#also I cry on command to mess with him lmao
reverieaudios · 2 months
woooaaahhh you have dimples! I never saw them in the pics of you but seeing you in video they look rlly clear when you smile it's adorable
Lol thank you, I actually had to double check after reading this because I forgot lmao
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 6 months
ur iv fic was so good 🥺 could you do some comfort with vess? idk reader had a really bad day n he basically spoils them n gives them love? <3
➵ “sometimes, even the darkest of spirits can prove to be the most welcoming in dire times” —❤︎
pairing: vessel x gn!reader
theme: fluff ✿ , slight angst ❦
a/n: this is just pure, tooth-rotting fluff w vessel. it’s a complete contrast to my first smut fic w him lmao. also i hope you’re doing well anon!
cw: reader is bad at expressing emotions. overprotective vessel. lots of comfort and fluff
sometimes there was comfort in the dark.
only sometimes. tonight was one of those few exceptions.
prior to that, you were curled up underneath the bed, cobwebs and dust scattered everywhere, but none of that mattered. there was only a handful of soft and plus items that you could cling to, at least to try and soothe your pain.
what a mess you were. curled up in fetal position like a weak kitten, only having your own arms to comfort yourself and try to create some sort of warmth.
but there was barely anything warm in the abysmal coldness that swelled in your heart.
as you silently sobbed to yourself, an alluring darkness peeked underneath the bed, observing you with the utmost curiosity.
“bad day?”
you looked up from where you were curled up to observe where the voice came from. a commanding, yet enchanting presence was observing you with a curious, yet slightly concerned look. you couldn’t see his face, but his aura emitted his emotions strongly enough for you to say.
“mmh.” you hummed back quietly, voice slightly crisp from your silent crying.
the dark one frowned underneath his mask. vessel has been a being that had popped up every now and then in your bedroom, the sleep entity who was known to visit people at the strike of midnight and consume their everlasting dreams. he was one to be feared, but you’ve grown used to his presence.
for some reason, he kept on visiting you frequently, and you grew less scared of him, more so tolerating his presence. however, you’ve never seen him be.. tender, or at least show one basic empathetic emotions.
vessel just sighed and stood up, looking away from underneath the bed. you thought he was going to finally leave you alone.
that was until you felt a surge of darkness from underneath the bed scoop you up from under the bed and into your mattress, making you squeak from surprise. you sat up to look at the dark, almost alluring being looming over you.
“y/n.” vessel stated firmly. “tell me, what’s going on?”
you didn’t know what to say. i mean— this incredibly powerful, almost otherworldly being, was asking how you were doing? you felt like you were in a novel.
it was kind of sweet knowing vessel had the heart to ask about your mental state.
but at the same time, you didn’t want to open up, at least not yet. you were too caught up in your storm of emotions.
sighing and turning your head, you faced the wall against your bed, and you could hear vessel’s disappointment in his sigh. but nonetheless, he understood.
“i see.” he started out.
vessel thought to himself for a moment. how could he comfort this mere mortal? and more importantly, why was he doing this? no human has ever drawn his attention like this. no, he was too good for that. anyone who dares to even be within his vicinity should bask in his presence.
whatever it was, vessel was going to have to worry about that later. the sleep entity just groaned and disappeared for a moment, before coming back with a pile of stuffed animals.
“here.” he spoke. “take these. if you’re not gonna talk, at least take my help.”
you looked up at him confused, almost mind-blown. was this real? if you weren’t so deeply rooted in your own mind, you would’ve asked vessel what the hell he was going.
noticing your hesitance, vessel sighed. he wasn’t too good at this human, comforting stuff. but he was going to try.
“well?” he asked again, his tone slightly more firm.
noticing his urgency, you just nodded before taking the stuffed animals in his arms. as you looked through the pile, you realized that all of these plushies were of your favorite animals and brands. there’s no way this could’ve been a coincidence. vessel must’ve been paying attention to your interests during the times he stalks you in your sleep.
noticing how your eyes gleamed a bit, a slight chuckle escaped his lips. “yeah, i knew you’d like these ones. i know you’re not much of a talker, but i know what you like.”
he didn’t know what force of satan compelled him to do this, but vessel shimmied around to sit himself behind you, and hug you from behind, drawing you to his cold, firm chest. your eyes widened from the contact, but you didn’t protest.
“just relax, y/n.” vessel spoke in a more soft tone. “whatever it is, i’ll do my best to comfort you. even if i don’t understand any of this human shit.”
you couldn’t help but chuckle at his words. that certainly made you feel a little bit better. smiling softly, vessel sighed and rested his chin on the top of your head, drawing you closer to his body.
his body was cold, and his hands were calloused and dark. but there was a strange comfort in his hold. subconsciously, you intertwined your fingers with his. vessel didn’t protest, he could feel your body start to relax and your emotions start to calm down.
a strange surge of protectiveness overtook vessel’s body. he’s never seen a human this distressed, and this desperate for comfort. you looked so little compared to him, and you just curled up in his form. vessel, the dark entity of sleep, was comforting a mere human.
he didn’t want to see you like this anymore. even if it went against his values, he was going to keep you safe and protected. vessel didn’t want to see you hurt like this again.
maybe it was the tike you both spent together that softened his empty heart.
he liked it.
and for the first time in a while, he felt warmth in his chest.
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The Clone Wars 2x10 ‘The Deserter’ Reaction
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aka the Rex Chest Episode
The way Grievous says ‘Kenobiiiii’ will never fail to make me laugh
“Any sign of Grievous?” the gesture that goes with this is just, oh Rex
Jesse? Is that Jesse? 
That little smirk from Rex. He knows that Obi-Wan wants first dibs on fighting his frenemy
Cody: “Rex is a smart man.” Obi-Wan: “Indeed. Always thinking on his feet.” Rex: *immediately gets shot*
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Also the little glances they exchange during this
Oof that’s gotta hurt. Sniper shot straight to the plastoid covered chest. Poor Rex lying there like a busted pretzel.
Kix, was that you?
I’m guessing the yellow clone is Crys? Why is he yellow instead of 212th gold?
Why does Obi-Wan say “We’ve picked up the scent.” straight down the barrel of the camera? What is this 4th wall break?
Hello Kix!
Jesse got the braincell today. Also Kix’s decidedly confused “Sir” to Jesse was adorable. Wookieepedia lists Jesse as a Lieutenant and with Rex down I’m assuming that means he’s in charge now.
Why are the Twi'lek’s french?
Jesse saying ma’am is sending me
Well Suu is a certified badass. Absolutely no messing with her. 
Omg his chest and neck and that jaw and those arms and he hurts so prettily and omg I am unwell and cannot be saved help me
I’m guessing the other clone with the tattoo over his left eye is Hardcase? Hi Hardcase! Is he the one with ADHD? I love him already.
Rex flopping around like a fish out of water lmao
Oof that is a nasty bruise on his back. Also his back. And shoulders. And arms. Omg.
Kix telling Rex he outranks him lmao
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Rex thighs?! Rex are you wearing nothing but your lower blacks?! That look decidedly grey but anyway. Also, where is the clone bulge? We were robbed.
“You look like my daddy.” FORESHADOWING CLAXON
The way that Kix and Hardcase looked at Rex like, “is this yours?”
There was so much in that “Mmmm” from Suu lol she is so unimpressed
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Jesse being told he’s in command while holding a platter of fruit and nodding like a butler at Rex CACKLING
Rex, where are your nipples? Do clones not have nipples? What did the Kaminoans have against nipples? Did we seriously not get clone nipples? Were animated male nipples too much for Lucasfilm and Cartoon Network in the year of our lord 2010? Why are your nipples just slightly darker vague blotches Rex?
Omg Obi-Wan you completely and utterly over the top dramatic bitch (affectionate). Look at him all backlight by the moon looking all dark and mysterious as he hunts down his favourite arch nemesis. 
Jesus H Christ. My God. Just look at them. Holy fuck. SIR
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Also this bit with the farm animal waking him up was hilarious. His wide eyed look of alarm when it was snuffling and licking his face, poor Rex.
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Also, Rex Hands? They’re so big. And his fingers are so long. Oh my. Oh no. My brain has already run away with itself.
I may have paused it at the wrong moment but his forearms look hilariously weedy in comparison with the absolute bulging units that are his biceps. 
I know this is supposed to be faux sinister and spooky but do all clones have such lovely beautiful long fingers?
Rex’s spidey senses activated
Cut? Sir? Daddy? Hello? Are all clones just a bulging mass of ripped muscle?
And here we have our philosophical argument for the episode
“Then our children and their children will be forced to live under an evil I can’t well imagine.” Oh no. Oh, Rex. If only you knew.
That was one awkward conversation to have at the family dinner table
Cut was at the Battle of Geonosis? Hmmm I wonder what batch that makes him and how old he is. Especially if Cody wasn’t at the Battle of Geonosis, which we found out in a previous episode. 
Another awkward conversation to have while your kids and wife are just sitting there watching?
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Obi-Wan, you are such an overly dramatic bitch. It is hilarious. I love it. A giant Force leap off a tank with multiple somersaults ending in a superhero pose? Really? Also, that poor clone that basically fell out of the exploded tank and was dangling off a bit of it at the end.
Did that clone just shoot an incoming missile out of the air?!
Kids playing outside by themselves? This can only go well. I didn’t realise it at the time but episode 1x2 “Cut and Run” of The Bad Batch did exactly the same thing.
Oop that’s gone well. 
Well Cut clearly hasn’t lost any of his skills from being a clone
Protective Dad Mode Engaged
Also, why is Protective Dad Mode always so damn hot. Hunter does the exact same thing.
Jesse, Hardcase and Kix just absolutely dismantling droids on their speeders
“Always something.” lmao
Cut punching the commando droid and immediately regretting it
So Rex is still just as deadly even with the use of only one arm. 
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Poor Rex getting strangled by a commando droid after falling through the floor. Also Cut shooting the droid that was choking Rex was a decidedly badass moment. Thought it did remind me of when Cody basically did the same thing for Crosshair in episode 2x3 ‘The Solitary Clone’ of TBB.
