#adult problems
bihansthot · 9 days
I’m the product of an extremely narcissistic mother and as a result I’m exceptionally non-confrontational and don’t know how to properly express my feelings or convey them. Ani really hurt my feelings tonight, on the one hand he was really sweet and texted me when he saw a UMK3 cabinet while he out but on the other hand he was at a friend’s bday party. What hurt me was he wouldn’t drive 45 mins to celebrate my birthday with me, he wouldn’t make me a priority but he drove 4 hours home from his golf trip to make his friend one. I feel like I’m an after thought to him and maybe I am, maybe all I am to him is a booty call or worse a rebound fuck and he feels absolutely nothing for me. I just wish if that was the case he would treat me like that and not do little things like text me selfies with finger hearts or Mortal Kombat arcades, like obviously he pays attention and knows I love MK and knew that would make me excited. Like why put in effort if I’m not a priority in your life at all? I understand he was uncomfortable with the prospect of meeting my partner, but he is dating?/fucking?/involved with a polyamorous woman and that means you can’t ignore her partner forever. What hurt me is he couldn’t put aside his discomfort for my happiness. I told him how important of a birthday it was for me and still nothing. I guess I’m just expecting too much of him. Again I just want a straight answer, do we have a relationship or just an arrangement? I don’t know how to ask him without potentially hurting his feelings or upsetting him or myself though. So, I guess I’ll just keep pushing down my feelings and just doing whatever he wants whenever he wants because that’s how things work. I only get to see him when he wants to see me or I guess I should say when he’s sick of jacking off. I don’t know I’m so hurt and confused and so messed up right now. I don’t know what to do. I’m supposed to be an adult, I can handle a no strings attached sexual arrangement if that’s what it is but I can’t handle being jerked around and toyed with. This sucks.
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ladyjenesis · 2 months
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alicerader · 10 months
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not-mary-sue · 1 month
Adulthood is one constant self battle between "put that down, you don't need it" and "it's my money, I'll do what I like!"
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toriwritesstories · 1 month
I can’t believe I can’t just write fanfiction all day and that I have to work a whole ass job 😭
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bookworms-pov · 5 months
I'm turning into someone I despised as a kid & I can't help it. I can sense my past self's dissapointed.
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bakedbakermom · 3 months
no one prepares you for the existential crisis you go through as an adult when they rearrange your grocery store
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entity9silvergen · 8 months
That feeling when you can't spell your job title
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stephaloneblog · 1 year
Crise dos 20
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Faltam 14 dias para o meu aniversário, 20 anos batendo na porta, junto com as responsabilidades e todos os problemas da fase adulto. Pra mim essas responsabilidade começaram mais cedo, desde os dezesseis. Sempre tentando decidir logo o que eu quero pra vida toda e tentando ter controle de alguma coisa. Eu odeio isso. A sensação de vulnerabilidade, incapacidade e tudo que seja negativo terminado em 'dade'. Eu sei que eu sou nova, eu sou um adulto de alguns meses, igual quando eu era bebê e precisei aprender tudo do zero, eu precisarei aprender algumas coisas do zero. Inclusive visitar uma psicóloga, seria totalmente recomendável. Eu preciso arrumar um emprego assalariado, necessito de estabilidade para que eu consiga dormir a noite. Só que eu me acho incrivelmente inútil, uma fraude pra ser bem sincera. Eu sei que ninguém nasce sabendo de tudo, mas eu fico uma pilha de nervos só de pensar que eu vou trabalhar para alguém e a possibilidade de eu errar me parece tão horrível, como se eu precisasse ser perfeita. Eu posso ser demitida por ser incompetente, né? Então. Tem toda uma pressão em cima de mim pra que eu comece a trabalhar logo e ninguém me pergunta como eu me sinto em relação a isso, eu não pretendo ser uma professora de reforço a vida toda ou sobreviver fazendo alguns bicos aleatórios, eu só fico nervosa pra caralho em uma apresentação de emprego. Tem uma pessoa que passei a vida toda tentando impressionar, mas acho que só os meus erros se sobressaíram... Eu sei que você nunca me pediu isso, mas eu ainda queria ser a filha que você tanto sonhou, pai. Parece que eu estou misturando vários assuntos em um tema aleatório, mas para mim as peças se encaixam perfeitamente. A garota que tem problemas de autoconfiança, que sabota sua própria vida e por isso não consegue um emprego. Nem se reconhece, está passando por uma crise de identidade, querendo morrer pelo menos uma vez ao dia, se isolando, descontando o estresse na mãe e querendo que o mundo pare só pra ela conseguir pensar devagar. Isso que eu estou sentindo agora deve ser tão insignificante, comparado ao quanto eu ainda vou chorar e me desesperar nos próximos anos. A parte de ruim de ter crescido sendo 'brilhante', é que as pessoas sempre esperam o melhor de você, mas quando não você não vai bem, automaticamente você é decepcionante. E cada ano que passa, eu me sinto silenciada, sempre coagida a guardar meus problemas pra mim e ficar quietinha. Acho que os psicólogos servem pra me ajudar com isso, afinal.
Pequena grande garota, quando você ler isso aqui no futuro, saiba que eu tava apavorada pra caralho e eu ficarei feliz se você não desistir.
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insignificantfailure · 5 months
Can I just stop being an adult for like ONE. DAY? No laundry, no cleaning, no shopping, no fixing, no dealing with any issue in the house, not having to occasionally deal with mold or bugs even though I'm cleaning every single week well and a little bit every day. No figuring out what to eat next, no taking decisions, no being responsible, no making appointments, NO NO NO NOTHING I can't do this anymore man and I'm only in my mid twenties what the actual fuck
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alicerader · 5 days
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moonlightpirate · 8 months
I'm currently feeling almost like an actual adult laying here in my room. My fan with the multi colored blades broke the other day so had to buy a new one and of course my options were basically adult looking ones. I finally bought a desk type thing for my room so I have somewhere to place my laptop for my meetings. But now it has me conflicted and realizing I need to make decisions about keeping things and figure out finding storage that I wasn't prepared for. Because I'm moving the one thing where I kept a lot of things and putting my desk there. So like where is all that stuff going to go xD also need a chair for the desk.
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moosecow · 1 year
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OOF. OOOOOF! I don’t want to grow up!
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anastasiaskarsgard · 10 months
Doesn’t matter if you live in an apartment or a mansion, nothing is more inconvenient then when your hot water heater dies…
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Sigh. That feeling when you finally buy that new drill you've been eyeing for a while but a couple of hours later you find out you need to buy a new lawn mower and that $200 would have been really useful.
Especially when I also bought about $300 of ammo on Saturday
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