#again self why am I tagging anything sighs
thewalkingplumbob · 1 year
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Sometimes I can decorate nicely...
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daz4i · 11 months
when ww said "this is not my life, I'm no survivor, i only happened to survive"
#he gets it he really does.#hate when ppl call me resilient or are proud of me for surviving shit. girl i did not do anything to be here now. in fact quite the contrary#i am permanently in survival mode and I'm trying so hard to turn it off. but mostly in 1 direction and not the one most ppl hope#sigh. I'm tired man 😐 i just started new mood stabilizers and I'm anxious as fuck#(well. not new. i was on them before when i was a teen. can't remember why i stopped tho)#the whole trying new pills is depressing bc well. there's p much nothing left for me to try#i had a call with her this week. i mentioned it i think. but most of it was trying to figure out if there's meds i never tried out there#the only other one we considered to maybe replace my current antidepressant is very new to the market aka she doesn't know what it does yet#so. instead of replacing. adding stabilizers and hope they don't make things even worse (but lbr they probably will)#I'm very close to giving up yet again. idk what there even is to give up on anymore. my life is nothing with a side of void#but giving up is the only thing i know how to do. I'm too anxious to do anything else. i don't know how to do anything else#hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh really wanna cut rn but i already have some wounds on my hands and arms + I'm in enough pain as is so what's the use#vent#i should sleep. idk if i can. I've been trying all day and failed. I'm so tired#i wish i didn't wake up man 😐 i wish i died. tonight#suicide //#not really but implied ig#self harm mention //#ask to tag
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atticrissfinch · 4 months
The Morning After | (joel miller x reader) (18+)
Part 5.5 of Meet Me in the Back
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pairing: sleazy gas station clerk!joel miller x fem!reader summary: The morning after Valentine’s Day. warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] age gap (no specifics), daddy!kink, oral (m receiving) (we did it folks it only took 5 parts to get a blowjob), joel being weak as shit for bjs, degradation!kink (use of slut/whore), smoking, brief mentions of past consensual sex under the influence, mentions of weed, some more fluff ig word count: ~3.3k | ao3 a/n: not many notes, just enjoy some cute sexiness ♥️
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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You’re not in your own bed. That much you can tell right away. The sheets are too scratchy and smell too musky. And when you shuffle under said scratchy, musky sheets, you bump against something. That’s when you remember. 
“Mornin’, Sugarplum.”
A few sleep-saturated sounds work their way from your throat as you stretch your arms above your head and roll to your opposite side. Joel is beside you under the covers, an arm behind his head on his pillow as he looks up from his phone with a lazy smile. 
You squint at the time on his screen. 9 AM. “Why are you awake?”
Joel breathes a laugh out of his nose. “Sleep schedule’s a little different than yours, darlin’. Drifted in and out all night.”
You scrunch your eyebrows and rub the heel of your palm over your eyes. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about that. I guess I just kind of passed out after…”
Joel smirks at you, “After the third round of Jill and the Beanstalk?”
You give him an unimpressed look. “Think you got a whole beanstalk, huh?”
Joel shrugs with a cocky little grin. “Been climbin’ me like a tree since we met. Figured a beanstalk might be more true to size.”
“Arrogant old man,” you mutter sleepily, turning back to your other side. 
“Mmm,” you hear him hum, and he presses up behind you, just as naked as you seem to be under his bedding, judging by the notable hardness prodding at the small of your back. “Didn’t hear you hollerin’ anything different last night, did I?”
Your answering scoff lacks conviction as he hooks his bare leg over yours and breathes deeply into your hair. 
“Don’t think I did. Just heard a helluva lot of oh, daddy, that dick is so big. Fuck me with that huge cock, daddy,” he mocks in a horrid interpretation of what you actually sound like with a smile you can feel plastered on his lips against your skin. You’re unsure whether you’re more embarrassed by his impression of you or from remembering all the shit you said after he’d danced with you, fed you his come straight from your dripping cunt in the middle of the street, and subsequently got the both of you fairly crossfaded before falling back into bed together. 
“Shut up,” you mumble, burying your face in a pillow. 
“Don’t get shy on me,” he sings in your ear, smoothing a hand down your side and squeezing at your hip. His dick twitches at your back, and your ass presses back of its own accord in response. That pulls a groan from Joel directly into your ear, and just that sound has your pussy blinking awake in intrigue. 
You feel the ache there from last night. You probably should’ve known better than to take his cock — his ungodly large cock — three times in one night, but he just felt so good and he kept saying the right things, the perfect things, and that masochistic traitor between your legs wouldn’t calm the fuck down. 
And here she goes fucking again. Whispering that she wants him for breakfast, despite having him for dinner, dessert, and a midnight snack. 
You huff and crane your head around to meet his eyes, flooded with good-natured humor. The softness in them makes you sigh, cup his scruffy cheek in your hand, and capture his lips with yours. He moans into it with ease, moving with you in drowsy tandem. As his tongue clips the inside of your mouth, you taste mint, and reality hits you. 
“You brushed your teeth?” you ask, pulling back, suddenly self-conscious about your own morning breath. 
He strokes a thumb over your cheek with an unbothered smile and says, “Been up for a couple hours now. Was hopin’ I’d get lucky again. Wanted to boost my chances.”
“How about you get a girl some breakfast and we can talk?”
“Yeah?” he asks, his voice gritty and already dipping lower with arousal. His hands slide around you as he presses a kiss to your throat. “How d’you like your eggs, sweetheart? Fried or fertilized?”
“Jesus Christ,” you groan, shoving his face away from your neck, and he chuckles at your disgust, placing a peck on your shoulder instead. 
“Alright,” Joel concedes in a sing-song voice, untangling himself from the sheets and straddling you for a quick second to kiss you on the nose before sliding off the bed, his cock bobbing with the movement. “You doze off for a minute. I’ll make breakfast for the pretty girl.”
He doesn’t even put on underwear, he just waltzes out of his room and down the hall, presenting you with the perfect opportunity to admire his ass on the way. That is, until he brazenly scratches and tugs at his ballsack as he walks and you have to refrain from ridiculing him. He is in his own home, after all. You’re a guest. He can scratch his balls all he wants. 
So. You’re in his bed still. You’d slept in his bed. That had not been your intention when you drove here last night, thirsty for attention. But it had been the safe thing to do after smoking and drinking and fucking throughout the evening. And, to be truthful, you didn’t mean to fall asleep. You were on orgasm five, or maybe six, of the night. The pot didn’t help the sleepiness factor. And after going multiple rounds with Joel, you conked out. Anyone would’ve done it. And you slept like a baby, anyway. You can justify this. 
You spot your phone on Joel’s nightstand next to a pack of cigarettes, a crumpled receipt, a cluttered ashtray, his keys and wallet, and various loose change — a small peek into what is clearly Joel’s post-work dumping ground. And in the brief moment of blackness before your phone screen alights, you catch a look at your reflection and realize that you never took off your makeup. Jesus, you must look like a fucking wreck after getting the shit fucked out of you an irresponsible amount and then sleeping in an unfamiliar bed. 
And Joel didn’t say a goddamn word about it. 
You stumble out of Joel’s bed and are immediately met with much cooler air than you’d prefer. You spy one of Joel’s tattered t-shirts on the floor along with his sweats from last night, so you pull them on to combat the chill. Through his open bedroom door you see Joel streak across the living room in his birthday suit, rummaging a cigarette from the pack on the coffee table and standing with his back to you as he lights it. You see him raise his arm to take a puff and tilt his head straight up to billow the smoke into the air. 
Stupid, hot-blooded fuck. Strutting around all naked and…upsettingly sexy. Like he doesn’t have a fucking baseball bat swinging from his crotch. One that had him sliding right into your home plate last night over and over and —
You press your eyes shut and shake your head. Fuck no. That old fuck is not infiltrating your mind with dumb metaphors. He’s not infiltrating it at all. 
When you’re done scrubbing your face as clean as you can without your usual supplies and fixing your hair into something acceptable, you meander to the kitchen and lean against the entryway. 
He’s facing away from you, braving the feat of cooking eggs and a few sausage links on the stove with his whole bare chest out and his dick gone mostly flaccid. Joel prods at the pan with a spatula with one hand, poising a smoldering cigarette over an empty shot glass to catch the ash with the other. 
“Are you smoking over my breakfast?”
“I’m smokin’ over our breakfast, thank you very much,” he sasses, his eyes fixed on the scrambling eggs while he taps ash into the tiny glass and then takes another drag. He turns his head to look at you, but when he does, his eyes blow wide and the smoke shoots from his mouth all at once in surprise. “Good golly goddamn. You deadset on givin’ me a heart attack this whole visit of yours, Sugarplum? Sluttin’ around in my clothes like that?”
“Watch your sausage, Chef Joel,” you brush him off with a muted smile, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“Oh, I already know exactly what he’s doin’ right now,” he quips with arousal ablaze in his stare.
You roll your eyes and saunter over to him, just to pluck the half-smoked cigarette from his fingers with a wink and wander to his couch to finish it off for him. 
Back in the kitchen, you can hear him mutter over the sizzle of the skillet, “Hail Mary, full o’grace…”
You giggle to yourself and settle into the now-dry site of one of your many debaucheries the night before, lying back just as you were around twelve hours ago, but this time with a cloud of cigarette smoke looming overhead instead of weed. 
You hear the clinking of silverware and the scrape of a pan. Then Joel calls out, “Get back in here, little temptress. Food’s ready.”
You tamp the cigarette and join him at his tiny two-seater table against the wall of his kitchen, decidedly not acknowledging the way his eyes devour you along the way, if only for the sake of your nether regions. You sit opposite his still-naked figure, appearing entirely nonchalant in nothing more than his skin, so you keep your amused smile to yourself.  
Joel seems more interested in staring at you donning his clothes than having any real conversation, so you eat in relative silence, metal against plastic plates until they’re picked clean. 
You prop your elbow on the table and cup your chin. “Thank you for making breakfast. That was very sweet.”
“I’m sweet as apple fuckin’ pie, baby. ‘Bout time you pick up on that, I think,” he teases, resting one arm on the table while the other ostentatiously slips under it to pull at his cock. “We gonna discuss the other half of this little deal we got goin’ on?”
“What deal? I didn’t agree to anything,” you smirk, watching the shift of his bicep as he strokes himself. 
“Bullshit you didn’t,” he scowls, falling back in his chair enough that the head of his cock peeks over the table, disappearing and reappearing in the grip of his leisurely fist. 
“Doesn’t feel good, does it? Being cheated out of your end of what you thought was a deal,” you say, cocking an eyebrow at him. “Should’ve had me shake on it, old man.”
“Oh, I’ll have you shakin’ on it, you little slut. Come thank me properly for your breakfast,” he purrs back at you, scooting his chair out further to make space for you. 
You suck a rogue piece of food free from your tooth as you admire your nails in disinterest before looking up at him through your eyelashes. “She needs a break.”
“I’ll take any hole you’re offerin’, sweetheart.”
You consider that, tossing it around in your head, and you push yourself up from the table. You take your sweet time rounding the tiny thing until you’re standing in front of him. He tilts his head to the side with a broad smile, waiting for your next move. You clear your throat and unceremoniously drop to your knees between his legs. 
“How about this one?” You pose to him as you wet your lips and plant your hands on his thighs. 
“Fuck yeah,” he groans, tapping the leaking head of his cock at your bottom lip. “That’ll be just fine.”
You dart your tongue to taste the smear of precome on your lips, and the moan you let out might be a little exaggerated, but the roll of his eyes in sheer ecstasy has you thinking it was worth exaggerating. 
“Shit, baby. Lemme see this cock between those pretty lips.”
You don’t torture him as much as you maybe should. But you wouldn’t be honest if you said your mouth wasn’t salivating at the sight of him. So you open as wide as you can and close your lips around his tip, laving your tongue over his slit as you suck at him. 
“Fuck,” he groans out, already sounding destroyed at what you’re doing and what’s to follow. “So pretty, sweetheart.” He moves a hand under your chin and indents the flesh of your cheeks with his fingers. 
You moan around him and hollow your cheeks, sucking harder at his head and tasting more precome dribbling out onto your tongue. You lick it up and pop him out of your mouth as you look up at him. “You taste good, daddy.”
He hums a rumbling sound and pinches in the sides of your face with his fingers again. “Let daddy feed you a little more then, huh?”
You nod your head at him and drop your jaw, descending on him again, but deeper. The stretch required to take him this way is even more than you had imagined, but you’re determined to take as much of him as you can. You think it’s time to show some gratitude to your pussy, for her faithful service in servicing Joel, and take the bullet for this one. 
The prominent veins of Joel’s cock feel thicker when pressed against your tongue. His scent is so much more concentrated here, and it has you a little dizzy. You allow your eyes to flutter closed as you inhale through your nose and start to bob on him with concave cheeks. When he nudges at the back of your throat, Joel’s voice pitches up in a way you’ve never quite heard him do before. It’s unsteady and uninhibited and hot as fuck. 
He slips free of your mouth and spit adorns your lips and his cock as you catch your breath. “You’re kind of a little bitch for blowjobs aren’t you?” You tease him as you gather the saliva in your mouth and spill it in an obscene display down the length of his cock. 
“Fuck me,” Joel grinds out, tipping the glistening head of him toward your mouth again impatiently, “How could you tell?”
“Sounds are different,” you mutter with a proud grin. “Talking less shit,” you add with a wink before diving back down onto him again. 
“Smart little slut,” Joel grunts brokenly as he skims against the back of your mouth again, rocking his hips gently in time with your bobbing motions and threatening the stretch of your throat with his thick head. You feel your eyes watering as you fight back a cough, your nails digging crescents into Joel’s tense thighs as he wages his own battle to control the thrust of his hips. 
You come up for air, licking up the underside of him and flicking into his slit just to watch his cock jump. “There’s so fucking much of it, daddy,” you whine as you mouth at the circumference of him. 
“Daddy knows that’s how you like it, baby,” he rasps, drawing spit across your cheek with his thumb. “Knew you’d be a slut for this big cock the second I split open that little hole the first time.”
You hum against his length as you lick and suck at him. You can’t bring yourself to fully comprehend how much you’d have to practice to take every inch of him into your mouth. So you resign yourself to employing what you have in your current skill set. Maybe you’ll put in some more rehearsal time with the new silicone dildo you have in your nightstand, which you’re loath to admit you purchased primarily to fill the void shaped like Joel when you’re alone. But he doesn’t need to know about that, and his ego certainly doesn’t either. 
Despite your lack of ability to suck this man into your throat as deep as you’d like, Joel does not seem disappointed in the slightest. In fact, he already looks and sounds like his resolve is shattering with every passing minute. You bounce your head up and down on him, moaning and sucking at his thickness while his noises grow more needy and insistent and so unlike what he typically sounds like when he’s buried to the hilt inside of you. 
You allow him to fall from your mouth just so you can glide your lips along his shaft, lower and lower until you meet his balls. You fix your eyes on him as you encase one of them in the warm wetness of your mouth and do your best to stroke the length of him with your hand. 
“God fuckin’ damn it, baby,” he grits out, running harsh fingers through his hair and wrapping a large hand around your own to help you jack him off. “Shit, I’m not gonna last, you gotta…”
You giggle a little as you suck his other ball into your mouth and run broad strokes of your tongue over it. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” he whines, his voice cracking midway through, and yanks at your head with urgency. “In your mouth, darlin’ girl. Need it in your mouth.”
You spring up and take his head back in, sucking around it with vigor as you jerk him off in tandem. 
“Fuck, like that. Fuck, like that, shit,” Joel says, his voice almost begging with desperation, until he gives a ragged shout and you feel the first shot of him down your throat. Joel’s breaths are vocal and heavy as rope after rope of his come floods your mouth. You whimper around him as drops fall free from the corners of your mouth with the incessant pulses of his cock. 
When he’s finally spent, he slips out of you with care, and you seal your lips shut to keep what he’s given you inside. His eyes are tired, his chest heaving as you lock onto his gaze and make a show of swallowing him down, swiping at the stray drops and sucking them clean as well, and presenting your empty mouth to him. 
