#Zhongli imagines
2-dsimp · 3 months
Welcome everyone to the mini cyoa tutorial ! NSFW edition!
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Cw: fem!reader, possible noncon, Yandere tendencies, dark content!
-This is just a small spin off series meant to help familiarize ourselves with the mechanics of the OG cyoa! Since it’s been awhile (>^ω^<) If there are any questions feel free to ask anything and I’ll answer to the best of my abilities!
Current location: [on Campus] at {Zhongli’s Tutoring club}
Secret admirer! Ayato wanted to surprise you with his presence since he’s been abroad for his studies for so long. He already knew your location since he’s got eyes everywhere tailing his favorite princess.
Secret admirer! Ayato conversing with Tutoring club leader! Zhongli trying to shoo him off so he can spend some quality time with you. But Zhongli remains calm and politely refuses any of his attempts to whisk you away. Since he states that as your tutor, it’s his responsibility to escort you home safely.
Both of them are hesitant to let you go with the other and are heavily distracted. So they wouldn’t notice if you decided to leave the study room by yourself.
1st objective: find a way home
—> {Opt to go home alone}
—>[Choose to go with Ayato]
—> <Choose to go with Zhongli>
Votes end Tuesday midnight 🕛
Player inquiries ✨
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sheepmc · 5 months
When you drive him insane
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Wearing Zhongli's archon outfit will drive him insane just seeing you wearing his clothes made something in him snap, wearing his clothes, having his scent on you marking you as his
Zhongli will absolutely fuck you in it too, he will worship you as his goddess reverse worship ftw he will definitely enjoy his time worshipping you from top to bottom
Zhongli will suggest maybe bringing out his former archon self out to play with you a weak goddess for him to take as his own
Zhongli will hunt you down enjoying every second of it when suggesting to play strip hide and seek, the first time he catches you strips you of your shirt and bra.. the second time he catches you he strips you of your pants and underwear.. the third time he catches you he's grinding his rock hard cocks against your pussy just teasing and edging you watching as you cum just from him rub his cocks against your folds before thrusting his cocks inside in one single hard thrust fucking himself deeper into you not stopping for a single second pulling all the way out until his tip remains inside then all the way back in to your cervix constantly nonstop that has you seeing stars
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atskiruma · 1 year
his attempts at courting you
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expl: he finds himself thinking about you more often, wanting to seek you out consistently, and giving you numerous gifts every day to see you smile
a/n: it has come to my attention that the last ff i wrote, (snow day) was not very well depicted for all readers to enjoy, i want to apologize for that and promise that i will get better at trying to make sure everyone is able to read it and enjoy it, my writings are targeted for all | unfortunately, i can not edit it right now seeing as there's a poll going on, but once that poll is finished i will change my wording in the ff
ask me anything masterlist
second person writing no pronouns used
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Zhongli often felt himself thinking about you more often while he was working around the parlor. Even seeking out your name in conversations and listening more attentively when someone was speaking about you. It didn't confuse him though, he was aware of his interest in you.
You opened up the warmth in his heart and welcomed him kindly every time you two saw each other. It made him happy to see you happy, and this was evident when flowers were delivered directly to your door one sunny afternoon.
"These are for you," The mail lady said before turning around and walking away to do more deliveries. You didn't even get to ask who they were from before she was gone. Staring down at the bouquet of tiger lilies in front of you, you could only assume that the bright orange and black colors could depict a certain someone's hair color.
It was a nice piece on your kitchen counter and went well with the other decorations spiraling around your house. That was, until the next morning, you were greeted again with another gift. A bright orange vase to compliment the tiger lilies you received the other day. It was funny, why was he going out of his way to send you such nice gifts?
You finally managed to confront him when you saw Childe and Zhongli sitting together on the seats of an outside cafe. Walking over and waving to the both of them. They greeted you back, and small talk was given for only a couple minutes.
"I actually came over here to thank Zhongli," This caught his attention, and he turned to look up at you, "I really loved the flowers you sent and the vase goes really well with them too!" You said while smiling.
He nodded back at you, seemingly collecting himself extremely quickly at the fact you figured out so quick who it was. "I'm glad you liked them," He said.
"I came to give you this in return," You said," "I know it's probably not as extravagant as the ones you gave me, but I like it." Handing over the small gift box, he opened it and smiled softly at the item. It was a small keychain, nothing special, and it was decorated with a lovely orange seem.
That same keychain would be hung up right next to his bedframe, along with variant letters you sent him on the table accompanying it.
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Diluc was someone who took courting another person seriously. He found it tradition since his father had spoken so much of it when Diluc was younger. He always wanted to treat the one he loved with respect and be as much of a gentleman as possible.
This was why you were taking a stroll with him through his grapevines on a sunny afternoon. He offered for you to come down to the Winery a couple days ago and you had just gotten around to accepting his offer. His hand rested on your back as he took you through multiple different paths and explained everything. As you strolled, he talked about things concerning the vine, his profits, the seasons they needed to be planted, etc.
You smiled at him, knowing it was something he took dear to his heart, and listened very attentively to what he was saying. In reality, Diluc was really hoping that all he was talking about didn't bore you in any way.
Then, the next couple of hours were spent sitting in his large dining room, eating food made by the cooks in his home. It was nice, and you were very happy that he wanted to spend this much time with you. Diluc even found himself watching you eat here and there, asking you if the food was good or if you needed anything else in the time being.
After everything was over, and the night sky shined over the two of you as you stood outside his doors, he leaned down and pressed a small kiss to your hand. Telling you how much of a pleasure it was to have you here, and how he wished you could stay longer.
Diluc even offered to walk you home, tediously not taking no for an answer, he reached down to take your hand and hold it the whole walk home.
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Alhaitham was very closed off when he first met you, he was closed off with anyone in general. He found it strange that you always seemed to be there when he was thinking about you, and when his eyes would try and search a room in the akademiya for you.
He realized that something had to be done about this, so, he did what any other raging nerd would do, and researched about it.
You also found it odd when you'd see him looking at you from across the library, or holding the door open for you whenever you'd walking behind him. Alhaitham always seemed like the guy who only cared about his own, yet he was so evident in helping you out here and there.
Helping you when you'd be confused about a book, rewording your essays to make them better. Alhaitham seemed to want to assist you with almost everything. This was no different than today.
You found yourself back at the library looking down at a long-written parchment on the forest rangers' activities. Trying to figure out how you could make this work in the essay you were conducting on Sumeru's forest.
This was when you heard the chair scrap right next to you, and looked up from where you had originally been focused. Alhaitham took his seat next to you, slightly taking up more space than necessary with his manspreading.
"Do you need help with that? It looks like a longer report than usual for you."
"Longer than usual?" You shot back, "Are you saying that I'm not capable of reading this?" His eyes widened a bit and he instantly tried to retort his original statement. "No, no, I thought- Well- You know you usually read shorter reports in order to get more details. I didn't think you'd take something this large to account."
His confession made you smile, and you leaned in closer, "How'd you know how I like my reports?" At the response with your cheeky grin, a blush formed on his cheeks before he looked away.
"Scholars are supposed to be attentive, it's natural to know a few things you prefer in order to work best with you."
The response he sent back your way caused you to roll your eyes and turn back to what you were originally doing. "To answer your question, no, I do not need help, but thank you for offering."
That didn't seem to make him budge, because he kept sitting there watching you copy down and write words from the book.
"You misspelled climate."
The sound of a book colliding with his head echoed throughout the library.
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Ayato enjoyed your company, a lot, so much that he seeks you out anytime he and his sister go down to festivals or strolls through the city. He always wanted to start up a conversation with you, and if anyone else walked by anytime he'd be down there, Ayato would be right next to you listening with a smile at whatever you said.
Ayaka loved you too and found it amusing that her brother was so interested in you. She often found herself trying to spark up conversations with you, asking if her older brother proposed yet in a joking manner.
You laughed it off, Ayato was nice but you were sure he had other rich and important people to concern his love life with. He was just a very nice man to talk with here and there, and you didn't seem to notice that you were one of the few he'd actually seek out.
That was, until, every time he saw you, he came with some form of jewelry or expensive item to give you. Asking you how your day was, what you were doing, and if you wanted to come to spend some time up at the estate with him.
"What about Ayaka?" You said with a tilt of your head in confusion. He smiled back and said, "I'm sure she'd rather stay down here and explore more of the shops.
Ayaka would have loved to come along, but before she could even turn around, the two of you were already heading back up to the estate.
He catered to you, made sure you were comfortable, and even asked if you'd like anything from his personal chefs. It was a bit much to handle, seeing as you weren't used to living so luxurious, but he was very nice about it all and understood.
The catering didn't stop after that day either, more and more people began to wonder why the Kamisato siblings were spending so much more time outside their palace. Ayaka once mentioned that you loved a certain color, and the next day Ayato was handing you a box with that color, and a necklace with the pearl containing that color too.
He even found himself marching over to you when he saw someone speaking to you in a more flirtatious matter. Moving next to you and asking if everything was alright while his hand wrapped around your own.
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tokoumaru · 1 year
★ liyue boys' voicelines about you!
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feat.childe, zhongli, xiao tags. headcanons, fluff, gender neutral reader, established relationships (for childe and zhongli) word count. 1.9k tw. mentions of fights on childe's part and light injuries on xiao's part.
synopsis. genshin impact boys and their in-game voicelines about you!
voicelines series. part 1: liyue, part 2: mondstat, part 3: inazuma, part 4: sumeru
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About You (Friendship Lv. 4)
(Y/N)? You mean my assistant? Are they finishing up the paperwork I assigned them? Tell me comrade, what might they be doing on this fine day? It's been such a long time since I've last seen them! What do you mean you saw us together by the harbor just last night? Well, aren't you quite keen... To tell you the truth, they're one of my most formidable opponents. They're quite adept at the bow- not as adept as me of course. As for why we spend so much time together... heh, they just so happen to be a close ally of mine.
More About Tartaglia: Closest Companion (Friendship Lv. 5)
There isn't many you can trust while working in an organization like the Fatui, *sigh* especially when most your coworkers are cunning Harbingers. Aside from being my assistant, (Y/N) is one of the only few people I can trust wholeheartedly. They've accompanied me throughout the many battles I've fought, and though they might not be as great of a warrior as me- a given, they're quite the entertaining sparring buddy... when they start getting serious, I can't help but feel a few tingles crawl my back when I see their malicious eyes directed at me.
More About Tartaglia: Childhood Friends (Friendship Lv. 6)
Morepesok was just a small village, everyone knew of each other and their grandparents... (Y/N) had been my only friend back then, before and after I ventured deep into the abyss. Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon just love them! Though, I have to admit I do get a bit jealous of my siblings when they steal their attention for quite awhile. Aside from my family, they may be the only good memories I have of that seaside town. Every spontaneous battle I win, every rash decision I make, they're somehow always there to make things better... the taste of victory could never feel better without them by my side. I'm truly thankful that they've stuck by me for so long... I'll protect them no matter what.
About You: Lovers (Friendship Lv. 10)
(Y/N)... my lover? You could tell from the sound of my voice when I was talking about them? Hah, was I too obvious? Well, It wasn't like I was trying to hide it from you, comrade. It's true, we've been lovers for quite awhile now, and I wouldn't have it any other way! They're quite the sweetheart, I'm sure I've told you about how they accompanied me throughout my entire life. Hmm... You don't get how they could stay with someone like me for so long? What exactly do you mean by that, comrade? Simply put, it's because they love me and I love them of course! And if they do happen to think of leaving… well, as if I'd let that happen. Comrade, one day I will conquer the world, and you'll see my dearest (Y/N) right beside me. If it just so happens that they aren't there to see it... I'll make it so that there won't be any world, person, or god left for anyone to conquer, and not even you can stop me.
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About You (Friendship Lv. 4)
There is a small flower shop of the highest quality residing in the outskirts of Liyue Harbor, there lies a quiet but passionate vendor that goes by the name (Y/N). Ever since I had surrendered my duties as the Geo Archon, they have helped me acclimatize to 'mortal' life greatly. Though I may have overseen Liyue's growth to prosperity from the very beginning, there are still some mortal nuances that are lost on a being as old as I am. I truly appreciate their presence and ever-lasting kindness for a newcomer such as I.
More About Zhongli: Favorite Places (Friendship Lv. 5)
I often spend my days at Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, working there as a Consultant for those departed. Although, in rare moments in which I am freed from my duties, you may also find me at Third-Round Knockout or Xinyue Kiosk enjoying a few Liyuen delicacies. Hmm? (Y/N)? The flower shop right next to Wanmin Restaurant? Ah, yes... perhaps I do spend a generous amount of my time there… Just how exactly do I spend so much hours in such a quaint flower shop, you ask? Well, there is only one possible thing one can do in a such a shop— that is to purchase flowers of the most beautiful kind. For who? ...It seems you're quite the curious individual, my friend.
