#alice daydreams
wanderingwithstars · 28 days
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
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rosariumpartone · 11 months
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White Rabbit Syndrome 🐇
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fbfh · 2 years
oof it's a Ben Florian kind of night. thinking about being Ben's fiancee who can do literally no wrong in his eyes. it doesn't matter if you're from auradon or the isle, you are a sweet innocent lamb. you're his sweet innocent lamb. even if you've committed horrible crimes he's like "yeah I know that but underneith the surface-" he's so doting to you all the time. it's giving "who broke it" "I did" "no you didn't" after the incident at cotillion once he's done some damage control you better believe that Ben, now a king, will drag the core four and uma and harry and anyone else involved into his office for the lecture of a fucking life time. you're sitting across from him between Uma and Carlos, dripping wet. you had managed to change into some dry pajamas before you entered his office, but they're so light weight and the fluffy palace towel you were given is already damp.
you sit across from him with his royal blue cardigan draped over your shoulders looking so sad and sweet like a little stray alley cat it takes every ounce of will power he has not to wrap you up in his arms and kiss you until you're smiling again. some palace servants pass out warm tea and more towels as you sit across from Ben. the sleeves of his white shirt are rolled up, and his gold family crest ring glints in the warm lighting of his office. he pinches the bridge of his nose, leaning on the desk, before he begins to speak.
"so who was planning on telling me about this grand plan?" he asks, rhetorically and pissed off, gesturing vaguely towards Uma. he knows Mal and her friends knew what was going on and decided to handle it themselves, before getting you and eventually, Ben roped in.
"I'm sorry-" you can barely get the words out before he looks up at you, cutting you off.
"not you." he states. his voice is significantly softer, noticably warmer when directed at you. he doesn't care if you were the centerpoint in the disaster and flimsy attempt to seduce him and sieze the crown or if you didn't know what was going on until after it happened. if he knows you, which he does, he knows you'll blame yourself way more than you should. he can look past the collateral damage, he can look past the media circus that's inevitably hurdling their way, he can even look past what was essentially an attempt to infiltrate and topple the auradon government, but the one thing he can't look past is the fact that you were put in danger. he's trying so hard to remain diplomatic like he's been trained to his whole life, but god help him if he's not tempted to throw every one of them into the deepest darkest dungeon he can get his hands on. because you and him (and everyone else for that matter) knows that when it comes to your safety, he doesn't screw around.
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detroitbecomeonline · 6 months
android sex drive is just "i have to build something (an android) right now" and getting really worked up about it
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flordeamatista · 2 years
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Hold Me Down
Passionate dusk pleasure covers you both with lust, spilling its mist through the night.
Be Mine
 I want your lips on mine, once, twice, then once again
Feel Me
With each wave, the ocean speaks of truth, and the flame of his passion is you.
Bound To You
Like clouds dancing in the air giving the setting sun a reason to live, that is how you came into his life. 
By the delicious things you could do to him, he is already driven mad with pleasure by the thought of feeling your touch.
Where’s My Love
Over and over again, I repeat your name, because there is no sound in the world without your heartbeat.
Give It To Me
Cool breezes on a hot day, tenderly touch my lips, my body, and my soul. 
Forever In Your Eyes
I am touched by your compassion, the fire in your eyes, and the beat of your heart.
There's Really A Wolf
The truth is you wanted him even if it might shake the world, but in the end, he is your world and you are his queen.
Into You
The sensation was like a flame being lit inside you, slowly warming and spreading through your body until you were burning with his desire.
Wrapped in Red
Fire burns passionately when passion is present.
Kiss It Better
Through his kisses, you are infused with life
Day or night, with his fairy of love, he will always feel the sunrise in his heart
A Touch of Desire
He promises you a million adventures with him
He is my soul, my other half, my lover, and a source of light in my life. He is everything to me.
Lover of Passion
Bucky lusts after you, and you crave the chance to feel more of your own desires.