“Jesus, why have I never had you do that before?” Joel pants, raking his fingers through his sweaty curls. “So obsessed with that diamond cooch of yours. Never thought that sassy little mouth could compete.”
“Well, that’s your fault for underestimating me,” you say, placing a chaste kiss to his tip and hauling yourself off the floor to give your knees a reprieve. 
“Hell if it ain’t,” he says, gripping your hips and holding you hostage between his legs as he gazes up at you with the kind of affection one only really sees after giving newsworthy head. He rucks his shirt up over your stomach and presses a kiss there, right above the band of his sweats. “Thanks for keepin’ daddy warm last night.”
You shake your head in dismissal of his sentiment but thread your fingers through his hair. “Thank you for letting me crash.”
“Can crash my party anytime, sweet Sugarplum.”
You sway with a hint of bashfulness at the implication of his words and decide it’s better to derail than continue on the current track. “I’m gonna hop in the shower if that’s okay.”
“S’okay if I can join,” he stipulates, hooking a finger into the band of your pants and pulling it outward, peeking down inside them. “Miss her already.”
“Shut up,” you say, batting him away and breaking free toward the hallway. “She’s overworked and tired.”
“How’s about I give her a nice Joel Miller spa treatment,” he offers, trailing after you
“A spa treatment? For my pussy?” you ask skeptically over your shoulder, “The fuck would that even entail?”
Joel shrugs a shoulder and grins devilishly. “Pretty much just me eatin’ you out while it’s all steamy.”
You pause with your hand on the doorknob, eyeing him from head to toe in all his naked glory, weighing his offer. Ultimately you shrug back with a little upside down grin as you push into the bathroom. “Alright. Sign me up for one Joel Miller Pussy Spa Treatment.”
Joel gives a two-finger salute with a cheeky grin and follows behind you. “At your service, ma’am.”
Next Part _______
Taglist Update: I have decided to decommission my taglist in favor of an updates blog! Please follow @atticrissfinchupdates and opt in for notifications to get notified when I post a new fic! Visit here for instructions on how to get a tab just for the blogs you've subscribed to at the top of your tumblr page!
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saturnville · 13 days
a night off, l. hamilton
pairing: he (lewis hamilton) x black!wife (she) content: she encourages her husband to take a night off. warning: angst. minor disagreements. an: thank you for reading <3 let me know what you think! tags: @boujiestpoet @mauvecherie-writes @saintslewis @greedyjudge2 @vile-harlot @emjayewrites @ggaslyp1 @neeville
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“Can you just relax, please?” 
He was a self-proclaimed workaholic. Breaks did not exist in his world. Rest was just as foreign as a language different from his native one. If he wasn’t frequently working, he was unsatisfied with himself and his efforts. He refused to be seen as lazy or anything aside from a hard worker. He was a self-proclaimed workaholic who needed a night off. Just one. 
“No, baby. I gotta get this done,” he mumbled, mindlessly pecking her cheek as she rose from her position on his lap in frustration. His laptop had more of his attention than his sanity did and it drove her mad. She glanced at the screen. Whatever he was working on had a deadline more than three months away. She’d be damned.
Despite his protests, she clicked “save” on the document, closed the computer, and tucked it under her arm along with his phone. There was no way she’d allow him to overwork himself, especially not during a trip that had been planned for the sole purpose of escaping the normal day-to-day responsibilities he had. 
His grumbling was muffled and incoherent as she retreated further and further from the dining room where he was. She trekked up the stairs and into their shared bedroom. On the nightstand closest to her side of the bed, she placed his laptop and phone. Then, she made her way back downstairs. 
Her husband wasn’t where she left him, rather sitting on the couch, arms crossed with a television show playing on the large platform television ahead of him. She rolled her eyes in amusement. He was unbelievable. 
“You can’t have your way so you resort to this?” Her voice made his head whip around. His expression was blank. 
“I mean yeah. You took my phone and computer. What else am I supposed to do?” 
Her jaw ticked and anger began to bubble deep within her. He was unbelievable and she was ready to blow a gasket. “You’re supposed to relax, Lewis! That’s why we’re here. If you wanted to do the same regular-degular stuff, we could’ve done it at home. You complain about how we hardly have time together, but look! You’re in this overly-priced villa with a beautiful wife and you won’t even take the moment to relax with her. I could have stayed home if I knew you loved work more than you do me.”
Lewis stood from the couch at her comment. “That is not true and you know it.” 
“Do I?” She snapped before turning on her heels to walk up the stairs. The slam of the bedroom door was the last thing he heard before he was met with utter silence. Sheesh. 
The bath water scorched her skin just the way she liked. The suds surrounded her like a cape and she basked in the cover it provided. The speaker she brought from home played her favorite songs from Snoh Aalegra. 
It had been over an hour since their last interaction and she needed time to herself before facing him again. She tried to understand her husband’s mindset and for the most part, she did, but she firmly believed in rest. And the fact that he refused to do so, especially after she planned an elaborate vacation for them, hurt her feelings. It made her wonder what about spending time with her was so repulsing that work took more of his attention than she did. 
Sighing, she moved her arms in the water, preparing to dunk her head beneath the water until she heard the door peel open slowly. “Baby?” His voice was gentle, much different from the fierceness it held just an hour ago. She did not object, so the door opened wider and his body appeared. 
He closed the door behind him to keep the humidity from escaping the room and leaned against the counter. His muscles flexed as he put his weight on his arms. She turned to meet his eyes, which were filled with regret. Her eyebrow quipped. “What’s up?” Her volume was slow and her tone was even. 
“Room for another?” 
She nodded. Lewis’s hands went to his outfit, a matching sweatsuit, which he plucked off piece by piece. She leaned forward to make room for his strong body, which was more comfortable than the porcelain tub. Her husband’s tattooed hands found themselves palming her body--his left hand around her growing belly and his right squeezing her breasts. As much as she tried to fight it, her eyes fluttered closed and her head fell against his shoulder. Lewis’ lips pressed against her temple firmly. 
Silence surrounded them for many moments before he spoke up. “I didn’t mean to disregard you. I never want to be the reason why you feel ignored and unwanted. I’m not good at breaks and you know this, but it was no excuse. You put so much time into this and I blatantly ignored it--I’m sorry, beloved.” 
She didn’t speak verbally, but the squeeze of his hand let him know she heard him. But, because she said nothing, he continued, “I’m all yours.” 
“You promise?” She spoke quietly. 
Lewis's lip pulled in the corner. They were okay. 
“Am I too heavy?” She sounded unsure as she hovered over her husband’s muscular body. Her body had changed tremendously as she was carrying their child. Normally, she didn’t worry about it too much, but she had moments where her thoughts got the best of her. He found her beautiful in every state she was in, but even more so in the current one. She was carrying his child--how could he see any flaw within her?
Lewis shook his head against the pillow, “No, baby, never.” She squeaked out a quiet okay before finally putting her full weight on him, which made no difference to him. 
In her hands, she poured a considerable amount of oil into her palms, rubbed her hands together, and caressed his soft skin. The sounds he released were music to her ears and had a soft smile spreading across her lips. “Feel okay?” 
He groaned softly, “Feels amazing.” Silence, save for his sounds of approval, surrounded them. This was was he needed. The closeness, the intimacy, the love between a man and his caring wife during the hardest parts of his life. It was moments like these that he cherished deeply and would do so forever. 
Almost thirty minutes passed before she complained of her body becoming sore. Lewis adjusted their position so her head was against the pillow and her legs were spread just enough to welcome his body. She smiled at him as she welcomed the kisses he planted on her neck and collarbone. “Thank you, baby. Let me return the favor…”
With that, his hands palmed her thighs and pushed them upward. Her eyes fluttered as she prepared for the best. His lips caressed her sensitive skin and she sighed softly, her fingers finding themselves in her hair. He melted into the embrace of her legs and soon the room filled with whispers that turned into loud cries that played on repeat even when it was all said and done. 
They drifted off to sleep during the early hours of the morning, wrapped in the love of each other. With her bare body against his, she said, “See what happens when you take a night off?” 
Lewis chuckled and poked her side. “Yeah, yeah. I love you…”
“I love you more.” 
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myojinn · 8 days
You'll Be Safe Here // 2 - Sukuna Ryomen
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You'll Be Safe Here ... Part of Cursed Spirit!Reader Series Heian Era!Sukuna Ryomen (JJK) x Cursed Spirit!Reader tags: SO MUCH FLUFF, soft 'Kuna, comfort summary: After seeing you on the brink of death—there was no way you were getting out of his clutches now. How will he protect you if you aren't by his side? a/n: Since the first part got a lot of love, I decided to make a part 2! I'm also thinking about making it a Cursed Spirit!Reader Series, so like full on one shots and drabbles here and there.
First Part | masterlist soon hehe
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All he could see was red.
And all he could hear was the agonizing screams for help of those he terrorized. But nothing else really mattered to Sukuna Ryomen after he saw you on the brink of death.
He'd like to believe that he was a level-headed individual—never one to be consumed by trivial things such as emotions. But he knew, at that time, he was driven by pure unadulterated anger...
... anger at the good-for-nothing scum that hurt you.
He never thought he could feel this strongly about anything. But then again, meeting you had opened up his eyes to unpredictable things. And maybe that's why he lo-
"Ryo! Hey!" He let out an annoyed grunt at the disturbance currently seated to his right... on his bed... in his sacred chambers.
"For a woman who almost died you surely are loud," he grumbles. He crosses all 4 arms and turns to look away, closing his eyes once more. He made it clear he wanted peace. But having you around made it impossible. You poked his cheek repeatedly. "Thanks to your reverse cursed technique, I think I can go back to my temple today." He swatted your hand away from his face to which you (convincingly) yelped out in pain. His eyes have never opened so quickly as they did now. A look of concern washed over his face while you (convincingly) pretended to be hurt.
He was about to take your hand to inspect it—heal it even. But before he could do anything, you laughed in his face. The soft gaze transformed into an intense glare. "Oh man... you really do care for me, don't you, Ryo?"
He folded his arms again as he grumbled to himself. You knew just how to piss him off. But even though he seemed irritated, deep down he was glad that you were back to your normal self.
He was fucking relieved to have you by his side again.
His silence piqued your curiosity. Normally, he'd have a quip for every move you made. But he just sat there, arms crossed and taking in every effort you made to rile him up.
You huffed your chest out.
Truthfully, the whole temple raid fiasco already put a massive dent in your ego... and maybe your image in Sukuna's mind. That's what you thought at least. So you made it a point to act as if nothing happened. You weren't planning to soften up and thank him for helping you.
Hell, you don't even remember the last time you uttered an expression of gratefulness.
But he also made you do things you usually would not do.
"Ryo... I'm sorry." He sighs and looks at you. You couldn't tell what he was thinking. Well, you could never tell what the great Sukuna Ryomen was thinking... ever. But your gut told you that this moment was different.
Something had definitely changed within him.
"You don't have to apologize. I've dealt with your craziness for decades now," he says flatly. You slowly shook your head. "I mean... I'm sorry I couldn't protect myself and you had to clean up after my mess." He sighed even louder. He always did that whenever you said something "stupid" as he'd call it. "I told you that it doesn't matter. I am the strongest, aren't I? You should only worry about losing if you were in my position. Say 'thank you' and move on with it." Of course, he didn't exactly mean for that to be affectionate. It was coming from a place of arrogance. But, nevertheless, it made you smile.
"Thanks, Ryo. I owe you big time." He raises an eyebrow, a faint smirk forming on his face. "You owe me, yes." You meant it as a way to emphasize your gratitude, but you didn't really think he'd bank on it. After all, the strongest sorcerer never needed favors from you. He always said you'd come in handy one of these days and maybe today was finally it. "Eh? So... what do you want me to do? I'll do anything just don't take the statue in front of my temple. Do you know how difficult it was to steal that?" His face contorted in confusion. No one in history had ever made him do that face, but you. However, you weren't sure if you should be glad about that fact. But you were sure that you loved that statue to bits. Sure, it was weird, but that's why you love it!
"Don't be ridiculous. I don't want that ugly thing near me." "Hey! I'll have you know it's a significant part of my temple."
"Significantly ugly, yes."
You were about to retort when he placed a finger on your lips, shutting you up. "As I was saying, you owe me—and you can repay me by simply staying here at my temple." You wanted to speak, but he pressed his finger on your plump lips even harder. "And no, you can't refuse." He finally drops his hand. "I can't just leave my temple like that. It was trashed and-" "I have already sent servants to clean it up and restore it." "What about my offerings? What if someone comes up and asks something from me and-" "I also have separate servants stationed there to gather any messages, offerings, whatever—and relay them to you."
"Wha-" He groans in frustration. "Woman, I have taken care of everything if that's what you're worried about. Give it a rest, will you?" You were hesitant at first, but the look of worry on your face quickly changed into a mischievous smile that he (loved) dreaded to see. "My, my, Ryo... if you wanted me to move in so badly you could've just told me. Goodness, was this part of your elaborate plan? Sending sorcerers to attack me so I can live with you?" This ridiculous humor wasn't new to the both of you. He had heard insane things come out of your mouth and he would never bat an eyelid. But after joking about him possibly indirectly hurting you evoked a sickening feeling deep in the pits of his stomach.
"I would never hurt you," he said softly.
The devilish grin on your face was wiped clean and replaced with an apologetic smile. "I know... I just... I was kidding, you know?" "Joke about anything, but not about me hurting you." Thinking about others hurting you was enough to make him feel sick. But you suffering at his own hands? It made him angry. He realized he had gone silent and that you were just staring at him with that same smile from earlier. "What?" he asked coldly.
"You're a strange man. You act so gruff, but you say things like this?" she laughs. "That's why I love ya." He was proud to say that he had never encountered an attack before that would surprise him. But the words you just spoke had taken him aback. He was shook to the core. "Shut up... you're staying here. Got it?" "Heh... say that you love me too first~"
You were annoying, reckless, and incredibly childish at times. You pissed him off beyond belief. But he couldn't imagine his life without all of your insanity. He loved you... maybe. He still didn't know exactly what 'love' meant. But whatever it is that he felt for you... he'd do anything and everything if it meant keeping you by his side.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Broken Headsets PT 2
Warning: A lot of Angst.
Pairing: BangChan x reader.
Summary: where he snaps at you while working.
!Not proofread!
“Baby I’m so sorry, please open up the door.” Chan’s voice echoes through the door and into the bathroom.
My knees against my chest as I was calming down from a panic attack. The sleeves on my sweater now dump from all the tears it was sucking up.
“G-go away” I cry louder. My body shaking and my salty tears freely running down my hot face.
“I don’t…I don’t want to talk to you right now!”
“Babe I’m sorry okay? I didn’t mean to snap like that. Just let me talk to you. Let me hold you. I’m worried. Your going to have another panic attack”
“BangChan leave me alone. I don’t want to talk to you.” I throw whatever was in my reach at the wooden door. Making him jump on the other side of the door. Now HE couldn’t hold back his tears. He wanted to be able to sort it out because he genuinely didn’t mean to snap Or cause anyone pain.
“Okay I’ll give you some time my love, please don’t be angry with me. I’m sorry.” His voice now low and quiet. I had no response because I was so angry and so hurt by him.
I wasn’t being dramatic right?
The sound of his footsteps disappear down the hall making me quickly but softly wipe my tears away and get up to wash my face. The cold water making my body shiver. I stare at myself. Hair up in a bun, eyes red and eye bags deep from all the lack of sleep. A fucking mess.
The front door slamming was what made me jump getting me out of the trance I was in. Had he left? I pick up the container that was on the ground due to the fact I threw it and open the bathroom door.
I find Berry sat in-front of it as if waiting for me. I give her a soft smile and pick her up.
Walking through the house looking for any sign of Chan but there was none.
I glance at the clock and it read 12:45. Anger rises up my chest once again because how dare he leave the house at this hour knowing how much anxiety I have when his out late? Such a selfish bastard!
Get home.
I send him a text and switch off my phone to look around. A mess the house was.
