#also I never did a ref for one of my other main characters
raeathnos · 1 year
#I need to kick my art block in the shins#I wanna do a new version of my sonas ref sheet so bad#buT IM SO TIRED ALL THE TIME D:<#also I never did a ref for one of my other main characters#and like I started a couple of months ago and have it mostly sketched out#and just lost motivation towards the end 🙃#I didn’t draw for like two years and I can feel it#and I know baby steps and that’s what I’ve been doing the last few months#but it’s such a struggle#wanna draw but don’t wanna draw#and either I have motivation but no inspiration or I have inspiration but no motivation#I’ve been trying to do studies and that’s helping at least#I finished one drawing a few months back that was a trade with a coworker#but otherwise the last one was in 2021 I think 🙃#I gots lots of wips at least#maybe I need to revisit those first and they’ll help me ease back in more#idk#it’s frustrating#that pride doodle tonight was refreshing and I’m def gonna refine and finish it#but man I feel rusty#I know I just gotta push through it buts it’s hard and I angry >:c#I did buy a little lap desk thing and that’s kinda helping#half the issue is I’m so achy after work I don’t want to sit at my desk I just want to lay around#so that’s kinda helping too at least#arrrggghhh#I miss when I was a teenager and just spend the summer busting out art#I think I get too hung up in things being perfect#making bad art is better than not making art at all#gotta just get back into scribbling shit and filling up notebooks with doodles
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zenyuumi · 1 year
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Had a silly idea and could not go to sleep without drawing it 👍
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aeliem · 9 months
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@zucchiyeni's dtiys
design credits: dust by @safwunsies nightmare by @justanidiotartist horror by @westaysilly killer by @zucchiyeni
timelapse & ramblings under the cut
i tried to put this in the tags but it was way too long so here are my.... ramblings? design notes? process? watever it is it's here now
killer is the one i changed the least, even the pose is pretty much the same i kept the asymetrical design from the dtiys (w/ one sleeve rolled up & only one shoulder w/ spikes) for the shoes i kinda went watever & put the spikes in the middle (i bet you it caused some of the holes in his jeans) i like to think he chose blue soles bc he did a collab w/ nightmare so that he's not the only one w/ cool colors his main color is still red, but i made the leather, t-shirt, metal & jeans blue-ish as a complementary color
for nightmare, i don't even know if his design is canon, but when i saw that the murder time trio did collabs w/ him i knew i had to draw it i didn't touch the base design itself but i switched the colors around a lot bc i really didn't know how to make it work w/ the rest of the characters i kept the base palette (blue/cyan, purple & pink) but had purple as a main & cyan as an accent color (pink itself is only there in the glitter) also yeah i put the glitter on his coat instead of his tentacles cuz i wanted to show his bones & tentacles are made/covered in the same goopy stuff, and the glitter kinda went in the way of that i like that his colors are really different from the other & you can tell he goes solo while they're in a band, but i think it's not too distracting
horror is my favorite, like he's just enjoying himself in the back its kinda sad i had to hide him behing both his drums & killer, i might post a version w/out it to show it off the drums were a pain in the ass ngl, i've never played them so i had to look at a lot of references in the end i just drew a basic drum set w/ the colors on the ref (red & gold), i added silver for the metal bits bc it's everywhere in the other's designs his design itself is unchanged, i just thought having him in red only felt boring so i added orange to his fur & shirt
i realized too late i couldn't show dust's head w/ the pose i drew T-T also drew his entire outfit then had to hide half of it because of his guitare this is why planning is important people his guitare rocks tho (pun intended) i tried to make him red & purple to match his eyes, but currently it's more of an orange salmon color w/ a dark grey pink eeeh the intent is there i guess i made his gloves fingerless cuz you can't tell me this dude plays guitare w/ full on gloves like i know they're skeletons but that's physically impossible i also added a strap to his guitare cuz unless he's using blue magic, he probably can't keep it up w/ only his right hand
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shokolandish · 3 months
edit: i made a new charlie design and a post-finale vanessa design!
viv is not a good person and i don't support her, but ive got a hyperfixation right now and im gonna make that everybody else's problem
besides, separate art from the artist or whatever
hazbin has a shit ton of mistakes, problems, same body and hell, even same clothes syndrome. does hell only have one shop or something???
but i just kiiiinda enjoy (?) it for what it is
and ive seen a lot of people do redesigns and that seems really fun and honestly, the characters have a lot of potential that's just blatantly ignored by the show
aaaanyways, after all that out of the way, i present to you...
finished refs for two of my redesigns for the cast!!! did the main couple first, naturally
soo, here's charlie
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age: about 22 in human years
and vanessa!
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age: about 25 years old. not sure if angels age differently but that's her age in human years
some notes under the cut
- yep, i made her non-binary. just get a lot of non-binary energy from xer. besides, i like the hc of them preferring the name charlie over charlotte because it sounds more gender-neutral
- i like to imagine xer a bit on the bigger side complexion-wise. like, i don't know if you could call her chubby but she is a bit plump and really soft to the touch not only because of the fur. i feel like being soft and having more soft edges in buns design would fit buns character more
- she's not freakishly tall anymore!!!! like.. i don't mind her being tall because she's the princess of hell after all.. also have you seen how tall lilith is???? but i feel like sometimes it's TOO much... also honestly it also just fits them more imo??
- they're a redhead now. I MEAN LIKE. both lucifer and lilith were described with red hair in old paintings.. i just had to.
- yeah yeah i made her a demigirl... her original color palette just screamed demigirl. like. it was literally the demigirl flag color palette.
- i thought of naming her violet but that'd be a little too on the nose i think- gave her actual hips!! and not whatever was going on in her original design (the waist just going straight into the legs)
- also made her a little more.. (uh i guess the appropriate word is "thicc") overall- yeah i also redesigned the angelic spear a bit. not too proud of it but i think it gets the idea across
- i don't usually.. draw noses, but i figured it was a pretty big/most recognizable part of her design so i gave her one.
