#Yeah judy garland i’m sure of her
bloodenjoyer · 1 year
judy garland? but what’s baz off
Im so sorry i can’t tell if this is just nonsensical or if it’s referencing something perhaps even something i’ve said i’m a very stupid boy Ok?
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mackeydoodledoo · 1 year
My Sweet Dove: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Larissa Weems x (Fem! Vampire)Reader
Summary: You're the only vampire in existence that is basically immune to Nightshade Poison. When your supposed soulmate is injected with such, you go feral.
Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, Bold/Italic = Flashback
Theme: Feed the Beast - A R I Z O N A
A/n: Cool, so it isn't just me simping over Gwendoline Christie in the new Wednesday series, and the type of Vampire Y/n is the Vampires from Twilight.
You developed a rare genetic all vampires thought weren't able to develop.
To further explain: Your saliva has developed an immunity to Nightshade Poison. You can only ingest a very small amount of the poison. So if someone were to be injected with such poison, you'd have to 're-puncture' the injection point with one of your fangs in order for the extraction to work properly and thats when your protective saliva kicks in.
"It's gross," You joke
"Sounds cooler than being a shapeshifter," Larissa says
"Yeah, says the one who shifted into Judy Garland in the talent show," You laugh
You graduated in 1991; alongside Morticia Addams (Neé Frump), and Larissa Weems. It would make sense for people to fawn over Morticia. She was absolutely gorgeous. But, you fell for the shapeshifter.
"I don't know what to do Morticia," You sigh to your botany class partner, "I like her but... How do I ask her to the Rave'N?"
"Simply... Ask," She answers
"Easy for you to say," You groan, "You and Gomez are basically attached at the hip. Like, you two just 'clicked'..."
“It won’t hurt to ask,” Morticia says, “The worst case scenario is that she’ll say no. Besides, I think it’d cheer her up.”
“Why me of all people?” You ask
“Each year I’ve never seen you at the Rave’N Y/n,” She says, “I want you to at least go to our final one before we graduate.”
“And if I don’t?” You ask
“I will find you every chance I get and scold you about it for the rest of your life,” She says
“Gosh fine Morticia,” You sigh in annoyance
You enter the Rave'N, watching everyone have the time of their life. You were never one for celebrations. You'd rather just stick to your room and wallow in your own self-life-questions.
"My my Y/n Y/l/n sure knows how to spiffy herself up," Morticia comes up to you
A man coddles up to her side.
"Gomez Addams right?" You ask, "Morticia talks nonstop about you."
You give him a firm handshake. But, no surprise they walk off to have whatever moment they were going to have.
Back to the awkward standing in a corner...
"Y/l/n," A voice calls to you
"Larissa," You nearly jump
"Since when were you one for celebrations?" She asks
"Trust me, I'm not," You couldn't help but smile, "Morticia would scold me for the rest of my life if I didn't attend at least one. So, who's the lucky person accompanying you tonight my lady?"
"Over with Morticia Frump I'm afraid," She sighs as she sees the two lovebirds in very close proximity to one another
"Hmmm," You sigh
An awkward silence stands between the both of you as the DJ throws in their questionable music to give the students something to dance to.
“Care to dance my Sweet Dove?” You turn to her
“When will you ever not use that nickname?” Larissa sighs in annoyance 
“Until I’m dead,” You chuckle, “Now, yes or no to a dance?”
*Larissa’s POV* She turns to you as a hand; glistening in the lighting. You saw how well she tried to keep her face away from looking into yours, knowing that is how she shows her fear of rejection. And yet... Here she was before you, jumping her chance.
“One dance Y/n,” You answer
*Y/n’s POV* You look up when you felt a hand take your outreached one. You wish you could feel the heat in your cheeks again, because you definitely felt something spark your interest.
“Come on you couples let's slow it down a bit,” The DJ announces, playing a slower than usual song
“Don’t get any cheeky ideas Y/n,” Larissa says
“I have no clue what you are talking about,” You lie
The awkward gap between the both of you was uncomfortable. You wanted to pull her closer but you weren’t able to find it within yourself to do it yourself. 
“Oh!” Larissa gasps, falling into you
You look past Larissa’s shoulder and you see Morticia and Gomez, Morticia giving you a subtle wink as Gomez twirls her out of sight.
“You okay?” You ask
She nods as she adjusts herself back into your embrace. You were expecting her to pull away but she doesn’t.
You weren’t necessarily faculty, but Larissa Weems had hired you to keep an eye on Wednesday Addams. 
“You were close to Morticia,” She says
“And here I thought you called me to be here because you missed me,” You chuckle, “Besides, Morticia and I have not spoken for a very long time. I wasn’t even there for when she had her kids.”
“You’re the most observant person I’ve come to know,” She says, “I also... Need extra hands for this years’ Rave’N.”
“What unforgiving theme have you agreed upon this time?” You lay back into the chair
“All white,” She says
You nearly gag in your mouth. 
“At least make something that every single kid would be interested in,” You sigh
“Our students? Or you?” She asks
“Got me there,” You chuckle, “But, you do know that I don’t wear bright colors.”
You stand from the chair and begin the process of turning to retreat too your own room for the rest of the day to get yourself settled.
“And for the record Y/l/n,” She begins, “I have missed you. Terribly.”
“What’s your plan for the future?” You turn to Larissa
It was post-graduation and the both of you decided that you’d share one last night together before departing back home. 
“I don't know...” She says, “But one thing’s for sure...”
“And what’s that?” You ask
“That I’m going to miss you,” She says
“What about me that you’ll miss?” You chuckle, “Not like I’m going to go move anywhere.”
“Everything,” She says
You chuckle, “I wanna say that ‘Everything’ is not actually true.”
“It is,” She says, “Don’t believe me?”
“My Sweet Dove,” You turn to her, “That is not at all of what I’m saying. Should you need me at your side I will be there. Doesn’t matter how far away I just so happen to be.”
One day before the Rave’N. Weems didn't really give you a handful of tasks. So you went about the town; hoping to find the perfect outfit. 
“You’re not one to make the extra mile,” Kinbott explains
You and her were sitting at the Weathervane. You weren’t particularly close to Kinbott, but you did have a few therapy sessions with her about your entire relationship with Larissa Weems.
“Well, I had no luck finding a nice outfit for the dance,” You sigh in frustration
“What did you wear for the last one you attended?” She asks
“Simple black outfit with a gothic jacket,” You say, “Not that it’ll fit me anymore.” 
“I hear the theme is all white,” She says, “But, I do know that you aren’t one for bright colors.”
“Yeah... I’m not,” You sigh
“You’re like Wednesday,” She says, “Maybe you can just find what you're comfortable in. It’ll definitely turn a certain head.”
You roll your eyes at the therapist. She has been made aware of your feelings towards the former student and the blooming feelings you had harbored.
“Doctor, aren’t you supposed to be acting a professional when we talk about my relationship issues?” You ask
“I’m not on the clock, and these aren’t our usual meeting times,” she counter-argues
“Fair enough,” You say
“Principal Larissa Weems,” You saunter your way over to her side, “Fancy seeing you here at a Rave’N after all these years.”
*Larissa’s POV* When you hear your name, you turn to the person greeting you. Black dress shirt and pants, and silver suspenders. Despite that it was simple, you appreciated how it hugged her figure in every right way possible. 
“Can’t let these kids go unsupervised,” You sigh, tearing your eyes away from the sight of Y/n’s figure, “And, Miss Y/l/n, I strongly encourage you to never refer to me by my first name.”
“Now would you prefer it to be my little nickname for you? My Sweet Dove?” A smirk swipes across her face
You turn to her; your heart nearly sinking.
God I love that nickname...
But you also couldn’t show any emotion towards it. It was merely years ago, a young, outdated nickname she made up for you. Plus, you didn’t want any of the students knowing. 
*Y/n’s POV* You could hear the muscles in her face tense as she grits her teeth against one another.
“You tell any other faculty or the students about that-”
“Relax Weems,” You sigh, chuckling, “I haven’t told a single soul. Besides, it’s more fun if I alone tease you about it.”
“Here's to an unforgettable night,” Thornhill comes between the both of you
“Oh, be careful what you wish for Ms. Thornhill,” Weems says
“Weren’t you two Nevermore students once?” She asks, “Don’t you remember the fun times?”
“All I remember was disappointment,” Weems explains, “The boy I asked turned me down for another girl...”
“I was never one for these functions,” You explain, “Speaking of which, this enclosed space is making everything unbreathable, If either of you need me, I’m going to be outside...”
You turn your back to the function and begin walking against the current of entering students to take a step out into the fresh, crisp, cold air.
Well, it wasn’t all that bad...
After the song ended, the upbeat music began playing once more. However, you and Larissa remained in each others’ grasp.
“Come to my room tonight?” She requests
“Of course,” You smile, “I do have to run back to my dorm though. I’ll meet you there.”
“Okay, see you soon,” She smiles
She leans forward and kisses your cheek as she begins walking away.
You turn your heel and briskly walk back into the ballroom as you begin searching for the principal. Easily enough, you spot her towering over most of the students. You weave through the students as Larissa’s figure began growing in your sights. 
“Y/n what are you?-”
She stops mid-sentence as she watches you take her hand into yours. You look up at her as she looks down at you.
“Care to dance My-?” 
Sweet Dove.
You nearly slipped as her nickname nearly rolled out of your mouth like blood. You knew some eyes were upon you and the principal. However, everyone was cheering in encouragement towards their headmistress.
“One dance Y/n,” She relents
The students cheer as she takes a grasp of your hand and you begin leading her to the dance floor. To the upbeat music; your hand never left hers once. For once, you didn’t think about the expectations as a person who is semi-working for Nevermore Academy, but it took you back to your own time as a student, sharing one dance with Larissa Weems. 
Despite you were a sparkling vampire, you still possessed stamina and you also needed a minute to get away from the swarming bodies, but Larissa remained with her students until the song ended.
“I forgot what being on the dance floor felt like,” Weems sighs as she picks up a glass of punch
“You... Still go it,” You chuckle 
“I need to ask you something Y/l/n,” She says
“Shoot,” You say, sipping the red punch
“I recently remembered that Morticia had spoken to someone about someone asking me to a Rave’N,” She begins explaining, “But, I ended up not getting asked at all... Was that going to be you to ask me?”
You open your mouth to speak however, you felt something fall onto your head. You look up and see red spewing from the indoor sprinkler system. You opened your mouth to gasp but some of the red substance had landed into your mouth. you begin choking on the inedible substance as you try to breathe, your nose suddenly felt like it was on fire.
“It’s paint!” You try to plug your nose
Thanks to the Jericho kids for sabotaging the Rave’N, the paint fumes ruined your sense of smell... 
“How’s your nose Y/l/n?” Larissa asks
“I can still smell the paint fumes,” You sigh, “But, it’s not as bad as when it happened though.”
“Fortunately the Noble is punishing the students responsible, Lucas will do community service here at the school,” She explains
“Better than a normie getting ripped to shreds by werewolves I guess,” You say
Unlike some of the vampires you have met, you had heightened senses; sight, smell and hearing most of all. 
“Here,” Larissa comes over
As soon as you turn to whatever Larissa had for you, your nose made contact with her concealed clavicle. You yelp and fall back first right onto the floor like a tree getting cut down like a lumberjack.
“The HELL was that?!” You groan
“Just wanted to see how you’d react,” She smiles slightly, “You certainly didn’t change.”
“God I cannot STAND these stoner gorgons...” You groan
“You okay?” Larissa asks 
“Sorry, my sense of smell is very sensitive,” You say, “I have to go...”
“Miss Y/l/n,” Wednesday comes in
“Yes Wednesday?” You ask, turning away from Weems, trying to be inconspicuous 
“I need you to help me with something,” She says
“Sure,” You say
You follow Wednesday out of the office.
“Don’t be long,” Weems calls out to you
Your eyes widen as you shut the door behind you.
“Do I even want to know what all of that was?” Wednesday asks you
“Don’t worry about it,” You immediately brush past her, “Now what was it that you needed my help with?”
“How about we finally catch the Hyde?” She asks
“I thought... That was Xaiver?” You ask
“Tyler used me to frame him,” She says, “Tyler and I kissed and it showed me everything.”
“Whoa whoa whoa Wednesday what are you planning?!” You ask
“This isn’t what we signed up for,” Bianca adds
“Guys... Enid just texted... Thornhill’s suspicious,” Ajax adds
“Wednesday, if you say we have our Hyde, lets go to Weems,” You suggest, “You don’t need anymore of this attention upon yourself...”
“Then leave, Weems won’t help,” She says
Before you and the others could protest to Wednesday, she pulls out a taser from her back pocket and immediately puts it to Tyler’s neck. 
“That’s it, I’m out!” Yoko announces
The other students begin shuffling out after them. However, you were the only one who remained behind.
“One last chance to leave Y/l/n,” Wednesday says 
“Wednesday,” You say, calmly, “I believe you, your visions... I know they don’t lie to you. But, this isn’t the way to go about this...”
“Wednesday... Please... Listen to her,” Tyler pleads
“I don’t need your affirmation Galpin...” You growl, “Wednesday, if you love it here so much, don’t ruin it. You and I can figure something out.”
*Wednesday’s POV* For a moment... You actually contemplated on listening to her... If anything, you found her so much like you. Albeit that she is a vampire and that she was your mothers’ best friend.
“Let’s test your reflexes now shall we?” You ask Tyler
*Y/n’s POV* You watch as Wednesday pulls out a hammer; hearing Tylers’ shakes rattle through down to your eardrums. You were about to pull her back but you hear the door slam open.
“Hands up you two!!” Sheriff Galpin yells
You immediately throw yours up.
“Drop the hammer!” He tells Wednesday 
“I know who the Hyde is Principal Weems,” Wednesday begins trying to tell the case, “It’s Tyler. He confessed everything to me.”
You listen to the conversation between Weems and Wednesday after Wednesday basically was about to commit torture on a ‘normie’. 
“Weems, with all due respect, given the circumstances-”
“Not a peep out of you Y/l/n!” She raises her voice
You shut your mouth as you take a step back.
“I wish I could believe you,” Larissa says, coldly
“Then give me more time, and then I can prove that they are Hydes,” Wednesday begs
“You’ve run out of time Miss Addams,” She says, “Pack your steamer trunks, we will have them shipped...”
Your head shoots to Larissa... Looking at her in disbelief.
“You will be on the first train back tomorrow afternoon,” She continues, “I’m sorry 
As soon as Wednesday shuts the door behind her, your foot pivots to face the principal.
“You were too hard on her,” You say
“I beg your pardon?” She asks
She slowly stands up from her chair on the other side of the desk.
“You were too hard on Wednesday,” You firmly state, “She knows her visions don’t lie to her. Yes, I agree that her not coming to neither you and taking matters into her own hands was a questionable move but you could have given her the option of expulsion or have me work closely with her. You know I’m the most observant person in all of the Outcast community!”
“Now tell me what would make you the best fit for it?” She asks, “These last several months you have been turning the other way when you would see Miss Addams make a bold move that would jeopardize her standing in this school.”
“You were the one who assigned me to watch Miss Addams closely,” You say, “You never stated that I had to report to you and you alone. That was Dr. Kinbotts job.”
“Dr. Kinbott was here solely because the court had ordered for her to attend therapy,” Weems explains, “Where you on the other hand-”
“I was just an extra so you could deal with... Whatever it is a headmistress would need to do,” You sigh in frustration, “As someone who really goes about saying she does everything she can to keep every student in this school safe... I don’t think you really live up to that say-”
“Do you wish to join Miss Addams in expulsion Ms. Y/l/n?!” She raises her voice
 You knew you wanted to open your mouth to continue, but nothing came out.
“Get out of my sight,” She says, with a slight growl at the end
You pivot your foot once more and make haste to exit the headmistress’ office.
“You are incompetent,” She adds, “A stone around my neck.”
You loudly shut the door behind you, causing the students to jump in a panic. You take a moment to try and compose yourself. But the last thing that Weems had said to you... Prevented that. Not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself, you immediately retreat to your quarters.
Chapter 2
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I’ll need a few days to really process the last episode, so don’t expect any meta until the weekend.
But I wanted to write a post about why I believe in the writers and why I think that … this sounds so arrogant and delusional, but that my predictions here* are roughly what will happen and queer folks can stay hopeful.
(*tl;dr: Essentially that Colin will be the inspiration for main characters to address their queerness, Ted Lasso spent two seasons straightbaiting its entire audience and this season will end queer as fuck)
When I started watching Ted Lasso I thought it would be a fun, but silly little sports comedy, but very soon it got obvious how the show featured heavier themes and that they didn’t follow the expected script. Like, when Rebecca tells Ted the truth, you’d normally get some drama and rising conflict – but we got instant forgiveness.
And it got soon obvious we’d get a love triangle with Jamie, Keeley and Roy and – as someone who knows how the script goes – my first assumption was, that Roy x Keeley will be endgame (which was sad, since I adored Jamie x Keeley from the beginning, but I digress).
But some of the things that usually put me off love triangles were missing: there was no prolonged unnecessary drama after Roy learned that Keeley hooked up with Jamie the night before, Jamie and Roy didn’t fight over who would “get” Keeley (even though Roy’s jealousy sure was one reason for the tension between him and Jamie, but it wasn’t the only one), Jamie didn’t try to actively win Keeley back throughout the second season, he didn’t try to sabotage their relationship, even though he still loved her. The rocky parts in Roy’s and Keeley’s relationship weren’t related to Jamie at all, on the contrary, Jamie kind of unintentionally fixed their problems.
So, when they diverge so much from the expected, should I really still assume they’ll end the show with the thing everyone expects to happen? (like, in classic romance structure, Roy and Keeley now had their third act break-up, that always happens before the happily ever after … but as Phil said in an interview, they’re situation is a lot more complex than you’ll usually get.)
So, anyway, Ted Lasso was playing with expectations from the beginning. You’d expect Ted x Rebecca and Roy x Keeley endgame cause that is how the classic narrative works but the show subverted classic structure in the first season. So why should we assume that they just stick to the classic script now?
Also the theme song:
“Yeah, might be all that you get,
Yeah, I guess this might well be it“
I always thought, for an optimistic show like Ted Lasso this was a kinda sober beginning. But if you look at this with a queer eye … Cishet people are so used to seeing their happy endings playing out, so that is what they’ll expect to get. Until the last couple years, queer people barely got any stories with happy endings, so you didn’t exactly grow up with the expectation you’ll get a happy ending.
So you just had to take what you got.
But on the other hand the song has this hopeful bit about trying and not giving up. And … okay, I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but, idk, it just feels like it would fit as the theme song for an ultimately hella queer show?
And there are a lot of allusions to “The Wizard of Oz”, starting with the title of the first episode, Ted being the “Man from Kansas” aka Dorothy – googling I found this post pointing out a lot parallels in the second season, so it is not just me being delusional again.
For context: The movie was released 1939. Between 1934 and 1968 due to the Hays Code people couldn’t be shown as being explicitly queer in movies in the US, so writers started to queercode characters to still indicate queerness. And there is of course queercoding in “The Wizard of Oz” just like Ted Lasso and the movie as a whole resonated a lot with queer audiences, making Judy Garland a Gay Icon (see here). 
Both the movie and L. Frank Baumans novels have a lot of queer subtext (like, there is even kind of a trans character in the novels?). "Friend of Dorothy” was a way gay men referred to each other at a time, where they couldn’t just openly ask about someone’s orientation.
Fun Fact: The movies title song “Over the Rainbow” soon became a queer anthem and people wondered whether it inspired the rainbow flag. But the creator, Gilbert Baker, said he was inspired by,
wait for it,
“She’s a Rainbow” by the Rolling Stones (see here).
Rings a bell?
The episode “Rainbow”?
Roy returning as a coach to Richmond?
Also: Jamie comparing the team to the Rolling Stones? Himself to Mick Jagger and Roy to Keith Richards, who both wrote the song?
And, looking at episode titles some more: The color "Lavender" is so queer it has it's own LGTBQ-section on Wikipedia. Also the bisexual pride flag, where the colours overlap to form lavender? There was probably some other reason I forgot that the episode where Jamie returned was called like the queerest color ever, but still …
Oh God, the more I look, the queerer everything gets! I think I could go on some more, but I need to get breakfast and then some work done.
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neonponders · 1 year
Hi, this is a rant:
Okay boomer this and boomer that but listen, I’ve been reading about certain boomers (namely Liza Minnelli, Judy Garland, Eartha Kitt, and Marilyn Monroe) and these people are fascinating.
Sure, it’s easy to deep dive into wiki pages of people who were inclusive, or at least more-so than their peers, but the the underground golden age of Hollywood that was actually in NYC makes me have an acute fomo that I can’t even explain. Maybe my old soul is twitching.
Liza’s voice is so much like her mother’s (Judy Garland) that it’s eery, haunting, and breathtakingly beautiful. It’s like a ghost just walked into the room.
The way Judy so desperately wanted to be in love and be loved and slept around in an industry that produces more gossip than movies - you go, girl. And then the way these affairs were usually with men already married and she had to have two abortions, just *sigh* this was a person. Not ink on a poster.
Judy dealt with severe anxiety before a performance on Bing Crosby’s talk show, and he outright spoke to the crowd like, Hey. It’s common knowledge that stars are going through things, but let’s treat this singer like a person who needs your excitement and laughter and smiles. Here’s Judy.
And she blossomed. Bing, I hate your name, but that was some good shit.
Marilyn was so ahead of her time, undervalued, under appreciated. How she, and so many other women, Judy included, had to change their names and appearance just to have jobs in the field of their passion.
Never mind all of the abuse and trauma these women grew up with and dealt with on a daily basis from the men in their lives and workplace.
People look at a picture of Marilyn and are like, “Yeah, blond hair and big boobs.”
NO! This woman was a walking mental health disaster that was not her fault, and I want to reach into that poster and hold her and feed her grapes.
“Eartha Kitt? Oh, yeah, Madame Zeroni and Yzma.”
Yes, but NO! This woman got basically exiled out of America for making the First Lady cry (good f*cking riddance) and proceeded to be a smash hit in Europe until the political scene calmed down enough for her to come back to America.
"Liza Minnelli? The old lady who’s losing her marbles?”
SHE !! IS !! OLD !!! And what a privilege to be old when her mother was an addict who accidentally overdosed, and Liza has been dealing with alcoholism and massive health issues her entire life - and surviving.
These women were born in violence, grew up in abuse, and lived and worked in such an awful industry that didn’t deserve them and I’m just *sigh*
Happy Valentine’s Day.
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formeandmyfics · 2 years
JUGENEA FAN FICTION The Past is not the Past
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Fall 1953
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White
Judy wrapped her arms around her husband's neck sensually, and in a relaxing manner, as they did a leisurely cha-cha to the popular dance tune. She barely had to move; married to one of the most famous Hollywood dancers, he did all the steps for both of them.
It had been a few months since the two of them were able to really enjoy a date out at a nightclub. She was busy working on 'Star' at Warner Bros. and he was still at Metro working with Vincente on 'Brigadoon'. Any time they did have together was just a quick dinner out or spent with the children. Even the usual weekly friend's house party was rare lately.
Gene felt his wife's body melting into his as their hips slowly cha-cha'd on the dance floor at the Rumba Room. They were hidden by dozens of other couples and not a cameraman was in sight. It had been a long time since they could be like this. He missed it. Work had been so exhausting...the kids had been even more exhausting. He cherished this time when they weren't Mom and Dad or Gene Kelly and Judy Garland. They were husband and wife...though tonight it almost felt like the past when they were just lovers.
Judy closed her eyes as her fingers softly played with the hair on the back of his neck. Gene's hand travelled down to her bottom, grabbing; her large, flared black skirt of her party dress ruffling in his hand as he did so.
"Mm mm," she warned, as he was well aware she didn't like that much affection in public.
Gene moved his hand back to her waist, "You know what I was thinking?"
"I know what you're thinking, and you're going to have to wait until later when we get home. I'm having too much fun here."
Gene's serious expression turned mischievous as he smiled wide, "Oh, what's gonna happen when we get home?"
He felt her giggle before she leaned back to look at him, "If you have to ask, you're not gettin' any."
"Well, I assumed that'd be happening anyways, but that's not what I meant," off her curious expression he continued, "Let's plan a little get together at the house for the group soon. We haven't had anyone over in six months."
"I know, we've just been so busy, we haven't gone anywhere but Bogarts."
"If you're game for it, maybe we can do next Friday."
"Just something casual," she more or less demanded, as her schedule had her exhausted.