“Shall we clean up Berry?” I look at the dog in my hands who didn’t even seem to be bothered by anything. “I swear I talk to you more than I talk to Chan” a chuckle leaves my lips when she starts licking my face.
“Now come on let’s get started.” I place her down and pick up things and put them away. My body needing the distraction but my mind and thoughts running at a speed of lightning.
Emotions running through “my mind and soul”. Cringe lol.
2:30 am.
The sound of the clock ticking was starting to irritate me and craw under my skin.
Worry slowly crawling up my chest. Where was he? Was he safe? Was he okay? Where could he be?
I hated myself for putting my self through this because after the little stunt he pulled causing me to sit in the bathroom crying my heart out for 2 hours begging for someone to come save me. I was still sat in our living at 2:30 am waiting and wondering where he had gone too.
Did he leave me? Surely he hadn’t cause all his stuff was still here.
My feet slowly taps the floor, something I do when I’m nervous. I tag on my sweater which is now stretched out due to the constant pulling. The material laying between my fingers feeling very satisfying.
“Why do you have to do this to me Chan?” I say softly, talking to myself.
The house was quiet once again like I’m used too.
The lights were off except for his studio room led lights that were on and passing through the glass window.
Berry was now sat on my lap cuddling me because I knew she sensed the stress my body was going through. She always just knew and she always tried to cuddle of just play around whenever Chan or I where going through something.
A sigh leaves my lips. I was tired. I needed sleep but I needed to know if he was safe.
I check my phone to see if he had responded but nothing came through and when I was about to set down the phone it stars to buzz making me jolt up. Han’s name pops up with a picture of me and him when we were at an adventure park in Japan.
I quickly pick up the phone hoping that somehow Chan was with him and they were doing some project.
“Hello?” My voice rough but still soft from all the crying.
“Hey baby.” He says softly from the other end of the phone.
“Are you doing okay?” He asks, I could hear the nervous tone in his voice.
“Mhm” a hum in response.
“Channie Hyung is with us in the dorms okay? He showed up here really upset so we told him to just stay over until everything is calm,”
I feel my heart break into pieces. Was he really that upset that he didn’t want to stay in the same home as me? He knew how I hated when he didn’t sleep at home.
“Oh, okay that’s alright. Thank you for letting me know,” I tell him. A weigh being lifted off my shoulder because now that I knew he was safe I could sleep or so I thought.
After hanging up the phone. I slowly put Berry aside and cleanup the cold plate that’s till say on the table and decide to finish up the dishes.
The scent of soap filling my nostrils and a warm liquid running down my face. Tears.
Who would have thought that I would be here at the age of 25 doing dishes at 2 am while crying.
My vision was blurry and my legs were weak. My heart beating fast as I could hear it in my ears.
My face was hot and my body trembled from the heart aching sobs that left it.
I couldn’t be under this much stress.
It wasn’t good for the baby.
Pt 1 ⬇️
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faithshouseofchaos · 4 months
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Retirement — Kimi Raikkonen x reader
Kimi is a bit of a big baby in blurb this pure fluff
Tagged— @moss-on-tmblr @toasttt11 @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @ashy-kit @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @67-angelofthelordme-67 @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @ironcowboycopnickel @reidsworld @faithm120701 @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @lightdragonrayne @nikolaros22 @vivwritesfics @vellicora @venusisnothere @disneyprincemuke
“You know, if you keep pouting like that you’ll get wrinkles. What’s on your mind?” You asked your very pouty husband who just shrugs.
“Just thinking?”
“Thinking about what?” You ask massaging his shoulders.
“Retirement” Kimi mumbles tension begins to leave his body
“Retirement?” You asked
“Y-Yeah I think I’m getting too old for this. I’m always tired and always sore” Kimi says, leaning his head back to let you see the tension leaving his body.
“Is that why you are pouting?”You ask leaning on him now
Kimi gives a slow nod and his eyebrows come up “Am I pouting?” He laughs self-consciously
“Yes, you are!” You say wrapping your arms around him now. “Have you thought about what you’ll do instead when you retire?”
Kimi’s head tilts to the side slightly “Not really no” he sighs, laying his head on your chest. “I don’t know what I’d do.”
You laugh quietly and lean down nuzzling the back of his head.
“Oh, my love I’m sure you’ll find something you love,” You say kissing the top of his head.
Kimi’s lips parted slightly and he let out a breath before returning to his relaxed state.
“Yeah. I’m sure I will” he smiles at you as you caress his body with your hands.
You lay down with him now rubbing your hands up and down his back, your legs intertwined, he wraps his arm around you and cuddles you slightly. You hold each other for a while without saying anything, the sound of your heartbeat growing louder with each moment.
“I’ll do exactly what I’ve been doing, supporting you.” You laugh holding him tighter. He gives a small laugh back “Well I hope that you’ll let me support you too”
Kimi smiles “Of course, who’s my best supporter of all time?” He says squeezing you.
You laugh quietly once again nuzzling into his chest “Oh please.” You whisper to him.
You give a kiss to the top of his head and hold him tighter
“I’ll support you with everything I love.”
"Good" Kimi whispers back, his eyes fluttering with exhaustion. He closes his eyes "I might as well retire now and get some shuteye" He giggles sleepily.
"No, you can't, we have practice in a couple hours." You say playing into his joking mood.
"But bed..." He yawns, giving you big sleepy eyes.
You lean down and give him a kiss on the forehead and a nuzzle "Yes bed, you need as much sleep as possible"
He mumbles "I don't think I can wait a couple of hours"
You chuckle and kiss his temple.
"Just a few hours, you'll be fine my love"
Kimi's eyebrows come together "I'm so tired though..." He gives you a small pout as you kiss his forehead.
"You're being such a baby!" You chuckle "Get some rest, you big baby"
Kimi sighs "fine"
You caress his cheek as he shuts his eyes "Good boy" You give him another kiss on the forehead.
You lay next to him and cuddle each other "We can't be late tomorrow okay?
Kimi grunts as he begins to relax and soon drifts off to sleep.
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heizlut · 3 months
Insufferable part 1
cw: none
tags: switch fem!reader, switch!scaramouche, oral (m!recieving)
nsfw under the cut
m!list here
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Scaramouche is so annoyed when you approach him, scowling and mentally preparing himself for whatever bullshit you might spout as you usually do when you pop in for a visit, “What the hell do you want?”
You waltz towards him with a stupid grin on your face. Why were you always so damn happy all the time? “I was bored!” you beam at him. He grimaces, “Eugh… go bother Childe instead. I don’t have time for this today.” You raise an eyebrow and look at the room around him, “But you’re not doing anything?” Scaramouche scoffs and rolls his eyes, “That doesn’t mean I wasn’t about to be busy, you pest.” You wave him off dismissively and flop down on the couch, “Scara, have you ever had a girlfriend?”
His eyes widen as he looks at you, “Excuse me? Why would I even want such a thing?” He pauses then adds, “There is nothing in human relationships for me to desire or appreciate.” You look a little amused as you meet his eyes, “Oh yeah? Well I think it’s painfully obvious that you want affection and that you’re so clearly touch-starved.”
Scaramouche’s blood begins to boil, “I do not have those weaknesses. I am a being that has risen past the superficial limitations of humanity. And if you think I'm still chained to human desires like this affection nonsense you're obsessed with, you are sorely mistaken.” You cover your mouth, trying hard to contain your laughter.
He grits his teeth and lowers his voice, “What’s so funny…” You lower your hand, having a slight smile, “It’s just.. you wouldn’t be talking like this if you were still like your old self. You used to crave being around humans and wanted to form bonds-” Scaramouche cuts you off, striking the table beside him with his hand as he raises his voice, “I am no longer Kunikuzushi! Kunikuzushi is gone. There is no part of him that remains within me whatsoever!” You rise from your seat and approach him, unfazed by his outburst, “Are you sure about that?”
He clenches his fists tightly, knowing it wouldn’t do any good to get into a physical altercation with you, "Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you." Your features light up and your lips curl into a teasing smirk, "What? You gonna kiss me to shut me up?" Scaramouche scrunches his nose, "I would never..." You carry on with your teasing, "Oh that's right... You've never kissed anyone before have you?" He blushes furiously at your words, wanting to deny it even though you weren't wrong, "I..I don't have a desire for such a thing." Scaramouche turns his head away from you only for you to place a finger under his chin and redirect him back to you. He looks into your eyes, feeling his chest tighten as you give him a little smile and lower your tone, "Are you sure about that...."
Scaramouche is lost in your gaze for a moment before he finally breaks the tense eye contact and steps away from you, "Are you done now?" You smirk and then let out an overly-dramatic sigh, "Hmm, guess I'll go to Childe instead~" That gets his attention, his gaze snapping back over to you as you slowly make your way to the door, "W-wait... Childe?" You grin at him from over your shoulder, "Uh-huh, you told me to go bother him instead, remember?~" He fumbles over himself as his mind races for his next words. You breathe out a small laugh as you notice his behavior, "Aww do you actually want me to stay?" His cheeks heat up again as his expression twists back to annoyance, "No! ...I mean..." Scaramouche releases a deep breath when you raise an eyebrow at him, looking at him expectantly, "Use your words." Your command stirs something inside of him and he relents, "Fuck... Just stay..."
You turn back to face him once more, a devious look on your face, "Ask nicely." He runs his tongue across his teeth, so fucking annoyed that you're turning him into a mental mess, "Stay here...please." Your smile grows as you saunter back to him, "See that wasn't so hard now was it?" Scaramouche glowered at you and crossed his arms, "What is your end goal here?" You tilt your head a little and give an innocent smile, "I told you I was bored. I'm just having a little fun~" He rolls eyes, "You're idea of fun is pestering and flirting with me?" You look quite entertained by his words, "Me flirt with you? You'd like that wouldn't you.." Scaramouche's expression hardens, "I most certainly would not. You think I enjoy flirtation and teasing advances? Hah!"
You look him up and down, looking devious as ever, "I'd say so since only a couple minutes ago you got flustered and your cheeks got all red." He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, "Do you ever shut up?" You give a dopey smile, "Nope!" Scaramouche narrows his eyes at you, "Just tell me what you want." "A kiss", you answer immediately, still with that same smile on your face. He blinks, taking in your boldness, "Excuse me?" Your eyes go half-lidded when you look to him, "You heard me. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to finally be kissed?" He rolls his eyes again, "That is not something I need to accomplish..." You place your hand on his chest and give him an alluring look, "Come on~ I'll teach you how." His brows drew together, "How does someone t-"
His words are interrupted by the feeling of your soft lips on his and your body caging him against the wall. His cheeks burn red when he realizes what's happening. Scaramouche was about to push you away until he felt you gently bite at his bottom lip and then swipe at the same spot with your tongue. He groans softly into the kiss, making his lips part a little more, granting your tongue access to his mouth. Your tongue smoothes against his as your lips move in a slow rhythm. Just as Scaramouche was about to pull you closer and deepen the kiss, you pull away. He leans forward, eyes half-lidded as he chases your lips. You laugh softly at the the needy look on his face and he quickly scrunched up his face, blushing heavily, "That's not fair... I wasn't done..."
"Then use your words and tell me what you want", your tone low and teasing. Scaramouche pulls you close to him, looking at you with desire and a hint of frustration, "I want you to kiss me again." "Good boy", you drawl as you press your lips to his again. His cock throbs in its confines from your praise and he kisses you back feverishly. Your lips move together with haste and passion. Your body pressed hard against him, feeling his bulge against you. You smirk against his lips and roll your hips against his, making his eyes snap open in shock. Scaramouche tries to separate from the kiss only for you to bite his lip once more. You give one more kiss before leaning back just enough that his panting breaths mingled with yours, "Someone seems to be enjoying this~"
He opens his mouth to protest only for his words to morph into a husky groan as you roll your hips against this bulge once again, "W-what're you doing..." The corners of your lips curl up as your hand trails down his body, stopping right before you reach his aching cock, "I'm just having fun..." Your palm rests on his bulge and you squeeze with just enough pressure that draws a hiss from him as his eyes shut tight. "Does your cock need some attention?", you ask with that teasing lilt in your voice that frustrated him to no end. Scaramouche felt so humiliated but so desperate for something he never experienced before, "Please..." You let out a satisfied hum as you kneel down in front of him and tug down his pants. His cock springs forward, twitching with anticipation. You look up at him, catching his lustful and dazed expression.
You wrap your fingers around his length and begin to pump it languidly, running your thumb across his slit to rub the clear pre cum around the head of his cock, "So leaky already, how cute~" Scaramouche's nose scrunches at your teasing, wanting to tell you to shut your mouth, but he can't trust what may come out of his mouth. You stick your tongue out and lick at his slit, letting the salty taste of his arousal fill your senses. HIs hands fly to your head, tangling his fingers in your hair at the overwhelming sensation, "Fuck... Please... More" You look amused as you swirl your tongue around the sensitive head and without warning, you wrap your lips around his length and begin to suck.
The pathetic whimper that comes from Scaramouche is so embarrassing. HIs cheeks burn bright red, trying to comprehend how such a noise came from him. His thoughts are interrupted when you take his full length and swallow, having your throat constrict around his cock made his grip your hair tighter. Your tongue licks the underside of his cock as you move your mouth up to his tip and suck. Another embarrassing moan falls from his lips and begins to thrust his hips forward, desperately wanting to fuck your mouth. His needy behavior amused you, so you allowed him to feel in control for this moment. Scaramouche's thrusts are sloppy as he facefucks you; no longer caring about all the whiny noises he keeps making. You hollow your cheeks whenever it's just the tip between your wet lips, making the sensation absolutely wild for him.
His hips stutter and his cock swells; you know he's about to cum. With this knowledge, you take his length as deep as you can and tighten your throat around him yet again. Scaramouche cries out, throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut as he keeps his grip on your head. He empties his load, shooting thick ropes of cum down your throat which forces you to swallow immediately, lest you choke. HIs grip finally relaxes and you pull back off of his cock, coughing slightly and wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
Scaramouche looks down at you with a glassy-eyed look and one corner of his lips upturned in a lazy smirk, "Too much for you?" You bark out a laugh as you rise to your feet, "I wasn't the one making all those high-pitched noises~" He rolls his eyes, slumping back against the wall, "Whatever. I bet you make those noises too." You give a sly smile, "Only under the right circumstances.." He raises an eyebrow, straightening up, "And what circumstances would those be?" You look him up and down and then smirk, "Guess you'll have to let me bother you later and you might just find out."
Scaramouche's eyes trail you closely as you leave the room. He lets out a breath and tugs his pants back up then threads his fingers through his hair that was now damp with sweat. If he could feel like this every time your insufferable self came to annoy him, maybe he could get used to your little routine. Besides, maybe, just maybe, he could keep you for himself and give into silly delusions of affection that he swore he would never let affect him again.
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a/n: i finally caved and wrote a fic for scarapookie
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belovedmusings · 3 months
Poppy red.
Choso Kamo x You x Suguru Geto
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Explicit Themes (🚫Minors DNI🚫)
Part six of the 'Two + One' story. Click for story masterlist.
Guitarist! Choso Kamo is your boyfriend, and today, after having gone no-contact with his bandmate, Suguru, for a month, you have him over at your house while Choso is visiting his brother. The two of you need to discuss your relationship...and hopefully exhibit much-needed self-control.
Relevant tags: sexual tension, thoughts of infidelity, characters with questionable morals, Suguru is hot, but so is Choso, slow burn, no "y/n" for immersion, 2nd POV, reader has no defining characteristics, explicit smut, missionary, oral sex (fem receiving)
Recommended songs to listen to while reading: HENTAI (Rosalía), Animal I Have Become (Three Days Grace)
A/N: Life has still been busy but I still am so in love with this story so I'll continue to update!! Here's a rather spicy chapter, enjoy :)
Read below cut:
The two of you take either side of the couch in the living room once you’re inside with the groceries all put away. 
Suguru had been watching television while you restocked the fridge and pantry, so once you join him, he faces you properly, beginning to speak.
