#acacia cutie
gcldcnhour-a · 1 year
SEND ME ♡ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU … for our main three
holt & acacia
Who is the most affectionate?
they're both SUPER affectionate, but probably holt?
Who initiates the handholding?
they both do!! holt can't stop holding hers.
Who worries more for the other?
in the break-up au, acacia might be worrying more? actually - acacia probably worries more for holt in general.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
holt, and when he's asking for help it's probably already pretty bad.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
holt, he's a bit dumb.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
holt tries to leave little notes or things like that for her when he remembers to.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
holt, he sleeps infinitely better with acacia around.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
holt, 100%
Who introduced the other to their family first?
it happened around the same time? holt met hers on their first date.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
acacia is always playing with his hair.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
acacia, she takes care of him!
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
they both will, especially when they went to rivals colleges. acacia will step up for holt.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
holt is always trying to have a small surprise for her when he can!
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
acacia makes holt pinky promise all the time for every little silly thing.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
they will both do it to the other. though holt will just carry acacia to bed.
tennessee & julian
Who is the most affectionate?
probably julian? essie is much more slow to do so.
Who initiates the handholding?
julian, and she loves it.
Who worries more for the other?
tennessee is a worrier by nature, and definitely worries about him.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
neither of them? it takes a lot for them to admit they need help to anyone, let alone each other.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
tennessee for sure, she's always a bit frazzled.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
hmmm probably essie? she does it for her son brooks, so probably eventually starts doing it for him too.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
essie didn't realize how much she liked having another sleep with her until juls came along.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
hmm...juls? if it happens?
Who introduced the other to their family first?
essie, not intentionally but she couldn't let julian have thanksgiving alone.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
essie likes to play with his hair a lot.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
she absolutely makes sure juls has a good meal at least once a week.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
they both stand up for each other.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
essie probably does it a little bit more? but loves it when julian does for her.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
essie makes him pinky promise (actually brooks makes both of them pinky promise the most).
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
juls does it the most.
ophelia & dante
Who is the most affectionate?
dante, and he's brought it out of ophelia a lot more than she thought necessary.
Who initiates the handholding?
dante, but ophelia is starting to.
Who worries more for the other?
ophelia, she's worries a lot more.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
from experience, definitely not ophelia.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
opi probably. not that often, but more often than dante.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
pre-break-up probably dante. but then ophelia wanted to show him she loved him more.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
ophelia, she misses him.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
dante? though i could see ophelia doing it spur of the moment.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
he met her family first!
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
dante plays with her hair more, and she pretends she doesn't like it but she absolutely loves it.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
dante makes sure opi has meals (she can't cook) and brings water (she forgets).
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
dante always has been, but she's gotten better at it.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
probably dante, ophelia is terrible at keeping surprises and secrets.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
dante makes opi pinky promise, and she does it too.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
they both do it for each other when they can.
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Welcome to Aminal Facts Wiff Zaboo! Part 5
South African Galago!
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These adowable cuties by many names is also called nagapies which means night monkeys where they're from. Zaboo is excited because dey is primates too! Along wiff their big big eyes dat helps dem see at nights dey has adapted to nocturnal living (ninja monkeys proofs #1 🥷🐒-ninjas go outs at night) wiff little satellite-like ears dat rotate independently to zero in on prey at nights. (ninja monkeys proofs #2 🥷🐒- sneaky stealthy skills for detecting) Dey eats insects which dey catchies in da air wiff dey super quick reflexes (ninja monkeys proofs #3 🥷🐒- ninja reflexes), tree gum n dey favowite is acacia tree gum, fruit n even small aminals like frogs n birbs! Dey grow to be about da size of a large squirrel 6 inches (15 centimeters) in dey body, n dey tail stretchies up to one n a half dey body, about 9 inches (23 centimeters). Dey has a special ability to store energy in dey tendons dat let's dem achieve massive jumpies dat muscles alone could no do... in 4 seconds it can jumpies 5 times to get overall jumpies of 27.9 feet (8.6 meters)!!! (Ninja monkeys proofs #4 🥷🐒- ninja jumpies) Dey has a tooth-comb which is made up of lower incisors n canine teefies dat dey use to grooms n cleans demselves. Dey is social aminals dat lives togeffer in small families of 2-7, sometimes more but dey go hunting alones at night. (Ninja monkeys proofs #5 🥷🐒- lotsa ninjas works alones)... Dey also nose boops! Dey has been seen pressing dey noses togeffer as dey like cuddling n showings affection. Dats just da cutest! 🥹🥰
N finally a final fact...dey get dey nickname bush baby from da various cries, squaks, n grunts dey makes dat sounds like human babies!
Also if yous coulds no tells Zaboo n I is convinced dat these little monkeys is ninjas! 🥷🐒 .. What do yous think?
