#Villain!Kirishima x Reader
sorrowfulrosebud · 6 months
♡𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖋𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖘♡
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༒𝕭𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘: the ones who deliberately leave a little (a lot) of skin on show, hoisting down his skin tight shorts to press against his hard on. Throws you half-lidded glances and hazy smiles, running his tongue off his teeth as he bites his lip and gives the best “fuck me eyes”. Deliberately puts a sway in his hips as he collects the bills, leaving you chest-to-face
Katsuki Bakugou, Hizashi Yamada, Keigo Takami, Touya Todoroki, Tomura Shigaraki
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༒𝕾𝖍𝖞 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘: feels his cheeks heat up as soon as you sit and start watching. Performs his dance timidly, performance strong but shy. Very flustered smiles and quick gazes are thrown your way as he tries hiding his boner. His shy persona gets bills thrown at him left right and centre, him squeaking in embarrassment when you gently hand him the rest of the bills he dropped
Izuku Midoriya, Tamaki Amajiki, Mezo Shoji, Jin Bubaigawara, Shuichi Iguchi, Toshinori Yagi
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༒𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘: not quite bratty but not quite innocent. Throws you obvious playful winks, winding their body around the metal pole as they maintain eye contact. He gets closer to you, offering you his thong to lace the bill in and giving a teasing little ass shake afterwards. Makes sure to throw you his costume during his set, twirling his body so you can see the glitter sparkling off his chest (and perky nipples)
Eijiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Atsuhiko Sako, Denki Kaminari
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༒𝕱𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖉𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖊𝖙 𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘: stoic, calm and composed goes completely out of the window. He can manage being stoney-faced as his clothes melt away, making the crowd “ooo” and “ahhh” as he reveals his abs and flirts with the pole, but is internally screaming bc he can see your gaze. It’s really strange since he usually has no deeper than surface level attraction to a patron. But, when you stare at him with hooded eyes, he has no idea how long this façade can last
Fumikage Tokoyami, Shoto Todoroki, Shota Aizawa, Enji Todoroki, Kai Chisaki
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winxanity-ii · 20 days
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 01 Chapter 01 | distorted reality⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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The world swam back into focus, a sickening wave of nausea rolling through you.  Your throat rasped, a metallic tang heavy in your mouth. Blinking away blurry spots, the world swayed violently around you. There was a dull throb behind your eyes, and a chilling, empty space where your memories should have been with each sluggish heartbeat.
Fear, raw and primal, gnawed at your insides. Where were you? Everything felt...wrong.
Another thunderclap, followed by a blinding flash of lightning, illuminated the room for a split second. Each crackle of electricity sent a jolt of pain through you, a strange disconnect between the storm outside and the ache in your body.
Disoriented, you tried to sit up, only to find your limbs heavy and unresponsive. Groaning, you forced your eyes back open, expecting the sterile white of a hospital room. But instead, you were met with a riot of bubblegum pink and frilly decorations.
Trying to focus, you pushed yourself off the plush bed, tiny legs unsteady and weak on the plush carpet. Drawn by an instinct you didn't understand, you stumbled towards a small, ornate vanity tucked away in a corner.
Another flash illuminated the room, and for a fleeting moment, you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. A face stared back, long, coily red-tinged auburn hair, framed a face unfamiliar and innocent. Light brown skin stretched taut across unfamiliar cheekbones.
However, it was your eyes that truly terrified you.
Golden irises stared back, hypnotic in the flickering light. But it was the crimson rings within them, swirling like miniature storms, that sent a cold dread spiraling down your spine. These eyes, alien and unsettling, were the only familiar thing in this sea of confusion. Where are you? Why did everything feel so wrong?
Tears welled up, blurring the vibrant clash of pink and lightning in the reflection. But even the tears felt alien—a betrayal of a body you didn't recognize. You were adrift in a sea of your own flesh, a puppet with severed strings. No memories, no identity, just a throbbing head, a strange pain in your body, and fear—a cold, suffocating fear that had no name.
Collapsing onto the plush carpet, you reached for the cool vanity for some semblance of comfort. But instead of finding solace, your hand brushed against a soft, frilly nightgown, another alien entity on your unfamiliar skin.
You were lost, a terrified child in a body that felt wrong, with eyes that held a secret you desperately wanted to remember. A frantic voice cut through the cacophony of fear in your head. "Sweetheart, are you alright?"
An instinct you didn't understand made you shrink back.
The voice belonged to a woman who rushed to your side, her brow furrowed in worry. Her face, etched with lines of concern, was unfamiliar, yet there was a warmth in her eyes that practically swallowed you whole—you were a star in her desolate sky.
You wanted to ask who she was, who you were, but the moment you tried to form a question, a searing pain lanced through your head. It was easier, for now, to just let the confusion wash over you.
"Come to Mommy~" she reached out, her voice gentle but laced with urgency.
The woman—your apparent mother—sighed, her worry deepening. "Oh, sweetie, you must have been scared with that awful storm. Were you having another bad dream?"
Another dream? The term triggered a flicker of unease.  Dreams?  What dreams?
You clenched your fists, the throbbing in your head intensifying with every attempt to pull a memory from the void.
Frustration welled within you, a surge of anger replacing the fear. "I... I don't remember," you admitted, the words falling flat in the face of your growing anxiety.
Your mother, whoever she was, wrapped her arms around you, a gesture that felt foreign yet strangely comforting.  You didn't know how to react, your body stiff and unyielding in her embrace.
"It's alright, Y/N~" she soothed, her voice tinged with sadness. "Now come on, let's get you cleaned up and ready for breakfast."
The word "Y/N" hung in the air, a name that felt foreign on your tongue—a borrowed coat ill-fitting your shoulders.
As your short and chubby mother, led you away from the unsettling reflection in the mirror, you stole a glance at her. Her burnt orange hair, once vibrant and full of life, was now streaked with silver, a testament to the years that had passed. The curls, once perpetually escaping from any attempt at control, were now pulled back in a loose, lopsided bun, seemed to vibrate with nervous energy.
