#alpha trafalgar law x reader
omegaworld · 2 years
Trust [Alpha Law x omega reader] - part 1
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - Final
Word count: 1217
Y/n hated that place, but then again, who wouldn't? Like most Omegas Y/n was taken from her family as soon as she began to show signs of such. Her grandparents' refusal to turn her in resulted in the death of both of them leaving her with nowhere to go back to if she managed to escape. Now all she could do was wait, lying on fluffy pillows in a light silk dress, surrounded by cold dark walls, her only escape being the massive iron door through which she would unfortunately only exit when an alpha chose her.
But she was not alone in that dungeon, her cell was inserted in one of the two rows of cells that filled the sides of a huge corridor. Silk might be a luxury to many, but they were mere rags compared to the price of an omega, their sole purpose being to enhance the luxury and delicacy of their products, the omegas.
Y/n was a particularly rare type of omega, a beast, with a wolf's tail and ears its price exceeded that of a normal omega by more than 5 times. This price was fair, although beasts can transform into giant wolves to fight alongside their alpha, but only if the omega loves its alpha. As a rule, beasts belong to strong alphas and the power of their wolf depends directly on the power of their alpha. The stronger the alpha the stronger his wolf.
Y/n had already identified his alpha through his wanted poster. Tragalgar Law, the surgeon of death, a pirate of the worst generation. When she identified him she was extremely happy and so was the head merchant as it was almost a phenomenon for a beast to be rejected and even if it was only for its usefulness on the battlefield for Y/n any place with her alpha would be better than there.
So if she had already identified her alpha why was she still there? Simple, against all odds Law rejected her.
With a heavy heart Y/n spent her days lying around, clutching Law's wanted poster, the only real comfort the traders allowed them, because for omegas like her the poster photo would probably be the only time they would ever see their alpha. Attempts to explain her alpha's rejection and assumptions of what her life with him might be like constantly contested her thoughts. Still she was unable to blame him, she was probably the problem.
Now her fate was to wait in that cell until she was sold to a celestial dragon who possessed a huge tare for omegas and beasts in particular.
So what stops dealers from selling all their omegas to celestial dragons? The simple fact that they could simply decide to take any or even all of them and without paying. With that in mind pirates were not that risky.
But no pirate in the world was stupid or rich enough to pay a fortune for a beast that wasn't his mate and therefore couldn't even turn into a wolf to protect him in battle. So since she had been rejected by her alpha unless such a pirate came along her fate was a celestial dragon.
One day Y/n awoke to the sight of a mysterious man in front of her cell, his gaze focused on the proxy poster she held. The Man read the name on the poster aloud with a scornful tone making Y/n growl and clutching the sheet of paper close to her. 'This is the omega of Trafalgar Law right?' 'Yes sir, a snow white furred beast' 'I'll take it. Get it ready' The worker rushes to do as instructed. Y/n eyes widen, she looks at the alpha gluing her ears to her head she growls harder as he approaches.
The alpha did not please her one bit, for starters she knew from the moment she saw Law's poster that he was the one. The way her knees literally gave way and she fell to the ground when she smelled him...she knew that no other alpha was going to have a similar effect. Even if she was rejected, she just wanted to belong to him. The man looks at her closely and says to himself 'Your beast mate is definitely a great gift for the newest member of the shibukai' Holding her breath and with ears fully erect she looks up at the man who lets out a laugh 'So no more growling then?' Y/n casts a deadly glare at the man 'Take it easy omega I have orders to deliver Trafalgar to you'
Not even 10 minutes pass and a set of workers arrive to handcuff and muzzle her, a move that Y/n considers valid since the last time they handled her she injured more than half of them. Once she is properly cuffed and muzzled she is handed over to the alpha of unknown identity. Being taken from the omegas dungeon to the dock and the alpha's ship.
When the ship is far enough away from the shore the man spoke 'I will take you to Trafalgar Law, I will also release you so I expect you to behave. My men will show you to your room, you can walk around the ship but at the slightest attempt to escape you will be handcuffed, muzzled and locked in the room with surveillance, understood?' nodding she saws her teeth, lowers her head and says 'Law doesn't want me', 'That is no longer my concern, my task is solely to get you to Trafalgar, what happens from there is no longer my concern'.
Y/n goes to his room, no longer tied up, and lies down on the bed, quickly falling asleep. The following days were filled with trying to think what Law's reaction would be to seeing her. Would he be happy to see her? Would he change his mind? Would he send her away? Or would he hug her and accept her?
Y/n remembered clearly when Law had rejected her, she was standing next to a few other omegas from the Heart Pirates crew that she had lived with in nearby cells and had eventually formed a friendship with. The vendor was overjoyed as the sale of a beast was always guaranteed. The ringing of the den den mushi seemed to set Y/n's heartbeat as he waited anxiously to hear the conversation that would dictate his future with the sign next to his heart that was charged with hope and love.
When he finally answered the den muchi the smell of the alpha overcame the strength of his knees causing him to fall. The smell of the alpha was more delicious than she could ever dream of. However, as soon as the salesman uttered the word 'omega' Law's angry voice sounds from the den den mushi 'I don't want any omega' With this he disconnected the call leaving Y/n's heart in pieces and both she and the other omegas were moved to the section of omegas without companions and therefore available to anyone.
Even though months had passed the pain still lived in her heart piercing it like a knife. Looking at the island that began to loom on the horizon, the island where her mate was, she only wishes that her opinion had changed.
Note: Sorry for the errors, my English is terrible. That's why I write in Portuguese, but I still want to translate it into English so that it can reach more people. The person who requested the translation of this specific series was @chibivamp6
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short-honey-badger · 5 months
Trouble Sleeping
This is pure filthy smut, that's literally it. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings! Smut SMut Smut! ABO universe as well. It's been a looong time since I've written for it. Pre time skip Law btw!
Pairings: Alpha! Trafalger D. Water Law x Omega! Reader
Summary: You notice that your captain hasn't slept in the past couple of days, so you offer to help him relax.
Part 2 ->
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It’s been what? Two? Three days since the last time Law had gotten a decent night’s rest? If it wasn’t the nightmares keeping him up every time he closed his eyes, then it was his incessant need to plan. To go over the research the alpha had begun to gather about Punk Hazard and Ceasar’s operation. It was all to get closer to Doflamingo of course, but Trafalgar would give anything not to have to deal with the disgusting scientist. 
And to get some rest, but the pirate doubted that would come anytime soon. 
Law wipes his eyes, pushing away from his desk and closing the thick folder of compiled notes. He needed a break, maybe even something to eat, too. The alpha’s stomach grumbled at the thought of food and he stood from his desk, grabbing his hat and fixing it properly on his head.
As he walked through the walls of familiar walls of the Polar Tang, Law thought about the newest member of his crew. While he wasn’t in the habit of picking up strays, you had piqued his interest when you wouldn’t stop bugging him and his crew about learning medicine. To quench his curiosity, Law had allowed you to come on board, and you have been a dutiful student ever since. And despite what Penguin and Shachi liked to think, it was not because you were a pretty omega in need asking for his help. Trafalgar liked to think he was better than his alpha instincts. 
Ah. Speaking of the omega, Law could smell your honeysuckle scent just around the corner. You must been in the galley. 
Law spots you at one of the tables in the corner, nose stuck in a medical text and a half-empty plate of whatever the cooks had made tonight. On a whim, he decides to grab a cup of coffee and his own serving and joins you at your table. You jump when he sets his plate down, but your expression brightens the moment you notice that it is your captain sitting across from you.
“Evening, Cap’n,” you greet, and Law finds his shoulders relaxing when he catches your scent again. It is warm and welcoming, soothing his frayed nerves with ease. 
“_-ya,” Law rumbles back in greeting and meets your eyes, smirking when he notices you watching him. He isn’t surprised when you speak up, but he doesn’t expect you to sound so concerned. 
“Have ya been gettin’ enough sleep Cap’n? Not ta speak out of turn, but you don’t look so good. A-and I’ve seen you roamin’ the halls more than usual,” you’re blushing when you finish, but Law finds your rambling endearing and doesn’t bother lying to you like he might others.
“Not really, little medic, but you shouldn’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” He assures you and then sips his coffee. He glances over to see that the omega doesn’t look very satisfied with his answer, and his instincts make themselves known when he catches a whiff of hot displeasure in your scent. 
Before Trafalgar can do much and possibly make a fool of himself, you speak up again. 
“Well, is there anything that I can do to help?” the omega asks, and Law pauses, arm stalling midair, fork halfway to his mouth. Despite the innocent way you ask the question, his mind goes straight to the gutter, and the pirate captain sees you on your knees in his bed, face down and ass up, presenting beautifully for him. Law can hear the way your cute accent whispers his name, pretty eyes glistening with tears as you beg him for his cock. 
“Cap’n? You okay, there?” A cool hand on his forehead and your soft voice bring the alpha out of his daydream, and he flushes even more at having been caught zoning out like that. 
“Ah, sorry about that, _-ya. Just tired, like I said,” Law murmurs and sets his fork down to hide his face behind his cup of coffee. You assure him that he is fine and tentatively go back to your book when it seems like Law isn’t going to answer your question. 
In reality, the alpha is pondering your question. It was a fact that omegas were able to put alphas in a calming state. Usually, Law wouldn’t mention it, but you had asked if you could do anything for him, and your omega pheromones would most likely do the trick and put him to sleep. 
“You know what,” Law begins and you jerk your head up to look at him, surprised that he’d spoken up, “I think you can help me out, little medic. If you’re done here?”
Your eyebrows jump up, and then the little omega is nodding, a happy smile painting your lips. Law watches you stand and close your book, tucking it under your arm and then tossing your cleaned plate in the sink at the back of the room. He follows your path, and then Law is leading you out of the kitchen and back to his office. 
The alpha keeps going, opening up the door in his office that connects to his bedroom. You tentatively follow after him, and Law’s alpha rumbles in satisfaction at having such a pretty omega in his room. His scent, clean and fresh with a hint of steel, coats everything, and Law quietly hopes that it sticks with you after you leave his room. 
Trafalgar doesn’t think twice about tossing his hat to the side and shrugging off his shirt. His jeans are replaced by a pair of soft sweats, and when he looks at you, your face is bright red, eyes wide in shock. Your scent sweetens with a hint of arousal and Law smirks, it’s a surprise, but not unwelcome.
“You’ve learned a lot while you’ve been here, _-ya. So you know that omegas can manipulate their scents to calm down the other sex in tense situations. It works better when they have been near one another for long periods of time. I’d like for you to do that for me if you’re comfortable with that.” 
Law watches the omega as you think, but it doesn’t take you long to come to a decision. You set your book aside and give him a shy, unsure smile. 
“Got another pair of sweatpants? Jeans aren’t very comfortable to lay down in.”
The alpha chuckles and then sets about finding another pair of sweats. A dark, possessive part of him is delighted at the sight of you standing in his room with a pair of too-big sweatpants, and Law has to fight down the almost overwhelming need to pull you into his bed to scent you. Instead, like the gentleman he is trying to be, Law pulls back the covers of his bed and stands back, offering for you to crawl in first. 
“Make yourself comfortable,” the alpha drawls, and watches with lidded eyes as you slip into his his bed. He follows after and cuts the lights with a flick of his fingers and the use of his devil fruit. Law hears you suck in a sharp breath when he settles in beside you, laying on his side and tossing an arm over your hip. He emits his own calming pheromones and blinks at the back of your head when you take deep, shuddering breaths of his scent. 
The alpha hadn’t expected you to do that, but the sight of you breathing in his scent made his hold on you tighten, and Law pulled you back into his chest, leaning down to bury his face in your hair. He hums when you lift your leg, and he slips his thigh in between your legs, bringing the two of you impossibly closer. 
After that, it is easy for the two of you to relax, honeysuckle and steel mixing to create a unique scent that represents the alpha and omega. Being surrounded by the combined scent leaves Law feeling drowsy, eyes fluttering shut as he shoves his face closer to the scent gland on your neck, desperate for more of that sweet honeysuckle. You squirm for half a second and then settle again, content to help out your captain where you can.
Neither of you expects to fall asleep, but when Law wakes, he feels far more refreshed than he has in a long time. He cracks open his eyes and takes in the new position the two of you shifted to in sleep. Trafalgar lays on his back and the little omega has sprawled over his chest, your face pressed into the hollow of his throat, and arms wrapped around his neck. His arms are wrapped securely around your waist, and Law smiles when you mutter softly and shift in your sleep.
Law contemplates going back to sleep, but then you shift again, and all thoughts of sleep fly out of his mind when your hip brushes against his cock. He fights back a groan, tattooed hands flexing and digging into your soft skin. Fuck. He wants you. He wants your attention, and your pretty eyes and plush mouth on him all the time. The alpha wants to bite you, sink his teeth into your nape, and claim you as his. 
He rolls, trapping you under him, and you wake with a gasp, eyes flying open to stare at your captain who looms above you. He looks frightening in the low light of his room, but the way his scent is wrapped around you is nothing but comforting. You aren’t scared of this dangerous alpha. 
“_-ya,” Law growls your name, dipping down to press his brow against your own, eyes catching yours and glowing with hot arousal, “You did so well for me. Helping me get some rest. Let me reward such a good omega.” 
The way your scent turns hot and sticky with arousal is enough of an answer for Law. He turns his head, keeping himself held up with one arm as the other grips your jaw. Trafalgar’s lips meet your own in a steamy kiss. He smooths his thumb up, catching your bottom lip and tugging it down, pulling your mouth open enough to slip his tongue inside. 
You whine under him, hands digging into his hair to the point of pain, but it only makes the alpha groan into the kiss. Law’s dick throbs in his pants, so he moves, grinding up into the welcoming heat between his legs. The friction is delicious, but it isn’t enough. 
Law lifts himself up, breaking the kiss and leaving you winded. Your pupils are blown, and your mouth is bright red from the way his facial hair has rubbed against your skin. He shimmies down, hands finding the waistband of the sweats you wear and hooking his fingers under them. He makes sure to catch the other elastic band he feels and tugs the pants and your underwear down in one fell swoop. 
“Fuck, you smell so good, Baby,” Law rumbles and shoves his face in the slope of your right, lips mouthing at the minor scent glands there. You cry out and grp his hair even harder, eyes blown wide as you watch him breathe you in, “Like honey and warm desserts.” 
“Y-you smell good too, Cap’n,” You whisper, voice shaking as you try and deal with the pleasure that Law smothers you with, “Clean and fresh. I like it.” 
A low growl erupts in the room and Law rewards your compliment by flattening his tongue and licking a stripe along your entire cunt. The alpha groans at the taste, your slick is just as sweet as you smell, and Trafalgar regrets never asking you to his room sooner. He grabs your hips, lifting them so that he can point his tongue and shove it deep into your leaking hole. 
You wail, curses falling from your lips as you buck your hips against his face, seeking that burning pleasure that only Law can give you. The alpha drinks from you, lewd slurping sounds filling the room until you are bowing forward and pulling him off your cunt. 
Law’s face is soaked in your juices, and he bares his teeth at you for pushing him away. He would know if he’d made you come, and he looks at you to demand an answer. 
“I want you to fuck me, Cap’n,” You say and it stalls Law in his tracks. Your eyes shine with want and you grip his shoulders, nails digging in, “I- I want to come on your cock, not your tongue.” 
The pirate can’t get his pants off fast enough. His lanky legs end up getting tangled in his sweats, but you patiently extract the fabric and toss them to the floor. Your mouth waters at the sight of his cock, and slick leaks out of you to stain Law’s sheets. The alpha’s dick is the perfect specimen, thick at the base, knot looking inflated already. His length tapers up slightly, only to end in a silky head that leaks with precum. 
“Get on your knees, Baby. Present for me, yeah?” Law orders and you scramble to obey, brain mush with alpha pheromones that leave you feeling fuzzy. 
His omega rolls to their knees, thighs parted in a wonderful display of trust. You bite the pillow under you, whining when your senses are overwhelmed with the scent of your Captain. Tears leak from your eyes and a low cry escapes you when Law drapes himself over your back, cock slotting between your legs and dragging over your pussy. 
Law ruts against you, coating his dick in your slick until his member is nice and soaked. He leans back enough to grab the base, angling it up to run the head of his cock through your folds. You sob at the feeling, back arching and hips shaking in search of him. 
“Please, Law. I’m wet enough, just put it in,” You whine and the alpha growls at the way you beg him. His tip catches your entrance on his neck stroke, and Law doesn’t stop gravity as he sinks into your warm heat. 
You feel amazing around him, walls fluttering and gripping his cock so tightly that Law hisses as he sicks another inch down. His mouth drops, and he sucks in greedy mouthfuls of your scent, leaning down to nip at the gland on your neck where the sweet smell is the most potent. 
“You’re mine after this, got it, omega? No one else can have you this way. No one else can feel your tight cunt other than me,” Law snarls and you nod frantically, face still pressed into the pillows. 
The alpha doesn’t wait any longer, sinking the rest of the way inside and snarling at the way his knot catches on your walls. It's overwhelming, and Law presses his forehead harshly against your shoulder blades to prevent himself from biting you. Now wasn’t the time to try and forge a mating bond. Not when Doflamingo still threatened everything that Law cared for. 