Grievous, did you just try to use a tactical dramatic cape drop on the master of dramatic cape drops himself?
Lol Obi-Wan’s little reach for Grievous. Nooooo come back and fight meeeeee.
Obi-Wan is so pissed that he didn’t get to capture his favourite arch nemesis. He’s having a little sulk. Cody is probably so tired of this shit.
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That’s growth right there. Character development time for Rex.
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Naw look at Rex riding off into the sunset. Cowboy Rex anyone?
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onmyyan · 1 year
i humbly and respectfully beg for a crumb of Ricky content, i need more of this man (holiday drabble like his brother perhaps?) i love, love, love your writing and your characters!!
Ricky's heart grew three times that day.
A/N: Ricky is baby also took a different approach with this one because our boy is troubled but we luh him all the same. Also Coquito(1) is like this boozy eggnog that has like three different types of Puerto Rican rum in it and it gets you SLOSHED lmao my family on my mom's side always makes it around the holidays, do y'all have any fun traditions?
TW'S: Ricky, Yandere, he has the holiday blues, cursing, suggestive
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Ricky hated winter. The snow in New York was brutal, he was always shivering no matter how many thermals he wore, and everyone got on his nerves even more so than usual. These thoughts were at the forefront of his mind as he stared down at the daunting message from his Father, the invitation to the Christmas party was more of a command than an ask and he felt his blood pressure rise at the idea.
Checking to see if you were still sleeping, his tired eyes raked over your blissfully unaware form and the sight pacified him almost instantly. He began to gently pet your hair, the soft motions self soothing as his mind became a battlefield.
While not inherently terrible, being surrounded by his loud extended family always left him with a migraine. Be it the judgmental tones and stares or the backhanded compliments, he'd be forced to interact with them, forced to save face and make his dad look good even though he was tearing them apart in his mind.
He hated small talk, especially with people he couldn't give less of a shit about. And his nature was far too blunt and aggressive to mesh with the rest of his kin, he felt the sneer on his face at the though of all the tongue biting he was gonna have to do tonight, and he must have been thinking too loud because you began to shuffle awake.
"Sleep. It's way too early for you to be up." His morning voice was shiver inducing, the tremble in his words had a smile curling on your half asleep form, the small kiss he pressed to the center of your forehead made you fully open your eyes.
"Mm but you're way more fun than sleep." You responded, nearly cutting yourself off with a yawn. He couldn't help but grin down at you, all tension evaporating from his body, his semi cold hand drifting from your waist to your own, had goosebumps rising on the skin, he smoothly interlocked your fingers with a content sigh.
He allowed himself to be swallowed by the peace of the morning. Waking with the love of his life was something he'd never get used to, far too often he had nightmares where you were gone or worse, all in his mind, then he'd jump awake with a pounding heart, only to find you peacefully drooling on his chest, the image making him fall somehow deeper in love.
"Why ya up so early anyway babe?" You asked snuggling closer to his chest. He'd have to force himself not to shiver when you began playing with the gold chain resting on his neck. He'd bought it to match with a necklace he gifted you on your one month anniversary, inhaling your scent deeply, trying to ground himself further in the moment, he took a second before responding.
"Dad texted me." He started slowly, as if not saying it would somehow negate his need to attend.
"Every year my Ma' throws this ridiculous Christmas party and every year I gotta go and deal with my whole family- it's a mess and I hate it." He all but whined.
"All I wanna' do is snuggle and watch those shitty cheesy movies you love so much-" he punctuated this with a soft kiss, "But nooo. Now I gotta play nice with a bunch'a assholes just cuz' were related." You smiled up at your grump of a boyfriend and tried not to laugh at his dramatics.
"Okay big guy- those cheesy movies? Yeah you love em' too don't even try to play with me I seen you cry and second," you sprung like a cat to sit up, throwing a leg over him to straddle his waist, he gave a wicked grin at the action, hands instantly finding home on your hips, "You got back-up this year, anyone gets too cunty and I'll handle em'." Sliding your thumb across Your throat in a mocking gesture, he couldn't help but laugh at the image, the cute little giggle you let out was contagious, leaning down to seal his lips in another kiss, this one much longer than the last, when you pulled away to breath he followed, sitting up and wrapping your legs around his middle.
"Oh you're gonna take my aunt Susan out back if she gets snippy huh?" He laughed against your mouth, his thumbs began to circle the skin of your hips sending sparks up your spine.
"Really though Rick, I got you. We show up, razzle the parents, totally upstage your brothers by bringing your mom flowers and then get home in time to bone to whatever cliché movie they got on TV."
His eyes softened at your very clear attempts to cheer him up, the action only further proving to him you were his forever person. "Come on ya Grinch. It might even be funn." You whispered the last part, as if a secret.
He sighed through his nose before interlocking your pinkies. "Okay but if I call it we're outta there you dig?"
The way your face brightened made the party suddenly seem actually appealing. "Dig. We can say I got the meat sweats or ooh- I can make myself pass out?"
The rest of the morning was spent in between the sheets. When you'd finally wrestled him out of bed he, like the brat he was, claimed he wasn't showering unless you joined him.
After your rather steamy shower he found his place snugly sat between your legs, his finger tips gently tracing your guy's names on your calves, you'd been softly singing along to the Christmas song thrumming through the morning air and gently brushed out his long mane. The ends got curly when he was fresh out the shower like this, the strands bounced around your finger as you began to braid.
He was practically drooling from the incredible sensation of your fingers threading through his scalp. It was as if you had magic in those hands.
He discovered a few things about himself that day, he didn't mind Christmas music if it was coming from your mouth. He also found the idea of showing you off way too good to pass up, sure his possessive nature usually didn't allow for such feelings but every year someone commented on his lack of partner, he couldn't wait to walk in with the most enchanting creature to ever grace the earth on his arm. He also couldn't wait to see the look on his siblings faces when they realized he wasn't lying and you were in fact real, he had yet to introduce you to anyone but his parents, sure the other boys knew of you, but Ricky is so stingy with your information, so hesitant to speak about you, they'd begun teasing him, as if you were made up.
You both looked to die for as you put the finishing touches on your look. Ricky was fussing with his tie, his nerves picking back up as the clock marched on. His brain was running faster than usual, running through all the ways it could go wrong, all the ways you could end up hurt, but then your hands slid around his midsection from behind, your shorter form peaking out to meet his gaze in the mirror.
"Hey, you okay over here? I can't remember the last time you looked this uncomfortable." His hands instantly stopped fussing with the undone tie, eagerly encompassing your own with his larger ones, focusing on the warmth you provided instead of the nagging anxiety in his gut was easy.
"I'm- I'll be okay." He reassured you, bringing your hand to his lips so he could kiss each finger. "I got you- I'll be okay." He repeated like a mantra, you smiled sadly at the taller man, knowing just how hard he worked for his Father's approval, you're not sure he even could say no to the man, turning him to face you took little effort, you cupped the sides of his face as softly as you could, thumbs gently rubbing his flustered face, "Say the word and we're telling your mom I got food poisoning." He huffed a laugh through his nose, leaning his forehead against your own, his eyes closing in concentration as he held you closer to him.
"Thank you Love." His eyes opened with such raw passion is took you aback a little.
"You're like my morphine tonight okay? No straying too far, if my creepy cousin says anything to you come tell me- who am I kidding you're not gonna have to I'll be right there." He quickly shook away his storm cloud and began running down his mental list of rules for a successful night, his usual attitude was back making you return his grin.
"And don't let Manny goad you into drinking the coquito*, he made it this year and the little bastard is heavy handed with the rum." He continued talking while you began to fix his tie, the ginger not skipping a beat. "Ma will try to feed you until you can't move so when she asks if you're hungry say no- it is a trap." You snorted at this, much to his amusement. "I'm so serious- anyway my Pop's a real hardass, don't take his face personal I swear he just looks like he hates you." You'd finished his tie with a pat to the chest and he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles as thanks, "-but he knows how much you mean to me and promised he wouldn't scare you away."
"Don't worry my love, nothing you do could scare me off." You said lightheartedly, walking back to your mirror to double check yourself as it was time to go, not knowing just how serious he was taking those words.
"That's good to hear." His smile would be so genuine you'd completely miss the dark look in his eye.
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ladyhallen · 11 months
Tobirama seduction notes
I just took a shift in the stall and I am so sleep depriveed I feel drunk. so let’s write stuff.
Okay so LIKE, in the Seduction of Tobirama fic thing, I actually got this weird strange funny thought in my head like, what if one of Haruki’s sibs was like, weirdly interested in how power dynamics would mess up a relationship, which was a valid concern, since as both a chuunin and Tobi’s secretary, she is doubly under his command.
There’s two things this is going in my head. One, to shift her departments, which she would object to strenuously, because haha, I became a secretary to ogle this hot guy, why u shifting me just because I achieved peak fan girl goals? And Tobirama, blushing to the roots of his hair, is like, speechless. Mito, involved in this as an invested party, is like, please stop talking like that, Tobi is gonna explode.
Kagami, the little shit, is like, she can work under me? Because Kagami became Anbu General at one point, and everyone and their mother wanted to put an AnBu as secretary for additional hokage protection. 
Tobi and Mito take one second to process the idea of Tobi’s girlfriend(?) /wife(?) working under his little shit of a student. On one hand, that would work because Kagami is trustworthy, on the other hand, the idea of Haruki’s very amazing efficiency suddenly applied to AnBu is hair raising. WTF would that look like? They’re all afraid to see it.
Mito thought she knew what a woman in love could do (e.g. Mito herself facing down the fucking nine tails because her husband would probably kill himself on it), but this level of dedication is something else. (Clearly, Mito has never met a simp in her life, but I digress)
Two, would be if like, one of her cooler aunts came to Konoha and introduced the idea of private lives and working lives to Haruki, because clearly this niece needs some work division in her life. 