More About Zhongli: The Past and the Future (Friendship Lv. 6)
Although I've resigned myself to 'mortal' life, the memories of acting as Liyue's longstanding Archon are ones that I can never bring myself to leave in dust. There is a flower shop on the outskirts of Liyue Harbour, I am sure you have seen me frequent the quiet place beforehand... May it be Violet grass, Qingxins, Silk flowers, or even rarities such as Glaze lilies, you may find it there. For someone who has lived as long as I have, each object- each flower- has become a reminder of times long ago. Whenever I visit the serenic shop, I cannot help but halt and reminisce about friends whose memories, both pleasant and unpleasant, only live in the flowers they used to love... Deciding to live as 'Zhongli', even if the task may pose to be quite difficult, I have promised to put these matters behind me, such as my contract dictates... Though, looking up from the nostalgic flowers to see (Y/N)'s auspicious smile never fails to remind me that, perhaps, there may still be more to discover for someone such as I, who has possibly witnessed everything there could be.
About You: Lovers (Friendship Lv. 10)
As the longstanding 'God of Contracts', there are many contracts that hold great importance to me. Though, in the centuries I've lived up until now, there is one that reigns above all. The contract with my dearest (Y/N) is one that I hold most close to my heart. What sort of contract, you ask? It is one where only the closest of partners can enact, in mortal terms you may call it 'matrimony'. For someone who has lived through a millennium, I was quite hesitant to proceed with this sort of contract, after all, it was a contract that requires one to dedicate a life's worth of time. However, once I saw (Y/N)'s optimistic eyes at the slightest mention, perhaps I already knew of their answer. Since then, there has not been even the slightest feeling of regret at my decision to dedicate my mortal life to them. Each moment I spend with my dearest is one I will treasure greatly. They listen to each of my long tangents about the history of Liyue with ease... It would provide great relief if I were to spend my last moments in this world by their side.
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About You (Friendship Lv. 4)
(Y/N)... It's hard not to know of a persistent mortal with such great tenacity. Unlike other mortals, they seem to lack a sense of danger and most especially, a sense of boundaries. Hmph... their irritating gesture of offering me a plate of Almond Tofu every night is not necessary for a Yaksha such as I, who does not need sustenance to live. They truly have no respect for the ways of the Adepti...
More About Xiao: The Ways of the Yaksha (Friendship Lv. 5)
As the last remaining Yaksha, it is my duty to conquer the demonic spirits that plague the outskirts of Liyue. This responsibility is one that I have been assigned to from the moment I had been saved by Rex Lapis. Though I've dealt with the subject of death for centuries, the karmic debt it brings me only weighs heavier on my shoulders... Yet, that tenacious mortal... (Y/N)... why is it that the weight of my debt disappears in the uncommon moments I speak to them? Tch... it doesn't matter. The karmic debt I’ve accumulated is my burden to carry. A mere mortal could never alleviate nor withstand it... especially not a fragile one such as (Y/N).
More About Xiao: Human Emotions (Friendship Lv. 6)
I'm far from human. I can't make much of human emotions... why does that mortal- (Y/N), go such great lengths to form a bond with me? I do not understand why they persistently come back to Wangshu Inn after I've deliberately ignored their advances... There was one night where their absence caused me a great amount of trouble. At the balcony of Wangshu Inn, the table in which they had often offered me their Almond Tofu was empty. At the same time, I had sensed a great deal of demonic energy at the mountains of Qingyun Peak. Tch... That fragile mortal was caught up in a losing fight between two Mitachurls. How could they be so stupid. I was about to leave once I had ascertained their safety, yet with such audacity did they grip my wrist just to simply give me a single Qingxin flower. How childish. The gesture was completely unnecessary, it was only burdensome. I cannot save them from danger each time they decide to offer me a measly item. This flower tied to my belt? Hmph. I... forget it.
More About Xiao: Human Emotions II (Friendship Lv.7)
(Y/N)... Why does their presence stir such a storm within me. Yakshas have no need for trifling pests such as emotion. I can't fathom why I… greatly desire their company. Hmph, I have no time for such distractions when the perpetual battle I face continues on... Yet, why does the weight on my shoulders only grow heavier when I continue to ignore their presence? Traveler, as you are the closest to mortals, tell me, what must one do to get rid of this burdensome feeling… I can't? What do you mean, I can't? You mean to tell me... the only way to rid of this emotion is to face (Y/N)? Tch. Impossible. A Yaksha who is burdened by a great weight of karmic debt could never sit next to a fragile mortal such as themselves. It is my duty to protect the citizens of Liyue, not bring death upon them caused by my karmic debt. Me? Worried? Ha. Do not judge adepti by your mortal ideals. I am only doing my duty as a protector of Liyue.
About You: Lovers/Companions (Friendship Lv.10)
The mortal concept of emotions- especially love, is something foreign to a Yaksha such as I, who has only known death. The night in which I asked you what I was feeling for (Y/N), Morax- or as he now goes by- Zhongli, had travelled to Wangshu Inn. He had come by just to inform me of his 'matrimony' with a mortal... it had stirred such confusion within me to see such a soft look on his face. Tell me, was that what I looked like when I spoke of (Y/N)? Before he left, Morax told me that it wouldn't hurt to indulge in mortal desires now that Liyue was capable of standing on its own... Although I am an inhumane Yaksha, the feelings that arose whenever I saw (Y/N) were too intense to dismiss... When they asked me to be their 'lover', there was nothing else I could do but agree. Do I regret it? Hmph. Adepti such as myself don't feel emotions akin to regret... perhaps they may feel emotions such as love, unfortunately.
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a/n. tbh this was so hard to write... HELP it was very hard to try and make these voicelines actually sound like them! i had to actually use my brain for once... I TRULY APOLOGIZE IF IT WAS OOC (heavy on xiao)! HELP i think its obvious that xiaos my favourite... but it was also because I didn't know how to make him have a loverasdhjsds. also whenever I typed in the phrase about you I couldnt help but start singing the 1975's about you hehe
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kuromiiyuuu · 5 months
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"say it, you love me." genshin impact.
-genshin men with a shy but clingy reader.
thoma, wriothesley, and zhongli. (f)
warnings, genre. none! | fluff fluff fluff! |
notes. a request from anon, this was so fun to write. and i got carried away on the zhongli part huhu, not proofread as usual. also i wrote this in class lmfao.
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•this cutie pie is like those service dogs that guide you around.
•he's so caring istg, my heart just melts thinking about him talking to you whilst you just figure out the words to reply and your cheeks warming up, he'd just hit you with the, "don't be shy, baby."
•he knows your capacity when it comes to talking and holding a conversation, he knows you like the back of his hand.
•and since you're more on the shy side, he talks for you like; "oh she doesn't like that." "she's allergic to that." "y/n would love this!" it's just so sweet T•T.
•this man understands you more than anyone, you can cling on his arm if you want to and he lets you, of course he would. 
•despite your lack of confidence in talking, you still make up by your actions.
•and thoma is inloveeeee with that, he loves the fact that you'd just hug him out of no where without saying anything.
•and don't get him started by the adorable trinkets you make him! he adores every little thing you make just for him.
•this man is just the standard!
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•now, this man loves it when you're so shy around him still. despite the amount of time you already spent together, you're still shy around him.
•it melts his cold heart when he sees you try your best to communicate with him.
•and there was this time when you both got into a misunderstanding and the cryo user would scold you, and when you just looked up at him with tears in your eyes feeling sorry for what you've done, and not uttering a single word.
•it shattered his worlddd
•istg he swears now that he will never ever scold you like that again. he knows already you're in a tough spot.
•and i have this feeling that this man is a sucker for physical touch so. whenever he goes home he'd see that sweet smile of yours, running up to him, and eloping him in a hug, that's comparable to any tea in the world.
•you're just so cute in his eyes istg, the fact that he'd tease you often and you'd just look away with a blush on your cheeks, god does he want to kiss you.
•expect a lot of teasing tho, he kinda loves it when you're flustered; "why are you so beautiful?"
•and those soft moments with your boyfriend where you'd just laugh together and leaning into each other.
•and whenever he's or you are doing something you love and you both just admire each other
•god i want this.
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•this man!!! give me a zhongli!!!
•he's a matured gentleman, he handles you with ease.
•he loves it when you're clinging in to him, you're just hugging him out of no where cause zhongli is the one good with words but he's not that open with physical touch.
•you on the other hand is the other way around, you'd be the one ruffling his hair, initiating to hold his hand, and you'd be the one to hug him longer than usual.
•you both are just a good couple and he doesn't want to admit it out loud but he loves the fact that you just can't seem to take your hands off of him.
•whenever walking in a crowded place you'd have your hand clinging onto the hem of his outfit or just the fabric in general just so you won't lose sight of him.
•whenever he comes home tired, he could just lay in your arms in silence and it's the best thing in the world.
•and let me tell you this, you won't believe it but trust me, zhongli is the type where whenever you lean closer in his face, his breath would just hitch.
•it was almost like a match made in heaven, zhongli never really liked loud noises and you were just the woman for him.
•your gentle touch is the only thing he ever wants in the world.
•and he'd give up everything for his shy baby.
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
「Without Me」 Zhongli
↳ In which as the lantern rite festival was once again celebrated, you find yourself bidding your farewell in the land that you cherished the most. They're doing fine without you anyway.
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Hands on the pocket, the figure quietly approaches the place. (Hair color) locks being swayed by the wind as the figure does so. After making sure no one was around, the figure pulled out something out of who knows where. There a two cups as well as a bottle of osmanthus wine was all you could bring.
Right in front of you were a few offerings, things that surely reminded you of her. Placing a cup on her nonexistent grave yet knew it was quite a memorial place for her to be, you place a cup on her seat and just hold your but upon realizing you need to open the wine bottle, you place it on the table, opening the bottle afterwards.
"It's been a while, hasn't it? Guizhong." You spoke as you pour her wine cup and yours some wine. "I thought about it for a long time and decided to pay a visit before I go." You spoke casually, placing the wine bottle right beside the rest of the offerings on the table before picking up your own cup. "So here I am." Then you took a sip, and damn, it tastes the same.
You just stood there for a long time. You have nothing to say in the first place. So you just stood there as the gentle breeze passes by, your (hair color) locks slowly becoming a mess by the wind but not that you mind. As time passed by, the slowly but surely the wine is being emptied and with one last sip, you throw the cup away by the lake, watching it sink for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Happy lantern rite, Guizhong."
You didn't leave right away. You just sat there, humming a tune you haven't for so long as your eyes fixed on the scenery in front of you, waiting for the night to come as time slowly passed by. As you did, you can't help but look back of the memories of yesterday not so long ago.
"They're at it again." You said with a chuckle as you sat down next to your friend and lover whom too were watching the scene with interest. "You're not going to join?" Your lover, Rex Lapis asked, and you shake your head. "One thing I learned over the past few decades is that I can't win against Guizhong when it comes to mechanisms." You chuckle and shrug, eyes boring to your lover who never looked at you, those amber iris never once looking away from the goddess of dust.
"Those were the good old days, I suppose?" Just like that, a bitter smile left your lips. "Heh." Good old days, huh. Thinking about it gives you mixed feelings. Nevertheless, the warmth it gave your heart was enough for you to call it good memories.
Before you knew it, the once bright sky was now filled with stars. Only then did you realize you have long stopped humming. Getting up from your seat, brushing off the dust in your clothes. It was now time to leave.
"You know. I never hated you." You spoke as you give her resting place one last glance. "In fact, I could never." You chuckle. "Goodbye, Guizhong." With a genuine smile on your lips. You walk away and never look back. Ascending down from the mountains, you can't help but admire the bright harbor from afar.
"Now, now. Where should I go?" You whispered and asked yourself. It was too early for you to leave, you still have a few hours for you to kill time. And as much as you wanted to go to the harbor yourself. As the other adeptus were currently in there, your presence might just spoil the mood so you'd rather not come. It was okay seeing the city from afar.
Suddenly, a place came into mind. Without missing a beat, you made your way at the place. It was such a good timing, after all, the current conquer of demons is currently away in the inn. That place was a good place for sightseeing after all. A good place to admire Liyue and waste time until your departure. Or so you thought.
"Aren't you going to the city?" "Old foes are in there, I'd rather not." You chuckle helplessly as you turn around. There a certain adeptus you thought won't be here have arrived. "Well then, now that you're back, I should get going before I ruined your night." You bow politely, something a mere mortal would do in front of him nowadays.
Walking past him, you did not expect to be stopped, having him grabbed you gently by the wirst. "Adep-" "It was an accident." He spoke before looking at you, meeting your (eye color) iris. You blink, gently prying off his hand away from you before you take a step back. "Right, but that doesn't change the fact that I was the one with her when she died." You give him a small smile. "I should get going."
"Why do you keep running away?" He sounds frustrated that you almost look back, but you didn't. But you did stop walking when you're about to walk out the door to the top floor where he was always at. After all, Yaksha was never the one to initiate a conversation, let alone an outburst. By his question, you can't help but to let out a chuckle, "Running away, heh. That's an interesting way to put it when I was the one that was left alone."
Realizing what came out of your mouth, your (eye color) iris widen as you cover your mouth with your hands. "I said something I shouldn't have." You took a deep breath and eventually dropped your hands to your side. "I apologize." You said with a sigh as you look back at the green haired adeptus whom had his eyes looking at you wide upon, probably because of what you just said a couple moments ago. "I'll take my leave now." This time, you really did leave.
Finding yourself back on top of the high peeks of Liyue, you casually lean back at one of the statues of seven, your back meeting with cold stone it was made out of, sending shiver down your spine. Still, your mind wandered off the little interaction you had with the fellow adeptus earlier. Just like that you let out a sigh.
