#add it on to my Barbie collection
samanthasgone · 2 months
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Credit: kylieminogue
Look at Padam Barbie!!!! 🥹❤️ Baby Kylie would NOT believe this is happening right now …. Thank you @barbie @barbiestyle @mattel 😘😘
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dankovskaya · 4 months
I put on attack of the clones last night for background noise but I ended up actually just watching probably 80% of it and the funniest shit in the world possibly the best moment in the entire prequel trilogy is when they first get to Naboo and check in with the queen + council and they're just talking abt the republic and keeping her safe whatever the fuck and then one of them finally acknowledges Anakin like "Master Jedi what do you suggest?" and Padmé INSTANTLY says "Oh Anakin isn't a JEDI he's just a padawan learner. So basically I was thinking--" and Anakin. Reasonably. Is like "Hold on a second" and she cuts him off AGAIN like "EXCUSE ME. Anyway, I was thinking..." and makes him fight for his life to actually get w word out. Literally WHY does she do that to him its so fucking funny.
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snowstar2368 · 11 months
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likealayka · 2 years
This queer got herself a kebab and some stickers for an album and feels 🌠good🌠
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doumadono · 4 months
I don’t know if this counts as an emergency request, feel free if to ignore/delete this if it isn’t or if you don’t want to write it
but I’m just so angry right now that I feel like crying.
my mom passed away last march and her best friend is managing her trust. My or my siblings can’t since we’re all underage. She’s been selling and giving away things that belonged to my mom without even consulting us first. She first sold the house she’d been living in for the past 8 yrs (my parents are divorced so we’ve been living with my dad) that we were wanting to buy. She tried selling my mom’s antique Barbie collection that is INCREDIBLY sentimental to us. And she might be trying to sell her freaking wedding dress and ring. (I’m sorry if this is ranting, I’m trying not to)
could I request a Kirishima or Giyuu x reader who would be going through similar things? Just basically a bunch of angry tears
(Again, please ignore this if you do not want to do this.)
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A/N: I'm so angry to hear about the difficult situation you're facing. Losing a loved one is challenging, and dealing with the management of their belongings adds another layer of complexity. It's completely understandable that you're upset and frustrated. In such cases, it might be helpful to seek legal advice. Given your age, you might want to consult with a guardian or someone you trust to explore options for managing your mom's trust more responsibly. Documenting your sentimental attachment to specific items could also be beneficial. If you need a listening ear, don't hesitate to message me. I trust that these small headcanons will manage to elicit the slightest hint of a smile on your face
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Kirishima would be the epitome of emotional support. He might not fully understand the intricacies of your situation, but his empathy shines through.
Kirishima's anger isn't just about the items; it's about protecting your feelings and memories. He firmly believes in standing up for what's right, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. "Your mom's stuff means a lot to you, right? I can't stand the thought of someone messing with that."
He suggests a proactive approach, perhaps talking to the trust manager, explaining your emotions, and trying to find a compromise.
Kirishima would spend time with you, engaging in activities that could help ease your mind – maybe a training session or a casual outing.
Kirishima would certainly surprise you with a small gift – a custom-made keychain representing your mom's hobbies or a necklace with a pendant with her picture inside. "I thought this could be a little reminder of the good times. Whenever you look at it, you'll remember her smile."
The setting sun cast a warm glow over the city as you sat with Kirishima on a quiet rooftop. The distant sound of traffic filled the air, but for now, it was just the two of you. Kirishima, sensing your distress, suggested spending some time away from the chaos.
The gentle breeze rustled Kirishima's spiky hair as he spoke, "I get it, you know? Losing something important... it sucks. When my aunt got laid off, we had to sell a lot of stuff. I remember feeling so powerless. But your situation, it's awful. It's so fucking unfair."
He glanced at you, his red eyes softened with empathy. "But we're not powerless now. We can do whatever it takes. We ca meet her and tell her how much these things mean to you. We can contact the authorities to accuse her of adverse management of property. There must be something we can do. Whatever you decide, I'm with you."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kirishima handed you a small, carefully wrapped package. "I thought this might help. A little something to keep your spirits up."
Opening it, you found a silver necklece with a pendant with a tiny picture of your mom inside. Kirishima smiled sadly, "Whenever you look at it, please remember the good times. We'll face this head-on, together."
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Giyuu is more reserved, but his empathy is strong. He might not express his anger openly, but his actions speak volumes.