In public, she’d obey her hokage, her boss, basically. In private, no titles. Simply Tobi and Haru. U can take it a step further and involve sub/dom into this but at this point of the convo, Haruki has checked out and clearly wants to die, this is embarrassing. Tobirama is taking notes but also doing a full body blush, wow he’s so old, why is this lady teaching him things? (Haruki’s aunt spent time in the Daimyo’s court and wow those bored nobles had strange kinks)
Mito wants to laugh, but she is also very deeply invested in this relationship and tells her to please just make notes.
Haruki’s aunt does. In graphic detail. Literally, there are graphs. (OMG, Haruki’s Aunt wrote the ninja worlds first BDSM book, LMAO).
I’m just crying laughing at this because at this point, idk what would be funnier.
Either way, Mito and Kagami, who both adore Tobirama, is just watching this courtship and cheering them on even if they’re also cackling.
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cirusthecitrus · 4 days
5 and 38 for the ask meme
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Yeah, they can! Now, neither of the twins can force actuall tears stream down their face, but they've learned how to appear like they're about to burst out crying and make a scene - all teary eyed, voice cracking, breathing sharply etc. The boys don't think about anything specific. It's actually quite easy to make yourself tear up w/o the need to think about anything sad (or about children falling, wink wink, get it?), the rest is just regular acting. And Anillis and Hec-Tor are great actors :p
Though I think they're not as good at it as they used to. The twins only pretend to cry when the situation calls for it (like when they need to appear sad over their parents' deaths or when it the memorial day and literally everyone around is crying). But as kids they did it all the time to get anything they wanted, since their caretakers' biggest fear was to see their poor little angels upset u-u
38. What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
For Anillis - with his big love for food he also gained an interest in cooking and baking. But he only cooks for himself (and sometimes Tori) and only when he feels like it and when no one else is watching. Why? Doing it everyday feels like a chore plus he keeps making mistakes when Hec-Tor is around: he's always quick to distract Anillis, criticizing his recipes and the way Lis operates in the kitchen Also, back in the day Anillis, as one of the temple novices, was obliged to help in the kitchens from time to time, and he haaated to be given even more extra work. So he would intentionally mess up his dishes so he'd never be asked to cook again :)
For Hec-Tor - anything related to his interests in science. Whenever someone notices and compliments his skills Hec-Tor finds himself in danger of being constantly asked and nagged about accepting a new job offer lmao. He literally can't be good at anything anymore, cause people are going to fight with each other over having one of the Kur brothers as their employee or student Like, he gladly puts his knowledge and skills to good use when he's working on their big project with Anillis, but he'd never put any effort for some regular job. So he likes to play bimbo and pretend like he knows nothing about, say, chemistry or technology, so ppl would just let him be. Hec-Tor is a hedonistic routine hating guy, he belongs at the club...
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springfallendeer · 1 year
Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark, Bark!
Alright here you go. You asked for this. Hella suggestive so I'm putting it under a cut. Get y'all weird kinky peepaw rabbit. Didn't write much so don't expect much, lmao But there's pet play and feet stuff. Pretty fuckin' weird.
A series of dramatic noises escape your lips as you lazily tug at your restraints; not in an attempt at escape, but as a result of having grown restless.
You’re alone in your cage.
Craving attention that hasn’t been given for what feels like days.
This is all just a cry for that attention. A silly, desperate plea for anything to stave away the boredom.
A plea that thankfully catches the right ears.
“That’s enough.” The familiar, raspy voice of the purple rabbit cuts through the air, silencing your pleas. As he speaks, he steps forward. He presses a foot against your chest, pushing you back.“Good pets don’t cause a ruckus.” He utters, using his foot to push you onto your back. He takes another step forward. A faint tremble rolls through you as he begins to apply pressure to your chest.
Not a lot. Just enough to remind you of your place.
Beneath him.
At his feet.
Silent and obedient.
He responds to your submission with a chuckle, bringing his foot up to lightly press it against your throat. Against the metal charm on the collar worn around your neck.
“Good. Silent.” He remarks, listening to the soft whine that escapes your lips. He chuckles again, taking note of your state.
You can see the glint in his eyes. He’s aware of the fact that you’re lonely. Aware of the fact that he’s been neglecting you. That you’ve gotten bored of being in the cage.
But you also know that he’s done all of this on purpose.
Because you’re his pet.
He will do with you as he pleases.
He establishes such as he begins to trail his foot down your body. His touch is rough against your bare skin. He moves his foot down.
To your chest.
To your abdomen.
To your pelvis.
Until finally his foot settles upon your groin.
A faint noise escapes your lips. Whether or not the sound is one of protest is irrelevant to him.
You are his pet. He will pet you when he pleases, how he pleases.
Whether or not his actions are a reward or a punishment ultimately doesn’t matter. What matters is that he enjoys the power held over you.
He chuckles again as he begins to lightly grind his foot. He stimulates your genitals, coaxing a pathetic whimper out of you.
It doesn’t hurt. It’s not meant to hurt. It’s meant to fully establish his dominance.
He continues to grind his foot. Slowly. Persistently. He establishes his dominance by making you orgasm beneath the pressure of his heel.
No hesitance.
No shame.
He makes a mess of you and then he pulls his foot away. He keeps his foot held in the air.
“Clean it.” He commands, further reminding you of your place. You’ve made a mess. Now you’re expected to clean it.
Clean it you shall. You roll to your hands and knees.
He decides to be nice as he brings his foot to your face.
You submit to his rule.
The mess is cleaned from his foot through the use of your tongue. Still, you take your time. You take your time because he likes it, and because you like to please him.
He rewards you by stepping on you further. He presses his foot against your face and then presses your head to the ground. Not hard. But he doesn’t do it gently either.
“Now, no more barking. You won’t like it if I have to shut you up again.” He comments, pulling his foot off of you. He then leaves without another word.
Your final image of him being the dangerous glint in his eye as he turns back to look at you one last time, before he flips out the light.
You’re plunged into darkness as he shuts the door on his way out.
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redrose-arrow · 1 year
RedRose Reads: TRR6, Arazan’s Wolves
also known as the book i swore i wouldn’t bingeread and then, well, ended up bingereading
- i know i should feel for these farmers boys but i just want will and maddie
- maddie istg i love your stubbornness so much omg
- will’s absolutely going to SHOW maddie who’s boss
- not will being proud that maddie cheated 💀
- okok jokes aside, genuinely HOW GOOD is will if he noticed the cheating and still hit the target within literal tens of seconds ???
- i forgot how much i loved him
- “what brings you to redmont?” if he doesn’t answer “jenny” i’m throwing hands
- not tricking gilan because he’s the commandant??? nah, not tricking gilan because he’s a babe. i said what i said.
- “it would appear your mother had some strange parenting habits” ALSKDJDHS I CANT
- the tiny reference to will’s last time in celtica has my heart
- okay BIGGER reference, still has my heart
- page 21, two inconsistencies. i shall ignore them.
- i love how jenny is canonically more important than halt and pauline
- please gilan i am literally begging you to move your headquarters to redmont
- all jokes aside, cassandra would not mind tbh
- george bestie i can’t wait to see you
- george you are a mood a legend an icon and i love you
- YOURE TELLING ME WILL IS SORT OF ADMITTING HIS TRAUMA???? i am nothing short of a mess
- the constant references to b2 are just *chef’s kiss*
- will being called greybeard???? i cannot breathe
- i am literally short of breath right now i absolutely can’t
- why and how did i miss morgarath’s name so much lmao
- the damn reference to macindaw, i just—- this book DELIVERS
- more about will and evanlyn in celtica and i will cry. i will.
- fear being normalised is something i hold so dear
- tug i am begging you not to attack another wolf
- “hahahaha yea let’s just walk into the trap” screw you, will, for playing with my feelings like that
- not the damn fissure
- will should honestly stop comparing people to his animals akskfjdjs
- if anyone ships will and eveningstar i’m gonna throw hands
- there’s something about the parallels that has me obsessed
- maddie falling in will’s arms is a detail i didn’t know i needed
- how are they capable of bantering right now, i would be scared as fuck
- “does tug talk to you?” oh here - we - go
- if will’s gonna do magic i’m gonna cheer him on
- “great shot” “not just a pretty face” akskdjdhd yes you go girl
- last time will had a plan maddie didn’t like, he almost got burned to death. sure as hell hope this won’t be like old times
- “i will give you what you most desire” we all thought of alyss, don’t lie to me
- “very very tired” ain’t that a whole ass mood
- next time????? please no
- i won’t lie i laughed when the bowstring snapped. it’s nerves. six pages left and I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING
- oh it’s, it’s over
- owh
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reijixia13 · 2 years
Who Made Me A Princess x Reader
“First Meeting” Pt2
This is part 2 of first meeting for Felix and Anastacius, In glad to make this cause i have a school suspension since there's a storm lmao safe journey to everyone btw♡
If you want part 3 for females like Athanasia, Jennette and Lilian im more than happy to add them vut if you also like to have an occ Roger Alpheus im fine with it, I honestly have a scene for him ♡
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Ok lets start
Felix Robane
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His very attractive look at those breads
He looks hot when his serious, Cute whenever he wants to
Anyways the first time you met? Ahh probably from such a young age you met i honestly want that childhood friends to lovers so thats what happend to you and him
Let see.. hmmmmm Your the daughter of the count and you happend to admire your father so much to the point you visit him at his work
Which he is the commander for the emperor's palace and had earn alot of recognition and respect from the nobles
At times like this, you never act lady like unless meeting any of the royalties
At some point your brothers (your going to have 2 brothers, one older and one younger) were wondering how you could do that but netherless they were very supportive of you♡
So just like that, your admiration for your father was such a great one. He would teach you how to weld a sword and injure people who'd mess with you incase of problems
So When you decided to visit the palace with the Emperor's permission (his planning something lol) You accidentally came across two royals
“Oh, (Y/N)? What are you doing here?”
“Im simply taking a walk with the His Majesty's permission as my father would take a while for the meeting his currently having. Im sorry for intruding, Your Highnesses.” with a polite bow you gave your reason as polite as possible
“Haha its ok, Your permitted to be one of my guards right? His Majesty assigned you and your taking the test, correct?” The older prince excitedly ask, you titl your head and nodded
Did i ever tell you that the only reason you can get in was actually because your a knight in training for the heir to the throne? Yes now you know
You and the prince have a very unique kind of knowledge to one another i guess??