You honestly didn't want to be seen by your fellow adeptus. Not because you'll be leaving without a word, but because of what happened in the past that each of you can't seem to forget.
Guizhong was a very bright, extrovert, and genius being. You can see she was always the center of everyone's attention. Maybe that was the reason why even Morax can't seem to look away from her. Maybe it was the reason why she always felt a bitter taste on your mouth. Because whenever she was on sight, Morax, Rex Lapis, your lover never looked at you.
"They're at it again." It was a strong sense of deja vu but this time, it wasn't you who was speaking, it was one of the adeptus, the cloud retainer speaking as the two to you look at the near distance. Rex Lapis and Guizhong alongside the rest of the Yaksha. It was a heartwarming sight, to be honest. But it did nothing but ache in your heart as you see Marshall Vritras give Guizhong and Rex Lapis a new pair of clothes. It looks like matching with each other.
"I'm going ahead." "Already?" "I wasn't feeling very well nowadays." You chuckle. That was the truth. Nowadays, it felt like someone was sucking your energy out of you. You get easily tired nowadays, and today might be one of those days. "Should I call Rex Lapis?" As she stood up, you grab the hem of her clothes. "Don't, leave him be. I can go back on my own. Just tell him I went ahead." You smile gently at her.
With one last at your lover, you bid your farewell at cloud retainer and quietly make your way back to your lair. It wasn't that bad at first, the as you walk and walk, the more you felt like everything was spinning, the grounds felt shaking, or was that you slowly loosing you strength all over you body? "Wha- what.. In the.." Before your body fell on the ground, you felt a small arms capture your figure. "(First name)?!" That voice was familiar, familiar enough to bring you back to your senses.
"Gui..zhong?" You utter in disbelief, she was just with the other not long ago, what is she doing here? "I've seen you leave not feeling very well, I decided to follow you and-" "Tsk. Another one to ruined my plan." Both of you turn to the uninvited guess, another God. It feels like you've seen him somewhere. That.. Where have you seen him? Before you knew it, an attack was launched at the two of you.
It was hard. You knew the two of you don't stand a chance. You're slowly losing your senses, you're not in the condition to fight in the first place and as you pant, looking at Guizhong right beside you. She was as wounded as you were, blood dripping down her temple all the way to her chin. "R-run." You utter.
This time, she was looking at you in disbelief. "Do you think you're in the position to say something like that?! You won't be able to hold him back!" "He was coming.. coming for me ha- in the f-first place." You pant heavily. Just like that, you heard a sinister laugh from the god in front of you. "That's right. I'm glad you're well aware (First name)." So it was true, it was really after you. "Guizhong... Run."
"That's right, you two can't take me. Why don't you go and ask the others for help and leave (First name) here for me. Don't worry, we'll only talk." "Like I'll believe that!" "You should. Do you even know why they're in a state like that? It's because they hate you." "What non-" "What shit are you saying?!" You shout all of a sudden, (eye color) iris shaking.
"You don't know? Were you really not aware of it? Aren't you just wondering why you're running out of energy nowadays? Why do you think was the reason?" "You-!" "It's because of your hatred and jealously." As the god in front of you laugh, your (eye color) iris shook even more. No, no. No no no no no. It's nothing like that. That's not it. There is no way in Celestia he was able to suck your energy away because you're what, angry and jealous? How pathetic!
"Come to think of it, isn't they God the reason for all of it?" By those words, you felt like you're drench in cold water. "Isn't she the reason why you and Rex Lapis rarely get along nowadays?" "What nonsense are you saying?! We're nothing but friend-" "Isn't that right, (First name)?" No I- you- I... "(First name)?" They shaky voice of Guizhong snapped you out of it. "No- I.. I don't-" "HAHAHAHA See? They can't even reply properly!" "Shut up! Don't confuse them any longer!"
"You know me and Rex Lapis were just friends, right? Right (First name)?" She spoke gently. But at your (eye color) iris met those bright ones of hers. You can't help but look down and utter. "I'm sorry." You knew they were friends, heck. You knew that, and it disgusts you to think there is something more. You never felt so broken, confused, disgusted, and pathetic to yourself all your life. "I'm sorry." You utter once again, this time, tears where pooling in those (eye color) iris. "I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry." You don't long for how long were you saying that but you kept on saying anyway. "It's alright." You heard a quiet yet genuine chuckle. "It's alright. You don't hate me, right?" She smiled brightly at you. But before you can even reply. A blinding attack cane towards the direction of you two. Only then did you realize, you've been distracted for awhile now. And before the attack reach you. You one again felt an arm wrapped around your figure. "Close your eyes, (First name)"
Looking at the city afar, you blink. Then you look up. It seems like you've taken a nap. Your shoulders were cold and stiff, so you stood up and stretched your arms and back. Then you halt. "Alatus." You sigh, looking back to see the green haired adeptus once again.
"You're leaving." "Heh? Where did you get that idea?" "Why are you leaving?" "You didn't answer my question, so I have the right not to answer your question too." "Fine. I just have the feeling." "Hmm. Why am I leaving? I just want to travel." "Don't." "Why?" You raise a brow. "Everything is fine right now." That is the truth.
"I'm just leaving Liyue, I'm not going somewhere far away." You added. "Then I'm going to get going now, I had a quick nap so-" "I told you it was just an accident, when will you stop blaming yourself-!" "That doesn't change the fact that she died because of me, okay? Besides, that's surprising coming from you. She was your esteemed master after all-" You stopped and sigh. You've said too much once again.
"I'm going to tell Morax." "Then tell him." As if he'll do something, you almost scoff but held it in. "No one has ever blamed you for what happened." "Really, Xiao? Did you honestly forgetten?"
A harsh slap across the face made you turn to your side. It hurts, but you didn't dare cry. You deserve this. "You-! You-! I can't believe you!" "That's enough." The Cloud Retainer eventually restrain Streetward Rambler from laying a hand from you again. "Enough??! Enough?! It is all because of them that Guizhong died! All because of what? All because of them being envious?!" "I'm sorry." You clench your jaw. "I'm sorry."
"I wish it was you who died." You don't know, perhaps you don't want to know who said that as you flinch. "Rex- where is Rex Lapis?" You asked, never once looking up. You haven't seen your lover ever since then. "Who knows? Maybe he doesn't want to see you for what you did?" Once again you flinch. "We were just doing fine without you, even before. If you aren't Rex Lapis lover, I wouldn't have approached you in the first place."
Looking away from Xiao, you sigh, rubbing your temples. "That-" "Enough. I'm not changing my mind. It's much better this way. Besides, even without me, you'll be fine." Just like that, you disappeared from the conquer of demons' sight.
When you teleported into a familiar place you haven't been for a long time, you didn't expect to see him there, he should be around the city somewhere after all.
You couldn't help but stare at his back. You haven't seen him for so long. So you didn't expect to see him in the place where the two of you first met, of maybe it was just place to him.
As you were about to leave, about to teleport away. Your (eye color) iris met with a pair of amber ones. You couldn't move. Morax, he looked the same as he has always been. "I- I was just passing by." "I see." He replied like it was nothing, maybe it was nothing. So why is he looking at you like that?
"I'll get going then." You spoke and turned around. As you did, you felt his glaze upon your back. Then you stopped. "Morax." "I go by Zhongli nowadays." "Yeah, I've heard." You bit your lips. "But this question is for Morax, not for the mortal Zhongli." "I see." There was a moment of silence as a harsh wind breeze passed by. "Morax." "What it is?" His voice was soft as always, like the good old days.
"Morax, did you ever love me?" You asked the question you've been dying to ask for a long time now. And yet, as moments passed by, there was nothing but silence it makde you laugh. "I see, so that's how it is." You smile bitterly.
"I should get going now, thank you for your time." You spoke before you continue to walk away from him. "Oh, and Zhongli. You'll do just fine without me. Like always."
As you glance back at him, and for a moment, you wish you never did. Because as soon as you did, he was looking with eyes wondering what were you up to, those amber iris wondering why you even asked him of such question. Those amber iris looking at you with such affection as it did in the past. But perhaps that's just you. Because as you walked away like you did in the past, he never chase after you. Like he never loved you.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
Edit: part two
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𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐴 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑊ℎ𝑜…
A/N: Not gonna lie, my eyes might have shed a tear or so at the "like a parent who..." parts, I got emotional...
Pairings: Archons x Creator!Parentalfigure!Reader
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Everyone often thought as the hunted down, true Creator of Teyvat, you would punish people for their crimes against them.
The people, almost everyone in every nation except some (those who were favoured by you later on), hunted you and tortured you beyond comprehension. Especially the Archons who were decieved by the False One, so easily they fell prey to "Their" clutches when they prided themselves to be the closest, most loyal to You, their Creator.
Yet, they were also the ones who committed the worst sin.
They never expected to see you in their land once again, happy and cheerfully eating while gazing at the horizon. Not when a harsh punishment to them and their people was expected from You, not when they got ready to beg for forgiveness for their people, for you to have mercy on them even if they didn't show the same one to you.
And perhaps, your anger and wrath was better than your kindness, for their heart and very existence clenched painfully inside them, threatened to swallow them whole with the cold and relentless darkness seeping inside them as they were harshly slapped back with what they had done to Their True Creator and how They were treating Their Creations.
With kindness and love, tenderness they once felt in the Heavenly Grounds as they all sat around You and talked, ate together, basked in your love as each of them tried to make You smile and give affection to each of them, pat their heads softly and just be there for them...
Unlike the False One who only demands, is harsh and devoid of the warmth you had.
And even then... They are unable to notice the True One they always loved and will always do.
Out of anything Venti thought to see today, seeing you in the Angel's Share drinking the dandelion wine he made people to produce in your name (since it was a favourite of yours back when everything was fine and enjoyed a drink at the balcony of your Holy Chamber with him seated next to you) and inviting him over for one wasn't on the list. He didn't expect to be sitting next to your holy body, looking dumbfounded yet also still smiling with tears in his big eyes as you told him that you wouldn't neither abandon nor punish him or his people.
And he certainly didn't expect to be hugged by you after so so long, after being deprived off of the feeling of home, clutching on your robes thightly with a promise to never let go and doubt you again and wailing like a baby as you comforted him with his face buried in your neck, babbling about how he was so guilty, how he thought he lost You for eternity...
Like a parent whose child wanted to get away from their strict parent, thinking the outside world was better, that their parent was just overexaggerating. Like a parent comforting their child who was lost on the way after they realized how right their parent was, yet found themselves again by the parent who gave them another sense of freedom to soar.
Out of any place, Zhongli never expected to see you in his private residence drinking some tea and preparing some snacks to bring for him to eat. He never thought he would see the day you wore such casual clothes, hair messily up in bun as your holy hands were covered with flour. As the eldest, he was able to see your every form and every new hobby you would get. Knitting? Braiding hair? Sewing? Sword fighting? Bird watching? Playing with the kids and dragging him to play the prince that saved the princess? You name it and he would start to list all the day to you, when you first started to do them as you laughed and patted his horn affectionately- he would never tell this to anyone, but you as the Divine Creator, were the only one he was fine with them being touched. Not that he had a choice to him, at least. He knows if you heard that, you would have his head-
But as much as he was seen as a war hero, someone that saved and protected people... He failed to protect the one being he swore his existence to, who died and suffered at his hands, begging to be spared as if he was the Deity that gave him life, as if he was more mighty than You.
What kind of a devotee, of a god he was? How could he do such a mistake-
But, the one who he thought was mad at him, at them, and were punishing them with their absence was right there. Bringing him his tea just the way he liked it, some food he loved eating with Them centuries ago as you pointed to the empty seat and sat down yourself right in front of him as he couldn't help but stare at you with a slacked jaw, at how easily you smiled at him just like you used to, praising him for his excellent choice of tea and spices.
Like a parent seeing the inner struggle of their child and being silently there for them, tell them that no matter what, they would be there in the end and protect them from their own harsh mind.
Out of any place, Ei never thought she would see you offering her dango as you stared at your statue, the statue where she put all the visions she got after the Vision Hunting, with a frown. It used to be such a joy for her to look at it, thinking she was doing the right thing just as Makoto and her Creator would have wanted. The day she first lost her Creator, with absolutely no one knowing what happened to Them, was so full of despair. She didn't know what to do, her twin didn't know what to do, all they had ever known was you and all they knew about ruling and capturing the hearts of your people was from you. She felt... abandoned, a feeling she would later inflict on her own son unknowingly, but she still had her sister with herself so that must at least mean that you would be back to help them out, right?
She wasn't expecting to loose her friends and her dear sister, at all.
That was the turning point in her destiny, one that led to madness and obsession. She might have given her people order, and discipline in a land where they can protect and be there for their loved ones, where they could reach eternity together and give visions to strike down anyone who dared to take it from them but...
Now, as she looked back at her past and the statue, the one on whose name she committed crimes for... She only remembered her fight with the Traveller and how you had come to protect them, with the same face as the "sinner" she once killed, and showed her the true way.
That statue was only the painful and disturbing reminder of who she was, and how she had killed the Creator she worshipped above anything because she was deceived and blinded, and how They still came to show her the right path, how you gently caressed and helped the Traveller, someone out of this world...
