as possible and just did her job or answered if they reached out to her. Anyways, it is annoying if the show was/became sort of a vehicle for this affair, but it still has nothing to do with how I feel about his work.
Oh and I'm not buying this, "she didn't know he was married" talk. PLEASE lol. If I dated someone for 10 years, I think it'd get suspicious if we could never go over to his place, or spend major holidays together, or meet his family with me as his significant other. Gimme a break y'all.
I feel a little rambly now but I guess what made me wanna write this was all the comments on Twitter and here on tumblr. A lot feel similarly as I do, but I also saw a lot of comments calling for his roles to be changed, or things on the lines of, "how can I listen to his voice again when it makes me think of what happened," etc....but it's like...CHILL. He's NOT *your* husband!! The one who should be feeling butt hurt enough to not be able to stand his voice is his wife or the mistress. If you don't wanna support people you don't like, then sure go ahead. But I know if I had to go through and check every actor, artist, etc to see if any of them have ever cheated (and let's not even get into more serious offenses like violence, drugs, etc!), then I'd probably have nothing left to watch or listen to.
Anyways. Let me try to bottom line this. I'm just annoyed hearing about people wanting to outcast and recast Sakurai. He is a talented seiyuu. He went through a scandal before in the 2000s, but that was actually related to his actual work, for which he left the spotlight, "repented", etc. Quietly. FOR YEARS. And now this happens in 2022 and here's all this social media to blow it up. I'm pretty annoyed at all the "cancelling" going on in general with other celebrities/personalities, but in this case, such love life issues have nothing to do with these seiyuu's work. Probably just on him as a husband, but that's something that has nothing to do with me or his fans. And it's happened with Noburin , Tattsun... and more I'm sure but these were the only blowups that I was paying attention to as they happened and...yeah it annoyed me. Anyways, it's crazy. Rant over.
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quinloki · 9 months
id love to tell you all about my oc, but that would turn into a 3hr long video essay (complicated lore my beloved </3), so how about my entire life story ive planned out with iceburg on water 7. we’ve known each other since the start of tom’s workers - came across a gaggle of oddballs one day at scrapheap island and stuck around. we did NOT get along initially due to our youthful tempers - but overtime got closer as we were like the only people our age we were close to that wasnt franky (ultimate annoying little brother energy).
feelings did eventually form when we were older but things weren’t exactly easy to handle due to the strange circumstances and the building of the puffing tom to save tom’s life. but after tom and franky’s “deaths���, that’s where our bond solidified as the remains of tom’s workers dispersed - we stayed together and were each other’s emotional support throughout the next several years as iceburg eventually became mayor.
nowadays, we’re just a couple growing older together who also happen to co-run an entire ship building company. we’re each other’s balance for fun time and responsibility and best friends. i cant sit still in an office for my life, so i’m usually found running about water 7 - it’s not uncommon for me to be racing down the canals of the city on a yagara bull, causing a bit of fun chaos here and there.
but we’re also a silly little duo and aren’t immune to shenaniganry - iceburg definitely has the habit of just spontaneously canceling a day’s meetings when he doesnt want to do them and we just go out for a casual date - probably to chill in the city away from the office and maybe go to our favorite cafe/bakery. bonuses in the forms of our son tyranosaurus and now unofficial daughter in the form of his new secretary jdjksj
wahh that’s so much - i just love iceburg sm, he’s my ultimate comfort character who i never to get talk about cause he’s such a minor character in the long run asdsmdkslk T^T
T-T Awww, that's so sweet!
I love the amount of details you have going on - and that's not counting the 3-hour video essay xD <3
Iceberg is a sweetheart, and I could see him being a kind of quiet hopeless romantic - exactly the kind of person who would rely on his secretary to clear his schedule for the day so he can go on a nice quiet date. I don't know why but I just have this image of him bringing you a small little bundle of flowers, and like, Tyrannosaurus has a little matching flower that's just a super teeny little bitty version of what's in the bouquet.
He's very happy to have his tiny flower.
\o/ Thank you for sharing! I love it, it's just such a CUTE vibe
Tell me about your self-ships!
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goldensmilingbird · 1 year
felix and bri (pv) for the ask game?
First, Felix!
1: sexuality headcanon - demiromantic ace and probably bi.