Her honey-tan skin was dusted with a constellation of dark freckles across the bridge of her nose—boring the etchings of time in the form of wrinkles crinkling around her warm, honey-colored eyes.  Even now, a flicker of worry, a worry that seemed to have become a permanent resident, danced within their depths.
Her name, you vaguely recalled from the panicked jumble in your head, was Mei.
The house itself mirrored Mei—functional, lacking any personal touches.  It spoke of a life lived by routine, devoid of the chaos you once thrived in.  The lack of toys or childish decorations was another jarring note.  Here, in this world of beige walls and muted tones, quirks weren't a topic of conversation, a stark difference from the hero-worshipped society you once manipulated.  Here, it seemed, you were utterly ordinary.
Breakfast was a quiet affair.  Your 'father'—Wino, a stoic man with a perpetual peppered five o'clock shadow—presented a stark contrast.
Tall and lanky, he grunted a greeting before disappearing behind a newspaper. His electric green eyes, usually crinkled at the corners from a lifetime of suppressed smiles, were hidden behind thick wire-rimmed glasses. His hair, once a vibrant auburn, had surrendered to the relentless march of time, turning a stark white that seemed to hold the secrets of countless unspoken words; both he and your mother appeared older than their mid-forties.
As Mei fussed over you, you picked at your food—the unfamiliar taste of fluffy pancakes, a bland echo of the delicacies you once indulged in.
Mei, oblivious to the storm brewing within you, hummed along to a children's show playing on the TV. It depicted brightly colored superheroes battling a giant, fire-breathing lizard. You watched the scene detachedly; it was both whimsical and confusing.
"Welcome back, young heroes-in-training! Today, we're going to learn all about quirks—those amazing abilities that make our world so unique!"
A flurry of images flashed across the screen: a boy with stretchy limbs, a girl who could manipulate fire, a man who could zoom through the air.  Your brow furrowed in concentration.  This was unlike anything you'd ever known.
"Quirks can be anything from super strength to creating illusions!" the cheerful announcer continued, "It's what makes our society so exciting!"
The show droned on, explaining quirk training, hero schools, and the intricate classifications of these bizarre abilities.  You listened intently, a spark of curiosity igniting within you.
What the hell are these "quirks" they kept droning on about?
Suddenly, a booming voice jolted you from your thoughts.
"Mei, change the channel. Not much point in letting her watch that mess. She won't be developing any quirks soon," Wino sighed behind his newspaper, lowering it down with a grimace. "No use in getting her hopes up."
Your mother bit her lip, a flicker of sadness crossing her features. "But she's only five," she began, her voice tinged with defiance, "we don't know if she's actually quirkless, there's always a chance..." Her words trailed off as Wino stood up and left the room without a glance, leaving behind a lingering scent of pipe tobacco in his wake.
You watched him go, your eyes narrowing a bit. Quirkless? The word itself felt foreign, a label you didn't understand but instinctively disliked.
As if on cue, the monotonous ringing of the house phone cut through the tense silence.  Mei gave you a strained smile before hurrying to answer it.  Left alone, you wandered back to the television, the cartoon announcer's overly enthusiastic voice now droning on about the "Quirkless Woes."
"And remember kids," the announcer chirped in a condescending tone, "if you're unfortunate enough to be born without a Quirk, just remember, there are plenty of perfectly ordinary jobs you can take up! Like... janitorial services! Or... grocery bagging!" His patronizing tone made you huff in annoyance; a strange feeling, a mix of anger and confusion, began to nestle in your chest.
Being Quirkless sounded... boring.
Suddenly, the cheerful theme song was drowned out by a breaking news alert flashing across the screen. A stern-faced woman with a microphone reported on a villain attack downtown. Live footage showed a hulking man with glowing red eyes causing havoc, his bare fists shattering concrete pillars with ease.
"This is villain Catastrophe causing a rampage in the Musutafu financial district," the newscaster explained. "Heroes are on the scene, but the situation seems critical. We'll continue to bring you updates..."
Your gaze flicked between the cartoon heroes and the real-life devastation; a strange mix of curiosity and... envy? flickered within you.
These people, these heroes, could manipulate reality—defy the laws of physics with the flick of a wrist.
You, on the other hand, were utterly and seemingly ordinary.
The frustration bubbled up again, a familiar feeling you couldn't quite place. Was it the powerlessness? The lack of control? Or perhaps a deeper longing for something more, something you couldn't even articulate?
As the news droned on, Mei switched the TV off, a bright etching itself onto her face. "Come on, sweetie, let's finish your breakfast~" she said gently, "Today's an exciting day, we're learning the alphabet!"
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Later that night, as the rain tapped a gentle rhythm against your window, you lay tucked under the covers, Mei having just left after her nightly goodnight kiss.  Staring out at the slick streets, you tried, in vain, to push past the blank canvas of your memories.
A dull ache throbbed behind your eyes, intensifying with each frustrated attempt.  Your body trembled, a cold sweat slicking your skin. Suddenly, a sharp pain lanced through your head, and a gasp escaped your lips.
Involuntarily, your eyes flared open, an unsettling yellow glow emanating from them for a fleeting moment.  A metallic tang filled your mouth, and you reached up to your nose, feeling a warm trickle of blood.
Through the ringing in your ears, a voice, faint and distorted, seemed to whisper a name. "...Ma...ki...ma..." it repeated, the syllables blurring together before fading entirely. Each whisper senting a jolt through you, a flicker of a vision erupting behind your closed eyelids.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The first whisper brought a flash of a pale, porcelain face, a chilling smile stretched impossibly wide across blood-red lips. Then, darkness.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The voice pleaded, a touch more insistent this time; and with it, it ignited a vision of slender, crimson-stained fingers wrapped around a length of barbed wire, a look of perverse pleasure contorting the unfamiliar face. Darkness again.
"...Ma...ki...ma..." The vision that followed this plea was a kaleidoscope of horrors—a city in flames, screams swallowed by the roar of an unseen beast, and that same face, eyes blazing with a cold, predatory hunger.
A wave of nausea washed over you, and you squeezed your eyes shut tighter, willing the visions away.