Trafalgar fucks you like a man possessed, hands harsh and fingertips digging in hard enough to leave bruises. He snaps his hips, dragging his cock along your walls as you clench and flutter around him. He changes angles, slowing down only to roughly slam into you, and you shout when his dick catches against that spongy spot inside of you. 
Law grins, teeth bared in a feral grin as he focuses on that spot and pounds into your cunt. Your hands grip the sheets hard enough the tear them, tears leaking down your face as Law abuses that spot inside of you. It’s not long before the alpha has you shouting your name, jaw dropping open in a silent scream as you come around his cock. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Law chants when your cunt constricts around him. He wants to come inside of you, pump you so full of his seed that it would be dripping out for the next week. But knotting you means pups, and those aren’t something that anyone needs right now. 
So, despite his instincts screaming at him to mark you on the inside, Law pulls out when he feels that tension snap, pumping his dick and instead painting your backside and cunt with his spend. He milks his cock, shaking and whining as he gently massages his knot. Your hips have fallen without Law to hold you up, but that doesn’t stop him from draping himself back over the omega, hand finding your hip and rubbing his cum into your skin. He needed to make sure that you were properly covered after all. 
Below him, you settle into the comfy bed and close your eyes. You are content to let your alpha take care of you, and so easily fall back to sleep. 
Your captain snickers softly when he notices that his omega has already dropped back off to sleep, and rolls the two of you to the side, snuggling close and closing his eyes. He’d take you to the shower later, but for now, Law was just happy that you were here to help him go back to sleep too. 
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zorosbeau33 · 4 months
Courting Gifts~ One Piece Omegaverse Headcanon Part 2!
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Starring: Zoro and Law! x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, sfw AU: Omegaverse, Omega Reader Wc: 1480 TW: Mentions of battle All Characters here are legal age or older in my au~ Masterlist~ Part 1~
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He gives laid-back alpha vibes. He kinda has to be in order to keep up with Luffy and stand up beside him as right hand.
He was super subtle, SUPER Subtle! He didn’t want anything to change, but at the same time he wanted you to know he’s there and he cares.
It's small things because he’s fine loving you without the return. Just stay healthy and safe for him thats all he wants…and to see your smile sometimes aimed his way
It started at first with small things, handing you a cold drink when it's a scorching day outside. 
Gently tying your hair up for you with a hair tye thats the color of his haramaki/or slipping a beanie over your head in that color if your hair is short to take care of you in cold weather
Offering you to try his precious Sake, yes you alone have that privilege 
You want sword fighting lessons? He offers them quietly one night while the others are busy. He is barely suppressing the purrs as he gets to hold you, adjust your grip and teach you the motions by holding you within his very muscled arms.
Quality time is huge for him, that's his way of spoiling you
He gets you a cute dangly earring in his shades of green, maybe a tassel, maybe a teardrop on a thin chain, maybe a carved jade flower whatever it is. He spent weeks searching for it as he wanted to ensure it’d be something you’d like
There are the other things though. A pair of his gloves on a winter island end up in your possession. 
You have so many of his shirts when did this start? You don’t know but he always has a tiny smirky smile when he sees you wear one.
If he happens upon a snack he think you’d like he buys it while lost. Gives it to you like its nothing but his ears are red. “Here for you.” And then tries to walk away. He doesn’t want or need you to say thank you, he actually gets a bit (very) flustered and tries to leave quickly if you do try to thank him and gets defensive and pouty if you try to tease him about it 
The bookmark you had looked at in the store when you were getting him unlost? Suddenly appears in your book on a bench in the Thousand Sunny with his scent lingering all around
Zoro isn’t into extravagant things, especially not presents. He just doesn’t see the point (unless you want a sword that he is gungho for). He does buy you any nesting things if you say you need them.
Personally however he would prefer to be your nest. He loves taking naps so to have you biscuit his chest and the blanket he’d scented for you, while you both take a well deserved rest? He is all for this, both before and after you get together. Warning though you will always have at least one of his arms wrapped around you. Even in his sleep he’s watchful when it comes to you, ready to draw a sword and protect you
He has a small book that he has sketched some drawings of your face with painstaking detail. 
Once he’s over you knowing about his top secret hobby, he would be honored and flustered to design you a tattoo if you wanted. It's in his traditional style very Japanese traditional painting style but he’d work so hard on it for you.
Is a sucker for anything with your scent. He doesn’t mind wether you smell of him too much. But he is always secretly longing to have your touch, your taste, your scent burned into his soul. It makes him miss you less, and it keeps him calm.
Would be the crew member to bring home a little kitten for you if you were ever down (he had to beg Nami for permission, and promised to clean up after it). Just one, only ever the one kitten. But he makes sure its taken care of best he can to his knowledge including getting Chopper to check its health over before he gifts the sweet and goofy thing to you.
The kitten like him has a scar and recalling how gentle you were with him he decides out of all the lucious cats, this scrappy little kitten would be the perfect first child for you both to raise.
Not super attached to it at first. Honestly he often gets frustrated while ship breaking the kitten but over time and with your help to learn how to understand its actions. He is almost as protective over that fluff ball as he is you.
Heres a secret follow the cat and you’ll find Zoro, any island any time follow the cat. It knows how to find him everytime
Zoro courting gifts may not be numerous but each of them had meaning and its clear to anyone just how much thought he puts into each one
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THIS MAN RIGHT HERE-He’s an alpha, a broody secretly unsure alpha
Absolutely finds the concept of courting gifts to be blown out of proportion. Why are they spending thousands (or in Do Flamingos case Billions) of Berry’s on gifts that have little practical use.
He’s to methodical and detached sometimes for his own good. So his first few gifts to you may have actually been from Bepo/Schachi/Penguin…And boy was he mad.
After they explained they couldnt stand watching him pine without acting on it, and that he was disrespecting you as an alpha and as a Super Nova by not taking care of your courting needs at least. Law relents 
His gifts are never tacky, or wasteful though he is drawing a firm line from the start, the submarine is not a hoarding zone and he’s going to keep it that way and take care of you at the same time.
The first few gifts that are actually from him he hands to you himself “You need these for your nest ya?” 
Law put hours, upon hours of research into the best pillows to use for an omega nest. He wanted to ensure they’d support you properly and not cause any muscle or bone strain. Silly but endearing 
The blankets are thick fluffy and super soft, yes they have the Jolly Roger on it, or are the same pattern as his hat, but it is because he internally wants to lay a little bit of his claim on you even in a place he feels he can’t go (until you invite him, he respects your nest as sacred and has protected it from others even before this. No Penguin pranks allowed to your nest)
He is not hug on giving you his clothes, mainly because he feels he is working hard to supply you with nice clothes to wear and he can scent those (and you in the process) so why do you need his things?
This does not apply and goes right out the window when he’s feeling possessive.
He’s jealous by nature and hugely distrustful. Someone’s flirting with you? Suddenly his jacket is wrapped around your shoulder and he is GLARING. Or during soft cuddle times with him and Bepo he puts his jacket/blanket/hat on you and holds you close to his heart. Yes he likes to pretend you moved into him, but he does pull you in 
Other “practical gifts” are any book he thinks you’d enjoy. Literature (even to his own chagrin fantasy) is never a waste…not of Berries and not of space on the ship. 
He makes space on his bookshelf for you to have your own row, even if you are not a big reader it's just one of the ways he makes space for you in his life to show you he’s ready for you to be in it even more
If he wants to be a brat (of course it's to piss off Cap’n Kidd) he would then buy you flashy presents. Not too many just enough to tell the other Supernova to fuck off and that he knows you better because while they are baubles they still have practical use! And they are things you instantly love! He’s so smug about your happiness and just the biggest broody tsundere alpha mate. 
If you ever did want something not practical but didn’t ask him because you know his rule, he might relent on his decision if he is there at the time you see it. The look of longing on your face and how you are respecting his wishes and self-set guidelines…he might just buy it to surprise you. 
Leaving it on the pillow beside you when he gets up in the morning to go to work. He can't help it, he loves you 
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omegaworldd · 2 years
For English please go @omegaworld
Dr. Stone
Maze Runner
Mr. Beast
My hero academia
One piece
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts
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trashytoastboi · 3 months
🍄Trafalgar Law Masterlist🍄
Part 2
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🍄 Headcanons: X-Drake, Law, Luffy with S/O making a wish on a shooting star 
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Ace teasing an easily flustered S/O until they turn the tables
🍄 Scenario: Modern AU! x Mafia AU! – Mafia Boss! Law x F! Ex-Military! Reader. – A ‘Friendly’ Visitation 
🍄 Headcanons: Luffy, Law, Kid x S/O – who has a split sleeping schedule.
🍄 Scenario: Law x F! S/O – A Just Kind of Revenge
🍄 NSFW Scenario: Law x F! S/O x Doflamingo – Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Sabo, X-Drake x Friend! Reader who has the Friend’s Power ability. 
🍄 Headcanons: Sabo, Hawkins, Doflamingo, Law x S/O that likes Junji Ito Manga
🍄 Headcanons: Pregnancy and Parental for Kid, Law x F! S/O
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Zoro x S/O who has given them a really sweet nickname
🍄 Scenario: Modern AU! Law x F! S/O - Want to Smash?
🍄 Headcanons: Doflamingo, Corazon, Law, Kid x S/O who was “killed” by the World Government
🍄 Headcannons: Sabo, Law, Luffy x S/O - Reaction to their S/O picking up a magical lamp
🍄 Headcanons: Law, X-Drake, Sanji, Ace x Shy! S/O that loves affection
🍄 Scenario: Law + Zoro x F! Keyblade Wielder – Listen to Your Heart
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Sanji - Reaction to Seeing M! Reader and F! Reader throwing pick up lines at each other 
🍄 Headcanons: SFW and NSFW First times with Law
🍄 NSFW Headcanons: Law, Sabo, Ace x Shy! F! S/O who has a size difference kink 
🍄 NSFWish Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Ace x F! S/O – Having an argument and ‘making it up’ to her 
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Marco, Zoro x Short! Male! Crewmate who hides his injury after a fight and collapses as a result
🍄 NSFW Headcanons: Crocodile, Luffy, Kid, Law x S/O - First time with their partner who is afraid of being touched and having sex due to their past as a slave
🍄 Headcanons: Marco, Law x Drunk! Reader – Having to take care of their partner
🍄 NSFW Headcanons: Dom! Law, Dom! Mihawk, Dom! Katakuri x Sub! F! S/O – In subspace
🍄 Scenario: Law and Kid x Shy! Goth! Pirate – Chance Encounters
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Zoro, Crocodile, Luffy x Shy! Deaf! Male! S/O
🍄 Headcanons: Platonic/Parental relationship between Law and Corazon’s S/O – Before and after his death.
🍄 NSFW Scenario: ABO AU! Alpha! Soft Dom! Law x F! Omega! Shy Sub! S/O - #1. Your scent is intoxicating
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Kid x Male! S/O who avoids emotional talks and conflict, but lately his self destructive thoughts lead him to seek comfort from his partner
🍄 Scenario: Law x Straw-Hat! Crush – A Much Needed Nap
🍄 Headcanons: Modern AU! North Blue Boys – Sanji, Law, Hawkins, X-Drake - Running a coffee shop
🍄 Headcanons: Law x S/O – Who has been shrunk down to the size of a doll
🍄 Headcanons: Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Usopp, Law, Kid x Male! S/O is usually bright and loud but he had a bad day and needs some comfort
🍄 Headcanons: Kid, Law, Shanks, Luffy x S/O - Walking in on their partner “confessing” to their vice captain 
🍄 Headcanons: Law and Ace’s reaction to finding out their S/O secretly has a thing for tattoos. 
🍄 Headcanons: Kid, Zoro, Law x S/O - Hiding an engagement ring in cake to propose to their partner
🍄 Headcanons: Alpha! Marco, Alpha! Law, Alpha! Katakuri x Omega! S/O - Courting
🍄 Headcanons: Beta! Ace, Law, X-Drake x Beta! S/O - #2. “You’ll make a wonderful parent”
🍄 Headcanons: Kid, Law, Zoro x Stowaway! Reader - Escaping and hiding from Dr. Vegapunk 
🍄 Headcanons: Law, Kid, Ace wanting Reader to join their crew
🍄 Headcanons: Doflamingo, Law, Smoker x Blind! S/O that wants to know what they look like by feeling their face
🍄 Headcanons (Slightly NSFW) – Killer, Law, Zoro what they think about their S/O having nipple piercings.
🍄 Headcanons: Law x Shy! F! S/O – Trying to seduce her lover
🍄 Headcanons: Hawkins, Law, Kid, Killer x Male! S/O – Reacting to seeing their S/O’s face for the first time
🍄 Headcanons: Zoro, Ace, Law confessing their love to Straw-Hat! Reader
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moonydustx · 1 month
Hello I'm new on your blog and I wanted to ask a reader x Law Trafalgar Law? Idk if you do omegaverse but if it's not a problem can you do like the reader is pregnant and Law founds himself to birth the baby as hid male so freaks out,hormones poor baby
Basically it's fluffy,cute with male x male pregnancy.
But if you can't do that then male x female if that's okay.
Thanks in advance
I'll start by being very honest: I'm sorry! Firstly due to the delay and secondly due to the content of the story. As I mentioned to you, I never wrote about the topic and I decided to try, but so many things were missing… Anyway, if you have more references and can send them to me, I will be happy to rewrite this text.
I ended up focusing a lot more on the cute part than everything else (again, sorry). I wrote it with male x male in mind.
It should be some simple months. A few months filled with worry on Law's part about his partner. He could remember the night he marked you, not just as his, but with his seed. He just didn't expect you to change so much in the months that passed.
You, who were so kind and reserved in feelings, became a small mass of hormones that followed him. Crying, desires, fights, as much as Law loved you and found himself almost hypnotized every time he looked at your bulging belly, he knew these were difficult times.
You knew that getting pregnant would be a beautiful act, carrying your little seed, nurturing and caring for your baby, you just didn't know that so many changes awaited you along the way. Luckily, the last month was approaching and you couldn't wait to have your puppy in your lap and all those crazy hormones away from you. Therefore, you decided to take one last walk around the island, before resting.
"I can see that your family is about to grow!" a salesman approached you, touching your shoulder. "Want to take a look at the products?"
"No thanks." you tried to gently move away, feeling the man insist and touch your belly.
"I bet the baby will love it."
"Get your hands out of there." Law's voice appeared behind you and he didn't sound happy at all. The man, feeling intimidated, did so, walking away and leaving the two of you alone. "Now any idiot can touch you?"
"It wasn't quite like that, darling. He was just being kind."
"That kind of kindness often breaks people's hands." he murmured, gently taking your arm and following you. "Why didn't you ask me to come with you?"
"I really just wanted to go for a walk." you explained and almost automatically a resentment took over you - Law used to say it was the fault of the pregnancy hormones. "On second thought, dear alpha, you don't need to accompany me, you can go complain to Shachi that I'm such a crybaby."
"That is not what I said." and in fact, he hadn't said.
"But that's what I heard." you grumbled, untangling your arm from him. Feeling your eyes burn, you turned away to avoid proving him right in that silly argument.
"I said you're much more sentimental." he tried to touch you and you pulled away. "And full of hormones, especially some angry ones."
"You couldn't last a week in my body if you were the one pregnant." you snapped, seeing him laugh with some disdain.
"You're sensitive, darling, the pregnancy has only emphasized that." he replied, seeing you walk forward with furious steps.
"Wait a second." You turned around, the sparkle in your eyes said that you had an idea and that Law probably wouldn't like it. "Swap us. Just like you swapped the straw hats."
"And why would I do that?"
"To prove that I'm not a weakling." you replied, proud of the solution you had found. "Or will you be the weakling?"
He got as close as possible, just not sticking his body to yours due to the distance your belly created. His tattooed hand reached your chin, holding tight as he approached you. Going to your mark on your neck, he placed a small bite, drawing a sigh and warming your body.
"Someone is feeling bold today." he whispered, replacing the bite with a kiss. "Let's go back and I'll show you all night who the weakling is. We'll do the swap tomorrow morning, I'm not one to pass up a good challenge."
The next morning, you woke up eager to change. The first thing you noticed when you became the owner of Law's body was smelling yourself. God, it was intoxicating. As you watched him get used to your body, he noticed your gaze looking towards him.
"Am I really that good?"
"You're carrying my child, it makes me want to be close to you and take care of you both." he tried to get up and staggered, being held by you. "What the fuck…"
"It took me almost nine months to get used to the new balance axis." you caressed your belly - actually, the belly that was now Law's. "Avoid getting up quickly and don't try to walk fast either."
"And why do my feet look like two loaves of bread?"
"Water retention, love." you replied and an idea crossed your mind.
Ignoring your presence - actually, Law's presence - you threw yourself back onto the bed, lying on your stomach and practically rubbing yourself against the sheet. Your laugh of joy was contagious, making Law laugh along with you.
"I missed sleeping like this" you got up, reluctantly. "Wait… I can have coffee!"
“And alcohol, and running without worries” you listed, seeing him raise his hand.
"Let's follow the rules: no illegal things with my body, no wearing strange clothes and no eating bread."