*runs awound hollering n making ambulance sounds*
Alert, alert, ALERT!!! Spookiness aheads, proceeds wiff cautions!!!
Now a spooky fact for da spooky loving babies out there, there's a legend dat says dey kidnap babies n da cries you hear are actually da babies... another legend says dey sounds are really mades by a giant snake wiff a feathered head n rainbow colors which kills intruders... to dis day even though da galago is not dangerous to humans it considered a bad omen to hear dem as it means danger or death is near. Now researchers think dis all started as a story to keeps kids indoors at nights but a quick search into dis topic yields a lot of interesting infos.. if yous like da spooky spooks!
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bewitchingbaker · 3 days
how many romantic relationships did your muse have?
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It's often thought that Chris has a long list of exes but you would be surprised that he's only dated 4 people. All cuties with some form of niche interest, a flirty attitude and a good sense of humor.
Daisy Marie Smith, the cute fashionable stand up comedian who first captured Chris's heart. An over all sweet relationship that ended once they graduated due to Daisy moving to New York to pursue both her stand up career and UI design internship. Chris still feels bad about being uncertain to continue their relationship cause of the distance.
Once she moved along with their friend group, Chris stayed near campus for a another year before moving back to Sedona. He paid rent by working on websites for a few local businesses and designing logos. In between working, he fell for a fellow witch named Greta. With a good flirt to roast ratio, they found themselves dating. There was a sweetness to him that refreshed Greta, and Chris looked up to Greta after learning how spells worked. Unfortunately, some outside forces prevented them dating and they parted on slighlty bad terms (Chris will never reveal what was said to his sister nor his friends, but it was pretty bad) But they became friends again after she appeared in his life.
Upon moving back to Sedona and working full time in his family's bakery, Chris found himself into a local film maker named Xavier. Though cute, that sarcasm and pretentious attitude irritated Chris to no end. But he though there was a sweetness to him since their first months were so nice. He even supported his film premieres by catering them and designing posters for him...only for Xavier to sleep with the projectionist at his events and break up with Chris shortly afterwards. With all that effort and trust betrayed, out young baker fell into a small depression.
But a certain undead artist helped break him out of his funk.
Acacia Ramos was a traveling artist who moved into town for a bit. Coming into local art shows and buying out record stores. After breaking her french press, she came into Lunas for a cup of coffee to find a cute but depressed Chris hard at work. After some small shared jokes and a few run ins to the local record stores, they began to hang out more which irrirated Xavier. It wasn't long before they began a small year long fling where he discovered she was a vampire. Despite never confirming if they were together, they helped each other through various struggles (Chris's post break up depression and helping him stand up to the Lunas abit more. On his end, he helped her with a few spats with rival vampire clans and getting in touch with her family post tranformation). She ended up leaving after a year and left Chris with some words of encouragement as well as a bracelet that may or may not have a life saving spell in there.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
❤️‍🔥 ship your tumblr cutie patooties (moots and anons) with a character + assign them a troupe ❤️‍🔥
Wow this has been sitting in my inbox for… far too long…
Alrighty friendos, get ready to be shipped!
@cringeyvanillamilk: Steph, I ship you with Kyoujurou Rengoku! You deserve this sunshine man, okay girl! Kyoujurou is strong and dedicated. He's observant and helpful. You're very intelligent, always learning and willing to go. You both are also brimming with energy and enthusiasm for life! You'll set each other's heart ablaze with romance and inspiration to live full lives. Kyoujurou would defend you from any physical threats and with your understanding of the human mind and emotions, I'm sure you could talk him through the difficult relationship he has with his father and his heavy burden as a Pillar. Your trope with Kyoujurou is the Seduction-Proof Marriage. Kyoujurou would love you so much, he'd never even consider any other person once he's with you. No way, no how! And you're a loyal gal, Steph! Once you've got a quality man like Kyou on your arm, you know you're good. (Maybe he'll allow you to glance some other ways because he's that confident that you'll always be with him.)