Love Marks
Bucky's freckles and his body are yours to love
Losing Control
Control is reclaimed by you
How many times do you stay for him?
You Are My Burning Love On Nights Like These
In spite of your love for the chase through the abandoned halls, you enjoyed even more the moment he caught you.
I Know Time Will Tell If We're Meant For This
You are his angel
Seeing My Beauty Through His Eyes
Bucky shows you what a beautiful goddess you are
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ride-thedragon · 1 month
Not gonna lie. The idea that the show cares what we want in terms of adapting George's story outside of wanting more accurate adaptations is wild. Some of you weren't Game of Thrones fans when season 8 premiered, and I'm reminded of that every time a deviation in the plot is made up by fans to support character relationships. They care about your engagement, but they are adapting a book, and that author is making them a lot of money. They care about him and their adaptation of his story more than they care about expectations. Expectations were the downfall of the last show.
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Broken Promises
Chapter 1: choices in the shadows
Tw: self-harm, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, abandonment, alcohol
2,400 words ish
After her encounter with Aro and the vampire clan, Y/n found herself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic world of the supernatural. She couldn't shake off the curiosity that had been ignited that fateful night in the forest.
As Y/n's fascination with the supernatural deepened, her connection with Carlisle continued to grow. Their relationship extended beyond the professional, and soon, Carlisle found himself spending more time at her house.
Late one evening, as they sat in the cozy living room, Y/n finally gathered the courage to tell Carlisle what she had wanted to for a really long time "Carlisle" she said and looked at him "yes?" He asks and nods for her to continue "I really like you" she whispers looking away embarrassed wondering if he shared her feelings
Carlisle, the corners of his lips curving into a tender smile, gently reached for Y/n's hand. "Y/n, I have to admit, I've grown incredibly fond of you too," he confessed, his golden eyes locking onto hers.
Y/n's heart raced, and a blush crept onto her cheeks as their hands intertwined. She couldn't believe her feelings were reciprocated by this handsome, caring vampire who had been her rock during her darkest times.
Leaning in closer, Carlisle whispered softly, "Y/n, you are a remarkable person, and I'm grateful to have you in my life. If you're willing, I'd like to explore this connection between us, to see where it leads."
Y/n's eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and affection. "I would like that, Carlisle," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
With that, they closed the gap between them, their lips meeting in a gentle, sweet kiss that ignited a new chapter in both of their lives. As they embraced their newfound feelings for each other, they knew that together, they could face any challenges that came their way, be it in the human or supernatural world.
Their breaths synchronized, and Y/n could feel her heartbeat quicken as she gazed into Carlisle's golden eyes, which held a mixture of tenderness and desire. The room around them seemed to hush in reverence, as if nature itself recognized the profound connection between these two souls.
With a gentle, almost reverent touch, Carlisle's hand cupped Y/n's cheek, his fingers tracing the line of her jaw. His lips, soft and inviting, moved closer to hers, teasingly brushing against them. It was a tantalizing dance of longing and anticipation, a silent promise of the passion that was about to ignite.
Y/n's eyes fluttered closed as she leaned in, her own lips parting in readiness. Their mouths met in a soft, exploratory kiss, a delicate collision of warmth and desire. Carlisle's lips tasted like a sweet, forbidden fruit, and Y/n couldn't get enough.
Their tongues brushed in a sensual, rhythmic dance, each movement deepening their connection. Carlisle's hand slid from Y/n's cheek to the nape of her neck, fingers entwined in her hair, holding her close as if he never wanted to let her go.
The world around them faded into insignificance as they continued to kiss, their passion building like a crescendo. Y/n's heart raced, and she pressed her body closer to Carlisle's, feeling the heat and strength of his immortal form.
Their kisses grew more fervent, hungry, and desperate, as if they were trying to convey all the emotions they had kept locked away for so long. It was a kiss that transcended time and space, a kiss that spoke of love, longing, and a future filled with possibilities.