"Agreed, my love. You already know my rules and you repeat them month after month. Do I need to explain?" you pointed out and saw him nod. "Sex?"
"No, definitely not. There's already a lot going on here."
You actually had to stop yourself from laughing at some points. Over the next few days, you watched your alpha become a small puddle of grumps, as well as becoming extremely clingy. It wasn't that he didn't pay attention to you, on the contrary, he was your shadow since the day he placed his children in you, but it was interesting to look at it from the opposite perspective.
At that moment there had already been seven crying spells, two crazy cravings for practically non-existent foods, five days of begging for some more intimate contact and every minute you moved away, he was immediately on your back, wanting to be tied to you.
"Captain…" Penguin appeared humming. The two had found out about the exchange and were doing everything they could to irritate Law.
"What do you want?" Law pushed away the plate full of cupcakes he was eating, in front of you was a huge cup of coffee that he had already tried to drink a few times, but you didn't allow it.
"We want to know if we can send this away?" they held two of his favorite t-shirts - in fact, there had already been a small bet on the submarine to know the exact day he would wear each of them.
"Hands off that!" he shouted, trying to get up quickly, but remembering all the imbalance that caused. "Leave my clothes alone!"
"Ah captain, only one goes. You're not even using them."
"Shut up!" Law screamed and saw the two boys startle, before he could even resume eating, he began to sob, crying profusely. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be rude, it's just…I really like these t-shirts."
"Boys." Shachi and Penguin were still confused seeing the captain's body knowing that it was you there, but they promptly complied with the order. "Can you give us a moment?"
The two just nodded and left. You approached and leaned on the table, giving Law time to recover and look at you, eyes full of tears, but a serious expression.
"It was just a stress of the moment, I let myself get carried away." He rubbed his face with his hands and gave the most cynical smile possible with the lips that used to be yours. "Nothing else."
"Nothing else?" your smug smile hit him, your mouth came down, placing a kiss on top of the mark. "You look beautiful today, you smell good."
"Darling…" his tone sounded like a warning, but if anyone knew your body well enough it was you, so you insisted on the kisses, letting your hands slide over his thighs. "You're making things more difficult than usual."
"Because you never do that, right?" the cynicism in your voice - that should be a combo, automatically coming with Law's body - irritated him at that moment. "It's a shame they didn't have sex."
"A deal is a deal." You raised your lips and placed another kiss on his favorite spot, eliciting a small moan from him. "Now I understand why you like these teasing so much. I can feel your heat from here."
"I-I'll re-resist."
The few days left to complete the week passed quickly for you. Countless nights sleeping on your stomach, gorging yourself on coffee and beer. On the one hand, as much as you were enjoying the free time, on the other hand, you suffered seeing your loved one like that. I mean, had you been like that all those months?
Except that day. That day, all the crying, complaining and grumbling had disappeared from your field of vision. Law had disappeared from your field of vision. After running the entire Polar Tang after him, you found him cuddled up on the bed between the two of you. Sweat running down your face and a pout forming as soon as your eyes met his.
"Honey, what's wrong?" you approached like someone approaching an angry beast, except this time, Law seemed to have broken.
"I just lay here for a bit, I needed to feel you." he grumbled, in a barely audible tone.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel hateful!" Law shouted, unraveling his body from the sheet and standing up. Even with your body, your voice, it was undeniable that his personality stood out. "Absolutely everything in my body hurts, I can barely drink water without dying from heartburn, these fucking hormones are driving me crazy and…" you watched his expression change immediately.
"Law?" you reached for him and allowed him to press himself against your chest tightly, small grunts escaping him.
"Contractions are hell too." his voice came out weak, pulling away from you. "Great week for our son to want to come into the world."
"I'm sorry darling. Are the contractions still far apart?" You supported him by the arm and sat him down on your bed.
"Yes, ten minutes and a few seconds between each one, we had very few variations in time, which means we still have long hours ahead of us." He pressed the small watch on your wrist - which was his at the moment. "I'm exhausted."
"And I'm feeling lovely." you laughed when you saw his frustrated face in your direction. Your lips went down to his neck, kissing and capturing his essence, giving him the caress you knew he would like. "Do you want me to switch us back?"
"I feel bad asking this." Law threw his legs at you, snuggling against your chest. "You know, kind of surprise you with a body full of pain all of a sudden."
"Let me tell you a secret: it's been my body for the last eight months." your laughter came together in the small empty room. Your eyes found the small crib in the corner. "Luckily, I have a great doctor to help deal with this."
Despite having space in the submarine, Law had refused to let either of you two - you or the soon-to-arrive baby - move away from his field of vision. It wasn't difficult to come to an agreement that the three of you would remain in the same room for a while. It was almost intoxicating knowing that a few hours ahead, your little pup would be in the arms of both of you. You reached for Law's katana and could see relief shine in his eyes as you moved.
Your body - your original one this time - felt much more tired than when you left it behind. You watched for seconds as Law closed his eyes and contemplated his presence back in his body, only coming out of the trance when you stood up and embraced him in a hug.
"Happy to be back?" you asked and felt your face being covered by small kisses and caresses.
"You've been through so much these months, my love, now I understand." He cupped your face, giving your forehead one last kiss. "Wait for me here, I'll be back in a moment."
He left and left you alone there, contemplating. You would certainly prefer him to be the one chosen for the birth, it would certainly be an easier job for you. But he was your alpha, you knew that despite all the pain, it would be worth it and he would be there to take care of you.
Another contraction hit you and now you understood all of Law's previous complaints, before you could grumble, you felt someone support you, your face finding comfort on his torso.
"Squeeze me tight, let the pain go away." Law intertwined his fingers with yours and felt you squeeze. "That's it, my love, just a little more and it will pass. You're doing great."
"That hurts." Your crying voice was practically enough for Law to want to exchange your bodies again and go through that alone, but he knew that this choice wasn't his alone.
Just as you had done, he guided you back to the bed, placing you in a sitting position and sitting behind you. His hand gently lifted your t-shirt and began to spread something over your back, massaging you. The purr of relief that escaped your lips made a light laugh leave his.
"This pain was killing me." he commented, squeezing your lower back. "Just like all the other pain."
"Welcome to my world." You let your head hang, leaning against his shoulder.
"I promise to take care of you, both of you." He kissed your cheek and let you snuggle into him. "The next contraction is in a few minutes and I'm here with you, okay? We're going to get through this together."
A few hours passed and soon the little baby was in your arms, picked and frail, the cries echoing throughout the entire submarine. The two of you were already in the submarine's medical wing, the bed sheets had been replaced with the sterile stretcher.
"Dear?" Your voice called his, who was still fixated on the baby.
"Yes my love?"
"Next time, we'll switch, okay?" you asked and watched him laugh, placing a kiss on you.
Watching you carry your baby, getting swollen and beautiful, feeling you even more attached to him. He would have to prepare himself, as he wouldn't make it to the next cycle until you had the next exchange.
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tofuwrites · 3 years
A/N: imagine any character you like, I’ve been reading Alpha &Luna kind of stories lately so I wrote one do enjoy~
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You’re at the kitchen counter making breakfast. Your mate wraps his arms around your waist from behind surprising you. The whole house is filled with his scent, allowing him to sneak up on you. He smirks at your reaction. “Y/N what’s for breakfast?” He asks while placing his head on your shoulder. “Gosh don’t do that, I might burn myself. And for breakfast we’re having your favourite.” He hums next to your ear, and then whispers “you’re my favourite.” And proceeds to kiss and suck on the mark he gave you making you his mate and earning himself a soft moan from you. You feel the knot building in your stomach. Your core begs for him. He smells your arousal satisfied with your reaction he places his thigh in between yours and rubs on your spot. “Mmmh I’m almost done cooking ahh stop just a little more.” You said barely audible but you’re sure he’s able to hear it with his wolf senses (I think that’s how you write it?) but he did not stop and started groping you. “Mmm I’m hungry.” He said and then he switched off the stove and carries you bridal style to the bedroom. He removes your clothes revealing your bare body. He spreads your legs apart to see that you’re already so wet he smirks and licks his lips “itadakimasu”
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animeffs · 2 years
Not mine, I just like ‘em ((:
Smash or Pass // Trafalgar Law nsfw
It’s Not a Date! // Gojo Satoru
Cursed // Alpha! Sukuna nsfw
Never forget! // Gojo Satoru nsfw
Cherry Blossom // Gojo Satoru
Trafalgar Law Masterlist! // By Sashi-ya
Forced Chemistry // Gojo Satoru nsfw
Trapped Between Two Giants // Satosugu x reader
Fire & Desire // Endeavor/Enji Todoroki nsfw
First Time Boyfriend! // Gojo Satoru
Aphrodisiac // Gojo Satoru nsfw
In the name of Love // Sukuna nsfw
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omegaworld · 2 years
Trust [Alpha Law x omega reader] - part 4 - final
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - Final
Word count: 2725
Law slowly opens his eyes, it takes him a second to realize where he is and his body relaxes as he smells Y/n. He looks at her fondly watching her sleep calmly on his chest, Law's inner alpha purrs, she didn't seem to have had any trouble with nightmares. Letting his eyes wander around the room, Y/n didn't seem to have made any changes, if it wasn't for her smell and the small nest in the corner of the room no one could tell she actually lived there. Looking at the nest Law saw that it didn't have much just three of his sweaters, two pillows and two blankets, one of them being the one he had covered her with when she had a nightmare. It seemed a bit poor for what he had heard about omegas' nests, but thinking about it the Polar Tang wasn't exactly a sea of fluffy pillows and blankets, there wasn't much she could have done about it.
Law remembers seeing Penguin buy a penguin stuffed animal and a blanket for his omega. Maybe that would be a good way to start, buying her things to put in the nest. Law feels Y/n move. She opens her eyes and blushes as she realizes she is lying against Law's chest, she looks up at him and he looks away embarrassed. Getting up he gives Y/n a kiss on her forehead and says 'I'll be right back. Get some rest' before leaving the room.
Law lets the crew know he is going to the village and leaves Polar Tang speechless.
Upon entering the store where he went before with Penguin Law immediately finds himself undecided between all the materials. Seeing him standing there an attendant addresses him to help him. The attendant was an omega with a navy bracelet, from what he could tell was common on this island. 'Looking for something specific?' 'I want to offer my omega things for the nest, but I'm not sure what to choose' 'In that case I will help'  
At first the attendant was quite helpful helping him choose various blankets and pillows, Law noticed that she was repeatedly looking at his neck but decided to ignore it. It wasn't until he reached out to pick up a blanket that was on a higher shelf that the omega flashed a wide smile. From that moment on her behavior changed completely, getting too close, a rubbing too persistent to be accidental, especially smiling and squeezing her breasts in Law's direction. Her helping changed too, she stopped making suggestions for what his omega should like and changed them to 'I would love something like that for my nest' on top of all the compliments she started throwing at her alpha.
Law was beginning to lose patience, he had not the slightest interest in what that omega would or would not like in his nest besides the proximity and the extremely cloying smell she emanated made in twist his nose. He tried to restrain himself as much as possible and take advantage of what little help the omega still offered him to find a few more things that Y/n would like, however, the final straw came when the omega stood in front of him to remove a pillow from a shelf and in doing so purposely brushed against Law's crotch. Law let out a loud growl and the omega immediately backed away in astonishment. 'May I remind you that I have a mate that I am here for?' the omega swallows 'I-I didn't think it was serious' 'How would it not be serious!!!?' Law asks more than a little annoyed at the attendant's audacity 'W-why if an alpha is not marked either you don't have an omega or you have more than one' 'Yeah, but that's not the case, I have a mate and only one' With that Law picks up what he has already chosen and takes it to the cashier to pack and pay.
As he enters the sub he can't help but think about what the attendant said, looking at Shachi, Penguin and even Bepo he could see a mark peeking through the collar of his overalls, thinking of Corazon he could remember that he too had a mark. Was that it? Him branding her would take her out of the market, but not him out of it?
After tidying things up in his room for later perfuming them Law goes to the living room where it seems everyone is gathered. He smiles at the sight of Y/n and she seems to reciprocate by approaching him, Law doesn't miss the way her nose twitches, her ears hang low and the tail she used to wag gets tucked between her legs. She opens and closes her mouth several times until she simply gives up and walks away with her head down toward her room. Law looks confused at his companions who seem to look at him quite astonished 'What is it?' Bepo is the one who speaks 'The captain smells another omega' Trafalgar's eyes go wide instantly, that attendant...'shit'
Y/n walks quickly to her room and closes the door. She was so confused, so hurt. He had made it clear before that he had no interest in her, apparently he had even gone to meet with another omega. So why sleep with her? Why let her feel the safety of his arms? Why give her hope?
Squeezing the red cord between her hands Y/n feels stupid. It was a red cord that was supposed to be tied to the sword to serve as a talisman. It was stupid. Why would he wear something like that? (Let's pretend Law doesn't still have that red cord around the sheath of his sword)
Had Law really been with another omega? Even though he said he didn't want a mate he still had the scent of another omega on him. So was she the problem? Did he just not want her?
A knock on her door brings Y/n out of her thoughts, hiding the cord under her pillow she wipes away the tears as she gets up and opens the door.  
Law stands there with his hands behind his back and can see how surprised she is to see him there. When he notices her red eyes Law is torn between hugging her and going back to the store to undo that damned omega that dared to leave its smell on him. Not knowing exactly where to start Law hands her the scented pillow and looks away. Y/n widens his eyes and hesitantly takes the pillow from Law's hands, when he looks at it again tears flow freely from his eyes causing him to panic 'Y-you don't like it?' He curses himself for stammering 'T-that's not it! I love it!!!' Y/n hugs the pillow tightly burying her nose in it to smell Law's scent on it 'It's just that no one has ever given me anything for my nest' she looks away thinking some more 'Actually no one has ever given me anything before. Thank you' Law is surprised, but then again, she has lived her whole life in captivity 'I went to a store in town to pick it out, the attendant was an omega and was too pushy in her overtures, but I'm sure I managed to make it clear that I already have a mate' Y/n raises her eyes from the pillow to look at him and Law wonders how she can resist for so long.
Moving closer he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her into an embrace. Burying his nose in her neck he can feel her relax as he begins to lick the mark while holding her close to him. As she pulls away her alpha purrs inwardly at the sight of her blushing omega. 'I just didn't want to have the smell of an omega other than mine on me' he kisses her forehead as a farewell, but as he is about to leave Y/n stops him 'I-I have something for you too! ' rushing into the room she sets the pillow down on the bed, pulls the cord from under the other pillow and runs to the door handing it to Law 'It's a talisman you should tie on your sword to bring luck and protection' Y/n explains without meeting his gaze 'Thank you' Y/n sees Law smile and quickly looks away again this time even redder. He found it adorable how even though she wasn't looking at him her tail kept wagging. Giving her another kiss on her forehead Law leaves allowing Y/n to go into the bedroom to add the pillow to her nest.
As Y/n lay in the nest hugging the pillow that Law gave her she couldn't be happier. He didn't go looking for another omega, he gave her something for her nest and more importantly he claimed he had a mate and even said he just wanted her scent on him. Was she dreaming or could his opinion have changed?
From then on Law gradually changes and the whole crew becomes proud of their captain. He begins to sit next to her, either at meals or around the campfire and sharing a blanket on the coldest nights. Shows of affection begin to be seen, from holding her hand to hugs and small kisses on the forehead and occasionally on the neck. He also began to ask for her help in the lab and when they reached an island he would split up the groups in order to be with her making sure she was safe. Now everyone could easily smell Law on Y/n and Y/n on Law.
Sometime after giving her the pillow Law informed her that he had bought many more things for her to put in the nest and had finished scenting them. Y/n was overjoyed and although Law had to leave to take care of some business with Shachi he made it clear that she could go to his room to get the things if she wanted. The point is that he didn't expect to arrive and see the nest set up in the corner of his room with his omega asleep in it.
As soon as Law left the submarine Y/n had begun construction of the nest, but something just didn't seem right. Taking all the blankets and pillows out of Law's room didn't seem right, so Y/n experimented with going to his room and taking what he had in his nest to Law's, so it finally seemed right. Against all reason Y/n let his instincts take over and built the biggest and most comfortable nest he ever thought he could in the corner of Law's room. When the job was finally finished Y/n let herself fall into her nest, exhausted, relaxed into Law's perfume and fell asleep.
'Y/n?' the sound of Law calling her makes her open her eyes a little and blinded by the haze of sleep she extends her arms calling Law into an 'Alpha' hug. Not being able to resist Law puts his sword against the wall and lies down embracing Y/n and allowing her to snuggle into his chest. He realizes that she is still too asleep to realize what he is doing and smiles when he hears her start to purr. He does nothing to stop or wake her, stroking her hair and allowing her to return to her sleep.
Did she realize what she was doing to him? Of how passionate she made him become? Memories of what the omega in the store said run through his head. He had to find the right moment to ask her to mark him as hers.
From that day on they always slept together, Y/n's room was basically abandoned and the smells of both of them were now totally mixed.
The heart pirates had been on a new island for a week, they decided to stay because of the festival that was going to take place. Law decided that it would probably be a good time.