The whispers began to quicken, a desperate urgency seeping into their tone. "Ma...ki...ma...Ma...ki...ma!" Each utterance felt like a physical blow, a sledgehammer pounding against the fortress of your mind. With each beat, the visions intensified, a torrent of violence and depravity flooding your senses.
A cackle, laced with madness, echoed in the darkness. You saw twisted shadows writhe on the ground, heard the sickening crunch of bones, felt the heat of searing flames licking at your skin.
And then, her face, crystal clear this time, filled your vision.
The pale girl, the crimson smile—Makima.
Her eyes, once a mesmerizing crimson, were now a bottomless void, devoid of any humanity.
"Makima!" The final whisper arrived in a shout of despair, resonating with horrifying clarity, shattering the last vestiges of your resistance.
Your pupils dilated, a single word echoing in the vast emptiness—Makima.
It was a name, a fragment of who you were, but it offered no explanation for your current existence.
Slowly, the tremor subsided, the yellow glow in your eyes receding, leaving behind a chilling emptiness.  Fear melted into a strange sense of clarity.
You were Makima, but you were also Y/N.
Calming your ragged breaths, you tested the name on your tongue in a low, raspy whisper. "Makima..."
It held power—a chilling familiarity—but it felt distant, alien.
Y/N, the name your mother called you, felt more comfortable, more like your own.
Yes, you decided; you were Y/N.
You didn't know who Makima was, but you would find out. And in the meantime, you would carve your own path in this world, as Y/N.
A determined glint flickered in your eyes, a spark of defiance against the unknown future.
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***EECKKK!! I'm so hyped for this, lol. Just get ready for all the fan-service cuz y'all know i love being delusional, lololo
Anyways, here's a sneek peak, I have like 10+ completed and should start updating regularly in about a week (i plan on having 20+ completed so I won't keeping you guys waiting too long in between updates) See y'all next update ❤️
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magewritesstories · 1 month
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Guys, I need Jujutsu Kaisen and My Hero Academia requests, I'm itching to write about them but need ideas! Send in some requests—fluff/headcanons/smau/chatfics—literally anything.
references: my jjk masterlist + my mha masterlist (its a wip) + my main masterlist
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
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sleeping soundly in your boyfriend’s bed while he finished his night shift. katsuki had texted you letting you know he was going to be back late tonight and to go to bed without him. you usually don’t go to sleep until he comes back, not being able to sleep without knowing he's safe in your arms but today you were more tired than usual. having had a long day at the agency as well, you wanted nothing more than to just crash in bed and doze off to sleep. little did you know someone was lurking in the shadows waiting for you to do exactly that so he could make his move.
kirishima had been watching you all night since you arrived at your boyfriend’s apartment. spying on you from the glass balcony door in the bedroom, just outside your view. as soon as you were sound asleep, he slid the door open knowing bakugou would rarely close it not thinking anyone would be stupid enough to sneak into a top pro hero’s apartment.
he peered down at your sleeping self, missing seeing you this vulnerable with him. back when it was the three of you, you’d have fun with each other. exploring each other’s bodies and ravishing one another until the sun came up. you guys were climbing the hero charts together, but slowly bakugou and you started getting higher rankings while kirishima stayed stuck behind. making him doubt himself and even though you and katsuki always reassured him of his virtues, in the end eijirou let his insecurities get the best of him.
which led him to take a turn for what he considered to be the best. succumbing to the gruesome ways of villainies. quickly becoming one of the most, if not the topmost feared villain in the underworld. famous for shredding his victims into pieces with his quirk. rumored to drink their blood before ending their miserable lives. the poison in his sharp canines making them more pliable for him. earning him the name of blood riot, a name that would cause a blood-curling chill to run up and down the spine of anyone that hears it. 
eiji sits down beside you on the bed, calloused hand reaching up to remove some stray hairs from your face. running his fingers lightly against your neck, onto your shoulders, and down your sides as he drags the covers down with them. goosebumps erupting on your skin as the cold air hits your bare skin, having the habit of sleeping naked.
enjoying the view a while longer before rising to remove his clothes and crawl back into the bed behind you. you were laying down on your stomach with one leg up and the other straight. rough hands massage your glutes before gently spreading your legs further for him. spitting on your cunt, as he uses his thumb to spread it on your folds. kissing your shoulder as he starts rubbing small circles on your clit, dragging his fingers up to your entrance as he slowly inserts his digit into you.
thrusting his thumb in and out of you as he uses his other fingers to rub up and down your cunt, putting more pressure on the tip of his fingers every time they catch on your clit. briefly squirming under him before going still again. pulling his fingers away, he spits on his hand and gives his cock a few pumps before aligning himself with you. slowly bullying his way into you, your walls tightening around him, fighting the stretch of his large cock. 
picking up the pace when he hears you whimpering, thrusting his hips quickly as your eyes begin to flutter open. “kats?” you asked, still dazed from sleep but before you can look behind you a hand covers your mouth. “easy now, princess”. you immediately recognized that voice, squirming to try and get a peek of him.
going still the second you felt his hot breath on the side of your neck, his thick tongue licked a long stripe of flesh before he opened his mouth and sank his sharp teeth into your skin. a scream escaping your mouth, muffled by his large hand as pain shot through every part of your body. 
picking his thrust back up as he rams into you from behind, teeth still deep inside your neck making shivers run across your skin. “so fucking delicious” he grunts as he removes his teeth from you, fresh blood dripping down your chest and staining the sheets under you. the pain in your neck was throbbing as your mind started to go hazy. feeling your limbs give out on you, not having the strength to try and squirm away from him.
“that’s it baby, just relax for me” he whispers beside your ear as he continues to lap up the blood oozing from you. lowering his hand from your mouth and wrapping it around your neck, choking you tightly as he feels your walls pulsing around him.
the amount of slick coming out of you was embarrassing, it was making you sick how turned on your body is given your current situation. although part of you can’t deny that you’ve missed having him this close to you, buried so deep inside you that your mind goes empty. 
