#about 6 inches of cake all at once
jmdbjk · 11 months
Baby Star Candy!
Jungkook said to Kpop/Korea/America/Army:
"nah, hold my beer..."
I've said it before, they are dragging our asses with them, kicking, screaming, now foaming at the mouth and elsewhere, through chapter 2. We have been creeping our way through with chesties, nipples, an f-bomb here and there... but Kookie just ripped that band aid off and said let's just go all the way.
Curiously, the promotional descriptions were 5,813 miles off the mark:
Seven is an invigorating (invigorating all right but that's not the word I'd choose...) “summer song” that is sure to have you experience the full breadth (if that doesn't reek of "jk has a big dick" fanfic energy) of Jung Kook’s charm (is that what we're calling it now? Charm? I thought we already agreed on Jungkonda). We hope that “Seven” will bring your summer fun to the next level....(the next level all right... multiple orgasmic levels).
Seven is an addictive melody with a warm sound of acoustic guitar, 'UK garage' (electronic music) genre! (Woohoo!) It's a 'summer song' that anyone can enjoy the energy. Energy is a diplomatic way of saying it'll make you horny. It is a passionate serenade with lyrics about wanting to be with the person you love all week long. Serenade? LMAO.
All I know is Kookie can take a lot into his mouth all at once without hesitating... my man, you go.
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Seriously though. I guess people are ok with portrayals of men being persistent until women cave in. He waited for her consent but damn, he was willing to use up several of his lives, that's some serious obsession determination.
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Based off this post lol
Being completely self indulgent with this one lol. I also think it would be funny if they went to a 6 flags park cuz it’s DC property, lol anyway. Not proofread, no smut but slightly suggestive in one part.
Word count: 800
✭He remembered how once you made an off handed comment about loving roller coasters and flat rides when you two had first begun dating, and since summer was just around the corner he wanted to surprise you with two tickets to the nearest Six Flags in a state over, wanting to make a whole day out of it, because he’s just a sweet boyfriend like that.
✭He himself hadn’t gone to one since he was in high school before he had his late growth spurt, so he didn’t realize until it was already too late that he was too big for 99% of the rides.
✭It hadn’t occurred to you both right away, you were both waiting in line for a coaster, Batman the ride to be more specific. You both finally got to the front of line after about 40 minutes of waiting, Miguel hugging you from behind as you waited like a stereotypical couple. (When you were single, you despised those couples but here you are now) he wasn't even able to take two steps from the gate until an employee came up to you both. Saying that Miguel was too tall to sit comfortably in the seats and even if he was a few inches shorter, the over-the-shoulders restraints wouldn’t click because of how built his shoulders and chest were.
✭He was a bit upset, the day had barely started and he was already being turned away because of something he had technically no control over. But he didn’t want it to affect the date. So he just walked through the loading station and just waited there. You had initially told him that you weren’t going to get on it if he couldn’t, but he said that you should just ride without him.
✭“You had already waited the 40 minutes muñeca, just go, It’s fine.” He had told you, but he started to regret his words just a tad bit when the ride attendant had sat a group of three college guys next to you. He had to watch silently as the one next to you tried to make conversation. You were always too nice to not engage, and weren’t very good at reading signs when someone was flirting with you.
✭When you finally finish the ride, your face is all flushed , and you're all giggly from the adrenaline pumping in your veins. Miguel made sure that the guy next to you knew you were off limits, pulling you close by your waist and capturing your lips into a wet kiss as you giggled into it. Not noticing the way your boyfriend was glaring daggers at the guy who sat next to you.
✭You were a lot more optimistic than Mig was about being able to get to ride at least one thing with him. But the more times he got denied the more bitter he became, you had to take a break from the rides after one of the works we’re getting “too handsy” with you (he was checking your lap restraint) so as to make sure he didn’t throw it down with a 16 year old worker (it was almost funny how jealous he got at times).
✭If there was anything Miguel could do though, was to win you something at the games. Specifically , one of those gigantic teddy bears you have to hold with both arms.
✭You’ve never wanted to jump his bones more than when he was playing one of those water shooting games with a little boy, and had “accidentally “ missed during the first few seconds so the kid could win the last pikachu stuffy. Admitting to him when you both shared a funnel cake later that you’ve never wanted to make him a dad more than in that moment.
✭And he swears to himself that he’ll keep those words in mind next time you try to reach for the condoms in his dresser drawer.
✭Miguel was sure he wouldn’t be allowed on 99% of the rides, but there was, thankfully, a ride he could go on. The Farris wheel.
✭You both were able to get on just after the sky turned dark, and all the fun neon lights from some of the other rides lit up with perfect lighting as you boarded.
✭You were in awe at all the lights and the sights from atop of the wheel, taking a picture to post on your insta story with 3005 from childish Gambino later. Not even noticing Miguel’s starry-eyed look at you, matching the one you had.
✭Once you two stopped at the top, Miguel couldn’t help but seize the opportunity to be cheesy, and leaned in until his lips connected with yours.
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st
@mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout
@reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama
@scaryplanetdestroyer @migueloharastruelove @genny1019 @maiyart @stressed-cherry
@haveclayeveryday @krentkova19
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slut4satoru-blog · 11 months
Parent-Teacher Conference—Toji Fushiguro-Zenin. +18 CONTENT MINORS DNI
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚
a singledad!Toji fic to fill my empty heart. i’m a slut for toji and i hope you guys are too. making this a 3 part series! please enjoyyyyyyy. 💜
content warnings: f!reader, AFAB, tiny kabedon, height difference, healthy age gap (6 years), trying my best to keep body descriptions to a minimum, hickeys, sex toys, marking, jealousy, slight possessiveness, oral (f!receiving), tiddie sucking <3, fingering, edging, public use of sex toy, pet names, and whatever else might had slipped my mind.
word count: 2.2k
*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚
It’s been a busy 2 weeks with the PT conference being tomorrow. I have 0 time for myself. There’s two places I’m always at, either at school teaching my students or at home grading and preparing student reports. The end of the 10 weeks is always a mess. At least I teach High School, and my kids are so good they help me with the stuff.
There’s always a few students from each class that volunteer to help organize and store papers and that has helped me for sure. Like whenever Nobara, Yuuji and Megumi from my 10th grade class stay after school every Tuesday to help me out. They really are the best and I 100% could not survive without them. Talking about the kids, Megumi is really special. I’ve literally taught him since middle school, and it’s kind of funny because when I first started teaching him he would accidentally call me “mom” sometimes, his cute little face always made me smile. I remember when his mother passed away and I attended the service, it was the first time I saw his dad.
Toji Fushiguro, what a sight to remember. He was one of those people I knew I would never forget about. Year after year, conference after conference Toji and I’s friendship grew closer. Of course, always formal since he is my student’s dad. But there’s always a part of me that dreams of it being more than just that. The way he would slightly touch my hand with his fingers, acting as if nothing happened. Whenever he says “Hello” and puts his hand on my waist as he brings me in for a hug. I swear, one time that man was as hard as a rock and he just acted so normally. His tall, muscular build haunted me in my dreams.
Every single night, I would dream about him ravaging me in different positions. The way he would eat me out, fuck me senseless. I would imagine how he could roughly handle me and just how good he would feel inside of me, leaving me clenching around my fingers as I tried to satiate the need for his cock. However, every single morning I had to remind myself that it would never change. At least that’s what I always thought.
I decided to get up 1 hour earlier and get myself ready. Since today we had no class and I wasn't going to deal with any cooking, I wouldn’t have to wear my go-to chef uniform. Rummaging through my clothes, I decided to wear a simple emerald green and black pants suit, along with some 2 inch closed platforms. Also, I took the opportunity to wear some makeup and style my hair since I rarely got the chance to do so in school.
Once I arrived at the Jujutsu Technical School campus I quickly went up to finish setting up my lab to greet the parents and guardians of my students. For each parent student teacher conference I would have the kids make something for their families so they could snack as they picked up the grades for the quarter and discuss some details with me. They all decided to make some cake pops and they looked adorable. Some are movie themed, others by colors and even by aesthetics. Kids these days, am I right? When I finished everything I decided to sit patiently at my desk and wait for all of the parents to arrive.
Not to my surprise, Toji arrived first. I could sense his presence even with me being against the door. His sultry, silky and sinful voice decided to greet me. “Hey there Ms. _____. It’s been too long since our last encounter.” I turned my seat around to face him, getting startled as he was way closer than I anticipated. His hand went for my arm, sliding one finger over my bare hands. “Hi Sir, it’s a pleasure to see you get here so early. As you know, Gumi’s sweets are at the left corner of the table. You can grab the cake pops he made you and Sumi this time. He worked really hard on them.”
He looked at the table, walked up to it and got his and Tsumiki’s bag and returned to my desk. He shoved the sweets in his pocket and plopped his hands to either side of my desk. Trapping me in to smell his fresh, clean cologne. “I was thinking of doing some experiments. What do you think? Megumi tells me about everything you guys do in this class. And, it gets me thinking. Are you as fun in bed as you are in the classroom? I’m sorry Ms. ____ but I know I’m not the only one that feels this tension.”
He stopped for a second, eyed me up and down. Taking one of his hands and moving it to my chin as he lifted it up to continue his sermon. “I‘ve seen the way you look at me. How your thighs clench whenever I tease you. I’m not blind you know? And you’re not hiding it now either.” He took his eyes off of mine and dragged them across my body. I could feel his intense stare burning through the fabric. Starting a fire in my core that would soon become too hot to control.
“Sir, this isn’t right… Anyone can come up now and see us like this. I work here, I don’t want to risk that for whatever my body feels like. I can deal with it later. This is wrong.” I tried to believe the words that came out of my mouth. We both knew i was lying about it not being right. We were both adults, he was only a few years older than me since he had Megumi at 16. We were only 6 years apart, so it wasn’t inmoral. However, there was something about this being too good to be true. I just couldn’t wrap my head around how things were happening.
“Can we try something? Please? I swear if you say no I won’t bother you after this.” He opened his black suitcase that he always brought to store all the papers us teachers would bring to the parents. Once it was open, he pulled out a weirdly shaped pink toy. I’ve seen this before, it’s called a love sense. He saw the way my eyes lit up to the toy and asked. “I figure you’re familiar with this, right? I promise I’ll behave if you’re a good girl.”
