#all that cuddling and kissing and hajime still thought they were just good friends
jayfangs · 9 months
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hajime: the one that asked to be bfs but is still embarrassed about pda
nagito: the one who thought they were dating already for a while but is happy that hajime acknowledges it now
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jennapancake · 14 days
Hi!!! Can I request Umemiya Hajime x girlfriend reader who has an amazing cooking skill? He gives her the vegetables he grew for her to cook and eat together at the rooftop.
The Dreamcatcher (Umemiya x Reader)
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A/n: This is such a cute request! Thank you for being my first request ever and I hope this is to your liking! I tried my best but I'm still getting the hang of this whole writing thing. Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Like one mention of blood from a split lip, fighting, kissing, pet names, couple behavior, slightly spell checked, and two curse words I believe.
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Ever since you were little, all you ever wanted to do was cook but being declared a troubled kid by all around you only made that dream harder and harder to reach. That was until you met him...Hajime Umemiya.
You met Hajime at the age of fourteen when a group of boys tried to jump you in a tunnel that led under a railway. You had bumped into one of the boys (or more he had bumped into you) and the boy seemingly wasn't going to accept being run into without some kind of punishment.
So obviously you began fighting the boy. What else would a “troubled” kid do? However once you quickly defeated the first boy the rest of his friends jumped in. Although you were quite strong you were severely outnumbered and just when you thought your stamina had deteriorated completely, the last couple of boys were taken down in just one swift crescent kick.
Quickly looking at your savoir you saw a boy about your age with a kind smile on his face as he looked at you. “Hi, are you okay? That was quite the group.” The boy asked, a slight tilt to his head.
“I'm fine.” You responded, wiping the blood from your split lip. “Thank you…for the help.” You said only causing the smile on the boy's face to grow.
“Well of course, although I'm sure you could have handled them yourself. You did beat up most of them before I got here. You're quite strong.” The boy said, causing your cheeks to heat up, from the compliment. However, before you could respond the boy was putting his hand out towards you to shake “Hajime Umemiya” He introduced himself with a kind smile. You stood there frozen at the introduction, it had been so long since someone your age was so kind to you. As you stood frozen the boy moved his hand closer to you as if encouraging you to shake his hand instead of standing there in that dumbfounded position like you were. So, finally moving you shook his hand back “Y/n y/l/n” you said, smiling back at the boy.
And that was how you met Hajime, the boy you now call your best friend and your boyfriend. Ever since that day the two of you have been close. You followed him to Bofurin and you helped him achieve his dream, just as he helped you achieve yours.
Now as you were chopping onions for some soup you were making for dinner, you couldn't help but smile as two hands wrapped around your waist.
“Hi, Honey” You said, continuing to chop the onions, a small hello mumbled into your shoulder as your boyfriend left a kiss on the bare skin uncovered by your tank top. “How was the garden?” You asked, finally throwing the onions into the pot and then turning around in the man's arms to face him.
“It was good” He smiled down at you, “I brought you some tomatoes and the rest of the onions you asked for” He said, gesturing to the basket of vegetables he had set on the island behind him.
“Thank you” You smiled brightly at the man, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips that only made the man's smile double in size at how happy the simplest things made you. He didn't mind tending the garden, he made it specifically for you, really it was fun and quickly beginning to be one of his favorite parts of the day, besides of course all his moments with the love of his life. But he wouldn't mind tending a seventy acre farm if it meant seeing you smile at him like this for the rest of his days.
“Now as much as I love cuddling you, go sit down or make yourself useful. I can have you distracting me from the soup.” You said, a faux seriousness on your face as you pointed your finger at the tall man.
“Well then I guess I'll have to make myself useful, darling.” He said, a cheeky grin donning his features “Well then you're on tomato chopping duty.” You ordered, pointing your finger at the cutting board. “Yes ma'am” Your boyfriend smirked, quickly pulling you in for one more kiss before getting started on those tomatoes.
The two of you cooked dinner together that night just as you often did, small smiles adorning both of your faces as you glanced at one another and held conversations about your days as well as a small joking argument of what show the two of you would watch after dinner. Umemiya of course giving in to your choice of show because he would do anything for you.
Once dinner was complete, Hajime carried your two bowls of soup up to the rooftop while you carried the salad you insisted on making as well as your drinks so you could bask in whatever warmth was left from the setting sun. The calm breeze rustling the plants aligning the rooftop just adding to the serenity of the moment. Just being here with Hajime after all the work the two of you put in to reach this moment was so overwhelmingly beautiful and you were more than grateful for whatever being granted you this life.
"You're staring, Honey." The teasing voice of your boyfriend broke your daze. "Hm, sorry" You smiled sheepishly, taking a spoonful of your soup as you tried to playoff you sappy moment. "What were you thinking about?" He asked, leaning on the tops of his hands as he looked at you, a curious glint in those stunning blue eyes. "Just how happy I am to be here with you" you said, a blush creeping up your cheeks at your confession. Your boyfriend grinned happily at those words and reached his hand across the table to hold yours. "I'm happy to be here with you too, honey." He smiled softly at you and with that you continued your dinner with a blissful happiness.
"Although I might be even happier to be here with this soup, damn this is good. Who taught you to cook like this cause damn girl, might have to wife you up." And with that your boyfriend broke that serenity with of course nothing but his ridiculous comedy but that only made the moment that more special with the giggles he made spew from your mouth.
You wouldn't trade this life with him for anything in the world, he was the love of your life, the man who helped you achieve your dream you once thought was impossible. He was your dream catcher.
You were finally able to accomplish what you always wanted to do because Hajime made it a reality just for you. All because you told Hajime in a small conversation when you were fourteen about how you always wanted to cook and he had told you in return he’d grow the vegetables just so you'd never run out and can always cook to your heart's content. And after seeing that bright smile consume your features he swore to himself once he reached the top he wouldn't stop until he helped you achieve your dream just as you helped him achieve his.
And now he wouldn't trade you or that soup for anything in the world. You helped him achieve his own dreams and him helping you achieve yours was only a small repayment of his appreciation and admiration for you. You were his dream catcher.
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. bokuto koutarou, rintaro suna, iwaizumi hajime, sawamura daichi, tsukkishima kei
note: female reader❗ first post!! enjoy babies<33
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❦ BOKUTO you were actually tutoring him with akaashi, an hour in, and akaashi had a family emergency so now it was just you and him. "so you're telling me I can solve an equation with a letter in it? damn that's so crazy!", "We actually saw this the past year, that's why we are tutoring you, so you don't fail", "no need to be so harsh" he tells you while his hair deflates, so you replied with a lazy smile on your face "sorry bo, why don't you solve the equations while I see how you make them?", "yeah! that sounds good!", he practically yells at you with the happiest smile on his face as if he wasn't studying for a subject he was failing. third equation and you were finding comfort on koutaro's neck, so much comfort that you end up falling asleep on him. "hey, how am I doing? you didn't tell m- oh you're sleeping, I should call akaashi to ask him what to do" he tried to look for his phone in the quietest way so you wouldn't wake up, and once he finds it, he called his friend, "akaaaaashii", "bokuto-san, why are you whispering?", "she just fell asleep on me and I don't know what to do", he tells akaashi with a little desperation on his voice, "oh, okay, carefully put her on your bed and please make some snacks or tea for the girl when she wakes up", after a little more of small talk, he hangs up the phone and brings you to bed in the gentlest way he can, quietly making his way to the kitchen to make some tea for you.
❦ SUNA lazy afternoons were actually something pretty common with suna, today after school you two went to his house and now you're lying on top of his naked chest, one of your hands on it while the other one is brushing his brown looks, at the same time, suna has his arm wrapped securely around your waist, watching some shitty movies on his laptop. "listen pretty thing, if you fall asleep first you're gonna have to make me dinner", "as if I would fall asleep right now sunarin... we both now I'm gonna make dinner anyways, you should really ask 'samu for some help in the kitchen", "don't you dare bring up another mans name while your literally on top of me". forty-five minutes into the movie and he started feeling something wet on his upper body, "baby the movie isn't even that sa– oh, you're drooling", he chuckled to himself, carefully cuddling you the rest of the movie, thinking how lucky he is for having you, and once the film is ending, he decided he would make dinner this time around; "Rin, are you in here?"', "in the kitchen, doll", he tells you a little loud so you could hear him, "I'm sorry I fell asleep", you yawn while wrapping your arms around his torso, "don't be, look at me now I'm making dinner but, this" he gestures to himself "is husband material, you shouldn't waste it", and damn he is right, who on his right state of mind would let him go?
❦ IWAIZUMI his unconditional love for you was noticed for everyone, except you, of course. as his and the other boys childhood friends, you were always invited to hangouts, except the ones that were just for "the boys" as they claimed. today's reunion was at issei's house, tooru and you begged for a Disney movie night, makki was saying that it was for children just so his friends couldn't see the excitement in his eye that wasn't unnoticed to your eyes. making your way to the couch, hajime signed for you to come to sit on his lap for the rest of the movie night, a thing you kindly accepted. "single lives matter, you know", issei says with a fake pout, "just shut up and let me enjoy, caterpillar brows" you told him while iwaizumi's arm tightens around your waist. your favorite part of the movie was coming so tooru said with an excited tone, "look cutie-chan, Megara is about to sing with the muses!... cutie-chan? you're ignoring me?", Hajime looked at you because tooru was right, that was indeed your favorite part of the movie, only to find you crushed on his neck slightly snoring; "shut up shittykawa, she's tired, let her sleep", he whispered, wishing his teammates didn't see the blush on his cheeks, "you know iwa, your cheeks are kinda matching my hair right now", makki told him trying to hide his laugh, "what happened iwa-chan? cat got your tongue?", tooru's remark was what send him over the edge, so he replied with "I will not hesitate to throw a ball to all of you next practice", he thought he could handle the teasing if that means you would be by his side like this more often.
❦ DAICHI you were exhausted from today's activities, not only you were on your basketball school team but exams were just around the corner so you were studying a lot and sleeping less these past days, exhausted would be the least you could call it. happy thing, today is friday and that means sleepover with your boyfriend, daichi; you were already waiting for him at the gate of the gym by the end of practice. "baby, you're okay? something seems off", he told you with a worried look on his face, "all cool, I'm just happy we have some time to spend together after this week" you told him with a quick kiss in the corner of his lip, making his cheeks a little pinkish. after you two arrived to your house, he went to the kitchen to make some snacks and you went to the living room to choose a movie; "Barbie and the diamond castle? again?", "yes, again daichi, deal with it, thank you for the snacks tho bub" literally fifteen minutes into the movie and you were already drooling on his bicep, he noticed and moved your head to his lap "you're lucky I love you, I don't watch Barbie movie's for everyone, sleep well, you deserve it love" a few more minutes and his head was hanging out of the couch snoring just a little, he went to sleep happy with the feeling of being beside you, can't wait for the future, he thinks before dozing off.
❦ TSUKKISHIMA your really tall and pretty boyfriend made his way inside the school, mentally hoping to see you, what he doesn't expect is not even a single tray of you in your classroom, a thing that leaves him to ask yachi where are you, "umh yachi, do you know where is she?" he asked with an unbothered expression, slowly dying on the inside, "she? OH, yes, she told me she is with a high fever so she could make it today, would you give to her my notes please?" she asked, a little intimidated by the tall boy, "yeah sure, tell daichi and ukai that I'm not going to practice today" after yachi giving him the okay he left, a little more relieved but still worried. the school day is over and after his younger manager lend him the notes you needed, he started making his way to your house, greeting your mother once he is in, going directly to your room where he doesn't even greet you, "why you didn't tell me you were sick? I could have skip class and take care of you", he tells you, annoyed but still caring, "I didn't tell you beacuse of that exact reason Kei, now come inside the bed and cuddle me" tsukkishima got inside the bed hesitating a little bit but once he found comfort on your warm, he was gone, "you know, you worried me, I couldn't stop thinking about you all day and you were here with a high fever and I could do nothing, i— you know is rude not to answer when someone is talking to you?", actually you were dead asleep the moment he touched the bed, his warm and company was all you needed and craved for the entire day; sighing he whispers to you, before going to sleep "I love you, please don't worry me again like that, short stuff"
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aiiwa · 4 years
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✗ REQUEST: i’ve been seeing all over tiktok the whole lay between your s/o thighs trend (idk if you know the trend) but i wanted to see it with the hq boys. so could i request iwa, kuroo, bo and suga🥺.
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― iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsurou, bokuto koutarou, sugawara koushi.
⤷ genre: fluff
⤷ warnings: suggestive content (everything i write at this point is suggestive lmao), i got lazy proof reading this but i’ll come back to it
⤷ word count: 3.1k
― a/n: i was very soft writing this hehe, also;
me to me: let’s limit this to 500 words per character
also me: almost writes 1k just on kuroo.
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after two long weeks apart, with iwa having to travel overseas for work, he had finally come back home to you. work trips weren’t uncommon, but often left you alone, missing him more and more with each day apart.
it took everything in your power to hold yourself back from jumping on him, the moment you caught sight of his bulky figure walking out of the airport terminal.
and now the two of you were on your way home. after bickering over who would drive, iwa now sat leaned back in the driver’s seat, large hand engulfing yours on your lap and the other gripping the leather steering wheel; skillfully maneuvering your car down the snowy streets. fiddling with his long fingers entwined between your own, you bring his hand up to your mouth, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
glancing at you from the corner of his olive eyes, you could see his soft smile under the flickering glow of the streetlights. he gives your hand a gentle squeeze, before his focus turns back to the road.
ten minutes pass relatively quickly, with iwa shifting the gear into park outside your shared home. he trails close behind you, warm breath tickling the side of your neck and duffle bag slung over his wide shoulder, as you unlock the front door.
“welcome home.” you whisper, tilting your face up to look at him.
iwa’s quick to drop his bag, spinning you around by your hips to pull you flush against him. wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggle at the feeling of his hands dipping lower to give your ass a loving squeeze.
“i missed you, baby.” he breathes out, before leaning down to capture your lips.
the kiss is sweet and slow, you indulge yourself in the familiar feeling of his soft lips; before his tongue darts out to trace against the pout of your bottom lip, asking for permission. you moan into him as your tongues brush against each other sensually, dragging your hand from his nape to caress his jaw; you jolt away as your palm brushes against the icy cold touch of his ear.
“haji! your ears are freezing!” you hiss, both hands now tugging at his ears.
chuckling lowly, he grabs at your wrists lightly. “ah, i know...why don’t you warm them up for me?”
overwhelming thoughts of how exactly iwa intended for you to warm his ears up, clouded your flustered mind. in a flurry of movements, he lead you into your bedroom; freeing you from the tight denim of your high-waisted pants, and having you perched up and leaning against your fluffed up pillows. the fuzziness in your head starts to clear up at the sight of iwa stripping off his long sleeved shirt, exposing the toned muscle of his stomach and chest.
crawling towards you and parting your legs, he presses a kiss to the inner side of your knee, before he flips over and slides his read right between your legs. you blink once, then twice, watching as he grabs your thighs, wrapping them around his neck and squishing his face.
“well, this...isn’t exactly what i was expecting.” rubbing your thighs against his ears to get used to the freezing touch.
iwa hums contentedly, patting the side of your leg. “mmm, don’t worry baby, we’ll save that for a bit later okay?” heat rushes to your face as he calls you out on your thoughts. “i just wanna lay here and feel you like this for now.” you push your hands against your face, feeling how warm your cheeks are, before iwa grabs at your wrists softly, bringing them over to kiss your palms. “just lie with me, okay baby?”
with your hands caressing the sides of his face, you nod, smiling softly. “okay, haji.”
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working together with kuroo for japan’s volleyball association was amazing. for the most part that is. it’s how the two of you met, he’d charmed you into a first date by his second week, and it was almost three years since then.
you spent every day with your boyfriend at work, and every night together in bed. but sharing a busy week schedule filled with back-to-back meetings, interviews with athletes for potential promotional videos, and late nights in the office filing the never-ending build up of paperwork - meant weekends were very much looked forward to.
lazy sundays being your favourite.
the day usually started well into noon, both of you enjoying the extra undisturbed hours of sleep - since the blare of kuroo’s six a.m. alarm wasn’t ringing in your ears. he’d greet you with a drowsy rasp - “good morning, shorty.” - making you giggle before dragging him to share a steaming hot shower with you; . and with a towel wrapped around your head, bare legs on show underneath the hem of your boyfriend’s large shirt, you’d sway in front of the stovetop flipping pancakes while a shirtless kuroo sliced up your favourite fruits - music from his playlist playing softly in the background.
if the weather allowed it, you and kuroo would sit out on the balcony of your apartment; basking in the warmth of the sun, admiring the way his hazel eyes reflected gold. yet this sunday, a storm was raging outside.
“why is she giving a rose to that prick yamato? fuji deserves it way more than him!” kuroo calls out.
you were only half invested in the bachelorette marathon playing. rain spat against the fogged glass; heavy lidded eyes followed the trails made by the racing raindrops. you were tucked snugly into kuroo’s side, a long arm wrapped around your shoulders, and legs tangled under the softness of the new periwinkle comforter you’d bought the other day. kuroo’s laptop rested on his lap, and you jostled about as he shot an arm out to point at the screen accusingly.