He listens patiently as you vent your frustration, understanding the depth of your emotions.
Giyuu doesn't express his anger openly but conveys deep empathy through his calm demeanor. "I can't fathom your pain, but I'm here for you. We'll find a way together."
Giyuu suggests a more subtle approach, like writing a heartfelt letter to the trust manager, explaining the importance of these items. "Words have power. Sometimes, they can be more impactful than actions."
He may take you to a serene location, like a quiet lake or a peaceful garden, providing a calm environment to discuss your feelings.
Giyuu, with his calm demeanor, took you to a serene lakeside retreat. The peaceful setting was a balm for your troubled soul, and together, you reflected on your mother's memories.
Underneath the canopy of cherry blossoms, you and Giyuu sat in silence, the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hum of the lake providing a soothing backdrop. Giyuu listened attentively as you shared stories about your mother, each memory a delicate thread binding you to her.
"You have a beautiful way of expressing your love for her," Giyuu spoke softly, his gaze reflecting a mixture of understanding and empathy. "Let the water carries your sorrows away. Feel free to let it all out, darling."
As the sun dipped low, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Giyuu suggested writing your thoughts on paper, symbolically letting them float away on the lake. The letter, carefully crafted, held the essence of your emotions, a silent plea for understanding.
"You've been strong through this. Your words will find their way to her heart," Giyuu assured, stroking your nape slowly.
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anxresi · 10 months
Based on what I’ve seen and read, it would appear as though...
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...Adrien is the SECOND most underused and underappreciated character in the show (after Chloe, of course).
How could someone, with SO much going for them in terms of relevance to the plot (his dad is the main baddie, him being the main love interest and co-superhero, his NAME being in the title for God sake) be so wilfully ignored?
Let’s just say, Fu’s words about Ladybug and Chat being ‘equals’ sounds awfully hollow when presented with the actual evidence in canon. 
From what I understand, he even spent the big S5 finale locked up with Kagami ROBBING VIEWERS OF SEEING HIM CONFRONT HIS FATHER AND DISCOVERING THE TRUTH.
Inexcusable from a storytelling POV IMHO, but so is having your only apparent agency in the show being Marinette’s arm candy and messing up a LOT during superhero duty so Ladybug can look good by comparison.
What are his other interests, besides trying to make her happy in and out of costume? What are his other personality traits, apart from being a pliable doormat to her every whim? None, as far as I see.
‘Girl Power’ isn’t intentionally writing male characters to be subservient to their female counterparts, it’s about making them EQUAL in terms of importance & relevance. In as far as what I’ve learned about Adrien on the show of late, it looks like they failed miserably on both those counts.
Bring this up with Astruc, and naturally he’ll accuse you of being a ‘sexist’ or worst a ‘misogynist’ (talk about the pot calling the kettle black) and say something along the lines of ‘you just don’t want a GIRL in charge’.
Well considering about 99.9% of the people who bring this up with him ARE female, I fear he may have got his wires crossed on this one. EVERYONE wants a more equal partnership between the two title characters, and suggesting if you do you’re some kind of bigoted chauvinist is gaslighting of the highest order.
(Mind you, this coming from a guy who recently said Ladybug was Barbie and Chat Noir was KEN, so we can’t expect too much from him)
I must say, being an absolute Chloe stan (as if you didn’t know) I was a bit out of my comfort zone during this short rant, but I think it ties in nicely with my problems with the show’s formulaic and contradictory writing in general, so I thought I’d give it a go anyway. Hope I did okay!
 (Don’t get me started on that ‘Marinette must learn a lesson in every episode’ bullshit, either)
Agree? Disagree? Feel free to get in touch. Oh, and one more bonus meme to add to the collection... 
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...Hopefully, you’re beginning to see my point. :p
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inconsistent-person · 2 months
Star Trek Barbie AU??
So, I had this idea in my head since I posted my Barbie Star Trek Doll collection. I really wanted to make like a Barbie Star Trek Au illustration thing with Barbie as a Captain and I want to share a little bit of what I have so far.
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These are some uniform designs I came up with. I don't completely love any of them so feedback is welcomed. I just want it to be more fun than anything practical.
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Here are also some hair styles I made.
So let me know what ya'll think and feel free to add on any ideas. And that it. Bye!
