#also I understand that masculinity and femininity are very subjective
lousyboris · 2 years
Can we talk about how absolutely adorable El’s fascination with femininity is??
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capellla · 2 months
Who is your future spouse? - Pac reading
In this reading you are going to see who is your future spouse . Choose the one you feel attracted to.
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This is a person who is free of most of his karma and has probably learned many of the lessons he should have learned from his previous relationships. I sense that he/she lives further away from you. Not another country but another city. Even though you have some small differences in physical matters, you are the same spiritually. This person approaches life very calmly and comfortably. He must be a very mature and wise person because his energy is quite stable. I can't say that they are in a very good position materially, it's more average, but you will definitely have a peaceful life with this person. Because your love and affection will be deep. There will be many peaceful nights where you sleep hugging each other and you will understand each other deeply. His/her energy will calm you down even when you disagree. I feel like this person is calling you right at the moment you read this. The only thing missing in his life right now is you, and he's worried he won't find you. This person is not an introvert, but he is not someone who is noisy and has a large circle of friends. Although he is mature, he is not old. If you are in your twenties or younger, they will be in late twenties. If you're in your thirties, they will be in thirties. This person likes to read about different subjects, for some especially science. This person will be very warm and a very good parent. You should feel his/her energy, he/she is so reliable and soothing. He will always talk about you to his circle of friends and will remain loyal to you. I think this person used to be a flirtatious and had a lot of relationships, but over time he/she matured and is not the same anymore. His family either lives far away from him or he lost them because I can't feel their energy much. They have deep connection with this subjects in its either touchy for them either they dont care about it at all. This person may live by the sea, or they have a sea-like energy and are very attractive. It is impossible not to be impressed by him when you meet him. He also has a characteristic face like a movie character.
This person is unlike image 1 has very unstable energy. He/she has a lot of karma and scars, but don't let that scare you. It also has a dreamy side. It's very impressive and it will be impossible for you to escape it. This person's life is upside down, but when you enter his life, everything will change. Don't think that everything will suddenly become better, but this person will make the decision to correct himself and get in order as a result. There will be many moments when you won't get along with this person and you will want to give up, but truly giving up will never even cross your mind. You will love each other in all poverty and difficulty. Your wounds will make each other bleed and there will be moments when you hurt each other. This person needs to wake up and realize something. At least to make this relationship work or there will be a lot of heartbreak. This person has one or two friends whom he trusts very much. He may be indifferent about his family. Either his parents are divorced or they don't have very good relationships. He is in a good position regarding his job. For some of you she/he might be goth or dress like we see on pinterest. He is quite quarrelsome and sharp-tongued. But he's very protective when it comes to you. This person may not get along with your family immediately, but they will warm up to each other over time. If they are masculine they have muscular body. If they are feminine they have petite body. You will visit many different natural places with this person. I see many parks and greens. You will experience many passionate moments. They will blow your mind. And no matter what, you will keep your love and relationship alive.
This person is very hardworking and has a good position. For some of you, I might even call him/her rich, with a pretty good income. This person is passionate and does not give up easily. He won't give up on you easily either. But I think it will be mostly you chasing this person. He has too many suitors. This person will give you a lot of gifts, and their love language may be giving gifts. He will constantly surprise you with surprises. You will have so many photos and memories with this person. I'm getting an 1850s vibe from this person. This person will be reliable and have a lot of friends. I see you going to many parties with him. I see that you will have a child as soon as you meet this person. Your relationship will progress very quickly. This person will be exactly what your family is looking for and they will get along well. This person will also help you in your career. He has a very bright personality. He may be writing as a hobby. He is very well-read and cultured. He also has a childish side. It will make you laugh so hard. I see 777 while writing this. Maybe this is a sign you will often see before meeting this person. This person definitely has a good sense of humor. This person has a careless side towards hatreds and jealousy. Maybe you may have different perspectives in terms of politics and worldview. But if you work at it, it won't be a bad thing. Maybe one of you will even change the other's mind over time and both of you will passionately defend the same idea. This person will take you to museums, libraries and historical places. And of course to vacation. Wherever you want. You will not have any problems with money.
This person has a childlike personality. Just like the little prince. It is curious and has its own charm. He/she will be thinking and questioning things that you cannot understand. Someone who looks at the world from a very different perspective. Stubborn and creative, also determined and not giving up easily. It may take time for you to understand his world, but he is quite open about it. He will look at you like you are a princess or prince. I see her combing your hair and making you a cake. It is very joyful and will make you experience emotions you have never experienced. It's like you'll step into a very different world. You will feel very lucky to have met someone like him. This person may have difficulty being understood by the people around him. But you will be his best friend and probably his first love. This person has a strong soul underneath his childish side. He can do whatever it takes for you and for anything he truly loves. They will be loyal to you for life and you will take care of each other when necessary. He will teach you to trust the universe and its timing. Also he is very lucky and blessed. You will chat with him all night long and you will never get bored of each other. There will be an emotional side to him and you will be a shoulder to him whenever he cries and vice versa. I'm not sure if he want to bring a child into this world, but this will not be a difficult issue.
This person will be like a mentor, I see him/her giving good advice to many people around him and helping many people in difficult times. This person will teach you a lot about life. He is a mature, intelligent, experienced person. It's possible he's bigger than you. But still, I don't sense much age difference, you will be equal in many respects. This person may be teaching as a career, because besides the mentor I got another card called teacher, he may also be interested in art. He will give you many remedies in your difficult days. I see hot chocolate and tea. He will do many sweet little thoughtful things to make you feel safe and good. I also find this person to be very well-groomed and attractive. Just because it's mature doesn't mean it looks mature. This person is not childish, but he does not look old either. He's quite charming. He may have a flirtatious side. He will help you in many matters, especially in the future, he will teach your children a lot of things (if you want children) and he will be a very good parent. Sometimes there can be a confused aspect and your children may feel misunderstood. But this is a sweet side of him and you will balance that side. He has a surprising but also careful quality. His perspective on life, especially his perspective on art, is unique. He may also be interested in philosophy. He will also have a humorous side. He will be pure and clean like a child. I see that he will be serious most of the time, but you will see this playful side of him, not often, but at unexpected moments. This person may also be a musician or write more lyrics for some of you. He will also write you letters sometimes at special times. While feeling his energy, I suddenly had the desire to write a romantic article. I sense that he will be romantic and careful, especially in bed.This person's love language will most likely be giving gifts. I think that the earth and air elements will be dominant in this person. Most of the time he will communicate with you to understand you better because he is not someone who is very close with his emotions.