“are you seeing this, y/n?! now she’s choosing sachihiro! over fuji?!”
humming half-heartedly in response, you squeeze yourself closer to kuroo; dragging your hand over his bare chest, and resting it over his heart. you could feel his heartbeat against your palm, thump-thump thump-thump, and the steady rise and fall of his chest began to lull you to sleep.
the sound of your soft snores, pulled kuroo’s attention away from the show.
“shorty, you sleepin’?”
at your lack of reply, he chuckles lowly, shifting around to put away his laptop. you were always the first to fall back asleep, especially after eating good and coming back to bed to cuddle. pulling you closer to him, he smiled at the sigh you released against him; before pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead and resting his cheek on his pillow. the smell of your strawberry shampoo wafting around him, was the last thing kuroo remembered before he joined you in the dream world.
laying on your side with half your vision obscured by the fluffy pillow under your head, you blink away the sleep as you gaze outside the window. the rain had come to a slow drizzle, with the skies still fairly bright meaning only an hour or so had passed while you were asleep.
“tetsu?” you call out.
usually the rooster head would be pressed right up against you, but you couldn’t feel or see him. attempting to twist your body around, you find your movements constricted. it was only when you tried once again to lift your leg up, that a hand slid around your knee to halt your movements.
pushing yourself up a bit, and resting on your elbow, you glance down to find your boyfriend’s head between your thighs, back of his head pushed against your pelvis. because the two of your are on your sides, the full weight of your left leg over his shoulder has his cheeks smushed together; but kuroo seems completely unbothered, in fact he’s just scrolling through instagram on his phone. when you reach a hand down to tug at his inky hair, only then does he glance up at you.
“are you alright down there?” you ask. “can you even breathe?”
“i woke up here, and i don’t plan on moving any time soon.” kuroo hums, the vibration from his throat are ticklish against your inner thighs. “i’m living my best life, wanna see my new lock screen?”
without waiting for an answer, he shows off his new lock screen - which really happened to be a live photo displaying a collection of pictures with kuroo’s face squeezed between your lush thighs. you can’t help but laugh, kuroo’s cackling joining you. slightly embarrassed at the thought of someone catching a glance at his lock screen, you pull at his hair; complaining about the possibility of being exposed.
kuroo slaps your hands away from his hair, still chuckling. “i don’t care, shorty. i look good between your thighs, don’t you think so?”
flustered, you yank on his hair again. “shut up, rooster head.”
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while waiting for bokuto to come back home to you from his training with the msby jackals, the last thing you expected was to receive a call from his teammates. it was your day off, and as you were loading the last of you and bokuto’s laundry, your phone began to vibrate - the bright grin of a certain tangerine-haired cutie flashing across the screen.
“hi, bokuto-san- ah, um, i mean y/n-san!”
you chuckle lightly at hinata’s correction. ever since you announced your engagement with bokuto, the younger male had started addressing you by your fiancé’s surname. in the background you can hear atsumu yelling out to you, followed by sakusa complaining about his loud mouth. you were more than familiar with bokuto’s close friends and teammates, from the countless team dinners and nights of drinks hosted at you and bokuto’s townhouse, you shared a solid friendship with everyone.
“ah, shou-kun, everything okay?”
“um, well i just called to let you know that bokuto-san didn’t have the best time at training today.”
‘oh no, poor kou,’ you thought to yourself, heart tugging at the thought of bokuto being sad. his somber moods were a rarity these days; it had actually been almost a year since he’d been in a slump, and he usually loved his trainings, so that meant today must have been extra tough on him.
“i see, thank you for telling me shou-kun.” after listening to hinata’s retelling of the events at training, with side commentary from atsumu and sakusa; you all exchanged goodbyes before ending the call.
with the chance to avoid being unequipped for bokuto’s gloomy return home, you were grateful for hinata’s thought to warn you. it gave you an hour, from his shower to the drive back home, to prepare some of his favourite things. normally it involved inviting akaashi over, but with him out of town, it left you to your own devices. though after being with bokuto for so long, it wouldn’t be that hard.
you knew your man like the back of your hand.
he was probably starving after practice, and what better than to cook some barbecued meat for him - his favourite, with the special sauce you always made just for him. after making some side dishes and rice, you set the table for the two of you, leaving the meat to stay warm in the oven while you went for a quick shower. bokuto made it know how much he enjoys the smell of your cherry bomb body wash, yet today you opted to lather on his orange body wash. knowing the smell of him on you made him crazy, you dried yourself off and decided to wear his old shirt from high school; the baby blue of ‘the way of the ace’ shirt, with the faded black characters.
you had just finished throwing your softest blankets and fluffiest pillows onto the couch in the living room, when you caught the sound jingling keys at the front door. leaping over the back of the sofa, you ran just in time for the door to open.
“kou!” you exclaimed, leaping as soon as you see his bulky figure enter through the doorway. his gym bag landed on the wooden floors with a thud, as he caught you easily in his arms. “welcome home! i missed you so much, baby!”
bokuto’s hold on you is tight. “hi, y/n…” there’s none of the usual chirp in his voice, and you squeeze him closer to you, peppering kisses on his face.
“are you hungry? i made your favourite.”
offering him a small smile at his slight nod, you slid out of his grasp, taking his hand to lead him to the dining table. when he saw the table set, barbecued meats on display, he tugged you to a halt; staring at you with round, golden puppy eyes filled with appreciation. you sat on his lap as he ate, with your arm hooked around his neck; allowing him to feed you, as he listened to you talk about your day. and when the two of you were done, bokuto offered to finish off the dishes while you lounged on the sofa waiting for him, netflix loading on the wide screen television.
distracted by the trailer of some netflix original film, your caught by surprise when bokuto slides face first between your thighs. with his cheek pressed against your pelvis, he shifts your legs over his broad shoulders, thighs almost obscuring his face from your vision if it weren’t for the frosted tips of his hair sticking out. running your fingers through the slightly damp, silken strands; you felt you relax in your embrace, releasing a contented sigh.
“kou?” he hums in response, arms sliding around your thighs as he nuzzles his face into your smooth skin. “i know today wasn’t the best, but there’s always a tomorrow. just remember that i love you so much, and i’m here...okay baby?”
lifting his head slightly, thighs resting by his jaw, he sets his chin just below your navel. staring up at you, he takes your hands in his, slippings his fingers between yours.
“i love you, y/n.” he whispers, slightly mumbled. “thank you for everything.”
giving his hands a loving squeeze, you start explaining the new movie you want to watch. and with his interest piqued, the two of you spend the rest of the afternoon in the comfort of each other; bokuto tracings patterns on your leg, and your hands tangled in his hair.
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it had been almost a month since you and suga’s return from your honeymoon. after spending an amazing three weeks on a tropical island with your newly wedded husband; strolling along sandy beaches, scuba diving in clear blue waters, and spending warm nights making love under the stars - it was safe to say you were missing the time away relaxing.
so when daichi called your husband during the week to make plans for the long weekend, you were more than happy for a mini getaway to tokyo with your old high school friends.
and that’s how you found yourself, guava oil spread across your skin, stretched out by the poolside, and sipping your umeshu tonic through a pink swirly straw. the boys had decided to take a dip and cool off in the pool, while you and kiyoko had taken to some sunbathing. it was a little after midday, scorching sun at its peak; and the golden rays captured the sparkle of the princess cut diamond of your engagement ring resting between two matching, diamond encrusted bands.
“you’re going to blind everyone with all those diamonds, y/n.” blinking away the daze you’d caught yourself in, you chuckle at kiyoko’s teasing.
“speak for yourself, soon-to-be-mrs-tanaka.” you shot back, nodding at the glimmering engagement ring on her own finger.
the two of you giggled like little school girls, cheeks flushed and eyes closed in mirth; only stopping when a sudden wall appeared, blocking the warm sunshine, and shadowing over you. the wall being none other tanaka, suga following behind.
“kiyo~!” tanaka coos, leaning over his fiancé. “you look hot- uh, i mean it’s pretty hot, y’know.” 
kiyoko simply raises an arched brow, listening to tanaka’s rambling; which quickly turned into the latter throwing the her over his shoulder, and running back towards the pool. she hadn’t even protested at his manhandling, taking to sending you a look that said ‘what can i do?’. with the two of them gone, your full attention was set on the sight of suga.
now standing next to you, his hazel-brown eyes glanced over your laid out figure in appreciation; entranced with the way your bikini top dug into the soft flesh of your breasts, drawing attention to the deep valley of your cleavage. your own keen eyes took in the sight of his slender build; admiring the way his soaked canary trunks hung low on his hips, polyester sticking to his thighs and leaving little to your imagination. with his chest exposed, glistening under the sun as droplets of water slid down his toned stomach - it suddenly felt as if the air had become ten degrees warmer.
“hey there, this seat taken?” suga asks, tilting his head and running a hand to push back the damp, grey strands out of his face.
“oh, this seat?” you ask, gesturing to the lounge chair you were occupying.
your brow’s furrow slightly in confusion, though you gasp when he trails ticklish fingers over your thigh, before squeezing the soft flesh. “no, this one.”
chuckling, you hold your left hand up, wiggling your jewelled ring finger in front of you. “sorry sir, i’m a taken woman.”
suga just grins at you cheekily, leaning forward to press his soft lips against your own. this kiss is brief, but the lingering taste of his mango chapstick and chlorine has you a bit dazed; allowing him to part your legs and slide himself right between them. laying on his stomach, your legs rest by his sides, his fingers teasing the hem of your bikini bottoms.
“ah yes, that you are, sweetheart. and i’m the lucky man who gets to call you mine.” with his cheek is smushed against your thigh, his words come out slurred; but the dreamy look in his eyes as he stares up at you is clear.
“and i’m lucky to have you, koushi.” you whisper in return, the weight of him over you is comforting and you find yourself leaning back into the lounger; as suga nestles himself closer into you.
“mmm, i love this...laying right here between your thighs, sweetheart.”
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© 2020 AIIWA. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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miss-melon · 3 years
Dating headcanons for various Danganronpa males
•Leon was a really fun boyfriend!
•He was super fun to hang out with and was rather goofy at times too.
•You often got to go to his baseball games for free which was really fun because you always got a good seat.
•He would always wave at you whenever he ran past where you were sitting.
•He was super supportive of anything you ever wanted to do as well!
•He also loved to spoil you a lot.
•He would always buy you adorable stuffed animals with his money he earned from baseball.
•He’s also really good at cuddling!
•He would like to sit down and have you sit on his lap facing him, he would then start to rub your back gently.
•If you were to ever fall asleep like that, he would sneakily take out his phone and take a selfie with you sleeping on him.
•He thought you were so cute and he wouldn’t trade you for anything.
•Oh this man ADORES you.
•You have him wrapped around your little finger.
•Any request you make he will make sure you have whatever you need.
•He’s also extremely protective of you.
•If he ever sees another person looking in your direction, Mondo will give them the death glare of the century.
•If he ever sees you crying, he will get super angry and loudly ask you who made you sad.
•This would often backfire as his aggression would only upset you more. This made him feel awful.
•He would immediately rush to your side and wrap you in his arms.
•He would apologize to you over and over again.
•After that he would get your favorite snacks and you two would snuggle up on the couch and watch movies together.
•If you ever told Mondo who made you upset, he and his gang would “have a little chat” with this person.
•Kazuichi is head over heels for you, like he is obsessed with you.
•He is extremely physically affectionate. He loved to have his arms around you at all times.
•Even when he was working on something in his garage, he would have you in his lap while he was working, it calmed him down and helped him stay focused.
•He was extremely proud of you whenever you accomplished something.
•He would brag about your accomplishments even more than his own, no matter how minor your accomplishment was.
•His friends never believed he would actually get an S/O, so whenever you two were around his friends, he would wrap his arm around you to show them that his relationship was legit.
•He would build you things all the time too! You often woke up to him giving you something he worked on all night making for you.
•If he ever noticed you having your eye on something that couldn’t be built, he would buy it for you, just to see you happy.
•If it was something that was super expensive, he would build a bunch of stuff to sell in order to save up for it.
•He would have the goofiest grin whenever you told him you loved him, he would also blush like a dork.
•Kazuichi is so in love with you it’s insane, you’re the light of his life.
•Hajime was in absolute disbelief that he found someone like you.
•He thought you were the most amazing person in the world, and he was just a regular guy.
•But he was extremely happy and grateful that he has you, even though he’s not the most openly affectionate person.
•Whenever you two get into an argument, he can get pretty snarky and it can hurt your feelings sometimes, which would make him feel terrible.
•He would apologize by bringing home takeout your favorite fast food place.
•If you still seemed upset afterwards, he would sit down with you and express his remorse.
•He wanted you to know that he loved you very much and nothing would ever change that.
•When it came to cuddling, you would have to initiate it. He was pretty shy when it came to that.
•Whenever you started cuddling him, he would blush intensely for a bit, but he would eventually go along with it.
•Hajime really loves you and genuinely considers you the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
•Rantaro is a very doting boyfriend.
•There are a lot of times that he will play a motherly role when it comes to your relationship.
•Whenever you get hurt, he has a first-aid kit ready to go. (And a kiss for where it hurt.)
•He would also cook a lot of your meals, and they always tasted amazing.
•He would also always take you with him on his adventures, he loved having you with him.
•He never let you out of his sight when you two were in a foreign country, he needed to know you were safe.
•He was also amazing when it came to cuddling and physical affection in general.
•He is not afraid of PDA at all, in fact he loves it.
•Sometimes you two will be walking down the street and he’ll pull you close just because he loves you.
•Before you fell asleep he would always give you a kiss goodnight and would hold you while you two slept.
•Rantaro loves you with all his heart, and is only ever content when you are too.
•Gonta is extremely caring and protective of you.
•Whenever you’re hurt, Gonta will panic slightly and then blame himself for not being there to protect you.
•You have to reassure him that it’s not his fault, it can take a while sometimes, but when you give him a big hug, he melts into it and forgets why he was sad.
•If you’re okay with it, he takes you out to see bugs with him.
•He’ll point out every bug he sees and tell you all about it.
•Whenever he sees a butterfly, he always tells you how it reminds him of how beautiful you are.
•He loves cuddling with you but is always scared that because he’s so strong, he’ll end up hurting you somehow, but he never does.
•Gonta may not be the smartest guy ever, but he certainly is a gentleman, and treats you with the respect you deserve.
Sorry it’s been so long! I’ve just been taking a break. But here’s a little something for you guys. I hope you enjoy!
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ssamie · 3 years
them getting caught simping for their s/o (part 1)
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·˚ ༘⌗ just hq boys simping for you and getting caught simping by their friends
·˚ ༘⌗ characters include: tanaka ryuunosuke, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime
·˚ ༘⌗ gender neutral pronouns were used.
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: swearing and fluff lol
gen masterlist.                      hq masterlist.
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honestly are we surprised?
he's already a massive simp, so why should he hold back when it comes to his s/o
he simps by literally any and every way you could think of
hyping you up? ofc, no need to say anything he already does that on a daily basis
want cuddles? say less,, he's already waiting with his arms wide open
want to go on dates? who cares about practice, he'll go on a date with you anytime, no matter what the consequence he may face
want to meet up at 3am for no reason at all? wdym, he's already up and waiting outside your house
you're sick? no no, he's already in your room taking care of you with meds, soup, and cuddles <3
i could go on but...you get the point
he gets caught simping by the team when they walked past you and him sitting by a tree on the school yard
he had you sitting on his lap with a gleeful and lovesick smile as he brings his chopsticks up to your mouth to feed you
"do you like that, baby?" he asked you with a smile. "yeah, it's very good" you said. "did you cook this?" you asked him
tanaka proudly smiled and nodded "yup! i have to make sure my baby gets only the best food there is!" he exclaims as he wraps his arms around your waist
you laugh lightly and playfully smack him in the chest "you're too sweet, ryu" you said "but thank you."
"hmm, anything for you, babe" he muttered in reply as he pressed a soft kiss on your cheeks and temples
the whole team is watching with varying reactions lmao
first of all, noya and hinata are crying from jealousy (suga too but he won't admit that 🙄)
tsukki, yams, and the other second years are snickering while daichi and asahi jokingly join along
they tease tanaka about it, but it's not like he cares lmao 💀
"damn what a simp."
"you're so smitten it's actually sad."
tanaka: "you're just jealous you don't have an s/o!"
it's true. they were just jealous 🙄🤞🏼
they're still very happy tanaka actually found someone that loved him back. they all knew he had a heart of gold, and he deserved every bit of love he received from you
i love him :(
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oikawa is actually a very affectionate partner
he does have a high ego, but he will succumb once he gets a quick glimpse of you
to him, you're the most beautiful being to ever walked the earth, not even kidding.
that's usually how he simps lol
he just praises you about pretty much everything
gives you never ending compliments and aims to make you feel like the most perfect person alive, because thats how he sees you
also loves physical touch <3
doesn't have to be sensual,, he just likes feeling your skin on his.
his favourite is when you're holding hands because his hands are much bigger than yours and he finds that cute >:(
"tooru, practice will start soon" you said to him as you comb your fingers through his hair, though being careful enough to not mess it up.