“Your highness, Your mother is looking for you-”
Felix stopped his sentence as he saw Anastacius glaring at him, he immediately bowed but not as respectful as the other
“It seems like you have to go Claude, I'll be going. (Y/N) how about tea?”
“I wish all the glory shine upon you prince Claude. Its nice to meet you too Young Lord Felix Robane. I'll be joining his highness now please take care.” with that you follow behind a talking Anastacius
Felix immediately turn to look at you, who probably had his eyes beam and shine like the sun. You look really pretty. Is one of his thoughts.
You gave Claude a respectful bow and a smile to the both boys
HAHAHA not as romantic as any childhood friends to lovers story but im telling you in the future it'll definitely get better
So that happend.
Any clues what's gonna happen next?
Anastacius De Alger Obelia
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Villains are so fine af
Anyways before i got lost on ranting on how i almost lost the scenerio for felix we gotta finish this sht first and before i cry for shts after shts
Ok this guy ask you to marry him
He thought when he first saw you in his disguise in the market “oh this person is so gonna benefit me”
Meanwhile you were having a peaceful lovely marketing some fruits for the living you have for a friend of yours and their adoptive kids which your totally fine with it aslong as they can give you something you could budget for their food
That stop as this perv looking guy with black hair and idk what eye color is that getting on his knees and asking for your hand in marriage
Idk how long you guys stared probably wondering who tf will marry you in a messy clothing rn
“Yo who tf are you” you asked, with a raise of a brow
Everyone in the market was around the two of you being the marites (Philippines karen every gender ver ig)
“(Y/N), do you know this guy?” one of the stall owners asked, you look at them and shook your head
“I dont even have a relationship with anyone since birth, How tf do i even know him he looks like a pervert”
Anastacius was either having a crisis right now or just doesn't understand why your acting like that. I mean he got (let me search her name)
That took me 7 minutes to try and find who tf this woman was since she's not very import she a walking trash rn so her name was Penelope skksshhssh
He got Penelope had a one night stand with him on the timing to be exposed to claude who can only look at him with betrayal
Honestly if i was his mother instead, ill be on that one fanfic i read from wattpad lmao
So he was wondering how tf can you reject him
His thinking probably his looks, if he has his original identity right now he knows how much you surely would fall inlove with him
You just have to look at him like he was a weird duck from the swan
So it ended with someone being one of the elders you be friended startibg to shoo him away with a crane targeting his lower parts of the body
You thanked the old lady ofcourse
Gaaaahh sorry for the short one shot! Please give me ideas ob how this will be going lmao
Very proud to make this at 10am to 1 pm lol
Im very tired so ill be sleeping now
Request are open btw so you can request^^
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lale-txt · 2 years
i finished watching WCI and i have so many thoughts, i need to yell! i read the arc when it came out week by week back then but apparently i forgot so many things and now i'm just sitting here like... ミ(ノ_ _)ノ brain is fried so this is a mess
so Katakuri, huh. i get it know
it's the bottom lashes and the fangs for me. the voice. also the leather outfit and his height (size kink size kink size kink). i wanna top him so badly
also PEDRO
Oda didn't have to make him so sexy but i'm so glad he did wow
he got the same VA as Roy Mustang and that didn't help with my barely contained lust at all
rip you sexy mf i hope there's catnip in heaven
adds Pedro/Nekomamushi sandwich to my list
got totally slapped in the face with all those Rayleigh in the flashbacks, i shamefully forgot about them and screeched. utter simp behaviour
need Smoothie to crush me between her thighs
i hate how it only took two fics to make me twirl my hair at Perospero and this long tongue of him
Sanji is your sister single
Brook stealing the poneglyphs: "what, like it's hard?"
he deserves to see some panties for that
some episodes were SO long i skipped so much but it wasn't as bad as Dressrosa. rip to the anime only people who sit through that
this arc reminded me once again how much i love Nami for her trust in Luffy and how badass she can yell out commands if needed. queen shit. i love their friendship and bond
also was once again reminded how many allies the Strawhats have. makes me really excited for the final saga when we see them all come together probably?
Luffy smashing that mirror? yeah
Luffy sleeping in Sanji's arms knowing he's safe now? yeah ;;
Luffy and Rayleigh wearing matching coats in the flashbacks and Rayleigh telling him to rise to the top while he thinks about meeting Roger for the first time? screaming crying fainting
Bege being the inofficial supernova's adoptive dad is a hc that will live in my head rent free. he helps them fixing their ties and reminds them of curfew and tells Chiffon how he's worried about them getting into trouble again
Daifuku irritaded the fuck out of me and i wondered why until i realized he looks like someone i once hooked up with lmao (he was a 10 but wore outside clothes in bed so we had to part)
both Dressrosa and WCI reminded me how much i love seeing the Strawhats together. when you read it week by week you only realize looking back that you haven't seen some chars in YEARS
the opening in the latest episodes of WCI was a banger
Vinsmoke brothers said: mansplain manipulate manslaughter ♡
thoughts circling back to Pedro and what an absolute icon he was
still crying
Bepo Sulong form WHEN
absolutely did not google for sexy Pedro sulong form fanart
ok gotta search for Pedro fics now goodbye mwwwah
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jukemaid · 2 years
mew pla protag au
literally all the pokemon they come across are like lmao why are u trying to be human and rei finds the newest recruit yelling at a bunch of starly to mind their own business. "im on a mission from arceus" is significantly less believable than "i thought it would be funny" so mew rolls with that. its not technically incorrect either bc it is pretty funny playing human all things considered
nothing can tell theyre a mew tho, only a pokemon. cant tell strength or type or anything and mews famous adaptability helps a lot in that regard. they can learn any move and transform as needed for THE PERFECT DISGUISE. predictably they get called a zoroark or ditto a lot, mostly the former since those are native to hisui. if it bothers mew enough theyll use a random move or start mysteriously levitating and scare the pokes away
they think its messed up that they have to catch other pokemon to keep up appearances, but their team is actually p cool with it since mew is very courteous and understands them. its sure as hell better than being given to some dipshit human that can barely be in the same ten feet as a bidoof without crying in terror. reis pikachu constantly laments that it had to be stuck with rei and not someone like mew, so mew makes it their personal mission to improve human and pokemon relations. probably the only selfless task they gave themselves independently since arceus was vague and unhelpful about what it meant to meet with all pokemon.
in terms of battling mew is actually trash and has no idea what to do. they know how to fight as themselves, sure, but commanding other pokes? wat? but the direct communication helps them learn quick and they become famous as a pokemon wielder who doesnt even need to tell their team what to do, bc their pokemon already know what they want and do it. a massive exaggeration but theyll take it
being a psychic type mythical mew is also super keen on the thoughts and vibes of humans, which allows them to navigate social situations they wouldve floundered in normally. as a result of this innate power they can tell volo is up to some shit (dunno what tho), beni and kamado cannot be trusted, and that something is seriously fucked up about that one pearl clan warden. ingo baffles mew. they have no idea what is going on there and it scares them how full of holes his mind is. hes easily the nicest most reliable human there too which rly rubs salt in the wound. they want to help him, as mew, but dont know how
meeting with other legendaries is very awkward. they know mew was sent on a divine mission bc mew would never willingly do anything so earnest and helpful like this. theyre too much of a goofball idiot to be trusted to act on their own initiative. the nobles have mixed responses, and their blessing lets them have a better idea of what this newcomer is. besides not human, they can tell theyre not any regular pokemon and are something of great standing (which tempers most arrogance they may or may not feel). beyond that tho its a mystery to everybody
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strwbrryblues · 2 years
Lowkey [3]
Pairings: Lee Minho | Lee Know x Fem!Reader
Genre: Exes to Lovers, Exes with Benefits (lmao, it is), Angst, Fluff, Smut (probably eventual), College AU
Warnings: Alcohol, Reader is Bisexual—implied, Felix is also Bi in here (i think?), Smut but also not really smut, not proofread properly
Chapter Warnings: Suggestive, Not proofread
Word Count: 2.1k
Chapter Synopsis: More thoughts and decisions are made, and you get to have three surprises in one day, isn’t that just great?
I do not condone to having minors on my blog, I also do not wish for minors to even interact with any of my adult fics.
This is not a representation of the Stray Kids members, and is completely fictional. If you think it is, don’t even read at all. I don’t like it when people relate fiction to reality when those are completely different things.
© March 2022, strwbrryblues. All rights reserved.
Previous Chapter | Lowkey Masterlist | Lowkey Synopsis | Next Chapter
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It was already bad enough to have regrets the morning you woke up that weekend; bombarded with questions, because apparently Yeji remembered everything; and it included the shameless screams of Felix, going “Y/n got laid!” You weren’t hungover, but with the two’s constant bothering, you felt you were.
It didn’t stop there. You thought the whole “exes with benefits” ordeal was just a joke—despite being honestly addicted to Minho’s touches—that is, until you got a message, 15 minutes before your next class. On a Monday morning.
09:30     Meet me at DH308 in 5
You were baffled at first to see such a demanding command from an unknown number, and was just about to block them, until another ping starts, and the message pops up.
09:31     This is Minho btw
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. That explains the dance hall room. If Felix were to give you a dance hall room, it was always 301.
Now that you think about it, you felt stupid for thinking that this whole arrangement you agreed to, was even a joke. Was it Moron Monday for you to be so idiotic on a Monday morning? You thought so.
Sighing, you couldn’t even feel mad anymore. Sending him a short reply, as well as changing his contact I.D., you went on your way for a detour, whilst thinking this could be a good chance to back out from the arrangement. You thought no good was going to come out of this, so it was better to just come out honestly and say that this could mess up either of you.
You honestly have feelings for him. It wasn’t fully romantic like how you felt in your high school years but it also wasn’t resentment. It was just the light feeling of sadness and confusion. Because no matter how you both ended in good terms, you’ve always pondered how everything seemed vague. A relationship ended in good terms, would not have ended in the other crying, or both parties completely ignoring each other the next—especially with him promising you’d at least still be friends.
