#a lot of town town is community made- i cherish it a lot
breadbox-draws · 2 months
Can we hear more about Malaise and Amon? They look cool!!! (and I think Malaise is more NSR based, and Amon looks realistic)
sure! and thank you!! credit where credit is due, i commissioned a friend, skull_labyrinth on instagram, for Mal's design! she (the friend) is another wonderful artist, and i highly recommend taking a look at and supporting her artistic endeavors <3
Mal and Amon actually come from an original universe — a Monster of the Week-esque modern urban fantasy dubbed Town Town (the name of which was conceived from the suggestions and blessings of another set of awesome friends)!
i don't have very much on Malaise unfortunately, because i've been too busy hyperfixating on the Main Blorbos these days, but there are some key details that i can share!
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Mal is one of KK's longest and closest friends! She's the person that introduced him to music and music production back when he and his brothers were fresh into a different housing situation. they continue to trade albums or tracks to this day, but have a harder time meeting in person because Mal lives farther away now
She mainly makes lo-fi tracks, and can also play on a drum kit! the former she does independently, but the latter skill she uses for the band she's in with KK and two other friends. the band is named Sodium Streets! (KK plays synth)
She dresses in pastel goth styles usually, though there's also a bit of punk in her wardrobe
I think I had her down as Filipino-? i'll have to dive into my notes again for that one
Amon, meanwhile, has much more information and history ... partly because her alternate universe version, Al, had been another Main Blorbo for a long time before KK and the boys moved in. speaking of "alternate universes", she and Al are alternate versions of each other that live in the same house!
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Sometimes, she reconsiders her decision to not invite bodily harm to him. Some details for her as well (and for Al, by proxy):
the transing her gender part was pretty recent. she hadn't known or even considered that to be an option until she left her hostile home universe
while Al knows more about chemistry and general physics, Amon specializes in engineering and multiverse theory! (Al also does theory work on multiverses, but she knows more)
Amon had tried to murder Al at one point. a Totally Reasonable Response to perceiving that he betrayed her and was leaving her for dead in her universe. they've made up since then, but he hasn't stopped getting on her nerves jsjfndkfjd
Amon does side work for this shady organization in Town Town, taking over a position that was initially offered to Al (which he subsequently refused ... and she accepted instead).
im not quite comfortable sharing the full breadth and depth of Town Town yet, but you can kind of glean some information from the characters (and memes) that are a part of it!
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pacific-coast-hockey · 2 months
Well, I did a corny post last year after the last home game about how much I appreciate the Cudablr community and I thought I'd do one again this year. It truly has been another year of good times on the internet and in person! However, a lot of this season was really colored by the kind of catastrophic depression I was dealing with from like mid-November to mid-March and it was pretty hard to live laugh love with these teams under those conditions. So I thought instead I'd do a bullet list of some meaningful moments to me this season:
taking @whoredeleau, @msmargaretmurry, and @kitebird-hockey to Sharks games this year and getting to see all of their reactions when the 1.800.injured ad comes up
additionally, taking Becs to a Cuda/Bakersfield Game and her watching one of the face offs with a short king line vs the Condors and bursting into laughter, saying "oh my god, it's just like Mighty Ducks 3!"
also kb being like ".....what is wrong with #3?" at a Sharks game and me having to explain like, oh that's Henry he does everything wrong but we love him anyway
wandering around the Tank before warm ups once, bored as hell, and recognizing @unbenchthekench from behind bc he was wearing a Kähkönen jersey and I was like no way anyone else on planet earth has that jersey. And it was him!
making kpop hearts with @18minutemajor at the All Star Classic at the players and falling in love with the Admirals Russian goalie, also the way the entire arena went apeshit for Shakir rolling up right before the end of the Skills events
going bananas with @bunnymcfoo when Shakir did his rookie lap and everyone around us is being like...who is that noodle call up....
also the Cuda Classroom game and the way Bunny and I both full body flinched when the kids started screaming
the number of times @tausendsorgen and I turned to each other during Cuda games going, "and in the middle of this stands Tanner Kaspick..."
honestly just the amount of dancing and singing in the stands I did this year...like in this economy we have to find our joy where we can, and sometimes that is singing and dancing along to 30 second clips of Avicii and Taylor Swift and Pitbull and Journey and "Fancy Like (Nikolai Knyzhov)"
and of course, not to be outdone, my besties Waldorf and Statler finding out the opening game next season is the weekend they're out of town and the ensuing debate I was treated to over whether or not Statler should skip the wedding
Weird year for me AND the Cuda, but not without impact or meaning, honestly. Maybe it's not exactly the same as last year, maybe the team vibes were weirder and the content was worse and I still don't know who Jack Thompson is and at this point I'm afraid to ask and I was struggling personally through it all, but it's still like. Idk it still meant something. I made beautiful new friends, I spent a lot of time with cherished old friends, I watched my flop team fail to connect their passes, and even when it was hard for me personally, me, Cuda, everyone, ee all still showed up. For me, Barracuda Disease: Year 3️⃣. We'll see what next year has in store!
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leoleolovesdc · 7 months
Anyone wanna listen abt my cowboy heathers au?? No? Okay then, I’ll talk abt it anyways
Heather Duke is in a gang-ish cowboy thing with the other Heathers. They scam people, rob banks and just generally do whatever the please as long as they get money out of it, but as Chandler always seems to find a way to get a bigger percentage of the gains than her and McNamara, this makes Duke grow bitter, so much so that she tries to get ahead and ends up stealing some money from Chandler (and by some I mean a LOT). Chandler finds out and obviously isn’t very happy about it, so now Duke’s on the run, trying to get as far away from them as possible, knowing that if McNamara, Chandler or any of their other goons catch her she’ll be a dead woman.
After days and nights of travelling through the country, Duke goes to a farm and pays the owners so they’ll let her stay for a few nights, rest and hopefully help the Heathers lose track of her, but that doesn’t work very well. Duke hears news that her former mates are on the town and packs her things to leave as soon as possible, but just as she’s about to go she finds a woman hidden in the farm. She doesn’t seem to know how to speak english and is clearly wary about Duke and her intentions, though she doesn’t seem to be much of a talker (especially in a language she doesn’t understand) she manages to tell Duke her name; Veronica.
The owners of the farm find the girls trying to interact and kick Duke out. She pretends to leave but comes back in the middle of the night to find the girl again, she finds out that the owners of the farm are basically forcing Veronica to work for them as payment for protection as she’s being chased by the mafia from her home country. Apparently Heather isn’t the only one who thinks she’s too good to resist the challenge of stealing from people she shouldn’t.
Duke breaks in the farm to free the girl and they get into a huge fight with the farmers. After a lot of bang-bang, she and Veronica manage to knock out one of the men, hop on Duke’s horse and run away.
The rest of the story follows them running away from both Heather and Veronica’s demons while at the same time learning how to speak and relate to each other. Heather eventually buys a dictionary to help her understand Veronica, and both get slowly better at communicating. With time what was one impulsive act coming out of some sort of white-knight complex of Duke’s becomes a genuine partnership, if not something more.