"Oh, yeah, just a few of the gang for poker and cocktails."
"Sounds like a plan."
He leaned in and gave her a kiss. The band ended their song and everyone clapped. But they started another tune, this time a little bouncier than the last.
"No, let's sit and finish our drinks."
Hand-in-hand they walked back to their table. Enjoying his tequila, Gene leaned back and looked around. When Judy saw Gene look back at her smiling, she gave him a sly eye with a hint of a smile.
"Yes, may I help you?"
"Remember when I first took you here?"
"Sure do."
"We sat right over there."
She nodded, "I like to think this is where I learned how to become 'Manuela'."
They both chuckled, amused.
"It is," he agreed, "You let go and became sexy on the dance floor."
Judy was quiet a moment remembering, "Those were some crazy, rollercoaster times, hm?"
"But good," he emphasized.
"They were wonderful," she agreed with a glint in her eye.
"Never imagined we'd be sitting here married with our own little family unit," his eyes wandered up to one of the tall palms lost in his memories.
"I had thought about it, but you're right, I never imagined it would actually happen."
"We had way too many roadblocks back then to even consider it."
"Roadblocks...as in your wife and my husband," she giggled and took a sip of her drink.
"Husband's," he corrected.
"David doesn't count."
"Why not," Gene said, challenging her. 
"Oh," she made a sound seeing his challenge, "Please. We never thought about marriage or kids together back then, not when we were first together."
Gene's eyes froze over her shoulder and the skin between his eyes wrinkled, "David."
"Yeah," she nodded putting her empty glass down, "When I was married to Dave."
"No," he said shifting in his seat a tad uncomfortable, "David is here."
Gene watched as her first husband, David Rose, was by the stairs happily shaking hands with another man. 
Judy, surprised, went to turn, "Where?"
"Don't..." he reached for her arm which prompted her to look back at him even more surprised by his action, "...turn around."
"Because we came here to spend the evening alone. That's why we didn't go to the usual joints...so we wouldn't run into anyone."
"Are you sure it's him? I mean, I haven't seen Dave in years. He's never seen around town, not since he got re-married."
Gene squinted a bit, as if to see if it was really her ex. He could tell by the side-profile it was indeed the conductor.
"That's him alright."
Judy ignored Gene's plea and turned to look but people at the next table were now standing up blocking her view and she turned back to her husband, "Well, maybe he won't notice us. There's a sea of people in here."
Through the crowd, Gene watched as Dave, in mid-laugh, turned his way and suddenly did a double take on him.
"And he 'sees' us." 
Gene looked at the scene across the way which looked like Dave was excusing himself to walk over to him, "He's coming over.  I have to use men's room, sweetheart."
Without another word, Gene slithered through the crowd to the back of the nightclub just as Dave was approaching behind Judy's table.
"Would you like some tea in your honey?"
Judy smiled hearing the familiar voice, and the familiar idiom they always used to say, "Or Whiskey in your water?"
Turning her head up to look at him, they both chuckled, and she stood up embracing him warmly.
"You look good, kid," he said releasing her.
"A little rough around the edges now," she teased.
"Still beautiful."
"Well, thank you. You're still dashing," she said and wiggled his tie before she sat back down.
David adjusted his tie as she did that and remained standing, "Nearing 50 and still dashing, huh?"
"Egh," she said waving her hand, "You still have some years to go. Would you like to have a seat?"
He looked up a tad nervous, "Uh...sure...for a minute."
As he sat down, Judy motioned to her waitress as she walked by, "May I get another Gin and Tonic, please? And another top shelf Tequila with a lime for my husband," she turned to look at Dave, "Would you like anything?"
"No, I'm fine, thank you."
Judy added, "Just add that to our tab."
"Right away, ma’am,” the waitress said before walking away.
"You sure you don't want a drink? You are in a nightclub."
Dave smiled, "I didn't want to add my drink to your husband's bill."
"Oh, please, * I * asked. He isn't even here right now."
"He was. Where did he rush off to," he asked looked partly behind him as if he expected to see him any second.
"Oh, he saw someone he knew. Wanted to go say hi."
"Just as I was coming over," off her knowing look and sly smile he chuckled, "I've forgotten how good of a liar you are."
"So," she said changing the subject, "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you around town since before I left Metro."
"Haven't really been interested in the scene anymore unless I'm working. Plus, after I got married again, we had our girls pretty close together. They've been keeping me busy outside of work."
"I know what you mean," she giggled, "I've got two now and a step-daughter who stays with us every weekend. It's a full house."
Dave's face became serious and he leaned forward speaking genuinely, "I'm so happy for you, Judy. I really do mean that."
Judy's smile faded a bit, but she looked at him with such appreciation, "Thank you."
"You know, maybe one day all of us can get the kids together for a playdate at the beach or the park or somethin'."
"I'd love that, if your wife would be alright with that."
"Oh, sure. She'd come with."
"Even with our history?"
Dave laughed, but a tad anxiously Judy noticed, "The past is the past, right?" 
For some reason, the way he said that, hit Judy differently. It wasn't said in a snarky way, but she couldn't quite shake the nervous feeling he had towards her. 
Interrupting her bewildered expression, Dave added, "Invite Gene along."
"I'll mention it to him."
"Good. I'm going to get back to my friends over there. You know how to get in touch," he said getting up and leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek, "Good seeing you."
"You, too."
Judy giggled against her husband's lips as her back was suddenly pressed against the front door in the dark foyer of their home.
"What are you doing," she chuckled as his hungry kisses traveled down her throat.
"We have the house to ourselves," he moaned as his hands tried to find her tush past her coat, "I'm gonna take advantage and make love to my wife right here."
"What if I don't want to do it right here," she teased and tried to move away from him.
Gene lifted his head, smiling and held her tighter against him, "That's boring. Remember how we used to do it before we had a house full of kids?"
"We also used to do it without my coat on," she tried pushing him away to wiggle out of her coat but he gave her a look that said he was up for the challenge. She didn't even have time to respond before he lowered to his knees
"What are you---oo," she grabbed onto the door handle trying to balance as her leg was suddenly lifted on his shoulder sending her into a laughing fit. She couldn't even see him under her coat and party dress, "You're nuts."
Gene trailed licks and kisses on her inner thigh above her nude thigh thigh's and let the back of his fingers softly trace the silk of her panties. It made her body erupt with pleasurable goosebumps and he immediately felt her relax as she softly whimpered. That gave him the green light.
Thud. Thud.
Judy's eyes popped open when she felt vibration on her back and the sound of knocking.
"Gene," she whispered and tried to stop him.
"Who the fu--," his muffled voice was interrupted as they knocked again.
"Someone's at the door," she said louder and swung her leg off his shoulder nearly knocking him over.
"Judy...Jesus," he said avoiding getting bashed in the head by her knee and stood up checking his watch, "It's 1 in the God-damn morning."
Judy flipped the foyer light on before she opened the door. Lauren stood there with their sickly-looking daughter in her arms.
"Hiii," Lauren said with a 'sorry' tone.
"Hi, Betty," Judy immediately placed her hand on her daughter's back, "Is everything alright?"
"I saw you guys pull in a few minutes ago. She's running a small fever and she won't go to sleep. She keeps crying," the little girl lifted her head from Lauren's shoulder and reached for her mother. Judy immediately took her and Lauren apologized, "I feel awful. I know it's your date night."
"Oh, don't be silly," Judy stated placing the back of her hand on her child's forehead, "You don't feel good, huh, baby?"
"The baby okay," Gene asked widening the door to look at their friend and neighbor.
"She'll be okay. I think she just wanted her parents," Lauren said handing the little one over to Judy.
"Thanks Betty," Gene gave her a kiss on the cheek and waited until he saw her disappear through her front door before he shut his door with a sigh. 
He knew there was no point in waiting for his wife to put their daughter to bed and return to him. When it came to the kids, especially if they wanted 'Mama', that trumped over sex. Though disappointed, it wasn't a surprise. 
Gene scrunched his face when he felt a jab on his lower back with a lot of movement under the sheets. It was only a few seconds when everything became still again, and he started to drift back off into sleep. Then another jab, this time what felt like a kick on his ass.
"First you nearly bash me in the head with your knee, now you're kicking my ass," he sleepily retorted annoyed. Gene was jabbed again this time in his lower thigh and he laughed getting angry, "You're pissing me off, Judy.  I'm gonna pin you down like Buddy Rogers in a minute."
Judy laughed quietly, "It's not me, it's your daughter."
Gene rolled on his back and saw the little girl in between them moving around, swinging her legs in different positions as if trying to get comfortable. 
"What's she doing in here?"
"She's not feeling good," Judy whined with sympathy and pulled the girl to cuddle her, "C'mere baby. Stop kicking daddy."
Gene rolled to lay on his side facing her. They were quiet a few minutes as Judy ran her hand over their daughter's soft brown hair as her head laid on her Mama's chest. It wasn't another minute until her eyes instantly closed.
"You have the magic touch," Gene whispered and reached over for her hand that was free. She gladly connected her fingers in his and closed her eyes as his thumb caressed her skin, "It's 3.  You should get some sleep."
Judy yawned and looked down at the sleepy face against her, "I will. I want to make sure she's fully asleep first."
"Give her a few minutes. She'll start snoring."
Judy smiled and kissed the top of her head before staring up at the ceiling and sighed. In those quiet moments and relaxing to the movements of her baby's breathing against her, her mind started wandering again.
Gene noticed the expression on her face as she stared up at the high ceiling of their Master Bedroom. It was the same look she had when she was quiet in the car. When he returned to the table, other than Judy telling him that Dave just said 'hi', the two pretended like the exchange didn't happen. They enjoyed some more dances and shared some secret kisses before heading home. He noticed her sudden demeanor change, though he didn't want to ask in fear of breaking the spell of their date.
"What are you thinking about?"
Gene grimaced, not surprised, and rolled onto his back, "That's comforting."
"He seemed a bit off," Judy rolled her head to look at him.
Gene looked at her a little interested, "How so?"
"I'm not sure."
"So, he didn't just say 'hi' and 'bye'?"
"Well, it wasn't a long conversation. 'Hi' and 'Bye' was about it, but he seemed awfully nervous."
Gene shrugged, "Maybe it's just because you two hadn't seen each other since you left Metro. You're divorced, I'd think it's only natural, especially how estranged you two were towards the end."
"I thought of that, but why would he come over then? He seemed happy to say hi but, I don't know, he looked anxious.
"Maybe because I was there."
"You weren't there," she said with a sly smile.
"You know what I mean."
"And you walking away from the table as he was walking up didn't get past him, I hope you know that."
"I could care less," Gene said and rest his arm under his head, "I'd rather him notice that than have to actually pretend to be cordial with the man who basically ignored you and your feelings for 90% of your marriage."
"That pretty much sums it up. But, I think you didn't want to shake hands with the man whose wife..."
"I fu- ..." Gene interrupted for her and she immediately shushed him pointing to the kid, "Spent time with..." he corrected, "...while they were married. Yeah, yeah."
Judy smiled and looked down noticing baby was fully asleep now, her little mouth hanging open, "He suggested we have a play date with all the kids and his wife and you."
"I love you, but not really my scene," he said smiling.
"I know," she giggled, "But I didn't want to tell him that. He was being nice."
"Don't worry about him. His balls were probably just touching the back of his shorts talking to you again. Now, go to sleep," he ordered and turned the bedside lamp off.
"Good night," she said leaning over the best she could to kiss him which he returned.
"Good night my love."
Judy squinted from the bright, hot sun as she walked out of the kitchen onto the backyard patio. After placing the two trays on the table under the umbrella, she took her sunglasses off her head to put them on. 
"Wooo," June said behind her as she walked in from the side gate, "Can you believe how hot it is for this time of the year?"
Judy smiled happily at her friend who wore a pretty white summer flock and matching sunglasses.
"I know," she added as she walked towards June with her arms open, "You look pretty. Hi, darling."
"Hi, baby," June squealed as she squeezed Judy in her arms, "We only live down the street and haven't seen each other in months."
"I know. Come on, it's nice and cool over here on the deck," Judy said taking her hand to follow her, "Rosa put together some lunch for us before she left."
"It's only eleven. Was she not feeling well," June asked of the Kelly's housekeeper, and cook 'extraordinaire' as Gene nicknamed her. 
"No, I booted her out. I mean, the house is clean and Gene got called into work and the Nanny took Kerry and the baby over to Liza's to swim. I decided to take advantage of the quiet and gave her the rest of the day off."
"Well, that's nice of you. It looks yummy."
The ladies sat down and started their brunch. 
"Gene and I are planning a little casual get-together here next Friday for the group."
"Oh, good. You guys haven't had all of us over in a while."
"I know. We’ve just been so busy with work and the kids."
The ladies enjoyed their finger food and the weather for a minute in silence until Junie struck up a conversation.
"What did you think about the news of David's book?"
"David who?"
"Your ex."
Judy looked up surprised, "My ex-husband David?"
"Yeah. Betty told me about it. She said she'd tell you."
"I haven't spoken to her lately. He has a book?"
"Well, he wrote one, or is writing one."
"Oh? You know, I ran into him two days ago. I hadn't seen him in ages." 
"How'd that go?"
"It was friendly. Gene stayed away." 
"I don't blame him. That's gotta be awkward."
"The meeting was a little off, but we haven't seen each other in such a long time. So, is this a book going to be about his work?"
"I was told it's an autobiography."
"Autobiography," Judy repeated with a mouth bite a bit surprised.
"Which means I'll be in it." 
"You are," Junie giggled, "I didn't know about the pregnancy."
Judy lifted her eyes from her plate and froze as June took a bite of a sausage slice and cracker. She instantly felt her stomach sink, but quickly brushed it off as perhaps there was something she hadn't known about Martha, Dave's first wife, or possibly a girlfriend he perhaps got pregnant touring. 
"What are you talking about," Judy asked casually as she went back to her food.
June looked up, a bit stunned at her friend's bewilderment, "When you two got pregnant and the studio made you get rid of it."
Judy felt a shock wave of bad shivers cascaded her skin and all she could do was stare at June like a deer in a headlight. 
"Is it not true," June asked carefully setting her crumpled napkin down.
Judy's heart started palpitating and she felt an adrenaline rush. No, it can't be, Judy thought instantly feeling tears spring to her eyes. With a sudden fight or flight response, Judy got up and started walking across the yard.
"Judy," June asked standing up. When she saw Judy heading towards the Bogarts place, she understood. 
"Hi, blondie," Gene said in a surprise chipper voice as he came out the back door.
"Hi," she said softly as she kept her eyes fixated on Judy, "I thought you were called into work?"
"I was but I finished what I had to do. What's wrong," he asked confused that she hadn't turned to him to give him her usual warm hug. 
"Um," she said turning around to face him. 
When she did, he saw Judy over her shoulder disappear into the Bogart's backyard, "What she doin'," he asked innocently.
"She's going to get more information from Lauren, I presume."
"Information about what?"
Gene had just rushed through the patio doors, with Junie following a ways back, when he saw his wife collapse into one of the breakfast nook chairs.
"Oh my God," she whimpered, "Oh, no."
"Is it true," he turned to Lauren.
Lauren just shrugged shaking her head, "That's what I was told."
"How did you find out?"
"Dave and I share the same agent. I didn't think anything of it to be honest. I was surprised when Swifty told me some of the things in Dave's book, but you know how many abortions go on in our industry. I didn't know it was a secret."
"It wasn't just a secret," Judy said mad, and crying, "He promised not to ever say anything."
Gene went to his wife and placed his hand on her back as he bent down to kiss the top of her head.
"The whole god damn world is going to know now, Gene. Everyone," she placed her hands over her face and started sobbing.
"Fuck him," he said disgusted, "That's probably why he was acting weird with you the other night. He knew it would upset you and his balls were too far up his ass to say anything. Fucking coward."
"Look," Lauren said trying to calm them, "The book isn't out yet. Why don't you talk to him? Maybe he'll fix it."
Judy lifted her head, her wet eyes staring up at her husband with a non-verbal plea.
"It wouldn't hurt, I guess," he shrugged, "You need to call him anyway and give him a piece of your fucking mind."
Judy nodded and reached for his hand, holding her cheek to it in comfort.
The master bedroom was only faintly lit, shadowed by the dawn sky. The sun wasn't out yet and an owl's hoo's outside the cracked window told Gene it was probably just before 6am. He looked beside him and Judy was sound asleep. She was on her side facing away from him but the back of her body was nestled up against him. Her warmth made him feel so comfortable. He felt so bad for the circumstances that happened yesterday. She was so upset and understandably. To have something very personable like the exposed without her consent was disgusting, especially from someone she had once been married to.  She didn't really want to speak to anyone after Junie left. She took a long hot bath and read for the rest of the day. He knew when she disassociated, it was best to let her be. All he could do was let her know he was there if she needed him. 
But that was yesterday. It was a new day, and most importantly, a Sunday. He loved Sundays. They made it a habit, while they were working on a project during the week, to leave Sundays just for family time. There were no Nanny's, no cooks, no housekeepers, no lawn people, no assistants, or agents, or friends, just them. Last week, they spent the entire day in Pajamas; him, Judy and their daughter. This weekend, they had all three kids. But, he wanted to work on re-staining a few of the kids' nightstands and Judy had mentioned planting some of her fall mums in the backyard. He was looking forward to a nice, relaxing day.
Gene turned on his side and placed his arms around his wife ready to fall back asleep, when she moved in hers. Re-positioning herself in her sleep, her bum wiggled against him and he found his hand gently resting on the underside of her right breast. Suddenly, his senses became more alive. It had been a week since they made love. The last time got interrupted. He was craving her, of course, but to make her feel good would definitely help her relax after working so hard and temporarily make her forget about the emotional turmoil from yesterday. 
Gently releasing her, he got out of bed and went to check on the rugrats. Kerry and Liza were sound asleep. When he checked the nursery, the baby was whimpering. He changed her diaper and put the pacifier back in her mouth and she fell back asleep instantly. When he returned to his bedroom, he quietly shut the door. There was no lock, because of safety issues with Judy in the past, but the older girls knew the rules: always knock and not to come in until someone answered.
Crawling back into bed, Gene got in the same position and wrapped his arms around her. He cupped her breast gently through her nightie, like before, and started applying some alluring kisses to her neck. Judy stirred a bit but the sounds of his lips against her skin one-by-one stirred her completely out of sleep.  
"Mmm," she whimpered sleepily and murmured, "What time is it?"
"Early," he breathed and repositioned himself even closer now that she was awake. His thumb started caressing her nipple in a sensual manner through the chiffon and his neck kisses became sexier, "I checked on the kids, they're all sound asleep."
"Is this my alarm clock?"
"Just relax."
"I was relaxed before you woke me up," she teased knowing she was not going to settle back into sleep, or fight him off, nor did she want to.
Gene placed his hand on her jaw to angle her face up to him and he whispered erotically, "I want to make you feel good."
Her lips curved into a smile before he bent down to give her a kiss, his mouth pulling at her lower plush one. Their kisses melted into each other as she turned to lay flat on her back. As she did so, he crawled on top of her. Both laid comfortably, as for him not to crush her, and made out, caressing in an unhurried manner just enjoying their intimacy. 
Breaking a very delicious, and sexually charged French kiss, Judy ran her fingertips up his bare back loving the feel of him on top of her, "Darling, I'm so lucky to have you."
"The feelings mutual, doll," he gave her peck on the kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you, too. But," he said lifting himself from her as she let out a giggle, “less thinking. All I want you to do is relax and focus on how good I’m going to make you feel."
Oh, he made her feel good, alright. So much so, she couldn’t put a comprehensive thought together especially when his mouth made love to her between her thighs.
A little later, Judy was in the shower when Gene walked into the master bathroom, a robe secured around him.
“All the kids are still asleep. Can you believe that?”
“Good. I don’t want them to hear how loud you were,” she said with a sly, but playful tone.
“*Me*,” he said shocked turning around to face the shower curtain as if she could see his playfully shocked expression.
“Yes, *you*. I told you to put padding behind the bed when you get like that,” she giggled.
“I wouldn’t get like that if you didn’t get me all worked up,” he said rubbing his hand over his scruffy face in the mirror.
“You knew long before you married me that I wasn’t a ‘pillow princess’,” she said turning off the shower.
Gene laughed and went on, “True, but you’re the loud one,” her arm reached out wigging her fingers and he handed her a towel, “The way you sounded, people woulda thought I was murdering you.”
“That was your fault.”
“Well, it does make me feel proud,” he said as he got out his shaving kit.
“I was only doing as I was told,” she said with plenty of blush in her voice.
“I said to relax,” he laughed.
“There’s no relaxing when you do the stuff you just did.”  
When she stepped out of the shower, securing the towel around her chest, she saw her husband looking at her with his hand on his hip and a very cheeky smile.  
“Wha-a-t,” she whined and refused to lock eyes with him.
“11 years and you still get embarrassed.”
Judy smiled and placed her hand on his cheek as she tippy-toed to kiss the other, “If you weren’t so amazing, I wouldn’t have anything to blush about.”
He gave her a smack on her towel-covered behind before they both turned back to the mirror. In silence, Gene shaved and Judy started her face cream. It wasn’t like her to be quiet, however. Usually, she was a chatty Kathy when they did their bathroom routine.  He knew exactly what she was thinking about.
“Are you thinking about calling Dave today?”
Judy glanced over at him nervously as he rinsed off his razor, “Do you think I should?”
“I do, but that’s up to you.”
Judy was about to speak when they were interrupted by the sound of crying before tween-Kerry appeared with the baby. Gene immediately held her but she put her arms out for her Mama who took her.
“Where’s your sister,” Gene asked Kerry.
“Waking up.”
“Go get dressed. I’ll be down in the kitchen in a few minutes to make breakfast.”
Gene finished washing off his face and combing his hair as Judy fiddled around, still in her towel, with the now calm and curious baby on her hip. After getting dressed in his ‘around the house’ attire, he stepped into Judy’s walk-in closet where she was poking around.
“Do you want me to take the baby so you can finish getting ready?”
“No, I’ll keep her with me. I like some alone time with her. We’ll be down shortly.”
Gene placed his hand on the infant’s back as he leaned over for a peck then proceeded to kiss the baby’s cheek before leaving.  
“Just you and me, my darling,” Judy said to her baby girl as she opened her drawers picking out a casual outfit, “You need to visit Mama at work again. Would you like that? Yes, you would, I know,” she cooed and went to walk out of the closet but caught a glimpse of them in the full-size mirror.
It was just her in her towel and her curly haired daughter in a diaper. Her baby looked in the reflection as well and gurgled before reaching for her mother’s face. Judy gave her a kiss and cuddled her closer. She started thinking about a time when she thought she would never have children, and scared that she possibly couldn’t after the ‘procedure’ and now staring at her soon-to-be one-year-old, and Liza downstairs, she got sentimental and made her decision that she needed to say he peace with her ex-husband and hopefully change his mind.
Morning into the afternoon, the family spent most of the time outdoors with Gene working on his furniture projects and Judy gardening as the kids played on the swing set and trampoline.  During lunchtime, they all ate a freshly prepared lunch in the breakfast nook as they listened to a radio program.  
When they finished lunch, it was quiet time which the older girls knew meant to use hush tones during their sister’s nap. They went upstairs to draw in Liza’s room and Gene followed to put the baby down. When he jogged back downstairs to help Judy clean up the kitchen, he noticed a car pull up at the end of their driveway. He stood aside the window to peek out without being obvious. His eyes widened in surprise when the man got out.
“Is she down,” Judy asked walking into the room. When he didn’t answer, she furrowed her brows and walked closer to him as he stood at the window holding the side curtain open, “Gene?”
“Yeah, she’s napping. You didn’t call Rose yet, did you?”
“No, why?”
“He’s here.”
“What do you mean?”
Gene nodded for her to look which she did and low and behold it was her ex-husband walking up the driveway.
“What-on-earth,” she breathed shocked.
“You realize I want nothing more than to give him a right hook, don’t you,” Gene said with the most casual tone it would have been funny under different circumstances.
“You will do nothing of the sort,” she said and went around him to head to the front door but he stopped her.
Gene grabbed her elbow and spoke calmly, “I’ll get it.”
Right as Dave went to push the doorbell, Gene opened the door surprising the other man. It was as if he were expecting a housekeeper.
“Oh, hi, Gene. How are you?”
“Fine. May I help you with something,” he said very politely but had a not so friendly look on his face.
“I was wondering if Judy was home by any chance?”
Without breaking eye contact with the other man, Gene simply pushed the door open and Judy stood there, arms crossed, mirroring the same expression as her husband.  David was surprised again, but this time the way they were both looking at him.  