"hmph" he said, though it only came out as muffled murmurs, seeing as his face was buried into your chest
"you're very clingy today" you hummed "something wrong?" you asked him
his hand, which he felt the need to intertwine with yours, squeezed yours tighter as he brought them up to his lips
"mm, i just love you that's all" he said as he went back to burying his face into his your sweatshirt.
you smiled and kissed the crown of his head, making him sigh in content. "love you too, tooru"
they clown him.
the whole team just clowns him.
it would start with iwaizumi quietly snickering, though he wasn't really that fazed since he sees oikawa like this with you a lot
but makki and mattsun saw you too and just burst out laughing. idk why either they just did
they, along with yahaba, would just laugh and throw in some teasing comments
he usually responds with petty replies
"damn, what a simp"
"didn't think the oikawa tooru would like anyone but himself"
oikawa: "shut up! stop teasing me, you're all dumb! you're just mad i have a god/goddess of an s/o. you probably don't know what that's like cus you're all ugly. unlike me ofcourse. though blah blah blah.."
oikawa sweetie... shut up <3
kindaichi laughs along,, kunimi and kyotani just doesn't care lol
i love tooru sm :(
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i love you sir 🛐
anyways, iwaizumi is a very loving boyfriend!! very protective and affectionate, but more showy when you're in private
he could never say no to you, no matter the request
you could probably ask him to eat cat shit and he'd do it for a kiss ngl
okay.. maybe don't go that far.. but yeah
you want kisses? he's not the biggest fan of pda but he'll do it if u really want it
wanna go on a date? can't say no to that
want him to buy you food/clothes? he'll do it no questions asked.
i could list down more things but my brain can't think of anything else so no <3
you were outside the gym, getting drinks and snacks and just talking
and you thought it would be a good idea to try on some clips you got on his hair
"please, hajime" you pleaded with a pout "i got these really cute clips yesterday but im wearing enough already" you said
"so i want you to wear the rest" you present him a small bag of colorful butterfly clips with a smile
iwaizumi looked at it with dread, not really wanting his head to look like a rainbow. but one glance at your hopeful smile and he just ~melts~
"ofcourse, baby" he said with a small smile "do what you want" his smile only widened as you cheered, excitedly picking out the colors to accessorise him with
"would you like blue and pink or blue and purple?" you asked
"which do you like more?" he asked "hm. maybe blue and pink.. i dunno though. you'll look cute with both" you said
"just do both then" iwaizumi shrugged as he leaned his head back on your lap, closing his eyes and humming as you comb through his hair with your fingers.
"thank you for letting me play with your hair, haji~" you cooed with a soft laugh as you press a kiss on his nose
"anything for you, love" iwaizumi replied with a chuckle
everyone just stops for a second. just pause.
they definitely didn't expect to see iwaizumi to enter the gym with his hair decorated with blue, pink and purple butterfly clips.
oikawa gasps in shock and would probably ask to borrow some.
he already knows its from you since iwa is his best friend, and he really didn't want to get a beating so early into practice.
"iwa-chan! can i have some?! give me the blue ones!"
iwa: "no way, shittykawa get your own fucking clips!
makki and mattsun would tease him to death. they were the only ones brave enough to do so :p
"damn, y/n really had you wrapped around their finger, huh?"
"ah, the things we do for love~"
"what a simp"
makki and mattsun came home with a bruise that day.
kunimi and kindaichi are quiet. they didn't want to end up like the two idiots. though kunimi may or may not have snapped a quick photo
kyotani thinks its iconic. he's an iwaizumi supremacist, what can i say.
i love iwa sm pls 😖
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i think im getting better at making headcannons,, idk tho jjsbsnabs
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myherowritings · 4 years
so in love
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— “I’m so in love with them, I don’t know what to do.” Requested by @apollochjld​. 
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x reader word count: 1.8k genre: fluff, timeskip iwa in socal
a/n: wow writing this made me wanna be in love; someone make me fall in love with them pls,, jkjk...unless FHDJKFD kidding,, i hope u enjoy reading!! [p.s. i was listening to “i love you 3000 ii” while writing if you wanna match the vibes hehe] xx sof
「 hq masterlist 」
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Iwaizumi had been in love approximately once before.
It was in high school when he dated a girl who made his heart race and face flush. She was quiet and dependable, cheerful and kind. Although it didn’t last after he left for university in the States, he enjoyed the relationship while it lasted. It was sweet, it was comfortable. It was what he needed at the time.
But what he felt then paled in comparison when he thought of you. If she made his heart race, you made it soar. 
Iwaizumi found himself thinking about you at the most random times of day—wondering what you were doing, wishing he could be doing those things with you… Whenever his phone buzzed, he would hope it was a message from you. And he’d be embarrassingly disappointed if it wasn’t. 
Since the two of you started dating, you had taken over most of his mind. Things he once thought of as ridiculously mundane now reminded him of you. (How could fuzzy blankets and Christmas lights even conjure up the image of one specific person? He wasn’t sure. But when he saw them, he smiled while thinking of you cuddling him during the colder seasons.)
He had never felt this strongly about someone and it almost scared him how deep his feelings ran.
A mixture of anxiousness and excitement filled his stomach at the realization and he decided to call his best friend for advice. Though Oikawa could be an ass, he was one of the two only people Iwaizumi felt comfortable enough to confide in about everything (the other person being you, but he couldn’t exactly go to you to ask for advice about you). 
“Oi, Shittykawa, you asleep already?”
There was a mocking sigh on the other side of the line. “Iwa-chan,” he chided, “haven’t you learned by now that’s not the proper way to greet someone?” 
He grunted.
“Fine then,” Oikawa pouted. “To answer your question, no, I’m not asleep yet. Did you need something?” 
“Yeah.” Iwaizumi was silent for a while, thinking of how to phrase his feelings. “I… Y/N…” 
“What about Y/N?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Let me guess— You finally acknowledged you’re madly in love with them and you need help coping with the fact you’ve realized your emotional range is now bigger than a baby carrot?” 
Iwaizumi blinked. How—? 
Apparently his pause was enough for Oikawa to figure out he was right. “Holy shit. I actually got it?” He cheered and Iwaizumi could picture him dancing around the room smugly. “That’s great, Iwa-chan!”
He chuckled at his friend’s enthusiasm, Oikawa’s reaction surprisingly helping soothe his nerves. Maybe it wasn’t abnormal to have these feelings? But then again, Oikawa didn’t know just how intense these feelings were. 
“Is it weird?” Iwaizumi found himself asking. “It feels weird. It’s like… I’m so in love with them, I don’t know what to do.” 
That was the first time he had ever told himself he was in love with you out loud. Hearing it with his own two ears made his stomach clench and his palms get clammy. When he pictured his future in five years, he couldn’t imagine one where you weren’t there. He wanted to see your smile, hear your laugh, be there for you when you cried. He just wanted you. And he hoped you wanted him too.
“Did you just realize that?”
“Yeah. Just earlier.”
“Hmm. And have you told them yet?” 
He shook his head. “No.” 
“Then why are you still on call with me?!” Oikawa chided. “You should be driving to Y/N and getting ready to tell them how much you love them like a gushy fool in love.” 
Iwaizumi winced at Oikawa’s blunt wording. The thought was weird. The thought was uncomfortable. He’d never been a guy who was particularly in touch with his emotions. He could rarely admit his feelings to himself— And it was even more uncommon to share those feelings with someone else. That required vulnerability and trust. 
It was terrifying. 
But for you, it was worth it. 
“Go get your beauty sleep now, Assykawa,” he said, grabbing his keys and getting ready to hang up. He shrugged on a sweater and headed out the door, heart almost bursting from nerves.
“Not that I need it,” Oikawa huffed haughtily, and Iwaizumi could just picture him flipping his hair to the side. “But I will. You go tell Y/N how you feel now.”
“I will.” He started his car. “And Oikawa…?”
Oikawa laughed dismissively. “Don’t mention it, Iwa-chan. It’s my duty to help ugly, hopeless losers who somehow managed to make someone beautiful and kind-hearted love them back.”
“Fuck you too, Trashykawa.” 
And with that, Iwaizumi ended the call with an amused eye roll. He gripped his steering wheel in determination as he let out a deep sigh, driving over to your apartment. In hindsight, maybe he should’ve given you a text before showing up unannounced, but in this moment, his thoughts were so occupied, being rational didn’t end up crossing his mind. It wasn’t uncommon for you to surprise him with an impromptu visit and he would always welcome it, but randomly dropping by with no plan had never been his style. 
He hoped it wouldn’t bother you.
Iwaizumi was so lost in his worries, he almost didn’t notice he was already parked in front of your complex and walking towards your door in minutes’ time. Slowly, he found his knuckles rapping on your door before his brain could rethink his decision and drive back home.
The front door cracked open and he heard a cute little surprised noise escape your lips.
“Hajime?” you said curiously, though your eyes lit up as you invited him in. “Did I miss a text from you? I didn’t know you were coming over tonight.” 
He scratched the back of his neck, face suddenly heating up in embarrassment. A heads up would have been the courteous thing to do. What if you were busy? Or what if you didn’t want to see him at the moment? The second thought made his stomach drop.
“Not that I mind though!” you quickly amended, smoothing out the furrow between his brows with your thumb and placing a soft kiss on the lips. Iwaizumi smiled into the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you into a hug as his worries melted away. “My day always gets better when I see you.”
His fingers ran down your spine and planted his lips on the top of your head before pulling away. Smiling, you led him to the couch where you leaned into his touch. 
“Did you have something you needed? Or did you just want to hang?” 
“I just wanted to see you.”
You smiled, a shy look suddenly befalling your face as you drew circles atop Iwaizumi’s thigh. “Yeah? I was actually just thinking of you when you showed up. I thought I might’ve been daydreaming, but I guess it was just a wish come true.”
He let out a short chuckle at your sentimental words, the blush on his cheeks betraying his true pleasure at hearing them. “I can never think of anything to wish for when you’re around. It feels like I already have everything I could want when I’m with you.” 
The repetitive, gentle movements of your finger on his thigh halted as your eyes widened. “Really?” 
His first instinct was to take back what he said and distance himself. A nagging part of him told him that he said too much and shouldn’t have been so forward. But Iwaizumi swallowed his insecurities and the discomfort he felt from being vulnerable and nodded. 
“Yeah.” His voice was gruff. “Really.”
Taking note of the serious tone he spoke in, you straightened up on the sofa, angling your body so you could see his expression directly. 
“I know we’ve only been together for a few months, but I just...had to tell you that I’m in love with you. And it feels so strange to say,” he admitted, cheeks blazing red. He couldn’t even manage to bring his gaze directly to your eyes or he knew he’d grow too embarrassed to continue on without stumbling. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and, at this point, I don’t know if I’d ever feel this way about anyone else. And this in no way means you have to say you feel the same already. I just thought I should let you know how much you mean to me.”
When he finally met your eyes, he saw they were filled with unshed tears, making your irises look like they were shining. You looked up at him with such an endearing look on you, as if Iwaizumi promised he hung up all the stars in the galaxy by hand just for you. 
“I love you so much— No, I’m very much in love with you too, Hajime,” you responded, sounding overjoyed as you threw your arms around him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck while he planted a kiss on your temple. “I’m so relieved you said something now because if you hadn’t, I might’ve just blurted it out one random day.”
He snorted, teasing. “Like I did just now, you mean?”
“Well, yes, but probably not as eloquently,” you laughed. “You know, I never understood movies or shows that talked about true love or finding someone you’d actually want to spend your life with. That concept seemed so foreign to me, or like it was something so far out of reach… Until I met you.”
Spend your life with? His heart soared out of his chest at your words. He felt like he could touch the sky if he tried. 
“And it sounds so cheesy to say that!” you whined, burying your head in your hands. Iwaizumi chuckled at how cute you were as you peered through your fingers. “But though it’s cheesy, it really is the truth.” 
He hummed. “Sometimes cheesy is good.”
“Mhm.” You nodded in agreement. “I guess loving someone enough to want to be this cheesy with them is something special in itself. Because I could never imagine having moments like this with someone other than you.” 
“I couldn’t imagine this—being here, feeling this way—with anyone else either.” Iwaizumi laced his fingers through yours, stroking your thumb so softly, it was light enough to leave a ticklish tingle. “And I wouldn’t want to.” 
“Then I guess we have no choice but to make more of these cheesy memories together.” 
Iwaizumi leaned in to place his lips on yours, the both of you smiling into the chaste kiss. Even the smallest touches could light a spark within him that he never wanted to die out. 
Making memories didn’t seem so hard. Especially when they were with you. “I think we can manage that just fine.” 
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realcube · 3 years
random kisses w/ the haikyuu!! boys hcs 💋
characters: tsukishima, akaashi, kenma, iwaizumi & noya 
thank you to anon for the amazing request :3
tw// swearing, sexual references, mentions of kinks, mentions of choking
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Kei Tsukishima
tsukishima was always very hesitant to kiss and hug tbh
the only thing he did freely without overthinking was hold your hand but even then, he’d immediately pull away if he thought his palm was getting the slightest bit sweaty (from his nerves)
also, he’d get really tense when ever he saw you lean in for a kiss bc he was always afraid that he’d mess up something 
like what happens if he sneezes exactly when you’re about to connect lips?- he’d die, that’s what would happen. 
anyway, when you first began surprising him by placing kisses on either the back of his hand or the nape of his neck, he’d become a blushing , irritated mess
like, he thought it was so cute and sweet so of course he’d blush but then he’d get mad bc..you made him blush! how embarrassing for him, tsk.
but although he’d be annoyed and hiss things like ‘you’re so weird’ or ‘that’s simp behaviour’ he would never tell you to stop bc deep down he knows that he enjoys it lol
and surprisingly, he wasn’t in denial about it at first either 
like mans isn’t stupid 
obviously he liked it, why else would he blush?
since he was aware that he liked your lil’ random kisses, he began to pretend to be invested in activity bc he realised that if you thought he was preoccupied with something important/stressful, you’d be more likely to give his neck a lil’ peck
for instance, if he’s just on his phone or whatever then you text him saying that you’re coming over, he immediately rush to gather his backpack and bring out his notes so he can sit at his desk to look like he’s studying lmao 
then you walk in like ‘awh bb you’re always working so hard 🥺 kithes’
and he’s just got the most cunning smirk on his face which he’s trying his very best hide to conceal
then you gave him a kiss on the cheek and he was just like ‘gotcha bitch ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’ 
anyway, when he’s just deadass being lazy he can still tell when you’re about to kiss him bc he’s very observant etc etc
(also bc you always have a cheesy grin on your face before you kiss him lol)
so after a few years of dating, they become less of ‘random kisses’ and more like just regular kisses for tsukki but he always tries to act like it’s surprising 
whether that be jumping slightly whenever you peck the back of his neck or inhaling sharply as you pressed a sudden kiss to his forehead
it’s just bc he loves to hear your giggles at his reaction 🥺 he thinks it’s so cute
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Keiji Akaashi
this all began when he was lying on the couch, reading a book while looking absolutely scrumptious so you just had to give him a lil’ peck on the forehead and he’s been addicted ever since
he especially likes it when you sneak up behind him, wrap him in a hug then plant a kiss on the nape of his neck - he thinks it’s so cute and he always cuddles your arms to his chest so you don’t let go 
deadass he just stood like a statue while you cuddled up behind him, his mouth slightly agape and his eyes wide 
bokuto thought it was adorable and was like ‘awwwhhh!! #couplegoals!! 💖💕🥰’
(yes he does say the hashtag aloud)
while the rest of the team are wondering if akaashi is okay. i mean, mans looking pretty stiff
but dw he’s not dead y’all, he’s just ascended  👼
like seriously he loves it so much 
sometimes he tries to give you random kisses by just grabbing your face while you’re doing something and lean in to place his lips upon yours but he always gets distract by how gorgeous you are, so he’ll spend a little too long admiring your face which will lead to you having to awkwardly muttering something along the lines of
‘i love you too, akaashi. but, erm, my toast is burning.’