As they finally pulled away, their foreheads touched, and they remained locked in an embrace, their breaths mingling in the cool forest air. The world came rushing back, but for Y/n and Carlisle, the only reality that mattered was the love they had discovered in each other's arms.
A couple months later:
Y/n and Carlisle's relationship continued to flourish. They supported each other through the ups and downs of life, their love growing stronger with each passing day. Y/n found solace in Carlisle's wisdom and unwavering kindness, while Carlisle marveled at Y/n's resilience and determination.
One sunny afternoon, Carlisle took Y/n on a surprise outing to a picturesque meadow hidden deep in the forest. The meadow was blanketed with colorful wildflowers, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees. It was a tranquil oasis away from the bustling world.
As they strolled hand in hand through the meadow, Y/n couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty of the moment. She turned to Carlisle, her heart full of gratitude. "Carlisle, I never thought I'd find happiness like this. You've changed my life in ways I can't even express."
Carlisle smiled, his golden eyes reflecting the warmth of the sun. "Y/n, you've brought so much joy and meaning into my existence as well. Being with you has given me a sense of purpose I didn't know I was missing."
Y/n leaned in and kissed him, a sweet and tender affirmation of their love. They lay down in the meadow, their fingers entwined, and gazed up at the clear blue sky.
With a sense of contentment, Y/n whispered, "I love you, Carlisle."
His response was a gentle kiss on her forehead, followed by the words, "And I love you, Y/n. Forever."
As they lay there, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Y/n and Carlisle knew that they had found something truly extraordinary—a love that transcended time and defied all odds.
He also knew that he had to protect y/n with any means possible.
The next day y/n woke up and looked around for Carlisle but he wasn't in bed with her, so she got up and went to the kitchen yawning in the process.
She was surprised to find he wasn't there either. She looked at the table and saw a note and she cried out as she read it
My Dearest y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well, though my heart is heavy as I sit down to write these words. There's something that I need to share with you, something that has been weighing on my mind for a while now. Please understand that what I'm about to say comes from a place of deep love and concern for you, and it tears me apart to even contemplate it.
From the moment we met, my life has been illuminated by your presence. Your smile, your laughter, and the warmth of your love have been the very core of my happiness. Every day spent with you has been a cherished moment, and I've come to realize that there's nothing in this world that could replace the love we share.
But as much as it pains me to say this, I have to make an agonizing decision. It's a decision that has kept me, wrestling with my conscience and battling my own desires. It's a decision that I've reached after considering all the possibilities, after consulting with those I trust, and after soul-searching for what feels like an eternity.
I have to leave you, not because I want to, but because I believe it's the only way to ensure your safety and well-being. Please know that this isn't a choice made lightly or without tears. It's a choice born out of the profound love I have for you, a love that transcends my own desires and needs.
My heart aches at the thought of being apart from you, and I can hardly bear the idea of not waking up to your smile, holding your hand, and sharing our dreams.
But my greatest fear is that I might become the source of harm to you, and that is something I cannot, in good conscience, allow to happen. Your safety, your happiness, and your future are paramount to me, even if it means sacrificing my own happiness in the process.
I want you to know that my love for you is unwavering and eternal. I will carry the memory of our time together in my heart, and it will be a source of strength and comfort during the days ahead. I will always be there for you in spirit, silently cheering you on from a distance, and praying for your safety and happiness.
This is the most painful thing I've ever had to do, and my heart aches with every word I write. I hope that someday, circumstances will change, and we can be reunited. Until then, please take care of yourself, cherish the moments we shared, and know that you are loved more deeply than words can express.
With all the love in my heart, Carlisle
Y/n looked at the note as shock and horror sunk in.
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she clutched the letter from Carlisle. The weight of his decision bore down on her, and she struggled to comprehend it. it left her feeling a profound sense of loss.