“cum for me… cum all over my cock baby” his words give you the extra push as you reach your climax, moaning and whimpering as he continues to pound into you at a rapid pace. “fuuuck that’s it” he whines as he sinks his teeth back into your flesh, your body jolting from the abrupt action, another wave of pain bursting across your skin as you scream again. the mixture of intense pleasure and pain sending you over the edge again as you squirt, soaking the sheets under you.
the feeling of your messy cunt spasming around him making his balls tighten as he cums inside you. long hot spurts of creamy whites coating your inner walls, his thrusts never faltering as he continues fucking his cum deeper into you. 
eijirou peeks over at the clock before he smirks against your skin, detaching his teeth from your flesh as he ogles at the pretty red color from your blood covering your skin and dripping down the sides of his mouth. pulling you with him so that you’re both now facing the bottom of the bed. catching on to his intentions you try to beg for him to stop but it was no use, you were too dazed to be able to fight him when he was twice your size.
“eiji please s-stop”, “shhh baby, we’re just getting started” he whispers as he starts thrusting at a violent pace. tightening his fingers around your throat to tone down your erratic moans as he sinks his teeth in your flesh, alternating between each side of your neck, each time sending waves of pleasure through your entire body as the sting from his sharp canines pulls orgasm after orgasm from you.
turning your face towards him as he pulls you in for a kiss, the pungent iron taste drowning your taste buds as his tongue tangles with yours. hearing the familiar sound of the keys jiggling against the door as the apartment door unlocks. your eyes immediately shoot open as eijirou smirks against your lips, the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer to the bedroom.
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♡ main masterlist ♡
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theyscreamjade · 1 year
I was wondering if you could do Shoto, Izuku, Bakugo, and Kirishima as villains? Like maybe they meet the reader and are basically struggling to comprehend their feelings?
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「 Did I make new banner gifs for this? Maybe. Did I go crazy when I saw this? I pled the fifth. THANK YOU ANON for requesting this! How did you know I love BNHA villains? HOW DID YOU KNOW!?~ෆ」
⊰ 18+! (Anyone who’s underaged will be blocked!)ও
↬ word count: 2.4k ෆ
↬ Disclaimer: Cursing, Mention of Gore, Death, & Murder.
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⧽ Within his head cannon, I honestly believe each of these characters all started in the usual way..until something.  
⧽ As you’re wondering, what erupted this in our cute green boy? 
⧽ Remember when Kacchan said, “Why don’t you take a swan dive off the side of the building, and maybe in the afterlife you’ll be able to get a quirk in the afterlife?” That kinda took him to the heart, so..he waited until it was late. He snuck out to the roof and started jumping but…no one truly knows what happened.  
⧽ The next day, his stuff was found, and Deku was recreated.  
⧽ You met Deku in the same way most would, you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Exhausted and tired, who would’ve thought you’d wound up in some shit with Izuku Midorya. You caught a glimpse of him and a few villains rushing past you before his hand slammed over yours.  
⧽ In seconds, cops swarmed you while his blade pressed against a vital organ. His heart was racing as he stared toward the cops, waiting for a sign or something. They were barking commands and orders, instructing him to let you go.  
⧽ His fingers dug into your skin while he chuckled softly. “Hope you’re ready for a ride~” and then poof, you’re in a cloud of smoke and appeared in a building of some sort.  
⧽ You catch a glimpse of the host that was holding you and immediately you recognize him. The green hair, and…dead eyes? He didn’t look as recognizable as he did in his missing photos. You helped his mother during the searches for him and for years, everyone assumed he was dead.  
⧽ “Surprised? You look as if you know me?” He teased and cutely flicked your nose, that’s how you meet him.  
⧽ You were held for ransom for a day before you were tossed in the exact spot you were taken before and were ordered to go straight home, reassuring your family that you were fine and that you couldn’t tell anyone that Deku was still alive.  
⧽ It’s unexplainable how or even why he fell for you, but he did. When he was out visiting his mom and popping extra cash into her bank account, he found where you lived and decided to stop by.  
⧽ Unlike the thousands of people who would’ve screamed or called the police. 
⧽ You welcome him in, and you get to know the new man that he is. You get to know his past and his life now…and not one bit did you question it.  
⧽ You two started as friends until shit hits the fan with Deku and he comes over at midnight or texts you on your burner phone so you two can see each other. He enjoys having you around.  
⧽ It’s hard for him to comprehend and even process after holding his back for so long, he barely even cries anymore. He’s an unhinged man that isn’t afraid to fuck someone up and can do it strategically.  
⧽ He takes a while, I’d say almost a year, to tell you how he feels. He confesses his feelings when he and the league are wanted for something enormous. He’s staring at the night sky and just takes your hand and tells you. He bursts his feelings out and doesn’t expect an answer without delay.  
⧽ “I’m in love with you and have been for a while now…. but as a heads up, avoid downtown and leave your apartment.” That’s what he leaves you with before he disappears in a cloud of the same smoke.  
⧽ You follow his orders that night…and you’re not caught up in the massive wave that Deku causes with his new quirk that’s stronger than All Might could handle. Buildings are sent to the ground including yours, Kacchan can’t even stop him because he’s watching this beast of someone he once knew.  
⧽ You watched from out of town, staring at the diner which he took you to before. A hand tapped your head, and you looked up to see the green maniac with two cups of coffee in his hand. “H-How are y- “ 
⧽ “Oh? That? It’s a recent Nomu advancement, we copied me…and gave him something I always thought I’d never have. Too bad, I still got it.” He said with a smirk, taking your hand before you teleported away with him, hiding away from the brewing shitstorm to happen. 
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⧽ Mister Kacchan became evil after he was kidnapped and held by the villains. He was a part of the school of his dreams and was simply training amongst his mates before everything went crazy.  
⧽ While being held captive, he sees the one person he’d hoped to never see again. With a knife to his neck, Deku suggests ways that he can either die or get the desired forgiveness.  
⧽ They brainwashed the stubborn almost hero, moving fast when All Might tried to bust through the doors.  
⧽ Bakugou isn’t as anger he once was, with his voice finally heard and his passion altered towards a new direction.
⧽ It’s hard to stop the exploding boy who gets exactly what he wants with the help of Shigaraki and others. Twice literally loves him, Compress shoved some manners in his head though he and Toya are another story.  