Your whole trip of going down memory lane once more, had led you to where the dance rooms were. Almost tripping your way up the 3rd floor, you were greeted by Felix’s sweet voice. “Moonshine! What are you doing here?” His cute little nickname for you resounded the almost empty hallway.
Of course, you froze. You forgot Felix have International Dance every Monday, and it’s usually held on the third floor, just a few rooms away from where Minho had asked you to meet him.
Now, you were good at dodging questions, as well as evading attention, but you had no way out of this one, other than cancelling on Minho, and going with Felix to his next class.
“I…” you paused, deciding that you’d cancel for now, “came here to pick you up.” You looked wide eyed, sweat forming on your forehead as you hoped he bite the hook.
Felix blinked, before giving a very wide smile, gently speaking out, “you’re very sweet.”
One thing you hated the most, was lying to Felix. And in your mind, you were already beating yourself up for even lying to the sweet boy.
“Would it be alright if you walk me to class?” The freckled boy asked, latching onto your arm and laying his head on your shoulder.
For a minute, you felt guilt and nervousness, but then his sweet and affectionate demeanor had stopped your trains of thoughts of anxiety. You sighed a bit contently, “yeah, it’s okay.” And you honestly would not mind, even if you’d come late to class, because his class was sadly at the other end of the campus.
“I’ll make it up to you at lunch, yeah?” He grinned. His cheery smile prompted you to ruffle his hair playfully.
Yeah…It was a good decision to skip for now. You thanked Felix internally for being your happy pill. But of course, you were still admittedly feeling wrong for keeping something like this. You promised to yourself that you’ll let him know as soon as possible.
It was in the middle of your next class, that only then you realized that you forgot to let Minho know that you were skipping. Only now having the time to reply to the notification that vibrated on your sweats' pocket, as the professor was turned away from the class, playing a video of the history of notable playwrights.
Sadly, it’s Minho
10:01     You ditched ☹️
You rolled your eyes at the obvious childish tone in his message, as well as the emoji.
10:01     I forgot to message you
10:02     Felix passed by and I had to walk him to his next class
You waited for a reply but it was only recorded as seen. Thinking that he had nothing else to say, you were about to switch the notification to silent and start paying more attention to class, until another vibrate.
Sadly, it’s Minho
10:08     Oh..
10:08   How about right before you head to lunch?
10:08     You’re crazy
Sadly, it’s Minho
10:09     After lunch, or after you finish eating?
This time, you really gave it some time to think, switching off your phone for awhile to not let any disturbance hinder your train of thoughts.
Weighing out the pros and cons of this whole arrangement, you listed first all the negative outcomes that will potentially come out of this. One, having an irreconcilable relationship with said man, if ever things go downhill. Two, feelings will definitely bloom once more, and you’re not ready to face that. Lastly, Felix finds out.
Then you looked at the pros. First and foremost, you won’t have to worry about Felix setting you up on dates, as long as you hint that you’re “kind of seeing someone.” Second, admittedly, that night you grinded yourself to climax with Minho, it felt good; and not just in terms of his pleasing movements, but you felt light. You felt like your burdens were lessened and the stress of all your homework was non existent. And of course, lastly, he’s hot.
Gone were his innocent look from when you met him first, back in your freshmen year of high school. You could almost deem his as a sex god, and it made you feel things.
Groaning quietly, you rested your head on the table, hiding behind the figures of your classmates up front who were listening to the lecture. Your mind somehow rewinding to that time, Hyunjin—Yeji’s brother, who became part of your little group friend—scolded you for not mingling with people and always burying yourself with studies. You remember very vividly his words, “hoe life, or no life,” with a matching pointed look.
You chuckled to yourself at his words, but you were sold. College would almost end for you; just a semester more, and you’re a senior with more loads to deal with, along with internships. No doubt, the pressure of being a graduating student would be different, and then work will come along; you’ll definitely have no time for anything else.
The heavy weight of the cons would have to be solved once you cross that bridge—figuring you’d just have to prepare yourself when that time comes. Right now, you somehow anticipated what high you’ll experience later, a different kind of adrenaline pooling your body.
Picking up your phone, you finally replied.
10:21     Fine
10:21     I’ll meet you after lunch
Sadly, it’s Minho
10:22     :D
10:22     You’re too horny
Sadly, it’s Minho
10:22     And yet you agree to meet me 😏
10:23     Fuck you 😐
Sadly, it’s Minho
10:23     You mean I’ll fuck you? 🤔
10:23     🖕
You rolled your eyes at the flow of conversation the flowed between you two. You left your phone to the side of your table, leaving it on mute as you started paying more attention to class. But of course, your mind wandered elsewhere. More specifically to your ex.
His touches were tantalizing, leaving a trail of burning sensation that you felt even till now. And it made you flush in embarrassment, despite the straight face your wore.
After being dismissed from an agonizing 3 hours of lecture, you were finally dismissed. The mixture of thoughts from the night of the party tangled itself with the lecture you were trying to mentally get a hold of, made your head hurt. You walked aimlessly out of the classroom, your shoulders bumping into others who rushed out as well.
Clutching on to your head, you didn’t notice someone had bumped into you with their whole body. The collision resulting in to that person dropping all their papers in hand, scattering everywhere.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.” You quickly apologized, kneeling down and helping them pick up the papers.
The person kneeled as well, but stopped as they got a good look at you. “Y/n?” They muttered, making you look up to them.
Only then did you notice the familiar gentle looks of Seungmin.
“Didn’t think I’d run into you, quite literally at that.” He chuckled at his statement, taking from your hands the papers that you already picked up after not moving for a while. But his statement did make you laugh, how ironic it was considering you both shared a subject together back when you were on your second semester of your first year in college.
The taller boy had in one hand the papers he was holding, while he used the other to take you by your wrist and gently lift you up from the ground. “Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked, still not letting go of his gentle hold on your wrist as he scanned you around in case something was out of the ordinary.
“No, I’m quite alright.” You said reassuringly, which had Seungmin finally let go of you as he sighed in relief.
“I missed you,” he blurted out of the blue. Which in turn, made you whip your head in his direction to see he was grinning at you cheekily and teasingly.
“Ha ha. I missed you too.” You rolled your eyes sarcastically at him.
It was a playful banter both of you fell into especially since you both dated for some time during your second year in college. You both worked out well, but it didn’t last long, especially when Seungmin was a very studious person. Being a law student, who’s taken extracurricular activities and classes, as well as being part of the university’s debate team—a captain at that—he had little time to spare for you. The reason you came to the idea of dating him was because you wanted to try; but also because Felix set you up on a blind date with him, not knowing you’ve become acquainted with each other during your freshman year.
You both were friends in the end though. No hard feelings or whatsoever. And you actually became closer and you got to know more of each other as friends, and you were glad you could lean on him when times got rough, even if you don’t always see each other.
“What’s the reason of your visit on our department by the way?” You asked, eyeing the papers in his hands.
“Oh, you know how Mr. Park is our debate adviser, right?” He asked, starting to walk into the direction of your classroom from earlier. You nodded, remembering him making a note of that from before. “He gave us individual topics to research as our first homework for the club this semester. I just collected all of them, so I’m on my way to give them to Mr. Park.”
Deciding to spare a friend some time to catch up, you walked alongside him to your previous classroom. “Why not just drop them off on your club room?” You asked.
“Oh, I had to relay some questions from some of the club members,” he paused upon reaching the door of the classroom, then turned to you, “and I came here specifically to see you.” He winked, but you can hint on the teasing. You just rolled your eyes, turning the doorknob and pushing him inside.
“Just go in, while Mr. Park is still there,” you pointed to the older man in glasses, who was checking some of your class’s pop quiz papers from earlier.
“Mind waiting for me in a bit while I hand this to him?” Seungmin turned, slowly walking backwards as he looked at you, all the teasing in his face was gone and was replaced with the gentle friendliness he always wore.
“Oh, uh…sure.” You nodded, a bit unsure of why he asked for you to wait for him, as you clutched on the straps of your backpack.
Waiting by the side of the classroom’s door, you rocked on your heels back and forth, making out the mutters from inside where your professor and Seungmin were talking. You were spacing out again, until a shadow loomed over you.
You looked up to see the face of someone you dreaded, and hoped to not see at all.
[Next Chapter]
Series Taglist: @endzii23 @letmeal0ne @dreamescapeswriting
A/N: HELLO! This was a bit rushed, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging, so this is my way of letting everyone know I'm still alive and yes, the series is still on going.
Also, exams are nearing so please expect the slow updates 🥲 Also, thoughts on the current chapter are highly appreciated! 🥺💗
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levmada · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet [5/6]
this one contains R-U [risk, stamina, toys, unfair]
I still have a smut request from an anon that isn't quite finished yet—if that's you, no worries :) it's a comin'.
warnings: slight power play, edging/overstim, some mention of restraints
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R=Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Levi strikes me as someone who definitely prefers his routine for sure, based on who he is as a character; in general he prefers to have full control over his surroundings, down to how he expresses he emotions😭. So I doubt Levi would be as game for risk-taking or experimenting as, say, Erwin. He makes his tea the way he knows for sure it’ll taste the best; he’s one to plan a situation in advance—especially in a fight—when things could go wrong at any time.
I’m sure modern!au Levi differs quite a bit in this respect, but that’s besides the point.
In spite of all this—Levi loves to hear your ideas. He’s a great listener too and open to anything you’d like to try, which is why he’s willing to experiment with most-any position or play you bring to his attention.
Levi has hard-no’s (duh) that I went over in the previous part, but say you come up to him from behind and murmur in his ear about dressing up in a pair of snowy-white garters and a maid outfit for him?? Levi’s all in.
This also applies to risk-taking: I just don’t see Levi being one to voluntarily go skydiving (as an example), let alone doing something super dramatic and spontaneous in bed. It’s just not who Levi is—he’s too practical and prefers to sway on the side of what’s familiar and what you're guaranteed to enjoy. Smaller risks, though—enveloping your waist from behind as you’re cooking dinner, gliding his hand up your thigh; or spontaneously draping himself over your back while he’s plowing into you and groaning, “close already? That’s my good girl.” —YES ABSOLUTELY.
