#Unnecessary meat consumption
rimaakter45 · 5 months
नैतिक शाकाहारी भोजन: एक स्वस्थ, दयालु और अधिक टिकाऊ जीवन शैली
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हाल के वर्षों में, नैतिक शाकाहार ने महत्वपूर्ण आकर्षण प्राप्त किया है, और अच्छे कारण से। पशु कल्याण, मानव स्वास्थ्य और पर्यावरणीय स्थिरता के बारे में बढ़ती चिंताओं के साथ, बढ़ती संख्या में लोग नैतिक शाकाहारी जीवन शैली का विकल्प चुन रहे हैं। यह लेख की अवधारणा पर प्रकाश डालता हैनैतिक शाकाहारी भोजन, आम गलतफहमियों को दूर करते हुए जानवरों, मानव स्वास्थ्य और ग्रह के लिए इसके लाभों की खोज करना।
पशु कल्याण
नैतिक शाकाहार के पीछे प्राथमिक प्रेरणा जानवरों को होने वाले नुकसान को कम करने की इच्छा है। नैतिक शाकाहारी मांस, डेयरी, अंडे और शहद सहित किसी भी पशु उत्पाद का सेवन करने से बचते हैं। इस जीवनशैली को अपनाकर, व्यक्तियों ने सक्रिय रूप से खाद्य उद्योग में जानवरों के शोषण को समाप्त कर दिया।
फैक्ट्री फार्मिंग, जहां जानवरों को भीड़भाड़, कैद और क्रूर प्रथाओं का शिकार बनाया जाता है, एक बड़ी चिंता का विषय है। नैतिक शाकाहारी इन उद्योगों से अपना समर्थन वापस लेने का विकल्प चुनते हैं, सक्रिय रूप से एक दयालु विकल्प को बढ़ावा देते हैं। पशु उत्पादों का बहिष्कार करके, नैतिक शाकाहारी लोग जानवरों की पीड़ा को कम करने में योगदान देते हैं, एक ऐसी दुनिया की वकालत करते हैं जो सभी संवेदनशील प्राणियों का सम्मान और महत्व करती है।
स्वास्थ्य सुविधाएं
आम धारणा के विपरीत, नैतिक शाकाहार कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ प्रदान करने वाला सिद्ध हुआ है। एक सुनियोजित शाकाहारी आहार इष्टतम स्वास्थ्य के लिए आवश्यक सभी आवश्यक पोषक तत्व प्रदान कर सकता है। शाकाहार व्यक्तियों को फलों, सब्जियों, साबुत अनाज, नट्स और बीजों का सेवन बढ़ाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर आहार मिलता है जिसमें संतृप्त वसा और कोलेस्ट्रॉल कम होता है।
अध्ययनों से लगातार पता चला है कि शाकाहारी लोगों में हृदय रोग, उच्च रक्तचाप, मोटापा और कुछ कैंसर की दर कम होती है। पौधे-आधारित आहार पाचन तंत्र पर भी हल्का होता है, जिससे ऊर्जा का स्तर बढ़ता है और समग्र स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होता है। इसके अलावा, पशु उत्पादों को खत्म करने से मांस और डेयरी उपभोग से जुड़ी खाद्य जनित बीमारियों का खतरा काफी कम हो जाता है।
पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव
पशु कृषि के पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव को कम करके नहीं आंका जा सकता। पशुधन खेती को ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सर्जन, वनों की कटाई, भूमि क्षरण, जल प्रदूषण और प्रजातियों के विलुप्त होने में महत्वपूर्ण योगदानकर्ता के रूप में पहचाना गया है। नैतिक शाकाहारी जीवनशैली अपनाकर, व्यक्ति जलवायु परिवर्तन से निपटने और भावी पीढ़ियों के लिए ग्रह को संरक्षित करने में सक्रिय भूमिका निभा सकते हैं।
यह सिद्ध हो चुका है कि पशु उत्पादों से भरपूर आहार की तुलना में पौधे आधारित आहार में कार्बन फुटप्रिंट कम होता है। कृषि पशुओं को खिलाने के लिए आवश्यक फसलों के लिए बड़ी मात्रा में भूमि और जल संसाधनों की आवश्यकता होती है, जिससे अंततः वनों की कटाई और पानी की कमी होती है। पौधों के स्रोतों से सीधे उपभोग करके, नैतिक शाकाहारी पानी के संरक्षण, ग्रीनहाउस गैस उत्सर्जन को कम करने और जैव विविधता की रक्षा करने में मदद करते हैं।
गलतफहमियों को दूर करना
नैतिक शाकाहार के पक्ष में ढेर सारे सबूत होने के बावजूद, कई गलतफहमियाँ बनी हुई हैं। शाकाहार के खिलाफ सबसे आम तर्कों में से एक यह धारणा है कि पौधे-आधारित आहार में आवश्यक पोषक तत्वों, विशेष रूप से प्रोटीन और विटामिन बी 12 की कमी होती है। हालाँकि, उचित योजना और ज्ञान के साथ, शाकाहारी लोग विभिन्न प्रकार के पौधों पर आधारित खाद्य पदार्थों को शामिल करके अपनी सभी पोषण संबंधी आवश्यकताओं को आसानी से पूरा कर सकते हैं।
यह भी ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि नैतिक शाकाहार प्रतिबंधात्मक भोजन या अभाव का पर्याय नहीं है। शाकाहार की बढ़ती लोकप्रियता के साथ, कई स्वादिष्ट पौधे-आधारित विकल्प सामने आए हैं, जो नैतिक शाकाहारियों को उनके मूल्यों से समझौता किए बिना, उन स्वादों और बनावटों का आनंद लेने की अनुमति देते हैं जो उन्हें हमेशा से पसंद रहे हैं।
नैतिक शाकाहार केवल एक आहार विकल्प से कहीं अधिक है; यह एक ऐसी जीवनशैली है जो करुणा, स्वास्थ्य और स्थिरता को बढ़ावा देती है। पशु कल्याण की रक्षा करके, व्यक्तिगत स्वास्थ्य में सुधार करके और पर्यावरणीय क्षति को कम करके, नैतिक शाकाहारी सक्रिय रूप से एक दयालु, स्वस्थ और अधिक टिकाऊ दुनिया के निर्माण में योगदान करते हैं। नैतिक शाकाहारी भोजन को अपनाने से न केवल व्यक्तियों बल्कि हमारे ग्रह के सामूहिक भविष्य की भी सेवा होती है।
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loverboybreakdowns · 16 hours
do you eat chicken soup someti'm s
occasionally yes
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Each year, a staggering 18 billion chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, goats, and cows either die or are killed without making it onto someone's plate. Environmental scientists Juliane Klaura, Laura Scherer, and Gerard Breeman were the first to calculate this number on a global scale. "Reducing these numbers would not only prevent unnecessary animal suffering but also contribute to the fight against climate change." A lot of our food ends up in a bin instead of on a plate. About a third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted. But never before has it been calculated how many animals die each year before ending up as food waste. The researchers examined the worldwide production and consumption of six of the most common domesticated animals and calculated that 18 billion animals go to waste every year. That equals 52.4 million tons of bone-free, edible meat. That's roughly one-sixth of all the meat produced globally.