I stood up and walked up to the door. Looking at the empty hallways since the pt conference was 30 minutes away. “Am i really about to do this…?” I whispered to myself as I closed my lab’s room and locked it. I went to Toji, sat on top of my desk and responded. “I’ll allow this… experiment. But you have to promise not to go too far. This is my job, and I’m not willing to lose it because I moaned while talking about bread.” He laughed at my remarks and sighed beautifully, standing between my legs and wrapping me in his arms. I could feel his cinnamony breath near my lips as he spoke. “Don’t worry darling, this thing is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. Consider this preparation for what comes next.”
Without saying more, he leaned in to kiss me almost as if he was afraid of ruining whatever it is that we had these past years. His hands diligently went under my satin shirt, taking it out of the pants to grope my tits. “They’re so soft, I could drown here.” He whispered in your ears as he lifted the shirt up completely to suck on them, leaving cute little markings all along them. “Just wait till you see my ass.” I playfully dared him, ruffling one of my hands through his soft, black hair as i left one of my hands on the desk for support. Throwing my head back as he sucked my nipples with such expertise. It really felt like he was french kissing me there.
“Oh, please don’t stop. This feels so good.” I whined at him as I started feeling new sensations, I had never before felt so sensitive on my breasts. Maybe because of my lack of sex partners. It had been such a bad experience with none of my other flings getting me to orgasm. So frustrating I ended up stopping all together. I could feel his grin across my nipple as he slowly popped it as he let it go. “Time to see that ass babe, can’t wait any longer.”
He flipped me skillfully, carefully pulling down my pants & lingerie that I wore that day. “All wet for me baby? So nice and plump; you keep wrapping me up in your little finger, huh?” He took one of his hands and teasingly slid it across my slit. I shuddered; his cold, big fingers clashing against my hot plump core. He started to play with my arousal, slipping it up and down. Occasionally grazing above my clit as to piss me off. “Toji, please. We have 15 minutes until the parents arrive. Just fuck me already.”
“Fuck you? Oh no baby girl, you’ve got it all wrong. You see…” He stopped talking for a second, and I groaned when I felt his mouth on my clit. Skillfully eating me out like he had 1,000 years of experience. “My plan isn’t to fuck you now.” He planted another kiss on my cunt, tongue skimming all through my folds. “We‘ll talk about that later. ‘Kay sweetheart?”. With that he stopped, removing himself from my needy core and slipped the toy inside of me, filling me up instantly as a moan slipped through my teeth.
“Remember, this is connected to my phone. You better act nice if you want me to be nice.” He grinned like a man-whore and I enjoyed every single of it. He licked my thighs to “clean-up after himself” and then wiped it dry with some tissue I had laying around. After that, he walked to the chair in the back and waited for the classroom/lab to fill up with more parents.
“Hello, thank you all for attending today’s PT Conference. I’m Ms. _____ and as you all probably know by now, I’m your kid’s Culinary Arts elective course teacher….” I roughly explained the next 2 big projects the kids had to make. And how the Culinary Arts elective course was partnering up with the Science program to form a “Food Science” exhibition for the upcoming science fair. It was all going good. Actually, too good. I would eye up Toji every now and then but he was never looking at me, just looking at his phone. Mysteriously the vibrator was off for all of my speech. I was kind of glad, I didn't want to trip on my words or embarrass myself. However, things started to take a turn when parents started to ask to see me after class.
When Mr. Nanami, Yuuji’s foster dad, asked to see me after class. That was the moment I felt the vibration instantly turn on. It was slow, steady motions that started to relieve the tension I had going on. I said my goodbyes to all the parents, and when my lab was almost empty, since Toji refused to leave, Mr. Nanami went up to me. “Hey Ms.____ I was wondering if i could ask you something about Yuuji’s grades. You see, he’s having some trouble with math and since I know this course involves a lot of that i was wondering if you would be willing to tutor him. I would be paying, of course. It could be over at our home or we could meet up at some place of your choosing.”
I gave him a tiny smile, he was always so observant over Yuuji. “Of course! We can work something out. He always works my math out easily, I imagine it’s because I try my best to break everything down before giving it to them. Thanks for your concern on Yuuji. He’s a bright kid, he’s in good hands.” I put my hand on top of his to give him security, and in that instant I felt how the vibrator just jumped in velocity. It was hard, inconsistent and just random and all over the place. I contained myself from yelping and decided to shift in my seat instead. When I looked over at Toji there he was, man-spreading in all of his glory swiping his phone in different directions as he looked intensely at how my hand rested in top of Nanami’s.
Nanami ended the conversation shortly, handing me his business card that contained his contact information so we could set up the meetings and left quickly, not forgetting to wave at Toji at the end of the room. Toji stood up, and waved him a tiny goodbye as he walked towards me. Long, slow steps making small clacks across the marbled floor. He looked at his phone once more and swiped up, leaving the vibrator at the highest speed as I tried to shush the moans that escaped my mouth. Eventually giving in as i sat in my comfy chair.
“I told you I would behave if you were a good girl. But you just had to make me jealous, didn’t you?”
part 2, part 3
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okkalo · 1 year
blue lock boys doing your makeup trend
characters: rin, yukimiya, shidou, isagi, chigiri
warnings: shidou 😟😟, cuss words
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- he’s trying.
- his focused face makes him look like he knows what he’s doing.
- he doesn’t.
- if you record he is literally glaring at the camera the whole time.
- names products by how they look. meaning u will NOT get the actual name out of him. (he knows blush and mascara though!!)
- “this is the brown liquid” (ur getting there!!)
- skips the primer.
- if u have multiple foundation colors he gets so confused why one doesn’t match 💀
- “the hell is this?” THE FACE HE MAKES TOO??
- puts on too much blush and just stares in wonder of what he did wrong.
- that or he applies the blush as lipstick
- he applies your lipstick (or i guess blush) weird?? makes you pucker your lips to do it LOL
- forces you to do your eyeliner and mascara because he doesn’t want to hurt you </3
- probably mumbles under his breath the whole time about how stuff isn’t working how it should
- giggle at him and he will give you a look and just leave.
- the finished look was a 6/10
- he’s trying but nicer.
- i can see him having no sense of color theory whatsoever so your eyeshadow and lipstick look HORRIBLE together
- probably this bright purple eyeshadow with a bright red lipstick
- he doesn’t forget anything though!!
- puts the concealer in all the wrong spots. he thinks it should go where the contour goes
- another guy to use blush as lipstick
- “that’s not right” at least he knows
- will do your eyeliner wing (which turned out to be horrible) but completely avoids your waterline
- avoids the mascara but watches in amazement as you curl your eyelashes
- gives you so many kisses throughout
- the finished look was a 3/10 😔
- he’s the best out of everyone because he actually knows what he’s doing.
- he might confuse the names at some point but is quick to fix his mistake.
- sososo gentle when applying products to your face too!
- he smiles so big once he sees you close your eyes at his light touch
- probably uses the wrong brushes </3
- goes down to your neck with your foundation!!
- does your eyeliner but doesn’t do your lashes (the wing is a 8/10)
- tries so hard on the eyeshadow but it just doesn’t work
- pretty colors but horrible with knowing where to stop (he went to your brows with it </3)
- he muttered a lot of soft “oops” during this time no doubt
- also gives a lot of kisses during this time
- actually so proud once he finishes it though
- compliment his abilities!!
- 9.1/10
- idk why u wanted him to do this.
- he’s literally making you look like a clown
- makes a mess of your makeup and does not care.
- probably super good at makeup too but just wants to be an asshole
- puts SO MUCH foundation on you. you are literally caked
- puts so much bronzer on too and swipes it in all the wrong directions
- a lot of product got in your nose because he gave that area a lot of attention
- absolutely went crazy with the blush. it is everywhere on your cheek.
- the same with highlighter.
- goes crazy with the setting powder as well. you both sneezed multiple times
- picks bright blue eyeshadow and goes way too far with it
- he was fr about to do your eyeliner and lashes (don’t let him. he will twitch during this time and i know it.)
- takes SO many pictures of you
- makes a video of you with the clown music in the background 💀
- 0/10. rethink ur decisions.
- “stay still” x10.
- is good at makeup and knows what everything is but god forbid you move an inch. he literally told you to stop breathing once like??
- if you try to be funny and move your head to the side while he’s putting stuff on he will immediately stop and just give you a stare. no words to be said. he just stares. it’s not a nice stare either </3
- if you get distracted and look away while he’s getting a product he will yank your head back to the position he so desires.
- you’re actually kinda impressed with how well the makeup turns out.
- it’s a strong 8.5/10, he messed up the eyeliner and lipstick part (“maybe stay still next time”).
- will absolutely squish your cheeks and make you pucker your lips to kiss him at the end.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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foodshowxyz · 4 months
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Chocolate Log Cake with Melted Caramel and Chocolate Ganache
Ingredients 🍫 For the Chocolate Sponge:
4 large eggs
100g (1/2 cup) granulated sugar
65g (1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
30g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
🍯 For the Caramel Filling:
200g (1 cup) sugar
90g (6 tbsp) butter
120ml (1/2 cup) heavy cream
Pinch of salt
🍫 For the Chocolate Ganache:
200g (1 cup) dark chocolate, chopped
200ml (3/4 cup) heavy cream
Preparation Time & Cook time Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes (Sponge) + Cooling and Assembly: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour 40 minutes
Estimated Calories and serving portion Calories: ~500 per slice (serves 8)
Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Line a 10x15 inch jelly roll pan with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, beat the eggs and sugar until thick and pale (about 5 minutes).
Sift in flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder, gently folding into the egg mixture.
Spread batter evenly onto the prepared pan. Bake for 10 minutes.
Once baked, immediately invert the cake onto a clean kitchen towel dusted with cocoa powder. Roll the cake with the towel from the short end. Cool completely.
For the caramel, heat sugar in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring until melted and amber. Add butter, stir until melted, then slowly drizzle in heavy cream, stirring constantly. Add a pinch of salt. Cool to room temperature.
Unroll the cake and spread the cooled caramel over it, leaving a small border.
Reroll the cake without the towel. Place on a wire rack over a baking sheet.
For the ganache, heat the cream until just boiling. Pour over chopped chocolate, let sit for 1 minute, then stir until smooth.
Pour the ganache over the cake, using a spatula to cover it completely.
Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 1 month
Strawberry Cake
For the cake:
• 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
• 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
• 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
• 3/4 cup whole milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1/2 teaspoon strawberry extract (optional)
• 4 large eggs
• 1 1/2 cups finely chopped fresh strawberries
For the strawberry filling:
• 1 1/2 cups finely chopped fresh strawberries
• 1/4 cup granulated sugar
• 1 tablespoon cornstarch
For the strawberry frosting:
• 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
• 4 cups powdered sugar
• 1/4 cup strawberry puree (made from fresh or frozen strawberries)
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
• Fresh strawberries for garnish (optional)
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans or line them with parchment paper.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy.
4. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, followed by the vanilla extract and strawberry extract (if using).
5. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture, alternating with the milk. Begin and end with the dry ingredients, mixing until just combined. Do not overmix.
6. Gently fold in the finely chopped strawberries until evenly distributed throughout the batter.
7. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared cake pans, smoothing the tops with a spatula.
8. Bake in the preheated oven for about 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cakes comes out clean.
9. Remove the cakes from the oven and let them cool in the pans for 10 minutes. Then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.
10. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the strawberry filling. In a saucepan, combine the finely chopped strawberries, granulated sugar, and cornstarch. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture thickens and the strawberries break down, about 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat and let the filling cool completely.
11. To make the strawberry frosting, beat the softened butter in a mixing bowl until creamy. Gradually add the powdered sugar, strawberry puree, and vanilla extract. Beat until smooth and well combined.
12. Once the cakes are completely cooled, place one cake layer on a serving plate. Spread a generous amount of the strawberry filling evenly over the cake layer.
13. Place the second cake layer on top of the filling, gently pressing down to secure it.
14. Frost the top and sides of the cake with the strawberry frosting using a spatula or a piping bag.
15. Optional: Garnish the cake with fresh strawberries for an extra touch.
This strawberry cake is a delightful dessert that celebrates the vibrant flavors of strawberries. It's perfect for birthdays, special occasions, or anytime you're craving a sweet and fruity treat.
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Would you mind if I asked for the recipe for your famous lavender cake?
Hi :D
Still not sure how you found out about the lavender cake (probably my tags on something) but I shall answer your ask - fair warning though, I'm too lazy to convert much of the measurements into Imperial, so much of it will be metric. Convert at your own risk ;)
The Cake TM:
6 eggs 1 teaspoon of lemon extract (+ the zest of one lemon) 220g sugar 280g flour (all-purpose) 2 teaspoons of baking soda A sprinkle of salt
Split the eggs and beat them until they are firm (don't overbeat) and then slowly pour the sugar into the mixture to make a meringue (which you cannot overbeat thank god).
Once this is done slowly pour one egg yolk at a time into the mixture - then shift the flour, baking soda, and lemon zest into the mixture and gently fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until they are combined - but only just.
You don't want to overmix.
Line the bottom of a 9 or 10 inch baking pan with baking sheets, but DON'T butter the sides. Bake at 175-180 °C (375F) for about 45 minutes or until it survives the poke test. Let cool slightly and cut in as many layers as you like. (i usually do three layers)
The Buttercream:
500ml whole milk 1 pinch vanilla extract 2 bags of vanilla custard powder 100g caster sugar 1 egg yolk 500g softened butter 10 drops lavender extract a few branches fresh lavender (optional)
Heat 450ml of the milk in a pan, mixed with the vanilla and lavender extract. In a seperate bowl mix the custard powder with the rest of the milk, the egg yolk and the sugar until well combined.
Once the milk comes to a boil, quickly mix in the custard/egg mixture. Mix well. Let it simmer for about a minute, but don't stop mixing for even a second. Take it off the heat.
Put the finished pudding into a deep bowl, cover with clingfilm, and let cool.
(optional) Wash and dry the fresh lavender before chopping it finely and mixing it into the butter.
IMPORTANT butter and custard/pudding need to be the same temperature for this next bit. Once the pudding has cooled to room temperature, slowly whisk pieces of butter into the mix until everything is well combined.
Try the creme to see if you like the amount of lavender - if not, add more lavender extract.
The Ganash:
200g white chocolate 80ml heavy cream 1 tbsp butter a few drops lavender extract
chop white chocolate until its small and even.
bring butter/heavy cream mix to a simmer and add lavender extract - DO NOT BOIL
once the heavy cream is hot enough, gently pour it over the chopped white chocolate.
Wait a minute and start mixing - don't stop until its smooth and uniform.
set aside
lemon curd / good lemon jam simple syrup
place bottom layer of cake on a plate, add one or two tablespoons of simple syrup onto the cake before spooning a third of the jam/curd onto the cake. Spread evenly. Now add a third of the buttercream - spread evenly.
Repeat with the second layer.
Add the top layer of the cake and crumb-coat the cake with the rest of the buttercream. Put it in the freezer for 30mins to chill.
Prepare the ganash - if it's too solid, gently warm it back up my placing it in a microwave in 10 sec increments.
Place the cake on a cake rack and slowly pour the ganash over the cake, starting in the middle and only slowly working your way to the edges.
Decorate and enjoy!
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Frank, I have gallons of vanilla extract, can you give me a recipe that demands such excess of vanilla extract?) I'm talking atleast 50% vanilla extract
Here are the quantities (I use 2 large jars per recipe)
12 cups sugar, divided
1/2 cup corn syrup, divided
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
6 large eggs, lightly beaten
3 cups cake flour
3 teaspoons baking soda
4 sticks (16 ounces) unsalted butter, softened
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup heavy cream
1 1/4 cups water
6 cups chopped walnuts, lightly toasted (see below)
Start by preheating the oven to 250 F. Grease a 13 by 9 by 4-inch baking dish.
Prepare the caramel base:
In a heavy saucepan over medium-high heat, bring 3 cups sugar, 1/2 cup corn syrup, and 6 tablespoons water to a boil. While whisking the mixture, add 1/4 cup cold water. Whisk until smooth and shiny. Once it's been in the saucepan for a minute or so, make sure the mixture is at a boil and bring it back down to a simmer. Continue whisking regularly.
Once the syrup is a caramel color, and it's bubbling but not too fast, remove it from the heat and whisk in 1/4 cup butter. Whisk until completely dissolved, then whisk in 2 teaspoons vanilla extract. Whisk that thoroughly into the caramel, then scrape the caramel into a large bowl, leaving the mixture on the stovetop as you go. If it's not all liquid, whisk in some water. Whisk the wet mixture until it's uniformly fluffy.
(At this stage, you can leave the batter on the stovetop -- it should become less watery as the butter melts. Don't stir it or it will get gritty.)
Sift the cake flour and baking soda into a second large bowl, then whisk in the remainder of the 12 cups of sugar. In a separate bowl, lightly beat 3 eggs and 1 egg yolk together, then add them to the batter along with 2 cups of the cream. Add the salt last of all, and whisk it in well.
Scrape the vanilla caramel mixture back into the saucepan and slowly cook it until it comes to a boil. Bring it back down to a simmer and boil it for about 2 minutes. Once it has started to bubble, quickly add the walnuts in two batches -- first the nuts in the center of the pan, then those on the sides. Once all the nuts are in, gently stir them in with a silicone spatula. Once the walnuts are evenly distributed throughout, remove the pan from the heat and pour the walnuts into the prepared baking dish.
Spread the nuts out and then scoop some of the chocolate batter on top. (It's easiest to work with a large spoon at this point, so scoop it from the edges outward and stop once you've covered the top. Then use a knife to score the surface and poke the nuts through, but keep scooping the chocolate batter back in.) Continue until the nuts are fully and evenly incorporated, then use a spoon to spread it a little more evenly, scraping out the "crust" that you made, to make sure the nuts are completely surrounded. If the chocolate batter has overflowed onto the sides of the baking dish, you can scoop some more batter on top to hide it.
Scrape as much of the walnuts as possible from the pan, then bake for 55 minutes at 250 F or until the chocolate begins to crack and the center springs back when pressed.
(Tiny bits of nuts left in the center at the end won't affect the flavor.)
Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool for about 20 minutes, then pour the remaining cream and water into the baking dish it was baked in and stir them in. Cover the top of the cake with a towel so it is not too wet, then let it sit in a cool place until the cake has cooled down even more. Once it's been sitting for 20 minutes and it is still cool, frost with a thick layer of dark chocolate frosting.
This recipe makes about 15 cups of frosting. Leftovers should be refrigerated and eaten within three days.
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anna-thesimp · 4 months
My love is mine all mine: Valentines day special (Late!)
Valentines Day was today and lots of couples came into the bistro. Vince put out a special for today and it was about the only thing sold that day. Once the bistro closed Vince was making sure everything was put in place.
  "Doing anything special today?" Rody was still here whichever shock Vincent but his expression didn't change.
  "No I'm not, you doing anything?" Vince was genuinely curious, but the tone and his face expression said otherwise.
  "I would, but my girl isn't picking up the phone, so I won't today." Vine thought for a second, but his words spilled out his mouth before realizing it.
  "Come over to my place for Valentines day."
  "What?" Vince tried to come up with something to cover up his awkwardness. Thank God his face was turned away from Rody, a splash of was on his cheeks.
  "This day isn't the best day be alone, and its your birthday, so come over to my place." Hopefully Rody didn't notice the nervousness in Vince's voice.
  "Sure what time?"
  "7 sharp."
  "Got it seen you then!" Rody's smiled left the building, pink was slapped back on Vince's cheek.
  Get yourself together Vincent you shouldn't act like this!
  He then left to go to his apartment.
6:59. Vince wore an all black outfit, his hair looked slicked back. Then a knocked on his door, Vince went to open it and there was Rody, he looked out of breath, and wearing his casual outfit.
  "Did...I....make....it?" Vince looked at the time.
7 o'clock
  "Barley, Idiot, get inside." Rody step in and shut the door behind him.
  "I made some meatloaf, if you want anything." Vince nod his head to the meatloaf on the counter. Rody passed on it.
The two sat in awkward silence.
  "What do you usually do on your birthday?" Vince tried to break the awkwardness.
  "I would go out with my girlfriend for dinner and just talk with her." Vince face looked a little pissed.
  "Anything else?"
  "Oh! We dance! Have you ever danced Vince?" Rody's question answered with a head shake, there was a sad look on the gingers face.
Rody got up and looked around the apartment and saw a record player and looked at the Albums.
  "Do you mind?"
  "Not at all." Vince poured a glass of wine. Rody grab and album and carefully pulled out the record and set it carefully on the player. Then her put the little hand on the record as music plays.
(Play song here)
Rody walks over to Vince and put his hand out.
  "May I?" Vince felt the blood rush to his cheeks but it didn't appear that much. Putting his glass down and took Rody's hand..it felt warm as the sun, Vince's hand felt cold and freezing.
  "I'll take the lead in this one ok?" One hand was in Vince's, others on Vince's hip. Vince's hand was on Rody's shoulder. They started doing a waltz as Rody leads Vince's body.