“Am I interrupting something,” he said as if he had interrupted a marriage spat as they both didn’t look too welcoming.
“What are you doing here?”
“May I come in so we can talk…” he glanced at Gene and back at Judy, “…Perhaps in private?”
Judy softly touched Gene’s arm as an ‘ok’ and he took a step back to let the man inside. As David passed him, the men made eye contact which David tried to avoid but the energy of the situation radiating off of Gene was hard to ignore.  
“My children are upstairs. We can talk in the backyard,” Judy urged Dave to follow her.  
Stepping into the backyard from the kitchen patio doors, Dave spoke up, “You have a lovely home.”
“Thank you.”
“So, ah, I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here.”
“I know why you’re here, but I’m baffled on how you found out where I live.”  
“Swifty. I practically had to beg,” he chuckled.
“You could’ve called me.”
“I wanted to talk to you in person. You said, you know why I’m here?”
“About your book,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Lazar told you?”
“No, actually he didn’t. Why, is it a secret?”
“Not at all.”
“So, you’re here to tell me about your book and that’s it?”
“Yes, because you’re in it, naturally, and I wanted you to hear about it from me first, but I guess that didn’t happen.”
“Why didn’t you tell me at the club?”
“I didn’t expect to run into you. I got a little nervous, to be honest. I didn’t want to ruin a night out.”
“Why would you ruin it, if it’s just a book,” she asked trying to hint the point.
“Because I wasn’t sure of your reaction.”
Gene walked into the kitchen, after checking on the kids, and leaned against the counter by the window to listen. He didn’t do it in an eavesdropping way, he did it to be there to step in if anything got out of line.
“I don’t mind being in someone else’s biography. I was in Georgie Jessel’s and it was lovely. I’m grateful to be a part of someone else’s life. The only thing that would get a reaction out of me is if there was something untruthful written about me…”
He cut her off, “Everything is 100% factual.”
“Or something very private that shouldn’t be shared,” she concluded which brought on a heavy silence.
“Judy, autobiographies are meant to be personal. It’s inviting others into your life to read about your experiences, good and bad.”
Judy put her hand up not wanting to hear any tip-toe around the subject, “Did you write about our baby?”
“Well, I don’t prefer to think of it as a baby, but I briefly mentioned the pregnancy, yes,” he said cautiously.
“It *was* a baby and *I* wanted it,” she said her voice raised, full of anger and regret.
“Judy, don’t do this again,” Dave said putting his hands in his pockets and looked down.
“I wouldn’t have to if you weren’t going to share it to millions of people!”
“It’s part of my life story, it’s something I experienced.”
Judy nodded and placed her hands on her hips, “So, you mentioned that you went along with the studio and my mother to murder our child?”
“I didn’t quite put it like that, but I did write about the situation.”
“And that our marriage failed because that happened?”
“Or because you fell in-love with your co-star,” he said nodding towards the house getting angry.
Judy took a step towards him hurt, “You publish that and I’ll sue you for defamation.”
David sighed, not wanting to fight about something they had fought about a long time ago, “No. I didn’t say that. People know we were both unfaithful in our marriage, that’s no secret. I did say that losing the pregnancy was the nail in the coffin where our relationship was involved. And yes, I did write the truth that I went along and agreed with the others because I didn’t think either of us, in our relationship or careers, were ready for it. I feel bad about that now, I’ve told you that years ago.”
“You also promised me years ago you wouldn’t tell anyone.”  
“That was a promise I made to you when we were married. I didn’t think it mattered now. We both have different lives now and we’re happy.”
“I don’t care. I don’t want it published.”
“NO!” Judy’s anger melted into grief and she covered her face in her hands sobbing re-living that experience. David softened and placed his hand on her arm but she flinched him away and went on, “Please don’t let the entire world know I was forced to have an abortion. Please. It’s no one’s business, at least not while I’m alive. Columnists will pick up on it and bug me about it and I don’t want to have to re-live it.”
“I didn’t think about that.”
She looked at him with begging, teary eyes, “Please.”
David chewed on his inside cheek a moment, “The book isn’t published yet. I’m not going to take it completely out…” she went to speak but he quickly interrupted her, “I won’t mention the pregnancy or an abortion. But what if I re-worded it as something else like a ‘unfortunate decision was made’ so on and so forth?”
“Oh, would you?”  
“If it upsets you that much, yes. Unbeknownst to you, I do still care about you. I honestly didn’t know it’d affect you this much. Plus, I don’t want to get sued,” he said with a wink.
Judy giggled and sniffed as she placed her hand on his arm, “Thank you.”
The following Friday
On the ‘A Star is Born’ set at Warner Bros., the cast and crew all erupted in applause. Director George Cukor just called ‘Print it!’ to Judy’s finale performance of ‘The Man That Got Away’. It had been a very exasperating, and very long, week filming three versions of the song, but they finally got it in the can.
After she finished hugging Tommy, George came over and gave her a hug and a big kiss on the cheek. He had been just as exhausted.
“That’s it, baby, that’s it.”
“That *is* it, right George? I don’t think I can do another one,” she joked sternly.
“It’s perfect. You sound brilliant and you look gorgeous.”
“Well, we’ll have to see about that,” she said walking over to her makeup chair, “Look at me, I’m sweating.”
“After all the takes we did, we’re all sweating, darling.”
Judy giggled and got out her compact mirror.
“Judy,” Helen, her hairstylist said as behind her.
“Yes,” she asked as she checked her red lips which were still perfectly presentable.
 “You have an audience.”
Judy’s eyes moved from her lips to the movement in the reflection of her mirror behind her. She immediately focused on Tyrone Power, who stood there smiling with his hands in his pockets. She was so surprised she barely even noticed Doris Day standing beside him.  
“Wha...” Judy laughed snapping her compact closed before turning to greet them, “If I knew I was performing for you two, I would have done even better!”
Doris waved her hand with an ‘oh please’ expression as she accepted Judy’s hug.
“I don’t think you could have done better,” the blonde said.
“And I think if you come around the set more than you already have been, D.D., we’re going to have to put you in the film,” Judy quipped giggling and she moved her attention to her ex-lover, “Well, hello, there,” she said in a playful voice.
“Well, hello, there,” he said back with the same tone, “I had a meeting with Warner and I wanted to see what all the hoopla was about over here.”
Judy replied as they embraced in a hug, “Apparently it’s my big comeback.”
“Comeback...” he said confused and she leaned back to look at him, “Did you go away?”
For a moment they just smiled at one another still in an embrace until Doris spoke up, “That’s what she always says.”
“Yes. They’re saying this is my comeback since Metro, but I don’t remember disappearing. In fact, there’s a lot more of me.”
She playfully slapped her hips and they all laughed.
“What you just did there, Judy, was phenomenal. I don’t think I’ve ever heard your voice like that,” he said seriously.
“I told you,” Doris quipped to him, “I told you that you would be stunned.”
“She’s already seen the first few different takes we’ve done. So, Dee, what did you think of this one, darling?”
Doris nudged her male friend with her shoulder speaking in a proud manner, “She likes my input.”
“Yes, I do,” Judy giggled and placed a hand around her friend’s waist.
“I think this set, and this dress, sets a better tone for the song to be honest.”
“So, do I. I like the pink, too, but Gene likes this one better. Said it goes better with the red background.” Judy’s eyes met Tyrone’s and he smiled looking at the floor. Obviously, he wasn’t unaware of their marriage. “The brown one wasn’t very flattering,” she continued to Doris, but they were interrupted.
“Brown,” Tyrone spoke up almost insulted as he remembered Judy always in pastels.
“I know,” Judy stated well aware of the poor choice in wardrobe, “With my brown hair and brown eyes and the brown dress, it all sort of melted together.”
“Is Gene here,” Doris asked curious.  
“No, not today. He’s working. But our Nanny brought the little one over earlier which was a respite, I gotta tell ya.”
“Kelly isn’t a part of making this film,” Tyrone asked knowing that Gene had been a part of business aspects in other projects.  
“No, but he comes to set a lot, of course. I like his ideas and George usually asks for his input as they’re both great directors.”
“He didn’t want to direct this epic, huh,” Tyrone teased.
“Oh,” Judy giggled, “No. I’ve tried that bit before...didn’t work out in the end. I’m not about to jeopardize this one.”
He immediately understood her pun towards her marriage to Minnelli, “But third times a charm.”
“Oh, yes. Third and finale. He’s my honey.”
“Judy,” Doris said looking over her shoulder, “I’m going to say hi to Ray.”
“Alright, darling.”
“How’s it going here? Is it different than Metro?”
“Oh golly, yes. I’m a producer so I get say and they work with my schedule. I’m working hell on it, though. I want it to be really great, you know?”
“Well, from what I have seen so far, it looks swell.”
“Thank you so much for coming. That was a nice surprise.”
“I figured you’d like to see an old friend,” she nodded happily and he went on, “I haven’t seen you since your opening show at the Palace.”
“Has it been that long?”
“Afraid so.”
“How’s Linda,” she asked regarding his wife.
“Oh, she’s fine. We just had our second daughter last month.”
“Oh, how wonderful for you.”
“And you and Gene had a baby last year?”
“She’s almost a year old now.”
“Any more kids in the future?”
“We’ll let God decide, but I’d really like a son.”
“Look at us...” he said giving her a big smile, “...all grown up.” They shared an understanding, sentimental smile together. “It’s really good to see ya, sweetheart,” he said touching her shoulder in a caring manner.
“You, too. Uh,” Judy checked her watch which said 4pm, “We’re having the neighbors over tonight for drinks and poker, around 7, if you’d like to join.”
“Depends on who the neighbors are,” he joked knowing of the ‘Rat Pack’ neighborhood where the Kelly’s lived as they had been written in Hedda Hopper’s column.
Judy giggled and shook her head and he continued, “No, it sounds great. Is Lawford coming?”
“Yes, I think he said he was.”
“I’ll see if I can hitch a ride with him.”  
“You might have to come back to pick him up in the morning. He usually passes out on our lawn furniture,” she giggled.
“I’ll make sure to get Cinderella home safely.”  
“Alright. See you tonight.”
Gene walked into his trailer and slammed the door. Looking ragged as hell, and feeling that way, he plopped down onto the couch and put his baseball cap over his face. Just as he was going to try to take a power nap, thoughts of his wife kept circling around his mind.  
Although happy and excited with her new film, he knew Judy was under a lot of strain with the current sequence they were shooting. The same went for him. He smiled big thinking what if she were in her dressing room trying to catch a breath at this moment, too.  
Groaning as he sat up, he reached for the phone and dialed Warner Bros. As he went through the operator and then the receptionist to be dialed to Judy’s private line in her dressing room, he took out a cigarette and lit it.
“Kay,” Gene asked with a mumbled voice as he snapped his lighter shut, “Is that you?”
“Well, I don’t know, dear, who else were you expecting?”
“Someone that is definitely not a tall blonde that’s for sure.”
“Well, if she’s four-foot-eleven, and sounds like heaven, she’s changing.”
 “What are you doing over on the other side of the mountain?”
“I had tea with Elizabeth Taylor.”
“Oo, la, la.”
“Yeah. And I stopped by to see your enchanting wife. She’s had a few visitors today. Doris came with...” Kay was interrupted by Judy’s muffled voice asking who it was, “It’s your old man,” she said away from the phone and then spoke to Gene again, “When I showed up, Judy called her driver away. I’m going to drive her home so we can catch up a little.”
“We’re having the gang over tonight if you want to stay a little when you drop her off.”
“Oh, I would, darling, but Roger and I have tickets to the opera downtown.”
“Oo, la, la, again.”
“I know,” she sighed exaggerating like a Prima Donna, “The things I have to go through.”
“Say, how long does it take her to change,” he teased.
“Well, there’s a lot of...complicated...things...underneath. You should know.”  
“Oh, I know,” he laughed.
Kay laughed back, “Here she is, Gene.”
“Hi, darling.”
Hearing her voice, Gene immediately leaned back against the couch again. It was a like a warm hug.
“Hi, baby.”
Judy’s voice spoke away from the phone, “I’ll be there in a few minutes, Kay, shut the door.”
“If you’re making me shut the door, I know what you’re gonna do, and I’m not waiting,” he heard Kay’s voice getting further way.
“Oh my golly,” her voice became clearer again.
“You sound all chipper. I take it work actually went well today?”
Gene sighed waiting for her to answer but she ignored him, worried, “You sound stressed.”
“I am stressed. I’m stressed, Vince is stressed, Freed is stressed, Cyd is stressed...the only one not stressed is Johnson.”
Judy giggled, “That’s Van for you.”
“Why are you so stressed? A few days ago you were saying how great everything was.”
“Just normal studio bullshit. Nothing is going right today but I don’t want to talk about my work. How did everything go over on your end?”
“We got in the can, Gene. We finally finished the scene.”
“Oh, that’s great, sweetheart. I bet it looks fucking amazing.”
“It was pretty great. I watched it back and I was surprised myself how good it looks.”
He sighed again, “Listen, honey, I won’t be able to come home early like I thought I would. I might not get home until everyone else starts showing up.”
“That’s alright, love. It’s casual anyways.”
“If Frank gets there before me, just tell him to start setting things up.”
“Ok. Oh, hey, can you tell Vincente that my sister dropped Liza off at his house and Holly is with her.”
“Will do.”
Gene turned his head and got silent when he stared out the window. He smiled and exhaled from his cigarette.  
It was a long pause until Judy spoke up, “What are you thinking?”
“You know what I'm looking at right now?”
“No, what,” she said in a cutesy tone.
“My trailer is in the same exact spot it was during our first film. I’m looking at the spot your trailer was.”
Judy couldn’t see his smile, but she knew it was a naughty one, “Oh, yeah? Is there a trailer there now?”
“Mm hm.”
“And who’s in that one?”
He snorted, “Howard Keel.”
Judy’s laughter made his stress feel like it was melting off, “Oh, then I have nothing to worry about.”
“You wouldn’t either way.”
“Good to know.”
He was silent a moment again before speaking with a soft tone, “I wish you were here with me like old times.”
Judy knew that when Gene was stressed, his emotions got the better of him. He’d either get all sentimental as he thought of happy memories that would get his serotonin going, or he would get angry and work it off by going on a run, playing sports or indulge in some stress-relief sex. She preferred the latter.  
“You’re turning into Mr. Softy there, buddy. Go back to work and I’ll see you when you get home.”  
“Ok. I love you.”
“I love you more. Muah.”  
After hearing her kissy noise, the line went dead. Gene checked his watch before pushing himself up off the couch.  
Outside, as he turned the corner from his trailer, Van was sitting on his own trailer steps, reading a magazine.  
“Come on, back to work,” Gene said as he walked up to his friend and co-star.
“Have you seen this,” Van asked motioning to the magazine.  
Gene’s eyebrows wrinkled as he lifted to see the front page, “No, but then again, I don’t read ladies magazines.”
“It’s Cyd’s. She said there was a full-page article about Judes. I wanted to read it.”
“What article?”
“The Best Love Affairs of Screen Queens,” Johnson said in a girly voice, “You got top billing on Judy’s page.”
He showed Gene. There, indeed, was a half-page picture of he and Judy at the top. Below was a picture of her and Vince and then her and Dave. But below that, the small print read, ‘The man that could have been’ and there was a picture of Judy and Tyrone Power in 1942 dancing at what looked like Ciro’s.  
Gene looked at his trailer and then the trailer that was in the spot where Judy’s had been during that time. He still saw it clearly. They had just finished ‘My Gal’ and had been deep into their new on-and-off love affair. During pre-productions of their next films, their time together had been more and more sparse. Not to mention, he had a new baby at home as well.  
He hadn’t heard from Judy in weeks at one point and went on his way to talk to her. When he got closer, he saw a man walk out of her trailer and realized it was Tyrone Power. Gene watched, first in surprise, then in anger, as Tyrone walked down the steps tucking his shirt back into his pants. He made no attempt to even hide the indecency. When he was no longer in sight, Gene felt like bursting in there, but he didn’t know for sure. When he got no answer with a knock, he quietly opened the door. Judy was sound asleep on the couch, naked, a blanket wrapped around her. Without waking her, Gene let her be, feeling at the time that he was being replaced.  
Though everyone knew of the Garland-Power affair, as the two had not been secret about it, he never told her what he saw that day. Months later, they’d become lovers again themselves, but that moment still left an imprint on him especially since he had fallen in-love with her. It took him years to admit that, however. Also, to mention the fact that it was public knowledge of her short-lived affair with Power but no one knew about their relationship for seven or eight years.
“Hey, you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Here. Get rid of this junk,” Gene said irritated and shoved the magazine back at his friend before walking off.  
The sun was setting as Gene drove towards his neighborhood just past Beverly Hills. He tried to calm down by listening to a football game playing on the radio. Work hadn’t gotten any better, he and Minnelli both had the same frustrations, and decided to call it a day. Then, he had old memories pop up mixed with his already agitated state.
Gene, normally, would just want to have a stiff drink and spend some time alone with his girl, but he had been looking forward all week to their buds coming over. They always lifted his spirits especially when they started acting a fool.
As he turned onto his street, he reminded himself that it was the start of the weekend. He was going to have a good night. There would be no work involved and definitely no men that ‘could have been’.  
Judy walked onto her driveway and called out to her friend as she saw Lauren standing outside her front door with a large Charcuterie tray in her hands shouting something at her husband.
“Darling, do you need help?!”
“No, just yelling at my damn husband to grab the wine!”
Judy giggled and was about to walk back inside when a black Cadillac drove up the driveway followed by a familiar red Jag convertible that parked on the street.  
As Peter Lawford got out of the Jag, Tyrone got out of his Cadillac.
Judy placed her hands on her hips, “I thought you two boys were going to ride together?”
“I was going to but then I thought about all the responsibilities that come with getting Cinderella home on time and I didn’t want to have to deal with that.”
Judy laughed, “It’s good you parked on the street, darling, and not behind one of our cars,” she called out to Peter as he walked up, “I told him that 9 times out of 10, you end up asleep after one of our parties.”
“This time don’t let Sinatra put a Mickey in my drink,” Peter said as he reached over to kiss her on the cheek and continued his way up the driveway.
“Thanks for inviting me.”
“No Linda?”
“She’s home with the baby. I told her I would just stop by for a few.”
“I’m glad you came. Please give her congratulations from us when you go home.”
“Will do, thank you, sweetheart.”
“It really is good to see you again.”
“Come here.”  
 She welcomed the embrace and hugged him back tightly as they swayed happily.
When they parted, Judy saw movement in the corner of her eye and turned to see Gene standing there staring at them stunned.  
“Oh, darling,” she said reaching her hand out, “Look who showed up.”
Gene kept walking up towards them and instead of shaking hands with Tyrone who reached his hand out for a friendly handshake, he ignored it and walked right past him leaning towards Judy.
“What the hell is he doing here?”
Judy’s eyes widened in almost horror at his reaction, “I-I invited him.”
Gene took a step back from her flabbergasted a moment and then laughed, as if not surprised at all, “Of course you did.”
Judy looked at husband insulted, and when she saw Tyrone extremely uncomfortable, she pushed Gene away a few steps and lowered her voice.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You invited him. Uninvite him.”
“Have you been drinking?”
“Oh, I will be now.”
“What is the matter with you?”
He ignored her and looked at Tyrone over her head and spoke politely, “Hey, Power, I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“No, he’s not,” Judy said turning around to Tyrone.
“Yes, I am. It’s my house.”
Judy chewed the inside of her lip angry, staring at her husband, completely in shock at his behavior.  
“I see. And here I thought it was *our* house.”
Gene’s face softened a moment before he spoke to Tyrone again, “Please leave *our* property.”
“Is he drunk,” Tyrone asked Judy but before she could answer Gene spoke up sternly.
“Sober as a judge.”
Judy crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows. She knew when Gene was drunk, and this was not it.
“Judy invited me over to this get together as a friendly gesture. Can I ask why you’re acting so hostile towards me?”
“All I’m doing,” Gene said calmly with his hands out but with a short fuse, “Is asking you to get off my property.”
Tyrone took a step forward, “And, Kelly, I’m asking you *why*.”
“Yes,” Judy spoke up, “I’d like to know that myself.”
“Oh, shit,” Lauren said as she nearly tripped walking up, “Can someone open the door before I drop this god damn thing?”
Right on cue, Peter came walking back out of the house, “Is the party inside or out here? What’s everybody doing?”
“Petey, keep the door open, would ya,” Lauren said as she headed his way.
“Gene...I’m waiting,” Judy said as the three ignored the other two.
Tyrone snickered to himself, “I guess we know who wears the pants.”
Judy gasped and in reflex stood in front of her husband knowing that kind of comment would cause a fight.
She placed her hands on Gene’s chest, “Oh, no, no, no, no.”
Peter and Lauren walked back towards them realizing things weren’t civil.
Gene pointed at Tyrone over Judy’s head and continued staying calm, but his face was turning red, “Leave.”
“This is who you married?”
Judy looked at Tyrone over her shoulder now getting mad at him. She was well aware that he always liked to antagonize.
“Stop it.”
“Judy, let go of me,” Gene said trying to get her arms away from his waist.
“No. I don’t want you to start a fight.”
“I’m not going to fucking hit him.”
“You do, and I fucking sue you,” Tyrone said back with a hiss.
“Will you shut up,” Judy screeched at Tyrone and placed her hand on his chest now.
Gene watched as his wife stood next to Tyrone and he lost it, “Fine. You won’t ask him to leave. Then watch me.”
Turning, he walked back down the lawn towards where his car was parked.
“Gene,” Judy shouted but he ignored her.
“Hey, what’s the hurry,” Frank said as Gene walked towards him in a huff, but he also ignored Frank and hit his shoulder with his own as he head around the trunk of his car.
“What’s wrong,” Frank called out to Gene, and looked back up at the rest of the folk near the house.
“Gene, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING,” Judy’s angry, and worried, voice called out.
She went to go after him, but Peter immediately ran past her, “I’ll follow him.”
June Allyson and Dick Powell had just gotten out of their car when they saw Gene speed away with his tires screeching and then Lawford chase after him.
“What the hell was that,” Lauren asked stunned.
“I don’t know,” Judy said softly still shell-shocked.
“I’m sorry, Judy. I didn’t mean to cause a scene,” Tyrone said.
“I invited you. But, you didn’t have to go and press him on like that.”  
“He didn’t have to show up a complete asshole for no reason.”
“Oh, there’s gotta be a reason,” Lauren commented.
“He’s not drunk. I know he was stressed at work today, but it can’t just be just that.”
“He doesn’t normally talk to you like that, does he,” Tyrone spoke up.
“Oh, no, no,” Judy immediately defended her husband and Lauren shook her head ‘no’ as well, “It’s not like him at all, believe me.”
“Well, whatever happened, let him cool off. Peter is going to be with him, he’ll be fine. Let’s just all go inside and try to have a good time,” Lauren said and started back towards the front door with Frank following.
“Yes,” Judy said still shaken up and turned to Tyrone, “Darling, I’m sorry, but do you mind terribly if I asked you to go home? I don’t want to be rude, but when he comes back here I don’t want there to be fireworks.”
“I completely understand. But I’d like to know what I did to him to act that way, hm,” he said with raised eyebrows and a smile.
“So would I. Go home and spend time with your new baby. Thank you for coming anyway. And again, I’m terribly sorry.”
“Not a problem,” he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “See you later.”
Gene slammed on his brakes when Lawford's car stopped in front of him at a 4-way stop sign intersection.  
"What the hell you doin'," Gene yelled out the window at his friend.
"What the hell YOU doin'," Peter yelled back.
"I don't know. I just need to let out some steam."
"My house is a few blocks away. Come have a drink with me. You won't have to pay for it," Peter motioned.  
Gene ushered him to go then followed the Jaguar towards Beverly Glen Blvd.
Lauren poured herself another glass of wine in the kitchen as Judy paced around.
"You know, you're going to end up putting a hole in your floor."
"I can't help it. I'm nervous."
"I told you, Peter is with him. He's fine."
"It's been almost two hours.”
"You know them, they're probably having a drink somewhere."
"Oh, lovely. If he was like that sober, I can only imagine what he'll be like coming back here drunk."
"All his anger was directed at Tyrone, not you, and Power left, so I think he'll be ok."
Judy stopped pacing and sighed as she motioned for Betty to pour her a little bit of wine, one of which she had been refusing until now.
"Good girl," Lauren said and took the clean wine glass from her hands.