This person has had a lot of toxic habits and a difficult past, but by the time you meet them they have overcome it all and will be a completely different person. He/she is the warmest person you will ever meet. He is such a sweet soul. And there's something exciting about it, too. You will feel like a little child next to him. He will always tell you interesting stories. You will make many jokes together and entertain people. He has average looks but he will be the best looking person in the world for you. John Legend - All of Me is playing in my head. You can listen to that song for more clues. He will make you feel very special and will take very good care of you. You will fall in love with him so much. He is a very special person and always understanding and kind. He won't be able to raise his voice at you even when he's angry. He may act a little shy and funny when he first meets your family. You will have many children with this person. Even if you think you don't want it, be ready because you will want to have a child with this person. He will make you experience something in a relationship that you have never experienced after all your poor relationships. He has an extroverted personality and is not shy usually when people. But can have a clumsy side that will make you laugh a lot.
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"- Shown to have been uncomfortable with male gender roles since childhood, sensitive & feminine to the point that the girls she was friends with poked fun of her about it, and her governess literally terrorized her into giving up her interests in cute bugs so she could spend more time training to fight (she was not enthusiastic.) - The most repressed and shy person to ever live, constantly forcing down all her own desires and interests just to live up to family + societal expectations... - But the first time she expresses any real wants of her own as an adult is when she meets a girl with huge transfem vibes (Falin) and develops a huge unrequited crush she has no idea how to deal with non-awkwardly (which in turn has led an insane small number of fans to treat her like a creep for just having a crush on a girl despite being consistently respectful, considerate, and not at all pushy?? even her haters must subconsciously know she's trans, that's how they know to be transmisogynistic lmao) - Her single attempted friendship with a man was a whole mess because they couldn't relate to or understand each other at all (mostly for cultural reasons but lbr the fact that she has no genuine interest in traditionally masculine subjects and the man in question very much did had to have been part of it), but seems to have a substantially easier time communicating & getting along with women whether or not they're from the same cultural background (her best & seemingly only close childhood friend, Hien, was a girl, and she has no problem getting along with even more brash, blunt women from sharply different cultures like Namari) - Her entire character arc is about how she needs to learn to stop putting herself under insane, unhealthy pressure to live up to family & societal expectations, repressing and rejecting anything "weird" in the process, and should learn to express & advocate for her own feelings and wants instead. Give Her Estrogen it would be narratively sooo fitting & coherent I believe this in my heart - Vibes. There's just something so transfem about getting your first crush at 25 because it's the first time you met another girl who also thinks bugs/crustaceans/etc are cute and nice actually" - Anonymous
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marsprincess889 · 9 months
I think yoni animal matching works in friendships too and is just an important factor in liking or disliking someone. And not just moon nakshatra yoni, sun and ascendant and other planets too.
Bharanis are not that childlike? I know this may be subjective cause i'm bharani moon myself but most bharanis, inclding me have an air of a martyr and innate strength and seriousness despite their youthful and passionate behavior.
Uttara Phalguni girls are seen as "girlfriend material" by men? (Can someone please confirm?)
Punarvasu are the kindest people, unlike moon nakshatras they never blow their trumpet, but they make up for it by being angry about it 🙃 (understandable and relatable, very iconic of them)
Shravana in your primary placement often gives long, dark, straigh hair (or darker hair in general), lighter skin tone and in general length to features, especially limbs.
Mrigashiras are often different from other mars nakshatras, their aggression is more prevalent in their stubbornness and defiance, also they're rarely bitchy even thought it may appear otherwise. Chitra and Dhanishta have big cat yonis and mrigashira has a snake yoni, so that's another difference there.
Dhanishtas, on the other hand, can become combative in otherwise calm situations and they often feel so passionately about certain causes that it may come off as unnessecarily starting drama. They also have probably the most martian demeanor while speaking or interacting in general.
Ashwinis are sometimes so unaware that they can be deaf to other people making sense. Like you can talk all you wish, they won't hear a word you say and I don't think it's intentional. I believe this protects them, though.
Krittikas are very feminine? Like they're so particular about everything and nurturing eveytime they need to be. I'm talking about all genders here. This might be because the Pleiades constellation, which is in krittika is known as "the seven sisters". They also may come off as masculine but at their core they're one of the most feminine nakshatras.
Don't forget to interact with me if you found any of this interesting, take care 🤍
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officialspec · 3 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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first off i hate this ask and i think youre a freak. in any other world i wouldve blocked you for this but unfortunately for both of us i actually like this type of philosophy. dont send this shit to anyone else though
i dont think its right to compare human sexuality to the same thing in animals, to get that out of the way. im sure until a certain point it comes from the same biological impulses, but human beings have way more complicated social structures and reasons for coupling that just do not exist in other animals. our social behaviours are what make us unique in the animal kingdom and that definitely extends to gender and sexuality. so theres that
people love to tout 'gender is a social construct' around like its a criticism in and of itself, which i think betrays a misunderstanding about social constructs in general. theyre the foundations we build language on to better understand each other, and affected by a whole host of cultural and historical factors. just because theyre subjective and complicated doesnt mean they arent real. in terms of the effect they have on peoples lives they may be the most real thing that exists
for example, 'kindness' is a social construct. the definition and ways it is enacted differ greatly across personal and cultural lines. but no one would ever suggest a world where kindness doesnt exist or loses meaning, because its an essential part of the way we interact with each other (in the same way i dont really see a world where gender entirely ceases to exist, mainly just one where people have more fun with it. im not a psychic though so who knows)
similarly, sexuality in humans is another social construct. i think the driving biological forces behind it are very real, but the labels people attach to those impulses are subjective attempts to express their inner world to the people around them if that makes sense. and those same biological impulses are ALSO subject to social ideas of gender, because those ideas are established at birth and reinforced over a persons entire lifetime
to use myself as an example, im a gay trans man. ive identified as other things in the past, because i was trying to pick apart feelings i had and express them to others in an attempt to find community. my identity might change as i get older and experience new things, or it might not. i identify as gay because im not attracted to the social concept of women, and someone i would otherwise be attracted to might lose all appeal after i find out they fall under that concept (this has happened before w transfems pre and post coming out lol)
of course, the real REAL answer to this is that trying to give queer identities rigid and objective definitions is a fools errand, and also lame as fuck. someone might identify as gay and be more attracted to general masculinity than men as a social category, maybe they fool around with a couple of butch women without considering themself any less gay. two otherwise identical people might be a butch lesbian and a gay trans man without either of those identities coming into conflict. they might even be the same person at different times of the week
the labels people choose to use are communication tools, not objective signifiers. if you dont understand them, they probably arent talking to you
social constructs are everything. we as humans have the unique ability to interpret our own messy desires and impulses into words that other people can use to form an idea of someone else in their mind. its how we build connections, and of course it isnt perfect because trying to squeeze someones entire personal history and the centuries of context that defined it into a handful of syllables is going to leave some room for error. but its all we have, yknow? so we keep trying. and i think thats much more human than any imposed objective 'truth' could ever be
tldr we live in a society dipshit. get with it
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drakaripykiros130ac · 4 months
I just have to say this: Aegon the Usurper flying off like an idiot in battle while Rhaenyra does not, doesn’t make this guy a hero, nor does it make Rhaenyra a coward.