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Dirty Work 23
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: what up my slutty butties!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You help Leslie bring out the plates. You set one before Mr. Laufeyson as Leslie puts one down before an empty chair. You can hear your dad muttering at his puzzle. Your boss is unfazed as he smugly sits waiting.
"Offer him something to drink while I get your father," Leslie lowers her voice, turning her back to your guest, "I know you didn't have a mother around but have some common courtesy."
You flinch, injured by her unnecessary remark. Sometimes she says things that sting, just like your father. You suppose that's why they get along so well. She sidesteps you and enters the front room, announcing her presence gaily as she calls your father's name.
"Mr. Laufeyson," you face him sheepishly, "would you like something to drink?"
"I suppose you haven't any cabernet," he snorts. You clamp your lip tightly in humiliation. "I am driving so I suppose it wouldn't matter, you have water, yes? It will suffice."
"Yes, Mr. Laufeyson," you answer and spin away, fleeing to the kitchen behind the shield of the simple task.
You take a glass from the cupboard, checking to make sure it's clear and clean, and fill it from the filtered jug in the fridge. You return to the dining room as Leslie helps your father in. He bats her hand off his arm and grunts as he drops into an empty chair across from Mr. Laufeyson. You put the water in front of your boss and peek over at your dad.
"Dad, do you want something--"
"No," he barks as he snatches his fork, poking at the seasoned turnip, "what is this shit?" He sniffs, "smells like garbage."
You sit and balance at the edge of your chair, not paying any mind to the food before you.
"Charlies, don't be rude," Leslie claims a seat of her own, "Loki's mother was so kind to send this over to us."
"I don't know her," your father growls.
"Can't complain for free food, can we?" Leslie girds gently and sends a smile to Laufeyson, "it's been a tough day for him. The humidity really bothers him."
"Would you be quiet?" Your father snaps, "I can speak for myself and I'm just damn fi--"
Your father breaks out into another storm of coughs. He hits the table and braces it, his fork clattering as he struggles to catch his breath. Mr. Laufeyson sits placidly, picking up his knife and fork, and cutting into the pork loin.
"My, you do sound rather terrible," he says as he pokes a morsel of meat in the air on the tines. 
"He'll be fine, he just needs to catch his breath," Leslie assures.
"Mm, have you thought of an air purifier? It might do this place some good?" Laufeyson suggests with a curl of his lip, biting into the pork.
"Mr. Fucking Fancy Pants," your dad slaps his own chest as he finds his voice, "what do you know? You ain't some doctor walking in here telling me how to breathe."
"I have several degrees so I could claim the title, I suppose," Laufeyson taunts, "I always thought it a bit pompous, however."
"Ah, go off and buy another set of tits," your father snarls.
"You are such a loving father, aren't you?" Laufeyson goads.
"Good enough to know yours never smacked you hard enough," your dad retorts.
Silence. You look at Leslie as she peers between the men, a frigid smile frozen on her face. You bat your lashes as you teeter and grip the table.
Your dad takes his fork again and scoops up a soft chunk of turnip. He puts it in his mouth, making a face as he tastes it then gags and spits it out. It flies across the table onto Laufeyson's plate. Your brows rise as Leslie's expression mirrors your shock.
"Tastes like garbage too. That mother of yours must be just as much a disappointment to your father as you," your dad chortles at his own insult, hacking into another fit.
Mr. Laufeyson sets his fork down. He sighs and slides his plate away. He stares down your father as he sets his back straight.
"As much as you are to your daughter, I'm sure."
"Mr. Laufeyson," you squeak.
"Get--" your father coughs and chokes, fighting to get to his feet, his stomach hitting the table and rattling the dishes, "the fuck--" cough -- "out of my house."
"Is that what you call this place?" Laufeyson remains seated, glancing around derisively.
Leslie gasps, "sir, now you are too much, we welcomed you in--"
"I wasn't aware your job included nursing his bruised ego," Laufeyson shoots in her direction, "don't remind me of etiquette. I brought you all more than the scraps you have in the back of that dingy fridge. Of course, you wouldn't have the taste or sense to know good food."
"I said GET OUT!" Your father hollers so hard he sways, his voice scratching at its peak.
"Dad," you stand up, "Mr. Laufeyson, please, you need to go--"
"Take your own advice," he stands and scoffs in your father's direction.
"Stop, please, he's my dad--"
"Oh yes, I've heard it before," Laufeyson sneers, "and I heard you beg him just the same before he--"
"No!" You exclaim, "no, leave. Now. Please--"
"You needn't convince me further," Mr. Laufeyson strides around the table, "Chuck," he stops next to your father as he puffs, grasping the chair for support, "try not to choke on your own vitriol."
He pats your dad arm, causing him to recoil and fall onto the chair. Leslie rushes over to him as you stand dumbfounded. You hoped the day wouldn't get worse and yet, you can't say you didn't expect it. Even so, it hits you like a car at full speed and knocks the wind out of you. You don't know what to do.
"Have a good night," Mr. Laufeyson says at the door, "however pleasant it could ever be in a rat-infested hole like this." He looks at you, "thank you for this lovely dinner."
He turns and struts out. You shake your head as adrenaline courses through you, burning around your lungs and hammering in your chest. You look over at your father as he continues to cough violently.
"Dad..." you try to go to him.
"Haven't you done enough?" Leslie snaps as she lashes you with a glare. You wince and stumble back.
"I didn't--"
"He's right about you, isn't he?" She snarls, "you're just an ungrateful brat."
"Go!" Your father forces through his choking gasp, "you little bitch!"
Your lip trembles as the room spins. You twirl away without a second thought, horrified and humiliated. You run out into the hallway and barrel up the stairs, sobbing by the time you get to the top step. Mr. Laufeyson has ruined everything. Your job, your family, and your entire life.
You thought you had nothing before, how wrong you were.
 You cry yourself to sleep, just like many nights before. Your head swirls with rippled visions of angry eyes and shadowy figures. You drown in the thick unconscious, nearly suffocated with terror as you're paralysed against the virulent nightmares.
You wake only as a crash splinters your sleep. You sit up, heaving for air as you see a dark figure eerily similar to the one in your dreams. You blink until you can, the light of the hallway glowing in the limn your father's portly figure.
He drags out the next drawer from your dresser and dumps it over the pile mounded on the floor. He staggers as he drops the plywood and kicks it aside. He leans on the handle of his oxygen tank as you reach for your lamp.
"Dad? What are you--"
He struggles to reach for the bottle by his feet. He lifts it and wobbles as he untwists the cap. He overturns the bottle of bleach onto the heap of clothes, kicking them around as the stringent chemical spills out. You watch as he ruins the layers of new clothing and cry out as you bounce to the foot of the bed.
"What are you doing!?" You shriek.
"Whore's clothes," he tosses the bottle on top, "you... bring your pimp in here like the slut you are--"
"Dad," you whimper but have no words. He's not so far off after all. You look down at the clothes and the pale stains of the bleach patching across the fabric, "dad, I'm sorry. I tried-- I was only--"
"I don't care," he grits, "I'm done with you. You been..." he takes a deep breath, clasping his chest, "mooching off me for thirty years. You sucked the life outta me--" he gasps again, "look what you done to me," he tugs at the tube that trails down his chest, "this is your fault. You killed me just like you did your mother."