- oh yeah btw she's not gray anymore!!!! yippee!!!!! like what's even up with viv and making poc characters gray. anyways since she's a fallen angel i figured giving her a more human appearance would make sense. we've seen winners in heaven and a lot of them look pretty human. even if we only look at exorcists, lute looks pretty human too.
writing notes
okay, so, i wanna give you some notes about the writing, but before i do - i am NOT a professional writer, im just a kid who has some criticism for the hellfire of a show hazbin is
with that out of the way...
chaggie's writing
okay so. chaggie am i right.
so, ill just get this out of the way - it's boring
like, really boring
chaggie defenders will say they're just "casual" and im an asshole for wanting more from them but you can be casual and not be FUCKING BORING
like.. all of their interactions just go the same waythey comfort each other or hold hands or vaggie is trying to convince charlie to do something and she NEVER. FUCKING. LISTENS. like seriously.
the only time she actually listened was when vaggie convinced her to be more assertive but she was trying to do it anyway... and she changed vaggie's words and did her own thing anyways
they don't even have that much chemistry. and they're like, the main couple. they're supposed to have chemistry.
hell, emily and charlie had more chemistry in one episode they interacted in than vaggie and charlie in the whole damn show
vaggie's writing
vaggie's writing.. it's... sigh.
she doesn't really feel like a separate character when she's with charlie
they're just. doing the same thing. over and over again. all of their interactions are the fucking same. like.. i wanna care but i just have no reason to. i just DON'T FUCKING CARE.
even vaggie's whole deal in "whatever it takes" is her just?? dedicating her life to being charlie's partner?? and not even being her own person and living for herself??? like. what's up with that. maybe i just didn't pay enough attention??? i can't be bothered to rewatch any chaggie scenes in episode 2 because they did not deserve that drama and i just don't care enough
im supposed to care but i don't
the show just. doesn't give me any reason to care.
vaggie interacting with ANY other character is so much more interesting - i don't know what to expect, i can't predict it!
vaggie interacting with alastor? hell yeah! we never know alastor's intentions and seeing vaggie not taking any of his shit is really entertaining!
vaggie interacting with angel dust? sure! id love to hear the bickering or maybe them having to put up being alone with each other for an episode? maybe both of them having to put up with charlie's shenanigans and bonding over that?
vaggie interacting with niffty? okay sure! a lil gremlin and an involuntary caretaker maybe with vaggie seeing niffty can take care of herself? or vaggie trying to put up with her insanity?
vaggie interacting with husk? oh hell yeah, they both seem to be the straight man in any situation (despite neither of them being straight but whatever), maybe they can have a drink or two together.
vaggie interacting with pentious? yes please! she'd not take any of his shit, but honestly? pentious' obliviousness with vaggie's seriousness could be a very fun dynamic!
but charlie? yeah i can just. predict any interaction they'll have.
and that's not really a good thing with the main couple
because it just gets old really quickly
and we see them all the time, so after some time they can just start to irritate people
how would i fix it?
maybe make charlie listen to vaggie more often??
or maybe vaggie getting a bit irritated because charlie doesn't take her advice seriously
or maybe actually show us how they fell in love?? not just love at first sight or whatever they had in the flashback
like, id love to see actual chemistry develop!or maybe make their interactions not as predictable??
or maybe actually show us how they work together
have an episode dedicated to them
that's the problem with trying to fit everything into one season - the character and relationship developments can end up rushed and just. not very good.
like.. the season we got could be easily stretched out into two or three, WHERE ARE YOU GOING SO FAST, SHOW?? why so fast
this show doesn't know about the existence of filler episodes and we NEED filler episodes
to actually get to know the characters, to explore dynamics, to get to know the world around them
the season is just way too short to tell the story it's trying to say
and if i didn't care about a character from the start and the show doesn't let me meet them... im not gonna just start caring.
anyways, that's about it! im definitely gonna do more, i even have angel and pentious ready:) niffty, husk, alastor, emily or adam are next after them, i already have them sketched out
idk what order im gonna post them in but we'll see i guess
some concepts
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immortalarizona · 10 months
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“This is chaos magic, Wanda. And that makes you the Scarlet Witch.”
— Agatha Harkness
a sketch showcasing my Wanda design!! credit to @adorkastock for the pose reference used :)
below the cut is a full breakdown of my design, including its evolution, my thought process, and other unposted drawings relating to this project, so read on if you’re interested!!
okay, so real talk, I first decided I wanted to make my own Wanda design because I Could Not be bothered to keep looking up refs for whatever tf is going on with her mcu costume bodice. I mean, look at this:
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I mean, maybe it looks okay onscreen, but there’s so many fiddly little details, especially around the collar, and it was just a pain to draw whenever I would draw my Wanda. and okay I’ll be real I also wanted to distance my Wanda from the whitewashed Wendy version of her, because I Do What I Want. and also, the dullness of the reds did not spark joy within my heart. she’s the Scarlet Witch, people, not the Vaguely Maroon Witch!!
and I fell in love with the Kevin Wada design when I first saw it. it’s gorgeous, it’s sleek, it’s witchy, and it’s significantly less frustrating to draw!!
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so for a while, I drew my Wanda in a variation of this fit, blended with some of my own touches (a high ponytail + an occasional choker) and a few of the things I did like from her mcu fit (the crown + the half skirt thingamabob + the long cape). but I was still feeling :/ about it, mainly because while the off-the-shoulder design looks lovely, I found it tricky to draw whenever Wanda would raise her hands above her head. exhibit a below:
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behold, the sketch for an old drawing I never finished!! and I know artists smarter than me have figured out How The Sleeves, because some comics even today still use this design, but I only have so many brain cells to spend, and I felt like simplifying things for myself even further.
that was when Russell Dauterman’s design for the 2022 Hellfire Gala dropped. and I went FERAL.
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it’s gorgeous!! it’s stunning!! high collars my beloved!! so I took the collar design and ran with it for my own design.
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behold, a janky rendition of my costume design in the crappy colored pencils provided to us during my fashion design class!! I know, I know, the coloring looks atrocious, but I was working with what I had. now, you may have already noticed some elements not present in any of the designs I cited as my influences. let’s talk about those!!
the sleeves are split from the main bodice as gloves: this was for my own sanity, haha. it was a construction my smol lizard brain could comprehend and work with much better than Whatever is going on with the comics designs.
the red portion of the gloves tapers in kind of a V design rather than cutting off at the fingers: personally, I felt like this accentuated the elegant flow of all the hand gestures Wanda makes when using her powers better than the classic fingerless design, or whatever thumb strap thingy was going on with her MoM costume.
where’d the design for her cloak clasp come from?: now we all know that tumblr’s pixel budget is next to nil, but if you zoom in, you’ll notice that the clasp of Wanda’s cloak is not her M crown design, but rather a golden kinda coffin-shaped thingy. see, I saw this one theory that this hex shape in Wanda’s mcu bodice was an homage to Vision and the Mind Stone, and I liked that theory, so I referenced it with a hex-shaped clasp.
and the runes on her bodice and skirt?: I actually referenced the Enochian font for those!! according to wikipedia, it’s said to be the language of angels, which feels appropriate for a character as tied to cosmic powers as Wanda. also, real talk, it just looks cool. the script on her bodice originally said “not born, forged,” in reference to the Darkhold’s Scarlet Witch prophecy, but it’s become truncated as the bodice has become shorter to accommodate a more high-waisted structure, which I personally believe to be more flattering in general. I added the runes pretty late in the design process to her skirt to tie the whole fit together visually. from an in-universe perspective, I like to think of the writing as Chthon visually marking Wanda as his creation. his witch.
why does Wanda have a high ponytail when she’s never had one in her most recognizable incarnations?: because a) I do what I want, and b) Alba Flores looks STUNNING in a high ponytail.
