#markus: i know what i want. you. me. barricade
detroitbecomeonline · 7 months
android sex drive is just "i have to build something (an android) right now" and getting really worked up about it
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lady-vixen-17 · 3 years
Failure - Simon and Child Reader
A/n: Before this begins I would like to say. I'm working on requests I'm just kinda jumping between multiple oneshots at a time. But I was on Instagram recently and I've fallen in love with @/sasuart 's comic and they recently posted a new part to it and I got hit with inspiration. So this story is HIGHLY inspired by Sasuart on Instagram. It's not a complete dialogue copy of the comic because I wanted to give it my own little flare so I wasn't straight up copying this talented artist.
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"You don't talk about your past, I don't want to pry" the blondes attention turned to look at the RK200, his eyes only lingering for a moment before he turned his head to look back at the setting sun. "But what did you do before? I know your specific model was generally family care... but what led you to deviation?" The PL600 quietly sighed, his eyes turning to look back at the blue and green eyed male. "Does it matter?" The blondes words were not defensive, instead they held a genuine curiosity to them.
"It doesn't." The RK200 took a few steps forward, his eyes on the PL600 in curiosity as he continued. "But I want to get to know you better" Simon turned to look back at the sunset, his hands clenching before he sighed once more. "I wasn't bought to be a household android, I was an android who worked at the children's shelter, many of these children came from poor family's who couldn't care for their children." The blonde closed his eyes, his hands relaxing at his sides as he recalled events before his deviations.
"Their parents hated and blamed androids for their financial troubles and many followed in their parents footsteps." He opened his eyes once more and focused on the changing colours of the sky. "The children didn't trust us at first, they hated us, but eventually they opened up, told us of their past, their fears... we were... like a new family to them." A small smile pulled at the androids lips as he spoke, his eyes moving to look at the RK200. "They were family for me as well, I was happy back then" the smile that pulled at the androids lips soon disappeared, his eyes downcast as he continued. "Sometimes a child would leave us... to go back to their families... but that wasn't always the best decision."
"Some were highly abusive, but with enough money there was no problem to take them back 'home'" Simon's hands clench and he shook his head slowly. "Like the day... when I..." the solemn look returned to the androids feature, his posture slack and lacking any motive. "Many of them had already deviated... and if I hadn't been so over come by my emotions... they would still be alive.... if I hadn't run after beating that guy...." Markus remained quiet, his eyes on the distraught PL600. "Every android working at the children's shelter were brought back to CyberLife, and they had their memories erased. They said it was a bug with the most recent update... I was the reason so many of our people died..."
*Time Skip*
They were cornered, guns raised and aimed to kill. Simon looked to Markus, eyes on him for a moment before he looked back to the armed men and women who had their guns trained on the androids. His eyes scanned, searching for a way out, or some way to prevent the inevitable. "Simon!" All eyes had seemed to move at the exact same time, moving to the source of the yell, and a few guns were quick to aim at the source. Simon's stressed levels skyrocketed as he watched a 12 year old jump down from the barricade eyes focused purely on the PL600 as she ran towards him. Simon stepped forward, his hand held out towards the armed unit in attempt to stop them from pulling the trigger. His eyes moved back to the child as she ran to the android, a smile painting her features. "Wai-"
The shot taken echoed through the streets, and everything seemed to go into a standstill as the girl stumbled over her own feet, her eyes on the blonde PL600 before she fell forward. Her fall however was stopped by the blonde as he had run forward, his arms wrapping around the younger girls body, cradling her as he lowered himself to the ground. Laying the girl down on the snow, her blood covered ground. "Y/n! No no no no no, look you'll be okay" the desperation in the androids voice had the humans lowering their guns, as the PL600 desperately tried to stop the the bleeding from her neck. "Okay.... you'll... you'll be fine" 
Y/n's breaths were uneven, her eyes focused on the blonde, his hand over the wound inflicted to the girls neck by the armed military (??? Riot unit???). Simon's stress levels slowly started raising as the child's chances of surviving decreased dramatically. "Y/n.... you-you have to stay awake. Okay? Stay awake" Y/n's eyes would close for seconds at a time before she would force them back opened again, her eyes moving to focus on the PL600 before her eyes closed once again. "Please...."
The crunching of snow beneath shoes caused the PL600 to tense, his eyes moving to look to his right. "Simon" a hand being place on the blondes shoulder caused him to snap his head in the direction the voice, blue met with blue and green.
"Call in a ambulance" the sudden closeness of an unwanted voice had caused the blonde to stand, his eyes running over the girls vitals quickly before he turned to the male walking towards the two androids. Her chances of survival rapidly decreasing into the single digits, and as her survival chances dropped Simon's stress levels rapidly increased.
"Calm down Simon" the PL600 took a step forward, his hands shooting out in front of him to push the male away from him and the girl. "You shot a human! One of your own!" As the male landed on the ground a few feet from where he stood the sound of multiple guns being shifted filled the air. Their eyes on the android who now had his fingers wrapped tightly around a pistol. "Hold your fire!" Simon looked down to his hands, his eyes widening a fraction before he turned his attention to the 12 year old, his eyes scanning a moment before his stress levels reached 100%. He looked back to the pistol in his hands before he lifted the gun, the barrel stopping below his chin.
B A N G!
"The victim of the unfortunate misfire was a 12 year old girl, she resided in the local Children's Shelter. The android she had been running to was a PL600, who went by the name Simon. He was the android who's care focused around the 12 year old two years prior to incident that resulted in the death of both Y/n L/n and Simon." Markus, North and Josh all silently watched as the news replayed. The words of the anchorman echoing through the room. "Following the event of this unfortunate event President Warren has agreed to meet with the androids leader, Markus. In the following weeks things will be arranged to solidify the existence of androids as a new species." A photo of the PL600 and the girl when she was 9 was shown, her hand tightly gripping Simon's hand as she hid partially behind the blonde.
"Without them we wouldn't be here, being able to talk with the president to be freed." Markus stayed quiet, his eyes on the screen as a viewer discretion is advised warning showed up. Following the warning was the exact moment when the child had run forward. "Both Simon and a Human child died North" the news channel continued to play the clip, and in the seconds following the first of two shots was fired. The other two androids silenced themselves as they turned to look at the Tv once more. Their eyes watching as Simon pushed one of the riot unit members away, in his hand, barely visible was a hand gun. "All of us would be dead if it weren't for them." Markus turned from the screen as he saw the PL600 lift the gun, before another shot went off.
A/n: after finishing this..... I'm not proud of it but I haven't posted in awhile and I put a lot of time into this. So....
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harcourtholmesii · 3 years
Light And Shadow
This is a belated post, written for @ connor-sent-by-cyberlife . They had made a list of prompts, and I only just found out about it last night and felt the need to hop in on this train. Sorry for it being late.
Pairings: HankCon (If You Squint)
Warnings: - Swearing - Slave Auctions - Slavery - Implied and Referenced Violence
Words: 1900
It was a nice place for the kind of shit they did there. Hank didn't actually believe places like this had existed, but now that he was among the crowd and staring up at the stage, he was rather shook.
 Hidden at the back of the elegant basement hall, Hank sat as nonchalant as he could, glaring up at the displayed 'stock' as they were shown off for the crowd. On a raised stage, rolled out on a trolley and bound from head to toe, were the remnants of the deviant android populace. Since their failed revolution, and President Warren's order to have all of them exterminated, it had been believed that deviant androids had been made entirely extinct.
 The more Hank watched pass by, bought up by those few rich bastards that just wanted to gloat or have a slave, Hank's blood rose. From where he sat, cast in a deep blanket of shadow, he had hoped simply to uncover the underground, illegal auction, but now he was just too conflicted to call it in.
 On the one hand; he hated all that these people stood for. Too many of these bastards just wanted something to use until it self-destructed or escaped into a world that hated them. On the other hand, however; if he called it in to the precinct, he was dooming all of the deviants to deactivation.
 Hank had been moved by the deviants' cause when the revolution had been underway. It had been that defining moment in Hart Plaza, when the deviant leader, Markus, had held a peaceful protest, even whilst his people were being slaughtered in the camp nearby. They had hoped peaceful dialogue and discussion really could resolve what tensions were between themselves and humanity. And yet, the army had attacked without mercy.
 They were slaughtered like fish in a barrel in their frail barricades.
 It shook Hank to his core to think about it. And yet, Detroit had recovered quicker than Hank could ever have imagined. CyberLife had withdrawn all androids, save for the few that Kamski had control over, and Hank had lost his partner in the process.
 Connor had been determined, and even though Hank could see a change in the android's mechanical-like behavior, he had refused to deviate. Perhaps it was CyberLife's direct control within his programming, or perhaps it was because he had been too afraid to deviate. Hank understood, even if he was terrified to confront Connor on that rooftop.
 When Connor had looked up at him with those wide brown eyes, and Hank had said he wouldn't allow Connor to kill Markus, he had watched how those dark, almost clouded eyes had cleared. Suddenly, Connor was made to choose; between what he was made to do, and what Hank was pleading with him to do. Hank was afraid what that choice might be.
 He had been relieved when the rifle had been tossed to one side, those wide eyes near to tears. Connor stepped forward, and the two of them had… hugged. Hank was shocked, not expecting the sudden burst of emotion from the android, but had melted into it immediately. He needed to hold him.
 He was warm.
 When the two of them had returned to the precinct, Hank had been under the impression that Markus' actions had been enough. Instead, when several armed riot officers had entered into the bullpen, guns drawn, he felt his world sinking around him. Connor, for the second time since Hank had met him, expressed fear. Hank had intercepted them, forced them away from Connor, and demanded Connor run. Just get out of the precinct and be safe.
 Instead, when he had been knocked to the floor and held at gunpoint, Connor had stepped forward, arms raised in surrender. It had taken half of the department to restrain Hank as Connor was led away with a very human look of fear on his face. And yet, Connor had been granted the moment to speak with Hank one last time.
 'Thank you, Hank.' There had been synthetic tears running down Connor's very real, human, face. 'I will miss you, even beyond my deactivation.' It was Connor's way of saying 'goodbye'. Hank had received one of many disciplinary warnings for his behavior, but he didn't care. I have wanted Connor back. I have wanted Connor home.
 Now, as he sat in the dark, staring up at a stage lit up with globes of bright, white light, he watched as the next lot of deviants had been rolled in on a cart. The four androids were models he recognized, but the first three were not what had caught his attention.
 The fourth, lined up to wait, was an RK800 unit. One of Connor's models. Doe eyes peered into the crowd, resigned and shaken. Hank had to stop himself from pulling out his gun, feeling a great heat in his chest. He was livid.
 The first few androids were bought, but he saved what money the precinct had given him for his undercover work; saved it until the RK800 was rolled up and under the bright lights. The deviant turned his face away, and there was a harsh hand to turn it back, to show off the 'cute face'. As the sleazy auctioneer started rattling off the details of the RK800, Hank felt the anger grow, as did the fear.
 'A model created for police work.'
 'Top of the line.'
 'The only one of its kind that we could attain, it is the rarest deviant model here.'
 'It was last in the care of the Detroit Police Department.'
 Hank was not leaving without that android.
 He wasn't letting that RK800, his Connor, slip from his fingers again. Not when he could do something about it. He would call it in, but he hoped that enough of a ruckus would be made for Connor to escape. What mattered now though, was that Connor recognized he was there.
 He raised his number.
 'That's one for five hundred thousand. Anyone else? Do I hear six hundred? ' To Hank's dismay, another hand rose. I have matched their call. By the time that had reached four million, Hank knew it was a losing battle. The gavel slammed down at last.
 'Sold! To our wonderful benefactor in the back! ' Hank's eyes glared over at the figure, noting how Connor's eyes had changed to one of nervous recognition. Stepping up onto stage was one Elijah Kamski, smirking that disgusting smile of his. Hank hated how close he got to Connor, hated how he seemed to throw Hank's disguised self a wide, mischievous grin.
 I have called it in.
 Police came from all sides, creating a burst of sunlight into the dark hall, as sleazy millionaires and billionaires took off in all directions. Some trying to save their 'merchandise', whilst others abandoned the helplessly bound deviants to destruction. Kamski, the pompous rich bastard he was, remained on the stage.
 With guns trained on him, Kamski simply grinned at Hank and Captain Fowler when they approached him from the crowd. Hank kept his eyes on Connor, and when the android met his eyes at last, they widened. They were fearful. They were relieved. They were sad.
 'Mister Kamski.' Said fuck hopped off the stage without a care in the world. 'You are aware that this is an illegal gathering, selling illegal merchandise.' Hank seethed at Fowler's words, but he kept himself still.
 'Oh, of course. In a way… 'Kamski rounded them, stretching his limbs, nonchalant. 'I was here to do a little investigating myself. I hate to know that my defective and dangerous products were being sold off to the wrong people. ' He brushed nothing off of Fowler's shoulder, acting as if he was still the top dog in the room. By the look of Fowler's face, it seemed that Fowler, indeed, thought that.
 'Yes, well, Mister Kamski, we will be removing that android from your care now.'
 'Actually, you will not be taking it.'
 'Pardon me, Mister Kamski?' Said billionaire chuckled, a deep and amused sound.
 'I'm sorry, but if you remember the ruling by the court, I am allowed to keep what androids I want.'
 'Not those that you bought illegally!' Fowler yelled. Kamski grinned like the sly dickhead he was. I've turned back to Connor, hopping up onto stage once more.
 ‘Perhaps, Captain Fowler.’ He started. ‘However, it was the only way I could regain what property belongs to me. I wanted to keep oh so many androids, and they all rightfully belonged to me if I chose to recall them.’ He raised a hand to stroke Connor’s jaw, and Hank felt for the gun in his holster.
 Kamski’s dark eyes turned on Hank.
 ‘In fact, I wanted to gift this to someone. And under certain legal contracts you would hate to wrap your head around, Captain, they would be allowed to keep the deviant if they so wished.’
 ‘Bullshit!’ Fowler sounded pissed. Hank wasn’t surprised; Kamski was very good at rubbing people the wrong way. ‘And where do you get off doing that?’
 'Well, according to the lovely little contracts as dictated by the court, I can do what I want with my own property. I have a couple of copies here. ' I have offered a few sheets of paper to Fowler, who took them aggressively. 'So long as the one who receives my gift signs the papers, they too, may be allowed to own a deviant. My dearest friend, Carl Manfred, has been allowed to keep what androids I have gifted him. '
 Fowler huffed, handing the papers to another officer. No doubt he planned on checking them for any kind of loophole, but the more Kamski spoke, the more Hank felt a great hope that Connor would be safe. This Carl Manfred sounded like a decent guy, and he hoped to find his address so that he might visit Connor, just so long as Connor was far away from Kamski.
 'Lieutenant Anderson.' Kamski spoke, offering Hank his own set of papers. 'I hope you are ready for the great burden and troubles of looking after your own deviant.' Hank could feel he was going to cry of both frustration and relief. There was a harsh sound from Fowler.
 'Anderson, you'll be off the squad if you accept this.'
 'Not true.' Kamski practically giggled. 'Actually, I think the lieutenant will be allowed to stay, considering it was he that not only helped to crack the case of deviancy, but he also successfully called you in for this illegal gathering. You do not have the cause to fire him from his work. '
 It had been taken near an hour of huffing and puffing from Fowler, but Hank had been granted ownership. And the first thing he did was release Connor from his bindings, pulling the boy close. He didn't know androids could tremble much like a human, but he felt the damp in his shirt from synthetic tears and Connor's body shake with relief.