“I want you in my life,” Suguru tells you right off the bat, seeming to want to avoid wasting time, “And before I…tell you how I really feel, I need you to know that I don’t want to take you away from Choso. I understand that you two are happy and I have no ill-feelings towards him.”
You nod, waiting for him to continue.
“That being said,” Suguru looks you deeply in the eyes. “I…what I feel for you isn’t like anything I’ve felt for anyone else. You’re constantly on my mind and I…I just want to be near you all the time. I want to hold you and…kiss you. Since I want to be completely blunt, I…I want more than that, too. I’m physically attracted to you, but also, I…I can picture us together.”
Hearing it out loud is a crazy experience, but Suguru is being open and honest with you. You want to meet him halfway. 
“I feel the same way, but I haven’t lost any feelings I have for Choso. It’s very confusing.”
“That’s another thing—I don’t want to hurt Choso. I really like him, and I’d never want to betray his trust.”
You sigh, looking down at your hands, which have begun fiddling with each other in your lap. Then, in one fluid motion, you feel Suguru move closer, his hand covering both of yours. 
“I…I don’t know how to move forward from here,” Suguru confesses as your eyes meet, your heart fluttering in your chest. “But I can’t say ‘goodbye’ to you.”
”Look…um, I just think it’s a good idea if we only see each other when he’s around,” you tell him, his palm warm over your skin. Your eyes are fixated on the sight. “We…can’t control ourselves when we’re alone together.’
Suguru sighs heavily beside you, giving your hands a small little pulse, his thumb gently running in small strokes. It makes you nervous, filling you with a pulsating warmth that ebbs and flows in rhythm with his touches. 
“See?” You say, “Even this…this is intimacy we shouldn’t be sharing. We wouldn’t do this with Choso around.”
He looks into your eyes, nodding minutely. “That’s true. I know what you’re saying is true. I just…have this urge to not keep my hands off of you. If you were my girlfriend…should you want it…I’d have trouble staying off of you.”
You suck in a slow, deep breath. “When you say things like that…”
“I know,” he shakes his head, “I know, I do. Just…why couldn’t I have found you first?”
“Suguru,” you look away, pulling your hand out of his. “I shouldn’t be entertaining you like this, but I just…there’s something about you that I just…”
“Why haven’t you told him about what we’ve done so far?” He asks suddenly, causing you to look at him again. Your lips part for a second in thought before the honest words come pouring out.
“I don’t want to hurt him,” you say, “He has a tough exterior but he’s incredibly soft and vulnerable on the inside. If I told him…it would…grow. Like a weed. Even if I assured him it was nothing to worry about, it’d be there in the back of his mind. It would make him see you differently too, and it might ruin the band. I can’t do that, Suguru.”
“So, your plan is to never tell him how you feel about me?”
“How can I?” You stand up, gesticulating as you speak, “Suguru, I can’t tell my boyfriend, ‘I think I have feelings for your bandmate even though I’m still every bit as in love with you as I was when we first got together.’ If he did that to me, I would be devastated.”
Suguru frowns. “But the longer this goes on…the worse the lie.”
“I can’t hurt him.”
“So tell him the truth. Tell him how you feel about me, but that you have no plans of ever leaving him.”
“Then what? Then he leaves the band and hates you?” You ask, the idea absurd to you.
“Then I talk to him, too,” Suguru says, “I tell him how I feel, and that I have no plans of taking you away.”
“You tried to kiss me the last time we were alone together.”
“I know,” He says, “but maybe if it’s out in the open…”
“He won’t want me ever near you again,” You protest, “it’s better if this stays a secret.”
“I don’t like secrets,” Suguru shakes his head. “What if I dropped hints? Let him figure out that I have feelings for you? And we’ll see what he does.”
“What good would that do?”
“Then he could control the situation. Would that make you feel better?”
If Choso was the one who picked up on it, he could approach you first, and then you could get a read for how he feels about it based off of the way he broaches the subject with you. 
You take a breath before nodding. “Yeah…it would.”
“Okay,” Suguru nods. “Then we’ll do that. It’s going to be okay.”
Your heart throbs painfully in your chest, and suddenly those words of comfort have a lump growing in your throat. Why? Do you like Suguru that much? Is it really having such a great effect on you?
His palm touches your cheek, and you look up at him to see his golden eyes staring into yours. His voice is soft as he says, “tell me how I make you feel.”
There’s a flutter in your chest and you breathe out shakily. “I…I feel a pull. You’re always on my mind, and your music is all I play. When I’m with you, I just…I want to do every bad thing in the book with you. I want to know how you kiss, how it feels, how you…”
Your words trail off as you realize how insane it sounds out loud. Still, he presses on. 
“How I taste?” He fills in for you, deep voice low and syrupy, just above a whisper. It robs your own voice from you. You nod your affirmation.
His hand soothes your hair back. “What else?”
You inhale slowly to try and gain miniscule composure. “How you’d hold me…what it would be like if we were together…the sort of things we’d say, how we’d act, if we could just be a couple…”
“You like me bad,” he teases you lightly, and it commands a hot flush to your face.
“I’m right there with you,” he murmurs, pressing his forehead against yours. “I want to wake up next to you, to see you wearing my clothes, to make meals for you, to go out with you and spoil you…I want to make you happy.”
Your eyes close, and he takes the opportunity to ghost his lips over yours, the metal of his lip rings prompting a hitch in your breath. You begin to pull away, but he chases you, tilting slightly to plant a kiss to your cheek instead. You meet his eyes, and his own hold such an intimate gaze within them that you feel it sear through a layer in your heart. He keeps going; his lips meet the skin of your jaw, hands holding you by your back, and soon he’s trailing a line down your neck, arising goosebumps over the flesh he touches, the soft clicks indicating the cadence of each kiss only heightening your insanity.
Having lost a part of your conscience in his embrace, you return it, holding him close to you and relishing in his affection. You thread your fingers through his hair, pulling it from the tie it had been in, and he breathes out in relief, the warm air brushing over your skin.
His mouth stops at the neckline of your shirt, eyes glancing up at yours. 
“I want to keep going,” He states, lowly and softly. You swallow thickly, afraid of the lack of control you might display if you told him what you really wanted to say. Luckily, he doesn’t put you in that position, and he takes a breath, straightening up and putting some distance between you. “I won’t, though.”
Your eyes hold his for a moment, and then you move to speak.
The lock in the front door turns. 
You hurriedly sit on the couch, an appropriate distance from Suguru, and understanding the situation immediately he follows suit on the other end. The door opens just in time, and your boyfriend walks through the door.
“Chos’,” you greet with a smile, standing and moving to kiss him. 
“Hey,” He kisses you back before noticing Suguru on the couch. “Oh, hey. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Oh, yeah,” Suguru puts on his signature disarming smile. “We happened to be out at the same grocery store. I had to get more tea for Larue, and the place I usually go was out so I came over here.”
“Yeah, I ran into him and invited him over,” You corroborate. Nothing we said was a lie. Just not the entire truth.
“Cool,” Choso smiles easily, not phased or suspicious in the slightest. He removes his shoes and drops his keys in the basket near the door.
“How was hanging out with Kechizu?”
“Ah, same old,” Choso shrugs, “just played games and had pizza.”
“That’s good,” You say, moving to sit back down on the couch. “I got us restocked for the week with groceries since I got a little bored.”
“Oh, good. We can just use Sunday for a lazy day then,” Choso states, moving to sit where you were sitting on the couch. That leaves one spot; between him and Suguru.
Seeing the turmoil flash behind your eyes, Suguru stands.
“Well, it’s getting pretty late. I should get going home since it’s a little far from here.”
“Oh, you sure? You don’t want to stay for dinner?” Choso asks, “we can just order in and hang out, you’re not imposing.”
You take a breath, and Suguru shakes his head. “I appreciate it, but I gotta run some more errands before I go back. I’ll take you guys up on that on another day if you’ll have me.”
“Sure,” Choso shrugs, “you’re welcome any time.”
“Thanks,” Suguru smiles, then walks to the door. He passes you, and you get another whiff of his jasmine cologne, your last dose for the night. He starts putting his shoes on. “Thanks for having me over.”
Recognizing he’s talking to you, you smile in a way that you hope is convincing. “Sure, it’s no trouble. We’re friends now too, after all.”
Something gleams in his eyes at that. The denial you’d given him last time has been overwritten. “Yeah? Sweet. Hey, would you mind if I got her phone number, Choso? It’s not weird, right?”
You look at your boyfriend, who shakes his head. “No, it’s not weird,” He chuckles lightly. “Go ahead. It’s probably a good idea in case of emergency anyway.”
“You’re right,” You agree, moving over to Suguru to take his phone and put your number in it. You text yourself so you have his. 
“Thanks,” He says, taking his phone back. “Well, I’ll see you Monday, Choso! You guys have a good night.”
“You too.”
Choso raises his hand in a wave, and you close the door behind him once he leaves, locking it.
Once you turn around, you see your boyfriend’s eyes traveling over your figure, and it makes you feel warm.
“You look really beautiful like that.”
You take a look at yourself. Your hair’s kind of messy, and all you’re wearing is one of his sweatshirts and shorts. 
“Thanks,” you laugh, moving to sit beside him. “I’m not wearing anything special.”
That catches you by surprise. He’s usually not this bold. He reaches out and puts a hand on your leg, running it up your thigh. 
“I’ve been thinking about us…” Choso says, “and…that time when I got a little flustered after you wanted me to choke you.”
Your mouth dries up. “…oh?”
“Do you want me to be rougher?”
Your next breath is uneven. “W-well, I…”
“I need you to tell me what you want,” He says, voice dropping a bit in volume. “You know I’ll give you anything.”
“A-anything?” Your voice is thin. He nods seriously.
“Anything in the world.”
You find yourself nodding. “I want…I want to try it rough.”
His lips are on yours in the next instant, and everything after that is a blur of bruising touches, the hurried removal of clothes, and an insistence in your boyfriend you've never seen before.
He has you laid out on the couch, both of your clothes strung around the room unimportantly, his mouth trailing kisses down your neck. A reminder that Suguru had been there not even an hour ago has you feeling a whirlwind of emotions; the shame gives way to arousal.
Choso’s teeth near your nipple has you gasping right back to the present, and you look to see him sucking marks into the soft flesh of your chest. His hands are on your thighs, spreading them, and without warning you feel the glide of his length against your mound. 
He begins grinding against you as he marks your breast up in hickies, pulling noises from you that you don’t recognize. 
His tongue runs over your nipple and you cry out, arching your back as he doubles down and continues to run his tongue over the hardened peak, your sexes rubbing intimately together in a way that makes your heart feel close to bursting.
It’s like he’s a new man tonight…he’s never this into it.
His teeth graze the tip of your nipple and you shudder, wrapping your legs around his waist and beginning to move your hips with his. He groans at that, moving to the next breast and giving it the same attention the first one got. 
“Chos’,” you moan out, feeling one of his hands find the apex of your thigh. It’s only a second before two of his fingers find their way inside of you, slipping in with no resistance due to the way he’s masterfully turned you on. He starts pumping his fingers at a pace, the long digits reaching deep within you, making you shiver again. 
The combination of his mouth and hand are enough to make your head spin. 
He adds a third finger and begins moving down, sliding to his knees off the couch and readjusting you so that he supports your legs with his shoulders. 
His lips scatter kisses and marks over the insides of your thighs as he continues to finger you, and not wasting any time, his mouth finds exactly where you need him, lips wrapping around your pearl and sucking as he pushes his fingers in deeper.
“Fuck,” is what leaves your mouth in a hiss, your hand gripping the couch tightly as he starts eating you out with gusto. “C-Chos’…”
He hums, tongue working wonders on you, and you think for a moment that you might actually lose sanity. 
It’s not like he hasn’t done this before. It’s just that you didn’t think he could be so bold. Usually he goes slower, he never really leaves marks, and he sure as hell doesn’t curl his fingers inside you as he’s doing now—but you’re falling even deeper in love with him.
“Oh my god,” a moan leaves your mouth, and he licks a fat stripe up your swollen bud before attacking it again with a kiss. “Choso…”
His free hand finds your breast again, and it’s over soon after that—the way his fingers pinch and tease at your nipple combined with everything else he’s doing sweeps you over the edge swifter than you’re prepared for, and your orgasm slams into you with a cry of his name. 
Or, rather, your first orgasm of the night.
He doesn’t stop there. He straightens up and climbs back between your legs on the couch, kissing you deeply as he lines up. Instead of asking, he takes, driving himself inside of you and making you take him despite the sensitivity of your walls.
You gasp as he begins moving immediately, nails digging into his shoulders. When you clench around him he groans, right in your ear, and you look up at him to see his face flushed prettily, sweat dripping down his forehead.
Another wave of lust for him takes over and you kiss him hard, nails dragging over his back. He mewls into your mouth and picks his pace up, the lewd, wet slap of your skin tell-tale to anyone who may be walking by the front door of your apartment. 
That reminds you…the two of you have never done it on the couch before. He couldn’t wait long enough to get to bed. 
Another one of your flutters around him causes his hips to stutter, and he ducks down, dragging his teeth over your ear before leaning up on his hands above you.
Then, one of them finds the base of your neck. Your lips part as he squeezes gently, focusing more power on the slam of his hips into yours. You feel him deep inside of you, the dull, harsh stretch of him forcing you to accommodate, and your eyes roll to the back of your head, voice reaching octaves you didn’t think you were capable of. 
“I love you,” he breathes, kissing your open mouth, and you shiver from the contrast of his rough-fucking and the gentle declaration of devotion.
“I love you too,” it comes out of your throat like a wrecked sob, and amidst his panting, he reaches down and starts rubbing you in time with his thrusts, doing exactly what you need in order to finish for the second time. 
As soon as you do, you feel him twitch, pressing deep into you to give you his load. Your own body shakes at the feeling, a sense of euphoria washing over you akin to the rush of opium. 
When you open your eyes, his own mahogany ones are looking at you, a loose, dopey smile on his lips.
“Fuck,” you rasp intelligently, and he chuckles, burying his face in your neck.
“Yeah,” you nod, hugging him close. 
No one is on your mind but him. What else happened today? You can’t remember. You can’t think at all. 
Right now, Choso is your world. 
A/N: calm before the storm me thinks. Seriously though, if you're sticking with this and still waiting for the updates, thank you so much, I appreciate you. I still plan to post on AO3, I'm just not sure when I'll have the time. Keep your eyes out for the next update!
Please don't copy or repost, but feel free to reblog and share! Taglist (comment here or my masterlist if you want to be added): @jaegerstan222 , @cosmicstarlatte , @dabisdolly , @moonriseoverkyoto , @propheticfire , @bontensbabygirl , @crlyhairedwxtch , @alittlebirdahgaselx , @okkovtsu , @notbellasstuff , @uchihabbynic , @polaroidnana , @childofilluvatar , @shadowfoxy , @jordan-network , @dreamtravelersade , @unmatchxd , @lucyrocks86 , @spineyy , @k3lbade , @xxbuckpoppi , @naughtygobbo , @slammynics , @roseambers , @luvingyouwasreallyhard , @hinachaaan , @redladyrae-blog , @spiteless-xo , @slutforaz , @bellaabee082 , @thedorklingqueen , @delayedrage , @poopwons , @pandisastergod , @username23345 , @sleazymac-n-cheesy , @forest-haven , @midnaamethyste , @bihanspookies , @mysteriouskiller1 , @liyahthings
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bakubunny · 5 months
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give and take
a/n: retired (disabled) shota x disabled reader hurt/comfort fluff. pls read all the tags; this is very self indulgent bc that’s how i feel like writing today. also i did a quick grammar check but this is generally unedited.
tw: neurological disorders, tics, muscle spasms, speech problems, dissociation, functional seizures, established relationships, l-bomb, reader is called baby, babygirl, daddy as nickname/title (used once)
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You stood in the kitchen, chefs knife in hand as you cut the last of the vegetables out before you. Shota rinsed rice at the sink on your right. You froze briefly before a muscle spasm shot through your hand, then a small tic. It was hardly any movement, but he caught it in the corner of his eye. Five years into retirement, you’d swear Shota was still sharp as ever.