"One-two-three, one-two-three," Rody counts in his head. The two were barely touching the ground at this point. Vince was shocked how good Rody was at dancing. Out of nowhere Rody Spins Vince's body like it was nothing Rody's laughter filled the air.
Baster. Vince had a smile on his face as he was drop to the ground again, clearly dizzy Rody held onto Vince, their faces where inches apart.
  "You good?" Rody double checks on Vince just to make sure he was ok.
  "Promise not to quit after I do this."
Cold lips found a pair of warm lips.
If it wasn't perfect nothing was at that moment. Vince hand cuped Rody's cheek as they pressed their lips against eachother. Unexpected Rody was push back into the couch a small chuckle left Rody's lips.
  "Do you wanna continue?" Vince immediately placed his Lips back on Rody's for a moment...Nothing matter.
After a few minutes they released eachother from their arms. Sitting back up in the couch Rody and Vince where getting their gasp of air.
  "I made some Cake if you want any." Rody nods as they enjoyed a slice.
Fuck. Vince woke up the pink painted on his cheeks. It was just a dream....why did it feel so real?
------ 717 words
Note this chapter is a special and not part my story i just wanted to make it :)
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whatdudtheysay · 1 year
Maid cafe's ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗ (PT. 5)
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Toji fushiguro x F!Reader
(Black female reader)
Context - You're still feeling a bit embarrassed about what happened between you and Toji on the beach but your friends decide to drag you out to a local bar to help ease you.
CW - unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f.receiving.),
Part 4←→Part 6(coming soon)
Outfit inspo ❤︎ Lingerie inspo
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You weren't sure how you'd managed to let your friends convince you but here you were, all dressed up in a revealing light pink dress with a deep v cut, your back bare while your chest was covered with a gold necklace that hung teasingly between your breasts, a few inches added to your height from your heels.
you're lucky you took time taking nice pictures to add to your different social medias because not that would be impossible. You'd only had 2 beers and a few shots of vodka but now you were tipsy, stumbling when you walked from the bar to your table.
"Sheesh, y/n. We'll have to cut you off for the night if you fall again." Ada smirked, gulping down her alcoholic contents.
You immediately shook your head. They always babied you when you all went out because of your low alcohol tolerance. "'m fine!" You slurred, rubbing your eyes as you set your drink down.
"Mhm..." Diane sighed, her eyes traveling around the crowded area before they lit up. "Damn. Five o'clock!"
You and Ada looked to the left and saw a group of guys stood near the bar, some nudging each other when they saw you guys had noticed their lingering stares.
You hummed, sitting down before bringing your glass to your lips, eyes moving from them.
"cute but not totally my type."
"Uh-huh. They're not over 6ft and have deep green eyes and a weirdly seductive scar over their lip?" Diane teased.
You rolled your eyes, taking a long sip of your drink to hide your flushed face.
"Five o'clock is coming-" Ada quickly warned and before you had time to look over they'd reached your table.
"Hey there," one of them smiled, all of them grabbing chairs to pull up to your table.
"Hi.... You are?" Diane asked, acting as if she hadn't seen them all basically eye fucking you all just minutes ago.
"Daniel. These are my friends, Vincent and Ren....we saw you all drinking by yourselves a while ago. Decided to make some introductions."
You all nodded mindfully, meeting each others eyes a few times before they called for a waiter, Diane leaning over to you, whispering.
"I guess you're glad you wore the secret material now?"
You glared at her before looking down at your outfit, uncomfortably shuffling your thighs as the new company placed an order of drinks for you all.
You mentally slapped yourself for agreeing to this afterall.
⎯⎯ ☾⎯⎯
Toji walked out of his bathroom, ruffling a towel over his head before annoyingly looking at Geto and Gojo who were sat on his couch, eyes glued on either their phones or the TV.
"Why are you guys here again?" He asked, throwing the towel onto the bed before walking to his unorganized suitcases, digging through them to find some sweats to put on.
"Well, we're bored," Gojo put it simply, whistling as he looked through his phone. "Looks like the girls are having more fun than we are."
Toji raised a brow. "What're you talking bout?"
"On y/n and Diane's insta. They posted some selfies and videos an hour ago...." Gojo hummed, still looking through the pictures.
Toji walked over, snatching the phone from Gojo which resulted in him shooting a glare his way. Toji's eyes widened. You looked breathtaking as always and he was surprised he hadn't even asked for your social media.
Toji held his breath once he gave you a detailed look over. The tight dress hugging you amazingly, showing off your curves and hips, your face caked in light makeup as you smiled at the camera.
"Where the hell did they go?"
Gojo shrugged.
"Some popular bar down the road.." Gojo yawned, taking his phone from Toji. "You aren't thinking of ruining their fun are you?"
Toji shrugged before moving over to his suitcases, this time looking for jeans and a shirt, throwing the clothes over to his bed.
"Course I'm not tryna ruin their fun...but we can go out for a few drinks can't we?"
⎯⎯ ☾⎯⎯
"Come on, one more drink?" One of the guys teased, pushing a large glass into your hand.
You'd been here for about another thirty minutes and we're already contemplating pretending to be sick to try to wriggle your way out of here.
"Nono-" Diane lightly pushed the glass. "Y/n's had her fill for the night."
You gave her a relieved smile and she returned the gesture.
Vincent however wasn't happy about it but decided to leave you be.
"So you're a college girl?" He asked.
You just hummed, too bored with the conversation. You glanced over at Diane and Ada who were being entertained by the other two guys.
Vincent continued asking questions but your eyes were locked on the entrance of the bar, surprised when you saw a dark haired man with a white haired man by his side.
Gojo and Toji.
You were confused but quickly looked away when Vincent tried to look at who had caught your attention so easily.
"You know em?" He asked, voice closer then before which made you turn to him quickly, his face a good five inches from yours.
"No... Thought I saw a friend.." you lied, nails tapping against the hard wood table.
Vincent definitely wasn't convinced but you didn't care as much, instead excusing yourself so you could go to the bathroom.
Whilst walking by the bar, you looked around, trying to find toji or Gojo but your attempts were useless since they were nowhere to be seen.
You stepped into the bathroom, letting the cold water run over your hands as you took deep breaths.
You needed to get out of here. But you didn't want to leave your friends. Especially with those guys and with how drunk they're getting.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, biting your lip before turning off the tap, quickly drying your hands before walking out. Before you could get to the main area, a large hand slipped around your waist, dragging you towards a hard chest. Your first thought was to scream but you smelt a familiar husky cologne brush against your nose.
"Tojj?" You whispered, unsure on if the alcohol In your system was playing tricks on you or not.
"Yeah...'s just me sweetheart."
You sighed in relief, looking up to see his dark eyes boring into yours.
"How'd you find us here?"
He hummed, looking away for a while before returning to your eyes.
"Well. Your Instagram pictures were a big hint."
Your face warmed when you realised Gojo must've seen them first.
"Where's Gojo?"
"Dunno. Might've crashed your little party. You know those guys?"
You let out a huff of air, turning around in toji's arms, his eyes pervertedly moving to your chest.
"No. just some random guys who can't flirt for shit." You trailed off, avoiding toji's gaze.
"Not surprised..."
Toji's eyes tailed over you again, you looked even better in person.
"Wanna go back?"
You looked at him and then at the crowd of people down the hall.
"Yeah but I can't just leave Ada and Diane here with them."
" 's fine... Gojo"ll take care of them. They're probably on their way back already."
You were confused at what Toji meant, moving over to the main area to peek at where your table was, only to see three guys you were with sat alone, their faces annoyed and dejected.
"Where did they-"
"Told you...I got it under control. Now C'mon."
Toji dragged you through the back entrance, without giving you time to question anything. Once you were both outside, you took in breaths of fresh air whilst trying to keep up with toji's large steps.
"Toji wait-"
He stopped abruptly, making you bump into his back.
"Somethin' wrong?"
"My feet hurt-" you whined, looking up at him, your glossy lips lightly pouting.
He looked down at your feet before meeting your eyes.
"Take em off."
You quickly took off your shoes and Toji picked them up before bending down, his arms holding behind your legs before pulling you over his shoulder, making you huff out in surprise.
"this better?"
You shuffled a bit, your ass wiggling lightly against the side of toji's face, his hand twitching in response.
⎯⎯ ☾⎯⎯
Toji sighed, placing you onto your bed. He was surprised at how easily you got tired on the way back.
He planned on leaving you to sleep but your hand grabbed lightly at his shirt.
"Wait- you aren't gonna....help me out of this?"
Toji glanced back at you, your elbows propping you up whilst you lightly tilted your head. By now most of the alcohol had left your system, remnants being added to your confidence.
"The... Dress?"
You nodded, smiling at his reaction.
"It is tight afterall..."
Toji turned, your gaze on him never leaving as you sat up properly, waiting for Toji to make the first move. You held your breath once toji's hands moved your braids over your shoulder his hands moving behind you to slide your zipper down with ease, pulling the thin straps down your arms. Toji's eyes got stuck on your chest as he saw the white lace corset that hugged your figure seductively.
You bit the inside of your cheek as toji continued staring, laying back against the pillows.
"Gonna make me take the rest off by myself?" You questioned, catching his attention.
Toji's hands continued pulling your dress further, your hips raising to let him pull it further, revealing white lace underwear you'd worn. He let it fall down your legs, landing on the floor as Toji's eyes raked over your form.
Guess you could thank Diane for this idea.
"D'yu like it?" You asked, toji's eyes still fixed on your figure.
"More than like, sweetheart -" Toji commented, his hand moving down to your thighs, his hand lightly spreading your legs. "Want me to show you much I do?"
You nodded a bit too eagerly, a smirk on toji's lips. He spread your legs further, a thumb moving over your clothed sex, applying pressure to your clit that had you squirming.
"Toji- don't tease me,"
He hummed lightly, tugging the material to the side to see your pussy glistening with arousal, your hole clenching around nothing.
"Already so needy?" Toji observed, his thumb moving through your folds, gathering your arousal before bringing it to his lips, your whimper making his dick twitch with need. "So fuckin', sweet."
"Toji, please,"
He knew what you wanted but this wasn't enough.
"Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you.."
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip, your eyes trailing away from him. Toji's hand cupped your chin, forcing you to look back at him.
"C'mon," toji urged.
"Want....your tongue... please,"
Toji smirked harder, releasing your face before positioning himself between your thighs.
"Since you asked so nicely.."
Toji laid on the bed, ripping the material of your panties. You barely had a chance to complain before his tongue was venturing through your wet folds, an almost pornagraphic moan leaving your lips whilst your back arched, your hands fisting the sheets. Toji's ego only grew at your lewd moans, savouring your delightful taste as your thighs clamped around his head, one of your hands moving to grab his hair.