Veronica doesn’t plan on staying, though. Heather wants a peaceful life, she wants everything to settle down so she can finally get some rest, the only thing she ever wanted. Veronica on the other hand, lives for the thrill. She likes the adrenaline rush of stealing, having to run away, the feeling of having to free herself from the problems she had purposefully ran into.
She doesn’t want to stay forever. She won’t stay forever. But as long as Duke has a reason to run, Veronica will be running by her side.
After a especially violent encounter with the Heathers, Duke finds herself cornered by McNamara, who has a gun in her hand and is a movement away from blowing her former best friend’s brains out. Duke accepts her fate, she asks Mac for forgivness, says she regrets messing everything up and that she wishes it could have been different.
Duke closes her eyes. McNamara’s finger tightens around the trigger, but nothing happens. She can’t pull the trigger. She can’t do that. Not to Duke. Not to the only person she’s ever cherished and trusted as much a Heather Chandler. She lets her go.
After a long while without seeing the Heathers, they eventually come back. Chandler asks Duke to join them back. She says McNamara has made her see things through another angle and she’s willing to forgive her past mistakes and foolishness. Duke wants to go. She really does, but that’s when she remembers Veronica. She can’t leave Veronica all by herself when she’s being chased by half of the world. She refuses to come back. She says that’s the first time she’s ever had something she feels it’s worth caring for. She has a purpose when she’s with Veronica, she has someone to care for. Chandler stares at her coldly and leaves without another word. McNamara follows. She doesn’t seem to be just mindlessly going after Heather this time.
Veronica asks Duke why she didn’t come back with them. She had been offered forgiveness, she should have been ecstatically following Chandler back home like a puppy. Heather says that she couldn’t go because she’d never forgive herself for leaving. She knows that it wouldn’t be far to leave her friend behind. Veronica wouldn’t abandon her either.
Except that she would.
Everything Veronica ever wanted was a life like the one the Heathers lived. Free of rules, of judgement, just doing as she pleases. Running, but with a purpose, with people who share a similar goal. With a place to stay, cozy houses, people to sit and have dinner with, all of that without needing to ever give up the thrill she so desperately longed for. Veronica would have left anything, anyone for that.
Duke was stupid.
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lasabarcassims · 3 months
LasAbarcas Limited Packs Save 1.0
I'm releasing the first version of my Limited Packs Save! This first version includes all the Base Game worlds as they are in my Base Game Save File as well as Copperdale (which was made using only Base Game, High School Years, and occasionally Parenthood) and StrangerVille (which was made with only Base Game and Strangerville). I love building in both these worlds because they just feel so full of story, especially StrangerVille!
Download here:
The storylines I set up in Copperdale are of course pretty heavily family/teen based. All the community lots there are made to be great places for high schoolers to hang out and for teenage drama to unfold.
The Strangerville storyline/world leans a bit more into the Stranger Things inspo behind the pack, so I built the world with a bit of an '80s vibe and set up the storyline with the idea that the mystery will be solved by a bunch of kids and teens. Strangerville was super fun to create because its weirdness let me go crazy with interconnecting stories, drama, and secrets. Every community lot in Strangerville has a secret and some of the houses do too (not to mention the families)! There are pieces of plot hidden in the lot descriptions (and if you have Get Together, in the club descriptions too), so make sure you read everything. I'm excited to play out the story myself, and I haven't replayed the Strangerville plot since the pack first came out!
Here's a little preview of each world:
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Once renowned for its booming mining industry, Copperdale's prosperity has slowed and the town is now a mixed bag of beauty and decay. However, the diverse citizens of Copperdale all cherish their town and work to help it thrive, putting all their extra focus (and funds) on the excellent school system and, thus, the future of the town the Copperdale High students represent.
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StrangerVille attracts oddballs and outcasts who want to create their own sense of normalcy, as well as stubbornly traditional people who insist on covering any weirdness up with conventional norms. Yet all citizens have one thing in common: they don't want their perpetually shoddy, stuck-in-the-'80s town to undergo much change. However, after the mayor signed contracts with a research lab and the military, citizens have noticed some changes around town and worry what might be next.
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13tinysocks · 3 months
hey dude! What's up :)) been just a little since l've said something
Initially, this is me saying thank you and goodbye
This isn't supposed to be a weird pity story, so l'm so unbelievably sorry if it comes off that way, lol.
When I began reading your work, I was enamoured with fiction because of personal issues (as many usually are, honestly, I know I'm one of god knows how many people trying to run away from life for just a second with fanfics or media in general). I don't know if I will ever be able to communicate this properly, hell, this will even be unbelievable funny or dramatic but I need to get this across because it's coming from a genuine place. Your stories and work thus far has brought me comfort, immense heaps of it, and even still when I deal with things that feel out of reach or too much to actually face head on I find myself wandering back to syg or just your blog in general
I mean this, from my entire heart, thank you and thank Bee. A million times thank you, for making that one silly silly stupid piece of fanfiction, because oh my god it got me through some major stressful hardships within my life for the past 3 years.
I am leaving tumblr, however I’m aware I have submitted asks with my actual accounts before, so you'll likely be able to see they're still gonna be up. I'm just deleting tumblr the app instead of my account, but for other social platforms they will be deleted properly (such as quotev) so I won’t be indulging in much reading anymore when it comes to fanfics and such lol
I don't know if I'll come back, if I do I likely will not be back for long or to be as active as l've been because of the toll social media’s taken. So even as ridiculous as this feels, to tell someone I’m simply a fan of and barely truly know, that their fanfic of murderers and their love story with my self insert kept me pushing through a lot of tough days, I genuinely just had to.
I needed to thank both you and your partner for the work you've both put out. I still have that smiley pin I’d made, and I will cherish what you made quotev have been for me ( I literally found out about the website during early or late 2020 I can barely remember, then later found your fic, I was DEEP DIVING into that shit LMAO )
I hope whatever happens for you and bee in the future is only good, and I only will wish nothing but the best of luck with everything man.
feel free to post this (idk what it’s called but when you publicly reply lol) or not, as long as you read this it’ll mean lots to me !! >:))
your coolest weirdest ticci toby fan whose also named toby, 🐚 annon
I always struggle to convey gratefulness for messages like this and readership- especially repeated readership. My life would be different if it were not for comments and messages egging us on to keep writing from syg to ho1c. While it's easy to say that writing is solely out of passion for the craft there is also the drive to share something with others. Hearing those others loud or quiet as a favorite- does push us forward when we have no motivation or desire to work. That drive has made us closer as a couple, better thinkers, and a halfway decent writing team. I thank you and all the others who send us stuff even if it's shit post asks I never answer because I like having them in my inbox like a personal horde of platonic Valentine's. I like keeping the pieces you give me to myself sometimes. I know it may seem like I'm ignoring you but I find genuine comfort in these messages. That there are so many. That they are so varied. That we have reached beyond our shut-in existence to touch the lives of others.
I find myself wondering where an anon has gone when I do not hear from them in awhile. I wish them well. I wish them better standards than us.
Maybe we'll meet again someday space cowboy. If you're ever back in town feel free to shoot me (a message).
Thank you for reaching out. Thank you for reading. I wish you peace and love and good books.
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littlefankingdom · 9 months
I watched the One Piece live action and here are some notes I took.