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and let it never be said that I am not fruity as all heck about Wanda Maximoff <3
so there you have it, a Wanda design that I think is as beautiful, regal, and magical as she is, not to mention one that I can draw repeatedly without having to immediately reach for my phone to Yet Again look up references for how the heck the bodice works.
(and really, it only seemed fitting that the Scarlet Witch of Earth-19384 should receive her own unique design.)
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fitzs-space · 11 months
I absolutely love ur mer designs for Etho, Grian and our lovely sea monster ofc lol. Do you have any more in depth refs for their designs, id love to see more of how they look if possible! /nf ofc
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only really had the couple rough sketches for their designs unfortunately! given its how I work with most of my stuff with just quick sketches like this. But I'll give the couple details I remember adding into their designs! Main notes will be I spent more time on Etho because I knew they'd be seen the most,, also that this this Is a default of how I've always drawn mermaids, with the whole dark eyes and covered in scales and fins, more siren esk in a sense.
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with Etho the main things I remember adding is chancing the headband and gloves to be more like kelp being wrapped around/ braided, because In general I like drawing mermaid outfits with a more found object type vibe to them. the other main thing was intentionally giving them 9 fins in their design, 6 on the tail, 2 on their fourarms, and the one on the back. Cause I enjoy drawing Etho with the kitsune vibe. even though I;ve only ever drawn them with the full ears n tail like,, once or twice? who knows.
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Also! points points, finally had an excuse to draw their tattoos!
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only notes I really had for Grian was wanting him to have the rounded Fins cause feather vibes. and I never really looked up actual fish or animals when I draw quick designs, so I go off pure vibes and vague memory of what I think the animal looks like,,, and we end up with stuff like this.
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and drew them with the void damage again! thought it would look pretty to have a tail and scales that looked like a void/spacelike. and It wouldn't have been a good colour pallet to have him in just pure red with the poncho and tail bein the same colour. I did also try the white hair too, even just being streaks like my s5 Ex design, but It wasn't really working out.
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I looked at my old design of Xb and went, "what can I do to make this being even prettier." and here we are /hj the full sea monster style Is something only like five of the hermits would have seen, so its not a common thing. I'd like to think Xb also like triples in size when like this, but its hart to show that when its just a single character shot like this. the default Xb design I will use is the "just some guy" kinda thing with only a couple fishy details if you look close enough. the whole a couple scales around the eyes like freckles and a vague impression of gills that are mostly covered up buy the hoodie anyways. the third eye is something Xb always keeps closed, and is normally hidden behind bangs
yada yada, I draw my Xb design as a character who just does everything to act as "Just some guy" and not as a full on monster of the deep sea kind thing only other design notes would be me adding the runes into Xb's horns, cause I've got some random magics lore Ideas, and I've been meaning to also add some to Tango's design as well and I originally had drawn Xb's earrings as a way to match with Hypnos, forgot that I drew this one with just a teardrop,, but I know my Hypno design does have both a eye and a bell on his earrings. Silly reference to a cool fic that was a good chunk of inspiration to how I characterize my Xb
Idk, not as many thoughts behind these designs as I had in the ties comic, but still a couple none the less!
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inkyarcturus · 2 days
For my contribution for pride month I’d like to share my personal head canons for Harry Potter characters!!!
Harry Potter: I’m gonna be honest I project on this man far too unhealthily to NOT be biased (I’ve been going by the name Harry in IRLfor 3 and a half years now I think? Bc of this man /srs) but that man’s bi with a capital B 💕💜💙 personally I enjoy seeing trans man Harry as well but unfortunately I don’t see as many fanfics of him as such :,) shoutout to all the fanfic creators I see making Harry a trans woman tho!!! I’d also love to see a genderfluid/nonbinary Harry or two!!!
Hermione Granger: trans woman!!! 🏳️‍⚧️ *crowd cheers* as for sexuality wise? I’ve seen her depicted as straight, bisexual and lesbian- and honestly I think I can see her fitting all of these!!!
Ronald Weasley: I always struggle to pinpoint what I headcanon Ron to be. I have seen a couple of people headcannoning him as a trans man 🏳️‍⚧️- referencing Molly continuing to have children until she had a girl creates perfect levels of angst for this- but I wouldn’t say it’s a permanent aspect of him inside my head. Now that I think about him a little more- I think I might headcanon him as unlabeled more than anything sexuality wise. I think he’s into women but he wouldn’t be opposed or too surprised if he developed a crush on a guy.
Luna Lovegood: She’s a lesbian 🏳️‍🌈💕 (I will occasionally accept fanfics where she is pan and is with Neville but her being a lesbian is the main headcanon) also a little gender queer in whichever way you choose 🏳️‍⚧️ sometimes I see her as genderfluid, bigender and just generally nonbinary
Ginny Weasley: bi- so so bi 💕💜💙
Draco Malfoy: Gayest motherfucker in town I’m sorry- Mr. Tells his father literally everything about Harry 💚🤍💙
Remus Lupin: bi 💕💜💙 there’s no question about that in my mind, I think he has a small preference for men but that’s it!!!
Sirius Black: He switches between using the labels queer and gay but you know that man kisses other men!!! 💚🤍💙 I know a lot of people tend to headcanon him as genderfluid which I enjoy seeing but it’s never been a main stay headcanon for me :,)
Tonks: (She/they) Lesbian and Intersex 🏳️‍🌈💕💛🟣. I’m sorry but the age gap between Remus and her in the original books make me uncomfortable- as for being intersex, I think most ppl believe being a metamorphmagus means she is automatically genderfluid, while I like seeing genderfluid representation, I think ppl often fail to acknowledge the difference between sex and gender. As a metamorphmagus, she transforms her body, her gender doesn’t seem to change w it in the books. While I like the headcanons of them being genderfluid I wish more people explored that specific idea.
Severus Snape: queer? Queer. In every sense of the word. I think most people view him as bi 💕🟣💙 which I agree with (Lily and Mulciber, also absolutely headcanon him having a crush on both Lucius AND Narcissa) but also I think he’s a little bit gender funky- I mean just look at him- no one who stands like that isn’t just cis /ref. Sev absolutely painted his nails and did eyeliner, he absolutely wore a floor length black skirt and absolutely had days where mister hit wrong in all the right places and everyone in her group helped by doing tiny things like braiding her hair and putting bat clips in it for fun 🏳️‍⚧️
Anyways speed run round 🏃
💕🟣💙: Cedric Diggory, Cho Chang (has the fandom chosen a new name for her yet?) Bill Weasley
🧡💛🤍🩵💙: Charlie Weasley, Neville? (Didn’t think of this until just now but it’s growing on me?-)
🏳️‍🌈💚🤍💙: Dean thomas, Seamus Finnegan, Dumbledore (I may not like him that much but he is gay)
🏳️‍🌈💕: Minerva Mcgonagall, Poppy Pomfrey
If I missed anyone I’m sorry :,)
Anyways!!! Join if you’d like with your own headcanons!!!