Tonight was the night of the festival, as Law walked the streets with Bepo, Shachi and Penguin looking at the various tents his mind was elsewhere. Y/n and the other omegas had separated from them, according to what she told him Shachi's omega wanted to find something to give him for his birthday which wasn't long away now. 'Captain, shall we go?' Penguin excitedly points to a small tent. There they were teaching a traditional island braiding method, it was used to braid threads that were to be given to their mates as a form of courtship. Maybe Y/n would like it.
As the four leave the tent already with the yarn they see three of the omegas approaching, Y/n was missing. For a moment Law is worried, but they explain that Y/n had gone to get some air.
Sighing he follows his companion's scent to an area further out of town, he eventually finds her sitting on the branch of a tree. Smiling he climbs the tree and sits with her on the branch. 'What are you doing here?' 'I like looking up at the sky, it's beautiful, plus when I look up and see the sky and not a ceiling I feel free' Law smiles and leans against the trunk letting the two of them fall into a comfortable silence.
Was it now? Now seemed like a good time. He couldn't believe he was going to declare himself, if only because it was his fault. Between mates a confession was usually not necessary, but since he had rejected her several times a confession was needed. He knew she was going to say she loved him too, but he was still so nervous. Law stops rummaging through the bracelet in his pocket, he knew about her feelings because she had turned into a wolf, but thinking about it he didn't know if that had been the first time. 'Y/n?' 'Hm?' 'When we were on the island where we found Hana, was that the first time you turned? ' Y/n lifts her gaze surprised by the question 'I already knew you could do it, but yes, that was the first time I transformed' Law raises an eyebrow 'You already knew?' Y/n nods 'so why didn't you say anything?' She blushes lowering her gaze 'Because when a beast is able to do that it means she loves her alpha and I didn't want you to feel pressured by my feelings or think I was trying to force the bond of mates'.
Law smiles. He pulls her onto his lap coming face to face he puts his hand on her cheek making her look at him. 'I'm sorry, when you arrived I was so wrong. I thought Hana had abandoned me and Corazon, because of that I convinced myself that omegas were not to be trusted. 'When we found her I finally realized my mistake and didn't know how to act, but' Law takes the bracelet from his pocket raising it up for Y/n to see 'as long as it's you I definitely want a mate' Y/n's eyes sparkle at his words and Law smiles pulling her in for a kiss.
The moment their lips touch it was as if fireworks went off, they just happened to be festival fireworks, but still the kiss was amazing. The two separate keeping their foreheads together. 'I want you to mark mega, after all I am as much yours as you are mine. I want everyone to be able to see that' Blushing Y/n approaches and he leans in giving her better access. As he digs his teeth into her neck they both feel a surge of electricity and Law bites her again deepening the mark she already had. Again in a comfortable silence they both tend to their marks until Law feels Y/n fall onto his chest and smiles as he realizes she has fallen asleep.
Even though it was late Law let himself stay a little longer, enjoying the feeling of finally belonging to his mate. With her nestled in his arms like this he feels relaxed. He would protect her with his life, and he knew she would do the same after all,
Omegas are trustworthy, at least his.
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omegaworld · 2 years
Trust [Alpha Law x omega reader] - part 2
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - Final
Word count: 3253
Y/n waited anxiously outside the submarine while the man went to get Law. The man finally exits the submarine accompanied by Law and a few other crew members who she remembered were Penguin, Shachi and Bepo the alphas of the omegas she had been with. Her inner omega purrs and her knees almost buckle again at the presence of her alpha, certainly the poster photo did not do justice to the real thing.
The three crewmen seem excited to understand who she was and Y/n holds her breath as Law looks at her and frowns. 'What is this? I made it very clear I didn't want her'
This was it, she was rejected again. Couldn't he see that they were mates? No, he could otherwise he wouldn't have said he had made it clear before. So what was it? Money couldn't be the problem since she was being offered to him. Was she such a disappointment?
'B-But Captain she is your mate!' says Bepo in shock with Shachi and Penguin agreeing. 'I don't want a mate' Law was about to walk away leaving her standing there without even a chance to utter a word.
Y/n's heart was broken into a thousand pieces, she knew she shouldn't have fed those false hopes. Still she clenches her fists and shouts 'Wait!' 'What don't you understand when I say I don't want you for anything?!' Law shouts back irritated and Yn cringes, even if his alpha has that opinion the same doesn't seem to be the case with the alphas accompanying him 'Maybe you don't want an omega but I bet they do!' Y/n shouts pointing at Penguin, Shachi and Bepo (Yes they are alphas, would it be interest an x reader with them?)  
Law casts a glance at the three who seem genuinely interested 'And what do their omegas have to do with you?' Taking a breath to regain his calm Y/n continues this time in a lower tone 'When the merchants go to contact a crew they round up all the omegas they have found of that crew' 'And why didn't they say anything like that when they called?' 'Because omegas are expensive. If the captain doesn't want his for them it's not even worth talking about the others. I've met all three of them, they're lovely and they don't deserve the fate that awaits them if they stay there.' 'And what does that have to do with you?' 'I'm a beast, my value is much higher, if you take me you can trade me for all three without any problems.'
Law sighs at the stares of his crewmates. He might not want an omega but that didn't give him or right to stop his friends from having one. 'Bring na and set a course for the omega trade where she came from' With this Law walks back to the submarine not sparing another glance at the poor omega.
Y/n smiles and plays with her fingers sadly, positively thinking at least she would be good for something good.
The trip to the outpost lasted about a week. During those few days Y/n was able to get to know the crew and everyone became quite attached to her recognizing that she certainly had the charisma to be her captain's mate. Even though she was rejected, it was the best and probably the happiest single week she would ever have in her life. She adapted to the routines of the crew, learned to read maps and a little about how the submarine worked, also learned how to cook a few things, first aid, and showed interest in learning to read and write, but for this one week was not enough. The best part of that week was being able to see Law around the ship, and as the dominant alpha of the gang, the whole ship smelled of him, which was very comforting to Y/n.
Shachi, Bepo and Penguin liked the omega quite a bit and eventually felt guilty that she was going to sacrifice herself. They asked several times if it was really okay and she always assured them that it was. After all with no friends, no family, no alpha, an omega's freedom mattered little if she had nowhere else to go. The three alphas even approached their captain several times about why he rejected her trying to convince him to keep her, but it didn't work as according to him 'omegas can't be trusted'.  
Although the days were fun Y/n had to fight nightmares every night. His frightened, crying moans were low enough to go unnoticed by the crew. Except Law. To him the sounds rang loud, digging in and making his inner alpha become desperate with the need to protect his omega. He would never admit it out loud, but it was extremely difficult for him to resist the omega. The way she fit so perfectly into the crew learning and always trying to help or how the environment around her always seemed to rejoice with her beautiful smile. Her scent was also one of the reasons his alpha struggled, he wished he could simply get closer and soak in it.
The night before his arrival at the post was definitely the most difficult. Aside from the fact that he had a glimpse of enormous pain in his eyes when she gave her 'goodnight' to everyone broke his heart, the sounds of the omega that night seemed to be even louder than any other. As such Law was eventually unable to sleep and spent the entire night lying there staring at the ceiling, cold sweats, gasping for breath and his hand pressed heavily against his heart in an attempt to calm the struggle of his inner alpha. After all, omegas were not to be trusted and he would not let a mere instinct overpower him.
First thing in the morning they were able to spot the 'trading' post. The tribulation disembarked and entered the dungeon after Law warned the guards that they were coming on business. Following one of the guards through almost endless corridors Y/n feels chills run down his spine knowing that he would soon be in the same, if not worse, situation again as all those omegas.
Early in the morning they were able to spot the 'trading' post. The tribulation disembarked and entered the dungeon after Law warned the guards that they were coming on business. Following one of the guards through almost endless corridors Y/n feels chills run down his spine knowing that he would soon be in the same, if not worse, situation as all those omegas again.
Arriving at a specific room where omegas were delivered they meet the 'manager' and Law decides to sum it up in cold words 'I want to trade it for the three omegas of my crew members' the manager analyzes them and turns his attention to a stack of papers reading attentively. 'Shachi, Penguin and Bepo from the pirates of the corazon, two common omegas and a polar bear omega mink' the man looks at Y/n again and flashes a smile stamping that Law was an idiot 'for a beast with white fur' Y/n cringes at the look the man gives him and Law almost growls 'I accept the offer, in fact they were leaving just today, the buyer should be here soon, but I believe you will not be disappointed with such an exchange'. Y/n's eyes open in shock, she didn't expect to leave so soon.
'Just wait a bit, they should be being brought in now.' It was said and done, after about 10 minutes 3 omegas entered the room with their heads down accompanied by guards who release them after a nod from the manager. The eyes of the 3 alphas literally glow and upon smelling the smells the omegas raise their heads looking between the alphas and Y/n and after a moment of hesitation they run to Yn enveloping her in a tight hug. 'Y/n! Did you make it and come back for us?!' Y/n smiles amidst the hug and strokes the head of Shachi's omega 'Exactly, now you will be able to go with them' they look at the alphas and Y/n urges them 'Go'. They each run to their alpha and are immediately enveloped in a tight hug. Y/n tries to soothe the ache in her chest, she wishes she had been greeted like this by Law. But that didn't matter, now at least they would be happy.
The manager approaches Y/n and one of the guards places some handcuffs on the omega. The other 3 omegas look confused between her and the heart pirates. Y/n smiles as she starts to be taken away 'It was bad. You guys go and I'll stay. Take good care of them for me guys'. Law looks away from the scene as he grits his teeth forcing himself to allow his mate to be taken from him forever. 'Law' when she speaks he immediately raises his gaze, looking directly into her bright grey eyes she continues 'You will be happy right?' everyone looks at the captain in expectation as he swallows and putting on an indifferent mask replies 'I already am happy and will be'. Y/n sighs happily at his answer and gives Law the truest smile he had ever seen in his entire life. Not a hint of remorse or rancor, just love and sincerity. It takes everything in Law not to get up and snatch it out of that man's hands. But he didn't, he just watched as those bastards took his omega out of the room and the door closed behind them.  
'Let's get her ready before we bring her back here for the negotiation with the celestial dragon' the man says to one of the workers 'And you dear customers, I believe our business is taken care of, please leave' he finishes leaving the room.  
All the way back to the submarine Law had his eyes glazed over the floor. The whole crew was confused as to why the captain hadn't brought her along, it was obvious how the situation was really affecting him and that he did care about her. The three omegas felt a huge guilt, during their 'stay' together Y/n was the most positive, promising several times that everything would work out, but in the end she sacrificed herself to make it work for the three of them. Both wanted to attack Law but they knew they couldn't because besides being useless it would only create more problems.
On the other hand, Law's thoughts were racing a thousand times an hour about what could happen to her in the hands of a celestial Dragon.
Law who is already in the polar tang sitting on one of the couches with one of the cushions tightly clutched in his hands, is brought out of his thoughts by Bepo. 'We wanted you to at least see it to the end so you won't regret it later' said this Penguin pressed a button and the room they had been in earlier began to be displayed on the screen. Bepo, Penguin and Shachi could not understand their captain's denial regarding the omega but they all knew how important a companion was. It was apparent that she cared a lot about him and even though Law's denial was quite affected by the whole situation so the 3 alphas decided to place a small transmitting den mushi that would not be visible in the room so that they would later be able to see the negotiation with the Celestial Dragon in a last ditch attempt to get their captain to back down.
Law's eyes widen as he recognizes the room displayed on the screen and was about to question when a loud bang is heard from the den mushi transmitter and redirects everyone's attention to the scene. The bang corresponded to the door being opened and soon the manager entered accompanied by a Heavenly Dragon, two workers and some Heavenly Dragon deer.
The manager nods to the guards who immediately open one of the cells and remove Y/n from it. The little omega keeps his gaze low with his tail between his legs and his ears glued to his head while the Heavenly Dragon smiles 'It is indeed a beautiful specimen! When you told me you had changed my order I was worried, but I'm glad I trusted you! What cute ears, and white ones at that. And this body, I'm sure I can still make good use of it today,' says the dragon as he approaches Y/n and starts stroking her ears with a wicked smile.
At the sound of the Dragon's words and seeing the omega Law's shudder of fear he begins to growl without realizing it too wrapped up in anger over the whole scene he was watching. The growl was low but loud and grew in intensity as he got closer to the omega. Hearing him add 'I bought good doses of potent aphrodisiacs' Law growls loudly and begins to fill the room with his strong alpha dominant scent. The entire team is startled by Law's growl but they proceed with their plan to ignore his behavior and wait for him to get out of control and do something.  
When the Heavenly Dragon approaches the omega's neck to get a whiff of him he twitches his nose and backs away. Looking down at the omega's cuffed hands he quickly steals the fabric from between her small hands and twitches his nose as he smells the pungent scent of another alpha. 'What-' 'Give it back!' Y/n screams with tears of despair as the Dragon pulls the fabric further and further away from her. Law recognized it, it was a scarf he used to wear, now it should be in the back of his closet so no wonder he hadn't noticed it was missing. 'Why should I?' 'Because it's my alpha's!' Dragon grimaces and glares at the salesman 'In case you haven't figured it out now I am your alpha and there won't be another one' the manager tries to calm the whole situation down 'You know what? It's that I went to get her especially for you! She was in the hands of another alpha, but as you can see she remains untouched and without any signs of marking! The poor thing still hasn't accepted that she's been sold, but she's always been quite naughty and I'm sure she'd love to break your spirit!' the Celestial Dragon thinks before smiling smugly at the man's conversation 'P-please' Everyone looks at Y/n and she sniffles 'I-if you let me keep it I promise to be a good omega for you'
This whole situation was so scary and Y/n was sure it would only get worse. That alpha smelled so bad, she never found alphas smells particularly pleasant and after smelling Law all the others seemed even worse. Just the thought of living surrounded by that disgusting smell made her feel like she was about to vomit. Her fate was sealed. All she could do was try to keep that Law-scented handkerchief that Bebo had kindly given her.  
At this point Law was crazy, her inner alpha was screaming and clawing for him to get her out of there. So what if he didn't trust omegas? So what if he didn't want her as a mate? He was her predestined mate and if she didn't stay with him she shouldn't stay with anyone. Or at least not with an alpha she didn't want. If she didn't smell like him she should smell like herself, not another alpha. Seeing her like this scared and helpless, his alpha instinct demanded that he protect her. Seeing her like this, despite everything, fighting for the last piece of him she might have, his alpha purred with his loyalty.
The Dragon lets out a sneering sound 'You have no choice little omega' throwing the scarf away he approaches the omega again 'You will learn that from now on I am the only alpha, the one who will mark you' Y/n's heart sinks, with wide eyes she is unable to move in sheer terror at what the alpha was about to do. She feels like vomiting when she feels his breath on her neck, her marking spot, where an alpha's bite would reclaim her as his.
Something inside Law just breaks, if anyé was going to mark that omega it would be him when the celestial dragon is about to bite Law quickly creates giant 'room' and with a 'shambles' exchanges Y/n for the pillow he was holding. The moment he has her in his arms Law pulls her to him by the waist and his other hand is tangled in her hair getting a good angle of her neck he bites deeply.
The bite sends shivers throughout Y/n's body, Law's scent invades her and she falls forward, the warmth of the alpha marking her enveloping her. She sighs happily, there was no way in the world she could mistake her alpha's presence and looking crazy or not he was right there, marking her and that was what mattered to her. She was being marked by her alpha.  
The omega clings to Law like a lifesaver as he recovers from his stupor while licking his wound. As his alpha instincts calmed down he became aware of what he had done. He had scored an omega, his omega. Law takes a deep breath and pulls away, what he sees in her eyes again surprises him. Joy and gratitude, not an ounce of remorse that he had left her there, not an ounce of doubt as to why she was here, just that, joy and gratitude.  
'You can stay here' everyone rejoices at the captain's words, 'but I still don't want a mate' Law says walking away and turning his back 'you stay here only because it is dangerous out there for omegas' Bepo prepares to question him, but Y/n interrupts him with a happy voice 'Yes captain'
Bepo, Shachi and Penguin had separate rooms now that they had their companions. Y/n had her own room where she had stayed before and for the first time in a long time she slept happily and without nightmares. She was now not only marked by Law but was also covered in his scent making her feel totally protected. What did it matter if Law didn't accept her as a mate? She was with him and safe, she could see him, hear him and smell him every day. This was a thousand times more than even a few hours ago she believed she could ever have.
That night Law remained in his room, the smell of the omega had lingered on him and he hated to like it. As much as those instincts overwhelmed him he still wanted to fight, he knew it was hard and now it would be even harder as he had already partly given in. But the more he sank into that feeling the worse it would be. He remembered as if it was yesterday, Corazon. His omega was also a beast, he loved her more than anything and yet she ran away. Abandoned him to die when he needed her to. If she had fought back surely they would have beaten Vigo and Corazon would be alive. He would not make the same mistake. Omegas are not to be trusted.
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omegaworld · 2 years
Trust [Alpha Law x omega reader] - part 3
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - Final
Word count: 3134
It had been about two months since the incident where Law tagged Y/n, after sending a large amount of money to the omegas merchant he agreed to pretend he didn't know who had suddenly taken the omega. Since the arrival of the four omegas the atmosphere had improved greatly, Shachi, Bepo and Penguin seemed to try twice as hard to train and perform their duties to the best of their ability. The whole crew was particularly fond of Y/n, a marked omega was very easy to resist if there was, as was the case, a great loyalty from the other alphas to the omega's mate, so she had eventually become a sort of mother to the crew.  