We need to set the record straight: Women don’t have to be warriors in order to be worth something.
This is just another proof of classic misogynistic thinking of TG stans. But they also prove to be highly subjective since they give “poor sweet innocent” Helaena a pass for doing absolutely nothing and being less than relevant even as a dragonrider. And as the ringleader of the Greens, I don’t think Alicent sat on a horse and rode off to battle in order to further her own ambitions. She started the whole mess and then hid behind her sons. Even after Rhaenyra took King’s Landing, the only thing Alicent could say was something like “Just wait till my son Aemond returns bla bla bla.”
Rhaenyra is a girl’s girl. Those who read the book understand that. The canon version of her never wanted to be a son (unlike the stupidity induced in that show). She was very feminine: always choosing to wear the best dresses with the finest silks, many pieces of jewelry, and she is highly interested in men. She was always proud to be a woman. She embraced it. She never tried to act like the opposing gender as a way to make others look at her as worthy of the throne.
I repeat: Rhaenyra was a girl’s girl and she was proud of it.
She was not a warrior. She never trained with a sword in her life, unlike her idiotic half-brothers. She was not even the type (unlike Princess Rhaenys). Rhaenyra spent her time doing girly things and riding Syrax.
Shortly before the war started, Rhaenyra suffered a miscarriage which greatly affected her health. She needed months to recover. This is the reason why she didn’t ride Syrax in battle, as confirmed in the book. It was not because she didn’t want to or because she refused to fight her battles herself (as I hear many TG stans claim in spite).
And even if flying hadn’t been detrimental to her health, why would she fly into battle? You think that is a smart idea? It’s brave, but it’s also stupid, and the usurper himself proved that.
Aegon the Usurper rode his dragon into battle to show that he’s a man’s man, and what did that get him? Injuries which prevented him from being able to move well enough in order to sit on the throne he stole. The only battle he actually won was against a baby dragon, Moondancer. A baby dragon who inflicted deadly wounds on Sunfyre and caused his death.
So tell me again how ‘intelligent’ the usurper was to fly off into battle himself and what exactly he has accomplished with that. What exactly is so “heroic” about that? The fact that he shows off his masculinity on a big bad dragon?
And of course do forgive a poor woman for not flying her dragon into battle like a crazy person after a miscarriage and several psychological blows in one go like her father’s death, her daughter’s death, her son’s death and the usurpation through which a faction of snakes stole the throne that belonged to her.
Do forgive her for lacking any combat experience because you know…she was raised a girl and has a girlish personality!
And do forgive her for not being an idiot and getting herself disabled, like her half-brother did.
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iceeericeee · 3 months
So, I'm a little confused, and I went anon because I feel embarrassed about asking.
How can someone be a transmasc lesbian? Or an aromantic in a relationship? I'm not trying to hate, and I'll accept people if they tell me these things about themselves, but I don't quite understand???
Hi! No worries bestie, I was also a little confused at first when I heard about it.
Transmasc is usually used as a term for when someone is transitioned to present as a male, but are either still okay with using feminine/neutral pronouns, or just simply want to male present and use feminine/neutral pronouns. Basically, he or she or they (or any combination of those) choose to look masculine and have gotten surgery or use certain tools to help present as male.
There are also male lesbians, though. @andiv3r made a fantastic short essay on one of my posts. Here’s the link to it.
As for being an aromantic and wanting/being in a relationship? Aromantic really just means ‘little to no romantic attraction’, emphasis on romantic. People can find the person they love and live the rest of their life with, and still feel no romantic attraction whatsoever. As in, they don’t feel the need or want to be romantic with their SO. And as long as their partner consents to this as well, they can live their lives together without romantic affections being done to the other. And they can have casual sex with each other (again, as long as both are consenting).
From my personal experiences, I’m comfortable with dating others (even though I go by aroace), just as long as that relationship doesn’t entail any romantic or sexual exchanges of any kind.
I can’t really speak for all transmasc lesbians or aromantics, but this is my views on the subject.
These labels are very broad, and I’m not sure if I explained in the best way. For anyone reading this who knows more about this, please please please reblog and tell me if I missed anything or got something wrong.
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thequeenofsarcaasm · 5 months
I love talking about Geto because he’s the type of character that has so much discourse around his nature that it makes him even more interesting. It just makes you want to analyse and dissect him to know what he really is.
Some people see him as pure evil that just needed an opportunity to reveal itself as such, while others see him as a complete and total victim who sunk into darkness because Gojo “failed” him. Then you have those who see he’s a fully grey character whose story is one of exploitation (even after his death).
