#it’s fine it’s not like I have to miss my mission reunion tomorrow cuz no one can take my shift cuz we are all overworked
gatorinator · 1 year
Can God translate me. Just for like 3-5 business days. I just need a little break—I’ll come back I promise.
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sebeth · 5 years
Young Justice: Torch Song
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 The return of Young Justice begins with the release of the first two issues of the prequel comic.
Let’s begin…
My boy Conner is on the cover.  Along with Miss Martian.  Can we please end this unhealthy relationship?  Both Conner and Megan need to expand their circle of friends and, more importantly, romantic partners. Preferably in a non-obsessive capacity.
The issues are titled “Torch Songs”. That doesn’t sound promising for the duo’s continued relationship.
The Watchtower, Team Year 6: August 8.
Miss Martian, Beast Boy, and a non-paralyzed Batgirl are at the Watchtower.
Superboy arrives. Megan appears excited until Superboy states “Huh. Didn’t know you’d be on this mission.”
Yeah, I’d say the reunion from last season’s finale didn’t last long.
Batgirl begins the mission briefing: Psimon has returned to the United States. Batgirl, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Beast Boy are team Alpha.
Megan confidently states she can handle Psimon.
Conner questions: “How?! By putting him in another coma?!”
“No! I wouldn’t do that!”
“Meaning you wouldn’t do that again.”
“No…you’re right…I won’t do that…again.”
While the duo bicker, Babs ask Gar: “What’s up with them? I know things were bad after their breakup, but I thought they were friends again.”
“They were. They got along great on Mars. I even thought they were heading towards couplehood again.”
“Well, something’s changed because they don’t look like a couple now.”
If I had to guess, I would say once the adrenaline wore down, Conner realized he still couldn’t trust Megan.  Not only was Megan destroying the minds of villains she attempted to alter Conner’s free will and memories.  That doesn’t even include Megan’s season 1 molding and manipulation of Conner to fit into her fantasy life.
Very unhealthy relationship.
Shouldn’t Babs have a stronger reaction to the “you wouldn’t do that again” line?  Megan escaped any consequences of her mind-destroying spree.
Were the Justice League even aware of Megan’s actions?  I can’t believe they were or Batman would have evicted her from the team. DC has established Batman’s feelings on tampering with a person’s mind.  It would also cause great concern for J’onn J’onzz. Megan’s actions would not only violate J’onn’s personal and cultural ethics on the use of telepathy but it would also reinforce the initial misgivings he had of bringing a White Martian to Earth.
What about the Young Justice members – even the founders? Megan was warned about the misuse of her telepathic abilities in an early season one episode.  Even if the team overlooked Megan’s excessive use of her telepathic powers on villains, an assault on her fellow teammate would surely provoke a response.
Poor Arsenal suffered a PTSD flashback and Dick kicked him off the team.  How does Megan keep escaping from the consequences of her actions?
The Alpha team arrives in Hollywood at a classic film festival.  Megan has shape-changed into a human appearance, Babs is in civilian clothes, and Conner, true to form, is having nothing to do with subterfuge and is rocking the “Superboy” shirt. Gar has turned into a mouse and is hiding in one of Megan’s pockets.
Megan and Gar sneak into a panel that showcases an actress that appeared on the “Hello, Megan” show.
Conner has snuck into the auditorium and encourages Megan to ask a question: “M’gann, you’re the bravest woman I know. Are you really afraid to ask a question?”
Please, Greg Weisman, do not continue this relationship. It’s all I ask.
Megan asks about Marie Logan.  Gar admits Marie was his mother.
Megan thanks Conner for the encouragement: “Happy to help. I mean, ‘cuz…we’re still teammates. Just teammates.”
Babs, the only one actually working on the case, encounters Psimon. The other three Young Justice members are chatting with the actress when Psimon attacks.
Psimon projects the team – minus Babs – into the “Hello, Megan” show.  Starring Miss Martian as Megan.
Gar freaks out: “Oh my god! We’re trapped inside Hello, Megan!”
Conner disagrees: “No. We’re trapped inside M’Gann’s mind.”
Conner and Gar struggle while trapped inside Megan’s mind.
Babs doesn’t believe Psimon has the ability to trap Megan.
Psimon gloats: “All I did was guide her to a pocket of emotional safety hidden deep within her psyche. Now, Little Miss Powerful’s own insecurities keep her trapped there.”
Psimon then attacks Babs.
Gar realizes Megan needs Conner’s forgiveness to break free from the “Hello Megan” fantasy life.
Conner confides to Gar: “She tried to psychically mess with my memories…”
“Oh my god, Conner, that’s horrible!”
“Don’t overreact, when I caught her, she backed off immediately. She had the power to force things. She didn’t.”
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
Yeah, Conner, do no try to justify abuse!  I’ve known too many abused men and women and heard way too many variations of this type of justification.
Conner continues: “I know. That’s why we broke up. But c’mon, that was months ago. We’ve been through a whole alien invasion since then. She took full responsibility and apologized.”
“And you forgave her?”
“More or less. You know what? Fine. I’ll tell her I forgive her right now.”
“Conner, you don’t have to forgive her. But if you do, you have to mean it or…”
“Or she’ll know I’m faking ‘cuz she’s psychic.”
“She doesn’t have to be psychic. You two were together for five years. Long enough for her to know when you’re sincere.”
“So can you really forgive her or not?”
Megan sings a song lamenting her woes over her former relationship.
Conner confronts Megan: “I need to talk to my best friend. I need to tell her that I don’t know where were going or what’s going to happen but that I forgive her for anything and everything. And no matter where we go or what we do or who were with, I will always love her.”
“Really, that is, if she can forgive me.”
“We got so close on Mars, it scared me, and I pulled away. I’m sorry for that.”
The trio is freed from Megan’s fantasy life. Psimon has escaped.
Megan thanks Conner: “We’d have been stuck in that fantasy forever if not for you.”
“Hey, we’re a team, aren’t we?”
The issue ends with “Never the end”.
First, Conner’s apology/confession/forgiveness made me throw up in my mouth.  
If the genders were reversed, and the abuse was physical and not psychic, no one would support this pairing. See Hank Pym, who slapped Jan in the midst of a psychotic breakdown, and has never been forgiven by the fans or the comic book creators.
Megan attempted to forcibly alter Conner’s mind out of pure self-interest, convenience, and cowardness, and’s it just hand-waved away.
“Bravest woman I know”. Please, Megan has consistently shown an avoidance to truth and accountability for her own actions.
Second, the “that I don’t know where were going or what’s going to happen but that I forgive her for anything and everything. And no matter where we go or what we do or who were with” along with the “never the end” tagline.  Please do not give us another season of “will Conner and Megan get back together or not?” Season two was more than sufficient for that storyline.
I can accept this ending if the “forgiveness” allows for a clean break, settles accounts between the two, and allows Conner and Megan operate as functional teammates with no sniping and longing looks between the two.
If the first two issues are setting up a full reconciliation between the duo, I will not be happy. I might be over sensitive to abuse justifications as I’ve sadly known so many victims of abuse but the Conner-Megan sends the wrong message to abuse victims.
Third, Conner – you’re absolute, for real, soulmate is on your team.  And it’s not Megan. His name is Tim Drake – he’s the slender boy in red. Check it out – expand your horizons.  TimKon for life!
The cartoon debuts tomorrow. It will be interesting to see the time gap between the comic and the cartoon. So excited despite my mixed feelings over the prequel comic.
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