And now, those same gentle hands that once were outstretched towards her for help, for her to listen to Them but she refused as You choked on the air and golden blood... They were rubbing her face, patting her purple hair as You pressed her face to your neck where your pulse was beating under the skin, alive and comforting her like a parent whose child were hard to deal with, rebellious yet just as worthy of love, confused at the world ahead of them and turning to look at their parent for guidance only to see them pushing from their back to a brighter future, where they stand for eternity just so that their child could look back to see how far they would come.
They never expected to be the witness of such unconditional and pure love, forgiving them so... easily.
Why, they all asked with tears in their eyes and bowing down in front of your relaxed form so deeply their foreheads touched the ground, shoulders stiff yet body shaking because of the sobs that wrecked their bodies. How can you forgive us so easily?
A soft smile from you as you helped them up and wiped their faces clean with a fleeting touch, like a parent calming their baby down from the overwhelming first emotions they would feel.
"What kind of a Creator would I be, if I didn't forgive?"
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r0-boat · 6 months
May I request Zhongli X fem-reader ?
Because last one you did with Zhongli was fricking amazing!
Hi! Thank you so much I liked doing that one as well I did a lot of experimenting with that one so I thought I would do it again for this post as well
Morax's Wife
'the Dreaded Dragon of Geo and his mate'
Cw: hurt/comfort
Dragon Sovereign!Zhongli x Reader
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You gazed down upon the village of Liyue, a small town, a far cry from what it will be in the future. And a place you once called your home, looking out from the mountain where you reside now—a temple-like castle carved from the very rock of the mountains. Eyes red and stinging, lost in your thoughts, your mind repeating the words of the same people you had known just days before, their friendly smiles warming your day as they would greet you with enthusiasm now those same faces twisted with hate, disgust, slinging hurtful words; those people were your friends, people you had known all your life looking at you with such disdain as if i had forgotten how you were.
And all because you had fallen in love with The Sovereign of Geo, a known rival of Celestia.
Having been out there for so long you had momentarily forgotten that time had passed.
"Mate, are you ok?" A deep, rumbling voice Like an earthquake trembled behind you as your husband concerned for how how long you had sat there watching the carts going in and out of the city walls. The Dragon came to join you by your side, changing its form to its human appearance, the wind tosling his hair and white robes as he sat beside you.
" You have been out here for quite a while beloved."
When Morax followed your gaze, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at the tiny Kingdom, his brows furrowing with worry, for he had known how its people betrayed you. Watching them draw their swords that the woman he loves still remembers, your pleads and cries for your loved ones to see reason; all the while, he attempts to protect his mate; his wife grabs your arm to pull you behind him.
The crowd grew as onlookers heard what was happening from a distance. Grabbing on to the robes of your mate, your eyes dart frantically, feeling your chest become tighter and tighter as it becomes harder to breathe. Looking among the crowd your heart practically stops in the very back was the familiar faces of your own family looking at you with worry but they didn't do anything they just stayed there silently refusing when they saw that you've noticed they just turned away their eyes shifting to the floor looking anywhere else but you...
And that moment your family had to sound you and you knew that, and it hurt clenching your teeth trying to stop the tears not now... not in front of Morax...
But he had already sensed your sadness. Your husband having live with you for a while and being attentive and taking pride in knowing every little piece of you including the little hair on your head noticed those tells immediately to the slight quiver of your lip to the way you would refuse to look at him refuse to look at your husband with those big beautiful eyes of yours. His eyes growing soft and see gently caress your cheek tilting your head to look up at him.
Those amber eyes gaze into your red puffy ones. "Oh, my sweet mate, are you thinking of that day again?"
Your eyes had widened feeling your paper thin facade already tearing in two. Your voice breaks when only his name Falls from your lips. His heart breaks along with it, scooping you up into his arms before getting up onto his feet with you tucked protectively gently against his chest. Morax was as gentle as he was feared, but that gentleness was only reserved for you, his mate. Morax kissed you on the forehead before whispering, "That day they have failed you my beloved you need not think of them anymore. They are nothing but vile creatures worth far less than the dirt on the very ground they stand on. You are nothing like them."
He nuzzled into your neck bringing you back home in his cave as he continued.
" you are far more than that, my sweet beloved, gentle, and beautiful Wife. You are a precious gem sticking out from the rest of the rubble." The dragon knew, but you felt it was something he could not fix, but he could be there to make you smile, that same smile he fell in love with. He couldn't make that whole town disappear, for it would sadden you even more, but he could tell you that you are worth far more to him than the rest of your kin were stupid and vile creatures to do what they've done. He could spoil you like a husband should.
The dragon gently lays you back in his nest with the finest silk sheets and mattresses, along with stuffed toys and anything else he had gotten for you over the years that he had been with you. And Morax not wanting to part from you for a single moment snakes his arm underneath you to pull you closer laying right beside you where he belonged his brown and gold draconic tail wrapping around your leg wanting to be as close to you as possible. His eyes only had a room for one as they were trained and focused taking in every little thing you do even now as you cry and whimper he only saw the beautiful bride he had taken still as beautiful as you were when he had married you. That beautiful white and gold glittering dress to match his robes he made sure to pick out the finest treasures and gems from his horde decking you out in glittering gold and other delicacies from the earth please his little dragon mind greatly. Your family couldn't be there but the other sovereigns were the dragons of the other six elements congratulating him. Despite him marrying a human, they lovingly accepted you as one of them, far more than They could have ever done.
Your smile will shine like gold in his memories just as brightly as the gold and glittering ring he had made for the both of you. He had carved it himself with the raw Elemental energy of Geo. He had even so much as carved the innards of the band with each other's names as if it was a signature on parchment.
Marriage was a human tradition, and he cared little for humans except for, well, you, but the idea of a contract of love and binding two mates as one intrigued him. Now, he was obsessed with the titles that came with husband and wife. He was happy to call himself your husband and was eager to call you his wife.
As he reminisced on the contract ceremony 'Wedding' all the while playing with your delicate human hand, his eyes trained on that glittering band signifying your title as his wife and forever mate, his clawed hand threading through your head of hair, practically purring in delight at the warmth sharing with you, hoping this would have calmed you down from your sadness. Oh, how your husband wished to ease you of your pain forever, but he knows he could not wipe your precious memories as much as he regrets. As much as your memory hurts you, human memory is fragile and precious. Even the moments of hurt will be tied to moments of happiness, and he never wants for you to lose those.
His heart squeezed feeling your hand clench his robes your fingers grazing against his bare chest. He whispered your name only to be met with quiet snoozing. He couldn't help but chuckle you were so cute.
"Good night, my dear. Have good dreams, only for you to wake in my arms again; I love you, my wife."
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scaranation · 1 year
hi hi !! could you write an ANGST with Dottore and Zhongli where we break up with them? maybe in dottore we break up because we can't bear(?) his experiments anymore and in Zhongli one we feel not enough/that he loves someone else (maybe Guizhong?)
Gn reader or Fem!reader(if u write for fem. sorry if u do not,i couldnt find rules and im really really sorry ! :( ... )
p.s will there be To love another 3rd part? it's my fav fanfic ever !!
love your work ♡♡
hihihi i know this is like super late but this prompt is literally so good 😭 also im thinking of writing another part to that fic, but i just dont know where to take it so ive been procrastinating haha
dottore’s part is kinda ooc bcs let’s be real if he’s that whipped for reader he wouldn’t let them break up with him, but im going to pretend that he’s not as much of a red flag as he actually is 🤭🤭
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Pairing: Dottore x GN!reader, Zhongli x GN!reader (separate)
Content: Angst, no comfort. Mentions of canon typical violence, assumed past Guizhong x Zhongli
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“It seems my beloved has finally thought to visit me.”
You cringed from the overpowering metallic scent as you stepped into your boyfriend’s laboratory, trying hard not to look at the borderline gruesome sights on the clinical beds.
Dottore cleaned the blood off a bone saw he was holding, setting the instrument down carefully before walking towards you - eyes lit up, but holding a gleam different to the maniacal one he usually possessed.
“How was your day, my love?” His voice was humorous. He seemed to be in a good mood, humming lightly while opening the door for you.
“It was fine.” You sighed as you felt the weight of Dottore’s harbinger coat settle across your shoulders, registering the touch of his hand as he pulled you into him and away from the Snezhnayan cold.
“Has that coworker of yours still been bothering you?”
“… Don’t try pretending.”
“Whatever could you be talking about?” The Doctor’s grip on you tightened.
“I wouldn’t wish death on anyone, even if they annoyed me to that extent.” You sighed, finally tilting your head to stare into the planes of your lover’s mask.
“Oh, they’re not dead. Rather, they’ve been subject to some biological modifications of an experimental kind - would you like to see?”
You gritted your teeth.
“I’m hungry, don’t make me lose my appetite.”
“Good thing I have a nice place booked for dinner, my love.”
His compliance was almost uncanny.
Normal couples gazed affectionately into each other’s eyes over meat and wine, fingers fondly interlaced over the dining table. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to return Dottore’s adoring scarlet gaze, and his hold on your hand felt more like a death trap.
“Is the food to your liking?” He asked. He hadn’t touched any of the vegetables on his plate, only biting into the steak.
“Yes. You should eat greens, too.” You commented.
“Mm. Why don’t you feed me, then?” Dottore only tilted his head, smiling eagerly. Recently, a fear of you being turned into one of the harbinger’s countless experiments had taken hold, and it was this same fear that drove you to play right how he wanted. And so, lifting your fork, you fed him with all the patience you could muster - staring into those deep red eyes, feeling like nothing more than prey. Those eyes would’ve been the last thing many others had seen before their death, the end of their lives marked by that sadistic grin. You almost shuddered at the thought.
Normal couples slept under starry nights reflected in their star crossed hearts as they cuddled close under soft sheets. Normality was such a strange concept, you decided. Despite the fact that you were doing just what normal couples should, the situation was still absurd. However, your fear of becoming another one of the harbinger’s lab rats wasn’t unfounded. You mulled over this fact, almost snorting at the juxtaposition. Here you were - wondering if the man who cradled you in his arms would strap you down to a table in the name of research.
“My love, are you still awake?” You felt Dottore’s breath ghost over your neck, his face pressing into your nape. With a rustle, he readjusted the blanket over your shoulders.
“Yeah, I can’t sleep.”
“Nightmares, perhaps? I have a pill you can use for those.”
“No, just… thinking.” You squirmed in Dottore’s hold. His comment only reignited your spiralling train of thought, pushing you further to the point of resolve.
If he could kill his clones - literal versions of himself - then what would stop him from doing the same to you? Even if you remained alive, would you have to continue to tolerate being exposed to such grotesque horrors?
It was simply better to break things off, before you no longer had the option to.
The first meal of the day, and the last meal you’d share with your boyfriend.
“Yes?” The Doctor’s head jerked up immediately from where he was chewing. You could feel the undivided weight of all his attention sinking into you, and for a moment, you faltered. He was notorious for paying little mind to anyone else, and yet, he treated you with the utmost attentiveness. You steeled your resolve.
“I think… we should break up.”
Silence. Then, the grating scrape of cutlery against crockery.
Not a question, more of a demand. You gulped.
“Do you want me to be honest with you?”
“Yes. Is it something I did?”
“I can’t bear your experiments anymore, Dottore. They’ve gone too far, and I don’t think I can stomach living normally with you as if I don’t know the kind of things you do. Even worse, every day I’m wary that I might be your next test subject - whenever I walk into your lab, I wonder when I’ll be the one under your needles. It’s exhausting.”
Another beat of silence. You could see Dottore’s chest rising and falling at an increasingly fast pace, his jaw tensing.
“I would never, ever do that to you. It’s ridiculous that you’d even think that, and as for your prior reason… I can arrange for you to come to the lab less often…”
“So you’re just going to cover my eyes and act like you’re not doing anything with those experiments? I just can’t be ignorant here, nor can I trust you. If you can get rid of your clones so easily, then what am I? What value do I hold-“
“Those creations do not even compare to you.” Dottore finally snapped, slamming his hand down on the table. You flinched, and he felt as though his lung capacity had been halved. His head spun in tandem with the rapid tightening of his heart, his mouth twisting into a scowl.
It hurt Dottore, realising that you didn’t trust him. That all those fond, intimate memories together were just you acting out of fear - or at least, the most recent ones were. It hurt, beyond anything Dottore thought he could inflict on his patients. And even worse, you were frightened of him. The light shaking of your shoulders and the way you flinched were enough indication.
The Doctor enjoyed seeing his victims become terrified, but that same terror on you almost made him feel like he’d been the one stabbed with a scalpel. Foolishly, he’d fallen victim to his own maniacal research tendencies.
“Listen, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just meant to say… that you can trust me.” Dottore raised his hand towards you to cup your cheek, wincing when you avoided the action.
“I tried to, I really did. But I don’t think I can do it anymore.”
“My love, please.”
The second harbinger was begging. What a strange sight.
“Let me go, Dottore.” You murmured shakily. You saw hesitation, hurt, and anger flit through those vermilion eyes you’d used to love. But that love you held for him had only smouldered into disgust and fear.
“… Then go. Get out of my sight.” Dottore hissed, his teeth clenching at the wary expression on your face.