[or, alternatively: “Fuck, you’ve made such a mess. Good boy.”]
S=Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Ugh, you can bet your bottom dollar that Levi is almost always gonna stave off his own orgasm in your favor—the way your silky walls hug and squeeze his cock when you’re cumming is too addictive not to. Levi is super thoughtful in that way, and it’s not an issue for him normally (him being a master of self-control and all)—but that doesn’t mean your pretty voice crying his name doesn’t make it difficult lmao. To Levi, you're effortlessly too damn good for him not to give in to the lust swimming in his bottom half.
However, say it’s the other way around: you’re seated in Levi’s lap, rolling your hips and taking him deep while the man underneath you is under explicit orders not to move. In the first place, it’d be such sweet torture for Levi to remain still—he’s clutching at any part of you he can reach and mindlessly rolling his head about on the pillows.
Levi’s gasping, “fuck. ‘S too good—close. Close.”
god, though. Once you’re clenching through the remnants of your orgasm and you order Levi to cum, his back is already arching. I feel like canon!Levi is especially good at letting go and coming undone on command—it isn’t like him to disobey orders lmao.
Completely in general, at the beginning when Levi isn’t used to being touched at all—as if he’s something to be cherished and not used, he wouldn’t be able to last very long. It’s very embarrassing for him (and makes his cheeks all flushed and pink💕😙), but in Levi’s defense he’s a quick learner, and it’s not as if he’ll even think of calling it a night before you’re limp and still reeling from aftershocks. Later on, Levi’s incredible stamina will come back into play, and he’s able to last much longer.
As for how many rounds: Levi is Humanity’s Strongest Soldier—he’s not one to spill his load and pass the fuck out right after. That’s a case for almost-never, unless he’s already exhausted (perhaps in more than just the physical sense) and already feeling vulnerable.
The vast majority of the time, I see Levi’s limit being reached after maybe his third or fourth orgasm, you know? Depending on how long in-between you allow him to catch his breath. For instance, having Levi restrained so he can't squirm away while you bounce on his cock, then pushing him into oversensitivity after he’s spilled his load inside you—despite his little whines and twitching cock—it won’t be long before there’s more of his cum dripping down your thighs.
Anyway, 3-4 rounds. Any more than that, and it’ll take longer to get Levi hard again, but the sight of him fucked-out—messy, dampened bangs and his plush, pink lips constantly parted, the sounds Levi makes the neediest you’ll ever hear him—makes it worth it in a way.
“Mm—ange, please. Please, s-so…” [angel]
I feel like you’ve truly taken everything Levi has to give after he moans all broken and soft, and his cock throbs for the fifth time; his thighs will tremble as he squirms, cumming totally dry.
T=Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
To compensate for the utter lack of sex toys in canonverse, let’s talk about modern!au.
Levi is a fairly practical man, and his sex drive before meeting his partner is low—mans wouldn’t have but one toy, probably, and it isn’t that crazy. When Levi does get off, his hand is enough.
But–! Levi would definitely be open to experimenting with toys, far more enthusiastic to use them on you rather than himself. For instance (if you’re amab), slipping a cockring down the base of your cock—the sort with vibrations—to keep you hard while Levi uses his mouth on you.
On the other hand, Levi gets a kick out of spreading you open for him and making you hold one of those egg-shaped vibes to your clit while he takes you slowly; it’s only when his thrusts become much more forceful and ruthless that you begin to falter. The way your thighs clamp around his waist when he massages your clit with the vibe—better than you ever could do it to yourself—is beyond description <3.
There’s not much Levi won’t try in terms of toys, either, not on you and certainly not if you’re eager. (fucking-machines<3)
As for him, if Levi was totally smitten with your body before, the added addition of using that previously-mentioned cock ring on him—pinning his thighs apart so he can’t close them and pressing the vibrations to his balls and the base of his cock—he’s done for.
Though, most toys may take some gentle coddling and convincing to let you use on Levi. You always give it to him so well though, so he can’t ever find himself complaining.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Levi loves to tease—so much so that you’re usually left begging and whimpering before he decides to finally fill you with his cock. He gets so much satisfaction (besides it just being a basic need for him) to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s needed.
Besides, Levi will always satisfy you in the end; more than that, though—teasing you by flicking your clit with all these slight movements and giving you more when you beg—Levi will blow your fucking mind. Not out of the fact that he’s a ‘sex god’, but the sheer amount of attention he puts towards every jerk of your body, even your facial expressions. Levi is such a passionate, thorough lover, that you’re both left reeling in pleasure afterwards anyway.
Ugh he’ll especially tease you if you’ve been moody or bratty lately. Levi likes to slide his cock through your folds, smearing slick all over your clit until you’re outright whining before he finally lets you have his cock.
Teasing in general makes the payoff so much better too, besides the fact that it leaves you so much wetter for him before the main event actually starts.
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| previous part | levi masterlist | main masterlist | last part |
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holographicang3l · 3 years
My hot take on the Evangelion 3.0+1.0 movie
-40 mins of shinji crying, trying to get over the trauma seeing Kaworus head explode and splatter across the window is relatable.
- Mari confused the fuck out of me. Her existence didn't make much sense but ok. Too much boob shots, too much fan service.
- Asukas story was good. Liked that she's also a Type series like Rei. Too much fanserves. They put a shit ton of detail on her naked body. I hated it.
- the Angel concept of Asuka was cool though it was predictable.
- So little of Ritsuko and Misato. Little to no personality.
- Kaji probably controlled Mark 6 to cut off Liliths head to stop the impact. (theory / headcanon / could have been kaworu as well but damn)
- hated that everyone was blaming shinji even tho he saved everyone at the same time. Ungreatful people, trying to blame a kid for ALLL the mess is pretty messed up.
- Kaworu and Asukas soul piloting Eva 13 lmao (I assume at least that's the case)
- I was laughing so ugly about the animation fo 3d Rei. Didn't give me the creeps, I was just making fun of it.
- some scenes are quiet awkwardly cut.
-I HATED the 3d fight between Eva 13 and Eva 1. It felt unfinished and unpolished.
- I did like the trueman show style of backdrop in the fight, where Eva 01 slammed through the scene wall.
- funny headless mannequin flying hand in hand 3d style. Looked ugly af but I can see the artistics in it.
- Weird but, the voice of Fuyutsuki sounded off, as if it was wrongly recorded. Maybe it was just me.
- "The key of Nebukadnezar ITS FULL CYCLE BOYS" urgh.
- Shinji putting the fucking dss choker on like the Chad he is.
- finally got in the fucking robot. What a huge Chad.
-crying kaworu was nice. Made him more human.
- didn't see it as if Shinji thinks Kaworu as his father figure, Idk how people can interpret that shit. They just come off as similar. Just because I see someone similar to a family member doesn't mean that I see them as a father or mother figure yall just interpret what you want to.
- Timeloop theory confirmed, we did it boys, depression is no more.
- it felt like a shit ton of things got cut off due to the awkward pacing, dialouge and some scenes.
- Ryo-chan I can't fucking-
- Commander Nagisa ✨ It was all an elaborate plan. Kaworu probably developed the Anti L- barrier thing or at least helped. (headcanon)
- Kaji was like father to me (probably kaworu somehow)
- melon farmer Kaworu confirmed
- Adult shinji, bantering with Mari.
-don't like the boob thing tho.
- hated the fan service. Loaded like a baked potato.
-Rei was fucking cute
- I would die for her.
- Fuck gendou
-I will not sympathies with a fucking egomaniac.
- dude fucked humanity bcs he couldn't accept the death of his wife.
- super obsessed.
-what a moron. I swear.
- Gendo hugging Shinji was cute tho.
- can't accept his apology tho, still asshole, can go rot in hell.
- All parents are assholes in Eva except Touji and Hikari.
-Tsubume and Rei fucking cute I swear.
- Kensuke is the ultimate winner, he looks handsome. Would fuck
- Rei and the farmer woman were cute, I want more content.
- End scene was stupid.
- the ending in general was good tho.
- felt bitter sweet but also satisfying.
- One LAST kiss slaps
- What if?: orchestra, piano slapped my soul into the Anti universe and now I'm sitting on the Golgatha object, ready to find Kaworu.
- I wanted them to be all happy.
-hopefully they are.
- Mari and Shinji probably endgame
- probably just friends tho, I mean come on.
-kawoshinners are crying.
- Kaworu going to super hell (predicted, it's all full cycle kids, go home)
- Maria Iskariot?! I mean what (yeah I know what the innuation is here but still)
- Asuka is a clone, guess Langley was the Original but died and the Shikinami series was deployed Idk, I'm not anno.
- Fucking technoblabble and pseudo-philosophy
- my brain melted trying to understand half of the bs that was spoken about
- I like Ryoji Kaji Jr. He's cute. I want 500 fanfics of him being a cute gardener and being best friends with kaworu (please im in pain help me)
- Parallels between Gendou and Ritsuko shooting at each other *chefs kiss*
- the detail in the scenery was just amazing.
- I'm a headless wandering Eva (no thoughts head empty)
- I missed the mass production Eva's (way cooler though I really liked the skull Eva's as well)
- give me a 14 years before prequel or give me death (probably gonna die before it comes out)
- I swear I was so sad when doppelganger Rei busted into Fanta, best development of Rei ngl
- I can not stop my anger with Gendou I swear.
-I don't care how he's written Gendo/ Gendou/Gendoh, all versions are assholes
- That L barrier thing in Asukas eye was the most painful thing to watch. Body gore Asuka as always.