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Hajime Iwaizumi
iwaizumi already did something kinda similar to random kisses but not really yk?
like whenever he saw you really invested in an activity that you didn’t like doing (cleaning, laundry, studying, chores etc) he’d plant a firm kiss on your cheek which would end up trailing across your face, to your lips - just to boost your spirits lol :)
but they weren’t really surprising or ‘random’ bc he would always announce something to grab your attention before kissing you, like ‘babe’ or ‘wow’
also, imo ‘random kisses’ gives off a ‘sweet lil’ smooch’ sorta vibe but the kisses he gives you are far from ‘smooches’
like they are unintentionally sensual as hell 
and he doesn’t even realise how erotic they are so he just suddenly pulls away to leave you with your chores ✋😔
anyway, you first gave him a surprise kiss while he was cooking dinner and whispered something jokingly in his ear along the lines of ‘woah, husband material.’
damn, if iwa knew that all he had to do for some kithes was be a hubby then he would’ve done that sooner like geez 😳
istg after that day iwaizumi would be in full maid-mode whenever you were in the house (bc he apparently doesn’t know the difference between the duties of a maid and a ‘husband’ lol)
‘yes i do the cooking, yes i do the cleaning’ - nicki manaj, hey mama -iwazumi hajime after being told that’s he’s husband material
so know you feel obliged to give him kisses and praise him whenever you see him doing chores/cooking/gardening bc you know he’s only doing that to please you lmao
so you just give the man what he wants i mean, he’s trying so hard
and he puts in so much effort to make sure he looks hot while doing it
like if he’s cleaning the bathroom room, he’ll oil himself and get out the Mr Muscle spray to make sure that his chest is shinier than the bathroom tiles
then you’ll kiss his forehead and tell him how he’s doing a great job blah blah blah
honestly, the kisses are hardly ‘random’ anymore since iwaizumi sets up a whole scene just to get you to peck his cheek but whatever
anyway, you helped him realise that he had a domestic and servitude kink 
and for that, he’s forever grateful 🥰
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Kenma Kuzome 
pov: you’re sad so you play stardew valley and your s/o notices and they pounce on you with their love and affection 🥺
and you cry bc you love them so much but you’re not good at expressing it 😔✌
- ok, end of pov -
that was kenma’s pov btw ^
but like seriously, it’s his absolute favourite when you give him kisses while he’s playing video games
and you always give exactly the right quantity - it’s like you can read his mind or something  
like, if he’s in a the climax of a round of any first-person shoot/rpg and you happen to walk by, you’ll just place a brief yet caring kiss on the side of his head then leave him alone
or if he’s on stream and you walk into the room - but don’t wanna be on camera - you’ll blow him kisses and he’ll smile like an idiot then discretely blow one back
then his chat is like ‘omg he can smile?’, ‘why is he smiling?’ ,‘is he sending air kisses? SIMP!!!’
but when he’s down, blaring lo-fi music from his cat speakers and playing animal crossing, nintendogs, stardew valley or tomodachi life (etc), you’ll shower him with all your cuddles and kisses 
ngl tho, when you scuttle up to him while he’s playing any game and press a lil’ kiss on his ear as you absently rub his shoulders, he literally melts 
he just kinda sits there and stares at the screen but not even a fraction of his mind is dedicated on the game, it’s all just ‘(y/n). i love them so much. i hope they know that. wow, i got so lucky, i hope they never leave me. (y/n), if only you could read my mind.’
and to show that he likes it, he purrs!!!
not voluntarily, it kinda just escaped his mouth the first time you were giving him a massage and since you insisted that it was the cutest thing you’ve ever heard, he continues to do it - but v quietly
but- there is one thing he likes more than random kisses 
and that is random cuddles
or random lapping-sitting yESSS
he is a simp so if you’re feeling needy or whateva and sit on his lap while he’s playing, he’ll literally just quit tbh- 
that’s one of the only times he’ll not use the excuse ‘i’ll do it when this round ends’ so use it wisely and sparingly
but that’s only if you sit facing towards him bc he realised that if you sit like that, he’ll get some cooch 
but otherwise, if you just sit on his lap for the sake of sitting on his lap, he’ll either jokingly push you off or continue playing his game by looking over your shoulder
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Yū Nishinoya 
you stole it from him lol
he’s the OG random kisser  ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ 
let’s recall how on your first date with him, you were worrying that he might’ve stood you up as you waited on the picnic blanket for him to arrive and then he jumped out from one of the hedges and attacked you with kisses
like mans got a lot of energy so i can just imagine him attacking you with affection whenever he is bored
and he does it regardless of what you are doing at the time
studying? kiss attack.
cleaning? tickle attack.
sleeping? cuddle attack.
hotel? trivago
he goes into that shit with a strategy too like ‘if i kiss them on the neck first they’ll move their head and arm which will give me access to their chest so then i’ll plant a kiss there too and depending on whether the jerk to the left or right i can then go in for a kiss on their n--’ etc etc
so imagine how hyped he is when you sneak up behind him in the school corridor and peck his cheek
he was so triumphant about it, as if he had just won some sort of award lol 
‘yes, i am the coochieman. and what about it?’
then he bought you lunch for ‘being the best s/o ever’ 🥺
but don’t think you’ll ever beat him in the random kissing game bc while he was feeding you the lunch he bought (he does that sometimes, playfully though, whenever he is feeling like a simp) he’ll lean in and steal a lil’ kiss which will lead to you choking on your rice 
‘hey babe, plz don’t choke. otherwise i’ll have to give you mouth-to-mouth, ahaha.’
meanwhile, you’re turning red
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haikyuuthots · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoyed that TikTok hcs you just posted so I was wondering if I could request some for Ushijima, Suna, and Iwaizumi about that TikTok challenge where the boys are doing something (playing video games or studying) and the girl is trying to cuddle them? Plus some cuddling hcs if you don't mind. Thank you very much and I hope you have a good day!
Clinging onto your boyfriend while he’s distracted (Tik Tok challenge)
Characters: Wakatoshi Ushijima, Rintaro Suna and Hajime Iwaizumi
Scenario: your boyfriend is busy but you distract them by clinging on to their lap to see how he’d react.
A/n: hi thank u so much for requesting!!! 💙 these tik tok challenges have been my favorite to write haha. I hope you enjoy reading ❤️
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
You’re hanging out in your boyfriends room while he finishes studying for an upcoming exam
You’re scrolling on Tik Tok when you stumble on a video of a girl trying her best to get her distracted boyfriend’s attention
As you watch you slightly laugh, thinking this is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
your attention is caught when you hear your boyfriend sneeze,
Looking over you smile to yourself and think you want to try what you just saw on the video, but with your own boyfriend who was indeed distracted right now
At first you’re reluctant to try, because you don’t want to bother him while he studies
But then you remember that Toshi is a big softie for you, so the worst that could happen is he just asks you to leave him alone lol
Putting your phone down you make it over to your boyfriends desk
You shyly stand beside him for a moment before he notices you
Turning around to look towards you, Ushijima gives you a soft smile, “hi love, is everything okay?”
You nod your head as Ushijima pulls you closer to him so you’re now standing in between his legs.
“Yes, Im just bored.” You reply
“Im almost done babe, give me like an hour. ”
As he turns around to start working again you begin to adjust yourself on his lap
A bit confused he lets out a small chuckle
You still say no words as you continue to wrap your body against his, nuzzling your face into his neck
Ushijima doesn’t say anything, instead he takes in your embrace and lightly begins to caress the top of your head
He lets you remain on his lap for a moment, but you're happy enough with his reaction and decide not to bother him any further
You try getting off his lap but as you do Ushijima’s hold on you tightens, preventing you from moving
“where are you going?” He asks you with the most loving expression
Your eyes soften at his gaze, “i don't want to distract you, so i'll just wait until you're done.”
With no warning Ushijima stands up, still holding you, he’s now carrying you towards his bed
“i can take a break.” He says as he gently begins to adjust your bodies on the bed
Now laying down you snuggle further into your boyfriends arms, whom happily reciprocates with a warm embrace
theres a brief silence while you two cuddle for a moment, until you break it
“im sorry I distracted you Toshi.”
“dont be. I missed you too.” He responds, kissing you softly on the forehead
You smile brightly at his response leaning forward to leave a small kiss on his lips
He gladly reciprocates, smiling into the kiss.
You guys spend the next two hours wrapped in each others warmth.
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Rintaro Suna
You spent the whole day with your boyfriend Suna, running errands
Upon arriving home, Suna made his way over to his Playstation, quickly turning on the game
You subtly roll your eyes, not truly bothered because honestly at this point you were used to Suna playing his video games
You make your way over to the living room and start watching Tik Toks on your phone
You watch a video where the girlfriend sat on her boyfriends lap while he was gaming , and the reaction was very funny to you
After watching the video, you wondered how your boyfriend would react if you did the same thing
So you decided to try it out yourself
Walking back in the room you can hear your boyfriend talking to his friends through the mic,
You quickly make your way over to your boyfriend and begin to crawl into his lap
Suna is caught very off guard and begins to freak out because your body was in the way of the screen and he couldn’t see
“woah woah babe, hold up I cant see.”
You ignore him and chuckle to yourself continuing to wrap your body around his
Once you’re seated on his lap he doesn’t mind your presence at all.
He actually liked having you on him while he played
Every time he ended a match he looked towards you and kissed you softly on the lips
Although you were enjoying being in the arms of your boyfriend you were starting to get bored, and wanted to get off
So once again you shift to begin to stand up,
“wait. Stay.” Suna says, his gaze still on the tv
You let out a small laugh, “baby I’m bored, I’m gonna go watch a movie or something.”
Suna removes his gaze from the tv for a split second, only to look at you with soft eyes, “im almost done, this is the last match, I promise.”
You totally give in in his request and give him a small kiss on the cheek, as a form of saying you agree
After the game is over, Suna says his goodbyes and turns off the console
Looking over to you, still sitting in his lap, he can help but stare in awe
“im surprised you wanted to be with me while I gamed. You never do.”
“i love being with you Rin.” You chuckle out
Quickly his grip around you tightens and he leans in to give you a long kiss, you reciprocate right away
Pulling away he speaks again “”okay so lets go watch that movie you want to watch.”
Your face brightens with a smile and you quickly get up to get everything ready
Now you’re happily cuddled in your boyfriends arms, watching your favorite movie
Although you know he’s not paying much attention (you can tell by the fact he’s kissing you every 5 minutes lol) this is your favorite position to be in
Your legs tangled with eahother and your face briefly on the nape of his neck, you wouldn’t want it any other way
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Hajime Iwaizumi
Iwaizumi was busy looking over some notes that were important for his next game
Any time he’d be occupied you never distracted him, you weren’t really a clingy girlfriend
So when you saw that there was a trend going around where the girlfriend clings on their boyfriend while he was busy
You thought it’d be amusing to see how your boyfriend would react
You look over to where your boyfriend is sitting and notice he’s peacefully flipping through pages
Walking over to his desk Iwaizumi immediately notices your presence
He looks back at you and begins to speak “hey angel do you ne-“
Before he can even finish his sentence he’s cut off by you crawling into his lap
He’s caught off guard at first, but instantly he wraps his arms around you to tighten your hold on him
You begin laughing as he begins prepping your face with small kisses
Pulling away he looks at you with soft eyes “what’s the matter angel, you missed me already?”
“yes” you say as you begin to nuzzle your face further into his neck.
“okay.” He says as he lightly takes you off “lets go hang out.”
“but what about your notes?”
“i could take a break.”
You smile at your boyfriend as he holds his hand out for you to take.
As soon as you do he instantly brings your body towards his to wrap you in a giant hug
You laugh at his sudden movements, but its evident in your face you’re really happy
Laying down on the bed he pulls your body to be on top of his and kisses you once again
Pulling away he talks “ you’re the prettiest girl I know.”
You blush at his words “oh shut up.” You jokingly say
“im serious,” he chuckles out “you are.”
You drop your body on his and continue to hold him while he tightens the embrace
You can hear the sound of his heart beat, and you can’t help but feel calm
“Iwa.” You whisper
“im sorry I distracted you from your work, but can we stay like this for a while?”
He lovingly looks down at you. “don’t be sorry, I love being here, with you.”
You look up at him and gently kiss him on the lips as you wrap your body further into his
Wrapped in his arms you forgot this was a challenge altogether
But you were very grateful you tried it out,
Because you couldn’t have asked for a better reaction
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angsty-omi · 3 years
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was she just a friend?
hajime iwaizumi x Reader
tw: very slight domestic abuse, insecurity, no happy ending, swearing, suggestive themes, and no editing prior.
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when you first started dating hajime, you had accepted the fact that he had a really close girl friend. how could you not? before you guys made it official he made sure his concerns were met with. this should’ve been the first red flag, however, you were blinded by love.
at first, it was subtle. she’d tag along with you guys on your walk home, which you didn’t mind at all. most of the trips, she’d make fun of iwaizumi and reminisce when they were kids. which, in turn, made you laugh. a lot. and usually after she got home, you and iwaizumi could spend the sunset together. his large calloused hand would wrap around yours, and he’d bring your hand up to peck it. your heart grew bigger by the minute.
then, one day after she left, both of his hands gripped your jaw, and soft lips were pressed against yours. you smiled into the kiss and added more pressure. as he pulled away, you instinctively moved forward for more. that made him chuckle, and grabbed your chin once more. however, this kiss was more passionate. you could never forget that night. it was purely blissful.
for the next six months, life felt like paradise. there was a consistency of “i love you-s,” cuddles, and even sex. but, as they say, happiness is only temporary. on your sixth month anniversary, you and hajime had planned a fancy dinner date on the bay. you showed up early, with excitement written on your face. you were currently wearing a satin maroon dress with a black trench coat on top. as you sat at your table, you pulled out a box out of your pocket. it was a promise ring. you rubbed the circumference of it, trying to ease your nerves. was this moving too fast? you were certain that you couldn’t love another the way you love hajime.
as the hour strikes, he still hadn’t showed up. you repeatedly checked your watch, and even asked other people’s in case your time was wrong. you texted hajime multiple times with no response. anxiety started bubbling in your stomach. what if hajime’s hurt? what if he got into a car accident? what if a UFO came down and kidnapped him? you prayed to yourself that none of those things were true.
before you even realized it, another hour went by. and at this point the waiters were passively suggesting you to leave, due to their full house. at first, you were weary, what if hajime shows up? you thought. although, you complied with the waiters and left. you called him so many times with no pick up. before jumping to conclusions, you decided to text her.
y/n: hey, have you talked to hajime recently?
her: nope! but i can text him if you’d like!
y/n: sure
you rolled your eyes at her message, she acted like he’d answer her and not you. you were his girlfriend for god sakes. obviously if he could text someone it’d be you... atleast that’s what you thought before you got a notification.
her: oh he just said he’s at home, was there something you needed?
that text broke your heart. he’s at home? worst of all he texted her back and not you? you just left her on read and headed home.
as you slammed your phone on the bed, you got ready to sleep. slipping into one of hajime’s shirts and a pair of underwear you tuck yourself in. while drifting, you inhaled his shirt and it smelled like him. his cologne had a wood musk scent to it which you adored. and before you realized it, you were crying. crying yourself to sleep.
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the next morning during school, you did everything in your power to ignore hajime. you skipped the lockers, lunch, and even prevented going to bathroom in case he was there. who could blame you? you were still upset after being stood up.
“miss y/n, could you grab these papers and send it to the office please?” your teacher asked.
you picked up the hefty amount of sheets and went on your merry way. with your guard down roaming the hallways, you failed to notice her and hajime at the end of it. as you both looked up from a long distance with eye contact, you simply turned around and took a detour. you could hear sneakers quickly catching up to you. it was hajime.
“hey baby i haven’t seen you all day,” he wrapped his arm around you.
you ignored him and continued looking straight ahead.
“hey are you okay?”
“y/n if you’re going to act like this and not tell me what’s going on, i’m going to go.” hajime said with a stern voice. you bit your lip, trying to hold tears back. you nudged yourself off of him and replied “fine.”
how could he be mad at you? and why’s he acting like nothing happened?
at the end of the school day, hajime was waiting at the gates for you. you caught sight of him and sighed. you couldn’t hold it off any longer. as you approached him, you saw her peeking out next to him. of course. with annoyance, you started walking home, with them behind you. the walk home was silent, excluding the loud footsteps trailing behind you. as soon as she turned for her house and a couple more steps, hajime grabbed your wrists and gently pinned you on the wall.
“tell me what’s wrong.”
immediately, tears start falling down your face.
“how could you forget about our sixth months?”
at this point, iwaizumi’s face turned pale. paler than a sheet of printer paper. he quickly kissed your tears, and rambled apologies.
“i can explain, that day hachi had some major family issues. her dad had just left the house to get drunk, and her mom was out of town. she needed me to come over, so i rushed.”
“so then, why didn’t you text me back?”
“you heard me”
“i gave my phone to hachi because her dad broke hers.”
you gave a confused look. her phone wasn’t broken, she literally texted you and to think about it you never said her name aloud or in your thoughts.
“what? i literally texted her the night of and she said you texted her back saying you were home”
“hachi wouldn’t do that.”
did he just assume that you would lie? what reason would you even have to lie? you pulled up your phone and showed him the messages.
“this was probably a misunderstanding, are you sure your connection was good? some of them probably didn’t send so it looks bad” he casually said.
you were just in so much shock when he said that. how could he? why did he? your head started to feel stressed so you just walked away. not wanting to hear his idiotic excuses anymore. he trailed behind you and wrapped his arms around you.
“please don’t leave us on bad terms, i’m sorry i won’t do it again” you felt tears on the back of your school uniform.
“i guess it wouldn’t hurt to forget this one instance” you thought to yourself. so what did you do? you forgave him.
poor little naive girl.