While everyone was enjoying the change Law's struggle became more and more difficult, ever since he had marked her his alpha instinct was pushing him more and more towards his omega. Y/n was understanding and obedient with the rules he gave her to stay in the Polar Tang not once forcing their bond of mates. Even when she went into heat about a month ago she just locked herself in her room, he may have noticed some clothes missing, but that was it, she didn't even try to entice him to help her get through the heat. On one hand, Law was grateful, but on the other this obedient and loyal side she had been demonstrating only made it harder not to let herself succumb to her instincts.
Even with all the restrictions Law put on himself about approaching the omega there was a moment when he allowed himself to get close, after all after marking her he should lick the wound for it to heal properly. Law brings Y/n into his room and sits her between his legs on the bed. He wraps his arms around her waist pulling her to him until her back was pressed firmly against his chest, then he begins to lick the mark he made on her neck while the omega purrs softly. But even now, two months after making the mark, once a week he continued to do so ignoring the fact that the mark was now only a scar.
As dawn broke it was announced that they would arrive at an island later in the morning, resupply was needed and as such the crew did the distribution of tasks.
The Omegas went along with Shachi and Bepo to buy food leaving Bepo and Law to do other shopping that was also needed.  
While searching the various stores Law and Penguin had the feeling they were being watched, at one point they decide to turn to a more secluded corner and hear whispers 'Is it him?' 'I don't know, but it looks like what mom told' sending a glance to Penguin they quickly pull the little spies out of their hiding place. Law choked as he looked at the two children, they must have been about 10 to 11 years old, a shy and fearful boy hiding behind his sister, a little girl with ears and a tail, a beast, who seemed ready to defend him. It was as if he was looking at two small copies of Corazon, although certain traits reminded him of that omega he once considered a mother. Did Corazon have children? They were too similar to be just a coincidence. 'Law?' Y/n's voice questioned as she found him in the alley with the rest of the group joining her. 'Law? Like Trafalgar Law? I told you Makoto!' the girl shouts in excitement 'Come on! You have to come with us! Mom will be so happy won't you Makoto?' The boy nods shyly and the girl grabs Law's sleeve starting to drag him through the streets probably towards his house. Law lets himself be led by the girl, he himself wanted to find out what was going on.  
As Law and the others enter the children's home the little girl disappears through a doorway to get her mother. 'What's wrong Aiko?' is heard as the little girl reappears with her mother in tow. Aiko flashes a proud smile as she points to Law and her mother's eyes almost pop out. It really was her, Corazon's beast, the omega who was like a mother to him and also the one who abandoned them. Law looks confused 'How?' Hana looks up awkwardly 'I think I owe some explaining' Understanding the hint Y/n acts 'Aiko right?' the girl nods 'Could you show us your garden? It looks very nice'. Looking out the window at the garden Aiko agrees and they both take everyone away leaving Law and Hana alone.
'Why did you abandon us?' Hana swallows dryly at the bitter memory 'I think I should start at the beginning' Law thirstily sits up.
'While we were walking from hospital to hospital looking for a cure for you I found out I was pregnant. Corazon was so happy, he always wanted kids so he decided that after we found a cure for you we would go to some isolated island and live together as a family' Hana smiles sadly 'I don't know if you understood at the time, but Corazon and I have always been able to communicate telepathically. When you went to deliver the navy message and I was left to look after him I stepped away to look for some medicinal herbs I had seen while we were going over there. I knew they would at the very least ease the pain, but just as I was about to return he sent me away.'  
'Hana! Don't come back, get off the island now!' 'What? But Rosinante and-' 'Law accidentally brought Vigo' 'Is that why your voice is failing? He's attacking you isn't he? I'm coming over there now, I can protect you!' 'No. You can't fight in this state. Imagine him hitting you in the belly, I need to know you guys will be okay. I can't imagine losing you. Please' With tears in her eyes Hana hugs her belly tightly that 'no' was the first and only time Rosinante had used his alpha tone with her 'But what about our Law?' 'I will protect him I swear nothing will happen to him' Hana takes a deep breath as the tears start to overflow 'I will protect our pups I promise' 'When you are off the island let me know'  
When Hana was finally off the island she spoke to Corazon again. 'Alpha' 'Mega' 'I am already off the island, we are fine' Corazon smiles 'Law is fine too you don't need to worry, he is free now.... 'Sorry Hana, I'm afraid you'll have to carry on without me' Hana nods with one hand on her stomach and the other on her heart 'Yes' a silence arises in their minds until Hana speaks again 'What do you want to name it? ' Rosinante chuckles lightly 'I like Aiko if it's a girl and Makoto if it's a boy' 'I like it too, I'll call it that' With a deep sigh he says 'Hana, Aiko, Makoto I love you' 'We love you too Rosinante' with these last words Hana feels Corazon's voice go grey in her mind, she looks down at her slightly swollen belly and places her hand on her belly affectionately 'Papa loves us'
愛 子- Aiko - Beloved daughter 眞 人 - Makoto - Sincere person
'After his death I went into an omega depression, if it wasn't for the pregnancy I probably wouldn't have even survived. I got some support from the navy and ended up staying here, by the time I got better too much time had passed and I wasn't even able to find you'  
Law tilts her head back in an attempt to hold back the tears. All these years he was wrong, she never abandoned them, never betrayed them. All this time he has judged the Omegas to be unfaithful when she was loyal to Corazon and what he wanted, even.... 'Your children knew who I was'  
'Of course they knew, I never hid from them what happened. Besides I said I couldn't find you right? We spent 2 years at sea looking for you' Hana sniffles as tears start to fall 'I was so happy when I saw your wanted poster. After so many years the proof that you were okay really came. I'm sorry. Although I don't think I deserve it, after all I couldn't even manage to be a good mother to all my children'
For Law to look at Hana crying was a horrible feeling, the feeling of someone who was so angry with his mother for so many years, who blamed her for his father's death, who hated him omega and in the end wasn't even right. At that moment Law stands up wrapping Hana in a firm hug, 'Thank you mom'
Law was sitting with Hana as they shared stories, Hana told about the work she did for the navy in exchange for protection. On the other hand, Law was telling what had happened to him after Corazon's death, how he met Bepo, Sachi and Penguin and formed the Heart pirates when Y/n's head pops up through the garden door. 'Law?' 'Y/n' Law looks away from Y/n to Hana who smiles happily at the omega's appearance 'Go get the others, it's late we better get back to the submarine' Y/n nods and disappears again.
'Glad to see you found your mate, she is lucky to have a good alpha' Hana says putting her hand on Law's shoulder who was still looking at the door 'I don't know if I can be called a good alpha' Hana looks confused and Law continues 'I rejected her, I almost let her be sold to a celestial dragon, I told her not to act like we were mates and I didn't even help her when she was in heat.... I got it into my head that omegas couldn't be trusted and that a mate would only bring me pain' Hana looks at him with concern understanding where this idea came from but smiles giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze 'Something good you must have done' 'Huh?' 'I don't think she would love you for no reason' 'She doesn't love me' 'Are you really questioning my powers?' Law looks away uncertainly as Y/n and the rest of the crew enter. They leave the house promising to return the next day for lunch as per Hana's invitation.
It was late when they arrive at the Polar Tang and everyone decides to go rest. While trying to sleep Law couldn't stop thinking about what Hana said, he knew she was capable of seeing these things, but how was Y/n capable of loving him after all he did? Normally omegas don't have much and those who are in the trade have nothing left but the hope that they will end up in the hands of their mate and that he will take care of them. Y/n was one of the last... he can't imagine the pain she felt all her life and when she finally found him she had all her hopes dashed twice.  
Startled sounds from his omega get Law's attention. Unlike any other night he allows himself to get up and walks to Y/n's room, seeing her lying there while trembling from the nightmare Law ponders. How could he possibly earn her forgiveness? Picking up the blanket he brought with him Law covers the omega watching as she calms herself as she smells him on the fabric.
The next day Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin and the four omegas went to Hana's house for lunch, Aiko and Makoto were extremely happy to see Law again. The rest of the crew didn't question their relationship since Aiko had explained it to them when they were in the garden.
When they were all at dessert the door rings and Hana goes to open it, she returns a short time later and Makoto questions 'Work?' 'Work' Hana nods' 'What is your job?' Bepo asks curiously 'I find predestined companions' the topic draws the attention of the whole table 'I was born with the power to see the red strings that connect companions. Besides they are not always able to identify themselves just by pictures often the omegas are too traumatized to even be able to identify their mate. The navy wants their officers to start families and for them the best way to encourage this is to offer them an omega, as mates are not exactly easy to find they often offer omegas that are not' the alphas at the table seem disconcerted by the idea and Hana continues 'From time to time when a new group arrives they call me to see if I can identify and in return they give me protection, These bracelets that Aiko and I wear designate us as safe navy property and therefore cannot be traded' Aiko smiles as she raises her arm to show the bracelet.
'It's hard to see so many just like me in that horrible situation I've been in, but what makes this job the least bit rewarding is knowing that I'm contributing to some of them having their mates. The last one I identified was a beast with pink fur, honestly I don't think I've ever seen one before, but the funniest thing was that it matched her mate's pink hair perfectly.'  
'Did they stay together?' Y/n asks with expectant eyes as everyone looks at her and then at Hana waiting for an answer. Everyone except Law, she was concerned for everyone's happiness but seemed to accept that she would not have hers. 'They will stay, I don't approve of the means, but they will get them together. The alpha is pretty young and just became captain so they believe it's a good bet, the omega was in pretty bad shape, but I can tell it will be fine when they are together' Y/n lets a small smile appear on her lips happy with the future outcome of the couple.
Hana stands up 'Could you guys do me a small favor and watch Aiko and Makoto just until I get back?' Everyone nods and Hana leaves for work.
After tidying up the kitchen the group decides to let Aiko and Makoto take them on a tour of the island. They end up stopping to rest by a small waterfall, the trio and their omegas took the opportunity to take a nap, Aiko took Y/n through the trees to show him something and Law ended up alone with Makoto.
Aiko leads Y/n through the trees until they reach a beautiful flowered field. Y/n chokes at the sight and Aiko laughs dancing among the flowers, the two end up sitting weaving flower crowns.
'Are you going to make one for Law?' 'I don't think Law would wear a wreath' Both laugh at the thought of Law wearing a wreath. Suddenly a rustling in the bushes makes Y/n put the wreath away in his pocket and stand up protectively in front of Aiko.  
A group of alpha and beta men come out of the forest, guns pointed at both omegas, the one who was certainly the leader of the group speaks in a mocking tone 'Two super rare and very lucrative omegas totally alone. It's certainly our lucky day don't you think boys?' The group of hunters laugh and Aiko stutters as she raises her wrist for all to see 'B-but I have this! I belong to the navy!' The man laughs and the whole group laughs 'This is an old model, we can easily take it off and you are ready for the highest bidder' Terror is seen in Aiko's eyes. This terror quickly carries over to the hunters when as they advance Y/n quickly turns into a giant white wolf.  
The leader shouts an order to fire, everyone points their guns at the wolf that runs towards them. Aiko lets out a loud scream as several shots fly towards Y/n piercing her, still she advances on them all tearing them apart one by one.
The sounds of gunshots and screams were heard at the foot of the waterfall and made Law's blood run cold. Law's heart hammered his chest hard as he ran following the scent of Y/n where she and Aiko had gone. His gut repeated three words. Y/N. Omega. Protect.
Leaving the forest Law finds himself in a beautiful flowery field stained with blood. Bodies of men surrounded a huge bloody white wolf, Aiko was standing behind this one and although scared she seemed fine.  
'Y/n?' Law can't believe his eyes. The wolf sniffs the air and turns towards Law, the wolf quickly gives way to the figure of Y/n also quite bloody. Y/n tries to walk towards him, but the moment she takes the first step she falls to the ground, Law is beside her in a second examining all the bullet wounds and medico or not if those damned people weren't all dead he would certainly kill them. How dare they touch his omega?
The rest of the group emerges from the forest and everyone chokes up at the scene, Makoto rushes over to Aiko checking to see if she is okay. Law opens a 'Room' and removes all the Y/n bullets and seals the wounds. When finished he picks her up bride style and without taking his eyes off her he instructs the group 'Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, take Aiko and Makoto home and I'll stay and look after them, report to Hana and the navy what happened. I will go back to the ship and take care of her.'
Law walks to the submarine almost as fast as her thoughts. She has transformed. Beasts are only able to do this when they love their mate. That means she genuinely loves him. Even if Hana had already said it he couldn't see that as a reality, but now the proof was literally in his arms. Law bites the inside of his cheek to the point of drawing blood. While he was worrying about staying away and her not being loyal she was precisely being so and still managing to love him without him having done anything. Nothing. He really did nothing to deserve her as a mate.
Upon arriving at Polar Tang he takes her to her room and lies down on the bed with Y/n on his chest. As he watches her sleep he swears he hears a small purr. Was she having a good dream? Law strokes her hair carefully. He may not have done anything to deserve her, but he will certainly make everything she has been through worthwhile.
Author's note: I loved the fanart I posted but it doesn't belong to me and unfortunately I can't find the artist, if anyone knows please let me know. In case anyone is curious I will write a one shot or series with Hana and Corazon's story in the future.
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short-honey-badger · 4 months
Trouble Sleeping 2
Alright. This took me a while to get together. I got into a pretty big slump over the weekend that made it hard to do much of anything.
Anyway. I kept things vague, and I'll probably leave the rest up to your imagination. If anyone is interested, feel free to use this as a basis for your own works! Anyway. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Alpha Law x Omega Reader
Warnings! ABO universe. Some smut, kissing, and little pregnancy things? Reader gives birth, but it isn't graphic.
Part 1
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Law wakes early on the day he is to leave back to the new world, scent wrapping around his cute little mate as he cracks his eyes open. The familiar ceiling of his room greets him, but he rolls to bury his face in the back of your neck to block out the sight. He greedily breathes in syrup sweet honeysuckle, one hand raising to settle on your hip and then slides around to cup the gentle swell of your stomach, content growl breaking rumbling through his throat when you shift to press back into him.
A year after he'd taken you to bed, your scheduled heat had come along, and even with his own suppressants, it had sent him into rut. A week later, you came out of your locked bedroom with a bite mark still tingling on your neck and most likely pregnant. Your worries were confirmed when a month later, your scent began to change, and your omega instincts screamed at you to find a proper nest even that early in your pregnancy.
Trafalgar had panicked the second he realized what he'd done that night, but with the two of you still tangled together, he had no choice but to accept his actions. A healthy alpha and omega in their respective reproductive stages were more than likely to have a pup after coupling. Especially if a bond is initiated during the knotting process.
As a medical practitioner yourself, you already knew of the consequences of your actions, but you didn't regret anything. Your Captain had been the one to pick you up and offer you a spot in his crew. He was everything to you, so what was a little more?
“T’falgar,” you whispered after Law had apologized over and over. You could feel his tears on the back of your neck and you gripped his hands as hard as you could, fingers curling tightly around the pirate's tattooed knuckles, “Law I love you, and I ain't goin’ anywhere.”
Law had stalled out, his brain already mush from heat and pheromones. He cleared his throat, voice thick with unshed tears and emotions, and asked you to repeat yourself. That night, you told your alpha exactly how much he meant to you, telling him over and over how you loved him, and whispered sweet praises until the overwhelmed Law had begged you to stop.
Still worried, but more happy than anything, Law had quietly told you that he loved you too and swore to protect you and their pup whenever it came into the world. Elated, you'd cried yourself to sleep until his rut had kicked back in a couple of hours later.
You whining breaks Law from his thoughts, and he kicks up his growl, chest rumbling loud enough that you can feel him vibrating against your back. He sneaks his hand down your belly, fingers tapping against the sensitive flesh of your hip and causing you to shiver. Your scent, sweet honeysuckle, but warm with the intoxicating rose and clean citrus now interlinked never failed to bring out the carnal side of the alpha.
Trafalgar is nosing the back of your neck, steel scent thick in the air, as he presses a kiss to the bite mark that seals his bond with you. He feels your hands find his own, and they curled tight around his knuckles. Law isn't expecting the sudden distress that suddenly permeates the room.
“Law,” his heart aches the way you say his name. Your usual soft mellow tone was replaced by one of choked desperation, “I need you ta come back to me, okay? I need you. They need you. I don't think I can do it without you.”
The alpha hated the way your scent sours in the air, and Law grips your hands back, curling his lanky frame over yours and tucking you into his chest, “I promised you I'd be back, right? I'm not going to break that.”
Law surrounds you on all sides, scent coiling and soothing the distressed omega in his arms, “You've got nothing to worry about, I'll be back in time to be there, and even if I can't be, I know that you will be able to handle it. You're stronger than you think.”
You sniff harshly, and press your body back into your alpha, seeking his comfort, “You better not, Law. I'll have Bepo tan your hide if ya do.”
The pirate captain snickers quietly and then places soft kisses to the side of your neck, teeth nipping his old bite mark and causing you to sigh in pleasure.