"It is strange, you know, that it was just Tyrone he was angry at."
"And you have no idea what would have happened for Gene to get so angry at him?"
"Not at all. And from the way Tyrone was acting, it was like he hadn't seen Gene in years so it's not like they go out together or even talk for that matter."  
"Well...he is an ex. Maybe it's a jealousy thing," Betty said handing her the glass of white wine.
"Oh, please," Judy said taking the glass from her, "Gene's friends with Vincente and I was married to him."
Lauren nudged her shoulders, "True, but Gene never saw Minnelli as a threat. Maybe he saw Tyrone as one. You two were pretty hot and heavy."
"Oh, yeah, for a whole two seconds," Judy retorted back.
"Oh, is that all it took," Lauren smiled and winked making Judy giggle as they walked out of the kitchen, "Look, come sit down, enjoy your friends and stop worrying."
"Stop worrying," Judy repeated with an exhausted tone, "Oh, that's easier said than done."
"Worrying is pointless because it won't change anything. It's not going to make Gene come back here any faster. Just sit your behind down and try to relax. When he comes home, then you deal with it. And if he comes here shooting bricks, I'll get some of the boys to give him a swift kick in the ass."  
Gene checked his watch as he sat at a red light behind Peter as they head back towards his neighborhood. He had been gone two hours and guilt started to form in the pit of his stomach. He knew he was about to go home to one angry wife, and she had every right to be. But, as Peter had pointed out, their friendship, which eventually turned into a relationship, and now a family, had been built on honesty and communication so that’s what needed to be done.  
He knew that he had to handle Judy in his own way after his explosion hours ago. She’d be pissed, but she had no idea what got over him. She’d be confused, probably worried, and that was the last thing he wanted to do to her.  
“Dammit,” Frank laughed as he slammed his cards down on the poker table, “Judy, you won again.”
Judy smiled with a raised eyebrow, “Hand em ‘over.”
“You’re getting better at this baby,” Bogie said rubbing her back as she scooped up all of Sinatra’s chips.
“You know what we all need to do,” Van commented.
“Vegas,” Powell chimed in.
“Exactly. We should all take a weekend to Vegas and play for some real money.
“Only if Judy goes,” Junie chimed in, “She’s the only one winning around here.”
“I rarely play poker. It must just be my lucky night,” Judy giggled.
“And maybe you’ll actually get lucky tonight,” Dick said with his best Groucho Marx expression.
June slapped her husband’s back after he realized that he forgot the ordeal.
“Well, speaking as a wife myself, even *when* he does come home, that’s a fat chance, right Judy,” Lauren said before taking another sip of her martini.
Judy just gave them all a sly look but didn’t respond.
“It’ll take $500 and an apology,” Bogie joked.
“Alright, what are we playing?”
They all turned to see Lawford walk up clapping his hands together as he walked up to them. Judy was about to ask him where Gene was when she saw him appear in the background. He locked eyes with her and motioned for them to go into his office just there. The group were all silent and watched as the couple walked into the office and shut the door behind them.
In the office, as Gene passed her, Judy placed her hand on her hip and looked at him suspiciously as she recognized he was still as sober as he was when he left.
“I thought you went out drinking with Peter?”
“We went to his house and I had a beer and a shot.”
She sat down on the leather love seat, “You planned this get together, remember? We were looking forward to it all week and then you just leave.”
“I know,” he said with a bit of defeat as he sat in his office chair and leaned back in it, “I’m sorry.”
“So, do you want to explain to me about your outburst was earlier?”
Gene held his hands out, “That’s why we’re in here.”
“Alright, well don’t get an attitude. You’re the one that started talking nonsense out there and started attacking Tyrone for no reason.”
“Oh, there’s a reason,” he said as he put his feet up on the desk.
Judy remained calm, “I know it’s not like you to act that way to someone unless they’ve insulted you in some way.”
Gene nodded, just barely, as he looked down and fiddled with his shirt.
“Gene, talk to me. What are you doin’?”
“I’m just frustrated.”
“At what?”
“You’re gonna think I’m nuts,” he warned her.
“I already think you’re nuts, but go ahead,” she said leaning back crossing her legs.
“I saw some article today in some magazine and it mentioned you and Tyrone…”
“Article? Gene, you know there’s nothing but rubbish in those things.”
“Will you just listen? It said he was the ‘could have been’ in your line of marriages and I don’t normally pay attention to that shit but you and Tyrone weren’t just some rumor. You guys were an item once…or whatever the hell you were.”
“About a million years ago,” she interrupted with exasperation.
“But,” he interjected, “It reminded me of something I saw.”
“What do you mean, ‘you saw’?”
“Back when we were together…”
“Which time,” she said sarcastically, crossing her arms really not interested in this conversation that hinted at some jealousy of his way before they were even married.
“Oh, now who’s the one with an attitude,” he said getting angry, “The first time!”
“Shhh,” Judy said shocked at how serious he became, “Alright, you saw something. I’m listening.”
“After we had first gotten together, one day I saw Tyrone coming out of your trailer,” Judy shifted uncomfortable as she well remembered the only time Tyrone had been in her trailer was when they were intimate, “And he made no reservations to hide what had been going on when he came out zipping up his fucking pants.”
“Darling, you know we…”
“Yes, Judy, I know,” he said angry at himself as he stood up out of his chair, “I know you were with other people when we had some time apart. But you have no idea how that made me feel seeing it actually happen. I walked into your trailer thinking, maybe he had just gone to the bathroom or something, but you were naked sound asleep. What got to me was that we went all those years being so secretive about us, but everyone knew when you were having affairs with Tyrone or Joe.”
“We were more careful about our relationship because we actually protected one another. We were falling in love so it was more meaningful which meant we could have gotten hurt more easily…or so I thought.”
Gene rubbed the back of his neck pacing in front of her, “No, you’re right.”
“Why is this even an issue right now? I didn’t go nuts on you when I found out you slept with that chorus girl when we did Pirate. Because I knew it was meaningless and that you’d always be by my side. I had no right to get jealous over that and you have no right to get jealous now. And you had no right to treat him the way you did because of something that happened over ten-fucking-years ago and lasted a minute. You were the one that wanted to take a break because of *your* family.”
They were both aware that his decision to do that hurt her which prompted her to find comfort elsewhere during her separation from David.
“I realize that, baby.”
“Then what’s gotten into you,” she said standing up from the couch to be more eye level with him, “Jesus Christ, Gene, we’re married now. We have a family together, a home.”  
“Imagine how I felt seeing that article when I still have issues buried deep down from our relationship at Metro then coming home and seeing you two hugging. I know I should have moved on by now but it’s all still here,” he said putting his fist against his heart. “I know I overreacted. That’s why I’m frustrated with myself. Maybe it’s all the stress from work lately or maybe it’s the bullshit that happened with David last weekend, I don’t know.”
Seeing Gene soften, made Judy soften, “I didn’t realize all of that still affected you.”
“I didn’t think it did. I guess I just swept it under the rug.”
“Well, you can’t heal without confronting it. I’m not happy with how you acted, but it is good to get it out.”
“I can tell ya one thing, the past is not the past, baby.”  
“It sure as hell isn’t. At least not in our house,” she giggled and he smiled, his crow’s feet deepening as she slithered her arms around his waist looking up at him, “Do you feel better now?”
“I always feel better when you do that,” he said running his hands along her arms to her back to push her closer.
“How about this,” she smiled and perched her lips up at him and he leaned down to give her a kiss.
“Oh, yes, definitely that.”
“Good. And later tonight, I’ll the one making you relax.”
Gene raised his eyebrows naughtily and rearranged her so his arms could go around her waist seductively, “Let’s go to bed now. Go boot em’ all out.”
Judy laughed, “No.”  
“Oh, wifey…” Bogey said with a cigarette between his lips as he contemplated the poker cards in his hand. Lauren stood far behind him, outside the office door, smoking, her ear not exactly touching the door but she was definitely being sneaky, “Whatchudoin’?”
“Nothin’,” she said innocently.
“Well, why don’t you come over here and do ‘nothin’.”
Frank walked up to Lauren and placed his ear against the door, “Are they fuckin’?”
Just then, the door opened making Frank lose his balance, but Lauren grabbed his arm to stead him.   
“Not with you perv’s listening,” Gene answered.
Frank straightened up and tried to act nonchalant, “I was just making sure neither of you were, ya know, throwin’ punches.”
“Mm hm,” Judy said as Gene placed his hand on her lower back and led her away to join their friends.
Lauren exhaled her cigarette and made a sly eye to Sinatra, “Smooth.”
The end  
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veryfancydoilies · 6 months
Hello again! it’s your 🎅🏼
I hope you’re doing alright with your studies. I recently finished graduate school so I get where you’re coming from. My best advice—study well but also take time to care for yourself, I think that’s very important.
I LOVE Elizabeth Taylor! She’s actually one of my favourite hollywood actresses. I love her acting in the film/shakespeare play Taming Of The Shrew. I think she really nailed the main protagonist’s attitude and mannerisms in that one. I think she’s a beautiful person inside and out. I think my top favourite old hollywood actors/actresses would have to be Elizabeth Taylor, like I mentioned, Judy Garland, Julie Andrews, Olivia Hussey, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, Robert Redford, just to name several.
Oh yes, those classic 90s films! they are always ever so nostalgic, aren’t they? It’s so endearing..
RAY DAVIES yess!! i love him dearly. He’s one of my top favourite musicians. He’s incredibly talented not only as a musician, but also an actor! I don’t know if you’ve seen his film Long Distance Piano Player but he is soo so good in that! Have you got any favourite Kinks albums? I never really appreciated their sound until this year and funny enough, I’m unusually drawn to their 60s stuff more so than their 70s stuff. Not sure why that is really, but there’s something unique about that early Kinks sound.
By the way, I don’t know if you’ve answered this yet but what is your favourite era for music? 60s? 70s? 80s? I’ve always been a fan of 60s-70s music so I’m always biased towards those two decades of music.
Great pick with those tracks by the way! And hm..let’s see..for the music asks: questions 1, 2 & 20 if you have the chance to answer :)
As always, it’s great chatting with you. Hope to hear from you soon!
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Hi! First of all, I’m very sorry for my late reply!! I’ve been very busy with finals. I haven’t even decorated my tree! But thankfully I am now done with them all. So you finished graduate school? Good for you! I might go to graduate school myself but I want to test the waters a bit before committing to one first. I’d like to do an internship. What do you study? I’m a history major myself.
Yeah Elizabeth Taylor seemed like a very lovely person. I like her friendship with Montgomery Clift. Do you watch the earlier films she did as a child. I really enjoyed National Velvet and her small role in the Jane Eyre movie with Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine. I remember looking at her when I was younger and thinking she was so beautiful. Oh Olivia Hussey, another beautiful actress. Did you watch the 1968 Romeo and Juliet movie in high school? I think she was the best on-screen Juliet! I’ve seen a few of her other films All the Right Noises and Black Christmas. I’d like to see her in Murder n the Nile too. My favorite actors from era are Joseph Cotten, Leslie Howard, James Stewart, Edward G. Robinson, Ray Milland, and Vincent Price. Since it’s Christmas time, I’cpve been in the mood to watch classic Christmas movies. What are your favorites? I like The Lion in Winter (1968). Katharine Hepburn and Peter O’Toole were so good together! And the dialogue is terrific!
Yes Ray is amazing! Attractive too 😍. I’m aware of that Long Distance Player film but I’ve never watched it. But since you like it, I might watch it one of these days! I’d like to watch The Beatles movies too. I think Something Else and The Kinks are Village Green Preservation Society are the best. I even have a Something Else vinyl. Do you have vinyls? I also a Abbey Road from my dad. I totally get what you mean saying the Kinks sound unique from other artists from that era. I love the hint of humor in their songs.
I’ve explored 60s music more than any other era so I’m biased towards it but I like music from the 70s and 80s. In fact I remember a poll on Tumblr that asked which decade was the best. I chose 60s but the 70s were clearly in the lead. Do you think that’s the general consensus of classic rock fans? I guess maybe people tend to think of the 70s when it comes to rock music but what do I know? What other artists from the 60s do you like? I also like The Monkees, Herman’s Hermits, and The Electric Prunes.
Thanks for the asks! Here we go…
1. Catchiest song
Emily, Emily, can you see there’s nothing you can do? There’s loving everywhere but not for you. I sing this song to myself so much. I love it so much. I could listen to it over and over.
2. A song you didn’t expect to see in your Spotify Wrapped 2023
I knew I play this song a lot but I didn’t really expect it to be in my top 10. I thought if a Kinks song was going to be make it in, then it would be Sunny Afternoon or Death of a Clown. The only other Kinks song was So Long but I think that’s mostly because it’s at the top of my 60s playlist. Both great songs.
20. Happiest song
My favorite season is summer and this song is about the beginning of summer so I loved it instantly. It has such a happy and heartwarming sound! I love it! I imagine a beautiful summer day when I listen to it. What’s your favorite season by the way? Keith Relf was a member of the Yardbirds. This is one of his solos. I was sad to read that he passed away suddenly at a young age :(. He clearly still had so much to offer.
Anyways, thanks so much for stopping by! Happy Holidays to you!
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angelhummel · 3 years
Honestly Brittany is underhated in my opinion lmao. Like I was literally waiting for ages for someone to make a negative thread about I am unicorn on reddit so I could hate on her. Last time someone made a thread about that episode said "Kurt was an asshole to yell at Brittany. He could have kindly explained to her to remove the posters" like he did? But Brittany went to ahead and hung the posters anyway. :/
Oh hey we just watched that ep! And I hated it! I don't know if I'd call it the worse episode, but it made me more uncomfortable than Asian F and Pot o Gold, which we watched right after. Like I've never had that bad a reaction to that ep before but wow
KURT: Look, I don’t just want to be know has Kurt Hummel: Homo.
BRITTANY: What’s wrong with that? Look - 99% of the kids at school are either freaks or closet freaks. The captain of the football squad - he gets the job, but he doesn’t represent the people. That’s why we need a unicorn.
My sister asked me if I agreed with that sentiment (being sure to say "If it wasn't Brittany saying it, how would you feel?" bc that makes a difference lol) and my response was "What did she say? I just tune her out now"
I mean obviously the sentiment isn't wrong. How often do we say that almost any one of the glee clubbers would be a better leader or representative than flop hudson. I just feel like Brittany is feeding into a larger problem that I have with season 3 in regards to Kurt
Which is just how they make so many jokes about Kurt being more flamboyant and girly than he actually is. Rachel saying she wants to see Kurt in a bridesmaid’s dress. Finn saying "What's with the sparkly jacket i thought you were kurt" but then he also has a comment in s2 about "sequined riding pants". but when has kurt ever wore sequins or sparkles outside of mercedes's dreamgirls fantasy number?? and having actual adults talk about how he isn't sexy enough (call the police) and laughing him out of an audition bc he's sooo fucking gay ha ha. i kinda talk about it here if you wanna read more unrelated angry rambling
Anyway all that to say. Kurt is not straight passing! He doesn’t need to be! He’s bold, theatrical, he loves fashion, he loves Broadway, and that’s great! But the pink sparkly unicorn stuff is something Brittany tried to force on him.
Kurt loves Judy Garland. He wanted to pay tribute to her with his campaign posters, hearkening back to her Blackglama fur coat ad. Something that references a beloved icon of the queer community, and fashion history at the same time. Two things that are very Kurt
But with Brittany, all nuance and clever reference is gone. She puts ruby slippers in the goody bag, just because they’re sparkly and flamboyant. They reference Judy in the most cliche and obvious way possible. Even if someone wants to claim it was her own version of a clever reference, she still has more pointless stuff in there as well. Unicorns, a teletubby, hair bands?? What does any of this have to do with Kurt or what he likes or represents?
And obviously there is nothing wrong with being the most flamboyant gay person you want to be. Pink and sparkles and rainbows obviously aren’t bad on their own. Not trying to sound like the shitty old “Gay people I respect vs gay people I don’t respect” meme. It’s just. Every gay person is more than their sexuality. No matter how flamboyant they are, how they dress, how many rainbows they wanna slap on everything. That’s still a whole person. Just bc all YOU see is a giant rainbow flag, that doesn’t mean that’s all they are
Brittany thinks being gay is nothing but pink unicorns and rainbow glitter. How is that any different from the shit Karofsky or Azimio or any other bully says about Kurt?? At the end of the day it’s just someone trying to cram him in a tiny little box that he is far too big, too bold, too nuanced to fit into 
I mean god fucking forbid, but imagine if Brittany was “helping” Mercedes run for president like this. Telling her that being black should be her main personality trait, and filling a goody bag with items that are Brittany’s idea of what being “black” means to HER 💀💀 (I mean anybody with common sense could see it was insane, but her stans would react the same way and make Mercedes the bad guy when she reacted poorly bc what else is new lol)
And all her dumbass unicorn talk literally made Kurt start to dislike that part of himself! Like he’s always been bullied for it but he was still unapologetically himself. But Brittany’s campaign idea contributed to Kurt thinking he needed to change himself, and saying he was tired of being a unicorn. And in s3 he starts wearing more drab colors and all these sweaters and capes and he’s bundling himself up like he’s protecting himself and it makes me sad. And they bring in a completely new character that looks like Kurt just to call Kurt ugly and a girl and make fun of him. It drives me up a fucking wall! Season 3 is so awful to Kurt i literally can’t stand it. And it all starts with Brittany :) Thanks for that. Girl power!
And after dealing with the pain and humiliation of literally being laughed out of an audition BY MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY for being “too gay” Kurt is faced with the bright pink unicorn posters with his face on him that say “This is your box! This is all you will ever be!” and wow i can’t imagine why he’d be upset with Brittany for that!! Who’da thunk??? Brittany was a selfish idiot for hanging them up. Kurt had every right to be upset. And Santana was an idiot for invalidating Kurt’s feelings and just boosting Brittany up when she was obviously in the wrong. But that’s Br*ttana for you :)
I’m not even happy about Kurt “accepting” the posters and hanging them up himself and making that his campaign theme. That’s the version of Kurt that someone else made up in their head. That’s not him. He is so much more than Brittany’s tiny little brain could ever even comprehend lol. So yeah. I hate her :)
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Welcome to Backwater ch.19 (spicyhoney)
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Summary: Stretch has been through a lot in his short time in Backwater, but there's always the Dorothy option.
Read ‘The Dorothy Option’ on AO3
Read it here!
As much as things changed, they also stayed the same. But they still changed and there wasn’t a damn thing Stretch could do about it. He never could.
After Red cut him loose from the shop for the day, walking across the main street to the movie theater was the same, but the breeze cutting through the sweltering heat was different. A couple days ago, Stretch would have eagerly lifted his face into it, let it dry the sweat rolling from his skull and basked in the cooling effect.
Today it was a reminder that summer was actually ending, and autumn was creeping in one slow step at a time. He’d always liked the fall season since they came to the surface, there was no such thing in the Underground. But now that he knew what was coming with the end of the harvest season, it only made him a little sad. It wouldn’t be too long until the scarecrow pole in all the fields was empty.
Stretch paused outside the theater, looking back towards the shop and past it, to the forest behind it. He was too far away to hear the rustling leaves, still green and vibrant, untouched thus far by the changing season. He could still hear it somehow, like a leftover echo, the memory of that sound loud in his head as he turned back to the theater, the constant chatter of leaves scratching inside his skull.
The sound cut off like a stopped tape recorder as the door swung shut behind him. Igor was right inside, looking a lot like an out of work funeral director in his threadbare suit. He looked up from where he was sweeping dandruffy bits of popcorn into a pile and wordlessly went behind the counter to scoop out two cartons of fresher stuff. The dilapidated marquee over the concession stand had only one title on it. ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
“weren’t you playing this flick just a couple weeks ago?” Stretch asked curiously, handing over a fiver.
“Popular movie around here,” Igor told him, tonelessly. Yeah, okay, movies about Kansas and great farming fields, and wonderous unknown worlds where danger lurked. Wasn’t hard to see how people around Backwater could form a parallel to that, hell, there was probably a shrine to Judy Garland in every house on the street, set up with offerings of corn and tiny water buckets.
He looked down at the popcorn cartons that were sitting on the counter, the smell of fresh melted butter rising, and asked abruptly, “can i get a box of raisinets, too?”
Igor nodded and took back the single bill he’d laid down, the box of candy rattling loudly as he set it on the countertop.
Stretch took it and the popcorn and headed into the theater. What was that about, he wondered. He didn’t even like raisins. Maybe he’d take them back for Red.
The theater was empty, without so much as an abandoned soda cup in the aisles and the floor still swept entirely clean. So much for people loving this movie. Stretch sat down in the far back row with his popcorn and candy to wait.
Right on schedule, the lights went low, the MGM logo came up, and then with a swell of music Kansas appeared in a grainy sepia.
He’d seen the Wizard of Oz before coming to Backwater. The first time he’d seen it, they were still in the Underground and it was hard not to make the odd mental comparisons when they came to the surface. Now that he was here in this town, Stretch related to Dorothy more than ever. A stranger in a strange land, sure, but the scarecrow sidekick was pretty damn specific. Would Edgar Allen even know what the yellow brick road was? He was pretty sure the scarecrow in his life didn’t get out of his fields much, if ever.
Never going anywhere, never really living. He sat out there in fields with corn and crows for company, guardian and prison as one. Stretch wondered if that was as sad as his mind kept trying to make it or was he putting his own pathos on an anthropomorphic personification of a scarecrow. Maybe Edgar Allen was perfectly happy with his lot in life. Hell, maybe he was looking forward to the harvest season and a chance to rest without the corn chattering to him all the time, it was possible.
Thinking that made him feel a little better about the situation and Stretch sank back into his chair and munched on another buttery handful of popcorn.
He was so absorbed in the movie that at first, he didn’t notice the seat next to him was no longer empty. A blood-streaked hand reaching towards the other carton of popcorn was his first clue and Stretch bit back a yelp, soul hammering in his ribcage as he inwardly cursed himself for being so jumpy. Wasn’t like he hadn’t seen this before, loads of times now, it was what he bought the second carton for.
“hey, there,” Stretch said softly to his ghostly companion. “sorry it’s been a few days.”
“That’s all right,” Doris told him, her faint voice barely audible over the strains of ‘We’re off to see the Wizard.
The Tin Man was lamenting his lack of heart by the time Doris spoke again, tentatively and filled with quiet apology. “I’m very sorry, I feel as if I should know your name, but…”
Oh. Stretch closed his sockets briefly. Damn it, Red warned him about this, to not be surprised if she didn’t remember him. He didn’t allow the faint sting of hurt to show. It wasn’t her fault, it was entirely the fault of whoever had blown away part of her head and left her here to haunt a lonely, dilapidated old theater until it was time for her to go wherever ghosts did when they moved on.
Whoever it was that did this to her, stole her life and left her mostly alone in death, Stretch hoped they felt that sin clawing its way up their back long after they went to the hereafter.
“it’s okay, doris,” he said as gently as he could while Judy Garland danced across the screen, “it’s stretch, like a rubber band.”
“Yes! Stretch!” she laughed delightedly. She clapped her gloved hands together like a child. “Yes, that’s it. It was on the tip of my tongue when I saw you brought me popcorn, but I couldn’t quite shake it loose.”
No surprise there, half the time she didn’t have much tongue left.
She leaned in over her carton to take a deep, ghostly breath and twin streamers of blood ran from her nostrils. His appetite for popcorn faded and Stretch fumbled out the box of raisinets. The cheap milk chocolate barely masked the taste of the raisins and he grimaced, chewing gamely even though the texture always made him think of eating bugs. Dirt-flavored bugs in chocolate, who the hell came up with this so-called treat and were they appropriately punished for it. He could only hope.
They sat together in silence, watching the movie, and by the time the trio made it to the Emerald City, Stretch was squirming in his seat. Doris’s appearance broke the distracting spell of the movie and now his thoughts were wandering back to that morning and Edge’s sudden appearance in the store with so much worry on his pale face. Then there was that soft, unexpected kiss, so sweet against his cheekbone, a punctuation mark on the end of a silent paragraph and maybe he needed someone else to give it a read.
“doris, can i ask you something?”
She turned to him, the ruin of her head solidifying into a pretty young woman as she tilted it curiously. “Of course.”
“it’s kinda a long story.”
She folded her gloved hands primly into her lap. “I don’t have anywhere else to be.”
And that was her real tragedy, wasn’t it. She was tied to this crumbling old theater, unable to go where she needed to. He didn’t know what happened to ghosts once the building they were tied to was gone. But this place was on its last legs and if it closed, the cushions of empty seats rotting away and the silver screen silent, where did she go? He hoped it was someplace nice, a place where she could rest and always be beautiful, without bringing along the gory remains of her last minutes of life.