I'm a huge One Piece fan since I was like 10-ish? And so, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about it. It had a lot of impact on my personality (Nico Robin is my role model). This live action adaptation matters to me and I'm going to rant. Spoilers ahead.
The director is a woman, and one of the two writers is a woman. Manga and anime are male dominated hobby (and the comic's world is sexist), so the live action of the most popular shōnen being run by women is so great, imo. Also, it's pretty successful, in contrary to other attempts, so it's a win for women.
Garp's actor is a very handsome man. Wtf, they made Garp hot. He also has a beautiful Welsh accent, which is great because it's an accent that gives a "tough guy" impression. At least, it does for me.
Luffy's actor is perfect. This Luffy is slightly different from the original one, but he's perfect in his own way. I will die and kill for him. Also, him being brown with a white grandpa is so good, it had a racial gap between the two of them, where there are already a generational one and a moral one. Like, the white grandpa in the army do not understand how his brown grandson do not like the gov, because he doesn't see it from where he is when the kid does.
Alvida's actress is so beautiful, she's so pretty. I suddenly support women's wrongs.
Damn, the violence is going up a notch (Roger executed on screen, Mr 7's body cut in half, MERRY IS FUCKING KILLED,...)
The actors for Koby and Helmeppo are queer (They/Them pals) Oda is, once again, showing his support to the trans community.
I do not like the colors. It's too dark for One Piece, imo. Look at how saturated the colored pages are, I would have preferred it to be more saturated. I know, this is because of the CGI (issues are less perceptible this way), I'm going to need to make some edits. But, they didn't have to do it to the costumes too. Like, Buggy, except from his hat, his outfit is not flashy like it should be. Would help with the colored hair if it was more colorful and flashy.
Young Luffy wear the same shirt as in the manga is a nice touch.
Dead bodies smell strongly, and Zoro is bringing half of one in a bar???
Episode 2 is pure art. I love it so much.
Buggy is attractive, wtf. I find him more pretty than Shanks.
Bogard is so cool looking. I'm gonna die if Hina is introduced one day (she's going to be so cool)
They changed the "If you’re gonna point your gun toward someone, you better use it" scene. The new one is cool, but the original is iconic.
THE MUSIC WHEN LUFFY REALIZES THAT SHANKS LOST HIS ARM! It's like the orchestra is interrupted, incredible, love it.
Nami and Zoro's siblings' energy is so strong.
Kaya and Nami interraction about the dress "it belonged to my mother" is so good, Nami gets uncomfortable because she also lost her mother and knows how it is to cherish her memory. But Kaya is nice and share it with her, which break her view of rich folks.
The decor's department must have had the time of their life for this show. It's a great job.
Zoro wanting to wear black and drink wine in the 3 episode, he's already embodying being Mihawk's adopted brat.
Kaya makes the oof roblox sounds when she slapped Usopp.
Usopp x Kaya let's gooooooooooo my boy deserves the best (Oda confirming a romance with one of his protagonists is huge)
Zoro IMMEDIATELY trying to look at something else the moment Kaya kisses Usopp.
Luffy sitting on Going Merry with "We Are" playing... Art.
Without a cook, they are eating pasta, with some fruit and drink (just like me, fr).
Garp is wrecking a brand new ship!
Episode 5 Title Card, my beloved.
Mihawk music, and voice, and character: beautiful.
"Oh, I do like your hat." Mihawk to Luffy upon meeting him, great.
Sanji needs to stop talking about food, I'm getting hungry but I'm broke and a terrible cook.
"Oregano is for savages!" 😂 ok kiddo.
Me watching Zoro nap for a whole episode because of 1 cut: "Bro, you’re going to go through so much worse, you better stop whining rn"
The "YES, YES WE DO" after Sanji says "heard you guys need a cook" is so good.
Sanji is, like, the only one after Nami to have the most experience sailing, they fucking need him.
Buggy coming back all the time is perfect. Love him.
Having Bell-Mere slaps Nami was not ok. Y'all are ruining a character I loved.
Sanji knows a man that can cook well is attractive.
Usopp and Luffy are 17 and drinking, and Koby is 16. Underage drinking baby 🍻
Garp is already having the crisis he has during Marine Fort Arc, it’s going to be difficult for him.
Buggy be swinging being carried by Sanji, who's fighting.
Luffy breaking Arlong's sword axe thingy is badass.
The fishmen are so ugly and weird looking
Buggy saying "I'm gonna get out of here" with 🖕🤡🖕(If we ever get young Ace, I expect so much vulgarity from his little shit mouth)
Usopp exploding star was badass.
Sanji's ass after Mouton Shot.
Zoro "Yeah, you're gonna fit in just fine" means you're as crazy as all of us
Sanji opening is arms for Nami and Nami ignoring him to hug her bros, lol.
Arlong Park destruction be crazy.
Sanji little laugh.
Luffy is a true bestie to Usopp.
It’s the confrontation from after Seven Arc
It's Logue town after right? Like, where Luffy's father is introduced? With the comparison to Roger? But they just compared them, are they going to do it again?
The wanted poster is the exact same, with usopp in the background.
Employee of the month lol.
Alvida and Buggy meeting, the bad bitches.
Mihawk and Shanks!!! (Shanks gave him the "ableist pos" look, lol)
Smoker introduced -> Logue Town
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walamacada · 10 months
I just finished reading The Children of Memory by Adrian Tchaikovsky and I desperately need to vent my thoughts about it but I’m putting it all under the read more cause holy shit
Spoilers under the cut, if you wanna read the books (which I highly recommend) then maybe don’t read this lol
I’m continuously amazed by just, everything in his books? It’s all so interconnected and all so beautifully human and alien and comforting and strange all at the same time, and I was seriously thrown for a loop in children of memory and it took me awhile to appreciate it all
At first I was like none of this makes any sense and each section is filled with things contradicting even stuff in its own section, like with Miranda telling people she was from the out farms and then later her arriving on the shuttle with Holt, and for a while there I kinda got lost in the inconsistencies, but I could tell that it was all building up to something and it all felt important so I stuck with it
And the reveal with the simulation was just sgdbdgacdfavsv I can’t even begin to say how much I loved that because I mean, how beautiful is that? Something that’s so completely alien to us that we can’t even begin to understand took the time to understand holt and his crew even as they were dying. And then it took the time to plot out how their civilization might have gone and it remembered and it cherished and it feels like, in that remembering, it *loved*
And the replaying of Landfall is absolutely wild to me, cause it’s kind of horrific that it’s playing out the end of this community over and over again, especially with Liff starving and being alone in the end, but at the same time it’s like, it feels a lot like grief, if that makes sense? You love something so much even though it’s only in your life for a short time, and you love it to the point where you keep going back to it and replaying everything you know about it, and in the replaying you replay the loss but you also replay what made it all so beautiful
And the machine didn’t have anything but the brief hopes and dreams of the key crew before they crashed and it fucking *ran* with that and helped it blossom into something, however brief that was
And Miranda’s whole relationship to the town and to the people there, even before she landed (or tried to anyway) was so beautiful and caring too, and her whole conflict was absolutely amazing to read and I just !!!!!!!!