@pottistic @marriso1 (If you guys don’t wanna join w ur own headcanons that’s okay! I thought this would just be fun :P)
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iztea · 6 months
Maybe you have some drawing tips for beginners?
Your style is incredibly beautiful and it just inspires this thing inside me to grab my iPad and start drawing but unfortunately I have no idea where to even begin
Or maybe you have some recs where to look to learn how to draw stuff?
But I understand completely that it’s your thing and artists should never feel pressured to share all their techniques and secrets, you worked hard on it!
I just really really love your art to the point where I just look at it for 30 minutes straight with this big feeling in my chest
ah it was never about being secretive, i'm pretty open about my drawing process since gatekeeping knowledge is a big pet peeve of mine. It was more like,, laziness because writing a cohesive and helpful drawing tutorial is pretty difficult and i wouldn't even know where to start; i'm afraid i'll get maybe too technical and what have you.
As for tips for beginners, i've shared plenty on my couriouscat so you can scroll through the answers there, i also have some drawing timelapses on my twitter account as well (albeit you'll have to scroll a little)
I'm very flattered you feel that way about my art, it really means a lot to me and i'm glad to have inspired you to draw as well that's awesome and i wish you best of luck!
I actually don't know how different drawing on an iPad is compared to a graphic tablet+desktop, so I am actually pretty clueless in that regard. I think Procreate is the most used digital art app for iPad so you can start by getting it and familiarizing yourself with the UI. I think this step is often overlooked. The brushes and the chosen program can make or break the drawing experience. If you simply find yourself not enjoying Procreate, experiment with other apps or maybe try switching to a graphic tablet, maybe that feels better and is more suited to your tastes.
To be completely honest, one "bad" piece of advice that i should probably keep to myself is to draw something you actually enjoy: fanart, Pretty Girl Portrait(tm), your cat, landscapes etc even if it's above your skill level (becoming obsessed/ fixated on some character from a piece of media also works wonders i'm just gonna throw that out there). The main point is to actually care about your chosen subject in order to get inspired and to have that inner desire of "doing them justice" aka drawing them well. The traditional art learning route probably involves studying the fundamentals, shading spheres and cones and simple 3D forms blablbablah which. Yeah ! sure that's probably better advice but i'm telling you what will make you want to keep going and not get discouraged after a few failed attempts.
As for the drawing subject, I highly recommend having photo references to guide you.. you always need refs it's a recurring thing. My fastest artworks are the ones where I have the right references. the less references the more difficult it is to draw something
As a beginner it is also a good practice to draw OVER your photo reference to get the proportions right ( i'm not talking about literally tracing the contour of a face or limb ( just an example ), but moreso identifying the Main shape which makes up that body part and observe how long is it in respect to the other components, how does it connect to the other parts etc - big difference. Tracing won't help you in the long run).
Another thing you can do is to study your favourite artists and see how They tackle whatever it is that you like in their work. how do they simplify facial features? what about anatomy? color/ light etc and kinda reverse engineer your way through their process. ( but i highly recommend to just keep these practice sketches to yourself, and to not share them on social media- unless you get the artist's permission)
This is how i got into drawing and what i did back then, again, for more technical hands-on information i did answer similar CCs before so with a little bit of stalking you'll find them in no time
I wanna finish this with some resources that helped me:
>youtube guys - sinix, ahmed aldoori, marco bucci, and also just speedpaints in general i highly recommend watching those
>for simplified anatomy i found @/ taco1704 's ref sheets to be very helpful but ........... I'm pretty dry here i just look up refs on Pinterest tbvh
speaking of, here's my pinterest i have a bunch of art related boards board cool stuff overall maybe they can help guide you towards some direction or inspire you in some way idk
ok i kinda suck in the resource department listeN. im starving too just.................. watch youtube speedpaints ok
SORRY IT'S SO LONGGGBGGG i hope it was at least a bit helpful? this was all over the place... I'll try to come up with a tutorial as well but i really gotta be careful with how i go about it. I'll leave you with this for the time being. Again, thank you a lot for the kind words, I really am very grateful and touched esp by that last part about staring with the big feeling stuff eeeeeeeeeeeeee really wow T T that's so lovely and a big compliment thanks ty ly
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spiritshaydra · 1 year
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Okay yeah gonna say screw it and just post the fullbody I finished back in November because her ref is taking too long and I wanna share my cringe ass nae nae hellspawn 😭
THIS IS REQUIEM (Or just “Em”)
And she’s a Megasound fanspawn,, bear with me, I’ve never made an oc like this before so I’ve been extremely nervous to show the creature off. 💀(especially since this is the fancharacter type I avoided making at all costs when in high school despite it leading to some very interesting character development.) Eventually I just said screw it, I’m proud of the design and character work I’ve been developing since August, I’m going to show her off.
I don’t really take her all too seriously as I originally made her to shitpost because I thought it’d be funny. And like my main TFP OC Quantum, she eventually grew past that and became something more. (While still keeping her silly at the same time)
I have. A LOT. Of development for this single celled organism that prolly won’t fit in one post, so on here I’m just going to do a sort of character bio thing (based on the format of Quantum’s Toyhouse bio) to introduce her. (Maybe I’ll do a Q&A sort of thing if anyone’s actually interested in that?)
Name: Requiem (Em for short)
Name Origin: This is what happens when you put a poetry/mythology nerd and a music nerd in a room together and have them name something. You get a name with origins in both music and literature (A music or literary composition that acts as a form of remembrance for the souls of the dead.) annnnnnd a reference to a mythological figure (the name of Megatronus/The Fallen’s weapon, the Requiem Blaster. Gee sure wonder who’s idea that was.) Unfortunately, the goblin who was given that name has a grand total of two brain cells and has as much class as a hagfish.
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Cybertronian
Height:  12ft approximate (for design depicted above)/ 30ft (adult; not pictured)
Alt-Mode: (Base) Cybertronian heavy bomber/ (Earth) Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack
Home Planet: Earth
Faction: Decepticon
Pre-War Occupation: Did not exist before the war.
Personality: Requiem is loud, stubborn, rude, mischievous, a little naive, and all around a feral mess. Absolutely no filter. Textbook example of “curiosity killed the cat”. The champion of the age-old schoolyard discussion of “my dad can beat up your dad.” For… obvious reasons.
She’s easily bored and easily distracted, and thinks it’s entertaining to mess with other bots in the form of stupid pranks and barrages of questions.
Has a bit of a potty mouth and gets creative with her insults.
A fembo (but a lil mean) was told to use her head in a fight, but ended up head butting the opponent and subsequently knocking them out as a result.
