#aaaand done!
perotovar · 10 months
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Javier Peña in Every Episode: Going Back to Cali
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theoneprecioustome · 1 year
Aikoto Moments Masterlist: P3P (Makoto Route)
Now that I've finally played P3P for myself, I figured I should replace the old Masterlist with an updated one!
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As usual, lots of images and SPOILERS for the entire game below the cut!
Since we already have a P3FES Masterlist, I'll only be focusing on the stuff that's different between FES & P3P.
I won’t include Aigis’s S-Link, since it’s optional and I want to focus only on the non-avoidable Aikoto moments.
I organized everything chronologically.
Most important ones are in Bold.
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✤ The game makes a big deal about Aigis hugging him, it won't stop mentioning it. She hugs him for way longer here than she does in FES, where she stops hugging when Ikutsuki shows up.
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✤ For the summer festival, Makoto can actually go with Aigis and Mitsuru. He also gets to hold hands with Aigis. Most importantly, this is the default route: the one that happens when you have either rejected every other invitation or have received none. In fact, it’s the only one the player CAN’T reject.
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✤ When Aigis visits his room, she sits on his bed rather than on the floor.
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✤ During the Ikutsuki betrayal, Aigis says “Makoto-san…” as she fights to regain control of herself.
✤ They make it even more obvious that Aigis wanted to be assigned to the same room as Makoto during the Kyoto School Trip.
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✤ Nyx Fight: Aigis' calling out to him is the last thing Makoto hears before he falls unconscious.
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✤ Aigis is the one to notice Makoto coming back after sealing Nyx. We also get a sprite of Aigis crying.
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✤ Rooftop scene: This short description was added before Makoto ultimately closes his eyes.
Since P3P has no cut-scenes or character models, a lot of things are missing Aikoto-wise. Much of Aikoto comes from Makoto reacting to Aigis and interacting with her outside of player input, which is sadly missing in P3P because Makoto either becomes a dot moving through the map or simply isn't visible on-screen lol
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✤ Since we can't see the models, we don't see any implication that Makoto is attracted to Aigis at first sight just like Junpei and Akihiko. There is no heart, no disappointment at not being able to approach her first, etc.
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✤ In FES, Junpei and Akihiko are disappointed that Aigis is a robot and Makoto isn’t. In P3P there is no contrast because the only one shown to be disappointed is Junpei.
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✤ During the Ikutsuki betrayal in P3P, we get a description saying that Aigis looks at Makoto. However, there is no mention of the fact that Makoto is looking back at her and that it's this silent exchange that snaps her out of it.
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✤ During the 11/30 scene we lose Makoto hanging back looking at Aigis as everyone else leaves. In P3P, the description just says "Your friends have gone back to their rooms".
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✤ 11/2 Scene: He takes her hand on his own too and we do get a description for it (one of the only times Makoto is allowed to do anything on his own in P3P). However, we're missing the bit where he reaches out to touch her head.
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✤ During Koromaru's last walk, Makoto is with Aigis and Koromaru but P3P doesn't say this. So, we miss the part where "making the most of this moment" for him involves hanging out with Aigis.
✤ Since there are no cutscenes, we don't get to see Aigis looking at Makoto and trying to draw the strength to stand after doing so. We can't see her reaction to Makoto levitating towards Nyx either, all we get is her "Don't go!"
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✤ While Aigis is the one to notice Makoto coming back in P3P, we aren't told that Makoto gets emotional when he sees Aigis cry.
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✤ In the rooftop scene, everything that comes from Makoto is pretty much gone. We aren't told that he wipes her tears away and that Aigis holds his hand in hers, etc. Instead of laying on Aigis' lap, he is laying on the bench with Aigis sitting by his side — in the English translation, at least.
The Japanese is more ambiguous (>枕元には、寄り添うように アイギスが座っている…) and while it does say that Aigis is sitting near Makoto's head, it also uses vocabulary that means 'cuddling close together'. So, in the Japanese version at least, the Rooftop scene is likely meant to be the same as it is in FES.