And can I just say that the whole trilogy was so interconnected and so complex within each book and I can’t even begin to comprehend the planning that must have gone into this?? Everything was important, nothing got left behind, everything was loved and there were so many connecting threads
I’m still reeling so everything is all a bit jumbled but I’m just gonna end by saying that I love Avrana Kern my beloved fucked up blorbo
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rystarkov · 1 year
i know that look
ellie williams x reader
i haven’t written fanfic in SO LONG if this sucks i’m forever sorry. Pure angst! Pure slow burn, unrequited love, Joel being the father figure we all deserve, angst!
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It was her eyes that you first fell in love with.
They are the most beautiful shade of green, reminding you of all that’s good in the world. You couldn’t pinpoint when exactly you fell in love with the immune girl, but it’s as if your life was dull, purposeless before she showed up like a saint, dragging you out of the darkness and into the light. She may have looked to the Fireflies for hope, to Joel, and hell now even Dina, but she had always been yours. Your life began when the auburn haired girl introduced herself to you at the QZ, defending you against a bunch of bullies who made fun of you for being a terrible shot. Ellie gave the main bully a black eye when she saw you in the corner crying because of their harsh words, vowing to do it again if they ever made fun of you in the future. Ever since that fateful day all of those years ago, Ellie has become the center of your universe. You guys did everything together. From sneaking out to the mall after hours (which stopped after the incident with Riley, where you found Ellie in shambles and somehow not infected) or having secret sleepovers in her room before the guards did their rounds in the morning, you two were inseparable. 
You travelled halfway across the country with Joel and Ellie, and as the journey came to a close, you chose to settle with them in Jackson rather than leave your best friend after everything that happened. When you three first moved into the makeshift town, as normalcy tried to creep up on you all, some members of the group were having more trouble settling in than others. Joel was a natural, more than excited to make new memories with his brother, Tommy, and to continue to be a father to both you and Ellie, in an attempted normal, community setting. 
You, on the other hand, could not. sit. still.
You couldn’t figure out why, this is everything you have ever wanted in life. A home, a family, and most importantly, to have both of these things with the person you valued and cherished the most. You had your own room, choosing to live with Joel in the main house while Ellie eventually moved to stay in the now converted garage of the same property. You were so used to being with Ellie all of the time, you didn’t know how to function properly in a room that was entirely your own. The first night after Ellie moved to the garage, you snuck out and knocked on the door, not even fully realizing what you were doing. Your mind was on autopilot, simply wanting to be as close as possible to the one person who brought you comfort in a world that was designed to kill you, both mentally and physically. Ellie opened the door, giving you the softest and most adorable smile, familiar with your routines that you both have developed over the many, many years you have spent together. She simply opened the door, let you in, and you both fell asleep in the late hours of the morning, too engaged in laughter and comfort to drift off and let the night come to an end. 
That was a few years ago, with a different you and a different Ellie. Now the person that fills that spot is Dina, a spot you used to visit every single night, for who knows how long. 
Ever since that sudden shift, when Dina snuck up on you and Ellie both, you decided to distance yourself. You didn’t even realize you did this, it’s almost as if you were mentally preparing yourself for the divide that still refuses to go away, the divide that refuses to bring her back to you. 
It was the night of the party at the bar, where almost the entire town decided to show up, relax, drink a little or a lot, and experience some sense of normalcy for once. You stood by the edge of the counter in the corner, quietly sipping on some sort of bubbly alcohol you didn’t know the name of, nor did you care to find out. Joel was kind enough to keep you company, the two of you being more alike than you thought, preferring to drink in silence and sit back and observe the party rather than try and join it. 
Joel said something, and to this day you have no idea what he said, voices and sounds muffling as you stare in horror at the picturesque scene unfolding in the center of the dance floor. 
It was Dina and Ellie, in their own little world, with Ellie’s arms wrapped tightly around Dina’s middle, Dina tucking a loose strand of hair behind Ellie’s ear. Even as the music gets louder, as the drunken yells and laughter of town citizens engaging in conversation erupt from around the room, they never break eye contact. Ellie is smiling, a genuine, happy smile, and you feel your cheeks get a bit warm and your eyes get a bit prickly as the realization of you never making her smile like that hits you like a punch to the throat. As much as you want to look away, as much as you need to look away, you simply can’t. The person you have spent a third of your life with, possibly even more, the one person that you thought would be a constant in your life, is falling in love with someone else. Someone else was an idea you never factored in, someone else was never a thought you considered. 
You feel a sudden pressure on your left shoulder and the warmth of a taller figure drawing you in for a side hug. You don’t even have to look up to know it’s Joel, rubbing his hand up and down the side of your arm as you bury your face into his chest. He knows, he’s always known, as no “friend” willingly travels halfway across the country for just anyone, no “friend” almost dies multiple times just trying to get someone to a single destination. He’s been there with Tess, he’s felt that with Tess, and he knows that look better than anyone. 
“I got you, kiddo. I got you.” You silently sob into his chest as he turns you around to face the corner, placing himself in front of you, making you hidden away from the world and any curious looks from the townspeople. 
“How long have you known?” You hear yourself ask, in between all the hiccups and sniffles of your own long tucked away, long concealed feelings for who you thought was just your best friend. 
“Since David. You had always been Ellie’s quiet sidekick, the one who found us supplies and extra ammo when we were running low. When the whole thing with David happened, I had never seen an ounce of anger on your little face before, and then all of a sudden a switch flipped, and you took out his entire squad and refused to stop until Ellie was found. The look on your face when we found her, how you held her and refused to let go, I’ll never forget. Ellie is my daughter, I had my reasons for protecting her and bringing her to safety, but you? You’re in love, kiddo.” 
He wipes the tears still streaming down your face and hands you a napkin, sitting you down on a chair while pulling up another for himself. 
“I know that look because I’ve given that look and gotten that look from Tess, my…”
He stumbles on his words, looking down at his feet, causing you to reach out and grab his hand for comfort.
“I know.”
He looks up at you, a soft smile etching his face, and continues. 
“I know that look because I’ve been given that look.”
You sniffle one more time, looking over Joel’s shoulder and seeing Ellie and Dina in a peaceful, euphoric bliss, completely unaware of the young woman and the destruction of her heart in the corner of that very same room. 
“I didn’t know, Joel. That’s what makes it even more pathetic, I didn’t even fucking know it myself.”
Joel gives you another sad smile, excusing himself to get you some water, while you sit and watch as the love of your life falls in love with theirs.
Part 2 maybe?? Let me know??
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theunstuffedpepper · 2 years
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Finally finding time for a little update here. It’s been 2.5 months since we lost our little man and we’re hanging in there. B and I are leaning on each other and focusing on taking care of Pep, trying not to let the grief swallow us whole. We’re trying to focus on what’s in the future for our family which has been helpful and healthy for us both. B made our sweet boy’s urn, which is beautiful, and was a sort of therapy for him.
As summer gave way to fall, we enjoyed the last warm days of the season outside, taking trips to the park, zoo, and local farms as much as possible. We’ve had family and friends visiting and making plans with us consistently; it’s been great having that support and keeping involved socially. We went to our first trunk-or-treat and my little Incredible was too adorable in his costume. He had so much fun and big surprise: turns out, he loves candy.