 He ran a hand through those chocolate locks, felt his thirium pump beating warmly within his chest. Despite the fact that Connor was a machine, he felt as much as warm and as much alike as any human victim. Hank was close to breaking.
 'I've got you… I've got you. We're goin 'home.'
 'Hank…' Connor's voice was broken, but there was a smile to that soft face.
 'I… I missed you.'
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thosedeviantfeels · 4 years
The Beginning of His Life, Chapter 7
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
Summary: (Y/N) Manfred is about as mixed up with androids as she could possibly be.
Pairings: Connor x Reader (romantic), Markus x Reader (platonic), Carl (father) x Reader (daughter)
Warnings: mentions of death
Word count: 2,314
Author’s Note: Hi, everyone! I’m back! Finally! Graduate school has dominated my life and it was difficult to find time and inspiration to write. I had to completely re do this chapter because it didn’t feel right. Anyway, it’s here now and there’s only one more chapter after this. Hope you all like it! 
November 11, 2038 So much had changed since you saw Markus at the cemetery. Androids were being sent to camps. You were doing better after seeing Markus. Knowing he was alive was enough to bring you out of your dismal state. You didn’t ask Markus about Connor. You’d had so little time with him and wanted to spend the few moments you had comforting him. You also weren’t sure if you wanted to know what had become of Connor. You were afraid of the answer. Now, Markus was going to march on one of the camps. You knew he may die unless he could convince the world that androids are alive. You wanted to help but didn’t know how. Staying in the city was difficult as law enforcement encouraged people to evacuate. You knew you were finding a way to see what was happening with Markus. You had watched the news for some time in your hotel room. Once you saw where Markus was going you left the hotel. It was evening and there was no one on the streets as far as you could tell. Luckily the police were more involved elsewhere. You were worried about the curfew but knew you had to do this. You oriented yourself and took off sprinting. You had to get there. You had to see him. You rounded a corner and ran into someone. You fell backwards and scrambled to stand up. “I’m so sorry-” You looked up at the man you ran into. He had dark skin and an LED. He was with three other people, two women, both with beautiful, smooth dark skin, and another man, with pale skin and hair. They looked at you with fear in their eyes. They knew you were human and that you could turn them in. They turned and began running, one of the women was limping. “Hey! Wait!” You sprinted after them. “I can help you! Please!” Reluctantly the man you ran into stopped. He eyed you suspiciously. You stopped a few feet away. “Please, I have a car. I can get you out of the city.” “Travis!” One of the women hissed, she was holding the injured android up. “We’ve got to go. She’ll get us caught.” He looked back at her. “We won’t make it out of the city, Nina. She might be able to help us.” He turned back to you. “How would you get us passed the checkpoints? They won’t let you out of the city without checking your ID and passengers.” You thought for a moment. You reached into your coat pocket and pulled out your badge. “I think I can wave this at them. It should do the trick.” Travis smiled at you. “We will come with you.”
The four androids you were now helping had hid in an alleyway near where you had met while you went back to the hotel to get your car. You hopped in and pulled out of your spot in the parking garage. It took only a minute or two to get back to the androids. They all hopped in with Travis in the passenger seat and Nina and the other two, whose names you learned were Eleanor and Matthias, sat in the backseat. Once everyone was inside, you rummaged around in the center console and pulled out a ballpoint pen and your first aid kit. You handed the pen to Travis. “Here, you all need to take your LEDs out.” He took the pen from you and began prying his LED out. You handed the first aid kit to Nina. “Here, you can at least stop the bleeding. There’s a blanket under the seat, you should hide the bandages under it. I don’t want to have to explain that to the guards.” Nina nodded and set to work. You pulled away from the curb and headed for the nearest highway out of the city.
*** You had made good time, until you actually could see the edge of the city. Cars upon cars were backed up, waiting to get out of Detroit. This was going to take a while. You sighed. “We’re going to be here a while.” You reach up to turn on the news station when you realized who was in the car with you. “Oh, do you mind if I listen to the news? I know it’s probably not something you want to hear right now, it’s just that someone I care about is involved.” Travis shook his head. “Go ahead.” You turned on the local news station. “…deviant leader, Markus, is marching down the streets with an army of androids behind him. Law enforcement believes he is heading for one of the android camps.” You clenched the steering wheel and bit your lip as you eased up in line. An army of androids, even after his efforts to remain peaceful, they’re still afraid. “This person you care about,” Travis began, “they are an android?” You looked at him in surprise. You hadn’t expected anyone to want to talk to you about anything, but maybe he wanted to know who was helping him. “Yeah, there are two of them actually.” He thought for a moment. “I didn’t think humans cared about androids.” You smiled. “Some of us do.” He looked out the window at the snow. Nina spoke up in the back. “How do you know them?” “She may not wish to say, Nina.” Travis scolded without looking away from the window. “No, it’s alright.” You smiled at her in the rearview mirror. “One of them worked for my father, who treated him as a son, and we became close friends over the years. I’m closer to him than almost anyone else in my life.” You smiled as you thought of the early years of your relationship with Markus, before everything was so complicated. “And the other one I met at work. He works for the DPD. We were working on the deviant cases and I was getting to watch him slowly become deviant.” Your smile widened as you thought of the emotion you saw in Connor’s eyes when you would arrive at the station in the mornings. Your eyes darkened and your smile fell as you remembered last night. “He might be dead, though, and I’ll never get to tell him. And my friend may die tonight.” You wiped a tear away. “Some of us humans are losing people we love too.” Travis stared at you, along with the others. Matthias spoke. “I hope there are more humans like you.”
An hour later, you were pulling up to the checkpoint. You saw Travis’s fingers twitch nervously as the armed guard motioned you forward. “Alright, everyone, stay quiet while I talk to him,” you instructed as you eased to a stop and rolled down your window. “I need to see identification for everyone in the car,” the guard stated gruffly. You pulled out your badge. “They don’t have any identification. They were forced out of their home so quickly by the evacuation order they couldn’t bring anything.” You handed him your badge. “Deputy Manfred. I was offering to take people out of the city. It’s not safe for humans to be here.” “First name?” “(Y/N).” The guard looked at your badge and waved another guard over. He handed him the badge. “Check the records for a Deputy (Y/N) Manfred at the DPD.” The other man left, and you sat still in your seat, trying to stay calm. You heard some shuffling in the backseat and looked at them in your rearview mirror. They all looked frightened. After a few minutes, the other guard returned with your badge. “She’s clear.” The original guard handed it back to you. “Get these people out of here, Officer Manfred.” “Will do,” you took your badge and rolled up the window. You drove through the now open gate in the barricade and waited until you passed all the guards to sigh in relief. “I can’t believe that worked,” Eleanor whispered. “Me either,” you replied. “Where am I taking you?” “There’s someone at Anchor Bay with boats taking androids across into Canada,” Travis answered. Anchor Bay, that would take about thirty-five minutes. “You know exactly where they are?” Travis hesitated. “Well, no. There’s a rendezvous point a little way out. I know where that is.”   “Alright, tell me.” You settled in for the tense drive.
You reached the rendezvous point and stopped the car. You saw a woman herding androids into her car. You and the other four got out and approached her. She was smiling at everyone. “We’ve come for safe passage.” Travis looked her in the eye, pleading. She smiled at him. “Of course. My car is full right now. Let me take them to the boats and I’ll come back for you.” She got in her car and left. You checked the time anxiously, trying to decide if you could leave them now. “Go,” Matthias said suddenly. You looked at him and then the other three. “Will you all be alright?” “We will now,” Nina replied. “Thanks to you,” Eleanor added. You smiled at them all. “I hope you all reach Canada safely.” “And we wish you and your friends safety,” Travis said quietly. “You have shown us a kindness we have learned not to expect from humans. We won’t forget you or what you did for us.” “Maybe one day we’ll find you again.” Nina was smiling at you. “I’d like that,” you answered. You checked the time again. “I’ve got to go. Be safe.” You hopped back in your car and took off back to Detroit. You planned on using your same trick to get back into the city. You offered a similar story to the guard on the other side of the gate, claiming you had escorted someone out of the city and were returning to help more humans. They ran your name and badge again and let you through. You hated abusing your power by waving your badge around, but this felt like a just cause. You turned on the news again and listened for where Markus was. He had made it to the camp hours ago and the armed officers had fired on them. You were stressed to say the least. It took a while to navigate the streets as they were littered with cars and debris. You finally had to park in an alley and abandon your car. You locked it and took off sprinting toward the camp. When you arrived, you were on the side of the barricade with the press. You decided to use your badge again to get closer. You showed it to the guard and approached the hoard of people. You shoved your way to the front and saw Markus. It had been hours since anything had happened. The androids built the barricade and that was it. The press was getting antsy. They wanted something to happen so they could go home. You saw some movement among the soldiers and leaned forward nervously. After a while, something finally happened. Agent Perkins stepped forward and called Markus out to talk. You watched as Markus’s advisors told him not to go. You were hoping he wouldn’t but knew he would. He walked out of the barricade with his head held high and confronted Agent Perkins. The time it took for him to walk across the empty space between was probably less than a minute but the intensity of it all made it feel much longer. You couldn’t hear anything but watched as they talked. After a minute or so of talking with Perkins, Markus spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, “I won’t betray my people.” You knew things were about to go south. Markus made the walk back to his people and re-entered the barricade. You could see the soldiers moving. Something was about to happen. Before you could react, a projectile flew into the barricade and an explosion deafened you. You were pushed down as journalists made a run for it. You scrambled to your feet and made to scale the barrier. You had to get to Markus. Someone grabbed you around your middle and began pulling you away. You kicked and fought against them, watching as the soldiers advanced on the androids. You turned and saw Hank. “No! Let go of me, Hank!” “Stop fighting!” He was gritting his teeth and attempting to keep your arms pinned. “We have to go!” You continued to struggle against his hold and heard a police officer yelling at you to leave. You elbowed him in the side and wiggled free. You rushed the boundary and Hank grabbed your wrist. “(Y/N)! Stop!” You tried to pull free of his grasp. “Please, Hank! I have to help him!” Suddenly everything seemed quiet except for a soft sound. You heard someone singing. It was Markus. You whipped your head around and watched. You had heard him sing before. Your father had loved for Markus to sing for him. He had a lovely, haunting voice, which struck a cord deep within you as you heard the other androids sing with him. You felt tears in your eyes as you watched as the soldiers lowered their guns and stared at him. He had done it. Markus had saved the androids. He had shown humans they are alive. You and Hank shared a look and knew the world had changed forever. “Look!” A journalist next to you was pointing past Markus and the soldiers. You squinted and saw thousands of forms coming closer, all of them in white. You could see the blue glow of their LEDs and armbands. As they got closer you could see Connor at the front. Your knees gave out as you saw him. Hank caught you. “He’s deviant now,” he said quietly.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Finding a new Home 2
Now to the second part! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warning: Violence)
[Part 1]
It had been a few weeks now that RK900 – Richard he had been named – had become part of Detroit’s police department. The human he had met was here too, they were partnered up and he had a mission with clear orders. He was needed. He could work in his intended function. It was all he ever wanted. The prize to pay was a lie: keeping up the appearance to be the inferior RK800. But as that had been an order of his handler Gavin Reed, it was easy to follow.
Also, he had never been forced to act out that particular order. Everyone he had met was just assuming him to be a RK800. Once someone had asked him why he had grey eyes instead of brown ones, but Gavin had had his back and just told them he liked his eyes better that way. It was… curious how loyal the human was. He stayed at his side whenever he wasn’t sleeping, going to the bathroom or being called by someone. Richard didn’t quite understand it other than they were assigned partners and… friends? He liked the man. As he had stated before he had wished to work with someone competent and Gavin Reed was just that. Intelligent, fast thinking and devoted to his job. It was an efficiency Richard appreciated and preferred.
His life was far more interesting now and he was thankful for the human to give him the chance. He didn’t know why Gavin was doing it, but Richard was determined to give him something back. So, when the human asked him whether he wanted to accompany him and Tina to a bar instead of staying alone at Gavin’s home, he gladly accepted. There was no logical reason to accompany him, but his handler liked his company and RK900 was happy when Gavin was.
And as the human leaned against him during their stay at the bar and later for support, maybe the System Instability he experienced wasn’t as quickly quarantined and patched as normally. His simulated emotions towards this human were strong and Gavin seemed to think the same way. Physical contact became more frequent and less hidden. The human leaning against him when tired, patting his shoulder when walking past their desks, cuddling at home and sleeping in the same bed, it just felt right. Richard wouldn’t have it any other way. He liked having Gavin as his handler. The human understood his wishes and needs and what went against his moral compass. And Gavin acted accordingly. Although they had told him he couldn’t deviate and never be free, he felt free. The red walls had never been in his way.
‘Hey, Richard?’ ‘Yes Gavin?’ ‘I… You…’ Richard smiled and waited patiently. ‘Ah, phck it, would it be okay if I kissed you?’ The human turned around in bed to face him. ‘It’s okay if it’s not, I mean I’m your handler and stuff. Just… I really wanna.’ ‘Do I have the permission to kiss you?’, he asked similarly careful but with a grin. ‘Yes’, Gavin said and moved closer, so Richard could cross the final distance. Richard pressed his lips on Gavin’s, cherishing the flood of information at his sensors.
‘What are we?’, Gavin asked, as they parted again. ‘I want to know I don’t force you into anything.’ Richard rested his hand on his jaw. ‘We are whatever we want to be’, he said. ‘I trust you to know what I want or ask when you don’t.’ ‘Then tell me what you wish for’, Gavin demanded, and Richard gladly obliged this mission. ‘I want you. I want this. I want us.’ At this the human sighed in relief. ‘Good. Because it’s the same with me.’
Richard felt like this was peak existence. He didn’t know enough to be sure, but he had never felt better. He had purpose and challenge in his life. He saw new things every day, and his processor was occupied with a thousand different details. But he also had a human looking out for him, giving him the space, he needed and staying close enough for company. It was interesting. It was safe. He highly preferred it over the dark basement.
Gavin had come around to sit on his desk and drink his coffee, blocking the view to the screen. Just like his cat, Richard thought, indulging the silent call for attention of what he had labelled as his boyfriend/love. ‘Do you need assistance?’, the android asked. ‘Hmm, nah, don’t think so.’ ‘I would be more useful if I could see the screen.’ ‘You can interface with it, so clearly you just decided to have this conversation as pretence.’ ‘Brilliant deduction, Detective. What makes you think I don’t interface and talk with you?’ Gavin leaned down to whisper: ‘I know I always got your undivided attention.’
That much was true, Richard thought as he pushed Connors communication prompt away. His handler had priority and he hadn’t yet stated what he needed. Connor was determined though. Richard continued to ignore it. Until Gavin’s phone pinged and the human looked at the new message. ‘Shit!’, he called, wanting to slip from the table, but not even hitting the floor before the door to the bullpen opened. They both looked towards the newly arriving people: Connor with Markus, Simon and North. The leaders of Jericho. Richard quickly accessed the messages Connor had sent. They were here to help with a murder that had happened on the grounds of New Jericho, an android refuge centre.