“You okay?” he asked.
The sound of water stopped.
There was a slight hesitation in your voice. “Yeah. I’m good.”
With a few measured slices, the job was done. Your hand seized again. The large knife clattered onto the counter.
“Shit, sorry,” you said. More for yourself than him, perhaps.
Another small vocal tic.
Shota glanced your direction. “Let me take care of the rest.”
“Really, I’m-I’m fine, Sho,” you replied, transferring the cut onion onto a plate.
The subtle shift in his face told you he held his tongue this time when he’d rather not. Sure, you had a bad habit of pushing yourself too hard, but Shota had no room to talk on that. He knew - especially now - that life didn’t stop just because you did.
You shut your eyes; one pulled back and rolled for a second. Your body grew tired and heavy. “Just been a long-”
One moment, you were standing, the next, your legs gave out beneath you. There was a clang when the metal bowl of the rice cooker hit the floor. Rice and water splattered nearby as Shota caught you, body limp in his arms.
An eyebrow twitched in response. Your head lolled forward painfully. Shota pulled you back into his shoulder and carefully lowered you to the floor, your head in his lap. A muscle spasm ripped down your spine as your back arched, muscles so tight that your extremities shook and your vision blurred once it passed once your eyes opened. Head foggy and empty, you fought your body to respond. A small groan left your throat.
“I’m right here. I love you,” Shota said, running his fingers through your hair.
Another look of fear crossed your face with a whine. You wanted to apologize and crawl into his arms, but your body stayed still. And your husband knew you too well.
“Don’t be sorry.”
You laid with him as spasms came and went, along with your awareness of the things around you. When you came to a little, your fingertips stretched out seeking his hand, so he reached for yours.
“Hey, babygirl. You with me?” he said.
“Mhm.” You still couldn’t move much. But this was something.
“Am I okay to carry you?” Shota asked.
“I… think so,” you said.
With relative quickness and the ease of a practiced hero, he gathered you up in his arms and carried you to bed.
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆
You laid in bed with Shota, your head on his shoulder, finished dinner plates on the tray he’d set at the end of the bed, and sighed.
“Sometimes I really hate all of this,” you said. “I hate that you have to do so much for me. You’ve got enough to handle.”
“You’re the love of my life. Why would I leave you to suffer?” he asked.
When you stayed quiet, he continued. “It’s give and take. You do just as much for me.”
“I know…” you replied. “Sho?”
“If… if I take care of the dishes, will you take a bath with me?” You played with the hem of his shirt.
Shota smiled softly. “You want daddy to wash your hair, baby?”
A grin pushed at your cheeks. “Maybe, yeah.”
“You don’t need to do anything to have that,” he replied. “I have the energy tonight. Let me take care of you.”
You hugged him tighter. “Thank you.”'
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if you’d like to be added to my tag list, let me know. ♡
gremlins: @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @bookcluberror @neon-gothicc @zazter-den @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll @emmab3mma @aria-chikage @mhadabiandhawks4eva @yazminetrahan @doumadono @dreamcastgirl99 @maddietries @jazzafayesworld @karebear5118 @unofficialmuilover @cherriluvs35 @erensslut @ruu-https @hana-yuri @keiva1000 @katsul0vr @trickster-kat @ayeohoh-blog @dinomeow @flamgosstuff @mistressreaper @angelltheninth @anonymously-ominous @amberexe2 @hisconsistency @nanamisbigassschlong @223princess @honeeslust @naughtygobbo @acenanxious @blumoonwisteria @chaos-gem @levizonlywife @kxtsxkii @nuttyunknowndetective @katsuslover @yooxverse @jjamiee21
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ettelenethelien · 6 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard Simulator
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🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Yeah, Thingol kind of flew off the handle with banning Quenya and all that, but why on Arda are people now justifying the Kinslaying in response?? have some nuance and also, that's just plain horrible.
✨ btw-this-is-hopeless following
hope it's fine to copy your tags, mithrim, because they're great:
#I mean I know this is probably because they've taken part in the kinslaying themselves #but #can't you just admit you did wrong and move on? #in so far as it is possible because of course forgetting would be disrespectful and unwise #because the consequences are with us still #but it should be way more comfortable than being on your defences all the time #always ready to rationalize or deny #with a conscience you cannot silence
✴️ eightpointedstar83
I am tired of typing this out again and again but Alqualondë could have been averted had the teleri been less self-centred and readier to cooperate. Thingol is just another example of this attitude. But of course, please deny that the third clan is what it is and pin the blame on the people who saved everyone's skins.
We have done nothing wrong and yet our own people are turning on us. One day you will rue this.
Long live the house of Fëanor!
💝 heart-in-a-box
This is just the sort of behaviour OP was talking about.🤦‍♀️
🌫️ mithrim-noldo following
Admittedly, this seems to be a fanatical Fëanorian and more committed than the average apologist of his/her own actions - but yes.
#current events #thingol's quenya ban #my post
11,062 notes
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🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
finished another canto of the noldolante today
🌖 hunters-moon
you have a tumblr account??!
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
do I know you?
🌖 hunters-moon
yes :)
🧝🏼‍♂️ maglorfeanorion following
wait - yeah, I do...
which of the twins are you?
🌖 hunters-moon
how did you know😮???
he looked through your blog, nitwit :)
🧝🏼‍♂️maglorfeanorion following
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to find you two out of all possible people on here...
so - which is which?
36 notes
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🌸 a-flower-in-the-snow following
himring winters are horrible and I hate my parents for bringing me to middle-earth
#rant #children of exilse #i meant #children of exiles #coe
4 notes
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🏞️ the-wide-earth-unexplored following
Y'all weren't joking when y'all said the Sirion is impressive...
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(more photos under cut)
read more
#photography #nature photography #nature #sirion #falls of sirion
213 notes
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🖼️ wonder-the-earth
is it still a secret city when everyone is talking about it?
👰🏼‍♀️ celebrin following
that's a good question
21 notes
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👤 incessant-leaves following
It makes me sick to see all those positive nostalgic posts about the Mereth Aderthad. How pretty the pools of Ivrin were or weren't doesn't change the fact that THE NOLDOR WERE HIDING THE TRUTH ABOUT THE KINSLAYING THE WHOLE TIME. Yeah "everyone was kind" back then. You were feasting together with people whose cousins you had killed and have the audacity to complain they don't like you as much anymore. I don't care if you're a Sinda or a Noldo who "didn't take part in it" - if you say anything positive about it I'm blocking you.
#mereth aderthad #the truth about ivrin
159, 307 notes
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💎 lord-maedhros-is-the-true-king
Things they don't want you to know about Fëanaro:
read more
157 notes
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🏹 huntingprincess following
with all due respect, gondolin is the most boring place in the world.
🌼 golden-flower
it's not. but you're entitled to your opinion.
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
if only all debates on here were as civil...
👤 incessant-leaves
OP is a kinslayer apologist. Didn't you check that out before you started praising them?
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
*throws hands up*
I was admiring that one exchange.
(and this was actually more about @golden-flower's response than about OP)
#this site...
2009 notes
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image used for Sirion: link
219 notes · View notes
bellaxgiornata · 8 months
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Falling For the Devil [Part ninety: "The Ring"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 4.5k
Summary: Matt takes Foggy with him to finally buy an engagement ring for you.
Or You continually almost stumble onto Matt's hiding places for the ring in the apartment.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut, violence
a/n: One of the updates y'all have been waiting for! It's mostly in Matt's POV but that alternates near the end. Also, this installment means the proposal is now fair game to appear at ANY TIME. Feedback is always appreciated! Also, how am I at NINETY of these now??
Tag List: @ninacottee @mattkinsella @stilldreaming666 @murdocksclient @mascamp02 @1988-fiend @linmarr @pinkratts @schneeflocky @acharliecoxedfan @yarrystyleeza @theetherealbloom @danzer8705 @lionalsowrites @harperdoodle @kmc1989 @lunaticgurly @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment
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“Alright, Matt,” Foggy said with a sigh.
Matt heard the way Foggy stepped inside his office and leant up against the doorframe before loosening his tie. The sound of fabric fibers rubbing against each other was sharp and loud as it met Matt’s ears. His head rose up from his work, his fingers pausing on the braille before him as he focused on Foggy in the doorway, sending him a tight smile.
“What is this super secret thing you wanted to do with me after work today that absolutely could not wait for another day?” Foggy asked.
Matt's brows drew together as he reached over, his fingers pushing up the sleeve of his shirtt as he felt for the time on his watch. “It’s already five?” he asked, double-checking for himself.
“Yup, buddy,” Foggy answered, running a hand through his hair. “The day dragged on, but alas, it is finally over. Or, at least, the work day is. Though my day is not, since, you know, you practically begged me to assist you this evening with something that you would tell me nothing about."
Internally Matt disagreed with the sentiment about the day dragging on as he began to gather up the papers scattered along his desk. For him, it felt like the day had flown by. He'd been trying to focus on his work all day today, but truthfully all he could think about was finding the perfect engagement ring later once he'd finished at the office. He had absolutely no clue what the first thing was when it came to picking an engagement ring. 
And if Matt was being honest, this was the first time in a long time that he found himself feeling self-conscious about being blind. Because it wasn't like he could see all the different styles and options of rings to find the one he wanted–the perfect one that you'd hopefully wear on your finger for years to come. The one that felt like it fit you . The one you'd say yes to. Admittedly it pained him to ask for help with something so personal and intimate, even if Foggy was like a brother to him. He desperately wished this was something he could do on his own. 
"So are you going to tell me what we're doing?" Foggy questioned again. "Is it something to do with Daredevil? Because I'll be honest, buddy, I'm not so sure I want to get involved in anything illegal. I'd like to retain my ability to practice law after all the hard work I put into getting that degree."
Matt laughed lightly, sliding his chair back from his desk. "It's nothing illegal. And it's nothing to do with…that aspect of my life."
"Okay, so then why the cloak and dagger?" Foggy pressed. "If it's not about Daredevil then I don't get what's with–"
Matt's head tilted to the side, his dark brows pinching together the moment he heard Foggy suck in a sharp breath. He abruptly crossed the room, planting both of his hands firmly on Matt's desk.
"Matthew Michael Murdock are you doing what I think you're doing?" Foggy asked, his question hushed and fast.
"I suppose that depends on what you think I'm doing," Matt countered slowly, rising to his feet.
"Are you–" Foggy leaned in closer to him, "– proposing ?"
A grin drew itself onto Matt’s face, one that he couldn’t possibly fight back. Not as the memory of you calling him family from the other day flashed through his mind.
"Well, I need a ring first," he answered.
Foggy’s right hand curled into a fist before he pumped it up and into the air so abruptly that it took Matt by surprise. The loud whoop he emitted next had managed to last a duration of two seconds before Matt had thrown his hand forward, waving it frantically at Foggy and quickly trying to calm him down as panic shot through him.
"Fog, relax," Matt said in a hushed tone, already hearing the clicking of Karen's heels heading towards his office. "I'd like to keep this between us for now so it can remain a surprise."
"Sorry, you just don't know how excited I am right now," Foggy replied in an excited rush. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment, man. I just–"
"What're you so excited about that you're shouting in here without me?" Karen asked, cutting Foggy off. “What moment have you been waiting for?”
Matt could hear the hard swallow from Foggy, noticing the way his friend’s palms had begun to sweat. He was nervous. Which meant Matt probably needed to come up with a fast lie to get Karen off this topic as quick as possible, especially because he was certain that subtle shift in the air was from her gaze curiously dancing back and forth between the pair of them.
“For that new bakery opening up near his apartment,” Matt said, straightening his tie. “He’s been talking about it all week.”
Karen’s eyes narrowed, her head tilting to the side. “He has?” she asked.
Foggy let out a nervous laugh, the sound of which had Matt struggling not to wince. If he kept it up, she’d figure out what was going on in no time. Karen was far too smart and perceptive.
“Suppose it was only to me then,” Matt replied, cutting Fog off before he could speak. “Consider yourself lucky. If I have to hear about bear claws again I might stuff tissues in my ears.”
“Mmm,” Karen hummed out. “Well, I suppose I’m heading home for the night. Unless either of you need anything?”
“No, Karen, we’re just about to head out, too,” Matt said quickly, shooting her a wide smile. “We’ll see you tomorrow morning then.”
“Right,” she replied slowly, dragging the word out. 
There was a brief pause before she said goodbye, and then both Matt and Foggy remained absolutely silent until they’d heard the main office door shut and her heels clicking down the hallway. Foggy exhaled an audible breath, rubbing a hand across his forehead.
“Sorry, Matt,” he apologized. “I forgot she was even here for a moment. It's just–you're going to ask your girl to marry you! This is fantastic news!"
“It’s alright,” Matt assured him with a grin. “But can we just keep this between the pair of us? I’m not sure exactly when I’m proposing, but I’d like it to be a surprise for her. So I’d prefer Karen and Marci not finding out ahead of time–especially Marci. We both know she can’t keep a secret.”
Foggy laughed lightly, shaking his head. “No, that she absolutely cannot do,” he agreed. “So do you know where you want to go to look, or–”
“I know exactly where I want to go,” Matt replied, cutting Foggy off as he made his way around his desk. “I just don’t know exactly what to get.”
“Well you’re in luck, buddy,” Foggy told him. “Because I’ve done this before and it resulted in a positive outcome, so I’d like to think that makes me an expert when it comes to engagement ring shopping.”
Matt chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m counting on it, Foggy.”
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Matt’s fingers ran over the ring in his hand, his lips pursed as he tried to focus on the feel of it. Bringing Foggy with shopping for an engagement ring had proved helpful, he had to admit, but the final decision ultimately came down to him. And picking out a ring hadn’t been easy so far, either. 
Currently he had narrowed his choices down to two, but he was torn between them. One was a yellow gold ring with a solitaire pear-shaped diamond, and the other was a white gold ring with a round solitaire diamond surrounded by a series of smaller ones–apparently called a ‘halo.’ He’d eventually concluded that the ring styles with multitudes of diamonds just didn’t suit you. Because you were not flashy and loud, but rather delicate and understated yourself. He figured he wanted a ring that reflected that, one you’d feel comfortable wearing.
But he was also torn between something he thought you’d like–because the woman helping him had assured Matt that solitaire pear-shaped diamond engagement rings were definitely in right now–or something he thought reflected the relationship you both had. The round solitaire with the halo of diamonds was the one he’d been leaning towards; as tacky as it sounded, the circular shape of the diamond did signify that there was no beginning or end to his love for you, plus it was classic and timeless. And the idea of a halo suited you, after all.
His thumb ran over the pear-shaped diamond again, the tip of it pricking the pad of his finger each time. A frown settled on Matt’s lips.
“What is it?” Foggy asked quietly, leaning in towards him. “You look deep in thought.”
“This one just doesn’t feel right,” Matt murmured, the tip of the diamond sharply catching on his finger again. “In more way than one.”
“Then it’s not the one,” Foggy said simply, plucking it out of Matt’s fingers. "What about the other one? What's that one making you feel?"
Foggy placed the round cut ring into Matt's upturned palm. He could feel the weight of the woman's eyes on him from behind the counter, clearly hoping for a sale. He tried to ignore it as he ran his fingers over the shape of it. Nothing caught his skin uncomfortably as he did, not like the other ring. 
For a moment he stood there, feeling the ring in his hand. He imagined it on your finger as he held your hand–the pair of you out at dinner, sitting on the couch together, or after he'd come home from his night out as Daredevil. He imagined running his thumb along it as he called you his fiancé, hearing the way the muscles would shift in your face as you smiled. Gradually a small smile slid onto his lips at the thought, his thumb running over the diamonds again as he imagined feeling it on your finger with a second band, finally being able to call you his wife. 
"It feels like it's for her," he whispered to Foggy. "This is the one. This is her ring."
"Yes!" Foggy exclaimed, clapping Matt excitedly on the back. "I think I'm shaking in excitement over here, man! I can't believe this is finally happening!"
Matt's smiling face focused back down on the ring in his hand. "I can," he told him. "Because it was always going to be her for me. Knew it from the moment she first stumbled into Josie's."