But they were working on his issues right now. “it’s about a guy.”
Doris brightened visibly and literally, going briefly more solid. “That Edge person you were speaking of before? The other skeleton.”
“yeah,” Stretch said, relieved. He hadn’t been sure how to bring up what they’d talked about before without making her feel bad for not remembering. “see, it’s like this—"
Doris sat and listened as he talked, as enthralled as she’d been when watching the movie. It was like last time when he’d came to ask her about Edgar Allen; she never flickered when she gave him the full weight of her attention.
It might be bad for the theater to have so many empty seats in the house, but it was good for people with the bad manners to talk over the movie. Stretch told her everything, didn’t hold back a thing. About meeting Edge in Red’s living room and his attempted lamp-ocide, about their impromptu lunch at Mama’s. About his brief starring role as little orange biking hood when he ventured to their cabin in the woods, about Frisk. The only thing he didn’t mention was the whole ‘me from another universe’ thing. That was a lot for even him to bend his mind around and his was still in one piece. Doris never interrupted, listened all the way to the end, until Stretch was nearly hoarse as he said, "…so what do you think?"
"Hmm. He certainly sounds charming, in a rude sort of way. My, it makes me think of Pride and Prejudice," she laughed softly. "Although your Mister Darcy showed his true nature far sooner in your tale.”
Thinking of Edge’s hips in a pair of those tight old-school trousers while he danced a waltz was not at all helping the situation and Stretch shoved that thought deep into a mental closet for later.
“but what should i do? he confuses me so much i don’t know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt around him.” He slid down in the chair until his skull was resting on the back. “and then there’s red to think about, he’s done so much for me. he says he’s not worried about his brother, but…” Stretch trailed off and held up his empty hands.
She nodded thoughtfully. “But you don’t want to stir up trouble in their family, especially since it seems they already have some rough waters.”
“yeah,” Stretch agreed, tiredly. He knew something about stormy weather in a sibling relationship. The last thing he wanted to do to Red and Edge was bring in rainclouds of his own.
“I think you should talk to him,” she said at last. “Tell him what you’re feeling. It seems to me he’d listen to you and he wouldn’t…” Doris’s mouth moved but her words faded. Her pretty visage changed gruesomely, a full show of her shattered face and skull, the fragile bits of bone littered across one shoulder while blood filled the ruin of her eye socket.
Stretch swallowed hard and didn’t look away, waiting until she slowly returned to appearance of a lovely young woman who was finishing triumphantly, “…and who knows what will come of it after that!”
Okay, well, half an advice was better than none and he sure wasn’t gonna ask her to repeat herself.
So. Talk to him. Right. Not bad advice, maybe a little generic, but then, Doris didn’t know about his past history when it came to relationships. She also didn’t know that Backwater wasn’t a permanent assignment for him. He wasn’t too sure about bringing that up, not when it affected her, too. Maybe it would be better to let her forget him when he was gone; with her memory, she might not even realize what she was missing aside from the occasional wistful thought about a spare carton of popcorn.
But she wasn’t wrong, either. Much as he wanted to continue skipping through his life of avoidance, there was only one way he was going to get any real answers. Maybe it was time to figure out exactly where he and Edge stood. His sense of balance in life was pretty damn shaky as it was, and Backwater seemed to treat the laws of reality as more like suggestions. Why would the laws of gravity be any different?
Plus, there was another mystery Stretch was looking to unravel and he was already working on a plan for that. He owed some gratitude to a bony skeleton dragon in the woods and Stretch wasn’t keen on owing debts.
Doris folded her hands into her lap primly. “So? What are you going to do?”
“eh,” Stretch let out a little laugh, “something stupid.”
“Oh.” Doris pursed her lips. “Is it safe?”
“nope,” Stretch said cheerfully and poured himself out another handful of chocolate pseudo-bugs. “but i’ve stayed alive so far. may as well press my luck.”
On the screen, Dorothy was repeating her most famous line and he had to agree, there was no place like home. His only problem with it was that he was starting to get a little fuzzy on where exactly that was.
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pinknerdpanda · 3 years
Muddle Through Somehow
Word Count: 1,643 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: Angst, Fluff, 2020 (even though I don’t say it specifically...you’ll see) Beta’d by: @princessmisery666 - I’d be lost without you. xoxo
A/N: Written For @arrowsandmixtapes for my Merry Manda’s Christmas “Drabbles”. I was so excited when I saw your request, Kansas. This is my favorite Christmas song and it couldn’t be more fitting for this year. I specifically reference the OG version by Judy Garland with the original lyrics, but if ya’ll haven’t seen the video of Adam Lambert singing this song, you need to. It made my ugly cry. But like...in a good way? (video is here) Hope you enjoy this lovely!
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Muddle Through Somehow
It wasn’t necessarily the soft sound of footsteps approaching that startled y/n. It was the fact that said footsteps came from a person who usually made no sound at all. If she could hear him walking, it was because he was letting her.
Somehow that made the whole situation worse, which made y/n cry. Again. 
Y/n buried her face in her hands, shielding herself from view and trying to muffle the sound of her tears. It didn’t work. Instead, the sound of feet grew closer more quickly. A heavy, metallic hand landed on her shoulder, tugging her shoulder until she was facing him.
“Y/n?” Bucky’s voice sounded strained and rough - tired even. “What’s the matter doll?”
On a good night, Bucky got very little uninterrupted sleep. Judging by the creases in his right cheek, the squint of his eyes and the mussed hair on one side, tonight had been somewhat of a “good night.” Until she woke him up and robbed him of what little rest he had been enjoying. Y/n sobbed harder.
Bucky’s arms, one warm flesh and the other cool metal, wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her against him. The gentle vibrations of his soothing words tickled her cheek where it lay on his chest. Bucky’s fingers skimmed the length of her back as she held onto him like a life raft.
Eventually the tears dried, leaving y/n red-nosed and sniffing against Bucky, whose firm, reassuring grip on her never wavered.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I didn’t mean to wake you.” Her voice was hoarse and sounded painful as she mumbled the words into the cotton of his now tear-stained t-shirt.
Bucky pulled back then; only enough to look into her face while his hands found her waist.
“Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize for.”
His stormy blue eyes searched hers as though he was trying to etch the sincerity of his words into her corneas. Even in the dim light, y/n could see the furrow of his brow and the concerned pinch of his lips as he regarded her. 
Before she could argue or respond, Bucky was guiding her into the kitchen. Pulling out one of the stools at the counter, he motioned for her to sit while he set about making them each a cup of tea. The silence that stretched on was comfortable despite the occasional punctuating sniffle. 
Turning, Bucky produced two steaming mugs and handed y/n the one with Snoopy dressed as Santa on the front. His own mug featured Woodstock donning an exceptionally long stocking cap. He took a sip and leaned across the counter, elbows resting against the cool granite surface.
“Now, you wanna tell me what’s the matter?” One corner of Bucky’s mouth twitched upward as he readjusted his grip on the mug. 
Y/n tapped her nails against the side of her mug, eyes trained on the steaming cup, as if she were concentrating on the tinkling tune against the ceramic. She screwed her mouth up to one side, trying to find the words to explain. 
The soft clink of ceramic on granite stirred her from her thoughts as Bucky placed a finger under her chin and nudged her gaze up toward him.
“Come on sweetheart. You can always talk to me.” 
His voice held a nearly undetectable tone of uncertainty; worry even. 
“I know. It’s not that. It’s just…” she sighed again, leaning into his touch as his hand slid to cup her cheek. “I’m just...sad. I feel like everything is upside down.”
Bucky frowned, his hand dropping from her face and she instantly felt a chill at the loss of his touch. Rounding the small counter between them, Bucky turned the stool she sat on to face him and held both of her hands in his.
“Have I…” Bucky inhaled sharply. “Did I do something?”
Y/n sighed, silently berating herself for making him think he’d done anything wrong. She squeezed his hands.
“No, baby. Not at all. You’re wonderful.” Y/n sniffed and pressed her forehead against his. “It’s just this damn year. It seems like everything that could go wrong has. I mean Christmas is what...a week away? We have the tree decorated, the stockings hung...everything looks so normal from the outside. But it’s not. It’s like all the things that bring me so much joy every year are just making me so infinitely sad.”
Y/n’s voice cracked on the last syllable and Bucky wrapped his arms around her again.
“I think it’s just really finally hit me that I’m not getting to spend Christmas with my family. And I get it; it’s safest to stay away, but it’s breaking my heart.”
“I know, doll.” He pressed a sweet kiss into her hair. “I know and I’m so sorry.”
Y/n pulled back and offered him a watery smile. “If I didn’t have you, Buck, I don’t know what I would do.”
Bucky pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear and tilted her head up slightly. He returned her smile for just a second before kissing her gently. “I feel the same way, sweetheart. I’m the luckiest man alive. C’mere.”
Grabbing her hand, Bucky pulled y/n out of the kitchen and into the living room. Stooping down, he plugged in the tree and all at once the room shimmered with the warm lights meticulously wrapped around every branch. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat at the sight; just like it did every time. There must be some form of sorcery that went into Christmas lights that made them constantly emanate peace and joy no matter how sour her mood; y/n was sure of it.
Bucky then moved to the record player and dropped the needle, the faint scratch echoing softly as he returned to stand before her. 
“Dance with me?” Bucky held out his hand, eyebrow arched and a warm smile stretching across his face.
There was no hesitation as y/n moved easily into his arms and tucked her face into the crook of his neck. She breathed deeply, inhaling his warm scent just as Judy Garland began singing.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light Next year all our troubles will be out of sight
Tears burned at the back of y/n’s eyes and she clutched onto Bucky tightly as he led her in a slow circle.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas Make the yuletide gay Next year all our troubles will be miles away
“This is my favorite Christmas song,” y/n sniffed. Bucky hummed above her in agreement.
“Reminds me of being a kid,” Bucky chuckled.
Y/n looked up and found a dreamy, bittersweet look cross his face. 
“I thought this movie came out after the war?” 
There was a time when Y/n avoided asking questions about the war and Bucky’s life before HYDRA. She hated seeing the pain in his eyes at the memories such things brought back. But over their years of being together, they’d both realized that avoidance only made the inevitable remembering hurt more. It was important for Bucky to retain those memories, even when they were painful.
“Yeah I think it did, but I may or may not have had a little crush on Judy Garland back in my day.”
Y/n scoffed, her eyes twinkling in the soft glow of the Christmas lights. “Really?”
Bucky grinned. “Yes, really. The Wizard of Oz was one of the first movies I ever saw. Dorothy from Kansas? She was a real looker. Those big doe eyes,” he whistled lowly and chuckled. Sobering quickly though, he leaned in, lips against her ear, and whispered. “But trust me, she ain’t got nothin’ on you, doll.”
Y/n shivered as he kissed her temple and pulled her in close again, continuing to lead her in a slow, graceful sway.
Someday soon we all will be together If the fates allow Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow So have yourself a merry little Christmas, now
As the song changed, the pair remained wrapped in each other’s arms, not caring if their steps matched the beat of the music. Between Bucky’s embrace, the warm glow of the lights and the soothing crackle of the record player, y/n began to feel the wealth of sadness that had been building inside her ebb away. 
Eventually the music faded completely, only the occasional scratch and groan from the record filling the air. Everything felt still and lovely and for the first time in a while, y/n felt whole.
Maybe this year has been nothing but trash heaped upon trash and the holidays wouldn’t be what they once were. But she had Bucky and the hope that someday soon things would go back to the way they were. And right now, that was all she needed.
“Thank you. For everything. You said before you were the luckiest man alive and I don’t know about that. But I know for a fact that I’m the luckiest woman in the world. If I’m gonna have to muddle through somehow, I’m glad I get to muddle through it with you.”
Bucky smiled as he leaned down to capture y/n’s lips in a slow, sweet kiss. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you too, Buck.”
Their lips met again for a brief moment before a yawn overtook Bucky, forcing them apart. He grimmaced, sheepishly.
“Come on, old man. Let’s get you back to bed.” Y/n grinned and pecked Bucky’s lips once more before dragging him back toward their bedroom. 
“Old man, huh?” Bucky smacked her on the ass, making y/n jump and giggle. “I’ll get you for that, my pretty. And your little dog, too.”
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moonflowerlesbians · 3 years
6. with dani and jamie would be so cute 🥺 like a lil vermont winter fic
for you, anon! I altered the wording ever so slightly, but the concept is identical. I hope you enjoy :)
you can also read on AO3
Their flat is located a few streets off from the center of town, close enough to walk but far enough to provide a sense of distance from the bustle of the main drag. Tonight, they set out just after sundown to ensure good seats to what Dani has affectionately dubbed, “the greatest holiday spectacular to ever grace the streets of Bennington,” and what Jamie has deemed, “an entirely American embarrassment.”
It’s their third winter in Vermont, and this year, The Leafling has generously sponsored half of Bennington High School’s Marching Seahorses’ winter uniforms in exchange for a full page ad in their concert programmes for a year and a sign carried at the front of the annual holiday parade. Or, rather, the kids had come to the shop with instruments, a flyer, and an unrehearsed elevator pitch, and Dani had been utterly charmed.
“It’s good to see them so passionate about something,” Dani had said.
Jamie had hummed and had continued tending to her sprouts.
“It would be good publicity,” Dani’d argued.
“Most expensive advertisement of my life.”
“Come on, they’re cute.”
“‘Cute’ doesn’t keep the lights on, Poppins.”
Unfortunately for Jamie, Dani has an irritating way of getting what she wants. And that’s how their small business ended up shelling out an ungodly amount of cash for an extracurricular named after the least fearsome sea creature Jamie can think of.
They don’t even have legs for Christsake.
But, the sheer delight on Dani’s face upon Jamie’s concession softened her heart. In any case, Dani made certain to thank her thoroughly and, ah, enthusiastically, that evening.
Jamie begins to regret her decision, now, as she’s dragged from her cozy flat into the absolutely frigid night air. She’s bundled in her warmest coat, a toque tucked over her ears to stave off the cold, but she swears she’s still going to catch frostbite.
Dani, meanwhile, wears a fleece-lined denim jacket over top one of her many cable-knit jumpers and insists she’s overheating. She carries a blanket under her arm, the other linked with Jamie’s, as she all but skips down the street.
“The English couldn’t handle a Midwestern winter. This is nothing,” she had said.
She’s always loved Christmastime, Jamie has come to learn. Dani has regaled her with seemingly endless stories about stringing popcorn and cranberry garlands, baking biscuits with Judy O’Mara, and breaking the occasional ornament decorating the tree. She’d felt awful about that last one, terrified to tell Mrs. O’Mara. She went on to explain in touching detail how Mrs. O’Mara had taken her hand and reminded her that it was just a bauble.
It made Jamie wonder how often Dani got into trouble for accidents in her home. A question for a later date.
As they near Main Street, the sound of jovial chatter and the unmistakable carolers grows louder. The shops they pass have festive window displays, elves in stockings of red and green reading storybooks or sledding down white fabric hills. Dani blows right past, determined to reach her carefully preselected place on the sidewalk. In what Jamie is convinced must be sub-zero temperatures, she can’t imagine the winter festival will be a popular destination.
She soon finds she is mistaken, however, when they round the corner and encounter a throng of people. The road has been blocked off at either end, and families drift in and out of the shops. Some skate on the temporary ice rink set up to the side. The lights lining the trees reflect prettily off the storefronts, the branches arching up and over the street. It would be like something out of a fairytale had the weather not been turning Jamie’s hands to icicles.
Dani is very proudly pointing to a square on the sidewalk out in front of the coffeehouse, and before Jamie is entirely sure what’s happened, she’s sitting on their too-small tartan picnic blanket over pavement that is far too cold on her arse. Dani is warm at her side, and they’re pressed close, using the size of their blanket as an excuse to disregard social acceptability.
“How long until this thing starts?”
Dani checks her wristwatch. “Thirty minutes, I think?”
“Fuckin’ freezing.”
The apparent mother of three standing nearby shoots them a glare.
“Jamie…” Dani gives an apologetic look, but the woman is already herding her children off in the direction of an arts and crafts booth.
“You know, if we were home, I’d wager we’d find a proper way to warm up.” She gets a sharp elbow to the ribs for that one and lets out a muffled oomph, though she wryly notes the new flush to Dani’s cheeks.
“Hot chocolate? I’ll go find us hot chocolate. I’m pretty sure there was a table supporting the junior high theatre department.”
“S’long as you’re not making it.” But Dani is already halfway down the block.
Then, Jamie is alone, freezing her arse off while waiting to see a mediocre high school marching band play in ungodly weather to make her partner happy. It’s the kind of domesticity she could never quite envision for herself. She’s come to find she’s, somewhat begrudgingly, fond of it.  
Bells jingle, the sound echoing off of low brick buildings. Red ribbon bows hang from lamp posts and doorknobs and rubbish bins, with tails that swing in the breeze. The air is crisp; it blows down from the mountains and feels like a fresh start.
Dani returns with two styrofoam cups, passing one off to Jamie, and sits with her knees to her chest.
Jamie eyes the pale brown liquid skeptically before taking a cautious sip.
“Dani,” she says, “why have you handed me cocoa-flavoured water?”
Dani grins sheepishly. “The kids may have made it.”
“I should applaud you, really. You’ve managed to find the one demographic worse at brewing than you.”
Jamie receives another jab to the side, nearly sending her drink sloshing onto her lap.
“Hey, now, keep that up, and we’ll end the night in the emergency ward.”
“Oh, please, you’ve got enough layers on to stop a bullet.”
“You laugh now, but just wait ‘till we’ve been sitting here for hours.”
“Shh,” Dani interrupts, “it’s starting!”
A dozen or so children in leotards and tight buns dance down the street, followed by a horse-drawn vehicle painted cherry red, in which a larger man dressed as Saint Nicholas stands, waving at the assembled crowds.
Dani’s excited grip on Jamie’s bicep silences any snide remarks she might have made about the quality of performance. Dani’s eyes shine with glee, and it’s so lovely, the few silver strands of her hair capturing the twinkling holiday lights, that the words die in Jamie’s throat. She allows herself to fall into the spirit of the thing, content to sit beside Dani in the corner of life they’ve carved out for themselves. Even if that means listening to a rather shoddy trombone rendition of “Jingle Bells.”
Sure enough, though, heading off the band, a handful of students bear a banner proclaiming the high school’s name and the season’s sponsors. There, listed below the bakery, is The Leafling. Jamie feels a flash of pride. Somehow, seeing their little shop represented for the town to see feels real, grounding, in a way she can’t explain. They’ve found a place, a rhythm, to settle. They’ve left their mark on this town tradition and become a part of something. It feels like home.
So, perhaps she cheers a bit louder when the musicians pass them. This earns her an amused smile from Dani, at which she rolls her eyes.
It’s a relatively short parade. There are only so many volunteer organizations, churches, and youth groups in the town, after all. Jamie’s legs are stiff when she finally stands and offers a hand to help Dani up. Her arms are wrapped around herself.
“No,” Dani says, “Come on, we should look at booths before we head home. Support the other local businesses.”
They wander the various tables, some offering wares, some business cards, some consultations, dipping in and out of shops until a sniffling noise catches Jamie’s attention. Dani not-so-subtly swipes at her nose.
“You alright?”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just-- fine.”
Jamie raises an eyebrow, trying to catch Dani’s eye, but she seems determined to look everywhere except Jamie. “You want my jacket?”
“I told you I’m not cold.”
“Right, ‘course not. Just positively shivering from excitement, then, are you?”
“No need to be brave on my account, Poppins, I won’t tell the world your secret.”
“And what secret is that?” Dani’s hands are tucked into her sides.
“That Dani Clayton, certified Midwesterner, can’t hash a brisk Vermont evening.” Her voice drops to a whisper, “Isn’t even snowing.”
“Hey,” Dani protests.
“Just take my jacket.”
“I’m fine.”
“Poppins.” Her tone is playful, a warning disguised as a tease.
Dani’s sighs. “Fine.”
“Ah, that’s a girl.” Jamie shrugs out of her top layer, draping it delicately over Dani’s shoulders. “Come on, then, can’t have you turning to ice on my watch.”
“You said something earlier about the proper way to warm up at home…”
“Was talking ‘bout a good cuppa,” Jamie smirks, “Why? D’you think of something else?”
Dani grumbles. “Tease.”
“Mhm,” Jamie murmurs, pressing her cold nose to Dani’s neck the instant they were out of sight, causing a squeal. “You like it.”
“Shut up.”
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edie-k · 3 years
The Art of Christmas Tree Selection
Title: The Art of Christmas Tree Selection
Rating: PG/PG-13 (just language)
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: On holiday at Hermione's house, Ron is faced with one the scariest prospects of his young life: a talk with Mr. Granger.
In the way back times, less than a year after the publication of Order of the Phoenix, I wrote my first Romione fic. This was it. In the spirt of Christmas, I thought I would share it. It is, AU after OOTP. Originally published on Checkmated, as I am 16 years older, I now made Ron’s conversation with Mr. Granger slightly less melodramatic to find a better balance. Enjoy!  
“Now wait Hermione, explain this again. How exactly do those people get into that box?” asked Ron, cocking his head at the television set in the corner.
“Honestly Ron, I’m not explaining it again!” Hermione huffed, placing her hands on her hips. The long strands of garland she had previously been winding around the banister of the staircase trailed from her fists to the floor.
“Aw, come on love. You enjoy being a know it all,” Ron replied, crossing the room and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulled her back against him.
“Ron!” squealed Hermione, pulling away slightly and turning in his arms to place her hands on the back of his neck. It was all Ron could do to restrain himself from letting out a sigh of contentment. Luckily, his ego kept him from sounding too effeminate.
It was his last Christmas break before leaving Hogwarts and it was the first holiday that he would spend without Harry or his family. Hermione had wanted to spend Christmas with her mum and dad and she had managed to get Ron to agree to accompany her home.
If he was completely honest, Hermione had some rather brilliant ways of convincing him.
Hermione and he had finally managed to get their act together a couple of months into sixth year. All of their pent up emotions and tension spilled out in the middle of a row. “I always knew it would come out like that,” Ginny bragged. In all honesty, Ron couldn’t remember what the argument had been about but he never mentioned that because Hermione most likely did.
In the year and some months they had been together, life had proved to be rather trying. Then again, life as Harry Potter’s best friend was never easy. Having Hermione by his side through it all was the biggest blessing he could have received. Of course, Hermione had always been there with him but without the underlying tension, he found that much more comfort in her presence.
Harry was really supposed to be there with them. After Hermione had talked (well, not necessarily talked) Ron into going to her home for the holiday, she had immediately invited Harry, who much to their surprise, declined. He informed them that he had already accepted his mum’s invitation to join the Weasleys and told Ron and Hermione that he would see them when they arrived at the Burrow on Boxing Day to spend the rest of their holiday. “Besides,” said Harry after Hermione had retired to her room for the night. “Don’t you two want to spend some time alone?”
Yes. Yes he did. Another disadvantage of being Harry Potter’s best friend (besides the target on your back) was that Harry required an abundance of support and attention to keep him from slipping into a mood of eternal melancholy. Ron looked forward to any time that he could spend alone with Hermione. Of course, their alone time was not going to happen at her parents’ house.
Hermione’s parents. Oh Merlin, they made him nervous. There were times when Ron could barely convince himself that he deserved Hermione, how could he convince her parents?
Ron had seen snippets from letters that Hermione had received from home and he could tell that they thought she could do no wrong. He figured this had to do with the fact she was an only child. His own parents had never harbored such beliefs. They were overjoyed if their children could make it through the day without hurting themselves or one another.
Hermione’s parents were dentists. This was some sort of Muggle tooth doctor and according to Harry, dentists typically made a good deal of money. If their house was any indication, it was rather obvious. Harry also told him that to become a dentist, you had to go to university for a number of years. Therefore, the Grangers were just as brilliant as their genius daughter.
For the three days since their arrival at the Granger household, Ron stuck as close as possible to Hermione. This strategy had seemed to work for him so far. The first two days, the Grangers had worked during the day (which also equated to some proper alone time) and he only faced their scrutiny at dinner. With Hermione there to properly steer the conversation, Ron was able to participate and sound at least half way intelligent.