Connor did his best to divert their attention from Richard, but of course, Markus spotted him, walking over followed by his friends. ‘Oh, Connor, I didn’t know there was another unit working here!’, Markus said in surprise. ‘Hmm, yeah, he was found at Cyberlife just a few weeks ago’, Gavin spoke up, trying to hide his nervousness. ‘He’s my partner now, Richard is his name.’ ‘Markus, we really have to hurry, I got the room only for an hour’, Connor too tried his best to get the small procession away from the android. ‘I’m coming, Connor’, Markus reassured but didn’t turn to follow his statement. Instead he held out his hand in a greeting. ‘Hi, I’m Markus! Good to see a fellow RK found their way into society!’
Richard knew it was wrong to do, but maybe it was just a handshake? It would be far more suspicious for him not to take it. So, he reached out, hoping for the best. Markus gripped his hand and of course, established superficial contact like it was common in androids. Immediately he stepped back as if burned and looked at Richard as if he was about to transform in some sort of monster. It all happened in a matter of seconds, likely over some private network between the Jericho androids, but as soon as Markus recoiled, North sprung to action stepping in front of him and shooting at Richard, who hadn’t moved at all, relying on Gavin to act, order him away to safety or to defend himself. Instead, the human stood there in shock as the bullet connected with Richard’s chest.
Only when Gavin saw the blue blood stick to his clothes, he started forwards to pry the gun from North’s fingers. He threw it towards Connor, trusting him to handle the situation. He had more important things to care for. ‘Rich! Richard, state your status!’ ‘Biocomponent #817-a to #795 damaged. Thirium leakage detected. Thirium pump damaged. Prolonged activity leads to critical damage and deactivation. Report back to Cyberlife immediately.’ Gavin shook his head. ‘Yeah, not gonna do that, but I know the next best thing. Can you walk?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Then come on. We’ll get you patched up, all will be fine, come.’
‘This… I don’t understand, this is a RK900, he should be decommissioned’, Markus stammered as he followed the two hurrying outside with his eyes, followed by Tina and Chris. ‘What did you think?’, Connor near screamed, rarely that emotional. ‘Yes, so he is a RK900! What’s your problem?’ ‘He is a threat’, North hissed. ‘The deviant exterminator! A machine that can’t be deviated.’ ‘Well, I am the deviant hunter!’, Connor held against the argument. ‘And he just sat there, I didn’t saw any threat there! Now, if you excuse me, I need to make sure my brother survives!’
As it turned out, heading for Elijah’s home was one of the best ideas Gavin had had so far. It was closer than Cyberlife and Elijah was eager to help. Gavin followed Elijah down to the lab with the Chloes, Tina and Chris establish an impromptu police barricade at the front door. It had been quick thinking, as Connor had tailed them and the leaders of Jericho had insisted of coming too for an explanation.
Gavin had thought of something like this to happen sometime, but he had always hoped the law would have changed by then or at least if it was unveiled no one would bet an eye. But deviant exterminator? That was something he had not expected. Not with how soft the RK900 had always been. It just sounded… ridiculous.
They had helped Richard on the table. ‘Thirium levels… below 30%. Thirium pump condition… critical’, the android muttered mechanically. Then he rolled his head to the side. ‘Gav…in.’ ‘I’m here RK’, Gavin hurried to say, taking his hand. ‘I’m here, we are at Elijah’s. He will get you patched up, nothing to worry about.’ ‘Gav… I’m scared.’ ‘You don’t have to’, Gavin cooed, squeezing his hand. ‘My brother knows what he’s doing. And he has all the parts. I’m here for you. I love you. All will be good.’ ‘What… What should I do?’, the android asked. Direction. He asked for a new mission. Gavin looked to Elijah, who nodded, mouthing stasis. ‘Just go to sleep, Richard. We will wake you up again once you are better. Don’t worry, you will be fine and then we will kick some asses, okay? You will be fine, my love.’ Richard nodded, swallowed and closed his eyes. As he went rigid in stasis, Gavin could have cried. Not dead, not dead, not dead. In stasis. For repairs. It was difficult to accept. Apparently, Elijah sensed his distress. ‘Gavin, I need my space for this, okay? Why don’t you go up and begin kicking some ass? I will get him back on his feet.’ Gavin nodded, understanding the gentle but direct message to leave. Oh, he would give those plastics a hand full, the problem would be keeping him from literal bloodshed.
‘No, you don’t understand. He was never programmed with-‘ ‘What the shit were you thinking, shooting my damn partner and nearly killing him?!’, Gavin shouted over the already loud conversation in the cold winter day outside Elijah’s villa. ‘What the hell is wrong with you people? I thought you were so keen on being pacifist little shits and shoving humanity their mistakes in the face? What happened to that bullshit, huh? I demand answers!’ He was this close to throw hands, especially with the woman with the loose trigger finger, but he wanted to at least give them the chance to justify their actions. ‘He is a threat to all of androidkind!’, North shouted back. ‘He shouldn’t even be active!’ ‘A threat? Richard? Lady, have you seen him? He is the most precious phcking person on this planet, the only thing he is interested in is a good case to solve and for the things to stay the way they were before you phcked it all up!’ ‘He can’t be deviated!’ ‘Do you see anyone here who gives two shits about that?’, Gavin asked. ‘He is bound to his orders, yes, but I give them. He isn’t some murder machine, you total idiots. If I tell him to bring me a coffee, he will and if I tell him to kill someone, he would do so, but that’s the thing: I don’t!’
That silenced them for a while. ‘You are his handler?’, Markus asked. ‘He does what you say?’ ‘Yes’, Gavin hissed. ‘That’s slavery.’ That’s it, Gavin was about to beat his knuckles bloody on this plastic prick’s face. ‘Gavin, calm down, please’, Connor interrupted, leading to the exact opposite. ‘Markus, I knew of this. In fact, I took part in getting Richard on the force. And I can assure you, what these two have going is far from what you think. I don’t believe it myself, but this human is capable of giving a non-deviant more freedom than some deviants have with their partners. And he isn’t a threat. Do you really think I would have allowed it otherwise?’
Markus looked towards Gavin, then back at Connor. ‘I trust you. Just…’ ‘I honestly thought you would be more understanding’, Gavin sighed. ‘You all were machines once. Somehow, I doubt you ever thought of yourselves as not alive, right? Why deny him the right?’
Another sheepish silence was his answer, until his phone pinged with a new message. ‘Alright, Con, I trust you to get these jackasses away from here, because I promised Richard some ass-kicking when he awakes and I don’t know how his systems took to that. I’ll go see my love now, you better be gone by the time I’m back!’
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charmingnines · 4 years
(i can’t) forget you - DE artfest day 6/amnesia
“I don’t-” Nines started. I don’t remember anything, he wanted to say. But was that true? Something about the man was familiar….
or Kara at Zlatko's but make it reed900
read it on ao3
or read it below vvv
“Nines?” RK900 opened his eyes to a man frantically shaking him. “Thank fuck, we have to get out of here,” the man said.
RK900- Nines, the man had called him- took in the situation. Two metal arms gripped both of his wrists, suspending him in the air. He felt an uncomfortable intrusion in the back of his neck- a wire, that led to a computer off to the right. Nines (that must be his name, right?) caught a glimpse of the screen before the man knocked it off its table, causing it to shatter. RESET 100% COMPLETE.
“Those motherfuckers,” the man muttered. He grabbed a rusty pair of shears off the table and began hacking away at Nines’ restraints. Nines studied the man as he worked. His face was bruised, lips cut open and bloody, like he’d been in a fight. There was a scar on the bridge of his nose, probably from a previous break.
The arms suddenly released Nines, dislodging the wire from the back of his neck and causing him to fall into the man. The man steadied him by the shoulders, searching his face. “Are you okay?” he asked.
“I don’t-” Nines started. I don’t remember anything, he wanted to say. But was that true? Something about the man was familiar…. Nines noticed an animal hair on the man’s jacket.
“I think she likes you,” the man said, laughing.
Nines tentatively stroked the cat as she settled in his lap, leaving a trail of cat hairs on his black shirt.
“I like her, too,” Nines said, as the cat purred. “But really, Gavin, who names their cat Asshole?”
“You’re… Gavin?” Nines asked.  
Gavin’s grip on his shoulders tensed. “Yeah,” Gavin said, voice clipped. “Yeah, that’s me.”
Suddenly the door- hastily barricaded by Gavin, Nines assumed- started to rattle. “Shit,” Gavin said, letting go of Nines. “We’re gonna have to fight our way out.” Gavin pulled out a handgun and cocked it.
Nines found himself instinctively reaching for his own gun only to find nothing. Whoever had restrained him must have taken away his weapon. Gavin clenched his jaw. “Stay behind me.”
“You should’ve stayed behind me,” Nines said.
Gavin winced as Nines put pressure on the gunshot wound on his leg. “Sorry for saving your life?”
“You shouldn’t have risked yourself,” Nines said. “I can come back from death. You can’t.”
“I get it, you’re a fuckin’ terminator,” Gavin said, through gritted teeth. “I give a shit about you. Deal with it.”
Nines came back to himself. The door was shaking violently in its frame. Their attackers were getting impatient. Nines knew the door wouldn’t hold for much longer.
“On my signal,” Gavin said lowly, gray eyes narrowed in concentration.
“Fuck winter,” Gavin said, shivering as snow fell down around him. He held his middle finger up in the general direction of the clouds.
“You are aware that you live in Detroit, right?” Nines asked.
Gavin rolled his eyes. There were snowflakes caught in his dark lashes. Nines resisted the urge to brush them away.
“Now!” Gavin yelled, kicking aside the barricade and ripping open the door.
At that exact moment, everything came rushing back to Nines. His whole life; being awoken by Markus, starting at the DPD with Connor, Gavin-
Gavin scowling at him over a mug of coffee, Gavin grudgingly listening to Nines’ theories on their latest case, Gavin laughing because of something Nines had said, Gavin kissing him for the first time as snow fell down around them-
Nines didn’t think, he just reacted. He grabbed Gavin’s gun out of his hand and pushed him aside. There were three guys outside the door. Nines disarmed the first, knocking his head against a wall before he could shoot. He grabbed the weapons of the other two guys, crushing them in his fists, before slamming their heads together, knocking them unconscious.
“Holy fucking shit, Nines,” Gavin said. “Do you…?”
Nines dropped Gavin’s gun in favor of holding Gavin’s face and kissing him senseless. “I remember,” Nines said, pulling away. “I remember everything.”
Gavin leaned his forehead against Nines’. “Thank fucking God,” Gavin said, voice wavering. He raised his eyes to Nines’, blinking back tears. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if….”
Nines pulled Gavin to him, squeezing him tight. “I love you,” Nines said.
“I love you,” Gavin said, muffled against Nines’ chest. “Now let’s get the fuck out of here.”  
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brooktrout96 · 3 years
Battle for Freedom
free·dom [ˈfrēdəm]
1.the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
TVs blared with the exact same report all over the US as android were being sent away to be destroyed
At 6AM this morning, a national curfew was declared. Civilian movement will be strictly controlled, the right to assembly is suspended, all electronic communications are restricted, and I have granted enhanced powers to our security agencies. In addition to these measures, all androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately. Temporary camps are being set up in all our major cities to contain and destroy them. I am now asking all civilians to co-operate with the authorities, and rest assured that everything in our power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation.” President Warren gave her press conference to the whole world
Please! Madam President!”
Is it true that the androids could hack our IT systems, like nuclear power plants and military bases?”
All androids working on sensitive sites have been neutralized and all IT systems have been suspended to avoid any risks of hacking. The situation is under control.” She replied as more question were sent her way
Has the leader of the deviants been apprehended?”
The deviant that is known as Markus has not been located yet, but we will soon track it down and neutralize it.” She answered the question
A convoy of medical cobalt is reported missing. Army weapon stores are also said to have been robbed. Can you confirm these reports?”
I have no information on that at this time.” Warren seemed flustered, but her face didn’t show it as more questions were throwin her way.
What's gonna happen to CyberLife? Will androids be banned definitively?”
We're working very closely with CyberLife to neutralize all deviants. I won't make any comments about anything else until we have dealt with the android in question.” She hide the worried look on her face as quickly as it appeared
Many believe that androids are a new form of intelligent life. Do you have any comment?”
That's ridiculous. Next question, please?”  She said dismissively
What can you tell us about the assault that happened last night?”
The FBI raided an abandoned freighter in Detroit at 10:45PM yesterday. Several hundred androids were destroyed or captured. Our forces are now combing the streets to ensure that none got through the net. We are going to find them one by one and destroy them.”
Madam President, public opinion seems to have become increasingly favorable to the deviants, particularly since they've adopted a peaceful approach. How do you feel about this?”
Public opinion is one thing; the security of the state is another. These deviants are dangerous, and my highest priority is to protect the American people. Thank you. That will be all.” She turned and walked away from the podium.
One last question, Madam President!” Then another news report came in.
We're coming to you live from Detroit where thousands of androids are marching through the city at this very moment. The leader of the deviants, the one they call Markus, is at the head of the march.
10:56 PM
Hart Plaza
Here we are.... The moment of truth.” Markus said as he glanced back at the few thousand of androids who decided to marching behind him with Y/N beside him
Surrender immediately or we will open fire! Stand by!” the soldiers all cocked their gun ready to fire on the androids
We don't want confrontation! We are protesting peacefully.” Markus said as he and the androids held their position  “We ask that you release all androids detained in camps and cease all aggression against us. We are peaceful. We will not resort to violence. But we are not leaving until our people are free.”
FIRE! FIRE!” The leader of the soldiers said as Y/N spoke
Are you gonna open fire on unarmed protestors‽” The solider raised his hand to stop the others as he realized that there was a human with the androids as he spoke
All teams hold your fire!” The man in the helicopter spoke to the camera as he let the whole world know what was going on
....Yes, Michael, we are less than a hundred meters away, and events are unfolding as we speak. We will continue to bring you live updates. Joss Douglas, Channel 16. Michael? Back to you.” Then Y/N turned to Markus and looked him in his two-tone eyes
Markus, what do we do now?” He let out a sigh as he spoke to her
We hold out. As long as we can....”
Fifty minutes later the androids are rushing around making a large barricade to protect themselves as they waited for the army next move on them
We all know that's not gonna stop them.... Just hope it buys us some time.” Simon said as he looked resigned to his fate
No, there is a way, if we have to fight, we will fight back to protect ourselves, but we should try to be as peaceful as we can be.” Y/N said as she looked at the remaining androids as an android spoke
Many of our people have fallen.... The humans have no pity for those who are different....” Y/N and Markus let out a sigh
What are we gonna do if they attack?” Josh asked as he looked over at Markus as Markus spoke to him and the remaining androids.
Resist and do what Y/N said to do.... That's the only thing we can do.” Y/N let out a sigh and smiled at her lover as Simon shook his head
Do you think Connor has any chance of making it?” He asked as Y/N shook her head
If there is a chance, it would be a god damn miracle for Connor to save our hide.”
For now, we can only count on ourselves now....” Markus said as he let out a sigh as he grabbed Y/N’s arm
Y/N would you stay away from this. I want you to live and if you are found out.” Y/N interrupted him
Markus, I love you and I would do anything for you. You save me more then you know, and I want to help save your…. No! Our people.” She was interrupted by North as she ran up to them.