For days, Y/n wandered through the house they had shared, feeling the emptiness of his absence. She replayed their moments together, the kisses, the laughter, and the love they had shared. It was a bittersweet ache that lingered in her heart.
In the solitude of her thoughts, Y/n found herself grappling with a myriad of emotions. She missed Carlisle terribly, his presence had become an integral part of her life, and the void he left behind was immeasurable.
But she also understood the depth of his love for her. It was a love that transcended selfish desires and sought to protect her above all else. Y/n knew that Carlisle had made this agonizing decision because he believed it was the right thing to do.
However, as the days turned into weeks, the pain became unbearable. Y/n felt herself spiraling into a deep and dark place, seeking solace where she could find it. One evening, as she sat alone in the dimly lit living room, the bottle of alcohol on the table beckoned to her.
With trembling hands, Y/n poured herself a drink, hoping that the numbness it promised would provide relief from the anguish in her heart. The alcohol burned as it went down, but for a brief moment, it dulled the pain.
Soon, that brief moment turned into a nightly ritual. Y/n found herself seeking refuge in the bottle, drowning her sorrows in alcohol. It became her way of coping with the overwhelming grief and loneliness that consumed her.
Her friends and family noticed the change in her behavior, the way she withdrew from the world, and the haunting look in her eyes. They expressed concern and offered support, but Y/n pushed them away, convinced that the only solace she could find was at the bottom of a glass.
The days blurred together as Y/n's dependence on alcohol grew. It numbed the pain but also clouded her judgment and left her in a constant haze of despair. The art that had once been her solace now collected dust, and her once vibrant spirit faded.
Y/n knew deep down that this path was destructive, but she couldn't see a way out. She had lost the love of her life, and alcohol had become her only companion in the darkness.
One day, when she was sober (which was rare lately), y/n decided she couldn't take the pain anymore she went to the store a town over and bought razors.
When she got back home she drew herself a hot bath, she grabbed a knife from her kitchen and started working to get the blades out of the razors
She then got in the bath and started cutting her legs thighs arms anything that had skin she cut
If she couldn't drink the pain away this was her next best option the tub filled red as the blood mixed with the water.
After a couple of minutes she passed out in it from a far distance she heard someone bang on the door and finally got it opened.
She felt herself be pulled out of the tub and sirens.
When she awoke she was in the hospital, though she didn't care, she stared up at the ceiling and zoned out as she heard a voice say her name
Not just some voice
His voice
"Y/n" Carlisle said and she looked up at him with shock in her eyes
As Y/n blinked her eyes open and saw Carlisle's concerned face, her heart constricted with a mixture of relief and anger. She couldn't believe he had left her alone to deal with her pain.
Carlisle, his golden eyes filled with worry, gently reached out and took her hand. "Y/n, I'm here for you. I've always been here for you, and I always will be."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she struggled to control her emotions. "How could you leave me, Carlisle? You promised to be there for me, and then you just disappeared. You abandoned me when I needed you the most."
Carlisle's expression softened with regret. "Y/n, I never wanted to hurt you. I thought leaving was the best way to keep you safe, but I see now that it was a mistake."
Y/n nodded, her voice trembling with anger and sadness. "You hurt me more by leaving, Carlisle. I was lost without you, and I turned to alcohol to numb the pain. You can't just leave me for months then waltz back in here and act like nothing happened. You left me and that hurt." She said with anger and sadness in her eyes
Carlisle leaned in and gently wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I want to help you heal, and I promise I won't leave you again."
"You left me the first time I know you'll do it again Carlisle it's only a matter of time. Why'd you even come back anyways."