This morning, however, was the first day of the Grangers’ holiday from their office, and consequently, Mrs. Granger had scheduled a doctor’s appointment for Hermione. Hermione had protested fervently. “Honestly, I don’t need to see a cardiologist. Just because I had a slight murmur as a baby doesn’t mean there is a thing wrong with me now. Believe me, if it was anything life threatening I’m sure that I would already have had cardiovascular failure,” Hermione had vented to Ron. He had merely nodded and inquired as to the time of her appointment. The appointment was scheduled for 9:15 in the morning and Ron had managed to stay in bed until 11:00 when he heard the front door open. His mum would have him degnoming the garden for the rest of his life if she found out he behaved that way while a guest in someone’s home.
It was now the afternoon and they had finished lunch and begun to decorate the house for Christmas. Hermione had been wrapping the garland around the banister of the stairs of the entrance hall where Ron had been hanging garland to line the windows of the front door. The house was beginning to take on the aromas of Christmastime, which reminded him of his own mum’s baking.
“Ron? Ron?” said an amused voice. He shook his head, clearing it and looked down at a grinning Hermione. “Did you hear what I said?”
“Oh, uh, sorry. I got a bit lost in my own thoughts there.”
“I asked if you wanted to take two steps to the right,” she repeated. Ron glanced upward in the direction that she had indicated and grinned. With his arms still around her, he took two exaggerated steps until they were directly underneath a small sprig of mistletoe dangling from the ceiling. He raised his eyebrows twice and drew a giggle from Hermione, something only he could do. He leaned in for a sweet kiss.
“Hermione?” called a voice. Ron dropped his arms away from Hermione and quickly pushed her away.
“Yes Dad?” asked Hermione, rolling her eyes at Ron. Hermione had told him that she was positive her parents would not be offended if they were affectionate with each other in front of them but Ron could barely bring himself to hold her hand in the presence of her mum and dad.
“Mum was hoping that you would help her in the kitchen with the fudge. She seems to think that if you prepare it, Aunt Patricia won’t be so inclined to criticize it tomorrow.” Mr. Granger gave her a wink and she smiled.
“Sure, Dad,” she replied.
Ron was now completely unsure as to what he should do while Hermione assisted her mum. Before he had much chance to panic, Mr. Granger opened his mouth, uttering one of the scariest things Ron ever heard in his life.
“I was just about to leave to get our Christmas tree. I could use some help. Why don’t you join me, Ron?”
“Uh-um, yeah,” Ron stuttered out. “I mean, yes sir. I would be glad to help.”
“Wonderful! I’ll just round up my winter things,” Mr. Granger said, heading toward the back of the house and leaving Hermione and Ron alone in the front hall once again.
Ron turned to Hermione, his eyes wide open and filled with panic. Hermione rolled her eyes. “Ron, it’s just my dad. You have faced things much more terrifying than my father.”
“Well, what if I slip and say something that makes him hate me?” Ron asked, his voice filled with fear.
“As long as you two don’t discuss snogging habits, I think that you will do fine,” Hermione said with a smirk.
“Hermione!” Ron said, aghast. How could she even joke about this?
“Well, honestly Ron. What could you possibly do? Dad is already quite aware of the wizarding world. My parents know the basics of the war with Voldemort, so no surprises there. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” With that, she stood on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before entering the kitchen to help her mother and leaving him absolutely alone in his own misery.
“Blimey,” Ron muttered to the empty room. “I’m screwed.”
This whole excruciating mess had to be almost over. It seemed like hours since they had left the safety of Hermione acting as a buffer. Ron glanced out the car window and over his shoulder. Shit. He could still see the driveway. They had barely started.  
“Well Ron,” said Mr. Granger. “Judy and I are glad that you could join us for Christmas. I’m sure Hermione filled you in on our family.” Ron nodded. Both sets of Hermione’s grandparents knew that she was a witch but none of her aunts, uncles, or cousins were privy to that information. They thought she attended Huntington Preparatory School. So that meant that he would not only have to pretend to be a Muggle but a smart one as well. At least with Hermione’s parents he could respond with his real life.
“I plan on letting Hermione run the conversation,” Ron said nervously.
Mr. Granger smiled sympathetically. “Don’t worry Ron. We won’t let you die out there. I hope you won’t be too overwhelmed by all of the family tomorrow. They are a good group but they can get a bit rowdy as a party wears on.”
“If anyone understands a rowdy family, it’s me, sir,” Ron answered. Of course, when he was with his own family, he didn’t need to lie about his entire life and impress them enough so that they thought he was good enough for Hermione.
Mr. Granger chuckled. “I would imagine that you are well-versed in that. I’ve heard plenty of stories about the trouble that your twin brothers cause… What are their names again?”
“Fred and George,” supplied Ron. Ron had a feeling that Mr. Granger had not heard some of the more recent stories from Hermione’s visit this summer since most of those involved Ron and Hermione having tricks played on them while being caught in rather compromising situations.
“I know that Hermione has always enjoyed the time that she spends with your family. I imagine it’s nice for her to experience a big family first-hand. Judy and I are glad that she’s seeing a young man that comes from such a strong family background. I’m not sure how things are in the wizarding world but there has been a breakdown of families here in recent years and it’s nice to see that Hermione found someone who was raised with strong family values.”  
“My mum and dad tried their best,” Ron responded. He began to relax a bit. This wasn’t so bad. Mr. Granger was actually being quite flattering. And he had managed to answer mostly in complete sentences.
“Judy and I do like you, Ron,” Mr. Granger continued. “But Hermione is our only child. As her father, it’s my obligation to ask you what your exact feelings toward her are.”
How much would it hurt to jump from a moving car? They were traveling on side streets so they couldn’t be going that fast. As long as he tucked his head…
“Ron?” prompted Mr. Granger again.
“I’m sorry sir,” squeaked Ron in a voice that had not made an appearance since early puberty. He cleared his throat. “Could you repeat that?”
“I’m sorry to take you by surprise. Take a moment to collect your thoughts,” Mr. Granger said.
What Ron really wanted to do was slap himself in the forehead. Why had he left his wand back at the house? Not only was it stupid with all the danger they faced but if he had it, he could Apparate the hell out of there. No. No, he had to stay. And not just because he did not have his wand. He had to stay because he loved Hermione. All he had to do was explain to her father why.
“Uh, well sir, I love your daughter very much. She’s been my friend forever. And I reckon that even with a family as large as mine, she’s the one person in the world that I never have to doubt. She always believes in me and supports me. And even when we argue, I never have to wonder if she really loves me or not because I already know the answer. And I want to be that person for her as well. She means everything to me,” Ron said. Wow, that was pretty articulate!
Hermione was really rubbing off on him because now he was thinking words like articulate. And earlier this afternoon, he was pretty sure he had thought the word melancholy. What was happening to him?
Mr. Granger cleared his throat. “That’s very good to hear Ron. A little hard for a father to hear but it’s a very nice thought.”
“I uh- I mean every word of it,” Ron said, trying to sound confident. He was confident in how he felt about Hermione but less certain about expressing it to her father.
“I’m sure that you do. So now I have to know-what are your intentions toward my daughter?”
According to Bill, Charlie, and Fred, who all had fiancées or steady girlfriends, those were the scariest seven words in the English language. He had laughed at the time. What could be so horrible about saying that his plan was to marry Hermione (when they were much older, of course)? Now that he was actually expected to say it to her father he felt closer to his older brothers than ever before. He prayed that he could channel one of them as he answered the question. Preferably not Fred.
“Um, well, uh, sir, I guess my plan is that when we are older-uh, much older- I would like to spend- that is I want to.” Gryffindor, Gryffindor! “I’m planning to be with her for as long as she’ll have me.”
Mr. Granger turned to regard him as Ron stared determinedly out the windshield. “Do you know what Hermione’s plans are for the future?”
Ron was a little surprised by this. He had expected the next question to be about his own future and career. “I don’t think she has quite made up her mind as to what occupation she wants to pursue. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m sure she’ll succeed no matter what she does. I just hope that she plans to take me along for the ride.”
The answer seemed to satisfy Mr. Granger. “We know our daughter is intelligent Ron.”
“I wouldn’t have made it this far without her,” Ron said. He immediately reddened at his sudden interruption. “Um, sorry sir.”
“That’s okay. I’m glad to see you think so highly of her. We want her to reach her full potential and we want to see her with someone who will be supportive of that.”
“Yes, of course sir. I sincerely doubt that I could stop her even if I really wanted to.”
Mr. Granger laughed. “She said you had a sense of humor. Although we haven’t seen much of it this holiday.”  
“Well, I reckon I have been a bit nervous,” Ron admitted. He remembered Charlie had said that his girlfriend’s father had liked it when he had shown fear.
“I remember the first time I was alone with Judy’s father,” Mr. Granger said. “I was helping him fix a few shingles on his roof and when he asked me how I felt about Judy, I contemplated jumping off the roof.”
Ron laughed uncomfortably. Was he a mind reader?
Mr. Granger cleared his throat and a rather serious look crossed his face. “This might sound a bit hypocritical after I made such a point of Hermione’s independence but as her father….” Mr. Granger stopped and he looked as uncomfortable as Ron did for a moment.
The car was on a busier road and now traveling at a faster speed but if Mr. Granger asked Ron a question about their physical relationship… gravity be damned, he was jumping.
Ron debated on whether he should prompt Mr. Granger to continue because he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to hear it, when Mr. Granger continued his previous thought.
“I know there is danger in your world. I don’t know the extent of it but I think that it is worse than Hermione leads us to believe.” Mr. Granger glanced at Ron who continued to sit in silence. He did not want to incriminate Hermione because he knew that she had not told her parents the whole truth but his silence seemed to affirm Mr. Granger’s opinion.
“And I know that Hermione is in more danger than most.” Harry Potter’s Muggle-born best friend? She was probably third on Voldemort’s hit list, behind Harry and Dumbledore.
“So I just want to make sure that, well, that...” Mr. Granger was struggling for the words but Ron could see where he was going. And Ron knew exactly how to answer this question.
“Mr. Granger, I promise you that I will protect your daughter. I will keep her safe until the day I die. I would do anything to keep her safe. Anything.” Wow, that was good. He sounded pretty manly.
“Thank you Ron. That’s what I wanted to hear,” Mr. Granger said.
Ron felt the need to fill the silence so he followed up with “I mean it, sir.” He mentally slapped himself. Way to contribute a worthwhile comment, Weasley.  
Mr. Granger looked at him and smiled. For the first time the whole ride, Ron turned to meet his eyes and smiled back.  
The car coasted into a lot filled with pine trees already cut and prepared to be sold. Mr. Granger put the car into park and Ron opened his door and slid out.  
“One more thing Ron,” said Mr. Granger as they walked toward the tree lot.
“Yes?” Ron asked, meeting his eyes again. Hermione was right. Her dad wasn’t so bad.
“When you’re with my daughter, keep your hands where I can see them.”
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redlyncentral · 3 years
okay that’s so funny bc i mentally named their daughter esther belle! esther means star (perfect for them) and is a semi popular name for jewish girls. my other thought behind esther is since i hc ash as a huge judy garland fan (she particularly loves wizard of oz and meet me in at louis where she plays a character named esther), she might want to name a daughter after her in some way. mmisl was the first film that made judy feel beautiful, and not that ash wasn’t confident or didn’t feel beautiful before playing belle, i think playing belle opened up a whole new inspired side of her and she would love to pay tribute to those similarities with her daughters name! i had kinda thought leon apollo for their son but not completely sold on it and have changed my mind about 30 times lmao. great minds think alike!
omg, Esther Belle is PERFECT! great minds do think alike! and your explanation is SO BEAUTIFUL oh my god. and yeah for their son I'm thinking maybe something astrological yet still Jewish? idk, like, the first thing that came to mind is Shabtai (Saturn in Hebrew), but I'm not 100% sure on it
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Bless Your Solemn Unending Virtue {Charles Xavier x Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 3384 TW: Reader death, drug use, sexual assault, prejudice. Summary: Sometimes a smile hides what’s behind the surface. And sometimes, even being a superhero, grow to be too much. Accompanying song: Judy Garland by Frog.
You were a hero. It was about more than the spandex, tight-fighting outfit and the cheesy lines that they made you say in the comics. It was about more than the kids who went as you for Halloween, their costumes getting compliments and candy. It was about more than your face being in the tabloids of celebrity magazines, pictures of you with your husband Charles, a fellow hero. It was about more than being girls night with your super kinswomen, Jean Grey and Jubilee. It was about more than the muggings you stopped, the carjackings you prevented. Did anyone know what it really was about? It was about the feeling of safety, and knowing that at the end of a hard day, you were there to keep the city protected. That no matter what was thrown against you - and there were a lot of those things - you kept up the smile and made it all seem effortless. And then, after that, it was about how you were taken for granted.
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“I’m too lazy to lock my door tonight - it’s okay, y/n will make sure I don’t get robbed.”
“My date canceled on me tonight. Oh well, at least I can walk home alone in the dark and watch the news, and see what y/n did tonight.”
“Yeah, I know y/n saved the world but Professor X really was the power behind it. He made her career when he discovered her.”
“I don’t care who Y/N saves, as long as they look hot doing it!”
You, of course, grew tired of it. There were times when you wanted to give the whole superhero thing up - move out of New York state and settle somewhere no one knew your name, or your superhero name. Have kids, a backyard, no cameras. But Charles would always remind you of what you would be leaving behind, and you never could have that. So up went the frosty smiles in front of the paparazzi, in the same way that they would point their cameras up to do close ups on inappropriate parts of your uniform. And up went the number of times that Charles would have to put his own morals aside and use his powers on innocent people to get them to stop taking those photos and publishing them in their greasy magazines.
“I’m just so tired, Charles,” You said one night over dinner. You had gone up against Magneto once more, or as you referred to him, Charles’ true love. And you came out a little worse for wear but at least there wasn’t a body count. You were bruised, blistered, burnt, scratched - just completely exhausted.
“I know, love,” Charles said, putting his hand on top of yours gently. “But you have these mutations for a reason. These gifts. They’re to help people-”
“They’re mutations, Charles, you say that over and over. It’s just a defect that we were born with,” You sighed, moving your hand away from him. “I can’t take much more of all of this - I’m .. I’m drying up.”
“You are ... unendingly good,” Charles said, taking your hand back and kissing the top of it gently. “That’s what makes you, you. Not your talents. It’s that you want to help people...”
“I do, I do want to help people,” You said, eyes gazing downwards at your lap. “You’re right, of course. I can’t give up.” You smiled uneasily then continued to eat your food. You were married to someone who could read minds, and yet, you felt so entirely misunderstood.
God - you loved Charles. You loved the way that he would hold you in his arms and take you for rides on his wheelchair. He never complained about your weight because he could never feel it. Almost everyday felt like the honeymoon phase. You were happy with him. And you were happy with your work. Knowing that you were helping people was a good feeling. But it still felt like the weight of the world was on your shoulders. Like you needed more help, more support. Like your knees were buckling and you were going to fall down any minute now.
You’ve achieved so much. They unveiled a statue of you in New York City after you stopped Mr. Sinister, which was the toughest battle of your life. And you were expected to stand there and smile and wave and look grateful when what you wanted to do was yell at them to spend that money for actual good. Like repairing the damage that the battle had done. Or giving it to the people who needed it most. You didn’t need a statue. You needed - you didn’t even know. And because you didn’t know, you couldn’t ask for it. Even Charles didn’t know. Perhaps it was just to make the world quiet for a little while so you could focus on yourself, but no one could complete that request. But the world continued on voluby, never stopping. God himself couldn’t quell the pain in your heart.
A short time later, more statues came and yours got overshadowed. You didn’t mind this, but it was hard sometimes to be told that all of the work that you had done, you managed to do because of the men that you worked alongside. You were a team player, of course, there was no doubt about that. It brought on a world of insecurities and you began to work harder, work faster, work to the point of exhaustion.
If life was not about to bring you a break, you would break it. You skipped meals to go on training. You had sleepless nights and lived off of small breaks, and coffee, and took up the terrible habit of smoking because it made your stomach feel fuller. The years passing and your body getting weaker as you grew older took a toll on you. But not Charles. No, he became more and more powerful as time went on, and he got all of the praise for the work that you gave blood, sweat and tears for. And you had to hide it from your own thoughts. Drown it with alcohol, then turned to other things to make your mind go blank for a time. He knew something was wrong but couldn’t figure it out. He’d ask you as you would lay in bed together, and you would lie to him. If he knew that he made you feel that way, that the public made you feel that way because of him, he would feel guilty. It wasn’t his fault. He shouldn’t feel that way.
Another public event. Another chance to smile. At least there were children this time, and you did a lot of this for the children. You bent over and signed autographs, took pictures, gave them all the attention that their little hearts desired. Your own was full, and this was one of the few public excursions that you didn’t regret. Though your life was becoming more and more publicized, it was less actual heroic work. But you kept on your diet of coffee, alcohol, cigarettes and more commonly these days - drugs. You were sober for the first time in days, just for these little angels.
“I want to be just like you when I grow up!” A little girl had said this to you, and it caused a little burning in your heart, like a cigarette burn.
“You know, I was thinking just the same thing about you,” You said with a sad smile. “It’s the hope of people like you that makes real heroes. You should aspire to be yourself, not somebody else, okay sweetheart?”
Just as you were about to stand back up straight, an unfamiliar hand slapped at your rear - hard. In surprise, you shot back up and turned around.
A man that you had never seen before was looking at his own hand lovingly. The hand that had just slapped your ass. People were walking around the two of you like they hadn’t noticed it happening, but they must have. There were a couple of giggles from women who had witnessed it, and a man even gave a friendly pat on the shoulder and a ‘good one’ to the assailant as he passed on by. They were congratulating this man, and not even giving a thought to you!
The assailant caught your eye and gave a wink. “I think that thing is the most super thing about you!” He said, looking as if he had expected you to laugh along with his joke. When you didn’t, his mood changed. He started to get angry. “Feel lucky that I even noticed! People like you need to a get a sense of humor! It’s all in the business, sweetheart!”
Shocked, and completely appalled, embarrassed and humiliated, you slunk away. No one had stood up for you, or gave any indication that what he had done was wrong. That felt like more of a defeat than any you had been served from the hand of a villain.
You hadn’t been going out as often, preferring to lock yourself in the sanctuary of the school that Charles had created. You still faithfully went out and saved the world when the occasion called for it but you found it more satisfying to teach than to perform. Because that’s all that it felt like now - performances. A move to the right, a move to the left, attack. It was a dance number and you rarely ever missed your step, but when you did, you paid for it.
‘Y/N lets Shadow King Escape! Professor X and Cyclops Save the Day!’
‘Is Y/N Losing Her Edge?’
‘Close Contacts of Y/N Say That They Have Mental Problems!’
“Are you alright?” Charles asked you one night when he found you with a score of these newspapers around you in the back garden. He picked one up, skimmed the title, then let it drop down to the ground. “Do you want me to call them?”
“No, no,” You shook your head, hiding the tears that were building up behind your eyes. “They’re just nonsense, aren’t they? Other than this one.” You held up the first one, the one that mentioned him and your former pupil. “At least this one is accurate. You did save the day,” You smiled weakly. “I’m so proud of you, handsome.”
“You did a lot too. I don’t want you to think that you didn’t...” Charles said. For once, he didn’t know how to approach this. He was a smooth talker and could charm you most of the time when you were down, but this was something new. He had made a promise to you that he would not invade your thoughts, but he was so tempted to break that promise right now. He could feel something in the air. The energy around you was entirely different to what it had been before. You were approaching something dark.
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“Don’t worry about me, Charlie,” You said, using a nickname that he usually hated but put up with coming from you. You leaned down and kissed the top of his head, remembering the hair that was there. You didn’t miss it much. “Staying positive is one of my superpowers.”
Even you didn’t buy that anymore.
You snuck out on a Sunday afternoon when you knew your absence wouldn’t be noted for a while. Charles was busy marking papers and your students were enjoying the weather. You took a car into the closest city, parked it, adjust hat that covered your head in an attempt to hide your face, and strolled down the street. It felt nice to be noticed. You were just an ordinary citizen walking down the street, feeling the breeze. Why, you might even stop in for lunch somewhere, or go shopping! The possibilities seemed endless.
It was the bells that caught your attention. An afternoon service at a church. Your feet were leading you there before you could stop them, and you stepped inside the air conditioned building to find a service was just about to begin. You could use a little faith in your life right about now. Even if you weren’t a religious person, surely you could find some comfort here today.
You sat in a pew in the back so as not to draw any attention to yourself. The congregation had all removed their headwear in respect to listen to the father speak, so you did so as well, resting it on your lap. Nobody even looked at you. It caused you to grow more comfortable, not having the stares. Why, if only life could be this quiet everyday!
The father was rather boisterous. There was singing, there was dancing! It didn’t feel like you were being preached to, which was lovely. It was like a sense of community, although you were reluctant to join in. But sitting out would only have brought scornful looks, so you were on your feet, singing along though you didn’t know all the words. He walked up and down the hallway, and it was on his second walk-through that he noticed you  and stopped dead in his tracks.
“We have an outsider in our midst today, folks!” He said, bringing all of the attention to you and to you alone. You started to reach for your hat, but the stares were already there. “Sweating like a whore in church.”
You weren’t expecting that kind of language from a father, but the hate in his eyes was clear. “I - I don’t know what you-” You started in an attempt to defend yourself but he stopped you.
“Mutants are an abomination in the face of God. We toss you out, sinner, we toss you out!”
With horror, you left the church, and ran and ran until you nearly smacked into a giant oak tree in a nearby park. It was there that Hank found you an hour later, your face still puffy from the tears that you had shed. They were from shame, from humiliation, from not understanding why, why couldn’t you just be accepted in a place without being noticed? But then you took a look at Hank as he drove your car back to the school and realized that it truly was hard to live like this. You might not have been covered in blue fur but you were highly recognizable as a mutant. That was your legacy, no matter what else you might attempt to do.
It was Ororo who found you first. She’d come to ask your advice on something, but you weren’t answering the door. Charles was teaching downstairs, so she knew that you two weren’t having ‘uninterrupted time’. “Y/N, are you okay in there?”
There was no answer.
Your car was still in garage, so you weren’t out. Apart from sleeping, which was odd for you to do in the middle of the day, there was no good reason for you not to be opening the door. Rather than bother Charles, she sent a little lightning charge through the electronic lock so it would open easily. She called your name once more when she stepped inside and turned on the lights. There was nothing out of place that she could see except for one thing - you weren’t there. The bed was made, the closet and bathroom doors were closed, the floor was spotless.
She went to the bathroom next and knocked on that door, thinking perhaps you were just being overly cautious about the locks while using it. “Are you taking a bath?” She asked aloud, but there was no response. She held the handle and turned it to find that though the door was not locked, it didn’t open all the way. There was something inside that was stopping it. The light from the main bedroom shone in just enough for her to see a hand on the ground with familiar rings on it - yours.
“Y/N!” She cried out frantically, then ran out of the room to find someone to come and help break down the door. Logan was the one to do it, slashing at the wood until the top half came off, and ended up falling on top of your body. The rest was cut off from the hinges with his blades, and he picked it up and threw it out of the way. His thoughts on seeing you were so strong that Charles could hear them from below. He froze up in the middle of his lecture, his mouth open, unable to breathe. A couple of the students got up to see if he was alright, but he was having trouble comprehending just what was happening.
The cause of death was overdose. It was hard to tell if it was on purpose or not, since you had asked for your next few days of classes to be canceled. Charles had been able to tell that there was something going on for a long time, but you never opened up about it. You had attempted to be strong on the outside while on the inside, everything was breaking down. No amount of shocks from Ororo were able to bring you back again.
The change in the world that happened after your funeral was something that not even Charles had been able to foresee. You had been buried on the school grounds, as you had once stated you wanted. There was no statue put up on your honor, for you would have hated that. Just a simple gravestone as if you were a normal person, and Charles planted a tree on top of you, so you would still be bringing beauty to the place. It had been a simple ceremony, but then there had been another that was more televised. It was what the world wanted.
There was a decline in crime - not because the bad guys were hiding away or decided to give up, oh no. It was because the people were fighting the injustices that you had dealt with for years. Men who attempted to sexually assault women were beat down and taught a lesson that it was never okay to put your hands on someone. The little girl who had seen you being groped by a strange man remembered his face, and after your death, she found him and while wearing an identical costume to the one that you wore, she reminded him of the ‘hands off’ lesson she had learned in kindergarten.