⧽ He met you through rather funny circumstances, He was going to rob you, but you fought back, and he liked your flame. You were terrified but didn’t want to deal with more shit. He still kinda robbed you, taking your phone and putting his number in it once he got your information.
⧽ Little did he know, you were also a petty little robber.  
⧽ He appeared at your door, holding your phone while you were holding his phone, and All Might wallet while Toya cackles behind him. He entirely underestimated you…and takes you on the ride toward destroying hero society.  
⧽ “…. Ya wanna fuckin destroy hero society and change the way shit is now?”  
⧽ Quirk or Quirkless, You’re a perfect match for Lord Explosion Murder.  
⧽ While he’s causing mayhem, you’re getting the shit needed for Shigaraki and the boss. You’ve collected all the fucked asses shit that heroes have done through the years and exposed every last piece of information.  
⧽ While Deku’s Nomu is out there wreaking havoc, Bakugou’s watching from afar with you. You’ve been with them for a while now.  
⧽ After the first few times you’ve come over and helped the league out, he discovered his feelings that he denied telling you. How can he tell you something like that?  
⧽ As more buildings crumble in front of you two, he starts to say something before he spots a red dot looming over your head. He snatches you off and dives toward the ground before the shot could touch you.
⧽ He hears wings flapping and a sudden gush of wind before he orders you to get behind him. He creates an explosion so large that it takes attention off of the Nomu. With the smoke in the air, you two are running through the abandoned and cheap homes of the worse side of town.  
⧽ You hear his footsteps behind you one second before they disappeared when you entered a dark alley. You saw a pair of white eyes and your heart sank to your chest, reaching into your pocket to pull out a flash bomb. Bakugou warned you about Tokoyami and how he can be, just wasn’t sure how big he was.  
⧽ Your shadow started to become dark before a bunch of red feathers swooped down and started to pull you up. You kicked as much and hard as you could as they collected and silenced your screams. Your body felt crushed, like a caterpillar in a cocoon.  
⧽ Suddenly, your body crashed to the ground, and you saw Bakugou. Hawks were down as Tokoyami; smoke covered the corner you two were in. He began to check you out before engulfing you in a hug. “Don’t scare me like that, dumbass. I was worried.” He said into your shoulder…before he kissed you.  
⧽ And that was the start of something new and the end of the world as heroes once knew it.  
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⧽ You’re probably wondering, how in the hell does Shoto Todoroki end up a villain? 
⧽ Welp, Toya came back home one night and seemed revenge. The bandaged-up teen looked towards the reason why he was the way he was…and simply kidnapped Shoto from his own home.  
⧽ Endeavor and everyone lost their shit while Touya carried his youngest brother on his back to the hideout. Shoto was five when he was kidnapped and practically raised by his oldest brother.  
⧽ The original plan was to kill Shoto…but Tomura proved that Shoto had better use and Touya could hurt Endeavor ten times worse.  
⧽ He grows to be a near copy of his oldest brother with a slap of cockiness and manipulation.  
⧽ You met Shoto through the internet, being a tech wizard, and excelling in your studies. Who would’ve thought you’d be kidnapped by a single flame on some stranger’s finger? 
⧽ He took you back and plopped you in front of the newest computers on the market. Touya and Tomura are ready to burn and dust his ass, but he knew what he was doing.
⧽ He saw you leave the heroes’ main headquarters, and he knows of your work within the tech fields. You solved the most locked computer in the world…He’s more than sure that you can do a little hacking.  
⧽ “Come on, Sweetheart. I’m sure you can do a little hacking for me” 
⧽ Boom, You’re in Endeavor’s account and cleaned that bitch out dry. As expected, you’re able to alter it into cards that can’t be traced, leaving Touya and Tomura shocked.  
⧽ You’re quickly appointed in the group without your permission and help them linger and move silently in better areas. You’re given a laptop without a mic or camera but you’re able to work in their favor.  
⧽ It’s hard to explain why you don’t even call for help throughout the chances you’ve got. Toga builds a relationship with you while you and Compress relate to your love for show buzz. Plus, you get along with Touya by annoying the shit out of Spinner.  
⧽ You end up in the sights of Shoto…who’s unsure of what he’s feeling. He’s experienced anger and more than he can figure out, but love was new. It was hard to comprehend even with Kurogiri’s help.  
⧽ He usually spends his days getting underneath your skin, like how guys would when they were younger to show they liked you. This is the best Shoto can do and it’s not even good.  
⧽ It was early in the morning before the Nomu would attack. Bakugou and his crush were heading out while you typed and altered each video to perfect precision.
⧽ Each video from the heroes and every corrupt thing they’ve done was brushed under the rug. You were going to display how fucked everyone was…only if Shoto could stop annoying the shit out of you.  
⧽ He was slurping his soba noodles in your ear, watching you work. “Can I help you?” You’d finally asked him, only to get a smirk out of him.  
⧽ “You’re just so cute when you’re focused and shit.” He mentioned catching you off guard. “It’s one of the many things I like about you.” He admits before walking away, leaving you dumbfounded.  
⧽ During the escape, he might sneak a kiss while sliding you to safety.  
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⧽ Kirishima is the most shocking one of all.  
⧽ His reign of terror started after Mina was killed and he was forced to watch as that villain killed them. His hero of all time, Crimson Riot and simply declared their deaths as a spur-of-the-moment situation.  
⧽ He mentioned how Mina shouldn’t have defended her friends and saved herself. It was somewhat of a wake-up call. Originally, he was going to be a simple vigilante.  
⧽ After Bakugou was kidnapped and how the heroes simply gave up, he was devoted to simply fucking shit up.  
⧽ By day, he was a student within the confines of the academy, by night, He’s Blood Riot. He creates his team of bandits that terrorize the city and makes heroes all around disappear.  
⧽ The plan was simple, kill off every hero in the city until there was barely enough for the remaining bunch to handle the massive pile of shit that Nomu was going to bring.  
⧽ But you had to be curious. Heroes were suspecting a backstabber was in the midst…. you never suspected it to be Kirishima.  