"Now you just need to propose," Foggy told him, patting him on the back again.
Nerves swirled in Matt’s stomach at the thought of finally asking you that life altering question. He'd had an idea planned for that moment for quite a long time now and he only hoped you liked it when he did finally ask.
"I just hope she says yes," Matt whispered. 
"Of course she will," Foggy said, nudging him with his elbow. "Don't overthink it. She’s crazy in love with you, too. Anyone can see it just by looking at her face, Matt."
You awkwardly unlocked the apartment door while trying not to spill the contents of the takeout bag in your hands. Tonight had been a late night at the office for you, having been busy working on meeting a deadline for Ellison before you left. You'd called Matt at his office earlier, telling him that you'd be the one running late tonight and that you'd grab dinner from the Thai restaurant around the corner before you came home so that he didn’t have to worry about cooking.
Opening the door and stepping inside, you were surprised to be met with silence. Confusion washing over you, you wondered if maybe something had happened in Hell’s Kitchen and Matt had gone out early. As you took your shoes off, placing them under the bench and out of the way so no one would trip on them, you noticed the doors to the closet where Matt kept the trunk of his father's things and his Daredevil suit was partially ajar. 
Brows knitting together, you made your way down the entryway hall towards it. If Matt had gone out, he'd have fully shut the doors after getting dressed. It seemed odd he'd have been in that much of a hurry to forget that.
Though when you neared the closet, you spotted one of his red gloves lying on the floor just behind one of the chairs. Frowning, you stepped over towards it and bent down to pick it up–which was when you finally found Matt.
Dressed in a black-tee shirt and gray sweatpants, his large body was curled up on the leather couch under the plush blanket you'd replaced his plaid one with. He was fast asleep, looking absolutely peaceful, but your heart nearly melted when you spotted Mittens' dark gray body curled into a tight ball against Matt’s chest. Nestled in between Matt's muscular arms, the cat looked even smaller than usual.
A smile gradually made its way onto your lips as you watched the pair of them for a moment. They both looked comfortable and content sleeping as they cuddled up together. Despite Matt’s attempts to tell you he wasn't a cat person–or a pet person of any sort–you'd noticed how often he was usually talking to or playing with the cat. Often when he passed by Mittens laying in his cat tree that you’d recently gotten him, Matt would always stop to pet him. It was such a common occurrence that even Mittens expected it, usually raising his head and softly mewing at Matt whenever he neared.
Glancing down at the glove in your hand, you figured Mittens must have gotten into Matt’s trunk while he was asleep. You knew some nights Matt came home exhausted and didn't fully shut and lock the trunk after himself. Mittens must have opened the closet with his little paws and somehow pushed the lid open. Though how the cat had somehow managed to pull his glove out from under that false bottom was an absolute mystery to you. 
Quietly you crossed the living room, making your way over towards the kitchen table to set down the bag of takeout. When you turned, intending to put away Matt's glove, you spotted him groggily sitting up awake on the couch.
"Hey, Matty," you said, making your way back across the living room. "I just got home. I grabbed dinner–it's on the table. I'm just picking up quick if you want to get started on dinner."
"Picking up?" he asked drowsily. “Picking up what?”
His head was tracking your movements across the apartment, his expression switching from drowsy to alert suddenly.
"Yeah, it looks like Mittens got into your trunk again," you told him. "Pulled out a glove. I was just going to–"
"I got it," he said in a rush. 
You hadn't even had a chance to open your mouth to respond before Matt was at your side, removing the glove from your hand. He sent you a tense smile before he gestured his head towards the kitchen.
"You had a long day," he continued. "Why don't you go start on dinner? I can put this away."
You stood there confused, blinking at him and his odd behavior for a moment. After a few seconds, when he urged you a second time to go get some food, you finally nodded and turned. Heading back towards the kitchen to get everything plated for dinner, you briefly wondered what that had been about.
"Uncle Matt! Uncle Matt!"
The sound of his name ringing out so enthusiastically in the apartment by your now almost four year old nephew easily put the biggest smile onto Matt’s face. He'd barely managed to exit the entryway hall after taking his shoes off before he heard Hudson racing across the apartment. The boy nearly knocked him over when he threw his arms around Matt’s leg, clinging to him in an excited hug.
"Hey, Huds," Matt said with a warm chuckle. "Your aunt told me you might still be here when I got home and I was hoping she was right. I missed you, buddy."
Matt reached his hand down, affectionately ruffling the boy's hair. Hudson giggled, releasing Matt’s leg only long enough to grab onto his hand instead. Matt could hear the way your smile grew from your place on the couch in the living room, watching as Hudson began to drag him into the room further. His heart swelled–he loved you and your family, even if he could still feel Amber occasionally giving him the side-eye when she was around.
“Huds, why don’t we let Matt have a minute to relax?” you suggested. “He just got in the door from work, bud. He might want to get changed.”
Hudson didn’t remotely let up his hold at your suggestion, continuing to drag Matt around the couch. His little hand had a surprisingly strong grip for a toddler. 
Matt shook his head at you, the smile still spread wide over his face. “That’s alright, sweetheart,” he assured you. “I don’t mind at all.”
“I finally got to meet Mittens, Uncle Matt!” Hudson exclaimed, finally dragging Matt to a stop beside the coffee table–though he didn’t relinquish his hold on Matt’s hand. “Hes so soft and cute! And he really liked my dinosaurs!”
“He did?” Matt asked curiously, head tilting to the side.
“Yeah!” Hudson replied. “Momma got me some new ones. Mittens was running around playing with them. It was silly, wasn’t it, auntie?”
Matt heard the way you pushed yourself up from the couch, his attention curiously shifting towards you.
“Yeah, he definitely was having a blast with them,” you agreed, lowering down to your knees before the couch. “And I think he might’ve knocked a couple under here, actually. Ahh, yeah, here they are.”
“There was another one over there,” Hudson said.
Matt’s heart sped up in his chest when he noticed Hudson was pointing near the other side of the apartment. A sharp spike of adrenaline shot through him because he’d moved your engagement ring from the trunk with his suit to behind the radiator after you almost found it last night when he’d been napping on the couch.
“Where’d it go again?” you asked. “Behind the radiator?”
Matt heard the way the air shifted as Hudson nodded his head. The moment he heard you making your way over there he panicked. If you looked back there you’d surely see the ring box he’d tried to hide and he didn’t want to propose to you right here and now, not like this. He had something more planned for that.
“You know what?” Matt said quickly, shooting you a nervous smile as he began walking swiftly towards the radiator. “I can grab it. Don’t worry about it.”
He heard the way you paused, one of your brows raising onto your forehead. He could practically hear you thinking about how weird he was being right now. 
“You’ve had a tough week at the office,” Matt continued, turning and heading over towards the radiator while you were still hesitating. “Just enjoy the time with Hudson.”
“I mean it’s…not that hard to grab something from behind there, Matt,” you said slowly.
His mouth went dry when he heard the strange tone to your voice. Like you thought he was acting off. 
Because admittedly he was.
“Exactly!” he exclaimed.
He shot you a smile over his shoulder as he bent down, sticking his hand behind the radiator. Your eyes were watching him so carefully that he could feel your stare as his fingers brushed over the velvet box. Still smiling at you, he deftly managed to grab both the box and the little dinosaur, pocketing the box discreetly into his suit pocket as he held up the dinosaur in his other hand.
“Found it!” he called out, palms sweating.
Stacking your clean bras in the top drawer of the dresser, you overheard the apartment door opening and closing. You smiled to yourself as you made your way back to the bed, grabbing a stack of your clean socks next. You’d loved living with Matt, adjusting a little faster than you’d anticipated despite some of the small mishaps the pair of you had had over the past couple weeks. 
Glancing up as you headed back to your dresser drawer, you caught sight of Mittens. He’d followed you into the bedroom a bit ago when you’d brought in the load of clean laundry and began to sort through it. He’d long since fallen asleep in his little hammock by the window when you’d started folding the laundry, but the sound of Matt shuffling through the living room had caused him to stir awake. His green eyes were blinking tired and slow, focused on the bedroom door as if he expected Matt to step through.
And sure enough, as you were closing the drawer of the dresser, you felt a pair of hands slip around your waist. The smile on your mouth only grew wider when he leaned over your shoulder, planting a kiss to your cheek.
“Missed you today, sweetheart,” Matt murmured.
“I missed you, too,” you said, turning in his arms. “But we did talk on the phone through part of lunch today, if you remember.”
He hummed in response, nodding his head. “Ahh yes, how could I forget? Katy had some very detailed things to tell you about her date the other night even though she knew you were on the phone with me.”
“Yeah,” you said with a laugh. “She has no shame, that one.”
“Mmm, no, but I’m glad she’s fixated on someone else’s cake for now,” Matt said.
“Ahh yes,” you replied, making your way back towards the bed when Matt released you from his hold. “I’ve heard her talk about that a little too much today, actually. Though she did still say yours is superior, so do not fret, Matt.”
You giggled at the sound of Matt’s groan as you picked up his stack of boxers. Turning, you made your way back towards the dresser, though you noticed the way Matt tensed. Before you could even reach out and open the drawer, Matt had tossed an arm out in front of you, blocking you from the dresser. Taken by surprise, you stopped abruptly and pulled a face.
“What’re you doing?” you asked him.
“I should ask you that as well,” Matt quickly shot back.
You glanced down at the stack of freshly laundered black boxers in your hands. Slowly your attention shifted back up to Matt. One of your brows rose up onto your forehead, your eyes narrowing suspiciously at him.
“Putting away your clean laundry,” you replied. “Obviously.”
Matt’s hands flew forward, taking you yet again by surprise when he grabbed the stack from your hands. The smile on his face looked forced, which only had your eyes narrowing further.
“How about I finish putting away my laundry and you can start the oven?” he asked. “I’ll finish taking care of dinner once I get changed.”
Your eyes gradually slid down towards the dresser, noticing how Matt was now blocking it more fully with his body. Which was…odd.
“Is there something in there you don’t want me to see?” you asked him curiously. “Because I–”
“No!” Matt replied quickly, his smile growing even wider as he shook his head. “No, not at all,” he added, his voice an octave higher than usual. “I just want you to–”
“Relax?” you cut in. “Yeah, you’ve been saying that all week. It’s getting kind of weird, actually.”
“Well you’ve just been so stressed at the Bulletin and dealing with me home most of the week,” Matt told you. “I figured since I’m here I can try to give you some breaks, right? So why don’t you start the oven and relax your pretty little self on the couch with one of your shows, sweetheart. Let me finish this.”
For a moment you stood there, eyeing Matt suspiciously. He was up to something, that much was obvious. But what remained a mystery to you. 
Figuring it had something to do with Daredevil, you sighed and nodded before heading out of the bedroom.
Matt could hear the tension in Foggy’s muscles as he slid the living room window open. From his place on the fire escape, Matt could still hear Marci in their bathroom presumably washing the makeup off of her face.
"What the hell are you doing here, Matt?" Foggy hissed through the opening. "You know you can stop by dressed in normal clothes using the front door, right? Not popping up on the fire escape dressed like that ." 
Foggy dramatically waved his hand, gesturing at Matt’s Daredevil suit. Matt sighed before holding up the box in his hand, hearing the way Foggy gasped the moment he noticed it.
"Wait, are you proposing to her?" Foggy asked in shock. "Oh buddy, please tell me you're not doing it in the suit. Because as much as I'm sure you think she might enjoy it, I don't think she'd actually want you–"
"Fog, stop," Matt said, waving his hand at him. "Of course I'm not proposing to her in the suit. I'm not proposing tonight, I just came to ask you a huge favor."
He heard the way Foggy’s eyes narrowed, his head tilting curiously to the side. In the other room, Marci was still thankfully washing her face.
"What sort of favor are we talking about?" he asked slowly.
"Can you keep this here?" Matt practically begged, holding the box with the ring in it higher. "Preferably somewhere Marci can't find it and spoil the surprise? Because I have been going insane this week, Fog. Every time I hide it somewhere I think she'd never go–the radiator, next to my suit in the trunk, my damn shoes–she keeps almost finding it. And Fog, buddy, I can't take the anxiety anymore. I swear she must already think something is going on."
"Okay, yeah, sure," Foggy replied, accepting the box Matt practically shoved at him. "I can keep it safe here until you need it."
"Oh thank God," Matt said with a relieved sigh. "You have no idea how grateful I am. I owe you one."
"Think you owe me more than one, Matt," Foggy countered.
Matt sent Foggy a sheepish smile. He was about to respond when he heard the faucet turn off in the bathroom. 
"Marci is about done, I got to go," Matt said in a rush. "Hide that somewhere good, please. But…don't forget where, either."
As Matt turned and hopped over the fire escape railing, he caught Foggy’s promise to safeguard his ring, considering it his first duty as Best Man. The comment had Matt grinning as he continued to make his way down the side of the building.
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ruh--roh-raggy · 6 months
Home Sweet Home (William Afton x Wife! Reader) - Part 5
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Hello hello! After a bit of a delay I am very happy to present you with part 5 of Home Sweet Home! This chapter we get to see William and Reader's first date, super cute, super fluffy, I've been dealing with a lot of emotions so a lot of gentle reassuring William about readers self doubts. I hope you guys enjoy, if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!
You can find my Masterlist here!
Word Count: 4,913
Part 4 - Part 6
You stretched with a soft sigh, your feet sliding against the cool, soft sheets. A smile spreads across your face at the feeling of William’s arm slung over your waist. Your eyes fluttered open, a thin slit of light through your heavy curtains the only indicator that it was morning. You roll over, your hand trailing over his stomach as you cuddle into his chest. He lets out a soft hum as he wakes up, “good morning beautiful.” His voice raspy and thick with sleep.
“Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.” You whisper, placing a soft kiss to his chest.
“Why are you apologizing? I get woken up to the most beautiful sight in the world.” He tilts your chin up, his lips capturing yours in a slow, needy kiss. His hand kneads at your waist, you smile as his mustache tickles your nose.
“What's the plan for today?” He rolls into his back with a groan, pulling you on top of him in the process. You lay your chin on his chest, bright, sparkling eyes staring up at him. He smiles softly, tucking some loose hair behind your ear.
“Well,” he starts, “we need to go to the store, we’ll try to make it quick but we have nothing.” You both share a chuckle. “And then we come back here and work our butts off until dinner.”
“And see you be all sexy and strong lifting those heavy boxes again? Yes please.” You grin at him, yelping as he lightly pinches your butt.
“You always have your mind in the gutter, don't you?” He teases back. “I'm surprised you can still even consider me sexy.”
“Now what is that supposed to mean?” You reach up to gently caress his cheek, he lets out a soft sigh as he leans into your touch. “You're not allowed to be mean to my husband, I'll have to beat you up.” He chuckles at your serious expression.
“I'm an old man now, rabbit.” He responds wistfully, combing his fingers through your hair as he studies your face. “I'm definitely not the rugged, muscular little punk I used to be.” He chuckles and you can't help but breathe out a laugh in response. Remembering all the photos of a much skinnier more awkward reflection of your husband that Henry had shown you. ‘The pride and joy of our robotics team.’ he would always muse, struggling not to get emotional over the loving expression you had while looking at them. “I've got all these wrinkles now, my hair’s going gray-”
“William,” he snaps his mouth shut at the sound of your voice. Your age difference was something that had eaten at him since the two of you had first started dating. Always worried he was going to move too fast or make you feel tied down. He never could quite wrap his head around how a pretty young thing like you could stand being around a miserable old fart like him. “It wouldn't matter if you were 20 years younger and were built like some sort of Greek God.” You shuffle around under the blankets, allowing you to push yourself up enough to be face to face with him, the tip of your nose brushing his as you talk. “I wouldn't give up any of the time you and I have spent together for anything. Will, I love you. A few wrinkles and a change in your hair color isn't going to change any of that.”
“So, you don't mind that I don't have shredded abs?” He jokes, making you laugh in response. Despite the sudden loss of seriousness you could tell your words helped.