When you leave that side of the conversation and dive into another subject you have those who project hypermasculine traits on him because that’s probably what they’re attracted to in real life, those who see him as woman lite and those who understand that it’s a little bit more complicated than that. Though Gege uses several tropes and traits that are usually associated with female characters or femininity in general (which is such an interesting thing to do to be honest. It adds so much flavour to the character and solidifies his partnership with Gojo who’s supposed to be the pinnacle of masculinity but also does it in a way that is truly HIS), he remains a full fledged male character the author has worked really hard on in a way that makes him not a plot device at all. That’s a privilege he certainly got cause he’s a male character tbh. Not everyone had that chance (ahem). Anyways. What was I talking about? I think it’s brilliant that Gege added such great nuance to his back story, the way he presents, the way he expresses himself and his masculinity (Not one dimensional, soft even, despite being a very powerful man), the way he loves and hates, the themes and motif he represents, that he can be analysed in so many ways. Everything about him gives fluidity (funny for someone who sees the world in black and white).
Maybe he’s a little bit too human.
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orkbutch · 2 months
sound like terf talking points ngl. just say you don’t think trans women are women and go :/
I'm assuming this ask is referring to this post, otherwise idk what it'd be about That post was made in response to me first noticing trans men talking about "transmisandry". An element of whats being called transmisandry is the exact experience I described in that post, and I was giving my opinion on that change in gender perception and how battling against that is pretty futile. As I said in the post, this wariness toward masculinity and cis men - I'm just going to call this 'Man Wariness' for short - is also something the vast majority of trans women have internalised. (I only say "vast majority" because I guess there could be The Exception? but really I just think All women have that wariness lmao.)
I became aware of this discussion because trans women that I follow on twitter have been pushing back on the misogyny and transmisogyny that's been expressed by the people championing the existence of transmisandry the hardest. I've been witnessing a lot of conversations trans women are having about the trans/misogyny they've experienced specifically from trans men. They (accurately imo) identify this as a threat to the integrity of feminism, particularly within transgender thought/politics, because misandry is not a real oppressive framework that exists. Pro-transmisandrists have been arguing that misandry is real and harms trans women as well, because The Man Wariness - non-men having learned to be guarded and fearful of masculinity & (what their brain associates subconsciously with) cis men - can also be directed at trans women, and results in transphobia toward those women.
The trans women disagreeing resent the framing of this as a 'misandry' issue because, of course, trans women are women. The people that hate trans women, even the ones that call them men to abuse them, don't actually see them as Men. In the eye of the transphobe, terf or GC, trans women are something else entirely, an inherently deviant third thing. Pushing back against "misandry", a supposed systemic oppressive hatred of manhood and men, does absolutely nothing to protect women from oppression. Trans women are oppressed, attacked, assaulted and abused mostly viciously and routinely by cis men. Labelling a description and discussion of Man Wariness as "TERF talking points" is just... deeply, deeply unhelpful imo. Man Wariness is just real. Thats just how a LOT of people operate in the world, trans women included. Obviously this learned wariness ends up impacting how many trans women are viewed and treated, and I understand being skeptical of me defending Man Wariness because of that. I was talking about it in the context of trans men/mascs' experiences specifically. Honestly... I don't really have helpful, thorough thoughts on how Man Wariness impacts trans women/fems and how that should be tackled. Its a bit of a wicked problem, I'm not trans fem and I haven't seen much discussion about this specifically. I assume because its a touchy subject thats kind of avoided. On the one hand, I believe deeply that trans women shouldn't need to perform/achieve a certain level of femininity in order to be safe, happy and acknowledged by society as women. On the other hand, Man Wariness is an uncontrollable response that is very deeply internalised, often directly connected to traumatic experiences, and I don't think its something that can be explored and addressed unless we can talk about it openly and frankly. Your response to this is very counter-productive imo. It just shuts down any possibility of a nuanced, open discussion. Maybe it'd be helpful if I was a terf, but I'm not lol. Which is obvious if you've known me or followed my work for any significant amount of time. Its the kind of response that shames someone for having Man Wariness, and feeling shame about an uncontrollable emotional response is toxic. Thats going to make that person feel they're irredeemably transphobic in some deeply embedded way that makes them reluctant to interact with trans women. And if theres anything that I think would break down someone's Man Wariness reaction to trans women, it would be having more familiarity with trans women because they'd pretty quickly internalise that trans women are not a threat and are women. OR of course that shame makes them feel rejected and alienated from trans friendly sphears, and they then turn toward TERF & GC sphears where they can be reassured their Man Wariness is fine, and are then vulnerable to being radicalised. But you know in my opinion no matter where that discussion went, no matter how immovable Man Wariness could be proven to be, that will NEVER invalidate that trans people have a right to safety, health, happiness and acceptance within society as the gender we know we are. That's actually just fact. These discussions are simply figuring out How that should come to be, and what our vision of a better, trans accepting society might look like.
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starrclown · 1 month
Very specific LMK headcannons that is basically me projecting onto legos but the personal ones are saved for the characters I like and the average ones are for the ones I don't know much about, I don't really care about, or just straight up don't like (Part 1)
I made this because a comic I wanna make is gonna take a minute and I like the headcannon posts I make.
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Didn't know what he wanted to be when he grew up for years. He has a bunch of interests and talents so that confused him on what he should pressue. Eventually when he got to be a senior in high-school he bit the bullet and just decided to work for Pigsy.
Wasn't directly bullied in high-school but people made jokes about him being on the poorer side. He understands that their just joking but sometimes it genuinely bothers him.
Has a hard time focusing especially when it comes to educational subjects. He tries his hardest but he gets distracted. This heavily impacted his grades but he was to scared to ask help from Pigsy or Tang so he struggled in silence.
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Struggled with her femininity for years. Her mother forced her to wear makeup, do her hair, and dress extremely feminine. Eventually she resented it and hated having to get dressed in a extremely feminine style. When she got older she started bracing makeup and dresses on her own terms. She will wear a dress but she goes for a more masculine style.
Hates people thinking that she never had to work for anything just because her parents are rich.
Sometimes gets to rough when she messing around and ends up hurting Mk. She feels extremely bad about it and apologizes about 50 times.
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Is really insecure about his appearance because his parents used to point out what the deemed unattractive. They weren't trying to be intentionally mean but they continued to do it.
Has a weird relationship with his mom. He loves her and would love to have a stronger relationship with her. They can get along and have a atcual child and mother relationship. Redson feels like she doesn't love him because of the outbursts Princess Iron Fan had had at him. She has said some genuinely damaging things that he still thinks about.