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@acacia-may: Dear Acacia, I would ship you with Mitsuri Kanroji! I love me the Obamitsu ship but you and Mitsuri would be quite the pair. You two have a lot in common personality-wise which is why I think you'd get along great. Mitsuri is the type of girl to see the beauty in everything. She admires and thanks everyone she meets. She's creative and free-spirited. Acacia, you have your Little Trees appreciation and I believe you've mentioned having a number of aus and ships so you've got a big heart and big brain full of creative thoughts. You two could probably go on and on about the nice people she works with or the medias you enjoy. I could see Mitsuri being interesting in learning recipes to accommodate your dietary restrictions too as she's ultra caring and into food like that! Lots of fun and love in your relationship. The trope I'd give you two is Sickeningly Sweethearts, though you two wouldn't gush about your coupledom all the time, you'd be so sweet with each other that it might give people cavities~! 💖
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@lyranova: Lyra, dear, the person I ship you with is Loke/Leo the Lion. Loke is a very romantic guy and a bit silly with how forward he can be when interested in someone. He's got a complicated history with romantic relations and women in general but he doesn't let it show so I think that as long as you don't bring it up, it shouldn't cause any issues with the relationship. Loke would be your valiant knight to protect you. And if you ever learn to fight with your own power, he will acknowledge that strength and work with as an equal rather than being over-protective. Out of all the characters brought up in his post, Loke is the most experienced so he will know all the best date locations, no matter what your preferences might be. Your trope as a couple would be Terrible Pick-Up Lines. Sorry, not sorry! Loke would try to be a smooth talker but given your experience with fanfic, you'd probably just laugh them off because you know how funny they can sound. You'd still find it endearing that he's trying to smooth talk you though. Make sure to give him a flirty line back to let him know you don't see his one-liners as complete failures.
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@marune2: I’ve decided to ship you, Marune, with Prince Cyril (from Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost). It’s the monstrous looks and kind heart of his that I think you might like (because you write characters that are that way). Cyril a bit (okay maybe a lot) snarky but he’s ultimately a good man! He's also magical and it's very cool when he uses his magic! He's got this gothic fairy tale vibe which I think you might enjoy. Cyril is fond of strong-willed people; with your goal to be a comic writer and the work you do, I think he'd give you a chance and grow fond of you with time. Our beast prince here is a little reckless at times and you're a caring person so hopefully you don't worry yourself sick over him. And be warned though, Cyril has some admirers who aren't friendly so when he shows an interest in you, be prepared to fight for your life. I'm definitely picturing the One Head Taller trope with you two. Because Cyril is tall (remember, he's a beast). He will probably poke fun at the height difference, but you can just yank him down to your level if you feel like messing with him back.
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(Lowkey, I also recommend you read the manga. Just five volumes, there's some pretty gruesome moments, and there's a bit of dark magic and contracts involved. Though it is a mxf romance and I don't know how much that might affect your interest.)
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare: Twilight/Loid Forger is the character I'd ship you with, Laura. He's no Fuegoleon but he's as close as we'll get elsewhere. Loid is capable and intelligent. But despite being an acute spy, he's a bit dense on some things (like how is he not suspicious of Yor?) and isn't totally in tune with "normal" people which can lead to some awkward moments. But, Loid always tries his best, for the sake of his missions as well as the people he finds himself closely associated with/growing to genuinely care for. The trope I'd give you two is Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl. Loid doesn't brood so much as obsessively worries about his missions and I can see you, having a more normal life and a very understanding heart, finding a way to calm him down and give him advice when he's troubled (or give as good advice as you can when he'd be keeping the spy life secret from you. Though I think you'd eventually catch on cause you're so smart). (Lowkey I was gonna pair you with Loke as well because... Lion, but nah! 🤣)
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@simpingforthisonedeer: Anshi, dearest, the fictional character I'd ship you with is Lord Grandfather. You like your old men (Julius/lh+j) and you like your villains (Lucius) so why not both?
But actually no, I'd ship you with Tengen Uzui. You two have a similar vibe in that you both can be loud and goofy, but when things get real, you both can buckle down and be serious. Tengen is more serious about fighting and the battlefield while your strong presence calls out people's nonsense or bad behavior. Tengen can come off as having an inflated ego but he puts on a bit of an act because he knows he's not a fighting prodigy like other characters and doesn't have the same people skills like other characters. You play yourself up too but I know there's genuine confidence in who you are and your abilities. I think you and Tengen would do a great job of building each other up because you two would see the greatness in each other. You two would definitely do the Romantic Ribbing trope. It'd be mutual, you teasing Tengen and him teasing you back because you both are smart and sassy enough to keep the banter going.
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(Although you should probably be made aware that Tengen already has three wives and I don't know if that'd be a deal breaker or not...)