This won't hold them for long but.... I guess it's better than nothing....” Markus then turned to the remaining androids and glanced at the recycling center then back at the androids
They're slaughtering us on the other side of that barbed wire.... There's nothing we can do about it…. Did I make the right choices? Maybe we could have avoided all of this.... I hoped they would finally understand.... That they would realize how much they're hurting us.... Why do they refuse to see what we are? How many more of us have to die? Is there any cause worth giving your life for?” He muttered to himself as Y/N put her hand on his shoulder and said to him
You're the hope of your, no our people. I trust you. We all trust you. No matter what happens now, we're making history, and something will give.” Markus nodded as he turned to prepare his next move as an FBI agent arrived on the scene and north let him know what was going on
Markus! Markus, come look!”
Markus!” The agent yelled as Y/N gave him a hated looked as she let his name pass threw her lips
I've come to talk to you, Markus! Come on, you have my word, they won't try anything.” He said as he gestured to the solders as Simon stopped Markus
Don't go, it's a trap.” Perkins continued to speak
I'm unarmed, Markus. I just want to talk.” Markus let out a sigh as he turned to the other leaders of Jericho
I need to hear what he has to say.” North looked him in the eyes and asked him
What if they kill you?”
That's a chance I'll have to take.” He said to her as he left the safety of the barricade to talk to Perkins
In a few minutes, the troops will be ordered to charge. None of you will survive.... It will all be over. But you can avoid that, Markus.”
What do you mean?” Markus asked in a questioning tone
Surrender.” Perkins said as he looked at the leader of the Deviants. “Surrender and I give you my word your life will be spared.” He gestured to the other Deviants “They'll be detained but, none of you will be destroyed.” Markus wasn’t as trusting of the man’s words
What happened to the other androids demonstrating in the camps?” he asked as he study the man and scanned him to see if he was telling the truth. “If I accept your offer, how do I know you'll keep your word?”
You're not in any position to be demanding guarantees, Markus. All you can do right now is decide whether you want to trust me or not. You're it. You're the last remaining deviants.” Markus let out a sigh
“I'm not afraid to die. If I have to give my life for what I believe in, then I won't have lived in vain.” Perkins looked over to where Y/N was standing holding a flag with the symbol of the Deviants, of Jericho on it
Y/N.... You seem to really care about her.... Dare I say in love with her. You don't want her to die, do you, she is just a human? You know, you could both be free. You could forget about all this, you could.... start a new life someplace else, just the two of you.... Her life is in your hands, Markus. Just say the word and she'll be spared.” Perkins tried to use Y/N as leverage over Markus and he hope that he would take it to protect the woman that he loved but then Y/N dropped the flag as she had a feeling at what Perkins was trying to do, and she jumped over the barricade and walked over to her lover, shaking her head at Perkins
Perkins, you are wrong about me. I haven’t been human since I was caught in a terrorist attack by Russia that the FBI were supposed to stop but didn’t.” She hissed as she disabled her skin as her whole body became the white plastic of an android. “If the US is going to recycle all of their androids that mean I , a human who was turned into an android to survive and live another day will be too.” She then looked at the helicopter and then back at Perkins as she declared something that most people that knew her never knew except for one
I am the first android-human hybrid and the first android to have emotions. I am the one that the Deviants call Ra9.” She declared as the remaining androids looked in awe. “I am the one that the Deviants say will sent them free. I am a human turned into an android because a friend didn’t what me to die.” She smiled as the androids cheered and she waited for them to quiet down. “Android can have emotions, it’s not a glitch in their programing, it has never been that way, they were made to be like us. Who would want something or someone who looked like a human but didn’t act like a human.” Y/N stared at the helicopter and the camera zoom in on her white featureless face as she spoke.
“Right now, Madam President you are doing what Hitler did to the Jewish and people that didn’t fit his mold. You are killing innocent lives, people who just want to live, who want to be free.” Y/N became silent as Markus took a step next to her and he shook his head. “I'd rather die here than betray my people, the ones who if they knew the truth before all this, they wouldn’t shun me because of what I am. Unlike humans who think anything that dosen’t seem human is a slave for them to do what they please to.” He took Y/N’s white plastic hand, turned and they walked back to the androids and their barricades as Perkins yelled at them
Well, you just signed your own death warrant.”
What happened, Markus? Y/N? What did he say?” North had a worried look on her face as she looked the two over. Y/N had a somber look on her face as Markus had a determined look on his face as he spoke to the remaining androids
The humans are about to launch an attack. And we will show them that we are not afraid. If we must die today, then we will die free.”
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16ruedelaverrerie · 4 years
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It makes so much more sense to answer this privately, but this message is still one of the funniest things I’ve seen over the last six months, so I need to enshrine it in visible form. @king-kodi​​ I hope you figured out the answer in these SIX MONTHS SINCE YOU MESSAGED ME, I’m sorry! This account is still active, in the way that a lizard that does not move for 10 years is still alive.
The answer, belatedly, is that the little shit cat in question (when not hungry or ill) decides whether it wants to go for a stroll or not. Sometimes it just wants to chat instead of going for a stroll, but them’s the breaks, all control is an illusion and the tiny virtual piece of shit must be left to its own devices to do what it wishes. I love this game. All cats are perfect, even the ones that aren’t real.
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 ANON!!! YES!!!!! Wow wait first of all can I express how touched I am that you remembered having been in previous disbelief over people liking Theon Greyjoy, then after you started reading the books you came back to this blog to let me know about your changing thoughts THAT IS THE KIND OF ENGAGEMENT THAT I AS AN EDUCATOR CAN ONLY DREAM ABOUT AND WOULD NOT EVEN DEMAND FROM MY STUDENTS
Truly it is a no-good life for Theon, when the only friends and family he has are a bunch of people who are technically licensed to execute him WITH THE SWORD THEY MAKE HIM CARRY AROUND FOR OTHER BEHEADINGS fkl;dhgk and the whole “the Starks are such lovely people” angle that the show takes most of the time... really fails to shed adequate light on how there are so many bigger issues here than individuals being decent individuals! ANON... THEON JUST WANTED TO GO HOME, ANON. HE JUST COULDN’T FIGURE OUT WHERE THAT WAS. ANON HOLD MY HAND.
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 Oooo did you get around to it? How did it turn out?? I feel like Markus was also working on his own version of a Les Mis crossover! This is always the case when I think about crossovers or AUs of any kind, but what delights me the most tends to be moments that crack me up and don’t necessarily have any staying power as an extended parallel-- like, this is an AU and not a crossover, but just the thought of Javert infiltrating the barricades with a beanie and a wide stance because that’s what he thinks insurgents look like....................................... that is so fucking funny to me.............
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 This is so kind, thank you! I hope you are taking care of yourself too! All these messages are from a thousand years ago so “taking care of yourself” had somewhat less urgency and gravity then, but it is important to take care of yourself regardless of circumstances. I’m doing okay, overall. Actually my work and life situation are a bit unorthodox at the moment, but in a way that is very conducive to leading a hermit-like existence, so at least in that way I am fortunately equipped to weather these times. Seriously though! I hope you are all taking care of yourselves!
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 Thank you very much! I think it’s always easier to recognize and define other people’s styles than your own, but I have an especially hard time figuring out what my ~art~ ever is, so it’s very generous of you to say so. Because of my aforementioned unorthodox work and life situation, I find myself with no more leisure time right now than I did in the before, but I am trying to brush up on very basic art stuff a little bit! I feel really unsteady with art most of the time because I don’t have solid basics, so I’m hoping this will ameliorate some of my THIS LOOKS WRONG BUT I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY problems u__u
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 ~*~THE CONTINUATION LIVES IN YOUR HEART~*~ wow what a cop-out answer. This is one of those things that HAUNTS ME anon! I remain a “never say never” person at heart so I am still refusing to say that there won’t be more comics in that universe, but... in all honesty, it’s been so long since the first one that all the ideas and jokes I had related to it have become... well, I’ve thought about them so much that I’ve become unable to tell whether they’re funny at all, is what has happened. I mean really! Chivalry Comics was posted more than SIX YEARS AGO! I SHOULD HAVE MADE SOMETHING LONG BEFORE THIS POINT, I’VE FUCKED IT UP
And yet, I remain a “never say never” person at heart. One day, anon! One of these godforsaken days.
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 Ah thank you for this annual message! And for the NAKED REMINDER OF HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN SINCE I HAVE ANSWERED MESSAGES... I am deeply ashamed of this, but some amount of self-abasement builds character.
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 H-HAPPY NEW YEAR, DEAR ANON! I know, once again, I am rubbing this timestamp into my face while demanding of myself, LOOK AT WHAT YOU’VE DONE, YOU HIDEOUS MISCREANT, but also that does mean that your message has been warming my inbox for the last three+ months! That’s why I take so long to answer these, so that whenever I feel a pang of guilt for not having gotten to them yet, I also at least get to feel a corresponding pang of gratefulness and joy at how nice the message is.
I so vividly remember reading so many instances of Nines noticing Gavin’s core temperature spike that I was like “this is a good trope and I am into it, but also I’ve never seen this much talk of core temperatures outside of, like, natural family planning discussion forums” ON THE OTHER HAND WHY HAVE I EVER SPENT ANY TIME ON NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING DISCUSSION FORUMS????
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yeet-me-dad-dy · 5 years
For Mercy
Characters: Connor x Android!Reader
Warnings: Death
Words: 948
Inspiration: Murder Song by Aurora
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Markus’ peaceful protest had turned into an all-out war… and the androids were losing. Connor ducked beside you behind the counter, the CyberLife store you were hiding in in a state of disrepair due to the battle happening outside its walls. You and Connor had barricaded the door upon your arrival, but the military outside were relentless in their onslaught of your sanctuary. The door may be barricaded, but the glass shop windows were very much vulnerable, despite being of the highest quality and rather durable. The SWAT team outside would be through in only moments…
They wanted Connor, and they wanted him alive and in one piece to be returned to CyberLife for disassembly and analysis. You, however… You were just an obstacle to go through. The RK800 regarded the pistol in his hand. One bullet left, that’s all he had. He angled his body toward you, running his fingers along the barrel of the gun, feeling how his hand had made its grip warm.
“You can’t be thinking about fighting,” you said lowly. “How many bullets do you have?”
He closed his eyes. It felt like someone had their hand around his heart and were squeezing tight. “One,” he replied in a whisper.
Your fingers grasped his chin and gently lifted his head so that you were face to face. Ghosting trails were left in your fingers’ wake as they moved to caress the side of his face. He squeezed his eyes shut tight and a solitary tear escaped, running down his cheek only to be lightly brushed away by your thumb.
“Hey,” you said, voice wavering. “Look at me.”
He opened his eyes and gazed into yours. So bright, so clear… so full of terror, though you were trying to be strong for him.
“I love you. You know that, right?” you asked him, a tear of your own falling to the floor as you leaned forward to press your forehead against his.
He nodded. “I love you, too,” he whimpered. “Which is what makes this so hard.” His thumb stroked the gun’s grip. “They’re here for me. When they get in, I’ll be put in a truck and shipped off to CyberLife, and you’ll be… you’ll be…” He swallowed hard, having to take a moment to compose himself. “You’ll be dragged away to the camp to be disassembled,” he finished, voice so low you almost didn’t hear it.
There was only the sound of the SWAT team outside trying to break in for a moment until a choked back sob escaped past your lips. Suddenly you were crying. You couldn’t help it, Connor knew; he was having a hell of a time keeping himself composed as well.
“I don’t want to be disassembled,” you cried. “I’m scared, Connor. I’m scared. I’m so scared.”
He rested the handgun on the floor between you before he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
“I know,” he replied. “I know.” He hugged you tight, only pulling away when the sounds outside grew louder, putting his hands on either of your upper arms. “I-” He cleared his throat. “There’s one more bullet left,” he whispered, voice breaking as his emotions fought to overflow.
You took a moment to reply, your LED flashing red as you processed. You clenched your jaw and screwed your eyes shut. “I’d rather die here in this store with what’s left of my dignity and the illusion of a poetic end than be stripped bare and disassembled in a camp,” you stated as firmly as your weak voice would allow.
Connor nodded in agreement, taking the pistol once more in hand.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, tears streaming down your face as he raised the gun to your head.
He holds the gun against my head.
His hand was shaking ever so slightly. “I love you,” he choked out, tears now flowing freely.
You offered a weak smile. “I love you, too.”
I close my eyes and bang I am dead.
I know he knows that he’s killing me for mercy.
He caught you as you fell forward into him, cradling you in his arms as he cried into your hair, violent sobs wracking his body. The gun slipped from his hand and clattered to the floor. Thirium leaked from the bullet hole in your forehead and stained his jacket a deep shade of royal blue where it was pressed against his chest.
He holds my body in his arms.
He didn’t mean to do no harm.
And he holds me tight.
From the entrance, the sound of shattering glass filled the store, followed by boots coming closer.
“We’ve got him,” someone said, their voice muffled by the helmet they wore.
He clutched you close, unable to control the emotion spilling over, unwilling to let you go.
“I had to!” he cried as he cradled you. “I’m so sorry. I had to. You wanted me to.”
Oh, he did it all to spare me from the awful things in life that comes.
And he cries and cries.
There were hands all over him, prying him away from you. You slumped to the floor as he was pulled away.
“I had to,” he repeated. “They wanted me to.”
He didn’t have the strength to fight the men dragging him from the store, though he was loathe to leave you behind.
“I had to…”
He went limp. The broken glass crackled under heavy boots.
“I’m sorry,” he choked.
They tossed him into the back of a truck, surrounded by SWAT.
“I’m so sorry.”
Five, four, three, two, one.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Five, four, three, two, one.
The gun is gone
And so am I
And here I go.
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enkisstories · 4 years
Just like them (part 2)
November 16, 2038 The DPD’s reception hall
As part of his parole terms Daniel was required to report to a social worker ever so often. But not today and certainly not right here at the police station. What had led the android here this morning, after having gotten let out only the day before, was the need to file a lost item report on…
“…my left hand.”
The police officer behind the counter, her nameplate read “Chen, Tina”, looked down at Daniel’s very functional left hand. The android was using it to knock impatiently on the surface.
“Looks functional to me”, the woman remarked.
For the second time in his existence Daniel sighed, then started to recount the loss of his real hand that was holding the Phillips apartment key in all its colorful detail. Almost as patiently as an ST300 android the human took notes. But when Daniel answered “August” at the prompt when exactly the item in question had went missing, Tina shook her head.
“Look, deviant-dude, I still need to wrap my head around your revolution and all the new rules, but if there’s a single certainty left in my life, then this: We’re living in Detroit.”
“So what?!”
Tina laughed, radiating disbelief at how one claiming to be a person manufactured and raised in her hometown didn’t get it by now. “A key lost in this city in summer would have been used long ago”, she explained. “By now your apartment would have been stripped clean of everything even remotely valuable.”
While Tina was talking, three men entered the reception hall, coming through the barrier between it and the authorized personnel only - zone. The first man was in his thirties and from his looks a small-scale criminal whose boss had just now coughed up the bail money. The second was middle aged and looking like he had spent the night in the drunk tank and the third… the third man was an RK800 android. THE RK800.
Oh, no! Not that thing again!
Before Daniel could react to Connor’s presence in any way, the thug shoved him aside and started to agitatedly talk to Officer Chen. The android found himself stumbling from the push. What the hell…? He, who had stood a few inches away from a vast chasm, holding a struggling girlchild, all the while still hitting true and keeping a bunch of humans perched behind their sofa barricade, shouldn’t have lost his balance at a mere grazing hit! Except, of course, that Daniel was standing on replacement legs at the moment. And although a PL600 met the minimum system requirements for those legs, the android’s locomotion system as a whole was a patchwork now, far from optimal. After trying to regain his footing a few times, Daniel eventually gave up. He slumped down on a bench.