“I will let him if I break our promise, little Medic,” Trafalgar rumbles, and his hands loosen around yourself, his practiced fingers splaying across your flesh. He breathes you in and his cock sirs against your backside when he catches a whiff of heady omegan slick. Your hand catches his wrist and you lead it down to where you are dripping between your legs, whining sweetly when Law's fingers find your clit and begin to massage the bundle of nerves.
“I love you,_-ya,” Law whispers, and both of you can hear the urgency in his voice. He needs this. He needs you one more time before he is gone for the next few months, “Let me take care of you.”
You nod, mind ready cloudy with lust and thick alpha pheromones that Law hasn't stopped pumping into the air. He wants you so saturated with his scent that no matter how long he was gone, no one would question who you belonged to. Who your mate is.
His fingers slide through your puffy folds, and Law groans when he already finds you wet, allowing his fingers to glide effortlessly. His middle finger finds your hole, and he rubs against your twitching cunt, playing and teasing you before he sinks his finger down to the knuckle. You toss your head back, a heavy sigh escaping you when Law sets a steady rhythm.
The alpha's thumb finds your clit, and the duel sensations have you twitching and coming with a soft cry of his name. Law doesn't let up, adding another finger to your wet heat and stretching you for his cock. His free hand finds your leg, and he carefully shifts it up and opens you up for better access.
Trafalgar ruts forward, and he snarls lowly when his cock slides between your legs, rubbing against your folds and soaking his cock in your slick.
“Law,” you murmur, voice thick with want and desperation, “Law, please.”
Your alpha hushes you, extracting his fingers and grabbing the base of his cock. he squeezes himself, and then angles up and hisses as he sinks into your crushing walls. You are tight, and Law has to fight back the urge to roll you over and fuck you raw. Instead, he settles for a slow grind, more cock warming than anything, but it still sets his teeth on edge and has you whining for more.
“I ain't gonna break, Law,” you snarl when the slow grind just isn't enough. You want to feel your alpha, “Fuck me like you mean it.”
Law doesn't mean to be so rough with you when he pulls out and rolls you to your knees. He slides a pillow under your hips to keep you off your heavy stomach, and then he is gripping his cock and slamming back inside of you with a howl.
You yowl under him, hips pressing back to meet him thrust for thrust. The way his dick drags along your fluttering walls feels like perfection, and it doesn't take much more for you to come again.
Your alpha drags another two orgasms out of you before his knot begins to catch too much for him to fully pull out. He humps into you, grinding up and draping himself across your back to nibble at the bite mark.
“Gonna come soon,” Law warns but you can only nod, too fucked out and gone to pay too much attention to him. You cry out when he sinks his teeth into your scent gland, deepening and darkening the mark he'd left behind. His knot inflates, locking the two of you in place as he paints your insides while with hot cum.
You groan at the feeling, feeling stuffed full and satisfied from the lovemaking. Law gathers you close, rolling to his side and cradling you to his chest again. It's the best position for now, and it's a good ten minutes before Law can slip out of your puffy pussy. He watches as cum leaks from your hole, smirking at the sight of the combined juices before reaching forward to rub the mess into the skin of your thighs.
His actions make you huff, but a content purr has started up in your chest, and you can't be mad at his actions. Not when you enjoy the sight of such a strong and influential alpha who wanted your attention and wanted the world to know who he belonged to.
However, today could not be spent laying around like the two of you wanted. It takes time, but Law eventually extracts himself to go start the shower. He helps you from the bed and scrubs your back and legs. He likes to help you wash. It's the perfect excuse for him to keep his hands on your lovely skin.
Once dressed, the two of you leave the Polar Tang, two thick bags packed with your favorite blankets and pillows. All the things you would need to try and remake your nest were carefully packed away, and Law pulled you in for a tight hug when he saw the tears in your eyes.
“You know I wouldn't go if I could help it, right?” He asks you as he wraps his clean, steel laced scent around you. Trafalgar feels you nod against his shoulder, but you are still shaking, so he tightens his grip and presses his lips to your hair.
“I know. I'll just miss you, Law,” you whisper and clutch at the black cloak he has tossed over his shoulders. Time was counting down. You bury your face in his chest, tears welling up and spilling over without your say, so, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Law whispers and breathes you in. He doesn't want to go, but he needs to, and so he reluctantly pulls away and helps you gather your bags.
Sachin, Penguin, and Bepo follow the two of you out, and the other members of the Heart Pirates pull you in for a hug and a tearful farewell for now. Bepo is crying, big tears running down the mink’s face.
Amazon Lily is just as lush and beautiful as Law remembers, and he dips his head in a grateful nod when he catches sight of the Elder. Luffy hadn't thought twice about asking Boa Hancock if you could stay on the island while he, Law. And Kid sailed off to Wano. Boa had folded instantly on Luffy's whim, but it wasn't like the tribe would have turned away a pregnant omega in need.
The two snake warriors helpfully take your bags back to the palace, and the others turn away from the mated pair when a sob breaks through your walls. You cry against him, hormones and emotions running wild in the face of Law leaving you. It hadn't felt real until now. The alpha soothes you the best he can, but you are still crying when Trafalgar pulls away. He wipes your face and brings you in for a kiss.
“I'll be back before you know it,” Law murmurs against your lips, and then he is extracting himself from your arms, “I have to go.”
“Kick their ass, Cap’n,” you tell him, and then you are watching Law walk away from you, back to the Polar Tang to go fight against two Emperors.
—--after Wano—----
Law runs, the panic making it hard for him to use his devil fruit and just teleport to your side. He can hear you screaming from here, throat gone raw from how much you've worked it. He skids around a corner, sprinting past the Kuja Women until he finally reaches the healing rooms. He bursts inside, and immediately, he is drenched in your scent.
Your eyes fly open the moment he is by your side, nostrils flaring, and you jerk your head to the side to see your alpha by your side, “You're late!”
Law laughs, tears coming to his eyes as he leans in to pull you in for a kiss. He was late, but a storm had swooped in and made traveling difficult for a couple of days. His instincts scream at him when you yowl again, pain and frustration etched across your face when the midwife between your legs urges you to push again.
With the alpha there to ease your stress and coat you in his familiar scent, the birthing process goes much smoother. The first baby enters the world with such a soul screech that Law wonders if she is part bird. The midwives clean up the infant, though Trafalgar steps in when you urge him with a low whine. You want the sire of your pups to know his children. They have been so active lately that it pains you to know how much Law had missed while gone.
Law takes the baby, gazing down at the scrunched, red face, and finds himself breaking and falling head over heels for the tiny bundle in his arms. His daughter glares up at him, and he smirks at seeing his attitude already swimming in her delicate features.
You snarling again has Law giving you his attention again, and he goes to your side so that you can see their daughter. You smile through the pain, feeling relief and pride at seeing the tiny person in your alpha's arms. You push again, sweat pouring down your brow and staining the sheets.
The other baby, this one a boy, hardly makes any sound, only crying softly when the midwife pats his back to make sure he is breathing properly. Once cleaned, the Kuja doctor places your son in your arms and then leaves to give you and Law some privacy for a moment. They would be back later to see to your care, but Law would more than likely take over now that he was back.
The twins look more like their father. Both with dark hair and even darker eyes that seem to stare straight through you. You slowly scoot over, wincing when it causes discomfort, but you'd be damned if you could have your family close to you. Law takes the hint and slides into bed with you, and you gratefully lean against him. Tears sprout, and you don't stop them from leaking down your face. The past week has been so hard, and you are elated that your alpha has finally come back to you.
Your son whines, and you look down at him with a soft, love filled look, one that matches the one on Law's face when he looks at his daughter.
“You name them,” you whisper quietly and nose against his arm. You speak up again before Law can protest, “I want you too. I thought about it a lot while you were gone. It's what I want.”
Law licks his lips. The two of you have spoken about names before, and though tentative, the Heart Pirate Captain had a name he'd like to use.
“Roseinette,” Law whispers and noses at his daughter, who still scowls up at her father like he'd been the one to wrong her. He smirks at the baby and then gives his son his attention, carefully reaching over to stroke a finger down the slope of his little nose. His son gives him a look of curiosity before closing his eyes and slipping off to sleep, “Corazon. Cora-ya for short.”
You smile, turning to nose against Law, your scent leveling out to sweet honeysuckle, lined with the smell of steel, roses, and clean citrus. The scent of your family.
You are so proud of your Alpha. You know it's hard for him whenever he speaks about his late father figure. You kiss his bicep, “I think he'd be proud of you, Law. He'd want you to be happy.”
Law feels his eyes well up, and tilts his head back to prevent the tears from escaping, though it does little good when he hears your tired voice speak up again, “I wish he could have met them.”
His throat is right when he nods, and you surround your alpha with your scent when you smell his grief. The tears fall, and his voice is thick with pain, “Me too, _-ya. Cora would have loved you.”
You stay quiet but supportive until Trafalgar sniffs and wipes at his face. You needed him right now, not the other way around. Plus, the twins needed to be checked out.
Before he stands, your alpha pulls you in for a much needed kiss, and he pours all of his love into it, never knowing how much he would have missed kissing you. The kiss is cut short when Roseinette begins to cry, and Law pulls away and climbs out of the too small bed. He clears his throat.
“I should check the twins out. Then we need to see if they'll latch. I'm sure they are hungry,” Law explains, and you nod easily, not about to complain about letting your alpha take care of what needs to be done.
After a quick examination, it turned out the twins were indeed hungry and didn't have any problems latching. You squirm with a frown, the feeling foreign and odd. With the twins distracted, Law gives you his full attention, leaning down to press his lips to your brow.
“I need to check you too. Omegas heal fast after birth, but I don't want to risk it.”
This examination takes much less time, though it's odd to have Trafalgar between your legs for medical reasons. He tells you that there is some tearing and offers to do some stitching, and you agree. It's weird and a bit painful, but it's fine in the end, but by the end of it all, you are exhausted. Law pets your hair and gathers the twins who have fallen asleep after nursing. He lays them down together, though separately swaddled in the bassinet that's been prepared.
Law comes to your side, sitting on the bed and taking your hands in his own. You tangle your fingers with his, sliding over his tattooed knuckles, “You kept your promise.”
Trafalgar hums, tugs your hands up to kiss your wrist, and then rubs his jaw along the sensitive skin there, scenting you.
“Told you I would,” He drawls quietly. Law doesn't want to be that far away from you for that longer ever again. Wano had taken a lot out of everyone, and he was glad to be home. His pups are safe right beside him, and little in the world could ruin his delighted mood. However, one thing did bother him.
Cora had been the only father figure that Law could really remember, and even with the man's good intentions and the way he protected Law until the very end, Trafalgar still ended up an orphan. So, how was he supposed to be a father?
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omegaworld · 2 years
Important to understand the context of the omegaverse in one piece (Mates Collection)
In the universe of one piece omegas are captured and sold, large omegas houses exist where alphas will choose from many the omega they desire. Celestial dragons as you might expect also pursue them and are their main buyers in addition to the government which retains a private stockpile of omegas as a way of rewarding its officers. All this trafficking makes it almost impossible to find an omega in the wild and this has made them seem much rarer than they actually were. In this world there are mates that are meant to be, when an omega sees his alpha and vice versa they immediately know they belong to each other, however this perception can be affected by trauma. Mates are a source of strength to each other and this is another reason why the government holds them back, the omega of a powerful pirate must never fall into the hands of the same. So the government uses it as a trap or simply offers it to a celestial dragon. Omegas houses are the exception because they simply try to sell the omega at the highest price and many pirates are willing to pay, and even though it is risky to trade with pirates it is worth the profits. Lastly, many omegas can recognize each other just by looking at each other, but not all, it is by smell that everyone can identify their mate. Many Omegas can tell who their alpha is just by looking at their wanted poster, and the revolutionary army is actively fighting for the liberation of the Omegas.Beast is a type of human omega, there are no beasts of other species, mates of different species is also very rare and hard to recognize but it is possible.
Autor’s note: Looking now I see that in all the x reader I wrote Y/n was always a beast but being honest there is no way any of the characters I wrote have an omega that is not a beast
Mates Collection
Trust [Alpha Trafalgar Law x omega reader] - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 - Final
summary: Y/n is an omega, predestined companion of the alpha pirate Trafalgar Law. She was trapped in the omegas trade and her only way out was to be sold, but for some reason Law had rejected her. And now?
Wishes and Wrongs - [Alpha Charlotte Perospero x omega reader] - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - Final
summary: Living as the daughter of the vice admiral was not easy for S/n. Being an omega, she was constantly demeaned and devalued by her own father. But what happens when she discovers that her predestined mate is the eldest son of the infamous Younku Big Mom?
Fanclub -  [Alpha Charlotte Katakuri x omega reader] - Part 1, Part 2 - Final
summary: Y/n was a beast who lived disguised as an beta, she had been serving Big Mom for years by the time Keiko, Perospero's omega, arrived. Now finding the companions of her strongest children interested Big Mom and S/n knew she was Katakuri's omega. However unlike him she was not perfect, having her as a mate would only tarnish his image. It's better to keep everything as it is...right?
Pirate Queen - [Alpha Luffy x omega reader] - Part 1, Part 2 - Final, Part 3 - Extra (50 followers special)
summary: Y/n was just another omega in the government's omega pool, but unlike others she didn't seem to have given up hope of ever finding her mate who would love her. What will happen when the government finally hands her over to a high-ranking navy officer?
Different species - [Alpha Marco x lunarian omega reader] - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - Final, Part 4 - Extra (100 followers special) (in progress)
summary: Y/n was an omega lunarian that Whitebeard's pirates had rescued and Marco a human alpha, according to what everyone knows there are no mates of different species. But if they couldn't be mates why was their whole being screaming that they belonged to each other?
(No title yet) - [Alpha Portgas D. Ace x omega reader] - in progress (probably after I write "Marked [a!Xavier Thorpe x o!reader]")
summary: After escaping from an arranged marriage in her home village S/n is rescued and joins the pirates of the Whitebeard, one of the few or even the only crew where an unmarked omega could live normally. Omega? Maybe not even that she should call herself, she was a beast so supposedly she was one but didn't possess the scent or was affected by the scent of alphas. Still Portgas D. Ace was the one who caught her eye, a strong but gentle and mischievous alpha who seemed to be the only one to make her wish she was really affected.
No date scheduled:
Cage - [Alpha Sanji Vismoke x omega reader]
Slave - [Alpha Sabo x omega reader]
Learn to be kind - [Alpha Eustass Captain Kid x omega reader]
(No title yet) - [Alpha King/Albert x lunarian omega reader]
(No title yet) - [Alpha Ichiji Vismoke x omega reader]
(No title yet) - [Alpha Niji Vismoke x omega reader]
(No title yet) - [Alpha Younji Vismoke x omega reader]
Having a title or not as well as the order is not an indication of which will be released first. Having how many parts it will have only means that it is already more completed but I can still post others that were supposedly more incomplete first.
Tag list @:
@sleepyrayray @norasincubi
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omegaworldd · 2 years
One Piece
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Companheiros - [série/omegaverse]
No universo de one piece ómegas são capturados e vendidos, grandes casas ómegas existem, onde alfas vão escolher de entre muitos o ómega que desejam. Dragões celestiais como de esperar também os perseguem e são os seus principais compradores para além do governo que retém uma reserva privada de ómegas como forma de recompensar os seus oficiais. Todo este tráfico torna quase impossível encontrar um ómega em liberdade e isto fê-los parecer muito mais raros do que de facto eram. Neste mundo existem companheiros que são destinados, quando um ómega vê o seu alfa e vice versa estes sabem imediatamente que pertencem um ao outro, porém esta perceção pode ser afetada por traumas. Companheiros são uma fonte de força um para o outro e esse é mais um dos motivos pelo qual o governo os retém, o ómega de um pirata poderoso jamais deve cair nas mãos do mesmo. Assim o governo usa-o como armadilha ou simplesmente oferece-o a um dragão celestial. Casas de ómegas são a exceção pois estes tentam simplesmente vender o ómega pelo preço mais caro e muitos piratas estão dispostos a pagar e mesmo que seja arriscado negociar com piratas vale os lucros. Por ultimo muitos companheiros podem reconhecer-se apenas olhando um para o outro mas não todos, é através do cheiro que todos conseguem identificar o seu companheiro. Muitos ómegas pode dizer quem é o seu alfa apenas olhando para o seu cartaz de procurado e o exercito revolucionário luta ativamente para a libertação dos ómegas.
Update: Beasts são um tipo humano de omegas e mais nenhuma espécie os tem.