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iunatural · 1 year
🌹 SEMANA ALQVIMICA -30% DTO EN TODOS LOS PRODUCTOS DE LA MARCA ALQVIMIA Descubre la experiencia de lujo y bienestar con la cosmética natural y holística de ALQVIMIA [block id="recomendacion-ficha-producto"] Alqvimia Crema Hidratante de Día Contorno de Ojos La zona del contorno ocular, requiere de un cuidado específico con productos formulados a tal fin. La Crema Hidratante de Día Contorno de Ojos ofrece la solución perfecta para un cuidado preventivo y regenerador. Formulada a base de aceites vegetales de Almendras, Avellanas, Germen de Trigo e Hipérico, actúa directamente favoreciendo la regeneración. Además los Aceites Vegetales, como el de Germen de Trigo, actúan como poderosos antioxidantes naturales y previenen el envejecimiento prematuro. Las aguas florales de Rosa Búlgara, Romero y Azahar, ejercen una acción tonificante e hidratante esencial para el cuidado de esta delicada zona. El extracto de própolis junto con la miel completan el poder de regeneración, nutrición y dermoprotección natural que ofrece la crema. Destaca su escogida sinergia de Aceites Esenciales (Mirra, Limón, Naranja, Palo de Rosa, Patchouli) y los Extractos Vegetales de Benjuí, Iris, Hipérico, Mirra, Incienso y Manzanilla, que aportan los elementos necesarios para favorecer la belleza y la salud de la zona ocular. Completa la fórmula otro activo a base de dos gomas vegetales obtenidas de la Acacia Africana y de un biopolímero obtenido a partir de raíces vegetales, que actúa reduciendo las patas de gallo y ejerciendo un efecto tensor. La crema hidratante de día contorno de ojos Eye Contour, como todas las cremas de día de nuestra gama Essentially Beautiful, contiene un filtro solar mineral a base de TiO2 y ZnO. Hecho de poderosos antioxidantes naturales como la rosa mosqueta, el germen de trigo y los aceites de hierba de San Juan, la crema para ojos Alqvimia actúa directamente sobre la piel para promover la regeneración celular y la síntesis de fibras de colágeno y elastina. Los extractos de incienso, iris y manzanilla ayudan a prevenir el envejecimiento del área del contorno de los ojos, unificando el tono facial. Todo ello mientras que proporciona los elementos necesarios para mejorar la belleza y la salud de la piel. Estimula la regeneración celular Reduce las arrugas Reduce líneas de expresión Brinda firmeza al contorno de los ojos   Principios activos Hierba de San Juan Propiedades curativas para pieles secas y sensibles; rico en taninos, aumenta la circulación sanguínea y refresca el cutis. Germen de trigo Propiedades de redensificación, endurecimiento, reafirmación y reestructuración   Modo de Empleo Utilizar cada mañana sobre la piel perfectamente limpia y tonificada. Completar el tratamiento por la noche con el Sérum Facial Regenerador de Noche Contorno de Ojos y el Sérum facial Essentially Beautiful más adecuado según el tipo de piel. Después del desmaquillado de los ojos, aplicar una pequeña cantidad del producto en la zona del contorno de los ojos y párpado superior, mediante ligeras presiones y suave masaje hasta su total absorción. Completa tu tratamiento por la noche con el Serum regenerador de noche contorno de ojos EYE CONTOUR.   Composición Water (Aqua), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Rosa Damascena Flower Distillate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Propanediol, Citrus Aurantium Amara (Bitter Orange) Flower Distillate. Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Zinc Oxide, Glyceryl Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Titanium Dioxide [Nano], Corylus Avellana (Hazel) Seed Oil, Potassium Palmitoyl Ydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Glycerin, Acacia Senegal Gum. Hypericum Perforatum Oil, Propanediol,Hydrolyzed Rhizobian Gum, Honey, Beeswax, Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil. Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Papaver Roheas Petal Extract,Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Robinia Pseudoacacia Flower Extract,Viola Odorata Oil, Picea Excelsa Bud Extract, Aniba Rosaeodora (Resew
ood) Wood Oil. Boswellia Carterii Oil, Commiphora Myrrha Oil, Gycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Pogostemon Cablin Oil, Commiphora Myrrha Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Iris Florentina Root Extract, Styrax Benzoin Resin Extract. Boswellia Carterii Resin Extract, Hypericum Perforatum Extract, Propolis Extract,Glucose, Fructose, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Alumina, Stearic Acid, Sorbic Acid. Dehydroxanthan Gum, Silica, Diacetin, Phytic Acid, Squalene, Beta-Sitosterol, Pentasodium Pentetate, Tocopherol, Titanium Dioxide, Silver Oxide, Limonene, Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate Citral, Geraniol, Coumarin, Citronellol. 🍃 Alqvimia Crema Hidratante de Día Contorno de Ojos 15ml 👉 https://iunatural.com/producto/alqvimia-crema-hidratante-de-dia-contorno-de-ojos-15ml/?feed_id=1060&_unique_id=647dabf99ffbb #iunatural #alqvimia #semanaalqvimica #cosmetica #pielseca #belleza #cosmeticanatural #cosmeticaorganica #antiedad #pestañas #piel #pielsaludable #trucosdebelleza #rostro #tipsdebelleza #bellezanatural #mujer #cuidadodelapiel #cuidadofacial #cuidadopersonal #limpiezafacial #saludybelleza #bellezaysalud #tratamientosfaciales #antienvejecimiento #maquillajenatural
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lleluna · 5 years
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acaciasselfinserts · 5 years
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Star vs has gotta stop giving us these cute screenshots because you know I'm gonna draw Lotoria stuff in them
~ reblogs appreciated 🌸💜
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griffintail · 3 years
Philza with a friend who’s a winged hybrid like him, but instead of being a hybrid of a relatively small bird, such as a crow...his friend is an ALBATROSS hybrid. Imagine the wingspan this person would have, and how tall they’d have to be to accommodate those things!