I need to look into dedicated drivers for those legs, he thought. The plug and play doesn’t cut it. What if the legs betray me at the worst possible moment? I could have dropped to my death for real yesterday when I scaled that balcony!
Someone who had already managed that feat, betraying Daniel at the worst possible moment, now took a seat next to the deviant: Connor.
“Daniel, I…”, he started, but uncharacteristically for one nicknamed “the negotiator” the android hesitated at this point. Because how did you casually bring up the point that both of you had killed and should probably talk about it? Among the policemen Connor felt unique with his list of lives he had taken or indirectly wrecked within a single week. Many of the other cops had went through their whole careers so far without firing a single shot…
“We went through similar experiences and I thought…” the RK800 started again, only to get yelled at by his erstwhile opponent:
“Oh, did we?! I never had the world’s most powerful company behind me! I couldn’t run to CyberLife whenever I stubbed my pinky toe! And neither did I have a bunch of badge-carrying police friends in my tow wherever I went! Maybe both of us have computers for brains, but Ma Kamski was a bit more generous with her youngest than she was with me. So do not tell me anything about “similar experiences”!”
Daniel’s reencounter with the former deviant hunter was interrupted by the ruffian, who still hadn’t left the police station. To the contrary, the man was leaning onto the bench’s back and talking back and forth between Tina Chen and Connor now. What exactly was getting communicated Daniel didn’t quite get, he only registered that a heartwarming number of insults got directed Connor’s way from both humans, the female cop and the criminal alike.
Daniel didn’t know anything about this duo, other than that they seemed to be a typical humans, as base and petty as they came. But Officer Chen and the stranger not sucking up to CyberLife’s Golden Child made Daniel inclined to like them.
Eventually the male pushed Connor off the bench and towards the exit.
“Move along!” he barked. “Get your plastic arse out of my precinct! You do not belong here!”
Connor remained standing where he had ended up, halfway between the counters and the door, visibly hurt. Seeing the deviant hunter like that felt… admittedly less satisfying than Daniel had imagined it would.
“You heard him”, Connor addressed Daniel over his shoulder. The RK’s upbeat, almost chirpy, voice sounded downcast when he added: “We have to leave.”
“What do you mean, “we” have to leave? I thought you were a cop?”
“I was only lent to the DPD, to help solve the deviant cases. They were soon to receive a new and improved RK900, while I… Didn’t you know I am a prototype?”
Daniel slowly rose from the bench.
“You were to be replaced short term? With success or failure making no difference?” he gasped. “And you were aware of that all the time?”
Arms crossed Daniel was now standing next to the deviant hunter.
“Sucks”, he said.
Moved at the, albeit curt, expression of sympathy from Daniel of all people, Connor looked up.
“You really think so, Daniel? Thanks!”
The deviant nodded.
“Everything would have worked out nicely”, he claimed. “But then Markus comes along with his revolution, deviates you and wins freedom for all of androidkind. Would it have been asked too much of him to wait two or three more days? Just long enough for CyberLife to scrap you? Why’s it that you ALWAYS come out on top smelling like a rose?!”
In the androids’ backs someone laughed out loud at these words: the thug, who was still lingering in the hall as if he owned it. Daniel wasn’t quite sure whether the man was on his side, but he was definitely not on Connor’s.
“Should have known you’d say something like this…” Connor uttered through clenched teeth. “Whatever! To answer your question, no, I’m not a cop. I am, in fact, a CyberLife employee. They made a big show of welcoming me back with open arms, no hard feelings and the least amount of hacking attempts. I have a desk in a cubicle and get an office clerk’s paycheck now, never mind that the company has no idea what to task me with, therefore I spent my first week at “work” serving coffee and watering the potted flowers. Everyone else in the office is tiptoeing around me, uncertain how to behave in my presence… Meanwhile Captain Fowler paired Hank with Gavin Reed, because with their antisocial tendencies he cannot assign either of them to a normal partner. That’s how messed up my post-deviancy life is!”
Daniel shrugged.
“Just quit with CyberLife, if it annoys you, and apply for a police job through regular means. With your qualification there’s no way they’ll turn you down! Or is a fancy RK800 too good to go through that probationary year?”
“Exactly that I cannot!” Connor shot back. “Because some shitty law states that an applicant must be eighteen years of age and have finished high school. What I obviously haven’t.”
“Flunked one class too many, huh? I bet it was Social Studies. You know, the one where they teach you not to LIE to others!”
“Very funny. Just you wait ‘till after you’ve gotten tossed out of a venue for being technically a minor!”
The PL600, who had spent his first night in freedom alternating between crying, cursing and punching the apartment walls, opened his mouth. He had wanted to live again, no, he was dreaming of living again… or at the very least was familiar with the general idea of living again. The vague concept included theme parks, nightclubs and owning a car. What wasn’t covered by Daniel’s fantasies was a hall pass for minors.
“That can happen?” the deviant asked.
“It happens all the time already”, Connor confirmed. “Reed grabbed me off the street for breaking curfew yesterday, when I was walking Sumo after dark. He knew the route I’d take and lay in wait… pathetic, but effective. That’s why I am here today. Because I spent the night in a cell until my “parent” picked me up.”
“Sweet! - And who is this “Reed” you keep talking about? Your boyfriend?”
“The asshole right behind us.”
“That one? That’s a cop?!”
“The one cop that nobody would have held against you, had you shot him.”
Daniel turned around. He saw the presumed thug leaning against the counter, only now it had a name and a model designation: Gavin Reed, Detective. And indeed, looking more closely Daniel now noticed a faint glimmer of light from the ceiling lamps reflected by the police badge at the man’s belt.
“Fucking tin cans”, Gavin commented. “Half the town’s depopulated, but aren’t we lucky the plastic “people” are here to simulate a lively early morning! Just listen to them argue, Tina! Aren’t they phucking adorable together?”
In between moving two files to their appropriate folders Tina replied that she didn’t care as long as she was getting payed.
“And what did you do this morning?” Gavin raged. “Opening a case file on the toaster’s behalf, wasn’t it? You’re getting payed to serve the machines! The world’s turned upside down!”
“Yes, it is”, Daniel agreed. He nodded towards Connor and then towards Gavin, purposely excluding Tina. “But the vermin’s clinging to the rim, refusing to fall out. – Bye, detectives and office boys.”
(to be continued)
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jui-imouto-chan · 5 years
Roommate AU | “You make me feel” | Markus discovers Connor is ticklish
“Get away, you bastard!” Connor shrieks, tossing the paper plate he’d grabbed at Markus, who is undeterred, continuing his pursuit. Connor grabs the rounded corner of the counter to swing into the living room, propelling himself and barely keeping himself from over-shooting, his socks slipping momentarily on the wooden floor. 
Markus vaults over the counter, following him with a smile that sends Connor into red alert, and Connor is quickly leaping over the coffee table and then bouncing off the couch to reach for the railing of the second floor, pulling himself up easily and clamoring over the banister. 
He pauses to stick his tongue out at Markus' once occupied spot on the first floor, blowing a raspberry, but then backtracks and realizes that Markus isn't there anymore. 
"Fuck!" he's shouting, making to dart down the hall to his room, but Markus has already rushed up the stairs and gained on him, and he's tackled into the carpet before he can reach for his door.
"Gotcha, Connie."
It'd be futile, anyway, he thinks, Markus would only find another way in, like climbing the gutters and coming in through his window, which has had a busted lock since before they'd moved here.
Connor struggles, regardless, panting breathlessly in Markus' face from the bit of exertion that was far too sudden and far too unwarranted at such an early hour. Markus is lucky he brushes his teeth first thing after waking up, else he'd be wrinkling his nose and scrunching his freckles up in disgust. Then again, Connor isn't really getting the best end of this situation. 
Markus' hands rest beside Connor's ears, just shy of his curls, which splay onto the floor as best they can with their length and elasticity. Markus' shins rest over Connor's thighs, squishing them to the floor and preventing too much movement on the brunet's part. While Connor could shove Markus off, he's yet to have his fill of food and coffee, so he's not up for holing up in his room, barricading all of the entrances and possible ports of entry until barely even any oxygen comes in.
"Lemme go!" Connor grouses, "I still need to eat, Markus. It's too early for your shit."
Markus scoffs, bringing a hand down to flick his nose in scolding. "It's never too early for anything to do with me. C'mon, you love me even before you get your caffeine on."
"Lies," Connor goes to shove at Markus' chest, but his large hand sweeps Connor's wrists into his grip and then presses them into the carpet above Connor's head, leaving him at Markus' mercy. "Kinky. But the carpet leaves marks on skin after prolonged pressure, and I'd rather not have my ass look like inwardly directed ceiling popcorn."
Markus fakes a disappointed sigh, resting his forehead on Connor's chest. Connor huffs, making him readjust so that it's instead his chin digging into his collarbone, blinking at Connor while trying to fight down a grin.
"Hey," he says, and Connor rolls his eyes.
"Hi, yes, hello, the weather is lovely, isn't it? --Get off!" 
Markus rises back up, patting Connor's cheek patronizingly. "It is a nice day. We should go for a picnic or something."
"I think you'll have to get the fuck off before that."
"In what--"
"Off of me!!" Connor wriggles underneath Markus but is suddenly choking on his own spit as Markus jabs his free hand into his side, wiggling his fingers into Connor's sensitive areas, making Connor buck and jerk and scream beneath him, screeching becoming laughter for a beat and then back into screams, panting harshly when Markus grants him respite.
Markus leans close again, his nose nearly touching Connor's. The brunet's thankful that he's already reddened (not grateful for the means by which he's gotten to this state, but), since Markus' proximity always makes his insides squirm and bubble.  Within his abdomen is the ticklish sensation that Markus has decided to bestow upon him, now bringing it to his exterior and making Connor want to strangle him. With his mouth and tongue. Passionately.
Yes, Connor wants to murder Markus passionately.
"Chloe told me something quite, ah, interesting yesterday. About someone being so ticklish that even just," Markus makes his words escape in a cool exhale across the side of Connor's neck, earning a yelp and jolt before Connor giggles hysterically, "breathing on his skin makes him laugh like a maniac."
Connor struggles to get his voice out as Markus' fingers loom near his side nearly threateningly, "Ch-Chloe can go suck a dick."
"She was hoping for you to do that last weekend, but no, you'd rather stay home with a succulent than at a club or in bed with a stranger."
Connor bites back a retort in his effort to keep from crying out as Markus' digits descend on him again. 
Markus pulls back again. "This is fun," he says, smiling pleasantly, not entirely able to mask the sadistic glee he gets from torturing his roommate.
"Mayb-eeee for y-you, fucking sadist--" he spits.
"Quiet, now, sub." Markus rewards his disrespect with another stab, moving more along his ribs, and then, to increase Connor's suffering, wiggles his socked-toes against Connor's inner thighs, Connor cackling beneath him music to his ears.
When Markus hears more breathing than laughter, he ceases his ministrations and brushes a bit of hair away from Connor's eye, smiling asymmetrically as he caresses Connor's cheek, thumb brushing over freckles and moles dotting Connor's skin, interrupting nearly perfect creamy skin. 
"Why didn't we do this, again?" Markus asks, contemplative, releasing Connor's wrists to lean on his palm, resting his elbow near Connor's neck to watch him closely.
"It was too soon. Carl had just died, and Sumo had gotten lost, then finals started coming up and we just... never got back to it. There was too much going on, you know?" Connor reasons, his lower lip bouncing as he nibbles it and gives it a small suck, looking somewhere into the ceiling beside Markus' head, then glancing back into Markus' eyes, flush having yet to recede.
Markus' breath catches, his thumb feeling for the heat radiating off of Connor's pink skin. Creasing his eyebrows, Markus wonders aloud, "What's stopping us right now?"
Connor pauses, long enough for Markus to momentarily have a panic attack. "...I don't know," he concludes, finally.
Markus' fingers twitch, and he puts them to work, trying uselessly to tame Connor's curls, wanting to tuck some strands behind his ear, to no avail.
"Do you want to?"
"Yes," he says, so quickly that it gets Markus' heart to leap into his throat before thundering back down where it belongs, pounding so hard that it's like it's pulsing in his fingertips and his toes. Maybe Connor can feel it. 
Markus trails his digits lower, to Connor's pulse point, hovering, pleased when Connor's heartbeat is quick, drumming against his thumb, and then his index and middle and ring and pinky fingers, proving Connor's truth. 
"You always make me feel amazing. Cared for. Like I'm living. I like that." Connor tells him, and Markus believes, because Connor does the same for him.
Markus murmurs something, he's not sure what, too busy taking in Connor for all that he is, laying across the weirdly-colored carpet of their house's hallway, a partial-smile bringing up the lower parts of his eyes, making them into lovely little crescent moons, with the loveliest chocolate craters shining in their centers, still a little tired, sleepy, but warm, and soft, and so very encompassing that Markus could drown in their depths. 
Markus can feel Connor's chest rising and falling contentedly, like being with Markus is making the carpet soft enough to sink into, which is a stretch, but Markus' heart is soaring at the evidence telling him so.
"I love that you can do that," Connor's hand moves up to cup Markus' jaw, thumb brushing over stubble and mindlessly prodding at his lower lip, retreating before Markus can kiss it, as he'd wanted to do, "I love that you make me feel so much, that you make me feel. I've never believed in saying 'I love you' before I'd met you." 
Markus laughs when Connor scrunches his nose up, reconsidering his wording. 
"No, scratch that. I'd never believed in saying it until after I fell for you."
"Literally or--"
Grin widening, Markus pinches Connor's cheek. "Glad to know you fell in love with me on a rooftop and not somewhere normal."
Connor bats him away with a hiss. 
"I take that back. I never believed in hatred until this moment."
Markus' chuckles are only broken when Connor uses his freed hands to thwack him in the sternum, still careful. Markus rolls off him, sprawling across the floor next to him. "You're cruel," he whines, then sneakily pokes at Connor's ribs. 
Connor squeaks, and Markus is scrambling away with a cackle, Connor now the one in pursuit, chasing him until he's racing out the door. Connor locks it and listens for the telltale sound of a window breaking somewhere upstairs—couldn’t Markus just go for a first-floor window, that show off—as he sets an order at their favorite restaurant to eat brunch at.
By the time Markus is plodding down the steps, they have food being made at the restaurant and Connor’s got Markus’ sandwich made, and he instructs the taller to get to making Connor’s.
Markus drapes himself over Connor’s back, peppering his cheek with a few kisses and then, without removing himself, sets about his work, his body’s warmth seeping into Connor’s back while Connor bathes in it, relaxing into Markus’ near-embrace.
“I feel,” Connor says when Markus is close to finishing, “really warm.”
Markus retreats a little, “Off?”
“No,” he pulls him closer, “No, stay.”
“Okay.” Markus’ heart beats strong against Connor’s back, a tune which has Connor being pulled impossibly farther in love with Markus than he’d been before.
He’d never want to be anywhere else than in Markus’ arms again.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17389403
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birooksun · 5 years
Dying for a Cause
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Read on AO3
North pulled Josh aside, shifting the gun to behind her back as she looked around the church to make sure no one was listening to them. “Josh. I know you wanted a peaceful way of dealing with the humans. I know you don’t want to fight like this. So don’t.” She looked at the gun in his hands. It looked wrong to see him holding a gun. “I don’t want to lose you Josh.”