⧽ The most positive and sweetest person you’ve ever met wasn’t who you thought he was. You weren’t caught that night, however…He knew that you knew.  
⧽ By the weekend, he had you dangling off the roof with your life in his hands. You’re begging profusely and say you’ll hold his secret if he tells his reasons.
⧽ He pulls you onto the roof, into his room…and plays every single death from the fault of heroes. Videos from decades back to now, as recent as last week…which left a massive impact on you.  
⧽ Is this what heroes truly are? 
⧽ Is this what…you could be? Someone, to take a life while fighting to save lives?  
⧽ A new flame erupts inside you and Kirishima fuels it more.  
⧽ “Glad you finally see what the world doesn’t.” 
⧽ You join in on altering the information, killing the small heroes and sidekicks, and acting as normal as possible.  
⧽ Kirishima was too busy killing with you...to realize how you made him feel. He notices it for a week until his feelings are overwhelming during a session with a hero.
⧽ You swung a baseball bat at them, hitting them at full impact. Their blood soon covered your cheek and Kirishima realized there that he was in love with you.  
⧽ He snatched you over and kissed you, nearly forgetting the fact that there was a nearly dying hero at your feet. You both never question the actions…until the Nomu attack happens. While your ‘friends’ were out there fighting for their lives, you two stood on the sidelines, watching. He looked over at you. 
⧽ “Can I trust you?” He questioned, earning a confused look from you. “I’m in love with you…but I will kill the person I love if you betray me..” He confessed, earning a smirk from you.
⧽ “I would’ve killed your ass when I found out you were the traitor.” You responded, earning a smile from him. “I’ve learned my lesson from this awful world..and I’m glad I get to witness it crumple.”
⧽ “I’m glad you’ve opened my eyes.”
“Can I trust you?” He questioned, earning a confused look from you. “I’m in love with you…but I will kill the person I love if you betray me..” He confessed, earning a smirk from you.
* “I would’ve killed your ass when I found out you were the traitor.” You responded, earning a smile from him. “I’ve learned my lesson from this awful world..and I’m glad I get to witness it crumple.”
* “I’m glad you opened my eyes.”
“Can I trust you?” He questioned, earning a confused look from you. “I’m in love with you…but I will kill the person I love if you betray me...” He confessed, earning a smirk from you.  
“I would’ve killed your ass when I found out you were the traitor.” You responded, earning a smile from him. “I’ve learned my lesson from this awful world...and I’m glad I get to witness it crumple.” 
“I’m glad you opened my eyes.” 
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!The bnha boys reacting to you buying matching toothbrushes!
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Scenario:- the bnha boys react to reader gettin em matching toothbrushes
Contains:- Dabi,Kirishima,Bakugou
Part:- 1/2
Type:- SMAU
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Tagging:- @izueli
please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the mha characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but this story? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
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The overwhelming urge to write for villain/traitor U.A. students (especially the sunshine/jokester characters) because you’ve become obsessed with them again after four years of peace
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kemistre · 10 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐗𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐘 -> taglist here! 
synopsis. what happens when the number one hero, all might, dies of unknown causes? what happens when his number one student and inheritor of OFA, midoriya izuku, finally snaps to become one of the most wanted villains in japan? through a series of stories with interconnected worlds, we see just how dangerous the new number hero, deku, can truly be.
content warnings. future!AU, she/her pronouns, descriptions of blood, descriptions of blood, descriptions of violence/fighting, description of deaths, cursing, character death, heartbreak, panic attacks, some 18+ stuff but those chapters will not add to the overall plot of the story!!, tba -> word count. tba
author’s note. okay so i made a lil masterlist for all the stories :3 i'm so excited for this, kicking my feet back and forth for real hehe -> prologue here! please read this before you read any of these stories!
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synopsis. in which izuku slowly dissolves into madness after his mentor was killed and his girlfriend left him alone. soon, he meets y/n, someone who promised him the world and more when no one else would
synopsis. in which shoto tries to make his high school crush happy after the public breakup between her and the no.1 hero, deku, through thick and thin shoto vowed to protect her because even though he thought he’d gotten rid of those feelings, they all came rushing back after he became friends with her all over again
synopsis. in which katsuki is accused for blowing up the shopping mall, this leads to him being put on the downlow, so, he’s assigned to protect y/n and through their time together, they feel more for each other bit by bit
synopsis. in which eijirou goes about his life with his high school sweetheart, y/n, in the forms of missions, dates, proposals, the adoption of a daughter, and death
synopsis. in which denki goes through the heartbreak of losing his girl to one of his best friends, dealing with his changing friendships, and the stress of being a third year at UA but one day, a few years into the future while leaving the bar, he saves and meets y/n, someone he begins the care for like he cared for the girl at UA
synopsis. in which hitoshi teaches the next generation of pro heroes in class 1-A along with his teacher in training, y/n, someone who prioritizes the wellbeing of her students before anything else
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all rights reserved © kemistre 2023. do not repost to other sites/copy my work.
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stars-at-5pm · 1 year
Kiribaku x reader grief comfort
Univers : Mha
Pronoms : She/her
Type : Comfort
TW : villain attack, grief, depression, mention of death...
Context : The reader lost a close friend to a villain and is unmotivated to do anything due to grief but the boys comfort her
When you got the call, you didn’t believe it, you couldn’t. It was the parents of one of your best friend that called you, they told you that their child, got killed in a recent villain attack, and that you were invited to their funeral, in 2 month. After that they hang up, leaving you alone, with all the memories and the battles you went through together. You collapsed to your knees, in your kitchen, having a huge breakdown.
You never lost anyone before, and the first person that got taken away from you was your best fiend. That one friend that told you everything, the one you spend endless nights doing self care with, the one who helped you through your toughest battles, the one you thought would last forever. They were gone. And you couldn’t believe it.
When this happened, you were alone at home, kirishima and Bakugo were at work. You dealt with it all alone, in your kitchen, not understanding anything that was happening.
Why ? Why was this happening to you ? What did it have to be them ? Your mind couldn't stop questioning everything, every detail. It felt like you were about to explode, and you did, multiple times.