As a result of (EXTREME) helicopter parenting combined with adrenaline junkie behavior, Requiem has the tendency to be an escape artist and to purposely seek out potentially dangerous situations such as but not limited to: Diving into a hurricane (to see what would happen), storm chasing (the bigger the better! Also to see what would happen), playing Icarus and getting struck by lightning on the Flight Deck of the warship (STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS), sneaking out of the Nemesis and simultaneously smuggling all sorts of creepy crawlies and other organic critters back on board (has to be shaken out just to be sure.), being a little too interested in volcanic activity, sneaking weapons out of the armory and attempting to join the fight, and sneaking away from the ship to “explore”. Em wrangling is a very tiring objective.
If Rumble and Frenzy were alive, they would’ve definitely gotten along. (And would’ve been an unstoppable force of chaos oh gOD.)
She likes the pastel magical horse show about friendship, LOVES stickers, and her absolute favorite color is the most obnoxious eye bleeding shade of pink imaginable. (She was denied changing her PRIMARY paint job color to it for obvious reasons. Honey, that is a LOOK and not exactly a good one.)  She likes to pretend to be a gladiator. She likes to give people really stupid and bad nicknames for the hell of it. A favorite being combining the first few letters of a name or descriptor with “uncle”. She thinks it’s hilarious. A little too interested in arson and explosives. Her music taste can be described as “2012 Warrior cats amv” and “noise”. Really likes slasher films for some reason.
She exhibits several behaviors that could only be described as those of a cryptid. (…or cat.) These range from being able to sneak up on others and move without making a sound, staring unblinkingly and expressionlessly at things and other bots, climbing up and perching on top of things, noise mimicry, recharging facedown in a deathlike manner, and the worst thing being how she used to skitter across the walls and ceilings of the Nemesis as a sparkling. There were a handful of instances where she got into the vents of the ship and it was a nightmare trying to coax her back out. Oh yeah. There was a biting problem.
Requiem either hates or actively dislikes things ranging from water, being told to stay still, the thunder part of thunderstorms, the medbay, and being quarantined.
Her social ability leaves much to be desired, as she was raised in total isolation from her own age group, so she lacks most social skills as a result. Because of this, she often comes across as “weird” and as a bully, even if unintentional. Due to her isolated upbringing, she is a very lonely individual despite not exactly acting the part. Being routinely quarantined does not help that feeling of loneliness in the slightest. Em wants nothing more than a friend, or at least an acquaintance to spend time with. It’s just that, given who her parents are, that makes things impossible.
She has a very unhealthy view on death, as it isn’t exactly rare onboard the Nemesis. Surprisingly, she was actively kept away and shielded from most of the fighting as a child- however, in wartime there’s only so much one could be protected from even as the child of the highest ranking individuals of the faction.
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jenyifer · 4 months
Pit Babe Ep 5 Initial Reaction
So made the mistake of watching this in two halves. My review might be last thirty heavy.
Let’s gooo
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Alright but I feel like Babe skipping over how Charlie is even there is very out of character. Charlie doesn’t know the word No does he.
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Good bad boy be good bad boying. He’s going a little over and beyond with fucking Winner then confronting Babe about how he loves him then looking into the sabotage more than Alan.
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Yay!!! I knew they were brothers also!!! Way finally attacking Jeff. Feel like that was a long time coming. Also couldn’t help but thinking this sabotage would have benefited Dean a lot by the way. Dean also stayed late and filmed Jeff? Right?
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I do love the nursing you back to health trope very very sweet although once again before the accident Babe let Charlie sleep by the door to his house. So…. Just gonna point that out.
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Tony did injure Babe? Or not? If he did he could have pulled money immediately this is a delay. Also his loyal kiddo seems to be struggling with the brainwashing he needs his new ceo daddy Paul to take care of him
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Or is Paul another victim of Tony? We are shown multiple kids. Paul is young and we need him to get with bodyguard guy. Idk Paul is hot I hope he gets a partner in this thing.
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Oh Nooooooooo I have 2 thoughts on this
Boring: he is healing in a week so 🤷🏻‍♀️ also are his abilities dependent on how much he’s fucking cause that’s what it implied ep 1? Cause he’s a king alpha? Is he not banging Charlie? I thought it was just not happening on screen but maybe they ain’t bumping uglies.
Fun: Charlie’s plan is going perfectly. He heard about Babe’s accident from Jeff and put himself in the right place at the right time to care for babe and he’s been stealing Babe’s ability. Replacing Babe is what he wanted.
Extra fun: Charlie and Jeff are test tube babies of Paul’s and they’ve been putting Babe more and more under his control muahahhaha double orphans into killing machines for no beneficial reason.
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Okay but babe wanting Charlie to replace him is actually crazy. Why Babe thinks this is a good idea I have no clue. I think it’s weird no one checked on him btw isn’t Way in love with him? Is Alan his friend?
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I agree with Way. They should have more than two racers look at the size of their building they don’t have young racers doing like junior competition. I don’t understand the sport of racing. I know a little about Hockey the NHL has like junior league teams that they pull young people from and also that’s where a lot of their refs come from. I think each NHL team specifically has a junior team to pull from. You want to keep the young talent practicing with people their level then when you need them pull them up. So yeah Dean is the obvious choice Babe doing this would kill the moral of everyone. What’s the point in having the lower people if they never get a chance. In hockey this is why pre season games will have new players to test out. Sometimes they get in the main roster sometimes they go back down. Idk why Alan would entertain this. Also are Sonic and North the other junior racers?
(Side note I think I have been calling him Wen because he looks like Mixxiw and the other guy’s name is Alan I apologize)
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I guess Alan sees this as an opportunity to see Jeff again even though Jeff has given him less than nothing.
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xxsweetoothxx · 3 months
Hi I just wanna say I love your redesigns for the creepypasta characters! I'm curious what weapons does each character use and what abilities do they have if they have any?
Thank you! Some of these mfs I have been very unsure about. I need to draw their other outfits. Like their fancy lil suits. Slenderman has a dress code for his proxys however the rules of it are not super strict. They can wear what they like so long as it meets his criteria. (Gonna be hard to draw Wilson ina suit without making him look like some kinda wanna be joker :o( )
This is gonna seem unnecessarily long but I feel like I do need to explain a few things about how Slendermans Proxys work in PM as well as how living humans are affected by just being in the underworld because it isn't made for living humans.