The idea of marrying someone terrifies him because he's afraid his quirks and flaws will cause someone to become sick of him and then leave him.
Has very low empathy for people he doesn't know. He tries to show he understands and feels for their situation but he just can't.
I was gonna add Macaque and Wukong but I atcually do wanna work on my comic. I'm gonna try and get it out before my birthday (it's my birthday tomorrow :D!! I'm turning 15!! I'm ancient now 😔) but I make no promises.
I got this idea from 2 of my mutals so thank them 🫶 (also I have 159 followers and that's WILD. It's not alot but it's still weird!)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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romatique · 9 months
˚₊‧ ꒰ choi san's ideal type ꒱ ‧₊˚
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gif by @bblsan
updated september 2023.
hello! i'm lina, your new ateez tarot reader. i decided to make my first post about san since i connect with him easily, so i hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback too <3
(this is tarot based and for entertainment purposes only. all alleged and shouldn't be taken as 100% truth).
am i allowed to share this? the fool; "sure, go ahead."
01┆physical appearance (the hanged man rx, the chariot, the emperor rx, king of wands rx)
when i tell you my cards literally FLEW. he's pretty much into anything and everything, just like he's said in the past. still, since this is the idealization of a person, here's what i got:
i'm getting a lot of mysterious vibes. like watery traits. san's very open minded and he likes people that dress differently. someone who stands out in the crowd. maybe an alternative style? could be even a person who dresses like they're from another decade. a LOT of presence. athletic slim shape but body positive towards everyone. uses strong and dark colors. red lipstick. deep eyes. he said "androgynous", so i believe someone who balances out what we, as a society, call "feminine" and "masculine" fashion. or maybe it's just the fact he doesn't mind what that person looks like at all. also very out there but still deep.
star signs energy: aquarius or capricorn venus and scorpio mars/moon.
02┆emotional traits (the moon, the empress, death, knight of pentacles rx)
you see, san's been going through a private time, so this is definitely an introverted person. it is important to understand how his energy also affects the type of person he's into.
emotional. mess. but this person is such a control freak, so as much intense as they can be, they won't let it show easily. they've had a pretty intense past and has a hard time letting go of it, even if they don't know it yet ("i can't let go of what happened"). worried about social status. money is an important subject here. mother-like nature: kind, giving and caring. but still demands so much respect. like they wanna be seen as someone bigger. as fragile as this person is, they wanna have a good and strong reputation.
also, we're definitely talking about an artist.
song i heard: butterfly - bts.
star signs energy: cancer sun/saturn, capricorn mars, scorpio mercury.
03┆career (king of wands, lovers, page of cups, page of wands rx)
proactive. "makes a lot of money". leader position. really controlling. could be a lead role actress/actor or a film director. artist. passionate about their job. "do what you love, love what you do". flies around a lot so probably someone with a big influence. busy life but definitely creative. i can also picture drawing as a hobby here.
is this person an idol? (page of cups rx).
no. "i don't wanna cause drama in the industry."
star signs energy: capricorn or pisces midheaven.
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queenie-blackthorn · 7 months
HI HI HI long ask incoming :,,DD
so i have a transmasc muslim character from Malaysia, and i was wondering what the biggest no-no’s are when it comes to writing their transition? and, also, what is it like being a queer muslim in general?
being a queer and trans asian i understand enough (personal experience lol) but i was raised (unfortunately) in a predominantly catholic country that has a LOT of misinformation abt muslims. which sucks. i vaguely know that removing one’s hijab is a very delicate, sensitive thing to do. but what happens when the person no longer identifies as a woman, and wishes to present masculinely? or heck, even present a bit femininely, but still choose to identify as a man? how would a trans muslim go about presenting the way they want to, in the theoretical situation that they’re in a safe enough environment to do so?
hii <333 i want to clarify beforehand that this is a VERY sensitive issue, esp among muslims. cause us as muslims have faced enough misrepresentation as is, and some (i promise not me) may consider it insulting and misrepresentative for a queer muslim to exist (as if they dont already). just, be wary when approaching this subject
now, the issue here is that trans muslims are an EXTREME minority, and i mean extreme. not many people transition and still call themselves muslim. they either renounce islam, or hide their identities for the sake of safety. islam resembles christianity in a way—queerness is a big no-no. HOWEVER, in islam its not haram to BE these things, its haram to act like it (specifically, acting like the opposite gender. dressing like them, who you get married to, etc)
you have to be v delicate, since most ppl would not accept a trans muslim character (i say most bc there are ppl who wouldnt mind, but society as a whole generally would in fact mind)
you almost never see women decide to take off their hijab bc they dont identify as a woman. removing the hijab is taboo enough in muslim culture, but doing that due to not identifying as a woman anymore? BIG no-no
if, theoretically, theyre in an environment safe enough to do so, they still may find ppl unfriending them bc of it, or tryna convince them not to do so for their own safety
HOWEVER, i do have genderqueer friends irl who are still muslim, all of them afab. im gonna use two of them as an example (keep in mind we do live in a transphobic/homophobic society)
the first one (genderfluid but goes w any pronouns) was a hijabi before they stopped identifying as a woman, and they still wear a hijab. however, they do wear chest binders and more masculine style of clothing (e.g. no skirts). they still cover their awrah (the part of a muslim that should be covered. for men its from the navel to below the knees, for women its everywhere except the face and hands), but theyve become a lil more careless w the hijab (like wearing it looser)
the second one (he/they) isnt a hijabi, and they still have long hair. however, he also wears a chest binder, but still likes makeup and things like that. ik less abt this one cause we arent as close as me n the first friend, but thats what ik
and i also mentioned the awrah. keep in mind that men have a hijab too, just a different kind. "hijab" just means covering, n both genders have to cover personal parts. so your character may stop wearing a headscarf, but they still have to wear longer shorts n grow out a beard (and yes, growing out your beard is a must for men in islam. according to most scholars anyway, since the prophet pbuh did it)
if your character was previously a hijabi, you might make him more careless w the hijab (showing more n more hair until he eventually renounces it completely) n start wearing more t-shirts w jeans and things like that (search up "grunge hijab" n youll see what i mean)
it IS better to make a trans non-muslim in a muslim society, considering a lotttttt of muslims might find it offensive if theres a trans muslim, but obv i have no say in your character and in the end its entirely your choice <33 just be aware that its kinda like stepping on broken glass here
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loveerran · 3 months
I recently posted about trans couples who have children (and talked about how puberty blockers are safe). I have had 3 personal conversations with parents or relatives of trans kids in the last few months. They’re worried about the impact of life-long medical decisions they are making with doctors and their children - and that is understandable. One Mom said to me “It was easy to be supportive before, but now it’s me and my kid and it feels very different”.