Or, alternatively, what if Philza had a winged hybrid friend that was a HUMMING BIRD hybrid?? Imagine how tiny they’d be, and how much sugar they’d probably have to consume to zip and flit around all day??
I will readily admit that the reasoning behind this is cause I was watching The Rescuers Down Under, and there’s a line in that movie that goes “Alba- Albatross?! It’s a jumbo!”, and that’s one of my favorite lines in the movie. I can’t really explain WHY that’s my favorite line, it just is. Anyways, the size difference in bird species is always fun to imagine in terms of hybrids, and I wanted to see your take on it.
The Albatross and Humming Bird
Pairings: Platonic! Philza x GN! Reader
Warnings: Mention of Swords, Mentions of Fighting
(Y/N). Is fucking tall. Taller than Ranboo.
Their wings aren’t extremely large, they’re just long when they’re spread out so their height accommodates for that so their wings aren’t dragging on the ground.
People always used to question why Phil built his doorframes and ceilings so high up when even his children aren’t that tall, it’s because of (Y/N).
“Sup shorty?” (Y/N) grinned putting their hand on top of Phil’s head.
“I’ll make the ceiling lower.”
“You’re so mean to me!”
Being an albatross hybrid, (Y/N) can handle longer flights as an albatross can fly for days at a time without landing.
People often hire them to get what they need from far lands or to have them scout out things.
“Hey, we were thinking of maybe looting a Woodland mansion. You think you could scout one out for us?” Phil asked.
“Yeah. Sure. Just let me get a pack ready and I’ll head out.”
“(Y/N). I need acacia wood!” Tommy demanded.
“You going to pay me this time?”
When Phil hurts his wings, (Y/N) gets Techno to train them to be stronger.
After some time, (Y/N) takes Phil on day-long flights sometimes. They’d love to take him on longer ones, but their normal strength holding them back.
“Sorry, we couldn’t fly longer.” (Y/N) put Phil on the ground outside the base before landing next to him.
“It’s alright mate. Thanks for the flight.” He smiled.
“Of course, what are mates for?” They smiled back. “I got to give something to Techno, talk to you later.”
“Remember he doesn’t build ceiling as high!” He called.
“Right! Thanks!”
(Y/N) is a lot shorter than everyone. Coming in at a whopping three feet. (Ninety-one centimeters)
People often think they’re a child at first glance. Once they realize they’re an adult, people tend to tease them, but the people on the SMP realized that was a bad idea fast.
“I wouldn’t keep doing that Quackity,” Phil warned but was smirking as (Y/N) crossed their arms at the sound of Quackity’s tone at them.
“But look at how cute they are, little cutie.” Quackity teased.
In an instant, (Y/N)’s sword was drawn and on his neck as their wings flittered a hundred miles. (One hundred and sixty kilometers). Safe to say they created a small breeze and terrified the hell out of Quackity at that moment.
(Y/N) never really slowed down. They were often flittering from task to task.
They were also a wonder when fighting. Not only did their height give them an advantage but their speed was incomparable. Techno had a hard time keeping up with them when it came to fighting!
Though, they tried to keep such things to a minimum as they needed a large supply of sugar for the fights.
“It’s extremely hard to keep a large-scale sugar cane farm running out here I hope you know.” Phil huffed as got sugar water for them as (Y/N) had managed to crash slightly from the lack of sugar after helping training their two new recruits in the Syndicate.
“Yeah, but you’ll always help me keep it running because you’re the beesst.” (Y/N) grinned at him, slightly loopy.
“Just drink idiot.”
The pair could be a terrifying force, but between making sure his friend kept their sugar consumption up and keep their speed down, some days Phil thought he was taking care of another child…
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Hey, can i please get an asexual Acacia Pie, she's from comics My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #99. She's One of Pinkie Pie's cousins. She has a brown body and green hair. Her cutie mark is a twig and curved cutting tool. If you find her, can you also draw her with a short hair. Thank you so much anyways!!
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THE design ever
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Today Yvette’s back so I wanted to highlight this cutie from her route- Acacia! (I admittedly have not really read this route, but I saw that there was a dog and so I read the chapters where the dog was introduced because VN’s know I am a sucker for fictional pets and this one is no exception)
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doughyduo · 3 years
look sweet tooths were made to be indulged, it's not acacia's fault if she thinks blake's a cutie
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It is her fault that Blake is so big, though.