“Abs are overrated,” you shoo off the thought with your hand. “I happen to love your soft tummy.” You state matter-of-factly.
“Well I'm glad.” He pulls you in for a soft kiss. “You’re perfect, you know that?” He mumbles against your lips.
“You're one to talk.” You quip back. He smiles before pulling you back to him. You hum as you feel his arm tighten around your waist, wanting to feel every curve of your body pressed firmly to his. The way William’s lips moved against yours was slow and methodical, he always knew how to kiss you in a way that left you feeling utterly breathless and dizzy by the end of it. You rest your forehead against his when you separate. Both of you shared soft, tired smiles as you enjoyed being in each other's company. He reaches over to his nightstand with a groan, wiping his hand down his face before putting on his glasses.
“What do you say sweetheart? Ready to start the day?” You nod, both of you reluctantly leaving the warmth of your bed and each other's arms as you got ready to tackle whatever obstacles you would face.
You stood at William’s side, trying to manage your wild bed head as he brushed his teeth. “What do you want for dinner?” He asks with a mouthful of toothpaste.
“I don't know, something easy.” You wince slightly as your brush gets caught on a particularly nasty snarl. “We could always get something frozen to throw in the oven I guess.”
“Absolutely not, I won't let my wife eat that filth if I can help it.” He places a kiss on your head as he heads out of the bathroom. You chuckle, shaking your head in response. “Think about it, I'm gonna go start the car.” He disappears around the door with a wink. You groaned at his request, you hated making food decisions. You threw on some clothes, deeming your appearance good enough for the grocery store, before heading downstairs. William stood at your kitchen counter, holding an old recipe book that looked almost comically small in his massive hands.
“Whatcha got there?” He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
“I saw this in your box of memories yesterday.” He smiles down at you, lowering the book in order to make it easier for you to read it. You looked at the worn, yellowing pages with a special fondness. This was the one cookbook William owned, a collection of recipes put together by a group of little old ladies around Hurricane. One of them managed to pass it off to him at their grandson’s birthday years ago, saying how a hard working man like him deserved some good home cooked meals every now and then. You ran your fingers over your husband’s handwriting in the margins next to one recipe ‘add garlic’. On the next page there was a recipe for chocolate cake, next to it in your own neat script it read ‘Will’s favorite' punctuated with a heart.
“Is this the one that has-”
“The recipe from our first date.” You finish in unison.
“Yes it is.” He chuckles. You remembered it like it was yesterday. The whole morning went horribly before you were supposed to spend the day with Will, you were about ready to call him to reschedule. “I think we both could use some comfort food tonight, what do you think?”
“I think that sounds wonderful.” You jump slightly as he snaps the cookbook shut in front of your face, you push him playfully before the two of you head out.
Will’s hand was warm as he held your own, his thumb languidly rubbing over your knuckles as he drove. Your eyes trailed over the treeline as it whipped past your window, smiling softly to yourself as you reminisced about how something as small and silly as beef stew could hold such a powerful memory.
You tried your best to quiet your sniffling as you listened to the phone ring, your heart jumping into your throat when you heard the click of the receiver being picked up. “Hello?” You felt yourself begin to well up all over again at the sound of his voice.
“Hey William, it’s-uh, it’s me.” You hoped he would be able to recognize your voice despite it cracking. “I think I'm going to need to reschedule-”
“Honey what's wrong?” The genuine concern in his voice opened the floodgates. A sob cracked free from your throat as you tried to explain the situation. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”
“No.” You manage to croak out.
“Can I come see you?” You froze for a moment. He wasn't mad about you canceling at the last minute, he just wanted to make sure you were okay.
“Yeah, that's fine.” You stutter.
“I'll be there in about fifteen minutes, okay?” You nod before remembering he couldn't see you. You rolled your eyes over how ridiculous you were being.
“Okay, I'll be here.” You sniffle before hanging up. You jumped as your buzzer rang, picking yourself up to the couch and slowly shuffling over to unlock the door. You undid the chain latch, meeting William in the hallway.
“Rabbit,” he starts softly. Seeing your cheeks still red and streaked with tears from another wave of crying that had hit you when he was on his way over. “Come here beautiful.” You hurried forward, melting into his embrace as he wrapped his strong arms around you. His fingers gently slide into your hair, cradling your head against his chest. You felt stupid for crying, you were supposed to be going out on this big, fancy date William had set up and now you've ruined it.
“I'm sorry.” You manage to get out after you have calmed yourself down somewhat. “You went through all the trouble of getting us that reservation-” he cuts you off, quietly shushing you as he continues to hold you, slightly rocking side to side.
“It’s okay bunny. It's not like we’re going to get banned from the restaurant for canceling our table.” He chuckles, managing to elicit a soft laugh from you as well. “But, I would like to know what's making my girl so upset.” He nods in the direction of your apartment. “Would it be alright if I came in for a minute?” You nod, his hand instantly taking yours as you separated from his embrace.
“I'm sorry about the mess, this morning definitely didn't go as planned.” He looked around the cramped space. The flowers William had sent you lay on the kitchen counter, the stems still glistening with water. A half cleaned up pile of broken glass lay on the floor next to the counter. He noticed a white dress that appeared to be covered in some type of tomato sauce laying in a heap on the dining room table. You started to explain before he even had a chance to question it. “My roommate got into a big fight with her boyfriend this morning.” William sat next to you where you had positioned yourself on the couch, elbows resting on his knees and his hands folded neatly in front of him as he listened attentively to what you had to say. “I was woken up by them yelling at each other, I heard some glass smash so I came out here to try and diffuse the situation. It turns out he had smashed the vace I had put your flowers in onto the floor.” You let out a weak chuckle as you felt a tear slip down your cheek. William reaches over, intertwining his fingers with yours in an attempt to offer some form of comfort without risking overwhelming you further. “And my-uh, my dress…” you looked over at the table, your throat growing tight at the sight. “He also ruined my dress in the process of us throwing him out. So now I have nothing to wear, and the flowers you got me are starting to wilt, and I ruined our date-”
“Woah, sweetheart, slow down. You didn't ruin anything.” He moves closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you into his chest. “There’s going to be plenty of other fancy dinners. Baby, I'm not upset over you not wanting to go out after the morning you've had.” He places a kiss on the top of your head, his thumb soothingly rubbing your shoulder. “Would you like to come spend the day at my place?” He asks in an almost timid manner. You look up at him, eyes still wet with tears. It made his chest tighten, you looked so small against his much larger form.
“I'd like that.” You smile.
“You go get ready, I'll clean up in here.” He offers with a small nod.
“Oh, I can't ask you to do that.” Your breath catches in your throat as he gently tilts your chin up with his fingers.
“Don't worry about it bunny.” He tucks some hair behind your ear. He nods for you to go get ready. You scurry off to your room, William cleaning up the glass on the floor. He searched through your cupboards, finding a suitable enough vessel to hold the flowers you seemed to love. He smiles at how adorable you were, getting upset over something so simple, it was sweet. His attention turned to the dress on the table, making an irritated sound as he picked it up. It wasn't a guarantee he would be able to get the sauce out, but hand washing it in the sink couldn't hurt. He thought about how pretty you would've looked all dressed up. Though somehow he thinks your new plan would end up being more fun.
You hurriedly looked through your closet for something to wear, not wanting to appear like you were trying too hard to impress him. You decided on a cute pair of jeans and your favorite T-shirt. You passed back out into the kitchen, smiling as you saw the large man hunched over your sink, trying to get the stain out of your dress. “Will?” He paused, a smile creeping across his features. This was the first time you had called him Will.
“I got it mostly out, we can throw it in the wash at my place if you want.” You nod, smiling at him adoringly.
“I wouldn't want to trouble you.” You start.
“It's no problem.” He rushes to reassure you. He slowly steps closer to you, almost as if he was worried he was going to scare you off. “You, uh, look like you’re going to cry again.”
“You’re just really nice, that’s all.” You crack out a laugh, William chuckling alongside you.
“Well, I’d like to be able to take care of my girl when she needs me.” He winks, making your cheeks flush. He holds out his arm for you to take, you smile softly as he pulls you into his side.
William opened the door, letting you step inside before him. You neatly tucked your shoes beside the door before padding across the soft gray carpet. Looking around you would definitely define William as a minimalist. You didn’t see any pictures or trinkets, everything was very neat and orderly. “Make yourself comfortable, I’m going to go start something for dinner.” You ended up trailing after him into the kitchen, wanting to spend as much time with him as you could. He unzips his hoodie, tossing it at you with a flirtatious smile. “You look cold.” You slip your arms into the too long sleeves, blushing slightly as you wrap yourself up in the warm fabric. William’s sweatshirt smelled like machine oil, cheap cigarettes, and musky, warm cologne. He pulled out a large wooden cutting board from one of the drawers, brandishing a pristinely sharp knife not long after. He hums softly to himself as he wanders around his kitchen, pulling ingredients from cupboards and setting them all out in a row on the counter top. He pulls out a large stew pot from a small closet, setting it on the stove as he sets in motion preparing the meal he had decided on.
“Do you want any help?” You offer with a smile.
“You just sit back and relax, bunny. Throwing this together shouldn’t take me too long.” The two of you chatted idly as he cooked. You had always enjoyed William’s dry humor, but this was the first time you had seen his full genuine personality outside of Freddy’s.
“You’re a gossip!” You exclaim your accusation through a fit of laughter. He gives you an offended look, his hand clapping against his chest.
“Me? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You couldn’t miss the smirk that passed across his lips as he turned his attention back to the cutting board. “You’re acting like I don’t know about your and Ashley’s little gossip sessions at the prize counter.” He rebuttals in a teasing tone. He straightens up, striding over to you. He puts a hand on either side of your thighs, caging you on the counter, “I bet you talk about me, don’t you?” He gives you a wink and a lopsided smile. Your cheeks immediately heated up as you thought about how much his name actually came up between the two of you. He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead before moving away. He glances up at you as he slides a cutting board of carrots into the large pot at his side. “I’m glad you’re finally starting to relax.” He remarks happily.
“You promise you’re not mad about having to cancel the reservation?” You ask nervously, balling up the sleeves of his sweatshirt in your hands.
“I’m happy just spending time with you.” A small smile creeps across your lips at the sincerity in his voice. “You had a bad morning, I wouldn’t want to go out either.” He reaches out for your hand, you accept his request with a flustered grin. “Plan’s can change, okay? I won’t be upset.” He tries his best to reassure you.
It was a rainy day outside, the stew was left to cook on the stove. Will held your hand loosely in his, giving it a gentle squeeze whenever he reached a point of interest when he was talking about one of his newest projects. He leads you into his workshop, keeping you close to him as he guides you around various piles of mechanical parts. His hands find their way to your waist, easily lifting you from the floor to set you on a clear space of workbench. He bumps a button with his elbow, the garage opening to let in some of the warm, damp air from outside. “Mr. Emily was right about you being a workaholic.” You tease.
“It’s not my fault there's always work to be done.” He bites the tip of his tongue as he concentrates on what he had pulled in front of him, you noticed the glint of something silver catching on his front teeth.
“Will… is that a piercing?” You ask with genuine curiosity. His eyes widened slightly for a second before he cursed under his breath.
“I forgot I had that in.” He admits bashfully. “I got it in college, I just got so used to wearing it I never let it close.” You hop down from your position perched on the workbench, placing yourself directly in front of him.
“Show me.” You nod up at him. He raises an eyebrow and smirks slightly at your demanding town. He stoops lower, bringing himself face to face with you.
“I don’t know,” he purrs, “you didn’t ask very nicely.” You swallow thickly at his gravelly tone.
“Show me, please?” You try again. He chuckles at your flustered appearance before sticking out his long tongue, showing off the silver barbell. “Wow.” You found yourself nearly drooling at the sight of it, something about the small piercing made your heart race in your chest. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that William was a very attractive man, with his sharp features and broad, strong body he's drawn the attention of many wandering eyes. But, this new found detail about him only seemed to highlight the tough yet playful attitude you had grown enamored by.
“Maybe if you're good I'll show you how talented I am at putting it to good use.” He winks with a smirk. “Come on, this stuff can wait.” He places a kiss to the top of your head, wrapping an arm around your waist as you're escorted back inside of the house. It hadn't occurred to you just how much of Will’s day you had disrupted up until now. He was supposed to come pick you up at six o'clock sharp, glancing at a clock that ticked quietly on the wall you had realized it wasn’t even eleven.
“Will, I don't want to get in your way if you're busy.” You speak up, both of you pausing in unison.
“Bunny, let me tell you something.” He fully turns to face you, his hands resting comfortably on your waist. His dark silver eyes held a particular softness as they scanned over your features, his hands sliding around your back to pull you closer to him. He speaks in a low tone, giving the conversation a new found sense of intimacy. “I'm in no rush to get that work done, and if I'm being entirely honest if you left right now I wouldn't be able to get the image of how cute you look in my sweatshirt out of my head all day.” He breathes out a laugh. “I know you're worried about being a disruption but honey I promise you you're not. I want to spend time with you, I want to be there to make you feel better. If that means pushing off a couple projects to cook a homemade meal and to spend the day with you… we'll, I don't know about you but that sounds pretty alright to me.” He smiles softly at you, giving you time to allow his words to sink in.
You couldn't get over just how different he was than anyone you had been with in the past. There was no yelling because of the wasted effort, no being left alone to wallow in how awful you felt about messing everything up. Right now there was only you and William; how warm his large hands felt as he soothingly rubs his thumbs over your waist, how the smell of dinner cooking in the kitchen drifted through the hall, how he looked at you with so much kindness and understanding, and that was plenty. You pushed into him, burying your face against his chest as you welled up with emotion. William held you tightly against him, determined to brush away any negative thoughts that tried to creep their way in from the back of your mind. He had a pretty good idea of the guys you had experienced before him, the shithead he had met before he confessed to you said enough. You were used to being pushed around and treated like you were never enough, leaving you to feel like you were always taking up too much space and anything that went wrong immediately fell into your lap. William hoped that, given enough time, he would be able to help you remedy that way of thinking. “How about we throw on a movie? It's Saturday, there's bound to be something on.” He offers in a patient tone.
“I'd like that.” You sniffle in response. You slip your hand into his, allowing him to guide you to the living room. He pulled you into his side as he clicks on the TV, absentmindedly flicking through the station past re-runs of whatever shitty sitcom happened to be on and action movies that would definitely ruin the quiet intimacy the two of you had fallen into. He paused on a romantic comedy, looking down to gauge your reaction. You adjusted yourself in order to be more comfortable, your arm resting across Will’s stomach as your head fell against his shoulder. He was praying you wouldn't ask him anything about the movie he had thrown on, he wouldn't have been able to focus on it right now if he tried. Your small form was so warm against his side, the sweet scent of your shampoo was nearly intoxicating as he waited for you to get comfortable. He pulls the blanket off of the back of the couch, laying it over both of your laps.
“Will?” You call for him softly.
“Yes, rabbit?” His eyes drift down to you and the sight alone was enough to nearly break him. You looked so incredibly tiny curled up against him, your big doe eyes holding so much adoration as you gazed up at him. William froze, feeling as if he even breathed in this moment it would be over.
“Thank you for taking care of me today.” His heart nearly jumped out of his chest at the sight of your sweet smile. You slowly and carefully pushed yourself upwards, your lips pressing against his scruffy cheek.
“Of course, bunny.” He smiles, eyes dropping to your lips for a brief moment before he shook the thought from his mind. Today was about making sure you were alright, kissing you should be the furthest thing from his mind right now. Unfortunately for him, it was all he was able to think about since the two of you had started seeing each other. He hadn't kissed you since the night of his confession, worried that he would take things too quickly without realizing it. He jumped slightly as the timer on the stove started to beep. “I'll be right back.” He places a kiss to your forehead before getting up. Once he enters the kitchen, out of your line of sight, he drags a hand down his face with a soft groan. “Get a hold of yourself.” He chastises himself quietly.