It was painful, how you walked out without a second glance.
“My love…” Dottore whispered. He stared at the closed door, almost expecting you to return. He repeated the phrase, over and over to himself - his face contorting into an expression he himself couldn’t name. Was there truly an emotion as human as this? It was a twisted, unimaginable feeling the Doctor couldn’t categorise. The syllables came off his quivering lips, as though by uttering them he could make you come back.
But the truth was, your not-so-normal relationship was over. Perhaps, Dottore would return to the normality of his heartless experiments, and you’d return to the normality of a better fate than one you’d endure by his side.
He only regretted not being able to hold you more.
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There were only two letters between you and your lover, but those two letters seemed to stretch wider every day - ‘I’, and ‘M’. The seemingly infinite synapse between mere ‘mortal’, and ‘immortal’.
Zhongli was undeniably a mortal vessel, but he as a being was not. He’d lived eons before you, loved and hated thousands. He’d experienced things you couldn’t even fathom, and yet, you couldn’t comprehend how he treated you as though your fleeting existence was the centre of his much larger world.
Whenever you looked into Zhongli’s amber eyes, heard his deep laugh, or felt his gentle caress, you could only feel insignificant. After all, he used to be a literal god. You couldn’t help the guilt that gnawed at your conscience, couldn’t stamp out the incessant feeling that he was too good for you, that you couldn’t compare to whatever lovers he’d had in the past.
“How’s the tea, darling?” Zhongli prompted. He sat with his back to the window, basking in an almost ethereal glow.
“Ah, I have yet to try it.” You shook yourself out of your thoughts to raise the cup in front of you. Zhongli only smiled warmly, but the gesture made your hand shake a little. You’d planned to break up with him today, and yet the way he still stared lovingly at you - full of infinite trust - made you feel terrible.
But how many others had he also treated this way? In his life, those others were probably far more special than you, possessing talents far more worthy of a god’s attention.
Suddenly, a shattering sound pierced your ears, and a scalding warmth set into your thigh. You looked down in a daze, before snapping out of it upon realising that you’d dropped the teacup.
“Are you okay?” Zhongli was at your side in an instant, mopping up the spilled tea and collecting the broken fragments of the cup.
“Yeah.” You gritted your teeth again. How dare someone as insignificant as you make Rex Lapis get down on his knees to clean the mess you’d made. It simply made you feel as though you didn’t deserve such a wonderful man at all.
“You’ve been distracted lately. Is there anything I should know about?” Zhongli asked slowly.
“No. Well, yes.” You stammered. You hadn’t planned this out very well, and your heart squeezed tighter.
“Go ahead. You know you can tell me anything, darling.”
A warm hand came to rest against your cheek. You closed your eyes, feeling tears build and slip down your face.
Zhongli wiped at your tears, holding your hands in your lap as he looked up at you worriedly - his thumbs tracing comforting circles on your knuckles. He thought of saying something, before deciding against it. He knew it was better to let you speak first.
“Let’s break up.” You blurted, feeling Zhongli’s fingers come to a complete stop.
“We can work through this, tell me why first. Has something been upsetting you?”
Your tears fell harder. He still showed you so much kindness, never jumping to any conclusions.
“I feel like I don’t deserve you. You’re too good for me, it makes me feel guilty that someone like me can have you.” You sobbed.
“Darling, you know it makes me happy to just spend time with you. That in itself is fair exchange, no?”
“But what makes that so special? You’ve lived for so long, you could’ve done this with anyone else, and you probably have. Who am I in comparison to someone like Guizhong?”
Through your blurred vision, you could still see Zhongli’s form kneeled by your side. He seemed to be choosing his next words carefully.
“You and her are both special, in your own way. Why don’t you calm down a little first? I can pour you some more tea.”
“I’m so selfish, Zhongli. I really don’t think I can stay with you.”
“Do you really want to leave that badly?”
Your heart twisted. You didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay in his warm embrace, his soft understanding gaze. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to.
“… Yes.”
“Very well then. You know I won’t stop you, because I just want what’s best for you.”
The light grip on your hands released, and as you stood up everything seemed to spin.
“Thank you… for everything.” You murmured, stealing one last glance at the man you loved - before leaving.
Zhongli remained where he was for some time. In his life, many things came to an end, but this hurt a little more. When Guizhong had left him, it was due to her passing - the youthful Rex Lapis had found someone to blame, to ventilate his grief. But the most crude fact in this situation was that you were still alive, and had chosen to leave him of your own volition. Zhongli himself had made this happen.
However, an archon’s most prized trait was impartiality. Therefore, Zhongli knew that he had to maintain indifference. He refused to let himself chase after you, or force you into anything. It was only unfair, if an immortal were to impose such a fate onto a mortal.
And so, he could only watch as you faded from his life, like the cyclic ebb of waves on an ocean shore.
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Dragonfly: Lantern Rite
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genre: mindless domestic fluff
w.count: 2.2k
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a/n: this lil treat is based around the reader/zhongli pair from my fic Dragonfly! (feel free to click through and give it a read hehe) you don't need to read the original material per se, but if you have, then enjoy the immortal couple going to lantern rite together for the first-time! c:
Happy Lantern Rite!
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it had been a while since you had migrated from your sealed-off home in the middle of nowhere liyue into the busy liyue harbor at the insistence of zhongli (and shockingly enough xiao). according to both of them, you had spent the last few hundred years stuck in immorality and all alone; you had spent enough time in solitude. now, with your life being revealed to those who mattered to you, it was time to move forward again.
in truth, even with your experience dealing with all sorts of folks from your lifetimes, the move to the harbor was awkward. people would see you practically sticking to zhongli simply because you knew no one else and they would start conversations based soley on the fact that you must be someone he knew. he was much more popular and well-known than you suspected since he was just a mortal man now. it seems his knowledge and need to make things known when they could possibly be told in injustice worked in building his reputation.
the addition of hu tao in your small, new social circle was a burst of energy you had forgotten people had as well. her go-go-go attitude about work and seeming lack of fatigue was almost awe-inspiring. the fact that she was the boss of your archon-turned-mortal lover was just as entertaining; witnessing him try to reign her in as respectfully as possible and sigh heavily when she would flit out of his sight was a pleasantry. it made him feel more well-rounded as a person and not just the age-old archon you had known.
now, it had been about a month.
zhongli had invited you to stay with him since he was absolutely unwilling to let you get too far from him after believing you were dead for so long. he was a collectively calm man with control of his emotions, but any sane person would feel the smallest bit of clinginess- for lack of better terms- in this scenario. perhaps it was his innate instincts kicking in that he usually suppressed; the ones that made him bare his fangs or hiss at intruders on his territory... who could say?
as you sat at the open window of his home up on the second floor, you enjoyed the bustle of noises floating from the harbor and the breeze that greeted you at this height. your night clothes were wrinkled from your night of rest and your hair had only been haphazardly combed back with your fingers. the warm cup of tea in your hand had been brewed just before you took your seat at the window.
even after a month of this, you still couldn't understand how you forgot how peaceful mornings could be when they weren't steeped in lonesome melancholy.
small pads of footsteps invaded your senses and overtook the sound of the harbor before the door to the small tea room opened with a slight creak. one thing you always had zhongli beat at is being able to wake up before him.
his bare feet carry him further into the room before coming to your side and leaning down to kiss the top of your bedhead. the robe he wears slides down his exposed shoulder when he leans and his loose hair brushes against your cheek. his hand cups behind your back and slightly rubs against your shoulders in a warm, welcoming motion before his amber eyes glow in the morning sun mirthfully.
"good morning, my dear." his hand keeps rubbing your back and moves to press into your spine that is still sore from the stillness of sleep. "may i be so bold as to ask to join you?" he always asks the same question as if you'll ever tell him no. you have no doubt he does in simple jest now.
"you may, since i'm feeling generous." with a small chuckle, zhongli shifts his body to sit across from you at the tea table before pouring himself some of your brewed tea.
sitting in the orange morning sun, the veins of gold that run across his body look like rivers flowing on calm land.
"shouldn't you cover up? someone down there could see you," you tease as you take a sip of your cooling tea.
"there's no need," he sips his own steaming cup fresh from the pot. "we're far too high for anyone to take notice of my appearance properly." even if someone did notice his less-than-human traits running over his exposed skin, he'd just blame it on the sun- just a trick of the light.
the mornings were often like this. soft and quiet and slow before he knows he's needed at the funeral parlor and you would soon be needed at your own job. that was one other thing you were insistent on when moving to the harbor with him.
you didn't want to mooch off his paycheck and his home and his space forever, so you were quick to find a job anywhere you could. zhongli wishes you wouldn't have since he strongly thought that you deserved to live lazily and carefree- if not forever then at least for a while longer. still, when you didn't budge on your decision, he was quick to relent as he always was.
you had decided to go with a smaller-scale job and work alongside ying'er and her perfumes at the scent of spring. she was quite the character and when you told zhongli about your prospects of working with her- his slight flash of concern didn't go unnoted. 'she is simply a very... open person,' he had told you. the flirtatious way she often spoke to others was clearly what he was referring to when you got to know her more.
still, you had your pick and decided to stay. odd though she can act, she was a good person and offered you decent pay at easy hours. compared to running around preforming errands along with rites of partings like zhongli and hu tao- this was a pretty safe gig.
you stood outside the perfume shop with zhongli as he was about to start on his way to the funeral parlor. he always insisted on walking you to and from work- the one evening you made it home before he could pick you up was the first time you had ever seen his eyebrows droop in what you would dare to call a pout!
that miniscule pout now dared to tug on his expression this morning too. lantern rite was tonight and when the sun would begin to drop, he would be preoccupied with other tasks and mingling with friends from past and present- he was afraid the social traffic would prevent him from offering you his arm. you had no problem with the circumstances since the shop would be closing early today for lantern rite in the first place. you just told him you'd meet him at the docks before it starts.
it was mostly true; you hadn't found him in time when the lanterns were to be lifted and you instead stood among the crowd of strangers while gaming had performed his wushou dance among the calm waves of the harbor. still, you felt full watching all the festivities firsthand like this- the fulfillment filled you with such warmth. your vantage point atop the long stairs that leads down to the crowded docks gives you a sense of being on top of the world. it felt silly, but so very comforting.
"oh, y/n!" you turn your head to see the traveler and paimon coming your way, paimon waving her arm enthusiastically in the air. she then proceeds to float around you in awe of your attire. "wow! you look so pretty!" her cheeks tint as you feel yourself become the smallest bit bashful.
"well, it's my first lantern rite. i thought i should dress up a little for the occasion." wearing a styled hanfu of soft colors that easily complemented zhongli's color scheme, you picked up the skirt before letting it flutter back around your legs.
this was another reason you were okay with zhongli not being able to escort you. while it would've been wonderful to be with him the whole event, the idea of this small surprise of you all gussied up made your cheeks warm.
"you smell good too," paimon's comment made you burst out a small laugh since it was so unprompted. you clear your throat as she cups he chin with her finger. "why does your perfume smell so familiar?"
"it was a gift from ying'er. she told me it would 'suit my tastes', i suppose."
"ying'er," paimon's brows crunch in intense thought before the traveler placed their arms on their hips.
"remember the rite of parting for rex lapis, paimon?" paimon snaps her fingers and points at the blond.
"that's it!" she turned back to you to explain. "during the rite of parting, we offered perfumes up to rex lapis! this is the one that seemed to really resonate with the statue of seven. what was it- uh, something, something dusk... mist..? agh! paimon can't remember clearly." you chuckle at her.
"it's called golden house maiden. according to ying'er it's favored by the more mature crowd. the gentle scent makes it easier on me to wear since anything too strong really isn't my thing." looking at your wrist where you sprayed a small portion of it on your skin before applying it to your throat and neck, you feel yourself get hot all over again knowing it was favored by rex lapis. "anyway, are you two going to enjoy the event?"
"mmhnn!" paimon hums. "we just got back from visiting xiao, so now paimon's going to eat all sorts of delicious food!"
you shoot the traveler a sly grin before they were clearing their throat and looking away from you. oh, young love- how precious.
"so, where's zhongli anyway? normally he's hovering around you like a fly when you're not working!"
"he isn't that bad," you chuckle. "i'm meeting him in a bit. i was actually on my way down. if you'd like we can walk together?"
"sure!" paimon agrees while the traveler nods and soon you're all walking down the stairs to the warmly lit lanterns and the decorative float of one of the past yakshas. with you walking in front of the two travel companions, they both opened their mouths in silently 'ooo's at the sight of your hair all done up with a single hair stick- one they're familiar with. "they're so cute," paimon whispers to the traveler who easily agrees.
before too long, you're greeted by the bustling partygoers of lantern rite and was even offered a small lantern charm that you happily except from a passing sales pitcher.
"oh!" paimon pipes up before pointing through the crowd. "there he is!" she spots zhongli with hu tao nearby a table of small tea cups. he mentioned that he often watched the fireworks with her during events such as these. "zhongli!" paimon called, parting the crowd while you and the blond followed behind.
zhongli was glad he wasn't holding a teacup or standing up when you finally graced him with your presence. if he had, he knows he would've dropped the cup or lost his footing.
he stared at you in a daze when you offered a kind greeting to hu tao who was fussing over how pretty you looked just as much as paimon did. as if your looks weren't enough, the scent of your perfume wafted into his sense and if he were any less of a man he would've grabbed your wrist and dragged you off by now. the god of old was thankful the night was dark and light dim so no one could notice his blown wide pupils that took you in. when you finally look at him, he swallows hard.