Hank McCoy told the story about how he had found you near the church, and how you had been thrown out merely for being who you are. How you had not been a distraction, how you did not disrespect anyone in any sort of way. How the world was still a place with prejudices. Every student from Xavier’s School went to the Church that Sunday and filled the pews for each service that was held that day. The father refused to speak for the morning and the afternoon services, but when Evening came around, he was told from higher up that he must give his sermon. A cardinal had come to sit in, and he found delightful conversation with Charles Xavier himself. Magneto, or Erik as he was still known to some people, sat in the first row next to his old friend Charles.
“You’re still a beauty, darling,” Charles would say to your grave every night, before lightly kissing the stone. The riots in the cities went on, but it was for the better and no mutant put a stop to any of it. Your heroics were celebrated once more, and so was the person that was behind the costume. There were calls to the masses that no one should ever treat someone like that again.
And that no person, man, woman, child, should ever have to put on a fake smile for the world’s sake.
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formeandmyfics · 2 years
Self Confidence
After Judy is criticized during costume tests like she was as a teenager, Gene tries to build up her self-confidence
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(photo cred: ohmygarlands)
Gene was seated at a table full of his Metro peers in the middle of Ciro’s. The table, as usual, was a full house and others crowded around it. One of those people was Bing Crosby. Behind Gene’s chair, he was leaning on it with his elbows, having a chat with him and Frank.
In midst of conversation, he turned to look towards the stage as Doris Day started singing. When he did so, he looked at Judy sitting across the table. She wasn’t talking to anyone and she looked tipsy as hell. He waited for her to catch his eye, to signal if she needed help or his company, but her eyes never drifted his way. Bing tapped Gene on the shoulder asking him a question. Gene turned back around and conversed with the boys for a few more minutes until movement in his side-view got his attention.
He watched as Judy scooted her chair back and stood up. She did it a little unsteadily but managed. The band leader caught her eye and waved her up but she shook her head ‘no’ and did a ‘cut’ hand signal. The band leader respectfully accepted it. Gene was relieved, but then again, Judy was fully aware of when she could and couldn’t sing. And right now, she definitely wouldn’t make a fool of herself on stage.  
Now that Bing walked away, Gene was about to get up to escort Judy to where ever she was going, for comfort and safety, but another man came up to her, taking her arm in a worrisome manner. He couldn’t hear over the chatter but it looked like he asked her if she were alright and she giggled and then pointed to the side exit. Gene sat up straight, his eyes following as the man escorted Judy towards the door. He didn’t know the man, except that Judy had danced with him earlier.  
“Pete,” Gene quipped to Lawford sitting on his other side.
“Remember that guy Judy was dancing with earlier. The one that came in with Zanuck?”
“The one that came to the table and zoned in on Judy?”
“Yeah. He's been at every table here tonight. I’ve never seen him before. Who is he?”
“Bob Lewis,” off Gene’s thinking expression he continued, “A New York Times editor. He makes his way around each table for a reason.”
“Trying to get a Hollywood story, I’m sure.”
“That’s his job.”
“Well, he ain’t getting a story out of Judy Garland.”
“I don’t think a story is what he’s after, Bud,” Peter snickered as he took another drink of his scotch.
“That’s what I'm worried about,” Gene said and stood up, “Come on.”
“Where we going?”
“He just took Judy out of that exit. She’s pretty tipsy. I just want to see if check up on her. I need back up. Don’t want to start something.”
“Like a story he’ll print that you and her are suddenly lovers just because you’re seeing if she’s ok,” he chuckled standing up.
Gene had to bite the inside of his cheek, “I meant a fight if he’s too close to her, but you have a point there, too.”
“Who cares if he’s close? If she’s ok with it, what’s the problem. Sometimes she doesn’t consider herself married, if you know what I mean.”
Gene knew Peter was drunk, and decided to let that comment slide, “Because Mr. Hotshot, she’s drunk and I don’t want her being taken advantage of.”
“Then let’s kick some ass,” Pete demanded before they pushed the exit door open.  
Outside, no one was to be seen except for a few busboys smoking down ways by the employee exit.
“Where are they?”
Gene felt panic strike him as he looked around, “Fuck.”
Both men whipped their heads to the left when they heard Judy’s unmistakable loud shriek and both darted around the corner.
There in the parking lot, they saw Bob walking towards the cars, holding Judy in his arms, laughing. Both men’s stride got quicker as they hurriedly reached them.
“What the hell are you doing,” Gene hissed as he grabbed the guy's arm and whipped him around. With her swinging leg, she nearly clocked Peter in the head with her heel.
“Jesus, Judy!”
“Whoa,” Bob proclaimed surprised by the sudden outrage, “What’s the problem?”
“Bob, let me down,” she giggled and he did just that.
Gene looked a little taken back to see her laughing and fine with the situation.
“What the hell is going on,” Gene asked Judy.
“What do you mean,” she slurred, high pitched.
Gene exhaled through his nose in a huff. She was not in the right mind to talk rational to.
“Mr. Kelly, with all due respect,” Bob said straightening his suit jacket, “May I ask what *you* are doing?”
“I don’t think I like your tone,” Peter quipped taking a step forward.
Gene put his hand on Pete’s chest and then responded seriously, “*I* am making sure my friend here is ok.”
“Friend,” Judy slurred again with a double meaning tone.
Gene’s eyes grew wide afraid she’d say something she’d regret, “Judy,” he demanded and she looked at him like a deer in headlight, “Go inside.”
“Oh, that’s boring,” she shoo’d, “I’m going home.”
“Which is where I was about to take her until you stopped us.”
“You’re taking her home,” Gene asked shocked and disgusted. He looked at Peter and both men chuckled, “The hell you are.”  
“Ms. Garland said I could and she is in no shape to drive. I’m sorry, gentleman, what is the problem here?”
“The problem is that you’re not a friend or regular caller of hers. Ms. Garland doesn’t know you well. She’s a part of *our* circle, and around here, we rely on friends for designated drivers,” Peter said in a gallant and chivalry tone.  
“Bob Lewis, New York Times, nice to meet ya,” Bob said holding his hand out with a big grin.
Peter looked at Gene not believing his ears before taking another ambiguous step forward to kick his ass. Bob took a step back as Gene blocked Pete. Judy didn’t budge an inch. She just put her finger up to her lips smiling. She obviously didn’t care if this Bob got punched over her. She loved the attention.
“Are ya nuts? You know who he works for,” Gene reminded Pete and then turned to look at Bob over his shoulder talking in third person, “And he’s going to be respectful and not mention any of this in the columns, is he? After all, we’re *all* a little toasted.”
“If you let me leave now, it’s all forgotten. I get it, she’s your precious MGM princess. Gotta protect her. But all I was doing was driving a lady home,” Bob said with his arms wide. When they didn’t respond and waited for him to leave, he nodded, “Gentleman,” and walked away.
“We done here,” Pete asked uninterested.
“Yeah, thanks,” Gene said before Pete turned and walked away back towards the entrance.
Judy suddenly gasped, her eyes wide, “MGM Princess?” she stated insulted.
“My car’s right there behind you. Get in.”
“I don’t think I like your tone,” she said mimicking Pete.
“This is nothing, honey. You’re not going to like my tone when we get in the car.”
“Then why on earth would I go in there,” she giggled.
“Because I’m driving you home before you do something you regret.”
“Can we go somewhere else?”
“You’ve had enough to drink. Let’s go.”
“I don’t mean another club but I don’t want to go home.”
“You were just about to have that guy drive you home.”
“But now you’re here. We usually go somewhere else together after a night out like this. Our own nightcap, remember,” she said innocently as if they hadn’t been lovers for years.
He knew exactly what she was referring to and looked appalled, “After what you just pulled, you gotta be kidding. Let’s go. I’m not gonna say it again.”
He took her arm but she whipped it away, “Don’t talk to me like I’m a fucking child, Gene.”
“Shush yourself,” she stomped off past his car but he grabbed her around the waist with his arm. As he worked on unlocking the passenger side, she was locked in his hold struggling but he was too strong.  
“Gene,” she said giving up, “Let me go.”
“Come on Princess,” he said helping her in the car. She looked at him mouth open and was about to respond when he slammed the door shut before she had the chance.  
He saw Junie heading over to him and he met her half way.
“Petey just said you were taking Judy home. She left her pocketbook.”
“Thanks, doll,” he said nearly exhausted and took the purse from her.
All of a sudden a loud honk startled Gene but June just giggled.
“I think that’s your cue.”
“Good night. Have a safe drive home,” he said kissing her on the cheek.
As Gene pulled onto Sunset Boulevard, Judy perked up and placed he hands on his arm cheerfully.
“Darling, it’s only midnight. Let’s go over to the club in Malibu. You know, the one that Lucy and her husband go to?”
“Why not?”
“Because that’s further than I’d like to drive. And I told you before, you’ve had enough booze.”
“I won’t drink then. Come on, baby, let’s go and dance.”
Gene pulled over on the side of the road gently, but it confused the hell out of her. Gene put the car in park and turned towards her adamant.
“What’s going on with you?”
“What on earth do you mean?”
“20 minutes ago you looked like you were going to pass out. You looked sick as hell and now you’re all energetic and chipper.”
Judy nudged her shoulders and couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. Gene took her chin in his in his hand to have her look at him. She immediately swiped him away.
“Did you take your energy meds or somethin’?”
“ ‘Or Somethin’,” she said innocently.
“Why the hell would you take uppers tonight. You’re not working. And why when you know alcohol can screw with them.”
“I have my reasons,” she said more sober than he seen her since she first go to the club, “Will you please drive? You’re making me awfully nervous.”
“You’re making me nervous with the way you were acting.”
“Because I got buzzed? Everyone in there was drinking,” she said a little louder, getting upset.
“You were going to let a random idiot drive you home.”
“He helped me and I thought he was nice and I wanted to leave.”
“Why didn’t you ask me? I came with you to the club.”
“As what? Oh, you’re *friend*, right? You weren’t paying me any attention. I didn’t think you’d want to drive me home.”
“You really think I would let you leave without me? You know, you’re really pissing me off right now, Judy.”
“Were you jealous?”
“I wasn’t jealous. I was making sure that idiot didn’t touch you.”
“I wasn’t going to let him touch me, Gene. He was going to drive me home.”  
“You’re stoned. He could have taken advantage of you.”
Judy waved him off again like there was no way that would’ve happened and it frustrated Gene even more.
“There is absolutely no talking to you, I swear,” there was silence again but Gene continued, “And why was he carrying you?”
“Because I tripped and he was going to carry me to the car. It was innocent. We were just goofing around.”
“Judy, do you realize he was a New York Times editor? And you got wasted and was going to just let him drive you home. If it wasn’t him, it’d probably be another. You’re lucky if he doesn’t print that Judy Garland is easy.”
Judy gasped and went to hit him but he grabbed her wrist quickly.
“And violent,” he added not startled by her outburst. When she mixed meds with alcohol, her mood swings and personality changes were like a rollercoaster.
“Go to hell,” she said whipping her wrist out of his hand.
“And a colorful vocabulary. Do you also realize, you almost let it slip about us to a fucking reporter?”
“They wouldn’t care about us. All they care about is what I look like, or how Tony thinks, how bad I look.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said sadly but it immediately turned back to anger, “I’m getting out of here.”
She went to open the door but Gene quickly leaned over her and hit the lock button down.
“Shut up and sit back. I’m taking you home.”
The short car ride up the hill to Judy’s home was silent. Gene even pulled up into the driveway. Out of respect for Vincente, when Gene dropped Judy off, he would never do it within view of Vince seeing. They’re usually drop off spot was two houses down by the bench overlooking LA from below. He would pick her up from there was well. But, not tonight. He was too fed up with the antics she pulled tonight.  
Headlights brightly lit on the house, Gene just sat there, his temple working overtime as she just stared at him. When he looked at her, she leaned over to kiss him and he quickly leaned back not believing that she wanted to kiss him in front of her house.
Judy raised her eyebrow cattily, “Fine. You think I’m ugly, too!”
Gene was confused as hell as she got out an slammed the car door shut. As she stormed up to her door, he swept that statement away as he knew she was under the influence and not thinking rational. But, then again, even sober, she had flair for the dramatic when she didn’t get her way.  
From his study, Vince watched, out of the window, as Gene’s car reversed out of the driveway. He was perplexed, and a bit worried. Gene never dropped Judy off like this. It was never discussed, but he knew it was out of courtesy. He was aware of their relationship. They all knew this. Vince lived on the happy wife, happy life outlook when it came to Judy. Gene balanced her. Vince did not like chaos or confrontation. For as far as he was concerned, as long as she came home calm and relaxed after a night out, instead of having to deal with her mood swings and outbursts all the time, he was thankful for Gene. He wasn’t happy about their on-and-off love affair, but he knew it had started way before he came into the picture and Gene was her best friend. If Vince made a comment to her about Gene in a personal sense, she would tell him to stay in his own lane. Sometimes she forgot she was speaking to her husband. Vince learned to live with it. But for Gene to come up to the house was unheard of.
He saw Judy walk by the open office door without even looking in and he called out to her, “Judy.”
“Hm,” she said come back to look in.
“Everything alright?”
“I’m home.”
“I see that. Did anything happen?”
“Why do you say that,” she said a little on edge he could see, and he could see she was not sober. He wasn’t about to open up a can of worms.
“Oh, just wondering. It’s only half past twelve.”
“I got tired. I’m going bed. Night, darling.”
Dottie and Kay were walking towards the steps of Judy’s trailer when they both jumped at the sound of a loud crash from inside. Kay looked at Dottie over her shoulder with wide eyes and Dottie just ushed her to go on in, waving her hand urgently.  
When Kay opened the door to Judy’s trailer, the large, bulbed mirror that was sitting on Judy’s vanity was now laying on the floor cracked into pieces.  
Judy was sitting at her makeup table, in a red dress she was to wear for ‘In the Good ol’ Summertime’, her hands covering her face. She didn’t make a peep, but her shoulders rocking indicated crying. The ladies knew how to handle a sensitive Judy.  
“What happened here, doll,” Dottie asked in a calm voice as she stepped over the glass.
“I want to be alone,” they heard her whisper.
“That’s 13 years of bad luck, you know,” Kay said looking at the cracked reflection.
“Shut up, Kay,” Judy retorted angrily.
“Shutting up,” the blonde said to which her and Dottie both shared cautious expressions.
“What’s the matter, honey,” Dottie asked rubbing her friend’s back affectionately.
“I can’t stand to look at myself,” Judy wept, her voice muffled by her hands, “Tony can’t stand the way that I look and neither can I.”
“Tony,” Kay spatted, “I told that asshole yesterday to lighten up with you. Is he still talking shit?”
“No one wants me,” Judy cried looking up at them, “My husband’s more interested in a camera angle, Gene’s upset with me and this Photography director thinks I’m horrid.”
“Fuck the Photography director.”
“Kay,” Dottie said blushing just a tad at how blunt and colorful her words were.
“No, I mean it, Dot,” Kay said fuming, “The last costume test he had with her a few days ago, he did nothing but degrade her and talk about her ‘unsatisfactory appearance’ to the cameraman and the stylist. He was talking about her like she was a god damn mannequin in the Macy’s window.”
“Oh my word,” Dottie said shocked, “Why would he do that?”
“He’s a god damn photographer Nazi, that’s why. To him, if you don’t look like Veronica Lake, you might as well not exist.”
“I wish I didn’t exist,” Judy sobbed.
“Oh, stop that. You’re gorgeous and you know it.”
“Will you two just please,” she raised her voice in a thunderous scream, “LEAVE ME ALONE!”
“Fine, I’ll leave, but I’m going to find Arthur; put a stop to this nonsense,” Kay demanded  
“I’ll be just right outside, Judy,” Dottie encouraged her friend before walking out.
Kay wasted no time in stomping across the lot. Dottie crossed her arms and sighed when she saw Gene just across the way, hop off of a golf cart and enter the gate to the outdoor coffee shop. Looking at Judy’s door, Dottie hesitated a moment, before she walked away.
“Thanks,” Gene said to the window barista and grabbed his cup of coffee. He sat down at a nearby picnic table in the set-up café and opened his leather script case.  
Gene looked up to find Judy’s personal makeup stylist, and confidant, and of course one of the very few (ie: Kay and Frank) who knew about their relationship, standing over his table looking a little hesitant, but eager, at the same time.  
“Hi, Dots,” Gene said standing as respect and placed a kiss on her cheek, “How are you?”
“Are you busy?”
He sat back down, “No, I just finished recordings. I wanted to grab a cup of joe and read over some notes before leaving. You want to join me?”
“No, thank you, but I do need your help,” her voice lowered which made him look up worried.
“Are you alright?”
“Well, I am,” she leaned in to whisper closer to his ear, “I don’t know if our mutual friend is.”
Dottie didn’t need to explain, or even say another word. Gene kept an undisturbed expression on his face and his movements were calm as he shut this binder and got up. As they exited the gate back onto thel ot, Dottie nonchalantly motioned towards Judy’s trailer, just across the way.  
Dottie felt a bit of relief relax her nerves as she kept pace behind Gene. She didn’t feel the need to explain to him what was going on. He wanted to ask Judy himself, she knew that. Even though Judy had just mentioned that Gene was angry with her, Dottie knew the two of them well enough that no matter what was going on, when it came to something serious, they'd always be there for one another. Plus, Gene was a rock to Judy. If she needed him at any time, that time would be now.  
When they got into her trailer, Gene was startled to see the glass on the floor and accidentally crunched some with his shoe as he stepped in. Dottie entered behind him and was surprised that Judy was no longer sitting at her vanity, but her costume she had been wearing, was now in a heap on the floor.  
Damn, that was fast, Dottie thought. Judy had wasted no time in getting out of that getup.  
“Where is she?”
“She was literally just here,” Dottie said picking up the dress, “We must have just missed her. She was crying and so upset. I’m worried about her.”
“I’ll find her. Don’t worry about it,” he said with a reassuring hand on the arm before walking out.
Gene immediately head for his own trailer, about ten trailers down from hers. If they had ‘just missed her’ he suspected she was walking in the back of all of them which the normally did if they didn’t want to be out in the open. When he rounded the trailer, he heard the door shut, which means she was nearly only one step ahead of him.
Judy, in her dressing gown, had plopped down on the sofa just as Gene entered. When she looked up at him with tear-stained eyes, she was met by Gene’s concerned face. With Gene, she always felt she could let her guard down, and his trailer always felt like a warm cocoon that she could escape to. So, feeling this, made her start crying again.  
She let out a whimper and dropped her face into her hands. Gene sat down next to her gently.
“I’m sorry,” she sniffed, “I know you’re not happy with me after last night, but I had to go someplace else.”  
“You’re always welcome here, sweetheart,” he said putting a piece of her loose hair sticking to her wet cheek, behind her ear. He noticed her hair looked like it had been up in a fancy updo, probably for costume, and now was half hanging loose, with a clip barely holding it together.  
“I just needed to go someplace where I felt....” she whispered with such heartache, “...safe.”
Gene felt that comment strike his heart and he immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her in so he could kiss her temple, “You know what,” he whispered back, “Even though I’ve joked about you being dangerous, you’re my safe place.”
Judy was leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, now playing with her thumbs and she sniffed again, “You don’t have to be nice just because I’m drowning in self-pity.”
Gene smiled, “And you don’t have to pretend not to be fishing for compliments.” She didn’t look at him but he saw the quick glimpse of her lips curve up. “And you’re right, I’m not pleased with how last night turned out, but that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is what’s going on with you.”
Judy licked her bottom lip before biting it in nerves and raised her head to look over at him, “I don’t feel beautiful.”
When she immediately saw the ridiculous expression on his face, she sat up and interrupted him, “And before you start spewing out things like ‘you *are* beautiful’ and ‘don’t be ridiculous’ you need to understand where I’m coming from.”
Gene shrugged and sat back with the ridiculous expression still displayed on his face, “Well you *are* beautiful and I do think you’re ridiculous, but go on.”
“Since I came to this god damn studio, I’ve been dealing with people comparing me and degrading me and shaming me for my looks. How can such a pretty voice like that come out of a little girl hunchback? You know? My teeth are crooked, my nose isn’t the right shape, my waist is short, my breasts are either too big for a little girl or too small for a leading lady. My legs are too long, my shoulders are too square. My eyes are pretty but my eyebrows need reshaping. My lips are great, but my behind...”
“Judy!” She stopped when Gene’s voice was stern and raised, “I can’t listen to any more of this,” he said. Her talking about how horrible she looks, or how others think she looks, was always something that angered him the most especially because she was so cute and angelic looking and sexy all in one.  
“*You* can’t listen to anymore,” Judy shrieked her voice raising to his level, “Imagine what the hell it’s like for me! I had to hear it at 12 and at 16 and now as a grown woman. I’m never going to be good enough so why do they keep on even trying with me?”
“Who is ‘they’,” he asked almost disgusted.
Judy let out a laugh, but not from amusement, “All of them, but lately it’s been Tony Kirkland.”
“Kirland? The photographer director?” She nodded and he continued, “The French prick that does costume tests?” Again she nodded and he waved his hand, “Ahhh, what are you doing listening to him? Do you know how many times he’s said something about me during one of those costume tests? Shit, he did the Ballgame session with me and Frank. He said my arms were too big and bulky for the picture. Bulky.”
Judy couldn’t help but giggle placing a finger over her lips to stop it, “Next to Sinatra’s anyone’s arms gonna look bulky, and I said that to the prick in French, too.”
Judy laughed and wiped a tear away, “You’re a nut.”
“My arms are not big and bulky. They’re defined with just enough muscle,” he said confidently. He saw Judy looking at them with a hint of seductive appreciation and he smiled showing her his bicep, “Don’t you agree?”
Judy laughed and got up. She walked over to him and placed her hands on each upper arm smiling sweetly up at him, “You have very nice arms.”
“Yeah. I’m not going to change my mind about it just because some asshole comments on it. Those French people are sticks. I bet his dick is, too.”
“Oh,” she giggled blushing and pushed his chest away from her as she turned her back to him, “Stop.”
“Please don’t let someone’s comments about you upset you. Just ignore it.”
“That’s easier said than done when it’s been one of biggest insecurities since I was a child, Gene. He did it a few days ago and people told him to shut up and he’s still doing it. I had this beautiful red dress specifically made for my body, for the film..” he nodded seeing how serious she was again, “...and he said it wasn’t fitting anywhere. The dress was made for my body shape, and it was still wrong. And besides the dress, he had the nerve to say something about he’d rather shoot me the way I was during Pirate, but then he said I didn’t fill up the top as much as he’d like. ‘Cleavage, cleavage, where’s the cleavage’, he said to the stylist. He wants the way I was on Pirate but he also wants tits? I didn’t even have tits then! It’s just so god damn hurtful.”
Her eyes started tearing up again. It made sense to him now why she made comments about her being ugly last night and why she took some energy pills. He didn’t regret the way he handled her, as you had to handle Judy in certain ways especially when she wasn’t being herself, but he did symptomize with her dilemma. He just wanted to show her exactly how beautiful she was inside and out, not just to the public, but to him more importantly.  
Gene grabbed her hand, “Come here.”
Gene locked the door before bringing her up to the full-length mirror on the other side of the trailer.
“What are you doing,” she asked a bit irritated as he placed her in front of the mirror she tried not to look into.
He held her close and tight, his arms locked around her waist, and then rest his chin on her shoulder, “Hopefully regaining some of your self-confidence.”  
Judy kept her head down at his hands around her tummy and placed her own on top.
“Judy, look at me,” she went to turn but he kept her still, “No, look at us.”
She looked up at their reflection in the mirror but directed her eyes only on him and was met with a gentle smile, “We look good together, don’t we?”
“We’re just adorable,” she giggled with sarcasm.
Gene didn’t match her playfulness as he straightened his body to stand up straight against her backside, “If you could see yourself when you look at me certain ways, Judy, you’d never feel like comparing yourself to others.”
“Oh, like what,” she asked in a way that was not for compliments, but with a tone that showed she was completely unaware of what he was speaking of.
“The way you look at me when you laugh for instance. When you laugh, especially when I’ve amused you, you laugh with your whole heart and you look at me with the most sparkling eyes I’ve ever seen, sometimes glistening from the tears from laughing so hard.”
Judy smiled, silently giggling, very well aware of how much he makes her laugh. It was no secret, even to herself, that she loved to laugh.
“How about when we make eye contact when we’re sharing a secret. You get this mischievous glint in your eye that turns me on not from flirtation, but because I know you’re communicating with me, and only me, in that moment. I also love how you look at me when I’m telling you a story. You’re one of the best listeners. You never interrupt or give input until I’m done talking. You look at me with such...concentration. Sometimes you look like a student wanting to learn, or the most compassionate human being that ever existed. I could write an entire book with each chapter on different expressions that you have but I think my favorite of them all is how you look at me when it comes to our intimacy. Not just making love, but when we share a kiss. Sometimes you look at me so preciously it’s as if you’ve never been kissed before. It’s those looks that make me see you as the most beautiful person out there and sexy as hell, too.”
