#Yikes yikes yikes
The Justice League had been a pain in Dannys side the last few weeks. They insisted that Danny needed a mentor, someone who could help him right in his ever growing list of abilities and whatnot. Danny snuck into one of the JL meetings in the watchtower to find out the real reason and discovered they saw him as a massive powerhouse that needed to be brought into thier side so his power "doesn't fall into the wrong hands". Ick.
Phantom was also pretty sure this had something to do with the bat be it contingency plans or adoption papers that guy is never too far from the top of Dannys list of "people I want to punt into the abyss for the weekend"
Its not that Danny doesn't want the help, he just knows how the League would eventually view him. He is of Lazarus. He is part monster. He has been ever since he died. Danny no longer thinks like a human does, he's "too violent" "obsessive" and "impulsive" by League standards.
Unfortunately, Danny is wired like that. His people are a part of the Infinite Realms immune system and play a key role in its overall ecosystem. There are legitimate biological reasons hes like this, ones that keep him from fading. The League doesn't seem to understand and he can't explain it in further detail without revealing his own weakness and the weaknesses of others like him.
So he just keeps refusing thier help...until he finds someone who the League also don't "agree" with which was strange since he was on thier team.
Plasticman was an ex criminal who has temptations towards money and has a hard time resisting. The stretchy guy also could turn his body into any shape and stretch any length he wanted and had no regard for the human form. Danny was in awe but the moment he heard the guy make a funny joke he made a decision.
If he had to choose a mentor from the JL roster than he picked this guy.
He announced his decision at the next JL meeting sending the place into an uproar.
Alternatively: Danny gives no warning and Plastic man just gets surprised when this glowy kid and his green puppy appear in front of him smiling happily and introduced himself as his new sidekick.
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museaway · 1 month
I've curated my dash so well that sometimes I forget antis exist on this site until I stumble upon a pit of them. Yikes.
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currymanganese · 1 year
The Bear season 2 episode 6 is a cleaver to the chest. Maximum psychic and emotional damage. Yikes. Natalie and Carmen are actually surprisingly well adjusted people all things considered, Natalie especially. Made me actually re-evaluate my opinions concerning them. Donna Berzatto / Uncle Lee is a typhoon of dysfunction and Michael broke against it plus his own addictions and sank, but Natalie and Carm are still fighting and eking out an existence, wow. Thank God Natalie has Pete, the Berzattos need all the help they can get.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
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did anyone else have this realization while watching episode nine?? i remember going "aww that's so cute they all just hang out in alicent's room when she's not- OH GOD NO"
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twomanyfandomshelp · 2 months
im so sorry to be the one to tell you this, joel and lizzie do have a ship name but its..............
Umm… that’s unfortunate.
I think I’ll stick with just tagging my posts about them joel x lizzie.
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saltysplayt00ns · 20 days
WOW have not given a confirm from Roamer and already jumping guns.
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From the duration of the whole Kique trying to start this poly thing of two of the most red flag characters to pedestal However Rogio is on Roamers:
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and Kargo love interest is on Roamer:
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From looking over the type of poly relationship it would end up being either a Hierarchical polyamory, Polyfidelity, Solo polyamory or a Triad. But since it's kique it's more likely to be a triad with Hierarchical instead of something of equally grounding everyone; they ( kiq. ) will mainly focus the attention and love all on Rogio but having it where Rogio and Kargo caring about Roamers needs. in hindsight if Roamer focusing all his care and attention on Rogio the sadly Kargo will have to follow along. That's not a relationship that's a coercion of someone who is emotionally being pulled around just like another who was pulling roamer around as well;
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And you know who been doing that for all through Home comic??? ROGIO, Rogio so far has been manipulating, gaslighting, mansplaining, victimizing and done toxic/abusive traits that is not appropriate. "but he's not hitting or screaming at his face so its not bad??" Just because its not shown loud in your face doesn't mean it's not their. Just because a meat-eating Predator is not chasing you down immediately after making eye contact on you, doesn't mean it's not a wild, carnivore. It's the same with Herbivores which so many overlook because it can't eat us and it's harmless when actually they're just as unpredictable as a carnivore. A lot of things happen behind doors and others figured out how to not make it obvious. These are usually Covert Coercion/abuse that is so subtle your can miss it or overlook it. Like slow boiling a frog in a pot.
We have seen from the beginning how Rogio was from the first chapter and given context of how he is overtime. Roamer is very naïve and gullible to be used under Rogio's dispense and whenever Roamer speaks up or states an opinion Rogio does not like. he gives Roamer the silent treatment and cuts all connections to him, practically ghosting and pretending he doesn't exist. You see it all through Chapter 11 through Chapter 12. And Later see Rogio been observing from the distance on Chapter 13.
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That later had Roamer to lash out his frustrations on other people AND be depressed/mope around cause he's been giving all that love and attention to abruptly giving the cold turkey.
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Also pointing out that Javo is not a warrior but Fremja is, So why Roamer doesn't train with someone who is an established role but would fight someone who is not of equal task and someone who is far weaker then him??!!. Frenja has fought with Roamer during Avanti and traveled with him when they left to meet Kargo and Ferah again. She has a track record - Javo does not. it's very subtle misogyny of having the females laying around or doing nothing when the barrier is basically down to open attacks, while males are being the active ones. The group should be at least planning to build a smaller barrier or doing something to be prepared. Later it bite them when IT DID HAPPENED of raiders coming in. You say meteor has changed but examples like these contradicts it.