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✤ The final cutscene didn't make it to P3P, either, so we're missing Makoto's gorgeous smile and Aigis being depicted without her mechanical parts.
✤ In P3 and FES, the ending credits open with Makoto and close with Aigis. In P3P, the ending credits just follow the order in which everyone joins SEES... Somehow, they still managed to have Aigis show up during the first "I'll never leave you."
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✤ When you become lovers with one of the SEES girls and go to Tartarus with them, they have have special dialogues. Here is Aigis:
“When I’m with you, Makoto-san, I feel… like I’m in pain. I don’t know how to describe it well, but it’s like my heart is full… This must be what it feels to have your heart pound.”
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✤ In the NG+, the game allows the player to choose who they want by their side in the rooftop scene. In Japanese, this person is the player's 'precious person' (same words Aigis uses to describe Makoto). This, coupled with the fact that two out of the three possible options (Yukari and Fuuka) pretty much quote Aigis' lines to Makoto, says a lot about how meaningful it is that Aigis is the True Endings' default choice.
✤ To add to this, in Kotone's (FeMC's) route the player is given the option to remain friends with the social links. The only exception is Aigis, who automatically locks onto the romance route. It is safe to assume that if they had gone back to modify Makoto's social links, the same thing would have occurred there.
P3P Remaster
✤ It’s worth noting that the lines missing in translation are, sadly, still missing in translation.
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rex101111 · 2 years
aaaand last one I can think of to spam you as of now at least is 'Wrongcat'
Yuko Kamiya seeing her daughter on the couch watching TV...with a very strange looking cat curled on her lap. "Sweetheart, where did you find that cat?"
"She was hungry so I brought her home."
"Honey, you can't just-"
"Right? I tried telling her I was fine, but this kid of yours is stubborn."
"...was that the cat just now? Talking?"
"...Yeah? Why wouldn't I be? Oh! Kari turn the volume up, that mouse is gonna get it now!"
Cue screaming.
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dangooverflowers · 11 months
Tight Space: Does your muse ever feel that they’re not living up to their own potential?
Closet Monsters: Does your muse hide any aspects of their personality/life from others?
Curses: Does your muse believe in good/bad luck? How about karma?
Solitude: Name 3 things your muse couldn’t live without.
Failure: Has your muse ever given up on an important dream?
The Unknown: Is your muse a philosophical person?
Change: What was a turning point in your muse’s life?
(Is this too much? I just really want to know more about Anko! But you can pick and choose what to answer if that's easier.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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lemonlimestar · 2 months
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extremely old robin doodles that i think are kinda cute. throwing it out there bc this page redraw is kicking my ass and i need to remember what joy was like
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shima-draws · 2 months
Luffy: I have just one rule here
Luffy: No kissing my cook :)
Law: I. Don’t think that’s going to be a problem
Luffy: You haven’t seen him! So don’t say that yet!!
Sanji, blowing out of the galley looking like a fucking angel from heaven: Food’s ready! 😊
Law: Um. Uh 😳
Luffy: What did I tell you!!
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hwathwugu · 1 month
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Sister Shadowheart, bringing her goddess to this godless land.
Wanted: Dead or Alive, for being an agent of Shar, Fraud, and Robbery.
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carmenpeach · 5 months
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aura-draws · 2 years
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"We only yearn for the skies because we cannot fly."
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saradiation · 1 year
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Karkat and Aradia
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tumatawa · 11 months
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Trying to draw Kabru u_u
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zhalfirin · 9 months
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ANBU LEGACY 1.2 - @anbu-legacy
With kind permission of the authors
Full cloth binding with title hot stamped on the spine and UV ink decoration on the front edge.
case materials 2,4 binders board and cardboard (covers) coated book cloth, black (covering material) matte silver heat reactive foil (hot stamped title)
inner book Munken polar, 100gsm (book body paper) Chiyogami paper (endpapers) button hole silk (endbands) UV ink, Blue ghost by Noodler’s ink (fore edge decoration)
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laesas · 1 year
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The hands holding yours are not clean either.