There's also as far as weapons go that, while they DO have weapons they ENJOY to use most, Slenderman is very particular about how things are done so they don't always get to use them. Proxys are more like Hitman or assassins (at least Slendermans are). I'll give some faves for each of the 3 main fuckers living with Slendy (who aren't 100% OCs) currently as I'm still figuring out anyone else who may show up (I have plans for EJ to show up and potentially may start working on my own version of Toby as well as a few other OCs who are Proxys for other Opporaters in the Underworld)
As for abilities I think even the humans have at least one natural ability. Humans who get hurt in the underworld don't really always heal like they should because they aren't meant to live there. When a monsters that live down there hears "human" In the context of someone living there. They assume that you mean someone who died and is now living there as an undead. They assume Zombie or Ghost, potentially even a poltergeist. But never just a breathing living human. So when living humans do get hurt the same "magical grid" (for lack of better words) keeping them from dying also heals serious injuries in a way to try and prevent the same injury from happening. It's a whole thing and I'll explain how it works with each character (in this post specifically Jeff and Wilson)
That being said I'll stop rambling and actually answer the fuckin question!
I will put a trigger warning for things like blood and mentions of self harm and mild body horror(?) (I think ripping flesh counts for that if not for mild blood/gore this is specifically for Jeff split mouth. Not sure anyone will be bothered but better safe than sorry.)
Jeffrey DuBois
Weapons - Jeff enjoys using knives mostly (shocker!) however he doesn't use them a lot while actually doing Proxy work. In fact he most commonly will just SNIPE a mf. He doesn't particularly LIKE when his job is that quick or easy but hes also not complaining, it's easy money. (Jeff the killer with a gun is also just really fucking funny to think about). he's always stoked when told that he won't be able to kill from a range though and that he'll have to actually get close and personal. But him not being able to kill with knives doesn't mean he doesn't still use them. Killing is his job but cooking is his passion and for him the two go very hand in hand.
Abilities- Jeff is just a human guy like I said so his Mouth scars didn't heal normally. He got them just before getting to the underworld and they were only partially healed but in his early days with Slenderman he did end up making them even worse. When they healed however he found out shortly after that he could reopen them and close them at will and it didn't hurt. In short his mouth can open up similar to a snakes. I've drawn it before in a previous Ref sheet, here's how it looks.
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Other abilities he has are really just because of training. Though he does tend to accidentally sneak up on people despite the fact hes fucking HUGE. Man just doesn't make sound when he enters a room and it's not really an intentional thing. He will seemingly just pop up out of nowhere like a spooky ass ghost.
Weapons - He likes machetes. That's really all there is to say. Wilson is still in training at the Institute and unlike Jeff he doesn't care as much about the professionalism Slenderman insist his Proxys have. While he follows his rules he does try and find ways around them because he is actually trying to make things fun for himself.
Abilities - Like Jeff, Wilson is human. He's been in the underworld for FAR longer, he grew up down there and has a couple different things the biggest being that after coming through the well that brought him to the underworld Wilson DID fall into the river Styx and was found and pulled out of it By Frankie and Jackie. If your familiar with how the River Styx works you know anyone who falls in that shit gets the Curse of Achilles. Which probably sounds fucking WILD. The obvious upside is that hes just really fucking hard to stop. The man seemingly just doesn't feel much pain. However even in the underworld where he won't die he still if hit in the right spot will go down like a bag of bricks and he's not getting up until he's had time to heal. Which can take a few days. If he's in the over world he WILL just fucking DIE. So he has to be a Lot More careful up there. Imagine you just trip and fall the wrong way and fucking DIE. Aside from that though he can bend and turn and just overall move in weird ways due to the amount of bones he's broken growing up in the underworld and how they healed weird like with Jeff's mouth and of course Wilson being an idiot. Seriously, some of the stories he has are just summed up to him being a dumbass. Only a couple people who know his weakness aside from Jackie and Frankie is Jeff.
Jackie Ragzdale
Weapons - While they technically do work for Slenderman they aren't actually proxy however they do still kill on occasion for personal reasons and funniest shit I just thought it was silly is that they will use various weapons however Jackie is a Toyfolk and thus all their weapons are made IN TOY LAND. So they might pull a shot gun out of their box, sure but it's going to LOOK like a toy. It won't LOOK real. It's gonna look like a full-sized toy shotgun but it is in every aspect a REAL ASS GUN. And I just find that so funny. And they ALSO find it funny. They will go "STICK EM UP THIS A ROBBERY!" Knowing damn well no one is gonna think that's a real ass gun and then laugh at their surprise when they shoot and it's revealed to be a real ass fucking gun! This is made worse when you take into account they do just have Prop/fake weapons in there as well so sometimes they will just fuck with people by using a fake one and being like "Haha gotcha!" In short they like Toy weapons that are real weapons but look like fake ones.
Abilities -Compared to the original cannon LJ, Ragz doesn't have nearly as many abilities. They have 3 different forms though.
They have a Toy Decoy, which is basically exactly what it sounds like where they just are a seemingly normal inanimate toy, this is for when they're in their box but either not home, busy, or just simply don't want to come out of it.
The second form is a smaller doll like form. Which lets them appear as a regular toy but still be able to move around. They usually use it to scare people who don't know they're alive. Other times they use the doll form is when they need to hide, are hella tired, or when dealing with children. They often are in the form when spending time with Sally.
The 3rd form is the form they most usually are in.
Other than that they can very easily switch out their body parts. They want different arms they can just swap them if they want. They do have to be made with materials from toyland to work properly however.
That's all as far as the main character who are technically Rewrites who use weapons or have abilities right now. Everyone else is either an OC or I'm still developing/designing and coming up with their backstory.
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sparkly-caroline · 2 months
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(Warning, beating a dead horse probably, and I might be horribly wrong about several of these things, and if so please correct me)
Rewatching Sonic 06's Silver campain cuz of the recent Lythero video, I noticed a little something:
Did Blaze even do anything before she was thanos snapped out of existance in Silver's ending? I mean, a lot of characters already don't do a lot in the game (*cough* Amy *cough*), but Blaze in particular stuck out to me.
For one, in this game Blaze is in the future with Silver, but Sonic Rush AND Sonic Rush Adventure clearly state that Blaze is a princess from another dimension and the guardian of the Sol Emeralds, the latter game taking place in said dimension.
Brief summary of what Rush established for Blaze: she never had any friends before meeting Cream and Sonic, she's the princess of a dimension separate from Sonic's, she's the guardian of the Sol Emeralds (the Chaos Emeralds of that dimension) and she takes that role VERY seriously.
The first Sonic Rush game came out in 2005, that was Blaze's proper introduction. What is she doing 200 years into the FUUUUUTUUUURE (spongebob ref lmao). Sonic 06 recons not one, but two games that clearly establish Blaze's lore (one comes after, but it still applies for the first one) just so they could put her in this game.
But even though she had to be retconed into being here, she... kinda doesn't do much. Granted it's not as bad as Amy, Amy is still the biggest offender of "I really don't do jackshit in this plot" character in 06, but still.
Other than being Silver's only friend in the waste land that is the future and dying/being sent away/whatever it was at the end of his story, Blaze barely has a prescense. Hell, I don't think she ever interacts with Amy, the other playable character in the Silver campaign. TWO of the three playable characters in the Silver story NEVER meet each other onscreen even ONCE.