Also I hc him as a trans guy, and I think he figured out the gender part pretty early, but haven't figured out his sexuality yet, because he never felt attraction before and was never really bothered by it. Then he meets Ladybug, gets to know her and oh. It all starts to come together.
2: otp - Felix/Bridgette, my original otp. I also have a soft spot for Felix/Allan.
3: brotp - Felix and Allegra as childhood friends. Felix and Claude as frenemies. Felix and Allan as the type of friends who just chill together (I think maybe Claude would bring out his Chat side and Allan his Felix side? Anyway I love this trio). And Felix and Plagg as unlikely friends that start out on a really bad note.
4: notp - him and canon Marinette.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: autistic Felix! Also here is a bunch of random ones:
- he loves vinyl records and later starts collecting them along with books;
- he always brings spare clothes and a first aid kit with him in case of bad luck (and on occasion he used them to help others, too);
- he is almost always cold, even on hot summer day he'll wear long sleeves or several layers of clothes;
- he is sensitive to noise so Allan gifts him a pair of noise-cancelling headphones once, and he doesn't leave home without them since;
- he has a sun allergy (yeah, that's a thing), and Quantics like to joke he is a vampire;
- he uses a cane (as seen here) and he has chronic pain.
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6: favorite line from this character: he has none 😔
7: one way in which I relate to this character: his closed off, maybe anxious nature
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: uhh that one art where he drops the apple on Mari's/Bri's head I guess
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fave!
Now, Bri!
1: sexuality headcanon - bi or pan! I think she would fall in love easily, and a lot of her crushes would be girls, so unlike Felix, she already figured out she's not straight. If Luka and Kagami were in PV-verse, I bet both Felix and Bri would fall for Kagami.
2: otp - Felix/Bridgette and I have soft spot for Bri with girls (Allegra, concept!Alya, Kagami, Chloe)
3: brotp - Bri and her version of Alya as old friends, Bri and Allan as new friends, Bri and Adrien for pv/canon crossovers.
4: notp - uhh, idk? I can't really see Bridrien or Bri/Claude as romantic though.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - I'm gonna do a bunch again:
- she has ADHD;
- like Felix, she likes collecting stuff, but it's usually stuff like figurines and plushies or cool rocks and trinkets. But most of her money goes on various arts and crafts supplies or gifts for friends;
- she adds pockets to all of her pants/shorts and some of the dresses;
- she loves listening to music while she works/studies and has a bunch of playlists;
- if not music, then doodling also helps her focus;
- her room is always cluttered with clothes and wips and various other things;
- she tried bringing a stray cat home more than once;
- she likes bugs, even those that are considered creepy.
6: favorite line from this character - she has none 😔
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I guess we're both very emotional and can be quite excitable? I'm not as outgoing though
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: her running after Felix and missing the cues that he is not interested
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll!
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5, 13, and 19 <3
Eee thank you Talia my beloved!! 💕💕💕
5) TV show of the year?
I think we can safely say that it was KinnPorsche The Series: La Forte!! The show that inspired gnome chat to greater heights of insanity than ever before during its runtime, single-handedly tripled the number of fics I have posted on AO3, consumed my brain from April until - well, it's still gnawing on there tbh - and brought me some wonderful new fandom friends. Yeah it wins 🥰🥰🥰
13) How was your birthday this year?
My actual day of birth was super chill and snoozy, it was basically just cake and a takeaway and finishing watching Wheel of Time with my housemates (who had bought me a cake, which was GREAT bc I'd also bought myself a cake. allllll the cake). The exciting bit was supposed to have been the previous day, as I'd had tickets to a play starring literally the man himself, yes you guessed it, Toby Goddamn Stephens, BUT the last three performances (including that one) were cancelled due to cast illness, so a last-minute replacement plan had to be made!! And since Austentatious (stand-up comedians improvising a Jane Austen play based on a title suggestion from the audience, I adore them) had a show scheduled for four days later, and they're a shared fave of mine and the friend I was supposed to see Toby Stephens with, we rounded up five additional friends for good measure and had a lovely after-work theatre outing the following week 🥰
19) What’re you excited about for next year?