"No, no, no," you touch your cheeks as they burns and your tears fall free, "please, don't say that."
It's another nightmare. It has to be. You're still sleeping. This can't be real.
"Dad," you stand and reach for him, "don't be mad--"
He hits you. Not hard, he can't. He's too weak. You flinch and back away, cowering as you cradle your head. He looks around, his head bobbling and grabs the hardcover book from atop your dresser.
He nears you as you shrink down, stunned into helplessnness. He grips the book with both hands and swings it at you. The first strikes doesn't wake you. It's real. 
He hits you, over and over, the sharp corner jabbing into your cheek and chin, then the side thumping across your shoulder and against your side. He keeps on until he can't.
He drops the book and coughs, bending over as he slips to one knee. You watch him, tears streaming into your hands as you babble like a child. 
"Daddy," you murmur.
"You get out or I'll call... the goddamn... police," he braces the oxygen tank and forces himself up. "This isn't your home no more." He limps and drags the tank to the door, "it never was.”
You don't know what to do. You can barely stop crying long enough to think. The heavy bags weigh down your steps as you wander mindlessly to the corner and stop, the reality of the moment crashing down like thunder.
You drop the duffle bag and sit on it, letting your work bag hit the pavement by your feet. The sun has barely come up as you sit in the dim hue of dawn. Where do you go?
You feel yourself sinking. Your lungs are reading to shrivel and your head is going to cave in. You're lost. You have no home, you have no father, you have nothing... well, you still have a job.
You cry a little longer, until you hear the first sign of life from across the street. You get up as a man comes of a house. He doesn't notice you as you hitch up your work bag and grab the duffle from the sidewalk. You just need somewhere for a night or two. Let dad cool off and you'll apologise. It will be okay.
You walk down to the main road and catch the first bus. You have no direction, no destination. You get off as you see the marquee of the Holiday Inn. You've never stayed in a hotel, hopefully they have room for you. It seems like no one does.
You shuffle inside, tired and worn out. There's a woman behind the front desk, sitting on a chair so you can only see the top of your head. You hobble over under the weigh of your bags and wait for her to notice you. When she doesn't, you tap the bell on the counter.
"Eh?" She stands up, almost tipping over, "sorry," she yawns, "didn't hear you come in."
"Mm," you hum and chew your lips, "that's okay. Erm..."
"Do you have a reservation? Bit early... or late, to be checking in."
"No, uh, I don't," you lower your eyes, "do you have anything available?"
"Sure we do," she answers chipperly. You look at her name tag; Mindy. "I got a few singles clean and ready."
"Okay, that's good," you answer, "how much?"
"Hundred and twenty for tonight. Credit on file or three hundred cash deposit."
"Oh," you try not show your surprise, "okay, I er, think I have enough but I don't have a credit card."
"Now worries, there's an ATM," she points across the lobby.
"Thank, can I leave my bags here for a second?"
"Sure, sweetie," she turns to the computer and clicks around.
You cross to the machine and dig out your debit card. You slide it into the slot and push the firm metal buttons. Your stomach plummets as you punch in the custom amount for withdrawal. You were saving that for the mortgage and Leslie. You hit Yes and the machine whirs, spitting out a stack of bills and a receipt.
You return to the counter and hand it over. Mindy asks for your name and phone number. You give her your info, growing more weary by the moment.
"Here are your keys," she hands over a tiny paper folio, "checkout is 11am tomorrow."
"Wifi info is in there, along with information about breakfast. Coffee in the room and a kettle. Oh, and microwave."
You thank her one last time and collect your bags once more. You go to the elevator and check the folio for your room number. You hit floor six and wait for the box to rise. You step off, following the wall plaques to the matching door. It's yours, just for a little bit.
You swipe the card several times before it unlocks, struggling to make it register. You push your duffle inside with your feet and put your work bag beside it as the door shuts on its own. The room is small, the walls are pasted in faded wallpapers and the bed is made with sheets that remind you of another decade.
You put the keys on the table against the wall and drag yourself to the bed. You don't really have any time to nap, you just need to get off your feet for a little.
Your restlessness doesn't let you sit long. You wear some of your old clothes, of the few pieces you salvaged from the ruin. You check yourself in the mirror. You don't bother with the makeup. Mr. Laufeyson will be disappointed either way. Besides, you shouldn't care so much what he thinks. You're just his house manager after all. You're there to do a job.
If only believing it would make it true.
You find a route that goes towards his neighbourhood. It lets you off a few blocks away and you take your time. You almost don't have a choice as your body is achy from your father's attach, new bruises rising tenderly to the surface.
You're early despite the fractured night. As you pass the cafe, you slow and glance through the window. Just one more quiet moment before you face the inevitable.
You push inside and see the same woman as last time. You give the same order as you doubt she even recognises you. She hovers her finger over the touch screen of her till, "we have a special, a rose tea latte, if you're interested."
"Oh?" You scrunch up your lips, you've never been good at saying no. "Sure, I'll try that."
You got the change to pay and frown. You shouldn't be spending what's left on a tea. You should be smarter. Maybe if you were, you wouldn't be such a loser.
You sit and stare at the pink foam. You don't know if you can do this but what other choice do you have? You could just disappear but for how long? You'll run out of money. As hard as it was to get this job, you don't think a new one would be any easier when you have one reference. A reference who you don't expect a shining review from.
You sip carefully. It's delicious. You drop your forehead into your hand as hot tears brim your eyes. You fight to constrain them, nearly quaking with the effort. Your eyes are swollen enough as it is.
You continue to drink, keeping your head down, and finish before you resign yourself to fate. To face Mr. Laufeyson. You can do this, not because you're strong, but because you have to.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 8 months
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Meatless Fridays: a waiter explains to patrons of a restaurant about the first "meatless" day observed here in 24 years, October 9, 1942. Only fish and vegetable plates were on the menu, designed to help cut the consumption of meat by 21 per cent as requested by the government in order to make rationing unnecessary. It didn't work. Meat was rationed in January 1943.
FN: Apparently, people were no better with apostrophes during the Golden Age than they are today.
Photo: Associated Press
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murd3r0u55ilh0u3tt3 · 3 months
Cannibal reader opinion on each TS character
• Doesn't want to eat Mhin. They're probably anemic considering how pale they are. They saw their short stature, so not enough meat.
• Ais is totally the opposite. Good high quality meat, but the taste of the insides will be bitter due to his tobacco and alcohol consumption. The flesh is somewhat calloused, it'll take forever to tenderize it.
• Leander is no different from Ais. Way too big to eat on your own. So many unnecessary muscles. The meat will probably take longer to cook. The alcohol consumption doesn't help either.
��� You must eat meat that has been on a healthy diet. Although his state implies that he is perfectly healthy, Kuras is never seen eating before. Take extra precaution...
• If you have very high standards for your food, then Vere is your best choice. Flesh is smooth and soft, perfect to bite into. Not much fat and the muscles are just the right size. His diet is somewhat perfect. However, you must check in case for STDs.