"Toji, ah! Shitt, feels so good-" you whined, your hips lightly rocking against his face whilst Toji sucked against your clit, his eyes never leaving your face.
He swirled his tongue over your clit a few more times before moving lower, teasing your entrance pushing his tongue into you, his fingers moving to rub your aching bud. Your legs shook, broken moans filling your room whilst you focused on the hot pleasure building in your stomach.
"Toji, 'm so close," you groaned, head falling against the pillows whilst your hands gripped his hair tighter.
The pain from your hands was high but it only fuelled into his pleasure, his dick painfully hard and grinding against the sheets, his mouth continuing to please you as you continued letting out pretty moans that encouraged him to continue. Toji's tongue moved from your entrance, replacing them with his fingers, which slid into you with ease, curling up against your sweet spot.
Before you could register what had even happened, you felt your body tensing, a loud moan leaving your lips as your orgasm rushed over you, your hips rocking against his fingers, riding out your orgasm.
Toji's fingers left you after your hips stilled, his tongue gliding over your clit that made you whimper.
"Wait, ahh, toji wait.."
He paused his movements, looking up at your tired face.
"I want you... Please-"
Toji wanted to continue delving into his meal but decided to save it for another day, instead listening to what you wanted, moving away from your heat to pull down his pants, his eyes never leaving yours.
Once he was out of his clothes, your eyes flickered down to his dick that stood alert, his tip leaking with need. Your confidence disappeared once you realised that THAT would be going inside you. He was fucking huge.
"Something wrong sweetheart?" Toji asked teasingly. He knew he was big and loved seeing reactions he was given when anyone was given the luxury of catching a glimpse of what he had hidden.
"You're... Big." Was all you could manage to say as you watched him spread his precum over his length.
Toji chuckled, lining himself up with your entrance, holding your hips once he noticed you trying to move away from his tip nudging against you.
"Don't worry, I'll go slow for ya-"
Toji suddenly pushed himself in, a loud groan being forced out of you.
Toji grunted, teeth sinking into his lip as he tried to wrap his head around how good you felt, your walls clamp around him needily.
"Fuck, that.... Wasn't slow- you dick-" you panted, your nails digging into toji's shoulders whilst he chuckled.
"Sorry, princess," toji sighed, trying to hold himself back, his orgasm threatening to roll over if he wasn't too careful. He continued to feed you, inch by inch, watching as you struggled to take him, your eyes watering whilst your mouth hung open. Toji's hips finally rolled against yours and you looked to see his length had finally disappeared into you.
"Shit. Took me so well." Toji praised. "Being such a good girl for me,"
Toji pulled out before slamming his hips back into you, his tip kissing your cervix. It didn't take long before Toji had you moaning dumbly on his dick, curses and incoherent moans leaving you as your eyes threatened to roll back, your back arching upwards whilst Toji leaned down to tug at your corset, your breasts spilling out, bouncing with each deep thrust he gave you.
"Pussy's so tight," toji groaned, his head tipping back lightly before he picked up his pace, his large hands pawing at your breasts. "Gonna suck me dry, hm?"
"Fuck, Toji- Your dicks so, ah- so good," you rambled, your hands raking down his arms. "Harder, please-"
Toji angled himself differently, his tip pressing snugly against your sweet spot. His thrusts abused that area, making your moans louder and probably known to anyone in close rooms. Toji's hand grabbed one of your legs, throwing it over his shoulder, your breath almost leaving your lungs as his thrusts almost made your eyes cross.
Toji smirked lightly, knowing you've definitely never had dick this good. He bottomed out, rolling his hips against yours before pulling out, making you whine.
"Shh, you're ok." Toji quieted you. "On your hands and knees."
You obeyed almost immediately, arching your back needily, your hands moving to spread your soaked folds.
"Please, give it to me-" you begged, sighing at the feel of toji's calloused hand slide over your ass, squeezing your flesh.
How could Toji resist? He lined himself up with you, bottoming out in one hard thrust, your body jolting forwards. Toji moaned, feeling your walls hungrily suck him in as he fed you thrust by thrust, the tight band in your stomach threatening to snap with each push of his hips, toji's gaze locked on the alluring recoil of your ass.
"Toji-" you moaned, barely able to get any words out but Toji knew all too well once he felt your clench tightly around him.
" 's fine, princess. C'mon, cum on my cock-"
You whimpered, pushing your hips back to meet his hips, chasing your orgasm with need. Luckily, it only took a few more thrusts before your orgasm washed over, a strangled groan leaving your throat. Toji grunted at the feeling of your needy pussy hugging him tightly. He wanted so badly to spill his cum deep inside of you. For you to milk him for all his worth. But he couldn't. Not yet.
Toji pulled out of your heat, rubbing over himself a few times before spilling copious amounts of his seed onto your lower back, panting heavily. Your body slumped forwards, laying flat on your stomach whilst trying to catch your own breath.
You used almost all the energy left to look back at him, your eyes heavily lidded.
"Fuck," toji groaned, looking at how he'd decorated your back with his seed.
You sat up after a while, looking over your shoulder to see Toji already staring at you.
"Should get you cleaned up, hm?"
You nodded. "You too.. You're all sweaty,"
Toji just hummed in agreement, leaning towards you to scoop you into his arms.
"Alright then, princess."
Toji carried you to the bathroom, running a bath for you both before helping you clean up, carefully massaging your hips whilst whispering how good you were for him, both of you dry each other off before you rested against each other tiredly. It didn't take long before Toji fell asleep, his arm resting heavily over you as he held you close against him. You were about to do the same before your phone buzzed on the bedside table.
You reached over for it, eyes squinting at the bright light before you clicked on the latest message that was in your friends gc.
"Geez, y/n, I know you were having a great time but keep your moans lower!"
You felt your cheeks heat up, remembering how Diane's room was across from yours.
Guess you were in for a lot of teasing tomorrow.
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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orqheuss · 11 months
Even the iron still fears the rot PART 2
(Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow/GN!Reader ANGST)
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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Sebastian and Ominis wake in a tiny prison, each cell barely big enough to house a standing hippogriff, and are forced to come to terms with their fate. Meanwhile, back at the castle, you are beginning to worry about your friends' absences.
Word count: 3.3k
Tags: panic attacks, gore, blood, claustrophobia, kidnapping, yelling men, body horror
Read at your own discretion
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Sebastian awoke to darkness. If it wasn’t for the pain pounding behind his eyes, he would honestly think he was dead— gone from this world without a whisper of a goodbye. The dirt under his body shifted as he rolled over to lie supine, every inch of him screaming in pain when he ever so carefully sat up. A groan unceremoniously ripped from his throat, his forehead dipping downwards and falling into his open palm, the other reaching back and fingering at the large concave at the base of his skull. He could feel the cooled remains of blood coating his thick curls, slicking them down and sticking the locks to the base of his neck. It felt like he had gone through three rounds in the ring with a graphorn— hell, he hoped he had just fought a graphorn; it was definitely better than the alternative. The brunette pawed around on the ground for his wand, checking his pockets as well as the floor and coming up empty handed. Tiny pebbles lodged under his nail beds, the sharpness of the stones poking at the delicate skin there, and brought the memory of what had happened to the forefront of his mind. Pained hisses escaped through his clenched teeth as he fought his way to his feet. All the blood in his body surged upwards towards his head, disorienting him and sending him stumbling into the closest wall. Blinding white stars flashed like a swaying flame behind his eyelids as he stiffly slammed his eyes shut, clutching at the top of his skull and fighting against the lightheadedness that threatened to send him tumbling to the hard ground again. A steadying hand reached towards the wall, leaning all of his body weight onto it until the spinning stopped. Even with the knowledge of his kidnapping resurfacing, he couldn’t find it in him to feel anything— his thoughts and emotions locked behind a wall of hazy grey throbbing ache. All that filled him was dizziness and pain— constant, incapacitating pain. Only when everything stilled and the world around him stopped rotating like a possessed carnival attraction did he squint open his eyes, blinking against the sudden light that dilated his pupils and burned his corneas. 
Now more present in the moment, Sebastian took the time to examine his surroundings and get a feel of where he was. He was still dressed in his street clothes, his once black trousers coated with a thin layer of dirt and grime from the hard soiled floor. He reached up and felt along his collar, shucking off the constricting tie from the wings of his white button up and patting down his forest green wool sweater. There was a large crusty spot on its neckline, and he cringed inwardly at the coppery scent and residual flecks of blood now caked under his fingernails. Shifting his eyes away from his form, he took in the room he was trapped in. Large, floor to ceiling metal bars stretched from his right to his left, stone wall to stone wall. Still slightly hesitant on his feet, the concussed boy took a few shaking steps and grasped onto the cage wall, giving it an experimental shake and testing its solidity. A mix of a heaving sigh and a groan left his parted, chapped lips when it refused to budge. There was nothing else around him, just a small cell, barely large enough to contain a hippogriff. 
Looking through the bars, he lazily rolled his eyes left and right searching for a way out— nothing, not even a hatch in the ceiling could be found. Even with the very real threat looming over his head, and the fact that he was completely and entirely entrapped in a cell with no wand or any other way out, the brunette boy was unperturbed. He had been in stickier situations before, and he always came out on top— at least, that’s what he told himself. As long as he was the one in peril and no one else, everything would be fine. 
Still swinging his gaze around the strange passage partially under the earth, his muddled brain finally took notice of the second cell in the room, its bars directly across from his and just as thick. The warm orange glow of the braziers lining the walls casted shadows in every direction, catching on the thick alloy beams of his prison and highlighting the slumped form in the cell across from him. The terrible, demented part in his brain cackled maniacally at the sight of the subdued form, a voice very similar to the one that cursed his sister slithering into his ears, providing rather unhelpful commentary and taunting him. 
Well, so much for it being just him in danger.
Sebastian’s breath stilled in his throat, recognizing the golden tresses of his closest companion. Everything he was meant to be feeling since waking up swam to his frontal cortex, flooding his brain with dark and dismal images recounting his tremulous journey. Panic finally began to slither into the freckled boy’s chest, scratching and clawing at the terror-marred skin of his larynx and vocal chords. He turned fully forward, standing to his full height and slamming his entire body weight against the door in a vehement need to get to the slouched wizard— hands white-knuckling the iron and fingernails digging into the skin of his palms. Nothing moved, only a whisper of a creak sounding from the effort. 
Sebastian called out for the Gaunt boy, desperation seeping into his voice like a sponge. “Ominis!” The body didn’t move. “Ominis, wake up!” 
Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he shook the cage again, this time causing a slight rattling sound to moan from the mechanism. The thought of his best friend being dead, that he was alone in this dark and dingy place with the rotting corpse of the boy he was in love with across from him, sent a bullet directly through his brain. More images flooded his mind, this time of his life without his beloved blond Slytherin. He saw pictures of the Undercroft, dark, dusty, and empty; a threadbare casket being lowered into the ground, a simple headstone decorating the grass with his name and epitaph— his family would surely not bury him in the Gaunt mausoleum, so Sebastian would have to do it himself. He envisioned his ethereal baby blues, normally alight with curiosity and a zest for life now even more clouded than normal, dull and dead and staring at the sky. The boy shook his head wildly, lightheadedness rearing its ugly head once again. He needed to protect him, to hold him, to keep him safe . 
He tried again, a whimper forcing its way out of his parted lips— his brows turned up near the bridge in anguish, eyes clouded over and dull with dread, his breathing nearing hysterical. 
“Ominis, please! ” 
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The castle walls felt constricting as you paced the floor of the Undercroft, your silver pocket watch clutched tightly in your hand and only echoing the taunting chimes of the large clock across the school. Sebastian and Ominis were supposed to be back by now, and anxiety had long ago begun to dig itself deeper and deeper into your chest cavity, lodging just above your trembling heart and causing it to skip periodically. They were never late, at least, not when they were together. The brunette definitely lacked an awareness of time passing around him, but if Ominis was there, then they both would be just where they had planned no later than scheduled. It was in your nature to fear the worst, especially after everything that had befallen your little group as of winter last year. You only hoped they were alright, that they just got caught up in something once they returned to the school and were lounging contently in front of their common room fire. 
No, your brain supplied. Ominis always sends a letter if plans change.
You fought to stay positive, trusting the two boys you cared about so incredibly deeply with your whole heart— a loyal trait that got you in trouble more often than not. 
As much as you hated the thought, there wasn’t much you could do at that very moment. The school had essentially gone on lockdown after curfew since the battle under the castle, making it impossible to sneak in or out once the moon breached the horizon. You tried to weasel your way around it by pleading with Deputy Headmistress Weasley, but your efforts were in vain; she was as bull-headed as her begrudgingly obnoxious boss. 
With a heavy, ground-shaking sigh, you wracked your fingers through your hair one last time before turning on your heel and stalking towards the creaking entrance of your secret hideaway, promising yourself that if they didn’t appear by breakfast, you would raise alarm. 
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It was quiet for what felt like a year at least. Sebastian clenched his lower lip between his teeth to keep his cries at bay, watching for the slow rise and fall of the blond’s back in hopeless need. You would think it was the brunette who was in need of oxygen, but anyone close to the pair knew differently. If one was dead, the other would simply cease to exist— there was no one without the other, they wouldn’t have it any other way. 
A groan came from the ground— long, drawn out, and coughing at the end. A rush of air filled the brunette’s lungs, relieved tears springing to his eyes and a laugh filled with disbelief launching from his mouth. 
The body coughed harder, rolling over onto his back and heaving mouthfuls of fresh, somewhat musty air. “...Sebastian?” 
More relieved breaths of laughter came from the freckled boy, his hands carding through his hair as he pressed his forehead to the cold iron. “Yes! Yes! It’s me! Thank Merlin you’re not dead— Fucking hell— Thank you.” He didn’t know who he was thanking, but whichever pantheon was above owned his life. He owed them— would do whatever they wanted and pay for it until the end of time. 
He flopped heavily to the side, his legs giving out as he sunk down the stone wall now at his back. His hands slid down from his hair, covering his face as he rested his elbows on his bent knees and sobbed in sovereign, delighted solace. He could hear Ominis struggle to sit up, pants leaking from him in a steady waterfall and his hands smacking against the ground as he searched for something. His slaps grew frantic, his lungs struggling against the point of hyperventilation, and Sebastian looked over at him with concerned interest. The boy was on his hands and knees, a distraught expression shifting over his face like a storm cloud crossing the sky as he slid his hands across every inch of the dusty floor. 
The Sallow boy rose to his knees again, shifting his weight and grasping at the prison bars. Worry creased at his brows as he hesitantly spoke. “Ominis, what—”
“I can’t find my wand!” Came a panicked shout, cutting off the brunette’s question in its haste to leave the blond’s throat. 
“They took our wands.” The brunette struggled to comfort the other boy, desperately trying to slow his breathing so he doesn’t keel over. “Hey, breathe, it’s going to be okay—” 
Ominis interrupted him again, terror leaching into his body. “No, nonono no.” He whimpered. “Y-you don’t understand. I can’t see. Sebastian, I can’t see.” 
If it was any other time, Sebastian would have commented at the vast under-exaggeration of his words, the sheer oxymoron of the situation, until the gasped words of his companion truly settled in his brain. Of course the boy couldn’t see, but without his wand he truly couldn’t see.  
The freckled boy went into damage control mode, something he rarely needed to use because of Ominis’ normally stoic nature. It was very rare that he ever saw any negative emotions from the boy— any strong emotion, really. “Ominis, I need you to breathe, okay? If you keep panicking you’re going to faint again. We’ve been without your wand before and everything worked out— it’ll be okay.” 
The blond struggled to his feet, feeling out the wall nearest to him and using it for stability. He began to pace the tiny room, hands pulling at his hair and sending it in all directions. Blood caked on his face, sticking just under his unnaturally bent nose, scarred cheek, and a new cut on his forehead that Sebastian hadn’t noticed before— from when he dropped to the ground, Sebastian reasoned. The henchman must have given him a good thwacking. 
Hysterical agitation shedded from the boy in waves. “Yes, that was when we had lost it in the Undercroft. I can get around there just fine without my location charm! This is a bloody dungeon in Merlin knows where, and we’ve been kidnapped — no one knows where we are!” 
The brunette balked at his words, stuttering a nervous reply as anxiety filled his stomach. Normally, anger would be his go-to emotion in stressful situations, but all he could feel at that very moment was feral, animalistic fear. 
“W-we aren’t trapped. I’ll think of a way out. I-I’ll get us out—” 
“ HOW Sebastian?! How are you going to get us out of here? Please enlighten me, I am quite literally all ears.” Ominis spun on his heels, facing towards where the other boy’s voice came from and descending on him in anxious rage; his teeth were clenched in a snarl— a rabid animal ensnared in a hunting trap, standing its ground against the approaching poacher. 
Sebastian backed up, stumbling over the assorted pieces of rubble that littered the ground at his feet— scared of the person he considered his soulmate. He protectively wrapped his arms around his midsection, squeezing himself and grounding him to the moment before his panic got out of control. Whimpers fell from his lips like a broken faucet, words cracking and splintering as the beginnings of a panic attack clung to him. 
“I-I don’t know. Fuck, I don’t know I don’t know!” 
He thumped against the stone wall again, adopting the same position as before— elbows pressing into his bent knees as he curled into a tight ball, arms protectively shielding his head and gripping at his roots in grounding pain. Words of hopeless turmoil continued to spill into the air, seeping into the ground below like seeds in a garden. The brunette didn’t have the time to feel shame about his lack of composure— the brave, bravado filled Slytherin was long gone after the detrimental events of his fifth year. Ominis’ eyes softened at the sounds of his closest friend falling apart, all the anger flying from his body and disapparating around him. He sighed heavily, pushing the air from his lungs violently through his parted lips, and felt for the stone wall again, slumping against it and letting gravity carry him downwards. The blond thumped his head against the hard surface, wincing minutely as he jostled his fresh, still very irritated head wound, and let his body relax into a position of resignation— eyes closed, chin pointed upwards towards the ceiling, knees bent and arms resting atop of them, hands dangling and still. 
Sebastian’s breathing calmed down again not long later, the boy helping himself through his bout of anxiety. Ominis waited for the brunette to relax again before he spoke, voice soft and gravely. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t take my anger out on you. For once, it wasn’t your fault we’re in this kind of mess.” 
The other boy scoffed, his lips twitching upwards in a very small, almost unnoticeable smile. “Wow, thanks. High praise coming from you.” 
“Oh, you know what I mean, you dolt.” 
The room fell into silence once again, both boys stuck in their own minds as they racked their brains for an escape plan. It truly seemed hopeless, not one exit in sight, not one window or door. Sebastian whacked his head against the stone wall, eyes closing and a sigh of annoyance hissing through his closed teeth. 
Ominis was the first to break the stillness. “So, what does this place look like? Any leads on freedom?” 
The brunette described the cells, the long hallway and the lack of any escape route in great detail— likely the only way out being apparition which they couldn’t do without their wands. The blond sighed again, a heavy sense of abdication breathing into the miniscule cell. He lulled his head to the side, facing the other boy to the best of his ability. 
“I can take a guess on how the two men look, but what about the woman? What does she look like?” 
Sebastian’s mouth opened before his brain could catch up. “A cunt.” 
Ominis snorted, rolling his neck back to its parallel position with the rest of his form. “Figures.” 
A hush fell again— a feeling of uncanny peacefulness slithering through their prison bars like a venomous snake hiding in the tall grass. The brunette was on the verge of falling asleep when little giggles shook him back to consciousness. He lazily turned towards his friend again, a slight taste of bewilderment glittering in his eyes. Ominis had his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking as his laughter ramped up in volume. Sebastian raised an eyebrow at the strange behavior. 
“What the bloody hell are you laughing about?” 
Insane, maddening titters spilled from behind the Gaunt boy’s long, bony hands as he struggled to speak through the boisterous sounds. “It’s quite ironic, isn’t it? Out of everything that has happened to us, this is how we go out— a lowly strumpet with a vendetta that isn’t even against us.” 
The freckled boy pondered this for a few seconds before laughter began to rapture out of his throat as well, loud cackles filling the dingy, mildewed dungeon from both of the Slytherin’s. Manic tears pooled in their eyes, spilling down their cheeks as they clutched at their stomachs in pain. It was nice, finding some type of humor in their future deathbeds. This was the hardest they both had laughed in a long, long time. 
The sounds of joyful insanity were abruptly cut off at the telltale feeling of the air around them shifting and breaking— someone was apparating to them. The boys scrambled to their feet, Ominis pressing himself into the furthest, darkest corner of his cell while Sebastian got up and personal with the iron bars, a scowl downturning his brows and tweaking his lips into a frown. The three poachers appeared between the cages, the woman in the middle with both men flanking her left and right like well trained hounds. She already had a smile turning up her mouth, those monstrously sharp canines making another appearance. She surveyed her two prisoners, humming in delight at finding them both awake and fully conscious. 