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aroworlds · 6 months
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[image description: a Barbie doll with black hair and light brown skin lying atop a pile of pants, tops, dresses, skirts, T-shirts, belts and jewellery in the green, light green, white, grey and black colours of the aromantic pride flag. Doll is dressed in grey and black pants, a black and white tank, a green bolero lined in lighter green, a lighter green belt and a black chain necklace.]
Barbie's Pride Ward(a)robe, Part One
2023 is all about the cultural phenomenon that is Barbie, but as much as I consider myself a collector, I've never been into pink. Nor am I excited by many of her fashions. As there is one colour palette I'm passionate about, for @aggressivelyarospec's Aggressively Arospectacular I'm posting my biggest crafting project yet: clothes and accessories for dolls who want to make fashion all about our aromantic pride.
The goal: a collection of mix and match pieces so my dolls can glory in a variety of aro-themed outfits.
The result: a seven-part post series detailing my misadventures in hand-sewing a 65-piece summer ward(a)robe.
In this series I discuss making patterns from pre-existing doll clothes, hand-sewing techniques and many acts of repurposing human-sized clothes, jewellery and accessories. Aside from a sheet of water-soluble canvas (for cross-stitching motifs onto doll T-shirts), I've avoided specialised or difficult-to-source materials. All the findings, beads, sliders, hooks and snaps mentioned can be purchased cheaply from chain craft, dollar/discount and department stores. Anyone looking to make more than a couple of pieces, however, will need to gather a variety of oddments prior to crafting. This absurd project is best for folks already possessing--or happy to add to--a sewing supply stash!
Today's post focuses on doll bodies and sizing, doll clothing as a base for your own patterns, and the scarcity of green knit fabric.
Folks can find all future posts collected on my website or my patreon.
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Bracket 1: Round 1, Match 4
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Propaganda under the cut! Please be aware that some may contain spoilers.
Danger Mouse:
he is literally a cool mouse secret agent who lives under a postbox and fights evil and crimes, like the time his nemesis baron greenback (who is a toad) covered the entire world in custard. he has an eyepatch. cool theme song. another classic british spy parody ! DM is stoic, cool, collected (which is actually very funny in contrast to the surrounding shenanigans), and has an incompetant lil hamster sidekick called penfold (no hate, we love penfold). I also thought he was a mole until just now googling it. DM also says 'good grief' a lot and i suspect watching this show in my formative years is the reason i do too.
Lady Penelope:
Iconic International Woman of Mystery, has a hot pink Rolls Royce and impeccable fashion sense. Basically, what if Barbie was James Bond
Feel free to add your own in the tags!
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barbielore · 4 months
The Generation Girl Barbie series is one that I don't know a lot about, as it hit right when I was in my "too old to play with Barbies" era but before my interest in Barbies as collectibles with lore. My main knowledge about Generation Girl is that it was the line in which my favourite character in the Barbie line-up debuted... Blaine Gordon.
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But I don't actually know that much about the rest of the line. I know that Blaine came from there, and the story of Blaine after that point, but not really much about the rest of the Generation Girl line.
(My dream for 2024: bring back Blaine!)
From what I've heard, Generation Girl was kind of like a prelude to MyScene - not so much in doll design, but in intent. The goal of the line appears to have been to diversify and add some edge to the Barbie brand to appeal to the new generation of 90s kids.
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The first generation of Generation Girl dolls featured six characters: Barbie, Tori, Ana, Chelsie, Lara and Nichelle. The storyline was that they were students at an international boarding school in New York. This allowed the line to showcase characters who could showcase different 90s subcultures as well as being from different cultural backgrounds, with characters being from the US, Australia, Mexico, England and France.
(Interesting to note here is that when Blaine first got introduced to the line he was identified as being from New York, while Tori was from Australia; later Blaine releases make him Australian too.)
These dolls also had a slightly edgier style with some versions of Barbie having a heart tattoo, and some versions of Chelsie having a nose ring.
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The second edition of Generation Girl dolls, Dance Party, did not release a new Ana doll, but did introduce Mari, from Japan, and my buddy Blaine.
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Dance Party was followed by My Room, which was themed around each character's bedrooms and how they reflected their personal style. For My Room, Ana was back, but Chelsie had transferred to another school, so was not.
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Allegedly, the line wrapped in 2001 because Mattel felt that having a doll line set in New York after certain events that transpired in September would not land well - I don't know if this was the exact reason, but I assume they were concerned that if the line were to continue, it would be conspicuous if they did not address it, but potentially in poor taste if they did.