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naveensarohasblog · 6 months
To attain complete salvation, human beings have to follow the necessary rules and regulations by taking name and teachings from a complete saint, only then the human being attains the eternal supreme abode i.e. Satyalok. Some of the limitations are as follows: Consumption of intoxicants, adultery, meat eating, gambling, dancing and singing, untouchability, dowry transactions are prohibited, visiting pilgrimage places is prohibited, ancestor worship and arbitrary worship contrary to the scriptures, obedience to the Guru's orders, Unnecessary donations are prohibited, funeral rites are prohibited after Satyalok (death), worship against the scriptures is prohibited on the birth of a child, taking off hair at the Dei Dham is prohibited, doing devotion as per the scriptures, etc. To know all these devotional norms in detail, read the complete article: https://bit.ly/3Nd9TsD
⛳️For More Information Please Must Watch YouTube Channel
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.
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crying-fantasies · 9 months
Killing me Softly with his song (4)
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4: Bite and cry | part 5
CW: blood, consumption of food (as in meat, insects, human, etc), body horror, depiction of bodies and corpses, vomiting, slight impression of starving.
The first time it happened Soundwave was worried, being as gentle as he could when he took the little larvae from Mayhem's servos, looking directly with a frowning visor to the rangers and you, giving one another food, eating these creatures.
Since a long time ago Soundwave accepted the fact of your need to consume other living beings in order to survive, he did it when your presence in his life was almost a must and didn't mind it when you finally touched his spark, but seeing his sparkling putting the carcass of a processed creature in his intake is where he paints the red line, taking a little cube of energon and putting it in his child's intake instead, getting a little of struggling against his actions when Mayhem tried to escape it but accepting anyway like the good sparkling he was and drinking all.
"It's just good ol' boiled weevil larvae" one man tells him while eating the little thing in amusement, you doing the same, trying to inform him and prevent any fear from it doing any harm to the sparkling, "tastes like deep fried pork-"
Soundwave's "Do not feed Mayhem unnecessary materials" was his way of informing and making your newfound friends almost jump by the fear of finally hearing Soundwave speak after so many years of knowing him.
The second time it happened Mayhem was with the cassettes, Rumble and Frenzy, maybe it wasn't the best idea but it was indeed funny, going around any little human settlement and spend time there, if the settlement was far and secluded then they would go with their holoforms and see around, when they go to the cities they just go along with it, but now they had a sparkling with them, bound to attract attention and that's what Mayhem did when he escaped their watch, a kind woman in a street food stall gave him warm food when she noticed he was alone and hungry, not caring that Mayhem was a bot when she noticed how desperate he was for some food, not even sure if he could eat it but pleased when the little guy started to eat like a starved man.
The twins found the sparkling when he was already finishing his chichinga, saying thanks and paying what he eat with shanix, maybe giving more than it really was needed but in a hurry to take the kid to any clinic, blessing the allspark for finding Soundwave's child in one piece, not uttering a word to him about what happened or the fact that Mayhem could eat human food when the sparkling was as good as new days after it.
The third time it happened Mayhem was what you called "maybe 10 or 11?", when Soundwave was with his son and Laserbeak while on patrol in a sector where the dry season got harder, Mayhem looked at the horizon, where a little body of water was being infected by the rotting corpse of a hyena, an animal that perished by the hard environment of the year, Soundwave looked how his son took the body of the animal and put it in another place, maybe then others could consume what little water was there, then Laserbeak shouted "Stop!", scared, Soundwave froze, almost terrified, when Mayhem put a piece of the rotting meat on his intake before he could do something, the casette impacted his whole body with the sparkling's faceplate to stop him but it was already too late, Mayhem swallowed the thing before making a face, Laserbeak taking his helm in his wings only to notice the strange expression on Mayhem.
"Bleh, it's horrible"
"Why did you do it then?!"
"It smelled funny!"
Mayhem puked the meat and all the energon he had all night long in some weird rainbow colored goo.
"How come that this didn't happen before?"
"Frenzy, you fragging idiot!"
"Explain: Before"
"Boss, it was an accident, wait, no, no, don't look at me like that!"
At that point Soundwave was worried, finally getting the information from the twins on what happened years ago.
"It can't be that bad" you told him, when Mayhem finally stopped his bizarre display, "he is supposed to have organic traits too"
As it's normal, you could feel the desperation behind your husband's visor, his worry going deep on the protected optics underneath, "any one, even a bot, can get a stomachache when eating something rotted, 'Wave" you took his index and middle in your hands, making him feel secure in your words and own understanding of organics being one, "He will grow out of this soon"
And Mayhem did, not wanting to eat anything that was organic for a while, taking his fill of energon at his hours much to Soundwave's delight, staying away from human's settlements and cities, also showing that he did go behind yours and Soundwave's back to eat organic food in every city on every country when you moved for Soundwave's work, now almost running away when the smell of organic food was near.
From time to time Mayhem acted a little more slow, almost dizzy, zoning out occasionally, but no medic found out what it was, only taking it for stress and telling him to take more energon.
It was all good, Mayhem had what you called "maybe sweet fifteen" and he was with Soundwave again in a patrol that took a turn to the worst when Ratbat found what they were searching for.
Humanity can be good or bad, sometimes both, just like his people, Soundwave learned that a long time ago, and he thought so again hearing the profanities said and cries of the staff in charge of the stolen buffalos of a national reserve when he got them where he found the headless bodies of some animals.
They still had hope the rest were alive.
It took a little moment, one when Soundwave was more concerned with searching for the poachers than centring on his son, more focused in his thirst for vengeance over other things, letting himself be dragged by his feelings, that has always been his downfall.
When he found the poachers camping zone, he found the skulls of the animals, he found many others and also some alive, cowering away, scared by something, he didn't find any human around and if he looked with more detail he could've realized that he wasn't the only cybertronian there, only noticing a track of blood that was dragged to the forest.
Nothing could've prepared Soundwave for the fourth time he found his son eating organic matter, or the fact that, what Mayhem had in his intake at that moment was the torso of a human, many other human bodies scattered around with missing parts, blood painting his armor and derma.
Mayhem, in his starving state, could only stop ingesting the meat in the ribs when Soundwave stopped him with all his might while shouting his name, stopping his son from continue such deviant act.
No one said a word, returning home when he could clean the mess, leaving the matter as closed when you greeted them, saying how sorry you were that things didn't go as planned while putting a hand on the side of your son's helm in an affectionate display.
Mayhem cried while hugging you, and Soundwave didn't say a word, if only he flinched a little while his EM field displayed how uneasy he felt by his son actions, you would never know, for sure, but Buzzsaw made a strange sound at your side, you just took it like they had a really bad day.
You weren't wrong.
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healthy444 · 3 months
What is the right diet for losing fat?
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The right diet for losing fat varies from person to person based on individual factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and any underlying health conditions. However, there are some general principles that can help:
Caloric Deficit: The most important factor in losing fat is to consume fewer calories than you expend. This creates a caloric deficit, prompting your body to burn stored fat for energy. You can achieve this by reducing your calorie intake, increasing your physical activity, or a combination of both.