Here are some things I would like to tell the parents of trans kids (purely my opinion and specifically on the trans-feminine side):
Social transitions are relatively free and easy to implement. If my AMAB child were transitioning, I would want them to walk a mile in those heels (or more) and see how she feels about every day life as a woman. The gender non-conforming umbrella is wide. Not everyone will want a full-time/complete binary transition. I have a genderfluid friend who likes spending time in both worlds and identifies as a crossdresser. She is a real and valid person. Detransition is also real and there should always be a way for the child to reverse course if this isn't for them. And in my opinion, the child needs to know that specifically. I might ask my child “If we moved far away to a place where folks didn’t know you, would you want to continue presenting this way or go back?”
I have spent significant amounts of time studying the subject, and believe puberty blockers are very safe. Leuprorelin has been administered to tens of thousands of kids (and even more adults), worldwide, for decades. No long-term cases of sterility/infertility have ever been recorded. Concerns about negative side effects or lack of natal pubertal transition tend to be hypothetical. I believe those potential negative consequences should be explored and puberty blockers should not be restricted until/when negative consequences are identified. We prescribe many medications, readily, with far more significant, and proven, negative side effects. As just one example, many anti-depressants have significant side effects and carry a 'black box' FDA warning. But we understand that some risk is acceptable in treating important underlying conditions with these drugs. Also, if your child stops taking puberty blockers, then no one will be able to tell they were ever on them in a few years.
The effects of ‘cross-sex’ hrt (hormone replacement therapy) are generally reversible, particularly for trans girls. A former trans girl who stops hrt will develop a masculine voice and primary/secondary sex characteristics just like any cis male. Trans men who went through female puberty and then transition are noted for passing and no one ever realizing. The same is far more true of AMAB individuals who identified as trans women and then detransitioned.
Gender confirmation surgery (aka: Sex reassignment surgery) is permanent and final, but that won’t be your decision to make or even participate in except as a counselor and friend, because your child will be a legal adult at that point.
I want to emphasize that detransitioning is real, and the pain of people who have detransitioned is real. Some people start down this path and realize it isn’t for them. I want to support those individuals with a way out that doesn't also close the doors for those for whom transition is the best course of action. Fortunately, most everything up until final surgeries is largely reversible.
Medical intervention for gender dysphoria can be a very good and important thing in a trans kid’s life. Not all the decisions will be yours to make as a parent. Many will be made with your child and the input of competent medical professionals.
And one other thing for parents of trans kids who read this blog: It will almost certainly work out. Your love and support will mean the world to your children.
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months
Gender presentation of JJK female cast
This post contains spoilers for events in the JJK manga that happen after season 2 of the anime.
Part 1 - presentation
The first part of this post is going to be about how I perceive the gender presentation of most JJK female cast - aka the characters I’m fairly confident the author wants the audience perceive as women. 
There are a few caveats I need to make up front.
First of all I will be using adjectives like feminine and female, masculine and male to describe the gender presentation of characters. 
These categories stem from the cultural concept of a gender binary correlated with a biological sex binary that exists in many contemporary societies in one form or another. Concept because neither biological sex nor gender is binary. And this concept is very closely linked to traditionalist thinking, patriarchy, misogyny, right wing ideologies (including radfem ideologies) and fundamentalist religion and is reinforced by capitalism. All these forces have a vested interest in building up masculinity and femininity in opposition to one another and drawing a very clear distinction between them.
Of course as such these categories’ve been tackled by feminism, queer theory and general leftism, reinvented, reclaimed, etc. 
And like pointing out the origin of masculine and feminine is not me trying to judgemental about them. It’s to explain that when I’m using them here, I’m using them in reference to their origins, to what I believe a right wing person would consider feminine or masculine. It will become clear why later. 
The second caveat is that my perception on what would read more feminine and what more masculine is very subjective and deeply rooted in my own culture, my own experiences with gender and also what I’ve seen from other cultures over the years. And some of you looking at my categorisations below will think: nah, I don’t read that like that at all. I hope you will still understand my points even if you’d put some of the characters in different groups. 
The third caveat is that I’ve included most of the characters but not all of them, not even all of the ones the tier maker offered. I skipped them because I considered them too background to feature, like looking at them I couldn’t recall anything about their personality or anything like that. 
The last caveat is that by presentation I mean outer appearance (clothes, hair style, accessories) mixed with how the characters carry themselves and their mannerism. So like the overall visual vibe. 
I used the tier maker website but this is obviously not a tier thing but I just found this tool easy to organise the characters, it had most of the characters I wanted to use, and it was easy to upload the one I felt was missing. 
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Since this is an organising effort, I actually put blank lines into it to separate the groups: masculine, mixed and feminine. 
And just one look at it shows how the vast majority of the women in JJK neatly fit into the feminine side of the presentation spectrum. 
So I divided it further. Here is my thought process behind it, and I know it may sound a bit weird. 
First of all, I separated classical feminine presentations from contemporary ones. 
The classical ones are for me ones that even rather conservative right wing people wouldn’t consider unfeminine, or not feminine enough. Even if they could consider some of the presentations sexually aggressive. 
The contemporary ones are those where some right wing dipshits would be like: she’s not trying enough to be appealing to my very narrow view of what a proper woman looks like.
The second distinction is between deliberate and casual. So whether there are grounds in the text of JJK to believe so or whether I get the overall vibe from the character that she’s putting thought into the femininity of her presentation or whether it just feels that she just leans that way and doesn’t consider the reasons for that. 
So the deliberate contemporaries all sometimes assume female associated poses and mannerisms at will and they are doing it consciously. And they seem to have an attitude towards their gender.
But they do not weaponise it like the deliberate classicals. Only Takada doesn’t do it for evil, she just does it for her career. The other four are very aggressive in their use of it. Mei Mei uses it to seduce her baby brother. Remi and Ogami to lure men to their deaths. Tsubasa to get her classmates to bully Junpei. 