Judy had been watching him so intently that when he finished, she didn’t know what to say. She was choked up. They were silent as moment as he rest his temple against hers and they softly swayed. Swallowing, she finally looked at her reflection and quickly wiped away some smudged mascara from her dried tears.
“That was quite a statement,” she giggled, “I feel like we just rehearsed a movie scene.”
“It’s just the truth, sweetheart.”
“Well, then I’m just the whole package, huh,” she joked.
“See, there you go again,” he said releasing her with a bit of irritation.  
“I’m sorry,” she said genuinely as she turned around to face him, “I appreciate all that you told me and I know you’re sincere about it. I can see the way you feel about me by the way you look at me, too,” she reached up and placed a hand on his cheek in adoration, “It’s just hard for me to not compare myself to all the other glamorous girls that prance around this studio.”
“Glamorous,” he repeated, “Have you not seen yourself on screen?”
“Homey glamour is different than femme fatal glamour.”
Gene grabbed the side of her head playfully and growled from frustration, “You’re gonna give me a coronary one day.”
“I mean, look at Vera-Ellen from that Words and Music number you did together. You two looked so sexy together. I could never pull something like *that* off, not even with you.”
“You wanna know why Louis cut Voodoo from Pirate? Because you were TOO sexy.”
“No, he cut it because he didn’t want the audience to see you seducing Dorothy and grating around each other.”  
Gene couldn’t argue as it wasn’t entirely untrue, but she was sexy as Manuela. Unfortunately, they had to keep it a more wholesome sexy and that was a disadvantage to Judy. She still had a wall up, and he knew one way that she let it down, was when he treated her like a woman. When it came to seduction, or in the bedroom, he saw Judy let her hair done and become a self-confident woman. She never let that part of her show otherwise, but at least then she let her guard down.  
Taking a step to her again, he gently placed his hand on her neck and kissed her. It was only a few gentle, but sexy, kisses but he immediately felt her relax.  
Pulling back just a tad, he saw her bite her lower lip as her lashes fell upon her cheeks as her thumb rubbed the back of his neck. He felt goosebumps form there but kept his intention at the task at hand.
“Do you trust me?”
“You know I do.”
Turning her shoulders gently, he had her stand facing the mirror again. He felt her tense up again so he gave a few sexy kisses to her neck and immediately felt her rest back against him, her eyes closing. He felt a hint of a smile appear and it made him feel the first flutter of arousal in the pit of his stomach. He loved how good he could always make her feel, but he had to concentrate.  
“I love the way you melt against me when I do that,” he whispered against her ear, “I love how soft your skin is against my lips and how good you smell.”
As his hands slid to the front of her waist, her arm came up rest her hand on the back of his head, “I love how white and clear your skin is, like a porcelain doll...but I’d never treat you like one, would I?”
“Mm mm,” she sighed, “Everyone else does though.”
“I’m not talking about anyone else. I’m talking about you and how beautiful you are.”  
When his hands started un doing the tie on her robe, she immediately placed her hands on top of his to stop him. For some reason, she instinctively knew he wasn’t about to undress her just to make love, and it made her nervous.
“What are you doing?”
“Shh. You trust me, remember? There’s no one here except you and me.”  
It wasn’t him that she was nervous about.
Judy watched his hands through the reflection as he un-tied her robe, revealing a white, mini slip dress. He slid it off her shoulders and noticed her nipples very firmly peaked under the fabric.  
He gave her an amused but provocative look in the mirror, “I can never tell if it’s me or you’re just cold.”
Judy instantly blushed and went to cover her chest with her arms but he laughed and kept her arms down.
“I’m not cold,” she said trying not to laugh.
He wrapped his arms around her again but slid his fingers through hers in a comforting gesture to relax her again.
“You know something else, and I don’t think I’ve ever told you this before..”
He lifted her hand right hand up, “I love how you always tap your fingers with this hand when you’re listening to music or learning a tune or going with the beat. It’s always this hand, too. You’re left-handed but it’s always this hand,” He brought that hand in to kiss it, “And I noticed you only hold my hand with this hand as well. Why is that?”
“Because I like to be on the left side of you,” she said without hesitation.
“Because it’s closest to your heart. When we cuddle or hug, I can rest my head there.”
Gene looked at her in awe, “Are you being serious?”
“Yeah,” she whispered.
“Now, I’m the one that feels like we’re doing a movie scene.”
Judy smiled and copied what he said earlier, “It’s just the truth, sweetheart.”
“I think I like the truth,” Gene said happily and gave her a kiss on the shoulder.
Gene brought her attention back to their reflection, “Mm, those god damn legs of yours,” he said his voice turning sexy and his hands slid down her upper thighs, as far as they’d go without bending, and then slid to the softer skin on the insides but didn’t reach her center. “You may be only nearly five foot not a god damn inch, but these legs of yours baby give every woman on this lot a run for their money. They’re right, your legs are long, but not too long. They’re absolutely perfect and you know it. That’s one thing I know you’re proudest of, other than your voice.”
She cleared her throat, starting to feel the arousing tingles in between her legs, as his finger caressed her inner thighs, and she sighed, “Gene.”
“And speaking of voice, my God, you know what your singing does to people, but you have no clue what it does to me. Just saying hello to me and I get a hard on.”
Normally Judy would have laughed, loving dirty humor, but right now was a different situation. He wasn’t talking to her to get a laugh.
“Just you saying my name makes me feel like I’m 10 feet tall. Not just because of the way you sound, but because it’s *you*. You have no idea how proud I am to know you. But I gotta be honest, the way you sound when we make love, or when we fuck, the way you sound when you come, it’s a wonder how I even last as long as I do.”
Judy’s eyes were closed, concentrating on the goosebumps he gave her as he spoke into her ear, his hands traveling up her body as he did so, she didn’t even notice that he lowered the straps of her slip until she felt it pool around her feet. She looked down at it, not daring to look up, but he lifted her chin with his fingers softly. She went to connect her eyes with him, a normal distraction, but he had oh so cleverly moved behind her, her head blocking more than half of his face. She had no other placed to look. She knew her body, had seen herself naked before obviously, but was more self-conscious about it now.  
“Look how beautiful you are,” he said coming back into view.  
He watched as she lowered her eyes to look at herself again, and then back up at him.
“These shoulders,” he said his hands running over them then down her arms, “These arms,” he then moved back up her hands and forearms and went to her stomach, “This little tummy, so feminine,” he moved the back of his fingertips to the sides of them creating an eruption of goosebumps and a sensual tickle that made her tummy inhale.
“And this scar is beautiful,” his finger traced the light c-section scar, “because you grew a human being, you birthed a life. You created a beautiful baby that carries part of you in her and that means you will forever go on living. That is beautiful,” he reiterated.
Judy felt herself tearing up from an overwhelming feeling of love, so much so that she almost wanted to stop this but he went on.  
“Yes, you don’t have a long torso, but just look how your skin there reacts to me,” he gave her another kiss on the neck and his hands moved up and let his hands cup her breasts, “It reacts just like this does. You’re perfect here,” his thumbs started rubbing back and forth against her nipples as he suckled the skin on her neck, “And here...”
Judy whimpered softly and melted back into him. She reached back, grabbing the back of his waist to have him closer. She could feel the bulge in his pants against her and it made her aroused even more.  
“Judy, open your eyes,” she heard him direct to het as his hands were now off of her and taking her wrists away from him.
Her eyes fluttered open looking at her reflection. She couldn’t help but notice how she looked in that moment with her lips parted, her chest slightly heaving, her tummy inhaled inwards and her breasts firmed. She looked...seductive, almost sexy, that it surprised her in a way.
“I love these hips. They’ve tried to create more a ‘waist’ on you, but you have some nice shapely hips. They’re cute to look at when you dance. And speaking of your legs again, no one can keep up with me in dance like you can, not even Vera,” he said genuinely, also intending to boost her ego.
“You have a cute, little tush, too,” he added.
Judy raised an eyebrow but tilted her head a bit admiring her legs through the mirror, “I can say the same for you, darling.”
Gene felt proud when he noticed her looking at herself in a more comfortable, and appreciative, way. With his pants straining his arousal, he was ready to complete the task.
“This,” he said kissing her cheek then letting his mouth rest there as his hand slid to cup between her legs, “This has nothing to do with what others have said, but this is beautiful, too.”
I wonder why, Judy thought playfully, but she didn’t dare say anything as she was afraid to break the spell.
“How warm you feel, how tight you are, how you pull me in, milk me, how you never resist, never want me to pull out after we’re done. I love the feeling of being close to you like that.”
“I think it’s beautiful how you feel inside me,” she boldly responded, but whispered, as she turned her face so they could be closer.
Gene let her turn around and she immediately went to kiss him but he held her back, placing his thumb on her plush lower lip, “They were right about your lips.”
Judy placed her hands on the hem of his t-shirt and pulled up. He let her slide it off of him and he went back to holding her, his hand sliding along her neck and up into her hair to hold her head steady. Her hands, however, were not still as they worked on undoing his pants, her palm grazing his cock as she did so. It made him even harder.
“And if they talk about your teeth, then they’ve never *really* seen you smile.”
For some reason that last comment hit her deeply, that she froze and her eyes teared up again. She immediately hugged him, squeezing his shoulders hard.
“Thank you,” he heard her whisper sincerely.  
When she leaned back, he kissed her passionately before reaching down to lift her up, her legs around his waist with little effort.
“No, thank *you*,” he smiled as he started walking them a few feet to the daybed.
Judy giggled before she suddenly squealed as her back hit the cushions, “Lock the door!”
25 notes · View notes
365days365movies · 3 years
February 21, 2021: The African Queen (1951) (Part 1)
The leading man!
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It’s an old term from old Hollywood, and while leading men certainly exist today, it’s not something we really use anymore. And yet, we all have some concept of the leading man. First modern one that came to mind for me was Chris Evans. For the GF, it was this guy:
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And that’s valid! But if we’re gonna talk about Hollywood’s leading men, we have to go BACK. FAR back, to the beginning of film, and to some of the most iconic film stars that helped define the term. These are guys like Errol Flynn, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Marlon Brando, James Dean, Rock Hudson, yesterday’s Cary Grant, and of course, Clark Gable.
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And some of those guys will appear on this blog at some point this year, most likely. One of them is gonna pop up this month, even! But there’s one more leading man to talk about, and that’s Humphrey Bogart, one of the most prominent of the leading men of the 1940s and ‘50′s.
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I mean, come on! Casablanca! He’s a classic leading man, and I’m excited to see more of him. But every leading man needs his leading lady, and there are plenty of classic ones to choose from. Lauren Bacall, Jean Arthur, Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Natalie Wood, Mae West, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Olivia de Havilland, Greta Garbo, Lena Horne, Sophia Loren, yesterday’s Deborah Kerr, my mom’s favorites Doris Day and Audrey Hepburn, and OF COURSE, today’s star: Katharine Hepburn.
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The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner! Another classic leading lady in another set of classic films. And, OF COURSE, these two starred together in today’s movie, The African Queen. And who’s the director of this film? MOTHAFUCKIN’ JOHN HUSTON BOIIIIIIIIIIII
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Director of The Maltese Falcon, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The Asphalt Jungle, Moby Dick, The Misfits, the original Casino Royale, and weirdly enough, Annie. AND he was an actor in The Bible, Chinatown, The Hobbit, The Black Cauldron, and weirdly enough, Annie! Goddamn, this movie’s got a lot of talent behind it! I’m genuinely looking forward to watching this, considering that it’s often considered one of the best films of the 1950s. So let’s do it, yeah? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
We begin in German West Africa, where...yeah, it’s a little uncomfortable from modern day standards, as a group of indigenous people are in a service at a constructed Methodist Church, where two missionaries, Rose Sayer (Katharine Hepburn) and her brother, Reverend Samuel (Katharine Hepburn), are pretty unsuccessfully leading the singing of hymns.
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As they do so, a boat called the African Queen pulls up, captained by Charlie Allnut (Humphrey Bogart). When he pulls up, he delivers needed supplies and mail to the village, which disrupts the ceremony (thank God), and leads to an interaction between Allnut and the Sayers, who invite him to tea.
The Canadian Allnut seems to be pretty relaxed, while the British Rose and Samuel are obviously pretty stuck-up. But this is probably not going to matter soon, as Allnut delivers the news that World War I has begin, leaving the status of the British missionaries in German-occupied West Africa in danger.
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And as soon as they realize this, a group of German soldiers comes through the village, and soldiers gather up all of the people from their houses, and...Jesus, they set fire to the place! Why? I mean, it’s war, duh, but WHY? The villagers are taken away for what I’m sure are totally good reasons, as the village of Kungdu burns to the ground. Samuel and Rose are left behind, and Samuel’s clearly a little fucked up by the encounter with the soldiers.
Soon after, Samuel seems ill, forgetting that they’re even in Africa. She helps him to his room, and he falls to the ground, obviously not well. It’s central Africa, so this could be malaria, trypanosomaisis, yellow fever, a BUNCH of shit. But I’m sure he’s gonna be fine. He’ll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
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Oh, wait, he’s dead. We find that out when Charlie arrives to deliver more bad news: people are being taken from their homes to forcibly join the army, and the villages are destroyed in order to give them no place to go back to. Which is...disgusting, fuck me. 
They bury Samuel, and Charlie takes Rose onto The African Queen so that they can get away from the village before the soldiers return. This is backed by...very light-hearted music. Very poorly-timed sprightly music. I dunno, it really just doesn’t match the done, given that Sam just died, and they’re trying to escape.
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We learn what some of the issues are for our two. The British won’t easily be coming because of the various German fortifications, including a large ship called the Königin Luise on a nearby lake. Said boat has a massive gun on it, posing major damage to any enemies. 
But Rose has an idea: using explosive gel and some pipes and cylinders, she has an idea to use The African Queen itself as a torpedo to plow up the Luise. Charlie points out that the only where there is down the dangerous Ulanga River, and past a German fort. And Rose guilts him for not wanting to help his Queen and country. And, with that, he agrees.
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From there, it’s time for a boat trip! Like a road trip, but with a boat! Katherine learns to steer, and Charlie notes that he hasn’t fixed the safety mechanism on the engine because he likes kicking it. Y’know, psychologists say that catharsis doesn’t work like that, Charlie.
It would seem that Charlie knows this, and settles instead for a drink. And as he brings out his bottle of gin, Rose looks ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED. Like he brought out a dead body instead of a bottle of alcohol; it’s even backed by this bombastic DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN in the score! It’s weirdly hilarious.
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The two take separate baths in the river, which has gotta be FULL of a bunch of stuff, but whatever. They tuck in for the night as it rains, and Charlie’s stuck outside while Rose gets the tent. Which is...supremely unfair, and ASKING for Charlie to get malaria or other diseases. Thankfully, Rose realizes this and allows him inside.
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The next day, they come upon the rapids, which look dangerous...but also kind of fun, it that weird to say? I dunno, I’d go rafting down those. On a related note, I’ve never been whitewater rafting. Maybe one day, huh? Well, despite the ride and again, WEIRDLY sprightly music, they survive...and more. See, Rose LOVED it. Like, really LOVED it. She compares it to a bonafide religious experience, and says that she’s never experienced such joy from a...physical experience.
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So, either she’s an adrenaline junkie, or that was some, uh...foreshadowing. Charlie’s a little less excited by this, and notes that the upcoming rapids are far worse. And Rose is just...SO FUCKING PUMPED for this. Shit, I think something’s awoken in her. Get this lady to a theme park, STAT!
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But again, Charlie is NOT happy about this, and gets kinda drunk later in the day. While drunk, he insults her plan, and goes back on his agreement to go on. She calls him a coward, and she calls him a “crazy, psalm-singin’, skinny old maid.” Um, Charlie, maybe not the best idea to do that to a woman who’s just learned to joys of adrenaline and tsting her limits. She might retaliate by, I dunno...throwing all of your gin over the side of the river while you’re asleep.
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Yeah, like that. Exactly like that. Some drunk fish in the river today, lemme tell you.
Anyway, despite this, Rose is pissed off, as Charlie still won’t go down the river. As he insists that all that’s down the river is death, she still insists that he promised to go. He finally agrees, despite thinking that they’re doomed to be food for the crocodiles. And so, they go.
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They pass the fort, the Shona, and the Germans do indeed fire at them as they go down. And I mean the ENTIRE time they pass. They hit the engine, and Charlie has to fix it right amidst all of this. They also hit the boxes of blasting gel, but they don’t go off. And, as Rose rightly suggested earlier, the sun gets in the soldiers’ eyes as they try to fire on them. And they pass without a hitch! Except for oooooooooone tiny detail.
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HALFWAY POINT! See you in Part 2!
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muckrakerhq · 3 years
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featuring… this week’s guests, @julienschuester & @stephcrawford
fondue for two is a weekly internet talk show hosted by joey hummel-anderson. fondue for two, joey, and the muckraker team strive to get all the steaming gossip while he interviews guests of his choice over a steaming pot of cheese.
[Joey and Julien’s dorm room]
JOEY: Hello everyone and welcome back to Fondue for Two: New York Edition! Today we’re here with my friend and classmate Steph Crawford and my roommate Julien Schuester! I really had no idea who to ask as a guest and since Julien is always around and I just came back from practice with Steph, they seemed like good choices. Are you guys excited to be on Fondue for Two?
STEPH: Yeah! [...] What is...Fondue for Two?
JOEY: [looks at the camera for a while before looking back at Steph] Is that a real question?
JULIEN: [whispering to Steph] it's like...his talk show thingy on youtube. He did it with his pet fish all through high school [flashes a smile at the camera and gives a thumbs up].
STEPH: [nodding] No, no! I was just joking! [follows suit, also flashing the camera a thumbs up] So, what next?
JOEY:  Okay, that wasn't funny, sorry to tell you... You should work on your jokes... But moving on. Steph, since you have lived in New York for so long, is it true that there are clones of us living in the subway like that really old movie?
JULIEN: What movie? Sounds awesome! [A beat] Sorry, carry on...
STEPH: Oh, it's okay, seriously! I don't know what movie you're talking about, but I don't think there's clones of us living in the subway. Can't say for sure. Isn't it a fact that everyone has like seven dopplegangers though? Who would you guys say your dopplegangers are?
JOEY: The movie is called Us! I watched it the other day with Angel and it was kind of weird... JOEY: What's a doppleganger? Aren't those a type of jeans? Because I think I own more than seven pairs of jeans.
JULIEN: Ohhhhhhhh that movie! It's kinda scary right? I'm not a big fan of scary movies...but to answer Steph's question...I've been told I look like a young Andrew Garfield. Also my brother and stuff but I don't know if that counts...I'll let the viewers decide.
STEPH: I can definitely see Andrew Garfield! I think it's the hair... [looks at Joey] but If we got him glasses, he'd really be the spitting image of Spider-Man, don't you think?
JOEY: I don't know, I don't think Julien looks like him... But I'll let the audience decide! I'll put on some pictures on the screen. [shows a picture of Garfield the Cat and Julien side by side] JOEY: Next question, if you had to bring a celebrity back from the dead, who would it be?
JULIEN: Okay...wait for it...check this out! [Julien grabs his glasses off his nightstand and puts them on] what do we think?! [A beat] But to answer your next question...easy! Marvin Gaye. I seriously love that guy. He made amazing music.
STEPH: Marvin Gaye, really? That's a good one! I think mine would have to be maybe like...Judy Garland? I love Wizard of Oz! . . . What about you Joey?
JOEY: Julien, you still look nothing like him... JOEY: I have no idea who those people are, but... I'd bring back Mr. Peanut. Just because I love peanut butter and I feel like he used to make the best... JOEY: Okay, next question! Which one of you is more likely to break a leg during dance class?
JULIEN: Another easy q. Definitely me.
STEPH: Am I allowed to say something not super nice on here?
JOEY: Yes, you are.
JULIEN: [looks at Steph in shock] what?! You don't know how to say not nice things you're like the nicest person ever!
JOEY: Julien, shhhh.
STEPH: You're really too sweet, Julien. . .I just wanted to ask! But I don't think it would be Julien! Effort is everything in dance, and there's just...[she thinks] some people in Dance Class who don't care, and won't stretch, and might get hurt because of it! It's really scare and I wish it wasn't the case, but I don't think it would be any of us. . .Julien obviously really cares! Same with you Joey!
JULIEN: Can't believe that's your version of not nice. Shoulda known!
STEPH: [rolls her eyes] I shouldn't have even said that! But I had to defend you...from you!
JULIEN: I still stand by what I said...between the two of us...I'd probably break my leg. You're a much better dancer than I am and stuff! But anyways...Jojo what's next?!
JOEY: I also think Julien would break a leg during the class... But he has gotten better since high school, that's true. I'm still better, but you know... [shrugs his shoulders] Next question, don't you guys think it's weird that you two spent Spring Break together? [looks at the camera, then back at the two of them]
STEPH: Um...[laughs, obviously uncomfortable, but doesn't answer the question.]
JULIEN: [Squinting] why would it be weird? There were a bunch of us! Dylan was there and Steph's sister and some of their other friends! It was cool and stuff.
STEPH: Yeah exactly! There were lots of people at the Beach House! My roommate was there. It wasn't just us! STEPH: I invited you and Angel, even! STEPH: But yeah, what Julien said.
JULIEN: And even if it had been just us, it wouldn't have been weird because we're friends! Everyone and their mom knows I'm accounted for. [Looks at the camera and waves] Hi legs! I love ya!
JOEY: Well, it was still kind of weird if you ask me... And why didn't you answer first, Steph? JOEY: Plus how do I know that you guys were all there together? I didn't see a group picture or anything! I'm just saying!
JULIEN: Joey, what are you doing, man?
JOEY: I'm just asking questions!
JULIEN: Well...ask better questions! I don't know what you're trying to suggest and stuff but as a friend I don't really appreciate it! JULIEN: You're starting to sound like JBI...
JOEY: Okay, fine! JOEY: [gasp] Take that back!
JULIEN: [Raising hands] No can do, brother!
JOEY: Moving on! You're never coming back to Fondue for Two after that... JOEY: Next question, where do you guys think the Big Apple is?
STEPH: Wait, who's JBI?
JULIEN: Trust me, you don't wanna know. Also...I have no idea about the big apple...why do they call New York that?
JOEY: He was from our school back in Lima! And he was weird... JOEY: I have no idea, because I haven't seen any big apples lately.
STEPH: I think it has something to do with taking the bite out of the city maybe? I don't know, but I don't think it's actually an apple. STEPH: Thanks for changing the topic though, Joey!
JOEY: Who would take a bite out of the city? Sounds gross... JOEY: Yeah, yeah, it's fine, I guess! JOEY: Okay, Julien, next question is for you... Do you think Gil the Fish would have liked Steph?
JULIEN: I think so! Everybody loves Steph!
STEPH: Aw, I wish I could have met him! STEPH: Wait, okay, can I ask the host another question? STEPH: It's important!
JOEY: Yes!
STEPH: If you could receive any gift right now, what would it be?
JOEY: That's a good question! I have no idea though, I like it when people surprise me! JOEY: But if I had to choose, I'd like to meet Dua Lipa... She's awesome.
JULIEN: No way that’s gonna happen...
JOEY: You never know! Shut up Julien! I'm mad at you...
JULIEN: I’m the one who should be mad at you!
STEPH: Guys, guys, don't fight! We should just be nice! We're all friends!
JOEY: Fine, whatever! Time to move on, what do you guys most like about NYADA?
JULIEN: The people! It’s also cool to be at a school where you don’t get a slushie facial for being into art and stuff...
STEPH: Okay don't laugh... STEPH: I really like how the building smells? STEPH: But also Adam's Apples! It's cool to be close to my Dad in that way.
JOEY: What does it smell like?
STEPH: You don't notice the smell?
JULIEN: I know what ya mean! It's comforting! Also shout out to Adam's Apples!
JOEY: Not really... But either way, I'm glad that you guys like Adam's Apples! JOEY: Before we end it off, do you guys want to say anything to the audience?
STEPH: Nope! Just thanks for having me! And Hi to everyone watching!
JULIEN: Hi mom and dad! Miss you guys! That’s all for me I think!
JOEY: Alright! I'll see you guys some other time and thanks everyone for watching! Bye!
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