Balanced Macronutrients: Your diet should include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Protein Intake: Protein is crucial for preserving muscle mass while losing fat and can help you feel full and satisfied. Aim to include a source of protein in each meal, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, tofu, or tempeh.
Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon. These fats can help keep you full and support overall health.
Complex Carbohydrates: Choose complex carbohydrates over simple ones. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat products provide fiber, which can aid in digestion and help you feel fuller for longer periods.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, measure your servings, and pay attention to hunger and fullness cues.
Limit Processed Foods and Added Sugars: Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages as they tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.
Meal Timing: Some people find success with intermittent fasting or eating within a specific window of time each day. Experiment with different meal timing strategies to see what works best for you.
Consistency and Patience: Losing fat takes time and consistency. Focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle rather than seeking quick fixes.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and mindfully, savoring each bite, and stop eating when you feel satisfied, rather than full.
Include Fiber-Rich Foods: Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help regulate digestion, keep you feeling full, and support overall health.
Limit Liquid Calories: Be cautious of high-calorie beverages such as sugary sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to weight gain without providing satiety. Opt for water, herbal tea, or other low-calorie options instead.
Be Flexible: Allow for flexibility in your diet to accommodate social occasions or cravings. It's okay to enjoy treats in moderation, as long as they fit within your overall calorie and macronutrient goals.
Track Your Progress: Keep track of your food intake and progress toward your goals using a food diary, mobile app, or other tracking tools. This can help you stay accountable and make adjustments as needed.
Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hunger hormones and metabolism, making it harder to lose fat.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to overeating and weight gain. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or spending time outdoors to support your fat loss efforts.
Include Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine to build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so increasing your muscle mass can help boost your metabolism.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to fat loss. Stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise routine even on days when you don't feel motivated. Small, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant results.
Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or online communities who can encourage and motivate you on your fat loss journey
Having a support system can make it easier to stay on track and overcome challenges.
By incorporating these additional points into your fat-loss diet, you can optimize your efforts and increase your chances of success. Remember that what works best for one person may not work for another, so it's essential to find an approach that fits your individual preferences, lifestyle, and goals.
Before making any significant changes to your diet, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals.
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rimaakter45 · 5 months
Этическое веганство: устойчивое и сострадательное питание
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Введение :
Концепция чего-либоЭтическое веганское питание в последние годы привлекла широкое внимание, поскольку люди все больше осознают влияние своего диетического выбора на окружающую среду, благополучие животных и здоровье человека. Этическое веганство выходит за рамки растительной диеты; это образ жизни, направленный на уменьшение вреда для животных и содействие устойчивому развитию. В этой статье предпринимается попытка изучить ключевые принципы этического веганства, его преимущества и то, как оно может служить катализатором позитивных изменений в нашем обществе.
Понимание этического веганства:
Этическое веганство основано на убеждении, что все разумные существа имеют неотъемлемые права и к ним следует относиться с состраданием и уважением. В этом смысле веганство выходит за рамки тарелки и охватывает все аспекты жизни, включая одежду, косметику и другие потребительские товары. Мотивация этического веганства может быть связана с опасениями по поводу воздействия животноводства на окружающую среду или этического обращения с животными в пищевой промышленности.
Многочисленные научные исследования подтвердили, что животноводство является основной причиной вырубки лесов, выбросов парниковых газов и загрязнения воды. Принимая этическое веганство, люди активно способствуют усилиям по борьбе с изменением климата, сохранению биоразнообразия и экосистем.
Преимущества этического веганства:
Преимущества этического веганства выходят за рамки экологических соображений. Хорошо спланированная веганская диета может предложить широкий спектр преимуществ для здоровья, включая снижение риска ожирения, болезней сердца, диабета и некоторых видов рака. Он также способствует сбалансированному потреблению необходимых питательных веществ, таких как клетчатка, витамины и минералы, которые способствуют общему благополучию.
Более того, этическое веганство выступает за более сострадательное общество за счет минимизации вреда животным. Воздерживаясь от потребления продуктов животного происхождения, люди активно отвергают эксплуатацию животных для еды, одежды или развлечений. Этическое веганство признает животных как разумные существа, способные испытывать боль, радость, страх и любовь, и стремится защитить их интересы, пропагандируя образ жизни, основанный на растениях.
Создание позитивных изменений:
Рост этического веганства вызвал глобальное движение за более устойчивый и сострадательный образ жизни. Многие компании отреагировали на растущий спрос, разработав ряд альтернатив растительного происхождения и продуктов, не тестируемых на животных. Этот сдвиг в потребительских предпочтениях также привел к значительному снижению спроса на продукты животного происхождения, что вынудило отрасль искать более устойчивые и гуманные методы ведения сельского хозяйства.
Более того, этическое веганство служит мощным инструментом пропаганды, поскольку люди вдохновляют своих друзей, семью и более широкое сообщество принять более осознанный подход к еде. Делясь знаниями об экологических и этических последствиях животноводства, этические веганы могут поощрять открытые разговоры и способствовать более устойчивому будущему.
Заключение :
Этическое веганство — это философия, направленная на минимизацию вреда для животных, защиту планеты и содействие более здоровому обществу. Принимая этическое веганство, люди вносят свой вклад в создание более устойчивого и сострадательного мира. Положительное влияние этического веганства выходит за рамки личного здоровья и охватывает благополучие животных, сокращение выбросов парниковых газов, сохранение природных ресурсов и стимулирование изменений в пищевой промышленности. Поскольку все больше людей осознают необходимость этического выбора в своих пищевых привычках, этическое веганство продолжает набирать обороты, предлагая надежду на более светлое и устойчивое будущее. Пожалуйста, посетите здесь  Этическое веганское питание  Для дополнительной информации.
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junowritings · 3 months
Baldur gate matchups :0000000000
Cool nouns: he/she
Gender pref: no pref :0
Zodiac: Aries sun, Leo moon, libra rising
MBTI: intj-a
How I describe myself: huge nerd, collector of stupid shit, I am both the golden retriever boyfriend and goth girlfriend in one genderless human shaped mass. Girl kisser and dilf enjoyer (deadass men my age freak me out a little but…. dilfs….. explodes)
Hobbies: Digital art, web design, cooking, video games, reading,
How other people describe me (/pos):
- “you feel act like the embodiment of a mango monster”
- “The fact that of all of us (in reference to the polycule) you don’t have an autisim diagnosis is more of a jumpscare than you being ginger”
- “You could tell me the sky is hot pink and if you said it with the same conviction you say most things I’d trust you completely on it.”
Character flaws? Idk how to phrase this without it reading as self deprecating- issues I know I have that would inevitably be relevant to knowing me.
- I lack both empathy and sympathy almost completely, which makes me absolutely horrid at comforting people unless they want practical, logic driven solutions.
- I have a bad habit of seeing my solutions as the only viable solution, even if it’s been proven to be wrong/ineffective
- I can be incredibly arrogant (bordering on elitist) about the topics I am passionate about
- I form strong opinions of people quickly, and they are extremely difficult to shake (a bad first impression with me usually ends in a distain so strong I inconvenience myself to avoid said person, and it’s just as hard to convince me someone I like has done something wrong without extremely concrete proof, and even then I’m inclined to forgive them.)