She wasn’t that big when she started coming in to Acacia’s.
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Now I’m just imagining raven swinging and singing a little bird song, just seeing her whistling like a bird is so adorable!
Obvious Doki Doki Literature Club reference time.
A Corvid and Cat Clash.
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“Leona-san, couldja drop off food to Raven-kun again? Sorry, sorry, The Mystery Shop needs an extra stockboy to prep for the holiday season, shishishi!”
The sky was dyed red, like the blood from a fresh kill.
Leona closed his eyes, shielding himself from the dying sunlight, and leaned against the trunk of an acacia tree. He clutched onto a plastic bag heavy with prepackaged foods.
On the other side of the tree, a little raven swung on a tire and sang--softly, but his sensitive ears picked up on the lyrics.
“Every day, I imagine a future where I can be with you... In my hand is a pen that will write a story of me and you ♫”
A storyteller and a songstress.
How troublesome.
He heaved a sigh.
“The ink flows down into a dark puddle... Just move your hand, write the way into his heart ♫”
“Oi,” Leona called out, peering around the tree trunk, “you’re still not bored of that thing yet?”
Her song cut off, and she responded, “Of the swing?”
“No, of the slide.” Sarcasm dripped from his rich voice. “Of course I mean the swing, canary.”
“It’s so much fun, though. I don’t want to stop.”
“Well, you’ll have to, because you also need to eat.” He offered the plastic bag.
“Can I at least finish my song?”
“No, you can’t.”
“... Then I’ll sing it when you’re trying to sleep.”
Leona scowled. “Make it quick, or I’m wolfing down your share, and then you right after.”
“Hmph. I know you wouldn’t.”
“Just sing already.”
The birdsong carried on.
And the lion listened.
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bewitchingbaker · 8 months
Chris, what kinds of people do you think are attracted to you?
A cup of coffee floats near the baker, arms folded as he holds a slightly bewildered expression. Not with any ill will towards the anon but genuine thought. Chris often spent time pining after others that he rarely thought about who was attracted to him. While he thought he was cute, Chris believed himself to be too quiet and awkward for people.
But then he thinks about a few people who've made the first move.
Daisy, the fashionable comedian, flat out told him. Xavier, the cute but jerkass film maker, often sent him movies with little notes. Finally, Acacia, the artistic vampire who staked her claim on him with a kiss on his cheek.
His mind also wanders to people who visited the bakery with the same albeit easy order.
Some ladies with glasses and alluring voices. Cute beefy guys covered in tattoos. Even sweet non binary baddies with adorable smiles.
"Hmm," Chris begins. "I think about it sometimes. From my track record I find people who are somewhat forward are into me. Ladies who love large guys. Dudes who want me to cook for them. Cute enbys with a good sense of humor. My uncle always jokes and says I'd make a killing in New York."
A slight red hue fills his cheeks.
"....Sometimes cuties who want me to beg for them, which I don't mind. Not that I'm easy or anything."
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multifandomshipping · 3 years
hi may i request a wizarding world ship and family ship for nct and itzy
i’m a ‘04 liner slytherin. my slytherin side is that i get angry easily. sometimes, i put myself before others,too. and that i don’t show affection and get awkward when i receive one. i also like coffee and reading :)
@cloverjaem Hello again cutie :D Of course here is your wizarding world ship <3
Your house is Slytherin
Your Patronus is a Grizzly Bear
Your female best friend is Lia
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You're in the Potions Club
In class you always sit next to Jisung
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Your pet is a polar wolf
In the same house as you is Taeyong
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Your blood status is Pure-Blood
Your boyfriend at the end of last year in school is Mark
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Your best class is Dark Arts
The first boy who befriends you is Johnny
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The teacher who favors you is Severus Snape
Your Yule Ball date is Haechan
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Your wand is a 13inch Acacia wood with a Dragon Heartstring core
After Hogwarts you're going to be an Unspeakable
You will live in Cork, Ireland
I hope you like your ship ❤️
Feel free to request more !