One big decision we were faced with after losing Pip was whether we were going to move forward with buying the new house and moving. The day we lost him, our offer was accepted. It was hard to even think about and in the moment it was a decision I truly didn’t even care about, but we ultimately decided that we would keep pushing forward. To back out of the deal and stay living in our current house wouldn’t have done anyone any good. I felt an overwhelming need to get out of that house and out of that town. Being surrounded by things that bring heartbreaking memories to mind a thousand times a day leaves very little room for healing.
I’m happy to say we closed on our new home a little over a week ago and just moved in a few days ago. We’re currently still half in the old house, half in the new house, but it’s nice being able to take our time with moving everything over. Once we’re fully out of the old house, it’ll be time to clean it up, take photos, and put it on the market.
Moving to the new town in PA has been so incredibly positive for us all. For me, very healing. In a lot of ways, the area seems opposite to where we’ve been living in NY. I didn’t know how much I needed that until I experienced it. Our new town is slower paced, the people are so friendly, and the new house, despite only being 15 minutes outside of town, feels so quiet and secluded, in the middle of nature. We have dozens of deer on our property every day. Pep loves to watch them from his bedroom window and chase them in the yard, squealing happily and exclaiming, “deeeer!!” The center of town is very historic and charming, a very Hallmark movie kind of quaint town. Love that journey for me.
Pep, now 22 months old, is absolutely blossoming. His language and communication has exploded over the past month or two. He has so, so many words and can now tell us what he wants, what he doesn’t want, and it’s so heart warming and wonderful. He truly is the apple of my eye and he keeps both me and B going every single day.
This weekend, B and I reluctantly left Pep in the care of my parents at our new home and we made the 9-hour drive to Michigan for a close friend’s wedding. I was so nervous to leave Pep for a whole weekend — longer than we’ve ever been away before — but he’s doing awesome with my parents. After the most stressful few months of my life, I needed this rest and break more than I realized. It’s been fantastic reconnecting with B, spending time with our cherished college friends, sleeping in, eating meals as two adults rather than mom and dad, and recharging.
I’ve been half heartedly keeping up with you all and need to check in on so many of you for the latest updates. I’m missing this community, so I’ll try to check in more often. I hope you’re all well!
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mcofthemansion · 6 months
Ikemen Vampire- Beauty Within Series
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A/n : Hihi and warm hugs to my lovely otome game loving online family! I present to you : Vampire women! Well technically I'm calling it "Ikemen Vampire : Beauty Within" idk I'm trying not to overthink stuff as I'm doing this...it's hard...anyways! You probably recognize Lizzie since she was my first oc! She'll be a part of this! And maybe you've potentially heard about me buzzing about taking a historical figure from my Historical Overview of Childhood class and vampire-ifying her! That would be Maria Montessori, or Mari as I'm calling her! The rest you'll find out soon enough :3 Before I start I just wanted to get something off my chest...I'm sorry but I won't be able to follow Cybrid's way of doing things...so 26 chapters with a romantic and dramatic ending would be too difficult for me right now so I'm very sorry...I'll be using a different format with probably less chapters...hope you'll still enjoy! Please no constructive criticism since I really can't take that right now...I'm a severely anxious bean...and it's exam week/finals/every important thing is due so I'm sorry that I can't do an in-depth analysis of each character but I'll do my best to make them enjoyable!...so please be gentle with me! Anyways! Enjoy! Sending hugs and hope you'll have a lovely day today!!! Oh! And the art was done by an irl friend  :)
This will be a series about some Ikemen Vampire ocs! Because...women :3
Prologue :
Y/n looked out of the carriage window, she couldn't believe all that was happening so early in the morning, she yawned as she tried to replay the sequence of events that brought her here to this very seat.
It started when she woke up from an odd dream. In that dream there were five figures and an interesting room that contained nothing at all exept that all the walls were mirrors, she felt a lot of different things, all of which made no sense like a feeling of pride and a sense of belonging and community. She heard one phrase five times, with five different voices. "I will cherish it all. Your body, your heart, and your destiny, as we walk towards the future side by side."
Once she woke up, she decided to ask the mansion residents what it might be about and that's when Comte said "I think this dream makes sense Ma Chèrie, an old friend of mine is settling into town, it would seem she felt left out that the party, as she put it, was all in France without her, so she recently got a place of her own, I think you should visit and say hello on behalf of all of us, perhaps you could see if these vampires are anything like the figures you saw in your dream" he offered.
Y/n beamed in delight "That sounds great! Thank you Comte! I think I'll go do just that!" And with a sense of curiosity that she needed to fulfill, she got into a carriage and was headed to meet Comte's old friend.
The carriage stopped at a lovely estate, Old vines crept up the sides and many sculpted arches decorated the facade of the house. The lawn was well manicured, the windows spotless, it definitely looked like it had already been given a loving touch by the new residents that it was housing.
Y/n awkwardly stood at the door, wondering if she would even make a good impression! But before she could wonder about impressions a second longer, a voice crept up from behind. "Oh my! A visitor already! Come inside my dear!" Y/n blushed at the unexpected greeting, "Oh! Thank you" she mumbled shyly as she entered the estate, she followed the figure inside who had long golden locks of hair and a purple dress, and much like the beauty in front of her, Y/n couldn't help but notice how pretty the interior of the house was too.
It was very clean, and joyful, with flower arrangements and lavish furniture. It was reminiscent of Comte's mansion but a touch more airy. "My my! You look lost in wonderland my dear! Spot a fairy in that vase by chance?" Asked the figure in front of her. Y/n smiled and blushed, "Oh! Sorry, my name is Y/n, I'm the newest resident at Comte's mansion, I came to say hello on behalf of everyone there, are you by chance the vampire friend Comte was talking about?" She asked.
The figure before her smiled before shaking her head "I'm afraid not dearest, I'm one of the lesser vampires in this estate, my name is Lizzie! It's lovely to meet you! the pureblood you're looking for is our beloved Vasílissa, she'll be home soon! I promise, for now how about I introduce you to everyone around here?" Lizzie offered.
Y/n smiled, "that would be great! Thank you!" She agreed. Lizzie excitedly took her hand and led her around the estate before coming to the library. Lizzie knocked carefully on the door. "Mari! Come on! Open up now, come say hello to our guest!" A few moments of silence passed before the door opened and a petite girl with messy buns and a pink and white dress walked out, she shyly looked up at Y/n. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Maria" she quietly muttered. Lizzie happily hugged her friend, "Awww, Mari, this is Y/n and she's happy to meet you! Sorry for bugging you! Good luck with your project!" She said as Maria blushed and dismissed herself walking back inside the library.
"Awww! Ever the shy one that Mari! Come along now Y/n dear! Let me introduce you to our lovely Josie!" Lizzie chittered leading her to a room with metal railings on the walls, Lizzie stopped and turned to Y/n. "Now dear, this is our dance studio, Josie might be busy practicing so we'll just pop in and see if she's busy!"
Y/n followed along and watched the graceful dancing of Josie, the green of her hair and light mint dress reminiscent of the joy of verdant summer. Josie spotted the two of them and walked over. "Ah! Lizzie, ma belle! What brings you over here at this time of day?"