3 hours had passed since you got the news, leaving time for the sun to set and your boyfriends to get home. You were still in you kitchen, drenched in sweat and red from the all the crying, feeling like shit. It felt like you had lost touch with reality.
So when you heard your name, you didn't answer or move, because it didn't felt real. Until it did. It did when you met the bright red eyes of your boyfriend. " Y/n ? " he said, in a concerned voice. This time, hearing your name made you react, it made you move, it made you jump in your boyfriend's arms. " There there, I'm here baby, I'm here. " The thing is, you didn't notice which one of your boyfriend was talking to you. Not until you were in his arms. Not until you met with Kirishima's smell. He held you for maybe 20 minutes, but those twenty minutes helped you to come back to your senses.  " I'm sorry. I'm sorry. " you said, in a small and tired voice. " What ? Sweetie why are you apologizing ? " asked Kirishima. " I'm acting like a big baby. " you whispered. " Y/N look at me, you're not. You're reacting to something, that's not child-like, that's human-like. You don't have to apologize " " No but you have some explaining to do. " The sudden voice made you and kirishima jump. " Why the fuck are you both on the floor, and why is y/n crying ? " " I fond her like this when I got home, but she hasn't had the chance to tell me why she was crying like this. " Bakugo's face looked concerned, he didn't like seeing you like this, he never did. He hates seeing you cry. " well, let's change that. " replied Kirishima. He got up and took you in his strong arms. " Is this okay ? " he asked. You simply nodded, being too tired to say anything. " Kat? I'm going to run a bath for y/n, you go change and then you join us okay ? " " Yeah whatever "
After this interaction, kirishima ran you a bath and let you relax in it. Meanwhile Katsuki and him went to change, not wanting to spend their evening in their dirty hero costumes. Once you finished your bath, you met with your boyfriends in your living room, where they were waiting for you on the couch.
" Come here. " called Katsuki, indicating you to go sit on his lap. Which you did. " So, wanna tell us what's wrong? " asked kirishima in a calm voice . You took a deep breath, already feeling the tears forming. " So this morning, I got a phone call " talking about this was painfully hard. Your voice was shaky, your face felt hot and was red. " And, I learned about the death.." you took another deep breath, tears running softly on your cheeks " the death of my best friend. " And that was it, the last sentence you could say before breaking down again. You couldn't stop crying, you couldn't breath. It was way too much for you. You lost a part of yourself, and never got to say goodbye.
Seeing you in so much pain was also a lot for the boys. You're their world, and seeing you like this ? It broke them.
- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -
Now it's been a week since your best friend died, and you're completely unable to do anything. You had to call off work and let them know about what happened, fortunately your boss was very understanding and told you to take your time. So you spend your days in bed, not getting up, barely eating or even showering.
Was being alive too hard ?
\\\ Saturday, 11 am \\\
Today, Kirishima and Bakugo didn't have work, not unless they were called for an emergency of course. Which meant that you had a day just for the three of you. Of course, the boys had the time to eat, work out, shower and get some groceries before you even woke up. With bakugo getting up at 6 every day, it's hard to keep up, I mean, you're barely awake before 12 pm and he has already done half of his to-do list. 
" Y/n !! We're home " kirishima called.
You were still in bed, you didn't even care that they were home, you just wanted peace. Your head was always heavy and was always hurting. You felt like complete shit. Plus it wasn't like you really had to live for anybody now. Your best friend was gone and you were still here, in your bed, being miserable. 
" Yo Y/n ! Can i come in ? " asked Bakugo. 
You just hummed in response. It's been days since you've made a complete sentence, talking was way too overwhelming.  Maybe it was overwhelming because you were scared of talking about it again, about their death. Maybe it would remind you about how you weren't there, how you didn't help. That's it, you're just scared, scared of yourself. 
" Hi. " Bakugo's voice was rough but sounded awake, " Are you plaining on getting up today or are you gonna stay here ? Eijiro wanted to go on a picnic date. "
" A date ? I can't even shower. "
" Oh wow, she talks ! "
" Babe ! Don't say it like that !! " insisted Kirishima, appearing out of nowhere. " It's okay if you don't want to darling. "
" ugh " you grunted, " I just which that I had the strength to do things!! I miss you guys.. " You mutter, tearing up.
" Princess, we're not mad at you, you know that. Right ? " said Bakugo, worried.
" And I don't think you having a hard time is uncommon. What you're going through is really tough, and you're handling it like a pro ! " exclaimed Kirishima.
" Im tired of being tired. I could be out the door, living my best life but here I am, in my bed, not doing anything. "
" Y/n, you lost your best friend a week ago, a WEEK. It's normal for you to feel down! You lost someone important, and that has an impact. "
" Some people don't give a shit, you do. That's good. " added Bakugo
" Am I annoying ? " you ask, tears rolling down on your pink cheek.
Kirishima looked at Bakugo, they were both very concerned. Kirishima walked to the bed and sat down next to you, bakugo did the same, on the other side. Bakugo wrapped his arms around you and kiri took both of your hands.
" Look, it's okay to not be okay. You're doing so so good! We're both so proud, we really are. We're not mad or bored, or even annoyed. We love you, and we're here. We're with you, and we will be forever, even if you're not feeling okay. "
" Yeah, red hair is right, just because you're feeling down, doesn't mean you're annoying. "
You sighed in relief, you were glad to have them, by your side.
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honeynutbakuslut · 1 year
Imagine having a quirk where you can literally just manipulate the periodic table. That doesn't sound like much if you don't think about it, but you can literally manipulate ANYTHING to do whatever you want it to. Since everything is made from a chemical element, there's nothing you can't control. You can control fire and ice, who cares about todoroki. You can make explosions easily and ones a hundred times bigger than bakugous, who gives a damn about him anyway. You can manipulate air to pack one hell of a punch and manipulate your skin o harden, that alone throws Midoriya and Kirishima to the side. You could be the most powerful hero alive and keep the world safe, make it better.
But no.
You chose to live your life in pathetic villainy.
'why. why do i do this.'
You realise you'll never find your answer, looking down to All Might, pinned below your foot. Bloodied and tired and worn out and dead.