Regardless of why, Generation Girl faded away after this and most characters from it did not have continued appearances. Blaine himself did, however, and went on to win the hearts of millions*.
*Millions in this case means me. Just me.
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wyatt2cool4you · 10 months
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Eeeeekkkkkk these are my two new fav Barbie’s tho Kara is my fav!! I love her outfit and little blue jacket :,) so happy to add these two to my collection well I guess three cuz I forgot about Courtney lol any way Kara and grace are so freaking beautiful like I can’t stop looking at their faces and how pretty their make up is you can just tell they were made with so much thought and love. My only disappointment is that graces wrist don’t move which I feel defeats the purpose of having bendable elbows.
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a-d-nox · 9 months
web of wyrd observation: why barbie's wyrd web just makes sense
after going to see Barbie in theaters, i came home and was wondering what makes barbie - barbie? so i looked up the day she greeted the public. and i was super intrigued by her wyrd web.
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9 is representative of the hermit - the hermit is someone who can be alone comfortably, which is exactly the point of a doll. you can give barbie to a child/person and they can entertain themselves. 9-9 - one hermit is the doll and the other is the person playing with the doll! the hermit is meant to be a reflective card that asks you to do some soul searching as to what you want and need - playing with barbie is meant to showcase that you too can be whatever you want to be just like barbie. add in 18 - the moon, which is about "self-deception," or make-believe as we called when we were children. the moon is also meant to help you see the hidden aspects of yourself and what you want most. which again... is the point of barbie.
the truest barbie girl of the major arcana - the empress. barbie's highest self being the essence of "divine femininity" just makes so much sense to me. let's not forget barbie was designed for creativity inspiration while also showing the power of feminine energy. and she did that, just like the empress.
the Barbie movie definitely illustrated for me that the balance of femininity and masculinity is necessary for the success of barbie. if one entity has too much of the power (the whole board room being male, barbieworld never having a ken on council, etc.) then there will be issues in the "business realm" (which is the message of the lovers). in terms of love, while barbie doesn't need ken, it is important that they still respected each other and communicated in a healthy manner (which is definitely depicted in the movie). same can be said on the business end of things - barbie has "skinny, blonde bimbo" energy, so the company has to keep their products inclusive (keep evolving) or risk being cancelled.
the Barbie movie is a perfect reminder of the world card that is represented in her matrix - recognition for success, cyclic change, new chapters, etc. if barbie hadn't been a success, we would have never had one barbie movie let alone many (i could never forget the animation versions lol)! nor would we have collectable barbies! the collectable barbie is the energy found in this number - the world is literally a woman surrounded by a laurel (it looks a bit like barbie in her box, if you ask me)!
i think it is a little funny that the partnership number is 15 - the devil. barbie is supposed to be a feminine icon - she doesn't need a man to make her dreams come true (which is showcased in the movie). BUT YET WE HAVE KEN. ken is a destructive concept when thinking of barbie as strong and independent - it's contradictory to have barbie be an independent woman who doesn't need any one, but then make ken - her boyfriend ("patriarchy" lol - cause a woman needs a man to be accomplished in life *clown emoji*). it's the toxic contradictory energy of having a ken for a barbie that makes the devil an un-ironically perfect number for this doll.
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic." button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck, feel free to use the ask button for that as well.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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kittysdiary · 1 year
Kitty’s Pink Princess Winter
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It’s been awhile since I made a winter guide so I thought I’d make an updated one since winter is literally my favorite season ever! 🎀❄️🧸
Winter Doll Looks
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I am definitely feeling Yves Saint Laurent Fall/Winter 2022 collection but with more pink! Fashion staple fabrics like furs, leather, velvet, silk, cashmere and lace are definitely going into my closet for the colder weather.
Statement wardrobe pieces include:
• Turtle neck dresses
• Fur coats
• Knits
• Leather jackets
• Pea Coats
• Skirts
• Blazers
• Cigarette pants
• Heels + winter boots
• Silk slips
Shopping List
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Since the weather has been getting colder, a lot of my clients who come to see me for a facial have been getting flares of dry skin and I can totally relate! Treat yourself to a day at the spa for a facial, mani + pedi or hair treatment to get prepped for the cold weather. Stock up on moisturizers, creams, hair masks, lip scrubs and lip balms!