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after you guys made up, he decided to have a make up anniversary. you guys cuddled up on your bed and watched many sappy romance movies while ordering your favorite place. this was way better than an expensive dinner. you were just glad he was in your arms again and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
you got up from the bed with his arms dragging behind to go into your dresser, where you hid the box. as you were about to turn around and suprise him, his phone rang. who could be calling at this hour? you know who. hachi.
“don’t pick it up” you frowned.
“please babe just give me one second?” he pouted.
you nod in a agony. as he answered it, you could hear dramatic tears on the other end with a concerned hajime on the line.
“are you okay?! he did what?! i’m coming right now”
as he ended the call, he buckled his pants back on.
“you’re kidding right?”
you hid the tiny box behind your back.
“what are you talking about y/n?” he frustrated, clearly stressed out.
“this is our anniversary and you’re going over to see another girl?”
“y/n, she’s my best friend and you know that. plus she’s home alone and her dad just broke a window.”
“then can i come with you?”
he shook his head, “i don’t think she wants anyone to see her in that state right now”
“except for you, hm makes sense okay”
“can you please not be insecure for like one day?” his fingers ran through his hair.
your eyes widened, “are you fucking serious? you’re the one that made me insecure! first i dropped the whole dinner phone text thing even though there was obvious evidence hachi was trying to sabotage us, why can’t you see it?!”
“y/n, at the beginning of our relationship you acknowledged that i had a close girl friend. and with that, the dinner thing was just a misunderstanding. stop bringing that up or else.” he aggressed.
“are you seriously threatening me right now?”
“if you leave right now.. t-then we’re over!” the words just slipped out of your mouth. both of you guys were in shock. you were just so relentlessly depleted from this argument that you decided this was your solution.
he furiously opened the door, “hajime wai-” you were cut off by the door slamming shut. tears were flowing like a waterfall at this point. you gave yourself some time to breathe and reevaluate. you couldn’t lose hajime, he was your person. your light. your yellow. you put on your sneakers and ran to hachi’s house, knowing he’d be there. you grabbed the promise ring alongside so you could beg for forgiveness.
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your breath was ragged, damn were you out of shape. but at the end, you got to your destination. as you analyzed the house, there seem to be no windows broken, but the front door was opened slightly. you knew she was lying from the start about her dad smashing things. you slowly walked in as quiet as possible and could hear sobs in the other room. as you pressed your ear to the door, it was hajime’s sobs. your heart felt so much guilt, sayings like “i love her so much” and “how could she just say that?” were the only phrases you could comprehend. then there was silence. as you opened the door, prepared to make up, you couldn’t believe your eyes. hachi and hajime’s face were about a half an inch away from each other. they both looked up at you.
“nice intact windows, take this stupid fucking ring, you’re dead to me iwaizumi” you chucked the box at him. as he looked at the box, it had been embroidered ‘promise’ on it and he knew what that meant. you quickly made your exit through the door with hajime closely behind you.
you stopped in your tracks, “please just leave me alone” your voice now dainty.
“y/n, plea-”
“please what? please forget about what i saw? i knew it i fucking knew it. you know what, this whole time you made me like the bad guy when it was YOU. you made me like this, and the worst part is I STILL LOVE YOU.” you punched jabs into his chest. obviously it didn’t hurt him physically, but emotionally it felt like a million swords were stabbing him repeatedly.
“please stop this, is there anyway you can forgive me? please?” he sobbed.
“i’ll do anything”
“would you leave hachi for me?” you asked sharply.
his hesitation was all you needed. in his head he answered yes, but it was like his vocal chords stopped working. deep in his heart, he knew you deserved better. so he stayed quiet.
“go to hell, go fuck hachi or something see if i care.” but you did care. you just wished that he fought just a little bit for you. but he never did and you had to accept it like a champ.
before this all happened, you had dreamed about iwaizumi hajime and yours’s future. but now it’s all ruined.
you’re left heartbroken and lost $350 on a ring that had no meaning.
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twatshag · 3 years
"Can I ask you something?"
♤ In which haikyuu boys ask you personal questions ♤
Pairings: iwaizumi x reader, osamu x reader, kuroo x reader All gn!!
Warnings: mentions of death(not the characters), suggestive topics, mentions of daddy issues, mention of past troubles, insecurities, mentions of exs cheating, crying
Genre: fluff, slightly angsty but still fluffy.
A/N: In honour of mental health month I wanted to write this piece to make you guys feel loved by the boys ! You are loved and cared for and as much as I hated hearing it but things WILL get better. Stay strong I want you to fight.- Kira
Miya Osamu
You and your boyfriend were cuddling against one another in your bed it was a routine you both loved doing on your free days. Basking in each others warmth while talking about your days and what the future holds.
Osamu's laugh rang through the bedroom walls while he played with your hair. "And then she literally drops her cake right onto my laptop and it freakin' broke it!!" "Ma god angel was tha cake that hard?" "You have no idea how much I wanted to punch her for one, baking a cake that was literally so hard if I ate a rock it would've been softer and two for breaking my freaking laptop !".
Osamu chuckled once again as he kissed your forehead and you frowning because of how can he find the awful events that you've been dealing with all week funny at all.
"There there angel A don't want ya getting forehead wrinkles from frowning too hard ya know." He chuckled while poking your ticklish sides earning a slap on his hand. "Jeez I think I'd literally cry if I ever got them." Osamu smiled against your hairline as the conversation came to a halt maybe this was the right moment to ask what he's been thinking about all week he thought.
"Angel can a ask you something?". You tilted your head to look at him while he gazed right back at you while popping an eyebrow at his question "is your question going to be 'can ya help me get off?' ? Because your answer is no."
Osamu chuckled and rolled his eyes at your so bold statement just a while back in your relationship you'd be blushing profusely if he made any type of suggestive comment wondering what happened to his innocent S/o.
"Nah angel I'm serious here". Noticing his serious features you decided to nod and see what he has to say.
Gulping he decided to ask away. "What made ya believe in love again? Ya know after yer ex had cheated on ya?" Your eyes widened at his sudden question earning a worried panicked look from him. Looking around the room to avoid this awkward situation he put himself into "Y-ya dont hafta answer ya know A- a Just couldn't-" "you."
His eyes met yours with a dumb founded expression you deciding to continue on since there was no backing down now. I mean you always knew that one day he'd ask you about it but it still made you sink a bit when he did.
"I mean sure of course there would be times where you smelled different or something and I'd panic or times you got so many notifications on your phone and i'd let my past get the better of me and snoop but after 3 months of dating, you told me something that just healed everything I've been through."
You smiled at him and he looked back at you with a curious look to what his so called healing words were.
"You told me you loved me. And I know that sounds so stupid" you laughed heavily releasing the lump in your throat.
"But the way you looked at me was like an unspoken promise to never hurt me like he did." You shrugged smiling at him and burying your face against his chest.
Osamu was dumbfounded by your response sure he knew he might be the reason but confirmation doesnt make the love sick smug grin on his face and the warmth rising to it any less effective.
He held you as tight as he can. "God angel ya really know how to get a man flustered say how bout ya help me get o-" "no" "Angelllllllllllll" you scoffed at him and hit his chest. "Shut up and sleep Miya" to which he laughed at the sound of his last name even when you were upset and you addressed him by his last name he can't help but smile at how beautiful it sounded coming from you. "Yer breaking ma heart here angel don't make me take yer cuddling rights." Chuckling as your grip around him tightened and drifting off to sleep together while he played with your hair.
Making mental note to always be the one who heals you forever because you were the one who healed him too and God did he love you so much for everything that you did.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Today was your regular late night drive throughs and talks about your life while stuffing your face with fast food with your beefy athletic trainer boyfriend.
As you brought the sandwich to your mouth and took a big bite you moaned at the heavenly taste earning a chuckle from the green eyed man next to you.
"Can't believe I'm not the one who's making you moan that way but a sandwich."
You rolled your eyes at his snarky comment while stuffing your mouth with the sandwich "shushth up iwa-chanth".
"Jeez who knew romance was dead L/n and I told you stop calling me that and don't speak with a mouth full last time you did you had to clean my car seat" he laughed earning an intensive glare his way from you.
You swallowed and thought about a good come back for a second. "I wasn't the one who threw up in my cup holder was I? Iwaaa-chaaaannnn" making sure to drag the annoying nickname out just to tease him.
He rolled his eyes at you "you're such a brat, doll and you know how I can't deal with spicy food who's fault was that?" You laughed "oh shut up, you loved me for the after care you got Hajime." "I'll think about it."
Smacking his chest lightly as you both laughed into the night.
Should I ask ? I really don't want to pry. I mean it's been weeks since they've told me about it and I dont want them to feel alone maybe I shouldn't ask them iwaizumi thought to himself while staring at the sandwich in his hands. But before he could decide he was snapped back to reality by your voice "not hungry Haji?" Before he could settle on a decision the words have already come out of his mouth.
"Doll can I ask you something?" You raised an eye brow at his sudden serious tone and you nodded "of course, anything haji-baby" feeling the atmosphere turn tense you decided to pull out the favourite nick name card and he smiled nervously.
"Do you miss her?" You felt your heart sink. Your friend had gotten into an accident talking with her boyfriend while driving resulting them in a critical state which lead to them passing away. You smiled weakly.
"Yes I do.." he stared at you worried that he might've crossed a line or broke a boundary but before he could overthink you opened your mouth to speak again.
"But you know, my care taker always told me something that always stuck to me about death. They said Nobody dies before age" he frowned confusingly. "What do you mean?" He asked eager to know what your statement meant.
"It means that when a person passes away they've served their purpose and they accomplished what they wanted to on earth so they go into their next step. A life even better than what they've gotten." You gazed at him smiling of course it hurt, alot but your friend was very successful and very happy when you went to the funeral and walked up to her casket the way she lied there was a peaceful sight. Slight smile on her face despite her body being cold.
As much as it hurt saying good bye you couldn't help but smile at how happy she looked to earn peace of an even better life in the next. Leaving her pain behind her.
Iwaizumi reached to hold your hand thinking he couldn't possibly be more in love how foolish he thought.
"You're really strong you know that?" You laughed heavily squeezing his hand while a few tears slipped out of your eyes. "Its a part of life you know its just it always hurts when they leave but it makes me at ease knowing that something better is out there for them."
You looked up at your boyfriend who was tearing up in front of you exchanging silent smiles and promises to never be sad when anything happens to you both individually because at the end of the day the light at the end of the tunnel is always brighter than the start.
Kissing in the dead of night as a confirmation to what you both were thinking and agreeing to your promise. While he held you in his arms remembering to always make you feel better because even though his job was draining coming home to you and embracing you was something that always, always made him feel better. Hoping that it would be your cure as well.
Kuroo Tetsuro
"Kitten! Come help me with this!" Kuroo whined as he was trying to hang up the drawn portrait of your pet dog on the wall. Today was just a normal lazy day in the kuroo & L/n household. "Tetsu- stop whining can't you see I'm busy here" you rolled your eyes at your 6'2 pouting boyfriend who's suddenly bad at everything he can do alone knowing damn well he just uses it as an excuse to be close to you.
Despite what everyone thought of Kuroo he sure was the clingy type in fact if you got up to the bathroom during the night he'd whine about how you don't love him anymore because you left his arms.
Walking over to you trying to put the portrait into different frames you had placed on the floor deciding which one would look the best on the wall. He crouched down to your level and hugged you from behind while resting his chin on your shoulder.
"Kitten don't use that sassy tone with me I'm still your senpai chibi-chan." You giggled and rolled your eyes at his silly nickname "you know that it's been 5 years since high school right ?" He smirked at you and kissed your neck earning a whimper from you at the warm sensation. "But you're still my chibi-chan" "whatever you say captain"
you smiled at his warmth while sliding the portrait out of the frame you put it in. "Say chibi-chan, why don't you start calling me captain in bed?" You looked at him with the best deadpan expression you could make while he wiggled his eyebrows at you as a way to say 'whatcha think???' "No". You answered back.
you stood up grabbing the frame you thought fit best on the wall and he followed you like a lost puppy "oooohhh come on chibi-chan, how would that hurt? You refused to call me daddy you know!" You laughed at his annoying smug grin and rolled your eyes at his pouty face.
"I'm not calling you captain testu- besides why isn't testu enough for you? Sex is supposed to be intimate why would I call you something that I don't like thinking about." You chuckled,
but he knew better than anyone that your chuckle wasn't because you thought it was funny but because you were hiding the slight pain in your voice.
If you had anything common with kuroo it was that your home wasn't as perfect either. Your father was indeed home and he lived with you guys but if he wasn't it would've probably been for the better. And he knew about that.
"Kitten can I ask you something?" You rolled your eyes thinking this was going to be another bribe for you to call him some nick name during sexual intercourse but decided to play along. "Aye aye captain ask away." Popping the cardboard open to place the portrait inside the decided frame you heard him swallow and he opened his mouth to talk.
"Is it because of him?" You almost dropped the portrait from your hands. Grip hardening on the piece of paper in your hold.
You looked at him sadness reflecting your eyes trying to hide it behind your weak smile. You nodded. "Yeah. It is".
You didn't notice how your hand started shaking becoming angry and over rushed with every negative emotion in your body tears swelling up your eyes not noticing how your boyfriend was already by your side placing the paper you held so tightly on to the side while pulling you in to his chest and relaxing as you softened against him.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you that." You sniffles against shaking your head. "No it's okay, it's just.." he placed his hand on your head tracing his thumb against your hair lightly something that always soothed you when your sad.
"I just don't want to remember him, You know and I still feel like it's my fault that he's the way he is, maybe if I-" "no."
Kuroo cut you off by lifting your chin up to look at him worry and pain plastered onto his face. How can anyone hurt you he thought.
"It's not your fault kitten, if anything he's the asshole. You didn't deserve him and his shitty behaviour if I was in his place I would've made sure to protect you even from myself."
You laughed while he wiped your tears and you leaned to his touch "you just made this sound gross testu" he chuckled and pulled you into his chest once again allowing you to hear his racing heart that only raced for you.
"guess I'm gross for making my kitten laugh while crying" you giggled wrapping your arms tightly around him, enjoying his warmth and love for a few seconds before mumbling. "Captain sounds nice.." giggling to yourself and suddenly yelping as he picked you up bridal style and kissing your lips making his way to the bedroom
"Tetsu put me down!!! We still didn't hang the portrait yet!!" He chuckled as you squirmed in his hold "nope I'm sure the portrait could wait right now I have to take this new nickname for a test drive" as he closed the door to the bedroom leaving you and your worries behind.
You knew that at the end of the day kuroo would never hurt you. Unless it's in bed but that's beside the point.. he truly loved you and while you laid in his arms that night completely bare he vowed to himself to always protect you. Even if that meant from himself.
A/N: I hope that you guys enjoyed this piece dedicated to mental health month! Please don't ever doubt your feelings they are valid and you have every right to feel the way you feel thank you all for being the way you guys are ! Much love to everyone! Stay strong
- with love kira
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icyhawt · 3 years
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x reader
genre: smut
warnings: 18+ nsfw, mentions of alcohol consumption, oral (male receiving), choking, dirty talk, daddy kink, slight size kink, slight praise kink
summary: you give your boyfriend top at the red light
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you sigh as you climb into the passenger seat of the car, your body feeling heavy because of how tired you were. as you settle into the seat you hear the door of the driver’s side opening. your head lolling to the side, you see your boyfriend. you catch iwaizumi’s eyes and with a small smile he leans forward pecking your lips.
after pulling back, he begins to put his seat belt on and breaks the comfortable silence, “i hope tonight wasn’t too much. i know you don’t really like parties.”
oikawa had thrown a little new year’s kickback as a celebration of not only the new year but him finally being back in japan. he had invited a majority of the seijoh boys and of course iwaizumi. being oikawa’s closest friend, iwaizumi knew he had to show up or else oikawa would whine about it for the months to come. truth be told, hajime was looking forward to spending his new year with you cuddled on the couch while some random countdown special played in the background. clearly that wasn’t the case. the both of you had went and hajime had made it known that he didn’t feel like drinking tonight but he had no issue if you wanted to. you had decided not to drink too much because you didn’t want your boyfriend to ring in the new year by holding your hair up while you threw your guts up in the toilet. although, you knew that if that were to happen he would have no problem with it. a couple beers and a shot or two later, you and hajime decided to take your leave early in hopes that you two could make it home before the clock hit 12:00.
leaning your head back against the headrest you close your eyes and smile, “no, it’s okay. i had a lot of fun. nothing beats seeing makki and mattsun doing drunk karaoke.”
hajime begins to reverse the car, placing his hand on the back of your headrest as he looks back. he shakes his head, “yeah but hearing that shit is awful, i almost went deaf.”
he looks at you briefly before directing his attention to the road in front of him, “are you okay though? you need me to pick up anything?”
you were always able to handle your liquor fairly well so you don’t feel anything more than a slight buzz. you open your eyes to look at your boyfriend, slight smile still on your face, “i’m okay, just wanna be home.”
you turn your attention to the radio in front of you and turn it on. pulling out your phone, you connect it and scroll through your playlists until you find the one titled ‘late night drives.’ as the first song flows out of the speakers, you settle back into your seat. you’re about to close your eyes again when you feel hajime’s hand make its way into your thigh. the short length of your dress making it easy for him to grip the flesh there. his hand doesn’t trail up any further, opting to stay put with his thumb rubbing against your skin up and down.
the touch does nothing except heat your body up with desire. you glance down at the large hand resting on your thigh and bring your eyes to look up at hajime. you give him a once over, eyes settling on his face. maybe it was the alcohol but god did he look so fucking good. the cut of his jaw, the curve of his nose, everything. trailing your eyes lower, you look over his neck and then you find yourself staring at his arm. it was no secret that iwaizumi took care of himself, especially physically. countless hours of being at the gym paying off in the form of his defined torso, thick thighs and bulging biceps. you find your mind floating off into thought of him at the gym, out of breath, skin glistening with sweat. you shift in your seat, catching the attention of your boyfriend.
hajime softly squeezes the inside of your thigh, “you good baby?”
you catch his gaze for a brief second before he turns to pay attention to the road again. you reach down with your left hand and take his hand off of your thigh. you interlace your fingers with his and lean over the middle console to give his cheek a kiss. what was supposed to be one single kiss turned into multiple and hajime soon finds your lips by his ear.