"sorry for keeping you waiting so long. i know i said i'd be here before the event started, but i got a bit time blind... ironically enough." zhongli stood from his spot at the round table and found his voice.
"it was no trouble at all." his eyes catch sight of your hair and gently brings his hand up to cup around the dangling jewels hanging off the wings of your dragonfly hair stick. "it was clearly very much worth the wait."
"aiya, you two love birds sure are something else," hu tao sighs dreamily at you. she was no hopeless romantic or anything, but seeing zhongli so smitten was something was quite the sight to behold. "go! enjoy the festivities and relax!" her soft voice was encouraging as she pushes zhongli's back to get him moving.
zhongli offers you his arm, which you take before showing him your small little lantern charm you received while you both walked off together. the party of three you were leaving behind of hu tao, paimon and the traveler all smiled at your backs.
"they make a good couple," traveler says. the other two agree with no argument.
and although it's a little late, zhongli takes you out to the statue of seven just outside of the harbor and releases a lantern with you in solitude. while you watched it float into the air far behind its other lantern brethren, zhongli was latched onto your back, hands on your hips and his face in your neck.
this perfume really was favored by rex lapis after all.
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suguru-getos · 5 months
— zhongli shenanigans on his birthday —
“RISE!” the pillar comes in with a shield on you and him as you two run across liyue for gathering the special ingredients for your calla lily soup, suddenly nearing monsters.
“why rise? that sounds so bad and so naughty.”
“i don’t understand how does that sound - oh!” zhongli interrupts, blushing a little. “well, i must say that i did not infer anything like that in my two thousand and—”
“maybe people didn’t notice or even if they did they were too scared to tell you — their god of geo.” you hum, grinning ear to ear. in your years together with him you’re one of the few lucky ones who know about his identity.
“you think they also think of me as…”
“happy birthday morax.” you chuckle, leaning in and kissing his cheek. now all his trail of thought is absolutely gone. <3
“it’s indeed a happy one, with you by my side, darling.”
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bsverryin · 9 months
: ̗̀➛ How Genshin men talks about you as their s/o
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╰┈➤ Diluc, Xiao, Childe, Alhaitham,Kazuha, Zhongli
╰┈➤ how would they describe you
✎ HEADCANONS ONLY!! this headcanon is gonna be my way to show my appreciations for all of you and for the people who has the words of affirmation as their love language, I'm really grateful that you guys read my stories <;3 enjoyy
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Diluc doesn't like to talk much, but if he hears his friends or customers talking about you, he will listen and correct them if they are wrong. It makes him glad to know he isn't the only one who thinks you're talented and lovely. "How would you describe Y/n? Master Diluc?" A costumer asked, He turned to look at the costumer, It was Diluc's free time. "Y/n?" He giggled right when you came into his mind. "Y/n is lovely, she makes me forget all the things I needed to do as when I'm by her side, it seems as if I've achieved whatever I wanted. No, I'm mistaken; I don't simply like her to want her; I need her. My entire existence revolves entirely on Y/n and only Y/n."
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Zhongli was writing while sipping his coffee, He missed writing and you're in front of him waiting for him to finish whatever he was writing, you admired him for a while. "I'm finished, shall we go?" He said. "I thought you're gonna read me the thing that you were writing." He smiled and gave it to you, you opened the note revealing a pretty hand writing and pretty words. "Every time I touch her, I'm caressing a star, every time I speak to her, I'm speaking to a divine. If she ever was a god, worshipping her wouldn't be enough."
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Alhaitham is quite different. He talks typically directly most of the time, but when it comes to you, he becomes cautious with his words so he doesn't say something that could hurt you. "How often do you think of Ms Y/n?" An akademian asked, it was for their research. It wasn't hard persuading alhaitham to answer them because he loved talking about you. "There is no day where I don't think of her, I had no idea I was capable of the word love; she encourages me to do better. Every time I look at Y/n, I see a bright future for her, while she is my future."
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Kazuha admires you in every way possible and when it comes to talking about you, he'll make you into an art form with his poetry and pick the right words. "What did you feel when you first saw Ms. Y/n?" A kid around inazuma asked. The kid was really impressed with your love story together. "I knew from the moment I met her in a warm bay of sunlight that she was sun, the sun that I sought as I could feel her warmth. I owe every one of my smiles to Y/n."
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Xiao is also not a great talker; he prefers to keep everything private, but when he does speak, he has a talent for choosing the proper words for you. "Y/n is really pretty! Right?" A person beside him said. "Right." His tone softened "I was used to darkness till I met Y/n, she didn't want me to be in the dark all the time, she'd offer me light, I hope she knows that she is the light herself."
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Childe He loves to hear your name, especially when his other friends mention you and how well you two look together. He always talks about how you complete him and have changed him for the better, childe would never get tired of talking about you expect that it's gonna be cheesy, that's how he express his love. "What is Y/N to you?" A friend of him asked. "Y/n is the person I want to spend my future with; she's an artist herself, and she enjoys showing me her arts. I didn't know someone was capable of making an art while being an art herself."
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mikwaa · 11 months
I'll always miss you, you will shine like gold in my memory.
Zhongli x Reader
Wc: 2.7k
Warnings: Angst, hurt no comfort, reader dies. Toxic relationship, Morax is an idiot brute, this is set in the Archon war, reader is a warrior.
A/n: I had this draft written here a while ago, decided to post it because it's one I really like. As the old Morax is described as a more rough and ruthless person, I imagine that for him to change there had to be a major event. And so I ended up writing this, maybe I'll do another ending because I genuinely don't like sad endings, but it went together so well I decided to leave it like this.
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"Morax, please listen to me." And there you were, in one of those endless fights with your husband.
The reason this time was that you had found a group of people, begging for a place to stay, since they were wandering around. This group had been exiled from Sumeru, the reasons were not yet clear, nor did they know why. There were children, elders, even young pregnant women, you couldn't just ignore them and let them die.
And you had offered them a home in the Guili Plains, the place where the Liyue population was housed. But Morax did not accept, nor did he seem to want to change his mind.
"I've said what I think, and I'm not going to change it." And he didn't even look at you, on the contrary, he walked even faster to distance more from you.
"Can you stop being so irreverent?" You quicken your steps and stand in front of him, stopping him from moving forward.
He narrowed his eyes in your direction, his face turning into an angry frown, "I told you, don't make me repeat myself. If you choose to save those people, you can forget about coming back. I don't want you around." His words were sharp as blades, wounding as such.
And seeing his face without a drop of expression, without a single regret. How could he say such impactful things as if they were nothing?
"How can you talk like that? I'm your spouse, I'm just trying to help." You could already feel tears forming in your eyes, he always acted like a brute, but there were times you couldn't even handle it.
"You can help me by protecting my people, not by harboring strangers." The coldness with which he spoke to you was abysmal, it didn't even seem like you had any kind of relationship.
"They are people too, they have feelings too. They are afraid to die, they are simply out in the open."
"I care what's mine, we're in a war, we can't save everyone. And I chose to take care of what is mine, my territory together with my people". He states, with that usual stoic face. With that arrogance and selfishness that would drive anyone crazy with rage.
"So that's still a no?" Breathing heavily you ask him one last time, the hope you had of him giving in had simply vanished.
"It was always a no. If you're going to keep talking about it, you can save both your time and mine." Snide and sharp, he never seemed to change.
"Then you won't want me here anymore, I suppose." To his surprise, you wouldn't give up. You would keep your word no matter what.
"Go ahead." Nothing more, not a sentimentality, nothing. Just treating you like you were just another one of his pawns, like you were just another one in the crowd.
A hot tear ran down your face, your heart burning as if it had been recently scalded.
"Are you really going to treat me like this? Like I'm nothing to you, and this ring means nothing?" You removed the ring, holding it with trembling hands.
The engagement ring, which he had made for you himself, was so beautiful. With jade detailing all over the ring, and even more precious was the message it had, 'It will always be you'. According to him, it was to show how much you meant to him.
And now? Were those beautiful words just thrown to the wind?
He huffed, looking incredibly upset and tired of this situation, but he didn't show you anything, he wasn't sad, sorry, guilty, nothing. As if none of this mattered.
"Have it your way." Completely indifferent he mumbles.
"Okay." You threw the ring away, without even looking at where it went," If it meant nothing to you, it meant nothing to me."
Now he seemed to take some notice of you, but was clearly displeased.
But there was no time for him to talk or complain to you, you ran out of there. He wanted to go after you, but the pride he carried in his chest was stronger.
A feeling of guilt invaded his heart, but he still wouldn't let his feelings get the better of him, because he believed that you would go back on your decision.
You wouldn't exchange him for a group of people you barely know, but that was exactly the point he didn't understand. It wasn't that he wouldn't help you, it was the way he dealt with certain issues. He was so focused and objective, that should be good, but it wasn't the case with him.
He always complained that you think too much about others, just as you complain that his behavior is often harsh and hostile. He believed that you would come back, but he was wrong, very wrong.
it had been three weeks since you had even dared to look at each other. He couldn't swallow his pride, and neither could you. That arrogance and selfishness he possessed could get on anyone's nerves, and you were not immune to it.
No matter how many times you tried to make him understand that things were not practical as he claimed they were, he would never understand, he was a real brute.
And that was the last straw for you, people were not objects that he could control as and when he wanted, and he didn't seem to want to understand that.
You had left the village, and had no desire to return. You had tucked yourself away in a simpler hut and in a place you suspected Morax wouldn't go near. Even though you loved him so much, you doubted if he would ever change.
It was so many doubts mixed with the anger you felt about the things he said, you took it out on the monsters you met in front of you, without letting a single one escape.
With quick and precise blows, you used your blade with an unmistakable dexterity. But even this was not enough for what would happen next. A monster that you didn't even know what it was hit you, and ended up hurting you.
You didn't even know where it came from, you didn't even have time to react. Your body heaved and you fell to the grass abruptly, as you felt a sharp pain run through your entire body.
And when you managed to stabilize yourself and look at the monster, it was no longer there. It had already turned to dust.
"You with this stubbornness. You can't even take care of yourself." From the familiarity in his voice, it wasn't hard to guess that it was your husband.
"Shut up." You mustered the strength to speak, it seemed as if your strength was draining away second by second.
Even in such a state, the weakness and frailty you were in didn't seem to make any commotion in Morax.
"If you knew you wouldn't be like this." So cold, so distant. Every word of his hurt so much.
How could he be so indifferent? So cruel.
"You won't even see your spouse? You won't even try to take care of me?" Even though you tried to sound strong and imposing, all that came out was a shaky, tired voice.
"I'm no specialist in this. Go find help somewhere else, I told you I don't want you around." It wasn't just anger, it was a feeling of someone who had been defied, you hadn't followed his orders, and he was hating you for it.
You had traded him, that's what he had in mind, but you didn't leave because of that. You loved him like crazy, and you had helped him in many ways. But he still needed to think more about others, trust humans more.
To learn to understand that people were not just pawns that he moved when and how he wanted, it was far from that. And now he was experiencing the fact that someone might not follow his orders, and that someone was you.
He went to look over his shoulder one last time, as he began to notice a pool of blood starting to form around you, he hurried his steps over to you.
"I have to take you, the healers will help." Bending down close to you he whispers. The sudden change in behavior that soon showed his desperation.
"You know they won't, there's nothing else to do." You couldn't control the tear that welled up in your eye.
It had been a very deep wound, you didn't need any healer to tell you that you were hopeless, the village was far away, there would be no time to get there. Several other warriors had died like this, and it would be no different with you.
His stoic expression turned to one of terror, his pride gone in a matter of minutes.
"Don't talk foolishness." He nestles you in his arms, carrying you so gingerly that it seemed he was afraid of hurting you with the slightest touch.
"Leave me here," he opened his mouth to protest, and you continued, "Please."
He propped you up on his chest, wrapping you in the clothes of his own body, so that you were properly protected.
"Why are you so stubborn? I can't understand you." For the first time you heard him speak in a broken voice, he was trying not to cry.
"I just want to save time, you know you don't have much to do." You gently caress his face.
He wanted to tell you so much, but he couldn't put it into words, ever.
"I shouldn't have acted like that." Finally, he admitted it. But now it was too late for any regrets.
You intertwined your fingers with his, smiling faintly. He could feel your strength fading little by little, and he could do nothing.
You were too fragile, just like all humans. And he could do nothing.
He couldn't believe it, how could a being as powerful as him be so powerless like that? That shouldn't be right, but it was.
"Please stay." He pleads, but how could you fulfill that request? His voice was so shaken it sounded almost unrecognizable.
For the first time he was losing one of his partners, he had always protected them all as best he could, and none of them had gone so far. But the first was you, his first big loss was you. How would he be able to handle it? No, he couldn't.
"I will never forget your eyes, they are so beautiful." You say softly, almost inaudible.
And he let a tear escape, all the armor he had made in his heart had broken, and he couldn't control it. It was the love of his life leaving, all he could do was watch, how could he be so useless at a time like this?