Oooh a very interesting and difficult question, because the things I'm most excited for haven't been planned yet, and exist even in my brain in only the most nebulous of ways!! The most certain one is that I'll be spending a lil bit of time at home in the summer, because not one but TWO of my friends from high school are getting married within ten days of each other (insane of them); I think I'm going on holiday abroad with my parents in the early autumn, which will be very exciting if we ever decide on a destination; I will almost certainly be taking a lil trip down to London over my birthday weekend for various antics and shenanigans (again, if I ever get round to planning it); E4 next instalment (not to repeat myself AGAIN, but: if we ever plan it); and ofc IF there is a BOC world tour Europe edition. Well. It WILL be Going Absolutely Insane O'Clock!!!!!! So like. To sum up. I will probably be going places and having a nice time but also I don't have all the information.
...but what I DO know is that I will be continuing to go absolutely insane about the blorbos with all the little gay people who live in my phone, and I am ALSO very excited for that!! I love you all 🥰💖❤️✨🥰
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dorianwolfforest · 2 years
SSO Oc intros!!! cause there are new people and I cannot shut up about my babies
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Dorian wolf • 24 years old • he/him
Dorian is the first sso oc I ever created, he’s been with me since the start and is, as such, the favorite child. He was born in Valedale, to parents who were part of a cult that worshipped Aideen and, in their misguided faith, believed femininity should be prioritized over all else. (Hm? Trans allegory? Nah.) Because of that, he’s spent most of his life doing traditionally feminine things, doing ballet and ice skating, cooking, learning home care and living in the shadow of his younger twin sisters because he’s, obviously, not as feminine as them. He was also very socially outcast in the community because he was one of the only witches in Valedale.
Growing tired of that life, Dorian ran away from home at 18, and after a brief spat with homelessness in moorland, he joined Ydris’ circus as a trapeze artist and acrobat, as well as working outside carrying equipment and taking care of the animals. Due to his upbringing, Dorian is incredibly naive and it is impossible for him to imagine that someone would do something out of cruelty or selfishness. In his mind, there’s always a right and just reason for the way people act, which can get him into trouble.
One night, in a tired haze, Dorian tried to summon a glass of warm milk before bed, but he accidentally messed up the summoning circle and instead called upon Warthilk the void demon to join his side, or as Warthilk likes to be called…
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Rebeca Forest • ??? • they/them
A void demon comes from the space your character goes when the world around you is pitch black and all you can see are random assets to give you some insight into your whereabouts. Warthilk, Rebeca, had almost been forgotten in that void until Dorian accidentally summoned them. Realizing that he had bound a demon to his side, Dorian immediately cancelled the contract because he didn’t like the idea of keeping a servant, but he also messed up and didn’t send Rebeca back to the void, so they’re perfectly free to walk the lands of Jorvik and cause chaos.
They don’t, however, because despite having both the powers and desires to ruin everyone’s day, Rebeca is incredibly thankful to Dorian for setting them free, and has chosen to stick by his side and use their powers to protect him. They get along well with Ydris, and both them and Dorian have a very close friend in Moorland named Sienna.
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Sienna Opaldew • 23 • she/her
Sienna moved to jorvik a year before the current events of sso, originally being from England where she lived with her father. All she knew about her mother was that she lived on Jorvik, and her father hated her. Sienna would, under normal circumstances, probably be the annoying, rude, rich horsegirl who always gets her way when she calls for daddy, but since moving to jorvik she’s gotten better at being a normal human being.
She spends most of her days taking care of her son, 3 year old Nicholas, but she also does a lot of research to try and find out who her mother is. Her biggest hope is to find someone who is kind, and who doesn’t care about money, which would explain why Sienna never felt comfortable in the upper class. She’s dead wrong though, as her mother is actually famed GED boss Ms Drake. (She doesn’t know that yet tho let her dream)
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Persephone Nightmore • 19 • she/they
I couldn’t find a cool way to segue into their story and also I don’t really know what she is yet. She’s cool, she’s a streamer, they do some destruction of property as a treat, they help CHILL. She’s close friends with Rebeca and Dorian, Sienna doesn’t really approve of their friendship but there’s not really much she can do about it.
They prefer being called Sephia over Persephone and on days when they feel more masc than fem, wants to be called Percy.
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Rose Bittering • 26 • he/they
There’s very little to say about Rose. They like machinery, took over Big Bonny’s job at DC after she quit, and he makes the robots DC uses in soul rider missions which means if you’ve ever destroyed one of them, he’d like a nice private chat. just you, him, and his screwdriver.
They have no relation to the rest of my OC’s and was created mainly cause I wanted something else, I have a lot of good or morally ambiguous creatures that would directly oppose DC and GED so I wanted someone that. Wouldn’t. All they care about is his robots and getting to take care of their robots.