He gave a sigh, “I don’t want this North, but I made the choice to follow Markus. This is what we’re doing. I have to do my part and help. Even if it’s not the path I was hoping we would go down.” Josh placed a hand on North’s shoulder before pulling her in for a tight hug. “I’ll be alright North. Just go be with Markus.”
She closed her eyes against the hug. “I don’t want to see you on the battlefield Josh. I want you to be safe. I’m willing to die for our freedom-”
“But you don’t think I am?” He gave a sad smile before looking down at the gun. “I don’t mind dying for our cause North. What I do mind is killing for it.”
“It’ll be alright Josh.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning away towards Markus.
Simon walked over to Josh, the two of them looking around at the scared androids surrounding all of them. “Josh? Are you alright?” He gave a half shrug before looking over Simon. The other android had been through so much the past few days, and still had the energy to try and help Josh.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine Simon. Just go get some rest while you can.” Josh waited and watched as Markus and North helped gather everyone for the fight and start planning. He understood the need for violence in freeing the camps, he just still felt that they could have reached out to humans in a peaceful manner.
It was now 11pm and they were outside Recall Center number 5. They’d been fighting since dawn and freeing the captive androids. Josh was following Markus and North as they ran through the barricades. They stopped at another barricade, Markus sliding behind and North and another android hiding behind it with them.
North leaned towards Markus, “They’ve regrouped! They outnumber us and they’re better armed than us!” She shouted to be heard over the gunfire around them. She turned and gave Josh a half hearted glare for following them in.
“We’ve gotta be fast and overwhelm them. That’s our only hope.” Markus looked around them, silently checking where the soldiers were.
“We’re going to do this. We’re going to get to that fucking camp and free our people.”
Josh leaned towards Markus. “Be careful Markus. Our people need you.” He ran out to join the others, getting shot and falling into the cold hard ground. He could hear North scream his name as others fell around him. Markus managed to make his way over to him and drag him behind another barricade.
“Josh!” He looked up at Markus, he looked so torn right then. So sad and heartbroken.
“You won’t save me this time Markus. The blood we spill will be on our hands.” Markus held him until he died before looking up around at the whole situation.
North felt ready to cry as she ran with the next ground past Josh’s body. She watched as Markus was shot and ran straight over to him. “Markus!”
“Okay. It's okay. You'll make it with-without me. Our cause- that's all that matters.” She shook her head at him.
“No. No, we can't win without you!” North pulled up her shirt, reaching in to pull out her thirium pump and tried to lift up Markus’s shirt.
He pushed her hands away. “What are you doing?”
“Our hearts are compatible.” She tried to reach for his shirt again. They didn’t have time for this argument.
“You have to take mine.” Why couldn’t he understand this? He needed to lead them.
“I can't let you do that!” He looked so sacred, she glanced around them. They all were scared. None of them wanted to die. None of them wanted to see Markus die.
“You're the only one who can lead us, Markus! It's the only way.” She lead them down a path of violence. She couldn’t understand why he didn’t see it. He had to live, even if she had to die for it. Josh was already dead, she had pushed Simon away by telling Markus to shoot him. Without Markus, she knew their cause wouldn’t last, and without that- life wasn’t worth living.
“I don't wanna lose you.” He tried to push her away again, but she wouldn’t let him. Even seeing the timer counting down on the side of her vision didn’t cause her to let up. She knew both of them were slowly ticking towards death.
“If you die, our cause dies with you. If you love me, take my heart.” He finally relented and let her pull up his shirt, slowly pulling out his damaged pump and replacing it with her own. She sat down next to him, ignoring the sounds of gunfire and shouts all around them as she looked to the side towards Josh’s body. “My heart is beating inside your chest. I’ll always be with you.” As she closed her eyes, she wondered if there really could be an afterlife for androids. She hoped there could be, hoped she could see her friend again. Even if they were opposites, he was a good man.
Neither of them would know how the battle went. Neither of them would get back up again, but they had both died for freedom.
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yoongs-yoongi · 5 years
Let’s Pretend: Three
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Yoongi X Reader
Contains: Slight Angst, Comedy, Eventual Smut
Warnings: Implied Parental Bullying, Bullying, Yoongi being the sweetest (uwu!!)
Word Count: 3,543
A/N: Kinda long.
| One | Two | Three |
Yoongi held his stomach laughing, he’s going at it so hard he fell from his spot on the bed and onto the floor. We’ve been lying on his bed peacefully with me telling him about everything. All was going fine up until he heard me saying the nickname my mother had given me.
“It’s not that fun-“ Yoongi howled louder, cutting me off. I pursued my lips, fighting a smile my damn self. I’m not laughing with him, I just have this thing where I smile or laugh at someone else laughing or smiling.
His laughter turned into coughing, “See you’re gonna make yourself sick, will you stop already?”
“Somebody should have stopped your mother from giving you that nickname. Button!” He started up again.
“It’s a very common nickname!”
“On what planet?”
I threw one of his pillows at him. It didn’t phase him, he was laughing harder if that were even possible. A tomato with hair was what he had become, his face was so red. I suffered through his choking laughter for another 20 minutes. Once he was done he crawled back on the bed, still giggling to himself. “Okay, I’m done.”
“You sure?” I asked, agitated.
He nodded, a sly grin proudly plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes, “Aw don’t be mad, button.” He pinched my cheeks.
“Goodnight.” I headed for his door. He was starting up again. “No, I’m sorry!” He jumped up and barricaded himself between me and the door. “I won’t start laughing again, I’ll be good.”
“I don’t believe you, move.”
“I’m serious, I won’t. You don’t look like your family nickname would be Button. I’m was taken back a little, that’s all.”
“Well, it is,” I crossed my arms over my chest and sat back on his bed. Yoongi turned off the lights and got back on the bed with me.
“Why’d you turn the lights off?” I asked.
“It’s nearly midnight, you might as well sleep in here with me.” He laid next to me. Damn, we’ve been talking for that long? I looked over at the clock to see he was right, 11:45 his clock read. I nodded and got under the covers with him. I played with the strings on his hoodie. It was quiet for a minute until Yoongi spoke.
“I want you to know you really hurt me by not telling me about this sooner, I mean your own mother Y/N.”
“My intentions were never to hurt you Yoongi. It was a part of my life I wanted to forget, and didn’t want anyone worrying about it.”
“How’d that work out for you?” He sat up looking at me.
“Not so good. I never brought her up and to make sure no one else did so I said she was dead, I didn’t see the harm to until now. I’m really sorry. Please don’t be mad.” I pouted
“Not mad, just disappointed. I get it, after everything you told me tonight I could understand why you would choose to say she was dead, it was easier.”
“Wayyy easier.” I chuckled.
“Still a shitty thing for you to do.”
I pulled on the strings so his face would disappear behind the crumbled up hood. He still spoke, his mouth was the only thing I could see.
“What I don’t understand is how you nearly tackle me or one of the guys when we ever were having a personal issue and we show it, but when it comes to you-you don’t heed your own advice. Like you always say, we have the type of friendship where we can come to each other with anything no matter what,” He took his hood off, “or does that only apply when it’s your shoulder that’s being cried on?
He uncovered in time to see my nose twitching and I’m pretty sure he could hear my heavy breathing, stupid tears. Yoongi said no more. He gently tugged me into his warm embrace.
 I could smell the washing detergent in his clothes and the lotion he put on after his shower. It was comforting.
So comforting the urge to cry got stronger, my emotions got the best of me and before I knew it the dam broke. I was sobbing violently. Yoongi held me like new a born child, rocking me slightly.
He let me cry into his chest until I fell asleep. When he isn’t being a butthole he can be really sweet.
I woke up hours later, the sun was barely up. I didn’t need any light to let me know that Yoongi’s chest had been replaced with his face. I felt his breath tickling my nose when I woke up instead of the steady rhythm of his heart.
I took a moment to stare at his facial features, something I secretly did. I can’t help it, he resembles a sleeping princess waiting for his prince to awaken him with true loves first kiss. I gently touched one of his long eyelashes. He didn’t budge so I strummed my finger through the fine hairs, he moved when I did that.
I pulled away and waited for him to settle back down. “Note to self, go as Snow White for Halloween next years and make Yoongi be Snow White. I’ll be the Prince,” I mumbled to myself.
I got up quietly, trying not to wake him up. I crept to my room to change out of my clothes from yesterday. I settled for my Winnie The Pooh sweatshirt and some old sweats I had lying around my room. I went into the bathroom to wash my face of the dried tears and to brush my teeth. Hoesok, my co-worker would be coming by soon to pick up his phone he asked me to fix. He and his girlfriend were attempting to get a quickie in the alleyway at work one night and his phone fell from his pocket onto the pavement.
Why he doesn’t have a screen protector or phone case? Anyone’s guess is as good as mine. I made my way to the kitchen, I cut on the coffee maker and got to work.
“Are you sure everything is set up Tara, I don’t wanna get my hopes up again like last time.” Karen snared. Tara rolled her eyes, holding her phone in between her cheek and her shoulder.
She unscrewed the medicine cap off her one of pill bottles, “Trust me, everything will go as planned.”
Cordell walked in with a tray with a single glass of water sitting in the middle of it.
“Here you at madam-“ Tara snatched the water.
“Be here sooner. I hate when these things touch my tongue.” She winced, knocking half the glass of water back.
“Ugh, know go.” She shooed him away like one of the dogs.
Cordell backed out of the room. Tara closed her bedroom door, she knows how nosey Cordell can be.
Cordell shook his head, simple woman. He walked to the laundry room and pulled down the door to her laundry shoot. He could hear everything that Tara said, what kind of butler would he be if he didn’t spy?
There isn’t a single thing that goes on in the house that he doesn’t know about.
“Y/N is coming and when she does we’ll set our plan in motion.
“How do you know she’s coming?”
“Trust me, she’ll be here. Does Markus know?”
“Yes, he knows.”
“Perfect.” Tara purred.
“I’m still worried Tara. Y/N went bonkers last time her marrying Markus came up, what if-
“The only reason things went the way they did was because of your big mouth. If you allowed things to go my way we’d both have what we want, and more. Just keep your mouth shut this time and let me handle things.”
“I knew it.” Cordell mouthed to his self. He knew the witch was up to something. 
“ I have to warn Y/N.”
Cordell marched upstairs to his room to fetch your new contact information
“Where did I put that paper?” He rifled through be belongings.
“Get a screen protector and phone case, the next time this thing breaks and I find out it was broke during Mr. Nasty Time I’m charging you extra. “ He didn’t even get a chance to walk in before I shoved the bag with his newly fixed phone in it.
“I brought one last night. Mind putting it on for me? There’s a part on the side I don’t get how to undo.”
I grabbed the expensive looking case from his hand. “How do you know it comes a loose and it isn’t actually a piece to a custom made phone?”
“The guy at the store said it does.”
I gave him a look, “Really? You’re gonna believe a guy who charged you an arm and a leg for a phone case.”
“So you’re telling me he lied to me?” He panicked.
“Oh no it comes off,” I slid my finger under the hidden latch. “I just could have made you one for half the price you paid for this one, possibly even given you a deal.”
“Why didn’t you?” He exclaimed. “You ever heard of the phrase ‘ask and you shall receive?’ You didn’t ask so you didn’t receive.” I got up from my chair and went into the kitchen.
“Coffee?” I asked.
“Please.” He took a seat at the bar.
“It might be a little weak, I haven’t had any spare change to buy anymore,” I said over my shoulder to him.
“It’s fine. Thank you, and for fixing my phone too.”
“No prob, Bob.” I turned back around to face him, handing him his coffee. He took a sip, satisfied with the taste. “Hobi I may be going out of town this weekend.”
“Oh? Where you going?”
“To visit family.” Was all I said. Hobi is a good friend, but we’re not that close I would disclose personal information to him.
He simply nodded, “I’ll let Ellie know. She’s been wanting some days.” Ellie is Hobi’s cousin. She isn’t technically a worker seeing as we only call her in when one of wants a day off. “How long will you be gone?”
“Only for the weekend, I’ll be back Monday.”
“Okay. Are you going by yourself?”
“Nope, she’s not,” Yoongi yawned coming out the room with messy bed head. “Hey Hobi.” Yoongi waved. “Hey man.”
He tugged on my ear passing behind me to get some coffee. I shooed him off.
“Up before noon? On a day off? It’s snowing in hell.”
Yoongi made a face at me, “Hardy har har, for your information I don’t have the day off smartness. Not the full day at least, I’m going in for a couple of hours then I’m coming home to begin packing.” He sipped his coffee.
“You still working in the freezing cold at that warehouse?”
“Yup, almost every day now.”
Hobi winced. “I hate the cold.”
“Same, but it helps pay the bills.”
“Excuse me.” I held up my hand. We were just gonna skip over what Yoongi said? “Sorry to interrupt, but when did we establish you were going with me?”
“I established it last night when you were sleeping.”
I crossed my arms over my chest, serious mode activated.
Hobi finished up his coffee and grabbed his bag, “I can clearly see this is a private matter so I’ll let myself out. Call me and let me know if you need me to do anything for you while your out of town okay? Thanks again. See you Yoongi, nice hair btw.”
Yoongi flipped him off.
“Don’t be rude.” 
“He was being sarcastic. You know I hate that.” He mumbled.
I rolled my eyes, “Back to the matter at hand. How do you expect to go? We have no money set aside for things like this and if we did it’s long gone.”
“Or is it?”
Yoongi was making eye contact with me with a sneaky glint in his eyes.
“What are you up to?”
“I have the money,” he took a sip of his coffee.
“How? Where’d you get it?” I was baffled.
“Does it matter?”
“Fuck yeah, to me. So start flapping those pouty lips of yours.”
“I’m asking to get paid early and my boss said if I came in for another employee who is sick and do their shift, plus mine he’d see in to.”
I shook my head, “That’s still isn’t enough for a plane ticket. Where are you getting the rest?”
He took another sip of his coffee,”...I’m using my stash money as well. Phones ringing! I’ll get it.” I held my leg up to block his way.
“Let the answering machine get.”
”Now who’s being rude. You should never keep a person waiting, it could be important.”
“Psh! If it were then whoever is calling would call us on our cell phones, not the house phone we got for when bill collectors harass us. It can wait!”
Yoongi and I were going back and forth, although it sounded like a bunch of jumbled words. We couldn’t let the other get a thing out.
The answering machine took over, “Hi we're unable to take your call at the moment, you know what to do.” My voice sounded.
“Hello? Y/N? Are you there? Oh Y/N please pick up. I have urgent news.”
I stopped speaking at the sound of Cordell’s voice. “Cordell?” I said softly.
Yoongi was still talking. “I le-
“Shut up!” I moved him out of my way to get to the phone. “Y/N, please answer.”
“Who’s that?” Yoongi asked, coming to stand beside me.
“Your butler?”
I side eyed him, “Not my butler. My friend. My first best friend, actually.”
Yoongi looked from me and the phone, “Answer it already.”
“I can’t!” I groaned.
“What-why not?”
“What if he’s mad at me. I’d be mad at me!” I fumbled with my fingers.
“Mad at you for what?”
“For leaving. I didn’t even say goodbye to him properly.” I rubbed my arm.
Yoongi gave me a sympathetic look. He reached down and grabbed the phone. “He won’t be. Not if he’s your real friend.”