"Stay, keep your eyes open, I'll get help, I'll…" Not even he himself believed his own words, much less believed that you could save yourself.
He felt so much guilt, how could he have been so negligent? He had never been very sentimental, but now he felt it all at once.
He could hardly describe his exact feeling, because he had no exact feeling. Now he understood all the human emotions you spoke of, a pity he could only understand now, on your deathbed.
The birds were singing, it was a beautiful day, the sun had the most beautiful glow. And yet Morax was there, on the grass with you in his arms, crying in despair like never before. The blood that stained the green of the vegetation, and the pain that remained impregnated in Morax's soul.
And then, like one of those tricks played by fate, everything fell silent. Morax sobbed softly, and made one last plea, "Don't leave me, I really care for you. I love you, stay here." He held your hand tightly, seeing how small it was compared to his.
It was the first time he had been that clear, he had never really opened his heart to you, a shame that the first time he said 'I love you', you were no longer there to hear it.
And as soon as he realized it, a faint cry was all that came out of Morax's mouth, followed by an audible sob. He realized that you died there, nestled in his arms, holding his hand, so angelic.
His beloved had left him, eternally.
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Millennia had passed since your death, 3.800 years to be exact. Yet this hurt Morax so much that he was never able to forget you.
Even though he left the Archon life aside, now going by another name, Zhongli, and leading a more modest life as a simple Liyue citizen, the memories he had with you were vivid, shining like gold in his memory.
He martyred himself every day, he blamed himself, a guilt that he would never be able to eliminate from his chest, he would give everything, even his life for you to come back.
And today this feeling was stronger than ever, because it was the day of your death, the day you left him alone in this world. Another year had passed, and even so it seemed like yesterday when you died, at least that's how Morax felt.
And as he did every year, he bought your favorite flowers, picked them carefully to make sure that you would like them. Plus he provided the wine of his choice, it was the only thing that made his mind clear on a day like this, even if he wasn't very used to all that drinking.
When he was ready, he went to your tomb, which was made in the Guili Plains, the place where everything began, and also where everything ended. He always kept your grave clean, after all he visited you every day, no matter how hectic his routine could be, he would always come to your grave daily.
"I missed you, my dear." He says these words to the wind, anyone passing by would think he was crazy, but he didn't care.
He always spent hours talking to you, talking about everything that had changed, and how he had changed. He always thought that no matter where you were, you could always hear him.
Gently he put the flowers on the grave, and sat down on the floor, while pouring himself some wine. "I just wanted to remind you that I love you, more than anything else."
On a day like today, he wouldn't even try to hold back the tears, or the pain in his chest. He caught himself thinking how proud you would be to see the progress Liyue had made, how beautiful the city looked now.
He wanted to show you that he understood what you said in the last minutes of your life, he wanted to show you that you had become a better person. This was due to a great influence of yours, who now was not here to accompany him on this journey.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I did, my beloved. You would think it magnificent the way everything has progressed, how humans could achieve so much." His voice choked, his face red as the tears came down without stopping.
'His beloved' , was so sweet when it came out of his lips, but so melancholy by the look in his eyes, those gentle golden eyes that expressed so much sorrow.
A love ended in such a way could hurt so much, and Morax knew it. He had experienced it so harshly, but he stood firm to keep the nation you two had fought so hard for standing, and he would keep fighting because he thought it was the way to repay you for all you had done for him.
Every time he remembered you crumbling in his arms, his heart squeezed in such a way. Your face paled along with your frail body, looking as if it would break at any moment. And with that he remembered how much he missed you in his arms, your laughter, the warmth of your body, your beautiful face.
He missed it all, and remembered these moments bitterly, but also joyfully, because he remembered when you were still with him.
He would protect the people at all costs, and keep everything safe as long as he was alive, he would watch over everything you believed in. He would gladly do this for the rest of his days.
Now all he could do was wait, wait for him to take his last breath. And then finally, finally he could meet you, and tell you everything that happened during those years.
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zlebooks · 1 year
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PREFACE. embarrassed by your three year (and counting) long crush on zhongli, you suddenly claim you have a boyfriend. there enters childe, your crush's best friend and the one who'll either help with your lie or report you to the police for harassment. or in which caught up in a lie, you had no choice but to kiss the closest person next to you.
FEATURING. childe x she/her!reader, a little bit of zhongli x reader, other genshin impact characters! (they are too many to list)
GENRE. fluff, slight angst, highschool au, fake-dating trope
TAGLIST. please send an ask / message if you wish to be tagged.
AUTHOR’S NOTES. (🧸) means there is a written portion within the chapter. based on ali hazelwood’s the love hypothesis 🫶 one of my fave books and key motivators as a woman in stem!
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✹ profiles .𓂃 wonder pets | ass shakers
ch. 01 — three years worth of pining
ch. 02 — eat the rich
ch. 03 — the list
ch. 04 — overpriced coffee and chemical equation 🧸
ch. 05 — overpriced coffee and chemical equation pt. 2 🧸
ch. 06 — hey fake girlfriend *obnoxiously winks*
ch. 07 — terms and conditions
ch. 08 — insufferable pda 🧸
ch. 09 — is this what you call soft launching
ch. 10 — first date
ch. 11 — after school activities 🧸
ch. 12 — childe’s homemade lunch 🧸
ch. 13 — annual sports fest
ch. 14 — volunteer work
ch. 15 — a volleyball player’s WAG 🧸
ch. 16 — after party
ch. 17 — cat whisperers ( literally ) 🧸
ch. 18 — insufferable pda minus the p 🧸
ch. 19 — monthsary
ch. 20 — yoimiya carry fr
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
「Without You」 Zhongli
↳ Part two of Without me in which he was fine without you as long as he get to watch you from afar, safe and sound and above all, happy. (Mentions of self harm ahead.)
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Morax first met you in a field full of flowers. The thing is, you aren't there to take care of them. In fact, when he first met you, you were busy pucking them one by one, causing a him to frown, wondering what you were doing.
He have heard stories about you, the lonely one with a nasty attitude, always picking up a fight with anyone who dares to mess with you, there were also a rumor among the gods that you aren't like that in the beginning, but after killing your friends with your own hands, you turn into an approachable, loathsome, alof, ready to kill anyone on your path.
Morax found it amusing, but he couldn't careless, it was none of his business away nor there was something to benefit him if he was to mess with you. So it was really nothing but a strange coincidence that he had met you during one of his walks around the mortal world.
"I do not remember giving permission to a mortal, let alone the god of contracts to come in my territory." You didn't turn around, but he did catch a glimpse of those hands pucking yet another flower in the field. "If you're just another useless god I would be very delighted to kill you right here and now because you just invaded my sanctuary. But I'm letting you off the hook because you're the God of Contracts, Morax."
Leaving was on his mind truly, afer all, he doesn't want to be engaged in a fight with no meaning behind it. Thought it may be a shame to leave this beautiful place perfect for his walk, now that the owner asked him to leave, he would have to leave. That was until you turn around to face him as you said those words. For a moment, his amber iris hidden beneath his hood widen. You look so lonely, lonely yet mesmerizing. "Then will you give me the permission to come in here in some other time?"
Morax, or Zhongli as he was called nowadays. Was left standing on a huge flower field. It may not be as huge as it was when he first saw you, the part where you were at most was still intact. Nowadays when he got nothing left to do around the hardor, he would find himself walking towards the place where the two of you have met.
As the gentle breeze passed by, his brown locks swaying along the direction of the wind. His fingers carefully reach out to touch one of the flowers in the field. This place was not known to many, well, at least to the mortals, as well as the rest of the aduptus. This was your secret sanctuary, after all. Who would dare expect a flower field inside deep down a mountain?
After a while, Zhongli pulled out a pair of gardening scissors. Then he kneeled down and started trimming the stray grass that was slowly growing across the field. This place was left unmaintenanced for so long.
"You're quite persistent and consistent. Don't you have some other things to do?" Across to him was you, just like the first time he met you, you were busy pucking flowers out of the soil. At first it really bothered him why were you doing such thing, but the more he dropped by in here as he took a walk due to the fact that he took your silence as a yes when he ask permission. He noticed that every time you pucked a flower out, it was quickly replaced by a new one. Never once taking his eyes off you, he answered. "I got nothing to do, so I dropped by to see my friend."
That causes you to raise a brow, "A friend? I sincerely hope you aren't referring to me because I will have to blow your head off if you do." By your words, he could only chuckle by your vicious words. Brushing it off, he took a step forward towards you, causing your eyes to go wide. "Stay where you are! You're ruining my garden!" "Relax, I did not step on them." ".... Really? Still wait a minute, I'll pave the way." Just like that, a path was created in the midst of the flower field.
Morax, at the time, was still yet to have friends by his side. In fact, just like you, he finds it hard to trust someone. So you were the very first one. Although it took a very long time for you to open up, as well as he to you, though it may not be obvious.
"No.. no. no no no no. I can't drink anymore, Morax." You said with a giggle. There were the two of you, in the middle of the field were a table for more was placed, Morax never knew it was in here until you tour him in the flowery field not too long ago. "Hehe." Looking at you silently giggling, he couldn't help but to smile, unconsciously moving away a lost trand of (hair color) locks behind your ear. Looking at you all flustered up, he shakes his head side to side with a smile. Maybe he shouldn't have brought that many osmanthus wine. But as you said you've been wanting to have it for a while now, how was he to say no? He barely managed to sneak in the land of the mortals to get you this.
"Hey Morax.." You tap him by the arm to gain his attention, something unless when he was already looking at you. "Did you.. Did you know why I don't have and want to have friends?" You asked wasted. "Because they all dieeeee haha." Then you lean against your palm. "They all leave me alone. They left me all alone. Heh. Hehehehe they should have taken me with them." You chuckle. "Everybody says I killed them. It wasn't me, it was another god." You frown then pout. "I arrived too late to save them. Maybe I did kill them." Suddenly you look at him. "Right? It's my fault that they died."
He just looks at you, not saying anything as he lets you speak, rant out everything you've been keeping. He was planning to let you finish before he speak, but as tears started falling down your cheeks as you chuckle in the middle of your ranting, his eyes widen. For a moment, the always calm and collected god of contracts doesn't know what to do. And it pained him, it pained him to see you crying that he doesn't know what to do.
So you sat there crying, cheeks flushed, mind spinning, Morax pulled you in his chest. And before you know you it, you were crying like a mess on his chest, and all he did was to run his hands on your back, patting you gently waiting for you to calm down as he whispered. "Please don't cry. I don't know what else to do when you cry." Morax doesn't know how long you've been suffering, how long you've been alone, but one thing he knew is that he should have found you earlier. He should have been with you. "I... I love you. Please don't say such words to yourself."
Zhongli blink, then he look down. On the table was now his cold tea. He was just taking a break from cleaning up the flower field when he found himself lost in old memories. With a small smile on his face, he shake his head and picks up the cold tea before drinking it and was about to get back into gardening when a familiar presence arrived.
"Xiao. What takes you here?" "Why didn’t you stop them?" "Hmm?" Zhongli looked at him like he doesn't know what he was talking about, but he know. He knew very well. "Why didn't you stop them from leaving?" Xiao was never the one to confront his decision, well with the exception when it comes to you and his mentor.
"I just don't understand. It's just an accident. Does it really have to come to this?" Xiao asked him he remained silent like always. "We.. we have a different way of grieving." Zhongli manage to reply after a long silence. "So you're just letting them leave like that?" Xiao questioned him. "I thought you love them. I guess I was wrong, Morax." For the first time in his life, Xiao seems to be disappointed on him. And as he left, there was bitter smile on Zhongli's face that was never seen by Xiao.
"You- you don't have to come here every day, you know." You see, after that little drunken session, things have been very awkward between the two of you with you almost hiding from him everytime he pays visit to you. And Morax found it cute and amusing. Knowing you just feels the same way ay him. "Hmm? Really? But I really want to see you." He chuckle.
Just like that, you blush. Turning your back at him. "So I'm thinking about us (First name)." "Us?! What are you are talking about?" Flustered, you didn't dare turn around to face him. "Right. I love you, you love me. We feel the same way towards each other. Don't you think it was time for us to be together?" "You-! Stop deciding things on your own!" "But you kissed me back and cried that you love me too." "When did I do that?!"
It was fun to tease you, and it was fun to love you. In a world where gods were at odds with each other. You were his peace. Without you, it was lonely. Without you, he found himself lost. Be it way of living or loving. It was much better to have you by his side. After all, it was thanks to you that he found the other sides of himself as well as he was even able to make friends with the other gods, something he wouldn't dare do in the part. It was fun, and he was genuinely happy with you.
Strange how little things often remind him of you. Maybe because you were the one to show him the world. Walking back to the harbon on his day off after cleaning up the flower field. Zhongli finds his way home lonely. But it was something he was used to nowadays.
From afar was the city he was fond of. It was the last day of the lantern festival, a festival you came up all those years ago. Something that strongly reminds him of you.
"Mor- Zhongli!" What greeted him was the drunk bard that never failed to make him want to turn around and walk away, pretending not to hear anything. But now what the bard was right in front of him, an osmanthus wine in hand. Who was he to refuse?