You remained curled up on the sofa, smiling to yourself as you ran your fingers over the soft material of the blanket William had draped over your legs. You glanced back at the kitchen before turning back to the TV with a soft sigh. There was something about being with William that was so undeniably effortless; the way he pulled you into his arms, your body molding to his like you were always made to be pressed against one another, the softness in his voice that was reserved just for you, how the smell of his cologne calmed your ever racing mind. Your fingers drifted to your bottom lip, breathing out a laugh as you thought about your first kiss. It felt like a lifetime since then, your mind often wandering to the memory, leaving your heart racing and your cheeks flushed. You knew William wanted to take things slow, he was very concerned about you feeling pressured to do things you weren't comfortable with just because he was older. Even though you constantly reassured him that wasn't the case he still seemed to treat you as if you were made of glass. You heard the soft clinking of him grabbing soup mugs from a cabinet, your feet thudding softly against the hardwood floor as you stood from the couch. You sucked in a deep breath as you nervously made your way towards the kitchen, thumb running over the worn fabric of your boyfriend’s sweatshirt. William stood at the stove, humming softly to himself as he added the finishing touches on the dinner he prepared. You swallowed thickly as you watched his muscles shift underneath his fitted black T-shirt. “Will?” You continued to walk forward as you called his name, knowing if you stopped now you would lose your nerve. He turns to face you, his silver eyes catching yours. His arms opened to greet you the moment he realized how close you already were, your hands slid over his shoulders as his landed on your waist. You pushed yourself up on your toes, guiding his lips down to meet yours. He lets out a surprised yet pleased sound, melting into you as he kisses you back. You both pulled back, breathless and wide eyed. He swore every time he looked at you he found something new to fall in love with. The blush that dominated your cheeks from doing something so bold, how small you looked wrapped up in his sweatshirt, he hoped he would be able to keep the memory of you looking like this forever.
“Will?” He’s jolted back to the present by you nudging his shoulder. “Everything alright, baby? You spaced out.” He looked down at you now by his side. Your soft smile and twinkling eyes are still as captivating as they always have been.
“Yeah bunny, I'm alright. Just thinking about our first date.” He smiles. The two of you stood in your kitchen preparing the ingredients for the stew, the sound of you singing along to the radio a learned comfort to William’s ears. He still couldn't wrap his head around why you chose him of all people, his gruff and dry demeanor was a sharp contrast to your bubbly personality. Yet, despite how difficult he knew he could be sometimes, your love for one another never waivered. It took him a long time to be able to provide for you the way he felt you deserved, lots of late nights at the pizzeria and sacrifice were needed to get to where the two of you are now. But, through every rough patch, every struggle that would have seemed insurmountable on his own, it only solidified one thing.
You loved each other.
Tag List: @yellowbunnydreams @zoey5252 @redflowery @loudchaosking @weirdoartist21 @residentevilbeast @lokanda (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know!)
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dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
Al and Seth run into problems, SugarBoo won't allow it.
{cw: homophobia, social anxiety, biblical-esque titles(?) and me calling SugarBoo both Sugar and Boo}
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Seth shrugged on his coat, being careful to not reap the baker's stitch-work as he did.
Waiting by the door with fidgeting hands, Seth had wondered over and over and over again about why the couple housing him had asked him to tag along on a grocery trip.
Technically, Sugar had told him why.
" I'm runnin' low on supplies, and I don't want you here alone. "
I don't want you here alone.
The brunet rolls his lips together, knowing the implications behind their worry; his bruise - though having stopped it's swelling - still stung and his body still ached.
Seth sighed harshly through his nose, bunching up his brows and leaning his side to the door with crossed arms, wallowing.
If I had just -
" What'er you poutin' about, cowboy? You in time-out or somethin'? "
Seth jolts at the familiar voice.
Practically snapping his head to look at the pastel punk heading his way, throwing his jacket on and fixing it to sit properly on his broad shoulders.
Alphonse had a brow raised and sassy pout dressed on his lips - Seth scoffed at his playful demeanor, rolling his eyes and pushing off the woodwork to look at him head on. " I am not in time-out, just waiting for your slow self ta giddyap. "
" Don't start with the pissing contest boys, " Boo rounds the corner from the master bedroom, bundled up in a - clearly stolen - hoodie, " we've got places to be. "
They breeze past an incredulously faced Alphonse and towards Seth, who stiffens when they reach around him and grab their keys; turning their gaze to him with soft, lidded eyes.
" So, giddyap. "
Seth was practically glued to the couple - Boo, who pushed the cart and Alphonse, who touched every little thing that caught his eye - feeling skittish about being out in such a crowded area.
His eyes bounce between heads, waiting to see ones that set of the alarms. An impending tar pours over his heart; heavy, unrelenting and painfully difficult to ignore.
" Seth. "
Brown eyes find blue ones.
" You okay? Boo kept callin' you but you were kinda...zonin' out. " Alphonse tilts his pastel head at the shorter and Seth realizes that they're in the frozen isle - or maybe the trembling he was suddenly experiencing was from anxiety knawing at his bones.
Seth can't find his voice quick enough, gesturing with his hands as he fumbles over his words; feeling eyes bore at the back of his head.
" I - uhm - yeah! I-I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine? " The brunet glances at the products chilling behind glass doors, " so, ice cream? "
Seth's relieved when Sugar follows along, shifting their weight to show him what was inside the rows, " how do you feel about sharing some neapolitan? "
" Harlequin. " Al says in a quiet pout to himself, Boo seems to hear him despite it. " You really like that name for it now, aye sweet thing? "
Seth chuckles - relaxing - as Alphonse leans his head on top of theirs, mumbling a small confirmation and gazing beady eyed at the tri-colored tub. Seth sees Sugar still waiting for his response with patient eyes, " I don't mind, never really ate it before. "
Sugar nods and grabs the ice cream, shutting the door and making Al cling onto them, giving them a quick back hug and cheek kiss before pulling away.
" We're almost done, just need some new piping tubes. " Boo pulls out their phone after placing the ice cream in the half-full cart, " don't say anything about that, Al. "
Seth looks at the male next to him; the tall fever dream slouches and pouts again, muttering a small 'I'm not that predictable' under his breath.
Boo starts pushing the cart away and the boys start following; Seth sighs discreetly and shoves his hands in his jeans pockets, wondering if the older citizens remember him.
Remember his unsaintly tendencies.
Seth feels something tug at his wrist; he panics instinctively. Eyes tearing to the connection and seeing a hand encompassing it; his eyes lead him up the arm to -
His dyed head was turned away from him but Seth could see the tips of his ears turn pink. The male's grip was featherlight and gently coaxing him to keep walking.
Seth slides his hand out his pocket and their hands fall interlocked; naturally and out of instinct.
The brunet's head blanks as he continues walking forward - nevermind his ears and face burning hot - he can't even feel people in the isle start staring.
Time flies quickly after Al's display of comfort and soon the trio is stationed at the cashier, placing everything on the moving rack.
" D'you two want any candies while we're here? " Boo asked thumbing through their bills, Alphonse jumped up instantly and nodded, excited.
Seth admired the male who scanned through the limited array of brightly colored sweets; a smile slipping onto his face fondly, softly squeezing his hand when the pastel punk crouched to see them more properly.
The southern male turns his attention to Sugar as Al hops up with a small package, he wanted to ask if they would like anything but -
The sentence dies on his tongue as the deadpanned stare Sugar's giving him - no, not him but behind him.
Seth takes a peek and sees an older woman looking away uncomfortably. She catches his eyes for a second and it's blatant that she's...unapproving of him and the blue eyed candy addict next to him.
All three jump at the noise, the older woman more so. Seth looks at what made the noise and sees a divider being white-knuckled in Boo's hand.
" There you go, " Boo spits, eyes dark even under the florescent lights, " you can stop staring now. "
The woman doesn't get a word out before Sugar speaks again; a little quieter and more softly, " can you two start baggin' the stuff? "
Seth and Alphonse nod, walking to end of the register with their hands still connected; forcing the woman and Sugar to stand closer. Boo gave the woman a nasty look when they paid.
The trio make it outside the grocery store, the sky halfway to dusk and glimmering faintly with stars. All holding a variety of bags on their arms while they walk to the car.
Seth had to let go of Alphonse for this but he still reminisced about what happened.
That behavior wasn't anything new to him, but the fact that somebody actually said something about it was...odd?
Unfamiliar? Unnatural?
Seth can't quite put his finger on it, he just knew that it made him feel weird - not a bad weird, but 'this is something new' weird - he kinda liked it.
Big brown eyes glance at the leading figure, Sugar already fast approaching the car. A warm feeling almost brings Seth to his knees when he looks at them.
He'd never felt comfortable in this town - he always felt antagonized; evil, wrong.
Never in his life did he think he'd ever be seen as human or worth protecting. Not since his mama left him here; she was his sole protector.
His saint in this hell hole.
But now, he - and his soul bound partner - had another haven.
Another saint amongst the evil.
• • • ★ • • •
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Teaser Idiot - (Y. JW)
football player!Jungwon × Reader
Summary: You never imagined that one day you would share a house with a boy, and that boy would be the hottest in the entire college. Yang Jungwon.
Warnings: reader with impure thoughts, insinuation of sex.
Hello people, I've been with this project for some time, and I'm just finishing it. I hope you enjoy the story preview. I have the list of tags open! If you are interested just comment ✨
The boy tried to talk to you all day, but you ran away, like he was the one with a contagious disease. Some people in the halls found it strange to see the star of the football team looking their way so much.Jungwon had a little hope of being able to talk to you at night in the shared apartment, but apparently he was wrong too.
— We need to talk, open the door. — He's been trying to convince you to open the door of his room for a few minutes.
You pretend not to hear the boy and turn up the music on your phone to drown out the sounds of his voice.
— Are you putting Chase Atlantic so you can't hear my voice? Serious?
You don't trust yourself to talk to the boy right now. My god, why doesn't the image of him with only a towel around his waist leave your mind? You had seen other boys like this before. Why did he look so sinful? The butterflies in your stomach increase just thinking about the boy without the towel. How he must endure several rounds for being an athlete. Or his head between his legs.
Have self control, he's an idiot. Remember all the times he stressed you out.
— I think I have a spare key to his room. I'll go get it — He talks to himself, and soon you can hear the footsteps walking away from the door and minutes later coming back.
Is he really going to open the door?
Upon hearing the key, you scream the first excuse that pops into your mind.
— I'm not wearing anything Jungwon.
For a moment the key stops and he is silent.
— Was that an invitation?
— What? No! — Did that “no” sound convincing?You hope so.
— I don't mind talking to you without clothes. So the situation is fair with what happened in the morning.
Damn it.
— It wasn't my choice to see you almost naked. — You say offended.
— No? So why are you staring at me like you want me to put you over the sink and fuck you?
Hell, you didn't have a good answer for that.
— Can we talk some other time? I am busy now.
He thinks for a moment, agrees and leaves towards his own room.
You breathe a sigh of relief that you manage to get rid of the conversation once again. But what Jungwon said just a few minutes ago still sticks in your mind, and apparently it wasn't going to come out as soon as you wanted.
— You haven't been very happy for a few days, but today you look worse. Won't you tell me what's going on? — her friend Yuri asks.
And at that moment you decide that you are no longer going to hide the reason for your daily stress. And he tells her that he is sharing the apartment with Jungwon.
— Oh my god, are you living with Yang Jungwon? The hottest guy on the football team? I envy you.
— What? Don't be jealous, he's an idiot.
— Okay, let's find reasons not to like him. Is he disorganized? Does his stuff smell weird? Does he not shower?
Damn it. Jungwon was very organized, at least in the apartment. The kitchen is always clean, and the living room is organized. And no, his stuff smells wonderful, especially his clothes. And Jungwon seems to be addicted to bathing.
— He's perfect, isn't he? - Yuri teases you.
— No. He's an idiot who thinks he's better than everyone else.
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prime-adeptus · 5 months
it’s so sweet, knowing that you love me
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Everything feels better when Genji is with you.
( genji shimada x gender-neutral reader | ~0.8k words )
content: emotional hurt/comfort, some fluff, established relationship (can be read as either romantic or platonic, whichever you’d prefer :)) genji loves u <3
etc: divider by cafekitsune; tagging @angelshub @bitchcraftinc @enchantedforest-network @ghostqueue; cross-posted on ao3
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“I have not seen you around recently.”
You look up to find Genji leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. Quite some time has passed since you first met him. If you were younger, you would’ve jumped out of your skin at his unexpected arrival, but you didn’t. Instead, you didn’t bat an eye, far too jaded to be surprised by anything anymore.
“I’ve been busy,” you say.
Your words feel practised, dishonest, though they aren’t entirely false. Between the increasing Null Sector attacks and the pressure Soldier: 76 has been putting on you, time has felt like it’s been slipping out of your hands. You wish you could be as uplifting as Lena, or maybe as relaxed as Cassidy. It’s never been in your nature to relax, you suppose, having been raised in a disciplinarian family. Yet here you are, curled up in your blankets as you wallow in self-pity, looking the most pathetic you ever have in front of him. 
He doesn’t seem bothered by it, something you can’t decide whether to feel thankful or upset about. Guilt begins to seep into your system as he takes a seat on the edge of your bed. As if he can sense your spiral into pessimism—he probably can, he’s known you for long enough—he laces his fingers with yours, the metal cool against your skin.
A beat of silence passes.
He hums, waiting for you to continue.
“I’m sorry.”
You don’t like him seeing you in such a state. Genji caresses the back of your hand with his thumb, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. It’s hard to discern what he’s thinking. He’s been keeping his mask on more frequently, just out of habit, but a part of you wishes you could just see his eyes on you one more time.
“I know you didn’t mean to ignore me,” he speaks up, turning his head in your direction. “But I have missed you. That’s why I came here.”
You manage a weak smile. “I missed you too.”
“Cassidy has been asking for you as well.” There’s an amused lilt in his voice. “He said it’s sad not having his favourite sharpshooter around.”
That gets a chuckle out of you. “His favourite sharpshooter?”
“Yes. And mine too.”
Heat rises to your cheeks at how easily he says it. The fact that he’s holding your hand isn’t helping much, either. Still, it amazes you how a simple two words can make you feel the lightest you’ve ever been. You missed this. You missed him.
“Don’t say it like that,” you mumble, flustered. “I’m trying to mope, Genji.”
“I am not allowing it.” He lets go of your hand and you’re already missing his touch, your bottom lips slightly jutting into a pout at his sudden movement. It doesn’t last long, though, now that he’s shifted his position so he’s laying his head on your lap. “And I was only telling the truth.”
“Shut up.” There’s no actual malice in your words. Even without your other hand coming down to cup the side of his face, you think he knows that very well too. “You can’t just come in here and get me all soft and mushy, you know. You’re so mean.”
“I am mean?” he retorts in mock offence. “I tell you that I miss you, but I am mean.”
“Yeah. The meanest.” You giggle, bringing his hand up to your lips to press a gentle kiss on it. With a pleased sigh, you feel your worries ebb away and let yourself sink into the comfort he brings you. “I’ll probably come back tomorrow. I’m feeling better anyway—”
“You will come see me first, yes?”
You playfully nudge his head away, avoiding his gaze again because somehow it’s like second nature for him to make you feel this way. Like you’re a blushing protagonist of a romance story. In a last ditch attempt to keep your cool, you clear your throat and say in the most deadpan tone you can muster.
“Actually, I think I’ll see Winston first.”
“You would prefer him over me?” You can practically hear him sulking. “And you say that I am mean.”
You find yourself smiling at how natural it feels to fall back into this kind of rhythm with him despite all your setbacks and isolation. It makes your heart swell in joy, being cared for and understood by someone like him. 
“Hey, get up,” you urge him gently. He does so without question, though he still tilts his head at you curiously. You scoot forward, finally leaving the mass of blankets to throw yourself in his arms, pressing a kiss to where his cheek would be. “I love you, Genji.”
He lets out a content sigh. “I love you too. You don’t have to push yourself so hard.”
You fall into a comfortable silence. In the embrace of the one you love, you’re slowly lulled to a peaceful slumber until he speaks up again, this time sounding genuinely concerned.
“But you will come see me first tomorrow, right?”
Your laughter is all he hears.
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