Lizzie excitedly gestured towards Y/n. "Josie! We have a guest from Comte's mansion! Her name is Y/n, isn't she just the most darling thing!" She chittered excitedly.
Josie walked over and offered a handshake to the new guest of thier estate. "Ma Colombe, it's a pleasure to meet you! Please come by whenever you'd like to, my studio is always open to you."
Y/n happily shook her hand. "It's lovely to meet you too Josie! I bet we'll all become great friends!" Josie smiled, "I'll see you both in a bit after I finish this rehearsal, in the meantime, how about you visit Madame?" She offered.
Lizzie excitedly bounced with joy "Oh lovely idea Josie! Any chance you know where to find her?" Josie sighed."There's a chance she's in the basement, maybe try the wine cellar" she offered.
Lizzie nodded excitedly, "Right then! Off to the cellar, let's go Y/n dearest! Thank you Josie!" Josie waved happily as they both left for the basement.
Lizzie held Y/n hand as they walked downstairs. "Careful dearest! Try not to trip, I'll be right here in case you need me" She offered. Y/n smiled as she held Lizzie's hand.
They walked down a dimly lit hallway until they heard a voice. "I came here for some peace and quiet, what is it now, Lizzie?" The voice asked.
Lizzie quickly entered the room where the voice came from. "Ah! Madame! Drinking again? I'll be taking that from you, thank you very much! Your poor liver doesn't like this you know" Lizzie scolded.
Y/n quietly stepped in to see a handsome woman, magenta braided loops hung in the back, a pirate sword at her side, and a scar over her left cheek.
Y/n awkwardly offered a handshake. "It's lovely to meet you, I'm the guest from Comte's mansion, Y/n" she said.
The pirate got up and shook her hand. "I have many names, but you may know me as Madame Ching, I was a feared pirate you know! Baobei, you may call me Madame if you'd like, most people do anyways."
Y/n blushed shaking her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you" she said once more. Madame Ching smirked. "Well if you need me I'll be awaiting Vasílissa's return upstairs" she said.
Suddenly a sharp noise caught thier attention, much like the sound of glass shattering.
Lizzie winced at the noise. Madame Ching grinned, "Well that would be her" she explained.
Lizzie relaxed a little "Right then! Come with me Y/n, I'll introduce you to our beloved Vasílissa" she offered, then turned to Madame, "And you aren't off the hook yet, I'll be testing your liver later to see how damaged it really is" she stated before excitedly taking Y/n's hand and leading her upstairs as Madame Ching followed silently.
They walked upstairs to see Josie and Mari already talking with a tall woman, who turned to greet the others. "Elizabeth, Ching, who's this vision of Aphrodite's image?" She asked.
Lizzie jumped excitedly "Vasílissa! Welcome home, I hope work went well! This is our guest from Comte's mansion, her name is Y/n" Lizzie happily chittered.
Vasílissa walked over to Y/n offering a handshake. "So you're the girl that followed Comte through his rickety old door? Any friend of Comte's is a friend of mine, you're welcome here under my roof, I'll have a room set up for you when you stay" She stated.
Y/n shook her hand, Vasílissa had such a firm and strong handshake, making her blush. "Stay for tea, I'd like to hear more from you" Vasílissa asked.
Y/n nodded in agreement. The residents decided to make thier way to the dining room as Vasílissa poured each of them some tea.
Once Lizzie finished she dismissed herself. "Y/n dearest, I'm so sorry but I have something I must attend to, please make yourself at home with Mari, Josie, and Vasílissa, I'll be stealing Madame for a bit" she stated.
Y/n smiled and said her farewells to the two before they left, Madame Ching rolling her eyes as Lizzie guided her to the hospital wing of the estate.
She looked over to the remaining three who sat quietly, the energy in the room much more quiet now without Lizzie. "Um, if it's alright may I ask how you all came to live here with Vasílissa?" Y/n asked.
Josie smiled, "Well you see, Ma Colombe, we actually found her! At some point in our lives we just kind of met her, much like you did, out of nowhere! Vasílissa says the women who find her are typically meant to be a gift to the world."
Vasílissa smiles and nods in agreement. Mari nervously looks away and nods, "I founded an early childhood education method, oh! my full name is Maria Montessori by the way, I may have forgot to tell you earlier, apologies for that, and the project I'm working on is bettering early childhood education for vampire newborns, preschoolers, and toddlers, I'm researching how thier development differs from humans in a way to maximize thier growth, knowledge, and self-esteem at this stage" she explained.
Josie smiled. "Oh! My name is Freda Josephine Baker, or Joséphine Baker usually, but we've all grown used to Lizzie's nicknames for us! Well there's quite a bit I've done but let's just keep it at dancing, singing, maybe a pinch of activism" She added.
Vasílissa smiled and set down her cup of tea. "Speaking of Lizzie, she made great contributions to women having a presence in medicine, one of the first women to get a medical degree, Lizzie can't watch suffering and pain, she's our go-to doctor for most vampires really, she takes health very seriously, and by now having been my first lesser vampire she's collecting medical specialties like they're going out of style, that Elizabeth Blackwell, she's done a lot!" Vasílissa said.
Y/n couldn't believe the people she was sitting in the room with! That feeling of when she first met the residents back at Comte's mansion was coming back! They were all so impressive!
Vasílissa noticed Y/n's delight. "And last by not least we have Madame Ching, well she's a successful pirate leader, that woman knew what she wanted and did just that! She commanded around 24 ships and set some cold hard rules, she's the opposite to Lizzie, always getting a taste of danger, the stories of her travels are always amusing, you should ask sometime" she finished.
Y/n beamed in delight, loving the company that gathered here! "Oh! But what about you Vasílissa?" She asked. The pureblood laughed. "Some other time my dear, it's nothing important" she answered.
Y/n nodded and wondered curiously what that might mean. The group chatted for a while until Y/n noticed the fading light in the sky. "Oh! I should go home" she muttered.
Vasílissa looked outside as well. "It's getting late, how about you stay the night? Comte knows you're in good hands, don't worry. In the meantime it will be nice to be around women for a while now that you've spent months around men." She offered.
Y/n smiled, "Well, I am rather tired, may I take you up on your offer?" She asked.
The pureblood nodded in agreement as the two lesser vampires smiled at eachother too.
Mari and Josie quickly got up as Mari turned to Y/n. "Wait right here, we'll help set up a room, and um, we're glad to have you" she murmured quietly.
Josie silently slipped her hand into Mari's and they both walked upstairs.
Vasílissa looked at the girl in front of her. "You know, I feel you're destined for something too, I can't wait to see what the future holds" she said.
Y/n blushed. "Um, thank you" she replied. Vasílissa yawned and looked over at her, "well let's make our way upstairs. We'll talk more tomorrow" she offered. Y/n nodded, "I think that's a good idea" They both walked upstairs as night fell upon the estate.
@yanderepuck @spoopy-fish-writes @venulus @xxsycamore @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @oigimi @lokis-laugh anyone in the Ikevamp community!
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alfafilly · 1 year
Thank you Sly Fandom
Alrighty, I did it. I rebranded my blog to be more art-general instead of fandom-focused. Redid some tags, added some new ones... all that jazz. It made me kinda sad ridding my profile of sexy birdman, but, well, gotta move on. (Not from Arpeggio. He’s still ideal evil old man material. But ya know!)