Love language: gifts!! Usually art, or trinkets and cooking.
Miscellaneous and potentially unnecessary facts about me:
- I really like terraria
- I’m allergic to sunlight (literally)
- My bed is more categorically akin to a nest
- I’m completely nocturnal (re: sunlight)
- I’m also allergic to gluten, milk, eggs, pollen, grass, mold, citrus, red meat, cats, and dogs.
- My cats name is Fortnite Battlepass
- One of the name ideas for him was Dollarama
- I own a student grade microscope
- My favourite passtime is drawing pathetic men happy and in love
- I have Gale’s orb scar as a tattoo
Uhhhhh that’s it :0 if there’s anything specific you wanna know (or if you want pictures of my cat and/or tattoo) you’re more than welcome to ask!!
Match up time! Gotta say Fortnite Battlepass is adorable and only cemented who I decided to go with in the end! Which is,,,
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So get this, two nerdy golden retriever partners walk into a tavern-
Okay but seriously, is it any wonder that Gale ends up so absolutely taken with you? 
The moment he sees your collection Gale wants to hear about it. There’s nothing quite like amassing a collection of things that bring you joy and make you happy, and he’ll gladly listen to you ramble about it if you’re comfortable to - where you got them, how long you’ve been collecting, what’s the most treasured part of your collection. These are just some of the things he’d query you on, all the while taking the time to admire your collection if you have it on display or bring it out to show him. 
He's actually got a fair collection himself, though his penchant for magical item consumption may have dwindled his display far more than he would have liked - alas desperate times had called for desperate measures back then. It’s honestly very validating to have someone show that kind of interest; though thanks to his curious nature you two may be stuck in this discussion for a couple of hours. It’s fascinating though! So who can really blame the guy? 
Will actively add to the stuff you collect so get ready to expand the space for them; one of his love languages is gift giving - so if that means getting you some of the weirdest stuff you’ve ever seen for your collection just to make you smile? By the gods he’d gift you something every other day if he could - thankfully Tara’s quick to curb that before he gets over excited and offers to refurbish an entire room in his tower back home for your stuff.
I don’t know if Gale would technically count as a dilf, being on the middle/younger side of the dilf scale (I hc like mid 30’s.) BUT he’s got the soft dad bod, bad puns, a couple grey streaks AND Tara so in my heart I would say this man is on the road to qualify.
Gale would be fascinated to see you at your computer, be it creating art or working on the code for your web pages. You’re practically working a magic of your own on your computer screen, confident in your ability to create and finishing off every piece you create with a level of detail and care that he’s sure very few people can even begin to replicate. And gods if there isn’t anything more attractive to him than someone who knows their craft and is passionate about it.
I hope you’re prepared for an audience because Gale will watch you work, leaning against the back of your chair with his head upon yours or your shoulder the whole time. You’ll have to warn him a couple times not to get too close to the screen because if he gets any closer you’re gonna struggle to see what you’re doing. When it comes to your web page designing, he would try and take up learning from you if you ever offer to teach him some basics - Gale would jump at the chance, actually. The guy’s a dream to teach, but also has a tendency to ramble as he tries to figure out whatever you’re trying to teach him. He also has a bad habit of getting overconfident, which when it comes to coding with him is a surefire way for the thing to blow up in his face (thankfully not literally.)
He absolutely LOVES cooking together. This man spent months being one of the only relatively decent cooks in the tadpole party so he’s got a decent list of recipes under his belt for each of their dietary requirements. Give him a couple times, let him learn what you can and can’t have and what foods you prefer, and he’ll make something pleasantly edible - not always perfect, but damn if it isn’t tasty. May or may not have a mental list of your favourite meals that he’d remembered from passing conversations. He certainly doesn’t use this as a means to surprise you or impress you whenever he invites you over (of course he does). The pair of you might occasionally butt heads over who cooks since he has a tendency to hover around in the kitchen trying to do stuff even if he’s not the one cooking that time.
It’s no secret that Gale’s bread and butter is books and tomes of all design and creed - hells he has an entire section of his home dedicated to his collection. He’ll happily give you recommendations and gift you books that you’ve expressed interest in without a second thought; he’s just chuffed to have someone who shares in this kind of pastime! If you guys are together around the time he does return home, he’ll ask for your company to sort through all of his books together. Sure it may not be the most riveting activity unless you’re really interested in what secret books he’s had stashed in his shelves all of these years; but it means a lot to him to have you there with him the whole time as he (quite literally) rearranges his life now that he’s home. There are some books that while he’ll still keep, they’re better off somewhere else than the main room - like the tomes and scrolls and forgotten texts once dredged up in desperate pursuits better left in the past. He’ll gladly let you fill in those gaps with books of your own, to create a space in his home that’s full of you - he can think of nothing better that would occupy that space than you.
Okay, so that one comment about the sky? Yeah, that’s Gale. While Gale’s not the kind of person to go blindly trusting everything someone says, there’s that conviction in the way that you say things that somehow makes him fall for it every time. If you ever did turn around and tell him that the sky was hot pink it’d earn you an amused snort and a sarcastic ‘haha very funny’ as he looks up from whatever he’s doing. But you’re the one who gets the last laugh because he’s the one casting a ‘subtle’ glance towards the window not even a minute later, only to be met with your knowing grin the moment he turns back. Just don’t let the others know that you’ve got that kinda one up on him, because I’m telling you now - Astarion and Shadowheart? Yeah they’ll be insisting to know how you get that kinda conviction to use on the poor man later.
While I can see Gale as the comforting type when the circumstances require, I also believe that having a partner like you who can ground him back to reality with logical solutions and practical reasoning is exactly what he needs. It’s so easy for him to get lost within the confines of his own thoughts, to allow things to become too much of a mess for him to pick apart and deal with on his own. But you’re a welcome hand, there to unravel the threads pulling taught on his mind with discussions of solutions and things that he can put into action in the here and now. That is comfort in its own way, even if you may not realise it.
As previously stated gift giving is one of Gale’s love languages, so given that you’re very much the same, that idea of making a room in his house just for you may not be such a far fetched idea anymore. His gifts centre around your current interests and fixations - he’s got a good ear for listening out to find what you need and get what makes you happiest. Expect more than a few magical items though - protective accessories for when he’s not at your side, or even items with silly magical effects that he knows will get a chuckle out of you once you realise what they do. Gets flustered under the same treatment however - your gifts are precious, and he feels like no matter where he puts them there’s not a good enough place to show them off and admire them. Always gets this lovestruck little look on his face each time he passes by one of your gifts in the day to day, running his hands along them like the mere touch of them is enough to brighten his very soul.
Hope there’s room enough in that nest for two because Gale doesn’t mind in the slightest. But he will help you to make it more comfortable - comfier blankets, softer pillows for extra cushion; this man spent at least a couple years falling asleep in places around his home that weren’t his bed so he knows the importance of making it as comfortable a place as possible for you (and his joints).