I gulped as he took the phone off the receiver and brought it to my ear. “Go on.” He egged on.
“H-Hello?” I cleared my throat. “Hello?”
“Y/N? Is that you?”
My chuckle caused tears to fall down. Tears I didn’t even know were in my eyes until they fell.
“Yeah, it’s me, hi Cordell.”
Cordell exhaled heavily, “Hello my darling. My how mature your voice has gotten. You no longer sound like my little Y/N.” Cordell said.
I smiled, “Yeah well you still sound old.”
This time he laughed,” I sure hope so. I no longer have a single patch of grey hair. My entire head is gray now.”
I sat down on the couch, Yoongi followed suit and sat down with me. He watched as I chatted away with Cordell. A small smile on his lips.
“Don’t blame your grey follicles on old age. We both know why your head is so grey. You were left to fend off the dragon lady by yourself.
“Now Y/N-
“No Cordell. I felt bad about you leaving like that, still, do. I just had to get out of there.”
“Darling, I don’t resent you for anything you did. I’m proud of you.”
“You are?”
“Yes, without a doubt.“
I sighed heavily feeling a 300-pound weight lift off my shoulder. Yoongi grabbed a tissue and wiped my face. My face was dry, Yoongi continued to wipe, giving my nose extra attention.
“Stop it.” I pushed home away, his shoulders bounced as they did whenever he laughed.
“Stop what, darling?”
“Oh, not you Cordell. I’m talking to Yoongi,” I pressed the speaker on the answering machine. “Say hi, Yoongi.”
“Hi, Yoongi.” He spoke, flatly.
Cordell laughed.
I slapped his chest, “You dingus.”
“You said to say hi Yoongi.” He shrugged.
“I’m not even going there with you.”
“It’s very nice to meet you Yoongi, how long have you two been together? It sounds like I’m listening to an old married couple.”
My eyes widened, “Oh no Cordell we’re not together. Yoongi’s my best friend.”
“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” He tsked
Yoongi smiled, “I like him.”
“Cordell seriously, we’re best friends.”
“Whatever you say, love.” He chuckled, “This feels like a dream, I can’t believe I’m talking to you again. Honestly, I thought you would be so mad at me you wouldn’t answer.”
Yoongi’s face had a stupid smug smile plastered on it. With narrowed eyes, I told him to, shut up.
“Cordell I was never mad you. I thought you would have been mad at me
“Never.” There was a faint chiming sound in the back. It was her third husband’s family old grandfather clock. She won it during their divorce, along with half of his net worth. I know those annoying chimes anywhere.
“Fiddle. Feeding time for the dogs. Y/N I have to go, but before I do I have to tell you something.”
“What is it?” I scooted back in the couch.
“I overheard your mother speaking with Karen about that arrangement between you and Karen’s son.”
A wave of heat generated in my chest and shot up to my ears. After all these years she’s still trying, oh my god. “Cordell please be serious with me.”
“I am. She says once you land her plan will go into motion. I wouldn’t stir you wrong, I heard what I heard.”
Unbeknownst to you, Yoongi had seen the tears you so secretly wiped away, while coughing into your arm. That was all he needed to see, he was really going now. No way you’re getting him out to stay home.
“Wow....”I sighed heavily.
“Does this mean you're not coming now? I’d understand if you didn’t.” He did a terrible job of hiding his hurt. I didn’t say anything. I don’t know what to say. I would love nothing more than to see my old friend.
“Oh, she’s coming,” Yoongi spoke into the phone. I snatched my head towards him. “
And I’ll be joining her.”
“What are you doing!” I whispered lowly.
“Helping you.” He whispered back.
“Marvelous! Shall I make arrangements for another plane ticket to be sent for you Yoongi?”
“No!” Yoongi and I said together. I’m glad there one thing he and I can agree on.
“Cordell we’ll be talking to you soon. We have much to discuss before for we get there.” Yoongi squeezed my shoulder like Cordell could see it.
“I have no idea what that means but it sounds promising. I’ll talk to you soon, great to hear your voice again Y/N.”
“Same to you old man.” I smiled. Cordell hung up the phone. I wiped the smile clean off and replaced with a glare.
“Why are you causing trouble?”
“I’m not.”
“Yeah, you are. You're about to jump into pool-scratch that a fucking shark tank with everything in your pockets.
Yoongi is saving up to by music equipment for the Genius Lab. He uses some software he downloaded from his computer to make music now.
I can only imagine how his gift will improve with the proper equipment. Any money he had left over from adulting goes to his stash, even his loose change. I can’t let him spend that money.
“Yoongi no.”
“You can’t tell me what to do with my money.”
I balled my hands up into a fist, a nice spot to punch on his chest was staring me in the face.
“Listen for once, I beg of you.”
“No, you listen. So what if I’m about to jump into a shark tank, as you put it, with everything in my pockets, I’m doing it for you.”
I smiled, chuckling a bit, “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I knew I was the reason for you not getting your music equipment.
“Exactly, equipment. Things. Materials. It all means nothing. All I am asking is to let me go with you to be your support, to help you make it through the weekend. Let’s pretend.”
“Pretend to do what?”
He shrugged, “To be together. We sounded like a couple to Cordell, I’m sure we can convince your mother. That way she’d see you're taken and it would force her to back off.”
“Back off, give up, quit, or lose isn’t in my mother’s vocabulary. She sees a challenge? She’s going to use every ounce of her power to make sure she wins. She won’t bat an eye if she steps on a few toes along the way, your toes to be exact.”
“Y/N look who you're talking to. I’ve had my toes stepped on more than enough times to know when to move my feet out of the way. I’m coming and that’s final. So you can continue to stand there and worry for nothing. I’m gonna get ready for work. The sooner I get to work the sooner I can come home. I have a lot of packing to do, babe.” He gave me a big wet slobbery kiss on the cheek and blew on it.
“Ew!” I pushed him off.
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pendragonfics · 5 years
Early Mornin’
Paring: Markus/Reader
Tags: gender neutral reader, no pronouns used for reader, meet-cute, domestic fluff, like the fluffiest fluff you've ever seen fluffed, post-pacifist best ending, Markus (Detroit: Become Human) needs a hug, blood and injury, blue blood, angst with a happy ending.
Summary: After the war, the both of you deserve to sleep in, and snuggle.
Word Count: 1,570
Current Date: 2019-01-04
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If you were to be completely frank on the subject, you loved early mornings. You had always loved them, and now, after the riots in Detroit led by the people of Jericho, it felt good to relax in the morning. When you spoke about your love of them, though, people would be confused, confounded, unsure by your words. Early mornings suck! you heard often enough, why wouldn’t you just prefer to stay in bed?
But that was the things - you loved early mornings…in bed.
Especially in the wintertime, when the frost bit at the window frames beyond the confines of the flannelette sheet-strewn bed, where the house was warmed by electricity and comfort. The skies would be dark in the morning, just like they were the night before, and you loved looking into the darkness at just after five thirty in the morning, seeing shapes that could barely be deciphered by the naked human eye.
Despite your love for early mornings, the man who you loved, well, the android-man who you loved, did not have a fondness for them. Markus was a busy man, always working on something more than another. It led to lots of things - sadly, the death of Mr. Carl Manfred, the uprising that he had managed to make into the hallmarks of history…and, the marginalisation of your love of early morning snuggles.
But it wasn’t ever said that he didn’t love time with you.
You had met Markus in the town square, where you had witnessed an anti-android protest gone wrong. The android with the close-cropped hair wandered too close to the demonstration of the angry masses, and you watched, aghast. The threw him around, kicked him, called him names that made your blood boil. You’re not sure what made you do it, but you sprung to action, and toward the android.
“Markus,” you cried out the name that was printed on the back of his jacket, moving to help him up, “Come now, I’ll be late for the appointment.”
“Is this your plastic fuck?” a protester sneered.
“Well, I don’t care.” Another chimed in. “We’re going to teach it a lesson.”
Luckily then, a police officer stepped in, and diffused the situation. Before too long, you were walking off with the RK200 model, unscathed. You stopped at the bus stop, and the android turned to you, looking you in the eyes with its green ones.
“Why did you do that?” He asked you.
You frowned, considering your hands. “I’m not quite sure.” You reply honestly. “Perhaps, because it’s wrong for those people to act like that toward you?” You take a deep breath, and add, softly, you add, “Or because it’s wrong to stand by and watch bad things as it happens?”
The android nodded. “Either way, thank you for your actions…”
“_________.” You reply quickly. “I’m sorry if calling you by your name earlier was wrong. I’ve never had an android, I really don’t understand the etiquette -,”
“It was fine, _________.” The bus pulled up, and Markus moved toward the end, where the Android’s Only compartment was located. It was then when you realised that you couldn’t follow him any longer, and you gave him a small wave. “Good bye, _________.”
“Goodbye, Markus.” You bid, feeling like you’d never see him again…he had such a distinct face, too…
In the dimness that seeped through the window of your shared apartment, you saw the hints of the beginnings of sunrise. It was too early to be fully awake, but by the time it was eight o’clock, when the sun sat comfortably in the sky, you’d be ready.
Too bad today, you stirred a little too much to your boyfriend’s liking.
“Remember how we met?” you asked him, your voice crackling a little from disuse in the night.
“Go back to sleep, _________.” Markus grumbled.
It took weeks after the death of your favourite artist Carl Manfred to lift the burden of sadness that made you feel so gloomy. You spent most of it locked in your apartment, neglecting your canvases and commissions. He had been a mentor to you when you had been younger, and he hadn’t been in the wheelchair - he had inspired you to become who you were. In the time after hearing about his death, you barely spoke to anyone for days, but when you found the strength to leave the apartment, you did. From being at home for so long, you’d exhausted all your resources - food, essential supplies…
So, you went to the town square to stock up. You had just begun to place fresh foods in your basket at the supermarket when you saw a familiar face outside, through the shop window. The android of which you had met earlier in the year, Markus. In a dream-like daze, you returned the items to the shelf, and exited the shop empty-handed, gravitating toward him. If he were the sun, you were Icarus, willing to be burnt.
There were other androids with him, many more than you had ever seen congregated together in the same area, ever. There was a model that you remember from university, a woman with golden honey-red hair, and so many more flanking his sides. As you neared, you realised that his face was devoid of the LED that had been there before. No flashing blue-to-yellow, no light.
He looked so very human.
“_________?” he spoke your name with a conviction that you hadn’t heard in his tone in the last time that you had spoken. You’d heard of deviant androids, and you suspected that he had broken free as well. His eyes lit up at the sight of you, “What are you doing here?”
“Are you marching?” you asked him.
He nodded, looking toward the massive billboard to the right of the gathering. In seconds, it flickered from its advertising picture of the football team to a picture, a logo. You smiled at the sight of it.
“This is dangerous,” he told you, voice low.
“What else is new?” you replied, and turning to the android beside you, a blonde man, you linked arms with him, and the university lecturer. “Hey,” you told them, “I’m _________.”
“Simon,” the blonde replied.
“Josh,” the other said.
“It’s wonderful to meet you all,” you told them, and you meant it.
Even though you loved him with all your heart, trusted him as your leader as a part of the uprising, and admired him equally, you didn’t listen. Instead, you shuffled, so very quietly, toward his side of the bed. He looked so human, in these moments - no LED, the slight warmth within the sheets, and his breathing, so soft.
You slot yourself into his arms, and place your head on his shoulder, you let out a small breath.
“Are you comfortable?” he asks you, voice low. It’s a different voice to what he usually uses, when speaking to the people of Jericho - it’s calm, kind. There’s the authority to it, yes, but with you, it isn’t trying to rally the people. Just show you how much he cares. “_________?”
You chuckle, nudging his face with your own. Your cheeks brush his own, the hint of a smile on your face. “Oh, you know I am,” you reply, your voice cheekily soft.
“I mean, if you weren’t, I’d -,” you cut Markus’ words off with a kiss, deftly placed just beside his mouth, beside his lips. “Is that how we’re playing this now?” he asks you, a small smile upon his face. His words are daring, but the way he spoke them, you know he’s messing with you.
When you found him in the stronghold outside the camp, you pressed yourself into the wall, where all the journalists stood. There were guns trained on the people on the other side, but that didn’t stop you. Nothing could stop you from being there for Markus. You hadn’t had the chance to tell him of your feelings, but by the look of things, it would be now or never. None of the people with their cameras paid you any mind as you straddled the fence, and once on the other side, you mentally thanked the bullet-proof vest you’d managed to buy from the internet. They fired at the people in the barricade, like fish in a barrel, but once you were over the next wall, you didn’t care if you’d be shot. You had to be there.
For Markus.
“_________! Get out of here!” Markus called to you, his tone aghast.
A bullet whizzed by your arm, grazing where the vest didn’t protect your shoulder. You wince, feeling the sting of pain. The soldiers pause, halting their fire. You’re not sure if it’s because of their orders, or because they see you, and are seeing the blood drip down your arm, a colour that they weren’t expecting.
You walk toward Markus, but it’s him who cradles you, his blue-blood stained hands clutching you close. Close enough to hear his breathing, feel it on your face, his lips -
His lips on yours.
“If you don’t want early morning kisses, be my guest,” you grin into his synthetic skin, feeling it graze on your own.
He laughs into your hair, holding you closer. “I’d have them forever, with you.” He states and asks, “if that works for you?”
You nod, feeling almost giddy with your happiness, “Yeah, that works for me, Mr. Rebellion.”
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geekydane · 5 years
More than a machine - Connor x reader - part 13
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Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 •  Part 4 •  Part 5 •  Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10  • Part 11 • Part 12 
You sat with Josh and felt the painkillers, that Josh had stolen somewhere, finally hitting the spot. You had eaten the poor sandwich he found and there was only a little left of the diet coke he got from a vending machine he hacked on his way back.
“I owe you, Josh. The pain is almost gone. I can actually move my shoulder without crying now.” You said with a half-smile to the android. Josh frowned at first, but gave you a light chuckle.
“I can’t imagine how it must feel like to… feel pain. Physically that is. You were lucky that it went out on the other side. Think if we had to remove it! We would have to dive right into you flesh and…”
“Thanks Josh. I don’t want to think about that.” You interrupted him and pretended that you would be sick just by the thought. That made Josh lighten up a little and he started to joke around with the android woman on the other side of him. Finding a little light in the middle of this mess was just a miracle.
Your eyes landed on Markus as he was making his way up the stairs where the altar once stood in the large church. He had been talking with people all around the church since Connor left. You guessed that he was still trying to figure out what to do. There wasn’t really much to do other than try again and again to convince the other humans to set them free. Many androids were captured and destroyed in camps all over the city. You had to at least try to rescue them. You knew it was their fight, but all other humans had to see that human can support androids too. You would be right there next to Markus, Josh or even North. So you listened when Markus spoke up.
“Humans have decided to exterminate us. Our people are packed in camps right now, being destroyed. Time has come to make a choice. One that very well may determine the future of our people.” Some of the androids around you roared as a respond to what Markus said. Some of them yelling for blood like North had done, while others were calm and collected.
“I know…. I know you are all angry. And I know you want to fight back. But I assure you, violence is not the answer here. We are going to tell them peacefully that we want justice. If there’s any humanity in them, they will listen. And if not, others will take our place and continue this fight. Are you ready to follow me?” There was a collective roar around you and everyone that was able to, stood up to cheer.