VegasPete + Hands || KinnPorsche (2022)
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concidineart · 1 year
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Hermitcraft Character Design Event Week 3
Event by @shepscapades
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Sicktember 23 - Alt 3, Pounding Headache
Thief squirmed in their chair. They were tied up, but they were scarcely aware of it. All that mattered in the world was the throbbing pain in their forehead. They would have given up a lot to be able to rub it, even if that would have done nothing.
“Is it possible to remove that light ?” they whispered, closing tightly their eyes.
Villain gave them a cold stare. Without a word, they slowly pushed a button on the lamp, increasing the brightness as much as they could. Thief grimaced. They heard their heart pound inside their temples.
“First, explain why you failed to get the files I asked for.”
‘I didn't fail !” they protested weakly. “I took everything there was in the safe. It’s not my fault it wasn’t at the place you’ve told me to steal.”
“I wonder,” whispered Villain. “Unless someone was warned before you stole anything. I have to admit, you’re much too close to Hero than I’m comfortable with.”
“Close ? They always send me to prison !”
“You always escape. And they never hurt you.”
“Well, they’re a hero. I don’t think they’re going to punch you if you don’t begin first.”
“So why was the safe empty ?”
Villain had suddenly raised their voice. Thief moaned in protest.
“I don’t know !” they squeaked.
“Well,” grunted Villain, “now my plans are canceled, I can be patient. You’ll stay tied up until you spit out the truth. I have no indulgence for traitors.”
Thief just hummed in answer. It was harder and harder to focus on the conversation. They let themself slump into the chair, leaning their head back to try to relieve the pain. Villain hit the table with their fist, which made them start.
“Dammit, what’s wrong with you ? You should pay a little more attention when I’m threatening you! Do you understand your position?”
“Yep. Sitting in a chair.”
They didn’t even mean to be sarcastic; they were half-conscious by now and were just babbling words. Villain took it very personally, though. Their gloved hand slapped Thief on the face, but they barely felt it. It was nearly a welcome distraction from the other ache. Villain grabbed their chin and demanded once more:
“What’s wrong with you ?”
Villain let go. Thief heard them stepping away, then there was a click. One second after a radio burst into song. Thief gritted their teeth.
“Petty jerk,” they mumbled.
It was like someone had set fire inside their head now. Maybe they screamed a little - bubbles of light exploded behind their lids – there were shouting and loud noises everywhere - and they passed out.
It was not for long, though. The first thing they were conscious of was the silence. Blissful, merciful silence. Something – someone – was tugging gently at their wrists. They dared to take a look. The lamp was switched off. Inside the barely lit room, they could see bodies laid down everywhere. Villain themself was on the floor, unconscious.
Well, that took a turn.
With a definitive snap, their hands were cut free. They tried to push themself back up, but their skull was too heavy, their limbs too weak. They blinked and watched Hero becoming visible again, without moving an inch.
“That’s really weird to see you still like that,” the latter said, keeping their voice low. “It’s because of Villain?”
“Nah, it just happens sometimes. You were there all along ?”
“Yep. I’ve followed you.”
“I’m going back to prison, then.”
“I don’t think I’m going to bother with you this time. After all, you’ve just stolen worthless sheets of paper under coercion. I don’t think that counts.”
“They’ve turned against me so fast.”
“Color me surprised. I’ve already told you to stay away from them. But I’ll have all the time in the world to lecture you...”
They gently lifted Thief up, laid them down on a couch, and unfolded their scarf on their closed eyes to keep them from the light.
Back to Hero x Villain Masterlist
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nikatyler · 8 months
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50/50 ✨ Hellenic
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