Confiança [alpha Trafalgar Law x omega reader] - Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3, Parte 4 - Final
Desejos e Enganos [alpha Charlotte Perospero x omega reader] - Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3 - Final
Clube de fãs [alpha Charlotte Katakuri x omega reader] - Parte 1, Parte 2 - Final
Rainha dos Piratas [Alpha Luffy x omega reader]  - Parte 1, Parte 2 - final, Parte 3 - Extra
Espécies Diferentes [Alpha Marco x omega reader] - Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3 - Final
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omegaworldd · 2 years
Confiança [Alpha Law x omega reader] - parte 4 -final
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Importante para compreender o contexto
Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3, Parte 4 - Final
Contagem de palavras: 2648
Law lentamente abre os olhos, ele demora um segundo para perceber onde está e o seu corpo relaxa ao sentir o cheiro de S/n. Ele olha para ela com carinho vendo-a dormir calmamente no seu peito, o alfa interior de Law ronrona, ela não parecia ter tido problemas com pesadelos. Deixando os seus olhos vagar pelo quarto, S/n parecia não ter feito qualquer modificação, se não fosse pelo cheiro dela e pelo pequeno ninho no canto do quarto ninguém poderia dizer que ela realmente vivia ali. Olhando para o ninho Law viu que não tinha muita coisa apenas três camisolas dele, duas almofadas e duas mantas, uma delas sendo aquela com que ele a tinha tapado quando ela teve um pesadelo. Parecia um pouco pobre para o que ele tinha ouvido sobre os ninhos dos omegas, mas pensando nisso o Polar Tang não era propriamente um mar de almofadas e mantas fofas, não havia muita coisa que ela pudesse ter feito a respeito.
Law lembra-se de ver Penguin comprar um peluche de pinguim e uma manta para o omega dele. Talvez fosse uma boa maneira de começar, comprar lhe coisas para ela colocar no ninho. Law sente S/n mexer-se. Ela abre os olhos e cora ao perceber que está deitada contra o peito de Law, ela olha para ele e ele desvia o olhar envergonhado. Ao levantar-se dá um beijo na testa de S/n e diz ‘Já venho. Descansa’ antes de sair do quarto.
Law avisa a tripulação que vai á vila e deixa o Polar Tang sem mais palavras.
Ao entrar na loja onde foi antes com Penguin Law imediatamente se vê indeciso entre todos os materiais. Ao vê-lo ali em pé uma atendente dirige-se a ele para o ajudar. A atendente era um omega com uma pulseira da marinha, pelo que ele percebeu era comum nesta ilha. ‘Á procura de algo em específico?’ ‘Quero oferecer ao meu omega coisas para o ninho, mas não tenho a certeza do que escolher’ ‘Nesse caso eu vou ajudar’  
De início a atendente foi bastante prestativa ajudando-o a escolher diversas mantas e almofadas, Law notou que ela olhava repetidamente para o seu pescoço, mas decidiu ignorar. Não foi até que ele se esticou para pegar numa manta que estava numa prateleira mais alta que o omega esboçou um sorriso largo. A partir desse momento o comportamento dela mudou completamente, ficar demasiado próxima, um roçar demasiado persistente para ser acidental, especialmente sorrindo e espremendo os seios na direção de Law. A sua ajuda também mudou, ela parou de fazer sugestões para o que o omega dele deveria gostar e alterou-as para ‘Eu iria amar algo assim para o meu ninho’ para além de todos os elogios que começou a lançar ao alfa.
Law estava a começar a perder a paciência, ele não tinha o mínimo interesse no que aquele omega gostaria ou não de ter no ninho além disso a proximidade e o cheiro extremamente enjoativo que ela emanava faziam no torcer o nariz. Ele tentou conter-se ao máximo e aproveitar a pouca ajuda que o omega ainda lhe oferecia para encontrar mais algumas coisas que S/n fosse gostar, no entanto, a gota de água veio quando o omega se colocou diante dele para retirar uma almofada de uma prateleira e ao fazê-lo roçou-se propositadamente na virilha de Law. Law solta um rosnado alto e o omega imediatamente recua assutado. ‘Devo relembrar que tenho uma companheira pela qual aqui estou?’ O omega engole ‘E-eu não pensei que fosse a sério' ‘Como é que não seria a sério?!?’ Law pergunta mais do que irritado com a ousadia da atendente ‘P-porque s-se um alfa não está marcado ou não tem um omega ou tem mais do que um’ ‘Pois, mas esse não é o caso, eu tenho uma companheira e apenas uma’ Com isto Law pega no que já escolheu e leva até á caixa para empacotar e pagar.
Ao entrar no submarino ele não pode deixar de pensar no que a atendente disse, olhando para Shachi, Penguin e até Bepo ele podia ver uma marca espreitar através da gola do macacão, pensando em Corazon ele podia lembrar-se que ele também tinha uma marca. Era isso? Ele marcá-la tirava-a do mercado, mas não o tirava a ele?
Depois de arrumar as coisas no seu quarto para mais tarde as perfumar Law vai para a sala onde parece que todos estão reunidos. Ele sorri ao ver S/n e ela parece retribuir aproximando-se dele, Law não perde a maneira como o seu nariz se contorce, as suas orelhas ficam baixas e a cauda que antes abanava fica encolhida entre as pernas. Ela abre e fecha a boca várias vezes até que simplesmente desiste e se afasta de cabeça baixa em direção ao seu quarto. Law olha confuso para os seus companheiros que parecem olha-lo com bastante espanto. ‘O que foi?’ Bepo é aquele que fala ‘O capitão cheira a outro omega’ os olhos de Trafalgar arregalam-se instantaneamente, aquela atendente...’merda’
S/n anda rapidamente para o seu quarto e fecha a porta. Ela estava tão confusa, tão magoada. Ele já tinha deixado claro antes que não tinha interesse nela, pelos vistos ele até se tinha ido encontrar com outro omega. Então porquê dormir com ela? Porquê deixá-la sentir a segurança dos seus braços? Porquê dar-lhe esperanças?
Apertando o cordão vermelho entre as mãos S/n sente-se estúpida. Era um cordão vermelho que se deveria amarrar na espada para servir como talismã. Foi estupido. Porque é que ele iria usar uma coisa assim? (Vamos fingir que Law ainda não tem aquele cordão vermelho em volta da bainha da espada)
Law realmente tinha estado com outro omega? Mesmo tendo dito que não queria uma companheira ele ainda tinha o cheiro de outro omega nele. Então o problema era ela? Será que ele apenas não a queria a ela?
Uma batida na sua porta tira S/n dos seus pensamentos, escondendo o cordão debaixo da almofada ela limpa as lágrimas ao levantar-se e abrir a porta.  
Law está lá com as mãos atrás das costas e pode ver como ela fica surpresa ao vê-lo ali. Quando ele nota os seus olhos vermelhos Law fica dividido entre abraça-la e voltar á loja para desfazer aquele maldito omega que ousou deixar o seu cheiro nele. Sem saber exatamente por onde começar Law entrega-lhe a almofada perfumada desviando o olhar. S/n arregala os olhos e hesitantemente pega a almofada das mãos de Law, quando ele volta a olhar para ela lágrimas fluem livremente dos seus olhos fazendo-o entrar em pânico. ‘N-não gostas?’ Ele amaldiçoa-se por gaguejar ‘N-não é isso! Eu adoro!!’ S/n abraça a almofada com força enterrando o nariz nela para sentir o cheiro de Law nela ‘É só que nunca ninguém me deu nada para o meu ninho’ ela desvia o olha pensando um pouco mais ‘Na verdade nunca ninguém me tinha dado nada. Obrigada’ Law fica surpreso, mas novamente, ela viveu toda a sua vida em cativeiro ‘Eu fui a uma loja na cidade escolher, a atendente era um omega e foi demasiado insistente nas suas investidas, mas estou certo que consegui deixar claro que já tenho uma companheira’ S/n levanta os olhos da almofada para olhar para ele e Law pergunta-se como pode resistir por tanto tempo.
Aproximando se ele envolve um braço em torno da sua cintura e puxa-a para um abraço. Ao enterrar o nariz no seu pescoço ele pode senti-la relaxar á medida que ele começa a lamber a marca enquanto a mantem bem perto dele. Quando se afasta o seu alfa ronrona interiormente com a visão do seu omega corado. ‘Eu só não queria ter o cheiro de um omega que não seja o meu em mim’ ele beija a sua testa como despedida, mas quando está prestes a ir embora S/n para-o ‘E-eu também tenho uma coisa para ti!’ correndo para dentro do quarto ela pousa a almofada na cama, tira o cordão de debaixo da outra almofada e corre para a porta entregando-o a Law ‘É um talismã que se deve atar na espada para trazer sorte e proteção’ S/n explica sem encontrar o seu olhar ‘Obrigado’ S/n vê Law sorrir e rapidamente volta a desviar o olhar desta vez ainda mais vermelha. Ele achou adorável como mesmo não olhando para ele a cauda dela não parava de abanar. Dando um novo beijo na sua testa Law vai embora permitindo que S/n fosse para o quarto adicionar a almofada ao seu ninho.
Enquanto S/n estava deitada no ninho abraçada á almofada que Law lhe deu ela não podia estar mais feliz. Ele não foi procurar outro omega, ele deu-lhe algo para o seu ninho e mais importante ele afirmou que tinha uma companheira e ainda disse que só queria o cheiro dela nele. Ela estava a sonhar ou a opinião dele poderia ter mudado?
A partir daí Law vai mudando aos poucos e toda a tripulação fica orgulhosa do seu capitão. Ele começa por se sentar ao pé dela, quer em refeições ou á volta da fogueira e a dividir um cobertor nas noites mais frias. Demonstrações de afeto começam a ser vistas, desde segurar a sua mão a abraços e pequenos beijos na testa e ocasionalmente no pescoço. Ele também começou a pedir a sua ajuda no laboratório e quando chegavam a uma ilha ele dividia os grupos de maneira a estar com ela garantindo que estivesse segura. Agora todos podiam facilmente sentir o cheiro de Law em S/n e de S/n em Law.
Tempos depois de lhe ter dado a almofada Law informou-a que tinha comprado muito mais coisas para ela colocar no ninho e que as tinha acabado de perfumar. S/n estava radiante e embora Law tivesse de sair para tratar de uns assuntos com Shachi ele deixou claro que ela poderia ir ao quarto dele buscar as coisas se quisesse. O ponto é que ele não esperava chegar e ver o ninho montado no canto do quarto dele com o seu omega adormecido nele.
Assim que Law deixou o submarino S/n tinha começado a construção do ninho, mas algo simplesmente não parecia estar certo. Tirar todos os cobertores e almofadas do quarto de Law não parecia certo, então S/n experimentou ir ao seu quarto e levar para o de Law o que tinha no seu ninho, assim finalmente pareceu certo. Contra toda a razão S/n deixou os seus instintos assumirem e contruiu o maior e mais confortável ninho que alguma vez achou que poderia no canto do quarto de Law. Quando o trabalho estava finalmente terminado S/n deixou se cair no seu ninho, exausta, relaxou no perfume de Law e adormeceu.
‘S/n?’ o som de Law a chamá-la fá-la abrir um pouco os olhos e cega pela neblina de sono ela estende os braços chamando Law para um abraço ‘Alfa’. Não podendo resistir Law encosta a espada na parede e deita-se abraçando S/n e permitindo que ela se aconchegue no seu peito. Ele percebe que ela ainda está demasiado a dormir para perceber o que está a fazer e sorri quando a ouve começar a ronronar. Ele não faz nada para a parar ou acordar, acariciando o seu cabelo e permitindo que ela volte ao seu sono.
Ela tinha noção do que fazia com ele? Do quão apaixonado ela o fez ficar? Memórias do que o omega da loja disse passam pela sua cabeça. Ele tinha que encontrar o momento certo para pedir que ela o marcasse como dela.
A partir desse dia eles dormiram sempre juntos, o quarto de S/n foi basicamente abandonado e os cheiros de ambos estavam agora totalmente misturados.
Os piratas do coração estavam há já uma semana numa nova ilha, eles decidiram ficar por causa do festival que iria acontecer. Law decidiu que provavelmente seria um bom momento.
Hoje era a noite do festival, enquanto Law andava pelas ruas com Bepo, Shachi e Penguin observando as várias tendas a sua mente estava noutro lado. S/n e os outros omegas tinham se separado deles, segundo o que ela lhe disse o omega de Shachi queria encontrar algo para lhe oferecer no seu aniversario para o qual já não faltava muito. ‘Capitão, vamos?’ Penguin aponta com entusiasmo para uma pequena tenda. Lá eles ensinavam um método de trançar tradicional da ilha, era usado para trançar fios que deveriam ser entregues aos seus companheiros como forma de cortejo. Talvez S/n gostasse.
Enquanto os quatro saiam da tenda já com os fios eles veem três dos omegas aproximarem-se, faltava S/n. Por um momento Law fica preocupado, mas elas explicam que S/n tinha ido apanhar um pouco de ar.
Suspirando ele segue o cheiro da sua companheira até uma área mais afastada da cidade, ele acaba por encontrá-la sentada no ramo de uma arvore. Sorrindo ele sobe á árvore e senta-se com ela no ramo. ‘O que fazes aqui?’ ‘Eu gosto de olhar para o céu, é bonito, além disso quando olho para cima e vejo o céu e não um teto sinto-me livre’ Law sorri e encosta-se contra o tronco deixando os dois caírem num silencio confortável.
Era agora? Agora parecia um bom momento. Ele não podia acreditar que ia declarar-se, se bem que a culpa era dele. Entre companheiros normalmente não era necessária uma confissão, mas visto que ele a tinha rejeitado várias vezes uma confissão era precisa. Ele sabia que ela ia dizer que também o amava, mas ainda assim estava tão nervoso. Law para de remexer a pulseira no bolso, ele sabia dos sentimentos dela porque ela se tinha transformado em lobo, mas pensando nisso ele não sabia se aquela tinha sido a primeira vez. ‘S/n?’ ‘Hm?’ ‘Quando estávamos na ilha onde encontramos Hana, foi a primeira vez que te transformaste?’ S/n levanta o olhar surpreendida pela pergunta ‘Eu já sabia que o conseguia fazer, mas sim, foi a primeira fez que me transformei’ Law levanta uma sobrancelha ‘Já sabias?’ S/n assente ‘então porque não disseste nada?’ Ela cora baixando o olhar ‘Porque quando uma beast é capaz de o fazer significa que ama o seu alfa e eu não queria que te sentisses pressionado pelos meus sentimentos ou que achasses que estava a tentar forçar o laço de companheiros’.
Law sorri. Ele puxa-a para o seu colo ficando frente a frente ele coloca a mão na bochecha dela fazendo-a olhar para ele. ‘Desculpa, quando chegaste eu estava tão enganado. Eu achava que a Hana me tinha abandonado e ao Corazon, por causa disso convenci-me de que omegas não eram de confiança. Quando a encontramos eu finalmente percebi o meu erro e não sabia como agir, mas’ Law tira a pulseira do bolso erguendo-a para que S/n a visse ‘desde que sejas tu eu definitivamente quero uma companheira’ os olhos de S/n brilham com as suas palavras e Law sorri puxando a para um beijo.
No momento em que os seus lábios se tocam foi como se fogos de artificio explodissem, por acaso eram mesmo fogos de artificio do festival, mas ainda assim o beijo foi incrível. Os dois separam-se mantendo as testas juntas. ‘Quero que me marques mega, afinal eu sou tão teu quanto tu minha. Quero que todos possam ver isso’ Corando S/n aproxima-se e ele inclina-se dando-lhe melhor acesso. Ao cravar os dentes no seu pescoço ambos sentem uma onda de eletricidade e Law volta a mordê-la aprofundando a marca que ela já tinha. Novamente num silêncio confortável ambos cuidam das suas marcas até que Law sente S/n cair no seu peito e sorri ao perceber que ela adormeceu.
Mesmo sendo tarde Law deixou-se ficar um pouco mais, aproveitando a sensação de finalmente pertencer á sua companheira. Com ela assim aninhada nos seus braços ele sente-se relaxar. Ele iria protegê-la com a sua vida e sabia que ela faria o mesmo afinal,
Omegas são de confiança, pelo menos a dele.
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omegaworldd · 2 years
Confiança [Alpha Law x omega reader] - parte 3
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Importante para compreender o contexto
Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3, Parte 4 - Final
Contagem de palavras: 3062
Já se passou cerca de dois meses desde o incidente em que Law marcou S/n, após enviar uma grande quantidade de dinheiro ao mercador de omegas este concordou em fingir que não sabia quem havia levado o omega de repente. Desde a chegada dos quatro omegas que o ambiente tinha melhorado bastante, Shachi, Bepo e Penguin pareciam esforçar-se o dobro para treinar e cumprir as suas funções o melhor possível. Toda a tripulação gostava particularmente de S/n, um omega marcado era muito fácil de resistir se existisse, como era o caso, uma grande lealdade dos outros alfas para com o companheiro do omega, então ela acabara por se tornar uma espécie de mãe para a tripulação.  
Enquanto todos aproveitavam a mudança a luta de Law tornava-se cada vez mais difícil, desde que a marcara que o seu instinto alfa o empurrava mais e mais para o seu omega. S/n foi compreensiva e obediente com as regras que ele lhe deu para permanecer no Polar Tang não tendo forçado uma única vez o seu laço de companheiros. Mesmo quando entrou no cio há cerca de um mês ela apenas se trancou no quarto, ele pode ter notado o desaparecimento de algumas roupas, mas foi somente isso, ela nem sequer o tentou seduzir para a ajudar a passar o cio. Por um lado, Law ficou agradecido, mas por outro esse lado obediente e leal que ela vinha a demonstrar só tornava mais difícil não se deixar sucumbir aos instintos.