Thanks for requesting ;)
Have an amazing day and stay healthy 🍀
°Admin Kookka
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sundove88 · 4 years
Bandori Covers I oh so Desire: Part 8: RAISE A SUILEN
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-Hero Too (My Hero Academia)
-ODD FUTURE (My Hero Academia)
-Inner Universe (Ghost In The Shell)
-Ultimate Battle (Dragon Ball Super)
-Acacia (Bump of Chicken)
-Polaris (My Hero Academia)
-VORACITY (Overlord III)
-LONG HOPE PHILIA (My Hero Academia)
-Fly Me To The Moon (Bayonetta)
-Last Surprise (Persona 5)
-Hikari no Sasu Mirai E! (Dragon Ball Infinite World)
-Rock The Dragon (Dragon Ball Z)
-Chozetsu Dynamic! (Dragon Ball Super)
-What I’m Made Of (Sonic Heroes)
-Bloody Stream (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
-Enamel (Black Butler: Book of Circus)
-F (Maximum The Hormone)
-THE DAY (My Hero Academia)
-Dan Dan Kokoro Hikarateku (Dragon Ball GT)
-I Want You to Know (Super Puzzle Fighter II X) (Ft. Kasumi)
-Cutie Honey (Kumi Koda)
-NO-LIMIT (Fairy Tail)
-GrilledBird (TouHou)
-Team Zetto Senshi (Dragon Ball Z: Kai)
-Great and Splendid Land of the Bubbles (Touhou)
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manggaeteokki · 4 years
Secret Garden || intro
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summary: for years and years, your mother whispered to you stories of the mythical secret garden, and for years, you thought they were just that: stories. but what happens when one day you stumble upon a place beyond your wildest imagination and not a clue how you got there?
come in and discover the legends of the Secret Garden.
pairing: ___ x reader, BTS x reader 
genre: fluff, romance, fantasy, alternate universe! au, smut (possibly?? *eyebrow wiggle*)
words: 1.7K
a/n: this is my first series and i’m super excited! this series will have a story in the garden for each member. please read the intro before delving into the stories!!! the intro sets up the stories, so its important to read, cuties. choose one to read or choose them all. either way, can’t wait to see you in the Garden!  (send an ask to be added to the taglist!!) 
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“Do you ever think there could be other worlds besides ours?” your friend, Aila, asks while shoving a fistful of buttery popcorn in her mouth. 
It was Movie Night in your shared apartment, and your friend and roommate, Aila’s, brilliant suggestion of Prometheus was gracing your T.V. screen. She loved movies about otherworldly creatures coming to Earth and especially loved when an invasion was involved. You often questioned her movie taste, and she would explain that she likes the idea of Earth “not being the only planet with viable and intelligent beings.” It sounded insane, but in some ways it made sense, you rationalized. 
You shifted on the comfy couch to look towards her. While you didn’t necessarily refute the point, you couldn’t be sure that you could answer such a question or even know where to begin with an explanation. 
“When I was younger,” you started, “my mom used to always tell me stories of this other world that had a garden.” 
“Sounds fucking boring,” she retorted. You hit her shoulder and she winced in fake pain. 
“Shut up. Like I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted, she would tell me stories of this place. The way she talked about the garden… it made it seem like it was real,” you smiled remembering. “She said that every flower in existence bloomed there, and that as soon as you entered, a wave of calmness immediately washed over your body. ‘A pure form of serenity,’ she said.” 
“No offense but it sounds like that time I got high at the Botanical Gardens with Nico last summer,” she laughed and you shortly followed suit. 
“Yeah, but she also talked about these beings that lived there. I think she said there were seven of them. She said that they looked like humans, but on a closer look, their beauty was too ethereal to be so,” you babbled. 
Aila’s face contorted into confusion and wonder as you recalled the stories your mother told you at bedtime each night. The movie long forgotten, Aila inquired more and more about your beloved stories until the music signaling the end credits began to play. Aila stood up and began clearing the popcorn strays from the couch while you walked over to turn on the lights in the living room. 
Your roommate let out a yawn paired with a sound that could easily be compared to a banshee, and let you know that she would be heading to sleep as she had work early in the morning. You nodded your head in acknowledgement and let her know that you would be staying a while in the living to catch up on a show you had been binge-watching that week. Her door to her room closed and you landed on your couch with a fwump! 
“Finally I get to watch this damn show!” you exclaimed, reaching for the bucket of popcorn Aila left out for you. The intro to Elite started rolling, and you snuggled deeper into the worn-in couch. You let out a sigh of relaxation, allowing yourself to get immersed in the show. 
Two episodes and about 3 hours later (you used one of the hours to mindlessly scroll through your social media), you decided, albeit belatedly, that you should head to bed due to work being in seven hours. Working in research wasn’t as taxing as you thought, but it still required you to be awake and not slobbering on a keyboard for eight hours, as great as it sounded. 
You started to head toward your own room when you heard a thump against one of the doors in the small hallway where the doors leading to the bedrooms existed. You decided that you were more tired than you felt and thought the result was auditory hallucinations; however, as you got closer to the middle door between you and Aila’s bedroom, you heard it once again and this time louder. 
“Aila, what the hell are you doing in there?” you called out but there was no response. 
When you and Aila first toured the apartment, the middle door did not go unnoticed. When asked about the door and why it was locked, the landlord simply said that he bought it that way and never received a key. Many jokes were made in terms of what lie beyond the door; moreso by Aila and her extraterrestrial fantasies than you, but they induced plenty of laughs nonetheless. 