I don’t want to say that it’s conscious on Gege’s part, that the cursed cat put this much thought into it. But it feels in line with how this classic femininity is seen as a tool by the right wing men. A tool they want to use but also fear because they feel weak to it. 
In this framing the deliberate contemporary would be not appealing enough to right wing men. It’s more a presentation that feels targeted to appeal towards centre left women. 
The casual classical presentation is probably the most desired by the traditionalist crowd. Women just falling in line but not trying to wield it.
But to people who are not into policing how others look and don’t follow right wing influencers, both casual looks classical and contemporary will likely register as neutral. 
I put three characters into the feminine but not sure how category. Uro has her jewellery and her body language slants feminine for me but she’s naked and I’m not sure how to read that. I also put there Sasaki and Nitta because we only see Sasaki in her school uniform and Nitta in her work clothes and after some thought I decided that I don’t want to make a decision without seeing their casual outfits, because I didn’t feel like they gave me enough of a clear vibe, unlike Mimiko, Nanako or Riko. 
Now to the three in the masculine presentation category, or at least leaning masculine.
Yuki often vibes masculine clothes-wise and posture but it’s not 100%. She has feminine outfits, she strikes feminine poses sometimes. For me she’s very “however I felt that day” gender presentation wise.
Miwa is fascinating. I searched for JJK wifu rankings (I took mental hits for this post, okay) and Miwa is in all of them, even the short, like 5 character ones. I haven’t seen her top any of them but she’s usually high. Miwa’s uniform is a suit, shirt and tie. I had a conversation about this with cursedvibes and he said that in a professional setting it doesn’t strike him as a masculine outfit, especially that the suit is cut for a female silhouette. But culturally, where I live, because she’s not wearing a blouse under the jacket, it would read masculine to a lot of people. It only shows how culturally loaded this all is. And then he found me a drawing of Miwa in casual clothing and it’s this:  
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Yeah, her outfits are on the masc side but she feels so girly. I love her so much. 
Tengen will look masculine in a gown:
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And she’s shown wearing suits with a masculine cut. Amazing.
Part 2 - Maki and Mai
So what prompted me to even think about the presentation of the female characters was this garbage post. 
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It seems to have been deleted so I cropped the author’s name and icon out. Idk why the author did that but maybe they don’t hold these opinions anymore. Maybe someone pointed out to them that that vague about Maki is deeply misogynist and lesbophobic. And since they were trying to perform a feminism with this post, they just deleted it because it wasn’t a good look.  They could’ve just deleted that Maki vague, the rest of the post is inoffensive. 
Maybe they actually looked at the manga and realised that fuck, they are wrong about what’s in there. 
That Maki vague is very unpleasant to me on a few levels.
Before Jougo burns Maki, she usually wears skirts. She has a girly hair style. She wears the cutesy leg warmers. Maki pre burns actually tops several of the wifu lists I’ve looked at! Her appearance is read as girly and desirable by what I assume are straight male western anime fans who make these lists. 
So to associate Maki so strongly with masculinity you need to buy into the bullshit that personality traits are gendered. Or that having certain ambitions, desires or priorities is reserved for either men or women. 
That Maki’s ambition and/or lack of nurturing traits and/or her harsh bully personality make her by default masculine. While also pretending that Mai isn’t a harsh bully. 
Even after the burns her outfit is not masculine. 
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It really accentuates her curves, it’s tight, it has the decorative belt and cape. Look how she poses in it. Cursedvibes said that he gets a superhero vibe from it and he’s absolutely right. Yorozu’s outfit has a similar vibe, and so do some of Yuki’s outfits.
But it also accentuates Maki’s arms. And she has amazing arms. 
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Her pre burns outfits don’t expose her muscles so much. Her fighting style doesn’t really emanate with that much strength. 
The above post alludes to the moment of Mai’s death. The first time when Maki is wearing trousers while Mai is in a skirt in the same scene. It’s after Maki was disfigured, has shorter hair. Is in an outfit that accentuates her athleticism. 
Professional female athletes get their femininity questioned all the time, they try to perform femininity during competitions with makeup, hairstyles, sometimes their outfits to counteract that. Things that male athletes don’t have to do. 
And even though Maki’s outfit isn’t really masculine, it’s not as strongly feminine as her skirts because it doesn’t hide the physical strength in a palatable package. So there is some change in presentation but it’s not an obvious jump from full femininity to full masculinity. 
Also scarring is something women tend to hide more than men. Scarring is culturally charged considered a blemish and any form of deviating from the norm, clear and unblemished skin, carries the possibility of ridicule. But society puts extra pressure on the appearance of women. Naoya even attacks Maki’s post burns appearance directly. 
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And this is the last level why that vague is unpleasant specifically in the context of Maki. Her family constantly challenged her value as a person. Tied a lot of their bullying to her not being enough. Not human enough because she had no cursed energy. And the only sliver of value they awarded to her was her attractiveness as a woman. Sliver because they despised her for not falling into the role of a meek, invisible woman, the servant to the heir. 
Yet neither she nor Mai seem to have ever rejected their femininity. Maki��s rebellion didn’t go into her gender or gender presentation. And it easily could’ve. With the trauma she has it wouldn’t be strange if she had a complicated relationship with her own gender. But she doesn’t seem to and that’s also okay. And this isn’t a criticism at creators of fan art or fic that depict Maki as more butch, that include considerations of gender and gender presentation into her trauma or rebellion against the Zenin. This is specifically an issue with these kinds of takes that wear the guise of interpreting the actual text of JJK. 
This is why I’ve been talking about how one needs to be careful when critiquing JJK from a feminist point of view. This is just the latest post I’ve seen where the author in their attempt to paint Gege as doing a supposed misogyny, did an actual misogyny themself. Here’s another one I actually responded to. 
One of my fandom friends, Subdee, has always talked about how radfems and right wing fundamentalists are astroturfing the fandom, how many people who pursue their fandom hobbies on social media get exposed to radfem ideology masqueraded as progressive feminism or queer theory. And if these people don’t have a solid foundation when it comes to these issues they will internalise the rainbow puritanism and radfem ideology. While they also usually get dragged into these ideas that fandom is activism, that you have to present a certain ideological purity through fandom not to be a bad person. That you have to be “critical” of what you “consume” and actively seek out the problematic aspects of the works and condemn them.