• Buy gloves or mittens to stay warm and if you’re prone to dry skin in the winter time
• Purchase fragrance free skincare to prevent sensitivity and irritation
• If dry skin is present on your body, try out Peach & Lily’s KP Bump Boss body scrub (my fave!!)
• Get a few Tree Hut body scrubs for fun
• Buy clothes and laundry detergent that are non-irritating
• Get a humidifier to add moisturizer to the air
• Change out your bed sheets and pillow cases. I like to purchase fuzzy blankets and satin pillow cases which helps with my skin + curly hair
• Buy some yummy scented candles + peppermint essential oils for relaxation
• Add cozy slippers, socks, leg warmers, ear muffs + uggs to your winter wish list
• Satin pajama sets and night gowns from Victoria’s Secret
• Sleep masks
• Oversized sweatshirts + velour track suits for lounge days
•Pretty lingerie
• New mugs, cookie cutters, aprons, hot chocolate, tea, coffee and winter baking books should all be on your shopping lists
• Get a cute plush friend and a night light
Winter Glam
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• Sleek buns/ponytails
• Bombshell curls
• Black, brown, platinum blonde + auburn hair colors
• Fluffed false lashes or lash extensions
• Lip glosses in any brown, red or pink shade
• Powder matte lipsticks that are nude, deep red or earth tone pink
• Arched eyebrows
• Faux beauty marks
• Warm + spicy fragrances (my favorite winter scent is YSL’s Black Opium Neon + Philosophy’s Fresh Cream & Warm Cashmere)
• Pink blushes
• Setting powders with warm undertones to brighten up your face
• Glitter eyeshadow
Icy Accessories
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• Pearls, diamonds + swarvorksy
• Fluffy handbags
• New wallets
• Icy watches
• Hair clips
• Velvet scrunches
• Hair pom-poms
• Scarves
• Plush spa headbands
• Diamond brooches (yes I know. I’m an old soul 🥹)
•Gold or silver jewelry pieces
Other Winter Doll Tips
• Get a new calendar and use it!
• Write down goals + affirmations for the new year
• Get new books, journals and magazines
• Organize and clean your space
• Stock up on cold and flu medicine
• Get hand sanitizer and hand creams so you don’t dry out your hands
• If you have a Barbie mobile please stay safe on the roads and get your car prepped for the cold weather please!!
• Meditate and manifest
• Don’t forget to check in with therapists and health care providers! Seasonal depression is making its rounds so please make sure you have a good team behind you!!!!
• Stay extra cozy and warm under the blankets + by the fireplace
• Watch holiday movies, bake some sweet treats and go holiday shopping
• Send your loved ones well wishes with letters or cute holiday cards
• Decorate your home while listening to holiday music and clean the snow from the drive way if needed
• Most importantly stay safe and have fun!
Happy Holidays!
Kitty (xoxo!) 🦌💓
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n3xii · 6 months
Aesthetic Tarot Cards (pink addition)
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I'm an avid tarot collector and my fav decks have been PINK. so for this post im gonna be your personal shopper for the best pink tarot decks I could find online, if are looking to expand your collection with something pretty and pink then hopefully you find something here! decks found here come from etsy and amazon, amazon links ARE affiliate links for full disclosure, thank you if you choose to support
Pink rider waite decks
Crosarce holographic tarot cards deck set $19.99
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2. Sincerez tarot cards $9.90
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3. crafterian pink tarot cards $ 24.99
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4. tarot cards vintageplastic by tarotcardsdarkforest on etsy
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5. Zeke Tarot by zeke's lunchbox on etsy (one of the most beauitful decks ever) $ 62.95
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6. Final Rose Tarot deck by final rose tarot $60.00
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7. Crafterian pink tarot cards $24.99
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8. Soleia original tarot cards sorry for the text on the screen lol $29
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9. Alice in luna's tarot cards by mrdiyshiasha $11.99
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those were all I could find so far, except for one barbie ai created deck.... ew. I hope you found something good in this list to add to your collection, let me know if you have any favorite pink decks that arent well known!
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museenkuss · 6 months
loving and moving my body this week (20.11.-26.11.)*
Monday. Yoga For A Relaxing Night's Sleep
Tuesday. Belly Dance | Full Body Workout | Golden Era Style!