This blog began as a place to dump doodles and WIPs waaaay back when in 2011 or so. Then it turned into a place I preferred to post to... then it kinda documented my less-liked side stories and art school shenanigans. Species development was here too. It kinda died for awhile but was rejuvenated by the wonderful Sly Cooper community in 2017! 
I honestly can’t thank the fandom here enough for the support given to me. I hadn’t been apart of a fandom online since my Invader Zim days on deviantART in 2006-2009-ish. I was very anti-fandom after that because uhhh it was not exactly the beeest experience (not the worst tho!). But the Sly fandom really opened their arms to me, and it was such an amazing and wonderful experience! I started on the Sly Amino, but Tumblr here was where it was AT, man.
Like... I never would have expected you guys to just accept my weird ass. I stride into town, posting weird Tumblr Sexyman Arpeggio and my goofy lil kid Neyla nonsense, and you not only accepted it but ENCOURAGED it! I loved every second of it. I guess that’s sorta the way with Tumblr, it accepts and thrives off headcanons and spinning the original. I finally understood that and reveled in it. 
TBH the only regret I have is not having the time to do MORE with it. Life sure does love to get in the way of that. I had JUST set up a LOT for my Survived!AU and was eager to bust out some DEEP SHIT for you guys. Then everything kinda... PBBT, as it were.
This isn’t to say that my Sly Cooper days are packed up and leaving, but it is finally saying it’s going dormant. I am 100% positive I will draw things for it now and again. I still think about images and projects I never got to do and still want to do. Arpeggio and kid Neyla, Jeremy and wacky pigeon Linda are still important to me. It’s extremely hard imagining letting them go completely. It’s why I really didn’t want to finally admit it here that I needed to make the big switch-over. 
I simply have other projects I want and need to focus on as a more firm priority. So I hope anyone still around will continue following along to see what else I’m made of! 
Sorry this sounds like a weird goodbye post. That’s pretty cringe. At the very least, I just wanted to emphasize one last time that I cherish all of you guys here, and to thank you once again for always supporting me! It’s what really makes it fun.
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nevenaraspopovic · 4 months
Activity #: Cultural exchange
Activity title: Cultural exchange abroad via travel in Sweden
Type of activity: activity, creativity
Duration: long term, 7 days
Date of start: 8.4.2023
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Learning outcomes:
Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
I planned a trip to Sweden effectively using my spring break for celebrating Easter. I visited Malmö and other Swedish cities and learned a lot about other people, cultures, their food and perspectives, as well as experiencing living in a different, far-away community, as well as promoting my own culture and its traditions.
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This has been one of my all-time-favourite activities, because I love to do international travel and meet new people and cultures. Sweden is perfect for that, due to being a home to so many cultures, religions and traditions. While walking, you can not only hear Swedish, but many other languages too. It really makes you learn to cherish diversity and welcome it into your town and country also. Although people living in the north are often regarded as cold, I found their openness welcoming enough to warm me during the cold weather. I was able to talk to many people, even on trains. One of the strangers I talked to came from Greenland to visit his son, it was very wholesome. Since I visited during Catholic Easter, I got a chance to learn about their traditions regarding the holiday and enjoy vibrantly decorated cities. I tried new food, learnt a new language, and made long-lasting memories I will remember forever. I also learned that it’s okay to take a break, since I’ve been exhausted from school. When I came back, I felt refreshed and that I will use the knowledge I gained for bettering and helping my own community and people around me.
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pritheeee · 1 year
Review Ramble: The Fault in Our Stars
I keep thinking back to when “The Fault in Our Stars” was at its peak in popularity, and you had dual cultures where some people adored it, and others made memes out of it. And while there's definitely a lot of conversations to be had about the genuine criticisms of the novel and John Green, a major fraction of the criticism it got was just a classic case of people dunking on anything that teen girls like. It’s a romance novel about two cancer afflicted teenagers falling in love and their journey through their last days. I have yet to see a discussion on how the story impacted chronically ill communities. Especially the youth. Everyone really took heart to the cliché teen romance rather than (what I think) was a significant subject of the story.
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Why should you read it?
The story talks from the perspective of a patient with terminal cancer who talked about what it was like to be depressed at the hands of being constantly sick, how love and friendship is intertwined and how it feels for it to be limited, how every regular human chore or activity is something so different, and what that means for the people around her. Shows you how it feels to have numbered days and that sometimes your bucket list will stay unfulfilled- not because you have a given time, but because you find greater joy in the first few checkdowns on it. All of that just because you’ve been granted a smaller infinity than others. Makes you cherish every moment because you are supposedly I’m hoping, someone with a bigger infinity. On the contrary, just because the lead characters are cancer patients, doesn’t mean it’s not as relatable to others. The story moves in such a realistic manner that anyone can relate to it, understand and feel it. Friendship, love, anger and regret- we’ve all felt these feelings. There’s inclusivity for all. And honestly I don't think that this story and narrative should be taken for granted and be marked as overrated or basic romance considering how little these kinds of stories get told, especially from the perspective of a young person.
This book holds a special place in my heart:
I bought mine sometime in 2016. Throughout my teen years till now, as the book grew older with me in my shelf and the more I reread it- the more I feel a circulation of grief, gratefulness and love. The dialogues exchanged among the characters touch your heart and make you think, make you relate. It’s so special to me because it’s my first book- the book that now has got me saying “I love to read books”. For me, it was spectacular. I could ramble about it for hours. If I had my way, I'd stop right here and tell you to go buy it instantly. Give it a read and fall in love with Hazel and Augustus.
Should you read other John Green books? Yes, definitely.
John Green is a stunning writer. His books are fairly easy to read for beginners with youth as a strong target audience and have a way of making you keep reading them. The combination of teenage humor, the crafting of epic awkward situations, and the emotions that are perfectly captured. It is the perfect recipe to make you read it one go, making you cry and laugh at the same time.
Some more John Green recommendations: “Looking for Alaska”, “Paper Towns”, “Will Grayson Will Grayson”, “An Abundance of Katherines”, and “Turtles All the Way Down”.
Two of my favorite quotes from the novel:
"Grief doesn't change you Hazel, it reveals you"
"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt."
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gratisdiamanten · 1 year
Ok my real answer is “the fic that will hurt me the least” but if I just blindly Russian roulette for pain style choose, let’s go with Permanent Havoc of Little Mistakes!
For "fic that will hurt you the least" I would say All You See Are Sympathetic Eyes, which is a slow burn csa recovery fic set in San Francisco in the 90s. Which is saying something if that's the least hurtful one, but at least the ending is satisfyingly happy and things in fact get better for the characters.
Sad one's below the cut, lowkey an essay, apologies!:
Permanent Havoc of Little Mistakes is like.... Definitely top tier horrible sad gratisdiamanten fic. Like, I'd put this one, Go in Fear of the Sun, Cherish Me to Sleep, and Apokatastasis on the same tier of just kind of hopeless, "sometimes it just doesn't get better" loving tragedy. That one's kind of based on an interest I had when I was 14 that has haunted me for years and made me think a lot about the love people have for others who may forever be completely unknown to them..