I love all my ocs equally (I don’t)
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(this is a continuation of the last y/n x Jeff the killer piece I posted. I ask for prompts for this universe, please.)
Mick ((y/n's son)) had been more avoidant and quiet since Jeff made a reappearance, having practically thrown the man out of the apartment after spotting him... to the killer's amusement from the sound of it.
... not the kind of quiet she was used to, not the usual teenage "I want to be on my own" or anything like that ... no, it reminded her an awful lot of how he had behaved when she and Mick's father divorced. It was that quiet where it's like he knows something and wants to say it... but also never says it. And it bothered her because he couldn't even hold a conversation with her, anytime she tried talking to him about it he spontaneously had a reason to leave.
Times like these really make her think back to when Mick was a clingy and overly honest little one... where had the years gone? She sighs again while brushing her (hair color) hair, then fixes her (favorite color) tie and brushes any remaining wrinkles out of her clothes. She'll be meeting her hopefully future boss today.
Stepping out of her apartment building almost felt odd, the air was cold despite the sun shining and occasionally she spotted birds on the rooftops… their songs being canceled out by the noise of the city. "Oh! So the bitchy hermit CAN leave her house after all." A familiar voice joked. Y/n nearly dropped her purse and keys but luckily caught them before turning around and glaring at him.
He of course thought it was something to laugh about. y/n grumbles and punches his shoulder, which only prompted more laughter. "Was that supposed to hurt?" y/n doesn't reply, instead she notes his appearance. He was wearing a new hoodie and his hair was in a messy braid (y/n had a feeling he didn't do it himself though…) with his hood down fully she could actually see the extent of some of his burns, on the side of his head where pitch black hair refused to grow… which resulted in his braid looking rather fascinating in her opinion. His blue eyes seemed to be more focused on the people passing by, despite that he seemed rather relaxed, once again leaning against a wall with his arms crossed… in a way he certainly did look handsome though… - what was she thinking and why was she staring at him?!
She quickly looked away, hopefully hiding her heated face. "Aren't you afraid someone's going to recognize you?" She starts walking otherwise she might be late. Jeff pulls his hood up once again and follows with his hands in his pockets. "Nope. You'd be surprised how many humans pass by me and don't recognize me." He makes a point to walk next to her even though it was probably slower than his usual walking speed. y/n wasn't sure what he meant by saying "human" as if it excluded him, but she was happy for a bit of company before talking to her hopefully future boss. "Don't you have anything better to do?" Why was he following her? "Nope." She had a feeling his grin was a bit more genuine at this moment. "Where are you going anyway?" "To try and get a job." "Sounds boring." So Jeff didn't have a job. Y/n assumes he gets what he needs from his victims- she shakes that thought off quickly, trying to ignore the chill going down her spine. What did he usually do then? Aside from killing people? As he doesn't tend to give her answers, she put that question away for later.
. Y/n gets greeted by a young woman waiting for her outside. "Hi I'm-" she stops mid-greeting when she spots Jeff. "Pft, hey ugly." Y/n frowns, opening her mouth to tell her off for being rude… she's not sure if it was habit for Jeff's sake really… - only for Jeff to cackle in response. "You're one to talk Nina." He shoves y/n towards her. "Nah, you've got this job in the bag." He says to her. Wait… Nina? As in her son's work friend? Y/n turns to glare at Jeff for shoving her but he was gone. "Ass." She grumbles. Nina chuckles "yeah, you get used to him. You're here for the night job right?" She gives y/n a friendly smile before gesturing her to follow, which she cautiously does after a moment to scrape together a hopefully professional aura. Something… something about this building felt off… a cold chill runs through her as they left the restaurant area and entered the back, as if her stomach wasn't already rolling over the chance she might not get the job… it sure was rolling now. .
Mr Lillik was a friendly old man who had bought the franchise and revamped it from the ground up, all as a favor for an old friend apparently. Though he does clarify the only reason there's a job opening is due to the former holder of her perhaps future post had been injured… he doesn't clarify if it was to do with work or what could have done it. And after that the conversation turned weirdly casual.
She walked out of the office completely unsure if she got the job or not. And the building didn't feel any less likely to swallow her whole. The moment she steps outside she's hit with a wave of dizziness and at the same time… it's like several tons had been lifted from her shoulders.
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