“Oh good, you’re back with the land of the living. Time for the real fun to begin.” She motioned over her shoulder at the lackeys, sending one to stand just outside of the blond’s room and the other outside of the brunette’s. “You see, you have information that I want, and I am willing to do anything for it.” 
She pivoted on her heel, taking slow steps towards Sebastian, nearly pressing her nose against his as she leaned in close. “We’ll start with you, little snake— give your friend something to listen to that he’ll never forget.” 
Fear clouded his brown eyes, pupils widening to the point of near blackness across his entire iris, and he stepped back shakingly from the door, pressing himself against the farthest wall from the woman’s predatory smile. 
The gate creaked open, hinges protesting loudly like it itself was being tortured, and Sebastian steadied himself for his fate. 
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AN: Ok y'all, I kinda just let my brain run wild during gory battle/torture scenes, so imma need u to keep me accountable and let me know if they ever get too much/too torture porn-ish, ok? Thanks.
like what you read? here's more!
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Screw politics. Let's talk apple pie for a minute.
So that earlier post, somewhere in yesterday's timeline, about kiddo wanting apple pie for her birthday instead of cake...here's a few more pics, to help illustrate. Keep in mind, I can't be holding the camera and stirring something on the stove at the same time, so I can't take pics of some of the process.
So, back to the Ancient Grimoire...
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From 1959, the year I was born. This is the book that shaped many a mid-century kid's diet. With some things you have to translate (at times) into modern day. ie: This is before baggies were invented, when Waxed Paper and Foil ruled the day.
The recipe for the pie filling in here is good, but I found a much better way to get the kind of apple pie I love (rich, thick, syrupy, apples soft), and that's what I'm gonna talk about here.
First, kiddo's bday party is gonna be about ten kids, so I needed to make two pies, back-to-back in one day. The oven just isn't big enough to accomodate two pies at once. BTW, pre-heat that sucker to 425 degrees.
First thing to do in this day-long affair, is to make the two batches of double-crust pie crust, forming each batch into a disc, about 1/2-inch thick, about 6 inches across. Put each disc in a separate baggie and chill in fridge while you start in on the apples.
For each pie, I peeled and chopped 8 big Granny Smiths (both pies was a total of about 5 1/2 pounds). Lemme tellya, peeling and chopping apples is not "unskilled labor"! This is another reason for doing them back-to-back instead of simultaneously: to give the hands a rest! My hands were FEELING it by the end of the day.
So you have a large bowl with the chopped remains of 8 apples, and In a small bowl or ramekin, mix up one tablespoon of flour, one tablespoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 3/4 teaspoon of nutmeg.
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Sprinkle the mixture in the ramekin over the apples, evenly. Take a large slotted spoon and stir/mix until all the apple pieces are coated.
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Now this is the part I couldn't really take photos of, as it is labor/focus intensive:
In a small saucepot, melt 1 stick (1/2 cup) of real salted butter. Once butter is melted, turn heat up to medium and sprinkle in 3 tablespoons of flour. Stir until flour is incorporated, and then simmer for ONE MINUTE, stirring constantly.
While still stirring, pour in 1/4 cup of water, and add 1 cup granulated sugar. Stir, stir, stir, and keep stirring, and bring it up to a boil. It will begin to thicken fairly quickly. Once it's boiling, turn the heat back down, and let it cook for THREE MORE MINUTES, stirring constantly. It will become a gloriously thick syrup as you stir, THEN REMOVE FROM HEAT and SET ASIDE!
Now is the time to get one of those discs of pie crust out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter for a few minutes so it's more pliable. I need to take pics of how I roll out pie crusts, as I'm pretty sure it's not how you'd think:
I lay down two 24" sheets of waxed paper so that they overlap about 4 inches. Put disc of pie crust in the middle of that roughly 2-foot-square expanse of waxed paper, then put 2 more sheets atop the disc, and have at it with a heavy marble rolling pin.
Once it's about two inches larger than you need it to be, just peel off the top two layers, pick it up so your hand is in the center, and invert the pie-pan over your hand, flip, adjust so it's centered, and peel off the other two layers. Now continue to settle the crust into the pie pan and let the excess lay over the edge of the pan.
Take a sharp knife or razor blade and cut that excess off, mash it all together into a rectangle, and once again put between waxed paper, rolled out to a managble thickness, and then you'll slice it with your blade to make your woven strip top crust later.
And since you did all that between waxed paper, you should have less of a mess than normal!
NOW that your bottom pie crust is ready, take the semi-cooled syrup, and pour over the spiced apples and stir until everything is coated. Pour it into your bottom crust, and lay out your woven strips. Pile as much of the apple mixture, and syrup, in the center as you can. The apples will cook down.
When you lay out the woven strips, any excess will go to help make the outer fluted edge. Sometimes the filling will breach containment, and that's kinda part of the beauty of it, but sometimes it's nice to have an orderly fluted edge. Ironically, today's two pies turned out to be an example of each.
So...First pie ready to go in the oven:
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Put it in at 425 for 15 MINUTES, turn the heat down to 350, and bake for 45 MORE MINUTES, or about 1 hour total. It ends up lookin' like this:
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This one breached at the top of the photo there, but no matter. It's still pie.
So, once it's out of the oven, put the oven back up to 425 for your second pie. Speaking of second pie, here's yesterday's:
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And here they both are, done and ready to go:
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Two happy birthday pies.
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periwinckles · 1 year
Please tell me you have a middle name - Epilogue
I wake up with the sweet scent of cinnamon in the air. That’s Peeta’s doing. He knows how much I love cinnamon rolls, and always has them ready for me for breakfast on my birthday, even though he has to juggle it with all his morning work. 
The cinnamon buns will have to wait.
I cross the hall to Peeta and Katniss’ room, to recruit her for my inspection, but she’s not back from the woods yet. Living above the bakery is a lot more convenient for Peeta, and more comfortable for us, but a lot further from the fence, making her excursions longer.
I ended up moving in with them last year. Now that Rye works with Madge on the Justice building, Peeta and Katniss need help to keep the bakery running. Between schoolwork, helping out my mother and getting ready for my college admission in district four, I can still work a couple of hours on the bakery’s counter every week. They’ll definitely need to hire someone once I’m gone. 
I enter the bathroom and inspect myself in the mirror. Nothing out of the ordinary. I don’t even feel eighteen. I inspect every inch of my body, top to bottom and find nothing. 
What if I don’t have a soulmate?
Gale doesn’t have one and he’s totally fine with it. He even found himself a steady girlfriend in district 7, though I’m not quite sure on the terms of their arrangement because they spend months apart every year. 
But that’s not what I want for myself is it? Aren’t soulmarks supposed to reflect your heart's desire?
I’m about to give up when I lift my foot and catch it. Beneath my toe. A simple and unembellished R. 
Rory Hawthorne? 
Please no, the last thing I need is for my soulmate to turn out to be an ex boyfriend. 
Why, oh why? What have I done to deserve this? I’m a nice person, Universe! I do volunteer work in the community home once a week, I let Peeta think I’m the one pilfering the chocolate chips and I never go beyond the fence even though that’s technically legal ever since the rebellion two years ago!
I put on socks and silently hope Peeta doesn’t ask anything about it. Katniss surely won’t ask, unless I tell her. 
At least I have cinnamon rolls for breakfast. 
“… doing here? I specifically told you 7:30, it’s 7:05!”
Peeta has company in the kitchen’s bakery, and I tread with caution with my sock covered feet on the staircase. 
“She wakes up at 6:30, I know she does! I just want to know if Katniss gave her the letters already…”
“Katniss isn’t back yet, once she is…”
Both of them freeze when I finally appear on the bottom stair. 
“‘Morning Peeta! Reese!” 
“Prim! Happy birthday!” Reese greets me with an awkward smile. He’s acting strange though I can’t guess why. Being Peeta’s best friend makes him a regular visitor here. And Katniss adores him. Whenever he has dinner with us she smothers him with questions. I barely have the chance to talk to the guy. 
“You too!” I tell him. “I dropped by the sweet shop yesterday to wish you one, but you weren’t there.” 
“You must have missed me, I had to run some errands.” He says with a shrug. “I’ll be back later…” he adds. I’m not sure if it’s for Peeta’s benefit or mine. 
“If you don’t, I'll save you a slice of cake!” I call out after him, before he closes the door. 
Peeta extends me a cinnamon roll as he kisses my cheek affectionately. 
“Happy birthday, little sis.” 
“Oh, you’re the best brother I could hope for!” I tell him as I inhale the sweet scent. “You should make these every week.” 
“You’d be sick of them if I did.”
I pop one in my mouth as I start collecting the fresh out of the oven pastries and rolls, to bring them to the front.
“You don’t have to work on your birthday.” Peeta tells me as he takes the trays from my hands. “You have a big day ahead.”
“How will you two manage the bakery and the Hob stand?” I ask with a doubtful raise of my eyebrows.
“We’ll manage.” Katniss says entering through the backdoor. “Happy birthday, little duck.” 
She opens her arms and I hug her as tight as I can. If there is one person who was a constant in my life, it was her. Every day of my life, she was always there.  “Thank you, Katniss.”
When we break apart I notice the unshed tears in her eyes. “Are you crying? Seriously? Over a birthday? What will happen when I go to district four in the fall?”
“Let’s not think about that, shall we?” Peeta says with a chuckle. 
Between the three of us we carry everything to the front. Just a few more minutes until opening time. 
“I have something for you. Here.”
My sister is holding a few envelopes in her hand. When I take them I notice they are all addressed to me. The handwriting seems familiar, though I can’t exactly pinpoint it. It’s not Katniss’ and surely not Peeta’s. 
“Read them in order.”
Without another word the both of them escape to the front, to finally open and deal with the morning rush, as I sit in a kitchen stool, with my cinnamon buns and a cup of tea. 
May 20, 2076
Today I got my soulmark. It’s a small P, under my big toe. I have no idea if there’s someone with a matching one across the district, but I sure hope not. Because I’m hoping… oh I am hoping it’s you. 
If you were older I’d be at your doorstep in a heartbeat. But you’re not, so I've made up my mind to wait until you're ready. Please don’t be mad at me if I backpedal on our friendship. It’s the only way I’ll be able to keep myself accountable for the next three years. 
Hopefully yours
Reese Donner.