- "I'll come and get you Shinji" SHUT UP
- The self insert story was funny tho ngl
- That hair flip was fabulous
- KaWoRu AnD rEi aRe StAnDinG in ClOsE pRoXiMiTy ThEy mUsT bE tOgEtHeR (what the fuck, can't people have normal friends from the other gender? )
- ShInJi aNd MaRi hElD hAnDs ThEy mUsT bE tOgEThEr (what the fuck, can't friends of the other gender hold hands? Does that mean I'm dating my best friend for holding his hand?! MAKE SENSE PEOPLE)
- UwU Asushin is Canon UwU (In the past maybe, was a huge cockblock from anno here, go cry in a corner and read your top rated evageek hentai manga of Asuka x Shinji Jesus christ (don't slaughter me) )
- God is dead after the stunt Gendou pulled and Kawoshin is (no) more (lmao no but yes but no, don't slaughter me)
- UNIT8 be like: "you're talking mad shit for someone being in consuming range" and proceeds to eat all the units (vore is strong in this one)
- Eva 13 and Eva 1 hugging (and penetrating) best shit I've seen
- Maris scream for Asuka was painful. It ripped my heart in pieces.
- Angel Unit2 was too short. I want more of that.
-That tiny Kaworu in the background while Angel Asuka absorbs Shikinami (I don't know fam, the movie is confusing)
- I read somewhere that Headless kaworu corpse playing the piano in the entry plug was cut off from the script and Im not sure if that is true but I would have LOVED TO SEE IT
- Eva 3.0+1.0 was annos huge middle finger to all of Evangelion and I love it.
- tells us to grow up and stop hyperfocusing at the characters proceeds to make them as sexual as possible lmfaooo
- That Lance of WILLE thing looks like something out of Darling in the FRANXX series and I laughed so hard.
- there you are YUI?!
- Mom was in me (I want to die)
- Gonna use plot device shit to make a Lance out of a spine (damn shinji obtained a backbone to defeat his deadbeat father, I would have never seen this coming *irony*)
- Gotta defeat your dad with the power of friendship TALKING (like any human being does)
- Anno says byebye (proceeds to think of 14 years past prequel, it makes money so I guess)
- Anno says grow up, proceeds to slap the fans in the face that you should stop using escapism as a coping mechanism in a world that makes you feel miserable and being in constant pressure to uphold a stupid image and start to live even though you're forced to work as much as possible with makes living hard af (I dotn know if you understand what I was trying to tell with this but if you do *Finger guns*)
- Give me the uncut version in a year or I riot
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lady-ragnvindr · 3 years
Lmao, here have this horny brainrot I did while waiting for the angst <3
Oh, by the way The Diluc x reader fic has like a small bit of Jean x reader.. Are you OK with that? 👀
Anyways back to the brainrot
-🍷 anon
Earn it
Cat! Sub! Diluc x Owner! Dom! Reader
⚠️: Pegging, Overstimulation, Degradation, Begging, Slapping, Pulling of Hair and Tail, nipple play, Mommy kink, Pet play, Reader being mean and rough etc. (???)
Reader is a female
Hue, hue enjoy a screaming diluc begging
Finally after God knows how long, (Y/N) finally had time to spend with her precious little kitty lulu (Diluc). The two of them decided to take a stroll around the city of freedom just to get some fresh air
The two of them didn't realize that they reached the marketplace of Mondstadt until something caught the redhead's eye causing him to stop in his tracks -his s/o doing the same thing aswell-
The object that Diluc was ogling at was a collar. A glittering crimson collar with a shiny golden bell attached to it. It also had a beautiful big black bow at the back side of it.
(Y/N) saw how Diluc was eyeing the said collar, a smirk forming across her face as an idea began to form inside the back of her head.
She turned to face Diluc -who is still staring at the collar- and began to speak
"So..you want that collar I assume?"
She asked "innocently" her smirk from before never leaving.
Diluc was hesitant on giving an answer at first. But he is a good kitten. He never lies to his owner and always as in ALWAYS tells the truth no matter what.
So... he simply nodded, a blush forming on the apples on his cheeks as (Y/N) began to chuckle at his cute action.
"How adorable 💗"
She complimented, patting Diluc's beautiful red locks as she began scruffing behind his cat ears, causing diluc to purr loudly. His knees suddenly growing weak from the sudden touch his lovely owner is giving him.
She called, his cat ears perking up when she called his name.
"You know that I don't give anything for free right~?"
He nodded.
"You also know that good kitties only get a reward when they work hard on something right~?"
He nodded the second time.
"Well... "
She stopped for a moment, -Diluc still focusing on her intimidating gaze-
"If you want it so badly... "
She continued, pulling Diluc close to her as she whispered into his ear in a serious tone as chills ran down his spine.
"You gotta earn it dear 💗"
It was late at night and the bedroom was a huge mess. pillows everywhere, the now cumstained blankets is on the floor, all that's left in the bed were (Y/N) and Diluc, who was gripping the bedsheets naked, full of bite marks, and a moaning mess.
His cum from his previous orgasms were all over his marked body. On his stomach, his chest, his face, it was everywhere.
(Y/N) smirked at the person in front of her whom she had destroyed. The famous uncrowned king of Mondstadt, laying before her, hair a mess, eyes rolled back, tears of overstimulation streaming down his tear-stained cheeks.
The deal was that Diluc had to go through 10 orgasms in order to get the collar. Currently, he's doing a great job passing 9 orgasms flawlessly making his owner very impressed. Maybe all that brat-training, and orgasm denials (Y/N) did to him paid off after all
"Your doing an amazing job my little kitty 💗"
(Y/N) complimented, caressing the redhead's cock causing Diluc to whimper and squirm at her touch due to oversensitivity.
"You only need to do one more orgasm until the collar is yours my love~!"
She chirped
"But there is a catch 💗"
She picked Diluc up and made him sit on her lap, making him confused on what she's doing
Confusion turned to pain & pleasure, when (Y/N) slammed the strap-on back inside his hole making him scream loudly
"This time, you gotta ride me. Make yourself cum infront of me like the slutty cum dump you are~!"
She commanded, giggling at the end of her sentence
"Nnngh... I-I... Mommy I can't!!!"
Diluc confessed, grabbing (Y/N)'s hips to maintain his balance as tears started to fall down on his face again
The sudden action and impact that occurred in his rear end made Diluc scream for the second time tonight, burying his face on (Y/N)'s breasts, the grip he had on her hips tightening at the process
"Oh, so your gonna be a whiny bitch and not follow mommy's orders huh~?"
(Y/N) then yanked the redhead's now ruined ponytail causing him to stood back up again to his original position
"Look at me when I'm talking to you Diluc."
She ordered
"Your beginning to disappoint me Diluc, maybe you don't deserve the collar after all with that bratty attitude of yours~"
Upon hearing those words, Diluc began to sob uncontrollably as he started to bounce on (Y/N)'s strap
"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! M-mommy please! I want the collar! I want it so badly! P-please forgive me! I'll be a g-good kitty!
He begged, fastening his pace hoping to quickly build his 10th and final orgasm
(Y/N) on the other hand was snickering at the redhead, loving how she can easily break him to into a huge crying mess and his limit to beg for anything
The rest of the time were just Diluc continuing to ride (Y/N) while moaning and blabbing incoherent sentences with a couple of pleases, thank-yous and the word mommy
(Y/N) proceeded to pinch his nipples harshly in the middle of him riding her, earning a squeak from him
Soon the familiar knot in his stomach began to form, signalling that he's about to have another orgasm
"M-mommy I'm close! I'm close! I'm about to cum!"
He said out loud, his body beginning to shake from the upcoming orgasm he's about to have
(Y/N) wrapped her fingers around his cock and gave it a light squeeze
"Or... I could deny your orgasm and have do another one again since you still have some energy left in you dear~"
Diluc shook his head violently, throwing a small tantrum
He begged, crying hysterically making (Y/N) chuckle, pitying the poor kitty.
" I'm just kidding Diluc! Of course you can cum now, you earned it. Congratulations my love~"
She exclaimed, relieving diluc as he mumbled a "thank you" then continued to thrust deeper, completely destroying his prostate
Then out of nowhere, (Y/N) grabbed ahold of dilucs hips and fully smashed the strap-on in his hole, strong enough to trigger his orgasm as he screamed out loud, loud enough for the people in Mondstadt to hear him.
Diluc then fell backwards, now lying down on the bed. legs still spreading, cum leaking out of his drained cock, body still violently shaking from the orgasm.
(Y/N) stood up and went to the drawer rummaging through things and brought out the same collar that diluc was eyeing on awhile ago.
"I bought it already while you weren't looking."
She hopped back to the bed and proceeded to place the collar around Dilucs neck. Once she was done placing the collar on him she kissed his forehead and cuddled closer to him
"You did good tonight my little kitty, once again congratulations~"
She cooed, stroking his back. Diluc purred and snuggled close.
"T-thank you mommy.. I love you~"
"I love you too my little kitty, now rest well~"
She replied, as the two of them drift off to sleep in each other's arms
Ma'am Imma need your ID and items. Bcz I did not just read such good sub diluc--oh its been a while since I thrist for him.
Welcome to horny jail my love 🤪💅
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Day Off (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
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Word Count: 2,158
Warnings: FLUFF, bad language, suggestive language, my shit writing lmao
Summary: You hardly ever got to spend time with your husband, so when he has a day off, well, your heart can’t help but be entirely full. Especially when you see him interacting with your children.
Anonymous said:
Hello💜💜 I was wondering if you could make an fluff/smut imagine about where Bakugou where the reader is his beloved wife they both have kids and just shows how their daily lives are. Btw I’m a huge fan of your imagines🥰
I hope you enjoy this request anon! I didn’t do smut this time around, but here is some fluffy papa Bakugou for you! Also thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you like my shit writing lol.
I always enjoy writing fluffy shit like this lmao. I love Bakugou with all my fucking heart and I hope you guys enjoy this too!
You loved your family, you would do anything for them, the unconditional love that you held in your heart was something that would never be questioned.
 But sometimes, you loved your alone time just a tad bit more.
 Like now. 
 The house was clean, the house was quiet; and you actually got to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee, fresh and incredibly delicious for your sleep deprived senses.
 You were an early riser, maybe it was because of all the morning training and runs that Bakugou had forced you to do when you guys were younger, or maybe it was because when you had kids you had realized that there just wasn’t enough time in the day to get everything done. 