And it is very clear in both the post about Maki and the one about Nobara. The desire to be “critical” and the deeply rightwing radfem ideology. Because to think that Maki is masculine and Nobara is unfeminine you have to believe in such a painfully narrow idea of what femininity can be, an idea that you could hear espoused by a far right influencer. 
The Maki post actually went further than that. It hints upon other radfem ideas of any proximity to masculinity giving the person automatic privilege (aka butches have male privilege bullshit). But even if we imagined an alternative universe version of JJK which had grounds to link Maki to masculinity strongly enough for it to match Sukuna’s very obvious and aggressive traditional masculinity, there’s another radfem red flag in that post. The implication that a feminine person doing something for a masculine person is inherently an act of being exploited. Regardless of the circumstances of the situation, because the Maki/Mai situation is not even remotely similar to the Sukuna/Yorozu situation if you actually give it a few seconds of thought. The idea of femininity always being the victim of masculinity is one that inherently means that feminine people are weak, helpless and can’t make their own decisions, it strips them of any agency. It undercuts and disrespects both what Mai and Yorozu did. 
post script.
I recommend the interview that Gege did together with Kubo, the creator of Bleach. There's some interesting stuff in the about how for instance someone from the industry views Gege's female cast.
(Side note, one wifu list included guys and Gojou and Megumi were higher than Yuuji! Can you believe that? He’s the only proper wifu out of the 3 of them. Disgraceful, that’s why straight people shouldn’t have the right to vote on anything, even anime wifus)
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fell-contract · 3 months
What is it about Kingdom Hearts that seems to attract only gay men who are slutty on the internet AND very asexual women?
If you will indulge my galaxy brain take, I think a large part of the solidarity is due to the series long fixation on identity and memory. While this is more implicit in the first game ("a far off dream that's like a scattered memory"), it becomes direct with the introduction of nobodies and the mission to ultimately regain souls. While the series can get convoluted at times, the through line has consistently been: how do we define the self and how do we preserve our memory?
The older I get the more cognizant I am of my own hyperfixation to be 'understood' for a multitude of reasons, while also recognizing that it's ultimately outside of my control how others perceive me. Still, the series emphasizes that we can be a witness to the lives of others and as long as we keep remembering them we can keep them alive in some way. One of my favorite quotes comes in Birth by Sleep: "in other people's memory we can live forever". It's not so much about how we're remembered, but that we're remembered at all.
There's also the subject of identity itself which ends up more nebulous, intentionally so in how the series navigates it which rings true to reality. Who are we within society, other than a culmination of who we are to others? Obviously there are aspects of ourselves that only we can understand, but how we interface with the world does largely inform who we are. Nothing is less reliable than our own concept of ourselves, and what I love about Kingdom Hearts is how it anchors this in the belief that others can have in us.
To tie it back to your initial point, this level of affirmation is something 'slutty' gay men and asexual women are largely denied due to existing directly outside of social expectations for masculinity/femininity: men are meant to embody the male gaze, not desire it. Similarly, women are expected to fulfill some arbitrary purpose in reproduction by having children. Finding a community or even just one person who is willing to see us for who we truly are and not who they expect us to be can feel like a lifelong journey in acceptance.
Or maybe it's just a matter of two queens trying to maximize their joint slay. I guess we'll have to wait for Kingdom Hearts IV to find out!
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spanishskulduggery · 11 months
Hello! I always have trouble of understanding when to use and/or what lo means in weirder contexts
I understand lo means it but sometimes in songs or writing they use it like "Lo importante" or "lo mas bello" What does lo mean in that case?
Does it just objectify what is important or beautiful? Like making it an actual subject? This as well as "Lo que" which I understand as "that thing that" but I just don't understand how lo comes into it all.
Thank you!
Very quickly I'll go over what lo is - minus how it works as a direct object pronoun "it" for masculine nouns, but it's essentially the same idea as below
lo is technically part of what is called "neuter gender", sometimes neutral gender or agender - which is the absence of a grammatical gender; so in Spanish there are technically three genders - masculine, feminine, and then agender/neuter
You wouldn't really know it to look at it, because it looks and behaves like masculine, but you understand it more in practice
By that I mean, lo exists without a noun stated - it's a stand-in for the regular nouns
él is "he", ella is "she", and ello is "it" a thing of undiscernible gender
This is also why you'll see por esto "because of this (thing)" or por eso "because of that (thing)" - without a noun stated; the regular demonstratives este/esta and ese/esa [as well as aquel/aquella vs. aquello] happen with a noun after it; este libro "this book" vs. esto "this (thing)"
The idea of lo que is "that which", which is a stand-in for a noun or a longer phrase or abstract concept... as in lo que quiero decir "what I mean" is a shorter form of "the thing that I want to say / mean to say"
You can sort of think of it as a summary... lo que digo "what I'm saying" summarizes what you're saying, whatever you're saying, as "that thing" more or less
The lo becomes a "what/that/which" function especially as lo que
With lo + adjectives or adverbs, you're often times making an adjectival or adverbial phrase into a noun
You can understand it as "the thing" or a "what"
You could say la cosa importante "the important thing"... or you can say lo importante "what's important"; la cosa más importante "the most important thing" or lo más importante "what's most important"
lo is a kind of grammatical shortcut for not having to use a longer phrase or specify what you're talking about; it's the "what" or "the thing"... absent of gender or plurality
The only bit of weirdness where you can't totally take it as a "what" is when you have expressions of "enough"
These really only happen with bastante or suficiente/suficientemente (which are interchangeable)
As in: no soy lo bastante listo/a "I'm not smart enough"; more literally "I am not what is sufficiently smart"
You see this with lots of expressions... for example, ser lo suficientemente bueno/a "to be good enough", no estar lo bastante frío/a "not cold enough", or something like dormir lo suficiente "to sleep enough"
Expressions of "enough" use lo a lot to qualify amounts and adjectives; sometimes with como para "to be able to do something" like... lo bastante listo/a como para saber "smart enough to (be able to) know"
This last part of lo is something you get used to with time because it doesn't always feel entirely natural (or, at least, that's how I feel as a native English speaker)
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