(You want to read the rest o Reese's letters? You know the drill. AO3 link)
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foodshowxyz · 1 month
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Enchanted Winter Berry Cake
For the Purple Sponge Cake:
4 large eggs
250 grams of granulated sugar
250 grams of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
120 ml of whole milk
120 ml of vegetable oil
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Purple food coloring (gel works best)
For the Italian Meringue:
4 large egg whites
250 grams of granulated sugar
60 ml of water
A pinch of cream of tartar
For the Whipped Cream Frosting:
600 ml of heavy cream
2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
Pink food coloring
For the Decoration:
Edible pearls and glitter
Sugared berries (cranberries, blueberries, raspberries)
Candied lemon peel, finely chopped
Edible gold stars
1. Bake the Purple Sponge Cake:
Preheat your oven to 175°C (350°F). Grease and line three 18 cm (7-inch) cake pans.
In a bowl, beat eggs and sugar until fluffy and light in color.
Sift together flour and baking powder. Gradually add to the egg mixture.
Mix milk, oil, vanilla extract, and purple food coloring in a separate bowl. Then fold into the batter until uniform.
Divide the batter evenly between the pans and bake for about 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Let the cakes cool completely after baking.
2. Prepare the Italian Meringue:
Place sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
Once the sugar syrup reaches 115°C (239°F), start whipping the egg whites with the cream of tartar until soft peaks form.
When the syrup reaches 121°C (250°F), slowly pour it into the egg whites while continuing to whip until glossy and cool.
3. Make the Whipped Cream Frosting:
Whip the heavy cream with powdered sugar and vanilla extract until soft peaks form.
Take a portion of the whipped cream and mix with pink food coloring for the colored layers.
4. Assemble the Cake:
Trim the tops of the cakes to level them if needed. Place one layer on a cake stand.
Spread pink whipped cream on the first layer, then add the second layer and repeat.
Frost the outside of the cake with the white whipped cream, smoothing it out.
5. Decorate the Cake:
Pipe Italian meringue on top in tall swirls to create a dramatic effect.
Decorate with sugared berries, edible pearls, and glitter.
Add bits of candied lemon peel around the edges for a zesty touch and place gold stars sporadically for a magical finish.
6. Serve:
Chill the cake for at least 1 hour to set the frosting and meringue before serving.
Slice with a hot knife to get clean cuts and serve this enchanting dessert.
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changingplumbob · 6 months
York Household: Chapter 8, Part 6
Time to move in Paris! First up a look at the foster home she's been living in, and it's manager. Then back home Deanna finally finishes the robotics project she's been working on and Paris ages up.
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Here we have Ms Gallheizer's Orphanage built by EA ID: Chronicll
Paris: Home sweet hell
Deanna: At least you're finally leaving
Paris: Hopefully everyone will be eating and we can slip in unnoticed
Aaron: We do have to tell the manager you're leaving though, legally speaking
Paris: She'll be thrilled
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Deanna: Should we go find her
Paris: We'd better not disturb dinner
Ms G: Where have you been
Paris: I signed out for the afternoon
Ms G: But not the evening. Dinner is at 5:30 sharp and you are late. Again!
Paris: Sorry
Ms G: Don't say sorry, be better girl! You've been here long enough to know
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Paris: It won't happen again Ms Gallheizer, because I'm leaving
Ms G: It's not your birthday yet so get upstairs and be glad I kept your dinner portion aside
Paris: I...
Ms G: No smart reply? Of course that would require being smart
Aaron: Perhaps I should introduce myself
Ms G: Why? You a cop?
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Ms G: A social worker?
Aaron: Well no-
Ms G: Then you have no authority under my roof
Aaron: I'm a lawyer
Ms G: Sure you are
Aaron: Mr York, prosecutor in Tartosa
Ms G: We're not in Tartosa Mr York
Aaron: Perhaps we should talk in your office, Paris has things to do
Ms G: On that we agree
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Deanna: She is exactly like you described, maybe a bit worse
Paris: You think your pa can sort it
Deanna: He can be your legal guardian for a day, no problem, promise
Paris: My room is this way
Deanna: I didn't hear much from the dining room
Paris: No talking allowed at dinner, one of the first rules we learn
Deanna: What a hag
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Aaron: Her birthday is only tomorrow, she would have to leave then anyway
Ms G: Be that as it may this is highly irregular. I raise my kids to be independent dependable members of society, not run under their girlfriends skirts
Aaron: You certainly can turn a phrase
Ms G: Paris has no self discipline, give her an inch she will run a mile. How do I know you can provide a suitable environment
Aaron: It's just one day
Calista: Is this the right room
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Aaron: This is my wife, Captain York
Ms G: Captain?
Calista: Is there a problem here amore
Aaron: Ms Gallheizer had some doubts about our parental skills
Calista: Did she now
Ms G: Well- Perhaps I jumped the gun
Aaron: So we can take her home
Ms G: Why you would want to is beyond me. But yes, I'll get you the forms
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Paris: It's strange, these four walls have been my life for almost a decade
Deanna: No posters
Paris: *shrilly* no damaging the walls
Deanna: *laughs* feel free to coat our walls at home
Paris: Home sounds nice
Deanna: Ready to leave it behind
Paris: Babe, did you notice I already packed
Deanna: *laughs* I did
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Kelly: My tooth still isn't out yet
Calista: It'll fall out, don't worry
Kelly: What if I accidentally eat it
Aaron: I did that once, I survived
Calista: Aaron! Chin up caro, you'll be okay
After dinner Kelly mopes to mantis for a while before deciding to just pull it out. Success! Evil laugh!
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Paris gets her stuff moved in and Deanna welcomes her with a celebratory pillow fight.
Paris: Your pillows are so poofy
Deanna: All the better to hit you with
Paris: Oh two can play at that game babe
Deanna: I hope you enjoy losing
Paris: In your dreams. En garde!
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In the end Paris concedes the fight. She does a quick bit of study for her exams tomorrow then happily climbs in to bed beside her favourite person.
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Paris woke up early from a horrible nightmare so decides to polish off her homework until Deanna wakes up.
Deanna: Happy birthday baby
Paris: Thanks. I'm not looking forward to these exams, thank the watcher they're my last
Deanna: You'll be great
Paris: I average a c miss valedictorian but thanks
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Deanna: And Joey helped me make you a cake
Paris: I don't suppose I could just age up now
Deanna: No way, you go crush those exams, then come home. We'll celebrate then baby
Paris: Okay, last day of high school, here I go!
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Calista had another awful nightmare so works out early to try chase the scare away. She reaches level 10 fitness and discovers she is a perfectionist. I might need to make the skill gain even slower than it already is at this rate! Deanna finally finishes... whatever the heck this thing is.
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Pictures of the quadcopter doing quad-copter things
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To my complete surprise, but not Deanna's, Paris absolutely aced her final exams! It's finally age up time for her and as she makes a wish Deanna cheers her on. Deanna did a cute little song as well. Paris rolls Creative as her third trait which compliments her cuisine hobby that she rolled earlier.
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Deanna: Want to go on a date
Paris: With you? Absolutely babe
Deanna: I'm thinking, beachside
Paris: Sounds perfect
The two head to central Tartosa and take some time to soak in the romantic atmosphere.
Paris: It's so lovely here, and no snow
Deanna: Snow can be good for snuggling
Paris: Maybe so
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Paris: But we don't need snow to snuggle
Deanna: I love you baby
Paris: Right back at you babe
They share a kiss and a cuddle
Paris: That sunset is stunning
Deanna: You're stunning
Paris: De, we're in public
Deanna: What do you want to do then
Paris: Play in a g rated way, come on
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Deanna: I haven't built a sandcastle in ages
Paris: I won't hold it against you. I've always loved making them. My parents...
Deanna: Did they help
Paris: Yeah, we made them as a family. Once we made one as big as me. I wasn't a tall toddler but still
Deanna: Do you have any photos
Paris: A couple
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Paris: Photos of my parents that is, not the sandcastles. They only exist in my memory now
Deanna: I think we did a pretty good job with this one, a castle for my princess
Paris: You're sweet
Deanna: Sometimes
Paris: All times De, I know it
Deanna: And you're happy, with us?
Paris: I am babe
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And this chapter wraps up back home with everyone in their right beds. I had to take some shots of the house again as I love property pictures, and sleeping pictures, to bookend my chapters.
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Do you have any general headcannons for the Outsider boys?
Yeah sure :) I'll try to list it to make it more organized. I'm only doing the main 7
The boys' favorite colors:
Darry - he doesn't really have one. If asked he'll probably just say black. He's not picky with colors.
Sodapop - A nice even blue tone. He also likes orange.
Ponyboy - Gold. I'm kidding. He likes dark colors like navy blue, forest green, and especially dark purple.
Johnny: Green actually. He doesn't mind other colors but he vibes with a chill green.
Two-bit - Orange and red :) Actually tried to paint the handle of his switch red though and pretend it was blood. Instead just made a mess.
Dallas - Black and another red fan. Actually doesn't mind brown. He prefers dark shades of red instead of vibrant red.
Steve - This is the type of motherfucker to say pink. Can you guess why? (Hint hint - meow) Yeah no, it's actually indigo. Another navy blue fan.
The boys' heights:
Darry - 6'4" (tallest)
Sodapop - 6' even
Ponyboy - 5'9" but will grow a few more inches
Johnny - 5'6" he might grow but not much more (shortest so far)
Two-bit - 5'10" (second shortest once Pony's done growing)
Dallas - 6'2"
Steve - 5' 11" almost there but not quite.
Random shit I imagine with these losers:
In modern times they definitely would've gotten Two to wear a maid outfit and cat ears to put on the internet.
Sodapop is damn good at whistling. Considering he had a horse he had to learn how to get it's attention. He'll be whistling out a tune constantly and can hit some pretty good notes.
Johnny actually is pretty witty and has damn good comebacks but usually only whispers them to whoever's nearest. (And who he's most comfortable with)
Steve once had a fake wedding with a car. The boys even set up a chocolate cake with those little wedding toppers. They still have the polaroids laying around somewhere in the Curtis house.
Darry doesn't have a ton of time to clean due to watching his brothers, cooking, and working, so all the guys split up chores whether they live their or not to help out.
Dallas usually doesn't show up on weekends because that's when they split the chores. Dirty bastard.
Ponyboy is clumsy as hell because he hasn't grown into himself yet. When he's older he'll be much more smooth but as a young teen he's kinda a mess.
Pony's definitely chipped a tooth from track. First time he had a meet and there was a crowd. He was a bit nervous and accidentally ran into a hurdle because he was looking at all the people.
Let's just say he's much better with crowds now when running. Darry was not happy about the dentist visit.
Considering that they're greasers I feel like the amount of times they're in the hospital they pay more bills there than their own houses .
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