“mhm, i’m very good,” you breathe.
he huffs out a small laugh, “easy, we’re almost home.”
resting your head on his shoulder, you sigh, “don’t know if i can wait that long.” he can hear the light pout in your voice.
your free hand begins to travel up his arm, slowly but surely creeping to caress his strong chest. your actions make hajime grip the steering wheel a bit tighter. an action that does not go unnoticed by you. you know exactly what you’re doing, which is why you don’t bother to stop your wandering hand from going lower and lower. you don’t stop until your fingers are playing with the bottom of his shirt.
hajime’s eyes flick down to you, his eyes narrowed into slits, “quit it.”
suppressing a smile, you reply, “quit what?”
“you know exactly what, brat. you drank tonight, you’re probably drunk,” his voice firm.
truthfully, the buzz you felt earlier had died down and you’re fully aware of everything you’re doing. you roll your eyes before leaning up and giving his jaw a peck, “c’mon haji, i didn’t drink that much. i feel fine, i promise.”
the car slows to a stop, a red light. perfect. 
for the nth time that night, you catch his gaze. the red glow of the stop light illuminating his face perfectly. you don’t know if he knows how good he looks. leaning down, he presses his lips to yours. your lips continue to glide over one another’s and before it could get even heavier, hajime pulls away first. he would be a liar if he said that he didn’t want to take you in the backseat right here, right now. with the way you looked tonight and how handsy you were being? it’s like you were begging for him to fill you up the way you deserved. from the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, body clad in that little black dress, he’s had to hold himself back. and right now his restraint is wearing incredibly thin, all because of you and your lingering kisses and wandering hands.
hajime was so lost in thought, he didn’t even notice that you’ve not only taken off your seatbelt and let go of his hand but that your whole upper body is leaning over the console that divides you both. you bring one hand up to cup the side of his face while the other fists the shirt he has on. you pull him in for another kiss, this one being even hotter and heavier than the last. one of his hands wraps around your throat, giving a slight squeeze before loosening again. the other hand on one side of your face.
you whine into the kiss, pulling back just a bit, “daddy, please.”
and just like that, hajime’s restraint snaps. he can never say no to you, no matter how hard he tries. always willing to give you whatever you ask of him.
“what is it baby, hm?” he hums, his eyes finding yours.
“i want you, want you in my mouth.” you keen, so wide eyed and desperate to make him feel good. hajime can feel himself growing hard at the thought.
“yeah? you want me to stuff that pretty mouth full?”
you nod, “mhm.”
unsatisfied with your lack of response, his eyes narrow slightly, “you know better than that, use your words.”
“yes daddy, want you to stuff my mouth.”
pulling away from you completely, he leans back to relax in his seat. giving you access to take whatever you wanted. he sighs, “there we go. go ahead baby take it out.”
not wasting a moment, you hastily begin to fumble with the belt of his pants. upon seeing your impatience, hajime chuckles. “slow down, angel. i’m not goin’ anywhere.”
you feel your cheeks flush in embarrassment but that feeling fades quickly as soon as his cock is freed. hajime was always blessed in terms of his physique and that included his dick. he’s big and he knows it. the first time you had to take him, you cried from the stretch of it. after being together for so long, you grew to love it. whether it be in your pussy or your mouth, you craved to have him fill you.
his cock is hot and heavy in your hand. the precum beading at the tip. your hand looks so small wrapped around him and hajime groans at the sight. finally, you lean down to give the tip a small kitten lick. at the contact, he hisses, “don’t tease baby.”
as much as you wanted to tease him, your need to please him prompts you to wrap your lips around the tip. you feel hajime tangle his fingers in your hair, guiding you to move up and down his length. it doesn’t take long for him to start bucking his hips up into the warmth of your mouth. you can feel him at the back of your throat. the only noise in the car being the drone of the radio and the sound of hajime’s moans and groans, telling you that you’re his ‘good girl’ and that he’s gonna make sure to ‘fuck you so good that you cry’ when he gets you home. you can feel your panties stick to your pussy with your slick at the sound of his promises.
everything is so messy. hajime can feel the mix of his precum and your spit drip down his cock. he has half a mind to pull you off and spit in your mouth but the way your warm, wet mouth is wrapped around him is making him feel too good to stop you.
your jaw is aching and your makeup is probably smudged to hell but you don’t care. the only thing on your mind being that you want hajime’s cum down your throat.
with a tightening grip in your hair and a low groan from your boyfriend, you get exactly what you want. his cock pulses in your mouth as he cums, your mouth still suckling on the tip to milk him for everything he’s worth. it isn’t until he tugs your hair up with a little bit of force that you finally let up. hajime’s eyes follow you as you sit up and he reaches forward to grip your chin in his hand, “open.” and you comply, your tongue lolling out of your mouth. he smiles at the sight. you swallowed just like the good girl you are. he tugs your face closer to his so he can press his lip against your own in a chaste kiss.
he pulls back, gazing at your lips before bringing his eyes up to your own, “you’re always so good to me aren’t you?”
you smile, “always gonna be a good girl for you.” the corners of his lips quirk up at your reply.
he pulls away from you completely to tuck himself back inside his pants and get situated once again. you lean back into your seat and click your seatbelt into place. looking at the street in front of you, you let out a small giggle at the sight of the traffic light being green. the red and green light probably being flicked back and forth during the time you had your boyfriend’s cock in your mouth. the sound of your giggles makes hajime turn his head to look at you, “what’s so funny?”
you feel the car start to move once again. you shake your head, “nothing, just thank god we were the only ones at that intersection.”
you lean your head back to relax against the headrest and close your eyes. the music being the only thing that fills the silence before your hear your boyfriend’s voice again, “get your rest now ‘cause i’m fucking you when we get home, just like i said.”
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a/n: HAPPY NEW YEARRR!! i was supposed to post this yesterday but here we are 🤡 also i was lowkey tipsy when i wrote this so i am SO sorry if there’s any errors. this was my first time writing smut so i apologize if it’s not great. i hope u all enjoy <33
© icyhawt 2021
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alittlelove4u · 3 years
haikyuu boys saying ,,I love you“ for the first time
Including: Bokuto • Tendou • Iwaizumi
warnings: none
note: there is a mha version too :)
requests are open 
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Bokuto Kentour
He didn’t plan on saying it, but he was just so happy in that moment that he couldn’t hold it back any longer.
It was during a game. You were watching and cheering them on as always but it was the first time that you were wearing his jersey. He didn’t recognize it at first but when you put your hands in the air he could see his number on your chest.
Bokuto just froze for a second and looked at you. You were next to some friends, screaming and cheering him on. Your smile reminded him of the first sunshine after a long storm. So bright and beautiful, he couldn’t believe that you were his s/o.
Without even thinking he sprinted into your direction, ignoring the calls of his teammates. He couldn’t hold it any long otherwise he’d probably explode.
,,I LOVE YOU, Y/N!!“ he shouted as loud as he could. He didn’t care that people started staring at you.
You could feel your cheeks burning and the stares from the others. But to be honest you didn’t really care because you love him too. ,,I love you, too!“ you weren’t as loud as he but he could hear you, right before someone from his team grabbed his collar and put him on the field again.
Bokuto was smiling the whole game through and played even better and more enthusiastic. Every once in a while he looked at you and formed a ,,I love you,“ with his lips.
After the game, he came to you as fast as possible. His hair was still wet from the shower and he wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks. Bokuto ignored all the reporters, he just pulled you in a tight hug and spun you around. ,,I love you,“ he said over and over again.
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Tendou Satori
Tendou had a rough day and all he wanted was to crawl into his bed and hide from this terrible world. He didn’t want to see anyone and he definitely didn’t want anyone to see him.
You knew he had one of these days, because he was weirdly quiet during the day and didn’t even looked you in the eyes. Your heart broke when you found Tendou in his bed. If he could just see him the way you do. ,,Satori?“ you asked with a soft voice as you kneeled down and slowly pulled his blanket away. Satori didn’t say a word but his eyes said enough.
,,Do you mind any company?“you smiled at him but he stayed quiet anyway. Tendou just moved to the side and you layed gently next to him. Your head on his chest and your arms around him.
,,Why are you here?“ he finally asked. He sounded so emotionless, it hurted. But you knew better. Satori didn’t meant it that way, he just didn’t know what else to do.
,,Well, my boyfriend seems sad and what s/o would I be if I didn’t show him how amazing he is.“ He didn’t respond, he didn’t even looked at you, so you kept talking.
,,You know, you’d like him. He is so amazing and beautiful, I thought I died and went to heaven. He would never let anyone down or judge someone. He’s one of the funniest persons I’ve ever met. He’s also a lil crazy wich is even better because I love that about him.“ Tendou was still starring at the ceiling but a little tear rolled down his cheek, wich you softly wiped away. You got closer to him and pulled him in a hug. His head was laying on your chest and you could feel how he hold onto you.
,,He’s also very smart even tho he‘s sometimes an idiot. He still believes that we don’t love him, but he’s wrong. We love him, especially me. I think he’s the love of my life and I don’t think I could live any longer without him.“ You could feel more tears dropping on your shirt and how he pulled you tighter to him.
Satori didn’t cry because he was sad but rather because he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. You were by his side and you actually said that you love him. There was still a little voice in his head, telling him he’s nothing, but you were louder. You were there and you loved him so much, he forgot to hate himself.
After his tears dried out, he finally dared to look you in the eyes. You were still smiling lovely at him and he could start crying again. ,,I love you too,“ he said and kissed you.
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Iwaizumi Hajime
You and Hajime were chilling in his room and watching some movies. It was a horror movie and you have this habit to talk a lot when you’re scared or nervous. You couldn’t stop talking.
,,Why are they always splitting up, that’s stupid?!“
,,You dumb idiot, habe you never seen a horror movie?“
,,Of curse. He would never find you unter the bed. Dumb bitch.“
Hajime didn’t plan this night like that. He thought if you would watch a scary movie you’d get sacred and cuddle. Instead you were sitting next to him, with your legs over his lap and nonstop talking.
The two of you were 30 minutes into the movie when he lost it. ,,I love you, but I swear to god if-“ Hajime froze as he realized what he just said.
,,What?“ You were coughed completely off guard. Iwaizumi doesn’t really tells someone how he’s feeling. Most of the time you were just guessing what he actually wants or thinks.
Hajime wanted to punch himself in the face. This wasn’t the right time and especially not the way he wanted it to say. Hajime had planed a nice Valentine’s Day date. ,,Nothing. I said shut up,“ he mumbled and kept staring at the TV. He could just hope you didn’t hear him.
,,Oh,“ you said and looked back at the screen, trying not to talk or scream.
Hajime balled his hands into first as he saw how hurt you looked. Of course you heard him! How could he be so stupid and childish.
,,I...I love you,“ he finally said and waited for your reaction. He knows that he can be harsh or mean sometimes and he doesn’t even know why you actually stay with him.
,,You do?“
,,Of course! I love you, Y/N!“ he straightens up and cups your face with his hands, so you can look into his eyes. ,,I love you. I’m just not so good with words.“
You smile and lean closer too kiss him softly. ,,I love you too.“
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amjustagirl · 4 years
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Summary: She may mean the world to Iwaizumi Hajime but at the end of the day, Oikawa Tooru is his star. 
AO3 Link here
Sequel: Broken Compass
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She used to think the universe intended for her to literally  crash into one Iwaizumi Hajime. 
One of her first assignments as a writer for one of the country’s top sports magazines was to cover the Japanese volleyball team’s season, and despite constant reminders from her editors  not  to screw this up because the men’s volleyball team is crazy popular these days, she manages to trip over her own feet and knock not just herself, but the newly minted team trainer to the ground. 
When she lifts her head from the ground, the first thing that hits her mind is -  goodness, he’s hot  -  he’s a veritable god among men, all sinewy muscles and sunkissed skin, and she can’t bring herself to speak as he carefully checks her once over for any signs of injury. ‘Are you alright?’ he asks her, and she nods dumbly as he pulls her to her feet and waves her off with a warm smile. The heat from his hands lingers on her skin long after she goes to bed that night. 
They meet again at the next match. He remembers her name, she gives him a friendly wave. Then at the next match, she cheekily asks for his comments and he huffs a laugh as he directs her to the team’s PR manager. By the end of the season, she works up the courage to ask him out for coffee, and he says yes . 
 Iwaizumi Hajime is everything she dreamt of in a partner - kind, caring, steady, his feet firmly planted on the ground. He always wraps his arm around her to pull her close when they walk along the edge of the road, and indulges her pleas for an extra cuddle – ‘ the last one, I promise! ’ - every morning when he leaves for work. They exchange long text messages late into the night when either of them are on the road, and nag each other for working too hard. When they lay in bed at night, he whispers promises filled with love against her skin, tells her he can trace the constellations in her eyes. 
It makes it so easy for her to close her eyes and believe that their love is written in the stars, so a year later when he asks her to marry him, she doesn’t hesitate to jump into his arms and say yes . The weight of the silver band he slips on her finger grounds her with his love, and her heart is full. 
She can’t stop feeling like a thief who’s snatched the sun from the sky. 
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Oikawa Tooru is to be his best man of course. 
She knows who he is, she’s covered the sport long enough to have heard about him - the prodigious setter from Miyagi who never made it once to Nationals despite his obvious talent (an exquisitely crafted  katana  is, after all, no match for the brute force of a cannon), who spit in the face of fate and chased his dreams to sunnier lands. 
Iwaizumi has always been awfully fond of regaling her with stories of Oikawa, so much so that she thinks she can piece together their relationship - childhood friends turned longtime teammates, the long suffering ace and the monstrously brilliant setter. She watches his face soften uncharacteristically when he reads news about his old friend winning a match, and hardens when Oikawa whines loudly during their video calls about his bruises and sore knee. She can’t help but think Iwaizumi must have been like Jupiter, a god in his own right, drawn into orbit around Oikawa, a star burning over-bright. 
She knows they remain best friends despite their separation by whole continents, keeping in contact via video calls and text messages, playing hopscotch with the time difference. They certainly look like it when they greet each other at the airport, Oikawa trilling a playful ‘ Iwa-channn’ and Iwaizumi grunting at him to ‘shut up, they’re in public, dumbass!’, exchanging back slaps so loud it makes her wince. 
‘You must be the poor fiancee’, Oikawa gives her an exaggerated leer as he stands before her, hands on hips. ‘What did Iwa-chan drug you with to get you to marry him? Do you know he snores like a monster in his sleep? You know you can back out before the wedding right? Blink once if you’re ok, and twice if you’re not - and I’ll help you escape from him.’
Before she can respond to that frankly impertinent speech, Iwaizumi roars ‘Shut-up, Shittykawa’, tackling him into a headlock and wrestling him off into their car. She stifles a laugh as they spend the rest of the ride to Oikawa’s hotel room bickering back and forth. 
‘How did you manage to pack so much luggage for a two week stay, you vain piece of crap!’
‘I care about my looks and grooming - unlike some of us who skulk around in clothes they’ve worn since high school!’ 
 ‘Piece of shit’ 
Iwaizumi alternates between grunting and growling at Oikawa’s nonsense but his eyes are shining (so bright that she can see stars) and Oikawa’s retorts are punctuated with smiles that are impossibly wide. She thinks to herself it’ll be good for Iwaizumi to have Oikawa around.
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Oikawa starts to call her ‘ Chibi-chan  ’ especially when Hajime is around to be annoyed by it – she admits she’s short, but not  that  short, it’s just that he spends most of his time surrounded by literal  giants  - and develops an irritating habit of ambushing her with quizzes about Hajime's likes and dislikes. 
'Favourite food?' 
'Agedashi tofu.' 
'Favourite movie?' 