The thumping occurred from the middle door again, and fear slowly crept into your veins making your body feel a rush of coolness in the process. You knew not to try to open the door, not that it was even possible, but you also knew that you wouldn’t be able to sleep with that incessant noise. You started banging on Aila’s door. 
“Aila, girl, I KNOW you hear that noise. Hurry up and come out! I’m scared,” you whined, but she still didn’t reply. You knew Aila was a heavy sleeper, but damn was she sleeping deep if she couldn’t hear you. 
You twisted the knob to her door and ran in expecting to see a lump on plump blankets in a human silhouette. Instead, you found her bed completely made, no human in sight. There was no way that Aila could have gone out the window, you guys were on the tenth floor. Things weren’t adding up, and you were on the verge of tears. 
A morbid curiosity suffused throughout your being as you slowly began walking towards the middle door. The thumping got louder with each step you took, and at some point, you couldn’t distinguish between the pounding of your heart in your eardrums and the perpetual beat against the mahogany entrance. You reached the door, and your hand encased the golden knob. You noted that it felt warm for a door that had supposedly not been used for a lengthy amount of time. With a twist of the knob, you were shocked to hear a click indicated the outdated door had been unlocked. You stood there for what seemed like forever, an array of questions racing through your mind. You finally gathered what little courage you had left and swung the door open. 
It was a bittersweet feeling when you listened to your mom. All those times when you wished you were spirited away from your life only to continue the mundane quickly taught you that stories were just stories. Myths were myths. Lies were lies. And gardens of every flower didn’t exist but in fairytales. 
So why, beyond a mysterious door in a crappy apartment, are the most beautiful meadows of flowers swaying in the wind, dancing a dance of entrancement, almost as if they were personally inviting you inside? Your eyes glassed over as you tried to process the view. It was as if your eyes were stuck in their place. 
You were frozen. 
It wasn’t until you heard the door shut behind you that realized you had moved inside. Your eyes whipped back, but you found yourself staring at acres and acres of flowers, not a door in sight. 
“Is there a reason you’re standing there like an idiot?” you heard a voice say. 
When you turned around, your eyes met your best friend and roommate. She donned a sheer ivory dress with golden acacias adorning her bodice and train. The silk threads shone in the sun almost as if the dress had been sewn by the heavens themselves. Her skin was as smooth as glass and possessed a beautiful brown pigment with a hint of olive. Champagne glitter bedecked the areas around her eyes, and her hair was tied up in a braid full of a different selection of flowers. Her eyebrow was raised and her arms were across her chest. You could hear her foot tapping against the ground in irritation. 
“Aila?” you whispered. 
“Who?” she practically yelled, “That is not my name, nor has it ever been.” 
You blushed, “then who are you?”
“Who am I?” she scoffed, “More like who are you? You’re the one who stood in the middle of the meadow as if you were waiting for someone to check you into a hotel.” 
Her tone was pissing you off, and if you had felt more comfortable in this situation, you would have told her exactly where she could have put it. Instead, you were too busy trying to figure out whether or not Aila put something in her popcorn. 
“I’m Y/N, and I don’t even know where I am or how I even got here,” you choked. 
The girl gave you a look then closed her eyes and sighed. She turned on her heel and began walking in the opposite direction without saying another word. Your eyebrows furrowed and your temper threatened to lose itself, but when she found that your footsteps were nowhere to be heard, she stopped in her tracks. 
“Are you coming or what?” she bleated. You nodded slightly and began walking quickly to catch up with her. 
You walked beside her for what seemed like forever, not sharing one word between each other, so you decided to take in your surroundings. 
You could see the flowers, yes, but you also saw little creatures you had never seen before participating in different tasks. Some were watering sections of plants, some were flitting and flying, sprinkling an unknown substance from the air that shone like diamonds, and some were simply laying down and napping in the sun. You walked further and found little manmade living spaces made from materials like twigs and leaves, and silently thought how adorable it all was. Just when you were counting your hundredth house, the girl suddenly stopped. 
“We’re here,” she stated. 
In front of you, seven paths diverged and outstretched throughout the pasture. Each one looked uniform at first glance, but the longer you looked, the more you could see the slight differences. With your lips slightly parted, you turned back towards the girl, however, the space she occupied was now taken up by a lanky, ginger, cat-like entity licking its paw. 
“What?” it spoke with the girl’s voice. 
You jumped back slightly but a calm hushed your body. You took a deep breath.
“What am I supposed to do now?” you asked.
“What do you normally do when you see multiple paths?” she snickered, continuing to lick her paw. You stayed silent and looked towards her. She stopped licking and instead arched her back gracefully. 
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