Look up and around the now demolished city. Look around at the thousands of people crushed under buildings and cars and houses.
Look around at the hundreds of heroes who thought they were good enough to be number one. Villains who thought that since someone important to them had died, they would be the worst villain of all. Every last one of them lying burnt and scraped and scarred and bloodied and limp.
Every last one of them gone. Forever.
And you. Standing without a scratch on your body or tear in your clothes. No blood on you to deal with in the wash.
Then you wake up.
Surrounded by your classmates all huddled around each other avoiding you.
You sit and observe as the girls in the corner giggle while pointing at you. The boys making lewd gestures at the oblivious girls. Your teacher dead asleep in a yellow bag. Your hair covering your upper half as you shrink back down to the desk.
Fall back into the safety of sleep.
In bloody hope of continuing your dream.
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winxanity-ii · 20 days
⌜Know No Evil | Chapter 00 Chapter 00 | Blurb⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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In a blink, the bulky bully found himself on his knees, gasping for breath.
❝W-What? What are you—❞
You loomed over him, your grip tightening around his tie until it strained and choked off his pathetic pleas. A low, menacing growl rumbled from your chest, vibrating through him. ❝Shut up,❞you hissed, the words laced with icy venom. His eyes widened in sheer terror, and any further whimpers died a silent death in his throat.
Suddenly, the squeak of approaching shoes cut through the tense silence. You snapped your head up, eyes flashing with icy fury that locked onto the two remaining lackeys. Irritated, you barked a single word, ❝Sit.❞
The command was laced with such power that the two boys could only exchange panicked glances before they found their minds going blank and mindlessly following your orders, collapsing onto the ground like obedient dogs.
The indigo-haired boy, still sprawled on the ground, could only watch in utter shock as the tides turned completely.
Turning your attention back to the trembling bully at your mercy, you felt a tremor run through your own hand. ❝Bitch?❞you hissed, your voice barely above a whisper. The name sent a surge of rage coursing through you, your eyes flickering with an otherworldly, yellow glow. ❝How dare you, you filthy, lowly being,refer to me as such!❞
You leaned in closer, your voice dripping with venom. ❝Do I look like I belong amongst the inferior pests you call friends and family? Like I...❞You trailed off, your rage reaching a boiling point. With a final, earth-shattering roar, you threw back your head and declared, ❝I'm not bitch! I am a god!❞
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Oh, how you despised them.
As the Control Devil, you couldn't help but see them for what they truly were: inferior pests that belong beneath your thumb.
So imagine your surprise that you found yourself dying at the hands of one and waking up in a world where 'Quirks' define one's worth, with no recollection of who you were.
But as whispers of your past life soon began seeping through the cracks of your new reality, you decided that a life without your reverend Pochita wasn't a life worth living.
So the question remains: What's left for you to do?
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╭─↬ ❗𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆❗ ↫─╮ There will be mentions/descriptive scenes of the following:
╭ ⁞ ❏. Language ┊ ⁞ ❏. Stalker-Like Tendencies ┊ ⁞ ❏. Toxic/Manipulative Behavior ┊ ⁞ ❏. Alcohol Usage ┊ ⁞ ❏. Gore/Violence ┊ ⁞ ❏. Apathetic/Antisocial Behavior ┊ ⁞ ❏. Minor/Major Character Deaths ┊ ⁞ ❏. Yandere Tendencies
Lol, I don't know if I got them all, so if you see anything I didn't list, come back and comment right here so I can add them to the list later ➡
Enjoy (•͈˽•͈)
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danceshirayuki · 2 years
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text me to hell — bakugou k. x villain fem!reader
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The female smiled as she found the account, "there he is." she pressed the send a message button and quickly typed a message.
She placed the cell phone down on the wooden counter. A small chuckle left her, "she was such a good helper, too sad she had to die."
Bakugou sighed as he sat on the edge of the roof. He pulled the rice ball out of the paper bag and unwrapped it.
"Hey there you are." Kirishima called out, Bakugou looked back at him and only hummed as he tiredly bit down onto his rice ball.
"Where the hell were you?" Bakugou asked, "you said you'd be here by 3.". "I… uh… was on a date." Kirishima rubbed his neck.
Bakugou hummed, a bit confused. He swallowed before asking, "when the hell did you get a girlfriend?". "I told you already!"
"I met her on this dating app–" "Oh that one." Bakugou cut him off, he really didn't want to hear about that new dating app floating around.
It annoyed him, he had never taken dating apps seriously. He believed that apps like that were a waste of time and weren't actually very sufficient.
Kirishima pouted a bit, "c'mon man! At least give it a shot!". "Why? I don't need a girlfriend." Bakugou replied.
Kirishima sat down next to the blond. "Are you still trying to get over Uraraka?" Kirishima asked. "That was 3 years ago." Bakugou grumbled, a bit of anger in his voice.
"No need to bring up the past.". Kirishima only gave a sarcastic hum. "Dude, she's with Midoryia now. You gotta get over her.".
"I am–" "Then there's no reason for you not to give it a shot for shits and giggles." Kirishima said. Bakugou only glared at him.
"Fine, I'll give it a shot if you get off my back." Bakugou grabbed his cell phone out and tossed it at Kirishima. "Get the damn app.".
Kirishima smiled and quickly fiddled with the phone until he handed it back to Bakugou. "Fill out your stuff and add one of your pictures." Kirishima said.
Bakugou finished his rice ball and took the phone. He followed Kirishima's instructions to set up the account.
About 20 minutes after the account was set up, he already got a match with a female, y/n l/n, she left a message too with the match.
[y/n]: hey, seems like we got matched pretty quickly. maybe it's a sign.
Bakugou looked at the message and almost didn't respond, it looked so cringey to him. "How the hell am I supposed to respond to this?" He looked at Kirishima.
Kirishima peeked at the message. "Just give a small sweet response, maybe ask her how her day was." Kirishima suggested.
Bakugou grumbled and gave a response;
[bakugou]: guess so.
Kirishima deadpanned a little seeing Bakugou's response. "You need a lot of work bro…".
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