Comes as no surprise that he LOVES your cat, and it’s also no surprise that he’ll spoil the guy as much as humanly possible. Fortnite Battlepass quickly becomes one of the most pampered cats this side of Faerun, not just because of all the treats Gale likes to think he’s being sneaky about giving him, but because of the fact his tower is a cat paradise. Not to mention that cats usually warm up to Gale very quickly - guy’s a magnet because more often than not you’ll find Gale in the middle of work with Fortnite Battlepass flopped across his lap or desk, or lounging over his shoulder like a purring slinky.
The first time he sees your tattoo you can see several stages of panic go through his face in an attempt to remain calm about the situation. He visibly relaxes when you explain, no, it’s not actually an orb scar but a tattoo. Very much a ‘same hat’ moment for your tattoo and his own scar. Depending on where the tattoo is and if you’re comfortable with it, you may find him occasionally brushing his fingers over your tattoo, calloused fingertips following the inky tendrils that curl away from the main circle in the centre. Please do the same with his scar, you’ll basically turn the man to mush in your hands seeing you pay any kind of love and attention to a mark which once caused him such pain.
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bunposting · 4 months
Hi, I just came across your blog and just wanted to say thanks for sharing all this information. I did vent a bit in the comments of the really long post you did about HRA nonsense, but wanted to thank you personally because I have just spent seven agonising years taking care of my rabbits according to HRA advice (it was also the advice my vet and the SPCA gave me) and it was so hard that I resolved to never ever keep rabbits again after they passed away this year, even though I love them. I’m pretty upset about it to be honest, because I really tried and it cost thousands and thousands of dollars and who knows how many tears. I think my rabbits generally did ok, and lived a reasonably long time (7 years) but it was so hard to keep the weight on or off and manage their feet and their teeth and their diet and stop them chewing things they weren’t supposed to chew. They made me sick with worry at times. I built them an enormous pen but in the end they did spend most of their time in the same places, just sleeping.
I do also strongly agree with your position on meat and fur rabbits. It’s a real shame it’s not more common and acceptable, and in future I think I might consider keeping meat rabbits (I have to eat meat for health reasons since I have a gut issue that prevents me digesting plant protein, and if circumstances permit I’d prefer to raise my own meat). I grew up in a rural area and one of my first jobs was on a chicken farm and I helped in the slaughterhouse. It wasn’t pleasant, but it also helped me see that animal consumption could be ethical and hygienic and efficient.
I think the main thing that is getting me right now is suddenly how much it makes sense that rabbit specific rescues struggle to adopt out rabbits, and how immense their vet bills are. They’re always having trouble with GI stasis and almost nobody can meet their incredibly high standards. They try to save animals that would probably be better off euthanised. They persistently demonise people who eat rabbits, and meat in general. I always felt weird about it because I’d happily eat a rabbit and wondered if that made me a bad person. Literally I spent so many nights awake worrying about whether I was keeping my rabbits well enough to HRA standards, and now I learn that so much of that was unnecessary and even sometimes dangerous. It actually really sucked.
Anyway, sorry for rambling, but thank you. I might actually keep rabbits again one day now that I know it doesn’t have to be such a wretched experience.
No need to apologize for rambling! I'm sorry I'm so late to respond to this!
I'm so sorry to hear what you went through in trying to keep up with HRS standards - just goes to show how unreasonable they are, honestly. I wish you the best of luck with your future rabbit endeavors should you choose to get back into keeping them someday!
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jestershark · 7 months
one thing i've found annoying about the last few years is like. yes, individual actions don't impact anything and yes most pollution comes from 7 dudes and we know their addresses. but they're not captain planet villains. they're not polluting for fun. they're polluting because it is profitable, and that's where your individual choices come in!
like i know vegans and vegetarians can be annoying (though tbh people who think vegans and vegetarians are annoying are often more annoying. I've encountered a lot more defensive paleo people than annoying vegans) but cutting down your meat intake is legitimately one of the things you can do that can help the planet. cutting down on your use of single use plastics or trying to use more sustainable stuff, not persuing fast fashion, eating more locally, these can all be really easy ways to slightly improve the world through individual actions.
and i feel like any time people point this out there's a lot of defensiveness-- what about people who need x, y, z-- and it's unnecessary. i was a vegetarian for like 15 years and stopped being one partially because i was iron deficient like every time i got blood work done. but i still try not to eat a lot of red meat. I'm not out here saying "if you don't do this you're bad" but "you should try not to do this, if you can." the "if you can" is important! and it can encompass "not feeling like it"-- there is no moral judgement.
there's a good innuendo studios video about the angry jack effect
and in this it's more about the right, but I've found it useful to start recognizing in myself. how much of the perceived arrogance of virtue signalling or veganism or x, y, z,
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moralizing individual choices leads to people getting reactive when their own individual choices are brought into question (as any vaguely anti-makeup post on this website shows). but individual actions are what make up greater changes. consumer pressure and preference has led to cheaper cars being in high demand and fuel economy being something that automobile manufacturers are forced to consider, more than BIGGEST TRUCK
it seems overwhelming. it seems unfair to have to restrict yourself when you know people sweeping across the world are taking private jets all over. but you don't have to restrict yourself completely: you don't have to live like an ascetic monk. but getting into better, more sustainable habits can be fun and rewarding-- and often, in the long term, cheaper. If you want more outfits, it's way more fun to do goodwill clothing hauls and learn to visibly fix your clothing. when i was at my brokest, i basically lived a vegan diet (though if i have to see rice and beans again i might die). recycle cans at a center that gives you money back and use it to play the lottery or treat yourself. look up farm shares in your area and support local farms.
there is no ethical consumption after late capitalism: consumption by itself isn't activism, and your individual actions don't change anything. These are all true: but they cannot be mantras to let yourself make the world worse.
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aloeverawrites · 11 months
"Western countries to cut down on their meat consumption for the benefit of the environment. Animal agriculture is a leading contributor to a number of major environmental issues, including deforestation and rising greenhouse gas emissions.
In April 2022, one study from the University of Bonn in Germany suggested that meat consumption must drop by at least 75 percent in rich countries, which are putting an unnecessary strain on the planet through a high demand for animal products. "
'If all humans consumed as much meat as Europeans or North Americans, we would certainly miss the international climate targets and many ecosystems would collapse,'"
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bloobluebloo · 4 months
After thousands of years being under ground, do you think that Ganondorf was lonely, hungry, and such?