Basically, it's a fic about a community in the American Pacific Northwest trying to put together who this unidentified teen found dead in their town limits was, and then in that nonlinear format kind of increasingly alluding more and more to the person he'd been. And honestly it's obviously Max to the reader but for most of the fic he's not named, but you just learn more and more about who he was in his last months and then in the last parts of the fic who he was as a child.
Honestly, it's kind of exorcising the paranoia demons I had in my teens, addressing what tended to haunt me most and what drew me to the online communities where people worked so hard to find out who people could have been. Genuine respect and tenderness in a lot of those spaces, a lot of sadness and horror at the idea of not even being able to be properly mourned. The humanization a name gives you. The uncanniness of a poor reconstruction (Seb in this fic is vocal and adamant about how he's very sure Max did not have dark eyes). It's also about the little things that tie very disparate people together and what ultimately identifies a person, sometimes after YEARS and years.
It's also lowkey a light criticism of the true crime genre as a whole, which is more fascinated by unmasking violence rather than the ruin and the love entrenched trying to piece things together in that ruin. The aftermath and the aftershocks etc etc. More about humanization and empathy for stories you will only have fragmented parts of.
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wild-world · 2 years
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Thanks to all who joined us, but I decided to close down our old community discord, The Crossing Guardian. It had fallen inactive, and I feel that's ok, and only natural. After all, all Animal Crossing towns are eventually visited for the last time, whether you know it then or not. Even if it hadn't I just didn't have the motivation to moderate it anymore.
I think it's hard to understate how big of a following Animal Crossing: New Horizons got. Those of us who were there for the launch of Wild World, City Folk, or New Leaf will remember how hard it was to organize things such as trades, visits, or looking for rare items. With NH, communities like Nookazon formed, and made the game feel more open and connected then ever. Servers such as Bidoofcrossing also filled the need for social spaces, and got larger then I think anyone expected as well.
For those that joined us on this experiment: thank you! It was a lot of fun, and I'll cherish the letters I was sent in Population Growing, a game I never even expected I'd get visitors in.
Goodbye, TCG; and see you around!
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rovenim · 2 months
A Letter to Myself #22
It's a same date, 10th March but the difference is I'm feeling 22 in this year!
Welcoming myself into twenty-two era isn't easy, recognizing i'm turning twenty-two this year make me realize i'll face another challenge adjusting to my age (i consider it's like a game level) which is everything that happens could be different from previous years. Different levels, different difficulty of heaviness, different settings, and other things that support differences.
What i did in my twenty-one era (that could be a new thing or experience in my life also changed myself in a positive way):
First time experience to create bachelor's degree final project in 6th semester, i called it as "my hectic era ever" because i still had subject classes also i took additional classes. it's really hard to balancing my thesis final project and another subject class final semester projects. ((SHOUT OUT TO MY COLLEGE FRIENDS, U GUYS HELPED ME A LOT!!))
First time i met "thesis defense" in my life (my biggest fear as a college student) my fear is failure and i attracted what i fear, shit happens. But thanks to God i was given the opportunity to improve my thesis. I changed my mindset "don't be afraid, everything will be okay. u'll made it, u know what your weakness is, and this time to change and make it stronger." AND I MADE IT!!
Bukber (buka bersama) events for the first time after the pandemic. Hip hip horaaaaay, i met all of my high school friends. Such a good moment to cherish <3
This year i decided to to collect all Junji Ito's comics (Indonesian ver.)
First time i'm going to Kwangya Store! As a pink blood, i'm lovin it!
Started to bought album after a year i stopped myself to collect album (it's because #DOJAEJUNG debut).
First time using fake nails, AND I'M ADDICTED.
First time trying ramen (re: Hakata Ikkousha) and I REALLY LIKE IT. no, I LOVE IT.
First time trying to make a vlog with a "re-cap" theme, showing an interaction moment with all of my friends.
The first time I went to a job fair and LPDP event with my friends, it was very memorable for me. after me and my friends arrived at the event and saw the many young people there, this sentence immediately came to my mind "welcome to the jungle".
First time going to Project Pop's concert with my friends, and also experiencing the rain during the concert hahahaha, that was very memorable event! a day full of funny moment and plot twist!
First time going to the comfiest and pleasing aesthetic libraries in this town: Perpusda TIM and Erasmus Huis Library.
I made lots of friends from the k-pop community (especially nctzens) that i've been met in concerts and picnic day event. they're so lovely and nice to meet u guys!
As a person who had birth in Jakarta, this is my biggest pride after 21 years. I'm going to Monumen Nasional (Monas) which is Indonesia's capital city icon. But there's a good and there's a bad, the bad thing is i can't make it to the top of the Monas because the limited quota per day. Poor me.
Waiting for a long time to get a new job as a freshgraduate when some of my friends gotten their jobs, and people around me started asking me about when i getting a job. At the same time, i tried to fight my insecurities within myself and continued to apply to all companies and keep praying for good guidance for me. I know God's plan is much better than my plan and after all, i got it at the end of the year!
In 2023, i felt i spend a lot of time to going out-life update with my old friends (who haven't seen each other for a long time). This was very rapid increase from 2022 (i'm a homie person). I went to place that i've never been there before, trying so many foods (mostly popular food #fomo).
When i look back what i've been through in my 21 era, i iknew not all good things only happen to me, but there's bad things too. Life is yin and yang. i never know how happiness feels, if i never experience sadness before, and because happiness and sadness happened to me, i know the things of life called "grateful". Last year i want myself to be more grateful than before, so i tried to be someone who always being grateful and trying to take meaning from the things that happen in my life. because i believe that if something can happen there must be a purpose behind it, and God designed my life not without purpose. Now, i'm still learning to be a grateful peson and tries to maintain it.
For this year, i want to make a change within myself that i really wanted to do a long long time ago. Change what i can change, controlled things what i can control and it started from myself. I only can change and control myself, not people around me or this universe (damn it's crazy).
I'm a people pleaser, one of my friends know i have that weakness. So, she always encourages me to get freakin out from "people pleaser bubble" and that isn't easy for me. It needs more time to awakening my bravery (???), change my mindset about how i treat people and why i need to prioritize myself first.
Start from the second month of 2024, something happened to me so i feel like i need to make a change asap. Thinking 'bout how this thing can be powerful affected to me, i feel like i need some help.
For the first in many years before, i experienced an unpleasant feeling in a room. everything has changed, including me. The longer i feel uncomfortable, i try to find out why and is it wrong for me to feel that way? after asking several people about it, everyone answered the same thing "you don't have to endure everything, say no if you don't like it."
My friend who knew from the start about it said:
"If you feel unhappy or uncomfortable, let it go. if you feel staying away is a good thing for you, do it. you don't have to feel wrong, it's not your fault. be brave. don't be people pleaser again. that's enough."
Because of their responses and suggestions, i choose to take an action to be a brave person this time. Until i posted my letter on Tumblr, i still dealing with this situation (change what i can change). Hopefully i can feel calmer and wiser in choosing which path is good for me, can stop being a people pleaser and can find the true meaning of life as a human being. Don't forget to enjoy your life, Rove.
Good luck,
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