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Hell, before Sonic's last level, she was right there and they don't even speak to each other. Not a single reference towards Sonic Rush or anything, the two may as well be complete strangers. Remember that Blaze was Sonic's main rival in that game? 06 sure doesn't.
(Also where was she before? Silver destroyed the robots in front of Sonic and once Kingdom Valley is over, she was just... there with them. Where was she before this cutscene? Was she with Silver the whole time??)
And I'm not gonna pretend that her "death" didn't make me cry like a little girl the first time, but now I'm like... she did nothing. She did literally nothing. She was there to be the girl that Silver liked and that's about it. Rouge and Omega are a lot more important to the plot, hell even Tails at the very least interacts with Elise and Eggman. I checked all the cutscenes in 06, and I can confirmed that Blaze never said a single word to anyone except Silver. No way you'd get much characterization from her if you hadn't played Sonic Rush prior to this game.
So the thing is: what's the deal with 06 Blaze? Is she a different character from Rush Blaze? Is she even still a princess? How does SHE know what a Chaos Emerald is when Silver doesn't if she lived in the same future that he has?? Did the time reset at the end of 06 rewrite her entire backstory into the one we get in the Rush games??
My brain hurts, man, Sonic lore is all over the place
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contrastparadoxx · 9 months
What was the initial idea for perse? How has she changed over the course of making her?
Oh this is actually SUCH a fun question, because as only some of you guys will know, Perse actually started out as a different character entirely. My friend at the time had a story in the works called Brothers, and while the characters were actually human they were always drawn as furries. I made a joke about a furry wearing a “Ask me about my Skinsona” shirt and that paired with another then friend complaining about brightly colored eyesore furries resulted in this
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She was married to one of the main characters, Lucifer, which is why she was named Persephone, or Perse for short. She was immune to a poison that could kill even gods, she stabbed first asked questions later (met her then husband for the first time because he tried to grab something and she pinned his hand to the table with a knife and he was smitten), and she was by virtue of being married to Lucifer, the queen of heaven. She was also a royal guard before she was queen, and I loved her! There were a few relatively minor design changes to her during this time period, none really worth showing
Then the friend and I kinda drifted apart. Originally they were going to purchase Perse from me for $50, but that fell through and she just gathered dust because I was ashamed for some reason. Another ex friend made an alien species that was very furry esq, and I was like oh I can rework Perse for this! And then this version of her was born
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I still like that outfit ngl. She was similar in this iteration, still very stab happy, and I accidentally pissed the GM of a game off by playing her being flippent and having fun in a horror situation. Oops. This version of her did not last long because that “friend” got really nasty about me because I “hoard characters”, among other things. Do I eventually left that community and was once again left with a character I used to project on feeling like she and I just don’t belong. All of this is before I even knew the FTC existed.
And then I came here. I wasn’t going to make her, at first. I made a few trolls, I messed around, I was having fun! Then I was like lol what if I made an OC who is a human who hides by wearing a fursuit. That led to me going “oh wait I could use Perse for that, since she’s always had that Skinsona shirt! Wouldn’t it be ironic!” And so Perse the human on alternia was born. I eventually connected her to a few other furry OC’s, which led to her getting her best friend, Ashter. He was her handler at con’s before he was her moirail, you know.
And eventually I went you know what, I want her to be a troll. I had a few ideas for how I was going to do that, but the one I ended up going with involved her making a deal with a demon to get the body she wanted. Her troll form actually originally looked way different too! And I might revamp the old design and make it a different character
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I would change at least some of the colors and probably the horns. But while I love this design it never quite fit right. Eventually I decided to just go you know what how about I design a troll version of her fursona (which also has a slightly different design now, but I do not currently have a ref of, I’m working on it) and that THAT finally hit correctly. Technically her design has changed slightly since then as well, but the final version is the one shown in her sprites as made by Roetrolls!
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She’s slightly (slightly) less stab happy now, and instead of being immune to a poison that is deadly to literally everyone else, she is technically venomous/poisonous (it’s both), with a toxin that shuts off psionics, chucklevoodoos, anything like that. She’s a gamer now, which was honestly very close to her vibes originally, and still insanely loyal.
I’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were asking about and I’m happy to explain anything further that I need to!
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marzi-panic · 6 hours
Here's a basic ref of my Dungeon Meshi fan character, Lela! Gonna have a little bit of back story text after the pics💚👌
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Bare with me, I did my best aaaaa :'''o)
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Lela was born to a mother elf and father satyr. Her family is mixed both in fathers and races. Three siblings being born to a father human, one a father dwarf, and the last child born from a half-foot. The last is the last for a reason. They don't show many mixed traits.
Lela being an example of this where her ears are the only oddity. Height and ears are the main things you'd notice right away if you saw them in a row.
They lived in a small and hidden village. It was simple and people were quick to be passive about anything.
Her mother slighted by the men in her life not seeing her way and leaving, chose to take it out on her children with magic. Her mother was a very skilled elf and studied healing magic, using it to help her fellow villagers. She also had a "small" interest in black magic.
Her mother did what she could with her knowledge to coax her children into being "blessed" with good health, life and luck. "As long as you stay in the village, nothing will befall you", she said.
Lela was reluctant at first, but with her mother's guilt trip and pleas to be understood, Lela obliged. Those feelings of uncertainty never left her, though. As the family grew complacent, Lela grew restless. With every suggestion, there was a nasty fight. With every kind act, it was never enough. With every new "father", another new reason to be ignored and harmed. Lela did what she could to be on the same page as her mother, she wanted her love and respect just like any other child. Her efforts were dismissed and her spirit broken down with each failure and " just punishment".
Just being what her mother asked of her seemed like the only thing Lela had left. She was never one to WANT to cause trouble, but her free thinking wasn't getting her anywhere. So, she just existed. Pretending everything was okay. Getting harmed, worn out, and engaged because "mother said so". Lela truly, truly wanted to trust in her family, but everything was great to everyone, but her. What made her snap was when she was attacked by her fiancee. He made it clear that following her mother's plan is all she had to do.
Through this interaction, she found out how much more controlling and manipulative her mother was. The whole village was in on this stagnant, cultist promise. "Stay in line and things will be fine".
Lela didn't want to believe this despite the messy conformation.
She went to her mother, hoping for this to be a huge misunderstanding. Lela was met with vague and placating answers. It was clear that her mother was hiding something and Lela had enough of not knowing how to feel or who to trust anymore. So, she ran off with her cloak and what little supplies she could snag on her way out. She couldn't do it anymore. She wanted to be happy, but nothing was making sense. She knew that none of this was okay. The last thing she heard her mom say was "Fine! Abandon us! Ungrateful spawn, leave and become the monster I always knew you were!".