------ I have seen ENOUGH comics, fanfictions of stories of people who does that including the toxic tactics. And now Rogio left the weight all on Roamers shoulder to do the decisions FOR him, there's has been no return of the conversation of Roamer agreeing to it with Rogio or stating more of his opinion on the matter. Roamer will just agree to it AND IF HE DOESN'T ROGIO WOULD DO THE COLD SHOULDERS AGAIN!!. This is very new territory with different opinions and backstories, cause Meteor tribe has shown to NOT BE POLYAMORUSE. Neither Asmundr or any cookie cutter tribes in Home except possibly southSpear, but that is more an orgy to pass the time being in a boring desert.
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I call that BS on them all laughing and having fun together cause all of that happened with Kargo and Roamer and later Roamer dump Kargo to be all happy with Rogio.
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it would've been interesting done by a competent author, but the comic is already being rushed even more, since its confirmed there is 4 chapters including the recent one left.
The author has so far been doing the same stuff/traits Rogio has been doing and is willing to bend out of shape and reality to protect Rogio, a fictional and dangerous character to portray and claim as the ' idea character ' to follow and sympathized.
Side note:
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I also learned that Feomah; the mother of Diarko and Diarko was an idea from a fallen individual with Kiq. So the possible reason Feomah is separated from Diarko is because of that and now Diarko will be used as a scapegoat for Rogio innocents and that the toxic Poly thing between RxRxK is a good thing. " we can't separate now since Diarko sees us all as parental figures under him." yeah let's have a child who was subjugated through trauma of cults by his tribe, genocide, prejudice by the canines to be given more trauma under meteor who had to move further away from his blind mother and got attacked twice by raiders. instead of being with their mother who is safe in a tranquil area with more members then meteor. Also forcing for Diarko to fight instead of giving him a choice if he wants that or do a different role. No wait that's not manly enough for males to do. 🙄
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oldandkinky · 2 years
The Witcher fandom rn:
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covenofthearticulate · 6 months
in all forms except physical, i am crispy lestat lying face down on david's tiger rug.
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bpdohwhatajoy · 6 months
When I realize the reason I’ve been so on edge around someone is because they act really similarly to my abusive ex
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adoroborosgoth · 1 year
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was watching a podcast on the titanic from a year ago and saw this comment....😳
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stopthatfool · 5 months
Thinking about Goose’s cross necklace thinking about Christianity uh oh thinking about Goose’s cross and Christianity and top gun
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Oh crap. Tim was coming towards him again. Danny squeezed between and behind various other gala attendees in his effort to escape Mr. I-Just-Want-To-Talk for the fourth gala in a row. What was Mr. Drakes problem? Danny honestly didn't know but between running DalvCo which- Danny had rebranded into a new company with a space themed name and slogan- and keeping up with schoolwork and his social life he had little energy left to deal with the Wayne Enterprises CEO
Danny saw a blue suit in the crowd ahead of him and let his shoulders sage in relief. Ever since he inherited Vlads company Mr. Kord had taken him under his wing. He had told him everything about how his parents were mad scientists and how his godfather, Vlad was a supervillian who had become creepily obsessed with him after comparing him frequently to his mother who he had been romantically obsessed with for twenty years.
Danny hadn't told him everything, no one but his friends and sisters knew about his ghost half. But Mr. Kord was the first and only adult he felt he could confide in.
Danny slid in between him and his kinda/maybe boyfriend Michael Carter, both of whom gave him big smiles and welcomed him warmly. Danny looked back at Tim who was glaring at him half heartedly. There was no way the other teen was going to come try to drag him off. Not with how Mr. Kord had scolded him at the last gala.
Aka Vlad manages to kill Jack but also accidentally kills Maddie too.
Vlad dies due to reasons and the bats are convinced that Danny did it. Also DalvCo had been involved with countless illegal things and is essentially built on crime (which is one of the reasons Danny needed help so badly) and Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) helped him gain control over the situation after finding Danny crying in a hidden area at a gala and Michael Carter (Booster Gold) has taken up being a "fun uncle" to Danny whenever he gets too overwhelmed.
Tim is either trying to get close to Danny to prove that he's innocent or is just as convinced of his evilness as the others (the second one sounds more fun) also Batman hasn't had his identity exposed to the JL so they don't know who Tim or the other bats are.
Did Vlad die in whatever scheme he made to kill Jack? Did Danny go into a Pit Rage apon finding out Vlad killed his parents and kill him in revenge? Did Vlad fake his death in another hair brainded scheme to get to Danny?
In the meantime Danny is not only making his new business survive, but thrive as well with branches opening up in various cities all over North America and soon one in London.
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Partially closeted aro culture is having a friend say they think aros are just traumatized and looking down at your aro ring like “stealth 100”
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dathen · 6 months
Sherlock Holmes heard that The Beetle Weekly was starting up again and decided to give it a run for its money of Most Racist
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staygaybaby · 1 month
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Um what the flip dude
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tricky-pockets · 5 months
guys, I live in Michigan. and as far as I know, it's only snowed twice this winter where I am. and it didn't even stick! this is so unsettling. MICHIGAN. I should be up to my ass in lake effect snow right now.
snow is inconvenient, but its absence (in Michigan, in JANUARY) is just wrong.
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