It's my opinion that once Ganondorf crosses the threshold of no return, when he gets his hands on the power of gods and becomes something of a demi-god himself that he loses touch with the side of him that was human. All his worst traits, hatred, envy, desire, pride etc. seem to become amplified to the point that they fuel him, allowing him to survive and subsist under circumstances that no other mortal should be able to sustain. Now, if we narrow it down to what happens to him in TotK, if I understand what the lore and subsequent interviews imply, it is that he is unconscious in his sleep, or at least unconscious to the physical world around him. Calamity Ganon is implied to be the manifestation of his hatred and malice that Rauru's seal could not contain...I think. (Like it still sort of bothers me that he does not acknowledge Calamity Ganon as a being that carried out his will in his absence, as a way to gloat that even in his imprisonment he was still able to ravage Rauru's kingdom over and over again. THIS WAS PRIME GLOATING MATERIAL GANONDORF. Anyways-)
Upon awakening, maybe sometimes he thinks back to what his life was as a Gerudo chief? This Hyrule is so far removed from what he knew and grew to hate after all. Maybe a part of him does miss his homeland and the people he was raised by. Maybe him looking to his sword, to where his mothers' names are engraved, is an echo of that sentiment of loss. Maybe he does feel lonely in the sense that he is the last remnant of a time so long past that no one even remembers it. He probably crushes that under the greater emotion of sticking it to Rauru, of defeating the swordsman that was Rauru's final trump card to say that he won, he is victorious, he is Hyrule's rightful king. I mean what else is there to do at this point. He can't just lay down and quit now when he's still alive and still capable of accomplishing what he set out to do. As for physical needs, like hunger? I'm always amused at how both Ganondorf amiibos drop the most basic cuts of meat. This either tells me that he is being stingy OR that he has a rather spartan way of eating, where he just nourishes himself with what is absolutely necessary to keep him in top shape. I suppose the Secret Stone's power makes food consumption unnecessary, given how far Ganondorf pushed its power output, so maybe he's relieved that he doesn't have to think about eating food. At his size he must have had to eat a lot too, so maybe for him it was a tedious chore I dunno. As for *other* physical needs well...that's up in the air. I think at that point he really does see himself as the world's harbinger of doom and darkness and no longer as a person. He views himself as a concept as much as the game tries to tell us he has no character :P
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“Food has now taken a dominant position in the war, and we must ask the American people to sacrifice far more than was at first thought necessary.” Herbert Hoover, U.S. Food Administration, 12/1/1917. 
Record Group 4: Records of the U.S. Food Administration
Series: General Correspondence
File Unit: No. 36 -Window Cards & Home Cards
United States Food Administration ADDITIONAL DIRECTION TO FIRST HOME FOOD CARD Read again your original Home Card. If you have lost it, apply for another, to the Federal Food Administrator for your State. 
The Food Administration, aside from those general directions, asks everyone to maintain rigidly a minimum of at least: 
ONE WHEATLESS day each week and one WHEATLESS MEAL each day; the wheatless day to be Wednesday. By wheatless we mean to eat no wheat products. 
ONE MEATLESS day each week which shall be Tuesday and one meatless meal each day. By meatless we need to eat no red meat — beef, pork, mutton, veal, lamb; no preserve the meat — beef, bacon, ham or lard. 
ONE PORKLESS day each week in addition to Tuesday, which shall be Saturday. By porkless we mean no fresh or salted pork, bacon, lard or ham. 
SUGAR. — You can materially reduce sugar by reducing the use of candy and sweet drinks. We will make every endeavor to see that the country is provided with a supply of household sugar on the basis of three pounds of sugar for each person per month. Do not consume more. 
PROTEIN: Mainly present in meat, bacon, fish, poultry, milk, and to some extent in grains. 
FATS: That is, butter, cream, lard, bacon, margarine, cooking fats, beans, cottonseed oil and other vegetable oils. 
CARBOHYDRATES: Grains, sugar, potatoes and other vegetables. 
As a nation we eat and waste 80 percent more protein than we require to maintain health. Therefore, we can reduce the amount of meat we eat without harm. 
We eat and waste 240 percent more fat than is necessary. 
Of the carbohydrates we can just as well consume corn, oats and the other cereals as wheat and we have abundant supplies of potatoes and vegetables. 
Do not limit your supplies of milk and table butter, but consume it all. Don't waste any. 
You can reduce the consumption of fats by reducing pastry and fried foods. 
Remember the gospel of the clean plate, the serving of small portions, the purchase of less supplies. 
HOARDING. — Any person in the United States who buys more foodstuffs than he customarily keeps at home in peace times is defeating the Food Administration and his purpose to secure a just distribution of food and its great endeavors to reduce prices. The hoarding of food in households is not unnecessary, as the Government is protecting the food supply of our people, but it is selfish and is a cause of high prices. 
Such actions multiplied by thousands increase the demands upon our railways for cars and already, because of our military demands, it is with extreme difficulty we can now move the vitally necessary food to markets. 
There is much insidious propaganda in the country against conservation and increase production. All opposition to these services is direct assistance to the enemy.
[page 2]
The food situation in Europe is far greater than when the preliminary survey of the food supply of the world for this year was made. We have an abundance for ourselves, and it is the firm policy of the Food Administration, by the prevention of exports, to retain for our people an ample supply of every essential foodstuff. The harvest of our Allies have proved less than we had contemplated, and the great curtailment of shipping by the submarines during the last few months has further prevented them from access to more remote markets. Beyond the demands of the Allies there is a call upon us by the friendly neutral for food supplies, and if we cannot at least in parts respond to these neutral calls, starvation on an unparalleled scale must ensue. 
Food has now taken a dominant position in the war, and we must ask the American people to sacrifice far more than was at first thought necessary. We have exported the whole of the surplus of the wheat from the harvest after reserving to ourselves an amount sufficient for our normal consumption of seed and flour until not the next harvest, and therefore the amount of wheat flour that the United States can contribute to mix with the war bread of our Allies during this winter will be simply the amount that our people reduce their consumption month by month. In other words, every grain of wheat or its products that the Allies received from the United States from now on will be exactly the amount which our people have save each month on their behalf. 
The Allies today ask for 25 per cent more meat and fats (pork, dairy products and vegetable oils) then we consider our monthly production permits us to send them without trenching on our own supplies, or, on the other hand, unless we can consume less. Due to the shortage in shipping, our available sugar supplies must be less than normal from the present time forward. 
Thus every particle of diminished consumption by the American people is one particle more for the soldiers, men, women and children of our Allies and for the starving people in other countries. This is a personal obligation upon every one of us towards some individual abroad who will suffer privatization to the extent of our own individual negligence. 
If we are to reduce the consumption of the few products which we should export abroad, we will need to eat a larger proportion of many different foodstuffs which we cannot export in which we have at home. For this reason we MUST NOT waste ANY foodstuffs. A great many individuals in our population need far more food than is necessary to maintain their health and strength. In this emergency only the simplest of living is patriotic. We want no person in the United States to be less than is required for good health and strength, or in this emergency America requires every atom of the productive power of our people. While many can eat less, all of our population can substitute other foodstuffs for the few that are vitally needed for export. 
We must not overlook the fact that Russia collapsed not because of the Germans on her borders but largely because of the failure to organize and feed her own citizens, and, if we are to emerge victorious from this war, we cannot risk the collapse of another of our allies from this same cause. There is no waste of food among any of our allies — there is the most drastic reduction in their consumption; there is actual privation among their women and children; there is starvation in Belgium. 
We have already issued a series of suggestions in the Home Card - a card that is now hanging in over ten millions of homes. These suggestions have already shown important results, and to these we now add others. The problem of saving and food is a local and individual one, so that more precise and definite rules just to all cannot be formulated. It is a matter for the conscientious consideration of every individual that he or she should eat only that which is necessary to maintain bodily health and strength and unselfishly to select those foodstuffs the use of which relieves international necessities. In this winter of 1918 lies the period when there will be tested in this great free country of ours the question as to whether or not our people are capable of voluntary individual self-sacrifice to save the world. 
HERBERT HOOVER, Washington, December 1, 1917. United States Food Administrator.
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