 Quite possibly it was the latter.
 But everything was done, the laundry, the dishes, sweeping and mopping, you had gone to the grocery store yesterday, a surprisingly pleasant trip since the kids were actually behaving for once.
 You owe it to your husband, who had gotten off of his hero duties early yesterday and had helped you around the house, and he was off today.
 The first time in a long time.
 You probably should’ve lingered in your shared bed just a little longer, you hardly had alone time with the explosion hero as it was, but… you had been dying to read the new book that you had gotten weeks ago. Bakugou could handle waking up alone for one day, right?
 “Are you fucking kidding me? You shit nerd, how long have you been doing this?” his familiar gruff voice sighed from the entrance of the living room.
 You glanced up from your book, a small smile tugging at your lips as you took in his sleepy figure.
 Bakugou’s blonde hair was even more disheveled, his sweats hung low on his hips, one of his large hands was underneath his shirt, absentmindedly scratching at the skin that stretched across his sculpted stomach.
 You took a lot of pleasure in the fact that you got to see the most popular pro hero so domestic, so casual.
 His ring caught the morning light streaming through the window, glinting beautifully as he stretched out his muscular arms above his head, his shirt rising up, exposing the lower half of his stomach to your greedy eyes. His biceps bulged out beautifully against the sleeves of his shirt.
 You also took pleasure in just staring at your husband, that beautiful specimen of a man was all yours.
 “What time is it?” you asked. 
 “Almost 9.” 
 “Hmmm. Since 4:30 then?” You pondered, placing your bookmark between the pages, and closing the book completely, placing it on the coffee table.
 Bakugou made a disgusted noise in the back of his throat as he padded off towards the kitchen.
 You laughed softly to yourself, following after the muscular male. 
 “Stop fucking staring at me.” Bakugou grumbled, vermilion eyes sliding over to you briefly as he drank down his glass of water.
 “Can’t a wife just look at her husband?” you asked innocently, he walked over to you, his hands coming down on either side of your face, squeezing your cheeks together tightly.
 “Not when the wife ditches her husband in the morning to read a stupid fucking book.” he sneered.
 You laughed, grabbing at his much larger hands, and pulling them away from your face.
 “I’m sorry Katsu, what can I do to make it up to you?” you teased lightly.
 You shouldn’t have asked.
 A wicked smirk stretched across his face. “Get on your knees.” his voice was husky, commanding as he stared at you, daring you to challenge him.
 You could feel your lips part at his words, a pink blush beginning to dust your cheeks.
 It had been a long time since you -
 The moment was gone completely, the wide smirk that Bakugou wore turned into a deep scowl.
 “Good morning baby.” you cooed turning to look at your small child. He was the spitting image of Bakugou, but he was the sweetest boy, completely unlike his father.
 He rubbed at his small eyes before they landed on Bakugou, a sweet smile stretching across his face. 
 “Papa. Up.” he held out his little arms, urging Bakugou to pick him up.
 You could see the scowl visibly melting away from Bakugou’s face, replaced with a gentle one as he gazed at his son. 
 It was hard for Bakugou, being able to spend time with his children, despite how rough he was, how crude his words could be; he was a wonderful father, a wonderful husband.
 You were entirely lucky.
 Bakugou easily swung his child up into his muscular arms. Your son sighing in happiness as he rests his head against Bakugou’s broad shoulders, his thumb coming up to rest between his lips.
 The sight of the two of them together melted your heart completely, clenching tightly in your chest as Bakugou pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your son’s head.
 “Papa’s home today?” Another familiar voice spoke. You turned to see your daughter staring at Bakugou in curiosity.
 She was the oldest, and the spitting image of you, except… well her personality was entirely her father’s.
 “Why don’t you guys go watch some cartoons while I get breakfast started?” you hummed.
 “Come on you shit stain.” Bakugou ruffled his daughter’s hair, urging her out of the kitchen into the living room.
 You and your daughter frowned, you at the fact that he just called your child a shit stain, and her because he messed up her already messy hair.
 “Your breath smells like shit Papa.” your daughter said, tone annoyed as she shoved his hand away from her head.
 You sighed tiredly, hand resting on the side of your face.
 “Oi, you aren’t allowed to curse.” Bakugou scolded, a large tick mark appearing on his forehead and he grabbed your daughter’s head pushing her out of the kitchen.
 You could hear their loud bickering fading into the living room, causing you to sigh deeply once again. 
 But a smile twitched on your lips, it had been a long time since you guys got to enjoy the morning together like this.
 When you had finally finished cooking breakfast you went to go grab the rest of your family. 
 Your heart melted at the sight. Bakugou held both kids in his arms, your children looking incredibly small as they cuddled up against their father.
 Despite the fact that your eldest and Bakugou always fought, she was a daddy’s girl through and through. Bakugou’s fingers combed through her unruly hair absentmindedly, while his other hand rubbed up and down your son’s back.
 Their eyes were glued to the TV as some anime played.
 You cleared your throat, all three pairs of eyes flickering to your form. 
 “Breakfast is ready.” you smiled, watching as your little girl climbed off of Bakugou padding past you towards her seat in the kitchen. Bakugou lifted up your son, easily carrying him into the kitchen and setting him down on his highchair.
 “What should we do today?” you mused as you guys began eating, Bakugou was feeding your son, making a disgusted face when he spit the food back out.
 “I need new shoes for school mama.” Your daughter said, mouth full of food.
 Bakugou made another disgusted face, handing your daughter a napkin.
 “Wipe your face brat, and don’t talk with your mouth full.” He lectured. 
 “Can we go to the park today?” her eyes lit up, ignoring her father completely as she tossed the crumpled-up napkin at his face.
 “Don’t throw shit at me! Don’t ignore me either!” he growled, a tick mark appearing on his face once again.
 “I’m trying to talk to mama, and you keep interrupting, annoying papa.” she snapped back.
 You sighed. “No fighting you two. We should be able to go to the mall today....” you trailed off, trying to remember if there was anything important you had to do today.
 “I need more workout shirts, and new training gloves. Damn Deku borrowed mine and never returned them.” Bakugou said gruffly.
 “Then I guess we can all go on a trip today.” you smiled. “Let’s finish up and start getting ready.”
 You almost forgot what it was like to bring the entire family out, it had been too long since the last time you guys did something like this.
 Needless to say, you were already exhausted.
 It took forever to get everyone out of the house. Bakugou did his best to help get the kids ready but… between the constant fighting with him and your daughter and your son's endless crying about not wanting to go and not wanting to put on pants, and Bakugou’s attempts at intimacy as you got ready... well, you wanted to get this over with already.
 “What do you think?” your daughter asked, pointing her toe out, the Uravity themed shoes on full display for you.
 “Very pretty, do you want those ones?” you asked. 
 She nodded excitedly.
 “Why do you want round face’s shoes? Why not mine?” Bakugou grumbled, staring down at his daughter accusingly.
 “Yours are ugly papa. I don’t like the colors. Uravity is my favorite hero.” She said face blank as she stared at the blonde male.
 This was definitely a sight to see, considering that Bakugou had your son perched on his hip and he was glaring down at the small girl who was glaring right back at him.
 “Huh? Ground Zero isn’t your favorite hero?” he barked.
 “No. Uravity is.”
 “Well mama’s favorite hero is Ground Zero.” He smirked, eyes flickering over to you.
 “Actually, Red Riot is my favorite hero.” You teased, soft laughter escaping your lips as your husband’s face fell at the mention of his best friend.
 “Let’s go over here!” Your daughter said excitedly, the conversation completely abandoned as she took sight of the toy store across from the shoe store you guys were at.
 “Hold on. I still have to pay.” you said in amusement, walking over to the cashier.
 Bakugou stood next to you, one of his large hands resting on the small of your back. When you had finished paying and began trailing after your excited daughter, he leaned in close.
 “You’re getting punished for saying that.” Bakugou growled near your ear. 
 “Is that a promise?” you challenged, ignoring the blush in your cheeks and the pleasant twist that occurred in the pit of your stomach.
 “You can count on it.” he growled, a smirk playing on his lips before he walked off to catch up with your daughter.
 You were definitely looking forward to it.
 You sighed loudly as you sat down on the park bench. 
 “Here.” Bakugou handed you one of the drinks he got from the vending machine, his eyes never leaving his children that were now playing on the playground equipment.
 “Did you have fun today?” you asked, resting your head against his shoulder as he took a seat beside you.
 “No.” he snorted, and then his expression changed, his eyes softening completely, his face relaxed. “It’s been a while since we got to spend the day together.”
 His large fingers found your own, intertwining together tightly. “Thank you.”
 You glanced over at him curiously. “For what?”
 You could see a soft blush coating his cheeks. He was embarrassed. It wasn’t anything new though, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was terrible at verbally expressing his feelings. 
 “You’re a good mother, and a good wife. Thank you for always taking care of the kids… and me.” he grumbled.
 Your expression softened, your heart warming completely. It was rare when Bakugou praised you like this, again, he was terrible at expressing his feelings verbally, especially something so gentle and heartfelt like this.
 “Of course, Katsu.” you beamed at him.
 He scoffed at your expression, but reached for you, cupping the side of your face as he stooped low, pressing his mouth against yours carefully.
 You hummed low in your throat; eyes fluttering shut as you kissed him back. Sweet and gentle, incredibly warm and full of love.
 “Ew. You actually let papa do that? That’s disgusting.” You broke free from the kiss and turned to see your daughter staring at you guys in disgust. 
 You laughed softly at her comment, Bakugou on the other hand…
 “Aren’t you supposed to be watching your brother?” he asked, eyebrow twitching in annoyance.
 “No wonder Deku is the number 1 hero.” Your daughter muttered to herself before turning to walk away.
 “What the fuck did you just say you shit?” Bakugou growled, standing up and swooping down, easily throwing your daughter over his shoulders.
 She squealed loudly, contagious giggles escaping her lips as Bakugou jogged over to the playground. He scooped up your other child, swinging him around rapidly.
 A soft smile twitched at your lips as you watched them.
 You loved your little family.
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