Mesmo com todas as restrições que Law colocou a si mesmo sobre aproximar-se do omega houve um momento em que ele se permitiu aproximar, afinal depois de a marcar ele deveria lamber a ferida para esta sarar corretamente. Law traz S/n para o seu quarto e a senta-a entre as suas pernas na cama. Ele envolve os braços em torno da sua cintura puxando-a para ele até que as suas costas estivessem firmemente pressionadas contra o seu peito, então ele começa a lamber a marca que fez no seu pescoço enquanto o omega ronrona baixinho. Mas mesmo agora, dois meses depois de a marcar, uma vez por semana ele continuava a fazê-lo ignorando o facto de que a marca era agora somente uma cicatriz.
Quando amanheceu foi anunciado que chegariam a uma ilha no final da manhã, era necessário reabastecer e como tal a tripulação fez a distribuição de tarefas. Os omegas foram junto com Shachi e Bepo comprar alimentos deixando Bepo e Law fazer outras compras que também eram precisas.  
Enquanto procurava pelas várias lojas Law e Penguin tiveram a sensação de estarem a ser observados, a certa altura decidem virar para uma esquina mais isolada e ouvem sussurros ‘É ele?’ ‘Eu não sei, mas é parecido com o que a mãe contou’ enviando um olhar para Penguin eles rapidamente arrancam os pequenos espiões do seu esconderijo. Law engasgou quando olhou para as duas crianças, deviam ter cerca de 10 a 11 anos, um menino tímido e medroso escondido atrás da irmã, uma menina com orelhas e cauda, uma beast, que parecia pronta a defendê-lo. Era como se estivesse a olhar para duas pequenas copias de Corazon, embora certos traços o fizessem lembrar daquele omega que um dia considerou uma mãe. Corazon tinha filhos? Eles eram demasiado parecidos para ser somente uma coincidência. ‘Law?’ a voz de S/n questiona quando o encontra no beco com o resto do grupo a juntar-se a ela. ‘Law? Tipo Trafalgar Law? Eu disse te Makoto!’ a menina grita em entusiasmo ‘Vamos! Tens de vir connosco! A mãe vai ficar tão feliz não achas Makoto?’ O menino acena timidamente e a menina agarra a manga de Law começando a arrastá-lo pelas ruas provavelmente em direção á sua casa. Law deixa-se levar pela menina, ele próprio queria descobrir o que se estava a passar.  
Quando Law e os outros entram na casa das crianças a menina desaparece por uma porta para ir buscar a sua mãe. ‘O que se passa Aiko?’ é ouvido quando a menina reaparece com a sua mãe a reboque. Aiko mostra um sorriso orgulhoso ao apontar para Law e os olhos da mãe dela quase saltam para fora. Era realmente ela, a beast de Corazon, o omega que foi como uma mãe para ele e também aquele que os abandonou. Law olha confuso ‘Como?’ Hana olha desajeitadamente ‘Eu acho que devo algumas explicações’ Entendendo a dica S/n age ‘Aiko certo?’ a menina acena ‘Poderias mostrar-nos o teu jardim? Ele parece muito bonito’. Olhando pela janela para o jardim Aiko concorda e ambas levam todos deixando Law e Hana sozinhos.
‘Porque nos abandonaste?’ Hana engole em seco com a amarga lembrança ‘Eu acho que devo começar pelo início’ Law sede sentando-se.
‘Enquanto andávamos de hospital em hospital á procura de uma cura para ti eu descobri que estava grávida. O Corazon ficou tão feliz, ele sempre quis ter filhotes então decidiu que após encontramos uma cura para ti iriamos para alguma ilha isolada viver todos juntos como uma família’  Hana sorri tristemente ‘Não sei se naquela altura entendeste, mas eu e o Corazon sempre fomos capazes de nos comunicar telepaticamente. Quando foste entregar a mensagem da marinha e eu fiquei a cuidar dele afastei me para procurar algumas ervas medicinais que tinha visto enquanto íamos para ali. Eu sabia que elas iriam no mínimo amenizar a dor, mas quando estava prestes a voltar ele mandou-me embora.’  
’Hana! Não voltes, sai da ilha agora!’ ‘O quê? Mas Rosinante e-’ ‘Law acidentalmente trouxe Vigo’ ‘É por isso que a tua voz está a falhar? Ele está a atacar-vos não está? Eu vou para aí agora, eu posso proteger-vos!’ ‘Não. Não podes lutar neste estado. Imagina que ele te acertava na barriga, eu preciso de saber que vocês ficam bem. Não posso imaginar perder-vos. Por favor’ Com lagrimas nos olhos Hana abraça a barriga com força aquele ‘não’ foi a primeira e única vez que Rosinante havia usado o seu tom alfa com ela ‘Mas e o nosso Law?’ ‘Eu vou protege-lo eu juro-te nada lhe vai acontecer’ Hana respira fundo enquanto as lagrimas começam a transbordar ‘Eu vou proteger os nossos filhotes eu prometo’ ‘Quando estiveres fora da ilha avisa’   Quando Hana finalmente estava fora da ilha ela voltou a falar com Corazon. ‘Alfa’ ‘Mega’ ‘Eu já estou fora da ilha, nós estamos bem’ Corazon sorri ‘Law também está bem não precisas de te preocupar, ele agora é livre... Desculpa Hana, receio que vão ter de continuar sem mim’ Hana assente com uma mão no estomago e outra no coração ‘Sim’ um silencio surge nas suas mentes até que Hana volta a falar ‘Que nome lhe queres dar?’ Rosinante ri levemente ‘Eu gosto de Aiko se for menina e Makoto se for rapaz’ ‘Eu também gosto, vou chamar lhe assim’ Com um suspiro profundo ele diz ‘Hana, Aiko, Makoto eu amo-vos’ ‘Nós também te amamos Rosinante’ com estas últimas palavras Hana sente a voz de Corazon ficar cinzenta na sua mente, ela olha para a barriga levemente inchada e coloca a mão sobre a barriga com carinho ‘O papa ama-nos’
愛 子- Aiko - Filha amada  眞 人 - Makoto - Pessoa sincera
‘Depois da morte dele entrei numa depressão omega, se não fosse a gravidez provavelmente nem teria sobrevivido. Recebi algum apoio da marinha e acabei por ficar aqui, quando melhorei já se tinha passado demasiado tempo e não fui se quer capaz de te encontrar’  
Law inclina a cabeça para trás numa tentativa de conter as lágrimas. Todos estes anos ele esteve errado, ela nunca os abandonou, nunca os traiu. Todo este tempo ele julgou os omegas de infiéis quando ela foi leal ao Corazon e ao que ele desejava, até mesmo... ‘Os teus filhos sabiam quem eu era’  
‘Claro que sabiam, nunca lhes escondi o que aconteceu. Além disso eu disse que não te consegui encontrar certo? Nós passamos 2 anos no mar á tua procura’ Hana funga quando as lágrimas começam a cair ‘Fiquei tão feliz quando vi o teu cartaz de procurado. Após tantos anos a prova de que estavas bem realmente veio. Desculpa. Apesar de não achar mereça, afinal nem se quer consegui ser uma boa mãe para todos os meus filhos’
Para Law olhar para Hana a chorar era uma sensação horrível, a sensação de alguém que esteve tão zangado com a mãe por tantos anos, que a culpou pela morte do pai, que o odiou omega e no fim nem sequer tinha razão. Nesse momento Law levanta-se envolvendo Hana num abraço firme. ‘Obrigado mãe’
Law estava sentado com Hana enquanto compartilhavam histórias, Hana contou sobre o trabalho que fazia para a marinha em troca de proteção. Por outro lado, Law contava o que tinha acontecido com ele após da morte de Corazon, como conheceu Bepo, Sachi e Penguin e formou os piratas do Coração quando a cabeça de S/n surge pela porta do jardim. ‘Law?’ ‘S/n’ Law desvia o olhar de S/n para Hana que sorri feliz pelo aparecimento do omega ‘Vai buscar os outros, já está tarde é melhor voltarmos ao submarino’ S/n assente e volta a desaparecer.
‘Fico feliz em ver que encontras-te a tua companheira, ela tem sorte de ter um bom alfa’ Hana diz colocando a mão no ombro de Law que ainda olhava para a porta ‘Eu não sei se posso ser chamado de um bom alfa’ Hana parece confusa e Law continua ‘Rejeitei-a, quase a deixei ser vendida a um dragão celestial, disse-lhe para não agir como se fossemos companheiros e nem sequer a ajudei quando esteve no cio...eu enfiei na minha cabeça que omegas não eram de confiança e que uma companheira só me traria dor’ Hana olha para ele com preocupação entendendo de onde veio essa ideia mas sorri dando um leve aperto no seu ombro ‘Algo de bom hás de ter feito’ ‘Ahn?’ ‘Não acho que ela te fosse amar sem motivo’ ‘Ela não me ama’ ‘Estás mesmo a questionar os meus poderes?’ Law desvia o olhar incerto quando S/n e o restante da tripulação entra. Eles deixaram a casa prometendo voltar no dia seguinte para almoçar conforme o convite de Hana.
Já era tarde quando chegam ao Polar Tang e todos decidem ir descansar. Enquanto tenta dormir Law não conseguia parar de pensar no que Hana disse, ele sabia que ela era capaz de ver essas coisas, mas como é que S/n era capaz de o amar depois de tudo o que ele fez? Normalmente omegas não têm muito e àqueles que estão no comercio não resta nada se não a esperança e irem parar ás mãos do seu companheiro e que este cuide deles. S/n era um dos últimos... ele não consegue imaginar a dor que ela sentiu durante toda a sua vida e quando finalmente o encontrou teve todas as suas esperanças destruídas por duas vezes.  
Sons assustados do seu omega chamam a atenção de Law. Ao contrário de qualquer outra noite ele permite-se levantar e caminha até ao quarto de S/n, vendo a deitada enquanto treme com o pesadelo Law pondera. Como poderia merecer o perdão dela? Pegando no cobertor que trouxe consigo Law tapa o omega observando como ela se acalma ao sentir o cheiro dele no tecido.
No dia seguinte Law, Bepo, Shachi, Penguin e os quatro omegas foram para casa de Hana almoçar, Aiko e Makoto ficaram extremamente felizes ao voltar a ver Law. Os restantes membros da tripulação não questionaram a sua relação visto que Aiko lhes havia explicado quando estavam no jardim.
Quando estavam todos na sobremesa a porta toca e Hana vai abrir, ela volta pouco tempo depois e Makoto questiona ‘Trabalho?’ ‘Trabalho’ Hana assente’ ‘Qual é o seu trabalho?’ Bepo pergunta curiosamente ‘Eu encontro companheiros predestinados’ o tema chama a atenção de toda a mesa ‘Eu nasci com o poder de ver as cordas vermelhas que ligam companheiros. Para além de nem sempre eles serem capazes de se identificar apenas por fotos muitas vezes os omegas estão demasiado traumatizados para serem se quer capazes de identificar o seu companheiro. A marinha quer que os seus oficiais constituam família e para eles a melhor forma de incentivar é oferecendo-lhes um omega, como companheiros não são propriamente fáceis de encontrar eles muitas vezes oferecem omegas que não o são’ os alfas na mesa parecem desconsertados com a ideia e Hana prossegue ‘De tempos em tempos quando um novo grupo chega eles chamam me para ver se consigo identificar e em troca eles dão me proteção, estas pulseiras que eu e a Aiko usamos designam nos como propriedade segura da marinha r que por tanto não pode ser comercializada’ Aiko sorri ao erguer o braço para mostrar a pulseira.
‘É difícil ver tantos iguais a mim naquela situação horrível onde eu já estive, mas o que torna este trabalho minimamente gratificante é saber que estou a contribuir para que alguns deles tenham os seus companheiros. A última que identifiquei era uma beast de pelagem rosa, sinceramente acho que nunca tinha visto nenhuma, mas o mais engraçado era que combinada perfeitamente com o cabelo rosa do companheiro dela’  
‘Eles ficaram juntos?’ S/n pergunta com olhos expectantes enquanto todos olham para ela e depois para Hana á espera de uma resposta. Todos exceto Law, ela preocupava-se com a felicidade de todos mas parecia aceitar que não teria a dela. ‘Eles vão ficar, não aprovo os meios, mas eles vão juntá-los. O alfa é bem jovem e acabou de se tornar capitão então eles acreditam que é uma boa aposta, o omega estava em péssimas condições, mas posso dizer que vai ficar tudo bem quando estiverem juntos’ S/n deixa um pequeno sorriso aparecer nos seus lábios feliz com o futuro desfecho do casal.
Hana levanta-se ‘Poderiam fazer me um pequeno favor e tomar conta da Aiko e do Makoto só até eu voltar?’ Todos acenam e Hana sai para trabalhar.
Depois de arrumarem a cozinha o grupo decide deixar Aiko e Makoto levá-los num tour pela ilha. Eles acabam por parar para descansar junto de uma pequena cascata, o trio e os seus ómegas aproveitaram para tirar uma soneca, Aiko levou S/n por entre as arvores para lhe mostrar algo e Law acabou por ficar sozinho com Makoto. ___
Aiko leva S/n por entre as arvores até chegarem a um lindo campo florido. S/n engasga com a visão e Aiko ri dançando entre as flores, as duas acabam por se sentar a tecer coroas de flores.
‘Vais fazer uma para Law?’ ‘Não acho que Law usaria uma coroa de flores’ Ambas riem com o pensamento de Law a usar uma coroa de flores. De repente um ruido nos arbustos faz S/n guardar a coroa no bolso e levantar-se protectoramente em frente a Aiko.  
Um grupo de homens alfas e betas sai da floresta, armas apontadas para ambos os omegas, aquele que certamente era o líder do grupo fala em tom de escarnio ‘Dois omegas super raros e muito lucrativos totalmente sozinhos. É certamente o nosso dia de sorte não acham rapazes?’ O grupo de caçadores ri e Aiko gagueja ao levantar o pulso para que todos possam ver ‘M-mas eu tenho isto! Pertenço á marinha!’ O homem ri e todo o grupo ri ‘Esse modelo já é antigo, com jeitinho tiramos isso facilmente e ficas prontinha para quem pagar mais’ Terror é visto nos olhos de Aiko. Esse terror rapidamente passa para os caçadores quando ao avançarem S/n rapidamente se transforma num gigante lobo branco.  
O líder grita uma ordem de disparo, todos apontam as suas armas para o lobo que corre na sua direção. Aiko solta um grito alto quando vários tiros voam em direção a S/n perfurando-a, ainda assim ela avança para cima de todos eles dilacerando os um por um.
Os sons de tiros e gritos foram ouvidos ao pé da cascata e fizeram o sangue de Law gelar. O coração de Law martela fortemente o seu peito enquanto ele corre seguindo o cheiro de S/n por onde ela e Aiko haviam ido. O seu instinto repetia três palavras. S/N. Omega. Proteger.
Saindo da floresta Law encontra-se num lindo campo florido manchado de sangue. Corpos de homens rodeavam um enorme lobo branco ensanguentado, Aiko estava atrás deste e apesar de assustada parecia estar bem.  
‘S/n?’ Law não consegue acreditar no que vê. O lobo fareja o ar e vira se para Law, o lobo rapidamente dá lugar á figura de S/n também bastante ensanguentada. S/n tenta caminhar em sua direção, mas no momento em que dá o primeiro passo desaba no chão, Law está ao lado dela num segundo examinando todos os ferimentos de bala e medico ou não se aqueles malditos não estivessem todos mortos ele certamente iria matá-los. Como ousam tocar no seu omega?
O resto do grupo surge da floresta e todos engasgam com a cena, Makoto corre para perto de Aiko verificando se ela está bem. Law abre um ‘Room’ e retira todas as balas de S/n e fecha as feridas. Ao terminar ele pega-a no estilo noiva e sem tirar os olhos dela ele instrui o grupo ‘Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, levem Aiko e Makoto para casa e fiquei a cuidar deles, relatem á Hana e á marinha o que aconteceu. Eu vou voltar para o navio e cuidar dela.’
Law caminha para o submarino quase tão rápido quando os seus pensamentos. Ela transformou-se. Beasts só são capazes de o fazer quando amam o seu companheiro. Isso significa que ela o ama genuinamente. Mesmo que Hana já o tivesse dito ele não podia ver isso como uma realidade, mas agora a prova estava literalmente nos seus braços. Law morde o interior da bochecha a ponto de tirar sangue. Enquanto ele se preocupava em manter-se longe e com ela não ser leal ela estava precisamente a sê-lo e ainda a conseguir amá-lo sem que ele tenha feito nada. Nada. Ele não fez realmente nada para merecê-la como companheira.
Ao chegar ao Polar Tang ele leva-a para o quarto dela e deita-se na cama com S/n no seu peito. Enquanto a observa dormir ele jura que ouve um pequeno ronronar. Ela estava a ter um sonho bom? Law acaricia os seus cabelos com cuidado. Ele pode não ter feito nada para a merecer, mas certamente vai fazer valer apena tudo o que ela passou.
Nota de autor: Eu amei a fanart que coloquei no post mas ela não me pertence e infelizmente não consigo encontrar o artista, se alguém souber por favor avise. Caso alguém tenha ficado curioso irei escrever futuramente um one shot ou serie com a história de Hana e Corazon.
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