After a few rounds of these pop quizzes, she looks at him like he's sprouted a second head. ‘Seriously, Oikawa-san, we're getting married in less than two weeks. Do you seriously think I wouldn't know the most obvious things about my own fiancé?'  
'Don't frown, Chibi-chan, you'll grow wrinkles and look old', he sing songs at her. 'I'm just making sure you're worthy of Iwa-chan's love!' 
'Stop bullying my fiancée, Shittykawa, or I'll beat you up so bad you can't move'. Iwaizumi rubs lazy circles against her back, and she leans against him comfortably. 
'Aww Iwa-chan, once a bone head, always a bone head’, Oikawa says, scrunching his face into a mock-sniff. ‘Say, Chibi-chan, do you know Iwa-chan would beat me up ‘til I let go all the cicadas we caught, but if they died, he would cry?' 
‘Are you calling me a crybaby, Shittykawa’, Iwaizumi growls dangerously, simmering down only when she coos at him, ‘that’s so cute, you must have been such a sweet child’. 
Then, sensing that her presence is probably stopping the boys from catching up fully, she shoos them out of the apartment on the premise that they should get some fresh air and cool off but really so they can get some much needed time together. ‘ And stop fighting’ , she calls after them, making good use of the quiet to busy herself with wedding preparations. 
When Iwaizumi finally returns home late that night, he finds her asleep on the couch, and with a soft smile he curls up around her. ‘Hajime?’ she breathes, nuzzling her nose into his neck, and he has to bite back the urge to cover her face with kisses, tightening his hold on her instead.  
‘I’m back’, he whispers, his breath warm against her neck. ‘Sorry I was out so long’. 
‘It’s fine’, she mumbles sleepily. ‘Did you guys have fun?’
‘Yeah - we went for dinner and then Oikawa dragged me to at least five different bakeries to find the perfect milk bread before he was willing to go for drinks’, he complains. ‘And he made me promise to go for drinks with Issei and Hanamaki tomorrow afternoon before we meet with the wedding coordinator’.
‘Mm’, she hums absently. ‘Oikawa seemed a little on edge earlier. I’m glad he calmed down and had fun with you’. 
Iwaizumi frowns into her hair, thinking back to Oikawa’s inexplicable needling of her earlier. ‘Sweetheart, if Oikawa is irritating you, I'll make him stop’. 
‘It’s fine’, she says, with a little more force than she intended, waving away the concerned look he gives her. ‘He’s your best friend, Hajime. I think he's just feeling a little insecure. You should spend more time with him while you still can’. 
He grins and kisses her warmly. ‘You’re too good to me. What did I do to deserve you?’ 
‘Because the universe willed that I love you’, she answers, as if it were the most obvious thing on earth. 
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But Oikawa manages to find a way to wreck her well made plans.   
Iwaizumi finds her in the kitchen, back turned towards him, and the slam of the dishes on the counter makes him wince. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart’, he tells her, wincing when she shrugs off his hand. 
'You skipped our appointment with our wedding coordinator', she hisses, whirling around to face him. ‘But that’s not the worst of it - do you know how scared I was when you didn’t pick up my calls? I thought you got  hurt  or heaven forbid - got run over by a car and died,  Hajime!’
‘I’m sorry’, he repeats, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. 'I got engrossed in catching up with Hanamaki and Issei, and Oikawa stole my phone so I lost track of time. I kicked his ass for it, you could've heard him whining about it from outer space’. He slyly slides an arm around her waist, resisting her attempts to pull away as he buries his nose in her hair.  ‘I'll make it up to you, I promise'. 
'Make sure you do', she huffs, leaning into his warmth. ‘And what was Oikawa’s reason for stealing your phone?’ 
‘You know Shittykawa, he probably thought he was being cute. I’ll make him apologise,’ Hajime replies, pressing his nose into the crook of her neck. 
She relaxes a fraction, breathing in his familiar scent - fresh linen and pine and  home, but that doesn't ease the knot of something  -  she can't quite put her finger on what it is just yet - weighing down in her chest. 
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True to his word, Iwaizumi drags Oikawa by his ear to lunch with them the next day, not letting go until he apologises to her with an appropriately chastened expression on his face. ‘I’m sorry, Chibi-chan, I shan’t do it again’, he tells her contritely, but when Iwaizumi’s back is turned, he shoots her a puckish grin brimming with mischief that makes her toes curl. 
She ignores him, and lets herself be drawn into the flow of their conversation - Oikawa complaining incessantly about Ushijima Wakatoshi and Kageyama Tobio whom she’s met many times in the past few months and he shoots her dirty looks when she archly tells him that she thinks they’re lovely men, Iwaizumi getting on Oikawa’s case again for not eating enough, for not sleeping enough, barely able to restrain himself from violence when Oikawa responds with a trilled ‘  Iwa-chan, you sound like my mother ’.  
The conversation meanders off to their Seijoh teammates she’s not terribly familiar with, so she’s caught off guard when Oikawa abruptly turns to her with shit-eating grin and asks innocently ‘Say, Chibi-chan, what about Iwa-chan caught your eye?’
‘Have you looked at him?’ she says, playfully nudging a blushing Iwaizumi with her elbow. ‘He’s built like a god.’
Oikawa’s smile turns sickly sweet, showing far too much teeth. ‘In that case, I’m surprised you didn’t go for one of the volleyball players instead. Or was Iwa-chan your last attempt? You’re twenty-five this year, after all.’ 
A glance in Iwaizumi’s direction shows her exactly what she expects - first, his mouth drops open in a wide-eyed, open mouthed gape, then fury burns white hot across his face, and she has to grab his hand before he causes a scene by throwing himself bodily across the table to strangle the smirk off Oikawa’s face. ‘I can fight my own battles’, she mouths at him, willing him to stay in his seat, her hand still pressed firmly against his.  
‘Well, you did ask me what first attracted me to Hajime, and I didn’t lie - I was really drawn by his looks’. 
 She inhales and lets herself be drawn back to the warmth of the memory of tumbling head first into Iwaizumi’s arms, and exhales to look squarely at Oikawa. ‘But then I fell for his kindness, his steadfastness, his patience - and when he told me he loved me, I felt as if the universe had handed me the sun, the moon and the stars’.    
Her answer must have touched Oikawa’s shrivelled little heart, she thinks to herself, because something  in his eyes shutters and a look of respect streaks across his face. ‘Well said, Chibi-chan, well said’, he says begrudgingly. ‘Iwa-chan is lucky to have you’. 
The rest of lunch passes without incident, and when she and Iwaizumi are finally back home, he corners her as she’s about to go to bed and asks quietly - ‘Sweetheart, did you really mean all of that?’  
‘Of course I do. I love you, Hajime. Do you need me to count the ways?’ 
‘Maybe’, he responds playfully, circling his arms around her as she pulls him to bed. She lies in his embrace, ear pressed to his chest and falls asleep to the steady thrum of his heartbeat, the ebb and flow of his breath, the rise and fall of his chest.
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When Iwaizumi calls out that he’ll be gone to the bar down the street for an hour or two to vet Oikawa’s best man speech, she certainly did not expect him to burst back into their flat with Oikawa held bridal style in his arms. It would have been a comical sight - Oikawa’s bulky frame dwarfing even Iwaizumi, legs looking ludicrously long dangling over Iwaizumi’s arms - but for the frantic expression of Iwaizumi’s face and the desperate way Oikawa clings to Iwaizumi’s neck. 
‘Idiot bumped his knee while doing shots’, Iwaizumi explains to her distractedly, as he settles Oikawa onto their couch. ‘I don’t think it’s serious, but I’ll take him to the doctor in the morning to check him out just in case. Brought him to our place since it’s closer than his hotel room, and I can keep an eye on him overnight’. 
She hands him an ice pack. ‘Why don’t you two take our bed, and I’ll take the couch? He’ll be more comfortable that way, and you can watch over him at night.’
‘Are you sure?’ Iwaizumi frowns, and she nods, pushing him towards his friend while she turns to fetch a set of spare pyjamas for their unexpected guest. Iwaizumi lifts Oikawa to their bed and together, they strip him of his clothes and, mindful of his knee, gingerly slide him into clean clothes. 
‘Iwa-chan’, she hears the lanky setter whine as she makes to leave the room to bring an extra ice pack. Turning her head, she catches a glimpse of Hajime bending over Oikawa’s form. She’s not sure if it’s a trick of the light, but she  swears she saw Iwaizumi brush his fingers against Oikawa’s forehead with a quiet tenderness he’s only ever shown to her, tucking his hair behind his ears. For some reason, it makes her heart clench. 
She’s gathering the discarded clothes up from the floor whilst Iwaizumi’s in the shower, when Oikawa shoots his hand out to grab her wrist. ‘I’m sorry’, he tells her, a plaintive note in his voice.  ‘I tore it up – I should never have tried to tell him.’
‘What?’ She gives him a bewildered stare. ‘What are you talking about?’ 
‘Iwa-chan’, he slurs, and she can smell the alcohol on his breath as she moves closer to him to catch his words. ‘He got mad with me, madder than I’ve ever seen him before.’
‘You mean Hajime? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he doesn’t stay mad with you, whatever it is you’ve done.’
He shakes his head. ‘I’m sorry’, he manages to say, and starts to cry. She flounders, unsure whether to comfort him herself or call for Hajime to deal with him (because she’s not stupid, it’s painfully obvious he resents her), but the look in his eyes is so heartbreakingly vulnerable that she can't bring herself to leave him alone even for a minute, so she sits next to him on the bed, rubbing a soothing hand against his back while he soaks her sleeve with hot tears. ‘You’re drunk and injured, Oikawa-san. You should rest’, she murmurs, easing him back against his pillow when his sobs cease and he seems to calm down. 
As she bends down again to pick up his clothes, he gives a cry of alarm and tries to grab her wrist again, almost flipping himself off the bed. Hearing the commotion, Iwaizumi rushes into the room, hair still wet from his shower, barking loudly ‘you idiot’, forcing Oikawa to lie back down onto the bed. She backs out of the room, leaving Hajime to comfort his sobbing friend. 
 She doesn’t think too much about Oikawa’s strange words, mentally writing it off as another one of his odd little quirks. But as she’s folding up his pants, a stack of torn papers falls out of its pocket, and she thinks she recognises the words ‘Iwa-chan’ scribbled all over it. Though she knows it’s wrong to invade his privacy – especially when he’s in no position to defend it, she can’t help but be curious, reasoning to herself that it must be his best man’s speech, she should at least vet through it once before the wedding. 
It isn’t hard to piece the scraps of paper together, the tears uneven, as if made in a fit of panic or rage. It is, as she thought, Oikawa’s best man speech, and it starts out as expected, with well wishes to Iwaizumi and her. But as she continues reading, running her finger over each word, etched so harshly into each page that the ink bleeds, it becomes evident that that isn’t the only thing Oikawa meant to say. 
‘I know it’s too late, but I love you, Iwa-chan’, she reads with growing horror on the very last page, a suspicious water stain next to these words. Mind whirling, unable to process what she’s just read, she sits at the kitchen table reading and re-reading his words until her vision starts to blur. 
 ‘There are times I wonder if I chose wrong, if I should have held fast to you, the other half of my soul rather than going off to fight in hopeless wars, because I should have known you won’t always be waiting for me to come home. But I will always love you - like the moon loves the sun, even if I can only watch you from afar, so full of light’. 
She should be  furious  – she should head straight to Oikawa and scream and shout and stamp her foot at him, because how dare he say these things  now  when he’s had  forever  to say them to Iwaizumi before she even came into the picture – how dare  he wait until she and Iwaizumi are less than ten days away from being wed. But she doesn’t, because deep inside her, she understands. 
How can she begrudge his love when they love the same man?  
‘Sweetheart’, she faintly hears Iwaizumi say, squinting in the light as he emerges from the dark bedroom. ‘Is everything alright?’ he asks, his voice heavy with concern when he catches sight of her tear stained face.
She wants to tell him that everything’s just fine – but his gaze shifts to the torn papers in her trembling hands and she knows immediately everything is not fine at all when he looks back at her with guilt and anguish branded on his face. 
‘Did you know?’ she asks, hating the way her voice starts to break. 
‘He told me just now’, he tells her heavily, dropping into the seat across her, his hands cradling his head. 
‘Do you love him?’ she demands, ignoring the sob that’s threatening to tear itself out of her chest. 
He looks up at her. There are tears in his eyes. 
‘Yes’, he admits. ‘I don’t want to, but I do’. 
His words knock the oxygen from her lungs, leaving her with a crater in her chest. He loves  Oikawa Tooru, this beautiful, brilliant, broken boy, incandescent with the light of a thousand stars. 
Where does that leave her? 
(Stranded in the dust, abandoned in the dark)  
She suddenly feels as if she’s trapped in her own skin, a vise that’s far, far too tight, burning with the need to turn herself inside out. ‘I need to go’, she manages to spit out, stumbling over her feet. He stands in alarm, reaching towards her but she slaps his hand away. ‘Don’t touch me’, she hisses, grabbing her wallet and phone through a haze of tears. 
‘Where are you going to go?’ he demands, barring the door with his large frame. ‘It’s late, it’s not safe.’
‘Anywhere that’s not here’, she snarls, trying to shoulder her way through. ‘Let me go, Hajime – I can’t stay here, please, let me go!’ She slams her fists against his chest, collapsing to the floor at his feet when she realises it’s impossible to break through the immovable force that is Iwaizumi Hajime. 
‘Let me go somewhere that isn’t here’, she begs him, hiccupping through her tears. ‘You’re hurting me more by making me stay here with him’. 
He sinks to his knees to cup her face in his hands. ‘I’m sorry’, he sobs. ‘I couldn’t bear it if I lose you too’. 
She doesn’t have the heart to tell him he already has ( because she can’t stay, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts), and when her stillness convinces him it’s safe to turn his back to her for a second, she slips through the door and disappears into the night. She hears him shout her name, hears the anguish in his voice, but she doesn’t stop running until she’s safely ensconced in a nearby hotel room.  
Her phone keeps buzzing through the night. ‘Iwaizumi Hajime ’, it reads,  ‘Iwaizumi Hajime’, flashes on her screen, again and again. She tries her best to ignore it, turning her phone on to silent mode, leaving it face down on the dresser but she can’t - her ears still echoing with the heart wrenching panic in his voice. So she rolls over to her phone and sends him a text – ‘ I’m fine, go to bed, you have a doctor’s appointment with Oikawa to worry about tomorrow morning’  – quickly switching it off before he can flood her inbox with desperate calls and texts. 
She tries her best to fall asleep, but she ends up lying awake, counting the cracks in the ceiling. The air in the room is far, far too still, and she feels like she’s suffocating, buried alive from the sand and dirt and earth pouring into the cavity in her chest. Against her better judgment, she uncorks the cheap spirits in the hotel minibar and pours herself shots, one after another, until she drops off to sleep with a single thought swirling around her head. 
The universe isn’t fair - because first it gave her Hajime, then it took him away. 
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It is noon when she wakes, sunlight streaming mercilessly into the room. She sits up with a groan, rubbing a hand across her face. For a second, she wonders where she is, the monochrome sheets so different from the cheerful patterns she uses in their room, before reality  slams into her like a comet to her chest. 
Right. That happened .  
She can scream and cry and try to scratch the face of fate but it won’t change matters. Hiding away from the world isn’t going to make the cruel joke that is her love life go away, so she grits her teeth and steels herself, washing her face and paying the bill before heading home (though if she’s honest with herself, she’s not sure if it’ll be  home for much longer). 
She prays to god or whatever deity there is out there (not the universe, it has a funny way of throwing  shit her way) that Iwaizumi wouldn’t be home, but whatever it is, it’s definitely not listening because Iwaizumi opens the front door while she’s still struggling with her keys. It takes just one look at him for the pain in her chest to make its presence felt again.  
‘How’s Oikawa’s knee?’ she casually inquires, edging around him to slip into the flat. Oikawa doesn’t seem to be around, so she lets herself relax just an inch. 
‘It’s fine’, he responds, his eyes never leaving her face. ‘Just needs some rest’. 
‘That’s good’, she says absently, heading straight for the kitchen, ignoring him as he follows her steps. ‘Have you eaten?’ she asks, pulling leftover rice and dashi stock out of the fridge. He nods dumbly as she heats them both up to assemble two bowls of Ochazuke . Her heart may be broken, but her stomach certainly isn’t, and she’s not about to let herself wither away. He looks at her dumbly as she slides his bowl at him, and neither of them says a word until she leans back in her chair, satisfied with her meal. 
‘Are we going to talk?’ he asks her confusedly.  
‘About last night? What is there left to talk about?’ she replies, keeping her composure firm. ‘The wedding’s off obviously, so we need to inform all our vendors and guests as soon as possible. I think I should be the one to move out of the flat – ‘
He cuts her off frantically – ‘What? Why would we call off our wedding? I still love you, and you still love me, don’t you?’
She gapes at him incredulously. ‘Hajime, you told me last night that you love Oikawa. How is our marriage going to work if you love someone else?’ 
‘But I love you’, he says, his voice cracking. ‘Isn’t that enough?’ 