It took Morax years to convince you to go out of your lair but what convince you was the fact that he wanted to introduce you to his friends and was thinking of building a nation with you and his friends. Curious on what it was all about as well as the nation he wanted to build, but reluctantly agreed to go out. Thankfully, as he introduced you to his friends, you managed to fit him really well.
"If you keep on staring at them, they might turn into a stone." It was Guizhong, a good friend of his mumble underneath her breath but was enough for him to hear, as if it was on purpose to let him hear causing him to raise a brow, still didn't take his eyes off you who was currently having a conversation with Cloud Retainer not to far from them. It was nice to see you having fun. "If you want to talk to them you know you can just approached them, you know." "(First name) is having fun, leave them be."
Everything was going fine, you were just getting along with his friends, the nation you've built along side them was slowly growing in prosperity. Everything was doing well. Until that happened one afternoon.
By the time they arrived in there, everything was almost destroyed, but what stood out the most was Guizhong fallen figure and your bloody ones. You stood in the middle of that chaos, with your body slowly turning to look at them. You had a horrified look on your as they stood there in shock. They body was under control and by the looks of it. You have just killed Guizhong with your own hands. "Mo-Morax." You cried out. "Somebody.. stop me."
"Mo-Zhongli, was it?" As it was once again his day off, he went back to the place where he find most peace at. Glancing at Cloud Retainer by the corner of the field. He let out a humm, continuing to trim the bush in the flower field. "I heard the news." For a moment, Zhongli halted then he started trimming once again. "I heard they left."
Once again, as if minding his own business, he just hummed in agreement. It's true that you left. Left Liyue for good. "You know." There was a hint of hesitation within her voice. "You can always come after them." "The contract says I can't, so I won't." Spoken by Zhongli as he stood up, dusting off the sleaves off his clothes.
"Morax.." "I go by Zhongli nowadays." "Yes. That was the name they chose for you, rigth?" "That's right." He sigh. There was a moment of silence after that. Then the Cloud Retainer sigh in resignation. If Morax doesn't want to talk about it, then none shall talk about it, though, she new the reason herself. "If don't mind. Can I offer some help?" Although he knew that the offer was tempting, Zhongli shake his head. "(First name).." for a moment there was a longing smile on his face. "They don't like it when someone else handles their flower." He chuckle.
You're slowly loosing your mind and self. Unable to bare the guilt and consequences of killing a dear friend of yours as well as the look of blame and distrust of your remaining friends were slowly eating you out. Although you knew it wasn't your fault, although you knew you where under the influence of body control. It doesn't change the fact that you're mind is clear and conscious as somebody else controls over you. And despite the comfort and reassuring words of your lover. None of it was working.
This time, just like the good old days, you lock yourself inside your lair, call it runnig away or something. The guilt and pain was unbearable, the look of Guizhong as you killed her was hunting you. Although she says it's alright. You knew it wasn't. You. You just want to end it all.
There, as Morax tried his best to break the strong barrier that prevented him from coming inside your lair. There, he found you in a bloody mess. For the first time in his long years of living does Morax felt fear, fear of losing you. And as he held you in his arms, trying his best to patch you up. "Morax?" You barely manage to spoke his name. "It's.. you.." Then you smile. Smile like you're leaving him. "Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here." He spokez holding back his tears. Just a little more and you're fine. "Morax... I'm tired... I don't think... I can... can continue anymore."
"How are they?" "Asleep." Just like that, the Cloud Retainer let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't just her but all the remaining adeptus. "I.." all eyes turn to Morax. "I'm planning on sealing their memories." By the time you wake up again, Morax can imagine how everything would turn out the same way it was before, and worst, you might even doing worst on yourself. "I disagree." It was Streetward Rambler. As Morax turned to meet her glaze, there was nothing but silence, but then she spoke once again. "Doing that is nothing but turning their back on the consequences they have to face."
"I don't plan on sealing everything that happened that day, just the fact that they were being controlled and killed Guizhong would be enough." "That's the same thing!" Streetward Rambler replied, eyes glaring at those amber ones. "My lover is slowly loosing themselves because of what happened! On the first place everything was just an accident!" "Accident?! You heard it! Because they're envious this happened! They wouldn't be controlled in the first place if they aren't feeling that way!"
Then there was a moment of silence, none dared to speak. "Nevermind. Do it." Once again it was Streetward Rambler. Morax eyes widen. "In one condition. Let's make a contract." For a moment, Morax eyes turned cold. "What's the conditions?" He spoke, summoning a scroll. "In exchange of sealing (First name) memories of their involvement in killing Guizhong. You have to stay away from them." "Streetward!" This time it was Cloud Retainer and the other Adeptus that step in. "That's too much!" "Just like how I- we, lost Guizhong. It's only natural that (First name) to lose the only person they love the most, it just happened to be you, Morax." Morax, who has his eyes widen open grit his teeth, "I refuse to fall in such disadvantageous contract!" Morax walked away that day with you on his arms.
That goes on for a while, until you woke up one again and fell hysterical. Hurting yourself in the process, Morax watched you with pain in his eyes. Just like that, he made up his mind. Putting you to sleep, he kissed your forehead. "I'll be back soon, My love."
That day, he signed the contract with the same condition. "Wait." It was Streetward Rambler. "What?" Morax looked at her coldly. It's not like he didn't know where she was coming from, it was his lover that killed Guizhong, a friend of thiers after all. But still. At this very moment as they talked about the contenrs of the contract, Morax couldn't help but to loathe them. "Let me add one more." "What more do you want? Just how much do you want my lover to suffer?" Morax spoke painfully. "I-.. I want to add that if (First name) manage to bring back their memories. The contract would fall invalid." "Wha-?" "What I mean is that if (First name) recalled things on their own. You're free." There was a sad smile on Streetward Rambler face as she said that.
Like he promised, Morax came back to you that night. To you who was peacefully sleeping in the middle of the flower field. Morax carefully approached you, making sure not to wake you up as he was about to do something. "My love." He stroked your cheeks gently. "Everything going to be okay." You look so peaceful right now. "I.. It's okay if you hate me, resent me after this." There was a small smile on his face. "It's okay as long as you're alive and well. I don't care about anything else." He rest his forehead against yours. "You probably won't remember but.." he chuckled and with a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you, forever and endlessly. Only you."
That night, you wake up with a headache. Mind going back into the resent events. Sure you made a fuss, but not as hysterical as you were in the past, probably because most of it was now sealed. That night you waited for your lover to come, but he never did.
"At this point, they'll end up falling for him." The Anemo Archon, Venti nowadays spoke, looking at his friend with a concerning gaze. And his friend, the Geo Archon, just kept looking at you in the distance. You who seems to bright and happy even from afar. It was such a lovely scene to him, even when it wasn't him by your side. "Is that really okay for you? Morax?"
For a moment, he looked away from your figure to give his old friend a glance, only to see that friend shrug and look away from him. For a moment, he asked the same question himself. Is he really okay with this? Without you by his side? But now that he think about it. It's always been like this. "This is enough." "Looking at them from afar like a stalker?" With a glare, the anemo archon mumble an oops and look away.
With a bit of little argument with the Anemo archon, Zhongli finally succeeded on shutting him up by brute force as Venti sulk away in the corner. He looked at you once again. And as he did, your question suddenly came into mind.
Morax, did you ever love me?
With a genuine smile on his face, he answered as he look at you from afar like he always does. "I love you, forever and endlessly." As soon as he said that, he felt a gentle pat in the back, never once looking away from you. "Let's go back." "Already? I thought you'll admire them for at least days" "...." Then he clear his throat. "I just came to see if they're doing fine."
As the two walk away from afar, the (hair color) haired figure turn around, looking at the spot where the two archon just disappeared from. "???"
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
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mayullla · 1 year
🦋 yandere Zhongli 🌸 pretty pls owo
Title: Broken Rose-tinted Glasses
Character(s): Zhongli (Genshin Impact) Summary: For peace, you have followed the Geo Archon for a long time. And he thought that you would continue to follow him yet here he watches you walk the streets of Liyue looking for a partner. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, death of a minor character, manipulation, dark themes, a few other characters mentioned for a moment
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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It was lonely. So very lonely. You thought as you watched the wind carry the dried leaves to higher grounds. Your home had peace, yet you can't help but wonder if you were missing something.
You were an Adeptus who followed the Geo archon. Long before he became an archon, you followed behind him. Orders that were given by him you completed without any moaning or groaning, nor with hesitation or spite. You were loyal to him, loyal to the peace you have wanted, and crave so much as you watched the gods fight in the war. You thought you would always follow him when he has given you what you have always wanted...
And maybe you would always will, yet as years pass, you can't help but stare.
Stare at the couples and married ones that surrounded you in the streets of Liyue. Human couples all smile lovingly at each other, as you watched them affectionately hold hands or place a hand on their shoulders or waists, their heads bumping into each other, kissing when they thought no one was looking.
You never noticed your craving, craving for that kind of affection between two people. Instead, it was something that Yanfei's father noticed about you, for you instead. His grin when you questionably looked at him at his words. He asked what you felt when you looked at human relationships, even of those who lived longer who found their faithed partner.
"Why don't you get out a bit and find yourself someone to fall in love with?" Yanfei's father told you with a smile on his face, gently pushing you to find something, to fill this slowly opening hole in your heart.
It was a suggestion in the end, why don't you try to find love yourself. It would be sad if you grew old alone as the Adeptus age so slowly compared to humans all the more reasons to find a partner. It was something you took to heart.
Yet it was also something that made Zhongli unhappy.
He wondered where you had gone as he looked down at the city that he had created, unable to find you usually somewhere by his side. He wondered why you had left your place on his side when you would always follow him wherever he went. You were similar to Xiao in that for you your duty was important yet unlike Xiao you cared more was the safety of this peace you wanted and that he Zhongli was a means of achieving that, which you were forever grateful to him for.
You once had followed another god, but after losing them, you feared that you would lose another. The desperation in your eyes as you understood that it was ever so easy to lose the people you cherish in something like war did you beg him to take you under his wing. You knew you were powerless compared to many gods and that the only way to draw closer to your goal was to help someone who could achieve it.
But time heal many wounds some slower than others after so long you too started to look forward no longer as strict with yourself with these habits when you looked at the peaceful lands of Liyue. Zhongli knew that it was about time you did, too. When they have always told you to cherish this peace that you will bring with your hands and take the time to explore many things.
He always watched you long before you had followed him, he can't help but feel his chest flutter differently to his sturdy powers when you laid your eyes on him. He enjoyed your companionship, as you and he talked about the past and the future. You have always placed him first for such a long time after all. He always wondered when you would finally relax and take what you have grown with your bare hands.
He didn't think it would be like this.
He thought that out of your own choice, you would still follow him, that one day he would take you not as a subordinate nor follower of the Geo Archon but someone who would sign a special contract with him that you will forever be his just as he will be forever yours.
As he watched you down the streets longing for a partner and let you even with the bitterness in his heart, he thought that you would always return back to him in the end. So when you found an interest in a human boy, he could not help but feel his heart darken and his anger swell up.
So quickly, the rose-tinted glasses you wore out of curiosity were snatched away from your eyes as you see the man you were looking at unknowingly taken away from you. When you waited for him outside the gates of Liyue as you two planned on meeting up that time, you waited and waited for him, minutes turned into hours, and hours turned into days. Outside, you waited for him quietly, wondering when he would finally show up for this walk that you and he had decided on.
You held your umbrella up that the three kids in your eyes Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling gave you, they pitied the Adeptus who was waiting for someone so quietly under the heavy rain and have given you an umbrella as they told you they could share. The sound of rain muffled the many curious tones and voices that wondered why you an Adeptus were there. There were many ideas, and a lot of them thought that you might be here protecting the gates to protect them, preventing anything terrible from coming to Liyue. Yet soon, did everyone realize that you were waiting for someone.
They pitied the Adeptus, who looked nothing more than a desperate girl in love with a man who stood up on her. You ignored them. You ignored every single word they said. Till an old grandfather walked up to you, holding a wooden stick with sad, tired eyes.
He told you to return, for the man you were waiting for his son was dead.
You froze the open umbrella lay on the floor forgotten. It was static, yet at the same time, the questions that were repeated in your mind were cleared, replaced with new ones as you stared in shock at the old man. You wondered how this came to be, how in the world that you an Adeptus had lost someone again like this when you were supposed to be more powerful than these small humans and have worked so hard to give them this peace, to give yourself this peace.
Is this really peace when your mind was so chaotic?
The fear in your heart that you would lose something again scared you, and no matter what Madam Ping had to say, who tried to help you along with Yanfei and Ganyu, nothing worked. Quietly, you holed yourself in a corner away from the world's eyes. Zhongli had to come requested by the people who cared for you so much, and finally, did you emerge from your hiding place. But you didn't part from him, staying at Geo archon's side silently.
Nobody said anything after that, unable to help the broken adeptus who had been pushed away the moment she tried to hold the peace a little closer to her heart.
"Why don't you sit, I have made some tea." You looked at Zhongli, who called out your name quietly, sipping his teacup. Another cup on the table that was beside the teapot nearer to an empty seat close to you. You didn't know how a small hidden smile crept up on his lips when you joined him at the table.
He gave you a simple warning and was glad that you finally understood and came back to him again.
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