Carlisle looks at her with remorse as he says
"Alice told me this was gonna happen so I rushed in as soon as she told me"
Y/n looks at him with nothing but anger in her eyes "you should've left me there"
"You would've died" Carlisle defends
"That was the point Carlisle I wanted to. because you left me"
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
Cillian Murphy is one of the most beloved actors in contemporary cinema. After starring in indie favourites 28 Days Later and Intermission in the early 2000s, Murphy secured his place in Hollywood by forging a long-standing relationship with director Christopher Nolan. The two worked together on Batman Begins and have since collaborated on five more films, most recently, Oppenheimer.
While he was breaking America, Murphy also honed his acting reputation closer to home as Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders. But before he became one of the most recognisable and respected names in film, Murphy very nearly pursued a music career.
In his youth, Murphy was particularly passionate about music. The budding actor was in a band with his brother named The Sons of Mr. Green Genes, who even received an offer to do five albums with Acid Jazz Records. They declined the offer, but Murphy’s love for music persisted and he still enjoys engaging with music. He even told the Sunday Independent Life Magazine that the only extravagances in his lifestyle are his “stereo system, buying music and going to gigs”.
His love of music has also bled into his professional life. Between shooting with Nolan and collecting Bafta nominations for his work on Peaky Blinders, Murphy has presented a show on the beloved alternative radio station, BBC Radio 6. He once told the BBC, “One of my favourite things in the world is playing music on my favourite radio station in the world”.
As well as providing Murphy with an outlet for his love of music, the show has also given fans insight into his music taste, which is both wide-spanning and characteristically Radio 6. During his time with the BBC, he shared his love for a number of artists and tracks, including fellow Irishmen Fontaines D.C., stating, “There is a great explosion of new Irish music… Every single tune, they’re relentlessly themselves”.
He once shouted out Radiohead’s ‘Daydreaming’, stating, “When Radiohead released ‘Daydreaming’, I listened to it five times in a row. I think it’s a remarkable piece of music”. He’s also given nods to Low, Elbow, and Kendrick Lamar, who he notes is a favourite of his son’s.
Throughout his appearances on the radio station, Murphy has played over 400 songs ranging from trip-hoppers Massive Attack to indie folk favourites Big Thief to jazz composer Alice Coltrane. The show acted as a platform for Murphy’s expansive music taste and a great place to pick up recommendations for Murphy fans and casual radio listeners alike...'
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Fic idea:
Something from Alicent's POV.
An au where Laena is alive and Daemon is the father of all of Rhaenyra's children but she is still married to Laenor. Basically all four of them are living on Dragonstone together.
It would probably be a one-shot, just a recounting of a family dinner of some sort to mark Viserys' nameday, maybe.
But basically the entire fic would be Alicent wondering how everyone else is so blind to the fact that Daemon is obviously the father of all the children present. And maybe a scene after dinner where she and Criston talk about it.
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wanderingwithstars · 29 days
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sailorusagichan · 2 months
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rosariumpartone · 1 year
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White Rabbit Syndrome 🐇
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Alice from AiW is so me because I'm rewatching it and not only is she soooo audhd coded, but the madd represantation? The "I think I'm going mad"? The feeling like everything around is somehow moving or changing or just weird but no one except for you can see it?
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 30 Group 150
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Taragang: Tara Duncan, Fabrice, Sparrow, Fafnir, Robin, Cal
Submissions are now closed!
Chloé, Alice/Alyssum, Chick & Colin:
Do you like nonsense lit ? (If you like Ionesco's and Lewis Carroll's stuff, go for it !) This book is for you. Anyway, we were talking characters. And yes, you'd find nonsense here too but also deep truths. Somehow the characters have some suprising relatable features. Those four have a special bond
I prefer the book series but you won't find official art for it
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flordeamatista · 2 years
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The Devil
The lure of temptation, seduction, and lust he offered filled your head ecstatically.
Hold My Heart
Sometimes a smile is all he needs. 
A Butterfly Will Fly
Dancer or dance? How can we tell if a dance is free?
I Am His And He Is Mine
You can't leave him because you're his.
Discipline Me
Feeling my body spasming as I fall apart, I learn from your lessons.
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