No it isn’t, and she’s shaking her head because it isn’t enough, it’s never going to be enough, because he may love her but he’s in love with him – has been since they were little boys with stars in their eyes. And his shoulders shake and it’s his turn to cry because  he loves her, he really does, he knows greed is a sin but he wants both him and her, and he wishes that it could be enough. 
 ‘I’ve seen the way you look at him, and I’ve seen the way he looks at you’, she tells him, eyes dry, but there’s a tremble in her voice that she can’t hide - because she’s so stupid, she should have figured this out long before she dug out her heart and handed it to him - but then again maybe she didn’t because she was blinded by staring too long at the sun. 
‘You will grow to resent me if I keep him from you and besides, how could  I possibly compare?’  
Because Oikawa Tooru, blessed with innate brilliance and cursed with a penchant for self-immolation, burns brighter than a thousand stars. 
‘I’m sorry’, he tells her, rounding the table to drop to his knees before her, the look in his eyes so heartbreakingly sad that she has to choke back a sob. ‘You meant the world to me’, he whispers brokenly as he buries his face in her lap. 
‘I know’, she answers him – and gods, her heart is screaming and it hurts - but she loves him so much she knows it’s only right to let him go. ‘But the world will move on, and you need to chase the stars while you still have them in your sight’. 
At this, he lets out a quiet cry, and this time she gives in and joins him, her tears soaking his hair. He wraps his arms around her as she presses kisses into his skin and they stay that way for a while, their limbs entwined, because it finally dawns on both of them that this is it  - it truly is the end of them.
The sun may set and the moon may rise, but the stars - they burn bright in the sky. 
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Her love for him should die (from earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust) – but it doesn’t.  
She packs her life into cardboard boxes and shifts into her sister’s flat. Iwaizumi doesn’t allow her to pay for the cancellation of their wedding, takes all responsibility for informing their guests that the wedding’s off - he says it’s his fault after all, and she doesn’t resist, knowing it’s his way of trying to make amends.   
His face crumples and he tries to refuse her when she returns his ring, but she insists - because it doesn’t feel right, she can’t seem to smile when the silver band catches the sun's light. He doesn’t tell her he keeps it in a box beside his bed, and opens it from time to time.
Oikawa manages to weasel her sister’s address out of Iwaizumi and appears on her doorstep the day before he’s due to return to Argentina with a bushel of white lilies in his arms. 
‘Wait!’ he cries, catching the door with his foot as she tries to slam it into his face, cursing the reflexes of a professional athlete. ‘I won’t take too much of your time’, he promises, and she folds her arms, glaring at him expectantly. 
‘I’m sorry. I’ve treated you and Hajime terribly, haven’t I’, he asks her shamefacedly. 
‘You have’, she tells him coldly, because she desperately wants to blame him for everything bad that's come her way but when he hangs his head, she can’t help but soften her tone. ‘But I understand, Oikawa. How could I blame you when I love the same man?’ 
‘I don’t deserve your kindness’, he responds quietly, after a pause. 
‘But you have it’, she tells him. ‘So live and be happy, for his and my sake’. 
When he leaves, she closes the door and sinks to the floor, burying her nose in his offering of lilies. Its scent is cloying sweet, but she can only taste the bitterness of ash in her mouth.  
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A year later, and she’s back covering the Japanese men’s volleyball season when she runs into one Iwaizumi Hajime again. 
He is the first to speak, asking her a genial ‘how are you’, to which she replies ‘fine’, though she really means - ‘I may be wounded, but I am still standing on my feet’. But Iwaizumi understands -  he always does , and they stay silent for a while. 
She picks up the courage to ask after Oikawa, and she knows he’s trying his best not to light up as he tells her that though he’s back in Argentina, they’re pursuing a long distance relationship. In turn, she tells him about her new boyfriend, ruefully mentioning that though she tried to stay clear of volleyball boys, Akaashi Keiji not only used to play volleyball in high school, but is the best friend (and former setter) of Bokuto Koutaro, national team player and self-proclaimed ace. He laughs at that - but she does not mention it is a relationship born out of the heartbreak reflected in both of their eyes.
‘Are you alright?’ he asks her before they part. It’s ironic because these are the first words he’s ever said to her, but she swallows the memory and this time she responds truthfully.
‘It’s a work in progress and I’m getting there, one day at a time’.  
They exchange bittersweet smiles.
It’s enough for now.
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seijorhi · 4 years
Ok so YouTube keeps recommending anime clips from that one rent a girlfriend anime and now all I can think of is reader renting a boyfriend just to have yandiere bokuto or maybe hajime become infatuated with her and immediately touching her way more than what the contract has written on it 💦
I am on a Fukurodani kick this week, so let’s go with our darling boy Bokuto 😌
Once again Rhi learns that she is actually incapable of creating a ‘short drabble’
TW implied non-con
It’s embarrassing. You can’t even get a date to your ex boyfriend’s wedding. The fact that you’re even going to your ex’s wedding is bad enough as it is- you’d tried to wriggle out of it, but considering the girl he’s marrying is your cousin, your attendance is apparently ‘not optional’ according to your family.
But you’ll be damned if you show up to watch them tie the knot alone. Finding a date however, is more difficult than you think. Your male friends are either busy, taken, already going with somebody else or close enough with your ex that he’d know you were just bringing them along for show. Basically, you’re screwed. It’s not even that you want to prove that you can one-up him - it’s the pity he’ll give you. He thinks he ruined your life when he left (he didn’t) and that you’re still desperately pining for him (you’d rather throw yourself off a cliff than get back together with him).
It starts as a joke with a friend, you’re both a few wines deep, bemoaning your struggles when she suggests those Craigslist’s ads. “You know, the whole rent a boyfriend for a night thing, and then when you meet he’s actually kinda cute, and then you kiss him as part of the act but you both secretly want more and then you guys end up sleeping together and then-”
Ok, she’s clearly had one or two more than you, because that is definitely not how those stories go, but it does get you thinking. You’re not going to use Craigslist - you value your life and safety thank you very much - but there are sites out there that offer those... services.
Which is what leads you to Bokuto. The website seems reputable enough - at least for a boyfriend for hire kind of a deal, and the reviews don’t look too frightening. Actually, they’re glowing, and maybe that’s what gives you the final push to arrange a ‘consultation’ with the man.
“It’s an overnight thing,” you tell him over the FaceTime call, only for your eyes to widen and your cheeks burn as you realise what it sounds like you’re implying. “Not that I’m asking you for sex! I’m not, I know that’s against the rules, it’s just that-”
He cuts you off with a warm laugh, “Don’t worry about it. Overnight is fine, though we do charge extra for that.” You’d expected as much - at this point you value your pride more than you care about the small fortune you’re going to end up forking out for this whole thing. “Just tell me exactly what you’re wanting out of this, what you are and aren’t comfortable with, and then I guess we can start talking about how we met, come up with some meet cute story that’ll make everyone else super jealous.” He winks and your heart skips a beat.
The call that’s supposed to last twenty minutes goes on for almost an hour, but you feel strangely relieved when it’s done. Well, relieved and maybe even a little excited? Bokuto’s attractive and funny and he didn’t seem like a creep. It’s a ridiculously stupid idea, and you should probably be horrified that you’re even considering it, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
He arrives at your place on time, which you count as a win, looking particularly fine in a nice suit with a tie that compliments the colour of your dress (as you’d discussed). He’s somehow managed to reduce you to a blushing and stammering mess as you sign the paperwork - and he hasn’t even done anything yet.
“Relax, baby,” he says, grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. “I’m gonna take good care of you tonight, just follow my lead.” His smile is beaming, but there’s a flicker of unease at the affectionate gesture. You’d agreed that posing as a ‘couple’ meant you’d have a show a little bit of PDA, but you’d thought he’d at least wait until you were actually at the wedding to start...
But he’s probably just trying to ease you into it. It has to look natural between the two of you, right?
To say that your family are impressed in an understatement. He’s tall, fit and handsome, and there’s this kind of bright, shining exuberance that just seems to draw people in. He’s like a puppy, almost - a super friendly golden retriever desperate for cuddles, and it’s sweet. Dutifully he sticks by your side the entire time. A little too close, maybe - following you every time you go to get a top up of your drink or a bite more food, reaching out to take your hand in his, but you suppose he’s just playing his part.
And he’s more than aware of your ex, who seems mighty interested in your new boyfriend, particularly for a man on his wedding day. You’ve just finished the entree course when all of a sudden Bokuto grabs your chin and tilts you back into a kiss, his tongue sliding between your lips to deepen it as you gasp in surprise. It only last for a moment, but when he pulls away there’s a distinctly satisfied look on his face. Your stomach twists into a knot, your cheeks warming under his heated gaze. You know that you said kissing was okay, inevitable at some point, but... it just took you a bit by surprise.
“What was that for?” you ask him quietly, trying not to frown as he toys idly with your fingers.
“Hm? Oh, your ex has been staring at us for the past five minutes. Figured I’d give him something to look at.”
It wasn’t a bad kiss by any stretch of imagination, but you can’t deny that it made you a little uncomfortable.
You know he’s only doing what you both agreed on, so you push down on those feeling and offer him a small smile and a nod, “Just, maybe warn me next time?”
He leans over and pecks your cheek, “Of course, baby.”
You choose to let the endearment slide.
It only gets worse as the night wears on. Bokuto’s reluctant to let you slip too far away. When your friends swarm to try and get you to come dance with them, Bokuto follows. He pouts when you ignore him in favour of dancing with the girls, and the very moment they turn their attention, he’s resting his chin on your shoulder, arms looping around your waist.
“Dance with me,” he whines, and you fight back a sigh.
He holds you close as you sway with the music, his broad hands resting just south of what’s considered appropriate, but you have to keep reminding yourself that he’s playing the role of your boyfriend, and if he really was your boyfriend, you wouldn’t be making such a fuss.
But when those hands start to wander, fingers grazing your sides, a hand dipping to rest on the curve of your ass, you have to put a stop to it. You don’t want to cause a scene, not when you can feel the eyes of the groom burning a hole in your back, but this doesn’t feel right anymore. He’s not exactly breaking any of the rules you set out, but there’s clearly been some miscommunication, because this is pushing right past your boundaries. “I just need some air,” you tell him with a tight smile, prying his arms off of you so you can make a hasty escape.
It’s both a blessing and a curse that you’ve booked a room in the hotel. You’re not relying on him to get you home, but there is absolutely no way in hell that you’re feeling comfortable enough to spend the night with him in the rooms you’ve booked - adjoining or not. It’s not his fault, you rationalise as you wait for the elevator, key in hand. Maybe this is how all of his engagements go - but fake boyfriend or not, he’s still a stranger, and this whole night has been too much.
You figure that you’ll slip away now, call an Uber back into town. There has to be a bus or something you can catch the rest of the way back home, even at this time of the night. You’ll text him once you’re on your way, letting him know that he’s welcome to the room (both of them, if he wants - they’re already paid for) and that he can expect the rest of his payment tomorrow as agreed. This was a bad idea, but you’re not going to be a bitch about it. You just want it over and done with.
You’re halfway through changing out of your dress when there’s an insistent knocking at your door. It must be your mother, you figure, or maybe one of your friends who saw you all but flee the dance floor downstairs, so you hastily re-do the zipper and try and right yourself before answering the door.
A pair of hooded, golden eyes greet you. Bokuto is grinning lazily, leaning up against the doorway with an arm braced against the frame, boxing you in. You hadn’t realised earlier just how big he really was - not just tall, but muscular - he dwarfs you without even trying.
He barges into the room before you can even try to protest, kicking the door firmly shut behind him.
“If you wanted to ditch so bad, baby, all ya had to do was say so.”
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s-serendipit-y · 3 years
dating - protagonist edition
a/n- spoilers!!! cursing in shuichi’s part (miu)
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——— makoto naegi
i don’t even know how to say this
he would be a perfect boyfriend
well - not technically perfect but you get what i’m saying.
he would always be there for you
he would alway try to get anything you wanted or needed.
and makoto would be pretty bummed if he couldn’t.
i feel like he would prefer to have little pda in the relationship
probably only hand holding, hugging and maybe kisses on the cheek.
for cuddling he’d like to be the little spoon, but feels like he should be the big spoon.
but you can just reassure him that it’s okay to be held :)
unless you want to be held you guys can switch.
or if you don’t want to be touched when you sleep he can work with that too.
if you two are dating during the killing game he would be protective over you.
if anyone try to make accusations that you were the blackened he wasn’t going to allow that.
“where were you s/o? i don’t recall seeing you anywhere during the time of the murder.” - byakuya
“oh um they were in my dorm, with me” - makoto
“the adults we’re talking naegi.” -byakuya
he doesn’t even mind lying for you
hell, if he could get executed for you to survive he would in a heartbeat.
also you would at least have to get along with kyoko and aoi
those are his close friends and if you guys don’t get along. that could be a dealbreaker.
also makoto would hate fighting with you
and would try to avoid it at all costs.
unless you talk bad about his friends
or if during the killing game, you start to give into despair
or support the game
but overall he would be a great boyfriend
and would do anything, even dying, for you
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——— hajime hinata
ah, the reserve course student.
if you’re an ultimate he’s very confused on why you’d want to hang out with him.
or even date him.
but after some time of thinking he really loves being with you.
but if you’re not an ultimate he feels like he could relate to you more.
unless you don’t go to hope’s peak academy
if you two happen to get together during the killing game, he would be extremely protective over you.
especially during the class trials
if there’s even a slim piece of evidence that points towards you he would deny it
until the evidence is irrefutable
“s/o wasn’t these yours? there is no doubt, s/o is the blackened.” - peko
“that doesn’t prove anything, it just says she was in that room. like all of us were.” - hajime
he would definitely prefer to be the big spoon while cuddling
hajime is also known to be pretty blunt so he isn’t afraid to call you out on your lying
unless it for a good cause of the class trial.
but if you’re talking bad about yourself
his isn’t allowing that
“don’t talk about yourself like that s/o. you’re amazing and i love everything about you.”
hajime would probably only trust you to investigate with him.
or he would ask you to guard the bodies so no one can tamper with the evidence
you two would stay in each other’s cottages
he claims it’s to keep to both safe but in reality it also because he likes being around you.
hajime wouldn’t mind pda in my opinion
especially if you’re a ultimate and he’s in the reserve course
it show that your happy to be with him
and he’s happy to be with you too :)
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——— kaede akamastu
well technically she’s not a protagonist
because of well- chapter one.
but let’s just forget that
kaede would be an amazing girlfriend
she would always support you in be in your corner
if you shy and withdrawn she’ll definitely tries to help you be more social
whether that’s a good or bad thing is up to you
but she just wants what’s best for you to help you get out of your shell.
if you two are dating during the killing game she would like it if you slept in her room
or her in yours
it’s a way to protect each other
shuichi is definitely jealous
but nevertheless you and shuichi get along
you two would spend time with each other in your ultimate labs
she would also tell you about how shuichi thinks the mastermind is one of the students
you would help the two find out who the mastermind is
brushing past the fact she died from it
you would help her during class trials but your not a detective like someone
kaede would also hate fighting with you
and she would only back down if she thought it was a pointless fight.
but if you were deliberately holding up the trial or talking about shuichi in a bad way
she would be very angry with you
but if you can give her a valid enough reason she’ll be fine again
or else she just need some time to herself.
however she loves playing piano for you
it’s her favorite past time besides cuddling
on the topic of cuddling, i feel like she would like to face each other and just hold you in her arms
or her in yours
but i think that she would be a good girlfriend and would only want what’s best for you.
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——— shuichi saihara
oh boy
it would take him some time to get comfortable in you relationship
like he wouldn’t have gotten into a relationship with you if he wasn’t close with you
but this was different than a platonic relationship
he’s shy with affection it he’s okay with minimal pda
sometimes if you really beg he might give in to giving you an actual kiss on the lips
but then he has to deal with hearing his friends
“that’s my sidekick! “ - kaito
“you guys are definitely fucking, are they good in bed?” - miu
“i’m really proud of you shuichi!” - kaede
with cuddling i feel like he would prefer to be the little spoon at first
like when he would still use his cap to avoid people’s gaze
but after gaining some confidence due to his friends he would be more open to being the bigger spoon.
also it would be almost impossible to hide things from him
he’s the ultimate detective, even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
so his deduction skill are amazing and if you’re feeling down he’ll do his best to help you
if it’s during the killing game, he would ask if you want to train with him, kaito, and maki.
also as seen in the game, he doesn’t have a problem lying during the trials for someone he cares about.
especially if he knows your innocent.
also i don’t think he’d get that jealous
mostly insecure
like he loves being with you and doesn’t want to loose you to anyone
but he does think you could do better :,(
he won’t ever admit to you though
he doesn’t want you to see him like that.
also he doesn’t mind if you take his hat when it’s the two of you
if you do it in public he might be annoyed
but you two wouldn’t really fight
if he’s mad at you he would keep it to himself until he felt better
unless you force his hand and kept jabbing at him
but in all honesty, he really really cares about you
and would do anything in his capability to make you happy.
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