Lela leaving the perimeter, she felt a change deep down in her soul. She wasn't sure how to feel about it, but she just wanted to press on. She traveled as far as possible.
Her body slowly changing into something she couldn't recognize. Forming claws, horns and a hairier physique. Lela would feel a darkness that called out to her. Louder and louder until she could barely think anymore. Fighting with the "blessing" her mother gave her.
It took her days, but she finally stumbled upon a fabled dungeon.. With only her cloak and tattered clothes, she felt this urge.
"...Become the monster she always knew you were..."
A new life ensues as she allowed the dungeon to swallow her in.
If you read all this, you are so awesome and great and thank you for reading ! <3
I'm gonna go sleep now and draw some more stuff later, byyyye 😅
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Hello Hello! I've spotted the Deck of Phoenix tag enough times on my dash now that I HAVE to ask. Whats it about? Care to share the cool oc universe story thing? If you're interested in doing so of course! I would love to hear about it (:
This is going to be long and barely coherent/word salady but here you go friend Merin :)
Okay so... Deck of Phoenix. Prefacing this with with the fact DoP's message is about finding your own way to deal with trauma of all kinds. All of the characters have their own trauma and deal with it in different ways for better or worse LOL! LMAO! The main 6 we have for the cast are Neptune, Vikki, Teresa, Twilip, Ichigo and Salem. Salem is Ollie's OC that got absorbed into the story and became one of the linchpins in Ichigo's backstory (Childhood friends who were kinda romantic then shit happened and then OUAHGAHFDHGgeF anyways)
The magic system in the story is really complicated to explain because it really only makes sense in my brain at the moment and it's supposed to be universal across many different alien worlds :) Hehe! Did I mention this is a fantasy sci-fi? In the way of a fantasy world in a sci-fi setting!!! HEHEHHE!
Every person/soul is born with an ability that aligns with two sigils (magic types) and it can range from something extremely powerful and useful to something that never even manifests. An example of the latter would be a character we have; she seemed powerless until she died because her power was to revive permanently when brought back by a necromancer. Back to the main characters! Neptune canonically has schizophrenia, he has the ability to see the future of someone when he looks them in the eyes, which is how the story starts and also how he finds out he saves the universe from an evil tyrant called Paradox (Name might be temporary, idk lol) But yeah he has a character arc that might be spoilers so i'll explain on discord but it makes his schizophrenia so so soooo much worse <3 <- Projecting my problems onto him. (Also he is the only human in the group)
Vikki's powers are under construction but! She is basically the glue holding the crew together and is a satyress :3 She likes ballet and is the sweetest person you'll ever meet unless you get on her bad side HFGJEHFVQ Also she's built like a centaur and it's so cool to meee cuz I love drawing non-human characters
Teresa is like if Doc was a Loverboy and also a necromancer >:) I'm thinking about giving her the weird gender swag just to make one of the others the only cis person in the group TKYURLF (Twilip) Xe's an alien from a desert planet and is kinda a cyclops lynx/kangaroo mouse and she kinda looks like a vortigaunt now that I think about it..
Twilip. How do I even explain... He's like if Boomer (bubby x coomer) was a person tbh.. Cranky old man who gives tutorials and worked at a library and he misses his late wife so so much :( BUT he has a swag ass pen that can make drawings come to life and he's about the size of a cat btw if you even care <3 /ref
Ichigo... WHERE DO I START. Ichigo's been our OC since we were a KID! So they technically have the deepest lore due to sheer time scale soooo.. They use any pronouns with a preference for they/them and ze/zir and zir sooo everything to me <3 Imagine Leading Light with cloud's buster blade and soooo many more insecurities... Yea :) I can't even begin to dive into their backstory because I will be here FOREVER but long story short, canon system allegory with being 3 souls meshed into one body by the US government to be a super soldier (A human, an alien, and an inter dimensional being) and the alien part is destined to destroy the universe but that's beside the point! Teehee!
For Salem I suggest asking Ollie because I don't wanna misinterpret anything about him <3
That's all I have for now because my fingers are starting to hurt from typing /g /lh I hope you enjoy!!!!! >:)
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hazelthevixen · 3 months
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Daffodil The Fluffagon / Narcisa La Dragóna De Crin
¡Esta es Narcisa! Ella es una dragóna de crin muy bonita y ella es mi carácter! :3 ¡Ella es simpatica, divertida, y muy boba jajaja! XD Heeey happy spring everyone! ^-^ Good riddance winter, because I can't wait for summer! >w< Summer is the best season ever ^w^ To celebrate the good weather coming up, I thought now would be the perfect time to show my spring themed character Daffodil the fluffagon! ^-^ This is a remake of an ooold drawing of her, I did like my old lines so I updated them with my new lineart :3 This picture was also a very late chinese new year pic, that's okay UwU I was late for last year's zodiac too. Last year's zodiac was the year of the rabbit, which is me, so back then I made a new oc called Scorpio Bunny, who is based on my two zodiacs :3 I plan to draw her more at some point ^-^ Anywho here she is, the easter fool! ^w^ Daffodil is a fluffagon, also known as a maned dragon due to some fluffagons having manes. Normally Daffy would derp and blep alot, but sometimes she can still do ordinary expressions like this one. She is silly and friendly and was made on Easter Fools day :3 She is named after the spring flower, also cos her name sounds daft, which she is XD Daffodil is a prankster, but she tends to fall for her own pranks XDDD So if clowns scare you, Daffodil is a great alternative to one. One of my main characters Cody is also great for comedy, though he can be very hyper and annoying lol, but Cody and Daffy get along fine ^w^ Fluffagons aka maned dragons are a closed species so please don't make your own D: I'll sell some fluffagon adopts in the future, as for now, adopting a fluffagon is kind of the only way to get one. If you're interested in owning one, please let me know but no oc collectors, I want my adopts to go to good loving homes where the character has at least some development (yes even as a background character) and not sit around collecting dust along with other ocs adopted just to be neglected. I honestly think oc and fursuit collecting is kinda pointless because they never get used. :/ Aaanyway, I hope you like my creations! I work hard and put alot of love and effort into everything I make! ^-^ This is some old fluffagon lineart which I remade and plan to use as my own base for fluffagon characters, like Daffodil for instance :3 I plan to use these lines for other fluffagon ocs aswell as seeing if I can use them for their refs too ^-^
Please do not steal my character(s)! They belong to me, not you. Don't add offensive tags cos ya know, it's just unnecessary.. ­ ╮(╯-╰)╭ And please do not criticise! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. Oh and don't steal any of my artwork in any sort of way. ‾ʌ‾ Pleease be nice when commenting! Yep, fanart is welcomed as I truly appreciate gifts! ≧◡≦ Feel free to check out my other works too! I work so hard but it's always fun :3 If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. Thanks for checking out my works! meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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