Thursday. Barbie Pilates | 20 Minute Full Body Workout
Saturday. Miranda Kerr Instagram live with Ballet Beautiful (Mary Helen Bowers) [roughly 40 Min]
Sunday. Centre Work - Follow Along For Beginners [Ballet, 10 Min] + 15[17] Min Full Body Stretch Routine After Ballet Class
* my schedule is a little different this week, which makes this a really fun experiment! As always, I tried to collect a variety of workouts with different styles and I'm really excited to move with joy and love this week ♡♡
In case the suggestion doesn't feel right for that day, here are some alternatives (12 minutes or less, can also be used as add-ons). No shame in taking it slow! Let's move according to our needs! :) nightime flexibility stretches // bedtime yoga stretch to release stress & tension // 8 min beginner's ballet flexibility // 10 min | Beginner Belly Dance Workout | Slow & Smooth Tutorial // 10 Minutes Pilates to get strong
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mostmagical · 22 days
nicole my love will you rank your top three or top five or top ten video games… whichever number you wish to gush about… i love you…
hi sunny..... oughh I have a tough time picking favorites.... I looked at this question like a homework assignment.. I did a top 10 and I put reasoning even though you did not ask for that but I'm putting it under this read more in case you want it... you don't have to read more though... but you can... i love you...
Top 10
Kingdom Hearts - Obviously of course. I don’t always even rank KH1 as my favorite KH game but basically this was my “oh games can be like that?” game. Until I played this, I mostly played simulator games and movie tie-ins and Barbie games, and I loved those but this one had a STORY I could bury myself in. I forced the friend I played this game with to sit and wait while I read through every journal entry and character file looking for MORE, because I was so immediately hooked on everything.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - This one always ranks high not just because of the story, which I love, but because this was the first game I ever beat entirely by myself. A lot of people skip or can’t stand this game so I’m extra proud of myself tbh. But this is the game where one of my favorite characters became one of my favorite characters, so it’ll always have a special place.
Ōkami - I love this game so much… It’s so visually stunning, I love the unique game play, and Amaterasu is such an amazing protagonist despite the fact that she does talk outside of barking and howling and also she is literally a dog. But she’s so good. There’s a dedicated bark button, which is important. AND THERE’S FISHING!
Final Fantasy X - I’ve literally never sobbed more over a piece of media in my entire life. The game wasn’t even over yet. I had to fight a boss with tears in my eyes. This was my first FF game and oh my god. Oh my god. I can say no more.
Horizon Zero Dawn - I got so sucked into this game. It was all I could think about for months. I love the environmental storytelling and the world-building and Aloy is a female protagonist WITHOUT a love interest in this game and it’s so huge to me and ugh. UGH.,
Hades - This game is so fun… I usually don’t like games that make me feel like I’m struggling but they somehow made it such a joy to die over and over again and see what’s up in the house. The sheer amount of unique dialogue makes it impossible to get annoyed. And it’s just FUN. Full of complicated family dynamics and Greek mythology… Collectibles… WOO (also has fishing)
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - This is a really sentimental add, but it’s genuinely one of my favorites. I have so many memories of me and my childhood best friend staying up until the wee hours of the morning playing this game, only to go to bed and set an alarm to get up and play it again. AWL has some of the best NPCs of all HM/SOS games, and also the cutest cows. Ever.
Final Fantasy XV - FISHING. And also stories about bonds we build… friendship… ough.. I love sitting in the back of the car and letting Ignis drive and feeling like we’re all on a friendship road trip together. Random stops for pictures and bathroom breaks included. Luna deserved better but the hours I spent fishing made up for that.
Persona 5 Strikers - It probably seems silly to put this here and not Persona 5, but I really loved Strikers so much. It had such satisfying gameplay, completely different from the source material, yet still somehow felt like such an homage to the classic movesets. It was a really good adaptation to a new genre. I loved the story and the new characters, who MADE ME CRY! and I think it’s such a shame, because a lot of Persona players skipped this one!!! Ryuji gets to say fuck. Come on, people.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - I love the characters in this game so much… I miss them… I love the original AA trilogy, but this one was so much fun for me. I love Herlock Sholmes… I love him so much I forgot that his real name is not Herlock Sholmes. All the characters are so dynamic and the cases are so fun… That was a game I wished never had to end.
Special mention to Animal Crossing: Wild World, Barbie Horse Adventures Mystery Ride, Secret Agent Barbie, Ni No Kuni, God of War (2018), Gris... I love video games. Damn.
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