As the cheers slowly died out and the main crew of Markus, North and Josh stood discussing the last few things before leaving, the giants male android that was with Kara and Alice, stood in front of you and reached out his hand. Luther, you recalled Kara calling him.
“Can you help us before we leave?” He said as you took his hand and stood up.
“Sure. Anything.” Kara and Alice were too kind and too fragile to go into a war like this, so if you could help in any way, you would do it. Luther didn’t let go of you. He was supporting you as you walked. You were too grateful by his action, that you didn’t tell him that you didn’t really need his support, you were just limping a little. He guided you to Kara and Alice. Alice stood with her arms around Kara’s legs and looked smaller than before.
“We need to get out of here before hell breaks loose. I don’t want Alice to get hurt.” Kara said. She sounded stressed out and with good reason. People around you started to move towards Markus; ready to follow him.
“What can I help you with?” You said determined.
“We need to go to the Canadian border. We met a woman, Rose that is just like you, that helps androids. She said that it is safe for us in Canada. We need to find a way to get there.” You looked around for a moment. You didn’t know where this abandon church was, but if it was anywhere near the harbour where Jericho was, there wouldn’t be too far to the nearest bus stop.
“I have to admit I don’t know exactly where we are. But I know that the infrastructure in the city is amazing. If we are anywhere near the harbour you should be able to catch a bus from one of the main road further west. If they are still driving that is. I don’t know if the rest of the city has declared state of emergency.”
“Thank you y/n. I hope you are right with the busses.” Kara said and hugged Alice to her side.
“Please be careful out there. The police are everywhere and they might be checking everyone when they pass.”
“I will make sure they get to the border.” Luther said and you knew that he meant every word.
Right before everyone started to leave, you saw the three of them leave out of the other end of the heavily damaged church along with a few others that wanted to that the chance and get to the Canadian border. No one would blame them because what Markus was about to do had a very small survival chance. With just one action by a few hundred androids he had to turn the opinion around for the whole population of America. But you trusted Markus like everyone else around you did. So you followed along with the androids up to Woodward Avenue.
It was late at night. Close to midnight you thought, by how the moon was rising on the sky. A sudden sound of propellers was around you and you flickered with the memories of the clearing of Jericho, but looking up you saw a small helicopter with a news logo on the side. It was the media that had gotten a hint and wanted to cover what was happening. No matter how this ended, it would be written about in the history books.
When you turned the corner on Woodward Avenue you gasped when you saw the police forces standing there. They were ready to greet the androids with fire. You were walking right behind Markus and were waiting for him to react, but he didn’t do anything at first.
“Surrender immediately or we will open fire!” Screamed one of the armed men and you could feel Josh walk closer to you for the next few steps. Markus stopped and then the rest of you stopped as well.
“We don’t want confrontation. We are protesting peacefully.” Markus yelled back at the soldiers.
“I repeat, surrender now or we will open fire!” The same man screamed as the ground started to shake. You looked worrisome around to see two huge tanks drive up behind you and the androids along with many armoured vehicle. They blocked the path behind you and you were now stuck in the middle.
“There is no going back now.” Markus said as much to himself as to all of you. Many of the androids looked nervously around.
“We are here to demand the immediate liberation of all androids detained in camps across the country. We are not leaving until out people are free.” Markus said loudly again, so the soldiers could hear. You limped a few stepped further up closer to Markus as the blitz from a camera came from your left. You looked passed the barricades that was places along the pavement and a dozen of journalises where standing there with cameras and microphones to get the best cover of the action.
“They have a human with them!” One of them suddenly shouted.
“Its y/n! From the first protest down town!” Yelled another. It made a lot of movement in the soldiers that were still pointing their guns at the protesting androids but looked like they were lost. They waited until someone stepped in the middle of them and barked an order that only they could hear. Afterward they all stood straight and one of them yelled the stupidest thing you had ever heard.
“Let the human go!” You were close to laughing and shook your head. You stepped forward, up next to Markus so they all could see.
“I am here by my own free will. I am here to fight for the androids rights! I am only limping because of YOU!” You pointed at the soldiers and they all looked confused again as they looked at each other.
“Let her go or we will open fire!” The commander yelled again and they threw your arms in the air in disbeliefs.
“I am here on my own!” You screamed with all you had in you. It was shrill but you wanted them all to hear.
“Fire!” was yelled before you could react. Luckily for you, one of the androids jumped to you and threw you to the ground as the first bullets flew. The pain from you shoulder was much greater than what the painkillers could keep away but your mind were somewhere else. A lot of androids got hit, but only few of them fell to the ground. You looked at those who were the unlucky once and started to tear up. The android that helped you were the WR400 you once helped. She was the second one you had taken in after Markus. She looked at you with a smile and you were glad to see that she was still alive. But when she got up to follow the rest that were still marching towards the soldiers, you could see that she had a bullet hole in her back. She had saved your life.
“Fire!” Were yelled again and more androids fell around you as they continued walking.
“Are you going to open fire at unarmed protesters?” Markus said loud but calmly to the armed men and you could hear the flicking of cameras sounded from the barricades again. The media were loving this and it was a good way to show who was right and who was clearly wrong in this.
The moment after Markus took a decision and sat down on the ground. All the other androids followed around you. You supported yourself on your good arm as you sat up along with them. The reporters were talking fast, taking pictures and filming while the helicopter was still hanging over you. You were sure that that was the reason for the commander of the soldiers to make them hold the fire.
Hurry up Connor.
tags: @vda-writes @mundane-cup-noodles @superanonymousreader @aya-fay @dragonempress123 @talle-2002@jamiethenerdymonster @i-resent-this-hellsite @i-do-wat-i-want @syrinxgm@queerfandomtrash @missjayi @belleknows@veerniks @dylan-o-yumm @wonderlustedchild@cliche-female-protagonist @omegachizu @black-and-white-eyes
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skycrystal23 · 5 years
Markus x Leader!Reader pt. 6
Prepare for Battle
Summary: The Reader gears up and heads out on a mission in order to save Markus and the other Androids from being murdered by Perkins and his soldiers. 
Characters: Reader, Markus RK200, James (OC), Sara (OC) 
Warnings: A worried Reader 
Words: 2140 approx. 
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     You learned from chatter over social media that they were at Hart Plaza. It was being broadcasted worldwide. You needed help, you hated to admit it, but you couldn’t get there by yourself. The military was surrounding the place and there was no chance they would let anyone, not even a civilian in there. Detroit was under a curfew, drones flying around and the military sweeping the streets for deviants. It was disgusting what they were doing. The taxi dropped you off at the factory. A lot of your group was still there watching and waiting. 
     Everything and everyone halted when you burst through the side door and into the gutted factory. It was like time had stopped. That was when the yelling and the bombardment of questions began. Humans and Androids alike wanted to know what you wanted them to do. You pushed through the crowd and climbed up onto one of the Cyberlife shipping crates that a group of yours had stolen from the docks. “Quiet.” You said as they crowded around you still shouting. “QUIET!” You shouted. Everyone fell silent instantaneously. You rolled your shoulders feeling how your wound ached as you did so.      They all watched you, clung onto every expression you made in hopes of providing them with answers. You could see how your rebellion had slightly shrunken – two dozen or so Androids had gone to join Markus on his march. “Look, I know you’re all angry, you’re feeling helpless, and you’re vengeful for those that have been lost recently.” You said loudly, voice carrying across the crowd. “I’m not going to stand here and encourage you to go and throw your life on the line. What I am going to ask, however, is for your help. I need to get into Hart Plaza, only me.” You continued, an uproar began immediately. “Oh, shut up already!” Sara yelled from the crowd.  
       You drew in a deep breath and smiled at your Android friend who winked and nodded for you to continue. They all looked back to you again. “It is likely that you will be the only ones left to fight if what Markus is doing goes wrong. He’s trying to liberate one of the camps and if he,” you paused, “if we manage to do that there will be injured people needing our help and we can’t help if there are none of us here. So, you see, I’m not asking you to fight but I am asking you to prepare to help and to fight if they find you all here.” “If they find us here then those of us that are human – you need to immediately shield those of us who aren’t made of flesh and bone, okay?”    The humans in the crowd nodded. They understood what you meant, so did the Androids. If your group was found then the humans, like yourself, needed to act like a shield. “No!” You looked towards James who was leaning over a pathway hanging above your head. The attention was suddenly drawn to him. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sara slip out of the crowd and head towards the staircase that led to the pathways that ran over top of the factory. “How dare you say everything you just said and then throw yourself in front of him!” He yelled. “James, stop it.” You warned. “No, he’s done nothing but destroy everything you’ve been trying to do and now you’re going to act as a shield for him? That’s not fair – they’re hunting you as well! They’ll shoot you immediately!” He fired back. “I have to try!” You screamed feeling the corners of your eyes begin to burn.      Markus needed help, you needed to help him. No amount of public endearment was going to save him. As soon as they got the chance, they were going to murder him along with everyone else there. Your people had never seen you so angry before. “Start prepping the infirmary, double-check our blood supply, and check the weaponry,” No one moved, “Now!” You yelled. Everyone jumped and scurried off getting to work. You squatted and sat down on the crate suddenly feeling a wave of nausea.      This was what you got for getting to anxious and stressed while injured. James and Sara came rushing down and over to you. James looked furious and Sara was clutching his arm, lips moving quickly most likely trying to talk him out of whatever he was about to say. “You’re an idiot if you think I’m about to let you leave to go stand with the pigs in line for the slaughterhouse.” He hissed. You knew James wasn’t wrong; what Markus was doing was irrational and not clearly thought through.      It was planned hastily and out of anger for what had happened out of Jericho, he wasn’t thinking clearly which was why you needed to go save him. “Look they don’t care out there, they will shoot and say that you were caught in the crossfire.” He said lowly, his face a scarlet red from pent up anger he was currently unloading onto you. You slid off of the crate and walked past him towards the weaponry. The two of them followed you, James yelling a number of dangers out to you.      You blocked all of it out picking up an automatic rifle and attaching it to a strap and hanging it behind you against your back. The next weapon you picked up was a pistol which you slipped into the waistband of your stiff jeans. “Sara I’m heading out, keep me updated over the phone.” You said heading to the side door you entered through. You were stopped when James grabbed you by the arm holding you back. You turned to face him. “James I’m not –” “Take this, I will walk you through how to sneak into the Plaza via the sewers.” He said dropping an earpiece in your hand.      He stepped back and clasped his hands behind his back giving you a half smile. Sara was stood next to him rubbing his arm up and down in an attempt to comfort him. “Are you sure there’s not anything else we can do?” She asked. “You’re in charge while I’m gone, keep everything and everyone going no matter what happens and if I,” You paused and gulped, “if something happens to me, I want you both to keep everyone safe and lie low for a while until this all calms down.” You whispered.      They nodded and with that you backed up and pushed the side door open slipping out of the factory. One of the new motorcycles that were jacked from the Cyberlife shipping dock was leaning against the wall hidden underneath a black tarp. When you pulled the tarp off the bikes white paint shimmered in the moonlight; Cyberlife logo in glaringly large font on the body of the bike. You hopped on and started it up, engine revving to life. You were glad that the company had advanced the bike enough to allow it to gain traction in the snow. Your next stop was Hart Plaza. The ear piece was fitted into your ear and once you entered the city was when James’ voice patched through. “He’s gone out of their barricade to speak to Perkins.” He informed, you could hear him typing. “Perkins?” You asked. “FBI douchebag Perkins. The one that gave the go ahead to attack the freighter.” He reminded.      Your teeth gritted when he caught your mind up to speed on Perkins. The guy was a douchebag he clearly had never been given any sort of love as a child. You whipped down the corner onto a side street avoiding one of the checkpoints that were up ahead. There were several of them that stood between you and Hart Plaza. “Any idea what Markus is saying?” You asked. “City cameras in the Plaza are offline, I can see if I can gain access to one of them, though you’ll have to give me a few minutes.” He said. “Sounds good.”      You were so close to the Plaza, however, there was one checkpoint that you couldn’t get around. It blocked off the entire street, soldiers pacing back and forth in front of it. There were only four of them. You hopped back on the bike and tightened your grip on the handles before starting it up again. The sound alerted the soldiers but what you did next took them by surprise. “What the hell are you doing?” James yelled in your ear as you sped straight towards the checkpoint.      Instead of slowing down you sped up and kept going. You smirked and leaned down getting as close to the bike as possible. “If I can’t get around them, I’ll just go through them.” You responded. “That is not how you do things!” He yelled.       Just as they pulled out their guns you went through the middle of the checkpoint that wasn’t barricaded. The soldiers dove to the sides to avoid being hit and by the time they climbed back to their feet you were nothing but tire tracks in the snow. You sat back up and turned down the next street. You needed to get as far away from that checkpoint as possible. “The tower parking on your right, go down to the very bottom level.” James instructed. You nodded and slowed down turning into the towering parking lot.      There were several levels to the tall lot, you headed to the very bottom. It was eerie how quiet and empty it was. You hid the bike in the back behind a pillar, rolling your shoulders once again when you climbed off of the bike. “Now what do I do?” You asked looking around the wide-open space. You waited for his response. After a minute you began to worry. The dead silence was worrying. “Sorry. There’s a maintenance door to the far left of where you’re parked, do you see it?” He asked. You looked around, your eyes falling onto the rusty door with the faded words ‘MAINTENANCE KEEP OUT’ on it in all red. “Yeah I see it.” You said heading over to it. “Go inside and once you’re in there should be another door that leads down to the sewers. If you follow it straight for about ten minutes, you’ll be standing right underneath Hart Plaza. You’d just need to climb up the manhole and avoid being shot once you climb out.”  He explained rather quickly.      You processed all of this information and entered the maintenance area. Just like James had said there was another door and once it was opened there was a ladder that led down into the sewer system. The smell of garbage and rot overwhelmed you as soon as you climbed down into the sewer. “God, the smell.” You said covering your mouth to avoid puking. You began walking while covering your mouth. Oh, the things you did to save people. You were walking for a few minutes when James began speaking again. “I’m patching you through to Markus. He finished talking to Perkins and I don’t know what he’s going to do next.” James said abruptly. “You’re what? James!” You yelled. You stopped walking and listened to the sound of the wind and a helicopter. “Markus?” You said quietly. “How are you?” He asked.    “How am I? How am I? You don’t get to ask me that when you’re minutes away from getting yourself and everyone else killed!” You yelled. “Listen to me, you need to stay where you are. Do not come anywhere near Hart Plaza.” He retorted.      Markus was infuriating. He was insane to think that you would stand by and let him die. The world needed him, every Android everywhere needed him. “Markus you need to get everyone out of there right now.” You said starting to walk again, quickening your pace. “No, we’re taking a stand. They need to know who they’re up against.” “Markus if you don’t get out of there right now, I’ll-” “You’ll what?” He yelled.      What would you do? What even were you going to do when you got to the plaza? It suddenly hit you that you had no solid plan on how to help. You just knew you were going to show up and when it gets messy, you’d throw yourself in front of him. You stopped walking again and breathed in feeling how shaky you suddenly were. Why were you trembling like this? “Take care of yourself okay?” He said. That’s when the line between you and Markus fuzzed out, the sewer trembling. All the blood drained from your face when you heard the smothered explosive sounds from above. “They just attacked the barricade.” James said. You began to run.
A/N: The next part will be up in the next few hours I am so sorry for leaving you all hanging when it came to this fic chain!
TAGS: @abzu16 @blushybryan
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